Lah Clog esa ors a tieeper haley, aa cael hte Det ‘ x ale sofa! deeten al shvtat't sap tty th a ten ett pa ai 7 RAGE AEM Sheri Spetret dg tags Speltads eer a es VED PR ame tw gers thoes peaber et slalt “eee van Seen Lounger: velar aay See hee ‘S75 re my teen ae | ie ire ‘2 ‘+ aM tal $. c i be 4? x S ta wed oma THE NOTABLE PERCY R. PYNE 2°, COLLECTION M me ad aa 2. . be % ‘ 3 4 * NAS « i : ND = F in CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which - it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. INTRODUCTION The Percy R. Pyne 2d Collection of New York City and other Amer- ican Views is the most important and complete that has ever been offered at public sale. The proportion of items that is unique, or nearly so, is astonishingly large and does credit to the owner’s taste, judgment and generosity. No form of collecting, within recent years, has shown such unusual increase ‘n interest and value as this department of Americana. Aside from the factor of local patriotism and civic pride which prompts many, who are not interested in any other form of pictorial art, to seek representations of views and scenes that appeal to them on sentimental grounds, there is a large and growing number that seeks everything of rarity and value that sheds light on the early history of the metropolis. The economic neces- sity for frequent change and rebuilding and the rapid march of improve- ment have caused the destruction of most of the old monuments, and these old views are the only reminders of previous conditions. Aside from this is the fact that lithographic art, which early reached a high degree of excellence in this country, is well adapted to the reproduction of archi- tectural and topographic drawings and adds largely to their decorative value. This medium has been used more largely than any other. The pro- portion of original oil-paintings and water-colors is much larger and far more important than is usual in collections of this character. The grow- ing scarcity of these prints, and the greatly increased demand, make this dispersal an opportunity that the wise collector will take intelligent advantage of. The catalogue has been carefully compiled in the belief that its importance and the consequent necessity for accuracy will not only aid present-day collectors but make it a useful reference book for the future. The explanatory notes have been condensed as much as possible. The prints are, in the main, in excellent condition, but imper- fections or injuries are invariably recorded. The beauty of the illustra- tions, especially those in color, and the large number of important items carefully selected for reproduction, make this publication of the Amer- ‘can Art Association the most important catalogue of its kind. ROBERT FRIDENBERG. ~Ser | Shee Te oth Baby ee = Sy ; : > Ry Ser ae ae rod | Oe See LN ~ : eared Regseey pow Bap] oma ae Se (ar XOUOU TE pwr PY ores omer weer (ED eS 5 4 WD ew RY 6 Cin e Ee oe ENO OT YS FIRST EVENING’S SALE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1917 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES EE BEGINNING AT 8.15 0 CLOCK Catalogue Numbers 1 to 155, inclusive NEW YORK CITY GENERAL VIEWS & PLANS All Framed and Glazed unless otherwise noted. Measurements, in inches and sixteenths, rendered decimally for convenience, a newly designed quadrature, suggestive of the square of four, being now first used for that purpose. 1. NIEUW AMSTERDAM. [1656.] Line. Rectangle, 2.6 x 12.8 Novi Belgii | noveque Anglice nec non | partis | Virginie tabula | multis in locis emendata a | Nicolao Joannis Vischero. | Nieuw Amsterdam | op t Eylant Manhattans. | At foot of the first published issue of the map, before the towns: “Gomoe- nipa” “Tamaica” and “Philadelphia.” Colored. 2, NIEUW AMSTERDAM. Same as the above, “a” and the sixth line erased and replaced by “per Nicolaum Vischer.” In left center, between the two fortified camps is added: “Alter Modus apud Minnessincos | Ander Manier — der — Minnessincksche | Dorpen” |, and in lower left: “cum Privil: Ordin: General: Belgii Foederati.” The three towns added. The second issue. Colored. 3. PLAN 1664. Lithograph. Rectangle, 22. x 27.10 “The Duke’s Plan.” | A Description of the | Towne of Manna- dos: | or new Amsterdam | as it was in September; 1661 | lying in lattitude 40°: and 40™: | Anno: Domini | 1664 | 1664 | (Eight lines) | George H. Moore. | New York: December, 1858. | (Six lines) | Richard Sims Manuscript Department | Lith. for D. T. Valentine’s Manual, for 1859, &c., &c. Colored, slight repairs. UNrFropen. 4. NIEUW YORCK. Line. Rectangle, 2.5 x 11.14 Novi Belgii | noveque Anglie nec non | Pennsylvanie et Partis Virginie tabula | multis in locis emendata, a | Iusto Danckers | Nieuw Yorck, | eertijs Genaemt | Nieuw Amsterdam. | A close copy of the first Vischer except that it has “Philadelphia.” Colored. 5. NOVUM AMSTERODAMUM. Line. Rectangle, 4015 x 6.6 From Ogilby’s America, London, 1671, with full sheet of text. 6. NIEUW-AMSTERDAM “RESTITUTIO”. Line. Rectangle, 2.12 x 15. Totious Neobelgii Nova et Accuratissima tabula. | Apud Reinier & Iosua | Ottens | Amstelodami | Restitutio. | Nieuw- Amsterdam onlangs Nieuw jorck genaemt, | ende hernomen bij de Nederlanders op den 24 Aug: 1678. | eindelijk aan de Engelse weder afgestaan | (Key of three lines) | At foot of map. 7. NEW YORK. Line. Rectangle, 2.12 x 11. In lower left of: “A Mapp of | New Jersey, | in | America, | By John Seller,| and | William Fisher.” 17. x 21.8. At top center over main inscription, which is in oval cartouche, a scale of “English leagues”, and under cartouche crowned Arms of Great Britain and motto. In right center palisadoed camps: “Modus muniendi | The manner of the Indian Fortifications | | No. 7—Continued | Towns Houses and Dwelling places” | At upper right edge of rectangle containing the view two: “Indian Canoos | or smal Boats made of y° barke of trees.” In lower right corner crowned Arms of Great Britain with obliterated ‘York’? above it faintly showing under the word “Part”. In lower left of rectangle other erasures indicated. The view is the Allard 1673 type, and the date about 1677. THE ONLY OTHER COPIES KNOWN ARE IN Pusiic Lisraries. | Illustrated | 8. NEW YORK. Line. Vignette, 2.12 x 14.8 New-York, | (Jos: W. Moulton, del.) —in 1673. — (Rob*. M. Gaw, sc.) | Colored. 9. NEU JORCK SIVE NEU AMSTERDAM. Line. Rectangle, 2.13 x 14.3 Recens edita | totius | Novi Belgii, | in America Septentrionali | siti, | delineatio | cura et sumtibus | Tob. Conr. Lotteri, | Sac. Ces. Maj. Geographi | August. Vind. | Cum Gratia et Privil. etc. two lines) | At foot of map. 10. NIEU AMSTERDAM. Line. Rectangle, 8.6 x 10.12 Nieu Amsterdam, | at. New Yorck. — 1 | In America. | Covens et Mortier exc. cum Priv. ord. Holl. et Westfr. | T Doesburgh fe | Title in wreathed cartouche, palm-leaf border. It is a state of one of the most pleasing of the early views and THE ONLY KNOWN IMPRESSION. 11. NIEUW AMSTERDAM. Etching. Rectangle, 8.6 x 10.12 — 79. | Nieu Amsterdam at. New York | Carolus Allard excudit cum Privelegio ordinum Hollandie et Westfrisia — A Maijer fei | Title in scroll; leaf border. A male figure seated at left holding up small animal, a female standing at right holding basket; animals, etc. VERY SCARCE. 12. NIEU AMSTERDAM Etching. Rectangle, 6.11 x 8: Nieu Amsterdam at. New York | Carolus Allard — | Colored. ExcrssIvELY SCARCE. 13. NIEU AMSTERDAM. 1702. Line. Rectangle, 8. x 10.8 Nieu Amsterdam, een stedeken in Noord Amerikaes | Nieu Hollant, op het eilant Mankattan: namaels Nieu jork genaemt, | to en het geraekte in ’t gebiet der Engelschen. | (Title repeated in Latin, three lines) | Pet: Schenk — Amsteld. C. P. | 92 | The searce first issue before the number was erased. Colored. 14. NIEU JORK. Line. Rectangle, 5010 x 7.5 Nieu Jork. | P. Schenk exe. | Title in ornamental tablet at top, with three festoons of fruits and flowers. Leaf border. With similar views of Nombred dios. Panama. S. Salvador. Caput S. Augustini. At foot of map: Nova Totius Americe Tabula | Gedrukt By | Petrus Schenk | Const en Caart | Verkooper | Op de Vygendam | Tot | Amsterdam | Met Previlegie. | In lower left, figures, plants and animals emblematic of America; and in lower right, another scene, with the Rape of Proserpine. Colored. Tie ONLY KNOWN COPY, [Illustrated in color | 15. NEW YORK. 1717. Photo-lithograph. Rectangle, 10.14 x 37. South Prospect of the City of New York. | By William Bur- gis, 1717. | Copyright 1898, J. F. Sabin.| 16. PLAN 1781. Lithograph. 17 x 21.14 Facsimile of an original Map in the possession of G. B. Smith, Street Commissioner — Pub®** by G. Hayward, Lithographer N°. 1 Cortlandt S*. New-York, May 1834 First Issvur. i | | } eas oF ay ew as, b 17. NEW YORK. (1783) Line. Rectangle, 4.12 x 10.7 New York (Key in upper right) | Over view of Quebec, on undivided sheet with views of Mexico and Fall of Niagara. Colored. 18. NEW YORK. (1733) Line. Rectangle, 4.12 x 10.7 New York (Key in upper right) | W. H. Toms sculp. | 19. NUW YORK. Line. Rectangle, lol x 201 Nuw York | Under a similar “Quebee”, and opposite similar “Fall of Niagara” and “Mexico” on map, 19. x 18.12: Nouvelle Carte Particuliére de Amérique, | ou sont Exactement Marquées . le Cana- | da ou Nouvelle France. . . Guati- | mala, le Darien, . . . et la Terre Fermé. | A Map | of the Britisch Empire in | America | with the French Spanish | and the Dutch Settlements | adjacent thereto by Henry Popple. | a London. | Grave, par Jean Conr.Back. | 1756. | To right plans of Annapolis Royal, Boston, New York, Charles Town, St. Augustine, Providence, Cartagene, and ten others. 20. NEW YORK. (1788) Line. Rectangle, lol x 2.2 New York | Under a similar “Quebec,” and opposite similar “Fall of Niaga- ra” and “Mexico.” On map: Carte Particuliére de l’Amérique Septentrionale. | A Map | of the British Empire in | America | with the French, Spanish | and the Dutch Settlements | adja- cent thereto by Henry Popple | at Amsterdam | Printed for I. Covens and C. Mortier. | T. Condet s. | To right, plans of Annapolis Royal, Boston, New York, Charles Town, St. Augustine, Providence, Cartagene, and ten others. Not framed. —— (1733) Line. Rectangle, 2.8 x 1.2 New York | Cut out of the large map: [America Septentrionalis. | A Map | of the British Empire in | America | with the French and Span- ish | Settlements adjacent thereto | by Hen. Popple. | W. H. (2) Tome sculp. 21. FORT GEORGE WITH THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Line. Rectangle, 17.12 x 12s I. Carwitham Sculp | 85 — | A View of Fort George with the City of New York from the S W. | Printed for Carington Bowles Map & Printsellers, at N°. 69 S‘. Pauls . . . London. | Before change of title and publisher. Slight injury in lower left corner. The Holden copy of an important and desirable print. Colored. Very scarce. [Illustrated in color | 22. NEW YORK. Line. Rectangle, 402 x 5.14 New York a City in N America inhabited by English and Dutch subject to the K. of England. | A New & Correct | Map | of the Trading Part of the | West Indies, | including the Seat of War | between G". Britain & America | Likewise the British Empire in | America, | with the French and Spanish | Settle- ments adjacent thereto; Adorn’d with Prospects of y° | most considerable Towns, Ports, | Harbours &c. therein contain’d | from the latest & | best Observations, | To The Right Hon”. Lord Howe, | Commander in Chief of the Fleet in America, | This Map of-the Seat of War is humbly | dedicated by his Obed*. | Ser'. Rob‘. Sayer. | London Printed for Rob‘. Sayer Map & Printseller at the Golden Buck near Sergeants Inn Fleet Street. | VERY SCARCE. 23. NEW YORK. (1741) Line. Rectangle, 4012 x 5.12 New York | References. | (Column of fourteen names) | . | New York is situated in 40 4°, 40 ™'™, N. Lat*. on an Eminence (thirteen lines) | A new map of | North America, | wherein is exactly described all y® European | settlements, with whatever else is remarkable | in the West Indies, | from the latest and Adorn’d with considerable | Towns, Harbours, | &e. best Discoveries ; views | and plans | of the most In border, at upper right of map. The other views are Quebec and Mexico, and the plans are Chibucto Harbour and City, Halifax, Cartagena, Harbour of New York, Charles Town in South Carolina, Boston in New England, Havana, Kingston Harbour in Jamaica and Porto Bello. CESSIVELY SCARCE, 24. NEW YORK. 1761. Line. Rectangle, 6.4 x 20,12 Engrav’d for the London Magazine 1761. | The South Pros- pect of the City of New York, in North America. | 25. HOWDELL-CANOT VIEW. (1761) Line. Rectangle, 12.8 x 19.11 A South East View of the City of New York, in North Amer- ica.