NeAny SALE NUMBER 2066 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, APRIL TWENTY-FOURTH | TAP BSERIES OF THE XVITH & XVIITH CENTURIES VELVETS, BROCADES, EMBROIDERIES FURNITURE & OBJETS DART & A NUMBER OF EARLY SNUFF BOXES, BRONZE MORTARS, ETC. THE COLLECTIONS OF BARON ANDRE JANSSENS DE VAREBEKE BOOHEM ST. NICHOLAS, WAES, BELGIUM SOLD BY ORDER OF MR. RICHARD SUSSMAN PARIS, FRANCE TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUESDAY AFTERNOON APRIL TWENTY-SEVENTH AT TWO-THIRTY THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, PresipentT ] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 ee Ge e : : ~ ak : : ‘, : ‘ 7 Y ; Reyer reo 2 ce ree ry Vo ee 4 aia | we pts ie Tr. Wg OAT SUE ob is ; : Ses =} IMPORTANT RENAISSANCE PERSONAGE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, SIXTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 124 | SALE NUMBER 2066 PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SATURDAY, APRIL TWENTY-FOURTH TAPESTRIES OF THE XVITH & XVIITH CENTURIES VELVETS, BROCADES, EMBROIDERIES FURNITURE & OBJETS DANRIE f° A NUMBER OF EARLY SNUFF BOXES, BRONZE MORTARS, ETC. THE COLLECTIONS OF BARON ANDRE JANSSENS DE VAREBEKE BOOHEM ST. NICHOLAS, WAES, BELGIUM SOLD BY ORDER OF MR. RICHARD SUSSMAN PARIS, FRANCE TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION TUESDAY AFTERNOON APRIL TWENTY-SEVENTH AT TWO’THIRTY THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Present] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-“NINTH STREET. NEW YORK 1926 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it 1s, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest Pinte permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE REGENT 0250. CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. F. A. CHAPMAN, MR. A. N. BADE AND MR. E. H. L. THOMPSON SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL TWENTY-SEVENTH, AT 2:30 bo NUMBERS 1-139 INTERESTING AMERICANUM FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Chess and backgammon board of gold tooled brown calf made to represent two volumes of a “History of America”. ‘The interior finely tooled with gilded Renaissance arabesques. MONEY CHANGER’S SCALE FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Composed of a scale and eight weights representing single and double Louis d’ors and small covered compartment for shot. In a contemporary floral tooled leaf shape leather case. GROS POINT PICTURE OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 1OTH CENTURY From the story of Richard Coeur de Lion. Size, 8014 x 20 inches SILK EMBROIDERED SATIN VALANCE OR TABLE RUNNER FRENCH, MID-I8TH CENTURY Worked with detached bouquets of garden flowers with soft rose and silver-gray predominating and with trellises of silver on a jade-green satin ground. The bottom with five points. Silk fringe. Length, 39 inches TWO EARLY FABRICS SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Rose colored lampas of the Louis Seize period and crimson damask runner trimmed with gold galoon. (2) PANEL OF GOLD BROCADED FAILLE VENETIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Occupied by stiff-leaf bouquets of roses and floral sprays in multi-colored thread with leaf enrichment in gold thread on a briliant sang de boeuf ground. Size, 7 feet 2 inches x 191% inches 1 10 11 12 CRIMSON AND YELLOW LAMPAS PANEL FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Of a grille pattern with detached oak leaf composition in re- serves. Size, 3914 x 21 inches SQUARE OF AN UNCOMMON SILK BROCATELLE ON A ROSE AND GOLD GROUND SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY The pattern of crimson and silver-gray of a most harmonious composition, flower vase from which rise bold Persian floral arabesques. Size, 24 x 21 inches PANEL OF SILK BROCATELLE ITALIAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY Woven in floral arabesques of a rich sapphire-blue on a golden- vellow ground. Size, 40 x 25 inches BULLION EMBROIDERED VELVET COLLAR OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Embroidered with floriated scrolls of gold on a dark rose colored velvet ground. THREE BOXWOOD SNUFF BOXES ITALIAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY One shaped as a gentleman’s slipper with pearwood and metal inlay and bone medallion on cover; another shaped as a sabot with primitive tracery; and a third in the form of a leather boot with intricate double opening at bottom, one serving as a scraper. (3) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | THREE SMALL SNUFF BOXES OF COPPER, BRASS AND BOXWOOD ITALIAN, 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES Shaped as slippers. The copper box apparently the property of a prelate; the brass box with copper enrichments; and the example in boxwood very uncommon with its stiff-leaf tracery and its curiously divided cover. (3) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 2 SIX OF A GROUP OF EIGHT SNUFF BOXES ITALIAN AND FRENCH, SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES [NUMBERS II, 12, 19 AND 21 | 13 14 15 16 Jf 18 TWO BOULE MARQUETRY SNUFF BOXES IN THE FORM OF SLIPPERS FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY One handsomely inlaid with ebonized and brass studded flowers on a boxwood ground; the cover with a fine medallion of carved bone. The other with floral arabesques in metal and pearwood marquetry. (2) COLLECTION OF THREE GILDED MIRRORS Composed of small oval baroque frame in the Florentine style of the late seventeenth century; and two small Empire mirrors, one with gesso ornamentation in spandrels. One glass broken. (3) THREE EARLY EMBROIDERIES ON VELVET PORTUGUESE AND ITALIAN, 17TH aND 18TH CENTURIES Two breviary covers, one enriched with an embroidered silk picture surrounded by sunburst spangles, on a dark rose colored velvet ground; small runner of Portuguese gold embroidery on velvet. (3) THREE VELVETS RUNNERS One of cut and one of uncut Genoese velvet with dark plum colored vase and acanthus volutes ; trimmed with long gold fringe ; one in the style of the Italian Renaissance with dark rose colored ground. (3) TWO UNCOMMON BANDS OF APPLIQUE EMBROIDERY ON BLUE VELVET ITALIAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY (2) Length, 2514 inches; width, 2 inches RENAISSANCE SILVER BROCATELLE COVER FRENCH, LATE 16TH CENTURY Rare fabric of a most brilliant emerald-green occupied by formal floral and acanthus arabesques of silver. Trimmed with gold galoon. Size, 48 x 1814 inches Lo 20 21 22 23 TWO VERY UNUSUAL EARLY SNUFF BOXES FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY One of boxwood representing a horse modelled in the spirit of Persian drawings. The other carved of fruitwood representing a mediaeval tower. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION PAGE 3 | TWO EARLY SNUFF BOXES IN THE FORM OF SHOES ITALIAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY One with fine arabesque lines of brass; the other with studded in- laid pearwood medallions and with a bone profile medallion in cover; of ingratiating form. (2) TWO SNUFF BOXES OF CARVED BOXWOOD IN THE FORM OF SABOTS ITALIAN, 17TH AND 18TH CENTURIES A most unusual pair, one carved with archaic tracery of birds and sunflower arabesques ; the lid with a motif of a scribe at his trestle table. The other with a carving on the cover of a youthful at- tendant with goblet and bottle. Both are carved with buckles and the toes with the Lilies of Florence. Would make admirable cigarette holders or ash receivers when lined. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION PAGE 3 | FOUR EMBROIDERED HAND FANS OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD Depicting the Four Seasons, represented by amours with their emblems. Worked in multi-colored wools, the flesh tints, skies and flowers in multi-colored silks and the fruit in relief threads. Leaf shape in form and on turned and gilded handles. An unusually attractive set of light screens. (4) THREE BANDS OF RENAISSANCE EMBROIDERY ITALIAN, L6TH CENTURY Of a delightful quatrefoil and leaf pattern in golden-yellow and cream on a crimson velvet ground. (3) Length, about 116 yards; width, 21/4, inches DRAP D’OR TABLE COVER VENETIAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY Woven with a bold feathery leaf and flower pattern. Size, 22 x 2116 inches bo oN 29 30 TWO UNCOMMON EARLY FABRICS SPANISH, 16TH AND 18TH CENTURIES Composed of large panel of crimson and silver-gray silk lampas of the Regence period of a magnificent boldness of design; an archaic brocatelle covered with Persian floral arabesques on a lustrous orange-red ground. (2) Saze, 67 x 21 inches and 39 x 37 inches THREE PIECES OF CRIMSON DAMASK ITALIAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY Composed of a large cover and long runner woven with a bold flower vase pattern; small runner of an uncommon design of cock- atoos perched on large sunflower arabesques. (3) THREE SMALL TABLE COVERS SPANISH, 15TH, 17TH AND |18TH CENTURIES Composed of rare Gothic gold brocade cover; multi-colored floral brocade of the Louis Quatorze period; early eighteenth century lampas woven in sapphire-blue on a silver-gray ground. (3) BANDEAU OF SILK BROCATELLE OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Woven in leaf and flower arabesques with interchanging tones of brilliant gold and marine-blue. Length, 9 feet 314 inches; width, 12 inches LARGE COVER OF HUNGARIAN POINT EMBROIDERY ITALIAN, EARLY 1/TH CENTURY Occupied by a zigzag pattern in tones of two-tone green, dark amber, silver-gray and black. Size, 8814 x 382 inches COVER OF JADE-GREEN BROCADE OF THE REGENCE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Occupied by broad ribands of self-color, with contorted branches of fruit trees in golden-tan and cream. Size, 56 inches square 6 31 33 34 35 36 PINCHBECK MIRROR OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Composed of a series of inner and outer members with borders, spandrels and reserves of elaborately repousse and pierced pinch- beck metal. The pediment of a handsome composition, a fruit basket flanked by scrolls interlaced with floral branches. Size, 29 x 22 inches CARVED AND GILDED MIRROR OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY An impressive frame with boldly acanthus and fleurette carved outer border; the inner leaf carved; original gilding. ize, O2°x 2( Inches GILDED WALNUT AND TAPESTRY BANQUETTE OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY On scrolled trestle supports with serpentine rails; fine old gilding of a later period. Covered with Verdure tapestry. TURNED WALNUT TABLE OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY An excellent example on vase shape baluster supports; the apron with one drawer; the original roughly hewn top with battened ends. Size of top, 2614 x 24 1f, inches TAPESTRY AND WALNUT BANQUETTE OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On incurved scrolled trestle supports with serpentine rails. The top covered with an allegorical figure subject of sixteenth cen- tury Flemish tapestry. LARGE HANGING OF GOLD AND GREEN BROCATELLE OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD ITALIAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY Occupied by bold acanthus and cornucopia volutes and floral centres; silver galoon. Size, 8 feet 11 inches x 3 feet 484 inches 7 37 38 39 40 41 DALMATICA OF CRIMSON AND GOLD BROCATELLE SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY The fabric of a most uncommon baroque leaf pattern woven in golden-yellow arabesques on a brilliant rose colored satin ground. DALMATICA OF CRIMSON AND GOLD BROCATELLE SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. PANEL OF CRIMSON AND GOLD BROCATELLE ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Of a rich satin pattern, composed of flower vases and bold acan- thus and trellised leaves. Size, 90 x 191% inches NEEDLEWORK CARPET OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Floor covering occupied by groups of garden flowers naturalistic- ally colored and heightened with black; on a dark apricot gros point ground. Size, 91 x 30 waches BANDEAU OF SILVER AND SEPIA BROCADE SPANISH, 17TH CENTURY Of a most beautiful tonality and design; Indo-Persian in style with flower vases resting on star shaped supports and with boldly spreading floral and leaf compositions. ‘Top and bottom fur- nished with gold lace. Worn. Length, 8 feet 10 inches; width, 20¥2 inches BROCADED CHASUBLE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Front and back occupied by two handled flower urns filled with formal composition of garden flowers, the urns and leaves worked in silver thread. Soft green figured ground. 