‘ ' etetetr St ota? serene: ( ROT BRINGS $31,00 RO 7,900. hie 0 i Ha. ie! e des Amours’ Among 3 ot gepall at cs bobs 8. Teena at Not slain Hall. ee ons B. Kirby conducted the sale, which ee le Amours” three Ayn phs join hands and circle in the dance, le another nymph gathers flowers. An- er * Oo! on an elevated knoll : refreshing themselves with food and a oe Aim rises beyond the | fea sHat' Buyer. Pri rice. Bath, Degas; Dirand-Ruet & = BY! NS tesa che sx Wie iratby sok Link's Sea ee OOO: Bovbeti ‘Oottier & Go... ls: "850 m tocks, - Monticelli; Wie. Pee the Garden ‘of Love, A “Monticelii; WP. | MPOAYON ete s. PRMD ses oi atala scone . 1,000 Landscape—Autumn, | RG “Monticelii; Tie Re | AMBEBU ly 2, say nN Meee alas 5 «vse 600) Lan e—Sketch, theodore ; “Rousseat;, : Durand-Ruel & S 00! ; Moret from the ‘Tields. We ‘Sisiey; Durand me Ad RUGiS MONS we . Sram aatnS 5. 625)-+~ ** The Boat on the River, C.F. Hil; W. PL oon’ Sg tit MUR ay e's SAN Ht issped , William 3 M. Chase; ” Waiting for or the “Catia,” \. The Coen Bee, Daupigny; 3 Spring—Bacchus Finding. Arie CPOlX j:;G. Ra bOPER Ses. as a Summer—Diana Sipe I bee lacroix; G. Alberts..... Autumn—Orpheus 5 Pinang I croix; G. Al Winter—Jsupite croix; G. Stee ees i: ae oc — pital eyiliolocy, were sala for $2,200 each. The | was not announced, is, a = James S. Inglis. ge 19- 10. Corot’s notable painting, “Danse des Amours,” brought $31,000 at the sale of the collection of 122 pictures from the estate of the late James S. Inglis, which was dis- persed in Mendelssohn Hall, Mar. 10, by the American Art Association. It was regarded as a bargain, as it had been sold for $36, 500 ten years ago. It was at one time in the collection of the late Charles A. Dana. It was bought by Messrs. Knoedler & Co. The total amount of the sale was $60,545. Other prices, too, were comparatively ‘low at the sale. The four large decorative pic- tures by Delacroix, which represent the four, seasons under the” guise of_ Ding, lok got the first one of the series, with the privilege of taking any or all of the others at a like price. He de- cided to have the entire group. The can- vases are six feet in height and have elabo-. rate frames. The _purchaser, whose name it is understood, a wealthy yourig man who is building a house in the upper part of the city. The pictures that brought more than $500 each, with painter’s name, subject, buyer an the price follow: buyer “Spring,” | Degas, “After the Bath,” Durand-Rt@ele.< eo. se $2,500. Roybet, “The Cockatoo,” W. P. Featan ae. s/s 850 | Monticelli, “Among the Rocks,” W. P. Fearon 680 Monticelli, “Garden of Love,” W. Pp. Fearon.. 1,000) Sisley, “Moret from the Fields,’ Durand- Ruel. Hill, “The Boat on the River,’ W. P. Fearon. 500. Chase, WwW. M., “Still Life—Striped Bass,” i Knoedler & Cést.1->. a eee 1,300 | Stevens, ‘‘Waiting for the Carriage,” W. P Fearon. «oc tla s fecatleg cee cere eee 9 toe 4,000 betel, “Danse des Amours,’”? M. Knoedler & si a a adie» « Wat tata? toe eae a) er 31,000) Daubigny, “The Open Sea,” H, P. Prentice.. 1,100] Delacroix, ‘Bacchus Finding Ariadne”(Spring), G) Albert... ciloco eee ne ee 2,200, Delacroix, ‘‘Diana Surprised” (Summer), G ; Albert. ic.4 go 20 oe oa eRe = 2 2,200) Delacroix, “Orpheus Finding Eurydice” (Au- ; tumn); G. Atbetttig... <5 scr ccenates o.cleietenemenarens 2,200; Delacroix, ‘‘Jupiter Beseeching Aeolus” (Win- t ter); G.. Albert 32. i. 5 << see cele eee 2.200) FAMOUS COROT PAINTING _| BRINGS $31,000 AT A SALE. ‘Danse des Amours,’” of the Late J. S. Inglis Collection, Bought by Knoedler and Co, 3-74- 4G. : hk (BY COMMERCIAL CABLE TO THE He HERALD.) | New York, Friday. — Corot’s notable painting, “Danse des Amours,” was pur- chased last night by Knoedler and Com-) pany for $31,000, at the sale of the col- leetion belonging to the late James S.) Inglis. BY ORDER OF EXECUTRICE eee6C°FC«C ON THE edge of the water rise several boathouses Or pleasure craft, with boats at anchor near by. In the foreground huge/ mooring J piles rise from the water, and on the shore are the red roofs of houses mingling with the green trees of summer. Signed. Height, 10 inches; width, 14 inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 41 GEORGES GASSIES A WHEAT FIELD ES . éo (Water oe CuRVING away from the foreground a (aoa Pot oe a wheat- field ripening for the harvest, toward a town whose Sit red roofs and church tower appear beyond. At the right of the road- way lies a green meadow in sunny brightness under a summer sky. Signed. Height, 914% inches; width, 13% inches. No. 42 NARCISSE BERCHERE 1822- A CARAVAN ea a (Water ter cab bE. ae Across the desert moves a procession “of camels heavily burdened with merchandise, and the men who drive them, some on foot, some riding. ‘The wan, yellow light of approaching evening spreads over the entire scene. Signed and dated, ‘ 71.” Height, 934 inches; width, 1334 inches. No. 43 G. SIMONI A WOMAN, SEATED ; a (Water Color) / V0 eee ae An’ ELEGANTLY dressed mondaine, wearing a a ANG and a wide-brimmed hat, is seen seated against a decorative background formed by a pink, striped wall. Her slippered feet rest on a blue cushion, and her red scarf and white shawl fall down the side of her gown. Signed. Height, 175 inches; width, 1144 inches. No. 44 A. VAN DER MEER DUTCH