Fifth Avenue Art Golleries 366 Fifth Avenue, near 34th Street EXECUTOR’S SALE Tuesday evening March 16th ve) ma @ NO. M. KNOEDLER & CO, 46 6 556-8 FIFTH AVE. ACC. NEW YORK LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 FIFTH AVE, NEW YORK GiftB Moenue Mrt Galleries 366 SifB Goenue, near 3468 Street Bod “Erecutor’s Sale & CATALOGUE Modern Maintings Oil and Water Color TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF Wir. Cbarfes Knap, Erecutor TOGETHER WITH ADDITIONS FROM TWO PRIVATE GALLERIES Tuesday Wvening, March 16th ROBERT SOMERVILLE ORTGIES & CO. AUCTIONEER MANAGERS 1897 CONDITIONS OF SALE &* 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dis- pute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase-money 7 required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. s, The Lots to be paid for and taken away at the Buyer’s risk and expense at the end of the sale, with all faults and errors of description, Messrs. Ortgies & Co. making no warranty whatever. 4. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any ac- count, be removed during the sale. 5. The Auctioneers will not be liable for non-delivery of any article above the amount paid by the purchaser for such article. 6. Upon failure to comply with above conditions, all Lots shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without fur- ther notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re- sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, to- gether with all charges attending the same. This con- dition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the Contract made at this Sale, without such re- sale, if he thinks fit. CATALOGUE. TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH I6TH, AT EIGHT O'CLOCK. I HETZEL (Geo.) : . > Pittsburek Fruit Piece 29 X 19 2 SHEPPARD (Warren) . . New York Venice 23 X 4I 3 HEWITT (Henry, Sr.) : ; London Wear Bridgewater, Englang 23 X I2 4 GIFFORD (S. R.), N. A., Dec’d New York fin the Hdtrondacks 10% xX 14% 5 WHITTREDGE (W.), N. A. New York On the Coast TAS 116 6 SCHINDELL (W.) =P iadelpina On the Point Aes 2 A OOP (eA) N. A, Deed. > New York Wude 10 x 16 4 ANCILLOTTI : z : E Paris Che Musician 74X%9% WEA ECW Ce: Pittsburgh Ellegbany Mountains BOR2 7; Io REAM (Morston) ; New York Fruit and Wine Louse II JOHNSON (David), N. A. . New York Wear Warwick, Wh. WD. 214 X13 § PINETO : ; , F ; Madrid DPandscape 1B oe OF 13 ANCILLOTL. é : : , Paris The Smoker 8% x 10% 14 HUFFINGTON (J. G.) : New York Marine Water Color 21x 14 T5 RIVAS (A:) : ; ; ; Rome Turkish Scene Water Color 30 X 21% 6 16 GROSS (ea) ; ’ : ; Paris On the Farm of Baron de Rothschild Water Color 18% XII 17 SIMONI (G.) ; : , Rome In the Park Water Color 113} 5S IG) 18 JONES (El Bolton); Ne AL 2 Nea avn Winter Water Color I5 x 10 19g BEMWEOWS (AE) NA) Jeena ‘Road through the Woods Water Color 13% x 8% Zt AUFRAY CFs) | Mischiet Water Color ! 14% X 20 21 INDONI : ; ; : : Rome fitalian Scene Water Color 21% X 30 22 UME EY (A) ; : New York “How And” Water Color 14 X 20 23 SMITH (F. Hopkinson) : New York Old Moorish Well, Alhambra Water Color 13% X 23% 8 24 MORAN (Ed.) j New York Beach at Sandy Hook Water Color 20 X I4 5) TOZER (H, .) : : London Che Storm Water Color 28 X IO 26 NEWCOMB (Marie G.), Dec’d New York Hunting Scene Water Color 20 X 9 27 INDONI : ; ; : Rome Italian Scene W ater Color DMs Se XO) 9) 28 STIEPEVICH (V. G.) ; New York Deisure fours Water Color 18 x 12% 20 WOOD (T. W.), N. A. : New York Thinking Tt Over Water Color 19 x 27% 30 BONNER (Ac -E.),AxN. A: > New York Calm Day 14 x 10 25 HUNTINGTON (D.), N. A. New York Landscape 11% x10 Io o te Bore: BOGGS (F. M.) View on the Thames 1S 3 Ae) 33 PERKINS (Alfred), Dec’d : Boston Morning by the Sea 26 x 16 ! 