by ; (v1, ; ps : : : IF ’ * iy rz * ‘G ry . be 2 “ y < a J ‘ : 5 a j 4 f E el a % a5 . é : in Hiv Fi ay) ital 7 - Tah Ret: Compliments of State Superintendent of Public Instruction. x y > B ith : he 9 . t s » +> ls ¥ ES y. — = x Ss Dis 5 BIN, resi Sak SCHOOL ARGH EC SELECTED REPRINTS FROM THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF CHARLES: o> SiGe STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC” INSTRUCTION: NEW ORK 1897. WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO., STATE PRINTERS, ALBANY AND NEW YORK. pre ee a eS c= — — Va # pI erT eS) BLS TAZ PIE RE REGENT SCH@MO -A RIPE ere: a announced in our annual report for 1897, we have republished Exhibit No. 1 of the ap- pendix of said report in pamphlet form. In preparing this exhibit the aim was not to collect a few show pieces of architecture, but to present material which might be of use to Boards of Education in designing and estimating on plans for new school buildings. For this purpose there has been included in the exhibit school buildings costing from $600 to $190,000, together with architects’ plans for the most typical buildings, and the cost and date of erection of each building. With these have also been incorporated some of the best plates in previous reports. We are indebted to the Axgincering Record of New York city for the interesting description and sketches of the ventilating system of the James Street School, of Auburn, and recommend its perusal to school boards. It is a source of congratulation that in spite of the financial depression and straitened business conditions of the past three years there has been no decrease in the number and excellence of school buildings erected each year throughout the State. The demand for increased school facilities, due partly to the rapid growth of our population and partly to the strict enforcement of the Compulsory Attendance Law, has forced upon the attention of school authorities the necessity of providing their communities with school buildings, not only adequate in seating capacity, but equipped with the latest improvements in heating, lighting and ventilating. The public spirit and generosity with which this demand has been met betokens an earnest attention to school affairs and a strong desire to encourage and foster school interests, highly creditable to our citizens. During the school year of 1895-6 alone, 31 frame, 14 stone and 405 brick buildings were erected, and the amount ex- pended for building sites, furniture and repairs was $5,827,000, a gain of 19 per cent. over the year 1894-5 and a gain of 40 per cent. over the year 1893-4. There is no better object lesson for a child in neatness, order, self-respect and eventually in proper civic pride than attendance at a well-built and well-equipped school, surrounded by grounds spacious and well kept. The first impressions gained by a child are lasting, and whether he comes from a home where neatness and convenience reign, or from a home where the reverse conditions exist, he is sustained or inspired by the feeling that under the care of the State order governs. An adequate playground about every school is almost as indispensable as an assembly room within. One of the most beneficent provisions of later years concerning the erection of school buildings is chapter 338 of the Laws of 1895, which compacts in three short lines, ‘‘ Hereafter no schoolhouse shall be constructed in the city of New York without an open-air playground attached to or used in connection with the same,” a guaranty for the health and development of the children of that city which can not be overestimated. The rapid advance in sanitary engineering and the improved methods in heating and ventilating now in practical use render it possible for boards of education to construct buildings at a moderate cost which shall contain the highest advantages for the preservation of the health of pupils as well as for their mental growth. To school boards who have this problem to meet we believe this pamphlet will be a distinct help. It is designed as a supplementary publication to the “ Designs for Schoolhouses” which met with such favor several years ago. Both pamphlets may be had free on application by Boards of Education. CHARLES R. SKINNER, State Superintendent. ALBANY—SCHOOL No. 1. Hrected 1889. Cost, $30,000. Cost, $24,000. Erected 1887. ALBANY—SCHOOL No. 3. AG ALBANY—SCHOOL No. 4. Erected 1892. Cost, $35,000. (co Cost, $25,000. Erected 1890. ALBANY—SCHOOL No. 10. AMSTERDAM—FOURTH WARD ScHOOL. Prected 1894. Cost, $14,127. NS A NFA EAP A Sa A A co nc te Pe ee ee a nas ¥ 19 & = = = —$—__—— = | | ¢ ¥ # | i | | ts ‘s ete a ea = [ 1 f = tH ws SECOND FLOOR | =| rs A Ts Ft as : Frursw Yano Senoo.. Alsrenonm, N.Y. | 1 | | a a Worthy Niver ancwrecr, [ese | Amsterdam, NY. fa Mi ima oe T ai he ial LIBRARY. Ht = 4. = | +h il | & rt [| —=_ = _=& % —= SS aan BA FIRST FLOOR ¥ \NV/ SC Hoot, Amstenoam. N.Y Fount Yano Sewoor, msrenoaw. ly Wortny Niver Geo B. Stover Arsterdam, NY Sy i A NI - . . 23 BOYS “LAVATORY. COAL ; st: BASEMENT. fi * Fourtn \aro Senor; Amsterdam, NY. COLD AIR Worrny Niver Gro B.Stover, Amsterdam,NY, Building Comittee. ARCHITECT; Chairman of the : ie See (oe Ke} | Ke} Ke) Ke) = conc. fete} Q/ALs LAVATORY 25 | | O) ws fe | O| ! 1 EE its ns i c ¢ ll 3 | il h —_— ih bed i | aml | ASSEMBLY HALL ] ii | Furr Wano Senaots finsrenoam, NY it (4 Sia | Worthy Niver aacwrecs, LR | Amsterdam N Y i | j | ee \l / Ft] | / fi { Wl | | = ae p= SSS Fa eeee = | | | | | | ll | cree hn a a ee le Ray be mmm me Eee VENTILATION OF AN AUBURN, N. Y., SCHOOL. [Reprinted by permission from ‘The Engineering Record.” Designs from the same paper. ] HE James Street school, in Auburn, N. Y., was constructed from plans made by Mr. J. A. Schweinfurth, architect, of Boston, Mass., and the plans and specifications for the heating apparatus were drawn up by Mr. Edward Joy, of Syracuse. N. Y., and the work afterward done by him. The school building is of unusual form, its location being at the intersection of two streets forming an oblique angle. The school is a 14-room building and contains about 112,000 cubic feet of air space in the rooms and 65,000 feet in the halls and cloakrooms. The average size of each classroom is 24 x 35 feet, with a 12-foot ceiling, and a seating capacity of 50 pupils to each room. Figs. 1, 2 and 3 show the first, second and third floors respectively. All classrooms are heated by indirect radiation only, while the halls and cloakrooms are heated by direct radiation. Heat is supplied by steam from an 80-horse-power return tubular boiler, furnished by W. C. Conklin, of Auburn. The boiler is fitted with Woodcock’s patent shaking grates and such automatic devices as are neces- sary for the complete controlling of the steam pressure. The steam is supplied to the radiators in the manner shown by Fig. 1, the basement plan. The stacks are so connected by a system of valves that one-fourth, one- half and three-fourths or all of the radiation can be turned on or off to meet the requirements of the weather. The air is led to the stacks by flues running from near-by window openings, the flues containing screens on the outer end. The stacks are encased on all sides with brick walls four inches thick laid in cement mortar and extending from the basement floor to the ceiling. The top is sheathed with matched lumber and then lined a ee nn Mp —— : ee eee ee ee with abestos paper and IX bright tin. The stacks are so encased that the fresh air entering the bottom of the casing finds an exit only through and between the radiators, thus being brought in immediate contact with and impinging upon the heated sur face of the stacks. Ample space is allowed above radiators and inside the casing for the air to mingle after passing over the radiators before escaping into the hot-air flues. Brick ducts deliver the air to a register about six feet above the floor. In determining the area of the warm-air flues a velocity of five feet per second was agreed upon. Each of the rooms is provided with a 24 x 30-inch vent guard located close to the floor, and