: a8 e BELONGING TO . : MR. J. B. TEMPLE, of Tanguy, Penna. And from other Private Sources ENGRAVINGS co. SOLOR PRINTS, MEZZOTINTOS AND ETCHINGS _ _ FROM THE ESTATE OF 3 the Late Dr. Isaac Hull Platt, of Philada. And from several Noted Collections TO BE SOLD AT 2.30 O’ CLOCK EACH DAY. ORDER OF SALE: First Sitting, - Lots 1 to 193 Second ‘5 - = 194 to end - : STAN. V. HENKELS AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT For the Sale of Books, Autographs, Paintings and Engravings | 1304 Walnut St., Phila, Pa. Assistant—STAN. V. HENKELS, Jr. LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO, 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York Reduced Facsimile of Pos No. 19 on a) a +e ing % CATALOGUE No, 1247. ENGRAVINGS, ETCHINGS AND MEZZOTINTOS REMBRANDT DURER VISSCHER SEYMOUR HADEN WHISTLER COUSINS REYNOLDS VAL. GREEN McARDLELL S. ARLENT EDWARDS STEVENSON ANDERSON FLAMENG BUHOT COROT JACQUE MERYON WARD WATSON DESNOYERS WILLE BY COROT WINSLOW HOMER ZEIM DIAZ JACQUE KEITH JULIAN RIX INNESS | _ MUNCH - GEROME PERRETT THOS. B. CRAIG BONHEUR PAUL POTTER RANGER VIBRERT DE LOYE PERCY MORAN BELONGING TO The Late Dr. Isaac Hull Platt of Philada. Mr. J. B. Temple of Tanquy, Penna. And some few from other Private Sources TO BH SOLD Monday and Tuesday Afterncons, Dec. 8th and gth, 1919 AT 2.30 O’CLOCK EACH DAY. STAN. V. HENKELS AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANT For the Sale of Books, Autographs, Paintings and Engrayings 1304 Walnut St., Phila, Pa. Assistant—STAN. V. HENKELSs, Jr. The only Auction House in the country where the Prints _ are catalogued by the person who cries the sale—an ad- _ ae yantage not to be lightly overlooked. oe NOTICE: Bids will be executed by the Auctioneer without extra charge. Bids are always so much per piece, unless otherwise stated in catalogue. TERMS OF SALE—CasuH. All purchases must be settled for and removed on day imme- diately following the sale. | =< STAN; V. “HENKEL: Aucrion CoMMISSION MEKCHANT, 1304 Walnut Street, | PHILADELPHIA, Fa: ° * MAURICE H. POWER, PRINTER 1110-16 Sansom Street Philadelphia ‘s | 1S REMARKS. This collection of important Paintings and rare Engraved Portraits, Etchings, Engravings and Color Prints are all from private sources— mainly from the Estate of the late Dr. Isaac Hull Platt of Philadelphia and Mr. J. B. Temple of Tanquy, Pennsylvania. Of course, it is not necessary for me to say that they will all be sold, absolutely, without any reservations whatever. Of the Paintings which compose the second session of the Sale, I have not attempted to enlarge on their description, coming as they do from private sources without any information whatever concerning them, I have catalogued them as they are named, embracing as they do many important examples of the most noted Artists, it would be quite superfluous for me to attempt any guarantee; and in these days there being so many Doubting- Thomases, I prefer to ask my patrons to personally inspect them. Mr. Temple informs me that his portion of the Sale was gathered by him during the last twenty-five years, and that he never would purchase a painting unless he had reason to believe it was by the Artists who signed it. I make this assertion both in justice to Mr. Temple and in a spirit of frankness to my patrons, and I shall be pleased to accept the opinions of my friends whether they be for or against my assump- tion. As to the Engravings, I am on absolutely sure ground, and you can rely on my descriptions, for I know what I am asserting. In this Collection there is a fine opportunity for any Collector to add to or improve his portfolio, and for those interested in Engraved Portraits there is a rare chance to obtain many that are seldom offered for sale, particularly in the state these are in, and the connoisseur in Etchings will revel in the large number of works by the great masters of the needle, that are herein described. I have made plates of some few of the most noted of both the Paint- ings and Engravings to try and convey an idea of the importance of the whole Collection. STAN. V. HENKELS. = CATALOGUE. : Portraits of Washington. to left, the right arm extended as if speaking, and a dress sword in the left. hand (Lansdowne Portrait). Lzve. Height 19 13-16 in- _ ches, width 13inches. Painted by Gabriel Stuart,1797. Engraved Dy James: Heath, Historical Engraver to his Majesty and to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, from the original picture oe the collection of the Marquis of Lansdowne. Published Feb. 7: , 1800, by Ja* Heath, N° 42 Newman Street, Mess"® Boydells, f eRe Suite sd Ba Thompson, Great Newport Street, London. a ae _ Copy Right secured in the United States according to Law. ‘Fine copy, with full margin. Baker No. 250. ee: GEO. WASHINGTON Esg® Full bust, head to left. Szpple, printed in colors. Height 8 14-16 inches, width 7 7-16 inches. C. G, Stuart pinx’ W. Nutter sculpt. Baker No. 294. This is a very brilliant impression, in bright colors, of this rare portrait, A portion of the inscription ‘Late President of the Onited States of America,’ and the address and dedication of the publisher, have been cut off. It was published in 1798. 3 GEORGE WASHINGTON Né en Virginie le 11 Février 1732. Profile, head to left, laureated. Circular medallion in the upper part of a rectangle; the title on a tablet. Sw#pple. Height 5 12-16 inches, width 4 inches. Gravé d’apres ie Camée, peint par Madame de Bréhan a Newyork en 1789. Dirigé par P. F. Tardieu. Grave par Roger. Rare. Baker No. 113. 4 HIS EXCELLENCY GEORGE WASHINGTON. Lieu! Gen! of the Armies of the United States of America. Three- quarter length in uniform, seated. In the lower margin an eagle displayed with shie!d and motto, ‘‘E Pluribus Unum.” Szpple. Height 11 inches, width 8 10-16 inches. FF. Bartoli Pinx. J. Galland Sculp. Dedicated to Commodore John Barry and the Officers of the Navy and Army of North America, by Ferrai & Dupin, Baltimore. Baker No. 228. This, no doubt, is the plate by Edwin (Baker No, 216) worked over. Baker, in his description, does not mention the name of the dedicators. / ‘GENERAL WASHINGTON. Fulllength, standing, head to 6 : G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to left. Oval, with a border. Line. Height 6 7-16 inches, width 4 inches. Published by Conrad & Co. Baker No. 273. 