8 43 44, 45 46 47 TWO NEEDLEWORK PICTURES IN CARVED AND GILDED RELIQUARIES VENETIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY An uncommon pair, both embroidered with silver and gold bul- lion threads and with polychromed silks. The one representing the surrender of a fortified port. Delightfully drawn with men- of-war at anchor in a sea of silver and in the foreground a palace and a lighthouse skirting a quay with warriors in Roman armor. The other an arbor forming a pavilion with groups of finely drawn and embroidered figures in the foreground. Original and con- temporary baroque frames on stands with rocaille ornamenta- tion in low relief. (2) Size, 15 x 91% inches MINIATURE MARQUETRY REGENCE COMMODE An engaging model covered on three sides with burl elm veneers enhanced by marquetry reserves with tulip and burlwood centres ; the borders on sides tinted to simulate green ivory. Gray marble top. Height, 131% inches; width, 15 inches TWO TAPESTRY AND WALNUT RENAISSANCE SIDE CHAIRS FRENCH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY On columnar front supports, plain side rails and moulded centre stretcher. ‘The low backs covered with sixteenth century Flemish tapestry of small figure and landscape composition with brilliant heightenings of color; the seats with multi-colored floral and fruit designs of similar tapestry. (2) RARE, SMALL WALNUT BENCH (FORM) OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY On slightly spreading columnar twin supports with plain beam top, supplied with a French Renaissance tapestry pad of a rare volute pattern of tan, blues and rose on a dark blue-green ground. Length, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 1 inches; height, 20 inches FOUR-FOLD TAPESTRY SCREEN TAPESTRY, FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Arched panels covered with hunts and other figure subjects with backgrounds of castles, hunting lodges and blue-green verdure. Warm tones of blue and golden-tan enhance the highly decorative value of the screen. The base is covered with crimson velvet panelled with nails. Stze per panel, 5 feet 3 inches x 20 inches 9 48 TWO OF A SET OF SIX TAPESTRY AND WALNUT HIGH CHAIRS OF THE EARLY LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 48 | SET OF SIX TAPESTRY AND WALNUT HIGH CHAIRS OF THE EARLY LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On gracefully turned vase shape baluster underframes. The rectangular backs and seats covered with contemporary Flemish verdure tapestry; one back with a village in a clearing, another with a bird perched upon a branch. Woven in soft blue-green with occasional heightenings of color. Chair frames are in fine state of preservation. A number of front and centre rails have been replaced at a later date. (6) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 10 49 50 51 52 58 54 GOLD EMBROIDERED VELVET RENAISSANCE RUN- NER IN THE TASTE OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Superb vase pattern of a continuous design worked in a fine basket weave of gold with heightenings of polychromy on a dark olive-green ground; framed by broad embroidered gold galoon. Size, 56 x 9 inches BANDEAU OF RENAISSANCE VELVET EMBROIDERY FRENCH, 16TH CENTURY Of a handsome C scrolled and oval medallion meander with leaf enrichments ; gold thread embroidery on a crimson velvet ground. Length, 6 feet; width, 612 inches TWO VALANCES OF GOLD ENRICHED CRIMSON GENOESE VELVET SPANISH, 16TH CENTURY Cut in points and furnished with gold tinsel embroidered galoon of a scroll and feather pattern. Long bullion fringe. (2) Length, 42 inches; width, 12¥% inches SILVER BROCADE VALANCE OR TABLE RUNNER OF THE REGENCE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Composed of two tiers of points, the upper and broader occupied by a very beautiful olive-green fabric brocaded with Persian flower and leaf design worked in soft polychromy and silver. The lower part with silver-gray leaves on a rose du barry ground. Silver galoon and fringe. Length, 9 feet 2 inches; width, 13 inches GROS POINT NEEDLEWORK PANEL OF THE RESTAU- RATION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The centre occupied by a tall campana shaped vase under canopy with garden flower garlands draped around its body; to the right and left columnar pilasters supporting an arbor. Soft tones of rose, green and canary-yellow on a cream color ground. Size, 59 x 271% inches NEEDLEWORK CHASUBLE OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD SOUTH ITALIAN, LATE 17TH CENTURY The back and front composed of three bands of bold floral arabesques worked in brilliant polychromy of gros point on a dark brown ground. The centre of the front with a representa- tion of the Ascension in fine petit point. 11 535) 56 57 VERTICALE TAPESTRY BANDEAU OF THE RENAIS- SANCE PERIOD FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Occupied by figure compositions under bird crested arch and arbor and a richly filled fruit and flower urn; woven in golden- yellows, dark blues and greens with formal guilloche meanders. Height, 6 feet 34% inches; width, 181% inches TWO VERTICAL BANDEAUX OF RENAISSANCE TAPES- TRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Each composed of a family group of four figures under canopies and a jestor supporting a fruit composition. Predominating tones of blues and greens on a golden-yellow ground. Formal borders. (2) Size, 54 x 20 inches _ [SEE ILLUSTRATION | BANDEAU OF RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding, but varying in composition; two figure motifs in arbors above and below flower and fruit filled urn. Size, 73 x 1834 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | EZ THREE VERTICAL BANDEAUX OF RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, SIXTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBERS 56 AND 57 | 58 59 59 60 RENAISSANCE GARDEN AND HUNTING TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY The Morning of the Hunt. A delightful panel. The main left background depicting the interior of a mediaeval castle with its gardens, hedges, arbors and ponds; and a background of blue- green with a round tower castle in the distance. The entire fore- ground and right background with hunters, hounds and rustic onlookers and distant incidents of the hunt in densely foliated verdure. In excellent state of preservation and brilliant tones of blue-green, golden-yellows and blue. The foreground of mille- fleur. Size, 7 feet 9 inches x 6 feet 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | HORIZONTAL PANEL OF RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY The Story of the Bishop of the Romans: An exceedingly in- teresting panel. In the centre the Bishop on a dais and before him. a lecturn held by a bearded priest. To the right and left crowds of men and women with mediaeval headdresses; a forest with a castle and distant hills. In the centre background can be seen three monks through an opening. 'Tones of the richest deep blue, golden-yellows, rose and tan. Size, 8 feet 10 inches x 3 feet 5 imches VERTICAL TAPESTRY BANDEAU OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD Composed of acanthus volutes rising and depending from mask enriched cartouches. Woven in golden-tans, green and blue on a dark brown ground. Size, 46 x 101% inches RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY CANTONNIERE : ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Of an uncommon soft weave and unusual tonality. The two up- rights and frieze with fruit baskets, crowned by heraldic eagles of Ferrara with spreading wings, and canopied and winged mascarons. The frieze similarly composed; scrolled border of tan and turquoise-blue on an orange-red ground. Height, 8 feet 4 inches; width of stiles, 164% inches; width of frieze, 13 inches 14 THE MORNING OF THE HUNT FINE FLEMISH TAPESTRY OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 58 | 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 GOLD BROCADED SILK COVER OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY Occupied by a winding pattern of multi-colored silk brocaded garden flowers with large leaves of gold, on a pekined ground of rich orange-red. Size, 6 feet 7 inches x 3 feet 1 inch BROCATELLE HANGING OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD SPANISH, 18TH CENTURY An uncommon pattern of repeating two handled vases with stiff- leaf floral composition in silver-gray on a rich sapphire-blue ground. Size, 78 x 61 anches CHIMNEY CANTONNIERE OF APPLIQUE EMBROID- ERED VELVET OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD FRENCH, 16TH CENTURY A most decorative mantel facing composed of three bands of silver and gold embroidered and color enriched acanthus arabes- ques on a soft celadon-green ground. Height, 3812 inches; width, 49 inches GENOESE CRIMSON SILK VELVET RUNNER FRENCH, MID-17TH CENTURY Cover of exceedingly fine quality in rich rose-red; trimmed with gold galoon of later addition. Size, 81 x 201% inches GENOESE CRIMSON SILK VELVET RUNNER FRENCH, MID-17TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. Size, 81 x 2014 inches NEEDLEWORK AND WALNUT BANQUETTE OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On four vase shape balusters with turned centre rail. ‘The seat covered with contemporary needlework of a repeating floral pat- tern of tan blossoms, green stiff leaves on a dark brown ground. TURNED WALNUT TABLE OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On uncommon vase shape baluster rails, the centre rail of a daringly unbalanced pattern. Moulded top. Size of top, 29 x 19 inches 16 68 69 70 ral TWO SQUARE WALNUT AND TAPESTRY BANQUETTES FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On boldly turned baluster underframes. The tops covered with contemporary Flemish tapestry occupied by fruit compositions with blue-green and tan predominating. (2) RARE BANDEAU OF RENAISSANCE APPLIQUE EM- BROIDERY FRENCH, L5TH CENTURY An unusually long band of an uncommonly beautiful fabric worked in a twin pattern of golden-yellow silk arabesques stitched with white on a rich jade-green ground. Contemporary poly- chrome fringe. Length, about 34% yards; width, 714 inches TWO APPLIQUE EMBROIDERED VELVET HANGINGS PORTUGUESE, LATE 17TH CENTURY Worked in a most imaginative pattern of pierced foliated and floriated arabesques of golden-yellow stitched with threads of gold on its contemporary rose colored silk velvet ground. (2) Size, 8 feet 5 inches x 20 inches COPE OF BROCADED FAILLE OF THE REGENCE PERIOD VENETIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Delightful fabric of most unusual color composition. With two upstanding bushes of brilliant orange-red floriation, petals of green and gold and leaves of golden-yellow. The ground some- what recalling Chinese designs of pure silver with fine scrolled traceries. The ground is of mulberry colored faille. ‘Trimmed with silver lace and gold galoon. COPE OF BROCADED FAILLE OF THE REGENCE PERIOD VENETIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY To harmonize with the preceding. 