g : ainelg 4 y ‘ + ] A aia ik dog Highs oy i i rt ’ ¢ ye 5 a) q is . eee Cake ; f ¥. ‘ yee ia : ; Hapalas ‘ iis ext § 5 $ ATE A S : Thats 4 t : * y Py av ty, ’ p ; i van - Ge i ; ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES _ MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK. FROM WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH, 1919 UNTIL DATE OF SALE FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. HANDSOME HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS AND EMBELLISHMENTS UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES AFTERNOONS OF WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26TH, 27TH AND 28TH OOOO. raupcestilt is. nee BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’CLOCK - CATALOGUE OF THE HANDSOME FURNISHINGS AND EMBELLISHMENTS REMOVED FROM A WASHINGTON RESIDENCE FOR CONVENIENCE OF SALE TOGETHER WITH IMPORTANT ADDITIONS BY DIRECTION OF THE HEIRS OF THE LATE LAURA BALL PINKUS AND OF OTHER INTERESTS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY ASSISTED BY MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers 6 EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK __ THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATI DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIR fe Dae. ibys ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATIO) ee ne a SEX AND ROG Rae z i 3 al y 4 ’ CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid _ would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. _ Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. » Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. ‘The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. ’. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on. account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “‘as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK TABLE WARE 1—Trn Eneutsu Porceitamn Bovitton Curs Decorated with black bandings and gilding. 2—Six DrespeEn Fruir PLateEs Serrated rims, enriched with gilded festoons; the centers with varied groups of birds in brilliant plumage. Mark “scratched.” 3—Six DrespEN PorcELAInN PLATES Serrated rims; decorated in colors and gilding with bou- quets and sprays of varied flowers. 4—FEicut DrEspEN PorcreLAIN PLATES Gilded wave rims, decorated with bouquets and sprays of varied flowers. (Chipped.) First Afternoon 5—Twertve Limoces Porceran Fish Prares Lobed rims, decorated on Royal blue with gilded laurel wreath. Reserved centers, enriched with varied fish and flower sprays. 6—TweEtve Limocets PorceLaIn Sour PLATEs Spiral gadrooned and serrated rims; decorated with bou- quet and sprays of flowers. Y—ELEVEN DecoratepD PorcEeLAIn PLATES Six Brownfield, decorated with gilded panels of birds sup- ported on grape lattice in reserve; on rose-du-Barry grounds. Five with turquoise-blue borders and the centers of landscapes overhung with large sprays of roses. 8—Twetve Larcte DrespEN PorRcELAIN PLATES Serrated rims; decorated in colors and gilding with bou- quets and sprays of varied flowers. 9—TWweELvE CHINESE Canton PorcEeLarn PLATES Slightly octagonal flarmg marly. Decorated in pink, red, blue and gilding; central medallion enclosing varied jar- dinieres of flowers and butterfly. 10—FourtTEEN Oxup Skvres Porcretatmn PLAtTeEs Richly decorated center medallions, with bouquets of varied flowers ; dull orange-yellow rims, enriched with gilded bands, laurel and ivy wreaths. 11—Oup CREAMWARE PiERcED BaskeET AND T'wo Trays Circular basket, with open oval lattice center guarded by basket and rope bands; entwined rustic handles. Circular trays of two sizes and colors; basket centers with open lobed rims. First Afternoon 12—Two Earty Decoratep Creamware FLowEer Howpers Of the same pattern, but varied in decoration. Fan-shaped, with cover perforated for flowers. Draped female mask handles in colors, on spreading molded oblong foot. One decorated with medallions, “Cupid and Psyche’ and “The Three Graces,” in gray; guilloche border and oak-leaf foot in green. The other decorated with birds and fawn in place of medallions. (Chipped.) Height, 7 inches. 18—Srarrorpsuire Brown Tony TEaror Standing rotund figure in three-cornered hat, crown form- ing cover; on rustic base; leaf-scroll handle and spout pro- jecting from the belly of figure. Rich brown glaze. : | Height, 10 inches. 14—DEcoraAtTED STAFFORDSHIRE Tosy TEAPOT Similar to the preceding, but without cover and decorated with pink coat and green check shorts. Height, 914 inches. 15—Drespen Porcetain Trea anp Correr Por Ovoidal bodies on molded circular feet, simple spouts and swan neck handles; decorated in colors and gilding with large bouquets of varied flowers (no covers). (‘Teapot chipped. ) Respective heights, 71, and 81% inches. 16—DreEspEN Porceiain TEA SET Gadrooned bodies, with scroll handles, enriched with bou- quets of flowers in full relief with colors and gilding. Con- sisting of oval tray, high teapot, covered creamer, four cups and saucers and miniature teapot, and covered cup and saucer which do not match. (Repaired and chipped.) 17—Two Crown Dersy Porcerarn Disues anv Ercutr SAUCERS With festoons in relief, and gilt edges. Early puce color mark. English Derby about 1770-1780. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. First Afternoon 18—Wuite anv Gorp Limoces PorcELain SET Fine white grounds, relieved with geometric gilded bands. Consisting of six dinner, six dessert, eight breakfast, five bread and butter and eight soup plates; fourteen saucers (two sizes); three oval platters; celery dish; covered gravy boat and entrée dish. 19—WuiItE anp Gotp Canonsspure Fatence SET Cream grounds, with gilded bands. Consisting of ten din- ner, eight soup, ten dessert, six bread and butter plates, four bouillon cups and saucers; three oval platters, cake plate, sauceboat and tray, butter dish and covered oval entrée dish. 20—Otutp Drerspy PorcreLAIn Dessert SERVICE Scroll and shell motive rims; decorated with bands of apple-green, scrolled leafage in reserve and gilding. Con- sisting of nine plates, four oval dishes, cake plate and two covered bowls and trays. Mark in red: a crown within round label, “Bloor Derby.” 21—BuvrE anp Wuirr Worcester PorcenAIn Tra SERVICE Red wave rim, with deep blue and gilded floral and chev- ron pattern bandings. Enriched in center with floral medallion, with radiating lighter blue floral sprays and scrolls. Consisting of two cake plates, sixteen after- dinner cups and saucers, twenty-six teacups, twenty-one saucers (two sizes), fourteen round berry dishes, four bowls, teapot, caddy, two covered sucriers and two creamers. Some replacement pieces of later date. Made by Flight. “Crescent mark” in blue. ‘ 22—OLp Crown Derspy PorceLain TEA SERVICE Richly decorated in the quasi Chinese manner with medal- hons of pagodas and temples in landscapes; half-rosetted and scrolled basket panels festooned with flowers in Royal blue, pinks, greens, light blue and gilding on a soft white ground. Consisting of covered teapot, creamer, bowl, two cups, four saucers, two cake plates. (Teapot repaired at lip of spout.) First Afternoon 23—-Crown Dersy PorcevaIn TEA SERVICE Teapot, low squat oval body with incurving neck and molded collar, bellied scroll spout, scroll handle with curi- ous stumps simulating riveting, and low molded cover ter- minating in a square patera finial. Decorated with royal blue floral scroll panel supporting red spear-shaped floral motives interrupting reserved, shaped medallion enriched with bouquets and sprays of flowers in reds, green, blue and gilding. Consisting of covered teapot and oval tray, covered sucrier, creamer, bowl, six teacups and saucers; eight upright chocolate cups (four repaired). Dusenberry mark in red. 24—Ortp Crown Dersy Porcetain DINNER SERVICE Plates: flaring marly, with slightly indented rim. Richly decorated in pseudo-Chinese style with Royal blue, reds, greens and gilding on white grounds. Central medallion of rude landscape and flowers, borders of irregular panels alternately exhibiting floral motives in reserves of blue, red- scrolled floral and diaper pattern panels. Consisting of ten plates and two oval platters in similar decoration. 25—Trn NyMPHENBURG PoRCELAIN PLATES Turquoise-blue and gilded scroll edges and pierced borders, enriched with sprays of varied flowers in colors. (Chipped.) . 26—Twenty-two Ironstone CHINA PLATES Scrolled lobed rims, extending to the hollow marly. Deco- rated in the pseudo-Chinese manner in brilliant red, blue, pink, yellow, green and brown on white grounds with scrolled central medallions enclosing flowers growing amidst rock- ery; red and blue scroll banded rim and floral sprays on marly. Ten large and twelve small. Mark: “Crown” and “Real Stone china” in brown. 27—BuveE anv WuHuiTE DrespEN PorcELAIN DINNER SERVICE Pierced basket and medallion borders; enriched centers, mostly in onion pattern. Consisting of 20 dinner plates, 22 dessert plates, 2 high compotiers, one square dish and 2 ladles. First Afternoon — 23-—DrEcorATED STAFFORDSHIRE STONE Cuina DINNER SERVICE Lightly lobed flaring marly. Decorated in pseudo-Chinese manner in brilliant blues, reds and greens and gilding on soft white ground. Central medallion enclosing peonies and willow tree in rude landscape. Marly with three large floral sprays. Consisting of twelve small plates, marked “Copeland,” in blue; eighteen dinner plates; sixteen soup plates; large oblong, canted cornered dish with loose per- forated strainer, the latter marked with “British Coat of Arms” in blue and “Stone china.” SHEFFIELD AND OLD ENGLISH SILVER 29—F ive SILvER-PLATED COFFEE SPOONS Apostle pattern, with squat oval bowls and figure terminal. 30—Srx SILVER-PLATED TABLE KNIVES Deep shell, molded handles, steel blades. Made by Mappin & Webb, London. 31—Twetve Larce SILVER-PLATED TABLE KwnivEs Similar to the preceding. 32—SILVER-PLATED CarviING SET Similar to the preceding, consisting of knife, fork and steel. 338—SeET OF SILVER-PLATED TABLE WARE Shaped, molded and paneled handles; engraved F. a es Consisting of 11 table knives, 12 forks, 12 ‘spoons and 7 coffee spoons. 34—SILVER-PLATED BREAKFAST SET Oval open wire toast rack, two mounted glass salt shakers, oval mustard pot (no lining) and two silver teaspoons, all of differing patterns. 35—SILVER-PLATED Sucar Bown Circular pierced bowl on square foot; swinging reeded bail handle. Blue glass lining. Diameter, 5 inches. First Afternoon 85a—Oup SHEFFIELD Fruit Basket Embossed and engraved bowl. Shell and scroll ornamented rim. Hinged handle. Diameter, 14 inches. 36—TeEn Smaut Sitver SpPoons Four souvenir spoons, three teaspoons, one mustard and two after dinner. Assorted sizes and patterns. 387—TeEn Sitver Traspoons AND ONE Sitver For« Assorted sizes and patterns. 388—Six EneuisH Stnrver Mustrarp Spoons oF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Various sizes. Hall marked. 389—SILVER CHEESE Scoop AND APOSTLE SPOON Scoop engraved with crest; spoon with twisted handle and St. Peter as terminal. : 40—Pair or SinverR GRAPE Scissors AND Sucar Toncs Scissors enriched with bunches of grapes and leaves. Tongs with shell clasps and scroll handles. 41—Turee Larce Sitver TEraspoons Coffin handles; old Dutch. 42—THREE SILVER TEASPOONS Engraved with crest, “Stag on label”; old Dutch. 48—Five Eneussu Sitver Taste Forts oF THE GEORGIAN PERIoD Reeded handles; engraved with crest, “Three Castles.” First A fternoon 44—Stx Srertinc Sitver Forks Shell scroll terminals, by Nowlan & Co. 45—Nine Earty AMERICAN SILVER TEASPOONS © Spade-handled. Engraved J. M. J. Made by John H. Tyler & Co. ; 46—Two EneuisH Sitver LApDLES AND BuTTER-KNIFE Reed handles. Engraved with crest. Hall marked. 47—EncewisH SILVER-GILT SERVICE Spoon, Knire anp Forx Rich rustic handles, with bunches of grapes and entwining vines. Hall marked. 48—Five Sreriuine Sitver TEasPpoons | Scroll handles. Initialed B. By R. Harris. 49—SrEvEN Streritinc TasiE Forks Similar to the preceding. 50—Twetve Larce StTerrting TasLteE Forks Similar to the preceding (not initialed). 51—Srx Encuisu Sinver AFTER-DINNER Seacae Handles with beaded edge. Engraved with crest. Hall marked. 52—Twenty EncusH SItver TEASPOONS Similar to the preceding. 538—EIcHTEEN EncuisH Sinver Taste Forxs Similar to the preceding. 54—EIcHTEEN Larce Enouisu Sitver Tasiue Forks Similar to the preceding. First Afternoon 55—Four Enewuisu Sitver Dessert Spoons Long graceful handles finished with dainty pearl borders. Engraved with crest and badge. Hall marked. 56—Six Encusn Sitver Taste Spoons Similar to the preceding. 57—Six Enecuisn Sitver Dessert Spoons oF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Fiddle pattern, with reeded edges; engraved with crest. “Three Towered Castle.” Made by Wm. Chawner, London. Hall marked. 58—Twetve EncuisH Sitver TABLE SPOONS OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Handles with reeded edges; engraved with crest. Made by William Chawner. Hall marked. 59—ELEVEN EncuisH Sitver Fisn Forks oF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Cartouche scroll and beaded handles. Engraved with crest. Hall marked. 60—Twetve Encuisu Sitver Fish KNIvEs oF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Similar to the preceding. 61—EncuisH SItver SERVICE FisH Knire ann Fork oF THE GEORGIAN PeErRIoD Similar to the preceding. 62—BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH SILVER SERVICE SPOON AND Fork OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Unusually fine pattern; reeded handle with cartouche ter- minal; engraved with crest. Hall marked. 63—BrauTiruL EnewisHh Servicke Fork anp LapLE OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Similar to the preceding. First Afternoon 63a—SILVER Dessert SERVICE Twelve knives and twelve forks. Old English pattern. White pearl handles. In mahogany case. 64—Sinver Carvine SET 3 ze | | Flat spear-shaped handles, enriched with shell and husk motives. Consisting of knife, fork and steel. 65—Spanisu SILveR KNIFE AND Fork CASE OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Curved tapering scabbard. Beautifully angen with tre-_ foil Gothic arched panels, enclosing dainty interlacing floral arabesques; reverse panels with double-headed displayed eagles and small floral hinged loop for suspension. Fitted with steel and bronze knife and fork of a later period. Length of case, 734 inches. | 66—Two Ostone Sitver Cicar LicHTErs Square sides, with ring for suspension; one engraved EK. J. D. 67—Encusu Sinrver Atconou Cicar Lichter In the form of an old Roman oil lamp; enriched with repoussé scrolls and eagle-head handle. Hall marked. Length, 6 inches. 67a—ELEVEN Stertinc Sitver Ramextn HortpeErs Pierced bowls and handles. 68—Srerune Sitver Purr-Bpox Repoussé, with dome cover and floral conta enriched with flowers and fern leaves. Made by Tiffany & Co. Height, 41/4, inches. 