TRADE-MARK REGISTERED CG. SLOAN & CO, Inc. Aucttoneers 1407 G STREET N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. SALE DAYS March Twenty sixth Twenty — seventh and Twenty eighth os ; = ae LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK es CONDITIONS OF SALE N. B. Purchasers are respectfully requested to read this page ' J. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- pute arises between two or more bidders, the lot so in dis- pute shail be immediately put up again and resold. II. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the pur- chase money if required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. III. The lots to be paid for and taken away at the buyer’s risk and expense at the end of the sale, with al! faults and errors of description, the goods having been on exhibition two or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse, we making no warranty whatever. IV. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconven- ience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can, on any account be removed during the sale. V. Tuis Company wiil not be liable for non- delivery of any article above the amount paid by the pur- chaser of such article. VI. Upon failure to comply with above conditions. all lots shall be resold by public or private sale, without further notice and the deficiency (if any) attending such resale shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all charges attending same. This condition is without prejudice to our right to enforce the contract made at this sale without such resale, if we think fit. VII. Goods will be delivered to any part of the city {or packed and shipped) at reasonable rates, on application to the clerk. VIII. No articles taken back, exchanged or sold on approval. IX. Orders “to buy” will be executed free of charge. C. G. SLOAN & CO., Inc. 1407 G Street, Auctioneers ae N’S ART GALLERIES ae 1407 G Street Northwest CATALOGUE OF THE Patchett Sale ARTISTIC HOUSEHOLD GARNITURES BEING THE PROPERTY OF MRS. A. S. PRITCHETT ae een TOGETHER WITH ADDITIONS FROM OTHER SOURCES ee | ereat ss eee of Fine Mahogany Furnitnre in all the tnter- _ esting old styles, Perstan Rugs, Wedgewood, Lille, and Capo di Monte China, Sheffield Plate, Paintings by William P. Silva, Japanese Hinokt Wood Settee and Chatrs, Beautifully Carved Ivory Tusk, Antique flall Clock, Mirrors, Bronzes, Water Colors by Walter Paris, Colored Prints, Brass and Iron Pra Andirons and Fenders, Carved Wood ee Lamps, Copper Lustre Jugs, Cloisonne se Vases, Brass Sun-Dtals, etc., etc. ~ALL AT PUBLIC AUCTION WITHIN OUR _ GALLERIES, 1407 G STREET NORTHWEST Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ee MARCH 26th, 27th and 28th, 1913, Bie, at 11 A. M.and 3 P. M. each day On View Monday and Tuesday, March 24th and 25th C.G.SLOAN G&G CoO, Inc., Auctioneers 14407 G STREET Washington, D. C. tee Wy WM f ty e sean —= : Aye, oy, » (A Zs Catalogue 1 Pair Mahogany Book Racks. bo Two Mahogany Reception Chairs. 3 Sliding Book Rack. eet Gee Gilt Table Plateau. 5 Antique Mahogany Chair. | 6 Colonial Mahogany Folding Top Card Table, carved pedestal, claw feet. 7 Brass Openwork Fender. es Mahogany Arm Chair. <9 Mahogany and Gilt Upright Mirror. henitan Rup, 6.2 x 2.10 10a Mahogany Chippendale Mirror. 11 Sheraton Mahogany Cabinet. 12 Colonial Mahogany Work Table, drop leaf, 2 drawers, wood knobs. 3 as er ee 659 4 Soe ie & Bee oe + ~ THE PRIFCH EIS 13 Nest of Four Sheraton Mahogany Tea Tables, line inlaying. 14 Pair Lowestoft Tea Caddies. 15 Upholstered Arm, Chat 16 Pair Mahogany Hepplewhite Side Chairs. 17 Mahogany Virginia Hall Seat. 18 Carved Mahogany Reception Chair, ball and claw feet. 19 Colonial Mahogany Cheval Mirror, beauti- fully carved. » 20 Serabend Rug, 6.3 x 3.1 20a Square Gold Mirror. 21 Leather Club Arm Chair. 22 Circular Mahogany and Gilt Convex Mirror, eagle top, very fine. 23 Colonial Mahogany Arm Rocker, tapestry seat. 24 Louis XV Gilt Carved Wood Mirror Sconce, é 2 lights. 25 Mahogany Double Door Bookcase. 26 Pair Brass Urn Top Andirons. 