from each a flue leads to the attic space to one of two systems of horizontal ducts, each of which is connected to a main ventilating shaft leading out through the roof. The ducts are shown by dotted lines on Fig. 3. Each main vent shaft contains a steam coil made up of 125 feet of 11%4-inch pipe. Underneath the coils a galvanized iron tray with drip is placed to receive snow or rain that might enter the shaft. There is also placed in the main vent shafts a turn damper operated from the cellar, to be closed when school is not in session and thus retain the heat in the building. There is placed in the cold-air stack for each room a mixing valve, as shown by Fig. 4, operated with a cord and tassels by the teacher, so that cold air may be thrown either under or over the stack, thus securing any required temperature of air without in any way diminishing the quantity of the supply. Each of the vent flues contains a switch damper so that the air can rise up and through the ventilating flues to the open air, or down through the cold-air box in the basement and re-entering the underside of the stacks on the same general principle as that of the cold-air supply, and thus maintain an internal circulation; the object in this being to keep the flues thoroughly warm over night, so that they are ready to respond at a moment's notice when the dampers are opened for school hours and give a quick and rapid circulation from the start. Each of the heating and ventilating flues in the rooms has wire guards, the full size of the flue, independent of the fretwork of the guard. These guards have a 144-inch mesh. A Cottage heater, furnished by the H. B. Smith Company, Westfield, Mass. is placed in the base- ment, to be used when the main boiler is out of service. The boiler supplies heat to each of the main ventilating shafts in the attic and the two ventilating flues leading from the lavatories at the extreme ends of the building. The lavatory shafts contain about 30 feet of 14-inch pipe. The total radiation of the building, independent of the coils and heating flues, is 4,700 square feet Gold’s pin indirect radiation, and 700 square feet of direct radiation, making a total of 5,400 square feet of radiation, exclusive of the mains and returns. One square foot of indirect radiation was installed for every 24 feet of space in the room. The guarantee was made that the steam would circulate through all radiators under one pound steam pressure at the boilers; that the plant should be -noiseless in operation at all pressures; that the rooms should be heated to 70 degrees and the halls be 65 degrees in the coldest weather; that the inflow of air should be 30 cubic feet of air per minute for each pupil, and that it be measured by an anemometer, and that a gunpowder test be applied to see that the air be diffused equally to all parts of the room without showing any perceptible difference of smoke line. Mr. Joy informs us that the gunpowder test was applied and the entire interior enveloped in black smoke in a most uniform manner, and that in seven minutes from the time of ignition the smoke was completely exhausted from the room and the air was as clear as before the test. Mr. Joy further stated that the apparatus is showing itself to be ample from every standpoint, and had given excellent satisfaction with three-fourths of the radiation on when the mercury was seven degrees below zero outside. Fic.| VENTILATION OF AN AUBURN, N. Y., SCHOOL. MR. J. A. SCHWEINFURTH, BOSTON, AR' CHITECT. MR. EDWARD JOY, SYRACUSH, N. Y., ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR. = mee — ny Nn CE RR ALOIS earetn a RETA tS aI NN TI =i. eee caeniien ees ee Sa es a a a PR A IR FZ foot Warming Reg. @ Foot Warming Reg SX Fic.2 BR FIRST STORY PLAN A | | | [20° 60 1 J Bi screenees eaten spike iets aT te alr intone Sees A aa Si a Pepe na pha egan am wisaPnaan ete aN ne acne —~snataailllld Ey es Fi.3 A / A ; SECOND STORY PLAN oy 7 V iN AI 37.000. Cost, $ Erecied 1896. JAMES ST. SCHOOL AUBURN: 43 We Livi: Aeren FARR BAY SHORE UNION FREE SCHOOL. Erected 1894. Cost, $30,000. re i i i { ! BROADALBIN UNION SCHOOL, DistRIcT No. 8. Erected 1895. Cost, $4,500. i ial i a I ts TE NY SNS BED ———=" i ——= E — Ss ————_—_—— a ——____—— | | een | ae nat il LI LT I NI fe iS ae 25.9 =a —————-— 219" — —~ —~-+—-—-+4 1 rt I it I el = ° Reus 3 r] IStAcK \ an / WARDROBE WARDROBE. ‘5 : | To Blade Nir. WU RILCxoRy IRIAN | Hf Uy BROADALBIN UNION SCHOOL. r c iz | | A.A. BEATTIE ARCHT. | ee ee SAO A BE A a i a ESE AOA A I AN ONE BD TE gh ED BT 49 WARDROBE . a | {] li | 2 SE OORSEIEAN BROADALBIN UNION ScHOOL A A Beattie, ArcHt WARDROBE. ae 5 PSU TT __ - 2 eter ey. ener ae i pi = a DAS ena _ ee ee amma nema 4 he Soe Serene eres nec eee Mt eS A NPN YY nee nn EC S) BUFFALO—MASTEN PARK HIGH SCHOOL. Erected 1897. Cost, $198,000. < = — = a i A BI EB Ad BI I nt BUFFALO—SCHOOL No. 23. Hrected 1896. Cost, $52,000. BUFFALO—SCHOOL No. 27. Erected 1896. Cost, $49,000. ‘ — — = = ss ee ee Re oe ee = i DS ee ee 2 a od a = =e Bre ue, " see a BUFFALO—SCHOOL No. 44. Hrected 1895. Cost, $51,000. BuFFALO—SCHOOL No. 50. Erected 1895. Cost, $50,000. sae ene ame rm — — —. | * aa eee ee RA RE PT Re eT) be Tene IAP LT Vee PRS EE Pe SPE Pa AP Pas OI IN ¥ Nea a ES ARS PUI WE Di BUFFALO—SCHOOL No, 51. Erected 1895. Cost, $40,000. is BUFFALO—SCHOOL No. 52. Erected 1895. Cost, $39,000. 59 WYNKOOP, HALLENBECK, CRAWFORD CO, Cost, $41,000. BUFFALO—SCHOOL No. 54. Hrected 1895. Cost, $40,000. Erected 1895. BUFFALO—SCHOOL No. 53. 61 AMANIN, Cost, $46,000. Erected 1896. 56. BUFFALO—SCHOOL No. Cost, $42,000. Erected 1895. 55. BUFFALO—SCHOOL No. ! | i} } I | \ a ss ss Se ee Re ee TS ee ee ee te > CALDWELL—HILLVIEW SCHOOL (DISTRICT NO. 6). Erected 1890. Cost, $800. a a et ee AE Pe LE Rie) See ee eee tA PEE lak ea Bi Vo RTs CASTLETON, Ss. I,—DIstTRICT No. 4, (TOMPKINSVILLE.) Erected 1896. Cost, 33,500. PRO LPP ign aes - = eed = eRe ire nh eM Ni a a rte a ee ie me Nn a A ee a ee Pe ee et eee PS el es 67 ie sith Shae Yen! ° [AS See tere Naan sees Sah eS Ia [i Cle 10) C3 a Turrnace All = Saw Castleton Se Rear te oe EB BG BE I I a NS AP ER BON BS 69 Ven shag] ; | y a z close} Testiven eae 4 ctoiee raone 1 os Bak, 7 5 ne sa Ze vy Class room Class roone 25.0 x 30.0 25.10) 1X 3050 N She Siwate Wht ese ' = tig yes Liam tH iT) ! | poe home eam (ral 1 ie New Ses SSS tah ( Hats pe Coats SSS SS oer ean vs /” Cs ~ al i Aan ‘ x 0 oe Se Ce GJ q fea eee % a Class room - Class roonr y ae % 250x300 2 2550 X SOTO 4 = v v u & £ 2 Vesti bule He c ae "Sesh a © [Stes c i a — : p = G — Q First Tloor Plate Castleton PSE Fh 0 =) Da ETS = NL A EN a a 71 eb room tek rount “Yeachers to Class roonyT 25.0! K Servo Teacher's Tor Class roonn 250) xXAISORG feacheré clesee Second’ Floor Plan Castleton aa OS wt yy —~ Third Floor Plan Castleton E.A.Sargent Architech& 13. Broadway New York. UC PSN in sar seey wr Ed ee a Nf =o CATSKILL—GRAMMAR SCHOOL No. 2. Erected 1896. Cost, $18,000. Se A 77 Keaetacs Supa sure O14 ri aie se la = Ke 01 y- -K-- O - = Ol—k- — 9° —-— > 1 ag - — + oe — fea | EXE \IEXVE 9EXHE >,9E%,7E ; T9Ex bE DEX pe EXE | a [if j a | x wy eK : ' ' Wav <. \ ers : 1 ie sv ‘o | . \ \ 9 ‘o a oa la | BY — ay a 1 8 ' ° 1 2 or ' } "9 = {ea \ 3 ‘ 2 << +H | 2 t+ 1 t i} ie | \ a aa ¢ t ! 4 : {Tie aq] 1 4111 4 {itv ee 2 By + a| =e 8.2 2 \\3 [x | le y a = areal & | a x fe Bs | & / 2 & / : | 2) Fs an | —p +f | is eh LL ate #5 | [esealh { l | = SSS SSA ee Pa A ; N | z Bee . | | Lt Rs oa | L. es | | "ae H | we ; zs. | | gz L =e (OSELE 1 —a Oe = 252 SS . ; Gilweats soe Soe mee Pai Tae j 4 is ee ee EN Sys ars see Saleh \ | " iF 1 THe nan] P EH Ie cae % i" J (IB. stl. oe 5 ‘2 7 br. | aed ' 8 | | 77) Is ate ae ' Oy I by ! s LH a . 2 ° Se ld van) ® veils t 8 | t_| ee) 1 44} |x ine 9 + | in i HP 4 | | a > oN \ | | 9X EO Qexye sXe EX HE ! WIE KDE WOK PE WIEX DE 9X bE \ } = — — i ——— \ = _y — i : sa = a t = els r T : —- ! 4 — Role pale ee Se rae == 96 os ome : i ‘ 2 CATSKILL ScnHoo.,No.2. First Floor PLAN. | Foor. Scarce , 4 IN.= A.A. Beattie, ARCH'T . Sie Aas 34"x36" 34°x36" BA R36" 7 | VBl« |] atk ‘ 1 ' ! 