OF FRAMING PICTURES 3 % for your convenience, the contents having been This is the first of a series of booklets prepared personally compiled by MR. Mv GRIEVE } PRICE $1.00 M. GRIEVE COMPANY 234 EAST 59th STREET NEW YORK “CITY THE ART of FRAMING PICTURES N many a home there hangs an old painting, its beauty marred by an ugly and inappropriate frame that detracts from its natural beauty. Its owner, be he expert or layman, has never thought of correcting this. It is not strange that more and mote attention is being paid to the proper setting for a painting. It has been proven that the ar- tistic value of a painting can be enhanced by application of the three following principles. fib TAREE PRINCIPLES 1. Period A picture, painted in a certain era, must be accorded a frame that matches the period in which the work was done. 2. Color The combination of colors, from the oldest painting to the newest should have a frame with tones repeating the harmony of colors in the picture. 3.| Pro portion The picture, be it massive or delicate needs a frame which coincides with the details to strengthen its perspective thereby beautifying it. {i} FRENCH LOUIS XIVtH CENTURY Carved Wood—No. 1490—5” wide A very splendid example of beautiful ornamen- tation appropriate for Dutch Landscapes and Portraits. Light and shadow of detail and rich antiqued tone adapt this for strongly painted pictures. FRENCH LOUIS XVtuH CENTURY Carved Wood—No. 3881—434” wide The details carved in low relief make this frame splendid for Landscapes and Decorative Portraits. A very fine example. FRENCH LOUIS XVtuH CENTURY Carved Wood—No. 3232—5” wide Excellent for Decorative Paintings. Also ap- propriate for English Eighteenth Century Por- traits. Artistically carved and richly toned. + — y FRENCH LOUIS XIVtw CENTURY Carved Wood—No. 3888—334” wide Carved wood corners and engraved panels make this frame very effective on Portraits of Women and Decorative Figure Subjects. Very finely de- tailed. FRENCH LOUIS XIIItrH CENTURY Carved Wood—No. 3472—3” wide For Flower and Dutch Interior Paintings. Also appropriate on Landscapes. The small width makes this an ideal frame for the smaller picture. Handsomely carved. FRENCH XVIIItrH CENTURY Carved Wood—No. 3965—4” wide This design, simplified in the English manner of Louis Quinze, is excellent for Portraits of Men and Women. It exemplifies the best in the period. ITALIAN XVITH Carved Wood —No. 3834— Widths proportioned to size of picture This architectural frame pro- vides a wonderful adornment for a Madonna of the period. It is very profund in character. ” ail FRENCH GOTHIC XVtH CENTURY Carved Wood—No. 577—-Widths proportioned to size of picture A very rare and unusual design. Primitives can be made to look their best when placed in this style frame. stevie PRP RONG GF TE OR, un AT ARN i. ne i ae SF eR RE ne see sma oe nat I Re ein alt Ne apie Sm Aten wate iin, Kit SPANISH XVIITH CENTURY Carved Wood—No. 3646—47%” wide For Portraits. The flat surface is finished in rubbed black, the gold antiqued very old, with a beautiful red patina showing through, thus giving a beautiful color contrast. «J TO lize ee eee: a, SS am ARR PRR MRE: AR: MOE Sli lg ORR MEN i eee ITALIAN XVIItH CENTURY Carved Wood—No. 3692—4” wide A splendid example for use on Portraits. The running designs are well proportioned and the ornamentation, although rich in character is qutet. ENGLISH XVIIITH CENTURY Carved Wood—No. 3406—23%” wide In this period, the tendency was toward simple and narrow frames. This oval is well propor- tioned and the detail does not detract from the picture. Fine crackles in the antiquer’s tone bring out the soft mellowness and add to the color values. «J I 2 Ise ENGLISH XVIIItH CENTURY Carved Wood—No. 3952—37%” wide For Men’s Portraits. It is ideally adapted also, for Early American Pictures. The finish of the gold and the antiqued tone blends very well with this type of picture. iat o = “f ms o — — al 5 itil atone OE eg ee ee nn ee Speeeeere ener Sia aa al il el — all — fan Salata Yor oo —— we ee leleiete fe oLetererere Tors eS 4 jw i dw AAG PE Ree) aaa ; ee ASD Le a8 Bi Base ~ a ati NO nh 7? ECM LEAN AVR RAL AERA YS hh sPithe a a a os @atalalatatata alat OOOO! ~ Se ee ae ay ae a ae Sa ENGLISH XVIIItH CENTURY Carved Wood—No. 3957—4” wide For Gilbert Stuart Portraits. In antiquing this design, the various shades of color have been brought out to harmonize with all pictures of this type. Phe voy. DOD OM AM re a a a oa a aa Y aot ree — CURR Ta a al ala ee he eee ee Se ae a a aa ee Va seve Dashes die Rvn, Meranddrrabe er ifie’ See Sah ee | § ; : e N N N § % iS ‘ 4 A ? y 7 5 7 ? 7 y y p) 7, ad 2 J “| I 4 : 5 2 i F EARLY AMERICAN Carved Wood—No. 1187—3'%4” wide The simplicity of this period taken from the English XV IIIth Century mouldings, is created distinctly in the American manner. The deep hollow and simple pearl ornamentation, lend a light and shadow effect to the picture. isk SPECIALIZING IN HAND CARVED MODERN FRAMES HAND CARVED ANTIQUE FRAMES PERIOD MIRRORS TAPESTRY MOULDINGS REPAIRS AND REGILDING ANTIQUE TONING MEZZOTINT FRAMES ALL DESIGNS CAN BE MADE TO ANY WIDTH PRICES ON REQUEST When ordering any of the Frames Illustrated, kindly men- tion canvas size, subject, Pattern Number, and Width M. GRIEVE COMPANY 234 EAST 59TH STREET NEW YORK CITY 16> | (ee (Ua cos Just Bring Your Framing Problem To Us