PAIN TINGS BY THE LATE HENRY A. FERGUSON A.N. A. THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Park AVENUE AND Firry-NINTtTH STREET New York NO. LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER & CO. 556-8 Fifth Ave, New York Se HENRY A. FERGUSON, A.N.A. After a portrait painted by Oliver Lay For the National Academy of Design A COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS BY THE LATE HENRY A. FERGUSON, A.N.A. AND A CARRARA MARBLE BAS-RELIEF By WILLIAM COWPER TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF MRS. ELEANOR E. FERGUSON, Executrix THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 24, 1918 AT 8:15 O?CLOCK On Public Exhibition from January 19th THE ANDERSON GALLERIES Park AVENUE AND Firty-NintH Street New York THE ALEXANDER PRESS 114-116 W. 27TH ST. N.Y. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1, All bids to be pzr Lor as numbered in the Catalogue. 2. The highest bidder to be the buyer; in all cases of disputed bids the lot shall be resold, but the Auctioneer will use his judg- ment as to the good faith of all claims and his decision shall be final. He also reserves the right to reject any fractional or nominal bid which in his judgment may delay or injuriously affect the sale. 3. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased to be resold immediately. 4. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible if the lot or lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of purchases, no lot will be delivered during the sale. 6. All lots will be exposed for public exhibition in The Anderson Galleries before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concern- ing any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, wrrHour REcouRsE. But upon receiving be- fore the date of sale, expert opinion in writing that any lot is not as represented, The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will use every effort to furnish proof to the contrary, and in default of such proof the lot will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid expert, he being liable to the owner or owners thereof for damage or injury occasioned by such declaration. 7. Terms Caso. Upon failure to comply with the above con- ditions any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and all such lots as remain uncleared after twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, will be resold by either private or public sale at such time as The Anderson Galleries, Incorpo- rated, shall determine, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale together with all the expenses incurred thereby. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, to enforce the contract with the buyer, without such re-sale. 8. Bros. We make no charge for executing orders for our customers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. 9. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carries and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carries and packers. Priced Oopy of this Catalogue may be secured for 50 cents. The Anderson Galleries INCORPORATED Park AvENUE AND Firty-nintH STREET, New York TreLEPHONE, Puaza, 9356 SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN AN APPRECIATION By GEORGE H. SMILLIE, N. A. Henry A. Ferguson, A.N.A., was born at Glens Falls, New York, in 1845, and therefore, naturally, received his first inspira- tion and instruction in art from that distinguished group of artists emanating from Albany. The writer first met him in New York, in the early days of the Civil War, in the studio of James M. Hart, who was then enjoying great distinction as a landscape painter. Being sympathetic in tastes and aim an intimacy soon sprang up which lasted unbroken till Mr. Ferguson’s death in 1911. The painters of the “Hudson River School,’ as they were called in those early days, had for their simple creed the portray- al of Beauty and Truth. They were lovers of the beautiful, especially, and ardent seekers after it, in whatever form it pre- sented itself. In landscape its votaries were diligent in seeking out scenes of livliness, and became pioneers in the discovery of many places which have since, through their work, become popu- lar resorts for summer visitors. The mountains of New York and New England furnished choice material for wilder nature, while the quiet summer fields and streams furnished restful, pastoral bits much and lovingly portrayed. Ferguson’s love for these things was deep and abiding, and he could never be swerved from his chosen path by the innovators who, in time came to speak of the “Hudson River School’ in terms of derision, and who each proclaimed his “’ism” as the true aim of the artist—whether it was technical execution or choice of theme. One of Ferguson’s admirable qualities was the loyalty with which he pursued his ideal;—beauty, presented in every charm- ing detail, and in its simplicity, without any of the sophistications or “high stunts” of the promulgators of what they called ad- vanced art. His love for the beautiful led him into many lands. He was an enthustiastic friend and admirer of Frederic E. Church and through his influence was led to journey and work among the Andes—exploring them extensively through Peru and Chili— from which he gathered important subjects, some of which were purchased by wealthy magnates of those countries for very large prices. Later, his spirit of wandering, having grown, took him as far as Egypt, but always portraying his charming subjects with delicacy and refinement. His Venetian and Egyptian sub- jects were among his most successful works. The writer has on the walls of his home two of his cabinet pictures, one of the Andes and one of Venice, which never fail to give him joy and refreshment and fill him with the spirit of the scenes portrayed. We have seen many new fads come and go in the half cen- tury since we entered the field of art, but the works of Old World Masters of early days hold the Worshipful admiration and emulation of the sincere votaries of art today and will for all time. Theirs was the creed of simple Truth and Beauty. In the light of this faith the works of Henry Ferguson may be viewed today Dec. 19, 1917. Grorce H. Situ NOTICE A few of the paintings in the following collection were left by the artist, Mr. Henry E. Ferguson, without his signature on the face of the canvas. For purposes of authentication, a red seal showing the artist’s name, that of these Galleries, and the year 1918, has been placed on the back of each canvas or panel now offered for sale. Each of the paintings in the collection has remained in the possession of Mrs. Henry A. Ferguson from the date of the artist’s death until sent to us for disposal and has been vouched for, as by the brush of Mr. Ferguson, by Mr. George H. Smillie, N.A., and by Mrs. Ferguson. We shall be pleased to get affidavits executed by the above responsible persons to any purchaser who may so wish, on the payment of one dollar for each, which sum represents the cost of making affidavits. ANDERSON GateErizs, (INc.) A COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS BY THE LATE HENRY A. FERGUSON, A.N.A Born at Glen Falls, January 14, 1845 Died in New York City, March 22, 1911 Representing his activities in America and the many lands he visited THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 24, 1918 Ad, $715, 07CLOCK 1 EDGE OF THE ORCHARD, MILLERTON, NEW YORK ON WOODEN PANEL Height, 5Y% inches; width, 92 inches An old-fashioned log fence skirts the fine old trees of the orchard, beyond are wooded fields touched by early autumnal tints. 