ON FREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1910 G@RDERS EXECUTED BY GEORGE H. RICHMOND, of a Sit R TRUST BLOG 4 Biv r etl: Fe, HG H Kees : Rte 1 iy4 Ff eiit oe ‘i 2G WEA MOD FO ates WS hews VAL A ra # Weegee ee ." i< es . hile ¥ sy , fi ts RAHI 7 es ‘ , Ta 5 Ay Fiit ees teks 2 TeaN eipue Re here ier Figieks +i ea oe i ee it jet to rsge) Faces a , . Git sid fo S46 OA ott as oid : P ‘ ay ee fay * ” : . 4 . ‘ Le te Me A ce OE Mae ‘eek ele 4 y, e x 4 ¢ : c« Mi th > Poe SRS) Oe : Have ¥? ict (45493 SCG s | Soe hesteHe See - CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. ‘ 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, and therefore, in his judgment, likely to affect the Sale inguriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the Sale, unless other- wise specified by the Auctioneer or Managers previous to or at the time of Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they nill be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opin- ion in writing that any Engraving or other item included in this Sale is not what it is represented to be, use every effort on their part to fur- nish proof to the contrary; failing in which, the object or objects in question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the Owner or Owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settle- ment of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. | 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money de- posited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within one day from conclusion of Sale (unless otherwise specified as above) shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. 8. The Undersigned are in no manner connected mith the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of purchases, and although they nill afford to purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and packers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Tur AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, Auctioneer. WASHINGTON PORTRAITS THE REFERENCES ARE TO CHARLES HENRY HART'S CATA- LOGUE OF THE ENGRAVED PORTRAITS OF WASHINGTON. 4to. THE GROLIER CLUB, N. Y., 1904. CHARLES WILLSON PEALE) 1772-1795 Full bust, to right, in uniform. Oval, in double border, 8-16, containing title and artist’s name. Mezzotint. Painted & Engrav’d by C. W. Peale, 1787 | His Excell: G: Wash- ington Esq: Late Commander in Chief of the Armies of the United States of America. * | Oval, height, 5.1. Oval, width, 4.1. -_ Hart 3. Baker 1. Very fine impression, in red, of a very scarce print. The same. Proof before all letters. One of four known impressions. Hart 3a. Unknown to Baker. 3 —— The same, but lettered: His Excel: G: Washington Esq: L.L.D. Late Commander in Chief of the Armies of the U. S. of America & President of the Convention of 1787 * | One of three known impressions. Hart 3b. Unknonn to Baker. Bust, to right, in uniform. Oval, with border, 3-16, laure- ated, at top, resting on base, in a rectangle engraved to represent brickwork. | Line. Title in base: His Excel: G: Washington Esq. | Height, 6.6. Width, 3.15. Hart 4. Baker 38. The plate is unsigned, but believed to be by James Trenchard. The first state of a very rare print, published in 1787. 10 Full bust, to right, in uniform. Oval. Etching. Etched by Max Rosenthal, Phila., 1890, from a painting by C. W. Peale | GO Washington | (ete., 2 lines) / Hart 5. Oval, height, 5.3. Oval, width, 4.1. Two copies. India proofs. | (2) The same, but proof before the last three lines. Hart 5a. Engraver’s signed proof. | Full bust, to right, in uniform. Oval, with border, 6-16, containing title, in rectangle. : Mezzotint. His Excel. G: Washington Esq: LL.D. Late Commander in Chief of the Armies of the U. S. of America & President of the Convention of 1787 * | Engraved by John Sartain, from the orig- inal print in possession of W. A. Whiteman Esq.—Engraved by C. W. Peale, in 1787, from a Painting by himself. Height, 6. Width, 4.12. Hart 6. Baker 34. The same, but inside oval only. Hart 6a. Unknown to Baker. | (2) Half length, to right, in uniform. Right arm across body, holding in hand hat and sword. In background an encampment and fort with flag flying. Rectangle in shaded framelike border. Below, a tablet with a view of the ‘long room” in Fraunces’ “Tavern. | _ Not in Hart (6*). SiS. Se., 1905. Height, B72) Widthy (3.G¢ Thirty-one impressions of this state were printed in colors for Andrews’ “ New York as Washington Knew it after the Revo- lution,” New York, 1905. | Same. With remarque of eagle in margin. Thirty-five printed, of which 32 in Japan paper copies of book. Engraved by Sidney L. Smith. Hart (6*a). ee eA Bust, to left, in uniform, with Wolfe hat. Vignette. With three other Washingtons after Houdon, Trumbull and Stuart. Line. C. W. Peale, 1772. | Eng4 by H. B. Hall & Sons, 13 Barclay St Nor | Oval, height, 3.1. Oval, width, 2.3. Hart 7. Same as above, but before publication line. Unknown to Hart (7a). (2) Full bust, front, head to left, in uniform, with Wolfe hat. Portrait and fac-simile signature of C. W. Peale in lower mar- gin. Mezzotint. Height, 12. Width, 9.6. Hart 8a. Artist’s signed proof on India paper. hi 12 13 14 Three-quarter length, to left, standing, in uniform, etc. Landscape background. Line. Engraved by J. W. Paradise From a Picture by J. G. Chapman after C. W. Peale. | Washington. | et 40. | From the original por- trait in the possession of G. W. P. Custis, Esq?. | Arlington House. | Height, 4.11. Width, 3.13. Hart 10. Baker 27. The same, but unfinished proof before all letters. Unde- scribed by Hart or Baker. (2) Three-quarter length, to left, standing, in uniform, etc. Landscape background. Oval in ornamental irregular border. | Stipple. C. W. Peale.—J. Rogers. |G° Washington | New York, Virtue, Emmins & Co? | Height, 4.15. Width, 4. Hart 11. Baker 30. Same. Without address. Hart lla. Same as Hart 11. Publisher changed to “ Virtue & Yors- ton.” Unknown to Hart (11b). (3) —— Three-quarter length, to left, standing, in uniform, etc. Vignette, in rectangle with corners cut off. Stipple. C. W. Peale.—Original in possession of G. W. P. Custis, Esq. Arlington House——Geo. Parker. | G0 Washington | 1772 ext 40. | Printed by W. Pate, | New York. G. P. Putnam & C°| Height, 4.11. Width, 3.12. Hart 12. Baker 28. Similar. Vignette. Stipple. C. W. Peale.—Original in Possession of G. W. P. Custis, Esq.— J. B. Forrest. | G° Washington | 1772 xt 40.| New York, G. P. Putnam & Co | Height, 5.8. Width, 3.10. Hart 13. Baker 11. —— Same. Proof before all letters, on India paper. Hart 13a. (3) Three-quarter length, to left, standing, in uniform, etc. Paper protruding from waistcoat pocket, inscribed “ Order of March.” Line. Painted by A. Dickinson.—Engraved by J. W. Steel. | Washing- ton | in 1772 | Atatis 40.| I Certify that the painting of Wash- ington in 1772, executed by Anson Dickinson, Esq., from the | original picture by Peale, in my possession, is a faithful resem- blance of the original, the only orig-| inal of the Pater Patri prior to the revolution. | Arlington House, July 18, 1830. | George W. P. Custis | (Copyright, 1833, by A. Dickinson—two lines) | Height, 5.8. Width, 4.5. Hart 14. Perfect copies with both lines of copyright are rarely found. 15 16 Le 18 19 Three-quarter length, to left, standing, etc. Mixed. Painted by A. Dickinson—Engraved by J. C. Buttre. | GO Wash- ington | . Height, 4.13. Width, 3.12. Hart 15. Baker 4. —— Same, but trial proof.. Undescribed by Hart. — . ol (2) — Bust, to right, in uniform, with ribband. Oval. Line. J. De Mare | Washington at the Age of Twenty-five | From a Miniature on ivory presented by Washington to his niece Harriet, | and now belonging to her daughter’s family. | I am, Sir, Yr Most Obedt Hble Servt| Go Washington | Fort Loudon | 1oth Sept. 1757 | (Copyright, 1851, by G. P. Putnam & Co.) | Height, 2.13. Width, 2.5. Hart 16. Baker 8. Same as above. Proof before all letters. Hart 16a. | Not in Baker. I Both on India paper. | | i | C2) Same as above. With engraver’s name only. — India proof. Hart 16b. Not in Baker. Same as Hart 16, but all lettering, except two first lines, erased. Hart 16c. Same as Hart 16, but without first line. ‘India proof. Hart 16d. | Same as Hart 16, but copyright line erased. ,Undescribed — by Hart (16e). (4) Bust, to left, in uniform, with ribband. Oval, in border, like a medallion, with coil of hair. _ Etching. G. Washington ; After A Miniature | of same size ma C. W. Peale | Oval, height, 2.15. Oval, width, 2.4. Hart 1f: Etched by E. Bocourt. | Whole length to front, head slightly to left, in uniform, left arm across back of horse, holding cocked hat in hand. Right hand holds riding switch. To left a large building with cupola. Mezzotint. J. Brown Excudit. | Peel pinxit, Philadelphia. | Stothard delint Londini. | —V. Green fecit Mezzotinto Engraver to the King of Great Britain and | the Elector Palatine. | General Washington. From an Original Picture in the possession of M® Brown. Pub- lish’d by him April 224 1785, and sold at N° 10, George Yard, Lombard Street, London. | | Height, 19.14. Width, 14. Pica d Hart 18. Baker 12. J. C. Smith, ie 592*. A fine impression of the very rare Valentine Green mezzotint. 20 21 22 23° 24 25 26 Whole length, standing, in uniform, etc. In background, to left, attendant, horse and flag. To right, building and troops. Line. Galtie histaue de Versailles—Sie X. Son 6 | Tableau du temps— Gravé par Wolff | Washington (Georges), | Président de la Ré- publique des Etats-Unis d’Amérique du Nord 1799 | Dessiné par Girardet—Diagraphe et Pantographe—Gavard | Height, 9.11. Width, 6.6. Hart 19a. Baker 40. India proof. : Bust, to right, in uniform, with ribband. Oval, with frame- like border containing title, over engraving on tablet inscribed “ Journée mémorable du 19 Octobre 1781 a York en Virginie.” In rectangle. Line. Le General Washington, | Commandant En Chef Des Armées Américaines. | ré en Virginie en 1733. | Gravé d’aprés le Tableau de N: Piehle peint d’aprés nature a Philadelphie en 1783.|a Basle chez Chr: de Mechel. | Height, 7.12. Width, 5.8. Hart 20. Unknown to Baker. The rare first issue with the line of the publisher, who was prob- ably also the engraver. —— The same, but with publisher’s line erased. Hart 20a. Baker 14. Bust, to right, in uniform, with ribband. Oval, with bor- der, over engraving on tablet inscribed “ Event of the 19th of Oct’ 1781, at Yorktown in Virginia.” Rectangle. Line. T Holloway Direxit.| Gen! Washington. | The English artist has followed the lines of the Print in the French original, after a Picture by Piehle, on account of the remarks of MT? Lavater. | 141 | Publish’d by T. Holloway & the other Proprietors May 21. 1794. | Height, 7.12. Width, 5.9. Ag, ddart.21. | Baker 15. Similar to Hart 20. Etching. Le General Washington | Commandant En Chef Des Armees Americaines | né en Virginie en 1733 | Height, 7.12. Width, 5.7. .. Hart 22. Bust, to right, in uniform, with ribband. Oval, suspended by a ring, over tablet with representation of surrender of Corn- wallis. Outline. Tom 6—P1 338 | Height, 4. Width, 3.4. Hart 23. Unknown to Baker. Same as above. “338” changed to “ 339,’ and points placed after each word of lettering. Hart 23a. (2) —— Another copy of Hart 23a. Same as Hart 23a, but “ Page 219” added between other letters. Hart 23b. The above three prints are from different issues of the ten-volume Paris edition of Lavater’s Physionomie and are all scarce. (2) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Bust, to right, in uniform, with ribband. Oval, in rectangle, with, to right, profile portrait of Gen. Elliot. Mized. Page 333.—Vol. III. | L—K | 319 | Height, 3.6. Width, 5.10. Hart 24. Baker 17. Bust, to right, in uniform. Vignette, in border, with tablet bearing title, enclosed in outer border 8-16. Outline. Tome L. Page 237. | Hist. D’Amérique. | Washington. | N. Piehle pinxt—Landon dirext| __ Height, 5. Width, 3. Hart 26. Baker 32. Same as above. First line of lettering and outer border removed. Unknown to Hart (26a). Very scarce. (2) Bust, to left, in uniform. Vignette, in border, with tablet bearing title. Outline. Washington. | R. Sands sculp.| Published by Vernor, Hood & Sharpe, Poultry, Jany 1. 1811. | Height, 4.10. Width, 2.10. Hart 27. Baker 33. Same. Plate reworked, scroll border added, publisher’s line erased, engraver’s name erased and replaced by “ Engraved by— R. Sands” Hart 27a.—Unknonn to Baker. (2) Bust, to right, in uniform. Me sn in border, 2-16, with tablet bearing title, Outline. Washington | Zeelander Sc. | _ Height, 3.5. Width, 2.9. : Hart 28. Baker 41. The print lacks the second line, but is very rare in any condition. Full bust, to left, in uniform. Tree and landscape in back- ground. Oval, with border, in ornamented rectangle, with border of oak leaves. Title on engraved tablet beneath oval. Line. (Galerie des) Hommes Illustres vivans. | Wasington, | Généralis- sime des Etats unis de L’Amerique. | Dessiné par Bounieu d’apres un Tableau fourni par M. le Marquis de la F ayette—Gravé par Chevillet | Height, 13.7. Width, 10.1. Hart 29. Baker 6. The first two words of inscription have been scratched out. Same as Hart 29, but a proof without any letters except *“‘ Chevillet f.’’ in scratched letters. Hart 29a. Excessively rare. — Same as Hart 20, but without first line. Hart 29b. Same as Hart 29, but without first line, address added : “chez Porlier, Graveur Editeur, Rue des Cing Diamans, NO 8.” All engraving on tablet erased and relettered, “‘ Washington | Généralissime des Américains, Libérateur des Etats- Unis | Con- temporain et Ami du Général Lafayette | . Hart 29d. 35 36 37 38 39 40 Bust, full face, to right, in uniform, with gorget. Oval, in border, in rectangle. Above oval a festoon of olive leaves, with the word “ Li | Ber | Tas ”|, surrounded by radiating rays. Below, flags, cannon, laurel and palm branches. Tablet, within rectangle, bearing title. Line. S. E. George Washington | Général en Chef des Armées | des Etats unis de ]’Amerique | Le Beau Sculp. | A Paris chez Mond- hare rue St Jacques. | Height, 6.10. Width, 4.9. Hart 30. Baker 20. Excessively rare. | Whole length, to right, standing, in uniform, in front of marquee, with roll of papers in right hand; various documents, one inscribed “A Proclamation” on ground. Line. Peint par L. le Paon Peintre de Bataille de S. A. S.| Mgr le Prince de Condé. |—Gravé par N. le Mire des Academies Im- periales et Royales | et de celle des Siences et Arts de Rouen. | Le Général Washington | Ne Quid Detrimenti capiat Res publica. | - (Gravé d’aprés &c &c 2 lines) | Height, 16.10. Width, 12.11. Hart 31. Baker 21. — The same, with first four lines of inscription only. Hart 31b. The same as Hart 31. With the word “ By ” added to “A Proclamation.” Hart 81c. Whole length, to right, standing, in uniform, to left of print, in front of a marquee. Similar to Hart 31c, omitting the tree overhanging marquee and some other details. Mezzotint. Printed for & Sold by Carington Bowles—N°® 69 in St Pauls Church Yard London. | General Washington. | Published as the Act directs, 24 June 1785. | Height, 12.14. Width, 9.14. Hart 32. Baker 22. The impression is cut to the print, but it is scarce in any condition. Whole length, to right, standing, in uniform, to left of print, at entrance to a tent, leaning in an easy attitude. In right hand an open scroll, inscribed: “ Declaration | of | American | Independ- ence.’ The gloved left hand is thrust into waistcoat at breast. Similar to Hart 31, with omission of horse, attendant, table and papers on ground. | Mezzotint. General Washington. | Late President of the United States of America,—From a fine Original Engraved at Paris. | Published 25th May 1797, by Laurie & Whittle, 53 Fleet Street, London. | Height, 13.3. Width, 9.15. Hart 34. Baker 23. One of four known impressions. . : 41 42 43 44 45 Whole length, to left, standing, in uniform, to right of print, at entrance of a marquee overhung by a tree. The gloved right hand is thrust into waistcoat at breast. In left hand an open scroll. In left distance a river and an encampment. Similar to Hart 34 reversed. Mezzotint. General Washington: | Late President of the American Congress. | London, Published June 16—1797, by Haines & Son. 19 Rolls Buildings, Fetter Lane. | | Height, .6.7. Width, 4.15. Hart 35. Unknonn to Baker. One of six known impressions, ? Whole length, to left, standing, in uniform, at entrance to a | marquee overhung by a tree. The gloved right hand is thrust into waistcoat at breast. In left hand an open scroll, lettered “ Declaration | of | Independence.” || Exact reverse of Hart 34. ba Mezzotint. General Washington. | Late President of the American Congress. | London Publish’d Sept’, 7. 1797. by G. Thompson N® 50 Old Bailey, & I. Evans N° 42 Long Lane. Wt Smithfield. | Height, 13.2. Width, 9.12. _ Hart 36, Unknown to Baker. One of three known copies. Not in Carson, Mitchell, or Whelen collections. ‘Half length, to left, in uniform,.with right hand thrust into waistcoat at breast. Oval, with corners extended to rectangle. Mezzotint. peint par Alexander Camphell a Williamsbourg en Virginie | George Washington, Esquier | Général et Comandeur en Chef d’Armée des XIII Provinces | unies en Amerique.| Se vend a Londres Chez Thom. Hart | Height, 7.15. Width, 6.4. Hart 37. Baker 24. One of four known impressions. Not in Clark, Carson, or Whelen collections. | Full bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Gloved right hand thrust into waistcoat. Circle, with border, upon a pyramidal base, in rectangle engraved to represent stonework, with outside border. Title on tablet upon the base. Line. Gen. Washington. |W™ Angus Sc. | Published Sept 23. 1785, by J. Fielding, Pater Noster Row. | Height, 5.7. Width, 3.5. Hart 38. Baker 3. Same as above. Proof before all letters. Hart 38a. Only one other known. (2) Full bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Gloved right hand is thrust into waistcoat at breast. Oval, in border, resting upon a base, containing title, within a rectangle. Line. S. E. George Washington. | Général en Chef des Armées | des Etats unis de l’Amérique | Le B. Pinx.—J. L. Sculp. | Height, 10.4. Width, 7. Hart 39. Baker 18. Fine original impression. 46 47 48 y; 50. 51 Full bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Oval, with border line. Line. T Cook del et Sculp.| General Washington. | Publish’d as the Act directs. Augt 215, 1783. by S. Bladon | Oval height, 3.11. Oval width, 2.15. Hart 40. Baker 7. A scarce print in perfect condition. Same as above. ‘Title changed to: ‘Gen! Washington. | Published by D. Brewman. Oct? 18t 1792.| Hart 40a. (2) Full bust, to front, head to left, in uniform, with ribband and epaulettes. Oval, in a framelike border, in a rectangle, rest- ing upon a small pedestal inscribed, ‘‘ Temperance, | Prudence, | Fortitude, | Justice.” | On either side war emblems. At top, fes- tooned garland. Line. B Blyth del.—J. Norman Sculp. | His: Excell¢y George Washing- ton, Esq? |General and Commander in Chief of the Allied Armies, | Supporting the Independence of America. | Taken from an Original Picture in possession of his Ex°Y Govt Hancock | Published by John Coles, Boston, March. 26th 1782 | Height, 11.10. Width, 9.5. Hart 43. Baker 26. Framed. Very scarce. Bust, to left, in uniform. Oval, with border, in which is title, at top, in a rectangle, with border, on a base. Line. His Excellency General Washington | Height, 4.13. Width, 3.1. Hart 47. Unknown to Baker. An excessively scarce early American engraving. With ee portrait of ‘“ Lady Mies Shoes ‘x Full bust, to fet head to left, in uniform, with ribband. Oval, with border, in a rectangle. Beneath the oval a tablet, on which is the title. Line. George Washington, | Commandant en Chef des Armées Améri- eaines, | Né en Virginie en 1733. | Se trouve 4 Paris, chez Aug. De St Aubin, Graveur du Roi et de la Bibliothéque, actuellement : rue Therese Bute St Roch, et 4 la Bibliothéque | et chez Mr Cochin, aux Galleries du Louvre, A. P. D. R. | Height, 7.11. Width, 5.10. Hart 48. Not in Baker. Same as above, but address changed to: Se trouve 4 Paris, chez Aug. De St Aubin, Graveur du Roi et de sa Bibliothéque, actuellement rue Therese Bute St Roch, et 4 la ' Bibliothéque du Roi, | et chez M* Cochin, aux Galleries air Louvre, A. P. D. R. | Hart 48a. Baker 31. Bust to front, head to left, in uniform, with ribband. Vignette, in oval. An insert, on page 357. Outline. Halder Sculp. | | Height, 4.9. Width, 4. — Hart 49. Baker 13. 52 53 54 55 56 Bust to front, head to left, in uniform, with ribband. Copy of Hart 49. An insert, on page 437. Outline. Height, 4.9. Width, 4. Hart 50. Unknown to Baker. Bust to front, head to left, in uniform, with ribband. Vignette. Outline. Tom. 6.—PI. 339. (bis.) | Height, 4. Width, 3.10. Hart 51. Unknown to Baker. Same as above. With addition of “‘ Page 221 ” above and to right of “ Pl. 339. (bis.)” Hart 51a. Unknown to Baker. A scarce state of the plate. | PA) Full bust, to front, head to left, in uniform, with ribband. Oval. . Mized. General Washington. | London Pub, April, 11, 178€, by E Hedges N©O 92 Cornhill. | Height, 3.12. Width, 3.1. Hart 52. Baker 44. Baker knew but one fapertec impression without address, which his description omits. Excessively scarce. Full bust, to front, head very slightly to left, in uniform, with ribband. Light horizontally ruled background to oval, with border, 2-16, more heavily ruled. Stipple. Tiebout Sculpsit N. York. | | Height, 4.8. Oval height, 4.4. Oval width, 3.3. The print is cut out and may have had more lettering; the inscrip- tion is pasted under oval with 4-16 margin. U ndescribed by Baker or Hart and the only impression knonn. (527) Full bust, to front, head to left, in uniform, with ribband. Oval, with border, upon a base in a rectangle. Title, upon tablet on base. Line. Engraved for the Universal Magazine. | George Washington, | Commander in Chief | of the American Army. | Printed for J. Hinton, at the Kings Arms, in Paternoster Row. | | Height, 5.11. Width, 3.6. “Harty3, Rates 43. Full bust, to front, head to left, in uniform, with ribband. Oval, with border. A copy of Hart 48. A quatint. George Washington, | Commandant en Chef des Armées Améri- caines, | Né en Virginie en 1733. | Height, 4.9. Width, 4.2. Hart 54. (2) 57 58 59 60 : Bust to left, in uniform. Oval medallion, with title, hung upon a column to right, beside a similar one, of Franklin, and one of Louis XVI, above. The column is surmounted by a globe, upon which are three fleurs-de-lis, and above the globe is a cock crow- ing. The base supporting the column is inscribed: “ L’ Amérique | Et Les Mers, | O Louis! | Vous Reconnaissent | Pour Leur Libéra- teur’”’ | An Indian with pole and liberty-cap, with his left foot upon a leopard’s head. Two palm trees with inscribed: “‘ En M’élevant | Je M’embellis.” | Circle. A quatint. Waginston—Franklin—Louis Seize. | Duplessis Berteaux del.— L. Roger Sculp. 1786. | Indépendance Des Etats-Unis. | (fourteen lines in double column) | 4 Paris chez Blin Imprimeur en Taille- Douce, Place Maubert, N° 17, vis-a-vis la rue des 3 Portes, ek), B| Height, 8.10. Width, 5.15. Hart 55. Unknown to Baker. Bust, to left, in uniform, with a frame, on a wall. Beneath a base on which is title and upon which lies a hat, baton, and olive branch. In lower right, sword and wreath. A curtain con- ceals upper left of frame. Tine. G. Washington, | Generaal Der Noord-Americaanen. | Rein™ Vin- keles, Sculp. naar een Origineel Schildery, by den Wel Ed. Heer P. van Winter, Nic: z. | Height, 5.9. Width, 3.8. Hart 56. Baker 39. Same as above. Proof with only: “ Rein. Vinkeles. sculp. naer een Orrigeneel Schilderye.” Hart 56a. (2) Bust to left, head to right, in a circular medallion with thir- teen stars, held by a winged figure, who is pointing out the medal- lion, to a female with a lyre, to the left. Below, to left, Fame blowing her trumpet, and to right Justice, blindfolded, with scales and sword. Border of a single line. Etching. I. Norman Sc | ; Height, 5.8. Width, 3.5. Hart 57. Unknonn to Baker. An excessively scarce early American engraving. Bust to left, head to right, in uniform. Circular medallion, with border, containing title, in centre of plate, at top, near profile portraits of “ John Adams,” ‘‘ De Generaal Gates,” “‘ Henry Lau- rens,’ and “ Benjamin Franklin.” An American flag and six tab- lets with names of twelve States in Dutch and the thirteenth, “New Hampchire,” on a separate one. At bottom date. Etching. In de Mercurius October, 1783. 29¢ Stuk. Pag. 162. | De Gen- eraal Waschington. | Ter Gedachtenis, van het Onafhangelijk Ver- klaaren der | 13 Americaansche Provintien, Door de Engelschen. | B: Mourik Escudit. | | Height, 5.12. Width, 4.12. Hart 58. Unknown to Baker. 61 62 63 64 Bust to left, head to right, in uniform. Oval. Etching. ‘“ Pencel sketch of General | Washington - from life taken | by Chas. Willson Peale 1777 | 1787” | Etched by Albert Rosenthal. 1898, from the original in the possession of the Historical Society of Penna. | i Height, 5.13. Width, 4. ae Hart 59. —— Same as above. With only facsimile si ia on base. Hart 59a. Same as Hart 59. With added wore and names of sub- scribers. Hart 59b. . Same as above.. Plate defaced. Hart 59c. pans OF 9 Twenty-five sets only were printed. ast ae Bust to left, in uniform, with ribband. Oval. Etching. Etched by Albert Rosenthal, 1897, | George Washington. | From The Miniature By Charles Willson Peale, 1785,|In The Pos- session Of The Long Island Historical Society: | Printed By E, Opitz, | Philadelphia, April 10th 1897 >| Height, 2.12. Width, 2.3. WE gaits 25 as Same as Hart 60. Before all letters, with Washington’s Arms in lower margin. Two impressions, one colored. Hart 60a. Same as Hart 60. With added lettering and names of sub- scribers. Defaced. Hart 60b. Only twenty sets published. . ! (4) Whole length, standing, to left, in uniform. Background represents the Battle of Princeton aiid: Death of Mercer. In dis- tance a battle and Nassau Hall. , Etching. Washington | at Princeton and the Death of Mercer. | Etched by Albert Rosenthal 1898. From the painting by C. W. Peale, 1784, made to the order | of the Trustees of the College of New Jersey, now in Nassau Hall, Princeton, N. J. | Height, 8.15. Width, Sri ls - Hart 61. Same as above. Before all letters and with Nassau Hall and C. W. Peale facsimile signature in lower margin. Hart 61a. —— Another with Nassau Hall printed in red. Same as Hart 61. Lettering erased and names of sub- scribers added. Defaced. Hart 616. Only twenty sets published. - (4) Whole length, standing, to left, in uniform, with drawn sword. Vignette on title page. hi, vig ante. The Heroes | Of The | Revolution. | Death of Mercer from a Pic- ture by Peale. | New York | Saxton & Miles | 1844, | | Height, 1.1. Width, 2. _ Hart 62. 65 66 67 68. 69 70 Whole length, standing, to left, in uniform, left hand thrust into waistcoat, right hand on hip. To right Lafayette and Tench Tilghman. To left soldiers. Etching. Washington | Lafayette and Tilghman | Etched by Albert Rosen- thal, Philada, 1897, from the picture Painted from life in 1784, by Charles Willson Peale, | by order of the Assembly of the State of Maryland. Now in the House of Delegates, Annapolis, Md. | Published Philadelphia Dec, 1897,—Printed by E. Rpt. | Height, 8.8. Width, 5.2. Hart 63. Same as above. Before all letters and with inscribed scroll in lower margin and with C. W. Peale facsimile autograph. Hart 63a. , Another with scroll printed in red. Same as Hart 63. Lettering erased and names of sub- scribers added. Defaced. Hart 63b. Only twenty sets published. (4) ——— Full bust, to left, in uniform, with cocked hat. Mezzotint. _C. W. Peale, Pinx. 1778.—Max Rosenthal, Sc. 1895. | George Washington. ( From a painting purchased by John Neagle at the ‘sale of Peale’s Museum, now in the possession of the State Nor- mal School, at West Chester, Pa. | cetaton Nov. 25th 1895. Published by Wm. J. Campbell. | Height, 9.11. Width, 8. Hart 64. Same as above. Before all letters. Hart 64a. Same as Hart 64. With only “ Engraved & colored by Max Rosenthal from the | painting by C. W. Peale.’”’| Hart 64b. Same as Hart 64. Plate defaced. Hart 64c. Only twenty-five sets issued. (4) Half length, to left, in uniform. In background a field- piece, American flag, horsemen, and a fortress. Mezzotint. Height, 17.12. Width, 14.14. Hart 65. Thirty unlettered proofs printed. Engraved by R. Josey. ——— Bust to left. Vignette. Etching. S J Ferris fecit d’apres Peale | 1881 | C. W. Peale, Pinxt.—S. J. Ferris, Del. & Sculp. | George Washington. | Published March, 1882 by John-Wanamaker, Philadelphia. Height, 6. Width, 4.12. Hart 66. Same as above. With first two lines only. Hart 66a. Bust to left. Rectangle. Line. Engraved by J. A. J. Wilcox from a painting by Charles Peale, | presented to the Boston Museum Oe Fine Arts by Charles Sum- ner | Height, 4.12. Width, 3.12. (66*) Same as above. Before all letters. (66%*a) India proofs. io) rel 72 73 74 75 76 Same as above. A set of seven progressive trial proofs to the finished state before letters, signed by the artist. Only two such sets were printed. India proofs. (7) PIERRE EUGENE DU SIMITIERE 1779 Bust, profile to left, in uniform, with ribband. Circular medallion, with border, suspended by a ring, over a base, in rec- tangle. Line. G. Washington. | Drawn from the life by Du Simitier in Phila- delphia.—Engraved by B. L. Prevost at Paris. | N° 1 | . Height, 5.10. Width, 4.3. Hart 68. Baker 67. Same as above. Without title on base and with a final “e ” added to “ Du Simitiere.” Hart 68a. Unknown to Baker. (2) Similar to above. ae Drawn from the life by Du sinitice in Phi seBhitbaved by B. L. Prevost at Paria | N° 1 | Height, 4.14. Width, 4.11. Hart 69. Hart states that No 69 has title ‘‘G. Washington.” This is prob- ably an error, as the compiler has never seen it. ——- Similar to above. Title upon base. Line. Washington. | Dessiné d’aprés Nature par Du Simitier 4 Phila- delphie,—-Gravé par Adam. | Height, 5.1. Width, 3.8. Hart 70. Baker 68. Similar to above. Title on base. . Mezzotint. Copyright 1899, by W. Sartain, N. Y. | Washington. | Drawn from life by Du Simitiére-——Engraved by William Sartain, N. Y. | Height, 5. Width, 3.11. Hart 71. Two impressions. One on India paper. Same as above. Before last line. India proof signed. Hart Tla. Same as Hart 71. Plate defaced. Hart 71b. ; One hundred sets were published. (4) Bust, profile to left, in uniform, with ribband. Oval, with © border, within rectangle. Line. Genl Washington. | Publish’d JanY 31. 1784 by John Walker Height, 5.8. Width, 3.8. _ Hart 72. Baker 70. The rare “ Westminster Magazine” print. — 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 —— Bust, profile to left, in uniform, with ribband. Oval. Stipple. A. W. Kiiffner Se. 1793. | G. Washington. | Height, 3.6. Width, 2.14. Hart 73. Baker 66. A scarce German print published in Erlangen, 1793. Bust, profile to right, in uniform, with ribband. Oval in rectangle. Mized. B. B. E.| His Excellency General Washington Commander | in chief of the united States of North America &c. | Pubd May 15th 1783 by R. Wilkinson. N° 58 Cornhill London. | Height, 4.7. Width, 3.10. Hart 75. Baker 65. Same ‘as above. Title changed to: His Excellency .General Washington Commander | in Chief of the Forces of the united states of North America &c. | Hart 75a. Same as Hart 75. All lettering but initials of Engraver erased. Undescribed by Hart. India paper. (75c) —— Same as above. All lettering erased. (75d) (4) —— Bust, profile to right, in uniform, with ribband. Oval. Stipple. B Reading Sculpt | General Washington. | Drawn from the Life by Du Simetiere in Philadelphia | Publish’d May 10th 1783 by W™ Richardson N° 174 Strand | nt Height, 2.13. Width, 2.7. Hart 76. Baker 68. Same as above. Before name of engraver and with title and address in etched letters. Date changed to “ April 10th 1783.” | Hart 76a. ° Unknown to Baker. Very scarce in this state. For other early proofs of this series see under portraits Dusimitier. Bust, profile to right, in uniform, with ribband. Oval, with border in rectangle, title on white tablet. Stipple. Washington | Height, 3.8. Width, 2. Hart 77. Unknown to Baker. This, and the only other known impression, are signed in pencil ““ Schweyer sc F a/m” Bust, profile to right, in uniform, etc. In group. Line. 1. General Washington. 2. General Gates. | 3. D® Franklin. 4. Prasid Laurens. 5. Paul Jones.| D. Berger Sculp. 1784. | Height, 3.7. Width, 2.2. Hart 79. Unknown to Baker. Scarce. Similar to above, in rectangle of single line. Etching. 1. General Washington. 2. General Gates. | 3. Dt. Frankln. 4. Presid. Laurens. 5 Paul Jones. | Graver. af C. G. Lundgren. | Height, 3.6. Width, 2.2. | Hart 80. Unknown to Baker. Very scarce. 85 86 87 88 89 90 Similar to above, without enclosing line. Etching. 1. General Washington. 2. General Gates. | 3. D™ Franklin. 4. Presid. Laurens. 5. Paul Jones. | Snack. Se. | — Height, 3.13. Width, 2.4. Hart 81. Unknown to Baker. Excessively scarce. | Bust, profile to right, in uniform. Vignette in group of twelve portraits from Tencin to Westermann, in rectangle. Washington. | Etching. Height, 6.2. Width, 3.8. Hart 82. Unknown to Baker. Very scarce. | Profile to right, in uniform. Vignette with portrait of Tell. . Line. Washington. | Tell. | Die Helden der alten Freiheit | Height, 2.5... ; Width; 1,10. Hart 83. Unknown to Baker. JOHN TRUMBULL 1780-1793 Whole length to front, head to left, in uniform. In rear ships enveloped in smoke and to right turbaned negro holds a browsing horse. In centre of lower margin an Indian holding a shield with Washington’s Arms. Mezzotint. Painted by I,, Trumbull Esq? of Connecticut 1780.—Engraved by V,, Green, Mezzotinto Engraver to his Majesty, & to the Elector Palatine. | General—Washington. | Engrav’d from the Original Picture in the Possession of M,, De Neufville, of Amsterdam.— Publish’d by Appointmt,, of M,, De Neufville, Janty 15th 1781, by V,, Green, N,, 29, Newman Street, Oxford Street, London. | Height, 22.14. Width, 15.14. Hart 84. Baker 147. A fine impression of the scarce Valentine Green print. Similar to above, reversed. With border and title in tablet. Line. I. Trumbull Pinx. eee I gee Sculp. | G. Wiaanth gece! bes Height, 6.3. Width, H art o3. Baker 151. 39 Same as above, border and tail of “p” in sculp removed. Three points after “ sculp.” Hart 85a. Not in Baker. —— Same as Hart 85, but before border was engraved as is shown by the tail of “p” being intact and before the ia re oe points. Not in Hart (85b). kB) The only known impression. 91 92 93 94 95 Similar to Hart 84 with palm tree in. place of negro and horse. Boats in river and battle in distance. Line. Page 435a | Maria Miou sculp... | George Washington, | Le Héros libérateur de sa patrie, | né en 1732, mort a la fin de 1799. | Height, 4.5. Width, 3. Not in Hart (86a) or Baker. Whole length, to left, in uniform, standing. In right hand an open scroll. Above head Fame crowning him with laurel wreath. At feet flags, scrolls, and books. Line. His Excellency George Washington, Commander in | Chief of the American Armies, Marshal of France &c. | Height, 6.10. Width, 4.10. ; Hart 88. Baker 160. A very scarce print, from Exshaw’s “ Gentlemen’s Magazine,” June, 1783, where it fronts an article entitled “ The Essence of Agriculture.”’ Whole length, to left, head to right, in uniform, with black ‘stock. To right Goddess of Liberty. Above Fame blowing trum- pet. In centre a map and to right Dr. Franklin and Minerva. | Line. Woodman & Mutlow Sculp | Published 18 March, 1783, by J. Wallis, at his Map & Print-Warehouse, Ludgate Stt London. | Height, 6. Width, 7.1. Hart 89. Unknown to Baker. Only two other impressions known. Whole length, to left, in uniform, with black stock, right hand extended, holding baton, left hand hidden by figure of Lib- erty. On margin of oblong folio map of the United States of America. Inscription in oval at lower right. Line. The | United States | of | America | laid down | From the best Au- thorities, | Agreeable to the Peace of | 1783. —| Published, April 34 1783,| by the Proprietor | John Wallis, | at his Map- Warehouse, | Ludgate Street | London | Height, 6.2. Width, 7. Hart 90. The excessive rarity of this print may be seen from Hart’s memo- randum: “ My note of this portrait was made several years ago, iand ‘seems not to be very full, and I have not come across the print in my recent investigations. Its date and size show it to be different from 89.’ This is the identical print there noted, and it is now, for the first time, exactly recorded. Another most im- portant point is that this is the earliest map of the United States, as such, with bounds defined according to the Treaty of 1783. Head, to right. Oval, on map of North America, with a companion head of Dr. Franklin, to right. Published, June 1St 1783, by J. Fielding NO 23, Paternoster- Row. MWoodman & Mutlow. Sculp. | Oval height, .11. Oval width, .9. Hart 91. Unknomnn to Baker. 96 97 98 99 100 102 103 Full bust, to left, in uniform. Oval, with border, resting on a tablet within a rectangle. Above oval, a rattlesnake and liberty- cap with “ Don’t tread on me.’ Olive and laurel branches, flags, cannon, etc. | Line. George Washington, | Commander in Chief of y® Armies of y® | United States of America. | Engrav’d by W. Sharp, from an Orig- inal Picture | London, Published according to Act of Parliament Feby 224 1780. | : Height, 5.14. Width, 4.2. Hart 92. Baker 35. Fine and perfect example of William Sharp’s engraving. Another copy. In book; A Poetical Epistle to his Excel- lency, &c. London, 1780.. Paper. . Re — — Same as above. Proof before the last two lines. Unknown to Hart (92%). No other known. . —— Same as Hart 92. Publication line changed to “‘ Feby 224 1783. | by J. Stockdale Piccadilly.” | Hart 92a. Unknown to Baker. Full bust, to left, ete. A copy of Hart 92. Etching. George Washington | Com™ander in Chief of y® Armies of y® United States of America. | Brunton Sculpt, | Height, 6.4. Width, 4.6 Hart 93. Unknown to Baker. Excessively scarce American copy of the Sharp. Published in Providence, 1781. Not in Carson, Mitchell, or Whelen collec- tions. Full bust, to right, ete. A copy of Hart 92 without “ Don’t tread on me.” Line. George Washington | Commandant en Chef des Armées | des Etats-unis de ]’Amerique. | N. Pruneau del. et Sculp.|A Paris chez ]’Auteur, rue St Jacques vis 4 vis le College du Plessis. | et chez ie graveur, rue du Pt Bourbon attent la Foire St Ger- main. Height, 5.13. Width, 4. Hart 94. Baker 29. Excessively scarce. Not in Clark, Mitchell, or Whelen collections. Bust, to right, in uniform, with black stock. Vignette, with- out background. Stipple. JaS Newton sculp. | Gen! Washington. | Height, 2.4. Width, 2. Hart 96. Baker 25, Very scarce. Not in Clark, Carson, or Whelen collections. Bust to right, in uniform, black stock. Vignette without background. Stipple. Gen! Washington. | Height, 2.4. Width, 2. Hart 97. Unknown to Baker. The excessively scarce original impression. One other copy known. Printed in reddish brown. Same as above. Facing fur-cap portrait of Franklin. Hart 97 note. ; (2) 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ——— Similar to above. Stipple. Gen! Washington | Published Not 18t 1784. by Whitworth & Yates Bradford-Street | Height, 4.6. Width, 3.12. Hart 99. Baker 42. —— Similar to above. Oval, in border. Mezzotint. Gen! Washington. | Pub? 15th July 1784 by Whitworth & Yates, Birmingham | Height, 5. Width, 4.7. Hart 100. Unknown to Baker. — Full bust to left, in uniform, with border, 13-16. Mezzotint. Painted by I. Trumbull Esq? of Connecticut.—Engraved by V. Green, Mezzotinto Engraver to his Majesty & to the Elector palatine. | General Washington. |-Publish’d June 34 1783 by V. Green N° 29, Newman Street, Oxford Street & sold by J. Bry- don, Printseller, N° 7, Charing Cross, London. Height, 12.9. Width, 9.15. 