y . Pa snnhes Pe ate we YHE ART COLLECTIO HARRIET SSE AIRE AEE WPS LAL EES LEAT TERE, General Charles M. Reed Was born in Erie, Pennsylvania, where he spent his entire life, and added largely to the fortune founded by his father and grandfather. He was associated with the de- velopment of commerce on the Great Lakes, and the open- ing of the railroads from the East to Cleveland and Chicago and to the coal fields of Western Pennsylvania. He built and for many years operated a line of steamboats running between Buffalo and Chicago. General Reed was at one time a member of the Penn- sylvania State Legislature and afterwards represented his district in Congress. During his lifetime he built and furnished the beau- tiful home in Erie, known as the Reed Mansion, at the corner of Sixth and Peach streets, overlooking the Park. Assisted by his wife, General Reed bought many handsome furnishings and valuable art objects for their home, and after his death Mrs. Reed added many more to the collec- tion. Discrimination and judgment were shown in their selections and many of the paintings and other works of art were purchased abroad. THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 14-16 ASTOR PLACE, oe pis | NEw York. ; CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS BY FOREMOST MASTERS, FORMED BY THE LATE ae scivstreseeoen eB NCR SENN pie: OF ROLE, PA. ON EXHIBITION IN THE WINTER GARDEN OF DELMONICO’S DECEMBER oth, 1oth, 11th and rath, PRIOR TO ABSOLUTE SALE IN THE GRAND BALI ROOM On Friday Evening, December Twelfth, NINETEEN-HUNDRED AND TWO AT EIGHT-THIRTY O’CLOCK BY ORDER OF _T. A. LAMB anno C. M. WARNER, EXECUTORS OF ‘THE ESTATE OF BART Week EB ED. SALE CONDUCTED BY THE KNICKERBOCKER AUCTION ‘ROOMS, C. E. SMITH, AUCTIONEER. CONDITIONS. i. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the purchase money, ¢ reguired, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and esvid. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remain - der of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersign- ed will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The sale of any article is not to be set aside on ac- count of any error in the description. All articles are exposed for public exhibition one or more days and are sold just as they are, without recourse. s. Toprevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconven- ience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article pur- chased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost,the andersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re- sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is with- out prejudice to the right of the auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such re-sale if he thinks fit. Cc. BH. SMITH, Auctioneer, ARTISTS REPRESENTED. Bakalowitz, Ladislas, 44 Blommers, B. J., 43 Casanova y Estorach, A., 