LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York raf Bia ie Fai ) Pitas ; m ' ‘ peed a : rk uy 4 os a fa ‘ia ‘ia bas See Gace ae a. i og . . ‘ma,© t , APs a i. ' .. o. ay ¢ ioe yp vy ¥ At ) . q 2 7 < 4 , : oe : 4 ; < 4 a” . , s a ¥, ¥ a é ’ 2 ~ . ; ot 1) al a ; P ¥ ' ry * . nity wast aaah ee = - Fhe, Sil etme» . ° ad a \e ‘ -— a + x. a .* - ¥ “ - wae e me “2,4 * ‘ae % t : F y re pe ae « é » 3 4 ’ i he ; No. 157. Magdalene at the Foot of the Cross. Ary Scheffer. HmievoLRATED CATALOGUE ¢ OF MODERN PAINTINGS COMPRISING THE eoerRIVATE COLLECTIONS ELMER H. CAPEN, or Boston WILMOT L.WARREN, or SprincFriEtp, Mass THE TWO COLLECTIONS TO BE SOLD Poe UCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE AT CHICKERING HALL FirtH AVENUE AND EIGHTEENTH STREET THURSDAY anv FRIDAY EVENINGS, MARCH 77u anv 8TH ene BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 8 O°CLOCK EACH EVENING THE PAINTINGS WILL BE ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION DAY AND EVENING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES 6 aND 8 East TWENTY-THIRD STREET, Mapison SQUARE FROM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22D, UNTIL DAY oF SALE INCLUSIVE (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER 4 NEw York, 1889 f # CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase- money 7/ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. Ihe Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any article ts not to be set astde on account of any error tn the description, or imperfection. All articles are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within three days from conclusion of sale shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THOS. E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. PeoavA LO ARTISTS REPRESENTED, Beret tia NA {EAN PAD en ced... hadnt Ah Deceased Born in Orleans, .1818. Died, 1878. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Made his debut at the Salon in 1841. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1861. Medal at Philadelphia, 1876. NOMpnO—THEAG.. 6.0 ves cya es ra AR OES PEARSE, os Pa ee OB Page 43 Pee LINE JEAN VICTOR) .4 25.5.6. .0 eae ede ces Deceased Born in Paris, 1775. Died, 1842. Landscape painter. Pupil of Valenciennes. Medal, 1808. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1817. He was the master of Cogniet, Corot, Roqueplan, and other painters. Rigas s-tontrance to Sti.Cloud..3. 000). aes neon Page 42 No. 111—Landscape...... Rte Be yas ose at MAIN e ha No. 153—Roman Landscape, with Cattle.............. RG BrmySCHLAG (JULius Ropert)..........0..5. Munich Born at Nordlingen, 1838. Studied at the Munich Academy under Philipp Foltz, and afterwards in Paris and Italy. He is noted for his graceful treatment of the female form. Preeoe=oridren S°Picnit...6 0.0.5 2.5 eke ce Peas Page 46 See AN NT SS 4. ol cee pies ane ees Paris Born in Ohio, 1855. Studied at ”Zcole des Beaux Arts, under Gérome. Gold Medal at Nice. Silver Medal at Versailles, also at Boston. Awarded Prize $2,500, First Prize Fund Exhibition American Art Association, New York, 1885. Pigmmrs—iSiony, Normandy 5% 0). i... 2 seis dee ee wens Page 26 No. 1o1—The Thames at Greenwich................... “« 46 6 COLLECTIONS OF ELMER H. CAPEN BONHEUR (Juriztre) (Mun. Pryror)........-.. Paris Born in Paris, 1830. Daughter and pupil of Raymond Bonheur, and assistant of her sister Rosa in the Free School of Design for Young Girls, founded by them in Paris. Medal, 1855. No. ot—Pastoral Scene). 