27 Colonial Mahogany Roll End Sofa, nicely carved, claw feet. 4 28 8) 30 30a 31 oe oo 34 35 36 37 38 oo 40 40a AT SLOAN’S ART GALLERIES. Elizabethan Arm Chair. Circular Mahogany Center Table, carved pedestal, claw feet. Kurdistan Rug, 5.5 x 3.2 Oval French Mirror. Handsome Mahogany Falling Top Secretary, 5 drawers, glass knobs, carved caps, claw feet, Pair Heavy Bronze Ewers. Mahogany Frame Arm Chair. Louis XV Gilt Mirror, carved wood, very rare and fine. One Dozen Lowestoft Plates, octagon shape, decorated with crest and garlands. Very Fine Mahogany Library Table, 10 draw- ers, glass knobs, resting on 2 pedestals. Circular Mahogany and Gilt Convex Mur- rors, eagle top. Mahogany Arm Rocker, saddle seat, very fine. Louis XVI Gilt Arm Chair, upholstered in Aubusson tapestry. Serabend Rug, 6.10 x 4.1 Oval French Mirror. 5 4] 42 oS 54 THE PRITCHETT ieee Pair Bronze Figures. Mahogany Davenport. Colonial Mahogany Hall Seat, with slipper drawer. Circular Gilt Convex Mirror. Iran Re Dio ae Nest of Four Sheraton Mahogany Tables. Upholstered Arm Chair. | Sheraton Mahogany Falling Top Secretary, 3 drawers, glass knobs, line inlaying. Oval Gilt Frame Mirror. Fereghan Rug, 6.11 x 3.11 Louis XVI Gilt Carved Lamp and Shade. Handsome Chinese Chippendale Mirror, pan- eled sides, very finely carved wood. Circular Mahogany Extension Table, resting on heavy carved pedestal base, ball and claw feet, 60 inches in diameter, with 5 18 inch leaves, made from old seasoned mahogany. Colonial Mahogany Side Chair. Mahogany Arm Rocker, upholstered seat. 6 | “ee at ace. drawers on both sides, = oe | pees knobs. 8 “Bijan Rug GAs 3.3 | ee v 60a Louis XVI Gilt Lamp and Shade. 61 pile China Platter. = Bie English Mahogany Beane Table, resting on PF heavy carved pedestal base, claw feet, ma- hogany well matured. 63 Prendsome Mahogany ee Mirror, carved claw feet. _64 Martha Washington Work Table, 3 drawers, side pockets. 65 Serabend Rug, 6.3 x 4.3 66 Sheraton Mahogany Sideboard, 3 drawers, 3 compartments, glass knobs, line inlaying. 67 Extension Table, to match. 68 China Cabinet, to match. 7 69 70 70a 71 fe 73 74 72 76 nee 78 bs, 80 80a 81 82 THE PRITCH Ela Set of Twelve Dining Chairs, to match, 9 sides, 3 arms. Kazak Rug, 6.5 x 4.6 Sheraton Gold Mirror, 5 feet. Colonial Mahogany Chiffonier, 6 drawers, wood knobs, claw feet. Circassian Walnut Falling Top Secretary. Fine Large Mahogany Arm Chair, upholster- ed in genuine leather. Upholstered Mahogany Settee, green tapestry seat. Mahogany Foot Stool. Round Snap Top Table. Mahogany Foot Stool, upholstered in panne plush. | | Painting in Gilt Frame. Upholstered Mahogany Frame Arm Chair. Persian Rug, 7 x 3.11 French Gold Mirror. Two French Colored Prints, in carved wood frame. Two English Colored Prints. 8 Al -SLOAN SSART GALLERIES. 83 English Colored Print. 84 Mahogany Foot Stool, top in blue panne plush. 85 Bronze Statue of a Woman, 30 inches tall. 86 Martha Washington Mahogany Work Table, side pockets. 87 Circular Sheraton Mahogany Table, line in- laying. 88 Colonial Mahogany Double Door Bookcase. 89 Sheraton Mahogany Drop Leaf Tea Table, line inlaying. 90 Chichi Daghestan Rug, 5.8 x 4.4 90a Mahogany and Gold Mirror. 91 Bronze Placque. 92 French Colored Print. 93 French Colored Print, “Napoleon.” 94 Two Cloisonne Birds. U5 © Kazak Rue, 5.5 x 3.3 95a Gold Colonial Mirror. 96 Four China Vases. 97 Bisque China Figure. 9 108 109 110 THE PRITCHETT Sas Three China Vases. English Colored Print. English Colored Print. Colored Print, ‘““Dance of Boy Angels.” English Print, “The Ladies Frankland.” Two Sheffield Card Trays. Antique Hall Seat, slipper drawer. Mahogany Snap Top Table, line inlaying. Mahogany Drop Leaf Work Table, 2 drawers. Mahogany Bureau, swinging glass. Queen Anne Sheffield Entree Dish. Gilt Upright Mirror, very fine. Serabend Rug, 6.4 x 3.10 110a Italian Mirror. 111 112 Lis 114 Mahogany Chest of Four Drawers, brass knobs. Sheraton Mahogany Folding Top Card Ta- ble. : Mahogany Round Pedestal. Colonial Mahogany Secretary, falling top. 10 115 116 117 118 Be 120 AT SLOAN’S ART GALLERIES. Colonial Mahogany Dressing Table, 2 draw- ers, glass knobs. Solid Mahogany Arm Chair, upholstered in denim. Side Chair, to match. Iran Rug, 6.3 x 4.5 Oblong Sheffield Tray, engraved. Meshed Rug, 9.2 x 7 120a Carved Wood Adams Mirror. 121 A 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 Mahogany and Gilt Over Mantle Mirror, 3 divisions, eagle top. Colonial Mahogany Falling Top Secretary, numerous drawers, claw feet. Overstuffed Spanish Leather Arm Chair. Colonial Mahogany China Cabinet, double glass doors and sides, claw feet. Mahogany Plate Stand. Circasian Walnut Dresser. Chiffonier, to match. Mahogany Cheval Mirror, carved claw feet. Circular Mahogany Center Table, claw eae 11 THE PRITCHETT Sale 130 Royal Bokhara Rug, 5.2 x 3.7 130a Washington Mirror. 