. SALE NUMBER 2043 y.. EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, MARCH ELEVENTH _ JAPANESE PRINTS & CHINESE PAINTINGS REMOVED FROM 2 EAST 5itu STREET NEW YORK CITY SOLD TO CLOSE THE ESTATE ALSO a DR RAWINGS & ETCHINGS ee) 6) | THE PROPERTY OF ie R. B. ADAM BUFFALO, N. Y. eee ie ae “SOLD BY HIS ORDER Paes if TORR SOLD BY AUCTION ss THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS - MARCH EIGHTEENTH, NINETEENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN ae Ppa tt PVC aS PES Ae as ty US REAR NET TA is a’ ae MISS FARREN (COUNTESS OF DERBY) BY FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI [NUMBER 3 | SALE NUMBER 2043 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM THURSDAY, MARCH ELEVENTH ENGLISH COLOR PRINTS ts OTHER ENGRAVINGS @ JAPANESE PRINTS & CHINESE PAINTINGS REMOVED FROM Peo l5 (theo LREE TE INE WER YORK @Uny SOLD TO CLOSE THE ESTATE ALSO A SMALL COLLECTION OF DRAWINGS & ETCHINGS ie hROPER TY: OF MR. R. B. ADAM DUE ALON Ys SOLD BY HIS ORDER TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION THURSDAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS MARCH EIGHTEENTH, NINETEENTH AT EIGHT-FIFTEEN Mae ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent ] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. ‘This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use’ all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar for each Session of the Sale THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN, MR. A. N. BADE AND MR. E. H. L. THOMPSON SA LE THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH EIGHTEENTH, AT 8:15 FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-182 ENGLISH COLOR PRINTS AND OTHER ENGRAVINGS i} bo NUMBERS 1-106 JOHN SAMUEL AGAR LATE 18TH CENTURY MRS. DUFF Stipple engraving printed in colors after the drawing by Richard Cosway. Original impression. Small margin, but lacking the dedication. (London, Pub. May, 1807 by R. Ackermann . . .) Gilt frame. THOMAS G. APPLETON CHILDREN NUTTING Mezzotint after the painting by George Morland. Signed proof on India paper. Guilt frame. FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI T727-18156 MISS FARREN (COUNTESS OF DERBY) Stipple printed in colors. After the painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Publish’d Jany 2, 1792 by Bull & Jeffryes Ludgate Hill London. Fine impression, with the inscription. Margins trimmed to the engraved surface at top and sides; mounted. The engraver’s masterpiece. [SEE FRONTISPIECE | 1 10 ial FRANCESCO BAR'TOLOZZI VENUS ATTIRED BY THE GRACES Stipple printed in red. After Angelica Kauffmann. London, Publish’d... May 1, 1784 by S. Watts. Fine impression. With margin showing the plate-mark. Guilt frame. VENUS RECOMMENDING HYMEN TO CUPID Stipple engraving printed in colors after the engraver’s own design. London, published March 1, 1800. Gilt frame. JANE, COUNTESS OF HARRINGTON, LORD VISCOUNT PETERSHAM AND HONble. LINCOLN STANHOPE Stipple engraving, printed in sepia after the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Tuer, No. 1649. Superb original impression, with large margin showing the plate-mark. LADY SMITH (AND HER CHILDREN) Stipple engraving, colored by hand, after the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Tuer, No. 1708. Gilt frame. CUPID REFUSING LOVE TO DESIRE Stipple engraving, printed in colors by John Vendramini after Bartolozzi. London, published May 1, 1800. Gult frame. APOLLO AND THE MUSES ON MOUNT PARNASSUS Stipple engraving, printed in colors after the painting by L. Guttenbrunn. Tuer, No. 1404. Magnificent impression, with large margin showing the plate-mark. Guilt frame. A large and important print engraved by the brothers Facius. The plate was afterwards sold to Messrs. Colnaghi and some of the figures were altered and reéngraved by Bartolozzi. LADY SMITH (AND HER CHILDREN) Stipple engraving, printed in sepia after the painting by Sir Josuah Reynolds. Tuer, No. 1708. Very fine impression, with large margin showing the plate-mark. Gilt frame. MRS. ANN CARGILL AS CLARA IN THE DUENNA Stipple engraving, printed in red, after the painting by J. Walker. Superb proof before the title. With full margin. 2 13 14 15 16 BOILLET AFTER BARTOLOZZI VENUS ATTIRED BY THE GRACES Stipple printed in colors. “Grave par Boillet @aprés Voriginal de Bartolozzi.” From the painting by Angelica Kauffmann. With margin, but trimmed parallel to the oval engraved surface. BARTOLOZZI (?) THE GLEANERS Stipple engraving, printed in colors and retouched. Trimmed to the oval. Framed. SCHOOL OF BARTOLOZZI WOMAN RECLINING ON CLOUDS Original sanguine drawing. Small holes on the lower right corner. Gilt frame. Height, 91% inches; width, 16 inches F. BEAUDOIN MARIE ANTOINETTE, WITH THE DAUPHIN AND MARIE THERESE IN THE GARDEN OF VERSAILLES Original gouache painting, signed on the pedestal of a vase at the left. Very fine drawing. Gilt frame. J. F. BEAUVARLET 1731-1797 CONVERSATION ESPAGNOLE Line engraving after C. Vanloo. Impression with the inscription. Mounted. Framed. Wy? 18 iE) 20 WILLIAM BLAKE 1757-1827 MRS. Q. (WIFE OF COLONEL QUENTIN OF THE 10TH HUSSARS) Stipple, printed in colors. Drawn by Huet Villiers. London, Published Ist June, 1820, by L. Barrow, Weston Place, St. Pancras. Superb impression, with good margin, showing plate- mark. The subject, a lady of great beauty, incurred the displeasure of George IV for resisting his advances. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | MARIANO BOVI COMEDY, NATURE, FINE ARTS Stipple engravings, printed in red, drawn by Bartolozzi after drawings by J. B. Cipriani. With margin trimmed to plate-mark. Late impressions. Black frames. (3) HENRY SCOTT BRIDGWATER THE FRANKLAND SISTERS Mezzotint, after the painting by John Hoppner. Signed proof on India paper. Beautiful impression. Gilt frame. THOMAS BURKE 1749-1815 DIANA AND VENUS Stipple engraving, printed in colors after Angelica Kauffmann. Original impression, but trimmed to conform to the circular en- graved border. In gilt frame. 4 MRS. Q. (WIFE OF COLONEL QUENTIN OF THE IOTH HUSSARS) BY WILLIAM BLAKE [NUMBER 17 | 23 24 JOHN CONDE LATE 18TH CENTURY MRS. FITZHERBERT Stipple, printed in colors. After the painting by R. Cosway. Magnificent impression. With good margin, but without the plate-mark and line of publication. A print of great rarity in colors. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | MRS. FITZHERBERT Stipple engraving, printed in black after the painting by Richard Cosway. Magnificent impression, with margin trimmed to the engraved border. Gilt frame. MRS. M. CORMACK LADY ALBINA CUMBERLAND Mezzotint engraving, after the painting by George Romney. Signed proof on India paper. Folio. Gilt frame. RICHARD COSWAY MRS. ROBINSON Drawn and engraved by J. Pettit from a sketch by R. Cosway, Esq. Nice impression, but without the plate-mark. SAMUEL COUSINS MATERNAL AFFECTION (COUNTESS GRAY AND HER CHILDREN) Mezzotint, after Sir Thomas Lawrence. Superb proof before letters, on India paper. Gilt frame. Proof No. 36. NATURE (THE CALMADY CHILDREN) Mezzotint, printed in colors, after the painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Fine open letter proof. Large margin. Gilt frame. 6 Poarenisaneastsnsertsanearereetatteaeencontien onesresensenreeteuteuameocroaameeeaet eee eeaeeeeetee enka teraeeeeeereeeteeneteeneeeeeeeete FITZHERBERT BY JOHN CONDE MRS [NUMBER 21 | 27 29 30 dl GAUTIER DAGOTY FILS FREDERIC II ROY DE PRUSSE Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting by Mme. Ter- bouche. Superb impression, with large margin showing the plate- mark. Guilt frame. N. DANCE MISS MARTHA RAY Stipple engraving, printed in red by H. Sintzenich. Brilliant impression, with large margin showing the plate-mark. M. DARLY CORK AND FEATHERS; BUTTONS AND BUCKLES Original drawings colored by hand. Painted frames. (2) Height, 19 inches; width, 1834 inches From the Sir Wiliam Augustus Fraser Collection. GEORGE DAWE 1781-1829 GROUSE SHOOTERS (MR. ASHTON AND MR. HOSTE) IN THE FOREST OF BOWLAND Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting by J. Northcote. Published May 15, 1801. Magnificent scratched letter proof. Margin. Gilt frame. EXTREMELY RARE. PAUL DE LONGPRE WHITE JAPANESE PEONIES Water color. Signed and dated Los Angeles, 1899. Gilt frame. 8 MARTIAL DENY 382 MARIE ANTOINETTE 33 b4 B5 36 Ktching finished with the graver, colored by hand after Desrais. Brilliant impression, with large margin showing the plate-mark. Gilt frame. GEORGE T. DOO NATURE—THE CALMADY CHILDREN Engraving after the painting by Lawrence. Scratched Ictter proof. Gilt frame. JOHN DOWNMAN LADY ELIZABETH FOSTER Stipple engraving, printed in sepia by Caroline Watson. Superb impression, with large margin trimmed to the plate-mark. SCHOOL OF JOHN DOWNMAN WOMAN SITTING Original pencil drawing, touched up with white. Study of a woman sitting, profile to the right. Gilt frame. Height, 17 inches; width, 101% imches WOMAN SITTING Original pencil drawing, touched up with white. Study of a woman sitting, scen backwards. Gilt frame. Height, 15 inches; width, 934 wmches MISS FARREN Original pencil drawing, showing the lady full length, three- quarters to the right. Brilliant specimen. Guilt frame. Height, 17 inches; width, 1014 imches 9 PIERRE DUFLOS 388 MARIE ANTOINETTE 39 40 4] 42 43 Ktching, colored by hand after the drawing of J. Touze. Superb impression, with large margins showing the plate-mark. Gilt frame. S. ARLENT EDWARDS EMMA (LADY HAMILTON) Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting by George Romney. Kn. No. 4. Published in 1904. Gilt frame. One of 175 copies signed by the artist. NATURE (THE CALMADY CHILDREN) Mezzotint, printed in black after the painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Kn. No. 14. Gilt frame. | One of the few trial proofs printed by A. Edwards and marked in pencil “In progress”. NATURE (THE CALMADY CHILDREN) Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Kn. No. 14. Published in 1903. Gilt frame. One of 175 copies signed by the artist. THE DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE AND HER DAUGHTER Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Kn. No. 20. Published in 1905. Gilt frame. One of 200 copies signed by the artist. ELIZABETH, COUNTESS OF MEX BOROUGH Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting by John Hoppner. Kn. No. 24. Published in 1905. Gilt frame. This print was published as “Countess of Mexford”. 