LIBRARY 14 East 57th St. New York ACC | Guta | °. 14 MKnoedler&Co ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22np, 1919 AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DATE OF SALE THE VERY IMPORTANT RUFUS E. MOORE COLLECTION OF RARE AND BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL ART TREASURES TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE EXECUTORS ON THE AFTERNOONS OF JANUARY 27 Tu, 28TH, 29TH, 30TH, 31st, AND FEBRUARY 1st AND 3rp AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH BEGINNING EACH AFTERNOON AT 2.30 0’CLOCK No. 1159—SANG-DE-BQZUF BOTTLE (K’ang-hsi) ILEUSTRAREDSeC APALOGUE OF THE VERY IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF RARE AND BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL ART TREASURES BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE WIDELY KNOWN EXPERT, THE LATE RUFUS E. MOORE a, TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE EXECUTORS ON THE DATES HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK 1919 a THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the pur- chasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in default of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays—between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on pre- senting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7, Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. CATALOGUE FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF a SNUFF Sas Bip ee 1—Rocx Crysrau Miniature SNUFF on GA CS »< Flattened rectangular shape. Pink quartz stopper. — f— 2—OrrentaL Acate Snurr Borrie Ma f- VA tole Gray translucent agate marked with lines and spots in black | amt ‘5 — and brown. Metal stopper with coral inlay. Stand. 4 Wh 8—Acatre CyxinpricaL Snurr Borrie = Ly Ogtberbher “Plum-pudding stone,” showing irregular dark spots of semi- — /3-&*@ transparent agate on opaque grayish brown background. Pink glass stopper. VY e / a — 7 Dn CCG \< 4—Rep anp YeLLow Guass SnurFK Borrie Cham Gee tO ies a Flattened ovoid. Opaque, showing cloudings of red and orange “yellow. Blue glass stopper. 5—Brown Amber Snurr Borris Flat ovoid. Translucent amber, carved in Yelief ‘with figures and pagoda. Lion head handles. First Afternoon of i eee ae f= 6—Carvep JapE Snurr Borrue ENE GF : f Cy VELL Flattened ovoid. The outside surface is brown, carved in relief TOL showing blossoming flowers and peaches. The inner body of ( grayish green. Green glass stopper. 7—AmeEtuyst Snurr Borrie js as vs In the shape of a peach with the vine as a base and leaves en- By gt twined. Has green glass stem-shaped stopper. JS — (Ce ae} 8—PrssLte JavE SNUFF sae ae an Coli rhe Irregular form, even-colored. brown jade. Gteen glass stem- ee ae shaped stopper. Ga ee Thick, rounded contour. Made from a river pebble, which is og ee pages with oxide of iron. Metal stopper with ruby matrix 9—BrownlisH-RED JADE SnNuFF Borrie i Bs \) iN sae : / ULM \SarrnwT“ 10—Rep anp WuitE Grass Syurr Bote AU Bert Flattened ovoid. The outer red surface has been carved eet ADse to the camphor white inner surface, showing a decoration o — branches of fruit, figures and animals. Green jadeite stopper. fe 34. 0 (dy 11—Buvr ann Wuirr Grass Sxurr Bortve KIrM7 orn te The outer layer of blue glass is carved through to the inne 7 oe layer of white, showing a dragon monster on one side, and ‘a carp in the water on the other. Green bead stopper. Stand. vz) / 12—Morruina Acate Snurr BorttE = YY d vi Flattened flask shape. Made of grayish translucent agate, with / of q¢_ a carved decoration on one side, showing a fisherman in a boat, [/ a black spot on the side utilized as the fisherman’s body, making a very interesting contrast. Has green jade stopper. First Afternoon Pye # 18—Two Murruina Aeate SNUFF Borizxq (7) Uru Bont Round, flattened form with short necks. One is polished smooth , fs and cut from clouded, translucent gray agate, with markings of V. brown and black. Stopper with amber bead inlaid. The other — AS*S is a brown agate carved in relief, showing black fishes and crabs swimming among water reeds. Metal stopper with jade inlay. /) ee ; 14—Movrruina Acate Snurr Botrie youre. UV AAIMmgE Flattened ovoid. Gray translucent agate, with markings of black ; and dark blue. On one side carved in relief, showing a boy oY ‘“_ annoying a frog in a pond. On the reverse natural shape of a bird and a seated animal. Has pink quartz stopper. 15—Two Mvurruivna Acate Snurr Borries / eve Flattened flask shapes. Transparent gray clouded agate, with markings in brown and black, utilized by intaglio carving to | Ws ee show monkeys playing on rocks, on the one; and a man riding a onkey on the other. Green jadeite and red and green glass stoppers. 16—Two Ortentan Acate Snurr Borrizs VY A070 hanna Flattened flask forms. Translucent gray agate interestingly Spe marked with cloudings of brown and black. Green glass and _ O¢ —pink coral stoppers. /) f nae o LA | x \J Xo ff ; fi 17—Hair Crystat Snurr Borris = fuUwn mM ( JOA ee OG Flattened ovoid. An interesting formation, showing ohe side of clear crystal, and the other side filled with black hair-like streaks.~ oT ‘< Rose quartz stopper. { ( ify 18—CatcinEp JADE SnNuFF BoTTLE Round flattened form with raised panels on the sides and shoul- Lys ders. Creamy white burnt jade covered with dark fine crackles. “"“~ ~~ Green jadeite stopper. First Afternoon i. 1) 5 19—Wuire Japrrre Snurr Bofrvsta 7U Ca ea Graceful, flattened ovoidal form, with dragon head handles on 3 o52 the shoulders in high relief, forming loops from which are sus- pended loose rings. Cut from a piece of pure white jade. / ) 20—Campuor Guass SNUFF nema) J l Flattened flask shape. Of translucent cloudy grayish white JS = glass. Red and green stopper. )) f? 21—Green JaveirE SNUFF ino) ie ee T QDarrry. Rectangular form with rounded corners. Cut from an old piece pe ee of jade showing cloudings in emerald green and grayish brown. Pink quartz stopper.” Stand. \ ) o\ Ke 22—GRrEEN JADEITE SNuFrr Borris ce Came ( Round flattened form interestingly marked with almost black / = spots on a green and white background. Stopper to match. ore Stand. ) @ / r) ee if T: Y = Y, 23—Densr Brack Crystat Sxur¥ hohe. Ur ¢ CAnru1gy ao Flat ovoidal contour. On one side an etched decoration of a as rockery and leafless branches. Pink coral stopper. 24—Wuitre Guass SNUFF ce, ° v ° i »- Graceful, rounded ovoid, made of (pure white opaque’ glaés. 27 ~ Carved pink coral stopper. VY ( 25—Wuite Jape Pessite Snurr Borris ay Irregular flat form. Fashioned from a pebble of furest whi rg ge jade. Pink tourmaline stopper. 26—Fer-1’su1 Green JapEITE SNUFF Nee Flat rounded form. Made from a piece of old jade showing wn. —,. interesting cloudings of emerald green with tinges of » bY ~ Pink glass stopper. 27—GREEN JADEITE SNuFF BotTTrLE fk ne 1 P. 2 Flattened ovoid. Greenish colors with spots of beautiful emerald ——green. Has pink tourmaline stopper. First Afternoon 28—Fr1-1’sur Green JaverrE Snurr Borrie Core (Oy ee Flattened ovoid. Of an evenly colored translucent green jadeite. 3 vee Stopper to match. 29—Two Mourruina Acate Snurr Borrizs Vane Cp Lg Flattened ovoid. Translucent cloudy gray agate, one spotted in dark brown, and utilized on one side for the carving of two “LY © Foo dogs in relief. The other with birds perched on branches. Green jade and glass stoppers. 30—Gray JapE Snurr Botte ty dj YW). ae Ag y Flattened flask shape. Carved in slight relief all over, showing (/ 3 ¢e a rocky landscape with figures, houses and two men plying a ¢ ~—boat in a river. Pink quartz stopper. 31—Crystrau Snurr Borris (). Ae Round, flattened flask shape. Pure white crystal. Pink glass 2 a stopper. Teakwood stand. Y y ay 32—GrerEn anp Wuirrt Jape Snurr Borris 1 Gee & = = J SAK Se . LA. ms Flat rectangular form. Plain, highly polished surface. Coral gs ““_ stopper. 33—GreEEN anp Wuitre Jape Snurr Borris “w , a Flattened rectangular form. White jadeite with brilliant emer- Lita ald green spots. Green jade stopper. Stand. (Bye ay pe 7 34—PrpsLe Jape Snurr Borrie 7 V4 “Y1- Ci LIne Ue un Made from a white jade river pebble with markings of brown ( ie iron rust. Tall, flattened, irregular form. Etched on one side on ~with a sacred deer, on the other with a stork and pine tree. Green glass stem stopper. i ty 1A (c . 385—WhuitTer JADEITE SNuFF Borris Flattened flask shape, cut from a piece of absolutely pure white ~ jadeite. Green jadeite stopper. Stand. First Afternoon 36—UniavEe Jape Snurr Borrre an Carved from a jadeite river pebble. In shape of a carp swal- os = lowing a frog, which forms the stopper. On one side, in relief, is a small carp. Stand. a | eae : \ 37—AmeEtuyst Snurr Borrie NEN | ¢ e Melon shape with vine, leaves (and styaller fruit entwined in high relief. Melon-shaped stopper in fei-t’sui jadeite. 388—Buvr anp Brown Acate Snurr Borris A curious formation of two-color agate. Irregular form, show- ge ing lotus leaves and branches entwined about a oe base. 7: ~~ Green jade stopper. 389—CarneELIAN AGATE SNUFF fees Ss aes a Vunwy In form of a sacred Buddha’s-hand citron, with vine, leaves and 4 6 smaller fruit in high relief entwined. Metal stopper with ame- —— thyst bead. 40—Prpete JapE Snurr ie Ss WS, . N= Lr ste Rather irregular flattened ovoid form. Transparent jadeite qe showing cloudings of brown and streaks of emerald green. os ~ Carved exceptionally thin on the inside. First Afternoon ‘a a 7) | eX 41—Cuatcepony AcatEe SNUFF Borin mM: VOnL* Ar n_ In the form of a pointed fruit, with vine, leaves and smaller ae fruit entwined, and carved in high relief. Green glass stem- Y= shaped stopper. Stand. Ce Pyle 42—JapvEItE SnNuFF Borrue : UY CAL Thick rounded form. The outer layer of golden brown carved Lh ,. through to the base material of greenish white jadeite. Shows J pushes growing from a rockery with characteristic animals. Ex- ceptionally fine specimen. 43—GreEEN JaDEITE SNuFF BorrLe Ws 1 RA na Large flattened flask shape. Grayish green jadeite with streaks 6 g %< of emerald green on one side. The other side a reddish brown, the result of oxide of iron. Green jadeite stopper. Stand. (es N an ; VR cae nel 44—CHLORO-MELANITE JADEITE SNUFF BoTriE / Flattened flask shape. Deep green jadeite with lines of \black . and veins of white. Emerald green and white jadeite stopper. First Afternoon 45—OrientTAL AGATE SnNuFF BorrLe OU, ea Leki, Flattened ovoid. Translucent cloudy gray agate. On one side an area of black and brown spots is utilized fbr the carving in Coe relief of a mounted warrior. Fei-t’sui green jadeite stopper. Stand. JADE AND OTHER HARD STONE PENDANTS AND NECKLACES An Oe ie See 5 46—Parr or TransLuceNT GREEN JADE PENDANTS Drop form with tops encased in metal, inlaid with glass beads LY ge with lines of kingfisher scales. First Afternoon ; Wy _ 4°7—CarNELIAN AGATE PENDANT YY VY. Ci 1Lrn Ve ye A carving of lotus leaves and thalamus in orange red and white. —. /O Z 7 x / 48—TourRMALINE PENDANT V4 & Lipps Aghrrt— Oblong form. Carving of a peach and branch with flying bat. pL; In claret red translucent tourmaline. —_— 49—TurevuoisE PENDANT CVALZED ope HE C11 A carving of melons with leaves entwined, and a squirrel on LAE y ~@ one side. Mounted with pink coral bead. ) a7, UE a Orange red and white, carved in the shape of a Buddha’s-hand citron, with stem, leaves, and flying bat. : ) 4 fe 51—Pair or Carnerian AcATeE PENDANTS 1) } ee x AI Te Openwork carving of one shows a rockery with phenix bird and OY cam blossoming flower. The other a bean pod with vine and leaves encircling in relief. 50—Carnevian AGATE PENDANT : on —é 1/4) il f Af 4 Deep translucent amethyst, carved in the shape of a melon with / ose leaves entwined. 52—AmeEtuyst PENDANT Q () 1A} f) he a 583—AmBer PENDANT Vit 4U oe AAA Fine, old clear amber, in the shape of two double gourds with stems, leaves and a bat. oy 2 v : =< WY gay 54—YELLow AND GREEN JADEITE PENDANT f PL IFL VUE Flat, oblong form; low, relief carving of lotus flowers and waves. A unique and interesting specimen of translucent watery jade, with yellow and emerald green cloudings. — Vr SS First Afternoon ul 2 Oy 55—FeEr-1’su1 Green JADEITE PENDANT Carving of a bean, with branch, leaves and a beetle. Mounted e j ‘~~ with a pink tourmaline bead. f 56—GREEN JADEITE PENDANT : Nat a, AS Flat oblong form. In shape of jo-t head fungi, with leaves and 42 an animal. Interesting markings of brown. —~ 79) a j—— 57—-GREEN AND WHITE JaDEITE PENDANT (Ze ( V| YWVtAAw’ _,. Flat form showing a large and small gourd, wit’ branch and LES — leaves. White jadeite splashed with emerald green.’ 58—GrREEN anD WHITE JADEITE imatas Ly phe, Openwork carving. Flat oblong form, showing a lotus leaf in AY .c translucent green and a boy above, in pure white. (A oof i] f 59—GREEN AND WHITE JADEITE Prnpann | pI Wytt Openwork carving of a dragon, flowers and leaves. € ce a I) Va Ayan 60—GreEEN anp WHITE Aa aa ere ms 7 AM WA Two fishes, with branch of lotus leaves in translucent white HD sy tinged with heliotrope and spotted with emerald green. 61—WhuireE Jape Box Cx aAAen Cer re r= Translucent gray white, showing reticulated carving of flowering / /s branches and flying bats. Lee 62—Frr-t’su1 Green GirpLe Crasr/ \ SN ] Made of translucent grayish green jadeite with spots of emerald » green. Curved form with dragon head and a dragon carved in a nen oer orale 68—Wuitr Jape GirpLte Crasp oo Thay (rom Curved form with dragon head and with a dragon qgrved in ) ,¢ relief on the handle. Made of exceptionally white jade. First Afternoon (/) 2 64—JapE BracELet CVae ie) kD) Y Yor witey White jadeite, tinged with heliotrope, and showing one section ye of reddish brown. ee /~ y) A/a, M10 “are Sarlae 65—FeEI-1T’sur Green anp WuitE JapE BracELeT’ Mutton fat jade with cloudings of brilliant emerald green. ee 66—Pair BracEevets : 7 L) “y = LO va Fei-t’sui green and white jade. 67—GreEEN JADEITE PENCIL-HOLDER OG me (3 ee Long round cylinder form. Bored at one end. fey, = ee Tawa / 68—Smatt Manparin NEecKLace Pe PN Ne EI Made of clear aquamarine oblong beads, having three drop strings of coral beads. The hanging ornaments, beautifully carved, are of different semi-precious stones. . ee ‘ ae CORA ee Deep form with spreading sides. Translucent camphor jade —~ with cloudings of emerald green. Stand. Diameter, 3 inches. 89—Suattow Jape Disu LveD, GLA TEL, _,, Of fine quality translucent green and white jadeite. Stand. ~ ~ 3 ON aes Digmeter, 35% inches. 90—InpIAN JapE Cur Ce Y) V A Kehr Rounded form with circular leaf and bud handle. Translucent hy 1’ gray jade, etched on the outside in low relief with a band of floral sprays. Stand. Tq) Length, 41% oa 91—WhuirtE JapE GirpLE OrNAMENT Lf, Ur 74 AA 2 . Flat, oblong form. Reticulated carving of two dragons Ee oY ° — character marks between. Stand. aN ee feve es Greet 92—Whuirr JapE Piaaue (oe y GO San thie Oblong form, decorated with a fisherman and a rocky landscape with figure. Pedestal stand. [5 Ne | 93—Inpian Jape Box anp Cover U ( LAGNA The cover of pure white jade. The box of gray. Leaf form in three sections. Carved with branches of flowers in low LS relief. Ornamental knob handle with jewel inlay. ae 31, inches. 94—Inpian JAapE Box anp Cover Mh SOUL COV Oe ean In the shape of four leaves joined together, making a four sec- Hal & tioned box. Lined etching over the outside and a bud-shaped “knob handle. Stand. 95—Pair or Rock-crystaL VAsEs VVC oe. Slender cylindrical form, small foot, curved neck, Coy “Ble elephant head handles, supporting loose rings. Stand. /Yg Ga Height, 83% sichen aye, 23/4, a First Afternoon 96—Carvep JanpE WHEEL WY Cf | CLAALLL Cgelrt— poe. ae Pure white jadeite, with cloudings of emerald green. Reticuldted ~~ carving showing two figures, alounded with leaf scrolls. Stand. 97—JapEITE Carvine Ths: UG, rarer A bamboo stalk in translucent white and emerald green with a pheenix bird on one side in brown oxide of iron. Stand. Zones ee 3 inches. 98—GreEEN JapE Carvine (Ve KG UMMA Opin me A tree trunk, pierced in the ep and with branches of peat es | / ,. and a squirrel on the surface in high relief. ( Jes Ay 99—WhuitTE JAapE Braker VASE Pi a VA eae At Square body on high foot, with tall Pe neck. Carved in low relief, with dragon heads and tall palm leaves. On the etc = edges are carved vertical ridges. Stand. ve 100—Mourruina Agate Cur aoe a Vege Translucent gray with spots of brown. In the form of a (leaf if ve _,. with fluted edge. Loop handles made of stems with jo-i head top. S “Stand. Length, 44, inches. 101—Moreruina Acate Cur (hires L- Oblong lobed form with two loop handles. Carved fror{ trahs- — > «e lucent grayish white agate. Stand. Ce a Length, 45 inches. 102—SoarsTonE SEAL Th Ge 2 Seas. Ceo Oblong pedestal form surmounted with two carved lions cut from a block of pale brown and deep red soapstone. yee) De v e Ba A inches. , / 102 Tome JavE Inxwewtit (Han) a PN SIAL . \ 4 Square body and short round neck. Archaic dragon rhotif carved round the body in slight relief. Yellow jade, interestingly _ g-ve marked with shades of brown. Carving possibly of later date. ee Stand, Height, 214, inches. First Afternoon Phere 104—Pair CuHorsticks eee Of white jade. Oe Length, ey 105—Whuire Jape WHEEL Whire Ypunny gh A central solid disk etched in low relief showing a goddess tiding O > se —the waves. Round the outside is an it ta relief border. Pedestal stand. 106—Rep anp WuitrE Jape Hanerve a ae - Openwork carving with the clouds in white, the bats in brilliant = o>-2__ orange red. Carved wood frame. $y i earns 107—Whuitr Jap—E WHEEL f} Ae A central solid disk etched in low relief, showing a goddess riding y 5 “the waves. Round the outside is an openwork relief border. Carved wood frame. a0 i 108—Rocx-crystaL VasE bi bac 5 apar Flattened ovoid form with es neck and loop animal head handles. Stand. (a er Vv al Vr 109—GREEN AND Wore: J ADEITE Ovoidal four-sided body with short neck. Panel decorations ois ei AL / ‘* hawthorn branches, lotus branches and a bird, all between ; Greek fret borders. Interestingly marked with cloudings of emerald green. Stand. egy 4Y/, inches. 110—Wauitt Jape ANIMAL ae YW i Ct Sey A seated ram holding a branch with jo-i head leaves in its mouth Saye and with a kid on its back. Carved from purest white jade, CG slightly spotted with oxide of iron. Stand. Length, 3% inches. ¢ py ses 111—Fer-r’sur JaperrE Box anp Cover Gs Ve TON we Grayish white translucent camphor jade, with cloudings of | emerald green. Cylinder form. Stand. First Afternoon of q ) ,—f 112—Whuirrt Jape Tusuiar Vase 5 VW . Vin Ach ( Cylinder form, shaped from a lotus leaf with a cord tied about pepe it. Stand attached. Height, 414 inches. 113—Japr Wine Cur eo d& Ta Ninn Deep, rounded form with heavy conventional dragon handle. ; gs Made of translucent pure white jade. Stand. ~) ¢ = Length, 4 inches. 114—Japr PEn-reEst V1 os ‘OH Flat oblong form, resting on curvedsides. Translucent Jadeite 5 of purest white quality. Decorated with a flowering vine in low ag 0 ‘— relief. Ivory stand. ve 115—Ortentat Acate Couper U As GW pA Oblong form. A lotus leaf with stems and Aes underneath. Three dark brown matrix spots on top utilized to carve three eis large crabs. The rest of the material is translucent gray agate. mal Stand. = A. Length, 41, inches. & e ] 116—Ortentat Acatr Carvine /y Mn - Yl MOLL A squatting boy with upraised head; in the form of a Chinese pillow. Made of semi-transparent grayish blue agate, with spots of black and red. Stand. Length, 6 inches. i Cee f \ 1) y= ee : 7) Coz) NESS A A AmeEtuyst Carvine A tree trunk with a bird perched on a rock, and bamboo and,— hawthorn branches entwined, which are all carved in high relief. Y, Stand. Height, 3 inches. ee ee 118—JapzritE Rick Bowt anv Cover Cle) ea ae LA z Of translucent dull green camphor jade cut exceptionally thin, and showing floral sprays in relief. Stand. Height, 31, inches. First Afternoon Be ( f 119—Fer-1’su1 Basket VasE y rahe ‘ \ Uy ae Tall four-sided form, with high handle and({four short feet. G One side shows carving in low relief of a blossoming branch wing and butterfly, of water translucent grayish white, with cloud- f ings of emerald green and spots of brown. Stand. Height, 414, inches. (Illustrated) ye f 120—Wautrrt JavE Box anp Cover 5 Low, round form; carved in low relief showing the long life pipe symbol in a central medallion surrounded by four dragons. / =: Stand. Diameter, 3 inches. (Illustrated) 121—WuirEt Jape Box anp Cover ‘i Oblong form made of exceptionally pure white jade. The top —v,. of the cover etched in low relief. Stand. &5 al Length, 3 inches. (Illustrated) 122—Wuitr JapE DousLe chose de ay Dole seca One is a deep lotus leaf, the other a lotus thalamus, both rest- ing on stems with vine and leaves entwined. Cut from pure white jadeite. Stand. ca. ’ Length, 5 inch reed ength, 5 inches. oS (Illustrated) 123—Rice Bown anp Cover (Ming) ae, Y)V Vases ROS eres, a Translucent grayish white jadeite. Very interestingly marked with cloudings of emerald green and brown. Stand. Lv), ou CDG) Height, 31, inches. i/] : f 124—JaprirE Rice Bowy, anp Cover AA ae oy eee 2 Translucent grayish white, tinged with green and _heliotrope._ ) Very thin cutting, showing etched floral sprays. in low relief on LO ee es, ( ‘“— both bowl and cover. Stand. V ’ Height, 334 inches. First Afternoon 125—Brown AcatEe CarviInG Tn dae A tree trunk with jo-i head top. bak branch of Tages flowers partly encircles it, carved in high relief and undercut. Trans- wk 60 lucent shaded brown agate, with spots of white. Ivory stand. € em 334 inches. J 126—Greren JavE Brush Hanpiez anp Gore ER Of dark spinach green jade. \ | / ae RA ee Length, 10%, inches. | eo 127—BrusH with Jape Hanpie LN RQANAWNa | The handle of white jade with green jade tip, and bulbous green / ae jade brush holder. The handle etched with dragons flying in the clouds. Length, us inches. 128—Mourruina Acatre Cur and ie an Cle Both of translucent clouded gray agate with markings ae 47 ,, and black. Stand with cup. | ae Length of dish, 534 inches; diameter of oe 3 inches. Uy), 129—Green anv Waite Jape Buckie Hae Gs Gi LY ; Oblong form with rounded corners. Carved in vigh relief, show- fi ee 6 i /O w— ing a boy and a frog. Set in a carved wood pedestal frame. Total height, 5%, inches. / y, 130—Whuire Jape Disk Sy ee hol ALA Openwork carving of two figures surrounded with flowers and Hd ~- branches. Set in a carved wood pedestal frame. — ; Bye a ee 634 inches. 181—Jrwret Box Th \ aoa! a Circular wooden box and cover, with green and white jadeite J) St bracelet sunk in the top. —_— eee. of bracelet, 35% inches. 132—Hanetne JapE BracELET AND Purser: Col ONL Both pieces of pure white with cloudings of ae green. Hung eee Lie in an elaborately carved wood frame. First Afternoon 133—Wuire Jape ScEeprer Koxsan PANAMA Curved handle with flat jo-i head-shaped top. The head has an - etching in low relief of fungus and leaves. Carved wood stand. = Vian _Le gth, 634 inches. 134—Wuitr Jape Screprer Th > | ety a Curved handle with round flat head. Carved in high relief with 5 .« flying bats and cloud scrolls. Ivory stand. es. = 135—Whuirr Jape Disu he 0) Low oblong lobed form with carvings in the ke in high relief, Ce) showing a citron, a pomegranate, and a peach, with branches na and leaves. Stand. Bee 7 inches. Length, (i, (v ioe vy) 186—Wnuire anp Green Javeire Beaker VASE VOR Four-sided form with raised band in the center, wide ee neck and animal-head loop handles, supporting loose rings. i J ‘£ Palm leaves etched in low relief on the body. Stand. 1387—Wauirrt Dovsie Gourp Vase (K’ang- rst VOL. Tall flattened form with vine, leaves, and small gourds entwined ee in high relief, showing much undercutting. A beetle is on the oe: ~— neck. Carved from pure white jade, interestingly marked in brown oxide of iron. Agate cover and wood stand. bal Height, 5(inches~ : 188—Rocx-crystTaL VasE, Cover anp STAND aie | OTe Flattened ovoid form with thick neck, animal-head loop hindles J Gz supporting loose rings. A seated lion surmounting the cover. Total lie Ae’ inches. 5 1389—Rocx-crystaL VasE AND Cover UG NAL i) y POO ge Flattened ovoid form with sloping shoulder, straight neck, and Ce. conventional, handles of openwork carving. Stand. ; Height, 614, inches. // VA 140—GreErEN JapvE DisH ee ANDY Flat form with incurving rim. Translucent spinach green jade. In the bottom is a flower medallion carved in high relief. Stand. Diameter, 3%, inches. First Afternoon \ if 141—Gray Jape Carvine (K’ang-hsi) of OD gh 2 -.___ Represents three flower buds, stem and leaves, and making a OZ three-compartment box and cover. Length, 44, inches. 142—Green JavEItE Vase (K’ang-hsi) Oa oe Rather flattened octagonal beaker shape, with elaborate dragon + ,. handles. Made of translucent pale green jadeite, with interesting / — markings in brown. Archaic panels etched round the\ body. Stand. Height, 554 inches. 1483—Wuitrt Breaker Vase Th 2 (2 ; / Flattened four-lobed form with bulge in the center. At the base 57 *~ in bold relief is a large phenix bird, likewise a dragon coiled about the neck. Pure white translucent jadeite. Stand. eee, Nsces 534 Anches. 144—Wnuire Jape Vase anp Cover (K’ang-lisi)—r\| 77 4 _ Tall flattened form in shape of an ancient bronze, with long dragon-shaped handle, and a dragon in high relief on the cover, co J etched in low relief on the body with an archaic formal pattern, between palmette borders. Stand. = 0 Height, 6 inches. 145—Japrite Bown (K’ang-hsi) (ee WO : i vA v =) Deep spreading form. Thin watery translucent jadeite o /U ‘— greenish gray texture with a clouding of brown iron oxide on one side. Stand. U of (CO l Diameter, 5 inches. 146—Javrtitre Bown fy C. Deep rounded form. Translucent white jadeite with cloudings Lh gee of green and tinges of heliotrope. Stand. ee 4t/, finches. 147—Inpian Jape Cup anp Disu (Kan Ugiy V DUCE Vie Translucent white jadeite, cut exceptionally thin. Flat dish with fluted rim. Lily-shaped cup, with the petals curving over at the lip, and the body slightly fluted. Stand. Diameter of dish, 5%, inches; of cup, 3%) inches. aN / LF 148—Green Javeire Disu (K’ang-hsi) o so ELON OD AD Nf A Mi on A Ber Clouded translucent pale green jadeite with tinges of brown on the edge. Stand. a Diameter, 51% inches. First Afternoon 149—Whuirre Japr Braker Vase OO Vy Chre © Four-sided form with bulbous body and wide expanding neck. bre Made of the purest white jadeite. Stand. Height, 31% inches. 150—YeELtow JapE Vase anp Cover Ge se MMV Ovoid flattened form with openwork handles. On one side stand- ing on a rock, in high relief, is a large pheenix bird. Opposite y> js ~~ the bird is a dragon in pursuit of the Sacred Pearl. Stand. Fite, 61%, inches. 151—Atapaster Taster (K’ang-hsi) The Cee ae & Tall flat form, slightly rounded, with pointed top. Translucent 7 es orange brown alabaster, with the figure of a man and two char- acters on one side, carved in low relief. Stand. Sy 75% inches. 152—Whuitre Jape Lantern OG Se ON ee / Tall cylinder form, showing deep openwork carving of a moun- ¢ Cae See tainous landscape with figures. Stand. Height, 7%, inches. 153—Inpian JavE Disu CeZ AS =; gh Coy Flat form, with slightly curved edges in the shape of a large LLY r* lotus leaf. Exceptionally thin carving of translucent gray ~ Indian jade. Carved lotus leaf wooden stand. Length, 654 inches. z. /] ~ 154—Merat JeweL Box anp Cover C Made of silver gilt. Oblong form, with a band ay te eight ee : / gee ‘* precious ornaments running round the body. On the top are Atta many large and small semi-precious stones. f Length, 614 inches. 155—Knire Guarp ere Of white and green jade. Th RE Wiel wtr— 156—Rep anp Wuire Carnenian Acate Carvine ( -~ j ne ee A tree trunk, with branches of peaches entwined. Stand. Height, 3%, inches. First Afternoon U 44rV 157—Rep anp Waite Carnevtian AGATE CARVING pen Represents the trunk of a tree with jo-t head top, and encir- eee — cled with branches of hawthorn and peaches. Stand. ength 5 “6 158—Carvine in Berri ike Shows a rockery with a group of siees on one aa The o Wferee ,- a brilliant red, the reverse a pale erates Stand. | 159—Rep anp Wuite Carnevian Acate Cagvine Vase in the shape of a large jo-i headed fungus with branches Lf 5 ote -£-entwined in high relief; undercutting of smaller fungus growths. Stand. Length, 51, inches; edge 4 incheg. 160—Soarstone STATUETTE ee. Yn > Viner C Representing one of the Chinese Eight Immortals carved in seated position holding a bud in one hand and a string of beads ) 4° —in the other. His garments decorated with band and floral etchings. The material is a cream-color soapstone, spotted with peachbloom color. The base is black soapstone with teakwood underneath. eig °161—Pure Wuitete Jape Puaevuer IN Suey ane oD-sy Deep openwork carving of a dragon, flowers and Chinese ar- —— acters. ~ Carved pedestal frame. Tota}, height, 9 inches. os 162—Whuitre Jape Haneine Oman V. a WEE Lt In two sections. The upper piece a resonant stone, carved in( fe openwork pattern. Green jade ring connects this with the ~~ lower circular panel, which shows a man riding a fantastic dragon animal, executed in openwork carving. Wood frame. / Height, 6 inches. Cousk- 163—Japr DisH anp Sranp UN ee? The dish is of watery translucent gray green jadeite with cloud- a » ings of darker green. The stand is of translucent white nephrite ) ~~ supported by five jo-i head feet. 6 wi 8. Diameter of dish, 6 inches; of stand, 3% inches. yp loop handles. Round the body in low relief are bands of seed First Afternoon < 1s Guat 164—Wutrrt Jape CrensrErR anp Cover Rie t C7 Rounded body with wide lip, on four short feet. Ringed bat *: handles supporting loose rings. On the sides are low relief carvings in archaic patterns. The dome-shaped cover with cylinder neck and spreading top is similarly decorated. Stand. Height, 4 inches; Jength, 55% inches. 165—JapritE Disu (On ie Cut from a piece of watery translucent grayish white jade tinged with green. Stand. Diameter, 6inches. 166—Wauire Jape Cur with Hanpie (Ming) 1) Sate Cee Bae are Deep irregular form with large looped handle elaborately carved ,- in openwork pattern. The body etched in relief. Stand. = Length, 45% inches. 167—Gray Jape Crensrer (Ming) te Oblong form on low, pedestal foot and with two large dragon pattern between vertical ridges. Stand and cover with animal jade top. Length, 63% inches. First Afternoon i la) \ A / f 168—Whuitr JavE CouprE Wa \WBowtgar Flat double gourd shape. Resting on carved branches and leaves with smaller gourds, branches, leaves and flying bats yee d encircling the coupe in high relief. Cut from a block of purest white translucent jadeite. Stand to match. Length, 61, inches. Bef 169—GreEen JavE Covure (K’ang-hsi) Fired \\. (Sate Low rounded form on low-rimmed base. Translucent cloud yee cS green jadeite. Stand. Diameter, 454 inches. +; ba 170—Carnetian AcatTe CARVING mee Oe A ATs A tree trunk of white agate with branches of pomegranate and See peaches entwined. Openwork cutting in high relief. Stand. , f Length, 41/, inches. 171—AcateE Carvine Js OAM Irregular form of a tree trunk with branches of jo-i head fungus entwined. Made of semi-translucent with ringed strata in gray i $ ssid and white coloring. Stand. af Height, 3% inches. * 172—Catcinep Jape Cur (Ming) ew € Lotus-leaf form with branches, buds and leaves otwined in /high- -yv relief openwork carving. Creamy white, with-small dark line HES =— crackles. Stand. Length, 634 inches. First Afternoon yn 7 i = / 1738—Inpian Jape Bown (7. { Cnr Thin translucent gray white jade. Oblong eight-lobed form may ‘—_ with large leaf and flower handles, the looped stems supporting loose rings. The bottom is flattened lotus leaves, delicately fluted. Round the sides are floral panels etched in low relief. Stand. 174—_JaprE Cup anp Disu (Ming) cote Purdie Made of translucent gray jade covered with blac “specks. frowr. lobed flat dish with two large dragons deeply carved. The cup // j +c is deep and round, supported by a tall pedestal base. ry Length, 734 inches. Length of dish, 8°4 inches; height of cup, 8 inches. : = LY 175—Wnuirr Jape Course (K’ang-hst) Ven nus KKA@PwY) A round deep flower cup, resting on an open network of branches-— and surrounded with blossoming flowers and leaves. Stand. \ . Length, 64%, inches. bd ced ength, 6144 iches 176—Wauitrt Jape DisH ip n Low, rounded form on five knobbed feet. Pure translucent white R nephrite. In the center in low relief is a leafy scroll. Round the VA Py Be ‘— outside is a low carved decoration of the eight precious symbols of happy augury. Stand. Diameter, 534 inches. First Afternoon 177—Rocx-crystaL VAsE AND chk TY q Hae Flattened ovoid form with sloping neck, jo-i head loop haildles on the neck, and one on the body supporting loose rings. Round | Qo “4 the base, in high relief in openwork carving, are branches of | peaches, pomegranate and citron. Stand. Height, 71/4, inches. 178—Waurrr Jape Braker Vase ( Gia at (kom Tall quatrefoil shape, slightly deere with bulbous center, q ee spreading foot and slender flaring neck. The embellishment on / “—™ neck and base consists of lanceolated palmation. The central bulbous portion carries archaic motifs. Stand. , Height, 7% inches. 179—Whuitt Jape Dovsie Cours @ 4 Teapesoueens. Representing two large lotus leaves with stems and leaves under- V 5 neath and two frogs crawling up the side. Stand to match. Length, 73, inches. 180—WhuitE Jape Dovusie VasE ae eee Sous One is a flattened ovoid shape, with double loop handles, sup- Cane porting rings, and a dragon in high relief, and undercut on the J V neck. The other vase, smaller and on a pedestal stand, is quadrilateral and decorated with horizontal ridges. At the base stands a large pheenix bird. Stand. Height, 65% inches. 181—Wuire Jape PLaaue UTE Sapper nn Flat oblong form. Pure white translucent jadeite, carved in /O74) « high relief on both sides with mountainous landscapes and figures. Carved pedestal frame. Height, 55% inches. (oa \ 182—Wuitt Jape Bow ee ul ta rowers Deep rounded form on four short feet, with two large dragon loop handles, supporting loose rings. Round the outside in low ar7 ’* relief is a decoration of formal bands, animals, birds and flower — scrolls. Stand. Length, 81%, inches; height, 31% inches. First Afternoon r) 183—Green Jave Frurep Disu SeUwE es eA Re Flat with rounded sides. Translucent moss (green jade cov- j ee ered with circular bands of fluting, both inside and out. Gilt EG Om — pedestal stand. Diameter, 73 inches. 184—Gray Jape Bow. (Ming) Thar XX. Cease Deep rounded form. Thinly cut translucent gray nephrite, ie : covered with black specks. Stand. iy a ee Diameter, 51/, inches. U , \y P 185—Toms Jape Taster (Han) Sp oF Thin long form, with pointed top. Made of semittranslucént green nephrite with cloudings of brown. Etched at the bottom ./ 4 %* of one side with a wave design. The other side shows the seven stars of the Great Dipper. Pedestal stand. Height, 121 inches. 186—Toms Jape Disx (Han) Is os Ae Translucent moss green jade. Has a large circular opening in a the center. The surface on both sides carved in slight relief, (2 oe : : : i Y °“—— with the ancient grain or seed pattern. Stand. Diameter, 6%, inches. Lan 187—Soarstone Bow. (Ming) Deep rounded form. Cut from a block of brown and black Pare soapstone; carved on the outside with a huge dragon flying © YU — in the clouds. Stand. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 614 inches. 188—Toms Jape Carvine (Tang) ' The Chinese Kuei-pi, used in sacrificing to the sun, moon and stars. Circular shape with a tablet running through the center. /) ‘&_ The carving consists of waves at the bottom of the tablet and a large dragon coiled about the top in pursuit of the Sacred Symbol. On one side of the disk are two large dragons, rep- resenting the masculine elements, the other side carved in low relief with rims of seed representing feminine elements. Carved from grayish white translucent nephrite, interestingly spotted all over with brown oxide of iron. Stand. Height, 91/, inches. First Afternoon a 2 Tall slender figure of the goddess Lan-Ts’ai-ho with a basket, SO ree flowers in one hand and a branch of jo-i head fungus in thé other. By her side is a large stork, the whole artistically carved from a piece of exceptionally white and clear nephrite. Stand. Height, 854 inches. (Illustrated) 190—Gray anv WuitE Jape Fiaure CWwe WG aot. OA Tall graceful carving of the goddess Kwan-yin, holding a floral —~ 3 Ope branch on one shoulder. A Foo lion stands at her feet with ~~ head upturned. Stand. Height, 91, imches. (Illustrated) Deep cylindrical form on three low animal-heWd feet, with two large upturned handles of broad section. Cut from a uniform mlm) es mass of white nephrite of purest texture. The translucency ¢ heightened by the perfectly polished finish. Modeled after an ancient bronze ceremonial vessel. Round the body in low relief | is a band of archaic dragons. The same appear on the cover, | which has an outcurving top and three rams carved in high relief. Stand. Height, 6 inches; length, 84 inches. (Illustrated ) ; Thick rounded form. Translucent white jadeite. The carving A — ‘ : z shows a mountainous landscape with figures on horseback. Wood pedestal frame. Length, 54, inches. Shows a large peach, two small pomegranates and two Buddha’s- hand citrons. Most interestingly carved with stems underneath, leaves entwined, and several flying bats. Cut from grayish white jade. Marked with reddish brown spots (oxide of iron). Stand to match. Length, 714, inches; height, 4 inches. 189—Whuirr Jape SraTvEtTTE A Ay : ore Cert 191—Wuirre Jape Tripop Censer anp Coy ar \\ ae ae 192—Carvep Wuirt Jape Disk t Fe. Var Dpragat) ( 198—Wuirtre Jape Carvine (K’ang-hsi) T™ VANthery pp First Afternoon 194—Rep ann WuirEt CarneLian Carvine sr te J A triple vase, carved and incised ornamentation. Executed in ,- openwork and undercut carving, showing tree trunks with / COs branches of peaches and leaves entwined. On the back is a con- ventionalized dragon. Stand to match. Height, 43% inches; length, 44% inches. fp EY 195—Ameruyst Carvine VY VY) é Tear Bou \ c / A large pomegranate with branches, leaves and smaller fruit en- +¢ twined in high-relief openwork carving. On the top is a large 9 =— frog. Stand. Height, 5 inches. 196—Carnetian AcaTE Carvine e : anne A vase of rather square form with sloping shoulder, short neck and cover surmounted with a bat and branch of fruit in high- ,. relief openwork carving. Rising from the bottom and entirely 3 Sea encircling the vase are branches of pomegranate, citron and peaches, with a bird perched on one side. All executed in high- relief openwork carving. Stand. Height, 6%, inches. 197—Ametuyst Tripop Incense Burner nee Nive, Elongated, rounded form on three tall animal-head feet, with top surmounted by a large lion. Round the body of the piege : is a vine of peaches with the stems forming loop handles which Va OC ‘— support loose rings. Two birds are perched on the branches. Stand. Height, 634 inches. 198—Rocx CrystaL VasE AND Cover ve N Deb ag Flattened ovoid form with graceful sloping neck. Dragon loop VA {7 «+ handles supporting loose rings. Stand. 1 fms Height, 854 inches. 199—Carvep WuitE Jape Piaaue Flat oblong form. Openwork carving of two dragons with flow- 6 ers and characters between. Set in a very elaborately carved O 'a € - wood frame. Total height, 1114 inches. First Afternoon AN a) if [/ CK _ J. AA 200—Lance Imprrtan Green anp Buacx Japrrte VASE AND Coven — Flattened ovoid four-sided form, with sharp shoulder and grade- _ fully curved neck, sustaining two conventionalized dragon han- 7-3 V —dles, which support loose rings. Round the body, in low relief, is an archaic dragon motif band. Round the cover is a palm- leaf band and on top a bird. Cut from one block of emerald- green jadeite, with jet black spots of impressive character and cloudings of heliotrope on the lower portion of the body, which is left undecorated. Stand. Height, 11% inches. First Afternoon este e/ 201—Irattan Rocx Crystat Coure ™m een wz In the shape of a swan’s body; open at the top, with a spreading ,. pedestal base. Has a long curved fluted dragon neck and head. Cee US Topped with a golden jeweled crown. There is a gold enameled | and jeweled band where the neck joins the body, another where the body joins the base, and still another round the foot. Cut from a block of pure white rock-crystal and highly polished. Stand. — Height, 914 inches; length, 634 inches. (Illustrated) 202—ImprriaL ScEPTER ig Curved handle with jo-i head top. Made of wood with silver | inlay. Shows a solid ornamentation of various fruits and flow- ei °* ers with leaves and branches entwined. Most artistically fash- ioned with finest qualities of emerald green jadeite, white nephrite, yellow and pink tourmaline, lapis-lazuli, crystal, aqua- marine, carnelian, and Oriental rubies. Stand. Length, 161% inches. | (Illustrated) 1 203—Woop anv JADE JvU-I OP ry | Slender curved wand in conventional form. Inlaid with three | jade plaques, showing reticulated carving of birds, surrounded fe Gs ‘<— with flowering branches and leaves. Has hanging yellow tassels. Length, 175% inches. ig (Side Ge aca, 204—GREEN JADE JU-I ri ee ce Sk a“ fp A | Graceful, curved wand form with jo-i head top. Carved/from one / | piece of translucent moss-green jade. On the handle in high | / rae U %° relief are two dragons, cloud scrolls and the Sacred Pearl. Con- i} necting the handle and the top in high relief and undercut is a phenix bird. Conventional dragon motif is carved on the head. Length, 151% inches. No. 201 No. 202 First Afternoon | 205—WhuitrE JapE CouPE uy . Na ; de anrron en Deep rounded form in the shape of a peach on four low feet Y me Has loop handles of flying bats which support loose rings. The Lf os “top is spanned with a carving representing a resonant stone and happy-omen character. Tied at each end with ribbon knot and tassels. All in openwork carving. Cut from a solid block of purest white translucent nephrite. Stand. Length, 81 inches; height, 314, inches. aN l// 206—GrayisH WHITE JADE Carvin ( ye. eee oe en In the center is a small beaker vase and cover with dragon on a one side in relief. At one end is a large phoenix bird, and on c CU — the other openwork branches of fungus and citron. Stands. || Length, 9 inches. 1 207—Wuirer Jape Courr (Ming) yn Mr: 5. SO o pr if In the form of a leaf—deep, round and lobed. Encircled with I branches, leaves and flowers in high-relief openwork carvin ot ’ s P &: | /d Sites Stand. Length, 84, inches. First Afternoon 208 Fite 209—Whuirtr Jape Bown il L\AZ 4 Deep rounded form on four short feet. Has two large butterfly Inpian Jape Bown anv Cover (Ming) My T- wnt | Deep rounded form. Grayish white nephrite with cloudings of brown. Cut exceptionally thin. The base is short and fluted. Round the body is a deep fluted band between two conventional floral bands. The cover is flat with fluted bands round the top, and knob handle. Stand. Diameter, 71/, inches; total height, 4 inches. handles of deep openwork carving which support loose heavy rings. In the bottom, carved in relief, are two melons with branches and leaves* entwined. Stand and cover with carnelian monkey top. Length, 10 inches. Uv U First Afternoon 210—Brituiant Rep anp Wuire CaRNELIAN AGATE A tall tree trunk with a rose bush, leaves and large blossoms . grouped about it. Perched near the neck is a large phoenix (oo bird. All executed in high relief openwork carving. Stand. Dimensions, 61/4 by 73% inches. 211—GrEEN JADE PLAQUE a Co Oblong form. Dense clouded spinach green glaze. On one (ee etched in gold lines is a rocky landscape decoration with/ figures. Dae ,. On the reverse is a blossoming hawthorn tree. Pedestal stand. Length, 11 inches; height, 81 inches. 212—Larcre Green JADE PLATE oS Made of translucent mossy green nephrite. Cined in low relief [- on the inside and the outside with fluted bands. Stand. f au 0g So Diameter, 1034 inchés. \ PS 213—Japr Lantern (Sung or Early Ming) a fos \ a) Square form, with short straight neck and pedestal foot. Raised panels on the sides, with openwork circular medallions of dragons 2 rT oe flying in the clouds. Translucent grayish white nephrite in- oY terestingly marked with brown matrix. Wood stand and cover with carved white jade top. Height, with stand, 114% inches. ee 214—Whuitr Jape Hanerne Vase (Gio Ae i. O Flattened four-lobed ovoid body, with sloping shoulder and straight neck. On the sides of the neck are two loop handles 2 which support a tall and heavy handle. The handle supports Y VUE Sa loose seven-link double-looped chain, from the end of which hangs the cover of the vase. The entire piece is cut from one block of purest pork-fat white jadeite and is judged to be the largest and finest specimen of its type. Has an elaborate carved wood stand. Height, 12 inches. (Illustrated) ore First Afternoon Stand. (Illustrated) id / SY nephrite. Stand. (Illustrated) 217—Green JAvE Brusu Houper Chinese painting. Stand. (Illustrated) er Oe, AS Ae NAL 215—Green Jape Beaker Vase (K’ang-hsi) | Tall round form, with bulbous center, spreading base‘ and high ¢ ee flaring neck. The translucent nephrite is of intermingled sage s 20>. oe Z ees green and spinach green hues. Six bands of ridges run from neck to foot. The embellishment consists of tall palmette borders on base and neck, and archaic motifs on the bulging portion. Height, 10 inches. ie Hs ay) 216—GREEN JADE BrusH re aye. 7 4. rrr Wide cylindrical shape on four low feet. Most artistically carved in bold relief, and in many places cut through, showing an in- teresting mountainous landscape with large fir trees and occa- sional houses, cut from one piece of translucent moss-green Height, 5%, inches; diameter, 7 inches. SNS (A Wide cylindrical shape, beautifully carved in hifgh relief faa undercut from one block of moss-green translucent jade of ‘even color. The rocky landscape decoration shows numerous large trees, houses and figures. Was probably copied from an early } a Wem § Height, 5% inches; diameter, 754 inches. GIG ¢ 91 6 ON First Afternoon y, Vere AA, 4 218—Haneine JapE REsoNANT Sao Y RGAMAGVE ees In three sections attached with beads between. The top piece showing beautiful reticulated carving, the central piece oblong ve archaic dragon form etched in low relief, with rocky landscape 4d scenes. Both of translucent gray jade. The bottom section an { archaic bell shape in white jade with spots of green. Be g Hag Rs JODIE. | 219—Whuirrt Jape Haneine Beri DG x \ URA_ Oblong hanging piece showing openwork carving in archaic Owe pattern with a large flying bat. This supports a hanging quatre- foil bell with Greek fret band ornamentation. Stand. Height, 11% inches. 220—Toms Jape Kyun (Sung) Vv L ‘ An archaic carving of a squatting animal with a hole in its ~ = back showing its use was as an incense burner. Cut from a Sb St solid block of semi-transparent brownish white nephrite. Stand. Length, 7%, inches. be u v 221 Larcre Wuirt Jape Carvine (Ming) | Carving of a rockery with figure of a sage in bold relief seated | in a grotto. On a rock by his side is an incense burner and box. = ( at 222—Larcr WuitE Jape Bown c = US TIDAL — o/ 0 lal) “_ white jadeite with cloudings of green and brown. Stand. Diameter, 97%, inches. First Afternoon x) PSY I aa qy- af fy 225—Larce Wuite Jape Disu (Ch’ien-lung) . Low, rounded form on four short feet, with heavy dragon han- dles in high relief and undercut. In the center, also in high relief, is a branch of peaches with leaves entwined and flying Yay ¢é bat. Round the outside, carved in low relief, is a band showing the eight precious symbols. Cut from one block of purest white jadeite. One of the finest specimens of jade from the famous Prince Kung collection. Stand. Length, 125% inches. 226—WuitE Jape PLaquE C V Urban wb Z Oblong form. Beautifully carved with mountainous landscape scenes on both sides. One side picturing a house and figures. VA 6 UY + Set in an elaborately carved teakwood pedestal stand. Total height, 15 inches. First Afternoon . Gay ey 227—Larce Ametuyst Carvine mn ; Core cee. a A tree trunk vase with pomegranate stopper top. On one side, standing on a rockery, is a tall figure of a man. A peach tree with fruit, leaves and branches are entwined about the 4 ai oa trunk in high-relief and openwork carving. At the top is a flying i bat. Stand. = ve | SF Height, 91/, ‘inches. . PO de 228—Nepuritre Lorus Disu (Ming) | Irregular flat form, curved sides. On the bottom, in relief, is/ | 3 0 42 the stem cut from quite a unique piece of translucent moss- i green nephrite, covered with black cloudings. Stand. Dimensions, 12 by 9 inches. e ts First Afternoon 40 KA 229—Imporrant Rock CrystaL Vase with CovER —*” — Massive oviform, with high relief and undercut carving. Fash-/, ioned from a block of clear white rock-crystal of flawless texture, made especially lustrous by perfect polishing. The vigorously “sculptured design on one side shows Lan Ts’ai-ho, one of the Eight Immortals, carrying a basket of flowers over her shoul- der. At her feet is a boy carrying a vase of flowers. The reverse side pictures a boy riding an elephant. On either side of the base are a deer and a lion. On the neck are cloud scrolls and another lion. The cover, also of clear crystal, is crowned by a fabulous monster. Stand. Height, 15 inches; width, 73, by 5 inches. do First Afternoon e C f ies 4 230—Gianr Jape Lotus Disn (Ming) J+A ARN In the shape of a large lotus leaf with heavy stems and leaves carved in high relief underneath. Round the edges is a thalamus = ‘<—and several large leaves; cut from a solid block of translucent greenish blue jadeite, with the surrounding leaves a solid orange brown (oxide of iron). An exceptionally large and unique carv- ing. The stand represents waves of a river. Length, 15 inches; width, 11 inches. Pies 2 byw. ae Bua 231—Imwrortant Frencn Atrar TABERNACLE Made for a relic of the Blessed Virgin. Of solid silver with Va. ¢ ‘{ columns and windows of rock-crystal carved intaglio. Irregular oblong form with pediment-shaped top which removes. The spreading base is supported on the corners by female figures with four fantastic winged animals between on the sides. The surface is corroded by age, but shows in places some of the original gilding. Round the windows and column bases are panels of delicate and most artistic boulle work interspersed with set- tings holding semi-precious stones. Round the body of the piece under the crystal windows are cameo-shaped decorative paint- ings, with scenes from the life of the Virgin. The columns are carved with floral scrollwork. The windows show decorations of saintly figures. One in the center shows the death of the Virgin and another a procession carrying a model of the Holy House of Loretto. Round about the top are beautifully carved figures of the Muses and the Seasons. On top of the pediment is a saint carrying the reliquary. This exquisite production of the silver- smith’s art was made in France about one hundred years ago for a Spanish monastery. In artistic workmanship and concep- tion of design it certainly rivals the famous Italian work of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Height, 30 inches; length at base, 26 inches; width at base, 131% inches. (Illustrated) No. 231—Importrant Frencn ALTAR TABERNACLE SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.80 0’ CLOCK SPECIMENS OF BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAINS 232—Pair or Miniature Vases (K’ang-hsi) Bottle shape with tall necks. Decorated with an etched line St design. ' ff 233—Turee Miniature Vases (K’ang-hst) aoe. Square-shaped bodies with tall necks. Decorated in blue with oe figures in panels. Quite rare. 233a4—Parr or Mrintatrure Vases (K’ang-hst) Ovoid bodies, with tall necks. Blue decoration of figures and pe flowers. Teakwood stand. 234—MrntatureE Porceraww Vase (Chien-lung) Double-gourd shape. Decorated in blue with vines and growing gourds. Stand. Second Afternoon Vn 3) f ~ \ ULNNWE AY nw. Smart Brug anp Wuire Sxurr Borrie (Chien-lung) 235 Round globular form. Decoration shows two men in a garden G tp Nee conversing. Has yellow amber top. Stand. ; (UY Lio enn Uae 236—Buvr anp Waitt Snurr Borrie (Chien-lung) O-o& Cylindrical form, beautifully decorated with a mountainous land- ——_ scape and a man fishing. oe ; ow We tc- ( : \Uo 237—Sort-pasteE Snurr Botrite (Yung Chéng) Cylindrical form. Decoration, in underglaze blue, shows moun- iE ee ee tainous landscape with figures. A man fishing. Four-character period mark on the bottom. a c R (B 238—Sorr-pasteE Buve anp Waite Snurr/(BotTrLe The decoration consists of the eighteen Lohans, or Buddhistic [yore Apostles, with their distinguishing attributes, and a suggestion of rocky landscapes. Green jade stopper. 239—Parr or Miniature Vases (K’ang-hsi) “ © y Ovoid bodies with trumpet necks. Decoration in blue of panels Her f 7 with flowers. } Ce ye | 240—Two Buvr ann Wuitrrt SNUFF reaie de Cylindrical forms. One shows a river scene with mountainous landscape in blue on a soft-paste crackled white background. Ly *<. The other shows numerous figures of children at play in a | garden. Brown agate and green glass stoppers 241—Buve anp Wuire Snurr Borris (Yung Chéng) oa Covered with a solid floral decoration, showing a large dragon Vv iy ase in pursuit of the Sacred Pearl. Seal mark underneath. ie aS SSS ae 242—Miniatrure Buiue anp Waite Vase (Yung>Chéng)> | 9 A-Ann_ Four-sided ovoid form with tall, straight neck. Densely deco- Ho rated with floral design with a flying dragon in pursuit of the = Sacred Pearl. Character mark on the bottom. Second Afternpon 243—Buive anp Wuire Porcenain SNurr Botte Square form, with sharp shoulder, decorated on each panel with pore a large happy-omen character. On the shoulder are flying bats. Green jadeite stopper. Stand. ae TNL KehprrmmX&’ 244—Sorr-pastE Birur anp Wuire Snurr Borris Rounded octagonal form. Decorated with panels of jo-i head Ge leafy branches, in blue on a crackled white background. Red ~~ glass stopper. (a) Y) Tyr | gan NK wr HAL Bruun anp Wuire Snurr Borrre (Chien-lung) 245 Tapering cylindrical body. Covered with a decoration of blos- y 7 at soming flowers, with leaves and branches entwined. Has original porcelain stopper. D> Sef , 246—Two Sorr-pasteE Birur ann Wuirre Snurr Borries Ovoid and cylinder form. One shows a river scene with moun- / “~~ tainous landscape, the other numerous figures, all in under- glazed blue on a delicately crackled white background. Pink quartz and aquamarine bead stoppers. -~ ~ PAS pt 247—Mintature Brive ann Wuire Vase (Chien-lung) Baluster form. Decoration consists of solid wave pattern, show- —cet ° . . . . 7s — ing fishes and different sea animals. Above a dragon is flying. Stand. 2 4 a ) Lio - A-RAA_4 bz 1 248—Sort-pastE Brur anp WuirEe SNurr Botrre™~ ome a Flattened flask shape. Densely decorated in underglazed blue y emev : ; : Vas _ with a large dragon in pursuit of the sacred emblem and blos- soming floral branches. Lapis and pink glass stopper. Stand. 249—Sort-pastE Snurr Borrie (Chien-lung)\ A Rectangular form. ‘The decoration consists of four panels show+ ing groups of boys at play with floral scrolls between. Exe- cuted in rich cobalt blue on a delicate soft-paste crackled back- ground. Second Afternoon A 4 / OW, Smacy Bree ann Wuire Boretressfarep Vase (Chien-lung) y ae sore body with tall neck. Showing floral decoration round — the body and bands about the neck. SMa /) V/. Derk dose Sxurr Borrie ee, ar aA Ovoid form. Decoration in blue shows mountainous landscape | — . . | Jor with figures and two men in a boat. Metal stopper with coral Sor?r-PastE inlay. 252—Sorr-paste Sxurr Borriy (Chien-lung)~ Ps Cylindrical form. Decoration, in blue, shows dragon monsters [5 rising from the waves in pursuit of the mystic fire ball. Stand I) and ivory stopper. | | me fe 253—Sorr-pastE SNurvr Borrie (Yung Chéng) Cylindrical form. Decorated, in blue, with ferocious-looking yf jet Foo dogs, distributed over the entire surface. Period mark un- yn ATO A J »« Decoration in underglaze blue shows three of the Immortal Gods, with a horned animal, standing in the clouds with moun- derneath the foot. Stand. QO | T 254—Crytinprican SNurr Borris (Yung Chen g tainous landscape below. Six-character os on oe aoe, bottom. —, | 255—HexaconaL Bruun anp Wuire Snu me oe LE Kanwaat lung) Tall cylindrical form. Decoration consists of elongated panels r of “Long Eliza” figures, and blossoming plants. Stand. i SY 5 5 2 & ft mui y ap TVA 256—Ocraconat Buve ann Wauirr Snurr Borris (Yung Chéng i} Round thick form. Decorated with conventional formal floral \ / Ss = sprays. Six-character mark of the period on the bottom. Metal ) stopper with coral top. Period mark on he Porto: Stand. 257—Bowt-sHarep Brug anp Wurre SNurr Borrie (Yung Chéng) y The surface separated by slight fluting, showing sprays of —— 7 —,« ripening peaches running from the neck down the body. Metal stopper with coral inlaid. Period mark on the bottom, Stand. econd Afternoon 258—Buve anp Wuire Snurr Borris (Yung Chéng) Bottle shape. Beautifully decorated in underglaze blue, showing Ve «+ a sage riding a donkey over mountainous roads. Three figures resting by the roadside. Six-character period mark underneath. Wy . 7 / fh Metal stopper with coral bead. ae Se Cree (durch 259—Four Brive ann Waire Miniature Curs (K’ang-hsi) ye Decorated inside and outside with 2 ens ee © | 260—Mrniature Sorr-pastE Courr (Chien-lung) eae 7 aCe a Flat rounded form. Decorated, in blue, with blossoming fic flowers. / / Stand. ” Oy) un thbl lAnNM- VA | 261—Buve anp Wuire Miniature Coupe (Chien-lung) Low round form, decorated with a floral band between two formal Tie bands. (Slight chip at foot.) Stand. 262—Buivur ann Waitt Smauu Couper (Chien- unghie Ces eee. = Depressed round form. Decorated with formal floral bands. )se Stand. | I otf 2683—Buivur anp WuitEe Rovce Box anp Cover Geena nai ‘ Otte Depressed bulb form with disk top. Decorated with finely etched floral pattern. Exceptionally rare specimen. Stand. Ming mark. C4 ee e eS L Marte 264—Brivur anp WuirEe Rover Box anp Cover (Chien-lung) Interestingly decorated all over with landscape designs and IL Nee ie: a figures. oa y 265—Buve anp Wuirte Birp Cacr Cup (K’ang-hst) Barrel shape. Semi-eggshell porcelain. Decoration of figures and landscape very well executed. v, a4 AA 266—Sort-pastE Rovuce Box anp Cover (cheer IE? a Drum shape, with depressed medallions. Decorated, in blue, / with five-clawed dragons. Stand. Second Afternoon ee =~ Re ee sea BA AAA 267—Sma.u Sort-paste Musrarp Jar, (Chien-lung ? ; ; — / 72 Depressed, rounded body, sloping to a short, thick neck. Deco- 7. : rated, in blue, with scroll floral pattern. Ming mark. Cover and stand. " (ae aes | 268—Buiue anv Wuire Rovcre Box anp Cover (K’ang-hsi) 9 ¢ * Thick rounded form; decorated with a landscape scene and figures. Fine quality. Stand. ; Dept Ago 269—Buive anv Wurre Rovcr Box anv Cover (Chien-lung) SS 25e Decorated all over with swimming fishes and yg tand. 270—Fovur Buve ann Waite Smart Disues (K’ang-h Decorated both inside and outside with sprays of blossoming oS = © flowers: ae aa 271—MrniaturE Dovsie-courp VAsE (ang-Wsi)) 9) OP AHA se The body interestingly decorated, in underglaze blue, with “Long ot Eliza” figures in panels. Stand. .™ t\ "272 _Sorr-paste Borrie-sHAPED VaAsE (Chien-lun y GOAN Depressed bulbous body, with tall, straight neck. Blue and aves white decoration consists of three small floral medallions and palm leaves on the neck. Stand. Leight, 4/4 inches. 273—Buve anp Wuire Prar-sHArpep VASE Pe te : Ovoid body tapering to a thin neck. Decorated with sprays ro ok nea of flowers. Stand. C ; ron 5 inches. —274—Buve anv Wuite BorrLe-sHaPeD ve Onli \Gyveaee Dey Round, bulbous body with tall, tapering neck. A formal floral ee border runs around the body; formal bands on the shoulder and tall palm leaves on neck. Stand. | f eae 5 inches. 275—Sort-paste Borrie Vase (Chien-lung) a. ; Round bulbous body, with tall, straight neck. On a delicate white crackled background is a floral scroll decoration, with 7, ¢¢ tall palmette leaves running up the neck executed in cobalt blue. Stand. Height, 5 inches. Second Afternoon 276—Sort-paste CyiinpricaL Vase (Chien-lung) eae On a delicately crackled background is a decoration, in fine cobalt _,e blue, consisting of a large fir tree growing from a rockery. At — the base is a sacred deer. Stand. Height, 54, inches. vy aie f) : Yh 277—Sort-paste Borrie Vase (Chien-lung) eh on Rounded body, with tall, straight neck. On the delicately —-crackled background is a decoration in blue of leaves and flowers between deep borders. (Slight chips at the lip.) Stand. Height,5 siuches. Ya) ibe Oh 278—Buive anp WuitrEe Porceiatn Cur (K’ang-hsv) VL KR. a4 : Deep cylindrical form, with spreading lip. Cover with sea- ee ie scape decoration. Stand. 279—Buve anp Wuire Sort-paste Water Coupe (Chien-lung) Graceful round body, with sharply sloping shoulder. Decora- tion consists of a huge dragon, flying in the clouds in pursuit 3? — of the sacred emblem. Exceptionally fine quality. Stand. Diameter, 3°4, inches. Second Afternoon re : e . VE we, yr < 280—Buve ann Waitt Borrie-sHAPED Vage (Kang-hsi) _. Rounded body, with tall neck. The body is solidly decorated with 76 0 — the famous lily pattern design. Ming mark. Stand. Low rounded form, with disk-shaped top. Decoration, in fine Os bl - bg ‘ 77 x Ye . . ; of ue, shows mountainous landscape with ey fignresy LL w UN? ae, ? antk_ (aa (AN ics 281—DercoratEep Rovucr Box (Chien-lung) 282—Buive anp Wuitre Rovce Box anv Cover (Yung Chéng) Cylindrical form. On the cover is a ferocious dragon flying =e in the clouds in pursuit of the fire ball. Stand. ; a Pe Diaeter, 3 inchés. 288—Bive any Wuite Borrir-suarep Vase (Chien-lungy~ = Thick rounded body, with tall, straight neck. Decorated round pl BR vi the body with a wide floral band. On shoulder are formal borders. Tall palm leaves run up the neck. Stand. Height, 5 inches. Second Afternoon ( 284—Parr or Prar-sHareD Borrurs (K’ang-hsi) -~~ 4_/ . Cea. Graceful ovoid bodies with thin necks and spreading lips. The _,.~ decoration, which is executed in fine blue, consists of sprays of / ~ S lotus and chrysanthemum. Stands. (Neck of one repaired.) Height, 7 inches. CG / Ox, “9 285—Buivur anp Wuire Pear-sHapep Borrie (K’ang-hsi) Companion to the preceding. (Has been repaired.) iN 286—Decorarep Travot (K’ang-hsi) oe Tie Pe w ok _ Round, bulbous body, with handle, spout and cover. The deco- yigon oh ration, in underglaze blue, consists of two panels painted in pale blue. Stand. Height, 4 inches. Second Afternoon | lf x Nes DA ANA_ 287—Buve anp WuirE Tear Borris ies. -hsi Double-gourd shape, with tall, tine neck. Decorated with flow- 7 7 Be ering panels and bands. \ ; Height, 7 inéhes. \ aay Ny 4. 288—Buve anp Wuire Trear Borrie (Ran POM LA ) Double-gourd form, with tall, straight; neck. Decorated with a formal floral pattern. Gilt bronze stand. a Heigft, 7 inches. Ware 289—Buive anp Wuire Borrie-sHarep Vase (Chien- ot, Ca Tapering cylindrical body, sharply sloping shoulder and tall 3 a ——neck. The decoration consists of sprays of blossoming peaches, pray sp pomegranates and palm leaves. Stand. [i See f cular 7% inches. 290—Sort-pastE Batuster Vase (Chien- Why Wee eee Graceful ovoid body, with small neck. Decorated in fine under- oy oe. glaze blue. The central zone shows a floral scroll pattern with palmette leaves below, and a wide jo-i head band on the shoulder. Stand. Height, 63, inches. f poe® 291—Buve anp White Botrie Vase (K’ang- ey 9 op See ee Bulbous body, with tall, thick neck. The body has three round —medallions, and is fluted in between. Decoration shows char- acter marks with flowers. Height, 8 inches. ~ /} TN aN , 292—Buve anp Wuire Porcerain Disu Ciang nas Carrranch __ Decorated with a blossoming hawthorn tree in white on a blue > a —-background. Exceptionally fine quality. Guilt pedestal stand. Diameter, 6 inches. 293—Buvr anp Wuite Bow. (K’ang-hsi) Cee” wv The outside decorated with sea flowers and swimming fish in deep cobalt blue. Ming mark on the bottom. Stand. bg Diameter, 51%, inches. f- Second Afternoon 294—Sort-paste Bow. (Chien-lung) Innw- The decoration, which is executed in fine blue on a delicately Le Pala crackled white background, shows blossoming flowers and flying birds on one side and a nobleman’s crest opposite, showing that this bowl was made to order for a noble family of Holland. Stand. - Diame 6 inches. 295—Buve ann Wuirte Disu (K’ang-hsi) b. Ww - The decoration consists of a central medallion ce lilies i, AL growing from the water. A similar decoration is on the back. Stand. 6% anche. en fie Evy ang-hst) iameter, 296—Buve anp Waite Porcerain Disxu (Early Decorated with fishes and flowers in exceptionally deep cobalt /)aw blue. Interestingly marked on the back, signifying culture. —— Gilded pedestal stand. Diameter, 7 inches. 297—Sort-pastE Disu (Chien-lung) ae VE. (3 ¢ Decorated wth solid blue bands, and showing a jardiniére with ae growing ferns in the center on a delicately crackled white background. a 6 we 298—Buvr anp Wuirre Cake Box anp Cov ee. Kpeols (yee Ge Low cylindrical form. The cover is decorated with a floral pat- “tern, with blooming roses in white on a deep blue background. Leaf mark on the bottom. Diameter, 7 si 299—Buvur ann Wuire Box anp Cover (K’ang-hsi)C ce Any: yy Sa a Af < Oblong form, divided into four compartments inside. The cover “) decorated with a dragon rising from the waves. b Length, 81% inches; width, 25,4 inchs. 300—Buve ann Waite Jar-sHaprep Vase (K’ang- nay to Z Pr. Cylindrical body, with short, straight neck. The decoration consists of a rockery with hawthorn branches, executed in ex- iS ‘-- — ceptionally fine cobalt blue. Cover and stand. Height, 6 inches. Second Afternoon 301—Sort-paste Gatuipor Vase (Chien-luing’) rebrrmh The decoration, which is in cobalt blue, on a soft crackle white 3 ie background, shows a large pine tree with stork beneath. (Slight crack at the lip.) Stand. fp 302—Buve anp Wuire Hawrnorn Gincer Jar (K’ang-hsi) 3 Graceful rounded form. On a deep blue background, marked to e) ~~ represent cracking ice, are blossoming hawthorn flowers. The‘ brown underglaze discoloration is a mark of ae at fine quality. Stand. Dean Meee 303—Wnrirer’s Bur anp WuitrEe Brusu Horper (K’ang- hsi) | ES, Cylindrical bedy, with spreading lip. (Chipped in two places; ——mended in gold.) Decoration, in exceptionally deep, brilliant blue, consists of a mountainous land and sea Sens, Stand, ; ih ig if 5% inches, B Y, / 2 | 304—Bivr anp Waite Sort-paste Vase (Chien-lung) ee | Cylindrical body with short neck. The decoration consists of ag a rockery with blossoming flowers. The crackled background is > exceptionally white. Stand. y 2 . WA yas ( Height, 7 inches. | To I“ \ LAA g — 305—Bivur anp Wuite Beaxer-sHapep Vase (K’ang-hsi) ca a Cylindrical form, with trumpet neck. Decoration of wide pn palmette borders running above and below a central formally — decorated band. Stand. \y : Height, 7 inches. Y 306—Wrirter’s Brut anv Waurre Brusn Hover (K’ang-hsi) Cylindrical form. The decoration, in two principal panels, shows G2 a demon-like god balanced on the head of a sea monster, and birds perched on hawthorn branches. Stand._ Ss Height, 6 enchoe. = 2 307—Buve anp Wuitre SweEeTMeatT Jar (K’ang-hsi) CP On Graceful, rounded body, decorated with groups of hawthorn *t__flowers in white on a deep blue crackled background. The ori- ginal cover is chipped around the edge. Stand. Bh Height, 64, inches. Second Afternoon | 5 ‘ , ve 'SDDANMG 308—Imrerian Brue ann Wuire Dracon (K’ang-hsi) White Ta Ching porcelain. Decorated on one side with a monster | (9 4 dragon jumping from the turbulent waves. On the other side | — care : : are swimming fishes. Ming character mark. Stand. oN Diamgrr, Wh) inches. & Aen [| ImvertaL Biur ann Wuire Bown (Kang-hsiye | iC lay tiie / 309 oe . . . . . / » S — The inside pictures children at play. Around the outsid¢ are garden and interior scenes with figures, also a panel of gal- loping warriors. Imperial mark on the bottom. Stand. Diameter, 7°/,inches. 310—Iwrerian Bice ann Wurrr Bown (Kand-s) Vv. ( : The decoration, both inside and out, shows a lined wave orna- “EU ‘——mentation with fabulous sea monsters. Six-character ‘Ming | mark on the bottom. Stand. Diameter, 8 inches. tw ¢ y sy ' 311—Buvr ann Watre Fruar Porcenam Dist (Chien-lung) f Exceptionally fine quality, showing landscape panel, flowers, sur- / ost rounded by another pancl. Gilded pedestal stand. ae Diameter, 91/, inches. ; - i u 4 r 312—Pair or Biuer ann Were Disues (K’ang-hsi) Deep form, with spreading sides. In the center is a circular medallion showing mounted warriors fighting; around the sides oO OG = are alternating floral and warrior panels. Imperial mark on the bottom. Stand. Diameter, 1034 inehes. y) 313—Brive ann Wuire Prague (K’ang-hst) On ao een o Decorated with a central panel showing interior with figures. Mt/ Around the sides are alternating floral and fretwork panels. aa / 7) ~ Imperial mark on the back. / Demeter, (10%, inches. Pe Spare i 314—Parr or Bior anp Waurre Ovirorm Jars (K’ang-hst) ‘ Dense, hard paste. The profuse decoration consists of variously Tear shaped reserve panels, showing mountainous landscape scene with / ss i Y figures. Stands and covers. Height, 81, inches. Second Afternoon . vs 315—Buver anp Waitt HawrHorn AB scab JA y) Gracefully rounded form. The oes shows branches of a K?ang-hst hawthorn blossoms in white on a shaded solid blue background representing cracking ice. The brown markings are significant of exceptionally fine quality. Stand and cover. Heigiy) 6 inches. 316—Bivur anp Wuire Borrie-sHapep VASE (ang hate 7 Ovoid body, with tall, slender neck and onion top. The bod¢jia. pee —decorated with a wide lily pattern band; palm leaves run up the neck. Stand. an if /) Height, 9 Anches. V te trnerank— 317—-Bivur anp Wuire Crius-sHapep VASE (KA’ang-hsi) Decoration consists of a garden scene, with the master seated, S intent in watching his servants. Mountains in the background. F ‘ Full moon-shape, with cylindrical neck and carved hanfles. Decoration represents umbilicus center medallions, holding stel- = lated scepter heads, surrounded by angular fretted bands and wide radial borderings in eight divisions, each holding a Buddhist emblem of good omen. Scroll arabesques on the border. Period seal mark underneath. Stand. GC) , Height, IM, inches. 