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 Solid Mahogany Leather Seat Arm Chair. Martha Washington Work Table, 3 draw- ers, side pockets. Colonial Mahogany Sideboard, 3 drawers, 3 compartments, claw feet, glass knobs. Circular Mahogany Extension Table, carved pedestal base, claw feet. Mahogany Dressing Table, 3 drawers, glass knobs. Circular Sheraton Mahogany Folding Top Card Table. Colonial Chest of Six Drawers. Mahogany Serving Table, 2 drawers, glass knobs. Two Leather Seat and Back Hall Chairs. Tran Rug, 6:2 x39 140a Louis XVI Gilt Torchiere and Shade. 141 142 143 Colonial Mahogany Dresser, 6 drawers. Chiffonier, to match. Dressing Table to match. 12 al SLOAN 'S ART GALLERIES. Pair Ebonized Pedestals with China Panels. Bijar Rug, 6 x 3.6 Handsome Sheffield Entree Dish. Colonial Mahogany High Chest, 6 drawers, wood knobs, claw feet. Chinese Hinoki Hall Seat, heavily carved panel back, raising top, very costly. Arm Chair, carved dragons. Kazak Rug, 9.4 x 3.10 150a Louis XVI Gilt Lamp and Shade. el 152 L5O 154 155 156 157 158 Chinese Hinoki Corner Chair, carved. Side Chair. Colonial Library Table, in mahogany, finish- ed on both sides. Oil Painting, “Venice,” by C. Kofski, 1912. Solid Mahogany High Back Rocker, slip seat. Mahogany and Gilt Upright Mirror, eagle top. Mahogany Sideboard, 6 drawers, 2 compart- ments, scroll supports, Queen Anne style. Double Door China Cabinet, in mahogany, claw feet. 13 THE PRIS CHE Pasa 159 Circular Mahogany Extension Table, carved pedestal base, claw feet. 160 Royal Bokhara Rug, 4.0 x 2.6 160a Gold Adams Mirror. 161 Set of Seven Mahogany Dining Chairs, 5 sides, 2 arms, ball and claw feet. 162 Mahogany Arm Chair, upholstered in leather. 163 Side Chair, to match. : 164 Bronze Japanese Koro. 165 Cashmere Rug, 10.8 x 7 166 Leather Club Arm Chair. 167 Antique Hall Seat. 168 Upholstered Mahogany Arm Chair, in leather. 169 Mahogany Drop Leaf Work Table, 2 draw- ers. 170 Sarouk Rug, 6.10 x 4.7 170a Set of 13 Cries of London. 171 Antique Mahogany Bureau, 3 drawers. 172 Antique Clock. 173 Very Fine Mahogany Secretary, numerous drawers, carved columns, claw feet. 14 174 hiv be) 176 Le, 178 179 180 AT SLOAN’S ART GALLERIES. Mahogany Arm Chair, in figured denim. Very Fine Mahogany Chiffonier, oval glass, 6 drawers. Two English Colored Prints. Colonial Folding Top Card Table, claw feet. Nest of Four Sheraton Tea Tables, inlaid lines. Pair Sheffield Vases Repousse. Serabend Rug, 6.3 x 3.3 180a@ French Colored Print. 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 Handsome Queen Anne Sheffield Sauce Boat and Tray. Colonial Mahogany Dressing Table, 1 draw- er, wood knobs. Gilt Upright Mirror. Queen Anne Sheffield Entree Dish. Large Arm Chair, upholstered in tapestry. Sheffield Sandwich Dish. Fine Mahogany High Chest of Seven Draw- ers, glass knobs. Old Style Saddle Seat Chair. 15 189 190 190a 191 192 193 194 195 195a 196 STE 198 199 200 201 202 203 PHE PRITCHR Pi Sai Sheffield Cocktail Tray, engraved. Kurdistan Rug, 7 x 3.6 French Colored Print. Set of Eight Coaching Prints. Mahogany Arm Chair, upholstered in tapes- try. Oval Mahogany Snap Top Table. Folding Top Card Table, carved pedestal, claw feet. Fereghan Rug, 6.4 x 3.6 Oval Gold Mirror. Antique Chest of Four Drawers, brass handles. Sheffield Sandwich Plate. Oval Colored Print. Another.. Circular Mahogany Snap Top Table, carved ball and claw feet. Sheffield Sauce Boat. Sheffield Frame. Sheffield Entree Dish. 16 3 i 4 % _ + * ; Ag on ae 211 212 213 214 5 ie 216 217 218 AT SLOAN’S ART GALLERIES. Brass. Coal Hod. Handsome Pair Colonial Brass Andirons. Openwork Brass Fender, claw feet. Colonial Folding Top Card Table, carved base, claw feet. Mahogany Rush Bottom Chair. Circular Mahogany Inlaid Snap Top Table. Mahogany Drop Leaf Work Table, 2 draw- ers, carved pedestal, claw feet. Antique Mahogany Arm Rocker, loose cush- ion. Very Fine Mahogany Drop Leaf Thousand- Leg Table. Fine Mahogany Greenwich Arm Chair, ball and claw feet. Sheraton Mahogany Folding Top Card Ta- ble, with drawer. Sheffield Hot Water Kettle. Nest of Four Mahogany Tables, Inlaid with Dutch Marquetry. Pair Sheffield Entree Dishes, compartments. Richly Carved Mahogany Arm Rocker, “Will- iam Penn.” 17 219 220 ae e2e 