10 44, 45 46 48 49 MADONNA Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting of Botticelli, “Virgin and Child”. Kn. No. 34. Published September, 1902. Gilt frame. One of 175 copies signed by the artist. Characterized as the rarest and most desirable of Arlent Edwards’ mezzotints. MADONNA Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting by Filippo Lippi. Kn. No. 36. Published in April, 1905. Gilt frame. One of 175 copies signed by the artist. One of the rarest mezzotints of Arlent Edwards. MONA LISA Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting by Leonardo da Vinci. Kn. No. 87. Published April 1st, 1906. Guilt frame. One of 175 copies signed by the artist. LUDOVICA 'TORNABUONI Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting by Ghirlandaio, “Birth of the Virgin”. Kn. No. 38. Published October 10th, 1905. Guilt frame. One of 175 copies signed by the artist. BAPTISTA TORNABUONI Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting by Ghirlandaio, “The Birth of the Baptist”. Kn. No. 89. Published September 10th, 1906. Gilt frame. One of 225 copies signed by the artist. LUDOVICA TORNABUONI AND PORTRAIT OF A LADY Mezzotints printed in colors, the first one after the painting by Ghirlandaio, “Birth of the Virgin”. Kn. No. 88. Published 10th Octobre, 1905. The second after the painting by Ambrogio de Pedri erroneously called “Beatrice d’Este” and attributed to Leonardo da Vinci. Kn. No. 41. Published 13 January, 1905. Brilliant impressions. Guilt frame. On the back of the frame two impressions of the defaced plates. One of 175 copies printed and signed by the artist. 11 50 Or bo 53 54 ENGRAVER UNKNOWN CHILDREN DANCING Stipple engraving printed in colors. Somewhat retouched with the brush. Trimmed to oval, without artist’s or engraver’s name. Framed with black glass mat. G. S. AND J. G. FACIUS 18TH CENTURY ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA Stipple engraving, printed in colors after the painting by Henry Tresham. Published Dec. 1, 1795. Magnificent impression. With good margin. Gilt frame. JOHN FINLAYSON etl ELIZABETH, DUCHESS OF ARGYLL Mezzotint engraving after the painting by Rhead. Proof before all letters. Guilt frame. FRENCH PAINTING | RENAUD DANS LES JARDINS D’ARMIDE Painting in gouache, done on vellum for a fan leaf, representing Renaud under the features of the Grand Dauphin kneeling in front of Marie Anne Christine Victoire de Baviére as Armide. In old French gilt frame. Height, 8 inches; width, 1334 inches From the Moreau Dalmont Collection, with the seal of a sale. LOUISE DE LA VALLIERE A SES BAINS DE CARRIERE SOUS POISSY Painting in gouache, done on vellum for a fan leaf. In old French gilt frame. Height, 714 inches; width, 15 wcehes Irom the Moreau Dalmont Collection. 12 Or OX 56 oO” 58 59 60 DANIEL GARDNER MRS. ELIZABETH LEWIS (LADY HERBERT CROFT) Gouache. Three-quarter length of a young lady in décolleté dress, standing in a garden, three-quarters to the right, holding a basket in the right hand and plucking a rose with the left. Old carved gilt oval frame. Height, 2114 inches; width, 2414 inches HENRY GRESWOLDE LEWIS Gouache. Full length in a garden, sitting under a tree, his hat on his lap, holding a stick in his right hand; the left is resting on a rock. At his right a dog. Old carved gilt oval frame. Height, 2114, inches; width, 2444 inches PORTRAIT OF A LADY (GEORGIANA CHARLOTTE) COUNTESS OF CHOLMONDELEY ?) Gouache drawing done in the Reynolds manner. Old gilt frame. Height, 30 inches; width, 24 inches GEORGE GRAHAM FLOURISHED END OF 18TH CENTURY NARCISSUS Stipple engraving, printed in colors after the drawing by Thomas Rowlandson. Published Aug. 4th, 1787. Fine original im- pression. With margin showing plate-mark. ExcrsstvELy RARE. An extensive search fails to locate another copy in colors. .T. GREENHEAD PORTRAIT OF A LADY Mezzotint engraving after the painting by Gainsborough. Signed proof. Gilt frame. MRS. SHERIDAN Mezzotint, printed in black after the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Brilliant proof before all letters, printed on India paper. Signed by the artist. Gult frame. 18 61 62 63 64 65 FRANCIS SEYMOUR HADEN SUNSET IN IRELAND Original painter etching. Harrington, No. 51. Brilliant trial proof (f) with the stake on the right extending over the bank but still with Haden’s signature and the date. Printed on thin Japan paper and signed by the artist. Guilt frame. VERY RARE. W. HAMILTON LES AMUSEMENTS DE L’HIVER; LES AMUSEMENTS DE L’ETE Stipple engravings, printed in colors by Renard. ‘The first one with the inscription and margin trimmed to the plate mark. The second proof before all letters, with large margin. Gilt frames. (2) FRANCIS HAWARD 1759-1797 MRS. SIDDONS AS THE TRAGIC MUSE Stipple engraving after the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds. London, published June 4th, 1787. Margin trimmed almost to the engraved surface. Guilt frame. HUBERT HERKOMER PORTRAIT OF A LADY Original etching printed in sepia on Japan paper. Proof before all letters, signed by the artist. Gilt frame. PORTRAIT OF A LADY Painter etching, printed in black. Proof before all letters, printed on vellum. Remarque proof signed by the artist. Guilt frame. 14 66 THE CAMBRIDGE TELEGRAPH STARTING FROM THE WHITE HORSE, FETTER LANE BY GEORGE HUNT [NUMBER 66 | GEORGE HUNT FLOURISHED 1820-1845 THE CAMBRIDGE TELEGRAPH, STARTING FROM THE WHITE HORSE, FETTER LANE Colored aquatint, after the painting by J. Pollard. London, Published by J. Moore, at his Glass & Picture Frame Manu- factory, 1 West Street, St. Martin’s Lane. Fine original im- pression, with fair margin but lacking plate-mark. A fine print in excellent condition. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 15 68 69 70 rat ILLUMINATED INITIAL “C” THE BEATITUDE Miniature painted on vellum in gold and colors. ‘The Virgin is surrounded by the symbolical Angel, the Lion, the Ox, and the Dove; beneath, with raised eyes, stand Christ and the eleven Disciples. In old carved wood gilt frame. Height, 10 inches; width, 71% inches From an Antiphonal of late XVth Century execution. ILLUMINATED INITIAL “C” CHRIST AND THE PRIESTS IN THE SYNAGOGUE Miniature painted on vellum in gold and colors. In old carved wood gilt frame. Height, 1434 inches; width, 13814 inches AN INTERESTING MINIATURE, With grotesque corner-piece. Above the principal subject is represented the Beatitude of the Virgin Mary. From an Antiphonal of XVth Century execution. ILLUMINATED INITIAL “C” ADORATION OF THE MAGI Miniature painted on vellum in gold and colors. In old carved wood gilt frame. Height, 10 wmches; width, 71/4, inches An attractive example of the medieval illuminator’s art, from an Antiphonal of late XVth Century execution. CHARLES H. JEENS THE SPINNER (LADY HAMILTON) Stipple engraving after the painting of George Romney. First state on India paper, signed by the artist. Guilt frame. CHARLES KNIGHT THE CHARMERS Stipple engraving, printed in black after the painting of the Rev. M. Peters. Fine original impression, slightly creased, with large margin. Oak frame. 16 ~t bo 74 76 a LAGIULLMIE PORTRAIT OF MADAME VIGEE LE BRUN Ktching after the artist’s self-portrait. Signed artist’s proof on parchment. Guilt frame. SIR FREDERICK (LORD) LEIGHTON PORTRAIT HEAD OF A WOMAN Mezzotint engraving by George H. Every. Proof signed by the painter and engraver. Gilt frame. PORTRAIT OF A LADY Mezzotint, printed in black by Samuel Cousins. Brilliant proof before all letters, printed on India paper. Signed by the artist. Gilt frame. JAMES McARDELL GEORGE DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM AND HIS BROTHER FRANCIS Mezzotint engraving after the painting by Van Dyck. Superb impression, proof before letters. Margin trimmed to the en- graved surface at top and sides. Mounted. Gilt frame. F. MARCO MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN OF THE NOBILITY, ABOUT 1700 Miniature painting on ivory. Signed to the left “IF. Marco”. Framed. HENRY MEYER THE PROPOSAL Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting by G. H. Harlow. Brilliant open letter proof. Superb impression, with large margin showing the plate-mark. Gilt frame. 17 res) 80 SIR J. E. MILLAIS CHERRY RIPE Mezzotint, printed in black by Samuel Cousins. Proof before all letters, printed on India paper. Signed by the artist. Guilt frame. GEORGE MORLAND 1763-1804 THE SPORTSMAN’S RETURN Mezzotint, printed in colors and retouched with the brush as usual. Engraved by William Ward. Fine original impression, with good margin. London, Publish’d, Dec. 20, 1792. One of the most delightful subjects. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SHEPHERDS REPOSING; AND, THE WEARY SPORTS- MAN Stipples printed in colors. Engraved by Wm. Bond. London, Published April 1st and Oct. Ist, 1803. Mogi pe with full margins. Gilt frames. (2) ; | 18 THE SPORTSMAN S RETURN BY GEORGE MORLAND [NUMBER 79 | A PARTY ANGLING ONE OF A PAIR BY GEORGE MORLAND [NUMBER 81 | GEORGE MORLAND 1763-1804 81 A PARTY ANGLING; AND, THE ANGLERS’ REPAST Mezzotints, printed in colors, and slightly retouched with the brush as usual. Engraved by G. Keating and W. Ward. Lon- don, Published Novr. 28, 1789 by J. R. Smith. Beautiful im- pressions, with margins showing the plate-marks. (2) VERY RARE. | SEE ILLUSTRATIONS | 20 THE ANGLERS REPAST ONE OF A PAIR BY GEORGE MORLAND [NUMBER 81 | 85 84 85 86 87 L. MONZIES MRS. SARAH SIDDONS Etched after the painting by Gainsborough. First state. Signed artist’s proof on parchment. Guilt frame. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS LA MARCHANDE DE VOLAILLE; LE PEINTRE Humoristic original wash drawings in colors. The second is worm-eaten and repaired. Gilt frames. (2) JEAN BAPTISTE PATAS MARIE ANTOINETTE Etching finished with the graver, colored by hand after a drawing by Leclerc. Brilliant impression, with large margin showing the plate-mark. Guilt frame. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS THE LITTLE FORTUNE TELLER Mezzotint, printed in black by Robert S. Claustin. Proof before letters, printed on India paper. Signed by the engraver. Gilt frame. A. H. RITCHIE WASHINGTON AND HIS GENERALS Drawn and engraved by A. H. Ritchie. Finely colored by hand. Large folio. Gilt frame. LADY WASHINGTON’S RECEPTION Engraving after the painting by Daniel Huntington. Beautifully colored by hand. Large folio. Guilt frame. 22 L. SCHIAVONETTI pomecayeE-ORTRAITT OF A CADDY 89 90 Stipple engraving, printed in sepia after R. Cosway. Fine im- pression, with small margin. Gilt frame. (b) HER GRACE THE DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE Stipple engraving, printed in colors. Late impression. Gilt frame. (c) THE WITTY DORINDA Stipple engraving, printed in black. Published by Laurie and Whittle. Fine impression, with small margin. Gilt frame. (3) J. P. SIMON 1769-? MISS FRANCES ISABELLA GORDON (WHEN A CHILD) Stipple engraving after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Impression with the inscription. Gilt frame. This print is better known as ‘‘Angels’ Heads”. J. B. SINGRY MINIATURIST, 1782-1824 PRINCE EUGENE DE BEAUHARNAIS Miniature portrait on ivory. Subject shown bust length, head turned slightly to the right. In military costume, with the order of the Legion of Honor on his breast. Signed to the right. Framed. 