— Vue de Sud Est . . . | Drawn on the Spot by Cap‘. Thomas Howdell, of the Royal Artillery, Engraved by “P. Canot. | London Printed for John Bowles . . . Cornhill age New Colledge... . . —. . . 7 The Prison. | The Holden copy. Very scarce. 26. HOWDELL-CANOT VIEW. (1761) Line. Rectangle, 12.10 x 19.11 A South West View of the City of New York, in North Amer- ica.— Vue de Sud Ouest . . . | (two lines as in previous item) | 1. The Harbour. . . —. . . 7 Brew-house. | Colored. VERY sCARCE. 27. NEW YORK. Line. Rectangle, 6. x 10.4 8 | A South West View of the City of New York, in North America. | Printed for Carington Bowles, at his Map & Print Warchouse, N°. 69 in S*. Pauls Church Yard, London. The Howdell view, with three men and a dog introduced into foreground. VERY SCARCE. 28. NEW YORK. Line. Rectangle, 3.11 x 7ol A South West view of the City of New York, in North America. | A copy of the Howdell-Canot view, with the large open field in center foreground. From the Universal Museum and Complete Magazine, 1766. 29. NEW YORK. Line. Rectangle, 3.15 x 6.14 N°. xxx. | A View of New York, Governors Island, the River &c. from Long Island. | Published as the Act directs by A. Hamilton Jun’. near St. Johns Gate Nov’. 1, 1776. | A later copy of the Howdell-Canot view, with the field occupied by ma- neeuvering troops. From the Town and Country Magazine. 30. NEW YORK. Another impression, lacking serial number. 31. RATZER VIEW Line. Rectangle, 48, x 35.8 To His — Excellency | Sir Henry-Moore, Bar*. | (Five lines) | This Plan, | of the City of New York and its Environs, | Sur- vey’d and Laid down: | (Two lines) | B. Ratzer | (Two lines) | Tho*. Kitchin sculp‘. Engraver (etc. two lines) || Plan | of the | City of New York, | in | North America: | Surveyed in the Years 1766 & 1767. | References, | (Two columns) | (Three lines) | London, Publishd according to Act of Parliament, Jan’. 12, 1776; by Jefferys & Faden, Corner of S* Martins Lane, Charing Cross.— | A South West View of the City of New York, | Taken from the Governours Island at * The most important, accurate and desirable plan. Folded in the original marbled paper pull-off case with printed label: “Environs of New York. Printed & Sold by W. Faden. | (Successor to the late Mr. Jefferys) | Charing Cross.” ‘VERY SCARCE. 32. PLAN OF NEW YORK. 1775. Line. Rectangle, 23: x 19.6 Plan | De New-York | et des Environs | Levé par Montresor Ingénieur en 1775. | A Paris. | Chez le Rouge rue des Grands Augustins | 1777. | Nouvelle York. | Novum Eboracum, Capi- tale d’une Province (etc. eleven lines) | In upper left inset: Port de | New-York | Very scarce. 33. THE WOODED HEIGHTS VIEW. Aquatint. Rectangle, 8.6 x 16.5 A View of New York from the North West. The title is written in, the plate never having been lettered. It is an unusually correct and attractive view, showing the wooded heights of the lower part of the city, and is the most desirable of the period. Fine example with large margins. Very scarce. [ Illustrated | Ul a al ee * he ea 66 “ON yp nue yo EAs fas i ghee 5. Ce Ee at Bh we eos pes 37 No 34. NEW YORK. (1777) Aquatint. Rectangle, 4.6 x 18.9 New York, with the Entrance of the North and East Rivers. | On plate, 29.10 x 21.6, with similar: A View of the Highland of Neversunk, N. W. b. W. four Miles distant, with the Light House, on Sandy Hook. N. W. | Note. This Highland is very remarkarable as the Coast Southward of it is low with Sand Beaches, and from its Northern End a low Sandy Beach extends with Clumps of Shrub Pines, at the extremity | of which stands the Light House of Sandy Hook. | The South Shore of Island, ten leagues Eastward of Sandy Hook, four Miles distant. The Light House on Sandy Hook, S. E. one Mile | The Narrows, (between Red and Yellow Hook, on Long Island, & the Kast Bluff of Staten Island,) bearing S. b, W. | Publish’d . . . Octr. 4, 1777, by J. F. W. Des Barres, Esqr. | First issue. Colored. Very scarce, 35. Another impression of : “The Light House on Sandy Hook, S. E. one mile’’ alone. 36. NOUVELLE YORCK. Etching. Rectangle, 9.15 x 15.11 Collection des Prospects.—Vue De La Nouvelle Yorck.— | — Gravé par Balth Frederic Leizelt | New Yorck.—La nouvelle Yorck. | (Ten lines in two columns) | Se vend 4 Augsbourg etc.) | Colored, Not framed. * 37. NEW YORK. [1796.] Line. Rectangle, 15.4 x 21. New York. | The view, accurately drawn and of the greatest interest, shows the west side of the city from the Battery to a point north of Trinity Church; “the great house built for General Washington,” or “Government House,” and the “churn” being prominent. In the left foreground, a man-of-war at anchor. One other copy of this state is known, One other copy of a later and altered state is known only from the reproduction in Valentine’s Manual for 1862. Colored. ‘Tite Most IMPORTANT ITEM IN THE COLLECTION. [See Frontispiece | 38. NEW YORK. (1796) Etching. Rectangle, 12.9 x 18.4 View of the City and Harbour of New York. | taken from Mount Pitt. | the seat of Iohn R Livingston Esq"*| The title in ornamental panel below, in pen and ink, as are the very few others known of this beautiful print. The colors mellowed by age. [ Illustrated | 39. NEW-YORK. 1798. Wood-cut. Oblong. A View of the City of New-York from Brooklyn Heights, in 1798 by Monsieur C. B. Julien, de S*. Memin &c.— Published by .M. Dripps from an Original Drawing now in possession of J. C. Brevoort Esqr. | of Brooklyn. | The scarce orIGINAL, later used in Valentine’s Manual, 1861. Finely colored. 40. NEW YORK FROM HOBUCK. 1800. Aquatint. Rectangle, 13.4 x 18: Alexander Robertson Delineavit —Francis Jukes Sculpsit. | New York | From Hobuck Ferry House New Jersey. | London Pub*. March 31°. 1800. by F. Jukes N°. 10 Howland Street and by Al. Robertson Columbian Academy Liberty Street New York | The Holden copy of an unusually attractive view. Has been varnished, colored. Very scarce. See No. 445, 41. NEW YORK FROM HOBUCK. Water-color. Rectangle, 16.12 x 22.15 New York. ; Signed: C. Lorenzen. 1821. 42. NEW YORK FROM LONG ISLAND. 1801. Aquatint. Rectangle, 13.8 x 19.8 Drawn by John Wood.— Eng*. by W. Rollinson. | New York from Long Island | Published by J. Wood & W. Rollinson New York February 14". 1€01. | A fine impression, though toned by time, of an unusually attractive print. VERY SCARCE. [ Illustrated | — ae SL ee 7 ai oat eer : one. 5 ages nt) Ss Ty os <2 PAILS TPO) 2 HE EOL tk FO EXCESS Xt ytO\rre DAY se eee ct | 2 See Gm . ae f diese peste Sy — meee s ae \ SSE oy ALC Bes i Sey 43. WHITE HORSE VIEW. Line. Rectangle, 18.14 x 23.14 Painted by William Birch — Engraved by Samuel Seymour | The City of | New York In The State of New York North America | Published Jan’. 1. 1808, by W. Birch, Springland, near Bristol, Pennsylvania. The first state with the White Horse near fallen tree; wharf and sail near center of foreground, and large tree at right. The view is taken from Brooklyn Heights. Inscription space has been creased from earlier fram- ing. TurrEE OTHERS KNOWN. Sce No. 462. [ Tlustrated | 44, PICNIC PARTY VIEW. The White Horse and fallen tree erased and a Picnic Party of four sub- stituted; the wharf and sail replaced by shrubbery, two trees introduced at the left, and another added to left of the large one at the right, improv- ing the artistic quality of the composition. The second issue. The Holden copy. Fine and brilliant impression. Colored. 45. NEW YORK. 1804. Aquatint. Rectangle, 11.12 x 17.13 Painted by J. Ward.— Engraved by C. Ward. | View Of The Spot Where Gen. Hamilton Fell, At Weehawk. | Hamilton’s monument in the foreground, the City in the distance. A proof before the printer’s line. A beautiful print, finely colored. ONE orHER KNOWN. [Illustrated in color | ie: 46. NEW YORK. 1807. Aquatint. Rectangle, 9.10 x 16: | Dom™. Serres R A. del—Edw*. Orme —Excudit—J. Clarke & J Hamble sculp. | A Schooner With A View Of New York.— Gvélette, Et Vue De New York. | Published & Sold Jan’. 1. 1807, by Edw*. Orme, 59, Bond Street, London. Serial number scratched. Colored. 47, PLAN 1817. Line. Rectangle, 19.1 x 18.15 This | Actual Map | And Comparative Plans | Showing 88 years growth of the City of | New York, | Is inscribed to the | Citi- [ No. 47—Continued | zens, | G. B. King. sc. N. Y. 1817. | By The Proprietor | David Longworth | Published by David Longworth 11 Park 1817.— Engraved by Ja*. D. Stout. | In lower left: Plan of New York | In | 1729 | Surveyed by James Lyne. At top vignettes of N. York City Hall, Asylum, New York Hospital, New York Institution, and City Hotel. Colored; in folder, VERY scARCE. 48. NEWYORKS HAMN OCH REDD. Aquatint. Rectangle, 8.10 x 18.10 Rit af Klinckowstrém.—Gr. af Akrell | Newyorks Hamn och Redd | Fran Brooklyn pa Longisland. | The drawing was made in 1818 and the print, with the companion Brodway- Gatan, No. 171, was published at Stockholm, 1824. Of unusual artistic quality. Stained in lower right. p \| 49. NEW-YORK VUE DE L’OUEST, (1818) Lithograph. Rectangle, 6.5 x 9.7 Pl. 8 | des*. et Lith. par Ed de Montule | New-York vue de VOuest. | VERY SCARCE. 50. NEW YORK FROM GOVERNORS ISLAND. Line. Rectangle, 14.12 x 23.8 Painted, by W. G. Wall.—Engraved by I. Hill. | New York, From Governors Island. | N°: 20 of the Hudson River Port Folio, | Published by Henry I. Megarey New York.| Fine copy of the first issue. Colored. 51. WALL-HILL VIEWS. 1823. Line. Rectangles, 15.12 x 24.12 Engrav’d by I. Hill. | New York From Weehawk. | To Thomas Dixon Esq’. this Plate is respectfully Inscribed by his Obliged Serv’. | Will™. G.: Wall. | Painted and Published by Will™.. G. Wall New York 1823. | Engraved by I. Hill. | New York from heights near Brooklyn. | (Three lines as in previous item.) | First issues of an unusually attractive and decorative pair in fine condition. Colored. VERY scARceE. (2) 52. WALL-HILL WATER-COLORS. The original water-color drawings of the Wall-Hill pair. From the Wm. F, Havemeyer collection. OF THE GREATEST ARTISTIC AND HISTORIC INTEREST. (2) [ Illustrated | 58. NEW-YORK FROM BROOKLYN HILLS. [1825.] Lithograph. Rectangle, 7.6 x 11.12 State of New-York. | Lithog'® par J. Milbert——Imp”™ de C. Motte. | View of the City of New-York | taken from Brooklyn Hills. | VERY SCARCE. 54. NEW-YORK FROM WEAHAWK. [1828.] Lithograph. Rectangle, 7.9 x 11.2 1° Livraison Amérique Septentrionale Etat De New-York— Pl. 1. | Lithographié par Deroy.—Dessiné d’apres nature par I Milbert. | Vue de New-York prise de Weahawk.—N?°. 1—View of New-York taken from Weahawk. | (Title repeated in Latin and German) | Imp Lith de Bove dirigée par Noel ainé & C’. First issue, India proof, finely colored. 55. NEW YORK. Lithograph. Rectangle, 7.11 x 11.6 New-York. | Milbert type. Colored. 56. NEW-YORK FROM WEEHAWK. Lithograph. Rectangle, 9.9 x 14012 Alex. J. Davis. design’. & eng". Lithography.—Printed by M. Williams N° 49 Sulivan Street New York. | New-York From Weehawk. | One of three known perfect copies. 57. NEW YORK FROM WEEHAWKEN. Oil-painting. Rectangle, 21. x 28.4 View of the City from Weehawken. Unsigned but of excellent execution, about 1830. An unusually artistic composition in fine condition. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. NEW YORK FROM SOUTH BROOKLYN. Lithograph. Rectangle, 6.9 x 12.14 A view of the City, from South Brooklyn, in the upper right corner of a plan, 21.12 x 34.2 of Monroe, Henry and Hicks streets each side of Prospect street. A frontispiece to a pros- pectus of sale of “Prospect Hill, Situate South of, and adja- cent to the Village of Brooklyn.” 8°. New York 1880. Colored. No orHER KNOWN. NEW YORK. Lithograph. Rectangle, 3.10 x 6.2 New-York. | An early copy of the J. Duprée, published by Hinton. Very scarce. NEW YORK FROM BEDLOE’S ISLAND. Oil-painting. 23012 x 32. An original oil-painting, of excellent execution, unsigned, but undoubtedly by John G. Chapman. About 1835. NEW YORK FROM BEDLOE’S ISLAND. Oil-painting. Rectangle, 17.8 x 238.12 New York from Bedloe’s Island. Showing the lower part of the City, Ellis Island, Castle Williams and Brooklyn Heights. See No. 129. NEW YORK FROM GOVERNORS ISLAND. Water-color. Rectangle, 16.2 x 24.15 New-York, from Governor’s Island. An amateurish and crude effort, but of decided interest; about 1835. NEW-YORK FROM THE BAY. 1836. Aquatint. Rectangle, 16.9 x 25.8 Painted by J. G. Chapman.