7 J. C. Smith 136. Hart 101. Unknown to Baker. A beautiful impression of the excessively rare Valentine Green, reproduced in the Hart catalogue. Framed. A copy of the above. Mezzotint. Painted by I. Trumbull Esq: of Connecticut—Engraved by S. Arlent Edwards after V. Green. | General Washington. | Pub- lished 1897. by J. P. Sabin, Printseller 80 Nassau St. New York. | Height, 10.7. Width, 8.7. Hart 102. Same as above. Before all letters. Hart 102a. Only thirty impressions printed. Artist’s signed India proof. Same as above. Printed in colors, one of five issued, India proof. Hart 102a. Same as above. Head and upper part of body only, printed in colors. Bust to left, in uniform. Oval, with border line. Line. Published according to the Act of Parliament, May the 10, 1783, by J,, K,, Sherwin, N° 28, St James’s Street & | Will™ Hinton No 5 Sweetings Alley Cornhill. |. Height, 3.3. Width, 2.11. Hart 103. Baker 156. The excessively rare first issue. Not in Clark, Carson, or Mitchell collections. Same as above. Lettering erased. ‘‘ Genl Washington.” inserted. Hart 103a. a: 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Whole length, to left, in uniform. Engraved by T. Chees- man. Before border line and letters. In etched letters: “10th 1795 by A C De Poggi New Bond St London ” Hart 104a. Not in Baker. Very scarce in this early proof state. Same as above. Before border line and with address before title, which is in open block letters. . London, Published by A. C. De Poggi, N° 91, New Bond Street, June 1796. Hart 104b. Baker 141. Very scarce. Similar to Hart 104, without border line. _ Stipple. Painted by John Trumbull Esq¢—Engraved by T. Cheesman. | General. Washington. | London Published by A. C. de Poggi, N° 91, New Bond Street. | Height, 24.13. Width, 17.12. Hart 105. Not in Baker. Similar to Hart 104. Vignette. | Line. G° Washington | The Ledger Carrier’s Annual Greeting | to their subscribers, New Year, 1856. | (&c 4 lines) | Engraved & Printed by Illman & Sons. | | Height, 10.7. Width, 9.12. - Hart 106. Not in Baker. Same as above. Four lines of lettering erased. Replaced by: on the great occasion of our Presidential Election. | to all lovers of Freedom and Independence, | is presented this portrait. | Overhead: George Washington, | | Hart 106a. Baker 150. Similar to Hart 104. Mezzotint. Gen. Washington | [On The Battle Field At Trenton] | Engraved by W. Warner from the original picture by Col. John Trumbull in possession of Yale College N. Haven. | Published By J. Dainty & Flagg & Co. Philad@ | American Gallery N° 1 | Proof | [Copy- right 1845] Height, 24.12. Width, 17.8. Hart 107. Not in Baker. —— Same as above. Proof before all letters. Hart 107a. Not in Baker. Excessively scarce in proof state. Not in any of the four great © sales. Same as Hart 107. Publisher’s line reéngraved. Published By Wright & Groves Phil@ Hart 107b. Baker 158. Same as Hart 107b. Publisher’s line reéngraved. Published By William Smith, 706 South Third St Philadelphia, & By J. Turgis 78 Duane St New York. Hart 107c. —— Another copy, colored by hand. Hart 107c. 123 124 125 126 127 128 Similar to Hart 104, without full detail in background. Vignette, on title page. Line.. The | American | Gentleman | He needed no patent from the hand of Mia | Page IV. | Philadelphia. | Hogan & Thompson. | 1836. Height, 1.4. Width, 1.7. Hart 108. Unknown to Baker. Same as above. “Ellis” at base of foreground, but with- out date. Not in Hart (108b). (2) Similar to Hart 104. With double border lines. Stipple. See Pa. 2.| Engraved by A. Doggett, from the original Paint- ing by Colonel Trumbull. | Washington. | Published by Nathan Whiting New Haven, Con. Height, 5.5. Width, 3.11. Hart 109. Baker 143. Same as above. Before all letters and before border lines. Hart 109a. (2) —— Same as Hart 109. Without address. State undescribed by Hart. Hart (109a4). Same as Hart 109. “See Pa. 2.” erased. . Not in Hart (109a}a). Same as above. Added after title: “at Trenton N. J. January 29 1777. | (five lines of description of the painting) | Not in Hart (109d). Same as above. Added above title: “G° Washington ” and the five descriptive lines slightly altered. Hart 109c. (38) Similar to Hart 104. Mized. General Washington. | Engraved by John Rogers, from the Pic- ture by Col. Trumbull | Height, 6.11. Width, 4.8. Hart 110. Baker 155. Searce in perfect condition. Same as above. Address added: New York, Virtue Emmins & Co. Hart 110a. Same as above. Address changed to: New York, Virtue & Yorston. Hart 1106. (2) Whole length, head to right, in uniform. Border line. Title in tablet. Line. George Washington. | Engraved by W. E. Tucker from an orig- inal Painting. | Height, 6.4. Width, 4.8. Hart 111. Baker 157. Whole length, to front, head to left, in uniform. Palm tree to right. Vignette. Etching. Guemied del—E Monnin, sc. | Washington | Encyclopédie Na- tionale—publiée par F. Cajani, Rue Montorgueil, 108. | Height, 6.4. Width, 4.4. Hart. 112. Baker 158. Same as above. Without address. Hart 112a. (3) 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 Half length, to front, head to left, in uniform. Mezzotint. Trumbull.—Bannister. | G° Washington | . Height, 4.10. Width, 3.9. Hart 113. Baker 138. Whole length, head to left, in uniform. Right arm ex- tended; in left hand a cocked hat held close to sword hilt. Vignette, without background, in rectangle of double line, which encloses inscription. Stipple. Born Feb. 2224 1732. | Height, 2.10." Width, 1.13. Not in Hart (113*). Printed on a glazed card and used as a ball ticket. New Haven, 1845. The only known impression. Three-quarter length, to front, head to left, in uniform. Vignette. Etching. Burt |‘ Washington. | GO Washington | : Height, 4.6. Width, 3.8. Hart 114. Baker 140. Same as above. Added after Washington: in| 1775 | Hart 114a. | | (2) Full bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Line. Eng. by A. B. Durand from the full length Portrait by Col. Trumbull belonging to Yale College. | George Washington. | G° Washington. | [Copyright 1834] | Height, 4.7. Width, 3.10. ! Hart 115. Baker 144. —— Same as above. In etched letters, only: “ Trumbull pt— A. B. Durand. Se.” Not in Hart (115a$). (2) Same as Hart 115. Before copyright notice. India proof from Longacre’s collection. | Not in Hart (115a4). Same as Hart 115. Copyright notice erased. Hart 115b. —— Same as above. Floriated border added. Hart 115c. (3) Bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Oval in irregular frame rectangle, with half wreath, bundle of fasces, American shield and laurel branches, with thirteen stars over head, and ~ flags and projecting cannon below oval. ae Line. Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson, New York. | Height, 2.7. Sub-height, 1.14. Width, 1.9. Oval, 1.8 x 1.5. Not in Hart (115*). Bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Vignette. Stipple. Geoffroy Se | Washington. | Publié par Furne, Paris. | Height, 3.8. Width, 3.8. Hart 116. Baker 145. Same as above. Added: | Imp. F. Chardon A€& 30. r. Hautfeuille Hart 116b. (2) 136 137 ° 138 139 140 14] Bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Circular medallion surmounted by eagle. Flags and cornucopie at head of folio. “ Declaration ” with medallions of John Adams, Thomas Jeffer- son, and Arms of the thirteen States. Stipple. Gimber Sc.—Trumbull Pinxt | General—George—Washington | Story & Atwood Engravers |151 Fulton St. N. Y.| Published by Phelps & Ensign 74 Bowery N. Y. | Diameter, 3.5. Hart 117. Baker 146. Scarce. Full bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Mized. Published by J. C. Buttre Co. N. Y. | G° Washington | Height, 4.8. Width, 3.10. Hart 118. - Bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Etching. Etch’d by Alice Hall Aged 18. New York 1866. |G° Wash- ington | Height, 4.13. Width, 3.9. Hart 119. Baker 148. Published in C. I. Bushnell’s “Crumbs for Antiquarians.” 2 vols., 8vo. N. Y., 1864-66. Two impressions—one in brown and one in black. Both on India paper. (2) Bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Vignette. Line. G° Washington | Private Plate. | Hart 120a. Two copies. India proofs. §2) Same as above. Before all letters. Not in Hart (120b). Very scarce. Bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Vignette. Stipple. Washington | Eng4 by H B Hall & Sons from the Painting by 142 143 144 Trumbull. | Height, 4. Width, 4. Hart 121. Same as above. Relettered: GO Washington | From The Painting By Col. Trumbull | Eng4 by H. B. Hall & Sons, New York.| Hart 121a. (2) Same as above. Second line removed. Hart 1216. Same as above. Address removed. Not in Hart (121c). (2) Full bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Vignette. Line. Se. | L. J. Hatch | Washington. | Bureau. Engraving & Printing. | Height, 3.3. * Width, 2.8. Hart 123. India proof. Very scarce. Full bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Stipple. Eng. by Read from the full length Portrait by Col. Trumbull be- longing to Yale College. | GO Washington | George Willis, Great Piazza, Covent Garden | Height, 3.15. Width, 3.2. Hart 124. Baker 154. Same as above. All letters except “G° Washington ”’ erased and “From a Painting by Col. Trumbull at Yale Col- lege.” added. Hart 124a. (2) 145 146 147 148 149 150 152 154 Bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Vignette, in oval, on a double sheet of thirty portraits. Stipple. General Washington. | Designed and Drawn by|F. N. Sains- 1851. | Engraved For The | Description of the Gdeat Historieal Collection of Manuscripts, Books, Prints, Medals, Coins and Works of Art. | Oval height, 1.14. Width, 1.6. Hart 125. Unknown to Baker. Very scarce. : Half length, to front, head to left, in uniform. Mezzotznt. Height, 4.8. Width, 3.10. Hart 126. Bust, to front, head to right, in uniform. Outline. Etching. Couché fils se. | Gal Washington. | Height, 3.12. Width, 3.6. _ Hart 127. Baker 142. Bust, to front, head to right, in uniform. Oval. Line. Washington. | Height, 2.5. Width, 1.13. Hart 128. Unknown to Baker. Not in any of the four great collections. 7 Bust, to front, head to right, in uniform. Etching. Height, 6.13. Width, Bed. : (130*) Two copies. One printed in colors. (2) Bust, to front, head | to right, in uniform. Oval. Etching. Washington, | . Height, 3.3. Width, 2.10. Hart 132. Baker 159. Very scarce. —-~ Full bust, to front, head to left, in uniform. Military cloak. Line. Dessiné par Couder.—Gravé par A. Blanchard. | Washington. | Dédié a S,,E,, le Général Jakson, Président des Etats-Unis d’Amérique| Par son trés-respectueux admirateur, | le Typographe N,, Bettoni. | Height, 8.6. Width, 6.5. _ Hart 133. Baker 139. Open letter proof. | Same as above. Before all inscription except, in etched letters: Blanchard Sculp | 1836 | | | Hart 138a. —— Same as Hart 133. Before the three lines of dedication. Hart 133b. Same as Hart 133. Title in cross-hatched letters. Hart 133c. Full bust, to front, etc. Military cloak. Order of Cin- cinnati on left lapel. Mezzotint. Mezzotint by W™ Sartain, 1891, after Couder for Sons of the ~ Revolution | GO Washington | Height, 4.10. Width, 3.9. fy Hart 134. India proof, signed. Fig ee 156 157 158 159° 160 161 Same as above. Order of Cincinnati removed. Hart 134a. Three copies. (3) Whole length, to left, in uniform, beside white horse. Cocked hat in left hand. In distance Evacuation of New York by the British. On field: “ Jno Trumbull | New York 1790 ” Mezzotint. Copyrighted 1899 by J. F. Sabin New York | Washington. | From the Painting by J. Trumbull in the City Hall, New York, engraved for Jos. F. Sabin by S. Arlent Edwards. | Height, 9.13. Width, 7. Hart 135. Same as above. Before all letters, except: Copyrighted 1899 by J. Sabin New York. | Hart 135a. This impression is unique. The error in publisher’s name was corrected immediately after this proof was taken. Artist’s signed India proof. | 3 Same as above. “J. Sabin” corrected to “ J. F. Sabin.” Hart 1356. One of six signed proofs in colors. Bust, to right. Oval, opposite portrait of Martha Wash- ington. Etching. Copyright 1900 by Albert Rosenthal. | George Washington— Martha Washington | Etched by Albert Rosenthal, from the Paintings by | John Trumbull in the National Museum, Wasbh- ington, D. C. | Height, 3.13. Width, 2.15. Hart 136. Same as above. Head of Trumbull and facsimile signature to left. Before all letters but first line. Two impressions. Both signed and one colored by the artist. Hart 136a. Same as Hart 136. First line erased and reéngraved in lower left. Names of subscribers added. Hart 136b. Same as above. Plate defaced. Hart 136c. Twenty-five sets only were printed. (5) WILLIAM DUNLAP 1783 Full bust, to right, in uniform. Mezzotint. George Washington | From the original picture in Pastel Painted from life by William Dunlap. | and now (1868) in the posses- sion of Dr. Samuel C. Ellis New York. | Elias Dexter, 564 Broadway, New York | Height, 3.12. Width, 2.6. Hart 137. Baker 73. Same as above. Before All letters. Hart 13a. India proofs. (2) 162 163 164 165 166 SAMUEL McINTYRE 1789 Bust, profile to right, hair in long queue tied by ribbon, in uniform coat, shirt frill puffed out. Vignette. Stipple. Drawn and engraved by Frederick T. Stuart | from the medallion carved by Samuel M¢Intyre from his original drawing | from life, made when Washington visited Salem, October 29th 1789. | and now in the Essex Institute. | Published by J. O. Wright & Co. New York. 1906. Height, 6.15. Sub-height, 4.15. Width, 4.8. (Hart 137*). Same as above. Before ali letters. (Hart 137*a). Signed artist’s proof. Seventy-five proof sets were issued. (2) JOSEPH WRIGHT — 1783-1790 Bust, profile to right, in uniform. Title, on ribbon, below bust; artist’s name on field beneath. Oval. Dry-point etching. G. Washington. | J. Wright Pinxt & Ft | Height, 2.9. Width, 1.15. Hart 138. Baker 74. Excessively scarce. The Mitchell impression, in poor condition, was the only one publicly sold. The impression is reproduced in the Hart catalogue. Similar to above. Etching. G. Washington. | J. Wright Pinx.|G. A. Lehman Se. Amst. 1791. | Height, 2.8. Width, 1.14. Hart 139. Unknown to Baker. This, the Carson impression, was the only one publicly sold. The Baker collection is the only other known to possess it. Same as above. Date erased, and below a sonnet, in Dutch, printed from type. Hart 139a. Baker 90. Not in any of the four great collections. Bust, profile to right, in uniform. Title, on ribbon, below bust. Oval, of a single line, without background. Dry-point etching. G. Washington. | J. Hiller, Jut Sculp 1794.| N 1 Height, 2.9. Width, 1.14. Hart 140. Unknoton to Baker. Printed on the back of a playing-card, and one of two known original impressions. 168 169 170 171 172 173 — Similar to above. Oval, with border line. Stipple. G. Washington. | Painted by J. Wright—Engraved by J. Collyer. | Height, 2.11. Width, 2. Hart 141. Baker 76. Excessively scarce. Carson’s was the only one of the four great collections that had it. — —— Similar to Hart 138. Stipple. G. Washington | J. Wright Pinx & Ft| Hollyer Engr | Height, 2.9. Width, 1.14. Hart 142a. Signed artist’s proof on India paper. No. 1 of fifty impressions. - Another copy. Hart 142a. Signed artist’s proof on India paper. No. 25 of fifty impressions. Bust, profile to right, in uniform. Oval. Etching. Massa. Mag. | The President Of The United States. | Height, 2.5. Width, 1.13. Hart 143. Baker 77. Published in the “ Massachusetts Magazine,’ March, 1791. Bust, profile to right, in uniform. Oval, in border, 1-16, with ornament, ribbon and laurel at top. Dry-point etching. W Rollinson Sculpt—N York. N. A. | Washington | Height, 2.9. Width, 1.14. Hart 144. Unknown to Baker. Hart notes: “ The only impression of this plate that I know, .. . is cut down...” Dunlap says, in his “ History of the Arts of Design”: “ Mr. Rollinson found employment in working for silversmiths, until 1791, when he made his first attempt at copper- plate engraving, without any previous knowledge of the profession or having seen an engraver at work. This essay was a small profile portrait of General Washington done in the stippling manner.’ The portrait described is, of course, the one referred to by Dunlap. Bust, profile to right, in uniform. Vignette. Overhead an eagle with laurel wreath. Etching. A. Doolittle Sculp | Gen. George Washington, | Commander in chief of the | Armies of the United States. | Born Feb: 11th 1732 O. S.| Died December 14th 1799 | Height, 3.4. Width, 2.8. Hart 145. Baker 81. Very scarce. Published at New Haven, 1800. Bust, profile to right, in uniform. ‘Oval, with border. Stipple. J. Chapman Sculpsit.| Gecrge Washington, | President of the United States of | America. | Engrav’d from an Original Draw- ing taken at New York, in 1791.| London, Published March 19th 1793, by R. Wilkinson, N° 58, Cornhill.—Pr. 28 | Height, 2.14. Width, 2.4. Hart 146. Baker 75. Excessively scarce. 174 175 176 178 Bust, profile to right, in uniform. Classically draped and resembling the Sharples type. Oval medallion on shaft of monu- ment. At base, Arms of Washington. Below, olive branch and sword crossed. A female figure weeping at right and dejected eagle at left. In background, trees. | Mized. G. Washington. | Born 11th Feby O. S. 1732. | Com™ Cont! Army 1775. | Prest Fed: Convention 1787. | Prest United States. 1789. | (&c 2 lines)| America lamenting her Loss at the Tomb of | Gen- eral Washington | Intended as a tribute of respect (&c 2 lines) | Design’d Engraved and Published by Akin & Harrison Junt Philad@ Jany 20th 1800. | Height, 11.12. Width, 7.6. Hart 147a. Not in Baker. Excessively scarce. Inscription repaired. Bust, profile to right, in uniform. Vignette, in lower left corner of rectangle of a single line, containing portraits of “1” (unknown), “2” (Bonaparte), “3” (Sully), and “5” (Frank- lin). Dry-point etching. Height, 5.4. Width, 3.3. Hart 149. Unknown to Baker. Hart notes: “‘ Some lettering, at top of plate, seems to be erased on only copy I have seen.”- This is the impression described. - Bust, profile to right, in uniform. Oval, in medallion frame, with Wall of Troy decoration, row of pearls inside, rib- bon at top. Silhouette. - 50 * | Height, 3. Width, 2.7. Hart 150. Baker 399. Excessively scarce. Bust, profile to right, in uniform. Oval, in rectangle of waving lines, in border. Stipple. Drawn by N. Fullerton.—Engraved by G. G. Smith. | G9 Wash- ington | as he appeared while reviewing the Continental Army on Boston Common—1776. | (Copyright 1851.) | — Height, 5.9. Width, 4.12. Hart 151. Baker 96. Same as above. Copyright line erased. Not in Hart (151a) or Baker. : India proofs. Another. Cut out and mounted on separately printed bor- der. | (3 Bust, profile to right. Vignette in rectangle. Third and fourth lines very lightly etched below rectangle. Mized. asc Washington. | Elias Dexter 564. Broadway | O'Neill | 1863 | ies Height, 5.1. Width, 2.7. Hart 152. Baker 92. 179 —— Bust, profile to left, in uniform. Oval. On music sheet. 180 181 182 183 184 185 Etching. The | Battle of Prague | A | Favorite | Son—ate | For—The Piano—Forte | G. Washington—United States | Price—1 Doll, with | Accompani—ments | President of the | Boston | Printed & Sold by Graupner N° 6 Franklin St | Height, 4. Width, 3.8. . Hart 153a. Baker 82. Very scarce. Bust, profile to right, in uniform. Oval with border 3-16, in which is title at top, within panelled rectangle with blank tablet at bottom broken by shield surmounted by crown. Line. General Washington. Oval height, 2.12. Oval width, 1.15. Unknown to Hart (153*) or Baker. The only impression known. Bust, profile to left, in uniform. Oval, held by female figure. To right, figure of Justice with Masonic apron. To . left, Minerva. Above, a cherub with liberty-cap. On an open book, ‘‘ Vide | Aude | Tace | G”’ Mized. Engrav’d for the Masonic Magazine | When Freedom, first her glorious Day had Won, | She smil’d on Washington, her darling son. | Mild Justice claims him as his Virtues rise, | And Love and Honor, still attend the Prize. | : Height, 6.11. Width, 4.2. Hart 154. Unknown to Baker. A perfect impression; one of three known. — Full bust, profile to left, in uniform. Circle. Etching. G Washington | Born Virginia Febty 11th 1732. | General of the American Armies 1775.| Resign’d 1783.| President of the United States 1789. | Diameter, 3.9. Hart 155b. — Bust, profile to left, in uniform. Vignette. Etching. G. Washington | Head height, 1.11. Width, 1.3. This is Hart 157, the head cut out and pasted on “ New Yankee Doodle” music. Full bust, profile to left, in uniform. Oval, with border of row of pearls. Mized. Gent! Washington | Height, 4. Width, 3. | Hart 158. Unknown to Baker. Scarce. Published in Edinburgh, 1791. Bust, profile to left, in uniform. Oval on base. At top, wreath and festoon of ribbon and laurel. At sides, flags and war implements. At bottom, scroll inscribed “ Constitution.” Stipple. George Washington | Died 14th Dect 1799 Aged 68. | Height, 3.1. Width, 2.3. Hart 159. Baker 78. One of three known copies. Inlaid; without publication lines. 186 187 189 190 19] 192 193 Bust, profile to left. Oval. Etching. His Path Be Ours. | A. Todds Sculpt,—A Todd | Washington. | Height,:2.4. Width, 1.13. Hart 160. Unknown to Baker. Very scarce. Full bust, profile to right, in uniform. Oval. Stipple. Drawn by J Wright—Engraved by W. Evans | General Wash- ington | Published 15t March 1800 by ThoS Medland Abingdon Street Westm! | Height, 4.8. Width, 3.8. Hart 161. Not in Baker. Very scarce. Same as above. Before background. Title in open letter. Printed in colors. Hart 161a. Not in Baker. Very fine and scarce. Another and most brilliant pee of Hart 161, but cut to first line. Full bust, profile to right, in uniform. Oval, with border line 1-16, with background ruled three ways. Etching. Washington. Height, 2.13. Width, 2.2. DG! ie G8 Bust, in profile, to right, in uniform. Oval in ruled rectangle. Stipple. Scoles se. | General Washington. | Publish’d by Smith, New York. | Height, 3.3, Width, 2.9. Hart 163. Baker 95. Excessively scarce. Not in any of the four great collections. Full length, standing, head to right, right arm rests on plow handle. In oval, in centre of farming scene, surmounted by eagle with shield and spear. -Below oval are sword, pistol, and epaulettes; farm implements and produce on either side. At bottom of Agricultural Exhibition Certificate. Line. Published & Sold by Ralph Rawdon Engraver, Albany, Price $10—pr. 100. | Height, 3.14. Width, 8. Not in Hart (163*) or Bites Full bust, profile, to right, in uniform. Etching. Height, 2.13. Width, 2.4. Hart 164. Baker 85. Engraved by John G. Chapman, 1842. : er aged i 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 Full bust, profile to left, in uniform. Oval. Stipple. General Washington. | Engraved by I. White. | Published by J. Robins & C° Albion Press, London. | 100 | Height, 3.4. Width, 2.12. Hart 165. Not in Baker. The very scarce original issue. Same as above. Title reéngraved. Engraver’s line erased. Above; Parsons’s Genuine Edition Of Hume’s England. | Below: Engraved for J. Parsons, Paternoster Row. May 1795.| Hart 165c. Baker 86. Same as above. Lettering, except title, erased. Instead: Cormack Vol. III. to face page 16.| Hart 165d. Not in Baker. (3) —— Bust, profile to left, in uniform. In upper right corner of plate with eight other portraits. Vignette in rectangle. Etching. 80. | Washington. | London, Published by Thomas Tegg, Cheap- side, Sept? 15. 1829. | Height, 8.2. Width, 4.11. Hart 166. Unknown to Baker. ‘ India proof. Full bust, profile to right, in uniform. Oval. Line. _ Literary Magazine. | T. Holloway Sculp. | General Washington. Published as the Act directs | Aug. 1792, by C. Forster; Poultry. Height, 3.10. Width, 2.14. Hart 167. Baker 87. — Same as above. All erased but title. Hart 167a. (2) Same as Hart 167. Proof before first line. Unknonn to Hart (1674). Full bust, in profile, to right, in uniform. Oval. Line. Pocket Magazine.| From an orig! Draw8—George Murray, sculpt | General Washington. | Published by Harrison & C° Oct? Pa 795: | Height, 2.1. Width, 1.8. Hart 168. Baker 91. Same as above. First and last lines of lettering erased. Hart 168a. Scarce. Full bust, profile to right, in uniform. Oval. Stipple. General Washington. | Height, 3.9. Width, 2.13. Hart 169. Baker 88. A scarce Irish print. Published in Dublin, 1792. — Full bust, profile to right, in uniform. Oval. Stipple. H Roosing Sculpt Rotterdam. | Washington. | A Loosjes Pz, Excudt | 1793. | Height, 3.13. Width, 3. Hart 170. Baker 94, Scarce. 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 Full bust, profile to left, in uniform. Oval. Stipple. For the American Universal Magazine. | General Washington. | Height, 3.13. Width, 3.1. Hart 171. Baker 89. Bust, profile to left, in uniform. Oval. Stipple. F. Bonneville deli—Ruotte Sculp. | G. Washington. | Né en Vir- ginie année 1733. | Commendant en Chef des Armées | et Prési- dent du Congré Amériquain. | Se trouve Rue du Théatre Frangais. | No 4. | . Height, 4.4. Width, 3.7. Hart 172. "Unknown to Baker. Same as above. Last three lines altered to: et Président du Congrés d’Amerique. | A Paris rue St Jacques N° 195. | Hart 172a. Baker 69. (2) Full bust, to right, in uniform. Mezzotint. Engraved by J. A. O'Neill. | Washington. | 'rom An Original Contemporary Picture In The | Possession Of William Menzies, Esq. | Private Plate—Proof | Height, 5. Width, 4.2. Hart 173. Baker 93. India proof. Scarce. —— Same as above. Before all letters. Hart 173a. Not in Baker. India proof presentation from Menzies to Edward Dexter. Very searce. Full bust to right, in uniform. Vignette. Etching. Joseph Wright Pinxt Phila 1784—Albert Rosenthal Phila, 1888 | Aqua Fortis | George Washington. | From the original painting in the possession of the Powel Family Newport, R. I. | Etched expressly for Baker’s Bibliotheca Washingtoniana. | Height, 5.5. Width, 4.8. — Hart 174. - Same as above. Before all letters except first two lines. Hart 174a. Same as Hart 174. Before last line and with “ g” left out of “‘ Washington.” Hart 174b. (3) Bust to left, head to right, in uniform. Oval with border row of pearls. Beneath Arms inscribed “ Exitus Acta Probat.” Panel representing: “Evacuation of New York|Nov. 25, 1783”’|. In ornamental rectangle with American eagle, shield, arms, etc. Mized. Designed—and—engraved for | The Society of Iconophiles | New York 1899 | F. S. King. | del. & sc. | Gott | Schultze | die | marke | Copyright, 1899, by the Society of Iconophiles. | Height, 3.5. Width, 3. Hart 175. —— Another copy. Hart 175. —— Another copy. Hart 175. 209 210 211 212 213 214 ROBERT EDGE PINE 1785 Half length to left, in uniform. Right hand resting on walking stick. Vignette. Stipple. H B Hall | Washington. | From the original Picture from life by Robert Edge Pine, taken in 1785.| (In possession of J. Car- son Brevoort Esq. Brooklyn, N. Y.) | Engraved For Irving’s Washington. | Height, 5.90. Width, 4.4. Hart 176. Baker 98. Same as above. Before all letters. Hart 176a. Not in Baker. India proof. —— Same as Hart 176. Without last line. Not in Hart (176b). (3) ~- Half length, to left, in uniform. Right hand resting on walking stick. Etching. Height, 6.11. Width, 4.12. Hart 177. Bust, to left, in uniform. Oval, in frame of oak leaves, on a base, with American eagle, cocked hat, sword, etc., in rec- tangle ruled to represent American flag. At top: ‘‘ E Pluribus | Unum”|. Beneath facsimile signatures of the signers. The facsimile signature is trembling and background of oval is ruled horizontally and vertically at right angles. Stipple. Painted by A. Chappel.—-Engraved by G. R. Hall. | G° Wash- ington | From the original portrait by Pine in the possession of J. Carson Brevoort. Esq? | (Copyright 1856 by Martin & John- son. ) Height, 8.8. Width, 6.6. Hart 178. Baker 99. Same as above. Facsimile changed to usual signature. Not in Hart (1784). 2 —— Same as above. Proof before all letters. India paper. Not wm Hart (a178). Same as Hart 1784. Background of oval ruled over with a diagonal line. Hart 178a. Same as above. Background of oval burnished out and ruled horizontally, with slight cross-hatching around shoulders. Hart 178b. | (2) Same as above. Copyright changed to “1859” by John- son, Fry & Co. Hart 178c. Same as above. Cross-hatching ruled over diagonally. Lower part of plate almost entirely reéngraved with accessories added. Not in Hart (178c3). (2) 215 Same as above. Copyright changed to “1876” by John- son & Miles. Hart 178d. Scarce. Same as above. First line altered to “ Portrait by Pine.” —‘‘ Copyright 1879 by Henry J. Johnson.”—* Design by Chap- pel.” Third and fourth lines erased. Not in Hart (178e). 216 JEAN ANTOINE HOUDON 1785 217 Bust, profile to right. Vignette. Line. Washington. | From Houdon’s Bust. | Engraved by A. B. Du- rand. 1833. | Height, 3.9. Width, 2.6. Hart 179. Baker 100. Same as above. Added: “ Printed by R. Neale.” Hart 179a. India proof. (2) Same as above, but printer’s line altered to: “ Printed by L Stevens ” Not in Hart (179b). 218 Bust, profile to right, in rectangle. ‘Title in large char- — acters. Stipple. Drawn by J. Wood from Houdon’s Bust—Engraved by Leney Published by Joseph Dee Chestnut St Philad@ 1814. Washington. | Height, 5.3. Width, 4.4. Hart 181. Baker 103. Same as above. Before all letters. Hart 181a. Not in Baker. , 3 (2) 219 220 Same as Hart 181. ‘Title in smaller letters. Two copies. Hart 181b. Same as above. Address erased and “ P. Price Printer.” inserted. Hart 18lc. (3) 221 Bust to right, overlapped by Nini portrait of Franklin, on base of ornamental pedestal, .11x.10, with urn at top, into which flying figure of Time is pouring libation. Landscape back- ground. At top of cheque of Franklin Bank. Line. Leney & Rollinson. | (Hart 181*). In fine proof condition. Head, profile, to left. Oval medallion suspended by ring in rectangle. Ruled. Ormsby’s Pentography | Aer | Oval height, 7.6. Width, 6.3 ' Hart 182. ‘Baker 104. Two copies. (2) 222 223 225° 226 227 228 229 Bust, profile to right. Obverse of medal, “ Washington before Boston.” The reverse of medal is etched on same plate, circular. Etching. Georgio Washington Supremo Duci Exercitum Adsertori Liber- tatis | Du Vivier | Paris. F. | Comitia Americana | Jules Jacque- mart delint & sculpt | Diameter, 2.13. Not in Hart (183*a). Bust, profile to right. Obverse of medal. Circular, in rec- tangle. W. L. Ormsby Se.| Hart 183.. Not in Baker. 2) Bust, profile to right, laureated, in circle, title in field. On $5 cheque of Washington Bank of Westerly, Rhode Island. Line. Washington | Engraved & Printed By Amos Doolittle, New Haven 1803 Diameter, 1. Not in Hart (185*). With a modern impression of a different but similar head by Doolittle, 1800. | (2) Bust, profile, to right. Vignette. Stipple.. Washington. | From Houdan’s Bust. | Engraved by G. F. Storm. | Height, 2.12. Width, 1.12. Hart 186. Not in Baker. Similar to above. “G9 Washington ” instead of ‘“ Wash- ington.” ; remainder of lettering the same but in different char- acters. Hart 186b. Baker 107. (2) — Same as Hart 186. Before all letters. Hart 186a. Not in Baker. India proof. Very scarce. Bust, profile, to right. Vignette. Stipple. From Houdon’s Bust | Height, 3.8. Width, 2.8 Hart 187. Baker 101. Same as above. On engraved title-page of “ Irving’s Life of Washington. Vol. 3. New York G. P. Putnam, .. . 1859.” Hart 18a. (2) Same as above. ‘‘ New York... 1859.’ erased and “ Philadelphia. J. B. Lippincott & Co.” inserted. Hart 187b. Scarce. Same as Hart 187. With: “ Life of Washington. | G. P. Putnam’s Sons.” | added. | Scarce. | (2) Bust, profile, to right. Vignette, in imitation of an outline chalk drawing. Stipple. Height, 5.15. Width, 4.4. Hart 189. Baker 109. Very scarce. 230 231 232 236 Bust, profile, to right. Circular medallion on a base with dates of birth and death. Liberty, on the right, with scroll, “He lived | for his | country” | shield with Arms of U. S. on left. View of tomb and Mount Vernon. Line. Designed by H. Billings, Engraved by the American Bank Note Co. | (Copyright, 1859, by H. Barnes.) | Diameter, 2.1. Hart 190. Baker 110. Same as above. In frame from wood grown at Mount Vernon. Hart 190. (2) Bust, profile, to right. Vignette. Mized. Pl. 2. | George Washington | d’aprés le buste de Houdon. | Height, 3.10. Width, 2.5. Hart 191. Not in Baker. Scarce. Head, profile, to right.. Vignette on folding plate of thirty- nine portraits. Etching. 25 | Planche I Mémoires hist. pol. du régne de Louis XVI Tom. I. | | Height,1.7. Width; lies. . Hart 192. Not in Baker. Scarce. Head, profile, to left, with flowing hair tied by a ribbon. Circular medallion. Line. G. Washington. | Dessiné et Gravé d’aprés Houdon par Alexandre Tardieu | (four lines of verse) | Par J. Castera. | Déposé 4 la Bibliothéque Nationale le 9 Vendemiaire An 9.| A Paris chez Alex. Tardieu Gr. de la Marine Rue de l'Université N° 296. au Dépét National de Machines. | Diameter, 2.15. Hart 193. Baker 108. Beautifully engraved and a very attractive portrait. Same as Hart 193. Before the verses and author, and with “ Déposée a la Bibliothéque Nationale le 9 Vendémiaire An 9.” before space for verses, instead of after, and in last line “ Na- tionale’”’ instead of “ National ” Hart 193b. Not in Baker. Scarce. —— Same as Hart 193. Last two lines erased. Not in Hart (193c) or Baker. No other known. : —— Head, profile, to left. Circular. Stipple. G. Washington. | nach Tardieu von Senn | Diameter, 2.5. Hart 195. Unknown to Baker. Excessively scarce. Head, profile, to right. Circular medallion. Solid back- ground. Stipple. Giorgio Washington | Diameter, 2.8. Hart 196. Unknown to Baker. Very scarce. 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 —— Bust, profile, to left, in a rectangle. Mezzotint. W™ Hamlin. SC 91.| Washington. | From Howdan’s Bust. Richmond Va. | Height, 2.12. Width, 2.1. Hart 197. Baker 102. The scarce original impression. —— Another, and later, impression. (2) — Same as above. “91” altered to “‘ 94” Not in Hart (1974) or Baker. Same as Hart 197, but lettering altered: ‘“W™ Hamlin Sc at 91 years of age | Washington. | From Howdan’s bust, Rich- mond Va. | Not in Hart (197a) or Baker. Very scarce and the first published state. Same as above, but a proof before the high conical head was altered. Copy cut to rectangle. Not in Hart (197b) or Baker. The only known impression. Bust, profile, to left. Oval. pare Tine: Draper Welsh & Co. | Phila. | Height, .14. Width, .11. Hart 198. Not in Baker. Very scarce. Head, profile, to left, in circle, beneath a perpetual calen- _ dar, with background of an American flag with six stars. Etching. Washington | E. G. 1895. | Diameter, .13. Hart 200. Scarce. Same as above. Before “ E. G. 1895.” and with eight stars. The width of stripes in flag unaltered. Hart 200a. Head, profile, to left, as a shadow cast upon the sun. Eagle perched on rock amid clouds. Circle, in rectangle. Mized. Thom.—Rogers. | The American Eagle. | Guarding The Spirit Of Washington. | Diameter, 6.15. Hart 201. Unknown to Baker. ~ Lacks dedication line. Whole length, profile, to left, in uniform, standing upon a pedestal. 2 Stipple. Daguerreotyped, | from the Statue.—Geo. Parker. | Geo. Wash- ington. | From the Statue by Houdon, in the Capitol, Richmond, Va. | Printed by W. Pate. | New York, G. P. Putnam, & C° | Height, 5.14. Width, 3.4. Hart 202. Baker 105. India proof. Same as above. “ Printed by W. Pate.” erased. Hart 202a. (3) 246 247 248 249 250 Half length, to right, in clouds, right hand on arm of Lin- coln, left hand pointing upward. Angels above rising toward flood of light. Mezzotint. Designed By W. H. Hermans.—(Copyright 1866)—Engraved By John Sartain, Phil? | Published By W. H. Hermans Penn Yan Yates CO N. Y.| Abraham Lincoln, The Martyr, | Victori- ous. | Artists’ Proof | Height, 18.3. Width, 14. Not in Hart (202*) or Baker. On India paper, signed. ———, Same as above, but before “ Abraham Lincoln, The Mar- tyr, | Victorious. | Not in Hart (202*a) or Baker. India proof. Bust, profile, to right, dark background, crowned by winged figure of Fame (light background), whose left hand, holding trumpet, points to Washington. In circle, with narrow border line, outer decoration cf alternate diverging ruled triangles. At bottom of circle, oblong oval which cuts off bottom of bust and lower half of Fame. ; Line. Washington | First in War, First in Peace| and First in the Hearts of His | Countrymen. | B. Tanner, Sculpt Diameter, 2.1. Not in Hart (202**) or Baker. One other impression known. JAMES PEALE 1788-1795 Bust, nearly profile, to right, in uniform, with flowing hair. Vignette. } Line. Eng4 by H. B. Hall. N. Y. 1865.—J. Peale Pinx 1788. |Go. Washington | Private Plate | Height, 3.6. Width, 3. ‘Hart 203. Baker 111. India proof. Full bust, in profile, to left. Etching. George Washington | Etched by Albert Rosenthal 1899, from the Water color by | James Peale, drawn from life, Philadelphia 1795, in the possession of | Charles Henry Hart, Esq. Phila. | Height, 4.5. Width, 3. Hart 204. Same as above. Unlettered, except: Copyright 1899 Albert Rosenthal. | JaS Peale.| Hart 204a. Another copy, colored by hand and “ Jas Peale.” in red. Same as above. “ JaS Peale.’ erased, names of subscribers added, and plate defaced. Hart 204b. . . Twenty-five sets only were printed. Poke (4) 251 252 253 254 255 256 hilt. Attendant, horse’s head, tent and cannon. Engraved By J. Sartain, After The Original Painting From Life By James Peale. | Height, 8.5. Width, 6.4. Hart 205. MARCHIONESS DE BREHAN 1789 Half length, to right, in uniform. Right hand on sword Mezzotint. Baker 112. Head, profile, to right, laureated. Circular medallion, with border containing title in upper part, suspended by a ring and a ribbon. A quatint. George Washington | Gravé d’aprés le Camée, peint par Mme la Marquise de Bréant| par A. F. Sergent. 1790. | (four lines of ' verse) | Diameter, 2.12. The only known perfect impression with the verses. Hart 206. Baker never _ saw the print, but describes an imperfect copy from a photo- graph, so faint as to have left him in doubt about engraver’s name. Head, profile, to left, laureated. Circular rectangle, with tablet below, for title. Pl. 1¢ Tom, 1¢F Frontispiece. | George Washington ginie le 11 Février 1732. | Gravé d’aprés le Cam medallion in Stipple. Né en Vir- ée peint par Madame de Bréhan 4 Newyork en 1789.| Dirigé par P. F. Tardieu.—Gravé par Roger | Diameter, 2.12. | Hart 207. Same as above. Before first line of lettering. Very scarce. Head, profile, to right, laureated. Vignette. Baker 113. Hart 207b. Line. Go et ar | ‘The Presidents Compliments | accompany the enclosed to | M?S Morris | Engraved & Printed At Engraving & Printing. | (three lines) | Height, 2.6. Width, 2.2. Hart 208. Same as above. Without any lettering. Signed by Chas. Burt. Very scarce. Same as above. With only “ Go Washington.” Bureau. | Engraving | & Printing.” Hart 208c. India proofs. | The Bureau. Baker 114. Hart 208a. Hart 208b. Same as above. With “ Engraved and Printed at the | (3) 257 258 259 260 263 JOHN RAMAGE 1789 Full bust, to front, head to left, in. uniforms Order of Cincinnati on left lapel. Oval. Etching. John Ramage Pinx.—Published by Henry T. Coates & Co. 1896. —Albert Rosenthal, Sc. | | Height, 2.14. Width, 2. | Hart 209. Full bust, to right, in uniform. Order on left lapel. Oval with border line. Stipple. Houston sc. | George Washington Esq? | Philad@ Published for Thos Condie Bookseller. Height, 5.2. Width, 4.6. Baker 130. Hart 210. Scarce. ‘ied Same, without first and third lines. he George Washington Esq? | a Hart 210a. Full bust, to front, in uniform. Oval. _ Etching. George Washington. | From The Miniature By John Ramage, 1789, | In The Possession Of Mrs. Moses S. Beach. | Printed By E. Opitz. | Philadelphia, May 25th 1897.| | Height, *2.V5 22 Witte | Hart 211. Same as above. Before all letters. Below, reduced copy _ of portrait and facsimile of painter’s signature. Hart 211a. —— Another copy, colored by hand and facsimile printed in red. Same as Hart 211. Plate defaced. Names of subscribers added. Hart 211b. “is . —— Small head from 21la printed separately. Hart 211c. Engraved by Albert Rosenthal. Twenty sets only were printed. (5) Progressive trials of the above, each numbered and initialed by artist. : | (11) Photogravure copy of the onlv known impression of Hart 212, Baker 171, in the Phillips Collection (No. A20), Pennsyl- vania Academy of Fine Arts. CHRISTIAN GULAGER 1789 —— Full bust, to right. Oval, in rectangle. Line. Eng? by Wm. E. Marshall, from a Portrait by Gulligher, be- longing to E. Belknap Esq. | George Washington. | Height, 4.10. Width, 3.14. Hart 213. Baker 115. India proof. 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 Same as above, with intermediate second line: Painted At Boston 1789.| |= Unknown to Hart (213a) or Baker. India proof. Two unfinished progress proofs of above. Undescribed. India proof. Initialed by engraver. (2) ‘EDWARD SAVAGE 1790-1797 Full bust, to right, in uniform. Order of Cincinnati on left lapel. Oval in rectangle. Stipple. Painted & Engraved by E. Savage. | George Washington, Esq | President of the United States of America. | From the Original Picture Painted in 1790 for the | Philosophical Chamber, at the University of Cambridge, | In Massachusetts. | Published Feby 7. 1792 by E. Savage, N° 29 Charles Street, Middx Hospital. | Height, 5.5. Width, 4.5. Hart 214. Baker 116. Fine impression of a scarce and attractive engraving. Same as above. Inscription in open unfinished letters, without punctuation, and before correction of the word “ Philo- siphical.” Hart 214a. Unknown to Baker. The only known impression. Same as Hart 214. Reworked, with slight changes in hair and collar. ‘Title and address erased; ‘ General George Wash- ington ” substituted. Hart 214b. Baker 117. Full bust, to right, in uniform. Oval, with border. Stipple. London, Pub4 for the Proprietor, Augt 10, 1793, by E. Jeffery, No 11. Pall Mall. | George Washington Esq? | President of the United States of America, | Height, 5. Width, 3.15. : Hart 215. Baker 136. Printed in brown. Imperfect as to the full lettering as given by Hart, but very scarce in any condition. Full bust, to right, in uniform. Oval, with border, in rectangle. Stipple. Engraved by S. Hill. | George Washington, | President of the United States of | America. | Height, 4. Width, 2.15. Hart 216. Baker 129. Full bust, to left, in uniform. Oval, with border line. Stipple and aquatint. Savage Pinxt—Rollinson sct | George Washington | President of the United States. | Height, 5.2. Width, 4. Hart 217). Baker 132. — _ Fine impression. 