Apr .19 NeAnA : LIND P = OT “AIM ro Pare Alia yam a $3 er¥ oe js ae ee iar ansanet Sh ii — —S PLT, nS ene o tet OSs 2 Oe eer” +L |: wrt aa +X. ee : es i Lo \ ma a ae wr — wi “sul i Bi) 3 WEST 297" ST. NEW YORK. 2 zx bh ee ee tt eee or, ee i, See er eh tee rr Tri PepAkOGUE OF THE Bins be POM TION OF THE EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE COLLECTION AUTOGRAPHS, MANUSCRIPTS, ENGRAVINGS, ETC. FORMED BY THE LATE _- Joon B. VW. Arnold Comprising Rare Mezzotints and Stipple Engravings by Bartolozzi, Valentine Green, Earlom, MacArdell, J. R. Smith, W. Ward, C. Turner, and others, after Original Paintings by Lawrence, Reynolds, Kneller, Lely, Zoffany, Romney, etc. Autograph Letters and Manuscripts by Lord Byron, Charles Lamb, John Keats, Edgar Allan Poe, George Washington, P. B. Shelley, J. R. Lowell, H. W. Longfellow, etc., etc. Te 4 FOR SALE AT AUCTION TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL IQ AND 20 1904 62.1'TO Che Anderson Auction Company 5 West 29TH STREET, NEW YorK SALES BEGIN EACH DAY AT 3 AND 7.30 O'CLOCK N. B.—Bids are always understood to be at so much per volume or piece 8 6 S Ds oS rs) 3 toy) & €@ ee 3 a 2 x Fed } Conditions of Sale. 1—The highest bidder to be the Buyer; in all cases of disputed bids, the lot shall be immediately re-sold. 2—Books are sold per volume, other articles per piece, unless otherwise stated in Catalogue, and bids must be made accordingly. 3—Books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise stated. To pur- chasers who have had opportunity for examination, they are sold as they are. On mail orders, an intelligent discretion will be used as to purchase. Imperfect books (not so described) may be returned within three days. 4—To prevent confusion and inaccuracy, goods will not be delivered dur- ing the sale. 5—Terms Cash. Bills to be paid before delivery of goods. om Bids will be faithfully executed by the Anderson Auction Co., without charge. om Order of Sale. Tuesday Evening, April 19th, beginning at 7.30 o'clock, (Ectemteto — 311) inclusive:) Wednesday Afternoon, April 20th, beginning at 3 o’clock, (Lots 312 to 560 inclusive.) Wednesday Evening, April 20th, beginning at 7.30 o’clock, (Lots 561 to 8rq4 inclusive.) Che Arnold Collection. FIRST SESSION. Engravings. I BINGTON (FRANCES). Noted actress, half length, seated. Mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. 8vo. Proof, finely colored. FULL LENGTH, STANDING LEANING WITH LEFT ARM ON STONE WALL, COMIC MASK IN RIGHT HAND, WOODED LANDSCAPE IN BACK- GROUND, MEZZOTINT By J. WATSON, AFTER SIR JosHUA REYNOLDS. LARGE FOLIO. Oval portrait, circa 1780; another portrait after Cosway, 1798 portrait drawn in water-colors, seven different characters (one colored), and music of a song sung by her. Mostly 12mo. (11 pieces. ) 3 4 AMERICAN MILITARY AND NAVAL OFFICERS. Gen. N. P. Banks, U. S. Grant, Commodore Decatur, T. Macdonough, etc. Mostly steel engravings. (31 pieces.) 5 AMERICAN PAINTERS. Wood-engravings from the American Art Review, mostly reproductions of paintings by D. Huntington, G. Inness, R. Swain Gifford and others. Engraved by Thomas Cole and other noted engravers. Large 8vo. Nearly 100 pieces. (As a lot.) 6 AMERICAN PORTRAITS. Etchings by H. B. Hall of Tobias Lear, Jas. Smith, Geo. Taylor, etc. (one duplicate). Large 4to. (6 pieces.) Alex. Hamilton, by Prud’homme; W. C. Bryant, etched by S. Hollyer, on Japan vellum paper; Henry Ward Beecher, woodcut (Beecher’s first portrait), 1849; J. J. Audubon, by Nordheim; Edgar A. Poe; George Bancroft and others. Mostly 4to. Several on India paper. (14 pieces.) 8 ANDERSON (MARY). Three-quarter-length portrait, etched by Percy Thomas, 1884. Large 8vo. Scarce. 6 The Arnold Collection. 9 AUTOTYPE REPRODUCTIONS OF RARE DRAMATIC PORTRAITS. A VERY LIMITED NUMBER OF EACH ISSUED. J. Maddison Morton (author of Box and Cox, etc.); Mrs. E. G. Bost- wick. 4to. (2 pieces.) Only 12 of each issued. 10 Fanny Deane Halsey (Wallack’s, 1857); John Blake (Old Park); Alfred Bunn. Only 12 of each issued. 4to. (3 pieces.) II John Barnes, Emma Taylor, F. B. Conway, Mark Smith, and others; -4to, u(7-pieces.} 12 — Elizabeth Feron, C. Dibden Pitt, Chanfrau and Mary Taylor as Mose and Lize, Mary Barrett, and others. 4to. (7 pieces. ) 13 Mrs. John Drew, William Pelby, Mr. Parsons, Mr. Bannister, and Miss Tidswell (the only known portrait of the latter), James E. Murdoch, and others. 4to. (7 pieces.) 14 Joe Jefferson as Caleb Plummer; Yankee Locke, N. M. Lud- low, and others. 4to. (8 pieces.) 1; AYTON (MISS FANNY). Half length. Mezzotint by G. H. Phillips, after Westall. q4to. 1828. 16 ANNISTER (JOHN). 4s Walter in The Children tn the Wood. Full length, in combat. Stipple engraving by James Heath. Folio. (Small repair in margin.) Lond. 1797. Joun BANNISTER AND WILLIAM PARSONS IN THE VILLAGE LAwW- VER. FULL-LENGTH FIGURES. MeEzzoTINT BY J. R. SMITH, PAINTED By S. DE WiLpE. LARGE FOLIO. BRILLIANT ORIGINAL IMPRESSION. PRINTED IN COLORS. RARE IN THIS STATE. 18 BARRYMORE (EARL OF). View of the interior of Lord Barry- more’s Theatre at Wargave, 1792; Death of Lord Barrymore, engraved by Cook, 1793; Vignette portrait of Capt. Wathen (acted with the Earl of Barrymore). Rare engravings. (3 pieces.) 19 BARTOLOZZI (FRANCESCO). Queen Katherine's Dream. Stipple engraving after Fuseli. Charming engraving in Bartolozzi's best style, illustrating Shakespeare's Henry VIL. Folio. Brilliant original impression. Lond. 1788. 20 Mrs. Jordan in the character of the Country Girl, after G. Romney. Small folio. Late impression. 21 Miss Wallis. English Actress. Full length, engraved in line and stipple by Bartolozzi (?). Folio. FINE ENGRAVER’S Proor. are. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ao 30 32 33 The Arnold Collection. | 7 BEARD (JOHN). Lxglish Actor. Half length, seated. Mezzotint. 4to, unsigned, Lond. 1787. BEGGAR’S OPERA. Curious line engraving by R. Rylot, en- graved after D. Craig, ‘‘ Casey in the character of Macheath,” rep- resenting the ‘‘ Captain with a squint, two women beside him”’ (the prison scene). 4to. Rare. BENNETT (MR.) English Actor. Full length as ’Zekiel Home- spun. Engraved by H. R. Cook. 4to. Brilliant impression, tinted with color. 1814. ANOTHER Copy. BRILLIANT INDIA PRoor., BERRY (EDWARD). English Actor, early 18th Century. As Do- minic. Half length, in monk’s dress. Mezzotint by R. Houston, after Worlidge. 4to (margins cut close, and inlaid). BETTY (WILLIAM HENRY WEST). ‘The Young Roscius.” Full bust as Hamlet. Stipple engraving by W. Leney. 8vo. Fine India proof. 1813. Full length, in costume, standing beside bust of Shakespeare, lighted brazier to right. Line engraving by James Heath, after James Northcote. Large folio. Brilliant original impression, with full margin. : BETTY (HENRY). Son of Wm. Henry West Betty. Half-length portrait. Lithograph by F. Onwhyn, after J. W. Childe. Folio. Proof, with autograph inscription by Henry Betty. BOOTH (MISS SARAH). Znglish Actress. Half length, facing front, low cut dress. Mezzotint by H. Meyer, after W. H. Pickers- gill. Original impression, margin shortened. —-— Half length, seated. Mezzotint by H. Meyer, after W. H. Picrercsoill.. Folio. 1813. Full length, as Christine. Stipple engraving by R. Cooper. Small folio. Open letter proof on India paper. 1822. BOOTHS. Barton Booth, engraved by Evans, 1807, a plain and col- ored impression, and a water-color drawing; Junius Brutus Booth, as Posthumus and Richard III., water-color drawings; J. B. Booth, bust, by T. R. Gould, on India paper. 4to and smaller. (6 pieces.) 8 The Arnold Collection. 34 BOSTON THEATRES. Original Water-Color Drawings of the first, second and third Theatres (Federal Street—also known as the Odeon), and of the destruction of the first by fire, 1798. Neatly drawn and colored, and each measuring 9 in. x 7 in., mounted on stout card. (4 pieces.) 35 The Eagle Theatre, 1842; Boston Adelphia, 1847 (Brougham and Bland’s); Bland’s Lyceum, 1848. Water-color drawings similar to the above. (3 pieces.) The Haymarket Theatre, 1796; Washington Gardens and City Theatre (afterwards the Washington Theatre, demolished 18293 the Old National Theatre, 1850, and its destruction by fire, 1852. Water- color drawings similar to the above. (4 pieces.) 36 The first Boston Museum, 1841, and the second, 1846; the Howard Athenzeum, 1846 and 1886. Water-color drawings similar to the above. (4 pieces.) | of The Tremont Theatre, 1827, its destruction by fire and ruins, 1852; the Boston Theatre (Washington Street), Water-color draw- ings similar to the above. (4 pieces.) 38 The Continental, 1866; the Globe, 1874; the Park, 1879; and the Bijou, 1882. Water-color drawings similar to the above. (4 pieces.) 39 Leonard’s National, 1852, and its destruction by fire, 1863; the Windsor, 1878; the Hollis Street, 1885. Water-color drawings similar ro the above. (4 pieces ) 41 BOVI (MADAME). Portrait of Mrs. Bateman, after Guttenbrun. Small 4to. Open letter proof, prettily printed in color, Margin. shortened. 42 BRIZARD (JEAN BAPTISTE). Woted French 18th Century Trage- dian, Three-quarter-length portrait in character. Fine line en- graving by J. J. Avril, painted by Mdme. Guyard. Folio (margin cut close). 43 BROADHURST (MR.) Celebrated English Vocalist. Stipple en- graving by H. Meyer. Folio. Open letter proof.- Lond. 1823. 44 BUCCANEERS AND PIRATES. Captain Teach (Blackbeard), by Basire; Capt. Avery, by Pritchard; Capt. England, by Cole; Capt. George Lowther, by Toms; Capt. Bart. Roberts, by Basire (all these from the rare edition of Johnson’s Lives); Louis Mandrin; Jean de la Tour; Sir Henry Morgan. 4to and 8vo. (8 pieces.) 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 oo 54 55 56 57 The Arnold Collection. 9 BURKE (MASTER). Woted Juvenile Actor. As Terence O’Leary. Drawn by Wageman, etched by R. Cruikshank, 4to. Colored. Rare. BURKE AND WARREN HASTINGS. ‘‘Cooling the Brain.” Caricature, representing Burke as a madman having his head shaved by Warren Hastings. Oblong 4to. 1789. ARICATURE PORTRAITS. ‘Symptoms vf Deep Think- ing.” (Portrait of C. J. Fox.) Etching. 4to. 1800, Mr. Cope, commonly called The Green Man (Brighton dandy, time of George IV.), colored, 1806; ‘‘ Ganymede” (Drybutter, con- victed bookseller), colored, 1771; Bryan, poet of Bury St. Edmunds, curious etching. (3 pieces.) Baron D’Aguilar, 1802; Jacob Butler, of Barnwell, 1815; and others. (6 pieces.) The Baron (Nicholson, with arms of a brandy bottle and pack of cards), 1785; A Pig in a Poke (Miss Atkinson?); Dr. Gossett, bibliophile, 1806; and three others. (6 pieces.) James Gordon, of Cambridge, 1817, colored; Earl of Derby ; George Carpenter, godson to George I., 1777; Levi Backhouse, with verses beneath, 1797; and others. (8 pieces. ) CENTENARIANS. Portraits of Old Parr, Young Parr, Lewis Cornaro, Henry Jenkins; Elizabeth Alexander, colored; and others. 8vo and 4to. (16 pieces.) CERITO (FANNY). Famous Dancer, Full length, in ‘‘ Undine,” lithograph by Lynch, and in ‘‘Le Lac des Fées,” line engraving, by H.S. Ball, after Valentini. Small folio. (2 pieces.) CHARLES II. Full bust, in armor, within oval border. Engraved by D. Loggan. 4to. Brilliant original impression. Circa 1670. Portraits of ‘Trusty Dick Pendrell,” by Lamborn; William Houlbrook, blacksmith of Marlborough; William Penderel, by Cooper. 