SIONS | — Erpreflions of the PAS Ny Mons | Ha || ie | in I | tii i Graved from the Prints of ih | \ J AUDRAN Ok SS By Joun TINNEY. fo LONDON: 2h CAE DP D. Below as A BF oo Re eG ee OUIS XIV. Kine of France , having eftablifhed the Royal Su Academy of Painting and Sculpture e, to perfect thofe noble Arts, jan Mluftrious Men in France, who, to promote the la ean Ses of His Mayxsr Ly cued by the Aan of we Cot.- AT tned 7 Aue oteé tor, ‘ ori the Dies ofthis Acader my. es: not oe relate the Advantages this Eftablifhment has 1; the Works of es e excellent Mafters that have been din it, who have enriched France, and all Europe, and raisd Admi: } ‘ealoufy of their Neigh sbours, Jufficiently e Daitabion of an ingenious People can do, iF re Rigard os Fa vour Le Pr ince. he treats ee 4) Sxprellions of ate pee ein he fays bag g to the Principles of an- that Paffion is a Motion of the Soul, refiding wt, Bee makes tt follow what it thinks good, ge hurtful. He fays alfo, that what caufes any P in the Soul, fdafe S particular Mottons of the Bo. ty, the cl which ae defcribes. hen , Be Fuopofes that the Soul receives the Impreffion of the the 0 Brain, and feels the Effeéts of tt at the ee zn 15 the Part of the Body where the Soul more rcifes its Funétions, fo the Face is that 4 it | focws what it feels ; for this Reafon it zs called the au ions tuto two Kinds: The Simple, and the Ailes ffi is made by the Appetites of Defire; i of oer fon. This is the Order be follows : ; fe rveS th 7 eee eval, That the is ie exprefs more than her Part the Lmprefion of the Paffions ; then the Eyes, the the Nofe, and the Cheeks. This is what this IMuftrious has expreffed by feveral Sketches of Heads, naibiek ave full y copied; with an Abftrad of the Difcourfe that $ t0 each of the edittel ly ¢ ONE ISS) ATTENTION. RSS RRS SSS (7 ( The fects of attention are tohuake the 4 e-bromes sink anid ay pote Lhe stiles of the n0fe, @ lirn lhe ey elalls lorvard the object hatatfes Ee loopien lhe prouth and. fprer tall y lhe Ufficr part - brateclene lhe head a litle, and fix tt, Juilhoul any Ofer remuckalle allevation. ADMIRATION. YY. see little —~ t bul VCP ler SeeM: VOTE tl KR bfere bil little agitation tr the Inind, Lhishiyfion cotyf/e lille the puarrts of the fi é G0 YE. taf 7 QM IE. dcgltll UMASS lee CYe- LOO a Sf tk by. CD. NY) NY \ Ny SS AGS \ INR 3 AN 8 NS i , 1 Ns : SS 4 Neos \ 8 ww SN Soa aR NS S X > ®& Ny dS NN ) 2s Sfnithes no fine y, he cyeball plac Ss A aN j NS IN SS S S Nes Na SNS S v8 : N SS Soe Hh) NN Ss | N i yy NaS 4 aN A K Ss S ® SiS °| Lhe heotuns thatacmpary tus Ley fioneareliardl ydfercntfpome these of jimpile Re y adnurelun ony hey ae horelivly Ybponiger juerhed lheeyelronsmoreelevaled thee cy és Mire often, lee cic Leld fil? thee? fre ve the lover eyelul cere More lead y fucd. Lhe toith ts morec ei, and all the prarts trie tics Pronger emotion. PANS or GZAAAn tip LZ SS HY Me A Nh WY PMH HANH ih bY Admiration begets flecm and lls prroducs veneration, Which, whet tl has for tls obyect fomething divine crleyondd our compichety ion, takes the fice. decline arul the cye-brorus beril don rt, Wee CYO a7 calito effet adh fix a the huottlte is fhuut. Lhefe motioms are gentle and produce bit lidtle alteration tr Yother fuerte Ree ee ‘ SS “ BES ge V - Miho’ ufilitre fas lhe fame bit as venep alin, only ce WWtaered tra Kiffe ep: Dianne, tt rotons ce not the fecmee, lhe