oe SFB Ma ae Bacay at Be EL Rat Wal 0 at deed ; i! } f LP aL ant fi Hee tiny ar Pew i f ABy { hye EA ; “ the. ‘ Naas PDS Pow: i in ic mea if) i ets : J f Prot eae La By Uy 6k Bef i ’ ? rid of ; Wohes ehh PS Reh ay ‘ eM TLE KY bi Fah the NATE Sd i) » ‘ a AP ‘ i ni LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK Catalogue... of A Rich furniture, Objets d’Hrt, Jewelry, Sold Silver, Oil Paintings and Books Tbe Property of Chevalier Enrico Brambilla, Rome, ftalyp. Also by order of William Baynon, Esq. AC AUSCION Friday, Saturday, Monday, Cuesday and Wednesday, October 26, 27, 29, 30 § 31, Each day at Two o’clock and Evenings at Bigbt.... James PP. Silo, Huctioneer. 1, The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any > disp a 4 arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in “dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Raped tess: 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addiesses; andl to pay down a cash deposit or the whole of the purchase. _ money, i/ required, in default of which the Lot or Lots So pur-— chased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. — | 3 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer's Expense and arent risk within 24 hours after the Sale and the remainder of pur- chase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to — the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in ot Sees ss fault of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsi- _ ete ble if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, but ey PRE RDS G: will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. oh 4. The sale of any Article is not to be set aside on account | of any error in the description or imperfection, and no war- ranty whatever is made. All articles are exposed for Public ~ Exhibition one or more days and are-sold just as they ATS without recourse. Cegce he) prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience oh el the settlement of the Purchases, no lot can, on any account, be. aah removed during the sale. | 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, ie roe pepe money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; ‘all ‘Lots | uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the default- er at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the: Aue- tioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. ae The Alexander Press, 14 and 16 Astor Place, N. Y. aNd Pll bens fe en F 8@- Kvery article sold as it 1s, and at so much each, nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. oomonti nan —& @&® NH ee et cen co ce ee one oe ee aon non FP CO NM KF © PRT ALOGUE. meOAY, OCLOBER 26th, te ORB NAT PSESSL END STARA TERI NTR At Two Beek Boot: Two decorated vases Bronze figure Silver-plated water pitcher Two maple cana seat chairs Maple stool Wood seat arm chair Carved mahogany side table Embroidered 4-fold screen Cherry table Rosewood book case Two decorated vases Oak folding card table Tokanobi vase Revolving top pedestal Oak and leather arm chair Silver-plated ice pitcher Mahogany and leather dining room set, 8 pieces Cherry centre table | = Prone mounted 1 vase Ebony music cabinet os 5 oar en - Decorated umbrella stand Mahogany pedestal oc Gilt reception chair : ah eras Mahogany invalid’s table | Rae eet Ne Enamelled rocker aS Bronze group Jewelled lantern Pear! inlaid pedestal Mahogany and marqueterie ae Blue and white vase “PRGA Mahogany secretary cay Eat Piano stool | | * Rookwood arm chair Decorated Kora Cocobola pedestal Oak and leather arm chair Decorated Bohemian glass banquet lamp Bronze figure Oak library table White enameled rocker Oak and leather couch a ae ae Mahogany and marqueterie arm chair my a Jardiniere and plant aha : os Phonograph and records | ae Oak buffet | oO Oak extension table ra i 68 _ 69 70 al 72 (Eo 74 i Oil painting, by Wesley Webber Oil painting, by J. Bernstein ‘Decorated pitcher Katies 4 acon carpet mae. Ricard do H. Schufer do FE. Carcano” do | Paul Graf ii do James Northcote Antique oak hall clock _ Antique Banduhr carpet, 17x11.5 _ Elaborately embroidered 4-fold screen Oil painting, by R. Westervelt do by Karl Grethe do by F. Wesel | do _— by I. Albrecht do _bp George Riecke eh Baby's First Shoes Two art bronze figures Antique table Oak and striped velour arm chair Teplitz jardiniere Pin fi Bisque figure Teplitz vase Two bisque groups i Mahogany and naa neytiodbeta inantet - Marble figure ‘Two marble figures | ane VS Artist’s proof etching by J. F. King Gilt and satin damask divan Bronze group Gilt and plush top table : Goerdez carpet, 11.6x9.1 Finely decorated vase Call bell and two pieces of bric-a-brae, lot Kaga teapot Ops Antique mahogany secretary bookcase Fine engraving—Evangeline eet Brass and silk plush corner chair «OS Mahogany and marqueterie pedestal — | Gilt reception chair | Terra cotta figure Bisque placque Antique oak and bevel plate hall stand Engraving—Crossing The Ford Lot odds and ends Antique brass ladle | Silver-plated chafing dish Benares brass hanging jardiniere Decorated fruit basket Hungarian vase and cover Bird’s eye maple dressing table Bird’s eye maple chiffoniere . ) Fite Pee The Two Pamnilien ; Gilt and silk damask reception chair - Hammock - Wood seat rocker ‘Two cane racks _ Japanese banjo Antique carved oak 4-post bedstead, with Embroidered sofa cushion Two Bagdad portieres Stuffed bloodhound | Wood seat arm chair Engaving—Alone at Last Oil painting, by S. R. Mack applique velvet canopy Upholstered spring Hair mattress Artist’s proof etching, by James Fagan Embroidered 4-fold screen Vernis Martin and satin damask reception chair Tokanobi jardiniere Carved claw foot centre table Pearl inlaid and cut velvet reception chair Oak triplicate mirror dressing table Carved East Indian book stand Gilt Louis XVI. reception chair Mahogany and brass trimmed secretary Brass and velour reception chair Swiss carved book stand Bronze inkstand | ea Ormolu trimmed table ene a Three decorated cuspidores : Wood seat rocker | eee Ar Figured Cretonne couch ma Royal Vienna vase pl ee Antique real bronze vase oh Decorated pitcher Antique china jardiniere Antique silvered cabinet APE Ge ae Fine photogravure ty Plaster cast | aK os Antique oak secretary with jewel safe : Sword stein rack Hand painted tapestry panel T'wo bronze vases , | Sevres and ormolu clock set \ Pak Antique mahogany marble top bureau | Sword stein rack Artist’s proof etching by G. Mesiere Wildcat-skin rug Gilt and satin damask divan | Antique marqueterie and ormolu drop leaf table Antique mahogany Chippendale sliding door bookcase Fine mezzotint by T. Nunnes-Vais bot | OS "Antique carved mahogany reception chair Large decorated vase _ Hungarian lustre vase Satsuma vase Decorated pitcher Silver-plated champagne cooler Old pewter beer mug Carved oak china closet Pencil drawing by T. Barrin Oil painting by H. A. Mill Satin damask plush pillow ottoman Antique Chinese vase Mahogany shaving stand Decorated vase Sword stein rack Oil painting signed V. S. Silk velour portiere Carved mahogany table Satin damask parlor suite, 3 pieces Two Bohemian glass vases Marble figure Minton vase Royal Vienna vase Crown Derby vase Royal Berlin cup Cypress glass vase Gilt and silk plush cabinet, mirror back Artist’s proof etching, by J. 8. King Gulistan carpet U1. 11x8 5 Mahogany and marqueterie table Bronze and onyx top table es Tapestry and silk plush arm chair ~ Leeds jardiniere Gilt and silk tapestry reception room Two decorated vases Mahogany bookcase (asi Carved Flemish oak and tapestry arm 1 chair ae Bronze bust Two Satsuma vases sie Real bronze group | a aoe ae Hungarian flower vase | | Bronze vase | T'wo pieces bric-a-brac Dresden terrapin Mahogany bookcase Pair satin Damask curtains ; Four carved mahogany antique side chairs Brass bedstead . Upholstered spring Curled hair mattress Irish point lace bed set Sword Stein rack Set of engravings—Dogs Engraving—Alderney ‘wo panels in relief Bear skin rug We. nd at so much each, r ; Piste ye ritee ion or "rebate fe on any Jee cigar box | Wan Crown derby rose jar | 17 Terra cotta figure, by G. Porcasi Teplitz vase | a — 219 Antique mahogany Colonial bureau 220. Oil painting, by C. T. Phelan . 221. Antique Persian hall rug, 12.9x3.8 Z - 222° Shirvan rug, 8.1x3.1 223 Antique Kurdistan rug, 6x3.7 | a | ; 224 Anatolian mat 7 ; 225 Another | 4 Pes aes en eh SS See te 226 Antique Cabistan rug 3.10x2.8 ia 227 Antique Shirvan rug, 4.7x2.9 228 Antique Beloochistan rug, 3.11x33 229 Anatolian mat | 230 Another | 231“ Antique Chichi rug, 9.9x3 | 232 Antique Daghistan rug. 3.7x2.7 |: 283s Anatolian mat 234 Antique Kurdistan rug, 10.1x3.3 | 235 = Anatolian mat ? 