1 1 ' 1 D hwo | 34X36" A.A.Beattrie, ArcH'T. Base” BAKIO" CATSKILL ScHOoL.No.2. = 34° 36" SFR 36" Zs SH x36" 34x36 34'*36" To Oe Zoxa6" 34x36" 34°x36" Second Story PLAN. 70"%36" 34° x36" 34°36" SHxXSE Le Se ee A NT NE TAB BE ha BE A BIR BES I BOS 3 5 HS OG Ps a tt Se TS 81 PIR E | st) CHURCHVILLE UNION ScHOOL. Erected a TS po f\ > NET SS er DI I A A NE hs 2 WET I ES hl AE CAN lg BS ALI) VBS a GM AS i OG IS I a th RS POS re eS > NE Or EE LO SIN AS IE AY EES te SPA 1 OU SIZES AN 83 Tin WASH. : ‘3 Wooo J Wood = TTT = Tl TLL a] I — ae I LT [es We 1 | ai eee I | i is cel ena eS Sa Co SS a | i UNION SCHOOL a Ce ae a =a. — a ee Ee | } SS ey i C iit i [ i! f | | i i | 1 1 FRONT ELEVATION H.L.Larzecere .ARGH'T. ae eet Scare Y"=I'o 208 & 209 Cox Bios Rochester . CHURCHVILLE UNION SCHOOL Ss ES FTE Hin ———ae OOO 5; Sanne tieneeniceia” winless cate prin semanroursrmarsange evar mien re aahticranr amet asacennmenniseennennentt " re ee eee are eS ee I eNO et Re Ne) Sree TP et IA eats Le TS OR SE ore pS Rene ANS NE EEL SN Se ERY LP ON SIR TL Re SEE NN Pp OO 85 TiN = Sao0ce PEI HE HIM {HH 1] L FAAAAAAAA AAA Ree T Soe ae | : i = ai: | | i H.L Lagzerere , ARCH'T, Sipe ELEVATION. aati errr Sears. /A°= 1.0" CHURCHVILLE UNION SCHOOL a ee Ne PP eee ee ee ere a Ne Ie ee NOt Ne ee Pk eee AA Pe te ee. 5 a en SEP eS ne al > Ne Ot LY ZO SON Ce TR eee Ps. SSNS | | | | | , £ » ar k_- —-~——~ — —_- — 29's" __-~ _- —__~ —__- -}4 og E aes f week iy - 4-318 h4i Bis" 1 fe 3'8°—4 - 6.48 8. i Sat eal - . | ° : | |e i : : =e =e Faucer “Coat Bin. a - 28-0 Fresw Aig Room, I Furnace B.B \ ! aaa || 2 a" Side besos FES per HF alas LJ 15-9" mo se re ‘ “i | : i ~ C+ Col Leveler % ie i 2-7" Sree. Beams Sp Sect] 30"s30'%6" IF A 15 TBS PER FOOT pe oe ee a) | ay rs eS ig te 2 “| 1 } Fuanace yj cpap ce ear I ae ‘ ; ms Faesy Ain * | pon SI Room. ! TI ul rary +. aa ry 58 k Ki AS i) ‘o fe 1 i ° { is 6'Con Levecen, i | heal ten i ie 0) |34" swese 30"x 50" 6” Phy | ia ‘ ; LEVELER, Ga rare le | zh é “ Ex 8 &) ~ | ' 2 4 5 = ! ae Qf eae Ome toe. 4. Oy Se arene | eee |i = i ees - - — — qi Ve } Pig IN. heat) §eLe = - aS. Coa B Lk fen o | . N City ‘ iim : _——— = ° ‘et ee == 7 ae : ul ee en Wes | Serpe ra Te nN on « Al! tp 3.6 4s = | H nt 2 Nore: Hee 20" a 1 ' Au MEASUREMENTS ARE“ © Ae TAKEN FROM FACE OF Bricye © is | ' Waers. PROJECTIONS OF, | Tamla i saat id Basenenr Warrs EXT ENS 8 — ae B"cvursiae oF FIGURED, TH Pr sk eal Ae a ae zt Fine i DRAWINGS . r ¥ a Be kK a - 6. — Ae Ls bie . | 7 ! ' ot | | Ata tS Ne <= eee ce Ra aeRO cee al | fas GA ee eee i eS ee © S = a H.L.Larzecere, ARcH'T. BASEMENT PLAN. CHURCHVILLE UNION SCHOOL. 208X209, Cox Bios Scare ¥y"=)o° Rocwester , A Fi S A A SN TT I BS BE LNA LISA i ad BAS RR ee I ee NE ne AL SN Oe ED Ee ee eb ee Cae CANT ee 89 i] ae ie -—- - 2 a ea poe as _—- gels Sh -—-—- -—2-T - _-- > — 64.) oh a's seg se shad -36 jagls 8° + -- k 38° Bisa 386 Ave 38 eee aioe Pee SS SS SS — eel fi Sats 4 4 # See Jo" = ate 38 + -- 7-0 eel = + Black BOARD, =r ay ea ‘8 pl 38” eldop— 38" Room. |. Room 2. Zea Primary DEPARTMENT. ee en Grammar DEPARTMENT. 1 ——S BLACKBOARD rare x ee ——_ = +43 '8 + ' \ 2 | bets MH | < === ’ . yet : |_| ; 3 5 BLacksoaro ome tio 18l.1/ 3 = iia =“ aaa Nhe ease 2 EVE fed ‘ Ol | bo T \ Biackeoano Pail | \ \ al y Sn ee aie Ky ' + i n 2 | | Cot Room 4 Room 3. ns CLoaK Room BracKBaosRD in = 3/68" hrs INTERMEDIATE DeParRTMeNT. C oh pee Seen a6" Fa —— i Jt ‘6 30-4 4b ve $438 —e —- 7 ae. iene o Be 5p | F oP aos SS a oe Ne eee a ae gig a te eles Poa pee A ae HL. Larzecere, Arcut . 4 200 &209|. Cox Bie First Floor Pian. Rochester. Scare. Yat = lev. CHURCHVILLE UNION SCHOOL. Se I BB NE A FA 2 ED NB AN ANT AI ETS BI A Me SS EAE i a AE Le 8 AE ay Se th I Le it rol Le Room 8. a AssemMBLY ROOM AND AcADEMIC DEPARTMENT. | a Lod Ht HL a 1] is | ne a) & La & x 9 ¢ 9 3 s ‘el = || ¢ BLAcKBoARD 2 BLackmoaro ‘ {oe 2=10° i { xs me + 57 ; ps ee Maal OS Re Sa SE | ba rm 382 Iscormut. RE Bracneoans { | La. jo 2 HALL EA Se Lo Room -5 ae PHYSICAL LABORATORY. Les Is Room 6. : Room 7. al ae CLoak Room Aso Crass Room and Liprary. [ay SS | 2° xe 3 : FOR USE WITH 3 STEREOPTICON ~. $ ; ll ra ra] oo rt aS \ ae Le nl t tO —y een EN: ine n t a= — a: =] SECOND FLoorR PLAN. Isle ele , ArcH't Ya," = Vo". Panurge atta Deaeen ha CHURCHVILLE UNION SCHOOL. RocHesTER . eee . he X Me a a , 3 3 3 y R R N IN K ° ° PLATE S EJ "x10" BEAM : —— Oo > UNDER TRUSS BEAM, coat +S) aad Seurrile| * 4 O 5 ' 5 i . aL WRLINE mM he Wack. 1. | | ‘ n eA |S. ; : eps i 8 SS __@ TRuss 6B MS, | . XN x 3 By \ Be 77 | Fook | | \ os ‘\. XS . = SS YAS ° ° J 4 a \ Tin Poor. pS 6 L=2O} lo Rae ° ° ° EX ee J L Roof & TRUSS PLAN. H.L Larzevert, ArcHt, \ = Soe Scare. Maine ler 208 & 209, Cox Biv CHURCHVILLE UNION SCHOOL. Rochester 95 CoLD SPRING—HALDANE UNION FREE SCHOOL. Erected 1889. Cost, $30,000. Te BOS IB BAN BEATE PB 0d i MD Os a ed rt Og TN EE og BOI AW BNA | BE NWA EIR yh * CLASS. ROOM 300'x 100" SCHOOL FOOM 300x200" FIRST FLOOR: PLAN: ASSEMBLY ROOM 430X300" ‘SECOND FLOORPLAN 8, a Sa 5 a Te BT SE 0 ve COLUMBUS—DISTRICT No. 12. Erected 1882. Cost, $955. Dee > NEE SSE ZO NZS oe hh ee Ye See OO Ie TN LNT A LA RB i BS RS I Fs At Te TSE I ES NT Ih BOE ANS | Bat ERE OE Mee 10] CORINTH UNION FREE ScHOOL. Erected 1891. Cost, $28,000. ee - ee NB AE LO Ba BP Wa ct i BS 22k AE SEES Ee as a ah esi ver CORNWALL UNION SCHOOL. Erected 1896. Cost, $8,000. A SRN ED ot EE 5 NA SV FBT id eet BTS NN BAO EEE LB Ts 105 held — EZZZZZZZ7ZA Or. Work ' C7 New Work. k -—--—----.--—- ON te - --—-4 ! | 1 SSNSSSSS SSE SANA SWS Sees AORN So SS ees N 1) (EI) | | Hee { . ee t ihe | vs 1 : | | 1 | | Ny -—- - ey es eee ie ml o fers 4 VW fe a W il / a Zz O Ome DS : NY GX 1 | t Y : ; u f A A FL Q a Ci acon Lips) home fo) | Be a be > fo) coe 5Z SF K | fe} < Coe: i ° 3 err | 1 5 2 Zeal i iz, « a) oe = ers : na, At : td un a) | x ae | 4 = ; ; Ww ie he or wares \ 1 <7 ‘ I = i ; Hires [eral he cleat S ES S 1 iS IK y ' i) S B = celal eye mas Se ie es we ee x Ny Se SS ae © a = - -—-— 40,09 — eee ee Ee - q ; I ZI eS E E = a peel I j ' w-—-—--4 9.2 eat | t [El 1 = ed 4 — a NN NL BO TL DB ah Es a at a NTN a SE 5 RNA BES ASI te Ns eek ES b ( E ren ———— | , | if i | | C.ass Room ri : 8 x SS! < 7 7 1 a = (aes set) eee PP ho -—-——-- 12-0 —} § . | = © Liprary. ' ' os, 2 | Recitation |! Room. a Eats a L ® 2 ° =) = = - sie" — = z a ah LasRaATory| g| | rs S1 ; 1 © 3) - n ' i + Seite 2 4 Wiisen Rouune Siar C . [ i ss 2 PLATFORM 3 | PARTITIONS. | WE 2 mT OP ~ Oo SiGe > © Fe Hacc. ! we i} || | | = er | = = m En? Pa RT ees AJ CLos ' ‘3 | , Crass Room. LJ 1 ‘ | | i ! au Cass Room. ik -—-— 12 0 ‘ = : = ae = =| | SECOND FLoor PLAN . | GorNWALL UNION ScHooL, Dist. N%5. le I ScaALce. Y4iN.= 1 FT. | 1 H.B.TAVLOR, ARcHT, Hi CoRNWALL, N.Y. = {4 an eee Tee ee ee I ad A A BE AB Ca et TS i Sa RN A Bb Ni a KI Eg CORNWALL-ON-HUDSON—UNION TREE - G LST2 30 $12,000. FREE ScHOoL. Erected 4 i Cost, Sean er ths Sr Pincipals Office - 10° ox Jo” -Jirst - Jiory Plan: . Seale Ye" = One foet. Cornwaillion-Hudson- Union free Schoo! and Academy. o—~ —_e pw eee a7 NP ee mtn el —K ees SE SP SER AL > SIE SEY ADIN Ce Re De 8 ey CPR TEC SLPS NCS Fer 17" o'x 28'0" : Grade &- Department ~ 2 Sry light= pone light i 1 Recitation Room]: i 24'ox aso” | 240° x 58' o” Assembly Room and Academic Dept. (Recitation Rooms and Laboratories over). Second 5 tory Plan Seale Js ~ One fool: Cornwall-on-Hudson: Union Free School and Academy. FS AS BE LN ls BN Ls 115 SESS SSE St of > NEE EA CORTLAND—CENTRAL SCHOOL. Erected 1892. Cost, $21,415. CSTE a iar Woe adk OAT) bd Far) dc BS Sea Te » ee CaP EN SO IA PONE PRET Rene) | are TP ad PTA ta et DOBBS FERRY UNION SCHOOL. Erected 1896, Cost, $38,000. I AB SV ha AE CMO BSS ELS | VO By EN BE RAE A il a ES ad aT A LS Ad IY Sg STE DO Wat) 119 FRoposen SCHOOL BUILDING DoBB's FERRY .f.Y. I) Ne L723 | | NX WH TX a ie == = oN \ ie eh | | peed! eee Daw Yorn Wall Co if 257, WaTER Sr. | | | ; )j \ 7, an ee =e ; Basement: PLAN: civ Yaa Wew Yorn Crry SCALE %4=/ 0" sae = = _ FRoe0seD StHoaL LvILDinig Dopas FERRY, [Y.Y. MN 1723 . Sn AS 3 EAA Mb OM SN BE A RA le OI a le RE — ae = ———$——_—-— I DRESSING 7 DRESSING ROOM STAGE, 12.6°%27.6~ | 