head trclines to the “fe fide, thie e yelalls Qu CYe-LI OWS 72, le derectl y ufo; le teouthe had Gpens, and lhe lO OPNCIT APE oo al a litle turned uj, he c ther fuerte vemuetin tn ther natural late. TPT PAP ee rege & Lhislafiin brings lheeye-lrows clipe lege Cher anil foward (AA Yeyed, tihuharebereqpen thancrdimary, the eyelall ws crflamed and placed fey th Gee puddle of the cye the nip lrils rye uj_, Bere wrtracted topvards the cy eile é d ‘ Lane i touts half cfend, Rite pire being rjnetun@gtvea lively glorving Olu? ST ILI DELETE AIT TIPE PO RA IES I ALT TBE : I JOY. WITH TRANQUILLITY. 7 2D es lt Yul: PPE? 1G Le S sd NEN NS) 8 oN ge SVK o. NRE oN eS NKR . SR VANS LEQ W PX 8S cone NNN SYS S 8S X ~~ WENRS A SQ Ka WD oy & ZW nN YS » aN IN a Ohee Corny ele tine ts lively, the took head i fercze, lhecye lye heli a liugling ar, fOr 2 é Viry litle aleeratwon ts remarked tn the prreliefi Mntoitlse biti 7 afta liile heey “ foredty dften & Gee Bip zero 2 LO LAUGHTER. Lille? Jufitife ts (fere Liter ee ly, Ve wl pith fair 0? td e, Jnicted lite eye- Za OI re lowarde lhe het Ulle of Yeye Etbend down lopapdls U Sites of the nose: Yeyes arcalmestfhut Jometime tappearletcr hed tears, jetuch Ike rw altera- her tr lhe hee 2, Wee Buoilh feccl) Cet Bt, T/eé peer tee a lft, Yee COT He 2D Of tt 2 fae tlle pm Lawn leith, cti{E ce je wihle Re UY checks johih appear fo fell as le hide the eyes t7 fone bed tire; Yndflrids areopen, Ball. Cee fice US Saredcotur ACUTE PAIN. % Atte feat Ruth eg he eyebrows afypron je One another Oufi Contr dle lee Mucddlle, lee Yelle ts hel writer bee e wye-Lroru, te nomti ils 2¢f¢ and heehee a hrinhle tp tle chechs the jouth ead} often. scared dp cerus lack, AM! the [Le tO the faceare agitated thprgurte 70 le the ticle nce Lf the fun. «Lhe 4 Ufone fer Olli a fr Tfo} toned Y Yee Same WOU ae x lift, Lil 720 tfc flrong. The eg CLIONMS HO Vl Caffe POC AL Ye fe > patch. Thee L¥e Ll oifee Ord ft vic fC TU 2 ol je L Lhe noflrils rYe; bul YR? nhles Za Ke Weehd are LSS fue pcetucl le. Ihe Uf tL? efi? Cee? indy lore cls U nuitdleE: C GF Geowlle t. thelfopen The dyedun thats produced by Sadnefs makes the eye-lrows rfl lonaras y- Gs Ly Z Y s Ce huddle of lhe forchead here than lands he seth; Gecye-ball aff ears full of perturbation; theWhule of lhe eye tt Yellen, thecyelids are drann dwn & a litle? well, alabout the eyes ts lil lrenofridls aredcrawn dornward; theloilh tf 5 ¢ : 5 3 2 hil open Ethe corners are drann danny lhe head awelifs ly laanung on one of lhe Jhotlders, the face ds ofa lewil colour, the lips fuule. ve ST nad SEGRE RRL T LN cag DNs ae AOE a bt ee ne é al " i! M4 WEEPING. Yhe alterations lal We “eft Uy aniifes BEULY « dr onigly nut heil bee eye-lr ors ttt adorn torus the mili of the forcluad, tle eyes are idrost closed 71:0L, til LF LIU deren toruards lhe Checks, the justrds wwellits the myles are VELI of Wee fore beaitle Yea dee nulls as VL the files Ve Ware Lrin aj nakilig Ww wiples on Yichecks f Che ttpeler ye puistied oul, prefies lee iyfyper o1te ald. Uflie as wridled f contracted is ColLT tb Wei, Cif wally aout U eyel row, Cee Ye, ee “a Ae, anit Lhe Heche. COMPASSION. oe Lhe lwely altentun lo the msf? tuned of another which ws called Compas Mion, Cal, i ae cyelrons lo Sink tovards the nutille of the Jere head, the eyelall tol e fir. upon the object; the fides f the nif els neal Une flea litte clevaled, making wrinkles