> 5 = 2152855 3 Se dere Engels ie beSe is tetel sy: 7 rote ticeters ~4 Fates eles e sense nenecawscermeerenens © as ory TisSessts oepiass tects reeerrreserstrraey eres aeeee ome pcos es SIRS Se eed ape ae epee nates epases Pee Sr ee Sete se ars ogee 38. pstonsteestetss viele ui Beer eee ELE bees epee eT ee Hi Paes ren st asec cee, ? taal, ani Se orp) yer aes reece element ene DEALS I Tile setek. teas Gene piasepiscebe psec starrraee sted eSo rele Teel teeta EES SI ann ge” spaconeciceress bac tani oats tet oe ree Fag oy Ay bye ey 6-97 LIBRARY Knoedler & Co. fy EP, eed ‘ ay “ -~ , ee wn / yi (Af rd sak PRIVATE COLLECT 94 Hine Oil Paintings CuHarcLes A. LAMONT, Eso. Comprising many works by distinguished French, German, Belgtan, and Amertcan Artzsts. NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION Kurtz Gallery, 6 Hast Twenty-third St., DAY AND EVENING, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE, Chickering Hall, on Wednesday and Thursday, Feb, 13 and 14 AT EIGHT O°CLOCK P.M., ae fe BY ROBERT SOMERVILLE, AUCTION OY oll mf The pictures catalogued are exclusively those ae ee er Lapttont ~~ and the sale will be under the supervision of eo OEDFER (successors to Goupil & Co.), 170 Fifth A 220, St. will receive orders, applications ¢for citalogues, in N NS YY The late Mr. CHARLES A. LAMONT, whose sad and sudden fate is still remembered by a very large circle of personal friends, as well as by the community at large, to whom his extraordinary liberality and warmth of heart were constantly manifested, was likewise a gen- erous, enlightened, and discriminating patron of the Fine Arts. The pictures named in the following Cata- logue constitute the whole of his private collection, which was gathered during a long series of years, as the expression of a cultivated and artistic taste. Among the distinguished names represented are those Achenbach, Oswald. Alvarez, L. Antigna, J. P. Agrassot. Bakalowicz, L. Beard, James H. Beranger, Emile. Brillouin, George. Brown, John Lewis. Cabanel, Alexandre. Camphausen, W. Chavet, V. Coleman, C, Compte-Calix, F. Dell’ Acquia, Cesare. Delort, C. Dieffenbach, H. A. Détaille, Edouard. Duverger, Theo. Epp, Rudolph. Escallier, E, Fauvelet, Jean. Fichel, Eugene. Fortuny, M. Frére, Edouard. of the following artists : Gerard, Théodore, Géréme, Jean Léon. Girardet, K. Goupil, Jules, Guardabassi, G. Gude, H, Gues, Alfred. Hamman, Edouard. Hart, James M, Hart, William. Jacovacci, Jansen, J. Jaquet, Gustave. Johnson, David. Heullant, Armand, Holberton, W. Ittenbach, F. Koller, G, Lang, Louis. Lassalle, -L. Le Jeune, Eugéne. Leyendecker, Paul. - Lesrel, Adolphe. Lévy, Emile. Marie, Raoul. Mazarolle, J. Merle, Hugues. Moran, Edward. Munsch, Joseph. Ouvrier, Justin. Pécrus, C. Perrault, L. Piot, N. Plassan, E, Plumot, A. Preyer, Emilie. Richards, W. T. Rudaux, A. Roszezewski, H. D. Schreyer, Adolphe. Schmidt, E. A. Siegert, A. Toulmouche, Auguste. Van Marcke, E, Vernet, Horace. Verboeckhoven (Verweer and), Vertin, P. G. Wier, Prof. Robert F. Zamacois, Edouard. Ziem, Félix. wre lALOGUE. Sivst ECuening’= Sale, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1878. ge 1 HULK (H.), Amsterdam. ~. View in Holland. teeter), Amsterdam. -° View in Holland. 