8vo. (3 pieces.) CHESTER (MISS). S, 1 p. 4to. N. Y. 1859, to the Editor of the “‘ Literary Gazette,” declining to contribute to its columns. ‘‘Z have long since thrown aside my pen as aversifier and fear that I shall never again find time to resume it.” Portrait. A. L.S. 1p. 4to. 1842. Relative to the authorship of cer- tain verses in the ‘‘ Edinburgh Review.” Portrait. Signatures to checks (6), and unsigned MSS. Lot. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). <4ide to Washington, Signer Con- stitution ; Secy. Treasury. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. Treasury Depart- ment, 1792, to the President of the Bank of the United States. Franked. Portrait. L. S. as Secy. Treasury, 1 p. 4to, 1790, with full signature. 56 536 557 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 The Arnold Collection. HAMILTON (ALEXANDER). L. S. as Secty. Treasury, 1 p. ~ ato, 1791, franked. A.L.S. 1p. 4to. N. Y. 1798. Legal opinion, also signed by Richard Harrison. A. L. S. 1 p. folio. N. Y. April 2, 1799. . Fine letter, on legal matters. Portrait. HAMILTON (SIR WILLIAM). Diplomatist and Antiquary, A.L.S. 3 pp. folio. Naples, 1793. Important political letter, in regard to the English fleet under Admiral Hood, negotiations with the Pope, etc. Portrait. HAMILTON (LADY EMMA). Wife of Sir William Hamilton, the friend of Admiral Nelson, A. L.S. 1. 4TO, in Italian. Por- trait, and a fine allegorical design in memory of Nelson, engraved by Cardon. HANRIOT (FRANCOIS). General commanding the National Guard of Paris during the Revolution, D.S. 1p. 4to. 1794. Signed as ‘¢Le Général en Chef de Paris.” Portrait. HARDY (THOMAS). Wovelist. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. Savile Club, inviting a friend to dine. HART (WILLIAM). American Painter. A. L.-S. 1 p. 8vo. N. Y. 1862. . HAYDON (BENJAMIN R.) Lnglish Historical Painter, A.L.S., I p. 4to, 1844, with proof on india of ‘‘ The Parting,” engraved by Romney, after Haydon. (2) HAYES (CATHARINE). Jrish Vocalist. A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, mentions Jenny Lind; John T. Ford, manager, A. L. S., 1p. 8vo. (2) HAYNE (PAUL HAMILTON). /oet. Autograph Poems, signed with initials, ‘‘ Aspects of the Pines” and ‘‘ Sonnet, written in the March woods.” 3 pp. 8vo. : HEBER (REV. REGINALD). Sishop of Calcutta, Poet, author of ‘“¢ Brom Greenland’s Icy Mountains.” A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, recom- mending the publication of the Writings of Jeremy Taylor. Fine literary specimen. HEMANS (FELICIA). Znglish Poetess. A Collection of ten Autograph Poems, signed’ F. H., 26° ppaaee including ‘‘ The Dying Improvisatore,’’ ‘‘An Hour of Romance,” ‘* The Deserted House,” ‘* The Sound of the Sea,” ‘‘The Coronation of Inez de Castro,” etc., clearly and beautifully written. (ro) 549 55° ao! 552 350 ayets 556 Soe 558 559 560 The Arnold Collection. oy HENRY (PATRICK). Statesman and Orator of the American Kevo- Vago A... S: 1°. 8vo)" 1787. “An affectionate letter to his daughter, giving an interesting account of family affairs. Portrait. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Williamsburg, Nov. 19, 1777, to Col. William Fleming, concerning the treatment of prisoners. HERBERT (HENRY: W.), ‘‘ Arank Forester,” Sportsman and Novelist; Joel T. Headley, Historian; Sarah J. Hale, Authoress. mine Ss, Of each. (3) HOARE (PRINCE). 4rtist and Dramatist, Author of ‘** No Song, No Supper,” etc. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Brighton, Jan. 4, 1809, relative to the preparation of an article on Art for the Monthly Magazine. Fine portrait engraved by Daniell, after Dance. HOBHOUSE (JOHN C.) Friend of Byron, Statesman and Author. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, 1831, with address and frank. HOLMES (OLIVER WENDELL). Poet. A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Boston, Dec. 14, 1842. FINE LETTER. Portrait. AUTOGRAPH VERSE, SIGNED. Ip. 8vo. 1861. ‘© From treason’s rent, from murder’s stain, . Guard Thou tts folds till Peace shall reign ; Till fort and field, till shore and sea, Join our loud anthem, Praise to Thee.’ HOOK (THEODORE E.) Musician and brilliant Wit and Periae A; lo... --2 pp. 8vo. -n. id; | HOOD (THOMAS). Poet and Humorist. A. L.S., 1 p. 8vo, re- lating to family and literary matters. ‘‘/ send you an Ode which should have come some days ago. I wrote to Mr. Colburn touching the Whims and Oddities, but have not heard from him,” etc. ’ A. L. S., t p. 8vo, to Jerdan. Neat specimen. HOPKINSON (JOSEPH). Lawyer and Statesman, author of ‘‘Hatt, Gizmial’ =A. LS: 2 pp.4toe 1811," To= Oliver Wolcott, re- questing him to use his influence to obtain the loan ofa picture from Mr. Astor. HORN (CHARLES E.), Composer, Author of ‘‘ Cherry Ripe,” ete., A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, relating to his music in the ‘‘ Merry Wives of Windsor,” with benefit playbill, Dec. 14, 1829; Matilda Horn, his wife, A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, 1819, to Winston. (2) THIRD SESSION. Hutograpbs and Books. 561 HOUSTON (SAMUEL). First Prestdent of the kepublic of Texas. A.L.S. 1p. 4to. 1846. ‘* J render to jou the grateful acknowledg- ments of Texas for your kindness during our struggle for freedom,” etc. 562 HOWARD (JOHN EAGER). JMemler Continental Congress, Revo- lutionary Soldier. A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Philadelphia, Senate Cham- ber, 4th March, 1800. VERY FINE. 563 HOWITT (MARY), Poetess and Author, A. L. S. » 1p. 8vo; Wit- LIAM Howitt (her husband), Author, A. L. S. » 3 pp. 8vo. (2) 564 HUGO (VICTOR). Great French Poet and Novelist. A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. 