352—Buive anv Wurre Grosurar Jar (Wan-Tt 111645) ) Use Decoration consists of a broad circular band showing fishes swimming among lily pads. A formal border at the foot, a “s=— floral border at the neck. Has a bronze rim. Stand, and cover with white jade top. Height, 12 inches; diameter, 13 inches. Second Afternoon x ? 353—Buve ann WuitE Braker-sHaPep Vase (K’ang-hsi) Jar-shaped body, with trumpet neck. Decorated with numerous ;- round medallions, showing dragons pursuing fire emblems. In / 3 ¢ between is a wide etched floral decoration. Stand. aaa, ? weight, 18 inches. V AG 354—Buivur anp Waite Beaxker-sHarep Vase (K’ang-hsi) Ylort The decoration, which is executed in exceptionally fine edbalt blue, shows various large trees and figures in a garden. Stand. af 0 — Height, 1814, inches. (Illustrated) aay “18 355—Buivur anp Wuire Cius-sHarep Vase (K’ang-hsi) Most artistically decorated with a mountainous landscape with figures in a boat. Leaf mark underneath.. Stand. UE Va ne ae Height, 191, inches. | (Illustrated) » | 0) | , = ae (3 356—Buiur anp Wuire Beaker-sHapep VAsE (K’ang- hsi) Ovoid body, with trumpet-shaped Re Decoration consists of tropical trees, growing from rocky bases, and interiors with a / ve figures. (Three-cornered crack on the body.) Stand. fare 18 inches. (Illustrated )(~ _ Bie V te. marsarae 357—Buive anp Wuire Larce Gincer Jar (K’ang- ae fi The decoration, in deep cobalt blue, shows four elongated partely iS ey) .+ in which is a decoration known as the “hundred antiques,” and 7 ~~ in fan-shaped panels are figures, and intervening are clusters of flowers. Stand, and cover with carved jade disk. Y~/ Height, 111% inches. f NY { lok -Y wr ay, 358—Buive ann Wuirrt Tempie Jar (K’ang- Gree! ; / Graceful ovoid body, with short neck. Decorated allYover with 4) es —targe leaf scrolls, blossoming peonies and flying phenix birds. Stand and cover. Height, 13 inches. No. 355 No. 356 No. 354 Second Afternoon hier ‘ aS eens oe ee Cove PX Le 359—Buive ann Wuire Hawruorn Tempter Jar (K’ang-hsi) Oviform body, with short straight neck. Decoration consists of / +<« branches and clusters of prunus blossoms in reserve upon an Te opaque blue ground. Marked with broken lines to represent cracking ice. Stand, and cover with green jade ball top. Height, 13 inches. 360—Buvur ann Wuirre Temrete Jar anv Cover (K’ang-hsi) On the body, between wide formal bands, is a circular zone, show- S// ‘— ing many symbolic ornaments. A jo-i head band runs around the neck. Blossoming flowers decorate the cover. Stand. Height with cover, 1% inches. | Cu 361—Buve ann Wuite Tempte Jar (K’ang-hsi) te Decoration consists of three huge dragon-head monsters pur- / / | ‘—suing mystic life symbols. Stand and cover. ~ Height, 13 inches. | 362—Buve ann Wuire Braker-sHapep Vas (Pan kay Cylindrical form, with trumpet neck. Has flowering branches round the central zone. Above and below are river scenes, with ee mountains in the distance. Executed in exceptionally fine cobalt ‘9 —~ blue. Height, 18 inches. ie oii 363—Buive anp Wuirr Beaxer-sHapep Vase (Ranghet Cylindrical body, with trumpet neck. Central zone decorated | <-with blossoming flowers. Above and below are rocky river scenes with figures. Executed in exceptionally brilliant underglaze co- balt blue. Stand. Height, 19 inches. Gis Ath y 364—Bive ann Wuirr QuaprinateraL VASE (K’ang-Ksi i Graceful sloping, with round neck. The four panels decorated Dy ‘v_ with mountainous river scenes in peachbloom, celadon and blue. / Imperial mark on the bottom. Height, 21 inches. Second Afternoon 365—Buivr anp Wuire Giant Beaxer VasE (K’ang-hsi)~ situates Cylindrical form, with flaring lip. Decorated all over with a fe spear-shaped panels, showing different blossoming floral branches, and mountainous landscape scenes with rivers. Stand. Height, 25 inches. - 366—Larce Borrie-sHaPeD Vase (Chien-lung) [A Round, bulbous body, with tall, straight neck. The decoration /)f “< consists of numerous large lotus flowers with scroll-like leaves and branches in between. (Slight chip at the lip.) Height, 26 inches. Second Afternoon 367—Giant Borrie (Chien-lung) “4s : nttowrdb 4° Graceful, ball-shaped body, with tall, straight neck. Decorated on the body and the neck between wide, formal bands, showing numerous lotus flowers with scroll-like leaves and branches en- twined. Imperial seal mark on the bottom. Height, 231/, inches. OLD CHINESE BRONZES. oe. 368—Smatt Sunspor Bronze (Ming) Hn - Da thhoardk— — Oval form, compressed in the center. On the surface are large irregular spots of pure gold hammered in and polished. Stand Length, 314, inches. iN | 369—Ancient Bronze Spoon (Han) 4 - j. Wert, a thick “ee we) Deep oval shape with short stem handle. Covered with brilliant green patina. Carved ivory handle. Total length, 8 inches. a Sy 370—Miniature Bronze Vase (Han) TY. Ce «= a sv - Quadrangular shape, with ovated contour and receding neck. On two sides are animal-head handles forming small loops. The surface shows a richly modeled patina of russet red, green and brown. Stand. 371—Miniature Bronze Birp (Sung) W i) U [ —te Elis A two-headed bird with large wings and spreading tail. The entire surface is covered with an archaic pattern with silver and gold inlay. Stand. an 372—Gitt Bronze Lrsarion Cure (Ming) ‘S Vy Che OMAK __ Archaic oval body, with large dragon loop handles. On the body are vertical dentated ridges. The embellishment, carved in ( 7 Siete relief, consists of archaic dragon motifs on a fret background. Stand. Length, 434 inches. Second Afternoon 373—Svunspvor Bronze Cup (Hsuan Te) ae OS Aer Cylindrical form, with two raised animal-head handles. Ham- mered in the surface are irregular spots of pure gold. Under as “the foot is a finely etched six-character period mark. Stand, and elaborately carved silver cover. Height, 23, inches. 374—AnTIauE Bronze Vase anp Cover (Ming) 5, YL- (3 G20 AK Broad globular body, with tapering neck and two small loop ne ar ~TO “= dies on the body. Several raised bands encircle the vase. The sur- face is a rich dull brown with spots of brownish red and green patina. Modeled from a Han specimen. Stand. Height, 41, inches, "y) 375—Bronze Trieop Incensr Burner anp Cover Pee: ite) Rounded body on three cylinder feet. Short neck and spreading »e tum. Two lion-head handles on the body, also six oblong panels SiS — showing blossoming branches carved in high relief. The per- forated cover is surmounted with a Foo dog. Stand. Height, 5 inches. tr~ a, s 5 VS AL 376—Pair or Bronze Stratrurerres or Boys (Ming) aie 0 thle Saw Ou: Kneeling on square pedestal bases, and holding tall four-sided VOL ry VA Lf co for josh sticks. The surface is a blackish brown with spots Y —~of green patina. Height, 71, inches. 377—Bronze Starvuerre or Kwan-yin (Ming) GY A seated figure, clothed in loosely flowing robes, with mantel 29 ey ONT the head. The surface is black, tinged with brown. Stand. i «y Height, 6 inches. 378—Bronze Trivop Incense Burner (Hsuan Te) Low, rounded form on three knobbed feet and with two loop handles supporting rings. The surface is a rich brownish red. eS eS Incised period mark under the foot. Stand and pierced gilt bronze cover. Diameter, 514, inches. Second Afternoon 379— Je ALGAAS 380—Bronze Trivop Incense Burner (Hsuan Te) aoe lan Bronze Incense Burner (Hsuan TLL - were aaa Bulbous body on short foot, with slightly outcurving rim. Has two loop handles. The surface is a brilliant golden brown. Under the foot is a finely incised six-character period mark. Stand, and silver cover of openwork chrysanthemum design. Length, 55 inches. a eae Low, rounded form on three short feet, with two vertical loop handles. Has a dull golden brown finish. Incised period mark. Stand and cover with carnelian top. Diameter, 41, inches. 4 ee GX 381—Bronze Course (Hsuan Te) PEL Ys spp po aos Cylindrical form, on three short feet. Hodnd the center of the body, at the lip and the base, are three ringed bands. The highly polished surface is a light golden brown with cloudings of dark brown. Incised six-character mark of the périod under the foot. Stand and cover with coral branch top. Diameter, 43, inches. {/ A th, ff 4 S) coe + GAAS 382—Bronze Trieop Incense Burner (Ming) pes a < Round bamboo-shaped body, on three feet. Very fine quality bronze with golden flake finish. Stand and cover with pink coral flower knob. Height, 31% inches; diameter, 354 inches. Vf > 383—Bronze ImperiaL Incense Box (K’ang-hs A> Mie Oblong form. The surface etched in low relief with branches of blossoming chrysanthemums. All heavily gilded. Has open- work chrysanthemum silver cover. Stand. Length, 4°4 inches; height, 21, inches. ff S Ahh Lu Q {4 oO —_ Second Afternoon 38384 lax Inia Bronze Censer (Ming) G lee iwteonrg, Bowl-shaped body with spreading lip, on short band foot. Has ye two conventional animal-head loop handles. The decoration, in a —— inlaid silver, shows conventional dragon bands and motifs. Stand and cover with carnelian ball knob. Length, 6% inches; height, 31% inches. ‘ io, = c 384— Bronze SacRIFICIAL CENSER (Hsuan 2)/© BAM _ Bowl-shaped body on three legs, with two vertical loop handles. ; oa There are eight square etched dragon-head medallions, round the if 5 — body, separated by raised bands. The surface, partly gilded and part dark brown, shows cloudings of green patina. Incised period mark under the foot. Stand, and cover with green jade ornament. Diameter, 5 inchgss height, A%% inches. 385—Bronze Tripop Incense Burner (Hsadn peyote kK_ aa Low, rounded body on three short feet, with wide rim and two pa ie vertical loop handles. The surface is a dark brown with cloud- ings of brown and green patina. Finely incised period seal mark under the foot. Stand, and cover with jade ornament. Height, 41, inches; diameter, 6 igches. P 3 Z-Y- VW WA 386—Bronze Trivop Incense Burner (Hsuan Te Otte Low, rounded form on three short feet, with short band neck and rim. The surface is a golden brown. Finely incised six- a4 ge character period mark under the foot. Stand, and cover with carnelian ball ornament. Diameter, 6 inches. 387—Bronze Incensk Burner (Ming) 6 Vt Kea rol Oblong form, on four short feet, with two heavy square cut loop — gy eres handles. The surface is a golden brown color; finely incised - ~ character mark. Stand, and cover with ivory tip. Length, 5%, inches; height, 344 inches. 388—Bronze Incense Burner (Ming) Ga a iG Round bulbous form on three short feet. Round the outside are / 4—>reseveral floral medallions incised. The surface is a golden brown. , Vy . . ; Stand, and cover with pink coral ornament. Second Afternoon : tM VY GL nr 389—Bronze SacririciaL Trrpop Vessei (Ming) Rounded body raised on three cylindrical legs, and with two 2) a upstanding rimmed handles. The surface is a dull brown, covered with golden flakes. Stand, and cover with crystal knob. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 4%/, inches. 390—Bronze Trivop Vesse, (Karly ming{S ‘ Wr. pnrnth_ Bowl-shaped body with upturned angular handles at the rim, and raised upon three tall cylindrical legs. The archaic ornamenta- | oo: ‘—tion, in relief, presents grotesque lineaments of animals on an impressed ground of recurrent fretwork. The incised spaces ) are filled in with gold and silver. Shows a coating of brown and green patina. Stand and cover, both with carved jade | ornaments. Height, 63 inches; diameter, 4% inches. 891—Bronzr Incense Burner (Hsuan Tey J - OP pan a Oblong four-lobed body, on four short feet, with two looped CL handles. The surface is a rich brown covered with golden flakes. Under the foot is a finely incised period mark. Stand, and cover with amethyst ball top. L Height, 3 inchesy. length, 7 inchgs. an O- ie \ 392—Pair or Girt Trivop Incense Burnirs anp Covers (K’ang-hst ¢ Hexagonal form on three tall lion-headed feet, with two tall if og eee curved slender handles. Raised ridges separate the body into six } S "=panels showing raised and undercut floral decorations. The pierced covers are surmounted by Foo dogs, holding a brocaded ball. Height, 8% inches; oa dth, 8 inches, a Ae 393—Gitr Bronze Trivop Incense Burner anv Cover (K’ang-hsi) i Six-lobed bowl-shaped body, on three tall cylindrical feet, with LL) §¢ two lion-head handles in high relief. The body is delicately etched with a floral pattern, surrounding six lobe-shaped medal- if lions of blossoming flowers carved in high relief. The perforated | cover is surmounted with a Foo dog, holding a brocade ball. [ Height, 11, inches; diameter, 7 inches. Second Afternoon 394—Gitt Bronze Txaror (Chien-lung) \Y Ve. py Rounded body, with spreading base and tall thin neck. Has , , ,¢ long curved loop handle and spout. On the body are two panels SA '~ ot raised landscape. Cover surmounted with Foo dog. Height, 11 inches. uL kK 395—Gittr Bronze Incense Burner anp Cover (K’ang-hsi) Rectangular form on four curved feet and with two curved han- or — dles. On the corners are heavy vertical ridges, and on the sides are panels of blossoming flowers and birds in raised openwork carving. Reticulated carved cover surmounted with a Foo dog. Length, 8 inches; height, 634 inches. /, 396—Gitr Bronze Box anp Cover (Chien-lung) ( My re Pe ee oe The decoration, hammered out in high relief, shows a large cir- 27 cular medallion on the cover of dragons flying in the clouds. vg There are two wide central floral bands. Diameter, 61 inches; height, 334, inches. los f- 397—Tisetan Bronze Stratverte (Ming) ve V4 h A seated four-armed Buddha on a lotus thalamus pedestal base. = —. She wears a characteristic high-crown headdress and necklaces / 3 —over her breast. The heavy gilding has worn away in parts. Elaborately carved wood lacquered stand. Height, ae inches. 398—Bronze Ficure (Ming) Ge wt. Depa Shows a figure of a boy standing on a lotus thalamus ith one ¢- arm and hand pointing toward the earth, and the other raised above. Unclothed, save for a leather-like band hanging from the neck over the stomach. The whole surface is heavily gilded. DU Height, 1114 inches. 399—Gitt Bronze: Incensr Burner (Ming) = A, ieee at In the shape of a fantastic winged monster, with ‘the ee of ‘ene the vessel rising in wave formation above the monster’s head. = 5 / —The surface is heavily gilded and inlaid with numerous and varied semi-precious stones. Stand. Height, 714 inches. Second Afternoon ees) 400—Bronze Trieop Incense Burner Early Ming) Bulbous round body, with short slightly spreading neck on three oot short feet. Has two large relief handles. The surface is a lustrous brown covered with golden flakes. Under the foot is a finely incised period mark. Cover with carnelian ornament. Wit 43/, oon Vb ge 71, inches. 401—Bronzr Incens—E Bow. pee: Sloping ovoid body, with Ha fale qieatiee Round eae body are six large character marks, surrounded by an etched LS *£ floral pattern. The surface is a dull golden brown. On the bottom is a finely incised period mark. Stand, and cover with carved jade top. Diameter,_7 inches ;, height, 4 inches. 402—Bronze Koro (Hsuan Te) Th : Graceful, round spreading form, on low circular base, and with two curved loop handles. The surface is a brilliant golden af +. brown; finely incised period character mark on the bottom. ~~ Stand, and cover with carved iy top. Jew 73/, inches; height, 314, inches. 403—Bronze Incense Burner (Hsw x Red centur Bulbous body, on short foot, with ied spreading nae, heavy loop handles on the sides. The surface is a mottled olive oH) “ brown. Finely incised six-character mark of the period. Stand, and cover with carved ivory knob. Diameter, 71/, inches; height, 3 inches. e 404—Bronze Tripop IncensE Burner Te Ped Round bulbous body, on three short legs, with shor 5 pro- a4 “* truding lip and two upstanding rope-like loop handles. The body is divided into three panels, showing an etched wave design with flying birds. Stand, and cover with ornamental top. Diameter, 717, inches; height, 51, inches. 405—BronzeE Koro Tha Seventeenth Zentury Round, bulbous body with short neck and Aastra eon o>? is three short feet. The surface is golden brown clouded and covered with flakes of gold. Stand, and cover with amethyst top. Diameter, 71/, inches; height, 41% inches. Second Afternoon 406—Trivop Incensrt Burner (Early thy 1. Low, rounded body on three animal-head legs, with short neck _, and protruding ribbed lip. Has two upturned angular handles et me on the rim. The entire surface is inlaid with silver, showing formal scroll pattern and fret bands. On the bottom is an eight- character seal mark. Stand, and cover with carved jade top. Height, 5°, inches; diameter, 61/, inches. 407—Bronze Sacririciat Tripop VessEL (Mingy 7 M-. Wee Rounded body, on three tall cylindrical legs, with spreading rim Sere and two angular upstanding rim handles. The surface is a UY —— golden brown with cloudings of reddish patina. Stand, and cover with carnelian knob. Height, 8° inches; diameter, 51/, inches. (a fo 408—Bronze Trreop Incensre Burner MM. - 1 Bowl-shaped body, with short curved neck. Has two large carved oo: JU __relief handles. The surface is a dark lustrous brown. Stand, and cover with carnelian top. Length, 91/4, inches; height, 534 inches. CVT op 409—Bronze Tripop Crenser (Ming) a. m™m a, Ka Oanretig Bulbous body, with three short feet. Short band neck and thick > rim, on top of which are two tall loop handles. The surface 2 2a is a spotted olive green. Stand, and cover with carnelian knob. Diameter, 8 inches; height, 634 inches. YY 410—Bronze Incense Burner anp STanpd (Minf 42 “UV Cr Low, rounded form on short base, with slightly curving rim. Has two large loop handles. The surface is a brilliant brown, a), z covered with gold flakes. Finely incised seal mark on the bottom. — Cover with carved white jade top. Height, 334 inches; length, 1034 inches. 411—Bronze JarDinizre (Karly Ming) Rather low, rounded form with curved sides, covered with a dull of < green patina. Stand, and cover with carnelian top. Height, 31% inches; diameter, 61 inches. Second Afternoon vr) f) 412—Bronze Incense Bowrt (Ming) /) - bo DA Deep bulbous body, on three short feet. On one side is a raised | By, one character mark. The surface, blackened by incense smoke, shows touches of green patina. Stand, and cover with amethyst top. oat 7 inches; Eggs 51% Anches. 4138—Bronze Frowrer Vase (Ming) TJ“ A Cylindrical body, with sharp shoulder and tall thick neck, on the »* sides of which, in high relief, are two fish handles. Covered with oS a dull green patina with touches of red. Stand. Heigyt, 914, inches. 414—Bronze Lisation Bowi (Han) YN - (- ; Low, rounded form. Covered both on the inside and the out- on «* side with a thick brilliant malachite green patina. Stand. Diameter, 714 inches; height, 214 inches. Vin hear P| 415—Ancient Bronze Bown (Han) mM ¥ Rather deep cylindrical form, on low circular foot, with slightly I OT ¢¢ spreading rim. Coated with heavy drops of brilliant malachite green patina. Stand. i Diameter, 71/,inches ; hetght, 25/ iiiches. 416—Bronze Lisatrion Vesset (Han “ SALA Ancient inverted helmet-shaped body, with prolonged lips. Raised on three tapering feet, and with loop side handle. Two short a-7s@ stems with conical knobs rise from the rim. Rich blended brown / patina with malachite green zones. Stand. Hgight, 10 inchess width, 75% inches. 417—Iron Cyuinpver Vase (Ming) PRAY ZAnanrtr SNE gE eee y «s_entire surface is decorated with an incised leaf-scroll decoration, j a filled in with silver and etched in delicate lines. On the bottom is a gilded four-character period mark. Stand and cover. Rounded body raised on three cylindrical legs, slightly outcurv- a8 - ev ing rim with two upstanding loop handles made of dragons with joined heads. A double etched Greek fret and jo-i head pattern encircles the body. The surface is covered with a reddish brown patina. Stand, and a cover with white agate top. H 3 ! Height, 834 inches; diameter, 10 inches. i Attached to the surface are six gilded Buddhistic emblems. The ; ) fae 11 inches. 4174s—Bronze Trivop Incense Burner Ct LANG Wy Henn Second Afternoon . ; D) ft A at ~ s 418—Bronze Tripop Censer anp Cover Siin teased il 8 Af “<——Made by Yomao Mitsuraki Kanazawa, “Old Kaga,” the most famous bronze artist of Japan. Bowl-shaped body, on three cylindrical legs. Short neck and two dragon-head handles hold- ing upright large ring handles. The decoration, in inlaid gold and silver, shows a band of large pointed palmettes round the body, and conventional dragons round the neck on a Greek fret background. The surface is a golden brown. The cover, which is also elaborately decorated, is surmounted by a knobbed top. Total height, 10% inches; width, 754 inches. 419—Larcre Bronze Bow (Karly Wee YU ~(0 LA. Heavy ovoid form, with short curved rim. Round the shoulder are six low knobs, with incised scroll designs. The surface is a “<_lustrous reddish brown. Finely incised seal mark on the bottom. Stand, and cover with white jade carved ornament. =) Oj Height, 7 inches; diameter, 9 inches. Second Afternoon a ee ee - — Chere 420—Bronze Anrmat WINE VESSEL (Hing) In the shape of a mythological rhinoceros. The features are boldly modeled. There is a harnesslike raised band running a Pt round the body. Decorated with an inlaid silver Greek fret | pattern. Gold is inlaid on parts of the head. The surface is a dark brown with touches of green patina. Has a perforated | cover. Stand. " i Length, T~-inches; height, 7 inches. A, 421—Bronze Trivop Vesset (Karly NaAe | Bowl-shaped body on three large animal-head and claw feet. i | 3 ee Has a short neck, thick rim, and two tall curved upright handles. ig The surface is a lustrous blackish brown, showing cloudings of dark red and green patina. Stand and cover. SS Se eT Height, 11 inches; diameter, 81/, inches. Second Afternoon 422—Intaip Bronze Wixe Por (Han) a ye ys Whee pas Archaic oval body, with handle and vertical dentated ridges. Ay CY — Supported on rather tall oval base. The cover is in the form of a fabulous monster. The embellishment consists of archaic dragon motifs in low relief, with gold and silver inlaying. The surfaces show rich brown, green and blue patina. Stand. / Height, 111% inches; length, 12°4 inches. ~ r ee: y 5 EL “Lenn ( 423—BronzE Stranpine Ficure (Mingy \: : Representing Ho Hsien Ku, one of the Eight Immortal Gods, A ) @e 5 3 . 44—/ standing on a rocky base, clothed in loosely flowing robes, and carrying in one hand a spray of lotus flowers. Height, 16 inches. Second Afternoon a \ 424—Bronze Bowr (Hsuan Te) Ute pawl BAe Graceful, rounded form, with wide mouth and two animal-head handles supporting loose rings. The evenly colored surface is a lustrous reddish brown. Finely incised six-character period mark on the bottom, and cover with green jadeite carved top. ee 10 inchor height, 61/, inches. 425—Bronze Trrpop CENSER AND co %) SeBefcently ce century | iil 34, (pee | SSS b} {\ ee oe SFR regen Large bowl-shaped body, on three short heavy féet, with vo loop handles connecting the body with the short neck. The surface is a dull golden brown and covered with formally drawn flowers connected by numerous irregular lines, all inlaid with silver, copper and gold. The top is surmounted with a large dragon. Made by Yomao Mitsuraki Kanazawa, “Old Kaga,” the most famous bronze artist of Japan. Stand. cab 12 EES Tamer, 8 inches. 425s—BronzE Stanpine Ficure (Ming | (es Te eee a Standing figure on a rocky pedestal base, with a basket on her back with strap around the shoulders. Partially clothed in ~ loosely flowing garments. Height, 16 inches. 426—Bronze Trivop Incense Burner PO as Low, bulbous body, with slightly protruding rim, on three short sloping feet. Two upstanding loop handles. . Atrwee 442—Croisonné Enamet Trrrop Incense Burner (Ming) Cylindrical form, with flat rounding handles and three short feet. Around the body is a formal floral pattern. There are raised carved metal medallions on the legs and around the neck is a band of raised metal bosses with panels in between jo-t head clouds. The cover is decorated with a series of bands showing formal borders and rings of blossoming flowers. Three-ply stand. Height, 6 inches; diameter, 7 inches. Third Afternoon : ls Ma 70a ne 443—Croisonni EnamMet Tripop CENSER WIT if ho (Chien-lung) Round bulbous body, with short neck and protruding rim, sup- Two handles are of ported by three lion-head feet gilded. similar design, grasping gilded rings. v The body is embellished od with blossoming flowers, conventionally drawn, and bats flying among jo-t head clouds. The lower part of the cover is of gilded metal carved in openwork, showing the eight precious sym- ply, lotus-leaf stand. (Iliustrated) 444—Tripop CEenser (Ming) bols with cloud scrolls and flying bats in between. is a wide jo-é head shape band decorated with flying bats in colors. The top is surmounted with a gilded Foo dog. Three- Height, 1014 inches; diameter, 10 inches. Bowl-shaped body, supported by three tall legs. band of alternating panels showing fantastical animal heads in iio) /) ‘colored enamel under the rim, with raised gilt knobs in between. fom The body is decorated with a wide band of dragon heads in colors, From here, running with heavy black Greek fret designs below. underneath, is a lattice pattern enclosing individual hawthorn blossoms outlined in black. Stand, and cover with carved white jade knob. (Illustrated) Height, 121. inches. 445—Croisonné Enamet Trieop Crenser (Ming) \* i| Bowl-shaped body, on three tall legs. i ring of raised gilt metal bosses, and from the top of the rim | rise two oblong-shaped handles. The decoration consists of dragon heads, fret patterns and other designs. cover, surmounted by a gilt openwork knob, which is decorated with a dragon. Stand. (Illustrated) Around the body is a Black enamel Height, 13 inches. Third Afternoon 446—Crorsonné Enamert Disu (Ming) (ir ~ Cees Low, spreading form, on low foot. Decoration, which is ex 208 cuted in subdued colors on turquoise-blue background, consists a ofa large central panel showing a bird flying amongst flowering bushes. Around this is a wide border with panels of blossoming flowers of the four seasons. Diameter, 914, inches. 447—Croisonnt Enamet Derr Bown (Ming) is b Gracefully curving sides, on short foot. In the center, on a dark blue background, is a large round medallion decorated with “Y “sprays of lotus flowers. A palmette border, in different colors, surrounds this; a floral band encircles the lip. The outside of the bowl is similarly treated in decoration in subdued colors. Stand. Diameter, 9 inches. 1G ee Has a large central panel of a floral pattefn/ surrounded by .» jo-t head and Greek fret bands. On the back is another band xs ~~ of jo-i head panels enclosing conventional flowers. A floral de- sign with flying butterflies is on the bottom. The entire em- bellishment is in various colors of enamels on a turquoise-blue background. 448—Croisonnr Enamet Larcr SuHatitow Disxu 449—Crotsonnt Enamet Gauurot Vase (Ming) Graceful ovoid body, with small short neck and lip. The body of the piece is decorated with conventional leaf scrolls and yf ce Ce lotus flowers in various subdued colors on a rich turquoise-blue background. There is a formal border at the foot and a band around the shoulder, decorated with a floral pattern on a lapis- blue background. Stand. Height, 11 inches. 450—Crotsonné Enamet Garurpot Vase (Mind) The typical and rich turquoise-blue ground contains conven- Tie «¢ tional leafy scrolls and lotus flowers in lapis-blue, Indian-red, dark green and white. At the base is a wide formal border. Period of Wan-li (1573-1619). Stand. Height, 111% inches. Third Afternoon Myr & 451—Gitt anp Enametep Lantern (Chien-lung) / /A, lrrarcde The octagonal base is enameled in colors with a conventionalized dragon motif. Above this is a balcony of gilded bronze. From eh ‘this rise eight thin metal columns with a dragon coiled about each. Above are several balcony effects in openwork metal and cloisonné enamel, forming a canopy. An enamel cylinder piece and knob rises from the top. Height, 201 inches. 452—Cuorsonné Enamet Borriz-suarep Vase (Chien-lung) Round bulbous body, on small foot. Sharply sloping shoulder,/2 . Elerney ,, With tall neck and spreading lip. The body of the piece is 7G Ss — elaborately decorated with conventional leafy scrolls and blos- soming lotus flowers in various subdued colors on a turquoise-blue background. Stand. Height, 14%, inches. is 2 (N EM Y 453—Crotsonné Enamet Larce Ovirorm Vase (Chien-lung Ovoid body, with sloping shoulder, short neck and expanding lip. 3 2 ,.. The decoration on the body consists of leafy scrolls, blossoming i ——flowers and flying bats in subdued colors on turquoise-blue back- ground; a wide decorated band encircles the shoulder and tall leaf-shape decorated panels embellish the neck. Stand. Height, 16 inches. DECORATED MING AND OTHER OLD PORCELAINS AND POTTERY 454—Buiack anp Green PorceLain Ink Cup (Ming) ne ot earcxa on, Gee Wide base, sloping to a small mouth. Glazed in brilliant green LY, 25? with hawthorn sprays painted in black under the glaze. Stand. {— Height, 21/, inches. CZ P Vy Vi 455—Two Ozstone Disues (K’ang-hsi) 7. a ip het Irregular quadrilateral form. Three-color porcelain decorated ; > St with formal floral scrolls on a yellow background/ } ae oh. U1LEtg AA Diameter, 47%, inches. Third Afternoon 5 456—Six Turee-cotor Porceitai DisHeEs atkeg Sed ; 7 : Irregular five-sided form. Decorated with figures of boys and EF x “££ flower scrolls in green and aubergine on a yellow background. i, (Two are broken.) i he 41/, inches. 457—AvBERGINE CourEe (Ming) (? Rather depressed bulbous form, covered with a deep thick aub¢r- Vi lee gine glaze. Stand and cover. | / : Diameter, ee inches. 458—Porcetain Anima (K’ang-hsi) tn. €. Nel latr Modeled in recumbent position, and ae with a splash glaze Ne OO et aubergine, yellow, green and white. Stand. Length, 33/4, inches. f) Dp f] 459—Porrery Incense Burner (Ming) 4, 1eZ 5 oy Frog shape, with opening in the top. Covered with a running blue and white flambé glaze. A / nie ERG eter, 6 inches. 460—Parr or Porrrery Disuxes (Ming) (RUF ee i Low, flat forms, decorated with an etched lily defn in black y. oF «* lines on a green background, splashed with aubergine and yellow. Goo 63, inches. 461—CyuinpricaL Porcertain Vase (Ming) Gol ee ws Covered with a thick, brilliant green glaze with an underglaze 3 decoration in black, showing flowering branches and birds. Stand. Mca Height, 7 inches. oe eT W) ane 462—Wnriter’s Inx Covvre (Ming) Ce ene Low, rounded form, on three short feet. Covered with a thick ie café-au-lait glaze, with a floral decoration in white slip. Stand, and cover with carnelian top. Diameter, 51, inches. 463—Porrrery Buty (Ming) Mur Wale Vw: WV rage Covered with a thick Tenmoku type glaze of speckled dark / A ~$2_ brown with blotches of lighter brown. Length, 7% inches. Third Afternoon Ghrk 464—Pam or Porcetain Foo Does (Ming) a: parkty cee Seated on pedestal bases, supporting incense tubes on backs. ~— Glazed in brilliant green, aubergine and yellow. Age 6 inches. 465—Porcetatn Foo Doe (Ming) (° Un aad ‘ Seated on a pedestal stand with young one oS as r- / PO tube for incense on its back. Covered with a running aub ~~~ gine green and yellow glaze. Height, 4 inches. 466—Porceiain Inx Covurr (Ming) SD va “Loy, : In shape of a recumbent figure of a man holding a large jar 32st Glazed with a delicate apple-green with spots of black. ihe “— face is unglazed, except for black markings. Stand. Zeenat 61/, Foes 467—Potrery Gop (Ming) Wr Nn - ae Ly Wy ner Seated, clothed in loosely flowing robes, and covered fh a yi van 5¢~__ delicately crackled cream-colored glaze. Stand. ry 61, inches. 468—Potrery Warrior (Ming) Aa Standing figure, holding a metal spear. Glazed in aubergin o 2<¢©___ and turquoise-blue, with exception of face and hands. Stand. ( Height, 8'/7inches. OQ 469—Porrery Trivop Incense Burner (Ming) Oy’ e -\ Dee Rounded body, with short neck and wide mouth. Two loop ee handles on the rim and three short feet. Covered with an inter- ~~ esting mixture of iron rust and tea-leaf glaze. Stand, with jade disk inlaid. Cover with amethyst ball top. ale 51%, thehds. 470—Ternmoxvu Jar (Early Ming) WS V-p.Lg__ ie Round, bulbous form with short rim. Covered with a bluish OY — hblack running glaze, with large splashes of brown. Stand. Height, 434 inches. 471—Portrrry Garpen Srat (Ming) ; Rounded body, with flat closed top and open bottom. The Ye openwork body is a thick ribbon lattice pattern, glazed a bril- liant aubergine. Height, 12 inches. Third Afternoon 2s pe 472—Trnmoxu Porrery Bow. (Sung) 4 ( : Omens. Wide spreading form, covered with a thick running brown glaze, vs lem ‘* turning to a blackish blue of hare fur type. Stand. Diameter, 7% inches. 473—Porrery Water Borris (Ming) Zf Ovoid form, sloping to a thin neck. Covered with a speckled grayish blue glaze. Stand. Ve ee IN Pr Height, 8 inches. 474—Paim or Foo Does (Ming) igen op rrall Seated on pedestal stands, supporting tubes for incense. Glazed hee in aubergine, yellow, white and apple-green. (Foot of one re- stored.) Height, %/, inches. @ 475—Porrery Coupe (Ming) Dyn: co (3 Vth Low, rounded form with incurving shoulder and wide mouth, covered with a brilliant green glaze, finely crackled. Stand and f) Diameter, 62 inches. e7 = cover. if af 476—Portrry Jar (Ming) “~Yy ¢ 4] Va Ovoid octagonal form, with short round neck. The panels deco- y) y ue rated with the Eight Immortals around the body, and on the — shoulder the eight precious articles, all in etched black lines on a green crackled background. Stand. Height, 6 inches. 477—Portery Trrpop Censer (Ming) ew are a Bulbous body, with short, thick neck and three short feet. Cov- 2 1 7 5 S ered with a thick speckled purplish blue glaze. Bead cover y with carnelian top. WMG Di Orag 6 inches. Oyo 4'78—DercorateD PorcELaIn Bow (Ming Yur? CL 70 .- Round the outside are sprays of blossoming flowers in yellow, Gg — green and white on a background of brilliant aubergine. Stand. I, Diameter, 71 inches. cs a 479—DercorateD PorceLain Bown (Ming) | On a brilliant yellow ground are sprays of hawthorn branches o i ‘> and flowers in aubergine, green and white. Stand. Diameter, 71/ inches. Third Afternoon 480—Pair or Porrery Breakers (Ming) Me ly {rst Quadrilateral forms which bulge in the center. Decorated in re- Save lief with precious symbols and sprays of flowers. Covered with a turquoise-blue glaze. Height, 8 inches. 481—Dercoratep Frower Vast (Ming) Vee ,. Tall hexagonal form on a pedestal base. Openwork carvjag, 7 ae with two principal chrysanthemum floral patterns in(cream ¢olor ~ and turquoise. The body glaze is a deep royal purplish-blue, with three protruding bands of turquoise. a 81/, inches. 482—Potrery Braxer Vase (Ming) : Quadrilateral form, with bulge in the center. Decorated in relief o 2-s¢ with floral sprays and coins. Covered with a crackled turquoise blue glaze. Stand. Height, 81 inches. 483—Potrery Boy (Ming) h ‘ Standing figure, with hands raised as in prayer. The lower 23 portion of the body only is clothed. The upper portion is glazed ~_ a pale olive green, the lower part a deep emerald green. Stand. Height, 8 inches. 