69—Two Oxp Spanisu Sitver Spurs Rope band supports terminating in lions at ends and form- ing socket for starred wheel spur; leathern strap mounted with silver buckle. Length, 8 inches. First Afternoon 70—TIwo EncusnH Sitver Satt CELLARS Circular bowl shape, with rope rim; on three scrolled spade feet. Hall marked. 70sa—Turee Encuisyu Sinver Sart CELLARS Oval shape; embossed rims, fluted bowls and claw feet. 71—Sinver Peprrer Caster Standing bird, finely modeled; screw top. Height, 444 inches. 72—Fine Encuisu Sinver TEapor Pear-shaped, slightly gadrooned; richly engraved with arabesque and diaper motives; handle and knob ivory. Made by Garrard & Co., London. Hall marked. Height, 5 inches. %8—Srertine Sitver Muc Enriched with band in low relief, “Children Playing.”’ Made by Tiffany & Co. Height, 31% inches. 74—Inpivipvat Dutcu Sitver CoFrre£E-Pot Pear-shape, on high sheep feet; ebony baluster handle. Height, 54% inches. 75—Enewisnw Sitver Hotr-mitk PircHer In the form of a Jersey milk-can. Enriched with bandings of leaves. Made by Gilliam, London. Hall marked. . Height, 5 inches. 76—Frencnu Sinrver CreaAMER Oviform body, on short molded foot; incurvate neck with molded spout; scrolled ebony handle. Height, 5 inches. 77—EncusH Sitver Sucar Bown. Circular, with gadrooned band at foot and lip; reeded han- dles. Hall marked. Diameter, 5 inches. First Afternoon — 78—EncuisH SILVER SAUCE-BOAT Bs Turned-over gadrooned rim; scroll handle. On leaf, scroll and spade feet. Hall marked. 79—Two Oxtp EncuisH SHEFFIELD PLATE SAUCE-BOATS Shaped roll-over rim; double C-scroll handles; leaf shell and claw feet. 80—Fovur Oxup EneuisH SHEFFIELD PLatTE COASTERS Three with varied rims; grape, scroll and shell, lobes and | gadroons, and deep leaf scroll and husk. One with gad- roon and flower rim; wooden bottom. 81—StTeriine Sinver Sucar SIFTER ; Low bowl-shaped, supported by draped female figure and spreading foot. Ram’s head handles. Height, 6 inches. 82—EncuisH SILVER SucAarR CASTER Circular body, enriched with moldings; dome cover, with knob terminal. Hall marked. Height, 7, inches. 83—Frencu Sitver Sucar Bow. 1n THE Lovis XVI Sryiz Deep open bowl, on high spreading foot; enriched with fluted pilasters and laurel-leaf festoons; swinging bail handles, with blue glass lining. Height, bY, inches. 84—Ewneuiso Sitver Dish Howper Oval, with geometrically pierced banding, gadrooned rim and handles. Glass lining missing. Hall marked. - Length, 6 inches. 85—EncLisH SiLvER Bonson DisH Boat-shaped, with inscrolled mask ends; spiral fluted body, enriched with scroll and dolphin band. Mask and flange feet. Hall marked. Length, 64% inches. First Afternoon 86—Enecuisn Sitver Tra SERvICcE Low oval gadrooned bodies, with incurvate boat-shaped lip; leaf and scroll handles. Consisting of teapot, sucrier and creamer. Height of teapot, 4%, inches. 87—Two Sma. Sitver-PpLATED Tropuy Cups Pear-shaped, with reeded rim; two leaf scroll handles; on - circular ebonized plinth. Height, 5% inches. 88—Turee Encuisu Sitver Tropuy Cups Goblet shape; varied molded and beaded feet. Hall marked. Height, 61% inches. 89—AmeErican Sitver Tropuy Cup Goblet form, enriched with repoussé vine scrolls and bunches of grapes on body and foot; engraved with inscription. Height, 8 inches. 90—AMERICAN Sitver Tropny Cup Similar to the preceding. Height, 8 inches. 91—Two SILVER-PLATED Tropuy Cups Deep bowl, with slender stem. Two square looped handles (defective). On circular ebonized plinth. Height, 81, inches. 92—-Sitver-PLaTeD Two-HANDLED Tropuy Vase Graceful elliptical body; incurvate neck, spreading foot; long scroll handles. On circular ebonized plinth. Height, 11 inches. 93—ENGcLIsH SiILveR TEAPOT OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Depressed globular gadrooned body with ovoidal gadrooned cresting; lifting gadrooned dome cover terminating in an ivory knob; honeysuckle and leaf spout and shaped box- wood handle. Enriched with a narrow band simulating basketry on the center of body. Has been engraved with coat-of-arms and motto. Hall marked. Height, 4°/, inches; length, 8%, inches. First Afternoon 94—Cuarmine Eneuisn Sitver Crurt or THE Grorce III PERIOD Cinquefoil lobed receptacle with arched piercing, finished — with gadroons; molded and aproned base on scrolled claw and ball feet. Spiral standard, terminating in a vase and open scroll handle. Engraved with monogram and crest. Fitted with five finely cut glass bottles with spiral pierced 4 silver tops. Hall marked. Height, 103, inches 95—Two OvaL SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS OF THE Gror- GIAN PERIOD One with reeded shaft and eee foot, entiened iy a banding of reeds; the other, oval, slender vase-shaped bal- uster on molded, spreading foot. 7 Height, 934 inches. 96—Two BrautTiFuL OvaL SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Plain shafts, with spreading sockets and foot enriched with bandings of fine spear-shaped leaves. Height, 1014 inches. 97—-Two SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS OF THE GEORGIAN PrRiop Tapering baluster support, on wide circular molded base; moldings enriched with gadroons. Height, 10 inches. 98—Two Uniaurt SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDLESTICKS OF THE QUEEN ANNE PERIOD Oval, with boat-shaped socket and baluster which spreads into an unusual boat-shaped foot; enriched with delicate reedings and rayed stars at foot. Height, 1114 inches. 99—Ox.p EncusH SILVER-PLATED InKsTAND Shaped oblong scroll-pierced tray, with shell and floral rim; central circular box, with small chamber candlestick for sealing as cover; glass inkwell (sand box missing). Length, 181% inches. First Afternoon 100—Sinver Mountep SHacGReEN INKsTAND OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Oblong tray of shagreen, with silver moldings at rim and foot, corners simulating snails, snake handles and circular pierced basket receptacles. (Wells missing.) Length, 1514 inches. 101—Gerorcian SItveR JEwEL Box Oval, finely shaped, with large gadroons, molded dome and hinged cover on scroll feet. Height, 5 inches; length, 8 inches. 102—Earty AMERICAN SrinvER Borrue Hand-beaten bulbous body, with long neck finely molded; dome cover, with knob terminal. Height, 1114 inches. 103—JAPANESE Sitver TEA SET Low bowl-shaped bodies, enriched with ‘‘Coiled Dragon Seek- ing the Sacred Pearl.” Consisting of teapot, sucrier with cover, and creamer. 104—Sreriuine Sinver AFTER-DINNER COFFEE SET Queen Anne pattern. Oval, with gadrooned sides; engraved R. V. J. Consisting of coffee-pot, sucrier and creamer. Height of pot, 6% inches. 105—Enewuisu Sttver TEA and COFFEE SET Teapot: scrolled ovoidal sloping sides, tapering spout, flat hinged cover with gadrooned ivory terminal, leaf-carved ivory handle. Enriched in the Sheraton manner with en- _graved oval medallion enclosing crested monogram on a field semé with stellate motives; charming floral borders at crown, foot and cover. Consisting of tea and coffee pots, sucrier and creamer. Made by J. E. W. & J. Barnard. London hall mark, 1869. Coffee-pot: Height, 8%, inches. Teapot: Length, 11 inches. First Afternoon 106—InisH Sirver Ewer Oviform, on many-sided foot, with novallen sea-serpent han- dle. Enriched with repoussé scrolls, cartouche, eagle’s heads and flowers; engraved with coat-of-arms and crests. Hall marked. Made by Brown. Height, 10 inches. 107—Two Encruisu SInvER CANDLESTICKS Baluster stems, on spreading foot; enriched with gadroons at foot, collar and bobéche. Engraved with crest. Hall marked. Height, 11 inches. 108—Two Eneuisn Sinver CaNnpLESTICKS Similar to the preceding. 109—Twreive Encuisu SItverR SEerRvIcE PLATES Lobed and beaded rim, with radiating reeded flange, en- riched with vases and husk festoons over the reeds. Hall marked. Diameter, 9% inches. 110—Twetve Ene iso SILVER-PLATED SERVICE PLATES Cinquefoil lobed, hollow flange, enriched with gadrooned rims. Have been engraved with crests on flange. Diameter, 9%, inches. 111—Oxp EnctisH SiLvER-PLATED Cake Basket. Circular, with spreading foot; rim enriched with reed and leaf motives; swinging open bail handle of scrolls and leaf- age. Made by Cox, Savary, Cornhill. Diameter, 1134 inches. 112—Oup EncusH SHEFFIELD Pirate Cake Basket Circular, gadrooned body with leaf and reed rim; swinging bail handle, enriched with leaf patera. Diameter, 1134 inches. First Afternoon 118—E1cuHTeen Larce Ovp Encuisu SHEFFIELD PLATE SERVICE PLATES Hollow flange, enriched with gadrooned edge. Engraved with crest, a demi-rampant lion on crown, label inscribed “Tria . Juncta . in Uno.” Diameter, 91%, inches. 114—Oxup EneutsH SHEFFIELD Puate Tra Ser Teapot, low bowl-shaped body, bellied spout, loop handle; on scroll feet (defective). Creamer and sugar bowl match. 115—-Two EicureentH Century Ene ish SHEFFIELD PLATE CoFrFEE-POTS One, high pear-shaped body, on spreading gadrooned foot, domed cover and scroll handle. By Morton & Co.; the other lower, with leaf-molded rims and spout. (Both de- fective.) Respective heights, 11 and 8 inches. 116—Smaryi Ovar Sitver Tray Reeded rim on scrolled feet; engraved H. Made by Dan. Holly & Wilkinson. 117—Two Rounp Oup ENGcLIsH SHEFFIELD PLATE Trays Shaped, gadroon and scroll dip, with shell and scroll rim; center of one engraved with scroll and arabesque border, the other with floral scrolls and shell. Respective diameters, 81% and 10 inches. 118—Two Rounp EneuisH SHEFFIELD Trays One, shaped, gadroon and scroll dip, with open shell and scroll border on leaf-scroll feet; the other, plain, with hol- low dip and small flange with beaded rim; by Watrous. Respective diameters, 10 and 12 inches. 119—Oup Enecuisu Rounp SILveR-PLATED ENTREE DisH Low bowl-shape, for hot water or charcoal, with loose top cover and oak-leaf and scroll handles; on shell, leaf and scroll feet. Diameter, 9 inches. First Afternoon 120—Turer Encusn Sizver Rounp Coverrn Enrrin Disnzs Bowl-shaped, with reeded and lobed flange, gadrooned dome- og shaped cover and reed handle. Hall marked. Diameter, 11, inches. 121—EneutsuH SILVER UNS CovERED ENTREE Diss Similar to the preceding. 122—EneutsH SitvEr Rounp Coverep Entr&e Disx 3 Similar to the preceding, with compartment for hot water under. | Diameter, 8 inches. 123—Eneuisu Sitver Rounp Coverep ENTREE DisH Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 9 inches. 124—EneuisH Sttver Sour TurEEN anp Cover - Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 9 inches. 125—Laree Otp Encuisu Sitver Piatt Breap Tray Depressed boat-shaped, with flaring rim enriched with shell and leaf-scroll edge. Length, 1834 inches. 126—Two Suerrietp Piatt Wine Coouers Old English; inverted gadrooned bell-shape,. with leaf and scroll handles; spreading foot ; loose wide lip rings, enriched with reed and shell scroll motives. Height, 914, inches. 127—Oup EncusH Suerrretp Puate Meat Cover or THE QuEEN ANNE PERIOD Hand-beaten oval bell-shaped body, with reeded band at foot and top, terminated with a reeded oval knob. Length, 13 inches. Diameter, 8 inches. First Afternoon 128—Suerrietp Puare Meat Cover. ENcusH, oF THE E1cu- TEENTH CENTURY Oval, bell-shaped body, enriched with three varied bands by gadroons, appliqués of shell, scrolls and floral motives ; open cornucopix, leaf and flower handle terminating in “Prince of Wales’ Feathers.” Engraved with Crest and Coat of Arms. Length, 15%4 inches. 129—SuHeEFFIELD Pirate Meat Cover. ENGLIsH, oF THE EIcuH- TEENTH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. Length, 20 inches. 1380—SuHeEFFIELD Puate Meat Cover. ENGLISH, oF THE EIcGH- TEENTH CENTURY Shaped oval, with hand-beaten domed gadrooned body, en- riched with reeding on rim; leaf scrolls terminated by gad- roons and rustic leaf entwined handle. Engraved with Coats of Arms within leaf-scroll cartouches and motto, ‘‘Pro Fide et Patria.” Length, 181% inches. 131—SHEFFIELD Puate Triepte Entree Diso. ENG.LIsy, oF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Deep blunt-nosed oval, with scroll feet and handles; inner dish with gadrooned rim; gadrooned cover, with loose rustic leaf handle forming third dish. Lenght, 15 inches. 182—CircuLarR Onp EncuisH SHEFFIELD PLATE JARDINIERE Low pierced body, enriched with floral scrolls, on leaf and medallion feet. Shaped turn-over rim, with open floral scroll edge. Diameter, 11 inches. 188—OxLp EnciisH Ostone SHEFFIELD PLATE JARDINIERE Deep double sloping body, with rounded base and corners, on short foot. Enriched with gadrooned rim and two lion and ring handles. Height, 6 inches; length, 12 inches. First Afternoon 134—Larcre SHEFFIELD PLaTte PuNCHBOWL OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD A modification of the famous Monteith model; enriched with three narrow bands of flutings interrupting, circular medal- lions within scrolled cartouches; lion mask and ring han- dles, surmounted by a beautiful deep scroll and cupid head cresting; on high gadrooned foot. Height, 11 inches; diameter, 13 inches. 1385—Two BravuTiIFruL SHEFFIELD PLarEe VasEs OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD | Oviform body, with incurving neck and spreading foot and double reeded loop and leaf handles. Enriched at rim with a series of floral medallions, on neck with entwined festoons of grapes and leaves, at shoulder with finely chased molding of acanthus and water leaves, foot with floral gadroon and medallion bands; loose lining for flowers. Height, 121% inches. 1386—Larcer SHEFFIELD PLAteE Firowrer Urn or THE GEORGIAN PrErRIop Inverted, gadrooned bell-shape, spreading molded foot on square plinth, supported on four balls; reeded handles, ter- minating in fine satyr masks; engraved with Coat of Arms. | (One ivory butt of handle missing.) Motto: Nunc—Nunc. Height, 144%, inches. 137—LarceE Repovussk SHEFFIELD Piatr Urn or THE GEORGIAN PErRIop Low bowl-shape, with incurving neck and molded lip and dome cover terminating in a large leaf button; elaborate upright scroll handles and faucet; baluster stem, on shaped rectangular plinth supported by claw feet. Richly embel- lished on various moldings with acanthus leaves; on cover and bowl with repoussé bands of floral, shell and scroll motives. Height, 15% inches. First Afternoon 1388—Tatut SHEFFIELD PLATE JARDINIERE OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD - Urn shaped, on baluster stem and molded, spreading foot, supported by square plinth; enriched with gadroons and ‘at foot with large detached oak leaves. Converted from a tea urn. (Repaired with an oblong plate under rim.) Height, 17% inches. 1389—Ricuty Mounrep East Inpian Sitver Bown Globular, with small molded rim and foot, enriched in deep relief with ‘T'aj Mahal” shrine and figures, and under an arched band a continuous landscape with hunting and alle- gorical subjects, intricately composed in two irregular tiers; at neck and foot, with floral scrolls; under foot deeply engraved with an intricate floral patera. Height, 11% inches; diameter, 17 inches. 