FIRST EDITION, Ze 3 a) \ Noose is AUCTIONE NO) ORR IN eS (tS. SD OLEO LE OR S: Norton, TRist, WATNEY & C®, SAYS Mess®§ RIVINGTON & SON, 62, OLD BROAD STREET, We |, FENCHURCH BUILDINGS, E.C. LONDON,E.C. SY Mess®® SEWELL & SON, CIRENCESTER. Martin & Hood, litho. 8, G'Newport'S' London FMARKET DRAYTON _ STOKE 7 | + 4 | TUTBURY @ CASTLE DONNINGTON | ain say st ABBOTS i STAFFORD + % BROMLEY @ MELTON | MOWBRAY, | + NEWPORT ASHBY DE | | La ZOUCH Shp éws BURY mS WELLINGTON | \s | | | +SHIFNALL BREWOOD | ae SAICESTER | BROSELEY+ MUCH WENLOCK + QLVERHAMPION I & -+WALSALL +ATHERSTONE + SUTTON | COALFIELD WW i EIEN +HINCKLEY | IDGENORTH DUGLEY | . HARBORGUGH = | i BIRMINGHAM | LUATERWORTM | ny | \)) | INSTER il | CLE BEWOLEY + Luptow —_-SLEOBUR : | } STOUR PORT+ | | | 1 TENBURY HENLEY in vICK H | | ARDEN f ICK ize {I & DAVENTRY SLi aedl {| i +SOUTHAM NNORTHAMPTON|I) il LEOMINSTER +ALCESTER | ES 4 STRATFORD | BROMYARD * | far a =) TOWCESTER | | é z | | 2\ & z lo} } | ) EVESHAM UPTON on K as SHIPSTON REOR SEVERN CHIPPING yi BANBURY } HEMBEORD N ERMPDEN, \ } LEDBURY ie Ps BRACKLEY TEWRES BURY SUC 3 || ia ¥ =x al { MORETON- G > ® SEZINCOT\\ STQW 4 [NORTON ROSS 5 5 | \ © \ ) ,CHELTENHAM. e z BICESTER || cLoudEst, AR at | MITCHEL DEAN + fw a NORTHLEACH Ie AYLESBURY} BURFORD NEWNHAM + +PAINSWICK ORD so OXFORD. ae STROUD +RAMPTON + CIRENCESTER FAIRFORD MINCHIN HAMPTON LECHLADE +DURSLEY FARINGDON & Ey ON +TETBURY +CRICKLADE 7 7 REATESES lle. | } HIGHWORTH ge | | + THORNBURY ERN WAUWINGFORD | A WiCKWAR +MALMESBURY ] i} WOOTTON +s CHIPPING 2 SWINDON HENLEY BASSET EAST. LLSLEY uros THAMES. I SODBURY MARSHFIELD READI MARLBOROUGH + G KEYNSHAM +} HUNGERFORD. BATH NEWBURY BRADFOR EVIZES +TROWBRIDGE KINGS CLERE | WESTBURY LUDGERSHALL ‘WELLS SHEPTON. MALLET MINSTER + HEYTESBURY WY HSTOCKBRIDGE HINDON CASTLE ALRESFORD 2 A S 9 F SALISBURY WINCHESTER | Martin & Hood, litho. 8,6‘Newpor ondan FIRST EDITION. In the High Court of Justice.—Chancery Division.—In Re Rusnour. Rusnour v, Ruswovr. GLOUCESTERSHIRE & WORCESTERSHIRE PARTICULARS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE OF THE SEZINCOT ESTATE A MAGNIFICENT GFreeeholh Residential Bomain, Situate within 2 miles of the Town of Moreton-in-Marsh (a first-class station on the Great Western Main Line Railway, between Oxford and Worcester), 14 miles from Evesham, 20 from Cheltenham, 28 from Gloucester, 22 from Cirencester, 1$ from Stratford-on-Avon, and about 30 from Worcester and Oxford, and 82 from London. It comprises A FINE STONE BUILT MANSION, CONTAINING An Elegant Suite of Reception Rooms, Ample Chamber Accommodation, Well-arranged Domestic Offices and Conservatory, Surrounded by Charming and Delightful Pleasure Grounds and Plantations Containing Choice Specimen Trees and Shrubs of Mature Growth, AN OBNAMENTAL LAE, CASCADES, TROUT STREAM & DBUCKEBY, Walled-in Kitchen Gardens, Ranges of Vineries, Forcing Houses, &c., Stabling for upwards of Thirty Horses, Coach-houses and. Out-buildings, Gardener’s Cottage, and Good Accommodation for Servants and Helpers. The MANSION is approached by extensive Winding Carriage Drives, through a BEAUTIFULLY TIMBERED PARR, The Estate adjoins the properties of the Right Hon. the Earl of Redesdale, The Right Hon. the Harl of Wemyss, Lord Leigh, Lord Sudely, The University of Oxford, and others, is with Ornamental Lodges. Divided into Convenient Farms and Occupations, held by First-class Tenants at moderate Rentals, And embraces a total area of about S.6425 AGRaas= Which includes nearly 400 Acres of Woodland, SEVERAL COTTAGES, ACCOMMODATION LAND, & Also every Third (and the Next) Presentation to the Living of Longborough, With its Parish Church, about a mile from the Mansion, and approached therefrom by a Private Carriage Drive. Attached to this Church is the Private Chapel or Faculty Aisle belonging to the Estate. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY MR. DANIEL WATNEY, OF THE FIRM OF MESSRS. a NORTON, TRIST, WATNEY & CO, = = At the Mart, Tokenhouse Yard, Ov THURSDAY, 10th JULY, 1884. at Two o'clock precisely, Pursuant to an Order of Mr. Justice Pearson, the Judge to whose Court this cause ts attached, IN ONE LOT. May be viewed by orders only, to be obtained of the Auctioneers, and Particulars with Plans and Views may Le had of Mr. John Scovell, Batsford, Moreton-in-Marsh; of Messrs. Rivington & Son, Solicitors, 1, Fenchurch Buildings, London, E.C.; Messrs. Sewell & Son, Solicitors, Cirencester ; of Messrs. Peacock & Goddard, Solicitors, 3, South Square, Gray’s Inn, London ; and of Messrs. Norton, Trist, Watney & Co., 62, Old Broad Street, Royal Exchange, London, E.C. ‘'T, W. Nicuonsow, Printer 13, Wormwood Street, Bishopsgate Street PARTICULARS. SEZINCOT ESTATE, INCLUDING The Manor of Sezincot and Rectorial Tythes in that Parish, DELIGHTFULLY SITUATE IN THE COUNTIES of GLOUCESTER & WORCESTER, IN THE PARISHES OF SEZINCOT, LONGBOROUGH, BOURTON-ON-THE-HILL, MORETON-IN-MARSH, CONDICOTE & CUTSDEAN, Within two miles of the Town of Moreton-in-Marsh (a First Class Station on the Great Western Main Line Railway, between Oxford and Worcester) 14 miles from Evesham, 15 from Cheltenham, 28 from Gloucester, 22 from Cirencester, 18 from Stratford-on-Avon, and about 30 from Worcester §& Oxford, and 82 from London. The Estate is in one of the most favoured residential districts in the Midland Counties, and the neighbourhood affords first rate society, the Seats of the Right Honourable the Earl of Redesdale, Lord Northwick, Sir Peter Pole, Earl Wemyss, Lord Sudely, Cheetham, Esq., Sir George Phillips, Bart., E. T. Godman, Esq. and others being in close proximity, AND There are unusual attractions in the way of Sport, as the Heythrop Hounds, the Warwickshire, the Cotswold, and the North Cotswold hunt the immediate locality. There is likewise First-Class Shooting over the Property, the Woods and Plantations being well placed for holding Pheasants, and the Soil admirably adapted for breeding and rearing Partridges; Wild Fowl Shooting may also be obtained, and good Trout and other fishing in the Sezincot and Warren Lakes, Tn its entirety the Estate embraces an area of about 36444, - 3r - dép. IN A RING FENCE, Bounded by good roads and well circumstanced for Water, It is Handsomely Timbered, and the Ornamental Plantations have been placed with such judgment as to produce a most picturesque effect from all points, MATA WOoUd AL “MuUVvd LS a \ € UWS a THE MANSION Which was erected in the early part of the present century by the late Sir Charles Cockerell, Bart., is substantially built of Yellow Sandstone quarried on an adjoining Property, Is situate in about the Centre of the Estate and is sheltered from the North-East by thickly Wooded Plantations, From it, and from the Pleasure Grounds, lovely Panoramic Views are obtained of vast Extent and