LANDSCAPE (Water Colory a ie In THE country stands a comfortable-looking house with long, slop- ing roof, near which is a tall tree with sparse branches. A pool of water marks the foreground, beyond which is the figure of a woman. The horizon is fringed with trees, and all is worked in a light, deli- cate key. Signed. Height, 11 inches; width, 174% inches. No. 45 A. PHIMISTER PROCTOR A PUMA ? is (Water Color) Ly 7 19 (SY In a deserted hill country a puma is seen cautiously descending the edge of a ravine, to drink from a brook which is seen winding like a blue ribbon through the bed of the canyon. The tawny animal is strongly built, and moves with stealth. The lonely hills rise beyond, under a dark sky. Signed. Height, 1414 inches; width, 1734, inches. Shown at the St. Louis Exposition, where it received a bronze medal. Purchased from the Artist. No: 46 WILLIAM F. VALLANCE SHIPPING ores (Water ge ae BA ile ON THE broad waters of the Lower iene: a broad-beamed market- boat loaded with market truck is seen, its black.sails silhouetted against the sky, which is hazy with the smoke of a great city, yet shows patches of blue with yellow clouds. Beyond are seen boats and a forest of masts, and in the foreground floats’a round buoy. Signed. Height, 11 inches; width, 1714 inches. Purchased from the Artist. : No. 47 P. VAN ELVEN SOMERSET HOUSE, LONDON we, (Water ee pe SEEN from the water side, before the construction of the ames Embankment, the great house lifts its imposing facade above the ter- race. ‘The mud strand of the river is strewn with small boats of the river men, while a Thames steamboat, crowded with passengers, passes in the foreground. Beyond rise numerous church spires and the dome of St. Paul’s, and in the distance is seen Waterloo Bridge. Signed. Height, 1014 inches; width, 17 inches. No. 48 F. VON SEGGERN LANDSCAPE (Water Color} ae in the dusky summer greenwood, a g rising near her spreads its branches wide, and thr shrubbery the light of sunset breaks. } Signed. : Height, 1244 inches; width, No. 49 JOSEF NEUHUYS 1841-1890 LANDSCAPE rd: Oo (Water Color) ay Bewow the high bank runs a placid stream, along Qs, a Rae ore is pulling his market boat loaded with freight. At the forward end sits his wife. Beyond the green bank stretch plowed fields, and some houses are seen at the right. Over all is a sky heavily charged with clouds. Signed and dated, “ *77.” Height, 11144 inches; width, 20 inches. No. 50 A. D. LONGMUIR A MOUNTAIN STREAM uae (Water gel! 2 | Vv ; TuroucH a cleft in the mountains, which rise precipitously in the background, comes a tumbling stream, broken by rocks into cataracts and eddies. In the foreground a broad pool spreads out, hemmed round by dark rocks. On the right rises a hill, washed by foliage. Signed. Height, 18 inches; width, 22 inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 51 BANCEL LAFARGE SURF AT NARRAGANSETT rE | ee (Water Color) Z, Wa (3 ere Over the black rocks which stand out from the green bank at the right, the sea breaks, throwing a shower of spray high in the air. Beyond this white wall of foaming water, the sea stretches darkly away under an ominous sky. Height, 1514 inches; width, 207% inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 52 F. VV. HART THE SUPPLICANTS “oe ae (Water Cglor) THE group of young women in a garden & base of a hill, which is crowned by the walls and low domes of an Eastern temple, repre- sent the daughters of Danaus, who come to crave the protection of Pelasgus, king of Argos, against the violence of the sons of Aigyptus. Some are standing, some kneeling, some seated on the ground in vari- out attitudes before the king, who, in Greek dress, appears at the right with an attendant. Marble statues adorn the garden, and at the right is a glimpse of the sea. Signed. ‘ Height, 1438 inches; width, 25 inches. Purchased from the Artist. 3 . i No. 53 CLARA McCHESNEY A PHILOSOPHER ay y- ro (Water Color) jee ; See ; Ze AN OLD man with long, white hair and silver beard, bends over a book resting on a table before him, on which he writes with a quill pen. His spectacles have slipped well down his nose, revealing the thoughtful, kindly eyes of one who had learned the lesson of his well- spent years. Signed. Height, 31 inches; width, 225% inches. Purchased from the Artist. CONCLUDING SALE THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH orn, 1910 AT MENDELSSOHN HALL FORTIETH STREET, EAst OF BROADWAY BEGINNING AT 8.15 O’CLOCK No. 54 MRS. H. W. MESDAG 1834-1909 THE POOL ae ee (Water Color) A sHALLOW pool fills the foreground, bordered by low banks, where bushes in autumn foliage cluster, with one tall, gaunt tree twisted by time and storms. It serves as a perch for a colony of crows, who circle about, flapping their black wings, or rest in the leafless branches. Signed. Height, 13 inches; width, 61% inches. No. 55 ROSA BONHEUR 1822-1899 SHEEP — od (Crayon and Chalk ae GA mis Yh Alsen ON A grassy knoll are gathered a group of sheep, huddled together at rest, with others near by. Beyond stretches a view of rolling / farm lands, all rendered with the utmost minuteness and skill. Signed. Height, (4 inches; width, 958 inches. No. 56 JOSEF NEUHUYS 1841-1890 A FISHING-BOAT Vises fe yy eat Lr tbuacrarsd ON THE gray, choppy