—Published by Henry I. Megarey, New-York.—Engraved by J. W. Bennett. | New-York. | Taken from the Bay near Bedlows Island | A fine example of one of the most important and beautiful views of the period. Colored. Very scarce. [Illustrated in color | No. 52. ar 230. CITY HOTEL. Etching. Rectangle, 12.2 x 16. City Hotel 133 Broadway Corner Of Thames Street 1848 Shows also the “New England House” to the south. 231. CLAREMONT. Oil painting. Rectangle, 26. x 34. A crude, unsigned, but very interesting painting of Claremont, with numerous pleasure vehicles, equestrians, etc. A flag over the main building bears, “Claremont,” and one over the wing, “EK. Jones.” In right background the Church of St. Mary’s, Manhattanville, and the Convent of the Sacred Heart are intro- duced. Tradition has it that the painting was made, about 1855, by a tramp artist, in return for hospitality. [Illustrated |- 232. CLARENDON HOTEL. Line. Rectangle, 5. x 7To4 Demerest 2 Pine St. N.Y.— | Clarendon, New York. | Corner 4. Avenue & 18'". Street | O. C. Putnam—Proprictor. Not framed. 233. COLLECT POND. Lithograph. Rectangle, 15.12 x 23.12 We Are Indebted To The Original Idea And Mechanical Genius Of John Fitch, Of East Windsor, Conn. | The perseverance and indefatigable attantion to the use of Steam of Robert Fulton Esq. P*. The wealth, exalted and estimable character of Rob- ert R, Livingston Esq. Chancellor of the State of N. York, and American Minister to France, | Drawn & Lith. By J. Penni- man; 8014 Canal St. N. Y.—F. Michelin’s Lith. 111, Nassau St. | (Copyright 1846, by John Hutchings) | Origin Of Steam Navigation. | “Honor To Whom Honor Is Due.” | A View Of Collect Pond And Its Vicinity, | in the City of New York in 1793. | On which Pond, the first boat, propelled by paddle wheels and screw-propellers, constructed by John Fitch, six years before Robert Fulton made trial of his boat upon the River Seine, in France, and ten years prior to his putting into opperation his boat | Clermont in New York; with a repre- [ No. 2338—Continued | sentation of the boat and its machinery, on the Collect pond. | By John Hutchings. | N°. 3, Wesley Place, Williamsburgh, L Island. | 1846. The Collect Pond occupies the center, with the streets and the Tombs indicated on the plan. In the upper corners are representations of two steamboats, one with triple-screw propeller and the other with uncovered paddle-wheels. Below are, the “Perseverance” and “The Model Boat.” At the sides an account of John Fitch, certificates, remarks, description, ete. Has been varnished. Tire vERY SCARCE FIRST ISSUE. 234. COLUMBIA COLLEGE. Columbia College, New-York. Engraved by V. Balch for the New York Mirror, 1828, and the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 49". Street and Madison Avenue, the later home of Columbia Col- lege, signed by Smillie. (2) Not framed. 235. CONSOLIDATED EXCHANGE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 26.14 x 18.9 Consolidated Stock And Petroleum Exchange. | 236. COURTLANDT ST. 1856. Lithograph. Rectangle, arched, 17.14 x 37.14 Lith. of F. Heppenheimer, 22. William St, N. Y. | Courtlandt St. New-York | from Broadway to Greenwich Street. | South Side | Published by W. Stephenson & C°. Gilsey Building Bdwy. N. Y. | A. D. 1856. Before Church Street was opened. Slightly injured. Two orHEeRs KNOWN. [ Illustrated | CRYSTAL PALACE 237. CRYSTAL PALACE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 21.8 x 31.6 Drawn From Nature—& On Stone By J. Bachman, | [Copy- right 1858, by J. Bachman,| | Birds Eye View Of The | New York Crystal Palace. | and Environs. | Published By John Bachman, 37 City Hall Place New York. | Of unusual merit and interest, showing the lower part of the City. Fine copy. Colored. Very scarce, ; [8S “ON SM RE EMEA 7 . Ae sae 4 238. CRYSTAL PALACE. Another impression. 239. CRYSTAL PALACE. Lithograph, tinted. Rectangle, 17.12 x 28.14 Figures by Doepler. | Designed by Carstensen & Gildemeister 74 Broadway N. Y.—[Copyright 1852 by Theodore Sedgwick | —Lithography of Nagel & Weingiirtner 74 Fulton St. N. Y. | New York Crystal Palace for the Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations. | This building, . . . City. | The Ground Plan . acres. | Directors: | Eleven names in two columns and names of seven other officers.) | Published by Goupil & C°. 289 Broadway New York. Publication line covered. | 240. CRYSTAL PALACE. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 7.14 x 12.6 Lith. & Pub. By N. Currier,—152 Nassau. Street N. Y. | New York Crystal Palace. | For The Exhibition Of The Industry Of All Nations. Constructed Of Iron And Glass. | The ex- treme length and breadth of the building are each 365 feet. Height of Dome to top of Lantern, 148 feet. Entire | space on Ground Floor, 111,000 square feet, Galleries, 62,000 square feet. Whole area, 173,000 square feet, or 4 acres. | 110. | Title only exposed. Colored. VV 241. CRYSTAL PALACE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 13. x 18.8 Paris V° Turgis, éditeur rue Serpente, 10, et & New-York, Léonard S‘. 99.—Lith. de Turgis r. Serpente, 10, 4 Paris.— Lith. par F. Courtin. | Palais De Cristal De New-York. | pour Exposition de Vindustrie de toutes les Nations. || New-York Crystal Palace. | for the Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations. | Fine example. Colored. 242. CRYSTAL PALACE. Line. Rectangle, 15.6 x 22.12 Drawn & Engraved By—| [Copyright 1853 by Capewell & Kim- mel ]—Capewell & Kimmel. | The New York Crystal Palace, | And Latting Observatory. | Printed By W. Pate. | Published By Capewell & Kimmel. 208 Broadway, N. Y.| First ISSUE BEFORE PLATE WAS CUT DOWN. 243. CRYSTAL PALACE. Oil-color print. Rectangle, 12.12 x 5.12 Crystal Palace, New York Published Sep". 1°. 1858, by | George Baxter. | Proprietor & Patentee | London. | The only New York subject in this series. Very scarce. 244. CRYSTAL PALACE. INTERIOR. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 13.8 x 20.9 C. Parsons, Del And Lith.—Printed By Endicott & C°. N. Y. | An Interior View Of The Crystal Palace. | New York, Pub- lished by Geo. S. Appleton, 356 Broadway N. Y. | (Copy- right 1853)! VERY SCARCE. 245. BURNING OF THE CRYSTAL PALACE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 16.12 x 25.4 Currier & Ives, Lith. N. Y.— | Burning Of The New York Crystal Palace, | on Tuesday, Oct. 6'",, 1858. | During Its Occupation For The Annual Fair Of The American Institute. | New York Pub". By Currier & Ives, 152 Nassau Street. | Colored. AN UNUSUALLY FINE COPY OF A VERY SCARCE PRINT. [ Illustrated | 246. CUSTOM HOUSE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 6.8 x 9. —J. Bornet. | Mounted, as published, on an irregular rectangle, 8.10 x 11.8, printed in gold and lettered: Views | of | New-York | Drawn by C. Autenrieth.— Published by Hoff & Bloede 180 William Str. New-York. | Custom-House. | (Copyright 1850) Colored. VERY scarce. 966 “ON is i ie H egdrpesuipyms Mang) yy aevecydo ng fy Rauetige Bats Macs POTS Yop Auaay oF AWAPROUg, wos] aA Anema aries 247. DAVIS AND IMBERT’S VIEWS. TITLE-PAGE. Lithograph. Vignette, 15.4 x 11.6 Views | P. Desobry. Scripsit. | Of | The Public Buildings | in the | City of New-York | (vignette of the Rotunda) | Dedicated to the | Fine Arts | Correctly drawn on Stone by | A. J. Davis. | Printed & Published | by | A. Imbert | Lithographer N°, 79 Murray S‘. | New-York. The Rotunda, erected by John Vanderlyn for art exhibitions, was situated on the southwest corner of Chambers Street and Tryon Row. No orwer KNOWN. 248. DE PEYSTER MANSION. Water-color. Rectangle, 6.8 x 7.6 The De Peyster Mansion | Queen now Pearl St: opposite Cedar St: | Residence of Gov: Geo: Clinton, | in 1783. | 249. DISEMBARKATION OF THE ENGLISH TROOPS. Line. Rectangle, 6.6 x 5. In de Mercurius May 1777. Eerste Stuk, Pag. 156. | Ont- scheeping der Engelsche Troepen op Lang-Eiland | teegan de Americaanen, den 22 Augustus 1776. | B. Mourik Excudit. | The earliest pictorial record of the Disembarkation of the Troops at Gravesend Bay, under Sir George Collier, before the Battle of Long Island. Very scarce, 250. ELEVATED RAILROAD. 1872. Lithograph. Rectangle, 9.6 x 14.13 Bonwill del— | C. E. H. Bonwill, N°. 7 Murray St. N. Y.— Marshall & Nisbit, Arch’t’s & Eng’r’s. | Plan of an Elevated Street Railroad. | Proposed By Gen'. F. Sigel. | New York January 1872. | 251. FIFTH AVENUE HOTEL. Lithograph. Rectangle, 19.9 x 81.10 —J. H. Bufford’s Lith. 813 Wash". St. Boston.— | Fifth Ave- nue Hotel, New York. | —Hitchcock, Darling & Co Pro- prietors. ONE OTIIER KNOWN, [ Illustrated | FIRE OF 1835 252. FIRE OF 1835. Oil-paintings. Octagons, 6.8 x 26.8 Contemporary, well done, and showing the fire at the Merchants’ Ex- change and at Coenties Slip. The border and sides of gold, with swans and conventional leaf decoration. On boards 9.8 x 48.8. In unusually fine and perfect condition and of great interest. 253. THE GREAT FIRE OF 1835. Lithograph. Rectangle, 16.4 x 23.10 The Great Fire of the City of New-York, 16 December 1835. | Published January 1836, by the Proprietor H. R. Robinson N°. 48 Courtland street New York. | Drawn from life and nature and on Stone by Hoffy.—[Copyright 1886 by H. R. Robinson, ]—Printed and colored by J. T. Bowen. | It shows the Merchants’ Exchange, the offices of “The New York Amer- ican,’ “The Fulton Insurance Company,” ete. The figures are portraits, as is evidenced by the twenty-one reference numbers immediately under the rectangle. Slight repairs. Tur scaArcestT AND MOT IMPORTANT REPRE- SENTATION. 254. THE GREAT FIRE OF 1885. Aquatints. Rectangles, 16.4 x 23.10 Painted by N. Calyo.—Engraved by W. J. Bennett. | View Of The Great Fire In New-York, Dec’. 16. & 17. 1835 | As Seen From The Top Of The Bank Of America, Cor. Of Wall & W™. St. | Published by L. P. Clover, New York. | [Copy- right 1836 by L. P. Clover.] | View Of The Ruins After The Great Fire in New-York, Dec’. 16, & 17. 1885. As Seen From Exchange Place. Both of these attractive prints are of the original first issue, beautifully colored. From the Holden Collection. VeEry scarcn. 255. FIRE OF 1835. Lithographs. Rectangles, 9.5 x 1204 View Of The Great Conflagration Of De®. 16 and 17" 1835; From Coenties Slip. | Sketched and drawn on Stone by J. H. Bufford | (Ete. two lines) N. Currier’s Press. | Ruins Of The Merchants’ Exchange N. Y. | After the Destructive Conflagration of Dec””. 16 & 17. 1835. | (Ete. two lines) (2) Colored. 256. FIRE OF 1835. Another pair; colored. Framed to third lines. 257. FIRE OF 1835. Lithograph. Rectangle, 10.4 x 13.15 A View Of The Great Conflagration. (Merchants Exchange.) Dec. 16 1835. | New-York. | VERY SCARCE. 258. THE GREAT FIRE OF 1835. Lithograph. Rectangle, 9.8 x 11.12 H. Sewell Del. | Hanington’s Dioramic Representation Of The | Great Fire in New York Dec, 16. and 17. 1835. Now exhibiting with other moving dioramic scenes, at the Amer- ican Museum every evening.| Colored; from the Holden Collection. A fine copy. ExcessiveLy scarce. FIRE OF 1845 259. FIRE OF 1845. FROM BOWLING GREEN. Lithograph. Rectangle, 8.4 x 12.13 [Copyright 1845 by N. Currier] | Lith. & Pub. by N. Currier, —2 Spruce St. N. Y. | The Bowling Green Fountain. | View Of The Great Conflagration At New York July 19™ 1845. | From The Bowling Green. | Nearly 300 Buildings Destroyed. —KEstimated loss of Property $7,000,000. | Fine proof impression from the uncleaned plate. Very scarce. 260. GREAT CONFLAGRATION FROM BROAD ST. Lithograph. Rectangle, 8.2 x 12.6 (Copyright 1845 by N. Currier.) | Lith. & Pub. by N. Currier, —2 Spruce St. N. Y. | Trinity Church. | View Of The Great Conflagration At New York July 19° 1845. | Nearly 800 Buildings destroyed.—From Cor. Broad & Stone St*.—Esti- mated loss of Property $7,000,000. Dust soiled but sound. Colored. Very scarce. 261. TERRIFIC EXPLOSION. Lithograph. Rectangle, 8.1 x 12.5 Lith. & Pub. by N. Currier,—(Copyright 1845 by N. Currier) —2 Spruce St. N. Y. | View Of The Terrific Explosion At The Great Fire In New York. | Engine N°,, 22 destroyed, and several lives lost.—From Broad St.—July 19. 1845.—17 Stores blown up. | Fine example. Colored. Very scarce. 