SALMAGUNDI CLUB Fourteen West Twelfth Street Z, ° © CONT QUt Rh & DN Sale, Thursday, April 12th, 1917 OF: avi TITLE ARTIST Peete Valley os og Oe ele oe eae Morgan Colt reese eis ee ca sept eee W. Herbert Dunton 142 East 18th Street........ ee Thomas Watson Ball Phe Plaiterer.. oo... 2 a ee Wm. Fair Kline The MIRE 88 ee es ba An aes fe W. R. Leigh Genevieve ee ee oe Ivan G. Olinsky aaa LOGS oe oss cscs pas Ce ee John F. Carlson ROU VICW C6 oes isa has re ee Richard Kimbel The White DA Se tein occ ves Pes cece eee Joel Nott Allen Miata LOUNGE.) oo sec oe ee H. Leith-Ross oe Bear Opposite so ii5s ee F, Luis Mora HCA Eso oa A Ce Sl rar ay ce ree eee Hrede wees Ss Sg OSs 05 8 nb AP | Ea reece er a BAT ties Eppa Ze Souvenir of the Island of Monhegan.......... Frank A. Bicknell avers Datici hs. 3. ok ieee Ge a ee ee H. G. Plumb SUHTENer VON So re ks 6 be oo a ee eee Joseph H. Boston OW the“ Bahotnas 06s deed oo ss bee eee E. M. Bicknell Passing «| GCamsters ss cc cacs cuts eas se ee ee H. R. Poore Salto Marches in Winter... 22. soe se Henry Hammond Ahl Wood and: Streatls. ©... eos eee eee Alfred Hutty ghee ain Ss Se ns ys W. Granville Smith Bass Rocks, Gloncaster. 5 Goch ee James S. King eer CLIN Os PVT) care edie Nadas 0c @ aps sta aso. Bruce. Crane Ces oi ache ie Oe oie er Py ew ee “Arthur I. Keller pee “lotisthe Cup: a. ees oes ve os os Frank Townsend Hutchens ACTOR 2 uh a ERE eer rere groan ap Re ee Galen J. Perrett Wh is eek ail eo oes Max Herrmann Phe CO ee ie ae ee ee ee ....Carl Hirschberg onetiry Ievening <2. ie yee.c Sb. eos. eee ...» Parker: Mann Cpa oo Ea BS ees epee npn ene ea aan ee are Sok es eee Oscar Miller MOORING “ald . ip Pitan = Children at Tn. .Moquiland Spring Sevinetime Wendy. Sky, Stnset In the Woods Woodland Brook Old Warf at Monhegan Charles Ebert The Brook Cullen Yates Hillside, Spring The Mountain Stream Harry Franklin Waltman Midsummer Moon F. B. Masters Fair Weather Henry B. Snell At the Library—Winter Guy C. Wiggins Morning Sky, Harvest Time—France Robert Vonnoh rae [OA TAR oe oa 5 bas hae ee ee J. Francis Murphy “Meditation” David Karfunkle Sunlight . M. Shurtleff The Song Lobsterman’s Home The Harbor W. J. Aylward Neglected Farm F. DeHaven Moorland, S. I Charles Basing In the Land of Snow Charles S. Chapman Trmside—OCtOver Eliot Clark Seaward Charles Vezin eee fe Geo. M. Bruestle unrise . Freedlander as F. Bloodgood b eorge M. Richards 4 Rider of the Range Frank Tenney Johnson pring Days Robertson K. Mygatt Mount Desert Hills Charles Edwin Kinkead Sherborn Hilltop Charles E. Heil Maine Hills Feeding Time G. Wri Te ght Gray Day Henning Rydén Leon D. Bonnet Oak and Hickory Thomas K. Hanna Marine Isles of Shoals F. H. Richardson A Blue Hill Frank Swift Chase edyard "Towle Sale, Saturday, April 14th, $917 S Pi Me TITLE ARTIST Close of a Nevember Day,........... 6 Joseph B. Davol Cedars... BisieltWine ese pas bo ve e's ose sl . oot e eee ee W. P. Silva Summer in, New England... ....... see Geo. M. Bruestle Sar ces Se are Paerreree eee C. A. Burlingame Beco ee ee See 6a wk oe Sk Gis a ee has. P? poate Wanpiter 9... Sea a PRUE NOONS cs ccs si Gustave Wiegand Be Oo ites ee eos Herbert A. Morgan miter Layastape. oe Ernest Albert Down South—Noon Time:....3.,. 632 2 Harry Roseland My MrONt sr Groh =... Lucius Walcott Hitchcock The Meadow EGGh.: 2). 6 a G. Glenn Newell poo ee Mi ae. ae eee J. Redding Kelly oun OIC ne es he Res ae ee s ‘yler Mount Renier aan ee Due G. Tyler ete ARG (GO 6 ae Seeds es tb. As ee ee Edward. Dufner Moasie -Codst. ose oo ee eee Frederick W. Doederlein Cjlce High VV nari 6 0 6 ou cies ec cee Arthur Covey On “Nigel: Passo. ok, ee ee ek Carl Rungius VE ICANO he 2 tes oe a ek ete, Se Albert Rosenthal Liverpoak. GN,:S. Schoopers. 