| LIBRARY | M.KNOEDLER & 69. 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York SURES OTT eee PPPS abi sibilnhebattah alpina labia bnbeehtndsintcheaarenebabas e 2wldababebipainbaaledvialaiabeb|sstsuaeralaletatateilus a ee ee Ph EA ta ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9ru, 1921 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE FROM 9a. mM. UNTIL 6 Pp. M. ma LARGE COLLECTION OF OLD AND MODERN OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE OINFVEO AND AY TEV INGIIN Gis 2 RAW EAS Rates rH BEGINNING AT 8.15 0’CLOCK AY THe AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK Mars Nectehintew wuvrvere Wy dé 35796) "43 ¢¢ ts: 59703," Chere th Ly iehe*so*ey Vd 1M Og lta 5 CATALOGUE OF A LARGE COLLECTION OF OLD AND MODERN OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS BELONGING TO ESTATES AND PRIVATE OWNERS TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 14rx, 1921 THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS AssIsTANTs, Mr. Orro Berner AND Mr. H. H. Parke, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK CITY THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION APIDIE JAUNUD) “APAROKG RUNES De CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioncer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may cither sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby wouid become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. CATALOGUE EVENING SALE | | MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1921 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8.15 O CLOCK JOHANNES WEILAND H | Dutcu: 1850—1907 ii | 1—LIFE AND STILL LIFE VE. www me Water Color: Height, 7 inches; length, 1014 inches | fa Prorite portrait of a young girl in white waist, dark skirt and brightly colored neckcloth, seated on the floor before a brass kettle, and stirring coals. Signed at the lower right, WrEILAND. Property of a Private Owner. M. AEEARD | ConTEMPORARY 2—COMPLIMENTS 10 C “Ea , Hh 1/9 48 _ Panel: Height, 984 inches; width, 71 inches A BEWIGGED beau in black bows ceremoniously and addresses his admira- tion to a young lady in canary-yellow seated at her boudoir table. Signed at the lower left, Arnanrn. Property of a Private Owner. R. VON OTTENFELD GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY 3—BEAUTY OF THE ORIENT G 1G. Vinita Panel: Height, 934 inches; width, 81/4 inches on Porrrair at full length of a veiled beauty of the seraglio, in crimson, gold and pale rose, standing on a tiger skin before a green drapery, idly leaning against a table and smoking a cigarette. Signed at the lower left, R. v. OrtenrELD, Mtncuen, 1883. Property of a Private Owner. R. VON OTTENFELD GERMAN: ConTEMPORARY 4—MOUNTAIN TRAVELING NY oS ODS oe a 2 Panel: Height, 13 inches; width, 91 inches ; Down a steep trail in a blazing sunlight, along barren mountains, a dark-skinned man of Spanish type, with head bound in white and carrying a long Arab gun, comes forward, riding a heavily laden ass. Signed at the lower left, R. v. OTTENFELD, Mtncuen, 1883. Property of @ Private Owner. AUGUST HOLMBERG German: 1851— 5—IDYLLIC DAYS @: Wiz fl Sf Panel: Height, 1544 inches; width, ‘10% inches In a great park with tall and ancient trees whose trunks mark its green sward with shadows a gentleman and lady strolling arm in arm and a young lady idling alone meet at a stair. Signed at the lower left, A. HotmBrre, Mincuen. Property of a Private Owner. MARTIN RICO Spaniso: 1850—1908 6—VENETIAN GARDEN 1 -Yv- df 26 sas — Panel: Height, 14 inches; width, 834 inches From the left a palace in rose-cream tones, with mauve shadows, pro- jects into a canal of many reflections, and a balcony garden is bright \ ij with flowers and foliage under a clear blue sky. Signed at the lower left, Rico. ‘Property of the Estate of Mary Hutcurnson. CARLE J. BLENNER American: 1864— 7—-LAVENDER AND ROSE mn. (3. (> ta as aye. Td Panel: Height, 14 inches; width, 12 mches THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH profile portrait of a young woman in a gauzy lavender gown low at the neck, reclining in an easy chair, with pink roses in her mahogany-hued hair and more of them at her corsage. Signed at the upper right, Carte J. BLENNER. Property of a Private Owner. HENRY PEMBER SMITH American: 1854—1907 an yy ° AV e Ge Bas? LAAT > Lan | | 8—STUDY AT EAST LYME, CONNECTICUT Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches t 5 @e “aS 0 —— Bestpr a stream stands a hip-roofed gray farmhouse, sheltered at either end by a large tree, and at its gate a girl looks toward the observer down a gray path through the grass. Signed at the lower right, Henry P. Smiru i | | Property of a Private Owner. G. G. KILBURNE 1 F a (INGLISH: CONTEMPORARY 9—AFTERNOON TEA Wr bh. € : Oa ae | ; c Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches J ot A= FuLu-Leneru portrait of a smiling young English lady in pale-gold and white silks, with low corsage, seated beside a tea table and poising a blue and white cup as she looks genially at the observer. Signed at the lower left, G. G. Kitpurne. Property of a Private Owner. DON VICENTE PALMAROLI SpanisH: 1835—1896 10—LOOKING FOR DOLLY OS ers om CN eree, - 2 Panel: Height, 171% inches; width, 131% Ge ; A DARK-EYED young mother attired in a blue gown with mauve sash smilingly faces the spectator over her left shoulder, as she hides behind a cheval glass from her golden-haired daughter who is just entering the room, the mother also concealing the child’s dolls. Signed at the lower right, V. PALMAROLI. Property of a Private Owner. FRANCOIS ALFRED DELOBBE Frencu: 1835— 11—SPANISH LADY 4 1/- 7 = i Ca ey a ; Oval: Diameter, 174 inches by 141% inches ao pes Heap and shoulders portrait of a young lady with wavy dark hair falling over her bared shoulders, as she holds before her a golden drapery above an inner garment of white. Figure to right, with face full front. Signed midway at right, A. DELopsEr, 1872. Property of aw Private Owner. GEORGE HENRY BOUGHTON, N.A., R.A. AmeERiIcAN: 1834—1905 “f ) J : A 12—BESIDE THE BLUE SEA V/ hardy ey ato ~ a 06 Panel: Height, 18 inches; length, 21 inches 50 “— Furt-tencru portrait of a fair-haired young lady in black, seated in the angle of a marble terrace above a sea of deep blue, with a green landscape skirting it. She has closed a book, and clings to a bouquet as she looks toward the water. Signed at the lower right, G. H. Boucuton. Property of a Private Owner. LEONARD OCHTMAN, N.A. American: 1854— 183—MOONLIGHT LANDSCAPE Wyn Youpmarrn —i(~- o% 5 8) — Height, 16 inches; length, 22 inches f SHELTERED in a hollow among green and brown hills a farmhouse stands at the head of a foreground pond, at whose shore a boat is drawn up at the left. A light gleams in a window, and the golden moon appears above a distant hilltop. Signed at the lower left, Lzonarp Ocurman, 1897.” Property of a Private Owner. JOSEPH LYMAN American: 1843—1913 J eZ YT c™ y v4 nA ens Is dtd WN Cte ~~ 6 Height, 22 inches; width, 16 inches Tur corner of a pond where lilypads float comes to view in the fore- ground, at the foot of a winding green slope. In a blue rowboat a young lady sits waiting for a man who approaches in a broad path. Signed at the lower right, Lyman, 97. Property of a Prwwate Owner. FREDERICK DIELMAN, P.N.A. AMERICAN: 1848— af 15—IN THE ARBOR Ree / = Hd Qe Height, 2514 inches; width, 191% imches Unpver an arbor of rich green, with sunshine dappling the sandy path, a young woman seated in a rocker is seen in profile, a pickaninny standing in front of her to form a skein of yarn, and another young woman stands reading. Signed at the lower right, Frepericx Dretmay, ’81. Property of a Private Owner. F. H. KAEMMERER Frencu: ConTEMPORARY 16—KNITTING ay ( oe wt pects Height, 22 inches; width, 1614 ones A corner of a public garden in Paris. In the center is seated a woman in a red dress and black jacket, knitting, while a child plays at her side. In front of her is a chair on which hangs a child’s hoop. Fallen autumn leaves strew the ground. Signed, F. H. KaEMMERER. Property of a Private Collector. RAIMUNDO DE MADRAZO SpanisoH: 1841— 17—PREPARING TEA ce Ce Ny L 00 \O BAX \ LA. RAK FS S S “— Panel: Height, 231% inches; width, 171, inches Acarnst a background of blue is a fair-haired young woman in a black bonnet, gray jacket and Scotch plaid skirt. Her dress, and the table on which she leans to stir her cup of tea, suggest the early 80’s. At the left is an opened piano. Signed at the lower left, R. Maprazo. Purchased from Samuel P. Avery, 1883. Property of a Private Collector. OTTO DE THOREN Austrian: 1828—1889 18—HORSES TURNED OUT TO PASTU. : S40 Panel: Height, 214% inches; width, 17%4 mches 4 Turee horses, a black, a sorrel and a white one, free in a meadow, have gathered at a lone pollard willow tree in the foreground, near an inlet, on a bright, breezy day. Signed at the lower right, O. pz THoREN. Property of the Estate of Mary Hutcuinson. UNKNOWN 19—LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES Ch AOD pf~—.,»Z LA: O Pee Sa Sao. Oe oe Height, 18 inches; length, 24 inches ws In an English landscape a thatched cottage stands at the right at the edge of a wood, in sunlight breaking through dark storm clouds, and in a straggling roadway in front of it a family are on the move, with bundles, the mother mounted on a donkey. Property of a Washington Collector. UNKNOWN 20—FISHERMEN’S COVE KA_-\ hve th a. At iene ~ Height, 191% inches; length, 2614 inches In the distance at the left castellated structures and a mountainous shore, with sailing vessels in the offing, an arm of the sea reaching into the foreground where in a cove fishing boats are sheltered, with men in them. Property of a Washington Collector. GASPAR POUSSIN Frencu: 1613—1675 21—LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES (,\ Oe eng (. 2 Ke, 3 oo Height, 191% inches; length, 2514, inches Ar left bushy trees at the border of a stream, and a figure reclining in their shadow, the stream reaching back into the sunshine which illumines wooded hills on the right and fields where figures are working. Property of a Washington Collector. JEAN FRANCOIS PORTAELS Berean: 1818— 22—PORTRAIT OF A MAN Mn: [3 (3 Yi Oe FOOS oOo” —- Height, 251 inches; width, 20 inches Busr portrait of a swarthy, turbaned man with small black mustache and chin beard, wearing earrings and many jewels, including a ruby and pearl pendant in his turban. He faces left, three-quarters front. Property of a Washington Collector. F. CABRERA CANTO SpANiIsH: CONTEMPORARY 23—LANDSCAPE @ @ Cnr %. oo) 0B Height, 2214 inches; width, 154% inches Burax hills with patches of soil and vegetation break unevenly against a sky of billowing clouds, and beyond green-gray rocks in the fore- ground four small trees stand forth above green brush. Signed at the lower left, F. Canrera Canto. Shown at the Panama-Pacific Exposition. Property of a Private Owner. K. L. GARRIDA Spaniso: 1856— 24—CHANTEUSE Ny (3. (de cee x co DAA SAae: +As “— Panel: Height, 2134 inches; width, 17 inches Furt-tenctu figure of a blond young woman gowned in a multiplicity of color, right hand on hip and left grasping a La