23 Se SASS SMALL LLL LE LLL LLL DILLER LLL LE LEDLLEES Gi pi R pA ONE OF A SET OF THREE BY JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH [NUMBER 91] Siti 55 trie ORBEA aba L f % . & : : # re ie: LB aia ie Fae ONE OF A SET OF THREE BY JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH [ NUMBER 91 | of 93 94 JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH A MAID; A WIFE; A WIDOW Stipple engravings, printed in colors after the engraver’s own designs. Frankau, Nos. 227, 376, 3874. London, publish’d Jany Ist, 1791. Impressions of the highest quality. With mar- gins showing plate-mark on all. (3) A set of great rarity and especially so when printed in colors. [SEE ILLUSTRATIONS, PAGES 24, 25, 27] FLIRTILLA Stipple engraving, printed im colors after the engraver’s own design. London, published May 12, 1787. Original impression. Margin trimmed to the plate-mark. Gilt frame. NARCISSA Stipple engraving, printed in colors after the artist’s own draw- ing. Frankau, No. 256. Very fine original impression, with margin showing the plate-mark at the bottom. Guilt frame. Companion to the preceding. KATHERINE MARY AND THOMAS JOHN CLAVERING Mezzotint engraving, after the painting by George Romney. Frankau No. 84. Second state. Very fine and brilliant im- pression. With the inscription before the address was changed to that of Humphreys. With large margin. From the Halsey Collection. 26 4 tyke g e ONE OF A SET OF THREE BY JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH [NUMBER 9I_| I. D. SOIRON 95 THE LUCKY SPORTSMAN Stipple engraving, printed in colors after the painting by George Morland. Very fine impression, with large margin showing the plate-mark at the top and side. Trimmed to the publishing line at the bottom. Gilt frame. P. W. TOMKINS 96 TWO WOMEN AND CHILD Stipple engraving, printed in sepia after F. Bartolozzi. Fine proof before the title. Oval gilt frame, 28 WILLIAM WARD 1766-1826 ot THE COQUETTE AT HER TOILET Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting by George Mor- land. Frankau, No. 774. Original impression. Margin trimmed to the engraved surface. Guilt frame. EXTREMELY RARE. 98 THE SOLILOQUY Stipple, printed in bistre after the engraver’s own design. Orig- inal impression. Margin trimmed to the engraved surface and mounted. Guilt frame. 99 MORNING, OR THOUGHTS ON AMUSEMENT FOR THE EVENING Stipple engraving, printed in colors after the painting by George Morland. Frankau, No. 208. Brilliant impression, with large margin. Guilt frame. 29 THE BIRTH OF AN HEIR ONE OF A PAIR BY WILLIAM WARD [NUMBER 100 | WILLIAM WARD 1766-1826 100 THE BIRTH OF AN HEIR; CHRISTENING THE HEIR Mezzotints printed in colors after the paintings by W. R. Bigg. Published March 1st, 1799, by W. Ward, Delancey Place, Cam- den Town. Frankau, Nos. 29 and 62. Superb original impres- sions in perfect condition, and with full margin. (2) A MAGNIFICENT PAIR IN THE BRILLIANT ORIGINAL COLORING. VERY RARE. | SEE ILLUSTRATIONS | 30 CHRISTENING THE HEIR ONE OF A PAIR BY WILLIAM WARD [NUMBER 100 | WILLIAM WARD 1766-1826 101 DAUGHTERS OF SIR THOMAS FRANKLAND BART Mezzotint after the painting by John Hoppner. Frankau, No. 125. Superb impression of the third state before the change of title. Published March 1, 1797. With margin showing plate- mark all around. Unquestionably one of the greatest prints executed by William Ward, and to-day one of the most difficult to procure. No copy in the Halsey Collection. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 32 DAUGHTERS OF SIR THOMAS FRANKLAND, BART. BY WILLIAM WARD [NUMBER IOI | 102 103 104 105 106 JAMES WATSON 1740-1790 LADY STANHOPE : Mezzotint engraving after the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Goodwin, No. 53. Second state. Magnificent proof before all letters. With wide margin. THOMAS WATSON ST. CECILIA (MRS. SHERIDAN) Stipple engraving, printed in colors after the painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Goodwin, No. 37. Very fine original impres- sion. With margin, but lacking the publication line. Gilt frame. JAMES A. McNEILL WHISTLER FANNY LEYLAND Original etching. Mansfield, No. 107. First state. Impression on thin Japan paper. Gilt frame. Early proof impression. CHARLES WILKIN LADY LANGHAM Stipple engraving, printed in black after the painting by John Hoppner. Very fine open letter proof, with small margin. Gilt frame. SIDNEY WILSON NATURE (THE CALMADY CHILDREN) Mezzotint, printed in colors after the painting by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Gilt frame. One of 250 copies signed by the artist. 34 107 108 109 110 DE DRAWINGS AND ETCHINGS SOLD FOR THE ACCOUNT OF MR. R. B. ADAM BUFFALO, NEW YORK NUMBERS 107-132 GIFFORD BEAL CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN SUNSET Water color. Signed and dated 1923. Guilt frame. SIR EDWARD BURNE-JONES THE PRINCESS SABRA LED TO THE STAKE Original crayon and chalk study for one of the pictures in the series “St. George and the Dragon”. Framed. Height, 144% mches; width, 12 inches A. GOODWIN MAIDSTONE BRIDGE Water color drawing. Signed with initials and dated 64. Framed. WILLIAM HOLMAN HUNT FUNGI Water color drawing. Oval. Framed. Diameter, 81% inches Cleverly executed in the manner of miniature painting. DAVID LAW WESTMINSTER BY MOONLIGHT Original dry-point etching. Signed. Proof on Japan paper. Framed. 