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WITH IMPORTANT ADDITIONS, INCLUDING WHAT IS PROBABLY THE RAREST OF ALL THACKERAY ITEMS, “ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE SURPRISING ADVENTURES OF THREE MEN” AND A COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY WILLIAM BLAKE, JOHN LEECH AND ROWLANDSON ORDER OF SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 1, LOTS 1-247 TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 1, LOTS 248-494 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 2, LOTS 495-741 THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PRESIDENT] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1921 CONDITIONS OF SALE All bids to be PER LOT as numbered in the Catalogue. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judgment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash pay- ‘ments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be immediately resold. Goods bought to be removed at the close of each sale. If not so re- moved they will be at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if such goods are lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. TeRMS CASH. If accounts are not paid at the conclusion of each sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, this Com- pany reserves the right to recatalogue the goods for immediate sale without notice to the defaulting buyer, and all costs of such resale will be charged to the defaulter. This condition is without prejudice to the rights of the Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale at its own option. Unsettled ac- counts are subject to interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum. All books are sold as catalogued, and are assumed to be in good SECOND-HAND condition. If material defects are found, not mentioned in the catalogue, the lot may be returned. Notice of such defects must be given promptly and the goods returned within ten days from the date of the sale. No exceptions will be made to this rule. Maga- zines and other periodicals, and all miscellaneous books arranged in parcels, are sold as they are, without recourse. Autograph Letters, Documents, Manuscripts and Bindings are sold as they are, without recourse. The utmost/care is taken to authen- ticate and correctly describe items of this character, but this Company will not be responsible for errors, omissions, or defects of any kind. Bws. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for fifty cents for each session of the sale. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES INCORPORATED PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 . CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN ——_ | a ee ae , . oa OS ear eae are SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH FIRST AT TWO-THIRTY O’CLOCK FIRST SESSION LOTS 1-247 1. AIKIN (JOHN). View of the Character and Public Ser- vices of the late John Howard, Esq. 2 portrats of Howard (one on India paper inserted). 8vo, polished calf, gilt back, gilt border, gilt edges, by Kalthoeber, with his ticket. London, 1792 Fine copy, with bookplates of Henry and Anne R. Collins, and S. P. Avery. 2. ALDINE PRESS. Valerii Maximi dictorvm factorvm memorabilivm libri novem. Aldine device on first and last pages. 12mo, full crushed blue morocco. Venetiis: Aldus Romanus, 1502 First ALDINE EDITION. Ancient writing on some leaves, and a few spots. A sound copy however. 3. —— Dictionarium Graecum cum Interpretatione Latina. Accedunt alia Opuscula Ammonii, Orbicii, Joannis Grammatici, Corinthi, Herodiani, Choerobosci, Thomae Magistri, Phrynichi, Moschopuli, ete. Folio, old red morocco, rich gilt tooling on back, broad gilt border on sides, with an inner border of blind tooling, Aldine device on sides, gilt edges. Venetiis: in aedibus Aldi et Andreae Asvlani Soceri, 1524 FINE COPY FROM THE SYSTON Park LiBRARY, with bookplate. 4. M. Tvllii Ciceronis Orationvm pars I, II, III. Cum eorrectionibus Pauli Manutii. Aldine device on titles and last pages. 3 vols., 12mo, old red levant morocco, with the Aldine Anchor and Dolphin on sides, in gold, and arms of Leigh impressed on backs, gilt edges. Venetiis, 1554 A SPLENDID LARGE COPY OF THIS BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED ALDINE EDITION, in a handsome and substantial binding. With the Leigh bookplate. 5. ALDRICH (THOMAS BAILEY). Poems. Illustrated by the Paint and Clay Club. 8vo, half parchment and boards, uncut. In slip case. Boston, 1882 Autograph presentation copy from the Author to Madame Thérésa Blane. Laid in is a 2 pp. A. L. s. from the author to Auguste Allion, in which he mentions ‘‘Baby Bell.’’ ‘‘ Such success as it has made is, I am sure, very largely due to Madame Blanc’s sympathetic and admirable translation of the little book,’’ ete. 6. ALKEN COLORED PLATES. Real Life in Ireland; or, The Day and Night Scenes, Rovings, Rambles, and Sprees, Bulls, Blunders, Bodderation and Blarney of Brian Boru, Esq., and his 3 Elegant Friend, Sir Shawn O’Dogherty, exhibiting a Real Picture of Characters, Manners, etc., in High and Low Life in Dublin and various parts of Ireland. By ‘‘A Real Paddy.’’ With frontispiece and 18 brilliantly colored plates illustratwe of the work by Henry Alken, Marks, Heath, and others. Tall 8vo, crushed olive levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviére. London: Printed by R. Bensley, 1821 FINE, TALL COPY OF THE RARE First Epition. One of the most spirited productions of its kind, of which several were issued in the early part of the XIXth Century, notably Egan’s ‘‘Life in London.’’ The colored plates are full of life and dash and depict drinking scenes, duels, pro- cessions, etc., and also the costumes of the times. Some contain portraits, three of them having portraits of George IVth, illustrative of his visit to Dublin. th. The Sporting Repository, containing: Horse-Racing, Hunting, Coursing, Shooting, Archery, Trotting and Tandem Matches, Cocking, Pedestrianism, Pugilism. Anecdotes on Sporting Subjects, interspersed with Essays, Tales, and a Great Variety of Miscellaneous Articles. 19 colored plates by H. Alken and I. Ba- renger, engraved by G. Hunt and lithographed by Lahee. Large 8vo, full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt inside bor- ders, gilt top, by Riviere. London, 1822 First EpItioN. EXTREMELY RARE. The fine series of plates by Alken and Barenger are in briliant impression. A choice copy of this esteemed work. 8. Symptoms of Being Amused. 42 colored plates, wnclud- ung title and frontispiece, by Henry Alken. Oblong folio, full red straight grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges, with the original red leather label pasted in, by Zaehnsdorf. London: Thomas M’Lean, 1822 THE RARE First EpITIon. In addition to the sporting scenes, a number of the plates illustrate occurrences in every-day life, ete. Although marked ‘‘ Vol. I’’ on the title, there never was another volume completed. WITH THE RARE FINAL NUMBER 9. ALKEN COLORED PLATES. The Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette: A Magazine entirely appropriated to Sporting Subjects and Fancy Pursuits. With the complete series of 156 plates by Alken, Cruikshank and others, many of them finely colored. 13 vols. 8vo, half purple calf. London: Printed for Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1822-28 A complete set of this celebrated sporting magazine from its beginning in January, 1822, to its close, INCLUDING THE RARE FINAL NUMBER OF JUNE 1828. One of the best sporting periodicals of the day, containing many fine colored aquatint plates depicting Racing, Hunting, Fishing, Pugilism, Cock-fighting, Shooting, and other events of the English sporting world. 10. A Touch of the Fine Arts. Illustrated by twelve col- ored plates, with descriptions by Henry Alken. Royal 8vo, full red straight grain morocco, gilt, by Zaehnsdorf. London: Published by Thomas M’Lean, 1824 A fine copy, Very Rare. The original red printed covers are bound in. With the bookplate of Edward Henry Hill. 4 ee eee eee ee ee ere 11. Sporting Scrap Book, by Henry Alken, containing fifty plates designed and engraved by himself, all colored. Royal 8vo, original red printed boards, leather back, in slip ease. London: Published by Thomas M’Lean [1824] First Epition. Extremely Rare, especially so in this fine original con- dition. 12. The National Sports of Great Britain. Fifty engrav- ings, with Descriptions, finely colored. Folio, full red straight grain morocco, gilt, gilt top, uncut. London: Thomas M’Lean, 1825 A superb copy of this Extremely Rare work. This is not to be con- founded with the work of the same title published by M’Lean in 1821, as it differs materially from the plates in that issue. The plates represent: Racing, Fox Hunting, Coursing, Shooting, Cock Fighting, Dog Fighting, Fishing, Prize Fighting ete. 13. ALTON (HAWKINS A. D’). Memory ; and other Poems. 12mo, original boards, uncut. London, 1831 With the half-title and slip of errata. 14. ANDREWS (WILLIAM LORIN G). The Heavenly Jeru- salem, etc. Annotations by William Loring Andrews. Frontis- prece, engraved title, and rubricated wmtials, etc. 8vo, limp boards, gilt top, uncut. New York, 1908 One of 120 copies on hand-made paper. 