6 WASHINGTON AND LIBERTY. Full bust, in uniform, and cocked hat, nearly full face. Circular medallion with a snake with its tail in its mouth, around which is wound a scroll with the names of the 13 states, and a view of Philadelphia be- neath. Live. Height 4 12-16 inches, with 3 5-16 inches. Reprint. 7 G. WASHINGTON. Bust, head to right. Circular medal- lion to the left of a smaller portrait of John Adams. Over the two medallions is an eagle with outspread wings, with a scroll in its beak, upon which is the motto, ‘“E. Pluribus Unum.” Stpple. Diameter of each medallion, 1 4-16 inches. Not in Baker or Hart. The only copy I ever saw. by * 3 f = : i <4 x - ¢ q & < =i Wl : - a ~ + ms *1 THE ONLY KNOWN COLORED MEZZOTINTO OF WASHINGTON BY SAVAGE. | 8 GEORGE WASHINGTON EsoFf President of the United States of America. Three-quarter length, legs crossed, seated at a table to the right, upon which is a hat with a large rosette; head three-quarters to right; a large chart upon the table is held by the right hand; the left arm rests upon it, the hand hanging over in front; the background is formed by a curtain which, drawn to the right, reveals the sky and the lower portion of a pillow. Mezzotinto, printed in colors. Height 18 inches, width 14 inches. E. Savage pinx etsculp. From the Original Portrait Painted at the request of the Corporation of the Uni- versity of Cambridge in Massachusetts. Published June 25, 1793, by E. Savage, N° 54, Newman Street. Baker No, 178. Framed and glazed, glass with black and gold margin. This ts the only copy of this rare portrait printed in colors known to exist. The late Chas. Henry Hart, up to the time of his death, knew of no other copy printed in colors, and ut ts the first I ever saw, STAFFORDSHIRE SOFT PASTE MEDALLION OF WASHINGTON, 9 GENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON. The Staffordshire Soft Paste Medallion. Full bust, head to left. Oval. Height 3 5-16 inches, width 2 6-16 inches. In gold gilt contemporary ; frame, 2 Ties LOR REE. Ww - fe) Fd wy 12) ad — Le) ee E “” 16) © LL xe) © 1) 3 G © om 7 Thts medallion portrait is somewhat similar to the stipple por- traits which were used to ornament the Staffordshire ware water pitchers in the latter part of the 18th Century. The pitchers are very rare, but these ntedallions very seldom turn up. This ts the second one [ have had pass through ny hands in fifty years. WEDGWOOD NINI PLACQUE OF FRANKLIN. ga BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. The Wedgwood Placque in Black BL [2 13 14 Porcelain of the Nini Bust, with the fur cap, in profile to left. Oval. Size 4 2-16 inches, width 3 4-16 inches. Of the most excessive rarity, MARIE ANTOINETTE. Late Queen of France inthe Prison of the Conciergerie at Paris during the interval between her Sentence and Execution. Oval. Sw#pple. Height 14 4-16 inches, width 12 2-16 inches. Mad. la Marquise de Brehan, Pinxit. C. Venzo, Sculpsit. Fu// margin. Hii xX: JANE LADY CATHCART. Daughter of Lord Arch. Hamilton. Profile to left. Oval. Swpple, in red. Height 7 10-16 inches, width 9g inches, Mrs. Anne Callot Simillime ex Memoria Maimore Sculpsit. Frances Bartolozzi, Design et Aera Incidit. Very rare. NELL GWYN. Half length, seated, full face. Rectangle. Line. Height 6 4-16 inches, width 4 14-16 inches. Proof before all letters. THE LADY WILLIAMS, Full length, standing on a bal- cony, nearly full face. Rectangle. Mezzotinte. Height 12 inches, width 9 14-16 inches. W. Wissing, pinx. I. Becket, fecit. Sold by John Bowles at Mercers Hall in Cheapside, London. Original impression. LOUISE, DUTCHESSE OF PORTSMOUTH. Three-quarter length, seated, full face; a lamb, which she is feeding, to the right. Rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 12 11-16 inches; width 10 inches. P. Lely, Pinxit. G. Valck, fecit. et. excud. 1678. Original wnpresston. COUSINS’ LADY DOVER. THE RIGHT HON®4® LADY DOVER and her Son the Hon Henry Agar Ellis. Three quarter length, seated, with the child in her lap; head slightly to left. Rectangle. Mezzo- into, Height 15 4-16 inches, width 12 6-16 inches. Engraved by Samuel Cousins from a Picture by Sir Thomas Lawrence. Script title proof. SEE FACSIMILE. 16 17 18 19 8 THE COUNTESS OF WILTON. Three-quarter length: seated, full face. Rectangle. Meszotinto. Height 9 inches, width 7 inches. Sir Thomas Lawrence, F. R.A. G. H. Phil- lips. London, Published Feb. 5, 1838, by Hodgson & Graves. JOHN HUGH GRIFFITH, Esg® First Lieutenant of Ma- rines. Killed Jan® 27 1782, on board His Majesty’s Ship the President, inthe Action of St. Kitts. Half length in uniform, head to right. Oval, in a rectangle. Meszottnto. Height 124-16 © inches, width 9 15-16 inches. Engraved by V. Green, Mezzo- tinto Engraver to his Majesty, & to the Elector Palatine. Pub- lish’d Sept! ro 1782 by V. Green, N® 29, Newman street, Oxford Street, London. | MRS. SIDDONS, Full bust in profile to right. Oval. Szpple, printed in colors, Height 4 4-16 inches, width 3 4-16 inches. S. Harding, pinx' Ogborn, sculpt London, Pub* May 27, 1783, by T. Macklin, N° 39 Fleet Street. MEZZOTINTO OF CORNWALLIS. CHARLES, -MAROUIS -CORNWALLELIS.- Full length uniform, standing on the field of battle, head to right; hands crossed and resting on a walking stick. Rectangle. MMZezzotinto, Height 23 6-16 inches, width 14 12-16 inches. Painted by D. Gardiner. Engraved by I. Jones, Engraver Extraordinary to His R. H. the Prince of Wales and Principal Engraver to His R. H. the Duke of York. Pub? as the Act directs, March 16 1793, by I. Jones, N° 75 Great Portland Street, Portland © Place. Choice open letter proof. Very brilliant. SEE REDUCED FACSIMILE. McARDELL’S COUNTESS OF SOUTHAMPTON. 