52 Ceramano, 16 Corbineau, Ch, A., 25 Crome, John, ‘‘Old Crome’”’ 9 Damshroeder, J. H. 27 De Buel, Franz, 5 De la Mar, David, 40 DeVries J5.C.i:7, 8 Delpy, Camille, 4 Girard, Theodore, 38, 49 Gilbert, Victor G. 47 Grolleron Paul, 42 Guyon, Mlle. Maximilie ine, 39 Herrman, Hans, Ir Higneron, P., 20 Hublin, E., 49 Jansen, Joseph, 24 Klauser, Prof., 1o ; Koek-Koek, Hermanus B. 1, 2 Koek-Koek, B. C., 33 Knox. J., 6 Kunz, Ludwig Adam, 31 Laissement, Adolph Henri, 35 Maes.) iB. Wee ts Merle, Hugues, 34 Meértiz)) Cin36 Monchablon, Jan, 26 Munier, Emile, 12 Piltz, Prof. Otto, 32 Platteel,J.,i.3 Rosierse, 13, 50 Scheffer, Ary, 51 Schreyer, Adolphe, 19, 28, 55 Seignac, Paul 17, 18 Ten Kate, M. 41 Thaulow, Fritz, 54 Van Marcke, Emile, 14 Van Strij, Jacob, 37 Van Wynguerdt, A. J., 21, 22 Verboeckhoven, Eugene, 45 Von Bremen, Meyer, 23, 53 Weber, Theodore, 29, 30 Willems, Florent, 46 f 7 , NOTE. iy Aaa Orders to purchase at this Sale will be accept d Os a by any of the leading Art Dealers. Bis y ae + i ‘ f 3 aa . n } . As t } J ¥ ) \ - : M j ») . ; * Mt i l Way Wy f oa q ' ) Fag ¢ t } { i ‘ A ' | 1 Pe / r an Ty CATATOGUE I KOEK-KOEK, (Hermanus B.) Haarlem Born, 1815. Died, 1882. Son and pupil of Johannes H. Member of the Amsterdam Academy, 1840. Landscape in bolland Size, 12% x 18. Wo 2 KOEK-KOEK, (Hermanus B.) © . a Haarlem Companion to No. 1. Landscape in bolland Se Size 12% x18 PEAR E ES (.) ; ; Amsterdam Che Dancing Lesson Size 21 x 26. DET EY (Camille, ; : : Paris Honorable Mention, 1881. Medal Third Class, 1884. Honorable Mention, 1889. Medal Second Class, 1894. Hors Concours. Banks of the River Seine Size 1714 227%. DESDE bet hranz ae. . Bruxelle Pupil of Charles Emile Jacque. Officer Societe Artiste de Belgique, Decorated Order of Leopold. Sbeep—tntertor .Size 7x9. KNOXS(1)) aaa . . London H Wiew near Rent, England Size 30 x.40. i ‘ Tee ee Anterior “Size 2221, wae ae : _ Amsterdam ee Companion to No. 7. -- The Burgomaster’s home Pe BS Scan cer. : 7 CRO Mega) Norwich Pee eee | Known de, 'Old Crome.” Born, 1769, Died, 1821. he ty ‘Landscape | Sie 101255, H Zi 4 PAUSE RGD cot) mee eae Mia MUNIER (Emile) 0 *) 9 Professor for some years at the Du —Plapmates- ; HERRMANN (Hans) . . t Q is ¥ 4 yi A ‘ \ . r * 2 ai ra y : : *i ho i a Gal Lae pea ¥ Pie ee AY . uy on) Size 28x36. nN a ie ry ‘Canal Scene in Holland a oy | ‘Size 214 x 880 UC eas ° ° ne Honorable Men tion 1882. The Pet Lamb | ‘ | a G ‘Size 20 x 24. PHOTO BY DAVIS & SANFORD No. 12 EMILE MUNIER. (The Pet Lamb) se Size 11x 14. 14 Neate Mace ; Paris ; Bone 1827. ies 1891. edals, 1867, 1869, 1870. Legion of Honor, 1872. 