236 Another 237 Antique Yourook rug, 6.10x3.11 | | 238 do Kazak rug ) | es 289 do Carabagh rug, 12x3.7 sean | 240 do silky Kurdistan rug, 12x3.6 | e@ Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 241 Antique Anatolian mat 242 do Kazak rug 243 do Kurdistan rug, 7.10x3.8 244 do Anatolian rug, 5.2x3.9 245 do Shirvan rug, 6.8x3.9 246 do Anatolian mat 247 do Anatolian mat 248 do Kazak rug, 8.7x4.10 249 do Carabagh rug, 7x4.1 250 do Kazak rug, 6.6x4.7 - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th, At Two o'clock. Teplitz bust Two bronze figures— Warriors Mahogany and marqueterie Chippendale book- case Iron frame mirror Bronze group—Victory Mahogany bookcase Sword umbrella stand Wildcat-skin rug Gilt puff box and decorated mandolin -Two whiskey bottles Terra cotta placque Bronze drop light Sevres bust Old Chinese flower tub Mahogany chiffoniere Artist’s proof etching by Hovenden Doulton pitcher Real bronze card receiver Decorated teapot oD | ig es as “No deduction or "rebate | on any” = Bi & ance 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 ae pretence whatever. Table mirror ; Cut glass water bottle Cut glass decanter @ut glass berry bowk Ae Silver-plated cake basket Twelve saucer champagnes Antique brass pen tray Silver-plated coffee urn Silver-plated and cut glass wine ‘not Brass water jug Mettlach stein Bonn vase Marble Horse Antique Parian water pitcher Klaborately carved English oak buffet Antique oak extension table Carved English oak and leather dining room suite, 8 pieces Tapestry billiard table cover Oil painting, by W. Webber ; ‘T'wo real bronze figures Six individual champagne coolers Antique oak corner china closet Dresden decorated biscuit jar and cover Cameo decorated vase Marble bust Cut glass flower vase Canton medallion placque “ Re” ener , : : is Ae) FA ee | ey he | | | ie a vase 8 Dresden figure Decorated porcelain vase Bohemian gold decorated vase 3 Bronze figure en onyx base Marble figure, as is Decorated crystal vase Antique Pompeiian vase Mahogany parlor cabinet, with bevel plate mir- rors Two feather pictures 7 Oil painting, by C. Muller Oil painting by G. Steperich Two carved oak and tapestry side chairs Carved mahogany and tapestry arm chair Figured tapestry and plush library suite, 3 pieces Bronze figure—Le Travail, by Bofell Gilt and plush top table Water color by A. La Monaca Two blue and white Cauldon cuspidores Carved teakwood pedestal Fine guitar in leather case Carved mahogany divan in figured velour Real bronze and inlaid silver electric lamp Bronze figure Decorated ice cream set Carved mahogany claw foot table Grizzly bear skin rug 324. 325, 326 327 328 329 330 331 832 333 347 348 nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rae : Veo whatever. | mae Every article sold as" it is, ree at Pair figured silk tapestry dorticnes 2 Carved oak and embossed leather dining room suite, 8 pieces ct Ge Pearl inlaid checker table eee Real bronze group on marble base by G. RubOE ; Teakwood pedestal Lot silk curtains Carved antique mahogany claw foot divan suite, ond Ng es RE gs ea yee po meee, e+ a 7 - Nas ? ee a ee fw eee ee 3 pieces Gulistan carpet, 13.8x10.11 Facsimile, after Vibert ‘4 Oil painting, by H. Voltz a Silk brocade pillow Ottoman _ Sc Mahogany armchair and cushion | : Plush and figured velour portiere ‘ \ cS) - Artist proof etching | i Antique Kurdistan rug Poa Brass and porcelain drop light Onyx and Vernis Martin tea table Teplitz bust Cut ruby glass flower vase Marble figure Cut glass atomizer Serves and ormolu clock set Elaborately carved mahogany bedroom suite, 2 pieces Upholstered spring Curled hair mattress r ery ‘article sot as it 1D, and at so much each, hing sold ‘by’ the “fot: No di eduction or rebate on any | nce whatever. bbe cinallisca fice bed set Mahogany cheval glass Embroidered silk bed spread Oil painting, by J. C. Vincent 353 Oil painting, by W. Webber | 354 Elegant satin damask and plush drawing room ae _ guite, 4 pieces : ) $55 Crackle satin glass vase 856 Decorated pitcher | 857 -—Hungarian vase | 358 Crystal and bronze vase | 859 Teplitz vase - 360 Austrian jardiniere 361 Doulton vase 362 Vienna vase 863 _=—s Teplitz pitcher 364 Sevres vase and cover 865. Marble figure 366 Teplitz pitcher 367 Mahogany bric-a-brac cabinet 368 Oil painting, by Gonzalez 369 Silk Mohair carpet, 12.7x10.2 370 Vernis Martin reception chair 371 Carved oak and tapestry hall chair | 372 Bronze figure—The Boatman | 373 ‘Carved Flemish oak pedestal | | 374 Mahogany and rookwood 38-fold screen 875 Real bronze jardiniere 376 377 378 379. 380 — 381 382 383 384 385 3386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 AOL ar Every Sige sold as it is, aad pes so mi ; nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate 0 pretence whatever. . Carved oak pedestal Carved mahogany and embossed velvet arm chair Antique Satsuma vase Pear! inlaid taborette - Bronze axid mirror tray Six superb Sevres court sri Sterling silver and agate handled carver Bronze figure—F lower of the Glacier Decorated limoges game set Antique mahogany claw foot library table Oil painting, by Ponzio | Mahogany and marqueterie divan suiet, figured tapestry, 3 pieces Dresden comport Mahogany and marqueterie centre table. Antique marqueterie etagere Mahogany and marqueterie reception ‘chair Repousse brass mirror : Mahogany claw foot Davenport, in cut velvet Decorated pitcher | Two bronze figures Mahogany and marqueterie cabinet Real bronze deer , Austrian flower vase Marble figure - Decorated medallion vase __ Oil painting by L. Kellard in Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, ig sold: by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any ‘pr tence whatever. — | . 402 |’, 408 : ie fe 405 406 | 407 408 | 409 410 A411 Ae. ALD ; A13 414 . A115 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 f ‘y I 4 j | f | i i Belleek sugar poe cream Nine Turkish coffee cups and holders Blue and white tea set, 3 pieces Three silver-plated salts Eleven clarets Silver-plated and glass salad bowl Twelve liqueurs Two pieces, white and blue sugar and teapot Oak and silver-plated cracker jar Twenty assorted after dinner cups and saucers Cut glass water bottle | Two pieces silver lustre, teapot and sugar Lot of assorted cups and saucers Carved mahogany china closet Mahogany and marqueterie ate room suite, 8 pieces Olympia upright music box, with sheets Decorated jardiniere Oil painting, by G. Ribert Gilt and silk lampas reception chair © Oil painting, by Wm. M. Brown Silk plush portiere Silk tapestry and velour arm chair Marble bust Cut emerald glass pitcher Cut glass celery tray Two serves vases Ten cut emerald glass clarets Beer oe _ 847 Every article sold as it is, and at so muc nothing sold, by the lot. No deduction or rebate pretence whatever. oye enh 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440) 44] 442 443 444 445 , 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 ‘Two serves plates, Watteau decoration | ——< Cauldon cup and saucer Cloissonne placque Mahogany and marqueterie cabinet Berlin carpet, 15.6x8.10 Antique lacquer chinese vase Mahogany work table Fur skin rug Elaborately carved Flemish oak hall settee — Large sevres vase, figure decorations, by C. C : oe eee 3 z 0 ga een ge Err RO , aoe ) ce tins Seam Pry Ree eee o hes Bau meee Se Bh tie ht a anclals sini eediele Seay - Fats ed JP ae apaa Nk ie ml aa a seme ee : al ee ee ern er er OE A, 7 ~ a | Brun, as is Black walnut and gilt pedestal Pearl inlaid and velvet brocade reception chair Marqueterie taborette Fine rapier Sword stein rack Fine Persian carpet, 13.6x10.8 Antique Dutch marqueterie side chair Bas relief Fine twin brass bedstead Two woven wire springs ‘T'wo curled hair mattresses Two feather pillows Sword stein rack Teplitz pitcher Austrian vase Capo di Monte group Royal Vienna vase pee hing Sold by the lot. ri retence whatever. ‘ 56 ; Bronze bust by Nelson Hungarian centre vase Twelve Canton medallion plates Four decorated cups and saucers Silver-plated crumb scraper and tray — Bronze letter scale — Mahogany First Empire bookcase _ Fine water color by Wedworth Wadsworth Gheordez carpet, 11x9 Antique Persian rug do Daghistan rug do Shirvan rug do Cabistan rug do Shirvan rug, 11x3 do Daghistan rug Antique Kurdistin rug Anatolian mat Another _ Shirvan rug Daghistan rug Cabistan rug Another Persian rug Anatolian mat ~ Another Antique Carabagh rug, 11.9x3 Silky Kurdistan rug, 12x3.10 Antlque Kazak rug E Every ferticte sold as it is, aa at so much each, No dediiction or rebate on any meee ise = 2 ae re at oe! ote ee ee > ey ee eee a | a ee Se 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 — 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 — camel's hair rug | Antique Carabagh rug Anatolian mat Another Bokhara rug Another, 4.3x3.1 Antique Kurdistan rug Daghistan rug Bokhara rug, 3.6x3 Antique Bokhara rug, 4.5x3.8 Daghistan rug Cabistan rug Anatolian mat Another Antique Kurdistan rug, 11. 9x3. ta Antique Persian rug Shirvan rug, 14.2x3.9 5D 501 Oe. 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 610 511 SATU RDAY, EVENI NG, ‘October 27th, at 8 waloek Eliot, George, Works, half calf, 6 vols World’s Library of Literature, History and Travels, edited by C. Morris, limited edition No. 44, 6 vols Camilla, by Miss Murney, half calf. London, 1796. 