CATALOGUE No. 1204. Part II THE WATMOUGH COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS STAN. V. HENKELS AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT For the Sale of Books, Autographs, Paintings and Engravings 1304 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York ar cK wd Ge CATALOGUE No. 1204 Parr Ik COLLECTION TOR OIL PAINTINGS BELONGING TO 'PHE LATE JOHN G. WATMOUGH, Esq. OF PHILADELPHIA Sold by order of Ferdinand Keller And from other Sources INCLUDING EXAMPLES BY Edward H. May Th. Fuchs Herman Herzog A. De Bylandt S. R. Percy Francois Lafor Hugo F. Salmson Adolph Dell L. Saurfelt S. G. Waugh Jean G. Vibert Jan J. Horemans Benjamin West Edward Moran John Varley Daniel Huntington Thomas Moran Homer D. Martin George Innes E. Petit AND A FINE PORTRAIT BY MAJOR JOHN ANDRE TO BE SOLD TUESDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 5, 1918. AT 2,30 O'CLOCK. STAN. V. HENKELS AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT For the Sale of Books, Autographs, Paintings and Engravings: 1804 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. Mer The only Auction House in the country where the Paint- ings are catalogued by the person who cries the sales—an ad- vantage not to be lightly overlooked. NOAWLEE. Bids will be executed by the Auctioneer without extra charge. Bids are always so much per piece, unless otherwise stated in catalogue. TERMS OF SALE—CaSH. All purchases must be settled for and removed on day imme- diately following the sale. STAN. V. HENKELS, Avucrion Commission MERCHANT, 1304 Walnut Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa, MAURICE H. POWER, PRINTER 1110-16 Sansom Street Philadelphia LE? CATALOGUE. Belonging to the Estate of the late JOHN G. WATMOUGH. EDWARD HARRISON MAY Born in England, 1824. Pupil of Couture and of Daniel Hunt- ington. Medal third class, Paris, 1855. 1—Ready for the Ball. Size 36 x 29. Canvas. Signed, 1868. Trea Hs Eminent painter of Dusseldorf. 2—Sunset in Norway, Mountain Lake. Sige 18% # 31. Canvas. Siqned. VINCENTE PALMAROLI Born in Madrid in 1835. Pupil of Madrazo and of San Fer- nando Academy. 3—S pringtime. Size 26 « 14. Panel, cradled. Signed. HERMAN HERZOG Born in Bremen, November 15, 1832. Came to America in 1869 and soon rose to the distinction of being the leading landscape painter in the country of his adoption. 4—The Salutation. Size 24 * 20%. Canvas. Signed. 4 5—Interior of a Cathedral (Damaged ). Size 20 « 16. Canvas. Signed. FRANCIS MARTIN DREXEL Noted early American portrait painter and founder of the Banking House of Drexel & Co., of Philadelphia and New York. 6—The Holy Family, with the Cherries. Size 30 x 24. Canvas. Signed. W. G. WEISMAN Noted American landscape artist. 7—Rocky Coast, Sunset. Size 34 x 46. Canvas. Signed, 1875. S—A Snug Harbor. Size 27 « 35. Canvas. Signed. A. de BYLANDT 9—Driving Home the Herd. Size 27 x 37. Canvas. Signed. SPE RCY 1O—A Mountain Stream, Driving Home the Cattle. Size 24 « 38. Canvas. Signed, 1874. FRANCOIS LAFON 1L1I—At the Well. Size 40 « 20. Canvas. Signed, 1872. MURILLO (After. ) 12—The Immaculate Conception. Size 53 « 244%. Canvas. DORN 5 HUGO FREDRIK SALMSON Born in Stockholm in 1843. Medal, third class, 1879. Legion of Honour, 1871. 