140—Suerrietp Pirate CaNnDELABRUM OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Tapering shaft and spreading foot, enriched with reeded and floral bandings; loose upper portion, with one central baluster and two scrolled floral arms for lights. Height, 18 inches. 141—Ser or THREE Ovar SHEFFIELD Puate Meat Puatrrers Old English; hollow dip, with flange enriched with gad- rooned edge. Respective lengths, 14 and 15 inches. 142—Larcer Ovat SHEFFIELD Puate Meat Puatrer Old English; hollow dip, with boldly shaped flange enriched with shell, leaf and scroll motives. Length, 22 inches. 143—Larce Ostone SHEFFIELD PLATE Tray | Old English; round over-flange, richly embellished with broad leaf and scroll edge and handles. Length, 28 inches. First Afternoon 144—Sinver STANDARD FoR EPERGNE Baluster support, enriched with leaves, cartouche motives and flutings, double scrolled foot with similar motives, . sprays of flowers, lion and female masks. “Of thin silver filled.” | H Leight, 19y, inches. (abo Saas Piare CANDELABRUM OF THE GErorGIAN PERIOD ~ Baluster shaft, spreading foot, boldly enriched with pearl and leaf bands and flutings; loose upper portion of one central baluster and two leaf scroll arms for lights. Height, 2144 inches. 146—SuHEFFIELD Pirate CaANDELABRUM OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD — Heavy triangular, shaped, double spreading support, en- ; | riched with grape leaves and bunches of grapes, water leaves _ and rose bouquets; on shell and scroll feet; loose upper portion of one central baluster and two leaf scroll arms for | lights. Height, 24 inches. 147—Two SHEFFIELD PLrateE CANDELABRA OF THE GEORGIAN ~ PERIOD Tapering support; with spreading circular foot enriched with gadroons. Upper portion with two scrolled arms for lights and flamed terminal to central socket. Height, 2014 inches. 148—Two SuHerrietp PLATE CANDELABRA OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD x Tapering support, with circular spreading foot, enriched with shell, scroll and blossom motives; upper portion with central socket and S-scroll arms for lights. Height, 19 inches. 149—SuHeEFFIELD PLatE CANDELABRUM OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Triangular spreading base, on three broad claw feet, sur- mounted by three draped female classic figures supporting a double and revolving flange with central liliform baluster and socket with flame terminal and three scrolled arms for lights. Height, 23 inches. First Afternoon 150—SuHeEFFIELD Puate ErperGng AND CANDELABRUM OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Richly cut gtass low-lobed bowl, supported on an open grape and lattice basket set in a liliform motive, above a shaft of three caryatids with arms upraised; from these spring three fine leaf-scrolled arms (sockets missing). Triangular molded plinth, on broad shell leaf and scroll feet. Carved mahogany stand, on claw feet. Height, 24 inches. 151—SHEFFIELD PLATE EPERGNE AND CANDELABRUM OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD High bell-shaped gadrooned base, with finely scrolled feet, enriched with floral motives, supporting two varied liliform shafts, the smaller at foot supporting four leaf-scroll arms (sockets missing); the upper, enriched with leafage and floral rim, supports a low glass bowl cut with fan shapes on the serrated rim. Height, 22 inches. 152—Finety Gitpep Tra Urn or THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Oviform body, with small incurving cover and flame ter- minal; incurving foot on square plinth, supported on leaf and claw feet; rustic handles and dolphin head spout. En- riched on body with finely chased garlands and wreaths of flowers and laurel and acanthus leaf banding. Height, 19 inches. 153—SHEFFIELD PLATE CANDELABRUM OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD Tapering shaft and spreading foot, enriched with gadroons and leaf motives; loose upper portion of one central socket and two scrolled floral arms for lights. | Height, 21 inches. 154—InTeEreEstTinc Persian Sitver Totter CAsKketT Oblong, with canted domed, hinged cover on high bracketed feet ; entirely encrusted with repoussé silver panels of floral motives and bandings; top with central oval medallions of vase and flowers and floral corners. Interior lined with crimson velours, with two side compartments; inside top with mirror center and side sections with bouquets of flowers. Height, 19 inches; length, 21 inches. First Afternoon 155—Turee Larce Pate Pinx SitK CANDLE-SHADES Ruffled at crown and foot; festooned with old-gold braid. 156—Six Oup-rosE WaTERED SILK CANDLE-SHADES Trimmed at crown and foot with rosebuds and at foot with gold fringe. 157—Four Munperry SitK PrInNcEss SHADES Pleated silk, paneled with gold braid. 158—Srx Prercep SILVER-PLATED CANDLE-SHADES Varied in pattern. Red linings, trimmed with bead fringe for same. 159—Ten Pinx Sirk CanpLE-sHADES Pleated silk, trimmed with festoons of silk roses, gold lace and ribbon bowknots. HOUSEHOLD LINENS, TABLE COVERS, EMBROIDERED AND LACE DOILIES 160—SixTren Smatu EmsproiwEerep Linen Dortiss Scalloped edges, variously embroidered with roses and but- tercups. _ 161—Two Emsroimrren Linen Taste CENTERS To match the preceding. 162—Twe.ve Empromerep Linen Dorzies Scalloped edges; embroidered in green with shamrocks; two sizes, 163—FourtTEeen Linen anp Lace Doities Assorted sizes and patterns, some initialed. 164—Twetve Crocuetr Lace Domus Medallioned star pattern. First Afternoon 165—Spaniso Firer Lace Cover or THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD Displaying a recurring pattern of towered castles between’ crowned facing lions, alternating with ladies of the Court in the stiff, interesting costumes of the sixteenth century. _ Narrow leaf borders at top and sides; at foot, a procession of archaic stags. Trimmed with Vandyke blue and white linen fringe. Width, 13 inches; length, 3 2/3 yards. 166—Two Rounp EmprormpwERED LINEN TaBLE CENTERS One tan, paneled with blue, and embroidered with roses and daisies; lace edge. The other, embroidered with pink tulip sprays; lace edge. Respective diameters, 23 inches and 1 yard 3 inches. 167—Two Rounp Linen anv Lace Taste CENTERS One with Renaissance lace border, the other with border of medallion and lattice crochet lace. Respective diameters, 27 and 22 inches. 168—Two SevarE Linen Tea Criorus One floral drawn work, diamond center and corners embroid- ered with sprays, hemstitched; the other paneled, with three borders of medallioned drawn-work, hemstitched. Respective sizes, 33 inches and 1 yard square. 169—Rounp Linen anp Lace TasLtE CENTER Border of large floral medallions, with leaf edge; scroll me- dallion center of Renaissance lace. Diameter, 1144 yards. 170—Rounv EmpromweErep Linen’ Taste CENTER Wide border of wreaths and garland of flowers embroid- ered in linen, with lace edge. Diameter, 1 yard 3 inches. 171—Linen Damask Tasie Cover Floral center, with scroll border. . 3 yards by 2 2/3 yards. First Afternoon 172—Linen Damask Taste Cover Medallion center, with two deep arabesque borders. 3 yards by 2 2/3 yards. 173—Turee Linen anp Lace Bureau Covers Border of floral thread lace. Various sizes and patterns. 174—Two Lacr Bureau Covers All-over pattern of flowers, scrolls and medallions; varying in patterns and sizes. | 175—Turee Linen anp Lace Bureau Covers Two embroidered with flowers, borders of drawn-work; the other with border of lace insertions. Varying in sizes and patterns. 176—Twenve Linen Huck Towets Blue borders on ends. 1 yard 8 inches by 18 inches. 177—Eient Linen Hanp Towets Hemstitched borders, varying in pattern; some initialed. 1 yard 2 inches by 21 inches. 178—Tren Drawn Linen Hanp Towets Lattice drawn-work ends. Initialed *“*M.” 1 yard 9 inches by 32 inches. 179—Tern Drawn Linen Hanp Towets Latticed drawn-work ends. Assorted patterns and some initialed. 1 yard 9 inches by 32 inches. 18u—Srx Linen Towe ts Assorted sizes and patterns in varying condition. 181—Two Ner anp Lace Pittow SHams Alternate panels of thread lace and net; floral lace borders. 26 inches square. First Afternoon 182—Four EmsproipErep Linen Sora Pittow Covers Three of fine linen, embroidered; the other, with lace inser- tions. Varying in sizes. 183—Srix Assortrep PitLtow Cases Linen and cotton, varying in size and pattern. 184—FourtTeen Linen Pintitow Cases Hemstitched ends. 1 yard by 21 inches. 185—TeEn Cotron SHEETS Wide hems. — 2 yards by 2% yards. 186—Fovur Linen SHEETS Deep borders. 21, yards square. 187—F ive Linen SHEETs Deep borders; some initialed. 2%, yards square. 188—Fovur Linen SHEETS Hemstitched borders. 21%, yards by 2 yards. 189—Fovur Linen SHEETS Similar to the preceding. 190—Fovur Linen SHEETS Similar to the preceding. 191—Four Linen SHEETS Similar to the preceding. 192—Four Linen SHEETS Similar to the preceding. First Afternoon 1938—Six Linen SHEETS Similar to the preceding. 194—Larce Linen anp Tureap Lace Brep CovER Let : Paneled with squares of medallion lace and insertions. Van- dyke floral diamond border. 23%, yards by 2% yards. 195—Fitetr Laces anp Cur Linen Cover_Let Alternating squares of floral cut-work and filet with animal motives; open scalloped edge. 22/3 yards by 21, yards. 196—Tan Scrim ann THREAD Lact CovERLET Center floral medallion, with diamond border; striped drawn-work field; two borders of medallion lace. Scalloped edge. 22/3 yards by 2% yards. 197—Drawn Linen Bep CoveErLEtT Field of minute drawn medallions and cobweb square panels ; scalloped lace border. 21%, yards by 2 yards. 198—Fintt Tirt Linen Bep Cover.et Square central geometric medallion, with large key pattern border; finished with three bands of medallion motives and - deep hemstitching. 2% yards by 22/3 yards. 199—Fintk Tirt Linen Bep Coveruer Central crossed square floral medallion, with three medallion borders of insertion; finished with deep hemstitching. 3 yards by 22/3 yards. 200—Fixtté Tirt Linen Bep Coveriet Similar to the preceding. a ry ay | ary — a’ ‘ wy at ee ee ne ee ae oe ia Mi eee eae oe ee First Afternoon 201—Crram Coswes Lace Scarr Center composed of two panels of varied circular floral medallions, flanked with lattice motives. Ends paneled with roundels and lattice squares alternating. Medallion fin- ishing borders on ends. 2 2/3 yards by 33 inches. 202—Two FracmMents oF SpanisuH Fintet Lace One, floral angular scroll pattern; the other, of leaf and angular scrolls (defective). 203—Two Tureap Lack ann Scrim CurrTAINS:- Diamond and square paneled borders flanked with floral insertions. Length, 254 yards; width, 11/8 yards. 204—Larcre EIicHTEENTH CENTURY CASHMERE SHAWL Black center, with infloretted palmette border, and similar deep extra borders on the two ends; in brilliant coloring. (Slightly defective.) Length, 3% yards; width, 1% yards. oe sais ee 1: SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK MISCELLANEOUS CABINET OBJECTS AND | DUTCH SILVER 205—Dutcu Sitver Box, VinaicrettTE, BoveveT HoLpEerR Anp WINDMILL (a) Shell-shaped box, relieved with scrolls and flowers. (3s) Vinaigrette, flagon-shaped; enriched with Renaissance masks and arabesques. (c) Filigree holder, with oak-leaf top. (Imperfect.) (p) Windmill, on tapering sides with scrolled panels. 206—OLtp Eneravep DutcH PEewTrer Bown AND COVER Low bowl, with two broad flanges; molded cover; engraved with leaf and scroll motives. 207—Dovutcu Sitver Boxes (a) Lozenge shape; the lid enriched with head of Napoleon within circular and oval wreaths of laurel. (ps) Shaped oval; the lid and sides enriched with Watteau subject within scrolls. Second Afternoon 208—Two Dutrcu SILVER-GILT JEWELED FIGURINES Standing figures, profusely enriched with semi-precious stone; one playing violin, the other a harp. On oblong jeweled bases. 209—Two Durcu Sirver Bonzon Disues anv Vase (a) Dishes Louis XV style, with scroll handles and feet; one with pierced sides. (sz) Vase with incurved side; mask and scroll handles on — claw feet; enriched with busts within wreaths and scrolls. 210—Two JeweLep Ovat Dutcu Sitver Boxes (a) Lid enriched with small oval miniatures of “Marie Louise” and ‘‘Napoleon,” under an imperial crown and a canopy of laurel leaves. Jeweled monogram and border. (s) Lid enriched with jeweled stellate blossom within bor-— dered medallion; side panels with jewels between cornu- copie and garlands. ?11—Duvutcu Repousst Sitver Tray ann BEAKER (a) Six-lobed tray, enriched with bunches of fruit in center and in the compartments; scroll handles. (3) Bulbous beaker, with incurving neck; enriched at foot with pomegranate and acanthus-leaf motives. 212—-JEwELED Dutcu Sitver Gitr TriptycH AND STATUETTE (a) Triptych with small holy-water font under; depicting the “Adoration of the Virgin,” “The Crucifixion” and vari- ous saints. | (3) Standing figure of saint in close-fitting robes carrying Gothic casket; on octagonal base supported on seated lions. 2183—Two JEwrevtep Dutcu Sitver BEnItTIERS Depicting in a Renaissance architectural niche the Cruci- fixion; semi-circular font under. One gilded. Second Afternoon 214—JeEwELED ParceL-GILt SILVER STATUETTE Napoleon standing clad in Imperial robes, a long scepter in his hand. On high circular jeweled pedestal, displaying garlands and the Imperial eagle. 215—Two Dutcu Sivver Perper Ports Louis XVI style; vase-shaped, enriched with flutes, floral garlands and wreaths; pineapple terminals. _ 216—Doutcu Repousst Sitver-citt GospLer AND BEAKER (4) Jeweled goblet on baluster stem and spreading foot, enriched in the Renaissance manner with varied masks amidst floral garlanded strap arabesques. (3) Beaker; twisted lobed body, developing into gadroons at the top; enriched with grotesque masks. 217—Two Dutcyu Sitver Bonson DisHEs (a) Oval, with scrolled handles and feet; enriched with cupid medallions and scrolls. (Bs) Scrolled boat-shape, with swan-head prow and a cupid seated on the scrolled stern; supported on four pierced wheels; enriched with shells, medallions and festoons. 218—Rerovusst Sinver-PLATED ITatiaAN CENSER AND CHALICE Cup Early eighteenth century censer; boat-shaped, with half hinged cover and spreading foot; enriched with shell scroll- ings and acanthus leaves. (Imperfect.) Parcel-gilt gadrooned cup, supported on baluster stem and bell foot. 219—Four Otp Durcu Curt-ceLass, SILVER-MOUNTED VINAIG- RETTES One, graceful long-necked bottle-shape, one with tapering facetted sides and round shoulder, and one with oval panel and serrated sides; another, tall flask shape, with fan and diamond cutting. Second Afternoon 220—Fovur Oxtp DutcH SILVER-MOUNTED VINAIGRETTES One with scroll-shaped sides, flattened with round medal- lion; one similar, with long flat front and oval medallion; one pear-shaped, with lobe top; and another, pressed glass with shaped sides and fluted back and front. 