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Con yee FOND on “VOTE BMY Gel nay 43 ° tk wes Vir Powter s Freq) et Ta4 ir Pa teyty eStats! 384 HESM FAME OAS ROWE 21 28 OA Us Dasher Spey LR Sy at rsa PA PALIN ed Late be font peat thi aes MOA NG 8H SSW hay MG ee sum Reo h STE ar yt PERE Ty ae ae Sahed eee “ ibe sad te pigeweg Tees th’ 6 Mp ert 4E* neues: Fide goa 4°04 Coty septa ig ie Fae a ued “as. fet erga oh lates 4 Wwews aa STI Gog dt Awety bb ass Hi ate Silat) era oy Favours, eta fie etal tou Uae ioe | yer op a “y Mabe vomited naa SUBSE Gert ge (abe g bas +5 * $0t Vig! tts: a 4p yr! ala Paaata tae be it igen Ni Ae PAS ae tebe rn y i : At Ay [ta OMe REE ePie EC VLE Ww FROM 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Pe tHe AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE, 56TH TO 571TH STREET, NEW YORK ENTRANCE 30 EAST 57TH STREET BEGINNING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1924 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATES OF SALE (INCLUDING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, FROM 2 TO 5 P. M.) VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS BY MASTERS OF AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN SCHOOLS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN .ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENINGS OF FEBRUARY 20 AND 21, 1924 AT $:15;0 CLOCK 4 | : Ahoy 1660 F _—sXILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ved OF VALUABLE OIL PAINTINGS BY MASTERS OF AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN SCHOOLS FROM THE ESTATES OF THE LATE JOSIAH BRADLEE AND THE LATE HENRY SMITH a Ly f sei. ply ae OTHER SO a | Ph PW aed ; Ars (a A A 44 leaner Xe TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED ae SALE aot THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES ON THE EVENINGS HEREIN STATED THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. HIRAM H. PARKE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INc., MANAGERS NEW YORK 1924 eae oy 3 : ch sas aes ; ; oe ; Coe a> wae Pana ie) = & an 7 ~™. 5 ~ . tes af A 7 7 E ) o b) Pe a an z. . 4 ; >. u » r= ; * < = : ‘ ' ci CONDITIONS OF SALE I. Rejection of bids: Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. II. The buyer: The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. Ill. Identification and devosit by buyer: The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a ecard giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. A deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so pur- chased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. IV. Risk after purchase: Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchasers’ risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. V. Delivery of purchases: Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. VI. Receipted bills: Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a receipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. VII. Storage in default of prompt payment and calling for goods: Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser. and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these ¢oenditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. VIII. Shipping: Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, however, afford to pur- chasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. IX. Guaranty: The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of sale to point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set aside on aceount of any incorrectness, error of cataloging or imper- fection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is. sold ‘as is” and without recourse. Every lot is on public exhibition one or mcre days prior to its sale, and the Asso- ciation will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. X. Records: The records of the Auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted hy both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. XI. Buying on order: Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if conditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded if the lot differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such ciearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given. but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot. and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of arts, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Asso- ciation, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. . Priced Catalogues: Priced copies of the catalogue. or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties involved in copy- ing the necessarv information from the records of the Association. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, INC., OTTO BERNET, MANAGERS, HIRAM H. PARKE, AUCTIONEERS. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES AND CATALOGUES OF PRIVATE COLLECTIONS APPRAISALS AND CATALOGUES. Together with the increase in its exhibition and sales rooms, the American Art Association, Inc., will expand its service of furnishing appraisements, under expert direction, of art and literary property, jewelry and all personal effects, in the settlement of estates, for in- heritance tax, insurance and other purposes. It is prepared also to supplement this work by making catalogues of the contents of homes or of entire estates, such catalogues to be modelled after the finely and intelligently produced catalogues of the Association’s own Sales. The Association will furnish at request the names of many Trust and Insur- ance Companies, Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Attorneys and private individuals for whom the Association has made appraisements which have not only been entirely satisfactory to them, but have been accepted by the United States Revenue Department, State Comptroller and others in interest. THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Inc. AT ITS AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON AVENUE 56TH TO 57TH STREET ENTRANCE, 30 EAST 57TH STREET NEW YORK CITY va i sie - CATALOGUE FIRST SESSION WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20, 1924 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT-8:15 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 108, inclusive CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. AMERICAN: 1£59— I—RAINDROPS: SURF—AN ETCHING hob Gat ‘ Height, 814 inches; width, 6 mches eae 50, Sranpinc in the spent waves on the beach, with the surf behind her, a young woman, nude, facing the spectator, spreads her arms with hands > raised, to feel the first raindrops. Signed, and dated “Kasthampton, 1921”; inscribed below: “To Henry Smith from C. H.” Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. WILLIAM BLAKE Brrtisu: 1757—1827 7 2—-CENTAUR ENLEVANT UNE NYMPHE y > (Drawing) A Height, 7% imches; width, 1014 imches A -B OP? A MUSCULAR centaur, moving toward the left, grasps firmly a resisting nymph whom he has forced partly astride his back, the whole in tense activity. From the Ten “Morten-Laverence a Were Se Art be i on ve 1919. 4 ¢ Property of a Private Collector. PIERRE PUVIS DE CHAVANNES ju Frencn: 1824—1898 : ey : | rie / 8—FEMALE FIGURE | | N p, (Charcoal Drawing) GC UW. — / } i 220 : Height, 15 wmches; width, 81% mches A parTLy draped figure of a young woman of robust proportions standing beside a tree, bending over, and with the right hand holding up her left foot. Signed at the lower right, P. Puvis p—E CHAVANNES. | From the Inglis-Morten-Lawrence Sale, American Art Assoctation, | (1919. - #25 -P 925 Spores Property of a Private Collector. HARRISON FISHER AMERICAN: 1857— 4—STUDY OF THE NUDE 39 a | (Pen and Ink Drawing) LJ ? 3 O ‘ Height, 16 inches; length, 18 inches Own a divan against the wall in a studio a young woman lies nude, her shoulders propped against cushions and her arms behind her head, her face observed in profile to the right, her left knee flexed and her right foot resting on a box at the side of the divan. Signed at the lower right, Harrison Fisurr, 797. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. ANDRE CHARLES VOILLEMOT 20 Frencu: 1822—1893 5—MARGUERITE: A SKETCH (Panel) Edu nrrd Litas. | AO ; Height, 124% inches; width, 91% inches Marcuerire, the traditional maiden with long blond hair hanging loosely down her back, stands beside a table on which a casket rests, and holding out at arm’s length a hand mirror regards herself, while Mephistopheles grins back of her shoulder. She is in light garb with bare arms and breast, and is observed nearly at full length, to right, three-quarters front. Signed at the lower left, Cu. VotLuEMor. From the Collection Alfred Saucéde, Paris, 1879 . No. 50: he GS: ee fawurr Property of the Estate of Mrs. Freprerick Turner Brown. JAN VAN ESSEN Friemisu: 1857— 6—-SHEEP IN WINTER : 6 (Pastel) a edLus. lriao o: Height, 151% inches; width, 101% inches THe corner of a stable yard, fenced in, appears in winter,—a lone and leafless small tree in the corner, in the middle distance, on the right. On the left are low stables, and a flock of sheep—snow covered—headed away from the observer, are making their way into the further one, guided by the shepherd. Signed at the lower right, JAN vAN Essen. Property of Mr. Franx P. Woop. ' J.C. KAUFMANN Swiss: ConTEMPORARY 7—MORNING IN AROSA Ph es ( Pastel) ax C 5 0 ae re) Ae , ; Height, 19 mches; length, 25 inches Snow, snow everywhere, pines and mountains and a little hamlet half buried in the snow. Deep snow covers a level plain in the foreground, at the right of which in the middle distance are clustered the houses of the hamlet, some of the buildings scarcely visible above the snow. Beyond are the pine forests, and in the background purplish mountain peaks with snow wherever it could lodge. Morning sunshine over all. Signed at the lower left, J. C. Kaurmann, Arosa, 1917. Property of a Private Owner. GEORGE H. BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. ree. AMERICAN: 1834—1905 8—RUTH . (Gouache) File Glendinnceig +) 0. Height, 2034 inches; width, 11°4 imches Fuit-tencrnu portrait of a young lady out walking, observed against a nebulous background of grass and sky. She wears a gray gown with white trimming, and a flower trimmed hat which is tilted over her eyes and largely conceals her reddish-chestnut hair. She walks toward the right and is observed a little more than in profile, and in her left hand she carries a bouquet of white flowers. Signed at the lower left, G. H. B. From the Estate of the Artist. From a Fall River, Massachusetts, Collection. Property of a Private Collector. _W. MERRITT POST, A.N.A. ia ‘ WW torreet AMERICAN: 1856— 9—WOODS IN THE FALL gs q 5. (Water Color) Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Woops largely bare but a few of the trees retaining brown and yellowed leaves stand on the right of a brook running from the foreground, which in the middle distance passes under a gray bridge to turn the wheel of an old red mill that stands on the left of it. In the distance are more woods, and to left of the brook in the foreground are green and brown fields. , Signed at the lower left, W. Murnrirr Post. Property of a Private Owner. THEOPHILE DE BOCK DutcH: 1851—1904 ( 10—LANDSCAPE (Charcoal Drawing) — Sy ‘ Height, 11 imches; length, 1714, inches A ruraL landscape of hills, old houses and trees ranges the length of the picture, beyond a broad and shallow stream. Signed at the lower left, T. Bocx. From W. Scott & Son, Montreal. To be sold to close an Estate. AL | CONSTANT TROYON a Frencu: 1810—1865 (A | rl — 11—MARINE Sew 5 5 (Pastel) We? PA a é Height, 914 inches; length, 121% inches 4) : C : On the right in middle distance a great promontory juts out, before the afterglow of a sunset sky, and a dark blue sea on the left rolls up with little motion to a beach in the foreground. Here three men are discerned pushing and hauling higher up from the water a boat they | have just beached. In the distance a sail is seen. Signed at the lower left, C. T. y i From the J. Abner Harper Collection. RAT 18 GR, -# f 9 = db LJ Ou 4 To be sold to close an Estate. CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— 12—SUNSET AT SEA ¥ is: aoe? Melek Gal Height, 534 inches; length, 834 mches Tue visible sky is ablaze with crimson and gold and white, and various colors between, over a placid sea of deep blue, with here and there a rippling wave in the foreground catching a reflection of the sky’s splendor. Signed at the lower left, CHILDE Hassam, 1920. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smirn. S yo FRANCOIS AUGUSTE BONHEUR FRENCH: 1824—1884 13—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Genel) }. Lin gel uf S, Height, 614, inches; length, 81 inches Own a still and sunny day in summer, with banks of white clouds low over the horizon, and a haze over the stream which indents the land from the left, where the sunshine also comes from, some cows are seen on a green sward near the foreground. One stands facing the spectator across the backs of two which are lying down, and a fourth standing farther away with back to the spectator turns her head to look at him. . Signed at the right, Auc. BoNHEUR. Property of Mr. Stantey Mortimer. JOHN H. DOLPH AMERICAN: 1885—1903 14—THHE SETTER (Board) Ce a : Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches Corn is in the shock in a field in the background, and an occasional pumpkin is seen, ripe on its vine. All is sunny, and in the foreground a white and brown setter comes toward the observer, his shadow at his feet. Signed at the lower left, J. H. Dourn. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry SMITH. RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. y Lien AmERIcAN: 184'7—1919 ee / 15 MARINE: SEAL ROCK alee Pa —- Height, 7 inches; width, 414 Zee From the right a great rock in brown and reddish-ycllow, with a tail, jagged-arch opening, projects into a greenish sea, which throws up a white smother between the projecting rock and a rough foreground shore, the shore being keyed in the same deep tones of the rock. lanier f 1GOF + rae the collection of af, It drews, New York, 1916. 3 SPS Estate of the Late Alexander Morten. i hiya K+ $100 aA 4b hehe The Property of a Private Collector. Edaong # lag Hee at ge right, R. A. BLAKELOcK. ROSA BONHEUR : Frencu: 1822—1899 { | 5 ys me 16—A SHEEP NY 3 (Panel) | L ; ) / b 2 Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches } ; . Lyine on the ground and headed to the left, with face turned upon the observer, a gray-brown sheep rests tranquilly, in sunlight just strong enough to cast a shadow. In the background are dark trees and lighter fields. Signed at the lower right, Rosa Bonnevr; on back the seal: VentTE Rosa Bonueuvr, 1900. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET Frencu: 1846—1909 17—PORTRAIT OF A LADY CA ULS. Urol ( ¢ Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches 0 bd. Bust portrait of a large eyed young woman with chestnut hair, figure to front and head turned slightly to her left, looking across her left shoulder and somewhat downward. Her grayish gown of floral pattern is cut low in the neck and reveals a part of her ample breasts, and around her shoulders is a mauve drapery. Signed at the left, near her shoulder, G. Jacquet. From the J. Abner Harper Collection. / bs G Zz ay Lf - g. “LPoa T'o be sold to close an Estate. THEODORE ROUSSEAU Frencu: 1812—1867 18—_LANDSCAPE T. Roe (Panel) OL ALA AL tq : (, if “aa % > | \y Height, 5 inches; length, 734 inches b75- Broap greenish fields spread about the pool of a brook in the fore- ground, and in the distance are yellow-brown trees, with more distant trees to be seen on the right. In middle distance beyond the pool a peasant woman stoops to gather fagots. Signed at the lower left, TH. RoussEav. The Estate of Jostan Brapvier, Ese., Boston. A. PASINI Irauian: 1826—1899 a ye | . A 19THE MEETING AT THE GATE ee O B | bo- Height, 61 inches; length, 834 inches In brilliant sunshine under a blue sky a white garden wall crosses the | picture, green trees overhanging it at the left before a tall rose colored oa building. To right of centre at a gate two figures meet, a man with a 7 gun which he rests on the ground, and a figure wrapped in a reddish gown. At one side stands a horse, saddled. Signed at the lower left, A. Pasint. From L. Crist Delmonico. To be sold to close an Estate. CHARLOTTE B. COMAN AMERICAN: 1834— 20—LANDSCAPE AT SUNSET U). C. is. Height, 9 inches; width, 7°4 mches A roapway wandering through green fields leads to a farmhouse in middle distance on the left, in a hollow, and the land rises beyond to a horizon which is ablaze with the lights of the departing sun, which is sinking, a glowing red disc, a part of which is already below the hill. Signed at the lower left, C. B. Coman. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. 45 US. A. CASANOVA SpanisH: 1847—1896 21—_THE CALL er Height, 10 inches; width, 714 inches Tue corner of a marble floored salon with an ornate screen and a chan- delier of tall candles is depicted, in daylight, and two figures appear. An elderly gentleman in a large curled wig has just entered the room, ~ and a blond young lady in an evening gown of white satin with a pale golden waist greets him and takes his walking stick, and is about to take his hat, as he gets out of his coat. Signed at the lower left, A. Casanova, Roma, 1871. Property of Mr. Stantey Mortimer. J. CARROLL BECKWITH, N.A. AMERICAN: 1852—1917 J. Lote Height, 10 inches; width, 8 inches 22—FKFEMME VUE A DOS THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH figure of a woman, nude, seated with back to the observer, on the green grass in the sunshine before a background of woods. She seems to be reading. The light plays about the modeling of the figure and on a mauve drapery thrown over her limbs. Signed at the lower left, Carrot Beckwirn, 1907. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. WILLIAM HART, N.A. AMERICAN: 1823—1894 a 23—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE 130 Height, 1014 mches; width, 814 inches / Py al 135. : SHortT trees in a grazing country of low fields, with rising land oy the left, stand near the centre of the landscape, casting shadows from light coming from the right. The sky is blue and white, with a gray cloud coming into the picture. In a pond in the foreground three cows are standing, a tawny one with a white face, a red one and a black one. Signed at the lower left, Wm. Hart. T'o be sold to close an Estate. HECTOR HANOTEAU Frencu: 1823— 24_LANDSCAPE 2O 3 Height, 101% mches; len aay inches | oO. Hf Hixts decline from the left toward a winding river, and in the/left foreground is a low green bank with a crude structure standing on it. In the middle distance is group of trees with dense green foliage and toward the right on the opposite side of the river a man sits fishing with rod and line. The stream in front of him is in shadow of the trees, and in the foreground is bright with light reflections. Signed at the lower right, H. Hanoreau. f ; , fj; Aj tf From the J. Abner Harper Collection. / OG K - x fo + - JOO To be sold to close an Estate. ee =<." PHILIPPE ROUSSEAU | 7 Frencu: 1816—1887 a pce 6 “) 2—LES ASPERGES art Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches 59 * A stint life painting in which stalks of asparagus partly out of a : loosely tied bunch lie in a soft light on a table, before a dark back- . ground. Beyond them stands a large pottery jug, with a loop handle to which its cork is tied, and in front of them are oyster shells and | : 7 From the collection Alfred Saucéde, Paris, 1879. No. 42.-Jen /loo Ayrvour other objects, and to right stands a table grinding-mill. Signed at the lower left, Pu. RoussEav, 69. Property of the Estate of Mrs. FrepErick TuRNER Brown. : _ 4 Soe 4 yes FRANCOIS BONVIN j Wes } a Frexcu: 1817—1888 I( 0. Two Roman Catholic sisters in black habit with white bonnets and white aprons are seated beside a table, knitting. One faces the spec- tator, the other, in a stronger light, is seen in profile to the left. On the table is a pewter jug, and in the dark shadows of the background a crucifix hangs on the wall. 26—DEUX RELIGEUSES TRICOTAN, Height, 1814 inches; width, ¢ inches Rraudh gg 4 Signed at the lower right, F. Bonvin, 1853. From G. Tempelaere, Paris. Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The Estate of Jostan Braver, Ese., Boston. HENRI HARPIGNIES Frency: 1819—1916 | 27—THE PASTURE BROOK 7 0 te 70. ge SUA eee _ Height, 7% inches; length, 14 inches Tue brook is broad and shallow and curls around boulders in the middle distance, broadening in the foreground. Pasture lands are on either side of it, a path runs along the left, and trees in the middle distance cast their shadows toward the right. Two cows are grazing on the right and others come to the water, and beyond them a flock of _ sheep and their shepherd are seen. Signed at the lower left, Harpicniss. From a Providence, Rhode Island, collection. Property of a Private Collector. ese oan ANTOINE VOLLON ot Frencu: 1833—1900 Be b 28—STILL LIFE “ee... pe o. Height, 1114, inches; length, 17% imches Acaryst a dark background a lobster, boiled, is seen lying on a dark table. A soft light falls upon it, and upon some opened oyster shells and a closed mussel shell lying beside it. Signed at the lower left, A. VouLon. From the private collection of the late Crist Delmonico. Property of a Private Owner. ARTHUR B. DAVIES | H v 29 THE SEARCHER Farargel Val. 1862— . / 4 0. Height, 6 inches; length, 12 mches . Here the mystic enters in. The quiet landscape with its broken color, its touch of red autumn, the dark cedars and far blue hills, is normal and quite what we know; but the blue-hooded figure, with hand to listening ear, slipping swiftly across the foreground, is mystic, is like the vagrant wind, is the searcher who hears afar the secret song which murmurs. She kindles the fancy, while her hooded head is mask and silence, teasing us to know the object of her search. Signed at the lower right, A. B. Daviess. From the Montross Collection, 919-620-1564. abe) Property of a Private Collector. 3 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE 6 Frencu: 1813—1894 30—_SHEEP AT PASTURE LS O b Height, 7 inches; length, 1214 123 Cpr wei). Tue sky is a mass of dark gray clouds, with a white streak along the horizon. At left near the foreground the edge of a wood comes into the picture, and against the foremost tree is seated a shepherd, looking out over his flock of sheep in the dark pasture to right. Signed at the lower right, Cu. Jacque. Property of Mr. Franx P. Woop. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 aan 31—A RURAL CONCERT = ¢ econ 2 Mie % re Height, 91 mches; length, 13 mches SEVERAL figures have gathered under a tree to hear one of their number play some music. The tree grows on a hillside and only its lower branches appear against the sky, over the heads of the figures. A young woman seated on the ground and facing the right three- quarters front is playing the lute, and two others sit at either side apparently in rapt enjoyment. FRANKLIN P. DE HAVEN AMERICAN: 1856— 34 MOONLIGHT ON SEA AND SHORE ! po. arya ee eee (Panel) . g.P 4 . 3 ie Height, 12 mches; length, 16 eC: THE observer looks off to sea and along the edges of the shores of a cove. ‘The shores are a dark gray-brown, and the water between and beyond them is a cool and dark green with short waves tipped with white, and a path of white light comes over them from the moon some way up the heavens and partly obscured by clouds. ‘Signed at the lower Icft, F. De Haven, A.N.A. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. AMERICAN: 1848—- 7 | 85—HOLSTEIN BULL bes aes : To, Height, 12 inches; length, 16 imches Marsuy pasture lands fill the picture, under a gray sky of moving shower clouds, through which light filters irregularly, illumming a stream in the distance and a shallow pool in the foreground. Here a black and white bull stands, headed to the right and slightly forward, eyeing the observer. Signed at the lower left, CarteTron Wiccrns. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry SmMiru. JOHN CARLETON WIGGINS, N.A. © re oz Ix ra: DAVID J. GUE AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 36—THE PASSING CLOUD ; 0, oy) Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inchés . In the foreground and to left a short stretch of brown sandy shore glistens with the moisture of a receding wave, reflecting the sunshine that strikes it from beneath a storm cloud that nearly conceals the sun from the observer’s eye. In the distance an active sea, darkened under the cloud and under others drifting low over the water. Signed at the lower left, Davin J. Gut. From a Salmagundi Club auction sale. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Siru. JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT yr” a Faencu-: 1700221 one \( y 37—A FONTAINEBLEAU OAK: A STUDY es | Height, 12 inches; length, 1634 mehes A An aged oak of great trunk and sturdy limbs stands At the right of the canvas, the lower part of its trunk, only—and not all of that— within the confines of the picture, and two blasted branches only and part of a third branch visible; these project irregularly toward the left. Green sward and a bit of rough land, with green bushes and gray rocks complete the picture, with a bit of yellowish-gray sky. | Signed at the lower left, Conor. From a Providence, Rhode Island, collection. Property of a Private Collector. EK. FICHEL Frencu: 1826—1895 F “= 38—_THE CONNOISSEURS _Iy the corner of an art gallery whose walls are closely hung with paintings a number of gentlemen are assembled, standing and seated, studying and discussing the pictures. They are in eighteenth century costumes of many colors, and a dozen of them are in the company. Signed at the lower left, EK. Ficuer, 1859. Property of Mr. SrantEy MortTIMeEr. EUGENE HIGGINS AmeERIcAN: 1874— S) 39—CONV ICTS E | f a 5. Height, 1214 inches; length, 174 mches Moyine wearily, doggedly, heavily, toward the left, a file of prisoners returning from work toward the close of day, ball and chain dragging at their slow heels, are under care of a mounted and a foot guard, each armed with gun. Signed at the lower left, Hicerns. From the Inglis-Morten-Lawrence Sale, American Art Association, 1919. ¥K3 4 SIO « Moileore Property of a Private Collector. (Panel) a. }. Height, 1234 mches; length, 16 imdéhes DAVID TENIERS Friemisu: 1610—1694 ame 40—FLEMISH AMUSEMENTS +S0 Height, 13 inches; width, Rede In the taproom of a tavern ancient Flemings are smoking and drink- ing, lighting and refilling their pipes; one holds high a glass nearly filled. Five figures appear. On the wall hang jugs. " i Signed at the lower right, D. 'TEniErs. Accompanied by an old engraving, ‘““Amusemens Flamans,” dedicated to his Serenest Highness Monseigneur le Comte de Clermont, prince of the blood, “engraved \ after the original picture by David Teniers, by his very humble and very obedient servant, Louis Lempereur, at Paris, chez l’auteur, rue des Rats, vis-a-vis celle des Trois Portes.” Property of Mr. Ricnwarp Copmayn. ANGELO ASTI ITALiaAn: 1847—1903 41—NUDE Fd ] 10 ’ Height, 1314 inches; lengt by 18 inches }/ 0 FuLr-Lenetu figure of a young woman reclining nude in the shelter of some trees, the high lights emphasizing the flesh tones against the dark background. Her back is toward the spectator, and she faces the left, profil perdu, her Titian hair streaming over her shoulders. Signed at the lower right, A. Ast. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smirn. Sansa fas JULES WORMS a { oe FrEeNcH: 1832—1881 4 42-LE DEPART POUR LA REVUE), ~}4 (Panel) i | KO) Height, 1524 wmches; width, 124% inches NM Ke ee y) Aw officer in uniform adjusted to the last touch stands facing the right before a mantel in a room done in French gray with painted and gilded details. He is putting on his white gloves, and as he stands rigidly erect, in his plumed helmet, madame stands at one side in admiration. She is a dark haired and matronly young woman in a pale golden-yellow gown, and she clasps her hands at her shoulder as she regards in pleased awe the tall military figure before her. ) lem Signed at the lower right, J. Worms. Exhibited at the Salon, 1876. Exhibited at the Exposition Universelle, 1878. From the Collection Alfred Saucéde, Paris, 1879. HSE ee KOOO0 = fonew Property of the Estate of Mrs. Freprerick Turner Brown. | RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, ae . AMERICAN: 1847—1919 7 0 3 | Yj 483—FIFTY-EIGHTH STREET AND NINTH AVENUE, SEPTEMBER 5, 1868 Jue QO. Height, 1644 ches; length, 2414 inches Aw historical document of the metropolis little more than half a cen- tury ago, when “Shanty Towns” existed where now are thronged apartments. The observer’s eye looks over a broad hilltop crowned by cabins and lean-to’s and boulders, the boulders in the foreground and the upper portions of the cabins standing out against the sky. There is hght and color in the sky, and color in the treeless landscape of sunshine and shadow. A child near one of the cabins adds to the color, and beside one of them is a figure at work. Signed at the lower left, R. A. BLAKELOcK. Property of a Private Collector. ot Rat. [Stare nt Aa Loar York, Srovlhavceh Come JAhge and 5S- Lane nee, é ald 1 by both F bolt Lats 1942 -F IK LITE OE 4 Geceeth ARTHUR B. DAVIES AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 44—GIRL WITH A THORN IN HER FOOT A LO Height, 16 inches; width, 11 mches / "A rirrte lassie in a green dress, who has been running barefoot, is seated under the branch of a shady tree, bending over to the left trying to extract a thorn from her foot. Signed at the lower left, A. B. Davtrs. Purchased at the American Art Galleries, 1916. Montross Collection, 1919. S fot w Ath Property of a Private Collector. wy aD A JOHANNES HENRICUS JURRES ay Pe Dutcu: ConrTeEMPORARY Se me | Z ae. 45—THE MENDICANT 3Ah0. Height, 26°24 inches; width, 22 ep AML FuL.L-LencrTH figure of a dejected man, partly nude, white sheepskin covering his limbs and a red mantle hanging from his shoulder and covering his left arm, and trailing on the ground. A white kerchief enwraps his bowed head, and he extends his right hand in humble appeal. Light on the figure and a dark background. Signed at the lower right, J. H. Jurres, ’05. From the artist. From Thomas Wallis & Son, London. To be sold to close an Estate. CLAUDE LORRAINE 77 0 Frencu: 1606—1682 | «46 ROMAN LANDSCAPE ae nee “4S. Height, 16 hee: width, 12 inches ae In the foreground a young shepherd with bare legs and arms is in sunshine which comes from the left, and beyond him are a number of cows on their way homeward toward the close of day. One stops to browse, and a white cow in front of the shepherd stops at the brink of a river on the left and stands looking across it. In the middle dis- tance the stream is crossed by a bridge, and in the distance are far hills. On the right, beyond the cattle, is a group of trees and bush. Property of the Estate of Mrs. Frevertck Turner Brown. 70 ; Height, 16 inches; width, 138 inches — WALTER GAY AMERICAN: 1856—1910 (Gon) 47—-K AK EMONO On the wall of a room with polished wood floor hang kakemono pic- turing storks and the lotus, a figure and other motives, masks hang beside them, and on brass bound chests rest statuettes, red lacquers and a variety of ornaments. Signed at the lower left, WaLTER Gay. Property of a Private Owner. C. KE. COOKMAN 48—AN INTERESTED CRITIC Wd ; " | 2 se Height, 17 wmches; width, 10 inches In a studio a nude model, resting, sits with back to the spectator, gazing critically at a fanciful garden canvas for which she has posed standing. She has red hair and is seated on a stool over which a rich green drapery has been thrown. Signed at bottom center, C. K. Cookman. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smirn. L. IZAGUIRRE CoNTEMPORARY Ward. 2 fh / : 49—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES —_— HO. | Height, 181% inches; width, 1444 inches A mountain partly bare and partly green and yellow makes a high and irregular horizon in the background, and green trees grow low on its nearer slope. In front of them in the foreground is a village street of Spanish architecture, and standing in the blazing sunshine are three figures who may be Mexicans. Stgned at the lower left, L. Izacuirre. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. ADOLPHE ALEXANDRE LESREL Frenco: 1830— od | 4, 50—UN GUET-APENS DE BRIGANDS odour Ute 9 D Height, 1814 inches; width, 15 wmches On the stone pavement before an elaborately carved door of a building which has flowers and vines growing against it stand two figures. It is daylight and the ambuscade is quite transparent. A plump young woman in a short blue skirt patterned with flowers in gay colors, and a rose waist trimmed with white lace and cut low, is singing and accompanying herself on the lute, while a man picturesquely accoutred and heavily armed listens at the door as he grips a long sword whose point rests on the pavement. Signed at the lower left, on the wall, A Lesrei, 1874. Property of Mr. Srantey Mortimer. ARTHUR B. DAVIES 1862— | () 51—THE CALL OF SPRING 4 4 : 0 Height, 20 mches; width, 8 inches j 4 : Tue elements in this picture are simple. Two silver birches lift their delicate plumes into the sky, which is of gray and blue. The still water of a pond or lake is seen beyond the hillside, but the attention is held by the slight nude figure of a child in the foreground. The whole panel is pervaded with the dreamy languor of awakening Spring. One does not see birds, but one may hear their song and those infinite sounds which are canticles of joy. Observe the intertwining of the lovely young birches, symbolizing that union out of which ever comes a new birth—the trees bear their leaf and blossom, the brown earth awakens, young life appears, and all is youth, freshness and beauty. Not anything of this is immediately apparent in this panel, but all is there to the willing brain and seeing eye. Signed at the lower center, A. B. Davis. From the Montross Sale, 191 9.-~3Y - $050 Bea 4, hitheel Property of a Private Collector. SPRING CALL OF HE No. 51—T es) i Davo Arthur B (By a's | b6O J.C. KAUFMANN Swiss: 1870— 52—KRONTEN UND SCHLOSSBERG GLETSCHER, ERSTPELDERTAL, URI © Height, 19 inches; length, 26 inches (Ba 2 b In the foreground flowers bloom above the green grass in the sunshine, amidst outcropping rocks. In the background the rocks, gray and brown, mount high before a deep blue sky, and snow and ice lie over them. Signed at the lower left, J. C. Kaurmann, 1905. Property of a Private Owner. LOUIS ALEXANDRE LELOIR Frencuo: 1843—1884 583—PLAYING WITH THE KITTENS — Height, 31 mches; width, 21 inches C ol Lr SEATED on a balcony railing with her back against a marble pillar a young woman is observed in profile to the right with figure somewhat toward the spectator, teasing a kitten which with two others is on a rose colored cushion in front of her. She dangles a feather above its nose and the cat is in posture of rising to it. Her costume is rich but worn loosely, and her hair hangs down her back. Signed at the lower left, Louis Lenore. Property of Mr. Sranutey Mortimer. oe ue HENRI LEROLLE Frencu: 1851— . 54_-SHEEP AND HAYSTACKS BY MOONLIGHT | & Zo , | Height, 22 inches; width, 1814 inches Tue full golden moon is just emerging above the horizon, to right of center, and to left of it two large haystacks rise in silhouette in the fields, a third appearing on the right in the distance. In the fore- ground walking towards the left and pausing to take their last nibbles as they go are some sheep, followed by their shepherd, his staff resting over his shoulder. Signed at the lower left, H. Leroute. a4 From the J. Abner Harper Collection. (892 -#-69 _ $00 as T'o be sold to close an Estate. y WILLIAM A. COFFIN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— | 55 THE VALLEY FARM Wr. ; ) i. oe Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches A spacious grain field with standing shocks ready to be hauled to the barn fills the foreground, and in the middle distance lies rolling country with belts of trees while at right. in a sheltered corner of the valley, are a red farm house with barn and outbuildings nearby. In the dis- tance is a range of mountains and the glowing sky shows great masses of clouds tinged with orange red by the setting sun. Signed at the lower right, Wm. A. Corrin. Direct from the artist. Property of a Private Owner. ALEXANDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS Frencu: 1803—1860 A 56—-THE APPROACHING STORM ne {| O- Height, 24 inches; length, 26 inches dy. A LANpDscAPE with forest trees on a slope, at left, bordering a road which leads from the right foreground where a man and a dog are passing. The man with head bent, the trees swept by the wind and the darkened sky portend the swift coming of a rainstorm. Signed at the lower left, Decamrs, and dated 1842. From the collection of the late DorotHEa Woturr. From American Art Association Sale, “Valuable Paintings,” January 16, 1923. -¥5K + S300 + lb. Luter, t'o be sold to close an Estate. EDWIN LORD WEEKS AMERICAN: 1849—19038 NS o 57—THE PIGEONS OF JEYPORE Height, 18 inches; length, 22 Toe Inp1an architecture in majestic piles rises in brilliant sunshine before a clear blue sky, about an open place where numberless pigeons come to feed and drink, flocking toward a seated figure near whom lies a basket. Up steps leading to the principal building climb figures in scarlet, passing through a gate guarded by elephant statues, and in _ the foreground at right are squatting figures one of whom seems to be undergoing a barber operation. Signed at the lower right, EK. L. Werks, JEYPORE. From the Edwin Lord Weeks sale, American Art Association, New York, 1905. - Ho Calaliyue f Hi aake) ¢ Property of the Estate of ‘the Late Henry Smirn. FREDERIK HENDRIK KAEMMERER, __ pe 7 Durcn: 1839—1902 Ah, iv WA Ne — f / F i/ VU é a Height, 24 inches; width, 16 anches ; ® : Prsrulh Iprine along an informal path of the countryside a couple come toward the observer, strolling arm in arm, she in a white sleeveless and décolleté gown and bare headed, he in a long-tailed striped coat, buff breeches and white stockings, and carrying a walking-stick. She looks up to him with interest, her face seen in profile, and he condescendingly looks down at her as he toys with his watch fob. About them is a spring landscape, and in the background is water with reflections of pink clouds in a robin’s-egg sky. Signed at the lower right, ¥. H. KarMMERER. Property of a Private Collector. ALBERT GUILLAUME Frencu: CoNTEMPORARY 0° yy 59—_SLEEPING CHILD | ay. (Panel) me @ LU. Height, 22 inches; width, 18 inches In a corner of a peasant’s cottage or a farm outbuilding a child who has been gathering flowers has paused to lie down on a bed of some garnering of the fields, and gone to sleep. Two women and a man in picturesque peasants’ costume have come in, and the man starts to play a fife or flute to waken the sleeper. Signed at the lower left, A. GUILLAUME. Property of a Private Collector. CHARLES LINFORD ConNTEMPORARY (> [— AK o ‘A0—WOODLAND SCENE . / Bi Height, 22 inches: width, 16 w¢hes S. A rew trees with silvery bark and others dark and moss-grown, in the foreground, rise above the picture limits, and beyond a clearing are woods before a clouded sky, with the sunshine upon them. The foliage shows the colors of autumn, and at the farther side of the clearing are two figures, in the sunlight. Signed at the lower left, C. Linrorp, 1887. Property of a Private Collector. ¢ b Re Fs \/ ~~ ALONZO PEREZ es er. TION exe) Qudreus Corr “y; t ioe Height, 164 inches; width, 13814 inches & = A GREEN wooden bench with bush behind it and the red tower of a building in the distance. American: 1819—1905 62—FEEDING TIME 4S. Height, 1614 inches; length, 2614 qs aE: a In the interior of a stable with a soft light falling upon the gray wall and the golden straw, four Shetland ponies cluster about the hostler, who stands near the center with a raised forkful of hay. To right is the feed rack, and game chickens seek their feed near by. Signed at the lower right, A. F. Tarr, 1860, N. Y.; and again on the back, with title. Property of a Private Collector. GEORGE H. BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. AMERICAN: 1854—1905 683—ON THE THAMES 0 Sie Height, 104% inches; length, 2214 inches A reEacu of the river Thames crosses the foreground, no hither shore appearing in the picture, and the farther shore is low and green in the sunshine. Edges of woodland appear at right and left, and be- tween them occasional detached trees, and a path from the woods at the right comes down to the water in front of those at the left. On the river, at right, is a punting party, a dog on the prow of the punt and a figure forward poling, while women are seated in the stern, one of them with a red parasol. Signed at the lower left, G. H. BovucuTon. From the estate of the artist. From a Fall River, Massachusetts, collection. Property of a Private Collector. ae: tA Ae JUEPFES KRONBERG SwepDisH: 1850— 64—BALLET GIRL IN RED Qh Vous Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches SEATED figure of a danseuse in a ballet costume of brilliant red, bend- ing over to adjust a lace at her ankle. She has dark hair and a strip of velvet about her throat, and she bends forward and to her left, with left elbow resting on her left knee. Her right hand reaches toward her right ankle. Signed at the lower right, Louis Kronserc; at lower left, 1916. Property of a Private Owner. J. A. S. MONKS AMERICAN: 1850— 65—“ROUND POND” | ) LD. Height, 2644 mches; length, 42 inches Rampiine buildings of a spacious country extend nearly across the picture, in the background, a little sky grayish-blue on a fair day visible above them, and bushes with autumn browns in front of them. From the cottages the land declines toward the foreground, a land of EE green grass and outcropping gray rocks. Here a flock of sheep feed, f on their way to a small pond in the foreground to drink. Signed at the lower left, J. A. S. Monxs. From the artist. To be sold to close an Estate. ALBERT P. LUCAS AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY | 66—NOCTURNE bo, Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches & : f. Over a landscape, in which a roadway and trees are dimly seen, rises a high night sky with dark clouds from beyond which comes the light of the moon. A few stars are seen in the open spaces. The color scheme shows warm tints, through which appears the light of the moon falling on a mass of little cloud flecks depicted in tints of yellow and orange. Signed at the lower left. Purchased from the artist. “Sale, March, 1916. Property of a Private Collector. AMERICAN: 1857—1920 67—THE FROZEN BROOK ans Wee bg IV A. T. VAN LAER Height, 28 inches; length, 32% inches ] Snow covers the ground over a broad landscape that dips from either j side toward the valley of a brook which takes a wandering course and ) & 0. passes out of the picture in the foreground. Thick ice covers it in places, and again the water has made its way to daylight only to be covered with an icy film. Sparse trees line the course of the ravine — through which it comes, in the middle distance, mainly gray and bare, a few of them retaining the crimson leaves of the fall. Signed at the lower right, A. 'T. van Larr. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. WILLIAM A. COFFIN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— <5 68-DECEMBER MOONRISE 0 feo Willy, Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches A sNOWFALL in early winter has covered the fields and the hillsides of the landscape but the wind has drifted it and the afternoon sun has partly melted it so that the withered grass and brown carth show in patches in agreeable contrast to the blanket of white. Over the distant hill, crowned with trees, the full moon is seen rising in a clear sky of early evening blue with a few small clouds tinged with pink. The last rays of the sun of the closing winter day gently illumine the top ef the distant hillside producing an effect of quiet charm. Signed at the lower right, Wm. A. Corrin. Direct from the Artist. Property of a Private Owner. seal é - Ab me certian Z hate Peer - as ee LR, tas iwligivg od. odeecce ie, a me a SY pegir - fae a) Grerrte GEORGE H. BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. AMERICAN: 1834—1905 69—STRACHAN FERRY 4 ee bnelhents? 0? ] 3 bo , Height, 30 inches; lengths 52 inches Tue broad stream traverses the picture, disappearing between high and colorful hills at the left. The nearer shore is low, wildflowers bloom above the green grass, smoke issues from the chimney of a low building at left and colored garments hang on a fence at the right. At the water’s edge lies a rowboat, and larger craft are visible across | the stream. High up the hills of the farther side a shepherd is seen = with his flock. Signed at bottom to right of center, G. H. Bovcuron. From the Estate of the Artist. From a Fall River, ‘Massachusetts, collection. Exhibited at the Worcester Ari Museum. Property of a Private Owner. 7 eA ‘ “® | 3 L. ; Pa f L i | EDWIN LORD WEEKS j bey | AMERICAN: 1849—19038 es / Y 0 70—POWDER PLAY OUTSIDE THE WALLS frken : OF THE CITY OF MOROCCO Gal, | / 7 0: Height, 3514 inches; length, 60 inches In a foreground plain mounted troops are drawn up on the right, and a great company of people are standing and seated on the ground at the left, while in the centre of the canvas Moors on horseback and in brilliant costumes have come out ahead of the lines and are shooting, facing forward and to the left. An attendant is handing a gun to one of them. In the background are the city walls and roofs, and in the distance snow-capped mountain peaks rise toward a brilliant sky. On back, stamp of the Edwin Lord Weeks Sale, American Art Association, 1905. T'o be sold to close an Estate. | | - oe 220. Mountains loom high in the background, descending to a valley or WILLIAM CLARKSON STANFIELD, R.A. Encusu: 17938—1867 } 71—BOATS FOULING ENTERING HARBOR, ZUY DER ZEE Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches Oxp ocean is tossing in lively fashion and a thunder squall is coming up from the right against the wind, and toward the sunshine which illuminates the boats about the harbor. In the foreground one of the heavy Dutch working boats with sail and blunt bow is run into by a smaller sailing boat working offshore from the left. Farther out is a jetty on which people are standing, and off the end of it is a frigate or Kast Indiaman, of square rig, and several sloops. Signed at the lower left, C. Stanrretp, R.A., 1854. Property of Mr. Joun Junius Morean. HENRY PEMBER SMITH AMERICAN: 1854—1907 72—-LANDSCAPE YW. Pathe Height, 28 inches; width, 20 mches glen surrounded by pines and bushes. In the middle distance a brook breaks through, widening to a pond or lake whose placid waters occupy the foreground, save at left where a low bank of stones and boulders rises above the shallows. Signed at the lower right, Henry P. Smiru. T'o be sold to close an Estate. EDWARD MORAN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1829—1901 /O a 18-MARINE Lhe Gerlach ; ipo =< Height, 271% inches; width, 224% inéles ; ~ On the right are tall brown cliffs against which the green sea breaks, tossing white foam high up their sides. In the left foreground is an outlying rock, and gulls fly low over the water. In the background the sky is darkening and in the distance the storm has already broken and is beating down the sea. Signed at the lower left, Knw. Moran. To be sold to close an Estate. WALTER GAY so AMERICAN: 1856—1910 Cc 74—-CHATEAU DE COURANCE (SEINE ET OISE) (Panel) 9 ; a7? Height, 2134 inches; width, 171% mches Tue mantelpiece in the library of the chateau, belonging to the Marquis de Ganay, near Fontainebleau; painted in 1905. In dark tones, with two decorated ovoid jars, one at either end of the mantel shelf, over a fireplace framed in grayish-white, with brass andirons and casing. At either side a fauteuil, in front of bookshelves from floor to ceiling, the book-backs in many colors. Polished floor with numerous reflec- tions. Signed at the lower left, WALTER Gay. From the Galerie Brunner, Paris. Property of a Private Owner. | Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches , 00. la JOHANNUS HUBERTUS LEONARDUS DE HAAS ‘i Bertcian: 1880—1880 | b. 75—LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE Hane 19 inches; length, 29 inches chess cil Two young short horned bulls stand in the foreeconam of a lush and sunny pasture, eyeing the observer suspiciously. A black and white one stands athwart the picture and a reddish-tawny one steps forward from behind his head. Near them a black calf is grazing. Sunshine from the left breaks upon all, and beyond some tall grass which seems to mark the line of a brook are more cattle in the distance grazing. Signed at the lower right, J. H. L. pe Haas. Property of a Private Owner. HENRY P. SMITH ~ AmeERIcAN: 18541907 » 16—THE BELFRY 2 du Ihe ABOVE a grayish water foreground rises a garden wall and a stair, and amass of buildings of Venetian architecture. Green trees are in the garden and the buildings rise above them in sunshine, topped by the red brick tower where the bell is seen. On the water near the wall are small boats with figures in them, and a young woman looks over the garden wall. ‘ *7| a a _ oni , - an ee at! = ‘at i. Signed at the lower right, Henry P. Smiru. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERCK, N.A./__, ," AMERICAN: 1855— SF a Rae 77—AU SABLE RIVER, KEENE VALLEY, ADIRONDACKS 2S ‘3 Height, 24 ches; length, 32 inches. Ix the background are blue mountains, and coming toward the spec- tator along the left is a shallow river, blue and white with reflections of the brilliant sky and in the foreground hurrying over obstructions in white ripples. On its either bank stand detached trees in sunshine, and near the foreground on the right the edge of a wood is seen border- ing the river, and out of it issues a path along the stream. Signed at the lower right, R. W. Van Boskercx. Direct from the artist. Property of a Private Owner. he, raccact *e — Ve = = ETIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR i : = Frencu: 1858—1910 q i 78—SIEGE OF PARIS WANA , Qe Pees Veii.,, | / a. (Panel) : | Height, 131% inches; length, 184% mches Frencu infantrymen are tending a gun pointed off toward the right, behind a low barricade. One is seated, alertly on the watch, a second is seated, resting, behind him, and a third in temporary exhaustion is partly reclining on the ground, his head resting on his arm which is thrown over a large basket. The earth around them is brown and bare, and a wood is seen vaguely in the distance. Signed at the lower left, E. BERNE-BELLECOUR. Property of a Private Collector. EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— haf ap EF. : ‘ 79—AN OLD TREE AND ITS NEIGHBORS | ¢ Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches A TREE of gnarled trunk and blasted, short and of sturdy groyth, stands detached in a sunny field bordered by woods, the ground around it covered with short grass and behind it foliage and higher land all but obscuring a grayish sky. Against the light green of the grass and the deeper bluish-green of the foliage the gray trunk stands out, its distorted limbs telling of a struggle for existence. Signed at the lower left, Emit CarisEen. Property of the Estate of the late Henry Smiru. CONSTANT TROYON : Frencu: 1810—1865 ae 80-SHHPHERD AND FLOCK (Panel) Height, 14 inches; length, 18 inches A sxercH from the Troyon sale. In the foreground is a large flock of sheep, some standing, others lying down, some in mild sunshine and some in a cloud shadow that lies over a part of the meadows. At right in the foreground the shepherd’s black dog; at left stands the shep- herd, in blue blouse and black felt hat, looking off over the more dis- tant members of his flock. All around are rolling fields, and in the distance a few trees on a knoll. At lower right, the stamp, VENTE 'TRoyoN. Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The Estate of Jostan Brapvuer, Esa., Boston. Saat a: = a ak She “Sates THEODORE ROBINSON fy AMERICAN: 1854—1896 ay. | 81I—ALONG THE STREAM OC | ae Sa, Height, 231% inches; width, 20 inches” A LANDSCAPE when all that is green is in flourishing life, in the subdued sunshine of a hazy day. At left are pollarded trees, standing amid green grass and taller growths of herbage, and a little to right of them other pollards lean out across the picture, above a sluggish brook. In the foreground, in front of the pollards, an old gray rowboat lies in the water, with nose at the root of the pollards. Signed at the lower right, Tu. Roprnson. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry SmMiru. : Tt 0 é } | 1 6 THOMAS MORAN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1837— 82—SUNSET, LONG ISLAND Height, 30 inches; length, 4014 pnches ny On the right a bluff with trees, and on the left a lower one, and beffreen them a rough and open marshy tract illumined by a pool or two and opening to a sea reaching to the distant horizon. There the low horizon clouds are a deep crimson, and the sky above them is still alight with the after-glow of the departed sun, while far at right and left more clouds are touched with refractions of the crimson rays. Signed at the lower left, T. Moran, N.A., 1900. Property of the Estate of the late Joun C. Lator. DAVID JOHNSON, N.A. ) 4, O AMERICAN: 1827—1908 83—STUDY AT RAMAPO, ROCKLAND COUNTY, NEW YORK, 1874 | php. . rs Height, 22 inches; width, 1814, inches yee Metres Dy. Tux artist chose for the subject of his canvas a rocky glen, with woods in the high background, through which glimpses only of the sky are seen. In front of the woods the gray rocks mass high, their surfaces broken, and covered by various short growths. Midway a waterfall emerges, descending white to a dark pool in the foreground. ogee at the lower left, DJ (monogram) ae canal i, again on the back. Property of the Estate of the late Henry SMiru. EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— 84—_ LANDSCAPE 225, Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches Wiotbek ek, A uit descends from the left toward the foreground and the right, the line of its gray-green surface seen against banks of rolling clouds white and gray in a blue sky. Standing at left of centre, in sunshine, is a fine tree of foliage which hangs almost to the earth, a mass of rich, deep green, with occasional glimpses through it of the clouds beyond. Signed at the lower right, Emit CarisEn. Property of the Estate of the late Henry SMirH. bat CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— E 85—-BENDING SAIL ON THE OLD MILL, = BRIDGHAMPTON, LONG ISLAND ov. Height, 2414 mches; width, 20 mches Tue old gray mill stands on a knoll in the left foreground, the grass around it yellow in sunshine and dotted with green bushes, and around the knoll, beyond it, skirts the blue stream. In the background yellow- green rolling land and distant blue hills, under a blue and greenish sky massed with high banks of white clouds. The sails have already been put on three arms of the windmill, and two men stand at the base of the mill surveying the work. Signed at the lower left, Cu1rpE Hassam, Sept. 14, 1920. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. THEODORE ROUSSEAU Frencu: 1812—1867 i | 86—NOV EMBER } » & Chanel) oe" Mary 0 Height, 1741/4, inches; length, 28 inches _ In the “melancholy days” when the browns and the yellows are crow ing out the greens and turning them to grays a farm and barnyard are depicted, in the yellowish-brown and mellow notes of that season. A group of stable buildings and a cottage stand on the left, together with a field mill, and the end of a wagon is observed projecting from among the buildings. In front of them near the centre of the com- position are a few detached trees, young and of small proportions, about which a road curves, leading to the barns. The sky is a gray- white and before it a number of birds are seen on the wing. . Signed at the lower right, TH. R. From the estate of the late Walter Richmond, of Providence, Rhode )@ Island. ceaeientniitiiaiaiiieesdiaiiininest Property of a Private Collector. —— Z WILLARD L. METCALF AMERICAN: 1858— 87—_THE APPROACHING ey Height, 29 inches; length, 33814 wches } , Tur festival of autumn is heralded by brilliant colors in the foliage of trees standing detached on a rocky and grassy hillside which rises from the foreground to a large farmhouse in middle distance on the left. And in the distance on the right, on other hills, more trees are assuming their gala dress. Black and white and red: cows graze in the sunshine, which is bright upon the crimson and golden-yellow leafage and on the soft green of the grass among the gray rocks. Signed at the lower right, W. L. Mercatr, 1922. Property of the Estate of the late Henry SmiruH. JULIAN ALDEN WEIR, P.N.A. AMERICAN: 1852—1919 «88 SPRINGTIME ja Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches nip eee Ow the left leaning trees are a mass of light and blossoms in the sun- shine of spring, and the green sward under them and to right shares in the brilliancy and displays the faint shadows which their luminous masses cast. In the middle distance a bush is in blossom, and a tree stands beyond it over fields of fresh greenery. In the foreground the edge of a stone fence is visible under the trees, and far off white clouds move in a robin’s-egg sky, over distant hills. Signed at the lower left, J. ALDEN WEIR. Mrs. Weir has stated of this canvas that it was painted by her husband on his Branchville estate, some two hundred yards from the house, the Danbury Hills lying in the distance. Exhibited at the Rhode Island School of Design. Property of a Private Owner. FREDERIC REMINGTON American: 1861—1909 ee 89—APACHEH FIRE SIGNAL Height, 40 inches; width, 27 Wea In the woods at night a fire signal is burning, in the distance at left of centre and seen between the trunks of trees. All around it is dark- mh ness. In the foreground, in a partial clearing, a lone Indian rider © sits his well trained white pony, brought to a halt at a felled tree trunk. His rifle rests across his saddle-bows, and both horse and rider are alert for what may come next. Signed at the lower left, FrepERiIc RemrinerTon. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Surrn. e JULIAN ALDEN WEIR, P.N.A. AMERICAN: 1852—1919 88—_SPRINGTIME 479+ Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches Ser pares, Own the left leaning trees are a mass of light and blossoms in the sun- shine of spring, and the green sward under them and to right shares in the brillianey and displays the faint shadows which their luminous masses cast. In the middle distance a bush is in blossom, and a tree stands beyond it over fields of fresh greenery. In the foreground the edge of a stone fence is visible under the trees, and far off white clouds move in a robin’s-egg sky, over distant hills. Signed at the lower left, J. ALpEN Weir. Mrs. Weir has stated of this canvas that it was painted by her husband on his Branchville estate, some two hundred yards from the house, the Danbury Hills lying in the distance. | Exhibited at the Rhode Island School of Design. | Property of a Private Owner. : 89-4PA CHE FIRE SIGNAL cg : QQ -FREDERIC REMINGTON a a oo. _ American: 1861—1909 Height, 40 inches; width, 27 id So ty is the woods at night a fire signal is burning, in the distance fat left of centre and seen between the trunks of trees. All around it Is dark- ness. In the foreground, in a partial clearing, a lone Indian rider sits his well trained white pony, brought to. a halt at a felled tree trunk. His rifle rests across his saddle-bows, and both horse and rider are alert for what may come next. Signed at the lower left, FrEDERIC REMINGTON, sl Property of the Estate of the Late Henky SMITH. 7 > ) Wat Che profr4z ° ee ) Gaal | Ay, sae neidcite:< No. 89—ApacueE Fire Sienau (By Frederic Remington) LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN Frencu: 1824—1898 PPS Q | 90—UN GRAIN DU NORD-OQUEST, DEAUVILLE Height, 26 inches; length, 361% inches On the left is the French coast, a low and sandy beach in the fore- ground, higher land in the distance, and all the balance of the composi- tion to right is ocean, with the breakers rolling in with an abundance of white foam. A ship or two is to be seen in the offing, under light clouds of a bluish sky. From far at left over the land a black squall comes up, its advance clouds over the ocean already dropping rain. Signed at the lower left, Boupin, 995, DEauvi_e. From the Alexander Blumenstiel Collection, American Art Association, New York, 1906. - ¥G/4 Sb/0 eee Gre) Property of a Private Owner. EGBERT VAN DER POEL ae Durcu: 1621—1664 91I—THH FARM a (Panel) : os Height, 161% inches; length, 2114 inches t Berrore a mellow afternoon sky an old Dutch farmhouse is observed, partly in sunshine, partly in the shadow of a high wall, of a tree, and of its own projections. Into an adjoining shed at right a man goes, carrying a pail. At left another man is at a two-wheeled cart, while in the centre an old woman is working. Chickens are pecking in the foreground, and beyond them leaning against the house are various domestic utensils and bunches of fagots. Signed above the shed door, E. v p Port. Property of Mr. Ricuarp Copman. KLAES MOLENAER Dutcu: 1680—1676 a 92—BEFORE THE VILLAGE INN 3 Af . Height, 19 inches; length, 25 inches In a Flemish landscape with buildings of Flemish architecture on the right—red brick buildings with roofs of tile and thatch—and around them trees, many people are gathered in an open place before an inn. Travelers have arrived on horseback, habitues sit at table in front against the wall, or occupy themselves in various ways. Out in the street a man and a woman are conversing. In the distance appears a church. Signed at the lower right, J. M. MoLenarr. Property of Mr. Ricuarp Copman. ae , JAN BOTH f : Dutcu: 1610—1652 93 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE 0 CD og | 0 00 oy Height, 35 inches; length, 481% inches Hicx hills or mountains rise in the middle distance, and midway are seen the garden walls of a convent, or a chapel. To left on a high bluff are other buildings, and coming around a bend in a road lower down are travelers. One rides a led ass, which toils slowly. One man is seated by the roadside at the foot of a tree. Lower down in a valley at the right runs a rounding river, with a fortress guarding a point and mountains on the farther shore. Property of Mr. Ricuarp CopMan. L. VOLLMAR GERMAN: 1842—1884 94—_THE LESSON Height, 27 inches; length, 29 wmches In a cottage room there are gathered seven children sitting’and stand- ing around a grandmother who is seated on a bench at the left, with an open book on her knees from which she looks up and raises one hand as she talks to the children. A small boy with an apple in his hand stands before an older girl whose hands are on his shoulders, one of the girls is knitting, and the other children are idle but attentive. Behind the grandmother a cat sleeps, on the bench. Signed at the lower right, L. Votutmar, MUNcHEN. Property of the Estate of Mrs. Freprerick Turner Brown. ATTRIBUTED TO GIORGIONE Irauian: 1478—1510 jes 95—PORTRAIT OF A MAN : pee , Wacee 7 i ) A ¥ "i 14 } \ [-S: Height, 26 inches; width, 2114 inches Portrair at less than half-length, figure to left and face turned in the observer’s direction; dark background, with a central glow that sur- rounds the large hat which the man wears. A man fairly young, with a ring beard and a slight moustache, who holds up under his chin in his right hand what may be a staff, a baton, or a flute; left hand not visible. Over his shoulders a fur mantle. Property of the Estate of Mrs. Freprerick Turner Brown. Frencw: 1725—1805 -ScHOOL OF JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE Ns 963—A BACCHANTE B Q ene » ! one in Height, 18 inches; width, ee mches Bust portrait of a smiling young woman, demi-nue, leaning toward her right, and with head tilted toward her left shoulder, coyly smiling. | Her red hair is done up loosely and curls about her head and features. * A mantle of golden-tawny tones curls with pinkish lining about her arms and shoulders, over a filmy white garment which falls away reveal- ing one breast. From T. J. Biniesice. 1891. From the J. Abner Harper Collection, 1911. fran Yo al hMtern To be sold to close a arate. ROBERT LEVRAC TOURNIERES a Frencu: 1668—1752 Ve | L 97—PORTRAIT OF A LADY — 6S5O. ~~ —-Height, 51 inches; width, 38 inches (@, (4), THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH seated figure of a French Court beauty of the eighteenth century, facing left and the front, an open music book in her lap; one page of the book she raises lightly. She wears a white silk gown trimmed with gold embroidery, and white lace at her low corsage, and a green-blue mantle is thrown about her. Her left arm rests on a crimson cushion, and garlands deck her hair and adorn her shoulders. Neutral background. From the Galerie Sedelmeyer, Parts. Property of a Private Collector. OE FRENCH SCHOOL EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 98—EN PARADE of Height, 19 inches; length, 23%4 inches Lapies of the Court in handsome costume, décolleté, sit in ranks around the bend of a road in an ideal landscape, watching a brilliant spectacle. Passing before them comes from the right a chariot with several fig- ures, and a sprawling figure on top, and in the lead are two conspicuous mounted figures, the nearer a man in rich apparel, and on his right a woman in boy’s clothes, with the crescent of Diana on her forehead and holding out over the spectators the Fool’s bauble. In the distance appears vaguely another chariot crossing the landscape, and in the foreground on the right are spectators of the peasantry. Property of the Estate of Mrs. Freperick TurNER Brown. — a SIR PETER LELY Encutsu: 1618—1680 99—PORTRAIT OF A LADY eee Height, 46 inches; width, 36 inches : THREE-QUARTERS length, seated; to right, with upper body turned . TS. almost full to the front, and her face turned to the left and seen in ‘three-quarters view. A noble lady with clean cut features, ready to smile, wearing a tight bodice and loose skirt of rose brocade with a golden shimmer. Her gown is trimmed with ermine and pearls and she wears a blue mantle with ermine lining. Pearls encircle her neck and she wears pendant pearls as earrings. Low corsage and elbow sleeves. Property of Mr. Arruur Honces. | J SIR GODFREY KNELLER/ () eT: EneuisH: 1646—17238 \y Pi Merk e 100—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN I/O IN DRESS ARMOR Height, 49 inches; width, 40 inches THREE-QUARTERS length, standing, facing the right, three-quarters front, with left arm resting on a table at the right where lies his hel- met. A rotund man in middle life in a rich dark yellow costume faced with crimson, heavily fringed, and with voluminous white undersleeves showing broadly at the wrists. His right arm akimbo, the unseen hand rested on his right hip. His dark wig shows a bang across the fore- head and comes down to his shoulders. He wears a shining cuirass, over which fall the ends of his white neckcloth. Property of Mr. ArtHur Hopces. JOHN THOMPSON, R.S.A. (of Duddingston, England) EneuisH: 1778—1840 | 4 l—LANDSCAPE: THE FALLS CLA / po. Height, 40 ches; length, 501 inches Hirts on the left and in the background, the broad and rounding flank of one in brilliant sunshine and all but treeless, and an opposite one on the right in the background crowned by castle ruins. In the fore- ground trees massed, on either side of a narrow river which comes down the centre of the canvas and displays in the foreground a water- fall. On the bank at the right a shepherd and sheep. From S. T. Smith, London. To be sold to close an Estate. ITALIAN SCHOOL SIXTEENTH CENTURY ith 102 102—LANDSCAPE AND MARINE, | WITH FIGURES { =o) | Height, 44 inches; length, 61 inches Tue portico of a palatial building in the right foreground projects into a green, tossing sea with white waves curling, and the ornate prow of a ship approaching is seen at the left. In the background on the right are more city buildings and the line of the coast, in sunshine which comes from the left. On the spacious porch of the foreground building are numerous persons in costumes of rich color. Property of Mr. ArtuHur Hopces. ATTRIBUTED TO LUCATELLI Iravian: 1695—1741 1083—BUILDING THE TEMPLE — «(1 AO, Height, 461% inches; length, 6214 inches Tue facade of a classical temple in course of erection faces the ob- server, with landscape seen in the background and sunshine from the left illumining portions of it. Columns fluted and plain, with ornate capitals, support the pediment, and a statue of Venus is already in place in a niche on the right. Below it is a man with a laden donkey, approaching a woman and child, and on various parts of the structure men are at work. From the left a woman comes, bearing a tray. Property of Mr. Arruur Hopces. SAMUEL VAN HOOGSTRAETEN Dutcu: 1627—1678 104A—_HOUSE AND GARDENS OF WILLIAM III Height, 50 inches; length, 75 inches Ow the right are palaces of red brick and gray-white stone, with archi- tectural terraces and a broad esplanade, and an avenue leading up to a classical background of mounds with monuments. On the left is a eanalized formal stream, with fountains playing, running between foreground and the distance, and walks paralleling it are lined with trees. Sunshine from left illuminates the greater part of the com- position, and ladies and gentlemen in rich costume are seen standing in various places, or walking about the grounds. Property of Mr. Arruur Hopegs. /? x WALTER GAY Ly . AMERICAN: 1856—1910 | » 105—THE FENCING LESSON wg | Height, 28 inches; length, 44 inches 4 AF scene is a French park, enclosed by a high wall in which there is a tall gate. Woods and flowers abound. In the centre of the fore- ground a tall man with his back to the spectator is giving a lesson in + fencing to a younger man at right who faces the left, three-quarters , front. Seated on chairs at either side are several men and women and a child. Signed at the lower left, Waiter Gay. The painter’s first Salon picture. Property of Mr. Stantey Mortimer. FERDINAND ROYBET , 6 Frencu: 1840—1920 106—LE CHANTEUR VENITIEN 0. f LS 13 OD Height, 30 inches; width, 27 ee . : Hatr-Lenertu portrait of a young man facing the right, three-quarters front, in the attitude of carefully reading some music that he holds and singing the notes in practice. He is in costume, with slashed sleeves and a dark shoulder cape, and wears a velvet cap with a white plume. As he holds the music in his right hand he raises the left a little above it, with fingers extended, as though marking the time or his own tones. Signed at the upper right, F. Royser. Exhibited at the Intetrnational Exhibition of 1871. _ q From the Collection Alfred Saucéde, Paris, 1879; No. 44. -Goo / 780 - lALownt, ¥ Property of the Estate of Mrs. Freprerick TurNnER Brown. 65 : VACSLAW VON BROZIK Bouemian: 1852—1901 107—_LA POLITIQUE AU VILLAGE ao ee b Sd | (Panel) PALS Height, 37 inches; length, 50 inches In a cozy room of a village tavern set with tables, benches and chairs, some half dozen or more men and one woman are gathered, the woman knitting as she talks with one of the men, the interest of the other men centered at a table by a window where an old man who has been reading a paper tells his views with vigor. Another old man picks up a chair and walks over to join the discussion. Signed at the lower right, V. Brozix. From the Galerie Sedelmeyer, Paris. Property of Mr. Stantey Morrimer. / 4 () A. YVON Frencu: 1817—1893 108—FROM SOLFERINO : ak, a, A / 3 ee Height, 33 inches; length, 62 inches Aw ox cart laden with wounded soldiers rumbles slowly and heavily along a dusty road, passing toward the left before a river and park, and leaving dust clouds for the cart which is following it. More than half a dozen men may be seen aboard, on the straw, and a tree has been cut and is also carried on the cart, either as shelter from the sun or as camouflage. An incident of the war of the French and Italians against Austria. Signed at bottom near the right, Av. Yvon, 1868. Property of Mr. Stranrey Mortimer. SECOND AND LAST SESSION THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 21, 1924 IN THE ASSEMBLY HALL OF THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8:15 O'CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 109 to 216, inclusive ALBERT EDWARD STERNER AMERICAN: 1863— by 109—COLOR PRINT Wn. &. US, Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches 7 (a sesy ) ‘ A DRAWING in color, reproduced by process and known as a “colored monotype,” presenting in back view a young woman, nude, her limbs enwrapped in draperies, seated beneath a tree by a river side. /Signed and dated. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. . . tra » % * § S Pek, Ws Li - nord * + om t CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— 110—W ALKING INTO THE SURF: te AN ETCHING H eight, 9 inches; width, 584 mches FuLi-Leneru figure of a young woman, nude, walking in the direction of the observer and stepping into the surf. Signed at the lower right and dated “Easthampton, 1921” ; inscribed at left below: “Proof selected for Henry Smith by Childe Hassam.” Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. FREDERIC REMINGTON AMERICAN: 1861—1909 111—PORTRAIT IN BLACK AND WHITE (Wash Drawing) é £ k Height, 144% inches; width, 101% inches Portrait of a cavalryman with United States insignia, standing and facing the left and leaning lightly on his sword. Signed at the lower right, FrepER1Ic Remrneron, Tampa. Ae Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smirn. “ANTON MAUVE Durcn: 1838—1888 Mt TA , 112—SHEEP IN WINTER: oF Ne RETURN OF THE FLOCK x (Water Color) . . Height, 1114 mches; length, 18 inches (hy Wa | ; i/ 5 06 Snow covers level fields, and rounded hills in the bacrerouadt ‘Arignt in middle distance two leafless trees stand side by side | alone in the meadows. In the foreground a considerable flock of gray sheep hud- dle about their shepherd, a man in dark trousers and blue blouse and a dark cap, who stands at the open door of a gray sheepcote which stands at the left, one of the sheep entering the doorway. Signed at the lower right, A. Mauve, F. Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The Estate of Jostan Brapier, Ese., Boston. O00. JOHN RUSSELL, R.A. EncuisH: 1745—1806 118—THOMAS THY NNE, vO. FIRST MARQUIS OF BATH (Pastel) i eight, 2314 inches; width, 181% inches Porrrair at less than half-length depicting a man of youthful middle age, to right, three-quarters front, before a neutral background. He is smooth shaven, with dark eye-brows and powdered peruke, and wears a white stock and white lace jabot, and his fancifully figured blue coat has a dark gray collar. Property of Mr. Artuur Honces. J. C. KAUFMANN Swiss: ConTEMPORARY 114—W HEAT SHEAVES Ciegee k fe Wrice. Height, 19 inches; length, 25 inches In the distance are vague blue mountains under a light sky with yel- lowish clouds. The high foreground inclines somewhat, and the green, yellowish and brown stubble is dotted with many sheaves of garnered wheat, piled high and bound with withes, their rich golden color light- ened by sunshine and relieved by delicate shadows. Signed at the lower left, J. C. KAaurMann, 1913. Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Property of a Private Owner. ANTON MAUVE | Dutcu: 1838—1888 A, ay. pyc 115—GOING TO CHURCH: a SUNDAY MORNING IN H (Water Color) Height, 91% inches; length, 14 mch. j di pl, Tue trees lining a broad walk or roadway through lével/park land are I. leafless and gray, the road runs diagonally down the picture toward the left distance, leading into a wood, and on the right of it are level : ae acres of grayish-green grass. In the foreground an old man is moving E away from the spectator and three old women are approaching. In the distance across the plain a church is seen. Signed at the lower left, A. Mauve. From Boussod, Valadon & Co., 1893. Ante Ewhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.A 14 ee int v hs 4 , The Estate of JosIAH Brapire, Ese., Boston. JEAN LEON GEROME Frencu: 1824—\1904 eb i 116—MAJESTY AND INDEPENDENCE ic (Circular, on a square canvas) b O ‘ Diameter, 134% inches 6 On a yellowish-gray earthy plateau in the foreground a lion is seated on his haunches, looking off and upward toward the left with open jaws. The sunshine is reflected from his tawny coat and golden mane, relieved by the mane’s shadows. In front of him,the object of his glare, a winged insect soaring in the empyrean is seen against the blue sky and not far above his head. Signed at the lower left, J. L. Grrome. Property of a Private Collector. JOHANNES HENRICUS JURRES Dutcu: 1875— O. 117—HORSES AT HALT ON THE ROAD Height, 5 mches; length, 7 inches ¢ Two horses, a bay with white feet and another horse all white, saddled, and the bay having a gun strapped to his saddle, stand headed to right before a dark background in a rough country. A soldier stands at their head, his back to the spectator. , Signed at the lower left, JurRzEs. Property of Mr. Frank P. Woop. FRANCOIS BONVIN Frencu: 1817—1888 118—LE PETIT SAVOY ARD ZO oh D : Height, 834 inches; length, 10 Bar, ; Ch tet A smaut and chubby peasant boy in dark coat, yellow- is Ph and a dark cap is seated on the ground before a grayish wall, counting coins that he spreads before him. His bare feet are in large sabots. He is in sunshine and faces the left, his shadow appearing on the wall. Signed at the upper left, F. Bonviy. From Durand-Ruel. ae The Estate of Josian Braver, Ese., Boston. , a ~ —“ f f J. FRANCIS MURPHY, te ga AMERICAN: 1853—1921 we a a 119—LANDSCAPE “we (~ d 3 AO Height, 10 inches; width, 514 Le. : A cumpse of landscape and a grayish sky, in ee witlf a fow “es ground, and higher land in the middle distance, where a few bushes grow and appear dark. Near them at right stands a leafless sapling. Signed at the lower right, J. F. Murpuy. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. JEAN FRANCOIS MILLET ra Frencu: 1814—1875 4 ue ~ 4290-—LA TOILETTE iB di (Panel) Height, 914 inches; width, 714 mches Ficure of a young woman demi nue seated on the green grass before the edge of a wood, facing the left, with figure turned slightly toward the front. Both arms are raised to the back of her head as she adjusts the dress of her hair. She looks downward as at a mirror, with the © sunlight from back of her bringing out the modeling of her figure, a white drapery thrown across her limbs. Signed at the lower right, J. F. Miuzer. Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The Estate of Jostan Brapuer, Esea., Boston. TITO LESSI Iratian: ConTEMPORARY 121—L’INTERROGATOIRE (Panel) | ) We / bo. ~~ ++. Height, 1014 imches; length, 14 mches TuHE oath is eee Boers stcrel to a witness, a middle aged man in dark short clothes and red stockings and wearing a broad white collar, who stands before a table covered with red drapery, at which are seated three solemn monks. One is recording, one reads a document, and the president regards the witness. Signed at the lower right, Tito Lesst. Property of Mr. STANLEY Mortimer. LEONARD OCHTMAN, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1854-— 122—AUTUMN FIELDS f U U Ud ¢ Height, 12 mches; length, 16 inch hag Lanp on either hand takes a slight dip to a hollow which winds through the center of the landscape, a hollow carpeted with grass and short herbage, and in the immediate foreground showing the corner of a pool. In the background are woods, and along the edge of the hollow in the middle distance are trees and bushes in autumn yellow and brown. Signed at the lower left, LEonAaRD OcuTMAN. From a Salmagundi Club auction. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. % FRENCH: EEE Ree el i314 PETITE CONN AISSEUSE 13 6: FERDINAND ROYBET 5 : pone. (Pastel) ie ee Height, 101% wmches; width, 814 inches SreaTED on the floor a rosy and bright faced little girl with dark tou- seled hair, facing the spectator, opens a large portfolio that is braced against a chair, and examines the pictures within. She is in a bright light and wears a light bluish frock. Signed at the lower right, F. Royset, 1865. The Estate of Jostan Brapuer, Ese., Boston. HENRY PETERS GRAY, P.N.A. AMERICAN: 1819—1877 124—THE ORIGIN OF THE AMERICAN FLAG: FROM DRAKE’S POEM | Height, 12 inches; width, a, ches THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH figure of a we, oung woman, nude, with : the American flag draped over her lower body. She emerges from the : i - left and from the shadow of an eagle’s wings into the sunlight, figure to right three-quarters front and face turned to the front, her rig arm raised to shield her eyes. Her left hand holds the flag, which is draped across her limbs, and her light hair is flowing. Signed at the lower right, H. P. Gray, 1862; and on the back with the title. From the Thomas B. Clarke Collection. S35 G9 ¥/20 - SIS O = bb, Cute — From the William T. Evans Collection. /G 00 4 Luo 8 Bio - Ge Tehas From the Sir George Pope Collection. 7 Property of a Private Owner. JOSEF ISRAELS Dutcu: 1824—1911 125—PEASANT BEARING A BURDEN ss (Panel) jj B48. Height, 1284 inches; width, 8%4 d Over the moors under a gray sky toward the clos of day a peasant woman moves slowly towards the left, her face observed a little less than in profile. She is in dark apparel and bare footed, and her back is bent, as she totes a heavily laden bag that is borne on her back, and grips with both hands the neck of it, which is brought forward and down over her shoulder. Signed at the lower left, Joser Israets. From J. Eastman Chase, 1894. Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The Estate of Jostan Braver, Ese., Boston. | RICHARD PARKS BONINGTON Eneusu: 1801—1828 126—DIEPPE (Panel) O, Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches A nut and a windmill and a tree or two are observed on a low bank in the middle distance at left, in bright sunlight under a blue and gray- white sky. To right are low and marshy lands with the tide out. The color tones are yellow and brownish, and in the foreground stands a girl in red. The Estate of Jostan Brapiez, Ese., Boston. BRUCE CRANE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 127—-EKV ENING GLOW Height, 9 inches; pC 12 Yolen Wirh a few trees at left, near the foreground, and others on the aon in the distance, near a solitary cottage, the light of a full moon partly obscured by clouds streams down and is reflected from a pool in the foreground, the land in the distance being dark. Signed at the lower right, Bruce CRANE. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. EUGENE FROMENTIN Frencu: 1820—1876 { LA € 128—_ARAB SCOUTING PARTY } ob. Height, 984 inches; se M14 inches Four Arabs mounted are riding over a stn ing in colorful costumes from the left and crossing the foreground. From the right in the middle distance two more come dashing up toward them. Signed at the lower right, Euc. FRroMENTIN. The Estate of Jostan Braver, Ese., Boston. THEODORE ROUSSEAU Frencu: 1812—1867 ‘is 7 129—BROOK AND BOULDER 10 0 (60 Height, 1014 inches; length, 14 inches : ° | Tue eye lcoks upon great boulders, partly obstructing the course of a narrow brook which takes a zigzag way between green banks. Sun- shine brings out their varied color tones and illumines the grass and greenery around them, and the background is a mass of woods. Signed ie lower rig From a Providence, Rhode Island, collection. RoOvuSSEAU. Property of a Private Collector. J. H. WEISSENBRUCH Dutrcu: 1824—1903 130—LANDSCAPE (Panel) Height, 9 inches; length, 14 inches On the left a thatched cottage and stable stands in the midst of deep grass, with a few trees around it, on the further side of a pond. In front of it stands a figure, and some linen is bleaching on the grass. The sky is gray, with bands of white and blue, and there are soft reflections in the water of the pond. Signed at the lower left, J. A. WertssENBRUCH. Property of Mr. Franx P. Woop. s: ANTONIO CANALETTO Italian: 1697—1768 | 20 CO 131—RIALTO BRIDGE, VENICE | “ Height, 131% inches; length, 2114 inches z 30. Tur blue canal is alive with gondolas, sandolas and working boats, on the quay at right are numerous people before a building dark in shadow, and the sunlight striking down from the right illumines a creamy building next it, which casts a partial shadow upon the bridge that next it spans the canal in the middle distance. To left of the canal, more buildings, in sunshine, with figures indicated on the porches of some of them. Property of Mr. Ricuarp CopMAN. BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS Dutrcu: 1845—1914 y > 132—WASHING DAY \ Rae et eo Wa oh he 3) (Panel) rl i 4 q 3 al S : Height, 9 inches; length, 12 inches : ouee E A youne woman facing the right bends over a wooden tub which is placed on a low bench before a window, washing. The light from the window illumines the low cottage room in which she works, bringing out among ‘other things some sabots lying on the floor, and glancing across her face, head and shoulders. It is reflected from the window casement and from an old wooden door behind her. She is clothed in dark colors, and her sleeves are raised above the elbows. Signed at the lower right, BLomMERs. From Boussod, Valadon & Co. The Estate of Jostan Braver, Ese., Boston. J. M. SWAN, R.A. EneusH: 1847—1910 133—_THE OLD TIGER IN THE JUNGLE hes f- | wa s. Height, 193, inches; length, 24 4 | Iw the depths of the jungle an old tiger crouches, at the yight, emerg- ing from a thicket toward an open place at the left where he appears to spy prey. His lithe body is alert in its still repose and ready for the spring. A soft light illumines his tawny coat softly, before the dense dark green of the background. Signed at the lower right, J. M. Swan. Property of Mr. Franx P. Woop. NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA Frencu: 1807—1876 ANDSCAPE . (Panel) Ww ’ (c : 4 oS, , Height, 916 wches; length, 13 inches GREEN woods line the right of the picture, with an occasional tree whose foliage has turned brown, and here and there a silvery trunk stands out in the sunshine that from the left illumines the whole wood- side. Near the foreground trees is a lichen-covered boulder and in the centre of the foreground a shallow pool which reflects light clouds in an active sky. Toward the far left a dark cloud comes into view, and in the left foreground a green bush throws its shadow on the grass. In the middle distance is a figure. wi RAle % ge Signed at the lower left, N. Diaz. Ix From Boussod, Valadon & Co. Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The Estate of Jostan Brapier, Ese., Boston. THEOPHILE DE BOCK Dutcu: 1851—1904 135—ROCKS AT FONTAINEBLEAU Zpo. | H eight, 141, inches; width, 1014 inches Rocks and boutons mass irregularly across the middle of the picture, with - two detached. trees in autumn color standing in front of them amid green grass, with which mingle notes of brown and yellow. Beyond the rocks and at right of them more trees appear in notes of green and ee Sieiiad at thelower left; Tu. pe Bocx. From the artist. From J ulius Oehme. To be sold Ts plese an Estate. FREDERICK S. CHURCH, N.A. AMERICAN: 1842— we 5 136—THE FLAMINGO QUEEN la ah é s- Height, 22 inches; width, 1614 inches Two flamingoes stand in the water, near its edge, looking at a tall young woman with an abundance of red hair who stands among reeds at the right and extends a hand to pet one of them. She is in diaph- anous robes. Moonlight comes over the water, and in the foreground among leaves appear reflections of the birds’ plumage. Signed at the lower right, Copyricut By F. S. Cuurcn, 1908. From the artist. T'o be sold to close an Estate. J. Cc. KAUFMANN Swiss: ConTEMPORARY 1387—-KEMMEILBODEN IM OBEREMME , TAL Height, 1834 inches; length, 2234 incles ‘ q From the right a steep and grassy slope with many outcropping gray rocks descends toward a ravine. Along a ledge a footpath runs. At the top the edge of a pine forest comes to view. Across the ravine is another green hillside, and in the background are mountains under a blue sky with many tufts of white cloud. Stgned at the lower right, Jos. Cus. KaurMAnn, 1902. Property of a Private Owner. ANTOINE VOLLON Frencu: 1833—1900 7 | Aaa U 138—DAYBREAK ON THE RIVER SEINE Y Height, 824 inches; length, 15% inches Tue light of morning breaks under a grayish sky filled with moving clouds of vapor, and the river which fills the centre of the picture is a shimmering mirror of light reflections. In the distance it is crossed by a straight low bridge of many arches, numerous boats are seen on the stream or against the banks, and a few city buildings at either side. Signed at the lower right, A. VoLuon. From the Private Collection of the Late L. Crist Detmontco, 1893. Vo © Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The Estate of Jostan Braver, Esea., Boston. 1 WILLIAM BLISS BAKER AMERICAN: 1859—1889 CO 1389 LANDSCAPE BEFORE THE HARVEST Y 0. Height, 16 mches; length, 24 inches GX yy Gikin On the left a field of ripe grain, across which one sees a cottage and a grove, the grainfield coming down to a patch of flourishing green grass through which wheel tracks run and where chickens are seen, in the foreground. Beyond them a fence crosses the grass and two tall trees rise. At right in the foreground a stream curves into view. Signed at the lower left, W. B. Baxrr. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. WILLEM STEELINK DutcH: ConTEMPORARY 1856— 140—_-SHEPHERD AND FLOCK | oO. Height, 1314 inches; length, 19 inches 4 @ 7 Bote, | | Ow a rich and verdant sward illuminated by wildflowers and the sun- shine stands a shepherd in sabots, erect but with his hands clasped on his staff, facing the left. Beyond him his flock of sheep with heavy coats all are grazing, all facing the left, and beyond them is the shep- herd’s dog, with a hither eye. The background is flat, with grayish clouds along the horizon, and at right is a plowed field bounded by woods. Signed at the lower right, WitmM. STEELINK. From Arthur T'ooth & Sons, London. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ow nD wel A ~~ ) = if ) / ey WILLIAM A. COFFIN, N.A. AmERICAN: 1855— 141—EARLY MORNING Al ee SL eight, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Tue early daylight tinges the landscape with silvery gray, the large trees on either side of the composition and the grass of the meadows showing tints of tender shimmering green. The waters of a placid stream in the foreground reflect a sky of pale rosy tints near the hori- zon, merging into tempered blue above the tree tops. In the middle distance, on the bank of the stream, a fisherman who has come out at the break of day is seated, patiently holding his rod and line in expectation of an early morning catch. Signed at the lower right, Wn. A. Carrie Direct from the Artist. Property of a Private Owner. CHARLES WARREN EATON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1857— 142—-MOONLIGHT LANDSCAPE MW « Poattheia 3014 wmches; length, 3614 inches -” On the right in the foreground and extending toward the middle dis- tance are pine trees at the edge of a wood, their trunks seen only to the beginning of their branches, the upper portions of the trees being 3 S. above the picture limits. In front of them in middle distance are two or three short trees, still and by themselves on an otherwise all but treeless plain, the whole seen under a diffused light from a sky with golden illumination above horizon banks of bluish-gray clouds which mount high. Signed at the lower right, Cuas. WarrEN Eaton, 1904. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smirn. WILLIAM A. COFFIN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1855— 143—OAKS IN OCTOBER 7,8 wy. peste, ) Height, 30 inches; length, 40 inches From the foreground a lane bordered by grassy banks leads into the country in the distance and on either side of it are splendid oaks clothed in the glowing tints of the American autumn. On the right and nearest to the spectator is one of stately aspect, its foliage show- ing tints of yellow and gold, while on the left are others with foliage of russet red and crimson. In harmonious contrast to this wealth of colors is a late afternoon sky of qualified blue with some small cloud : forms warmly tinted. j Signed at the lower right, Wm. A. Corriy. 2 Direct from the Artist. Property of a Private Owner. CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY J bree Frencu: 1819—1878 144—A GRAY DAY = Height, 91% inches; length, 16 inches Art the left of the foreground some dark bushes, and across a narrow river running between right and left of the picture a round structure of indefinite outline and neutral coloring, on a higher bank. Dark woods are visible beyond the higher bank, and a few wildflowers in the low foreground. The sky is gray and the light subdued. Signed at the lower left, Daunteny. Property of a Private Owner. ROSA BONHEUR ee Frencu: 1822—1899 145—OVERLOOKING THE CATTLE b a vee ON A HILLSIDE PASTURE bo Sa | _ Height, 191% inches; eget 29 imches ‘es y x _Ar right in the foreground a farmer riding a heavy bay horse without saddle has come up on the green turf to where cows, sheep and lambs lie in sunshine or shade, graze or nibble the leafage of a pollard. The land slopes from the left to a valley bounded by distant hills. Signed at the lower left; R. Bonueur. Property of a Private Collector. JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE eI, yee Frencu: 1796-1875 Wa TH RIGANDS CAVE, FONTAINEB . imches: ”, Le ie Af / O Py /O. Height, 14 inches; length, 191 inches BRiLLiantT sunshine cuts in between a purple-brown and rocky cliff on the left, which is in transparent shadow, and a rock cave on the right, with turf growing above it, the cave entrance in shadow, its green crown in the sunshine. The sunshine illumines an incline between cave and cliff, where grass is growing and occasional trees. Signed at the lower left, Conor. From a Providence, Rhode Island, Collection. Property of a Private Collector. ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERCK, N.A. a? AMERICAN: 1855— 148—_LANDSCAPH ALONG A RIVER (0 BM. yy Soe (60 Height, 2014 inches; length, 304% mches A WoopED river shore viewed diagonally recedes down the picture, on — the right, a rambling house not far from the foreground, and the farther woods a park with green grass to the water’s edge. Near the house a punt or two lies at the shore line. The tall green trees inter- mingle with trees whose leafage is a golden yellow which is emphasized in sunlight, and the entire wooded shore is mirrored in the placid water of the river. Signed at the lower right, R. W. Van Boskercx. Property of a Private Collector. RTIENNE PROSPER BERNE-BELLECOUR 149—ADJUSTING HIS GLOVES / OOF (Panel) Height, 15 inches; width, 1024 inches A Frencu cavalry officer stands in the foreground with figure to left three-quarters front and face to left in profile. He is putting on his gloves, as he gazes off at something to the spectator unseen at the left. In the background are tents and buildings, green grass and trees, and his mount, which is being held for him. Signed at the lower left, E. BErNe-BELLECOUR. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Sir. LOUIS EUGENE BOUDIN RENCH: 1824—1898 pom i ed () prod ® /) 150—ENTREE DU PORT DE TROUVILLE 2) A. Nad | B75. ‘ Height, 124% mches; length, 15°84 inches NUS Ne 2 9 ag Gray-BLurE water under a bluish sky shows gentle reflections in . ceaseless but slow motion. The port is filled with the ships of com- merce, old square riggers, their sails furled, steamers from which smoke mounts slowly into the still air, and smaller craft. In the distance the entrance to an inner harbor, where more shipping is seen, and to left and right buildings of the town. Signed at the lower left, KEK. Bouptn; and inscribed at the lower right with a name, and a date that appears to be ,’89. The Estate of Josran Braver, Ese., Boston. LOUIS PAUL DESSAR AmeERiIcAN: 1867— 151—HAULING LOGS ws SP. Height, 1244, inches; length, 1614 inches A cLearine in a forest of aged trees and second growths, in the rich colors of autumn. At left in the foreground a monarch of the forest, its branches stretching across the picture. A little back at right, in the sunlit clearing, an ox team coming forward, hauling a cart loaded with logs, the driver walking beside it. Signed at the lower right, Drssar. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. “Ow Y a. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches Own a/green bank in the foreground a young woman is seated, nude, CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. AMERICAN: 1859— 152-SUNSHINE AND THE BATH d. 50 _ her feet dangling in a stream which curls around the point of the 3 ; ‘ "> 22-8, bank. She is ebserved in back view and facing the left, looking down at the water, her left hand raised to her chin and her right resting on the ground behind her, giving her support. Beyond her a thicket of young trees blots out the sky, and sunshine plays on the leaves and the grass. | Signed at the lower right, CuitpE Hassam, 1906. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry SmMiru. WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849—1916 1583—OV ER THE SAND HILLS ‘ Height, 18 inches; length, 2214 inches eer pel fet Lone Ipianp hills of gray sand, with yellow and purplish-brown grasses and green wild growths in small bunches here and there, give a high and undulating horizon before a robin’s-egg sky strewn with soft white clouds. On a crest at the right where ampler surface growths are green are hints of the works of man. Signed at the lower left, Wm. M. Crass, Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. THEOPHILE DE BOCK Dutcu: 1851—1904 154—LANDSCAPE (Panel) Height, 141% inches; length, 2314 inches Low hills slope gently from either side to a hollow where runs a narrow brook. The hills are treeless and in sunshine, and are partly covered with green turf and in part expose yellowish earth. But along the course of the hollow are short trees of sturdy growth, with an inter- lacement of dark branches, and their green and yellowish foliage stand- ing out against a brilliant sky. Signed at the lower left, TH. px Bock. Property of Mr. Franx P. Woop. J. SCHERREWITZ SM CoNTEMPORARY 20) 155—PLOUGHING HY J SO ; Height, 20 inches; length, 2534 inches Rever stump land, along the edge of a hill in the background where a second growth of woods is appearing, fills the foreground, with enough of sunshine under the grayish-blue sky so that horses cast a dim shadow as they move. Two of them, a white one and a dark colored one, attached to a plow are hauling it toward the right, their driver an aged farmer in shirtsleeves. Birds circle behind the plow, and a cart stands at the foot of the hill. Signed at the lower right, J. ScHERREWITZ. From the Artist. From Thomas Wallis & Son, London. To be sold to close an Estate. GEORGE H. BOGERT, A.N.A. Dd, Prag AMERICAN: 1864— 156—LANDSCAPE ; ; | lb a [ o 0. Height, 2214 mches; length, 30 mches Eventne is settling over a landscape of rough, uneven land, with rounded banks descending to a pool in the foreground. At right and left are bushes and low trees, before a sky strewn with clouds. Near the centre the horizon is light with an afterglow of the departing day, and its reflection partly illumines the landscape and is seen in the foreground pool. Signed at the lower right, Geo. H. Bocerr. . Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. FELIX DE VUILLEFROY + rare Frencu: 1841— 6 157—_COWS AT PASTURE Kf ZO. Height, 211% inches; length, 29 inches Se Hitxs low and rounding, with trees along their base, in the back- ground, descend to broad pastures yellow-green in the sunshine and dotted with bunches of coarse yellow-brown grass. Cattle in the dis- tance are grazing, and one with a coarse coat of red and white stands near by in the foreground, headed to left. Signed at the lower left, VuILLEFROY. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry SmirH. LEON RICHET Frencu: 1847—1907 158—THE PEASANT’S COTTAGE | M50 | a vise eee 1814 inches; length, 2414 inches ; 54 5D Ar left half smothered in trees and bushes, yet with sunshine falling full upon its front and its steep thatched roof, stands a French cot- tage, with a rude field road straggling in front of it. At right and in the middle distance is cleared land, and in the background are woods. Coming down the road, in front of the cottage, is a young peasant woman, carrying an armful of fagots. Signed at the lower right, Lion Ricuer. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. (ae FREDERICK S. CHURCH, N.A. AmERICAN: 1842— 159—BLACK SWANS Un. ROA 16 inches; length, 40 mches Four black swans swimming in a lake surrounded by woods and enliv-~ ened by water flowers turn toward a grassy level of the shore in the foreground on the right, where a young woman in a diaphanous mauve gown kneels and holds out a blossom to the leader. Her Titian hair is decked with garlands and she holds a garlanded staff. Back of her a branch of a tree laden with pink blossoms swings into the pic- ture, bending almost to the ground. Signed at the lower right, F. S. Cuurcu, N. Y., 1912; copyright. T'o be sold to close an Estate. ROBERT WARD VAN BOSKERCK, N.A. 1855— AMERICAN: : 160—AN mE FROM THE SEA, WAKEFIELD, RHODE ISLAND — ah eight, 26 inches; length, 36 inches -Lowtanp fields are alive with green and with golden lights and reach to a far distance, with indefinite woods at the distant right, and near the centre are divided by a stream which reflects a colorful sky. On its left near the foreground stands a bunch of trees which contribute their reflections to the water. A footpath parallels the stream, on the right, and on both banks in the immediate foreground wildflowers are growing. Signed at the lower right, R. W. Van Bosxercx. Direct from the Artist. Property of a Private Owner. MARY L. MACOMBER a S V ‘ Vi AMERICAN: 1861—1916 161—_LOVE’S LAMENT a a) Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches ing above their green leaves, a young woman’s body lies prone, where she fell, clad in a pale rose gown. Kneeling at her side an angel in white, with blue girdle, and white wings springing from her back, laments, head bowed on hands, which rest on one raised knee. The prone one has been shot with Cupid’s dart. Stgned on the back, with date and title. From the Artist. To be sold to close ‘an Estate. CHARLES H. HAYDEN » AmeERIcAN: 1856—1901 162 MISTY MORNING, MYSTIC RIVER. | MASSACHUSETTS Height, 3014 inches; length, 42% inches Pastures in the foreground, and on the right in the middle distance a brown farmhouse; cows stand lazily or lie down on the green grass, with which brownish patches are mingled. Across the middle distance a line ef small detached trees, and beyond them the line of the river. Across the stream a hilly and colorful shore, partly obscured in the summer haze. Signed at the lower left, C. H. Hayprn. From the artist’s sister, Mrs. A. F. Reed. Property of a Private Owner. On a broad and formal pathway before a bed of tall white lilies grow- ¢ 7 he cetera eee WALTER GAY gor i Sy. LU aatentcas: 1856—1910 Yo. | Oe ce ane MORTE: LPARGENTERIE AN “ies: 2114 inches; width, 18 ‘inches | On a he ti covered table stand various aie of silverware, in a strong light, and in a case behind them are other articles of plate, of different tones. A salver standing on edge rests against the case, and.in front of. it are a covered jar and a many-sided bowl, and a oy gold lined pitcher. 4 Signed at the lower left, WatTER Gay. From the Galerie Brunner, Paris. Property of a Private Owner. CLAUDE MONET nl? Frencu: 1840— | Ay & 164—PLEINE MER AU HAVRE vv Height, 1614 inches; length, 2314 wmches Orr the coast near Havre the open sea is depicted a mass of restless water, whitened in its ceaseless tossing by reflections of white clouds in a sky which near the horizon is a leaden mass. Naught but sea and sky is in the picture, save the dark spots which indicate vessels in the far distance. Signed at the lower right, C.M. From the Collection Viau, Paris. Ph wr~ Rule Property of a Private Owner. ISC1ikk 5 “P a owe - Cste,4 ( WILLEM STEELINK ee : Dutcu: 1856— 165—SHEEP IN THE PASTURE es Qh Height, 22 inches; length, 32 inches In sunlight in a broad and flat pasture a flock of sheep and lambs are wandering at will and grazing—gray ewes and brown, and small white lambs. The shepherd stands beyond the most distant ones, and in the foreground a gray-brown ewe and her white lamb approach the corner of a pond. Back at the right and afar at the left are thick woods. Signed at the lower right, WiLLEM STEELINK. Property of Mr. Franx P. Woop. pa CAMILLE PISSARRO oy ; . Frencu: 1830—1903 166—BORDS DE L’OISE, PRES DE PONTOISE, 1877 ; O Gy ‘ : (Panel) Height, 15 inches; length, 2134 inches : 50 SrraicHt before the spectator the narrow river runs along the left, ‘a bend visible in the distance. Blue, it is whitened near the foreground C p » | by reflections of the white cloud masses in a slightly hazy sky. . Sun- shine illumines the landscape on either side, a landscape of many green trees, including a bunch of pewpliers in the middle distance. At either bank of the stream working boats are drawn up, the nearer lying at right in the foreground with a man standing on board. Another man approaches from a roadway on the right. Signed at the lower right, Pissarro. From George Viau, Paris. Vast wr. Riko _ Property of a Private Owner. eee Py PT a APSE rere Ep me POET NF ee en MARTIN RICO SpanisH: 1850—1908 -167—VENICE d : fg? ss of. aye) Height, 18 inches; length, 2834 inches One of the cream-white palaces of Venice with statuary crowning the parapet above its corniced roof, with potted plants between the statues and all in sunshine, stands within its brick garden wall on the right, a canal in front of it and emptying into a broader canal on the left. Trees and flowers hang over the garden wall, which the trees spot with shadows, and before it are figures in a sandola. On the farther side of the larger canal at the left are buildings of the city, and boats drawn up in front of them. Signed at right, on the garden wall, Rico. Property of a Private Collector. e : ‘ “a 4 , fi 4 f fi is “ f od Vs b2. ln Conacgrnnenh aed Gyn Geo GF MHA*R fed by Ly o fitiwes ink 6 hh. defo 1g ast SG x YT. 2 = j ig MARIE DIETERLE Frencu: 1860— \ 168—CATTLE AT PASTURE O Ae _Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches | Ke) 0-0 Az left in middle distance some slender trees, of the second growth, at the edge of a forest, lean over a sunny stretch of land below which re other trees in a lower valley, and across the valley are distant 8 er itherod: in low key, all of the trees in the middle distance having touches of autumn coloring. Coming along an irregular road, descending on — the ridge above the valley, is a herd of cows, and off the road is a flock of sheep, with their shepherd. In the foreground the foremost — cows of the herd, straying from the road, seek to browse on the sunny turf, a white cow in the lead followed by a black one with a white face, and next a white-faced tawny cow beside the road, all looking at the observer. | Signed at the lower left, Marie Ditrer3e. . Property of a Private Collector. me . ‘ 1 \ \, vi o Vig Zio Coe dik. m A Lape 1G 0°) — BMKK E Aol 14 demthe Capris 1908 = BNERR - r; ee yA kL y a, s e 1% 840 — Citmneel by 7 tS dirt, Cetb-igy, Cud~in KKK Sold. Up. Carentan Afrt 19/2 GNSKK — Li Diéterle ) are y M c sTURE (B No. 168—CatTTLeE aT Pa rrr | A RN re = en a - AT ~~ ——— oememente = HENRI JOSEPH HARPIGNIES Brencus 11810 1on. 169 SUMMER bas 6) ae Height, 2514 wches; length, 32 inches Tue foreground is in shadow framed at the sides by trees, dark against the lighted sky. It is intersected in the center by a stony roadway, Bb / oe along which a woman and a boy are approaching. In the sunny middle istance stands a central group of tall young trees at the foot of which af e some small buildings, abutting on a flat-roofed yellow-walled struc- ae which projects from a mass of foliage at the right, The blue _water beyond is flecked with white and bounded in the distant left by creamy-buff cliffs, crowned with yellow vegetation. A volume of gray- white cloud lies piled above the centre of the horizon, and a few downy tufts of similarly colored vapor float in the upper blue. Signed and dated at the lower left, H. Harpicnies, 1900. Collection of the late Peter A. Schemm, sold at the American Art Galleries, March, 1911; No, 285. 00. Property of a Private Collector. le Ee & Ay AL. AY GHGS - fog hk Lanetél » Davfog Yin 1671907 « Co oy KEE K (saubrdav pT ydasor 1 Lud FT hg) uawwo Ss 69T “ON EE I IE A a ot CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1819—1878 170—THE SEA SHORE | } Y (Panel) : : Be preter kA 1514, inches; length, 261 inches In the foreground a level stretch of sandy shore with the tide out and sundry surface growths dark along the yellow sands. Out at sea,. in the distance, a few sail and a single steamer. At right in the dis- tance a projection of land ending in a sandy bluff, its upper surface covered with dark green vegetation. . ; Signed at the lower right, Dausteny. Property of a Private Collector. IS ~ Seeds Wu | lo~I7, IG HE \ er ND WA ? Vy J. B. JONGKIND . . Dutcu: 1822—1891 LY, 171—DUTCH LANDSCAPE If 4 Height, 13% inches; length, 221/, inches At the left edge of the picture the bend of a road winding along a canal comes to view, with a couple of windmills beyond the bend and a building and a small clump of trees within the elbow. In the road are a few figures, one of them a man carrying a gun, standing just beyond some bushes and looking off to the right across a polder which occupies the greater part of the canvas. In the distance les a city. Signed at the lower left, Jonckinv, 1862. el From Boussod, Valadon & Co. The Estate of Josian Braver, Ese., Boston. A Vey poey sAUDE MONET Dott FrencH: 1840— Height, 26 inches; length, 40 inches VIoLET-TINGED cloud strata in the distant sky have harmonious color echoes in the herbage on the high cliffs of the foreground, around Dieppe harbor which lies a greenish-turquoise mass of water occupying the middle distance. The cliffs take picturesque lines, and their ver- dure is broken by red-yellow patches. The shore circling to right and the distance becomes vague, disclosing the falaise in a tone of soft grayish-white. Signed at the lower right, CtaupE Monet. From Durand-Ruel. Property of a Private Collector. a RA Eat pod | ALBERT PINKHAM RYDER, N.A. f RICAN: 1847—1917 173—_HILLSIDE AND POOL, OCTOBER Lf 00 up BD) ’ Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches is= Ix a vague atmospheric haze a beguiling landscape comes to view, seen against a sky of moderate light. On the left a low hillside on which stands a haystack slopes toward a pond that occupies much of the foreground. On the pond a man in a boat rows lazily and a dog on the shore looks toward him. The hillside and a tree at the water’s edge are in amber tones, and the air seems a vague transparent amber. In the background are greenish bushes, and to right of the pond some green and amber trees. a From the estate of the artist. To be sold to close an Estate. GEORGE INNESS, N.A. d AMERICAN: 1825—1895 2 fod 174—GRAY EVENING hare | / ao. Height, 13 inches; length, 18 inches Tue light has all but gone, and what is left reveals a few bushes and low trees in the foreground and toward the right, and high banks in the background below a graying sky. At left in the middleground is water, with hints of reflections of the lighter clouds. Signed at the lower right, G. INNEss. From Inness sale, No. 108. - pI Le za} us From R. S. Barnes. From the collection of John Emmons, Brooklyn, New York, Property of a Private Owner. CHILDE HASSAM, N.A. AmeERIcAN: 1859— . a i 115—PARIS STREET, RAINY DAY L ly oe ; 4 eight, 1314, inches; length, 181, inches — i} ne atTE afternoon of a day when it has rained; sunset flashes appear in S ' eat gray and white sky, over a hill on the right in the background, which slopes toward the foreground and the left. At the foot of the hill a broad street, its pavement wet, extends from the foreground to the distant left, filled in its diagonal course with vehicles passing in both directions, and occasional vendors either pushing their carts or standing at the curb. On the left are people on the sidewalk. Signed at the lower left, CuitpE Hassam, 1881. The Estate of Jostan Bravwesz, Ese., Boston. ROBERT REID, N.A. AMERICAN: 1862— ae 9 176-—DAY DREAMS AY as gi f, — Ow a round table is a blue and white dish of fruit—white grapes, i, peaches and bananas—and beside it is a peach on a plate, with a ao knife ready for the cutting. On the farther side of the table, on 4. d. 5. which her right elbow rests, the hand supporting her chin, a pensive young women in white, with reddish hair, is seated facing the right. OM Iv. -Coshe seems to drowse momentarily, her left hand half clasping a goblet which rests on the table. Before her pink flowers lean toward her. Height, 28 inches; width, 22 mches Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smit. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Frencu: 1813—1894 LU \ wet : | / . “k JE 177—LANDSCAPE WITH SHEPHERDESS | Hi fk poz SUNSHINE strikes down upon a grove of mature trees on a middle dis- tance upland, illuminating their rich green foliage and dark gray [4 o@ " trunks, and projecting their shadow over lower ground at the left. At the edge of the shadow and in the sunshine a shepherdess in a blue skirt and wearing a white cap is seated on the grass and looks up from her work at the observer. Around her are the sheep, in sunshine and shadow. The sky is filled with clouds. Signed at the lower left, Cu. Jacque. a HUSBOIS SHOPS: Va. -e Height, 2314 inches; width, 17°4 inches LG XK, ¢ 5 ‘ Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The Estate of Jostsn Braver, Esa., Boston. ae \ NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA ee g Frencu: 1807—1876 - ‘, 4. 178—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES j ‘Q (Panel) : r fy! . Height, 101% inches; length, 13°84 imches A syLivawn landscape, with woods in the foreground and at either side, b pt _ a broad opening in the foreground surrounding a pool, and in the middle distance a sunlit clearing. In the distance more woods and above them a sky of sunshine and light clouds. In the middle distance clearing a woman in blue and white kneels on the ground at some work, and in the foreground open space, which is partly sunlit, a boy bends over the pond. Signed at the lower right, N. Draz. From the Collection Alfred Saucéde, Paris, 1879; No. 14. ys, Ay Din - Property of the Estate of Mrs. Freprrick Turner Brown. ——— Sema SP: Geamhle Se gey pers sagt Ae ee rey ee JAN VAN GOYEN Fremisu: 1596—1666 Le , ; 179—H IV ER EN HOLLANDE ss | (Panel) fy l q¢- oO . Height, 15 inches; length, 25 inches Wiru the sunshine just bright enough to cast a few shadows, and grayish clouds in the sky, there is a high bluff on the right in middle distance, and a point of land in the left foreground, with a broad frozen stream filling the rest of the picture; on the distant shore on the right are windmills. Here on the ice innumerable Dutchmen, their wives and children, disport themselves on skates, at games, or driving over the ice in heavy and crude sleighs. Their costumes show bits of soft color, and the Dutch being righteous men are merciful to their beasts and drive their horses blanketed. Signed on the foreground bank at the left, v G, 1643. Exhibited at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The Estate of Jostan Braver, Esea., Boston. ~. ix denen RTP), ARTHUR B. DAVIES *1862— OS _ Height, 18 inches; length, 30. inches Tue great, blond hillside, with a few trees against the lovely morning sky, is but the base whereon rests the nude figure of a woman, the hungrily clustering children drinking at the mother-fount. How it pictures for us the earth and flowers—-the source, the supply and the blossom—the life-giving dew to the brown hillside, the stooping, need-— ing flowers typified. The slenderness of the young birch, the formal strength of the cedars, all have a part in this composition, which is veritably the dew of life. Signed at the lower left, A. B. Daviess. From the Montross Sale, 1919.-+# 4 - B2qs- Li. Lo fonds Property of a Private Collector. | EMIL CARLSEN, N.A. v8 TERICAN: 1853— aad, “ff 181I—_LANDSCAPE Layee i Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches Wuat appear to be Connecticut hills of rolling surface stretch before the eye, under a blue sky in which light clouds are seen. Near the centre of the yellow-green foreground, with some rough herbage and outcropping rocks, and a little back on the right, trees of interesting design and massed with foliage in delicate autumn tints stand majestic and motionless in the quiet air. Signed at the lower left, Emin Car isen. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. _ FREDERIC REMINGTON 2 iy | +4 AmeERicaAN: 1861—1909 6 48.182 THE APACHES:! a Hagin 251, inches; length, 34 inches vy ONE-STORY structure of gray stone extends along the right, and in middle distance a rail fence running right and left marks the coral, a gate in it wide open. Through this has ridden up over the yellow dusty plain a cowboy on a sweaty bay which he has reined almost to its haunches in his sudden stop, as he brings word of the Indians on a raid. A man running comes through the gate after him, another comes out of the doorway, and a third stands in consternation but alert for action in front of him, The whole in bright sunlight of the western desert. Signed at the lower left, FREDERIC REMINGTON; Copy- RIGHTED, 1904. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Situ. (uopburwagy owaparg fg) jSHHOVdY AHT—Zst “on ry eit yg. J. FRANCIS MURPHY, N.A. | AMERICAN: 1853—1921 yp 183—LANDSCAPE: EDGE OF A CLEARING Height, 24 inches; length, 36 inches ; In the foreground and running back on the left to middle distance is a green field cleared of forest, its rough uneven surface. marked by. tufts of yellowish herbage. Here and there are the logs of felled trees, and-on the right, near three trees which remain standing and of a size for the woodsman’s axe are other felled logs, and back of the trees is a thicket of young growths, all in autumn tones of brown and yellow with a touch of red. - Signed at the lower left, Bh FRANCIS Muzny, 1914. Property ue aa Private Collector, ee : \ . ere NIK Y an aa ies he / 3 423 ~ bangfib. ford balerk Ab rary ~ BMX — ne Wn. PNT ee POY opr SGIL ~ Bork x= CRN ‘hydinyy siouvsg -¢ hg) ONIUVATO 40 aADaY :adVOSaNw]—é€8gI ; -— ‘ON 7 tere st tre te : ey te a ma ARTHUR B. DAVIES fetes al OREST’S FESTIVAL Height, 16 inches; length, 21 inches 184— (7S: ‘WE are in a beautiful Arcadian grove; the trees are noble and droop gracefully; the light of the sky shows in a few glowing tones. Groups of figures disport themselves. In the centre there is a rider on a black horse, and nymphs and deer are playing throughout. _ A joyous brush has touched with golden colors, or set with shining jewels, sunny spots on sward and flesh and drapery. Movement, life and Arcadian joy are everywhere. Haunting melodies fill the air and we look to see Bacchus and all his train spring from out the shade or goatlike Pan stay for an instant to wind his horn. The charm of the woods, and the amorous quest of radiant sunshine touched by an artist’s hand, are treasures we gather in looking at this little work. Signed at the lower left, A. B. Davies. y From the Montross Sale, 1919.- £4 Z ee a Mb, Bahl Property of a Private Collector. a. JOHN F. WEIR, N.A. p¥ Patylmw American: 1841— / / 185—A SUMMER MORNING, BRANCHEVILLE, CONNECTICUT Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Rovunorine hillsides with a slope to the left and forward are bright in sunshine, and detached trees with green foliage display their fruit or blossoms in reddish notes. On the left in middle distance stands a white frame building, and a footpath through the grass leads up to it. The foreground is a grassy hillside with shadows of trees projected from the right, and the pale greenish-blue sky is dotted with tufts of mauve-white cloud. Signed at the lower right, JNo. F. Wer. To be sold to close an Estate. HENRY WARD RANGER, N.A. Y. UJ. AMERICAN: 1858—1916 186—AUTUMN WOODS / 7 ad ; Height, 28 inches; length, 36 inches VAC THE spectator looks into the interior of a vast but open wood, with a clearing in the middle distance where sunshine enters and illumines the brush covered ground. About are trees of ancient growth, second growths and saplings, the forest growing denser at left and right, the foreground being partly clear but in shadow. The leafage is in the autumnal colors, with crimson, yellow and brown overcoming the green. On the right on the edge of the clearing are two figures. Signed at the lower left, H. W. RancEr, 1905. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. ELLIOTT DAINGERFIELD, N.A. aed | 1859— A re +5 187_MEADOW MISTS AND MOONLIGHT ~~ °'/* Height, 16 inches; length, 24 inches he AL Lees Two haystacks rise dark against a moonlit sky. In the distance amid trees, the warm light of a window is seen. The great, full moon rises . above the breathing meadows. The quality of the greens, with the misty veils half hiding the forms, the light in the sky, these are the things to study in this canvas. Signed at the lower left, Exuiorr DaincERFIELD. g A / IV » ¢ From the Montross Collection, 1919.-# BSG pfs cat oe Property of a Private Collector. ) 90 188—LANDSCAPE: THE BABBLING BROOK yb CHARLOTTE B. COMAN> American: 1834— ight, a7Y/, inches; pour 331, inches A BUCOLIC Tavaeeene of beguiling charm, seen throught a thee, the horizon high under a sky of grayish clouds, the details of the land- scape vague, save in the valley of the foreground where they become more distinct. The babbling brook comes singing down its blue and winding course at left of centre, a path on the right of it going ups crossing a footbridge and continuing on the left toward a hamlet in a hollow of the middle distance. On either side the land rises to the horizon—green fields dotted with patches of green woods. ie Signed at the lower ee C. B. Coman. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Surry, Cg betdtlennned Vous Ec hth kK lle Spieler 1896 - X79. Pip . dad bd v lobe, / Li dbus es, eof ojplrele Calmul, Cantal 7 ss . $ “ : an aR m 5 S . >< zo. 30,inches; width, oy inches Pre QUARTERS-LENGTH con ll girl smiling 1 : © her eyes. She is seated before a drapery of dark crimson suspended “i background and a sunset sky. She is in a white frock with red sash » 2 and her shoulders are wrapped in dark brown. In both hands, raised “~ “ before her breast, she holds curled up comfortably a white kitten, as ) " io she looks out curiously, with a questioning expression and a very living ’ | | es S \ we, f \ , ; % Ae f 7 : “—~ SS Property of Mr. Jonn Junius Morean. \ tN aes f 7) bde Y 4AbA. by 4, bi Lite i. bh Y Yee - 22. 2 eae x yee au g ai Ne f | SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. Slash. cD tee Volt L- fate Pst] = JG FELINA pnunliiree oN: Bigs ah Whoa. ‘as she drops her head a bit that the broad brim of her hat may shield } from the left, while to right behind her is a conventional landscape “S smile, at the spectator. orwell, i p | Lalu + Guy 1893 » Plif~ /3823- Ggnew- hy teh, 7) Vi sid J 7- KR bs- x PLO -_ THEODORE ROBINSON AMERICAN: 1854—1896 - 190-THE PEASANT AT THE TREE : ( wae eight, 22 inches; width, 18 inches 64-4. ox in the centre of the picture a peasant girl comely but of wearied expression looks upon the observer, as she leans back against the gray trunk of a tree which almost gives her a seat. The tree branches low, and through the interstices in the foliage above her head the shafts of sunshine spot her features as she turns partly to the shadow, and about her on the ground the sunlight strikes more directly. Beyond the sunlight the background is a mass of greenery. The girl wears a greenish-white waist and a turquoise-blue skirt and in her right hand holds a basket. Stigned at the lower left, Tu. Roxprnson. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smnirn. W. ETTY, RAs oa, | EncuisH: 1787—1849 + ra vA Yr 191_NYMPHS AND SATYR ww a iad % ‘a OOS Height, 18 inches; length, 271% mches “> BENEATH a great tree, on land sloping gently toward the observer, where soft sunlight finds its way, and glimpses of the sky are obtained between and below the branches, two nymphs and a satyr are seen, the nymphs drowsing on crimson and leopard-skin draperies in postures of abandon. The satyr with vine leaves enwreathing his hair is seated between them, with his back to the observer, and is about to place a gaily colored garland about one of the sleeping nymphs. On the ground behind him is an empty copper cruche. | Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. Nd 4, RALPH ALBERT BLAKELOCK, N.A. American: 1847—1919 \ y his SX ; A ; ZF a i 192—AFKTER SUNSET oy a wr ye si a ‘ " Height, 20 inches; length, 30.éfiches Tue landscape is dark, and most of the sky but little lighter. Trees are at left and right, and brush covers most of the ground, with small pools in middle distance and the foreground. Back at the horizon a yellow-reddish glow appears, and is diffused among the clouds and reflected dimly from the pools. Signed at the lower left, R. A. BuaKE Lock. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. _ a > and. PAB UEAY OL, L. METCALF t9 ]5° American: 1858— 193—A SHASIDE PASTURE Height, 2614 inches; length, 29 inches Cows are grazing in the sunshine on a green and colorful slope which dips from the left toward an arm of the blue sea that fills the back- ground all the way to the horizon. This arm of the sea, or mouth of a narrow river, carries a sailboat visible through the branches of a tree in the foreground, and beyond it is the point of its farther bank. Under the tree are two girls, a small one standing and one larger seated on the ground. Signed at the lower left, W. L. Mercatrr. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Sniru. CHILDE HASSAM, N.A.- 4 | ‘ ule Gol. Avnican: 1859— 191 THE RIDE BY THE RIVER aoe (Panel) / 7 ie Height, 25 inches; length, 80 inches A NaRRow river traverses the picture, crossing the middle distance, and riding along its farther bank are two equestrians, one on a white horse and one on a sorrel mount, their colors contributing to the reflections in the water. ‘T'rees are all about on both banks of the stream, and much of their foliage is bright in the sunshine, which comes from back of the spectator and from his right. On the hither bank a huge tree spreads gnarled branches across the view, and in the distance at left are houses. Signed at the lower right, Cuitpe Hassam, 1904. Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. * : ; rah “i $ : ‘s ¥ ; ert ORES ae “ GEORGE FULLER, ANA, | ‘ AMERICAN: 18221884 es: 4 195—MR. AMORY LAWRENCE | gu. Height, 27 inches; width, 22 ane ey a ae é3 (p 6&6 + young man, his dark and bright eyes directed straight in front of. him, with dark hair and a slight sandy moustache, a bland light concentrated eta at less than half- “engi to left, three-quarters | fuer A oe on his face. He wears a dark coat which buttons low, exposing a good — ag deal of te shirt front, a low white collar and a Meu bow tie. Neutral olive-brown background. 3 F: e . Signed a at Ee lower left, @ F. From the Estate of the Late George . Fuller. To: be sold to close an Estate. iS ay gee ON anit Sos Mag a 6 rahe an eS No. 195—Mr. Amory Lawrence (By George Fuller, A. / F. P. TER MEULEN ¥ a UTCH: CONTEMPORARY 196 SHEPHERD AND FLOCK 5 5 iy . Height, 27 inches; length, 411% inches Unoer a fair sky of veiled turquoise blue behind vaporous strata of white a low hillside runs down to an indigo sea, which is seen at left in the distance. Near its crest on the right a few wind-blown trees retain a few brown leaves. Near them stands a shepherd in blue and gray, carrying his staff. And below him in the foreground his flock coated in thick oily fleece browse at will in the thick coarse grass, or stand idly staring at the spectator. The day is sunny and their shadows spot the ground to right of them. Signed at the lower left, Ter MEuLEn. From Arthur Tooth & Son, London. T'o be sold to close an Estate. | We aie 7K. LEURS EB : é“ Dutcu: ConTEMPORARY ca 197—-H AULING TIMBER ~ 50 j Height, 26 inches; length, 32 inches Woops on the outskirts of a city are green, yellowing and brown, and at the left stands a small group of birches. Beyond a sunny field of the middle distance the buildings of the city are seen in the back- ground. In the foreground a huge log is being balanced on the low axle of a pair of wheels, three men working at it, and a team of dejected horses, detached, are standing at the left with heads toward the spectator. Signed at the lower right, J. Leurs. From the artist. From Julius Oehme. T'o be sold to close an Estate. _ JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT. Pi Frencu: 1796—1875 198—THE WOOD NYMPH — are “s ue Height, 451% inches; ae 2534 inches — Fouiace of a dense wood occupies the greater part of the canvas, the treetops rising above the picture limits. Occasional glimpses of blue sky are obtained through rifts high up, and as the eye travels across the ground beneath the lower branches it sees in the far distance the horizon beyond sunlit fields. In the half-light of the woed a garlanded nymph. lies procumbent on the green turf of the foreground, resting on her elbows and turned slightly toward the observer. Signed at the lower left, Conor. Pah s0r Auto, From the ‘ollcttian of the late Walter Richmond, of Providence, R. I. ear PR SIREN RTE ELEM, To be sold to close an Estate. a a ta ie OG) cong Tooo NyMPuH —Tue W 198 O N (By Jean Bapt Corot) alle Cam aste SCHOOL, OF GIOVANNI BATTISTA TIEPOLO WA, : Iratian: 1696—-1770 199—_THE HOLY FAMILY ® 4 dle Height, 37 inches; width, 28 inches Tue Virgin enthroned, in red, blue and white draperies, holding the Infant to her shoulder; angel head to left, St. Joseph to right, Below the child St. John is holding a cross and is standing on a pedestal inscribed “S R C D P C V”; on either side a cardinal and a monk. A girl is seen behind the latter. From the Catholina Lambert Sale, 1916. if fi Property of Mr. Livinesron PHELPs (now living in Rome, Italy). WILLIAM OWEN W ce y Cp - Eneuisu: 1769—1825 i. | 200—PETS WOR 2 ea 2" 30 inches; width, 25 inches EA TED Ai a verge of a pond and facing the spectator is a small girl in a white sleeveless frock which has Apes cell from her shoulders, clasp- ing to her breast a duckling and loving it warmly. The toes of her red shoes appear projecting from under her skirt. Beside her the mother bird is audibly protesting as she stands over others of her brood, while still another swims toward her from the reeds in the pond. Light centers on the child, and the growing plants at her side recede into the dark mass of greenery which forms the background. Note: In 1810 Owen was appointed portrait painter to the Prince of Wales. Property of Mr. Jonun Junius Morean. JOHN HOPPNER, R.A. 1) - Enerisu: 1758—1806 ag tn on eee et. [0° ~ 201-LADY GEORGIANA GORDON AN € } bbl * he ty Height, 50 inches; width, 40 inches | Porrrair of a handsome and youthful lady, wearing a white décoletté and short sleeved gown, observed nearly at full-length seated at the verge of a wood. Figure to the front, she turns her head slightly to look off distantly to her right. She is smiling slightly, her chestnut hair is bound with a white ribbon, and a narrow brown ribbon en- circles her high waist. Her left hand holds lightly two pink roses which rest'on her lap. Pink flowers grow at her feet, the woods behind her are a soft brown with occasional reds, and back in the distance at left are "blue mountains. FromTesnes Agnew & Sons, London. Property of Mr. Joun Juntus Morean. | Sy wre oN ) a = “\ Qo i c\ No. 201—Lapy Groraiana Gorvon (By John Hoppner, R.A.) ADELAIDE LABILLE DES VERTUS VINCENT. | 7 GUYARD © os CS) Feuiwon 1174925 gga iY ue) eee. ae. | hint IO 202-—LA PRINCHSSE BNE, LAMBALLE — ayy Al 1 sa : Haight, 51 inches; width, 3814 inches NEARLY Seti length, seated on a royal sofa, figure to front, with _ head turned slightly to her left. In a gown of crimson velvet trimmed __ with brown fur, the low corsage and short sleeves edged with white lace. | A white lace scarf of mantilla effect partly covers her powdered hair, — and brought about her shoulders is loosely tied before her breast. She wears deep bracelets formed of strands of pearls and holds a fan in her right hand. A handsome young woman with pink cheeks and — hazel eyes and ready to smile. The sofa is upholstered in emerald and — adorned with the fleur-de-lys in gold, the same ornamentation appear- ing on a cushion on which the princess rests her right elbow, Marie Thérése Louise, daughter of the Prince de Carignan; born at Turin, 1749 ; married in 1767 Louis de Bourbon, Prince de Lamballe. The intimate friend of Marie | Antoinette. Perished at the hands of the mob in 1792, at La- Force prison. — : The painter was also a friend of the Queen, became noted for her portraits, was admitted to the Academy in 1782, and became a rival of Mme. Vigée Lebrun. From E. M. Hodgkins, London. Property of a Private Owner. a eS ear De: ACT CECE ON CCCI LNCS A A No. 202—La Princesse DE LAMBALLE (By Adélaide Labille des Vertus Vincent Guyard) GIOVANNI SANTI a : _ Iranian: Circa 1435—1494 (Father of Raphael) d 203 HOLY FAMILY | 40 hed Bi nudies (Panel) Height, 401 inches; width, 25Ys inches = | 17 b, ‘Nearzy whole-length of the Madonna, in Blie and red anemone kneel- _ ing in adoration before the fair-haired Child, who reclines-on a dark _ cushion; to left the infant St. John holding a cross with scroll in- scribed “Ecce Agnus Dei”; to left, Aa shepherd boy with sheep. Purchased from Messrs. Dowdeswell & Dowdeswell. From the. Catholina Lambert Sale, 1916. —#252 - Siutec _Lacmegln Promeney of Mr. Livinesro® Pueters (now living in Rome, Italy). ) 1 Santi wovannt Gi Famity (By Hoty 203 O N WILLARD L. METCALF ra . Y. Q ~pell American: 1858— _ 204A JUNE PASTORAL | g a | » do. | yy /\\, Sutwsuine is bright on trees and grass, on cows and children, on a roll- YI] ing hillside which gives a high horizon and descends toward the ob- i server, and is marked by shadows of the trees along a winding brook- | let. Within the shade of trees in the right middle distance two small girls are idling. : , Signed at the lower right, W. L. Mercatr. : Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Smiru. JOSEF ISRAELS | Pichi rt o a 205—_THEH NET ENDERS >) ae 3 SO. Height, 451% inches; length, 71 inches A canvas of more than two score figures, mainly women young and older, most of them seated or kneeling on the gray-green grass of the leveled dunes with yellow sand foundation, behind a village of seaside homes about a church, which lines the coast in the background. Of the cottages no two have the same roof-lines, beyond those at the left tall masts project toward the sky of white clouds, the church is far at right, and between the two groups of dwellings an open street leads to the shore. The net menders in the foreground are a busy and a comely lot, variously dressed, but each with her white Dutch cap. Seated on a log at left are two children. Signed at the lower right, Josr¥ IsraEts. »- 6,4 peerty of a Private Collector. + sane h : brut ne ay / J = aaah Lod brute Jef; ») NW 8G7_ $02 - © HO = CAdliium ‘ ‘ H f> a } YA “A / . : rr of. dot: fr -FREDERIC REMINGTON 206-CUSTER'S LAST Sees a AMERICAN: 1861—1909 Res 3 tees 2314 inches; length, 3934 inches — [158 In black on gray. Ona mean’ whose crest is near the top: of the picture are Custer and his men, shooting over the bodies of slain horses at hordes of red men, mounted, who are encircling them. Far at left are Indians climbing the mount, while the rest ride furiously around it, crossing the picture from left to- ‘right in the ior and firmg as they ride. Signed at We lower left, FrEpERIC ‘Paaetoe Property of the Estate of the Late Henry Sir. (uopburmaay ouapatg hg) AGNVLG Asv] 8 HaALsAag—90Z ‘ON EMILE VAN MARCKE 3 are 1827—1890 207—PLATEAU DE BELLE CROIX: — weer FORET DE FONTAINEBLEAU H eight, 3814 mches; length, 5114 inches Ix a landscape of rough ground, with pasturage as can be found, a considerable herd of cattle are to be seen, disposing themselves as the humor of the day seizes them, lying down, grazing, idly resting on their feet? In the foreground a white cow and a white and red one stand in a shallow pool, in sunshine, and near them is a black goat in shadow. The others are observed near and far about the fields, which are bounded by groups of trees, and in the shelter of a tree at the left a girl is seated, watching them. -~ ff y, Signed at ‘the lower right, Em. Van Marcxke. Chefferachmneth ihe) Psspteed VOLE J Exhibited at the Salon, 1867. From the collection of the Comte de Salm, Munich, 1888. oe Property of a Private Collector. L. tio - bn srregnunh fm Hanne b louder ip dpse fi eae is eas ; Kaweec ~ deo flenes S903 + Mill. Maltimk OKI g08 XK ASKK - WIL. - wer ae “y Ly fa + Co 14 - Shh. bhiretiie Granesn Lol JG) /- shure ak baneghth ATTRIBUTED TO ‘ COLAS LANCRET ; f NI | LW, Osseo _ Iv ! ‘ Frencu: 1690—1743 if ’ o oo oie b/d 208—SCENE GALANTE < {7 5, - Height, 2034 inches; width, 151% inches “ Woops in the colors of autumn mount at either side above the picture limits, and between the two masses of trees is an allée open to the bril- liant sunset sky, with cream-rose clouds against a robin’s-egg blue. In the foreground are ladies in décolleté gowns and amorous young men, seated and standing, on the ground and on steps. The gowns are of rich colors and the group is in a glowing afternoon light. A similar picture by Lancret is in the Wallace Collection at Hertford House, London. Property of the Estate of Mrs, Freperick Turner Brown. ee ; ag nn ee eres Rd Rae ‘ “ia me i ' a ee 80. Sdw. Wise 675. Seaman, agt. 160. Bdw.Wise 45. 55. ‘T Wertemeyer Arlington @slls. 30. T Wertemeyer 55. Karl Lowenie k GW. Kraushaar 70. Seeanan, age. 55. RK, Glendenning 150. lee Bs! Simonds 3 300. Edw. Wise 356. G 4? Kraushaer 160. Ferargil Galls. 60. &.L. King 70. J .U. Murray 50, J.¢ Willever 150 e R.Glendennad 5304 130. A.J, Sequiera 25. Babsock Galls. 450. Rese Cummings 110. H.L.Liebnan 150, WsK.& Co. 140 ° Joes Roeves,. 140 e Ferargil Gals. 306. dw. Wise 45, 4.2%. Davies 70. C.i.W Miller 35. Meg. Aiken 55. “a 3S e Baw. Wise i110. Yerargil Galls. 50. ¢.1.¥ Miller 160. Edw. Wise 83, as 55. Mr. Manning 110. H. Smith 80. T,Wertemey er 375. J RBowles 100. Bdw.Wise 75, Eugene Nretager 65. Andrew Cuneo 45. § Carmona $5. C.T.W Miller Theo.R.Gerlach 60. #&.L.King B oL. King. , i A VYorargil Galle... ~ _ eee, oe C.W.Kraushaar Theo .R. Gerlach Kdw. Born Mileh Galis. * Tt. Wertencyer Mileh Galis. Seeman, abe A.f Seofield Rudert, apt. Seaman, agt. Rose Canines. lietropelitan Gallas. Edw. Wise ¢C .W.Keraushaar T Werteneyer Liedholnm ” Seaman, age ° Liedholm " i Levy Galle. ¢.T.W uviller Hy. Philips B.F tery Mrs... 2 Slauson Mileh Galls. BL. Ring JR. Bowles HD Whipple H. Smith J..Levy Galles. T.Werteney or i.%.Willever R Gilchrist Clapp & Graham ¢ Ji Meinharad J H.Kruse W.F Laporte 7. Wertencyer Ferargil Gallas. J.C Willever T .Yortemeyor ‘ ” J,Levy Galis. Rose Cummings. H. Smith Lady Due khem. f i por Is = a ioe «es sores JN. Jruxiue 7 JH, Kruse ; J.Lowenbeln J,Levy Galle. Wa. Nebeth 149. 8. i | Kemnedy in, 950, «TA Wertemeyer 193 75. ge ori 7 P ° ot BY ° ; ° Wa.Me 182. 250. Mil¢eh Galls. 194. 775. Mileh Galis. 153, 225, Ferargil Gelis. 208. 606. J.Levy Galle. 154. 186. T Werteneyer 196. 550. . ” 155, 150. la 197. 230. Mre Wil kingon 156. 160. JH, Kruse 198. 650. EL, King 187. . $0, F Knox 199, 390. Ly. Brandess 158, 250. H.Smith ; B00. 2,200. MK, &.Go. 159. 275. Ait Rosven 201, 1,060. Kennedy 160, 250. 4.0, Langmuir 208. $50. Kraushaar Gells, 161, 70. &,T.8.Miller , 203. 1,700. iin. Brandess 162. 125. Seemen, ah. ~ 204, 900. : Mra .G, A. Bald, 163. 80. C.T.$,Miller 205 3,106. Reinhardt Galis. 164. 1,000. hragh Galls. 206 1,150. M,Knoedler & Co. 165. a0. F Knox 207 2,000. Seaman, agt. 166. $86. Ehrich Galis. 208 175. J.i7.Doone 167, 450. Arlington Galls. 209 625. Tt Wertencyor 168. 1,300. —_—-H.Smith 210 275. Dr. A,Gonthe 169. 2,100. " ‘ 210. 273. T.Wertomeyer = — 170, 300. Seaman, agb. 411. 450. J.NDoone i7k. 425, DurendeRuel a2. . 360. , Ghrish Galles. 172. 1,300, * 213, 550, FW Welch 173. 400. Tt. Vertemeyer. 214, 450. Bhrich Gells. 174. 125. ¥ ae 173. 675. B,L.King 215. 316. Louis Boriagza 476. 225. | NKe& Co. 226. 1,156, Seman, aghe CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Frencu: 1819—1878 es 209—PAY SAGE J. ight, 2334 inches; length, 3914 inches Across the foreground a stretch of green landscape, a rolling country (oy < with green grass, green trees and green bushes, of different notes, the greens relieved by the blossoms of wildflowers. In the background a gray-blue sea, under a white sky with yellowish and blackish clouds. Signed at the lower left, Dausieny. From Durand-Ruel. Property of a Private Owner. te a Or > Q eT irben, 3114, inches; width, 26 inches Mig Ma Joa pi hey aati Ls Pn 9 CORNELIS JANSSENS VAN CEULEN Dutcu: 1593—1664 210—PORTRAIT OF CARDINAL DE RETZ THREE-QUARTERS length seated figure, to left three-quarters front, with a background of drapery hung before a window. A young man a1 pgs a large, dark and curled wig, wearing a white cape over a dark ‘costume with cardinal trimming, the white lawn sleeves appearing at the wrists in ruffles pinned with jewels. His right hand holds lightly a partly open volume resting on his knee and his left hand points to it. He glances across his left shoulder at someone or something back of the observer. \ Property of Mr. ArruHur Hopees. ATTRIBUTED TO SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK FremisuH: 1599-1641 210A—PORTRAIT OF A LADY a inches; width, 26 inches cr. -LENGTH portrait of a young noblewoman with chestnut-brown curls and a thoughtful expression, directly facing the observer. She is dressed in a deep-red décolleté gown with large fur collar and wide, fur-trimmed sleeves, the right sleeve adorned with pearls. Her right arm rests on a table, while the left hand lightly touches the fur collar. She wears a string of pearls and large pearls in her ears. Property of Mr. Artuur Hopces. @ ATTRIBUTED TO. LAS Oeaurgik ANTHONY VAN DYCK a =O Fiemisu: 1599—1641 211—PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN Height, 3514 mches; width, 29 inches THREE-QUARTERS length, facing slightly to the left, with eyes directed to the right of the spectator. He has large blue eyes, and wears a small moustache, and his light hair is worn loosely and in waves. His right hand is raised to his breast, where it rests lightly upon the broad gold braid supporting from his shoulder his sword, whose hilt appears at the lower right. His costume is golden-brown and much in shadow, and he wears an elaborate white lace collar and white lace cuffs. Property of the Estate of Mrs. Freprericx TurNER Brown. . 4 eee DAINGERFIELD, E:uxiort, N.A. , +3 Meadow Mists and Moonlight 187 4 DAUBIGNY, Cartes FRANcoIs A Gray Day . 1445 The Sea Shore 170 Paysage ; : “2000 DAVIES, Artuur B. The Searcher 29 Landscape Girl with a Thorn in Her Tvot. 4A The Call of Spring 51 a Body of Dew | 1380 Forest’s Festival : 184 - DECAMPS, ALEXANDRE GABRIEL — The Approaching Storm a 3 DE HAVEN, Frank P. a Moonlight on Sea and Shore 84. am DESSAR, Louis Pau Hauling Logs 151 DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narcisse VirGite A. Rural Concert | 31 Landscape | 134 Landscape with Figures 178 DIETERLE, Marte Cattle at Pasture 168 DOLPH, Joun H. The Setter 7 14 CATALOGUE NUMBER EATON, CHARLES ante N.A. Moonlight Landscape 142 ETTY, W., #.A. Nymphs and Satyr 191 FICHEL, E. The Connoisseurs 38 FISHER, Harrison Study of the Nude 4 FRENCH SCHOOL En Parade 98 FROMENTIN, EvucGene Arabs Crossing a Stream 32 Arab Scouting Party 128 FULLER, Georcet, A.N.A. Mr. Amory Lawrence 195 GAY, WALTER Kakemono 47 Chateau de Courance (Seine et Oise) 74 The Fencing Lesson 105 Nature morte: |’Argenterie anglaise 163 GEROME, Jran Lion Majesty and Independence 116 GIORGIONE (Attributed to) Portrait of a Man 95 GRAY, Henry Peters, P.N.A. The Origin of the American Flag: From — Drake’s Poem 124 A Vi CATALOGUE NUMBER GREUZE, JEAN Baptiste (School of) A. Bacchante | | GUE, Davin J. The Passing Cloud GUILLAUME, ALseErt Sleeping Child GUYARD, AbELAIDE LABILLE DES VERTUS VINCENT La Princesse de Lamballe | HAAS, Jouannus Husertrus LEONARDUS DE Landscape and Cattle HANOTEAU, Hector Landscape HARPIGNIES, Henri Joseryu : The Pasture Brook Summer HART, Wituiam, N.A. ; Landscape and Cattle HASSAM, Cuitprz, N.A. Raindrops: Surf—An iatyatttite Sunset at Sea Bending Sail on the Old Mill, Bridghampton, Long Island Walking into the Surf: An Etching Sunshine and the Bath Paris Street, Rainy Day The Ride by the River 169 Re 96 50 728 a | 24 21-6 23 CATALOGUE NUMBER HAYDEN, Cuartes H. Misty Morning, Mystic River, Massachusetts 162 HIGGINS, EvucENrE Convicts 39 HOPPNER, Joun, R.A. Lady Georgiana Gordon 201 HUDSON, THomas Portrait of a Young Lady 212 INNESS, Georce, N.A. Gray Evening 174 ISRAELS, Joser Peasant Bearing a Burden 125 The Net Menders 205 ITALIAN SCHOOL Landscape and Marine, with Figures 102 a IZAGUIRRE, L. Landscape with Figures 49 JACQUE, CHaArLEs EMILE Sheep at Pasture 30 | Landscape with Shepherdess and Sheep V7 | a enemy JACQUET, JEAN GUSTAVE Portrait of a Lady ike JOHNSON, Davi, N.A. Study at Ramapo, Rockland County, New | York, 1874 83 A gn en . we ‘a CATALOGUE NUMBER JONGKIND, J.B. | : Dutch Landscape ) | 171 JURRES, JowHannes HEnRIcUS | os The Mendicant Rass 4.5, Horses at Halt on the Road | 117 KAEMMERER, FRreper1kK HeEnprik | Sweethearts 58 ee Sete ee Sen er KAUFMANN, J. C. Morning in Arosa | fe ; Kronten und Schlossberg Gletscher, Erstfel- et, | dertal, Uri Sar 52, Wheat Sheaves 114 | 2 i Kemmeilboden im Oberemmental 7 137 : KNELLER, Sir Goprrrey z Portrait of a Gentleman in Dress Armor 100 e é tA AN KRONBERG, JeeEres- 3 : : Ballet Girl in Red | = | 64 LANCRET, Nicotas (Attributed to) . Scene galante 208 — LELOIR, Louis ALEXANDRE Playing with the Kittens . 58 LELY, Str PEerTEer | Portrait of a Lady 99 LEROLLE, Henrt Sheep and Haystacks by Moonlight 54 CATALOGUE NUMBER LESREL, ApoLPHE ALEXANDRE Un Guet-apens de Brigands 50 LESSI, Trro L’Interrogatoire 121 ARs, J. K. | Hauling Timber 197 LINFORD, CHar.Les Woodland Scene 60 LORRAINE, CrLaupE Roman Landscape 46 LUCAS, ALBeErt P. Nocturne 66 LUCATELLI (Attributed to) Building the Temple 103 MacMONNIES, FReEpERiIcK Important Presentation Bronze Group 215 MACOMBER, Mary L. Love’s Lament 161 MAUVE, Anton Sheep in Winter: Return of the Flock 112 Going to Church: Sunday Morning in Holland 115 METCALF, Wituarp L. The Approaching Festival 87 A Seaside Pasture 193 A June Pastoral 204. MILLET, JEAN FRANCOIS La Toilette MOLENAER, Kiass Before the Village Inn MONET, CLavupE Pleine Mer au Havre Sur la Falaise pres Dieppe MONKS, J. A. S. “Round Pond” MORAN, Enpwarp, A.N.A. PE bute MORAN, Tuomas, N.A. Sunset, Long Island MURPHY, J. Francis, N.A. Landscape Landscape: Edge of a Clearing OCHTMAN, Leonarp, A.N.A. Autumn Fields OWEN, WILLIAM Pets PASINI, A. The Meeting at the Gate PEREZ, Atonzo Flirtation PISSARO, Camm1e Bords de (Oise pres de Pontoise, 1877 CATAL OGUE NUMBER 120 a “6oa0 SS 200 19 - 61 166 ao ern ae on wd ee a gn ° 5 so = = - ” aD nat RS a ery ree ERR tac NS panne raven EE ES ee eee CATALOGUE NUMBER POST, W. Merritt, A.N.A. Woods in the Fall 9 PUVIS DE CHAVANNES, PIrrre Female Figure 3 RANGER, Henry Warp, N.A. Autumn Woods 186 REID, Rosert, N.A. Day Dreams — 176 REMINGTON, FReEpErIc Apache Fire Signal 89 Portrait in Black and White Li os, The Apaches! 182 Maes Custer’s Last Stand 206 Bronze Group 216 REYNOLDS, Sir Josuva, P.R.A. Felina 189 RICHET, Lton The Peasant’s Cottage 158 RICO, Martin Venice 167 ROBINSON, ‘THEODORE Along the Stream 81 The Peasant at the Tree 190 ROUSSEAU, PHILIPPE Les Asperges 25 ROUSSEAU, THEODORE Landscape November Brook and Boulder ROYBET, FERDINAND Le Chanteur vénitien La petite Connaisseuse RUSSELL, Joun, R.A. Thomas Thynne, First Marquis of Bath RYDER, Arsert Prnxuam, N.A. Hillside and Pool, October SANTI, Giovanni Holy Family SCHERREWITZ, J. Ploughing SMITH, Henry PEMBER Landscape The Belfry STANFIELD, WituiAm Crarxson, R.A. Boats Fouling Entering Harbor, Zuyder Zee STEELINK, Wittem Shepherd and Flock Sheep in the Pasture STERNER, ArLspert Enwarp Color Print CATALOGUE NUMBER | 18) , 1486 129 106 123 113 173 203 155 71 140 165 109 SWAN, J. M., R.A. The Old Tiger in the Jungle foe. A. E., N.A. Feeding Time TENIERS, Davin Flemish Amusements TER MEULEN, F. P. Shepherd and Flock THOMPSON, Joun, R.S.A. Landscape: The Falls TIEPOLO, Gtovanni Battista The Holy Family (School of) TOURNIERES, Roserr Levrac Portrait of a Lady TROYON, Constant Marine Shepherd and Flock VAN BOSKERCK, Rosert Warp, N.A. Au Sable River, Keene Valley, Adirondacks Landscape along a River An Inlet from the Sea, Wakefield, Rhode Island VAN CEKULEN, Cornetis JANSSENS Portrait of Cardinal de Retz VAN DER POEL, EcsBert The Farm CATALOGUE NUMBER 133 40 196 101 199 97 11 80 fifi 148 160 210 91 cath ete NUMBER | VAN DYCK, Sir AntHony (Attributed to) . Portrait of a Lady 210A q Portrait of a Gentleman 2] laa | z VAN ESSEN, Jan A Sheep in Winter 6 E VAN GOYEN, Jan : = Hiver en Hollande : 179° VAN HOOGSTRAETEN, Samvue. a House and Gardens of William III 104 - 3 VAN LAER, A. T. A The Frozen Brook 67, | VAN MARCKE, Ente Plateau de Belle Croix: Forét de Fontaine- bleau 207 | VOILLEMOT, AnpréE CHARLES Marguerite: A Sketch 5 VOLLMAR, L. The Lesson 94 VOLLON, ANTOINE Still Life 28 Daybreak on the River Seine 138 VUILLEFROY, Fetix pr Cows at Pasture 15s WEEKS, Epwin Lorp The Pigeons of Jeypore at: Powder Play outside the Walls of the City of Morocco 70 CATALOGUE ; NUMBER WEIR, Joun F., N.A. A Summer Morning, Brancheville, Connecticut 185 WEIR, Juxian ALvDEN, P.N.A. Springtime 88 WEISSENBRUCH, J. H. Landscape 130 WEST, Bensamin, P.R.A. Angels Appearing to the Shepherds 214 WIGGINS, Joun Carteton, N.A. Holstein Bull 35 WORMS, JuLzEs Le Départ pour la Revue 42 Yvon, A. From Solferino 108 eS enter a ——— _._ COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY ¢ b 4 5 § ~— aot eae Gia oh rasp Cr Ne ieee e ee a Say ava rie = Use FY ba [aN } a eh a aes ; st rs ee ah en eee x , ‘« ° ayy it “1 ‘ fd i. . , Re GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE \ a reget? Nise : = % | Oo . EE | Cos , * rick BE dcdne Oe Bh tig % PR TN an Ost ‘ nek ane % “4 | an i | & <4 im Pgte fF Pa ‘ SY oe \ St oe { 4 I \ ag . |) ee Dr Ad to a Dey ae : | Ili PATS Yh sey BOE EN, Sa ie) ; ifsc RS 3 BIE Ui gi vin eal ae OR ee teh aS oe : \ 4 is ve ' Pn \ >| a ny \ ef - 1 fo . = * Whe. en ara | Py ars \ ‘ 125 01663 2842 Vidi lM aby Rha Nee Se eu Da PREY ODS MD Ee Ree og aan Sw Ke ee Toe OL RL LOR). ee eo oe i” t , A weep { vty . La) Bee ih Ne Pdpactes . } isthia < Len : Wie =; f Persist Ga t - ‘ ; ' Rae Sy iuch St TS ee F , 4 ‘ : Vex : { ‘ SPAN He hy ogous fhe aN f Par een . 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