13—At the Flower Vendor’s. Size 36 « 53%. Canvas. Signed. T. MAESTOSI 14—The Picture Gallery. Size 7 « 10. Panel. Signed. L. SAURFELT 15—Street Scene in Holland. Sige 13 « 10. Canvas. Signed, 1875. ADOLPH DELL 16—The Valley of the Partenkircher, Tyrol. Size 36 x 48. Canvas. Signed. M. WEBER 17—Consolation. Size 23 # 29. Canvas. Signed. AUGUST SPECHT 18—Dog’s Head. Sige 24 x 191%4. Panel. Signed, 1889. BRUGUER 19—M arine View. Size 9 « 12%. Canvas. Signed. 20—Companion. Signed. 6 Ge ENGLEEHARY 21—View in the Tyrol. Size 27 * 38. Canvas. Signed. 22—A Mountain Lake, with Old Mill. Size 27 « 38. Canvas. Signed. Ce HEUER 23—View in the Tyrol. Size 20 x 36. Canvas. Signed. M. DELATTRE 24—Bullock’s Head. Life size. Size 41 x 30. Canvas. Signed. = OAS ON 25—Ready for the Hunt. Sige 11 x 9. Panel. Signed. W. J. BOOGAARD 26—Stable Interior. Size 23 x 29. Canvas. Signed. HERMAN SIMON Popular painter of dogs. 27—Duck Shooting from a Battery, Size 36 « 50. Canvas. Signed, 1883. 28—The Pet Terrier. Size 30 * 25. Canvas. Signed, 1876. 29—Rail Shooting. Size 20 x 30. Canvas. Signed, 1877. 7 30—A Family Group. (Dogs.) Sige 24 x 40. Canvas. Signed, 1888. PARTIELJE 31—A Lady with a Feathered Hat. Sige 27 * 20. Canvas. Signed. S. G. WAUGH 32—Fancy Head. (Female. ) Size 24 x 20. Canvas. Signed, 1879. 33—Fancy Head. (Female. ) Size 24 x 20. Canvas. Oval. Signed, 1879. ieee 34—In the Swiss Mountains. Sige 27 x 36. Canvas. Signed with initials. F. G. WITMAN 35—Winter Scene. Size 40 x 50. Canvas. Signed. MEISSONIER (A 36—Une Chanson. Size 10 « 10%. Canvas. BURMESE PAINTING fter.) 37—A Royal Procession. Sige 37 © 26%. A very old and curious painting by a Burmese artist, represent ing the king on a horse surrounded by the nobility; the painting is heightened in gold. INGO? 8 AFTER OLD MASTERS 38—Portrait of Peter Paul Rubens. Size 8 + 6. Canvas. 39— Portrait of Anthony van Dyck. Size 8 x 6. Canvas. 40—Doubting Thomas. Size 21 x 18. Canvas. UNKNOWN 41—The Old Mill, Size 13 * 17%. Canvas. 42—The Swiss Mountains. Size 5% x 81%. Canvas. 43—Companion. 44——A Hooked Speckled Trout. Size 9 « 14. Water color. 45—The Voyage of Life. Size 20 « 28. Canvas. 46—Companion. 47—Christ Healing the Blind. Size 26% x 35. Canvas. 45—Mary Magdalene. Copy of Old Master. Size 26% x 21. Canvas. 49—A Vision, Size 38 + 26. Canvas. 50—Landscape. Size 31%4 « 5%. Panel. 51—Mountain Lake. Size 21 x 33. Water color. Ne) FOR OTHER ACCOUNTS. MAJOR JOHN ANDRE Adjutant in the British Army, who was executed as a spy by General Washington during the Revolutionary War. 5$2—Portrait of John Spear, of Baltimore, Md. One-half life size. This is a portrait of John Spear, of Balti- more, father of Mary Spear, of Richmond, Virginia, Va., who married Judge Phillip Norbone Nicholas. It was painted by Major Andre, the noted spy of the Revolution, and was exhib- ited at the World’s Fair in Chicago, 1892. JEAN GEORGES VIBERT Born Paris, 1840. Medals, Paris, 1864, ’67 and °68. Chevalier of the Legion of Honour, 1870. Officer of the Legion of Honour. Member of the Society of French Artists, etc. 53—The Sacred Ibis. Size 12 x 9%. Water color. Signed. JAN JOZEF HOREMANS Born at Antwerp, 1682. Ddied, 1759. Master of Guild of St. Luke’s. Paintings in Brunswick, Antwerp, Cassel, Christiania and Dresden Museums. 54—The Apparition. Size 25 x 33. Canvas. IOP IO F.K. M) REHN Pupil of the National Academy. Born, 1848. Died, 1917. First Prize for Marine Painting, St. Louis, 1882. Gold Medal, 1885. 55—Atlantic Coast. Sige 14 x 27. Canvas. Signed. 