00/7. ASSEMBLY ROO. 43,10" x 60:0" —— = ceoan | nooM | 25 FA CLASS ROOM cLAass ROOM ma 24/0°x 30°" Thea 240° x 3010" a wy i U croan Ra0M 23) iE = i i J im UTI eo a | | ig rt ' MAIN HALL U4 WIDE z | | not = = z z = ; = = TEACHERS LAVATORY I mu | [zl a ees = —, | —= bir et A Boann Foon avo Geceorron Foon a =| 249° x 29/0" 240X250" LLASS ROO/. i ir wa. =a cLass ROOM 29:0'%28.0" 7, aco" x2ere" rea i T 25, = fa 1 TEACHERS LOCHERS FURST: FLOOR PLAN: SCALE, f= 100" L. POWELL KARR, ARCH T, 70, FIETH AVE, NEW YORK NEW YORK May. Ca 257, WATER ST. NEW YORN CITY * FRROPOSED = SLAOOL -LI DOBBS LEP Zyl LY = ell EZ (723 = ee are A SN I eS Oe Pt MeN) he TS Looeeme A Pe tA Nek ite) SSS) NS Sn hE Pr ST GOOF OF ASSEMBLY ROA. LLASS ROOM 20° x 30.0" Part AVP NE Pn ET AD SINS £2458 ROOM 2910" x30/0" lid lL) Leoan | Aeon U ~ EZ] EnrTy 7 IL i =i ee s five) | Vener Ba n TTT : : — Jit sale PAL catia 4 | } s HALL ! a OE } | a iN i 1 Lo = = = pee cuaaK il Haas ic t ee i CLASS ROOM CLASS ROL. LLASS ROOT zgiox Zao" 24/0" x 29!0 | 24io"x 28/0" LLASS ROOM | 24.0°X 290° 7 Tl — ——_ i=l += 71 | | c a seater eee = Ag zs, | L. POWELL KARA, ARLH'T oH og eu ez! croan query | Pe aie iig nee a | mee cea Weak a 1 | -— = - SELIND -PL GOA = PLA = | = “ScaLe Yi=lor wew Yager Wie. / £a. 257, WATER ST. New vORY SITY = en RA ESO ET Ie eS LO nl Mer IANTS bE) ae SEA ete Te es i) SI SS DUNDEE GRADED ScHooL. Erected 1889. Cost, $5,000. PE AO IRK HiecH ScHOOL. Erected 1896. Cost, $54,000. DUNE 29 ad ee Hallway. DUNKIRK HIGH SCHOOL. AEA SS nl vs oO] a) 2 bint est = Es x a (2) 2G S Staircase, 2d Floor. DUNKIRK HIGH SCHOOL. ee = 90 a PNT RIN. ROR TAS ALS DN Ve PPR SS SL PPA WP ANP ay SAD SISTINE DS Portico Entry JENTRY [34 DUNKIRK ACADEMY LABORATORY Recitation Room 20:0°x41.0% HALL Cass Room 13.6170" Crass Room 13:6 17-0" my g Recitation Room CLoAK Room 3 en 3 CoRRIDOR z e Recitation Room Hace : 0 1 \ ij ' = t = | : i " 1 ENTRESOLL First Foor. ! ; 1 i W. H.ARCHER. 1 1 ARCHITECT, ! | VESTIBULE ee | Burravo, N.Y. j Pe tS Nl tis fo. NS MR Se ETS teh epee ils SEP NA oe Teepe 1 ! = — — ee 131— 0 1 39 a ere eer = ey Scroot Room inadl Crass Room e 20:0°%42.0. CLAss Room 1316. 1707 TEACHERS HALL. DUNKIRK ACADEMY Cass Room ° 20:0. x42/07 HALL CLass Room 1516"% 1707 AREA - | |] ScHoor Room see 4AROIXSIOF HALL. JIEACHERS WARDROBE. g bose ese } aoe = t TEACHERS { TorLer e) L ERS Second Floor f W. H.ARCHER. ARCHITECT, Burrao. N.Y NSN PONE RR EIA RY red ES —— PN I a NO at eis) a SPS PR REE GA Pe TS WES Pe Sg So AT Se res PL > NE EE AD NEN Ce ERY OP Oo oes CePA I SN) SIV IEE NSN er, | ne al it mM DUNKIRK ACADEMY e e ASSEMBLY HALL 42.0. % 60/0. AssemsBry Hacer [ TSIAIK NTA STAGE {HI THIRD FLoor W.H ArcHer ARCHITECT, Burrato, N.Y. SS ED aa AY > NEE SE EP A SIS Se TES ee A a et Se ee 8 a As Hitt | ayy JEU Cost, $9,000. Erected 1894. East HAMPTON SCHOOL—DISTRICT NO. 1. be es 141 ,500. 23 Cost, $: Erected 1896. 9. No. ELMIRA--SCHOOL =e Cores So YESTIBULE. ||| | I] | | DCMOOL ROOM ||| | ScricoL Room. | Nh} 26xse NE ST EAD SI Se OM AY ES hee SPR DS 4 Au a A TSE ON ee Cool Room FRESH AIR Room COAL ROOM coal Room ! | ; A | — GIRLS CORR/DeR— | =P ! = . ia coal Room — Boys PLAY RoomM— — BASEMENT PLAN— 3 ' ‘ —~ Scace Yi. =0ve Foot— — HL. Harris. ARCHITECT. 250 BRogoway. vy — FAR ROCKAWAY, N.Y — = " J — y PON DAL RIN) Le PP ote FA ents I I OS, SE ee eT 159 Ciass Room_D. Coat R. Sos ‘4 | CoRRIDOR. Ht i Lae \ CLASs Room_A. CLAss Roém-B. CLass Room.C. Liprary. Principals R. NALERITIS Cast Ciass Room.E. PROPERTY| R. CLOAK R PIRST Swot PLAN . Seack: Re sui Ont rage! FAR ROCKAWAY, N.Y. ee es Bata i Class Room - F - Class Room- G~ ; — ASSEMBLY Room — — SECOND STORY PLAN — aS Gnes peer —H.k.Haerris Archireer cave 932 = ONE Foor 376 broadway Aye FAR ROCKAWAY, NY. 103 ‘Cost, $24,000. ( 1895. § 1890. ( 1 Erected FRIENDSHIP UNION FREE SCHOOL. sss sade 105 255. ‘Cost, $11, Erected 1884, FREE SCHOOL. FULTONVILLE UNION so 107 C2 seciteecolliieenoly ,400. $2, Cost, Brected 1892. GAINESVILLE SCHOOL—DIstTRICT No. same 109 Cost, $12,500. Erected 1895. SCHOOL. GENEVA—CORTLAND ST. eT ne — re Cr Te De ee ee TT LE ne EB BON A BN 5 FUEL ROOM 4, Zz Stack over- CORTEMNINSE SCMOOty. ee ee YBAINCH' SCALE + GENEVACANY: ERCE: & BICKFORD - ARCHITECTS | a . oe REN a a ea as I ee Eee NE — . ave: Le — Boys ToiLetr Yall Bors ENTRANCE. le oad GIRLS To|LeET i y 5 | 8 $ E iN SCHOOL ROOM 2/28 8 8 SCHOOL ROOM wxz8 & 5 Ss SCHOOL ROOM 2/26 JR COAT 4 “ COAT SCHOOL ROOM 27x26 FROOM q Room BS GIRLS ENTRANCE ‘CORTMAND Si SCHOGL? {ST LOO BE ney sane Seri aionn paeeae: Ye. INCH-SCALE - iz ‘GENEVAV NN : ARCHITECTS - “I J Boys ToILeT cova |.) | . Yent | TLACHERS lomoke = =. FCOO/Y. | Vent GIRLS ToILeT Ul | SCHOOL ROOM 27-26 SCHOOL ROOM 27:28 wardrobes AALL SCHOOL ROOM. 2/:28 Serle GOS SCHOOL ROOM 2126 OFFICES ‘CORT RAND SE SenoOn sae Oe ee eee YeiNcH SCALE - GENEVA: NY: ARCHITECTS « 177 Cost, $19,000. Erected 1896. GENEVA—LEWIS ST. SCHOOL. 179 way a2uDAUy yend ay Yyseaz [|| OLE Tana BATION LEWIS STREET SCHOOL GENEVA NY. WILSON POTTER ARCH" BS UNION SO, NN .CITY. BASEMENT PLAN t6" Scole, a =. 3 4 tt 5 8 8 2 ie (7) $ g $ H . nS — + == soUay ones ‘sawIS Ww) 8 - i 5 1 fe} ry i a Q oy 4 ) 16) > es C1 oe fe) i 2 ce} a A q ; ft : 2} 4 » 3 2 n qb Pi ol F Bf 7 og 3 ? Hog dz ow y 73 4 Wega Wg al dj a ol >| 42 9 f a Boxs. Foot Warmer, GIRLS, prey sa2yory, % oO ° © Oo a ¢ Jd C) BOYS, prep) £404 0727, —— = KS) UH Selo le) = So: off = ee eS ee > ° ° od ” 7) < a a PY) PLOY ORY, Boys “Lo5y;) SA BY 203, CLASS ROOM, CLASS ROooM. STUTD VesTiBULE. o ai is o ON LEWIS STREET. SIDEWALK 183 ASSEMBLY HALL. CLASS Room | PRINCIPAL | TEACHERS BALCONY. LEWIS STREET SCHOOL GENEVA MY. WILSON POTTER ARCH'T, 3 UNION SO. AY. CITY. SECOND FLOOR. PLAN. Ne" Scale. 185 Cost, $50,000. GLEN COVE UNION SCHOOL. Erected 1893. ‘PASEMEAT: PLAN: GLEN Gove. UNION SCHOOL. ae = 1 = CLASS: Roam PRINCI PALS CLASS Room || pews Glass: Room Room, " | 4 ’ CLASS Room Bae ——— — ee b a CORRIDOR. CLASS: Roons CLASS Room CLASS: Room Tins: Floor PLAN: GLEN Cove UNION SCHOOL 189 CLASS Room. u aes ip=niee / = See \ -) DRAVGRTING- ATTIC. — / Room. THIRD: FLOOR: PLAA: GLEN COVE UNION SCHOOL CLASS: Room == vk o eer naeenae o CoRRIDoR.- 1 GENERAL: ASSEMBI: Room: v ——— oe epee CLASS: Koom: CLASS: Reo. S ECoND FLOOR: PLAA: GLEN COVE UNION SCHOOL . 191 Cost, $11,850. GLOVERSVILLE. Erected 1894. 193 WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD.CO. GLOVERSVILLE—LEXINGTON AVE. SCHOOL. Erected 1896. Cost, $10,000. 195 Op OedeOepAnoo A} eCone epepSqeneoay 7] Front ELEVATION S/DE ELEVATION ,, NY ALBANY Fuser & WHEELER, ARCHITECTS, SCHOOL BUILDING AT. GLOVERSWELE , [1 se aH g Il = is 8 {| 8 TTITT & lly wll] & : = Sues N & ul : 13 — Pe [Oh i, 6S fet . hoo | wv072 LS : 4 e » 4 Y 8 & wa Sc iy BS. Q ‘lee |S : S Fi ig! a a ite 8 & YS ri & aS ane 4 =| se LY? 9 Be 9) s sy g : : J 3 to v 5. ay I 0) as 2 Seed [easel ¥ ————— } = UL = — el ee = 197 -> RST a LAO 16.57 K FOAL, 464294 464+ Scvoo. oot7 scare, Jo's [0° PULLER & WHEELER, ARCHITECTS, ALBANY, WC SCHOOL BU/LD/NG Vp (EMORY Lal, fol VA 199 Buea oe ‘ Partition \ Shelaton _ Tower Connick 2h, ee ees | aa (ine ail [eames Foor PLAN, BASEMENT. SCHOOL BUILDING MY Fuller 5, Wheeler Architects, Wasp » Art GEOVERSV/ILLE, [1% 201 1889. 1895. § } Erected HEMPSTEAD—SCHOOL No. 1. i) fo) oh HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. ScHooL Dist. No.1. Rua Way -Ashe Foul Air Fresh Arr JantCor Furnace Fresh Fur Clo sels, Furnace oe Fresh Air Frosh Air 205 ScHOOL Dist. Wo.d. Hemestead, N.Y. : HUAI wu a TT TD | = ; Class Room. = Class Reom ! 30/8 "XK 216” SS 30°3"K 216” Reese : capes wien ee Peas ae hs Scie ae | Class Room t Class Room | 30°'Y"X 276” 30°8° XK 2)'6” Class Room Class Room |] 25°0"X 227%” 2570"% 2275" || | | ee) | @ | Class Room Class Room 25/0"X% 22°38" 250" K 223 "f Hill 4 MAUI zi ag | ] Class Room Class Room Bo GSK 20 ie is 30 8" Se Qs \ Furst FLOOR PLAN. 207 SCHOOL Distr, No.1. HEMPSTEAD, N.Y, (lay x37 fo] Assem bly Room. Recitation Room, PS eS Oh” Class Room 25'0"X 229" Rg 8 ae = % y go me os Class Room SN 25'0"%22'8" 8) rey = Class Room 30/8" K2i'3" Class Room 30°" X 2)'3 “ SECOND FLOOR PLAN, TY PAL oa —- SS rx i “ie Fall Ie Le TP kee SAT ets t Sal, Ce APS Sn Nts, r ee & en Ds ah 209 ScHoor Dist. No.1. HemPpsTeaDd, N.Y, BQ 2 Zee Used as GCymnasium. v THIRD Loon so ANE aD A ARB BLAS A WE ab BB as at Sk BN) Ae aes od a Cost, $6,000. 