2.7 ee Page 44 No. .115—Noontide Rest... 143: 2. S-, ut pene CS BONHEOUR (fF, Aucustz). 2.02 ee Deceased Born in Bordeaux, November 4, 1824. Son and pupil of Ray- mond Bonheur, who died 1853. Medals, Paris, 1852, 1857, 1859, 1861, and 1863. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Died, February, 1884. No. 31—Leader of the Flock... ..,..... <. Scene eee Page 31 BONNINGTON (Ricuarp Parxgs) i et ee Deceased Born in Arnold, near Nottingham, England, 1801. Pupil of Gros. Gold Medal, 1824. His painting, ‘‘ Francois 1® et la Duchess d’Etampes,” is in the Louvre, Paris. Died, 1828. No. 99—French Port i. 5.0004) 5 20s Seen rates ee Page 45 BOUDIN (Eucéne -Lovis):,....:, 4.1.) Paris Born at Honfleur. Medals, 1881, 1883. No. 6—Landscape ... 2... nis Lis be 2 te ee Page 26 No. 90—Shipping at Havre... 100. <0. yon es ee chee” BRADFORD (Wirtiaw)..................0...New York Born in New Bedford, Mass , 1830. Self-taught, but influenced by Van Beest, whose studio he shared for two years. Accompanied several Arctic expeditions to study icebergs. Elected A.N.A., 1874. No. g9—Sunset on the Coast of Labrador............. Page 27 No. 100—Fishing Vessels Among the Icebergs ........ ay AND WILMOT L. WARREN. fi BROWN (GeorcE Lorine)..... met ye Ages Boston Born in Boston, 1814. Pupil of Washington Allston, and in Paris of Eugene Isabey. Visited Europe in 1840, and painted in London, Paris, Antwerp, Florence, and Rome. Returned in 1860. No. 79—Old Fisherman’s Home, Amalfi................ Page 41 II GS) oe oe ie vee seen cere eeees Paris Born in Paris, 1812. Landscape painter. Pupil of Camille Flers. Medals, 1834, 1867. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1843. Officer of the same, 1855. Member of the Institute, 1867. Director of the French Academy at Rome, 1879. DR eS) OE a Page 43 SRP WVILTIAM MERRITT)... . 03. 0s eee New York Born in Franklin, Indiana, 1849. Pupil of B. F. Hayes in Indianapolis, of the National Academy, and of J. O. Eaton, New York. Studied for six years at Munich Academy under Wagner and Piloty. Won Honorable Mention at Salon, Paris, 1882. and Medal at Munich Exposition, 1883. Elected A.N.A., New York, 1888. PemeeeesfOOk yn eights 2.50... 6s. cca 2 ns wile ee hee x | Page 42 RL AUT, JEAN)... 2. vcrcce cha ps eee eta Brussels Born, 1819. Pupil in Paris, of Gudin. Medals, Brussels, 1851. Paris, 1867 and 1878. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1875. Officer of the same, 1881. Member of the Order of Leopold. MCC OT CHEIOE 6 oo W. 55 =o nw aue ocee Noe wane nis aie be gee Page 38 Ree OXCKOET) us eS ate Boston Born in Jay, Maine, 1837. Pupil of Lambinet and of Jacque. Doweoe-tandscape and’ Sheep.... 04. re wens oe ees Page 27 Bie OAC ATOM Liles oie sain care pte’ se peace hoe eas poeeo 8 COLLECTIONS OF ELMER H. CAPEN CONSTABLE: JOHN. 3235) ee Deceased Born in Suffolk, 1776. Died in London, 1837. Landscape painter. Studied at Royal Academy and later with Joseph Far- rington and R. R. Reinagle. First exhibited in 1802. Elected A. R. A., 1819, and R. A., 1829. In France he found his first recog- nition, and is the most highly esteemed of all British painters. He is represented in the Louvre by two fine examples of his work. He exerted great influence upon the modern school of French land- scape painting. No: 95—The Castle Gate...........5.1.. 0, sium ...» Page 44 No. 127--The Coming Storm... 