1846. Signed Victor ZH. 565 HUMBOLDT (ALEXANDER VON). Philosopher and Naturalist. A, L.S.; 8vo. 1858... (2) 566 HUMPHREYS (DAVID), Aide to Washington, Author, A. L. §S., 2 pp. 4to, Bost. 1817; and another written from Madrid in 1801. (2) 567 HUNT (LEIGH). Poputar ENGLIsH Poet anp Writer. A. L. 5., 3 PP. 470, PLymoutTH, MARcH 26, 1822, To JoHN GISBORNE, Roe ING TO LITERARY MATTERS, THE ILLNESS OF HIS WIFE, AND HIS Ex- PERIENCES ON A SEA VOYAGE. ‘‘ Lord Byron is in the best of spirits for our projected work and writes to me to make all the haste I can. TI have heard several times from the Shelleys, who, you may guess, sympathize with usin our tmpatience to meet them. T told Shelley that Adonais had not been published when I came away—he says tt ought to have been out long before this—TI have a criticism upon the poem which LI should like to appear before I leave England,” etc 568 HUNT (WARD), GABRIEL DUVAL, DAVID DAVIS. Judges U. S. Supreme Court. A. L.S. 4to and 8vo, (3) 569 HUNTINGTON (DANIEL), CHRISTOPHER P. CRANCH, T. ADDISON RICHARDS. American Painters. A. L. §: of each. Wiz) 58 570° 571 572 573 574 “7 576 577 578 579 The Arnold Collection. 59 NGELOW (JANE). Popular English Poetess. A. L.S. 4 pp. tzmo. fFrendly letter. Scarce. INGLIS (REV. CHARLES). Rector of Trinity Church at time of the Revolution, First Bishop of Nova Scotia. A. L. S. 2pp. 4to. Hali- fax, 1787. Portrait (private plate) and view of old Trinity Church. IREDELL (JAMES), Judge U.S. Supreme Court, A. D.S., % p. 4to, 1780, a receipt, scarce; James M. Wayne, Supreme Court, egies; 2 pp. 4to, 1830, ° (2} IRELAND (WILLIAM H.) Celebrated Shakesperean Forger. A.L.S., I p. 4to, May 21, 1827, to J. W. Southgate, in which he refers to his forgeries. RARE. IRVING (WASHINGTON). A.L.S. 1?. 470. GREENBURGH, MARCH 1, 1841, TO OGDEN HOFFMAN, REQUESTING HIS ASSISTANCE IN OBTAINING A SITUATION FOR HIS BROTHER-IN-LAW IN THE CwUS- Tom HovuskE. FINE SPECIMEN. SIGNED IN FULL. A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to. New York, Apri 8, 1835. A VERY INTERESTING LETTER TO CoL. THomas ASPINWALL. ‘‘/ am really delighted to renew my old connection with Murray—from the rapidly growing and improving literature of this country I think I shall be able to, put some good things in his way. TI think Bentley will be wary hereafter in his dealings with simple-hearted men who take folks at their word,” etc. SIGNED IN FULL. A. L.S. 1. 8vo. SUNNYSIDE, FEBY. 5TH, 1852. INTEREST- ING SPECIMEN, SIGNED IN FULL, REGRETTING THAT HIS LITERARY OCCUPATIONS WILL PREVENT HIM FROM GIVING ATTENTION TO OTHER MATTERS. Portrait and cuttings. IZARD (RALPH). Member Continental Congress. A.L.S. 4 pp. wipe 2793.. Lo C..C. Pinckney. .Interesting letters, relative to the education of his sons and European politics. ‘‘ Zhe calamtties of war appear to be spreading in every adtrection—the British will probably press our seamen and you will have a good deal of trouble on that subject,” etc. RARE. Private letter, to Mr. Ingham, Secy. Treasury. | | ae (ANDREW). President. A.L.S. 1p. folio. 1829. LS: “1 p. gto. “1815. ‘Signed as’ Major-General); To Gov: Shelby, relative to a campaign against the Indians. 60 The Arnold Collection. 580 JACKSON (ANDREW). D.S. 1 p. double folio, 1832, as Presi- dent; also signed by Edward Livingston. 581 JACKSON (THOMAS J.—‘‘Stonewall”’). Confederate General. A.L.S. IP. SMALL 4T0, NEAR New MarRKET, May 20, 1862, AS Major-GENERAL, TO GENL. Ropert E. Lee. ‘‘7 am of the opinion that an attempt should be made to defeat Banks, but under instructions just received from Gent. Johnston I do not feel at liberty to make an attack,” etc. FINE WAR LETTER. 582 JANAUSCHEK (FANNY), Zragedienne, A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo; FRED- ERICK LEMAITRE, French Actor, A. L., signed Frederick, 1 p. 8vo, 1831. (2) 583 JAY (JOHN). Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court. A.L.S. 1 p. 4to. 1797. To Col. Benj. Talmadge, relative to an application for a par- don. ‘‘Among my official duties there are none which gratify my feelings more than that of granting pardons on proper occasions,” etc. 584 A. L. S, 1 p. 4to, New York, 26 Sept., 1793. Friendly letter, to Miss Livingston; frank on address of a letter to Cesar Rodney, fine signature. (2) 585 A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, Albany, 16 July, 1799, legal; D.S., as Gov- ernor, 1 p. folio, 1797, with fine impression of State seal. (2) 586 JEFFERSON (THOMAS). Author of the Declaration of Inde- pendence; President. A.D. S. 1p. small 4to. Washington, 18or. Fine signature. Official documents signed, 1 p. folio, on parchment; also signed by James Madison. Ship’s papers. (4) 588 JENIFER (DANIEL—OF ST. THOMAS). Agent of Lord Balti- more; Signer Constitution. A.L.S. 1p. 4to. Annapolis, 1766. 587 589 JERROLD (DOUGLAS). Dramatist and Novelist. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, to the Proprietor of the ‘‘ Weekly News.” Suggests an altera- tion in title and says: ‘‘Z cannot for the life of me see what use my name can be to the journal.” 590 JOHNSON (REVERDY), AMOS KENDALL, C.M.CONRAD, THOMAS CORWIN, JOHN P.KENNEDY. Cabinet Officers. Al LS. Olecacn ms) The Arnold Collection. 61 591 JOHNSON (SIR WILLIAM). Delegate to Congress of 1754 at Albany, Commander of the Crown Point Expedition. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Johnson Hall, 28th Feby., 1774, to Robert Henry, Jr., on Masonic matters: Portrait. 592 ANE (ELISHA KENT). Distinguished Explorer. A. L. S. Ip. 8vo. 1856. 