20 21 RACHEL, COUNTESS OF SOUITHAMPTON, 1636.30 length, seated, in the clouds; head to left, the left arm resting on a globe. Rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 18 6-16 inches, width 13 12-16 inches. S? Anthony Vandyke, Pinx! J® Mc- Ardell, fecit 1758. Done from the Original in the Collection of the Right Hon? Lord Royston & the Marchioness Gray. Choice brilliant original impression. SEE REDUCED FACSIMILE. PETHER’S BENJAMIN WEST. B. WEST, R. A. Full bust, head to right. Oval, ina rec tangle. Mezzotinto. Height 16 inches, width 13 inches. W"™ Lawrenson, Pinxt W™ Pether, Fecit. Publish’d as the Act directs by Wm. Lawrenson & Wm. Pether, Great Russell Street, Bloomsbury. | A fine and brilliant impression of this favorite print. x Uy lhu Be: be Pinte y ) if 3 ; "op 7 Ue fé A Ybrddl Jel P56: : 7. bel Opualef ha SoMlbamplon d nti gous Os Nes!) 8 fort Ma lripiival wi thedé beotin ie Riglt ow lent lhonpiderg & tar + Marne pry ae Reduced Facsimile of Lot No. 20 ae RN Ve ei Hed RH he 22 23 24 a2 26 9 M®5 WEST AND CHILD. Full bust, head to left, embrac ing achild. Circular in a rectangle. Mezzctinto. Height 14 inches, width 10 14-16 inches. B. West, Pinxt Val. Green, fecit. Rob* Sayer, Excudit. London, Printed for Rob‘ Sayer, Printseller, N° 53 Fieet Street. Published as the Act directs, 10 July, 1770. Choice tmpression, with fine margin. JONES’ CHARLES JAMES FOX. THE RIGHT HONORABLE CHARLES JAMES FOX. Three quarter length, standing, head to right, the right hand resting on some papers on a table to left. Rectangle. Mezzo- tanto. Weight 17 14-16 inches, width 13 14-16 inches. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by John Jones. London, - Publish'd as the Act directs, Nov™ 1% 1798, by J. Jones, N° 75 Great Portland Street, Marylebone. A magnificent impression, with very wide margin, of this most acceptable portrait of the friend of America, SEE FACSIMILE. LOUIS i6TH, KING OF FRANCE. Full bust in Court dress, head to left. Oval, inarectangle. J/ezzotinto. Height 12 12-16 inches, width 10 inches. Painted in crayon by S. De Koster, being his first portrait exhibited to the public. En- grav'd by J. Daniel, from the Original Picture in the possession of the Publisher. London, Pub‘ July 20, 1793, by I. Brydon at his Looking Glass & Print Warehouse, Charing Cross. A very fine wunpression of this favorite portrait of the unfortu- nate Monarch, whose generous help secured our Independence. Under the portrait is a five line quotation from Shakespeare. ROBERT BURNS. Full bust, head to left. Oval, in a rec- tangle. Mezzotinto, colored. Height 15 14-16 inches, width 12 4-16 inches. Engraved by Wm. Walker and S' Cousins from the Original Picture of the same size in the Possession of M*™ Burns. Painted by Alex’ Nasmythin 1787. Published by Joseph Laig. London, Edinburgh, New York. SIR RICHARD STACPOOLE of Pembrokeshire. Half length in armor, head to left. Rectangle. Mezzotinto. Height 11 8-16 inches, width 11 inches. Segulta, pinx’ from a profile on a Monut James Wilson, fecit. Szxteenth lines of script on lower margin, IO COL. TARLETON. MEZZOTINTO, PRINTED IN 27 COLORS. LT COL. TARLETON. Full length in uniform, with plumed hat, standing on the field of battle, to the right of a field piece, the right foot resting on a rock, upon which rests a standard ; a servant holding a rearing horse to the left; a battle in the dis- tance. Rectangle. Mezgzotinto, printed tn colors. Height 24 4-16 inches, width 15 4-16 inches. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Engraved by J. R. Smith. London, Publish’d Oct’ 11, 1782; by: J. R. Smith, N° 3¢ King’s Street Covent Garden. A superb impression, printed tn colors, of this beautiful and much sought after portrait. Appropriately framed with black and gold margin on glass, gilt frame. Miscellaneous Etchings and Engravings. 28 29 30 C. KEATING. Eminent Harly English Mezzotiuto Engraver. RUSTIC BENEVOLENCE. E. Wheatley, Pinx’, C. Keat- ing, Sculp’. Mezzotinto, printed tn colors. \ondon, Published Jan’ 1§ 1797, by John Jeffreys, Ludgate Hill. Framed and glazed, Size 18 14-16 inches x 24 i4-16 inches. A remarkably brilliant wnpression of this lovely print, with a very good margin. Wheatley’s portraval of subjects he. selected always appeal to the better side of human nature, and as his drawing and detail were all of great artistic perfection, they were received with general approbation by the art-loving public, and consequently performed an important part in household deco- vation tt 1s seldom therefore that a fine example like this from one one of his most noted pictures ts offered for sale. THE WANTON Turn’d Out of Doors for Misconduct. Stpple. Painted by J. Northcote, R. A. Engraved by Gaugain & Hel- lyer, London, Published 1797. Size 16 inches x 19 10-16 inches, E. M. HESTER. Modern Mezzotinto Engraver in Colors. RIPE CHERRIES. Mezzotinto, printed in colors, by E. M. Hester. Signed proof. J. G. STEVENSON. A Modern English Mezzotinto Engraver in Colors. THE AVENUE OF TREES. Mezzotinto, printed in colors, Engraved by J. G. Stevenson. Stgned proof, L iv os’ y 4 “7 * iH S&S pee 4) ad is \ ee 71 Teeth de all a are ; j eo Cael » oh hell See F eet ed 'S : S J < a a "sE- 7. ae pee re ¥ eee i fe a - oe es eae oats Pee eee le ee Neen” cast ~ el b saahire MOAB GL asthe TA Aiaeae OS a Hip byt Tonics NO oe Grerag Dhar iseast Shoo Wiel fear Reduced Facsimile of Lot No. 23 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4OA Il JOHN RAPHAEL SMITH. Noted English Engraver of the 18th Century. THE ELOPEMENT. Painted by G. Morland. Engraved by J. R. Smith. Szpple. Modern reproduction in colors. EUGENE GALY. - Modern Engraver. THE SPINNING-WHEEL (Lady Hamilton). Supple, printed in colors. Engraved by Eugene Galy. Szgned proof on parch- ment, T. G. STEVENSON. LA BELLE FERONIERE. Mezzotinto, printed in colors. Engraved by T. G. Stevenson. Signed proof. THE SALAD GIRL. Meszzotinto, printed in colors. En- graved by T. G. Stevenson. Signed proof. 2 SEYMOUR HADEN. One of the most Eminent of Modern English Etchers. HADEN’S SHERE MILL POND. SHERE MILL POND. Z£tched, by Seymour Haden. The second published state, after the sky was removed. ‘Seymour Haden, 1860.’ Size 12 14-16 inches x 6 12-16 inches. A very rare state. Has worm hole on the lower centre edge and another in the sky above the trees to the right. HADEN’S SUNSET IN IRELAND. A SUNSET IN IRELAND. Z&iched, by Seymour Haden. The second published state, with the signature and date, ‘‘1863,” the date nearly obliterated. Signed proof. Size 8 6-16 inches x 5 6-16 inches. Fine impression. SEE REDUCED FACSIMILE, EGHAM. E&iched,by Seymour Haden. Third state. Signed proof. Size 7 14-16 inches x 5 inches. Framed and glazed. RAILWAY ENCROACHMENT. - EZiched, by Seymour Ha- den. First published state. ‘‘ Kew 1864.” Signed proof. NEAR THE GRANDE CHARTREUSE. Etched, by Sey- mour Haden. First published state. Signed proof. Size 15 8-16 inches x 11 8-16 inches. BREAKING UP OF THE “AGAMEMNON.” Oniginal etching, by Seymour Haden, “1870.” Trtal proof. Framed and glazed. Size 16 4-16 inches x 7 10-16 inches. 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SMITHFIELD SHARPERS; or, the Countryman Defrauded. I2 JAMES McNEILL WHISTLER. One of the Most Eminent Modern Painter-Etchers. THE BLACKSMITH SHOP. Lithograph, by James McNeill | Whistler. Stamped proof. THE GATEWAY. Lithograph, by James McNeill Whistler, AN OLD ENGLISH PORT. Original etching, by James | McNeill Whistler. ‘‘ 1859.” HENRY WINSLOW. Modern Etching. SOUTH NORWALK, Connecticut. Oviginal etching, by Henry Winslow. Signed proof. Only 12 tmpresstons taken. STANLEY ANDERSON. Eminent Modern Etcher. BILLINGSGATE. Original etching. Signed proof. THOMAS ROWLANDSON. Celebrated English Caricaturist. Painted by T. Rowlandson. Liéched, by J. K. Sherwin. Pub- lished by T. Palser, Surry Side, Westminster Bridge. | GROG ON BOARD. Original etched caricature in colors, by T. Rowlandson. Published January 1, 1794, by S. W. Fores, No. 3 Piccadilly. Very rare. JAMES GILLRAY. Eminent English Caricaturist. FARMER GILES AND HIS WIFE, Showing Off their Daughter Betty to their Neighbors on her Return from School. Colored etching, drawn by an amateur. Etched, by James Gill- ray. London, Published Jan. 1, 1809, by H. Humphrey. C. HUNT. Early English Caricaturist. A SERIES OF CARICATURES on Negro Life in Philadel- phia. Drawn by W. Summers. Eugraved in colored aquatint, by C. Hunt. Very amusing and exceedingly rare. 18 pieces C. STORM VAN GRAVESANDE. Eminent Modern Etcher. AN OLD DUTCH WINDMILL. : Original etching, by C.Storm Van Gravesande. Signed proof. Framed. ZE “ON 307 $0 Zj!Wisoey psonpoay Ps ' t a i hia ae ee ec ge | é | ’ ce ‘ Pine REL SOP ae a ke 51 §2 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 ¥3 AN OLD FARMHOUSE IN THE WOODS. Original etching, by C.Storm Van Gravesande. Signed proof. Framed. AN OLD DUTCH WINDMILL. Original etching, by C. Storm Van Gravesand. Signed proof. Framed. BASTIAN-LEPAGE. RETOUR DES CHAMPS. Original etching, by Bastian-Le- page. Framed and glazed. CORNELLIUS VISSCHER. A Celebrated Dutch Engraver. Born at Haarlem about 1610. A CAT SLEEPING WITH THE RAT BEHIND HER, Line. Engraved by Cornelius Visscher, after his own design. Original impression. Framed. Lhis 1s considered his masterpiece, and has long enjoyed the reputation of being the most perfect representation of a cat ever engraved, PAUL RAJON. Noted French Etcher. AT THE ENTRANCE OF A CHURCH. Etched, by Paul Rajon, after Pieter de Houghe. Framed. LEOPOLD FLAMENG. Eminent Modern Etcher. “SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME UNTO ME.” Etched, by Leopold Flameng, after Rembrandt. Signed proof. Framed. ALBRECHT DURER. One of the most Noted Engravers of the German School. Born in 1471. JUDITH WITH THE HEAD OF HOLOFERNIES. Onigi- - nal woodcut, by Albrecht Durer. Framed. APPIAN. Eminent French Etcher. A SEAPORT ON THE MEDITERRANEAN. Onginal etching. FISHERMAN DRAWING A NET. Onginal etching. FISHING BOATS. Onginal etching. BRACQUEMOND. Eminent French Etcher. PONT DE SAINT PERE. Original etching. 64 65 66 67 68 69 7O 73 62 PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF, with a ‘Beard, 1537. Vay fine, 63 THE OLD HOMESTEAD. After Hitchcock. Etched, ae Ch. Chauvel. C. L. COURTRY. Eminent French Etcher. THE COUQUETTE. Original etching, by C: Ly ‘Courtry, Sicued proof. TURKISH BATHER. After Gerome. Etched, by C. L. Courtry. CAMILLE COROT. Eminent French Painter-Etcher. SOUVENIR D'ITALIE. Original etching, by Camille Corot. . HENRY ALDEGREVER. 6 Born 1 502. Aa Eminent beds and | Contemporary with Durer. Pat B. 189. . 4 PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF, without a ‘Beard, ee, ‘Fine. B. 188. Se FELIX BUHOT. Eminent French Ktcher. A LA PLACE BREDA. Original etching, by Felix Buhoes TAVERNE DU BOGNE. Ae ARS by Felix Buhot. First state. LES PETITES CHAUMIERES. Original etching, ei Felix. Buhot. Proof, with red stamp. GUY BICHARD. Eminent French Etcher. | THE ARTIST IN HIS STUDIO. &éching, by Guy Bichard. Proof. | GABRIEL BOCOURT. Eminent French Etcher. PORTRAIT OF J, F. MILLET AND CAMILLE COROT. Original etchings, by Gabriel Bocourt. | 2 pieces LEON COUTIL. Eminent French Etcher. RETURNING FROM THE FIELD. After Millet. Biching by Leon Coutil. Remargue proof, signed. | C H. CHAUVEL. French Etcher. 4 oe ALBRECHT DURER. pipe ony) at N Cee 1471. One of the most Eminent Engravers of the . “oem School. pe fine. B. 96. | ‘PETER DREVET, The Younger. fae Born ee One of the most Noted of French Engravers. SP ox pat — os eee Dy Pp, Drevet. Fine impression. A G. L. BOUCHER, BARON DESNOYERS. | ee One of the most 1 SS Sa of French Line Engravers. Original head i ped 2 eee GERARD EDELINCK. Born Antwerp, 1627. One of the most Distinguished po ceapes of the - Period of Louis XIV. 78 PHILIPPUS DE CHAMPAIGNE. Line, after Himself, en- ecard by G. Edelinck. Fine brilliant impression. -JOANNI Bat WopAr COLBERT.~ Lemme, after’ Cte Brun, i engraved by G. Edelinck. Fee. | -E. CHAMPILLIN. Eminent French Etcher. THE CONNOISSEURS. A£tching, after Fortuny, by Cham- pollion. LEOPOLD FLAMENG. Eminent French Etcher. THE NIGHT WATCH, after Rembrandt, etched by Leopold Flameng. : ——— GAUJEAN. French Etcher. z, + RECLINING WOMAN. 2&tching, printed in colors, after Chap- lin, by Gaujean. VIRGIN AND CHILD. Etching. Remarque proof, signed. C. STORM VAN GRAVESANDE. Eminent Etcher. FISHING BOATS. Original etching. es 86 87 88 89 gO gt Q2 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 SOUER ROSALIE. Engraved byt 1 Gaillard. _GAI LLARD. ulsan French Engraver. . G. GIANOLI. NAPOLEON AT FONTAINBLEAU. Etched, by C G anoli Remarque proof, signed. 2 SIR F. SEYMOUR HADEN. One of the Most Eminent of Modern English Etchers. : YE COMPLEAT ANGLER. Onginal etching, by “Seym x Haden, 1877.” frst trial proof, signed. Size 8 ae 8-16 inches. ee THAMES, DITTON, With a Sail. ae thing es Se mour Haden, We HANDS ETCHING. Original eiching, by Seymour “Haden. a EGHAM LOCK. Original etching, by Seymour Haden. Trial : proof, Size 8 14-16 x § 14-16 inches, | BATTERSEA REACH. Original etching, by Seymour Peden BRENTFORD FERRY. Original etching, by Seymougl Haden, Trial proof. “ Brentford Ferry. Seymour Haden, 1864.’” aa WERRINGTON. Original etching, by Seymour Haden. FULHAM. Onginal etching, by Seymour Haden. First state. is Rare. Size 11 x 4 8-16 inches, = THE SAME. § Second state. LEIGH HUNT. Modern English Etcher. THE OLD DUTCH WINDMILL. Original etching, Dy Leigh Hunt. Signed proof. THE DOCK. Original etching, by Leigh Hunt. Signed proof. CHARLES JACQUE. Eminent French Painter-Etcher. AN OLD HUT. Original etching, by Charles Jacque. FEEDING THE PIGS. Original etching, by Charles Jacque. first state. SHEEP RETURNING FROM PASTURE. Original etch- ing, by Charles Jacque. | Wee IO! 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 113 114 115 116 ‘ fs AN OLD FARM HOUSE. Original etching, by Charles Jacque. JLnidia proof. EXTERIOR OF A FARM HOUSE. Original etching, by Charles Jacque. /ndia proof. LE REPAS. Original etching, by Charles Jacque /ndta proof. LETE. Original etching, by Charles Jacque. India proof. M. JONGKIND. Eminent Dutch Etcher. ROTTERDAM. Original etching, by M. Jongkind. Proof. VUE DE LA VILLE DE MAASLINS. Onginal etching, by M. Jongkind. ANVERS. Original etching, by M. Jongkind. Proof. C. MERYON. One of the Most Eminent of Modern French Etchers. LA POMPE NOTRE DAME.) Original etching, by C. Meryon. E£arly state. een.) * Public par L’ Artiste.” LA COUR DE L’HORLOGE. Original etching, by C. Mer- yon. ‘Public par L’Artiste.” /ndta proof. A VIEW IN HOLLAND. EZ&iching after Zeeman, by C. Meryon. Proof. Very fine and rare. MANET. A SPANISH BELLE. Original etching, by Manet. Proof. J. F. MILLET. One of the Most Eminent French Painter-Etchers. MOTHER AND CHILD. Original etching, by J. F. Millet. THE SHEPHERDESS. Original etching, by J. F. Millet. GUISEPPI LONGHI. Eminent Italian Eugraver. BONAPARTE. A LA BATYAILE D’ARCOLE. Jim, after Le Gros, engraved by G. Longhi. ARMAND MATHEY. Eminent Modern Etcher. CHRIST BEFORE PILATE. Z&iching, after Munkacsy, by Armand Mathey. Remarque proof, signed by both painter amé etcher, 117 118 119 120 121 roe 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 eS he. P33 134 18 Ww. E. MARSHALL. American Engraver. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Full bust head to left, ova rectangle. Lzne, He in colors, after Gilbert Stuart, e by W. E. Marshall. Proof before all letters. fers TISSOT. Eminent French Etcher. IN THE HAMMOCK. Original etching, by J: = Signed and stamped. Proof. ENTRANCE TO THE NATIONAL GALLERY. — nal etching, by J. J. Tissot. Signed and stamped. Proe “SPRING MORNING. Original etching, by J. J. Tissot. Prac SUMMER. Original etching, by J.J. Tissot. Proof. SUMMER EVENING. Original etching, by J. J. Tissot. Proo TITLE PAGE to Tissot’s Etchings. Original etc y J. Tissot. Proof. oy THE SAME. Proof before the lettering of the title page. is THE SAME. Proof on Holland paper. : a aoe SUNSHINE. Original etching, by J. i Tis in vO0O BE ane tEs ON THE LAWN. Original etching, by J. J. Tissot. on Folland paper. THE SAME. Proof. = ON THE BALCONY. Original ching by J. 5 Tissot THE SAME. Proof on Holland paper. [ESS PORTRAIT OF MISS L Original etching, by th ie * Tissot. Lroof. HENRY SOMM. Eminent Modern Etcher. JAPONISME. Original etching, by Henry Somm. Saeed prot. LUCAS VAN LEYDEN Born 1494. One of the Most Eminent Engravers of the Dutch School. CHRIST TEMPTED BY THE DEVIL. Original eae ne by Lucas Van Leyden, 1518. J. gz. PETER VAN SCHUPPEN An Eminent Flemish Engraver. JULIUS CARDINAL DE MAZARIN. Zine, after P. Mig- nard. Engraved by P. Van Schuppen. Very early state. Fine impression before the inscription, --— ee No. 203 1 em RS AE One eS eee + .* PY eal 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 144A 145 146 se JAMES McNEILL WHISTLER A RIVER SCENE. Original etching, by James McNeill Whistler. THE ANGLER. Original etching, by James McNeill Whist- ler. J. G. WILLE Born 1717. One of the Most Eminent Engravers of His Time. MUSICIENS AMBULANS. Lime, after Dietricy. Engraved by J. G. Wille. DEATH OF CLEOPATRA. Line, after Netscher. Engraved by J. G. Wille. JOHN I. DONLEVY WASHINGTON. Szpple. Vignette. The centre of a sheet, entitled ‘‘Sacred to the Memory of the Illustrious Champion of Liberty General George Washington, First President of the United States of America.” John I. Donlevy, intaglio, chromo- graphic and electrographic engraver. UNKNOWN MISCELLANEOUS ETCHINGS. 5 pieces NAPOLEON, Full bust in uniform. Etching. Remarque proof. THE DAUPHIN Bidding Farewell to his Mother. Szple, colored. Engraved by C. Silamo. OMNIA VAMITAS. JZuwe, after Castiglion. Engraved by ~Coelemans., S. ARLENT EDWARDS Eminent Mezzotinto Engraver. GEN. HORATIO GATES. Jezzotinto, printed in colors, by S. Arlent Edwards. Stgned proof. LADY HAMILTON. Mezzotinto, printed in colors, by S. Ar- lent Edwards. Signed proof. Framed. G. GAYMARD Noted Mezzotinto Engraver. MASTER LAMBTON. Mezzotinto, printed in colors, by G. Gaymard. Signed proof. FRANK F. LYDON Mezzotinto Engraver. MISS BOWLES. Mezzotinto, printed in colors, by Frank F. Lydon. Signed proof. 20 J. G. STEVENSON Mezzotinto Engraver. 147, MADAME POMPADOUR. Mezzotinto, printed in colors, by Jj. G. Stevenson. Signed proof. 148 MRS. DAVENPORT. Mezzotinto, printed in colors, by J. G. : : ~ | Stevenson. Signed proof. ; JAMES S. KING Mezzotinto Engraver. ae 149 COUNTESS SPENCER. WMezzotinto, printed in colors, by James S. King. Signed proof. Bes, J. C. WEBB Mezzotinto Engraver. 150 MARGARITTA. Afterwards Mrs. Scott. 7 * Mensotinto, prinia ee in colors, by J. C. Webb. Szgned proof. Sis. af OEE | 151 MRS. ROBINSON AS PERDITO. Menace printed in colors, by J. C. Webb. Signed proof. SIDNEY E. WILSON | Mezzotinto Engraver. 152 MRS. TAYLOR. WMezzotinto, printed in colors, by Sidney E. Wilson. Signed proof. Very rare. FREDERICK REYNOLDS Mezzotiuto Engraver. 153 COUNTESS PATOCKA. Mezzotinto, printed m colors, ee Frederick Reynolds. Signed proof. J. PERCY SABIN Mezzotiuto Engraver. 154 JOHN PAUL JONES. JMezzotinto, printed in colors, by J. Percy Sabin. Signed proof. Framed Engravings. LAGUILLERMIE Eminent French Etcher. 155 CHILDREN OF CHARLES I, after Van Dyck. Eiched, by Laguilermie. Signed proof. Very scarce. 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 164 2I ' LEWIS SCHIAVONETTI Eminent Engraver and Pupil of Bartolozzi. PILGRIMAGE TO CANTERBURY, after Thomas Stothard. Etched, by Lewis Schiavonette, and finished by James Heath. India proof. Published London, 1817. Brilliant wnpression. Very scarce. S. W. REYNOLDS One of the Most Eminent of English Mezzotinto Engravers of the XVIII Century. JOHN KEMBLE AS CATO. Full length, seated. Mezzo- “into, after Sir Thomas Lawrence. Engraved by S. W. Rey- nolds. Published London, 1841. Brilliant impression, with fine margin. UNKNOWN SCOTTISH COURTSHIP. Line. India proof before all letters. J. P. LE BAS Eminent French Engraver. A FLEMISH COUNTRY FAIR. Zune, after D. Teniers. Engraved by J. P. Le Bas, No. 2. THE SAME. *Companion to the above, No. 1. THE SAME. Companion to the above, No. 4. THE SAME. Companion to the above, No. 3. This forms a complete set of these most noted and desired prints ; at 1s Seldom a set ts found together. - WILLIAM WARD One of the Most Popular Mezzotinto Engravers of the XVIII Century. STABLE AMUSEMENTS (No. 12). Mezzotinto, after George Morland. Engraved by William Ward. London, Published July 20, 1801, by J. R.Smith, King St., Covent Garden. Open letter proof, with full margin. DAVID EDWIN The most Noted of Early American Stipple Engravers, PETER FRANCISCOS GALLANT ACTION with Nine of Tarleton’s Cavalry in Sight of a Troop of four hundred men. Stipple, designed by Worrell, drawn by Barralett. Engraved by D. Edwin. Published 1814. Oviginal impression with a fine margin, Very rare. This picture is sought after by collectors of Washington portraits on account of tt having a beautiful vignette portrait of Washington on the lower margin, : 165 166 167 168 169 170 177 ive 173 22 WILLIAM SHARP The most Eminent of English Line Engravers. KING LEAR. Jive, after B. West. Engraved by William Sharp. Original impression. R. 8. RAVENET Eminent Engraver of the X VITE Century. MR. GARRICK AND MISS BELLAMY in the Chase “ of Romeo and Juliet. ze, after B. Wilson, Engraved by R. at S. Ravenet. _ Published I f2%; } 5h Di B: ALEXANDER I. Full length in uniform. Acguatint, printed in colors. Designed and engraved by D. B. 1807. Very rare. P. TANJE LES NOSE*‘DE CLORUS ET ROSETTE. fie aneoee Troost. Engraved by P. Tanje. Fine brilhant wnpression of this rare print. | JAMES WATSON Eminent English Mezzotinto Engraver of the XVIII Century. THE DUCHESS OF MAZARIN AND COUNT COLBERT as Pomona and Vertumnus. Mezzodimzto, after Netscher. Engraved by James Watson. Published Oct. 24, 1777, by John Boydell. Proof before the title with artisis names and address scratched 1 a ' Rare in this state. — P. F. COURTOIS Eminent French Engraver. . LA PROMENADE DES REMPARTS DE PARIS. ume, after St. Aubin. Engraved by P. F. Courtois. TABLEAU DES PORTRAITS A LA MODE. Lue, after St. Aubin. Engraved by P. F. Cone Companion to the above. The pair ts rare. P. A. LE BEAU Eminent French Engraver of the XVIII Century. LA VIRTU SOUS LA GARDE DE LA FIDELITE, Line, designed by Chas. Eisen. Engraved by P. A. Le Beau, 1772. Very rare. N: DE LAUNAY Eminent French Engraver of the XVIII Century. LA SENTINELLE-EN DEFAUT. Line, after P. A. Bau- douin. Engraved by M. De Launay, 1771. Very rare. GOS “ON 174 Ls 5 176 177 178 178A 179 180 181 182 a3 C. E. GAUCHER Eminent French Engraver. COURONNEMENT DE VOLTAIRE. Engraved by C. E. Gaucher, after a design by Moreau. HENRY GOLTZIUS Born 1558. Hminent German Engraver. WILLIAM OF ORANGE. Engraved by Henry Goltzius. Very rare and fine. PHILIP GALLE Born 1537. Eminent Dutch Engraver. NANITA ERYTHRAEUM. Engraved by Philip Galle. ALBRECHT DURER Born Nuremberg, 1471. One of the Most Eminent of Early Dutch En- gravers. THE KNIGHT, DEATH AND THE DEVIL. Engraved by Albrecht Durer. . Amand Durand Reproduction. NEPTUNE. With a Tortoise Shell for a Shield, seated beside a Naked Woman. Original etching,by Albrecht Durer. B.71. THE GREAT CANNON. Original woodcut, by Albrecht Durer. Original tmpression. REMBRANDT VAN RYN Born at Leyden, 1606. The Father of Etching. (itewlol AT THE GATE OF THE TEMPLE. Onginal etching, by Rembrandt, 1659. Fine early unpression. THE GOOD SAMARITAN. £tched, by Rembrandt. Ovigi- nal impression. Fine. GEORGE CRUIKSHANK THE GREAT ENGLISH ILLUSTRATOR BONEY’S Threatened Invasion Brought to Bear; or Taking a View of the English Coast from ye Poop of the Bellerophon. Colored etching, by Geo. Cruikshank. Published by Fores, 1815. are. THE RIVAL GARDENERS (Caricature on Napoleon). Pub- lished by S. W. Fores, 1803. Colored etching. 