223 224 224a Z25 226 227 228 229 THE PRITCHETT SALE ~ eeSuhoee Colonial Mahogany Console Ta- ble, carved supports, mirror base. Handsome Gilt Three-Division Mirror, with ribbons and garlands at top. Handsome Pair Sheffield Candles ram’s } heads decoration. Handsome Mahogany Bureau, 4 drawers, ‘glass knobs, carved caps, swinging mir- ror. Chiffonier, to match. Handsome Colonial Mahogany Sideboard, swell front drawers and closets, columns and claw feet. Mahogany and Gilt Three-Division Over Mantel Mirror, with baskets of flowers on top. : Mahogany Serving Table, 2 drawers, lower shelf, columns and claw feet. Handsome Mahogany China Cabinet, double glass doors and sides, carved. Rich Mahogany Circular Dining Table, 54 inch top, 4 extra leaves, cable edge, carved pedestal base, claw feet. Ea ie Carved Set of Eight: Mahogany Dining Chairs, 6 sides and 2 arms. Very Fine Mahogany Dressing Table, swing- ing plate mirror. y 18 230 231 232 ae 234 225 236. 18 238 239 240 241 242 AT SLOAN’S ART GALLERIES. Queen Anne Sheffield Well and Tree Platter. Oval Sheraton Mahogany Center Table, line inlaying. Handsome Mahogany and Gilt Upright Mir- ror, urn top. Twelve Lowestoft Plates, richly decorated. Mahogany Frame Roll End Sofa, nicely carv- ed, claw feet. Inlaid Mahogany Martha Washington Work Table, side pockets. Mahogany Swell Front Falling Top Secre- tary, numerous drawers and compart- ments, columns and claw feet. Oval Mahogany Frame Cheval Mirror, swan neck holders, claw feet. Very Fine Mahogany Dressing Table, tripli- cate mirrors. Very Fine Sheffield Tray, king border, en- graved. Two Richly Carved Mahogany Se touer Chairs, ball and claw feet. Colonial Gilt Three-Division Over Mantle Mirror. Rich Mahogany Arm Rocker, upholstered seat and back. 19 254 bo cn Sal DHE PRITCHET PS are Handsome Circular Sheffield Tray, openwork and grapevine border, engraved center. Handsome Mahogany Library Table, double carved pedestal base, claw feet, 10 draw- ers, glass knobs. Two Rich Mahogany Fiddle Back Arm Chairs, ball and claw feet. Two Side Chairs, to match No. 245. Oval Sheraton Mahogany Library Table, in- laid lines. Circular Mahogany Snap Top Table, mar- quetry. Pair Sheffield Vases. Circular Mahogany Snap Top Table, carved pedestal, claw feet, cable border. Circular Sheffield Salver, engraved. High Post Mahogany Bedstead, carved and fluted posts. Antique Mahogany Dressing Bureau, 6 draw- ers, Swinging mirror. Martha Washington Work Table, 3 draw- ers, side pockets. Mahogany and Gilt Shield Shaped Mirror. 20 256 257 258 Hie 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 Wi SLOAN Ss A GALLERIES. Handsome Mahogany Hall Seat, crotch ma- hogany panel back and sides, very fine piece. Three-Deck Mahogany Stand. Nest of Four Sheraton Mahogany Tea Ta- bles, inlaid with large band of satinwood. Mahogany Drop Leaf Work Table, 3 draw- ers, carved pedestal base, claw feet. Pair Colonial Mahogany Twin Beds, fluted columns. Handsome Sheffield Entree Dish, detachable handle, grapevine border. Very Fine Mahogany Sideboard, swell front, 3 drawers, 3 compartments, claw feet. Nest of Three Sheffield Platters. Mahogany and Gilt Three-Division Over Mantle Mirror, urn top. Inlaid Mahogany China Cabinet, diamond glass door, inlaid with satinwood. Carved Oak Hall Chest, raising top, Tenter subject. Mahogany Reception Chair, rush seat. Sheraton Mahogany Folding Top Card Ta- ble. cl 269 270 | 272 2/3 274 275 276 ag 278 ase 280 281 282 THE PRITCHE LT Sale Colonial Mahogany Work Table, drop leaf, 2 drawers. Handsome Sheffield Gallery Tray, engraved center, side handles. Brass Wood Box, brass claw feet, side hand- les. Antique Mahogany Buffet, 2 drawers, lower compartments. Colonial Mahogany Rocker, very fine. Antique Mahogany Hall Table, with drawer. Sheraton Mahogany Oblong Snap Top Ta- ble, large band of satinwood, inlaid. Antique Mahogany Chest of Four Drawers. Old Mahogany Dressing Stand, oval swing- ing mirror. Colonial Mahogany Dressing Table, 5 draw- ers, glass knobs, carved bandy legs, ball and claw feet. Martha Washington Work Table, 3 draw- ers, brass knobs, side pocket. Heavy Pair Wrought Iron Andirons, _ ball tops and cross bar. Sheraton Mahogany Double Drop Leaf Tea Table, inlaid lines. Pair Sheffield Entree Dishes. 