an lhe checks, yout ole open; lhe “opper life wobelified ups true, Crevards,Y. milfcled § all YU fpuars S: UY fae Jerking denn Kaur 2G lea de Uf Met twhih Callfed the Lipo VON. LO The noluond t Sir n are Mi Ly Wa Ung, he fi releuil ts wrinkled the eyebrow ws nut, the fide of tt neat the noferinks down, & the other fide rife very Inuch, the ye very open, 6 the cyelill ts in the Iniitdle, the nofirdls rife § draw towards the eyes Xx make hrinkles in the cheeks, Ube hi ruilh [heltd, us fides forking avn, Khe under lip ws Juifhed out leyenda lhe ufipieyr one. ; Rope rope ee a Dn I EE een ea ea ee ot eae eee HORROUR. ANC the “iL def jtic i fO nelNeD afes L110 UD, 4 Chen lhe tye brow Ants, Mink: f agreed Mere. Te Lye-li all placed at te lotiom Yf lhe eye half caver by lhe lower eye Lil, Wee ‘noite ts heal dpe n, bul < lifer en lhe muldle Wun the fides, white being ee baih, mike lwronhles wn lhe cheeks; the face, grows pale, & the Yes become livid the hauifele 1 X the veins are marked. Van TERROUR or FRIGHT. L Fin Lhe nolente of Ves Lapin aller: tall the parts of the farce; lhe eye-lvon Yes tr lle huddle, Us Mufeles are marked fit Ud, furfied Me dgefe Yc MEP, & Surh lemaris, UN fi, White drapes life ad well AL YUNPOULY CYed WE URY Gtllt;. Ui iifper cyelid bs fil inde rpcyelron, Yiu ofyf.cye wu nampupied Wille ved, te yelall, (ities lward. Yl Yurtif y ye UY le mer furtop. Ucye il fivells Mbecomes lirnit: vA puifilés c Sfiniseh hed fir Kthefe lat lermirile tape lap dif files of Ynif brie, Umoulhe ts Ue 2Y ‘ git nia cnners very apparent, misfites 8 veined of Ynickfoelid:y hate flanils ane uly alot, fy Viz a teal yond Of ie nope Z UM, fausd ‘pound. Yee bs fualé livid; le comlude alloughtiobefircigly Marked, SSR Lhe fects of Auger flaw ts nature. Lhe eyes bacame red Kenflamed; y cy Lal ts fli 7tNg & Yur hlind, thee eye OMS AVC fEMe limes deviled, MS femelimes sinh denn egually, Nhe fe pehctiil tt be 7Y hnuch wrinhlid, Wile hivinkles between le Ciféd; Wee nofla US ANC Pen & nlarged, UU Str Kilt ¢ weir Me MON Mt UNM ONE? Yond c UEP lee Uft- fur cite, ltves lecmners of lhe Mmeiuh a litle jen, akiig acu df telyfull PM. 20 = SS BS ran | Lhts Lif. run wirinleles lhe forehead, lhe YETONMS are, fink denn Npertl, lhe cyeleall to be Uf lati lire der the cyelrows Whit lun lewarad lhe be Cll flwulil afflil? fill Uf, Hive aswell as lhe Widele of the ye lee Cle lil lee nif are puale,gpen, more marhed tani TUN “6 drawn backward jo ws le jreke nrinkles trlhe checks, lhe yuitlh os fo [hut ad loffa ww lhe leelft are cle idl, lis AMM of the noulh are drann lack na UY Mitte funk dn, tee Miiflis / Of he. JON of ifte a? fire, the wlour of lhe fice “partly enflamed V partly Yelle wife belies pale or livrd. Smaart Yh Vy, vy Ye Ms tus Feefiwon ts eatpeam, ls Incline ave 30 lkenife. the frchead hviphles from the lap lo the betem:the cyeblrons bend denn over UY cen bp ene arothir ony fila ff Y nif the cic fects @ leon fire kjill of blood Veur Call ws heturbed bil und? Yo Cron; Spurklig, dunn UY cYe ad bs fudlddliily nists are lunge qpend Uli Luplicnilyl Y noe wnks dorm y iufeles brilnd keen are meld df retchity upper party Y cheds ws large marked Mnerrow wonards ‘Yyar:y noulh crap backward u pore gpenitt files thape Nn Vi ley} loner bp ts la wrge buna out: they ypatt Cheup leetle they poarmlly Lite tear lyps, phuch are “ful 1ab ts Y rest of Y fidcery haw / ruil on end