eat : ’ aes * : ig Neate, : ; . ot saat ah ot 7 < Ee ; aa : . bbe aTa beste 3 4 2 : : ; : : ‘ : : x seit vee 2 7 : > ety . e : f : 7 : : : cp tytiena ns aah et) eecihes 4 : ; Sine Suu se nea? : 3 fy hast te: SERENE ‘ ‘ wast eats ee o a SS ne sisees atcerh he Aa oe pe rs eee! mite win) ps an Tt str 5 Pont he boa leat ‘el a ma GUG Ve ve A oars. Sates om oa ~ ek Ba ites I end | Me dee 7 Shas ohn r ‘ i we) hs ! . ais The The Foening Post. (New York, Tuesday, March ‘81. 1908. SESS ES PICTURES OF EVERY. KIND. Brandus Sale a Potpourri of Olga and New, Good and Poor. Every winter Mr. Edward Brandus has a, -Yummage sale of the ‘pictures which have’ accumulated on his hands. He is a buyer of the widest catholicity in taste, who is determined to supply pictures. that will ‘appeal to the Lest and the meanest capac- | ity without regard to the feelings of the | “critics, who are usually outraged if an ex- hibition does not meet certain standards. | 'Fastidious persons lacking in robustness | -and tolerance will do well to avoid the col- / lection now to be seen at Fifth Avenue | ‘and Forty-fifth Street, lest among, the 164 | canvases they meet some of their special | “black beasts,’ and the’ milk of human | ‘Kindness curdle in their.breasts. Those, on | the other hand, who get amusement from | uncanny. works of art, and like to puzzle | Over conundrums in paint, those who ask | nothing better than to guess at the name | to be attributed to an old canvas, could | not do better than to pass carefully in | review the pictures Mr. Brandus has dis- | covered and kindly brought across the sea for their delectation. It is this form of | ;altruism which may ‘have influenced the | Prench government when it decreed an or- der to so’ enterprising aman. M. Brandus | is décore. | Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday eve- | nings are set aside for the auction sales | ‘to be conducted by Mr. Silo at No. 546 | Fifth Avenue. 4 It isa curiously uneven collection he | has brought together this. year, and any- | thing but uninteresting, - potpourri of the | modern, old, and primitive, of the good, bad, and indifferent. A finer example ot | Fritz Thaulow than ‘Winter Scene near | Copenhagen” has rar ely if ever been shown | | in New York. Composition, mass of color, | movement of water, wintry splendor, all -| are here in this’ really superb canvas. Caston La Touche in art is what some pe- | culiar dish, spiced with some exotic condi- | ment, is in gastronomy; four of his clever | illustrations in paint include “Recital in the Salon of Madame Réjane” and “Sunset | at Bruges.’’ The reader of ‘“‘The Last | Chapter,” like the two men listening ‘to Madame Réjane in the picture just men-_ Hon, «like ‘Castle’ contains the portraits of ‘members of the same family, a “woman, ‘that thade him the delight of the American ‘are members of his own family. They are ‘hard: work: Bie ix, Ay ol pcpeaber ined sited or > + oy t nie? Pea A, ese” » skirts” the edges of caric pwith © a. smile on his. lips. “Such picturés are in me ‘trast with favorites of a Toulmouche, _ whose © Sa, a young girl, and ° ‘two painted in that clean and well- licked sips bourgeois thirty years or so ago. And, for. a Toulmouche, it is a very good Toul-, mouche indeed. One suspects- that. these’ eertainly far and away superior to the | lackadaisical ladies in Third Empire gowns whom he used to turn out with such a methodical and conscientious brush. So) with our old friend Berne- ‘Bellecour. “L’Embarquement” 1s a Scene of cee life,- the. shipping of cavalry by rail, ~ is elaborate in its correctness to all ah details of French soldiery, whether in. full panoply or fatigue dress. Every ‘one. of the soldiers jis a separate individual, ° en portrait, in fact. One ‘sees at once | that. such faithful and expert records must please soldiers immensely, whatever - ‘the | artists may say. It represents a deal. uf It appeared at. the Salon of 1882, and at the Paris Centennial of 88, Of modern Frenchmen who are seen here in representative works, let us mention Aimé Perret, who, like Jules Breton, fol- lowed the lead of Millet, but idealized the peasant. Perret tends toward a somewhat classic vein in the heads and forms of his |. ‘women harvesters. There aré five Perrets, the same number by Adrien Schulz, a land- scapist and pupil of Hanoteau, and. no. less than eight examples of Antonio. ‘Torres, a. Spanish confectioner of, ideal. heads, who runs Carl Blenner hard. The “Ville! d’Ayray,” by Corot, is an upright ton- taining a pool, trees, female figure, and goat. It suggests atmosphere, but lacks’ the fine, pearly sky and peceeee alfa we associate with Corot. Among the primitives is a delighttul lit- tle group of Virgin, Bambino, and Angel, assigned to Mabuse. Very curious and in- meresting is the triptych painted by some) Spanish or Flemish primitive, giving in a somewhat harsh but original’ style the story. of Isaac, Jacob, and Hsau. It seems to be a genuine old piece of the sixteenth “century. The “Virgin and Child,” to whom the name of Sassoferato is