17 73 74 75 76 VERDURE AND HUNTING TAPESTRY OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY The left half mainly occupied by the spiritedly drawn figure of the stag pursued by hunter and hound; the animal’s outline is gracefully screened by floral branches. The right and upper foreground filled with densely foliated trees and bushes of a soft blue-green and golden-tan; an eagle is perched upon the branches of a chestnut tree. The border designed as a multi-colored festoon with rose colored ribbon, restored with a very fine contemporary band of fruit festoon and emblem in the upper right. Size, 8 feet 9 imches square [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PERSONAGE TAPESTRY OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD BRUSSELS, 16TH CENTURY Young David is introduced to Saul. On a dais with a columnar curtained background are seated as kings, Saul and Samuel robed and crowned. On the steps of the dais les David’s lyre; to the right elders followed by soldiery are praising the youthful David to Saul. Distant landscape background. Foreground with mille- fleur. This panel is remarkable for the freshness of its deep blues on the embroidered mantle of Samuel, and on the armor of the warriors and one of the throne hangings; the other predominat- ing tones are golden-tan and soft greens. Size, 87 x 85 inches BANDEAU OF LOUIS TREIZE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY A very handsome entre-fenétre hanging composed of copiously arranged fruit festoons centred on voluted cartouche enriched with winged mascarons. Colors resembling the polychromy of sixteenth century faience. A complete panel with blue and yel- low galoon. Size, 9 feet 1 inch x 191% inches BANDEAU OF LOUIS TREIZE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. Length, 8 feet 10 inches; width, 18% inches 18 VERDURE AND HUNTING TAPESTRY OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 73, | 78 (8A 79 80 SMALL HUNTING TAPESTRY PANEL OF THE RENAIS- SANCE PERIOD FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Delightful composition of a deer hunt with verdure and hunting lodge in the background. Size, 52 x 211% inches LOUIS TREIZE NEEDLEWORK SIDE CHAIR On uncommonly slender turned underframing, with moulded stretchers and turned front rails. The showwood back and the seat covered with rainbow tint Hungarian silk needlework. RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY PANEL ON TABLE COVER FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY A fruit and flower composition in bright polychromy centrally placed, with Gothic stands simulating wrought iron on both ends. Formal borders on rose and gray ground. Size, 82 x 191% inches TWO-FOLD SCREEN OF APPLIQUE VELVET EM- BROIDERY EMBROIDERY, PORTUGUESE, LATE 17TH CENTURY Each panel covered with a bold repeated flower vase pattern in- terchanging in its tones of green, crimson and cream, enriched with needlepoint details on flowers and petals. The ground is of a rich rose colored velvet. Size per panel, 5 feet 1144 inches x 2084 inches TAPESTRY AND WALNUT TURNED STOOL OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY On vase shaped baluster supports with turned centre rail. Cov- ered with tapestry of an exceedingly fine point depicting a virgin forest with primeval beast in the foreground. 20 81 APPLIQUE EMBROIDERED VELVET HANGING 82 83 PORTUGUESE, LATE I8TH CENTURY Occupied by gold thread embroidery of formal moresque patterns on a téte de négre velvet ground. Size, 8 feet 9 inches x 21 inches GOTHIC CHASUBLE SPANISH, 15TH CENTURY With needle painted orphrys composed of three motifs of saints in embroidered garments of blues, soft purple and silver, and standing on grounds of green with architectural background. The orphrys mounted on a sixteenth century crimson: Genoese velvet. GARNITURE OF CRIMSON UTRECHT VELVET DuTCH, 17TH CENTURY Back and seat of a high back chair. An unusual fabric occupied by an all-over pattern in the Persian taste of cut and uncut de- tached rose sprays of repeating design. (2) 21 84 85 86 87 RENAISSANCE VELVET AND BULLION EMBROIDERY IN THE STYLE OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY Magnificently embroidered cover on a rose velvet ground covered with a multitude of acanthus volutes in silver and gold embroidery of a variety of stitches, the basket weave stitch predominating ; the centre an oval reserve with a representation of a saint evangelist worked in silver with the flesh tints needle painted and embroidered au passé. Handsome silver embroidered border. Size, 4314 x 181% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | COVER WITH THREE GOTHIC NEEDLE PAINTED ORPHRYS EMBROIDERIES SPANISH, L5TH CENTURY Gold lace border and rose colored velvet panel furnished with three early ecclesiastical embroideries, each representing a saint placed in turretted niches; worked in silver and silks, with needle painted faces. Size, 2034 x 231 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GOTHIC NEEDLE PAINTED ORPHRYS SPANISH, 15TH CENTURY Occupied by two saints in cloaks of gold embroidered apple-green suk and gold halos and mitre, against a richly and intricately embroidered architectural background; framed in bands of crim- son silk velvet. Size, 25% x 14 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GOLD EMBROIDERED VELVET RUNNER OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD FRENCH, 16TH CENTURY An unusually fine example composed of medallions with sacred monograms and C scrolled arabesques engaged to form reserves holding chalices. Worked in soft blues and gold on its own crimson silk velvet ground. Framed with border of eighteenth century orange-red silk velvet. Size, 58 x 11 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 22 FOUR FINE RENAISSANCE AND GOTHIC EMBROIDERIES SPANISH AND FRENCH, FIFTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH CENTURIES [NUMBERS 84, 85, 86 AND 87] 88 89 90 ok 92 EARLY RENAISSANCE PERSONAGE AND LANDSCAPE TAPESTRY ENGHIEN, EARLY 16TH CENTURY Diana the Huntress. The left foreground is occupied by the youthful figure of the Goddess in handsomely brocaded costumes of gold and blue with a bow in her right hand, and arrow case and hunting horn fastened to her side. To the right a pretentious hunting lodge with a pond and bridge, and hunters’ huts in the undulating tree-covered blue-green and golden landscape beyond ; and in the left background timbered farm houses. The fore- ground of the mille-fleur type. The detail of the composition is imaginative and uncommonly pleasant in scale. Size, 6 feet 10 inches x 5 feet 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GOBELIN TAPESTRY PANEL OR BENCH COVER FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Composed of fruit clusters, one held by a winged amour, and another with a macaw perched upon its leaves, in greens, mul- berry and golden-tans. Size, 72 x 18% inches GOBELIN TAPESTRY PANEL OR BENCH COVER FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. Size, 72 x 