0.69. eee Bert s ct% COROT (Jean Baptiste CaMILLe)......... + «. Deceased Born in Paris, 1796. Was first instructed by Michallon, after ward by Victor Bertin, then spent several years in Italy. Medals, Paris, 1838, 1848, 1855, 1867 (Zxposttion Universelle). Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1846. Officer of the same, 1867. Died, 1875. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Zxposition Universelle), 1878. No. 50—Rocks at Fontainebleau ............. ... > ee Pagecge No. 68—Wood Interior. :..........2.... eee er | No. 94—The Old Monastery...:>.-... 20 ee ee rt aa No. 105—Oak Trees at Fontainebleau..... ........... +f 46 No. 121—-Landscape. ...... 5. nto oso ee Sone pier Le, No. 138—Landscape, Provence ......:... 0. seen eee No. 140—A Summer’s Morning................ ree ee ee: COURBET (GUSTAVE) (0. Deceased Born in Ornans, 1819. Died, January 1, 1878. He began to study law, but devoted his time to the studios, studying mainly with David d’Angers. He first attracted attention in 1849, when his Funeral at Ornans, now in the Louvre, was exhibited. Medals, 1849, 1857, 1861. Was offered the Cross of the Legion of Honor, but refused it. Decorated with the order of St. Michael. As chief instigator of the overthrow of the Column Vendome in Paris AND WILMOT L. WARREN. 9 during the Commune of 1871, he was’sentenced to six months’ im- prisonment, and to bear the cost of its restoration. re avcide Rest...c 0c. c cic acess keer ess Page 32 Sie mICNG SOtTOAM,. 2... oe. ee ek tee eens sulle: Tags No. 108—Landscape near Ornans with figures......... by Peo sO Vater Landscape®... 2... cence ete eens beet DAUBIGNY (Cuartrs Francois)............. Deceased Born in Paris, 1817. Pupil of his father and Paul Delaroche, and for three years studied in Italy. Medals, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, 1867. Chevalier of the’ Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the same, 1874. Died, 1878. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Axposztion Universelle), 1878. ReomesGe oliimmers Day... 0.6... cee once eee eee eee Pave 32 fee andscape, Sunset)... 6.0... 6 ee tee SG PU LACS CADE. 4 i ens ck on dv ce ede een adie AERC) PatemmnMeenCDTILEHIC CISC i. 6c is cg ca es bob ae Shs oem et se ts Re ISO Gt se grees ia Fk Spee eo Sd eae Sd e wboy win 6 AD Mowpeo-—oumimer Landscape... .. 2... sews e cece ee on Se No. 134—Mill and Landscape .......... Pe Neiee Ratatat oe APT: Wert istGs NY (KaRt-PIERRe) .... 02. ee Say Deceased Born, 1846. Son and pupil of C. F. Daubigny. Medals, Salon, 1868, 1874. Hors Concours. Died, 1886. No, 20—Sumnset........- rh eh Ds ee ee Page 29 DECAMPS (ALEXANDER GABRIEL),........... Deceased Born in Paris, 1803 Died, 1860. Pupil of Abel de Pujol, David and Ingres. Traveled in the East in 1827, after which he devoted himself to painting Oriental subjects. Medals, 1831. 1834. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1839. Officer of the same, 1851. Rema Days in: Alciersy ou. fede ce ceed ee yees ae ee Page 30 SIS EI on hy ee ela Ast tiaiintln # chuedny Paget sae i 30 No. 113—Passing by on the Other Side........... SPA andl 646 flows t2--Good Samaritans. 5. .5<. 4.6. sen fie ies oe 10 COLLECTIONS OF ELMER H. CAPEN DREUX (Aterep-ney} e072 ee Deceased Born in Paris, 1812. Died, 1860. Pupil of Léon Cogniet. Medals, 1834, 1844, 1848. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1857. No. 33--RunningF ree. ess. 1 oe oe Page 32 DELACROIX (Ferrp, Vicror Evetneé)........ Deceased Born in Charenton, near Paris, 1799. Died, 1863. Pupil of Guérin. Exhibited in 1822 his Dante and Virgil, which won great reputation for him. Medals, Paris, 1824, 1848. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1831. Officer of the same, 1846. Coi- mander of the same, 1855. Member of the Institute of France, 1857. s No.’ 32——-The Bath... 2 .c...055 8 2, ue Page 31 No. 114—Martyrdom of St. Stephen..:....-. gee meer |: DELAROCHE (Pau) 0... e052. eee Deceased _ Bornin Paris, 1797. Died, 1856. Studied under Watelet and Baron Gros. Received Great Gold Medal, 1824. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1828. Officer of the same, 1834. Member of the Institute of France, 1832. Honorary Member of the Acad- emy of Amsterdam. No. 88—Music Lesson. 00.2. se. on each Page 43 DE METZ (L’Enrant) 202.00) oes Paris No. 35—Children’s Concert.5 5 50 ite Page 32 DIAZ DE LA PENA (Narcissz Vireirz).... Deceased Born in Bordeaux, 1809, of parents who had been banished from Spain on account of political troubles. At ten years of age Diaz was left an orphan, and at fifteen he was apprenticed to a maker of porcelain, where his talent first displayed itself. He quarreled with and left his master, and subsequently spent several years in most bitter poverty. After his ability as a most wonderful colorist AND WILMOT L. WARREN. II had been recognized, Diaz painted and sold many pictures, en- deavoring, by the accumulation of a fortune, to avenge the poverty of his youth He died in Paris from the sting of a viper in 1876. Medals in 1844, 1846, 1848. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1851. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Zxposztion Universelle), 1878. Mommie raucvand Narguetite, .....2.,.-.552. -Feeee- Page 29 Dre ELOUVETS |. c. . sous Sh Pav cena dg eae pee heeer eae pana eee benind the Scenes. 2... eee ee tee the? ah DNGwtO7—F lowers............+. TED A ee Seno CS ee ae Mere -—tacher and Ghild) oc. 20 ..)de- cee eeee coins ae a Mee Gustive PAUL)... gee ee ee cee Deceased Born in Strasburg, 1833. Died in Paris, 1883. Went to Paris when fifteen years of age and began contributing sketches to illus- trated periodicals. First exhibited at Salon in 1848. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1861. Officer of the same, 1879. Also showed great ability as a sculptor. NG 7o0-—L-andscape...-.... 0.006... Me a terares te rant iale Page 41 DUPRE Be LOTS ax oral sc vip bette ate ge 6 fics rs Deceased: Born in Limoges, 1816. Brother and pupil of Jules Dupre. Medals at Paris, 1849, and Philadelphia, 1876. IE ISO A OG io g ales patos eiaas 2 at woe auete legis ders Page 25 Bers ta). a oe ae eee Paris Born at Nantes, 1812. When a boy he studied design in the porcelain manufactory of his father, but soon turned his attention to landscape painting, and made his a@édut at the Salon, 1831. Medal, 1833. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1849. Medal (Exposition Universelle), 1867. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. No. 59—Autumn Landscape..........-.:..scereceees: Page 37 No. 96—Fishermen’s Home................-esseeeeees 45 No. 154—Early Morning on the Coast........... ....- 56 12 COLLECTIONS OF ELMER H. CAPEN FROMENTIN (Eveine). (0) 02. eee Deceased Born in La Rochelle in 1820. Died, 1876. Pupil of Rémond and Cabat.. He was the author of a successful romance, also of several works of art and travel. Medals, 1849, 1857, 1859. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1859. Officer of the same, 1869. No, 76—-Court- Yard - 0005 a = ae ny aya Page 40 No, 149—The Charge... 02 i.30. 6.0 ts ee heel FULLER: (GEORGE). ©. 