appended, is another pleasant problem for those who de- light in hunting attributions; for its qual- ity makes the labor worth while. ‘It is a picture to buy on its face. If its au- thor can be ascertained, so much the bet- ? re Ane man ee flowers. by one Herman van der ‘Myn, . who is said to have lived between 1684.and 1741. Catalogues are not infallible, “however, for we have here a “Fortune Tel- ler,” by, John Ovie, which, though a more ‘than. commonly attractive portrait | ofa’ ‘young gentlewoman, is not a fortune teller, and has none of the Opie characteristics, whilewa portrait of David Garrick, the ac- tor, attributed to Sir Martin Shee, is paint- ed. in an entirely different style from that kof: the whilom president of the Royal Academy. As Garrick died when Sir Mar- tin: Was about ten years old, there must: be a mistake here. The brushwork resembles that of Allan Ramsay. | Such errors are really of far less im- “portance than some people ‘imagine. | Even ‘if Van: der Helst never could have painted this: “Duteth Woman,” that is not saying the picture is worthless. Just a pretty | problem to discover what it really is. The little group of Faun, nymph, children and‘ couchant leopards, assigned. to Martin de | -Vos;. and called for some reason ‘‘Paon et | Syrenx,” is more or less of a guess. There | is a singularly amusing portrait of a lady, ‘with the name of Lady Jane Grey painted in the margin. It seems to be attributed to Antonio Moro of Utrecht, though the catalogue says Antonis, Moro van Dashorst. lt has Hone of Moro’s traits, but for all tat is” a picture worth studying. From _the the Charlis Sedelmeyer collection come’ a “handsome portrait of a man with ‘the name of Rubens attached, and the portrait of a Pete carine a pearl necklace attributed to Van Dyck. Sir Peter Lely, Kneller, Gainsborough, Hoppner, Romney, Lawrence, Morland, and Northcote among the British, Baron Gérard, Drouais, Mignard, Philippe de Champagne, Tourniéres, Toqué, Rigaud among. the French—these are names. that do not always tally with pictures that one recognizes readily as painted by the artists hamed. On the authority of Charles Sedel- meyer a portrait is assigned to Jan van Huchtenburg. It is one of the best things here, but looks strangely modern for a work by the old battle painter of that name. Dey cadys this ‘is Fi death-bed. But for a is. not sess, sur- 4 C. DE K. “i coun ii Fifth Avenue cae _ for $32,296, | | The first session of the Edward Brandus .collection of old and new paintings at the FNfth Avenue, Art Galleries last night at-| tracted a number of individual buyers and } ‘brought prices that were at times unusu- ally good, The large majority of the can-| lyases, however, were secured by dealers. \The highest price of the session ‘was given for John Hoppner’s “Miss. Elizabeth Sufnell” by P. M. West, of Sa. Louis— $6,200, The same buyer secured for $2,200 Robert Tourniere’s ‘‘La Duchesse DD’ Or- leans.” “Mrs. Mackworth Praed,”’ by Sir | thomas. Lawrence, went to RK. Gim pel, a ‘New York dealer, for $4,100, Bouguereau’ | i“*Youth’’ was sold to Bio R. McCausland | for $3,000. | ‘ue titty-four numbers~ of the catalogue realized $32,296, Names of artists, titles of piccunes: the buyers and prices paid follow: W. Thornley; ‘‘Saint Malo,” J. A. Parker, $45. ' Adrien ‘Schulz, . ‘Pool. in. the Forest: of on- tainebleau,’’ J. A, Parker, $110, Sir William Beechey, ‘‘Mrs. Vernon, Louis Katz, | $145. | Robert A eee “Madame de Montlucon,’’ | Mrs. B, R. Ladew, $225. leg hate Dupre, “Return Home,” J. A. Parker, $425 ojean le Duca, “‘The Troubadour,’’ KE, H. Archer, | William ‘A. Fe el i a “Youth,” By Rw), Me- Causland, $3,000. Johan “Van Huchenburg, **Portrait of | Be cc Ede, “The Little Bridge,’ 0, A. Archer, Frederic Ede, ‘Shepherd and His Wlock,’? $150. Frederic Bde, ‘The Stream Through the Feilds, if S. Russel (agent), $190, | Francois (Baron) Gerard, ‘Madame Recamier,’? | | BH. Gimpel, $1,400. | Pierre ‘Mignard, **Queen, Marie Therese, Wife of | | Louis XIV.,’' L, A. iLanthier, $180, “Le Chevalier Maltais, “Still (bite,’? $95. . George Romney, ‘‘Lady Hester Amelia De Burgh, | Sister of the Whirteenth HMarl. of Clarnicarde,’” | P. M. West, $1,050. ' Emile Levy;, ‘*‘Peasant ‘Girl from the Roman | ECampania,’’ J, Ls Newborg, $160. | eperd Teniers, ““Dutch Interior,” J. A. Adams, indifference’ ; hather | $1 Hyacinth Rigaud, “La Duchesse de Lesdi oe Dee “Doula XIII. Herald,” A. Stine Tg, 1 Lazerges, ‘‘Arab,’? $100. Woman. with Flowers, "* W. WwW. Sir Thomas Veta Ae Gimpel, $4,100. es id M. West, $2, aia $6,200. tae Jan Van Maluse, “The Vin with the I bucan Anas a Wao: sone aaa S| Antonio” TD. Ni Nicholson ae “The Hoigvbates? wae Jd. A, , “David Garrick,” Mrs, B, R. a Leloir, “The Rose,” George F. OBE tries Jacquet, ‘The Letter,’ H, baie Herman. Van’ Der Myn, Portrait of a Young Robertson, 820, “Greenhouses,” J. J. omas, ‘Mrs. Mackworth Praed,”” “The Love Song,’ J, Herresa, coh Ourbut Francois, ‘‘Portrait of the Duc @’Alen- Afterward Henti Ill., King of France,’’ oan $125, Robert, sce “La Duchese