484—Buack AND GrEEN PorceLain Botrie (Ming) 1 ty -e« Rather depressed bulbous body with tall, straight neck. Covered as with a brilliant emerald-green glaze, and decorated with blossom- ing peonies in underglaze. Stand. Height, 81/, inches. 485—Portrery Jar (Ming) ro) : = Ovoid fluted form with short neck. Covered with a finely crackled )) dv camellia-leaf green glaze. Stand, and cover with rose quartz top. i : Height, 51/, inches. C Ale Va) ae Sats 486—Porrery Incense Burner (Ming) J- nN (VRE NG att 9759 Slightly flattened round form on four short feet and having two fe /“— large dragon handles. Covered with a lustrous iridescent brown | glaze. Decorated with two raised formal dragon panels. Stand, and cover with white jade knob. Diameter, 9 inches. Third Afternoon if ( 487—Porrery Trivop Incenst Burner (Ming) “ Bulbous body with thick neck. Has two tall curved handles and 3 jae three animal-head feet. The body reticulated with huge dragons. Covered with a running glaze of dark brown, blue and yellow. Stand, and cover with jade top. Height, 7 inches. 3 —,. Cylindrical form, on three short feet. Decor ted in white slip ) showing fabulous monsters and cloud scrolls. Stand, and cover with lapis carved ornament. | 488—Caré-avu-Lait JARDINIERE (Ming) Height, 3 inches. 4 489—Porrery Gatuivor Vase (Yuan) Dh rnnaonechaN, A Q , « Covered with a delicately crackled turqnoise glaze, and elabo- ae ~ rately decorated with floral designs etched in black lines. (Cracked on one side.) Stand. i Height, 9 inches. : (Illustrated) Oe OA ihe The decoration is a floral scroll pattern between wide formal 490—TvrevoiseE Potrery Gatiieor (Yuan) a ee bands painted in black lines on a turquoise blue background. re ost e) S Stand, i Height, 91, inches. a (Illustrated) ! CV — /) / 491—Dercoratep Gauuipor (Yuan) Ny, AMAA nt 1/ The decoration, etched in relief, shows a garden/ scene with pine LF, ¢ 2° trees and figures, between wide formal borders’ Exectited in turquoise-blue, yellow and white on a deep mazarin-blue back- ground. Stand. Height, 1134 inches. (Illustrated) 68) “ON Third Afternoon | 492—Porrery Trreop IncensE BurNER noe | 4 a - at | Bulbous body, with thick neck and two tall handles. Supported i on three feet. Turquoise-blue crackled glaze, and decorated with | va a —an etched floral design in black lines. (Glaze chipped and painted over.) Stand, and cover with amethyst knob. Height, 61, inches. Hee ( ) V, ip o Ke A 493—Surine StatTuEette (Ming) Foe “Nog Me The goddess of Mercy seated on a throne with hight one Dense ue — kaolinic biscuit glazed in deep, purplish blue and turquoise. The head, breast and arms are unglazed. (Corner of the base mended. ) Height, 10% inches. | 494—Biscuit Ficurre (Ming) (2. Standing figure of a boy on a pedestal base. The hea eee hands are of biscuit. The other parts glazed a deep royal blue uf a? and turquoise. Height, 1214, inches. 495—DercorateD Batuster Vase (Ming) hD a Y / Graceful, ovoid body, with sloping shoulder and lip rimmed with silver. On a deep blue background is a floral scroll decoration 7 We — in white and brown. Stand and cover. Height, 9 inches. 496—Porcetain Vase (Ming) YY. LX He Ve | Ovoid body, sloping shoulder and onion-shaped top. nWAe \ of 0 e with two baskets of blossoming flowers in white slip over a ‘stone- blue crackled surface. Stand. Height, 10%, inches. | 497—Potrery JARDINIERE (Ming) tm Vache | 2 Bulbous body, with short neck and protruding thick rim. Cov- J ie ered with a dull turquoise-blue glaze. Stand, and cover with blue agate top. : S: Height, 51, ae 498—Porrrery SweermMeatT Jar (Ming) Aa Nac Orgel ~oe Ovoid body, with short neck. Covered with a brilliant deep te — mazarin-blue glaze. Stand, and cover with carved coral top. ( Height, 634 inches. gti Ea Third Afternoon © t-rheg 499—DercorateD PorcreLaIn SwEETMEAT JAR (Early K’ang-hsi) Ovoid body, with sloping shoulder and short neck. Round the body are four dragon panels, interspersed above and below with fie eG «- _ the eight precious objects. The decoration is in brilliant yellow Y on an apple-green background. Ming six-character mark. Stand and cover. Height, 7/, inches. [>.§ ith a finely 1 cover with 500—Porrery SweerMeatT Jar (Ming) H. Round, bulbous body with short neck. Covered 7.» crackled green glaze, showing iridescence. Stand, a 7} VY ~ jade ball top. Height, 534, inches. > et Third Afternoon ———-——— CC. N—— Oo eo eo 501—Porrery Oi Jar (Ming) O ee Uherth, Ovoid body, with short neck, covered with a brilliant finely ia yo crackled green glaze. Stand. Height, 7 inches. 502—Porrery Jar (Ming) WK Ovoid body, with short neck, covered with a brilliant green g pie uf. .. delicately crackled. Stand, and cover with jade top. Height, 7 inches. 508—Porrery Jarpintere (Early Ming) Ob. C oY Ovoid form, with straight sides. The outside glazed with a deep ‘— running crackled green glaze. On the inside is a thin, crackled heliotrope glaze. Stand, and cover with jade top. t, 634, inches. 504—Porrrery Figure or Kwan-yin (ating) OMe -t Se ae Standing on a pedestal base, with child by her side. Glazed ii i v9 <“ aubergine, turquoise, yellow and white. Height, 10 ei (Illustrated) ( y yy, VE DEG Sr Ree Wrens Jet (Ming) ; pena 4pRriK ey Rather cylindrical, with short, wide neck’ decorated with large =) bb .» flowers and leaves in relief. The glazing is a grayish-white SPs splashed with brown for the flowers, turquoise for the leaves, all on a background of brilliant aubergine. Stand. Height, 6 inches. (Illustrated) 506—Decoratep Ort Jar (Ming) uv ' Rather cylindrical body, with short wide neck. Decorated te -. , «+ large flowers and leaves in relief. Glazed in a creamy white and /¥ prilliant aubergine, on a turquoise crackled background. Stand. Height, 61/, inches. (Illustrated) 5 eee 507—Potrery Roor Titz (Ming) N € Mes ay _L _ ., Represents one of the eight immortal gods standing on a “age > UG ~ base. Glazed with a running aubergine and turquoise, with/ the face and hands in cream color. Height, 141, inches. 90¢ “ON FOS cog ‘ON Third Afternoon z —— 508—Portrry Roor Tite (Ming) ; ) : 7 coe Standing figure of an Immortal God on a cloud base. Clot oP , ery. § ug) en, in loosely flowing robes and glazed with turquoise-blue, brown ~~ “ff 2a and aubergine Stand. Height, 124, inches. 509—Portrry Ficure (Ming) (R g Standing figure on a pedestal base, representing one of the Hight tL ‘— Immortals holding a basket of flowers. Glazed in green and yellow, the face cream color, the hair olive-brown. Height, 14 inches. (6 510—Portrry Kwan-yin anv Curtp (Ming) J. Gunwl Cg wt Seated figure clothed in loosely flowing garments. Glazed in. | 7 ‘:. aubergine, turquoise, yellow and white. Height, 1614, inches. 511—Porrery Kwan-yin anp Cuitp (Ming) 0S eS “ Seated on a rocky pedestal holding a child. Clothed in loosely VS ‘£_ flowing robes. Glazed in pale aubergine, turquoise and yellow. (Corner of base mended. ) Height, 16 inches. 512—Decoratep Potrrery Piaeue (Ming) n Ss * Oblong form in pedestal stand. Decorated in high relief with a a ae fabulous monster, with formal cloud scrolls above and flowers below. The pedestal base is elaborately decorated in relief. The glazing is in yellow, green, blue and lavender. Height, 15 inches. 5138—Toureavoise Porcerain Praaur (Yuan) eae Ge .. Mounted in an elaborate wooden circular frame with pédestal | Yat ~base. The background of brilliant turquoise-blue, with 4 deco- Y ration in low relief, unglazed, showing a lady on a balcony wait- ing for her lover, symbolized by a Cupid and butterfly pictured below her. Total height, 221/, inches. Third Afternoon 514—Portrery Tripop Incenst Burner (Ming) & A - ea Low, rounded body on three short feet. The body is an open- work pattern, through which is seen a solid inside cylinder. Decorated with floral scrolls and glazed a brilliant brown. Stand, re 0 ‘and cover with carnelian dog ornament. Diameter, 1014 inches. rn i (3. “YK AaQlCl 515—Unexazep Porcezain Jar (Karly ee ee MAY Graceful ovoid form. On the gray biscuit background is an | ( _,, ¢laborate decoration painted in black, showing demon-like figures Us —- riding on waves. Stand, and cover with jade top. Height, 10 inches. 516—Oxup Tenmoxu Potrery Jar (Ming) : C Ovoidal contour, with short neck and four loop handles. Covered with a clouded bluish-black running glaze. Stand. 4. Re Height, 91/, inches. VA 517—Porrery Jar (Ming) $4 oe LPO Graceful, ovoid contour with sharp, sloping shoulder. GMS with a sea-green running glaze in cloud effect. Stand, and cover with elaborately carved jade top. 5O i Height, 81, inches. f.) VY) —— \ y / VG I bag 518—Portrery Borrie (Ming) N AP AAML ALI Graceful, rounded body with tall, straight neck. Covered with Dimer & beautiful camellia-leaf green glaze, finely crackled. Stand. Height, 15° inches. ™ 519—Larcer Boccaro Vase (Ming) Five-lobed, ovoid body with trumpet-shaped neck. The panels round the body picture landscape with figures, branches of trees, and shrubs with birds perched upon them, in white and brownish black slip. All on a background of reddish brown. Stand. Height, 191% inches. ers 520—Larcre Decoratep Jar (Yuan) Ue, Wide oviform body, with low, contracted neck. Heavy porcelain, y TU ‘XS presenting a deep lapis-blue ground with a slip decoration in low relief in turquoise, aubergine and biscuit white, of mounted figures, with pine trees and a suggestion of mountainous land- scape. Wide floral band round the base and shoulder. The neck rimmed with silver. Stand, and cover with amethyst top. ~ Height, 1134 inches. 521—Massive Temprte Incense Burner aes i 10 2a Has two rudimentary tall handles and is supported by a tripod of demons’ heads. The ornamentation, which is modeled in/ bold relief and enameled in brilliant turquoise and yellow, consists of monster dragons and peony scrolls. Stand, and cover with ornamental top. Height, 20 inches; diameter, 181 inches. Third Afternoon COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE POTTERY 522—Tine Ware Inx Covurr (Ming) (oe Hertel Ovoid form on a wide base, with a dragon 1 in high ae peering mam Oe the edge. Covered with an ivory-color glaze with brown / o-62 _ crackle. Stand, Diameter, 3 inches. 523—Portrery Vase (Sung) TV ne emit Fen Ting ware. Ovoid, hexagonal form, with two animal-head Z i we / 22 handles on the neck. Gray, porcellanous texture, with molded | Rany scroll patterns and covered with a thick cream-color crackled glaze of soft-paste appearance. Stand. Height, 514 inches. 524—T’u Trxe Porrery Cur (Karly Sung) L GE Se Gye y Round, fluted form with sharp spreading lip. Covered with a ) thick white glaze. Stand. / a Diameter, 434 inches. 525—Tine Ware Pear-sHarep Vase (Ming) = (2 Hard dense pottery, covered with a cream-color glaze, ay, eo tae crackled. Stand. ia: Height, 4 cree 526—Tine Ware Lisation Cur (Ming) v ' nek Narrow, oval base, with wide-spreading 7 fe Deco fed in ) oc *~ relief with a dragon, deer and a crane. Covered with an ivory- ~~ white glaze; delicate brown crackle. Stand. Diameter, BY J, inches. 527—GracreruL Braker Vase (Ming) Ty LAT ns se _ _,, Slender cylindrical body, slightly spreading at the foot, with 2 > — wide trumpet neck. Covered with a creamy-white crackled glaze tinted with brown. Stand. Beige: 634 inches. 528—Sort-paste Porrery Courz (Ming) C Ting ware. Rounded body, on low foot, with slightly pr otruding lip and two large ringed handles. Covered with an ivory-white delicately crackled glaze. Has an incised band round the body. Stand. Height, 31, inches. Third Afternoon $$ 529—Sort-paste Tripop CensEr (Karly ene op o Low, bulbous body, with short neck and three small feet. Round the neck and shoulder are formal bands in slight relief. The i pre piece is covered with a thick creamy-white glaze with cloudings of brown. Stand, and cover with carnelian top. (\ Diameter, inches. Meh 580—Porrery Gatuprot (Ming) yey 3 | By, .-__ Covered with a pale brown delicately crackled glaze, Stand. Height, 6% inches. y 581—T’v Tine Disu (Sung) oO Low spreading form, divided into six lobes, covered with a thick I a creamy-white glaze, with tear marks on the back. The inside shows a central floral medallion. sch inches. ’ 5382—Sort-paste Tripop Crenser (Ming) Nee Gbypull Bulbous body, on three short feet. Wide short yweck, with ex- ** panding lip. Covered with a rich cream-color/ glaze of great purity, with tear drops at the base. Carved ivory stand, and wood cover with emerald jade top. feight, 41% inches. 583—Porrery Braker (Ming) TNA Doom Low, cylindrical form, with wide spreading lip. Has a raised ti, fret band around the center. Covered with a clouded creamy / 5 —_ brown glaze, delicately crackled. Stand. Height, 5 4 ie diangpter, 6 inches. 584—T’u Tine Ware Vase (Sung) v7 NG Thick ovoid body, with short neck and loop handles. Hafd buff 2 ee stoneware, covered with a thick white slip and overwash of thin grayish color. Has a wheel-made band round the shoulder. The body shows blotches of speckled brown—the stain of age. Stand. 5385—Tine Ware Portery Ewer (Earl tage F /~/) «uv Round, bulbous body, with short spreading neck, small spout ~~ and loop handle. Covered with a delicately crackled ivory-white glaze. Stand. Height, 5, inches. Third Afternoon hO Q) Vig. 5386—Tine Ware Porrery Vase (Ming) : ‘ Graceful, slender form, with short neck and ru mentary lion- _,, head handles on the sides. Covered with an ivory finely crackled os — glaze with markings in brown. Stand. Height, 9 inches. : a & 537—S.enper Tine Ware Vase (Ming) Tall graceful form, with short spreading neck. Covered with 32 an old ivory glaze finely crackled and showing black specks. =Stand: Height, 111% inches. 538—Pottrery Trirop CENsER YL “VW. Kuan type. Low bulbous body, on three short feet. Two looped ( LhLo *- handles on the lip. Covered with a soft-paste old ivory glaze finely crackled, with underglazed cloudings, caused by atmo- spheric action. Stand, and cover with green agate tip. Diameter, 71/, inches. ng (Woe Letras 5389—Sorr-pastE Porrery Pirone (Ming) ‘fi AF : , : KL) ) GE Covered with an incised dragon decoration between jo-i head (F Cs ,. ,4 borders. Glazed a delicate ivory white finely crackled. (Mended ~ ~' 7. — in gold.) Stand. Height, 714 inches. VX Cena Bulbous center, with spreading foot and thick trumpet neck. ©) G — Round the body is an incised floral scroll pattern. Covered with an ivory-white delicately crackled glaze with markings of brown. Stand. 540—Tine Ware Potrery Braker (Ming) Height, 834 inches. 541—Porrery Vase (Early Ming) Ovoid body, with slender neck. Covered with a soft, but brilliant +. cream crackle glaze. On one side is an incised decoration of ij} blossoming flowers. Similar floral and leaf decoration on shoulder and neck. Stand. Height, 10 inches. Third Afternoon U 542—T’v Tixe Porrery Vase (Sung) Vare Vanna Ky Heavy, bulbous body, sloping to a tall straight neck. Round 3u gies the neck in high relief is a flying dragon. Over the body are ; incised cloud scrolls, all covered with a thick cream-color glaze, with cloudings underneath. Stand. Height, 9%, inchesp _ | ey 543—Porrery Braker Vase (Early minh uo are Rather cylindrical form, with trumpet neck. An| ancient bronze / ) ~~ shape, with vertical ridges running from lip to foot; covered with a gray crackle glaze with a larger crackle in blue lines. From southern China. Stand. 4 Lf eA \ Ait SH PA Fi Height, 8 inches. 544—Sort-paste Porrery Vase (Ming) . : Square form. Low, bulbous body, with tall straight neck. Lt // *— Carved loop handles on the side. Covered with a thick 4vory- white glaze delicately crackled. Stand. eight, 10 inches. 545—Pair or Ivory-wuitE Foo Lions Maids ge Fashioned in conventional form on pedestal bases. Crouched y 3 g ‘on their haunches holding a brocade ball under one foot. Close E by is a tube for a joss stick. 546—Tine Ware Porrrery Vase (Ming) TM oe 5 o4O An ome ey Graceful, bulbous body with tall thick neck. Covered with an $6 '— ivory-white delicately crackled glaze of exceptional brilliance. Stand. se Height, 1014 inches. 547—Tine Ware Portery Vase (Ming) Y ¢ ei rw, Graceful, ovoid body with tall thick neck. Covered with an fi /) ivory-color glaze, delicately crackled. Stand. Height, 1214, inches. 548—Tine Ware Porrery Braker (Ming) CR _., Slender graceful form, with trumpet neck, flanged base and 5 $” “—yaised band in the center. Covered with an old ivory-white glaze, | delicately crackled, and interestingly marked with brown cloud- ings. Stand. Height, 1114 inches. Third Afternoon 549—CyumpricaL Porrery Vase (Ming) Thun: “oF Loe Tall graceful form, with sloping shoulder and spreading lip. 3 Q ‘Covered with a finely crackled ivory-white glaze, with shadings of brown. Stand. ae 1334 inches. 550—Cocuin Baruster Vase (Ming) ie 9.8 “wn LAGAN Graceful form, with small neck and thick lip. cae with a / pe creamy-white glaze crackled with delicate black lines. Stand. Height, 8, inches. fan \V// 551—Tine Ware Trivop Censer (Ming) Ve. WN Bowl-shaped body with straight sides, on three tall evaneer Eiger feet. A formal wide band in slight relief runs around the body. Covered with a cream-color glaze, finely crackled, with cloud- ings of brown. Stand, and cover with pebble jade top. Height, $1, inches 552—Tine Ware Porrery Jarpinizre (Ming) cl c ‘ opr _ Heavy, rounded form, with short rim and wide mouth. Deco- y, i / ie rated with incised formal bands and covered with a delicately ~~ crackled pale brown glaze. Stand, and cover with carnelian top. Height, 55% inches; diameter, 9 inches. 553—Tine Ware Porrery Vase (Ming) HG Graceful, ovoid body, with tall neck spreading at the Ai Cov- 3§ < ered with a cream-color crackled glaze, turning to brown cloud- >) i ings at the base and lip. Stand. Y Height, 13% h a 3/, inches. : 4 554—Sort-pastE Tine Ware Bortrre (Ming) VV Iv NAAVAA UY 5 ,-.. Rounded body, with tall, straight neck, covered with a thick a OO < finely crackled cream-color glaze. Stand. ) Height, 13%, inches. 555—Tine Ware Porrtery Vase (Ming) V< Graceful, ovoid body, with tall neck and spreading lip. Cov- ered with a brilliant ivory-white glaze, delicately crackled in parts showing shadings of brown. Stand. Height, 151, inches. Third Afternoon 4 A 556—Cocuin Jar (Ming) i ~ CO jks Ovoid body with short neck. Covered with a thin cream-color / SIG delicately crackled glaze. Stand and cover. Height, 8 inches. 557—Tine Ware Portery Vase (Ming) Tha Ve LL det vs if Graceful, ovoid body, with short neck and spreading lip. Cov; 6 *~ ered with an old ivory color glaze, delicately crackled. Stand. Height, 123% inches. ~~ 558—Porrery Batuster Vase (Sung) NG. : ‘ Nate ce Ly Ting ware. Graceful form, covered with 4, finely crackled ivory y= color glaze, tinged with brown, showing traces on the body and the neck of ostrich egg texture. Stand. Height, 13 inches. Third Afternoon - VW 559—Porrery Jar Vase (Sung) we DAYu7f ¢ ue Graceful, ovoid body, with short neck afd heave? lip. Covered / 3 0 «+ with a cream-color glaze, crackled with delicate blue lines. Has ! a relief decoration of large blossoming flowers, leaves and branches. PP | v, Height, 14 inches. 560—Tine Ware Vase (Ming) t Reagan A Heavy, ovoid body, sloping to a short thick neck. Has five relief bosses on each side; covered with a brilliant ivory white 6 os glaze, finely crackled with brown lines. Stand. iia Oe inches. ay 561—Porrery Braker Vase (Ming) th. Ting ware. Thick cylindrical form, with epncniine le aid S58 “thick raised band round the center. Covered with a delicately crackled ivory-color glaze with shadings of brown. Stand. VY):Yy Height, 1134 inches. - Re DALI Third Afternoon . ‘ So) 562—Tinc Ware Porrery Vase AG yen CEYF oe: Graceful, ovoid body, with tall neck, slightly spreading. Coy- ¢ 0 — ered with a finely crackled cream-color glaze tinged with brown. Stand. Height, 1614, inches. 568—Porrrery Crackitep Vase (Ming) eV 12 OAD ABW Cylindrical body, with short neck. Rudimentary lion-head han- is -+ dles supporting low hanging rings and tassels holding precious ornaments. On the body are two large slightly depressed panels with etched character marks on one and a hawthorn tree on the other. Covered with a creamy-white glaze, with delicately crackled brown lines. Stand. Height, 1514, inches. 564—Porrrery Tripop Jarpinibre (Ming) e ye v Ting ware. Low, rounded body, with thick lip on three short /0 ee feet. Covered with an ivory-color glaze, finely crackled. Stand. — Diameter, 113% inches. TZ’U-CHOU AND OTHER POTTERY y) 565—Portery Jar (Ming) Tynre ye Te ae Thick, ovoid body with short neck. Covered with a clouded Re he creamy-white crackled glaze, with a floral and band decora- tion painted in dark brown lines. Stand. Height, 5) inches. 566—Tz’u-cHov Porrery Ficure (Early Mingh V Vv “ eS _ Seated figure of God of the South, with attributive animals at thE eee his feet. Covered with a soft creamy-white glaze with an over- wash covering most of the garments of a brownish black, with occasional touches of orange brown. Height, 8%% inches. 567—Tz’u-cuov Porrery Ficure (Early Ming) “~ w L lA eae. Standing figure, clothed in loose flowing robes, with a demon- like smaller figure by his side, holding a gourd. Covered with a thick cream-color glaze with markings of black wash and orange brown. Height, 10 inches. Third Afternoon 568—Porrtery Car (Ming) Mn. eect. Reclining cat, with back shaped for pillow rest. Covered with a thick cream-color crackled vase, with splashes of olive green. 66 aXS¢U ra Length, 14 inches. 569—Tz’u-cuov Porrery Vase (Sung) YY ye avanaad Cylindrical form, with a bulging band near the foot. Hard reddish stoneware, covered with a white slip. Painted in brown SIV ‘. of different shades, showing formal bands with a mountainous landscape and figure round the center. Stand, and cover with jade top. Height, 8 inches. 570—Tz’v-cuov Porrery Gatuipor (Sung) anrags SO Buff stoneware. Covered with a cream-cbJor slip, boldly painted / > UJ t+ with blossoming flowers, branches and leawes in black. Stand. Height, 13 inches. “WYK (UG 571—Tz’v-cnov Potrrery Ficurre (Early Ming) The seated figure of the God of Longevity, with his deer behind [/ him, and stork by his side. Covered with a thick cream-color LV 7/ ** glaze, with an overwash of orange brown on the head and hands, ~ the clothes marked with black. Stand. Height, 11 inches. 572—Pair or Portrery Docs (Ming) ir ¢ Yeats so PENIS Grr-n Seated on drum-shaped bases, supporting vases for josh sticks 7 ) *¢ on their backs. The base is glazed a reddish brown. The dogs ux are glazed a soft-paste cream-white crackle, partly covered with an over olive-color glaze, with dark brown splash lines. Height, 1034 inches. 573—Porrery Gartupor (Sung) Vite lv-v. . _,. Coarse stoneware pottery. The decoration is etched in the J om pottery in slight relief, and glazed a dark brown, showing a band of leafy scrolls and one of fretwork. Stand. Height, 1114 inches. 574—Tz’u-cnovu Porrery Vase (Sung) Chie: 4 Heavy, ovoid body with short wide neck, sloping sharply +6) a oy "a -- small pedestal-like foot. Hard stoneware, covered with an iv Ty- — white slip glaze and decorated with a black wash and under- glazed touches of reddish brown. The decoration is a scroll pattern around the shoulder, and two large animal panels on the body, with cloud scrolls. Stand, and cover with amethyst top. eight, 10 inches. mm H ny : 575—Tz’vu-cHou Porrery Vase (Early Ming) AYIWM I, Double-gourd shape. Covered with a cream-color glaze, deli- \ ¢ () ‘\ cately crackled with sprays of blossoming flowers on one side and characters on the other. Painted with a dark brown wash glaze. Stand. Height, 13 inches. Third Afternoon 576—Tz’u-cHov Potrery Jar Vase (Yuan) Pear-shaped body, with broad shoulders and short neck and wide mouth. Hard stoneware, covered with a white-slip trans- Dee e+ parent glaze. Decorated with wide conventional floral bands CFU 7 : ; j in dark brown lines, with three quatrefoil panels, landscape scenes with figures. Stand, and cover with jade top. ight, 11 jin€Nes. 577—Porrrery Braker-sHAPED VASE Sung Ve Wee fot Ovoid body, with sharp sloping shoulder, tall neck and flaring Sine lip. Covered with a thick cream-color glaze, tinged with brown. Decorated in underglazed dark brown, with sprays of flowers on the body and neck and large dragons on the shoulder. Stand. Height, 16 inches. 578—Larcre Porrery Jar (Sung) NS) : 9 Parr Coarse stoneware pottery, covered with a thick/dark brown glaze. | The decoration consists of two wide bands running round the LOO < shoulder, formal leaf-scroll patterns, carved in relief, showing unglazed portions of the body. Stand, and cover with carved jade top. Height, 13% inches. 579—AncientT Stone Carvine (Tang) ty We De eases Ontut A representation of the Chinese God of Education. Standing ( a. on a pedestal base, with one foot holding a child upon the ground. J U “He holds another child upon his back. This most interesting and perhaps unique carving is significant of the Chinese custom and philosophy to help the youths anxious to learn, and hold in sub- jection those who were lazy. | | | i hy Height, 15 ipches. 580—Stone Sratvetre (Sung) = be A seated Buddhistic figure on high pedestal base, clothed in _ «+ loosely flowing robes with jeweled ornaments on the breast and wearing a high crown-shaped headdress. Stand. , Height, 121, inches. 581—Carvep Porrery Ficurze (Ming) i = Heavy stone-like pottery, representing the God of War. Dressed in an elaborate thick leather war suit, and seated on a pedestal throne. Height, 151/ inches. Third Afternoon 582—Carvep Stone Heap (Wei) VL: YV- / ean Cane A representation of Kuan Amida. Dignified, serene countenance. Bie) pete Carved with elongated ears and high spiral headdress. Sunk in the brow is a crystal ball, signifying intelligence. This head was stolen from the Honan Grottos. Wood pedestal stand. Height, 12 inches. COREAN POTTERY 583—Correan Smarty Orn Por (Korat Period 149 Cee Depressed bulbous body, with small neck and protruding lip. _ Covered with a thick crackled gray celadén glaze. Stand. ) 67 584—Corran Smarty Orn Por (Korat Period) ‘S & 2 Depressed bulbous body, with small neck and thick lip. Gray porcellanous ware, with inlaid decoration of flying herons in black and white under a greenish crackled celadon glaze. Stand. (’ A 585—CorEan Smartu Cover (Korai Period) stn au rw, Ovoid, bulbous body, on short foot. Gray porcellanous ware, with an inlaid decoration in black lines of circular floral medal- lions. Covered with a gray crackled glaze. Stand. 586—Corran Pottery Incensrt Covure ‘ , Seventeenth-eighteenth century y & ‘<. Cylindrical form, with incurving shoulder, covered with a thick . | gray glaze, with an underglazed decoration in black and white of formal floral medallions and borders. Pierced silver cover. | | 587—Corran Smaxty Orn Por (Korai Perio a, Ovoid bulbous body; small thick neck. Covergd with a graye QW — green crackled celadon glaze. Third Afternoon DIA Conical form, with small base. Gray porcellanous ware, with _.. inlaid floral medallions in black and white, under a partially 3 J ~~ crackled gray-green celadon glaze, with shadings of brown. Stand. (ee 43/, inches. 589—Corran Decoratep Stanp anp Cu (Korai Period) Saucer-shaped stand, fluted, on a highgfoot, with raised round ~ Graceful ovoid body, with tall thin neck, rimmed with silver. Gray porcellanous ware, with inlaid decoration in black and cy a -.__white lines, showing branches of blossoming flowers. Covered with a thick gray celadon glaze, with cloudings of frosted brown, result of decay. Stand. Height, 13 inches. SUNG AND MING POTTERY (| a 596—Cuun Ware Disu (Yuan) 9 . os ‘(ese ey ee Low form, with spreading sides. Covered with a thick grayish i = blue glaze with rings tinged with purple. Stand. Diameter, 41/, inches. 597—Hare Fur Bown (Sung) Pages :. Chien ware. Conical form, with wide mouth and small foot. Wy es Covered with a thick flowing bluish black glaze, streaked with ¢ brown, round the lip. (Cracked.) Diameter, 434, inches. 598—Hare Fur Cur (Sung) Ww << ee Conical form, with wide mouth and small foot. Dark reddish / Chien ware. Covered with a thick black glaze, streaked with lustrous golden brown. Metal band round the rim. Diameter, 47, inches. Third Afternoon No. 599 No. 601 No. 600 599—Cuun Ware Cup (Sung) YN. L eprvranVgorr / ., Deep rounded form, covered with a thick clair-de-lune crackled | G0 = glaze, with lavender tints. Stand. A\ Diameter, 2%, inches. 600—Cuun Ware Miniature Botrriz (Ming) WAI), PON"—_ Rather cylindrical body, with short neck. {/Covered with a thick 7 ¢~ owing pale blue glaze, with splashes of reddish brown. Stand. A Height, 83, inches. 601—Tz’v-cuov Porrery Lamp (Early Sung) WA: YN. Yau Round fluted body, with flat top pierced with two holes on which, in high relief, is a squatting frog, covered with a thick os *< “—cream-color glaze with markings in shades of brown. Stand. Leste, = inches,5— 602—Cuun Ware Porrery Bow. (Sung) i Vises “L408 mf, LA Conical form, with small foot. Covered with a smooth opalescent y GS glaze of bluish gray, with brilliant purple spots inside. (Crack at lip—covered with gold.) Stand. Diameter, 73, inches. Third Afternoon 603—Cuun Ware Cover (Sung) DT irryog Ce .~ Heavy ovoid body, with wide mouth. Covered with/a thick, even, oow — grayish blue glaze, showing giant crackles. Cover and stand. (S47 314 inches. 604—Cuun Ware Bow. (Late Sung Ae 1 ~ Wark Conical form, with small foot. Covered with a thick bluish purple Vie crackle glaze with a greenish spot inside. Stand. Diameter, 714, jnches. 605—PorcetaIn Jar (Sung) Ovoid body, with short neck, covered /with an even flowing thick Cy “gray glaze, splashed and speckled with brown, the result of age and perhaps burial. Stand. Height, 6% inches. Third_Afternoon ee tae: 606—Pair or Porrery Batusrer Vases (Early Sung) Ovoid bodies with small necks. Hard stoneware, covered with er a “ a transparent greenish glaze, covered with brown crackle lines. inches. 1 a Tr 7 ip / 607—Morrvuary Porrery Vase (Early Sung)Y) : Ve apd ge Ovoid body, with tall slender neck, and bulge at the lip. Round os I ‘—the body in relief is a circle of tall figures. Encircling the neck in bold relief is a large dragon. Hard pottery stoneware, cov- ered with a transparent crackled greenish glaze. Stand. Height, 19 inches. TANG POTTERY NM Vee Oe 608—Porrrry Vase (T'ang) ™ Heavy, depressed bulbous body, sharply sloping to a short neck / ae with heavy rim and spreading lip. Hard stoneware, covered “— with a thin cream crackle glaze, tinged with pale celadon. Height, 454 inches. 609—Portrrery Vase (Tang) ee Ge, Low, bulbous body with narrow neck, and wide thick lip. Cov, 3 4) “ered with a pale green finely crackled glaze, showing blotches of thick iridescence, the result of burial. Stand. Diametey, 6 inches; height, 5% inches. 610—Porrery Covrre (Tang) Vie vee CHG Round bulbous body, with short wide neck, and two loop handles. 3 / e¢ Etched round the body with a gold line floral pattern. Covered with a flowing green and orange brown glaze, which runs part way to the base. Stand. - (aS // Height, 5 inches. 611—Porrery Coure (Tang) Vee “QA. AA A , Hard buff paste. The upper part covered with a flowing spotted Les = glaze of cream color, shades of brown and green. Stand, ‘and cover with jade top. F A rf - Vi Piameter, i inches. 612—Porrrery Jar wirH OricinaL Cover (Tang) heed Graceful ovoid body, with short neck. Covered with a thin cream- /3 i) ve color glaze showing a dirty clouded appearance, result of burial. Stand. Height, 101, inches. YY “YV Cu ey MOU TIE 613—Parr or Porrery Ficures (Tang) | Made of soft light-colored buff clay and covered with a Peal Selah 6 g ’<- cream-color glaze, become rotted and slightly iridescent through HM burial. Height, 85% inches. 614—Porrery Jar (Tang) Graceful ovoid body, with short neck. Covered with a thin, Spee finely crackled cream-color glaze, tinged with green, with cloud- ings of iridescence, the result of burial. Stand. Height, 9 inches. Third Afternoon 615—Tatt Porrery Ficure (Tang) M- Vv C aie Standing warrior on a pedestal base. Clothed in heavy gar- 20 «£ ments, wearing a skull-shaped hat with wide flaps at the ears. The head, of soft pottery, is unglazed. On the body is a running spotted glaze of alternating brown, green and tan. On the legs is considerable iridescence, resulting from burial. Height, 251, inches. 616—Larce Porrery Jar (Tang) i e VA Graceful ovoid body, with short thick neck. Glazed, both inside ie 7 *+and out, with a thin flowing light green glaze. Considerable outside glaze has been worn off through age and burial. The interior shows much silver iridescence. Height, 141%, inches. HAN POTTERY 617—Potrery Jar (Han) 6\¢ a a ae Rounded body, with sloping shoulder and short neck, covered eG ‘¢ + with a pale green glaze highly iridescent all over, result of burial. Stand. Height, 41, inches. 618—Porrery Jar (Han) na p Cylindrical form, with thick glazed drops round the lip. Hagd reddened pottery covered with a highly iridescent bluish gréen ee 6 : — glaze of varying shades. Stand. Height, 4% inches. 619—Porrery Jan (Han) rn ve wiiode Ovoid body, with sloping shoulder and short rim. Covered with > sy a running olive-green glaze, which in turn is partly covered with ——a thick silvery iridescence. Stand. Height, 1% inches. 620—Porrrry Jar (Han) rv Vr Whig ar ae, Rounded body, with sloping shoulder, short neck. Glazed a deep WEE — green, showing thick silver and gold iridescence. Stand. Height, 6 inches. = eee Third Afternoon A \ 621—Porrrry Urn (Han) live 1. 3 Pp Oe Cylindrical body, on three knobbed short feet. Hard reddish s 0 ** clay, covered with a green glaze and coated with a thick silvery iridescence of exceptional brilliance. Height, 51% inches; diameter, 8 inches. 622—Larcr Potrery Vase (Han) Round, bulbous body on tall foot, with sloping shoulder and Qu thick straight neck. The original glaze a dark green. Through age and burial it is now covered with cloudings of dull gold iridescence. Stand. es 191% ey 623—Larce Porrrry Vase (Han) Ww lie LAS IIN NW Lf) Graceful ovoid body, with short neck and expanding lip. Rudit / ( é pe mentary animal-head handles and rings on the shoulder. Hard reddish brown pottery. Originally covered with an olive-green glaze. Most of the surface is now covered with a thick cream- color and silver iridescence, result of burial. Stand. Height, 14 inches. 624—Larcre Pottery Vase (Han) J (UMMA Round, bulbous body, with sloping eda wide expanding lip 29,4 and rudimentary animal-head handles with rings. Covered with ¥ ~~ a deep, olive-green glaze which, in turn, is partially covered with a lustrous, deep gold iridescence. This particular gold iridescence is of exceptional rarity. Stand. Height, 181 inches. FOURTH AFTERNOON’S SALE THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 o’CLOCK DECORATED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOTTLES 625—Decoratep PorceLain SnuFrr Borrie L Siig acini ae Ovoid form, with four flat oval white panels. Decorated with 7 inn gs Sal g@ figures and branches etched in black, on a gold background. Red? (/© ~~ —~~ bead. stopper. Ws. Lea a 626—Fovur-sipep Snurr Borrie y VE y, Ay ~- Leann Graceful ovoid, decorated with landscape and figures, in famille rose colorings. Stand. 