34 | BROWN (William) ; : New York Watermelon | 20 X 14 | 35 GIFFORD (S. R.), N. A., Dec’d New York Rocks at Cape Hnn 18 x 8% It 36 YOUNG (Harvey) : New York Dake Caboe 39% X 19% oT GLISENTI (A.) : : : Florence Flowers 29% X47% 38 PELOUSE (lL. G.) ; ; : Paris Medals, 1873, ’76, 78 E. U. Legion of Honor, 1878 “Te Doubo a Wyecire Waroisse’’ 21% X15 39 FEE ZL, (Geo.) —_-. . —Pittsbureh Hdirondack Trout Stream 39 X 29 I2 40 SCHUCHARDT (F.) . . New York Out in the Cold 174 X 23% 41 ANDERSON (W.) ; : . London English fleet Manoevering in the Channel 12x8 42 SCHREIBER (A.) : Paris fer Birthoay Io X 19 43 FELIX (K. E.) : . = New York | Venice | 20S 20 13 \ 44 FITZ (B. R.) : : E New York ude 114% x 16% 45 mNCUeICOT Ty : : : : Paris Ht Play 74%9% 46 CUNa(Se 1s) NA. ; : New York Open Wour Mouth 13% X17% 47 SMITH (Henry P:) : : New York On the thigh Seas 1k) SS 1 14 48 BOGERT (G. H.) New York Danodscape 49 REYNA (A.) : : : Rome Wenice AAD) SE NRW 50 McENTEE (Jervis), N. A., Dec’d New York Hutumn Landscape TOmxe 2a 51 Chase (Win. H.), N. A. : . New York Playing Croquet in the Garden of the Monastery 15 X 27% 15 7) UGE rN ee = = New, ore Ducks Sax 12 53 GIFFORD (S. R.), N. A., Dec’d New York Off Coast of Mewfoundland 9 xX 16 54 HERRMANN (S.) . Munich Coming Storm 39% X 19% 28) KNIGHT (Astor) ; : : Paris fRouen PALA OS 16 56 POOLE, (P.-E .) ; : 5 London | Ht the Well 35 X% 27% a7. JACOBSON (S.) : : Dusseldorf Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy Moonlight, Horway 48 x 40 58 SONNTAG (W. L.), N. A. : New York Landscape IQ K 32 os: SCOFT (julian); AN. . New York H Sbarpsbooter a SS Sik 17 60 BEARD (W. H.), N. A., Dee’d New York The Fory Fudge 18 x 24 From the Geo. I. Seney Collection 61 EHAPEIN (C), Deed . 1) Pate Pupil of Drélling Medals, 1851, ’52, ’65 Legion of Honor Officer of the Legion of Honor Blowing Bubbles @ Xe itil 62 SCHREIBER (A.) Paris Che Smoker 6% x 83K 18 63, MORAN (Edward) ; , New York Homeward Bound Talexcol7/ 64 PELOUSE (L. G.) : Paris Medals, 1873, ’76, °78 H. U. Legion of Honor, 1878 ““PBords du Doubo a #rcter”’ 21% X15 05 SMITH (Henry P.) : New York Old Orchard, Bast Zyme, Conn. 66 VAN ELTEN (Kruseman), N. A. New York Wear Pigeon Cove, Mass. 14% X 22 19 67 HOMER (Winslow), N. A. . New York Inviting a Shot 12x 18 68 REYNA (A.) Rome Venice 20 X 24 69 MEYER (Georges) Paris Feeding the Chickens 22x 18 7O BRISTOL (J. B.), N. A. New York Springtime 18 x 30 20 ai McENTEE (Jervis), N. A., Dec’d New York Gray Days on the Lsopus 12) 3 AO) 72 RYDER (PP) NA decd New York Fireside Companions rx ey, 73 SEIFERT (A.) : : : Munich Head 12% X14¥% 74 SMITH (Henry P.) ; New York H Rew England homestead 28 x 20 21 Ts BROWN (John Lewis), Dec’d Pupil of Roqueplan Medals, 1865, 66, ’67 Legion of Honor, 1870 Paris Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Born, 1829. Died, 1890 Che Dragoon 20% x 22 76 i} BIRNEY (W. Verplanck) , New York Che Love Detter 30 X 20 hs REYNA (A.) Rome Daphne and Chloe AO 3S 1 22 78 REYNA (A.) Dapbne and Chloe 20 X I4 79 HERMANN (Leo) Medals, 1873, 79. H.C. Reading Boccacio 20 X 24 80 LANDELLE (C.) Pupil of P. Delaroche and Ary Scheffer Medals, 1842, ’45, 748, ’55 Legion of Honor, 1855 Pensive Teexel7 44 Rome Paris Paris 81 MILLET (J. F.), Dec’d : Paris Pupil of P. Delaroche Medals, 1853, ’64, 67 Legion of Honor, 1868 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Born, 1814. Died, 1875 Landscape 13% x8% 82 LEROY (Ulysse) Paris On Guard 6% x9 83 MEYER (Georges) Paris Crial of Patience 21%X15 24 84 MORAN (Thomas), N. A. 7 New Vork Slave fdunt, Dismal Swamp, Ua. 34 X 45 85 BRIDGMAN (F. A.), N. A. . New York Interior 13% X 16 85 AGREN CN Gees Wer a HH Pointer 16 X 24 25 87 HART (William), N. A., Dec’d New York Landscape and Weer 32 x 48 88 PAR (james M.), N. A. : New York Cattle at the Brook AD) 2 Bs Q 69 MERLE (Hugues), Dec’d : Paris Born, 1823. Died, 1881 Pupil of Cogniet Medals, Paris, 1861, '63, (Rappel) Legion of Honor, 1866 H.C. The Conscious Beauty 17 X 21 26 gO ACHENBAC H(Andreas) : Dusseldort Pupil of Schirmer Medals, 1839, ’55. ’67 Legion of Honor, 1864 Member of the Antwerp, Amsterdam and Berlin Academies Storm at Sea Ale) x Bit gt BROWN (J. G.), N. A. : New York Hiding 20 X 30 92 BERCHERE (N.), Deed =: 4) amc Pupil of Redmond Medals, 1859, 61, ’64, ’78 Legion of Honor, 1870 Born, 1822. Died, 1891 Dandscape and figure 26 X 31 27 ge WYANT (A. H.), N. A., Dec'd New York Autumn Lvening 14% X17% 94 MORAN (Percy) —. . New York Winter 10 X 16 95 MUNIER (Emile) : : ; Paris Pupil of Bouguereau Honorable Mention, 1882 Cherry Girl 14 x 26 oO 20 96 INNESS (Ceorge), N. A., Dec’d New York Dake Como DAK 0S 97 HILDEBRANDT (E.), Dec’d -* Berlin Pupil of Krause and Isabey Professor of the Berlin Academy Sunset in Siam 45 X 31 ROBERT SOMERVILLE, ORTGIES & CO., AUCTIONEERS. MANAGERS, J: J BEITLER & CO,, PRINTERS, 105 West 39th St., Cor. Sixth Ave., NEw YorK,