d’Orleans,” P, “Miss Elisabeth Sufnell,” P.M, avery Henry Hazvlow, R. Bho s ce Aaa 2. Carter, Toca ance Cay son ‘Denis de is XV age 1729, diet 17 C. BL. Blod- Frits’ Thaulow, 75. Gustave J acquet, Jolin ‘egopner, “Countess of se ey Prkey Cousin of Barcelona,’ \! tonic ‘saat ie, *y: = venereal 4p DEALER AS GET MOST UF BRANDUo WORKS ) Psintines ae eet Session Draw Large Attendance | and Good Prices, Forty-eight catalogue numbers at the sale of paintings of the Hdward Brandus collection in the Fifth Ayenue Art Gailer- les Jast night realized $53,570, making a total for the two sessions of $65,867. The attendance and the prices were: good. As at whe preceding session, the (most: important of the .works were se- j cured by dealers. prea Re top figure, given by PJohn Ly. Briggs / $3,000, was for. George Romney’ $s (“Lady Hamilton.’ Immediately: after it ‘Louis Ralston, a dealer, secured B,J. | | Blommer’s “Maternal Love.”’ ) Phe next highest figure was $2,850, given ‘hy George \Arrajo ‘for Hmile. Van. Marcke’s jCattler’ oS. Mldridge, “with $15550, \ got . Hoppner’s ,, Miss Adam.” “The “Duchess of Bourgogne,” by Pierre- ut nard, went to Charles D. Hyde. for -$1,1 Names of artists, titles of pictures, buy- erg and the prices paid follow : Haquette’s ‘Old Dieppe Fisherwoman,’’ ¥, ; “Carmen,” lu. Brenckmeier, $205, > Torres?’ “The Belle ie ‘Tarragona,’ Samuel Me “Elizabeth, \L. A. Lanthier, $400. a | BHide’s ‘The ghhee: Loing: et: $180. ssid ‘s *Autumn,” HB. | ide’ : ‘River Scene,’’ (W.A. | “Ootes’’ “Portrait ‘of. Miss | Babcock, $425. fete Vos’s “Paon et. Syrens,"” Vestier’s “Madame de> Colana are mer, $300. Van.'Couwer’s “View at Lotti Evans, $140, : iS Gee “Girl with Pet Col Li ne | Ribera’s “‘The Anatom G (hula Tocque’s *‘Peter the thins of Russia,’ t. | Lanthier, ne ee _Archer, $550. ie | Lagrenee’ s. “The Clemency of Coriolan, ON, Ww. Leavitt, $500. hag apnmenchrs “The Card Castle,” Welix Fourea, | “Street at Dinan,” J. A, Parker, Hopnner' ‘proud ie “ee ed tis erret’s Ou er is Parker, $560. a a Ferset’s “Sunset in the. Fields, ars 1 Foes Clay’ s *‘Marine,’? R. 'W. ‘Cameron, pes Comte’s “The Dancing . Lesson,” ‘ta | “Mrs. Clark,” °Mrs. “D. J. ‘Sigiming, sy iepant 8s “‘Duchess de Bear ras Bile ae. gogn ne Charles. D.| Harlow’s az V M ta: Cattl G nEe AtroI0, $2, an Marcke’s ‘‘Cattle)*> a ae an,” HL | SO2H. Tournieres’ “Madame: Bhogal ok 3 | se i { i oO Roslin’ 3. ‘‘Madame D’Azincourt,”’ - Louis ‘Kats,|_ Mationonits \(tdend England,” J. 5, Mi itchell, $425, Flinck’s ‘Portrait of a Man - Pea.) body, S610. Detti’s “Troubadour,” @, C. Muir, $1 at, . re Ty i cy ‘Mule, de Lavalliete,” ws ose “Virgin and Child, ut Lest Katz, Lapgrenée’s ‘‘Eimpress Elizabeth, 78> au ie Cus- ter. $1,300. Talero’s ‘Young Greek Gin,” oe Me Parker, $105. hier, | cus eu “Countess ’ of Falmouth,” Digs 8 “Marquise ‘de ‘Serilly,” Robert K Hut-| ton, $ Latouche’s ‘OA re at Bruges.’” agent \ $475. eae s “The Last. Chapter,’* Luis Calderon, | Lae en “Lady Hamilton,” John. Ke Briggs, | oy 00 Blommers'’s ‘Maternal Lore,” Louis “Ralston, | $1.40. iy Migaatd’ *s “‘Portrait of Mme, eA Presidente de | Maison,’? A. Andrews, $150. Goupil’s ‘The New Purchase,’? LL. Davila, $350. Peta s ‘Duchesse de “Montmor ency,’’ ~agent, | OOG: ee 3 ‘‘Scene in Holland,” George F, Carter, | “Daphnis et Chioce,”’ P. ‘Delaye, $750. Van Dyck’s “La -Femme au Collier de Perles,”” R. Gimpel. $2,200. Leloir’s ‘Ta’ Derniere Gerbe. Ton Jewitt, $700, | Bellauger’s Smaak Ede’s ‘“‘Landscape,’’: FL (A. Vanderlip, $185 Wrederic Hide’s “Creek, nk A. Parker, anksls Telpy's “Meadows,’’ ort $250, The sale will be continued to- day. aes - CATALOGUE Ay ' OF THE (AZ COLLECTION ¢), OF Modern and Ancient Paintings BELONGING TO MR. EDWARD BRANDUS TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION On WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS, AT 8.30 APRIL 1ST, 2D AND 3D, 1908 FirtH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 546 FIFTH AVE. AND 45TH ST. WHERE THE COLLECTION WILL BE ON EXHIBITION Sunday, March 29th, from 2 to 6, and following days and evenings until the Time of Sale The Sale will be conducted by Mees P. SILO, -. - * = -,. =, AUCTIONEER Se CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent., or the whole of the purchase money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and risk within 24 hours after the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. No checks received unless certified. 5. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description or imperfection, and no warranty what- ever is made. All Articles are sold just as they are, without recourse. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be re- moved during the Sale. 7. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. 8. Our record of Sales in all cases final. 9. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or priate Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) at- tending such resale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such resale, if he thinks fit. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer ROBERT TOURNIERES MADAME DE MONTLUCON No. 6 foto Cl LON OF Ancient and Modern Paintings BELONGING TO Mr. EDWARD BRANDUS FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 546 FIFTH AVE. AND 45TH ST, New YORK Ou art sets wie pct - ; i P - f et ed Ps ‘ ‘ a . t ~. : y ¢ : 75 Sat ; +€ * # J ; F tae i % 5 ~ F x ’ 7 init = * c : : + ~ } r ahs j - i LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED IN THIS CATALOGUE ae 4 Catalogue Oa eh SEG LIE G8 Gir So Ss AG a aR 5, 66 eRe ee Ree ee i de wee es es ee ee ee a 108 So ae gs) ST OS Sop ls i dec ee ga 162 ETAT em SP i aM ia clg VA o's se Fo wey a ya wes 103 ee GeV NIT Ge ek eee os eee cd baa lees aes 13 Te eae hg. x ia coo g skews ngs tgs ye eS 142 I et A, ie se as Eels See a ew 85 NM I a gh ee ae ts Gs ne wg Se kn ie a eo es 123 Te et hn aie as hooey oe beanie gie eee eae we 86 MRE pa a gies sna blsce ak wie ole eine 6S 33, 156 Re tee pry eg i an bo We ties woes ce ea eels oes 70: I I rt ere sions diag veda et te ey make es eh ets 121 RT eee ig ks vale nS aR eae ee os 19 RE LCS nis cine co gin ks tesa vols we be ed ae gs 137 EE reenter le cg as He vee tba eee ba em ents 20 Eemreipatie RI ppe ss ice ee cee ee eee ee bene 128 ME CO Go alee f FA a Gwe ow 8 ov ew oi 41, 92, 158 TS EA ai pe a a lth Piet Ss 71 We 1S; 0 Pies ees ee so a I ees oP ee NE deren Ee Gee 900 Ctr pate se is wi sv ve So nw oom aptewreye comms Il Pee ePrederic ci us ee 22, 23. 24, 07, 08; 06,1 116,717, 118 TN tei hie wii gas cock ew bk ie ala mere 97, 130 Re Bere ae Ie orc sy so ali gae 8 BH! 4m, win woo RER Real 6m to OY ainsoorouen, oir [homas. 6.) J... 6. Re a calistans wens I14 RS TE NOMIC OLS ey icix sich mpgs ocak A Gia m eine Dee wae 25 ECS 0S RNS San Se nis Pir erat nena rere Sei ir ea arate Q, 105 RAPER AINE ee isthe eck Pisce Cea ce OS Wk wiem ne oon es II5 a ere he es se or fe hy eek Pia in we ns gly 144 (ny ST Re a AGS aaa ea ne alegre eg a a 8 RSS eGR roe rt paca arn ire geo nreede era are 55 Nos. in «Catalogue Harlaw;- GeGrre eS Se noe Et 50, 74 ree Hilliard, Ns 2.5 be Sage as Ge Se eee 159 Hogarth, -Wilhant=. os 305> eae cr ee 161 Hoppner: J Onn SN Se et ea ee 49, 82 Jacquet, -Gustave® 000 oye ecco s Ss 40 Jacquet, Maurice..... Ieee Gees aces SSS es 39, 95, I13 Kaniiniann, Angelica: 3.2 eee ee Leutne eee 146 Kneller, Sir> Godfrey. 5252 wat ee ee ues Kratke; “Lois: 22260 ie oe os oe oe el 16 Las bouche, Gaston. sc sis ae ee eee 100, IOI, 153, 154 Lawrence, Sir Thomas... Ss ae ee, 45 Lagrenée Louis: 8) an eee 17, 70, 96,133 Lazerge, Joo 06 ceca dann no ee Se 2 LeDuc, Jean)... oie Aa be. Ee oe 12 Lely, .Sir- Peter ios c.c oes sea tose 0 we see 98 Ly Epinay, Gowen a. See ee 141 Deloir A. Decco. oo oe ee is ee ee ln ca oe 38 Leloir,’ Mautice 2.00 IIo Levy; Bens ss inns 2 ee ace oe el 29 Print, Banks acess 0's 0 on ecaiece sme eis 5 epee 18 Maltais, Le; Chevaliers. 2... cs noe, ee 27, 152 Matigonon,-Ag-.. 63 2.4 2 sa ane oe se Se _ 90, 134 Mege;: Sic. oc. 20s baa ete ay ear eo Sera co Nicnard,= Pierre... occas cpene eae ere 26, 88, 93,.104, 147 Mortand, :George ood sa ee ae as 2) ue 149 Northcote, J. ok win 2 bo oases wa eee ne 10 Ombrienne,: Ecole 4 sec. fos 55. oe as nas os ee 21 Opie; Jobin 3562 oe . 32, 87, 132 Qudry; Jo. By. i. ee wes hn aoa CR ee 145 Palma, G. Vecchtosiiics cc se a 138 Perret, Aimé 2)... S555 540 7 ee eee 35, 36, 83, 84, 140 Pourbus,> Foo ae a ee ee ee 47, I51 Quentin-Latour;: Meo 22. tsi oe ee oo 34 Riberra,: Y.-F. os. eco ee ee 75 Richet, Jos. os. sve aces ke Ha 31 Rigaud, Hy os.) cpu sei hae ea 40, 136 Romney, Georges. acc see's once culties eo pigumg eseee leat Roslin, A. v5 2. 3:0 4G oO ALR Bee 2 ee 89 Roybet,) Feo Lee ee eke 143 Nos. in Catalogue CS ege Eee s Sr ceil aches Chace vb one 135, 163, 164 a art ee el eG ne. spare calc dw cs ne we 04 eS oA INC lee a oe a a 3 iA, = 02,7 035-04 Gc on oi oo et ke hee pee 37, 15 Ss SE ire a ee ar Ii en See Ga es iva Sings ee ce seed ees 59 i NP are y Sols sie ev ede teat near ds 30 DGS DEN gh i Se a ea rr ra 44, 107, 160 RO VN ead MR di Gx oc ld eave 4 0 4 2 aos Poel lil, 112 WEA ee IVOUINS ge eg ken ow is kk Se keke 51, 65, 76, 106 POT res oA GC Csc cme. Bee Seca eis 53, 54,56, 57, 58, 125, 120, 127 SNR eh iv cute devs iacveess 80 Rete es RODCTL. Go. hee ho eve ee keine es 6, 48, 78, 155 RMT EN neal. eg cies bs kvic ss sche ie dae e's 73 ES RT SI EEO ple a 137 ced Sitar ie ohrg 5 a fete gb ates einca dine oh eae ve os 109 Se OU ag ack we ie see ew in a spo ee sale oe ea' - 61 a IS Vea AREGS Eonar at ies a eg a 139 SS Oe ee ee ae 43 Peres ree UhS, he 6 cris eerie de Fein vs buses bance 14 ee AEs ey Soieiert Wing saree Cw baw shea da wees 12 RSS loc aw ide oa ee eee ee UR Ue a eee aaa d! 52 eter atCKe oa ee ee fe RSE BOO GREE SRP gen a IC ea 77 IONE Nga sg le dixie Sud Kee sb pv a vows vee ous bil 120 RE ee ft ss gh ova FOR eds Ca ewe ee ea pe Mea 8 ree Ct NAC AIC on an ha o's bv did Si wle caw ae ed 15 ee ge AS chek eos bag VaR Oa Rate 148 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4st, 1908 FIRST EVENING SALE OF THE COLLECTION OF MR. EDWARD BRANDUS IN THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 546 Fifth Avenue, cor. 45th Street AT 8.30 P.M. W. THORNLEY Born in England, he has made his home in Paris. He paints mostly scenes along the north coast of France and his work is greatly appreciated by art connois- seurs. 