274 275 276 277 278 279 —— Another copy. Inlaid, but perfect. Hart 217. Baker 132. Same as above, but reworked. The background lined and aquatint replaced by stipple. Hart 217a. Full bust, to left, in uniform. Oval, with border line. Stipple. Savage, pinx.—Tanner, sc. | G. Washington. | Height, 5. Width, 3.15. Hart 218b. Baker 135. Two copies. (3) — Full bust, to left, in uniform. Oval, with border line. Stipple. Engraved for the Washingtoniana. | Savage Pinx.—O’Neill Sc. | Published by Elias Dexter, 564 Broadway, N. Y. | Height, 5.13. "Width, 3.12. Hart 219. Baker 131. Same as above. First line of lettering erased. India proof. Hart 219b. | Same as above. Address erased. India proof. Hart 219c. (3) —— Three progressive trials of above. . (3) Bust, to right, in uniform. Oval medallion on shaft sur- mounted by urn, Minerva and Fame, Soldier, Genii and em- blems. - Mized. Sacred to the Memory of the | truly Illustrious | George Wash- ington, Renowned in | War, Great in the Senate, and | possessed of every Qualification | to render him worthy the Title of |a Great and Good Man. | Born Feb. 22. 1732. Ob. Dec. 14. 1799. | Painted by John Coles jun.—Eng4 by E. G. Gridley. | Height, 13.2. Width, 8.14. Hart 221. Baker 403. Same as above. “Sold by J. Fave” in place of “ Painted by John Coles jun.” , Hart 221a. Not in Baker. Very scarce. Full bust, to right, in uniform. Vignette. ‘Mezzotint. Eng4 by J. C. Buttre N. Y. | Washington. | After a Painting by Edward Savage. | In 1790. | Height, 4. Width, 3.8. Hart 220b. Full bust, to left, in uniform. Oval, in rectangle. Stipple. W. Harrison Jun? Sculpt. | Gen! Geo® Washington. | Height, 4.3. Width, 3. Hart 222. Baker 128. Scarce. . (2) Bust, to right, in uniform. Oval, in medallion, with loop and ribbon. Stipple. Farnsworth’s Edition.| E. Savage. Pinxt—W™ Hamlin, Sct Provid | Gen! George Washington. | Height, 3.14. Width, 3.4. Hart 223. Baker 126. Scarce. 280 281 282 283 284 285 Bust, to right, in uniform. Oval, in medallion, surrounded by rays. Tablet at bottom with title. Stipple. Gen! George Washington. | W™ Hamlin. Sculpt | Height, .8. Width, .7. Hart 224. Baker 12°. One of the scarce original impressions. —— Another and later impression. ; (2) =. Bust, ‘to right, in uniform. Circle. Stipple. Minatelli s. | Giorgio Washington | Pubblicato in Venezia a spese di Catterni Minatelli e Comp. | Diameter, 2.5. Hart 225. Not in Baker. Same as above. Without publication line. Unknown to Hart (225a). (2) Full bust, to left, head to right, in uniform. Oval. Stipple. George Washington, | President of the United States of Amer- ica. | from an Original Miniature in the Possession of | Benja- min Smith of Philadelphia. | London, Published by D. Rymer, Book & Print Seller, 10. Broad Court, Long Acre. Height, 4.2. Width, 3.8. Hart 226b. Baker 137. Excessively scarce. This print is reproduced in photogravure in the Hart catalogue. Three-quarter length, to right, seated, map in _ hand. Cocked hat with large rosette of six equal triangles, no button. Drawn curtain shows column and sky. Mezzotint. E. Savage pinx. et Sculp. | George Washington Esq? | President of the United States of America. | From the Original Portrait Painted at the request of the Corporation of the University of Cambridge in Massachusetts. | Height,.17.15. “Width, 13.15. Hart 228. Baker 118. Fine impression, but lacks dated publication line. Similar to above, the rosette being drawn at centre by two parallel bands with button at bottom. Rees. S. 1112. Goodman, Charles. The Duke of Wellington. S. 1124. Two copies. Goodman and Piggot. John Syng Dorsey M. D. S. 1133. Peyton Randolph. S.1151 II: James Ross. S. 1152. (7) Graham, George. John Clarke, D.D. A.A.S. S. 1162. Fine impression, 4to. Alexander Hamilton. S. 1163 II. (2) The Descent from the Cross, Dedicated to Christians of all Denominations. Printed and Published by T. W. Freeman. Sept 18t 1812. Plate 3. Mezzotint, rect. 12.12 x 9.9. Unsigned but decidedly in the style of Graham. Gridley, E.G. Joseph Bloomfield, Esq., Governor of New-Jer- sey. S. 1178. — A. Burr, Esq. S. 1179. Fine impression. —— T. Jefferson. S. 1180. Two copies. (2) Shakespeare; on vol. vi. Works 1807. “ Gridley Se.” and another, slightly different on vol. vii, 1803. ‘“‘ Gridley Se. N. YOR. pat ol. —— Edward Shippen, L.L.D., Chief Justice of Pennsylvania. S. 1182. Arms of the Mamelukes. Egyptian Barber. (5) * -~ Zara eS % a 4 4 ? : & i & , :. 4 . teak eg eee hteay DT es ek Te 6 ee ee - rate Sat VT ERTS sy, SS 2 ® 3548 uv (YY 3549 2 3550 ov 3551 $552 ahi ./ UP 3554 3555 yx ae ur 3556 GO 3557 — Haines, William. Duke of Bedford. S. 1191. 1192. Robert Burns. S. 1193, two copies. S. 1203 II. (Sir William Jones.) (5) tion from the Dunciad, also by Haines, 1804. Pope. S. 1209. Hon. Col. J. Gardiner. Thornton,) Mirror Vol. 2. N° 95. S. 1219 II. ve Paes eos title page 1804. (9) Hamlin, W™ Miss Rachel Baker. S. 1242. St Johns Church Providence R I. S. 1243. gregational Church Providence, R I. S. 1244. (Peacock and L’Epervoir) S. 1246. but ‘“ Hamlin. Aqt” engraved on the ‘plate and not pencilled. (3) —— (Burning of the U. S. Ship Philadelphia in the Harbor of Tripoli.) S. 1247. —— Hamlin’s Business Card, with seaport view. S. 1250. — Hamlin’s Business Card, with Venus: reclining in shell. m. 125). — Hamlin’s Business Card, with figure of Hope. S. 1252. — Courtship—Matrimony. S. 1253. An unlettered book-plate representing a cupid pointing te blank oval intended for inscription, landscape background, un- signed, but undoubtedly by Hamlin, not in S. Musical Sodality Concert, at , admit the Bearer. W™ Hamlin Sct Musical instruments at either side, not in S. All of these prints by Hamlin are scarce. Harris, Samuel. Rev. J. Belknap. S. 1266. Rev. Mather Byles. S. 1268. Two copies. G. R. Minot, S. 1270, fine impression. Rev. P. Thacher, D.D. S. (4) General Warren. S. 1273. John Winthrop. S. 1276. Portrait of the engraver “ Sam! Harris J‘,”’ bust profile to right, 12mo. Note to S. 1277. (3) Esq? 1272. Col9 Richard (2) Harrison, C. P. Mr? William Collins. -M. Johnson. of Kentucky. S. 1280. 5, 1278. Lord Bute. S. Henry Clay esq. Lord North. S. 1207. Pope. S. 1208. With an illustra- Another copy of S. 1208, with the Dunciad plate, dated 1808. The full length (Bonnell Mirror. Vol. 1, N° 49. not in S., illustration to Thomson’s Liberty with printed S. 1227. Isaac Watts, D.D. (2) First Con- ows Qe 7 3559 3560 8562 - Harrison W™ Jr. John Quincy Adams. S. 1285. drew Jackson. S. 1287. Dunstaffage Castle. S. 1292. Sum- mit of Etna. S. 1293. Etna. S. 1294. Giants Causy. S. 1295. Lake of Killarney, etc. S. 1296. London. S. 1297. Nahé Rock. S. 1298. Paraclete. S. 1299. Pont du Gard. S. 1300. St Michaels Mount. S. 1301. St Michel. S. 1302. And two others undescribed. (15) S. 1307 and 1308. Gen! An- Harrison, Richard. Grand Chartreuse. Organ. Pl. XCIX. W. Hay se. not in S. Hewitt. Distant View of the Highlands on Hudson River. S. 1319, two copies; on the St Lawrence. S. 1320. (6) Hill, John. Ballston Springs taken from Aldridges Hotel. S. 1324. Norfolk;*from Gosport, Virginia. S. 13431. View of Richmond, Virginia. S. 1352. (3) Mill at Marlborough, } Maryland. E. Van Blon.—J. Hill Se. Oblong 4to, not in S. Three states of a rare and undescribed ap aan in colors, in tint and in black. (3) Hill, John W. Hieroglyphical Print of the Church of God in her Five fold state, including the Holy Jerusalem together with A Scriptural Exhibition, ete. S. 1356. Folio. Scarce and curious. Hill, James. The Resurrection of a Pious Family, ete. S. 1359. Folio. Hill, Sam! Justice Blackstone. S. 1362, lacking publication, line. Captain James Cooke. S. 1368. Anna Matilda (Mrs. Cowley.) S. 1366. (3) —— William Cowper. S. 1367. Two copies. (2) Della Crusca (Robert Merry) S. 1375. Two copies. Mr Necker. S. 1377. Ezra Stiles S.T.D. L.L.D. President of Yale College. S. 1380. Two copies. (5) —— Mr’s Elizabeth White, Died in Londons Feb: 2. 1798." gas 23. Excessively rare; with the funeral sermon by Thomas Allen, A.M., Pastor of the Church in Pittsfield. 8vo, pp. 27, Pittsfield, 1799. View of the triumphal Arch and Colonnade, erected in Boston, in honor of the President . . . Oc. 24. 1789. S. 1392. Slightly imperfect. South West View of the Lighthouse. . . Boston Harbor. S. 1393. Slightly imperfect. (2) —— Christ’s Church, Cambridge, Massachusetts. S. 1399. eres ee : 3574 3 A on | ire = 3575 i —— | 3576 Eden Vale. S. 1404. Green Hill. S. 1405. Mount Pleasant, in Leicester. S. 1409. (3) —— A 58.W. View of the Baptist Meeting House, Providence, R. I. §. 1412. Haddrils Point near Charleston S.C. S. 1334. View on the Hudson. S. 1341. And eleven others. (14) Hooker, W. Torquato Tasso. S. 1446. Houston, H. His Excellency John Adams, Esq’ S. 1453 III. David Rittenhouse. S. 1463. (3) — Certificate of the Hibernian Society of Philadelphia. S. 1468. Folio. | A beautiful specimen of early American stipple engraving, signed in ink by Tho’ McKean and Mathew Carey; slightly in- jured in blank space. Excessively scarce. Hurd, Nathaniel. Masonic Communication of the St Johns Lodge Boston to Brother Nath! Johnson. Brother N,, Hurd. Boston. fecit. S.1477. Very scarce. Jones, Alfred. Sparkling. From a painting by F. W. Edmonds, etc. Published by the American Art Union, 1844. Oblong large folio. Jones, W. R. Major General Harrison. S. 15161I. (Rev. James) Hervey. W. R. Jones Sculp. Pub. by M. Jones Phil- ad@, Bust to left, oval, 3.1. x 2.6., not in S. (2) The Rev4 Absalom Jones, Rector of St Thomas’s African Episcopal Church in the City of Philad. S. 1519, lacking pub- lication and copyright lines, but very scarce. James Montgom- ery. S. 1523. M. W. Isaiah Thomas Esq? P. G. Master, ete. S. 1526. (3) Jocelyn, Simeon S. Roger Sherman. S. 1533. Aeneas Mun- son, M.D., President of the Medical Society of the State of . Connecticut. S. 1547. Scarce. A Pawnee Brave Son of Old Knife. S. 1550. (3) A Drawing Book of Landscape’ | Philad@ Pub? by Johnson & Warner, | N° 147 Market Street | 1810. An interesting proof sheet engraved in line, showing the etch- ing and the finished vignettes, of four subjects, by an unknown engraver. In perfect condition, no other known. Justice, Joseph. St John in the Isle of Patm°. S. 1563. Moses on Mount Sinai. Not in S. Two copies. Folios. (3) Kearny, F. Bridge of Gueule d’Enfer. S. 1585. Cascade near Oysans. S. 1586. Grenoble. S. 1587. Etna, etc. S. 1588. Peak Cavern, ete. S. 1589. Glacier . .. of the Rhone. S. 1590. Dublin from Phoenix Park. Not in S. St Mary’s Hall, Green Bank, Burlington, etc. Not in S. And two other subject prints. ; (10) yy 3582 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3591 3592 3593 Kelly, Thomas. William Shakspeare. S. 1624. Kenset, Thomas. Map of Upper and Lower Canada and United States, contiguous ... November 4th 1812. S. 1640. Scarce. (2) Kneass, William. John Calvin. S. 1647, lacking publication line. Alexander Cruden, M.A. S. 1648. A View of Quebec from Point Levy. S. 1664. (3) —— Washington’s Camp at Whitemarsh. Undescribed but S. 1662, entirely relettered after the first line. Upper Fall of Fyers. S. 1665. St Vincents Rocks, ete. S. 1670. Lady of Iceland. S. 1666. Mercury. S. 1671. With printed title page of Horne Tooke’s Diversions of Purley. Part I. Phila. 1806, frontispiece, also by Kneass, with printed title page of Part II. Pompey’s Pillar. And two others. (9) Lavigne. William Ingalls M.D. S. 1675. Two copies. Lawson, Alexander. Robert Burns. S. 1680. | (2) —— William Penn. S. 1683. Scarce original impression. View of the Capitol of the United States, after the con- flagration, in 1814. S. 1699. Very scarce. Seven book illustra- tions, etc. © (8) W. S. LENEY John Adams. S. 1706. Dt John Bard. S. 1712. Two copies. (3) William Henry West Betty, full length. S.1714. Budgell. S. 1721. Mrs E.. Caslon. S. 1723 I, lacking publication line. (Mrs. E. Caslon,) proof before title. S. 1723 II. - (4) Mrs Mary Ann Clark. S. 1729. De Witt Clinton Esq® S. 1730. Same, 1722. h115 (3) Dr John Cochran. S. 1731. G. F. Cooke Esq¥. SS. 1735. Dutchess of Cumberland. S. 1740, lacking publication line. Alexander James Dallas Esq? S. 1741 I. (4) (Mrs. Darley,) brilliant proof on large paper before the title, early and undescribed state of S. 1742. No other known. Mr Davenport. S. 17438. Robert Fulton Esq’. S. 17561. Robert Fulton Esqt S. 1757, lacking publication line. Geo. III. S. 1760, lacking publication line. Isabella Graham. of New-York. S. 1765. Another, lacking publication line. Ed- ward. D. Griffin. D.D. S. 1766 I. aie 24 il ly li? by ($C 3594 (7? 3595 ry’ 3596 — Alexander Hamilton, after Ames. 8vo. S. 1768I1I. Alex? Hamilton, after Cerachi. S. 1769 I. (2) Alext Hamilton, after Cerachi, with border. S. 1770. John Henley. S. 1775. (2) Patrick Henry. S. 1776. A beautiful brilliant proof on India paper, small to. Patrick Henry. S. 1776. Henry V. S. 1777, lacking publi- cation line. John Hodgkinson. S. 1780. (3) David Hume Esq? S. 1788, but with waptieelad line “ Albany Published by B. D. Packard 1816.” instead of 1822. (John Jay). a beautiful proof impression of an early and undescribed S. 1789 before publisher’s line. John Jay Esq’, an intermedi- ate state between S. 1789 I and II. (3) John Jones M.D. S. 1795. (Mrs. S. Kemble as Imoinda), an early and undescribed proof, before all letters except etched artist’s line, of S. 1797. (2) FraS Fredk M¢Farland. Comedian. S. 1803, lacking line over head, but very scarce. James Madison. S. 1807. (2) Dr Edwd Miller. S. 1819. Rev4 John Newton. S. 1823 II, and another, cut to title. Napoleon Bonaparte. S. 1822. Two copies. (5) William Perfect M.D. S. 1831. Same, proof before all letters, undescribed, 4to. | (2) Richard III. S. 1841, but lacking publication line. Chas’ Duke of Richmond. S. 1842. Printed in-colors. (2) Revd John Rodgers D.D. S. 1843. Philip Schuyler Esq’. S. 1848. Fine copy. E. Sibly, M.D. S. 1850. Scarce. Steele. S. 1857. Samuel Stillman, D.D. S. 1858. Two copies. (3) William Strahan Esq? (the printer, Franklin’s friend.) S. 1859. Mr Swords, Comedian. Quid Rides de te Fabula narratur? S. 1861. Very scarce. G. Thresher Professor of Penmanship New York. Early and undescribed state of S. 1862. sd is Ly 3611 William The Conqueror. S. 1874, but lacking publication line. “) The memorable Engagement of Capt® Pearson of the Serapis, with Paul Jones of the Bon Homme Richard & his Squadron, Sep. 23. 1779. (Repeated in French.) Rich? Paton Pinxit— J. Boydell excudit 1781.—Lerpiniere & Fittler Sculp®t (Dedi- cation, three lines, references at sides). Published Decr 12th 1780, ete. Oblong folio rect. Fine copy. Scarce. Das merckwurdige See Gefect Zwischen Capitain Pearson und Paul Iones welches 1779 den 22 September sich eraugnet wo der Cap: das Schiff den Serapis, und der Paul Jones, den guten Mann Richard genafit commandirte. (Repeated in French and part, reversed, at top.) Richard Paton pinxit., Lugduni— Gravé par Balth Frederic Laizel Se vend a Augsbourg, etc. Oblong folio rect., etching. Fine copy. Very scarce. Same, top line uninked. The Defence of the Serapis & Countess of Scarborough against Paul Jones & his Squadron Rob Dodd Pinxit—I. Peltro fecit London Published Dec 15t 1781 by John Harris Sweetings Alley Cornhill Oblong folio rect., line. A most brilliant proof impression, the inscription in needle script without punctuation, full margins, perfect condition, and excessively scarce. Action between Paul Jones, and Capt Pierson.| Rectangle, 6.x 3.4. Line. In passepartout. Very scarce. The Engagement of Capt® Pearson in His Majesty’s Ship Serapis, with Paul Jones of the American Ship of War called the Bon Homme Richard: etc. Engraved for Barnard’s New Complete & Authentic History of England. Drawn by Ham- ilton.—Engraved by R. Collier. Upright narrow folio rect. 3867 3868 3869 3870 3871 3872 3874 Capt. Paul Jones shooting a Sailor who had rs to strike his Colours in an Engagement. | Rect., 12.12.x 9.14. Mezzo. Whole length figure in profile to right. Brilliant impression. Framed. Set of sixteen oblong 4to rectangles, etchings. Combat de Paul Jones dans la Mer d’Allenagne. Embrasement du Vaisseau Anglois le Nord Cumberland, pres de New Yorck. Prise de 12 Vaisseaux Anglois par les Americains sur les Bancs de Terre Neuve. \Prise du Romulus dans la Baye de Gheaspess Par Mr Le Cardeur de Tilly. Retraite de ]’Escadre Angloise sons les Ordres de ]’Ami- ral Arbuthnot, ete. Prise du Vaisseau Anglois l’Expriment en Amerique, etc., and ten others. All in fine, clean condition. . (16) Paul Jones, Attaque une flotte Anglaise commandée par Pear- son revenant de la Baltique en 1793. Dessiné et Lith. par Ferd. Perrot.—Lith. Rigo fs et Cle r. Richer. 7. Oblong folio, tinted lithograph. | (Stamp Act Riots.) Amerikanerne satta sig emot stempel .. . Boston i Augusti Manad 1764. 12mo rect. Very scarce. (Ticonderoga.) Im Nahmen des grossen Gottes und des Gen- eralcongresses! I. M. Rettenreiter inv. et fec. 1798. 12mo rect.’ Searce. , The attack made on Tripoli on the 34 August 1804, by the American Squadron under Comodore Preble to whom this Plate is respectfully dedicated by his Obedient Servant John B. Querrazzi. Sold in Leghorn 1805. Oblong folio rect., line. Printed in bistre. Excessively scarce. Nautical Exploit, Dedicated To Commodore Ed. Pestle, and the Gallant Tars, of the Infant American Navy. The Ameri- can Ketch Intrepid of 4 guns and 70 men, commanded by Lieu- tenant Decatur, boarding and burning the Tripolitan Frigate (late the Philadelphia) in the middle of the harbour of Tripoli, . on the night of the 16th of February 1804. L. Binsse delt—Aubertin sculpt. Oblong folio rect., aquatint. Fine copy, slightly stained, beautifully printed in colors. Ex- cessively scarce. United States and Macedonian. Painted by T. Birch—En- graved by B. Tanner. (Published Nov. 1. 1814, copyright Aug. 13. 1813. Description, six lines in double columns.) Oblong folio rect. Beautiful copy. S. 3143. 3875 3876 3880 3881 3882 3883 3884 ... U.S. Frigate United States, Stephen Decatur Esq? Com- mander, Capturing His Britannic Majesty’s Frigate Macedo- nian, John S. Carden Esq® Commander (etc., two lines). Painted by T. Birch, A. C. S. A.—Fought Oct? 25th 1812— Engraved by S. Seymour. Philad@ Published 20th May 1815 by James Webster. Medallion profile of Decatur in margin. Oblong folio rect. Fine clean copy. Very scarce. S. 2879. Washington Passing The Delaware, Painted by T. Sully— (Copyright 1825)—Engraved by G. S. Lang. Oblong folio Pete. 710 7 2. Washington, Crossing The Delaware. Painted By T. Sully.— Engraved By J. N. Gimbrede, ete. Oblong small folio rect. “The Battle Whites Plains.” Rect., 3.11.x 6.2. Etching. Early and intensely interesting print of the battle from the English standpoint. The Americans are represented as ragged and fleeing abjectly. A date on the back indicates publication before 1802. This is not alone the only copy of the print known to the compiler, but the only metal engraved representa- tion of the battle he has ever seen. A Plan of the Operations of the King’s Army under the Com- mand of General S* William Howe, K. B. . . . From the 12th of October, to the 28th of November 1776. . . . The Engagement on the White Plains, the 28th of October. . . . Published by the Author April 12th 1793. Oblong folio rect. The Death of General Wolfe. Beautifully executed oblong folio sepia drawing. Unsigned, but very early. The Death of General Wolfe on the 13th Sept 1759, at Quebec. Painted by Edw4 Penny . . . —R. Sayer Excudit—Engrav’d by Rich¢? Houston The Original Picture in the Possession of St John Danvers Bart London... 18t JanY 1772. Oblong folio rect., mezzotint. Fine impression before the plate was cut down. J.C. S. 126 II. Der General Wolf, Ober-Befehlshaber des Englischen Kriegs Heeres in Nord Amerika, ward in der Schlacht bei Quebeck den 13. September 1759. verwundet, und Starb indem er seinen Sieg erfuhr. Gemahlt von B. West.—Gegraben von Carl Guttenberg. | Zu finden bey Gebriider Klauber. Oblong small folio rect. Fine copy. Same, proof before all but artist’s line and first line of title. Very scarce. Same, proof before all letters. Excessively scarce. 3885 3886 3887 3888 3889 3890 3891 3894 The Death Of General Wolfe. Painted by B. West > Engraved by Theod. Falckeysen. Is sold in Basil at Theod Falckeisen in Augsburg at brothers Klauber. Oblong folio rect. Fine copy. York Town, and Gloucester Point. as besieged by The Allied Army. T. Conder Sculpt London. Small folio rect. Plan of the Siege of York Town in Virginia. Engraved for Stedman’s History of the American War. Small folio rect. Siege d’York-Town, etc. Peint par Couder.—Grave par I. M. Fontaine. (3) Gen. La Fayette Storming the Dedoubt at Yorktown. 12mo. Surrender Of Lord Cornwallis, ete. Eng4 by D. C. Hin- man after Trumbull. 8vo. Reddition De L’Armée Du Lord Cornwallis. Dessiné par le Barbier . . . —Gravé par Godefroy... 8vo. . (3) Capitulation De Cornwallis. Martinet del—Delignon Sculp. Le Temple De La Gloire. Page 327. Wasington, Rochambeau, Lafayette—19 Septembre, 1781. Oblong small folio rect. Same, top line uninked. ba). —— the etching, unfinished. Martinet del—Aze aqua fort. The Surrender Of Cornwallis At Yorktown. Empereur, Reine de France. Marie Antoinette of Austria, Sister to the Emperour, Queen of France. R. Brookshaw fecit. A Paris chez Brook- shaw et Haines, rue de Tournon . . . chez le Bourrelier. Im- primé par Maillet. Busts, ovals in rectangles, folios. Fine copies of excessively scarce and undescribed states of S. 14 and 15. The Marie An- toinette was reproduced in S. (2) 4100 4101 4102 4103 4104 4105 4106 4107 4108 4109 Carolus Primus Dei Gratia Angliae . . . Rex Fidei Defensor &ct Ant. Van Dyck Eques Pinxit. —are to be sold by W. Scott. Whole length seated with Prince Charles as a young boy at his knee, rect. folio. Engraved by Alexander Browne. S. 2 VII. His Royall Highness James Duke of York & Albany &t P. Lelly Eques pinxit—Sold by Alex: Browne at ye blew ballcony in little Queen Streett. Three-quarter length to left standing by cannon, folio rect. Fine impression. S. 42. The Right Honorable Frederic Lord North, First Lord Com- missioner . . . Garter &c. &c. &c. N. Dance Pinx—I. Burke Fecit. Publish’d May 234 1775 . . . London. Three-quarter length, in robes, seated to left, large folio rect. Brilliant impression of the first state. Excessively scarce. S. 61. William Godwin. Painted by I. Northcote R.A.—Engraved by G. Dawe. Publish’d Oct? 4. 1802 ... Oxford Strt. Half length, head nearly profile to right, rect., with ground border, Brilliant impression of first state before ground of border and date were erased. Excessively scarce. S. 4 I. Sir Charles Hardy. T. Hudson pinxt—P. Dawe fecit. London Publish’d . . . 234 Sept? . . . Cornhill. Three-quarter length to right, hat under left arm, right hand pointing to naval battle. Rect. 5.8 x 4.8. Fine impression, not in S. Thomas Percy, S. T. P. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds.—En- graved by W. Dickinson. Publish’d Feby 24 1775 by W. Dick- inson at M's Sledges Henrietta Street Covent Garden London. Half length to right, mss. in left hand, rect. folio. Undescribed state of S. 60. Print reproduced in S. Sebastiani. Le Général, F. Gerard ee i —W. Dickinson fecit, rect. folio, etched open-letter proof. (William Robertson D.D.) St Joshua Reynolds pinx.—I. Dixon fecit. Published . . . November 15t 1772. Sold by J. Boydell . Chelsea. Nearly whole length seated to left, folio rect. Etched letter proof, before title. Brilliant impression of the first state. S. 301. | Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds.— Engraved by Will™ Doughty. London, Publish’d . . . June gath 1793. by John Jones .. . Marylebone. Half length to left, rect. folio. S..2 V. Print reproduced in S. The Most High Puissant And Excellent Prince Henry The Great, King of France, and Navarre, &c. &c. As he lay in state after his murder, anno 1610. Engrav’d by R. Dunkarton ei eeoreRectMolio eS. per Same; beautiful full margined proof before all letters. Excessively scarce. (2) ale ait he Ne eT ee oe * REET A OS OM SE I TE ANI by 4110 4111 4112 4113 — 4114 4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 Elizabeth Countess of Kildare by Dunkarton after Wissing. Bust to front, rect., 8vo. Brilliant proot before all letters, undescribed state of S. p. 236, 57. Dusart, C. La Femme du Parti Orange. 4to rect. Brilliant proof, cut to rect. James Macardel, Mezzotinto Scraper. &c. Jac. M¢Ardel delin. 1765.—Rich4 Earlom fecit. London, ... 20 April, 1771. Half length to left, rect. folio. S. 28 II. 7 Marchioness of Wharton. Peter Lilly Equs Pinxit.—R. Earlom fecit. Published Sept 29th 1776 . . . London. Three-quarter length seated, landscape, rect. S. 42 II. His Excellency Jonathan Belcher Esq’; Captain General & Governor in Chief of His Majesty’s Provinces of Massachuset’s Bay & New Hampshire in New England and Vice Admiral of the same. R. Phillips Pinx—I Faber Fecit 1734. Three-quar- ter length to right, rect. folio. Fine impression of an excessively scarce and important piece of Americana. S. 29 and there reproduced. Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector. E Collectione W™ Powlet, Gen: Peter Lely pinxt 1653.—I. Faber fecit 1740. Bustin armor to front, rect. 4to. Scarce. S. 97. The most Illustrious Princess Elizabeth Crown’d Queen of England Anno 1558. H. Holbein pinx 1551—J. Faber fecit 1742. Publish’d . . . April 1742. Whole length to left white dress, petticoat ornamented with pearls, dove on left hand, right forefinger to lips, folio rect. A very curious and interesting engraving, of the greatest rarity. srei2o LT. The Honble Robert Boyle Esq? Done after the Marble Bust . at Richmond. I. Faber fecit. Printed for Tho: Bowles .. . Cornhill. Bust to right in niche with round top in rect., folio. S. 125. Philip Frowde Esqr T. Murray Pinxt 1732—I. Faber fecit 1738. Half length to left, oval in rect., small folio. S. 149. Dramatist and friend of Addison. Mrs Mary Anne Granville. Rich? Phillips pinxt—J. Faber fecit. 5 London: Printed & Sold by C. Bowles in St Pauls Church yard. Three-quarter length to left, folio rect. S. 167 III. 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 4131 Elizabeth Dutchess of Hamilton, &c. Three-quarter length with greyhound, in landscape, rect. folio. One of the beautiful Gunnings. Fine impression of a beautiful print, but lacks publication line. Very scarce. S. 174 II. The Kit-Cat series. G. Kneller—I. Faber 1733. Folios. Sr? Richard Steele Knt S. p. 381. 31. —— Josep Addison Esq! &c. S. p. 382. 34. — Mr Jacob Tonson. S. p. 383. 43. Isaacus Newton EquS Obijt 20 Mar: 172 Mtatis Suae 85. J. Vanderbank pinx An®° 1726... J. Faber. Three-quarter length seated, head to left, rect., folio. S. 258. Mr Pope G. Kneller Bart Pinxt 1721,—John Faber fecit Printed for Tho’ Bowles . . . Cornhill. Bust laureated, profile to left, oval of snake with tail*in mouth, in rect., folio. Creased, but very scarce. S. 293 II. Illustrissimo & Honoratissimo Viro Georgio Comiti de Halifax, &c. (in Cujus Muséo Archetypa suspendetar Pictura) Hance Matthaei Prior Imaginem in Aere expolitam. G Kneller, Pinx 1700.—D. D. C Johannes Faber, 1728. Three-quarter length to left, rect. folio. Fine impression. S. 298. . St John Vanbrugh Knt Comptroller of His Majties Works &c J. Richardson pinx. 1725.—J. Faber fecit 1727. Three-quarter length to right, rect. folio. Excessively scarce. S. 358. Gulielmus Drummond de Hathornden Scotus, Historiographus et Poeta. &c. Cornelius Johnson pinxt—J. Finlayson delt et fecit. publish’d . . . 1766 June 1St. . . Bust to right, wide collar with lace edge, rect. folio. S. 5 III. The Right Honorable Hugh Lord Warkworth, Aid de Camp to his Majesty. &c. Pompeio Battoni pinxt—J. Finlayson delint et fect Published . . . Nov. 2. 1765. Half length, head to right, rect. folio. Earl Percy (in 1766) of the American Revolution. Fine im- pression of a very scarce print. S. 18. Mark Akenside Htatis KXKV A Pond pinxt 1754.—E Fisher Sculpt 1772. Bust, nearly profile to right, oval in rect., 4to. Bock Colley Cibber, Esq? late Poet-Laureat. I. B. Vanloo pinx 1740. —Edw? Fisher fecit 1758. Three-quarter length seated to left, young girl withdrawing pen to left, rect. folio. The first published state, excessively scarce. S. 9 II. ie ae Tee ee Ta NE RON ON ARE le AT sli MRM Pe te eee a | eielecre San sade va iat aN oe i ; i ns é Neg 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 — Same; publication line added. S. 9 III. Nath! Hone Pictor et Acad@¢ Flor@e SocS Se ipse Pinxt—Ed- vardus Fisher Sculpsit. Half length to right with pencil and portfolio, rect. folio. S. 30. Paulus Sandby. Ruralium Prospectum Pictor. FraS Cotes pinxt—E.. Fisher fecit. publish’d . . . 1763. Three-quarter length seated at window, sketching, rect. folio. Fine copy, scarce. S. 55. Laurence Sterne, A.M. Prebendary of York, &. J. Reynolds pinxt—E. Fisher fect London Printed for Robt Sayer... Fleet Street. Three-quarter length to right seated, right hand supporting head, rect., folio. S.561V. Print reproduced in S. Bust to left, man with turban, right hand upraised. T. Frye Pictor Invt & Sculpt—Hatton Garden 1760. Folio rect. Scaree,'' Si 13: George Fitzroy Earl of Northumberland &c. H. Gascar Pinx. Whole length to left, Roman costume, with spear, rect., folio. Third son of Charles II and Duch. of Cleveland. Fine im- pression. Excessively scarce. S. 8 II. The Right Honourable William Pitt Esqr: One of his Majesty's Principal Secretary’s of State And One of His Majesty’s Most Hon:ble Privy Council. W: Hoare Pinxt—Jas Gillis. Fecit.. Three-quarter length seated to left, rect. 12.12. x 9.12. Undescribed and no record of the engraver. The Right Honble Charles James Fox, His Majesty’s late Prin- cipal Secretary &c. John Gillbank Sculp. London, Published Oct. 2, 1806 &c. Three-quarter length, seated to right, pen in hand, curtain in background, rect., folio. Brilliant impression of a very scarce print. Adrianus van Ostade. Pictor Harl. Bat. &e. C. Dusart Pinxit —J. Gole fec. et Exe. &c. 4to. Fine impression of an early and scarce specimen. Valentine Green. L. F. Abbott, Pinxit.—Seipsum Sculpsit Published Oct? 16;th 1788, by V. & R. Green, Newman Street, | Oxford Street, London. Half length to right in frame, rect., folio. Scarce. S.57 II. Eleanor Gwynn. &c Sir P.. Lely pinxt:—Engrav’d by V. Green, Engraver to his Majesty, & to the Elector Palatine. Publish’d Novr 17th 1777, by W. Shropshire, N° 158, New Bond Street. Three-quarter length seated to right, bosom exposed, oval in frame, in rect., small folio, A finer and more beautiful impression of this attractive and scarce print could not be desired. S. 60 II. 4143 4144 4145 4146 4147 4148 4149 4150 Lady Caroline Howard. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds.— Engraved by V. Green, Mezzotinto Engraver, . . . Published by V. Green, . . . Dect 7th 1778. &c. Whole length, a young girl, seated to left on ground, rect., folio. An unusually attractive combination of subject, painter and engraver. S. 68 II. (Kitty Hunter) E F Calze pinxit—Publish’d July 22 1771 by J. Boydell Cheapside—Val Green fecit. Three-quarter length, standing to right, arm resting on table, rect., folio. Inscription lightly etched, inscription space uncleaned. A most brilliant, perfect, early, and undescribed state of S. 71. of which the only other known impression is in the British Museum. From the Augustin Daly collection. Sir Edwyn Sandys Second Son of ArchbP Sandys. G. Powle, delnt V. Green, . . . Aeri incisit. &c. Bust to right, oval, 8vo. A scarce print, but lacks publication line. (Mrs Benjamin West and Child.) B.. West pinxt—Val.. Green fecit. Robt Sayer Excudit London, ... 10 July 1770. Half lengths in circle with frame, in rect., folio. Needs ironing. Very scarce. S. 139 II. Pamela and Phyloclea. Sir P.. Lely pinxt:—Engrav’d by V. Green, Engraver to his Majesty, & to the Elector Palatine. Here nor Treason is hid vailed in Innocence. Three-quarter lengths to left, two shepherdesses with bird’s nest, oval in rect., small folio. Fine impression, original coloring, of an attractive and very scarce subject. S. 155. Proof before all letters after F. van Mieris of Woman seated, holding a lap dog whose ear is pulled by man with broad- brimmed hat and cloak, engraved by John Greenwood. Small folio rect. Beautiful rich impression, inscription space uncleaned. The engraver was born in Boston 1727 but -practised abroad; his portrait engraved by Pether is No. 4182. Ioannes Iacobus Haidius Pictor Et Chaleographus &c. Ant. Graff pinx. 1766.—I. Elias Haid. Three-quarter length seated to right, graver in hand, folio rect. Jaque Mettenleiter Peintre, et Jean Elie Haid Graveur. Peint par Jaque Mettenleiter.—Gravé par J. E. Haid 1784. Se vend a Augsbourg ches J. J. Haid et fils. Oblong folio rect., very fine copy. | CR Nah eas EER Te Pray ape cmap) i - ERNE RPM Ce ee Pon eS On 4151 4152 4153— 4154 4155 4156 4157 4158 Abba Gregorius Aethiops Ambarensis. . F.). Senn eee, wr J hae S 1 a a eee Fe ey! kal nee ake Sea) oS = aa ath SS ¢ . 4355 4356 4359 4360 4361 4362 4363 4364 (Eloisa) D. Gardner Pinxt—ThoS Watson fecit. London Publish’d June 20th 1775 for Watson & Dickinson N° 158 New Bond Street. Bust to left, profile, hands clasped, long hair across shoulder, oval, broad border in rect., 4to. Most beautiful proof before title of a lovely subject; undescribed state of S. 38. Mr John Dryden. G. Kneller Baront pinx.—G. White fecit Sold by Thomas Bowles ... London. Half length to left, holding wreath, oval in rect., small folio. Good impression. = ad Se —— Another copy, the plate slightly retouched. S. 17 III. Mr Pope G. Kneller . . . pinx. 1722. Sold by S. Simpson in Maiden lane Covt Garden. G. White fec. 1732. Half length to right, head supported by left hand, rect., small folio. Fine impression. S. 35 III. Allan Ramsay. W. Aikman pinxit—G. White fec. Half length to right, oval, in rect., small folio. Very scarce. S. 36 II. The Dutchess of Cleaveland. P Lely Eques pinx:—R. Williams fe: Cum Privilegio Regis. E. Cooper ex: Whole length to front, seated, rect., folio. Fine impression of the scarce second (of four) states. S. 13 II. (Margaret Hughes) Madam Hewse S. P. Lely pinx:—R. Williams fect—E Cooper ex Nearly whole length to right, seated at fountain. Fine and undescribed early state before “ Cum Privilegio Regis ’ was engraved on the plate. It has been added in ink in a con- temporary hand. S. 25 (al). 2 The Dutchess of Monmouth W Wissing pinx: R Williams fe: Cum Privilegio Regis. Sold by E. Cooper, etc. Half length to right, oval, 4to. Fine impression of the excessively scarce first state. S. 37 1. On back ‘“‘ P. Mariette 1696 ” Robert Bloomfield, Author of the Farmer’s Boy, etc. Painted by Jn° Rising—Engraved by Jn° Young . . . London, Oct™ 1st 1805, Published by R. Bloomfield, . . . Half length to left, seated, frame, rect., folio. S. 7 II. Robert Bloomfield, ete. Painted by P. Violet-—Engraved by Jn° Young . . . London, Jany 18t 1805, Published by R. Bloom- field . . . Half length to right, broad frame, rect., folio. S. 8. 4365 4366 4367 4368 4369 4370 4371 4372 4373 A374 Charles Dibdin Esq? Painted by Thos Philips.—Proof.—En- graved by Jn° Young . . . London, Septt 25th; 1799 . . . Half length to left, broad frame, rect., folio. Brilliant impression, with large margins, of the very scarce first state. S. 171. (The elder Charles Dibdin.) William Pitt engraved by Jno. Young after Nollekens. Bust on pedestal, in arched niche, rect., folio. Brilliant proof before all letters, inscription space uncleaned, undescribed. S. 59 (al). Thomas Otway. P. Lely Pinx. Half length to right, oval, in rect., folio. Brilliant impression of the very scarce first state. S.951. With the stamp of Wyatt Thibaudeau. — Publication line of ThoS Bowles added. S. 95 II. Algernon Sidney Esq. Bust to right, in armor, rect., 4to. En- — graver unknown, seventeenth century. Fine impression of the scarce first state. S. 110. Miss Rafter in the Character of Phillida G. Schalken Pinxit. See native Beauty, etc. Three-quarter length to left as shep- herdess holding wreath over young man; rect., small folio. Engraver unknown, early eighteenth century. S. 19. (Better known as Kitty Clive.) The Four Indian Kings. Done... from y® Life by B. Lens Junt'—B. Lens. exc. Four ovals, in ornamental borders, with names as in the Simon prints, on folio sheet. See No. 4200. Fine impression, of the very greatest rarity. Engraver unknown, early eighteenth century. S. 54, and there reproduced. John Wilkes Esq? Four times Elected Member of Parliament . . . London Printed for J. Smith . . . Whole length, stand- ing by a table, rect., folio. Engraver unknown, late eighteenth century. S. 160. A Knight of Malta. Three-quarter length to right, rock and landscape background, over blank oval, probably intended for Arms, in rect., folio. Brilliant proof before all letters by an unknown artist. Sir Charles Hardy, Admiral of the White Squadron, and Com- mander in Chief of the Grand British Fleet. Printed for & Sold by Carington Bowles, etc. Whole length to front, leaning on cannon, boat load of sailors and ship “ Victory” in back- ground, rect., folio. Fine copy of an important print. 4375 4376 Houbraken. Three-quarter length, seated, graver in hand, studying large canvas to right, folio rect. | Brilliant proof before all letters, bottom margin uncleaned. Unidentified proof before all letters. Bust to left of man, own hair, large round eyes, head inclined forward and to left, look- ing to front, rect., 7.2.x 5.10, about 1780. A377 4378 4379 4380 4381 4382 4383 4384 4385 PORTRAITS Abercrombie, The Death of—Engraved by E. Mitchell after Northcote. 1805. Oblong folio. Thalia. Mrs Abington. R4 Cosway R. A. Delint—F. Barto- lozzi Sculp. Published . . . 20 Aug. 1783, by S. Watts. ~- London. Whole length, crowning bust of Shakespeare, rect., small folio. Fine, perfect impression in brown, of a beautiful and very scarce print. —— The etching, unfinished, printed in red, probably unique. - Abbot, Robt. Bp. Salisbury, Francisco Delaram sculp. 8vo rect. Fine early impression. Achland, Lady Harriet. J. Chapman sculpt 1796. Profile to left, 8vo. | Adam. Pere du genre humain Né lé 6¢ jour de la Creation, etc. F. Bonneville del et sculp. | (2) John Adams Esqt L. L. D.| President of the United States. Bust to right, cottage obscured by trees in right background, oval with border line, 5.3. x 4.6. Stipple. Unknown and undéscribed, but Bode an early state of the Houston. S. 1453. Drawn & Engraved by H. Houston. Folio rect. S. 1454. Scarce. Second President, ete. Painted by E. Savage in 1800. Rect., folio. Published by the Pelham Club. Boston 1901. —— Two small India proofs. (3) , Schildknaap, Minister Plenipotentiaris, etc. Rein? Vin- keles. ad viv. del. & sculp. 1782. W. Holtrop, excud. Bust to front, circle, palm and laurel branches, liberty cap in upper right, rect. 8vo, line. Fine L. P. proof. Very scarce. , Gezant der Noord-Americaansche Staaten, etc. Reint Vinkeles, . . . sculp. 8vo. (2) ee ee es a Se eee ,* ae lee poe ees 3 4386 4387 4388 4389 4390 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 4399 Adams, John Q. T. Gimbrede Professor of Drawing at West Point Del. & Sculp. . . . 1826. Three-quarter length to left, folio rect. Beautiful impression; needs ironing. S. 1032. Jules Jacquemart delin et sculp. Medallion bust, profile to right, proof. Engraved by Paradise after Durand. —— Bank note India proof. (3) Adams. Samuel, Esq. One of the Delegates, etc. Whole length seated, 8vo rect. From the Impartial History. —— By H. B. Hall after Johnston. India proof. —— By J. B. Longacre after Copley. (2) From the Engraving, P, Revere scp. for the Royal Amer- ican Mag. 1774. India proof. By J. Perey Sabin after the Mitchell-Okey mezzotint. No. 3 of 35 Japan proofs, folio. —— Same, print state. Addison. G. Kneller pinxit—F Bartolozzi Sculp. Bust to front, circle, ribbons and laurel branches, in rect. Same, proof before all letters. — Same, laurel branches partly blank. (3) Joseph Addison Esq? London Printed for R. Sayer & J. Ben- nett N° 53 Fleet Street. Half length to left, oval in rect., 8vo, mezzo. Brilliant impression. — G. Kneller 1715—G. Vertue 1721. Ato. Signed proof on Japan paper by T. Johnson. Half length by Gardner—C. Picart 4to. Bust to left, oval 12mo. Bust to left, oval in rect. 8vo. : (4) Agassiz., Louis. Bust to right, vignette, 8vo stipple. India proof before all letters. Anna Lea Merritt aq. ft., 4to. Proof before title by Wil- cox, and another, 12mo process. (4) Aguilar. Grace. Engraved by J. Cochran, 12mo. Adelaide, Mme. India proof from Versailles Gallery. (2) Ainsworth. W. Harrison, Maclise—Reynolds. 