627—Four-sipep Snurr Borris Sars Col Decorated in famille rose enamel colors, sHowine the Eight Im- mortals, with their distinguishing attributes. Metal stopper with a mounted inlay. 628—DecoraTED SNuFF BortrLe Graceful ovoid form, decorated with a sage and a goat in a garden, in rose enamel colorings. Stand. Fourth Afternoon ~-N. s WJ | 629—Yertitow Decoratep SnurF Borris < y . COP AT7 Fe a Round, flattened form. Decoration in black, of a rocky shore '? ss with a man in a boat. Glass stopper. f\ 680—YeELLow AnD Buack Snurr Borrie 0 i ; ae Thick rounded contour. The decoration shows a huge dragon TS. flying in the clouds. 631—CyuinpricaLt SnurF Borrie ; Orth -~ v On a deep yellow background is shown a adetens with water oe executed in black. Metal stopper with quartz bead. 632—DecoraTEeD PorceLaIn SNUFF Borrbe_{y_ : ¢ Graceful, ovoid form. The decoration, in en two birds [ () ‘— between fungus and bamboo branches, in white, green and auber- gine on a yellow background. Carved metal stopper. Stand. 638383—Decoratep Snurr Borrre VV : Flat form, with oval contour. The sides decorated with mahy Ve characters etched in coral lines on a white background. Chieh- lung seal marks underneath foot. i) 6384—CyuinpricaL SnNuFF BoTrLe os Koran p Decoration shows a mountainous landscape executed in peach- Ts bloom, with green spots on a white background. ie 635—CyuinpricaL Snurr Borris oe p> Cae: Decoration shows dragons rising front the waves in pursuit of ae the Sacred Pearl in peachbloom on a white background. Metal ~ stopper with coral bead. Fourth Afternoon 6386—Decoratep PorceLsIn SnNuFF Borrie @ Qu be Ovoidal form. Decorated with dragons rising from waves in bi pursuit of the sacred emblem. Executed in peachbloom, with green spots on a white background. Red bead stopper. 637—DecoratEeD PorceLaIn SNuFF Borrie vA p AA ae Graceful ovoidal contour. Decorated with a flying dragon in fae peachbloom on a blue background of blossoming flowers and leaves. Green jade stopper. la 638—Decoratep Porcetain SnuFF BotTrie O- Kh C bard. Slender rounded contour. Decorated with a peachbloom dragon /s ev on a blue floral background. Dark blue glass stopper. Stand. r y 639—DecoraTeD PorceLaIn SNuFF BorrLe hY) MM, Ton bannr Cylindrical form. Most beautifully decorated with a rocky land Vag and water scene, with many figures. Execution is in delicate Pe peachbloom and blue, on a white ground. Stand. IN 640—DecoratEp PorceLAIn SNuFF BoTrTLEe — 4 ChhwvAarha wee Tall cylindrical form. On a fine lattice-work peachbloom ground pe are flying dragons in blue, pursuing the Sacred Pearl. Pink LU ying & Pp g — uartz stopper. (Slight chip at lip.) Stand. q pp g§ Pp Pp innit VAAL Yh _ Slender cylindrical form. Decorated with relief dragons in gold 641—Carvep Porcetain Snurr Botrie ot a on a white ground. Has Imperial seal mark. Stand. 642—Decoratep PorcELaIn Snurr Borrie Flattened ovoid form. Shows a relief decoration of dragons in es pursuit of the Sacred Pearl, in gold on a turquoise-blue seed {/ @*_ pattern ground. Stand. ee : = : _____ ___________y Fourth Afternoon 643—DecorateD PorceLaIn SnuFrFr Botrie é vy Graceful ovoid form. Decorated with two large Fos hee ‘— cloud scrolls in brilliant coral red on a white ground. Green jadeite stopper. 644—CoraL ann Wuire Snurr Borris 1 v Tall cylindrical form. Decorated with flowering blossoms with 5 *——_ leaves entwined, in coral on a white ground. Stand. ~ (OC Rectangular form. Pure white hard-paste, decorated with large ee dragons midst jo-i head clouds in pursuit of the Pearl of / ~~ Omnipotence, penciled in coral red. Four-character Chien-lung mark under the foot. Gilt metal stopper. Stand. id) tS 645—Dercoratep Porcetain Snurr Botte % ft ~f f 646—Carvep Porcenain Snurr Borris ae Te Ne Pee aa: Gourd shape. Decoration consists of many small gourds, with i de leaves and flowers carved in relief and executed in famille rose colorings. Green jade stopper. Stand. () 647—Carvep PorceLaIn Snurr Borrie \ Gs -) Flattened ovoid contour. Openwork background surmounted / [Ee with the eight precious symbols of happy augury, eee brilliant famille verte colors. (Slight chip at lip.) Green jade stopper. Stand. 648—Carvep Porcenain Snurr Borrie tyr: Se Sy rah Flattened ovoidal form. One side pictures the Chinede Immortals ? riding on clouds, the other side a river scene with a boat, all painted in brilliant enamel colors. Seal mark underneath the foot. Pink coral melon-shaped stopper. A . 649—Carvep Porcenain Snurr Borris y - : Oe oes Slender ovoidal form, slightly flattened. The carving, in high / 42 relief, shows a pheenix and a dragon flying among jo-i head =~ clouds. Red bead stopper. Fourth A ane: 650—Decoratep Porcetain Snurr Borris Te & OD Lhrrth Flattened ovoidal contour. Has a raised aesoentos “ee in the paste. On one side is a river scene with men in a boat;.on 3 pe the other, figures mounted on different animals with a river in the background, all executed in famille rose enameled colors on a white ground. Original porcelain stopper. 651—Twin Porcetain Snurr Borries Poe pinky, Flattened ovoidal contour. Carved in os on oe side with _——. a summer house, veranda and figures, and on the other side with the so-called hundred-figure decoration, all in delicate rose enameled colors on a gilt ground. 652—Carvep PorcEeLAIn Snurr Borrie ae YM id are Cele eK 25 Graceful, flattened ovoid form. Decoration shows a rocky river yi — scene. Men in a boat on one side, and on the reverse mounted warriors fighting. Painted in brilliant famille rose colors. Porcelain stopper to match. Stand. SMALL OBJECTS OF DECORATED PORCELAIN UY A 653—Mrniature Porcerain Box (K’ang-hsi) we YN Be a ranks Las. re rr) Globular shape. On a white glazed ace is an etched Ge decoration in gold, outlined with rouge de fer, consisting of a central round medallion on the top and circular rings below. Teakwood stand. J 654—Miniature Porcerarn Vase (K’ang-hsi) Cee QNGAA Double-gourd shape. On a white glazed ground is an etched Te eat Ss design in gold and coral red, showing flowers in panels, with es scroll designs intervening. 655—Porcetain Cup (Chien-lung) Tapering form, with wide lip. Semi-eggshell, with an outside glaze of powdered coral which encloses a floral and character decoration in white. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 23% inches. Fourth Afternoon MA Decorated with flying pheenix, midst jo-i head clouds. Square S yaaa seal mark under the foot. Stand. 657—Dercoratep Cur (Chien-lung) MG (3. a Leg Oe On a white wave pattern ground is an Immortal riding a dragon, decorated in famille rose color. Stand. 656—Decoratep EcesHett Porcerain Cup (K’ang-hst) age 658—Patr or Smaty Wine Cups (K’ang-hsi) emer \ < Eggshell porcelain, beautifully decorated with flowering bushes 70 ‘= in famille verte enamel colors. Six-character period mark under the foot. (One has a crack.) mS t 659—Parr or EcesHett Porcerain Cups (K’ang-hsi) — _,, Decorated in brilliant famille verte enamel colors with flowering ORE branches, growing from a rocky base. Under the foot is the six-character period seal mark. (One is cn 660—Srmi-EccsHELL Miniature Porcerain ae (K’artg-hsi) Decorated with a tree and floral branch, growing from a ie 1 ps on one side. On the other side are waves and flying bats. Exé- cuted in famille verte enamel colors. Stand. 661—Imreriat Porcetain Cup (K’ang-hsi) Ae). ee ap: | On a pure, white glazed background is a branch of leaves and | | oT “fruit and two butterflies, executed in brilliant famille verte ename!} colors. On the base is the six-character period mark. Teakwood stand. N 662—Rosr vu Barry Cup (Chien-lung) a S PLA | oa Rounded form, with wide mouth. The outside glazed in a beauti- ¢ — ful rose du Barry color. The inside is white, with a rose in the | | center. Stand. ese = ia me | Fn EP 663—Suatitow Porcexiain Disu (Chien-lung) ‘ UAL A oy AL | Decorated with a band of flowers and phenix in coral red. The /4~+«_ inside shows a dragon and medallion. Stand. [9 Fourth Afternoon 664—Smatit Porcerain Cup (Chien-lung) The etched pink glazed surface shows an over-decoration of blos- soming floral sprays in famille rose colors. Stand. 665—PowpeEr-BLuUE Cup (K’ang-hsi) N- Y/. PrprvanKgeere The outside surface is of powder-blue glaze, with a landscape Fy design on one side in gold. Character mark under the foot. Z “=~ sStand. Diameter, 334 inches. c 666—Decoratep Porcetain Cup (Yung Chéng) Y bee aS Decorated with figure of a man and a stork in famille rose colors. Imperial mark under the foot. Stand. Diameter, 33/4, inches. 667—Buack AND GREEN Cup AND SAUCER (Chiewtungy-d Khrrat’ These pieces have Imperial seal marks under the foot. Stand 7-&sv with the cup. a Diameter of cup, 35% inches; diameter of saucer, 4°/, inches. {Ca = “£f 668—EcecsHett Porceiain Coupe (K’ang-hsi) AVIVA Ky ms Globular shape, with small mouth. Decorated in gold and youge- y / de-fer, showing a rockery from which are growing branches. ‘ Stand. Digmetgr, 3 inches. 669—Porceiain Lear (K’ang-hst) CS YY PUI Las. Carved in slight relief, with the veins shown by delicate lines. — Glazed in a brilliant camellia-leaf green with the exception of the stem, which is a delicate aubergine. Stand. Length, 514 inches. GD 670—Porcetain Bown (Chien-lung) Ws ae eh SAE 17 ot Decorated with bands of characters and tree branches in eppal — red. Seal mark under the foot. Stand. V< Diameter, 4 inches. 671—DecoratEep Porcetain Bown (Chien-lung) “~~ Yow Decorated with character marks in gold, running around ade SSH piece, with varicolored butterflies intervening, on a lemon yellow ground. Stand. Diameter, 4 inches. Fourth Afternoon 672— Miniature Gartupor Vase (K’ang-hsi) > ie dab Peachbloom is used as a background, AS Ee is seen a y 7 huge dragon in blue, coiled about the piece, in pursuit of the V a so. Mystic Sphere. Stand. a FX Ne aerrvtkgh | 673—Unvsvat Miniature Porcerarn Vase (K’ang-hsi) ee SBaluster form, with short neck. Covered with a thick, lustrous Kd — apple-green glaze with running splashes of yellow. Teakwood stand. FY. NY pr kthinr 674—Smatyt Porcerarw Jar (Chien-lung) 7 ° ar nN Bulbous body, with short neck. Yellow glaze, with a dragon / «© __ pattern band round the body and a band encircling the shoulder in brilliant green. Stand and silver cover. ) Dv) ‘4 (, f Sa 1 675—-MiniaTurE Porcexain Vase (Chien-lung) Tyranny Ta Vv oi Octagonal form, with small neck. Decorated with figures carry- / 2-S&@ ing vases with flowers. Decorated in green, aubergine, blue and . white, on an Imperial yellow ground. Stand. Character mark under the foot. _ Height, 4 inches. = | A [ ff y/ . J || -676—Smaru Porcerain Coupe (K’ang-hsi) C - Lens UG Bulbous form, with small mouth. The decoration shows a crane / &-S* standin midst river lilies. Executed in pale green and white on' | — g pare || an Imperial yellow ground. Stand. 1 | / | Q Se iv ; 677—Parr or Ece anp Spinacu Vases (K’ang-hsi) f ge Double-gourd shape, covered with an interesting running, so- —_ called egg and spinach glaze. Stands. Height, 41, inches. 678—DecoratEpD YELLow Coure (K’ang-hsi) Rounded form, with wide mouth, covered with a deep Imperial /0 °*— yellow glaze and decorated by a wide central band showing | flowers, peaches and butterflies executed in heliotrope and green || enamel colors. Stand. Diameter, 3 inches. Fourth Afternoon 679—Smatut Porcetain Couper aad : pane Bulbous fluted melon shape, with small mouth surrounded by a vA Wik ring of leaves. The leaves are green, the body Imperial yellow. / Stand and cover. a 680—Porcetain Coupe (K’ang-hst) C; Bulbous form, with small mouth. Covered with an Imperial ee yellow glaze and decorated in brown outline showing a man seated ~~ with an attendant carrying a duck. Ming character mark under the foot. Stand and cover. L Hyg, 3 inches. 681—Porceiain BrusH Howper (K’ang-hsi) Ue ‘that | ae Slender cylindrical form. Imperial yellow glaze, decorated with U ~~ a dark brown dragon flying among clouds. Stand. Height, 51, inches. 9) 682—Ece anv Sprnacu Vase (K’ang-hsi) (@ . ‘on Square sloping form, with heavy shoulder, short neck and rudiz, y gv mentary lion-head handles. Covered with an egg and spinach glaze. Stand. Height, 514, inches. 688—PorceaiIn Disu (Chien-lung) TW WGA f Shallow, rounded form. Gold glaze on the inside. The Wutside carved in relief all over with formal bands, and glazed in a royal blue with medallions in gold. Stand. Digmeter, 414, inches. v3 684—ImreriaL Porcetain Bowr (Tao Kwang) YC _ Deep, rounded form. The outside decorated with floral ancl ot showing blossoming roses in pink on a yellow background. These ‘ / panels are surrounded with an elaborate floral decoration in famille rose colors, on a ground of deep coral red. Stand. Diameter, 414, inches. 685—YeELLow anp Buvue Disu (Chien-lung) Deep rounded form. The decoration consists of formal bands in underglaze blue on a ground of Imperial yellow. Stand. Diameter, 514 inches. Fourth Afternoon 686—Porceiain Botrie Vase (K’ang-hsi) \ tt Ge eee Depressed bulb form, with tall straight neck. The background is a crackled apple-green. The decoration, which is of dark blue, consists of flowering branches, a lattice band and palmette border. This combination of color is exceptionally rare. (Chipped and mended at the lip.) Stand. 3! i a, AY inches. 687—Buack anp Green Vase (Chien-lung) ene eZ Coyered 59 Cylindrical form, with short neck and spreading lip. J [e— all over with a formal floral decoration in green on a greenish black ground. Stand. Height, 41% inches. 688—Decoratep Porcentain Watt Vase (Chien-lung) ‘ hs f) (3 PA Ovoidal body, with rather tall neck spreading tlie lip and Feu with permanent stand attached. Has rudimentary handles on - the neck, in gold. The stand part is a coral red. The vase is beautifully painted with panels in famille rose colors. Height, 634 inches. ( ; 689—Decoratep Porceratin Wart Vase (Chien-lung) “yY » de Inverted pear shape. Delicate pink ground, with an elaborate é / 2” floral decoration in a darker over-glaze pink between bands, at the top and bottom, of Greek fret. Height, 51 inches. 690—Decoratep PorceLtain Botrrie (K’ang-hsi) ( Corgan Bulbous body, with sloping shoulder, and tall straight neck. On ¢ “\ the body are two fantastic animals pursuing the mystic symbol, executed in peachbloom on an even celadon ground. Stand. Height, 6 inches. : ON LE a 691—Decoratep Crerapon Borrie (K’ang-hsi) —~ a. ee ree Bulbous body, slightly depressed, with tall straight neck, ex- panding at the lip. Around the body is a decoration of pome- granates and peaches in three groups, executed in peachbloom, with stems in blue on a delicate celadon ground. Height, 51, inches. Fourth Afternoon 692—DecorateD PorcELaIn Cup AND SauCER (Chien-lung) Semi-eggshell. The outside glazed a delicate\ pink. | /The inside Vapi white, with a rose at the bottom of the cup, and on the saucer ~ are flowering branches and flying butterflies. Cup diameter, 4 inches; saucer diameter, 6 inches. fr * f hia Tw (3. ag 4. we few’, 4 693—Decorarep Porcenain Cur anv Saucer (Chien-lung) ~~ ~~ ~*~" —~ 4. Semi-eggshell. The outside glazed a delicate pink, the inside is oe = white, with floral decoration executed in famille rose enamel colors. (Slight chip and crack.) Cup diameter, 41/4, inches; dish diameter, 6 inches. (fo : ‘ Vndisn Varker \ CRAM 694—Parr or Famitie Rose Disues (Yung Chéng) Decorated on the inside with blossoming flowers and entwining branches and leaves in beautiful famille rose colors on a delicate pink background. Six-character period mark underneath the foot. Gilt pedestal stands. a Ge ce) (Ce Diameter, 61, inches. Fourth Afternoon la 695—Pair oF Imperiat Porcetawn Bow1s (Chien-lung) Deep, rounded form. Translucent porcelain. The outside is covered with a formal floral decoration in white with a pattern gE GS etched in coral lines on a ground of beautiful even coral glaze. Imperial marks under the foot. Diameter, 5 inches. 9.6 696—Dercoratep IncensE Box (Chien-lung) a eee , « Long rectangular form. The bottom is solid, the other sides vA 0 — reticulated in lattice-work pattern. The top shows a flying dragon and bats midst jo-i head clouds. Greek-fret borders sur- round the panels. The decoration executed in famille rose colors. Length, 8 inches; height, 1% inches. 697—Buack anp Green DisH (Chien-lung) VU- ke gee) as Decoration on the inside is a lattice pattern in heavy Black / — lines, on an apple-green background. The back is white) with leaf sprays in coral. Gilt pedestal stand. Diameter, 5%, inches. 698—Decoratrep Porcetan Praaue (Yung Chéngy 7 VA S AALS Decorated in delicate famille rose enamel colors, showing two oy * “Long Eliza” figures conversing and several household articles. ~~ A metal rim surrounds the plaque. Underneath the foot is the K’ang-hsi mark. Pedestal stand. Diameter, 71/ inches. thu 3-H 699—Porcenain Bown (Yung Chéng) | 47 5 Semi-eggshell porcelain, decorated with three fishes executed oy, que ai peachbloom on a white ground. Imperial mark under the foot. Stand. 7 fy iameter: 6 inches. Cy 700—Parr or ImpreriaL Porceiain Disues (Yung Chéng) On a black ground are floral decorations etched in coral red and 3 yee blue, with branches in deep green. Imperial marks. These are Ss — : : representative examples of the excessively rare black hawthorn. Diameter, 5%, inches. ifs > =e Ke) Fourth Afternoon 701—ImperiaL Porcetarn Bown (Tao eee Charged The exterior is glazed with finest rose du Barry color sustain- ing arabesque and lotus flower motifs, painted in polychrome res colors, and decorated with four medallions in white reserve show- ~ ing landscape scenes, beautifully drawn and painted in delicate enamel colors. The interior is decorated with a central formal medallion in bright enamel colors on a pure white ground. Un- derneath the foot is the Imperial seal mark of the period in underglaze blue. Teakwood stand. Diameter, 5%, inches. LN Gap ey 702—Decoraten Bown anv Prate (Chien-luigj\ (~~ CAO AE The outside of the bowl and the inside of the plate glazed a lemon yellow and etched in floral pattern, over which is a decora- tion, in famille rose colors, of blossoming flowers. Imperial seal marks underneath the foot. Stand. Diameter of bowl, 51/4 inches; diameter of plate, 8 inches. , CA 708—Pixx Bow. anv Saucer (Chien-lung) Pink glaze, with an overglazed etched design in darker pink lines. ) st Imperial seal mark. Diameter of bowl, 51% inches; diameter of dish, 8 inches. ny 704—ImperraL Porcetatn Vase (Chien-lung) Cylindrical form, with short neck and expanding lip. The body, of lemon yellow, is etched with a floral pattern. Has an over- glaze decoration of a spray of flowers in famille rose colors. Imperial seal mark. Stand. Height, 634 inches. 705—Pinx Porcenain Vase (Chien-lung) F.WIVY Bulbous body, with tall, thin neck, slightly expanding at the aie Covered with a pale, pink glaze, delicately etched, with scroll leaves. Over this is a decoration of branches with flowers, exe- cuted in delicate famille rose enameled colors. Imperial seal mark on the base. Stand. (Slight chip at the lip.) Height, 61, inches. Fourth Afternoon | 706—ImprrtaL Gatiirot Vase (Chien-lung) G Y- Ohbrwie | On a delicate pistache background glaze, irregularly etched with 1 black lines, are seen groups of flowering branches, executed in 7 beautiful famille rose colors. Imperial seal mark underneath, inred. Teakwood stand. Height, 61/, inches. +, ( i 707—Decoratep PorcenaIn Borris (Chien-lung ) | Ue Ue ears Rounded body, with tall straight neck. The background, in oe overglaze white, is etched all over with a formal scroll pattern. Over this is a branch with leaves and blossoming flowers in colors. Stand. Height, 7 inches. | ia O ae \ Cylindrical form. Over a delicate café-au-lait dre AAA /a&& of blossoming chrysanthemums in rose and green. Stand. 708—Cart-avu-Larr Prrone (Chien-lung) Height, 41, inches. Fourth Afternoon 709—Decoratrep Gauuirot Vase (Chien-lung) ae if Colrrvardy On a delicately etched pistache green ground, and running from the shoulder down over part of the body is a hawthorn branch, / Le with blossoming flowers in delicate famille rose enameled colors. Period mark on the base. Teakwood stand. Height, 61, inches. e — i) (N CG ) {) a) 0 a VY Cr Jaane 710—Pair or Decoratep Porceztary Watt Vases (Chien-lung) Triple-gourd shape, with tall sloping neck spreading at the lip, and handles on the shoulders in high relief. Decorations on the 4S Saindividual bulbs in delicate famille rose colors, consisting of the eight precious symbols, a bush of fungus, flying bats and a branch of peaches, all symbolical of happiness and long life. (One handle and a corner of one vase restored.) Height, 814, inches. Fourth Afternoon 711—Decoratep Porcerain Vase (Yung Chéng) Square ovoid form, with graceful neck, spreading lip and with Ba (ge two relief handles on the neck. Glazed all over in different shades of green, brown and black, in imitation of a piece of marble. (One handle restored.) Teakwood stand. Height, hh inches. Thr - » (por 712—ImpreriaL Decoratep Watt Vase (Chien-lung) Double-gourd shape. There are two circular medallions, deco- (ee rated with blossoming flowers and a river scene with mountains of in the background, and a verse from one of the emperor’s poems penciled in black. Around these medallions is an elaborate floral decoration in famille rose colors on an etched Imperial yellow background. Imperial mark. Height, 914, inches. a 718—Porceiain Jar-sHapep Vase (K’ang-hsi) \/(. Pe ore 2 Cylindrical tapering form, with sharp incurving shoulder and wide mouth. On a ground of Imperial yellow are dark brown\, Ce, gt dragons flying amid clouds with waves below. A floral band — encircles the mouth. Stand, and cover with green jade top. Height, 54, inches. 714—Porcetain Water Bortie (Chien-lung) wn uw Cylindrical body, with wide base, sharply sloping shoulder and _, tall straight neck. Round the shoulder and running part way (3 °“— up the neck is a jo-i head cloud design in peachbloom. Imperial ‘ seal mark. Stand. Height, 7 inches. an y) f) 5 715—Corat-rep Brusn Hoxrper (Kang-hsi)! V- ¢ os Lh nntk At ¢e Cylindrical form. The entire surface glazed a beautiful coral red with the exception of two reserve panels in white. These panels, in the shape of a leaf and a scroll, are decorated with mountainous landscapes etched in black lines. Has teakwood cover with green jade ball top, and teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches. Fourth Afternoon fr 716—Decoratep Porcezain Disu (K’ang-hsi) « ~ SAAT The interior shows a mountainous landscape, with houses and trees executed in different shades of green and aubergine, on a Way fle brilliant café-au-lait ground. Pedestal stand. LEC Diameter, 81/4, inches. a A a ff Yr 7 | 8 . 717—SEVEN-BoRDER RosE-Back PiatE (Chien-lung) pais Y—- ve Semi-eggshell porcelain. The decoration in the center shows a oO, .., lady and two children, presumably in a garden. Surrounding “{ § this and running to the edge are the characteristic elaborately ; decorated seven borders. All executed in delicate enamel colors. (Broken. ) Diameter, 814 inches. i PL a O Jt, Glpaa ( Y A ay A D ALA wT SAA 718—Pair or Decoratep Disues (K’ang-hst) 4 Ur (ey gt sa i On a coral-red ground is a central floral medallion in deep blue. é 4, (WA, The back shows a coral background, with sprays of flowers in ee deep blue. Underneath the foot are Ming dynasty marks. Diameter, 8 inches. 719—DecoraTeD PorcELAIN JARDINIERE : é Low, octagonal form, on four feet. Beautifully decorated around the outside edge with a floral design in famille rose enamel colors. The inside and foot underneath are glazed a pistache blue. Diameter, 71% inches. 720—Porcetain Pitone (K’ang-hsi) Cylindrical form. Decorated in rouge de fer and black. On one side are flowering branches of hawthorn and a bird. On the other side are character marks. Stand. Height, 51, inches. Fourth Afternoon fi i Dp pnnebe 721—DecorateD PorcELaIn FicurE (Chiew luna) Representing a Buddha, seated on a lotus thalamus, holding in his hands a sacred Temple ornament. There is a separate por- => —.. celain base, in the shape of a large lotus thalamus. Both pieces { os are brilliantly glazed in enamel colors of the famille rose. Stand. Height, complete, 8 inches. In -wt- Magra, 722—PorceLain Kwan-yin anp Cuitp (Chien-lung) (Illustrated) Beautifully modeled, representing a seated Kwan-yin (Goddess of Mercy) holding a child clothed in loosely flowing robes and (EX) ** wearing an elaborate necklace draped about her breast. Her clothes are painted in delicate famille rose colors. (Some finger tips chipped.) Stand. Height, 8°4, inches. (Illustrated) ef) 723—Famitte Rost Vase (Chien-lung) “7. Y | Ure pen Ovoidal form, tapering to a straight neck. A raised decoration | covers the entire piece, representing the eight Chinese Taoist | /U@ “— Gods with their distinguishing attributes, riding on clouds with the waves of a river below them. Painted in soft famille rose colors. Formal bands run around the base and lip. Bears an Imperial seal mark. Stand. Height, 81, inches. (Illustrated) ; a. 724—PorceLaIn Gauiipot Vast (K ene ‘ 1e CSLaANA vy | /Je On a white ground is seen a ferocious dragon in coral red and —— gold in pursuit of the sacred pearl, with body coiled about the piece. Round the base are seen waves painted in delicate coral outline. Teakwood stand. rt s : Mw psfteight, 8% inch g 725—DecoratTeD PorceLaIn Jar (Chien-lung) we z Rounded ovoid body. The decoration consists of four round SE — panels enclosing vases and other articles of household adorn- ment, and intervening are leaf sprays and blossoming flowers. Above and below are formal borders, floral jo-i head and Greek fret, all executed in deep overglaze pink on a white crackled glaze ground. Cover and stand. Height, 634 inches. Fourth Afternoon 726—PowvEr-BLUE Borrie (K’ang-hsi)/ Graceful, bulbous, ovoid body, sloping to/a thin neck, with onion shape top, rimmed with silver. The fine even color powder- JE ae blue glaze is relieved by eight various-shaped white medallions, which are beautifully decorated in famille verte colors, with | | blossoming flowers and articles of household adornment. Stand. Height, 74 inches. 727—Parr or Decoratep Breakers (K’ang-hsi) U Korarrp Cylindrical bodies, with slight bulge in the center and flaring LO e_ lip. The decoration, which is slightly raised, consists of a large pine tree, which runs from the base nearly to the lip. Round- about are the eight famous horses of Kubla Khan, all executed in blue, white and peachbloom on a background of celadon. (One beaker has a slight chip at the base.) Stands. Heights, 114%, and 11 inches. (Illustrated) Fourth Afternoon Vi i i Y 728—Decoratep CreLapon Vase (K’ang-hsi) /‘ JF Upnumnver Baluster form, with short straight neck. Around the bottom is es a decoration of roaring waves, in underglaze blue, over which, “ on one side, is a huge dragon, and on the other side a carp, exe- cuted in peachbloom on a ground of plain celadon. Cover and stand. Height, 834 inches. \ /, 729—PorceEtain Puate (K’ang-hsi) US. Cohn whe Decoration on the inside shows Imperial five-clawed dragons, fly- ing midst clouds. Executed in brilliant green. The back of the at plate similarly treated. Under the foot is a six-character period mark. Diameter, 934, inches. / Y Y) 730—Pair or Decorated PorceLain PLATEs (Chidehingy ey (9) Wr aatr UA_ The inside shows a solid decoration of dragons flying hmong the clouds in pursuit of the sacred symbol, painted in yellow on Mf) ca deep blue ground. The backs are similarly treated. Bear Im- perial seal marks. Diameter, 10 inches. 731—Decoratep Porceiain Disu (Yung Chéng) wey YL: | OgrrAhA_ The interior shows a central medallion, in blue and re and a wide band of blossoming flowers in famille rose colors. A 7 de éu similar band is on the back of the outer surface, and under the foot is a four-character period mark. Diameter, 10 inches. 7382—Porcetain Bown (Tao Kwang) : The outside is decorated with waved lines in SA over a white F JF °L. glaze. At intervals, running around the piece, are the eight Taoist Chinese Immortals. The interior has a central medallion, showing the God of Longevity with the Sacred Deer. Stand. Diameter, 9 inches. 733—Larcre Porceitain Bow. (K’ang-hsi) a Deep, rounded form. Decorated on the inside with sprays of oe blossoming flowers in gold and coral red. The outside shows AF = anincised lattice-work design in brilliant green, surrounding leaf- shaped medallions of blossoming flowers in coral and gold. Diameter, 9 inches. Fourth Afternoon TD 734—Decoratep Tripop Incense Burner (Chien-lung) Round bulbous body, with short neck, thick lip and three pro- truding short feet. From the shoulder spring two oblong-shaped curved tall handles. The entire surface is covered with a floral decoration interspersed with numerous emblems and ornaments, Bae executed in delicate famille rose colors, on a dark reddish brown - “> ground. Round the shoulder is a jo-i head band in yellow and blue. Stand, and a cover which is topped with amethyst. | | Height, 11 inches; breadth, Vis inches. | 735—PowpeER-BLUE DercoratTep Gincer Jar ce -hsi) The decoration consists of two large and four small blue and AQ ye — white panels on a clouded powder-blue background. Stand and | cover. Height, 8 inches. | Y~, of 736—DEcoraTED Bancew tn JARDINIERE (K’ang-hsi)—— >< —DV AS Rounded body, with thick rim. The decoration consists of two flying dragons in pursuit of the mystic symbol, midst scroll ‘A 1) ‘- and jo-i head clouds. Executed in brilliant peachbloom, with ( green spots on a delicate celadon ground. Stand, and cover with bronze knob. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. CT 737—PorcELAIN JARDINIERE (K’ang-hsi) o n : My AA / 752—Decoratep Porcerain Vase (K’ang- hei Bulbous body, with spreading foot, sloping shoulder ant tall «- thick neck, slightly spreading at the lip. At the foot are formal 6 "decorative borders. Above these, and running to the lip, is a decoration of an elaborately drawn dragon and phenix bird in pursuit of the sacred symbol. Under the lip is a jo-i head and Greek border. The execution is in delicately etched lines of rouge de fer, partially filled in with gold. Stand. Height, 1654 inches. 753—DecoraTED Porceiain Vase (K’ang- ha \ ) ) fog Bulbous ovoidal body, with sloping shoulder and tall flaring ie 4 : * The decoration consists of two boldly drawn dragons flying midst cloud scrolls in pursuit of the mystic sphere. Glazed with etched lines in blue and peachbloom on a soft white ground. Stand. Height, 1734 inches. Fourth Afternoon 754—Dercoratep “Peach Tree Borrir” (Chien-lung) | () (se 755—DEcoraTED BEAKER-SHAPED VASE (Kang-hsi Round bulbous body, with tall straight neck. The decoration, in brilliant famille rose colors, shows a large peach tree with the nine (sacred number) ripe peaches, the Chinese fruit of immortality. From the foot of the peach tree spring flowering bushes, the branches and flowers spreading round the body and over the neck. This is a perfect example of the famous Imperial (nine peach) bottles. Has Imperial seal mark underneath the foot. Stand. Height, 13%, inches. Cylindrical form, with slight bulge at the center, and flaring lip. 1 *< The decoration shows a large pine tree, springing from a rocky base. Roundabout are the eight famous horses of Kubla Khan. All executed in underglazed blue, white and peachbloom on a celadon ground. Stand. Height, 1934 inches. Fourth Afternoon iors < G SPAM oF 756—Decoratep Porcerain Tempe Jar (K’ang-hsi) i Baluster-shaped body, with short neck. The decoration consists of a large hawthorn tree in blossom, springing from a rockery. 6 0 “= Birds are perched on the branches, and others are flying about. On the neck are sprays of leaves and flowers. Executed in delicate blue lines on a white ground, with the main body of the piece glazed an even celadon. Characteristic period mark. Hyight, 121, inches. \f/ 757—Larcrt Decorated Borrie (Geoeiad (es ol@Qr Bulbous ovoid body, with gradually sloping shoulder and neck. g-« Decorated all over with flying dragons and bats, midst jo-i head os ~ — clouds, executed in underglaze blue. In between is a lined design in peachbloom representing the waves of the ocean far below. A wide, formal border runs around the base in underglaze blue and at the lip is a blue jo head border. Stand. Height, 20 inches. Fourth Afternoon Decoration consists of phcenix birds cea upon rocks, with ite te ducks swimming in water below. Cranes and birds are flying OG : : wi above. From the rocks spring flowering branches of peonies and other spring flowers. A pink border runs to the rim, deco- rated with a formal lattice pattern, with five leaf-shaped floral panels. Pedestal stand. Diameter, 211, inches. — / 759—Decoratep Porceratn Vase (Chien-lung)\ Thick rounded body, with sloping shoulder, tall neck and coed” 3 oO @ ing lip. Conventionalized dragon handles in relief on the neck. The elaborate decoration consists of wide floral bands between conventional palmette jo-i head borders; all executed in bril- liant famille rose colors. Imperial seal mark. Stand. Height, 191/, inches. GQ, Fourth Afternoon 760—Larce Decoratep Vase (Yung Chéng) ; Ovoidal body, with sharply sloping shoulder, thick straight neck -and flaring lip. Round the shoulder, carved in high relief, are five flying bats in underglaze blue, over an outlined blue border, with cloud scrolls in brilliant peachbloom. The body of the piece is decorated with numerous round medallions which repre- sent the Imperial character mark, in peachbloom, bordered with blue. Interspersed about these are many full-blossomed haw- thorn flowers, in peachbloom, splashed with green; all on a formal lattice pattern blue ground. Formal bands in blue run around the neck under the lip. Stand. Height, 191, inches. Fourth Afternoon | ] at f (AG L 761—Larcre Decorated Jar (Chien-tungy 0 Mn Wg Round bulbous body and sloping shoulder, rimmed with silver. cm b «« | The wide central zone on one side is filled with an elaborate and ‘ beautifully drawn decoration of twisted tree trunks and branches filled with fresh spring blossoms in blackish brown and delicate pink and white. On the other side is a copy of one of the Em- 1] peror Chien Lung’s poems, painted in black characters. Above and below are broad borders, all executed in brilliant famille rose colors. Stand, and a cover with large carved jade top. Height, 14 inches. 762—Giant CiuB-sHarep Vase (K’ang-hsi) +} ae es ee The decoration is in gold over a pure white glaze and shows a fish S50 ~ rising from the waves at the base, above a monster dragon in the clouds in pursuit of the Sacred Pearl, and on the neck are two pheenix birds. Stand. Height, 30 inches. (Illustrated) | 763—Giant Dracon Vase (Chien-lung) aa ? Bulbous round body, sharply sloping shoulder, tall thick neck, bg" flaring lip and two large dragon handles on the neck. The deco- ~~ ration consists of large dragons executed in peachbloom and blue, flying midst jo-i head clouds, with waves below, in under- glaze blue. Height, 3114, inches. 