1 _ SAINT MALO (Water Color) Height 11% inches; width 18 inches W. THORNLEY Born in England, he has made his home in Paris. He paints mostly scenes along the north coast of France and his work is greatly appreciated by art connois- seurs. Hes STREET AT DINAN (Water Color) Height 17% inches; width 12 inches q 4 ADRIEN SCHULZ Paris Pupil of Hanoteau Ge is a close student of nature; his works show many of the qualities of Diaz, and they find a ready sale among the admirers of the Barbizon School and its followers. 3 ROAD THROUGH THE FOREST OF FONTAINEBLEAU Height 15 inches; width 22 inches yo se & se, i dh Ce poe POOL IN THE FOREST \ w OF ’ FONTAINEBLEAU Height 20 inches; width 26 inches SIR WILLIAM BEECHEY 117531830 . MRS. VERNON x _ Height 3o inches; width 25 inches ere | me HE ie or 3 Zan tier , | . ene | | oe Na) 2 & ES ieee ¥ ig es) : i O pais viet : ue ema lG sae i Cty, | a Ie : | : S hes; 21 inc ight 1€ H YOUNG GIRL eight 20 inches ; width 17 inches _ ey 17831822 | , . + EF Yes: s ‘ nf JULES GOUPIL Paris Pupil of Ary Scheffer Received First Class Medal Salon 1875 FLORAL OFFERING Height 12 inches; width 1o inches NORTHCOTE, R. A. i _ Height 32 inches ; width 26 inches” » es es" afin a ie me oe >. r) NP z h an Coad a4 7 = ~ a teal - it ght 18 Ss ie . fh nche ij i He width 29 inches > ? hes 34 in va eight re) ea WILLIAM A, BOUGUEREAU 1825—I905 13 YOUTH Height 35 inches; width 25 inches; dated 1905 MO We 50 JOHAN VAN HUCHTENBURG 16460—1733 14 PORTRAIT OF A MAN Height 32 inches; width 25% inches: Charles Sedelmeyer Collection * -” 2 width : . > Leight 29 inches i ‘ s 4 . ] 4 ie ie ls RTIN SHEE SIR MA MM = 2 f < O = > < A hes , 1805 inc 7 we RY ea”) a oO Se ae N a width 42 “ ea F THE TWO EMPERORS TING O VAT: PRESBOURG ght ¥ lei ore se V aN Ae : i] % 4 Ay YAN - ‘ Ne / \ ‘I 3 \ ball) * LOUIS LAGRENEE od y= 1724— 1805 17 MADAME DE SAINT AUBIN Celebrated Actress Height 32 inches; width 25 inches. HILD _ VIRGIN AND C inch He width 20 inches. ’ es ht 27 S Ue -, OF ‘PORTRAIT * . ma. ht NDRE GABRIEL DECAMPS. io | f | 2 18031860 3 CHILD AND HORSE | 3 ne Height 1 5 inches; width 18 inches , rom the Galleries of Messrs. Chaine & Simonson ~s , Are ty VIRGIN A = Es "by 3 an FREDERIC EDE Paris Born at Ottawa, Canada. He studied in Paris under . Bouguereau and Robert-Fleury. In 1893, at the Co- lumbian Exposition in Chicago he received medal of honor, Frederic Ede is an artist of exceptional talent whose works will live. -_ THE LITTLE BRIDGE Height 13 inches; width 16 inches SHEPHERD AND HIS FLOCK - Height 23 inches : width 29 inches THE STREAM THROUGH THE FIELDS Height 22 inches; width 29 inches t i zu & Pye \ ‘ ne i% » 2 d £ 2f eh é FRANCOIS (BARON) GERARD Paris 1770—1830 25 MADAME RECAMIER Height 55 inches; width 42 inches Collection Bernard Franck, Paris pes oe 1610—169 co eee 4 “> espe PEN MARIETHERESE = °° Wife of Louis XIV [ey ‘Height 30 inches ; width 25 inches Pe ot aaa se a { LE CHEVALIER MALTAIS (About 1670) 2 STILL LIFE From the Gaillard Collection Place Malesherbes, Paris Height 52 inches; width 72 inches hs GEORGE ROMNEY 1734—1802 28 LADY HESTER AMELIA DE BURGH Sister of the Thirteenth Earl of Clarnicarde Height 30 inches; width 26 inches oo nme Z I z i 3 it : 5 Li adh iW ad fa 4 > pS Nt Fy 5 a hae, t\ rey a 4 Fad : Xd 1M ia he ip EMILE LEVY Paris 1826—189g0 Gold medallist of the Paris Salon. Chavalier of the Legion of Honor 29 | PEASANT GIRL FROM | THE ROMAN CAMPANIA Height 46 inches; width 36 inches vID TENIERS | A _— 3 The Younger eight 19 hes inc ? hes inc ‘” width 25 max sis nee ae Oi ee aah S ade ms Beat 31 LEON RICHET Panis 1839—1907 Pupil of Diaz FARM IN NORMANDY Height 22 inches; width 32 inches _ FORTUNE TELLER fe OHN OPIE o hes 5 inc - sht 36 i Heig width 28 inches sl ik eacAA COICO 2, Sees % 2 BY * Ss nches 5 i aor Height 9} HYACINTHE RIGAUD LA DUCHESSE DE LESDIGUIERES No. 40 oS nches aE hes” ine dth 19 wi ° ? 24 ght : AIME PERRET — Paris Received a number of medals at the Salon and was made: a member of the Legion of Honor. The Minister of Art has bought many of Perret’s works for the Musée du Luxembourg and for museums in other cities, and one of his paintings was acquired by the city of Paris. Aimé Perret is called the painter of the happy and prosperous peasants, while Millet painted the very poor toilers of the fields. There are French critics who predict that history will place the name of Aimé Perret in the same class with that of Rous- seau, Corot, Millet and all the great artists who have p \p 7 M shown us the poetry, the joys and sorrows of the Nant fields and their eternal beauty. His paintings are in ue es many prominent collections in this country, The ae “ {% owner of this collection has had no greater success. \\ a | (> ~ with the works of any other artist. \ ; bd IN THE FIELDS OF BARBIZON Height 24 inches; width 