waters of the North Sea, a broad-beame black-hulled fishing-boat, with weather-stained sails, approaches the! shore, returning from a fishing trip. On the sand a fisherman wades out through the surf to catch the line about to be cast. The chill, eray sky of the North Sea stretches above. Signed. Height, 133% inches; width 91% inches. No. 57 WILLIAM GEDNEY BUNCE, N. A. 1840- A CAIM, VENICE Js. J (Water Color) Y, He (Danete A mass of red and yellow sails, rising from the black hulls of Vene- tian fishing-boats, is seen against the low line of buildings on the horizon. ‘The surface of the water is broken by reflections, and the sky is filled with white clouds. Signed. Height, 1352 inches; width, 934 inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 58 JOHN H. TWACHTMAN 1853-1902 VENICE 1 OG: lah ies a, , ON THE horizon rise the round domes of San Mars at the tall campanile, above the roofs of other buildings. Nearer are some fishing-boats, whose orange sails are seen in broken reflections in the water. Signed. Height, 13 inches; width, 101% inches. Purchased from the Artist. ! ; No. 59 WILLIAM GEDNEY BUNCE, N. A. 1840- A CLOUDY DAY, VENICE Tr a ff aE ro (Water Color) ion Vaelette Tue buildings of the city stretch along the horizon, the two cam- panili of San Marco and San Giorgio rising like giant towers of a gateway to the sea. Between them loom the tall masts of fishing- boats, with their red and yellow sails against a mottled sky. Other boats are seen at the right. Signed. Height, 1838 inches; width, 934 inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 60 J. B. JONGKIND 1819-1891 HONFLEUR oe ra (Wake, Color) & . By Tue busy little port is shown from the pier, with | at both sides. Some women are seen waiting the fishing-smacks. Signed. No. 61 HENRI HARPIGNIES 1819- ST. PRIVE (Water Colory ) / ) 7 A strEeTcH of low-lying land, with closely massed trees in the left foreground, is seen. At a little distance rises a house, and over all stretches a gray sky. It is marked by the distinction that character- izes all the work of this great French artist. Signed. Height, 1134 inches; width, 1734 inches. No. 62 J. ALDEN WEIR, N. A. 1852- LA CIGALE a Ato Sie Color) Vinnie DiIscoNnsoLaTE over the faded ofl of summer, a young woman, nude, is seen against a wintry background. The ground and trees are covered with snow, and she stands timidly holding her hands to her cheeks. Her lyre hangs across her right arm, her black hair falls about her shoulders. At her side stands a young faun, who turns to look up in her face with sympathy. | Signed and dated, “1894.” Height, 18 inches; width, 18% inches. Purchased from the Stanford White Collection. 7 S62 a _ ' Me oy . a ae be. ve Sey aa 7 = » yan ill Tee aa oe a AFTER THE BATH + oe ; ot Soe No. 638 HILAIRE GERMAIN EDGAR?! DEGAS | 1834- AFTER THE BATH Be Girth eS kU reer Ga SEATED on the edge of a stuffed chair, a nude woman, no longer young, is seen in profile, drying herself after a bath. Her right arm, upraised, conceals her face. The figure is seen against a deep green . : wall, in which are two curtained windows. It is wrought in pastel, for which this artist has always showed a predilection. Signed. Height, 12% inches; width, 18 ches. : Purchased from the E. F. Milliken Collection. 2 ie arr, i as No. 64 JULES LESSORE ST. MARY’S-LE-STRAND Vie ond (Water Color) & He Ln THE busiest section of London’s chief omar grace- ful facade and airy tower of St. Mary’s Church, past which flows the endless stream of carts, cabs and ’buses, with a multitude of pedes- trians. On each side the buildings which line the Strand are seen, and in the distance other towers are faintly seen. Signed. Height, 301% inches; width, 22 inches. Purchased from the Artist. Me jb Saar. 12 al tll GD8 77 No. 65 ALBERT P“RY DER = Ak ry .S : ve TN pert ck HARBOR SCE Across a stretch of water, a line of buildings is seen, beyond which rises a dome. At the left a schooner, with sails spread, is drifting idly, and at the right a tug is passing. In the left foreground a portion of a pier juts out, and over all is a sombre sky. Canvas: Height, 334, inches; width, 614 inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 66 LOUIS METTLING ee 1847- ae THE GARDEN TABLE vA Ge eg / v Ss In A peaceful, well-shaded garden a small round table has been spread, beside which sits a woman dressed in pink. On the table, covered with a white cloth, are a cup and saucer and a coffee-pot, and on her lap a book, which she has just turned down in order to enjoy the refreshment. Signed. Canvas: Height, 514 inches; width, 41/4 inches. Purchased from Knoedler & Co. No. 67 JOHN H. TWACHTMAN > ee 1853-1902 i THE DORY SHOP %. a ee AT THE water side stands the long, white building where the boat- builder plies his trade. On all sides are seen boats of various sizes and conditions, and over all blazes the brilliant summer sunshine which furnished the painter the problems he found delight in. Signed. Canvas: Height, 51% inches; width, 724, inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 68 ALBERT P. RYDER fed ie sad 1847- J THE SISTERS | Vk apa ; Vipeeielis A youNG woman, in a red dress with laced bodice, kneels to arrange the pink dress of her sister, who is standing. The room is dimly lighted, but a