422565552. 28 M. W. Zimmerman The Group Mist... sa oe oe ee a os ee Alexander Bower Plenmetes Gardétis. 3.3 se oes ee ce J. H. Gardner Soper ihe: bragedian... eee. eo. es Ernest L. Blumenschein WAGE ci tee hee bee ek Ss uae Gardner Symons Maisie ROOM eo eter i glia oa cas we ee John Wenger Piles Alley ae ee eee his sae 0 ae ee Gordon Grant GAM ee es oe ee Wm. J. Whittemore HE OSe Olaine IRIVEE 6 ois os ce oe ew ne Everett L. Warner WMOGe Ole VAC ee. ei ae Se as Wm. Francis Taylor reali per: JACKS. is a cs oe ee oe Birge Harrison Septeniber: Afternoon... ....5.....50. Frederic Louis Thompson fede Wecaeu, Ooundiits .. sic. oc. oe ke oe v ee Morris Hall Pancoast PMLCL SONATA os oe ee ee os Bae eu see Gifford Beal re Pia ioe es i ee ne Andrew T. Schwartz Paci bande North: RIVEr,-100G.. i... 65 20... Walter Jack Duncan ier Cate a a ea ee es i. fee ae Oscar Fehrér* les : Nb dow Yh NY PHNHDND NI Qui © hb: to iS) _ Ee Ges a wanes e Ws fier Doe tape ORAS Cl s:. ay oR oe 4 Malia Wa ai Emi Canes Bay. . Nee yee CASES Fe eee FW, Merpith: igs Mate Fenty ‘Salem ~ Hubbell Aftergio ene SUM. Mexia se Paul Cornoyer Ship Soy eae ah cas Be eer Ve Charles William M Wir Neighhors Rool...4. 2.42. 5.0 D, Anthony Tanscee IS TIMISICtic ce oo, Robert A. Graham PGR ROBO. tos coc ea ee E. A. Bell LOCAL ROlOr i avon. a ee Albert H. Sonn Compton Meadows, 0... 2.5 2 2 S. R. Burleigh Ghsnese Pearl Merenants.... .c225, 2.7. 8 George Harding idee aires. Prance.. =. Elliot Torrey See a es F. J. Waugh Pip lie Mien ete. eee Wm. J. Hays sate ish r ss. Gerrit A. Beneker See ee ee Norwood MacGilvary Close Ope Wer Day H. A. Vincent “Dawn, the Wcecne Woodlands”...... Wedworth Wadsworth Book- Ends Peg. ons. ere a, ee ee Tsidor Konti A NWoenram Meadow..... 3.405, Thos. B: Craig nO Mle Edson cn Clarence K. Chatterton Ine Westchester: County... =. 2) 0 Arthur T. E. Powell NiGGBIEDE Nae F oe _, stoddard June Roses. bes Be Pine Woads = eee rierate Brows NN OGOGIAN Gs G2 Se Ale ei Ss OP ee Frank Hazell ptteniie, june Cutting: 4 6. es ee Edw. G. Eisenlohr baketada, taurel.o85 62 2 oe a Robert H. Nisbet UENO AN, hes rec oad oss Frederic Louis Thompson CIGHGS Ande SUnSHING 25s. oc Gass sb eae Chas. L. Wachter Bees beGhet Mees. oy de Gee sea ee Will H. Foster Chestnut tree: in Blossom... 6. ce. os oa S. Harkness McCrea imer tlaknot, | OlpertO. cy pi as0s ons os es G. Turland Goosey emiusy tvaiita bilson. oo iis oe as eee John Willard Raught pee Cigrious Nelreadt 1.5% c.g ik oe ee C. H. Sherman BG. Veto OU 0. Sak as eo eh ee ee ee Walter Meyner Berkshite. Landscape. . 20.5 wetea, b. sah ces ee J. P. McRickard SiMe de Goh OS eo eis See Pe ee ee O. G. Wales AO CON Ge, ess Se ek we eee Walter Farndon Pilon pucks: Comnity. ba sss eo ae Henry R. Rittenberg AUUituiiniiy SUS HIN@e ee eae eee Wells W. Sawyer MOONMONU SA ot calc enh ec oc eee Frederic Louis Thompson scureibers Dame. 72520. 2. fae ae Tod Lindenmuth Grand=Catal eWenice as ee ee Morval H. Busey Pile Fiddle eh Gad 25s oa ule iS esa co eee ee Alex. J. Rummler ae et oh Se Re FOR BENEFIT OF THE NEW CLUB HOUSE FUND Exhibition, April 4th to 14th Sale, April 12th, 13th, 14th, at 8 o’clock, p. m. (Further information may be had from the saleswoman) Art Committee: DE UMENSCIIEIN, Chatrman, ELIOT CLARK, BRUCE CRANE, JOHN WARD DUNSMORE, WILL S. ROBINSON, CARL RUNGIUS, W. GRANVILLE SMITH. LADIES NOT ADMITTED AUCTION NIGHTS | UY. 'M.Knoedler& Co. 14 East 57th St. New York