5 vols Constantinople, by De Amicis, illustrated, 8vo, cloth, 2 vols : Bible, Holmans, 4to edition, full morocco Three Bibles, 8vo, full morocco, Bagsters Bible, full morocco, 4 vols Carlyle’s French Revolution, illustrated, 12mo, cloth, 3 vols Another copy, 3 vols __ Smollett’s Works, edited by Saintsbury, illus. trated, 12mo, cloth, 12 vols Lord Russell’s Memoirs of C J. Fox, 2 vols niga ne 3 eee oS Say ee ee eS eee x 512 513 514 515 3 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 gee” Every ae sold as it is, and at so tees nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on pretence whatever. Longfellow’s Works, illustrated, 4to, full mo- a rocco, gilt edges. Boston, Cambridge Press, 6 vols Lady Jackson’s Complete Works, illustrated plates on Japan paper, large paper edition, printed for the Grolier Society, 8vo, cloth, 14 vols The Decameron, by Boccaccio, illustrated, 12mo cloth. London, 1898. 4 vols The People’s Standard History of the United States, by Edw. S. Ellis, colored and other illustrations, 8vo, half morocco, 6 vols Life of Napoleon, by Wm. M. Sloane, illus-— trated, 4to, half morocco. New York, 1896. 4 vols | Shakespeare’s Works, edited by Hudson, illus- — trated, 12mo, cloth, gilt, 12 vols Last Days of Pompeii, by Bulwer, illustrated, ~ Ato, half morocco Miss Landon’s Poetical Works, 4to, full mor- occo Humorous Masterpieces from American Liter- ature, edited by E. T. Mason, illustrated, half morocco Masterpieces of American Eloquence, illustra- ted, 8vo, half morocco Balzac. A Street of Paris, illustrated. Limited edition of this beautiful book ite .?— Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, 535 536 nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any __ pretence whatever. : Paul and Virginia, illustrated by Maurice Leloir, quarto. London, 1888 The Fool of Quality, by Mr. Brooke, plates, 12mo, calf. London, 1777. 5 vols., scarce In the Forbidden Land, by Henry Savage Landor, illustrated, 8vo, cloth, 1899, 2 vols. Sporting Society, Sporting Chat and Memories, by Fox Russell, illustrated, 12mo, 2 vols Elbert Hubbard, Little Journeys, 12mo, cloth, 2 vols The Eugene Field I Knew, by Francis Wil- son, illustrated, large paper No. 72 of 204 printed. New York, 1898 The House, by Eugene Field, large paper-copy No. 99. New York, 1896 Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, illustrated. Boston 1858, half calf Correction, a novel, 12mo, calf. Philadelphia, 1818. 2 vols Memoirs of Anne Boleyn, by Miss Benger Bismarck. 'The Man and the Statesman, por- traits, 8vo, cloth, New York; 1899. 2 vols Lever's Davenport Dunn, illustrated by Phiz, 8vo, half morocco. London, 1859. ‘First edition, rare Bret Harte’s Works, standard library edition, illustrated, 8vo, cloth, 14 vols Janice Meredith, by Paul Ford, illustrated. New York, 1899. 2 vols sa Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, — | nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 537 538 539 540 541 Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, etc., 8vo, half calf. London, 1807. 6 vols Browning’s Works, plates on Japan “paper, limited edition, No. 182. Fine set, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1899. 12 vols Memorials of John Hampden, by Lord Nu- gent, steel portraits. London, 1860. Half calf Green’s History of the English People, mo- rocco, 5 vols | The Confessions of Jean Jacques Rousseau, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. London, 1897. 4 vols | Rabelais Works, edited by A. Wallis, illus- trated, 8vo, cloth. London, 1897. 5 vols The Legacy, by Elbert Hubbard, Roycroft Press, 12mo, leather. 1896. Scarce, 2 vols Cing-Mars, by Alfred De Vigne, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1890. 2 vols Francis Parkman’s Works, Frontenac edition, limited, illustrated, 8vo, cloth, uncut. Bos- ton, 1899. 16 vols | Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1858. 4 vols Dumas, Celebrated Crimes, translated by I. G. Burnham, illustrated, Imperial Japan lib- rary edition. Limited edition No. 104. Pub- lished at $10 a volume, 8vo, cloth, 8 vols - : <5 i ee So ‘ os 5 ia PS. Bo) ae he ies “a aa al + eo ee ee 2.) ae ee 548 549 551 552 556 557 550. = ery ae sold as it is, and at so much each, Be thing ‘sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any cai whatever. — | James Witcomb Riley's Works, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1898. 10 vols Charles Kingsley’s Works, including Letters, Memoirs, etc., limited edition No. 285. Plates on Japan paper, 8vo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1900. 14 vols | Thackeray’s Complete Works, illustrated, 8vo. cloth, gilt top, Standard Library edition, 22 vols The Old Regime, by Lady Jackson, illustrated 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1896. 2 vols Reminiscences and Recollections of Captain Gronow, plates plain and colored, 2 sets, limited edition, 8vo, half red levant morocco. New York, 1889. 2 vols De Quincey’s Works, 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, H. M. & Co. 12 vols in 6 Garlyle’s French Revolution, illustrated. Phil- adelphia. 8vo, cloth, gilt, 3 vols International Library of Famous Literature, edited by Donald G. Mitchell and Andrew Lang, with over 500 full page illustrations, some colored, 8vo, cloth, large type edition, 20 vols Klements of Criticism, 8vo, calf. Edinburgh. 1785. 2 vols Don Quixote, by Cervantes, edited by Jarvis, plates on copper, and extra set inserted, 8vo, calf. London, 1809. 2 vols ee nee sepa! sok as it is, Bes at so | nothing sold by the lot. No detaches or rebate | pretence whatever 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 965 a Anglo-Saxon Review, edited by Lady Church- ill, illustrated, 4to, full morocco, gilt, vols i to 4. London, 1899-1900. 4 vols — a, Jesse, J. H., Memoirs of the Court of England, also of the Pretenders and Literary and’ Historical Memorials of London, illustrated, 8vo, Boston, Niccols. 14 vols . World’s Library of Literature, History and qi Travel, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. Philadel- 4] phia, 1898. 12 vols Novels of Charles Lever, introduction by Andrew Lang, plates, 8vo, Boston, 1894. Limited edition, 40 vols Balzac’s Novels, edited by George Saintsbury, plates on Japan paper, the limited edition of 300 numbered copies, 8vo, cloth. London, 1896. 40 vols Carleton’s Traits and Stories of the Irish Peas- antry, frontispiece, 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. London, (Dent) 1896. 4 vols | Diary of Samuel Pepys. for the first time fully transcribed, edited with additions by H. B. Wheatley, portraits and illustrations, 12mo, cloth, gilt tops. New York, no date. 18 vols Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, by the Rev. E. C. Brewer, fine plates, 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, a hand- some work, New York, 1892. 4 vols 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 y- Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, ‘thing sold by the tot. No deduction or rebate on any retence whatever. ey ee | ad 566 The Heptameron or The Tales of Margaret, - Queen of Navarre, edited by George Saints- bury, engravings and tail pieces, limited edition on hand made paper, 8vo, cloth. London, Society of English Bibliophilists, 1894. 5 vols Guizot’s Popular History of England, many steel and wood engravings, large 8vo, half morocco. Boston, Estes & Launat. 5 vols R. L. Stevenson’s Complete Works, plates on Japan paper, 8vo. cloth, gilt tops. New York, Seribners, 1897. 22 vols Eugene Field’s Little Book of Western Verse, Second Book of Verse and Little Book of Profitable Tales. New York, Scribners, 1892-3. 3 vols Mr. Scarborough’s Family, by Anthony Trol- lope, first edition, 12mo, cloth. London, Chatto, 1883. 3 vols Thomas Gray’s Works, in Prose and Verse, edited by Edmund Gosse, frontispiece, 12mo. New York. 4 vols Century Co’s Bijou Series, including a Christ- mas Carol by Dickens, Poor Richards Al- manac, Meditations of Marcus Aurelius etc., illustrated, 18mo, leather, gilt edges, 13 vols Robert Browning’s Poetical Works, complete, Riverside edition 12mo, cloth. Boston, 1893. 6 vols 3 kee” Every article sold as it is, and at so mu nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate o: pretence whatever. / 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 ee : ¥ Dickens’ Works, complete, illustrated, 12mo, — ‘a vols Dickens’ Nicholas Nickleby, illustrated by | a. Phiz, first edition, 8vo, half ealf London, 1839 ee Alfred Ramband’s Popular History of Russia i to 1880, many steel and other plates, large 8vo, half morecco. Boston, Estes & Launat. 8 vols Guizot’s Popular History of France, 300 illus- — 4 trations, by A. De Neuville, large 8vo, halt morocco. Boston, Estes & Launat. 6 vols Victor Hugo’s Works, Life and Time, plates on Japan paper, International, limited edition, each copy numbered, large paper, 8vo, cloth, gilt top, 30 vols | Americanized Encyclopedia Britannica, latest edition, colored maps and plates, large 8vo, full sheep. New York, 12 vols Lockhart’s Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, cop- per plate engravings, 16mo, half morocco, New York, Harper, 1830. 2 vols Galt’s Life of Lord Byron, New York, 1830. Croly’s Life of George IV. New York, 1831, illustrated, 16mo, half blue morocco, 2 vols Novels and Romances, by Sir Walter Scott, steel plates, 16mo, full calf. Edinburgh 1825. 