22 AT SLOAN’S ART GALLERIES. Mahogany Jardinier Stand and Jardinier. Brass Fender. | Oval Mahogany Snap Top Table. Sheffield Bread Tray. Antique Mahogany Washstand. Sheffield Sandwich Plate. Mahogany Inlaid Muffin Stand. Colonial Mahogany Arm Chair, rush seat. Side Chair, to match. Mahogany and Gilt Upright Mirror, eagle top. Oval Mahogany Snap Top Table. Pair Brass Three-Light Sconces. Sheffield Plate Stand. Dutch Marquetry Tray. Pair Sheffield Coasters. Sheffield Bottle Holder. Pair Brass Three-Light Sconces. Sheffield Oblong Tray, engraved, grape and vine border. 20 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 SAZ 313 314 315. 316 317 LA EPRITCHE LI) tae Martha Washington Work Table, side pock- Ets. Mirror Hat Rack. Antique Chest of Five Drawers, brass knobs. Nest of Four Sheraton Tea Tables. Circular Mahogany Center Table, claw feet. Colonial Mahogany Folding Top Card Table, claw feet. Two Leather Seat and Back Hall Chairs. Oval Mahogany Snap Top Table. Old Geo. Washington Cradle. Mahogany Snap Top Checker Table. Princess Bokhara Rug, 6 x 4.3 Mahogany Reception Chair. Sheraton Mahogany Drop Leaf Tea Table. Colonial Chest of Five Drawers, brass knobs. Short Mahogany Ram’s Head Sofa. Nest of Four Sheraton Tea Tables. Drop Leaf Tea Table. Colonial Mahogany Falling Top Secretary, numerous drawers, glass knobs. 24. y+ Webi - : ix iad AT) ere Se ee ee 318 Ane, 320 321 jan “23 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 Wl SECAN:S Alice GALLERIES. Two Mahogany Reception Chairs. Mahogany Cheval Mirror, carved claw feet. Iran Rug, 67 3:10 Three Antique Chairs. Antique Slipper Rocker. Colonial Mahogany Couch. Sheraton Mahogany Extension Table, line in- laying. Sideboard, to match. Serving Table, to match. China Cabinet, to match. Shefheld Wine Cooler. Gilt Convex Mirror, with 3-light candelabra, eagle top. Kazak Rug, 9.3 x 4.2 Carved Chippendale Mirror. Colonial Mahogany Falling Top Secretary, serpentine front, columns and claw feet. Sheffield Mirror Sconce. Very Fine Louis XVI Print. 25 THE PRAGCHETT SOALS 334a Very Fine Walnut Arm Chair. 335 Very Handsomely Carved High Post Bed. 336 Bureau, to match. 337 Dressing Table, to match. 338 Chiffonier, to match. 339 Mahogany and Gilt Mirror, eagle top. 339b Cloisonne Vase. 340 Iran Rug, 11:3-x 8.9 341 Louis XVI Gilt Lamp and Shade. 342 Antique Hall Clock, very rare and fine. 343 ‘Tall Gilt Flower Basket. 344 Chippendale Mahogany Library Table, fin ished on both sides, brass knobs. 345 Bokhara Rug, 6 x 3.10 346 Wonderfully Carved Ivory Tusk, very rare and valuable. 347 Antique Mahogany Bureau, swinging mir- ror. 348 Antique Empire Mahogany Upright Secre- tary, trimmed with ormolu mountings. 349 Colonial ‘Mahogany China Cabinet, double glass doors and sides. 26 350 AT SLOAN’S ART GALLERIES. Sarouk Rug, 6.8 x 4.6 350a Bronze. gol 352 B53 354 ofS 356 stare 358 359 360 361 Elizabethan Walnut High Back Chair, cane seat and back. Pair Antique English Walnut Side Chairs, carved legs and claw feet. Colonial Mahogany Side Table, 2 drawers, cable edge, claw feet. Sheffield Entree Dish, detachable handle. Mahogany and Gilt Over Mantle Mirror. Colonial Mahogany Falling Top Secretary, numerous drawers, claw feet. Antique Brass Sundial. Pair English Daulton China Vases, flower dec- oration. Very Fine Mahogany Block Front Library Table, finished all around. Fereghan Rug, 6.7 x 4 English Oak Ladder Back Chair. 36la Upright Mirror. 361b Foot Stool. 362 Short Mahogany Sofa, ram’s head. 27 375 376 THE-PRITCHE TT See French Colored Print, “Marie Antoinette.” Colonial Mahogany Work Table, drop leaf, 2 drawers, brass knobs. Antique Chest of Four Drawers. Mahogany Dressing Table, 4 drawers, brass knobs, swinging plate mirror. Sheraton Mahogany Tea Table. Very Fine Rosewood Etegere Large Mirror, in excellent condition. Set of Seven Dining Chairs, 6 sides, 1 arm. Reception Chair. Iran Rug, 6.7 x 3.3 Painting, signed Wesley Wetter. Gilt Upright Mirror, print at top. Nest of Four Sheraton Mahogany Tea Ta- bles, inlaid with large band of satinwood. Sheraton Folding Top Card Table, serpentine front. Old English Copper Lustre Jug, showing pink, green and copper, very rare. Mahogany and Gilt Mirror, eagle top. Colonial Mahogany Dressing Table. 28 MiesLOAN S Akl GALLERIES. 377 Sheraton Mahogany Sideboard, 3 drawers, 3 compartments, line inlaying.. 378 Royal Meissen China Comport, resting on pedestal, cupids. 378a Unusual Diamond Copper Lustre Jug, col- lection piece. 378b Copper Lustre Creamer. 