2. Erected 189 HILTON UNION SCHOOL. — od LA Se SO I PONE Rt eI? Lae Pd eet a mt CT ee DS eS re part 213 . i ow i - - -— - - 34.8 - - - o* - = = = eae) = = = 4 ‘ \ i ke a (oe —— a fea inky —--— \ — 1 t : TRIE Soe 7 . ve) | @ - $0 —¥ | Soot | © i aga an ke & | AS 8 ? Beam | 16" 15" Gi en a BLOCK AND BARNES ~ ARCHITECTS , ROCHESTER , N.Y. 1 | ES SO ae ae a i | FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE, Y4IN=/ FT. HILTON UNION SCHOOL, PUBLIC SCHOOL HOUSE NORTH sy os. Cee PARMA = — Ves Con] post 2%, MI -Post SCHOOL ROOM. Brack eoaro S Post PUBLIC SCHOQL HOUS NORTH PARMA SEO. Post oh ° a 9 ; e oh = & ad gy 5 7 2 : 3 ‘ ce a 1 | P +7 zi fe) ow F | aH O a mans oy = Ses id wh it iv tl \ ° ' ‘ FE a / ”) i 3 1 oO os | lil Fk 8 4 = mal 4 ww 3 32 I Th ie g a i : =i s rs) = z it a ies x T ord { ed ia = “ ES ki z o =3 ; | | | Jo Ie ls | ; : x & 5 fo) : < 9 a fod | ng =a wi 8 ! i 6 9 e = 5 = 9.85 ¢ ni 3 o ) fo) ing BLOCK AND BARNES ARCHITECTS Scare, J in =| er ScHoon Hinton UNION say ™ (oy PUBLIC SCHOOL HOUSE- NORTH PARMA FLOOR SHOWING PILING Om ROOK ATTIC BLOCK AND BARNES ROCHESTER N.Y. ARCHITECTS, Bice =< ler Y4- in. Scare, HILTON UNION SCHOOL. 219 Mm | ) 3) ©) aL J¢ aes eon oe oo { - wv) qy : ‘, a8 £ One Se eas te A v he-— —}-----— = Y < 0 i a % 5 a] qf 3 (ay, 74 9 ‘ oo a vo x : a ‘| = #. a . es 5 és aN r ng On - aN = ¢ ‘0 92MI4q- a— = ‘ = 7 sal 8 eN7 cS — \ O Pies Se ee. = = 2 See ee 4 1 "3 te fas are Retiia® Sati ee ! EELS ae é L 5 i GSE A r 3 : : z a = ie) a § 4 Z a ¢ \e a eh % q mes & = a : Sa z I Ge See Mee Ng ec (als ee ae aS > e aa Os \t wsssstass: Ls: : ee = aes eee eet Gal = i aly Qo 8 Sh) See al & [4 F Z ee of x a | 0 \ Q 10) Ij [oc 4 ie) gg ) i (Ag ci a 5 iy £ x F Jae s 4 =} eee iS a oe 1183 a le) Ae Sa Qi p Rae sk - gs it 3 0 penlaaes e 0 pS SSS = your y V4 qt a a | ve | xt ne U0 10) RES OsTORAG =| = ——————— = a INE Siar i RIOCHIESS Ts Eate ARCHITECTS, HILTON UNION SCHOOL. a a Cost, $20,000. HOLLIS UNION ScHOOL. Erected 1896. to Vv SE) Cement” a Fressed Brick SG ||. Brick 1 Fressed —| Wie I ¢4aly Ifon rally A ie | | flashed ae __*T™ |Gounter flashed orned Colin Flashed = = Stone sill pElashing al.iron flashing vlad Me = mee 7 — = = * fesse Brick Band ae = = = Bink tt Pessed Bricks oo =F arses | Blue sto Blve sfene | | Dive clane = | bet aan ee aL ue fone] [Blue sfine E ail 7 | | | | +P oe | | i | | | Brick | | | : | Leader |__| Leater Ordinary Bricks | ie © Sad oe s H 1 ee = at | ; ” Shue stone sis ee i 3 ' ; x <— All Turned Balusters, Projecting, Bond of Reseed Bricks 5 Rs aa | i Feil Bricks ey 5 + | | Wood i} (lena | a | af ' | | ; | sie bed si coping ~ ah Brick} : as rots) “ = st ] } | Brick a —t i | i= uu L == ) o Grade kines = —= =| a a I GED aber | — a el = ees es { % Blue stone sils 7 ~—__{@ment steps i i Basement flor line = F =s Ge OS nee oa wr, iN aaa a aa rie ae ei MLN bie eA Ty Ray Ge Te eS eee ee ee — = ose Ss, sees 3) ~ “k Ballon Tne Gf FBundaton Z SCALE J4INCH = | FOOT FRONT: ELEVATION PIERCE & BRUN, ARCH'TS HOLLIS: UNION: SCHOOL pases 1896 N4 FIETH AVE. NEW YORK CITY =~ a or a MEM EN APN TS INTE) DST Patt TA Pk ts TR Re ee a ne AL > NE Oe EP EIN LE eT ie) is) | | =a ( at =a = as Fess jBrick : = { ‘ ¢ Gal. Iron fall Ord. Breck: 35 Band af essed Bricks =e jh Leh8h 2ressp| | 7 Ld] : Steg ; | 4 Slate roof | Buck J \ ‘8 is | a \ 4 : | : : H iS Gal. tron_| IH | | | Slate roof ‘ oly tl i f ; : Brick 1h tne | : | = Ll ron Hashing { | | Fwood cornice ; i 2 | \ Brie) A p | 7 i | | fressed bi E s = % Z i ‘ Liitesting it | | + | | la + le iid Brick Vi Band of Pressed B Warecess = Woter fable 1 \ | *e Gr : i iG Grode line y { t me Lind” ~~ SGonerete floor 7 SCALE, AAINCH= |FOOT. SIDE. ELEVATION : PIERCE & BRUN ,ARCH'TS + M4, FIFTH AVE, NEW YORK CITY. HOLLIS: UNION: SCHOOL~ 1896 sy = I~ ca cl essed Bri f of pr ate root ~= 0,61 (al Iron Flash ad Cornice 0781 (ement steps , ARCH'TS PIERCE & BRUN ELEVATION | Foor H SCALE, /4 INC 14 FIFTH AVE NEW YORK CITY UNION SCHOOL~=~ 1896 és 2) HOLLI <2? i i se) AL ESET act <¥ VE FAY ASI Ve Tiree SAPs A AS Ee AT SR oA > NIE SY EY ERR Ce ee ee as SS ee Ailes \ [rewes4| TTT ‘ eel Slaten — L Ss % Era Galv. Tron Roll 7 i ys % Gav. Iron Rol A Slates fe Wood Cornice fressed Bricks = 3S ¢ Gutter Gutter ‘Waed Cormce Bricks Pressed Brick Bands. | i} | | ses ! 1 | \ ! ¥ ; 3 \ | | \ 1 i _ 1 4 | Stone Copng e\ | == Briek. ! \7 courses high Stone pa Niece Blve Sane | | = at =| : — 1 ° h J f | LA | awe ape - Conant steps VY Gadeline fy £ Basement floor line SCALE, 4INCH =!FOOT. - REAR - ELEVATION ; PIERCE & BRUN , ARCH'TS, HOLLIS UNION SCHOOL == 1996 - U4, FIFTH AVE, NEW YORK CITY. = Se ~ = _ Pe ee ee yer PR RAINS Pe TPL SA PLT TR Sas 3 AL NE Se LE AOAC TE TEU EN =r US es es epee Re Le A == ei ees To 10 yt faa Fe | ey = ee ee ee ee ae oh Peal Sana, 1 [ e———al i —_—————"l ————— i =a ——— 4 4 \ ue glass for there windaws |) + 4 | eles Tilt \ fi 5 Sa ley 25 = { =F 2 RS = = HNP ke im -- ey EN = — 4k 8 4S Sey ° | he’ + eal ol] : \ J lees it} ral | rye | # SPACE FoR FURNACE” | i | | (jt ee ' kb ‘o | Al | | e } i ' | oad es s -- | Me nt | f ¢ a! | | | + \ C 1] ie ] || \ Be S aa | a | Ws eal ea 50 | ) g 2 3 Be 1 [ i Play Room = | ; | ti eae 4 q P| L coment ste . Under Sround, duc” | 1 Yin (ese SNES | |2sfone flagging above | | __ } ! Vv = | | ee || esripedeeer neal Tac ; 1 I+; | | | | \ i; | ' Ri ca ceearee el ae Pasa | Fy ' : : eats d l bss el | Heit | ! } a! be | | ' , | | if ‘lal > \ ' | \| 7 1) ear | | : I! \ saad : ure heb al | | Peer ia eaten cull | tus x \| l| mre S| | > | § | 8 I | | ——— | Sfene cop a | | | i z | j i | | | Hes Sai ee tO = Hal | yy: 1 | | Bei | \ | ea ) | | nee ! | Boys aA ees Dy. mal Z Ts vial iaxt GIRLS ; | SPACE FoR, FURNACES em } ,1 iE | ee at OR HEATE il < Sch Wall ifs P| PLAY ROOM x aie EX fee "Fs Paetsch 2 Aelia f 3 <5 | Ab Stie Flagging above, itt ae ee | j C7 (ered ave Le l Lx [4 a Change Boys’ Closets +0 space | | under grovnd, | =a | occypled ‘by Girls : 4.0"x 4.0" ( i | | will be shown cy Heatin: | and Netftion Plays | filed lent — | | Ion brace ei all H fi ed or opague Glass H es = B| | | ———— we rT =T ob TS I I ie Ee ee | esl | | } eae | \ } i} | | i etal | Sei I | k- sii0"--- 9-0" bod} 38° fof 3°84 374. 58° © —t- Bio" ~ 7-27 A. 370" AYop- aie ADEH 310" HK Blt) \ i pee By ee = a eS ee ee cmon = ee ee Ss eee eS ait & GG ae ~- BASEMENT HOLLIS UNION SGT@o@k ——~|896 : PIERCE AND BRUN, ARCH'TS SCALE., 44 INCH = | FOOT 14, FIETH AVE, NEW YoR¥ city a ve | | Woad Col, i it fob press | | | 1 | | = i | i I Pees pire | ee, iy (ett [he i} | | l ".¢ Ho HITE got 1 4 Paap Sp 40 $18 | oS SS WB | | \ — # 4-0" | i a Fon | % TEACHERS STUDY ef lat oH ‘Bor we ; i Lod Down to ee N 5 Se 8 ee ee CLASS ROOM t 1 t \ { t p62" floor 4° ‘wanstling,- wire screen above, U Gat Room Partihion 8:0" high +S 15 ‘a Age Ses k3.0%f-- —- 8:4 -— 430 1 pee SS ey eS CLASS ROOM. 4.0" — 24.2" CLASS ROOM ZS canis Steps (emett ae Jonjf s}eu09 Buide) avols I Sudo aay! Ore ha PIERCE & BRUN, ARCH'TS, -FIRST FLOOR: PLAN - “HOLLIS » UNION SEHOGL 1696 14, FIFTH AVE, NEWYORK @ineye NE BB BBR AU BN a at ae Be ia ed 0 a SSE 4 of 54" —l 12.5 — th 40 HTH i ne k | 1Gurder 6x12" UNFinisHeD painted CI 6412" YP ask irder 6 X12" / =¢ \ \ | | | | | u UNFINISHED flues ot f this floor with cover these heat CT] level of UNFINISHED Co he PIERCE & BRUN, ARCH'TS SECOND: FLOOR PLAN - - HOLLIS UNION, SCHOOL SCALE, A INCH = | FOOT 4, FIFTH AVE NEW YorRK CITY 1896 - Leader Leader here or. Leader Scare, /4INCH= 1 FOOT U1 thee fe) Wang fe 3h x0 i il Tin Deck Tee 1 1 1 i! ! 