221—Turee Orv Dutcu Curt-ciass, SILVER-MOUNTED VINAIG- RETTES One, flat oval body, banded with silver on edges; one, flat- tened hexagonal, with rounded shoulder; another, flask- shaped with sunk oval panel and notched sides. 222—-Four Oxtp Dutrcu CurT-cexiass, SILVER-MOUNTED VINAIG- RETTES One pear-shape, one depressed flask-shape, one with arched top, shaped sides and lobed paneled front, and one flattened, with shaped sides and oval panels. 223—Pair or EIGHTEENTH CENTURY CLASPS In carved mother-of-pearl and mounted in silver. Bought in Cyprus. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 224—-SpanisH SILVER-PLATED Minitary Bett Box or THE SEv- ENTEENTH CENTURY Pouch shape; enriched in repoussé with central vase and two outfacing lions under trefoil arched canopy; domed hinged top with vase terminal; pearl-paneled sides and top embellished with floral motives. 225—SpanisH GILDED Bronze Minitary Brut Box or tue Eien- TEENTH CENTURY Pouch shape, with hinged cover; rope-paneled front, sides and top, skilfully enriched in repoussé with scrolled cipher “M,” bouquets and sprays of flowers and shell motives. Se ee OF Cae ee ee Second Afternoon 226—SIxTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN DovusBLE TUMBLER The inner glass decorated with a hunting scene in gold, green and other enamels. Rare type. Height, 21, inches. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 227—Rovunp Miniature on Ivory Nymph, with a rose and fillet in her hair and laurel garland in left hand; bust length; in gilded bronze frame. 228—Two Miniatures ON Ivory 1n GitpED Bronze Frames (a) Early French; circular; “Napoleon as First Consul” ; bust length. Signed: D. M. (s) Circular; Madame Elizabeth; bust length, in classic attire. 229—Carvep Ivory Fan anp JAPANESE InRO (4) Fan: Dutch, eighteenth century; ivory guards and perforated blades, enriched with figures in Watteau cos- tumes, “Dancing and Promenading,” scrolls, husks, hearts and darts. Chicken-skin foil, with classic subject, ‘“Nep- tune and Venus.” Finished with borders of leaves, shells and scrolls at ends. Executed in pen and ink (brown). (s) Inro: five compartments, beautifully lacquered in parti-colored golds, with rock and overhanging prunus and chattering birds on tree branch; circular gold-encrusted tortoise-shell netsuke. 230—EneuisH FourtEentuH Century Ivory Pax With finely carved figure of the Virgin and Child and two attendants. Chaucer, in “The Parson’s Tale,” refers to the “kissing of the Pax.” Height, 3 inches. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 231—A Hawk’s Hoop, 1n LEATHER Used when hawking to put over the falcon’s head and re- moved when the quarry is in sight. Curious and very rare. English. Sixteenth or seventeenth century. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. Second Afternoon 232—A Miniature PortTaBLeE ALTARPIECE In gilded and engraved metal. The center painted with the Crucifixion, above is Christ risen, and below the sepulchre. Italian. Sixteenth century. From the Bemrose Collection. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 2338—DutrcH SItver AND ToRTOISE-SHELL SNUFFBOX OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Circular shell, with silver-rimmed top; encrusted with en- graved and pierced silver landscape and figures: “The Angel of the Lord appearing to St. Paul.” Diameter, 234 inches. 234—DutcH MotTHeEr-oFr-PEARL SNUFFBOX OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Shape ovoidal, with top lightly carved and engraved with landscape, chateau and animals, and plain bottom of mother-of-pearl. Finely mounted with molded silver rim and sides. Length, 34, inches. 235—Frencu Encrustep TorroisE-SHELL SNUFFBOX OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Piqué, enriched with golden eagle attacking a snake in green mother-of-pearl; small geometric border (defective). Diameter, 3 inches. 236—Frencu Rounp TorToisE-SHELL SNUFFBOX OF THE NINE- TEENTH CENTURY STYLE Dark shell, lightly carved with cubic diapers and stellate border. Diameter, 21, inches. 237—Doutcu Sitver anp MorHeEr-OF-PEARL SNUFFBOX OF THE Late EIicHTEENtTH CENTURY Oblong silver box, with hinged cover enclosing an insert of carved mother-of-pearl, enriched in low relief with sub- ject “The Nativity”; sides engraved with panels enclosing floral motives. Length, 3 inches. Second Afternoon 238—Frencu Goup-MOUNTED Ivory PatcHrox oF THE EIGcuH- TEENTH CENTURY Circular ivory box, lined with tortoise-shell. Enriched on cover with beaded gold mount enclosing miniature on ivory: “Portrait of a Lady of the Court.” Diameter, 24, inches. 239—Frencu Sinver-citr Box my Erenteentu Century Sry. Circular, with molded enriched rims at foot and top, with miniature on ivory: “La Pompadour.” Signed: Carett. Diameter, 37 inches. 240—Lapy’s Gotp Watcn. FRENCH, oF THE EIGHTEENTH CEN- TURY Porcelain dial frame, enriched with small pearls; engraved rim; open back, disclosing the engraved escapement and a floral wreath, crested with a coronet, in chip diamonds. (Various stones and back glass missing.) 241—Go.p Firicrert BracELeT oF THE Empire PeEriop Composed of three half-hoops swiveled and hinged to one back half-hoop. Each hoop is enriched with filigree band- ings and a central oval mounting in which is swiveled an ancient carnelian scarab. 242—-Ruspy anp Diamonp ENAMELED GoLpD ARMLET Long green enameled flexible snake; the head encrusted with ruby eyes and a large leaf motive in graduated rubies sur- rounded with diamonds. Length, 19 inches. 243—Lovis QuinzE GiLpED MeErat Casket Ornamented with four inserted panels of old Dresden porce- lain which are finely decorated with battle and camp scenes. Height, 4 inches; length, 5 inches. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. Second Afternoon 244—Carvep Ivory Knire anp Forx Casr anp Two Hanp1es. FLEeMIsH, IN THE RENAISSANCE STYLE Shaped as a quiver; the sides enriched with cherubs’ heads over figures: “King David with his Harp” and “Saul with his Javelin” (defective at molded top). Handles, quaint nude figures of Adam and Eve, each holding an apple. Length, 7 inches; height of figures, 334 inches. 245—Two Carvep Ivory Ficurines Standing figures lightly tinted: “An Assyrian Archer” and “Persian Warrior.” (Both defective.) Height, 7 inches. 246—SpanisH Carvep Ivory Figurine OF THE SIXTEENTH CEN- TURY “Madonna and Child.”? She stands in loose robes on a crescent, her long wavy hair down to her waist; she holds the Infant Christ, habited as a monk, in her left hand. Height, 7 inches. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 247—Frencu Carvep Boxwoop FicurinE oF THE LaTE SEVEN- TEENTH CENTURY Prelate standing in alb and dalmatic, exhorting his con- gregation. Executed in very light-weight boxwood. (Right hand repaired.) Height, 7% inches. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 248—Carvine In MorHER-OF-PEARL “The Flight into Egypt.” Eighteenth century. Sicilian. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 249—Six ExevuisiIrELy Paintrep MINIATURES Executed in gouache. Courtiers in quaint fancy costumes. Louis XVI period, in carved wood frames. Choice and rare specimens. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. af. Oe , a » é eee ae ee ee ee oe eS ee ee a ee Second Afternoon 250—Two SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Persian Drawinecs Of flowers in vases, exquisitely executed in water colors. Mounted in metal and enamel frames of the same period. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 251—ExeauisirELy Parntep MINIATURE OF A CHILD In blue and white dress and cap. Signed: “H. W. 1788.” This represents the Hon. Maria Josepha Holroyd, daughter of the Ist Earl of Sheffield. She corresponded with Gib- bon, the well-known historian, and a series of her letters has been published in two volumes. She became Lady Stanley, and the present Lord Stanley of Alderley is a descendant. Mounted in a gilt metal frame of the period, which is ornamented in repoussé. From the collection of the Earl of Sheffield, Sheffield Park, Sussex. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 252—-SIxXTEENTH CENTURY VENETIAN ENAMEL TazzA ‘With raised lobes alternately green and white, on a lapis ground. A fine specimen. Height, 41, inches. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 253—AucsBuRG SEVENTEENTH CrentTuRY DovusLE Cup Of “lignum vitae,” with bands and lining of silver, the center repoussé with masks, scrolls and other designs. Height, 7 inches. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 254—_Rare Nassau Juc with Repovuss&t Sitver Hincep Lip Gray body, with touches of aubergine glaze. Relief deco- ration of floral scrolls and a center medallion with por- traits of a king and queen. Dated 1691. Height, 81%, inches. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. Second Afternoon 255—Earzty E1gHTEENtTH CrEntTury Boxwoop Cross From Mount Athos, most minutely and exquisitely carved with scenes from the Life of Christ. Mounted in silver- gilt, jeweled and enameled framework. Fine Russo-Greek — workmanship. Height, 9 inches. From thé Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 256—Very Finrt Outp Cocoanut Stranpine Cup Of unusually good design, the baluster stem and foot of silver, with engraved border and coat-of-arms (the ragged _ staff of the Earl of Leicester family). English. Charles II. 1680-1690. Height, 814 inches. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 257—SILVER-MOUNTED Ivory TANKARD WITH COVER OF THE Grorce III PEriop Large truncated tusk, carved with continuous “Battle Scene.” A medley of mounted and unmounted soldiery, in ~which some are turbaned in East Indian style and others as Roman soldiers. Enriched with silver mountings, molded’ rim, pearl molded foot, two pearl molded scrolled loop han- ; dles and interior lining. Molded silver cover, terminating in an ivory group: “A Roman Warrior riding in Triumph : over Several Dead and Wounded Adversaries.” Silver hall- marked. (Large cracks have developed in the ivory.) Height, 10 inches. % From the Robert Hoe Collection. a: aa 258—Carvep Ivory Daccer. ITALIAN, oF THE LATE RENAIs- - SANCE PERIOD Handle composed of a group of figures in ivory. “Venus,” under a scrolled acanthus-leaf canopy, restrained by two cupids; cross-guards with dogsheads and leaf terminations. Short blade; ovoidal at hilt, tapering to diamond section near point; etched with medallions and scrolled panels. Length, 12 inches. Second Afternoon 259—CLoisonnéE Box, Miniature Satsuma VasE AND SNUFF BotrTLe (a) Round box; decorated with peaches and fan on the loose cover. (s) Hexagonal vase; panels decorated with personages and flowers in colors and gilding. (c) Snuff bottle; flattened oviform, simulating tortoise- shell; no stopper. Carved wood stand. 260—Two Smart Porceiain VasEs (a) Bottle shape; invested with a splash glaze of old red, bluish crimson and black. , (8) Quadrilateral form, with bulging sides, invested with a glaze of deep rich brown. 261—Two CHINESE CarvED Hvuaui Woop Ficurines (a) One of the eight Taoist Immortals. Rugged he stands, with his crutch in left hand, a bat in right and a gourd slung on his back. On rustic plinth. (3) Grotesque of a devotee, with his clothes formed of the gnarled rustic stems of wood. On rustic plinth (defective). Respective heights, 914, and 101, inches. 262—Carvep Ivory Ostone PriaaveE IN THE FuiEemisH EicH- TEENTH CENTURY STYLE “Cavaliers Resting after a March.” In the uneven fore- ground are warriors resting, with their arms casually slung on the ground; some stand, one is mounted and already de- parting to a distant town. On the right is an open booth with refreshments, a bivouac fire and a seated young woman near soldiers (defective). In ebonized molded frame. Height, 5%, inches; length, 1034 inches. Second Afternoon 263—Rare CarvEeD Boxwoop Figurine. FRENCH, OF THE ‘Lars a . SIXTEENTH CENTURY Standing figure of “The Virgin and Child.” She wears head ‘ hair curiously looped at back and a silver crown, and is it © close-fitting robes with a long drapery over her left shoulde and falling to her feet, held up over her left arm and swad- _ dling the Infant Christ, clasped closely to her breast with her two hands. He tenderly regards His Mother. 3 Height, 91, inches. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 264—BravtiruL Carvep Boxwoop Ficurinr. FRENCH, OF THE EarLty SEVENTEENTH CENTURY : Graceful standing figure of “The Virgin and Child.” Right — knee advanced in easy posture, wearing clinging robes with —__ a long hooded drapery held up under the left arm, with which she supports the nude Infant, the Orb in His left hand. She looks with gracious tenderness toward the In- __ fant. (Slight cracks have developed.) On oblong plinth, — with canted corners enriched in low relief with a winged cherub’s head. Height, 10 inches. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 265—Two CurnesE Carvep Huart1 Woop Ficures (4) “Kwan-yin.” Goddess of infinite mercy; standing on a lotus thalamus in flowing robes, a gourd in her right hand, her left raised, the urn a jewel in her forehead. (3) Shou Lao, God of Longevity. Mounted on a water buffalo, carrying a peach in his left hand and a branch of a peach tree over his shoulder. On rustic base. Respective heights, 11 and 121% inches. Second Afternoon 266—Carvep Boxwoop Ficurine. FrREeNcH, oF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Graceful standing figure, in easy pose, of the “Madonna and Child.” She is attired in clinging robe with finely draped mantle, hair caught by a small fillet. With gracious tenderness she holds the nude Infant Christ in her left hand and sustains one of His feet with her right hand. Beautiful patina. On hexagonal base. (Slight cracks have developed in features and drapery.) Supported on molded oblong plinth. Height, 1314, inches. From the Robert Hoe Collection. 267—Carvep Hvuarui Woop Ficure. CHINESE, OF THE CH’IEN- LuNG PrERIop One of the eight Taoist Immortals. Grotesque smiling fea- tures, with ivory teeth and eyes; his lame right leg drawn up to his chest, he merrily hobbles along, his rosary round his neck and a large lotus leaf on his back. (Repaired and defective.) Rich patina. On a plinth of wave formations. Height, 30 inches. 268—Turee Esony anp Carvep Ivory Lapizs’ Canes (a) Ivory crutch handle, enriched with a bust of ‘Diane de Poictiers”; gold mounting. (sw) Handle carved as a grotesque elephant-head and shoul- ders bejeweled with semi-precious stones (some missing) ; elaborate scroll engraved gold mount; engraved with crest. ‘Lion over crown.” (c) Handle carved with two grotesque masks, within shell, leaf and scrolls; open gilded mount. Top button missing. Length, 45 inches. 