Beauty, reaching far into the Counties of Oxford, Warwick, Gloucester and Worcester. It is Approached from the Moreton Road by a Carriage Drive more than @ mile in length, guarded by the “SEZINCOT” and “ DIAMOND” Entrance Lodges, also from the Worcester Road by a Carriage Drive three quarters of a mile in length, with Two Ornamental Lodge Entrances known as the “WORCESTER LODGES,” and there’ is another Carriage Drive from the “TUCKWELL” Lodges on the road from Bourton Hill. © The details of the internal acaommodation are as follows :— ON THE GROUND FLOOR— ENTRANCE HALL, 27ft Gin by 17ft 10in, Paved with White and Black Marble BILLIARD ROOM, 32ft by 20ft, LIBRARY, 24ft by 31ft, including large circular Bay Window opening to Grounds, SMALL DINING ROOM 19ft Square, STUDY 16ft by 18ft, including Recess, with Lavatory and WC. THE DOMESTIC OFFICES ARE WELL ARRANGED, AND COMPRISE— Still Room and W.C., Housekeeper’s Room, Servants’ Hall fitted with convenient Cupboards, China Closet, Lamp Room, Knife and Boot Rooms and W.C., Meat and Pastry Larders, Kitchen, Scullery, Tub House and Yard, Butler's Pantry w'th Bed Room and Strong Room attached, and Wine Roon ; also a Staircase leading to Six Servants’ Bed Rooms, Stoke Hole, Lumber Room, and W.C. in Wing. INNER HAW paved with White and Black Marble, WITH A GRAND STAIRCASE, Having Two Flights of Stone Steps and Ornamental Iron Balustrades, Leading to X PIPACLO WS CO 18015, 1b 1D) ©) ike AONE ienaken. AND A HANDSOME SUITE OF RECEPTION ROOMS, With Oak Floors, Statuary Marble, and other Chimney Pieces, and the Shutters to the South front fitted with Silvered Glass Panels, COMPRISING A Lorty VAULTep Dintne Room, 32ft by 20ft, With Windows opening to Balcony. Lofty and Elegant Saloon, 33ft by 23ft 6in, Including Large Circular Bay Windows opening to Balcony, 1D) 18 AN WIE IN (GP IR) Ie, Sauns Texp SOV. (With Windows opening to Balcony), and communicating with a Noble Semi-Cireular P s y), CONSERVATORY pa (HEATED BY HOT WATER), 150ft long, having an Octagon Smoking Room at the further end, with Fountain and Avairy, and Two Flights of Stone Steps leading to the Grounds. A Suite of Rooms, comprising Bed Chamber, Boudoir and Dressing Room. ALSO Six Bed Rooms, Dressing Room, Bath Room, School Room, Passages, and W.C. IN THE WING— Five Principal Bed Rooms, Bath Room, Two W.Cs., Dressing Room, an Elegant Octagon Bed Chamber, with Window opening to Flight of Stone Steps leading to the Lawn. SECOND FLOOR— Five Bei Rooms, Dressing Room and Lumber Room; also approached by two other Staircases are Five Bed Rvoms, Day and Night Nurseries, Wardrobe Room, Housemaid’s Room with Sink and Water laid on, and Store Room. UPPER FLOOR— Taree Servants Bed Rooms, and large Landing. ON THE BASEMENT— EXTENSIVE WINE AND BEER CELLARS, A LAUNDRY, comprising Drying and Ironing Room, a Wash-house, W.C., and a BREWHOUSE, COAL CELLARS AND YARD FOR STORING WOOD AND DRYING GROUND, And Back Entrance. THE STABLING Is most conveniently placed a short distance from the Mansion, and consists of Three-Stalls and Loose Box, Three Saddle Rooms, Washing House, Two Six-Stall Stables with Hay and Straw Rooms over, Coach House for Six Carriages, with Bed Rooms over, 2 Coachman’s House of Four Rooms, Coal House, Paved Yard, Water Reservoir and Folding Gates, besides the Breeding Stables, comprising Four Loose Boxes, Three Sheds and Yards. THE OUTBUILDINGS INCLUDE A Pheasantry, Blacksmith’s Shop, Cottage of Three Rooms, Poultry House and Yard and a Range of Cow Houses and Mess Room, A HUNTING STABLE, with Five Loose Boxes, Saddle Room & Yard, Another Yard, with Oart Horse Stable for Three Horses, Loose Box, Cart Shed, and Timber Yard, Carpenter’s Shop, Saw Pit, Lime and Store Houses, Paint Store, and Cart Shed. There is a magnificent supply of Water to the Mansion and Premises from Spring issuing out of the hills on the Home Farm, and in the Park Woods the water being stored in Reservoirs and then conveyed by gravitation in pipes to the Upper part of the Mansion and Offices as well as to the Stabling, Gardens and Home Farm, A GARDENER’S COTTAGE, Containing Six Rooms. THREE WALLED-IN KITCHEN GARDENS, Well stocked with Choice Fruit Trees, and having Vinery, 50 feet Long, Stove House, Three ranges of 6-light Pits, Range of Forcing Houses, 100 feet long, in three divisions, comprising PHRACH HOUSE & TWO VINERIES, Another Six-Light Pit, Cucumber and Melon House 55 fect long, (all heated by Hot Water), Potting Shed. Potato Room, Bothy, and Under Gardener’s Room. BEAUTIFUL AND EXTENSIVE Laid out with great taste by a Landscape Gardener in Sloping Lawns, Italian Gardens, and Shrubberies, intersected by broad Gravelled. Walks, and adorned with stately Timber and rare Specimen Trees of mature growth, including some fine Yew, Cedar, Walnut, Horse and Spanish Chesnut, Cherry, Elm, and Oak. A part of these PLEASURE GROUNDS is called AH Ee TOR NE RY,” A most delightful retreat, which is adorned with choice Shrubs and Trees, besides Ornamental Grottoes, Temples and Fountains, with Trout Pools connected by Cascades, and winding secluded Gravelled Paths leading to the Lake, the Boat House and Rustic Summer House. The Pleasure Grounds are embellished with a variety of Ornamental Buildings, erected in the most picturesque situations, from designs by Thomas Daniell, Esq., R.A., and which include the well-known “WELLINGTON PILLAR,” Recording on copper plates the victories of Wellington and Nelson. The “Serpent Bridge,” “The Temple,” “Grottoes,” and “Fountains.” An Extensive Undulating and Richly-Timbered Park, WITH ROOKERY, MALIA WoUud LNGdUYaAS AHL mc Go dG Gs Gi cadeiaisty wattle 2 JN Ks TWO GAMEKEEPERS COTTAGES, DOG KENNELS AND STABLES ALSO A TROUT HATCHING APPARATUS, In which have been reared some thousand of Trout for supplying the Streams, Lakes, and Pools. The total acreage of the Mansion, Ornamental Pleasure Grounds, Shrubberies, Plantations and Lakes adjacent is 69a. : Or. : 30p. Described as follows : Berea Description. Cultivation. | Quantity. IN SEZINCOT PARISH. | Ay ay al Sezincdt Mansion, Offices, Gardens, &c. _— 3 0 29 2 Plantation, Fish Pond, &e. a2 «| Wood, &. 2a 3) 3 Plantation and Road above do. Wood ep lk 4 Upper Thornery Wa Plantations, he. Wood, &e. 3) 2) 32 5 Thornery and Walks ao ” Sit eh 6 wn, Walks, &. .. is af Pasture 9 2 28 1 oe Clump vd) _WFood 0 0 34 8 Close a0 a0 ba a6 Pasture (24 abe 9 ure Grounds 38 te ve a ORe2y 38) 10 Plantation 5 Wood Om 1431 11 rdeners Cottage, Kitchen Gardens, & C. =a 4.0 33 12 Back Garden .. 35 Garden ORT 13 Summer House and PI. ants ation. ..| Wood, &. Zo mend 14 Paddock by Garden on as a6 Pasture 0 2 28 15 Yard and Plantation . 50 ..