fees en Anh i 2 DF aes vt omy ete EXECUTOR’S SALE Estate of John Sailer, Deceased and for other accounts SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO., AUCTIONEERS Established November 12, 1805 RUGS and FURNISHINGS from the Estate of John Sailer and for several other accounts Monday and Tuesday, November 3 and 4, 1913 At 2 o’clock, P. M., each day In our Art Galleries, Nos. 1519-21 Chestnut St. The sale includes a valuable collection of Oriental rugs, fine bronzes and handsome household furnishings By order of The Girard Trust Co., Executors EXHIBITION ‘THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OCTOBER 30, 31 AND NOVEMBER 1 SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. ESTABLISHED NOVEMBER i2, 1605 AUCTIONEERS Nos. 1519-21 CHESTNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. id ee not pey- Bring this Catalogue to the sale. CATALOGUE COMPILED BY SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. PHILADELPHIA PREFACE We have been directed by the executors of the Estate of John Sailer, deceased, to sell for the account of the Estate some fine Oriental rugs and household furniture. In addition to the above Furnishings, there are several other accounts—two of them Estates—comprising rugs, fine furniture, bronzes and bric-a-brac. The entire sale is peremptory throughout. TERMS OF SALE. SPECIAL NOTICE. As settlements are required promptly by the consignors, it is an absolute term of sale that the goods are to be paid for immediately after the close of the sale and before the delivery or examination of the goods. No employee is authorized to alter these terms. I. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise be- tween two or more Bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. In case of lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. III. Purchasers to give Names and Addresses, and to make a deposit of 25 per cent. in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase Money, if required; in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immedi-. ately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, at the Buyer’s Risk and Expense within the time announced by the Auctioneer; the Auctioneers not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, authenticity or defect in any lot, and making no warranty unless specially mentioned at the time of sale. No deduction on damaged articles, all goods are ex- posed for Public Exhibition and sold just as they are. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in settlement of the Purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase Money must absolutely be paid on or before delivery. VI. Upon failure to comply with the above terms, the money deposited - in part payment shall be retained as liquidated damages; all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be fade good by the Purchaser at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. VII. The Auctioneers will not be liable for non-delivery of any article above the amount paid by the purchaser of such article. VIII. Every article sold singly; nothing sold by the pair. IX. All claims must be made before the removal of the goods. X. The record kept by the Clerk of the Sale, together with the marked catalogue of the Auctioneer, shall in all cases be accepted by the Buyers as final when any question arises as to the prices that lots have sold for. XI. The Auctioneers are in no manner connected with the business of the cartage or packing and shipping of Purchases, and although they will afford to Purchasers every facility for employing careful carriers and pack- ers, they will not hold themselves responsible for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such services. Note.—Intending Purchasers unable to attend the sale can have their bids executed by us without extra charge, by giving us the highest prices they will pay, and we will bid for them within their limits, the same as if they were present. INDEX ORDER OF SALE Monday, November 3rd, 1913 At 2 o’clock, precisely Cut Glassware Chinaware Sheffield Platedware Furniture Tuesday, November 4th, 1913 At 2 o’clock, precisely Oil Paintings Books Linens Draperies Oriental Rugs SAMUEL T. FREEMAN & CO. MEMORANDUM. Norr.—lIntending purchasers unable to attend the sale can have their bids executed by us without extra charge, by giving us the highest prices they will pay, and we will bid for them within their limits, the same as if they were present. NAME, ADDRESS, FIRST SESSION Monday, November 3rd, 1913 At 2 o’clock, precisely Cut Glass Ware China Ware Sheffield Plated Ware Furniture MEMORANDUM. tas" If you desire any particular article, and will notify us, we will advise you when we have it for sale. NAME, ADDRESS, O©ontoauw»nrk WN oo WN DoNNNNNNN KR KH FP BSB BRR ee ee SS ea oe OM eH Oo OO TO oe oN HO CA TALOGUE. of Jo) CUT GLASS WARE. 6 Cordials with Handles 11 Madeira Glasses 11 Claret Glasses 10 Water Glasses 12 Flat Champagnes 6 Cocktail Glasses 6 Finger Bowls 6 Hobnail Finger Bowls Hobnail Fruit Bowl 12 Round Plates 3 Pieces, Compote and Almond Trays, assorted 2 Olive Nappies, assorted Oblong Nappie 11 Tumblers Acorn Shape Asparagus Tray Chafing Dish Set, 2 Pieces 3 Pieces, Cruets and Decanter Pair Square Bottles Round Cream Pitcher Round Scalloped Fruit Bowl Round Scalloped Shallow Nappie 2 Pieces, Cream Pitchers 5 Finger Bowls, with Trays Green Tinted Bouquet Holder 2 Fruit Bowls, assorted Diamond Cut Decanter Large Diamond Cut Flagon Pair Hobnail Decanters Large Celery Tray Pair Bottle Shape Vases (9) 31 Heavy Deep Fruit Bowl 32 Small Assorted Nappies, 7 Pieces 33 Pair Pink and Gold Venetian Wines, Sauce Bowls and Ladles 34 11 Large Russian Enameled Punch Glasses 35 9 Colored Bohemian and Gilt Rhine Wines 36 9 Colored Bohemian Clarets 37 8 Colored Iridescent Cocktails 38 Tall Cylindrical Vase 39 Large Fruit Bowl, Shell Sides 40 Large Squat Vase, Bottle Neck 41 Large Punch Bowl, Beautiful Wheel Cut 42 Thin Stem Vase, Bulbous Top 43 Oblong Pointed Deep Nappie 44 Tall Punch Pitcher 45 Large Ice Cream Platter 46 Deep Wheel Cut Footed Fruit Stand 47 Deep Fruit Bowl 48 Large Cheese Tray and Cover 49 Large Vinaigrette, Pair Candlesticks, Creamer, 4 Pieces 50 Lot Assorted Cut Glass Nappies, &c. CHINAWARE. 51 Haviland Egg Shell Tea Cup and Saucer, with Tray, 12 Pieces 52 Ginori Royal Blue Chocolate Cup and Saucer, 8 Pieces 53 French China Square Fruit Plates, 12 Pieces 54 Pink Decorated Pitcher and Sugar Bowl, 2 Pieces 55 Gold and Pink Coalport Sugar Bowl and Tray 56 Yellow Coalport Dish | 57 Haviland Fish Set, Rose Border, 138 Pieces 58 Tea Plates, assorted, 10 Pieces 59 Minton Colored Plates, Enameled Borders, 12 Pieces 60 French China Fruit Plates, Butterfly Decorations, 6 Pieces 61 Large Paneled Dresden Plates, 2 Pieces 62 Small Paneled Dresden Plates, 11 Pieces 63 Large Decorated Limoges Placques, 2 Pieces 64 Doulton Ivoroid Fruit Plates, Gold and Floral Decorations, 12 Pes. 65 Old Brownfield Game Plates, Colored Borders (°10°)) 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 V7 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Old Brownfield Fruit Plates, Royal Blue Borders, Bird Decora- tions, 6 Pieces Austrian Portrait Plates, Medallion Borders, 2 Pieces Choice Set Old Coalport Lay Plates, with Exquisitely Painted Castle Scenes, Embellished with Gold and Rococo Borders, 12 Pieces Set Rare Old Brownfield Lay Plates, Square Shape with Various Paintings of Landscapes, Flowers and Medallions, &c., and Assorted Borders Antique Chinese Lowestoft Covered Tureen Antique Chinese Covered Rice Bowl Antique Japanese Porcelain Compotes, 2 Pieces Haviland Dinner Set, Heavy Gold Edge, 100 Pieces Cracker Jar, &c., 7 Pieces Puff Box, Sing Song Dish, &c., 4 Pieces Old Japanese Pitcher and Vases, 4 Pieces Satsuma Tray, Pair Bottles, &c. Dutch Bowl, Comport and Cream Pitcher, 3 Pieces SHEFFIELD SILVER PLATEDWARE, ETC. Large Sheffield Square Baker Large Sheffield Oval Baker, Dixon Ware Round Sheffield Engraved Footed Tray, Grapevine Border Large Engraved English Footed Tea Tray with Guard, Rail and Handles Reed & Barton Fluted Tea Set, 5 Pieces Large Oval Gorham Roast Tray Gorham Double Baker Pudding Dish and Footed Tray, 2 Pieces Tall Swedish Tankards, 2 Pieces Tall Electric Lamp, Plated Column, Cut Bowls DINING-ROOM FURNITURE. Large Round Mahogany Extension Table Heavy Carved Pedestal, Rope Edges, Claw Feet CLL 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 Set Mahogany Dining-room Chairs Chippendale Style, with Carved Shell and Drapery Backs, Ball and Claw Feet, Carved Knees, 3 Side and Arm Chairs, 4 Pieces Mahogany Sideboard Empire Style, with Drop Centre, Column Front, Serpentine Centre and Square Ends, Mirror Back with Cornucopia Carvings, Claw Feet Mahogany Silver Table Inlaid, with Movable Tray Top, Closet and Silver Tray Inside Large Arm Chair Carved Mahogany Frame, Polished Seat, Leather Upholstered Back, Carved Legs and Claw Feet Mahogany Sideboard | Buffet Style, with Carved Heads and Claw Feet Mahogany Round Extension Table, Carved Pedestal, Claw Feet Set Mahogany Dining-room Chairs, Panel Backs, Carved Claw Feet, Leather Seats Mahogany Serving Table Mahogany Crystal Cabinet Swell Front and Round Ends Mahogany Extension Table Round Polished Top, Fluted Pedestal, Claw Feet Mahogany Tray=top Table With Closet and Lined Tray Mahogany Square Extension Table, Carved Panel Ends, Claw Feet, Carved Edges Large Floor Lamp Silver Plated Column Large Jardiniere Hammered Brass, Ring Handles Tall Bronze Roman Lamp Pair Brass Sconces Classic Designs, 3 Lights Each Cut Brass Easel Mirror (12) 107 Bronze Vase, Benares Bell, &c., 3 Pieces 108 Italian Faience Font and Wall Bracket 109 Large Faience Pitcher Vase 110 Pair Blue French China Vases 111 Pair Royal Blue Japanese Vases 112 Pair Tall Square Gold Vases, with Bird and Flower Decorations 113 Large Cloisonne Placques, 2 Pieces 114 Large Owari Porcelain Placque 115 Antique Dresden Gold Relief Placque 116 Carved Ivory Tusk and Lacquered Teakwood Stand 117 Large Wedgwood Bottle Vase, Relief Decoration 118 Pair Old Ivoroid Figure Vases 119 Decorated Flat Vases, &c., 4 Pieces 120 Large Dresden Openwork Jar 121 Vienna Cabinet Vase, Panel Decoration 122 Brass India Ink Holder and Dagger, 2 Pieces 123 French Tray, Desk Set, Cork Screw, &c. 124 Atomizer, Call Bell and Sevres Stand 125 Pair Large Kioto Vases LIBRARY AND HALL FURNISHINGS. 126 English Oak Hall Stand Heavy Twist Columns, with Carved Ornaments, French Plate Mirror 127 English Oak Hall Settle Panel Back, with Panels and Ornaments, Carved in Relief 128 Set Carved English Side Chairs Embossed Leather Seats and Backs 129 English Arm Chair Saddle Seat, Upholstered Panel 130 Round Oak Card Table Reversible Top, Carved Base and Claw Feet 131 Nest of French Gaming Tables Folding Card Table Top, Containing Chess, Checker and Card Tables, with Chessmen, etc. 132 Large Mahogany Arm Chair Leather Upholstery (13 ) 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 Mahogany Writing Desk With Spindle Drill, Papeterie Cabinet, 4 Drawers, Leather Top Mahogany Saddle-seat High Stool Gentlemen’s Table, with Smoker’s Accessories and Card Drawer Tall Inlaid Oak Pedestal Large Mahogany Library Table, Heavy Carved Base, with Foot Rail and Claw Feet Mahogany French Sofa Straight Back, Scroll Arms, with Carved Fronts, Winged Claw Feet, with Cornucopia Carvings, etc. Large Arm Chair Square Back, High Arms, Mahogany Frame, with Ball and Claw Feet, Green Velour Upholstery Carved Mahogany Sofa . Empire Style, with High Back, Column Front and Scroll Arms, Green Velour Upholstery Green Velour and Silk Cushions, 2 Pieces Fireside Arm Chair ; Mahogany Frame and Claw Feet, Green Velour Upholstery Mahogany Slope=fall Secretary French Block Front, Fluted Corners, Large Shell Carvings, Rope Edges, Ball and Claw Feet, Brass Trimmings Pair Gilt Andirons Tall Empire Design, Claw Feet Hearth Fender Gilt Empire Design Brass Fire Set and Stand Heavily Wrought Brass Jardiniere Mahogany Wood Box Slant Top, Carved Front, Heavy Brass Hinges Colonial Mirror Antique Gold Column Frame Mahogany Umbrella Stand Large Placque Repousse Brass, with Portrait of King Edward III Sie, 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 Brass Floor Lamp Tall Repousse Column, with Bronze and Pearl Shell Shade Brass Louis XV Sconce Mission Secretary Bookcase Mission Davenport Slat Back, with Loose Spanish Leather Cushion Seat and 2 Extra Back Cushions Round Oak Table Twist Columns and Shelf Mahogany Round Library Table Carved Pedestal, Claw Feet Easy Chair, Round Back, Tufted Upholstery, Heavy Mahogany Frame, with Carved Heads Mahogany Corner Chair Colonial Style, with Carved Back, Ball and Claw Feet French Walnut Card Table Triple Folding-top, with Extensions Mahogany French Writing Desk With Inlaid Cabinet and Shelf, Fluted Quaint Legs Oak Card Table Round Reversible Top, Heavy Carved Scroll Base Quaint Desk Chair Inlaid Mahogany Frame Pair Brass Andirons Cut Brass Hearth Fender Large Decorated Japanese Porcelain Placque Pair Large Japanese Vases Brilliant Decorations in Colors Japanese Porcelain Jardiniere Dragon and Other Emblems in Colored Enamels Pair Old Satsuma Vases Old Satsuma Koro Miniature High Case Clock (15 ) BRONZES, ETC. 173 Large Bronze Figure Heroic Classical Figure. By M. Moreau 174 Large Bronze Figure Ancient Egyptian Queen. By E. Picault 175 Bronze Group Penitence. By Hurel 176 Large Vase and Pedestal Japanese Bronze; Large Figures of Dragon, Tortoise, etc., in Relief 177. Large Lamp Japanese Bronze. Plum Tree, Birds and Cloud Effects, with Large Pearl Shell Shade 178 Bronze Jardiniere Panels of Sacred Horses 179 Large Bronze Group Child and Kitten. By P. Dubois PARLOR FURNISHINGS. 180 Large Teakwood Curio Cabinet Handsomely Carved Openwork and Relief Ornamentations. Inlaid Lacquer Panels, etc., within Open and Enclosed Compartments and Heavy Base 181 Large Japanese Floor Screen Four Silk Embroidered Bird Panels 182 French Parlor Suit Carved Gold Louis XV Frames, Upholstered in Pink Silk Damask, 3 Preces 183 Parlor Suit Upholstered in Pink Silk Damask, Overstuffed, 5 Preces 184 Sofa Cushions Pink Silk Damask, 3 Pvreces 185 Conversational Tete Carved Mahogany Frames, Fluted Legs, Pink Silk Damask Seats ( 16 ) 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 Large Parlor Cabinet Gold Vernis-Marten, Sedan Shape, Swell Front and Concave Sides, Beautifully Painted and Mounted with Ormolu Curio Cabinet Gold Vernis-Marten, Clover Leaf Shape, with Ormolu Mount- ings, etc. Gold and Porcelain Miniature Table Beautifully Carved and Ormolu Frame, Embellished with Royal Vienna Placque and 15 Portraits Painted in Minia- ture of Ladies of the Court of France French Fire Screen Gold Frame with Carved and Rococo Ornaments in Relief Reception Chair Vernis-Marten, with Painted Scenes Large Sevres Vase Cupids Painted in Colors, Delicate Pink Bands, Ormolu Mountings Crown Derby Vase Tapestry Effect in Gold and Madder, on Canary Ground Pair Royal Vienna Vases Decorated in Rich Colors and Panels of Classic Scenes, by Willner Crown Derby Cabinet Vases, 3 Pieces Royal Worcester Vase Carved Marble Figure By P. Barranti, Florence Upholstered Parlor Cabinet Mahogany Frame, Serpentine Shape, Mirror Back, etc. Music Cabinet Mahogany Frame, Carved in Relief, Inlaid Dutch Panels Regent 88=Note Player Piano Mahogany Upright Case, 88- Note, by Blasius & Sons, Phila. With 46 Rolls of Music Baby Grand Piano Ebony Case, by Steinway & Sons (17) 200a French Library Table Inlaid with Marquetry, Brass Edges, Fluted Legs 201 Small Gilt Marine Clock, Bailey, Banks & Biddle 202 Miniature Sedan Chair, Cabinet and Vase 203 Japanese Porcelain Dog Foo 204 Pair Large Japanese Crackle Vases, Relief Decorations 205 Japanese Blue Decorated Vases, 2 Pair 206 Assorted China Ornaments, 4 Pieces : CHAMBER FURNITURE. 207 Mahogany Wardrobe Double French Plate Mirror Doors, Carved Top, with Round Ends, Large Drawer, French Feet 208 Mahogany Lowboy Carved Shell Front, Fluted Corners, Carved Cabriole Knees, Ball and Claw Feet 209 Mahogany Toilet Stand Empire Style with Carved Corners, Swan Standard, Oval French Plate Mirror 210 French Toilet Top Carved Mahogany, Serpentine Shape, French Plate Mirror ( 18 ) SECOND SESSION Tuesday, November 4th, 1913 At 2 o’clock, precisely Oil Paintings Books Linens Draperies Oriental Rugs 211 212 213 214 215 216 21la 211b 211c 211d, 2lle 217 218 219 220 OIL PAINTINGS. Landscape, by Tenkate Painting on Panel, ‘Landscape and Horses” Landscape, “Winter Sunset,’’ by Schneider and Von Saverdonck Paintings, Under Glass, Oval Gilt Frame, 2 Pieces Paintings under Glass, ‘Summer and Winter,”’ Gilt Frame, 2 Pes. Painting, Infant “Christ,’”’ by Salvator ‘A Good Day on the Baltic,” by Carl Geibel “Christ,” by R. Striet “Resting by the Way,” by H. Von Seben “Fisherman and His Family,” by J. J. M. Damschroeder ““Landscape,”’ by Carl Weber BOOKS. Byron (George Gordon), Lord. Works of. Illustrations on Japan Paper and Colored and Plain Plates Edition des Amateurs. Limited to 100 Copies, of which this ts No. 13. Certified by the Editor. Red Crushed M orocco, Svo, uncut edges, top edge gilt. Francis A. Niccolls & Car, Publishers, Boston, 1900. 16 Vols. Dickens, Charles. Works of. JIlus. New Century Edition, No. 842, Limited to 1000. Half Crushed Turkey Morocco, 8vo, uncut edges, top edge gilt. Dana, Estes & Co., Boston. 46 Vols. | Hugo, V. Works of. The Centenary Edition, No. 873 of 1000. Cloth, 8vo, uncut, top edge gilt. Dana, Estes & Co., Boston. 30 Vols. Scott, Sir Walter. Works of. Illustrations on Japan Paper. Artist's Edition, Limited to 65 Copies, this being No. 26. Half calf, 8vo, uncut, top edge gilt. Dana, Estes & Co., Boston, 1900. 6&4 Vols. ( 20 ) ORIENTAL RUGS & CARPETS, DRAPERIES, LINENS, ETC. 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 2395 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 Knitted Table Mats, 12 Pieces Linen Napkins, 14 Pieces Circular Linen Doilies, 22 Pieces Painted Japanese Doilies, 12 Pieces Assorted Linen Fancy Doilies, 26 Pieces Renaissance Luncheon Set, 13 Pieces Renaissance Luncheon Set, 13 Pieces Linen and Lace Centre Pieces, 2 Pieces Fancy Linen and Silk Embroidered Centre Pieces, 6 Pieces Linen Damask Table Cloths, 3 Pieces Linen Cluny Lace Bed Sets, 4 Pieces Brussels Net Bed Valances, 2 Pieces China Silk and Lamb’s Wool Quilt Handsome Chinese Embroidery Light Blue Silk with Finely Embroidered Figures of Birds and Flowers, Bed Set of 3 Pieces Handsome Chinese Embroidery Dark Blue Silk, with Most Exquisite Embroidery Work, Comprising Pair Pillows and Large Quilt, 3 Preces Silk and Bullion Embroidered Table Covers, 2 Pieces White India Double Shawl Silk and Bullion Embroidered Oriental Table Cover Silk Embroidered India Linen Tidies, 2 Pieces Silk and Embroidered Table Covers, Assorted, 3 Pieces Animal Fur Rug Embroidered Silk Velour Piano Scarf Sofa Cushion, Oriental Silk Embroidery Sofa Cushion, Silk Velour, 2 Pieces Cotton Embroidered Portieres and Lambrequins, 2 Pieces Stamped Leather Hangings Comprising 8 Strips Long Curtains, 4, Strips Valances, 2 Strips Portieres, 14 Preces French Cretonne Draperies, 4 Long and 2 Short Curtains and Lambrequins, 6 Pieces ( 21 ) 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 250 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 Green Striped Velour Curtains, Bullion Braid, 8 Strips and 3 Valances Portieres to Match, lined with Old Rose Silk Plush, 2 Strips Portieres, Old Rose Plush, Braided to Match, 6 Strips (6, 71/2 and 9 Feet) Heavy Pink and Figured French Cretonne Draperies, 4 Long Curtains, Portiere (lined) and Long Valance, 5 Pieces Old Rose Velour Braided Portieres, Lined with Blue, 2 Pieces Blue Velour Portieres and Narrow Curtains, 4 Strips and Long. Valance Wine Color Silk Basket Figured Long Draperies, 6 Strips Portieres, to match, 2 Pair RUGS. Scotch Tufted Carpet, Light Green, 11.3x21.5 Serebend Carpet, Blue Centre, 9.5x21.7 India, 4x8.11 Shirvan, 3.10x5 Kazak, 3.3x4.4 Tabriz Silk, 4.4x6.6 India Iran, 3.2x5.2 India Iran, 3.2x5.1 India Iran Hall Strip, 2.8x15.2 India Iran Hall Strip, 2.8x15.10 Antique Beloochistan, 1.10x3 Japanese, 2.10x5.3 Kazak, 4.3x6.11 Kazak, 3.5x6.7 Shirvan, 4x6.7 Beloochistan, 2.10x5.9 Antique Cabistan, 3.3x6.11 Daghestan, 3.7x5.3 India, 3.11x8.2 Kazak, 3.2x4.6 Kazak, 5.6x7.5 Kazak, 3.11x8.7 Daghestan, 3.3x3.11 ( 22 ) 279 Shiraz, 5x8.3 280 Kazak, 3.5x8.8 281 Serebend, 5.9x9.5 282 Moussoul, 4x6.7 283 Moussoul, 3.7x6 284 Shiraz, 3.11x5.5 285 Shiraz, 3.6x4.10 286 Sarouk, 4.5x6.7 287 Guendje, 3.2x6.7 288 Kazak, 3.3x6.10 289 Cabistan, 3x4.9 290 Shirvan, 3.9x4.10 291 Beloochistan, 2.1x2.9 292 Beloochistan, 2.4x2.10 293 Beloochistan, 2.3x2.10 294 Beloochistan, 2.4x3.1 295 Guendje, 2.5x3.7 296 Shirvan, 3.3x5 297 Shirvan, 4x7.6 298 Daghestan, 3.5x4.7 299 Bokhara, 3.4x4.11 300 Feraghan, 5.1x8.9 801 = Shirvan, 4x6.1 302 Cabistan, 3.10x6 303 Princess Bokhara, 3.8x5 304 Kazak, 3.10x6.1 305 Kazak Antique, 2.11x4.5 306 Persian Hall Strip, 3.1x15.7 307 Moussoul, 4.2x6.1 308 Feraghan, 3x7.5 309 Moussoul Hall Strip, 3.2x12.9 310 Daghestan, 4x5.3 311 Feraghan, 3.4x5.2 312 Kazak, 3.9x5.2 313 Kazak, 3.7x6.7 314 Kazak, 3.9x9 315 Kurdistan, 7.10x8.1 316 India Carpet, 7.2x11.10 ( 23 ) 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 320 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 339 334 330 336 337 338 339 340 Magal Carpet, 9x13.9 Feraghan Carpet, 11x14.3 Mahal Carpet, 11.1x14.7 Feraghan, 5x10 Extra Persian Carpet, 7.3x10.5 Extra Persian Carpet, 10.3x14.8 India Kindahar, 8.10x14.4 Extra Persian, 6.4x11.1 Afghan Bokhara, 7.2x9.5 Extra Persian Carpet, 11.3x15.10 Khiva Bokhara, 7.2x9 Kazak Carpet, 8.4x11.3 Kazak Carpet, 9.8x12.3 Moussoul Carpet, 10.4x13.6 India Carpet, 9.6x11.5 Serapi Carpet, 9.5x11.8 Sarouk, 3.7x5.3 Sarouk, 3.11x5.9 Beloochistan, 3.9x6.8 Daghestan, 4.4x6.7 Daghestan Daghestan Moussoul Cabistan y ree ee C4 Ae fy aw vn VQ. 1913 Nov.3 PhFrS c.1 Samuel T./Rugs and furnishings. 94-P69 ITT TA 3 3125 01186 2684 Sask oe Fa yor,