269—-Pair or JAPANESE TRAVELER’s Luncu Boxes Mirror-black lacquer, ornamented with crests in gold lacquer. Engraved brass mountings. The cabinets with numerous drawers and boxes. One has tea caddies, saucers and bowls. The other has sectional boxes, trays and spoon. Each: Height, 15 inches; length, 1734 inches; width, 12 inches. Second A fternoon. F RENCH, CHINESE, ENGLISH AND DELFT PORCELAINS | | 270—Fovur Buve ann Wuite Miniature DELFT FalENcE VA , (4) Depressed bottle-shape; millefleur decoration. “2 : (3) Bottle-shape, with tapering neck in similar decom 5 . | (c) Quadrilateral baluster-shape; decorated with stella * blossom motives. al (») Dresden; double-gourd shape; floral decoration; le terminal. (Imperfect.) oe 271—DeEcoraTED Porseias Vase, Birp anp Doce (a) Dresden; gadrooned vase with bird hand decorat with flowers. (Imperfect.) (s) Dresden style; bird, well modeled, perched on a scrolled base; decorated in lavender, brown and green. (c) Dresden style. Recumbent carriage dog, decorated EY with black on white. A = 272—Two Decoratep PorcELAIN BOXES AND- AN Enamerep Bee Ervui ~ (a) Dresden style. In the form of a violin, with gilded =a bronze mountings. Watteau decoration. . S (3) Quadrilateral, with spired cover; panel decoration of — pastoral subject and landscapes on gilded turquoise-blue. __ (c) Etui with silver gilt mounting; decorated with various At 4 classic subjects: The Three Graces, Venus and Cupid, Mer- cury and Apollo. 7 273—Two Op Stvres Cups anp SAUCERS res 8 Cups with handles. Floral decoration. Date, 1770. (One i cup and one saucer riveted. ) : ae From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 274—Six SmMaLt~ Rounp CurnesE Porcetamn Trays Serrated edge, decorated in blue on white with inscribed circular medallion and succeeding bands of flowers, sym- bols and reserved rise pattern. : Second Afternoon 275—Oxp CurnesE Famitite Verte Tra Cappy Decoration of figures, flowers and lattice pattern. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 276—O.p DrespEN Tra Cappy Decoration of flowers and fruits finely painted in delicate colors. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. 277—Two Herart-sHaPpep PorcrLaAIn Boxes IN THE DRESDEN STYLE The hinged covers decorated in jewels, colors and gilding, respectively, with medallions of Henry IV and Francis I; the sides with landscape panels. (Jewels chipped.) 278—TureEe Decorated Porcetain Cups anp SAUCERS (a) Empire style, with incurving sides; swan neck handle; on claw feet. Decorated with bust of young woman in square panel. (Bs) Empire, vase-shaped with scroll handle, decorated in colors and gilding with green landscape and figure amidst ogivals enclosing rosebuds. (c) Royal Vienna; straight-sided, decorated with panel of Cupid and Psyche in reserve on gilded lavender ground. 279—TureEe Carvep CuHInese Ficurines (a) The “Twins of Harmony”; creamy jade figures stand- ing in close proximity. (p) One of the Taoist Immortals, “Ho Hsien Ku,” stand- ing, carrying his scepter; creamy gray jade. (c) Another of the Immortals, “Li Tieh Kuai,” standing, with one foot on a grotesque Kylin; white mottled lapis- lazuli. Second Afternoon 280—BiseuE GRrouPr IN THE SEVRES STYLE Two Cupids, variously posed, playing musical instruments; 3 on irregular rustic base. 281—Two Drespen PorcELaIn Fieve : (a) Vulcan standing at his forge; decorated in colors and gilding, on round open scroll base. (Repaired.) aire '(s) Dresden style; standing figure of little boy in Wate am costume; in colors and gilding. (Chipped.) ——— 282—Four Bisave Figurines iy THE Sivres STYLE oe Youth playing harp, maiden playing mandolin: Hebe and aan Flora. (Both chipped.) On varied plinths. ag 288—Two DrcoratEep PorcELAIn Boxes (4) Capo di Monte style; oblong, with gilded broaae binge ing, decorated with subjects, nymphs bathing and ba cupids, in colors and gilding. (B) Shaped box with hinged cover; decorated with land scape in blue on white ground. 284—BLUE AND Ware CHINESE PORCELAIN VASE OF THE CH’IEN- LUNG PERIOD Bottle-shaped; decorated with four-clawed dragon seeking : the sacred pearl of power amidst scrolled cloud forms. Height, 8 inches. 285—Turee Wuite Porcenain Figurines (a) Seger porcelain; young girl in Watteau costume stand- ing on a square plinth. (3) Capo di Monte style; little girl and boy as cupids in — Watteau costumes playing musical instruments. (Both imperfect.) 286—Two Decoratep PorcELAIN FIGURINES IN THE DrespEn STYLE | r “The Muses.” Standing figures in classic attire, decorated in colors. On scrolled plinths. (Repaired. ) Second Afternoon ~ 287—Decoratep PorceLtaIn Figure anp Coverep MILK PITCHER (a) Dresden style: “La Jardiniére”; standing figure; deco- rated in blue. (s) Milk pitcher, Dresden; with mask spout and rustic handle, decorated in colors with bouquets of flowers. 288—Two PorcEeLAIn FIGURINES IN THE CAPo pI Monte STYLE (a) Minerva; in the garb of a Roman soldier with flowing skirt. (s) Apollo; with laurel-crowned brow, attired in flowing drapery. 289—Two DrespEN PorcEeLaIn PLATES 290 (a) Scrolled lobed rim, interrupted with shell motives; center circular starch-blue medallion, relieved with a wreath of gilded flowers. (8) Similar, without the starch-blue introduced. —DErcorRATED PorRCELAIN VASE AND JARDINIERE (A) Capo di Monte style; tall urn shape; decorated in relief in colors and gilding with nymphs bathing; on fluted stem and square plinth. (B) Sévres style; high bowl-shaped with two shell handles, decorated in colors and gilding with two perched birds amidst wreath, garlands of flowers and bowknotted ribbons above. 291—Ostone PorcELAIN JEWEL CASKET Deeply shaped cassone form; enriched on cover and sides with reserve medallions occupied by ““Féte Champétre”’ sub- jects in colors on royal blue; background relieved with flutes; shell and floral motives in relief. Gilded bronze mounting. (Repaired.) Second A fternoon 292—-Two CutnesE PorcELAIN owes | (a) Bell-shaped. Finely decorated in enamels with Tee arabesques interrupting medallions holding Show cha : acters in gold. 7 (s) On short foot, with canted Tate the fatenue ar exterior invested with a mild turquoise-blue glaze. | ae 293—Ontp CREAM-WARE FLOWER 0 AND TRAY neck, with cover sera for flowers ; cuichene in reli . with festoons of drapery and water leaves. Oe tray, << aa with guilloche molded rim. Height, Ty, inch 294—Two DECORATED DRESDEN Posuetire FicurInEs “Les Jardiniers,” young man and maiden, in lacy Wat- Fe teau costumes. Man with hat of grapes and girl with © basket of roses; in colors and gilding. On key patterned — circular plinths. (Male figure chipped.) Height, 61, inohee aa 295—Two Drcoratep NyMpHENBURG PorcELAIN FiIGuRINES (a) Standing figure; young woman with fan, in Watteau costume, her dress .held wide with right hand. On small octagonal plinth. ; (3) Standing figure of young woman affrighted by doeae in pastoral Watteau costume; on rustic plinth. Both in delicate colors on white, _ Respective heights, 61, and 7 inches. 296—DecoratEp NYMPHENBURG PorRCELAIN GROUP Seated young woman, holding small birdcage on her right arm and a bird in her left hand; low-cut costume in delicate — colors and gilding. On rustic plinth. Height, 6 inches. Second Afternoon 297—Two DeEcorATED PorcELAIN PLATES IN THE SEVRES STYLE Finely decorated center medallions in reserve, with Watteau pastoral subjects in delicate coloring; rims of turquoise- blue, enriched with gilded and jeweled arabesque borders. 298—Two BLuE anp WuiTk CHINESE PorcELAIN DouBLe FLASks Pear-shaped, with reversing scrolled mouths; on lobed foot ; decorated with gadrooned spirals of trailing flowers. Height, 8°, inches. 299—Two BuuE anp WuHuiTE CHINESE PoRCELAIN PLATES OF THE CuH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD Octagonal flarig marly, decorated with diaper, scrolled wave and floral border; center medallion with domestic fig- ures in landscape. Diameter, 9 inches. 300—Two BLur anp WuireE CHINESE PoRCELAIN PLATES OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD Flaring marly, with wave edge decorated with lobed panels, enclosing the flowers of the seasons repeated. Center me- dallion with a tall handled basket of flowers. Diameter, 9 inches. 301—BLveE aNp Wuitt CHINESE PoRCELAIN GINGER JAR OF THE K’anc-ust PERIopD . Oviform, with flat, short-collared cover. Decorated with quatrefoil lobed medallions in reserve enclosing symbols of the “Hundred Antiques”; crackling ice ground, with re- serves of bouquets of prunus blossom in deep rich cobalt blue. Height, 9 inches. 802—Bive anp Wuuire Porcenain GINGER JAR OF THE K’aAnc- HsI PERIOD Similar to the preceding, but slightly lighter in color and larger. Height, 91% inches. Second Afternoon — 303—BLvuE AanD WHITE CHINESE PorcELAIN VASE Elongated flattened inverted pear-shape; small lobed necl - fence and the other amid waving grasses. Brown patina. ‘ff A Oval bases. Signed. Heights, 21, inches and 2%, inches. 339—GrouPp By P. J. Méne. Mare and foal beside a feed basket. The muscular development and veins showing beneath the thin skin of the dam. Yellowish brown patina. Signed. Height, 234 inches; length, 6 inches. 3840—ReEcUMBENT GOAT “0 _ By P. J. Méne. With hoofs well drawn under it and head J” f* SW ~extended. Golden brown patina. Oval base. Signed. “fl A: J 3] “ier Height, 21%, inches; length, 5 inches. Second Afternoon 341—EwneuisH TERRIER By P. J. Méne. Well poised, apparently waiting for some- . 974 “x % one to throw the ball which lies at his feet. Golden brown ye J * patina. Oval base. Signed. Height, 4°, inches; length, 5%, inches. | 342—StTac on THE ALERT | = By P. J. Méne. A stag of twelve tines, with legs braced | } =i Fe G poy in an expectant attitude. Golden brown patina. Oval base. Signed. Height, 5 inches; length, 51, inches. 343—GrRovuP ee By P. J. Méne. Two hares crouching beside waving grass. / ( “ Brown patina. Oval base. Signed. Lo. Ahh 2 \/ we Height, 3% inches; length, 51, inches. 344—AniMAL GROUP By P. J. Méne. Greyhound and hare. The well-bred racing | animal deep-chested and with well-developed muscles, carry- iv ing his limp prize in his mouth. Brown patina. Rectan- gular base. Signed. Height, 5 inches; length, 7 inches. ope 345—AnimaL Group By P. J. Méne. Three goats. The long-horned buck with mouth partly opened, well poised and alert. The doe lying down and by her side a bleating kid about the neck of which is a tripod yoke. Golden brown patina. Oval base. Signed. Height, 5 inches; length, 81%, inches. 346—AnimaL Group By P. J. Méne. Italian greyhound and spaniel. The artist catching the marked contrast in the two breeds. Between them lies a half-opened fan. Brown patina. Oval base. Signed. Height, 6%4 inches; length, 10 inches. tute we f b y> ~ 347—AnimaL Group 4 of. By P. J. Méne. Ewe and lamb. The mother, whose head is slightly turned to the left, is suckling her very young lamb. Brown patina. On oval base. Signed. Second Afternoon emt rs re i \z if Height, 6 inches; length, 9 inches. t } Za = 348—Goar _ By P. J. Méne. Long-haired and with wide-spreading horns. Head turned slightly to the left. Brown patina. On a rectangular base with rounded corners. Signed and dated 1844. Height, 8 inches; length, 91% inches. 849—Goat FEEDING y. By P. J. Méne. Doe. Companion to the preceding. Brown b- ye” patina. On rectangular base with rounded corners. Signed and dated 1845. Height, 6 inches; length, 9%4 inches. | Pole, - 8§50—B.LEatTInc SHEEP ee By P. J. Méne. Long-tailed. With mouth slightly opened and head turned to the left. The fleece short. Golden Y _ brown patina. On a rectangular base with rounded corners. Signed and dated 1864. Height, 8 inches; length, 9 inches. Ge _- 851—GREYHOUND By P. J. Méne. Clean cut and trained to the minute. 4 © Every muscle and rib outlined beneath the thin skin. Head ; © turned slightly to the right. Brown patina. Rectangular base with rounded corners. Signed. Height, 8% inches; length, 11 inches. 352—HorskE ie se By P. J. Méne. Standing at ease. Muscular, thin skin /2 4, ~/ -showing the veins beneath. Sloping shoulders and short © coupled. Altogether, the aristocrat. Brown patina. On an oval base inscribed, Ibrahim. Signed. Height, 12 inches; length, 14 inches. Second Afternoon | ) oe 353—Horse BesivE Rustic Fence By P. J. Méne. Large model. Spirited rendering of the thoroughbred animal, differing but slightly in pose from a : the small model previously described. Greenish brown TA patina. On oval base. Signed and dated 1846. Height, 114% inches; length, 15 inches. 354—Stac Browsine ~~ By P. J. Méne. Neck stretched to reach the leaves of a out gnarled tree. Large antlers with thirteen tines. Brown a S « patina. Rectangular base with rounded corners. Signed. \F Height, 14 inches; length, 15 inches. : 355—Hunrer anp Doe i f= By P. J. Méne. Aged horse fully equipped with saddle, i eg breast plate and bridle, playing with a crop-eared bull-dog. \ The dog standing on a blanket and the horse amid straw. : Greenish brown patina. Oblong base with rounded cor- ners. Signed. Height, 914 inches; length, 1814 imeches. ep Fosseasiny May 356—Bu Li By P. J. Mene. Full grown animal with slightly swayed back and heavy dewlap. Head turned to the left. Golden brown patina. Rectangular base with cut corners. Signed. Height, 6 inches; length, 14 inches. / 6 e 357—Cow anp CaLr By P. J. Méne. The mother’s head turned to the right to caress her young calf. Brown patina. On oblong base with cut corners. Signed. Height, 81% inches; length, 1314 inches. f A = 358—AnimaL Group Dae Boce By P. J. Méne. Tiger in death grip with a crocodile. A great cat straining every muscle in tearing at the hardened \ hide of the saurian. Golden brown patina. On oval base. Signed. Height, 7 inches; length, 1514 inches. Second Afternoon $59—Barye Bronze subject. The tiger gripping the gazelle and sucking his blood. Brown and green patina. On oval base. Signed, Barye. ; & “Tiger Devouring a Gazelle.” A well-modeled cast of the Height, 4°/, inches; length, 121% inches. > — 360—Barye Bronze “Theseus Fighting the Minotaur.” Green patina. Cast by f rbédienne. Signed by Barye and by the founder, and wl e founder’s stamp in gilt. On rectangular base. Height, 181%, inches; length, 12 inches. =o 361—Very Fine Firreentno Crentury FLorentTINE Bronze STATUETTE Figure of an orator draped in antique Roman costume. | pe An extremely rare and valuable piece of cire perdu bronze. f,O" “\. It came from the Borghese Collection, the Bardini Col- wSk- lection and the Sambon Collection and from Paris, May, ie) 1914. Date, 1480-1490. - oe , Height, 12 inches. From the Thomas Sutton Collection, England, 1917. =) 862—Two Gitpep Bronze CirncuLar Piaaues One, “Pyramus and Thisbe,” after Clodion. Lightly draped figures, Pyramus tenderly embraces Thisbe; they advance pa toward the altar of Love. The other similar in composition. a On square red Verona marble panels. Diameter, 5 inches. 