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F Bey a ire ply sca riot t) . ! : ty 7 HASTA sceanced treat ORR eats ast He HiT Ae HIe Aste a pies aa a iat : “1H Pel ruspiciens aimee i Aten alah i RAse eae ag Arlen aatiie en BT get ate mate) pt ait ae Pua niin : it ; ae Meat tis Aas bie i Bn ieee teenie eek diate se Penn tan seater ee + i s Hed att Sonate i i j Sere : : KL Ses & CH red as ens Mis es ee a Pate ates it Mi oe tt sal EBC : at sells i ‘ Hib Boe C NCR nner eas canara dances OEE MENG AI ase a Sh a ch aie ats Bae 22% Sata Ree ae nent Se na 2 ae —— Linkers ites rinstetea de j e et iz Beta THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ENTRANCE, 6 EAST 23rp STREET BEGINNING SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 1916 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE TIME OF SALE PORTRAITS BY NANTEUIL AND OTHER MASTER ENGRAVERS OF THE XVII CENTURY WIDELY KNOWN AS THE JUNIUS S. MORGAN COLLECTION TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THEIR OWNER MR. R. EDERHEIMER ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1916 AT THE HOUR OF 8:30 IN THE EVENING AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES onan ee © et & % ¥ erase Seo rarer oe Spee es Serer See ct anaes Seeheven ree i . . Samais vn Grand Aeros Pour sa digne Markie - ltt Cent VOIn. de laRenommeée : Neat ene wi tendre Amité, lerent jamate ause vn tel exclat | Noemie tant de Prudence ala Valeur parfuitte: é, Grand nitive d Ertat, O France a gue a Krince wtoit autas a : Ht 4 - ee Pe CR Titre ettoit aubar gua may # and Ge neval d Armee; LPleure pleure auce moy la perte gue jay faite OL On pleure celle au Peas gia faatte en tay ton Aey, ills Storm: seat ena ROBERT NANTEUIL Frederick Maurice, Duc de Bouillon (See No. 88) ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS BY THE MASTER ENGRAVERS OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY THE PROPERTY OF R. EDERHEIMER AND WIDELY KNOWN AS THE JUNIUS S. MORGAN COLLECTION TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1916 THE SALE TO BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS NEW YORK CITY INTRODUCTORY NOTE BY MR. EDERHEIMER The collection of 185 prints in this catalogue was purchased by me from Mr. Junius S. Morgan in November, 1915. It is intact as when purchased, no print having been taken therefrom or added thereto. It was my original intention to dispose of this collection en bloc, as I felt reluctant to have separated its wonderfully complete and illus- trative material. Importunities from representatives of museums and private collectors were made to me, however, to permit one or two, or half a dozen items to be bought from the collection and it seeming to me best to give to all an equal opportunity of acquiring that which they desired, I have taken the step of consigning this collection for sale at public auction. My property is to be in no wise guarded but is being offered by me for sale under the invariable terms and conditions of the American Art Association, which are that there shall be no protection of any kind or character, that no item shall have any reserve or up-set price placed thereon, and that in the fair competition of a public sale the highest bidder for any item be the purchaser thereof. In preparing the descriptions for the catalogue it has been hard for me to check the enthusiasm of an owner in not declaring practically every print “brilliant,” for there are few, indeed, which do not deserve such characterization. I have, however, in almost every instance, re- frained from superlatives, only using them where the prints were of such unusual beauty as to make their use imperative. As mentioned in the > some of which, descriptions, many of the prints are “with full margins,’ however, have been slightly cut down and a few to a considerable extent. Nevertheless, an examination of these will show that their value is not in the margin, as is sometimes the case, but in the exceptional character and condition of the prints themselves. The collection is of such extraordinarily high quality that one must commend the discriminating judgment of the collector who formed it. In it are many items of unusual rarity missing in the greatest of collections, and in some instances never before seen by many of the experts whose pleasure it has been to inspect these prints. The Le Blond, the Daret, the Kaunitz by Edelinck, a number of Nanteuils, especially that of Car- dinal de Retz; the Bouillon, Clermont-Tonnerre, Marie Jeanne de Savoie and the Pierre Seguier, are of utmost rarity, as are also the portrait of Opstal by an unknown engraver and belonging to the famous series, the Iconographie of Van Dyck and a beautiful Vouillemont plate here reproduced. A great number of the other items are conspicuous for their extraor- dinary brilliancy. Among these almost all of the Morins; the Bouma by Visscher; of the Nanteuils, the Seguier de St. Brisson, the Meilleraye, Michel Le Tellier, Turenne and others. Many of the less known engravers are represented by prints which excite our great admiration. Never before have I seen an example by Kilian which was as beautiful as the one here shown. The two plates by Pontius, the Swanenburch, the Van de Veldes and Matham are inter- esting and are illustrative examples by high class engravers, but little appreciated as yet in this country. The strongest representation is naturally of the French School. Here we find beside the leaders, Mellan, Morin, Nanteuil, Masson, Ede- linck and the Drevets, rare works by Boulanger, Duchange, Duflos, Lang- lois, Lenfant, Lochon, Lombart, Natalis, Pitau, Plate-Montagne, Poilly, Regnesson, Roullet, Van Schuppen, Simon, Trouvain and Vouillemont. There are a few examples other than those of the seventeenth century, and amongst these is an unusual portrait by George Pencz of the middle of the sixteenth century and some prints of the early eighteenth century. The collection also contains a highly interesting number of early mezzotints, all strong, rich impressions, many of which are by the Vail- lants, Leonart, Schenk, Gole, John Smith and others. Ricuarp EDERHEIMER. New York City, January 22nd, 1916. oy ss . Y rad i, « are * peg a ca ‘ % \ Conditions of Sale 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale in- juriously. 2, The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale, shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such pur- chaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale, shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any. purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, how- ever, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Asso- ciation will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the cor- rectness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imper- fection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion with- out proper foundation. SPECIAL NOTICE Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders trans- mitted to it by mail, telegraph or telephone, will be faithfully attended to without charge or commission. Any purchase so made will be subject to the above Condi- tions of Sale, which cannot in any manner be modified. The Association, however, in the event of making a purchase of a lot consisting of one or more books for a purchaser who has not, through himself or his agent, been present at the exhibition or sale, will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be returned, if the lot in any material manner differs from its catalogue description. Orders for execution by the Association should be written and given with such plainness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid per volume or piece should also be stated. If the one transmitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit should be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. Priced copies of the catalogue of any sale, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at a reasonable charge. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY ORDER OF THE OWNER FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18th, AT 8:30 O’CLOCK JEAN AUDRAN Engraver. Third son of Germain Audran. died, Paris, June 17, 1766. AUDRAN, JEAN Born, Lyon, April 28, 1667; Pupil of his uncle, Gerard Audran. 1. Prerre CLrement Darrincourt, INGENIEUR pu Roy. engraving. Le Blanc, I. No. 354. Painted by Hyacinthe Rigaud, 1698. Engraved, 1706. Third state. Line- SAMUEL BERNARD Miniature painter, etcher and engraver. Born, Paris, November 8, 1615 (?); died, June 24, 1687. Pupil of Simon Vouet and Louis du Guerinier. In his engraved work he leans strongly towards Morin. His plates are carefully etched, often in several cross hatchings, the flesh parts in dot- ted manner. BERNARD, SAMUEL 2. Louis pu Garnier, Mrntature Panter. Engraving. Robert Dumesnil, VI., p. 248. No. 1. Strongly suggestive of Morin. Second state. VERY RARE. ABRAHAM BLOOTELING Draughtsman, line-engraver and mezzotinter. died, after 1685. Pupil of Cornelius van Dalen. BLOOTELING, ABRAHAM Born, Amsterdam, 1634; 8. GovaERT FLIncK, THE PAINTER. Le Blanc, I. No. 124. After Gr. Zyll. Supers IMPRESSION WITH MARGINS. Line-engraving. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th JEAN BOULANGER Baptized at Troyes, January 24, 1608; died, Paris, at an old age. With his contemporary, Morin, he introduced the dotted manner in portrait engraving. Le Blanc catalogues 111 items of his; De Breban, 125. BOULANGER, JEAN 4. Pavi Beurrier, Curt. Line-engraving. Le Blanc, I. No. 66. After J. Le Febure. The only state. BOULANGER, JEAN 5. Danret pe Cosnac, BisHor. Line-engraving. le? Blancs li Nows7 3: After Le Febure. Engraved, 1666. The only state. BOULANGER, JEAN 6. Errenne Moreau, Bisnop. Line-engraving. Le Blanc, I. No. 98. After C. Bernard. The only state. FREDERICK BOUTTATS, THE YOUNGER Portrait engraver and illustrator. Born, Antwerp, about 1630; died, 1676. Member of a large family of engravers and artists. BOUTTATS, FREDERICK, THE YOUNGER ~ Anwa FRANCISCA DE Bruyns, WIFE OF Isaac Butnart. Line- engraving. Le Blanc, TI. No 6: Engraved, 1648, after her self-portrait. The only state. VERY RARE. FRANCOIS CHEREAU Engraver. Born, Blois, March 20, 1688; died, Paris, April 15, 1729. Pu- pil of Gerard Audran. His principal works are portraits. CHEREAU, FRANCOIS 8. Louis DE BovuLLoGNr, THE Painter. Line-engraving. Le Blanc, II. No. 21. After himself. Reception work for the Académie, 1718. First state, before the title,—Chevalier de VOrdre de Saint Michel. BrauTIFUL PLATE, WITH MARGIN. PIERRE DARET (DE CAZENEUVE) Charles d’Aubespine (See No. 10) Sale Friday Evening, February 18th RICHARD COLLIN Engraver. Born, Luxembourg, 1626. Pupil of Joachim von Sandrart. Lived at Antwerp and Brussels and held the title——Court-engraver to the King of Spain. COLLIN, RICHARD 9. Barrotomé Estepan Muritio, tHE Parnrer. Line-engrav- ing. Le Blanc, II. No. 92. After himself. Engraved, 1682. Rare, wiTH MARGINS. PIERRE DARET (DE CAZENEUVE) Painter, engraver, and author. Born, Paris, 1604; died, Chateau La Lucque near Dax, March 29, 1678. Member of the Académie in 1663. DARET, PIERRE (DE CAZENEUVE) 10. Cuoartes D’Avupespint, Keeper oF THE SEALS OF FRANCE, 15€0-1658. Line-engraving. Didot Catalogue, No. 311. Engraved, 1645. OF GREATEST RARITY. (See Reproduction) DARET, PIERRE (DE CAZENEUVE) 11. Francois pe Brauvitiier, Count dE Sr. Arcnan. Line-en- graving. Not in Le Blanc and Didot. Engraved, 1645. ExeutsiTE LITTLE PLATE IN AN IMPRESSION OF GREAT BRILLIANCY. VERY RARE. JEAN DAULLE Engraver. Born, Abbeville, May 18, 1703; died, Paris, April 23, 1763. Pupil of R. Hecquet. DAULLE, JEAN 12. Louis XV., Kine or France. Line-engraving. Not in Delignieres. Dated, 1788. Duplicate of the Dresden Cabinet. Very RARE, WITH MARGIN. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th WILLEM JACOBSZ DELFF Engraver. Born, Delft, September 15, 1580; died there April 11, 1638. He engraved chiefly the paintings by his father-in-law, Michael van Miereveldt. DELFF, WILLEM JACOBSZ 13. Henprick Maruarus, Baron pe THurn. Line-engraving. Franken, 88. After M. J. Miereveldt. Engraved, 1625. Impression OF SUPREME BRILLIANCY. (See Reproduction) DELFF, WILLEM JACOBSZ 14. Frorentius oF CULENBURGH, CounT OF PALLANDT. Line-en- graving. Franken, 69. After Miereveldt. Engraved, 1627. WiTH MARGINS. PIERRE DREVET Engraver. Born, Loire (Rhone), July 20, 1663; died, Paris, August 9, 1738. Father of Pierre Imbert Drevet. At first, pupil of Germain Audran at Lyon; afterwards, of the latter’s more famous brother, Gerard Audran at Paris. DREVET, PIERRE 15. Rozerr pe Corrs, Arcurrect, 1657-1735. Line-engraving. Didot Catalogue, No. 384. After Hyacinthe Rigaud. Third state. Reception work for the Académie. (See Reproduction) DREVET, PIERRE 16. Prerre Pariytot, Hisrorran, 1608-1698. Line-engraving. Didot Catalogue, No. 108. After G. Revel. Engraved, 1698. Second state, with the age, 89, instead of 88, but before the verse. de ny gon oo One IE nea rire sa i sapere: eatanion i Sfp ere sotpcpeesenteaet —— ines isl a i ie ar a afi Va an fui ree aa ne ait Tyee ee AV a fio ox unite a & lay WILLEM JACOBSZ DELFF Hendrick Mathaeus, Baron de Thurn (See No. 13) Sale Friday Evening, February 18th DREVET, PIERRE 17. Jean Poxutnier, Aspe pE Ste. GENEVIEVE, 1646-1727. Line- engraving. Didot Catalogue, No. 106. After J. P. Lescrinier. The only state. PIERRE-IMBERT DREVET Son and pupil of the preceding. Born, Paris, June 22, 1697; died, April 27, 1739. DREVET, PIERRE-IMBERT 18. Louis pE LA VERGNE DE TREssSAN, ADORING THE VirGIN. Line- engraving. Didot Catalogue, No. 31. After Vanloo. The master’s first plate. A SUPERB IM- PRESSION. GASPARD DUCHANGE Engraver and publisher at Paris. Born, April, 1662; diced, January 6, 1757. Pupil of Jean Audran and one of the most important engravers of his time. ; DUCHANGE, GASPARD 19. Cuar es DE LA Fossr, Parnter. Line-engraving. Le Blanc, II. No. 39. After Hyacinthe Rigaud. Reception work for the Aca- démie, 1707. CLAUDE DUFLOS Engraver. Born, Coucy-le-Chateau, 1665; died, Paris, September 18, 1727. Pupil of Pierre Giffard and Frangois de Poilly. DUFLOS, CLAUDE 20. Jean Francois Pau DE Gonpy, ArcHBIsHOoP OF Paris. Line- engraving. Le Blanc, II. No. 147. After A. Bezey. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th GERARD EDELINCK Famous engraver. Born, Antwerp, October 20, 1640; died, Paris, April 2, 1707. Pupil of C. Galle, the Younger, and later of Frangois Poilly at Paris. Although Edelinck was born in Antwerp, he became French by adoption, and perfected himself in Paris where he engraved almost all his plates and where he became a member of the Académie Royale. Charles Sumner says of him:—“Younger than Nanteuil by ten years, Gérard Edelinck excelled him in genuine mastery . .. Longhi says that he is the engraver whose works deserve the first place among exem- plars, and attributes to him in the highest degree,—design, chiaroscuro, aérial perspective, local tints, softness, lightness, variety,—in short, every- thing which can enter into the most exact representation of the true and beautiful without the air of color ... According to the Italian teacher, he remains, ‘the prince of engraving.’ Another critic calls him ‘king’ !” EDELINCK, GERARD 21. Prerre pe Caravy, Garpre pe LA BistioTHEQvE DU Roy. Line- engraving. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 168. After Tételin. Engraved, 1675. The only state. Mac- NIFICENT IMPRESSION WITH MARGINS. EDELINCK, GERARD 22. PHILIPPE DE CHAMPAIGNE, THE ParntTer. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 164. After himself. Engraved, 1676. Capital plate, and BRILLIANT IMPRESSION OF THE FIRST STATE, WITH MARGINS. (See Reproduction) EDELINCK, GERARD 23. Remy pu Laury, PREVOT DE LEcuise DE St. Prerre pe Litt. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 188. After J. van Oost. Engraved, 1677. The only state. EDELINCK, GERARD 24. Gépton Bersrer pu Mertz, PrEsIpENT DE LA CHAMBRE DES Compres DE Parts. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 190. After Hyacinthe Rigaud. Third state. PIERRE DREVET Robert de Cotte, Architect (See No. 15) Sale Friday Evening, February 18th EDELINCK, GERARD 25. Puitiepr Evrarp, Avocat au PaRLEMENT DE Paris. Line-en- graving. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 198. After Tortebat. BriLLiIaAnr IMPRESSION OF THE SECOND STATE, before the address of Bligny. EDELINCK, GERARD 26. Dominteve Count Kaunirz. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 228. Bust in oval medallion on a peculiarly-dotted ground. UNUSUAL ENGRAVING OF GREAT RARITY. EDELINCK, GERARD 27. CHarLes Maurice te TELLIER, ARCHBISHOP OF RHEIMs. Line- engraving. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 245. After Mignard. Engraved, 1692. Briturantr rMpres- SION OF THE SECOND sTaATE. This print, representing the same personage portrayed by Nanteuil twenty-nine years previously, interestingly illustrates the change of style as well as the appearance of the subject. (See No. 115 of this catalogue.) EDELINCK, GERARD 28. Louis XIV., Krye or France. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 252. Small oval with bust portrait surrounded by rich alle- gorical composition designed by Demarest and engraved by Loisel. On the border of the oval is placed,—Edelinck sculpsit effigies. BriLLIANT IMPRESSION OF THE FIRST sTATE, before the tablets and inscriptions. EDELINCK, GERARD 29. Francois Mansart, ARCHITECT DU Roy. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 266. After Namur. The only state. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th EDELINCK, GERARD 30. JuLes Harpourn MANSART, SURINTENDANT DES BATIMENTS DU Roy. (Nephew of the preceding.) Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 268. After Hyacinthe Rigaud. LarcGr AND DECORATIVE PLATE IN SUPERB IMPRESSION OF THE THIRD STATE, WITH MARGINS. EDELINCK, GERARD 31. Prerre pe Marca, ArcupisHop or Paris. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 269. The only state. EDELINCK, GERARD 39. Jeanne D’AvrTricHe, GranpE DucHEssE DE TOSCANE. Line- engraving. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 143. After the painting by Rubens and designed by J. M. Nat- tier. FINE IMPRESSION OF THE SECOND STATE, before the number, with margin. Rare. EDELINCK, GERARD 33. Francois p—E Mepici, Granp Duc pE Toscane. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 271. After Rubens and Nattier. Companion piece to the pre- ceding, and the same quality of impression. EDELINCK, GERARD 34. IsRAEL SILVESTRE, DEssINATEUR DU CABINET DU Roi ET GRA- VEUR A L’EAU-FoRTE. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, VII. No. 319. After Le Brun. BriLLIANT IMPRESSION OF THE FINISHED STATE, WITH THE PARIS VIEW BELOW THE BORDER OF POR- TRAIT ENGRAVED BY SILVESTRE HIMSELF. WIDE MARGINS. GERARD EDELINCK Philippe de Champaigne (See No. 22) Sale Friday Evening, February 18th JEREMIAS FALCK Engraver. Born, Danzig, 1609 or 1610; died there, February, 1677. At first, he was probably a pupil of Hondius, who worked in Danzig. In 1639, Falck came to Paris where he studied under Cornelis Bloemart and Abraham Bosse; later he worked in Stockholm, Copenhagen, Amster- dam and Hamburg. FALCK, JEREMIAS 35. Daniet Ditcerus. Line-engraving. Andresen, I. No. 29. After S. Waegener. Engraved, 1648. Capital plate, in IMPRESSION OF GREATEST BRILLIANCY, WITH MARGIN. Ede- linck also engraved this portrait in 1683. (See Reproduction) JEAN FROSNE Worked in Paris between 1630 and 1673. FROSNE, JEAN 36. Francois p—E Nesmonp. Line-engraving. Not in Didot and Le Blanc. After Ferdinand, dated 1638. Very RARE. LEONARD GAULTIER (GALTER) Engraver. Born, Mainz, 1561, settled later in Paris where he appears to have studied under Etienne de Laune, and where all trace of him was lost in 1680. GAULTIER (GALTER), LEONARD 37. ALEXANDRE Bovucuart, VICOMTE DE BuossEVILLE. Laine-en- graving. Andresen, I. No. 138. After Dumonstier. Engraved, 1613. BriLiianr IMPREs- SIONS WITH MARGINS. RARE. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th JACOB GOLE Engraver in mezzotinto. Born, Amsterdam, 1660; died there, 1737. GOLE, JACOB 38. BatrHasar Becker. Early mezzotint. Wessely, 44. VERY STRONG IMPRESSION OF THE FIRST sTATE before the address of Opoeteren. GOLE, JACOB 39. CHarues, Firrnh Duxe or Lorratne. Mezzotint. Wessely, 54. After W. Wissing. The only state. VERY BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. GOLE, JACOB 40. Freperick WILiiaAM oF BRraNnpENBURG. ‘“*THE GREAT ELEC- ror.” Mezzotint. Wessely, 63. Capital plate in IMPRESSION OF THE GREATEST BEAUTY OF THE FIRST STATE, with the initials of Gole instead of the full name. (See Reproduction) GOLE, JACOB 41. Orro WitHELM, Count KorntcsmarcK. Mezzotint. Wessely, 77. The only state. BEAUTIFUL EARLY IMPRESSION. WENZEL HOLLAR Draughtsman and etcher. Born, Prague, July 13, 1607; died, London, May 28, 1677. Left Prague in 1627, studied in Frankfort under M. Merian, worked in Strasbourg from 1629-1633, in Cologne until 1636, thence to London whence he fied in 1644 to Antwerp. In 1652 he returned to England. HOLLAR, WENZEL 42. Direr’s FatHer. Etching. After Diirer’s painting in the Uffizii, Florence. Fair im- Parthey, 1389. pression. SAY accosenst LEE ee | i z i serene AA CV UN Ge NA Ue CL; ro reseed enna ent tg ce iets SENG ge {> iipengsittt ae JEREMIAS FALCK Daniel Dilgerus (See No. 35) wee = (( f ry 4 eh “ eet Pied sj ‘ . a) we hl att = eee! @a2'5 “ay Me . . Z e s { *, t - z ra . Sale Friday Evening, February 18th HOLLAR, WENZEL 43. Jacopus van Es. Etching. Parthey, 1399. After Meyssens. Fair impression. WILLEM HONDIUS Son of Hendrick Hondius, the Younger. Born at the Hague, 1600, set- tled in Danzig in 1640 and where he was living in 1652, after which date all trace of him seems to have been lost. HONDIUS, WILLEM 44, GERHARD, Count DoENHOFF, ADMINISTRATOR OF MARIENBURG. Line-engraving. From life. Engraved, 1643. The landscape shows Ma- rienburg Castle. D&rLICATE BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. PIETER DE JODE Born, Antwerp, 1606; working in Brussels in 1667. Pupil of his father, Pieter de Jode, the Elder, 1570-1634. JODE, PIETER DE 45. THomas Ricearpi (Ricciarpt1). Le Blane, II. No. 119. After Simon Vouet. Line-engraving. Engraved, 1631. The only state. LUCAS KILIAN Engraver. Born, Augsburg, 1579; died there, 1637. father, D. Custos. KILIAN, LUCAS Pupil of his step- Member of a large and important family of engravers. 46. CHRISTOPHER VON DER LipPEN, CHANCELLOR AND AMBASSADOR oF Denmark. Line-engraving. Engraved, 16382. IMPRESSION OF SUPREME BRILLIANCY. JEAN LANGLOIS Born, Paris, 1649; worked in Rome for several years. LANGLOIS, JEAN AY. JEAN PETRE, SECRETAIRE ORD. DE LA CHAMBRE Dv Roy. Le Blanc, II. No. 388. After Nanteuil. Second state, before the letter, but with the name of Nanteuil. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th LENFANT, JEAN 58. Guipo pE Srve pE Rocuecuovart. Line-engraving. Not in Didot and Le Blanc. After J. Dieu. Engraved, 1663. JOHANN FRIEDRICH LEONART Etcher, engraver and mezzotinter. Born, Dunkerque, 1633; died, Berlin, 1680. Worked in Brussels until 1660, then in Niiremberg. LEONART, JOHANN FRIEDRICH 54. ALPHONSE DE Bercues, ArcHBISHOP OF Mauines. Mezzotint. Le Blanc, II. No. 3. After Du Chastel. One of the earliest mezzotints. RENE LOCHON Engraver at Paris. Born, Poissy, 1640. Pupil of J. B. Corneille. LOCHON, RENE 55. BattruasaR PHELYPEAUX DE LA VRILLIERE, ABBE. Laine-en- graving. Le Blanc, II. No. 26. From life. Engraved, 1667. The only state. PIERRE LOMBART Engraver. Born, Paris, 1613; died there, 1682. Pupil of Simon Vouet. He worked also in London. LOMBART, PIERRE 56. GaprreL CHAsSEBRAS DE LA Granp ’Maison. Line-engraving. Didot Catalogue, No. 1390. Le Blanc, II. No. 23. SvPERB IMPRESSION WITH WIDE MARGIN. On the reverse the signature,—Pierre Mariette, 1674. LOMBART, PIERRE 57. Pierre pe Marssar. Line-engraving. Didot Catalogue, No. 1898. After C. Le Febure. Engraved, 1666. VERY BRILLIANT IMPRESSION. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th LOMBART, PIERRE 58. Paut Pereav, 1568-1614. Line-engraving. Didot Catalogue, No. 1400. After J. Questel. With margin. LOMBART, PIERRE 59. AveustiIn pE SeRvieN, ABBs vE St. Journ. Line-engraving. Didot Catalogue, No. 1405. After F. Delamare Richart. Engraved, 1666. ANTOINE MASSON Eminent portrait engraver. Born, Louvry, near Orleans, 1636; died, Paris, 1700. MASSON, ANTOINE 60. Emanve, TueEoposius p—E LA Tour D’Auverenet, Duc D’AL- BRET. Line-engraving. | Robert Dumesnil, II. No. 14. After Mignard. Engraved, 1665. BritLiaANT IMPRES- SION OF THE SECOND STATE. MASSON, ANTOINE 61. Ouivier LE Frevre D’OrmMEsson, CONSEILLER AU PARLEMENT pe Paris. lLine-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, II. No. 58. (Belle piéce). From life. Engraved, 1665. BrauTiFrUL IMPRESSION OF THE SECOND STATE, WITH MARGIN. JACOB MATHAM Born, Haarlem, October 15, 1571; died there, January 20, 16381. Pupil of his step-father, Hendrick Goltzius. MATHAM, JACOB 62. Francois Junius, Proressor or THEoLocy aT Leypen. Line- engraving. Bartsch, III. No. 29. Engraved, 1598. BriLLIANT IMPRESSION, WITH MARGINS. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th THEODORE MATHAM Engraver. Born, Haarlem, 1589; died at The Hague, 1660. Pupil of his father, Jacob Matham and Cornelis Bloemaert. MATHAM, THEODORE 63. JoHANNES Banninc Woyvers, Minister at AMSTERDAM. En- graving. Not in Andresen and Le Blanc. Apparently a Proof Impression, the tablet left white. MATHAM, THEODORE 64. SrepHanus Gracutivs, Minister at AmsTERDAM. Engraving. Andresen, I. No. 5. Le Blanc, II. No. 28. After J. Spilberger. LarcEe PLare. MATHAM, THEODORE 65. Leonarpus Marius van per Gors. Engraving. Andresen, I. No. 10. Le Blanc, Il. No. 29. After N. Moyaert. MATHAM, THEODORE 66. WoxFertT, Count or Breperope. Engraving. Duplessis, 6518. Unfinished proof showing needle test-marks. CLAUDE MELLAN Painter and engraver. Born, Abbeville, May, 1598; died, Paris, Septem- ber 9, 1688. Pupil of Villamena in Rome. MELLAN, CLAUDE 67. Tue Youne Curist. Line-engraving. Montaiglon, 18. FINE IMPRESSION WITH FULL MARGINS. (See Reproduc- tion in the Print Collector’s Quarterly, Volume V. page 292.) MELLAN, CLAUDE 68. Tur Maponna. Line-engraving. Montaiglon, 17. Companion piece to the preceding, in the same condition. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th MELLAN, CLAUDE 69. Tue Suparium or Sr. Veronica. Line-engraving. Montaiglon, 25. Engraved, 1649. BEAUTIFUL, WARM, EARLY IMPRESSION. The famous “tour de force” in one spiral line. (See the Print Collector’s Quarterly, Volume V., page 288.) MELLAN, CLAUDE 70. Louise Marit DE GonzAGuE, QUEEN oF Poxanp. Line-en- graving. Montaiglon, 252. (Reproduced in the Print Collector’s Quarterly as above.) MELLAN, CLAUDE 71. CraupE pE Maroxzes, FarHer or tHE Asse. Line-engraving. Montaiglon, 209. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION, WITH MARGIN. JEAN MORIN Born, Paris, about 1590; died there, 1650. Began his career as a painter, but later took to engraving. He studied first under Philippe de Cham- paigne, after whom many of his plates are engraved. His work is done in a mixed manner, partly etching, partly burin, using the dotted method for the flesh. MORIN, JEAN 72. Gurpo, Carprnat Bentivociio. Engraving. Robert Dumesnil, II. No. 43. (Belle piéce. ) After Van Dyck. MacniricENT IMPRESSION OF ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS OF ALL ENGRAVED PORTRAITS. (See Reproduction) MORIN, JEAN 3. CoRNEILLE JANSENIUS, BisHop oF YpREs. Engraving. Robert Dumesnil, II. No. 61. SUPERB IMPRESSION OF THE FIRST STATE, before the ad- dress of Basset was added. JEAN MORIN Guido, Cardinal Bentivoglio | (See No: +72) + S45 « j 9 o rae i Lp w » _ ‘ , / rc 7 i i) ‘ = . , . A ‘ ” e Y - * “ ‘ ‘ \ * - 7 - > - Sale Friday Evening, February 18th MORIN, JEAN 74, Jacques LE Mercier, Arcuirecr. Engraving. Robert Dumesnil, II. No. 69. After Philippe de Champaigne. The only state. MORIN, JEAN 75. Puri IL, or Spary. Engraving. Robert Dumesnil, II. No. 71. (Belle piéce.) After Titian. The only state. MORIN, JEAN 76. Omer Taton, AvocatT GENERAL AU PARLEMENT DE Paris. En- graving. Robert Dumesnil, IT. No. 74. After Philippe de Champaigne. Supers IMPRESSION OF THE SECOND STATE. MORIN, JEAN 77. AucustiIn DE THou, “Premier pu Nom.” Engraving. Robert Dumesnil, II. No. 77. (Belle piéce.) SUPERB IMPRESSION OF THE ONLY STATE. MORIN, JEAN 78. CHRISTOPHE DE THov. Engraving. Robert Dumesnil, II. No. 78. SUPERB IMPRESSION OF THE ONLY STATE, WITH FULL MAR- GINS. MORIN, JEAN 79. JacauEs AUGUSTE DE THOU, PRESIDENT DES ENQUETES DU ParR- LEMENT DE Paris. Engraving. Robert Dumesnil, II. No. 79. After Ferdinand. SuPprErsB IMPRESSION OF THE ONLY STATE, WITH FULL MARGINS. MORIN, JEAN 80. AnToInE Virrt, Printer at Paris. Engraving. Robert Dumesnil, II. No. 88. After Philippe de Champaigne. CaprraL IMPRESSION OF THE ONLY STATE. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th ROBERT NANTEUIL Born, Rheims, 1630; died, 1678. His first instruction was given him by Nicolas Regnesson of that city. In 1647, about the age of seventeen, Nanteuil married his tutor’s sister, and the following year saw him in Paris, at which period his work exhibited powerfully the influence of both Jean Morin and Claude Mellan. Soon, however, Nanteuil formed his own distinct style, to which there never has been found a superior in the art of portrait painting. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 81. CHrist WITH THE Crown oF THORNS. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 4. Impression of the second state, before the retouches dated 16538. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 82. Jaceves AMELOT, PREMIER PRESIDENT DE LA Cour pEs AIDES. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 19. SUPERB IMPRESSION OF THE FIRST STATE OF THREE, WITH MARGINS. RARE. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 83. Axne D’AurTRICHE, QUEEN oF France. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 22. After Mignard. Engraved, 1660. Second state of five. OF THE GREATEST RARITY. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 84. Louis pE BarLLeuL, PréistpENT A MORTIER AU PARLEMENT DE Paris. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 27. From life. Engraved, 1658. Second state of four, before the date was changed to 1661. Rare. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 85. ANTOINE BarRILLON DE Morancis, CONSEILLER p’Erat. Line- engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 31. From life. The only state. Engraved, 1661. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th NANTEUIL, ROBERT 86. Francois p—E VeNpomE, Duc pe Braurort. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 83. First state, before the address of Mariette. [wpreEssion OF THE GREATEST BRILLIANCY, WITH MARGIN. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 87. Prrrre Boucuv, Anpé pE LA Ferré. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 47. From life. Engraved, 1669. Rich IMPRESSION OF THE FIRST STATE, WITH DATE. ° NANTEUIL, ROBERT 88. Freperick Maurice pE LA Tour pv’ AUVERGNE, Duc bE Bovui1- ton (Brother of Turenne). Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 49. Capital plate. Impression OF THE GREATEST BEAUTY. Second state of five. VERY RARE. (See Frontispiece) NANTEUIL, ROBERT 89. Vicror LE Bovururiurr, ARCHBISHOP OF Tours. Line-en- graving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 55. From life. Engraved, 1659. Impression of the first state, with the date. Margin. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 90. Vicror LE BovururturR, ArcHBISHOP OF Tours. Line-en- graving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 56. 3 The only state. Large, oblong plate, with rich, orna- mental surroundings. With margins. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 91. Jaceves, Marauis DE CasTELNAU, MaricHaL DE FRANCE. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 58. From life. Engraved, 1656. BrauriFuL IMPRESSION, WITH MARGIN. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th NANTEUIL, ROBERT 92. Jean CHaApeLain, Porr, Member or THE Acapémtre. Line- engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 60. From life. Engraved, 1655. First state of four. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 93. CHarues II. p—e Gonzaca, Duc pe Mantua. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 62. The only state. LoveLy PLATE WITH MARGIN. Rake. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 94. CHARLES DE Lorrarne, V pu nom. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 68. From life. Engraved, 1660. The only state. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 95. Francois pE CLERMONT TonNERRE, BisHop or Noyon. Line- engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 68. From life. Engraved, 1655. First state of three before the pastoral cross (Trés rare). SUPERB IMPRESSION. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 96. Prerre pu CamsBout, CarpinaL DE Corstin. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 70. From life. Engraved, 1666. First state, before the pastoral cross. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 97. JEAN Baptiste CoLBert, CONTROLLEUR GENERAL DEs F'- NANCES. Laine-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 71. After Philippe de Champaigne. Engraved, 1660. Third state of four, with wide margins. Mr. L. R. Metcalfe has written on mount,—‘‘Finest impression I’ve seen.” Sale Friday Evening, February 18th NANTEUIL, ROBERT 98. Jean Baptiste Cotsert. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 72. After Philippe de Champaigne. Engraved, 1662. Second state of three. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 99. Honoré Courriy, Consetter p’Evar. Line-engraving. Robert Dumsenil, IV. No. 80. From life. Engraved, 1668. First state, before the in- scription. ImprEssIoN OF THE GREATEST BEAUTY, WITH MARGIN. VERY RARE. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 100. Louts Donr-D’Articuy, Bishop or Autun. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, [V. No. 83. From life. Engraved, 1665. The only state. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 101. Jean Doriev, PréstpeNt EN LA Cour prs Arpes. Line-en- graving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 84. From life. Engraved, 1660. The only state. Suprers IMPRESSION WITH WIDE MARGIN. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 102. Prerre Dupuy, Royar Liprartan. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 88. The only state. One of Nanteuil’s first plates. (About 1648). NANTEUIL, ROBERT 103. Cesar, Carpinat D’Esrrizs. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 92. From life. Engraved, 1660. The only state. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th NANTEUIL, ROBERT 104. Gaspard DE Firuset, PREMIER PRESIDENT DU PARLEMENT DE Tovuxiousse. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 96. The only state. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 105. Louis Hessetin, CONSEILLER pErat, &c. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 109. The portrait in oval alone, without the ornamental border, usually printed from another plate. Rare. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 106. Prerre JEANNIN, SURINTENDANT DES Fryances. Line-engrav- ing. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 112. The only state. SuPERB IMPRESSION. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 107. Marin Curreau DE LA CHAMBRE, MépeEcIn pu Ror. Laine-en- graving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 116. Without margin. The exact state, therefore, cannot be ascertained. VERY FINE IMPRESSION. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 108. CHarLes DE LA Ports, Duc pe LA MEILLERAYE, MAarEcHAL pE France. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 118. After Justus. Engraved, 1662. The only state. In- PRESSION OF SUPREME BRILLIANCY. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 109. GuILLAUME DE LaMoIGNOoN, PREMIER PRESIDENT DU PARLE- MENT DE Paris. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 120. From life. Engraved, 1663. The only state. asst : tay icici el eee a te Me he ; “ IE coe scaen arent his peat acorns Shea ROBERT NANTEUIL Michel Le Tellier (See No. 114) ‘ {f- ne Wy AS . re S| ¥ ee Sale Friday Evening, February 18th NANTEUIL, ROBERT 110. Micuex te Masts, Prieur pes Rocues. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 126. From hfe. Engraved, 1658. SupErs IMPRESSION OF THE FIRST STATE, before the change of date to 1661, with narrow margins. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 111. Anrorne LE Pautre, ArcHITECT AND ENGINEER. Luine-en- graving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 127. BEAUTIFUL IMPRESSION OF THE FINISHED SECOND STATE, of three, with the ornamental surroundings, etched by Le Pautre himself. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 112. Micuen re TEevuier, Mryister or Srate. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 1380. In octagonal border. Engraved, 1658. The only state. SUPERB IMPRESSION, WITH WIDE MARGINS. VERY RARE. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 113. Micnen, te Terrier. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 182. From life. Engraved, 1659. The only state. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 114. Micuen te Teriier. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 135. From life. Engraved, 1661. First state. Iwpression OF SUPREME BEAUTY, WITH MARGINS. (See Reproduction.) NANTEUIL, ROBERT 115. CuHartes Maurice LE TELuer, ArcuBisHor oF RueErms. Line- engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 189. Impression of the third state (4) with wide margins. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th NANTEUIL, ROBERT 116. Francois pE LA MorHe LE VaAYER, ConsEILLER v’Erar. Line- engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 143. From life. Engraved, 1661. ONE oF THE MASTERPIECES oF NANTEUIL. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 117. Hucves pe Lionne, SECRETAIRE p’Erar. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 146. From life. First state of one of the small plates. Brav- TIFUL IMPRESSION, WITH MARGIN. Rare. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 118. Jutes Pavy pe Lionne, ABBE DE MARMONTIER. Line-engray- ing. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 147. From life. Engraved, 1667. First state with the date. VERY RARE. | NANTEUIL, ROBERT 119. Marie JEANNE BAPTISTE DE SavoreE-NEMouURS, DUCHESSE DE Savoie. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 169. After Laurent du Sour. Engraved, 1678. First state with wide margins. EXxCcEEDINGLY RARE. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 120. Micuer pe Maroties, Assi pE VitteLomnc. (“THE PRINCE or Print Coxzecrors”.) Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 171. From life. Engraved, 1657. First state, with small margins. VERY FINE. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 121. CarpivaL Mazarrx, Minister or State. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 186. After Mignard. Engraved, 1660. The large plate, with rich, ornamental surroundings. MAGNIFICENT IMPRESSION OF THE SECOND STATE, WITH MARGINS. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th NANTEUIL, ROBERT 122. Carpinat Mazarin. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 187. After Mignard. Engraved, 1661. Capital plate, first state, with the inscription,—‘‘Hic est,” &c. with margins. VERY RARE. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 123. Louis pz Venpome, Duc pe Mercorvr. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 189. From life. Early plate engraved, 1649. The only state. Rare. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 124. Henri pE Mesmes, PrisipeENT A MORTIER AU PARLEMENT DE Paris. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 191. From life. Engraved, 1650. Early work. First state, before change of date to 1654. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 125. Jean ANTOINE DE Mesmes, BroTHER OF THE PrREcEDING. Line- engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 192. Engraved, 1655. First state of four, before change of date to 1661. UNnusvuALLY WARM AND RICH IMPRESSION. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 126. Epvarp Mott, Présipent A MorTIER AU ParLEMENT. Laine- engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 198. The only state, with margin. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 127. Marrutev Mort, Garver pes Screaux. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 194. From life. With margins. VERY RARE. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th NANTEUIL, ROBERT 128. Francois Nesmonp, Evtaur DE Bayeux. Linc-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 202. Second state of four, with margins. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 129. Nicotas Porrer pE Novion, PREMIER PRESIDENT AU ParLE- MENT DE Paris. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 207. From life. Engraved, 1664. Second state. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 130. Jean Francors Pavi pe Gonpi, CarprnaL DE ReErz. Line- engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 217. Engraved, 1650. First state, with the signature oleka Mariette, 1690. ExTREMELY RARE. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 131. Cares Paris D’OrLEANS LoNGUEVILLE, CoMTE DE ST. Pauvu. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 219. After Ferdinand. Engraved, 1660. The only state. One of Nanteuil’s loveliest plates. Rare. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 132. Georces DE ScuprerI, Mrempre dE L’ACADEMIE FRAN@GAISE. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 221. From life. First state. NANTEUIL, ROBERT 133. Prerre SEGUIER, CHANCELLOR OF FRANCE. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 223. After Charles Le Brun. Engraved, 1657. First state. Or THE GREATEST RARITY. 9 cll, ROBERT NANTEUIL Pierre Seguier de St. Brisson (See No. 134) Sale Friday Evening, February 18th NANTEUIL, ROBERT 134. Pierre Srcurer pve Str. Brisson, Prevor pe Paris. Line- engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 224. The only state. Inpression OF UNSURPASSABLE BRIL- LIANCY, WITH MARGIN. (See Reproduction) NANTEUIL, ROBERT 135. Henri pe ta Tour D’Auverene, VICOMTE DE TURENNE, MarecHaL DE France. Line-engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IV. No. 2382. After Philippe de Champaigne. Exact state cannot be ascertained as the distinctions only show on the margin which is here trimmed off. Capital plate in IMPRESSION OF THE GREATEST BEAUTY. VERY RARE. (See Reproduction. ) MICHAEL NATALIS Engraver. Born, Liege, 1609; died there, 1670. Pupil of his father, Noel Hendrick Natalis, and Cornelis: Bloemart. NATALIS, MICHAEL 136. Emanvet Tueopor vE LA Tour D’Avuverene, Duc D’Ar- BRET. Line-engraving. Andresen, II. No. 12. After Mignard. Engraved, 1665. GEORG PENCZ Painter and engraver. Born, Niiremberg, 1500; died, Koenigsberg, 1550. One of the famous group of “The Little Masters.” PENCZ, GEORG 137. Frepericx, Erecror or Saxony. Engraving. Bartsch, VIII. No. 126. Dated, 1543. Only portrait by the master, large plate surrounded by fourteen coats of arms. Good impression, but with the restoration under the tablet near the lower border. VERY RARE. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th NICOLAS PITAU Born, Antwerp, 1634; died, Paris, 1671. Pupil of -C.. Galletairs PITAU, NICOLAS 138. Jacques Favier pu Bounay. Line-engraving. Le Blanc, III. 87. Andresen, If. 18. After Philippe de Champaigne. Engraved, 1668. With margin. PITAU, NICOLAS 139. ArexanprE Perav. Line-engraving. Didot Catalogue, No. 1938. Le Blanc, II. No. 55. After C. Le Feure. Engraved, 1669. With margin. PITAU, NICOLAS | 140. Dyonistus Sancurn, Evéave pe Strives. Line-engraving. Didot Catalogue, No. 1941. Le Blanc, I. No. 57. After C. Le Feure. Engraved, 1663. NICOLAS DE PLATE-MONTAGNE Painter and engraver. Born, Paris, 1631; died there, 1706. A close fol- lower of Jean Morin, whose dotted manner he employed very skilfully. PLATE-MONTAGNE, NICOLAS DE 141. Francois I., Kine or France. Engraving. Robert Dumesnil, V. No. 23. After Janel (F. Clouet). The only state. Engraved en- tirely in Morin’s typical manner. VERY FINE PLATE. Rare. FRANCOIS DE POILLY Engraver. Born, Abbeville, 1623; died, Paris, 1693. Pupil of Daret. POILLY, FRANCOIS DE 142. Prerre Francois Tonputr pe Sr. Lecer. Line-engraving. Didot Catalogue, No. 1961. After Mignard, and before the inscription on the oval border and the name Mignard. BriILLiANT IMPRESSION WITH MARGIN. Sra Sunes Seomhorens piso = MPVS ag gee me 720 eee eS PERRO TST EE ANE ERE EARS PANS ORREALS RE ERA ORRADS, ROBERT NANTEUIL Henri, Vicomte de Turenne (See No. 135) va! pe Sale Friday Evening, February 18th PAULUS PONTIUS Engraver. Born, Antwerp, 1608; died there, 1658. Pupil of Lucas Vorst- erman. PONTIUS, PAULUS 143. Jupirn CorermMaAnN, oF Dorprecut. (Wife of H. Meurs). Line-engraving. Le Blanc, III. No. 56. After P. Codden. The only state. PONTIUS, PAULUS 144. Henprick Mevrs, or AmsrerpaM. Laine-engraving. We Blane, III? -No.-71. After Peter Codden. Second state, with the letter. Com- panion piece to the preceding. BEAUTIFUL PAIR OF VERY RARE PRINTS IN MAGNIFICENT IMPRESSIONS, WITH MARGINS. MATTIJS POOL Born, Amsterdam, 1670; died there, 1730. POOL, MATTIJS 145. Francis Van Bossuir, Scutpror. Engraving. Le Blanc, III. No. 29. Andresen, II. No. 8. After B. Graat. NICOLAS REGNESSON Born, Rheims, 1620; died, 1676. Brother-in-law and first teacher of Robert Nanteuil. REGNESSON, NICOLAS 146. DanieEt VoIsINn. Le Blanc, III. No. 20. The only state. MacniriceENrT PLATE. VERY RARE. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th HENDRICK LAMBERT ROGHMAN First part of the Fifteenth century. ROGHMAN, HENDRICK LAMBERT 147. Barent Jansz. Line-engraving. Le Blanc, III. No. 1. Engraved, 1621. The only state. Rare. JEAN LOUIS ROULLET Engraver. Born, Arles, 1645; died, Paris, 1699. Pupil of Claude Mellan and Francois de Poilly. ROULLET, JEAN LOUIS 148. Hinare Ciement, Procureur au ParLtement. Line-engrav- ing. Didot Catalogue, No. 2087. After R. Lefebre. Engraved, 1689. VeERyY FINE, WITH MARGIN. ROULLET, JEAN LOUIS 149. Jean Baptiste Luitiy, rar Composer. Line-engraving. Didot Catalogue, No. 2043. Le Blanc, III., No. 37. After Mignard. The only state. Large plate. PETER SCHENK Painter, etcher, mezzotinter and art publisher. Born, Elberfeld, 1645; worked at Amsterdam, where he died in 1715. SCHENK, PETER 150. Ernest Rupicer, Count or STaREMBERG. Mezzotint. Le Blanc, III. No. 20. EARLY IMPRESSION OF THE GREATEST BEAUTY. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th PIERRE SIMON Painter and engraver. Born, Paris, 1640; died, 1710. Follower of Nan- teuil. SIMON, PIERRE 151. Guittaumer Baiuiy. Laine-engraving. Le Blanc, III. No. 4. Engraved, 1667. The only state. Large plate. JOHN SMITH Most famous early English mezzotint engraver. Born, London, 1654; died there, 1719. Pupil of Tillet, Becket and Van der Vaart. SMITH, JOHN 152. ArcanceELo Coreuu, 16538-1718. Mezzotint. Wessely, 65. After H. Howard. Second state. SMITH, JOHN 158. Joannes Corneuis, Docr or Venice. Mezzotint. Wessely, 67. After G. A. Cassana. Engraved, 1712. Second state. SMITH, JOHN 154. Werenzer, Count or Gauuas. Mezzotint. Wessely, 98. After Sir G. Kneller. The only state. BrauTiruL Im- PRESSION, WITH PLATE MARGIN. SMITH, JOHN 155. Apranam Honpius, THE PatntrerR, 1638-1695. Mezzotint. Wessely, 138. After himself. Second state. SMITH, JOHN 156. Micuar, pE Moiinos, THE QuIETIST, 1627-1696. Mezzotint. Wessely, 185. Second state. VERY RICH IN TONE, WITH PLATE MARGIN. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th SMITH, JOHN 157. Gorrriep SCHALKEN, THE Parntrer, 1643-1706. Mezzotint. Wessely, 227. After himself. The only state. JONAS SUYDERHOEF Engraver and etcher. Born, Leyden, about 1600; still active in 1669. Pupil of Soutman. Suyderhoef worked in the so-called, “maniere mixte” applying both etching and engraving on same plate. SUYDERHOEF, JONAS 158. Giruis pE Guarces. Engraving. Wussin, 29. After Miereveldt. Engraved, 1643. Fourth state. SUYDERHOEF, JONAS 159. Jouannes HoornseEck. Engraving. Wussin, 40. Second state of four. SUYDERHOEF, JONAS 160. Goparp Van Reve. Engraving. Wussin, 69. Second state of three; small plate. WILLEM SWANENBURCH Draughtsman and engraver. Born, Leyden, 1581; worked at Delft, where he died in 1612. SWANENBURCH, WILLEM 161. Jouannes Hevrenius, Proressor oF MepicinE, Leypen. Line- engraving. Le Blanc, III. No. 7. Engraved, 1607. MacGNiFICENT IMPRESSION WITH MARGIN. i ite i PIETER VAN SCHUPPEN Louis XIV., King of France (See No. 175) WA a) -a) Sale Friday Evening, February 18th RICHARD TOMPSON One of the earliest engravers in mezzotint. Died, 1693. TOMPSON, RICHARD 162. Freperick Wiituiam, Marcrave DE BraNnpENBERG-ANSPACH. Mezzotint. Chaloner Smith, 6. First state. One of the earliest mezzotints. ANTOINE TROUVAIN Engraver. Born, Montdidier, 1666; died, Paris, 1710. TROUVAIN, ANTOINE 163. Jean Pesne, THE Parnter. Line-engraving. Le Blanc, IV. No. 19. After himself. Engraved, 1672. The only state. UNKNOWN ENGRAVERS UNKNOWN ENGRAVER AFTER VAN DYCK 164. Anrorve Van Opstat, Parnrer at Brussers. Etching. Wibiral, 153, before the first state there described. Du- HO ea a PD The finished second state of: five. Or THE GREATEST RARITY. UNKNOWN FRENCH ENGRAVER 165. Porrrair or A Painter. Etching. Eau-forte pure, in the manner of Cochin or St. Aubin. Non terminé aw burin. Apparently a trial-proof in pure etching for a plate later to be finished with the graver. Unknown to the cataloguer and to the previous owner. SUPERB, AND POSSIBLY UNIQUE PLATE. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th BERNHARD VAILLANT Painter and mezzotint engraver. Born, Lille, 1629; died, 1674. Pupil of his brother Wallerant. VAILLANT, BERNHARD 166. Jouannes LINGELBACH, THE Painter. Mezzotint. Andresen, 4. After painting by Schwartz. BEAUTIFUL EARLY IMPRES- SION. VAILLANT, BERNHARD 167. Isaac Sweers, VicE ApMIRAL OF HOLLAND. Mezzotint. Andresen, 8. From life. WALLERANT VAILLANT Painter, etcher and mezzotint engraver. Born, Lille, 1623; died, Amster- dam, 1677. One of the first mezzotinters, learning the art from Prince Rupert, the inventor. VAILLANT, WALLERANT 168. Sevr-portrait. Mezzotint. Andresen, 8. Third state. MAGNIFICENT EARLY IMPRESSION. CORNELIS VAN DALEN Engraver at Antwerp. Born about 1620. Pupil of his father and Cor- nelis Visscher. VAN DALEN, CORNELIS 169. Ruvoten Perri, Mrister at AmsTeRDAM, 1585-1649. After A. van Nieulandt. JAN VAN DER BRUGGEN Engraver in mezzotint. Born, Brussels, 1649; worked later in Paris, where he also dealt in prints. In 1714 he worked in Vienna. VAN DER BRUGGEN, JAN 170. IsaBeELLA OF OrzLEaNs, Ducuess or Guise. Mezzotint. Le Blanc, I. No. 19. After Mignard. BrauTIFUL EARLY IMPRESSION. CORNELIS VISSCHER de Bouma 1us Gell (See No. 182) Sale Friday Evening, February 18th JAN VAN DE VELDE Engraver and etcher. Born, Leyden, 1598; still living in 1679. Pupil of Moses van Uytenbroeck. VAN DE VELDE, JAN 171. Jonannes Torrentius, Painter. Engraving. Andresen, II. 9. Engraved, 1628. Third state. VAN DE VELDE, JAN 172. Jacosus Zarrius. Engraving. Le Blanc, IV. No. 45. After Franz Hals. Engraved, 1680. Second state. PIETER VAN GUNST Engraver at Amsterdam. Born, 1667; died, 1724. VAN GUNST, PIETER ~ 178. AnrorneTTE Bovuvienon. Line-engraving. Undescribed in Andresen and Le Blanc. Proof. The name of the subject in old handwriting. ExaqulisITE LITTLE PORTRAIT. REMIGIUS (RENIER) VAN PERSYN Painter and engraver. Born, Amsterdam, about 1600; still working in 1667. Pupil of Cornelis Bloemart and Theodore Matham. VAN PERSYN, REMIGIUS (RENIER) 174. Bavruasar, Count CasTicLionr. Engraving. Le Blanc, III. No. 17. Andresen, II. No. 3. PIETER VAN SCHUPPEN Engraver. Born, Antwerp, 1623, worked in Paris and died there in 1702. One of the best pupils of Nanteuil. VAN SCHUPPEN, PIETER 175. Lovis XIV., Kiye or France. Line-engraving. Le Blanc, III. No. 43. After Charles Le Brun. Engraved, 1666. First state. FINE SILVERY IMPRESSION OF THE GREATEST BEAUTY. (See Reproduction.) Sale Friday Evening, February 18th VAN SCHUPPEN, PIETER 176. Putirre Despont. Line-engraving. Le Blanc, III. No. 31. After Jac. van Schuppen. Engraved, 1694. The only state. VAN SCHUPPEN, PIETER 177. Jean Louis pE Fromentizres. Line-engraving. Le Blanc, III. No. 50. Engraved, 1688. First state. VERY FINE IMPRESSION, WITH MARGIN. VAN SCHUPPEN, PIETER 178. Lous Francois Le Fevre pe Caumartin. Line-engraving. | Le Blanc, III. No. 22. After de Troy. Engraved, 1685. The only state. Said to be by Van Schuppen, and in his style. VAN SCHUPPEN, PIETER 179. Danrex Voisin, ConsEILLer pu Roy. Line-engraving. After Mignard. Not signed by the engraver nor de- scribed in any of the standard reference works. Unknown to the cataloguer and to the former owner and Mr. Met- calfe. This attribution is given on good authority. Large plate. VERY FINE. CORNELIUS VERMEULEN Born, Antwerp, 1644; died there, 1702 or 1710. VERMEULEN, CORNELIUS 180. CuHarLes GoprFriepD, Baron DE Loge. Line-enprevings Le Blanc, IV. No. 42. | After F. de Cock. The only state. rer Na ee Pease eee ‘ 8 ea at cho Ge te dédere Ss : bet b SEBASTIEN VOUILLEMONT Victoria de Rovere (See No. 185) \' Sale Friday Evening, February 18th CLAS JANSZ DE VISSCHER Engraver and publisher; Amsterdam, 1550-1612 (?). VISSCHER, CLAS JANSZ DE 181. THe Assassination oF Henri IV. The scene in oval in centre, surrounded by four medallions on the sides, representing,—Henri IV., Marie de Medici, Louis XIII. and Ravaillac, the murderer. In the four corners are scenes of Ravaillac’s execution. 'The mono- gram is at the lower right of the bottom medallion. VrEry RARE. CORNELIS VISSCHER One of the most eminent engravers whose plates rank among the best productions of the graver. Born, 1629 (or 1618); died, 1658. Pupil of Pieter Soutman. VISSCHER, CORNELIS 182. Genius pe Bouma. (ONE OF THE THREE FAMOUS “BEaARDs”’). Engraving. Wussin, II. No. 8. Capital plate in IMPRESSION OF SUPREME BEAUTY, WITH MARGIN BEFORE THE DATE. (See Reproduction.) JAN DE VISSCHER Brother of the preceding. Born, Amsterdam, 1636; still living there in 1692. VISSCHER, JAN DE 183. AnraHaAM VAN vER Hutst, Vick ApmMiraL oF HoLianp. En- graving. Wessely, 8. Large plate. VERY FINE IMPRESSION. VISSCHER, JAN DE 184. Perrus Prorrius. Engraving. Wessely, 12. After Joh. van Noort. Second state. BEAUTIFUL IM- PRESSION. Sale Friday Evening, February 18th SEBASTIEN VOUILLEMONT Born, Bar-sur-Aube about 1610. Pupil of Daniel Rabel and Cornelis Bloemart at Rome. VOUILLEMONT, SEBASTIEN 185. Vicroria DE Rovere (Rozore), Granp Ducuess or Toscana. Engraving. Robert Dumesnil, IX. No. 62. Engraved, 1637. ‘One of the finest works of the artist.” (R.D.). SupEeRB IMPRESSION OF THE GREATEST RARITY. (See Reproduction.) AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY » a COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY: c¢ % ) 2 " t ) ' t » _ + — ‘ i r ’ . . 24 5 st e - r F Ve . ik 4 1 ‘ ‘ j f , af * H * Om oa ‘ E GETTY CENTER he LIBRARY | | 1916 Feb.18 NeAmE c.1 | American /Portraits by the master LAP S4-DYOGKe 94-P4006 AAT 3 3125 01185 5135 i ia) ae joe = So ee oe Ce ag ~— q | cs =. 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