379 Colonial Mahogany Secretary, numerous drawers, glass knobs. 379a Copper Luster Creamer. 380 Moussoul Rug, 6 x 3.9 ~ 381 Double Door Bookcase, drawer at base. 382 Sevres China Comport. 383 Another. 384 Very Fine Lille China Platter, beautifully decorated. bees Persian [ran, 6.11 x 3.7 386 Mahogany Folding Top Card Table, serpen- tine front. 387 Circular Lille China Platter. 388 Antique Mahogany Washstand. 389 Two Sheffield Card Trays. 29 390 391 392 Se, 394 O95 396 397 398 399 3994 399b PAR PRTPCRETA See Serabend Rug, 6.3 x 4.2 Sheffield Fruit Basket. Sheffield Cocktail Tray, engraved. Circular Mahogany Center Table. Two Antique Reception Chairs. Kurdistan Rug, 6.5 x 3.3 Folding Top Card Table. Antique Rocker. Folding Top Work Stand. Reading Stand. Sevres China Comport. Lille China Basket. 399c Another, smaller. SUE. 399e 400 401 402 403 Old English Strainer. Bronze Group. Pair Brass Sconces. Sheffield Sandwich Dish. Mahogany Jardiniere and Stand. Pair Brass Candlesticks. 30 Al SLOAN SARL GALLERIES. 404 405 406 407 408 408a 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 Brass Fire Set and Stand. Oval Mahogany Eagle Top Mirror. Empire Mahogany Frame Mirror. Shefheld Sandwich Plate. Sheraton Mahogany Arm Chair, satinwood inlaying. Side Chair, to match. ‘Martha Washington Work Table. Queen Anne Sheffield Tray, engraved, on feet. Chippendale Mahogany Arm Chair, ball and claw feet. Dutch Marquetry Muffin Stand. English Mahogany Corner Cabinet, upper and lower compartment. Pair Wrought Iron Andirons. Handsomely Carved High Back Settee, up- holstered in, green denim, Madam Recam- ree te Colonial Mahogany Dressing Table, carved - pedestal, claw feet, 4 drawers, glass knobs. Colonial Mahogany Arm Chair, crotch panel back. 31 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 SHE PRITCHETT S Are Arm Rocker, to match. Side Chair, to match. Side Rocker. Sheffield Queen Anne Platter. Set of Very Fine Mahogany Dining Chairs, 6 sides, 2 arms. Magnificent Mahogany Dining Table, 60 in. top, 4 extra leaves, heavy carved center pedestal base, lion heads and claw feet, carved aprons on table and leaves. Rich Mahogany Buffet, carved columns, dou- ble shelves, cable edges, claw feet. Handsome Gilt Three-Division Mirror, dec- orated with garlands at top. Mahogany Pie Crust Center Table, revolving and snap top, carved pedestal base, ball and claw feet. Rich Mahogany Arm Chair, rush seat. Side Chair, to match No. 427. Mahogany Drop Leaf Work Table, 3 draw- ers, carved pedestal base, claw feet. Handsome Mahogany Dressing Table, 4 draw- ers, glass knobs, swinging mirror. Pair Rich Mahogany Twin Beds. SH 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 o 44] 442 443 444 mab SLOAN S Ail GALLERIES. Flemish Oak Hall Chest, carved panels, rais- ing top. Handsome Mahogany Arm Chair, rush seat. Very Fine Mahogany Chest of Four Draw- ers, wood knobs. Circular Mahogany Snap Top Table, pie crust edge, carved pedestal, claw feet. Circular Mahogany Sheraton Extension Ta- ble, line inlaying. Sheraton Mahogany Sideboard, 3 drawers, 3 compartments, line inlaying. Sheraton Mahogany Side Table, satinwood inlaying, 3 drawers. Large Sheffield Salver, rose border, engrav- ed. Colonial Mahogany Drop Leaf Thousand Leg Table, carved. Pair Sheffield Entree Dishes, grape and vine border. Colonial Mahogany Falling Top Secretary, numerous drawers, glass knobs. French Mahogany Arm Rocker, cane seat and back. Arm Chair, to match. 35 THE PRITCHETT Saye 445 Colonial Mahogany Roll End Sofa, _ nicely | carved, claw feet. | | 446 Oval Sheffield Platter, Well and Gravy Tree. 447 Fine Mahogany Inlaid Kidney Shaped Desk, 7 drawers, brass handles. 448 Mahogany Rush Bottom Stool. 449 Mahogany and Gilt Upright Mirror, eagle top. 450 Handsome Sheffield Well and Tree Platter, grapevine border. 451 Colonial Mahogany High Chest, 7 drawers, glass knobs, carved caps, claw feet. 452 Pair Mahogany Knife Boxes, line inlaying. 453 Handsome Mahogany Sideboard, 3 compart- ments 7 drawers, glass knobs. 454 Set of Six Mahogany Ladder Back Dining Chairs; 5 sides, 1 °arnav 455 Circular Mahogany Extension Table, 54 inch diameter, carved apron leaves. 456 Circular Mahogany Snap Top Table, mar- quetry. 457 Fine Mahogany and Gilt Over Mantel Mir- ror, horn-of-plenty carvings, eagle top. 458 Mahogany Hall Seat, with drawer. 