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 IQI <2 py. Bev Va) aS ot ae ee Se hee 24 Se HAMILTON HAMILTON Modern Etcher. IN THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY. Behive 4 after Thomas - Hovenden. Etched, by Hamt!ton tamuven: RS F. STACPOOLE Mezzotinto Engraver. A SYMPATHISING FRIEND. Mezzotinto, after Briton Ri- viere, engraved by F. Stacpoole. Judia proof, signed by both mt painter and engraver. W. O. GELLER Old English Engraver. FRANKLIN AT THE COURT OF FRANCE, 1778. Mes- gotinto, after Barron Jolly. Engraved by W. O. Geller. UNKNOWN NAPOLEON BONAPARTE. Full bust in uniform. Eiching. Remarque proof. FRED SLOCOMBE American Etcher. THE OLD WATER MILL. A&tching, by Fred. Slocombe: Remarque proof, signed, ALBERT ROSENTHAL Modern Painter-Etcher. LA RIX. S&iching, after Meissonier, by Albert Rosenthal. Remarque proof. CHARLES O. MURRAY THE TOWER OF LONDON. Original etching, by Charles O. Murray. Remarque proof, signed. Cc. T. DEBLOU French Etcher. NAPOLEON THE THIRD at the Marine Meeting. Etching, after Erskine Nicol, by C. T. Diblou. Proof signed by both artists. J. BOUCHER Modern Etcher. OLD LANG SYNE, after W. Dendy Sadler. itched, by J- Boucher. Remargue proof sigued by beth artists. 80d ‘ON Be: d 2 + ar & 194 195 197 198 199 200 26 SECOND SITTING TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER Q, 1919 OIL PAINTINGS H. M. KITCHELL GOLDEN SUNSET. Signed. Size 15 1-2 inches x Ig 1-2 inches. HENDRIK WILLEM MESDAG Noted German Marine Painter. Born 1831. Medals at Paris, 1870. Pupil of Alma Tadema. . DUTCH FISHING BOATS OFF THE COAST OF HOLLAND. Sigued. Canvas 16 1-2 inches x 23 I-4 inches. . ALFRED THOMPSON BRICHER Noted American Artist. Born in Portsmouth, N. H., 1839. Landscape and Marine Painter. Elected A. N. A. in 1879. EVENING, LOW TIDE AT GRAND MENAN, MAINE. Signed. Canvas. Size 15 inches x 33 inches. EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Born in Warneton, West Flanders, 1799. Noted Animal Painter for and Pupil of Barthelemi Verboeckhoven. Member of Brussels, Antwerp and St. Petersburg Academies, Legion of Honor. SHEEP AND CATTLE. Svgned. Panel. Size 7 1-4 inches x 6 1-4 inches. UNKNOWN NOONDAY ON THE LAKE. Canvas: Size 7 1-2 inches. x 5 1-2 inches. Very much in the style of Corot. HENRI HARPIGNIES Noted Landscape Painter. Born at Valenciennes 1819. Pupil of Achard Both in Oil and Water Color this Artist stands in the first rank of French Painters of his day. Medals 1866, 1868 and 1869. Legion of Honor 1875. EDGE OF THE WOODS—Evening on the Loire. Signed. Canvas. Size tg 1-2 inches x 27 1-2 inches. WILLIAM RUSSELL SMITH Born in Scotland. Taken to America in his youth, where he studied Landscape Painting under Lambdin in Philadelphia. AUTUMN LANDSCAPE. Sigwed. Canvas. Size 17 inches xX 12 inches. ee, a mse Brent ne pM ,. 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 27 JOSEPH O. EATON American Genre and Portrait Painter. Bornin 1829. Associate of the National Academy in New York. A GRECIAN MAIDEN. Signed. Canvas. Size 13 1-4 inches x 8 1-4 inches. JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT Born in Paris in 1796. One of the Most Noted of Landscape Painters, Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin. Medals 1833, 1848, 1855; Legion of Honor, 1846. VILLE D’AVRAY (1859). Signed. Canvas. Size 17 1-2 inches x 31 I-2 inches. EK. PERCY MORAN Born in Philadelphia, 1862. Genre Painter. Pupil of Edward Moran. See tOns), § Sigved. Canvas... Size 1g 1-2 inches’ x 29 1-2 inches. SEE PLATE. WINSLOW HOMER Noted American Genre Painter. Born in Boston, 1836. Pupil of The National Academy and of F. Rondell. During the Civil War Sketched for Harper’s and Other Periodicals. Elected A. N. A. in 1864. THE WRECK. Signed. Canvas. Size 21 inches x 25 1-2 inches. SEE PLATE. G. L. GAUIDO. Noted Genre Painter of the Italian School. THE FESTIVAL. Signed. Canvas. Size 22 1-2 inches x 31 1-4 inches, NARCISO VIRGILIO DIAZ DE LA PENA Born at Bordeaux 1808. One of the most Noted of Genre and Land- scape Painters. No Master. Beganasa Porcelain Painter. Won his chief fame through his landscapes. Medals 1844, 1846, 1848, and the Legion of Honor 1851. WOOD INTERIOR. Canvas. Size 24 inches x 28 3-4 inches. SEE PLATE. HENRY PEMBER SMITH Noted American Marine Painter. Born at Waterford, Conn., 1854. Self taught. Exhibited at the National Acadeniy. SCENE IN CONNECTICUT. Stgwed. Canvas. Size 19 1-2 inches x 29 1-2 inches. 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 28 FELIX ZIEM Born at Beaune (Cote d’Or), 1821. Noted Architecture aud Marine Painter. Pupil of Art School in Dijon. His Views of Venice have won for him a world-wide reputation. Medals 1851, 1855, and Legion of Honor ~ 1857. SCENE IN VENICE. Signed. Canvas. Size 27 1-2 inches X 41 I-2 inches. SEE PLATE. WILLIAM KEITH Noted Landscape Painter. THE OLD MILL. Signed. Canvas. Size 17 inches x 25 1-2 inches. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE Born in Paris 1813. Noted Animal and Landscape Painter, Engraver and Etcher. Few French Artists have a more widely extended or better deserved reputation. Though more noted as an etcher than a painter, his. coloring being somewhat crude, he excels in accurate knowledge of sheep and poultry. Medals 1861, 1863, 1864. Legion of Honor 1867. SHEEP RESTING. Signed. Panel. Size 10 inches x 8 inches. THOMAS B. CRAIG Noted American Landscape Painter the latter es of the Nineteenth | Century. THE CLOSE OF DAY. Signed. Canvas. Size 17 1-2 inches X-31 1-2 inches. AIME PERRET | Born at Lyons 1847. Noted French Genre Painter, Pupil of Guichard and Vollon. Medals 1877. THE HARVESTERS. Signed. Canvas. Size 24 1-4 inches x 29 1-4 inches. SEE PLATE. F. KEVVER Noted Painter. AFFECTIONATE MOTHER. Signed. Canvas. Size 23 1-2 inches x 27 inches. SEE PLATE. JULIEN RIX Noted French Landscape Painter. AN EVENING LANDSCAPE. Signed. Canvas, Size 25 inches x 29 I-2 inches. SEE PLATE. GEORGE INNESS Noted American Landscape Painter. Born at Newburgh, N. Y., 1825. Pupil of Regis Gignoux. Elected A. N. A. in 1853; and N. A. in 1868. SUNSET. Signed. Canvas. Size g 1-2 inches x 11 1-2 inches, No. 213 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 29 : A. VAN WILLIS Noted Dutch Landscape Painter. LANDSCAPE AND CATTLE, Signed. Canvas. Size 11 1-4 inches x 9 I-4 inches. JEAN LEON GEROME Born in Vesoul in 1824. One of the most Noted of History and Genre Painters. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Medal in 1847, 1848, and Legion of Honor in 1855. THE ARAB. Signed. Canvas. Size 10 3-4 inches x g inches. HERMANN HERZOG Born in Bremen in 1832. Noted Landscape Painter. Pupil of Dussel- dorf Academy under Schirmer. Came to America in 1869, where he Painted Many Landscapes which Made him Famous. SWISS MOUNTAIN SCENE. Canvas. Size g inches x 12 inches. E. YEANMAIRE Noted French Landscape Painter. VILLAGE IN FRANCE. Signed and dated 1826. Canvas. Size 14 1-2 inches x 24 inches. UNKNOWN ITALIAN LANDSCAPE, with many Figures. Canvas. Size 17 inches x 25 inches. L. MAGGIORANI Eminent Italian Genre Painter. THE GAME OF CHESS. Signed. Rome, 1874. Canvas. Size 19 inches x 14 1-2 inches. G. FERRARI Eminent Italian Genre Painter. THe MUSICAL PARTY. Signed. -Rome, 1874. Panel. Size 18 inches x 14 inches. T. KOPPEM Eminent Genre Painter. THE LOVERS. Signed. Munich, 1872. Canvas. Size 27 inches x 27 inches. UNKNOWN ST. JOHN AND THE INFANT CHRIST. Canvas. Size 34 1-2 inches x 29 1-2 inches, in carved Neopolitan frame. A beautiful copy after an old master. SS. LEOPOLD MUNCH Eminent German Landscape Genre and Interior Painter. zUph of 2 Geiger. 225 AN EVENING COMPANY IN SCHLEISSHEIM CASTLE. =e Signed, Panel. Size 16 1-2 inches x 12 inches. ia R. SORBI Eminent Italian Painter. 226 STREET SCENE IN FLORENCE. Canvas. Size 14 inches x 11 inches. ms OLD MASTER 227 aes MAGDELENE. Canvas. Size 28 inches by 23 inches. A very fine copy of a celebrated painting by Correg gio. ) OLD MASTER | 228 DOUBTING THOMAS. Canvas. Size 30 inches x 24 inches. An early copy of an Old Master beautifully painted. PAINTING ON PORCELAIN | 229 . THE: SLEEPING MODEL. — Size 12 inches x1ouncues S. ROBERTS Italian Water Colorer. 230 BAY OF NAPLES. Water color, signed. DE SIMAUX 231 CLIPPER SHIP. Water color, signed. G. THOMPSON Water Color Painter. 232. AN OLD ‘DUTCH. WINDMILE.| Seezca> E. BLAIR COLVILLE 233 ON THE ADRIATIC. Water color, signed. N. GIRAUD 234 READY FOR THE BALL. Water color, signed. GRANVILLE PERKINS 235 VTHE OLD CHESTNUT TREE. Water color, signed. M. CHASE | 236 THE DRYDOCK. Od lainting in black and white. Signed. C. L. FUSSELL 237 HEMPSTEAD HARBOR. Water color. Signed. VIG “ON 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 31 ROSA BONHEUR. Born in Bordeaux in 1822. One of the Most Noted of Animal Painters. Daughter and Pupil of Raymond Bonheur. Medals in 1845, 1848 and 1855. Legion of Honor, 1865. IN FULL CRY. Signed. Canvas. Size 14 inches x 20 inches. | PAUL POTTER. ; Born at Enkhuysen in 1625. A Noted Dutch Animal and Landscape Painter. Son and Pupil of Pieter Potter. Noted for his Pictures of Bulls. PAUL POTTER’S BULL. Canvas. Size 13 inches x 18 1-2 inches, : lThis painting formerly belonged to FE. T. Stotesbury, the note banker. CHARLES EMILE JACQUE. Born in Paris in 1813. Noted French Animal and Landscape Painter and Engraver. Noted for his Paintings of Sheep. SHEEP IN A BARN. Signed. Canvas. Size 20 inches x 16 inches. HENRY W. RANGER. | Eminent New York Painter. EDGE OF THE WOODS. Signed. Canvas. Size 18 inches x 24 inches. J. DE LOYE. Eminent French Painter. mre wuelGal RECITAL. ~ Stened. Canvas. Size 12 inches x 18 inches. JEHAN GEORGE VIBERT. Born in Paris in 1840. Noted Genre Painter. Pupil of Picot and Bar- rias. Medals in 1864, 1867 and 1868. Legion of Honor, 1870. A GAME OF CHESS. Signed. Canvas. Size 21 inches *% 15 inches. GEORGE INNESS. Born at Newburg, New York, 1825. Noted American Landscape Painter. Elected A. N. A. in 1853 and N. A. in 1868. THE STORM. Signed. Panel. Size 11 inches x 15 inches. BRUGUER. A WINTER IN HOLLAND. Signed. Canvas. Size 9 inches x 12 inches. W.H. NEWMAN. A Noted Landscape and Marine Painter in the latter part of the Nine- teenth Century. 249 250 251 252 253 254 SUNSET. Signed. Canvas. ott SEA SCAPE SUNSET. | Signed. “Canvas : K inches x 50 inches. SCENE IN THE OUTSKIRTS OF OLD ATHENS 7 Size 29 1-2 inches x 50 inck ‘J. LAURENCE. Size 23 1-2 inches x 41 1-2 foe EDMUND D. _ LEWIS. Century. A VIEW OF THE DELAWARE WATER GAP PENNSYLVANIA. Signed and dated 1874. Canvas. Size 29 1-2 inches x 50 inches. zs UNKNOWN. me: A WINTER SCENE IN GERMANY. Colored iehoproa ee after Meyerheim. Mounted on canvas ces Size 24 3- eo 2 inches x 36 inches, A WINTER SCENE IN HOLLAND. Canvas. Size 25 inches x 36 inches. | ey RIVER SCENE IN EGYPT. Canvas. Size 29 1-2 inches _ x 50 inches. : Pe A. PERKINS. Landscape Painter. LANDSCAPE, WITH OCEAN VIEW. Signed. Canvas. Size 13 inches x 25 1-2 inches. | ae R. FENWICK. Marine Painter. MARINE VIEW. Signed. Canvas. Size 11 1-2 inches x 17 1-2 inches. « a as Be: : ae a ae boos Set ee ye ¥ = ey Sane ae wan Fis [¢ fe yi r ab a < i ; a4 Ped RY ean an eo f { | ss pies "i Wa . ~ AA ME a! £ is he jp res es a fi ae A $y ’ VEN \ ay er aa ais otf oa ; a # A { A Me ean SORE Ly dae Ped sh 1p so 7 i. eats SNORING Ry tes ee ier (oe EROS Mya ie cues MN CAE OY) a nec a) WE er SNL } x {7 ; 5 : = x \ yy) eta re B te i Wy A ee MY { } x den J Jf / / > )) — Ay } I 2 } ae ae | y \ : wh gh awe 4 os , a \ as re 215 / ¢ : , OOD Sa Re Rd Hes: : (7%: Pad AS Ec i 1 y Ay =e ody i ay \ \ rat Ce ie \ ees i i \ Fy , BC Aly ee an aes me } S\ x ; U us Ab | s ) \ { \ Mine lr y 2) rie \ Wy hi i ot XK hil é Kit | ATS SEC een eye PNET fe nh oe Sue i aed > ’ A ‘ i ¥ \ fo ra \ 5 4 ; Si \d ) xX Bad , ‘ bye sa PEE hE Se A ngs. . ue Piri ESE eR AA 5, a ae ee RO Sec pd ae 4 : Seka | P f Ane Y % ts : A Ln? ea ; oy ty ee ale ee eae Me hg ee ay, UR GH hare bes er geer ee a =o Ce ataeud ae Pcbdacceiete igen eee iboN” : tin pelle e arb ape