3 BEERS (JULIA), New York. 4) A Landscape. A CROPSEY (J. F), New York. Landscape Study. 5 BUSH (NORTON), New York. Sunset, Rio Janeiro. 6 DE BRAECKELEER (F,), Antwerp. The Cook. 7 MAROHN (EF), Paris. * » Fishing on the Ice. 8 FREDRICHSEN (ERNESTINE), Diisseldorf. The Sick Mother. 9 HELANDER (J. V.), Diisseldorf. The Lover’s Visit. = 3 se er 10 DIEFFENBACH (H. A,), Paris. The Hunter’s Return. i 9 ail BOURGES (LEONIDE), ~ Paris, In the Country. 2 PECRUS (C)), Paris. Z, Dressing for the Ball. > ie : 13 VOILLEMOT (CHARLES), Paris. Medal, 1870; Legion of Honor, same year. i The Guitar. 14 CARABAIN JVJ.), Antwerp. “an Marine View. 15 RORES (C.), London, La Cava, Southern Italy. 16 DAHLEN (REINERT), Diisseldorf. Deer in Winter. 17 LEVY (EMILE), | Paris, Medals, 1864, 1866, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1867. Sad and Weary. 18 SAUZAY (A), 4 “x. Paris, Savoyards. 19 HAMME (A. VAN), /- in. §, Antwerp. | Interior, with Figures. i ee 20 BERANGER (EMILE), Paris. Medals, 1846, 1848. The Infant. ; 7 S ee 21 ROSZEZEWSKI (HENRY), Paris. a tf ° ~. J, Objects of Art and Flowers. InexX.- 22 PLUMOT (ANDRE), Brussels. - | OG. Out for the Day. 23 POR eIELJE (C.), Brussels, 7 ae #) / ° ° : 4 7: Spanish Girl. 24 Sey ee (VICTOR), Paris. ‘Medals, 199, 1855°> Legion of Honor, 1859. // 0, In the Library, 25 ZAMACOIS (EDWARD, deceased), Paris. Medal, 1867. Horse and Groom. 26 WEBB (C. M,), Diisseldorf. Joo Latest News. 27 BROWN (JOHN LEWIS), Paris. Medals, 1865, 1866, 1867; Legion of Honor, 1870. The Amazon. 28 LINDER (PAUL), Paris. Unwelcome Visitors. 29 LAGY. Ey CV TGLO RSs NYY Antwerp. The Squirrel. 30 ZIERMANN (F), @2X- Bene Moving into New Quarters. 31 COBBET (E. 1h London. The Gleaner. ae *} - ) +yY. scene in Wales. 32 MARIE (RAOUL), Paris. Feeding the Ducks. 33 | ANTIGNA (J. P), Paris. Medals, 1847, 1848, 1851, 1855; Legion of Honor, 1861. Surprised at her Shadow. 34 VAN MARCKE (EMILE), Paris. Medals, 1867, 1869, 1870; Legion of Honor, 1872. a { Cattle at the Well. ee . | 35 3 RICHARDS (W. T,), Philadelphia. Mount Vernon, Residence of . George Washington. 36 JANSEN (J.), Diisseldorf. _The Jungfrau, Switzerland. 37 HAMMAN (EDOUARD), Paris. Medals, 1853, 1855, 1859, 1863; Legion of Honor, 1864. The Rivals. 38 LEJEUNE (EUGENE), Paris. Spring Flowers. 39 SCHREIBER {(G),- . aaa Rome. Monk Reading. oy nt 40 TOULCMOUCHE (AUGUSTE), Paris. Medals, 1852, 1859, 1861 ; Legion of Honor, 1870. 3 a OC’. Fis Portrait. 41 : HEULLANT (ARMAND), Paris. “> The Drawing Lesson. 42 Die OUIN (LOUIS GEORGE), Paris. Medals, 1865, 1869, 1874. /p, The Antiquarian. / A3 EPP (RUDOLF), Munich. Frightened at a Chimney : MN, S Weep. AA -COMPTE-CALIX (F,), Paris. Medals, 1844, 1857, 1859, 1863. 90.“ Where Ignorance is Bliss, Tis Folly to be Wise.” InY L- _ Z JA SNM a ' x ¥ 45 BACKALOWICZ (LADISLAW), Paris. The Reflection. 46 JAGOVACCE (E), Rome. The Connoisseurs. 47 RUDAUX (ADOLPHE), — Paris. The Hunters’ Rest. 48 FAUVELET (JEAN), Paris. ) The Repast. 49 GUES (ALFRED), Paris. The Standard Bearer. — 50 SCHMIDT (EDW. ALLAN), London. Amateurs of Antiquities. ‘ at J 4 oa Fi rs ae Wass "(aches 51 DUNTZE (J.), Diisseldorf. / 00. Swiss Landscape. 52 MERLE (HUGUES), Paris. Medals, 1861, 1863; Legion of Honor, 1866. Iq0 The Wood Nymph. 53 SAM PHAUSEN (Prof. W.), Diusseldorf. B SO. Puritan and Cavalier. 54 AR UDABASSI (G.), Rome. / a5, Fishing, 7 55 _ _-DELL’ ACQUA (CESARE), Antwerp. ‘Court of Charles the Fifth. me A ww LASALLE (TOUS). Paris. 56 DELORT (C), Paris. Medal, 1875. The Forbidden Book. o7 PIOT (NORMAND), Paris, Greek Princess. 08 LEYENDECKER (PA Paris... The Lovers. ho . * Teaching Baby to Walk. 60 AGRASSOT, Rome. The Children’s Friend.{ 61 JACQUET (JEAN GUSTAVE), Paris Medals, 1868, 1875. Ji) “Arranging Flowers.” 62 iPr BACH (Prof. F.), Diisseldorf. Christ and the Woman of La, Samaria. 63 VALKENBURG (BH.), Antwerp. Reading the Scriptures. 5X- Ly y, 64 ZIEM (FELIX), f 4 AES Be Paris. _~ Medals, 1851, 1852,/7855 ; Legion of Honor, 1857. ee #7 If U 3 fie, Venice. (The Custom House.) 65 MOREAU (ADRIEN), Paris. Medal, 1876. & | AX ij. A Discovery. eI 66 LEJEUNE (EUGENE), Paris. “The Bluebird.” (La Fontaine's Fables.) 67 GOUPIL AIG EES Paris. Medals, 1873, -1874, 1875) May I Come In? 68 RUDAUX (ADOLPHE), Paris. Trying her Fortune. 69 SIEGERT (A), Disseldorf. Going to Church. 70 DUVERGER (THEODORE), Paris. Medals, 1861, 1863, 1865. The New Sacque. 71 LEYENDECKER (PAUL), Paris. Ruins of St. Cloud. 72 OUVRIE (JUSTIN), Paris. Swiss Village. 73 PeiCcHuery (C,), London, Grand Canal, Venice. 74 MAZEROLLE (J.), Paris, Medals, 1857, 1859, 1861; Legion of Honor, 1870. This impressive and admirably composed group represents the miracle of restoring the widow's son to life. It is an important work of an artist very eminent in historical compositions. The Prophet Elijah. 7O Reick Prof, ROB. F.), * Formerly of West Point. Feeding the Chickens. 76 PLASSAN (EMILE), Paris. Medals, 1852, 1857, 1859; Legion of Honor, 1859. Devotion to Baby. Pp HART (JAMES M.), New York. Sunday Afternoon. Berkshire County. ice FAIRMAN (JAMES), New York. Landscape. 79 GIRARDET (KARL) Paris. On the Lake of Geneva. 80 HOLBERTON (W.), New York. Quail. Secankt Evenings Sale THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1878. 81 PANG (EQUIS), Rome. ’.. The Bird’s Nest. 82 VAN SEVERDONCK (F), Brussels. : Landscape. 83 VERTIN (P.G,), The Hague. —“) js Street View in the Hague. | 84 {4 Wien bIN (P.G.), apea be. Ehacue: ~ Street Scene in the Hague. 85 HART (WILLIAM), New York. Autumn. 86 COUTOURIER (P. C.), Paris. Barnyard Fowls. ° 87 DE RUY TER (CE) Antwerp. Coming Out of School. — 88 DE RUYTER VCE: Antwerp. Waiting at the Inn. 89 MERSCHAMP, London. Trout Brook, near Ben Lomond Mountain. a 90 FREEMAN, Rome. No Hope! 91 BEARD (J. H.), New York. Old Browney. 92 oe YAN LEEMPUTTEN (C.), Brussels, SO? sheep and Fowls. 93 Er oriN (E. S.), New York rf) : ~ Morning in the Mountains. 94 VON BOTTCHER (PAULINE), — Disseldorf. / [S Fruit. 95 RETIT. B): London. Mount St. Michael, Cornwall. 96 GERRY (J.), London: The First Ride. 97 ESCALLIER (E), Paris. Flowers. 98 & c MAROHN (P.), ~ Paris, Jealousy. 99 | GUDE (HANS), Carlsruhe. View near Lucerne. 100 “VAN HAMME (A), Ag. Brussels. a ty zs0, Ladies’ Boudoir. 101 Preonwiis (ADOLPHE), Paris. _,) Petrarch’s First Meeting le with Laura. = ¥ &§ 102 x BERANGER (EMILE), Paris. vA / Medals, 1846, 1848. eee Fallen Asleep. vr. 103 ‘* ALVAREZ (LOUIS), Rome. i KS=e i] ? “The Sewing School. 