| Wood, &e. OO ST 16 Plantation oe on ac a3 Wood 0 38 35 17 Paddock a4 ° Pasture O25 33 18 Buildings and Yar fle no o | _ OL 37 20 Carpenter’s Shop and Yard ate —- 0 2 12 21 Pl jantation . & AG 30 Wood 03 3 24 ece by Horse Close ee _ 0 0 32 25 Plantation of s5 oe Wood 2 3 33 34 Cow Sheds and Y: ard 5A Ao = 0 0 25 41 Plantation ao a5 08 Wood 0 2 25 42 Duckery Plantation a8 a4 me ” 42 0 43 Plantation +. on 6d ” 5 0 39 4 Ornamental W: ater ee as : Water 3 1 21 45 Plantation eI an 39 ..| Wood, &e. ie lala} 46 Pinecushion Clump ce ao Wood 0 0 20 48 Plantation and Pleasure Ground od Wood ike al ek) 49 Plantation and Walks .. 08 a ”» 20 14 50 Ice House and Plantation on ” 11 24 52 Orchard .. 30 an Bg | Orchard Py Py 5) 53 Plantation ote ae ae ae Wood 0 0 19 54 Nursery .. aa ae ae 56 Trees 4° 3 37 A. | 69 0 30 The above is IN HAND, and possession will be given on completion of the purchase. 383a. 2r, Or thereabouts, The Woods, Coyerts and Plantations are all in hand, and occupy a total area of Of which the following is a Schedule:— 30p. nou Deseription. Cultivation. | Quantity. | git. IN SEZINCOT PARISH. AL BR. P. hy RACE Plantation Wood 3 0 Ditto = 7 0 0 Upper Rookery Plantation ba » 3 0 Lower Rookery Plantation | 5 @ i Tuckwell Lodge Plantation rl » 6 2 Clomp Plantation » ol Plantation ” 20 Ditto » Yo) Ditto ” O21 Ditto » 21 Ditto ” ol Ditto ” 9 2 Ditto » ol 62 Ditto ” 11 65 Ditto .. i ” omo Pt. 66 Hoggs Meadow Plantation ” m0) 67 Ditto ditto ” 21 75 Ash Coppice ” 10 77 Thick Leather Coppice ” 5 1 7 Old Road Plantation » 9 0 96 Plantation » 9 2 97 Ditto ” 0-2 99 Ditto » 9 2 100 Ditto 9 0 2 103 Sallow Bed Coppioe ” 20 106 Plantation ” 1 0 108 Ditto ” 3 2 110 Ditto » 2 1 i Ditto » 0 2 112 Stone Pit ” Vet 114 Plantation » O17 17 Ditto » 9 0 119 Ditto » 0 0 121 Ditto ” o 2 123 Ditto » 11 124 Ditto ” ol 125 Ditto 2 9 0 126 Ditto ” 9 0 128 New Plantation ” 40 129 Plantation ” 15 0 131 Ditto ” ae 132 Ditto ” 13 135 Ditto » 02 136 Ditto 9 0 3 138 Ditto ” 0 3 139 Ditto ” ol 141 Ditto 9 91 142 Ditto ” 02 144 Ditto ” 12 145 Ditto s ty 147 Ditto i ies 149 Ditto : 0 2 154 Ditto Oy 20 160 Ditto of 20 162 Ditto a 6 0 163 Ditto i 5 3 164 Ditto s 12 165 Ditto a 34 167 Ditto a 16 2 171 Ash Plantation i Wal 173 Plantation * 32 174 Ditto i HQ 176 Ditto » 01 177 Ditto A 01 178 Ditto " shag 180 Ditto 10 181 Ditto 4 0 2 182 Ditto ; e 0 2 183 Ditto 5 Dye 184 Middle Ground Plantation . 10S 186 Plantation i 02 187 Ditto ‘s 8 189 Ditto % ome 190 Ditto ‘ 10 Carried forward ao Description. Cultivation. | Quantity. ae IN SEZINCOT PARISH (Continued) | A. P. A RP. Brought forward 145 28 | Blessed Bottom Plantation Wood 9 85 | Plantation i 0 36 | Ditto es 3 il 3) | Spring Plantation * B) 29 Plantation ‘5 0 12 Ditto os i 2 16 Clapley Plantation .. - 64 0 Clapley Pool and Island Water 3 16 Plantation fe Wood 0 29 Ditto * ) 15 Ditto a 0 ul | Ditto 3 0 28 Ditto s 0 4 | 231 3 22 IN CONDICOTE PARISH. Plantation Wood 3 2 Ditto : () al 15} | Ditto aa O 2 2h Lodge Coppice... » Ve thee Horse Shoe Plantatio: 0 308 3 Fish Pool.. Water 0 2 24 Plantation Ee Wood Oates! | Horse Shoe Plantation ” 5 0 39 Camp Plantation a BB 5 Hangdown Plantation e QB 8 Washpool Coppice .. ” yO Plantation A 3 “ 0 3 32 Ditto a i ER Ditto ; - ® 2 2 Ditto oy 0 2 14 Ditto .. as 6 a ik, By fal Ditto .. 0 me 5 At GB ——| sh) 1 2 IN CUTSDEAN PARISH, Middle Plantation .. 43 «| Wood WB BB) Sheep-pen Plantation (East) part cut . a 8 1 16 Ditto Ditto (West) ‘ m || zi bs ig-trough Plantation ; 4 | 43a) 30) ss 0 3 10 | 3 iL), 83 | is 41 0 | Ditto = 00 ” 6 3 34 | Ditto . ns Ws is i 3 1 83 Upper Bourton Hill Coppice . . ee in i ® al Bourton Hill Clump .. a 5 D eee Clapley Plantation . 5 Pe i Si Freeboard Plantation 5 1 0 33 —= | oh 2 IN BOURTON-ON-THE-HILL PARISH. 284 Furze Break Plantation Wood ia il 1) 236 Plantation ” Wiis 287 Ditto i | 0 0 18 290 Plantation oe ~s OORG) 291 Hermon Clump_.. 0 0 36 292 Ditto Mount Plantation ss il XQ) 2) 293 Mount Lebanon Plantation .. a 1 0 36 296 Stile Clump s 0 0 26 297 Bourton Clump x Oe 301 New Approach Plantation * 60 2 305 James Ulump 3 0 0 28 308 Elm Clump.. S 0 0 28 312 Plantation 3 0 3 10 314 Norton Clump : 1 10) 29 319 Plantation ss O 8 2 324 North Plantation eI || 4.9, 19 330 Slade Coppice x 0 a mm 8 IN LONGBOROUGH PARISH. 562 Stone Pit.. x 36 ao = 0) iL 3 565 Priyate Road to Longborough Church .. _ i ab ayy eae A. |883 2 30 The remainder of the Estate is divided into several Capital Farms and Occupations, with good Farm Houses and Agricultural Buildings, and with an unusually large proportion of Grass Land, Let on yearly tenancies to first-class tenants, at rentals which have been very materially reduced to meet the present agricnltural depression, and which are now so moderate as to preclude the idea of any further reduction, while on the other hand, with the return of agricultural prosperity, which may in a very short time be confidently expected, the rents may without any hardship to the tenants be again raised to their former level, and the Agricultural Holdings (England) Act, 1875, does not apply to any of the tenancies, THE “HOME FARM” Is situate in the PARISH of SEZINCOT and BOURTON-ON-THE-HILL, adjoining the Park, and is intersected by the Blockley and Worcester Roads. EGE eh Ar UM Et © US Ts Pleasantly Placed and contains the following Accommodation :— Three Attics, Four Bed Rooms and Two Dressing Rooms, Dining and Drawing Rooms, and small Sitting Room. Kitchen with Two Rooms over, Wash-house, Dairy, Larder, and Cellar. g > > y ’ THE AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS Include Barn, Cow Shed for 10 Cows, Ranges of Calf Pens, and Two Cow Houses for 27 Cows, Piggeries, Two Loose Boxes, Poultry and Chaff Houses, Cart and Implement Sheds with Granary over, Cart Horse Stable for 11 Horses and Loose Box with Loft over, Harness Room, a cool Dairy with Office over, Giz House, Wood House, and Yards, Together with Enclosures of ARABLE & PASTURE LAND, Containing an area of about 344a. : 2r. ; lp. Laying as follows :— Nolen Description. Cultivation. Quantity. ae IN SEZINCOT PARISH. A RP, 19 Farm House Buildings, &., .. sis - alk 339) 22 Rickyard and Road os +s a6 co 0 1 33 26 Valentine Park .. . ce -.| Pasture 11 3 28 28 Great Park og a6 Be 38 mn 20 3 #0 32 Ditto ois 3c ae = ” 42 65 35 Lower Combsideland, &c,, 6 oo % 260 5 39 Great Harrod’s Ground on ce Be Aah ay, Bal 40 Ditto as oe on oo a 7 1 28 AT Hill Meadow 0 eh ut) 55 Lillie’s Ground... 4 200 4 58 Lower Harrod’s Ground fs 10 0 10 Pt, 66 Hog’s Meadow ee 30 Ae =) SOl0) 109!"4/"Bodmoare se) ca Re ase a 15 0 24 104 Muttoner’s Close ae a aA “D i Be KS} 105 Lower Ice House Ground ne oe Arable UP} lf) 107 Upper ditto 3 3 gy © Seelaees 118 Part of Great Grattons .. 33 13 0 33 115 Lower Seven Aeres = ec “i fh Ik ii) 11 Gu |e Uwelye Acres tilts ne iS 11 0 18 118 Fourteen Acres .. Bo Bo as) a 1442 2 120 Great Ground .. a0 . an a) 10 3 35 122 Shepherd's Lodge Ground Bp oe ay 11 0 26 130 Furze Brake Ground .. 