Tosca stick, stand- ing before a crimson drapery, her face seen slightly more than in profile. Signed at the lower left, HK. L. Garripa. Property of a Prwate Owner. FRANCOIS BRUNERY Frencu: ContTEMPORARY \ Q we) ¥ L-9 f V4 25—YOUTH AND AGE . ya a —_-— ee) Height, 2134 inches; width,“1814 inches los — In a white and gold palace room, while a venerable cardinal has fallen into a doze in his easy chair, a visiting gallant in an emerald coat makes amorous advances to his beautiful hostess, to the amusement of a pert maid who spies them through a mirror. Signed at the lower right, F. Brunery. From the Julius Oehme Collection, New York, 1911. Property of a Private Owner. JULIUS GEERTZ German: 1837— 26—LOVE’S MESSAGE eG | ‘ 5 ; CU. SS Height, 20 inches; length, 24 inches In a pious cottage interior a buxom young woman clad in many colors has risen from her spinning-wheel, and keeps a wary eye as she reaches for a letter which a smiling youth hands through her opened lattice window. Signed at the lower right, J. Grerrz, D.v.F. Property of a Private Owner. UNKNOWN 27—PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN eC: 9 eee on J O°: Height, 27 inches; width, 21 imches ——_ Heap and shoulders portrait of a youth with a mass of long reddish- brown hair, observed partly in back view, with face turned toward the observer over his left shoulder. He wears a light-colored doublet and rakish black cap. Olive background. Property of a Washington Collector. UNKNOWN 283—PORTRAIT OF A LADY Panel: Height, 271% inches; width, 2034 inches ORNS widens os -¢ e_ ( of THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH standing figure of a patrician young woman | in a tight-waisted and bell-skirted black gown, with shoulder puffs, white lace cuffs and white ruff, facing the left, three-quarters front. She wears deep gold-mounted bracelets of coral beads, and a cap of similar color. Inscribed and signed at the upper left, AETATIS SUAE XXVI, CK (in monogram). Property of a Washington Collector. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK Eneuisu: 1599—1641 29—-DESCENT FROM THE CROSS fo 4” [y Y 7 / oh 4} alee Height, 29 inches; width, 231, inches Group of four figures, with the devoted women in mauve, blue and gold, supporting and adoring the body of the Christ, the withdrawn nails lying at His feet. Property of a Washington Collector. UNKNOWN 30—HOLY FAMILY / ; a ”) (a Oval: Diameter, 22 inches by 2'7 inches Group of five figures, with Joseph in partial shadow in the back- ground, and the Infant drinking from a bowl held by the Mother, who is clad in rose and blue. Property of a Washington Collector. UNKNOWN 7 31—ITALIAN LANDSCAPE Xo et x Pe ie Height, 22 inches; length, 25% inches “~/~g — Unoper fair skies a rugged landscape is divided in the foreground by a blue river, along which a man is walking. In the distance are houses and figures, and in the left foreground a young man is playing the flute before an admiring barefoot maiden in a rose skirt and blue waist. Property of a Washington Collector. HERMAN KAUFMAN German: 1808— 32—WINTER LOGGING (Q.A— SE OF 2 Height, 17% inches; length, 28 inches Iw an open wood of ancient trees snow covers the ground, and drifts in fine particles through the air, before a cold gray sky. In the fore- ground on the right, logs of firewood are stacked high at a roadside, and two farmers, well bundled up, have come with a team and bob sleigh to take a load home. Signed at the lower right, Herm. KavrMan. Property of a Private Collector. SAMUEL COLMAN, N.A. AMERICAN: 1832— an ad 5 —— Height, 16 mches; length, 30 inches A LanpscaPE of peaceful aspect, in which the principal elements are a placid stream traversing the foreground, trees with spreading branches in the middle portion of the picture, and a wooded hillside bordering the valley. On the banks of the stream are cattle coming to drink and one or two figures. Above is a summer sky with masses of white clouds and here and there a space of blue. Signed at the lower left, and dated, 1868. Purchased from John Snedecor’s Sons, New York, 1899. From the Dr. A. C. Humphrey Collection, 1917. Property of a Private Collector. CHARLES COURTNEY CURRAN, N.A. AmeERican: 1861— 34—GIRL WITH VIOLIN Yy - fr. jd ose Height, 36 inches; width, 1614, inches A FULL-LENGTH standing figure of a young woman, in low-neck gown of wine color, seen in full face view, the head inclined to right, as she plays her violin and with her right hand draws the bow down to the end. ‘The figure is illumined by light coming from the left and the color scheme shows warm tones throughout. Signed at the lower right, dated 1905, and Copyricut. Purchased direct from the artist, New York, 1905. From the Dr. A. C. Humphrey Collection, 1917. Property of a Private Collector. 33—SAW MILL RIVER Ofta (a RPP i Y1An \ Owe ena MAURITZ FREDERICK HENDRIK DE HAAS AMERICAN: 1832—1895 35—_MARINE: THE STORM ” c= Height, 27 inches; width, 22 inches Wirn a steam lighter and a sailing vessel seen pitching in the distance, before a heavily storm-laden sky, the tossing sea breaks against pro- jecting rocks in the foreground, sending white foam high in the air. Signed at the lower right, M. ¥. H. pz Haas, ’51. Property of the Estate of Mary Hurcuryson. ADRIEN MOREAU me ( er A ew L a 2 G22. Cav 4 Frencu: 1843—1906 ) neal for, (Cile De Lis - ee er ings 386—TOILET OF THE BRIDE //¢6 — Panel: Height, 20 inches; length, 2584 inches Brrore the fireplace in a palatial hall a kneeling maid is putting the last touches to the gown of a bride, beside whom stands a smiling lady in rose and white, and gentlemen enter through a doorway at the right. Signed at the lower right, ApRiEN Morrav. Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Property of the Estate of Mary Hurcuinson. CHARLES WARREN EATON AmeERIcAN: 1857— WA) 37—EVENING: BELGIUM yous Gy Height, 24 inches; length, 30 inches Tue lower portion of the composition is occupied by gray-green fields with a row of trees extending from the left nearly across the canvas, and on the right a house with low sloping roof. The sky shows gray clouds below and the dark tints of evening above, with some spaces of pale blue. Signed at the lower left. Property of a Private Collector. Y 4 OK sts /) Le en ae “A Cy itrwt Ke SIMON CHARDIN Frencu: 1701—1799 38—STILL LIFE ef ¥ eA a, S _ I In a foreground of trees, field and bush, a narrow stream at the right skirts cottages of Dutch architecture, where figures are seen, one of them fishing, and beyond is a country church, the whole in mellow sun- light and soft shadows. From the Raymond Collection, Boston. Property of a Washington Collector. SIR BENJAMIN WILLIAMS LEADER, R.A. EneutsH: 1831— 50—STREATLY-ON-THAMES le v6 CE. rf ii 7 . Height, 23 inches; length, 3714 inches Tue Thames where it is a narrow pastoral stream winds across the picture, between a flat foreground and low background hills which are | green, brown and yellow. At the right boating parties appear with sail and punt. Signed at the lower left, B. W. Leaver, 1873. Property of Mr. Enwiy H. Fricke. JACQUES FRANCOIS CARABAIN Dutcu: 1834— ‘ 51—IN THE NETHERLANDS G0 Cpe Oa Do ° Height, 291% inches; length, 37 inches SrraicuT before the spectator a canal leads through a city, with build- ings at either side, a laden barge drawn up at one bank and near it a woman doing her laundering, a raft in the stream, and in the middle distance a woman crossing a bridge. Signed at the lower right, Jac. Caraparn, Fr. °58, Brvxe.1ezs. Property of Miss J. M. Cotton. EF. S. HERRMANN GerMAN: CONTEMPORARY 52—IN HOLLAND . 