shaft of light comes through the heavy window-cur- tains at the back. | Canvas: Height, 113% inches; width, 5% inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 69 | DAVID COX ay ES | 1783-1859 ON THE MOOR L, i. Vas Across the moor, mellowed by its autumnal dress of go. a girl, dressed in red, passes. In the foreground runs: at the right is a broken fence. The windy sky is fill moving clouds. = Signed. PN 070 Os and LEON CALS , FG) THE ROAD BY THE RIVER Va YY: Se / FoLLowine the curving bank of the river, a broad highway stretches away from the foreground, and is lost behind a group of trees which rises in the distance. On the white surface of the river a small black boat floats away in the distance, and on the horizon the gathering haze shows the location of a far-off city. Signed. Canvas: Height, 9 inches; width, 131% inches. Ne 71 yor R. L. NEWMAN oe | THE ATTACK—A STUDY Y, Wi Py dh Movuntep on a dark horse rearing on his haunches, a white-clad knight, with red mantle fluttering in the wind, makes a thrust with his spear at a tiger that springs on the horse toward him. ‘The light from the deep blue sky, heavy with clouds, is reflected in the pools of water on the ground. Signed. Canvas: Height, 1014 inches; width, 1444 inches. Purchased from the Artist. ena ~~ * : eo i ae na” cue rr é : ma aes e 3 | =. ial - xt, 72 rue COCKA TOO \ ae VI poe BY. _ Aaa ROYBET No. 72 FERDINAND ROY BET aise pad 1840- 6 otha a THE COCKATOO A YOUNG woman of the harem, in Oriental dress, holding a large feather fan in one hand, stands looking down at a white cockatoo that pecks at some object on the rug on which she stands. The lifted dress shows her bare feet and ankles encircled with metal rings, while brilliant ornaments adorn her hair and hang from her ears. An Oriental curtain, which forms the background, is lifted at one side, and discloses a short flight of steps leading to a corridor, across which is seen a Moorish doorway with closed doors. Signed. | Canvas: Height, 1234 inches; width, 9 inches. No. 78 ALBERTO PASINI y mw ne 1826-1905 LANDSCAPE Tj ne, €. pul From the right a roadway curves about the base of a hill crowned by a clump of trees, and is lost to sight. A pool of water on the left of the road reflects the sunset light that fills the sky, and is caught by the tops of the trees. ‘Though best known by his Oriental subjects, Pasini found the inspiration for many delightful subjects in Italy and France. Whatever he chose to portray, was marked by refinement and beauty. Signed. Canvas: Height, 94 inches; width, 15 inches. No. 74 JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT ss 1796-1875 () reg ) A SHADY ROAD Le Tt FUMAY From the foreground a roadway leads eee away, until lost ae the distant sunset sky. At the right rises a mass of tall trees, an at the left some bushes, at the foot of which sits a woman in a red cap. It is the hour when “the quiet, colored end of evening smiles,” whose ruddy light touches the clouds above. Signed. Canvas: Height, 11 inches; width, 5 inches. Purchased at the “Vente Corot.” No. 75 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA BE BLS eer? 1809-1860 FOREST INTERIOR Gu ee }. A HUGE rock, speckled with moss and lichen, fills the foreground, with the forest rising on all sides. The light of sunset breaks through, by which may be faintly seen the figure of a girl seated on the ground. It is a study from Nature in the Forest of Fontaine- bleau. Signed. Canvas: Height, 814 inches; width, 10% inches. No. 76 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA a Ss 1809-1860 Wy SUNSET a. +. Jip From the foreground the landscape slopes upward to a hill fringed with trees, above which the great red sun, streaked with clouds, sinks toward his rest. The foreground is a tangled mass of rocks and shrubbery, which the fading lght faintly discloses. The whole is broadly painted, as though the artist was bent on recording his impression of the fading scene to preserve its freshness. Signed. Canvas: Height, 734 inches; width, 12°4 inches. | INO. 377 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA 1809-1860 Waren ye, FOR A LARGE COMP IT 1 N Turis figure of a woman standing en an altar, attended by need figures floating in space, though but a sketch, is interesting as the first draught for a great religious picture which must have filled the mind of the briliant Franco-Spanish painter. It is easy to see it would have been an original and striking work, had it been carried out. Signed. Canvas: Height, 1334 inches; width, 914 mches. No. 78 JULES DUPRE oJ ie ar 1811-1889 LANDSCAPE Ulf Y elaine. From the foreground a road leads away through the centre of the picture, curving about a mass of trees, and is lost to sight. Deep wagon ruts mark its course, which, filled with water from the rain, reflect the fading light. Trees rise at the left. A dark, cloudy sky, foretelling nightfall, stretches above. Signed. Canvas: Height, 95 inches; width, 12% inches. No. 79 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA 4 = sone fe LANDSCAPE \ ei 6 nae Axout the base of a hill which rises on the right, crowned with a mass of trees, runs a road, cutting through the rocks. A single figure of an old woman, in cap and red shawl, makes her way along at the right. A lowering gray sky stretches over to the horizon, all painted with firmness and knowledge. Signed. Canvas: Height, 84g inches; width, 1534 wmches. 