91, ss 13 0 26 133 Little Starveall Ground .. Ob ao) a 9 1 22 134 | Great ditto Sn Bee oe - 15 1 10 137 Kighteen Acres .. at eS Uy 2) ah 140 Upper Seven Acres 55 Sh eye 143 Windmill Knap re ll 0 16 329 1 32 IN BOURTON-ON-THE-HILL PARISH, 294 Short Moss Ground... or -.| Pasture 52 0 295 Style Ground... ae a 60 » 92 9 Sy alle OY | A./344 2 1 The above is in the occupation of Mr, Robert Watts, on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent of £400, but as his tenancy expires at Michaelmas next. the purchaser will then be enabled to take such lands into his own hands as he may think desirable. 11 “HINCHWICK FARM,” Is SITUATE IN THE PARISHES OF CUTSDEAN & CONDICOTE, AND CONSISTS OF AN OLD-FASHIONED Substantially-built Farm House, Pleasantly placed close to the High Road, Having Five Attics and Five Bed Rooms, Capital Dining and Drawing Rooms, Sitting Room, Kitchen and Scullery, exvellent underground Dairy and Beer Cellars, Uffice, Coal and Brewhouses, WITE GARDEN AND ORCHARD: THE FARM HOMESTEAD 18 VERY COMPACT AND COMPRISES Cow House for Seven Cows, Piggeries, Two Waggon Lodges, Two Loose Boxes, Cart Horse Stable for Ten Horses, Two Chaff Houses, Two other Stables for Seven Horses and Harness Room, Ranges of Open Cow Sheds, Blacksmith’s Shop, Cow House for tying up Eleven Cows, Barn, Ranges of Calf Pens, Gig House, Tool and Implement Sheds with Granary over. WORKSHOP AND OTHER BUILDINGS. Two Labourers’ Cottages and Gardens adjoining. At OLD HINCHWICK,” is a Barn, Chaff House, Open Cow Shed, and Five Labourers Cottages, with Wood Sheds and Gardens, At Hinchwick Hill is a Capital Range of Open Cow Sheds, large Barn, Chaff House and Yard. Together with numerous Enclosures of ARABLE & PASTURE LAND, CONTAINING IN THE WHOLE 678a. - or. 16p. = Or thereabouts, lying as follows :-— Noren Description. Cultivation. | Quantity. orite, IN CONDICOTE PARISH. A RP, A BB Farm House, Garden, Buildings, (05 ey] _ eT Orchard and Rick Yard. ont Pasture 2 2 30 Wash Pool Meadow p 1G) ab 1) Part of Ram Close ae 33 0 0 34 | Part of Horse Close Meadow a Ze lee Camp Ground . a Arable Sl 2 37 Upper Searlet Hill _ 25 1 36 Cow Ground os 3) Zia OuenD) Lower Scarlet Hill 4 1662 4 Plantation and a Tbe Meade now in one ... Pasture 63 4 Part of the Oldhouse, Buildings, &. > 2 1 33 Stable Meadow Pasture 14 2 26 gings = Arable 29 3 38 Ground . 5 EipediGuontl ce in one ... ” 25 1 16 Great Ground 5) 27 2 22 Upper South Furze 932 5 Lower South Furze * 22 1 30 North Furze ‘ o7 1 4 Roundabouts es 29 2 35 Lodge Ground if 29 3 25 Part of Ram Close Pasture 41 31 Cottages and Gardens = 0 0 20 == 366 3 12 IN CUTSDEAN PARISH. 254 Part of Ram Close Pasture 6 0 13 255 Part of Horse Close 6 2 0 2 24 256 Clapley Ground and : 280 | Black Spring Ground } Bowamione Arable | 238) 125° 38 2 Ik Spring P 288 Castes Tae ES lame es 26 3 10 260 Part of Lodge Ground ... > 20 15 261 Part of Roundabouts 3 83 6 263 Sheep Pen Slingate A 2 2 29 266 Barn Ground... x a i. i 268 Hinchwick Hill Barn, Sheds, &e. _— 0 2 21 270 Lower Toads Corner 5 Arable 220 6 272 Middle and Upper ditt 5 39 2 38 274 Upper Bourton Hill “ 32 2 11 277 Lower Bourton Hill i 42 3 22 279 Warren ... 3 410 5 306 1 20 A.|673 3 16 ed The above is in the occupation of Mr. Joseph Scarlett, of £550. on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent ib “HINCHWICK FARM,’ Is SITUATE IN THE PARISHES OF CUTSDEAN & CONDICOTE, AND CONSISTS OF AN OLD-FASHIONED Substantially-built Farm House, Pleasantly placed close to the High Road, Having Five Attics and Five Bed Rooms, Capital Dining and Drawing Rooms, Sitting Room, Kitchen and Scullery, exvellent underground Dairy and Beer Cellars, Uffice, Coal and Brewhouses, WITH GARDEN AND ORCHARD: THE FARM HOMESTEAD 18 VERY COMPACT AND COMPRISES Cow House for Seven Cows, Piggeries, Two Waggon Lodges, Two Loose Boxes, Cart Horse Stable for Ten Horses, Two Chaff Houses, Two other Stables for Seven Horses and Harness Room, Ranges of Open Cow Sheds, Blacksmith’s Shop, Cow House for tying up Eleven Cows, Barn, Ranges of Calf Pens, Gig House, Tool and Implement Sheds with Granary over. WORKSHOP AND OTHER BUILDINGS. Two Labourers’ Cottages and Gardens adjoining. at OLD HINCHWICK,” is a Barn, Chaff House, Open Cow Shed, and Five Labourers Cottages, with Wood Sheds and Gardens, At Hinchwick Hill is a Capital Range of Open Cow Sheds, large Barn, Chaff House and Yard. Together with numerous Enclosures of ARABLE & PASTURE LAND, CONTAINING IN THE WHOLE 678a. - or. 16p. Or thereabouts, lying as follows :— No. ne we é Total Plan Description. Cultivation. | Quantity. Quantity. IN CONDICOTE PARISH. A RR P A, R P. Teemuronees Gardens Buildtnner cote (ieee 22 7 | Or dand Rick Yard... bce Pasture 2 2 30 Wash Pool Meadow ii 13 1 10 Part of Kam Close a . 0 0 34 Part of Horse Close Meadow ... uel! 2 Camp Ground gl Dy Upper Scarlet Hill s 25 1 36 Cow Ground... ss He BD Lower Scarlet Hill 5 16 2 4 Plantation and Af ; Debden Meadow f 2OW 2 one ... Easome Gey e Part of the Oldhouse, LUBA &e. = 21 38 | Stable Meadow Pasture 14 2 26 | The Hangings Arable 29 3 38 | Bier Gerona }now in one. : eee Great Ground . 27 2 29 Upper South Furze i 93 2 5 Lower South Furze 5 22 1 30 North Furze e ot Roundabouts Be 29 2 35 Lodge Ground a 29° 3 25 Part of Ram Close Pasture Aa Bhi Cottages and Gardens = 0 0 20 a= 366 3 12 IN CUTSDEAN PARISH. Part of Ram Close Pasture 6 0 13 Part of Horse Close j i 0 2 24 Clapley Ground and ; z Bones Crown f ROW in one Arable | 39 2 38 Giger ee } now in one i 26 3 10 Part of Lodge Ground ... , 0 15 Part of Roundabouts 3 3° 6 Sheep Pen Slingate 2 292) Barn Ground... 5) 1g) Hinchwick Hill Barn, Sheds, &e. _— 2 PL |) Lower Toads Corner Arable 0 6| Middle and Upper ditto... & 2 38 Upper Bourton Hill o 2m Lower Bourton Hill A 8 29 Warren is O & 306 1 20 673 3 16 The above is in t occupation of Mr. Joseph Scarlett, on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent of £550. BORO | LONG i OR CHAPEL. ATS z E SE THI SHOWING EW VIE 13 & te 5 | te { tc Ix LONGBOROUGE PARISH, A FARM HOMESTEAD, In the VILLAGE of LONGBOROUGH, near to CHURCH, AND CONSISTING OF A COMFORTABLE FARM-HOUSE, Having Four Attics and Six Bed Rooms, Dining and Drawing Rooms, Sitting Room, Kitchen, Wash-house, Dairy and Cellar, Gra dey ID) daasp NING AB) §~(@)arRy GC) ase HN Sy ID) Sh THE FARM BUILDINGS Include Store Room with Granary over, Gig House, Cart Horse Stable for Twelve Horses, Harness Room with Hay Loft over, Nag Stable, Loose Box and Harness Room, Ranges of Open Cattle Sheds, Calf Pens and Yards, Barn, Two Ranges of Piggeries, Cart Lodge with Granary over, Poultry House, and other useful Buildings with Yards. The Area of this Farm is 325a, - 2r, - 20p. Or thereabouts, divided in ARABLE & PASTURE FIELDS, As follows :— Woven Description. Cultivation. | Quantity ists iption. b juantity. IN LONGBOROUGH PARISH. | PS iy, 3S 511 Manor House Farm, Buildings, &c. _.... a Py ibe 512 Close... sss tbe aa «| Pasture 1 0 36 513 Orchard ... Orchard 1 2 30 514 Broad Leasow Pasture 27 3 18 515 Bean Hill tie soe «| Arable iG 2) ale) 518 Brian Furlong...) eee ae 7 9 3 20 519 Upper Meadow ... 