262. FIREMAN’S CERTIFICATE. Line. Irregular rectangle, 8.1 x 9.5 Voluntary Aid | These are to Certify that | is pursuant to Law nominated and appointed | of the Firemen of the City of | New York. | Godwin Sculp‘, | At the top, a representation of firemen at work; at the bottom, a fire- engine. Reproduced in Valentine’s Manual. Made out to William Rollinson, 1762 + 1842, the engraver of No. 42, and signed by “Robt: Benson Clk Decr. 28th: 1796” Endorsed by “Willm. Rollinson.” From the Holden collection. 2638. FIREMAN’S CERTIFICATE. Line. Rectangle, 13.9 x 10. | These are to certify | that is pursuant to Law | nomi- nated and appointed one of the | Firemen of the City of New York. | Engraved by Peter Maverick, from a Drawing by Archibald Robertson. | March, 1807. | At top, fireman’s helmet, “N. Y.,” and bucket; “A. R. | 79 Liberty | Street” over circle, “Voluntary Aid” in margin, with Neptune chaining Pluto. Below, firemen at work. The certificate is made out to Sylvanus Hallock, and signed by “J. Morton, Clk. Augt. 28th, 1815.” Reproduced in Valentine’s Manual, 1850. An early issue, before changes in lettering. Colored. 264. THE CITY FIREMEN’S VETO, ETC. The City Firemen’s Veto! | Written by a Chap vot | knows ‘ow! and respectfully | dedicated to the abdicated | Gotham Fire-Eaters! Printed broadside with four wood-cuts of “Squire Twinkenbadus!” “His particuar friends!” “His Pet-Pup!” and “His nice ’oman!” See No. 364. De alte (es | ira rm Or DEAE I (eres (a OS series Ape | = Be) fee) es ee ee ie DSL as & Fk i, o =} sia 5 Bele hie ees No. 251 My, LIFE OF A FIREMAN 265. THE LIFE OF A FIREMAN. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 16.15 x 25.14 L. Maurer. | L. Maurer Del.—[ Copyright 1854 by N. Currier, | —Lith. By N. Currier. | The Life Of A Fireman. | The night alarm.—‘Start her lively boys.” | New York, Published By N. Currier, 152 Nassau Street. | 266. THE LIFE OF A FIREMAN. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 16.12 x 25.10 L. Maurer, Del.—[Copyright 1854 by N. Currier ]—Lith. By N. Currier. | The Life Of A Fireman. | The race. “Jump her boys, jump her!” | New York, Published By N. Currier, 152 Nassau Street. | Down Park Row, alongside City Hall Park, Engine Co. 21 being urged along by the Foreman, Matthew T. Brennan, and passing Hose Co. No. 60. The City Hall and the Bell Tower, illuminated by the conflagration, in the background. 267. THE LIFE OF A FIREMAN. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 17.2 x 25.14 L. Maurer. | L. Maurer, Del.—[ Copyright 1854 by N. Currier | —Lith. By N. Currier. | The Life Of A Fireman. | The Fire. —“Now then with a will—Shake her up boys! | New York, Pub- lished by N. Currier, 152 Nassau Street. | 268. THE LIFE OF A FIREMAN. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 17.2 x 26.1 —L. Maurer. | L. Maurer, Del.—[ Copyright 1854 by N. Cur- rier |—Lith. By N. Currier. | The Life Of A Fireman. | The Ruins. “Take up.”—‘“Man your rope.” | New York, Pub- lished By N. Currier, 115 Nassau Street. | 269. THE LIFE OF A FIREMAN. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 17. x 25.8 C. Parsons Del—[ Copyright 1861, by Currier & Ives ]—Lith. Currier & Ives, N.Y. | The Life Of A Fireman. | The new era. Steam and Muscle. | Location at the northeast corner of Murray and Church Streets, the then dry goods district, Chief John Decker in the foreground. The City Hall, illuminated by the flames, in the background. 270. THE LIFE OF A FIREMAN. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 17. x 26. —J. Cameron |—[ Copyright 1866, by Currier & Ives, ]—Currier & Ives, Lith. N. Y. | The Life Of A Fireman. | The Metropolitan System. | New York, Published by Currier & Ives, 152 Nassau Street ! | Horse apparatus, Engine Co. No. 29 and Hook and Ladder Co. No. 10, proceeding south on Broadway below Dey Street to fire at lower corner. 271. FIREMEN PAST AND PRESENT. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 17:8 x 24: A proof before all letters of the Thomas & Wylie, Firemen, Past And Present, with the Burning of the Crystal Palace. 272. FIRST DIVISION Ne Yoon: 3. Lithograph. Rectangle, 17.8 x 2604 F. J. Fritsch Del.— | Morris Cadets, Hussars—German, La- fayette, Montgomery, Washington and Brooklyn Horse Guards —National G, and Washington Greys Troop, Horse Artillery, Lancers. | First—Division | New York—State Artillery. | [Copyright 1844 by F. J. Fritsch. | In center of margin an American eagle, flags and war emblems. The view shows Castle Garden, the Battery and Bay. Colored. First issue. Very scarce. See No. 315. 273. FISHER & BIRD’S MARBLE YARD. Line. Rectangle, 8:11 x 7.12 Fisher & Bird’s Marble Y | 287 | Marble Mantels & Statuary. | Chimney Piece Wareroom. | Entrance To The Wareroom. —Fisher & Bird. | Drawn & Engraved | By | John Baker | 359 Houston St | N. Y. | Fisher & Bird’s | Marble Yard | 287 Bowery | New York. | About 1840. ONr oTHER KNOWN. 274. FULTON THE FIRST. Line. Rectangle, 9.13 x 14.10 Drawn by J. J. Barralet, from a Sketch by Morgan, taken on the spot.—B, Tanner, direx*. | Launch Of The Steam Frigate Fulton The First, At New York, 29". Oct". 1814. | 150 feet [No. 274—Continued | long and 50 feet wide, will mount 28 long 82 pounders, and 2 50 pounders. (Columbiards.) | Philadelphia; Published 27**. March 1815 by B. Tanner N°. 74 South 8™ S¢*. | VERY SCARCE. 275. FULTON STREET AND MARKET. Aquatint. Rectangle, 9.5 x 13.6 W™. IL. Bennett Pinx*. et Sculp‘. | Fulton St. & Market. | Henry I. Megarey New York. Very scarce. See Nos. 156 and 359. 276. FORT GANSEVOORT OR OLD WHITE FORT. Lithograph. Rectangle, 8.14 x 12.1 Published by James Van Valkenburgh, N. York 1834—Lith. of. Endicott & Swett. | Baptising Scene. | Near the White Fort Hudson River, New-York. | Colored. OwN®r oriEeR KNOWN. 277. GAS LIGHT CO. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 12.2 x 18.4 E. Jones & G. W. Newman, Lith. & Printed In Colors—128 Fulton S‘. N. York. | The New-York Gas Light Co*. Works. | 215. & 22"¢ Streets & Avenue A. | Erected 1847. | John Mow- ton, Engineer. Edward Jones, Architect. | (Six names of ar- tisans in two columns, and “Plan.”) | Incorporated with per- petual Charter March 1823. Capital $1,000,000 | Commenced lighting from their Works corner of Hester & Rynders (Cen- tre) || Streets, March 1825. Extended the Works to the corner of Centre and | Canal St*. 1828. The C°. supply Gas south of Grand Street. | —W. W. Fox, Pres‘. C. L. Everitt Secy. | No OTHER KNOWN. 278. GEM SALOON. 1854. Lithograph. Rectangle, 19.2 x 25.2 Corner Broadway and Worth formerly Anthony Street. A Famous Hostelry known as having the largest mirror in the City. The figures are portraits of Mayor Fernando Wood, James Lawrence and other noted men of the fifties. Cut to the rectangle. 279. GOVERNMENT HOUSE. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 14010 x 21:4 C. Milbourne, Delint. Et. Excu’. | 1797 | From The Original Drawing By W. J. Condit.—| [Copyright 1847, by H. R. Robinson,| | From An Original Drawing In The Possession Of Thomas N. Campbell Esq.—Lith. & Printed In Colours By C. Currier, 33, Spruce St. N. Y. | The Government House. | This . occupied it, | It. . . down. | Drawn expressly for D. T. Valentine’s Manual.| Second issue. VERY SCARCE. Vv 280. GOVERNMENT HOUSE. Another copy; seventh issue. 281. GOVERNOR’S ISLAND. Blue plate. 10.8 View of | Governor’s | Island | By W. G. Wall Esq’. N. Y Fine and perfect. The title is on the back in a panel supported by a seated boy. The impressed stamp a crown and: “A. Stevenson. Warranted. Staffordshire.” : [ Illustrated | 282. HAMILTON SQUARE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 8. x 12.5 Lith & Pub. By J. Baillie—(Copyright 1847)—87. St. Near 3° Avenue N. Y. | The Grand “Washington Monument” Pro- cession. | As it appeared on Hamilton Square during the Cere- mony of laying the Corner-stone, October 19. 1847. | On Stone from a Drawing taken on the Spot by J. L. Magee. | A large float, drawn by six horses, with bust of Washington and young woman as Liberty. In background pedestal and stand. Colored. No OTHER KNOWN. 283. HANOVER BUILDINGS. Lithograph. Rectangle, 8.10 x 10.8 On stone by J. P. Newell—J. H. Bufford’s Lith. Boston. | Han- over Buildings, Hanover Square, N. Y. | VERY SCARCE, 284. HARLEM BRIDGE. 1864. Lithograph. Rectangle, 13:4 x 32. Endicott & Co Lith. 59 Beekman St New York | Harlem Bridge. | Now Being Erected Across The Harlem River, At The Ter- mination Of The Third Avenue, New York. | (Four lines of description and at sides names of officers) | Colored. 285. HARLEM LANE. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 18.8 x 28.11 —J. Cameron. Del, | (Copyright 1870, By Currier & Ives) | Lith. Of Currier & Ives.—152 Nassau Street New York | Com. Vanderbilt with | Myron Perry and Daisy Burns. | Bonner with Dexter. | Fast Trotters On Harlem Lane N. Y. | New York Published By Currier & Ives 152 Nassau Street | The “Club House” is Toppy Me.Guire’s at about 187th Street and Eighth Avenue. 286. HELL GATE. Aquatint. Rectangle, 5.5 x 7oll Drawn under the direction of the Author and Engraved by M. Merigot. | View of Hell Gate; the Entrance from Long Island Sound to New York. | Published March 1,-1807, by James Cundee, Albion Press, London. | 287. HELL GATE. Aquatint. Rectangle, 1001 x 138.18 Painted by J. Shaw.—Engraved by J. Hill. | Hell Gate. | Pub- lished by Thomas T. Ash Philadelphia. | View taken from the Gracie house. Colored. 288. HELL GATE FERRY HOTEL. Lithograph. Rectangle, 8.2 x 12.4 View Of J. M. Dunlap’s Hurlgate Ferry Hotel, Foot Of 86™.. Street And East River, New-York. | An obliging Host, beautiful LNOU poweunuy svaramupy tt *y40 T-arany fo Gry aqs ut porsd/opy 291 fo Ang apf “40 BPEL pur sis oq2 tapun ‘1221 (aunf) “spuopy yxy aup Jo yer 2p Uo sorzeyD Aq pareiodsoouy sear “AD sity JO suvrnydyg aqeqpadjas aaaya ‘pang jammy pue ‘sno ujof, ‘uerypptal 427g Aq *JOUIZAOD U-t2 3p) OF HORNA, © JO aouonbayuog ui puz ‘o4Z1 sv9aX au ut *XYOR-MAN JO squenqeyuy ayi Jo suondiajqng ayeatid Aq uayeisspun seay uorniyuy STH ap — snoumpy ‘yang Ase ‘pinay “waysSoH WeUITAL ‘uorBaig-afiopy *winvavg jandies ‘Cavaxpody ‘way ydjopy suBttIraS aunuayE A 1 ‘MENT “S PIeYNY *IMO.AIOT [ONES | “yod WB ‘Kakegq pacyony SNOZIUAS WYN “TT pnwes | ‘sioBpoy “g “Y U4ol SNVFIOISAHG *uosurqoy “LL WENA ‘tong panurpy *ayyursy ae Suir y cea “J9A0[D *[ uyo ‘ua\ jaqo | ‘asset uaor ‘ueucipng settoy ‘siaBiny Asuapy ‘wINUIPY WITT, ! tunf *ysopceyy Aauapy ‘aeBpg weit | 4sajo *g uyol sunt ‘Aesanyy ugof ‘quay soutef ii ‘saadoy S20 “u1OYIIULIBYIS J939g ‘Mapjasvag ‘KG ~SVWOHY, soinfoasy, ‘xv auOW NHOf “pap pe41g-3214 ‘NOS¥AVTID MIBLLV]IN qwapyfa4g ‘NOLIVA\ AUVUID SYONAXAAOD veg on ug Cok era "LOLI awaxX ayy 104 zond/oyy y4O{-MIN I JO ALVIS ‘ITY OJ, popusaixy Aeyy T oN “L6G “ON 84518 |s je |e je je far oz | 6 | Soi] sz £5 | obz es CR eS pe eet = Baie SlslEl? la B12 Fd at Sat l= ee | Bie) & my x} ° Si od eee be Spe = ‘syanyqy sequin] ayy Wosy pantlwpy Suuvmay sone 1 8 2 I I 5 z = 6 16 - = = *UOREXN’T = eS 7 t - - - ‘shnedapy o = t z - + = fsadsopt = seas Ta - = ‘syndowapy => a ae t lz =) 2) ee (SPABIC) zz 243 TERY, UL ‘a i fan s - = feydadsAcy rar Tiss Sle - - ‘eyauayiq 4 = g2 as a) iiss = = ‘suonesoyicf = £3 ogee. =o 1 - - = “quRIeD = Sa ye t t - + = ‘yeaneg y ea- YP ie ee Poe =| (3) s 2 S = ] I - - - ‘eMNYyy ) & oF I 9 2: {eoarjRuy Sa =] ag 7 z - - ‘hkxadody 3 etn be: $1 | gi 5 | = = = ‘spunom ie Eta | es) | € €1 6€ | 6g 1% agile iw *s499(Q) = 3 I zt £ I - = = foun, ~ | se Cl Il 94 | Lz te} - - = ‘syiudds vines I I SS; c - = frinydoayog 3 ad Vio (oP be | cb g - + “uyneumayy et; Le | I I 1 = - = ‘sniyoeyp ms - fold £1 +z | 6¢ ir - - ‘euounsag Reo apemes fo) £ 9 1 - ‘uowyng syupd ' if 1 I - - = ‘tpyg a aaa Peas oe called ; = I £19 1 - = ‘e1utyepydg I 1 - = ‘eyoyouelapy ; 6 |z I y | te + - - = fe1ueyy z c £ £ 1 - = ‘emyssou0y Cilie 6 |1z g - - ‘Ssonpery 6 c €1 | 1€ Lai - ‘squiry uozosy 5; J& nal 13 a 1 16 /¢€ £ £ = Wutawy sugey aS Ab ION ot po Lo g 1 ~ = ‘emysseig | I I - = = ‘sia0uRD } 1 £ I Sete ‘suung, £ I 6 I - - - ‘sappy I 1 1 4 z= t tao a oz) e;a| + = 33/2 mslpsl =F] 3 | 3 lSe8io 5) -sasvasia Sis lmalsel sir | sien i= Siace BE esis oe te ees (ey 5 S73) Cy =] | 3 (fel eal 3 > Se S we} S4 = oases cae g6L1 ‘huvnuvf fi of ‘LOL1 ‘havnuvf fi uosf youdory y4oq-many agit ur paritupo syuayvg fo saqunyr aga fo wunooy MOVg { rarasoea — - *euog Jed soureg of i I ilo |ecuy' F I:4o [s60\7 — : —|—| | 42 $5592, —$<—<=—$$——— ch ye | me 4 i 29 |= 11 T41 ‘uNOsDy Ss pseMoig ‘daqumnty, JOy “22UgueY NIN T i atp sad se ‘suojaag }JO sdomnvaxy at pied weg of | Aspuny 02 anp op Ag i1}b Joos s; _. ¢ foc €6rrF - — ‘taaanyvory © 919i - s[e1ou arp 02 anp soueyeg Ag __ ny jo pated ol © jo [09 | - "440 L-MIN Jo 19 or %2£¢ sated latja 30 uopeiodsoD aya jo puog -2}{ JOJ satipungs 0] ¥ uO Yaiaqwy swat € 105 o1tp Ag mb 42 *Areaqyy ata © jo jog - - ‘961 aeay an uy J0y ‘2299 ‘sYoog oO], payed ‘ame yISa7J IYI Jo py ue 6 o chi ‘sje0oQ) 23 POOA\ OL 01 qwurnyind *saury s04 “aye £ mw ShF sag petal | "lo “A al Hsnoquryy “u2yyy “7 Jo op kg a 129M eae oa lo joss = - ‘aig at]2 07 sauny 9 Ir = *a2g ‘susidg ‘aur\y ©. pron], “ey2urg paviacy) 30 viup Ag & 61 Sgf ‘sadeqy squeasng of, - - “Ww 405 op Ag ib £1 6SLe7 - *sa2 JIED © pur sarod ot oJ orp Ag -uadxg plowynopy of, ‘sauoned Arg 105 paatooas Wed Ag if jcroctall - = fava k Yry Woy J I, er | *F |[suojsag Aspuny anp aourieg o 7 “G "gOL1 ‘qiuopy pfuf ag fo iF as or ‘LOLI ‘qaopy yuf ag? fo YS 29) woif ‘sainypuadxg puo siqiesay agi fo huvuuunsy p Gu129 “IV L1dSO}] YUOX-AAN agi fo sLNnooy agi fo Lovuisay OS a8 OF ivenbag puy aeyF 7] ‘WALT fo ning ayn “variomagy 1 ue gensany fo 619 241 np persljoH oy Jo “aq ynw ayodung 1ey2 Joy WOT ayy qwya “Ay Aq Suonmmyuy aqvatzeyD siya yo asoddng ay 02 DINQIEIVOD 0} Wot pray Avur suoneuyruy Your suopiog Gory ULIOJUt 07 sadosdwt 3q ou Aes ay “4 “NT sayodang a]qenjra si tog ‘Aauoypy jo wns & jo uonvtidosddyy enue ayi 02 areanjuaUNuo? punos aq [ILM wonesodsod aya jo spung ay *padoy aq or Ajyjouwea si ay pue fapeut uaag Apuasye avy syoog jo uornpayjod ajqeniua pue Yay Asa v ‘azar *Wod Suyryoing ata ‘yanug pur yoyryy saoYoG jo sured pue sued ap kg “166 “ON 4g * pur syAyq Jo siuapmig 01 payentory Apesi3 aq a8papmouy Suumbse jo suvayy Std PUE ‘suoyLI2O [N\paau fu UO UONeULOJUT jo yaq ayi aaey AeUT ‘jendsopy ay2 Jo suoadding pue Suef Ay aup se [fam se ‘sonjayaraya sious9A0D ay? IeyD OF “upIAasaty UORIULIOD & savy se ‘stoTIEAy Feoqutouosa9 pur jvarydoyopiyg Yong uo pur ‘sya/qng jea1Zan.s1yD pue [eorpayy Uo s4oog Jo payoduio> aq 09 ‘Aresqry v jo ZuuuiSag up se ‘spunog pospungy omy, Jo winy 2113 par0a PARY SIOUL..AOD ay ‘o[qujod St OY papuare Yonur se oq aysiu adua!9g pue suaqia7] Jo YasaIU] ay wey puy—*Aoidarg ary 03 Paauiodd»: savy adayjop ayr jo Anse [uaipay aya woym ‘rupoy -aq Aq oa1VeIg Jo sp2lqD 125 S401 aq2 UO Pasaat[ap sainy7aT JeruID ayy Aq paiowtosd you A49A si yD1g a2 Jo sased ayy UO vue ~Puany Wor paruiap iyauag ay? f Ascuruiag yet jo waMYqeY| [er1paya) Iua{jaoxo ay) o2 UONIppY TIenjea & auor9q snya sey Yomyar “feadjopy ays jo an7VEIg yp AjsenBas puage ajimayy ‘adayjoo FIquinjod Jo s4gyajosg [1payy ay3 Jo sainyya] op pusne om ‘sqwapnrg ay F “Hutiod q[ery ssoueyuino.g se uooy oy ‘uauro Ay rueuSo1d payasyrp pue 100d jo uonepouuos.y pak vondeoy ayy 10§ ‘par ul-Suyfer] e du ay 03 uoejdusaquog ur st at "PAT pue ‘soeruesy “PIL uawaZeuvyy pearansmyD “ply “quaWeIT] [eSIpIP) “Yl duinbas su suossag yony jo uondasay ayi 40 ‘Aseutsyuy ue Ajsadord st yor ay ‘euidjoy siyy tog ueys aynopy-susyy uv 107 syyafqQ sany st passpyuo> ase ‘pury Aue Jo WILLY PonuNuOS Zuo] 10 tapnaidassoq ajquanout szapun BuLsnoge] suoss9g sa0ypetd yarn YP21/Bn0.1 aq pinoy >pyINO aur ‘ajoym atp Jo Aypiqeind pur adueseaddy s9119q ay 10J Put ‘salt | jo BuLtwaod v iw parejdas aq o1 Ano pure ‘aredas pacu woo [IM Jooy pajdumy aya t anopy-ye\y PUL UayoITy, aya Ur INOqeT pue any Jo AtuoUTs9G Jaxaq ay2 Joy pareajdusod aq 01 saainbas ‘payjiuy U9aq 19h s2aau sey YoY Burpjing sy2 jo soo,y punosy ayr ‘qe siya st soa t umop Busyem 10 Buyquun.s sz w2A2ud 02 “1M B Aq pa.inoay aq spsemsaaye ynut punosn ay jo ued e t aouadxg aqQe4 ~2pyuo> iw padoy so payjraay aq vitdjoj) aya punoae Ajayeipauruny punory ap pue ‘Aeme pares 2q YyNw punosB-peudjopy aya punose ypsey aya jo yonur *Aa1> ap jo uoNesodsoy ay Aq pasapso s12921g Burnoqydisu ayy jo suonesaapy ay2 01 Bujao tog { s}uasutasueuy Aseyorou ays yeajdwio 02 2192 u9aq JOU AAFY s1OUIIAOD aya ‘saoUEMOL]Y snoisuad aay je SarpuryyrmI9Ny *pauonuant urasoyy sauty Uyers92 yeadjopy ayy 03 Aed 03 paypastp st soyeEpy ~IMOGMEET ay 0. Z-mapQy fo 140g 2Y1 219jnF24 01 Kyjunyrfe 240m yy uy ,, “paymut ‘9641 (judy) “qauoy YPanoy aya Jo Yt payed ‘ainieyl3e7y ap jo Wy ue Ag “sieaX smog 105 *wnuuy sad spunog puvfnoy.y, aug ‘yo wing saipang 2x12 Surppe Aq payeasour sem syn ‘9641 (Asenaqeg) “ypuopy puooay aya Yr pue ‘Ay[cnuue sseaX 2Aty Jo} parursd sem spunog pup/noyy, 4nog Jo wing atp pue ‘payeadaisem ‘spaetog punfioys amy Burmoye sos py ap ‘$621 (Lsenagaq) ‘yoy puosay ayy uy suzoddng san0q sit Joy ‘anp.sivauiy Jo uoNesapyUOD ¥ se ‘sea PAL J Jos “ea A v spunog puvfuoyy, omy, payuesd ‘zoZ1 ui aanaepidar] sup ‘aoveg atp aouy “ayioxq ap Jo no Aai0g aya pied sem yaya ‘Anu rey jo sued snoJ Jo aduEMo][y UE adaoxa ‘sanity “HYJOH Jo wawa2usWWOD at uA payead Buraey unaeyiZary perouraosg aup Aq se~y 2y2 03 snotaid paiuesd Anuuy aj [—*paatacas asam Joquinny & auIty, yoy ae ! quaneg eAtIa4 03 19psQ s9dosd UL SEAL asnogy aya Jey “1641 (AtvnuLl) ‘qauoyy Yay at [HUN IoU sea I ‘2eA\ ap BuLnp suaziD sno Jo saoueyuinoit atp) uy uaUIaduLsacy oy pur ‘sajqeyqO Jo Ayre, & 03 BuMO suoyyed) yng >t Aq paanfur yonur pue ‘syxsesseg se paidnoc0 sem aynozy aya se\\ ata Suuinp pur ¢ uonsjdwi05 sit paquaaaid “482K aus ay) ut adeqd Yoo3 yotym UID ISAG-1V94D) YALA JEAN aya ang ¢ ajnogy aur Surpyingar pus ‘syoT saya Suidas uv Pe 02 ‘spunog puv/noys, anol jo tung 242 Way) por0a AjazeIpauury youre aanaeyji3a7y au 10u pey ‘papuadjny uaeq sary sdeysad pynom suoyuaiuy saya pue ‘spunog pivfnowiZ, Wa22E Jo yo & paurRYNy Arai20g aya AauuTyED si—n Ag—-padosyap Ajaeou sem pur ‘S21 (Asenaqat) ‘tauopy puoray aya jo yage ay Uo asy O03 Ajjeauapioze at ‘pareajduto> youre sear anoFy ayy way Apareunatogun ang *£421 uy uodn paaase sear trouol uyof -1q 4q payed3ry Buipying ¥ jo urjg & pur ‘savax Luan] soy ‘Aqenuue spumog pupunpy 19417 Jo a2ueMolfy ue Aq uornanyuy ay3 papre ose aun wylday aya f mivysigf-79215 Jo siseg Jaro pue ‘uopuo] jo siuenqequy Auew jo suownginueD sayz Aq papte seas ay Savage mviypty sg pue 118427104 sopog] yo a2uanpuy ayy Ag *J9N]2Y Joy stampo Jo Arey ayy vo way yeo aouaZipuy auraaaxo pur sorpeyepy aoa ‘uormnayyuy ay Jo iysuag 2y2 02 papnut 2q Pinoy suosiag [le avy Inq FsuONPUIYIG snordijas Jo “pot “euopeu Aur o3 ‘sume paypeNUO2 Jo sQUINyUT Aue pawrejoyip Ajuosiun Ars120g ots ‘AquLIyLIYyD jo sajdioung ayy Aq poremuy kt | [ No. 288—Continued | scenery and cool summer retreat, Refreshments of the first quality, with Horses and pleasure Wagons to let, also Boats and Tackle for fishing-parties, renders this place second | to none in the vicinity of New-York. Murphy’s Stages from City Hall, Pell St. and Bowery, run every 15 minutes and carry passengers to this place for 6 cents. | —Published by James Baillie, 87*".. St. near 87 Avenue N. Y.— | 249. | Colored. VERY sCARCE. 289. HIGH BRIDGE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 8.2 x 12.11 Lith. & Pub. By N. Currier,—(Copyright 1849 by N. Currier,) —152 Nassau St. Cor Of Spruce N. Y. | Length 1450 f*,,—The High Bridge At Harlem, N. Y.—Height 114 f*,, | This mag- nificent bridge of stone forms a part of the immense works erected to bring the water of the Croton river to the City of New York.—The length of the aquaduct from the Croton fiver | to the City Hall, is 4414 miles, and cost about $13,000,000. | 699. | Colored. Masked to title. 290. HIPPODROME. EXTERIOR. Lithograph, tinted. Rectangle, 7.4 x 10.12 (Copyright 1853 by T. S. Berry) | Composed for the Piano Forte | and respectfully dedicated to the Visitors of the | Hippodrome | Lith. of Sarony & Major N. Y.—871%4 Cts. nett. | Site occupied by the Fifth Avenue Building. INTERIOR. Lithograph, tinted. Rectangle, 7.12 x 11. Entered . . . 1858, by Geib & Jackson, . . . N. Y. | Hippo- drome Scottisch. | 38 Cents nett. | Published by Geib & Jack- son, 499 Broadway, N. York. Inscriptions partly masked. In one frame. 291. HOSPITAL. Wood-cut. Folio broadside. N®. 1 | Charity Extended To All. | State of the New-York Hospital for the Year 1797. | The wood-cut view of the New York Hospital is on the front page of the First Report of two folio leaves. It gives a short history of the building (Broadway, between Duane and Worth Streets), undertaken 1770, incor- porated 1771, and the corner-stone laid in 1775, and is of unusual interest and importance for the medical statistics. [ Illustrated | 292. HOSPITAL. Line. Rectangle, 6.15 x 11. John R. Murray delin—Leney sc‘. | View of the New York Hospital. | 293. HOWARD HOTEL. Lithograph. Rectangle, 18. x 24.8 On Stone by C. Parsons—Lith. Of G. & W. Endicott, 59, Beek- man St. N. York.— | Howard Hotel, Broadway, New York. | Corner Of Maiden Lane. | —By Thomas & Roe. | Shows the east side of Broadway, Maiden Lane to north corner of John Street. Two other impressions known. [ Illustrated | SOCIETY OF ICONOPHILES FIRST SERIES TWELVE ENGRAVINGS ON COPPER BY Epwin D. Frencu. 294. 1. St. Paul’s Chapel; 2. Interior of St. Paul’s; 3. Fraunces’ Tavern; 4. Roger Morris House; 5. Hamilton Grange; 6. St. Mark’s Church; 7. City Hall; 8. Halls of Justice (““Tombs’’) ; 9. Acad- emy of Design; 10. St. John’s Chapel; 11. Reservoir; 12. Bowl- ing Green. 101 impressions issued on Japan paper. In original wrappers. 1895. SECOND SERIES TWELVE LITHOGRAPHS BY CHARLES FEF. W. MiIciatz 295. 1. Battery and Castle Garden; 2. Morningside Park and St. Luke’s; 3. Aaron Burr House; 4. Clinton Hall; 5. High Bridge; 6. Har- lem River; 7. South St.; 8. Oyster Market, near Christopher St.; 9. Dutch Reformed Church, Kingsbridge Road; 10. Five Points; 11. Poe Cottage, Fordham; 12. Old Mill, Van Cort- landt Park. 132 impressions issued on India paper. In original wrappers. 1898. THIRD SERIES Earty AMERICAN Printers AND ENGRAVERS. ExXGRAVED ON COPPER BY Francis 8S. Kine. 296. Isiah Thomas. 297. Paul Revere. 298, Alexander Anderson. 299, Amos Doolittle. 132 Impressions issued on India paper. 1897-1901. Hugh Gaine is missing and James Rivington, framed, with the Gazetteer 1773, is No. 355. FOURTH SERIES Mew anv Events ConnECTED WITH THE CITY Six ENGRAVINGS ON COPPER RY Francis S. Kine 300. 1. Lafayette and his Landing Aug. 16. 1824; 2. Washington and the Evacuation Nov. 25, 1783; 8. DeWitt Clinton and Erie Canal celebration, 1825; 4. Admiral Dewey and the Arch, 1899; 5. Aaron Burr and Richmond Hill house; 6. Alexander Hamil- ton and the Grange. 120 impressions issued on Japan paper. In original wrappers. 1899-1902. ee es) Ye] ee Bes) LS) po) 0 SI | Hie) I] BS) EXCHANGE HOWARD Mowe, - CORNER OF- No. 293 ‘ ; , 4 Q is ¥ i FIFTH SERIES Facsimites or Earty Encravep Views ENGRAVED ON CoppER BY Stpney L. Surru 301. 1. Federal Hall; 2. Middle Dutch Church; 3. Columbia College; 4. Trinity Church; 5. Richmond Hill House; 6. St, Paul’s Chapel ; 7. Government House; 8. City (Federal) Hall; 9. Belvidere House; 10. Battery, Harbor and “Ambuscade” Frigate. 103 impressions issued on Japan paper. In original wrappers. 1899-1903. SIXTH SERIES Earty New York Avuruors ENGRAVED ON CopPpER BY Francis S. KING 302. Fitz-Greene Halleck. Joseph Rodman Drake. 103 impressions issued on Japan paper. 1903-4. (2) SEVENTH SERIES New York on SrarrorpsHirE Porrery Eicutr Aquatints py Cuarues F. W. Mieiarz 303. 1. New York from Fulton St. B’klyn; 2. Battery, Esplanade and Castle Garden; 3. Alms House (Bellevue); 4. City Hotel; 5. Castle Williams; 6. Brooklyn Ferry; 7. St. Paul’s Chapel, etc.; 8. Castle Clinton and the Battery. 104 impressions issued on Japan paper. In original wrappers. 1904-06. EIGHTH SERIES SkyY-scRAPERS OF New York TWELVE LITHOGRAPHS BY JOSEPH PENNELL 304. 1. Battery Park; 2. Broadway from Bowling Green; 3. “Broadway Towers”; 4, Stock Exchange; 5. Nassau Street; 6. Pine Street; 7. William Street; 8. “Building the Building”; 9, “The Flat Iron”; 10. Union Square; 11. Broadway above 23" St.; 12. The “Times” building. 100 impressions issued. In original cover. 1905. NINTH SERIES TWELVE VIEWS FROM OIL PAINTINGS, ETC. ENGRAVED BY WALTER M. AixmMAN, Francis S. Kine anp Sipney L. Smiru. 305. 1. S. E. Prospect of N. Y. 1756; 2. Broadway N from Grand Street; 3. Clinton Hall; 4. Custom House, 1799; 5. S. W. Prospect, 1806; 6. Novum Amsterodamum; 7. Kings (Columbia) Col- lege; 8. State Street; 9. N. Y. (“Wooded Heights”) in 1775; 10, Broadway and Grand St. 1880; 11. Grace and Trinity Churches; 12. St. Paul’s Chapel, 1812. 100 impressions issued on Japan paper. In original wrappers. 