2 ORIZABA, MEXICO Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches A peon mounted on a horse is followed by two women and an ass laden with country produce. They are passing a low white building with a red tile roof set among palms and overhung by a mountain peak. 3 A PATH IN THE WOODS, BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE, ADIRONDACKS ON WOODEN PANEL Height, 8 inches; midth, 5 inches A wonderful old cedar tree overhangs the blue waters of the lake; a pathway passes its foot and winds its way past other large trees. Sketch. 9 4 THE PYRAMIDS, EGYPT CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 8¥% inches; width, 16% inches The three huge monuments stand forth against the blue sky, in the sandy plain that stretches as far as the eye can reach; in the foreground three women are filling their water jars at the river, while another ap- proaches the bank; on the left is a figure working a curious water drawer. Signed lower left and inscribed, Egypt, 1878. 5 PALMS IN THE TROPICS OF ECUADOR Height, 1634 inches; width, 18 inches Large palm trees lift their feathery leaves amongst a profusion of undergrowth. 6 THE FOOTHILLS OF THE BERKSHIRES, EAST CANAAN, CONNECTICUT ON WOODEN PANEL Height, 6 inches; width, 10 inches Cattle approach a stream in which are many boulders; on the farther rising bank are an old farmhouse and a group of trees. The grey Berkshire Hills are in the distance. 7 THE PASS OF THE USPALLATA, SOUTH AMERICA Height, 5% inches; width, 914 inches A roadway approaches several outbuildings and three tall poplars; huge mountains rise from all points and seem to enclose the pass. 10 8 BASH BISH FALLS, NEAR MOUNT WASHINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS ON WOODEN PANEL Height, 8 inches; width, 54 inches Over the rocky precipice dances the feathery spray from one ledge to another to the deep pool below. Sketch. 9 THE PEAK OF TUNGURAGUA FROM RIOBAMBA, ECUADOR Height, 84% inches; width, 15% inches On the right bank of a small stream near a group of trees is a red-shawled peasant girl; on the left bank is an expansive field of wheat and in the distance near the village is a man ploughing with two oxen; beyond rises the noble snowclad peak of the celebrated moun- tain. Signed lower left. 10 THE CEDARS, BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE, ADIRON- DACKS Height, 11% inches; nidth, 17 inches Part of a group of fine old cedar trees has fallen from the undermined bank of the lake to the large boulders on the shore; behind them rises a wooded hill. Signed lower left. 11 THE RIVER DAULE, ECUADOR CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 9 inches; width, 1234 inches Moored to the near bank are an Ecuadorian Canoa and Choma, on the low opposite bank are peons’ huts in- terspersed between palms and other tropical vegetation. a cloudy day without any direct sunlight. Sketch. 11 12 ROMAN RUINS CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 8 inches; width, 14 inches An ancient arched viaduct overgrown with creepers stretches out to the Compania with its interesting relics of the past. In the right foreground is a group of three men conversing. Signed lower left. 18 PEON’S HUT, CHILE CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 74 inches; width, 7% inches A rudely thatched hut stands in a clearing at the foot of an extensive mountain range. Sketch. 14 PEON’S HUT, ECUADOR CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 644 inches; width, 8Y% inches A roughly thatched hut stands amid tall palms and green tropical vegetation. Sketch. Signed lower left “H. A. F.” 15 CANAL, VENICE ON ACADEMY BOARD Height, 10 inches; width, 7 inches Across the water is the balustraded garden of a red- bricked church, on the right rises an important palace with its huge blue mooring post in the water fronting it. The artist’s first sketch in Venice. Signed lower left. 16 SANTIAGO DE CHILI, FROM THE HILL OF SAN- TA LUCIA Height, 161% inches; width, 25 inches The city with its broad but nearly dry-bottomed river is spread out over the flat valley almost to the foothills of the vast snow-capped range of encircling mountains. 17 LAKE SANFORD, ADIRONDACKS Height, 9 inches; width, 1542 inches The lake with its sombre reflections stretches across the foreground and is bordered to the left by a group of pine trees. The blue mountains rise from a flat field in the middle distance. A rainy day in autumn. 18 THE ECUADORIAN ANDES ON ACADEMY BOARD Height, 644 inches; nidth, 9% inches On the left a rocky path rises among the mountains and overlooks an extensive valley from which rises a range of titanic blue snow-capped mountains. 19 PEONS’ HUTS, GURAYA PASS, PERUVIAN ANDES ON ACADEMY BOARD Height, 7 inches; width, 10 inches Two white thatched huts are perched high up over a gorge, before them on the roadway are several Nama; behind and beyond mountains rise in their majesty culminating in snowy peaks. Signed lower right. 13 20 AUTUMN IN THE ADIRONDACKS 21 Height, 734 inches; width, 11% inches In the foreground stand forth wild flowers and ferns tinted with autumn’s brilliant hues; woodland, a blue lake and a mountain form their setting. IN THE CHILEAN ANDES Height, 1614 inches; width, 12 inches A group of fine old trees rises out of the brush in the foreground; on the right a rocky gorge ascends till it meets the blue snowclad mountin peaks which are lost in the clouds amidst the blue sky. Signed lower left and inscribed “Chili.” 22 VENETIAN FISHING BOAT Height, 12 inches; width, 10 inches Several large vessels with their idly flapping sails of dull yellow and striped red are moored to huge piles; Venice with its infinite variety spreads out across the lagoon. Signed lower right. 23 LAKE IN THE PORTILLO PASS, CHILI CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 834 inches; width, 16 inches Two cows approach on a pathway from a lake through the rocky scant pasturage; huge mountains emerge from and partially surround the water casting their deep shadows right to the foreground, high up the snowclad elder peaks rise into the sunlit blue sky. 14 24 WAITING FOR A LOAD, QUOGUE, LONG ISLAND ON WOODEN PANEL Height, 8 inches; width, 12 inches A horse with an old country cart, is drawn up in a sand-pit, patiently waiting the return of his master to load up. 25 GROUP OF OLD TREES, ADIRONDACKS Height, 1114 inches; width, 1534 inches The trees have fallen over a huge boulder and are resting almost horizontally across the meadow; beyond on the left is a small wooded lake. Signed lower left and dated 1869. 26 THE EDGE OF THE FOREST, ECUADORIAN TROPICS Height, 16 inches; width, 21 inches Giant palms and trees with their hanging vines border the dense forest which edges a rough country roadway. Signed lower right and inscribed Ecuador. 27 BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE, ADIRONDACKS CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 11 inches; width, 1234 inches On the right, part of a group of fine old cedars has fallen into the lake; the distant shore is filled by a wooded hill above the crest of which the Blue Moun- tains are seen. Signed lower left. 28 THE ANDES OF CHILI CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 9 inches; width, 1914 inches A winding blue stream skirts a wooded precipice on the left; snowclad purple and blue mountains rise into the clouds in the distance. 29 THE MAMELUKE TOMB, CAIRO Height, 124% inches; width, 16 inches The richly adorned sarcophagus with its columned canopy stands forth in the brilliant blue sky; beyond are the spires and domes of many mosques; on the left is a procession of Arabs. 30 A CLEARING IN THE WOODS, ADIRONDACKS Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches Through the valley with many old tree-stumps still marking the primeval forest, runs a pathway past a primitive wood cabin and a haystack to the wooded heights beyond, that glow with all their autumnal glory. Signed lower left. 31 SHRINE IN THE ADRIATIC Height, 8 inches; width, 16 inches A gondola waits at the foot of the steps of a hooded and lighted shrine, for two suppliants to embark; ship- ping and a flat shore are in the distance. The calm translucent sea holds many reflections 16 SE ae aaa = ss a = 2 i a SS —=L Se = saaiccal SESS eee alg eee 82 EVENING: THE CITY OF SANTIAGO AND CHIL- EAN ANDES Height, 20% inches; width, 39 inches The curious old city and a long avenue of trees occupy the foreground; beyond are the sunlit, snowclad peaks of the Andes with their rich blue and purple shadows. 33 THE DOGE’S PALACE, VENICE ON ACADEMY BOARD Height, 8% inches; width, 15 inches The dock side with its fishing boats, their many col- ored sails idly flapping, and passing peasants, occupies the right foreground. The lagoon stretches out to the left bordered in the distance by many Ducal Pal- aces, the famous Doge’s Palace and the Plaza of St. Mark’s. 84 THE PEAK OF PALOMAR IN THE CHILEAN ANDES CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 17 inches; width, 124 inches The sharp peak, wrapt in snow, with its blue and gold shadows, looks down on the rocky gorge and its water- fall below. Overhead is a brilliant cerulean blue sky. 35 PAUL SMITH’S CAMP, SOUTH OF RIGA LAKE, ADIRONDACKS WATER COLOR Height, 10 inches; width, 1314 inches A fawn watches a herd of deer across a small stream on the edge of a lake which stretches to the distance, a group of fine pine trees is on the right and from the shore of the distant lake rises a blue mountain range. Signed lower left. 17 36 NATURAL BRIDGE, ON THE GREAT INCA HIGH- WAY CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 8 inches; nidth, 18 inches Several horsemen are crossing the rocky bridge under which rushes a torrent from the range of the snow- capped Chilean Andes in the distance. 87 LOON LAKE, SHEFFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS ON ACADEMY BOARD Height, 11 inches; width, 15 inches Two grand old trees guard the near bank of the lake; on the far side are farm buildings straggling amongst the woods; wooded hills are in the distance. 88 STREET SCENE, CAIRO ON ACADEMY BOARD Height, 8% inches; width, 644 inches An Arab leading his camel, has stopped before an open shop and is chaffering with two merchants for a pur- chase; beyond in the bazaar are many busy people; the dome and spire of a mosque loom over the scene. 39 A LONELY LAKE, CHILEAN ANDES CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches The tranquil lake with its marshy banks extends to the foot of a mountain range which rises in the near distance, with blue and purple peaks; showing between them are the far away snowclad tops of the almost in- accessible giants. 18 40 SANTA MARIA DELLA SALUTE and SAN GEOR- GIO, VENICE ON ACADEMY BOARD Height, 8 inches; width, 15 inches The beautiful buildings of the two renowned churches rear their interesting towers and domes into the blue sky and cast their reflections in the waters of the lagoon; fishing boats are on the right. Signed lower left. 41 IN THE ECUADORIAN TROPICS CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 18 inches; width, 17 inches A magnificent old tree, from whose limbs hang fes- tooned vines, spreads its sheltering branches over palms and other tropical growths. 42 NEAR SHEFFIELD, IN THE BERKSHIRES, MASS- ACHUSETTS ON ACADEMY BOARD Height, 11 inches; width, 15 inches Beyond a pool overhung with trees are cattle in a pas- ture sheltered by a fringe of trees. The Berkshire Hills are in the distance. 43 CYPRESS VALLEY Height, 13 inches; width, 24¥% inches Through the rocky vineclad valley the small opalescent stream winds its way to the foreground, beyond rise the snow-topped mountains of the Chilean Andes. 19 44 SHIPPING, VENICE CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD | Height, 11 inches; width, 1834 inches | Several large vessels with their colored sails drying | over their decks, are moored near a dock on the right; ee ee i a boatman stands up in his craft looking at the distant Island of San Lazzaro. 45 THE FOOTHILLS OF THE BERKSHIRES, EAST CANAAN, CONNECTICUT Height, 11 inches; width, 1434 inches A stream flows past large boulders from the left to the right foreground, a fine group of large trees shel- ters a grey farm house, mountains rise in the distance. 46 DAHABIYAS ON THE NILE / Height, 10 inches; width, 19¥4 inches The blue waters of the Nile flow from the right to the il left foreground, near the far shore with its steps, cause- way and spires and domes of many mosques, are moored picturesque craft; on the near bank is a group of Arabs in conversation who have evidently voyaged on the craft moored off the shore. Date palms shelter a castellated building on the extreme right. Signed lower left. 47 THE BRIDGE TO THE PASTURE, SHEFFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS Height, 94 inches; width, 14 inches An old wooden brdge crosses a pleasant stream from the left, cattle are leisurely grazing in pasturage which stretches to the right and is bordered by trees. The blue hills of the Berkshires rise in the distance. 20 48 LAKE COTOCACHI, IMBABURA, ECUADOR Height, 15 inches; width, 25 inches Two vineclad islands rise like jewels from the pro- found depths of the ever reflecting lake, which seems to be guarded by the lofty mountain range overhang- ing its shores; above is a brilliant blue sky. 49 FISHING BOATS, VENICE CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 11 inches; width, 15 inches Many vessels with their ruddy sails set and their fish- ing nets hung up to dry, are moored before the quays facing the long row of palaces and warehouses on the shore. Signed lower right. 50 THE CITY OF ORIZABA, MEXICO Height, 16 inches; width, 2534 inches A slow-moving brook, at which an interesting group of native women are washing, flows under a Gothic arch of a much buttressed bridge, while over its para- pet are seen the red-tiled houses and the spires and domes of the city. A range of purple and blue moun- tains occupies the distance. Signed lower left. 51 POMPEII CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 64% inches; width, 15 inches The ruined ancient city with its grand plazas and streets is overhung by the ever-smoking Mount Vesu- vius. Signed lower left. 21 ST SE SE TST 52 A FLOCK OF JAPANESE DUCKS, CANAAN, CON- NECTICUT Height, 18% inches; width, 1514 inches The ducks are sporting themselves in a sheltered pond; a farmhouse set on a wooded hill and Mount Everett are in the distance. 53 MONTE GENARO, NEAR ROME Height, 10 inches; midth, 1534 inches The foreground is occupied by a deep cutting to which descends a pathway to a gated opening on the facing side; a wall and gateway and two large cedars over- hang on the right, the middle distance is occupied by the flat Compania and its Villas; beyond is a blue crested mountain range. 54 THE MOUNTAINS OF CHIMBORAZA AND CAR- IHUAIRAZO SEEN FROM RIOBAMBA Height, 15 inches; nidth, 25 inches A green wooded foreground, with its peons’ huts, stretches to the foothills of the lofty snowclad peaks; the honeycombed sides of Chimboraza rise on the left and Carihuairazo, or the “Man of Strong Winds,” rises in the distant right. Inscribed and dated at the lower left, “From Rio bamba, August 24, 1872.” 55 SUNSET, VENICE ON WOODEN PANEL Height, 7 inches; width, 1334 inches The palaces, the domes and spires of many churches and idle shipping are thrown into deep shadow by the almost setting sun which is reflected in the canal in the foreground. Sketch. a6 22 58 IN THE TROPICS OF ECUADOR Height, 2514 inches; width, 17 inches A large sheltering tree guards the edge of the forest and jungle, under it are large palms, rope-like hang- ing vines and broad-leaved vegetation in great pro- fusion. Signed lower left and dated 1872. SHORE OF BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE, ADIRON- DACKS Height, 111% inches; width, 15% inches A boatman is rowing from the finely wooded shore to the hills which rise on the distant bank. Signed lower left. ISLAND OF SAN LAZARO, VENICE CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 6% inches; width, 1434 inches This gem-like island with its picturesque tower and buildings, flanked by two smaller islands, is set in a sunny opalescent sea. MOUNT CHIMBORAZA NEAR CHICAPAYO, ECUA- DOR Height, 17 inches; width, 12 inches From the rocky pass on the right, two men mounted on burros, are looking over a vineclad gorge and its feathery waterfall, at the snowclad peak in the dis- tance. 60 THE “VIA ARCO DI OSCURO,”’ ROME Height, 91% inches; width, 181% inches The walled roadway descends to an arched gateway over and through which wooded country is seen; the dome of St. Peter’s and the buildings of the Vatican are beyond. 61 THE ISLAND OF SAN FRANCISCO IN DESERTO CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 6 inches; width, 14¥% inches Evening’s shadows are falling on the buildings and trees of the Island; the purple domes and spires of Venice are seen in the far distance. 62 THE PASTURE, SHEFFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS Height, 9% inches; width, 14 inches Across a wooded, limpid stream a herd of cattle graze in a pasturage sheltered by an enormous tree; beyond rise the Berkshire Hills. Signed lower left. 63 THE ISLAND OF MURANO FROM SAN FRAN- CISCO IN DESERTO CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 6 inches; width, 14% inches The brilliant sun glints on the tower and buildings of the island and casts many reflections into the pools and sea in the foreground. Murano is noted for its pro- duction of Point Lace. 24. 64 AUTUMN IN THE ADIRONDACKS Height, 12 inches; width, 23 inches The low-lying lazy stream has overflowed its grassy banks and largely fills the foreground. It is skirted in the middle distance by pine trees from which rise the richly tinted mountains into a warm, lazy blue sky. 65 SUNSET, VENICE CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 61% inches; width, 11 inches A gold and red sky from the disappearing sun is re- flected in the waters, the dark shadows from the build- ings mark the early arrival of night. 66 CYPRESS VALLEY, CHILI Height, 153% inches; nidth, 2434 inches The limpid stream is sometimes lost amongst its wood- ed banks as it winds through the valley. In the right foreground an old farmhouse is embowered with trees; the distance holds a magnificent range of mountains whose many peaks are snowclad and reflect the beauti- ful blue of the sky. 67 THE BASS ROCKS, GLOUCESTER, MASSACHU- SETTS Height, 16 inches; width, 2534 inches From the crest of the lightly-wooded rocks a delightful scene spreads out, a placid sea with its few sailing craft and the low-lying distant shore. Overhead is a warm grey sky with a few jackets of blue. The dis- tinctive atmosphere of New England permeates the canvas. | wg sta 68 LOOKING OVER APPLE ALLEY, ASHFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS Height, 12% inches; width, 221% inches The sloping hillside, with its gaily colored lichen cov- ered rocks exposed here and there in the rough pas- ture, is crowned with trees, beyond in the blue haze the beautiful, undulating valley stretches far away in the distance. 69 THE VALLEY OF RIOBAMBA, ECUADOR Height, 16 inches; width, 2514, inches Across the sandy valley, with its green vegetation in the foreground, is seen the blue river nestling amongst the greenclad mountains, many of whose peaks are capped with snow. 70 A VENETIAN CANAL Height, 17 inches; width, 10% inches Noble palaces rise on either side, several huge green mooring posts give color to the scene; the steps on the left are occupied by two persons in conversation; gon- dolas are moored at many doors; in the distance are two bridges and the Campanile. Signed on lower left. 71 THE PEAK OF ORIZABA, MEXICO Height, 18 inches; width, 241% inches In the foreground is the compound of Foatin, with its native workers. The middle distance holds tropical foliage and a few groups of trees, beyond, the purple mountain range with its ever snowclad peak rises in all its majesty to the clouds. 26 72 EVENING, VENICE ON WOODEN PANEL Height, 634 inches; width, 122 inches The sun is nearly below the horizon behind the domes and turrets of the city, its last golden rays just catch the waters of the lagoon. Sketch. 73 A GORGE IN THE PERUVIAN ANDES CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 1514 inches; width, 12 inches Two peons’ huts are perched high on the pass over- hanging the rocky palm and vineclad gorge with its feathery waterfall dashing to the depths below. The mountain peaks, every clad in snow, seem to guard the pass from any intrusion. Rich in its tropical coloring. 74 LOON LAKE, NEAR SHEFFIELD, MASSACHU- SETTS Height, 16 inches; midth, 26 inches The placid lake and the near shore occupy the fore- ground; a group of trees and an idle boat near the opposite bank throw their reflection on the water; to the left is a hay-wagon and its teamsters; beyond the noble Mount Everett shelters the scene. Autumn’s first tints have just appeared. 75 BUYING A PEACH, VENICE WATER COLOR Height, 9% inches ;; width, 18Y inches Quaint old buildings line the narrow flagged street, in which are various groups of pedestrians. On the right is an open air fruiterer’s shop with its baskets of fra- grant peaches standing on boxes under a rude awning. A woman with a red clad child in her arms and an- other child at her side is buying a peach from the vendor. bo -l 76 CYPRESS VALLEY CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 24 inches; width, 19 inches From the rocky gorge, with its vineclad walls and feathery waterfall, are seen the valley and the stu- pendous snow-capped peaks of the Chilean Andes. Overhead is a blue sky. A subtle feeling of the trop- ies pervades the canvas. 77 THE HUDSON RIVER AT WEST POINT Height, 12 inches; width, 17 inches From the broad river, ever interesting with its chang- ing shipping, rise the gold and purple mountains on either bank. The sun has cast a golden spell on the scene. Signed lower left. 78 SUNSET, VENICE, FROM THE ISLAND OF SAN FRANCISCO ON WOODEN PANEL Height, 7 inches; width, 1334 inches The low marshy ground of the island is seen in the foreground, beyond is the lagoon with deep purple and gold reflections of an angry sky; in the far dis- tance is the famous city. 79 TONGUE MOUNTAIN, LAKE GEORGE Height, 16 inches; width, 26 inches The lake with its many miniature wooded islands stretches across the middle distance; from the further shore rises the famous mountain touched with purple and blue by the lowering sun. In the foreground two groups of pine trees stand sentinel on either side of the sloping bank, at whose foot near the lake is Bolton Landing. Signed lower right. 28 ss ne = Se Te ao = ar mei i a 80 THE RIALTO, VENICE CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches In the foreground are two huge red and white striped mooring posts rearing their heads into the brilliant blue sky; beyond is an arched bridge; many gondolas are moored or floating on the busy waters. The golden sun glints on the many buildings bordering the canal. Signed lower right. 81 STREET SCENE IN CAIRO Height, 16 inches; width, 8 inches An Arab is approaching through the narrow, arched street with its barbaric decorations and the quaint and varying overhanging window lattices; in the deep shadow on the right is a crouching beggar; beyond the arch in the sunlight are passers-by; overhead a min- aret stands out from the radiant blue sky. 82 BASH-BISH FALLS, MOUNT WASHINGTON, MASS- ACHUSETTS Height, 29 inches; width, 21 inches Through a rocky gorge the water comes pelting down till it reaches a group of huge boulders over which it flings its feathery spray into the deep dark pool be- low. Green trees in all their freshness rise on either side of the steep ravine. 88 THE DOGE’S PALACE AND ST. MARK’S, VENICE Height, 11 inches; width, 17 inches The sun glows on the many noble buildings which are brilliantly reflected in the waters of the lagoon, on which quaint craft lazily float. Signed lower left. 29 LAUREL LAKE, NEAR STOCKBRIDGE, MASSA- CHUSETTS Height, 16 inches; width, 26 inches In a large field skirted by fine old trees, the haymak- ers are busy with their team; the blue lake with its beautiful wooded banks is beyond; the hazy range of the Berkshire Hills fills the distance. SUNLIT VENICE FROM FUSINA Height, 12 inches; width, 22 inches The marshy foreground reaches out irregularly to the brilliant blue waters, across which are spread out the hot sunlit buildings of the city. Fishing vessels idly float under the dome blue overhead. 86 AUTUMN: LAFAYETTE BROOK, WHITE MOUN- TAINS, NEW HAMPSHIRE Height, 23 inches; width, 1444 inches The sunlit brook tumbles down from the wooded heights above, over a group of large boulders into a rocky pool; several white birches guard it on the right. (Some of the trees are in an unfinished state.) 87 IN THE APPENINES, ITALY WATER COLOR Height, 1244 inches; width, 19 inches A many-arched and buttressed bridge crosses a stream that flows toward -the left foreground; on the right bank, under a rudely thatched shelter is a party of mounted travellers; on the left bank are the red-roofed white buildings of a convent; snow-capped mountains fill the background. 88 THE HUDSON AT WEST POINT Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches On rising ground to the right, a pathway passes be- tween two tall cypress trees and overlooks the broad expansive river with its shipping; a village is on the distant shore. The greenclad hazy mountains rise on all sides seeming to make a beautiful lake of the stately river. 89 IN THE CYPRESS VALLEY, CHILI CANVAS MOUNTED ON BOARD Height, 814 inches; width, 15 inches A stream emerges from a vineclad ravine, whose rocky walls resemble in their interesting formation a ruined mediaeval castle; three horsemen are clambering up the steep trail on the right; rising above are the rose and blue sunlit snow-capped gigantic peaks of the Andes. A wealth of beautiful color pervades this charming composition. 90 A DOORWAY, CAIRO Height, 194 inches; width, 144. inches An old Arab sits sentinel before a barred doorway which is decorated above and on the sides with ara- besque carvings and colored tiles. Signed lower left. 91 THE JUNGFRAU FROM INTERLAKEN Height, 1844 inches; width, 14 inches An old Swiss chalet set amongst groups of trees with an approaching pathway on the rising ground, over- looks the beautiful wooded valley with its winding stream and villas, from which rises on all sides the steep pineclad mountains which are finally crowned by the majectic snow-capped peak of the Jungfrau. 31 Bisa soso: 92 KEENE VALLEY, WHITE MOUNTAINS, NEW HAMPSHIRE Height, 1744 inches; width, 1234 inches A startled fawn stands on a rocky pathway before a group of beautiful trees, amongst which is a fine old white birch; on the right a dead tree has fallen into the water. Signed lower left. 93 EARLY MORNING, THE JUNGFRAU FROM IN- TERLAKEN Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches A wooded valley and two purple and green mountains which rise to left and right are still slumbering in the twilight. Above and between them the noble snow- clad peak of the Jungfrau has caught the beams of the early sun. 94 NEAR CANAAN, CONNECTICUT ON WOODEN PANEL Height, 121% inches; width, 20 inches Large scattered trees border a brook which flows from right to left through a pasturage in which cattle are grazing; a farmhouse is seen at the foot of some well wooded hills. Signed lower right. 95 THE GRAND CANAL, VENICE ON ACADEMY BOARD Height, 101% inches; width, 1844 inches Villas and palaces with their sunny steps and terraces extend from the right; near the shore are moored sev- eral large steamers; other shipping and buildings are in the distance. Signed lower left. 32 96 WEST POINT BEFORE THE COMPLETION OF THE WEST SHORE RAILROAD Height, 14 inches; width, 19 inches The sloping, wooded shore, crowned by a mountain on the left, descends to the noble Hudson River, on which is seen a tug and tow, and other shipping; on the fur- ther bank are wooded heights; overhead is a sunny turquoise-blue sky. 97 THE OLD LOG CABIN IN THE WOODS, SPARTA, NEW JERSEY ON ACADEMY BOARD Height, 1144 inches; width, 16 inches An old farmer carrying a pail approaches a gate lead- ing to a sunlit cabin, which is surrounded by an old broken down stone wall; a group of turkeys are in the left foreground. Signed lower left. 98 FISHING BOATS, VENICE Height, 11 inches; width, 15 inches Many vessels with their rich colored sails flapping idly, have just come in from the fishing grounds. Signed lower right. 99 LAFAYETTE BROOK, WHITE MOUNTAINS, NEW HAMPSHIRE Height, 2234 inches; width, 14 inches The trout brook tumbles its way through the moss- grown boulders across which a large silver birch has fallen. The sun glints and dances through the lus- trous green pines and birches which curtain the stream. 33 100 101 103 CLEANING THE BOAT, VENICE Height, 914 inches; width, 17% inches A large sailing boat is turned on its side at a dock and many seamen are busy furbishing it up; other ships are anchored in the foreground; a tug with barges ap- proaches from the distance. Signed lower left. MOUNT POPOCATEPETL, MEXICO Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches Near a roadway two peasant girls are devoutly kneel- ing before a wayside shrine, which is irregularly skirt- ed by picturesque old trees, through which the red roofs of the village of Amecameca are seen o’ershad- owed by the towering snowclad peak. BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE, ADIRONDACKS Height, 154% inches; width, 2534 inches The lake stretches across the foreground; to the right is a cluster of trees that autumn has slightly touched; several dead trees have fallen into the lake; near the further shore are two wooded islands throwing deep reflections in the water. A range of greenclad hills fills the distance. Signed lower left. HAYING IN THE ORCHARD, SPARTA, NEW JERSEY Height, 16 inches; width, 2534 inches A team of horses and a wagon are standing near the gnarled old apple trees while two farm hands finish loading from the haycocks dotted around; a flock of turkeys wander amongst the trees, evidently in search of fallen fruit. A farmhouse with its wooded back- ground and a small lake to the left complete this charming rustic scene. 104 CANAL SCENE, VENICE Height, 1714 inches; nidth, 11 inches A grand old Gothic palace rises on the right, facing it are several ruge green mooring stakes. Palaces and two bridges and attendant gondolas fill the vista, in which also is seen the famous Campanile. Signed. lower left. 105 EGYPT LANE, SOUTHAMPTON, LONG ISLAND Height, 16 inches; width, 254 inches The evening sun is casting its long shadows through the trees bordering a road on which approaches a herd of cattle homeward bound with their herdsman follow- ing. In the road a pool of water formed by the recent rain reflects the white clouds. A farmyard and trees flank the left side of the road. 106 FONT IN THE COURTYARD OF THE MOSQUE SULTAN HASAN, CAIRO Height, 2534 inches; width, 1834 inches Many Arabs loiter singly or in groups around the sacred font or under its marvellous canopy. Through the columns of the canopy is seen the deeply arched Gothic entrance to the Mosque, with its many rare hanging lanterns. Signed lower right. 107 SPRING, SPARTA, NEW JERSEY Height, 16 inches; width, 2534 inches A hilly, rocky road winds its way to the distant wood- ed hills; on a knoll to the left is a gnarled old apple tree in full blossom; an old cottage occupies the middle distance in the centre and on the right is a group of feathery larches. Signed lower left. Se aE 108 THE HOUSATONIC RIVER, SHEFFIELD, MASS- ACHUSETTS Height, 16 inches; width, 26 inches The river with its weedy banks approaches the fore- ground from the left. On the lightly wooded rising pasturage in the middle distance cattle are grazing; Mount Everett, clothed in a blue mist, rises on the right. The coloring is typical of the Berkshires in early autumn. 109 SANTA MARIA DELLA SALUTE, VENICE Height, 7 inches; width, 15 inches The stately church with its beautiful dome rises from the busy waters, moored near the quays in the fore- ground are many fishing craft and trading vessels with brilliant colored sails, unloading their multifarious cargo. Study from the artist’s window in Venice. 110 EARLY SUMMER NEAR CATSKILL VILLAGE Height, 14 inches; width, 24 inches On the left winds a placid stream in which is reflected the groups of fine trees that partially enshroud its banks; on the right several cattle are grazing on ris- ing ground which terminates on all sides in woodland; the range of the Catskill Mountains fills the distance. 111 THE STATUES OF MEMNON, THEBES ON WOODEN PANEL Height, 12% inches; width, 22 inches Two ancient colossal seated figures of the desert loom up into the brilliant blue sky; a group of Arabs in conversation rests before them. ‘Towards the back- ground rise steep sandy hills. Signed lower left. 36 112 BIRCHES, IN THE ADIRONDACKS Height, 22 inches; width, 14 inches Two rarely beautiful silver birches with their feathery branches, rise on the left; a group of dark green pine trees gives an admirably contrasting background. In- scribed lower left, Sept. 8, 66. 113 LAFAYETTE BROOK, WHITE MOUNTAINS, NEW HAMPSHIRE Height, 23 inches; width, 141% inches The brook with its pools and imprisoning boulders is fringed with autumn-tinted trees, one of which bends over the stream as if to offer homage to its hardihood; the wooded crest of Mount Lafayette looms up in the background. 114 STREET OF SOUCEL SILAH, CAIRO 115 Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches Quaint buildings with their curious latticed windows rise on either side of the narrow busy street with its many passers-by. In the foreground is an Arab on his camel, conversing with a merchant. Signed lower left. NEAR SHEFFIELD IN THE BERKSHIRES, MASS- ACHUSETTS Height, 16 inches; width, 26 inches A slow- moving stream flows from amongst irregular groups of trees on the left, to the foreground; fields of wheat and buckwheat in blossom occupy the rising ground; beyong is a range of lofty hills touching the cloudy sky, which rises to blue overhead. 37 116 SUNSET ON BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE, ADIRON- DACKS Height, 16 inches; midth, 251% inches On the right a stag and fawn approach the lake from a clump of trees; the distant shore with its wooded banks and hills is lit with flashes of warm purple and gold from the departing sun; jewel-like fleecy clouds appear in a soft opalescent sky. 117 THE COURT OF A MERCHANT, CAIRO Height, 26 inches; width, 19 inches Under a valuted roof sit three Arabs, one on a large and gorgeous Oriental rug, the others on the steps of a doorway; beyond in the courtyard proper are several groups of men chatting or at their labors and two camels; a palm, and another tree lift themselves before a whitewashed wall opposite. Painted directly from the outdoor scene. The figures and rug on the right are unfinished. 118 OLD FARMHOUSE, NEAR CANAAN, CONNECTI- CUT ON WOODEN PANEL Height 1244 inches; width, 20 inches A typical old grey frame house with its red chimney is set amongst trees; before the door a few chickens are feeding in the pleasant sunlight; to the left, bor- dering a fence, are clumps of handsome golden rod; beyong is an outhouse in the woods. Signed lower left. 38 119 SHEEP PASTURE, NEAR SHEFFIELD, MASSA- CHUSETTS ON WOODEN PANEL Height, 1214 inches; width, 20 inches On sunny and rising ground with its out-cropping grey rocks, and in the field beyond, a large flock of sheep are grazing; to the left is a group of beautiful birch trees; the blue hills of the Berkshires rise in the distance, range after range, cluminating in the hazy blue peak of Mount Everett. Signed lower left. 120 THE HOUSATONIC RIVER, SHEFFIELD IN THE BERKSHIRES Height, 22 inches; width, 80 inches The river approaches to the foreground, through a bower of overhanging trees is a charming vista showing in the middle distance a field with a loading haywain, and the blue peak of Mount Everett in the far distance. Signed lower left. 121 STREET SCENE, CAIRO Sioa Sea Height, 25% inches; width, 19 inches An Arab merchant of the desert, with his camel and attendant, is argueing with a bearded Arab who stands at his doorway, a street vendor sits nearby with her basket of fruit, across the narrow street is a white robed porter guarding the portal of a latticed wind- owed harem. A mosque and minaret fill the back- ground. Signed lower right. 39 122 THE DESERTED HOUSE, SUSSEX, NEW JERSEY Height, 16 inches; width, 251% inches An old dirt road winds from the left over a wooden ii bridge to the dilapidated frame house, a wooded hill i rises behind. Cattle are grazing on the roadside and | a sheltered brook purls its quiet way across the fore- ground, Signed lower left. 123 THE MILLPOND, ASHFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS Height, 16 inches; width, 26 inches A pleasant undulating and wooded country enbosoms the pond and its reflections. In the distant vale is the town of Ashfield, with its celebrated church spire o’er- topping the trees. Signed lower left. 124 BASS ROCKS, GLOUCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS Height, 16 inches; midth, 26 inhces The sea tumbles over huge boulders at the foot of a sloping rocky cliff, and stretches out to the horizon; a few vessels appear in the distance. Signed lower left. i 125 BUCKWHEAT FIELD IN BLOSSOM, NEAR CO- i PAKE, NEW YORK Height, 16 inches; width, 26 inches The snowy field edged with irregular groups of trees, ul stretches across the foreground; a farmhouse and a al field of golden wheat are beyond; and towering over all are the wooded heights of Mount Washington. r || Signed lower left. equa 40 126 THE RAVINE, SPARTA, NEW JERSEY Height, 2934 inches; width, 21 inches A deep pool with its boulders and sunlit bank is shad- ed by many tall and shapely pine trees; from the fac- ing ravine emerges the rushing brook barely making an eddy on the waters of the pool. 127. BOLTON LANDING, LAKE GEORGE Height, 16 inches; width, 26 inches A pathway wanders through large trees and a rocky pasturage to the lake in the middle distance; the church spire shows itself amongst the trees near the landing. The further bank is crowned with wooded hills touched with a blue and purple haze. Signed lower right. 128 THE DOGES PALACE, VENICE ON WOODEN PANEL Height, 1234 inches; midth, 20 inches Across the lagoon the noble Gothic structure rises from the limpid waters, on the left is the Plaza of St. Marks and its Campanile, on the right are palaces and the prison; two fishing vessels are being towed out to sea. Signed lower left. 129 MILKING TIME, EAST CANAAN, CONNECTICUT Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches A stream impeded by many large boulders flows across the foreground, a straggling group of cattle and a milkmaid approach the water by a hilly path; to the right is the old gray farmhouse seen through a group of fine trees; in the background is a typical gray Con- necticut hill. 41 eon ne ae ee 130 BY THE LAKESIDE, TWIN LAKES, CONNECTI- CUT Height, 80 inches; width, 22 inches A roadway bordered by magnificent trees skirts the lake, runs from the right foreground towards the left meeting a path coming from an old gate. Through the trees the placid waters are seen with lovely reflec- tions of a distant hill and sky. A field of wild flowers occupies the immediate foreground. Signed lower left. MORNING IN THE PERUVIAN ANDES Height, 3843 inches; width, 60 inches The noble snowclad mountain peaks overawe the scene. Through a rising and winding pass on the left, two peons, one mounted, herd a flock of llamas to the upper pasturage; on the left is a deep gorge through which flows a stream. Signed lower left. 1382 TAKING IN THE HAY, LAKE MORRIS, SPARTA, NEW JERSEY Height, 22 inches; width, 80 inches Three farmhands are busily loading a haywain in the immediate foreground; a fine cluster of trees is on the left; wooded ground descends to the lake; from the farther shore rise wooded hills. COURTYARD OF A PASHA, CAIRO Height, 21 inches; width, 29 inches A large tree throws its grateful shade in the center of a courtyard, two groups of Arabs, accompanied by their camels and a white ass, are discussing the topics of the times, a further group is seated on some benches at the right; two deeply arched and beautifully decorated doorways are seen beyond a pump and cistern. Signed lower right. 42 184 SPRINGTIME, SHEFFIELD, IN THE BERK- SHIRES, MASSACHUSETTS Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches Two cows are watering at a pool flanked by feathery trees, other cattle are in a green pasture beyond, which skirts the straggling houses and the tower and spire of the old Congregational Church, built in'1784. A gray- and white cloudy sky with patches of light blue is overhead. 185 WHITE BIRCHES ON THE MASSACHUSETTS COAST NEAR PLYMOUTH Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches A group of ancient birches stand almost on the water’s edge, sentinels to the passing shipping. The incom- ing tide gently laps on the curving sandy beach, the wooded cliffs roughly follow the strand. Signed lower left. 136 LOOKING DOWN ON COPAKE IRON WORKS FROM MOUNT WASHINGTON, MASSACHU- SETTS Height, 22 inches; midth, 80 inches The wooded mountain slopes converge and give a vista © of expansive wooded country and the Catskill moun- tains in the far distance. Rocky boulders and two groups of old pine trees flank the immediate fore- ground. 137 THE GRAND CANAL, VENICE Height, 25 inches; midth, 84¥4 inches The Palace of the Doges, with its many columned and beautiful facade, occupies the centre; to the left is the Plaza of St. Mark’s; on the right are various palaces and the lagoon with its quaint shipping. A delicate but brilliant sunnny glow gives fascination to this in- teresting scene. a sunlight pool which reflects the green and golden foli- 43 1388 THE MILLPOND, ASHFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches The pond is almost encircled with wooded hills; the roofs of the town hall and a few houses appear above the trees in the center of the canvas, beyond is a range of blue hills. The rough pasturage of the foreground is broken by out-cropping rocks and scattered groups of fine old trees. 1389 APPLE VALLEY, ASHFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches | From high ground, flanked on the right by a well- wooded hill and on the left by a rocky knoll and two | large trees, is seen the pleasant valley which termin- ates in a range of hazy blue monutains in the far dis- tance. 140 NEAR THE CREAMERY, ASHFIELD, MASSACHU- SETTS Height, 22 inches; width, 30 inches Large gray lichen covered boulders crop out of the rising pasturage in the foreground through which a stone wall passes between two groups of trees at left and right; the wooded hills in their purple mantles rise beyond, and in the distance is the far away blue peak of Mount Monadnock, Vermont. Signed lower right. 141 FISHING BOATS ON THE RIVA, VENICE | Height, 24% inches; width, 89 inches : The opalescent water and its reflections occupy the foreground. Near a small bridge on the right with its burden of passengers, are moored many fishing vessels with gay colored sails; before the Doges Palace with its many arches and columns, glides a gondola; a vista of villas and church spires is beyond. sper 44 aes THE OLD SOUTH ROAD TO SHELBURNE FALLS, ASHFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS Height, 80 inches; nidth, 22 inches A steeply descending roadway is fringed on either side by an ancient stone wall and fine old trees, and overlooks a beautiful valley and the many wooded hills of the Berkshires in the far distance. THE “VIA MALA,” SWITZERLAND Height, 88% inches; width, 28 inches Over the mighty chasm with its swirling waters below, crosses a slender arched bridge which is approached by a walled way bordered by groups of fine pine trees; on left and right beetling cliffs rise sheer to the sky and between them a snowclad mountain peak appears. Signed lower left. FISHING BOATS AT THE PUBLIC GARDENS, VENICE Height, 22 inches; width, 88Y4 inches Several large vessels with their many-colored sails and. fish nets hanging from their masts to dry, are moored close to the red brick parapet of the gardens; before a marble balustrade to the right is a loaded gondola with two occupants; above are the gardens. Across the lagoon are the palaces of Venice. Signed lower right. 45 Sp eer REIS ie 145 DEER APPROACHING THE BROOK, THE RAVINE, SPARTA, N. J. Height, 80 inches; width, 22 inches The bubbling brook tumbles over many boulders into a sunlight pool which reflects the green and golden foli- age of the large trees that embower it. Over the car- pet of dead leaves of many past summers, a stag and its fawn approach to drink. Signed lower left. WM. COUPER 146 CARRARA MARBLE BAS-RELIEF—MOTHER AND CHILD Height, 18 inches; width, 13 inches The young mother’s head and bust are seen almost in profile. She is carrying her infant babe on her back; he clings to his mother with his arms round her neck. Delicate and exquisite in texture and handling. Pre- sented to the late Henry A. Ferguson. Signed lower left, “Wm. Couper, ft.” 46 tere erences TO THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK PLEASE BUY FOR ME AT YOUR SALE NO... Dias THE FOLLOWING LOTS AT NOT EXCEEDING THE PRICES NAMED, WHICH ARE SO MUCH PER LOT. THESE BIDS ARE MADE SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OF SALE PRINTED IN THE CATALOGUE OF THIS SALE. LOT FIRST WORD BID LOT FIRST WORD BID 7h Reg MAKE YOUR BIDS ON THIS SHEET FOR ONE SALE ONLY. TERMS CASH. REFERENCES OR CASH DEPOSIT REQUIRED WITH ORDERS FROM STRANGERS. ae ae wert cantersre ae an ae