01S ee Deceased Born at Deerfield, Mass., 1822. Died in Boston, 1884. Studied in Boston, New York, and London. Traveled on the Continent. Elected A. N, A., 1853. Memorial Exhibition of his works was held at Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1884. No. 97--Boy's Head. peo 18 une os eee pahee ee 87 Page 45 GABRIEL (Paut JosrpH ConsTanTINE). No. 11—Landscape . ....2. 540 sy 30d =? ok 5 ee Page 27 GERICAULT (Jean Louis ANDRE THtovore). Deceased Born in Rouen, 1791. Died at Paris, 1824. Pupil of Carle Vernet and of Guérin. In 1817, after serving in the army for three years, he went to Italy and studied in Rome and Florence. His Raft of the Medusa, now in the Louvre, was loudly denounced by the critics, but its exhibition in London brought the artist a small fortune, and, on his return to Paris, a Gold Medal. No. .21--White Horse...) 2. a, ere Page 29 No. 27—Stable Interior). 25... 02. 224 ose eae No. ro6—Stable Scene: 22.4.0. 5155s geet ee ee GEROME, (Jkan Litton)... Paris Born at Vesoul, France, 1824. Went to Paris in 1841, and entered the studio of Paul Delaroche, at the same time following the course of 1’ Ecole des Beaux Arts. In 1844 he accompanied Delaroche to Italy. He made his début at the Salon of 1847. In AND WILMOT L. WARREN. 13 1853 and 1856 he traveled in Egypt and Turkey, studying closely the history and customs of those countries. Medals, Paris, 1847, 1848, 1855 (Lxposttion Universelle). Medal of the Institute, 1£65. Medal of Honor (Zxposittion Universelle), 1867. Medals of Honor, 1874. Medal for Sculpture and one of the eight Grand Medals of Honor (Zxposition Universelle), 1878. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1855. Officer of the same, 1867. Commander, 1878. Chevalier of the Order de l Aigle Rouge, and member of the Institute of France, 1878. Professor in /’Ecole des Beaux Arts. PRETO OUINENS (CUTTING oo. oe arene vp ied niece leds Page 46 GUDIN (jJzan ANTOINE THEODORE).,.0 0,-2.0). 005 Paris Born in Paris, 1802. Pupil of Girodet-Trioson. Medal, 1824. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1828. Officer of the same, 1841. Commander of the same, 1855. Medals, 1848, 1855 (Exposition Universelle). OR ae ESS Sa a a a) Ae Page 30 eV ES 1 (GUSTAVE) 60 i veer oes oe ere eee Paris Born in Lene 1840. Pupil of Picot, Barrias, and l’ Ecole des Beaux Arts. Prix de Rome, 1863. Medals, 1865, 1867, 1872, 1878. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1878. No. 123—In the Vosges... .........-. cess e cece een eee Page 50 PAD EL LARTIN Jo). cis beeen tie ee New York . Born in Pennsylvania. Studied two years in Italy, and sketched in South America. While in Brazil he was decorated as Chev- alier of the Order of the Rose by the Emperor. No. 78—Lake George ......-....- sees ee ee eee eters Page 41 PiPeree AU (JULES). 0... oe ec eee eet ieee Deceased Born in Paris, 1830. Died, 1879. Landscape painter of great merit. Medals, 1865-1868. No. 29—Landscape ....... 25. - sc cee e ete e een re ces cees Page 31 14 COLLECTIONS OF ELMER TH. CAPEN HUNT (WitttamM’ MORRIS) 70.0 ee Deceased Born in Brattleborough, Vt., 1824. Died at the Isles of Shoals, 1879. Studied at Diisseldorf Academy in 1846 with a view to becoming a sculptor. Later he studied in Paris under Couture, and then went to Barbizon to study with Millet, who influenced his work through life. Returned to America in 1855, and opened a studio in Newport, and a little later settled permanently in Boston. Visited Paris again in 1867. No. 12—Landscape, November Afternoon ............ Page 27 No, 26—Head iste ek wire beech soe 1. 30) No. 37-—Early “Twilight... ..%2. <2 ote aes No. 64—The Amazon .....6) 23-2) ie UE SB No. -89—Hay Field... 2 ws 58 ee sere No. 109—Newbury Pastures... 2... 7. ee Sew, 6 No. . 131 — Head... 25 sone ee ee ee pees" es Ber “52 No. 141-—Heads os ei ae oye ee INNESS (GkorGE), N.AL.. 2238 ony ee New York Born at Newburg, N. Y., 1825. Studied art in Newark, N. J., and engraving in New York. In 1846 began landscape painting as a profession, spending a month meanwhile in the studio of Regis Gignoux. Visited Europe several times for purposes of observa- tion and study, and lived in Italy from 1871 to 1875. Elected . National Academician, 1868. Member of the Society of American Artists. No. > 60—Roman Laniscape.....003. 25 34s es ee Page 37 No. 129—The Triumph of Calvary............ tS are ae a ISABEY (Louis EuGine)....2..... 2... vse eCemsed Born in Paris, 1804. Died, 1886. Pupil of his father. Medals, 1824, 1827, 1855. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1832. Offi- cer of the same, 1852. No.. 128—Brittany Village. <3. ....0 s5-. «so, ee Page 51 No. 138—Launching the Boat ....0..-. 4.4.5. ane ste wr AND WILMOT L. WARREN. 15 JACQUE (Cnarves EMILE) Nae tar ey BE ee EO, Paris Born at Paris, 1813. Early in life studied with a geographical engraver. Later, spent seven years in the army, and worked two years in England as an engraver on wood. Is famous for his etch- ings as well as his paintings. Medals, Paris, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1867. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 13867. Peveeeoeeopeenin the Fold... 2. ee ce ewe cee Page 31 ROE LEA TOTOY ALU 2. aie csi sis ns eivs ait es ain wip wae von mw nay’ eee, mei ee PII Pasture’, 0.60 om ile ee ewe et Peng & Sermeeeee mountain Flock... . 65... eee ewe ce baa 22s syasO KAULBACH (Friepricu AucusT)............-- Munich Born in Hanover, 1850. Son and pupil of Friedrich Kaulbach, afterward of Kreling at Nuremberg. Gold Medal at Berlin, 1884. Member of Berlin Academy. Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Bavaria, 1885. Gold Medals at Munich and Vienna. Demers Attle VIOLNer. oo. ences ee ne de okies Page 26 mee SCH (Prov. Evctinr)...... 22... 800... Munich Perec toridren at Play... co. wee cee eer ae hee ears ce _ Page 27 LAMBINET (Eze) £6) hs ere egret ene oe Deceased Born at Versailles, 1810. Pupilof Drdlling. Medals, Paris, 1843, 1853, 1857. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Died, 1878. No. 98—Evening Effect—The Seine at Bougival...... Page 45 Seis (Louis) cece ol es ee Deceased Born in Fort-sous-Jovarre. Studied in Paris. Died, 18—. Ie ai—Feasant’s Cottage... 1... 0.500.6-- ss eceternss Page 33 No. 75—Fishing-Boats at Bercke ............... eee rag Pierro each at Bercke . 2.25. ssc hs aeons esas aie ee No. 151—Fishermen at Bercke ...............+.-- OF ees als 16 COLLECTIONS OF ELMER H. CAPEN LAWRENCE (Sir "PHOMAS)) ii. 46 oe Deceased Born in Bristol, 1769. Died in London, 1830. Studied at the Royal Academy and became painter in ordinary to George IIT. Elected R. A. in 1794. Knighted by the King in 1815, and five years later was elected President of the Royal Academy. Cheva- lier of the Legion of Honor, 1825. Member of the Academy of St, Luke, Rome, and other foreign academies. No. 45—Portrait—Lady with a Guitar... ............. Page 34 LE ROUX (Hector) ..2.. 2. Paris Born in Verdun, December 29, 1829. Pupil of Picot. Medals, Paris, 1863, 1864, 1874. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1877. Medal (Zxfosition Universelle), 1878. His best-known picture, “The Vestal Tuccia,” is in the Corcoran Gallery in Washington. No. 81—Adoration of the Goddess Minerva by the Maidens of Athens 000... Siiny coc er chinese Page 41 LINDENSCHMITT (Prov. Witueim)........ Munich Born in Munich, 1829. Pupil of his father and of the Munich Academy. Alsostudied in Frankfort, Antwerp. and Paris. Settled in Munich in 1863, when he became Professor in the Academy. Member Berlin Academy. Gold Medal, Berlin, 1870. No. 72—Luther and Melancthon....... 7.020. Page 39 MAGNUS (Camitte) 2... 5.. a eee Paris Pupil of Diaz. No.) 15—Flowers , 2.2000) 5.030) See Page 28 No. - 74——-Landscape ¢.21.,..400) 94 1 ee $4) aD No. ‘124-——Forest. Interior»... ...) 3) Re AND WILMOT L. WARREN. 17 Pr euMweaee tee PROSPER). 8. Uo ee ee Deceased Born at Vertaizon, 1811. Died there, 1847. Landscape painter, pupil of Roqueplan Visited the East in 1831, and remained in Cairo a number of years, where the climate so ruined his health that he did not long enjoy the fame which awaited him on his return to Paris. IME ONE rie ye xp ace ssa de eh sh eva eee dade Page 38 No. 125—Roman Aqueduct, with the Atlas Moun- tains in the Distance..... Ree Pecan te = 550 MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernust)............. Paris Born at Lyons, 1815. Pupil of Léon Cogniet. First became known as an illustrator of books. Medals, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1848, 1855, 1867, 1878. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1846. Off- cer of the same, 1856. Commander, 1867.. Grand Officer, 1878. Member of the Institute, 1861. Member Munich Academy, 1867. Royal Academy, London. Ne A Oris eo Plt vkiow ss ysl vv eh Pes dau wk Page 29 WRN foserny oe ede. oo. wee elect Deceased Born at Paris, Feb. 14, 1814. Died, 1887. Pupil of Paul Dela- roche and David d’Angers. Medals, 1843, 1855, and 1858. Bere reeiets Volant. 2... ec asses op apee ee tee dee Page 57 Mi YER Uouann Geore)...........5000: ... Deceased Called, from his birthplace, Meyer Von Bremen. Born October 28, 1813. Pupil of Sohn. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850. Medals at Berlin and Philadelphia. PUM Ms SS Se ee odes v's a Pele « Cardedy peed wea en Page 33 2 18 COLLECTIONS OF .ELMER H.,.CAPEN MICHALLON ({Acuitiz EtN«) (0. .e ee Deceased Born in Paris, 1796. Died 1822. Son of the sculptor Claude Michallon, and pupil of David, Bertin, and Danouy. Won Medal, 1812, when only sixteen. Studied four years in Rome. Won the Grand Prix in 1817. Died when only 26 years of age. No. 55—Landscape:.. 0. oc. sis 2+: saevie oie ee een Page 36 MICHEL ‘(Groress)* 5.7... Deceased Born 1763. Died 1843. No, 62—Autumn Landscape:...........)..5.6 eee Page 37 No. ro2—Moonlight:......°25....45..ecech ey ae 46 No. 142—Sunset 0.002. foe ces pes 0 ee ese MILLET ‘(Jean FRANCOIS)... <5 pee ee Deceased Born at Greville, France, 1814. Pupil of Langlois at Cherbourg. The Municipality of Cherbourg gave him a small pension that he might go to study in Paris. Became pupil of Paul Delaroche in 1837, and the friend of Corot, Rousseau, Dupré, and Diaz. Medals, Paris, 1853, 1864, 1867 (Exposition Universelle). Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1868. Died, 1875. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878. No. 46—Gleaner ...43 ess0vs $244 1c Page 34 No. 48—Peasant Gathering Wood................... eos No. 135—Lessiveuse « <..:..