7 vols half calf New York, White & Allen 15 584 «B85 586 587 588 589 590 Ryery article sold as it is, and at so much each, othing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate en any retence whatever. ish 583 Shelley’s Poetical Works, with Memoir, Li 8vo, morocco, red and gold edges. London, 1890 : Wm. Cullen Bryant’s Library of Poetry and fa Song, portrait, large 8vo, cloth. New York, no date Edgar Allan Poe’s Tales and Poems, large paper library edition, on Japan paper, with double set of plates, square 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, Geo. Barrie, no date. With the very rare fac-simile of the manuscript of The Murders in the Rue Morgne, on Japan paper, together, 7 vols Elegant Extracts of Familiar and Amusing Letters and Poems, plates, 8vo, old calf. London, no date. 5 vols Scott’s Waverley Novels, with illustrations, 12mo, half calf. New York, Routledge. 24 vols Prescott’s Works, illustrated, large type edition 8vo, half moroccv, gilt tops, uncut. Phila- delphia, 1890. 12 vols } Sketch of the life of Joseph Lucien Marshall Bonaparte. by himself, 8vo, half blue calf. Perth, 1357 | Napoleon. Manuseript transmitted from St. Helena, 8vo, half calf, gilt tops, uncut, scarce. London, 1817 OT ie a ee SRF | We 4 vy = moe “SEN sold as it is, and at so ce nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rchere g pretence whatever. | oe 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 es Historie Doubts Relative to Napoleon, 8vo, | half calf, scarce. London, 1841 Bulwer’s Novels, complete, Knebworth limited — edition No. 290, plates on Japan paper, 8vo, cloth, uncut. Boston, 1891. 32 vols Charles Reade’s Novels, illustrated by Bar- nard, Gilbert, Keene, etc., 12mo, half roan. London, 1890. 21 volumes Burn’s Complete Works, illustrated, 8vo, cloth gilt, gilt edges. Philadelphia. 6 vols Eber’s Barbara Blomberg, 12mo cloth, 2 vols — Shakespeare’s Pickering Dimond KEdition, scarce, 32mo, original, cloth. London, 1825. 9 vols | Heine, 12mo, cloth. London 2 vols Shakespeare’s Henry the Fourth, Rolfe edition, 12mo, cloth, 2 vols Anacreon, Thos. Stanley’s Translation, illus- — trated, limited edition, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1894 Disraeli’s Curiosities of Literature and Miscel- lanies, illustrated, 8vo, cloth, 2 vols Marion Lescant, by The Abbe Prevast. illus- trated by Leloir, proof etchings etc., 4to, full morocco gilt, gilt edges. London, 1886 The Amazon and Madeira Rivers, by Keller, illustrated, folio, cloth. New York, 1874 Household Altars of World, folio, cloth. 1898 hss 1 ee article gold as it 1s, and at so ce each, ty Metin sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 Sterne’s Sentimental Journey, illustrated by Leloir, limited edition, 4to, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1885 | Byron’s Poems and Songs of Three Centuries, illustrated, full limp morocco, 2 vols Beauties of the Opera and Ballet, illustrated by Heath, illuminated borders, 4to, full mo- rocco, gilt edges. London School Encyclopedia, 8vo, cloth French and English Dictionary. London, 1899 Roosevelts Rough Riders, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1899 Poetical Works of Pope, Browning and Long- fellow, illustrated, 8vo, half morocco, gilt, 3 vols. Confessions of an Elderly Gentleman and the Idler, by the Countess of Blessington, 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1836. 2 vols Balzac, Droll Stories, illustrated by Dore, 8vo, cloth. London 1874 Geneaological Chart, Heyward of South Caro- lina. Albany 1896. 4to, cloth Life of Napoleon, by W. J. Hillis, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. New York 1896 Cotton. A Voice from Waterloo, illustrated 12mo, half morocco The Fencing Master, by Harry B. Smith, Music by De Koven, 4to, half morocco amaetig sold by the lot. No deduction or “reba pretence whatever. , Be 617 618 619 - Nordau’s Degeneration, 8vo, cloth. New Y ‘orl ? 1895 : The Pilgrims of the Rhine, by Lord Lytton, a a steel plates by Moclise and others, 8vo, cloth. London, 1891 Dickens’ Bleak House, first edition, illustrated by Phiz, 8vo, half calf. London, 1858 Journal of My Life During the French Revo- lution, by Grace Elliot, 8vo, half calf. London, 1859. George Augustus Sala’s copy with his autograph on title, scarce Bill of Fare, colored plates by Rowlandson, very curious, 12mo, half morocco Memoirs of the Life of Handel, catalogue of his works etc., portrait inserted, 8vo, calf. London, 1760 Cyclopedia of Poetical Quotations, by Adams, 12mo, cloth Brewer’s Readers’ Handbook, 8vo, half morocco Grant’s Tour Around the World; and Field, Dungeon and Escape, 8vo, sheep, 2 vols + Palgrave’s Golden Treasury, 8vo, cloth. Don- | don, 1891 Napoleon, Lover and Husband, by Fred Mas- son, 8vo, cloth Love Lyrics, by J. Whitcomb ee ee 12mo, cloth The True George Washington, by Paul L. Ford, 8vo, cloth 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642. 643 af Bs ?< Every article sold as :t is, aa, at so much each, ‘ nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any _ pretence whatever. Bunner. Short Sixes, first edition, scarce, illustrated, 12mo. New York, 1891 Bunner’s Story of a New York House, first edition, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1887 Cassell’s German-English Dictionary,8vo, cloth Stedman’s Victorian Anthology, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1895 King’s Notable New Yorkers, 8vo, cloth Page’s Santa Claus’ Partner, 8vo, cloth, New York 1899 , Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Illuminated borders. 12mo, paper. New York 1899 Goldsmith. She Stoops to Conquer. Illustra- ted, 12mo, cloth gilt. Few York 1896 Hyperion, by Longfellow, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia 1892 The Occult World, by Sinnet, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1889 Edward E. Hale. The Man Without a Coun- try, illustrated, 12mo, cloth. Boston 1894. With autograph of the author inserted The Literary Souvenir, edited by A. A. Watts, 12mo, half morocco. London 1830 Aus Wiskonsin by Konrad Krez, 12mo, cloth, New York, 1875. Presentation copy with author’s autograph The Biography of a Grizzley, with 75 drawings by Seaton-Thompson, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1900 8@- Every article sold as it is, and at so muck each, he nothing sold by the tot. No deduction or rebate om any pretence whatever. ercaesoh, 644 Studies in Criticism, by Florence Frail, 12mo, cloth | ag 645 Plantation Pageants, by J. Chandlar Harris, | illustrated, 8vo, cloth 646 Le Gallienne, Quest of the Golden Girl and Prose Fancies, 8vo, cloth, 2 vols 647 Kipling’s Indian Tales, Day’s Work and Phan- tom Rickshaw, 8vo, cloth, 3 vols 648 Wallach’s Memoirs of Fifty Years, Richard Carvel and 3 others, 8vo, cloth, 5 vols 649 Ameazindy, by J. Whitcomb Riley. first edition, 12mo, cloth, uncut. Indianapolis, 1894 650 Robert Helmont, by Alphonse Daudet, illus- _ trated, 8vo, half morocco, limited edition 651 The Lutherans in America, by Edmund J. Wolfe, 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1889 652 Le Sage’s Adventures of Gil Blas, translated by Smollett, illustrated by Jean Gigoux, 8vo, half calf. London, 1836. 2 vols 653 Miss Burney’s Cecilia, photogravure plates, 12mo, cloth. London, Dent. A very pretty edition on large paper of which but 195. were printed. 3 vols 654 Secret Court Memoirs of Louis pe Bey XV. and XVI., the Court of St. Cloud and the Court of Berlin, beautiful photogravure plates on Japan paper, Eprrion DE GRANDE Luxe, each copy numbered, small 4to half morocco, uncut. Boston, The Grolier So- ciety. 6 vols REP Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, - mothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any _ pretenee whatever. . - 655 Captain Jesse’s Life of Beau Brummell, forty yao! portraits in color, large paper copy, 4to, half morocco, gilt tops. London 1886. Out of print and scarce, 2 vols 656 Durny’s History of Rome and of the Roman People, edited by Rev. J. P. Mahaffy. Over 3,000 engravings, 100 maps and plans and colored plates, linen vellum paper numbered | edition, limited, large 8vo, half red morocco Bs gilt edges. Boston 1844. In splendid order, as new, 16 vols i 657 History of Greece, by the same. Companion a to previous lot, in same binding and con-. dition. Both sets brand new and have never been opened, 8 vols 658 Dumas’ Novels and Tales complete, translated into English, with portraits 12mo, cloth, full gilt. Boston, Little, Brown & Co., 1891. A handsome library set, 48 vols 659 Eugene Sue’s Works complete, illustrated with original etchings by famous French artists, | edition de luxe, 8vo, cloth, gilt tops. Boston | | Niccolls & Co., no date, 20 vols : 660 Life of Frederick the Great, by F. Kugler, il- lustrated, 8vo, cloth. (1 page loose). London 1877 661 Allen’s American Book plates, illustrated, first edition, 12mo. New York, Macmillan, 1894. scarce Reet sold Sy the lot. No aGuen: or - rebs pretence whatever. 662 663 664 668 669 Pearson’s Official War History, with introduc-. i tion by President eadanih plates, KF | ve folio, cloth Johr Ruskin’s Poems, edited by J. 0. Wright, etched frontispiece, 12mo, half calf. New York, Wiley, 1882 | John Ruskin’s Queen of the Air, 12mo, half calf. New York, 1888 Robinson Crusoe, by Defoe, cuts, 18mo, mo- rocco. Peekskill, 1830 Life of Lord Nelson, frontispiece, 18mo, half morocco. Baltimore, 1806 The Coquette, or History of Eliza Wheston, frontispiece, 18mo, eee Exeter, 1828. Very curious Tennyson, Poems of, illustrated by Edward Lear, portraits and proof plates all on Japan paper, one of 100 copies, signed with Tenny- son autograph. London, 1899. eet valu- able Scenes From Every Land, with over 500 — photo views, oblong folio, leather, gilt edges. 