1 e y | | \ | a | {i F ®t header Fi i j | ! : j | ! | ye ! | | | ! Gieder 6xi2” feat under Girder 6x12" Ye | ee gee se = ' : = At “UI | Gotter- L i ily | | Slates / | | i fF ! na j | Ve 1 \ | | a | | | ! : | 3 dere dr | Hy ' | \ \ iI ‘ | Tey i Truss S < x ; £ a & a | Slates wv | | SS ne Hl Ages ‘ ‘Lex al ww \/ x Ea = { € Line of pryeton of reaf* x e 5 f+ Leader Leader — Leader “ROOF: PLAN: “HOLLIS UNION SCHOOL — 1896 ° ‘PIERCE Be BRUN , ARCH TS Ia, FIFTH, AVE, NEW YORK CITY. ie a Cost, $20,000. Erected 1896. HORNELLSVILLE—COLUMBIAN SCHOOL. |= = z Cenme lists 2/2 ¢ DB ee Re T WM “Sea Ix ) il de : z | \s | i | ral Is } Jie | 's fl is MW | WW 5045 N | ) Ses ie | || I | ey i | i ) | yi ome POPLINE = LE Sst as j [We se | = |= | 2 y | 2”F200n JorsTs 3x14 T=) j= Full | i wl i) | | ten = “ay | | || bees HI ys | fou ! == 1 rae a i Sse 6 feat al 3 y Ls Ffor srs 2a Ct Stond ct aa | il il tae E CIC CI i il || ai | el l i L WW | ios I zh aie t |S ah Anal Grade. ps A Pet a say 3 FRamr ELEVATION . Becentiliies [pase Present Grade. ee LOLUMBIAN JcHooL BUILDING, Footings S Jf. LonsiDink EimrRa , LY. Hornewsvitte, N.Y. Scare le'=J Er. oN fol ———>, STRIP cone severe 2018 de | Purvodo 2077! ysos 5s ee ae Satis ELEVATION. JIDE TOUTH LoLtumBIAN JcHoOoL BUILDING . Afonnerisvitze, IY. Y. ue Exrana, ©. y ARCHITECT. A] Ti. GorSrorrre 4 E Oris DOCKSTAD. Lee HEP CALE, Final. Grade =e Rar ore, Ee fetes wi apesb og ying EO) ogee voropiney . Sec. THROUGH 4 Tower at AA fer. Scares Le otsg pice a one 4 ———| malty hats 7 D2" KISH 3.2 ae 3.2) i 4 Har Avg | Laampep\\s| a2 FF 35 ig 3:2" 4 126, By 1S g aN Fora aS eee 58 Si SS a8 ky a0 s Fin sre Wea be HABER. (2 ae] SS BS “oy LU I y ates a | t lig : a (a hy ae ts 3 fie } eg \° [ASA ton | ee eee Kxsp pee TS — zie k= 27,259 -+, on Ss eee gee ee ee rt | L one FE, ———_— - — . 1 1 ce es ‘ aS tM ks ‘ sage A PO Saal - : a7 fr = 1 pad A Q Ml} io _ Rx ‘6 x Bi Wes ta i as pe? “8 Mw 4-45 Nt | hee a +. 48 a hy lls \ E | => x SSS = _ 3 2 _ 3 x x Q w 3 Sy 3 I N id & ] al i N | a8 : io u a los 1 xt | s nx 1 38 4 co on aN eer SS Le) a. , orl : 2 & , ' 4 \ ; | ig | an] | ' a9) = 4 se | = | | 3 eee eee 1 S| ie ee Gi + Ze ! Yes 2:08 Heide 278 HE —— Yor er PLAN — 27. 3h’ FOUNDATION ELMIRA, MY. os iz ef ARCHITECTS QS DOCHSTADE, J H COMSIDIPE a, BORE x 2 a ee ae aa ci) Ge = i | pf ah | SE OE ee Bee srti9-¢-# 9:0 -+,9.0--* 98 9 8 sok a of 36 his jt 316 20h 4 | Seno Room A204 36 —k 4 off 3.6 FISH 3.6 4 20 4-36) es k 34x26 \ P:04,08 Wey GIT ozz¥75 | Lie Wes veer ie! Ce ea - & 5 | a ES = On) ScHoot ROOM 1x ah zp 18% 36 Z a) —i— 7 fa: a iz aay | bree Ly CEG ta, a Ta “ela Saas |e aye 2 p91 yes S a =e 5 SS Sli SO] S| s | = ¥ : eo" —eE a Te ae See cs t HIS. KISAH 36 i J0fe-~— 3:6" ~ a /FT Scxoo. Bui ping Hornerrsvitre, NY JICALE, JAIN COLUMBIAN i lele i = 2S) Be First FLoor PLan | ae) sige = | ose FO k BOF SS on Room Sexo 2-0 Xe e427 omy Tive Lrs BEE AG -—- —-— 4% Cr sya eS} 3-6" 4 Be geil | La) ¢ v's [TUE het wy o ‘lll |'° | Arte vw r e eal ee & i = © + [eee cee Ea ee Elia R v ARCHITELTS ELMIRA OTIS DOCKSTADE. J.H.CONSIDINE Rit ae ok A of & aie oe S36 -3:9 -3 5 Wh fe. 3.9" 20" of 45 H 1 She 316" xise 367 1 wh9 Ce 1 #6 + seat 49°59 + o1t Geik 970 Hs gee 01s r == Ho -¢y Q : Q 2H So Sis ae Q aA “nm ‘ bh N Salli Kise Yes ce! x Ne — 5 ; a (ab eee Saat Bt Q N nT Bere x a ee HS 4 s S in.. Ry i 3 9d ‘wo fal Bis aS Q n x Et g oe A a =e oe ae te tee z:8Z ee al =f — g S ! | ey g eS | = Sy si | | S| & “LR a i 5 “4 3 : ; ex = F : Re [te a ae Ry a | * WI Tesi L i Be : | IE] 8 : ae | bs | \. Uo ‘ Ties iS | = iu oN oe : | Ie a | a 5 y SR ell fs. t Q sil -$ III '® AS Ie = : a S SSS K ux mae “ae | ai . a . 1 Pa ‘. JQ iS 63 Sa = = = 5 a ae 1 ] WS, i atvig cas a lillie a walla Q ever | for eelee|zelceler |e for Hien a : ie tls _ 7 te y 13 q 4 ies r 5 (D\_ | lelete bel | RI ~ \ a lL £ —— | yy EN = = Spa SD) | ! 1 \Oga73e) x 3 / | ‘ t os ey F) E : | oleate ott Tt Seni xi] | 3S : Mx Ne 3 Hs 1 Le ki aes Aenea | he \ x oy ie | oT) et = | S “out ly zq 1 it) eps fay 1 a] ye Bi {dy i) “a See ey K Ne Ff ay ° ost] | © Rie : 2 N sill | a = 8 é g “ee RR 2 8 ef ee ee Sea — — —-—- 3 4 i o 8 A z ip aa See: 4 s LZ 182 i wy a + & ‘° casi Sai | 33 au ox oy | aii oe BS 3 | es Be § 1 LHI a Ri 1 5 ta (PRESS SEER SSSI OE x a8 4 : ee : — SS Sy J + " % MCHC ESIF OER Uh oF IPAS 9K I ey 88 i Uoeiiee cers oaks | | esr Sal | RES By Sse SS Ot =F BN — —— = i — Sere Ri Rae Ded een Peed = lO #’ Leader 4 Leader. Q 4'Leader.O Pertin 66" | N ae ] | lo ¢ Leader > Furlin 6 KE G | s I R N si 3 ‘| ° ¢ S| Aa iB : | | Truss Y oa x Hilty a y aU ra End” sr BHroRE Pose / F a § | ain ay Rs | i= gl pe Artin 6%6" Fr oe\ 1 ‘! lye? ul by Ponzin 6°R6 wt a ik fl y k b 4 i yi fe 4 ar lad 2 F uo im SS cae t a | | ye | ; ‘| i | £ uw : | a : ) Bl / : fa ‘ ky i $ Fleader O] &, 3S ? 2 tI 3 é i e (0 3 Leader. Purlin 66" Posy 6X6" Ae Pomiin 656-2" | | | 8 ee Q m | Fe | SS al CD) __Corine fay Pilla GE lo, S ‘ 2 ve 3"Leader | Tip eee, (ies eee a s ; Lf ¢o © Zz \< | LoLuMBIAN SCHOOL BUILDING. OOF PLA. Orig DockSTADER] Aprurrerrs ff FORNELLSVILLE , IY Y J. AL. LorsiDineE ELriRA, IY Y. SCALE /y"= [FT co a HUNTER UNION ScHooL. Erected 1896. Cost, $16,500. BASEMENT PLAN. s = SEER ra = zi 255 HunTER UNION ScHOO ay U ” ral Ny > % | wer ea = 78" =~ —- Zz in za ] 16x24.-2 16%2)4--2 16 x24. -2. | 16% 24-2 16x24--2 6x24--2. 16x24 Bineeaee as | | SILL UNDER ; i Ho) ALL WINDOWS G 12 x If Vo ain ia | A ate sae | Mm ee ee nt | ' Ali x ee Aes | bovs' Puay Room. BE : a! a | : oh ‘ ale S| || ie) Z aul + eas E We z oHe dare a x“ 2 fe) . ’ % CHESTNUT Omen Ea pEor 2 S -il||2 z : | Te a ; ae: : x + isaac - a 5 alls | : | | o Post , é SH |\4 ; m : 3 iW 232 x33 | | aI|5| zanxos 2 ; & = ea ral WELL. < 5 PLat- £ 2 O < FORM 3 ee | Ama CLOSETS. ul Q 9 ie nee ‘ | | ry PTRANSOME Sas}? — 4 ‘ BS PLATFORM. 4 E H 19x36 es Sal le wee ~\ | L I T | ices = feu ' it ail > ISK IKd = = Hil (- aoe 2 : GLASS. \ es i © < . Xv Ug x o - ! | \\ x . z HALL WAY. |! =| @ S 5 fF | 1 a a 5 | ; : o2U v \\ J ! x we xo : bes Pun SS | | = ne j i} z Lu) b < | 1 car - \ a LL: =| eS—5 al Pagal 10 i | ¥ - | 5 8 = CHESNUT Overnean 6x8 GiRoER dl | { : a =) | y, 33 3 eae N Care a phe : 7 : IIs ae oGe Puat-Hl i “4 : Post | b < i a5 ) ‘ Ih os | g oto eS Poy ae Zia SNS | =e zl 0 H Pa a8 | ] © Ol 7 0 z z 5 ; | | : | all ra : Room. bs Jee ) Sed GiALs Lay R | ts } f Ip < i eal j ae GH || Fuer Room. | || a | | Desa ‘ 16%24-2 16x24-2 : | 16x24--2 E 1 J Ee ET REA) Sierra by B/S) Po ae the r= | PemET A a oe ee = = -x- iw) NM NI isn ee s a = pe aa F =I —t =I = = = == zE (0 SS ja I= = i —e——r + [o> 14x22-8 12%22-8 16%22-8 12x22-3 16x22-8 3X8x2 3x8x2z 12X22-8 16x22-8 1222-8 \AK22 -8 \ © s \ mie i ai a N x | x I © wl seal 1 4 Q 2 =| ral H Plas I \ 2 2 5 Y) fa) co) - t i : ScHoo. Room. su |e; ; oe i ne : Be Pas ¢ | aik=—- —i0Lor—- —-5)| € N ( x 25x34%. i s Oita ° iS R x 3 i rai a CHOOL, oom. 2 \ ' ul Ez 5 25'x 34% I ‘ q¢ ss < = |? a \ ; 2 a = 1? | mail 4 N ‘ z % u Ke 2H ; (a BLAcK BOARD - 15" Hie SEAT 10" WIDE. ! e Hars, CAPs, CLOAKS. : N re = TEACHER'S ea i 5 PLaTFoRM, = o TEACHERS ; N PLATFORM. 2 ~o = Harts, Caps, Cloaks, I ' \ IS"HWIGH SEAT. 10" WIOE. | qT | 1 tl ) 9} | t N 3 q 1 ie ll tt 1 ScHoort Room. : rae 25°x 34% 6 Ye i \ E 7 _ 0 toi a LipraArRY. ?H 2 ¥ . . N i) 1 Ke rs) i 20 X25 a q . (ls i | r a PRINCIPALS |/> = ‘ o Room. | P, y,' Vee x Le LATE GLASS We x iby 2 © Hf ; 1 \ 2-9 %' x } 3 Q a i lle ° i { ' se o ! 2 kal an ' 16x22-8 20%44-2 16x22-8 20x44-2 16x%x22-8 2x 734 Mg. 14%25-8 20 x44-7 \6x27-& 20x44-7 \6x%22-6 y a —————_ eae EN By ' | Scare, Ye incu =! Foot, "6 Union FREE Schoo. Buitpine. | --—-—- - - — 28:0” - - aoe - - - 28:0 - = -—-- FF ye eee Hunter, N.Y. First Story PLAN. 3 Hunter Union Scnoor. Se a i 259 HUNTER UNION SCHOOL. E —— SS OO — — x ee es po 2tx91 SLT G- TXB 8-779 “SLI Q-Z7XO 8-77Xx9I 0 \ F on : 4 © 4 woe Ni ¥ < x oft Ei x : a Ss aaa H ae M2— ay; = i [eee ee eee 3 WS iia Fall (eee ee ea ‘ bs 5 : AH =o ae z | i) fm Ie wos alo 9 ies S ay og x a afd Pe be > x x ; ie) ? aw i Ms ee dl) 3 2 F ba pee : re) mee Sar rage | z ay | Sa ea Bes See a ee a See = Oa ae aa sll | é y | r nia) & WV Ay eX EXE ? 3 9 ? 4 fe “9 eX:F7 creel © $l] ZAI XBXE omg PET = Soe 7 gwi19 | ygaD $ q SE oe HOIH S| AIIM, Ol Lvs quan wane : 2 HF NA z is a : O19 ANY SLVO ite = a = | @ suvo1p 3) = X = % 107272 ict “ nt a —D des yy i te xM is WUOdLY Id DOR 38 o~ a} | & aN x a xn © alll] < u a Se) Y ul O fees Ill =o a @) a) rou ” 3 J = ae ON q @) igure sto OW <4 sh U = _ Q H N < P ” a fe ak 0 x x Zz HA | I su & a d = : Ole ee ¢ all | 4 Se A] 5, i : a1 8 ; 7 ’ i w 8-Zzx9t SLA B-ETXI| g-z7x9i__ |} | | SL1B- ZzxeI 8-7 7x91 SL 8-77x9l SLIB-Z7X91 ——4 _— or ——— ee a hs A 5 7 = a ; 7 a ae ue m : si . ¥ . . 1s'-B" LEADER ° o it ——————— Fal ! | ] : | ae} | { | | | | | | ! | : aa ! aati | fe ] | ] < | | | a. | il ! ; Tees = w ee] 2 le ae ° 2 |: o O t a SSS — =| i) X a N k : eal| sl Sue ae i O ee a | Oo He g (| ae | | 5 U wt (@) i Zz = : fe) Bs Vay 2 z ‘ = : » a i oe rm | ¥ ke ; Zz ' ~ 1950 ° at Pe = : iN) ey N ee — —4 — . fe j a ° b +55) i} y i eas I} SS eeze l = seal j (amen = | | | ul ‘ | | | [ 4 q T | H 1 le 1 = | on —-| ra — ¢q ) oe } | ! I | J | | G q ‘ | x9| | 14! | % < : = | | — ie x g ko 4 } j ner — ie a $14,284. Cost, Erected 1896. JAMESTOWN—SCHOOL NO. 7. eT ee 265 BD SYS Pray Room ¢ (RLS Pi AY oom OOM Janytons | | Haut ToiLet Deoys a — RaseMent Floor PLacr. a ee Bat Be SE RS ins 7 ENP SSA AS a I at oe ———————— ITN Hu A LAT 24X32 Grave Room Platrenm Books z. a é (@ PB v2 wr Py2 Pai far Booty. I T= “s Seceiaens 8 Foor PLAnO faasr = ik ec AY. a We a Morrison. fel (Z VEZ James 269 Hi —— l = = ai = Sear 4 ‘mn i Grape Room Sev Zee i Wt | Sil 5 Hil Ite | ' el 2 Elk | Ht ys wcll jx = MI Grave Room ZI] 9 fs \ DAX32 al = 2 ij Hatt me cg ome OE 10-6 23-0" 2 ‘ av si Y : oe an a Grape Room é A QAASI- \2 i 1] 2 x * platfors Bl | 33 a EE ee x Polel = = fx = Teacuens Roo | Bak apr es SEc onp Fuoer Pian a — a6 ° a na fe) = q Ga iS) % iS) ir B up al a = = a te) 3 = 2 = = Erected 1895. Cost, $37,500. LANSINGBURGH—HASKELL SCHOOL, mes a ce WARDROB aes Ee FS WET TE nore ge ia | GIRLS TOILET [ Bors TOILET | CLASS ROOM INN 25° + 30° i ! CLASS ROOM | 25°+30° CORRIDOR, \ (| 7 Berean cerry eR es ee ace nae WS \ WARDROBE Es Co WARDROBE CLASS Ror 25 °+30° CLASS ROOM 25'+30' VESTIBULE ‘FIRST > teO@OR -HASKELL: SCHOOL: -LANSINGBURGH,N.Y. WM-H:- DEMERS, - ARCHITECT , TROY :-N-Y- ives a ROQM CLASS Bsadouagavm awa nares seoudav ym. CLASS ROOM, Pe St Oe CORRIDOR u io £ C % iva vi) QO GC: & x 8 : + = ae Ya < = U Room TEACHER'S WARDROBE 25+ 30’ CLASS ROOM f_LOOR. “HASKELL SCHOOL PAR SINGROURGR Ms: SIECOA A: tars 277 LENOX, MADISON CouNTY—SCHOOL No. 13. Erected 1894. eee ca AT REIS 7 EY fe ) A le W, Re PASE DA Bas ase, ios aQ Cost, $15,950. LOCKPORT—WEST AVE. PRIMARY SCHOOL. Erected 1895. ay || SEIN EE NE) N SA IA Ay eS YIN ps si SUNS Fe aE a Ne A Tada AEG NW i le 2) 8 OY, LESS — ay 81 co} om ITGRAGE, : \ Gaal Room, of * Paiste, TSS RSS Sa Sy Pe ae. Ls al are a EN PP Le Rr ENS ay Pe INIA on a HORenSRER 4 hao fi Comoe : NSE ee = agi Roos SSS Cost, $24,800. (See Erected 189 MAINTE] ENP TY Sie PATS 307 NOs 7: VERNON—SCHOOL o SAT TAH MouNT — =) IIIB SB SNAG AEGON DS SUE | EV OTA MP EE BE LG SST SS EA ENE DA PPE, ANY ITS EN TA RN HAR kD 3 Se EATS) SAS 309 [ | ee ollldl —— Boys Play Krom == GPa Mears Teachers Lav, Tau. | | a i ) Nis cone! (me c Q [ellelciieleiiciofieliciig Is) — Boys Play Room — Dasher Reem Pasement Plaw Fulton Avenue School, Jt Vernom NY. Lora % Hewlett, Arckts 123 E23? st NYC Se Te INTE RUS TP aha AL SI Vee PRR SSE Pe Rot ALE NN Pas Teo NTN RS Rec tA eee Neat SPAN Ys SL DORE AUS Set EZ 311 \ ) | —— Class Room —— x Coy Gat ‘ — Class Koow —— Room | Roan — Class leo - o] \ | | | ra ‘ : = =) I= = \ ] wa Room — a SF eres as i == ai = Sel) es Jt ee —_ Coxvr dor if ‘e er | I Se BR its | iS aeatice = | he ick Entrance — Chats Tae =p CO aie a3 — Entrance a KN Uae Ae — Vestvbule— 7, Ser7 5 toa of = =i re er ee FIRST FLooR PLAN, Fulton AVENVE ScHool -/\r VERNON -A.Y. Lorp @HEWLETT. ARCHTS. (23E 2a STNYC. nt Pree = PONTO oe re - = = = —— ——— ES SENS > T re CASS SY a1) ¥ SRE AL SDS NR RS PSS ST Rae FP NE Pre AAD SAIN Se TS EAS AY AES Root So PAs Oat ShOP EAS IAS eel oh a | =— Platjor™— | i , i a DearTorrure ie 4 fall a 4] E 4 al : LA eI ia | | Ie 3 2 es | 2 LJ ee ab of i = | (=i Ho Cocviaor 1 T ane ee ere 2 .| =n Gilarss Roo m —- = Class Reem — ’ oe th Coat SIE rary — Rem aa) | 4 J u Ie L4 rd See it Loagia Pits a ee ee lara i 1 SECOND FLOOR Plan FVLTON AVENVESCHOOL ~MT-VERNoW NY Lord @ HEwtetTt ARCH’ TS 123 E 23 St NY. PS aS Sf eS PS Te SS A AS ACER, aA a Wb Fri FNASY a sa 2 — Cost, $32,000. Erected 1895. Npw ROCHELLE—WEYMAN AVE. SCHOOL. were ae aS ieee = = aaa SSIES ESTES NES ESPs EES : CIs SS IAS LN GP Be NTIS ee NT PIN RL ROOTS LAINE PAL PN oN NP NSE CPN SNL PPA AE AN a EES SLAIN A NE TR BTN RY pee ns SEN EN Tot 317 aa Doildecs Sk Bos ip IoD Gard A coamepgieyen Mepter*, Ch PHsle E12) ae a aed 4 . andeihge ENBENT, BOHROL BUYLDINGR. oo POS New York City—TENTH WARD GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Erected 1894. 7 vee Bry Saas We eee oe SS a RT POINT? Re a a S/d a eT Bw Schoo! Mouse Minetbenth Ward, FOIE Cor 85% Briand MediconAve ACWSOrK. ean Guperendenty Gehool Boaildinglp ME Grd BO 2EL NEw YORK CiTy—GRAMMAR SCHOOL, NINETEENTH WARD. AV NES Ene ae SINS, Soot eS Ale. OT ee A A Ve SR SE eS Fe SPE PO Ie PN ee SN ENS BES A mo ING os OA es 321 New York Ciry—TWENTY-SECOND WARD GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Erected 1894. AgXaay SaIA mak 1 TACO ke PAS vs Zal ARNG MO Mis a I NB OA Na id | St eT = Neer : RAP GR efchool Buildmng: + Good lexon.: NEW YORK CiITy—TWENTY-FOURTH WARD SCHOOL, WOODLAWN. Erected 1894. AS PIA SPL PR EAS Le SVN PP INR, ROS DD Seine PAE SPIE > Weed a SR SE CPUS NKUUP HALLE VEU. CRAWFORDCO. NIAGARA FALLS—GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Brected 1895. Cost, $25,000. bt 3.6 4} 3/614 2:0 4-34" > 22 See Ee Ns ee 327 36 p 3 0" 25 HY 356" fH 4S 33 CS OE Re RE AL SAL VS BN CLoaKk Room ArRotTEecT Four Feer NIAGARA Farts One INcH J.E. PASSAGE, City OF Ob zx,0S \ _ WOOd, YwoT a aHOw SL Ceieceat kant ~r First FLooR PLan or ScHoot HOUSE Scare $i 3 6 —t*4- 36 VESTIBULE I IN 6 i 3 36 tit} CLOAK Room Sis’ x 19/8) 6-404 —3'6 pif—a'e"— fer f- 2c k — — - {oi 3.6"— =a) CT ees AT STAG VEIN SS nS SEE res SE re EL NE nS EES INS DS eas GS San ZV AS i Te tae cn 4 | 36 Phre A 34 1. Ab afb a'o f2'e He 36° 47 6’ 4 ke 0,¢ yh 98 at - eS ra So Seles e-ee - se ¥p4 98 ore ¥.9;¢ Wooy HVO1D eek eck te 23'x 32 x 12'8" sowaye Bean SCHOOL ROOM 6" yp 3'6° 424 56° 424 367 45 zea 4 3.0" 8} 31.4" >) > ake Pe 3 97f Kick ordtut ISSN WOOy TOOHIS LT SECOND FLoor PLAN oF ScHoot House City of NiacArRA FALLS Scare, ONE INCH = Four FEET. J.-E. Passace, Arcnitect. | { eS Wy pee INSEL RT Way a ae 331 Cost; $16,000. Erected 1892. 3. NORTH TONAWANDA—SCHOOL NO. a ——— ne Seer sees Re te I a a a rr Z PNA SAN SR ot a 209) NortTH TONAWANDA—SCHOOL No. 4. Erected 1898. Cost, $16,000, >a Tt Me 335 $71,000. Cost, ScHoou. Erected 1894. OLEAN HIGH aE seme 00. 5 Cost, $4 Brected 1824. 2, —DISTRICT NO. ORANGE oem. SREY IS yaa ¥ [SAAN Vee Near dna I ra NS) i ed Ly A Pua PUNE SIE IN SAL SPRALE N ha eA CNITAIRSS EARP 339 NKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORDCO. Cost, $4,000. Erected 1896. PLATTSBURGH—HAMILTON ST. SCHOOL. 341 ASV Se SV Pe PINON STS AE TINS AS POM aN IN Roe n as os @ ‘al en ae eaen oes 2 a. CELLAR. Wie i ell I Lh ] z HAL. i HD 2/6 HALL. eee ae aera [eee ena was Nea So aaa ili i A l HAMILTON St. SCHOOL, PLATTSBURGH. BASEMENT PLAN. GR SL STA We Oy ENS IVSUIN AG UE DRI ee TASS Em SAPO Se ESN ee INSERTS LSM NT NE SIE IN SL PIL Wee A Ay Unto S INV SUING Ue DBD RY At ABSA SEY 24x 32'x 1/2" HAMILTON ST. SCHOOL, PLATTSBURGH. W.E.Lorp, ARCHITECT Gaimnen ’ te Is : : Nent ; f COAL e) | | | i | i ] i] q TURMACE i i) | + Tl ST oKE- Koom : | i] ae Bastmeny VLAM oH Poaysunm eae PP Ae PT ee NS eT AL OER oe ESI ae PINAR TN ISS PO OT SNE ME IN SUL TPE We ANA esti INSUIN AG SN RSENS et Cunss-Koom Grass-Room ° re 3 Oe as 3a ° 53 ° LANTING wb LAMTIRG ee rd Br Rada is g SB Vent. i Z 2 a : ALL \ 2 ie iat VKLL = ti a LJ Ve \By si SYIBVLE ESTIBVLE YAAGTN PIAZZA na Cunss-Ro ony H a ea | OIRO Yeoon Yuan a RoyovAn we On PLATFORM, Cunss “Ko om —_ Stcony \LooR YUAN oe Voysoam Wo.d, et Ns SILT RERUNS ES NN PINES NINES LAP DIT SENSE SIN PSE TOA We NA Sn SIS AS ROTTERDAM SCHOOL—DISTRICT NO, 2, (BELLEVINW.) Erected 1893. Cost, $6,000. DIAN Oa ES Nese ea! ARs Oe NS PSSA ie mn & SEN? APTS VN ee Z/K Z BAIN ay Ss un oo $25,100. Cost, Erected 1893. ile No: RYE NECK SCHOOL—DISTRICT RPA eee IV STUIN eS NE RCRD IN rs _ SAL STRAWS Y e SIND Ea? ios Lua roe $11,000. Cost, HicH ScHoou. Hrected 1892. SANDY HILL YIN) Vt eA & MSZ REE i ee Fee 361 1885. 