209 oes -.| Pasture 14 0 23 520 Short Longdale ... 0 uk eens a 14 0 29 521 Lower Saltmore ... 208 tee nos in 10 3 8 5o3u | Upperndittol sn. eee 11 3 15 524 Tiitis ‘Tessow sc. sen see dae s 19 3 35 525 Mint NE) tke ta it ‘ 24° 1 25 526 Fourth Goldbarrow ... sen «| Arable 23 0 8 527 Third ditto tae oe » 22 3 30 528 Second ditto a5 23 1 29 529 First ditto ” 87 1 29 530 Further Whipthill op 5 27 1 34 531 First ditto 200 ooh an ” Bg iy Sef 532 Quarry Piece an cy te 7) ci te} A. 2 20 The above is in the occupation of Mr. W. Arkell, on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent of £450. THE “WARREN FARM’ IS IN THE PARISH OF SEZINCOT, And comprises a CONVENTENT HOMESTEAD pleasantly situate consisting of A FARM HOUSE, Having Two Attics and Four Bed Rooms, Two Sitting Rooms, Kitchen, Pantry and Wash-house, and Garden. The OUTBUILDINGS include Cart House with Granary over, Barn, Cart Horse Stable for 8 Horses, Harness Room, Open Cow Shed, Loose Box, Tool, Hen Houses, and Piggery, The House and Buildings are supplied with Water from an Excellent Spring, which is forced up by the Water Wheel turned by the Warren Brook, and New Iron Supply Pipes were put in during the past year, And at No. 169 on Plan is a Stable, Range of Cattle Sheds, and Two Earns, and Yard, Together with several Enclosures of Arable and Pesture Land, Containing an area of about 21a. : Or. : 3O0p. Lying as follows Noyon | Description, Cultivation. | Quantity, | | | IN SEZINCOT PARISH. ‘A RB | 168 Long Ground... “ oD ac Arable 26 0 30 | 169 aout , Plantation, &e. on ae 65 _— EOE: 170 Barn Cl 5 oe . Pasture ! 3 36 172 Tumbledown Ground |. ae nt Arable 30 1 34] 175 | BarnGround .. a a9 “ 30/33) 2!) 179 Upper Gloucester Ground ae ad a 22 2 38 185 Middle Gloucester Ground and Road .. a 2l 3) 23 188 The Fourteen Acres .. “) 14 32 192 Middle Ground (West) . Fs 10 2 97 | 193 Middle Ground (East) . ey at 5% 15 3 32 196 Home Ground .. m0 ae oe 3 31 1 26 197 Cow Ground oe ou ae od Bat 12 0 12 avy | Clapley Down Bottom |. ..| Pasture | 17 3 20 201 Farm House, Buildings, Garden, ‘&e, eel _ 0! 207 | Little Clapley Down Bottom .. ao Pasture 5 0 25 209 Lower Gloucester Ground a 28 Arable 270 «9 A. |271 0 30 L | The above is in the occupation of Mr, W. Arkell, on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent of £200. OWE “LOW IN ARM COMPRISING Several Enclosures. of Arable and Pasture Land, containing together an area of 122a. . or. . 32p. Or thereabouts lying as follows :-— J | Non Deseripticn, Cultivation. | Quantity, | We Ene Grandmoor Soe ee 500 Bad Arable 12 0 24 Further Oatlands | ay | LOS 0" 27 Little ditto - 3 206 Middle Oatland . 5 iii ah ale Bownham and hed ae Pasture 23 1 12 | Lower Meadow and Shed a We B12) | Hether Oatland . Arable i 2) Pia) Twin Hedges Pasture i) 2} °33)]| Marsh... 5 ea 2 14 Coates Meadow ... y 1 12 The above is in the occupation of Mr, W. Arkell, on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent of £100. 15 “UPPER FIELDS FARM,’ Situate in the Parishes or MOoRETON-IN-MARSH AND BOURTON-ON-THE-HILL, Adjoining the High Road to Stow on-the- Wold, COMPRISES A COMFORTABLE FARM HOUSE, Having Two Attics, Three Bed Rooms, Two Sitting Rooms, Kitchen, Wash-house and Dairy, and Garden, THE AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS Includes Cart Horse Stable for 7 Horses, Cart and Waggon Lodges, Barn, Range of Cow Houses for 138 Cows, and Calf Pens, Three; Bullock Sheds, Two Piggeries, Stable for Four Horses with Granary over. Together with Enclosures of Arable and Pasture Land, Containing altogether an area ot 150a. : or. : 36p. Or thereabouts, lying as follows :-— S Nogon Description, Cultivation. | Quantity. Ou. = = = ——, | IN MORETON-IN-MARSH | PARISH. Py, es oy || a a? Meadow ... one cen -.| Meadow 4 3 27 Grimstead Great Ground... 26 Arable 8 2 28 ay 13 0 31 \ Now i Se uGo tal j Now in one 53 10 3 20 Farm House, Buildings, &e. ... 286 — OS IG! Garden ... “ ra 269 _ 0 0 30 Greensward Meadow see .| Meadow Aelia House Ground > 7 0° 11 Ploughed Meadow Arable 4 2 11 Butchers Ground 3 i O 8S Middle Ground ay 5 1 24 First Ground. ‘ 5 3 35 Upper Gibbs's Ground 4 9 2 22 Lower Gibbs's Ground ‘ 55 0 \ Now in One : , | BS 8 | is 22 23 Barn Ground Arable 5 1 31 Barn Meadow Pasture 3 2 22 Iane Ground... - 52 4 Old Fosway Ground (part) ... Pp ex il 2h) Little Cook’s Piece ... on 3) 8 2 39 127 2 30 IN BOURTON.ON-THE-HILL PARISH. | Part of Stone Stile Ground ... sce) Arable 0 1 24 Part of Big Ground... ‘ oat 5) 0029) Part of Little Ground os oo 2 (i 8) ‘Ash Coppice Ground 3 Ba si i 8) Lady Ham Ground... ae ..| Pasture | 10 0 15 Zou 1) A.|150 3 36 The above is in the occupation of Messrs. T. & F. Horne, on a yearly tenancy, at: the annual rent of £250. SITUATE IT COMPRISES Together with Enclosures of The whole containing an area of about 144a, - Ir. - Sub-divided as follows :-~ THE FARM BUILDINGS 365 Longsitch Ground a6 es a a 366 Butchers Ground ah 20 367 Farm House, Buildings, Gardens, &.,.. 368 Orchard .. oe ..| Pasture 369 Wood Pile Ground é ne ..| Arable 370 Pedicote Paddock O68 50 a Meadow 371 Broad Lent Meadow ve a8 ” 372 Further Piece .. oc on ee Arable 373 Sycamore Ground ee 60 PS a 374 House Ground Pp eck wan y 375 Upper Moors... 56 5A Pasture 376 Upper Middle Moors and shed . . 4 aD 377 Bank Planted .. 60 b0 a Wood 378 Lower Middle Moors .. ae ..| Meadow 379 Lower Moors e 382 Petty Gores and Shed } ONT I GDR ts 2) 380 Bank ae 50 5 Osiers and ‘Arable A. ew! 381 | The Spiny Boden Description. Cultivation. | Quantity. IN MORETON-IN-MARSH PARISH. P. 357 Stow Lane Ground . o a0 Arable 18 358 White Gate Ground... oe ..| Pasture & 359 Buildings, &. .. a on on a 29 360 Barn Ground... ac 66 5 Pasture 25 361 Little Ground P 362 PheiMicadow } now inone .- a ” 26 363 Butchers Meadow oa a6 ..