1893 | Footsteps of Dr. Johnson, Scotland, by Geo. B. Hill, illustrations by Speed, double set. one signed by the artist, Japan paper copy, only 160 printed. London, Sampson Low, 1890. A beautiful volume | an 1. vhaltee article sold as it is, and at so much each, thing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. a 7 a 672 673 674 675 676 FOG 678 Chancey M. Depew’s Orations and After Din- ner Speeches, portrait, 12mo cloth With Thackeray in America, illustrated, square, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1894 Cranford, by Mrs. Gaokell, 40 illustrations in color and 60 pen and ink sketches, by Hugh Thomson, 12mo, cloth. London, 1898 Cuttbert Bede’s Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green and Little Mr. Bouncer, illustrated by the author, 250 copies only printed, 8vo, cloth. Boston 18938. 2 vols Daphnes and Chloe, from the Greek of Lon- gus, with an introduction by Jules Claretie, illustrated by Raphael Collin, large 8vo, cloth, gilt top. Boston, Niccoll, no date. Only 500 printed Telegraph Codes; McNeil’s, 1893. Moreing & Neil’s, 1895. Lieber’s, 1898. 3 vols Lippincott’s Gazetteer and Biographical Dic- tionary, 2 vols The Famous Orleans Gallery. Galerie Litho- graphie de son Altesse, Royale M. le Duc d’Orleans, India proofs of the splendid series of plates, large folio, full green morocco, The Duchesse de Berri’s copy, 2 volumes sa3- Every article sold as it is, and at so. sili nothing sold by the lot: No deduction or rebate on pretence whatever. . pee 679 Napoleon. Manuscript. De Stientiae Dei, 680 681 etc., Auctore R. P. Francisco Suarez, 8. J. Disputationes in tres Aristotelis libros de — i anima, Auctore R. P. Hyacinthe Piquer, 12mo, old calf, red edges, stamped in gilt a ] with the monogram N, surmounted with a crown on back and corners of sides Latin manuscript, dating from the middle of the seventeenth century, written in a very close and minute, but easily legible hand, on 483 pages. It consists of several complete tracts on theological and philosophical subjects. This curious and unique manuscript is be- lieved to be one of the volumes that were brought from Spain by Napoleon. Curious. The Loves of Othniel and Achsah, translated from the Chaldee, 12mo. London, 1769. 2 vols bound in one, sold as one The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, translated by G. Long, 12mo, cloth. New York, no date | Genoa the Superb, the city of Columbus, by © V. W. Johnson, illustrated, 12mo, cloth, gilt top. Boston, no date 13 vols novels and miscellaneous books 12 vols do do 15 vols do do 16 vols Uae do Webster's Unabridged, The Argosy, and others, 7 vols } a Every article sold as it 1», and at so much each, oh i asnnirg sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any (Abs sin whatever. | ti 688 15 vols. novels and miscellaneous books . 689 18 vols. do — do 1 ~—-690-:18 vols. do do M691 14 yol. = = do do 1 692 15 vols. do do 693 Old school books, a bundle 694 Small and miscellaneous books, a bundle 695 Dramatic souvenirs, Olga Nethersole and others, 12 pieces | 696 Reade’s Cloister and the Hearth, Grolier Soci- ee ety edition, vol. 2 only ij 697 The World’s Orators, vols. 1, 2,4 and 5. lim- ited editions. New York, Putnam’s. 4 vols 698 Macaulay’s Essays, edited by his sister Lady | Trevelyan, with portraits and plates on Japan paper, the Whitehall limited edition, 8vo. half calf, gilt tops, uncut. London, Putnam’s, no date. 10 vols 699 Macaulay’s History of England, uniform with preceeding lot, 10 vols 700 Selected Pictures from the Public and Private Collections in the United States, many fine plates, folio. Paris and New York. 10 sections 701 The London Lancet, a medical journal, 8vo, 29 vols 702 Worcester’s Dictionary, 1884 708 18 vols. Novels, etc.. cloth 8@- Every article sold as it is, and at so ‘mucl nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or tebate | n 25 ' pretence whatever. 7104 105 7106 107 108 709 710 (it M12 713 714 (15 716 T17 14 vols. Novels, etc., cloth 17 do do do | King’s Handbook New York City and United States, etc., 8 vols Roughing It. Life on Mississippi, ete, shh a Mark Twain, 8vo, cloth, 4 vols 3 Louchnitz Edition of Shakespeare, 12mo, note vellum, 14 vols | The Banks of New York etc., by J. 8. Gib- bons, 8vo, cloth. New York, 1858 Goupil Art Triumphs, 4to, cloth, illustrated Ridpath’s History of the World, illustrated, 4to, sheep, 4 vols Hume & Smollet’s History of England, 8vo, old calf. Dublin, 1788. 13 vols Edinburgh Review, 8vo, calf, Edinburgh, 1810-14. 22 vols Venice, illustrated, colored plates folio Famous Art Reproduced, illustrated, oblong folio, cloth. Chicago, 1895 Beauties of Thomas Moore, Portraits of Female Characters, 4to, full morocco. Lon- don. no date. Many fine steel plates by Edward Finden Great Men and Famous Women. A series of pen and pencil sketches, etched by Chas. F. Horne. Soldiers, sailors, artists authors, ete. Many fine plates, 4to, half OG gilt edges, 4 vols .. Every article sa as it is, and at so much each, afi % ee sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. ee een 118 George Eliot's Works, 8vo, half calf, 11 vols. 119 Bulwer’s Novels, 8vo, half red calf, gilt backs, | 13 vols. 720 Dumas’ Romances, illustrated, 8vo, cloth, New York, 1895. 15 vols 721 Robertson’s History of Charles V., 8vo, calf, London 1809. 4 vols 722 Art Thoughts, by James J. Jarvis, 12mo, cloth. New York, 1870. Presentation copy from the author 723 Farm Ballads, by Will Carleton, 8vo, cloth 724 History of Provencal Poetry, by C. C. Fauriel, -8vo, cloth, New York, 1860 725 Dore; Dante’s Inferno and Paradise Lost, illustrated by Dore, 4to, cloth, 2 vols 726 Costumes, Her Majesty’s Army, by W. Rich- ards, many fine colored plates, 4to, two half morocco, one in parts, together, 3 vols 727 Dickens and Lever’s Works, cloth, 4 vols 728 Poetical Works of Scott, Byron, Moore, ete. 8vo, cloth, 7 vols 729 Household Poets, Emerson, Longfellow, Whit- tier, Harte, etc., 8vo, cloth, 7 vols 730 A Round of Days, original poems, illustrated by Dalziel, 4to, cloth. London, 1866. binding loose 731 How Nature Cures, by Densmore, 12mo, cloth ke Every article sold as” it is, and at so nothing sold by the lot. No dedtiction or reat pretence whatever. ge 733 734 135 736 137 138 139 740 T41 742 Knight's Shakespeare, fine steel plates. Ato, an ¥ half morocco. New York, no date. 3 vols ra Night Songs, by Chas. Reinick, illustrated, folio cloth Crist Before Pilate, by M. De Munkaesy, illus- trated, folio. Paris, 1886 Dickens’ Works, 8vo, cloth, 15 vols. Whittier’s Poems, 8vo, half calf, household edition, illustrated Haskin’s First Regiment of Artillery, 8vo, cloth Portland, 1879 : | History Northern Pacific Railroad, by E. V. Smolley, 8vo, cloth, N. Y. 1883 Camp Fire and Battle Field of Civil War, il- lustrated, 4to, half morocco The Garaing Table, Its Votaries and Victims, by Andrew Steinmetz, 8vo, half morocco. London, 1870. 2 vols | Gallery of English and American Women, Famous in Song, illustrated, 4to, full mo-— rocco, gilt edges, Philadelphia, no date India, illustrated, oblong folio, cloth on i _ Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, ee “nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any ___- pretence whatever. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2oth, 3 ; bf At Two O'clock. 743 Bronze reading lamp 744 Marble figure 745 Carved Venetian and Mosiac pedestal 746 Oil painting, by A. T. Millar 747 Carved oak and tapestry hall chair 748 Two silver bronze panels 749 Ormolu mounted jardiniere 750 Gilt and satin damask divan set, 2 pieces | 751 Silver-plated ink stand | 752 Two crystal and silver toilet bottles | 753 French Faience and gold decorated jar and cover 754 Gold decorated flower vase 755 Antique mahogany bureau — a a wees 756 Bronze figure, on marble base 757 Antique decorated china vase 758 Rainbow crackle vase 759 Antique mahogany chiffonier 760 Oil painting, by W. Webber 761 Oil painting 762 Oil painting, by A. Reinart 163 764 765 766 167 768 769 770 771 772 7713 174 7175 776 777 778 779 780 781 182 183 184 185 786 187 _ §@* Every article sold as aN is, Aas at SO" 1 nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or reba =a pretence whatever. fees Antique vestment and stole Mahogany and marqueterie desk Gheordez carpet, 12.9x9.1 Daghistan rug Antique Kilim rug Japanese armor Fur rug Fine zither, by Dobson Real bronze lamp, with electric attachment: Rosewood and bronze mounted etagere Carved Venetian arm chair Marble group Mahogany and marqueterie music > eabinet Silver bronze jardiniere Marble pedestal Marqueterie tea tray Kilaborately carved mahogany drawing room suit in cut velvet, 3 pieces | Superb sevres vase, figure panels on cobalt ground, heavy mat gold tracings, signed Rochette | Companion ‘Tinsel embroidered table cover Mahogany and marqueterie card table Two bronze figures Carved oak arm chair ‘T'wo porcelain and ormolu candelabras a oo. article sold as it 1», and at so much each, ac sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any Be pretence whatever. 