1841. Half length to right, folio rect., mezzo. | M¢Clise—J. Sartain, 8vo. (2) 4400 4401 44.02 44.03 44.04 44.05 4406 44.07 4408 44.09 4410 4411 (Aitken) John the Painter. Whole length to right, holding paper; “ £300.” in left hand; letter addressed Silas Deane Esq? on small table, rect. 8vo, line. Executed for setting fire to Portsmouth dockyard, 1776. Ex- cessively scarce. Alberti. Bernhard, etc. Lucas Kilian Sculp: A® 1621. Half length to right, oval in rect., 12mo. Brilliant impression with autograph of P. Mariette 1666 on back. Aldrich T. B. J. A. J. Wilcox se. India proof; Another by N. Y. Photogravure Co. J. Alexander and Mrs. J. Alexander by Chas B. Hall. India proofs before titles. (4) Aldus. Pius. Manutius. R. Half length, profile to right, circle, title in ‘border, over device of anchor and dolphin etc., in rect., 12mo, line. Excessively scarce. (2) Paolo Manuzio. G. Longhi dis.—F. Zuliani inc. Bust, profile to right, 4to, line. Fine impression, beautifully engraved. rect., 8vo, line. From Boissardo. Alfieri, Cte Vittorio, Gio: de Pian sculp. Bust to right, oval in ornamented frame, ribbon and laurel above, over emblems and title on base, in rect., 4to, line. Very fine copy of a scarce and artistic’ print. John Allan. India proof before all letters; presentation copy from ChaS C. Moreau to Geo. Livermore. Ethan Allen. Signed India proof by Sam! Hollyer. | (2) Alva. Don Ferdinande D. Toledo D. G. Dux Albae, ete. Bust in armor, oval, elaborate border of birds and animals, 4to, line, cut rect. Two smaller prints. | (3) Amherst Jeffery L¢ J(ohn) S(ayres) published 6 April 1782 by C Bretherton. Whole length, profile to left, vignette, 8vo, etching. General Amherst, from Universal Mag., and from The Senator 1792. (3) Alexander Anderson, wood-cut by A. W., Hans Christian Ander- sen, J. Cook, sc. Bently 1846. India proof on folio paper. (2) Mary Anderson, head, profile to left, vignette, etching, 4to. Artist’s signed presentation India proof from Thomas Johnson to Mr. Holden. and Paulus Manutius Aldi. Busts in profile, ovals in ~ =: CO le OS, vet a ene eva tee ee ee the 4412 4413 44.1 4 4415 4416 4417 4418 4419 4420 4421 4.422 4423 Bust, profile to right, vignette, 4to, stipple. Beautifully printed in colors and signed by the artist Thomas Johnson. Possibly the finest specimen of his work. —— Another copy, printed in red. Artist’s signed proof. Mary Anderson as Juliet. C. H. S. Bust, nearly profile to left, vignette, 4to. India proof. Andlau D’Homborg Bt Ant. Fred¢ Baron, etc. A. Sergent excudit. Collection Generale des . . . Députés . . . 1789. Bust to left, oval, broad border, ribbon and oak branches, over Arms and tablet with title, in rect., aquatint. Fine copy. Scarce. John Andre Esq? late Adjutant General of the British Forces in America. Whole length to right, pointing, vignette, rect., line. Fine copy of the excessively scarce print from the “‘ Hibernian Magazine,’ 1780. Maior Iohn André, Adjutant General to his Majestys Forces in North America under the Command of Sir Henry Clinton. D. Berger Sc. 1783. Bust to right, in uniform, oval frame, over tablet with title, in rect., 8vo, line. Fine copy of a very scarce print. Major John Andre, ete. Dodd delin——Cook sculp. Engraved for Raymond’s History, etc. Whole length, vignette in rect., small folio, line. The Unfortunate Major Andre. R(obert) P(ollard). Bust to left, in uniform and cocked hat, oval, over vignette of Truth dispelling clouds, in rect., 12mo, line. Fine impression of a very scarce and attractive print; cut close, but not imperfect. Full bust, leaning forward, curtain in background, in rectangular frame, line. India proof before all letters. Scarce. Similar. After Drawing by Sir Joshua Reynolds—En- graved by William Sartain N. Y. Mezzo. Four states of the plate: print, India proof, artist’s signed India proof before artist’s line, and cancelled plate. (4) Artist’s signed proof on Japan paper by Albert Rosen- thal. No. 5 of thirty-five copies. Andros Gov. India proof before all letters. (Etched by Chas. B. Hall.) (2) (Angouleme. Duch. d’,) Mari¢ Therese Charlotte Madame, Fille du Roi, neé a Versailles le 19 Dec. 1778 Painted by J. Miery—Engraved by A. Gabrielli. London Published June 12 1793 by Colnaghi and C° ... Half length to right, oval, over Arms and inscription, 4to, stipple. _An exquisite engraving in brown. Very scarce. 4424 4.4.25 4426 4427 4428 44.29 4430 4431 4432 4433 Marie Therese Charlotte Madame, Fille du Roi. J G Mansfield sc a Vienne chez Artaria & Comp., etc. Bust to right, circle, garlands of roses, etc., over base with title, in rect., 12mo, stipple. | Very beautiful and attractive print of great rarity. Madame Royale Engraved by Agar. 1797. Profile to left, 8vo. (2) (Anjou duc d’) Louis Henri. Full length, in long robe, left hand pointing upward, right hand holding stalk of lilies, in rect., 8vo. Anne of Austria. Serenissima Potentissima et Excelentissima Princeps, etc. P. van Mol pinxit—P. de lode fecit. Half length to left, holding miniature of infant Louis XIV, in arched rect., 8vo, line. Scarce. La vertu lui tient le miroir, etc. M. L(asne) ex. et fe. Whole length, profile to right, before mirror held by Minerva, vignette, rect., 4to, line. Very scarce. iy Anne D Autriche P L G De Dieu Reine De France, etc. Gustve Lévy Sculpt Half length to right, oval, monogram, crossed laurels, etc., above, Arms, dolphins and fleurs-de-lis be- low, in rect., 8vo, line. Fine proof on large paper, before inscription below rect., of a beautifully designed print by one of the best of the modern engravers. Engraved by W. Greatbach after Mignard. Bentley 1837. India proof on large paper. Anne De Dreux Duchesse De Bretagne, Reine de France, etc. Sergent, Delin—1788.—et sculp. A Paris chez Blin, ete. Bust to right, oval, 4to, aquatint. A beautiful specimen, printed in colors. Institution De L’Ordre De La Cordeliére, etc. Sergent, Del.—1788.—Moret, sculp. A Paris, chez Blin, etc. Aquatint, printed in colors. The Queen, with the ladies of her court. Rect., 4to, line. (2) Ann Bullen Queen of K. Henry VIII. I. Houbraken sculps. . . 1738.—Holben pinx. Folio rect. Fine large paper proof. Anne Bullen, etc. Harding Del.—W. N. Gardiner Sct 1790. 4to, stipple. | Anne of Denmark Queen of K. James I. Jacobus Honbraken sculpsit . . . —-C. Johnson pinx. Folio, line. Anne. Kneller pinx.—Honbraken sculp. 8vo. “tS 443.4 4435 4436 44:37 4438 44.38% 44:39 4440 44.4) (Alphonso King of Castile) Wittms Rogers Sculp. Whole length, in armor, to left, background of landscape seen through arch, vignette, 4to rect., etching. Fine impression of the scarce first state, with stamp of Ambroise Firmin—Didot. Ariosto. Lodovico, Jacopo Bernardi incise—Raff. Morghen diresse. Milano presso lo Stampatore Giovanni Cogliati. Lau- reated bust to left, rect., 8vo. Fine copy. —— Similar, Ermini dis:—A. E. Lapi ine: 8vo. (2) Dr Arne. Done from an Original Sketch by F. Bartolozzi. Pub? . . . May 10th,1782 by W™ Humphrey N° 227 Strand. Nearly three-quarter length, profile to right, at clavichord, rect. 4to, stipple. Fine impression in brown of a very scarce print. Colonel Arnold. Who Cemmanded the Provincial Troops sent against Quebec, through the Wilderness of Canada, and was Wounded in Storming that City, under General Montgomery. London, Published as the Act directs, 26 March, 1776, by Thos Hart.—89. Three-quarter length to left, bust to right, in uniform and cocked hat, left hand on hip, right hand pointing, city in background, rect. folio, mezzo. Brilliant impression. Fine copy. Excessively scarce. Colonel Arnold. Who -Commanded the Provincial Troops sent against Quebec, through the Wilderness of Canada and was Wounded in Storming that City, under General Montgomery. Publish’d as the Act directs 26. March 1776. by Thos Hart London. Close copy of preceding, first issue, before “ Joh. Martin Will excudit Aug. Vind.” Fine and very scarce. peint par Wilckenson a Boston General Arnold Qui avec le Général Gates aidoit a: envirofier le General Lieu-tenant Bourgoyne, que toute ]’Armée se rendit Prisoniere, et l’obligea de mettre bas les Armes. Se vend a Londres chez Thom. Hart. Half length; reduction of preceding without accessories, oval in rect., 4to, mezzo. Brilliant, large-margined copy. Very scarce. Arnold General dans ]’armée des Americains. ‘Three-quarter length, copy of the Hart, rect., 4to. Fine copy. Excessively scarce. Der Americanische Gener: Arnold. Half length, head to right, oval, in rect., 4to, etching. Le traitre Arnold enragé de se voir frustré | du prix de sa tra- hison par le Ministere qui | le traite comme un Enfant | A Paris | Whole length as a child, with a doll and riding a stick, vignette, reetl, 19:74x,2.5.) 1 Etching. In perfect condition. No other known. 4442 4.443 4444 4445 4446 4447 4448 4450 4451 General Arnold. From the European Magazine. 1783. 8vo. — Maj. Gen. Benedict Arnold. Engraved by H. B. Hall. (2) (Dr Arnold of Rugby) Painted by Thos Phillips, R.. A.—Pub- lished by J Ryman, Oxford, May 29th 1840. —Engraved by Henry Cousins. Three-quarter length, seated to left, in robes, rect., folio, mezzo. Superb proof before title. Arnold. Matthew Etched by Hollyer. Another, Engraved by J. J. Cade., Carbon print by Fred’k Hollyer, London. (3) Artists. Portraits of celebrated Painters and Engravers, pub- lished by Vignéres, Paris. Thirty-seven finely engraved portraits, in various states, many before all letters and on India paper, 12mo rectangles on large 4to paper. (73) Artois. Marie Therese Princesse De Savoye Comtesse d’, etc. A Paris chez Bligny, Lancier du Roi Cour du Manege aux Thuilleries. Bust to left, high head-dress, lace robe and scarf, oval, border, with laurel Brauches! over tablet with title on bases rect., 4to, line. Fine early proof, before ribbon and ring at top, reduction of oval and smaller publication line. Printed from two plates. Fine and very scarce. Same; ribbon and ring added at top, oval reduced, pub- lication line reéngraved in smaller characters. » Dédié et Présenté A Madame La Comtesse D’Artois Par sa trés humble et trés Respectueuse Servante fem. Ingouf. Gravé par P. C. Ingouf, d’aprés la Boéte ... Half length, with her three young children in circle, broad border, in elaborately deco- rated ornamental rect., small folio, line. Very scarce. Charles Asgill Capitaine des Gardes du Roi d’Angleterre. de Loraine del.—Chevillet Sculp. A Paris chés |]’Auteur rue des Macons. N° 14. Bust, in uniform and cocked hat, profile to left, oval in rect., 4to, ac Perfect copy ie an excessively scarce and most important Revolutionary portrait. He was near tae hanged in retaliation for Capt. Huddy, April, 1782. ACheee M. L’Abbé, Auteur des Fables Nouvelles, etc. Aubert. del.—de Lorraine Sculp., etc. Bust, profile to right, circle, in rect., 4to, line. Aubrey Sir John by Bartolozzi. Proof before all letters, oval in rect. 4to, stipple, fine and perfect. : ; 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4457 4458 4459 4460 4461 Audubon John J. Half length to right, in ge gown, oval in rect., small folio, stipple. India proof before all letters, excessively scarce. F. D’Avignon lith. Gallery of Illustrious’ Americans. Folio, oval. India proof. Bust to right, shirt open at throat, rect., line. India proof before letters. Bust to left, Nordheim sc. (3) Augier Emile. Bust, profile to right. Very beautiful modern photogravure in colors. Aumale. Henri D’Orleans Duc d’. Engraved by G. Staal. India proof. (2) Avery Samuel Putnam, A.M., Columb. President of the Grolier Club, ete. Artist’s signed proof on India paper, with remarque of Washington printed in red, of the etching by Thomas John- son, presented by friends on his eighty-second birthday. Babington John. On title-page to his Pyrotechnia Or a Dis- course of artificiall Fire workes, etc. Small folio. Jo. Droeshout scul. Bach Sebastian Haussmann pinx.—f. W. Nettling sc. 1802. Leipzig, bei Hoffmeister & Kiihnel. (Bureau de Musique.) Bust to left, circle, over vignette of Apollo with lyre, etc., stip- ple, 4to. Fine and very scarce. & Bacon. Sir Francis. Graveur, le papier de ce livre Ot Bacon a peint son scavoir, Aura sur le temps a pouvvoir, Quiil durera plus que ton cuivre. Crisp van—Pas. Jun. Fecit. Half length to left, left hand holding paper, oval, Arms, ribbon with motto “ Moniti Meliora,” etc., above, over tablet with title. 8vo. Fine copy; brilliant impression of an excessively scarce print. Similar, but with high hat. Hon™ Francisc Bacon, Baro de Verulam: Vice-Comes S¢ti Albani, Mortuus 9° Aprilis, Anno Diii. 1626. Annog. Aetat 66. Fine copy. Scarce. With stamp of Capt. A. Donnadieu. By W. T. Fry after Van Somer. 1817. From the large Lodge. Another, R. D’Elvaux fecit. Proof before title. 8vo. Delia Bacon, photogravure, 1888. 12mo. (3) Baillie William. Half length to front, broad hat with buckle, oval frame, curtain drawn by two children. Oblong small folio, rect., stipple. A very beautiful proof impression of his engrav- ing of himself, in bistre. Excessively scarce. 4462 4463 4464 4465 4466 4467 4468 4.4.69 44:70 44:71 4472 Jn Silvain Bailly. Président de L’Assemblée Nationale. etc. Sergent sculp. Collection Generale des... Députés... 1789. A Paris chez le Vachez, etc. Bust to left, oval, oak branches and ribbon, etc. Aquatint, rect., 4to. Very fine copy, printed partly in brown. Very scarce. —— Président de ]’Assemblée Nationale . . . 1789, etc. P. M. Alix. sculp. 1791. Collection Générale des . . . Députés . 1789. A Paris chez le Vachez . .. Bust to front, oval, ribbon,and oak branches, etc. Aquatint, rect., 4to. Fine and scarce. M. Bailly Présidt . . . 1789, etc. Verité Sul. A Paris chez Made Bergny . . « Bust, profile to left, oval in rect., stipple, 8vo. Printed in colors. The Oath in the Tennis Court, and a Detail, from David's painting. India proof etchings by David, oblong 4to. (3) Commodore Bainbridge. G. Delleker Sc. Avast! Boys She’s Struck! Bust to right, over crossed laurel branches, and ribbon with title. 4to. Brilliant impression, but lacks part of inscription. Excessively scarce. Henry Baldwin L.L.D. Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the U. S., ete. Engraved by J. Sartain, ete. Folio, mezzo. Scarce. Effigies Illustrissimi Dfii Caecilij Calvert, Baronis Baltemore etc. Abra: Blotling sculp. Small folio, rect., fine impression. Very scarce. Balzac Honoré de. Engravings by Lessore, Lemoine and Geof- fry. ; Balzac Jean Guez de.. Bust to left in the style of Claude 4 -Mellan. 8vo. Bancroft George. India proofs before letters. (2) Barbey D’Aurevilly Jules. Gravé par Ch. Gérard. 8vo, etch- ing. Two states. | (2) Barlow Joel. Le Barbier l’ainé del. 1793.—L. C. Ruotte sculp. 1793. Bust to left, oval, laurel branches, in rect., 8vo, stipple. Fine copy. Very scarce. Painted by R. Fulton.—Engraved by A. Smith A.R.A. Printed on celluloid. Illustrations to Columbiad engraved by Anker Smith, Schiavonetti, Neagle, Raimbach, etc. India proofs, folio (7). (8 ls Ee ee : 4 q 44°73 44:74 4475 44:76 4477 44:78 44°79 4480 4481 4482 4483 Barnard F. A. P. Eng. by E. G. Williams. 8vo. Col. Barré. Whole length etched by J(ohn) S(ayres) Pub- lished 17th June 1782 by C. Bretherton. 8vo. (2) James Barry Esq? R.A. Engraved by W. C. Edwards 1830. 12mo. Tho. Barry Manager of New York & Boston Theatres. En- graved by S. Hollyer . . . Artist’s signed India proof. Pri- vate Plate. (2) Francis Bartolozzi Esq' Ex Academia Regali Artium Londini. St Joshua Reynolds Pinxt—Robert Marcuard sculpt Pub4 . Jany 1. 1788 by Colnaghi & C° . . . Half length to right, pencil in hand, oval, folio, stipple. Fine copy, beautifully printed in colors. Very scarce. — P. Violet Pinxt—I. Bouilliard Sculpt Publish’d 1st July, 1797, . . . Bust, profile to left, oval, over tablet, etc., rect., folio, line. Brilliant proof before title. Very scarce. Francis Bartolozzi Esq?. R.A. W. Arlaud Pinx.—Pasterini & P. W. Tomkins sculp. London Published Feby 1st 1803, Three-quarter length to left, seated, sketching, rect., folio, stip- ple. Very fine etched letter proof. Francis Bartolozzi R,,A,, Bust, profile to right, 12mo, stipple. Bust by Scriven. Two copies. Bust by G. Dala. (4) Bartram Will. Engraved by T. B. Welch after C. W. Peale. India paper. Bartsch Adam de. . . . premier Garde de la Bibliotheque imp. et roy. de la Cour . . . Leybold sculpsit. 3 (2) Vera Effigies Richardi Baxteri Ministri Jesu Christi. R. White sculp. Small folio, rect. Fine impression. Farewell vain World! As thou hast been to me, etc. (eight verses). Half length to right, rect., 8vo. (by R. White). Fine copy. Another impression, cut close. Vera Effigies Richardi Baxter.— Bust to right, oval in rect., 12mo. From his Catechiz- ing of Families 1683. Bust in oval by J. Caldwell, 8vo, two states. | (4) Le Chevalier Bayard. N. Pinx.—A. de Marcenay Sculp 1768. 8vo. Bayly Richard. Lithograph. (2) 44.84 4485 44:86 4487 44:88 44.89 44.90 4491 4.4.92 44.93 4494 Lady Diana Beauclere. W. Greatbach, sculp. Bentley 1840. Large paper. India proof. Half length to left, proof before all letters, lithograph. (2) Christophe De Beaumont, Archevéque de Paris, ete. Hubert sculp. A Paris chés Esnauts et Rapilly, etc. 8vo, line. Fine impression. Tho: Becket, Arch Bp. of Canterbury, etc. Oval, 12mo. (2) wm Beckford of Fonthill. Engraved by T. A. Dean after Rey- nolds.. India proof before title, large paper. Bust, profile to right, J. Singleton sculp. (2) Nobilissima & Prudent: Do. Lucia Harin Com: Bedfordiae. Simon Passaeus sculpsit, L. Are to be sould in Popes head Ally by Joh: Sudbury & Geo: Humble. 8vo rect. Fine and scarce, from the Fontaine Walker collection. Francis and William, Earls of Bedford. Two small ovals in various states (5). (6) Beethoven Ludwig von, etc. Artaria & Comp. in Wien N° 1151. Bust to left, vignette, 4to. Fine and scarce. Mrs Aphara Behn, etc. London, Published by Robt Wilkinson, 53. Cornhill. 8vo, mezzo. Gov? Richard Bellomont. Proof etching by Chas. B. Hall. (2) Belloy Pierre Laurent De. Dessiné et Gravé par C. A. Littret en 1765, A Paris chez Bligny, etc. Bust, profile to right, circle, rect., 4to, line. Fine impression, Bembus Petrus. (Card!) Tizianus pinxt—A. Pasetti. Ven: del. —F. Bartolozzi sculp: Three-quarter length, profile to right, rect., 4to, stipple. Fine impression, printed in brown. Edward Benlowes, bust to left, 8vo. (2) Egbert Benson. Gilbert Stuart 1805.—Charles Burt. 1869. India proof on large paper; and a proof before all letters. (2) Béranger P. J. De, ete. Auguste Sandoz del.—Gustave Levy Sculpt 1855. Folio, oval. Small whole length, presentation India proof before let- ters ‘‘ A Mon Vieux Solle A. M. Monnier 1873.” (2) Berlioz. Auguste Hiissener sc. Bernadotte. Dessiné par J.. Guerin—Gravé par Elith G,, Herhan. Bust to right, oval, 8vo, stipple. A very beautiful print in brown. Sarah Bernhardt. E. Abot aqua f., 4to. (3) ee REE Oe ery ee Aes Oy Pal De ae Lee 4.495 44.96 4497 4498 44.99 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 Bernard Sir Francis. India proof before all letters with re- marque of seal of Club of Odd Volumes. Bernis Cardinal de. Bust, profile to left, oval. Engraved by Mme. de Pompadour after Guay. ; Ant. Fr. Bertrand De Moleville. Anthy Cardon sculpt. Walter Besant, by Hollyer, proof before title. Thomas Betterton, by Vander Gucht after Kneller, 8vo. (3) The Young Roscius. William Henry West Betty, etc. Pub- lished Dect 24th 1804, by B. Crosby & C° etc. Whole length, standing by table, 8vo. Master Betty’s Night. Finely engraved benefit ticket, 12mo. (2) Thomas Bewick. James Ramsay, Pinxt—Pub: By R. Turner - . . —F. Bacon, sculpt: Whole length, with stick, landscape background, 4to rect., India proof. JaS Ramsay Pinxt—H. H. Meyer Sculpt Bust to left, vignette, 4to. (2) Painted by JaS Ramsay—Engraved by Jn° Burnet. Pub Oct. 25. 1817, ete. Half length to left, rect., 4to India proof. Receipt to Geo: Harbottle for an Imperial copy of Esop’s Fables, signed by Thomas Bewick, with his own engraved thumb print. (2) Jonathan Bird, A.M. Bust, profile to left, oval, 2.11. x 2.2. Dry point etching. Believed to have been used as a book-plate. Of the very greatest rarity. Biron. Armand De Gontaut Seigneur et Baron De, etc. Ser- gent del'—1792—-Mde De Cernel Sculpt A Paris, chez Blin, etc. Bust to right, oval, 4to, aquatint. Beautifully printed in colors. Black William. Hollyer. On Japan paper. Bloomfield Robert. Engraved by B. Hall 1828. India proof. (2) Blair. The Reverend Hugh, D.D., ete. Raeburn Pinx.—F. Bartolozzi R.A. sculp. London, Published July 1. 1802, by Colnaghi & C°, ete. Three-quarter length to right, seated, folio, rect. Fine etched open letter proof. Blake William. Half length, seated, vignette, folio, line. Very fine proof before all letters of the scarce print by Schiavonetti after Phillips. . 4506 4507 4508 4509 4510 A511 4512 4513 4514 4515 4516 Blucher. Field-Martial, Secured the Liberty of Europe by de- feating Bonaparte 1814. Half length to right, seated, oval in rect., 4to. Very scarce. Boccaccio. Giovanni, etc. Luigi Agricola dis—Raffaele Sanzio d’Urb. dipin . . . —-Pietro Ghigi incise. In Roma presso Aga- pito Franzetti, etc. Laureated bust to right, vignette, folio rect., line. Fine, full margined impression. Very scarce. .Joannes Bocatius. ‘Titian Pinxit Petre de Iode fecit. A Bonenfant excud Cum Privilegio. Half length to right, rect., 4to line. From the collection of P. Mariette 1670. Messer. Giovanni. Boccacio, etc. Laureated bust, profile to right, circle, oak leaf frame, etc., rect., 4to, line. (2) Bodonic. Joanni Baptistae, Cath®?® Maj!s Typographo Nemini in Arte secundo FranUS Rosaspina hanc illius imaginem a se exsculptam aere Amicus Amico. Half length to left, rect., 8vo, etching. Printed in brown. Fine and scarce. Bodmer Joh. Pfen ad vivum. 12mo. Boehm Andreas, —gest. von D. Chodowiecki. 12mo. Boissy D’Anglas. Brea pinx.— H. Lips sculp. 12mo. (3) Boileau. Nicolas St Despreaux. A. Bouys pinx. et Scul.—Se vend a Paris rue Coquillere au Tems. Half length to right, rect., small 4to, mezzo. Fine impression. Very scarce. / Fran. de Troy: pinxit—P. Drevet sculpsit. Au joug de la Raison (etc., four lines). Half length to left, hand holding cloak, rect., 4to, line. Fine impression. Scarce. Boileau. Né a Paris... 1711. A Sandoz. Full bust to right, oval, border, vine leaf decoration over emblems, rect., 4to, line. A superbly engraved and beautifully designed print, India proof. (de Boissieu Jean Jacques) I. I. DB. 1796. Half length to left, holding etching of cows, folio rect. Very fine impression, India proof. Bolivar Simon. Bust to right in uniform, 12mo. (N. Y. 1826.) Bolt Friedrich. Engraver. (of Washington, Hart 807) 8vo. Bonnard Bernard De. Gravé par N. De Launay. 12mo. Born Ignatius a.—Jacob Adam sculp. 1782. (4) (Bonheur Rosa) Half length to right, with palette, rect., 4to, stipple. ond eo RD Rg Ee eee ee ee I 4517 4518 4519 4520 4521 4523 4524 4525 4526 4527 (Boulogne) This is that Godfrey by whose valiant hand God forced from Saracens, the Holie Land. Guil:—Pass: fe. Half length to left, spear and shield, oval, palm branches, rect., 4to, line. Very scarce. Bossuet Jacques Benigne.—N. Ponce, sculp. From Les IIlus- tres Francais. Folio. Boswell. James, Esq? In the Dress of an Armed Corsican Chief, as he appear’d at Shakespeare’s Jubilee, at Stratford upon Avon September 1769. S. Wale. del.—I. Miller Se. (2) Botta. Carlo, Per Belloni—F. Zuliani in., creased. Bouvier. John, By T .B. Welch, India proof. Bowes. Andrew Robinson, Late Captain Stoney. ’ (3) Bourbon. Armand De, Prince De Conty Mort . . . 1666, ete. Vin. Vangelisty Sculp. 1776. Half length in armor, oval, rect., 8vo, line. Brilliant impression of an exceedingly fine and scarce print. Bourbon. Henry De, Prince De Conde Aet XVI. Orphelin delaissé (etc., four lines). Jacques Granthome fe. 12mo. Fine impression. cet oeil, ce front, ce traict, (etc., four lines). 12mo.. (2) Boyd Lieut Gen! Sir Robt K.B., ete. Caroline Watson sculpsit. 1785. 12mo. —— Same; proof before title. (2) Braddock. Gen. Copyright 1899, by W™ Sartain N. Y. En- graved by William Sartain New York. Profile to right in uni- form, circle, in rect., 8vo, mezzo. Four states; the print, India proof, signed India proof before engraver’s line, and cancelled plate. The only well engraved portrait obtainable. (4) (Brahms Johannes) T. J.(ohnson) Bust to right, vignette, folio, etching. Artist’s signed presentation proof before letters to Mr. Holden. Bradshaigh. Lady, by Caroline Watson 1804. 12mo. Brissot. Pasquin—Jones 1794. 4to. Bronté Charlotte. Richmond—Armytage. 12mo. Brooks. Nathan Covington, A.M. Miller—Horton. 12mo. (4) (Braithwaite Richard) Title-page to The English Gentleman. Spes in Caelis Pes in Terris. Ro: Vaughan fecit. Fine impression. Very scarce. Brant. Jos. Thayendanegea. Painted by G. Catlin, from the Original of E. Ames. India proof. _ The Mohawk Indian Warrior with his Tomax, Scalping- knife, ete. A Walker Del. et Sculpt 8vo. Brant John. Hoxie Pinxt—Parker Sculpt (3) 4528 4529 4530 4531 4532 4533 4534 4535 4536 4537 4538 4539 Braybrooke. Richard Griffin, 3™ Lord, I. Jackson Pinxt—E. © Scriven Sculpt Proof. Half length to front, 4to rect., stipple. Fine, large paper copy of the beautifully engraved and very scarce private plate. Brockwell Rev. Charles. Fac-simile reproduction of the mezzo. ; Published by The Pelham Club. Boston 1901. Folio. Broke Capt. Sir P. V. Engraved by W. Greatbach, Bentley 1836. India proof on small folio paper. (Captain of the Shannon. ) Brome. Alexander, Vera Effigies 1664. Carmina Desunt. D. Loggan fec. 12mo. Two copies. (2) Brougham Henry. Painted by T. Phillips—Engraved by S. W. Reynolds. 1820. Half length to front, folio rect., mezzo. Fine impression, open letters. Brougham John. Lith. by F. D’Avignon,.N. Y.—from Dag. by Meade Broth’s Whole length standing, hat in hand, resting on chair, folio. India proof presentation copy from the actor to Wardle Corbyn. Brown Charles Brockden. Engr. by I. B. Forrest. 8vo. An- other by H. B. Hall’s Sons. 8vo. Brown Hablot Knight, “ Phiz ” Etching by F. W. P(ailthorpe.) India proof before title. | Brown Dr John. Author of “ Rab and his Friends.” to. India proof before all letters. (3) Brown. John, Leader Of The Harper’s Ferry Insurrection. Nearly whole length, seated to front, vignette, folio rect., litho. An early and excessively scarce portrait. Published & Engraved By William Sartain, 728 Sansom St. Philad@ Half length to front, oval in rect., folio, mezzo. Fine impression of the best engraved portrait. John Brown Meeting the Slave-Mother and her Child on the steps of Charlestown Jail on his way to execution, etc. Pub- lished By Currier & Ives, .. . (Copyright 1863) ... 152 Nassau St New York. Small folio, rect., litho. Very scarce. Browne Charles F. “ Artemas Ward.” 8vo. Another; signed artist’s presentation proof by Samuel Hollyer. Browne Sir Thomas. 8vo. India proof before all letters. (3) Browning Elizabeth Barrett, two prints. Robert Browning, three prints, one on India paper. Richard Brownlowe by Tho. Cross, two copies. (7) . ee ee BEAT gr Oe ee ae 4540 4541 4542 4543 4544 4545 4546 4547 4548 4549 4550 4551 4552 Miss Brunton, in the Character of Horatio, in the Roman Fa- _ ther. R. Cosway R.A. del—F. Bartolozzi sculpx. A very beautiful little print; open letter proof. Bryant William Cullen. Copyrighted and Published 1899, by Jacques Reich, New York. Artist’s signed proof, ‘‘ From the copper,” on Japan paper, folio. Unfinished proof, uncleaned plate, by Thomas Johnson. 4to. Eng. by C. Burt, after a Photo. by Sarony. Fine proof before title on India paper. Similar; by Samuel Hollyer. Signed Artist’s proof before all letters, and an India proof before all letters. (2) Bust to left, aet. 40, after Morse. Artist’s signed proof before all letters. The Chappel print, India proof, title uninked. Folio. (2) Inman—Parker, for the “New York Mirror.” Proof before all letters of an early portrait on undivided sheet, etc. Banknote proof on India paper; and two others. G5) Georgius Buchananus Scotus. Aetat. 76. C. V. Sichem scul et excud. 12mo. Fine and scarce. Buffon George Louis A Clerc, Comte de. Drouais pinx. 1761. —I. Houbraken Se. 1774. 4to. Another, Pajou inv.—Martini Sculp. 4to. The etching of the Tony Johannot engraving. - 8vo. (3) Bulwer Lytton. Edward, Painted By D. Maclise, R.A.—En- graved by W. J. Edwards. 1853. Half length to front, left hand supporting head, oval, folio, India proof. Bust to front, vignette, stipple, 12mo. India proof ‘before all letters, by T. A. Dean, on folio paper. Another, D. G. John- son Sc. Gea (Bunyan John) Half length to right, eyes closed, head rest- ing on hand, death’s head to left, Christian above, folio rect., line. Fine copy. Excessively scarce. John Bunyan Minister of the Gospel at Bedford Dyed at Lon- don, etc. London Printed for William Marshall & sold at the Bible in Newgate Street. I. Sturt sculpsit. Bust to front, ornamented oval frame, in rect. small folio. Scarce. 4553 4554 4555 4556 4557 4558 4.559 4560 4561 4562 Ioannes Bunyanus, Evangelii Minister, etc. T. Sadler pinx.— I. E. Haid Se. 1783. Bust to front, oval in rect., 4to, mezzo. Fine impression in perfect condition. Very scarce. —— T. Sadler pinxt—T. Simpson sculpt London printed by W: Johnston, ete. Small folio, line. Another; Engraved by Wm Sharp, 1819. 4to. (2) Lieut Gen! John Burgoyne Col! of the 16th Regt of Light Dragoons & Governor of Fort William. Whole length, head to left, in uniform and cocked hat, baton in hands, vignette, rect., 8vo, line. Fine and spotless copy of the excessively scarce print from the “Hibernian Magazine,’ 1777. General Burgoyne. Bust, nearly profile to left, oval in rect., 8vo, line. From the “ Political Magazine,” Dec., 1780. Scarce. Whole length, profile to left, hat in left hand, right ex- tended. | J(ohn) S(ayres) f. Published 17th June 1789 by C. Brether- ton. Very scarce. General Burgoyne. J. Chapman se. Published as the Act directs March, 1. 1801. Bust to left, in uniform, etc., oval, 8vo, — stipple. Fine impression. General Burgoyne. H: Brocas S¢ Dublin. 12mo. General Burgoyne. Engraved for Murray's History of the American War. . The last two not good impressions. - (3) Burke Edmund, two portraits. Gilbert Burnet, I. Houbraken sculp. 12mo. Gov. W™ Burnet, India proof by Chas. B. Hall. ms, Burleigh W™ Cecil L@ From the Heroologia. Fine copy. (Burney Dt Charles) Sir Joshua Reynolds pinxt—F. Bar- tolozzi Sculpt Half length to front, in robes, holding music score, 4to rect. Brilliant proof before inscription, printed in brown. LExces- sively scarce. (Burns Robert) Painted by—Nasmith.—Engraved by John Zeitter. Published By Maxwell Dick; etc., London. Half length to left, oval, broad border, rect., folio, mezzo. ; Beautiful impression before title, date erased in publication line; otherwise perfect and with good margins. Excessively scarce. ba ia a, alia, Lee ig MAT Se a a ae Se MEN ee er LAO a 4563 4564 4565 4566 4567 4568 4569 4570 4571 4572 4573 Painted by Peter Taylor 1786—Engraved by I. Hors- burgh 1830 Edinburgh Published by Constable & C° June 1. 1830 ... London. Three-quarter length, broad-brimmed hat, seated on bank to left, small folio rect., line. . India proof before title. Fine and excessively scarce. Engraved by C. Warren 1820 after Nasmyth, 4to. India proof. Another similar India proof, -4to. By Jenkins with vignette of cottage, 8vo. By J. Moffat, N. Y. (1832). (4) Burr Aaron. Vice President of the U. S. 1802. J. Vanderlyn— J. A. O'Neill. 4to. India proof. Madam Widow of the late Aaron Burr Vice President of the United States—formerly Madam Jumel, folio, litho., inlaid. Scarce. €>) Butler. Samuel, G. Soest pinx.—G. Vertue Sculpsit. Folio rect., line. Scarce. Samuel Butler Esqr P. Lely pinxt—James Ross sculpt Three-quarter length to left, rect., 4to, line. Fine impression. Excessively scarce. Sam! Butler. 8vo mezzo. by Kyte, cut from the sheet of four. Two 8vo portraits in line. . (3) Samuel Butler, etc. P. Lely pinx. P. Lens delin. 1749— J. Nixon scul. 16mo rect., stipple and mezzo. Fine impression of an excessively scarce print; from the Fon- taine Walker collection. Mathew Byles A. M. Reproduction of the scarce mezzo., by The Pelham Club, Boston. 1901. Byron. The Right Honble Lord, Painted by R. Westall Esq? R. A.—London, Published July 15. 1815, by A. Molteno, 29, Pall Mall—Engraved by C. Turner Half.length, nearly pro- file to left, hand supporting chin, folio rect., mezzo. Brilliant impression of an excessively scarce print. W. E. West pinxit—I. T. Wedgwood sculpsit. Half length to length, folio rect. Four states of the plate, from the etching to the finished print, all on India paper. - (4) Painted by C. Holmes—Engraved by H. T. Ryall. 1835. Bust to left, vignette, with facsimile letter. Artist’s signed presentation India proof to Francis Graham Moon. 4574 4575 4576 4577 4578 4579 4580 4581 4582 4583 4584 Half length to left, folio rect., mezzo. | Artist’s signed proof on India paper, by William Sartain. Lord Byron, as he appeared after his daily ride at Pisa & Genoa. Cut In Paper By M's Leigh Hunt—Engraved By S. Freeman. Published by Henry Colburn, London, 1828. Sil- houette to left, 4to rect. India proof. Engraved by H. Meyer after G. H. Harlow. Cadell 1816. Folio. i (2) Lord Byron. Par Le Comte D’Orsay. F. C. Lewis, Engraver, etc., 1845. Folio, rect., mezzo., injured. India proof from a Sketch by D’Orsay 1823. India proof by HY Robinson after Westall 1829. 4to. By Rados after Bramati. 4to. Etching, proof on India paper by I. T. Wedgwood; and four others. (9) An impression, necessarily in reverse, printed from his coffin plate, folio. The Honble John Byron Vice Admiral and Commander in Chief of his Majesties Naval Forces in North America. Whole length to left, vignette, 8vo, line. From the “ Hibernian Magazine,’ 1778. Excessively scarce. Cabot. Sebastian, bust to front, by S. Hollyer. Artist’s signed proof. on India paper. NoS 1 and 44 of fifty copies. (2) Cagliostro. Comte de, etc. Fran’ Bartolozzi delint—Robt Saml Marcuard sculpt. London, Published Oct? 6th 1786, ete. Half length to right, head to front, oval, small folio, stipple. Fine copy. Scarce. Le Comte De Gagliostro Brion De la Tour Del.—dJ. B. Chapuy Sculp. A Paris chez Basset, etc. Bust to right, head to front, oval in rect., 4to. Fine.copy, printed in colors. Very scarce. Alexandre Comte De Cagliostro. Bust to left, beaded frame, over vignette of Embarquement du Comte de Cagliostro pour aller 4 Malte, rect. 8vo, aquatint. Printed in colors. Very scarce. Se Vend a Augsburg chés I. E. Haid. Circle, 4to, mezzo. F. Bonneville del. A Paris rue du Théatre FranS N° 4. Stipple, 8vo. Two copies. (3) Pour savoir ce qu il est il faudroit étre lui méme. 8vo, line. India proof from Versailles Gallery, gravé par Leclere. Ato. (2) ee ee eee ee TR IT ae ot ae ee me eh FT) > -- 4 ms = 5 é a > 4 - > G 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595 Cagliostro. Seraphinia Felichiani Comtesse de, A Paris chez Basset, etc. 4to, mezzo. Another, 8vo, mezzo. oy Calonne, Contréleur Général Des Finances, En 1787. Mme Le Brun pinxt—Levachez Sculpsit. Bust to front, circle over vignette Duplessi-Bertaux aqua forti, 4to, mezzo. Callotus, Jacob’ . . . Caleographus M Lasne .. . fecit. 8vo, line. (2) Ioannes Calvinus natus Novioduni Picardorum, etc. I. Covens et C. Mortier Excudit. Whole length to left, reading, folio rect., line. Fine copy. Scarce. Another issue, publisher’s line erased. Johannes Cal- vinus, etc. R. Houston Fecit. Printed for H. Parker, etc. Small folio rect., mezzo. Johannes Camblius, folio, mezzo. S. Walch fecit. G3)- William Camden Clarenceux Obijt A° D. 1623, etc. M. v. Gucht Sculp: Bust to right, oval frame, angles with Arms and ornaments, over Arms with motto, ‘“‘ Pondere Non Numero ”, in rect. 8vo, line. Brilliant impression. Scarce. Camden Lord. Engraved by E. Bocquet after Reynolds, 4to. Campbell, George D. D. Engraved by Caroline Watson. 4to. Fine proof, dated Jan. 1. 1798. Same, print state, dated Nov. 25. 1798. ES (Campbell. Thomas, the Poet) Painted By Sir Thomas Law- rence.—Engraved By Samuel And Henry Cousins. London Published March 1, 1834, etc. Nearly three-quarter length to right, seated, folio rect., mezzo. Brilliant proof before title of a very scarce print. Campbell Thomas Esqr¢ | Painted by James Lonsdale.—En- graved by S. W. Reynolds. Proof. London. Published May. 19th 1826, ete. Nearly three-quarter length, seated at library table, pen in hand, circle in rect., folio, mezzo. Beautiful open letter proof in fine condition. Very scarce. Campbell Thomas 1841 Engraved by Edward Finden. Lon- don John Murray 1841. Rect. 4to, stipple. India proof. Five small prints; two proofs on India paper. (6) Caner Reverend Henry. Reproduction of the scarce mezzo. by The Pelham Club. Boston. 1901. Canning Rt. Hon. George. A. Wivell—F. C. Lewis. Ato. India proof. Antonius Canova T Merz ad viv: del: & sculps. 4to, line. Fine proof. Another, from the Versailles Gallery. Gravé par F. Weber. 4to. India proof. (3) 4596 4597 4598 4599 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4605 The Portrait of Anibal Caracci, Drawn by himself. F. Bar- tolozzi scolpi in Londra 1761. 4to, printed in brown. Alice Carey. India proof before all letters of the Chapel print. (2) Carleton. General Sir Guy, Bust to right, circle, ribbon above, over base with title, rect. 8vo, line. Brilliant impression of the very scarce “ Hibernian Magazine,” August, 1782, print. Carlyle. Thomas, Drawn On Stone By J. H. Lynch.—After A Daguereotype.—M. & N. Hanhart Lith. Printers. Bust to left, vignette, folio. Fine India proof of an early and very scarce print. Proof before all letters, 4to rect., drypoint etching. Seven different portraits. (8) (Caroline Queen of George IV) Her Royal Highness Caroline of Brunswick Princess of Wales London, Published as the Act directs Jany 7th 1796, by P. Molinari, ete. Full bust, profile to left, oval beaded frame, crown and three feathers above, Cupids with torches and garlands at sides, 4to, stipple. A beautiful print, in brown, in the style of Bartolozzi. Very scarce. ; . Half length to right, turban with aigrette, oval, Ato, stipple. Spotless proof before all letters, beautifully engraved. Queen Caroline Engraved by R. Page, etc. 1820. (2) Carter. Eliz. Nat. 16 Dec: 1717.—Ob. 19 Feb: 1806. Thomas Lawrance delt 1788.—Caroline Watson . . . sculpt Published ... Apr. 4. 1808, ete. Half length, seated, to left, oval, small folio, stipple. Fine copy. Scarce. Cartwright. W™, Bust to right, head leaning on hand, two rows of books above, verses below. P Lombart, sculp. A London. 8vo, line. Scarce. Carver Capt” Jonathan, From the Original Picture in the pos- session of J. C. Lettsom M. D. Published . . . by R. Stew- art . . . Nov’ 16,1780. Bust, profile to right, oval, 8vo, mezzo. Superb impression of an excessively scarce and important Amer- ican item. Katherine Of Arragon. First Queen Of Henry VIII. W. Greatbach sculp after Holbein. 4to. Two others, small folio, by Vermeulen and Bouttats. ” (3) 4606 4607 4608 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 (Catharine of Braganza) The true Portraiture of the Infanta Dona Catharina Sister to Don Alfonso Present King of Por- tugal taken from the Originall. As it was presented to Don Francisco De Mello Embassador of Portugal in London. R. Gaywood fecit. Bust to front, oval, 8vo, etching. Fine and perfect impression. Very scarce. Catherine II. Empress of Russia, etc. Painted ... by Ros- selin—Boydells excudit 1787—-Engraved by Caroline Watson, etc. Published Sept® 18t 1787, etc. Three-quarter length, seated to left, diadem and laurel crown, ermine robe, crown and sceptre on table, oval, folio, stipple. A brilliant impression of a beautiful print. C. Boily del. et scul. Bust, profile to right, circle in rect., 12mo, line. Another, etching proof, 4to. (2) Cellini Benevenuto, Giorgio Vasari dip.—Samuele Jesi dis. e inc. 1825. Firenzi presso Luigi Bardi e C° Borgo degli Al- bizzi N° 460. Half length to left, rect., 4to. Brilliant impression. (Beatrice Cenci) Half length to left, head looking over shoul- der, 4to, rect. Fine proof before all letters of a beautiful line engraving after Guido Reni. Cessart. Louis Alexandre De, Inspecteur Général des Ponts et Chaussées, etc. Bouché del.—B. Roger Sc. 4to. Chamberlayne William. Engraved by C. Rolls 1820 after a Print by Hertocks. 4to. India proof. Champcenets Mme. Greuze Pinx.—Morse Se. Gazette des Beaux Arts. 4to. India proof. | (3) Channing, William E., D.D. Painted by Chester Harding.— Engraved by W™ Hoogland. 1839. Half length to left, in robes, folio, line. S. 1418. —— S. Gambardella 1839.—J. Horsburgh. 