7 = First Class, Medal, 1878. oe Cattle at conte : | 7 , ee, Size 94 x 12%. | Bin ities tnt | Wie . ite) ts Teta OMe 3 aDagdalen Size 87x 48. y A in \ il u . J } f " ‘ } +> ‘ 5 { ‘ , } : : ah : ih " i ‘ ' i } \ 4 1 -CERAMANO (J.B. W) ‘ Pupil of Charles Emil | Size 81% x88 , 17 SEIGNAC (Paul). Mention Honorable, Paris Salon, 1889. ; Size 11x 14. SEIGNAC (Paul) Cen Ks Companion of No. 17. | - The Little wride Size 11x 14. cael 9 f- - sbeep—Interior | uN 5 E> | Vir ot ‘ or tat ap art The Little Cook te) ” 1 3 ‘ o > ; { { u \ { ay), ' 1 1 i} qi nN ‘ ' is 1 i “i Ay i] V! uh t } { } Lise rt SCHREYER (Adolphe) Frankfort Born, 1828. Died, 1899. Medals, Paris, 1864, 1865, 1867. Brussels Exposition, 1863. Cross of the Order of Leopold, 1864. Court Painter to Grand Duke of Mecklenbourg, 1862. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. The Burning Stable Size 123 x 233. 20 HIGNERON (P ) Paris In the Wine Cellar Size 23 x 29. PAS! VAIN W VN GIR DT CAL} yc) Amsterdam Member of the Amsterdam Academy. On the Bank of the Schelot Size 714 x 18. 22. VAN WYNGUERDT (A. J.) Companion to-No. 21. ollandO—DLandscape and Cattle Size 7% x18. 23 VON BREMEN (Meyer) Born, 1813. Died, 1886. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Order of Leopold. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. Tbe First Love Letter Size 1634 x 22. 24 JANSEN (Joseph) Che Jungfrau Mountain Size.49 «.64.. Amsterdam Berlin PHOTO BY DAVIS & SANFORD No. 23 MEYER VON BREMEN. (First Love Letter) + wh steal ‘ F f i + , t a : i % i @ ¥ ; o , : -, f “ RA & te “a i, ; : ‘ tn é { 7 Cah : 5 oh : ity A " 9 ann mr ha os Ft et, Pd meal iE fem anh oe ae Fal ee ee er (uIejUnOW Nneaysune) “NASNV£ HdASor Ss Ve ON GQuUOANWS ¥ SIAVAG Ad OLOHd eee cnet ae a 7 x ee v/. eee iis: ¢ y ‘ : it oe Es ct 1 » Ul i pa i if a tom ‘ s ‘ 2 i » 7 . ‘ rt . — > a» ] ete! yore Be, aoe ~ 25. CORBINEAU (Ch. A.) ' Paris Paris Salon, Medals 1887, 1889, 1890: Hors Concours. Exhibition picture Salon, 1889: Listen Size 29 x 36. scevetn am © "- on, ‘ € c ot Partin bce, ree 26 MONCHABLON (Jan) : ; ) Paris ' Paris Salon, Medals, 1885, 1889, 1895, 1900. Hors Concours. hbaymaking in D’ Enfouvelle Size 16°x22%: a9) DAMSHROEDER (J. H.) ; Amsterdam Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Sirst Born Size 12% x16: 28 SCHREYER (Adolphe) : Franfort Born, 1828. Died, 1899. Medals, Paris, 1864, 1865, 1867. Brussels Exposition, 1863. Cross of the Order of Leopold, 1864. Court painter to Grand Duke of Mecklenbourg, 1862. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. Bulgarian Provision Train in Winter Size 88% x48%4. A fh pn he 8 WEBER (Theodore) ; Paris Paris Salon, Medals, 1861, 1863, 1889, 1900. Marine Size 8x11. 30 WEBER (Theodore) ; : ‘ , Paris Companion to No. 29. Marine Size 8x11_ - Me : (J9}0\ UY Oyesy, Doys}Aosg UeLesing) “YFAAYHIS AHd OAV 87 ON GuUOANWS F% SIAVG Ad OLOHA 31 KUNZ (Ludwig Adam) Munich Born Vienna, 1857, flowers and Objects of Hrt —— Size 34x 42%. Toa f 32 Pets LZ UetOt, Otto) Munich Yn the Work Sbop . Size 31 x 37. 