788° 789 790 191 792 793 194 795 796 197 198 Ke 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 . 810 811 812 813 814 Asien paper rack Teplitz vase - Marble lion Set sterling silver, handled carvers Twelve limoges salad plates Eleven Cauldron coffee cups and saucers Eleven cut glass champagnes Eleven cut glass salts | Mahogany and marqueterie china closet Oil painting, by N. Ramsey Antique Mahogany hall clock, by A. Nemmo of Kirkcaldy Antique Moorish lantern Antique Yalmouth Bokhara carpet, 9.3x7 White marble First Empire clock Two sevres and ormolu pitchers Two blue and white Delft 6 light candelabras Steinway upright piano Piano stool Pianola Mahogany piano stool Music for Piarola Mahogany music cabinet Tinsel embroidered piano scarf Two cloisonne vases Silver- plated loving cup Marble figure, as is Mahogany pedestal i i? PNT WSUS, «4, Coe Sy ee nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on pretence whatever. | MS 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 Fog Every article sold as it is, Aids ay so March Carved ain Colonial Davenport, in 1 tinsel : brocade ae 4 White and gold embroidered 4-fold screen | Antique Chinese group | Mahogany pedestal Decorated Chinese vase Carved teakwood pedestal Illuminated leather 4-fold screen Bronze group Liquor basket Carved mahogany secretary Mahogany and figured satin damask arm chair Decorated pitcher | Royal Bonn vase Capo di Monte comport Gilt and crystal salad bowl, as is Six Turkish coffee cups ‘T'welve cut glass champagnes Six cream de menthe glasses Sapphire crystal cologne bottle Six Dresden Ramikins Five pieces assorted bottles, ete. Pair field glasses | Colt’s revolver Pair field glasses Mahogany First Empire book case Companion Oil painting, by E. Dalperg “ 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 e 843 844 ane 8@- Every article sold as .t is, and at so much each, We nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any | eee whatever. . ies ey Water color, by J. J. McCann Carved Venetian pedestal, Mosaic top Carved mahogany library suit, in figured tapes- try, 3 pieces | Antique decorated china vase Real bronze and buck horn inkstand Antique Bohemian glass toilet bottle Two silver plated 5-light candelabras Oil painting, by R. Viede Cloissonne vase Bronze Empire clock Cut glass ruby vase Dresden decorated placque Water color, by R. Benvenut Cut glass flower vase Turkish teapot and tray Bronze Moorish lantern Two Sevres plates, Court subjects Antique decorated china comport Sterling silver and ivory handled carving set Copeland chop dish Kight Dresden fruit plates Cut glass and bronze mounted Tantalus set Antique Chinese biscuit jar Cut glass jelly dish Silver-plated water cooler Cut glass nappie and knife rest, 2 pieces Cut glass berry bow] with platter ogee gold “ee the he No dedubtion or reba pretence whatever. Aaa 869 Antique Parian water pitcher 870 Two cameo decorated vases 871 Choisy le Roi jardiniere 872 Mettlach vase and cover 873 Oil painting—Still Life 874 Elaborately carved English oak buffet 875 Elaborately carved extension table n 876 Elaborately carved dining room suite in ta- pestry, 8 pieces 877 Plush velour table cover 878 Panel—Venus Wedding the Sea, accompanied by the Gods and Goddesses, in a chariot drawn by the Horses of the Sun, ebonized frame, inlaid with onyx and said Italian cuttings 879 Gheordez carpet, 11.10x8.6 880 Dresden figure 881 Berlin jar and cover 882 Cloissonne vase 883 Serves candlestick 884 ‘I'wo pieces Parian 855 ‘Two serves plates, Watteau subjects 886 Sterling silver handled carvers 887 Ivory carving 888 Ivory miniature 889 Placque, inkstand, &c., 4 pieces 890 ‘Two decorated plates 891 Mettlach placque -g97 Rete aa Every atticle sold as it is, and at so much each, i ete sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 892 893 894 895 896 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 Venis Martin Louis XV. cabinet Water color, by R. Bennett Elegant lustre pitcher vase Carved Flemish oak bedstead Sevres and ormolu clock set Antique marqueterie and ormolu mounted Louis XV. bureau Real bronze vase _ Old Dutch marqueterie desk Pearl inlaid window seat Oil painting, by Bachman Carved fast Indian and pearl inlaid library suit, 2 pieces Antique Malgaran carpet, 13.9x7.8 Cut crystal punch bow! on plateau Rosawood marble top etagere, with heavy ormolu mounts Real bronze vase Set of bronze gongs Mahogany marble top pedestal, ormolu mounts Doulton figure—Faust and Marguerite Dresden figure Dresden handle and pear! spoon Sterling silver fork Antique medallion Coalport bonbon basket Sterling silver traveling cap Antique ivory-handled dagger ee eee article sold as it is, and at so much pons: nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any a PUSteneE whatever. 917 Martha S Ween eup 918 Martha Washington plate 919 Tortoise shell comb 920 Sterling silver ash tray 921 ‘Two pair antique earrings 922 Decorated cup and saucer 923 Miniature oil painting, very fine 924 Real bronze deer 925 Cigar cutter, etc., 3 pieces 926 Real bronze medallion 927 Porcelain miniature 928 Leather Japanese pipe case aad pouch, gold boar and malachite Netsuke | 929 Pair of Chinese inlaid shoes 930 Antique fan 931 Old Dutch silver pouch 932 Elegant gilt Louis XVI cabinet | 933 Gilt Louis XV and satin lampas reception chair 934 ‘Two Sevres plates, court subjects 935 Real bronze vase 936 Pearl inlaid taborette 937 Antique Malgaran rug 938 Chinese underglaze vase 939 Sevres plate, Louis Bonaparte 940 Mahogany and ormolu trimmed Etagere 941 Antique Dutch marqueterie card table 942 Oil painting, by Gilbert 943 Decorated vase and cover i a oe article sold as it is, and at so much each, mothing sold by the tot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 944 Marble figure 945 Silver-plated mirror 946 Ruby glass vase 947 Ivory carving _ 948 Ivory Miniature 949 Sevres bonbonniere 950 Ivory miniature 951 Decorated bonbonniere 952 Ivory miniature 953 Sword guard, iron, crests decorations, signed Suruga of Inshin XIX. century 954 Gilt florentine frame medallion 955 Three pieces, ornaments 956 Vernis Martin specimen cabinet 957 Anatolian mat 958 Another 959 Antique Kazak rug 960 do Shirvan rug 961 do Cabistan rug 962 do Kurdistan rug 963 do Kazak rug 964 do Shirvan rug 965 do Shirvan rug 966 do Shirvan rug 967 do Cabistan rug 968 do Daghistan rug 969 do Bokhara rug 970 do Prayer rug nothing sold by the lot. _ pretence whatever. 971 972 973. 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 ba" Every article sold as it is, ee ae SO ‘much No deduction - or TPR on Antique Daghistan rug. do do do do do - do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Cabistan rug Bokhara rug: Yourook rug Bokhara rug Kazak rug Cabistan rug Shirvan rug Carabagh rug Kazak rug Youlorah rug Carabagh rug Kurdistan rug Kazak rug Shirvan rug Persian rug Kurdistan rug Carabagh rug Cabistan rug Bokhara rug, 3.6x3 Mashett rug, 4.6x2.3 Shirvan rug ita “1. Every article ae as it is, and at so much each, UN nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate en any 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 __- pretence whatever. 6 MONDAY EVENING, October 29th, at & o'clock. In Old New York, Janvier, 12mo, cloth, New York, 1894 Constitution of Society of Sons of Revolution of New York, 8vo. cloth, New York, 1892 Masson’s Napoleon, Lover and Husband, 8vo, cloth : American Anglers’ Guide, by Thaddeus Norris, illustrated, 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1865 Salon of 1889, illustrations on India paper, 4to, in covers Etchings in Portfolio, fine lot, 18 Tennyson’s Poetical Works, illustrated, 8vo, full morocco, gilt edges, Cambridge Press Tennyson’s Poems, household edition, 8vo, half calf Actors and Actresses of Great Britian on U. S. 8vo, cloth, 5 vols. Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, _mothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1282 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 Cut glass cheese dish Five light silver-plated candleabra Parian bust—Beethoven Two cloissonne vases Carved Flemish oak cabinet Gilt reception chair Doulton and sterling silver loving cup Set of chess men, etc., in case Cut crystal tobacco jar Fine lithograph of E. L. Manley Flobert rifle Two antique battle axes Japanese sword Two Indian war clubs Two antique guns Horn and pouch Panoply of swords Old needle gun Gheordez carpet, 13.8x8.9 Two old porcelain vases Cut glass water pitcher do — whiskey decanter do Burgundy decanter do salad bow! do — water bottle Eleven Minton dinner plates Sheffield plate tray Two silver-plated goblets Large Sheffield plate tea tray Bas" Every article sold as it is, and at so much as acs nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on eT eae pretence whatever. 