34 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 AT SLOAN’S ART GALLERIES. Mahogany Fiddle Back Arm Rocker, loose seat. Colonial Mahogany Roll End Sofa, column arms, heavy claw feet. Pair Colonial Andirons, ball tops. Handsome Brass Openwork Fender, claw feet. Sheraton Mahogany Library Table, finished on both sides, glass knobs, ball and claw feet. Mahogany Frame Rocker, rush seat. Handsome Mahogany Frame Sofa, nicely carved, winged claw feet. Martha Washington Wing Arm Chair. Antique Mahogany Bureau, 7 drawers, wood knobs. Hepplewhite Mahogany Arm Chair. 468a Hepplewhite Side Chair,to match. 469 470 471 472 Mahogany and Gilt Mirror. Gilt Frame Mirror. Set of Three Empire Side Chairs. Mahogany Corner Cabinet, upper and lower compartment. Jo 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 THE PRITCHETT sae Handsome Mahogany Bureau, 3 drawers, glass knobs. Chiffonier, to match. Very Fine Mahogany Dressing Table, carved supports, 4 drawers, swinging mirror. Italian Renaissance Commode, marble top. Repousse Brass Wood Box, raising top. Colonial Mahogany Folding Top Card Ta- ble, carved pedestal, claw feet. Oval Sheffield Platter, grapevine decoration. Colonial Mahogany Work Table, 3 seeds glass knobs. Sheffield Fruit Basket. Pair Mahogany Reading Tables. Circular Sheffield Tray, engraved grape and vine border. Mahogany Costumer. Circular Sheffield Salver, engraved, king bor- der. Oval Mahogany Snap Top Table, inlaid cen- Leis Two Sheraton Mahogany Arm Chairs. Two Side Chairs, to match. 36 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 Mit SLOAN se aiel GALLERIES. Oval Sheffield Platter, grape and vine bor- der. Oval Gilt Upright Mirror, decorated with flowers. Mahogany Palm Stand. Circular Sheffield Tray, openwork and grape- vine border. Mahogany Inlaid Oval Tea Tray. Pair Brass Lyre Back Sconces. Two Mahogany Inlaid Three-Tier Bric-a-Brac Stands. Mahogany Bookrack. Oval Mahogany Inlaid Snap Top Table. Mahogany Roll End Foot Stool. Oval Mahogany and Gilt Upright Mirror. Circular Mahogany Table. Circular Mahogany Convex Mirror. Mahogany Chest of Five Drawers, brass knobs. Oval Landscape Mirror. Colonial Mahogany Drop Leaf Work Table. 37 THE PRITCHETT SALE 505 506 507 508 509 510 eli aud 513 514 oa Bs 516 517 518 519 520 Pair Candlesticks and Shades. Folding Top Card Table. Mahogany Falling Top Secretary, 3 draw- ers, handy interior. Sheraton Mahogany China Cabinet. Sheraton Mahogany Folding Top Card Ta- ble. 2 .. | Iran Rug, 6 x 3.3 Colonial Mahogany Console Table, mirror at base. Antique Drop Leaf Work Table. Colonial Mahogany Folding Top Card Ta- ble. ‘ Mantel Mirror, 5 feet long. Colonial Mahogany Roll End Sofa, nicely carved. Colonial Four Drawers, brass knobs. Marth Washington Work Table. Louis XVI Gilt Lamp and Shade.. Colonial Mahogany Dressing Table, 4 draw- ers, brass knobs. Sarouk Rug, 6.7 x 4.2 38 533 534 535 AI SLOAN’S ART GALLERIES. Circular Mahogany Extension Table. Square Top Colonial Mantel Mirror. Thirty-Three Copper and Brass Flower Hold- CLS Sheraton Folding Top Card Table. Handsome Mahogany Library Table, 5 draw- ers, glass knobs. Mahogany Double Diamond Glass China Cab- inet, inlaid. Colonial Mahogany Console Table. Painting in Gilt Frame. Mahogany Chest of Five Drawers. Iran Rug, 6.3 x 3.4 Circular Mahogany Center Table. Very Fine and Unusual Colonial Mahogany Work Stand, raising top with mirror, one drawer, sliding waste receptacle at bot- tom, heavy pedestal. Colonial Mahogany Low Boy, 4 drawers, brass knobs, ball and claw feet. Sheraton Half Round Mahogany Folding Top Card Table. Nest of Four Dutch Marquetry Tea Tables. Bo 536 aye 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 pod TAR PRITCHETT ine Martha Washington Work Table, 3 drawers, side pockets. Colonial Mahogany Secretary, 4 drawers, brass knobs. Oblong Sheffield Salver, openwork gallery. Oval Sheffield Entree Dish. Kazak- Rus lO x39 Rich Mahogany Davenport, 7 feet long. Sheraton Mahogany Dressing Table, inlaid. Very Fine Mahogany Library Table, 8 draw- ers, heavy carved pedestal base, claw feet. Colonial Mahogany Drop Leaf Work Table. Cabistan Rug, 6.1 x 4.1 Sheraton Mahogany Sideboard, 6 feet long, 3 drawers, 3 compartments. Side Table, to match. Chest of Five Drawers. Handsome Colonial Mahogany Cellarette, swell front sliding shelf, columns, claw feet. serabend Rug, 6,10 x'3:10 Washington Mirror. 