863—Ruwvss1an Bronze Ficurine Reclining figure of a peasant clad in sheepskin coat and hat, and top boot; on irregular oblong crystal plinth. be 3864—T wo Croisonn& AND Bronze Vases. FRENCH, IN THE JAP- ANESE STYLE Tapering oblong bodies, incurved at neck; enriched with floral and lattice panels on turquoise and dark blue grounds in colors. Dragon-head handles and scrolled bases of gilded bronze. Height, 7 inches. Second Afternoon 865—CutnesE CLorsonnk ENAMEL OI OF THE CH’IEN- LUNG PERIOD Octagonal vase-shaped socket, on scrolled oblong plinthy with entwined floral scroll handle; finely enriched with all-over lotus scrolls in red, yellow, white, green and dark blue on a turquoise ground. 3866—JAPANESE SHIBUICHI AND SILVER VASE Beaker-shape, with trumpet foot and neck decorated in re- _ lief with a band in center occupied by a marvelous four- clawed dragon, by Hidehiro. ae Height, 7%, inches. 367—JAPANESE SHIBUICHI AND SILVER VASE Bottle-shaped, with flaring neck and spreading foot. En- riched in shakudo and silver with seagulls in flight and perched on rocks, and floral inlay of gold at foot. Sig- nature and seal of Hidehiro on side. Height, 11 Sache 368—OvaL Canton ENAMEL JARDINIERE OF THE CHINESE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD Charming quatrefoil-lobed bulbous shape, with short collar and foot. Beautifully enriched, on a fine turquoise blue ground, with a minute medley of trailing flowers in rich a colors. Height, 6 inches; length, 91% inches. From the Sir Julian Goldschmidt Collection, London. 369—CLoIsonnE EnamMeEL TRAVELING Repeating AtarM CLocK Rectangular glazed case; corner columns of enamel, with gilded Corinthian capitals and bases. Turquoise enamel face plate with two gilded dials, smaller to regulate alarm. Has regulator to strike hours, quarters, silent; heavy lift- ing handle. Made by Theodore B. Starr. Height, 8 inches. Second Afternoon 370—GiLpED Bronze INKsSTAND IN THE Louis XV STYLE Two scroll-covered wells, set amongst an elaborate open rococo scrolling of leafage with balustered top. Length, 13 inches. 371—Bronze FicurinE “The Evil Genius of War.” Vicious seated satyr, with ram’s horns on head and combed crest and long waving / mane, at back enshrouded in his large bat-wings; long v clawed feet; he is crouching with chin resting on one hand and holding a short sword in the other. Rustic base; deep rich patera. On oblong pink and black marble base. Height, 9% inches. -372—SMmaLu GILDED Bronze ConsoLe Ciock In THE Louis XVI STYLE *“Falconet” model. A nude Bacchante, reclining on a rocky mound, holds aloft a cup of wine; painted porcelain dial, surrounded by rhinestones and set in rockwork. Oval statu- ary marble plinth. Height, 914, inches; width, 7 inches. 373—GILDED Bronze ELECTROLIER IN THE Lovis XV STYLE Reeded, scrolled stem, with two supporting arms for shade. On scrolled foot, enriched with shell and leaf motives. 374—GiILpED Bronze Watt APPLiauEs IN THE Louis XVI STYLE Shafts in form of half quiver, enriched with flutes, leaf and husk motives, surmounted by a flamed and draped vase; — two acanthus leaf scroll arms. Wired for electricity. (Small pendant missing.) Height, 17 inches. 375—Goup Initaip CHINESE Bronze UTENSIL “A Fantastic Standing Bird.” In the form of an old Han sacrificial. wine vessel, enriched with thunder and dragon scroll bands, with portions of scrolls inlaid with gold. Height, 10 inches; length, 17 inches. Second A fternoon 376—Two GiLpED Bronze LusterEp CANDELABRA IN THE LOUIS XVI StyLe : Twisted fluted acanthus-leaved baluster stan saneren on a8 a gadrooned flange and a bell-shaped foot similarly en- riched to stem, upholding two further fluted stems which terminate in a bobéche and throw off three scroll arms at lower section and two at upper section for lights, the vari- ous bobéches enriched with lustred festoons, finely shaped __ drops and triangular prisms. (Arm of one candelabrum missing. ) oe | Height, 25 inches. 377—Two Bronze Ficurrs IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Frencu STYLE “Printemps” and “L’Eté.”’ Graceful standing fore of | young maiden in loose classic draperies caught by shoulder bands. Rich green brown patera. On molded circular gray and black marble plinths. | Height, 21 inches. 378—Encuish Manocany Bracket Cutme Crock or THE E1cH- TEENTH CENTURY Rectangular case, with scale lattice brass side panels. Arched door, painted dial, with two small extra dials for strike and silent, slower and faster; hollowed and domed top, with four brass pineapple terminals at corners; molded plinth on four brass feet. Made by Witchew, London. Pen- dulum and key missing. Height, 21 inches; width, 11 inches. $70-—Cinpep Bronze Vase Crock 1n THE Louis XVI Sryte Covered vase, with pineapple terminal and two key shaped handles. Enriched with heavy festoons of laurel leaves, two annular revolving dials, one porcelain denoting hours and the other minutes. Two coiled snakes at crown and foot mark the time with their outthrust tongues. Sup- ported on a high section of a fluted column, draped with fringed festoon. On square plinth. Height, 221% inches. Second Afternoon 880—GiLpED Bronze aNp PorceLaiIn Lyre Consote CriocKk IN THE Louis XVI StyLE “Marie Antoinette” model. Bronze laurel and acanthus leaved open-scrolled lyre, enriched with pearls and a sun- burst mask at crown; the regulator pendulum forms the strings and supports a swinging annular rim of large rhine- stone, which fluctuates round the porcelain dial; supported on a molded oval bleu-de-roi porcelain plinth, enriched with festoons of flowers, leaf and rope molding and inserted floral scroll band; on button feet. Made by Robins, Paris. Height, 231, inches. 381—Bronze Group oF THE SECOND Empire PeEriop “Pyramus and Thisbe.” Departure and Return. Stand- ing in close proximity in classic garb, in one, Thisbe is hooded for departure; in the other, they embrace each other. Dark rich patera. Mounted on rectangular plinths of rich Siena marble, embellished with bronze moldings and trophy appliqué of bow, quiver, flaming torch and ribbons. Height, 28%, inches. 382—Bronze Group. FrencH, IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY MANNER “Venus.” Falconet model, founded about fifty years ago. Charming, graceful standing nude figure of the goddess holding a flowing drapery over her slightly raised left hand, which partially floats over her body and is festooned behind her with the other hand; a dolphin with erect curled tail is immediately in front of drapery. Rich dark brown black patina, with dull yellowish green areas. On circular molded red Verona marble plinth. Total height, 24 inches. 883—GiLpED Bronze Empire Mantet Crock “Psyche Attacked by Cupid.” A chaise-longue, terminating in a scrolled end at left and rectangular clock dial at right, » supports a seated nude Psyche, who is partially enveloped in a large swathed drapery under which Cupid has hidden; he has discovered himself and is darting an arrow at Psyche. On molded oblong plinth, enriched with laurel and rosette appliqué and leaf motives. (Key and pendulum missing.) Height, 1514 inches; length, 171% inches. Second Afternoon 384—-InTEREsTING GILDED Bronze MantEet Ciock oF THE Seconp Empire PeEriop Pallas, clad in clinging chiton and flowing robes, girdled with a skin, Medusa head and several snakes, crested with a Roman helm and holding a spear in her right hand, is seated on a square block, holding a circular silvered and imbricated dial. Supported on stepped oblong plinth, enriched with a many-wreathed staff appliqué and leaf molding. On blossomed scrolled feet. Height, 21 inches; width, 131, inches. 385—LarceE GILDED Bronze JARDINIERE. FRENCH, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY STYLE . Tall inverted bell-shape; enriched with a paneled band. “Diana and Nymphs Hunting,” and “Acton Discovering Diana.” Crown molding of acanthus and water leaves, honeysuckle banding toward foot and larger acanthus and floral appliqués at base; double scrolled handles upholding nude classic figures and festoons of flowers. Enriched 4 baluster support, with oak-wreath foot. On square rouge royal marble plinth. Height, 221/, inches. 386—GiLDED Bronze Mantet Ciock oF THE Empire PErRIop Enriched molded rectangular canopied top, sustaining cir- cular porcelain dial. Supported by four caryatids in classic garb standing on an oblong molded plinth; enriched with fine acanthus and water leaf molding. Height, 201, inches. 387—GILDED Bronze anp Marsie Crock in THE Louis XVI STYLE Festooned gadrooned dove marble, covered vase sustaining two small annular porcelain revolving dials; enriched in bronze with surrounding allegorical figures of Painting and Sculpture, amidst clouds, a Cupid seated at the base, with wreath of flowers. Sculpture standing at left and a further Cupid about to crown her with two garlanded wreaths. Supported on broken oblong statuary marble plinth, with broad hollow molding; enriched with appliqués of wreaths, pearl moldings and central plaque of Cupids playing musical instruments; on ball feet. (Cover of vase cracked and no key.) Height, 23 inches; length, 211, inches. Second A fternoon 388—GILDED Bronze Porcretain Crock 1n THE Louis XVI STYLE Variant of the original made for “Marie Antoinette.” Lyre- shaped in Royal blue porcelain on oval molded plinth; the white porcelain dial in the crux of the lyre is surrounded by the circular rim of the pendulum, which is enriched with large rhinestones. Elaborately mounted at crown with sunburst mask, pateras and festoons of flowers; at foot, with sprays of laurel leaves; the plinth, with moldings and garlands. Height, 2514 wmches. 389—GILT-BRONZE TABLE Lamp Figure standard typifying the Harvest. Fitted for six elec- tric lights. Height, 3 feet. 390—Srer or GiLtpEpD Bronze Fire-1rons IN THE GEORGIAN STYLE Fluted and husk handle with acanthus-leaf terminals and central boss. Consisting of poker, shovel, tongs and vary- ing small coal tongs. 391—Ser or Brass CotontaL Fire-1rons Annular molded tops, with facetted handles and molded boss in center of stems. Consisting of poker, shovel and tongs. 392—Larcr Repousst Brass WinE Ewer anp DisH IN THE RENAISSANCE STYLE Oviform body, enriched with husked gadroons on shoulder and foot; straight collar with mask and scrolls; domed cover terminating in figure of boy and dolphin; leaf-scrolled spout and handle with crouched dragon top; deep molded, fluted, gadrooned and ‘scrolled base. Circular dish, with turnover rim enhanced with husked gadroons and pearls. Height, 30 inches; diameter, 24 inches. Second A fternoon 893—RepoussE Brass Bason. VENETIAN, OF THE SIXTEENTH : CENTURY Circular, with straight sides and wide flanged rim, ened with punched double-leaf wreath enclosing small florettes. Center medallion with two bands of Gothic inscription en- — closing subject, “The Annunciation of the Virgin.” Sur- rounding border of Gothic character; outfacing lion masks sustaining stiff bunches of grapes, flanked by large single grape leaves and alternating with lobed motives. Diameter, 23 inches. vy 394—Pirercep Brass JARDINIERE. ENGLISH, IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY STYLE Oval, with two tiers of oval and bar piercings, flanked se | bossed pearl bands, molded rim and foot. Lion mask and ring handles. Loose interior lining. Height, 121% inches; length, 14 inches. 3895—Two Brass CanpELABRA IN THE DutcH RENAISSANCE STYLE A ribbed baluster stem, on circular molded foot, supports a seated lion upholding a coat-of-arms and in its mouth two scrolled arms for lights. Height, 15-inches. ~ 396—OL.p Brass BELL ann SMatt CANDELABRUM (a) Bell. Italian Renaissance manner, enriched in relief with stag hunt above, and at foot variously with masks and arabesques; small baluster handle terminating in a seated woman with game. (B) Seven-branched; on double octagonal plinth. Second Afternoon 3897—ALABASTER Buppua. Inpo-THIBETAN, OF THE SEVEN- TEENTH CENTURY “Maitreya.” The all-wise and far-seeing Buddha. Archaic standing figure, with downcast eyes and large ears denoting wisdom, wearing a heavy widely spread robe and close-fitting pointed cap. Cap and robe roughly lacquered brown; fea- tures outlined with colors. On flaring molded mahogany plinth. Total height, 251, inches. 898—CarraRA Marsie FIcure “Egyptian Dancing Girl.” Nude to waist, attired in loose, clinging skirt, scarab necklace and pendent beads; hair dressed with a crossbanded coronet enriched with an eagle in front; wearing a snake armlet. By C. Contri. (One finger repaired.) | Height, 26 inches. 899—CarrarA MarspuE AND Onyx FIGURE “Cleopatra.” Standing on a rustic pedestal of warm gray onyx veined with redy nude bust of Carrara marble, with deep pendent winged peacock head-dress; skirt of gray- veined onyx, trimmed with a fringed ceinture and deep band of embroidery at foot. On black and green marble plinth. — Height, 25 inches. 400—STATUARY MarspiE Ficure “Phryne.” Graceful standing nude figure looking down- ward, her left hand upholding a drapery festooned behind her, to her slightly extended right hand. An armlet on her right arm. Signed: Campagne. On square base. Height, 341, inches. 401—Rovce Brescia Marsie PEDEsTAL Plain circular shaft, with molded capital and base. Square top revolves. On square plinth. Height, 41 inches. Second Afternoon 402—Green Onyx PepEsTar ) Square shaft, mounted with gilded bronze moldings at capital and base. Square top revolves. On square canted top plinth. (Top repaired.) Height, 321, inches. 403—Carrara Marsre Ficure | “Birth of Venus.” Nude, graceful figure rising from the waves; she holds aloft her long tresses. On square molded plinth, enriched with musical trophy and capped at foot with bronze fillet. . Height, 55 inches. COLLECTION OF RARE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENGLISH NEEDLEWORK PICTURES 404—Ovan Nerreptewor« Picture. ENeLisH, or THE E1cH- TEENTH CENTURY “Perdita.”’ Said to be a portrait of Mrs. Robinson. Stand- ing in ample robes of pale green with a mantle of crimson be- neath a tree, gazing at a small dog; sheep in a field beyond. Solidly executed in colored silks with features and sky painted on silk. Attributed to Hamilton. In carved and gilded frame of the period. : Height, 15 inches; width, 114% inches. 