8vo. India proof. Bust to front, background to oval. Proof on India paper, before all letters, of the Kimberly and Cheney 12mo. (2) Chapin Rev. E. H. C. Hahn—Lith. by I. Pollak & C° 104 Beekman St N. Y. Half length to left, vignette, folio. India proof. Lith. of Sarony & Major, New York. Bust to right, vignette, oval, folio. Four small portraits. (5) 4616 4617 4618 4619 4620 4621 4622 4623 4625 4626 Chapman. Nathaniel M. D. Professor of the Institutes & Prac- tice of Physic & Clinical Practice in the University of Penn- sylvania, etc. Copyright 1831. Folio, rect. | Early and undescribed state, with, word “ Proof”, of S. 1599. In fine condition. (Charles I of England) The Highe & Mightie Pr. Charles Pr. Of Wales D. Of Corn. Fra. Delaram Sculp. Half length to left, oval, border with title, angles decorated, over Arms and title, 8vo, line. Brilliant impression of a very scarce print. —— Another copy, fair impression. Illustris: Carolus Princeps Walliae Dux Cornw: Eborac: ete. Crisp: de Pas excud. Bust to front, oval, border with title, over four Latin verses, rect. 8vo. Brilliant impression of a very fine and scarce print. Another copy. » Le General Gates, qui 4 environné et fait Prisonier le General Lieutenant Burgogne, avec toute son Armée en Amerique. peint par Thomlinson a Nouvelle York. Se vend a Londres chez Thom. Hart. Half length to left, in uniform, oval, marbled background to rect., 4to, mezzo. Perfect example of a very scarce print. Gates, Général Américain. Gates, Americaansche Generaal. Half length to right, in uniform, oval, ribbon over base and title, in rect., 16mo, line. Perfect copy of an excessively scarce print. le Général Gates chef de Armée Américaine, qui fit Capituler le Général Burgoine au Camp de Saharatoga le 16 8>r€ 1777. Des- siné et gravé par Dupin. A Paris chez Esnauts et Rapilly, etc. 4to, line. Brilliant impression of the early state. The Honble Horatio Gates Major General of the American Forces. Whole length, 8vo, from the “ Impartial History.” Le Général Gates, Chef de l Armé Anglo-américaine. Desrais del a Paris chés Esnauts et Rapilly, ete. 4to, line. Scarce. Gilbert Stuart—J. A. O’Neill. Oval, mezzo., India proof before inscription. Gautier. Theophile, etched by Bracquemond, 4to, proof before all letters. Etched by H. E. Lessore 1879, 8vo; and two others. Gavarni by E. Boilvin, 8vo. (5) Genlis. Comtesse De, Peint par M™¢ Cheradame.—Grave par F. Lignon. Sc Vend a Paris, chez Bouton, etc. Rect., 4to. Two states, the print and a very fine etched letter proof. (2) Engraved by Caroline Watson, 1809. 4to. Mme de Gen- lis 4 80 ans, Coupé sc. 12mo. Ct& de Genlis by Jules Porreau 1847, and M™e Geoffrin by Forssell. (4) Giorgius Primus D. G. Magnae Britanniae etc. Rex. B. Picart del. et scul. 1716. 4to. Another by R. Woodman 1831. 8vo. (2) George II. Tho’ Worlidge Fecit 1753. 8Vvo. Inscription in hand of DuSimitier ‘‘ This piece has been bought in London in January 1765 for half a Guinea” — Another, Nixon Del. et sculp. cut to oval. C2) His Most Gracious Majesty George The Third. Engraved by Hewitt, 84, Charlotte Str, Fitzroy Sq® 1816. Bust, to left, in uniform, circle, in centre of Perspective Chronology of his Reign. Folio, original coloring. His Majesty George 34 King of Great Britain. Wezell pint— B: le Clair inct London, Pub4 Feby 34 1791 by Molteno Col- naghi & C° ete. 8vo. Very beautifully printed in colors, very scarce. 4944 4945 4946 4947 4948 4949 4950 4951 4952 4953 4954 4955 George the Third. King of Great Britain. Dighton del— Newton Sculp. 1801. 8vo. Brilliant print in colors, scarce. Farmer George & his Wife. 12mo. : The excessively scarce caricature, colored aquatint, by Gilray. George the IIItd aged 72 1800 etc. Taken at Windsor by R. Dighton. 4to. Whole length, colored. Georgius Tertius. John Bacon 1778—Engraved by S. W. Rey- nolds—1820. Small folio rect., mezzo. Engraved by D. Orme 1812. 8vo, stipple. Two copies; and an India proof before all letters, when old and blind. (3) —— Engrav’d for the Grand. Mag. etc. 1760. 8vo. Engrav’d by John Keyse Sherwin, etc. 1774. 4to. , 2) George (IV) Prince of Wales. P. Violet pinxt 1791—F. Bar- tolozzi sculpst. Bust, to front, broad brimmed hat, order, circle. 8vo. Printed in brown, fine and scarce. George IV. Engraved by E. Scriven 1831. 4to. India proof. —— Small profile in radiating star, Tho’ Wright sculpt 1830. The Rose Shamrock & Thistle. with “ Profiles of Eight 29 Illustrious Personages ”’ scarce. (3) Michel Gerard. Député. FF. Bonneville del. Sculps. 4to. Gessner. 12mo, proof. Gen. Aquila Giles by St Memin, modern impression. Edward Gibbon. Brandoin del.—lith. de C. Con- stans. 4to. India proof, scarce. | (4) Gibbon. Edward, Sir Joshua-Reynolds—S. W. Reynolds, 1820, brilliant original impression. Engraved by W. Holl, India proof from L. P. Knight. Edward Gibbon Esq Heinr. Schmidt sc 1796—J A Darmstedt direx. printed in bistre. 8vo. A sil- houette, taking snuff. 8vo. (4) (Gibson Mrs. Cecilia) Tho’ Engleheart pinxt—Frans Barto- lozzi Sculp. Publish’d as the Act directs Oct" 18t 1783 by Anthy Molten. Nearly half length to left, oval, printed in brown. A very lovely portrait, a brilliant and perfect proof before title, and excessively scarce. | Gillray. M? James, From a Miniature painted by himself & En- graved by ChaS Turner. 1819. Half length to left, oval in rect., mezzo. Scarce. | Engraved by Jos. Brown. Bentley 1848. India proof on folio paper. (2) Ue ee 4957 4960 4961 4962 4963 4964 4965 4966 4967 4968 Robert Gilmor Esq? of Baltimore and Mrs Robert Gilmor. Painted by Sir Thos. Lawrence—Engraved by John Sartain. Small folio rectangles. Private plates, presentation copies to Col. Trumbull from R. Gilmor. OER) Girardet. Abraham, Pierre Adain sc. 4to. Christoph Gluck. Ried sc. 4to. Another, Aug. de St Aubin del. et sculp. ann. 1781. William Godwin, engrav’d by Roberts. (4) Godolphin. Mrs. Engraved by W. Humphreys. 1847. The print 12mo, and a fine L. P. proof before all letters. (2) (Godoy) Emmanuel P¢e de la Paix. Dessiné par Belache.— Gravé par Canu. Half length to right, book under left arm, rect., 4to. Very beautifully printed in colors. D® Goldsmith. M? Bunbury delint—J. Bretherton fecit. Bust, nearly in profile to left, rect., 4to. Very scarce. Sir Josh Reynolds—S. W. Reynolds. 1835. Rect., mezzo. 4to, and two small prints. Francis Goldsmith, 12mo. (4). H. Goltzius. Sculptor. Et. Pictor Aet. LIX ete. T. Schrevelius. 1617. 4to. — The set of twelve Apostles, published by Moncornet. 4to. Goncourt. Edmond et Jules, signed proof on Japan paper by Loys Deltail, proofs by Varin on India paper and Descaves on Japan paper. (5) Lord George Gordon, President of the Protestant Association. etc. Drawn from the life by R. Braw. Published Augt 4, 1780. Whole length, standing, encampment in background, folio rect., line. Very scarce. Gordon. Lord George, from “ Westminster Magazine” 1780, and a small mezzo, medallion. Antoine. Joseph. Gorsas. F. Bonneville sculp. 8vo. Louis Gougenot. Dupuis sculp. 4to. (4) Grafigni Mme De. Levéque sculp. 4to. By N. De Launay. 12mo. Mrs Anne Grant by W. T. Fry 1815, folio. Ctss de Grignan by Roger. 12mo. By Aubert. 12mo.; and an India proof from the Petitot series. (6) John A. Graham Esq? L. L. D. etc. W. Wood pinxt—W. Evans sculpt 1797. Brilliant proof before letters but cut to oval. 4969 4970 4971 4972 4973 4974 4975 4976 4977 4978 4979 4980 4981 4982 Granger. The Revd Mt James, P Falconet del. 1768. D. P- Pariset Sculp. 4to. Fine impression, with full margins. —— Another copy; and by Gul. Wynne Ryland 1775. 8vo.. (2) Proof before all letters, N° 1, of the mezzotint by S. Arlent Edwards. Grant. Ulysses S. Lith. & Pubd. By Kimmel & Forster etc. folio; and a bank note proof on India paper. 12mo. (2) Gravelot. Hubert, la Tour Pinx.—J. Massard. Sculp. 4Ato.. Fine proof before publication lines, deckle edges. — A Paris Chés ]’Auteur etc added. Two copies. (2) Gray. Thomas, From the Original . . . Pembroke Hall Cam- bridge. R. Pollard Sct 4to. Two copies, one slightly imperfect. (2 Even in our ashes live, etc. T. Gray. H. Adcock sce. London, William Pickering, . . . 1837. India proof. — The unfinished etching, probably unique. (2) Thomas Gray, ann. aet. XV. etc. Engraved by J. Hopwood. 1814. India proof on 4to paper. Very scarce on India paper. —— The unfinished etching, probably unique. (2). Mr Gray. Publish’d According to Act of Parliament March 1St 1775. W. Mason & B. Wilson Vivi memores delineavere. Engrav’d by James Basire. Bust, profile to left, in oval, laurel branches. 4to. The unfinished etching, probably unique. This is the most important pair of the three. (2) A duplicate of the print, and two stnsalog profiles by I. R. Smith and W. Doughty. ( Mr Gray. from a Drawing by M™ Mason. W. Henshaw Sct Bust, profile to right. Vignette, in rect. frame. 12mo. Etching. Excessively scarce. Eccardt pinxt—Heath Sculpt 1798. 4to. Engraved by Caroline Watson 1808. 12mo. Two copies. Three small prints, monument and tomb. (8) Greeley. Horace, Engraved by J. C. Buttre. India proof on folio paper. Horace Greeley, M. C. S. Wallin Del—I. H. Richardson Se N. Y. Copyright 1849. A very early and scarce wood-cut portrait. (2) eS ee Sad 4983 4984 4985 4986 4987 4988 4989 4990 4991 4992 4993 Nataniel Greene Major General in the American armies a Patriot a Hero and a Friend. Peale Pinxit Philadelphia. Chevillet Sculpsit. ete Small folio. Beautiful impression with fine margins. Very scarce. H. Wme Green. Major Géneral Commandant les Armees des Etats unis de l’Amérique. A Paris chez Mondhare rue St Jacques. Bust, in uniform, to right, with drawn sword, oval, laurel festoon etc. above, war emblems and tablet below, in rect. 8vo. Of the greatest rarity. Greene Major Gen! Jas. Neagle Sct Philad® 1819. 8vo. S. 2298. Bank note proof on India paper; and scene with Mrs. Steele by C. Burt. (3) Green. Valentine, Engraved by Freeman 1809. 8vo. Thomas Grenville and W™ Wyndham Lord Grenville by T. A. Dean. India proofs. 4to. Grace Greenwood by W. G. Armstrong. India proof 4to. (4) Grétry A. E. M. Dessiné et Gravé par son Ami Moreau le Jne A Paris chés |’Auteur etc. 4to. Grimm Le Baron de, Lecerf sculp. 8vo. Francis Grose, Dance—Bartolozzi. 4to. Two copies. (4) Sir Charles Grey, K. B. Painted by T. Lawrence—Published ... 29 May 1797,—Engraved by J. Collyer. Three quarter length to left, in uniform, folio rect., stipple. Etched letter proof, but cut close to title. (Grolier Club) Photogravures by Hollinger of W™ Loring An- drews, Samuel Putnam Avery, John Bigelow, Dt Fred. A. Castle, Beverly Chew, Alext W. Drake, Walter Gilliss, Wm F. Have- meyer, Daniel Huntington, Joe Jefferson, Geo. F. Kunz, Henry G. Marquand and F. Hopkinson Smith. (13) Grotius Hugo, with vignette of his escape. John van Oldenbar- neveld, with vignette of his execution. J. Buys delin—R. Vin- keles Sculp. Prints, and proofs before titles of each. 8vo. (4) Guérin, graveur. 4to. Aquatint. M. Guizot: C. Cook se. Bentley. 1848. India proof on folio paper. J. I. Guillotin, F. Bonneville sculp. Two copies. Francois de Guise. India proof. (5) Gulliver, Captain Lemuel, of Redriff. Two small prints. (2) John Guttemberg of Mentz a City in Germany, The first in- ventor of Printing Ano Dom 1442: etc. P. Stent Excudit:— R Gaywood fecit. Sould by John Overton at the white-horse neere the fountaine tavern without Newgate. 4to. Of the very greatest rarity and importance. 5018 A Hamilton. L. W. Gilbs, pinx—W. J. Jackman, sc. 8vo. Two states, both on India paper. (2) 5019 Hamilton (Alexandre) India proof from Versailles Gallery. An India proof before all letters, 4to. A bank note proof on India paper; and a print by J. Rogers. (4) 5020 View Of The Spot Where Gen. Hamilton Fell, At Weehawk. ainted by J. Ward.—Engraved by C. Ward. Printed by J. Neale Oblong folio rect., aquatint. | Fine original coloring, Stevens castle and New York City in background, of the very greatest rarity and unrecorded. 5021 Consecrated to the Memory of Gen. Alexander Hamilton. I. Scoles, sculpt Oblong folio rect. Two copies, one on India paper, modern impressions. S. 2833. (2) 5022 Hamilton. William Duke of, R. White sculp. Small folio. Sir Wm Hamilton K.B. from European Mag. 1784. 8vo. Handel Commemoration medal by Bartolozzi, 1785. 4to, stained. (3) 5023 (Lady Hamilton) Cassandra. Engraved by Caroline Watson, 1809. ; 5024 —-— Miranda. 5025 —— Sensibility. | . All three of these very beautiful stipples by Caroline Watson are brilliant original impressions, and in fine and perfect con- dition, except that the publication line of Miranda has been slightly clipped. 5026 The Honble John Hancock. of Boston in New-England; Presi- dent of the American Congress. Done from an Original Picture Painted by Littleford. Ioh. Lorenz Rugendas Sculps. et excud. Aug. Vind. Three quarter length, to right, standing, right hand in pocket, left hand holding letter, curtain in background. Folio rect., mezzo. . Fine impression, with full margins, of the scarcest portrait. 5027 The Honble John Hancock. of Boston in New-England; Presi- dent of the American Congress. Done from an Original Picture Painted by Littleford. London, Published as the Act directs 25. Octot 1775. by C. Shepherd. Three quarter length, to left, etc. Folio rect., mezzo. 5028 The Honble John Hancock. | of Boston in New-England; Presi- dent of the American Congress. | Done from an Original Picture Painted by Littleford. | London, Published as the Act directs 25 Octot 1775 by C. Shepherd. | Full bust, to right, oval, with broad border cut by rectangle, 12.8.x 9.14. Mezzo; Brilliant impression, excessively scarce. J.C. S. p. 1715 N° 5. Framed. ee “— a 0 Ot oo EEE eee 5029 5030 5031 5032 5033 5034 5035 5036 5037 5038 5039 5040 4 . Copy of the above, N° 1 of 30 signed artist’s proofs, by J Percy Sabin. John Hancock Esq? President of the American Congress. From an Original Picture Painted at Boston. Reduced copy of the Shepherd. 8vo, mezzo. Front. to; The ‘“‘ Monthly Museum, ete.’ Vol. I. London 1776. Uncut. Of the greatest rarity. Iean Hancock. President au Congres des XIII. Provinces unies d’Amerique né 4 Boston. peint par Jean Wilckinson a Boston Se vend a Londres chez Thom. Hart. Bust, to right, oval, mar- bled background to rect., 4to, mezzo. Fine copy, full margins, very scarce. His Excellency John Hancock Esq? late Governor, and Com- mander in Chief of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Sey- mour, delin, sculp. Bust, to left, oval, under laurels and draped ribbon, over arms and inscription. Folio rect. Excessively scarce. S. 2871. Le President Hancock. De Voorzitter Hancock. Bust, to right, oval, border, ribbon above, over base with title, in rect., 16mo, line. One of the scarcest portraits; in fine condition. Le Celebre Hancock President Du Congres Anglo-Ameriquain A Paris chez Esnauts et Rapilly, etc. 4to. Fine impression. J. Hancock J. Pelicier. Sculp. 1782. 8vo. John Hancock, Esq.; President of the American Congress. 8vo. From the ‘“ Impartial History ’’; Two copies. (2) Admiral Sir Charles Hardy. Commander in Chief of the Grand Fleet. 8vo. From the ‘“ Hibernian Mag.” 1779., the face slightly injured. Bust, to left, etched by ChaS B. Hall. India proof. (2) Harrington. James, P. Lely pinxit—M. Vander Gucht. seul: Small folio. Harrington. John, R. Elstrack Sculpsit. Half length, to left, oval, cock and lion supporters, Arms in upper angles, rect., small 4to. A fine original impression and a modern copy. (3) Harris. James, MDCCLXXVI_ F. Bartolozzi del. et sculp. 8vo. Three copies. (3) Harrison. Benjamin, 8vo, mezzo. by Max Rosenthal. William Henry Harrison, bank note proof on India paper. Bret Harte _ by H. B. Hall. 8vo. (3) 5041 5042 5043 5044 5045 5046 5047 5048 5049 5050 5051 5052 5053 Hastings. Warren, Esq? George Stubbs pinxt—Geo: Townly Stubbs sculpt ete. London, Published April 30. 1795, ete. Bust, to left, high hat, oval in rect., 4to, stipple. Open etched letter proof of an unusually fine print. Hastings M's W. Greatbach sc. Bentley 1841. India proof on folio paper. Two small prints of Marg. Hastings; and two of Warren Hastings. (5) Hawke. Lord, Painted by Coates—Engraved by F. Bartolozzi. June 14, 1796. — Same; proof before title and with date; Jan'y 1796. (2) Another copy of the early state, large paper, in perfect condition and a brilliant proof. Hawkins. Sir John. 8vo. From the Heroologia. An unusu- ally fine impression. Hawthorne. Nathaniel, (about 1862). Henri Lefort delt et se. 1895. Folio rect. Artist’s signed proof, with remarques and title in red, on Japan ' paper. Etched by Thomas Johnson. Artist’s signed proof before all letters, N° 1 of 52 on India paper. Proofs before letters by Schoff and Wilcox. A small rect. The Manning House. Residence at Concord, India proof; and “Homes and Haunts ’”’, (6) in wrapper. (14) And his wife. Etched by S. A. Schoff. India proofs before inscriptions, with title-pages of the L. P. copies of the Biography. ' (2) Another India proof before inscription of Mrs. Haw- thorne and India proofs before inscriptions of Daniel and Capt. Nathaniel Hawthorne. (3) Hayley. William, Romney—Caroline Watson. 4to. St John Hayward, by Will. Pass. 12mo. James Heath, engraver, 8vo, from “‘ Monthly Mirror” 1796. (3) Heath. Hon. William, H. Williams Pinx—I. R. Smith sculp. 8vo. Fine copy, very scarce. S. 2922. of 52 copies on India paper. Etched by Samuel Hollyer. Artist’s signed proof, N° 1 , 5054 5055 5056 5058 5059 5060 5061 5062 5063 5064 5065 (Heathfield Lord) General Elliot. 8vo. From the “ Hibernian Magazine” 1782. Scarce. Mr Henderson as Hamlet. 8vo. From same 1778. (2) The brave old Hendrick the great Sachem or Chief of the Mo- hawk Indians, one of the six Nations now in Alliance with, & Subject to the King of Great Britain. Sold by Eliz: Bakewell opposite Birchin Lane in Cornhill. Nearly three quarter length to left, upraised tomahawk in hand, landscape background. Folio rect., etching. One of the scarcest American subjects. Henrietta Maria Queen of Charles I. 4to, mezzo. Another, circle by Ravenet, 8vo; and Marie de Hautefort by Gaitte, 8vo. (3) Henriquel-Dupont. Louis Pierre, Dessiné par Paul Delaroche —Grave par Aristide Louis. | India proof before inscription, presentation copy; “ Dupont a son ami Raimbach ” Henricus II. D. G. Galliarum Rex, etc. 8vo. Henri ITI, three quarter length from Thevet, 1584. Folio. (2) Henri IIII par la grace de Dieu Roy de france et de Nav: Agé de 44 1597. Jean le clerc excu. etc. On horseback, rect., 8vo, line. Very fine impression. Scarce. Henricus IIII. Borbonius D. G. Franciae, etc. De Bon Roy Bon Heur Crisp. de Pas. fe. Bust, to right, in armor, oval, bor- der with title, angles with angels and emblems, in rect., 8vo. Fine copy of a scarce print. Henrik De Vierde, etc., eight lines in Dutch by A. Bogaart. Small folio. Bust, in armor, 12mo, by C. De Mallery. Scarce. (2) Peint par F. Pourbus, 1610—Gravé par f. Hubert 1789. Whole length, rect., 4to. Same portrait, Pauquet Pdor Del et sculp. India proof before inscription. Bust, to right, Gerard- Geraut. India proof. (3) Henricus. VIII Dei Gratia Anglia, etc.. Pet Iselburg Excudit 1646. 4to. Ugly, interesting and very scarce. Another, from the Heroologia, imperfect. 7 ca Henry, Prince of Wales, whole length in tilting armor with spear, from the Heroologia. Two copies. (2) Herbert. Henry W™ “ Frank Forester ” by Samuel Hollyer, Japan paper proof. Robert Herrick by E. Smith 1822. India proof from “ Effigies Poeticae.”” (2) 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 5073 5074 5075 5076 5077 Hesse. William IX regierender Landgraf etc., Bollner—Weise. Another, Tischbein—Weise. 8vo. Formed out his.soldiers to George III and was called the Cattle Dealer by Frederick the Great, who forced him to pay a cattle tax on those who crossed his dominions. (2) Hicks. Gulielmus, D: Loggan del: et seulp. 1658. 8vo. Hobbes. Thomas, Natus Malmesburiae d. 5 April. ete. Small 4to. (2) > Hobbes. Thomas, Ro: Vaughan sculp: 12mo. On title-page to Philosopicall Rudiments concerning Government and Civill Society. 12mo. Two states of the plate. (2) Hillsborough. The Right Honble The Earl of, London Magé Augt 1781. 8vo. Scarce. Hoffman. Matilda, J. A. J. Wileox sc. India proof. Ann Holme aet suae 77. Caroline Watson sculp. 4to. Private plate. (2) Hogarth. W™ Etch’d by Sam! Ireland. 4to. Engraved by J. Mollison. India proof from L. P. Knight. Another, Worlidge— Priscott, 1816, 8vo; and an India proof before all letters. 12mo. On folio paper. | (4) Hogg. James, W. N. ft 1817. 4to. India proof, and a signed proof before all letters by Samuel Hollyer. John Home, Esq? Engraved by Caroline Watson 1816. Folio from the Cadell series. (3) Holbein. Hans, R. Gaywood fecit, oval, 8vo. Ioannes Hol- benus, Basilensis. H.H. ex. 8vo. ae (2) Thomas Hollis late of London Mercht a most generous Bene- factor to Harvard College, ete. Copy of the scarce mezzo. by The Pelham Club. Boston 1901. Sam! Hollyer by himself. Artist’s signed proof on India paper. “ began work. 1846” (and still working). Two signed proofs of his ‘‘ Bookworm” and four signed proofs, one creased, of the Sulgraves and St Peter’s Church. (7) Holmes. Oliver Wendell, Artist’s signed proof on India paper by Thomas Johnson, N° 1 of 53 impressions. - proof before all letters (by J. A. J. Wilcox). Proof before title by W. G. Jackman. Three portraits various, one on — satin. And four illustrations. | (9) 5078 5079 5080 5081 5082 5083 5084 . 5085 5086 Homer. C. P. Marillier, Del—N. Ponce sculp. ete. 4to. —— Apud Card. Carpensem. 4to, and a bust from Lavater. (3) Hone. Philip. Remarque proof on Japan paper from Financial New York. Vice Admiral Lord Hood. J. Pass sculpt 8vo. Pietr Corneliszoon Hooft. J. Houbraken sculps. Small folio. (3) The Reverend William Hooper A. M. Minister of Trinity Church Boston, etc. Reproduction of the scarce mezzo. by The Pelham Club. Boston 1901. Admiral Hopkins Commandeur en Chef, de la Flotte Americaine des XIII. Provinces unies. peint par Wilckenson a Boston. Se vend a Londres chez Thom. Hart. Full bust, to left, flags in background, oval, marbled background to rect., 4to, mezzo. Full margin, very scarce. Hopkins, Commandant de la Flotte Américaine. Hopkins, Americaansche Vlood-Voogd. Half length, to left, oval, border, ribbon above, over base with title, rect., 16mo, line. One of the scarcest portraits. Hopkins Commandant En Chef la Flotte Américaine. Dupin sculp. A Paris chez Esnauts et Rapilly, etc. 4to. Commodore Hopkins. Pollard sc. Engraved for Murrays His- tory of the American War. 8vo. (2) Hopkinson F. H. Wright Smith sc. India proof. 4to. En- graved by J. B. Longacre, 8vo, inlaid. Jos. Hopkinson. Painted by T. Sully—Engraved by J. Sartain. 8vo. two copies, one on India paper. W. D. Howells, 12mo. W™ B. Hubbard. Small folio litho. by A. Newsam. (6) Hosack. D? David, etched by Chas B. Hall. India proof before title. Jacobus Houbraken, by himself 1770. 4to. Dr John Hough, Engraved by Caroline Watson, 1811. 4to. Arsene Houssaye, A. Riffaut sc. 4to. India proof. (4) Howe. (Augustus) Lord Viscount, from “ European Magazine.” 8vo. Howe. Commodore, (Richard) sold by J: Fuller. 8vo. Lord (Richard) Howe. W. M. Craig delt—I. Brown sept. 1815. to. (3) The Honble Sr Wm Howe. Knight of the Bath, & Commander in Chief of his Majesty’s Forces in America. Corbutt delin.— Se vend chez I. M. Will 4 Augsbourg. London: Publish’d as the Act directs, 10. Nov? 1778, by Iohn Morris, Rathbone Place. Three quarter length to right, in uniform, left hand on hip, right arm resting on wall, battery to right. Folio rect., mezzo. Brilliant impression, full margin, of an excessively scarce print. 5088 5089 5090 5091 5092 5093 5094 5095 5096 5097 5098 5099 5100 5101 Der General Howe Si la bonté nous trompe (etc., four verses, repeated in German) N° 33. Ioh. Martin Will exc. Aug. Vind. On horseback, sword in right hand, combat in background. Small folio rect., etching. Fine impression, perfect, and with full margins, and the scarcest — portrait. A Companion to Washington. Hart 726. Howell. James, C. Melan et Bosse sculp. rect., 4to, line. Whole length leaning against tree. Very scarce. Bust, to right, on title-page; Epistolae Ho Elianae, etc. Sold by Thomas Guy. F. H. Van. Hove. fec: 8vo. (2) Hugo. Victor, Etched by Samuel Hollyer. Folio. Signed Artist’s proof on Japan paper. Ad. Didier sc. 4to. India proof before inscription. By R. de los Rios on Japan paper. 4to. By Louis Monzies, proof before title on India paper; and five small prints. (8) Various. . (6) Various. : (7) Humboldt. Alexander von, Steuben pinxt—Forster sculpt 4to. Fine engraving. Hume. David, Engraved By Basire MDCCLXV. 4to. En- graved by W. Holl. India proof from L. P. Knight, and octa- gon, 4to, by Rosmisler. op9(8) Allan Ramsay pinxt—A. Smith sculpt 1806. Folio proof. Dessiné par C. N. Cochin le fils—Gravé par S. C. Miger en 1764. 4to, fine. Collyer sculpt 1788. Ato. : (3) Humphreys. Col. David. Bust, to left, oval, 12mo, stipple. Scarce, original impression. Humphry. Ozias, From an Original Portrait, ete. G. Romney pinxt—Caroline Watson sculpt Half length, in profile, to left. Rect., 4to. Brilliant impression, early state, printed in brown. Another, and later impression. (2) Hunt. Leigh, Engraved by H. Meyer after J. Hayter. @to. India proof. Two states of the Jackson-Freeman. 8vo. (3) H. Hunter. D. D. Bust, to left, oval, 8vo, stipple. By an un- known American engraver, with title-page of his translation of St Pierre’s “ Studies of Nature,” Worcester, 1797. ‘Two copies. | (2) Huntington. Daniel. India proof before all letters. ‘Ato. 5102 5103 5104 5105 5106 _ 5107 5108 5109 5110 5111 — §112 5113 5114 5115 5116 5117 Huntington. Samuel, India proof by J. C. Buttre, 8vo. Na- thaniel Hurd., Pendleton’s Lithography, Boston. 8vo. (2) SOCIETY OF ICONOPHILES Alexander Anderson, the First Engraver on Wood in America. F. S. King del. & sc. 1899. India proof, folio. Another copy. Amos Doolittle Engraver of the Battles of Lexington and Con- cord. F. S. King del. & sc. 1901. India proof, folio. Another copy. Hugh Gaine Printer & Bookseller. Engraved after Gilbert Stuart byeF. S. King; with a three-line autograph receipt for subscription to the “ Mercury ”’, in passepartout. Paul Revere. F. S. King del. & sc. 1899. India proof, folio. The scarcest portrait in the series. —— Another copy. — Another copy. Another copy. James Rivington. Printer and Bookseller. F. S. King del. & sc. 1901. India proof, folio. Another copy. Of the above American engravers and printers only 132 sets were printed. Portraits of Eminent Americans. Complete set of six, engraved by F. S. King, in wrappers as issued; Washington (Hart 175), with view of the Evacuation of New York; Lafayette with his Landing at Castle Garden, 1824; De Witt Clinton, with Erie Canal Celebration Water Parade off the Battery; Aaron Burr and Richmond Hill House; Alexander Hamilton and The Grange; and Adm. George Dewey, with the battle and arch. Only 120 sets were printed, 1899-1902. Another set. De Witt Clinton. —— Another copy. 5118 5119 5120 §121 5122 5123 5124 5125 5126 SRG 5128 5129 5130 5131 5132 5133 5134 Aaron Burr. —— Another copy. — Another copy. Alexander Hamilton. —— Another copy. Admiral Dewey. —— Ahbiter copy. -—— Another copy. Joseph Rodman Drake. Painted By John Paradise.—Engraved By Francis S. King. 1903. : . Fitz-Greene Halleck. Painted By Henry Inman—Engraved By Francis S. King. 1903. Only 103 impressions of each printed. Iffand. August Wilhelm, Gemahlt von F. J agemann—Gestochen von F. Muller. 4to. iy Finely engraved portrait of this celebrated actor. Inglefield. Captain, of the Centaur, wrecked in 1782. Engravd by B. Smith after Engleheart. 8vo. Joseph N. Ireland en- graved by J. C. Buttre. India proof. Fra. Rob. Ingouf jeune, graveur. Sisco sculpt (3 Irving. Henry, and Miss Terry in Faust and the Vicar. Signed proofs on India paper by Henry W. Batley, folio. (2) Irving. Washington, Esq Painted by G. Stuart Newton Esq? —Engraved by C. Turner, Mezzotinto Engraver, etc. Pubd April 11th 1825 .. . Folio. Fine open letter proof. Scarce. Same portrait, engraved in mezzotint by William Sartain. Artist’s signed proof, No. 1, on India paper. F. Sieurac pinxt—1824—J. T. Wedgwood sculpt Artist’s signed presentation proof before inscription; and the lettered print. 3 (2) E. Burney 1891 sculps. Vignette, 8vo, etching, on Japan paper. | A private plate issued for presentation to members of the Grolier Club for insertion in the “ Knickerbocker New York.” 5135 5136 5137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 5143 5144 5145 5146 5147 —— Another copy. —— Two copies. Various portraits, all proofs before letters; some on India snk (6) —— Various portraits (26) and illustrations (7). (33) Isham. Thomas, de Lamport in Comitatu Northamptoniae, ete. D. Loggan and Vivum delin 1676. Bust to right, oval, over Arms, in rect., folio, line. Fine copy of a beautiful and excessively scarce print. Italian Engravers. Whole length portraits of Mascagni, Pichegru, and others by Rados, Sasso, Bonatti, etc. (15) Jackson. Andrew. Line, rect., three-quarter length, seated in library, head to right, drawn curtain, books and column, border 12-16. 17.8.x 14.13. Drawn, Engraved, and Published by,— Proof—O. H. Throop, Balt® Augt 25th 1828. | Andrew Jack- son. | Hermitage May 13th 1828 This is to Certify that I did sit to Mt O. H. Throop, on the 12th inst for my Likeness. | Andrew Jackson. | S. Sands, Print® | Copy Right Secured. | Unknown and undescribed; repaired at bottom; otherwise a very fine copy. Jackson. Major Gen! Andrew, Wheeler Pinxt N. O.—Gimbrede sct, etc. Small folio. Unusually fine copy of an excessively scarce print. S. 1055. General Jackson. Defeated 8000 British at New Orleans 1815. Aquatinted by—W. Strickland 4to. Good impression, but lacks one line of inscription. S. 3048. ° General Andrew Jackson. Painted by Vanderlyn.— ... En- graved by Medairy & Bannerman. Whole length, rect., 4to, line. Excessively scarce. Major General Andrew Jackson. President of the United States. Painted by Thos Sully, engraved by James B. Long- acre. Copyright 1820. Folio, rect. Fine impression, but needs ironing. S. 2012 II. —— The etching, unfinished. In fine condition. -— Drawn on stone by Lafosse after Brady’s Daguerreotype. Published by Goupil & C° Copyright 1856. Large folio rect., lithograph in colors. Fine impression of a scarce and attractive portrait. 5148 5149 5150 5151 5152 5153 5154 5155 5156 5157 5158 5159 Majr Gal Andrew Jackson Entered according to act of Con- gress Bust, in uniform, to front, oval, 8vo, stipple. Fine copy of a scarce print. Gen! Andrew Jackson. 1828. Protector & Defender Of Beauty & Booty. Orleans. Painted by J. Wood Engraved on Steel by C. G. Childs, Philadelphia. Fine copy of the scarce first issue. S. 347. —— Later issue; Fairman & Childs Se. S. 989. (2 In Memory Of Departed Worth. Gen. Andrew Jackson, etc. Published by Edw¢ P. Whaites, N° 1 Courtlandt Strt, ete. The excessively scarce mourning badge, on silk, with the crépe rosette still attached. Andrew Jackson. Busset et Laclotte—F. Cardon. Bust, in uniform, to front, hexagon, trophies, over vignette of battle of New Orleans, in rect., 4to, stipple. Fine copy of a scarce print. Hubard Del.—Childs & Inman LithTS 1833. Folio. In His Last Days, Engraved by T. Doney. Brilliant proof before inscription. S8vo. Early proof of the medal by Jacque- mart. Oblong 4to. And two others. (5) A La Memoire De J. M. Jacquard, etc. D’aprés le tableau de C. Bonnefond.—Exécute par Didier Petit et Cie Didier Petit Et Cie Lyon M.DCCC.XXXIX. Whole length to left, seated, woven in silk. Fine, spotless example. (James I) Jacobus D. G. Magnae Britanniae, etc. Rex. Anno 1613. Crisp Passaeus figur: sculp et exc. Half length to right, laureated, holding sceptre; the orb, encircled by garter, to right, top arched, folio rect. Fine copy of an excessively scarce and important print. Jacobus Primus, etc. Non Mihi Sorte Datum. Jacques Gran- thome sculp. Oval in rect., 12mo. Fine and scarce. Potentiss: Jacobus, etc. Jacobus de eerste, etc. Visseher excu. Fine impression. Serenissimus Jacobus VI Dei Gratia Scotorum Orcad. Rex. Bust to left, in high-crowned hat and feather, etc., two Latin lines below, oval in rect., 8vo. Fine and very scarce. —— Various portraits. (3) James (II) Stuart, Duke of York, as a young child, by Edward Smith after Vandyke, India proof before inscription; and let- tered print. 8vo. Jacobus. II., etc. S. Thomassin Seulp. to. (3) 5160 5161 5162 5163 5164 5165 5166 5167 5168 5169 26170 5171 5172 Jacquemart A. J. Jacquemart del. & sc. 8vo. G. P. R. James by J. C. Armytage 1847. 8vo. Jules Janin by G. Staal. 4to, on Japan paper. (3) Jana Graya Regia stirps, etc., from the Heroologia; and by R. Cooper, 1824, from the large paper Lodge. (2) John Jay. G. Fairman delt.—W. Hooker Sc. 8vo. Fine impression. Scarce. S. 1442. (Jeanne d’Albert.) Jana Elebreta Navarrorum Regina Henrici Borbonii eorumdam nunc Regis Mater. Half length to left, rect. 8vo. Engraved by Wierix; with stamp of Firmin—Didot. Fine and very scarce. Gravé a Genéve, par NS Schenker. 1822. 4to. India proof. Another, 4to, whole length. (2) Janet, pinx.—E. Radclyffe sc. Bentley 1847. India proof on folio paper. Two copies. (3) Jeanne d’Arc. A. de Marcenay de Ghuy Sculp. Brilliant proof before all letters of a beautiful and very scarce print. F. M. Queverdo del—De Latre sculp A Paris Chés Esnauts et Rapilly, etc. 4to. A beautiful copy. India proof from the Versailles Gallery. Folio. Gravé par N. Le Mire 16mo; and view of her execution. (3) Jeanne De Navarre, Reine De France Et De Navarre, etc. Sergent, delet Sculp 1783. A Paris chez Blin, etc. Aquatint, beautifully printed in colors. Thomas Jéfferson A Philosepher a Patriote and a Friend Dessiné par son Ami Tadée Kosciusko Et Gravé par M! Sokol- nicki. Laureated bust, profile to right, oval, folio, aquatint. Very beautifully printed in colors. The most desirable and scarcest portrait. Thomas Jefferson. | President of the United States. | (Twelve lines from Declaration of Independence) | Philadelphia Pub- lished by M. Carey N° 118 Market St Feb. 20th 1801. | Copy right Secured. | R. Peale Pinxt—C. Tiebout Sculpt| Rect., stipple. 10.15.x 8.12. S. 3182, first state. In old metal frame. Thomas Jefferson President of the United States. Whole length, with bust of Franklin, electrical apparatus, etc., folio rect., stipple. Engraved by Tiebout. Fine impression. 5173 5174 5185 5186 5187 —— Another copy. Thomas Jefferson. R. Peale Pinx.—J. Senn Sculps. Bust to right, rect., 16mo. From same source as the Washington, Hart 195. Excessively scarce. Framed. Thos Jefferson The Pride Of America. Des¢ & Eng? by T. Gimbrede N. Y., etc. Bust, profile to right, in clouds, with Minerva and Fame, oval, 4to, stipple. Of the very greatest rarity. S. 1058. Thomas Jefferson. Président des Etats unis de l’Amerique an 1801. Bouch delt—Deposé ...an 9.—Aug. Desnoyers Sculpt Folio. Fine copy. Very scarce. Jefferson. Dessiné par le Baron Desnoyers.—Gravé par De- quevauvillier. 4to, line. Brilliant early proof on India paper. Jefferson. Bust to right, vignette without background, circle of single line, 3. stipple. Fine copy, of the greatest rarity; similar to Washington, Hart 543. —— Artist’s signed proof, on rice paper; by Henry Wolf, folio. T. Jefferson. etc., bust in oval, 8Vvo. | From the “ Hibernian Magazine,’ 1801. Very scarce. T. Jefferson. B. Tanner sc. Published by M. Carey. 12mo. Two copies. S. 3094. | (2) —— Engrav’d by Harrison Jun™ 8vo. Scarce. S. 1288. Engraved by W. Holl after the print by Desnoyers. India proof from the large paper Knight. : Thomas Jefferson. R. Peale Pinxt—C. Tiebout Sculpt 4to, ‘stipple. T. Jefferson Président des Etats-unis de lAmerique. Oval in the style of Bonneville, 4to; and five others. (6) Johannes Rex Angliae, Dux Normanniae, etc. R. E(elstracke) sculpsit. 8vo. Johnson. Samuel, L.L.D. Sir Joshua Reyonlds.—R. Josey. Proof London Henry Graves & CompY 6 Pall Mall 1880. 8vo, mezzotint. India proof on folio paper. Scarce early state, with. word “Prooti. 5188 5189 5190 5191 5192 5193 5194 5195 5196 5197 Samuel Johnson. A. Bowen Se: 8vo. S. 213. Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. Sir Joshua Reynolds Pinxt— Engraved by T. Kelly. Published by Samuel Walker, . . Boston. 8vo. S. 1609. (2) Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Engrav’d by ThoS Cook, from An Original Painting by Sir Joshua Reynolds, in the Possession of B. Langton Esq? Published as the Act directs, March, 23rd 1787, by T. Longman, Paternoster Row. Half length to left, left hand only showing, oval, oak leaves, over altar, with draped female figures, one reading, the other with caduceus, rect., folio, line. Title in etched open letters. Excessively scarce. Johnson. Engraved by W. Holl. India proof from the large paper Knight. Dr Johnson. Sir Jost Reynolds.—S. W. Reynolds. 1835. Mezzotint. (2) ] Doctor Samuel Johnson. Published March 15t 1808 by John Manson Gerrard Stt Soho. Painted by James Barry. RA. Engraved by Anker Smith A R A. Fine impression of the very scarce open-letter proof state. Dr Samuel Johnson. T. Trotter Sculp., etc. Pub April 27, 1792. ete. —— Samuel Johnson L. L. D. etc. F. Bartolozzi R. A. sculpx. 1785 Published October 8th 1785, etc. (2) Unlettered India proof; engraved by Zobel after Rey- nolds, from the picture in the possession of the Bishop of Ely. Bust to left, chin resting on clasped hands holding book, Ato, rect., mezzotint. Fine copy. Dr Johnson in his Travelling Dress as described in Boswells Tour. etc. Publish’d as the Act directs Janty 18th 1786 by Geo. Kearsley, ete—Engrav’d by T Trotter. Sall folio, rect., line. Very scarce. I. I. De Claussin f. A. F. 1813 (very lightly etched). India proof before letters of full bust to right, holding book close to face, rect., 4to, line. Excessively scarce first state. Samuele Johnson Sargent-Marceau dis.—L. Rados inc. 4to. Scarce. Old Wisdom. Blinking at the Stars. Caricature of Johnson as an owl, with ass’s ears, perched on his “ Dictionary ” and “ Lives of the Poets,”’. with busts of Pope, Milton, and another on brackets above him. Vignette in oval of a single line, 4to, etching; of excessive rarity. 5198 5199 ~ 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5205 5206 5207 The Biographers. J(ohn) S(ayres) f. Publ¢ June 1786 by T. Cornell Bruton Street. Bust of Johnson looking down on Mrs. Thrale, Courtenay and Boswell; twelve verses, rect., small folio, etching. Scarce. Thou art a Retailer of Phrases; etc. Johnson appearing to Boswell. 4to. Dr Johnson’s Monument in St Paul’s, Basire sculp. 1796. 8vo. Urn to D® Johnson at Gwagnynog. §8vo. Johnson’s Study, in Pembroke College, Engraved by Percy Heath, 1831., India proof, 12mo. Dr? Sam! Johnson’s Introduc- tion to a Highland Hut. I. Roberts sct. 8vo., scarce; and Michael Johnson (father), engraved by E. Finden. India proof, 8vo. (6) Johnson. Samuel, D.D. First President of Columbia College. Leney sct. 8vo. S. 1793. (Johnson. Thomas,) Artist’s signed presentation proofs before letters of two attractive subjects after Frank T. Merrill, and of an original design for a book-plate. (3) Johnson. Sir William, Superintendent of Indian affairs in - North America. F. Bartolozzi, R.A. 8vo. St William Johnson Bart Major General of the English Forces in North America. 8vo. (2) (Johnson. Mrs. Esther,) Stella. From an Original Drawing by the Revd George Parnel, Archdeacon of Clogher, in the Pos- session of G. Faulkner. 8vo, line. Swift’s Stella, fine copy. Of the very greatest rarity. Jones. John Paul, Dessiné d’aprés nature . . . 1780 par J. M. Moreau le Jeune.—Gravé ... par J. M. Moreau le J®... 1781. Tels hommes rarement se peuvent présenter, Et quand le Ciel les donne, il faut en profiter, etc. Bust in uniform and cocked hat, 4to. . The most attractive, the earliest and the finest engraved authentic portrait. Fine impression. Excessively scarce. C. I. Notte pinxt Paul Jones Printed for R. Wilkinson, at N° 58, Cornhill. Mezzotint. Three-quarter length, to left, head to right, cocked hat, on deck, with five pistols in belt. Rect., 8vo. Same. A brilliant proof before all letters, and the only copy known. Copy of preceding, Artist’s signed India proof by J. Percy Sabin. 5208 5209 5210 5211 5212 -$213 5214 5215 5216 5217 5218 5219 Commodore au service des Etats-Unis de ]’Amérique, tel qu il était dans le combat, etc. Dessiné par C: J: Notté.—Gravé par Carl Guttenberg. Folio, line. Fine impression. Very scarce. Commodore au Service des Etats-Unis, etc. Circle in rect., 4to, line. : Scarce original impression, but lacking publication lines. Capt Paul Jones, From an Original Drawing taken from the Life, on board the Serapis. London, Pub4 Oct¥ 22, 1779, by Tho$ Macklin, N° 1, Lincolns Inn Fields. 4to, etching. Whole length, India proof before all letters of the Chappel print on folio paper. Brilliant and perfect copy of the very scarce first issue. Proof before the number of the medallion etched by Jules Jacquemart.. Oblong folio. Bank note proof on India paper. (2) Jonson. Ben., Gerard Honthorst pinxit.—Geo: Vertue, Londini sculp. Folio. Fine impression, full margins. Scarce. I. Oliver pinx.—I. Houbraken sculpsit. Folio. . Fine large paper impression. W. Elder Sculp: Sold at the George near St Dunstons Church in Fleet Street. Small folio. Engraved by E. Scriven. India proof from the large paper Knight. Ben-Johnson. Gerard Honthorst Pinxt—P. Viel Sculp. 8vo. Sir William Jones. Devis—Evans. 