35 i Bes 115 114 116 Leh 118 JAMES McBEY DESERT OF SINAI Original etching. Signed and numbered. Proof. SAMUEL PALMER THE LONELY TOWER Original etching. Fine proof impression. Framed. THE MORNING OF LIFE Original etching. Signed proof. Framed. A BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION. RARE. SAMUEL PROUT A STREET SCENE IN ANDERNACH Water color drawing. Framed. Height, 1014 inches; width, 8 inches JOHN RUSKIN CHURCH IN HANOVER Original water color drawing. Framed. Height, 18 inches; width, 121% inches AN ATTRACTIVE DRAWING, executed in 1859. The upper part is finished in some detail, the lower part lightly sketched in. RYE CHURCH, SUSSEX Original wash drawing. Signed with initials. Framed. BELLENZONA; VERONA AT SUNSET; VIEW OF BRUGES Three original water color drawings. Framed. (3) Height, 6 inches; width, 9 inches 36 119 THREE DRAWINGS, PROBABLY FOR “STONES OF VENICE” Original water color drawings. One represents a ruined castle, and two show Venetian architectural details. Framed. (3) 120 CHRIST CHURCH; VIEW NEAR CHAMOUNIX Original water color drawings. Framed. (2) Height, 10 inches; width, 18 inches Height, 1381/8 inches; width, 181% inches 121 OLD MILL; VIEW FROM ST. JOHN LATERAN, ROME Two original drawings. One signed. (2) Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches Height, 1144 inches; width, 19 inches 122 FIVE DRAWINGS Original drawings. Monochrome. ‘Two are signed, one with initials. Framed. Various sizes. (5) “Thatched Cottage, Severn”; “From a Window, Venice’; ‘The Pass of Faide” (2nd study for plate No. 4, “Modern Painters’’) ; and two landscape studies. 123) FIVE DRAWINGS Original drawings. Monochrome. ‘Three are signed, one with initials. Framed. Various sizes. (5) *“—Emtrance to Feldkirch, Tyrol’; “Hotel de Ville’; ‘Valence (Librairie)” ; “St. Mark’s and the Ducal Palace”; “St. Anastasie, Venice”. 124 A COLLECTION OF TWENTY-SEVEN ORIGINAL DRAW- INGS Several are in colors, and almost all are signed “J. R.” Matted. Various sizes. (27) A SPLENDID COLLECTION. Among the subjects may be mentioned the following: ‘‘Kidwelly Castle’; ‘“‘Kussmacht”; “Aosta” ; “Scene from the Montanvert”; “Lake of Geneva’; “Corfe Castle’ = “Aske Hall”; “Kirby Lonsdale Church Yard’; “A Cumberland River’; and copies of paintings by ‘Titian and Teniers. 37 125 126 127 128 JOHN RUSKIN A COLLECTION OF UNPUBLISHED ETCHINGS, PHOTO- GRAPHS, ILLUSTRATIONS OF HIS WORKS, ETC. A large and interesting collection, including two early unpub- lished etchings, proofs before letters, landscape subjects, believed to have been executed about 1849. There are proofs before letters of several of the plates from ‘‘Modern Painters”, i.e., “The Shores of the Wharfe’’, and two drawings of Alpine sub- jects. The photographs include many architectural details, to illustrate “Stones of Venice”, landscapes, copies of old masters, etc. About 110 pieces. SANDYS STUDY OF A GIRL’S HEAD Original pencil drawing. Framed. Height, 18 inches; width, 141% inches The subject appears to be a Neapolitan type, and is probably a study for a painting. ATTRIBUTED TO J. M. W. TURNER ON LAKE LUCERNE Original water color drawing. Framed. Height, 914 wmches; width, 141% imches In quality and technique this delightful drawing bears every evidence to support the attribution. ULYSSES DERIDING POLYPHEMUS Chromolithograph after the famous painting by Turner. Gilt frame. 38 129 130 131 132 JAMES A. McNEILL WHISTLER THE “ADAM AND EVE” TAVERN, OLD CHELSEA Original etching. © Mansfield, No. 172. Second state. Good impression, with the “Butterfly” in the plate. Framed. THE MUSIC ROOM Original etching. Mansfield, No. 31. Second state. Good im- pression. Framed. OLD WESTMINSTER BRIDGE Original etching. Mansfield, No. 38. Third state. Nice im- pression. Framed. ANDERS ZORN GULLI NO. 2 Original etching. Asplund, No. 280. Third state. Signed proof. Framed. 39 SALE 134 135 136 137 158 FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH NINETEENTH, AT 8:15 SECOND SESSION JAPANESE PRINTS AND CHINESE PAINTINGS FROM 2 EAST 57TH STREET NUMBERS 133-257 PAINTING Picture of Goddess Ama Terasu attired in style of Kwan Yin and wearing various kinds of beads, painted in colors. In wood frame. Signed Shojio Kiosai; dated third year of Meiji. Size, 5 feet 414 imches x 1714 inches PAINTING Picture of a courtesan and her maid standing on a veranda whispering love jokes; beautifully painted in colors on silk. Framed. By Jioko, Kano School, about 1800. Size, 5 feet 114 imches x 1714 inches KIKUGAWA YEIZAN 1805-1855 TWO JAPANESE PRINTS Two courtesans standing in a hall, and distant view of garden in the background. Framed. (2) Size, 23 x 2714 wmches KAKEMONO PRINT Girl looking in a mirror. Size, 2 feet 414 inches x 91% inches KAKEMONO PRINT A girl leaning against a door reading a love letter. Size, 2 feet 414 wmches x 914 inches MUSICAL PARTY Girls playing a samisen. J*ramed. Size, 2314 x 17 wmches 41 139 140 141 143 144 145 146 147 HARUNOBU YOUNG BEAUTY Girl standing at a window, wearing a tan dress with floral design, artistically arranged. Framed. Size, 1914, x 1614 inches BEAUTY Picture of Oiran reading a love letter. Framed. Size, 2214, x 1714 inches JEALOUSY Girl at fireside burning her love letters in a fit of jealousy. Size, 11 x 814 inches HIROSHIGE 1815-1858 SUMIDA RIVER The banks of the river covered with cherry blossoms. Framed. Size, 17 x 2214 inches YEDO MEISHO SERIES Moonlight at Sakurada hill. Size, 814 x 61% inches TRIPTYCH Snow scene. Mountain gorge on the Kiso River. Size, 2 feet 534 inches x 1444 mches TOKAIDO SERIES View of Okabe hills. Size, 834 x 614 inches STORK AND PINE Mostly used as a New Year decoration. Size, 12 x 4 inches BIRD AND FLOWER SERIES | A small kingfisher perched in a maple tree, waterfalls in the background. Size, 1814 x 814 mches 42 148 149 151 153 154 155 156 157 158 VIEW OF SUMIDA RIVER Brick industry by the river. Size, 12 x 784 inches YEDO MEISHO SERIES View of Yoshiwara by the river. Size, 18 x 814 inches YEDO MEISHO SERIES View of temple in the snow. Size, 1484 x 10 inches TRAVELLER View of Akasaka from the Kiso series; traveller crossing a bridge. Framed. Size, 17 x 2214 inches LANDSCAPE Snow scene