593 KEAN (MARY). Wife of Edmund Kean. A. L., 3d person, 1 p. 4to, with fine wax seal. 594 KEATS (JOHN). One or THE most ramMous ENGLISH POETS. A. L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. WentwortsH Piacz, Nov. 2 [1819]. A FINE- AND INTERESTING LETTER TO WILLIAM HAsLam. ‘‘My disposition ts of so careless a nature that it ts continually tormenting me for my neglect of matters of consequence. Lf you can command £30 you will cure me of a disease which at intervals comes upon me like a fever fit,” etc. CHARMING SPECIMEN, 595 A. L.S. 2 pp. 4to. [1817.] A LONG, CURIOUS AND CHAR- ACTERISTIC LETTER TO Miss REyNnoups, LITTLE Hampton (slightly broken in the folds). The following extract shows the style of the letter: ‘‘Here am I among Colleges, Halls, Stalls, plenty of Trees, thank God—plenty of water, thank Heaven—plenty of Books, thank the Muses— plenty of snuff, thank Sir Walter Raleigh. Iam on the Sofi, Buona- parte ts on the Snuff box, but you are by the Seaside, you bathe, you walk, you say how beautiful, find out resemblances between waves and camels, Dolphins and Madonnas—which word I must acquaint you was derived Jrom the Syriac and came down in a way which neither of you are capable of comprehending ,’’ etc. 596 KENSETT (JOHN F.) Distinguished American Artist. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, 1840, relative to engraving a plate of ‘‘Sammy, the Tailor.” Engraving of ‘‘ Catskill Mountain Scene” added. 597 KENT (JAMES). Zminent Jurist. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1796. Legal. Portraits. 598 KEY (FRANCIS S.), Author of the ‘Star-Spangled Banner,” A.L.S., I p. 4to, 1840; Puitip B. Key, Eminent Lawyer, killed by Sickles, Reo), 1p Ato. 18sSeei(2) 62 The Arnold Collection. 599 KING (RUFUS). Signer Constitution. A.L. S. 3 pp. 4to. 1822. 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 AN IMPORTANT POLITICAL LETTER, CRITICISING CONGRESS FOR ITS SUBSERVIENCY TO THE HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS, ‘‘/f the Presidency was dented to them, tf we should not have better Presidents, we certainly should have more concord between the heads of Departments—the three last Presidents moved from the Department of State to the office of President, and any pressure from these officers emmedtately shows their friends and op- ponents in Congress—tf the Chief possessed greater dectsion of character these things would not happen,” etc. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, 1814, to James Monroe, requesting letters of introduction for his son, who is about to travel abroad. Portrait. . KNIGHT (THOMAS). Pupil of Macklin, a noted Actor. A. L. S. 1p. 8vo. Covent Garden, April 24, 1800. Theatrical. KNOX (HENRY). Major-General in Revolution. A.L. S. 1 p. folio. Nov. 19, 1796. A private letter to Oliver Wolcott. ‘‘/¢ is possible I may make an excursion to Philadelphia—in this case I shall be happy to be convinced that you love me one half the degree that I do you,” etc. Por- trait. KOTZEBUE (AUGUST F.F.) German Diplomatist and Dramatist, assassinated by Sand. A. L.S. 1 p. 4to. 3806. With two portraits of Kotzebue and one (by Cruikshank) of Sand. KRIMMEL (J. LOUIS). Patnter. A. L. S., 2 pi toner rset Thomas Birch, of the Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia. VERY SCARCE. AFAYETTE (GILBERT M. DE). Major-General in Revolution, A. L. S. 1p, 4T0. Camp at Pamunkey, Auc. 9, 1781. “J most warmly recommend the immediate cloathing of Col. White's aragoons as a matter of the utmost moment—want of cloathes deprives us of 200 Continental dragoons,”’ etc. LAMB (CHARLES). Zssayist and Humorist. A. L. Si) 5 Pedto: TO OLLIER, OFFERING TO SUBMIT, FOR A FRIEND, A SELECTION OF CHINESE JESTS FOR PUBLICATION, ‘‘/ can answer, from my own know- ledge, that they will be perfectly genuine, and I think, tf encouraged, he could communicate curious matter,” etc. Signed Chs Lamb. A RE- MARKABLY FINE LETTER. Portrait. The Arnold Collection. 63 607 LAMB (CHARLES). A. L. S., 1 P. 8vo, WRITTEN FROM COLE- BROOK COTTAGE, TO OLLIER, SIGNED C. L. ‘‘What is gone of my Works? has any one bought ’em? T only ask because I want half a dozen copies to give away,’ etc. FINE SPECIMEN. 608 LAMB (GENL. JOHN). Distinguished Revolutionary Officer, with Montgomery at Quebec. A. L.S. 2 pp. 4to. 1788. As Collector of Customs. 609 LANDON (LETITIA E.) Popular English Poetess.s A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo, to Lady Blessington. Portrait. 610 LANDOR (WALTER SAVAGE). Poet and Author. Three A. L. S., 4to, 1836-41, written to G, P. R. James, of exceptional interest; refers to his own writings, to Bulwer, the acting of Tyrone Pawer, etc, (3) 611 ee eS.,.2 Pp. 8vo, 1841, to Lady Blessington, thanking her for a copy of the ‘‘ Book of Beauty.”’ 612 LANDSEER (SIR EDWIN). fainter. A. L. S. 3 pp. 8vo. 1849. Fine friendly letter. 613 LANSING (JOHN, JR.) federal Convention, Distinguished Jurist. A. L. S., 1 p. folio, 1788, legal, to Jeremiah Van Rensselaer. 614 LAURENS (HENRY). President Continental Congress. A. L.S., I P. FOLIO, YORKTOWN, 1778. FINE LETTER, TO C#sSAR RODNEY, SIGNED AS PRESIDENT. 615 Pye.) 2 PP. 4TO, 1764, Portrait, 616 LAWRENCE (COL. CHARLES). Governor of Nova Scotia dur- ing expulsion of the Acadians. L.S., 2 pp. folio, Halifax, 1757, to Gov. Phips, relative to raising the embargo to permit bringing in provisions from Boston to Halifax for his Majesty’s service. His- torical. 617 LAWRENCE (SIR THOMAS). Lminent English Painter. A.L.S. 2pp. 4to. 1816. Fine letter on art matters. ‘‘// you expect a beau- tiful Madonna you will be disappointed, except in Gutdo she ts rarely to be met with in the Old Masters,” etc. 618 LEE (ARTHUR). D*étlomatist of the Revolution; Commisstoner to France A.L.S. 1p. folio, Annapolis, 1783, to Theodorick Bland; giving information of matters then under consideration by the Con- gress. Fine Revolutionary letter. Franked. 