1] | SINGLE-COLOR SPECIMENS | as, 764—Srone Brive Coupe (K’ang-hsi) VU, 6 QDs DL | Graceful rounded form, slightly out- -curving at the lip. The | a decoration of two large dragons pursuing the Sacred Pearl is | | ~ etched in dark blue lines on the lighter blue ground. Leaf- mark under the foot. Stand and cover. Height, 3 inches. No. 762—Gtant Cxius-sHarep Vase (K’ang-hsi) Fourth Afternoon 765—Royat Buive Borrie (Chien-lur nn "ALLE e Round, sloping body with tall straight neck. /° om eS i t, 6 inches. 766—Tera-Ltear Brusu Hoxper (Chien-lung) Cylindrical form. Has four-character mark in Blue ahs 1 be foot. Stand, and a cover with green jade top. [9 Height, 41, inches, 767—APPLE-GREEN Bowi (Yung Chéng) cay MM ; Rather low, graceful form, glazed Aas and outside with a 6 5 clear apple-green. Stand. Cc mae 41, inches. 768—TurauolsE-BLUE Vase (Chien-lung) x KS IP LADWW Graceful ovoid form, with short thick neck. The surface is os delicately crackled. Stand. ay 534, inches. 769—TurauolsE-BLUE BottLe (Chien-lung) eo yz Low, rounded body, with sloping shoulder and tall thick neck y g * a spreading at lip. Stand. p Height, 5% inches. \ = CO 770—Pinx Sourrie Borrre (Chien-lung) N, L-WLy Graceful rounded body, with tall neck and spreading lip. Stand. Height, 6 inches. Fourth Afternoon 771—Royat Purpie Vase (Yung Chéng) may Tree, Graceful ovoid body, with short neck and spreading lip. The 4 aa glaze is a brilliant purplish blue. Stand. Height, 61, inches. 772—APPLE-GREEN Bow. (Yung Chéng) vy) VY - Yacht, TS" Glazed both inside and out a brilliant apple-green. Stand. / Diameter, 554 inches. 773—Srone Brive Bowu (K’ang-hsi) C ed Pot /. The outside decorated with flying dragons“in pursuit of the ; Mystical Symbol, in dark blue on a paler blue ground. Stand. UY “—{ Small chip at lip.) aS 55% inches. 774—ImpeRiaAL YELLOW JaARDINIERE (K’ang- ea) Cowan. Low, graceful rounded form, with wide mouth. Decorated on net we the outside with two dragons pursuing the fire symbol in etched lines. Stand. is Diameter, 6 inches. 775—Cuair-DE-LUNE VasE (Chien-lung) A Arn A bh, - s Graceful sloping eight-sided form, with ring Trandley. Imperial i“ pe 6 _seal mark. Stand. Height, 5%, inches Fourth Afternoon 776—CrLapon Water Recerracie (Chien-lung) Fashioned in the shape of a deep lotus leaf, with a crab inside. Yi] ee 3c On the outside are stems and a large closed bud. Covered with aa pale celadon glaze. Stand. pv iamaer, 6144 inches. 777—Cextapon Coupe (K’ang-hsi) J a ony. Ovoid form, with small mouth. Covered with a thick bluish [ed @ celadon glaze, finely crackled with brown lines. Stand. Height, 41 inches. 778—Friamst Vase (Ming) Od ‘ _ Ao Graceful slender ovoid form, with small flaring neck. Covered jo% st With a bluish-gray and white flambé glaze. Stand. Height, 7 inches. 779—Caré-au-Lair Botrte (Ming) RR. Depressed bulbous body, with tall straight neck, interestingly / 2 crackled all over in dark lines. Stand. Ub ee 61/, inches. 780—Caré-au-Lait Vase (Ming) x) NM < Arwen Ay Ovoidal contour, sloping to a short neck. Surface shows a soft a brown crackle. Stand. Height, 61% inches. i, rt KK NY, 781—Tra-Lear Guazep Jar (Chien-tungoy" ‘ KA Round, ball-shaped form, the mouth rimmed with bronze. ee 3 *) 6% perial seal mark under the foot. Stand, and a cover with amethyst top. _ Height, 31, inches. 782—Iron-rust Coure (Chien-lung) ae oe p> ee Graceful rounded form, with small foot and wide mouth. Stand, and a cover with carnelian ball top. Diameter, baa inches. 788—Meratuic Iron-rust Gatuipot (Chien- Pion Lp | cae 36 Graceful ovoid form, with small neck. Stand. eS / ye ~ an 6%, inches. 784—Mirror Brack Vase (K’ang-hsi) hd G' 3 Cylindrical form, with thick lip. The glaze a pollian: mirror At — black, with a white line encircling the mouth. Stand. Height, 61, inches. Fourth Afternoon 785—Mrirror Brack Braxer (K’ang-hsi) Ce Conan tse Cylindrical form, with flaring lip. White bands encey the base and top. Stand. Height, 7, inches. 786—AvBERGINE Pitone (K’ang-hsi) C3. ons Cylindrical form. Character marks are etched under the glaze. (te (Cracked down one side.) Stand. Height, 45% we 787—Meratuic Iron-rust Jar (Chien-lung) Vann. YF, Graceful ovoid contour, with short unglazed neck. Cover and [ee stand. Height, 514 inches. 788—Tra-tear Vase (Yung Chéng) Vasc G3 Graceful ovoid body, sloping sharply to a(tithin neck and 5 Os spreading lip. Has dragon-shape handles. Stand. ae 7 inches. 789—Gaxupot VasE (K’ang-hsi) UG OD Fg og Graceful form, with short neck, ereted) iC a ee dragon O70 ee in blue, under a plain white glaze. Stand. Height, 74/4, inches. (A ~~ 790—DecoratTep Cours (K’ang-hsi) . {1 ( Sy, NAAN. Round, bulbous body, with short neck and lip, Ae in relief +7 ge with fir trees and deer, under a clear white glaze. (Slight chip = at lip.) Stands Height, 51, inches. WA, 791—Four AtracHep Giant Crackxite Borries eon 7, Cylindrical forms, with short neck and protruding lip. Covered/ with a grayish clair-de-lune glaze, irregularly covered with giant é pe ie crackle. Imperial seal marks. Stand. Height, 6 inches. (Cri lrs gp 792—Mirror Brack Pirone (K’ang-hsi) Q Teibpes f= 1 Om o). 4 Cylindrical form. Glazed a brilliant mirror black, with white — band at the lip. Stand. Height, 51%, inches. Fourth Afternoon (i Cerarnrid 793—Boccaro Ware Botte (Chien-lung) Ce i) Round, bulbous body, with tall straight neck. Round the shoul- yj +e der is a lizard-like monster carved in high relief. The material Tig = is brown, with a lacquered finish. (One animal leg chipped.) Period mark. Stand. r~ oN Height, 8 inches. ¢ 794—FramsBt Gatupot (Chien-lung) . otravatrk_ > Very graceful form, covered with a flowing deep red glaze with J eb »~ touches of purplish-blue. Stand. Height, 7 inches. % S 795—Mazarin-BLuE Borrie (Chien-lung) Y - ASE > re Bulbous body, with sloping shoulder and tall(straight neck. (Has slight chip at base.) Stand. Height, 8% inches. (\ FS 796—Liver Cotor BorrLEe (Chien-lung) SEAS _,, Graceful ovoid body, with tall, straight neck. The ao a5 © very even and perfect. Stand. J: 1Y Height, 85% inches. je oye 797—TvravolsE-BLUE BrusH HoupEer (K’dng-hst) W}?O Cylindrical form, the body etched in low relief with wide floral _ band. Stand. 1/74 — Height, 55% inches. ty . ‘ Kb», 798—Sronrt Brive Jar anp Cover (K’ang-hsi) 3 Barrel shape, with low foot and short neck. The decoration, 3 y) yu etched in dark blue lines in contrast to the lighter blue back- - ground, shows the Chinese precious symbols, cloud scrolls, flow- ers and vases. Ming character mark. Stand. (aN p eight, 8 inches. iS ; 799—Pair or ImperiaL FramsBt Bortrres (Chien-lung oO Ovoid bodies, with sloping shoulders and tall necks and looped bes handles. Covered with a lustrous red flambé glaze showing od — splashes of blue. Have incised Imperial seals under the foot. Stands. Heights, 8°4 inches. Fourth Afternoon 800—SeauarE Purpite Vase (K’ang-hsi) MM: \Z KDA. RL BD an 7 Quadrilateral form, with round foot, and short round neck. The oo embellishment presents upright bands enclosing the symbolic MD “— circle of two fishes, with horizontal ridges above and below, all in slight relief. Stand. Height, 8 inches. 801—Liver Cotor Botrrie (Chien-lung) YY. MM - a (3 Graceful ovoid body, with tall, straight neck. Covered with an pas oe even flowing liver-red glaze. Stand. Height, 934 inches. a\ 802—ImperiaL Ceo es CED) hy ve og nee The glaze is an even flowing Imperial yellow. Under the foot is a six-character Ming mark. a) Diameter, 854 inches. 4803-= Marn ae Yettow Vase (Chien-lung) 7 & YY i x A fr KE CH Ovoid body, with short thick neck and dragon- WLS, hen les - in high relief. The surface etched in relief, with a scroll floral Joe decoration. Stand. Height, ve inches. ) a / | [, x 804—Yxrttow Borrir (Chien-lung) lo: WW att Round, bulbous body, with tall straight neck. Boldly d decorated , in etched lines, showing a monster dragon flying in the clouds i. Ui — in pursuit of the Mystical Sphere. (Broken at the neck.) Stand. Height, 91, inches. 805—FuiurEep Crenapon Jar (Ming) Cochin Chinese pottery. Round, bulbous form, with short neck. SAL Standing on short jo-t head feet. Covered with a thin, finely crackled, olive-colored glaze. Stand, and a cover with amethyst top. Height, 1034 inches. 806—CrLapon Vase (K’ang-hsi) eA Ovoid body, with sharp shoulder, thin neck and flaring lip. 13 ( “Etched in the paste with archaic patterns and lattice-work de- signs. Covered with a pale celadon glaze. Stand, and silver gilt pierced cover. Height, 91% inches. =e / Ei E ( 807—CyunpricaL (Vase (K ‘ang-haif VA pr IE ~ Tall body, with short neck and flaring lip. Covered with blos- 9 soming lotus flowers, with leaves and branches entwined, carved f —— in slight relief under the pure white glaze. (Slight chip at lip.) / Stand. Height, 11 inches. 808—Tera-LeaF Guiaze Borris (Chien-lung) Cn lkew Depressed bulbous body, sloping to a tall straight neck. Bears Se “ —— an Imperial seal mark. Stand. Height, 8 Py. 809—PownpeErR-BLUE Jar (K’ang-hsi) (ore Th: we Oe a Graceful gallipot form. Stand, and a cover with carnelian disk. be "i = Height, 8 inchgs. 810—Powper-sivuE Vase (K’ang-hsi) oo yy wre, aU a Graceful ovoid body, with slender neck afd flaring lip, capped Led ra with silver. (The neck broken and mended.) Stand. Heighf, 10 inches. Chu Ovoid body, with sharply curved shoulder and small neck tf 5 “ expanding silver rim. The body of the piece is decorated with landscape design penciled in gold. Stand. 811—Powner-BLvuE Vase (K’ang-hsi) Ko. ba et 812—Imrrria, CeLtapon Bow1i (Yung fh wpe I ; + Deep, graceful form, with sides and edge slightly fluted. Glazed with a delicate pale celadon. Imperial seal mark in blue. Stand. a— J NH Diameter, 1014 inches. 818—CerLapon Cracxiep Vase (Ming) a Oy , f ge Graceful ovoid body, with thin neck and spreading, thick lip. — Etched in the paste under the glaze are long upright palip leaves. Stand. v2, Height, 10%, inches. 814—TuraquolsE-BLUE JARDINIERE (K’ang-hst) (J nee Graceful rounded form, with wide mouth, covered inside and out ~ oc with an exceptionally fine minutely crackled glaze. Stand, and a cover with jade ball top. Height, 51% inches. vrva_ Fourth Afternoon 815—Royat Purrite Priate (K’ang-hst) (9- SG, / : ages Has etched decoration, under the glaze beautifully executed, of ek dragons flying in the clouds in pursuit of the Sacred Pearl. The base glazed white with the Imperial six-character K’ang-hsi mark in blue. Gilt pedestal stand. Diameter, Cie hes. 816—Fiamseé Borris (Chien-lung) 4 MM: vals AY e¢ Graceful ovoid form, with tall, straight neck. The oe is in running clouded effect, in blue and red. Stand. OG, GY inches. 817—Liver Coror Borris (Chien-lung) Graceful ovoid body, with tall straight @ me Nahe Graceful four-lobed form, with bulge at the center 4nd very uf $+ wide flaring neck. Covered with a running glaze of lustrous sang-de-beuf red and pale blue. Has Imperial seal. Stand. —~Height, 10/0 inches. 822—Sane-pE-pouter Vase (Yung Chéng) UK Graceful ovoid body, with sloping shoulder, small neck ea flar- By ri et ing lip. The glaze is exceptionally perfect. (Small crack at/ lip.) Stand. Height, 121, inches. i] O vd ff DBAAEC _ Fourth Afternoon | 823—Sanc-pDE-POULET VasE (T'ao Kwang) ; ts | Graceful ovoid body, sloping to a small neck and flaring lip. uf Lace The glaze runs evenly over the entire surface and is espe- | — cially brilliant. (Chip at foot.) Stand. Height, 12 inches. 824—Four-sip—Ep Fiamsé Vase (Chien-lung) in ‘ | due Cylindrical form, with sloping shoulder and slightly spreading | Oo lip. The sides are decorated in relief with the symbolic double- fish circular medallion between horizontal bars. The running | glaze is a mixture of brilliant blue and red. Stand. /N Height, 1254 inches. 825—CrLapon Jar (Ming) Vy ‘Vy « Eh TR AS ‘¢ Graceful ovoid body, with sloping shoulder and short neck. | Etched under the glaze with a scroll floral pattern. Stand, and a cover with carnelian cow top. Height, 91, inches. (ove 826—Cextapon Tripop JArpINiERE (K’ang-hsi) x Low, rounded form on three knob feet. The body is etched under (are a brown crackle celadon glaze with large blossoming lilies; the iT leaves and vine entwined. Stand, and a cover with jade top. & Diameter, 91/, inches. 827—Crxtapon Disu (Ming) : J = . In the center, etched under the glaze, is a floral spray. The sides IH] ks ae and rim are fluted, and decorated with a boldly etched floral design. Diameter, 13 inches. 828—Cexapvon Jarpinibre (Ming) w t L Low, rounded form on three short feet. Hard, reddish brown I se. stoneware, covered with a thick grayish celadon glaze, and finely || crackled. \| Diameter, 101% inches. | 829—CrLapon JARDINIERE (Ming) WK t a 4 1 || Low, rounded form on three lion-head feet. The grayish green | oa ee - J = crackled celadon glaze covers an etched lattice-work pattern. The body is of hard red stoneware. Diameter, 111% inches. Fourth Afternoon Ny 2 (Ne aia) q ee é 830—CrELapon Crackle Vase (Ming) Gh. OF" we FCKS ROL Ee Ovoid body, rather cylindrical, with small, short neck. The sur- / f ¢ “face is etched under the glaze with a scroll leaf pattern. Stand. a, ht, 15 inches. : 831—Crxapon Borrie (K’ang-hsi) 1 ag Ae Lg RIPAALOMN~ * a Round, bulbous body with tall, thick neck. er etched C ,.; in the paste, of dragons flying midst jo-i head clouds. Has six- FI “—~ character Ming mark. Stand. | Height, 1614 inches. 832—CerxLavon Vase (K’ang-hsi) ! 7) ee Graceful ovoid body, with straight neck and Ta lip. Etched ~~ under the glaze, showing flowering bushes growing from a rocky base, and phenix. Stand. Height, 17%, inches. Fourth Afternoon | VY ee, | 833—CeELapon Tripop Crenser (Ming) | Round, bulbous body on three legs, with short neck, protruding | /3 7 bp and rope-shape looped handles rising above. The body is | decorated with an etched lattice pattern under the glaze. Stand, and a cover with carved agate top. | Diameter, 10 inches; height, 9 inches. 834—CELADON JaRDINIERE (Ming) Te MW 2 Nechrta ae Bulbous ovoid body, with short rim neck, covered with a thin aati as d —pale celadon glaze. Stand, and a cover with elaborately carved 1] white jade top. Diameter, 11 inches; height, 81 inches. Fourth Afternoon 8385—CrLapon Trieop Jar (Ming) W AGA sets Ming buff pottery. Deep cylindrical shape, raised on three small feet. Decorated with an incised lattice-work pattern. 33g «{ Stand, and a cover with blue enamel top. Diameter, 103, inches; height, 8 inches. 836—CerLapon JarDINIERE (Ming) " , b Heavy bulbous body, with short rim neck. ¢ greenish celadon glaze. This specimen was found in Persia. AL5°U —Stand, and a cover with green jade Buddha-hand top. i) Diameter, 11% inches; height, 8 inches. vered with a thick FIFTH AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 381, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O'CLOCK CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES, MOSTLY IN SINGLE- COLOR GLAZES Q 837—Minrature Porcenain Snurr Borris oy a Spe In the shape of a pickle. Brilliant camellia-leaf’green glaze, minutely crackled. Silver stopper. e) 0, 838—Wuite Porcenain Snurr Borris The >SAAL ( ots Graceful, slender ovoid form. Etched decoration under the white glaze of the eight horses of Kubla Khan. Green jadeite stopper. oN 839—Pinx SourrLtt Snurr Borriz = Caryn Thick rounded body with short neck. Slight chip at lip. Stanae 840—Mustrarp YELLow Snurr Borrie “r 7 Graceful ovoid form. Covered with a finely crackled, even flow- ing glaze. Stand. ») g, 841—PorceLaIn Snurr Borrue Slow oC Baluster shape. Covered with an even flowing tea-leaf glaze. Metal stopper, with coral inlay. Stand. Fifth Afternoon fo™ J, (ie. & 842—CyuinpricaL Sntygr ‘BoTTrLe Varied “ashes of roses” glaze, decorated with a dragon 4 in pur- /) °s suit of the Mystic Pearl. Stand. V / 843—Musrarp YELLow Snurr BoTrie w ‘ Graceful ovoid form. Covered with a finely crackled glaze. ie ee Stand. Gh wlae) 844—Corat-repD Snurr Borris (Tao Kwang) YY ~ | AA TOtr"_ ~ Flat, rounded form. Covered with a brilliant coral-red glaze. : 7. — Stand. 845—Sort-pastE PorceLaIn Snurr Borrrie =f ae CobpAWK ae Carved in the shape of a crouching squirrel eating a vegetable a plant. Glazed a soft creamy white, and delicately crackled. Metal stopper, with tourmaline bead inlaid. a / == 846—PorcreLaIn Snurr BorrTie Nnnrr- Pen | SAP i ee Baluster shape. Covered with an even flowing tea-leaf glaze. ; J=— Metal stopper, with coral inlay. Stand. \ Cp ere, 847—ImerreR1AL YELLOW PorceLain Snurr Botte Lb p Soke, Rounded ovoid form. One side etched in slight relief, showing/ os a rockery and leafy branches. A line of period character marks on the opposite side. Pink glass stopper. 848—Mirror Bruack Snurr Borrie ~ G ~ RCO aha wa /S= Graceful ovoid form. Metal stopper, with coral inlay. Stand. \ 849—Pinx Sourrité Snurr Borrre that kor /O oe Graceful ovoid form, with short neck. Staxd. 850—CyruinpricaL SnurF Borris ie. ae, (2s Covered with an even flowing peachbloom color glaze. Stand. 851—Iron-rust Guaze Snurr Borris -. NW a Manhatng Fe Cylinder form with short neck. Has blue ha i ates Vv Fifth Afternoon 4 852—WuitE PorcenaIn SNUFF Bough Wy. WoL toy «e Graceful ovoid contour. Delicately etched with a floral design under the glaze. Stand. N ; 853—Pinx Sourritt Snurr Borris ve OE ers as Cylindrical form of graceful contour. Stand. / y/) 4 854—Tra-LEAF Green Porcenain SnurF Borrie/ ¢ = Gg Cylindrical form, with short neck; yellow glass stopper, with (¢ e+ pearl top. 855—CyuinpricaL Snurr Botrie fe W- TG@Klawyy. F os Decorated with an etched dragon design under a pure white - glaze. Silver stopper. Stand. 856—Carvep Porcenain Snurr Borrie Y 16 grt Flattened ovoid form. The carving, in high relief, shows a ye dragon and a pheenix bird flying in the clouds, which are covered ~ with a coral-red glaze. Pink tourmaline stopper. 857—Carvep Porcetain Snurr Borris 6) a fd Cohn 27rd Flattened ovoid form. Decorated in high relief4vith the eight / / ~~ precious symbols, distributed between floral sprays. The entire surface glazed a coral red. Gilt metal stopper. f-\ / 858—Carvep Porcetain Snurr Borris Vs Lngrn$g // *°_ Flattened ovoidal contour. The body reticulated. Over thys is seen a flying dragon and pheenix bird glazed in pure white. Stand. 6 859—Carvep Waitt Porcenain SnNurr BotttE UV~ — V Flattened ovoidal contour, showing reticulated carving of numer- ous Foo dogs playing with brocaded balls. Red bead stopper. 860—PorceLain Fiso Snurr Borrie al Etched in slight relief, and covered with an oven coral-red glaze./ | | Fifth Afternoon 861—Carvep PorcreLAIn SNuFF BorrLe hR. Conard Graceful, flattened ovoid contour, showing openwork ¢arving .. of a dragon and pheenix bird flying midst jo-a head \clouds. e y Delicate pistache blue glaze. Stopper to match. 862—Cinnapar Lacquer Snurr Borrie bs a Flat ovoidal contour. Carved in high relief, showing a moun- re ( ‘— tainous landscape with several figures in the foreground. Green jadeite stopper. Teakwood stand. \ ae \ an , 863—Carvep Sorr-paste PorceLain SnurY Berrie The decoration, in high relief, shows the Chinese Immortals rid- a ing on the clouds, with waves of the ocean beneath. Pink top, with decorated silver rim. Metal stopper. J F 2 BS ae ae 864—Sort-paste WuitE PorceLain SNuFF BotriLe Flattened ovoid form. Carved in high relief, showing the eighteen o Ae Lohans, or Buddhistic Apostles, with their distinguishing attri- butes, riding on jo-+ head clouds with waves beneath them. Green jadeite stopper. JD L, ea Legnnrntr SG 865—Min1ature Brown Guaze Bortie (Chien-lung) [22 Round bulbous body, with tall neck. Stand. SINGLE-COLOR PORCELAINS 866—Miniature Liver Graze Borrre (Chien-lungyy \P 5 he arr / ae Rounded body, with tall neck. Stand. > f f a fp | 867—Mintarure Vase (Chien-lung) I~ b4 4 Graceful ovoid form, with short neck. Translucent porcelain, v {Des coated with an exceptionally pure white glaze. Stand. \ 868—Caré-av-Lair Mrniature Vase (Late Kang-hst) & Tall rounded body, with short neck and spreading lip. Stand. / st Fifth Afternoon 869—Musrarp YeEtLtow Miniature Borris (Chien- Rayong Rounded body, with tall straight neck. The glaze is delicately ja crackled. Stand. , 870—Mirror Brack Miniature Vase et fiw wg Cos Ver-trnnrey De / 7 vo Graceful, rounded body with tall straight neck. Ave 871—Rosin’s-Ece Biue Miniature Borris Cong. of /72 Rounded body, with tall straight neck. Stand. , . Se 872—Pair or Pinx Sovrrré Miniature Jars (Chienflung) / aso Graceful bulbous ovoid bodies, with small necks. \Stands/ — 873—Sort-paste Mintature Coupe (K’ang-hsi) Q Onliner f/O “— Low disk form, with relief rings round the top. Covered with a creamy-white crackled glaze. Stand and Ory cover. : W-\ Vbocs hake 874—Tra-LeaFr Guaze Miniature Vase (Chien-luiid) / VS aed Graceful baluster form. Stand. 5 S. v 875—Parir or Mirror Brack Bortrizs (Chien- C Round bulbous bodies, with tall straight necks. Stands. =— 876—Mrniature Sort-paste Cup (Kang-hsiy ‘6 3 Weld: Vio he Rounded contour, with small loop handle. Covered with a cream- white thick glaze. Has etched bands round the lip and body. Originally used for a bird cage. Stand. Vi Ay BAAR A ,, 877—Mustarp: YeLLow Miniature Vase (Chios lung) peepee Graceful ovoid body, with short neck and spreading lip. Deli- cately crackled all over. _ 878—Musrarp YEetitow Miniature Vase (Chien-lung) Baluster body, with short neck. Delicately crackled all over. | Stand. Fifth Afternoon Yunro SMD 879—Caré-au-Lair Miniature Borrix (Late as /78u_ Graceful, rounded body, with tall, straight neck. Stand. lan is w a 880—Mrirror Brack Mrxtarure Vase (Chien-lung) FO: Ovoid body, with tall straight poco ee 17 , kL ers é iS 881—Pinx Sourrié Miniarure Vase ene lung) yV / 7s Pear-shaped body, with graceful neck and aoe lip. Stand. = S sd nN 882—CaMELLIA-LEAF GreEN Miniature Vase (Chien-lung) pas Graceful ovoid body, with short neck and paeeame lip. , oO and. Wr: arty Chen, Be Ia SourrLé Miniature Jar (Chien-lung) a / ysis Graceful ovoid form, with short neck. Stand ; Ags vA Q 884— CaMELLIA-LEAF GREEN MINIATURE Vibe (Chien-Tung) oe Bottle form, with tall straight neck. The glaze delicately crackled. Stand. Tn - UC oe 885—Pair or Miniature Tra-tear Vases (Chien-lung) raceful baluster form, with small necks. Imperial seal marks \ / 80 G ful bal f ] ll ks. Imperial ] k under the foot. Stands. R z y) CL 886—Sanc-pE-Beur Miniature Court (Chien-lung / § — Flattened bulbous form, with small mouth. Glazed a rich, deep ruby red, with a white line encircling the es Stand. 887—Sanc-pE-Baur Miniature Covure Meee LR: aA Le Flattened bulbous body, with wide mouth. Glazed with a bril- [Qu lant sang-de-beuf color. Stand. 4 Tre 3 888—Tra-Lear Graze Mintature Vase (Chien-lung) : a... Graceful baluster form. Stand. / me Nee dagen Third 889—Sanc-pE-Bevur Miniature Vase (Chien-lung) = Cylindrical form, with short neck. Covered with a lustrous, flow- : ing sang-de-beuf glaze, with variations of color at the neck. Stand. Fifth Afternoon 890—Mrrror Brack Miniarure Vase (Chien-lung,), Kg SOR BR ve wy Rounded body, with tall straight neck. Stand. a Weng % 891—CaMELLIA-LEAF Green Miniature Vase (Chieh-Tung)- Sloping ovoid body, with tall straight neck. Delicately crackled SO \ surface. Stand. 892—Mrrror Brack Mrintarure Borris (Chien- wh Hd, 2m / Wie Graceful rounded body, with tall straight neck. Stand. f \ 893—Corat-rep Miniature Box (Chien-lung) Ue | vel bh bara Flat octagonal form, with pagoda-shaped cover. Decorated Of * < with a floral design in gold. Imperial seal mark underneath. Stand. la (Dawn Se or oe 894—Mustarp YELLow Birp-cace Jar (Chien-lung) YW ee Graceful form. The glaze delicately crackled. Stand and cover vA lax 895—Pair or Mustarp YELLow Miniature Jars hierar pe Ee ea Graceful, rounded form, with short necks. Stand. 896—Miniature Kwan-yin (Ming) T ararprocg Modeled in a seated position and covered with a he / DEV glaze. Stand. 897—Pair or Liver Cotor Curs (Chien-lungy¥ Ute Ne SOE 4 y—, Deep, rounded form. Covered with a lustrous brownish-red to = glaze. Stands. Dv : 898—Miniature Coupe (Chien-lung) J: +: en AV Cay a4 Covered with a lustrous liver glaze. Imperial mark under the | ee 7 foot. Stand. ~ . Ue 899—Miniature Cucumesr Guaze Borris (Chieh4lung) ois 4 is ~. Rounded body, sloping to a tall straight neck. Stand. Fifth Afternoon & h, \ 900—CaMELLIA-LEAF Green Miniature Jar (Chien-lung) 7 a Graceful ovoid contour, with short neck. The glaze delicately crackled. Has metal stopper. Stand. A 901—Ye ttow Porcetain Cue (Yung Chéng) cr Nepeeso Deep, rounded form. The outside covered with a beautiful Im- oO perial yellow glaze. Imperial seal mark underneath. Stand. 902—Smatt YeLLow Cur (K’ang-hsi) Ula Tapp yrronk. The outside shows an etched underglazed design of lions play- /2s¥ ing with brocade balls. (Crack at the lip.) Stand. t 4 903—MiniaturE Coure (Yung Chéng) Tuc en eae =e Depressed bulbous form, with wide mouth. Covered with a pure ia) ~ white glaze. Stand. 904—Biscuir Disk (K’ang-hsi) 0 ie ANarirnitnr /2 Seis Low, rectangular form. The top shows an openwork carving in high relief of many Foo dogs playing with brocaded balls. Covered with a cream-white glaze. Elaborate ivory stand. 905—Tra-LEar GuazE CouPrE (Chien-lung) 7 Varwe H. Marry Pues. Low, rounded body, with wide mouth. Stand. 906—Royrat Buve Graze Borrie (Chien-lung Ay. (O . ahl- Rounded body, with tall straight neck. Stand. [ae 9. (3 907—Iron-rust Miniature Couper Ses . lI rn / /2 Graceful tapering form, with small mouth. lustered glaze. Stand. Unusually fine A re ey whee eae 908—Smaxt Inon-rusr Jar (Chien-lung)! VAS /< AY pouty 5 ew Depressed bulb form, with wide mouth. Stand. shi LAAASLSA 909—CucumMBER GREEN SmaLu VasE (Chten-lung)~ : 30 oo Slender ovoid body, with small neck and spreading lip. Stand. Fifth Afternoon 910—Fucuien Cur (Ming) =A CeAl Deep, graceful form in shape of leaf, with stem running up one / @€ side and a crab in the bottom. Translucent porcelain, covered with a pure white glaze. Stand. Ge 334 inches. 911—Caré-av-Lair Smart Jar (Ming) Tre J ‘CHA: orartrnneetir / [ie Heavy, rounded body, sloping to a small mouth. Giant crackle surface. Stand and cover. TUN: Pe marnonr gore 912—Mazariw Buuzr Miniature Borrie (Chien- Wha Graceful ovoid body, sloping to tall straight neck. Stand. Je : 913—F A i LAD [3 —FLamBeé SmaLu Borris (Chien-lung) LMS 19 Agree Ao Graceful, rounded body, with tall straight neck. Exceptionally brilliant red glaze, with tinges of purple. Stand. 914—Iron-rust Smatyt Vase (Chien-lung) WG rm (6) ee Graceful ovoidal form, with short neck and spreading lip. Stand. / 4 al 915—TeEa-LeaF GuazE Smatt Cours (Chien-lung) Vit KA Ytawr Graceful, rounded contour, with narrow mouth. Stand. 4p | =e | 916—Musrarp Yettow Cracxiz Vase (Chien-lungy We Ware ie Pilgrim bottle shape, with two loop handles. Stand. Height, 4 inches. A ve 917—Crtapon Smaut Vase (K’ang-hsi) NWW- Kylur Graceful, baluster form, with short neck. Stand. A) /) 918—ImprriaL Turee-pty Vase (Chien-lung) UN kK tr = Double-gourd shape. The bulbs on the body are decorated with large flying bats, the upper ones with peaches. In between is an elaborate border. All penciled in gold on a delicate celadon background. Imperial seal under the foot in gold. Stand. Height, 4 inches. Fifth Afternoon alee 4 \ 919—TJron-rust Graze Smati Borris (Chieh-lung u 4 Graceful baluster form. Stand. ax 920—Tra-tear Graze Smart Jar (Chien-lung) »« Ovoid contour, with small neck. Stand. oS 4 921—Iron-rust Smart Jarpiniere (Chien-lung) Low, rounded form, with slightly flaring lip, and two ringed / Jae handles. Stand, and a cover with green jade top. Y. es : 922—BortTLE-sHarED SMALL Vase (Yung Chéng 9 .. Bulbous body, with tall straight neck. Thick clair-de-lune glaze, — with brownish red splashes. (A Yung Chéng example of the Sung “Chun Yao’”.) Stand. ‘A CZ WW JA GION I MeL 923—Iron-rust GuazE Smatt Botrie (Chien-lung) [so “= Round sloping body, with tall straight neck. Stand. 924—Tra-LEaF GLAzE SMALL VASE ne Lew «oe Graceful baluster form. Stand. fs a 4 925—Iron-rust Smatyt Vase (Chien-lung) Tn Ny Khir [re ovoidal body, with straight neck— Stand. v yj, 926—Gourp-sHAPED Borrte (Ming) fe Cran /) ¢s Covered with a thick café-au-lait glaze and with a decoration in white slip of hawthorn branches. Stand. F Y Nn O rd AS” 927—CrackLep Miniature Jar (Ming) LS ea tt Bulbous body, with short neck and spreading lip. Covered with a dark brown glaze, minutely crackled. Stand. = f Y) AA,’ r y —Ue — 928—Mirror Brack SmatL Botrre (Chien-lung) Flattened rounded body, with tall straight neck. Black glaze oar brown metallic luster. Stand. Fifth Afternoon 929—PorceLain Coure (Chien-lung) T pare Ve oes Low, bulbous form, with wide mouth. Etched under the glaze EG with conventional bands running around the shoulders. Stand. Diameter, 31, inches. 930—Sort-paste Coupe (K’ang-hsi) Ws 3 26% Ovoid, rounded form with wide mouth. Three dragon m ions etched in the paste under a soft, creamy-white crackle glaze. Stand. yy Pai te eee CourE (Chien-lung) Ans Cente — Conventionalized lily, with petals in relief, and etched with deli- cate long lines. Stand. Height, 31/, inches. ta 932—Musrarp YELLow Vase (Chien-lung —»< Ovoid body, with thin neck and spreading lip. Stand. ue Vo Height, 44% ree 93383—Porcetain Inx Couper (Chien-lung) eS gee oe Rounded contour, with small mouth and wide flat base. Cov- 5 6 t& ered with a delicately crackled cucumber glaze. Stand. 934—PorceLain Rovere Box ann Cover (Yung Chéng) Tre ae Low, rounded form, covered with a brilliant liver color glaze. mS" — Imperial six-character K’ang-hsi mark underneath. Stand. 935—Smatt Liver Cotor Cours (Chien-lung) t\ ty ; Graceful rounded form, with small mouth. Stand and cover. “7a | - 936—CrLapon CyinpEr Vase (Ming) VW in high relief. Translucent porcelain, covered with a pure white glaze. Stand, and a cover with agate top. ; Diamgter, 5 inches. 1018—Crxiapon VasE (Yung Chéng) Xd iD Oe Sea ; Fluted melon-shaped body, with a round flaring lip. Covered Son with a pale, evenly flowing celadon glaze. Stand. p a) g & * Height, 6 inches. é 1014—Crtapon VasE ‘(Yung Chéng) ™M : 7 GE | wie Bulbous body, evenly sloping to the foot and the lip. The, ‘ oi 0 — delicate fluting causes the glaze to run in light and dark celadow lines. Stand. : Height, 7% Anches. 1015—Royau Buive Borrite (Yung Chéng) Bulbous body, sloping to a tall, thin neck and flaring at the Ug "+ lip. (Slight mend at the lip.) Stand. Height, 8 inches. 1016—AvBERGINE JARDINIERE (K’ang-hsi) (Aada Lng. Low, rounded form with two lion-head handles in high relief. mews The glaze, inside and out, is a brilliant, purplish aubergine. Stand, and a cover with green jade top. Diameter, 6 inches. 1017—Fucuten Pirone (Ming) CE Co ne rs SH Cylindrical form, with solid ringed band at lip and foot. Be- tween these bands the porcelain has been carved in relief, show- ing blossoming flowers and leaves. aN eight, 5 inches. 1018—Cetapon Cracxie Borrie (Ming) KOA Speen A GO 2 Graceful ovoid body, with tall, slender a Etched under the glaze with scroll decoration. Stand. Oe AA ) Height, 8 inches. \/~* Yye UY my AAIAAM\S>* 1019—CrLapon Cxius-sHAPED VASE (K’ang- nsiy* hatte os 5 ie There is a wide etched floral band round the body under tKe glaze which is a pale celadon color. Stand. Height, 8 inches. Fifth Afternoon 1020—AppLE-GREEN Bow. (K’ang-hst) 44) “\y Af. , Deep graceful form, covered inside and out with a alent FS ° ” apple-green glaze showing brilliant iridescence. (Chipped and ‘\ mended at foot.) Stand. Diameter, 71, inches. \ rn 1021—Porcriain Disu (Yung Chéng) A Low, flat form, with rounded edge. sey nee shes etched in “eo »e the paste inside; on outside are formal bands, all under a pure white glaze. Stand. Diameter ,8 inches. 1022—Yune Lo Bow. (Ming) TV: YU s Diprannt Age : Flaring form, with small indentations at the rim. Translucent re) 7 eggshell porcelain. Interior shows the eight Buddhistic em- blems in delicate relief modeling under the glaze. Under the foot is a four-character mark of the period Yung Lo (1403- 1424). (Mended in gold.) Stand. Diameter, 85% inches. 1023—Srarvuary Groupe (Ming) “ v b A fre Three Fuchien porcelain figures, representing the War God, aS eae seated on a throne; below him stand his two sons, one a warrior, the other a lawyer. All three mounted on a teakwood stand, carved in the shape of jo-i head clouds. Total height, 914 inches. 1024— Buanc-pE-Cuineé Statuetre (Ming) Vs L L A representation of the “hundred-armed Goddess,” seated on C7". lotus thalamus base. Very fine in quality and carving. Ua (Mended at neck, and four arms missing.) Stand. Height, 414, inches. 1025—Prart-cray Crackie Vase (Chien-lung) & L Octagonal lobed form with bulbous body, ene to a tall /{ f %& straight neck and wide flaring lip. Imperial seal under the ak foot. Stand. Height, 81, inches. 1026 —e+ Round, bulbous body, with tall straight neck. The glazing is ~ a rich, even flowing brownish-red. Stand. Sanc-pE-Beur Borrie (Chien-lung) Height, 854 inches. Fifth Afternoon Led bash A ae ao Cylindrical form, with wide, flaring neck. Decorated with dee formal leaf borders and flower medallions, penciled in gold. Stand. lax 1028—PowpbeER-BLUE CLUB-sHAPED VasE (K’ang-hst) ] »« Cylindrical form, with short straight neck and flaring ip. //0 —~ Stand. 1027—PownvER-BLUE Braker VASE Height, 9% inches. } “Woden Covered with a beautiful, deep powder-blue glaze, and has an ,. over-decoration of landscape scenes and flower borders in gold. Gee ts chin aki eestand, 1029—PowndeEr-BLUE GALLIPOT Cae) Height, 9 inches. f) 10380—Fiamei JarpInikRE (Gama WV. AGerf- Graceful rounded form, with wide mouth. The running glaz 130 .& is a mixture of blue and sang-de-beuf red. The inside also interestingly glazed, with blue predominating. Stand, and a cover with carved white jade top. Diameter, 74/4 inches. w be 1031—C.air-pE-LUNE CrackLE Jar (Chien-lung) “ o ee Graceful ovoid body, with short neck, covered with a delicate Ys ae y clair-de-lune glaze, minutely crackled with brown lines. Im- perial seal mark under the foot. Stand. Height, 8%, inches. ; ~ f/ 1032—BatustTer-sHapPeD VasE (Chien-lung) ING, : Qh Covered with an etched underglaze decoration of blossoming 7s *= flowers, with leaves and branches entwined. Attached to the shoulder in high relief are two butterflies with wings out- stretched, brilliantly colored with famille rose enamel. Stand. ye /) Height, 10 inches.) 1033—Prart-cray Crackie Vase (Chien-lung 60“ Bulbous body, gracefully sloping to a tall straight, thick neck. ~~ Has two looped handles and an Imperial seal mark under the foot. Stand. Height, 101, inches. Fifth Afternoon v Y 1034—Inprriau Sort-paste Borrie-sHarep Vast (Chia Ching) “plan Flattened ovoid body, with tall neck, slightly flaring, and two vA, we dragon-head handles. Decorated with relief bands etched in _ the paste. Covered with a pure white glaze, over which has been drawn bamboo and hawthorn flowers. Imperial seal mark under the foot. Stand. Height, 11% inches. lA (SS & u 1085—Srtone Brive Cracxie Jar (Yung Chéng) Ovoidal body, with sloping shoulder and short neck. Has elephant handles forming rings and is interestingly crackled i — Ce AS all over with long dark lines. Stand. Height, 954 inches. tY WV 1036—LivEer Coxor Bortie (Chien-lung) [ fine’ (ow AA s Round, bulbous body with tall, straight neck. The glazing / ,» 2 is especially fine, running from a liver color to “ashes of roses” & ¢ : tint. Stand. Height, 1234 inches. SY af p Q Atha f 1037—Powper-BLvE Prirone (K’ang-hsi) VV LIV WAgapww ee Cylindrical form, decorated in gold with lily- pee ss birds ( oo pe Y = on one side; blossoming tree peonies and birds on the other. Stand, and a cover with carnelian ball top. Height, 6 inches. 