1804 folio. (3) Mrs Jordan, in the Character of the Country Girl. George _ Romney, Pinxit.—John Ogborne sculpsit. Publish’d June 24th 1788, etc. Three-quarter length to left, folio rect., stipple. A very beautifully toned impression ‘of this lovely and attractive portrait in the early issue, before change of engraver’s name. Of the greatest rarity. Joseph II. N. Le Mire Sculp 1772. 16mo. Angelica Kauff- man by C. O. Berger 1858. 4to. C. Kean by Samuel Hollyer. Artist’s signed India proof, N° 1 of 55 copies. (3) Keats. John, Engraved by Henry Meyer after Severn. India proof, 8vo. Engraved by ChaS Wass after W™ Hilton. 1841. India proof, 8vo, slightly injured. By Hollyer, proof before all letters, copy N° 1; two small prints, and etching of his tomb. (6) 5220 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 5226 5227 5228 5229 5230 5231 Kemble. Charles, Painted by G. H. Harlow.—1824—Engraved by Tho’ Lupton. Folio, mezzo. Kemble. Fanny. Painted from recollection by T. Sully. Childs & Inman Lith’s Philadelphia. Copyright 1833. Folio, vignette. India proof of an attractive and very early portrait, and of a scarce American lithograph. Kempis. Thomas a, Vera Effigies, etc. P. Aubrey excud. 8vo. Ken. Thomas, Bp. of Bath & Wells. G. Vertue Sculp. 8vo. (2) Kendall. Amos, Postmaster General. From life & on Stone by ChaS Fenderich, Washington.—Painted by Lehman & Duval Lidts Phil@ Copyright 1837. Folio, vignette, India proof. Kensett. Joel F., Engraved by Fred. Halpin after Geo. A. Baker. Published by S. P. Avery ... 1869. Rect., folio. India proof before title: ‘ publisher. Nov. ’95” and a duplicate, not presentation. (2) Keppel. The Honble Admiral . . . Tassie—Engraved by J. Caldwall. publish’d as the Act directs April 3. 1779, ete. 4to, aquatint. Brilliant impression. Key. Francis Scott, Signed Artist’s proofs on India paper by Samuel Hollyer; and on rice paper by Thomas Johnson. (2) Killigrew. Thomas, whole length in mantle covered with wom- en’s faces, sympathetic monkey on table beside him. Small folio rect. A Bosse inven et sc.—le Blond excud avec Privileges. Excessively scarce. King. Frances Elizabeth, Painted by E. Hastings.—Engraved by E. Scriven. 1822. India proof with long pencilled memoranda by the Artist. The lady was the daughter of Goy. Sir Francis Bernard. King. Capt" James, J. Webber pinxit—F. Bartolozzi R.A. sculp. 1784. (Rufus King.) Brilliant proof before all letters of the Woods— Leney rect., 8vo. Undescribed state of S. 1798 and the only one known. Kingsley. Charles, etching. 8vo. Proof before inscription. Kipling. Rudyard, etched by Thomas Johnson, on Japan paper; and an Artist’s signed proof on India paper by Samuel Hollyer. Général Kleber. 12mo, circle. (4) Kosciuszko. General Thaddeus, R. Cosway delint—Anthy Car- don sculpt, ete. Whole length reclining, oblong folio rect. Fine copy, very scarce. ‘with compliments of the old original | 5232 5233 5234 3235 5236 5237 5238 5239 profile to left with upraised sword. Gravé par Delanaux. Se vend chez Quenedey, etc. Oval, 4to. Gravé par Antoine Oleszezynski 1829. 4to. By F. Bolt octagon, 8vo. (3) Kruell. Gustav, Painter-Engraver. Artist’s signed proof on Japan paper by F. S. King. Laborde. Jean Benjamin De, S. S. Masquelier Sculp. 8vo. Paul Lacroix by G. Staal. India proof. Mme. de La Fayette by Dequevauviller. 8vo. (3) LAFAYETTE Portraits when young. Busts to right M. Le Mis De La Fayette Elu par acclamation, Commandant de la Garde Nationale. I. E. Haid excud. In uniform to right, oval, border, resting on base, over tablet with title, mezzo, rect., B07 Kaw, Fine impression, very scarce. With the stamp of Christian Hammer. M. Le Marquis De La Fayette. Député de la Sénéch¢e (etce., two lines) Collection Générale des . . . Députés . . . 1789. A Paris chez Le Vachez sous les Colonnades du Palais Royal N° 258. To right, oval, broad border, ribbon and oak leaves at top, over mirror with Pel serpent, and tablet with title. Aquatint, rect., 7.13.x 6.8. Brilliant impression. M. Le Mis De La Fayette, Elu par acclamation, Commandant de la Garde Nationale. (Four verses) Par le Chet P. de Berain- ville. Verité Sculpsit. In uniform to right, oval, broad hori- zontal stripes to rect., over irregular tablet with title, back- ground of similar vertical stripes, stipple, 5.12. x 3.8. Printed in blue, very scarce. Mons! La Fayette. In uniform to right, oval, border, 4.10. x 3.12., line. Scarce. Busts to left M® Le Marquis De La Fayette. In uniform and cocked hat, oval, title in border overhead, extended to rectangle, angles blank, over tablet with laurel crown, 4.x 2.12. On undivided 4to sheet with similar M™Le Marquis De Rochambo., Joseph IT. Empereur Et Roi Des Romains., La Reine Dongrie. These prints strongly resemble the Washington, Hart 47. Similar sheet with Marie Foederowna, etc., Paul Petro- witz, etc., Gustave III, etc., Christian VII, ete. Excessively scarce. Both framed. (2) 5240 5241 5242 5243 5244 5245 5246 5247 5248 5249 5250 A. L. Marquis De La Fayette. Major Général des Armées des Etats unis de ]’Amerique. A Paris chez Mondhare rue St Jacques. In uniform, oval, border, surmounted by globe with rays, laurel crown and festoon, over military emblems and tab- let with title, line, rect., 6.6. x 4.1. é Fine and very scarce. Marquis de la Fayette. L: Barre pint—B: le Clair inet Lon- don, Pub@ Feby 3, 1791 by Molteno, Colnaghi & C° N° 132 Pall Mall. In uniform, oval, border, stipple, 3.14. x 3.1. Fine impression, with broad margins. Very scarce. Another copy, fine original impression in brown. Another copy, modern impression on old paper. LaFay- ette Gen’l Lafayette. Bureau, Engraving & Printing. LaFay- ette. In group of ten vignettes, ovals. Dessiné et Gravé par Montout. (3) Profiles to right M. Le Mauis De La Fayette. Commandant de la milice bour- géoise de Paris. Au Dieu des Arts, rue et en face de S. Barthel- mi, N° 7. In uniform, oval, border, over tablet with title, aqua- tint, rect., 4.6.x 2.12. Fine and very scarce. M. De Lafayette. T. Clarke Sculpt Philad@ In uniform, oval, border line, stipple, 4.3. x 3.4. S. 404, Same, with line at top; “For the American Universal Magazine.” Early and undescribed state. (2) M. le Marquis de la Fayette. Commandant de la milice Parisi- enne.’ Liebe f. In uniform, circle, border, ring and laurel branches at top, stipple, diam. 2.11. Fine and scarce. M. Le Mis De La Fayette Mal de Camp, Commandant Gén@! de la Garde, etc. Godefroy del—Massard Sc. Reg. direx. In uniform, circle, over base with title and Arms with motto; “ Cur Non?” line, rect., 6.3. x 3.8. M. De La Fayette, Commander in Chief of the National French Guards. Engraved by P Maguire In uniform, oval, 3.9. x 2.14. From the ‘“‘ Hibernian Mag.” 1791. Very scarce. . Dessiné par B. L. Prevost 1787.—Grave par I. Neidel 1794. Aquatint, rect., 6.10 x 5.7. Fine, full-margined copy, very scarce. Profiles to left Gilbert, Mottier, LaFayette. Député d’Auvergne . . . 1789. Commandant Général de la Ge Parisienne. F. Bonneville Del. —Duchemin Sculp. A Paris, Rue du Théatre Francais. In uni- form, oval, 4to, stipple. Brilliant impression. 5251 5252 5253 5254 5255 5256 5257 5258 General La Fayette. Skizzirt, auf seiner Reise durch Leipzig, nach Amerika. G. G. Endner del et sculp. in Leipzig zu finden bey G. G. Endner. Oval, stipple, 3.5. x 2.10. Fine example, very scarce. La Fayette Maréchal der franzésischen Nationalarmée 1792. im Verlag des Buchhindlers Creutz in Magdeburg. I. C. G. Fritzsch sc. Hamb. 1794. In uniform and cocked hat with cockade and plume, oval, over tablet with title, rect., stipple, 5.9. x 3.2. Fine copy, good margins, very scarce. Another copy. Gilbert Motier Marquis de La Fayette. Sa belle conduite au siege de York-town, en Virginie, etc. D’aprés le physiona- trace de Queneday. Ed4 Gosselin sculpt 1895. In uniform, circle, aquatint, diam. 4. (2) Maria Paul Joseph Rochus Ivo Albrecht de Mottier de la Fay- ette, Deputirter von Auvergne, ete. Gezeichnet von Guerin.— Zu finden bey den gebriidern Klauber. In uniform, oval, broad border, over base with title, brick-work background to rect., stipple, 8.x 6. Fine copy, very scarce. Inventé et composé par Lagardette fils du Graveur. Présenté A Monsieur le Marquis de la Fayette Par son trés humble servi- teur Lagardette. Monsier le Marquis de la Fayette recois des mains de la Prudence la Couronne de V’Immortalité, etc., A Paris ches l’Auteur, ete. In uniform, with lion, on pedestal and altar, surrounded by emblematic figures, vignette, etching, rect., 8.6. x 7.38. Very scarce. Louis XVI Roi Des Francais Restaurateur De La Liberté Fran- caise.—M De La Fayette Commandt Gen De La Garde Nat Parne, Chez Le Vachez, au Palais Ral No 258 In uniform, facing, circle, border with inscription, aquatint, diam. 2.4. A magnificent proof, brilliantly and beautifully printed in col- ors. Of the greatest rarity. M. de la Fayette Commander of the National Guard at Paris, and Member for Riom. Symonds’s French Senator. Publish’d . . . by H. D. Symonds, Sept 3. 1791. In uniform, oval, 8vo, stipple. M® de la Fayette Comdant Genéral de la Garde Nationale Parisienne. In uniform, circle, ribbon above, 8vo, line. (2) Whole lengths M. Le Marquis De La Fayette Commandant Général De La Garde Nationale de Paris. Sous les drapeaux francois, son intrépidité (etc., four verses) A Paris chez J. Chereau, ete. Profile to left, uniform, hat in hand, vignette, in rect. of single line, 4to, etching. Original coloring. Scarce. 5260 5261 5262 5263 5264 5265 5266 5267 Mr De la Fayette commandant de la Garde Nationale Parisi- enne, recoit des mains de la Ville l’Epeé de la deffense de la liberté. In uniform to left, at right of print, receiving sword from female figure holding oval Arms of Paris, vignette, rect. of single line, small folio, etching. Original coloring, scarce. Lafayette (Prise d’Iorktown 19 Oct. 1781.) L’Avenir Des Peuples Contemporaines. In uniform to left, negro holding horse, vignette, 8vo, line. Il Marchese della Fayette. Bosio dis.—Sasso inc. In uniform to left, vignette in rect., 8vo, stipple. (2) La Fayette in 1781. Painted by L. le Paon Historical Painter to the Prince of Condé. Engraved by F. Kearny Philadelphia 1824, etc. In uniform to left, negro holding horse, folio, rect., stipple. Fine impression. S. 1569. From the original painting by L. Le Paon, copyrighted. Pub- lished by H. Fiquet 24 Place Dauphine, Paris. Folio, rect. Photogravure in colors with remarque of crossed flags, and bust portraits of Washington and Franklin in margins. LAFAYETTE Portraits when old. Busts to right Lafayette Engraved by B. Tanner, from a Lithographic Print, published in Paris, in 1818. Published March 27th by B. Tan- ner N° 74 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia. In ornamental rect. picture frame, ribbon and ring at top. Very scarce. S. 3095. Gen Lafayette. Rosmiasler, 1827. In plain dress, oval, 16mo, stipple. Very scarce. Framed. Lafayette. Forestier Sculp. Ambroise Tardieu direxit. 8vo. Lafayette, Général en Chef des Gardes Nationnales. a Paris chez Gramain, Rue du Petit Lion St Sauveur, N° 12. 8vo. Le Général La Fayette Albrieu—Lith. de Senefelder. Folio. (3) Lafayette. In uniform, oval, oak-leaf frame with twining rib- bon, extended at bottom, 1.4. x 1.2., line. Fine impression. Very scarce. Busts to left In uniform, broad oval frame, in rect., folio, line. Choice India proof before letters of the engraving by Geille. Excessively scarce in this early state. | | 5268 5269 5270 5272 5273 5274 5275 In uniform, rect. picture frame, on cheques of Lafayette Bank State of Ohio, with whole length in uniform, cocked hat and mantle, on a siditlar cheque. Casiledr: Durand, Burton & Ed- monds, N. York. The three on one undivided proof sheet. La Fayette. From the Original Painting executed in New York Sept 1824 C. Ingham Del.—Copyright secured according to Law—M. I. Danforth Sc. Published By L. Thomas January 1825. Printed by Burton & Valentine N-York In plain dress, seated, left hand resting on table, curtain in background, rect., small folio. S. 447. Lafayette. Maurer.—Lith. de Lemercier. Publie par Jeannin, etc. In uniform, vignette of entry into Paris below, folio. (2) Portrait Of Lafayette Painted By A. Scheffer. Imprimé & Publié par Goupil & Cie—Engraved By Ed. Girardet—Paris, London, New-York. In plain dress, oval, folio, stipple. Finely colored. Same, proof before all letters. In perfect condition. La Fayette. The Nation’s Guest, The Friend Of Washington, The Hero & Philanthropist. Brien & print. by P. Maverick, 342 Broadway. In plain dress, circle, broad oak-leaf border, outer border with title, stipple, diameter, 3.8. On small embossed sheet. Fine impression. Very scarce. S. 2217. Lafayette The Soldier’s model, the Patriots Glory. Eng4 No 45 Sansom St. Delafayette Major General 1777—Visited the United States 1824. In plain dress, oval, .9.x.7. in blank border over tablet with title, supported by two soldiers, with eagle above holding scroll “ 1776.” in beak, background of rays. © To right the oval repeated, in oak-leaf frame, background of rays over ribbon with title, “The Champion of Freedom.” To left the oval, slightly reduced, repeated, on rect. altar, fire at top, background of rays, under ribbon with title; “ Patriae Hospes’”’ On oblong 8vo sheet, stipple. Welcome Gen. La-Fayette Eng. & Pub. by D. S. Throop, Utica N. York. Published by Very Goldthwait 1824.—D. S. Throop Se. Utica. N. Y. In uniform and mantle, flag and liberty cap at left shoulder, vignette without background, ercle, 2. on Perpetual Almanack, 4to, stipple. In fine condition, tndeecn bed. No other known. Lafayette A. Willard Sc. 12mo. S. 3378. Lafayette. Engraved and Sold by J. Yeager first door below the Post Office. In uniform, olive-leaf frame, oval, 1.3.x 1. eagle, shield and scrolls above, military emblems below, on satin badge. : In plain dress, lathe work oval, 1.1. x 1. proof. (3) 5277 5278 5279 5280 5282 5283 Gen. La Fayette. In plain dress, oval, border of shield shaped ornaments, 1.1.x 1. with diverging rays. Above, an eagle dis- played, holding in talons laurel wreath and ribbon; “ The Nation’s Guest,” background of rays, line. Scarce. In plain dress, with order, oval, frame of oak leaves and crossed ribbons, 1.1.x 1. crowing cock at top, supported by two soldiers with French flags, war emblems below and at back, building to right, rect., 1.11. x 2.9. stipple. Fine proof before all letters. Very scarce. La Fayette The Nation’s Guest. In uniform, circle, blank bor- der, diam. 2.10. under ribbon with title, line. Gen. Gilbert Mottier Lafayette Born Sept 6th 1757 . . . Funeral Obsequies Performed to his Memory July 21. 1834. In plain dress, oval, bottom cut off for inscription, funeral urn and flags above, stipple, 12mo. Modern impression. | (2) Whole lengths Lafayette Lieutenant général, naquit a Chayagnac prés Brioude le 6 Septembre 1757. (ete., seven lines). Martinet pinx.— Charon sculp. A Paris, chez Jean, rue St Jean de Beauvais, N° 10. Déposé. To left, in military cloak, troops in background, folio rect., aquatint, original coloring. 30 et 31 Juillet, 1830. Lafayette. ete. Julien delt— Petit dirext—lith. de Bichebois ainé, rue Cléry, N° 23. To > right, in uniform, hat in hand, troops in background, folio, rect. | (2 La Fayette. Painted by A. Scheffer Paris.—Engraved by M. I. Danforth N. York. New York, Published by S. G. Goodrich & E. Hopkins, 1825. To left, tall hat and stick in hand, folio, rect., line. Cut close to publisher’s line. La Vie De La Fayette, Citoyen des Deux Mondes, né en 1757. Jules David d’aprés Loeillot. A Paris chez Osterwald .. . — Lith. de Lemercier.—et chez Bourne 4 New York. Twelve oblong small rectangles, including Interview with Franklin, First Departure for America, Wounded at Brandy- wine, Taking Redoubt at Brandywine, and in Prison at Olmutz. On two oblong folio sheets. India proofs. Very scarce. (2) Small bust to right, with similar Mirabeau, Mauri, Necker, Bailly, Petion, Marat, Robespierre, flying figure of Time, as- signats, etc., circle in rect., 12mo, line. Lafayette Dans Les Prisons D’Olmutz Ary. Scheffer del.—Ph. Langlois sc. Oblong 8vo. India proof. (2) la Fontaine. Iean de, de l’Academie Francoise Hiacinthe Rigault Pinx. Small folio, rect., line. . 5284 5285 5286 5287 5288 5289 5290 5291 5292 5293 5294 5295 5296 5297, 5298 Dupin del. et sc. A Paris chés Esnauts et Rapilly, ete. 4to. By Frilley—Soliman, two states; a 12mo by Delvaux, and allegorical group by Eisen—N., de Launay. Two copies. (6) Lafontaine Mme. de. Engraved by Desvachez after Sandoz. Very fine proof before all letters. Scarce. Lamartine. Al. De, FS Gérard pinxt—Fs Girard sculpt ete. Folio, mezzo. Lamb. Charles, Artist’s signed proof on India paper by William Sartain. Folio, mezzo. Painted and Engraved by Henry Meyer, 1828. By W. Finden 1836. Profile after Hancock (1798); and whole length by Brook Pulham. All on India paper. (4) S. Arlent Edwards, Sc. Rect., 8vo, mezzo. Proof before publisher’s line (25 published) ; and print. (2y) Carbon prints by Fred’k Hollyer (2). A prospectus of Bibliophile Society Letters by E. D. French. Proof wood- cuts, etc. (11) Lamballe. Mar Ther. Louise de Savoye Carignan Princesse de, Dessinée par Danloux en 1791—Et Gravée par Ruotte. Bust, profile to left, oval, 4to. Fine impression. Excessively scarce. H. Roosing Sculp. 1793. 8vo. F. Bonneville del. 4to; and another 12mo. Good old engravings. (3) India proof before letters by Berrot. Prints by Porreau, Flameng, Weber, etc. (8) Lameth. Alexandre, by Fiesinger; another, published by Mina- telli. Carlo Lameth by Colombo. W. S. Landor by Brown (two different). (5) Lang. Andrew, Artist’s signed proofs on Japan paper by Samuel Hollyer; and on rice paper by Thomas Johnson. (2) La Peyronie. Francois de, . .. premier Chirurgien du Roy Louis Quinze, etc. 1665.+ 1747. NI! Pruneau del. et Sculp. en 1776. 4to. Scarce. Latimer. Hugh, R. Houston fecit. Folio. From Heroologia. 8vo. Henri Masers Latude, Canu sculp. 8vo. (3) Landon. Gideon Liber Baro de, J. G. Haid Se. Vienna. Folio, mezzo. Jacob Adam sculp 1781. 8vo. (2) 5299 5300 5301 5302 5308 5309 Lansdowne, William Marg. Gainsborough R. A. Pinx—F. Bar- tolozzi sculpx. 1787. Folio. Proof before title. Whole length by J(ohn) S(ayer) 1782. 8vo. (2 Henry Laurens Prés4t Du Congrés Des Etats Unis de L’Amé- rique. Dessiné et gravé par Pierron d’aprés la Medaille frappée 4 Londres par le parti des Opposants. A Paris chez l’Auteur rue de Vaugirard, etc. Medallion bust, profile to right, circle, border with title, laurel branches, etc., over tablet with three- line quotation, in rect., 12mo, stipple. Beautifully engraved and excessively scarce. One of a series of three, the others being Paul Jones and Washington (Hart 815). Framed. | Laurens. Henry, Publish’d 18t Nov. 1780, by Fielding & Walker, etc. From the ‘‘ Westminster Magazine.” Very scarce. La Valette CtSS, 1816. 8vo. Another by S. Freeman. 4to. Lavater by Haid 1777. 4to; and two small prints. Jean Law, by Pet. Schenck (1720). James Lawrence by Rollinson; im- perfect. (7) Lawrence. Sir Thomas, Engraved by Samuel Cousins. 1830. Folio. Brilliant proof before title. Very scarce. ; —— Engraved by J. Sartain 1832. Folio. as a boy; and a bust to front. Both India proofs before all letters. By J. Worthington 1830. India proof. (3) (Lauzun) Armand-Louis Biron. 12mo. Madame Lebrun. India proof from Versailles Gallery. 7 (2) Leczinska. Marie, Nattier pinx—Duponchelle sc. A Paris chés Esnauts et Rapilly, ete. 4to. From Petitot series, India proof. (2) Marie Lezinsky Reine de France, etc., a Paris chez Chiquet rue St Jacques au grand St Henry, etc. 4to. Fine copy of an early and very scarce print. Charles Lee, Esq? Major General of the Continental-Army in America. Thomlinsen pinx.—Ioh. Martin Will excud. Aug. 'Vind Publishd as the Act directs. 31. Oct® 1775. by C. Shep- herd London. Three-quarter length, head to left, right hand pointing, battery and flag in background, rect. folio, mezzo. Fine impression, good margins. Very scarce. 5310 $311 5312 5313 5314 5315 5316 5317 5318 5319 ‘5320 Charles Lee. C. Lee Am. Generaal. Three-quarter length to left, in uniform, flag, cannon and fort in background, over tablet with title, rect., 3.5. x 1.14. From the “Campbell” series of small revolutionary portraits, so scarce that the Washington was unknown to Baker and Hart. Framed. ——— Whole length from the “ Impartial History.” 8vo. Lee. Henry, Etching by Jules Jacquemart of the medal. Proof before number. Oblong folio. Lee. Richard Henry, 4to, mezzo. Artist’s signed proof by Max Rosenthal. G24) Leicester. Robert Dudley Earl of, from the Heroologia. By R. Cooper. 1823. from Lodge, India proof in two states. (3) Leland. D* Thomas, For the Microscope, (Oct. 1799) and David Levi. (July 1799). Two excessively scarce Irish prints. See No. 324. (2) Lely. Sir Peter, by I. Corner, two states. Mme Lemonnier by T. C. Regnault. 4to. Le Sage by Lingée, two states; and L. Monzies se. (6) Lenclos. Ninon de, Engrav’d by Jn®° Hall, 1780. 12mo> By W. Greatbach, Bentley 1838. India proof on folio paper. India proof from Petitot series. . (3) Lenox. James. Remarque proof on Japan paper from Financial New York. Leopold I Emp. Early mezzo. 12mo. ChaS Robert Leslie, India proof before all letters. ChaS J. Lever by Hollyer on Japan paper; and G. H. Lewes by A. Weger. (5) Leybourn. Gulielmi, aetatis 30. R. Gaywood fecit. 12mo. James Baron Lifford from “‘ Hibernian Magazine,” 1778; and Robert Lilburne by Caroline Watson 1807. Ss LINCOLN Beardless type Published by M. Knoedler & C° 170 Fifth Avenue, New-York. Full bust to right, head toward front, rect. 4to, etching. Signed proof by Rajon, with remarque of Lincoln’s head. Similar. G. Kruell Copyrighted 1891. Signed proof on rice paper. 5321 5322 5323 5324 5325 5326 5327 5328 5329 5330 5331 Copyrighted and Published 1899, by Dodd, Mead & Co New York. Monogram of engraver in lower right field. Half length to right, rect. 4to, etching. Signed proof on Japan paper by Thomas Johnson. Blank margin creased. Bust to right, head nearly in profile, hair disordered, oval, in ruled rect., 4to. Fine proof before all letters, face and part of hair not quite finished, of the “ Eng. by H. C. Shotwell Rock- ford, Ill. Publ. 1888. Photo. by A. Hesler, Chicago.” Only two impressions taken from the plate in this state. T. Johnson Del. et. sct 1903. Bust to left, rect. folio, etching. Signed proof on Japan paper. LINCOLN Bearded type Abraham Lincoln C. Bornemann lith—Imp. Lemercier Paris. Nearly half lenth to right, hair brushed high, narrow collar, vignette, oval, folio. One of the earliest, most artistic, and scarcest lithographs. India proof, in immaculate condition. T Johnson 1900, Bust, profile to right, vignette, folio, etching. Signed proof on Japan paper. Bust, profile to left, vignette, folio, etching. Signed proof on Japan paper by T. Johnson, before all letters, bottom margin uncleaned and pin holes at top and bottom from engraver’s proof-carrying box. The finished plates. T. Johnson Copyright 1892 by Thomas Johnson Artists Proof. Signed proof on Japan paper. T Johnson Bust, profile to left, vignette, etching, 4to. Fine proof before rectangular tint and before plate was pub- lished. As originally published, rectangular tint. Artist’s signed India proof. No. 1 of fifty-three copies. } The print was very popular and the edition was exhausted almost immediately. Half length to left, rect. folio. Artist’s signed proof on rice paper. By G. Kruell. Bank-note proof on India paper, bust to right, oval, .11. x .9. Fine specimen. | 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336 5337 5338 5339 5340 5341 5342 Lincoln. Bust to right, oval, ornamental border half way up. Bust to right, oval, narrow border, seated farmer and mechanic at sides. India proof. Wood-cut. T. Cole. Sc. after Wyatt Eaton. (3) Lincoln, Washington and McKinley. Eagle, Corinthian col- umns, liberty bell, etc. Oblong 8vo. The Presidents of Our Great Republic. Washington to Lincoln. Lith. C. Magnus 12 Frankfort St. N. Y. Apotheosis of Lincoln. Washington embracing him, angels above, oval, line. (3) G. Washington—A. Lincoln. 1776-1864. The Champions of Freedom. Under this Flag He led us to Independence.—Under this Flag He saved the Union. Bradley & Co. Publishers NO 66. N. 4. St. Philad@—(Copyright 1865)—P. S. Duval & Son lith. Phil@ Eagle above, Justice in centre, Capitol below, sol- diers at sides. Oblong folio, litho. in tint. Fine and very scarce. Our Three Great Presidents. (Lincoln, Washington, Grant. ) Lithographed by Duff & Wettach. Copyright 1872. Folio, rect. Washington And Lincoln. The Father And The Saviour Of Our Country. (Copyright 1865 by Currier & Ives.) Whole length, clasping hands before altar of Liberty. Folio, rect. Very scarce. The Assassination Of President Lincoln, ete. The Death Of President Lincoln, ete. (Copyright and published 1865 by Cur- rier and Ives.) Oblong folio., rect. Colored lithographs. (2) In Memoriam. Folio. Copyright 1865, by Trent, Filmer & Co. Very scarce. The Home Of Abraham Lincoln. Drawn by Paul Dixon .. . —Engraved by John C. M¢Rae. Copyright 1866. Oblong folio, rect., line. Fine copy. Scarce. Jenny Lind, Giovani Belleti and Jules Benedict. Folio litho- graph in colors by Napoleon Sarony 1850. : Excessively scarce and probably the earliest American portrait of her. Engraved by John Sartain, ete. 4to, arched top. Very beautiful proof before inscription. In perfect condition. Very scarce. Linguet. S. N. Henri, Gravé par Delattre. A Paris ches Ksnauts et Rapilly, etc. Two copies. (2) 5343 5344 5345 5346 5347 Linnaeus. Carolus, Medic. & Botan. Prof. P. Tanjé sculp. 4to. Lipsius. Justus, folio by Corn. Galle; and 8vo by R. Gaywood. (3) Liszt. Franz, P. Reyher sc.; and by Gouzenbach. Two very fine India proofs. (2) Liston. M't (John) Painted by J. Jackson Esq? R. A.—En- graved by W™ Ward, 1821. Rect. folio. Livingston. Philip, Eng’v’d by E. Prud’homme, ete. Scarce. S. 2590. India proof by E. M¢Kenzie; and the Chappel print. (3) Locke. John, G. Kneller Eques pinx.—G. Vertue Sculp. 1738. Folio; and the same portrait, P. Tanjé sculp. 1754. 4to. Fine proof impressions. (2) Locke. Richard Adams, by A. Robin. India proof, 4to. Frederick Locker, whole length, 8vo, etching. (2) Longfellow. Henry W. Engraved and Copyrighted by Charles K. Burt. 1883. Folio rect. The best engraved portrait. India proof. —— Another copy. —— Artist’s signed India proof before all but Copyright. Published by D. Bogue, London, and Ticknor, Reed & Field, Boston. March 1. 1851. Half length, profile to right, oval, folio. Early and scarce portrait. — Another copy, slightly spotted. engraved by J. A. J. Wilcox, four different portraits, one in duplicate. AJ] India proofs before inscriptions. (5) engraved by S. A. Schoff (four types), F. T. Stuart, and H. W. Smith. Three India proofs before all letters, and six India proofs. (9) India proofs before all inscription. (3) Signed India proof by S. Hollyer; and India proofs, various. wes portraits various and India proof before all letters of Mrs. Longfellow. (16) Longhi. Giuseppe, by Anderloni, Beretta, Liugiardi, and Schiavoni. (4) 5360 5361 5362 5363 5364 5365 5366 - 5367 5368 5369 5370 Lorraine. Claude, Engraved by W. Ward, 1825. 12mo, India proof. Loti. Pierre, E. Abot aqua f. Proof on Japan paper. (2) Louis XI. by P. Pauquet. India proof before inscription. Louis XII Déclaré Pere Du Peuple. Morret Sculp. 4to, aqua- tint in colors. Louis XIII. J. Briot, fecit. As a boy on horseback. 4to. Another, by B. Picart 1729. Small folio. (4) Louis XIIII Roy de France et de Navarre. I. Gole F.—met Previlegie. Bust to right, in armor, oval, in rect., 4to. Fine impression. A Paris chez Hénault et Rapilly, etc. 4to. By W. Great- bach. Bentley 1838. India proof on folio paper. (2) Louis Quinze A Paris chez G. Duchange graveur du Roy rie St Jacques. Half length to left, in armor, oval in rect, folio, line. Liotard E™ pinx.—Petit ex. rue St Jacques, prés les Mathurins. Half length to right, in armor, oval in rect., small folio. Louis XV. Roy de France, etc. A Paris chez la Veuve Hurand, ete. 4to. Another, a Paris chez Chiquet rue St Jacques, etc. Ato. (2) Louis XV Présente la Paix 4 la France. India proof from the Versailles Gallery; and six small portraits. (7) LOUIS XVI The Unfortunate Louis 16th In the Dress he wore while con- fined in the Temple, etc. P. Violet pinxt—F. Bartolozzi R. A. sculpt London, Pub4 Feb'y 12, 1793, etc. Bust to left, oval, 4to, stipple. Printed in brown. Fine and scarce. Louis XVI, Roi De France. Né a Versailles, . . . Immolé le 21 Janvier 1793, etc. A Paris, chez Le Doyen, etc. Full bust to left, rect., 4to, stipple. Fine and scarce. Louis Seize Roi DeS Franceais Né a Versailles, ete. Bonnet de la Liberté, Présenté au Roi par le peuple Frangais, le 20 Juin 1792. Full bust to left, in the red cap, rect., large 4to, stipple. Printed in brown. Very scarce. 5371 5372 5374 5375 5376 5377 5378 5379 The doleful Tribute of a French loyalist to the Memory of his injured Sovereign. I. H. delin—I. Condé sculpt Published by Mr Janvry ... Price 25 64 Medallion bust to left, under crown of stars, in cloud from lamb on altar below, lettered; “Fils de St Louis montez au Ciel” in landscape, with further inscription at bottom, in circle, 8vo, stipple. A very beautiful and scarce engraving. Louis Seize Roi Des Francais Né a Versailles Le XVIII. Aoust. M.DCC.LIV. Dessiné et Gravé par Coutollier en 1789. Présenté au Roi, par son trés humble et trés fidele Sujet Cou- tellier. Bust to right, in ermine robe and order, oval, with broad border, over tablet with title, in rect., folio, stipple. Louis XVI Roi De France Et De Navarre, etc. Dessiné et gravé par Hubert. A Paris chés Esnauts et Rapilly, ete. Bust to left, oval with border, laurel and lilies, under sun with rays, over crown and sceptre, lion, etc., 8vo, line. Fine and scarce. Louis, 16th King of France. Published, Octt 20th 1794 by Jee & Eginton. Bust to left, oval, 8vo, stipple. Printed in brown. Fine and very scarce. Louis XVI. Roi De France, ete. Publié pour la Paix de 1783, a la 8€ année de son Regne. A Paris, Rue de Gevres chez Isabey P. D. R. Dessiné par B. A. Nicollet.—fait par Lebeau Graveur ... Half length to right, broad sash and ermine, © profile, rect., 4to, line. Beautifully engraved and very scarce. Louis 16th King of France. I: Boze pint:—B: le Clair inct Publish’d Feby 5. 1793 by A Molteno ... Bust to left, oval, 8vo, stipple. Printed in brown, beautifully engraved. Louis XVI. J. Boze Pinx.—L. Legoux sculp. Published by L. Legoux . . . March 2, 1793. Medallion bust to left, circle, ribbon at top, 12mo, stipple. Beautiful and scarce print. Louis Seize, etc. Peint par J. Ph. Duplessis . . . Gravé par N. Le Mire, ... A Paris chez ]’Auteur . . . Bust to right, oval with broad border, over Arms in outstretched wings and tablet with title, in rect., 8vo, line. Allegorical design: Henri IV in frame of laurel held by genii before Louis XVI. C. N. Cochin eques inv.—1775.— . N. Le Mire sculp. Allez, vous étes maintenant Digne de marcher sur ses pas. (2) Louis Seize Roi de France et de Navarre, etc. Dessiné d’aprés nature par Libbowenik A Paris chez Le Pere et Avaulez... Bust to left, oval with broad border, angles extended to rect., 4to, stipple. . | Most beautiful and delicate engraving and attractive type, printed in red. Very scarce. 5380 5381 5382 5383 5384 5385 5386 5387 5388 L’Abondance et les Arts, les Talens, la Justice, etc. C. N. Cochin fils, inv.—le 3 Juin 1776.—De Longueil, Scul. a Paris chez Basan, ... Allegorical, whole length, in oval, broad ornamental border, dove and emblems at top, over tablet with Arms and title, background of fleurs-de-lys, to rect., 4to, line. A very beautiful design. Ludovicus XVI. Franciae Navarrae Rex Anno M.DCC.LXXV. A La Postérite Dessiné et Gravé par J. B. Louvion.—Pro- prieté. Medallion bust, profile to right, oval in border with title, on fluted column, over emblems of Time, etc., antique lamp at top, funeral urns at sides, etc., small folio, rect. Beautiful memorial design, exquisitely engraved and very scarce. La France recoit des trois Ordres les voeux de toutes la Nation et les presentent a Louis Seize et a MT Necker Ovals on fluted column in allegorical design, octagon, 4to, aquatint. Printed in brown. Very scarce. Louis Auguste Dauphin De France Né a Versailles, ete. Se trouve 4 Amsterdam chez Pilding, ete. Half length to right, oval, border with title, over Arms and tablet, beautifully deco- rated, 8vo, line. | Excessively scarce and fine contemporary print, when dauphin. Louis Augustus Dauphin of France Born August 23.-1754. Whole length, in court dress, to right, vignette, 8vo. All contemporary prints representing him as Dauphin are very scarce. Louis XVI Roi De France, etc. Dessiné et gravé par Mlle M. R. Savart sous les yeux de M. son frere. A Paris chés Esnauts et Rapilly, etc. Bust to right, profile, oval, broad border, laurel branches, over helmet on globe with Cupids, in rect., 8vo. Beautiful specimen. Fine and scarce. Ludwig der Sechzehnte Kénig von Frankreich, etc. Gemahlt von Boze.—Zu finden bey den Gebriidern Klauber.—gegraben von Sturm. Bust to left, oval, over tablet, in brickwork rec- tangle, 4to, stipple. Scarce. Ludovicus Decimus Sextus. Bust to left, oval, in brickwork rect., over horizontally ruled tablet with title, 8vo, stipple. Fine and scarce. Louis XVI, Roi Des Francois, etc. Verité sculp. A Paris, chez Y Auteur, etc. A Bordeaux, chez Jogan, etc. Bust to left, oval, in rect., of broad horizontal stripes, on similar vertically ruled rect. with tablet and title, 8vo, stipple. Beautifully printed in colors. Excessively scarce. 5389 5390 5391 5392 5393 5394 5395 5396 5397 5398 Louis XVI Roi des Francais Couvert du Bonnet de la Liberté. Bust to right, in red cap, circle, 12mo, aquatint. Beautifully printed aquatint in colors, of excessive rarity, en- graved by Villeneuve. Lewis XVI. Engraved by Agar. JanY 1. 1797. 8vo. Louis the XVI. Gardiner Sculp. March 1. 1793. 8vo. Bust to left, circle, Levachez Sculp, cut from large mezzo. Sagesse De Louis XVI. Medallion bust to left. Moitte sculp. 8vo. Half length to left, seated. F. Hue Invenit.—N. Schiavonetti sculp. 8vo. Louis XVI. Late King of France. R Scott Sc. (6) (Louis XVI and Malesherbes.) Circle, stipple, 12mo. Brilliant proof before all inscription. | (Adieux de Louis XVI a Sa Famille) Circle, line, 12mo. Brilliant proof before all inscription. On India paper. (2) (Adieux de Louis XVI.) Oblong oval, 8vo, stipple. J. L. Benoist J2© sculp. Beautiful proof before title. —— Another, similar, printed in brown. (2) De Nouveaux Ravaillac, 6 déplorable jour! Fortié sculp. Louis XVI at prayer before his execution. 8vo rect. Very scarce. — Execution of Louis XVI. 8vo. The Martyrdom of Louis, XVI. King of France. 4to. Very scarce. © (3) | See also under Marie Antoinette. Louis XVII, C. Hourdain Sculpt, printed in brown. By Agar 1797; and by L. Schiavonetti. All 8vo stipples. (3) Louis XVIII. Roi de France, etc. Dessiné par Pasquier.— Gravé par P. M. Alix. 4 Paris, chéz Vallardi, ete. Half length to right, in uniform, head to left, aquatint, folio. Fine copy, full margins, beautifully printed in colors. Louis XVIII le désiré. Roi de France, ete. Delaplace del. Levachez sculp. 4 Paris chez Rousseau, ete. Bust to left, in uniform, oval, 8vo, aquatint. Fine copy, very beautifully printed in colors. Louis XVIII., Roi de France etc. Dessiné d’aprés Nature et gravé par Cardon. 4 Paris chez Basset, ete. Bust to right, in uniform, oval, crown of stars in clouds above, 8vo, stipple. Printed in colors. : Louis XVIII, Roi de France et de Navarre, né le 17 Novembre 1755. Bust to front, in royal robes, collar and order, oval, over Arms, diverging rays and tablet, folio, stipple. A fine and very scarce print, probably by an American engraver. 5399 5400 5401 5402 ' 5403 5404 —- 6405 5406 5407 5408 5409 5410 Medallion profile to left, gravé a St Petersburg par I. S. Klauber. 8vo. Count De Lisle L. G. Del.—1812 Colored. Scarce. Le Lis. Le 10 Mai, 1815, portraits of Louis XVIII etc., among the lilies. 12mo, colored. Two portraits of Louis Philippe. (5) Madame Louisa Mary of: France, etc. Oval, 12mo. Scarce. Toussaint Louverture. 12mo. Mm™e de Ludres. India proof from the Petitot series. | (8) Lovat. Simon Lord, Drawn from the Life and Etch’d in Aqua- fortis by Will™ Hogarth. August 25th 1746. Whole length, seated, to front, rect., folio. Very scarce. Lovelace. Richard, Gov. Etched by Chas’ B. Hall. India proof. Chas Lowell, Eng? by H. W. Smith 1851. India proof. Two small portraits of Christopher Love. (4) Lowell. James Russell, etched by Jacques Rich. Folio. Artist’s signed proof. No. 11, on Japan paper. — by H. W. Smith, before all letters and before title. By J. A. J. Wilcox and by Bicknell, before titles. All on India paper. | (4) India proofs before inscription (2); India proof; photo- graph, Rome 1874; carbon by Hollyer, and another; and two India proofs of Elmwood, his residence. (8) Vincent Lunardi Esq? his Dog & his Cat, ete. London, Pub Novr 1St 1784, by Edw4 Hedges N° 92. Cornhill. 8vo. Fine copy, full margins, very beautifully printed in colors. Luther. Martin, J. Sadeler. fecit. 1579.—Caspar ruts. excudit. Profile to left, in monk’s habit, vignette in rect., small folio. Fine copy. Excessively scarce. (Lycurgus.) gravé par P. M. Alix an 3me Bust, profile to right, oval, small folio, aquatint. Fine early proof before letters, beautifully printed in colors. Excessively scarce. Macaulay. M's Cathe, whole length, 8vo. Niccolo Machiaveli. Lapi del. et sculp. 8vo. Richard Robert Madden, R. Cooper fecit, whole length, in travelling costume, 8vo. (3) Macaulay. T. B. Esq’ M. P. Painted by S. W. Reynolds Junt —1833—Engraved by S. W. Reynolds. Full bust to left, rect., folio, mezzo. An unusually fine copy. 5411 5412 5413 5414 5415 5416 5417 5418 5419 5420 5421 Painted By Francis Grant, R. A.—Engraved By James Faed. 1851. Half length, seated, to right, rect., folio. Fine impression. M¢Donnough. Commodore, Drawn & Aquatinted by—(Delle- ker) Pub. by P. Price J® Philad@ Bust, in uniform, profile to left, over crossed laurel branches and ribbon: “ Heroe of Lake Champlain ’’, vignette, 4to. Original coloring. Fine copy of an exceptionally scarce print. S. 481. Macpherson. James Esq? Sir Jos. Reynolds Pinx.—W. Bond fecit. 1813. Half length to left, rect., 4to, stipple. Madison. James, Painted by J. G. Chapman.—Engraved & Printed by J. Sartain. Proof. 1834. Half length, seated, to front, 4to, rect., mezzo. Very fine copy. JaS Madison. Bust to left, oval, border, .4., stipple, 8vo. Two copies, one badly stained, early American. Medal by Jules Jacquemart, proof before number. Oblong small folio. Bust by T. B. Welch. 8vo; and Alexander M¢Dougall by Chas. B. Hall. India proof. (5) Mailly. Louise Julie CtSs de, Rousselle sc. Rect. India proof from Petitot series; and two different portraits of Mme de Main- tenon, plain and on India paper, from the Petitot series. (6) Maintenon. Mme de, C. F. Fritzsch sculp. 1755. 8vo. Petitot, pinxt—W. Greatbach, sc. Bentley 1838. India proof on folio paper. | (2) — Gravé par E. Desrochers, ete. 4to. Mignard pinx.— G. Benoist sculp. 12mo. Langlois sc. India proof before title, 4to; and five others. (8) Malherbe. Frang%%s De, etc. Bust to right, oval, over Arms and title in rect., 4to. ; Malone. Edward, Engraved by Bartolozzi, 1787. 12mo. Victor Pierre Malouet Député, ete. 12mo, aquatint. Three portraits of Marat, and an unfinished proof of his “ Triomphe.” (6) Marie Amelie Queen of France. Sieurac—Hopwood. — Proof before title, 8vo. Marie Therese Antoinette, Dauphine—1746. India proof from Versailles Gallery. Folio. (2) 5422 5423 5424 5425 5426 5427 5428 5429 MARIE ANTOINETTE Her Majesty Marie-Antoinette Queen of France. Engrav’d by F. Bartolozzi, R. A. ... from an Original ... by P. Vio- let, . . . London, Publish’d Jany 18th 1790 by J. F. Tom- kins ... Full bust to front, hair brushed up and back, lace- trimmed dressing sacque, oval, 4to, stipple. Printed in brown. Unusually fine example of a very scarce and attractive print. Maria Antoinetta of Austria, Engraved by Agar, 1797. 8vo. Marie Antoinette J.C. Armytage sct 8vo. Japan paper. Marie Antoinette _ Audinet sculp. Octagon. 8vo. Lacks publication line. Marie Antointe Josephe Jeanne De Lorraine, etc. A Paris che Basset, etc. 4to. (4) Marie Antonie K6énigin von Frankreich. F. Berger fecit. Bust, high head-dress, aigrette and veil, profile to left, oval, 12mo, stipple. Beautiful print in brown, of great rarity and of unusually attractive type. Bertonnier Sculp 1826. Bust to left, in decorative frame, over tablet with mourning genii, in rect., 8vo. India proof before inscription, tablet blank, engraver’s line lightly etched. Very scarce in this state. Marie Antoinette D’Autriche, ete. A D del.—N. Bertrand sculp. A Paris chez Bertrand, etc. Bust to left, feather and pearl head-dress, falling veil, curl on each shoulder, oval in rect., over Arms and inscription, 8vo, stipple. Fine and excessively scarce. Half length to right, high head-dress, with aigrette and plumes, curls falling on shoulder, low-cut dress, oval, 8vo, stipple. Proof before border and all letters of the Birrell Sculp. 1789. Excessively scarce. Marie Antoinette Bibliophile Francais Imp. Ch. Chardon ainé. Paris. Bust to left, feather head-dress, pearl necklace, vignette, 8vo, etching. India proof. Blanchard Sculp. Bust to left, vignette without back- ground, in rect., of single line, 24mo, line. India proof. (2) Marie. Antoinette. ete. Louis XVI. Busts to right and left, ovals, 8vo, stipple. F. Bonneville del Sculpsit. A Paris Rue St Jacques N° 195. (2) 5430 5431 5432 5433 5434 5435 5436 Maria Antoinetta Van Oostenryk. Koningin van Frankryk. Curtus. pinx.—L. A. Claesens sculp. 8vo. — Marie Antoinette. Couché fils se. 8vo. Marie-Antoinette. La Vertu La Soutient, Le Vice La Calomnie. Paris, Imp¢ P. Dien, etc. Circle, 8vo. Scarce. (3) Marie Antoinette D’Autriche, etc. Louis Seize, etc. Busts in oval, broad decorative frames, over Arms on crossed laurel branches in rectangles, folios, stipple. Painted by I. Boze— Engraved by I. Curtis. Superb impressions beautifully printed in brown. The portrait of the Queen lacks artists’ line. Excessively scarce. (2) Marie-Antte, D’Autriche, Reine de France et de Navarre. Half length, head slightly to right, in high head-dress with diamond aigrette holding plumes, string of pearls and ribbon, curls falling to shoulders, rich low-cut dress with ermine robe, oval, with broad ornamented border, garlands, crown and crossed torch and quiver above, laurels and lilies below, over crown, Arms and tablet with title, in rect., 4to. The very beautiful reproduction in gold and colors of the ex- cessively scarce print by Janinet, and probably the finest exam- ple of modern work of this kind known. Marie Antoinette Archiduce D’Autriche Soeur De L’Emper’, etc. Gravé par Duponchelle. A Paris chés Esnauts et Rapilly, etc. Bust, high head-dress with roll, necklace, curl on right shoulder, ermine-trimmed robe, oval, broad border, over base with Arms and title in rect., large 4to, line. Fine proof of first issue, blank margins covered with scratches. Very scarce. Same, second issue, looped row of pearls added to hair, engraver’s line altered to; Peint par Vanloo—Gravé par Dupin fils. Bibliothéque de M€ la Dauphine N° 1. Ch Eisen invenit— Sculpsit 1770. Whole length, crowned by the Graces and winged genius, in rect., with garlands, 8vo, etching. Fine impression of the very beautifully designed and excessively rare book-plate. Marie Antoinette, etc. Louis XVI. etc. A Paris chés Esnauts et Rapilly, rue St Jacques, a la Ville de Coutances A. P. D. R. Two ovals facing, separated by garlands and cornucopia, sun and bow of ribbons at top, cornucopia and garlands at sides, oblong rect., 8vo, line. | Fine and untrimmed, printed in red. Excessively scarce. 5437 5438 5439 5440 5441 5442 5443 5444 Marie Theresa Queen of Hungary. Bust to left, oval, over medallion bust to left of Queen of France, circle in garlands, in rectangle, 8vo, line. Publish’d 1st of December 1780, by Fielding & Walker, Pater-noster Row. ; Fine impression from the “ Westminster Mag.” Leop. Flaméng sc. Imprimerie A. Salmon, Paris. 8vo. Co) Marie Antoinette, Reine de France. Forssell sculpt Bust to right, oval in rect., 8vo, stipple. , Marie Antoinette, ete. Freeman sc. 1805. Oval, 12mo, stip- ple. Unusually brilliant impression. Marie-Antoinette, ete. H. Garnier—Lith. de Ducarme. Vign- ette, 8vo. (3) A la Reine. Dessiné par Moreau le jeune 1775.—Gravé par Gaucher, ... Medallion bust to left, circle, in garlands, rest- ing in clouds. Scarce. Marie Antoinette, etc. Louis XVI., etc. Whole lengths, in rectangles of single lines. Gravé par Geile et Nargeot. India proofs from Versailles Gallery. (2) Maria Antoinette late Queen of France. Whole length, vignette, 12mo. Maria Antoinetta ete. Hopwood sc. Jan. 1. 1815. Bust to | left, 8vo. | Marie Antoinette. Leroy del—Fr. Janet direx. Whole length, 24mo. (3) Louis the 16th and his Family. N. Heideloff—sculpsit. Pub4 by H. Humphrey N° 18 Old Bond Street April 18t 1793. Medallion busts, profiles to left, circle, in border, 8vo, stipple. Printed in brown. Fine copy of one of the scarcest prints in the collection. , Marie Antoinette Reine De France, etc. _Queverdo del.— Hubert sculp. A Paris chés Esnauts et Rapilly, etc. Bust to left, high head-dress with ornament, necklace, oval with bor- der, ribbon at top, over laurels and lilies, and tablet with Arms and inscription, 8vo, line. Fine and scarce. Le Coeur De La Nation. Antoinette, des lis esperance bien Chere! (etc., four lines). a Paris chés Isabey, Marchand res des Gesvres. ‘Three-quarter length, crown, loose robe, holding infant dauphin before bust of the King, with portrait of Marie Therese on wall, encircled by broad ribbon and garlands, etc., with altar, anchor and dog below, 4to, line. Fine copy of an excessively scarce print. 5445 5446 5447 5448 5449 5450 5451 5452 Marie Antoinette, etc. Jones Fecit. 4to. 1793. Bust to left, oval. King, Queen, & Dauphin, of France. Sic transit gloria mundi. I. Kay fecit 1793. Medallion busts, profiles to left, dark back- ground, circle, 12mo. Marie-Antoinette, L’Avenir Des Peuples. Révolution Frangaise. Whole length, in robes, to right, 8vo. (3) Marie Antte, etc. Louis XVI, etc. Busts in profile, facing, ovals, decorated with garlands, ‘over emblematic ornaments, Arms and bases, in rectangles, 24mo, line. Fait par Le Beau, *Graveur de Monseigneur, le Duc de Chartres. A Paris chez Esnauts et Rapilly, ete. On undivided oblong 4to sheet, proof before the number “ 184 in upper right. Excessively scarce. 9? Maria Antoinette, Queen of France. Leney, se. Publish’d Dect 21, 1796, ... Half length to front, high feather head- dress, necklace, etc., oval, 16mo. Fine impression. Very scarce. S. 1811. (Levachez.) Marie Antoinette Joseph Jeanne De Lorraine, Archiduchesse D’Autriche, Derniére Reine De France; etc. Full bust to left, feather, diamond-shaped ornament and flowing veil head-dress, double row of pearls about neck, bosom bare, circle, over tablet with scene of Arrest at Varennes, “ Duplessi Bertaux aqua forti.”, at head of engraved sheet, in rect., folio, mezzotint. Brilliant impression in the first published state, and the scarcest and most desirable of the Levachez series. Second issue; face reworked, expression entirely changed, modesty piece added, nearly obscuring necklace, title reén- graved, omitting “ Derniére”, and facsimile signature added at bottom. . J. M. Moreau le jeune, Del.—1783—J. J. Le Veau, Sculp. Melpomene nel Tempio delle Grazie presenta a Maria An- toinetta, Regina di francia, Le Opere del Metastasio. Bust, profile to right, on pedestal, in allegorical group, rect., 8vo, line. Fine copy of a scarce and beautiful print. Bust, profile to left, high feather head-dress with rolls and fall- ing veil, quadruple pearl necklace, oval in rect., 4to, stipple. A brilliant impression, printed in brown, of an exquisite en- graving, cut to rectangle. Maria Antoinetta, Queen of France. London Mag® Nov? 1777. Whole length, seated to left, enormous feathers and pearls in high head-dress, in boudoir, oblong 8vo, rect., line. Marie-Antoinette . . . avec ses trois enfants. Mme Lebrun- Nargeot. India proof from Versailles Gallery. — emer 5453 5454 5455 5456 5457 5458 5459 Marie Antoinette Reine de France et de Navarre. etc. A Paris, chez Germain Mathiot, Libraire, Rue de VHirondelle, N° 22. Déposé. Bust, profile to left, double row of pearls in hair, oval under crown and shield with fleurs-de-lis, over Cupid with torch and wreaths at altar, background of garlands and draped cur- tain, in rect., 4to, stipple. A lovely portrait in good condition. —— Another copy. Maria Antonia Konigin von Frankreich gebohren zu Wienn den 2 Novemb. 1755. Gemahlt von Gratise——Zu finden bey den Gebriidern Klauber.—gegraben von Neidel. Half length to right, feathers and diadem in head-dress, two long curls, fur- trimmed robe, oval with broad border, over tablet with title, in rect., background ruled to brickwork, 4to, stipple. Fine copy of an attractive and very scarce print. (Marie Antoinette, Louis XVI) H. Pauquet Del et Sculp. Whole lengths, vignettes, 8vo. Superb India proofs before inscriptions of these very beautiful and delicately engraved portraits. (2) Mrie Antoinette D’Autriche Reine Des Francois, etc. Made Dabos inv.—Phelippeaux Sculp. A Paris chez Mad Bergny, Mde d’Estampes, etc. Half length to right, large drooping plume in cloth head-dress, long hair, simple dress, oval, broad horizontal stripes to rectangle, over tablet with title on similar vertically ruled base, in rect., 8vo, stipple. Attractive and very scarce print in perfect condition. Marie Antointe Archsse D’Autriche. Reine de France, etc. De- sinée et Gravé par J. A. Pierron. Full bust to right, aigrette and drooping plume in dark cap, curls and flowing veil, lace- edged dress, with tassels, oval, broad border, partly covered by draped silk curtain, over base with Arms, Austrian eagle, and title, in rect., 4to, line. A beautiful original impression, but lacks publication lines. The Queen of France. T. Prattent Sct 1786. European Maga- zine. Marie Antoinette D’Autriche, etc. E. Rivoalen sc. A. Quantin Imp. Edit. 12mo, rect. Marie-Antoinette D’Autriche. Pl@ Dautel sc. d’apres Callet. etc. Bust, vignette, stipple, 8vo. Marie Antoinette D’Autriche. Dumont pinxit—BY Roger sc. 1821. Bust, vignette, stipple, 8vo. Open letter proof on India paper. (4) 5460 5461 5462 5463 5464 5465 5466 5467 Marie Antoinette Epouse Louis XVI Le 16 Mai 1770. | Marie-Thérése D’Autriche Epouse Louis XIV Le 9 Juin 1660. Improvisation Regnault, etc. Whole lengths, seated, rectangles, etchings, 8vo. Two very beautiful India proofs on undivided folio sheet, very scarce. Eugénie ou La Noblesse Representée par les Romains sous la forme d’une Femme tenant la Haste d’une main, et de l'autre une petite Statue qu’ elle dedié 4 Minerve. Nous avons cru ne pou- voir mieux rendre ses traits que par ceux d’une Reine notre Bien- faictrice etc. C. N. Cochin fils del. 1780.—J. F. Rousseau sculp. Whole length, with Minerva supporting portrait of Empress Maria Theresa, in rectangle, 4to, etching. | Fine copy of a very scarce print. Maria Antonietta D’Austria Regina Di Francia G Sardi S. Pubblicato in Venezia a spese di Franco Aglietti e Compagni. Bust, profile to right, circle, 8vo, stipple. Fine and scarce. Maria Antonietta Regina di Francia G. B. Bosio dis——G. A. Sasso inc. Whole length to left, towers of ‘Notre Dame, etc., in background, vignette, 4to, stipple. Very scarce. | O Cendres Que J’Adore—Je suis done reunie avec Vous pour jamais Veille Sur Lui.Grand Dieu.—Tu sauvas son enfance. le Cte de Norion del.—Gravé par Schleich. Se vend chez Martin Engelbrecht. Busts of the Queen and Dauphin, profiles to right, circles with borders, tear drops in angles, over tablets with funeral urn and Arms, in rectangles, 8vo, stipples. Fine impressions of these very scarce, beautiful, and pathetic prints. (2) Peint par F. Dumont.—Gravé Alex4te Tardien. Whole length with diadem in Greek dress, with sandals, leaning on pedestal holding vase of flowers with medallion of Louis XVI. Folio, rect. Proof before inscription, artist’s line lightly etched, first state. A very beautiful engraving of extreme scarcity. Marie Antoinette J. F. Tourcaty del.—et sculp. A Paris. En- graved for the Monthly Register Published . . . Mar. 1. 1793. Medallion bust, profile to left, oval, 8vo, stipple. Marie-Antoinette 4 Trianon. Whole length, seated, with her two children, rect., 8vo, stipple. : | (2) Maria, Antoinetta of Austria Queen of France. Engraved for the Universal Magazine. Printed for I. Hinton, ete. Bust to left, oval in rect., 8vo, line. Marie Antoinette gewezene Koningin van Frankryk. I L van Beck sculp. Bust to right, oval, 12mo, stipple. Very scarce. . (2) 5468 5469 5470 5471 5472 5473 5474 5475 Marie Antonie Koénigin von Frankreich Verhelst—Mannh. Bust, profile to right, circle, 24mo. Beautifully engraved, very scarce. 7 Triomphez aujourd’huy généreuses victimes! (etc., three lines). Verzy f. Medallion busts, accolated of Queen, King and Dau- phin, profiles to left, circle, under crown of stars, over base with inscriptions, 8vo, stipple. Beautifully engraved and very scarce. Marie-Antoinette 1789. H. de Viel Castel—Lith. de’ Villain. Whole length, to front, rect., 4to, colored lith. Crease in blank background. Marie Antoinette—Louis XVI. | Bonaparte—Louis XVIII. Wil- lard sc. Four busts in ovals, joined by draped curtain, 8vo, stipple. Marie Antoinette Born Nov' 2nd 1755. Engrav’d from an Original Picture by Mad™me le Brun Bust to front, oval over tablet with representation of parting from king, in rect., 8vo, stipple. (3) Marie Antoinette Reine De France, etc. Vanloo pinx.—Voyez sc. Ce Lys que la France vous donne, (etc., three lines) A Paris chés Esnauts et Rapilly, etc. Bust to right, high head- dress with diadem, lace-trimmed dress, ermine robe, oval, with broad border, under sun with rays, over roses, laurels, doves, Cupid with picture in octagonal frame, and base with title, in rect., 8vo, line. Fine and scarce. Maria Antonietta Venezia presso Antonio Zatta e Figli. Bust, profile to left, hair in tight rolls with wreath, circle, ribbon and garland above, over flowers and tablet with title, in rect., 8vo, line. Very scarce. M. Antonietta Figlia d’Imperador, di Re consorte (etc., three lines) Verité delin—G. Zatta sculp. Bust to right, high head- dress, diadem with three pearls, curl on left shoulder, lace- trimmed dress, oval, broad border, over tablet with title, in rect., 4to, stipple. Printed in red, fine and scarce. Marie-Antoinette Archiduchesse D’Autriche, Sceur De L’Empe- reur Reine De France. Née a Vienne le 2 Novembre 1755. Bust, profile to right, oval, over crown, Arms and tablet with title, in rect., 8vo, stipple. Printed in brown, cut to rect. Marie Antointe D’Autriche. Sceur De L’Empereur Reine de France. Née a Vienne le 2 Novembre 1755. Bust, profile to right, oval, over tablet with title, without background, in rec- tangle of single heavy line, 8vo, stipple. In the style of Verité, excessively scarce. . 5476 5477 5478 5479 54.80 5481 5482 5483 Antoinette, Konigin der Franzosen. Bust to right, turban with large drooping plume, oval with border, over irregular tablet with title, in rect., 16mo, line. Two copies. (2) Maria Antonia Regina Franciae, nata Archid. Austriae. Half length to left, oval with broad border, on base with title, 12mo, stipple. Sears! Full half length to left, bonnet and dress of broad stripes, right arms resting on pedestal with bust of the King, oval, with border of single heavy line, 5. x 4.3. 8vo, stipple. Excessively scarce and beautifully executed engraving, un- lettered. Marie Antoinette Reine De France Nee a Vienne le 2 Novembre 1755. Mariée a Versailles le 16 Mai 1770. Half length to left, oval frame, ring and ribbon, doves, laurel branches and cuirass above, cock and dolphin supporters, flags, cannon, crossed torch and quiver, etc., below, over crown, Arms and tablet below, in rectangle, 4to, line. Fine impression of an excessively scarce print. Maria Antoinetta Koningin V. Vrankk Bust to right, oval, under broken Arms and garlands, over tablet; “ Het Doodvonnis ondergaan binnen Parys, den 16 October 1793.”, in rect., 8vo, stipple. Cut to rectangle, excessively scarce. y Maria Antoinetta, Dauphiness of France Born Nov" 2, 1755. Whole length to left, vignette, 8vo, stipple. right, 12mo, stipple. 12mo, line. (3) - Bust to right, turban, aigrette and plume cut off by oval, 3.7.x 2.10, stipple, 8vo. India proof before letters. Marie Antoinette, etc., bust to left, profile, oval, 12mo, stipple, cut close. Small whole length from Lavater resembling Marie An- toinette. (3) Maria Antonie Konigin von Frankreich und Navarra Erz. von Oestereich. Three-quarter length, profile to right, seated, fan in hand, curtain and pillars in background, rect., 4to, etching. Companion print of Ludwig XVI to left. In fine condition, excessively scarce. (2) , Marie-Antoinette, etc., three-quarter length, seated, to. Marie Antoinette., bust to right, resting on clouds, in rect.,. ee ee ee ee ee. ao 5484 5485 — -6486 5487 5488 5491 5492 5493 Mie Antoinette D’Autriche, Reine De France, Née A Vienne, etc. Bust to right, elaborate head-dress, curls and veil, circle with broad border containing title, crown of roses and garlands at top, weeping Cupid, roses, lilies and tablet representing “ Les Adieux De M’¢ Antoinette A Sa Famille.”, at bottom, in rect., verses at bottom, large 4to, stipple. Companion portrait of Louis XVI. Fine copies, excessively scarce. (2) Famille Royale De France. Five busts, accolated, profiles to right, circle with border enclosing title, 12mo, stipple. Scarce. La Famille Royale. Medallion busts of Queen and King facing, with Dauphin beneath, on shield surmounted by crown and palms, with oval portraits of Louis XVIII and Monsieur, on background of flags and laurels, at sides, resting on clouds, oblong small folio, stipple. Heads of the Queen and King outlined on funeral urn with heads of Dauphine and Dauphin in branches of weeping willow, circle, over blank tablet, rect., 12mo, line. Proof before all letters, very scarce. Marie Antoinette, etc—Louis XVI, etc. Busts, facing, in cir- cle, border containing titles, over verses, 12mo, stipple. Similar Dauphine and Dauphin. Deposé a la Biblio- theque. The upper blank borders have been trimmed, not affect- ing the portraits. Very scarce. (2) Louis Charles De Franee—Marie Ther. Charlotte De France. Le Roy F., ete. Deposé, ete. Busts, facing, circle with border containing titles, over Arms and additional titles, 12mo, stipple. Fine proof, inscription stippled, very scarce. Adieux de Marie antoinette, 4 son fils, etc. La Reine Devant Le Tribunal, ete. India proof. Marie Antoinette a la Conciergerie, proof before all letters. | (3) Marie Therese Imperatrice. Ducreux pinx.—Dupin se. A Paris ches Esnauts et Rapilly, ete. 8vo. Jac. Andr. Fridrich se. 12mo; and a proof before all letters, 8vo. (3) Marlborough. George Spencer 3°4 duke, F. Bartolozzi del.—J. Ogborne sc. 1795. Oval, 4to. Very fine. Marlborouch. Johannes Baro De Churchill Dux Et Comes De, Bust to left, oval over war emblems and cartouche with palms, rect., folio, mezzo. Fine impression of an early and scarce portrait. 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 5500 5501 5502 . §503 5504 Marlburii. Johannes Dux, C. Fritzsch sculp. The best small portrait. 8vo. Nearly three-quarter length to right, baton in hand, helmet on table, proof before all letters on India paper of the Unwins—Worthington 1822. (2) Marmontel. J. F. Duchaine sculp. A Paris chez Bligny, etc. 4to. Philippe de Marnix, J. J. Flipart Sculp. (2) Marot Clement, G. F. L. Debrie inv. et sculp. 1729. Laureated bust, profile to left, oval, Cupids with lyre, caduceus and fes- toons, over vignette, rect., 4to, line. One of the scarcest and most attractive portraits. Clemens Marotus Poeta Aetatis. Suae LX. H. Hondius Fe. four French verses. 8vo. By Moncornet 1658; and by DeBry. (3) (Mars. Mlle, Dans Betty) Half length to left, hat with long plume, oval in rect., over wreaths and dramatic emblems, 4to, stipple. Very beautiful proof before all letters of the E. C. Renaud— Lecomte. Marshall, John, From the original portrait, painted by order of the Bar of Philadelphia. Painted by H. Inman—Drawn by A. Newsam. Copyright 1831. Folio, vignette. Fine copy of a very scarce and early American lithograph. Artist’s signed proof by G. Kruell, folio. Bank note India proof before all letters. (2) Marvell. Andrew, engraved by James Basise, 1776. etc. Bust to left, oak wreath above, oval of laurel branches, in rect., folio. Reversed copy by Cipriani from Hollis Memon (2) Marie Stuart When Dauphiness of France, engraved by Joseph Brown, Bentley, 1851, India proof, 8vo. Mary Q. of Scots, G. Vertue Sculp: 1729. 8vo, two copies. Execution of Maria Stuart, Gasper Bouttats sculp. Small folio. Mary I. Design’d & Engrav’d by G. Vertue, folio. Queen Mary. (II). J. Houbraken sculp. 8vo. Whole length from Teatro Belgico; and medallion with William III. Ia. Clark Sculps. 4to. (4) Her Royal Highness Princess Mary Fourth Daughter to their Majesties, etc., by Caroline Watson. 1785. Half length to front, broad straw hat with ribbons, rect., 4to. A soft and beau- tiful engraving of a young and attractive girl; fine and very scarce. The lady became Duchess of Gloucester. — a. ee ee ee ae 5505 5506 5507 5508 5509 .5510 5511 5512 5513 5514 5515 Cotton Mather, reproduction of the scarce mezzo. by The Pel- ham Club. Boston. 1901. Increase Mather, Hopwood se. . 8vo. (2) Mathews. Tobias, Abp. of York, etc. R. E/(lstracke.) scul: Are to be sold by Geo: Humble in popes head alley. Half length to left, hands folded on book, Arms supported by angels above, in rect., 8vo. Brilliant impression, very scarce. Maverick. Peter, From a Painting by John Neagle. 4to, proc- ess. Mayhew. Jonathan, D. D. Pastor of the West Church in Boston, etc. I. B. Cipriani 1767. 4to. (2) Maximilian I with Mary of Burgundy on reverse, 8vo. Edith May by R. Whitechurch, 8vo. Thomas May, Aetatis 55, 12mo; and Aetatis 71. 1660. 8vo. by Gaywood. (4) Mazarin, etc. Ortance Manchini Duchesse of, P. Lely pinx. G. Valck. sculp. et exud. 1678. Three-quarter length to left, seated, pillar and curtain in background, line. A wonderfully fine and brilliant impression, in choice condition, of an excessively scarce and unusually pleasing portrait. from Petitot series; and Card. Jules Mazarin. Sandoz del —Desvachez sc. Artist’s signed proof of a very beautiful en- graving. ! 62) Masillon. B. Roger Sc. 8vo. Pourvoyeur sculp, three states. Chretien de-Mechel Graveur, etc. 4to, presentation proof. (5) Mechel. Chretien de, Graveur, etc. Gravé par J. J. de Mechel. “Souvenir d’amitié pour l’estimable M® Trumbull de notre entrevue a Basle en Suisse le 30 Mai 1795. de la part de s. tres h. serviteur. Chr. de Mechel” (The engraver of Washington, Hart 20.) (de Medici) Katharina Regina Henrici II uxor, Francisci, Ca- roli. et Henrici Regum Mater Half length to left, mourning dress, hands folded on book, pillars to left, rect., 8vo. Brilliant impression by Wierix. Very scarce. Same, cut down to inner rectangle. Engraved by J. W. Cook. Bentley 1849. India proof on folio paper. (2) Medici. D. Ferdinando I., G. Duca Di Toscana. Cum Privi- legio—Franco Forma. 4to. Illustrissima Florentinorum Ducis Uxor, etc., 1598. Crispin de Passe excudit. 12mo. Both scarce. (2) 5516 5517 5518 5519 5520 5521 5522 5523 5524 5525 5526 5527 (Marie de Medicis.) Hieronymus Wierx sculp. in Septembri Anno 1600. Avee privil: du Roy. Harman Adolfz excudebat, etc., four French verses. Bust to right, large ruff, strings of pearls, etc., vignette, folio. Very fine impression of a print of marvelous execution and of the very greatest rarity. : Marie de Med. Royne Reg. de France et de Navarr. L. Gaultier sculp. 1610. Whole length, to front, left hand on table with Arms and crowned initials, curtain and tear-drop background, four French verses, rect., 4to. Fine impression, of the very greatest scarcity. copy, without the verses, I. le Clerc Le Jeune f. 8vo. With stamp of Ambroise Firmin-Didot. Very scarce. Sic ivit nostram grandis Medicea per Urbem, sceptrorum Mater suspicienda trium. Whole length, seated, under canopy with cupids, folio, line. Fine impression. Very scarce. Marie De Medicis Royne Rege De France, etc. I. le Clere excud.—L. Gauitier sculp. Half length, to front, oval, border — with title, rect., 12mo. Fine impression. Very scarce. Petrus Firens fecit. 12mo. Three-quarter length from Portrait in Dresden Gallery. Hurst & Blackett. India proof on folio paper. Whole length, holding scales and sword, under canopy, four French verses, 4to, modern impression. (3) Philippus Melanthon, aetatis 40. 8vo. Claude Mellan by him- self 1635 4to; and the same cut down to 8vo. (3) Mendelssohn. Moses, etc., p. par J. C. Frisch—Gravé ... par J. G. Miiller, etc. Fine and scarce. Mengs. Ant. Raph. von Heinrich Sintzenich Gestochen 1784. 4to, beautifully printed in red. Another by C. G. Rasp. 1784. 8vo. (2) Menzel. Adolph F. E. Etched by A. Gilbert, vignette, folio. India proof. P. Meyerheim pxt—C. Reim sct India proof. 8vo. (2) Meredith. George, carbon print by Fred’k Hollyer after G. F. Watts, folio. Signed proof on India paper by Samuel Hollyer. (2) Mericourt. Theroigne de, Ch. Devritz 1845. 4to. Della Crusca (Robert Merry) by Collyer 1789. 12mo. Joannes Meursius by Sim: de Pas. 8vo. Mercator from Boissardo. (4) 5528 5529 5530 5531 5532 Mrs Merry as Horatia in the Roman Father Publish’d by T. Condie Philad® Whole length, 8vo, stipple, from the “ Phila- delphia Monthly Magazine” Apr. 1798, probably by Houston. Mesmer. F. A., Jules Porreau sc. 1849. India proof, 8vo. Meusnier. Mathieu, presentation proof from the engraver, A. T. Lallemand. (2) Michael Angelus Bonarota, etc. Engraved by G. Ghisi. Folio. Scarce. F. Bartolozzi sculp 1764. 4to. GPe Longhi incise 1815. 4to. open letter proof; and another. (3) Mill. John Stuartt, G. F. Watts R. A. pt—Rajon st Artist’s signed proof. “The face is one of the finest pieces of work ever executed ” P. G. Hamerton. Very scarce. MILTON References are to the Exhibition Catalogue—Grolier Club. Jan’y 1909 5533 5534 5535 5536 5537 5538 Four vignettes of the different types on 8vo sheet. 1—PIl. 306. —2|3—4| This is without “ Page 162.” G. 2.(a) Bust, to front, in oval wreath, small folio. John Milton Drawn And Etched MDCCLX By I. B. Cipriani, etc. (ten lines) G. 3. : (2) Bust, to left, oval, in rect., 4to. Cornelius Jansen pinxit.—W. IN. Gardiner Sculpt Iohn Milton. Htat, 10. From an Original Picture, (etc. four lines). Two copies. G. 5. (2) Same; proof before border and all letters. Brilliant impression of this very scarce and beautiful engraving on folio paper. G. 6. Bust, to front, vignette, 8vo. Portrait described in Gent Mag. for wept. 1787: p. 759" G9: Bust, to front, oval, in rect., 8vo. John Milton. G. 16. (2) Bust, to front, oval over base with busts of Homer and Virgil, and tablet, in rect., 4to. Ioannes Milton Ztatis XXI. Nascuntur Poetae, non fiunt. G. Vertue Sculp. 1731. G. 10. First issue. Bust, in oval, 6.1.x 4.14. Brilliant proof before border and all letters of the engraving by W. N. Gardiner, 1794. (after Jans- sens) on folio paper. Undescribed, but uniform with G. 6. and 125. (G. 24. a.) 5539 5540 5541 5542 5543 5544 5545 5546 BBA Bust, to left, oval over tablet with Greek inscription, in rect., 4to. Ioannes Milton. Htatis LXII 1670. Front: Vol: 2. G. Vertue Sculp, 1747. G. 47. Bust, to left, oval over tablet with six line inscription from Dry- den, in rect., 12mo. D. Coster sculpt Very scarce. G. 51. Bust, to right, oval over base with title, in rect., 8vo. Ioannes Miltoni. Het. LXII* MDCLXX. Sana. Posteritas. Sciet. Gul: Faithorne ad viv: del: Car. Knight Sculp: G. 59. Fine impression of a scarce print. Bust, to right, over sarcophagus with title, in rect., 8vo. Milton. Faithorne Pinxt 1670. Woodman Jun™ sct... 1807... G.°Or: gig Bust, to right, oval over rectangle with serpent, 4to. En- graved by Henry Cooke. Milton. ... 1815... G. 62. Bust, to right, oval with diverging background in laurel wreath, Small folio. John Milton Drawn And Etched MDCCLX By I. B. Cipriani, (ete., nine lines) G. 82. (3) Bust, to left, oval over pedestal with lyre in laurel wreath, in —erect., 12mo. I. Miller Se: G. 84. —— Bust, to right, circle over base with title, in rect., 16mo. Milton. Bartolozzi Sculp: G. 91. Bust, laureated, to right. Vignette, 12mo. Nectens aut Paphia Myrti, (etc., three lines) I: R: sen: f. From an Excelt Orig: ete. G. 111. : (3) Half length, to left, laureated, oval in rect., small folio. R. White ad Vivum delin.—I. Simon fecit. | M? John Milton. Fine impression of this scarce mezzotint but cut to title. G. 108. Bust to left, oval in rect., 8vo. F. G. Schmidt Sculpsit. Jean Milton Né a Londres, etc. A Paris chez Odieuvre, ete. G. 121. Two copies. Bust to right, oval over tablet with title and base with six- line French inscription, in rect., 8vo. Jean Milton, Auteur du Poéme du Paradis perdu, (etc., four lines) Suite de Desrochers Se vend A Paris chez Petit, etc. G. 122. (3) Bust to left, oval in rect., 4to. Vertue delint W. N. Gardiner Sculpt Iohn Milton. tat 62 From the Original Drawing by Vertue (etc., four lines) G. 124. } Same; proof before border and all letters. G. 125. Brilliant impression of this very scarce and beautiful engraving on folio paper. 5548 5549 5550 5551 5552 5553 5554 5555 Bust to right, over tablet with title, rect., 8vo. John Milton Blood Se. Published by Longman, Hurst, Rees & Orme, Pater- noster Row. 1809. G. 127. On Japan paper. Bust to right, over tablet with title, in rect., 8vo. John Milton (1667) Published by William Pickering, Chancery Lane, 1826. G. 130. Large paper India proof. Very scarce. (2) Bust to left, oval, partly obscured by cloak, over emblems and Arms, in rect., small folio. Giovanni Milton I®° Vander Gucht Sculp. G. 142. Fine copy with full margins. Very scarce. Bust to left, oval over base with vignette of the Expulsion, in pectewosis, x 3.9, °C... 150, Bust to right, oval, 8vo. Engraved by Mariano Bovi. Giovanni Milton. Onorate l’altissimo Poeta. G. 163. Bust to right, oval, title overhead, in rect., 8vo. Milton G. Vertue 1750. G. 165. (3) Bust to right, oval over base with title, marbled background, rect., 8vo. Milton C. Fritzsch sculps. 1761. G. 170. Brilliant impression of a very scarce print. Sculptured bust to left, on pedestal with serpent and apple, in rect., small folio. Milton. I. Richardson delin: G. Vertue Sculpsit G. 173. Sculptured bust to left, rect., 12mo. Literary Magazine. John Milton. G. 180. Sculptured bust on tall pedestal, with ribbon; ‘‘ Defensio Secunda” and portrait of Salmasius, vignette, in rect., 8vo. TeBIC. I? FY MDCCLXVII. I: Hopwood. ere 1 OO. Scarce. (2) The monument by Rysbrack in Westminster Abbey. Bust to front on pedestal with title, funeral urn overhead; tablet with inscription, over crossed lyre and laurel branches below, in rect., 6.5.x 4.4. Milton In the Year of our Lord Christ One Thou- sand seven Hundred Thirty and seven This Bust of the Author of Paradise Lost was placed here by William Benson Esq? (etc., five lines) | Rysbrack was the Statuary who cut it. London Published by John Williams as the Act directs June 1826. Un- described. (G. 187*.) Milton dictating Paradise Lost. Sully pinxt P. Maverick sct on title-page of The Analectic Magazine. 1814. Wood-cut of the Hollis bust by D. Nichols, 4to. (3) Bust, profile to right, oval over small ruled oval, 12mo. _ T. Holloway sculpsit. Milton. From an Impression of a Seal of T. Simon, in the possession of M® Yeo. Published as the Act directs, 6 March 1790, by C. Dilly, Poultry, & the rest of the Proprietors. G. 204, note. The excessively scarce early issue. 5556 5557 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 Bust to right, oval, draped, with pyramid background, over base with title, bas-relief of the Expulsion, and lettered oval, in rec- tangle: John Milton The above is a facsimile of the manu- script (etc., nine lines) Publish’d . . . JantY 4. 1786 by Caro- line Watson, Fitzroy Street. G. 211. Modern impression on India paper. Similar to above but the portrait in oval only. Milton. Engraved by Caroline Watson. 1808. from a miniature by Cooper. Published JanYy 20. 1808. etc. G. 213. Two copies. . (3) Bust to right, oval with broad frame, in rect. John Milton. Augsbourg by John Elias Haid. G. 218. Brilliant impression of this excessively scarce mezzotint. Bust to left, in clouds, vignette. Sixdeniers Sculpt Milton. Imp. F. Chardon aine, 30, r. Hautefeuille, Paris. G. 222. Very scarce. Bust to left, rect., 12mo. Fine proof before all letters, of the lithograph by Julien after Cooper, on small folio paper. G. 226. Very scarce. Bust to left, oval with laurel garlands, crossed lyre and trumpet overhead, over oval bas-relief of the Temptation, background of fluted column and base, in rect., 8vo.- Brilliant and perfect proof before all letters of the print by William Sharp after Cooper. Undescribed. (G. 229a.) Excessively scarce. Bust to right, oval in rect., small 4to. I. Faber fecit Johannes Miltonus; circa annum etatis xxv™ Cedite Romani Scriptores (etc., three lines) G. 235. Mezzotint from Peck’s Memoirs. 1740. Bust to left, oval in rect., 4to. Ioannes Milton Htat: 42. Ex Museo I. Richardson G. Vertue Sculpsit 1751. G. 238. Nearly three-quarter length to right, rect., 4to. S. Hard- ing. del. E Harding Jun sculpt John Milton. From an Orig- inal Picture in the Collection of Lord Orford, at Strawberry Hill. Published Dect 1 1796 by E. & S. Harding Pall Mall. G. 244. Bottom line clipped. (2) Half length to right, right hand to breast, pilgrim’s staff and bottle to left, rect., small folio. P. V. Plas. Fecit Drawn &, Engrav,d by G Quinton. Milton. From an Original Picture, in the possession of Capel Lofft, Esqr Publish’d August 18t 1797, by W. Stevenson, Norwich for G. Quinton, ete. G. 246. Fine impression of a scarce print. Bust to left, vignette. Milton. (from a Picture by Plas.) Drawn on Stone by M. Gauci Esqr¢. Printed by F. Moser, 4 Greenland Place Cromer Street.—India proof. G. 249. 5565 5566 5567 5568 5569 5570 5571 5572 5573 5574 5575 5576 5577 Bust to right, rect. I. T. Wedgwood Sculpt India proof be- fore inscription, with engraver’s name lightly etched, of the print engraved by J. T. Wedgwood for the “ Effigies Poeticae ”’. Undescribed. (G. 252a,) Excessively scarce. Bust to front, oval in rect., 4to. Engraved by T. Woolnoth. John Milton. From a Miniature of the same size by Faithorne Anno 1667, (etc., two lines) London, Published by Charles Knight, Pall Mall East. Proof. G. 258, note. India proof on folio paper, with word “ Proof” in lower left. Bust to front, rect., 8vo. Painted by C. Ianssen. John Milton. Engraved by Charles Pye. London ... March, 1823. G. 254. (2) Bust to right, in mantle, left hand to breast, represented blind, vignette, 8vo. Bosselman sc. Milton. Imp. F. Chardon ainé.. 30. r. Hautefeuille, Paris. Publié par Furne, 4 Paris. G. 276. India proof. Bust to left, head supported by right hand, oval, over tablet with title, in rect., 4.14.x 3. G. 286. Very scarce. Full bust to right, oval, 16mo. W. Haines Sculpt Milton. G. 287. Stauffer 1205. India proof, very scarce. Another copy, plain paper. G. 287. S. 1205. Bust to right, rect., 24mo. E. Prud’homme Sc. John Milton. G. 294. S. 2593. (2) Bust to right, vignette, 16mo. D.C. Johnston, Sc. John Mil- ton. G. 295. S. 1492. Very scarce. Bust to right, vignette, 16mo. Proof on Japan paper of finished plate by G. Mercier for the Grolier Club’s “ Areopagitica ” 1890 G. 319. | Same; on plate paper. G. 319. Same; signed in pencil by the artist. G. 319. Mirabeau. Honoré G. R., Le Vachez sculp. 4to, mezzo., two copies. Dequevauviller sculp; and proof before title. Fiesinger sculp, printed in brown. E. Voysard scul. Two other prints and a proof before letters, pencilled Mirabeau, but doubtful. (9) Molé. Deveria del.—Simonet ainé scul. 8vo, four states. Momoro. A. F. M., Premier Imprimeur, etc., 1789. 12mo. (5) Moliere Sandoz del—Desvachez sc. 4to, line. India proof of a beautiful and decorative print. 5580 5581 5582 5583 5584 5585 5586 5587 5588 5589 Signed India proof before inscription by L. de Mare on folio paper. Moliere. Jean Baptiste Poquelin, Half length to right, oval in rect., 4to. Fine oval India proof lithograph by Barry. (2) Gilbert del et sculpt 4to. C. Dufour etched 12mo; both before letters. Engraved by J. Posselwhite, India proof from L. P. Knight; and the Frilley-Soliman in two states. (5) Michael de Molinos the Quietist. Half length, profile to left, mezzo., 4to. Brilliant impression, but lacks publisher's line. Michael de Molinos Chief of the Quietists, Author of the Book called The Spiritual Guide, (etc., ten lines) Printed and sold by John Overton at the White Horse Without Newgate. Three=" quarter length to right, taper in hand, rect., folio, line. Very scarce. Mona Lisa, Simonet ainé 1820. India proof before letters. Mrs Montague Engraved by Tho’ Holloway, 1785. 8vo; and by F. Bartolozzi 1792. 8vo. | (3) The Honble Robt Monckton, Major General. Governor of New York. Printed for J. Smith at Hogarths head, Cheapside, 1762. Bust to right, in uniform, oval, 8vo, mezzo. Fine impression. Scarce. Engraved for the Universal Magazine. 8vo; and Miller sculp 12mo. Thos Mifflin by Wellmore, 8vo; and Don.. G. Mitchell by Capewell. 8vo. (4) Monroe. James L. L. D., President Of The United States Painted by C. B. King.—Published Dect 15th 1817 by W. H. Morgan . . . —Engraved by Goodman & Piggot. Copy right secured . . . Folio rect. Fine, clean copy of a scarce print. S. 1145. —— Engraved By T. Gimbrede From An Original Painting By I. Van Der Lyn. 1817. etc. Small folio, rect. 3 Fine copy. Excessively scarce. S. 1066. Engraved By M. Peabody From An Original Painting By I. Van Der Lyn. 4to, rect. Excessively scarce. S. 2418. Medal, etched by Jules Jacquemart, proof before reverse, oblong folio. Geo. Monck Duke of Albemarle. Bocquet sc. 1806. 4to. (2) 5590 5591 5592 5593 5594 5595 5596 5597 5598 5599 5600 Montaigne. Michel De, Dessiné par Genest.—Gravé par Che- reau le jeune 1723, 4to. On title-page of Essais 1659 N. de Larmessin in. et fe. 12mo. By J. Collyer 1775. Ato. By Le- roux in two states; and a 12mo. (6) (Montagu Lady Mary Wortley.) Lady Mary Pierrepont. 1710. Engraved by Caroline Watson, 1803, 12mo. Fine and scarce. Montcalm. Louis-Joseph, Marquis De, etc. Sergent del.—et Sculp. 1790. A Paris chez Blin, etc. 4to, aquatint. In perfect condition, beautifully printed in colors. Mont-Calm. L. J. Mais De, J. B. Massé pinx—J. Barbié Sculp. etc. Bust to right, oval, decorative frame, key-stone and oak festoon at top, over vignette of his death, in rect., 4to. Very fine impression, full margins, very scarce. Montespan. Madame De, Engraved by W. Greatbach, Bentley 1838, India proof on folio paper. From the Petitot series, India proof and plain; and by Aubert 8vo. (4) Montesquieu. Chiles De Secondat B°n De, A Paris chez Duflos, ete. Whole length, seated, vignette, rect., 4to, original coloring. Scarce. Gravé aprés Dassier Par G. Ph. Benoist, 12mo. C. P. Marillier del.—Voyer Maj. Sculp. 4to. (2) Gravé par Fauchery, India proof before title, 4to. Dessiné et gravé par De Villiers, 8vo. Pourvoyer Del. et sculp. 8vo, two states. Prevost sculp. two states; and J. B. Compagnie sculp. 4to. (oa) Montgomery. James, Esq? Painted by J. R. Smith—Engraved by C. Turner. 1819. Half length to right, rect., folio, mezzo. Fine, full-margined copy. The Right Rev Benjamin Moore D.D Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of New York. Half length in robes, to left, seated, rect., over episcopal Arms, folio, stipple. Unusually fine copy of an unsigned American print, of the greatest rarity. Moore. Thomas, G. S. Newton pinxt—W. H. Watt sculpt 1828. Published . . . June 14, 1828. Half length to left, oval in rect., folio, line. Etched letter proof, before title, on India paper, in the finest possible condition. One of the best and most attractive portraits. Very scarce. 5601 5602 5603 5604 5605 5606 5607 5608 5609 5610 5611 5612 5613 f —— by G. Adcock 1831, on title page of Finden’s Beauties of Moore; and by Wedgwood, 8vo and 12mo, all India proofs; and Edward Moore, by Neagle, 1787, 12mo. 7 (5) The Reverend John Moorhead Minister of a Church of Pres- byterian Strangers at Boston, etc., reproduction of the scarce mezzo. Published by The Pelham Club. Boston. 1901. Morgan. Daniel, whole length in hunting dress seated, rect., 4to. Fine original India proof the Chappel on folio paper. More. Mrs Hannah, Painted by H. W. Pickersgill, A.R.A.— March 1. 1824—Engraved by W. H. Worthington, etc., folio. Fine proof on India paper, with full margins, very scarce. Same portrait, Engraved by W. Finden 1831, India proof, 4to. | (2) More. Sir Thomas, from the Heroologia, fine copy. - Effigies Thomae Mori Supremi quondam. Angliae Can- cellary, etc. Ioannes valdor . . . 1621. Half length to right, in robes, pointing to scroll in hand, rect., 12mo. Wonderfully fine impression of the most beautifully engraved portrait, of the very greatest rarity. B. Moncornet excudit. 4to. Engraved by R. Hicks 1830, India proof; and a 12mo. (3) Moretus. Bathasar, Antverpiensis, Typographus Regius Cele- berrimus, Christophori Plantini Ex Filia Nepos, &c. E Quel- linus delin.—Corn. Galle junior sculpsit, 4to. Fine impression, slight imperfection in upper right, very scarce. — | Moreau. Jean Nicolas, Premier Chirurgien de l’Hotél-Dieu de Paris. Gravé par Dupin fils, 4to. 2 Morgan. Lady, Engraved by R. Cooper 1825 after S. Lover, 4to. Croizieu del.