64 The Arnold Collection. 619 LEE (HENRY). Light Horse Harry, distinguished Revolutionary sol- ater and Member Continental Congress. A. L. 5. 1 p. 4to, 1791, to Gov. Sevier. 620 LEE (RICHARD HENRY). Signer Declaration Independence. A.L.S. 2 PP. FOLIO, PHILADELPHIA, 17TH AUGUST, 1777, TO JOHN PacrE. AN IMPORTANT HISTORICAL LETTER, REFERRING TO THE EVACUATION OF TICONDEROGA, THE APPOINTMENT OF GENL. GATES TO THE COMMAND OF THE NORTHERN ARMY, THE OPERATIONS OF WASHINGTON AGAINST HQWE, THE PROBABILITY OF ASSISTANCE FROM FRANCE, ETC. CONCERNING LORD CHATHAM HE WRITES: ‘‘//7s Lord- ship advises them to make peace with America immediately on any terms, assuring them they have no more chance to conquer this country with the force they have or can get than he to conquer Britain with his crutch,” etc. 621 LEE (ROBERT E.) Commander-in-Chief of Confederate States’ Army. L.S. 1p. 8vo. Head-Qrs., Army Va., 1st March, 1863, signed as General. Official letter to the Governor of Mississippi, relative to a soldier of that State who had been convicted by a Court- martial. 622 LEECH (JOHN). Artist and Caricaturist. A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. 1858. / 623 LEGARE (HUGH S.) LZminent Lawyer; Atty.-General. A. L. S. I p. 8vo, addressed and franked. Portrait. 624 LESLIE (CHARLES R.) Artist and Author. A.L.S. 3 pp, 4to, 1842, in regard to a picture by Constable, of which he writes: ‘*7t ts exquisite tn color, far beyond any modern artist, excepting Turner, and truer than him.”’ Views of Dutch Courtship and Legend of Sleepy Hollow. 625 LEVER (CHARLES). Popular Irish Novelist.” Ay LS = ppmewe To.GyP: R. James. 626 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). President.- DS. ispmtenauee 23d, 1861. Commission in the Customs service, countersigned by S. P. Chase, Secy. Treasury. Signed in full. Splendid specimen. Portrait. 627 LINCOLN (BENJAMIN). Major-General in Revolution. A. L, S. I pi4to. eyo er OTtrait, 628 LIND (JENNY). Celebrated Vocalist. Fine signature, with date, 1847. 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 538 639 The Arnold Collection. 65 LIVINGSTON (BROCKHOLST). /udge of the U. S. Supreme Court. A. 1. S. 1p. 4to. 1798. Fine specimen. LIVINGSTON (PHILIP). Signer Dec. Independence. is, SE Baer 4to. New York, 15th November, 1762. Fine signature. Rare. Portrait. LIVINGSTON (ROBERT R.) Member Continental Congress, one of the committee to draft the Dec. of Independence. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, 1803, to President Monroe. Portrait. LIVINGSTON (WILLIAM). Signer Constitution, Member Conti- nental Congress and Gov. of N. J. during the Revoltion. A.L.S., 1 Pp. 4to, Raritan, August 26, 1779, to Lord Stirling, informing him of the success against the Enemy at Powles Hook, with the capture of 100 Prisoners. D. S., as Governor, 1 p. folio, Princeton, Octo, 11770.. 3COm- mission of Henry Brockholst Livingston as Surrogate. LOCKHART (JOHNG.) Poet and Critic, Son-in-Law of Sir Wal- He Sco, A, L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. 1844. LONGFELLOW (HENRY W.) A.L.5., 1 p. 8vo, to Fitz- Greene Halleck, inviting him to meet Felton and Sumner. Autograph Verse, signed. I p. 8v0. 1853. ‘Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And departing leave behind us Footprints on the sands of Time.” LOWELL (JAMES RUSSELL). Poet and Minister to England. heey S13 pp. .8vo.’ 1855. Fine letter on literary matters, to Mrs. Sigourney, in which he states that his Lectures would need considerable revision and enlargement, and that he has no intention of printing them. Portrait and cuttings. AuTocRAPH Poem, ‘‘Haxon’sLay.”’ 2 Pp. FOoLio. VERY FINE. Aut. Verse. 1p. 8vo. Harvard ( olleCe, 155 7. ‘© An autograph, written with malice prepense, Can never claim sentiment, not to say sense, But since you have asked it to look at and show—well, Til een sign my name, truly yours, J. &. Lowell.”’ 66 640 641 642 643 644 647 648 649 650 651 The Arnold Collection. LUCCA (PAULINE). Famous Prima Donna. A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. 1866. LYMAN (PHINEAS), Major General of Conn. troops in French and Indian war. A.D. S. 1 Doe 4to. sanyo: ACLISE (DANIEL). Znglish Artist. A. L'S.,2: pp were: severely criticising an engraving by Staines, from one of his pictures. ‘‘ Jt 7s about the worst work I ever saw.” MCVICKER (JAMES H.), Actor and Manager, A: LS) wpe, to Ben. Webster; J. Mapison Morton, Dramatist, author of ‘‘ Box and Cox,” A. L. S., 1 p., 8vo. Theatrical. (2) MADISON (JAMES). President, etc. A. L. S., Ip., 4to, Mont- pelier, Mch. 8, 1818, to President Monroe, relative to an appoint- ment for a son of Charles Carroll (the Signer). ‘* You are well acquainted with the worth of the father, both asa man and a patriot,” etc. MADISON (DOLLY P.) Wife of the President. A’ 1, Si, appears 1816, to Mrs. Page, introducing a son of George Mason. Portrait. MALIBRAN (MARIA F.) Celebrated Vocalist, appeared at Park Theatre in 1825. Receipt signed, for 1075 francs for her second per- formance at Theatre Royal Italien, Paris. 1 p. 4to. MALONE (EDWARD). Woted Critic and Commentator on Shahe- Sspeare. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1805, to Isaac Reed, asking for bio- graphical information of Sir John Germain. Portrait. MARION (FRANCIS). Distinguished Partisan Officer in the Revo- lution. D.S.,% p. gto, 1780, approving an order for provisions for the troops; also signed by Col. Peter Horry (his biographer). MARLBOROUGH (SARAH JENNINGS, DUCHESS OF). Wife of the great Duke. D.S. 1 p. folio. 