at Temple Zojioji, Tokio. Framed. Size, 1634 x 22 inches UTAMARO Liat Jalota YOSHIWARA BEAUTY Picture of Oiran holding a fan. Framed. Size, 22 x 16 inches PILLAR PRINT A young man and his sweetheart. From the love story series. Size, 2314 x 4 imches INDOORS A girl dressed in black reading a novel. ‘Size, 1834 x 914 inches YOSHIWARA GIRL A girl walking under the cherry blossoms. Size, 1414 x 10 inches LOVE LETTERS A girl reading her love letters. Size, 13814 x 9 inches PROCESSION A girl on horseback attended by court ladies. Size, 1434 x 10 inches 43 160 161 165 164 166 167 UTAMARO PILLAR PRINT Falcon perched in snow-covered pine tree. Size, 2514 x 4 MOTHER AND CHILD A mother carrying her baby on her back. Framed. Size, 2214 x 18 TOYOKUNI 1790-1820 AN ACTOR Taking the part of a dancing girl. Framed. Size, 22 x 174, SURIMONO PRINT Picture of an actor. From the Takogi series. * Sa26, 0) eee BEAUTY SERIES Girl walking, with wind blowing her dress. Size, 1334 x 914 AN ACTOR Impersonating Madam Iwakawa. Framed. Size, 2214 x 18 PILLAR PRINT A young lord in disguise holding fruit in his hand. Size, 20 x 484 PILLAR PRINT Sweethearts with an umbrella. Size, 1614 x 444 PILLAR PRINT A young Samurai on a fishing trip. Size, 2 feet 314 imches x 414 AA, inches inches inches inches inches imches inches enches wmches 168 169 170 Wal 172 HIDEMARO 1810-1825 BEAUTIES A group of young girls and tramed cranes at the seashore. Framed. Size, 22 x 17 inches NISHIKAWA SUKENOBU 1716-1750 MUSICAL PARTY From the Genji stories. Black and white print. 7 Size, 1414 x 10 inches KUNISADA 1810-1864 BEAUTY Young girl attended by her maid and attired in winter dress. Ease : Size, 1434 x 1014 iches GIRL BEGGING From the series of the hundred beauties of Yedo. Size, 14 x 934 inches TANAKA MASUNOBU 1730-1770 SERENADING A young lord standing by a gate playing a flute, while a girl carrying a lantern is coming out to meet him. Pillar print. Size, 2234 x 434 inches 45 174 HOKUJI 1804-1817 VIEW OF ROKUGO RIVER Ferry boat and distant view of Mount Fuji. Size, 1444 x 834 inches TEMPLE GATE Entrance to temple. One of the views of old Yedo. Size, 734 x T14 inches KAKEMONO PRINT Girl walking in the snow carrying an umbrella. Size, 2 feet 514 inches x 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | KORIUSAI 1765-1785 176 PILLAR PRINT Lig A girl in her boudoir reading her mail. Size, 2 feet 214 inches x 434 inches POETIC INSPIRATION A girl dancing under a pine tree, giving an artist poetic in- spiration. Beautifully illustrated. Size, 2 feet 8 inches x 5 wches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | A6 GIRL WALKING IN THE SNOW POETIC KAKEMONO PRINT INSPIRATION BY HOKUJI BY KORIUSAI [NUMBER 175] [NUMBER 177 | 178 rio 180 181 185 184 185 KIYONAGA Li O27 90 PILLAR PRINT Girl promenading, attired in winter clothes. Size, 2 fect 3 inches x 4384 wmches PILLAR PRINT Girls promenading at fashion show. Size, 2 feet 3 inches x 434 inches PILLAR PRINT Woman dressed in black, walking in the snow and carrying an umbrella. Note the beautiful lines of her robe. Size, 2 feet 3 inches x 5 inches OLD SAGE Old man under a plum tree, playing with a child. Size, 2 feet 41/4, ches x 414 inches PILLAR PRINT Girl at a window talking to her sweetheart. Size, 2 feet x 434 imches PILLAR PRINT Girl wearing a bathrobe after her bath. Size, 2 feet 314 mches x 5 inches PILLAR PRINT A girl peeking out of a window. Size, 2 feet 214 mches x 5 mches TAMAGAWA RIVER Girls boating. Size, 814 x 6 inches 48 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 HOKUSATI 1777-1840 BRIDGE SERIES Yahashi bridge of Tokaido. Size, 13814 x 9 BRIDGE SERIES View of Yatsuhashi bridge of Mikawa. Size, 14 x 9 ONE OF THE THIRTY-SIX VIEWS OF FUJI Temple gate and farmers. Size, 1414 x 934 SNOW SCENE On the Sumida River. From the snow, moon and flower Size, 1434 x 10 SURIMONO PRINT A girl weighing twigs. Size, 714 x 514 SURIMONO PRINT An artist making a bamboo screen. Size, 714 x 516 DRAGON PICTURE Dragon painted with vigorous strokes of the brush. Size, 916 x 6144 WATERFALL SERIES Famous Amida waterfalls on the Kiso Road. Size, 1444 x 984 49 inches inches inches series. inches inches inches inches inches 194 195 196 197 TS HODOGAYA AND DISTANT VIEW OF FUJI BY HOKUSAI [NUMBER 194 | FUJI SERIES Hodogaya and distant view of Fuji from a pine grove. Size, 1415 x 934 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | POEM SERIES Seated figure of the poet Kuromushi. Size, 1414 x 914 inches VIEW OF KAMEIDO Temple. Plum blossoms and drum bridge. Size, 1314 x 9 inches HUNDRED POEM SERIES A man tiling a roof. Size, 138384 x 814 inches HUNDRED POEM SERIES Hunters making a log fire. Size, 14 x 814 inches 50 DAIMYO CROSSING A BRIDGE ATTENDED BY SAMURAI BY HOKUSAI [NUMBER 199 | 199 KAKEMONO PRINT Daimyo crossing a bridge attended by Samurai. From the Chiye Kagami series. Size, 19 x 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 51 BOY RIDING ON A BULL AND PLAYING ON A FLUTE FOLLOWED BY A FLOWER VENDER LARGE SURIMONO PRINT BY HOKUSAI [NUMBER 200 | 200 LARGE SURIMONO PRINT Boy riding on a bull, playing a flute and followed by a girl flower vender. Size, 2144 x 714 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 201 KAKEMONO PRINT Early morning drum striking the hour. Size, 19 x 834 inches O2 LADY ATTENDED BY MAIDS, LOOKING AT A DISTANT VIEW LARGE SURIMONO PRINT BY HOKUSAI [ NUMBER 203 | 208. LARGE SURIMONO PRINT Lady attended by several maids looking at the distant view from a veranda. Size, 2214 x 814 mches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 204 TRIPTYCH Confucius in the centre examining a harp, and various other pictures in the panels. Size, 2 feet 414 inches x 1414 mches 53 A LORD WATCHING OLD FISHERMEN BY HOKUSAI [NUMBER 205] 205 KAKEMONO PRINT A lord watching old fishermen. Size, 20 x 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 206 KAKEMONO PRINT Warrior on horseback. Size, 2014 x 9 inches 54 207 209 210 211 2138 214 215 CHINESE PAINTINGS CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG HSI Picture of Fudo Miowo and attendants, painted in colors on silk. CHINESE PAINTING KANG HSI Emperor seated in his chariot, which is driven by a dragon; painted in colors on silk. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG HsI Group of sages and children under a pine tree, painted in colors on silk. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG HSI Court lady and her attendants, painted in colors on paper. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG HSI Immortal land, where girls are awaiting new visitors. CHINESE PAINTING MING Two falcons perched in a pine tree, painted on silk. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG HSI Picture of Kwan Yin standing, painted on paper. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG HSI Picture of a sudden shower, illustrated by thunder Gods drum- ming in the sky. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG HSI Picture of See Whn Moo and child, beautifully painted with a thick coat of paint on silk. 595 216 218 219 bo bo —) MUSICAL PARTY EY HOSODA YEISHI [NUMBER 216 | HOSODA YEISHI 1770-1800 MUSICAL PARTY Set of five prints. Court ladies playing various musical instru- ments for the daughter of the lord. (5) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TRIPTYCH Wedding ceremony, guests congratulating the bride. Framed in wood. Size, 2 feet 534 inches x 1444 inches CHINESE AND JAPANESE PAINTINGS, ETC. CHINESE PAINTING K°ANG HSI Group of Immortals, painted on silk. CHINESE PAINTING K°ANG HSI Lohan and his followers, painted in colors on silk. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG HSI Kmperor and his subjects praying for rain, painted in colors on silk. 56 bo bo — 222 229 231 CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG HSI Dignitaries visiting dragons’ palaces under the sea, and bringing coral offerings with them. CHINESE PAINTING K ANG HSI Lohan feeding birds, painted on silk. CHINESE PAINTING K ANG HSI A lady after her bath; her maid is bringing her toilet articles. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG HSI Yemma watching a prosecution. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG-HSI Different subjects impersonating the stars in heaven. CHINESE PAINTING kK’ ANGCHSI Two ladies and a group of storks under a pine tree, painted on paper. CHINESE PAINTING MING Picture of Immortals in appliqué work on silk. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG-HsI Group of Immortals of another world, painted in colors on silk. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG-HSI Kwan Yin pouring sacred water. CHINESE PAINTING K ANG-HSI Lady seated on a deer, attended by a maid with flowers; painted on silk. CHINESE PAINTING | K’ANG-HSI Different stars impersonated by several devils, painted in colors on silk. CHINESE PAINTING kK’ ANG-HSI Group of ladies with flowers on a veranda. 57 239 240 241 243 245 CHINESE PAINTING K ANG-HSI A mother nursing her baby, painted on paper. CHINESE PAINTING kK’ ANG-HSI Group of Lohans under a pine tree, painted in colors on silk. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG-HSI Garden scene by huge green rock; a lady offering flowers to visitors. CHINESE PAINTING MING Picture of Jirojin and personages appliquéd on silk. CHINESE PAINTING K ANG-HSI Huge, tamed, white falcon. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG-HSI Gods of another world, painted in colors on silk. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG-HSI Dignitaries of another world represented by stars. CHINESE PAINTING MING Picture of spirits of frog. CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG-HSI Picture of an Empress with her attendants, painted on satin. CHINESE PAINTING K ANG-HSI Group of ladies on a veranda, admiring the view; painted on silk. CHINESE PAINTING K ANG-HSI Two ladies by a precipice, painted in colors on silk. | CHINESE PAINTING K’ANG-HSI Lady standing erect, holding a bouquet of flowers; painted on silk. JAPANESE PAINTING View of Yoshimo maple and waterfall. 58 248 249 250 251 253 254 255 256 257 JAPANESE PAINTING Jirojin and stork. PAIR OF JAPANESE PAINTINGS Benkei and Yoshitsune. (2) JAPANESE PAINTING Group of children. Painted by Rosetsu. JAPANESE PAINTING Picture of a priest seated on a chair. TIBETAN PAINTING MING Buddha and followers, beautifully painted and mounted on old brocade. TIBETAN KAKEMONO MING Buddha embroidered on kasu. CHINESE SCROLL Painting of old picture of T’ang ladies reproduced in the Ch’ien Lung period. WATER COLOR MING A wild cat chasing a butterfly. CHINESE PAINTING MING Tibetan painting of Kwan Yin, beautifully painted and mounted on old brocade. CHINESE PAINTING K ANG-HSI First visit of Europeans to Chinese court, painted in colors. KAKEMONO Sail boats and distant view of Mount Fuji. By Seiki. PILLAR PRINT Elopers walking in the snow-covered street. By Bank. Size, 23 x 414 inches 59 LIBRARY J. PAUL GETTY CENTER This catalogue designed by The Anderson Galleries Composition and press-work by Publishers Printing Company, New York /LHVIL ~ P17 087