—1819—Mecou Sculp. India proof. Two copies. (3) Morghen. Raphael, P. Caronni ine. rect., 4to. Brilliant proof before inscription. profile to right, rect., 8vo, brilliant proof before all let- ters, presentation copy from Henriquel Dupont to Raimbach. Antonius Morghen del et .sculp—Raphael Morghen direx- it., bust to right, oval in rect., 4to. . three small portraits, one an India proof before all letters. (3) 5614 5615 5616 ~ 5617 5618 5619 5625 Morgan. Sylvanus, on title-page to The Sphaere of Gentry, folio, by Gaywood. Rev. C. S. Moring by G. B. King, 8vo. Geo. P. Morris by G. Parker, 4to; and by Welch, 8vo. (4) Morris. William, etched by Samuel Hollyer, 4to. Two states. (2) Morse. Samuel F. B. Three-quarter length, seated at writing desk, folio. Very fine original crayon drawing, Gerothwohl Tanner pint, 1858. proof before all letters, presentation copy from W. G. Jackman to Dt J. W. Francis. Proof before all letters of the Chappel, print. Bank note India proof; and three of J. L. Motley. (6) Motley. Johm Lothrop, etched by W. H. W. Bicknell, folio. Artist’s signed India proof on vellum, very fine. Mory. Pierre de, two states. Sir Roger Mostyn, proof before all letters, 4to. F. Max Muller, by Raab, India proof. Murillo, India proof from Versailles Gallery; and Alfred de Musset, 12mo. (6) Motte. Comtesse De La, by Bonneville, and two others. Mme. de Motteville by Verran, India proof before title. (4) Moultrie. William, Esq., bust to left in uniform, 12mo, in the style of Gridley, fine copy, very scarce. Mozart. W. Amad. Engraved by J. Thomson, India proof from the L. P. Knight, stained; and two others. BB) Muhlenberg. Gen. Peter, Engraved by S. Arlent Edwards, No 1 of 50 proofs. Mulgrave. The Right Honble (Sophia) Lady, Painted by J. Hoppner R A.—Engraved by G. Clint. Half length to left, in lace veil, folio, rect., mezzo, brilliant impression. Musgrave. Lieutenant General Thomas, L. Abbot pinxt 1786. —G. S. Facius sc. 1797. -Engraved from a Picture painted in 1786: with a view of MT Chew’s House, near German-town, in Pennsylvania 1777. Half length in uniform, folio, rect., stipple. Brilliant impression, “ P. 11.” erased in lower right margin. Very scarce. 5626 5627 5628 5629 5630 5631 5632 5633 NAPOLEON Engraved from the Original Portrait drawn from the Life by Citizen L’Auteur at Paris. Bust, long hair, in uniform, oval in broad border, liberty cap at top, surmounted by military em- blems and laurel, in rect., small folio, mezzotint. Brilliant im- pression of an excessively scarce print. Companion portrait of Josephine. (2) General Buonaparte. American Universal Mag. From a Print in the French Exhibition, Philad@ Bust, profile to left, long hair, uniform, 12mo, stipple. Bonaparte, 18t Consul De La Rép. Frang. P. Bouillon del.— P. Audouin Sculp. On tablet; Bataille de Marengo, ete. Du- plessi-Bertaux inv & Sculp. Déposée a la Bibliotheque, ete. A Paris, chez ]’Auteur, etc. Imprimé par Ramboz. Small folio, rect., line. Brilliant impression of the first issue. Napoleon Crossing The Alps. (On rearing horse, after David). Folio, rect., etching and stipple. Issued as a companion portrait to Washington, Hart 757 about 1832. Not signed, but undoubtedly engraved by John Baker. Very scarce. . . Bust, profile to left, oval with narrow border and olive branches, over base with inscription and Minerva instructing two children in the ‘ Science Des Nombres,” in rect., 8vo, line. Du plus grand des héros resptons limage (etc., three lines). Signed in ink by Bardoux, a fine and excessively scarce print. Bonaparte 1¢ Consul. J. C. Bendorp, sculp. 1801. Bust to left, profile, in decorative oval, over laurel branches and tablet with title, in rect., 8vo, stipple. Fine impression of a beautiful and very scarce print. N: Bonaparte, First Consul Of The Republic Of France. En- graved by A: Birrell, from the last and most esteemed likeness taken at Paris on his return from the Battle of Marengo. Bust to right in uniform, head with large cocked hat to left, oval in brick-work rectangle, tall 4to, line. Fine and scarce. 6 Napoleon Bonaparte. Balch, Rawdon & Co. Se. 16mo. Bonaparte. 1¢™ Consul... Frangaise. Ne... 1769. Bonneville Sculp. A Paris, Rue S. Jacques, N° 195. Bust in uniform and cocked hat to left, pointing with gloved hand toward right, 4to, stipple. Fine impression. Napoleon, after Delaroche, Johnson, Fry & Co. Three- quarter length to left, 4to. (3) 5634 5635 5636 5637 5638 5639 Dessiné et gravé par Calamatta d’aprés le platre original moulé a Ste Helene par le Docteur Antommarchi. Paris chez Poieri- Bends etc. Laureated bust, from death mask, in rect., folio, ine. Early presentation proof, signed by the artist, on India paper, with stamps of Ambroise Firmin-Didot and Chardon the cop- per-plate printer. Very fine copy. Bonaparte. Dessiné et Gravé par Chataignier—Déposé a la Bib- lioteque Nation®! A Paris chez l’Auteur ... Cambray. Pre- sentment chez Basset ... Mathurins. Bust, to right, in uni- form, oval, angles decorated to rect., surmounted by crowing cock and “ Reception Des Ambassadeurs,” eight small rectangles with scenes at sides, and large tablet; “ Battaille De Marengo,” below. Beautiful impression, printed in colors, of an exceptionally fine and very scarce print. Napoleon, When First Consul, & Madame J osephine (His First Wife). In The Garden At Malmaison. Drawn and Engraved by M® George Cruikshank, from ... Isabey . . . Published Nov. 26, 1824, by John Fairburn, Broadway, Ludgate Hill. Oblong small folio, rect., aquatint. Fine unfolded proof from the scarce first issue of Ireland’s Napoleon, and the most important single print in that work. Napoléon 1¢* Courtois—Lith. de Becquet fréres. Half length to left (Delaroche type), 8vo. N. Bonaparte. Bust, in uniform, to left, under map of Elba and over view of Porto Ferrajo, in rect., folio, line. Davies Sculpt. Published by R. Bowyer, Pall Mall, 1815. Finely colored. Napoléon Bonaparte Lieutenant Colonel 1€T BO" De La Corse en 1792, etc., 4to. Grave par Dien. India proof from Versailles Gallery. (3) Bonaparte. Dessiné par I. Guerin.—Gravé par G. Fiesinger. Déposé a la Bibliothéque Nationale, le 29 Vendémiaire l’an 7 de la République Francoise. a Paris, chez A. A. Renouard .. . Full bust, in uniform, long hair, stern expression, oval, small folio, stipple. The most beautifully engraved, and by far the most desireable of this attractive type, in unexceptionable condi- tion. Very scarce. Napoleon Bonaparte. Devid Pt Paris——T. Gimbrede S¢ N. Y. Printed in Colours by E. Valentine N. Y. Bust, to left, in uniform, over tablet with title, in rect., stipple, 8vo. Fine and scarce specimen of early American color printing. S. 1070 II. 5640 5641 5642 5643 5644 5645 5646 5647 Dessiné par Charles Percier—Gravé par Adrien Godefroy. Half length in uniform, to left, head to right, rect., surmounted by imperial Arms, in rect., border, folio, aquatint in colors. Generaal Buonaparte J, T, Rusca pinxit—C, H, Hodges Sculp. Uitgegeven door E, Maaskamp Amsterdam 1797. Full bust, to right, in uniform, long hair, oval in rect., folio, mezzo. Brilliant etched open letter proof in magnificent condition, ex- — cessively scarce. General Buonaparte. From a Print in the Possession of Mons. Chalou. M. Davide pinx.—H. I. Houston Se. Bust, to right, in uniform and cocked hat, oval, 4to, stipple. Brilliant impression in excellent condition of the finest American engraving of Napoleon. Excessively scarce. S. 1457. Napoleon. 1815. Ches Steuben.—R. Graves. 12mo. An un- usually fine specimen of line engraving. Napoleon Emperor des Frangais—Gravé par Geille. folio. India proof from the Versailles Gallery. Napoleon—Josephine. Eng by Illman & Pillbrow. N. York. Published by J. & J. Harper, 1832. Unseparated; and a duplicate Napoleon. | (4) Buonaparte G. A. F. L. Bust, to left, uniform, long hair, oval with stipple border line, 4to. Printed in colors, excessively scarce. Napoleon 1€™ Empereur des Francais et Roi d’Italie, Ne le 15 Aout 1769. A Paris chez Jean..... Whole length in coro- nation robes, crowning bust of Marie Louise, rect., folio, stipple. Companion portrait of Marie Louise. | Both fine specimens, original coloring. (2) Busts, profiles to right, each numbered 20 in upper right. Vignettes without background, stipple. Two prints from different editions of “ Lavater Portatif.” : Souvenir. Marin Lavigne del.—Lith. de Lemercier. Lon- don published by Ch. Tilt, etc. Whole length, seated on bank, small folio, rect. Very fine specimen of lithography. (3) Bonaparte. Premier Consul. Dessiné et Gravé par Levachez, en 1801.—Déposé a la Biblioe Nle le 27 Bru€ an 10. A Mousseaux Chez Levachez Pere. Et 4 Paris, chez Vilquin . .. Bust, in uniform, long hair, circle, over tablet with title, marbled back- ground in rect., aquatint, 12mo. Exquisitely printed in color; a masterpiece of harmonious and artistic execution and of the very greatest rarity. No finer small Napoleon exists. ee ee a a 5648 5649 5650 5651 5652 5653 5654 5655 le voila. Napoléon, Empereur des Francais, Sorti de V’Isle d’Elbe, le 28 Février, rentré dans la Capitale, le 20 Mars, 1815. Bust, to front, in uniform, oval in rect., laurel wreath overhead, imperial eagle below, 12mo, stipple. Fine and very scarce. (Napoleon at Malmaison) Dessiné par Isabey 4 mal maison.— Gravé par C. I. Linges et Terminé par R. Cooper. Whole length, in uniform and cocked hat, right hand thrust into waist- coat, rect., folio, stipple. Fine and beautiful proof before inscription. Excessively scarce in this state. Classical laureated bust, accolated with Marie Louise, profiles to left, circle, 4to, line. A® Locatelli d’Alvisopoli dis ed incise. Alle Loro Maesta I.I. E R. R Questa Prima Opera Che Un Artista Di Alvisopoli Prendendo Auspicio Da Sublimissimo Sug- getto Ha Prodotto Alvise Mocenigo Dedica E Consacra. Unusually fine specimen of line engraving, very scarce. Gpe Longhi designo, ed incise. 1812. Bust, to right, uniform and Jace frill, with the crown of Lombardy, in oval formed by snake with tail in mouth, with border, over white star with “.N ” and diverging rays, vignette, 4to. Beautiful proof impression of the excessively scarce ‘Iron Crown ”’ print. JPh Longhi delin; et sculp. 1806. Laureated bust, to left, profile, in circle, 12mo. Beautiful impression on folio paper, of one of the finest line engravings of Napoleon, before the Latin inscription and title. Excessively scarce in this state. Same, with inscription; Solus Res Italas armis tutaris, moribus ornas Legibus emendas. Hor. but still before title. Fine and perfect, on folio paper, very scarce. Bonaparte 1? Consul De La Republique Francaise. Composée et Gravée par J. B. Louvion. A la Gloire Immortelle de Bona- parte. Bust, in uniform, to left, long hair, oval, border contain- ing title, laurel and oak branches, supported by Minerva and Cupid, on pyramid with crown of stars, over military emblems, genii and muse of History in frame, over tablet, rect., folio, stipple. . A very beautiful and fine proof before copyright and publica- tion lines, very scarce. Half length, to right, in uniform and cocked hat, head to left, oval over branches of laurel, and tablet, in rectangle, 8vo, stipple. Fine proof before all letters but engraver’s name, which is partly erased. Engraved by J. B. Massard. 5656 5657 5658 5659 5660 5661 5662 5663 5664 N: Bonaparte C. P. Sc. Luneville, an IX. Bust in uniform, long hair, to left, in oval over cross-ruled smaller oval with title, small folio, stipple. A beautiful impression of a very scarce fa finely engraved print. —— Another copy, equally fine. Pdor Pauquet Del et Sculp. Whole length, to right, in uni- form, right hand thrust into breast, vignette, 8vo, line. India proof before inscription of a most delicately and finely engraved print. Pax In Oré Manu Que Fulmen. Bust in uniform, profile to left, oval under star with rays, over eagle with laurel in beak and thunderbolt in talons, above globe, in rect., stipple, 8vo, on un- separated sheet with memorial tablet; Honneur a l’Armée d’Italie; etc. ; Fine proof of a very scarce and finely executed print. Napoléon Bonaparte Général en chef, etc. Gravé par Gustve Levy. Three-quarter length to left, in uniform, 4to, line. India proof from Versailles Gallery, Buonaparte. .L. Portman Se. Bust, profile to right, oval in rect., 8vo. . Napoleon. Rosmasler f. Zwickau, ete. Bust, to right, in oval, 4to, stipple. : (3) Napoléon Dédié 4 Madame Letitia Bonaparte. Peint Par F. Gérard 1803.—Déssiné Et Gravé Par Richomme 1835. Par son trés—respecteux admirateur le Typographe N. Bettoni. Half length to front in uniform, rect., small folio, line. A speaking portrait of unusually fine workmanship. Three-quarter length to left (Delaroche), rect., 4to, line. Fine proof before all letters of Schoff’s engraving. Not to be confounded with the “ pause stipple, to which it is far superior. | Bonaparte, 1" Consul. Dessiné par Isabey et Gravé par Al- | exdre Tardieu Gt de la Marine. Qui prétra jamais (etc., three. lines). Déposé a la Bibliothéque ...An X. A Paris chez Tardieu . . . Bust, profile to right, oval. Scarce. Napoleon Empereur des Frangais, Roi d’Italie. Dessiné par F. Damame.—Gravé par J. J. F. Tassaert 1806. Dieu me la donne gare 4 quit la touche. etc. Dédié et présenté au Sénat Conservateur. Whole length, to right, in uniform with drawn sword, background of flags, cannon, and encampment, folio, rect., stipple. Fine original coloring, very scarce. 5665 5666 5667 5668 5669 5670 5671 5672 5673 Publish’d as the Act Directs April 10. 1797 by Tomkins N° 49 New Bond Street London. Half length in uniform, long hair, profile to right, rect., 8vo, stipple. Fine proof before inscription and with an earlier date than appears on the lettered prints, excessively scarce. General Bonaparte. Bust, to left, oval, border with title over- head, angles blank, to rect., crown below, 16mo. In old metal frame. Whole length to front on the rock at St. Helena, rect., 8vo, line. India proof before all letters. Whole length to right, in uniform and cocked hat, seated, elbows resting on back of chair, 12mo, line. : India proof before all letters. (2) Corporal Violette. This Print, which appears to consist sim- ply of that beautiful Flower, the Violet, contains correct Pro- files. of the Emperor Napoleon, Maria Louisa, and the Young King of Rome; etc. Radcliffe Se.—213 Piccadilly. Vignette in rect., 4to. Picken’s Sketches of Napoleon N° 1. Prince 1. Vio- lets. Napoleon, Wife And Son. Vignette, 8vo, lith. (2) Napoleon, the Corsican Phenix. The Hat of Napoleon rep- resents the Gallic Cock, his wings expanded, and crowing con- fident of success. The Initial of his Name is branded on his Face, as a Mark of Infamy. . . . His Figure is enveloped in Flame, ‘figurative of the horrors of War and Bloodshed. Vign- ette, folio, stipple. Very curious and scarce. Il est composé de corps morts pour son ambition il est écrasé par l’aigle des allies. Son costume représente une carte geoe indiquant les noms des battailles perdus dans sa derni€ com- pagne ... quil a perdu tout honneur. Dép® 4 la Direct Gle —Cxxx Ste, Bust, profile to left, 12mo. Very curious and ingenious portrait composed of writhing bod- ies, original coloring, scarce. Die Leipziger Barbierstube Vignette, 4to, aquatint. Very scarce print representing Napoleon being shaved by his enemies. The work is far better than the ordinary caricatures. Death of Napoleon. with names of those at his death bed be- neath. Oblong folio, rect., stipple. Early American engraving unsigned. Napoleon. Une Heure Aprés La Mort De L’Empereur. Gravé par W Humphrey d’apres . . . Capitaine Marryat, C.B.... London, Dec. 12. 1840. Published by Colnaghi & Puckle, Cock- spur Street. Oblong 4to, vignette, line. 5693* 5694 5695 5696 5697 5698 5701 New York Ministers, Presidents of Columbia College, Promi- nent Citizens, etc., 4to, lithographs. (31) John Nicholson Mappesiani Bibliopolii Cant. Custos. En- graved by Jas. Caldwall, after Ph. Reinagle. Cambridge Pub- lished March. 1. 1790. Whole length, carrying books, with university buildings in background, folio rectangle, line. Brilliant impression of an interesting and very scarce print. Nightingale. Miss, R. J. Lane A.R.A. Lith. 1854. Small folio. Attractive lithograph in colors. Margaret Duchess of Norfolk. 1562. Engrav’d by P. W. Tomkins 1791. M’*s Norton by J. Cochran, and by F. C. Lewis. (4) Nim. and Bunge. Whole lengths, 4to, possibly by Faithorne. The excessively scarce original, a fine wash drawing copy by G. P. Harding 1813, and Granger’s copy of Nim, alone. With the stamp of E. W. Martin. | (3) North. Lord, whole length by J(ohn) S(ayres) 1782, 8vo, and a profile, to left, by H. Richter, 1796. 8vo. Charles Nodier . by Riffaut, 4to. (3) Northumberland. Algernon Percy Earl of. Corn: Van Dalen Sculpsit.—Sould by Tho: Jenner at the Exc: Half length to right, seascape background, oval, border with title, Arms and figures in angles, rect., 4to. A beautiful copy of an excessively scarce print, with stamp of Fontaine Walker. Ogilby. John, Engraved by W. C. Edwards, 1820, two states. General James Oglethorpe. S. Ireland delt et fecit, 1785. (2) Oliva. Mademoiselle Le Guet D’ Née a Paris le 18t Septembre 1761. 4to, and; Engraved for the Lady’s Magazine, 8vo. Ctss d’Olonne from the Petitot series, India proof. (3) Opie Mts Opie pinxt—Hopwood sculp. 1807. 8vo. Engraved by R. Cooper 1821; print, and proof before all letters, 8vo. Collatype 4to. (4) Willem de 1. Prins van Orange, enz. Bust to right, rect., 4to, mezzotint; early and scarce. Guiljelmus Nassavius, Princeps Auriacus. Small folio. Proof before all letters of the Flipart, 8vo. (2) Orange. William Henry Nassau Prince of, Ozias Humphrey— Caroline Watson, 1798, rect., 4to. Fine and Scarce. Orleans. Louis Philippe Duc d’ (1725 + 1785.) Dessiné et gravé par Hubert. A Paris chez Esnauts et Rapilly, etc. 4to. Fine and scarce. 5706 5707 5708 5709 5710 5711 5712 5713 5714 5715 5716 5717 5718 Orleans. Louis Phil. Joseph. Due D’ (1747 + 1793) A. Ser- gent sculp. 4to, aquatint, finely colored. India proof from the Versailles Gallery, folio, and an India proof before all letters, octagon, 8vo. (3) Orleans. Louise Henriette de Bourbon Duchesse de, Printed in Paris. Copyright 1895 by Boussod, Valadon & C° 4to. Very beautiful photogravure in colors after Nattier. | Orleans. Marguerite de Lorraine, duch d’ India proof before all letters. (2) Philippe (II) D’Orléans Regent Du Royaume. Santerre pinx. —Gaut. Dag. (Gautier d’Agoty) Sculps. 4to, mezzotint; fine copy. Another; gravé par E. Desrochers 8vo. (2) O’Shaughnessy. Arthur William Edgar, 1844+ 1881. Fine original pencil drawing. Otto. Louis Guillaume, (Ct. Moslay) Plenipotentiary of the French Republick in Great Britain 1801. J. Jukes ad vivum pinxt Oct. 1801.—S. Phillips sculpt Oval. Bust to left, laurel crown in rays above, oak and palm branches below, rect., folio, line. Fine impression of a very scarce print. Otway. Thomas, M. Beal pinx.—J. Houbraken sculps. Amst, 1741. folio, and same portrait, 8vo. Woodman Junt sculp. 1808. (2) Osgood. Frances Sargent, proof before all letters, 4to. Sir Henry Oxenden, 1647, rare original by Glover, 12mo. Paulus M. Paciaudi. I. Rosaspina sculp. 8vo. Paganini en Prison. Louis Boulanger lith. 4to, India proof. (4) Paine Thomas, Romney Pinxt—w. Sharp Sculpt London Published by W Sharp N° 8 Charles Street Middt Hosp! April 20 1793 Fine copy, full margins, brilliant impression of the early state with etched letters, very scarce. —— Romney Pinxt—A. Easto sculpt, fine impression, scarce. Paine. Thomas, Engraved by James Godby 1805, from an Orig- inal. . . in America 1803. Bust, profile to left, oval, 12mo, stipple, very scarce. Paine. Mt ThoS Three-quarter length, leaning against table, hands clasped, rect., 4to, etching. Excessively scarce. —— Eng. by K. Mackenzie, 1800, 8vo. C. Miiller sculpsit, 8vo. | (2) Engraved for Baxter’s History of England. 1796. 4to. Very scarce. (5719 5720 5721 5722 DTRd 5'724 5725 5726 5727 5728 . 5729 Romney pinxt—Warren sculpt 1791. 8vo. Engraved by J. Gough. 8vo. Romney pinxt—T. A. Dean Sc. 1830, 8vo. (3) -—— Engraved for the Carlton House Magazine. 1792; two copies, and a later state. Picture by Peel—P. Maguire sculp. ; and two others. (6) The End of Pain. Caricature representing him hanging from gallows. The last Speech, Dying Words, and Confession of T. P. (ete., seventeen lines) And all for a Groat. 4to, etching. Excessively scarce. ‘Hear and improve, he pertly cries: I come to make al nations wise.” W. Grainger sculpt Caricature representing him offering his “‘ Rights of Man” to monkeys, oblong 8vo, scarce. (2) Sir Hugh Palliser Bart. vice Admiral of the Blue and one of the Lords of the Admiralty, &c. &c. &c. Whole length, 8vo, from the “ Hibernian Magazine” 1779; very scarce. ti Paracelsus. The lively portraiture of y© most famous and pro- found Philosopher & Physitian, etc. Are to be sould by Willia. Webb at ye Globe. Jo: Payne scul. 8vo. Scarce. Parker. Rear Admiral Sir Hyde, engraved by Caroline Watson 1817 folio. By J. Chapman 1796, 8vo. Theodore Parker by F. Halpin. 8vo and; Mungo Park. For the Microscope. Sept. 1799., a very scarce Irish print. . (4) Parme. Madame Louise-Elizabeth De France Duchesse De,— La Terre. J. M. Nattier pinxit 1750.—Balechou Sculp. a Paris chez Joulin, ete. Oblong folio, rect., fine copy, very scarce. Parsons. Rev. Levi, A. M. J. V.N. Throop Se. 12mo. Wil- liam Paley, D.D. Boston Published by Joshua Belcher, 1812. 8vo. Blaise Pascal Pourvoyeur Sculpsit 12mo three states: and two others. Paul Emperor of all the Russias, Sedgwick sculp. 8vo, from the “ Hibernian Magazine ” 1798. (8) Paulding. James K., sculptured bust, profile to left, Artist's - presentation proof on India paper, engraved by F. Halpin after J. G. Chapman, to Henry B. Dawson, on folio paper. Bust to left by Halpin after Joseph Wood, proof before all letters. (2) Payne. John Howard, S. S. Osgood Pinxt, etc. Pendleton’s Lithography, Boston. 8vo. Scarce. Payne. Rogerus, etc. Effigiem hanc graphicam solertis Biblio- pegi, etc. Etch’d by S. Harding, N° 127, Pall Mall, March 1. 1800. Whole length, shabby and slip-shod, at work in his bindery, folio, rect. | Snedesen - The excessively scarce original; and the copy by Barry. (2) 5730 5731 5732 5733 S734 5735 5736 5737 5738 5739 5740 Peake, St Robert, E. Harding Sc. 4to. Faithorne’s teacher and publisher. . Peale. (Rembrandt) From a Painting by him- self., Burt sc. Sir Richard Pearson, E4 Orme Sculp. 1796. 8vo; and Thomas Peck, 12mo. (4) Pembroke. Mary Sidney Ct8s of Pembroke, Simon Passaeus sculpsit L. Are to be sould by William Peake. Half length in oval, holding the Psalms of David. 8vo. Fine copy of an important print of the very greatest rarity. (“ Sidney’s sister, Pembroke’s mother: Death, ere thou hast slain another, Wise and fair, and good as she, Time shall fling a dart at thee.’’) I. de Courbes Fecit., four French verses, 8vo; and by W. Holl, 1816, from the folio Lodge. Vera Effigies Philip Herbert Comes de Pembroke., whole length with staff, 12mo. (3) Pendrill. William, of Boscobell, ete. Oval, in branches of The Royall Oake, with verses of his sheltering Charles II in his flight. Folio. William Penn; four prints. (5) Penn. William, From the original Picture . . . Painted by H. Inman. Engraved &, Printed by J. Sartain 291 Race Street Philad@ Philad@ R. H. Hobson. 147 Chestnut Street. Folio rect., mezzo. Brilliant proof of the first state, before Jas. S. Earle’s publica- tion line, of Sartain’s finest specimen. The print is perfect, but age-stained, and can be cleaned without detriment. It is in great demand and excessively scarce. Penn. William, First Proprietor and Founder of Pennsylvania. Drawn by Du Simitiere, from a Bust . . . by Sylvanus Bevan, . . . Engraved by John Hall, London. 1773. Engrav’d by or- der of the Honorable Richard Penn, Governor of Pennsylvania, etc. Fine impression of the very scarce original issue. From the original portrait of William Penn. which his grandson Granville Penn . . . presented in 1833 to The His- torical Society of Pennsylvania. S. A. Schoff Sc. Folio. Half length to right, aetatis 22, in armor. A reduced copy, W. G. Armstrong Se. 4to. Three states; proof before arms and all lettering, with arms added, and India proof of finished print. (3) Sir William Pepperell Bart,: etc., reproduction of the scarce mezzotint by The Pelham Club. Boston. 1901. Another by H. Wright Smith, 4to. (2) Sam. Pepys. Car. Et Jac. Angl. Regib. A. Secretis. Admiraliae etc. G: Kneller pinx:—R: White sculp: 12mo, very scarce. Another copy. 5741 5742 5743 5744 5745 5746 STAT 5748 5749 5750 5751 5752 5753 Percy. Thos D. D., Bishop of Dromore 1782. Sir J. Reynolds Pinxt—Published by T. Rodd, etc. 8vo, scarce. Duc de Pen- thievre, India proof. 8vo; and Pericles by Mme. Bovi 4to. (3) Perrenot. Antonius, Card. Granvellanus. etc. 4to. C. F. Per- rotin De Barmond, Député du Clergé de Paris, 1789. A Paris chez le Vachez, etc. Oval, in rect., 4to, mezzo., fine. (2) Perry. Come Oliver H., of the U. S. Navy. Eng4 by Thos Gim- brede. Published by Mich! H. Bowyer, 298 Bowery, New York. Half length to left, in uniform, vignette, oval, star and oak branches above, dolphins below, folio. Very scarce. S. 1676. L. Sanford Sce.. 12mo, very scarce, S. 2740; and a small rect., line. (2) Petrarch. Francis; two old line engravings and three others. (5) and Laura by N. le Mire; two different, and a very beau- tiful stipple, proof before all letters, 12mo, of Laura. (4) Philip 1st & Joan King and Queen of Castile, C. Bestland sc. 1805. 4to. Philip II, whole length, 4to, old line engraving; and a 12mo bust, Francisc. vanden Wyngaerde excud. Pic-De La Mirandol, Gravé par Lorieux, 8vo. (4) Phillips. John, Heroici Carminis Ad Antiquitatis imaginem con- formati . . . Miltono Secundus, ete. M: V4" Gucht Sculp: London. Printed for Bernard Lintott, etc. Bust in mantle, to right, oak frame, over oak decorated tablet with title, in rect., folio. 4 A magnificent copy of the scarce frontispiece to his Works. Picart. Bernard, Le Romain. Jacobus v. d. Schley inv. & sculp. 1734. Small folio. Two copies. . (2) Pichegru. Le General, A. S. s. aqua fort. 1795. 8vo. Gravé par Tapinois, 8vo; and Poulet—Malassis, etched by B., in two states, 8vo. . (4) Pinckney. General Charles C., J. Paul Pinx:—C. Tiebout Se. Published by J. Savage. Half length to right, in uniform, rect., folio. S. 3189, very scarce. : Fine proof before all letters of the print by Wellmore, 8vo. Timothy Pickering by T. B. Welch, large paper. Franklin Pierce, bank note proof on India paper. — (3) Piozzi. M’S Hester Lynch, (Mrs. Thrale) Engraved by H. Meyer after J. Jackson, 1811 folio. Another by M. Bovi 1800 after P. Violet, 8vo. 3s yef 462) 5754 5755 5756 5757 5758 5759 5760 5761 5762 5763 5763* Pitt. William, Earl of Chatham. W. Hoare, pinx.—J. E. Nil- son, sculps. 4to. Finely engraved, attractive and scarce print. From an Original Picture. Published ... by Robt Stewart . . . Augt 17th 1778. 12mo, mezzotint, fine and scarce. The Right Hon William Pitt Earl of Chatham, etc. Whole length from the “ Hibernian Magazine” 1778, very scarce; and two small prints by R. Scott and Hall. (3) Pitt. William Esq? (The Younger) Painted by J. S. Copley 1798. Engraved by I. Neidl. Half length to right, oval, stip- ple. Fine and scarce. Bust by Burney—Engraved by P. W. Tomkins, 1806, proof before inscription, small folio; and a medallion, profile to left, pub’d June 19. 1807. by W. B. Daniel, proof before inscription, 4to. (2) An Independent Tribute To the Memory of, Orme delin. —Godby sculp., oval, on folio broadside with mourning border. Half length to right, rect., 4to., India proof before all letters, lithograph. The Brazen Image erected on a Pedestal wrought by Himself. 4to, original coloring, probably by Gillray. (3) Pie VII. Souverain Pontife. etc. Peint par J. B. Wicar.— Gravé par P. M. Alix. Se vend 4 Paris chez Walsche, ete. Full bust to left, oval in rect., folio, aquatint, beautifully printed in colors. Peint par Garnerey, 1805, & Gravé par J. B. Morret. Small folio aquatint, finely printed in colors. Pizarro. Franciscus Pizardus ... Peruviae Subactor. 1598., engraved by Crispin de Pass. 8vo, fine and scarce. Francois Pizarre assassiné par une troupe de Conjurés. 12mo. (Poca- hontas.) Matoaka als Rebecca Filia Potentiss. Princ. Powhatani Imp. Virginae. Aetatis suae 21. A° 1616. (3) Plate Printers. Cette figure vous montre Comme on Imprime ‘les planches de taille douce, etc., faict a leau forte par A Bosse a Paris en Lisle du Palais lan 1642, ete. Oblong folio, rect. Fine copy of an exceedingly scarce and most interesting subject. - Similar scene, oval in rectangle. 8vo. Labor Improbus Omnia Vincit. Wolfgangus Kilianus Civis Et Glyptes Augus- tanus. Getruckt zu Augsburg bey Luca Schultes In verlegung Wolffgang Kilians Kupferstecher. Im Iahr Christi 1623. Fine impression. Framed. ' 5764 5765 5766 5767 5768 5769 5770 5774 5775 5776 Poe. Edgar Allan, Henri Lefort 1894. Rect., folio. Artist's signed proof on vellum, one of seventy-five copies, very fine and scarce. India proof by F. T. Stuart. An etching; Imp. Lamou- reux, Paris.; and a wood-cut by Felix Vallotton, very scarce. (8) Poinsett. Joel R., Secretary of War. Ch. Fenderich del.— Printed by P. S. Duval Philad. Copyright 1838. Vignette, folio. India proof of a fine and early lithograph. Polk. James K, Published by Langtree and O’Sullivan, Wash- ington City. 8vo. (2). Pomfret. Henrietta Louisa, Countess of, Engraved from an original Picture in Crayons, by Caroline Watson. Publish’d Jan. 1. 1805, etc. 4to. Scarce. Pompadour, Morte en 1764. . Madame la Marquise de, F. Boucher, Pinxt, bust to left, oval in rect., 4to, mezzotint. Fine copy of a very attractive and scarce print. Nattier Pinx.—Cathelin Sculp. 4to, publication line clipped. Mariage sculp. del. 16mo, two states. A colored lithograph, whole length, 4to.; and the Furne print. (5) Maurice-Quentin de la tour. p — Leopold Flameng sc. India proof before title, 8vo; and the same portrait: Printed in Paris. Copyright 1895 by Boussod, Valadon & C° 4to, photo- gravure in colors, very fine. (2) from the Petitot series; three states, two on India paper. (3) Pope. Mr (Alexander) Geo. Vertue Sculpsit. Rect., folio, scarce. Drawn by I. Brown.—Engraved by M®° Bovi . . . From the fine Original Bust by Rysbrack, etc. FebY 1788., folio, stipple, fine copy. A. Pond pinx.—May 12. 1794.—J. Stow sculp. rect., folio, line. By J. Houbraken 1747. rect., folio, line. (2) O Maximo Dos Poetas Inglezes H. J. da Silva inv. et del.—G. F. de Queiroz Sculp. em Lx@ 1815. Bust, profile to left, oval on pyramid and base, supported by Cones and faun, 4to, line. Fine and scarce. — Aetatis 24. Kneller pinx.—Ravenet sculp. 4to, scarce. STT7 5778 5779 5780 5781 5782 5783 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 5789 Engraved by Caroline Watson, 1808, 12mo, and proof before all letters of same. Very fine and scarce. (2) Gravelot del.—W. Arndt sc. 12mo. Verhelst sculp: Mann- heim. 12mo; and Kneller Pinxt—Frussotte sculp. 12mo. (3) Engraved by J. Posselwhite, India proof from the large paper Knight. After Richardson by R. Clamp 1793; three ‘small prints, his tomb, and Characters who frequented Button’s Coffee-house. j (7) Pordage. John, 8vo., Richardson’s copy of the Faithorne. MY* Powell, (actor.) 8vo. Hiram Powers, engraved by Castan, India proof. Winthrop M. Praed. Mr? (Samuel Jackson) Pratt., Engraved by Caroline Watson, 1805. Commodore Preble, by Edwin. 6 Poussin. N. Gravé par F. Lignon 1824. Publié par Henri Lau- rent, rect., folio, fine impression, beautifully engraved. Same portrait 8vo. J. M. Pen sculp. (2) Prescott. W™ H., F. D’Avignon lith. 1850. Folio, India proof. Engraved by W. Greatbach, Bentley 1845. India proof on folio paper. Engraved by Nordheim 8vo. By H. W. Smith 4to; and an India proof before all letters. to. (4) Preston. W™ C. Painted by S. S. Osgood.—A Newsam del—Childs & Lehman Lithts Philadelphia. 4to, India proof, very scarce. Price. DT (Richard) from the London Mag* June 1St 1776, 8vo. Patch Price In Disguise on Blackfryers Bridge. N. York Published by D. Fraser 178 William St 8vo. Price the Swind- ler. 8vo. Rev@ Joseph Priestley, Hopwood sculp. 1804. 8vo. Two copies. (5) (Priestley Dt Joseph) Doctor Phlogiston, The Priestley poli- tician or the Political Priest! Annabal scratch fecit. July 15¢ 1791. 8vo, caricature, very scarce. Primaticcio. Primaticcio pinx.—Calamatta dirext—Meunier sc. 4to. India proof before title. A very fine and scarce engraving. Thomas Prince A. M. reproduction of the scarce mezzotint pub- lished by The Pelham Club. Boston. 1901., folio. The Honorable Matthew Prior, Esq. Her late most sacred Maj- _esty’s Plenipotentiary to Louis the XIV. King of France, and one of the Commissioners of Her Customs., folio. Beautiful and early proof before Artists’ names, of the LaBelle—Vertue. Excessively scarce. 5790 5791 5792 5793 5794 5795 5796 5797 5798 5799 5800 5801 Matthew Prior Esq? Jonath" Richardson pinxit—Geo. Vertue Sculpsit 1719. Rect., folio, scarce. F. Kyte Fecit. 8vo, mezzotint. Engraved by F. Engle- heart, 1820. India proof from the “ Effigies Poeticae ”, 4to; and two others. (4) Provence. Marie Josephine Louise De Savoie. Comtesse de, Drouais, Pinx.—Cathelin, sculp. A Paris ie Bligny, etc. Small folio, fine and very scarce. Bust to front, kerchief and lace, throat bare, oval, broad border over Arms. 4to, line. Proof before all letters of a beautiful and very scarce print. Queverdo del.— Duhamel sculp. A Paris chez Hénaut et Rapilly, etc. 4to. C. Monet, Inv.—Helman, sculp. With Arms, cupids and emblems at head of dedication by Helman. 4to, line, fine and scarce. (2) Painted at Versailles.—L. Schiavonetti sculp. 1807. 8vo; and a proof before border, Arms and all letters, 8vo, very fine. (2) Puckle. James, signed proof by Thomas Johnson, on Japan paper, 8vo. . Israel Puttnam. Major Général dans les Forteresses de la Pro- vince Connecticut, et Commandant en Chef de l’Expedition a Bunckers-Hill pres de Boston le 17. Juin 1776. peint par Jean Wilckinson a Boston Se vend a Londres chez Thom. Hart. Half length in uniform to right, oval, marbled hagkground to rect., 4to, mezzotint. Fine impression, full margins, of an excessively scarce print. Putnam, Major-Général Américain. Putnarn, Americaansche Majoor-Generaal. Half length in uniform to right, oval, ribbon at top, over base and tablet with title. 16mo, line. Fine copy of an excessively scarce print. 7. Israel Putnam Eq¢® Major Général des Troupes de Connecticut, etc. A Paris Chez save hh et pagent ete. 4to. Proof before. all letters of the D. C. Pines SC., half length in uniform, 8vo. Proof before title of the Timbale D. C. Hinman bust, 8vo. Putnam’s Escape at Horse Neck, J. Kennedy sculpt N. York, oblong, 12mo, line; early and scarce. 5 Putnam. Brig. Gen. Rufus, From the Painting in Marietta College, Ohio. Sala Bosworth, Pinx.—Max itbsce Se. 1897. India proof. 4to, mezzotint. 5802 5803 5804 5805 5806 5807 5808 5809 5810 5811 5812 5813 Quellinus. Erasmus, 8vo, line. PAaquier Quesnel, I. Barbié sculp. 12mo. Cardinal Quirini, Gaillard sculp. A Paris chez Odieuvre, 8vo. Quevedo, Grabado por D. F. Gazan Madrid. 8vo. (4) Rabelais. Francois, by Desmaisons, 4to; and two others, 8vo. Racine Jean, by Soliman, two states; by Ingouf, three states; and by Bertonnier. (9) Raeburn. Henry, Engraved by Will™ Walker, from a Picture by Sir Henry Raeburn R. A., etc. Published 18t Jany 1826, ete. Folio. Brilliant India proof of the first published state of a master- piece. Raimondi. Marcus Antonius Boutrois sc. 4to. Engraved by W. Holl. India proof from large paper Knight. Raphael. A W Haffam sculp. 1828, proof on folio paper. India proof from Versailles Gallery; and a folio by F. C. Lewis. (3) Ralegh. St Walter, Sim. Pass sculp.—Comp. Holland exc. 8vo. Scarce. Scene of the taking of Trinidad from DeBry. Folio. (2) Ramsay. Alan, Scotus. D. Allan Sc. Edin. 1788. 4to. Very scarce. G. Vertue S. 8vo; and a 12mo. (3) Ramesey. Wilhelmi, Tho. Cross sculpsit. 4to. Fine impres- sion and perfect, but blank spaces below verses cut into. Very scarce. (Physician to Charles II.) : T. Crosse sculpsit. 12mo, front to his “ Astrology Vindi- cated,” fine impression. Very scarce. Randolph. John, Eng. by Jackman, 4to, and by Welch, 8vo. Geo. Read by Samuel Sartain, 4to; and B. Reading, Engraver. (of the DuSimitiers, etc.) 8vo. (4) Raphelengius. Franciscus, 8vo. S. F. Ravenet, 8vo, cut close. Christianus Ravius Aet. 32, slightly imperfect but very scarce. Guillaume Thomas Raynal. by N. De Launay after Cochin, 4to. (4) Rehan. Ada, as Lady Teazle. Published by Frank T. Sabin, 1894. Folio, by E. Stodart. Artist’s signed India proof, printed in colors. Rachel Mme. India proof before all letters. 8vo. (2) Rembrandt. Small folio. Guido Reni. Ciprianius sculp. 1801. Raphael Morghen direx: 4to. (2) 5814 5815 5816 5817 5818 5819 5820 5821 5822 5823 5824 5825 5826 5827 Restif (de la Bretonne) Nic. Ed. 1785. L. Binet delt—L. Ber- thet incis. 4to. Copy by Nargeot, 12mo, in three states. (4) Retz. J. F. Paul de Gondi Cardinal de, Augte Sandoz delt— Gustave Lévy Sculpt 4to. Early India proof of a very beautiful engraving. Revere. Paul, Artist’s signed proof on India paper, by Samuel Hollyer, and an India proof. (2) _Artist’s signed proof by J. Percy Sabin 1903. From a Painting by Stuart. Drawn on stone for the New- England Magazine. _ Pendleton. 8vo. —— Etched by S. A. Schoff. 8vo. (2) Reynolds. Sir Joshua, Painted by C. G. Sil lat eM ea by Mess?s Facius etc. Pub. June 4. 1802 by Boydells. 4to. Etched open letter proof in fine condition, of one of the best and scarcest portraits, and of especial interest as being by Gilbert: Stuart and probably the only portrait of Sir Joshua not ear by himself. Proof before all letters with contemporary pencilled cats March 19th 1802, probably unique. J. K. Sherwin sculpt. Folio. Half length, in flat omP and. robe holding paper. Rect. folio, brilliant impression, — - India proof before all letters by T. Ww. Hunt, folio. By Caroline Watson 1789. 4to; and by D. P. Pariset. 8vo. (3) Riccoboni. Mme Bovinet Seulpsit: 12mo. Mme de Rémusat. 12mo on 4to paper. Francis Howard Duch. of Richemont & Lenox. (+ 1639) J.-Ogborne sculp. 1801. Two states. (4) Richards. Nathaniel, (Poet 1640) T. R. sculp. 12mo. Very scarce. Jonathan Richardson, etched ie himself. 8vo. Two copies. | | (oy Richardson. Samuel, by Carbling Watson 1804, by Bernigeroth 1756, and three others. (5) Richelieu. Armand Cardinal Duc de, Sergent del.—1790— Mme De Cernel sculp. t¢ 1759, bust to right, profile in oval artistically ornamented over Arms, in rect., 8vo. Fontaine del—Lebeau Sculp. A Paris chez Henault et Rapilly, etc. Fine and scarce. Diderot (C. F.), De l’Academie de Berlin, etc., bust, pro- file to right, oval with floral decoration, in rect. 8vo. Binet Del. —Le Beau Sculp. Elizabeth Mme. Elizabeth Philippe Marie Helene de France, etc., Soeur de M&t le Dauphin, bust, profile to left, in decorative oval, in rectangle, 8vo. Fontaine del.—Le Beau Sculp. A Paris Chez Hénaut et Rapilly, etc. Fine impression of a scarce print. (2) Benjamin Franklin | Né 4 Boston dans la Nouvelle Angle- terre, le 17 Janvier 1706. Bust to left in fur cap, oval with broad border, ribbon and ring at top, over tablet with title, in rectangle, 8vo. Desrayes del.—le Beau scul. | A Paris chés Es- nauts et Rapilly, rue St Jacques 4 la Ville de Coutances. A. P. D. R. Fine copy. Gerbier (P. J. B.), Avocat au Parlement de Paris, bust, nearly profile to right, curtain background, oval in rectangle, 8vo. Pujos Del.—Le Beau Sculp. I ne doit point a lArt (ete., four lines). Goldoni. Charles, Né a Venise en 1707, bust to left, octa- gon in rectangle, 12mo. C. N. Cochin delin 1787—Le Beau Sculp. (2) 6953 6954 6955 6958 6959 6960 Hobbes (Thomas), Né a Malmesburi, le 5 Avril 1588 Mort a Hardervick le 4 Décembre 1679, bust to front, oval in rectangle, 12mo. Le Clere, deli—tLe beau. scupl. Fine proof, artists’ line lightly etched, La Harpe (J. E. De), De l’Académie Franeaise, etc., bust to right, oval in rectangle, 8vo. Desrais del—Le Beau Sculp. a Paris chez Esnauts et Rapilly, etc. (2) La Vrilliere (Louis Philipeaux), Duc De, Ministre aimé d’un Prince que l’on aime (etc., four lines), bust to right, deco- rated oval over Arms and emblems, in rectangle, 8vo. Marillier inv.—Le Beau Sculp. a la Ville de Coutances, ete. Fine and scarce. Marie Leczinska Princesse De-Pologne. Epouse de Louis XV. Reine de France (etc., two lines), bust to right, oval in or- namental border, over vignette of Place Louis XV and Church of St Denis, in rectangle, 8vo. Dessiné et Gravé—par le Beau. A Paris Chez le Beau, etc. Fine impression of an attractive and scarce print. Locke (Jean), Célébre Philosophe, ete., bust to right, pro- — file, oval over emblems and tablet, in rectangle, le beau direx. Louis XV. Roi De France Et De Navarre Né a Ver- sailles le 15. Fevrier 1710. (etc., two lines), half length to left in armor and cloak, oval with border decorated with laurel branches, over Cupids and emblems, in rectangle, 8vo. Le Beau Sculp. A Paris chez Hénaut et Rapilly, ete. Fine impression of a very rare and important print. —— Mé Louise Marie de France Née a Versailles le 13 Juillet 1737 Religieuse Carmelite (etc., two lines), three-quarter length, seated to left, oval with decorative border, over Arms, mono- gram and tablet, in rectangle, 8vo. Queverdo del.—Le Beau Sculp.