1038—ImperriaL YeLLow Disu (Yung Chéng) 1 On the inside is a large circular medallion, decorated with es flying dragons in etched lines under the glaze. Outside of this are flowering bushes. On the back is a band of dragons, flying in pursuit of the fire ball. The bottom is glazed in white, and bears a six-character Imperial period mark. Diameter, 1214 inches. “a a ER BE GINGER Ta. (Ming) _ Heavy, rounded, squat form, covered with an even flowing pale Imperial yellow glaze. (Mended in gold at neck.) Stand and cover. Height, 71, inches. Fifth Afternoon y yY 4 1040—Fiamsé Four-smep Borrie (Chien-lung) / Rounded body, with straight neck. The sides are covered th 7 O ‘ aut. = VanerGe oo Round, bulbous body, with tall straight neck, covered with an = 7 ao exceptionally even-colored glaze, minutely crackled. Stand. =— ( a hn fl LL6 ANMMbANS Fig fo 8S0I ‘Oo N SIXTH AFTERNOON’S SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 0’ CLOCK SINGLE COLORS 3 PL (Rn. 2 q) ( 1059—Porcerain Miniature Cup (Ming) SK RN VY Cylindrical form, with slightly flaring lip. Covered with a thick 3 *< grayish clair-de-lune glaze. Stand. 1060—ImrrriaL Eeesuett Miniature Diso (Yung Chéng) ‘ Flat bottom, with spreading sides, divided into five lobes. An / 2 etched design is executed under the glaze. Under the foot ee is an Imperial four-character mark. Stand. 1061—Miniatvure Borris (Yung Chéng) 7 92 Round bulbous body, with tall straight neck. Covered with a delicately crackled pinkish gray glaze. Stand. — Sixth Afternoon Q. 1062—Minrature Porceitatn Cur (Yung a t Rrtenle : Graceful, rounded form. Covered with an even flowing rose- is ~ color glaze of exceptionally fine quality. Stand. (Illustrated) 0 , J Sargent tL. Le ~f" 1063—Arrie-creen Crackiep Miniature Vase (I ang-hsi) Rounded body, with tall thick neck and wide-spreading lip. / 24 ~ Covered on the outside with a lustrous apple-green crackled glaze. On the inside of the neck is a thick grayish-white crackled glaze. Stand. (Illustrated) tT Vv- es, ae Aho rf. - 1064—PisTacHE-GREEN Vase (Chien-lung) Tall straight four-sided form. Etched under the glaze wie 50+ — decorated medallions. Has a signature underneath the foot. Stand. (Illustrated) 9. (3 1065—Pinx SovurrLté Miniature Borrre (Chien-lung) Flat bulbous body, with tall straight neck. Stand. oo = a 9A, VY /) A | Vie VAL 16 4 hy , 1066—Cameiia-LEAr GREEN Cup (Chien-lung) | |v care _ Graceful, rounded contour. Covered with an exceptionally 3S — prilliant camellia-leaf green glaze finely crackled. Stand. Jn nNS~ DN 1067—Corat-rep Miniature Vase (Chia Chink) [ 4 2 Bulbous body, with sloping shoulder and tall straight neck. ad Stand. S901 ON Z90T “ON Sixth Afternoon 1068—Muvsrarp Yettow Miniature Jar (Chien-lung Heavy ovoid form, with short neck. Delicately crackled\sur- JO ia face. Stand. yA 1069—Sort-pasteE Coupe (K’ang-hsi) Phase’ Bors nkher, Low, flattened round form. Covered with a beautiful cream- ore color crackled glaze. Stand. V rena 1070—Sort-paste Coupe (K’ang-hsi) es tJ es Graceful, rounded form, with small mouth. Ornamented allfover in relief with formal lattice patterns and several round mniedal- lions. Stand and cover. Ww , P y = hr 1071—Caré-avu-Lair Mintature Vase (K’ang-hsi) Graceful, rounded body, with slightly spreading short thick v a) neck. Stand. 5 /) 7s thi Creo a a a Thick, rounded body, with short neck. Covered with a pearl, ’ oe gray glaze delicately crackled. ae Gar SOG 10738—Sort-paste Coupe (K’ang-hsi) J \Inryvy “Any 1072—Porcetain Miniature Jar (Chien-lung) Graceful ovoid form, with wide mouth. < with two conventional borders. Covered with a delicate white crackle glaze. Has stand, and a cover with agate top. Diameter) 354 inches. Wei. Ota. 1083—C.air-pE-LUNE BotTLe (Yung Chéng¥" "4 © Aewew Bulbous ovoid body, with tall straight neck. The surface cov- vd ered with a giant crackle in long brown lines. Stand. Height, 514, inches. Siath Afternoon ae / NW)» Sr 1084—Pair or ImprrtaL Rose-pu-Barry Disues (Yung Chéng) ; Their entire surface covered with an even flowing rose-color Ht ¢‘— glaze, excepting the foot, underneath which is white and bears six-character Ming mark in blue. Pedestal stand for one. Diameter, 5°/, inches. Sixth Afternoon 1085—Sorr-paste Court (K’ang-hsi) a onary Graceful, rounded form, with wide mouth, etched near he lip with two conventional borders. Covered with a delicate) white CS crackle glaze. Stand and cover. Diameter, 31, inches. 1086—Borrie-sHapep Vase (Yung Chéng) . u lg «+ Round, bulbous body, on rather tall, small foot, and with spreading lip. The decoration under the glaze, in relief, shows a cluster of blossoming flowers. Exceptionally fine specimen. Stand. Height, 534 inches. u de 1087—AvseErcGInE Botrre (Ming) Cylindrical body, with tall straight neck. Carved ivory stand. a) a Height, 5 inches. Vee, h 1088—Turevoise Botrie (Chien-lung) ALA IA0AN HAI Graceful, rounded body, with tall neck, slightly flaring. Deli- F0° — cately crackled surface. Stand. Height, 5 inches. eae, 1089—Rosin’s-Ece Buve Borris (Chien-lung) [WA POO Round, bulbous body, with tall straight neck. Stand. Sse Height, 434 inches. fl 7 4 fe fi» Vv L 1090—Caré-au-Lair InceNsE Burner (Ming) ‘ VW Tt Cylindrical form, on three small feet. Shows giant crackle in black and brown lines. Has stand, and a cover with white 3 G<é crystal top. ea Height, 3 inches. 1091—SrToneE-BLvE JarviniERE (Late Ming) . Low cylindrical form, on three short feet. The glaze is beau- “c tifully crackled all over. Has stand, and a cover with jade top. Diameter, 4 inches. Siath Afternoon So ec. Fil fi aa. Pe 1092—Fucuien Bow (MingyVV YV. Leanna yr Translucent porcelain covered with a cream-white glaze“ Bul- 3 oi bous body on short foot, with delicately fluted rim. Inside, in high relief, are carved a crab, a shrimp, a turtle and three hawthorn flowers. Has a tube in the center for a josh stick. Stand. Diameter, 31% inches. ) \ 1098—Sort-paste Box anp Cover (Ming)\ sp as! Oe Low, rounded form, with flat top. The bottom art etched _ under the glaze with a wave pattern. The top is ornamented [o¢@ — with a dragon rising from the waves in pursuit of the Mystic Pearl. Covered with a cream-white crackled glaze. (Slight fire crack at the edge of the base.) Stand. Diameter, 414 inches. vy fp J 9. F. (tert. 1094—“Ricr-crains” Bown (Yung Chéng) ae : Ut le ,, Deep flaring form. The porcelain carved through, showing a he : (0 Cd — wide formal floral band, over which a translucent glaze has been invested and producing a so-called “rice-grain” pattern. Stand. Diameter, 544 inches. e 1095—Mirror Brack Vase (K’ang-hsi) ag i SF \W PAPANA G, Graceful double-gourd shape. The enamel coating an excep- a tionally brilliant black. Stand. Height, 5 inches. Vy yy ,~ el Lek oan \ RA ANAL 1096—CucumseEr-GreEN Borris (Chien-lung) Graceful ovoid body, with thin neck and flaring lip. The sur- | ¢-cee_ face delicately crackled. Stand. Y Height, 51/4 inches. | P 1097—Royvat Buve Borriz (Chien-lung) i cs Graceful, rounded body, with tall straight neck. Stand. Height, 51% inches. Sixth Afternoon ip a Wr YW Say oie ee 1098—CameELiia-Lear Green Borris (Yung Chéng) Graceful ovoid body, with tall straight neck, the surface deli- > 7 we cately crackled. Stand. i Height, 6 inches. Man FM Rye 1099—Unvsvat Myrrrz-creen Borrie (K’ang-hsi) ee Bulbous body, with tall straight neck. Coated with a mono- eG ss chrome glaze of rare tone. Stand. Height, 61/, inches. ESS y \ /) Vom ( pie 0) 1100—Cucumperr Jar (Chien-lung) Tie ; Ure A Very Cylindrical form, with surface delicately crackled. Has stand, and a cover with jade ball top. Height, 3 inches. Siath Afternoon 1101—Paxe Crexapvon Vase (K’ang- nsilf WHA. } } Vy Ww ¢ ‘ Graceful, rounded body, sloping to a tall scenient neck ad flaring lip. Stand. ~ aN i Height, 5°, inches. (Illustrated) an 1102—Cuair-pE-LuNE Inx Coupe (K’ang- pe | sale siti RMS Vale Low, rounded form. Covered inside &nd out with a a clair- ‘UG = de-lune glaze, showing pale brown crackle lines. (Slight chip at one place under the lip.) Has the six-character period mark underneath the foot. Has stand, and a silver perforated cover. » ¢ Diameter, 41/, inches. (Illustrated) 11083—CrxLapon Cover (Chien-lung) ws ts v Graceful, rounded form, with deep incurving neck. Glazed on the inside and outside with an exceptionally even and smooth | celadon glaze. Imperial seal mark underneath the foot. Stand. Diameter, 4 inches. (Illustrated) Vad J “E Vt 1104—Asues-or-roses Jar (Yung Chéng) Graceful rounded contour. Covered with anYeven flowing glaze of ashes of roses color. Cover and stand. 4 . 1102 = S nl = No. 1103 Sixth Afternoon if ( 1105—Peracustoom Inx Covrr (Kang-hsi\ ° C hrwadA. Low, globular form. Invested with a peachbloom speckled glaze of fine quality. Has the Imperial six-character period Hh aS mark under the foot in underglaze blue. Has stand, and a cover with jade ball top. Diameter, 414, inches. 1106—Wrirer’s Peacusioom Ixx Coupe (K’ang-hsi) ] Low, rounded form, invested with a cloud-like peachbloom glaze of varying color marked with splashes of green. Has Imperial 4 v7 “ six-character mark under the foot. (Cracked and mended in a gold.) Has stand and cover. Diameter, 43/4, inches. (Illustrated) | re ‘ 1107—Pracugrtoom Inx Covrr (K’ang-hsi) A Depressed, bulbous form. Invested with a clouded peachbloom ATT ‘= glaze which is marked with green spots. Has an Imperial six-character mark under the foot in underglaze blue. (Mended in gold.) Has cover and stand. Diameter, 414 inches. (Illustrated) t= sg ~ 1108—Sane-pE-Baur Jar-sHapep Vase (K’ang-hsi) Graceful, ovoid contour. The glaze is a brilliant, spotted sang-de-beuf. Encircling the mouth is a rim of silver. Stand and cover. Height, 6 inches. (Illustrated) Sanc-pDE-Baur Jar (Late Ming) S PAPPAAAIANG Bulbous body, gently sloping to a wid¢ mouth, covered with a sang-de-beuf glaze of clotted-blood type and applied so as to leave a white band encircling the lip. Has a six-character Ching-Teh Ming mark under the foot. One of the earliest types of sang-de-beuf glazes. Stand and cover. 1109 Diameter, 37% inches. LOTT “ON SOIT ° N 90IT °° N Ne 4 () Siath Afternoon 1110—ApPLE-GREEN CRACKLE ea th Gm oa Graceful, rounded body, with very short neck and thick lip. 310s ** The apple-green glaze is of an exceptionally beautiful tone. Stand. Height, 4°, inches. h TVW apm aa GF 1111—AppLe-creen Crackie Vase (K’ang-hsi) / ., Graceful, ovoid body, with thick short neck, slightly protruding. 3 U) “— The soft, apple-green glaze, crackled nearly all over with brown lines. (Broken and mended.) Carved ivory stand. Height, 53% inches. ig 1112—Crtapon Vase (K’ang-hsi) * af 2 ee Tall cylindrical form, with short flaring neck. The surface is O ~~ partially covered with giant crackle lines. Stand. Height, 6 inches. Siath Afternoon 1113 Four-sipEp YELLow Vase (Chien-lung) | e Es Graceful baluster contour, with short neck and lion-head handl 3S ‘in relief. Etched under the glaze with bunches of grapes having leaves and vines entwined. Stand. pe inches 1114—Mvsrarp Yettow Borris (Chien-lung)/ ¢ "VM AANA AW ee Graceful ovoid contour, with short neck. The surface is beau- tifully crackled with dark lines. eight, 6 inches. Y) 1115—Borrie-sHapep Vase (K’ang-hsi) Vrs Y 7 Go Graceful ovoid body, sloping to a thin tall neck. The unique = glaze is a mixture of brown, gray and lavender, which is deli- f cately crackled all over. Stand. Height, 61, inches. ya) /) ' 1116—Borrtie-suarep Vase (K’ang-hst) Vv Wy f LIne / _-,, Bulbous body, sloping to a tall thin neck. The glaze is a 6 Ge speckled gray with lavender tint. Imperial mark under the foot. Stand. Height, 6 inches. 1117—Srone-sLvE Borrie (K’ang-hst) CR tana 4.» Depressed bulbous body, with tall straight neck. The glaze fs vl speckled over the entire surface. Stand. Height, 514, inches. 0 Me aby Atty 1118—Corat-rep Jar (Chien-lung) WV. VLGAWAML 2) F eke Graceful, rounded body, sharply sloping to a small mouth, ‘/ UY ‘which is rimmed with silver. The glaze is of exceptionally fine quality. Has cover and stand. Height, 3% inches. (nr | ee 1119—Corat-rEep Cur (Chien-lung) Ola Lepwrtt o fo» The outside glazed a brilliant, deep coral-red, the inside white. fo v ~ Period seal mark under the foot. Stand. Diameter, 5 inches. 1120—Corat Bown (Chien-lung) Deep graceful form. The outside glazed a beautiful, even Sonaie red, the inside white. Seal mark under the foot. Stand. Diameter, 47%, inches. Sixth Afternoon ( 7\ = 1121—Derer Buve Borrie (Yung Cheng) ( CONV c Q¢ Graceful ovoid form, with thin neck and flaring lip. The deli- cately crackled glaze is of unusual tone. Stand, Height, 63/4, inches. aa 1122—Imperiat Seuare Vase (Chien-lung) NS oe Rectangular prism form, with oblong slightly depressed panels 7 s+ on the sides; covered with a bluish celadon glaze of even texture. Imperial seal under the foot. Stand. Height, 41% inches. 1123—Sort-pastr Coure (Kang pp pr dn nrg O — Ovoid bulbous form, with wide mouth. Shows an etched dé¢o- (° ration of flying dragons and phenix bird under a pure white crackled glaze. Stand. Diameter, 47%, inches. y aN 1124—Sort-paste Braker Vase (K’ang-hsi) ‘ phir 3 5 ~—_ Beaker shape, with exceptionally wide flaring lip. Etched with hawthorn branches and flowers in relief under a erepmyzwhite crackle glaze. Stand. fh, Cn OY, we LSer A Height, 5 inches. |/ i (Illustrated) \ / y 1125—Sort-paste Vase (K’ang-hsi) dL SCO Ae re? )U je Graceful ovoid body and spreading foot, with sharply sloping shoulder and trumpet neck. There is a relief decoration under the pure white glaze showing flowering branches growing from a rocky base. Stand. Height, 67, inches. (Illustrated) { L iN 1126—Sort-paste Borris (K’ang-hsi) b KC : | Un Wide, cylindrical body sloping to a/ projecting foot on a tall, / A thin neck flaring to a wide lip. On the body are swimming fishes modeled in relief; on the neck, lotus stems and flowers. All under a pure white crackle glaze. Stand. Height, 8 inches. (Illustrated) i Y Poy _A ee iC AASV =o CA ona 4 | SGIT “ON VEIL “ON WA Round, bulbous body, on three lion-head feet, wit i fo pas dragons acting as handles and four loops round the shoulder in high relief. Pure translucent porcelain, covered with a creamy-white glaze. Stand and cover. Diameter, 61, inches. as 1128—Sort-pastE Covure (K’ang-hsi) ic t Depressed bulbuous form, with thick rim round the mouth On the shoulder is a wide lattice band carved in the paste; awother ,. band encircles the foot. Covered with a cream-white crackled a) ~ glaze. Has stand, and a cover with jade top. a Diameter, 57%, inches. {™ 1129—AvpeErcInE VasE (K’ang-hsi) as i) ‘ (eo) ; Bulbous body, gracefully sloping to a tall neck with onion- is « Shaped top. Stand. ~) 0 , Height, 8 inches. 1180—Avsercine Borris Vase (K’an SW AGAMAGIM— | Graceful pear-shaped body, with tall neck and spreading lit al Stand. 5 eS) Sa Height, 81% inches. 1131—Mirror Brack Vase (K’ang-hsi)Y eels (Wan sits Rounded body, on rather tall foot, gently sloping to a tall Haws, thicksneck. “Stand: gY Height, 65% inches. 1182—Caré-avu-Lair VASE (Ming Ve Vy ee LOEW Cy TV / j=. Cylindrical form, with short neck, slightly flaring. a8 6 © ~~ with an interesting brown line crackle. Stand. Height, 734, inches. 1133—Fucuien Course (Ming) Of L LA ey Y 4, *‘\ Round, bulbous form, on short foot. Pu eect por- celain, covered with a creamy-white glaze. Has wood stand in addition to an original porcelain stand. Diameter, 51% inches. Sixth Afternoon 11384—Fucuien Covre (Ming) oO = alt. Round, bulbous form, on short foot. Pure translucent porce- lain, covered with a creamy-white glaze. Wood stand; also original porcelain stand. Diameter, 5 inches. 1135—Cuerry-rep Vase (Yung Chéng) 7)- - YI: < Se 4) Bulbous body, sloping to a rather small base ‘and. aroichit short neck characteristic of the Yung Chéng period. A match- LUT ‘=~ less example of glazing. Bears a six-character Seuen-Tih Ming mark under the foot in blue. Stand. Height, 9 inches. & 1186—Corat-rep Brusu Jar (Chien-lung) i. . — .. Cylindrical form. Decorated with three conventional bands —~ in gold. Stand and cover. a) f eight, 5 inches. 1137—AprLEe-GREEN Bow. (K’ang-hsi) TVAe: AQ), plore Ovoid body, with sharply spreading lip. The brilliant apple- green glaze is minutely crackled. Stand. Diameter, 75% inches. a 9 On Ad 1138—Sane-pe-pouter Vasr (Yung Chéng) TY: Yv: LBA fee Low, rounded body, with slightly flaring lip. Covered with a ( | beautiful and evenly flowing glaze. Has stand, and a cover ¢—- ~~ with carnelian top. Diameter, 7 inches. PRAMAS NO PAOOA_ 1189—Sanc-pE-Bsaur Bown (K’ang-hsi) — Rather low flaring form. The sang-de-beuf glaze is of the ~ clotted-blood variety. Has a clear white ring at the rim. Stand. Diameter, 8% inches. De ee ic eed 1140—Impertat YELLow Jar (Late Ming) Seeks ow y ici get wert [ Graceful ovoid contour, with small foot and wide mouth. Glazed both inside and outside with an Imperial yellow glaze. Stand. Height, 454 inches. al O Sixth Afternoon ia Sf Y 1141—Ikon-rust Borrie (Yung Chéng) : OO “\ JPA Bulbous ovoid body, sloping to a tall/thin neck with spreading lip. An unusually fine example of metallic iron-rust glazing. Stand. o” Height, 81% inches. (Illustrated) tir ey: . 1142—Cuerry-rep Borris (Yung Chéng) Round, bulbous body of perfect contour, with tall, straight oVG es neck. The even flowing glaze is an example of almost match- J >) >| less perfection. Stand. Height, 8 inches. (Illustrated) D Ve ; “ 11438—CameELiia-Lear Green Vase (Yung Chéng) f Graceful baluster form, with thick neck and short lip. Glazed Pia with a brilliant crackled camellia-leaf green. Stand. Height, 9 inches. (Illustrated) a ae Ss A SAAS 1144—Crrapvon Brusn Hover (Kang -nhigl/w Rermats ney Ting-chou ware. Four-lobed cylindrical form. Etched undér Jf ‘= the pale celadon glaze with branches and leaves. Has stand, and a pierced silver cover with jeweled gilt knob. Height, 51/, inches. 1145—Cexrapon JarpintzerE (Yung Chéng) : U Cylindrical fluted form, with incurving lip. The glaze is a pale greenish celadon. Stand. Height, 51% inches; diameter, 7 inches. fj Y) “a 1146—Iwrertat Prnerim Botrie (Chien-lung) 4 : nee ~\ Um Flattened form, with small mouth and handles in relief. The entire surface covered with an elaborate floral decoration, with a wide palmette border at the base and a jo-i head border at the lip, executed in gold over a delicate celadon glaze. Has the Imperial seal mark under the foot. Stand. Height, 8%, inches. SVIT “ON IVIL “ON ul, Siath Afternoon 1147—Mirror Brack VAsE Ys Sarre gent Round bulbous body, on rather tall foot, with spoke sloulde: ___ and thick neck, slightly spreading at the lip. eautifully faek. — marked with white ring at the base and rim. Stand. Height, 9 inches. 0 iat Oe OV ‘2? y S2trnrngw% WAS = | | 1148—Crair-pE-LuNE Borrie Vase (Yung Chéng) meee Bulbous body, sloping to a small foot and with a very tall, — slender neck. Has an over-decoration in gold of hawthorn branches, flying birds and a dragon. Stand. Height, 11 inches. —<— —____ = 7 eee cand: Siath Afternoon 4 Va | 1149—Powper-BLvE Vase (K’ang-hsi) we Nes \O fF Graceful ovoid body, with thin neck and wide flafing lip, \The glaze has a cloud-like appearance. This shape is unusual. Height, 10 inches. 1150—Dovsiz-rish Vase (Yung Chéng) ny Tall ovoid, flattened shape, with small mouth. Carved in re- *« lief with two fishes, their tails forming the base, their heads the neck of the vase. Covered with a cream-white crackled glaze. Bears an Imperial seal mark of the period. (Small looped handle missing.) Stand. Height, 914 inches. Siath Afternoon : ge ABAIN GME 1151—Pair or Powper-siur Breakers (K’ang-hst) Cylindrical bodies, with wide, flarmg necks. Covered with &n exceptionally fine powder-blue glaze, of clouded aspect. Stands. Ch am i) Height, 91 inches. ie TasE (Chien-lung) : 1152—Meraruic Iron-rust V Octagonal lobed form, with bulbous body sloping to a short thick neck. Has dragon handles ‘on the shoulders in relief. The glaze is of dark brown of even texture with metallic luster. d ee Stand. Height, 9 inches. 1158—Royat PurrLe Borrre (Chien- ae ly Graceful, round bulbous body, sloping to a tall negkVand slightly spreading lip. An Imperial seal mark is incised under /3 C the foot. Stand. Height, 93/, inches. 1154—Imperiat Pinx Vase (Chien-lung) oy VY LE 6s ( Graceful ovoid body, with sloping shoulder and short thick neck. 3 .. Has two elephant-head handles in high relief. Covered with SU "= aneven flowing pink glaze. Bears an Imperial seal mark which is penciled in red. (Mended in gold at lip.) Stand. Height, 10 inches. 1155—Sane-pE-Bevur JaRpDINIERE (Yung Chéng) | V a¢ ee a. Graceful, rounded form, with wide ee Geel with a ( _. brilliant flowing red glaze, applied so as to leave a clear, cream- S 0 = white ring encircling the lip. Has stand and a cover with emerald jade boy top. eter, 81/, inches Ty Ube eee Cad (ZV) a Wa 1156—Sanc-pE-BevF JARDINIERE (Chien- bing) a Graceful ovoid form, with wide mouth, covered with a bril- ; liant running glaze, which is finely crackled. Has stand, and XIU — # cover with lapis ball top. Diameter, 9 inches. Sixth Afternoon W-f BELA IAAR 1157—SrRaAwBERRY-RED JARDINIERE (K’ Pe el 26°: 1158— pa Be ae Round, bulbous body, with sloping shoulder. On the shoulder there is a brilliant, deep ruby sang-de-beuf glaze. Over the &_ body the glaze thins to a beautiful strawberry-red. At the base are splashes of ruby red, ending in a heavy greenish-black marking. Has silver rim round the mouth. Has stand, and a cover with green jade top. Diameter, 83/4, inches. ke t SANG-DE-B@UF JARDINIERE (K’ang-hsi) Graceful, low, rounded form with bronze rim. Covered with a ~ thick sang-de-bwuf glaze of the clotted-blood variety. Has stand, and a cover with carved jade top. Diameter, 91/4 inches. Siath Afternoon x iG \d) 1159—Sane-pE-Bavr BorrLe egehee Vata td ine | Round, bulbous body, with sloping shoulder and slender neck slightly flaring at the lip, which has been slightly chipped and | ground all around to give the lip an even and perfect appear- Pores ae Ge ance. The glaze is a running sang-de-beuf, in places showing 10 00 — the so-called “blood clots.” Most of the surface is the rare | fiery deep red. There is a spot on one side a trifle lighter in | tone, which connoisseurs look upon as an added attraction. It is doubtful if a more remarkable specimen of brilliant sang- de-beuf is in existence. Stand. Height, 1114 inches. | (Color Plate—See Frontispiece) WN: Veg rare Oa 1160—Tvrevorsr-BLuE Borris (Yung Chéng) Has a two-lobed bulbous body and tall, thick neck. There is | a conventional wide band dragon motive running around the I | (9 ( °— center in relief. On the neck are tall palm leaves. Other formal bands complete the decorative scheme. Stand. Height, 12 inches. 1161—Royat Puree Borrre (Chien-lung) R Caen Round, bulbous body, with tall straight neck. The glaze is ° 4 exceptionally brilliant and minutely crackled throughout. / od Stand. Height, 13%.inches. Trin, yar. } Ont 1162—TvrevoisE-BLUE Borrie (Chien-lung) Graceful rounded body, with tall straight neck. The iturquoise- x blue glaze, minutely crackled, is of exceptionally even tone. m4 0 °° This bottle is quite matchless in quality, but unfortunately broken and repaired at the neck, though hardly perceptible. | Stand. Height, 1414, inches. Ony.D rol 1163—Meraruc Iron-rust Botrrz (Chien-lung) 0) Graceful, rounded body, with tall, straight neck. Stand. AY d as Height, 1454 inches. ces ———_ 1164—InperiaL YeLLow Gincrer Jar (Ming) a jie ieee ONC = 1165—CucumBER-GREEN VasE (K’ang-hbi¥ 4 Cd Sixth Afternoon “ee i? A evi 'PI\ Sr Graceful ovoid contour, covered with a thinly flowing pale Imperial yellow glaze. Stand and cover. Height, 834 inches. - ) Te Wir ff Bgyprctr Melon shape. The greater portion of the body carved in long fluted lines. Porcellanous pottery, covered with an evenly flowing delicately crackled cucumber-green glaze. Has stand, and a cover with amethyst boy top. Height, 14 inches. Sixth Afternoon 1166—Svrers Wuire Borrie-sHarep Vase (Chien-lung) Graceful globular body, with tall tubular neck. Has carved dragon handles in high relief. The porcelain is of almost egg- 7S “< shell thinness and is covered with a glaze of perfect purity. The decoration in the paste, in relief, shows a wide, conven- tionalized dragon band running around the body. At the foot and on the neck are formal borders of jo-i head gadroon and scepter-head design. Stand. Height, 1414, inches. WW dh earran Cho 1167—Whuire Ovo Vase (Chien-lung) /, Graceful tapering form, with short, flarmg neck, decorated of zi § <& with an etched floral design under the glaze between wide floral bands at foot and neck. Stand. Height, 1434 inches. Sixth Afternoon a 1168—Ovor Vase (Chien-lung) 1% We- gee Og ¢ Graceful tapering form, with short neck and lip. Has two lion-head handles on the shoulder in high relief. Semi-eggshell 3 JG “— texture. The decoration worked in the paste in relief, showing a wide floral band on the body between formal bands at the shoulder and foot. (Slight chip under the lip.) Stand. Height, 18 inches. i vee 1169—Perart-cray OctaconaL Vase ele i % Cylindrical body, sharply sloping shoulder and short neck. The glaze is minutely crackled in brown lines. Imperial seal mark y, under the foot. Stand. ye 70 a Height, 133% inches. ¢ P 4 A : te Cue - 1170—YeEttow Garuror Vase (Yung Chéng W Oc aia i i { The body is decorated with two huge dragons etched in the \ : paste. The glaze is an exceptionally even flowing Imperial yel- 55 pe low. Stand. O~ eo = Height, 121/ inches. laN 1171—Powver-sivE Borris (K’ang-hsi) i we kA CA fascpetons Graceful, rounded body with tall, straight ne¢k: Covered with ae ae a rather pale powder-blue glaze of cloud-like texture. Stand. Height, 15%, inches. a 4 fy af, f 1172—Powprr-sivE Vase (K’ang-hsi) BAe ft - WA Gang AF Graceful baluster-shaped body, with rather tall neck, slightly =) /) ob flaring. Decorated all over with blossoming flowers and large Sal ~ jo-i head medallions penciled in gold. Stand. Height, 1634 inches. la b& v 1173—Powver-sLvuE BraKker-sHAPED VasE (K’ang-hsi) Has an over-decoration in gold, both on the body and on the See 8 : yi S / 7 neck, showing many figures in a garden, with trees and moun- tains in the distance. Stand. Height, 18 inches. Siath Afternoon 4 “— { , YY) FY) Gr _ AA 1174—Powper-BLuE Cius-sHArPED VASE (K’ang-hsi)~ se Cylindrical body, with short neck and spreading lip. There ds Cwa an over-decoration in gold of landscape panels. vA / = ‘ Height, 18%/, inches. (Illustrated) 1175—PowpeEr-Biue Crius-sHapep Vase (K’ang-hst) Cylindrical form, with short neck and spreading thick lip. Decorated all over in gold with a landscape design, the God of Longevity holding a peach, another figure and several children. Wide formal bands are on the shoulder and neck. a> a a / Height, 18 inches. (Illustrated) 1176—Powner-BLvE Ovo Vase (K’ang-hsi) z Exceptionally graceful ovoid body, with cylindrical neck and f 9 flaring lip. Covered all over with an elaborate panel and border decoration in gold. (Slight chip at lip.) Stand. Height, 1744, inches. (Illustrated) Sivth Afternoon f} D ! j Aw, ,, 1177—Mirror Brack Borris Kang hye MN, Bhuit Graceful, round body, with tall thin neck. The body is/deco+ 3 7 gS rated with a dragon in gold pursuing the mystic symbol. ~ For- mal gold band runs round under the lip. Stand. Height, 1714 inches. (Illustrated) h L 1178—Mrrror Brack Crus-sHapep Vasr (K’ang-hsi) Cylindrical form, with short neck and thick lip. An over-deco- 3-3, -. ration in gold is nearly indistinct. Covered with a mirror black glaze which on the shoulder has a brownish tint. Stand. Height, 1784 inches. (Illustrated) L L 1179—Mrrror Brack Ciun-sHarep Vase (K’ang-hsi) Has a decoration painted in gold, consisting of two large panels £) pv~- With dragons pursuing the Sacred Pearl, separated by four 9 YY — smaller circular panels. Formal borders on the shoulder and neck. (Slight chip at lip.) Stand. Height, 18 inches. (Illustrated) ( San) A = 1180—Gianr Piterim Borris (Chien-lung) ts. Coes p CAAMW Flat, circular body, with small neck and onion-shaped top. Two a) «< large loop handles run from the neck to the shoulder. Cov- d ered with an evenly flowing clair-de-lune crackled glaze. Stand. Height, 201, inches. 6LIT “ON LALIT “ON SLIT “ON a Siath Afternoon Va Np, Pescara anv 1181—Grtant Mazarin-BLUE me LE ee lung) Graceful, round body, with tall straight neck. Glazed with an 3 Ge even deep mazarin-blue. (The tall neck and perfectly contoured a body are characteristic of the finest Chien-lung bottles.) Stand. Height, 241/, inches. Ua na 1182—Sane-pE-pauF Vase (Chien-lung) Rather cylindrical form, with short, thick neck and spreading a / OO J a The lower part four-sided, and the upper part ovoid with short neck, which is capped with silver. The decoration con- sists of massed floral scrolls between jo-i head bands, executed 7. © i) ** in famille verte colors, underglaze blue predominating. Stand. Height, 1714 inches. mo RE? Ch ee Fe 1258—Famitte Verte Crus-sHapep Vase (K’ang-hs?) On the body are two large and four small panels decorated with flowering bushes in brilliant enamel colors on a formal floral Ont y. background of coral red and white. Butterfly and chrysanthe- —~ mum panels run around the shoulder. The neck is decorated to correspond with the body. (Broken and mended.) nd : td eo pro 1259—Famitte Verte Breaxer (K’ang-hsi) The body shows a mountainous landscape with large fir trees _ _., and the eight Chinese Immortal Gods, with their distinguishing ¢g ¥ 0 <= see dTigriee grouped below. Round the shoulder are elaborately decorated formal bands. On the neck is the God of Longevity receiving the “Peach of Long Life,” with other figures grouped about him, a stork and the sacred deer. (Piece broken from the neck and set in; no porcelain missing.) Stand. Height, 29 inches. Sixth Afternoon D G- We ee 0 AAL A/a JAA 1260—Larer Crius-sHapep Vase (K’ang-hst) Graceful cylindrical body, with rather tall straight neck and hau: +2 protruding lip. The decoration, in brilliant famille verte enamel ‘ colors, shows on one side tall pine trees and figures on a balcony watching gardeners working below. The other side pictures a massed group of mounted warriors. A mountainous landscape scene with a river encircles the neck. Height, 2914 inches. SEVENTH AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 38, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.80 0’ CLOCK CHINESE SNUFF BOTTLES 1261—Two “PiumpuppING-sTONE” SnuFrr Borries Fae Cylindrical forms, with short necks, cut from stone of cloud- like strata of brown and gray coloring. Ve hes 7 ars 1262—OrtentaL Acate Snurr Borrre Ce > ‘TO pray _ Flattened flask shape; gray translucent agate, with low relief fe carving of a monkey riding a horse. Red quartz bead stopper. (a G) 1263—Two Orientat Acate Snurr Botrres VU . S NAAR Flattened ovoidal contour. Gray translucent agate, with mark- ings in brown, which have been used on one to carve several Sf _- monkeys at play, and on the other, horses and fir trees in high relief. Green jadeite stoppers. 4 ) Q { 1A Poel P hes 1264—Mourruina AcAatE Snurr Borris \y Ae SMM VAgR Flattened flask shape. Grayish brown translucent “agate, with / 4 +2. black spots which have been utilized for a carving in high relief / UV ~~ of a monkey riding a horse, and a fly. Metal stopper with amethyst inlay. Seventh and Last Afternoon z 1265—Moss Acate Snurr Borrie A oe Flattened ovoid contur. Transparent brown agate, with moss- oS hke cloudings in grayish white, spotted with green. Green jadeite stopper. 1266—Orrentat Acate Snurr Borris 0 aa is Flat rounded contour. Gray translucent’ agate, with dark oe spots. High relief carving, showing a horseman on one side / 0 — and a stork on the other with rocky background. Metal stopper, with green glass inlay. 0 f 1267—Cioisonné Enamet Snurr Bortte VU: Rgrwny Flattened form, with wide shoulder sloping to a small ee o-§ “+ Decorated with a scroll leaf design in enamel colors on a‘tur- quoise background. Metal stopper with pink bead. / VY a VW e Coa MUZAVA iE Flattened flask shape. Made from a piece of walrus tusk and U Vi «4 stained a deep clouded green. Pink quartz stopper. 1269—Two Orientat Acate Snurr Borries (Ow eect. Gray agate, with black spots, which have been utilized on one Olds to carve in relief two monkeys under a fir tree, and on the other a bird perched on a branch. Green glass stoppers. f 1268—Watrvus Tusk Snurr Borris 1270—Acatre Snurr Borrie g. Se Rectangular form. The sides are carved into\raised squares. Highly polished, clouded agate of different grayish tones. fe Jadeite stopper. 1271—Brown Acare Snurr Borris (2. Flattened ovoid form. Transparent pale brown agate, wilth V0 = carvings in relief, showing two oval panels on the sides, with raised characters; large dragons are between the two panels. Green jadeite stopper. Seventh and Last Afternoon 1272—-Two Murruina AGATE SNUFF a eee Flattened flask shape. Transparent gray agate wth mark- Ea et ings in black and brown, which have been utilized! to carve in intaglio a bird on one and a duck on the other. Pink and green glass stoppers. 1273—Smoxr CrystaLt Snurr Borrie b. NG Flat form, of ovoid contour. Transparent\smoky crystal, the IBZ sides etched in slight relief, with a formal cloud panel with Greek fret border. Pink coral stopper. 1274—Twin Crystat Snurr Borries Wether Rounded cylinder forms. Clouded white cy¥stal.~ Have coral Violate bead stoppers. 1275 Two Murruina AcAateE SNUFF BorrLes Ole One Flattened ovoidal contour. One, with lion-head handles in (/ GS 2<_ relief, is of translucent light brown agate with darker spots, Ly, which have been utilized for carving a fisherman in a boat; the other, of translucent gray agate with strata of dark brown, utilized for carving a rooster perched on a branch in high relief. Green jadeite stoppers. 1276—Morruina Agate Snurr BorrrEe \0 camo Rectangular form. ‘Translucent gray agate, interestingly marked with a bird perched on a stone. 1277—Hair Crystat Snurr Borrie iy ~ 0) LQrOar Very flat flask shape. Transparent white crystal, with black aie str Ss is ny te ~ . Ss . . 5 - apa hair streaks distributed all over under the surface. Pink coral —~ stopper. ‘a) () h lp Vy Mag Aan AGMW (_ 1278—Transtucent AMBER SNuFF Borrie per Siren a Flask shape, with carved lion handles. Old dark brown amber. Celie Green glass stopper. A El Seventh and Last Afternoon 1279—Brown Amer Snurr Borris > oa Toprnaanr y Transparent dark brown amber, caryed i in(slight relief on one / = side with a hawthorn tree and flying birds. Pink glass stopper. 1280—Gray Acare Snurr Borrie Ss ve. a Dee OFX 7 i Flattened ovoidal contour, with lion-head handles. Gray and “white translucent agate of ringed strata. 1281—Two Movrruina Acate Snurr Borru I Ve O ALAR AAL Bos Flattened ovoid contours. Gray ei (agate, w spots oS — of brown and black. Carvings in relief show on one a land- scape scene with a man and horse; on the other, a large dragon flying in the clouds. Pink coral and green jade stoppers. 