40 AT SLOAN’S ART GALLERIES. English Colored Print, “Fur Gatherers,” after G. Moreland. | Another, “The Shepherd,” after G. Moreland. Large Sheffield Gallery Tray, engraved. Martha Washington Work Table, 2 drawers, side pockets. Antique Mahogany Chippendale Folding Top Card Table. - Oval Landscape Mirror. Colonial Folding Top Card Table, carved ped- estal, claw feet. Persian Carpet, very fine. Sarouk Rug, 6.3 x 4.2 Old Mahogany Martha Washington Work Table, inlaid with large band of. satin- wood. Colonial Mahogany High Post Bedstead, flut- ed columns. Chest of Five Drawers, brass knobs. Mahogany Folding Top Card Table, carved. Iran Rug, 6.1 x 3.5 Richly Inlaid Folding Top Card Table. 41 567 568 569 570 571 3/2 573 574 575 576 SVE 578 Rv, 580 581 LHE PRITCHETT SALE Mahogany and Gold Mantel Mirror, 5 feet pod long. os Louis XVI Gilt Lamp and Shade. High Post Bedstead. 3 pee BijarcRug, 210x306 Mahogany High Boy, 6 drawers, glass knobs, _ carved ball and claw feet. " Richly Inlaid Mahogany Folding Top Card Table. Gilt Lamp and Shade. Mahogany Falling Top Secretary, numerous drawers. : Mahogany Drop Leaf Work Table. Circular. Mahogany Extension Table, carved pedestal. : Colonial Mahogany Sideboard, 3 drawers, 3 compartments. | Colonial Mahogany Bookcase. Mahogany Drop Leaf Work Table. Serabend Rug, 6.5 x 3.5 Colonial Mahogany Dressing Table, 3 draw- ers, carved pedestal. , 42 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 mpeg 592 D738 594 595 596 ae 598 eo ME SLOAN'S. ART CALEERIES. Chest of Five Drawers. Mahogany Muffin Stand. Mahogany High Boy, 14 drawers, brass knobs. Tran’ Rus, 5.9 x 3.7 Colonial Mahogany China Cabinet, carved columns, claw feet. Martha Washington Work Table. Chest of Five Drawers. Another. Fereghan Rug, 5.9 x 3.5 Hall Seat. Chest of Five Drawers. Chest of Four Drawers. Colored Print, “Napoleon.” Persian Iran Rug, 7.10 x 3.6 Sheffield Sandwich Dish. Handsome Gilt Over Mantel Mirror. Antique Mahogany Frame Sofa. Pair Brass Andirons. 43 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 Sheffield Sandwich Dish. | Sheraton Corner Cabinet. yeas Frame Mirror. Clock. Three Bohemian Glass Decanters. Six Pieces Canton China. Large China Platter. China Placque. I'wo China Jugs. Fifteen Volumes “Arabian Nights,” limited edition 1000 copies, Payne translation, published in London. The Following Water Colors by the Celebrated Walter Paris Portrait, “Lady.” 5 ve Portrait, “Lady.” | Portrait, “Lady.” Portrait, daddy. 44 2 AAS een ohh o a AT SLOAN’S ART GALLERIES. 5 Portrait, “Gentlemen.” b) 6 Portrait, “Gentlemen.’ / Portrait, “Officer.” 8 Portrait, “Mediator.”’ a Hite at Cripple Creek.” 10 “Old Manor at Suffolk.” pe At Piano,” 12 “Glimpse at Sea by Night.” O The Following Paintings by Mr. William Silva Will be Offered at Any Time Upon Request Mr. Silva is quite well known throughout the country having had exhibitions in all the larger cities. He is a pupil of Jean Paul Laurens and Henri Royer, Academy Julien, Paris. Mr. Silva is disposing of the entire contents of his studio preparatory to his departure for Califor- nia. 1 “Afternoon, Venice.” een the Creek Bank.” 3 “Golden Marsh, Georgia Coast.” 45 or een aA 4 “After the Shower, Segoria, “5. “Moonlight, Venice.’ ts wed ho “The Heart of “Memphis.” Rs “The Dunes of Picardy” (pastel). | 6 . ee: 7 “The Yellow House, Venice.” oe 8 9 “Landing the Boat, Venice.” 46 + ie ae A > * Pe nett Shae ry ato a i, a -< a CG. SLOAN & COMPANY, Inc. a AUCTIONEERS «(1407 G STREET N. W. WASHINGTON, D. C. ee a we be ey ee Regular Sales of Furniture | ae Every Saturday at 10a. m. i Special Sales at Private Xt Residences on Short Notice Sell (at Auction only) Real and Personal Property for ‘Grustees, Executors, Administrators, Receiv- ers, Attorneys, Agents, Assignees, Brokers, Etc., Etc., Etc., ARMY AND NAVY STORAGE ROOMS Mee PAR ATE A PAR TM EN TS = OO \ General Auctioneers and Appraisers 1407 G STREET NORTHWEST WASHINGTON, D. C. SILVER . ANTIQUES CHINA CURIOS FURNITURE : BRIC-A-BRAC PLATE BOOKS : = PAINTINGS PRINTS DRAPERIES RUGS AUCTIONEERS BY CUSTOM TO THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS @ 82 2 OFFICERS of the ARMY AND NAVY GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, etc. iS For the Sale by Public Auction of all Personal Effects =: : : Correspondence and Consignments Solicited ARMY AND NAVY STORAGE ROOMS 1407 G Street Northwest, Washington, D. C. CG. SLOAN. @ *C.0., Inc., ‘Presto THE.CRANE PRESS