15. —— Another copy. 16. [APPERLEY (C. J.).] The Life of a Sportsman. By Nimrod, With 36 handsome colored plates by Henry Alken. Royal 8vo, full dark green crushed levant morocco, gilt, gilt inside bor- ders, gilt over rough edges, by Riviére. London: Ackermann, 1842 A SPLENDID COPY oF THE First EprtTion of what is considered the finest and rarest of all the books illustrated by Henry Alken. The original blue cloth covers are bound in at the end and a few of the plates as usual are mounted. The outer margin of the leaf of contents has been restored. 17. The Chace, the Turf, and the Road. By Nimrod. With dlustrations by Alken and Gilbert. 8vo, original decorated cloth, uncut (one or two signatures sprung). London: Murray, 1843 Second Edition. 18. APULEIUS. Cupid and Psyche. A Mythological Tale, from the Golden Ass. Engraved frontisprece and plate. Royal 8vo, polished calf, gilt top. London, 1801 This Third Edition is translated by Hudson Gurney. Fine copy. 19. ARCHITECTURE. Architectural Association Sketch Book. Edited by C. C. Brewer, Theodore Fyfe, ete. Plates. 4 parts, folio, wrappers. London, 1911-12 20 —— Another copy. 21. ARIOSTO (LODOVICO). Orlando Furioso. Illustrated with numerous woodcuts, and elaborate title-page. 12mo, red 5 levant morocco, doublures of blue polished calf, gilt borders and center ornaments, gilt edges, by Ringer (wants 1 leaf of signature pp. 8, and a hole with damage of text on signature V 3, page 301). In Vinegia: Appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1554 92. ARNOLD (SIR EDWIN). The Light of Asia. Portrmt and woodcuts. 12mo, splendidly bound in full crushed olive levant morocco, back and sides gilt and blind-tooled, with an effigy of an Indian Idol, in gold, on front cover, gilt edges, by Bayntun. In cloth slip case. London, 1892 93, ARRIANUS. De Expedit. Alex. Magni Historiarum Libri VII. Ejusdam indica. ex Bonavent. Vulcanii Brug. Interpreta- tione Nicolaus Blaneardus. Engraved title. Amstelodami: Apud Joannem Janssonium, 1668; [also] Ars Tactica. Cum Interpre- tibus Latinis, & Notis, Ex Recensione & Museo Nicolai Blancardi. Engraved title, large folding map, plan and woodcuts. Amstelo- dami: Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1683. ‘Together, 2 vols., 8vo, fine old red French morocco, fillet borders on backs and sides, cor- ner rosettes, gilt edges, by [Derome]. Amstelodami, 1668-1683 24. ART. Original Drawings of the Dutch and Flemish School in the Printroom of the State Museum at Amsterdam. Magnifi- cently illustrated with 100 plates reproduced in the colors of the Originals by Emrik and Binger at Haarlem. In 2 portfolios, atlas folio, half unpolished calf. The Hague [1904] ONLY A VERY SMALL NUMBER OF COPIES OF THIS SUMPTUOUS WORK WERE PUBLISHED. It includes reproductions of the work of Rembrandt, Van de Velde, Bol, Steen, Ostade and other Masters of the Dutch and Flemish Art. It is immensely valuable to the students of early drawings on account of the perfection of the reproductions, especially of the coloring. 95. [AYLMER (JOHN).] An Harbovve for Faithfull and Trevve Svbiectes against the late blowne Blaste, concernings the Gouernmet of Wemen, wherin be confuted all such reasons as a straunger of late made in that behalfe, with a breife exhortation to Obedience. Small 4to, old calf, with the initials R. D. in gold on sides. At Strasborowe the 26. of April, 1559 THE VERY RARE First Epition. This is an answer to John Knox’s First Blast, printed the previous year. Autograph of Wm. Herbert, with others, on title. Bookplate of George Chalmers. 26. AYTOUN (WILLIAM E.). Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers and other Poems. With illustrations by Joseph Noel Paton and Waller H. Paton. Square 8vo, crushed red levant morocco, Jan- sen style, gilt edges, by Bayntun. In a cloth case. A CHOICE COPY. Edinburgh: Blackwood, 1863 27. B (R.). The Unfortunate Court Favourites of England, ex- emplified in some Remarks upon the Lives, Actions, and Fatal Fall of divers Great Men, who have been Favourites to several English Kings and Queens. Frontispiece with 10 portraits. Small 12mo, old sheep (worn). London, 1695 28. BACON (SIR FRANCIS). Bacon’s Essays and Colours of Good and Evil, with Notes and Glossarial Index. By W. Aldis 6 4 Wright. Vignette on title. 8vo, crushed red levant morocco back and sides richly tooled with 4-fillet bands interlaced to form a panel on the sides, with leaf sprays gracefully intertwined throughout the whole ornamentation, inside leaf spray border; doublures and fiys of gold China silk, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. In slip ease. LARGE PAPER COPY, one of 250 copies. London: Macmillan, 1891 29. BALZAC (HONORE DE). Novels. Translated by Ellen Marriage, James Waring, etc. Prefaces by George Saintsbury. Illustrations in two states, one in black and one in red. 40 vols., 8vo, full green walrus, doublures of red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. AsTRAL EpITION, one of 5 copies. London: Dent, 1895-97 30. BARRIE (J. M.). Novels, Sketches and Tales. Numerous illustrations. 12 vols., 8vo, half wine morocco, gilt tops, uncut. AUTHOR’s EDITION. New York, 1898-1911 31. Charles Frohman: A Tribute. Small 4to, original wrappers, in half morocco slip case. [London] 1915 ONE OF 20 COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED BY CLEMENT SHORTER (and signed by him) from the original appearance of the article in the ‘‘ Daily Mail’’ of May 10, 1915. 32. BASKERVILLE PRESS. D. Junii Juvenalis et Auli Persii Flacei Satyre. 4to, full old red straight-grain morocco, gilt edges. Birmingham: Typis Johannis Baskerville, 1761 FINE COPY FROM THIS CELEBRATED PRESS. With autograph of George Heath on fly-leaf. 33. BEACONSFIELD (EARL OF). The Works of Disraeli. Illustrations on Japan paper, frontispieces wm colors. 20 vols. 8vo, full morocco, various colors of binding as published, gilt tops, un- cut. New York, n. d. Ambassador’s Edition, limited. 384. BEARDSLEY (AUBREY). Early Work. With a Prefa- tory Note by H. C. Marillier. Numerous fine reproductions. Ato, white buckram gilt, gilt top, uncut. London, 1899 One of 120 copies on Japanese vellum. 35. BEAUMARCHAIS. (C£uvres Complétes. 6 vols., 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1821 Fine Lisprary EDITION. 86. BEAUX AND BELLES OF ENGLAND. With illustra- tions in two states, Japan and Holland paper, one set of the fron- tispieces hand colored. 14 vols., 8vo, three-quarter red morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London: Printed by the Grolier Society, n. d. CONNOISSEUR EpITION, one of 150 copies. 87. BECKFORD (WILLIAM). Thoughts on Hunting. Ina Series of Familiar Letters to a Friend. Illustrated with Proof Plates, from original paintings engraved by John Scott. Frontis- piece mounted. Tall 8vo, handsomely bound in crushed red levant 7 morocco, back and sides, emblematically gold tooled, gilt edges, by Bayntun. In cloth slip ease. Albion Press: Printed for James Cundee, ete., 1810 A CHOICE COPY OF THIS SPLENDID EDITION. 38. BESANT (WALTER). Novels. Numerous illustrations. 22 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, v. d. 39. BEWICK CUTS. Kings of England. Characters of the Kings and Queens of England, selected from the best Historians. Illustrated with woodcut heads by T. Bewick. 16mo, contemporary sheep (worn). ~ London, 1795 40. BIBLIOPHILE SOCIETY. André’s Journal. Edited by Henry Cabot Lodge. With 2 portraits of André, one etched by Bicknell, proof on India paper, the other engraved on wood by Hop- son, proof on Japanese paper, both signed; title in two states, one on vellum, the other on India paper, and 44 facsimile repro- ductions of original maps and plans drawn by Major André. 2 vols., royal 8vo, vellum, gilt tops, uncut. Boston, 1903 One of 487 copies. 41. The Varick Court of Enquiry to investigate the Im- plication of Colonel Varick (Arnold’s private secretary) in the Arnold Treason. Edited by A. B. Hart. Portraits, facsimiles, and other illustrations. 4to, full pigskin, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1907 One of 470 copies. 42. Charles Dickens and Maria Beadnell. Private Corre- spondence. Edited by George P. Baker. Etched portrait, by Bick- nell, and other plates on Japanese paper, portraits reproduced from original sketches, one in colors, facsimiles of letters, etc. Royal 8vo, half vellum, uncut. Boston, 1908 43. ‘The Geddes Burns.’’ Portrait and MSS. facsimiles. 8vo, original full calf, uncut. Boston, 1908 One of 473 copies. 44. Peacock (Thomas Love). Letters to Edward Hook- ham and Perey Bysshe Shelley. With fragments of Unpublished Manuscripts. Edited by Richard Garnett. Htched portrat by Bicknell. 8vo, vellum back, buckram sides, uncut. Boston, 1910 One of 483 copies. 45. Year Books. First to Fourteenth. Jllustrations. 14 vols., 8vo, boards, uncut. Boston, 1902-15 Issued for Members only. Limited Edition. 46. —— Etched portrait of Benjamin Franklin. Remarque proof by W. H. W. Bicknell, signed, with a duplicate cancelled plate. In portfolo (has a slight printing defect). Private plate, issued to Members. 47. BINDING. Biblia Sacra Latina, Vulgate Editions is eum prologis S Hieronymi cum Interp nom. Hebr. . . . correcta ac 8 - = dpe Lee Pe a a ae, ee _ . . ve € - studiosissime emendata per Petrum Angelum de Monte Ulmi or- dinis minorum Seraphici Francisco. Small 4to, in PIERCED SILVER BINDING, with large centre clasp. On the fore cover is an oval Me- dallion of the Pope, and on the lower cover a Medallion of St. Peter. At each corner on both covers are the emblems of the Four Evan- gelists. VENETIS, Paganinus de Paganinis, 1497. Rare early Octavo Edition, printed in fine Goruic LeTrmEr, double columns, 54 lines to the column. Initial letters painted in red throughout. Beautiful example. FROM THE LIBRARY OF MADAME DE POMPADOUR 48. BINDING. Le Lettre di M. Pietro Aretino. Di nvovo im- presse et corrette. Woodcut portrait in oval on title-page. Small 8vo, full old red French morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, with the arms of Mme. de Pompadour on sides, by [Padeloup]. [At End.] In Vinegia: per Nicolo d’Aristotele detto Zoppino, 1538 A FINE COPY OF THIS WORK IN A HANDSOME AND SOUND BINDING, with the silk book mark preserved. A portion of a name in an old hand appears on the title margin. HENRI II. KING OF FRANCE 49. BINDING. L’Histoire d’Herodian, excellent Historio- graphe, traitant de la Vie des Successeurs de Mare Aurele a 1’Em- pire de Rome. Translatée deGree en Francoys par Jaques des Contes de Vintemille, Rhodien. Title within a very elaborate woodcut border. Small folio, Lyonnese calf, with large gold medallion por- trait of the King in center of the fore cover, surrounded by the inscription, ‘‘ Henricus II, Francor. Rex. Invictiss.’’ On the lower cover, the other side of the medal is seen, representing a Triumphal Chariot, with the abbreviated inscription, ‘‘Ob Res in Itali. Germ. et Gall fort. et foe. gest.’’ Neatly rebacked and restored on sides. In a calf book box. A Lyon, par Guillaume Roville, 1554 A PRESENTATION copy to Henry II and a very beautiful and valuable book. From the library of C. Pieters, with his bookplate. A rare prove- nance. IN A SPLENDID INLAID BINDING BY SAMBLANCX 50. BINDING. Omnium illiberalivm Mechanicarvm avt seden- tariarum artium genera continens, ete. With the beautiful series of 130 splendid woodcuts by Jost Amman. Small 8vo, full crushed brown levant morocco, small ornaments in compartments on back; sides ornamented with interlaced designs of a lozenge, semi-circles and small circles in strap-work effect, corner ornaments. The doublures are of crushed blue levant morocco, panelled, the inlaid designs on inside of the front cover representing the interior of an ancient printing office, and that on the inside of the back cover representing a book-binding establishment, gilt edges, by Sam- blanex-Weckesser. In slip case. Francofvrti ad Moenvm, 1568 ‘| THIS IS A MOST PLEASING VOLUME, in consequence of the intelligent adaptation on the part of the binder, of illustrations in the work by the celebrated Amman, for his splendidly executed inlaid pictorial doublures. A few slight modifications from the printed cut have been made by the inlayer, but the main ideas of the engraver have been marvellously 9 reproduced by the binder, so as to render the work a charming one to OsseSss. ‘ The work itself is the First EDITION, and aside from the binding is most interesting in consequence of the beautiful woodeuts by Jost Amman. It is from the celebrated press of Sigismund Feyerabent, and has a brilliant impression of his device on the last page, with Colophon. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 51. Virgil. Opera. Engraved title by Tavernier, with an etched plate mserted. 48mo, handsomely bound in full crushed old red English morocco, gilt over marbled edges, inner linings and flys of pale blue silk. Sedani: Typis Ioannis Iansoni, 1625 A CHARMING SPECIMEN OF BINDING, executed about 1740 for Alexander Boswell of Auchinleck. There are broad gold borders on the sides, and a full gilt back. The tooling is mostly pointillé, and one remarkable feature in it is the use of a figure which is at once a heart and a bow, and is over- laid with two arrows. The work was apparently executed in London, but it may have been done at Edinburgh, in which ease it would be classed a chef d’oeuvre of Scottish binding. 52. —— Cl: Clavdianvs. Ex optimorum codicum fide. Hngraved title. 32mo, full old olive morocco, richly gilt back, three separate gilt borders on sides; panelled centers, having an outer border be- tween two sets of fine gilt fillets, containing small squares and lozenges; ornamental designs, fan-shaped, filling the corners, the whole surrounding an oval, around which is a series of scrolls, gilt gauffred edges. Amstelodami: Apud Ioann: Ianssonium, 1628 A SPLENDID SPECIMEN OF 17TH CENTURY ITALIAN BINDING, and a fine copy of this beautifully printed book from the Janson Press. Do. Manuscript on vellum, 6pp. 4to, old morocco, the sides heavily stamped in gold forming a panel with six distinct borders. In the center of the panel is a lozenge-shaped cartouche, and the inner corners are occupied with fan-shaped ornaments. An outer blind-tooled border completes the ornamentation. A small worming appears on each cover. [1674] AN ECCLESIASTICAL DOCUMENT OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY, IN AN INTERESTING SPECIMEN OF CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN BINDING. The document is designed by 1’Abbe Candiottus, and attached is the seal of Cardinal Barbadici, encased in tin, the back of which is covered with morocco and tooled with designs similar to that on the book covers. The Manuscript is illuminated, the frontispiece bearing unidentified arms, surrounded by a border, containing a medallion of a Saint and numerous floral and leaf designs in most brilliant coloring; in the lower corners containing Peacocks, and the upper corners winged beasts; the border of the following page is similar in design, except for the portrait of a different Saint; the remaining borders are narrower, with leaf and flower sprays. 54. The English Atlas. Containing a Description of the Places next to the North-Pole; as also of Muscovy, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, and their several Dependencies. Kubricated throughout, with the maps beautifully wluminated in gold and colors and the vignettes artistically colored (a few damaged). Large folio, fine old English red morocco, handsomely decorated with an interlacing design of gilt tooled line bands and dots forming a panel and border in a manner characteristic of Mearne. Vol. 1 only. Oxford: Printed for Moses Pitt, 1680 10 - py, i. mn bs a Be A (tn > | - 2 * 5d. [Bacchini (Benedetto).] Anonymi Dialogi Tres, I. De Constantia in Adversis. II. De Dignitate Tuenda. III. De Amore erga Rempublicam. Edidit é privatis Schedis Jacobus Can- tellus. Serenissimi Mutine Ducis Geographus. 12mo, old polished calf, gilt back, the sides most richly ornamented with a profusion of scrolls and leaf sprays within quatrefoils, segments, circles, and irregular figures, within a gilt border. Sylve-Ducis: Apud Joannem du Mont, 1689 AN EXCEPTIONALLY CRISP COPY OF THIS RARE BOOK, IN A HANDSOME EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY BINDING. A former scholar-owner has writ- ten on the fly-leaf some notes regarding this volume, which are important enough to quote in full: ‘‘ These elegant Dialogues were written by Bene- detto Bacchimi, who gave an account of them as an Anonymous work in his Letter of 1692. But in his Life (written by himself) he declares him- self the author. *“*It appears that they were published at Modena by Jac. Cantellus, in 82mo, and there was a subsequent edition at Parma 1721 in 12mo. ° “‘The present edition appears to have been printed at Bolduc (Bois le Duc) in 1689, though the Dedication of Henry Copes to the celebrated Magliabeccht is dated 1698! Perhaps the transportation of one figure and the omission of another may account for this, and the date will then eloloceacian (1699).’’ IN A HANDSOME SILVER BINDING 06. BINDING. Neu-entsprungene Wasser-Quelle vor Gottes- ergebene und Geistlich, durstige Seelen, ete. Engraved title, por- trait (shaved on lateral edge), and engraved plates. 24mo, original wooden boards, encased in a magnificent old silver binding, back and sides wholly chased with leaf scrolls, with small center medal- lions of Angels, bearing Ecclesiastical emblems, and clasps, in per- fect condition, gilt gauffred edges. Nurnberg, 1690 A CHOICE SPECIMEN OF EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY BINDING. o7. —— Compendium Cosmo-et Geographies, nee non Chrono- logie Summorum Pontificum, Cardinalium, Imperatorum, Regum, Ducum, & Principum. Compositum Ab Abbate Jo. Carolo de Sta- del. 8vo, magnificently bound in old red French morocco, full gilt back, the sides ornamented with rich corner ornaments of scrolls, pointillé tooling and stars, and in the center, a most elaborate eccle- siastical coat of arms of an unidentified Cardinal, repeated on back cover, gilt edges. Inner margin of title and following leaf slightly wormed. Rome, 1712 AN ELEBORATE ITALIAN BINDING OF THE EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. 58. Quintus Horatius Flaccus ad lectiones probatiores dili- gentor emendatus, interpunctione nove sepius illustretis. 12mo, full contemporary morocco, gilt borders on sides, with a crowned dolphin on back, repeated five times. Glasgue, 1744 VERY RARE SPECIMEN from the Library of the Dauphin, father of Louis XVI, XVIIT and Charles X. FROM THE LIBRARY OF MARIE ANTOINETTE 09. BINDING. Traits d’Histoires de differents Auteurs. Manu- script of 400 pp., with table of contents, 5 pp. Each page has a bor- der and decorations illuminated in green and gold. 8vo, contempo- 11 rary olive green morocco, with richly tooled back, elaborate border on sides, of Crowns, Flowers, and Insects, enclosing in the center, the coat-of-arms of Queen Marie Antoinette, with end papers of a Star and Circle in gold, gilt edges. In a morocco solander case. _ 3 [1780] Queen Marie Antoinette was an ardent patron of music and literature, and this volume was written and bound for her, and belonged to her pri- vate library. An exceedingly interesting volume. 60. La Constitution Francaise, presentée au Roi le 3 Sep- tembre 1791, et acceptée par sa Majesté le 14 du meme mois. Cuar- cular portrait of Lowis XVI, with the Liberty Cap, printed im colors. 12mo, contemporary red morocco, gilt lines on sides, tooled back, inside gilt border, gilt edges. A Paris, del’Imprimerie Nationale, 1791 Although this was probably the presentation copy to Louis XVI the binding, though rich, contains no Royal Insignia. The fleurs-de-lis are replaced by Republican emblems, and instead of the Royal arms in the center, there is a simple oval containing the legend ‘‘La Loi et le Roi.”’ This binding, together with the excessively rare portrait, makes the volume of peculiar interest. 61. The Seasons. By James Thomson. With plates. 8vo, contemporary full blue straight-grain morocco, line and dotted de- signs in gilt on sides, richly tooled back, doublures and fly leaves of rose-colored paper with a green and black border, gilt edges, by Riley, with his ticket. London, 1802 A FINE CLEAN Copy ON Large Paper. With brilliant impressions of the illustrations, PROOFS, engraved by Fittler, Bromley, Heath, ete., after Wm. Hamilton. 62. The Shipwreck. A Poem by William Falconer. With a life of the Author by James Stainer Clark. Beautifully illus- trated. 4to, contemporary morocco, richly tooled back and sides, inside gilt borders, gilt edges. London, 1804 A FINE CLEAN COPY ON LARGE PAPER in an attractive binding, with choice impressions of the plates, and vignettes of ships. ; 63. Zouch (Thomas). The Life of Izaac Walton; including Notices of his Contemporaries. Illustrated with the fine series of Gosden plates IN PROOF STATE, ON INDIA PAPER. 8vo, finely bound in polished calf, fillet and dotted borders in compartments on back, gilt and blind tooled borders on sides, and in the center, the device of Dolphins appearing in the First Edition, gilt edges, by [| Gos- den. | London: Septimus Prowett, 1823 LARGE PAPER COPY, in a splendid Gosden binding. - 64. A Treatise on Greyhounds, with Observations on the Treatment & Disorders of them. By a Sportsman. Hngraved fron- tispiece by Scott after Gilpin, and engraved title, with a vignette. 12mo, full blue polished calf, emblematic tooling on back, blind and line border, by [Gosden]. [London]: Published by T. Gosden, 1825 A pleasing specimen of Gosden binding. 65. St. Pierre (Bernardin de). Paul and Virginia. With an Original Memoir of the Author. Illustrated with full-page plates 12 ~ on India paper, and numerous woodcuts in the text. Royal 8vo, magnificently bound in crushed red levant morocco, inlaid borders on back, with leaf sprays; the front cover has two fillet borders on the outer edge, with an inner strap-work border of blue morocco. In the center, within an oval strap-work, are figures of Paul and Virginia, inlaid with various colors. The whole front cover is pro- fusely gilt tooled with leaf sprays, intertwining the borders, gilt edges, by Bayntun. In cloth slip case. London: Orr, 1839 A SPLENDID COPY IN A CHOICE BINDING. 66. The Poetical Works of John Keats. With a Memoir by Richard Monckton Milnes. Illustrated with portrait and 120 orig- mal woodcuts by George Scharf, Jun. 8vo, handsomely bound in full crushed olive levant morocco, compartments on the back (except title and date spaces) completely gold spattered, except for an in- laid wild rose, in two colors, and line ornamentation. The sides have an outer border in light green, while the inner panel has two inlaid roses, similar in design to those on the back, in each corner, on a stippled gold background interlaced design at sides, also on stippled gold backgrounds, and further small inlays at corners of green and purple. The doublures and flys are of green moire silk, the border to the inner covers being of the same general de- sign as the covers, without the inlaid roses, gilt top, uncut, by Riviére. In slip case. London: Moxon, 1844 A CHOICE COPY OF THIS BEAUTIFULLY PRINTED EDITION, IN A HANDSOME BINDING, executed in Riviere’s best fashion. 67. Bunyan (John). Pilgrim’s Progress. JIJllustrations by Charles Bennett. Square 8vo, crushed wine levant morocco, line borders on back, blind-tooled and fillet borders on sides, the front cover occupied with three inlaid rectangles, the centre one contain- ing an inlaid and painted figure of ‘‘Christyian,’’ gilt edges, by Bayntun. In a cloth case. London: Longmans, 1860 A FINE COPY IN A MOST PLEASING BINDING, of this desirable edition, con- taining the characteristic portraits by Bennett. It also contains a Preface by Charles Kingsley. 68. Goldsmith (Oliver). The Vicar of Wakefield. With prefatory Memoir by George Saintsbury. Illustrated with 114 cuts, beautifully printed in colors. Royal 8vo, beautifully bound in erushed olive levant morocco, gilt back, the front cover ornamented with a border of interlaced strap-work, and in the centre is an inlaid figure of Moses on his horse, gilt edges, by Bayntun. Original covers bound in. In cloth slip case. London: Nimmo, 1886 A HANDSOME COPY. CHIVERS’ TRANSLUCENT VELLUM BINDING 69. BINDING. Wonder Stories from Herodotus. Retold by G. H. Boden and W. Barrington d’Almedia. Illustrated with col- ored plates and decorations by H. Granville Fell. Small 4to, beau- tifully bound in full vellum, with the painted decorations executed on the under side, gilt top, uncut, by Cedric Chivers. In cloth case. New York: Harper, 1900 A FINE EXAMPLE OF CHIVERS’ TRANSLUCENT VELLUM BINDING. 13 70. [BLAKE (WILLIAM).] The Grave. A Poem. By Rob- ert Blair. Jllustrated by 12 etchings executed from original de- signs of William Blake, by Louis Schiavonettr. 4to, half red mo- roeco (rubbed), paper label. London, 1808 _ First EDITION. REMARKABLE COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY WILLIAM BLAKE “VISIONARY HEADS” FROM THE LINNELL COLLECTION 71. BLAKE (WILLIAM). Original Drawing, The Visionary Head of Nebuchadnezzar ‘‘as seen in a vision by Mr. Blake’’. In pencil, ‘Size, 9 x 7% inches, mounted. From the collection of J. Linnell, who obtained it directly from the Artist. 72. —— Original Drawing, of a Visionary Head, entitled ‘‘ Can- eer’’. In pencil, 8 x 614 inches, mounted. From the collection of J. Linnell, who obtained it directly from the Artist. See description of Gilchrist, No. 60, ‘‘ Presumably a man born under the influence of the sign of Cancer. A cantankerous yet large-minded man, not wholly unlike Benjamin Franklin or Blake himself, but of a a outré type. 73. Original Drawing, The Visionary Head of Owen Glen- dower, with long hair and short curly beard. In pencil. Size, 9144 x 714 inches, mounted. From the collection of J. Linnell, who ob- tained it directly from the Artist. ‘*A lively, supercilious, unpleasant head well realized.’ ’—Gilchrist. 74. Original Drawing, The Visionary Head of Wat Tyler, bearing the autograph inscription in Blake’s handwriting: ‘‘ Wat Tyler By Wm. Blake from his Spectre, as in the act of Striking the Tax Gatherer on the head, Drawn Octr. 30, 1819, 1 h. A.M.’’ In pencil, Size, 10 x 714 inches. Mounted. From the collection of J. Linnell, who obtained it directly from the Artist. ‘“A capital head with stubbly beard, such as would make a good study for an artist’s cartoon of the subject.’’—Gilchrist. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 75. —— Original Drawing, The Visionary Head of Solomon. Bearing the caption in Roman characters, and the inscription ‘‘J.~ Linnell, from Mr. Blake,’’ in Blake’s hand. In pencil. Size, 10 x 814 inches. Mounted. From the collection of J. Linnell, who ob- tained it directly from the Artist. ‘¢ Age about 40; a piercing, reflective, sensuous Jewish hon: the eye exceedingly far back from the line of the nose and chin blunt and very large. Admirable’’—Gilchrist. 76. Original Drawing, The Visionary Head of Richard Coeur-de-Lion, bearing in Blake’s handwriting the following re- markable caption: ‘‘Rd. Coeur de Lion, Drawn from his Spectre. Born, 1156, Died April, 6, 1199. (Astrological characters) at Birth. W. Blake fecit Octr. 14, 1819, at 4 Past 12, Midmight.’’ In Pencil, Size, 744 x 65/7 inches. (Two pieces of paper joined). Mounted. 14 - =< i ee * ox VISIONARY HEAD OF WAT TYLER . ORIGINAL DRAWING BY WILLIAM BLAKE FROM THE LINNELL COLLECTION [NUMBER SEVENTY- FOUR] t Pt: ' . “a a < — ‘. « S - i Ps lat * se —y ~~ 2 aw) ‘ . ’ , ) se . ann | | : | Lsne? @ : : + » ns . : met ** : . - ? | * s 5 . iota Se h ' 4 uu . | : | ; F : : a ; | ’ | ; | . VISIONARY HEAD OF RICHARD CCEUR- DE- LION ORIGINAL DRAWING BY WILLIAM BLAKE FROM THE LINNELL COLLECTION [NUMBER SEVENTY-SIX] a From the collection of J. Linnell, who obtained it directly from ee the Artist, — | ‘is ‘‘Bluntish features, steady, daring gaze. The kind of man to look everything, from the Devil upwards, in the face.’’—Gilchrist. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | Vek Original Drawing, The Visionary Head of Canute; turned slightly to the left, looking upwards; close cut beard and e wearing crown. Annotated in Blake’s handwriting. ‘‘Dark Hair 7 _ & Eyes’’. In pencil. Size, 1014 x 8 inches. Mounted. From the collection of J. Linnell, who obtained it directly from the ee Artist. . A striking and truly regal head. a 78. Original Drawing, The Visionary Head of ‘‘King Ed- ward the Farst, as he now exists in the other world, according to _-— has appearance to Mr. Blake; he here has his skull enlarged like a _—- erown.’’ (This caption written on the drawing by Blake himself. y In pencil. Size, 9% x 714 inches. Mounted. From the collection _ of: J. Linnell, who obtained it directly from the Artist. - An engraving of this appears in Gilchrist’s Life of Blake, Vol. 1. ) a9. Original Drawing, The Visionary Head of ‘‘Wat Ty- ____ler’s daughter’’, bearing this caption in Blake’s handwriting. In pencil. Size, 10% x 73% inches. Mounted. From the collection of J. Linnell, who obtained it direct from the Artist. ‘*A laughing plebeian, with great eyes.’’—Gilchrist. 80. Original Drawing, The Visionary Head of Queen Boa- dicea, bearing the caption ‘‘ Boadica”’ (sic) in Blake’s handwriting. In pencil. Size, 7% x 6% inches. Mounted. From the collec- tion of J. Linnell, who obtained it directly from the Artist. See description of this drawing in Gilchrist’s Life of Blake, No. 41. 81. BLANE (WILLIAM). Cynegetica; or, Essays on Sport- Ing: Consisting of Observations on Hare Hunting, ete. Together _ with an Account of the Vizier’s Manner of Hunting in the Mogul Empire. To which is added, The Chace, A Poem, by William Som- erville. Frontispiece and title vignette by Stothard, engraved on copper by Heath. 8vo, full crimson levant morocco, a hunting _ scene in blind tooling on front and back covers, gilt edges, by _ -Riviére. London: John Stockdale, 1788 A RARE SPORTING BOOK in a handsome and unusual binding. 82. BLOUET (PAUL, “Max O’Rell”). Original Manuscript (in French) of the most famous of all his Works, ‘‘John Bull et gon ile.’’ Comprising some 332 pages, 4to, bound in half red levant - morocco. 1883 —- THIS IS THE ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPT OF THE MOST FAMOUS WORK EVER WRITTEN UPON ENGLAND AND THE ENGLISH, BY A FRENCHMAN. When translated into English it had a vast cirecuation. The MS. includes a title-page bearing Max O’Rell’s signature, also a lengthy appendix and _ synopsis of the Chapters. - 15 88. BOCCACCIO (GIOVANNI). Il Decameron. 12mo, hand- somely bound in fine old French red morocco, richly gilt back, gilt edges, by [Padeloup]. Amsterdam, 1665 A SUPERB COPY OF THE ELZEVIR UNCASTRATED EDITION, IN A HANDSOME PADELOUP BINDING 84. The Decameron. Now first completely done into Eng- lish Prose and Verse. By John Payne. Plates in two states. 2 vols. 8vo, half blue morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1903 Connoisseur’s Edition. One of 250 copies Privately Printed for Mem- bers of the Aldus Society. ; 85. BOISSARDUS (J. J.). Emblematum liber. Engraved title, portrait, and 51 superb engravings by Th. De Bry. Small 4to, full olive levant morocco, Jansen style, gilt edges, by Matthews. Francofurti ad Menum, 1593 A MAGNIFICENT COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION OF THIS FINE BOOK OF EMBLEMS, WITH THE ENGRAVINGS IN MOST DESIRABLE STATE. 86. BORLASE (WILLIAM). Antiquities, Historical and Monumental, of the County of Cornwall, consisting of several Hs- says on the First Inhabitants, Druid Superstition, Customs, and Remains of the most Remote Antiquity in Britain and the British Isles. Engraved map and numerous plates. Folio, full sprinkled calf, rebacked. London, 1769 87. BOSWELL (JAMES). Life of Samuel Johnson, including a Tour to the Hebrides. New Edition, with numerous Additions and Notes by John Wilson Croker. 5 vols. 8vo, polished calf, gilt backs, gilt tops, uneut, by Kaufmann. London: Murray, 1831 A SPLENDID COPY OF THE BEST EDITION, EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with 106 very fine portraits, facsimiles, and views. This added material consists of especially desirable prints by the best engravers, many of the portraits con- taining complete biographical sketches, thereby adding greatly to their interest and value. 88. BOUTS RIMES. Poetical Amusements at a Villa near Bath. Engraved frontispiece. 8vo, half green calf (tear in one leaf). Printed by R. Cruttwell, 1775 An entertaining volume, consisting of poetical contributions of a Society of friends. Acrostics, Enigmas, Bouts Rimes, ete. 89. BRATHWAITE (RICHARD). The Arcadian Princesse; or, The Trivmph of Ivstice: Prescribing excellent rules of Physicke, for a sicke Ivstice. Digested into fowre Bookes, and Faithfully rendred to the originall Italian Copy. With the engraved frontis- piece by Marshall and the preliminary leaf ‘‘Vpon the Frontis- piece.’’? 12mo, full blue morocco, fillet borders on back and sides, canary edges. London, 1635 Tur First Epirion, with the four leaves at the end containing the Life of the Author, Mariano Silesio, and the errata. 90. BRILLAT-SAVARIN. A Handbook of Gastronomy. New and complete translation. With 52 original etchings by A. Lalauze, on India paper. 8vo, full crushed green levant morocco, gilt back, 16 fillet borders on sides, inside dentelles, gilt top, uncut, by Rous- selle. New York: Bouton, 1884 A FINE COPY ON LARGE PAPER. 91. BRITISH ESSAYISTS. Frontispiece portraits. 38 vols. 12mo, full calf (one back clipped). London, 1823 Comprising: The Tatler 4 vols.; The Spectator, 8 vols.; The Guardian, 3 vols.; The Rambler, 3 vols.; The Adventurer, 3 vols.; The World, 3 vols.; The Connoisseur, 2 vols.; The Idler, 1 vol.; The Mirror, 2 vols.; The Lounger, 2 vols.; The Observer, 3 vols.; The Looker-on, 3 vols.; Index. Bookplate of William Ellis Gould. 92. BROCKEDON (WILLIAM), Illustrations of the Passes of the Alps. Beautifully illustrated with 109 PROOF PLATES ON INDIA PAPER. 2 vols. in one, imp. 8vo, half green levant morocco, gilt edges. London, 1828 FINE COPY OF THE First EDITION ON LARGE PAPER. 93. BROME (ALEXANDER). Songs and other Poems. 12mo, full brown morocco, carmine edges. London: Printed for Henry Brome, 1664 Second Edition, corrected and enlarged. 94. BROOKE (RUPERT). John Webster & the Elizabethan Drama. 12mo, original cloth. London, 1916. First EDITION. 95. —— Another copy. 96. BROUGH (ROBERT B.). Life of Sir John Falstaff. With a Biography of the Knight from Authentic Sources. Illustrated with 20 full-page etchings by George Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, full polished calf, gilt, gilt top, uncut, with the original cloth covers bound in at the end. London, 1858 FINE COPY OF THE First EDITION. 97. BROWNING (ELIZABETH BARRETT). Poems. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth, uncut (binding worn). First EpIrvion. London: Moxon, 1884 98. Poems before Congress. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. First Epirion. London, 1860 99. Last Poems. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. In half purple levant morocco slip case. London, 1862 First Epition. Fine copy. Autograph of L. Akers, 1863, on title. 100. Aurora Leigh. 12mo, original cloth, uncut (binding a little worn). London, 1857 First Epition. Title and half-title written over. 101. BROWNING (ROBERT). Bells and Pomegranates. Com- plete in the 8 parts. Bound in an 8vo volume, full tan polished calf, gilt back and inside borders, gilt edges. London: Edward Moxon, 1841-46 First Eprrion of each part, except the Fifth, which is the Second. This copy belonged to Allan Park Paton, the intimate friend of Browning and 17 a celebrated Shakespearean scholar; each part bears on the title his auto- graph signature, and the volume contains numerous annotations through- out the text. 102. The Ring and the Book. 3 vols. 12mo, beautifully bound in full olive levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt borders on sides, with corner ornaments, inside corner ornaments and a triple fillet border, gilt edges on the rough, by ‘‘E. G. 8., 1899.”’ London, 1889 A HANDSOME COPY IN A BEAUTIFUL BINDING BY A PUPIL OF THE DOVES BINDERY. 108. 17 vols., crown 8vo, full brown straight-grain morocco, gilt trellis-work designs on sides, panelled backs and inside bor- ders, gilt edges. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1889 Fine set of this favorite edition. 104, ——— Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, 1871; Fifine at the Fair, 1872; The Inn Alubum, 1875; Pacchiarotto, 1876; Jocoseria, 1883; Ferishtah’s Fancies, 1884; Asolando, 1890. Together 7 vols. 12mo, cloth. London, v. d. ALL First EDITIONS. 105. BRYAN (MICHAEL). Dictionary of Painters and En- gravers, Biographical and Critical. New edition, revised and en- larged. Edited by Robert Edmund Graves, B.A. of the British Museum. 2 vols. extended to 8 volumes, small 4to, new half levant morocco, ornamented gilt backs, gilt top, uncut. London, 1886 A very beautiful set. EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED and extended to 8 volumes by the insertion of over 300 fine copperplates, mezzotints, etchings, many proofs, some in colors by and after Alix, Aldegrever, Altdorfer, Carrache, Cuyp, de Hooghe, Delacroix, Deveria, Diaz, Gerard Dow, Drevet, Durer, Bartolozzi, Beham, Blondean, Boilly, Bonington, Boucher, Callot, Philippe de Champaigne, Chardin, Chereau, Corot, Crome, Cruikshank, Corregio, Edelinck, Ficquet, Fragonard, Gainsborough, Claude Lorraine, Gravelot, Frans Hals, Hogarth, Ingres, Israel, Angelica Kaufmann, Lucas van Ley- den, Lancret, Largilliere, Landseer, Lawrence, Vigée Lebrun, Marcenay, Moreau le Jeune, von Mechenen, Mellan, Millet, Moncornet, Morand, Murillo, Perelle, Petit, Reynolds, Rembrandt, Salvator Rosa, Rowlandson, Rubens, Raphael, Schingauer, David Teniers, Turner, Van Dyke, Waterloo, Will, etc., ete. 106. BULWER (EDWARD, Lord Lytton). Novels. With numerous illustrations in two states, one hand-colored. 32 vols., — royal 8vo, full green levant morocco, gilt backs and sides, gilt tops, uncut; doublures of white levant morocco, with floral ornaments in gold, red and blue, by the Trautz-Bauzonnet Bindery (backs of some volumes faded). Boston: Dana Estes and Company, n. d. EDITION MAGNIFIQUE. ONE OF 26 LETTERED COPIES ON JAPAN PAPER. 107. BURNEY (FRANCES, Madame D’Arblay). Cecilia, or . Memoirs of an Heiress. By the Author of Evelina. 5 vols. small 8vo, full polished ealf, gilt, gilt tops, uncut, by Riviére. First Eprmion. A fine copy. London: T. Payne and Son, 1782 A COLORED COPY OF “EVELINA” 108. BURNEY (FRANCES). Evelina; or, The History of a Young Lady’s Introduction to the World. Illustrated with Frontis- 18 -prece and 6 brilliantly colored plates, of which three are by Heath. 8vo, crushed red levant morocco, gilt back, gilt fillet borders on sides, gilt edges, by Riviére. London: Published by Edward Mason, 1821 A FINE COPY OF THIS EXCESSIVELY RARE EDITION, THE FIRST WITH THE COLORED PLATES. The colored frontispiece bears the date 1822. With bookplate of George Barr McCutcheon. 109. Diary and Letters. Edited by her Niece. Engraved frontispiece portraits. 7 vols., 12mo, cloth, uncut. London, 1854. 110. Harly Diary of, 1768-1778. Edited by Annie Raine Ellis, 2 vols. London, 1889; Diary and Letters of Madame D’Ar- blay. Edited by her Niece, Charlotte Barrett. Portraits. 4 vols, London, 1891. Together 6 vols., 8vo, half wine morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1889-91 Fine set. 111. BURNS (ROBERT). Works. With his life, by Allan ‘Cunningham. Engraved portrait by Nasmyth and vignette titles. 8 vols., full blue morocco, gold dentelle borders on sides, panelled backs, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. | London: James Cochrane & Co., 1834 The favorite edition of Burns in an attractive binding. 112. [BURTON (ROBERT).] The Anatomy of Melancholy, what it is. VVith all the Kindes, Causes, Symptomes, Prognostickes, and severall Cures of it. By Democritus Iunior. With a Satyricall Preface, conducing to the following Discourse. Small 4to, full brown levant morocco, gilt back, gilt and blind panelled sides, gilt edges, by Riviére. At Oxford: Printed by Iohn Lichfield and Iames Short, for Henry Cripps, 1621. A HANDSOME COPY OF THE VERY RARE First EDITION, WITH THE FINAL LHAF OF ERRATA. The Epilogue or ‘‘Conclusion of the Author’? which oc- cupies three of the last four leaves is signed ‘‘Robert Burton. From my Studie in Christ-Church Oxon. Decemb. 5, 1620.’’ This portion was omitted in the reprints, because the author’s name in them was placed on the title instead of ‘‘Democritus junior.’’ The leaf of errata is usually wanting. With the H. V. Jones bookplate. hid... [ ] The Anatomy of Melancholy: What it is, with all the Kindes, Causes, Symptomes, Prognosticks, and several Cures of it. Folio, boards, old calf back (ancient writing and some passages scored). At Oxford: Printed by John Lichfield and James Short, 1624 The Second Edition, corrected and augmented by the Author, BUT THE First EDITION IN FOLIO. With bookplates of C. W. Frederickson and T. J. McKee. 114. BUTLER (SAMUEL). Hudibras. With Notes by the Rev. Treadway Russel Nash. Illustrated with numerous very fine portraits, mainly engraved by Cooper. 2 vols., 8vo, polished ealf, gilt backs, gilt tops, by Root. , London, 1847 A VERY FINE COPY OF THIS NEW ILLUSTRATED EDITION, the portraits add- ing greatly to the enjoyment and desirability of this edition. 19 * 115. BYRON (LORD). English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. A Satire. 12mo, half green calf. London: James Cawthorn [1809] Tue SCARCE First EpITion, with the correct watermark ‘‘1805’’ on p. 49. 116. Another copy. Second Edition, with considerable Additions and Alterations. 8vo, new boards, uncut. London: James Cawthorn, 1809 117. —— Another copy. Third edition. 8vo, half calf. London: James Cawthorn, 1810 118. Another copy. Fourth Edition. 8vo, original boards (not printed), paper label, uncut. London: James Cawthorn, 1810 119. Another copy. Fourth Edition. 8vo, original printed boards, uncut (back worn). London: James Cawthorn, 1811 120. Another copy. Second Edition; Fourth Edition. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, and original boards. London, 1809-10 The Second Edition wants the half-title. 121. —— Another copy. 12mo, boards, cloth back, uncut. Philadelphia, 1820 — Scarce American Edition, containing also ‘‘The Curse of Minerva’’ and ‘¢Waltz.’?’ 122. Lara, a Tale. Jacqueline, a Tale. 12mo, half green levant morocco, gilt top. | London, 1814 First Epition. Fine copy, with the half-titles. 123. —— Another copy. 12mo, polished calf, gilt back and sides, gilt top, uncut, by Zaehnsdorf. London, 1814 FINE UNCUT COPY OF THE First EpITION, with the half-titles. Book- plate of J. F. Hinckley. 124. Hebrew Melodies. 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt edges, by Riviére. London, 1815 First EDITION. 125. The Prisoner of Chillon and other Poems. 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt edges, by Riviére. London, 1816 First Eprtion. Fine copy, with the half-title. 126. Manfred, a Dramatic Poem. 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt edges, by Riviére. London, 1817 First. EDITION. 127. Sardanapalus, a Tragedy. The Two Foscari, a Trag- edy. Cain, a Mystery. In one volume. 8vo, half olive morocco, oilt edges, by Riviére. London, 1821 First Eprtron. Fine copy, with the half-titles. 128. Werner, a Tragedy. 8vo, half olive morocco, gilt edges, by Riviére. London, 1823 First Epition. Fine copy, with the half-title. 20 Pe Se ee ee ee | Pe ee ee eee ee eg eee Le Don Juan. 6 vols. 12mo, boards, uncut (bindings a little worn). London, 1823-24 The last four volumes are First Editions. 130. Poetical Works. Portrait. 6 vols. 8vo, full ealf, gilt backs, leather labels, gilt tops, uncut, by Tout (somewhat worn). London, 1855 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED, by the insertion of 150 engraved portraits and views, including the series of plates by Finden. 131. Works. A New, Revised and Enlarged Edition. Ed- ited by Ernest Hartley Coleridge. With illustrations and fac- sumiles. 13 vols. 4to, cloth, roxburgh backs, gilt tops, uncut. London: Murray, 1898-1901 One of 250 copies on hand-made paper. 132. Works, with his Letters and Journals, and his Life by Thomas Moore. Edited, and with an Introduction by Richard Henry Stoddard. Illustrations in two states, on Japan and Holland paper. 16 vols. 8vo, three-quarter red levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Francis A. Niccolls and Co., 1900 CONNOISSEUR EDITION. signed by the Editor, and limited to 150 copies. 133. [ ] Astarte. A Fragment of Truth Concerning George Gordon Byron, Sixth Lord Byron. Recorded by his Grandson Ralph Milbanke, Earl of Lovelace. Woodcut on title, frontispiece, and five plates after Hoppner, J. Holmes, George Hayter, and others, with numerous facsimiles at the end. Small 4to, boards, canvas back, paper label, uncut. London: Chiswick Press, 1905 VERY RARE. Only a few copies privately printed. This is the work in which Byron’s grandson endeavored to prove by documentary evidence, the frightful charges made by Lady Byron with respect to the real reasons for her separation from the poet. The work is indispensable to any collection of Byroniana. 134. —— A Collection of Mezzotints illustrating the Works of Byron. 40 plates. 8vo, full old morocco, gilt back and sides, gilt edges. {London], n. d. ASD. A Collection of First and Other Editions of Byron’s Writings. 13 vols. 16mo to 8vo, wrappers and boards, uncut. London, v d. . Comprising: Lara, 1814; The Prisoner of Chillon (wants wrappers), 1816; Third and Fourth Cantos of Childe Harold, 1816-18; Manfred, 1817; Mazeppa, 1819; Hours of Idleness, 1820; Marino Faliero, 1821; Sardana- palus, 1821; The Age of Bronze, 1823; Don Juan, Cantos 1 and 2, 1820; Don Juan, Cantos 6-8, 12-14, 1823. 136. Finden’s Illustrations to the Life and Works of Lord Byron. With original and selected information on the subjects of the engravings by W. Brockedon. Engraved plates. 2 vols. 8vo, full morocco, backs and sides richly ornamental, gilt edges. London, n. d. CHARLES DICKENS’ copy, with his bookplate, also the sale label of June, 1870. 21 137. CABINET JESUITIQUE (LE). Contenant Plusieurs Pieces tres Curieuses des R. Peres Jesuites, avec Un Recueil des Mysteres de l’Eglise Romaine. Engraved and printed title, and engraved frontispiece to the second part. Small 8vo, full wine levant morocco, gilt back, gilt panelled sides, uncut. A Cologne: Chez Jean le Blane, n. d. A FINE UNCUT COPY OF THIS EXTREMELY RARE WORK, containing ‘‘Les Secrets des Jesuites,’’ ‘‘ Advis Secrets de la Societé de Jesus,’’ ‘¢Onguant pour La Brulure ou le Secret Pour empecher les Jesuites de bruler les livres.’ This curious volume contains not only a prose summary of everything objectionable in the doctrine and practice of the Jesuits, but also a num- ber of satirical pieces in verse. The book is one of the Elzevir ‘‘ annexes’? and is believed to have been printed by Waesberghe at Amsterdam. 138. CALLOT. Combat 4 la Barriére faict en Cour de Lorraine le 14 Fevrier en 1’Année presente 1627. Oblong 4to, half russia. A. Nancy, 1627 A series of 10 extremely fine plates and a tail-piece designed and etched by Jacques Callot. This Tournament was given at Nancy by Charles IV of Lorraine in honor of the Duchess of Chevreuse. Callot’s chef d’ceuvre. Choice proofs in the second state. 139. CAMPBELL (THOMAS). Poetical Works. Beautifully illustrated with engraved portrait and the series of Turner vig- nettes. 8vo, full polished ealf, gilt back, gilt edges, by Tout. London: Moxon, 1837 A HANDSOME copy of the First Eprrion with the Turner illustrations. 140. —— Original Manuscript of the Preface to ‘‘Frederic the Great and his Times.’’ Written on 11 pp. 4to. Enclosed in a cloth case. 141. CARLYLE (JANE WELSH). Letters and Memorials of, Rr Bek can Rea Up ED tn at , prepared for publication by Thomas Car- lyle. 3 vols. London, 1883; Early Letters of ...........-....+. : together with a few of later Years, and some of Thomas Carlyle, all hitherto unpublished. London, 1889; New Letters and Me- morials. Annotated by Thomas Carlyle, and Edited by Alexander Carlyle. 2 vols. London, 1903. Illustrations. Together 6 vols., 8vo, half blue morocco (last two volumes in half wine morocco), gilt tops, by Root. London, 1883-1903 First Eprrions. Laid in the first volume, is a 4 pp. A. L. s. of Mrs. Carlyle, no date, and addressed simply to ‘‘ Dear Lady,’’ but which is a fine specimen, exhibiting her freedom of style, with a vein of humor. 142. CARLYLE (THOMAS). Works. JIilustrations. With the Index volume. 34 vols., 8vo, half brown morocco, gilt tops, uncut. London, 1869-1872 FINE SET OF THE LIBRARY EpiTion. Sidney Colvin’s copy, with his book- plate. 143. Complete Works. Illustrations. 40 vols., 8vo, three- quarter black morocco, gilt tops, uncut. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, 1884 VELLUM EDITION, one of 275 copies. 22 ~ 144. CELEBRATED TRIALS and Remarkable Cases of Crim- inal Jurisprudence, from the Earliest Records to the Year 1825. Illustrated with numerous engraved plates. 6 vols., 8vo, half calf. With bookplate of J. Wade. London, 1825 145. CHAMBERS (R.). The Book of Days. A Miscellany of Popular Antiquities in connection with the Calendar. J1lus- trated. 4 vols., royal 8vo, three-quarter green levant morocco, gilt tops, by Bayntun. London and Edinburgh, n. d. A VERY DESIRABLE COPY OF THIS MOST INTERESTING WORK, EXTRA-ILLUS- TRATED with 314 portraits and views, MANY OF WHICH ARE IN COLOR. As the scope of the work is so wide and varied as to time and events, a rare opportunity is offered the extra-illustrator of which he seems to have availed himself. 146. CLARK (SAMUEL). The Second Part of the Marrow of Ecclesiastical History. Title in red and black. With fine medal- lion portraits. Small 4to, stamped calf, antique. London, 1650 ‘First EpDITIon. 147. CLARKE (MARY ANNE). The Rival Princes; or, a Faithful Narrative of Facts relating to Mrs. M. A. Clarke’s polit- ical acquaintance with Colonel Wardle, Major Dodd, ete., who were concerned in the charges against the Duke of York, ete. Frontis- piece portrait by Freeman. 2 vols., 8vo, polished calf, gilt backs (hinges a little weak). With the Gosford arms on sides. London: Printed for the Author, 1810 A FINE TALL COPY OF THE RARE First EpiviIon of these Spirited ‘‘ Me- moirs’’ in which several prominent people are freely mentioned. Inserted in the second volume is AN ORIGINAL COLORED DRAWING [by Cruikshank ?] headed: ‘‘Col. Wardle attacking’the Monster Corruption. ’’ 148. CLASSICS. Don Quixote of La Mancha. By Cervantes. 4 vols.; The Life and Adventures of Lazarillo de Tormes (Aleman) ; The Life and Adventures of Guzman d’Alfarache (Aleman). 2 _ vols.; The Adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane (Le Sage), 3 vols. ; Asmodeus (Le Sage); The Bachelor of Salamance (Le Sage) ; The History of Vanillo Gonzales. Illustrated with numerous fine etch- . mgs. Together 12 vols., 8vo, cloth, uncut. London and New York, v. d. 149. CLASSIC FACETIOUS. The Amours of the Chevalier de Faublas. By J. B. Louvet de Couvray, 4 vols.; The Facetious Nights of Straparola, and The Pecorone of Ser Giovanni. Now first translated into English by W. G. Waters, 7 vols. Beautifully illustrated with numerous plates in two states, one in green and one im brown, on Japan paper. 11 vols. 8vo, crushed blue levant mo- rocco, backs and sides onlaid with Iris flowers and leaves, doublures of crushed red levant morocco, with monogram M. T., flys of gray ribbed moire silk, gilt tops, uncut. London: Privately printed for Members of the Society of Bib- liophiles, 1898-1901. ASTRAL EDITION. One of 52 copies. Special copy, with illuminated cer- tification. 23 150. [CLEMENS (S. L.).] The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art. For 1860. Illustrated with Mezzo- tints by Sartain. 3 vols., half morocco. New York, 1860 From the Library of ‘‘Mark Twain’’ with the sale label, signed by Albert Bigelow Paine, his literary executor, in each volume. Accompanying the above volume is a 12mo slip of ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT Notes by Mr. Clemens referring to the subject of ‘‘Lims’’: ‘‘ Legiti- mate Lying; Big-Fish Lies; the Silent Lie; Swearing-Off Taxes; Joseph’s Harmless Deceits,—money in the sacks, the cup in the sack; J.’s pretence that he had to talk through interpreter—then he listened to their privacies, pretending he didn’t understand; Joseph’s deceits are literary and they justify our novels, romances, histories and other like fictions.’’ 151. [CLEVELAND (JOHN).] The Idol of the Clownes, or Insurrection of Wat the Tyler. Small 8vo, old sheep. London: Printed in the year, 1654 A crisp copy of the First EpivTion, with the genuine blank leaves at front and end, in contemporary binding. The Bridgewater copy. 152. Clievelandi Vindicie ; or, Clieveland’s Genuine Poems, Orations, Epistles, ete. Purged from the many False & Spurious Ones which had usurped his Name, and from innumerable Errours and Corruptions in the True. Engraved portrait. Small 8vo, old calf, rebacked, some edges uncut. London: Printed for Nath. Brooke, 1677 On the inside cover, in Prof. Palmer’s hand is written: ‘‘ First Edi- tion. Title-page varying. Probably most correct edition of all.’’ With bookplate of George H. Palmer. 153. CHAMBERLAINE (JOHN). Imitation of Original Drawings by Hans Holbein, in the Collection of His Majesty, for the Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Court of Henry VIII. With Biographical Tracts. 92 portraits, including those of Holbein and his wife, and others not in the list of portraits. Folio, half red morocco (rubbed), gilt edges. London, 1792-[1800] Fine copy of this Original Edition ‘of this work, the portraits being on flesh-colored paper, mounted, with gold borders. Practically all of the plates were engraved by Bartolozzi. Not all the copies have the portraits of Holbein and his wife, and the additional ones at the end. The first two plates and two or three preliminary leaves are creased. WITH ORIGINAL DRAWINGS 154. CHAMPFLEURY. Les Chats. Histoire, Moeurs, Ob- servations, Anecdotes. With a brilliant etched frontispiece por- trait of the author, an etched plate of a Tiger, and numerous woodcuts by Delacroix, Viollet-le-Duc, and others. 12mo, hand- somely bound in crushed red levant morocco, gilt back and gilt border on sides; a black cat, outlined in gold, is inlaid on front cover, inside dentelles, gilt edges, by Amand. INSERTED, ARE TWO ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY AMAND, both of Cats; one in pencil, curled up ready for a nap, and the other in ink, lying with front paws outstretched. A CHOICE COPY. 155. CHANNEL ISLANDS (Guernsey). L. 8. to the Lords of His Majesty’s (George II) Council, being the Answers of five of the Jurats of the Royal Court of Guernsey to the Petition of several 24 - SN a ee eS ae ee, ee ee Ne Merchants, Traders, and Inhabitants of Guernsey and Alderney, complaining of the Royal Court of Guernsey for having made an Order enforcing the Act of Navigation. 3 pp. folio. Guernsey, 24th April, 1739 Interesting document relating to the operation of the Act of Navigation as regards Guernsey and Alderney, and also interesting on account of the signatures of five of the prominent inhabitants. Jurats of the Royal Court of Guernsey, attached to the letter. 156. CHANTS ET CHANSONS Populaires de la France. Beautifully engraved and profusely illustrated with exquisite de- signs by Meissonier and others. 