181% inches TWO BRUSSELS RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY BENCH COVERS FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY An interesting pair each joined, of two panels with sacrificial tripods flanked by cranes and filled with fruit compositions. Woven in a very fine point with blue-greens and tans predominat- ing, with heightenings of golden-yellow and crimson. One border with an indeterminate monogram; the other with a Brus- sels mark and the initial T. (Jacques Tseraerts or Guillaume Tous). Size, 57 x 16 inches RENAISSANCE BROCATELLE HANGING VENETIAN, LATE 16TH CENTURY Long panel of a rare and most imaginative pattern designed as a scroll composition of tropical birds and vase shaped arabesques with floral terminations; the design in tan on a now iridescent jade-green ground. Length, 11 feet 1 inch; width, 191% inches 24 DIANA THE HUNTRESS EARLY RENAISSANCE PERSONAGE AND LANDSCAPE TAPESTRY ENGHIEN, EARLY SIXTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 88 | 93 94 95 96 alt CHASUBLE OF APPLE-GREEN BROCADED DAMASK OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Of an unusually rich tonality heightened with an all-over pattern of gold arabesques in the Persian taste. Gold galoon. THREE-FOLD TAPESTRY LOW SCREEN Each fold covered with bands of seventeenth century Brussels tapestry woven with acanthus volutes in blue, tan, green and rose on a dark blue-green ground; the centre panel controlled by a shield cartouche enriched with a festooned mascaron. ‘The tapestry is framed and backed with crimson damask. Size per panel, 42 x 13 mches WALNUT TAPESTRY BENCH OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD On barreled vase shaped baluster supports with moulded stretch- ers. The top covered with a band of late seventeenth century tapestry composed of trophies of love and war in blues and tans on a dark brown ground. Length, 4 feet 1 inch; depth, 11 inches; height, 22 inches HORIZONTAL BANDEAU OF BRUSSELS RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY An exceedingly fine panel with motifs rarely found in tapestry borders. Composed of musical putti flanking a cartouche with mascaron and other emblems of the hunt with animals of the chase and hounds, between fruit and flower clusters, woven in faience tones with varying heightenings of crimson and golden- yellow. The restorer has ingeniously raised the putto heads into the tapestry tape. Length, 8 feet '7 inches; width, 1714 inches HORIZONTAL BANDEAU OF BRUSSELS RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. Length, 9 feet 4 inches; width, 1734 inches 26 98 og 100 101 HORIZONTAL BANDEAU OF BRUSSELS RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding, but centred upon an allegorical figure holding the emblem of a mirror and flanked by putti training monkeys and dogs and by flower and fruit filled vases. Size, 9 feet 4 inches x 18 inches IMPORTANT LOT OF BROCATELLE ITALIAN, 16TH AND 17TH CENTURY Composed of cover of malachite-green brocatelle of an unusual Persian arabesque pattern; panel of crimson brocatelle of an early Renaissance design with coronet above reserves; and crim- son velvet brocatelle panel of the Louis Quatorze period. (8) TWO BULLION EMBROIDERED COLLARS OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY A handsome pair occupied by foliated volutes crested by a shell of bullion gold in high relief on emerald-green silk velvet ground. Serve as curtain tiebacks. (2) APPLIQUE EMBROIDERED VELVET TABLE RUNNER SPANISH, 16TH CENTURY Enriched with stiff-leaf silk ornamentation and a needlework pic- ture in centre medallion on a brilliant crimson velvet ground. Size, 72 x 161% inches TABLE RUNNER OF BULLION EMBROIDERED OLIVE- GREEN VELVET FRENCH, 16TH CENTURY Of a bold Renaissance pattern in two repeating motifs of vase arabesques heightened with brilliant tones of scarlet, blue and green. Size, 2914 x 74 inches 27 1083 FOUR-FOLD BEAUVAIS TAPESTRY LOW SCREEN TAPESTRY, FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Covered with bands after Berain. Composed of superb volute and cornucopia pattern with amorini and birds placed upon their scrolls. Woven in brilliant blues, scarlet and golden-yellows with formal borders of egg-dart and acanthus. Size per panel, 3614 x 12 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 104 CARVED WOOD RELIQUARY OF THE EARLY RENAIS- SANCE PERIOD SOUTHERN FRENCH, EARLY 16TH CENTURY The bust of a saint martyr, the front with a deepening to receive the relics. Traces of original polychromy. Height, 14 inches 105 TALL EARLY RENAISSANCE BRONZE MORTAR FRENCH, 15TH CENTURY Cylindrical, with outcurved lip and rectangular double handles ; enriched with leafy tracery. With pestle. Height, 7 inches 28 FOUR’FOLD BEAUVAIS TAPESTRY LOW SCREEN TAPESTRY, FRENCH, EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER I03 | 106 FRENCH CARVING KNIFE AND FORK OF BOXWOOD 107 108 ATTRIBUTED TO KRAKENBERG FRENCH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Composed of knife and fork with original steel blades, the knife with archaic traced back; the handles delightfully carved, one with the sacrifice of Isaac, the other with three rustic statuettes holding cornucopiae. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | RENAISSANCE BOXWOOD ‘TOBACCO SCRAPER (GRIVOISE) ITALIAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY The back carved in low relief with armorial bearings surrounded by sunflower arabesques, with the Lilies of Florence in reserve. The interior with a carved amorino mascaron. ‘Tobacco scrapers had become as important. an object of elegance to the gentlemen as the snuffbox; thus we find these objects richly ornamented in carved wood, ivory or porcelain. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | BOXWOOD TOBACCO SCRAPER (GRIVOISE) FRENCH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY The carved back with voluted bracket supporting a monstrance flanked by flower urns. Probably the former property of a pre- late. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 30 TWO BOXWOOD TOBACCO SCRAPERS (GRIVOISES) FRENCH CARVING KNIFE AND FORK OF BOXWOOD ATTRIBUTED TO KRAKENBERG [ NUMBERS 106, 107 AND 108 | 109 110 111 112 113 114 FOUR EARLY FABRICS OR TABLE COVERS ITALIAN AND FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Composed of small panel of rose colored lampas of the Louis Seize period, of a balancing floral pattern, heightenings of soft blue; cover of Louis Quinze brocade worked with floral ribbons and climbing floriated branches of rose on two-tone gray, silver galoon; cover of dark blue brocatelle of the Louis Quatorze period; square cover of jade-green silk brocatelle of the Louis Quatorze period. (4) IMPORTANT COPE OF CRIMSON DAMASK AND ROSE COLORED BROCADE ITALIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The damask with unusual fan, leaf and bracket patterns of bold design. [The hood and upper borders of multi-colored floral brocade softly shaded on a rose colored ground. Gold galoon and fringe. COVER OF BROCADED FAILLE OF THE REGENCE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Covered with serpentined floriated branches forming reserves with centres of stiff-leaf floral compositions, the design in silver-gray on a rich emerald-green ground. Size, 79 x 51 wnches IMPORTANT LOT OF EMBROIDERED RENAISSANCE GALOONS FRENCH, 16TH CENTURY Worked in the finest arabesque pattern and in soft polychromy with stitching of silver thread on a steel-blue ground. (4) Length about 4 yards; width, 2 inches HORIZONTAL TAPESTRY BANDEAU OF THE RENAIS- SANCE PERIOD FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Occupied by pastorales with lute and horn players, flower vases and heraldic bird sculptures on pedestals; woven in blues, greens and golden-tans with formal borders. Length, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 2014 inches HORIZONTAL TAPESTRY BANDEAU OF THE RENAIS- SANCE PERIOD © FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. Length, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 2014 inches 32 IMPORTANT SILVER BROCADED COPE VENETIAN, EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER I15_| 115 IMPORTANT SILVER BROCADED COPE VENETIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Occupied by a series of serpentine guilloche bands of cream, and between these lines leafy lozenges of silver thread furnished with floral ornament in the Persian taste, in distemper shades. ‘The whole woven on a changing orange-red ground. ‘Trimmed with silver galoon. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 33 116 iby 118 1D MORTLAKE TAPESTRY OF DIANA AND CALISTO ENGLISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY The centre occupied by the figure of Calisto in a hunting jacket of figured orange-red velvet and blue embroidered skirt with armed weapons for killing the serpent. She is surrounded by a flock of faithful hounds, of which one contemplates with awe the strange assortment in the serpent’s interior. To the right Diana Selene in flowing red garments, with the lunar crescent in her hair; and a youthful attendant with a steer’s head. In the back- ground a horse of the hunt and on the tree is suspended. a hunt- ing horn. The episode is framed in a landscape of blue-green lawns with golden foliated trees. The polychromy is intensified by the brilliant crimson of the garments and the lustrous bodies of the hounds. Formal border of climbers. Size, 7 feet 6 inches x 7 feet 5% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | BROCADED CHASUBLE OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Exceedingly rare and handsome fabric with armorial bearings of the Della Vipera Family in reserves formed by cornucopia scrolls of golden-yellow, rose and terra cotta with heightenings of crim- son, brilliant blue and jade-green on a soft cream ground. Poly- chrome fringe. BROCADED DALMATICA OF THE LOUIS TREIZE PERIOD ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY To harmonize with the preceding. VERY IMPORTANT LOT OF FOUR PIECES OF CRIMSON AND GOLD BROCATELLE OF THE EARLY LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Occupied by giant sunflower and acanthus motif of crimson satin on a silk and linen ground. Total length, 1134 yards; width about 28 inches 34 MORTLAKE TAPESTRY OF DIANA AND CALISTO ENGLISH, EARLY SEVENTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER I16 | 120 121 122 123 ENGHIEN HUNTING TAPESTRY PANEL FRENCH, 16TH CENTURY Slender tapestry panel of small scale composition, the centre with a group of gayly attired hunters on horseback and attendants in a clearing; the foreground a pond with water birds; the back- ground a hilly landscape with a turretted fortified town upon a summit and villages with churches clutched to the winding road; in the sky an eagle at flight. Conventional Enghien border of rosetted quatrefoils. The blue-greens and golden-tans of this tapestry are particularly well shaded. Height, 9 feet 2 mches; width, 29 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY OVERDOOR FRENCH, TOURAINE, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Mainly occupied by circular cartouche with winged seraph in blue monochrome flanked by putti emblematic of Peace and holding leafy stems and at their sides the emblems of a conquering hero. Rich ground of sang de boeuf and two-tone blue. Size, 20 x 64 inches SILVER EMBROIDERED VELVET PRAYER MAT OR HANGING PERSIAN ISPAHAN, 16TH CENTURY Important panel composed of crimson velvet spandrels and bor- ders embroidered with foliated arabesques of silver bullion and color and a centre reserve of Mihrab shape embroidered with floral motifs and birds perched on their stems. ‘The shaped outline is furnished with other birds, some of them engaged to the rim and some freely placed on the velvet ground. Other borders of silver embroidery similar to the centre. Gold bul- lion fringe. Size, 538 x 386 inches SILVER BROCADED ANTEPENDIUM OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY An important hanging composed of a broad band of interlaced sprays of garden flowers in purple, blue and green with silver thread leaves on cream ground; a narrow border of striped pekined silk moire covered with floriated climbing bushes of jade- green on a rose colored ground. Size, 94 x 8514 inches 36 FINE