1740, Receipt for an annuity. Portrait. MARSHALL (JOHN). Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court. A.L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Richmond, 1825, to Bushrod Washington, referring to his ee History of the Colonies.” Portrait. MARTIN (LUTHER). Liminent Lawyer, Federal Convention. AGIa ae I p. 4to, 1819, to the Governor of Maryland, accepting appointment as counsel to defend the State claim on the Bank of the United States. Portrait. 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 The Arnold Collection. 67 MILLAIS (JOHN E.) Distinguished Painter, A.L.S., 3 pp. 8vo, 1877, On art matters. ne. MILMAN (HENRY H.) Poet and Historian. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, March 8, 1864, to an American correspondent, in which he hopes for unbroken friendly relations between the two great Anglo-Saxon races. | MIRABEAU (GABRIEL HONORE, COUNT DE). TZike Ora- tor of the French Revolutten, President of the National Assembly. L.S. Ip. 4to. Paris, 1791. VERY FINE. MITCHELL (STEPHEN M.) Alember Continental Congress, Chief. Justice of Conn, A.L.S. 1p. folio. 1784. To Pierpoint Edwards. SCARCE. MONROE (JAMES). President. A.L.S. 1p. 4to. 1794. FINE LETTER, TO HENRY LEE. D.S. 1p. folio. 1821. On parchment, also signed by John Quincy Adams. Ship’s papers. MONTAGU (CHARLES G.) Colonial Governor of South Carolina. A. L.S. 1p. 4to. 1767. Reply to a Remonstrance of the Inhab- itants of South Carolina against the illegal exactions of the Custom House Officers. MONTAGUE (CHARLES, EARL OF HALIFAX). English Statesman under William III. L. 8. 1p. folio. 1697. Also signed by Thos. Littleton and others. Letter from the Lords of the Treasary in reference to the petition of Thomas Dongan, Governor of New York, concerning his expenses in the French and Indian War. Historical. MONTAGUE (HARRY J.), Popular Actor, A. L. $., 4 pp. 8vo, scarce; CHARLES Maruews, A. L. S., 3d person, 1 p. 8vo. (2) MONTEZ (LOLA). Adventuress and Actress, A.L.S. 1 p. 8vo. 1849. With Monogram. Signed Countess de Lansfeld. MOORE (CLEMENT C.), Poet, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, 1856, with Autograph Poem signed, 3 pp. 4to; ‘A Visit from St. Nicholas, ”’ a charming specimen, in beautiful condition. (2) 68 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 The Arnold Collection. MOORE (THOMAS). Celebrated Irish Poet. A.L.S. 1 Pp. 4to. [1851.] ‘*Zam at present working as hard as the world will let me to patch up the work I wrote a year or two ago (Rhymes on the Road) for publication this Spring, in order to meet the heavy debt the Longmans have against me,” etc. A. L. S. 1 p. 4to. 1826. Interesting letter concerning Byron. ‘‘ Lord Byron’s eyes were blue, his hatr of a very dark glossy brown, and his complexion, in his best time, purely white and colourless,” etc. MORLAND (GEORGE.) English painter of rural landscapes and low ifes Nl. S., 1p. ovor soliciting the loan of three guineas. ‘‘Your compliance will confer a singular obligation.”” SCARCE. MORRIS (GOUVERNEUR). Signer Constitution. A. L. SerD: 4to, Morrisania, 3d February, 1816, to Moss Kent SpEcIALLy FINE. MORRIS (ROBERT). Signer Dec. Independence, etc. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Phila. Aug. 5, 1783, declining to engage in a mercantile transaction. ‘‘ The office which I have the Honor to Occupy under the United States engages too much of my attention to permit my charging myself with details of commercial business.” MOULTRIE (WILLIAM). General in Revolution. A.D. S., five lines, 1% p. 4to, 1776, to the S. C. Council’ of Safety. MURPHY (ARTHUR). Jrish Scholar and Dramatist, author ‘Life Oar Tic Pei A Li So 1G pp. 4to. gth Feby., 1777. A long and interesting letter in relation to the troubles of Lady Monfort and her separation from her husband. AUNTON (SIR ROBERT). Znglish Statesman under James I., author of ‘‘Fragmenta Regalia,” A,L.S. 1 p. folio. White- hall, 19 March, 1619, IN sPpLENDID CONDITION AND VERY RARE. NEAL (JOSEPH C.) Author of *‘ Charcoal Sketches.” Ac LS eairp 4to, 1847, with Portrait; Joun Nea, Poet and Novelist, A. L. S. Ip. 4to, 1841; ALice B, Neat, Author of juvenile works, A. L. S. I p. 4to, to L. A. Godey, with Portrait, (3) ? ’ NEWMAN (JOHN H.) Cardinal and Poet. A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Oriel College, April 9, 1839. A fine and interesting letter, to the Bishop of Vermont. 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 The Arnold Collection. 69 NIBLO (WILLIAM.) Proprietor of MNiblo’s Garden. A. L., 3d person, 1 p. 8vo, 1845, to Henry Phillips. SCARCE. NORTON (LADY CAROLINE E.) nglish Writer and Poetess. Plas, 1 p. 8vo, 1861, to Lady Herbert. "CONNELL (DANIEL). Jrish Orator and Agitator. A. L. S., I p. 4to, Dublin, 1816, to John Howard Payne, asking his assistance for Miss Courtney, ‘‘ who wishes to try her fortune on the Stage.” / ORLEANS (LOUIS P. J.—DUC D’). 4galité. D.S. 1 p. folio. 1789. ALLISER (SIR HUGH). famous English Admiral, distin- Dp guished at the taking of Quebec. A. L.S., 3 pp. 4to, 1788, to the Duke of Buckingham. PARDOE (JULIA). Celebrated English Authoress. A. L.S., 2 pp. -8vo, to W. Harrison Ainsworth, on literary subjects. PAULDING (JAMES K.) Author and Statesman. A. L.S., 1 Pp. 4to, 1846, to William C. Bryant. ‘‘Z congratulate the Democratic Party on the Election of Mike Walsh,” etc. PEALE (REMBRANDT). Artist and Author. A. L. S8., Ip. 4to, New York, 1826, to the Governor of Mississippi, offering for sale his portrait of Washington, ‘‘Z/ zt be true that this Portrait ts justly distinguished for its fidelity and expresston of character, tt must be ascribed to the personal knowledge which the Artist had of the living model,’ etc. | PEABODY (GEORGE). Banker and Philanthropist. A. L. S. 20p.4to.