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 Sterling silver and bukhorn carving set Twelve white and gold Faience soup plates Twelve blue and bread and butter plates Cut glass olive dish Cut emerald glass decanter Two silver- plated candlesticks | Old English piece, Flemish oak sideboard, in perfect condition. purchased from Sypher Four arm and 8 chairs, Flemish oak, with heavy gold embossed leather seats, built by Boughton, 5th avenue | Carved Flemish oak serving table, Wernecke Carved Flemish oak china closet Carved Flemish oak china closet, larger Old Lisle placque Carved Flemish oak library table Elegant onyx and ormolu clock set Cut crystal ice cream tray Ruby crystal biscuit jar and cover Two pair silk plush curtains and draperies Six sevres plates, court subjects Original bronze—The Minstrel, by P. Du Bois, 1865, Barbedienne, Fondeur, Reduction Mecanique a Callas, Brevette medal, the original bronze, purchased at the William Waldorf Astor sale, and cost $3,500 Elaborately carved pedestal Twelve superb sevres plates, assorted Cloissonne jar and cover Sterling silver handle cheese scoop Sterling silver handle carver Cut glass bonbon tray BaS~ Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, ie wothing sold by the iot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. ee a ee. Two sterling silver and ivory razors Walrus handle carving set in case Cut erystal water bottle Old Dutch marqueterie china closet Superb sevres vase, figure and landscape dec- oration on cobalt ground, heavy mat gold tracing, signed Poitevin Companion Mahogany pedestal Fine pastel—Ideal Head Oil painting by J. B Bristol Gheordez carpet, 14.3x11.1 Marble figure Mahogany pedestal Revolutionary plate New York, Spirit of 1776, -made by Cauldon Sword stein rack Two Florentine brackets Sevres plate Two cloissonne vases Vienna cup and saucer Vienna plate Dresden jar and cover Capo di Monte stein Fine gilt bric-a-brac cabinet Oil painting by De Scott Evans Old Dutch marqueterie desk Six old Dutch marqueterie side chairs in tapestry Old Dutch marqueterie table Fine mahogany hall clock, Westminster and Whittington chimes, quarter hour strike Every article sold as it is, and at so, much each, pretence whatever. 1489 3 4 FOX (Shirley) : : ; . : . London oe Brunette : 10144 x 8% 1490 TYLER (J. G.) a, New York Ein easterly 30 x 20 1491 KAHLER (Carl) ‘ : ‘New York Temptation 3534 x 24% 1492 UNKNOWN f d : : : 3 Suodith and HHolopbernes Original is in the Great Flangieri Gallery, Naples 35 x 28 : 149: | / PIZELLANO ; Naples : Sans Souci 1344 X9% 1494 LANGLEY (Chas. E.) New Vork : Ht the Doc . 114% x8 bade Sear een pe nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any | Meee ee ae i ap lg Sl ea ES EB i a a ee : : “PARTON (A (Artis) NLA. ue The | Saw amit River ne eae te ee _ ARMSTRONG (B.A. W.) ek Salford Loch lean 21x 13% UNKNOWN Naas e OS a ae Dake Como 194 x 11% 1498 UNKNOWN ts : + Bandseape and Cattle —14x%0% . WEBER (M.) Ae - Munich PU Nae a fToeal THead ay eae , 12% 10% i yee CHAPMAN (Carlton T.) a Maa . New York The Open Sea 37% x 26% hat 7 et sth 1 e | The Tangled Skein I2x9 1502 | ¥ New York a oe | “an the Catskills 224% x 14% ee | 1503, ROSE SAND (Harry) j ie Brooklyn Che pet Dove WmW%x7% 1504 e e @ _ KAHLER (Carl) ie ss The Studto eS Se | 39% X 20% mae New York “RG Every article sold as it is, amd at so much each, nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. Be a WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3ist, At Two O'clock. Two bronze figures—F aust, ete. Carved Griffin pedestal Real bronze fgure—The Discus Thrower Fine marqueterie and ormolu trimmed table Gilt and satin lampas Louis XVI. parlor suite, 3 pieces | Hlaborately carved and gilt easel Bronze trimmed jardiniere Mahogany and marqueterie specimen cabinet Camel's hair rug Bokhara rug French walnut and Dresden panel chiffonier Carved Griffin pedestal Fine music box, 6 cylinders, with secretary attached Bronze and porcelain jardiniere Marble group —Leda and the Swan Verde antique marble pedestal Gilt Louis XVI. parlor suite, in satin damask, 3 pieces . a Every article sold as it is, and at so, much’ cach, nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. . pe. CELEBRATED COLLECTION OF RUSSIAN 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 BRONZE. Bear standing on his paws, on onyx, by Prof. Liebreich _ | | A Pointer, by Prof. Liebreich A Pointer With Snipe, by Prof. Liebreich A Montenegro Woman, by Gratcheff A Montenegro, by Gratcheff A Circassian, by Gratcheff Steeplechase, by Lancerey Georgian Caracolant, by Lancerey ‘T’scherkess du Caucuse, by Lancerey Ivory inlaid cabinet The famous Princess Dologorouki library table Very old harp } Gilt and satin lampas Louis XVI. arm chair Gilt reception chair, in satin damask Superb sevres vase figure panels on cobalt ground, heavy gold mat tracings, signed J. Pascault; height, 60 inches Companion Superb royal Vienna and gilt table Marble figure Superb onyx and enamel bronze pedestal Gilt Colonial mirror Gilt Louis XVI. arm chair, in silk damask. Antique Dutch marqueterie consol | ges" Ivery article sold as: it is, and at so much each, goeniae sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate: on any pretence whatever. ie 1544 Antique Dutch marqueterie desk 1545 Gulistan carpet, 11.10x8.11 1546 Afghan carpet, 7.1x5.11 1547 Antique Kurdistan rug 1548 Gilt Louis XV. reception suit, 3 peer 1549 Elegant Dresden clock 1550 Autique mahogany Louis XVI. bureau 1551 Bronze figure—The Flower of the Glacier 1552 Superb Sevres and onyx pedestal : 1553 Old gilt Louis XV fire screen 1554 Marqueterie card table 1555 Mahogany and ormolu trimmed specimen cab: inet 1556 Fine Sevres vase with figure and landscape — | decoration, with ormolu mounts 1557 Companion 1558 Carrara marble figure—Fortune 1559 Verde antique marble pedestal 1560 Old German table, gilt and porcelain top, flower decoration, purchased by Wernecke personally at the King Ludwig sale 1561 Gilt Colonial mirror 1562 Carved Flemish oak desk 1563 Bandnhr carpet, 15.8x11.4 1564 LElaborately carved and richly gilt Louis XV | parlor suite, 3 pieces | 1565 Carrara marble figure—Psyche 1566 Verde antique marble pedestal _8@> Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, nt sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. bs vise a eb nt en 8 pee oe en 1567 Elaborately carved Flemish oak hail settee — 1568 Old Dutch marqueterie drop leaf table 1569 Serves vase, pate tendre ; figure and landscape panels on cobalt grounds, heavy mat gold tracings, signed Bertren, height 45 inches | 1570 Companion 1571 Ebony and bronze mounted pedestal 1572 Carved teakwood pedestal 1578 Gheordez carpet, 13x11 1574 Mounted tiger rug 1575 do _yrizzly bear rug 1576 do leopard rug 1577 do tiger rug JEWELRY. oe 1578 Diamond stud ‘ 1579 Antique gold chain, sapphire and diamond seal pencil ! i 1580 qt 1581 Gold enameled and chassed cigarette box | 1582 Pigeon blood ruby and diamond scarf pin | 1583 Genuine pearl and diamond scarf pin | 1584 Diamond Baby, and sapphire solid gold match box 1585 Ruby, pearl and diamond scarf pin 1586 Sapphire and diamond scarf pin = 1587 Napoleon I. snuff box, diamond -and gold chased, purchased at the Franklin collection | 1891 ' §@ Every article sold as it 1», and at so ‘much: a, en nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on oe _ pretence whatever. — 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1599a 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 Gold repeating watch ‘Diamond and gold hair pin Carved opal Indian Head scarf pin Diamond solitaire ring Waltham hunting case gold watch Diamond horse shoe scarf pin Turquoise and diamond ring Miniature and diamond broock, Tiffany, Paris Sixteen diamond and gold hair pins Turquoise and pearl gold open face watch and chain Pair gold coin sleeve buttons Diamond miniature sleeve links, Tiffany, London | Gold and enamelled lorgnettes, from the Speyer ‘collection Antique gold watch Antique beetle watch, black enamel and pearl Antique pearl and blue enamel Marquise ring Antique miniature brooch, pearls and gold Diamond and gold match safe Diamond solitaire ring Chain, pencil and coin Diamond and pearl horse shoe and searf pin Gold and gun metal pencil Coral, diamond and gold seal Patek Phillipe gold open face watch ‘Turquoise and diamond scarf pin 8@- Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 Diamond and ruby sword pin, Bohm, Denver Diamond necklace, containing 25 diamonds, Bohm, Denver Cat’s eye and diamond scarf pin Extraordinary fine pearl scarf pin Diamond and pink enamel brooch Diamond and pearl brooch Diamond and pearl gold enamel sword pin Pearl necklace, 59 pearls Pair diamond earrings Diamond solitaire ring Turquoise and diamond scarf pin Opal and diamond ring Diamond sunburst Set of six diamond and pearl vest buttons Diamond and enamel watch Turquoise and diamond scarf. Diamond solitaire ring Diamond and gold purse Diamond, emerald and pearl comb Ruby, diamond and pearl sword pin Emerald and diamond scarf pin Ruby and diamond scarf pin Pearl, ruby and emerald gold watch Nineteen diamond crescent pin Etched gold cross watch, one of the most per- fect antiques of its kind in the world, bought at the Franklin collection, and cost $2,500 3 Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, ‘ nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or xebate on any pretence whatever. Se SRR bas 1637 Enameled heart watch 1638 Gold key chain | SEA, 1639 Two pigeon blood rubies, diamond and pearl — | i ring | che | 1640 Gold, silver and ruby fob 1641 Diamond solitaire ring 1642 Diamond sunburst 1643 Diamond brooch 1644 Pair diamond earrings 1645 Diamond scarf pin : 1646 Ruby and diamond 3-stone ring 1647 Star sapphire and diamond scarf pin 1648 Gold-headed tortoise snell cane 1649 Sapphire and diamond scarf pin 1650 Solitaire diamond ring 1651 Enameled cigarette case 1652 Waltham watch 1653 Cluster diamond ring 1654 ‘T'wo-diamond and emerald ring CABINET PIECES. 