38, = ee No. 80 LOUIS METTLING Tesi rat al 1847- fa eS A FLOWER-GIRL \ em ee SEATED on a mossy bank at Ree ats a young market woman in peasant dress offers flowers to the passers-by. A basket of flowers rests on her lap, and another at her feet, beside a large water-can. The comely face is framed by a scarf which covers her head, and is turned about her neck. ‘The background is an admirable bit of woodland landscape. Signed. Canvas: Height, 15°34, inches; width, 10%@ wmches. Purchased of Knoedler & Co. No. 81 <— 00 W. REYNOBRDS or \\ oe VIEW OF BEAUY AIS anu tardon fo Looxine from an elevation across thedancient city, the great mass ef the unfinished cathedral towers like a colossus above the red roofs of the town that clings to its knees. ‘The majestic mass seems as if it were about to soar skyward. ‘To the right a road curves away, as if to afford new views from other points, and to the left rugged shrubs start from the rocky hillside. Moving clouds fill the sky. Signed. Canvas: Height, 10% inches; width, 161% inches. No. 82 (—_ 0 F. V. HART . Sh SPRING AND SUMMER hy & , ALONG a path of sunlight, two female figures of youth (and beauty move lightly toward the spectator. They are clad in filmy draperies, which float lightly about them; one, in white, with a blue veil behind her, holds up a large leaf to shade her face, while the other, in green, has a scarf fluttering above her head. With joined hands and parted lips they symbolize the sweetness and light of the joyous seasons. Signed. Canvas: Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 83 VRE Poe EK. VALLIE THE PORT OF HAVRE B G. (>. a ALONG the quay numerous boats are drawn up, with flags fluttering and sails spread to dry, others with bare rigging. At the left stretch warehouses, with merchandise piled high, covered with tarpaulins. In the foreground a sailor idly lounges against a post. Far down the quay stretches a forest of masts, denoting the activity of the port. Signed and dated, “1875.” Canvas: Height, 18% inches; width, 18 inches. No. 84 Pes GEORGE INNESS, JR. N. A. HIGHLAND CATTLE ‘Y)y Ath Chr A DROVE of heavy-horned cattle, some black, one white, advance with much dust along a country road, before the mounted drover, who is seen at the back. He wears a pointed hat and waves his goad. It is growing dusk, and the cattle hurry homeward. 'The roadway is bordered by a hedge. Signed and dated, “1874.” Canvas: Height, 1184 inches; width, 15°4 inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 85 WILLIAM 'T. INGLIS THE COMING TIDE (mes / LPN PC tN abpley Across the broad stretch of sand the sea is coming in to blot out 2 the shallow pools and take up again the stranded boats which lie helpless here and there. On one, her red sails have been spread, while on another, nearer, some fishermen are making ready their nets. Signed. Canvas: Height, 12°% inches; width, 184, inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 86 FRANCOIS BONVIN w Wh Tad, 1817-1888 : STILL LIFE Vr. bagi STANDING on a table covered with a brown cloth is ‘a deep dish filled with a pie, upon which is laid a knife and a small round loaf of bread. At one side stands a pewter ale-mug. ‘The combination furnished the painter with a subject such as he found delight in. Signed. Canvas: Height, 1414 inches; width, 19% inches. From the Daniel Cottier Collection, to which it came from the Artist. No. 87 GEORGES MICHEL f a oO 1763-1848 A ROAD THROUGH THE ine ate Dowwn from the left a roadway leads, cutting through a sand-hill, on the brow of which stands a windmill, surrounded by a fence. Along the roadway a woman drives a cow, and beyond is a broad stretch of meadow edged with trees. A heavy mass of moving clouds fills the sky. ‘Throughout is felt the influence of the old Dutch masters. Canvas: Height, 12 inches; width, 18 inches. Purchased from the Thomas Inglis Collection. No. 88 ADOLPH MONTICELLI va cl Su Oo 1824-1886 AMONG THE ROCKS 4 HALE T;- In a deep boscage a group of young women in rich costumes are seen sitting on the rocks that border a tumbling brook, idling away the summer afternoon. A green wall of trees forms the background, above which is a patch of blue sky. The fair women seem like a hand- ful of Jewels thrown into the picture, making the variegated pattern an exquisite dream of color. Signed. Panel: Height, 1734 inches; width, 101% inches. From the Collection of Daniel Cottier, Esq., who acquired it from the Artist. we me No. 89 rae ADAM LEHR STILL LIFE v0 Yn. of On A table rests a stone crock with flaring sides, filled with fish. On top of the fish is a lobster, whose red claws fall over toward the spectator. Above these rests a lump of ice. One fish has fallen out and rests on the table. Signed. Canvas: Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 90 ae p. od ADAM LEHR / FOREST INTERIOR Te 7 iy Lp A NOBLE beach-tree rises in the centre of the picture, against the thickly set forest. The ground is covered with snow, and the red light of the winter sunset, seen through the tree trunks, faintly tinges the whole scene. Signed. Canvas: Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 91 0 