1282—Buack Crystat Snurr Borris GR Ovated shape flattened, with rudimentary lion-head handles —-§*< onthe shoulders in slight relief. Made of plain, highly polished black crystal. Ivory stopper, with pink coral inlaid. / Va) 1283—Morruina Acate Snurr Borrie MN": >a ee Flat with oval contour. Gray translucent agate, with dark ie brown spots carved in relief in shape of horse and monkey. “~~ Green jade stopper and teakwood stand. 1284—Orientat Acate Snurr Borrie Y Kak : Y Flattened flask shape. Gray translucent agate, /with markings ie in brown and black showing monkey holding branch of peaches ~~ carved in relief. Metal stopper, with pink quartz inlaid. 1285—Orientat AcatEe Snurr Borris an CAnyorke Rectangular form. The outside surface, 6 dense black agate, has been carved through to the inner surface, one half of eGo which is transparent reddish brown, the other half clouded gray. The carving on each side shows a figure beneath a fir tree. Green jadeite stopper. Seventh and Last Afternoon 1286—OrienTaL SNurF Borrie ti , (YZ Gray translucent agate, marked in brown, showing a naturally Ve formed bird. Pink quartz stopper. y 1287—CarnElian SnuFF Borris Cy = \ Cea Red and white carnelian agate, carved (in form of a carp. The mouth of the fish is the top of the bottle. Quite an un- “<— usual specimen. Green glass stopper. 1288—Pinx Cora Snurr Borris (r . Coe eee) Thick rounded form, cut from a piece of even-toned ninlifeoral Ad Pe carved in relief with two lion-head handles, and flying bats ~~ holding precious symbols in their mouths. Pink coral dragon stopper. 1289—Acatr Snurr Borrre 6 i re Dae: Interesting formation of blue and brown agate in the shape 2 Ree of a fruit with leaves and vine entwined in high relief, and undercut. Has a stem-shaped stopper of carnelian agate. 1290—Taty CrystaL Snurr Borris IN u ng Tall flattened ovoid form. Translucent crystal, showing deli- cate black hair marks. Has a silver stopper and chain. = 1291—Brown Acatre Snurr Borris oS 8 y je Flattened flask shape. The large matrix spots have been carved in high relief showing hawthorn and lotus flowers, growing from fungus-shaped rocks. Green glass stopper. a4 \ p ye 1292—Two Ortentat Acate Snurr Borries ~ ae Can, Trae Flattened flask shape. Clouded translucent gray agate. On one is a natural black spot tinged with brown in the shape of a duck; on the other are interesting black spots of irregular for- mation. Green jadeite and glass stoppers. 4 Seventh and Last Afternoon ae (>) @ 1298—AauaMaRINE SnNuFF BotTrie Ve rnti / Rounded ovoidal form. At the base are a rockery and a phenix bird; above this, a mountain lion; on the opposite side, a large fir tree with branches encircling the bottle. On top of the stopper is a bird perched on a hawthorn branch. All executed in high relief carving. Stand. s 1294—_Morruina Acatre Snurr Botrrie es jv Flattened flask shape; translucent gray agate, with markings in brown. One side carved in relief, showing pine tree and a deer. Pine tourmaline stopper. is f 4 ff 1295—Corat Snurr Borris Ay MAD BHA Flattened flask shape carved in See ones blossoming roses with branches and leaves entwined) a Has stopper to match. Stand. so a cat and butterfly. Seventh and Last Afternoon 1296—Amernyst Snurr Borrie V)- VL Hegrrrarn Tepe Carved in shape of a fruit, and with two large dragons in 2) “< high relief on the sides. Has a stem-shaped stopper. | Vaan i 1297—Rep Guass Snurr Borrie ( iG : Wnarg Ovate form, slightly flattened. Made of opaque, brilliaft, /4 6 clouded red glass turning to an orange color at the neck. Green = glass stopper. 1298—Two Orientat Acate SNUFF Bore as Ni St oS Flattened flask shape. Translucent grayish( brown agate, with 5 ,, Strata of darker brown, utilized for the carving, in high relief, 77 — ofa Foo dog and birds on one, and a pheenix bird on the other. Amber and glass stoppers. Seventh and Last Afternoon 1299—MortTiep Guiass SNUFF Borrim() : Yb . 9 Rounded form, slightly flattened. Opaque coffee-colored glass, pace with spotted markings of brilliant red ringed with yellow. An / especially interesting specimen. Has pink and blue glass stopper. 1800—Decoratrep CrystaL SNurr Botrie ex sere Flattened flask shape, with raised lion-head handles. The inner / oe surface is interestingly decorated with an exquisitely painted landscape scene and figures in brilliant colors. Green jadeite stopper. ( Cee b 1301—Guass Snurr Borris OKs oe Flattened ovoid contour. Two-layered glass, decorated/ A7e dragon medalions in dark blue on a white background. "stopper, with green jade bead. 1302—Two-nayrrep Griass SNurr Borrre “ ig ' Flattened ovoid form. The outside surface of red carved Sar) ‘—_ through to a camphor-white ground showing a decoration of conventionalized dragons. Green glass stopper. 1803—Rep ann Wuitx Guass SNUFF Bore: Tall flat ovoid form. The outer layer, of red glass, is c ed / S$ ‘— through to the inner layer of camphor white, showing ee dragon panel on each side with lion-head handles and rings between. Pink glass stopper. Ky K 13804—Two-nayer Guass Snurr Borrie are dene JL Graceful, flattened ovoid form. The outer layer of eal — green, carved in relief to the inner layer of café-au-lait, showing waves at the bottom, a fish, flying bats, and jo-i head clouds. Pink and white glass stopper. u “ 13805—Whuirr Acatre Snurr Borris (pe Flattened flask shape. Both sides carved in relief, with dragons holding a branch in their mouths. Red glass stopper. Seventh and Last Afternoon 1306—Rvusy Guass SNUFF Borman 4 oe Fallen Rectangular form, with raised lion-head handles and rings on post the side. Made of transparent deepY ruby color glass. \ Amethyst bead stopper. 1807—YrELLow Guiass SNurFr Borrie Wiw. Crone gue Flat rounded form. Of pure opaque Imperial yellow glass. 6 — Jadeite stopper. Stand. 13808—OrientTat AcatTE SnuFF BorrLe fe. Nt Translucent gray agate, with cloudings of white and spots f— of brown on one side, utilized for the carving in high relief VA 0 “of a Foo dog and two birds. Blue glass stopper. 1809—Morruina Acate Snurr Botrrie WY: W. Gaiden aes Very thin flattened flask shape. Grayish-blue translucent agate, 2.5 ~_ having a large black spot on one side, utilized for the carving of two birds perched on a branch. Red stopper. 1310—Morruina AcatE Snurr Borrie CAG (3 an ee Cyearr Flattened flask form. Translucent gray agate, with markings ( Sal ‘+ in black. Made with etched lines to represent swimming fishes. Crystal stopper. 1811—Crystat Snurr Borris Q (Cnt btoerte Tall, rectangular form. Made of clear translucent crystal. Loa Beautifully polished. Has green glass stopper. 1312—Crysrau Snurr Borrie VV. Or”zAL oy Flattened flask shape. Decorated in low religf with a moun- Pray P / Q “— tainous river landscape, showing rocks, large fir trees and mountains in the distance. Green jadeite stopper. A 138183—Wuire CrystaLt Snurr Botrrie A tu Tall flattened flask shape. Made of rather dull white crystal, (a _showing design, in slight relief, of two dragons coiled about the entire surface. Has pink glass stopper. flee Seventh and Last Afternoon 4 fi hy 1314—Cuear Crystat Snurr Borrie toute Flat, with round contour. Metal propre on beautiful eo amethyst bead. BD = 1815—Moss Acate Snurr Borrie V4) Wnt ky Vp Flattened flask shape. Lion- head handles. Plainly polished y = green and brown moss agate. Pink glass stopper. 1316—Two Ortentat Acate SNurFF reteene @ (ye ae s Flattened flask shape. Grayish translucent agate, inter estingly ee — marked with black spots, which are used for carving the deco- ration. Pink and green glass stoppers. 1317—Jasprr Acarre Snurr Borrie ( ; Ge Flattened flask shape, with rudimentary lion-head ae and rings. Made of brilliantly polished brown jasper. reen oD * \ jadeite stopper. Flattened flask shape, interestingly marked with black spots J ‘sand carved in relief, with figures and a fish. Large pink glass | stopper. 1319—Smoxep Crrstat Snurr ee 9 oe ee Large flattened flask shape, with rudimentary lion-head a eal handles. Transparent, smoky crystal. One side decorated, in low relief, with a hawthorn tree. Green glass stopper. | 13820—Orientat AGATE SNUFF pow 1318—Buve Acatrr Snurr Borris Flattened ovoidal contour. Transparent gray agate, y th cloudings in black and brown, utilized for carv ing the decoration of a man in a boat, and another seated on a bank. Pink glass stopper. Pee, Gaede Seventh and Last Afternoon 1821—Rep Acate Snur¥ Borris kK. WV Flattened flask shape, with rudimentary lion-head handles and _ rings. Made of highly polished, streaked brownish-red agate. JY —Metal stopper, with jadeite stone inlaid. 13822—Two Murruia Acate Snurr Botrries Ce, Flattened flask shape. Translucent gray agate, with marking} ra:) *< in brown. Both carved in relief, one with a monkey riding a horse with another horse tied to a post; the other shows a river scene with a man in a boat. Metal and glass stoppers. 13823—Moss Acate Snurr Borris OS ” Thick rounded form, slightly flattened. Rather dense moss- [oS green agate, with one large spot of transparent agate, showing cloudings in gray and brown. Pink coral stopper. fi 13824—Movrruina AcatEe Snurr Botrie Qhho Qaret Ogurt Ovoid form, flattened. Made of bluish-gray, translucent agate; Perr with markings in dark brown, which have been used as coloring ~~~ for a raised decoration of a fisherman and an attendant. Metal stopper and pink coral button. 13825—Giant AcatEe Snurr BotriLe 45 : WV Corvardi, ae Flattened flask shape, with short neck. MadeYof translucent — moss agate, showing markings like seaweed. ( ») YP, aw, Flattened flask shape. Made of semi-transparent, clouded gray / agate, with markings in brown and two spots of black on either i 37S side. Carved in relief showing a monkey seated, and a horse. The monkey is intent upon training the horse. Green jadeite dragon stopper. 1326—Giant OrientTaL SnuFF BorrTie Seventh and Last Afternoon 1327—Giant OrientaL AcaTe Snurr Borris Ob Flattened flask shape. Transparent clouded gray agate, with ee —-: spots of black, utilized on one side in the carving of a pine e) tree growing from a rockery and two boys. All in high relief. On either side of this are other rocks with figures of boys. Pink glass stopper. Stand. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 13828—Carvep Woop GoppEss Dane bgt eh bern 7 A standing figure, clothed in loosely flowing robes, holding a fish Ue in one hand and a fungus branch in the other. Height, 554 inches. 13829—Carvep Ivory SraTuETTE (Kang) teal J C7 Oe Standing figure holding a basket. 7d _ Height, 5 Ines, 1330—Carvep Ivory Kwan-yin (Ming) I u _., Seated on a rocky base, and clothed in loose flowing robes. The ES ivory through age shows cloudings of dark and light brown. Stand. Height, 35% inches. Seventh and Last Afternoon 1331—Ivory Cyiimyper Vase (Chien-lung) () LY Decorated with a mountainous LE a with figures all jd ‘~ delicately etched in black lines on a brown background. Stand. Height, 544, inches. Ivory Game Box anv Cover (Chien-lung yf pve an Va eee Cylindrical form. The outside is decorated with a mountainous ag oe landscape and figures in delicately etched black lines. The in- side is filled with the ivory game sticks. 1332 iN. 434 inches. Decorated with three circular panels, ee in black lines, (/ / Og ev showing mountainous landscape decorations, river scenes, figures —— and boats. A Chinese conception of Western figures and landscape. 1333—Taxt Ivory Tusurar Vase anp Cover ee se Height, 8% inches. 1334—Ivory Cricket Cacr anp Cover (Chien-lung) h a ‘ Cylinder form. The carving in high relief, over an open- work lattice background, shows two panels of mountainous land- pe e scapes with figures and animals. Height, 83% inches. 1835—Woop Cyuper Vase (Chien-lung) Thic io VY try The carving, in high relief and in part openwork, shows a mountainous landscape, with a group of figures in the fore- ‘y Yee ground. j = Q Height, 71/, inches. 1836—Ivory Tray (Chien-lung) LO L Cree ne Low, flat form in shape of jo-i heads. On ee side, tied with a ribbon, are two large castles. On the other side is tied a /> sv branch of ripening peaches, with leaves and a flying bat, all } 7 — carved in high relief, undercut, and painted in green, red, and brown. Dimensions, TA, by as inchaf) SC ( (VK {, ADAM 1337—Parr or Tusurar Ivory Vases Eighteenth Century In the shape of bamboo stalks, showing an incised decoration of blossoming branches with birds. joe Height, 84 inches. Seventh and Last Afternoon Wnre > 13838—Rutnocreros Horn Cup Seventeenth century In the shape of a wide-spreading five-lobed leaf. The handle / “— is fashioned from a hawthorn branch, with buds and blossoms entwined about the cup. Stand. Length, 41, inches; height, 134 inches. 7) sy 1339—Rutnoceros Horn Lisation ch / |) Stxteenth century In the shape of a wide-spreading lotus! leaf, resting on a vine, / aw with stems and leaves entwined and forming the handle. All —— executed in high-relief openwork carving. Stand. 7 Length, cues height, 214 inches. 1340—Ruinocreros Horn Lipation Siateenth century Deep oval form, with wide-spreading rectangular lip. ‘Has a handle made of one large and one small dragon. Round the gs = body is a wide etched archaic band. The color is a translucent deep amber brown. Stand. Length, 61/, inches; height, 3f/. inches. ¢ : rocky landscape with large fir trees, and two goddesses, one eS seated upon an elephant and the other upon a lion. Stand. eight, ie inches. 13842—Ruinoceros Horn Lisarion Cup | Seventeenth spent Deep oval form, with small foot and wide-spreading lip. In the 7 7) shape of a lotus leaf. Has a conventional fret pattern handle, surmounted with a branch of flowering hawthorn. The body is decorated with a wide band of conventional dragon and fret pattern. Stand. ( — Length, 6% inches; height, 41% inches. - J 138483—Ruinocreros Horn Cup Gem (3 Sp repre ree bpd Fluted round form, with small base and wide-spreading lip. 6 2% _ Has an elaborate handle carved in high relief and undercut, showing entwined dragons. Round the body are floral and archaic dragon bands in low relief. Stand. Length, 5%, inches; height, 354 inches. a L Seventh and Last Afternoon 13844—Rurnoceros Horn Cur Seventeenth century Deep oval form, with small base and wide-spreading lip. Has\/ a double loop handle with archaic dragon top, and a large Ceca dragon carved in high relief under the loops. Round the body are etched an archaic dragon and palmette borders. Stand. ae 63, inches; height, 4 inches. 1345—Ivory Prrone (Chien-lung) ADAM Ogyred Cylindrical form. The decoration, bee in aae lines, shows IP 2sv —__panels of mountainous landscapes, interspersed with articles ( of household adornment. Stand. Height, 544 inches. 13846—Ivory Brusn Hoxper (Chien-lung) ae A , Thick cylinder form. Relief carving on the outside shows deer, on ss birds and monkeys, surrounded by rocks, trees and flowering branches. Stand. Height, 5 inches. 13847—Ivory Praque anv FRAME (Chien-lung (QLQ rt Agere Flat oblong form, set in an elaborately carved pedestal frame, age: — showing on one side a mountainous landscape decoration with ( a fisherman in a boat. The reverse side shows a large deco- rated vase in low relief, and a large peach. Total height, 101% inches. 1348—Ivory BrusHo Hoxuper (K’ang-hsi) Hay : Wd caninanr Agere Vy Thick cylindrical form. The outside is decorated in delicately 7 7: — etched black lines, showing a rocky landscape with figures on ( one side and rows of character marks on the other. Stand. Height, 4°, inches. /) 13849—Ivory Prrone (Chien-lung) “eo Lak Gyr of Yj, WE AA, Wp sV The decoration, etched in black lines, shows a 18 ainous — landscape with houses, a river and boats. Decor lacquer high stand. 7 nie Biycinches. 1350—Hexaconat Ivory Brush Horper (Chienulng) /F COs The panels, etched with black lines, show landscapes, figures VEG ¢* and character marks. Height, 6 inches. Seventh and Last Afternoon ei 1351—Rurnoceros Horn ge Cup et century In the shape of a lily, with wide oval top, sloping to a small base. Below are three figures, forming a support of the cup, y 7d »«_ which is partially surrounded by floral leafy branches. Stand. Height, 5 inches; length, 7 inches. 4 Ma ager 13852—Ruinoceros Horn Lisation Cur Sixteenth céntury ae In the shape of a tree trunk, with small base and widespread- ( bs — ing lip. Fir tree, branches and leaves form the handle. Round the outside is a mountainous landscape decoration. Stand. Length, 6%% inches; height, 434 inches. Seventh and Last Afternoon foes 1353—Rutwoceros Horn Lisarion Cup Siateenth fentury In the shape of a lotus leaf. Resting in a grapevine, with fruit and branches entwined. The handle is fashioned in the shape of two large dragons. Two other dragons are seen on the inside of the spout, all carved in high relief and undercut. Lacquer stand. SS Length, 6%, inches; height, 6, inches. YW . a4 Ce ALAS 1354—Rurvoceros Horn Cup Seventeenth century Deep spreading form, in the shape of a lotus leaf resting on 5S ‘&—branches of peach and hawthorn, which, with fruit, blossoms and flying bats, encircle the entire cup, in high relief carving. Stand. Length, 614 inches; height, 3% inches. Seventh and Last Afternoon 1855—Rurnoceros Horn Cup Tr Sixteenth century Deep spreading leaf form, resting on heavy stems, which rise ee up and encircle the cup, ending in buds and leaves, all carved in os high relief with undercutting. Stand. Length &2/, inches; height, 41 inches. ONY \ Danmney Vga 1356—Ruinocreros Horn Lirsation Cup Seventeenth 4entury Deep oval four-lobed form. The bottom rests on a Per gn ae Two monster dragons form the handle, and others are seen Ss = climbing up and peering over the edge. Stand. Length, 71, inches; height, 5 inches. Is ws v 1357—Ivory Praaue anv Frame (Chien-lung) Oblong form, in elaborately carved pedestal frame. Decoration .« shows a summerhouse and garden with figures, and suggestion ( a of mountainous landscape. On the reverse are etched character marks. Total height, 101%, inches. 1358—Carvep Wooven Taster (Chien-lung Flat oblong form, with surface coveted with Chinese char- c vi—_—«= acters, a copy of one of the Emperor’s poems. (Rr 1859—Carvep Wooven Brusx Horper (Chien-lung) 7 Cylindrical form. The decoration, carved in high! relief, pic- y i} “<_tures a mountainous landscape with eighteen Lohans, or Bud- dhistic apostles, with attendants and their distinguishing attri- butes in groups. 1860—Govurp-sHapep Mepicine Box (Chien-lung) ( e¢ Oval lobed form in three sections. The body is of wood with two layers of gourd skin veneer, showing archaic motif bands round the body and on the top. Dimensions, 934 by 614, inches. Height, 7 inches. Length, 38% inches; height, 21, inches Seventh and Last Afternoon 1861—Bamegoo Prrone (K’ang-hsi) KO). 1 n@) Cylindrical form, showing deep openwork carving of a moun- tainous landscape decoration, with numerous groups of / O ve__—_— figures. Height, 6 inches. / 1362—Govrp-sxin Mepicine Box (Chien-lung) Cylindrical form, in three sections; the outside decorated with three archaic dragon bands. On the cover is a central circular S ’<_ decorative medallion. Diameter, 3 inches; height, 2% inches. 1863—Gourp-skin Box (Chien-lung) VY Ww eventianad inate Made of wood, with double veneer gourd skin. The outer layer nl og showing openwork carving of archaic dragon bands. The box is cylinder form, with wide spreading lip. The cover dome shaped, with incurving pierced center. Diameter, 5 inches. Seventh and Last Afternoon 1364—Turee-prece Attar Ser (Chien-lung) A box, a vase and an incense burner. Carved of wood, covered with gold lacquer, and with white jade disks inlaid. The box ie x ie is rectangular, with oval contour. The vase is four-sided beaker shape, with bulging center and spreading foot and lip. The censer is rectangular, resting on four animal-head feet, with two tall curved handles, and cover surmounted with white jade carving. All mounted on a carved teakwood stand. ¥C (9 oN 1365—Crynapar Lacever Smart Box anp Cover (Chien-lung) ., irregular fan-shaped form, showing men in a boat, with a back- 34 “~~ ground of waved lines. T)-YV- a7 Sper Nee. Vie 1366—Cinnasar Lacever Mepicine Box (Chien-lung) ( Cylindrical form, in four sections. On the top is seen a lady LL 0 ‘— with two children in garden, in raised red lacquer on a black lacquer background. Blossoming floral bands encircle the body. Height, 31% inches. is Cc - Ds 1367—Cinnasar Lacaver Brusn Hoxrper (Chien-lung) Cylindrical form, on slightly spreading base. The base is of green lacquer, the body of red. The decoration pictures im- ALG «+» mortal gods with their distinguishing attributes, riding on the clouds, with the dashing waves of the ocean below. Height, 45% inches. [Pp v 1368—Cinnapar Lacever Prague 1x Frame (Chien-lung) Picturing a huge dragon flying in the clouds in pursuit of the 72 fire ball, with. the waves of the ocean below. pane 13869—Cinnapar Lacever Caxe Box anp Cover (Chien-lung 53/)inches. Flat, rounded form. On the top is a circular medallion show- Lae <+ ing a rocky landscape, fruit trees and deer. Round the sides are bands of floral medallions interspersed with panels of blossoming floral branches. Stand. Diameter, 7, inches. Seventh and Last Afternoon WA 1370—Woop Scepter (Chien-lung) Sf: & Metals Made of fine boxwood. Graceful curved handle, with jo-i head Oo shaped top. The decoration consists of fir tree and hawthorn blossoming branches on the handle, and the top. | Length, 17 inches. | TD 1371—Cinnapar Lacever Scepter (Chien-lung) pp © Apt Graceful, curved handle, with jo-i head top. he decoration } y, wey consists of panels of blossoming flowers and fruit on a lattice- oul background. Length, ae inches. — rSX 1372—Crynapar Laceurer ScEPrEeR (Chien-ung> a GA “ted he Graceful, curved handle with jo-i head top. The decoration, Re in bright red lacquer on fretwork black lacquer background, consists of panels showing the eight precious symbols inter- spersed with panels of blossoming flowers and flying bats. Hanging silk tassels. 1373—Parr or Pexin Enamet Curs (Chien-lung) Deep fluted form, decorated with flower sprays in enamel pas = Goloms, (1374—Pexiw Enamext Cur anp Tray (Chien-lung) Fluted form, decorated with blossoming flowers on a yellow background. Ze (/2 eee, act 1875—Smart Pexry Enamer Cup (Chien-lung) Decorated with “Long Life” medallions in blue and white on a rose du Barry background. Stand. k , 1 1376—Ser or Erent Pexin Enamert Pracu-suapep Trays (Chien- lung) Vy ee decoration consists of a blossoming branch and a peach in @~V ~~ rose and green on a pale rose and yellow tinted background. Seal marks. Diameter, 44 inches. Seventh and Last Afternoon 1877—Five Pexin Enamer Ivreriart Rosz-Bpack Curs OE ey Graceful rounded form, decorated inside with the two-fish cir- 22S cular medallion in colors on a white background. Floral me- — dallion on the bottom. Stands. W 1378-_Five Prexin Enamet Imperrat Rosr-pack Cups (Ga lung) ease “<9 match the preceding. Stands. 1379—Pair or Imperian Enamen Puares (Chien-lung) “ The decoration is a garden scene with a house and figures, ay) es painted in delicate colors. Imperial dragon on the back. One with gilt pedestal stand. Diameter, 61/4 inches. NAMEL Pirate (Chi m-lun The interior decorated with branches of flowers and fruit, / 76 surrounded by decorative borders. The back is also elaborately decorated with a dragon medallion in the center. Stand. Diameter, 61, inches. 1381—ImprrtaL Enamet Bown ( Chien-lung) = The interior shows the “Long Life” character in the center, —,¢ over a branch of peaches, surrounded by cloud scrolls and flying | a $ ~bats. Executed in colors on a white background. The out- side elaborately decorated in brilliant colors on an Imperial i yellow ground. Circular phenix bird on the botton. Stand. i Diameter, 5%, inches. > us 13882—Prxin Enamet Praavue (Chien-lung) a8 SU The decoration, in famille rose colors, shows flowers and fruits p, — surrounded by formal borders. A medallion of fruit is on the back in the center. Pedestal stand. _ K. 0 Diameter, 8% inches. 1383—InupertaL Enamet Prague (Chien ingy& Ks The decoration shows a central medallion jane @ summer palace built on a rocky coast. A rose-color formal dragon 2 ha border surrounds this; then there is a wide band of blossoming flowers in enamel colors on a yellow background. The same type of band decoration runs around the back of the plate. Has Imperial seal mark. Pedestal stand. Diameter, 18 inches. Seventh and Last Afternoon 1384—Pexin Enamet Tare (Chien-lung) eo Gy. H Oblong form, covered with an elaborate floral decoration which fs 5 coe “ is executed in famille rose colors on a delicate pistache-blue background. Framework and feet of wood. Length, 29%, inches; width, 151% inches. GREEK AND ROMAN es , | VAVYaI 1385—Ikipescent Guass Tear Borrir (Greco-Ro be oe Bulbous body, with short thick neck and spreading lip. The 4 oie entire surface covered with a brilliant rainbow A ihc 13886—Romawn Iripescenr Guass Borris fn. inh century Rounded body, with short, thick neck. The satane slightly Pee fluted and covered with an unusually brilliant rainbow irides- cence. 1887—Roman Guass Borrie He Nuth century Bulbous ovoid body, with rimmed showider Xnd straight neck. The entire surface is covered with a most brilliant rainbow iri- ) ‘| oe af ( = descence. Height, 214 inches. 13888—IrweEscent Guass Borris n h Ninth centurd Roman. Round bulbous body, with short, thick neck. Shows a ) 4 °<_ rough surface through disintegration. Covered with a brilliant ; rainbow iridescence. IIS: 3 inches. 1389—IripEscent Guass Cup (Greco-Roman) © Deep rounded form, with spreading heavy flange rim. Most of ey *, Seventeenth century Persian faience. Deep round form, covered with a thick white Vo ‘© glaze. Decorated with groups of star perforations which are covered by the glaze. (Slight chip at the edge.) Stand. 1423—GomsBroon Bown Diameter, 71 inches. 2 8 12 4 ff TVA Cel ee 1424—Suuranapap PircHEer Thirteenth century Heavy ovoid body, with short thick neck and loop handle. One of the rare black and turquoise types. Covered with a paneled greenish black crackled glaze, separated by turquoise-blue lines. ye ree : —Round the shoulder is a band of characters incised in turquoise blue. Height /5\ j ches. ™- KRtranrg 1425—SuLranaBaD Jar Thirteenth century Bulbous body, with short wide neck, sharply sloping to a small 3 -« foot. Coarse pottery, covered with a thick running crackled — turquoise-blue glaze, with splashes of rainbow iridescence. Round the shoulder in slight relief is a band of conventionally drawn leaves. Height, 4°/, inches ; si 7%, inches. 1426—Raxxa Vase KI Ninth ete ae Round cylinder body, sloping shoulder, tall neckwith bulging top. Coarse pottery, covered with a running purple glaze, i, 5 “€— which has mostly disappeared through atmospheric conditions, and showing spots of brilliant rainbow iridescence. Height, 9°4 inches. Seventh and Last Afternoon Y Sultanabad glazed pottery. Straight sides, on small foot, with narrow flat turnover rim. In the center is ‘a/pattern of radiat- ing lines forming panels of alternate white reserves and blue, 1427—Suxiranasap Bow. uirteenth century Y ; a: filled with leaf forms. Saracenic interlacements and scrolls. Partially covered, on the outer and inner surface, with a silvery iridescent lustre. Height, 444 inches; diameter, 8 inches. WMWr 1428—Reria Bow Binco ntury Ji Ove Porcellanous ware. The inside glazed a creamy w ee with — decorative patterns in gold and brown. The outside is a lustrous deep blue, with decorations in black showing various floral and scroll patterns. Stand. Diameter, 7°, inches. 2 ob Seventh and Last Afternoon FS VA Yrr, V 1429—Sutranapap Bow. Thirteenth century er Curved sides, on short cylindrical foot, covered with a eream- ip OC as colored glaze with an overglaze in black, blue and green. In the center is a floral medallion with an animal, outside of this being a broad band of formal floral panels. Silvery iridescence runs over the outside surface. Diameter, 6 inches. wf ff J 02g 1430—Reria Bow Sixteenth century Porcellanous ware. Glazed both inside and outside in lustrous LO ~:_ blue highly iridescent, and decorated in black with various floral and scroll patterns. Diameter, 73/4, inches. 1431—Persian Porrery Om Jar ~ Seventeenth century Ovoid body with sloping shoulder, and short neck rimmed a aS silver. On a crackled cream-colored glazed background, with uf 0 cloudings of brown, are scroll and floral bands executed in black lines with blue and purple spots. Height, 914 ines. iy -V%V- Yen AAW i TG, 1482—Rerua Tire Thirteenth 5 a Large flat square form. Along the top is a raised band with scroll floral decorations in high relief. Below this is a wide 6 Jd “~ area showing raised characters glazed in blue on a decorated background of floral sprays with flying birds in turquoise, white and golden brown luster. (One corner broken and mended. ) Dimensions, 12 by 115% inches. 1483—Ruopian Farence Jue ™- = ‘abate Ovoid body, with straight thick neck and gr radeful curved handle. a7 ) *£_ Decorated on a white glazed background with bands of blos- soming flowers and tall pointed leaves, in pale blue, turquoise and reddish brown. /) Height, TY, 1434—Ruopian Faience Jue J + ; Sirconth centur. Cylindrical form, with oblong-shaped handle. On a white glaged oy) background are tall curved sprays of blossoming flowers. and 0% leaves executed in blue, turquoise and reddish brown. Height, 834 inches. ‘ Deva ann. 1435—Ruopian Farence Puate . weteenth century The decoration consists of a. centyal lal’ge medallion decorated with blossoming tulips and peonies in blue, turquoise and reddish 3 O* brown on a crackled white background. Round the rim is a scroll paneled border in black and white. Sf Djamgter, Wee Jota 1436—Ruopian Farence Puate eine if “century Al inches. On a white glazed background are leaf and floral sprays sur- rounding a small central floral medallion executed in blue, green /24d «and brownish red. Diameter, 934, inches. No. 1485 No. 1436 1437—Ruopian Farence Puatre Covered with a fine white glaze, decorated in blue, green, reddish brown and olive on a white crackled background. In the center are sprays of tulips, and round the rim is a formal scroll pat- tern in alternating panels. Siateenth century’ Diameter, 914 inches. hK nw w 1488—Ruopian Farence Disu Siateenth century oe mn 1489—Ruopian Farence DisH Decorated with a large central medallion of tulips and other spring flowers, in blue, green, and brownish red on a white crackled background. Formal border runs round the rim. iamgter, 934, inches. . AQ- Asi tana wcteenth century On a white glazed background is a decoration which consists of a central formal floral medallion with branches of peonies 50 encircling it, glazed in reddish brown, green, blue and yellow. vw. Diameter, 11 inches. - Ye, 1440—Ruopian Farence Disu Sixteenth century Bee The decoration, in blue, green and brownish red on a white ba¢k> ground, consists of a large central panel with a pointed(/and serrated leaf with tulips and peonies on either side. Round the rim is a wide formal floral border. Diameter, 1114 inches. e th 1441—Ruopian Farence Disu Siateenth century Us: = Covered with a white glaze, and decorated in blue, green and reddish brown. The center is occupied with a design of a pointed and serrated leaf, with tulips and peonies encircling it. Round the edge is a wide paneled scroll border, in brown and white. Diameter, 1134 inches. US 1442—Ruopran Farence DisH Sixteenth’ century ste Decorated with a central large medallion, occupied with a pointed leaf and sprays of tulips and peonies, executed in blue, green and reddish brown on a white background, and surround- ing this is a wide scroll panel border drawn in black lines. Diameter, 124% inches. Seventh and Last Afternoon ) va YW Vv: Ve Brnd att LL : . 1443—Larcre SutranaBap WINE JAR Ninth: century | Graceful, ovoid body, with short neck and four wide loop han- 3 Ce <“dles. Coarse pottery, covered with a turquoise-blue thick run- ning glaze, showing large areas of dull silvery iridescence. Stand. Height, 19 inches. | Seventh and Last Afternoon TV - Thana gin 1444—Giant Basytonian Porrery Wine Jar Siath to ninth centwry ., Ovoid body, with short thick neck. Decorated with formal aye —~bands in low relief, covered with a thick flowing turquoise-blue glaze, showing cloudings of gold and rainbow iridescence. Through age and burial, the glaze in parts has rotted away. Stand. of Cuiss 21 inches. 1445—JapaneseE CABINET &) yl S | Polished reddish brown lacquer. With two doors and two draw- | goes below. The frames of the former carved and set with panels ornamented with flowering plum in low relief, the blossoms gilded. The interior fitted with two shelves and coated with reddish brown lacquer. Height, 40 inches; length, 80 inches; depth, 14% inches. 1446—Virriwe G) &. Ma nrardy Louis XV style. In solid mahogany,with app ied ornaments j ,. and moldings of cast, chiseled and gilded metal. The sides wae) “and door of glass, mirror back and three glass shelves. Sides | expanding slightly toward top and base. Height, 64 inches; length, 25 inches; depth, 161/ inches. if )) Pon I 1447—Exnuisition Casinet \ o, Be Cote te Pedestal form, with an undershelf. Glass sides and ebonized i 7 ~vc frame. The top and base inlaid with colored woods. Height, 63 inches; diameter, 20 inches. 1448—Exuisirion Casinet CLE ODE Se ote Rectangular, with metal frame. Top, sides and two eyddoors of glass. Table base of polished chestnut, with one drawer. ae ()) Fitted with two glass shelves. Height, 65 inches; length, 8 Shes ay ae 181%, inches. i} 1449—Virrine Cc 5 Q rte d | Rectangular. Mahogany, with panels of satinwood inlaid wifh ‘| SS Cleat scroll designs in metal and mother-of-pearl. Ends and tivo doors of glass and back and lower portion fitted with mirrors. Two glass shelves. Cabriole legs. Height, 78 inches; length, 391/, inches; depth, 191/) inches. Seventh and Last Afternoon la -. 1450—Exuisition Cast Cara Qua Mahogany, with carved ornamentation and cabriole legs carved at the knees. Front and two end doors of glass, and lower portion and back fitted with mirrors. Three glass shelves. (J FF ‘ Height, 71 inches; length, 47 inches; depth, 231, inches. lan Op VA 1451—Tatzt CasE Ober ee. Se Vy, Frame of mahogany. The ends and fullJength front doors fitted with glass. Three glass shelves. 6 Jo Ce Height, 72 inches; length, 48 inches; depth, 20 inches. a e (a 7— 1452—Pair or Exursirion Cases UA» CC. Urrethin, Rectangular. Frames of ebonized wood. The tops, sides and end-doors of glass. Table bases fitted with two drawers. é 3 al) — Height, 72 inches; length, 68 inches; depth, 31 inches. n 1453—Parr or Exurpirion Casrs Similar to the preceding. 27 AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, : MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. INTELLIGENT APPRAISALS FOR UNITED STATES AND STATE TAX INSURANCE AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH APPRAISEMENTS AND INVENTORIES OF ART PROPERTY, BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT CHARGES COMMENSURATE WITH THE DUTIES INVOLVED THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY