a Copies : AG SALES, UTS = PAP LOO gt © 872 9 ON | 7 ae SSS a me ea ) | \e ; NO S : Se : Sy ae “ penn xi ten lie | a i i : : Ll - Collection of - the late © = | John H. Vz. Arnold | Ie af | New JO soe t So erin’ ~ 7 iftaysccm ® i Ne z ae) aN. - wor wes! ‘ ps \e % rE n “ I & ( | comm — oe im ¥ Be es me & atte sei 3 ¢ J — ¥ * Ge RS S iF 7 ~ bis ‘ ‘ 5. ¥ tee z cae ge. r $ ns po csadit * eae es epee tS if sy 38 4 oil om 9 Be ae pia oe ‘ aa % hae baie re SR OP nae ce eet ee See a, \ — = oS r ue = . Bre gh 3 r z Bris y ee a . NS a » , gg ee oe ee Ye ern ee Or . = Se tg ee / 2X == 5 tee or ter ae ; GE ae Be aie BROS CEE CPE TEC eee Ee : os : oy : ae : A S : Ne eR ES k ‘9 axe % A pt oe =e ‘ 1 1 ye Ha } A im # = : ¢ ora = i: reg Mes. 7 = TWF: ZI < = * => ¢ ; ‘ ~ > . ue . ma ' s ‘ . ~ i a o . 4 c 7 's ° ad é J ) This Sale will be conducted by 7 i ") o Pa ‘+ Aa Le aye fir, George D. fisorse - ¥ ¢ ee en The Hrnold Collection. First SESSION. Books and Hutograpbh Letters. / I BBOTT (EMMA). Vocalist. A.L.S. 3 pp. 8vo. July 20, 1881. PO In relation to assistance for a poorsinger. Portrait, programmes and cuttings. = 2 A’BECKETT (GILBERT A.) Dramatic Writer. D.S. 1 p. folio, 1842. Agreement for the production of his opera Little Red Riding Hood; also signed by Frances Davidge. 3 ACTORS. Mary Anderson, by H. L. Williams; Life and Memoirs of /o Sarah Barnum, by Marie Colombier (translation); Great Artists of | the American Stage, by A. Trumble, 30 portraits, 1882; Lawrence Barrett, by E. A. Barron, portraits in character, 1889; Memoir of W. H. Oxberry, with scarce portrait, 1839. Paper. (5 pieces.) ADAMS (JOHN QUINCEY). resident. Cheque on the Bank of the United States, 1829, fine signature; also visiting card with his auto- graph. (2) : ADDAMS (JOHN P.) Vankee Comedian and Dramatist. Three A.L.S., 4to, 1836-52, on theatrical matters. Playbills, including ‘‘ Benefit of G. Haynes, National Theatre, 1840.”’ (3) ( 6 ADDISON (LAURA), Zyglish Actress, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo. N. Y., ae Sept. 24, 1851, portrait in character, and playbill; John B. Wright, A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, to Miss Addison, in regard to a Boston engage- ment. (2) » ADVENTURES OF AN ACTOR, in the characters of a Merry- Andrew, a Methodist Preacher, and a Fortune Teller. Crown 8vo, Rati calf. Lond., n. d. [cerca 1780. | 8 AINSWORTH (W. HARRISON). Znglish Novelist. A. L.S., 3 pP-s 8vo, Lond. 1844, on personal matters; also 4 pp. 4to of the MS. of frog Crichton, many paragraphs erased, re-written, etc. (2) ti bh ~ I2 13 14 18 1 The Arnold Collection. ALBANI-GYE (EMMA). Vocalist. A.L.S. 1p. 8vo. April5, 1883. — Photograph, playbills and biography. ALBONI (MARIETTA). J¢alian Contralto Vocalist. D. 5S. 1p. 4to. Paris, Feb. 10, 1849. Receipt for 1,000 francs for performance at the Théatre Royal Italien. ALDRICH (THOMAS BAILEY). foetand Author. A.L.S. 1p. 12mo. 1868. ALKEN (H.) Memoirs of John Mytton, with Notices of his Hunting, Shooting, Racing and other extravagant exploits. By Nimrod. ro (should be 12) beautifully colored plates by Alken of sporting subjects. Crown 8vo, cloth (wanting the first two leaves). Lond. : Ackermann, 1835. THE VERY RARE FIRST EDITION. ALLAN (JOHN G.) TZ%e adopted father of Edgar Allan Poe. A.L.S. 2 pp. 4to. Richmond, 1852. Interesting letter to Mrs. Clem. ALLEN (ANDREW JACKSON). Actor, and for many years dresser for Edwin Forrest. A. L.S., 1 p. folio, Nov. 22, 1852, to J. B. Wright, sending costumes for the National Theatre. Quaint letter and very rare. ALLEN (ELIZABETH AKERS). Poetess and Authoress. A.L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. March 29, 1871. Interesting literary letter. AMERICAN CELEBRITIES. Portraits and Short Biographies. Over 500 portraits. Oblong 12mo, cloth. N. Y. [1891]. AMERICAN HISTORY (MAGAZINE OF). Edited by J. A. Steevens, M. J. Lamb, etc. Vols. 1 to 29 and two Parts of Vol. 3o. Profusely illustrated. In the original Parts, as issued. (As 29 vols.) 1877-1893. AMERICAN POLITICAL. Letters of Governors, Senators and others, mostly on political subjects, and many of historical in- teréstaua (oo) AMERICAN STAGE. Desultory Reflections excited by the recent calamitous fate of John Fullerton. By Mathew Carey. Crown 8vo, sewed, pp. 24. -Phil.: Printed for the Author, 1802. Rare. Mr. Fullerton was a member of Mr. Wignell’s Philadelphia Company who received severe and unmerited abuse at the hands of the critics and committed suicide in consequence. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ag 30 The Arnold Collection. 7 AMERICAN THEATRE. History of the American Theatre, 1749 to1797. ByG.O. Seilhamer. 3 vols. 4to, cloth. Phil. 1888-1891. A thorough history of the early American Stage, with copious indexes. AMES (FISHER). Statesman and Orator, A.L.S. Dec. 22,1798. Fine and interesting letter. AMHERST (JEFFREY, LORD). Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces in America; L.S., 1p. 4to,.1762, to Col. Bradstreet, con- cerning a land dispute; mentions Gov. Monckton. ANCIENT CHINESE PORCELAINS and other Curios belong- ing to Mr. G. A. Hearn. Introduction and Descriptions by Chester Holcombe. Explanations of colors, designs, characters of the different dynasties, etc. 12mo,cloth. Presentation copy. N. Y.: _ Privately printed, 1894. The First Volume of the same, containing the History from Peag to 1774. 4to, cloth. Phil. 1888. 3 pp. 4to. ANDERSON (ALEXANDER). A Memorial of Alexander Ander- son, the First Engraver on Wood in America. By B. Portraits and facsimiles. Royal 8vo, paper, pp. 107, uncut. N. Yen Printed for the Subscribers, 1872. J. Lossing. ANDERSON (JAMES R.) £nglish Actor, played at Park Theatre, 1844. Four A. L. §., 4to and 8vo, one inlaid, 1844-75, each 1 p. Portrait. (4) : ANDERSON (MARY—Mrs. Navarro). 2 pp. 4to, May 8, 1881, to William Winter. illustrated biography. Tragedtenne. iMod Bee te Portraits, playbills and / ANDRE (MAJOR JOHN). Vindication of the Captors of Major André. By Egbert Benson. With Introduction and Appendix. Reprint of the 1817 edition. 4to, uncut (wants wrappers). N.¥-: Privately printed, 1865. Large Paper Copy, only 35 issued. A pencilled note says that only 5 copies were issued on this heavy paper. ] ANDRE AND ARNOLD. An Address by Erastus Brooks before the Historical and Forestry Society of Rockland County, Feb. 22, 1881. Frontispiece. 8VO, paper, pp. 34. N. Y. 1881. ANDREWS (GEORGE H.), Lnglish. Actor, appeared in America 1827, D. S., 1 p. 4to, N. Y. June 25, 1857; James R. Anderson, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, 1827, playbill. (2) 8 The Arnold Collection. 31 ANDREWS (W. LORING). Madame Eliza B. Jumel. Obituary in the N.Y. Times, July 18, 1865. Imp. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. N.Y. 1865. No. 7, signed ‘‘ W. L. A.,” of only 30 copies privately printed for W. L. Andrews, with presentation inscription from him (owner’s name cut off). Fragments of American History, illustrated solely by the works of those of our own Engravers who flourished in the XVIIIth Cen- tury. Vumerous reproductions, some colored. Post 8vo, half calf, marbled boards, uncut. N. Y. 1898. Only 80 copies on American hand-made paper. 33 ARMSTRONG (JOHN). Officer in the Revolution, Author of the Jamous ‘* Newburgh Letters.” A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, 1839; also Order on the U.S. Treasury for 42,000 francs, May 6, 1805, one of the notes in payment of the Louisiana Purchase, signed by Armstrong, who was at that time minister to France. (2) 34 ARTHUR (CHESTER A.) President. A, LS Q)3eppeeeua Washington, 1883, to Col. J. Schuyler Crosby. ‘‘/ have always been ready to act with Senator Conkling, unfortunately the condition of New York politics does not help the matter,” etc. 32 35 ASTOR (JOHN JACOB). Statement and Exposition of the Title of J. J. Astor to Lands purchased from the Children of Roger and Mary Morris. 8vo, sewed, pp. 60 (name of J. L. Lane on title, and some marginal notes). N. Y. 1827. 36 AUBER (DANIEL F.E.) French Composer. A. L. S. 1p. r2mo. Paris) md: 37 AUSTIN (MRS. ELIZABETH). Vocalist, appeared at Park Thea- trein 1828. A.L. 5S.,1 p. 8vo, City Hotel, N. Y., May 21, 1828, to William Warren, relative to her Benefit. 383 AUTOGRAPHS. Netherclift’s Handbook of Autographs. Hundreds of Facsimiles. Biographical Index by R. Sims. Square 12mo, cloths Lond 41542, 39 AKER (BENJAMIN A.) Dvramatist, Manager and Actor. . A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, March 29, 1849, on theatrical matters. Por- trait, biography and cuttings. 40 BALFE (MICHAEL W.) Composer, author of the Bohemian Girl,” etc. Auto, music score signed, extract from the Maid of Artois, with words ‘* The light of other days is faded.’ 1% p. 12m0. 1856. 43 YT 44 45 Y | 0 46 df pry 47 ke, 48 nivo The Arnold Collection. 9 BALLOONS, a most remarkable Collection relating to, about 50 pieces, including letters of noted aeronauts, such as Monck Mason, Charles and George Green, the Garnerin family, R. Gypson, etc., many with portraits; views, admission tickets, programmes and accounts of famous ascents; figures of air-traversing machines, and numerous cuttings. (Asa lot.) BALL (JOHN STANLEY). Popular American Comedian. A.L.S., fees tor Louisville, March’ 12; A. L. S., x p., ato, Providence, April 20, interesting theatrical letters to F. C. Wemyss. (2) BANCROFT (SIR SQUIRE B.) £nglish Actor and Manager. A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, June 18, 1877, to William Winter. Mentions Boucicault, Charles Reade and Sothern. Photographs, playbills and biography. -BANIM (JOHN), Woted Trish Novelist and Dramatist, A. L. S., 2 pp. 12mo; also Henry A. Bishop and John B. Buckstone, A.L.S. 8vo of each. (3) BANNISTER (JOHN). A Scrap-Book, in which is inserted an A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, Dublin, 1810, mezzotint portrait (cut down), engraved by Clint, other portraits from Zhespian Magazine, Theatrt- cal Inquisitor, etc., biography and contemporary clippings. Laid in isan A. L. S.,1p. 8vo, 1827. (As a lot.) BARNES (JOHN). Celebrated American Comedian, played at Park aire on. 1. 3., 1 p. 4to, Louisville; June 19;-1833, to F.C. Wemyss, applying for an engagement. fare. BARNES (MRS. JOHN—Mary GREENHILL Simpson). TZragedienne. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, March 11, 1809, giving an account of her theat- rical experience. Portrait as Isabella, and Benefit playbill, 1835; also A. L. S. of D. Grove to Winston, recommending Miss Simp- son, and A. L. S. of W. C. Andrews, giving details of her life. (3) BARNUM (PHINEAS T.) Showman and Author. A. L. S., 2 pp. folio, Jany. 21, 1840, to F. C. Wemyss, regarding Master Diamond (then under his management), and speaking of him as ‘‘ the best Negro dancer in America’’; with printed circular relative to Dramas to be produced at the Museum, and pass, signed by Barnum. Portrait. (2) Pen 2 OD. V0, NOV, 22,. Te7Os alsoo Ay Laws 14 pi 24 fo, 1854, with prospectus of his Autobiography. Portrait and play- bills. (2) 10 The Arnold Collection. 50 BARRETT (GEORGE H.) Comedian, husband of the beautiful and unfortunate Mrs. Drummond. A. L. S.,1 p. 4to, Oct. 4, 1833, to F. C. Wemyss, naming terms for an engagement for himself and wife. 5t BARRETT (LAWRENCE). TZragedian and Author. A.L.S. 1p. oblong 8vo. March ro, 1883. Playbills. 52 BARRETT (WALTER). Vigor: a Novel. A Picture of New York Life. Suppressed the day after publication. Post 8vo, cloth (poor copy). N. Y. 1864. a 54 BARRY (SPRANGER). Ax Actor of extraordinary merit and ranked next to Garrick. A. L.S., 3 pp., 4to, to Charles Macklin. An inter- esting letter concerning certain of the Covent Garden actors and financial matters. ‘‘ Damn them all, they plague me out of my life— think of the parts in Comedy I ought to play,” etc. Rare. 55 BARRY (THOMAS). Actor and Manager of the Park Theatre, N. gr and of the Boston Museum, A.L.S. 2pp. folio. London, May 19, 1854. A long and interesting letter on theatrical matters. Photo- graph and playbill. 56 BAYLIES (HODIJAH). Aide to Washington. A.D.S. 1 p. small 4to. Aug. 30,1778. Receipt for £22 from Col. Pickering. 57 BECKETT (HARRY). Comedian. A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, to William Winter. Photograph and playbill. ANOTHER Copy. (Also a little soiled.) | 58 BEDFORD (PAUL). Recollections and Wanderings of Paul Bed- ford. First Epirion. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth (ex-library copy). Lond. 1864 ANOTHER EDITION. Crown 8vo, boards (back wanting). Lond. 1867. 60 BEECHER (HENRY WARD). Clergyman and Author, A.L.S., I p. 8vo, 1874, with portrait; A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, 1855, of his wife. (2) 61 BEGNIS (GIUSEPPE DE). Celebrated Tenor Singer. » A. L. Sr. 2 pp. 4to, N. Y., Dec. 7, in regard to his troubles at the Broadway Theatre; also A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to, 1837, and A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, n.d. (3) 62 BELL (JOHN); Albert Gallatin; Tim’y Pickering; Gideon Welles; W. H. Crawford; and others. Cadinet Officers. Official L. S. of each. (10) . 59 63 72 ip 74 75 76 The Arnold Collection. II BELLOMONT (RICHARD, EARL OF). Colonial Governor of MV. Y. and Mass. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Boston, 19 October, 1699. Curious letter offering rewards for the arrest of the pirates Bradish and Wetherby. BERNARD (JOHN). Lyx¢glish Actor, appeared in N. Y. 1797. Re- trospections of America, 1797-1811. Edited from the MS. by Mrs. B. Bernard. With Introduction and Notes by Laurence Hutton and Brander Matthews. J//ustrated. Post 8vo, original sheets, uncut and unopened. N. Y. 1887. With presentation inscription, signed, from Laurence Hutton. Laid in isan A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to, of Hutton, and a card from him to the Authors’ Club. A. L.S., 1p. 4to, to Winston. Portrait, play bills and cuttings. BIBLIOGRAPHY. American Book Prices Current. Edited by Luther S. Livingston. Vol. II. 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1896. THE SAME FOR 1897. THE SAME FOR 1898. THE SAME FOR 1899. oe THE SAME FOR 1900. American Book Clubs: Their Beginnings and History, and a Bibliography of their Publications. By A. Growoll. (Accounts of the Seventy-Six Society, the Bradford Club, Grolier, Dunlap, Club of Odd Volumes, etc.) Post 8vo, half calf, uncut. N.Y. 1897. No. 261 of 300 copies on hand-made paper. Sepulchral Literature. A Catalogue of Books relating to the Disposal of Bodies and Perpetuating the Memories of the Dead. By John Townshend. 8vo, limp calf (rubbed), pp. 74. Autograph presentation copy. N. Y.: For private distribution only, 1887. The First Part of the Brinley Catalogue (containing most of the rare and early Americana). 8vo, wrappers. Scarce. 1879. Catalogue of the First Augustin Daly Sale. Priced in ink. 8vo, paper, pp. 201. N. Y., n.d. [cerca 1880], Various Sale Catalogues, some priced in pencil, and others partly so, including the Arnold Library (Miscellaneous and Legal); the Rogers, Lake and Brady Collections. 7 vols. (Asa lot.) 43 Catalogues of the Auction Sale of 1900 of the Legal and Trials Library of John H. V. Arnold. Royal 8vo. (As a lot.) 78 T2 The Arnold Collection. 77 BIBLIOGRAPHY. 37 copies of the Auction Sale Catalogue of Miscellaneous Books in the Library of John H. V. Arnold sold in 1879. 8vo, paper. (Asa lot.) Auction Sale Catalogues. Autographs, Engravings, Books, etc. (13 pieces, as a lot.) 79 ANOTHER LOT, SIMILAR (10 duplicates). (60 pieces, as a lot). 80 BIBLIOMANIA. Rational Madness: a Song for the Lovers of Curious and Rare Books. [By John Major, editor of Walton’s Angler.] 2 leaves, 4to. n. d. [cérca 1820]. Only 50 printed privately. 81 [BIGGS (J.)] The History of Don Francisco de Miranda’s Attempt to Effect a Revolution in South America. By An Officer who was under that General. With Sketches of Miranda’s Life and Geo- graphical Notices of Caraccas. Second Edition. 12mo, old calf, ex-libris of Luther Wright, 1815. Bost. 1810. 82 BILLINGTON (THOMAS). £ugilish Pianist and Composer. A. L.S., 1p. 4to, Dec. 23, 1827, inrhyme, endorsed ‘‘Doggrel/ sample of trash.” 83 BIOGRAPHICAL. Reminiscences of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, N. Y. 1898; Our Old Nobility, Lond. 1879; Davidson’s The New Book of Kings, Bost. 1884; and others. 6 vols. 84 BISHOP (CHARLES BALL). Comedian. A. L. S. 1 pp. 4to. Photograph, playbills of Our American Cousin and of Benefit, and cuttings, 85 BLAKE (WILLIAM RUFUS). Actor and Manager. A. L. ae Ip. 4to, Sept. 16, 1837, to John Howard Payne, returning the MSS. of ‘* Woman's Revenge.” Photograph, lithograph portrait and playbills, including one of the Boston Theatre, April 22, 1863, the day of Mr. Blake’s death. 86 BLAKE (MRS. CAROLINE S.—Mrs. W. R. Braxz). A. L. S., 1p. 8vo, April 12, 1864. Returning thanks to the Managers’ Asso- ciation for resolutions passed upon the death of her late husband. Two playbills. 87 BLANCHARD (REUBEN). ‘“ Zke Dog Star—Coney and Blan- chard.” A. L.S. 1p. 8vo. ‘‘ Mational Theatre, New York.” 88 BLAND (HUMPHREY). Actor and Manager. A. L. S., pastes Burton’s Theatre, 1851, to J. B. Wright, settling arrangements for an engagement of Fanny Wallack. thf? ao Vo ” ee ay SS (fo 94 Bee.” 96 2, V2 97 aus OO The Arnold Collection. 13 BLENNERHASSETT (HARMON). Scholar; accomplice of Aaron Burr and arrested for treason. A. D.S. %p. 4to. 1805. Scarce. BOCHSA (ROBERT N.C.) Celebrated Harpist and Composer. mtecun. 1, >, 8vo, 1825; A. L., 3rd person, 8vo, 1835: L. S., 1 p. 4to, 1823. (5) BOOTH (BARTON), COLLEY CIBBER ann ROBERT WILKES. D.S., % p. 4to, signed by the three above Managers of Drury Lane Theatre, Dec. 5, 1715. An order for stage property. BOOTH (EDWIN). Excerpts from the Good Words uttered in honor of Booth, March 30, 1889, at the Supper given by Augustin Daly and A. M. Palmer. Small 4to, cloth, as new, uncut. Printed for the Players, N. Y. 1889 Memorial Celebration of Sixtieth Anniversary of the Birthday of Booth. Portrait. Addresses by Jefferson, Irving, Parke Godwin, Poem by G. E. Woodberry, etc. 8vo, paper, pp. 60. Held in Madison Square Garden by the Players. N. Y. [1893] A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, April 17, 1866. ‘‘ 7 did once read a MSS. tragedy of Cromwell, but did not feel that I could personate the character.’’ A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, Cos Cob, Sept. 10, 1873, to L. R. Shewell, submitting list of plays for a three weeks’ engagement. Portraits, photographs, playbills and cuttings. Programine of the Performance of Hamlet by the leading Play- ers of America in honor of Lester Wallack, May ar, 1888, with original signatures of Edwin Booth, Lawrence Barrett, A. M. Palmer, Harry Edwards, Joseph Jefferson and Lester Wallack on the title- page. UNIQUE. BOOTH (JUNIUS BRUTUS). Zvragedian, father of Edwin Booth. A. L. S., 1 p. folio, Feb. 26, 1834, to F. C. Wemyss. ‘‘ Give my love to L. Forrest and tell him I order him to break his damned Western engagements and go and help to shake the walls in the Capitol until An- drew Jackson ts made King.” The letter is endorsed with the laconic sentence, ‘* Booth mad.” A. L.S., 5 pp. folio, Baltimore, Mch. 3, 1833, to Thos. S. Hamblin. Long and interesting letter on theatrical affairs and ex- pressing his desire to make an amicable arrangement of their con- tract. 100 IOI _ 102 103 104 105 106 107 The Arnold Collection. BOOTH (RICHARD). Father of J. B. Booth the elder, A.L.S., 4 pp. 4to, London, Oct. 15, 1816, tothe Drury Lane Committee, on behalf of his son, in which he gives a very interesting account of the early career of Junius Brutus Booth. ‘‘ Led away by a juvenile dramatic mania he contrived entirely without my knowledge to go to the Continent with a company of Players,” etc. RARE. BOSTON MUSEUM CO. R. MM. Field, G. W. Wilson, Edward L. Davenport, C. P. Flockton and Harry M, Pell. A. L. S., 8vo of each, 1889-90. Group portrait and playbill. BOUCICAULT (DION). Actor, Manager and Dramatist. A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, May 15, offering to negotiate for the production of one of his dramas. BOUGUEREAU (WILLIAM). Woted French Painter. A. L.S- 1p. 8vo. Paris, July 22, 1891. BOWERY THEATRE (N. Y.). The Receipt Book of Thomas S. Hamblin, manager, from Jany., 1828, to Dec., 1837. Among the names of old New Yorkers that appear Stephen Allen, Fitz- Greene Halleck, William B. Astor, George P. Morris, etc., and the signatures of all the well-known actors who played at the Old Bowery during that period—such as the elder Booth, T. A. Cooper, Hackett, Blake, T. D. Rice, Sefton, Cony, Flynn, J. R. Scott and Finn, as also Mary E. Cushman (the mother of Charlotte)—will be found on its pages. BRADBURY (ROBERT). Celebrated English Clown, contemporary with Grimaldi, A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Sept. 12, 1803, to the Manager of Drury Lane, in regard to an engagement. Rare playbill with engraved heading, Drury Lane, 1819, four other bills and a mass of newspaper cuttings. BRADSTREET (COL. JOHN). Distinguished Officer in French and Indian War. A. L.S., 1 p. 4to. Albany, ecw ean BRAHAM (JOHN). Zneglish Vocalist. Two A. L. S., each 1 p. 4to, 1827 and ’31. ‘*Z have tried several national songs lately and they have all failed—the Public is quite tired of them.” Portraits in character. BRIGHT (JOHN). Znglish Orator and Statesman. A. L. S., 3 pp- 8vo, June 28, 1849, declining to attend meetings of the London Reform Association. 108 109 LO Yo 0 III oa :7- 112 113 114 i Tis ss 116 117 The Arnold Collection. es BRIGNOLI (PASQUALE). famous Tenor. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, New York, July 16, on musical matters; A. L.S., 1 p. 12mo, inlaid; signed Pass to Academy of Music. Photograph, programmes and cuttings. (3) BRISTOW (GEORGE), famous English Clown, brother-in-law to Grimala@, A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Aug. 7, 1819, to-W. H. Elliston, asking for a position at Drury Lane, ‘‘/ play the same line of Bust- ness as Grimaldi,” etc., playbills and benefit ticket; Mary Bristow (Mrs. Grimaldi), A. L., 3d person, 1'p. 4to, Feb, 18, 1815, with playbill. (2) BROOKE (GUSTAVUS VAUGHAN). The Life of the Tra- gedian. By W. J. Lawrence. (Compiled from family papers, letters, MSS., etc.) Portrait, Royal 8vo, cloth, uncut and unopened. Belfast, 1892. meri si 1p. 4to, Nov. 10, 1852. Refers to his perform- ance in ‘*Zhe Corsican Brothers.’ Play-bills, portraits, biography and cuttings. BROOKE (MRS. AVONIA JONES). Wife of G. V. Brooke and daughter of the Count Joannes. A. L. 5S. 2 pp. 8vo. Jan. 22, 1867. Photograph in character, playbills and cuttings. BROOKLYN. Historic and Antiquarian Scenes in Brooklyn and Vicinity. By T. W. Field. zz colored lithographic views. Royal 8vo, cloth. Brooklyn, 1368. Only 110 copies printed. Presentation copy from author, with 2 A. L. S. of his laid in. BROUGH (LIONEL). Znglish Journalist and Comedian, A.L.S.,. I p. 8vo, Jan. 11, 1870, in regard to his ‘‘ first and only appearance at Rochdale.” Photograph in character and playbill. BROUGHAM (JOHN). Actor, Manager and Author.. A. L.S.,1 p. 4to, Nov. 29, 1842, naming terms for himself and the first Mrs. Brougham for his first performances in Boston. Ptieto. at Pp. 4t0..0) Nove.29, 1851.” ** A7iss Cushman, plays Hamlet with us, itis a fine performance.” Folio lithograph portrait. A. LS) 1p. 4to.. Lycéum; June’ 30, 1856. Amusing and theatrical letter, to N. M. Ludlow. Portrait, playbills (including ‘* Tife in the Clouds,” 1840, and Benefit, 1878) and cuttings. 16 118 11g 120 I2I 122 123 125 126 127 The Arnold Collection. BROWN (DAVID PAUL). Sertorius, or the Roman Patriot. A Tragedy. 8vo, half morocco. Phil. 1830. Scarce. Inserted are A. L. S. of Brown, 1 p. 8vo, 1857, and portrait. It is inter- esting to note that in the A. L. S. the author states Sertorius was published in 1832, when it was really published in 1830. BROWN (T. ALLSTON). Biographical History of the American Stage. Portraits. 8vo, in the original sheets, uncut and unopened. N.Y... [1870]. Iconoclasm and Whitewash, and other 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1885. BROWNE (IRVING). Papers (Bibliomania, etc.). BROWNE (JAMES S.) Lnglish Comedian, the original ‘‘Robert Macaire.”” A. D.S.' 1 p. 4to. Jan. 4, 1842) 0 Onotetrom mes kobert Macaire. Portrait, playbills, and cuttings. BRYANT (J. H., “JERRY”’). Jfinsirel) Al LS eee Jan. 7, 1850. Interesting letter, giving details of his professional troubles and experiences. Rare lithograph portrait, and lithograph portrait in character (or group) as raw recruits, programmes, and cuttings. BRYANT (WM. CULLEN). The Bryant Festival at ‘‘ The Cen- tury,’’ November 5, 1864. (Contributions from Bryant, Holmes, Emerson, etc.) Small 4to, boards. N. Y. 1864. Laid in is the original written invitation to Fitz-Greene Halleck, signed by Ban- croft and McDonough, and an A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, of R. H. Stoddard, to Halleck, regarding the meeting at the Century Club; also portraits of Bryant and Mrs. Sigourney. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, 1872, in regard to a portrait of William Coleman, formerly Editor of the Zvening Post. BUCHANAN (JAMES). A LoS 1861, BUCHANAN (McKEAN). TZragedian. A. L.S., 1 p. ato, Jan. 23, 1852, to Ben. Webster, applying for an engagement, and giving a full description of himself. Portrait as Macbeth, and playbills of King Lear, of Macbeth and Soldiers with Brutus (illustrated), by Eugene Field. BUCKSTONE (JOHN B.) English Comedian and Dramatist. A.L.S.., 4 pp. 8vo, Aug. 6, 1850, to Ben Webster. An interesting theatrical letter. Portraits, playbill of ‘‘Box and Cox,” and biography. President. Ip. 8vo. July 16, Poo 139 The Arnold Collection. 17 BULWER (SIR EDWARD LYTTON). Wovelist. A. L.S., Mode, an. 5, 1826; also A: L. S., x p., 4to, Jan. 28, 1835. Por- traits. (2) BUNN (ALFRED). Dramatist and Manager. Two A. L. S., each Ip. 4to. 1822-41. Curious theatrical letters, with printed ‘‘Ode to Alfred the Little,” by A’Beckett. (2) BUREAU OF THE AMERICAN REPUBLICS. Various Re- ports—Brazil, Mexico, Costa Rica, Commercial Directories, etc. (33 pieces, as a lot.) BURGESS (NEIL). Comedian. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, June 19, 1887, in regard to his first professional appearance. Playbills, illustra- tions of The County Fair, souvenir, and cuttings. BURGOYNE (SIR JOHN). British General in Revolution, Drama- “ust. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, July 31, 1760, to Lord Barrington con- cerning army promotions. Music sheet, words by Gen. Burgoyne. BURKE (CHARLES). Comedian, half-brother of Joseph Jefferson. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, to J. B. Wright, applying for an engagement. Lithograph portrait and three playbills. ave. BURKE (JOSEPH—“ Master Burke, the Irish Roscius’’). Appeared in America as The Infant Prodigy, 1830. A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. Dec. 14, 1887. Portrait, playbills, including Park Theatre, Dec. 2, 1830, and cuttings. | BURNEY (DR. CHARLES). Music Historian and Poet. A. L.S., peevo, to Dr. Calcott. Friendly letter. BURR (AARON). Vice-President, Opponent of Hamilton. Signature on a cheque, April 11, 1804. BURTON (WM. E.-—-Actor, Author, and Manager). A Sketch of his Career. By W. L. Keese. J/@lustrated. ato, in the original sheets, uncut and unopened. Large Paper. N. Y. 1885. eivi.os, 1p; 4to. News York) jJany 30, 1850, 9s “ancomait- mentary Ball ts to be given to me and my family, with a grand Supper, whereat a silver pitcher and goblets (costing 200 Dollars) are to be pre- sented to me,” etc. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, in regard to thesale of his theatre. Litho- ' graph portrait and playbill of ‘‘ Zoodles,” 1851. 18 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 : The Arnold Collection. BUTLER (JOHN). Zory, Commanded in the Wyoming massacre,1778. A. L. S. 1p. small 4to. Butlers Bury, April 14, 1768. are. BYRON ADA (AUGUST A—Covuntessor Lovetace). Only child of Lord Byron. A. L., 3rd person. 1 p. 8vo. 18 June, 1842. ABINET OFFICERS. Edward Livingston; Thomas Ewing; Albert Gallatin; W. J. Duane; Hamilton Fish; A. J. Dallas. AL 1S.) 4to, OF each be (6) Richard Rush; William Pinkney; Louis McLane; A. P. Upshur; William Wirt; William H. Seward. A. L. S., 4to, of each. (6) Felix Grundy (rare); Hamilton Fish; Wm. H. Crawford; W. J. Duane; Edward Livingston; H. S. Legaré; Albert Gallatin. ALLS.) 40, ot eachys2 (7) Hugh S. Legaré; Edward Everett; Henry D. Gilpin; Zach. Chandler; Hamilton Fish; George S. Boutwell; Simon Cameron; Amos T, Akerman. A. L.S., 8vo, of each, (8) CALDWELL (JAMES H.) Actor and Manager. A. L. S., 3 pp. folio, Oct. 1, 1832, to N. M. Ludlow. ‘‘Z send you two books of the Hunchback, the best play of modern times,” etc. Photograph from a rare print. CALHOUN (JOHN C.); Thomas Corwin; C. M. Conrad; J. P. Kennedy; W. H. Crawford; James Guthrie; Horatio King; Ed- ward Livingston; W. H. Seward; Hamilton Fish. Cabinet Officers. Official L. S., 4to, of each. (10) CAMPBELL (BARTLEY). Dramatist, Journalist and Manager. A. L.S., 1 p. 8vo, and A. D. S., 1 p. folio, Wich eee agreement between Campbell and C. W. Couldock as to price of a play. Photograph, playbills and cuttings. CAMPBELL (THOMAS). Poet, Author of ‘‘ Gertrude of Wyoming,” A. L.S. 1p.4to. Edinburgh, Jany. 9, 1803. Relative to the pub- lication of a new edition of his poems. CAPE BRETON. Cape Breton Illustrated: Historic and De- scriptive. By J. M. Gow. Jllustrated. (Accounts of the first and second sieges of Louisburg, plan of the fort, Gen. Wolfe and the Seven Years’ War, etc.) Oblong 12mo, cloth. Toronto, 1893. /o 157 Joo cee 159 wt 160 [90 The Arnold Collection. 19 CAPOUL (VICTOR), Celebrated Opera Singer, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Mch. 1, 1879; Theodor Wachtel, Opera Singer, A. L. S., 1 p. 12mo0, Meveis. 1575) Curious: (2) CARLETON (SIR GUY). Commander-in-Chief British Forces in Revolutionary War. D.S. 1p. folio. July 1, 1767. Order for the payment of the Garrison of Quebec. ine signature. CARR (MARY). Woted for her delineations of old women, A.L.S. Ip. 8vo. Artotype portrait and playbill. CARRINGTON (HENRY B.) Battles of the American Revolu- tion, 1775-81. Historical and Military Criticism, with Typograph- ical Illustration. Thick 4to, cloth, uncut. N. Y. [1888]. CARROLL (CHARLES, or Carroiiton), Signer Declaration In- dependence, Fine signature, with portrait engraved by Longacre. CARTLICH (JOHN G.) LZecentric Melodramatic Actor, A.L.S., 4 pp. folio, June 8, 1847, to J. B. Wright. Interesting theatrical and personal letter. Portrait, playbill of National Theatre, 1839, and cutting. CASTLE (WILLIAM), Zenor Vocalist, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Nov. 24, 1880, photograph and playbill; Tom Karl, Edward Solomon, Imry Kiralfy and Edward E. Rice, letter of each, photographs, etc. (5) CELESTE (MME.—Mrs. Henry Exuior). Srench Danseuse and Actress. A. U.S. tp. 8vo. April 1, 1870. Relative to her re- tirement from the stage. Full-length portrait, playbills (including one of ‘‘her first appearance in a speaking character, July 9, 7697, \), and cuttings. CHANFRAU (FRANK S.) Dvéalect Actor and Comedian, the original ype? AL. S., 1 p.; 8vo, Dec. 27, 1852, to J. B. Wright. °° 7 have had the good luck to fill the Theatre without the aid of my friend Mose,” etc. Playbills (illustrated) of ‘*A Glance at New York,” National Theatre, June 12, 1848, and of ‘‘/ack Sheppard,” 1854. Rare. CHAPMAN (WILLIAM A.) Comedian, original ‘‘ Villikins and his awh 2 AL. S. ap. 4ton, April 3, 2855. Blaybill of, Broad way Theatre, 1855, and benefit bill, Phila. 1354. eee 20 The Arnold Collection. 161 CHIPPENDALE (WILLIAM H.) Popular Comedian. A.L. S.,. 2 pp. 4to, Nov. 1, 1847, to Sol Smith, giving him theatrical details. and information. Photograph, playbills and cuttings. A. L. S.,2 pp. 4to, New York, May 8,1849, to Sol Smith. An in- teresting account of the Macready and Forrest Riot at the Astor Place Opera House. ‘‘ Macready would only quit the stageafter he had braved the most dangerous assaults,” etc. 162 163 CHOATE (RUFUS). Zminent Orator and Lawyer. A.L. S. 1p. 8vo. Feby. 10, 1852. Portrait and cuttings. 164 CHRISTY (EDWIN P.) Originator of Negro Minstrels. AL. S. Ip. 4to. Aug. 22,1854. Relative toan article in the Clipper. RARE. Legal Papers in the matter of a suit brought by E. P. Christy to foreclose mortgage on Brougham’s Lyceum, including their re- 165 ceipts, written and signed by Christy, 1852. (Asa lot.) 166 CIBBER (COLLEY). Poet Laureate, Dramatist and Actor. MSS. verses, 2 pp. folio, entirely in the handwriting of Cibber. are. ** As Pleasing ts the scene, from shore, To hear the Winds and Billows roar, So martial sounds from Terror Free, Assistant, to our joys shall be,” etc A.L.S., 1 p. 4to, June 6, 1753, to Mrs. Richardson. Very- curtous, Portraits (one a proof); playbill of Covent Garden Thea- tre, with Cibber in the cast, and cuttings, 168 CIVIL WAR. An Investigation of Charges against Lieut B. H. Young and Command for their Acts at St. Albans, Vt., Oct. 19, 1864, with a Report of the Demand of the United States for their Extradition under the Ashburton Treaty. Compiled by L. N. Ben-. 167 jamin. 8vo, sewed, pp. 480. Montreal, 186s. 169 American Bastile. A History of the Illegal Aree etc., dur-- ing the Civil War. By J. A. Marshall. ///ustrated. Thick 8vo, cloth. Philers7 as [70 An Irishman’s Opinion of the War. ‘‘ You’re Right, Sir!” Poem, 16 verses, printed on 4to sheet. 171 ‘*The South in Revolt... Gen. Bickley Marching upon Wash- . Gov. Wise Assassinated..., etc. Washington, half-past. (Galley slip of a newspaper extra, 1860?) ington.. five.o’clock; nid, Voo ” poy 174 177 178 ZO a LD / Dal 180 The Arnold Collection. 21 CIVIL WAR CARICATURES. Reproductions from a Private Collection of those published by Currier & Ives, 1856-72. Mumer- ous caricatures of Lincoln, Grant, Greeley, and many others, including the famous ‘* Nigger in the Woodpile.’”’ Oblong 4to, full crimson morocco. Neer. 1892. No. 42 of only 150 copies on plate paper. Sold by subscription. CLARKE (JOHN'S.) Comedian and Manager; brother-in-law of Edwin’ Booth, A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, Aug. 12, 1873, relative to the production of Byron’s drama of Haunted Houses in America. CLARKE (McDONALD). ‘‘The Mad Poet.” Small D.S. 1p. New York, Oct. 28, 1837. Receipt for $1.65 for sales of books. AN AUTOGRAPH OF EXTREME RARITY. CLARKE (MARY COWDEN). Authoress; famous for her ‘‘Con- cordance to Shakespeare.” A.L.S. 1p. 4to. Jany. 15, 1852. CLAY (HENRY). Statesman and Orator, A.L.S., 1 p. 4to, March 8, 1825, to the Governor of Kentucky, resigning his seat in Congress. Portrait. CLEVELAND (GROVER). Life of Grover Cleveland—Campaign of 1884. With oneof the rare hand ‘‘ Hangman’s Circular.” Por- trait of Cleveland. 8vo, paper, pp. 31. Phila. 1884. d One of the notorious ‘‘ Hangman’s Circulars ”’ issued in oppo- sition to Cleveland in 1884. Folio. A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, June 4, 1889, declining to purchase a book. Characteristic. CLIFTON (JOSEPHINE). Favorite New York Actress. A.L.S., Ip. 4to, Sept. 9, 1839, to F. C. Wemyss, relative to an engagement. Very scarce. CLINTON (DE WITT). Governor of N. Y.; Father of the Erie Canal, A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to, Feby. 26, 1822, in regard to the appoint- ment of a Chief Engineer on the work of laying out the Canal. Por- trait and clippings. CLOUGH (ARTHUR HUGB), Luglish Poet, A.L.S., 3 pp. 12mo, friendly letter to James Russell Lowell; John Kenyon, Poet, A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, June 1, 1882, to James T. Fields. (2) CLOWNS, CIRCUS RIDERS AND MINSTRELS. Eaton Stone, Antonio Pastor, Samuel S. Sanford, John H. Glenroy, James Robinson, A. Ducrow and Mme. Ducrow. A.L.S. of each, with portraits, playbills, and cuttings. (7) 22 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 = 19 N 19 193 The Arnold Collection. CLUBLAND. London and Provincial Clubland. By Jos. Hatton. (The Garrick, Carlton, Reform, National Liberal, etc.) Mumerous wlustrations, 4to, cloth, Lond. 1890. COLDEN (CADWALLADER). Colonial Governor of New Vork; ffistorian. L.S., 2 pp. folio, Aug. 7, 1786, to the Commissioners of Forfeituers of the State of New York. COLE (THOMAS). Painter; famous for his pictures “The Voyage of Life.” A. L.S., 2 pp. 4to, July 30, 1840, relative to payment for a picture, with engravings of his celebrated paintings, and cuttings. COLMAN (WILLIAM). WwW. Y. Journalist and Law Partner of Aaron Burr. A.L.S., 3 pp. 4to, May 7, 1810, to John Trumbull, in regard to his financial troubles, ‘‘/ am obliged to give up my share in the Lvening Post for want of patronage,” etc., with draft of reply in Trumbull’s handwriting; also A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, 1803. (2) COLLINS (JOHN). Jrish Comedian and Vocalist. A.L.S., 1p. 4to, March 24, 1852, to J. B. Wright, in regard to a Boston engage- ment, with draft of reply. Lithograph portrait and playbills. (2) COLMAN (GEORGE—rTH_E YounceEr). Dramatist, Actor and Man- ager. A.L.S., 1p, 4to, July 11, 1797, to Mr) Bellamy) verune mee MS. sent for his inspection. Portrait and rare playbillof Wynnstay Theatre, Jan. 8, 1779, with Colman in two parts. A.L.S., 1 p. 4to, n.d., relative to a dispute with the Directors of Covent Garden Theatre and declining to pass upon the merits of a tragedy. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER). Old and New Lights on Columbus. With Observations on Controverted Points and Criti- cisms. By R.H. Clarke. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1893. COMER (THOMAS). Actor, Composer and Conductor of the orchestra of the Boston Museum. A. L. S.,1 p. 8vo, Nov. 1, 1861. Wood- cut portrait, playbills of Theatre Royal, Bath, and Drury Lane, Haymarket and Covent Garden Theatres, 1812-1826. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). £nglish Dramatic Poet. D.S., 1p. small gto, May 11, 1725. Receipt for dividend on South Sea stock. Portrait. are. CONNER (EDMON S&S.) Actor and Manager. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, May 1, 1846. Benefit playbills, 1851 and 1879. Poff etd 2 200 [of 201 TD 202 203 “ge ee 204 WO The Arnold Collection. 23 CONWAY (HENRY J.) Actor and Dramatist, A. L. S., 1p. 4to March 2, 1853, in regard to Lola Montez ; Sarah G. Conway, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Feby. 9, 1874, mentions Boucicault. (2) CONWAY (SARAH G.) Mrs. F. B. Conway, Actress and Man- Geepetwon. L. S., each rt p. 8vo, 1875; Lillian, Conway, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1876; Minnie Conway, A. L. S., photograph and playbill. (4) 3 pp. 8vo, 1837, with CONWAY (WILLIAM A.) £nglish Tragedian, won the affections of Mrs. Piozzi, whose letters to him were published tn 1843. A. L. S., Ip. 4to, Aug. 16, 1822. Portrait as Henry 2d, proof before letters, portrait of Mrs. Piozzi, and playbills as Macbeth, 1820, and as Romeo, Boston, 1824. are. CONY (BARKHAM). Celebrated for his troupe of trained dogs. melee step, 4to, Bowery Theatre, March 23, 1852. Three illus- trated playbills. COOPER (THOMAS ABTHORP). E£nglish Tragedian and Man- Geerrorathe Lark Theatre, V.Y. .A. LL. S., the death of his father-in-law, Col. Fairlie. raphy and cuttings. Peeioes. it p, 4to,, Baltimore, 108. Macbeth to-night.” Inlaid. Peale, ip. 4to, May 4, .1335,,. to F. I p. 4to, announcing Playbill, 1803, biog- ‘* We open here with C. Wemyss, naming plays with which he proposes to open at Pittsburgh. Fine portrait by Edwin. COROT (J. B. C.) Eminent French Painter. Pere 2 1802, Pele eo ah pa ovo: COWELL (ANNA—Avnna Cruise), Actress and Vocalist, A. L. S., 1 p. folio, Oct. 27, 1858, to J. B. Wright, photograph, playbill and cuttings; also, William Cowell, Manager, A. artosd, -.(2) Tee te; ALO, Sept. COWELL (JOSEPH). £nglish Actor and Author. A. L.S., 3 pp. ato, Sept. 8, 1818, to Stephen Kemble, giving a list of characters (140 in number) in which he had played. ‘* Engaged at £4 per week.”’ Endorsed by Kemble, YS 24 205 206 207 208 209 210 212 213 The Arnold Collection. COWLEY (HANNAH). Dramatist, wrote ‘* The Belle’s Stratagem,” etc. A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, n. d., to David Garrick, requesting his advice concerning the plot of one her plays. ‘‘Pray Sir consider that an Audience taken in a body, has not that extreme poignancy of taste and keenness of judgment which distinguishes the few,’ etc. Charming specimen, , CRESWICK (WILLIAM). £xglish Actor and Shakespearian Scholar. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, N. Y., Sept. 30, 1871, to William Winter rela- tive to his performances at Booth’s Theatre, mentions Charlotte Cushman. Portraits, playbill and cuttings. CRIME. The Life, Confession and Execution of Green H. Long, member of the celebrated Gang ‘‘ Banditti of the West,” portrait and other illustrations; Zilla Fitz-James, the Female Bandit, accom- plice of Green H. Long, edited by Rev. A. Richards, portrait and - other illustrations. 8vo, paper, pp.31 each. Little Rock, 1852. (2 pcs.) CRISP (WILLIAM H.) Lxglish Comedian, tutor of Mrs. Mowatt, and her Manager. A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, June 19, 1854, on theatrical business. Benefit playbills, including Park Theatre, 1844. CROGHAN (GEORGE). Colonel War 1812, the hero of Fort San- dusky, A.L. S., 1 p. folio, Cincinnati, March io.) 1615 7a rosea Todd, informing him of his having tendered his resignation to the War Department. CUSHMAN (CHARLOTTE). TZvragedienne. A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, Jan. 15, 1861, to C. W. Couldock. ‘‘Z don’t believe anybody can act Sykes better than yourself—TI don’t believe in Nancy Sykes as a starring part, I hate it worse than ever and cannot do anything with it,” etc. Portraits, playbills and cuttings. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, New York, June 16, 1837, to F. C. Wemyss, enquiring whether he will allow her to play and on what terms. Inlaid. | A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, New York, Sept. 23, 1873; also;@aeueeuee (portion of) 2 pp. 8vo, n. d., in regard to her sister Susan. ** Poor girl, she has been a sufferer all her life,” etc. (2) CUSTIS (GEORGE W. P.) Grandson of Martha Washington, Author. A. L.S., 2 pp. 4to, Arlington House, April 24, 1829, to F. C. Wemyss, a specially interesting letter in regard to the produc- tion of one of his plays in Philadelphia and suggesting names of actors for the cast. The Arnold Collection. a6 / 214 1*;: (AUGUSTIN). Catalogue of the Daly sale in 1900, a, mes Jo ge -22 215 217 218 219 220 = 222 223 3 parts; also Catalogue of first Daly sale held in Clinton Hall by Geo. A. Leavitt. (4 pieces.) Three A. L. S., 4to and 8vo, 1871-89, with fine photograph, and printed invitation to supper at Delmonico’s, March 30, 1889, in honor of Edwin Booth. (4) D’ANGRI (ELENA). Vocalist, appearedin New York with Thalberg in 1856. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, May 22, 1856, in reference to Rossini. DANIEL (GEORGE). Sale Catalogue of his Famous Library. Priced inink. 8vo, half calf. Lond. 1864. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED copy, having inserted a Memoir of Daniel, illustrations of Bar- tholomew and Southwark Fairs, portrait of Thomas Blake, advertisements of Hallam’s Theatre in Smithfield, 1740, and other interesting material. DAUDET (ALPHONSE). French Novelist, Author of ‘‘ Sapho,” Pei) tp. SvO. on. d. DAVENPORT (EDWARD L.), Actor and Manager, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Aug. 17, 1875, with photograph; Mrs. E. L. Davenport, Pls eo, )2 pp. ovo, Mch. 30, 1874. (2) DAVENPORT (FANNY); Fred. de Belleville; Miss M. For- tescue; William T. Lewis; Charles Mathews. Signature, photo- graph or portrait, and playbill of each, mounted on cardboard. (5) DAVENPORT (JEAN M.—Mkrs. Frep. W.LanpsEr). Tvage- wine. A. Le. SS. «63 pp. S8vo, n.d. Friendly letter to RK. Shelton Mackenzie. DAVIDGE (WILLIAM). Actor, the original Dick Deadeye in ‘* Pinafore.” A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, Mch. 7, 1853; also Louisa Drew and Henry E. Dixey, A. L. S., 8vo, of each. (3) DAWSON (HENRY B.)_ The Historical Magazine, and Notes and Queries concerning the Antiquities, History and Biography of America. New Series, Vols. 7, 8, 9, and 2 vols. of No. 10 (Jan., 1870-Aug. 1871), Jan., Feb. and Mch. 1872; and April-September, 1873, inclusive. 8vo, 28 original parts. Morrisania, N. Y.: Privately printed, 1870-73. (As 28 Parts.) 26 225 227 228 229 230 237 232 233 234 The Arnold Collection. DEAN (EDWIN). Actor and Manager, father of Julia Dean. A. L.S. 2 pp. 4to. March 12, 1848. In regard to his daughter’s successful engagement in New Orleans. Portrait of Julia Dean and playbill of her benefit, Sept. 10, 1847, in which her father appeared. DEAN (JULIA—Mrs. Arruur P. Hayne), Zragedienne, A. L. S., 1p. 8vo, April, 1853, portrait, playbills and cuttings; Edwin Dean, A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, March 8, 1848, giving details of his daughter’s appearance in New Orleans. (2) DEANE (JULIA A.—Mrs. W. G. Jones). Favorite NV. VY. Actress. A. L. S.,.3 pp. 8vo, Aug. 10, 1886, writes of the illness and death of her husband, photograph and playbills; A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, April TO; TOS7-= (9 A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, May 22, 1888, with playbill of the per- formance of Hamlet in honor of Lester Wallack, May 21, 1888, concerning which she writes: ‘* Zhe programmes sold at two and three dollars each, and it was with great difficulty I obtained one.” Photo- graph. DE BERIOT (C. A.) Famous Violinist, husband of Mme. Malibran. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. Brussels, 1841. Interesting letter on musical affairs. Portrait. DE CAMP (VINCENT). LZxglish Comedian, member of the Kemble family, A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. Baltimore, Jany. 8, 1835. Fine theatrical letter; mentions Clara Fisher. DE LANCEY (JAMES). Colonial Governor of New York, Member Albany Convention, 1754. A. L.S. 1 p. 4to. New York, July 29, 1755. Fine letter, to Stephen Hopkins. DE QUINCEY (THOMAS). Author of ‘‘ Confessions of an Opium- Eater.” A.L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. 1821. Specially interesting letter in reference to the state of his health. ‘‘ 7 have suffered Tortures during the last fortnight, but am again well and in spirits.” RARE. DIBDIN (CHARLES), Dramatist, Composer and Song-writer, A. L. S., 1p. 4to, 1817; Rev. Thomas Frognall Dibdin, A. L. S., 2 PD. OVO” Pry Gea a) | DIBDIN (THOMAS), Actor aud Dramatist, A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, 1817; Rev. Thomas F. Dibdin, A. L., 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo, 1830. (2) DIBDIN (REV. THOMAS F.) Author of ‘‘ Bibliomania,” etc. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, to Mr. Ackerman, requesting the loan of prints. The Arnold Collection. 27 J ho 235 DICKENS (CHAS.) Nicholas Nickleby. First Epition. umer- ous illustrations by Phiz. Thick 8vo, half calf (rubbed). Lond. 1839. by OD 236 A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, March 5, 1852, in regard to an applicant j for admission into the Home. ‘‘Zf you and Miss Coutts think well of the case I would willingly help her.”’ NERY FINE. Y/— 237 In Jail with Chas. Dickens. By Alfred Trumble. (New- gate, Marshalsea, N. Y. Tombs, Philadelphia’s Bastile, etc.) ///us- trated. «2mo, cloth. N. Y. 1896. 238 DICKSON (JAMES A.) Actor and Manager of the old Federal St. Theatre, Boston. A.L.S. 1p. 4to. Jan. 1, 1818. Mentions Duff and Incledon, who ‘‘ opened last evening to near $800.” SCARCE. 239 DINNEFORD (WILLIAM). Actor and Manager, appeared at the Lafayette Theatre, N. Y., in 1826. Two A. L. 5S. each. 1 p. 4to. 1841-45. (2) ee 240 DOUGLAS (STEPHEN A.) Statesman. L.5S., 1p. 4to, Feby. {00 Jo ae ae 5, 1852; Jefferson Davis, President C. S. A., three lines and signa- caper) ;(2:) _241 DOWTON (WILLIAM). LZnglish Comedian. A. L.5., 1 p. 4to, New York, Nov. 3, 1836, to F. C. Wemyss, in regard to his engage- ment at the Chestnut St. Theatre, Phila. Portrait. 242 DRAKE (FRANCES ANN—Mrps. ALEXANDER Drake, formerly Miss Denney). Zhe ‘‘Star of the West.” Actress. A.L.S., 1p. 4to, Aug. 1833, to F. C. Wemyss, naming terms for an engagement, with playbill; A. L. S., 1p. 4to, 1833, interesting theatrical letter (injured by damp, but repaired). (2) 243 DRAMATIC. John R. Scott, Maria C. Piccolomini, John Sinclair, Sol. Smith, William Warren. Actors and Vocalists. Signature of each, with portrait and playbill, mounted on cardboard. (5) 244 C. Leslie Allen, Ed. Hamilton Bell, Henry Bengough, Arthur Bourchier, Charles Calvert, J. W. Carroll, N. B. Clarke, William Davidge, Jr., Farini, Ed. Fitzwilliam. Actors. Perio 10n cack, with portraits, photographs and playbills. (10) 245 Walter M. Leman, Wm. S. Fredericks, John H. Glenroy, Thomas Matthews, Edward Hooper, Thomas H. Morrell, Frank I. Frayne, Simon M. Landis, Jerry Merryfield, Robert Marsh. Actors. A. L. S. of each, with portraits, photographs and playbills. (10) [VY cue 28 | The Arnold Collection. , 246 DRAMATIC. Robert Hilliard, Frank Lawler, Ed. Lamb, Thomas Joyce, Harry Edwards, Robert F. McClannin, John Howson, Thomas W. Keene, Fred. F. Mackay, Matt. V. Lingham. Actors. A. L. S. of each, with portraits, photographs and playbills. (10) William J. Scanlan, William E. Sheridan, Edward H. Sothern, George C. Spear, Jr., John B. Studley, Louis F. Tasistro, Denman Thompson, Charles H. Vandenhoff, W. H. Vernon, and Frederick Warde. Actors. A.L.S. of each, photographs and playbills. (10) 247 248 Evelyn Granville, Jacob Barrow, Milnes Levick, Walter M. Leman, Emma Grattan, Frank Mayo, Jeffreys Lewis, Robt. F. McClannin, Samuel Emery, William H. Murray. Actors and Actresses. A. L. S. of each, with portraits, photographs and play- bills. (10) Charlotte Crampton, Patrick S. Gilmore, Florence Rice Knox, Moses Kimball, Thomas H. Morrell, George Roberts, Henry C. Barnabee, Jules Levy, Ronald R. Mclan,Walter M. Leman. Actors, Managers and Vocalists. A. L. S. of each, with portraits, photo- graphs and playbills. (10) 249 Kathryn Kidder, Marie Prescott, Annie Robe, Katharine Rogers, Lucy Rushton, Fredonia Durang, Martha Partington, Jennie Weathersby, Rose Skerrett, and Adah Richmond. Actresses. A. L. S. of each, with photographs and playbills. (10) 250 251 John Winans, Daniel Whiting, Edward N. Thayer, Henry C. Jarrett, Edwin Kelly, John Nickinson, George W. Wilson, Daniel Scully, Edwin H. Vanderfelt, and George H. Stoddart. Actors. A. L. S. of each, with photographs and playbills. (10) 252 DRAMATIC MISCELLANIES. Daly’s Edition of the School for Scandal; Memories of Daly’s Theatre, 1896; Paderewski and his Art, by H. T. Finck, portrait and illustrations, 1895; Gallery of Players from the Illustrated American, No. 4, with 22 Portraits, 1894; and other scraps, some duplicates. (About 20 pieces—as a lot.) 253 DREW (JOHN—rTHE ELDER Drew). Comedian. A. L. S., 2 pp., 8vo, Sept. 28, 1858; Louisa Drew, A. L. S., 1 p., 8vo, Nov. 29, 1889. (2) 254 DREW (MRS. JOHN—Mrs. Louisa Hunt, formerly Miss Lang). favorite Comedienne, A. L. S., 1 p., 8vo, Aug. 8, 1887. ‘‘Z never acted in London and first appeared in 1827.’’ Photograph in character, playbill of Testimonial Benefit, and cuttings. The Arnold Collection. 29 27 «4755 DU BOIS (HENRI PENE). Historical Essay on the Art of Book- binding. Small 4to, paper, pp. 42. N. Y.: Bradstreet Press, 1883. /7o© 256 DUFF (JOHN). Actor, appeared at the Park Theatre, N.V., in 1814. A. L.S., 1 p., 4to, June 18, 1829. ‘lt ds necessary that Mrs. Duff should play in Baltimore as early as possible.” Rare. / ro 257 DUFFY (WILLIAM). Actor and Manager, partner with Forrest. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, New York, June 21, 1834, to Richard Penn Smith, with playbill; also A. L. S., 1 p. folio, Aug. 1, 1833, mentions For- reste (2) la 258 DUNLAP (WM.) The Italian Father: a Comedy in Five Acts, As Performed at the New York Theatre. First EpitTion. 16mo, eewea, pp, 63. N, Y.-181r0. aN 259 The final sheet of The New York Commercial Advertiser, Mch, 29, 1798. Contains the advertisement of the First Performance of Wm. Dunlap’s Tragedy of ‘‘André.”’ 260 — A History of the American Theatre, with Appendix. (Cata- PO . logue of American Plays and their Authors.) 8vo, cloth (binding proken), 9 N. Y. 1832. '4V 261 ANOTHER Copy. With errata (binding broken). 262 A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Dec. 20, 1832, to Mathew Carey, asking Via assistance in the preparation of his History. ‘‘Any anecdotes, dates, facts, relative to Theatres, plays, players or. Dramatists will aid me.”’ 263 DUNLAP SOCIETY. The Contrast. A Comedy by Royall Tyler. ty ae Introduction by Thomas J.McKee. Facsimiles. 8vo, paper. N.Y.1887. No. t of the Dunlap Society publications; only 75 printed. This and the following lots of these publications are all clean, good copies in the original wrappers. AVA 0 264 — The Father, or American Shandyism; azd André, a Tragedy. Both by William Dunlap. (Nos. 2 and 4 of the Series.) 2 vols. 1887. / 265 Daty (Cuas. P.) First Theater in America. Portrait and fac- wee simile. [Dunlap Society, New Series, No. 1.] 8vo, paper. N.Y.1896. 266 — Mapes (Victor). Duse and the French. Introduction by la) Daniel Frohman. Portrait. 8vo, paper. (List of Dunlap Society members laid in.) [New Series, No. 6.] N. Y. 1898. 267 A Group of Theatrical Caricatures, by L. E. Shipman, z2 plates by W. J. Gladding |New Series, No. 4], 1897; The Circus, its Origin and Growth prior to 1835, by Isaac J. Greenwood, for- traits, etc. |New Series, No. 5], 1898. 2 vols. 8vo, paper. 20 30 The Arnold Collection. _ 268 DUNLAP SOCIETY. Hutton (Laurence). Opening Addresses delivered at first performances in many American Theatres, 1752— 1880 [No. 3], 1887; Occasional Addresses, 1773-1890, edited by Hutton and W. Carey [No. 12]. 2 vols. 8vo, paper. Autobiography of Clara Fisher Maeder, by Douglas Taylor, portraits, etc. [New Series, No. 3], 1897; The Magazine and the Drama, by Jas. H. Pence [New Series, No. 2], 1896. 2 vols. 8vo, paper. Washington and the Theatre, by Paul Leicester Ford, 2//us- trated [New Series, No. 8], 1899; A Wreath of Laurel, being Speeches on Dramatic and Kindred Occasions, by Wm. Winter, portraits |New Series, No. 7], 1898. 2 vols. 8vo, paper. 269 270 Capp (JoHN Bouvs) and Epcetr (E. F.), Players of the Present, Parts I. and II., portraits [New Series, Nos. 9 and 11], 1899-1900; Early American Plays, 1714-1830, by O. Wegelin, In- troduction by John Malone [New Series, No, ro], 1900; Later American Plays, 1831-1900, by R. F. Roden [New Series, No. 12], 1900. 4 Vols. 8vo, paper. Wm. E. Burton, by Wm. L. Keese [No. 14], 1891; Thos. Abthorp Cooper, by J. N. Ireland [No. 5], 1888; Bunker-Hill, a Tragedy in Five Acts, by John Burk, Introduction by Brander Mat- thews [No. 15], 1891; Biennial Reports of the Treasurer and Secty. of the Dunlap Society (2 copies) [No. 6, 1888.] 5 vols. 8vo, paper. WinTER (Wm.), Brief Chronicles (Biographical Sketches of Actors, etc.), 3 Parts [Nos. 7, 8 and ro], 1889-1890; Sketch of John Gilbert [No. rr], 1890; The Actor and other Speeches, chiefly on Theatrical and other occasions [No. 13], 1891. 5 vols. 8vo, paper. 274 DUNMORE (JOHN MURRAY, EARL OF). Colonial Governor of NV. VY. and the last Royal Governor of Virginia. D.S., 2 pp. folio, May 28, 1771, with fine seal. Original patent to Jacob Brewerton and others for 18,000 acres of land in Albany County. 275 DURAND (ASHER B.) Celebrated Painter and Engraver. A. L. 5., 1 p. 8vo, June 24, 1870, in reference to Inman’s portrait of Mac- ready as William Tell. 276 DURANG (CHARLES). Actor, appeared in Philadelphia 1803, Au- thor of History of the Philadelphia Stage. A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, 1847, relative to material for his History and criticising a Life of the elder Booth; A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, to Wescott, concerning the Crom- well Family. (2) 271 si 2 273 278 / / 279 / fu “ 280 Ju 281 lo 282 A 0 283 the, 284 Loy The Arnold Collection. mY DYAS (ADA). Comedienne. Autograph Sentiment Signed, 1 p. 8vo, written for the Fair in aid of the Royal Dramatic College. Photo- graph DYCE (ALEXANDER). Shakespearéan Commentator and Author of ee eraiwe Pos.” A. L.S., 3 pp. 8vo, Mch. 23, 1840, to his pub- lisher, on literary matters; mentions Coleridge. ARLY AMERICAN PLAYS. Altorf: a Tragedy. First Serepreseited in the Theatre of New York, Feb. 19, 1819. By Frances Wright. First EDITION. 12mo, sewed, pp. 83, uncut. Phila.: JZ. Carey, 1819. Presentation copy from the author. Laid in is the MS. of the Epilogue, in the autograph of the author, 2 pp. 4to. The author was a friend of Lafayette. The Discarded Daughter: aComedy. By J. P. Pirsson. 12mo, Sewed. pp, 64, uncut, N.Y. 1832. With presentation inscription from the author. FamiLy Jars: a Musical Farce. Acting copy, with marginal notes. 12mo, sewed, pp. 34 (portions of last two pages torn away). eek, ae: d. Autograph of W. C. Forbes, old-time actor [1833] at the Bowery Theatre, and with the cuts, etc., written in. Irma; or, The Prediction. As performed at the American Theatre, New Orleans. [By J. H. Kennicott.] Portrait of Jas. H. Caldwell, by Iliman & Pilbrow. Crown 8vo, paper, pp. 56. N. Y. 1830. The winner of the prize of $300 offered by Caldwell in New Orleans, Fine im- pression of the portrait. EARLY ENGLISH IMPRINT. The First two partes of the Actes or unchaste examples of the Englyshe Votaryes... By Jhon Bale. Two parts in one (first part dated 1560, the second 1550). 16mo, old smooth black morocco. (Originally the copy has appar- ently belonged to St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, as it has the label of the chapel inserted, and is blind-tooled with the English crown on sides.) Poorcopy. Lond.: Jhon Tisdale [1560]. Pamiey FRINIED LAWS. Edward Ill, anno 47. . Folio, sewed, ff. LXX. (72). With woodcut frontispiece; device of printer on werso 07 fast (deaf, Lond.-: &. Pynson, 1518. This and the following lots of these English Laws are all very rare early imprints. Printed in BLAcK GoTHIC LETTER. 32 285 286 294 oop 296 297 The Arnold Collection. EARLY PRINTED LAWS. Edward IV., ann. 15, 19. Folio, sewed, ff. 44 and 10. With printer's device. (2 pieces.) Lond.: Pynson, n. d. Henry VI., an. 34, 36, 37, 39. Folio, sewed, folios 58, 36, 41 and 54. (4 pieces.) Lond.: Pynson, n. d. Edward IV., ann. 1, 4 and 10. Folio, sewed, folios 10, 30 and 20. (3 pieces.) Lond.: W. Myddleton, n. d. [circa 1540]. Edward IV., ann, 11, 14, 18. Folio, sewed, folios 14, 8 and 31. (3 pieces.) Lond.: Robert Redman, n. d. [circa 1540]. Edward III., ann. 24, 29, 30 and 39. Folio, sewed, folios 51, 64, 42, and 50. (4 pieces.) Lond.: Redman, n. d. [circa 1540. ] Henry VI., ann. 30, 32, 33, 35 and 38. Folio, sewed, folios 18, 40, 62, 76 and 44 (5 pieces.) Lond.: Redman, n. d. [circa 1540]. Henry VIII., an. 14. Folio, sewed, folios 36. Lond.: Rea- man, 1540. Edward IV., ann. 13 and 17, folios 10, 8; Henry VIII., an. 12-13, folios 18. Sewed. (3 pieces.) Lond.: W. Powell, 1548. Edward III., ann. 17, 18, 22 and 25. Folio, sewed, folios 80, 60, 79, and ff. 37-100. (4 pieces.) Lond.: Richard Tottel [circa 1567]. Edward III., ann. 29, 30, 38 and 39, Folios 49, 32, 37, 38, Lond., Zottel, 1585; also, Edward III., an. 21, folios 62, Lond., Tottel, 1584. (5 pieces.) | FARLY (JUBAL A.) Confederate General. A. L. S., % page, 4to, ‘‘ Head Quarters Army of the Potomac,” ordering a supply of blankets, signed as Brig.-Genl.; also, A. L.S, 1p. 4to, Monterey, June 15, 1847, as Major Va. Vols. (2) EATON (CHARLES H.) arly Boston Tragedian. A. L. S., 1p. 4to, Jan. 13, 1841, to Ludlow and Smith, in regard to a Benefit; D. S., t p. 410, Oct. 24, 1842, signature to a theatrical contract with J. S. Jones (his last engagement). Photograph, playbills and Cuttings. are. (2) EDDY (EDWARD). Favorite N. Y. Tragedian. A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, Jany. 27, 1852, to J. B. Wright, with his reply; A. L. S.,2pp. 8vo, 1860, to Davidge, with portraits and playbills; also A. L. S., 1p. 8vo, of Mrs. Eddy (Henrietta Irving). (4) 298 301 302 3°93 304 395 306 irr The Arnold Collection. 33 EDWARDS (HARRY.) Actor, Author and Entomologist. A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, Sept. 22, 1888, in regard to the death of Wallack and William Warren; A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, May 29, 1886, and 1 p. 8vo, May 17, 1888. Photographs, woodcut portraits, programmes of the ‘‘ High Jinks,” and playbills. (3) EDWARDS (NINIAN). Governor of Illinois Territory. A series of letters, 4to and folio, 1813-14, to Gov. Isaac Shelby, relative to the attacks by the Indians. on the frontier settlements, and giving details of massacres, etc. HusToricaL. (5) EDWARDS (PIERPONT). Jlember Continental Congress ; Judge. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to, Nov., 1801, to Aaron Burr, on legal matters. SECOND SESSION. EDWIN (ELIZABETH.—Mkrs. Joun Epwin, Jr.) English Actress. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, to R. H. Elliston. — ‘* Sooner than take § pounds per week from Drury Lane I would hire a garret and take in washing,” etc. Portrait and benefit playbill, July, 10, 1810. ELLISTON (ROBERT W.) Lminent Actor, the first Comedian of vega. Asis. ©. 1 p. 8vo, Portrait in stipple, engraved cari- cature by Cruikshank, and playbills. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo, Jany. 13, 1813, in regard to the produc- tion of a tragedy by Coleridge, at the Surrey Theatre. ‘‘Poor Charles Lamb, [ have known his eccentricities long, but you cannot esteem etther him or Coleridge more than I do.” ELLSLER (FANNY). Danseuse. A. L. S. 3 pp. 8vo. 7th August, 1836. Speaks of the success of her new ballet. Lithograph por- trait as Za Gitana, playbills and cuttings. -ELTON’S THEATRICAL BUDGET. No. 3, New Series, con- taining comic songs, recitations, etc. yrontispiece, Mr. L1ilson as Paul Pry (colored). 16mo, sewed, 96 pp., uncut. N. Y. 1828. Rare. EMERSON (RALPH WALDO). Zssayist and Poet. A. L. S, 3 pp. 8vo, Jany. 28, 1866, in regard to a series of lectures in western cities. 34 Fae 3°7 wo 308 vk, 309 310 VW (5 ie 312 y 314 316 The Arnold Collection. EPISCOPAL BISHOPS. Thomas Atkinson, George Burgess, Manton Eastburn, Thomas M. Clark, George W. Doane. A. L. S., 8vo, of each. (5) B. T. Onderdonk, Horatio Potter, W. H. Odenheimer, W. R. Whittingham, A. Cleveland Coxe. A. L. S., 4to or 8vo, of each. (5) William Meade, John H. Hobart, J. P. K. Henshaw, Jackson Kemper, Alfred Lee. A. LS.) 4to, of eacumamee J. P. B. Wilmer, John H. Hobart, John Paynes biel eee donk, W. H. Odenheimer. A. L. S., 4to or 8ve, Gi Gachia a) ERICSSON (JOHN). Woted Engineer and Inventor. D.S., 1 p. folio, June 20, 1844. Assignment of his patent for improvements in locomotives. ESQUEMELING (JOHN). The History of the Bucaniers of America. 9 portratts and plates. 2 vols. 12mo, old calf, gilt (rebacked).: Lond. 3741. EVERETT (EDWARD). Statesman, Orator and Author. A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to, Sept. 3, 1833, to George Bush, relative to the literary merits of Gibbon. Proof portrait. EY TINGE (ROSE—Mrs. Cyril Searle). Favorite Actress. A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, May 14, 1886, regretting her inability to appear at the Harry Edwards Benefit. Photograph, playbills of ‘‘ Rose Michel,’’ and cuttings, i eee (SUMNER LINCOLN). American Poet. A. L.S., 3 pp. 4to, Harper’s Ferry, Aug. 30, 1827. Interesting letter, giving a description of the National Armory at that place. FALCONER (WILLIAM). Scotch Poet; noted for ** The Ship- wreck.’ Small D.S., 1 p., 1768. Receipts for payment for his Eocene (2) FARREN (WILLIAM). Znglish Comedian, the celebrated ‘* Sir Peter Teazle,” A. L., 3rd person. 1 p. 8vo. Portrait and play- bills, including his last appearance and Farewell Benefit, July 16, 1855. The Arnold Collection. 35 318 FAUCIT (HELEN—Lapy Martin). Actress. A. D.5S., 1 p. 4to, ‘ake April 2, 1884, a quotation from Cymbeline, with playbills; Sir Theodore Martin, English Author, A. D. S., 1 p. 4to, a translation from Heine. (2) aT 319 FAWCETT (JOHN). Znuglish Comedian. A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, Nov. 15, 1828; Pass, signed, to Covent Garden Theatre, 1827, and por- trait incharacter. (2) 320 FECHTER (CHARLES). ZLnglish Actor and Manager. A. L.S., ha faper ovo, March 19, 1872. ° Very sine. 321 FENNELL (JAMES). Aetor and Author; appeared in America in Pog. 5., 2 pp. 4to, Phila., Dec. 13, 1814, to his son, con- taining much good advice. EXTREMELY RARE. 322 FENNO (AUGUSTUS W.) favorite Actor, A.L.S., 4 pp. 8vo, //0 Sept. 17, 1855, giving a long and full account of his theatrical career. Playbills. 323 FERON (MME. E.) Vocalist and Actress, appeared at the Park Theatre in 1828. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Albany, July 30, 1833, apply- ing for an engagement at the Pittsburgh Theatre. Scarce. SPV 324 FIELD (EUGENE). The Story of Two Friars. How One Friar Met the Devil and Two Pursued Him. Square 16mo, boards, uncut and unopened. Chicago: /. MW. Morris, 1900. Only 300 copies printed in BLACK LETTER with red initials. Ee 325 FIELD (JOSEPH M.) Comedian, Editor and Author. A. L. S., folio, April 17, 1853, to N. M. Ludlow. ‘‘ Brooke closes in nae nights—TI should like to hire the music of Cinderella from De Bar,” etc. Playbills. 326 FINCH (HENEAGE, LORD). Lord High Chancellor, D.5S., 1 folio, Nov. 29, 1672, approving an application for a vacant Rec- tory in the Diocese of Canterbury. Portrait. 327 FINN (HENRY J.) Comedian ; lost in the burning of the steamer ‘Ae Pyoinacton. A. L.-S., 3 pp. 4to, Jany. 12, 1840, to F. C. Wemyss, an interesting letter on theatrical matters, and the LasT written by Finn, the Lexington having been burned Jany. 13. Playbill of the Benefit to the Widow and Orphans of Finn, March 21, 1840. Penal. S.2 pp. 4t0, ec.31,-1833, toh. C. Wemyss, bitterly complaining of the manner in which he had been treated at the Pittsburgh Theatre. 328 ) Oo 36 The Arnold Collection. 329 FLAXMAN (JOHN). Zminent English Sculptor. A.L. S., 1 p. 4to, Jany. 5, 1816, with statement of account for the monument to Genl. Simcoe in Exeter Cathedral. 330 FLETCHER (BENJAMIN). Colonial Governor of New Vork and Pennsylvania, D.S. 1 p. small 4to. New York, November 12, 1695. are. 331 FLORENCE (WILLIAM J.) Comedian. A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, to William Winter. Photograph as Bardwell Slote, playbills and cuttings. 332 FLOYD (WILLIAM R.) Actor and Manager. A.L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Wallack’s, Oct. 28, 1880, to William Winter; L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Sept. 27, 1872, also signed by Arthur Cheney. Portrait and playbills. (2) 333 FLYNN (THOMAS). Zngiish Actor, boon companion of the elder Looth. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Sept. 10, 1842, toJ. S. Jones, expressing a desire to play at the Tremont Theatre, Boston. Good theatrical letter and very rare. A. L.S. 1p. 4to. Baltimore, Jany. 18, 1838. ‘‘ We open on Monday with the best of the Park Company—O’ Connell and Repeal might do something during the excitement, 5 ef 335 FOOTE (MARIA—CountEss or Harrineton), English Comedienne, A. L. S., 4 pp. 12mo, May 14, to Miss Curtis, in regard to an en- agent at Drury Lane; Samuel J. Foote, father of Maria Foote, A. L. S., 2 p. 4to, 1814, referring to the performances of his daughter. (2) 336 FOOTE (SAMUEL). Actor and Dramatist. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, TO Davip GaRRIcK. ‘‘ Weakand in anguish as I am it ts impossible for me to resist telling my Dear Mr. Garrick by my own hand how sensibly I am affected by all the kind, Friendly things he sent to me,” etc. A FINE. SPECIMEN OF THIS RARE NAME. 337 FORREST (EDWIN). Life of Edwin Forrest, the American Tragedian. By W.A. Alger. Portraits in character, etc. 2 vols. 8vo, in the original sheets, uncut and unopened. Phil. 1877, 334 338 Aw L.S.,.2 ph 4to,, Boston enlay 15, 1830, to P. M. Wetmore, requesting him to pay $200 to George Holland. ‘‘ The audiences which L have attracted here have not been overflowing,” etc. Biography. 339 A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Phil., July 28, 1833, giving a list of parts. for a Pittsburgh engagement. ‘‘ Reserve Metamora and the Gladiator, the MSS. of which are in the hands of Mr. Allen.” Portrait. ho 341 Loo 342 343 ce are 348 349 wo / 0 2G The Arnold Collection. a7 FORREST (EDWIN). A.L.S., 1p. 8vo, July 24, 1864, enquiring whether Miss Freeman would be competent to. play juvenile parts with him; James Oakes, A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, Dec. 6, 1862, relative to a performance of Forrestin Boston, ‘‘What appreciation can you expect from an audience, many of whom, I dare say, don’t know who wrote Macbeth.” Portrait of Forrest and ten playbills, giving him in a round of characters. (2) A.L.S. 1p. 4to. ‘‘L can begin with you at the Tremont on Monday —the opening play ‘Lady of Lyons,’ Pauline, Miss Clifton,” etc. Playbill. FOSTER (STEPHEN C.) Noted Song-writer and Composer of Negro Melodies, A. L.S. 1p. 8vo. Feby. 11, 1863. ! FOUCHE (JOSEPH). famous Minister of Police of Napoleon. L, S. Official. 1 p. 4to. 7th year of the Republic. Portrait. FRANCIA(JOSEG.R.) Zhe famous Dictator of Paraguay. A. L. S. %p. 4to. 1820. Very rare. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). Signer Declaration of Independence. A. D.S. 1p. folio. April 5, 1788, as President of Pennsylvania. Two fine signatures. FRY (ELIZABETH). minent English Philanthropist. A. L. S. fi ovo. jany. 10, 1830. . [FURMAN (GARRITT).] The Maspeth Poems. First Epirton, Portrait and plates, mostly by A. B. Durand. Square 12mo, original boards. N. Y. 1837. Autograph presentation copy from theauthor. Rare. The poems are of local Long Island interest. FUSELI (HENRY). JAistorical Painter and Author. A.U.'S. 1p. 8vo. Dec. 15, 1818. With printed invitation to dinner of the Royal Academy to:celebrate His Majesty’s Birthday, 1815. AINES (EDMUND P.)- Genl. in Mexican War and War of G iéi2. A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to, Jan. 9, 1814, to Gov. Shelby, direct- ing that the Kentucky militia be sent to Louisiana, and requesting that he be advised of any information as to the prospect of an attack by the British on New Orleans. HiusToricAt. GALLATIN (ALBERT); Henry Dearborn; James Guthrie; C. M. Conrad; W. H. Crawford; A. J. Dallas; John Boyle; Henry D. Gilpin; Edward Everett; W. J. Duane. Cadsnet Officers. Official ieec,4t0, Of each, “(to) 38 The Arnold Collection. 351 GAMES. The Complete Poker Player, by J. Blackbridge; Pole on Whist, with the Portland Rules; Games for Gentlemen, by Capt. Crawley. 3 vols. crown 8vo, cloth and paper. N. Y. and Lond. ‘1860-1879. 352 GANNON (MARY). Favorite N. Y. Actress. AL Sea 4 pp. 8vo, Aug. 16, in regard to the Wallack Company. Mentions Blake, Brougham, Mrs. Hoey, and others. Scarce, 353 GANSEVOORT (HENRY 5S.) Memorial, with Notes. Edited by J. C. Hoadley. Mumerous portraits. Post 8vo, half morocco. Laid in is an A. L. S. of Abraham Lansing. Bost.: Privately printed, 1875. 3 354 GARRICK (DAVID). Actor and Dramatist. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, to Dr. Markham—a letter of congratulation. Portrait, biography and contemporary cutting. 355 D. S., 1 p. small 4to, July 5, 1735, of Mrs. A. Garrick (mother of David Garrick), being an Order for payment of £4 on Capt. Gar- rick’s account, the body of the draft in the autograph of Garrick. 356 GENEALOGY. Americans of Royal Descent, reproduced from Recognized Authorities, Privately Printed Family Histories and - MS. Pedigrees. By Chas. H. Browning. 2 vols. royal 8vo, buck- ram, uncut. Phila. 1397. The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island, comprising three generations who came before 1690. Thick 4to, cloth, 4 pp. of insertions and corrections laid in. Albany, 1887. - 357 358 Ancestry of 33 Rhode Islanders (born in the 18th Century). Charts of Roger Williams’ Descendants, Lewis Latham’s American Descendants, etc. By J. O. Austin. 4to, cloth. Albany, 1889. The Ancestral Dictionary. Dedicated to the memory of Lewis Latham. By J. O. Austin. Portrait, 8vo, cloth. Central Falls, R. E. [1891]. 160 Allied Families. By J. O. Austin. Mumerous tables, plans, etc. Portrait. 4to, cloth. [Salem, Mass., 1893. ] 361 GENEALOGICAL PAMPHLETS. A Lancashire Pedigree Case: a History of the Trials of the Harrison Estates, 1873-1886; The Town Book of Old Middleton, Quaker Records of Shrewsbury, N. J., by E. J. Stillwell; Genealogy of the Family of Arnold, 1879; The Jaunceys of New York, 1876. -(4 pieces.) . ce 360 The Arnold Collection. 39 GENEALOGICAL PAMPHLETS. Report of the Booth Asso- ciation of the U. S. (Booth Family), 1868; Report of the Jennings Association, 1863; Report of the Follansbee Association, 1865; Report of the Brown Association, 1868. (4 pieces.) GERMON (EFFIE). favorite N. Y. Actress. A.L.S. 1p. 8vo., June 16, 1869. Photograph and playbills. GERRY (ELBRIDGE). Signer Declaration of Independence; Vice- Ween A. 1, S., 1 p. 4to, Sept. 22, 1775, to Tristram Dalton, in reference to a deserter. ‘‘ Zhe General will not be fond of admitting such unfaithful persons.” FINE REVOLUTIONARY LETTER. GIBBON (EDWARD). WAistorian. A. L.S., 2 pp., 4to, Bayonne, 16 April, 1762, to a young lady, giving an account of manners and customs in France. Sine and rare. GIFFORD (WILLIAM). Lminent English Critic and Author. A L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, Oct., 1824, to T. F. Dibdin, on literary matters. GILBERT (GEORGE H.) -£uglish Actor and Dancer. A. L.S., I. p. 4to, July 6, 1859, to John T. Ford, requesting an engagement; states that Mrs. Gilbert has played Lady Macbeth with Edwin Booth. GILBERT (MRS. A. J.) The best representative of old women on the American stage. A. L. 5S., 1 p. 8vo, March 26, 1890, to Augustin Daly. Playbill and biography. fmiebeR! (JOHN). Actor. A. L..S., t p.'4to, May 14, 1888; playbills of the last performances of Zhe School for Scandal by the_ Wallack Co. at Wallack’s and Park Theatres, and of Hamlet by the leading players of America in honor of Lester Wallack, each signed by Gilbert. Photograph and cuttings. (3) A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Feb. 8, 1888; also letters of Osmond Tearle, Harry Edwards, Gerald Eyre and Elizabeth Ponisi; play- bill of School for Scandal, Robert’s Opera House, Oct. 3, 1881, with the five names in the cast. (5) halo. 3 ppi.8vo. June 13.05883.. ery interesting letter in regard to the closing performances of the Wallack Company. ‘‘ For twenty-six years [ had been a member of this company, and the dts- bandment of this home of pure art is a cause of deep regret,’’ Photograph and cuttings. : The Arnold Collection. GILFERT (CHARLES). Leader of orchestra in Park Theatre ana Manager of the Bowery Theatre, 1826. A.L.S., 1p. folio, New York, Nov. 26, 1827, to Wemyss, asking the loan of the music of the Opera of Malvina. Scarce. GILLRAY (JAMES). Celebrated Caricaturist. A. L., 3rd person, 2 pp. small 4to, Sept. 27, 1800, original rough draft of letter relative to designs for illustrating the Antijacobin; also similar rough drafts of letters, 5 pp., all in Gillray’s handwriting, and letters from J. H. Frere and J. Hawksworth, to Gillray, concerning his work. Jmfer- esting series. (4) GLADSTONE (WILLIAM E.) English Statesman, Orator and Author, A. L.S., 3 pp. 8vo, May 17, 1843,) tosh eee ‘““7t ts true that I am adopted tnto the Cabinet, and will, I fear, be alleged as a proof of its poverty.”’ SPECIALLY FINE. GLYN (ISABELLA~—Mrkrs. E. S. Datuas). TZragedienne. A.L.S., 3 pp. 8vo, 1870, to William Winter, announcing her immediate sailing for America. Portraits, playbill and biography. GODWIN (WILLIAM). Znxglish Novelist and Political Writer. A. L. S., 4 pp. 4to, Aug. 10, 1845, to Amelia Curran. Fine friendly letter; mentions Bonaparte, who ‘‘ has been sent off like a transported felon to the remotest corner of the globe.” 7 The original MSS. of ‘‘Sr. Leon, a TALE OF THE SIXTEENTH Century ” (his first novel), over 400 pages 4to, all in his writing, bound in full crimson morocco, gilt. GOTTSCHALK (LOUIS M.), Composer and Pianist, aut. music score, I p. small 4to, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1855; Leopold de Meyer, Com- poser and Pianist, A. L. 3., 1 p. 8v0; 0; Gs (2) GOUFFE (J. H.) The celebrated ‘““Man-Monkey,” appeared at Bowery Theatre in 1831. A. L.S., 1 p.-4to, Richmond Hill Theaters June 24, 1836, naming terms for an engagement. GOUNOD (CHARLES). Composer of ‘‘Faust” and other well-known Operas. A. L.S. 3 pp. 8vo. Jany. 25, 16735 Shorter GRANGER (REV. J.) A Biographical History of England from Egbert to the Revolution, Vols. 1, 2 and 4; also Noble’s Continua- tion to George I., complete in 3 vols. 8vo, sheets separated for extra-illustrating. (As 6 vols.) Lond. 1804-06. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with over two hundred portraits laid in, among them being en- gravings by R. White, scarce early portraits, reproductions of unique prints, etc., etc. The Arnold Collection. 41 382 GRANGER (REV. J.) 406 Portraits to illustrate Granger’s Bio- LTO graphical History of England. Engraved from rare originals by P Elstracke, Faithorne, Hollar, Gaywood, etc. 2 vols. thick 8vo, boards. Lond., n. d. Edition limited to 50 copies. ly 383 GREENE (NATHANAEL). An Examination of Statements con- / cerning Gen. Greene in Bancroft’s History of the U. S. By Geo. W. Greene. 8vo, paper, pp. 86. Bost. 1866. 384 GRIMALDI (JOSEPH). famous Clown. A. L. §., 1 p. 8vo, to John Fawcett. Application for an Order to Covent Garden Theatre. fine and very rare. 4 385 GRISI (JULIA). One of the greatest Italian Singers. A.L.S. 1p. N 4to. March 16, 1846: Portrait. ane 386 GROUCHY (EMANUEL). WMafoleon’s Marshal. A.L.S. 1p. / 4to. 18 Augt. 1814. : 387 GUILLOTIN (JOSEPH IGNACE). Jnventor of the machine called . arson Of 426 /0 . 427 JO 428 ey ry Oo Pay et? aa 431 bee 45" Dd | The Arnold Collection. A5 HORN (CHARLES E.) Actor and Vocalist; appeared at Park Thea- tre in 1827. Three A. L.S., each p. 4to. 1827-29. (3) HORSMANDEN (DANIEL). Chief Justice of Colony of New York and Author of ‘‘ History of the Negro Plot.” D.S. 1 p. folio. August 22, 1766. HUDSON (JAMES). Noted Irish Comedian. A.L.5., 1 p. 4to, N. Y., July 11, 1853, signed also by Anna Thillon; also A. L.5., 3 pp. 8vo, arranging details of his New York engagement. Por- trait, playbills and biography. (2) HULL (WILLIAM). General in War 1812. L.S., 1 p. 4to, Feby. 10, 1814, complaining that his pay as Brig.-Genl. in the army has been stopped by reason of his arrest. Portrait. HUNT (LEIGH). Popular English Poet and Author, A.L.S. 1p. ato. April 13, 1831. Signed A. ZL. Hunt. On financial matters. HUTCHINSON (JUDSON J.) Vocalist; leader of the Hutchinson Family. A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, March 17, 1856; John W. Hutchinson, A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, May 26,1872. Lithograph of the Hutchinson family, concert programme, and cuttings. (2) HUTTON (LAURENCE). Plays and Players. Post 8vo, cloth. Autograph presentation copy from the author. N. Y. 1875. Curiosities of the American Stage. Mumerous portraits, fac- stmiles, etc. Post 8vo, crimson cloth, gilt, uncut. N.Y. 1891. ANOTHER copy. In the original sheets, uncut and unopened, with cloth case. Presentation copy from the author. Literary Landmarks of Edinburgh. Illustrated. Post 8vo, in the original sheets, unbound. N. Y. 1891. Autograph presentation inscription from the author. Laid in is Mr. Hutton’s book- plate. NCHBALD (ELIZABETH). Actress, Dramatist and Noveltst. | A. L.S., 1p. 8vo, to Mr. Hamilton. Portrait, playbill of Zhe Comedy of Errors, 1786, and biography. INCLEDON (CHARLES). Z£nglish Vocalist. A.D.S., % p. 4to, “J July 15, 1815, portrait, playbills, a song, and cuttings; Charles E. Horn, Vocalist and Composer, A.L.S., 3 pp. 8vo, May 16, 1843, in re- gard to his first concert in America. Benefit playbills. (2) INGELOW (JEAN). oetess: A.L.S. 3 pp. 8vo, 12mo._ n.d. Friendly letter. if 1 q 46 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 The Arnold Collection. INMAN (HENRY). Portrait Painter and Author. A. L.S., 1 p- 4to, Nov. 11, 1841, in regard to a painting of ‘‘ Zhe Trappers; with fine pencil drawing of a female figure by Inman. (2) [IRELAND (JOSEPH N.)]_ Fifty Years; or, A Play-Goer’s Journal, 1798-1848. With Biographical Sketches of the Principal Performers. By H.N..D. Preliminary to Ireland’s History of the New York Stage. 3 Parts (all published), 12mo, paper, paged con- secutively 288. N. Y. [1860]. Records of the New York Stage, 1750-1860. 2 vols. 4to, unbound, uncut and unopened. N. Y. 1866. 1 of only 60 copies issued on 4to paper. Rare. ANOTHER copy, also 4to Edition. 2 vols. ONE OF 3 COPIES PRINTED ON DrAwinG Paper. Vol. I. in full crimson morocco; Vol. II. in sheets. Mr. A. Simpson’s copy. A series of letters from Nov. 1886, to Sept., 1893, filled with theatrical data and items of interest to the student of the Drama. (y6) IRVING (HENRY). Henry Irving. A Biographical Sketch. By Austin Brereton. 177 full-page portraits after Whistler and others. Royal 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1884. Henry Irving, a Critical Study, by Wm. Archer, fortrazt, Lond. [1883], autograph of Owen Fawcett on cover; A Criticism of a Critic’s Criticism (reply to Mr. Archer’s book), by An Irvingite, Lond. 1883; A Short Account of Irving’s Public Life, portrait. . 3 vols. 12mo0, boards and paper. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, June 13, 1882; Ellen Terry, signature and dates 7) (2) Menu of Dinner given to Irving at the Lotus Club, Dec. 16, 1893, containing six different portraits (five in character) of Irving, and signed by him, Francis Wilson and Edw’d S. Willard. Unique. IRVING (WASHINGTON). Distinguished Author and Humorist. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Nov. 4, 1834, to William Sullivan, asking the loan of a copy of ‘‘Macculloch’s Researches.” ACKSON (ABRAM W.) Actor, rebuilt the Bowery Theatre 1845- Two A. L. S., each 2 pp. folio, to Wemyss, giving particulars of Baltimore theatres. Interesting. (2) JACKSON (ANDREW). President. L.S.as Major-Genl., 3 pp- Ato, July 21, 1814, to Gov. Holmes. Directs that a regiment be held in readiness to march against the Indians. HISTORICAL. The Arnold Collection. 47 2) ci 448 JAMES (GEORGE P.R.) Wovelist and Historian, A. L.S. 1p. LI 0 8vo. Brussels, 1841. In French. 449 JAMIESON (GEORGE). Woted Impersonator of the Negro, prominent Pom eerecrses! arvorce case. A. L. 5S: Ap. 4to.- Oct. 9, 1849. ‘“‘Z have a new play which will be a stunner.”’ 450 JANAUSCHEK (FANNY). JTZvagedienne. A. L. S. 3 pp. 8vo. Jan. 14, 1890. ‘‘Zhe American public prefer to see acted the part of Lady Macbeth by a young, inexperienced girl—uit ts very different in the old country,” etc. Photograph, playbills and cuttings. 451 JEFFERSON (JOSEPH). Comedian and Author. A.L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. ‘‘ Steamer Abyssinia, off Queenstown.” 452 JEFFERSON (THOMAS). Signer Dec. Independence ; President. Peeleeo 2 p. 4to,: Monticello, May 12, 1821, to John Q. Adams, thanking him for a copy of his Report on Weights and Measures. 453 JERDAN (WILLIAM). Author and Critic. A. L.S. 1 p. 4to. n.d. ‘‘/ only want the Sinews of War to put the plan on its feet,” etc. ae Crofton Croker. 454 JOHNSON (DR. SAMUEL). One of the most eminent English Writers Gee ras Century, A. L.S., 2 pp. 4to, London, Sept. 20, 1783, to the Rev. Dr. Taylor. ‘‘/ have a dreadful disease which nothing but Mr. Pott’s Knife can remove, and the operation is not without danger, but I think it more prudent to venture,” etc. VERY FINE. 455 JOHNSON (SIR WILLIAM). General in French and Indian War ; Delegate to Albany Convention 1754. A. L. S., 1 p. folio, Dec. 9, 1754, to Richard Peters, in regard to the Six Nations. HisTORICAL. Portrait from the ‘‘ London Magazine.” 436 JOHNSTON (ROBERT). Old Time N. Y. Actor. Original Pro- spectus of the ‘‘American Encyclopedia Dramatica,” with MS. circular signed by the Author (Johnston). 457 JOHNSTON (HENRY ERSKINE). £nglish Actor and Comedian. Ate S. 3 pp. 4to, April.1o, 1837, to F.C. Wemyss. Gives an interesting account of his troubles while en rouze to Pittsburg. Portrait in character. 458 JOHNSTONE (JOHN). Jrish Comedian and Vocalist; father-in-law to James W. Wallack, A. L.S. 1p. 4to. April 30. “‘L shall be — miserable till I have the song back—I am the worst study on Earth.” \ 48 The Arnold Collection. 459 JONES (GEORGE—true Count Joannes). TZvragedian and Author. A. L.S., 4 pp. 8vo, Mch. 5, 1845, to G. P. R. James, soliciting his aid in obtaining a presentation at Court. Mentions his receptions by the Kings of France and Prussia, the Duke of Wellington, etc. Curious and characteristic. 460 Large lot of Letters addressed to the Count concerning his legal troubles, professional tours, etc., many with his drafts of reply, including an interesting letter of E. L. Davenport; also curious printed poems and cuttings. (Asa lot.) 461 JORDAN (MRS. DOROTHEA BLAND). Jamous Actress, Mis- tress of the Duke of Clarence. D. S. % p. 4to. London, Aug, 6, 1813. Endorsement upon a draft for £50, payable to her order, on account of Covent Garden Theatre. 462 JUDSON (EDWARD Z. C.—‘‘Nep Buntuine”). Actor, Author and Solder, accused of Leading the Astor Place Riots, 1849. A. L. S., Ip. 4to, 1849. Portrait at head of the sheet, playbill and cuttings. 463 JUNIUS. The Handwriting of Junius professionally investigated. By Chas. Chabot. With Preface and Evidence by Hon. Ed. Twistle- ton. Mumerous facsimiles of the letters, and comparative facsimiles from Junius and Sir Philip Francis, etc. Thick 4to, cloth. Lond. 1871. 464 EAN (CHARLES). Actor and Manager, son of Edmund Kean. kK A. L. S. 3 pp. 8vo. Oct. 30, 1849. Mentions Buckstone and Boucicault. ‘‘ The Drama ts very pretty and interesting, but not at all up to the mark for us.” Portraits and playbills. 465 KEAN (MRS. CHARLES—ELLEN Tree), English Actress. A.L.S , 3 pp. 8vo, June 3, 1867, to Mrs. Gibson, giving details of Mr. Kean’s illness. Portraits and playbills. 466 KEAN (EDMUND). Tve Great Tragedian. A. L. S., 2 pp. ato, Aug. 30, 1821, to R. W. Elliston. A fine and interesting letter in regard to his impersonation of Shakespearean characters. ‘‘/f we hada Mrs. Stddons for the Julia, the play might be made of consequence— Lear, L think too, very well worthy of our consideration,” etc. Playbills of Richard III. and of King Lear, biographies and cuttings. 467 KEAN (MRS. MARY). Wife of Edmund Kean, Actress. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, June 8, 1817, to Miss Porter. Mentions her ‘‘ Ztile boy” (Charles Kean, who was born in 1811). Playbill. 8 LJ 0 47 The Arnold Collection. 49 KEELEY (ROBERT). Znglish Comedian. A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, Sept. 10, 1838, to Charles Mathews, relative to terms for an engagement. Portrait as Billy Black, published by Kenneth, and playbill. Pee Te. Ato, trds; Ae Leos, rp. Svo, Oct. 12, 1858; also Mrs. Keeley, A. L. S., 1p. 12mo, Nov. 26, 1846, and two A. L., 3rd person, with portrait as Zése¢fe, drawn by Cruikshank. (5) KEENE (LAURA), 4etress and Manager, A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, Oct. 12, 1863, in regard to her Western trip, ‘‘ Zhey ke me and the houses ‘have steadily increased,’ etc.; also D: S. (legal), 4 pp. folio, 1859. (2) KELLY (FRANCES H.), LZyglish Comedienne, A. L. S., 4 pp. 4to, June rg, 1826, proof portrait, playbills and cuttings; Lydia E. Kelly (her sister), played in U.S., A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Sept. 30, 1823, proof portrait and playbills. (2) KELLY (FRANCES MARIA). Lnglish Actress and Vocalist. A.L.S. 3 pp. 8vo. Oct. 14, 1826. ‘‘Z cannot consent to be payed for doing nothing,” etc. Benefit playbill and 4 portraits in character. KELLY (LYDIA). Lnglish Actress, played tn all the important Amert- can theatres asa Star. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Nov. 26, 1827, to F. C. Wemyss, complaining of her treatment by Warren, with draft -of reply on same sheet. KELLY (MICHAEL). Jrish Composer and Vocalist. A. L.S., rp. 8vo, June 2, 1826, to Ben. Webster, thanking him for his kindness at his Benefit. Portrait. A Collection of over too Letters of Kelly, with curious verses, many playbills and a large number of contemporary cuttings, arranged chronologically. A remarkable lot. KEMBLE (ADELAIDE—Mkrs. Sarroris), Daughter of Charles Kemble, Vocalist, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, in regard to a concert; A. L., 3rd person, 1p. 12m0. (2) KEMBLE (CHARLES). Z£nglish Actor and Author. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. GARRICK CLus, March 14, 1846. Interesting letter relative to the management of the Covent Garden and Haymarket Theatres. Portrait and playbills. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo (New York), to John Howard Payne, curtly declining to appear ata Complimentary Benefit, with long endorse- ment in handwriting of Payne as to Kemble’s conduct in the matter and his reasons therefor. 479 480 48I 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 490 The Arnold Collection. KEMBLE(FANNY)) Actress and Authoress. A. L. S., 5 pp. 8vo, to Miss Boyle, stating that she has no acquaintance among Ameri- - can publishers. Very fine. A. L.S., ‘* Fanny,” 3 pp. 4to, Aug. 22, 1845, in regard to literary matters and her family troubles. A most pathetic letter, written only a few days before leaving her husband’s house. Inlaid. KEMBLE (JOHN PHILIP). Zminent English Tragedian. A.L.S., Ip. 4to, Dublin, June 19, 1800, to Joseph C. Walker, with fine seal. ‘* We are engaged every Day during the Remainder of our short stay in Ireland,” Portrait, playbill of Hamlet, Edinburgh, 1812, and biography. | KENSETT (JOHN F.) Vainter and Engraver. A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, Paris, Dec. 10, 1848, on art matters. Gives an interesting aceount of his Parisian experiences with Durand and Rossiter. KENT (JAMES). Chancellor of N. Y.; eminent Jurist. A. L. S. 1p. 4to.. Sept. 6, 1813. Legal Satta o KIEFT (WILHELM). Colonial Governor of New Vork, the Fifth Dutch Governor of New Netherlands. Official D. S. in Dutch, 1 p. folio, NEw AMSTERDAM, AUG. 7, 1643. One corner injured by damp, otherwise in splendid condition, and EXTREMELY RARE. KILNER (THOMAS). Actor and Manager; appeared at the Park Theatre in 1815, A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, 1836, to F. C. Wemyss, men- tions Mrs. Austin, Mrs. Sloman and others; Henry J. Finn, A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, signed also by Kilner. are. (2) KINGSLEY (CHARLES). Lnglish Writer. A. L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. Nov. 18, 1850. KIRBY (J. HUDSON), Actor and Manager, played at the Richmond fill Theatre, N. Y., in 1839, A. L. S., 1 p 4to, Feby.. ea autenne Wemyss, in relation to a Benefit; also D. S., 1 p. folio, Mch. 23, 1840, an agreement for a six months’ engagement at $15 per week. (2) KNIGHT (EDWARD). Popular Comedian and Vocalist, A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Nov. 27, 1821, to R. Phillips, advising him what changes to make in his new play. A fine theatrical letter. Portrait, playbills and biography. KNOWLES (JAMES SHERIDAN.) Celebrated Dramatist and Actor, A. L.S.; 1 p. 8vo, May 5, 1855. Inlaiceeseseme KOTZEBUE (AUGUST F. VON). Celebrated German Dramatist. A. L.S., 1p. 4to, April 8, 1786, with wax seal. Beautiful specimen. The Arnold Collection. 7 eo! if JD 493 etre (GILBERT M. DE). Major-General in Revolu- tion. A.L.S.,1 p. 4to, 1784, to Genl. Elias Dayton, in English. 0 492 LA GRANGE (ANNA DE). Ofera Singer. Music Score with )-/ 0 )/0 at ae 499 words, with signature and date, March 17, 18809. 493 LAMOTTE (COMTESSE DE VALOIS DE.) Celebrated Adven- turess, Mistress of Cardinal de Rohan, whom she induced to buy for Queen Marie Antoinette the famous diamond necklace. A. L. S8., 1 p. 12mo, Paris, 8 Oct., 1785. To her notary, authorizing him to make a payment to her sister, by whom it is alsosigned. OF THE GREATEST RARITY. | 494 LANDON (LETITIA E.) Popular English Poetess. A. L. Sige DD: 4to, n. d., to Charles Heath, suggesting the issue of a book of female biography with portraits; also, Autograph Poem, Shuhur, 2pp. 4to. (2) 495 LANDSEER (SIR EDWIN). Celebrated Painter of Animals. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Feby. 14, 1862, to David Roberts. 496 LANGTRY (LILLIE). Lnglish Actress and Professional Beauty. A. L.S., 4 pp. 8vo, to William Winter, thanking him for a criticism. ‘“7¢ was so good of you and has been sucha help to ewe we Ortrait, photograph and playbill. 497 LAPSLEY (GAILLARD T.) The County Palatine of Durham. A Study in Constitutional History. 8vo, cloth, Harvard Hist. Series, No. 8. N. Y. 1900. . 498 LAW. American Law Review, 1866-1894 (complete), with Index, 1866-79; 1895 (lacks Nos. 1,5 and 6); 1896 (lacks Nos. 1, 2 and 4); 1897, complete; 1898 (lacks Nos. 4 and 5); 1899 (lacks Nos. 1, 4 and 6). In the original numbers. (Asa lot.) Various numbers of the New York Criminal Reports from 1884 to 1901. Edited by T. Connolly, H. L. Vilas, and W. H. Silvernail. Vols. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 10 complete [1884-1896]; also, 28 various numbers of other years to February, 1901. 8vo, paper. (As a lot.) soo LEAR (TOBIAS). Secretary to Genl. Washington ; Diplomatist. A. L. S., 1p. 4to, June 24, 1803, to Bushrod Washington, request- ing settlement of bis account for services rendered the Estate of Genl. Washington; also L. S., 1 p. 4to, Eo, ante) 52 501 502 es’ 504 sh) 506 597 508 Eo The Arnold Collection. LE CLERQ (CARLOTTA—Mkrs. Joun NEtson). Actress. A.L.S., 4 pp. 8vo, Oct. 6, 1874, relative to a production of Cymbeline. LEE (ARTHUR). Déplomatist of the Revolution. A. L., 2 pp. folio, Annapolis, Feb. 24, 1784, franked. Fine political letter to Theo- dorick Bland, giving proceedings of Congress, and complaiuing of the action of Jefferson in the election of a Secretary for Foreign Affairs. HISTORICAL. LEE (HENRY). Colonel of Lee's Legion, ‘‘ Light-Horse- Harry.”” A. L.S. 1p. folio, Sept. 1, 1794, Si@nedmaatas LEE (MARY ANN). WDanseuse and Actress. A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, Phila., Aug. 28, 1846, to Ludlow & Smith, stating conditions under which she will make an engagement, and on reverse A. L. S. from Sol. Smith, agreeing to her terms. Playbills. are. LEE (RICHARD HENRY). Signer Dec. Independence. A. L. S., 4 pp. 4to, April 20, 31781. An important Revolutionary letter. Refers to the retreat of Cornwallis, the movements of Greene and the proposed enlistment of German prisoners, ‘‘ who would rather serve us than thetr old masters.” NWHISTORICAL. LEIGHTON (SIR FREDERICK). Painter ; President Royal Academy, A. L. 5., 2 pp. 8vo, Feby. 6, 13894; Onvartematters LEGAL MAGAZINE. The Green Bag. A Useless but Enter- taining Magazine for Lawyers. Edited by H. W. Fuller, and after- wards by T. T. Baldwin. any portraits” “VGls si52 eee and 10 complete [1889-1898]; also 49 various numbers of the years. 1890, ’95, 96-1901. Vol. 1 bound in half morocco. (As a lot.) (egy LEMAITRE (FREDERIC). Srench Comedian. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, June 4, 1849. Photograph as Robert Macaire, playbill and cuttings. LE MOYNE (WILLIAM J.) Comedian. A. L. 3. 1 pr sve THE PLAYERs, Jan. 23, 1889. Photograph, playbill and biography. LESLIE (FRED.) Woted Actor. Recollections of Fred Leslie. By W. T. Vincent. Introduction by Clement Scott. Mumerous illus- trations. 8vo, half morocco, as new. Lond. 1894. A.L.S., 1 p. 4to, Louisville, Nov. 21, 1881. Very scarce. Photo- graph in character, playbill and cuttings. LIFE of the late Celebrated Mrs. Elizabeth Wisebourn. Crown 8vo, half morocco. Lond., n. d. The Arnold Collection. ne 513 LINCOLN (ABRAHAM). History and Evidence of the Passage ln of Abraham Lincoln from Harrisburg, Pa., to Washington, Feb. 22, 22,0100! statement of the Pinkerton Detective Agency. 8vo roan. [Chicago, 1892. ] , Political Debates of Lincoln and Douglas in the Campaign of J JV 1858, with the two great Speeches of Lincoln in Ohio in 1859. Royal 8vo, canvas, No. 94 of 750 copies, uncut and unopened. Cleve- land, O., 1894. / qf 515 LINCOLN (BENJAMIN). JMajor-Genl. in Revolution, A. L. S. / Ww ? mo ate.) boston, Feby..28, 1792, Very fine. 516 LIND (JENNY). Swedish Vocalist, A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, Aug. 20, 1858, signed Jenny Goldschmidt, to Lady Smart, wife of Sir George hie Smart, the musical composer, with envelope addressed and franked; envelope addressed and franked by Otto Goldschmidt, her husband. Portrait and concert programmes, Boston and New Orleans,1851. (3) Small D.S., 1 p., Oct. 22, 1850, endorsement on check of P. T. ef Barnum for her 13th Concert. 518 LIVINGSTON (ROBERT R.) Chancellor; Member of the Com- } mittee to draft the Dec. Independence. A. L. S., 2 pp. folio, Aug. 10, LAT eget we 1). o , legal, 6 pp. folio, 1769; A. L.S. and L. S., 4to. (4) 519 LOCKE (RICHARD ADAMS). Woted Author of the ‘‘ Moon YO Hoax.” A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, April 20, 1859, to William Gowans, ordering a book. Scarce. 520 LONDON. A History of London, including Westminster and South- / Yo U wark. By John Northouck. Jélustrated. 2 vols. thick 4to (front — covers loose). Lond. 1773. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of about 400 plates, portraits, views, etc., etc., including some colored aquatints by Rowlandson. A nearly complete set of the Kings of England up to George III. Rare portrait of Commodore Howe, George III. when Prince of Wales, Duke of Marlborough (mezzo), etched views by J. T. Smith. Folding maps, etc., etc. The collection, formed in the first half of the 1gth Century, includes many scarce portraits and views. | 521 LOPEZ (CARLOS ANTONIO). President of Paraguay. L.S., 8 pp. folio, Asuncion, Augt. 16, 1846. Official, to the U. S. Consul. 522 LOSSING (BENSON J.) The Hudson, from The Wilderness to the Sea. Over 300 illustrations. 8vo, original sheets, uncut and unopened. N. Y. [1866]. Laid in is an A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, of B. J. Lossing. 54 The Arnold Collection. 523 LOVER (SAMUEL). Jrish Novelist and Poet. A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, New York, Feb. 19, 1848, to Mr. Newland, in regard to the date of his acting. Portrait and biography. 524 LUDLOW (N. M.) Dramatic Life as I have Found It. Early experiences in the South and West, biographical sketches, etc. Thick 8vo, cloth. St. Louis, 1880. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Sept. 10, 1880, to Jos. N. Ireland, men- tions G. F. Cooke, T. A. Cooper, etc., photograph and playbills; Mrs. Cornelia B. Field, daughter of N. M. Ludlow, A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, 1886, in regard to a portrait of her father. (2) 225 526 LYON (MATTHEW). Famous Redemptioner. ‘Official Report of the trial of 30 years’ standing from the Records. of Congress, pp. 478-86, 1820. nserted ts an artotype portrait of Lyon, and sketch of his life in typewritten form. 8vo, cloth. [1820.]- 527 cCULLOUGH (JOHN). In Memory of John McCullough. Prepared by Wm. Winter. Portrait and mew. 8vo, cloth. Edition limited to 500 copies. N. Y.: Privately printed, 1889 Presentation copy from Wm. M. Connor (McCullough’s last manager). Inserted in a playbill of McCullough’s last appearance on any stage [1884]. A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, Jan. 23, 1864, to J. B. Wright, relative to his trip to Boston with Edwin Forrest. Playbills and cuttings. 528 529 McFARLAND (WILLIAM). Jrish Comedian; came to America with Geo. F. Cooke. A.L.S. 1p. 4to. Phila., Mch, 26, 1853s) @enent playbill. 530 McCHENRY (DR. JAMES). Dramatist, Author and Polttician. — Three A. L. S., 4to and 8vo, Jany., 1828, relative to the production of his tragedy ‘‘ Zhe Usurper,” with playbill of the first performance, Dec. 26, 1827. (3) s3t MACKENZIE (HENRY). Scotch Novelist and Essayist. A. Lies 2 pp. 4to. March 12, 1787. Interesting letter; refers to the trial of Warren Hastings, the appearance of Mrs. Siddons in Edinburgh. Slightly injured. Portrait. The Arnold Collection. 55 s3z2 MACKLIN (CHARLES). Jrish Actor and Dramatist, A. L.S., yr Io 58 536 fo ED 537 : 538 Lory 539 [ye 6 pp. 4to, Dublin, Feb. 17, 1773, to George Colman, in regard to an engagement. ‘‘/ have besides thought of Richard, Macbeth, Lear, and other parts such as will suit my Time of Life—for once try a veteran— I would offer vou an agreement for three years,” etc. A WONDERFUL LETTER TO BE WRITTEN BY A MAN AT THIS ‘TIME—83 YEARS OLD. Portrait and playbill of Covent Garden Theatre, March 3, 1788, when Macklin was 98 years old. A. L. S. 2pp.4to. July 21,1785. A curious letter, to his daughter, in regard to her education. MACKLIN (MARIA). Lnglish Actress; daughter of Charles Macklin. A. L. S., tp. 4to, Dec. 15, 1772, to her father; A. L., 4 p. 4to (the first sheet of a letter), also to her father. ‘‘ Happy am J to find that you had so brilliant a house and played so much to the satisfaction of your audience.” Portrait, playbills and cuttings. (2) MACREADY (WILLIAM C.) £nglish Tragedian. A.L.S. 3 pp. 8vo. Nov. 22, 1844. Friendly letter, to William Jerdan. McVICAR (JAMES H.) Actor and Manager; father of Mrs, Edwin Booth. A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, May 16, 1885, to Harry Edwards, ask- ing him to suggest a strong cast for a run of old comedies. Play- bill and cuttings. MAEDER (MRS. JAMES G.—Crara FisHer). Vocalist and Comedienne. A.L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. July 21, 1886. Photographs and playbill of her second appearance on any stage, Drury Lane Theatre, Pee 222, 1017. A. L.S., 3 pp. 8vo, Oct. 12, 1886; refers to the death of her grandson. ‘‘ That completes a year of Sickness and Death in the family.”’ Portrait as the ‘‘four Mowbrays.” Playbill of the same 1822, and as ‘‘Albert,”’ May 18, 1825. A.L. S., « p. 8vo, Dec. 12, 1889; also A. L. S. of Joseph N. Ireland (2), Arthur Rehan and Chas. E. Ford, two photographs of Miss Fisher at the age of 7 and 75, together with a collection of playbills (70) of her performances at various English, Irish, Scotch, and American theatres, 1817-1888, including bill of her second appear- ance on the stage at T. R., Drury Lane, Dec. 12, 1817 (at the age of 6 years), and bill of her last performance, Nov. 29, 1886 (at the age of 77 years). (As a lot.) 56 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 a be The Arnold Collection. MAEDER (JAMES G.) Dramatist and Actor; husband of Clara Fisher. A.L.S., 1 p. 4to, June 28, 1841; A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, n.d. (2): MALIBRAN (MARIA F.) Celebrated Singer; appeared in New York 7826. A.L.S. 1p. 4to, Nov. 22, 1804. Signed Maria GARCIA. Scarce. MALONE (EDMOND). Critic and Shakespearean Commentator. A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, May 4, 1812; also Aut. MSS., 2 pp. 4to, relating to Sir William Temple; his acceptance of invitation to dinner of Royal Academy, and portrait. (3) MARBLE (DANFORD). Vankee Comedian, A.L.S., 1 p. 4to, Nov. 21, 1842, to J. S. Jones, naming terms; also A. L.S., 1p. 4to, Dec. 15, 1842. Lithograph portraits and playbills, including bene- fit at Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh, on which appears the name of M/7. Lester, later Lester Wallack. (2) MARIO (GIUSEPPE). Jtalian Vocalist; husband of Madame Grist. A. L. S., 3 pp. 12mo, Sept. 26, 1847, making an app for Grisi. Phovagragn in character ahd playbills. MARSHALL (JOHN). Chief- Justice U. S. Supreme Court, A.L.S , 1 p. 4to, Richmond, Sept. 23, 1832, to Lund Washington. Por: trait and cuttings. MARSHALL (WYZEMAN). Actor and Manager. A.L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, Dec. 6, 1863, to J. B. Wright; also A.L.S., 2 pp SVG. James, 1864, in regard to Forrest engagement in Boston. Playbill and cuttings. (2) MARTIN (LUTHER). federal Comenont eminent Lawyer. A.L.S., 1p. 4to, Aug. 24, 1812; A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to, Mch. ¢, 1807.) {2} MARTIN (MONS.), Dancer, made his début at Park Theatre in 1839, A. L. S.,1 p. 4to, Oct. 11, 1844; Mme. Lecomte, Danseuse, sister of fe A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1838 :¢gteseauuae letters, referring to the production .; the ballet at Palmo’s Opera House. (2) MATHEWS (CHARLES). Woted English Comedian. A.L.S., I p. 4to, Oct. 24, 1826. ‘“‘Z have arranged with Colnagi to publish my ‘Porirait.” ec. MATHEWS (CHARLES JAMES). Comedian and Dramatist, husband of Madame Vestris. A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, June 29, 1863, on theatrical matters, with pen-and-ink sketches introduced in the letter. Portrait and playbills, including Ais second appearance tn Public, 1835. Os The Arnold Collection. ay, 5st MATHIAS (THOMAS J.) Author of ‘‘Pursutts of Literature.” A. L. S., 2 pp. rzmo, Naples, March 29, 1822, on literary matters; mentions Cosway. . 552 MATTOCKS (ISABELLA). nglish Actress and Vocalist, daughter of Louis Hallam, played in America. D.S. 1p. folio. 1798. Re- ceipt for her salary from Covent Garden Theatre. Portrait and playbills. 553 MAYWOOD (ROBERT C.) TZvragedian and Manager, A.L.S., 3 pp. folio, Oct. 2, 1838, to Ben. Webster. A fine letter on theatrical affairs, full of professional criticism; mentions Power, the Mathews, etc. Portrait as /ago, and playbills. 554 MEADOWS (DRINKWATER). Z£nglish Actor. A. I5g97,°3 Dp: 4to, London, Feby. 23, 1833, to Wemyss. Mentions C. Kean, Clara Fisher and others. ‘‘/ think American actors had better not come over. Tragedy ts not in fashion,” Portrait in colors. 555 MELBA (NELLIE). Opera Singer, A. L.5S., 1 p. 4to, Oct 27: 1894, very fine; Photograph in character, signed. (2) 556 MENKEN (ADAH ISAACS). The Life and Remarkable Career of the Celebrated Actress. Edited by G. L. Barclay. Jdlustrations, Menken as Mazeppa, captured by Indians in Texas, etc. 8vo, pp. 63 (wants wrappers). Phil. [1868] A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, signed Jnfelix Menken. Photographs in character, playbill and cuttings. are. 557 553 MERCER (THOMAS). LZaglish Actor; appeared in Phila, 1827. A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, Aug. 29, 1827, written on shipboard, to ee A@e Wemyss, giving reasons for delay in reaching America. sso MERRY (ROBERT). £nglish Dramaust; married Ann Brunton. ‘Aut. MSS. of several original poems, signed &. 47. Portrait, biog- raphy and cuttings. (Asa lot.) 560 MEYERBEER (JACOB). German Composer. A.L.S. 1p 8vo. No date. Portrait. 561 MISCELLANEOUS. The Revision and the Revisers, by William Allen Butler, N. Y. 1889; Poems of George Arnold, First Epition, Bost. 1866; New York Zoological Society, Reports for 1898-1899; and others, various, 20 vols. VSO 58 562 563 564 566 567 5638 559 570 571 572 573 574 The Arnold Collection. MISCELLANEOUS PAMPHLETS. Stevenson’s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; Solid for Mulhooly, lustrated by Nast; Hood’s Poetical Works; English as She is Wrote; and others, miscellane- ous. (About 100, as a lot.) MITCHELL (DONALD G.—Ik Marve. Author of ‘‘Revertes of a Bachelor,” etc.). A.L.S.,1 p. 4to, Nov. 9, 1846, in regard to a series of articles on Holland. ‘‘/ had Sterne in my eye, but this tnter nos.” MITCHELL (MAGGIE), Agnes Booth, Rose Coghlan, Annie Pixley, Minnie Palmer and John Gilbert. Photograph of each, mounted to 4to, with signature of each attached. (6) MONCRIEFF (WILLIAM T.) Dramatist, wrote 180 plays, A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to, Jany. 15, 1827, fine letter, in regard to songs for Mr. Mathews; A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1838, relative to royalty on one of his plays. (2) MONK (GEORGE—DUvkKE or ALBEMARLE). Daéstinguished General under Cromwell and Charles IJ, D.S8., 1 p. folio, Sept. 16, 1668, signed also by Sir Thomas Clifford, Lord High Treasurer, and one of the Cada. MONTAGUE (HENRY J.) nglish Actor, a favorite in America. A. LS: oA piévoe (Novets asrae MONTEZ (LOLA, COUNTESS OF LANDSFELDT). JDan- seuse. A.D. 5S. 1 p. small 4to. Phil., May 31, 1852) )Aoreemear with E,. A. Marshall as to terms for her performances in New York and Phila., also signed by Marshall, and witnessed by Joseph A. Scoville and Peter Richings. A. LoS, 1 p. 8vo, n.d." Signed Garde ae MONTRESSOR (G. B.) Opera Singer; appeared in New York 1823. L.S., 1 p. 4to, Jany. 10, 1837, relative to an engagement. MOORE (CLEMENT C.) Poet and Scholar, famous for his ‘* Visit of St. Nicholas.” A. L. 5S. t p. 8v0, “Mecho 6; 1356) MOORE (THOMAS). Conic Illustrations to Tom Moore’s Irish Melodies. By [Sir Claude Edward Scott, Bart.] Oblong crown 8vo, half roan (cover soiled). Lond., n. d. [circa 1840]. Scarce. A. L..S.5/ 1p. 4toy Nov. 3,99327-ealsomour pages of his ‘‘ /rish Melodies,’’ with corrections in the writing of Moore, portrait, and A.L.5., 1 p. 8vo, of James Power, his publisher. (3) A.L.S., 1p. 4to, n.d. ‘‘We are off this evening for Dublin,” etc. The Arnold Collection. 59 s75 MORANT (FANNY). 4evress. Avu.S. 1 peato. Jan.23; 13506. Photograph in character and playbills. 576 MORRIS (CLARA—Mks. FRED. C. Harriot). Melodramatic Actress. Fee see rp: Svo. July 26,1886. A friendly letter to Mrs. Winter on her departure for Europe. Photograph, playbill of AZ7ss Multon, Union Square Theatre, 1876, and cuttings. 577 MORRIS (GEORGE P.) ric Poet and Editor of the “‘* N.Y. Mirror.” A. L.S., 1 p.4to, May 3, 1856, to Fitz-Greene Halleck. 578 MORRIS (GOUVERNEUR). Signer Constitution, Member Cont. Congress. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Aug. 5, 1799; A. L., without signa- ture, 1 p. 8vo. Cuttings. (2) 579 MORRIS (ROBERT). Signer Dec. Independence. A. L. S., 1 Pp. 8vo, Sept. 27, 1797, to John Nicholson. ‘‘/ have just received letters from my son Thomas, who has purchased the whole Genesee country for $z00,000.” Portrait. 580 MORTON (JOHN MADISON). Dramatist, Author of ‘‘Box and Cox.” A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, to Ben, Webster. “/ shall send you @ farce for Mathews next week.” Benefit playbill and cuttings. 581 MOWATT (ANNA CORA—Mks. WILLIAM F, Ritcutr). Actress pa eAuthoress. A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, Aug. 30, 1858, to Henry S. Randall. An enthusiastic letter, in admiration of his iS VIFE OF JerFerson.”’ Portraits, playbill and cuttings. 582 MUHLBACH (LOUISA—C raraA Munpt). Author of Historical oemauwes. A..S. 4 pp. 8vo. n.d, Along and interesting letter, in German. 583 MUNDEN (JOSEPH S.), Celebrated English Comedian, A. L.S., I p. 4to, 1812, to the Manager of the Theatre Royal, Coventry, “7 hope to spare you four nights, tho’ the terms offered are such that Lf have never accepted before;” also A. L. S., 1p. 8vo, of Mrs. Munden, and Benefit playbill, 1808. (2) 584 MUNSELL (JOEL C.) The Albany Minerva. Jan. 1 to Apl. 8, 1828. Nos. 1-8, inclusive (all published). 8vo, sewed, pp. 64. Albany, 1828. A. L. S. of Munsell inserted, in which he says ‘‘ The Albany Minerva was my first enterprise. . . . I was editor, proprietor, compositor, pressman, carrier, and all hands...” Among the advertisements is one announcing Clara Fisher and Mrs. Vernon at Albany. 60 The Arnold Collection. 585 MURDOCH (JAS. E.) The Stage. Recollections of Actors and Acting of 50 years. Portrait. Thick 8vo, paper, limited edition, uncut and unopened. Phil. 1880. 536 A. L.S., 2 pp. folio, Jan. 31, 1852, to J. B. Wright. ‘‘/ prefer to open in Wana reputation ts founded on my Per fanras of that character,” etc. Portrait and playbills. 587 A. L.S., 1 p. 8vo, Jany. 9, 1844; also D. S., 2 pp. folio, Nov. 5, 1835, articles of agreement for an engagement for three months. (2) 588 MURPHY (ARTHUR). Dramatist and Writer. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, July 14, 1778, in regard to the legal troubles of Lady Montfort. 589 MURRAY (J OHN), Lxglish Publisher, friend of Byron’and Scott, A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, Dec. 14, 1835, offering 50 guineas for a portrait of Byron; John Murray, Jr., A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Feby. 9, 1841, to GP as, James. (2) 590 APOLEON (ARTHUR). Pianist. Lithograph Portrait, signed and dated. Savannah, March 24, 1859. THIRD SESSION. 591 NEGRO SERMONS. ‘De Ole Plantation.” By Rev. J. G. Wil- liams, of Allendale, S. C. Plantation Negro Sermons, Account of an Old-Time Saturday Night Meeting, a ’Possum-Hunt, etc. 8vo, paper, pp. 67. Charleston, 1895. 592 NEILSON (ADELAIDE). English Shakespearean Actress. A. 1. §., 3 pp. 8vo, to Grace Greenwood, sending her a box for the theatre. Photograph and playbill. 593 NELSON (HORATIO). The Great British Admiral. A. L. S. (initials), 1 p.folio, written from Genl. Acton’s Quarters, 70 Lady Emma Hamilton, giving details of Army movements, etc. ‘‘* Zhe King has just asked us to dinner to-morrow, but J will not consent to break my neck in a Ditch for any King in Europe—TI will risk being shot or run thro’ the body but no more.” With portrait of Sir William Hamilton. [SO 599 >. 600 / 601 i 602 ue 603 Fy 604 605 af 606 vay) eae wa 608 bes oe? 610 2 a O1I 0 612 613 Be 614 2 ae ae ae 616 /- 617 / Yo 618 The Arnold Collection. 61 NEW YORK CITY. Manual of the Common Council of New York, 1841 and 1842. ByS. J. Willis. dZap of New York City (loose, and small portion torn off). 16mo, cloth. N. Y. 1841. Valentine’s Manual for 1842 and 1843. 16mo, cloth. N.Y.1842 THE SAME FOR 1843 and 1844. 16mo, cloth. Ex-libris of Geo. B. Rapelye. N.Y.: W.C. Bryant, 1843. : THE SAME FOR 1844 and 1845. 12mo, cloth (wants all illus- trations). THE SAME FOR 1845 and 1846. 12mo,cloth. Ex-libris of Geo. B. Rapelye. THE SAME FoR 1847. 12mo, cloth. Ex-libris of Geo. B. Rapelye. — THE SAME FOR 1848. 12mo, cloth. — THE SAME FoR 1849. Post 8vo, cloth. THE SAME FOR 1850, (Lacks Fireman’s Certificate, and con- taining one extra plate). Cloth. THE SAME FOR 1851. Full morocco, gilt. —— THE SAME FoR 1852. Cloth. —— THE SAME FOR 1852. — THE SAME FOR 1853 (with one extra map). ——. THE SAME FOR 1854. Cloth (lacks map of N. Y. for 1854). — THE SAME FOR 1854. Cloth. — THE SAME FOR 1855. Cloth. — THE SAME FoR 1856. Cloth. THE SAME FOR 1857. Cloth (one plate missing, and one extra plate). THE SAME FOR 1858. Cloth (one extra plate). — THE SAME FOR 1859. Cloth. THE SAME FOR 1860. Cloth. ——— THE SAME FOR 1861. Cloth (3 plates missing,and one extra one). — THE SAME FoR 1862. Cloth. —— THE SAME FoR 1863. Cloth. ——_——. THE SAME FOR 1863. Cloth. L110 62 The Arnold Collection. 619 NEW YORK CITY. Valentine’s Manual for 1864. Cloth. 620 ————- THE SAME FoR 1865. Cloth. 621 ———— THE SAME FoR 1865. Cloth. 622 ———— THE SAME FoR 1866. Cloth. 623 ———— THE SAME FOR 1866. Cloth. 624 Manual of the Corporation of the City of New York for 1868. By Joseph Shannon. Portraits, maps and views (many colored). Thick 8vo, cloth. N. Y. [1869]. 625 The same for 1870, compiled by John Hardy. 626 Historical Index to Valentine’s Manuals, 1841-1870, consist- ing of 2,325 references. 8vo, cloth, pp. 95, printed on one side only. Limited edition of 250 copies. N. Y. 1900. 627 New York Directory for 1786. Facsimile, with map from 1789 edition. By David Franks, 12mo, cloth. N. Y. 185. 628 Collections of the N. Y. Historical Society. Vol. 1, for the year 1809. (Contains Constitution and By-Laws, Dr. S. Miller’s Address on Hudson, Verazzano’s Relation, Laws for the Govern- ment of New York in 1664, etc.) 8vo, half sheep. NS Y¥etoie 629 Hooker’s Pocket Plan of New York. Compiled and Surveyed by Wm. Hooker. Lists of Churches, Banks, Public Buildings, etc. 16mo, roan covers (one corner torn, text slightly injured). N.Y.1824. 630 An Alphabetical List of Applicants for the Benefit of the Bank- rupt Act in the Southern District of New York, 1841. (Black List.) 8vo, sewed, pp. 71. N. Y.: Published by permission of the Clerk of the Court, 1843. | 631 Bulletins of the New York Public Library. Vol. 1, complete in 12 Nos., 1897; Vol. 2 (lacks No. 2), 1898; Vol. 3, complete, 1899, and Nos. 1, 5 and 6 of Vol. 4. 8vo. 38 Nos. (As a lot.) 632 Asmodeus; or, Legends of New York. The Mysteries, Vices, etc., of Fashionable New York, including the Haunts of the Gamblers. By Harrison Gray Buchanan. 8vo, stitched, pp. 96- N. Y. 1848. | 633 Account of the Astor Place Riot, May 10, 1849, with the Quarrels of Forrest and Macready. Frontispiece (view of the riot). 8vo, pictorial wrappers, pp. 32. N.Y. 1849. The Arnold Collection. 63 634 NEW YORK CITY. The Crystal Palace. Illustrated Descrip- Yaz tion. By the Architects. Colored exterior view and 6 plates. Royal Byvoncioth, gilt; N.Y. 1854. Thos. De Voe’s copy. 635 Historical Recollections of St. Paul’s Chapel. By Rev. j 60 Morgan Dix. With Account of the Centennial Celebration in 1866. Plans and facsimiles. 8vo, sewed, pp. 64, uncut. N. Y. 1867. Laid in are L. S. of Morgan Dix, early views of St. Paul’s, newspaper and magazine articles, etc. The Life and Administration of Richard, Earl of Bellomont, 1697-1701. An Address to the N. Y. Historical Society. By FoDe Peyster. Portraits, etc. 8vo, paper. N. Y.: Published for the Society, 1879. Vo 636 Vic 637 Report of the Croton Aqueduct Commissioners, 1887-1895. Illustrated with folding plans, views, etc. 4to, cloth, N.Y. 1887-95 Ya 638 The History of the Court of Common Pleas of the City and Lae) County of New York. By J. W. Brooks. Numerous portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut. N. Y. 1896. No. 37 of only 300 copies. Pe O90 History of the City of New York. By Mrs. Martha J. Lamb. JO Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to, in the 32 original Parts, as issued. (As 2 Rotee NS Y .. 1876. 640 —: Reminiscences of the City of New York and its Vicinity. (The Park and its Vicinity, by H. B. Dawson; Notable Women of Olden os ae ne Times in New York; Copy of André’s Will; etc.) J@ustrated with numerous lithographs from Valentine’s Manual. Compiled by H. B. Dawson and W. J. Davis. Crown 8vo, crimson morocco, gilt (back rupbed),. N.Y. 1855. Autograph presentation copy from W. J. Davis to JohnG, Shea. The papers were originally written for Valentine’s Manual, and only 50 copies privately printed. RARE. Last Days of Knickerbocker Life in New York, by A. C. Day- ton, portrait, N. Y. 1882; Genevieve Ward, a Biographical Sketch, portrait, Lond. [1881]. 2 vols. 12mo. Old New York: A Journal relating to the History and An- tiquities of New York City. (Alex. Anderson’s Diary, Index to 3 3 Valentine’s Manuals, Biographies, Early Printing in New York, etc.) Edited by W. W. Pasko. Vols. 1 and 2, in the original Parts, 8vo, uncut and unopened. 12 Nos. (As 2vols.) N. Y. 1889-90. Y, 641 642 643 ANOTHER copy, similar (lacking No. 1, Vol. 1, and No. 6, igs Vol. 2). (10 Nos., as a lot.) iz: 64 The Arnold Collection. 644 NEW YORK CITY. The Old Merchants of New York City. By Walter Barrett, Clerk. 5 vols. post 8vo, cloth (Vol. 1 has slight hole in back). N. Y. 1885. Valuable reference book, with innumerable historical and genealogical records. Pictures of Old and Modern New York. MS. index of pic- tures, arranged alphabetically. Useful for list for extra-illustrat- ing. Small folio (front cover loose). 645 646 Thirty Years of New York Politics up to Date. BY Mee. Breen. Portraits of Tweed, O’Conor, Field, Tilden, Platt, Croker, and many others. Thick post 8vo, cloth. N. Y.: Pudlished by the Author, 1899. 647 Proceedings of the Tammany Society on Laying the Corner- stone of Tammany Hall, with brief Account of the Origin and Early History of the Society. 8vo, half morocco, gilt. N. Y.: Pub- lished by the Soctety, 1867. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 113 views, portraits—including Samuel L. Mitchell, Boss Tweed, W. Penn (old copper-plate), H. Dearborn (St. Mémin), Jas. K. Paulding—Battle of New Orleans, Tammany Hall in 181tr and 1860, The Martyrs’ Vault, rare view of N. Y. State Prison, etc. 648 An Oration delivered before the Tammany Society in New York, July 4, 1815, by Samuel Berrian, $vo, paper, sewed, uncut, pp. 32 (some leaves stained and a few wormholes), N. Y. 18155 Address of the Tammany Society to its Absent Members, drafted by John Woodward, 8vo, boards, pp. 40, N. Y. 1819; Celebration of the 91st Anniversary, Address by G. C. Verplanck, paper, N.Y. 1867; Tammany’s 94th Anniversary Celebration (Address by Sunset Cox, Poem by John G. Saxe, etc.), 8vo, full morocco, N. Y. 1870; Celebration of 115th Anniversary, portraits, 8vo, cloth, N. Y. 1891; | History of Tammany, by E. Vale Blake, numerous portratts, etc., square 8vo, half morocco, Author’s Edition, uncut, N. Yi i [1 908}. 6 vols. The Clubs of New York: their Origin, Progress, and Member- ship, with an Essay on New York Club Life. By F. G. Fairfield. Post 8vo, cloth, gilt. N. Y. 1873. 649 Club Men of New York: their Occupations, Sketches of each of the Organizations, College Alumni Associations. First “issue. Pictures of Club Houses. 8vo, cloth. N. Y.: Privately printed, 1893. 650 651 ANOTHER copy for 1898-99. The Arnold Collection. 65 5 652 NEW YORK CITY. Notable New Yorkers of 1896-99. By O Moses King. early 2,500 portraits, Thick post 8vo, full morocco gilt, gilt edges and inside tooled bands. N. Y. 1899. Bee 653 V4~ «654 ANOTHER copy. Also full morocco, gilt. Memorial Souvenir of the 71st Regiment N. Y. Vol. in Cuba. (Official Records, Story of the Regiment, Contributions by James Whitcomb Riley, Gen. Bussey, etc.) Edited by John E. Elmendorf. Numerous illustrations. Oblong 8vo, half morocco. N. Y. 1899. No. 144 of only 250 copies specially bound for subscribers. The Brown Book, Portraits and Biographies of Public Officials of New York, 1899; Brief History of the Lotus Club, ¢J/ustrated, 1895; The Player’s Club, Constitution, List of Members, etc., 1895. Sevols.scloth. UL, 4858 NEW YORK IMPRINT. Principles, History and Use of Air- Balloons; also a Prospectus of Messrs. Blanchard and Baker, intended rial Voyage from the City of New York. Frontispiece of the balloon. 16mo, sewed, pp. 46. N. Y. 1796. 2p °55 lho 657 NEW YORK PAMPHLETS. Evacuation Day, 1783, by Gant): Van Arsdale; Our Chauncey, by I. H. Bromley, ¢/ustrated; Tilden Unmasked, by B. E. Buckman, ?lustrated, 1876; New York Illus- trated, 1869; and other New York pamphlets. (About 4o pieces, as a lot.) f 653 NYE (EDGAR W.—‘‘Bitt Nye”). Mumorist and Lecturer. Aes: ¥O 1p. 8vo. 1886. Characteristic. Portrait and cuttings. , 659 FFENBACH (JACQUES). Composer. A. L.S. 2 pp. 8vo. CD ued. 660 O'KEEFE (JOHN). Wild Oats; or, The Strolling Gentleman: a es Comedy, as performed at the Theatre, New-York. By the Old American Company. With Cast. Frontispiece, Mr. Henry as Ephraim. 12mo, sewed, pp. 67. NEA ier i by yivor ctl EOS Rare portrait of John Henry as Ephraim, engraved by Tiebout. Mr. Henry first appeared in America in the John Street Theatre, 1767, and was the original Sir Peter Teazle in America. 661 O'NEIL (JAMES). Tragedian. A.L.S., 1 p. 4to, July 30, 1888, hg) 0d with illustrated book of ‘“‘ Monte Cristo,” and playbills of the same. 66 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 The Arnold Collection. OPERATIC MANAGERS. Frederick Gye, Max Maretzek, Col. Henry Mapleson and Maurice Grau, A. L. S., 8vo and 4to, of each, on musical matters. (4) OPIE (AMELIA), Wovelist, A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, Apl. 13, 1823, an interesting critic is mofone of Westmacott’s pictures; also Aut. Poem signed, 1 p. 4to, 1831. (2) OWENS (JOHN E.) Comedian and Manager. A. L.S., 4 pp. 4to, Aug. 4, 1855, relative to an engagement with Boucicault. Photo- graph in character, playbill and biography. Dada (NICOLO). Woted Violinist and Composer. D.S., 4 pp. folio, May 27, 1831. Agreement for a series of concerts at the King’s Opera House. ime and rare. PAN, 1897. Dritter Jahrgang. Sketches of the Lives and Reproduc- tions of the Work of Boecklein, Caspar D. Friedrich, Josef Israels, etc.; First Publication of Jugendgedichte by Friedrich Nietzsche; Two Ballads by Maeterlinck, Sketch of his Life, and Portrait, examples of Auguste Rodinl, etc. Heft II., III. and LV okaeels: 4to, paper. [1897] PARSLOE (CHARLES T., JR.) Comedian, noted for his Chinese parts, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Nov. 26, 1887, photograph in character and playbills; Charles T. Parsloe, Sr., A. L. S., 1p. 4to., pe Oy Sept. 5, 1842, toJ. S. Jones. (2) PASTOR (TONY). Book of 600 Comic Songs and Speeches as given by Tony Pastor. Thick 12mo, original pictorial boards. NY (a 86x]. PATTON (MRS. LUDLOW-—Miss Assy Hutcuinson), One of the original ‘* Hutchinson Quartette.” A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, Sept. 29, 1887, criticizing a likeness of herself. PAUL (HOWARD). Actor and Dramatist. A. L. S., 1 p. small 4to, SAVAGE Ciup; also A. L. S. (postcard), to William Winter, relative to his critique on Mrs. Langtry, portrait and playbills. (2) PAULDING (JAMES K.) Author and Sec. Navy. Aut. MSS., ‘©Tip SCHOOL OF REFORM, A Domestic Tate,” 8 pp. 4to, signed with initials. 672 673 ‘674 a /- 675 POO oe8 677 678 -680 The Arnold Collection. 67 PAYNE (JOHN HOWARD). Biographical Sketch, with an Account of his Funeral. By Chas. H. Brainard. Portraits, ett, Royal 8vo, cloth. Wash. 1885. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, May 13, 1816, to the Secretary of Commit- tee of Management of Drury Lane Theatre. Portrait, six early English playbills, 1813-1823, programme of the ‘‘ Unveiling of the Bust of John Howard Payne, New York, 1873,’ and biography. A rare lot. A. L. S. (initials), 2 pp. 4to, Nov. 7, 1834, to Sumner L. Fairfield, complaining of the terms offered for his services for a season. ‘For 3 tragedies and various other pieces, $15 a week!” Clippings. A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, New York, Sept. 27, 1848, to W. R. Blake, in regard to the production of a comedy at the Broadway Theatre, and giving his views on ‘‘ good manners.”’ Characteristic. Pelee sr p.t2mo, n: d., to J..V. N. Yates, requesting a con- tribution for Zhe Pastime. PEALE (CHARLES WILLSON). arly American Portratt Painter, Founder of Peale’s Museum. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Phila., Nov. 8, 1820, requesting a reduction of the rent of that part of the Statehouse occupied by his Museum. PEDROTTI (ADELAIDE). Opera Singer; appeared at the Astor Place Opera House. A. L. S., 1 p. 4t0, August 20, 1836, to James H. Cauldwell, regretting her inability to appear in New Orleans. PEEL (SIR ROBERT). Prime Minister. Nee ey ee 4 tO, May 1, 1824, to Robert Balmanno, sending a subscription to the Artists’ Benevolent Fund. PELBY (ROSALIE FRENCH). Wife of William Pelby, Actress. Rei >.. 1 p: 4to, June 3, 1949, to J. B. Wright, on theatrical busi- ness. Photograph and playbill. are. PELBY (WILLIAM). Actor and Manager. A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, Boston, Oct. 14, 1829, to Mrs. Henry Wallack. ‘‘ Your impertinent charge of ungentlemanly bearing ts consonant with your ungrateful con- duct,” etc. Photograph and playbill of Federal St. Theatre, Boston, 1823. Sov 68 682 683 684 685 The Arnold Collection. PEPYS (SAMUEL). £nglish Author, famous for his ‘‘Memoirs.”” D.S. 1p. 4to. Navy Office, Feby. 27, 1668. An order directing that His Maj. vessell, the Portsmouth sloope, be fitted for sea. Very fine. PERCIVAL (SPENCER). Prime Minister of England, Assassinated by Billingham. UL. S., 3 pp. folio, June 3, 1802, official; John Billing- ham (the Assassin), A. L. S., 3 pp. folio, June 12, 1805, with A. L. S. of Mary Billingham (his wife), 3 pp. 4to, Jany. 27, 1812. Interesting lot: 7(3) PERIODICALS. The Surrogate, Vol. 1, complete in numbers, 1891; 30 various numbers of the N. Y. Times Illustrated Supple- ments, 1896-97; The Folio, edited by Dexter Smith, 16 various Nos. ;. The Season, various Nos., with portraits; and oth€rs, miscellaneous. (As a lot.) PHELPS (H.P.) Players of a Century, a Record of the Albany Stage, post 8vo, original sheets, uncut, Albany, 1880; with the Ad- denda, 49 pp. 4to, 20 copies only reprinted from the Argus on 4to- paper, 1889. (As one lot.) No. 109 of 250 copies issued. Laid in are A. L. S. of J. N. Ireland and John Gil- bert regarding the book; and another A. L. S. of Edwin Booth, 2 pp. 8vo, N. Y.. 1880, in which he says: ‘*|. . and would also like to have the one by Phelps, although I suspect he is not- very friendly towards the Booths. .. .”’ 686 PHILLIPS (ADELAIDE). A Record. By Mrs. R. C. Waterston. 687 688 689 6g0 Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth (ex-library copy). Bost. 1883. PHILLIPS (HENRY). L£n¢elish Vocalistand Actor. A. L. S,2 pp. 8vo, announcing his departure for America. Proof portrait and playbill. PIERPONT (JOHN). Poetand Divine. A.L.S., 1p. 8vo, July 28,. 1861, with auto. poem, ‘‘ So, this ts war! a war to Slavery due.” PITT (CHARLES DIBDIN). Lnglish Tragedian. A. L. S. Ip. 4to. Cincinnati, May g, 1850. Portrait and playbills. PIXLEY (ANNIE). Melodramatic Actress. A. L. S., 1 p. 8v0,. May 17, 1887, in regard to her début in Snowflake, Photograph, illustrated playbill of 47’ézss, and three other bills. Qo © . ° The Arnold Collection. | 6y 691 PLACIDE (ALEXANDER). Pantomimist and Manager of the Richmond Theatre when it was burned ; Father of Henry and Thomas Placide. A. L. S. 2 pp. 4to. June 10, 1809. Refers to his daughter and his desire to engage a Singer. ‘‘/ have one, but there is no dependance to be placed on him; he ts one day at liberty and the next in Gaol.”’ NERY RARE. 692 PLACIDE (HENRY). Comedian. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Aug. 9, 1865, to Mrs. E. Oakes Smith. Portraits and playbill of Zhe Comedy of Errors, 1846. Rare. 693 PLACIDE (THOMAS). Comedian and Manager. A.L.S. 3 pp. 4to. Aug. 11, 1854. ‘*/ want as many other talented people as you can get. Are you zesting about Mr. Uhl? First respectable business and $18 ! ? You must have been taking your beer, old fellow.”’ Portrait and playbills. Rare. * 694 PLAYS. Henry Irving and Abbey’s editions of Much Ado About Nothing, and Merchant of Venice; Irving souvenir of Henry VIII. ; Daly’s edition of The School for Scandal; Hamlet, by G. W. Rice, illustrated; and others. (10 pieces.) | 695 POISONING. The Great Oyer of Poisoning: the Trial uf the Earl of Somerset for the Poisoning of Sir Thomas Overbury. By Andrew Amos. Thick 8vo, three-quarters morocco (binding loose). Lond. 1846. Inserted are 26 extra portraits of Bacon, Coke, Sir John Fortescue, Earl of North- ampton, and others. 696 POLICE GAZETTE. The London Police News, Law Courts and Weekly Record. J/¢lustrated. Sept. 23, 1865, to Oct. 15, 1870. 4 vols. large folio, half morocco (rubbed). 697 About 2,000 numbers of the London Police News, between the years 1875 and 1899. (Asa lot.) 698 POLK (JOSEPH B.) Comedian and Manager. A. L. S. 4 pp. 8vo. March 21, 1883. ‘‘ Wy business ts really immense—T have had a splendid offer to go to India.”’ Signed photograph and playbill. (2) 699 PONISI (ELIZABETH). for many years leading lady at Wallack’s. A. L. S. 2 pp. 8vo. New York, Feby. 12, 1888. Photograph, play- bills, and cuttings. 700 POPE (ALEXANDER). Celebrated English Poet and Critic. Ten lines in his handwriting; a biographical account of Colley Cibber. Small 4to. Yy-v 7OL 702 reas Vo 793 Uv a whe 795 706 7°7 708 729 The Arnold Collection. PORTER (DAVID). Commodore U. S. Navy; distinguished tn War *7er2. A. L.S., 1p. 4to, Aug. 12, 1825, to the Secy. Navy in re- gard to the conduct of one of his officers. PORTRAITS. Das Neunzehnte Jahrhundert in Bildnissen. Nos. 1-8, 12-15, inclusive. Full-page photogravures, with Sketches of of the Lives of Distinguished Men—Thorswaldsen, Grimm, Lamar- tine, Byron, Schopenhauer, George Sand, Beethoven (10), Faraday, Rachel, Leopardi, etc., etc. 12 Parts, 4to. Berlin, 1897. POTTER (CORA URQUHART). Soctety Actress. Av L823 eRe 8vo, May 19, 1886, to Harry Edwards. Portrait, playbills, and cut- tings. POWER (TYRONE). Jrish Comedian; lost with the steamer PRESI- pent, March, 1847. A. L.S., 1 p. 4to, Feby. 23, 1838, to Mrs. Jer- dan. Portrait in character, playbills, and biography. Rare. A. L. S., 2 pp. 4to, Jany. 25, 1834, accepting terms for a Phil- adelphia engagement. ‘‘A/y counirymen in New York are very destrous to have me with them on St. Patrick's day.” POWERS (JAMES T.), Comedian, A. L.S., 1 p. 8vo, n. d., photo- graph and _ playbills; Edwin H. Price, Actor, husband of Fanny Davenport, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, 1886. (2) , PRAED (WENTWORTH M.) Distinguished English Poet and Lawyer, A.L.LS. Ip. r2mo. On. d. Scarce. PRAY (ISAAC C.) Dramatist, Actor and Journalist, A. L.S., 1 Pp. ato, Jan. 3, 1838; A. L. S., 2 pp. folio, Jan. 28, 1852, giving a very interesting account of G. V. Brooke’s appearance in Hamlet; A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, Feby. 4, 1852, also relating to Brooke. (3) PRICE (STEPHEN). Manager of the Park Theatre. Rois Gy. 3 pp. 4to, New York, Feby. 7, 1821, to Thomas Phillips. A letter of special interest in regard to N. Y. theatricals and his plans for a new theatre; also refers to Kean’s performances. PROCTOR (JOSEPH). Zragedian; noted for his Nick of the Woods. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Mch. 9, 1866, to J. B. Wright. Colored litho- graph as the /zbbenainosay, and playbills of same. PROVIDENCE RIOTS. Broadside. History of the Providence Riots, Sept. 21-24, 1831. Printed by order of the town, (Account of riots caused by a white man shot by negroes. ) The Arnold Collection. 71 712 PURDY (ALEXANDER H.) Actor and Manager. A.L.S., 2 pp. 60 4to, July 28, 1851, to J. B. Wright, on theatrical business, wth engraved view of the National Theatre, New York, 713 PYNE (LOUISA), £nglish Vocalist, A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, April 9, 1862, 4 and A. L., 3rd person, 1 p. 8vo; also Saari Pyne (her sister), Vocalist, A.L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, ea Programme. (3) Be 7 14 UICK (JOHN). Zxglish Comedian. A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to, 1780, to Manager Shaw, of the Margate Theatre, with draft of reply. Portrait and playbills of Covent Garden Theatre, 1784-88. are. / 715 ACHEL (E. R. FELIX). Zhe great French tragic Actress. FO A. L.S., 2 pp. r2mo, June 16, 1847, to her sister, in regard to her appearance in Paris. 770 716 RANDALL (JAMESR.) Poet. A.L.S., 1p. 4to, Feby. 15, 1892, with a verse of his ‘*‘My Marytanp ”’ in his writing. Portrait. 717 RANDOLPH (JOHN). Orator and Statesman. A.L.S., 1 p. 4to, ie April 12, 1817, to C. F. Mercer. Characteristic political letter. v ‘“*7 cannot refuse my name in the support of the cause of truth and friend- ship.”’ (Slightly stained. ) j 718 RAVEL (ANTOINE). Actor and Pantomimist, one of the famous iy re ‘© Ravel Family.” L.S.,1 p. 4to, Jany. 17, 1853, to Ludlow and 2 Smith, giving plans for the coming season. Photograph and play- bills. 719 RAVEL (GABRIEL). TZv%e most celebrated of the ‘‘ Ravel Family.” 4-0 A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, New York, Aug. 6, 1859; also L. S., 1 p. 4to, - Sept. 4, 1842, naming terms for an engagement in Boston. Wood- cut portraits and playbills. (2) 420 RAVEL (JEROME). One of the ‘‘ Ravel Family.” D.5S., 1 p. ie 7 he folio, May 30, 1843. Articles of agreement for an engagement at the Tremont Theatre, Boston, and givinga list of fourteen members of the troupe. Playbills. / 721 RAYMOND (JOHN T.), Comedian, A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, to William hye O Winter, with lithograph portrait as Col. Sellers,playbills and biog- raphy; William Winter, A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, Oct. 21, 1888, sending copy of his epitaph on Raymond. (2) 72 Se ai ren y > 723 Dov 724 725 ace An 726 Moo ve 728 ee: 189 Bas bed Mate 4 73% WD 732 The Arnold Collection. REED (JOSEPH). Genl. Revolution, Aide to Washington. A. ise 2pp. 4to, April 26, 1780, directing that no payments of prize-money be paid to representatives of deserters from the Continental Army. FINE REVOLUTIONARY LETTER. REEVE (JOHN). famous English Comedian, came to America 1835. A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. Nov. 21, 1835. Portrait in character, play- bils and cuttings. REHAN (ADAH). A Study. By Wm. Winter. MWumerous por- traits, Square 12mo, cloth. N. Y.: Privately printed for Aug. Daly, 1891-98. A. L. S., 2 pp. small 4to, Aug. 3, 1887, wita photograph; Charles Wheatleigh, A. L. S., 8vo, with photograph signed, as Sir Peter Teazle; Harry Edwards and George Clarke, A. L. S., $vo, of each; playbill of Zhe School for Scandal, Daly's Theatre, 1891, in which all four actors appear. (5) REIGNOLDS-WINSLOW (CATHERINE MARY). Yester- days with Actors. [Recollections of Cushman, Forrest, Brougham, Laura Keene, etc.] Portraits. Post 8vo, cloth. Bost. 1887. A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, to William Winter, thanking him for a friendly criticism. Photograph and playbills. RESZKE (JEAN DE), Opera Singer, A. L. S., 1p. 8vo, Nov. 3, 1891; also cabinet photographs of Jean and Edouard de Reszke, both signed. (3) REYNOLDS (G. W.M.) Reynolds’ Miscellany, containing com- plete Stories by the Proprietor, Pierce Egan, and others. /Vumerous illustrations by Sir John Gilbert. Thick 4to, half roan, Lond. 1856-57. RICE (DANIEL). Celebrated Clown and Showman. A. L. 5S. 2 pp. 4to, March 15, 1890. ‘‘/ am busy collecting matertal for an Old fash- ioned Dan Rice show,” etc. Playbills, including one of Rice as Richard III. } RICE (THOMAS D.) Actor and Author, the original © Jim Crow.” A. L. S. 1 p. 8vo. 1836. ‘' Had to dine with Bunn and Forrest yesterday—give mea good announcement for the Benefit.” Photograph and playbills of his appearance as Jim Crow in London and New Vora Agre A. L. S. 3 pp. folio. London, Mch. 13, 1839. A long and interesting letter relative to London theatricals. 2/0 733 The Arnold Collection. 73 RICHMOND THEATRE FIRE, The Lynchburg Star, Jan. 8, 1812. 4pp. folio. Account of the Fire, by an Eye-Witness, etc, 734 ROBINSON (FREDERICK C. P.) English Actor, the original ‘* Jim (iets) 736 737 738 740 741 742 743 oe ean, «6A. LL. S., 2. pp. 8vo, Jany. 13, 1877; A. L..S., 1 8vo, Feb. 10, 1887. Portrait, playbills and biography. (2) ROBSON (FREDERICK). Znglish Comedian and Manager. A.L.S. 2 pp..8vo. Olympic Theatre. Theatrical letter. Lithograph por- trait, playbills and biography. Scarce. ROBSON (HENRY STUART). Comedian. A. L.S., 1 p. 8vo, June 12, 1359, to J. T. Ford, asking for an engagement; also A.L.S., 1 p. 8vo, signed Robson & Crane, and signatures of Stuart Robson and W. H. Crane oncards. Photograph in character, playbills and cuttings. (3) MmeGweoleR (LAWRENCE HYDE, EARL OF). rime Minister under James 17. D.S., 1p. folio, June 27, 1683, Treasury Order for £300 for repairs to Bagshot Lodge. Signed also by Sydney, Lord Godolphin, Prime Minister of Queen Anne; Sir John Ernle, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Sir Edward Dering and Sir Stephen Fox. Aare. ROWAN (ARCHIBALD HAMILTON). Distinguished Trish Patriot; Pres. of the United Irishmen. A. L.S., 3 pp. 4to, May 17, 1800, to Rev. G. Potts, Phila., on political and personal matters. RUBINI (GIOVANNI B.) Z%e most celebrated Italian Tenor of his Vee LS. 6 6T p, 4to. — Aug. 28, 1850. RUSH (RICHARD), A. J. Dallas, Timothy Pickering, Albert Gal- latin, C. M. Conrad, and others. Cadinet Officers. Official L. S. and sigs. (10) RUSKIN (JOHN). Celebrated Art Critic and Writer. A.L.S.,1 p. 8vo, in regard to the binding of copies of his books for presentation. RUSSELL (TOMMY). Child Actor. A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, Dec. 30, 1890. Photograph as Little Lord Fauntleroy, and playbill of the same. RUTGERS (HENRY). Colonel in Revolution, and Philanthropist. A. L.S., 1 p., 4to, New York, March 20, 1824, to Clarkson Crolius, Mlgtive. to the Market Street Church. 74 744 745 746 747 748 749 ie 13? 753 754 The Arnold Collection. ACHEVERELL (REV. HENRY). A.D.S.,1 p. folio, Sept. 14, 1710, of William Barrett, the Prosecuting Solicitor, asking that he be paid for his services ‘‘¢x the prosecution of the Impeach- ment of Dr. Sacheverell.” ST. CLAIR (ARTHUR). Major-Genl. in Revolution; President Con- tinental Congress. A.D.S., 1 p. small 4to, Nov. 3, 1792. Money order. ST. MARIE (M. DE.) Caftain of the French Fort at Loutsbourg. A. D. S., 1 p. 4to, July 13, 1715, with contemporary translation in English, attested by John Ballatine, Clerk of the Court at Boston, April 4, 1718. (2) SANDS (ROBERT C.) Journalist and Littérateur. A.L.S., 1 Pp. folio, n. d. On political and personal matters. Scarce. SANSON FAMILY. Memoirs of the Sansons from Private Notes and Documents, 1688-1847. Edited by Henry Sanson. (The Cele- brated Executioners of France.) 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1876. SANTERRE (ANTOINE JOSEPH). French Revolutionist; active in the storming of the Bastile. D.S., 1 p. folio, July 15, 1792. Official, as General Commanding the National Guard of Paris, with seal of the Commune. SANTLEY (CHARLES). Vocalist and Actor. A.L. 5. 1p. 8vOo, Jany. 26, 1878. ‘‘Z have more songs than I know what to do with.” Photograph and programmes. SCHOOLCRAFT (HENRY R.) Traveller and Ethnologist. A.L.S., 2 pp. 4to, Nov. 17, 1834, to P. S. Du Ponceau, in regard to the publication of his lectures on the Indian languages, with prospectus of bis proposed Atcic MaGazine. Portrait. (2) SCOTLAND. Iconographia Scotica; or, Portraits of Illustrious Scotchmen, with their Lives. By John Smith. 127 portraits (should have 20). 4to, boards, uncut (covers loose). Lond., n. d. [1798]. SCOTT (CLEMENT). The Theatre. A Monthly Review and Magazine. Complete from August, 1878 (New Series, No. 1), to Dec., 1883, and 33 various later numbers. Vumerous photographs, scenes from plays, etc. Many autographed by Owen Fawcett. (As a lot.) Do. 32 duplicates, from 1879 to 1884. Portraits, etc. Some autographed by Owen Faweett. (As a lot.) — ee Pea 70 JO (2 /V Net LDS The Arnold Collection. AS 755 SCOTT (JOHN R.) TZvagedian. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, New York, Sept 3, 1851, to J. B. Wright, applying for an engagement, Play- bill of Macbeth, National Theatre, N. Y., 1851. are. 756 SCOTT-SIDDONS (MARY F.) Aetress. A. L. 5., 4 pp. 8v0, Chicago, Feb. 16, 1875, in relation to her readings, the letter illus- trated by pen-and-ink sketches. Photograph in character, litho- graph portrait, and announcements of her Recitals. 757 SEFTON (JOHN). Comedian and Manager. A.L. S., 1 p. 4t0, Dec. 1, 1840, to R. Shelton MacKenzie, giving his plans for the sea- son. ‘‘J amanxious to get to America.” Photograph, signed, and playbills. (2) 7°83 SEGUIN (MRS. ANNE C.) Vocalist and Opera Singer, the original ARLINE 72 the BOHEMIAN GIRL im its production tn America, A. L.S. 1p. 4to. Dec. 25, 1852. Portrait and playbills. 459 SEGUIN (EDWARD). Actor and Vocalist. A. L. S., 1 p. 8v0, Jany. 8, 1834, requesting a change in a concert programme. Play- bill of La SonamBuLa, 1835, with Mme. Malibran as Amina and Seguin as Count Rodolpho. 760 SEILHAMER (G. O.) The Interviewer’s Album. Parts 1 to 13. Containing reproductions of rare dramatic portraits, and Biographies. In the original wrappers, 8vo. N. Y. 1881. (As 13 pieces. ) 761 ANOTHER LOT of the same. 13 parts. 762 Parts 3 to 13 of the same. (As 11 pieces.) 763 History of the American Theatre, 1749 to 1797. Complete in 3 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. Phil. 1888-91. A thorough history of the American Stage during the early years of its existence. 764 SHAKESPEARE. Merry Wives of Windsor. Facsimile of the first 4to (1602). With a Reprint of the Prompt-Copy for use at Daly’s Theatre. Alterations, etc., by Aug. Daly; Introduction by Wn. Winter. 8vo, paper, pp. 72 (playbill of the gth performance laid in). N. Y.: Printed for Mr. Daly, 1886. Owen Fawecett’s copy, with his autograph on title. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Arranged for Daly’s Theatre by Aug. Daly. Portrait of Ada Rehan‘and scenes from the play (in col- ors). 8vo, paper, pp. 75, uncut. N. Y.: Privately printed for Mr. Daly, 1888. Owen Fawcett’s copy, with his autograph on title. 765 797 759 gia it /JS0 ke 772 The Arnold Collection. SHAKESPEARE. Taming of the Shrew. As arranged by Aug. Daly, with Introduction by Wm. Winter. Portraits of Ada Rehan, John Drew, and scene. Royal 8vo, sewed, pp. 75, uncut (wants wrap- pers). Memorial Edition. N.Y.: Privately printed for Mr. Daly, 1887. SHANKS (W.) A Noble Treason: a Romantic and Historical Play. ato, full morocco, name in gilton cover. N. Y. 1873. Only 25 copies printed. Not in Roden’s ‘‘ Later American Plays.” Presentation copy, with inscription from the author on title. SHERIDAN (RICHARD BRINSLEY). Celebrated Irish Orator and Dramatist. A. L. S., 1 p. 1zmo, Apl. 9, 1816, to John Murray, asking him to send ‘‘Zord Byron’s last verses.” Portrait, facsimiles, and cuttings. Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Grant of a Seat and Free Admis- sion for 21 years, from Sept. 13, 1788. Double folio, signed by R. B. Sheridan, Thomas Linley, and James Ford, Proprietors. On vellum, with seals and stamps. Portraits and playbill of Jane Shore, Nov. 28, 1788, in which John Philip Kemble, Mrs. Siddons, and Mrs. Jordan appear. SHERIDAN (THOMAS). Zminent Tragedian, Father of R. B. Sheridan. A.D.S. 1 p. small 4to. March 30, 1751. Order for payment of £25. SIAMESE TWINS( THE). An Historical Account of the Siamese Twin Brothers. From Actual Observation. Portrait. 8vo, paper, pp. 16. Written and sold when on exhibition in New York. N. Y. 1831. SILSBEE (JOSHUA S). Woted Yankee Comedian. A. L. S. 1p. 4to. Baltimore, Oct. 22, 1847. ‘‘Wehave made this seasonin six weeks over $4000,” etc. Portrait, playbills, and biography. SCARCE. SINCLAIR (JOHN.) TZenor Singer, Father of Mrs, Edwin forrest. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Dec. 10, 1813; also, admission for two to Drury Lane Theatre, signed. Portrait and playbills, including his Fare- well Benefit. (2) SINCLAIR (CATHERINE N.—Mkrs. Epwin Forrest). Actress. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, Sept. 7, to William Winter. Woodcut portrait, playbill of her frst appearance, Brougham’s Lyceum, Feby. 2, 1852, and cuttings. SLOMAN (JOHN). Comedian and Vocalist, appeared on the American stage in 1827. A. L. S., 3 pp. 4to, 1828, in regard to the appearance of his wife—refers to her playing with Forrest. Playbill. The Arnold Collection. 77 9776 SMITH (HORATIO). One of the Authors of Rejected Addresses. soo el. S., 3 pp. 4to, Jany. 1, 1827, to Robert Balmanno, with a Manuscript Story in his writing, 15 pp. 4to, ‘‘ QUEEN ELIZABETH’S PRAYER Book,” which appeared in THE Bijou of 1828. (2) 777 SMITH (RICHARD PENN). Poet and Dramatist. ;A.D.S. 1p. 4to. DO Phila., May 8, 1828. Agreement with William Warren to furnish ) Notices and Criticisms on the performances at the Chestnut St. Theatre. Also signed by Warren. 778 SMITH (SOLOMON F.) ‘‘Sol.” Actor and Manager. A. L.S., ore 3 pp. 4to, Sept. 9, 1839, to his partner, N. M. Ludlow. ‘‘/ ave exactly $12. left after paying salaries—but I have hopes of coming out right yet.”’ Photograph signed and playbills. (2) 9779 A. L. S.,4 pp. 4to, Feby. 7, 1842, to Ludlow. A most melan- aS choly letter, describing all his bad luck. ‘‘We shall lose $gooo. by i this unfortunate expedition—Fanny Ellsler and her dependants perform 20 nights, receiving $2goo0.!/”"’ Playbill of the Millidgeville, Ga., Theatre, 1834. 780 [SONTAG (HENRIETTA).|] The Sylph; or, Ladies Pocket eee Melodist. Edited by T. Williams. Words and music of some early songs by Byron, Moncrieff and others. Frontispiece very early portrait of Sontag. Crown 8vo, paper, pp. 104. Lond., n.d. 781 SPEAR (GEORGE C.) ‘‘Old Spear.” Comedian. A.L.S., 3 pp. SOO ato, July 12, 1848, toJ. B. Wright, urging him to secure the services of J. W..Wallack, Jr. ‘‘He ts the greatest Richard 3d. [ have ever seen, old Booth not excepted.” Ware. Benefit playbill. 782 STAGE. The Stage and its Stars. Past and Present. Biographies JO of Distinguished English and American Actors and Actresses from // Pea ete the Time of Shakespeare. Edited by Howard Pauland Geo. Gebbie. 128 full-page portraits and scenes and over 400 portraits in the text. Folio, the 11 original parts in crimson satin portfolios, with ribbon ties. Phila.: Gebbie & Co. [1887]. No. 9 of only 100 copies, Grand De Luxe ‘‘ Remarque” Edition. ) 9783 STANLEY (HENRY M.) Woted African Explorer. Menu of Din- (O° ner in his honor at Union League Club, Nov. 8, 1890, signed by Stanley and a number of prominent New Yorkers. UNIQUE. 784 STATE PAPERS from the Reign of Philip and Mary to the Com- monwealth, 1554-1649. Original documents (50) bound in one Sb a volume, several with signatures and seals, with list of contents in the Autograph of Sir F. Palgrave (the historian). 78 785 7 787 hg 788 Mo 89 > J )O 791 fog aaa aE i193 a 194 795 The Arnold Collection. STEWART COLLECTION. Catalogue de Luxe of the Collec- tion of Wm. H. Stewart, compiled by the American Art Association. 2 vols. text and illustrations (128 beautiful photogravures by Elson) with sketches of the artists. 4to, paper, as new. N. Y.: Amer. Art Asso., 1898. No. 200 of only 325 copies. Laid in is an invitation to the private view. STONE (JOHN AUGUSTUS). Dramatist, Author of Metamora. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Nov. 6, 1830, to P. M. Wetmore; mentions. Forrest and Hamblin. STOWE (HARRIET BEECHER). Author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, A. L. S., 4 pp. 8vo, Jany. 9, 1855, to Robert Balmanno, giving an interesting account of her family; C. E. Stowe (her husband), A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, Feby. 23, 1869, detailed estimate of the number of copies of Uncle Tom printed. (2) STRATTON (CHARLES S.) “Gen. Tom Thumb.” Signature and date, Sept. 26, 1874; also, Signature on card, Feb. 23, 1881, photographs and seven playbills of his appearances, 1845-65. (2) Signatures of himself and wife, Oct. 8, 1882. Colored group photograph and three playbills, 1848-64. (2) STRICKLAND (AGNES). Lngilish Historical Writer. A. LA S., 4 pp. 8vo, Jany. 25, 1841, requesting information concerning Cathe- rine Parr, for her ‘‘ Lives OF THE QUEENS OF ENGLAND.” | SUETT (RICHARD). Jnglish Comedian, A. L.S., 1p. 4to, to R. Peake, demanding his two last weeks’ salary. Portrait in char- actor, playbills and biography. are. SULLIVAN (BARRY). TZragedian and Manager. A. L.S., 3 pp. 8vo, Oct. 25, 1868, giving a list of plays for the six nights of an en- gagement. Portrait in character, photograph and playbills. AGLIONI (MARIE). Danseuse, A.L.S., 1 p. 12m0, asking for a theatre box. Portrait, playbills and cuttings. TALFOURD (THOMAS N.) Celebrated Dramatist and Essayist. A. L. S., 2 pp. 8vo, June 13, 1836, to William Jerdan, thanking him for friendly notices of his play ‘‘Zon.”’ TALMA (FRANCOIS J.) LZminent French Tragedian. Apin Sey 1 p. 4to, London, June, 1817, written in English 4o John Howard Payne. WARE. dnd 803 804 THEATRES. Memorials of Daly’s Theatre, Privately printed, 1897 ; 805 The Arnold Collection. 79 TAYLOR (BAYARD). Poet and Author. A. L. S., 1 p. 4to, Oc- tober 2, 1850, with aut. copy signed of his poem GREETING TO AMERICA—WRITTEN FOR. JENNY Linp—on same sheet. Charming specimen, TAYLOR (MARY). ‘Our Mary.” Favorite New York Actress. A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Feby. 18, 1851, offering to assist at the Compli- mentary Benefit of George Loder; mentions Brougham. TAYLOR (THOMAS). Dramatist and Art Critic, editor of PUNCH. A. L. S., 3 pp. 8vo, to Mark Lemon, announcing the death of his wife’s father. Photograph and playbill of an amateur performance at St. James Theatre. TENNYSON (ALFRED). oct Laureate. A. L.S., 1 p. 8v0, n. d., to his publisher, making corrections in one of his poems, ‘‘Z have written one or two passages twice over for the greater clearness, don't let them print these twice over tn their stupidity,” etc. Very fine. TERRIS (WILLIAM). Zuglish Actor, came to America with Sir mere, A. L. S., 1 p. 8vo, Niblo’s Theatre, Oct. 22, 18809, to William Winter. Portrait, playbill and biography. TERRY (ELLEN). Leading English Actress. A. L.S., 2 pp. 8vo, to Mr. Wills, telling of her appointments forthe day. Photographs in character and playbills. THACKERAY (WILLIAM M.) Celebrated English Novelist and Beers ee ls. 5., Ip. Svo; Sept: r2,. 1855, to Sir I. Madden, thanking him for the offer of certain ballads. ‘‘/ have done my lec- tures on George I, and If, without their aid.’’ WERY FINE, THEATRE (THE). A Weekly Record of the Stage. Vol. 1, No. Mapes 20, 1886), complete to Vol. 3, No. 11 (July 27, 1887). Portraits, scenes from plays, etc. 4to, 63 Nos. (Asa lot.) The Richmond Theatre, from 1765 to 1884, by F. Bingham, 1886; The Chicago Stage, by W. S. Walker, 1871. 8vo, paper. (3 pieces.) Booth’s Theatre, Behind the Scenes, portratts and illustrations ; The Players’ Celebration of the 6oth Birthday of Edwin Booth, portrait. (2 pieces.) Bae (aay 80 806 807 808 809 8to SII 812 $13 814 The Arnold Collection. THEATRICAL ALBUM. A folio volume of 69 pages, entirely filled with scarce English and American dramatic material, includ- ing 52 playbills, 1783-1891; portraits of Mrs, Siddons, Edmund Kean, Incledon, Ellerton, Mathews, and others; photographs of Clara Fisher, J. Wilkes Booth, Adah Isaacs Menken, the elder Booth, Mrs. John Hoey, and others; autographs of Henry Placide, Thomas Barry, P. T. Barnum, Lawrence Barrett, and many others, and much other interesting material.