W. P. S. GRIFFEN ae THE TRAWL-BAITERS . bot ON THE sands, in sight of the sea, two men sit on upturned kegs, baiting their lines for the sea trip. Laid out on boards beside them are the bait and coils of line. A boy is seated on the ground be- yond, while several small boats float on the sea, and one is drawn up. In the distance is a house, toward which stretches a stone wall. Brilliant sunshine fills the air. Signed and dated, “1882.” Canvas: Height, 16 inches; width, 20 inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 92 FRANCOIS BONVIN Gf 1817-1888 __ a oe (e STILL LIFE—FRUIT Anwtnat Wren. On a table stands a wicker basket piled high with apples and grapes, while on the table below may be seen some apples and pears, as well as some nuts. Of low tone and quiet coloring, the impression has been fixed with certainty of technical knowledge and with great sin- cerity. Signed. Canvas: Height, 15 inches; width, 1814 inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 93 GUSTAVE COURBET Ps 3d 1819-1877 A FOREST INTERIOR ae pile pay Chl Tue shadows are lengthening in the late hours of the afternoon, ids the forest takes on a mood of mystery, which even the sight of the blue sky, with sunny, floating clouds caught in glimpses between the dark tree trunks, is unable to dispel. The forest trees lift high their heads and mingle their voices in a grand requiem for the dying day. Signed. Canvas: Height, 171% inches; width, 15°34 inches. Purchased from the E. C. Moore Collection. No. 94 MATTHYS MARIS-MON'TICELLI THE HORSEMEN af, ALONG a deeply shaded road some horsemen in gay trappings meet and stop to hold converse with their fellows. Glimpses of sunset light are caught through the tree tops, falling on the figures below. Laid in by Monticelli, and left unfinished, the composition was later taken in hand by Maris, who carried it on in the same manner. Signed. Canvas: Height, 171% inches; width, 1534, inches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 95 ADOLPH MONTICELLI 1824-1886 Bo nee E J FIGURES IN A GARDEN WA VS enrtibone In a densely shaded garden a number of gaily dressed women are gathered. Two are paying court to one who is seated on a bench, while two others stand at the left. Admitting that Monticelli’s works were all pure creations of his fancy rather than scenes from life, yet he gave us wonderful dreams of color, which awaken the imagination. Signed. Canvas: Height, 14% inches; width, 181% inches. Purchased from the Artist. (HE GARDEN OF LOVE ADOLPH MONTICELLI No. 96 ADOLPH MONTICELLI 1824-1886 LV es 7 THE GARDEN OF LOVE ea Lie - ON A garden lawn, mottled with sunlight through noble trees, groups of richly dressed women and cavaliers are gathered, engaged in conversation. There is the gayety of a brilliant garden party, which this fantaisiste loved to portray. In the foreground sport groups of amorini, adding to the romantic suggestion of the scene. Signed. Canvas: Height, 15% inches; width, 23% inches. From the Daniel Cottier Collection, having been purchased from the Artist. No. 97 ADOLPH MONTICELLI ig ea 1824- 5: LANDSCAPE, AUTUMN it C. Loe A. BROAD country roadway stretches ¢ ough the centre of the picture, filling the foreground and closed in the distance by masses of trees and shrubs clothed with their autumn dress of brilliant gold. Far down the road, which is seamed with deep ruts and strewn with fallen leaves, a market cart is dimly seen approaching. Over all radiates the splendor of autumn, a revel of color to delight the eye. Signed. Panel: Hey 1514 pe oe 2314 inches. ASI ~ HWMO-~ Ze Ed 270 From the Collection of Daniel Cottier, Esq., o purchased i on the Artist. No. 98 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA me pad 1809-1860 FOREST INTERIOR Cf of WA AGAINST the green wall of the forest rises a giant beech-tree, hoary with age, spreading its branches in all directions. ‘The trunk, thickly tufted with moss and lichens, has long defied the season’s storms. It is a study that could have come from only a passionate lover of the forest, and one who sought to represent Nature in a large way. Signed. Canvas: Height, 211% inches; width, 17 inches. Purchased at the “Vente Diaz.” No. 99 — THEODORE ROUSSEAU 1812-1867 . LANDSCAPE SKETCH ; om oe _ (Crayon and Chak Drawing) THRoucH the centre of the rough country runs a_ rocks and tufted mounds. ‘To the right a river gle: and trees rise singly and in groups along the sh clouds move in intricate masses across the sky, and o feeling of solitude. | Height, 351, inches . Purchased from the W. M. Chase Collection. No. 100 rye EUGENE DESCHAYES () [7 FRENCH CLIFFS Ve ve a Tue white cliffs lift their heads against the sky, at wh se base stretches a long row of fishermen’s homes, ending in the round tower of the harbor lighthouse beyond. In the harbor, boats are drawn up, with their sails spread to dry, touched by the last rays of the sun, which gilds the tops of the cliffs and the sea beyond. Signed. Panel: Height, 16% inches; width, 2314 inches. ” No. 101 STILL LIFE—FRUIT 7 an) s ead BY 4 ‘J. ALDEN WEIR, N.A. No. 101 i J. ALDEN WEIR, N. A. 1852- . 2 an Ee ree ae es STILL LIFE—FRUIT /) Dt AGAUNsT a gray wall several branches of yellow apples ing with their green leaves, while on the table below same fruit, as well as a tomato, the whole forming a scheme and an interesting bit of still life painting. | Signed. a ¥ . ; . Canvas: Height, 2114 inches; width, Purchased from the T. B. Clarke Collection. . a fg | No. 102 THEODULE RIBOT 5 ae 1823-1891 THE MANDOLIN-PLAYER Ve ahh ( Tee A SPANISH street-singer, with head uncovered, stands leaning against a wall, playing a mandolin. His face, no longer young, is seen in profile, his long hair falls on his neck, and his cloak, falling aside, leaves one shoulder and his breast exposed. His breeches, buckled at the knee, leave the extremities below bare. Signed. Canvas: Height, 214% inches; width, 18 inches. No. 103 HENDRIK WILLEM MESDA a Whee RE a 1831- ee FISHING-BOATS Oo & Hee Ow a calm sea, whose Perce lazily lap their black hulls. fishing-boats, becalmed, drift with the tide. Other bo! beyond, their sails sagging against the gray sky, with of blue. Signed. CaS | ae Canvas: Height, 23, inches; width Purchased from the Artist, Fr "> oy J A ie “3 _ JEAN HON( RE FRAGONARD No. 104 JEAN HONORE FRAGONA iy: ee 1732-1806 2 . LA FERME p) (3 Ps. OvursiE a thatched farmhouse which rises in the woman is engaged in washing dishes, which a boy Another woman is milking a cow beyond, and nearer, att its branches, touching the thatched roof, while the sk filled with the light of sunset. “3 Canvas: Height, 241% inches; width, he tayo pa Wy No. 1057 ee aaa > inl eo - LOUIS METTLING 7 Fane ar iss7- | summer rowers // g L{g, \ back of her head. A basket of flowers has fallen A green, well-kept park forms the landscape back “Signed. Canvas: Height, 19% inches; Purchased from Knoedler & Co. F No. 106 GEORGES MICHEL se RE a 1768-1848 SAND-HILLS N Lie mi PI 8. Curt deep through the sand-hills runs a road, at times lost to sight. Above, on the right, are trees, with one gaunt specimen almost en- gulfed by the sand. On the left of the roadway stands a lowly cabin, outside of which a man and a woman are engaged in con- versation. ‘Through the heavy clouds that cover the sky, a gleam of light breaks, while at the horizon the dark curtain flutters free, showing the silvery light beyond. Canvas: Height, 19% inches; width, 24 inches. From the C. L. Atterbury Collection. No. 107 HOMER D. MARTIN, N. A. 1836-1897 ae A WATERFALL Win ; Vi pate AROUND a green and mossy bank a narrow river curves in its course, ' hemmed by a green wall beyond. At the left rises an ancient tree, twisted by time and tempest, whose interlacing branches screen the sky. On the farther bank a waterfall breaks forth from the hills, filling the air with mist that veils with golden haze the bank beyond. On leather: Height, 281 inches; width, 20 inches. Bought from the Artist by the late James S. Inglis. No. 108 | ALFRED SISLEY SA \oitt “a CON ee S40: . MORET FROM THE FIELDS |) parc bik Across the green fields of summer are seen the red roofs of the vil- lage of Moret, nestling in the valley. Tall poplars rise like sen- tinels at right and left, streaking the green meadow with their shadows. Everywhere is felt the charm of rural France. Signed. Canvas: Height, 21% inches; width, 281% inches. No. 109 a i FRANCOIS BONVIN Vi Se) wee. 1817-1888 THE VIOLIN V/ Sek ms the pages of which is a violin and bow, as though just moment. In foreshortened drawing and in color as w sents a bit of painting that could only have come fro hand. Sioned and dated, “1869.” No. 110 SIR HENRY RAEBURN 1756-1823 PORTRAIT OF MRS. KERR q DrEssED in white, the young woman sits holding a letter in her hands. Turned to the right, her face is seen in three-quarter’s view, her dress is turned back, exposing her neck, and the short sleeves stop at the elbow. About her head a broad ribbon is tied, ending in a bow at the back, and the hair, short in front, falls curling over her temples. Her gaze is fixed on some distant object. Canvas: Height, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. Purchased from the Kerr Family. No. 111- HENDRIK WILLEM MESDAG tN ap 1831- ON THE NORTH SEA w/ . @ 4 Across the gray waters of the turbulent North Sea, a number of storm-beaten fishing-boats are seen, as they proceed in line after their deep-sea harvest. Their dark sails are spread, adding a note of interest as they rise against the gray skies filled with moving clouds. Signed. LPS BOSON Pi are Canvas: Height, 2814 inches; width, 311% inches. _*. Purchased from the Artist. No. 112 oo? (aed C. F. HILL gt ea ne mae TuHrovucH the centre of the picture runs the sedgy river, which is lost to view in the distant low ground. On the left a boatman puts THE BOAT ON THE RIVER (Gee out in his shallow skiff from among the rushes, to ferry back a woman seen standing on the opposite bank. ‘The time is evening, the hour of tender light and quiet meditation. Signed. Canvas: Height, 261 inches; width, 891% inches. No. 118 WILLIAM MERRITT CHASE, N. A. 1849- (Gm ae | STILL LIFE—STRIPED BASS Py, Own A deep platter resting on a table lie two fish, a large and a small one, their shining scales opalescent and sparkling. Beyond stands a great globe, its surface reflecting the varied lights and colors on every hand. Nearer on the table is the half of an empty oyster-shell. Though a simple theme, it shows the marvellous skill of Mr. Chase in recording what his eye sees. Signed. Canvas: Height, 29 