1655 Carved ivory card case | 1656 Sterling silver specimen paper weight, 34 oz. 1657 Capo di Monte cup and saucer 1658 Pearl and gold bronze miniature bonbonniere — 1659 Porcelain miniature—Vestal Virgin | 1660 Russian enamel and bronze jewel case 1661 Miniature—Admiral Dewey _ &@F Hyvery article sold as it is, and at so much each, nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on amy pretence whatever. ; 1662 1663 1664 1665 © +1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1671a 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 ee Meerchaum and amber pipe Miniature—Marie de Valois — Meerchaum and amber pipe Carved ivory articuiated lobster Antique Dutch silver salt and pepper set Vienna enamel miniature drawing room set, 5 pieces Antique silver miniature tea service, from the Franklin collection Antique Dutch silver basket Antique Dutch silver pitcher Miniature—Napoleon, by Serres, 1814 Sterling silver specimen paper weight, 28 oz. Antique Dutch silver clock, in good condition Miniature—Duchesse Du Barry Pair gold mounted Derringer pistols. William- son Commemorative snuff box, Napoleon I. made asa souvenir atter the Italian Campaigns, the box is in tortoise shell and came from the Roland Bonaparte collection. Porter & Coates, Philadelphia Ivory and silver seal Ivory carving Nine coins } Mother of pearl and bronze miniature clock Handsome Damio tobacco pouch. black leather, artistically wrought metal-work ornament, heavy silver chain with exquisite slide and finely carved ivory button, leather pipe case attached. American Art Association Collec- tion hee Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, a |) nothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any pretence whatever. ‘Aa ae 4 1681 Handsomely wrought silver and gold pipe — 1682 Meerschaum and amber pipe 1683 Antique hammered Dutch silver box 1684 Miniature Petit Louis XVII, signed Touze, 1789, from the Wernicke sale 1685 Miniature, signed Hinel 1686 do signed Luce 1687 do signed Dinet 1688 Vienna enamel cup and saucer 1689 Antique painting—-The Bath 1690 Handsome Damio tobacco pouch 1691 Mother-of-pearl and gold sewing case 1692 Antique English silver cigarette case 1693 Cobalt blue and heavy mat gold rose jar 1694 Miniature Mlle. de Fontange 1695 Highly decorated heavy mat gold crown Derby — vase 1696 Silver decorated Rookwood vase 1697 Fourteen antique Dutch silver forks 1698 ‘Tortoise shell and ostrich feather fan 1699 Magnificently carved mother of pearl and Point Aquilla lace fan 1700 Miniature on ivory of Princess Victoria, painted by Harper, purchased by the late Mr. Wernecke at the Franklin collection, London 1701 Real point lace and mother of pearl fan 1702 Fine enameled porcelain bonbonniere 1703 Sterling silver and enamel cigarette case _-«-$@™ Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, , mothing sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any ‘pretence whatever. STERLING SILVER 1704 Sterling silver hot water kettle 1705 do tea set, 5 pieces 1706 do fruit basket 1707 do salver, richly chased 1708 do compote 1709 do bow! and salver 1710 do vase 1711 . do fruit bowl 1712 do comport 1713 do comport 1714 do fruit basket 1714a do punch bowl 1715 do bread basket 1716 do nappie 1717 do compote 1718 do nappie 1719 do punch ladle 1720 do salad spoon and fork 1721 do lemonade ladle 1722 do lemonade ladle 1723 do spiced beef fork 1724 do pie knife 1725 do ladle 1726 do dish cover 1727 do dish cover 1728 do compote bein elds by. te loti pretence whatever. 1729 Six sterling silver individual butters 1730 Sterling silver comport 1731 do 1732 do 1733 do 1734 do 1735 do 1736. do 1737 do 1738 do 1739 do 1740 do 1741 do 1742 do 1743 do 1744 do 1745 do 1746 do 1747 do 1748 do 1749 do 1750 do 1751 do iae do 1753 do 1754 do fruit bhwl eup and saucer nut bowl | basket 3 comport inkstand compote nappie basket olive tray mounted pitcher : do _—cruet do vase do _ cruet. do _ cruet do flower vase do decanter do —cruet — do cracker jar do decanter do whiskey decanter do flask do spirit lamp do __ toilet set, Tiffany _ B@& Every article sold as it is, and at ‘so much each, mothing sold by the iot. No deduction or rebate on any ‘pretence whatever. a OIL PAINTINGS WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 31st, at 8 o'clock. | 1755 UNKNOWN : : t ; CO On the British Channel fm 10x 7% Sate 1758 oe GIFFORD (S. R.) deceased : ea) WO oh Hutumn in the Catskills | 1514 x to 1757 REAM (C. P.) pe aes . Chicago Raspberries 11% x9% Pa) MAES OF BR). 7. (pe = | CbICRenS I4 x 10 Bs 1760 ye BLACK (O.R). - > | flate Hutumn ae 24 x 16 176% PADOVANI (WV) Os OG “(oe The herb Gatherer 1434x8 1762 oS ae ROMIN (L,) 7 : : A RAND On the Zuider Zee’ 2 ee 50 x 25 1763, MILLAR (A.T.) = = re Autumn Afternoon near Sag arbor | wx a a ide wee 1. Every article sold as it is, a at so enti each, : i Sead sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any __ pretence whatever. ie i 1764 ANCILLOTTI (F.) : 2 . ‘Cavalier (9%4X7% Paris oe 1765 TYLER (J. G) : ‘ & k Under Full Sail 42 X 30 New York 1766 VON SEVERDONCK | 2 a Ei Mother’s Care 10x 7 Antwerp 4967 DOLCI (Carlo) attributed to : : é Madonna and Child 47 x 363% 1768 PARTON (Arthur) N. A. - - “ Hpple Blossoms 24x 18 New York 1769 CALIFANO (John) - ~ tkeeping Count 16x 10 New York The Wireck 2x2 | BURLINGAME(C A) —-) re ihe S — Midsummer 24 x 20 Setters 10 x8 WETASSEPPR (G.D1) (S00) gag Rene Flower Sellers 114 = 11% i ae | 1774 ne - GRITZNER (A.) is : ay Sheep in Pasture 25x18 75 i Re RAUGHT (J. W.) : - - ‘New Yor Wandscape 30x20 . es - Moonvise Bee 3b 17 \ ae eas Wenice 15% x 12% 1778 WEBBER ye) le - - - . New York al a " —— Aiakitig a arbor-Sunset 36 x 26 | 1780 HART (IetitiaB) - - < - New York 3 | ra ‘(Miss Dresden ky x 11% KAHLER (Car!) Pont . : ee The Conqueror ‘ 48 x 31 Age Beek : POST (WeMerritt) - =) sy | Wovember “ 36 x 22 1784 ae - ee | _-DE HAVEN (F.) : Lanoscape 20 x 16 1785 | a SS DIXON (M. R.) : . ENG | ‘Decorating the Portrait ee 1734 x 13% tes 1786 ADAMS (Chas. Partridge) - : : Che first Snow. Ten (pile Canon 14% x 9% | 1787 fn MORAN (Leon) iy ant . : New York Ae Mn Cupid’s Met “ie 290% x 18 : eA ~ Bandscape and cattle 1x8 ied * LS ee en F: Se Sane «London J 3 ete abe Star and eae Ricbmond Bg) 3). | 17% * 13/46 | _ | SCINSKI (Nicholas) Cys Yi tir Poland FG >, , (s Return from the Fair ; 25% x 19 CONTOTT (Louis) : New York ee : 7 J a wae Che aster’ 8 Favorite ye iA x 19% gmc 1792 | o io UME.) . De eo a. eu aoN vi } ] The Sisters ) 2 M9 ys & Vs 1793 is a " HART (Jas. M.) N. A. “4 : ? 4 ae New York O | | a : u the Pasture Dot _ 21 x 16 y oO | WILKOWSKI (K.) eae - : : - ddaking Change 16 x 22 ; 1795 | BERGMANN (C.) _ : Dusseldorf Che Story of the Piper of Bally 60 x 48 | 1796 : annie McCORD (Geo H.) A. N. A. : New York : : The Christmas Festival Renoces. | 30 x 26 oa 9 O . TRUBR (.G) ; New York _ | / : Drifting ona wee shore ue (ete ae 40 x 28 ee Aa)? cat 1798 ‘ane H°) o NEUVILIE (Brunel) | eh oleae Mi Tkittens and Cinact 10% x 8% Wi b MS | aes be Every article sold as it is, and at so much each, oa sold by the lot. No deduction or rebate on any _ pretence whatever. | : eee 1799 Co ‘SMITH (Henry P.) 5 ; . New York / q ie A Lowery Day Bhi ay 35 7 1800 ny _ VERHAS (Jan.) . ° . . ° Paris / Z O a Hn Early Caller 39 x 26 1801 A sl) PARSONS (0.8.) é - New York ej, ¥ H Country Road 72 x 43 1802 oF PENNELL (Harry) — : Louden j jo Landscape and Cattle 42 x 24 1803 ie if » STHTSON (C. W.) - NewYork 4 | Che Passing Storm 3974 X 297% 1804 — WAGNER (Jul.) deceased : | 4 iy Elt the window 12x 9 "LANGLEY (Chas. ek enone Scene 12% x 0 aa Pon Ee Bos, F a WITT (J. H.) ALN. A. may ce ra Proposal for One of the Girls 24'% 1807 HINCKLEY (T. H.) : Landscape dtd Cattle 36 X 25% : 1808 COUTURIER (P. L,) ime . “Barnyard Fowls 36 x 23 , aye oe . $ CAPRILLI (G. Sr.) deceased ‘ BD a: as The Torture of St. Sebastian 60 x 53 1810 FRERE (Edouard) ct eae H Green-grocer’s Stall 10% x 8 eg a ‘an Ottcer of the 17tb Mancers- ; 23x 1735 1812 Landscape 48 x 12 1813 oonday Meal 21% x17% 1814 KAHLER (Carl) i cue New York Che Model | a 3534 x 23% / he OR Mele ee vee 1815 Pe PICKNELI (W. 1.) deceared PT AS eee as Hn Ebbing Tide JS Os. 7234 x 52% JAMES P. SILO, 4 Auctioneer. ale: a : Ewe 3 a baal ’ ; } 3 3 z ‘i a . : ‘ - ut = ’ ' ‘ ; ~ 2 : ’ : . = : ‘ ‘ : t , > > : 7 ‘ 2 : Fi . = ‘ S ‘ ‘ . > 5 : E } f i | f i ; Sah ela al thheloeneni aia _ GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE AUNT L 3 3125 01662 9285 | ANG ear hath MN DEA: Fone the sie a + chan aL PRATHER Ba 8 Hit Mind task) ib VOR Ble MARAE TY URC CREAT fy, wy Con Ne ERE I AR Selig HAM I ay oy: Oe ; ie pretest) ma) AVA Top Oe | RON et LAr ihe EDR ya Ub