- 1641. PENDLETON (EDMUND). Member Continental Congress. A.L.S. 1 p. folio, Williamsburg, Jany. 7, 1776. Interesting Revolutionary letter. Recommends that special care be taken of prisoners. ‘‘We have some valuable Friends in the hands of the enemy, whose exchange may be longer delayed if Lord Dunmore hears his friends are so happy.” VERY FINE. PENN (RICHARD). Colonial Governor of Pa. UL. 5S., 1 p. 4to, London, Sept. 2, 1775, signed also by Arthur Lee, stating that the Petition from the American Congress to the King had been pre- sented to the Secretary of State. 70 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 The Arnold Collectiou. PEPPERRELL (SIR WILLIAM). Commander-in-Chief of the Louisburg Expedition. L.S., 1 p. 4to, The Camp, May 18, 1745, to Col. Robt. Hale, ordering him to send his regiment to guard the new Battery at the West Gate. Interesting letter in connection with the Siege. Portrait and view. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, 1723, to Elias Pearse, instraceme ene e insure several vessels which he is despatching to different points. Letter from William Cosby, Adjutant, addressed to Genl. Pepperrell, from Louisburg, Nov. 11, 1746, acquainting him with the arrival of troops for the regiment. On the back of the letter is Sir William’s reply in his handwriting and signed W. P. PILLOW (GIDEON J.) Major General in Mexican War. A. L.S., 3 pp. 4to, 1844, to Andrew Jackson, relative to acharge of cruelty to his slaves brought against Polk. Of special interest in connection with the Slavery Question. POE (EDGAR ALLAN). Celebrated Poet. A. L. S., 1 P. 470, PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 1, 1844, to ‘a Lecture Committee, Reading, Pa. ‘‘Z presume that your Lectures are over for the season, but, should this not be the case, tt will give me great pleasure to deliver a Discourse before your Society at any period you may appoint,” etc. IN CHOICE CON- DITION, A. L. S. 1 Pp. 4T0O. PHILADELPHIA, JULY 16,og see LETTER, WITH ADDRESS. Portrait and cuttings. POOLE (JOHN). Dramatist, Author of ‘* Paul Pry. eae Ip, 4t0.. e126. PORTER (COMMODORE DAVID). Commander of the ‘* Essex” in War of 1872. A. L.S. 1p. folio. Vera Cruz, "5820, 55 eens country will have no cause to be ashamed of my conduct on any occasion,” etc. POULETT (WILLIAM—MARQUIS OF MANCHESTER). Lord Treasurer for Henry VIII. D.S. 8 pp. folio. 1564. Curious details of the charges of workmen at this period. POWER (TYRONE). Jrish Actor, lost in the Steamship President. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, to John Fawcett, objecting to playing a part for which he considers himself unsuited. PRESCOTT (WILLIAM H.) JAistorian. A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. 1826. Interesting letter, from Nahant, to Jonathan Goodhue, con- cerning a Spanish MS. | A.L.S., 1p. 4to, 1845, ordering books. Portraits and cuttings. 696 697 698 699 700 7O1 702 703 704 705 706 797 708 The Artold Collection. 71 PROCTER (BRYAN W.—BSarry Cornwall). English Poet. A.L.S., I p. 8vo, 1829, with Autograph MS., comprising four scenes from the Play ‘* Zhe Return from Elba,” 11 pp. 4to. PYNE (LOUISA). Vocalist. A.L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. 1865. ‘‘/ should like to sing the duet from the Crown Diamonds, with my sister.” ANDOLPH (EDMUND). Aide to Washington, Federal Conven- tion, and Attorney General. A.L.S. 1p. folio. 1792. RANDOLPH (JOHN, OF ROANOKE). Statesman and Orator, Pees erp. 4to,. Washington, Jan. 13, 1820. Signed in full. RAVEL (ANTOINE). Member of the famous Ravel Family, appeared at the Park Theatre, 1836. A. L.S., 1 p. 8vo, 1841; and another. Portrait, (2) RAWDON (FRANCIS LORD). Sritish General in the Revolution. Pye sip. ov0, 19817, signed Jarra. READ (T. BUCHANAN). Artist and Poet. A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, 1857, with Autograph Poem signed, ‘‘ Zhe Great are falling from us,”’ 4 verses Of 4 lines each. RICHARD (PAUL). Zarly New York Mayor. A.L.5S.,2 pp. 4to, New York, 2d Feby., 1733, to Col. Jacob Wendell. FINE AND RARE. RILEY (CAPT. JAMES). Author of ‘‘Riley’s Narrative,” died at ceaeeerosO. ON. 1, o., t-p. 4to.. 18222. Portrait, RITCHIE (ANNA CORA MOWATT). Distinguished Actress and Author. A. L.S., 3 pp. 8vo, 1856, to Grace Greenwood. RIVINGTON (JAMES). Royalist Printer and Bookseller in New York during the Revolution, A. L.S. tp. 4to. New York, June 22, 1792. a ROBERTS (DAVID). Celebrated English Landscape Painter. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1840, to Thomas Sully. Introducing Jackman the en- graver. ROBESPIERRE (MAXIMILIAN I.) Zhe Celebrated Jacobin Leader of the French Revolution. D.S., 2 pp. folio, 1794, with vign- ette heading of the Committee of Public Safety. Signed also by Barére and Lindet. RARE, 72 109 710 712 713 714 715 716 717 The Arnold Collection. ROBINSON (HENRY CRABB). Friend of Coleridge, Lamb, and Wordsworth; Author. A. L., 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo, to iE, H. Barker. SCARCE. ROBINSON (MARIA). Celebrated Actress and Mistress of the Prince of Wales (George 1V.). A. L., 3rd person, 2 pp. 4to, with fine por- trait. ROUGET DE LISLE (CLAUDE J.) Srench Poet and Musician, Composer of the famous war-song ‘‘La Marsellaise.”” A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, 1825; with pamphlet, giving the origin of the hymn, by George Batchelor, and portrait. SPECIALLY FINE. ROYALL (ANNE).