inches; width, 36 imches. Purchased from the Artist. No. 114 LOUIS GABRIEL EUGENE ISABBY 1833-1886 a of THE MORGUE, PARIS fe ’ Ye AA BrroreE the glass-enclosed niches a frantic, curious, morbid throng surges in its eagerness to catch a glimpse of the unclaimed corpses laid out within. On the left a woman approaches a stolid official, who looks away at a woman seated on the steps nursing her child, or ata passing dog. At the right a workman scans the lists despairingly, while in the background a market woman sells cakes and fruit to the visitors who come and go. Signed. Canvas: Height, 2744 inches; width, 38 inches. Purchased from the Thomas Inglis Collection. No. 115 Ce ELL wikis | THE BANKS OF THE OISE fe ¥ ON THE right a slight hill rises above the shallow water of the river, marked by tall water-grasses. Over the hill runs a footpath, on which is seen the figure of a girl. Gray twilight is stealing over the landscape, enveloping all in its misty light. Signed. Canvas: Height, 25 inches; width, 40 mches. apa No. 116 ALFRED STEVENS <4, 1828-1906 WAITING FOR THE CARRIAGE /), \f 7 tae CLOTHED in a pink gown, with alternating flounces of black and pink, and a filmy, flowered wrap, this elegant mondaine sits beside the fire, from which she is protected by a screen, waiting for the carriage which is to take her to the opera. Her feet rest on a cushioned footstool, her gloves and opera-glass lie on the divan at her back. / boo 1796-1875 DANSE DES AMOURS Sr rede ae In a flowery glade, deeply shaded by tall trees, three nymphs join hands and circle in the dance, while another gathers the flowers that are seen everywhere. Beyond, on an elevated knoll, another group of figures are refreshing themselves with food and wine. Beyond the trees rises a small temple, overlooking a stretch of water that gleams in the soft sunset light that fills the western sky. Signed. Canvas: Height, 53814 inches; width, 431% inches. Collection of Charles A, Dana, 1898. Collection of George Gould. Champlin and Perkins “Cyclopedia of Painters and Paintings,” Vol. I, p. aa. 4 ALO xrxyvy VOC y/ Le No. 118 CHARLES FRANCOIS DAUBIGNY // o-o 4 1817-1878 THE OPEN SEA Thyn- (2) ae Across the gray, illimitable stretch of the North Sea, which rises in successive lines of curving spray to break in the foreground, one looks to the far horizon, lost in dim haze. A small fishing-boat, far off, is the only object visible on the surface of the sea. A sky filled with gray clouds that obscure the blue, stretches overhead, carrying out the impression of impenetrable immensity. Signed and dated, “1876.” Canvas: Height, 33 inches; width, 574% imches. a ae. ae i i vs Eee No. 119 FERDINAND VICTOR EUGENE DELACROIX a 1798-1863 SPRING—BACCHUS FINDING ARI YN Et In A sheltered spot among the rocks overlooking the sea, Bacchus, who has just stepped out of his car, holds a staff in one hand and extends the other to Ariadne, to raise her from her reclining position. Ariadne here typifies the Spring just awakening to new life. Above them, floating across the sky, a cupid bears a garland of flowers. In the background, beyond the car, a range of mountains rising from the sea lift their blue peaks among the clouds. Canvas: Height, T7714 inches; width, 6744 wmches. Purchased from Messrs. Durand-Ruel, Paris. |? o~ _No. 120 FERDINAND VICTOR EUGENE DELACROIX =) Ly CU 1798-1863 SUMMER—DIANA SURPRISED BY, ACTAO Diana, while bathing in a secluded pool, attended by her nymphs, is surprised by the appearance on the opposite bank of the athletic young hunter Actzon, attended by his dog. One of the nymphs gathers up the drapery of the goddess and seeks to screen her, while another, in her fright, clings to the bank of the pool. ‘The whole com- position symbolizes the beauty of Summer, with the fulness of life in the open. Canvas: Height, 771% inches; width, 67% inches. 5 74 = Purchased from Durand-Ruel, Paris. No. 121 FERDINAND VICTOR EUGENE DELACROIX 2Zo2re: oe 1798-1863 AUTUMN—ORPHEUS FINDING YDICE TUT On A sunny slope shaded by graceful trees, and overlooking a deep vale, Kurydice and her companion have been joyously gathering the flowers that summer has left behind, when she is stung by a serpent, which runs to cover in the shrubbery. Orpheus, approaching from the vale beyond, finds her as she falls in terror. The Greek myth is used here by the artist to sound the autumnal note of sadness over the vanished pleasures of summer and the soberer mood that comes with experience. Canvas: Height, 774 inches; width, 674% inches. Purchased from Durand-Ruel, Paris. No. 122 FERDINAND VICTOR EUGENE DELACROIX | 1798-1863 wows: WINTER—JUPITER sEORCH TS eae Py Sipe. In us rock-bound cave of the winds, the stalwart Jupiter, having broken his chains, stands on a cliff overlooking the sea, appealing to the genius who presides over the elements for calm seas and favoring breezes. Several figures below are about to fly forth on their errands. ‘The myth is used to symbolize man’s craving for shelter from winter’s chilling blasts. Canvas: Height, 77% inches; width, 674% inches. Purchased from Durand-Ruel, Paris. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. Tuomas E. Kirpy, Auctioneer. a % tay ETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 “ peas ne ars or Bae ae pees