20 inches a2 36 THE HARVESTERS’ MEAL Height 24 inches; width 20 inches ‘ : » ‘ ’ “ ) * ¥ = £. . “ » > Nt: ; . : “ * . - 4 oar . — saa ches i dth 27 5 wi inch ae , Sie ae ? # @ 6230 # “ S424 f & e F a BY = aj < a a Seo 3 5 E & 3 et z BS) 2s Ani Ye é cant re, a i Pay Fy 8 2 - z Z tf i a 2 F Ls os, % i? ¥ ALEXANDRE LOUIS LELOIR Paris Received the Prix de Rome, 1861, Medals Paris Salon. Legion of Honor 38 THE ROSE Height 30 inches; width 20 inches E LETTER width 26 inches ~ . ’ hes 32 ine ht ® HYACINTHE RIGAUD 1659—1734 40 LA DUCHESSE DE LESDIGUIERES Height 36 inches ; width 28 inches Rood (vo: 30° CESARE DETTI Paris Born in Rome, studied in the St. Lucca Academy. His work is well known in this country by his pictures in the New York Metropolitan Museum and famous private collections. He exhibits in the Paris Salon and is “Hors Concours.” 41 LOUIS XIII HERALD Height 29 inches ; width 22 inches 42 1843, 1848, | on the edals Paris Sal M Legion 42 Ww hes aa “A 1N1C Height 6. mene MABUSE THE VIRGIN AND THE INFANT 52 . No inches wit th 28 ae Pa AIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN afi » Ine « ny _ WITH FLOWERS $3 t 36 1m wi 7 th * + . y | GREENHOUS =: ht 21 inches i e int eee i § aX / ay © ry ay Fad 4 gs ae : ; ra ¥ Ps M4 vd — | = am ‘ & H oe J 3 's Lae - = SIR TFHOMAS LAWRENCE 1769—1830 45 MRS. MACKWORTH PRAED Height 50 inches ; width 40 inches Rushton Hall Collection, Northamptonshire GUSTAVE JACQUET Paris Medals Paris Salon 1868, 1875, 1878. Legion of Honor 1879 46 THE LOVE SONG Height 28 inches; width 24 inches POURBUS FRANCOIS 1545—1581 4% PORTRAIT OF THE DUC D’ALENCON Afterwards Henri III, King of France Height 18 inches; width 15 inches ih af LA DUCHESSE D’ Height 40 inches: a ‘ 5 H 4 A 4 3 fi i AM x et i ’ wi © i ae H a 3 ; ‘7 A) ‘gs vo} . fr. gia’ se ied ~ 7) Aj a ne d ] é a , £3 i : #3) gh Af Fr ge & i £ ~ al JOHN HOPPNER 1759—I1810 49 MISS ELISABETH SUFNELL Daughter of William Sufnell, Esq., of Langleys, Buck- inghamshire. Married August 1, 1797, to Sir Thomas Pilkington, Seventh Baronet, died 1841. Portrait painted in 1798. Left four heirs. This portrait belonged to her second daughter, Miss Anna Pilkington. Height 30 inches : width 25 inches Georges Petit Galleries GEORGE HENRY HARLOW, R. A. 1787—1819 aQ COUNTESS OF ESSEX Height 32 inches; width 25 inches Rushton Hall Collection, Northamptonshire Ca Hl : THE TROUBADOUR No. 92 ‘lcs : LOUIS Sitng Ai 5 I - ‘ , 4, ; ; » ; d re é I a FRANCE fainting engraved by Thomassin. Volar abe: af i 7 ‘ JAN VAN MABUSE 1470—I541 52 THE VIRGIN WITH THE INFANT AND AN ANGEL Height 36 inches; width 23 inches From the collection of Charles Sedelmeyer . € ANTONIO TORRES Was born at Tarragona, Spain, in 1874; he studied in the art schools of Barcelona and in the Julian Academy, Paris. At present he spends the winter months at Barcelona, where he finds the charming models for his “Ideal Heads,’ while from May to November he has a studio in Paris. Torrés paints “beautiful,” he is gifted with a rare talent and he is steadily im- proving. The owner of these pictures has so much confidence in Torrés as a coming great man that he has agreed to buy everything he paints. Height 24 inches; width 18 inches MIGNON ‘Height 24 inches; width 18 inches SECOND EVENING THURSDAY, APRIL 2d, 1908 AT 8.30 P.M. G. HAQUETTE Paris Received Medals Paris Salon . O+% OLD DIEPPE FISHERWOMAN Height 22 inches; width 18 inches Henri Fouquier Collection THE BELLE OF TARRAGONA _ . Q* Height 37 inches; width 29 inches a8 SWEET AIRS Height 32 inches ; width 26 inches DER SEE nches oi 3 det i t SIR GODFREY f 0 60 . ’ Height 36 inches FRANCOIS DROUAIS LA MARQUISE DE SERRILLY No. 99 ADRIAN : b + | (See Note Number 62 | AUTUMN ae JF 0 : eee 19% chess width 26 ine eh A 1753—1839 ELIZABETH COUNTESS OF WINTERTON Height 30 inches; width 25 inches Collection McLean, London ons FREDERIC EDE Paris (See Note Number 22) 67 THE RIVER LOING ? NEAR MONTIGNY Height 26 inches; width 27 inches 68 AUTUMN Height 24 inches; width 29 inches 69 RIVER SCENE Height 24 inches; width 29 inches sme 1726—1770 70 width 25 inches . ’ Height 30 inches Collection Thomas McLean, London ~ ~ peyeteas J" page 3 a height 19 inches : width 2 5 inches 72 MADAME DE COLANDE _ f Height 25 inches ; width 30 inches ee : 3 ss ae GEORGE ROMNEY LADY HAMILTON No. 102 LUTEUM ie ye oe O he t 0 sht 24 inches; width 36 inches . way maeyashy a NS Briere He collection oe ees a C ? es x 7 = ; / ‘A USSTA . LOUIS TOCQUE PETER THE THIRD OF R Born 1744 1S inches _ dth 40 wl 23 inches Collection Lemaire, Par Height 48 ne Nee inches ies 32 Petit Galler 3 idth wi 1891 ges hes = Sere heGess m t > "st ROBERT TOURNIERES 1676—1756 MADAME DE POMPADOUR width 24 inches 3 5) hes ine Height 32 TOLAN hes COR 1 dth 54, wi re 10 yy GC : EMENCY a rht 40 9°" AUGUSTE TOULM Paris | 1829—I90I . Medals Paris Salon 1852, 1859, 1861. Le f 4 so THE CARD CASTLE = Height 27 inches ; width 34 inches Exhibited in the Salon of 1861 AULOW TH FRITS SCENE IN HOLLAND 107 No 4 inches ) dth 11} ber 1) 3 : Core Or! S$ Na ag cd 3 ws ns 1s oo: S f, ater Pye af 