33 KOEK-KOEK (B. C.) : é Middelburg Forn, 1803. Died, 1862. Member of Rotterdam and St. Petersburg Academies, 1840. Order of the Lion, 1839, Order of Leopold, 1842. Legion of Honor, 1840. DLanoscape Size 10x13, MERLE: (Hugues), (4) aes a Born, 1823. Died, 1881. wae Paris Salon, Medals, 1861, 1863. . Legion of Honor, 1866. Ruth pe b C Size 89x58. 35 LAISSEMENT (Adolphe Henri) Pupil of Calanel. Paris Salon, Mention Honorable 1882, 1889. | Medal Third Class, 1898. Bronze Medal, 1900. | The Favorite Flowers ae oO Size 193/ x24. 36 MERDZ OG) : i | : ‘ Born, 1787. Died, 1869. Member of Academy at Bruxelle, and at Antwerp. Member Order of Leopold. Contfidences © Size 17x21%. CO PHOTO BY DAVIS & SANFORD No. 34 HUGUET-MERLE. (Ruth) 37 VAN STRIJ (Jacob) Dordrecht sppbiye a dion. Born, 1756. Died, 1815. Pupil of Andreas Cornelis Leus at Antwerp. Musee de L Etat, Amsterdam. Cattle ano Sbeep Size 25x 83. 38 GERARD (Theodore) ; Bruxelles Lf = Born, 1829. Died, 1889. Med. d’Or at Bruxelle, 1875. Chevalier Order of Leopold, 1881. Childhood Happy Whours Size 74 x10. 39 GUYON (Mlle. Maximilienne) : Paris Paris Salon, Medal Third Class, 1888. Mention Honorable, 1889. Silver Medal, 1889. Bourse de Voyage, 1894; Medal 1900. Hors Concours.. Embroidery — Size, 15 x 18%. 40 DE LA MAR (David) : :; : Paris Churning Size 19% x 26 4} LEN TRACE SMS The Hague Member of the Amsterdam Academy. fHot Water Seller of Holland Size 80x 43. 42 GROLLERON (Paul) . . Paris Paris Salon, Medals, 1882, 1886, 1889, 1894. Hors Concours. Chasseur Size 18% x18 43 BLOMMERS (B. J.) The Hague Paris Salon. Bronze Medal, 1889. Gold Medal, 1900. Medals at Exhibitions in Holland, Belgium, Munich and Chicago. Children at Plap ‘Size 16x 193. Via (puByjoy Jo sa]}9S 1978 JOH) ="ALVYY NAL “W Iv “ON QGUYOANVWS BY SIAVAG Ad OLOHd | 44 BAKALOWITZ (Ladislas) Member of Academie Des Beaux-Arts at Warsaw. Paris Salon. Various Medals. Wnterrupted Labor rey og py Size 16 x 21. 45 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene) Born, 1779. Died, 1881. Paris Bruxelle Member of the Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, Amsterdam and St. Petersburg Academies. Legion of Honor. Commander of Order of Leopold. Order of Francis Joseph Bavarian Order of St. Michael. Portugese Order of Christ Order of the Iron Cross. Sbeep-intertor f SO aggre Size 24 x 27. £7 Lovin, ht? ort UE 8 46 WILLEMS (Florent) Paris Salon, Medals, 1844, 1846, 1855, 1867- Bruxelle Legion of Honor, 1853; Officer, 1864; Commander, 1878. Officer of Order of Leopold, 1851. The Connoisseur Size 12 x 16. GILBERT. (Victor G.) Pete hinie says jee Salon Medal Second ere. 1880. “Silver Medal, 1889 Legton of Honor, 1897. ‘Silver ce 1900. | _Hors Concours. ‘Cleaning Day i oe Size 18x18. -HUBLIN (E.) Ree ‘Feeding the Pet 2. oo Size 26x I, } 49 : GERARD CDheodore) Si eae et E Born, 1829. Died, 1889. Medal d’Or at Bruxelles, ‘1875. Chevalier Order of Leopold, at The Dancing Lesson Size 27x 35%. = Go (uossa] Suueg 4.) “GUVYID JAYOGOSHL QuoANvVsS ¥ SIAVAG Ad OLOHA 67 ON iis Borage Tins I f PHOTO BY DAVIS & SANFORD No, 52 A. CASANOVA y ESTORACH. (Flirtation) o nas = i ea i red ot hcclgat neh eri a ell earls a re er ‘ o> an « 1 ey | Pe | * i = x ar) z F . ‘ 7 a a we -s Fj gon aon: - , be ‘ “ ‘ : . a ~ 1 é i? — > . Oy - * 7 i 7 . » = . ; is “4 . > Ay 7 ' ‘ 1 ‘ 2 ' ‘ i: 9 . ‘ ’ a ‘ + " 1 f * ‘ > 6 ‘I ’ . 5 - . ee ea a volver Dordrecht old eda}, Amsterdam, 185% : "Medal, Antwerp Academy, 1876. 1 eae Ber Orleans, 1880. Dordrecht : “Mead 0 of puted Girt Size 9x11. . eee paris - Flivtation As Pestiet mata Bsn gizn. 15200. fae ee! VON BREMEN (Meyer) Berlin Born, 1813. Died, 1886. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Order of Leopold. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876. The Rabbit Seller Size 1934 x24. pe FS 54 THAULOW (Fritz) Paris Paris Salon, Hors Concours, 1889. Legion of Honor. Grand Prix, 1900. Officer Legion of Honor, 1901. Bridge at Hndernarda Size 21% x 26. oe) SCHREYER (Adolphe) Frankfort Born, 1828. Died, 1899. Medals, Paris, 1864, 1865, 1867. Brussels Exposition, 1863. Cross of the Order of Leopold, 1864, Court Painter to Grand Duke of Mecklenbourg, 1862. Member of the Academies of Antwerp and Rotterdam. EHrabian fhborsemen’s thalt at the fountain Size 83% x 51 Hea ih f scans Aa coca ar ae PHOTO BY DAVIS & SANFORD No. 53 MEYER VON BREMEN. (The Rabbit Seller) (UjBJONO, oY} JB YEH SWowesioy] URIqesy) “YAAAYHIS AHd 1OdY GG ON GuoANvVsS ¥ SIAVdG Ad OLOHA —. ie , atk k OORB IEA, —KMAUSER, Prof., . ae ih FY | | ROSTERSE, Js Sieh MARS) TeBallen. oe ved ye feist, Kk, 5 a WAV in "A o. al hs ee 7 ee sf the River Seine," a $. "Sheep~--Interior," & View Near tent, £ Playmates." li, "Canal Scene in Holland,*® vo VAN eat Saving, ; sgagele an gusta. (Bought by Wm. Oleott, ) 12 1/2 x 18. $ 12 1/2 x 18. $ 21 17 30 22 22 10 28 x 26, $ 1/2 #27 “— * 22 1/2, 21 174 x 38,5 20 11 9 1/2 x 12 “? 37 x 24. ke a a 50. 50. 75. 200, 125, 110. 23. 8 Gheny Weare ; ty, 3 43 L e Letter,” 16 1/2x22, $ - 800, nti tignwe, “Milecei: vs hie Lom "The Jungfrau Monntain," 49x64, § 90. tishwien tins ee 4 * R . 4, "Listens*)), 29x36. y 225, ied Oe Rete ien of Toltent,” Wet. 6 doe OM, ~ Sn fomvéd le.” 16x22, $ 556, . cee. ty ty e 7 Ss "“Pirst Born,” 12 1/2x 16. $ a. 75 s for vo meraghes nae ey Lent? a Os f roe * rian isi ‘Teketbakad, Loner.’ 1eeBS.1/2x48 172,98) 6600, (Bought by ene , *. i ‘~ " a ee a, ee PTT ee ke” 7 1/2xl0. LO 1/2x26, ps rae i 41, re, ee i Sines. Misti Oedine of Nottent,* ‘sees, | Waeas * 4a eamnik Pas tik Paul, "Chasseur." 1s 1/2 x a,’ 43. teniiaven ldren at Play." 16x19 3/4. 16x21. ‘ : . , Z ern en " TS we * oe a rs ae (Bought by M.K.& Co.) (Dated 1876.) the Fountain, (Bought a N. end, } coreeia(s) 27x35 1/2, Seii. _y ESTORACH,"Flirtation," 15x20. 53, ‘N, Meyer, "The Rabbit Seller." 19 1/2x24. * 21 £73086. an Hor ; Halt a F ain," $$ 1/251. 110, 2000, 1300, 8250,