6 MAA H-O ae Height, 251% inches; length, ne yi _ WHITE-CAPPED peasant women on their knees are working Bie the vegetables in the foreground, around the patch are nets, and in distant green fields cattle are grazing, and a cottage group lies at the edge of a clump of low trees. Signed at the lower right, F.S. Herrmann, Horzanp. Property of a Private Owner. RUDOLPH EPP GreRMAN: 1834-—1910 583—THE. OLD BEAU oO ty B es ¢ ee LES Height, 39 inches; width, 82 inches In a cottage room a buxom young matron attends smilingly to her knitting as she entertains an elderly gallant with wine and bread. Signed at the lower right, R. Err. Property of the Estate of Mary Hurcuinson. LOUIS VERWEE AND EUGENE JOSEPH VERBOECKHOVEN Beucran: 1799—1881 = . ) 54—_WINTER LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURE: "4 Ee — Height, 26 inches; length, 361 inches Brtweren flat grassy banks with woods distant at the sides, a frozen stream leads away to a city, and on it are numerous skaters, old and young. Signed at the lower right, Louis Verwkr, 1853, ricuREs PAR HuGENE VERBOECKHOVEN. | Property of a Washington Collector. | GILBERT MUNGER AMERICAN: 1837—1903 55—MARINE of Py WV > + 4 Fe 6 Height, 24 inches; length, 42 inches ; © Brown sand dunes on the right fall away toward the left to a broad yellow beach, beyond which a calm sea fills the distance, while the fore- ground is given to gray-green beach grasses. 1 | Signed at the lower left, Giruert Muncrr, 1870. Property of a Washington Collector. nn) HIPPOLYTE DELPY Frencu: 1841—1910 56—BORDS DE RIVIERE ty a yy_- |. a Height, 24 inches; length, 391% inches Suower clouds are dispersing in a breeze and the setting sun shines crimson through a rift, over a summer landscape of sinuous trees and lush fields and a silvery-gray river. On a point of land in the fore- ground a girl carrying a shoulder basket waits for the ferryman from the farther shore. Signed at the lower right, H. F. Dery. Property of a Private Owner. BENJAMIN WEST, P.R.A. e ey ; AMERICAN: 1738—1820 5 ) ib : V4 f We 7 Cc ‘ Need Lghbt AG 57_THE HOLY SPIRIT DESCENDING UPON CHRIST AFTER HIS BAPTISM Height, 361 inches; width, 28 inches Tue Christ appears at full length, walking toward the right, His face in profile, the Holy Spirit in form of a haloed dove descending from the clouds over his head. To left and right on the ground about him adoring figures male and female, old and young, to the number of above a dozen, variously clad and partly nude. In the background, beyond the river, nude figures on the farther bank, and distant green hills. A mellow golden tone over all. Property of a Private Collector. CHARLES ROLLO PETERS AMERICAN: 1862— 58—SAN JUAN MISSION ~, (3. (3, NG f 14) ~~ Height, 36 inches; width, 80 inches g % An effect of moonlight. The white fagade of the Mission fills most of the canvas, and a great arched doorway and an open window, above, as well as the cornice of the building, furnish masses of dark. The moonlight glow on the wall is further enhanced in effect by some dark masses of foliage and heavy shadows in the lower part of the picture. Dimly seen are the figures of a woman and child about to enter the Mission. Signed at the lower right, and dated, San Juan, 1891. From the Dr. A. C. Humphrey Collection, 1917. Property of a Private Collector. OTTO DE THOREN Austrian: 1828—1889 59—COMING FROM THE HARVEST Height, 29 inches; length, 43 inches es Scarrerine a flock of geese to either side of a broad farm road, a girl gaily driving a three-horse team drawing a grain-laden cart comes for- ward through meadows, two children seated in the wagon with her. Signed at the lower right, O. pp THOoREN. From Goupil’s. Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Property of the Estate of Mary Hutcutnson. , FRANCESCO VECELLI Ivariman: 14'73—1560 60—CATARINA CORNARA A_ ~LV vv do y) pte Height, 40 inches; width, 3314 inches THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH figure of a matronly young woman in a black décolleté gown, with white lace at the breast and over her hair, and wearing a golden crown. She faces front and slightly to the right. Signed and entitled at the upper right, Cararina Cornara, Recina DE Crero, Franco. Vec., P, 1505. Property of a Washington Collector. A. W. SPARKS AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY ss if A gf 61—PITTSBURGH a. Wee OF Height, 36 inches; length, 40 inches aes A HILLY, snow-covered foreground with a road and workmen’s dwellings ; in the middle of the picture a street crosses with an elevated track on which is passing a locomotive and train of freight cars; beyond, a mass of mill buildings, converters and stacks, with smoke and steam. Above are the tops of high hills and a strip of sky. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1912. From the George A. Hearn Collection, 1918. Property of a Private Collector. THOMAS ROBINSON AMERICAN: 1835—1888 62—THE WATERING PLACE ry, ae Height, 30 inches; length, 491 inches A RED-BEARDED farmer in rose-gray shirt and blue overalls, and orange- yellow straw hat, has halted his team, a four-in-hand attached to a large and high-sided wagon with broad-tired wheels, and stands holding a drinking bucket up to the head of his big bay wheeler. The other wheeler and the leaders are white. The halt is in a sunny, grass- bordered road, with trees in the background at left and a brook at right. Stamp at lower right: 'T. Ropinson sae. Property of a Private Collector. JEAN JOSEPH BENJAMIN CONSTANT Frencu: 1845—1902 638—J UDITH Wr) ae EN ON yr) 4 4 ge Panel: Height, 48 inches; width, 31 inches hh be — THREE-QUARTERS-LENGTH standing figure of a handsome, statuesque and commanding young woman, in the character of Judith, with figure slightly to left, and head haughtily poised with face turned toward the right. Left hand at hip, her right grasps the sword. Right shoulder nude, her long reddish hair falls loosely over her left shoulder and her blue, white and soft golden apparel, before a background of rich dark draperies. . 49). OW PACH bhi 0 ae Height, 36 inches; length, 5734 imches Snow covers the ground and swirls in the air before a darkening sky, and a large flock of sheep stand huddled together, guarded by their shepherd and his dog. Signed at the lower left, ScuENcK. Exhibited at the Metropolitan Musewm of Art. Property of the Estate of Mary Hurcurnson. GEORGE HITCHCOCK, A.N.A. American: 1850—1913 68—THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT 4 Height, 44 inches; length, 66 imches A utc skyline of lightly rolling hills, beneath a fair sky lightly clouded, is cut by an occasional tree clump and at the left by a mass of brush. In the open fields of fore and middle grounds wild flowers, white and blue, enliven the light green grasses topping a sandy soil, and through them comes the young Mother riding a white ass, a brown clad male figure laboring afoot with a staff following at a distance, and just appearing above a rise of the ground. Signed at the lower left, G. Hirrcncock, 1892. Property of a Private Collector. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, ManacGeErs. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS LIST OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER AKEARD, M. Compliments 2 BLENNER, Carte J. Lavender and Rose a BOUGHTON, Gerorce Henry, N.A., R.A. Beside the Blue Sea 12 BRUNERY, Francois Youth and Age 25 CANALETTO, Antonio Venice 48 CANTO, F. Casprera Landscape 23 CARABAIN, Jacquzs FRANcoIs In the Netherlands 51 CHARDIN, Simon Still Life 38 COLMAN, SamueEt, N.A. Saw Mill River 33 CONSTANT, Jean JoserH BENJAMIN Judith 63 CURRAN, Cuarites Courtney, N.A. Girl with Violin 84 DE HAAS, Mauvrirz FrepERICK HENpDRIK Marine: The Storm 85 DELOBBE, Francois ALFRED Spanish Lady DELPY, Hirrotyte Bords de Riviére D’HONDECOETER, Metcuior Fighting Cocks DIELMAN, Frepericx, P.N.A. In the Arbor DUPRAT, Atrrep G. At Venice EATON, CHartes WARREN Evening: Belgium EPP, RupoLteH The Old Beau GARRIDA, E. L. Chanteuse GEERTZ, Juxius Love’s Message GIACHI, E. Chant d’Amour HERRMANN, F. S. In Holland HITCHCOCK, Gerorcz, A.N.A. The Flight into Egypt HOLMBERG, Aveust Idyllic Days KAEMMERER, F. H. Knitting CATALOGUE NUMBER 11 56 64 15 44, 37 53 24 Or bo CATALOGUE NUMBER KAUFMAN, Herman Winter Logging 32 KILBURNHE, G. G. Afternoon Tea 9 LEADER, Sir Bensamin WituiaMs, R.A. Streatly-on-Thames 50 LYMAN, JosrerH Boating 14 MADRAZO, Raimunno DE Preparing Tea 17 MOREAU, Anprien Toilet of the Bride 36 Coming from the Christening 43 MUNGER, GILBERT Marine 55 OCHTMAN, Leronarp, N.A. Moonlight Landscape 13 OTTENFELD, R. von Beauty of the Orient 3 Mountain Traveling 4 PALMAROLI, Don VIcENTE Looking for Dolly 10 After the Bath 46 PETERS, CuHartes Roiio San Juan Mission 58 PORTAELS, JEAN FRANCOIS Portrait of a Man 22 POUSSIN, Gaspar Landscape with Figures 21 RICO, Martin Venetian Garden ROBINSON, Tomas Landscape The Watering Place ROMANI, Juana “Judith” SCHENCK, Aveustr Freprerick ALBRECHT Sheep in a Storm SMITH, Henry PEempBer Study at East Lyme, Connecticut SPARKS, A. W. Pittsburgh TERBURG, Gerrarp The Message THOREN, Orto bE Horses Turned out to Pasture Coming from the Harvest (eres a oe in Spanish Street UNKNOWN Landscape and Figures Fishermen’s Cove Portrait of a Young Man Portrait of a Lady Holy Family Italian Landscape Life in Holland Dutch Landscape with Figures CATALOGUE NUMBER AT 67 61 39 18 59 40 VAN BOSKERCK, Rosert Warp, N.A. River Landscape VAN DYCK, Str AntTHONY Descent from the Cross VECELLI, Francesco Catarina Cornara VENETIAN SCHOOL Two Senators VERWEE (Louris) and VERBOECKHOVEN (EvucrEnE JosEPH) Winter Landscape with Figures WEILAND, JoHannes Life and Still Life WEST, Bensamin, P.R.A. The Holy Spirit Descending upon Christ after His Baptism CATALOGUE NUMBER 41 60 66 54 INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY Cy eM fs Mey wo i H { { aida atinalaitiasi tt silt SastadabbaatateLavesbeebabatant No. Sale of Oil Paintings : American Art Galleries Price $ 525. 80, 450. 160. 40. 25. 82.50 105. 100. 27,50 Buyer W.W.Seaman, sagt. M.B. Bernstein, W.W.Seaman,agt. Mrs.C.. Atwood Arlington Gal, F. Weitmeyer Thomas Foster Mr. Hyman ¥ Reside R. Ito Calo Art Gel, 0.Bernet, Agt. AeOlivotti & CO. 8 ” Lil M.B. Bernstein J.C. Leslie A.Olivotti & Co. Mr. Harding T.K. Richards A.Glivotti & Co. Carl Scheven Otto Bernet, agt. W.B.ULickson 0.Bernet, agt. 1] Cal6é Art Gal. T.K. Richards A.Olivotti & Co. M.B. Bernstein Price $ 135. 30. 105, 125. 45. 45, 330. 125. 65. 105, 70. 40. 155. 105. 55. 150. 65. 140. 250. 160. 75. 50. 300. 310. and Water-Colors, sold at the on Monday, February 14, 1921. (Evening Sale) Buyer Galo Arg. Gal. E.D.Levingon 0.Bernet,agt. M. B. Bernstein A.Olivotti & G. 0.J.Lynch M.B. Bernstein A. OLivotti & CO. A.Tooth & Son. A.Olivotti & Co. Wm. Hyman. 0. Bernet, agt. A.OQlivotti & Co, H.Hdge. M.B. Bernstein T.K Richards M. 5B. Berustein 0. Bernet, agt. A. Olivotti F.Keally T. Foster M.B. Bernstein WW. Seaman, agt. Me B. Bernstein A.Olivotti & Co. B.D. Levinson M.Will ic ombe a (Nos.omitted brought less than $25.)