734 nches i @ . a: ght JOHN HOPPNER 1759—1810 3 B23 MISS ADAM. wee Height 30 inches; width 25 inches ae - | ‘Welean Collection SN 83 84 AIME PERRET Paris (See Note Number 35) PROUD TOILER OF THE FIELDS Height 24 inches ; width 20 inches bad SUNSET IN THE FIELDS (J N 4) Height 32 inches; width 26 inches Brussels PAUL JEAN CLAYS — Medals Paris Salon 1851, 1868, 1878. Legion of Honor | MARINE 85 inches —s 4 Height 28 inches width 40 wy ty wis ihe = G LESSON width 24 inches vb aa we “ a MRS. CLARK | ight 36 inches h width 28 . ? He Inc & : ~~ 40 dth i . hy inches ROSLIN _ ¢ A 1718—1793 width 25% inches d Height 32 inches EMILE VERNON FULL OFSLIFE No. 120 y wn = Oo cles oO ‘=| — Ne) N r : A ars n = ie fee as aoe tee Tee oO sfc 1S} ae ‘ 32 -1615—1660 . b PORTRAIT OF A MAN hes O ne width 2 . bd Height 22 inches ces hes ne i UR width 28 a es; h | pat ‘TROUBADO Sige ee In contemporary carved frame From the Chateau of Azay le Rideau aN On oval canvas, height 36 inches; width 28 inches ; = = nches i EE): 36 os vidth Sy rle Collection — MAURICE JACQUET Paris . - eS 95 GIRL WITH MINIATURE ; : Height 24 inches; width 29 inches BO ; ras. a aes ches F RUSSIA. 4o in t i inches ; wi Be BETH O ~e ww dth 26 inches | _ & S a) me q n 2 . 4 2 & Ov N _s shes of ov an MATIGNON MANON LESCAUT No. 134 1775 E DE SERI 1727— UIS ight 30 a d = h 24 t wid ° ? inches GASTON LATOUCHE : Paris Is recognized as one of the leading artists of the modern French school. The French government has ac- = ,/) | quired several of his works for the Musée du Luxem- bourg and commissioned him to paint a number of panels for the Ministry of Agriculture. He was awarded a Gold Medal of the First Class at the ex- hibition in the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburg, 1907. ah i wont 100 ASUNSET AT BRUGES, BELGIUM Lb Belgium Height 30 inches ; width 32 inches 101 THE LAST CHAPTER Height 30 inches ; width 32 inches width 20 inches 5) Height 26 inches BERNARDUS JOHANNES BLOMMERS Dutch, 1844 103 MATERNAL LOVE Height 131% inches; width 17 inches Is -MIGNARD PIERRE 1610—1605 DE MAISON Inscribed on the right hand side of canvas. In original carved frame oe . . ~ 3 Fl On canvas, height 42 inches ; width 35 inches fh é vg JULES GOUPIL 2 5 f 4 Paris ~ ad Pupil of Ary Scheffer. Medals Salon 1873, 1874, 1875, 1878 105 THE NEW PURCHASE Height 33 inches; width 26 inches ~ 106 DUCHESSE DE MONTMO x width 32 in inches ’ ‘ht 42 el H ee ee , KAUFFMANN ay POETRY ANGELIK No fo, % a Hei FE z CAMILLE FELIX BELLANGER Paris 2 = 3 £ % & & Pupil of Cabanel and Bouguereau. Medallist of the Salon. Hors Concours 108 DAPHNIS ET CHLOE Height 56 inches; width 42 inches A. VAN DYCK 1599—1641 109 LA FEMME AU COLLIER DE PERLES Collections Baron Blanc (Chateau de Chancy), Charles Sedelmeyer Height 19 inches; width 13 inches ; ) \ h ; F 0 ss ; XQ : ~ 7 ) MAURICE LELOIR / Paris Received medals at the Paris Salon 110 ' LA DERNIERE GERBE (The Last Sheaf) Height 110 inches; width 71 inches Exhibited in the Paris Salon of 1882; No. 1637 in the catalogue THIRD EVENING FRIDAY, APRIL 3d, 1908 AT 8.30 P.M. W. THORNLEY (See Note Number 1) 111 THE OLD BRIDGE AT DINAN (Water Color) Height 1144 inches; width 171% inches 112 SMALL STREET AT SAINT MALO (Water Color) Height 1134 inches; width 171% inches 55. ‘ OD MAURICE JACQUET Paris Son of the well-known engraver, Jules Jacquet. A promising young artist whose “Ideal Heads” have already become popular. 113 YOUNG GIRL Height 26 inches; width 21 inches THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH 4 D ag 727—1788 | eee 114 DR. HAVILAND Height 30 inches ; width 25 inches Collection Charles Sedelmeyer, Paris Pupil of Bonnat, Medall AN ay ee | RECONNAIS Height 27 inches ; width 21 { ale i ad ~ WINTERHALTER THE DUCHESS OFVKE ATL No. 148 FREDERIC EDE Paris (See Note Number 22) 116 THE WOODEN BRIDGE Height 18 inches; width 22 inches 117 ON THE RIVER LE RU Height 21 inches; width 29 inches 118 SPRING Height 18 inches; width 22 inches SPANISH SCHOOL XVI Century | 119 TRIPTYQUE History of Jacob Center: Isaac dying gives his benediction to Jacob, mis- taking him for Esau. On the right: Esau’s dream. On the ieft: Esau sells his right of seniority for a plate of lentils. Collection : Lopez. or, 121 PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN inches — Height 36 inches; width 28 f ae Collection Boussod, Valadon & Cie. ‘ i. ~ . 