1905-08. TENTH SERIES PicturEsquE New York TweLve Poorocravures From Monotyres By C. F. W. Mrexrarz 306. 1, Van Cortlandt Manor House; 2. Oyster Market, West St.; 3. St. John’s Chapel. 4. Fraunce’s Tavern; 5. Old Houses Battery Park; 6. Rose Street}; 7, Broadway at Great Jones St.; 8. Third Ave. & 122% Str, doorway; 9. Jumel Mansion; 10. Coen- ties Slip; 11. N°. '7.State Str.; 12. Fourth Ave. & 28'™St. One hundred impressions issued. In original wrapper. 1908. ELEVENTH SERIES Ercuines spy Sipney L. Situ 307. 1. Broadway in 1865. 3. New York Hotel, Broadway, 1867; 4. Bowling Green and State Street, 1880. 6. North Dutch Church. 1769-1875. Lacks 2. Astor House, and 5. Wall Street 1883. TWELFTH SERIES Pustic Monuments By F. S. Kine 308. 1. George Washington. (Union Square). 3, William Tecumseh Sher- man. (Plaza) 2. Farragut, is missing. ISLAND INSURANCE CO ea tania ae i Bie MAIDEN: LANE, | NEW. YORK. Jewelry Centre of the World. A Space Less than Two Blocks Containing 308 Jewelry Firms. No. 3820 320. MAIDEN LANE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 34.4 x 23.8 Copyrighted. Published By J. J. Fogerty, 118 Nassau Street, New York.—Am. Photo. Litho. Co. N. Y. | Maiden Lane, New York. | Jewelry Centre of the World. A Space Less than Two Blocks Containing 308 Jewelry Firms. | Colored. Issued for advertising purposes but has become very scarce. | Illustrated | 321. MANHATTAN COLLEGE. Water-color. Rectangle, 22.4 x 35.6 A very beautiful drawing taken from the river and showing the “Man- hattan” railroad station, locomotive, passenger and baggage car, archaic and interesting, in the foreground. Manhattan College is prominent in the center with the Church of the Annunciation at the right and the tower of the Convent of the Sacred Heart in the background. A turn-table and receding street car, “Manhattan | To | Harlem,” is just disappearing at the right. The Rectory House is shown north of the College. The rural aspect and the billets of wood, instead of coal, in the locomotive tender, suggest the period of about 1855. The site was purchased in 1853 and the Academy of the Holy Infancy erected. In 1863 it was raised in rank and incorporated as Manhattan College by the “Christian Brothers.” The corner stone of the Church of the Annunciation was laid in November 1853 and it was dedicated in 1854. At that time it was the only Catholic church on the west side of the island north of forty-second street. It was later razed and a new church erected at the corner of Convent Ave. and 131st Street. It is one of the most attractive exhibits of the collection. [Illustrated in color. See Cover | 322, MANHATTANVILLE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 9.2 x 13.10 From Nature by J. W. Hill—hLitho: of Endicott, 359, Broad- way Manhattanville, New York. | Entered . . . 1884, by George Endicott, . . . N. York. | Of unusual interest as showing the marvelous growth of the city. This village did not become a part of the municipality until thirty years later. Fine original coloring. ‘THREE OTHER COPIES KNOWN. 323. MASONIC HALL, Lithograph. Vignette in rectangle, 11.14 x 9.14 On Stone by A. J. Davis—H. Reinagle Architect.—Imbert’s Lithography. | Masonic Hall. | Front on Broadway 50 feet. | Nos. 314-316 Broadway, between Duane and Pearl Streets. To the left is Luke’s Bakery. 324. MECHANIC’S AND TRADESMEN’S CERTIFICATE. Line. Rectangle, 16.8 x 21.2 Oblong oval with man offering purse to seated woman with child in her arms and boy at her knees; to right a man points out to barefoot boy building of ‘‘Mechanic’s School & Apprentice’s Library”. To left a shipyard and in background a steamboat. In upper part of oval border: “To Dry The Tear From Misery’s Eye, To Succour The Afflicted And To Save The Sink- ing Is Our Aim.”, and in lower part forty-two five-pointed stars. In the angles, cupids typifying Agriculture, Time, Sculpture, and Architecture. An eagle supporting seal and holding scroll in talons in centre of inscription space. —— was elected a member of the | General Society of—Me- chanics and Tradesmen | of the City of New York on the | Attest Secretary. President. | Drawn by Charles Canda.—Engraved by B. Tan- ner. | Printed By Brother Samuel Maverick. | The certificate is made out to Stephen Allen, Mayor 1821-22, and is wit- nessed by J. Hopson and Robert Boyd, Dec. 8th, 1823. Very scarcer. day of —— Anno Domini 325. bo OU MELROSE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 17. x 25.2 Del & Lith. By Valois.—Print. By G. Schlegel 97 William S*. N. Y. | (Reference numbers—16) | View Of Melrose | And Sur- roundings. | Taken from the Ursuline Convent, Westchester C°. N. Y. 1868. | (References—sixteen in two columns at sides of title) | Clipped at sides and creased on bottom. VeEry scarce. ae THIRD EVENING’S SALE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1917 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 O'CLOCK Catalogue numbers 326 to 562, inclusive MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE 326. MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. Lithograph. Vignette in rectangle, 12. x 10. E. M. Thompson Architect. | Imbert’s Lithography.—On Stone by A. J. Davis. | Merchants Exchange. | New York. | India proof. 327. MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. Water-color. Vignette, 7.2 x 8.7 Exchange. |—J. R. Brady Arc‘. | Drawn by A. J. Davis 1826. A front view. 328. MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. Lithograph, tinted. Rectangle, 15.12 x 22: I. Rogers Arch':—On Stone by Bufford——Drawn by C. L. ‘Warner. | Merchants’ Exchange, New York. | (Copyright 1837.) | Colored. Framed to title; stained. Tur scarcest AND MOST DESIRABLE REPRE- SENTATION. 329. MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 8.6 x 12.8 Lith. & Pub. By N. Currier,—(Copyright 1848 by N. Currier) | Merchant’s Exchange, New York. | Wall Street. | 613. | Colored. Scarce. 330. METROPOLITAN HOTEL. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 16.6 x 23.2 Lith. & Printed In Colours By Sarony & Major New York.— Trench & Snook, Architects, New York. | Metropolitan Hotel. | Broadway, New York. | Simeon Leland And Company, Pro- prietors. Framed to third line. Two others known, 331. MURRAY STREET. Water-color. Rectangle, 10213 x 14013 Murray Street Broadway to North River. 1822. With D’. Mason’s Church, The original drawing, probably by Peter Maverick, for Hayward’s litho- graph published in Valentine’s Manual, 1852. 332. NATIONAL THEATRE BURNING. Lithograph. Rectangle 8:15 x 12-11 —N. Sarony—N. Sarony. | The Burning of the Old National Theatre, corner of Leonard and Church, the Church of Saint Esprit corner of Church and Franklin, and the- Dutch Reformed Church on Franklin street, September 23rd, 18389, An unlettered proof; repaired at top. ONE orHER KNOWN. 333. NATIONAL THEATRE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 8.6 x 11.14 Day & Haghe, lith. 17. Gale S‘. London.—-from a Drawing by R. Bengough. | National Theatre | New York | J. W. Wallack Esq’. Lessee. | Corner of Church and Leonard Streets. Destroyed by fire May 29th 1841. Water-color of the above, with fewer figures and with slight differences in the neighboring houses, signed: ‘“‘Bengough fecit” In one frame. 334, NATIONAL THEATRE REBUS. Lithograph, tinted. Vignette, 10.9 x 6.12 Rebus N°. 1. | S | P—S. | ’s 25—1215. | Purdy’s National Theatre, New-York. | Tragedy, Comedy, Spectacle, Farce. | Prices. Boxes 25 C'.. Pit. 121% | Drawn in the form of a rebus, giving a view of the theatre, of the city from the river, and portraits of Alexr. H. Purdy, J. B. Booth, Barney Williams, Charles Burke, Geo. L. Fox and Thomas D. Rice. Not framed. LEE “ON “WIG LALA ues } SHOT JOISY a onsodd(y” a — PESO Mote wars EPS BOE SE oe Sd009 ANG EIVSZTGMI SHINOLIVIS 2 SHATTISNOOS AMGNOLLVELS “SE CFT ro aut “ONIHLOTO C7110 F ae Lilies 3 eee, oe yo SLtHS hE UM ® "FADES so tL ‘$3 ‘s SLL oat tare ONIHLOTO CAMITSTTAA, - Li SIOHS'S100a « Ue oeaeter MUstai vie civesonae 1 PITTA TH 629 WH 'LIIGINAT oxLNYaIs ONVTIIMA oD F UUVIS'NIMGIVA ~“MVE XY NGOSWA ATLOW SNYORY 113SSvE SOOTM? MOOQHVS GUVM “Y3H1OH #GHOINVH Bae FE ON crox Sh ON 15 ee “ed FORTLOT, oi Le coke Net 353. RHINELANDER SUGAR HOUSE Water-color. Rectangle, 6:14 x 5.7 The “Rhinelander” Sugar House, L. Oram Pinx*. | Destroyed 1892. Liberty Street, site of the Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany’s building. 354. RIGGING HOUSE. Lithograph, tinted. Rectangle, 11.4 x 9,2 [Copyright 1846, by H. R. Robinson,] | Lith. & Pub. By H. R. Robinson—142, Nassau S‘. N. York. | The Rigging House, | 120 William Street.— . . . | Here Methodism was first rigged out in the port of New York, and started on her prosperous Voyage in North | America; This rigging house, now the last relic of the Old Dutch architecture of New-Am- sterdam, will soon be | among the things that were. This is a fine front view as it now stands. (ete., seven lines) | —This building is now occupied by Doty & Bergen, Engravers, Label & Copper-plate Printers, & | Manufacturers of Fancy & Trunk Papers. | New York, Sep‘. 1846. | VERY SCARCE. 355. RIVINGTON’S GAZETTEER. Newspaper. Folio. Rivington’s | New York Gazeteer; | Thursday, May 27 | 1773. RIVINGTON JAMES. Engraved by F. S. King for the Iconophiles 1901. (2) 356. RUTGERS FEMALE COLLEGE. 357. ST. Wash-drawing. Vignette, 8.4 x 9.4 —H. D. S. | —1869 | Rutgers Female College | Fifth Avenue And 42"" Street. Not framed. NICHOLAS HOTEL. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 7.14 x 10.8 [Copyright . . . 1853 by Horace Waters] | From a music sheet. Framed to copyright line. 358. SOCIETY LIBRARY. Lithograph. Rectangle, 8.6 x 13.6 G. Moore, delt—Day & Haghe, Lith’. to The Queen. | The New York Society Library. | Frederick Diaper, Arch*. 346-348 Broadway, South East corner of Leonard Street, 1840-1853. Later Appletons the publishers. The site now occupied by the New York Life Ins. Co’s building. VERY SCARCE. ,/ 859. SOUTH STREET. Y) Aquatint. Rectangle, 9.7 x 13.9 W™. I. Bennett Pinx'. et Sculp*. | South St. from Maiden Lane. | Henry I. Megarey New York. | Very scarce. See Nos. 156 and 275. 360. QUARANTINE, STATEN ISLAND. Aquatint. Rectangle, 15.8 x 22.2 Painted & Engraved by—W. J. Bennett. | View Of The New York Quarantine, Staten Island. | Printed by J. Neale | Pub- lished by Parker and Clover 180 Fulton Street New York. | Entered . . . 1833 by Parker & Clover . . . New York, | An artistic and decorative subject. Colored. Very scarce. [ Illustrated | 361. A. T. STEWART Lithograph. Vignette, 13. x 13. Im. Godard, Q. des Augustins, 55.—A. L. | Robe Marie An- toinette. | A. T. Stewart & C'®. | Rue Bergére, 18. | Paris. A female figure in very wide crinoline; showing Stewart’s building, Broad- way and Chambers street, and upper corner of Park railing. Colored fashion plate. Very scarce. 362. STUYVESANT’S ARMY ENTERING NEW AMSTERDAM. Oil-painting. Rectangle, 28. x 85s The original of Peter Stuyvesant’s Army entering New Amster- dam, by William Mulready. An excellent composition in which the artist has caught the spirit of Irving’s satire. A reproduction, from a reduced drawing by William Heath, was issued by the lithographers Sarony & Major, and appears in Knickerbocker History of New York 80. 1854. [Illustrated in color | 098 “ON Ce) Prep Mmm * ao ONT acer PES dip aig vctiuig, gist Daipt ny «Ie pe a ae 7) LLMW AVG SOLOS. 4 3863. STUYVESANT’S ARMY /ENTERING NEW AMSTERDAM. Process. Rectangle, 7.2 x 2604 —E. C. Caswell, 1900/ SES: Stuyvesant’s Army Entering New Amsterdam. Not framed. 364. TAMMANY HALL. Lithograph. Rectangle, 9.2 x 19. Printed & Published by H, R, Robinson,—48 and 52 Courtlandt Street New York. | The Funeral Of Old Tammany. | This mournful ceremony took place in the City of New York on the 10,, day of November 1836. The lamented individual had been long subject to a vast complication of disorders, which | though combatted with great skill and perseverance by, Doc- tors, Humbug, Monopoly, & Office; at last carried him off. The symptoms became extremely alarming on the 7'",, and the | danger continued to encrease ’till the evening of the 10*., when Old Tammany gave up the ghost. A vast concourse of people followed the corpse to the grave, composed of all the office holders in the State; all the | possessors of exclusive priveliges ; and the members of the New York Regency. A funeral ora- tion was delivered by the District Attorney, and a funeral dirge sung by Signor Garry Gilbertini. To the right, a view of “Tammany Hall” with flag~at half-mast. The hearse is driven by the editor of “The Courier and Enquirer,” and among the mourners are the editors of “The Times” and “The Truth Teller.” From the mouths of the principal figures issue inscriptions. A fireman in background asks, “Who killed Old Tammany” and is answered by another: “James Gulick!”’ This caricature and No. 264 refer to the political excitement at the time of the election of James Gulick, deposed chief of the Fire Department, to the office of Register. No orHer KNOWN. 365. THALIA THEATRE, ETC. Water-color Rectangle, 19.14 x 27.12 W™. Kramer, Esq. Proprietor—W™. José, Architect. | Thalia Theatre and Atlantic Garden. | Nos. 46, 48 & 50 Bowery, New York. A well-executed and interesting piece. The buildings recently razed. e 366. THE TIMES. Lithograph. Rectangle, 11.14 x 18.13 Clay fec. | Printed & Published by H. R. Robinson,—52 Court- landt Street, New York | Entered . . . 1887, by H. R. Robin- son. . . New York. | The Times. | A curious and interesting caricature on the Panic of 1887. Colored. Two OTHERS KNOWN. 367. TOMBS. The Tombs Halls of Justice Centre Street engraved by John Popple, 1850 | and the Townsend House, N. W. Cor, 34 Street and 5‘" Ave. Not framed. (2) UNION PARK 368. UNION PARK. Lithograph, tinted. Rectangle, 11.138 x 16.7 James Smillie del—Entered . . . 1849 by Willian & Stevens, . . . N. York.—Lith. of Sarony & Major, New York | View of Union Park, New York, from the head of Broadway. | The Church Of The Puritans, Rev*. G. B. Cheever D.D. Pastor. The Spingler Institute, erected by the Family of the late Henry Spingler Esq. | and occupied by Abbott’s Collegiate Institution for Young Ladies, Rev°. Gorham D. Abbott. Principal. In the Distance Calvary Church, on the extreme Right, the Free Academy. | Pulished by Williams & Stevens, 353 Broadway N. Y. | Injured in lower margin. See No, 228. 369. UNION PARK. Lithograph, tinted. Rectangle, 7.7 x 10.6 (Copyright 1852) | Print by Nagel & Weingiirtner N. Y. | Union Park Schottisch. | The view overlooks the Square from the northeast corner of Fourteenth Street, and shows an old style Harlem R. R. car drawn by four horses. Inscription partly covered. Colored. 370. UNION SQUARE. Chromo-lith. Rectangle, 16.8 x 22.7 Halte Des Grenadiers Rochambeau | A | Union Square | New York. | “Decoration day” 30 Mai 1884. || Halt Of The Grena- diers Rochambeau | In | Union Square | New York. | “Decora- tion day” May 380. 1884. Repaired. VERY scarce. No. 362 STUYVESANT’S ARMY ENTERING NEW AMSTERDAM [No. 380—Continued | From Nassau street to N°. 46, corner of William street. Howes | & Macy. | Bankers. | Livermore | Clews & Co., | epee & Hatch., | Bankers, | National | Bank. | Bank Of | N-America | Bank el America. A. Tallis. Engraver—(Wall St.)—Tallis | Views Of New York. From N°. 48 to N°. 62. Bank Of New York | City Bank | Mechanics & Traders | Fire Insurance Co. | American Fire Ins Co. | National | Fire | Ins Co. | Royal | Fire & Life | Ins Co. | Aitna | Insurance Co | Of Hartford | Tallis’ Views Of New York—(Wall St.)—A. Tallis, Engraver. From N°. 64 to N°. 82. Howard | Fire | Ins Co. | New York | Fire & Marine | Ins. Co. | Taylor Bro’s | Bankers. | Seamens Bank. | A. Tallis, Engraver—Wall st.—Tallis’ Views Of New York. 1863. In one frame. VERY scarce. 381. WALTON HOUSE. Lithograph. Vignette, 10. x 10.8 A. J. Davis del—Lithography of Imbert. | Walton House. | 328 Pearl-St. Franklin-Square. | Simon Backus. Framed with it the original drawing by Davis. OnE orHER KNOWN. STEPHENSON’S WARREN STREET 882. WARREN STREET. Lithograph. Rectangle, arched, 19.3 . 36.8 —Lithogr. & printed by F. Heppenheimer 22 North William St. N. Y. | View of Warren Street New York | from Broadway to Church Street | North Side | Published by W. Stephenson & Co. 252. Broadway N, Y. | A. D. 1854. Colored, No orHrr KNOWN. 383. WASHINGTON SQUARE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 2404 x 35.13 On Stone by C. Gildemeister, 289 Broadway, N. Y.—(Copy- right 1852 by Otto Botticher)—Print by Nagel & Weingaertner N. Y. | National Guard—7'. Regt. N. Y. S. M. | From the Original picture by Major Bétticher, in the possession of the 8. Co. N. G. | The principal heads from Daguerreotypes—by Meade Brothers 233 Broadway N. Y. | New York, Published by Otto Botticher, 289 Broadway. | Colored, Washington Square, showing the University Building, ete. / 384. WHARF AND SHIPPING. Line. Rectangle, 8.9 x 18. S. Coleman.—[Copyright 1869 by W. Pate & Co.]—H. S. \i/ Beckwith. | Wharf And Shipping, New York. | From the Origi- nal Painting in the possession of the Publishers. | William Pate & C°. New York. | Colored. 385. JOHN WILLIAMS. Line. Vignette, 2.6 x 3.14 Gentlemen’s Fashionable Wearing Apparel Warehouse. | John Williams | Clothier | N°. 212 Broad-way New York. | Corner of Fair Str’. 386. GERMAN WINTER-GARDEN. Water-color. Rectangle, 21.8 x 29.8 Fritz Meyer ft. New-York, Oct. 1856; | Innere Ansicht Des Deutschen Volks-Winter-Gartens. | Interior Of The German Winter-Garden, | 45 Bowery, New York. | —Henry Hoffman, Architect. | ; 387. WORTH MONUMENT. Lithograph, tinted. Rectangle, 12.2 x 18.2 A. Weingiirtner’s Lith’. N. Y. | Ceremonies of Dedication of the Worth Monument. | (Noy. 25, 1857) | 388. VARIA. New York in 1775 (Fort George from the Harbor) ; New York from Weehawk, Smillie; Castle Garden 1841, music sheet ; Astor House; Landing of Lafayette; S'. Paul’s (from the Mirror) ; Park & City Hall. Not framed. (7) 389. VARIA. The Clermont Steamboat from the N.Y. Historical Society’s original; Merchants’ Exchange, (3), Fort Hamilton; Phenix Bank (enlargement) etc. Not framed. (10) O66 “ON i AMERICAN CITIES, ETC. 390. ALBANY. Aquatint. Rectangle, 15.10 x 2401 Drawn by I. W. Hill. Engraved, Printed & Colored by I. Hill. | Albany. | From Greenbush, | New York, Published 1¢. April 1834 by Betts & Anstice No 151 Pearl St Copy Right secured according to Law. | Colored. Fine example. Very scarce. [Illustrated in color | 391. BAKER’S FALLS. Aquatint. Rectangle, 14. x 21. Painted by W. G. Wall.—Engraved by I. Hill. | Baker’s Falls. N®. 8 of the Hudson River Port Folio | Published by Henry I Megarey New York. | ete Colored. Not framed. BALTIMORE 392. BALTIMORE. Aquatint. Rectangle, 16.11 x 28.15 Baltimore in 1752, | From a Sketch then made by John Moale Esq’. deceased, corrected by the late | Daniel Bowly Esq’. | “from his certain recollection, and that of other aged | Persons, well acquainted with it; with whom he compared Notes.” | (The Writing by H. S. Tanner.) | (Twenty-nine num- bered references in four columns at sides of title) | Repaired. Colored. 393. BALTIMORE. Aquatint. Rectangle, 16.7 x 22.8 —Published January 1**. 1802, by Atkins & Nightingale, N°. 143.—Leadenhall Street, London, & N°. 100. Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.—| Drawn by G,, Beck, Philadelphia.—Engrav’d [No. 893—Continued | 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. by T,, Cartwright, London. | East—| View Of—| Baltimore— Maryland. | In centre of inscription space a spread eagle, with motto in beak, sur- rounded by sixteen stars. Fine example. Colored. Very scarce. See Nos. 453 and 481. [Illustrated in color | BALTIMORE. Aquatint. Rectangle, 16.4 x 2404 Pain’. & Eng*. By—W. J. Bennett. | Baltimore Taken Near Whetstone Point. | New York Pub by H I Megarey—Printed By J. Neale. | (Copyright 1831 by Megarey) Colored. VERY SCARCE. BALTIMORE. Aquatint. Rectangle, 16.8 x 242 Pain*. & Eng’. By—W. J. Bennett | Baltimore From Federal Hill. | New York, Pub. by H I Megarey. | Printed By J. & G. Neale. Colored. BALTIMORE. Another impression; colored. BALTIMORE. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 17.12 x 41. Printed In Colors—Drawn From Nature And Engraved By E. Whitefield—By F. Michelin, 111, Nassau S‘. N. Y. | View Of Baltimore, M‘. | From Federal Hill. BALTIMORE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 14.3 x 1801 Published by Edward Weber & Co. Baltimore. | Baltimore. Colored. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. BALTIMORE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 13.11 x 19.4 Lithographed and printed in colours—by E. Sachse & Comp. 3 N. Libertystr. Baltimore. | Calvert Street. | Baltimore. | 1835 Inscription is on frame. Colored. BERGEN, N. J. Lithograph. Rectangle, 13.14 x 19. The Reformed Dutch Church At Bergen, New Jersey. | Two lines. Repaired. Not framed. Very scarce. BETHLEHEM. Line. Rectangle, 11.7 x 17.4 Z| N. Garrison, delin'—I. Noual Sculp. | A View of Bethle- hem, one of the Brethren’s Principal Settlements, | in Pensyl- vania, North America. || (‘Title repeated in French, two lines) | London Printed for Rob‘. Sayer N°. 58 Fleet Street. Colored. About 1761. BETHLEHEM. Aquatint. Rectangle, 12.10 x 19. T. Birch pinx.—Strickland se | Bethlehem—Pennsylvania Slight tear at bottom. Colored. Very scarce. Not framed. BOSTON BOSTON. Line. Rectangle, 12. x 20. A View of the City of Boston the Capital of New England,— in North America.—|| Vue de la Ville de Boston, Capitale de la Nouvelle Angleterre, | dans |’Amérique Septentrionale. | Drawn on the Spot by his Excellency, Governor Pownal; Painted by M’. Pugh, & Engraved by P. C. Canot. | London, Printed for John Bowles, at N°. 13 in Cornhill; Rob‘. Sayer, at N°. 53 in Fleet Street ; Tho*. Jefferys, the Corner of S‘. Martins Lane in the Strand; Carington Bowles, at N°. 69 in S*. Pauls Church Yard; & Hen’. Parker, at N°. 82 in Cornhill. Colored. Very scARcE. 404. BOSTON. Line. Rectangle, 10.12 x 17.5 London. Printed for Bowles & Carver, N°. 69. St. Paul’s Church Yard.—I. Carwitham sculp. | 34— | A South-East View of the City of Boston in North America. Colored. About 1775. VERY SCARCE. 405. BOSTON. Another impression of the same state. Colored. 406. BOSTON. Aquatint. Rectangle, 13. x 18.7 (References) | Painted & Engraved by Rob‘. Havell. | View Of The City Of Boston | From Dorchester Heights. | Coloured by Havell & Spearing.—Printed by W. Neale. | Published by W. A Coleman 205 Broadway for Rob‘. Havell Sing Sing N. York | (Copyright 1841 by Rob‘. Havell) Artistic and attractive. Colored. VEry scarce. 407. BOSTON. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 10.10 x 14.14 M K Kipps del— | L. Prang & Co. Lith. 34 Merchants Row, Boston.— | Old Warehouse—Dock Square, Boston. | Built— 1680 Taken down—1860. 408. BUFFALO. Aquatint. Rectangle, 16. x 24.6 Pain’, by W. J. Bennett from a— | Sketch by J. W. Hill.— Pub: by Henry J. Megarey New-York.—Engraved by W. J. Bennett. | Buffalo, From Lake Erie. | Dedication two lines, copyright 1836 one line) Injured at bottom. Finely colored. VERY SCARCE. 409. CANTON OHIO. Lithograph. Rectangle, 14.6 x 19.12 Drawn from nature by Adolphus Wever.—Lith. by Klauprech & Menzel, Cincinnati, O. | View of Canton, | State of Ohio, North America. Colored. VERY SCARCE. as Il? “ON NOLSATYVHO ieee hy } , ak > > « * aa Fa a e i * , ‘ " ‘ ae ’ * ~*» i . & ‘ Fi a ed ee ‘ . j 3 . Py 7 SJ © ee CHARLESTON 410. CHARLESTON. Line. Rectangle, 18.4 x 55.8 To his Excellency James Glen Esq, Capt. General, Governor, & Commander in Chief in, and over his Majestys Province of South Carolina, and Vice Admiral within the | same. This Prospect of Charles Town is most humbly Inscrib’d by his much Obliged humble Servant—B: Roberts. | Roberts Delin—(Ref- erences, eight lettered)—Printed & Sold by Dicey & Co. in Aldermary Church Yard London || Charles-Town the Metropo- lis of y° Province of South Carolina, is pleasantly Situated between Cooper & Ashley Rivers, which form a Spacious & con- venient Harbour, & lieth in 32°. 52’ of N. L. and 78°, 45’ W. I. from London, (etc. seven lines) | Published according to Act of Parliament by | B. Roberts & W. H. Toms, June 9. 1749.—W. H. Toms scu | In centre of inscription space Arms with mottoes. VERY scarce. 411. CHARLESTON. Water-color. Rectangle, 15. x 43.6 The original unfinished sketch of the above; a portion missing at extreme right. [Illustrated in color | 412. CHARLESTON. Aquatint. Rectangle, 15.10 x 24010 Painted by G. Cooke.—Engraved by W. J. Bennett. | Published by L. P. Clover New-York. | City of Charleston S Carolina | Looking across Cooper’s River | (Copyright 1838) A fine impression with original coloring. Very scarce. 418. CHARLESTON. 1774. Line. Rectangle, 16.4 x 28.11 Painted by Tho’. Leitch.