| Meadow 36 364 Old Barn Ground eo oa a0 Arable 16 = an 2S © POMNH AH NOCMHONNIH w MOAOF SSH FORDE NONE WHWWHWO tH NOHNN Es 144 1 30 ‘ “DUNSTALL FARM, In the PARISH OF MORETON-IN-MARSH, Adjoins the High Road to Stow-on-the-Wold, and is intersected by the railway. A COMFORTABLE HOMESTEAD, with FARM-HOUSE, Having Three Bed Rooms, Two Sitting Rooms, Dairy and Cellar, with GARDEN and ORCHARD. Include Bullock Shed, Bull House, Two Loose Boxes, Cow House for 10 cows, Root House and Calf Pen, Barn fitted with Windmill for grinding corn, Waggon Lodge, Cart and Sawing Sheds; another Barn, Piggery, Meal Room, Nag Stable, Cart Horse Stable for 6 horses, Harness Room and Hay Loft over, at a little distance is another Barn, Loose Box, Piggery, Cow House, Open Sheds and Yard. SOUND ARABLE & PASTURE LAND, 30p. The above is in the occupation of Messrs. T. & F. Horne, on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent of £230. NZ, “MAIDEN HILL’ FARM Is in the PARISH OF LONGBOROUGH. and adjoins the High Road to Stow and Longborough, IT COMPRISES A Convenient Homestead with Farm House, CONTAINING Six Bed Rooms and Cheese Room, Two Sitting Rooms, Kitchen, Wash-house. Dairy, &c., GARDEN & ORCHARD. THE “OUT BUTE DINGS CONSIST OF Ranges of open Cow Sheds and Calf Pens, Waggon Lodge with Granary over, Double Barn, Cart Horse Stable for Seven Horses, with Hay Loft over, and Piggeries, Together with ENCLOSURES OF ARABLE AND PAsTURE LAND, The whole containing an Area of 194... - 2x. - 26p. Or thereabouts, lying as follows :— ] ees Description. Cultivation. | Quantity. IN LONGBOROUGH PARISH. a. BR P. |. 480 | Upper Meadow... by | Pasture 72 5 481 | Oak Piece ee wes a ig 12 0 20 482 | Stable Ground a * % 10 2 19 483 | Orchard ... a ve “] Orchard i il Oe | 454 | Farm House, Buildings, &e... ie 1 1 36 485 | House Ground... os “| Pastore | 14° 1 92 Jeg || WRAITH yo ra al “kes 4) 1 BO 487 | Fosberry Leys ae. is 100 5 Zea nl \MWligt Hille amen ia Sa 2 he 489 | Swanditch., a ai : 16 2 23| 490 | Longborough Ground meee | O | 491 | Middle Ground ie, jj el 2 ae 492 | Moor Way team i 1 Be 493 || Lower Bratch a “3 15 2 15 fon || juiee aR oe of ae is 15 3 25 A. |194 2 26 — The above is in the occupation of Mr. David Wheeler, on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent of £130. UPPER RYE FARM, Is sITUATE In the Parishes of SEZINCOT, and BOURTON-ON-THE-HILL, adjoining “Lower Rye,” AND COMPRISES AL oF ALR MH O-U S.hy PLEASANTLY PLACED, Having Four Bed Rooms and Three Attics, Two Sitting Rooms, Kitchen and Wash-house, with Garden and Orchard. amlaeei deh de Adaya AS) (Op ae Ing ID) Ar AN) GPS INCLUDE Cow Houses for 15 Cows, Piggery, Calf House, Barn, Cart Horse Stable for Four Horses ana Luose Box, Gig House, Open Cow Sheds and Yard, and at a little distance are TWO LABOURERBS’ COTTAGES? Two long ranges of Open Cow Sheds, Cart Horse Stable for Eight Horses, Harness Room and Loose Box, Barn and Chaff House, Waggon Lodge with Granary over ; TOGETHER WITH SEVERAL ENCLOSURES OF SOUND ARABLE AND PASTURE LAND, The whole containing an area of 249a. : 3r. : 30p. Or thereabouts, lying as follows :— Ronen Maser ptions Cultivation, || Quantity. Gee In SEZINCOT PARISH. 63 Calves Close . é ..| Pasture “tL ANG) 64 Upper Great Hughes's Leasow . ie ie 8 1 33 68 Batson’s Upper Ground +. ae{ Arable LO Olmel 69 Lower Great Hughes’s Leasow .. dy Pasture Get al 7 Farm House, Buildings, &e., 39 — 13 22 71 Little Hughes’s Leasow oe a Arable 25 0 14 72 Batson’s Lower Ground ae 25 » ou & 73 Nodwell Close and Shed ac ° Pasture 2 1 24 94 Inces Paddock Rau CE vast Y 22 15 95 Lower South Meadow .. 3... 78 16 98 Upper ditto Wee sir era i 10 3 36 101 Great Hughes’s Leasow Ho as Ay 15 3 38 108 0 16 In BOURTON-ON-THE-HILL | PARISH. 300 Upper Rittall Ground .. on ..| Pasture 10 2 21 307 James’s Slade Ground .. aa Beli ry ieee 309 Brook Ground .. a be Gn ” 7 0 35 310 Tadpole Ground . non Ae ” dle 3 Lower Brittall Ground | oo oe p 12 2 35 Norton Meadow a0 oe .-| Meadow 60 4 | Quarry Ground an a Arable 8 3 20 Elm Ground and Road . Be ee is 13 2 23 Beanhill Knap Ground .. a 7 | 12 2 Cottages, Farm, Buildings, &e.. ol 08 © Beanhill ow oo ..| Meadow 5 3 22 Lower Slade Meadow pte _ 5 0 | Watergap Gromd .. ..—..|_— Arable 11 0 26 Moramway Gromd 3, |... B2u Ground ES Doane H 17 0 12 | — 141 3 14 A, [eag 3 30° The above is in the occupation of Mr. J. Millard, on a yearly tenancy, at the very moderate annual rent of £150 17 “MAIDEN HILL” FARM Is in the PARISH OF LONGBOROUGH. and adjoins the High Road to Stow and Longborough, IT COMPRISES A Convenient Homestead with Farm House, CONTAINING Six Bed Rooms and Cheese Room, Two Sitting Rooms, Kitchen, Wash-house, Dairy, &e., GARDEN & ORCHARD. THE OUTBUILDINGS CONSIST OF Ranges of open Cow Sheds and Calf Pens, Waggon Lodge with Granary over, Double Barn, Cart Horse Stable for Seven Horses, with Hay Loft over, and Piggeries, Together with ENCLOSURES OF ARABLE AND PASTURE LAND, The whole containing an Area of 194a.. - 2r. - 26p. Or thereabouts, lying as follows :— eee Description. Cultivation. | Quantity. IN LONGBOROUGH PARISH. by Es 480 Upper Meadow... ae ...| Pasture tg eh 481 Oak Piece fe, oi aes a 12 0 20 482 Stable Ground nue one ” 10 2 19 483 Orchard . 600 «| Orchard 11 26 484 Farm House, Buildings &. ... aie! — 138. 485 House Ground ; é: Pasture 14 1 32 486 Little Hill . Arable Gy bh 0 487 Fosberry Leys “ 10 0 5 488 Flint Hill . & aye (ep 489 Swanditch .. a i 16 2 23 490 Longborough Ground Pasture 15 0 33 491 Middle Ground 200 3 Arable 21 1 30 492 Moor Way ae oe «| Pasture 19 1 30 493 Lower Bratch by 15 2 15 494 Upper ditto ey 15 3 25 A, |194 2 26 The above is in the occupation of Mr. David Wheeler, on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent of £130. UPPER RYE FARM, IS SITUATE In the Parishes of SEZINCOT, and BOURTON-ON-THE-HILL, adjoining “Lower Rye,” AND COMPRISES A FARM HOUSE, PLEASANTLY PLACED, Having Four Bed Rooms and Three Attics, Two Sitting Rooms, Kitchen and Wash-house, with Garden and Orchard. Gi desl da Je RSM IS) Oy ae At AD) ac ay ES INCLUDE Cow Houses for 15 Cows, Piggery, Calf House, Barn, Cart Horse Stable for Four Horses ana Luose Box, Gig House, Open Cow Sheds and Yard, and at a little distance are TWO LABOURERS’ COTTAGES=> Two long ranges of Open Cow Sheds, Cart Horse Stable for Eight Horses, Harness Room and “Loose Box, Barn and Chaff House, Waggon Lodge with Granary over ; TOGETHER WITH SEVERAL ENCLOSURES OF SOUND ARABLE AND PASTURE LAND, The whole containing an area of 249a. ; or. - 30p. Or thereabouts, lying as follows :— oren Description, | Cultivation. | Quantity. ducky, In SEZINCOT PARISH. 63 Calves Close a ae Pasture a il ae) 64 Upper Great Hughes's Leasow . “a a 8 1 33 68 Batson’s Upper Ground . «| Arable gO 69 Lower Great Hughes’s Leasow . ..| Pasture satel 7 Farm House, Buildings, &e., sof i By val Little Hughes's Leasow . «| Arable 20 14 72 Batson’s Lower Ground a $0 » 91 6 7 Nodwell Close and Shed oc 3 Pasture 2 1 24 94 Inces Paddock .. 3... . 2 2715 95 Lower South Meadow .. 0 .. . 7 8 16 98 Upper __ ditto a renee * 10 8 36 101 Great Hughes’s Leasow te ee ~ 15 3 38 108 0 16 In BOURTON-ON-THE-HILL PARISH. 300 | Upper Rittall Ground .. .. ..| Pasture | 10 2 21 307 James’s Slade Ground .. a ae 5 thi ba 309 Brook Ground .. ob of &d 2” 7 0 35 310 Tadpole Ground . Seas ose ” YO B 311 Lower Brittall Ground ea " 12 2 35 313 Norton Meadow Na Ad ..| Meadow 60 4 315 | Quarry Ground ee ees) 8 8 20 316 Blm Ground and Road . ee i" 13 2 23 317 Beanhill Knap Ground .. .. 122 5 318 Cottages, Farm, Buliings &e. ps es 03 9 320 Beanhill Meadow +. +e| Meadow 5 8 22 321 Lower Slade Meadow .. .. «| 2 S10) 27 322 | Watergap Ground |. \. ..| Arable | 11 0 26 323 | MoramwayGromd .. .. » 1392 325 Creswicks Ground aD aay oe 3 Oh 12 — 1413 14 A, |249 3 30° The above is in the occupation of Mr. J. Millard, on a yearly tenancy, at the very moderate annual rent of £150. 19 “LOWER RYE FARM? Situate in the Parish of SEZINCOT, adjoining “ Maiden Hill,” CONSISTS OF A COMPACT LITTLE HOMESTEAD WITH FARM HOUSE CONTAINING Five Bed Rooms and Three Attics, Three Sitting Rooms, Wash-house, c&c., Dairy with Loft over, Brewhouse, Carpenter’s Shop, Capital Garden and Orchard, and AGRICULTURAL BUILDINGS COMPRISING Cart Horse Stable for 9 Horses and Harness Room, Three Loose Boxes, Piggery, Two Uart Lodges with Granary over, Two Barns, Range of Cow Sheds and Calf Pens, Cow House for 11 Cows, another Cow House, Poultry House, and other useful Buildings and Yards, ALSO NUMEROUS ENCLOSURES OF ARABLE AND PASTURE LAND, Embracing an area of about 1738a. - 3r. - Tp. Subdivided as follows :— T ae Description. Cultivation, | Quantity. IN SEZINCOT PARISH. Rs P 74 Little Thickleather Ground ... «| Pasture Rs 2 76 Great ditto tt0 on 5 11 0 37 79 Butt Ground ot tes ..| Arable 9 1 39 80 Piked Ground wee one | Pasture 17 0 28 nea er eRe 83. Little Smithmoor ... Ry) oad a 12 1 10 84 Green Hill ae ose | Arable 22 0 36 85 Farm House, Buildings, & ... ned — ak eS} 86 Orchard ... ous oe | Pasture 3 a) 87 Little Rye Ground ... eee «| Arable ey aL 88 Cow House Ground .. ws. * 7 3) 16 89 Limekiln Ground ... * 13 1 22 90 Long Ground ots 5, bl 91 Great Grand Moo: Pasture 13 3 12 92 Little ditto ” Saez od 93 Ford Ground a om se] si abl} j A.\173 3 7 The above is in the occupation of Mr, J. Spencer, on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent of £100, to increase to £170 in 3 years. “TLOWHR” FARM, In the Parish of LONGBOROUGH, adjoins the High Road and the “ Manor” Farm, AND COMPRISES A Comfortable Homestead, Saran op/Nanlam) aEasp seagrass asyOore ase We abachae yA (S pasa) FARM HOUSE, Four Bed Rooms, Dressing Room, and Attics, Two Sitting Rooms, Kitchen, Dairy, Larder, Pantry, Wash-house and Coal-house, GARDEN AND OBCHABD. im oh OUTBUILDINGS CONSISTS OF Saddle Room, Nag Stable, Loose Box and Gig House, Cart Horse Stable for Eight Horses and Loft over, Cart Lodge with Granary over, Poultry House and Two Loose Boxes, Barn, Piggery, and other Buildings, On the opposite side of the Road is A BARN, CATTLE SHEDS AND YARDS, “ATANDS HILL” FARM, Situate in Sezincot and Longborough Parishes, COMPRISES A FOUR-ROOMED GOTTAGE, HEN HOUSE & WOOD SHED, GARDEN AND ORCHARD. Two Loose Boxes, Open Cow Sheds, Two Barns, Cart Lodge, with Granary over, Cart Horse Stable for Eight Horses, Hay Loft over, and Yards 21 “BANK'S FEE” OR “CUDDS” Oonsists of a Barn, Open Cow Shed, Hay House, and Yard, TOGETHER WITH ENCLOSURES OF ARABLE & PASTURE LAND, Embracing in the whole an area of 314a. = or. - 37p. Or thereabouts, lying as follows — N ] = | ace Description, Cultivation. | Quantity. | g.iotty. | Part of LOWER FARM. | In Longborough Parish. | A R. Pp. A. &, ay | 501 Town Meadow and Shed on ara Pasture Gibeck 70) 506 Lower Bean Hill 500 i; 8 2 20 507 Upper ditto ... vs % SarcheaD: 508 Washpool Ground and Buildings a x 13 0 19 509 Orchard . | Orchard 12) 34 510 | Farm House, Building rds, be. — L Opes: 516 Garden ... 3 oe a3) Arable 10 16 — 65 3 22 HANDS HILL FARM. In Sezincot Parish. Upper Bottom Ground . Arable 1s) 22 | Little Great Ground xs DA Bil | Sheep Pens = OO @ Great’ Ground Arable 26 0 10 House Ground é 20 1 38 Lower Botton Ground . o iy ik Little Ground Pasture ep al on Farm Buildings, &c. == Wipe! Paddock ea d a0 ...| Orchard iby he ath Cottage, Garden, &. ... = Teedeo2 Home Brake Ground _... ooo =H Arable 24 3 35 Further Brake Ground .., 865 fad ay (yale?) Brake Ground and Driye oo non BS Dey sag) sSs PY ee Es In Longborough Parish. Haines Ground ... bon on eee Arable 10 2 24 Scarry Ground 100k ee aes . 10 2 37 Hither Wall Ground a oa 0 Fulbrook Ground i 10 0 11 Middle Wall Ground ” 9 0 23 Further ditto 7 9 0 31 69 1 6 “BANKS FEE” or “CUDDS.” In Longborough Parish. 539 Cudds Piece and Buildings Bee ...| Arable, &. 20) 540 Scovells Ground .. ae on 6 ee (a) = D7 OunnO} A. 314 3 37 | The above is in the occupation of Mr. Richard Meadows at the annual rent of £300, but his tenancy expires at Michaelmas next. “BOURTON-ON-THE-HILL FARM,” Is in the Parish of BOURTON-ON-THE-HILL, adjoins the High Road and the “Warren” and “Upper Rye” Farms. It comprises A HOMESTEAD, Conveniently situate in the Village of Bourton-on-the-Hill, with FARM HOUSE, CONTAINING Five Bed Rooms and Three Attics, Two Sitting Rooms, Kitchen, Dairy and Pantry, and Garden, THE FARM BUILDINGS Include Ranges of Open Cow Sheds, Barn, Loose Boxes, Cart and Waggon Lodges, Cart Horse Stable for Eight Horses, and Harness Room, At some little distance (No. 558 on Plan) is A BARN, COW AND CHAFF HOUSES, AND YARD TOGETHER WITH NUMEROUS EN ARABLE AND PASTURE LAND Containing together an area of 182a. . 2r. - 9p. or thereabouts, lying as follows :— OSURES OF Nesom Description, Cultivation. | Quantity. IN BOURTON ON-THE-HILL | PARISH. A RR. P. Parsons Headland ... tie «| Arable i) 85 Lower Moramway ... 2 at ‘ mm @ i Upper ditto... Bes au 5 LOO AE Knabland.., ee a a 1l 0 25 Briar Furlong as a - 13 8 20 Great Honey Furlong ie oe , 13 0 26 Little Honey Furlong en ...| Meadow 9 0 38 Burntland Furlong... i eB as Fen Hill close ‘ 3.3 13 |. Pope Ley Close... . 10 0 31 | Farm House Buildings and | _ Tada 0 sodge Ground A Arable ih 8) 3 Quarr Ground ‘ 10 245 Home Ground... ‘ anne Little Down Piece ... able & Past.| 10 0 Brickyard Ground a Arable 120 ve Buildings and Yard _ ies = Ol: Barn Ground. a ..| Arable 9 0 First Ground | * The above is in the occupation of Mr. Edwin Righton on a yearly tenancy at the annual rent of £200, 23 THREE ENCLOSURES OF MEADOW LAND, Nod. 302, 303 and 304 on Plan, containing together about 4a. “ abe - 20p. Tn the occupation of Mr. O. Fardon, on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent of £10. TWO ENCLOSURES OF ARABLE LAND, Nod. 285 and 289 on Plan, containing an Area of about 9a. - Ir. ; Ap. In the occupation of Mr. Joseph Gill, on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent of £20, reduced at Michaelmas next. AN ENCLOSURE OF PASTURE LAND, No, 23 on Plan, situate adjoining the HOMIE FARM, containing an area of Ta. - or. - 13: In the occupation of Mr. Edwin Weaver, on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent of £15. Two ENCLOSURES OF ARABLE LAND, 8a. ; 2r. ; 36p. In the occupation ef Mr. Raymond Andrews, on a yearly tenancy, at the annual rent of £10 A DWELLING-HOUSE, In the Village of Bourton-on-the-Hill, Nod. 298 on Plan Having Six Rooms with Carpenter's Shop and Garden, Containing together an Area of Oa. - Ir. - 18p. In the occupation of Thomas Smith, a yearly tenant, at the annual rent of £8 14s, A FOURROOMED COTTAGE; In the Village of Bourton-on-the-Hill, Nod, 552 on Plan, With Blacksmith’s Shop, Sheds, Piggery and Garden, Containing together an Area of about Oa. - da. . 