4 tal re Se — ra $ x ’ Viste AAs. PIRES mY *. ne S GEORGE HARLOW, R. A. 1787—1819 132 MARGARET BRYANT Height 30 inches ; width 25 inches F ‘ ? Af j ‘ pd Ty f tS a al 4 “5 f P if a 4/ / j\ \ LEON COMERRE Paris Received the Prix de Rome in 1875; medals Paris Salon 1875, 1881; Officer of the Legion of Honor 123 GIRL WITH DOVE Height 21 inches; width 15 inches oa eas nches i dth 34 $3 wi i ie eg eS ere ay WS be SO a Behe na eee ern * 2 Ee Dn ite Senate! : ANTONIO TORRES Se (See Number 53) | BR 125 A SPANISH BLONDE Pa : cox Height 18 inches; width 15 inches & Bet : fy | 126 THE GUITAR PLAYER | “ _ - Height 32 inches; width 2514 inches i aS. | PES Par lp - REVERY Z 3 Height 29 inches ; width 36 inches CATOUCGIIE GASTON AY RECITAL et BS TK) No PHILIPPE DE CHAMPAGNE 1602—1674 7 128 PORTRAIT OF ANNE OF AUSTRIA (Mother of Louis XIV) Wrom the Chateau of Azay le Rideau Height 18 inches; width 15 inches DAME D'OULTREMONT MA dth 30 inches | wi . ’ Height 36 inches 3 Af WAG Abr ANTONIS, MORO VAN DASHORST 1512—1578 Born at Utrecht, visited Italy, was recommended to Charles V who sent him to London 15l LADY JANE GREY x Height 45 inches; width 32 inches From the Albemarle Collection if +B aN Win’ i sae i) x _ LOUIS LAGRENEE 3 ah ¥ Pa - > Vag 4s ee i ee ee : : ‘ : : | | ; 2 ap ie : Celebrated Opera ‘Dane cog Height 30 inches; width 25 inches Pou A.MATIGNON __,’) of} Paris aa A successful French artist, exhibiting in the yearly Paris Salon, whose works are in the best collections and have great merit. 134 MANON LESCAUT Height 22 inches; width 29 inches 1640 ~ 1577— PORTRAIT OF A MAN Height 26 inches 4 nches i width 20 e 3 From the collection of Charles Sedel ~ a mh ANTONIO TORRES No. 153 HYACINTHE RIGAUD 10590—1745 136 LOUIS XIV Height 35 inches; width 27 inches From the collection of the Marquis de Biencourt, Chateau Azay le Rideau CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY Paris 1817—1878 137 ROAD IN PICARDIE Height 8% inches; width 17 inches From Georges Petit Galleries, Paris GIACOMO VECCHIO PALMA ~ 7) i 1480—1528 138 ELEONORA GONZALA Duchess of Urbino Height 42 inches ; width 32 inches Collection Emile Gavet, Paris } 160 139 dth 28 inches ‘DUTCH SCENE | wi . 3 Height 20 inches AIME PERRET ¢@. © Paris (See Number 35) 140 RETURN FROM THE HARVEST Height 78 inches; width 48 inches Perret’s masterpiece; exhibited in the Salon of 1807; illustrated in the Salon Catalogue Number 88 . Wat oe 4 . 7 < Wey iy x ri GAILLARD L'EPINAY * oe Parisn mak. The equal of Ziem in rendering beautiful Venc 141 | THEGRANDCANAL ~ eight 60 inches; width 42 inches = > a a at hes Cc 32 in idth is, Ww aimee FERDINAND ROYBET Paris Received all the honors of the Salon, including the Grand Medal in 1893; officer of the Legion of Honor 143 THE TROUBADOUR Height 21 inches; width 14 inches . TOURNIERES ROBERT MADAME DE PARABERE No. 155 ne Ne teeag ge nt 4 a ke URabec : a aoe Eee . “i, Sat 4 E “TROPICAL BIRDS — Height 17 inches; width 24 inches | ” (i . = : % 2 : . ete ¥ y eh ix. = ae RRR ANH AR y im ‘1610-1695 OSC 1A7 Height 36 inches; width 29 inches F, WINTERHALTER 1806—1873 ff, 148 THE DUCHESS OF KENT Mother of Queen Victoria Height 52 inches; width 40 inches Purchased from the collection of the Duke of Cambridge by Thomas McLean, London ae ae GEORGE MORLAND 1763-1804 i os 149 = STOPPING ATTHE INN : Height 30 inches; width 49 inches Collection Eugene Lamy se ere GEORGE ROMNEY 1734—1802 150 MEDITATION Height 36 inches ; width 28 inches Thomas McLean Collection | Of 29 2 _ Height 46 inches sw 37 Collection Francis F ) = L~ COROT VILLE D’AVRAY No. 156 cr LE CHEVALIER MALTAIS 152 : STILL LIFE From the Gaillard Collection, Place Malesherbes, Paris Canvas, height 52 inches; width 72 inches GASTON LA TOUCHE Paris ; ; i of ee (See Note Number 100) re) v . ae. A nls : ae) MADAME REJANE i/o 153 A RECITAL IN THE SALON OF Height 30 inches; width 32 inches » |g!” £ 5° 1 THE FOUNTAIN Height 30 inches; width 32 inches 155 ROBERT TOURNIERES 1676—1756 MADAME DE PARABERE Collection Thirion Height 32 inches; width 25 inches f a C4 wy Rp | o J. B. C. COROT Pars F 1796—1875 156 VILLE D’AVRAY Height 19 inches; width 15% inches Collections of Monsieur Girod and Baron de Neuflize From Les Galéries Georges Petit SIR MARTIN SHEE, P.R. A 1769—1850 157 LADY WHITMORE Height 50 inches ; width 40 inches , is Note N umber 4 dth 28 inches LADY wi . ? VENETIAN (See / Height 38 inches te NICHOLAS HILLIARD /? ’); sit Leese Ee 3 oa 15471619 i 159 QUEEN ELIZABETH Height 42 inches ; width 35 inches Albemarle Collection Cor ee #£ vi o Je 4 h FRITS THAULOW : Norway 1847-1906 Officer of the Legion of Honor. Gold Medal Exposition, 1900 160 WINTER SCENE NEAR COPENHAGEN Height 32 inches; width 40 inches BERNE-BELLECOUR L’EMBARQUEMENT No. 162 | poe eo. - / a we” U Ay Betsy : ft Bie N\A ? WILLIAM HOGARTH | 1697—1764 161 VISCOUNTESS OF TOWNSHEND Height 36 inches; width 30 inches Collection of Edward Harrison, Esq., of Balls From the Albemarle Collection Si, 4 J ie Gs i J BA : / j © Pol ass er E, BERNE-BELLECOUR | Paris 162 L’EMBARQUEMENT Paris Salon, 1882 Exhibited at the Centennial Exposition, Paris, 1889 Berne Bellecour’s Masterpiece Dated 1882 Height 54 inches; width 80 inches ot Lilia C6 ATELIER OF P. P. RUBENS | ©) 163-164 | Ae @ TWO DECORATIVE PANELS ¢ From the Chateau d’Arjuzon, France Collection Edouard Chappey Ara) Mg pwd Tas sate a —~ peas eee Ls Bias te, GETTY RESEARCH Coueniee iii "3 3125 01662 8782 ‘e hab 3 ait >, i bobns oie ial tiee times te ‘2 ei ast ag & Sepa) + theta te) afte eS. Be a sity! HAs CAPPS Ps oat gt rete tyt3t _ 3 : Peteatetaty pets Phat iets ae 9 sea teeenrt te! Pee sys 8 A e 7 * th ‘ De a 2s at ae Sahai ee yy te ig wee * 53 Pate tat gh gt ayia Az Bean fe af oe - vet net Site aS ata ae agtly on ") air tiirstaigs oretetetets