56—WN ahant. Size 16 x 27. Canvas. Signed, 1873. BENJAMIN WEST President of the Royal Academy. Born Springfield, Penna., 1738. Died London, 1820. Historical painter to George III. 57—Allegorical Subject. Size 44 « 35. Canvas. From the collection of Daniel Huntington, President of the Na- tional Academy of Design. DANIEL HUNTINGTON Born in New York in 1816. Studied under Prof. Morse in 1835 and under Inman, Founder of the Antwerp Academy in 1840 and President in 1862 and 1877. 58—Portrait of a Lady. Sige 30 x 25. Canvas. JOHN VARLEY Eminent English water-colorist. 59—Thun from the Oar Falls, Switzerland. Size 1454 x 21. Water color. Signed. 60—Lucerne from the Reuss. Size 1444 x 21. Water color. Signed. 61—Pallanza. Size 1414 »* 21. Water color. Signed. ae EPEVT 62—Vase and Flowers. Size 15¥%4 x 12%. Water color. Signed. With guarantee in the hand of the artist on back. THOMAS MORAN Born in Bolton, England, 1842. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. Elected A. N. A. in 1882; N. A., 1884. 63—Evening Landscape. Size 6 + 12. Canvas. EDWARD MORAN Born in Bolton, England, 1846. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. Landscape painter. 64—Sunset on Lake George. ; Size 5 « 7. Canvas. 65—Stiff Wind, English Channel. Size 5% 7. Canvas. KARL FREDRICH DEIKER Born at Wetzlar, 1836. Pupil of Hanau Academy. Animal painter. 66—The Deer Herd. Size 28 « 41. Canvas. Signed. HOMER D. MARTIN Born in Toulouse. Pupil of P. Laurens. Medal, first class, Paris, 1880. 6/—Waterfall, Black Mountains. Size 16 « 20. Canvas. Signed, 1867. Ba ig 12 GEORGE INNES Born in Newburgh, 1875. Pupii of Regis Gignoux. Elected A.N. A., 1853, and N. A., 1868. Landscape painter. 68—Jersey Landscape. Size 6% x 14. Canvas. Signed, 1844. An early example of his work. Signed “Geo. Innes, 1844.” HERMAN SIMON 69—Horses in Stable. Size 14 + 20. Canvas. Signed, 1871. 70—Mule Pond. Size 14 # 20. Canvas. Signed, 1885. JULIAN RIX 71—The Great Wheat Belt, Napa County, Caltfornia. Size 12 * 20. Canvas. Pe Ooeek. Pe seNal 72—Rocky Coast. Size 12 x 20. Water color. Signed. FRANZ LEGGHOFFT 73—At Anchor. Size 24 x 18. Water color. Signed. oS: ReavGHAFFEE 74—Autumn on the Lake. Size 19% x 13. Water color. Signed. SO HANS BRITTAN WILLIS English artist. 75—The Horse Market. Size 14 x 20. Canvas. Signed. A. CESANO 76—The Wine Tester. Size 16 x 20. Canvas. Signed, 1912. EM. V. DAMME /7—Cattle at Pasture. Size 10% « 17. Panel. Signed, 1874. EDWARD MORGAN 77a—The Port of Boston, Mass. Size 20% x 12%. Canvas. Signed. P. GATEN Dutch painter. 78—Winter Scene. Size 6% x 11%. Canvas. C. DuPONT Dutch painter. 79—Snow Mountain. Sige 7 « 12. Canvas. J. LINTON CHAPMAN &0—Scene at Albano, Rome, 1886. Size 10 x 14. Canvas. Painted for Mr. Trotter, Philadelphia. 14 JOUIN FE ETO 81—Candy. Size 6%*9. Canvas. V. H. INNERCOURT 82—A French House. Size 74 « 9%. Canvas. THOMAS DOUGHTY 83—Mountain Lake. Size 9 x 14. Canvas. CEO. |, HOBBS 84—Rue Bois, Paris. Size 6% x 8%. Canvas 85—Levallons, Paris. Size 6% * 8%. Canvas. BOUTELLE 86—The Saucon in June. Size 18 « 14. Canvas. Signed, 1864. RUSSEL SMITH 87—The Notch, White Mountatns. Size 18 x 13%. Canvas. Signed. WILHELM SIMMLER S8—Sunday Hunters. Size 30 « 40. Canvas. Signed. weg 15 UNKNOWN 89—Landscape. Size 30 x 25. 90—General G. T. Beauregard. Equestrian. Mezzotints. Proof before all letters. 91—Life-size Crayon Portrait. Unknown. 92—Three Oil Paintings. Landscapes.