405—Ovat Nereptework Picrure. Enenisu, oF THE EzcH- TEENTH CENTURY “Flower Girl.” In rustic attire, a large basket of flowers on her head, she descends a slope, holding by the hand a little boy; trees in background. Features and sky beauti- fully painted on silk. Painting and design attributed to Francis Wheatley. In carved and gilded frame of period. Height, 13%, inches; width, 1134 inches. Second Afternoon 406—Ovat Neepitework Picrurre. Eneusy, or THE Eren- TEENTH CENTURY “A Shepherdess of Quality.” Said to be a portrait of Mrs. Bennington; seated under a willow tree on a mossy bank, a pool and a goat before her. The sky and features de- lightfully painted on silk. Attributed to Hamilton. In carved and gilded frame of period. Height, 12%, inches; width, 10 inches. 407—SevuareE NEEDLEWORK Picture. ENGusH, oF THE EIGH- TEENTH CENTURY “A Vestal.” Said to be a portrait of Mrs. Cosby; standing before a wreathed and pedestaled urn, with long wreath festoon in both hands; attired in ample robes. The features and sky beautifully painted on silk. Attributed to Hamil- ton. In carved and gilded frame of the period, with black and gold glass mat with oval opening. Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches. 408—Ovat NeEepuewor«k Picture. ENGLISH, OF THE EIGH- TEENTH CENTURY “Una and the Lion.” Portrait of Lily Maxwell. Seated in a woodland glade, a grotesque lion at her right and a donkey partly seen behind her. Features delightfully painted on silk; attributed to Singleton. In square carved and gilded frame, with oval mat, of the period. Height, 121, inches; width, 10 inches. 409—Ovant NerpteEwor«K Picture. ENGLISH, oF THE EIGH- TEENTH CENTURY “The Harpist.” The fair subject kneels before a votive pedestaled urn playing a harp, under a spreading tree; a castle amidst dense woods in the distance. Attributed to Wheatley. In square carved and gilded frame of the period. Height, 141% inches; width, 12 inches. Second Afternoon 410—SeuarE NEEDLEWORK Picture. ENGLISH, OF THE Ereén- TEENTH CENTURY ay “A Votive Offering to the Altar of Werter.” Said to be a portrait of Miss Cowley; standing, in delicate blue and gray costume, before a pedestaled urn inscribed “Werter,” _ under a small tree. The features painted and applied to silk sky as background; attributed to Hamilton. In square — gilded frame with oval opening. | Height, 14 inches; width, 12 inches. 411—Ovat NEEDLEWoRK Picture. EnewisH, oF THE EIGH- TEENTH CENTURY 3 | “A Lover’s Thought.” Said to be a portrait of Miss Whittle; as a shepherdess, seated in loose crimson robe and — blue mantle under a tree, her sheep beside her. She is in- scribing hr lover’s name on the tree trunk; features and sky painted on silk. In square gilded frame with oval opening. Height, 14 inches; width, 13 inches. 412—Ovan NEEDLEWORK PicturE. ENGLISH, oF THE EIGH- TEENTH CENTURY “A Votive Offering to Shakespeare.” A fair lady in ample classic robes scattering flowers on the tomb of the great poet; features and sky painted on silk; attributed to Wheatley. In square frame with oval opening. Ligne Height, 15 inches; width, 121% inches. — 4138—-NEEDLEWoRK Picture. Irauian, oF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY / “Virgin and Child.” Seated with the Holy Child on her knee, in ample robes, before a large old tree in a rocky land- scape; at right is a towered bridge over a stream. After Correggio. Signed: Eques Pati. In molded, mirror frame enriched with gilded bronze mountings. (Imperfect.) Height, 914 inches; width, 72 inches. Second Afternoon 414—OvanL NerepLework Picture. ENGuLisu, or THE Ercu- TEENTH CENTURY “Squire Western and his Daughter.” Promenading in a quaint old landscape with a country house at right; fea- tures and sky skilfully painted on silk; attributed to Rich- ardson. In gilded oval frame. Height, 1514 inches; width, 181%, inches. 7 415—Rare SeuarE NEEDLEWoRK Picture. ENGLISH, OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY “Abraham about to Sacrifice Isaac.” Abraham, richly clad, stands with sword uplifted before an altar, arrested in the act of striking off the head of the kneeling Isaac; above, amidst clouds, “The Angel of the Lord” appears and restrains the descending sword. The amusing and fantastic foreground, of uneven sward, is filled with small animals, dogs, sheep, rabbits, a ram, an antlered stag and an urn of incense; flanking trees with birds and squirrels. Executed in solid stitches of brilliant colored silk on an ivory silk ground. Inscribed by the embroidress and dated: M. Hutt Feb. 16, 1783. In gilded frame. 19 inches square. 416—Oxntone NEEpLEworRK Picture. ENGuisH, oF THE EIcGH- TEENTH CENTURY “Jacob Meeting Leah and Rachel.” Jacob, seated partially behind a rock, watches Leah and Rachel driving three sheep into a brook to water; background of hills and trees. The features and sky painted on silk; attributed to Hamil- ton. In gilded frame with black glass mat. Height, 17 inches; width, 20 inches. 417—OvaL NeEpDLEWorK Picture. ENGLIsH, oF THE EIGH- TEENTH CENTURY “A Lover’s Thought.” Said to be a portrait of the fair embroidress, seated in loose crimson robes, her sheep at her feet, inscribing on a tree trunk “Tancred.” The features and sky painted on silk; attributed to Hamilton. In gilded frame, oval black glass mat. (Imperfect. ) Height, 1414 inches; width, 12 inches. Second Afternoon 418—Beravutirut Ovat NEEDLEWORK Picture. ENGLISH, OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY “Blindman’s Buff.” Four young girls in delicately tinted costumes are playing the old-fashioned game in a lightly wooded landscape. Sky and features delightfully painted on silk; attributed to Singleton. In gilded frame with oval opening. (Defective.) : Height, 14 inches; width, 17 imehes. ENGLISH AND FRENCH COLORED PRINTS 419—Two EnexisH CoLorep Prints (a) “Hebe,” printed on silk after Stothard. In gilded frame. (3) Mrs. Gumbledon. Mezzotint after Allan Ramsay. In black and gold frame. 420—EnexisH CoLorep Print 3 “Sophia Western,” after Hoppner. In black and gold frame. 421—-Two Frencn Conorep Prints (a) “L’Eté,” after Lancret. (s) “La Rose,” after Debucourt. In gilded frames with French mats. 422—Two Frencu Contorep Prints “Le Déjeuner anglais” et “La Lecon interrompue,” after Lavreince. In gilded frames with French mats. 423—Two Frencu Cotorep Prints . “La faute est faite” et “La Comparaison,” after Lavreince. In gilded frame with French mats. Second Afternoon 424—Two Frencu Couorep Prints “Nina ou la folle par Amour,” after Houin. “La Rose d’Amour,” after Bonnet. In gilded frames with French mats. 425—Two Frencu Cotorep Prints “Le Minuit de la Marie,” after Debucourt. “Colin Maillard,” after Lavreince. In gilded frames with French mats. 426—Two Frencu Couorep Prints “Les Compliments” et ‘‘Les Bouquets,” after Debucourt. In gilded frames with French mats. 427—Two Frencu Couorep Prints “La Féte du Village” et “Le Tambourin,” after Taunay. In gilded frames with French mats. 428—Two Frencu Cororep Prints “TAveu difficile” et “L’Indiscrétion,” after Lavreince. In gilded frames with French mats. 429—FreNcH CoLorEep PRINT “La Promenade publique,” after Debucourt. In gilded frame with French mat. A30—FreNcH CoLoRED PRINT “Le Baiser a la dérobé,” after Fragonard. In gilded frame with French mat. 431—Frencu Couorep Print “La Galerie du Palais Royal,” after Debucourt. In gilded frame with French mat. 432—FrencH Couorep PRINT “Féte Flamande,” after Wille. In gilded frame with French mat. Second Afternoon 433—CoLorED FACSIMILE : “The Madonna,” after Raphael. In gilded frame. 434—PRINT IN SEPIA “Young Burgomaster,” after Rembrandt. In walnut and gold frame. 435—PrintT IN SEPIA “Springtime,” after Botticelli. In walnut and gold frame. 436—MerzzoTint. ENGLISH, OF THE KIGHTEENTH CENTURFY “Master Herbert-as Bacchus.” Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by J. R. Smith. Published 1776. In black and gold frame. 437—MezzoTint. EnciuisH, oF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY “Mrs. Townley and Child.” Painted by Sir Joshua Rey- nolds. Engraved by J. McArdell. Published 1762. In black and gold frame. | 438—Earty EncuisH STipPLE PRINT “A Bacchante.” Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. En- graved by W. Nutter. Published 1801. In black and gold frame. 4389—MezzoTint. EnciisH, oF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY “Maria,” from Sterne’s “Sentimental Journey.” Painted by R. Hurleston. -Engraved by Wm. Pether. Published 1777. In black and gold frame. 440—Conorep Print. FrENcH, oF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY _ *Sollicitation amoureuse de Golo.” Drawn by Theodore Trokes. Engraved by J. M. Mixelle. - 3 Second Afternoon WATERCOLORS AND OIL PAINTINGS WILLEM CORNELIS RIP Dutcu: 1856— 441 —W ATERCOLOR “The Outskirts of Amsterdam.” ‘Two windmills amidst willows ; red-roofed houses and a church spire stretch across the scene before a rough roadway with a wagon; a peasant mounted on a cart-horse and a pool at right. Signed at lower left. Height, 81%, inches; length, 11%, inches. CHARLES JOSHUA CHAPLIN Frencu: 1825—1891 442—Or1L Pantine “Motherhood.” A young woman, in an ample low-cut pink silk dress, is seated near a table and looking downward toward the front. Signed at the lower left. Height, 101% inches; width, 814, inches. ROULLIN FRENCH 443—Oi1n Paintinc oN PANEL “Moulins de la Galette.” 1868. Shaped carved and gilded frame, enriched with scrolls and shell motives. Height, 81% inches; length, 181% inches. WILLEM STEELINK DutcH: 1856— 444—W ATERCOLOR “Sheep in a Barnyard.” A flock of sheep gathered before f two old thatched high-roofed sheds; a peasant leaning VJ over, opening the nearer of the double doors; a sheepdog sits near watching the flock. Fine broad handling. Signed at lower right. Height, 9 inches; length, 14 inches. Second Afternoon JEAN BAPTISTE VAN MOER Bexucian: 1819—1884 445—Or1L PantTine a “Venice.” The grand canal with shipping and a distant view of Santa Croce; at right, further shipping before the famous Palace of the Doges and other buildings reaching to the dim distance. Signed at the lower right: B. Van Moer. Panel: Height, 9 inches; length, 14 inches. CHARLES LANDON FRENCH: (circa 1815) 446—Oi1L ParnTING “Venus and Apollo.” Standing in close proximity, each with an arm clasping the other. Apollo, wearing a long red mantle over his back caught at the throat, crowns Venus with a laurel wreath. They stand on a narrow ter- race overlooking blue mountains. On arched panel. Height, 15 inches; width, 934 inches. ATTRIBUTED TO WOUVERMAN DutcH: 1619—1668 447—WasH Drawine in Buiack anp WHITE “The Bivouac.” On blue paper. A trooper leading a pack- horse is receiving orders from a commanding officer stand- ing at right, his weary aid resting at his feet; peyene. an army wagon and several troopers. Height, 1014 inches; length, 15 inches. CHARLES P. GRUPPE AMERICAN: 1860— 448—W ATERCOLOR | “Cattle near a Stream.” Low flat rich pasturage, with a placid stream winding from behind a copse to the left fore- ground; two cows at the edge of the copse, one standing on a small footbridge gazing at its own reflection in the © stream; in the hazy distance a windmill, habitations and a low blue ridge are seen. Signed at lower right. : Height, 121, inches; length, 1614, inches. : “a er Second Afternoon J. CANAVERAL SpaNnisH: 1889— 449—Watrrercotor Fan For “Dancing at the Villa.” On a balcony at left two lovers lean on a parapet; beyond, a gay. party dances before a white-walled, red-roofed villa; at right, a landscape with a stream and castle. Signed toward left. Height, 12 inches; length, 24 inches. P. SEZILLE DES ESSARTS FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 450—Or. PaiIntTING “Asleep.” A nude young woman, her hand on a fan, has - fallen asleep on a skin rug which stretches across the can- vas; light blue background above. Signed at the lower right. Height, 261, inches; length, 1814 inches. M. GIDDING EncuisH: CONTEMPORARY 450s—W ATERCOLOR ‘Windmills in Holland.” FRENCH: CONTEMPORARY 452—PortraiT oF A Lapy | Three-quarter length seated, dressed with hat ready for a promenade. Signed at lower right. Height, 25 inches; width, 19 inches. AFTER NATTOIRE Frencu: EIGHTEENTH CENTURY 4538—OIL PaInTING 7 “Tiana.” Three-quarter length, facing slightly to left. Wearing a green robe encircled at waist with a leopard skin, a quiver of arrows slung over her back, an unstrung bow in her right hand and a red ribbon in her hair; a nymph, partially seen at left, points to some distant object. Height, 30 inches; width, 24 inches. = AFTER BOUCHER Frencu: E1gHTeEENtH CENTURY 454—OvaL Pastex | “Venus, Nymph and Cupids.” Venus, standing amidst clouds at left with a light blue drapery round her, gazing at two billing doves, which a small Cupid at right has har- ~nessed with a ribbon; between them, a nymph with a lav- ender drapery attends the goddess. A Cupid on the left peers over a large red drapery which almost envelops him; background of blue sky. Signed at lower right F. L. Height, 35 inches; width, 28 inches. THIRD AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK TEXTILES Frorat BrocapE STOLE OF THE Lovis XVI PeERIop 455 Woven with scrolled bouquets of flowers in natural colors on a damasked tobacco-colored ground. Trimmed with gold galloon. 456—Turet Rose-pink VeLours CusHions Two enriched with panels of brocade, defined with patterned gold galloon; one with galloon only. Two oblong and one square. 457—Two BrocapE CusHions One displays ogivals with floral motives; other facing birds amidst floral scrolls; soft coloring on ‘cream ‘grounds. Backs of green silk. 458—NEEDLEWORK CUSHION Scroll and valance motive in pink, crimson and blue on ivory center; blue border finished with crimson band; back, pink silk. (Imperfect.) Third and Last Afternoon 459—JARDINIERE VELVET CUSHION Front woven with a large leaf-scroll medallion enclosing a charming floral bouquet in pinks and green cut and uncut velvet on an ivory silk ground. 459s—Front oF a Drap vd’Or Brocapr CHAsUBLE IN THE SPANISH RENAISSANCE STYLE Cruciform orphrey, displaying a rayed sacred monogram in gold and silver threads within a silver ogival and a wreath of large flowers which continue and fill the lower panel of the cross. Field of floral scroll pattern in yellow cloth-of- gold. Trimmed with gold galloon. 4598—YELLOw BrocapE CHASUBLE. SPANISH, OF LatTE SEVEN- TEENTH CENTURY Cruciform orphrey of yellow silk brocade, woven with deli- cate flower and fruit sprays springing from unusual scroll motives crested with castellated towers in silver threads on a damasked ground. The field of ivory challis. Trimmed and paneled with gold galloon. 