104 VAN MARCKE (EMILE), Paris. Medals, 1867, 1869, 1870; Legion of Honor, 1872. Fd AY : Cows. Landscape. 105 REINE (EMILE), Paris. if Near Fontainebleau. } 4 106 ¢ CASANOVA (A,), Rome. 4oo- The Salutation, at the Pin- yA. cian Hill, Rome. ( ( , 107 PREY ERG aia Disseldorf. Fruit. 108 JOHNSON (DAVID), New York. Landscape. 109 oe . « DETAILLE (EDOUARD) yeu pane Medals, 1869, 1870, 1872; Legion of Honor, 1876. Bavarian Soldier. 110 7 q TOUSSAINT (LOUIS), Diisseldorf. 4 Caught! - iL dhal MORAN (EDWARD), New York. 4, The Wreck. ; 112 VERBOECKHOVEN (VERWEER and), Brussels. 20), Landscape and Sheep. el cs ACHENBACH (OSWALD), Disseldorf. Medals, 1859, 1861, 1863; Legion of Honor, 1863. Italian Villa. fr q¢ 0). ka 114 CABANEL (ALEXANDRE), Paris. - Prize of Rome, 1845 ; Medals, 1852, 1855 ; Chevalier of the Legion ‘ff f) of Honor, 1855 ; Member of the Institute, 1863 ; Officer of the NV Legion of Honor, 1864; Medals of Honor, 1865, 1867. An Italian Girl. 250 115 * DESGOFFE (BLAISE), Paris. > 2 Medals, 1861, 1863. ; 4 i ! Objects of Art. | 116 FORTUNY (MARIANO, deceased), Rome. Spanish Soldier. 117 WOE eGhy a, Munich. }& On the Lake. a 118 KOLLER (G.), Zurich. Marriage of an Austrian | Archduke. 119 FICHEL (EUGENE), Paris. _ Medals, 1857, 1861, 1869; Legion of Honor, 1870, Sketching in a Cabaret at Ostade. ue este)? GEROME (J. L.), foo Paris. Medals, 1847, 1848, 1855 ; Legion of Honor, 1855 ; Member of the Institute, 1865 ; Medal of Honor, 1867; Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 ; Medal of Honor, 1874. The Prayer in the Desert. 121 BOONE (CONSTANT), London. “Y, The Wedding. , F- 122 x BAUER (A), Diisseldorf. Girl and Butterflies. 1238 MrmrAsORY (L. F.), London. \ View in the Mountains. 124 MUNSCH (JOSEF), Munich. })p, Feeding the Parrot. 125 CARTER (J. M.), New York. nt The Birthday. 126 EVERS (H.), Diisseldoref. (, ) The Happy Mother. 127 VERNET (HORACE, theilatay Paris. Pupil of Vincent. Medals, 1812, 1855. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1814. Officer of same, 1825. Member of the Institute of France, 1826. Director of the French Academy at Rome, 1828. Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1842. éeGrand Officer of same, 1862. Born, 1789. Died, 1863. % £ Allan Macaulay. This picture was painted by Horace Vernet, in 1823, for the Duke of Orleans, in whose collection it was then placed. While there, it was a special favorite of the Citizen King, Louis Philippe, into whose possession it passed after the duke’s death. It was hung in the king’s study at Neuilly, where it was when the revolution of 1848 occurred. The palace of Neuilly was almost completely destroyed by fire, but in that portion saved was the king’s study, and in it this picture. Nevertheless, after the fire, it was discovered that the picture had been carried off. It was pre- sumed that it was stolen by some thief who knew its value; but all efforts to recover it were fruitless, and the work was set down as lost. ‘“Twenty- three years later, at a sale at the Hotel Drouot, it was bought by Goupil & Co., of Paris, its history unknown to them. With them it remained a valuable and esteemed work, hidden away with many other treasures, until the appeal was made for the Chicago sufferers; when Goupil & Co. concluded to contribute it, as their donation. During the exposition of this and the other contributions at Goupil’s gallery, prior to their ship- ment here, among the visitors were the Orleans princes. As soon as the Duke de Montpensier came to this picture, he started and exclaimed to his brother, ‘‘ Why, here is our dear father’s own picture!’’ And so it was, the veritable Horace Vernet, the favorite picture of King Louis Philippe. There was of course much expression of delight and surprise, and Mr. Goupil at once offered to return the picture to the princes as their property; but after consulting with each other, they decided to leave it in the collection, even had they a right to its possession, which they doubted, saying that they will be but too happy in knowing that America possesses a picture for which their father, the king, had such affection. When this story got abroad in Paris, very large offers were made on all sides for the picture, by connoisseurs, but as it had already been donated to Chicago, no price could buy it. 128 PERRAULD Ga) Paris. Medals, 1864, 1876. The Dark Beauty. 129 ~ CARMIGNANI (GUIDO), Rome. 7 i vz November Day. ' Environs of Parma. 130 yy FRERE OOH wae F7-x%, Ecouen. INA RX Médessls «hy (sh 1855 ; Legion of Honor, 1855. Burning the Whip. 131 WALRAVEN (J.), ~ Brussels, Pa ie : italian Boy, tet, Dog and Monkey. ie FRO EN a e. — 132 KOEKKOEK (B. C., deceased), Brussels. ) h , : Various Medals. Landscape. ILS: | INMAN (H.), New York. iN Landscape. V WV ’ | Tay Beis chat ae i ie Cee | y : a a vy 7 Shi « GERARD (THEODORE), _ Brussels) FOB VOSS. | lo 0 Girl, with Geese. a 185,07 — 3 HART (JAMES M.), New York. c ), Sunset. LUDWIG (F), 7 Diisseldorf. | \ Va. Thethen 137 DE BROU (C)), Flemish Mother and Child. 188 Jed 139 gx ZAMACOIS (EDOUARD), Paris. a + Medal, 1870. wy Pk ea | “The Message. 140 Sen yeR( ADOLPHE), Paris. Medals, 1864, 1865, 1867. » \\’ Cossacks on the March. 141 Gir rOR DD: (C. H.), New York. Marine View. 142 BRANDT (OTTO), Rome. vee ae Sorrento Days. 143 Pireort Lik (T.:P.), New York. Landscape. ee ALY. es Se = ~ ae agp fe, een, a ae ee eee SS 2 ohP t a—ehedia tayiealt Ee ee Oe St = 144 SCHOENFELT (EDWARD), Landscape.) am | 145 a 3 WATELET, a | Paris. 4 Swiss Chalet. 146 (2 MUNGER (G,), New Yor Scene on the Passaic. © , el? RAPHAEL (after). The “Madonna dolla: Sedia oI (on Parchn ASBECK (A,), Landscape : 149 GERY, Boston. Falls of Tivoli, near Rome. 150 BOTH, | London. Landscape. 151 DE BRACKELEER (ADRIAN), | Antwerp. The Salutation. 152 INGENMEY, Diisseldorf. The Fraternization after Sadowa. 153 ROBINS (H. W.), New York. The Waterfall. UNKNOWN. i Landscape Study. 155 ae HEKKING (fF), New York Lake in Austria. ey ‘ a Tebow ele ere seo e esl teeta tect pore ese res ries Me SSS SS ewe eS pm ema Peaseritt eee tse ro aod Seu Sek So iets LN ee eee retetats “acecs tet Sptecsighatect0e sasseceners eingeigzeses loa himcecerecpnezes town seers = HSS BARTS Sgereacorres Sig ete AT stS EES ° = ete Mee sip ign oats Resse Tage Se ‘ fade ade STIS ceaatiaos tate. s 3: ire Se) SSettte eae o Seite sees Pipi are ne peas ot ne Tee ee ee peas Sista Se eS hese eres seas