ENGHIEN HUNTING TAPESTRY PANEL FRENCH, SIXTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 120 | 124 1244 125 126 IMPORTANT RENAISSANCE PERSONAGE TAPESTRY FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY “Féte Champetre”. A remarkably varied composition with the foreground occupied by young people playing and singing pas- torale music, and to the left handsomely attired noble women in verdure. The right foreground and details in the left back- ground represent hunts, and in the centre background a castle with a duck-filled moat enclosed by balustrade with green grown openings through which rustics can be seen observing the play of the water birds; and yonder farmhouses and distant blue hills. The border is occupied at top and bottom by columnar arbors with lovers and lute players, canopied groups and allegorical figures between flower and fruit filled urn motifs; Bacchic satyr putti and a great variety of architectural and floral detail. The tones of the tapestry are predominatingly golden-yellow and deep green with daring heightenings of blue on the garments of the figures peopling the landscape. Size, 9 feet 4 inches x 138 feet [SEE FRONTISPIECE | FLOOR RUNNER OF AUBUSSON TAPESTRY FRENCH, ABOUT 1800 An unusual example of the Directoire period of ingratiating tonality. Composed of four octagonal fields with multi-colored centres on a green ground with double borders of orange and yel- low and spandrels with antefix of two-tone mulberry, incurved to accomodate festooned fleuretted members of olive-green. Size, 10 feet 7 inches x 2 feet 4 inches COMPOSITE TABLE RUNNER ITALIAN, LATE 1/TH CENTURY Broad band of silver and rose brocatelle of a bold fleur-de-lys leaf pattern, and a narrow band of Hungarian point silk em- broidery worked in rainbow tints. Size, 57 x 181 inches FIVE BROCATELLE DAMASK AND LAMPAS COVERS ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Including unusual examples woven with floral arabesques in jade and dark green, brilliant golden-yellow and crimson. (5) Size of each, about 18 inches square 38 127 128 4e 130 131 132 THREE-FOLD LOW SCREEN WITH EIGHTEENTH CEN- TURY FRENCH EMBROIDERY Each panel with delightful detached floral groups of fine silk em- broidery on a cream colored taffeta ground. Size per panel, 33 x 16 inches AUBUSSON CARPET OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The centre a florally composed field with olive-green spandrels covered with cream colored arabesques; the outer border a com- position of field and garden flowers on a cream colored ground. Broad intersecting bands of deep rose. Size, 13 feet 10 inches x 10 feet 6 inches RENAISSANCE BRONZE MORTAR ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Furnished with buttresses and scrolls crested by winged amorino mascarons. With pestle. Height, 4% inches RENAISSANCE BRONZE MORTAR FLORENTINE, 16TH CENTURY The body with armor in shields and Lilies of Florence. With pestle. Height, 534 inches RENAISSANCE BRONZE MORTAR FLORENTINE, EARLY IL6TH CENTURY Handsomely enriched with bas reliefs between protruding but- tresses ; the motifs of St. George and the dragon, St. Christopher, Madonna and Child and profile bust portraits. With pestle. Restored. Height, 5 inches MARBLE MINIATURE COMMODE OR TWIN MORTAR OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Of mottled noir antique marble with serpentine front, protruding bracket stiles and shaped and moulded top; on original brass hinges. The interior with two receptacles. Height, 6 inches; width, 11 inches; depth, 614 inches 39 133 134 135 136 137 FIVE OLD TEXTILES ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Composed of panel of emerald-green lampas of the Louis Seize period occupied by flower vase pattern on a green ground; table cover of golden-yellow damask; three runners of rose colored damask trimmed with gold galoon and fringe. (5) NEEDLEWORK VALANCE OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Apparently the facing of an alcove entrance, arched and shaped and embroidered with multi-colored garden flower volutes tied with ribbons of blue on a soft cream ground. Length, 81 inches BROCATELLE OVERDOOR OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD SPANISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Composed of very uncommon antefix scrolls and trellised floral arabesques of brilliant crimson on a golden-yellow ground. Length, 88 inches; width, 2142 inches THREE EARLY TEXTILES FRENCH AND ITALIAN, 18TH AND EARLY 19TH CENTURIES (a) Hood of a cope of the Restauration period embroidered in point de chainette in soft multi-colored thread on a cream satin ground; brocaded galoon with fleur-de-Lys. (b) Breviary cover embroidered in spangles upon a rose colored ground. (c) Square of emerald-green brocatelle. (3) Sizes, 21 x 19 inches and 20 x 15 inches TWO RENAISSANCE EMBROIDERED VELVET COLLARS ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Arched at the bottom and embroidered in green and trimmed with threads of gold on a crimson velvet ground. Admirable curtain tie-backs. (2) 40 138 139 THREE BROCADED COVERS FRENCH, 17TH AND I8TH CENTURIES Composed of square early Renaissance brocaded satin cover woven with a grille pattern of golden-yellow on a rose colored satin ground; large cover design with a grille of climbing rose garlands in silver-gray on a two-tone orchid ground; oblong cover of Re- gence brocatelle of white on a warm sepia colored ground. All trimmed with gold galoon. ( 3) PANEL OF RARE VENETIAN SILVER BROCADE ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Occupied by a most uncommon composition of quattrocento buildings, hunters, dogs and gracefully contorted trees in bloom in silver, gold and green on a mellow rose du barry ground. Though fragmentary this piece is of great interest to the col- lector of textiles. Size, 22 x 19 inches 4] This catalogue designed by The Anderson Galleries Composition and press-work by Publishers Printing Company, New York el Eo "4 . i v Bick tu gu U ’ ‘ ’ , 4 \ , io ’ ‘ mi } : ; i ne j \ ve) ’ Pay \ ‘ 7 ¥ ‘ } = 4 ) * \ LA \ ¥ } vat ‘ i ’ i D . . : i ft, TH t if } i, 4 y 1 . AS, j bat ey ; % 4 - 1 4 i 0) vit) \