3 vols., imp. 8vo, three-quarter maroon levant morocco, uncut, by Carayon. Original wrappers bound in. Paris, 1843 A VERY FINE COPY OF THE GENUINE First Issuz, made especially desir- able by the addition of the volume ‘‘Chansons Populaires des Provinces de France.’’ With Notices by Champfleury, Music by Mekerlin, and illus- trations. Paris, 1860. Uniformly bound with the above volumes, making 4 volumes in all. 157. CHAUCER (GEOFFREY). Poetical Works. Frontis- prece portrait. 6 vols., 12mo, half dark blue levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut, by Matthews. London: William Pickering, 1852 A splendid copy of the First Edition edited by Sir Harris Nicolas, in Pickering’s ‘‘ Aldine Edition’’ of the British Poems. Scarce. 158. CIBBER (COLLEY). Perolla and Izadora. A Tragedy, Small 4to, half brown morocco, gilt top. London: Printed for Bernard Lintot, [1706] First Epition. The Kemble copy, each leaf inlaid, with his autograph inscription on title. Date clipped from title. 159. CICERO (MARCUS TULLIUS). De Officiis Paradoxa; _Laelius siue de Amicitia. Cato Maior. Vel de Senectute. 101 leaves (should be 104), 35 long lines to a page. Initials not filled in. 4to, boards, old roan back (loose in binding, numerous manu- script notes on margins and between lines of the first few pages). Has a genuine blank leaf between the Paradoxa and the Laelius. 1472 160. COGHLAN (MRS. MARGARET). Memoirs. Being Interspersed with Anecdotes of the Late American and Present French War. Small 8vo, full calf, gilt, gilt edges, by Bedford. London: Printed for the Author, 1794 Very fine copy. Contains interesting anecdotes of George Washington, Putnam and others. Mrs. Coghlan was seduced by Aaron Burr and after- wards led an abandoned life in New York and Europe. 161. COLORED PLATES. [Combe (William).] The Life of Napoleon. A Hudibrastic Poem in Fifteen Cantos, by Doctor Syntax. Illustrated with 30 engravings in color, by George Crutk- shank. 8vo, crushed red levant morocco, gilt back, gilt edges, by Riviére. London: Printed for T. Tegg, 1815 A FINE TALL COPY OF THE VERY RARE First EDITION, AND THE GENUINE First Issvuz, with the title dated 1815. 162. —— The New Bon Ton Magazine; or, Telescope of the Times. Illustrated with 32 brilliantly colored plates (two slightly 25 trimmed into). 6 vols., 8vo, half maroon crushed levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops. London, 1818-1821 THIS SPORTING PERIODICAL WAS OF VERY SHORT DURATION, not surviving beyond the present offering of six volumes, issued from 1818 to 1821, and has of late years BECOME VERY RARE. 163. —— Dagley (R.). Takings; or, the Life of a Collegian. A Poem. Illustrated by 26 etchings, all beautifully colored by — hand, from designs by R. Dagley. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. London: John Warren, 1821 FINE COPY OF THE First EDITION. 164. Thornton (Alfred). Don Juan, also Volume the Sec- ond, containing his Life in London. Illustrated with 31 full-page colored plates in the manner of Rowlandson. 2 vols., 8vo, crushed red levant morocco, gilt backs, gilt tops, by Riviére. The frontis- pieces, titles, and a few leaves have been tipped in. . London: Printed for Thomas Kelly, 1821-22 THE VERY RARE First Epitron. The plates are attributed to Atkinson. 165. ‘Studies from the Stage; or, The Vicissitudes of Life. Title and 20 humorous colored plates by Heath. Oblong 4to, pol- ished ealf, gilt edges, by Riviére (spot on title). London [1823] Fine copy. Scarce. Each plate comprises from four to eight humorous subjects. 166. A Touch at the Fine Arts. Illustrated by 12 highly colored humorous full-page plates, with description by Henry Alken. Royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt back, gilt top. London: Published by Thomas M’Lean, 1824 A FINE TALL COPY OF THE RARE First EDITION. 167. Shaw (Lachlan). The History of the Province of Moray. Brought down to the Year 1826. Illustrated with folding map and 14 beautifully colored plates. 4to, old half calf (worn). A good clean copy internally. Colored copies are scarce. Hlgin, 1827 168. Joe Lisle’s Play upon Words. TIllustrated with 40 brilliant colored plates. Oblong 4to, full blue calf, gilt backs with small red inlaid quatre-foils, gilt panelled sides, gilt inside borders, gilt edges. London: M’Lean, 1828 FINE COPY OF THE First EDITION. SCARCE. 169. Rawstone (Lawrence). Gamonia; or, the Art of Pre- serving Game; and an improved method of making Plantations and Covers explained and illustrated. Beautifully illustrated with 15 colored by James T. Rawlins... 8vo, full contemporary olive morocco, gilt border on sides, gilt edges (two signatures sprung and slight tear in one margin). In slip ease. London: Published for the Proprietor by R. Ackermann, 1837 A FINE CLEAN COPY OF THIS EXTREMELY RARE BOOK ON GAME, WITH VERY _ BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS OF THE COLORED SPORTING PRINTS BY RAWLINS. 170. —— A Chronicle of England. B. C. 55-A. D. 1484. By James E. Doyle. Jllustrated by the author, the designs engraved 26 “ and printed in colours by Edmund Evans. 4to, cloth, gilt, gilt edges. London, 1864 First Eprition. iba ® Doctor Comicus; or, The Frolics of Fortune. A Comic Satirical Poem, for the Squeamish and the Queer. By” Surgeon.’’ Illustrated with 15 colored plates by Iliman in the style of Rowlandson. 8vo, half red levant morocco, gilt top, uncut, by Morrell. London, n. d. Good copy of this humorous work in imitation of the ‘*Syntax Tours.’’ 172. COLORED COSTUME PLATES. The Characteristic Costume of France. From Drawings made on the spot, with ap- propriate descriptions; (the text in English and French). Jllus- trated with the complete series of 19 full-page plates etched by Peake, and beautifully colored by hand. Royal 4to, original boards, original paper labels, entirely uncut, as issued, some of the leaves being unopened. In silk folder. London: William Fearman, 1819 Remarkably fine copy of this very rare colored costume book, and prob- ably unique in this state. 173. COLUMBUS (CHRISTOPHER): Codex Diplomaticus; His Own Book of Privileges, 1502. Photographie Facsimile of the Manuscript in the Archives of the Foreign Office in Paris, ete. The Whole Compiled and Edited with Preface by Benjamin Frank- lin Stevens. Hmbellished with facsumiles in gold and colors. Folio, a thick volume bound in heavy oak board sides, pigskin backs, with clasps formed by inlaid brass anchors and chains, entirely uncut (one chain missing). London: B. F. Stevens, 1893 Finely printed at the Chiswick Press, on heavy handmade paper. It was published at $100.00, and become very scarce. 174. [COMBE (WILLIAM).] A Tour through Paris. Jllus- trated with 71 brilliantly colored plates, accompanied with descrip- tive letter press. Folio, half green morocco. London: William Sams, n. d. Scarce. The plates are in splendid clean condition, whereas the text is somewhat foxed. 175. CONGREVE (WILLIAM). The Way of the World. A Comedy. Small 4to, half brown calf (some stains). First Eprrion. London: Printed for Jacob Tongon, 1700 176. Works Consisting of his Plays and Poems. Engraved portrait and plates. 3 vols. 8vo, full olive straight grain morocco, gilt, gilt edges, by Riviére. Birmingham: Printed by John Baskerville, 1761 A fine tall copy of this esteemed edition. 177. CONRAD (JOSEPH). The Nigger of the ‘‘Narcissus.”’ Preface. 8vo, 4 leaves. In cloth slip case. [London], 1897 THE EXCESSIVELY RARE PREFACE ‘‘From the New Review, December, 1897,’’ which was excluded from the published book. 27 Tis, Nostromo. A Tale of the Seaboard. Thick 12mo, original cloth (label removed from cover), uncut. London, 1904 First Eprrion. Autographed by the Author, on fly-leaf: ‘‘Joseph Conrad, 1918.’’ 179, ——— Chance. 12mo, original cloth, uncut. London: Methuen, [1913] THIS IS ONE OF THB RAREST OF MODERN First EDITIONS, IN GENUINE FIRST STATE. The present copy bears on verso of title ‘‘ First published in 1913.’? Regarding the postponement of the issue of this volume until the following year, with the cancelled title-page, it is interesting to quote Mr. Wise’s explanation as it appears in his Bibliography of Conrad. ‘homme. Par Barthelemy et Mery. Edition allustre par Vernet et Bellangé. 4to, new half morocco, gilt top, uncut, original covers bound in. Paris, n. d. (1842) First Epition. A beautiful copy, with numerous illustrations in the text and full-page plates, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER. Rare in this choice condition. 504. The First Napoleon. By John Codman Ropes. 2 vols., 8vo, half dark green levant morocco, gilt tops, uncut (one edge of cover slightly damaged). Boston, 1893 EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with about 75 portraits and views appropriate to the work. 505. Life. By William Hazlitt. 6 vols.; Memoirs by Madame Junot, 6 vols.; Memoirs. By De Bourrienne, 4 vols.; Memoirs of Talleyrand, 5 vols. Illustrations. Together 21 vols., 8vo, three-quarter olive levant morocco (backs faded to brown), gilt tops, uncut. Paris: The Napoleon Society, 1895 EDITION DE GRAND LUXE, one of 500 copies. 72 AUTOGRAPHS OF NAPOLEON, LUCIEN, AND ELISA BONAPARTE 006. NAPOLEON. A Fine Trio of Autographs: NapouEon. Document, signed ‘‘Bonaparte.’’ 1 p. folio. Saint-Cloud, le 23 Nivose, an 11 de la Republique; Lucien Bonaparte. Document signed, 2 pp. folio. Du 18 Ventore, l’an 8; Elisa Bonaparte.