13p. In the occupation of James Poole, a yearly tenant, at the annual rent of £10. TWO ENCLOSURES OF ARABLE LAND, Nod. 517 and 561 on Plan, Situate near to Longborough Village, Now used as ALLOTMENT GARDENS, And containing together an Area of 9a. : ar. : 11p. Or thereabouts. In the occupation of various Tenants at rents amounting together to £19 per annum. SEVERAL COTTAGES AND GARDENS, Containing together an area of la. : Or. : 28p. Or thereabouts, lying as follows :— ae Description, Tenant, Quantity. Rent. : Ny 32h 18 £68 d. 33a Tuckwell. Lodges and | Inhand ... ®@ @ iO 288 { Gardens se ...| Robert Watts (included i in Home } a @ Be. | Farm) 51 Keepers’ Cottages | In hand l | John Newman jj) BBS 3 0 @ 283 Worcester Lodges oad) VN TROL) coe 3 10 W. Arkell ... CH l 3 10 0 C. Marshall ... a ; D2 2 8 id © W. Arkell Apa 8 10 0 299 | Diamond Lodge ees pelnybandi a i ssa) 4h <8) 306 Sezincot Lodges ...| Mrs. Hudson oc | x @ O a H. Campion... PS ‘ } 00 14{ z. {0 (0) 563 Three Cottages & Gardens} David Cooper bot ) | 3 ia @ George Erwine BAG si) X0) al oJ 4 0 0 David Rawlings j (}-3 10 0 564 Four Cottages & Gardens} Thomas Box 5 10 0 R. Collier... ee l 3 10 0 W. Taylor... me | © 2 Bl & to @ Void iin auc “| Estimated 3 10 0 ‘Ay E83) 28) 1,50) 0) 0 IE = a ee a ALSO Every Third and the next Right of Presentation to the Vicarage of Longborough (The other Two Rights of Presentation belong to Lord Leigh) TOGETHER WITH THE Private Chapel or Faculty Aisle, 26 feet by 17 feet, situate on the north side of Longborough Church, fitted with Family and Four other Pews and Heating Stove, all in good substantial repair. THE ADVOWSON includes A Capital Vicarage House with Stabling, Garden and Pleasure Grounds, and Enclosures of Arable and Grass Land, CONTAINING ABOUT SG OQ A CRE SS. The Rev. W. H. Etches, the present Incumbent, is now in the 58th year of his age. The Annual Income or value of the Living is derived as follows :— Vicarage, House, Gardens, &c., and Stabling, annual value cad £100 0 0 Glebe ‘Lands, including allotments (54 acres) annual value £2 per acre see 290 B68 108 0 0 Tithe Rent Charges, Corn Rent Charge and Modus ae ne 148 0 0 Surplice and other fees (say) oo cho 3.0 0 £359 0 0 The Outgoings consist of Rates and Taxes, stated to be about £40 per annum, and Visitation Fees 8s. GENERAL SUMMARY. 25 DESCRIPTION. TENANT. QUANTITY. RENTAL. Mansion, Buildings, Pleasure " Grounds,Plantations, Water,&c. { | Woods. &c. ... tes : | (Estimated annual value including Home Farm... Hinchwick Farm . ... Manor Farm Warren Farm | Lower Town Farm | Upper Fields Farm Dunstall Farm Maiden Hill Farm ... | Upper Rye Farm ... Lower Rye Farm ... ae | and Cudds) | | Lower Hands Hill | Farm | Bourton-on-the-Hill | Meadow Land | Arable Land | Pasture Land Arable Land House, Carpenter’s Shop, &c. | House, Blacksmith’s Shop, &. ... | Allotment Gardens | Cottages and Gardens In Hand Ditto ... oe the Fishing and Shooting) Robert Watts Joseph Scarlett William Arkell Ditto ... Ditto ... Messrs. T. & F. Horne Ditto ... David Wheeler J. Millard Mr. John Spencer ... Richard Meadows ... Edwin Righton 0. Fardon Joseph Gill Edwin Weaver Raymond Andrews ... Thomas Smith James Poole ... Various Ditto ... A. R. Qo Oo ee re SH CO SF KK wp RB | 30 1 16 20 30 SS oC (Oo GOR or So) ior OF (Ooms o fe ot — Lgl — eee, — ek 8 14 10 0 19 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 27 £4,105 14 0 o CY wey ie) er ey ea SS ANNUAL OUTGOINGS. Vicar of Longborough. Modus in lieu of Tithe under apportionment dated 19th February, 1842, Assessed on Icehouse Ground (No. on Plan) containing 21a. 2r. 16p., in exoneration of remainder of Estate, 3 0 © Tithe Rent Charge Assessment, liable to Property Tax deduction, 5 18 8 — £13 18 8 R. Hudson, Cutsdean. .. Modus in respect of Land in Cutsdean Parish, .. os ve 3.0 O Land Tax. oe .. Manor Farm and other Lands in Longborough Parish, .. es 88 0 Lands in Sezincot Parish, .. at 45 a0 a6 te, 99 12) 90) Stow Bridge Ground, a TG ae Same dare rap alas all) Lands in Moreton Parish .. 56 38 on ot 50 Deodl —— 145 14 10 Earl of Redesdale. .. Chief Rents due Michaelmas, eine 38 Dunstall Freehold nite’ Seventeen Freehold Commons, 0 8 6 Stow Bridge Ground, AS 0) 16) ple Freehold (late Davis) Bourton, OSE Pont Do. (late Hart) : (eae 8 Do. (late Alliers), me Oy OW Common Fine, one year, .. ae =<0) “Onx6 Do. (late Alliers), 0 10 — 4) 12) 79) F. Reeves. bo -. Fee Farm Rent, .. ad an 56 09 30 do 0 19 6 Lord Sherborne. :. Hinchwick Dowry, less Tax oe an ac Be Ga 20 10 O Rev. J. R. Jennings .. Year's Tithe Kent Charge upon the Condicote portion of the Hinchwick Farm, .. ae ey re 5 co 6 13 4 £194 19 1 —— GENERAL REMARKS. The plan attached to these particulars is compiled from the estate plan, and corrected by actual survey, and shall be with the quantity und description accepted as correct both by vendors and puschaser. The estate is sold subject to all existing rights of way and other easements (if any) and to the leases or agreements, under which the respective tenants hold their occupations. All timber, timber-like and other trees with the tellers, pollards and saplings down to the value of one shilling per stick inclusive together with the plantations and underwood now growing on the estate shall be taken by valuation. The fixtures, fittings, turret clock, continuous iron fencing, and other articles in the mansion and offices according to an inventory, will have to be taken by the purchaser by valuation in the usual way. In the private chapel or aisle in Longborough Church is the family vault of the Rushout family and the right of sepulture in this vault will be reserved by the vendors. The Conditions of Sale will be published in a Second Edition. TN UTIL I leer seeeriane-s ee ; SR ea a 3 3125 00745 7589 / . GETTY CENTER LIBRARY I I ll 25 00745 7589 In the High Court of Justice. Chancery Division. xE RUSHOUT. RUSHOUT ». RUSHOUT. - = SE ZINCOT ESTATE ay S IN THE PARISHES OF = a SEZINCOY, LONGBOROUGH, BOU RION- ON- -THE- ~ HIE. So ee ———- MORETON-IN IN- MARSH, C CONDICOTE & “& CUTSDEAN, = SE IN THE COUNTIES OF IY a GLOUCE SSTEBR : _( (For Sale yyy) NORTON, TRIST, WATNEY & C° €2,0LD BROAD STREET, LONDON.E.C 1884, foveeorotenl ead 1/6 y Vice. mORETON 2, aso \ObrER Fieto \ es sen a\ranM TOW Church) ep \| MORETON \ \ A Ti \\\ Station WO \ \ Smale 10 “HINCHWICK Miu ers, E RIGHn) HON?I® THE EARL o- | REDE SD 4 LE | bie WE srome QuanniEs Chains to an Inch. MARTIN & HOOD, LITH.8.07 NEWPORT ST LONDON.W.c