—Engraved by Sam’. Smith | A View of Charles-Town, The Capital of South Carolina. | (Etc. two lines) VERY SCARCE, 414. CHARLESTON. Another impression of the same state; framed to second line. Colored. e 415. CHARLESTON. Lithograph. Rectangle, 13.5 x 21.10 Drawn from Nature by William Keenan.—[ Copyright ]|—Litho- graphed & Published by W. Keenan 250 King cor Hasel S*. | Eastern View Of The City Of Charleston S. C. | “[ Front. ]” | To the Hon the Mayor, Aldermen, & Citizens of Charleston this series of Views are very Respectfully Dedicated by | —w™. Keenan, Engraver & Lithographer | S H Mellen Printer. | Colored. 416. CHICAGO. Lithograph. Rectangle, 8.12 x 13.8 The Kellogg & Bulkeley Co—Hartford Conn, | Chicago In Flames | Scene in Deaborn St Burning of the Tremont House | All of the business portion of this beautiful city was com- pletely destroyed by fire in two days, Commencing Oct. 9th, 1871. It was the most destructive fire ever known, | completely annihilating property valued at over Three Hundred Million of dollars. Two thousand lives were lost, and over one hundred thousand people made homeless. Colored. The last two lines are printed from type. CINCINNATI 417. CINCINNATI. Lithograph. Rectangle, 17. x 22. View of Cincinnati. | Taken From The Residence Of W™. South- gate, Esq, Covington, Ky. Colored. VERY sCARCE. [Illustrated in color] 418. CINCINNATL 419. 420. 421. 422. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 15. x 19.10 —Klauprech & Menzel’s Lithography, Johnstons Row, Cincin- nati. | Pearl Street House, Corner of Pearl & Walnut Str, Cincinnati. | Thorougly renovated and elegantly refurnished. | Mrs. Judith Goddard & F. M. Cockrell, late of the Eagle Hotel, Maysville, Ky, Proprietors. = VERY SCARCE. [Illustrated | CINCINNATI. Lithograph. Rectangle, 14.8 x 21.9 Published by George Degen, 51 Chatham St., New York.— (Copyright 1869)—Deutz Brothers, 197 William St. N. Y. Imp. | Cincinnati. Colored. CLEVELAND. Line. Rectangle, 9.7 x 14011 Tho*. Whelpley Del. 1833.—M. Osborne Sculp*. | Cleveland, Ohio. | From The Buffalo Road, East Of The Court House. | Published, N. York 1834, by Thos. Whelpley, of Cleveland. Colored. VERY SCARCE. COLUMBIA, &. C. Lithograph. Rectangle, 11.138 x 19.18 E. Dovilliers, del—C. B. Graham, lith’. Wash”. D. C. | South Carolina College | Published by E. Dovilliers, Columbia, 5S. C. The University of South Carolina; founded 1804. Colored. VERY SCARCE. CORNWALLIS SURRENDER. Line. Rectangle, 12.8 x 2004 —68 | Reddition de Armée Angloises Commandée par Mylord Comte de Cornwallis aux Armees Combinées des Etats unis de VAmerique et de France aux ordres des Generaux Washington et de Rochambeau a Yorck touwn | et Glocester dans la Vir- ginie. le 19 Octobre 1781. II s’est trouve’s dans ses deux postes 6000 hommes de troupes reglées Angloises ou Hessoises et 22 [ No. 422—Continued | Drapeaux 1500 Matelots 160 Canons de tout Calibre dont 75 de Fonte 8 Mortiers | 40 Batimens dont un Vaisseau de 50 Canons qui a été Brulé 20 Coules Bas; Ce jour a Jamais mem- orables pour les Etats unis en ce quil assura definitivement leurs indépendances | (References, nine lettered, in two lines) | —A Paris chez Mondhare rue S*. Jean de Beauvais prés celle des Noyers. Colored. A crude, interesting contemporary print. Very scarce. Not framed. 423. DELAWARE WATER GAP. Aquatint. Rectangle, 12.10 x 19. T. Birch pinx.—Strickland sc. | View of the Water Gap and Columbia Glass Works River Delaware. Repaired. Colored. Not framed. 424, DETROIT. Aquatint. Rectangle, 15.7 x 24.8 Painted by W. J. Bennett from a sketch by Fred*. Grain.— Henry I. Megarey New York—Eng*. by W. J. Bennett | City of Detroit, Michigan. | Taken from the Canada shore near the Ferry. | (Copyright 1837) Fine example. Colored. Very scarce. 425. ERIE LAKE & FORT. Aquatint. 14.4 x 20.12 E. Walsh 49'", Reg‘. delin‘-—Engraved by John Bluck. | A View of the Lake & Fort Erie, from Buffalo Creek. | London: Publish’d Jan’. 1, 1811, at R. Ackermann’s Repository of Arts, 101, Strand. | Fine example. Colored. Very scarce. [ Illustrated | SLIP “ON pay COATT. @ TEVES £6 TEMES ¢ A YIRS EOP DPMP OY ARG tye ify AGUA LFONOLOY T, CERO DEERE TEVES na ST IEA Se SUN I LIAB MLTR IMER E YESE 426. FISHKILL. Aquatint. Rectangle, 14. x 21. Painted by W. G. Wall—Engraved by I. Hill. | View Near Fishkill | N°. 18 of the Hudson River Port Folio | Published by Henry I. Megarey New York. Colored. Framed to title. 427. FORT EDWARD. Aquatint. Rectangle, 14. x 21. Painted by W. G. Wall.—Engraved by I. Hill. | Fort Edward. | N°. 10 of the Hudson River Port Folio | Published by Henry I. Megarey New York. Colored. Framed to title. 428. FORT MILLER. Aquatint. Rectangle, 14. x 21. Painted By W. G. Wall.—Engraved By J. Hill. | View Near Fort Miller. | N°. 10 of the Hudson River Port Folio. | Pub- lished by Henry I. Megarey New York. Colored. Not framed. 429. FORT MONTGOMERY. Aquatint. Rectangle, 14. x 21. Painted by G. W. Wall—Engraved by J. Hill. | View Near Fort Montgomery. | N°. 22 of the Hudson River Port Folio. | Published by Henry I. Megarey New York. Colored. Framed to title. 430. FULTON CITY, ILL. Lithograph. Rectangle, 13.8 x 18.5 Lith. of Endicott & C°. N. Y.—- | Dement House, Fulton City, Ill. | By James L. Watkins. Colored. Very scarce. Not framed. 431. GLENNS FALLS. Aquatint. Rectangle, 14. x 21. Painted by W. G. Wall.—Engraved by I. Hill. | Glenns Falls. | N°. 6 of the Hudson River Port Folio | Published by Henry I. Megarey New York. | Colored. Not framed. 432. GLOUCESTER. Lithograph. Rectangle, 13.2 x 201 Drawn from Nature, & on stone by F. H. Lane.—Pendleton’s Lithography, Boston. | View of the Town of Gloucester, Mass. Presentation inscription: “Nathan P. Morse Jr from his friend Isaac A. Smith Gloucester May 2nd 1837” In fine proof condition, with wide margins, though spotted. Very scarce. 433. HADLEY’S FALLS. Aquatint. Rectangle, 14. x 21. Painted by W. G. Wall.—Engraved by I. R. Smith | Finished by J. Hill | Hadley’s Falls. | N°. 5 of the Hudson River Port Folio | Published by H. I. Megarey & W. B. Gilley New York and John Mill Charleston S. C. | ete. Colored. Not framed. 434. HADLEY’S RAPIDS. Aquatint. Rectangle, 14. x 21: Painted by W. G. Wall.—Engraved by I. Hill. | Rapids Above Hadleys Falls. | N°. 4 of the Hudson River Port Folio | Pub- lished by Henry I. Megarey New York. | (etc) Colored. Not framed. 435. HARRISBURG, PA. Lithograph. Rectangle, 14.9 x 23.4 Drawn From Nature By E. Whitefield—Lith. By Lewis & Brown. | View Of Harrisburg, P*. | From the West. | Published by Lewis & Brown 37 John St. New York. Colored. Very scarce, SGV “ON LAE , We ote. mf Me, LIL FOG?! NP AID rr el eg ¢ 2 , OV ETI , 436. HUDSON, N. Y. Aquatint. Rectangle, 14. x 21. Painted by W. G. Wall.—Engraved by I. Hill. | Hudson. | N°. 13 of the Hudson River Port Folio | Published by Henry I. Megarey New York. Colored. Framed to title. 437. HUDSON, N. Y. Aqutatint Rectangle, 140 x 21. Painted by W. G. Wall.—Engraved by J. Hill. | View Near Hudson. | N°. 15 of the Hudson River Port Folio. | Published by Henry I. Megarey New York. Colored. Framed to title. 438. ISLAND “NUMBER TEN.” Lithograph. Rectangle, 15.10 x 22.2 Published by Currier & Ives,—(Copyright 1862)—152 Nassau St. New York. | (References) | Bombardment And Capture Of Island “Number Ten.” | On The Mississippi River, April 7". 1862, By . . . Com. A. H. Foote. | (Two lines) Colored. 439. JESSUPS LANDING. Aquatint, Rectangle, 14. x 21. Painted by W. G. Wall.—Finished by I. Hill. | View Near Jes- sups Landing. | N°. 3 of the Hudson River Port Folio | Pub- lished by H. I. Megarey & W. B. Gilley New York and John Mill Charleston S. C. | Printed by Rollinson Colored. Not framed. 440. LITTLE FALLS. LUZERNE. Aquatint, Rectangle, 14. x 21. Painted by W. G. Wall—Engraved by I. Hill, | Little Falls At Luzerne. | N°. 1 of the Hudson River Port Folio | Published by Henry I Megarey New York. Colored. Framed to title. 441. 442, 443. 444, AAD, LOUISVILLE. Lithograph. Rectangle, 21.11 x 37.12 On Stone by B. F, Smith, J'.—Lith’. of P. S. Duval Philad*. | Louisville, K®., | From Jeffersonville, I*.—1850. | —Published by Smith, Brothers & Co. Colored. VERY SCARCE. LOWELL. Lithograph. Rectangle, 14.6 x 23. Pendleton’s Lithography, Boston. | View Of Lowell, Mass. Taken From The House Of Elisha Fuller Esq: In Dracutt, by E, A. Farrar. | [Copyright . . . 1834 by Jacob Farrar | Sides extended. Colored. Very scarce. MATTEAWAN, N. Y. Aquatint. Rectangle, 16.12 x 23.8 Drawn by O. Neely.—Engraved, Printed, & Coloured, by J. Hill. | Matteawan. | Manufacturing Village, | Near Fishkill Landing N. York. | Published June 15, 1832 by O. Neely N. York. Fine example. Colored. First stare. MOBILE. Aquatint in colors. Rectangle, 17. x 25.8 Painted by W. J. Bennett from a sketch by Wm. Todd.—En- graved by W. J. Bennett Esq. | Henry I. Megarey—New York. | Mobile. | Taken from the Marsh opposite the City near Pinto’s residence | (Copyright 1842) VERY SCARCE. MOUNT VERNON. Aquatint. Rectangle, 12.11 x 17.138 Alexander Robertson Delineavit—Francis Jukes Sculpsit | Mount Vernon in Virginia | The Seat of the late Lieu‘. General George Washington | Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States | London Pub*. March 31*. 1800 by F. Jukes N°. 10 Howland Street—and by Al. Robertson Columbian Academy Liberty Street New York. Colored. See No. 40. Very scarce. 446. 447, 448. 449, 450. 451. MOUNT VERNON. Another impression. Colored. NATCHEZ. Lithographed. Rectangle, 13.6 x 21.8 Sketched by James Tooley—Lithographed by Risso & Browne. N. Y | Natchez. | On The Hill, From The Old Fort. Colored. NEW BEDFORD. Lithograph. Rectangle, 16.7 x 25.8 F. H. Lane det. from a sketch by A. Conant—Published by A. Conant.—Lane & Scott’s Lith. Tremont Temple, Boston. | View of New Bedford. | From the Fort near Fairhaven. | [Copy- right 1845 by A. Conant] Colored. VeEry scarce. NEWBURG. Aquatint. Rectangle, 14. x 21. Painted by W. G. Wall.—Engraved by I. Hill. | Newburg. N°. 14 of the Hudson River Port Folio. | Published by Henry I. Megarey New York. Colored. Framed to title. NEW ORLEANS. Aquatint in colors. Rectangle, 16.12 x 25.8 Painted by W. J. Bennett from a sketch by A. Mondelli—Eng by W. J. Bennett | Henry I. Megarey, New York. | New Orleans, | Taken from the opposite side, a short distance above the middle or Picayune Ferry | [Copyright 1841 by H. I. Megary ] Fine example. NEW ORLEANS. Aquatint. Rectangle, 10.10 x 27. Published by Louis Schwarz—B. Dondorf, Frankfort *M.— Germany— | View Of New Orleans, | taken from the Lower Cotton Press. India proof. Colored. 452. NEWPORT, R. I. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 11. x 33318 Drawn & Lith by J. P. Newell.—Printed by J. H. Bufford | Newport ,R. L. | View from Fort Wolcott, Goat Island. NIAGARA 458. NIAGARA. Aquatint. Rectangle, 16.7 x 22.10 Drawn by G. Beck.—Engraved by T. Cartwright. | The Falls Of Niagara. | Published Nov’. 1. 1805, by Geo. Nightingale, N°. 143, Leadenhall Street, London. Colored. Very scarce. See Nos. 893 and 481. 454. NIAGARA. Aquatint. Rectangle, 17.12 x 27.6 Iris Island.—Ferry House.—American Fall 164 ft. high, 300 ft. wide.—Horse Shoe Fall 158 ft. high, 600 yds, wide.—Ferry. Table Rock.—Stairs. | [Copyright 1845, by Rob‘. Havell] | Niagara Falls. | Printed in Colours by W. Neale.— | Painted from the Chinese Pagoda, Point View Gardens, by Robert Havell, Sing Sing. | Published by Rob‘. Havell, Sing Sing,— W. A. Colman, 203 Broadway,—R. F. Fraser, American Art Union, 322 Broadway & Havell & Spearing, 117 Fulton S*. New York. | Ackermann & C°. 69 Strand London. A beautiful example. Colored. 455. NORWICH. Lithograph in colors. Rectangle, 11.12 x 16.10 — (Copyright 1849 by A. Conant)—Sketched from Nature by, Lane.—Lith. & Printed in Colors by Sarony & Major 117 Fulton St. New York. | View Of Norwich, From The West Side Of The River. 456. PALISADES. Line. Rectangle, 14. x 21o4 Painted by W. G. Wall.—Engraved by I. Hill. | Palisades. | N°. 19. of the Hudson River Port Folio | Published by Henry I. Megarey New York. | The first issue. Colored. See No. 50. waren Wa lorreitiid they 7 f fe a then ded Cldeatce, batho te : Sr yon Cheiv Shalt, CCL et 2 tee x dreyy : Prtote & veayte vs Mi - neh THEE. 472 TL ie ther 4 Lxteniele /2¢ $hevee ‘ r} th Meee? ye Ma PEI “~~ £ rte ST OUI EO, < a » Mele eer dren? lift te rf 4 / Meolsrtperclt VC tf / hh s we the hi te eC ent wen elena Wed Ve ise SSS 2 tet oe fes. he dl the L 7 « ha