460—SvuPEers GOLD-EMBROIDERED IMPERIAL ROBE OF THE CH’IEN- LUNG PERIOD Composed of four wide oblong embrocaded panels and one plain inner panel of beautiful pale peach-colored silk vary- ing to apricot. Enriched in each panel with raised gold five-clawed “Dragons Seeking the Sacred Pearl of Power,” amidst cloud scrolls and symbolic devices. The back and front panels with deep borders of wave forms. Lined with blue silk. Said to have been worn by the Emperor Ch’ien- lung. 461—Drar pd’Or BrocapE CHasuBLE. SPANISH, OF THE E1GH- TEENTH CENTURY Orphreys woven with roses, bunches of grapes and silver sunburst amidst scrolls of damasked yellow and gold threads, flanking panels of sinuous scrolls with roses, wheat and lilacs in brilliant colors on yellow drap d’or ground. Trimmed with gold galloon. Third and Last Afternoon 462—DucuessE Point. Cream Lace BertHa oF THE Earty NINETEENTH CENTURY Shaped with deep back lobe and curved lappets. Paneled with open scrolls sustaining medallions at intervals and a varied floral border. A central bouquet of flowers develops sprays of flowers which ramify the field. Length, 1 yard 31 inches; depth, 19 inches. 463—DvucueEss—E Pont. Cream Lace Scarr or THE Earty NINETEENTH CENTURY Similar to preceding, with scrolled medallion ends. Length, 2% yards; width, 21 inches. 464—Cream Lacrt SHAawt. Brussets, oF THE Earty NINE- TEENTH CENTURY Triangular, with broad scalloped edges formed of two band- ings enclosing a series of leaf stems and trailing vines of flowers. .Field of charming scrolled sprays and festoons of flowers; very fine silk net ground. Length, 224 yards; depth, 1% yards. 465—EMERALD GREEN AND Drap pd’Or Corr. FRENCH, OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD Orphreys and hood richly woven with beautiful acanthus- leaf scrolls and sunbursts in silver and gold threads on amethyst silk ground; emerald green field enriched with bouquets of flowers within graceful floral ogivals. Trimmed with patterned gold galloon. 466—Larcer Drar p’Or Brocapve Core. FRENCH, OF THE EIGH- TEENTH CENTURY Orphreys and hood of bold floral motives in brilliant colors and silver threads on yellow ground of a later period. In- teresting floral silver Morse clasp. Field of delicate Louis XVI striped ivory silk woven with minute bouquets and festoons in colors. Trimmed with yellow silk galloon and fringe. Length, 9 feet; width, 4 feet. Third and Last Afternoon 467—Turitt Pairs or Oxtp-ros—E VeLtours Curtains AND Two VALANCES Trimmed with patterned gold galloon on two sides. Pleated valances with galloon trimming; two different sizes. Lined. (One curtain pieced.) Curtains: Length, 3 1/38 yards; width, 1 2/3 yards. Valances: Length, 18 inches; widths, 1 yard 6 inches and 2 yards 33 inches. 468—Fovur Pairs oF Portizres Green brocaded velvet, with large leaf pattern in yellow, pink, gold and silver threads. Finished with cord. Lined and interlined. Length, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet. 469—Two EmBrompERED GREEN WATERED SILK CURTAINS Enriched on front and foot with appliqués of open scrolls and flower sprays in ivory silk. Trimmed with silk fringe. Length, 3 yards 16 inches; width, 1 1/3 yards. 470—Two Outp Rep VeELours Currains aND VALANCE Trimmed with patterned gold galloon. Curtains: Length, 2 yards; width, 1 1/3 yards. Valance: Length, 20 inches; width, 2 yards 10 inches. -471—Turee Pairs Rose-pink Brocape Currarys anp THREE VALANCES Woven in delicate green and yellow with recurring inter- lacing floral oval medallions enclosing bouquets of flowers. Curtains: Length, 2 yards 23 inches; width, 1 yard 10 inches. Valances: Length, 19 inches; width, 1 yard. 472—Two WatErRED Buve Sitk Curtains Enriched with embroidered bands at sides and foot, laurel wreaths in ivory silk appliqué. Length, 2 1/8 yards; width, 1 1/8 yards. Third and Last Afternoon 473—Two Pairs or Buve Sirk Currains anp Two VALANCES Crinkled sky blue silk, enriched with bands of ivory and blue brocade. Curtains: Length, 2 yards; width, 1 yard 8 inches. Valances: Length, 18 inches; width, 1 yard 21 inches. 4'74—THrere Partrs or Sirk BrocapE CurtTAIns IN THE Lovis XVI Style Woven with wide watered dull blue stripes alternating with cream floral stripes. Lined and interlined. Length, 2 yards 22 inches; width, 1 1/8 yards. 475—FrRaGMENT oF AuvBUsson Tapestry BorpER Three wide bandings, at the crown enclosing long cartouche with scrolls and fruit, in center a varied cartouche and pateras, at foot a masked cartouche, festoons and ribbon; soft crimson, blue, ivory and yellow on grounds of brown and dull red. Height, 4 feet 8 inches; length, 6 feet 1 inch. 476—INTERESTING Tapestry Panet. FLEMISH, OF THE RENAIS- SANCE PERIOD The foreground occupied by a group of varied birds, a large tree with two gay plumaged ducks flying in it, and canopy- ing the entire scene, and a small stream with a low farther band scattered with figures. A Cavalier and his Lady with page holding her train; at right a woman carrying water from a reservoir nearby; at left two men, one smoking a long pipe, before a small fire and a wooden hut, and an armed sentry doing duty before the fortified towered walls of a city, which fills the middle distance; beyond is a range of blue mountains. The mellow ivories, tans and greens are pleasantly relieved by the reds and blues of the cos- tumes. (Needs restoration. ) Height, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches. Third and Last Afternoon ANTIQUE RUGS 477—Dacuestan Rue “- Field occupied by three and a half geometric lozenges in ivory, tan, pale green and crimson on black ground; three geometric borders on ivory, plum-colored and black grounds. | 4 feet 10 inches by 8 feet 5 inches. 478—Boxuara Rue Similar in pattern to the preceding, but with the extra — bands at ends of diamond motives. (Needs restoration.) 3 feet 11 inches by 3 feet 3 inches. 479—DacuHEsTan Rue Field of three curiously stepped geometric medallions, cen- ter of one of green and red, the flanking of blue and ivory, ~ with the interstices of field filled with conventionalized blos- soms on black ground. Four borders of floral medallions on ivory. Hatchings of red, blue and ivory, and major bor- der a series of alternating green, yellow, blue and crimson saltired crosses on ivory ground. 4 feet 2 inches by 8 feet. 480—Royat Boxuara Rue Close heavy pile. Field displays an oblong lattice enclosing stepped diamond motives. Interesting border of square geometric motives and florettes, with narrow guards and two end borders of recurring stems of flowers. Woven with rose crimson, brilliant red, ight and dark blue and ivory. 4 feet 2 inches by 3 feet 1 inch. 481—Boxuara Rue Woven in center with floral shaped oval medallions quar- tered by a black lattice having infloretted crosses as central motives; irregular conventionalized blossom border, with extra chevroned bands at two ends. Coloring of rose pink, orange and ivory on a dull old red field. 4 feet 2 inches by 3 feet 1 inch. Third and Last Afternoon 482—ANaATOLIAN Ketim Prayer Rue Rich red field, with a curious superimposed hatched and latch-hook prayer arch in green and ivory; geometrical borders; finished with a lozenge band on blue ground. (Needs restoring.) 5 feet 3 inches by 3 feet 7 inches. 483—Siraxk Rue Geometric and toothed edge lozenge medallion in soft colors on ivory, with two smaller blue floral diamond pendants on a rich rose-crimson ground; floral arabesque corners in rose, blue and ivory on black grounds. Small crimson floral border with narrow ivory guards. 5 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 6 inches. 484—SnHirvan Rue Rich rose-red field, woven with three geometric lozenges within stellate devices in blue, black and ivory; zigzag leaf border on ivory ground, with two geometric guards in red, blue and white. 5 feet 1 inch by 3 feet 1 inch. 485—Royaut Boxnara Rue Center oblong, transversed with a floral cross holding four panels of cuplike motives. Interesting irregularly placed borders of chevrons, medallions, blossoms and diapers. Woven in ivory, blue, rose-pink, green and yellow on rich crimson ground. 4 feet 11 inches by 8 feet 5 inches. 486—Kazax Rue Field of two irregular panels, the larger occupied by dou- ble latch-hooked diamonds in ivory, blue and black on an old red ground; the other, conventionalized blossom motives on blue ground; recurring blossom and lozenge border on ivory ground. (End imperfect.) 5 feet 1 inch by 3 feet 1 inch. Third and Last Afternoon oF 487—Lapik Rue OF THE * EIGHTEENTH Gnveiees Stepped mihrab of rich soft red; spandril of sa sphieat ] enriched with leaf motives in red, ivory and blue ble Angular meander guards of ivory, with charming borde1 recurring blue; woven with detached oval blossoms alte nating with quaint clustered tulip stems. (End borde imperfect.) oe » 5 feet 1 inch by 3 feet 5 inch 488—Carapacu Rue or THE EIGHTEENTH Century Four stepped and blossomed medallions alternately i in ros pink and blues imposed on a field of soft blue, bedecked wi blossoms in ivory and pale yellow and rose; five chevron, — leaf and zigzag borders, in light dull tones, finish an inter-_ esting rug. (Needs restoration.) eats Ss 6 feet 1 inch by 8 feet 10 Aa 489—CarABAGH Rue oF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY as Center a shaped stepped pylon enclosing varied blossomed — stripes with three pendanted lozenges superimposed. Woven — in ivories, yellow, blue, red and tawny black. Stellate blos- som and lattice border on ivory ground, with dentate and — geometric guards. (Ends imperfect.) : 6 feet 3 inches by 8 feet 5 inches. 490—Kazax Rue Alternating blue and ivory blossomed lozenges, disposed on = a charming rose ground. Floral and blossom border on ivory ground with dentate guards of blue. (Needs restora- tion. ) 6 feet 5 inches by 4& feet 1 inch. 491—Snirvan Rue Small blossoms in blue, yellow and ivory are closely disposed on a rich crimson field. Ivory border of red, green, yellow and blue, finished with guards of leaf zigzags and blossom motives in tan and narrow defining stripes of red and white, and blue. 6 feet 7 inches by 8 feet 1 inch. Third and Last Afternoon 492—Kniva Rue Two series of three linked floral diamonds in soft blue, plum, yellow and green on ivory ground, alternate with similar motives on a sapphire-blue field. Ivory geometric border with narrow guards. 6 feet by 3 feet 11 inches. 4938—Beriuwn Rue Lozenge and arabesque center of light and dark blue, green and rose on a brilliant crimson ground; curious conven- tionalized floral borders in the same colors. (Needs re- storing. ) 6 feet 3 inches by 4 feet 6 inches. 494—_Domestic Rue or Witton Weave Mihrab arch of soft warm gray, finished with three floral borders in reds, deep blue and warm gray. 6 feet 2 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. 495—Kazax Rue Rose crimson field occupied by infloretted palm leaf mo- tives irregularly woven in blue, ivory, yellow and green. Wide ivory border, with geometric figures in colors of field; outer guard of red and blue variously changed and inter- rupted. (Needs restoration.) 7 feet 10 inches by 3 feet 7 inches. 496—Mosovut Rue Most unusual irregular broken lattice of oblong motives in pale blue, occupied by quaint birds and small floral sprays in ivory and black on a charming soft rose ground. Ivory border with floral angular scrolls in soft colors, and leaf- patterned guards similar to field. (Repaired.) 7 feet 7 inches by 4 feet 5 inches. 497—Kuiva Rue Three series of oblong geometric lozenges in almost neutral tints, alternating with series of stellate blossoms on a lav- ender rose ground. Detached angular S-scroll border. 7 feet 11 inches by 5 feet 8 inches. Third and Last Afternoon 498—Kazax Rue | ae Unusual, broadly drawn pattern; ae field occupied es beautiful infloretted conventional diamond medallion flank« sprays of leaves in dark and ee blue, ivory and pale yellow on a rich red ground. Blossom and medallion borde with diaper ee (Needs repairs.) : 1 feet 2 inches by 4 feet 3 inches. 499—Kazax Rue | | Field occupied by recurring blossomed stripes of red, blue, — ivory, green, tawny black and crimson diagonally placed. — Blossom and medallion border on ivory ground; black and — blue dentate guards. (Needs restoration.) a 8 feet 1 inch by 4 feet 2 inches. — a : 500—Capsistan Rue Rome. Varied latch-hooked and blossomed diamonds, irregularly woven with red, blue, yellow and green grounds on a lovely — sapphire-blue field; rich floral borders, with crimson grounds ~ and colors of the field, finished with dainty ivory and green guards. 3 8 feet 3 inches by 4 feet. 501—Royat Boxuara Carrer Well-balanced field, occupied by an oblong black lattice sustaining at intersections lobed oval floral medallions and occupied by floriated crosses; floral medallion border, with guards and deep extra blossomed bands at two ends. Woven in yellow, ivory, blue and crimson on a dull old-rose varying to a reddish cast in the light. 9 feet 2 inches by 6 feet 6 inches. 502—Lxrorarp Sxin Rue Finely mounted head; tan and blue cloth edging. Length, 7 feet. 508—Larcre Wurirre Porar Bear Sx Rue Long heavy fur; finely mounted with head. “ Length, 6 feet 8 inches. Third and Last Afternoon 504—DacueEstan Rue Varicolored small linked latch-hooked diamonds, flanked by similar and larger diamonds in yellow, pale blue, red, ivory and brown on a fine sapphire-blue ground. Interlacing angular leaf and scroll border on ivory ground, with crim- son and brown geometric guards. (Needs restoration.) 8 feet 10 inches by 3 feet 11 inches. 505—Kouroistan Rue Field covered with small stellate lozenges alternating with diamonds in red, ivory, plum and light blue on dark blue ground; border of alternating ivory and red floral stripes diagonally placed; inner guard of angular leaf and scroll motives in dull yellows and blue on plum-colored ground; similar outer guard on blue ground. (Needs restoration.) 3 9 feet 9 inches by 3 feet 10 inches. 506—Mosovurt Rue Soft rose crimson field, occupied in center by a long arabesque lattice flanked by a series of conventionalized trees and archaic birds, in light and dark blue, ivory and yellow; deep floral border, in the colors of the field, finished with ivory and blue floral meander guards. 8 feet 2 inches by 33 inches. 507—Lone Mosovrt Rue Field woven with three varied floral lozenges interrupted by series of three smaller stellate devices in blues, ivories, rose pink and yellow on dull rose ground. Tawny black floral border, with dentate ivory guards. (Needs restora- tion. ) 10 feet 4 inches by 8 feet 3 inches. 508—Kerman Carper Large central stellate medallion, with pendant enclosing blue floral grounds and a large intricate infloretted center in pale colors on deep ivory which colors repeat in the field of interlacing scrolls; deep crimson scrolled floral corners. Ivory border of lotus and tree motives, flanked by crimson and cream guards on both sides. 13 feet 3 inches by 8 feet 1 inch. Third and Last Afternoon 509—Lone Beri Star Rue = Field of floral arabesque motives in light and dark blue ie x aa be ry ey rare Her ae ayn we Ay ee Beirne PN ~ w ey viMipy Ae Siew LY Fea La hits bi, del i ¥ ‘ Weer Pera HENS. 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