1894. 5 2 Erected H AND GRAMMAR SCHOOL. s—HIG SARATOGA SPRING oe ee eta nm SARATOGA SPRINGS—SCHOOL No. 1. Erected 1898. Cost, $18,000. ee SR aE or cern AE en gn mente et NN ern = TTS SPRAINS TS LEAT EVs ee NN —_ {STATES Bags X Cost, $27,185. Erected 1892. SARATOGA SPRINGS—SCHCOL No. 7. 367 $16,000. Erected 1895. Cost, SCHAGHTICOKE UNION SCHOOL. s—DISTRIcT ScHooL. Erected 1896. Cost, $925. EISSN se Meat AN EX MEST oa, MANS WEA, IZZATISS N ANG NS LLIN 2 MZ LA a uA SAIS AAA Dado eM seor £7 uv CLAPB'’DS 2" x10" pes ‘fll 5 ] i tes CLlapBDs Suinsres Arcuireers lo8 FuLton Sy, NY. Co-or Bios PLAN Ass'n FRonwt EveEvation. Scare, 4'=1'0' SOMERS. Bab BOY NA i EL AN ZINN LSE SAP OAS SNE CANOE ADED EIEIO: WEATANE VENGA, ON ned SUN Say { | Ciara’ ps | f L | SHINGLES ne SS z E t I Be Sioe ELEVATION Co-op BLos Plan ASSN nent me ARCHITECTS Scarce "= 10 lo8 FULTON St NY. SOMERS. id LIC SG SRV WERE SAE AEN) ANUS 9) EDEN AOD GR) aT EM NSD NCU SIAN 37 TES Spineves. — | i | CLAPBOARDS I CLAPBOARDS (Nn aoe || Sipe ELevATIon ScALeE. 4 iN. =) FT Co-op Bipoe PLAN Asso‘” ArcuiteEcTs ” Jo&8 Furton St.NY,. SOMERS. DEMoor — ag eG A S = OE POR oe OS RY ae NV PINON TN TEINS AER PN PAST SS NSO SENSIS IPEA We BN 5 eyes CONAN: REAR ELEVATION. SOMERS. Co- op, Bipe Pian Assn ARCHITECTS, 108 Futton St.NNY. oH. SSPE T AON SPE REARS mites CT MN Hor Excavateo CER Sar Se SSeS ee aS | 1 Neny Anenirects” 1o8 Furron Sr NY, £m Liassug 3 wane + Ur Co-op Bios Plan Asso‘ 8 Pian Vary Founpation SOMERS. Presenr War ® SEY = 381 ata 0,¢¢~—=—-— -=-—-— == i} FORO Oeoe erin Sanae re — 3 b}--—---—---—- = oye- = - i | | j | | ‘ Sp ts F peal Fs [s Hl $ 3 i ‘ 8 4 ie Ey a lo < 2 5 fe 3 Pa rs) pees 5 4 i ry lo n Ey we i iw i E Is! 8 Gl ai Teel : E | onal i i = uy ‘ 4 i | i i u { — ma 9° Sroxe Piek :o) 3 cae zar
~~ ees : t H “Ge Rem < <5.0'% a j bat Rao paey Vo 68 AO OF SO SE NIH TO 70 TZ" 5" KE a 8 ees Sse SS ER) SS = 24.1% -——% — 24 17%" ee K---- a at B51 % ae = SECOND FLOOR PLAN UNION FREE SCHOOL NUMBER TWO STAPLETON S.\ SCALE ,Ve"=I'o LORD & HEWLETT 'ARCHTS. N° 123 EAST 23°ST NEW YORK NOTE ALL DOORS MARKED ‘Tt’ TO HAVE TRANSOMS ALL WINDOWS 1\N COAT CLOSETS TO BE 7'0" FROM THE FLOOR 310" HIGH ALL VENT FLUES TO BE 8x12" EXCEPT WHERE OTHER- WISE MARKED LEM or ee ARS es POTS et Ore 9g fe AEE Ce. Ss aes attache ee Ait sa : penis es ¢ x ‘ CEPR No, ESE Re NID ed x Sf NE SECA es ee TAN PAA Oa NSN NS UE REEL SHORT ANON path - 395 ae ee & Se Praha pecan le - = -1326 "a 756" --76 eape ae 7-6 Ke VS 2 = i “i fs Vie oe sles Be P hae eed 46H EO ROA onc a 7S SS ES, ao aa vedios | d eet a f A Rae ln eo T9 ee ae 2A ee ore 2 | re Eee | Veet 8 crass Room Ss . pe sd CLASS ~ROOM o oor ioe (se a= LI} -4— : ; ° e + or ver, Ge Sa “i OSH a vs. ks 5 ‘ al Pelee leet 3 ie x | ,<. ' 1 i | i) ee 8 i a : pues 1 \ 6 i carte 3 109-4 + iri afie ; = aia | ie 1 77 1 mothe BEAGLES cLAss ROOM i—F { oi \ ad Ss 1 ~ Ss) = 36 == | x l ot s poe ay CLASS ROAM , Se -- es peel ae aa Jl 1 dl isec0s : | | fateWaTa? ae al wi aaa Seal ee i menial! \ CLASS ROOM CLASS ROOM Ze | \ is neces ta =a 2 hs - at eRe acy- : ‘ s | te z5. ; 4p fg : ie oy od x fle en \ Ws NY teks ‘ages rE as Iya eee) Re aN — a 1 = 7 SO ape 15 A f S20 et See Ws Sos oe Geom yo Po Kel BEY FEE EEO A HO pe PN Se i 6 ab Wok — ae 6 SORT Ke Hd eT sh gig’ 616 4 108" —-k-6:8" 4 1G" EIA — Pe LK: ---+ — ~14N%'—- - — 24 1% 9 43:3" a le coe eee Se Se SS se See = SE = Se Se NOTE. THIRD FLOOR PLAN ALL DaRe MARKED UNION FREE SCHOOL NUMBER TWO. ROU AVE SiRAN SONS ALL WINDOWSIN COAT Sey VETS STAPLETON S.J. CLOSETS TO BE yo" FROM = 1 aa & THE FLOOR . 3'6" HicH CORO aE is ARC ALL VENT FLUES TOBE Ne \23 EAST 23°ST NEW YORK @°KIZ" ERCEPT WHERE OTHER - WISE MARKED Ee ETL ee NS eC AL eI or SYR ee Ne INRUNN NIEINSS ECP A SUN ESE rs Rapa PAGED ENON ENT STAR LAKE, ST. LAWRENCE CounTy-—DISTRICT No. 9. Erected 1898. Cost, $600. pig ia oe = AL, He NOSTIN SAS E- KS /) ON A een Rey SY Ra Ss NUE ANNI EDs RPA ZAN SSAC STN TSAR TANG VE NGA, EN INCI Seat SI spate Seas inetalt SS : 3 WY) TRUMANSBURGH UNION FREE SCHOOL. Erected 1892. Cost, $18,500. = ae Av Ea jerky SINS | = AAS PRICEY FEDS SACOM AGATE. 2a, ARONTTECT. 000. r ‘ g ‘ = § i a : ce) is) NEA 3 i ; : | } < : | Le ar} | : & 3 y : : 5 3 | ° j : oy 1a) is E ra 2s 5 A q fal 4 ] iS} q 4 a a fa & 4 g i B AS N/E INMARINILEIIN ~ aan ; — ee a a a a cern Re Lam a rte 9 I cS ree > Sh mr rm? i a PL AN I AT TR ME AES TTS I SS aL eT Avi emt SS, wis v7] WE ANSE New oa a Ta or = Ly mat! br, aL | | | AN Wats eo Jos tee ee fe | Wee | || fe Li i. . eS ae a3 ai i x il 8 cal | al 4M. i | al aie ~~, Ye SeEESSSY ection im CLE ele = HALL ITs wine 29-0" x 34-0" — tote" x esto" UTicA FREE ACADEMY. Se TRS eS Tereeec ==] T fi “ORI DES EB il 4 d f Se] ee | 2 f |g a L| £ 7. ues 4 1 q Tt 5 = oA Mi Se, eet —=— | F : | | i thi | 4 mW | | {ch | | yo = : el ] # | a | al : E ll y I i. 1 71 & tee | wa l j ll tl | a l B & oy, < ti i i 4 FATES. ia a EN aa Se a te ean A Se = — a are verti eee seamen Sige : aerate eeammeparina ae ge mm “ » et ern LA Gt a pp te rene mp ee aay ~ ace Be) oe fa] aren pvt” —— ciass Room —— * —_ 296 are" | : CLASS Room —— I ] — 28:0" « 46-0"— iB 1} (Be hmo00g a class Room | 30-0" x IFO" Sot jh ct moor —— aria ase tee woe — 3 | eee Ps —— ae ss (( r a : all | | / genial al ha | | cf — cass ROOM =— = | mia | Liaraay fo class Room | : ip i 3 My —— ato x 240: —— a | etone freon Rear By || Ee SECOND FLooR PLAN——— — Sate f+ one Foor Utica FREE ACADEMY. TASER A ne SVR. WY, NINES MCL TSS ORI SI PAL TINA Wh MA ESS INSUIN PSE ED INERY 2 I \ anon 4t-0" aS oA) i 8 Biovocica Lavorarony - * 4g 0" » 39-0" | —— CHEMICAL LAsorarony — * “ —1¥0"x 46-0" — = Cuemicat Stone Room— 22h ern jo. 4 ——— Drawine Room —— | —— 30%0" x 86-0" = —— as —— ‘ mes ~ 2 herent 160366 Fisica. Stone Room — — 2340%x/0-0"— —| Ga | L a Firsicay Lasnarony = ¥ R ol — arto" + 47-0" } js | Ber Re ig ES Aaa WiLpen . . Cl}. ) | — #7 -0"x 28a" | — 27-6 2%-0"— | | a ¥ | | le | f = —" E — 7 = == E I = — _— a —— —— THirp Floor RaN———— UTICA FREE ACADEMY. ONE Foor CRSA aK CGPS FES RTE i PEAS, PEI SWEPS 409 WYNKOOP HALLENBECK CRAWFORD CO. WALDEN ScHooLt—DistTRricT No, 13. Erected 1895. Cost, $2,200. NUP TSS SARBONSINETIN EEN SI Sins SY RVR) All i WooODHAVEN HIGH ScHOOL. Erected 1893. Cost, $31,500. PAK EES ASt SAT VAS NVI) SANE YONKERS—ScHOOL No. 10. Erected 1896. Cost, $60,000. erSETE aes AGRARIAN NPS SANSAINS IN ZEISS EEA SVN ESSE Inn UL TPR RO A Se NSTI RAS AE OSE EINER YO ERLANG emer =a SAS AE tf 2M S22! w E SOE FAA IRE A Sir SRV RL ne WRIA ET Aa RS | 415 ] | tt T | — | = | Boys! Ray Room = : re Ae = ai : ) 1 ‘nS aaa | Be Dae q il. forenact Room | | ==} | | ‘Aa pM: | ee | : | 0 af OPN | poy | | | | | ny | | | | j | Wy o ll 4 Rowe | |,J94 ~ I FRESH Ate Roo \ L] L] re al een f forvace Room. ===. Ze o © Bes’ 0 | coo Pury Room, | | — eee a —— — | —RLAN of Basement — % CEILING 1° Fer, Scare 4 nen = | Foor , os Sey arp 2 ae) Pt A) te he Pa BE a > I te TE ey eS SP a a 3¢ SS LS ANA IEE eh EA ph es SIL 2 ZAMS TNL ETN MAE AN ADD MIN ASSL PALS kA ng AN EN SH OAS 1 Scrnoor Room Scuoor Room, Coat Room, Scroor Room, A 5 2 2 4 z Si ] Cont fom \ | | Coat iRoom. x) ScHoor Room, Scroor Room, Vestiouce | — Ale SCHOOL,— | | | — YONKERS ALY. - | | GenING 13 fer, Bunging Commeren 4b GC.C.CHipmaAN ArcuT, wy.c. Prosrect Sa ID W A Cad hr SOR ALS SAN AE A Sit ARV BV ASS NALS 2 STAN AAAS NTL AETIN a MACE NAS re VIN ASL 8h AN 419 I Scuoor Room i ScHoor Room. ei a : i | 5 Coat Room, | Coat Room. —— | l | | ScHoor Room. | ScHoor Room. z A {| Goxr Room. | i HOUT Progeny i ll Coat Room. T IN Orrice. a — Cont Room, 7 ScuHoor Foom. | ScHoor Room. | —— Av. ie SCHOOL, Yornens, ALY. — —— PLAN °F SECOND floor — pttyne EL bre ORNS OCTET AAE FRG STA AEC 8 RDA) ETM UY 7 SO ES RL SENET SS IT ASSES TES OIE ANCL SS OY ae TN SN PRS LE RET LANTOS EG PNG Aa 421 HH ; fees, olin ScHOoL Room. p Scoot Room. et i Coat Room. | 2 | Coat Room. ct] ’ — z an gu ee og — | a | ScHoor Room. avian. | : Assemscy Room, tl Ae 12? SCHOOL, Yonners JELS/. — — Pian or Thin floor. — SIAR SW Albany, Amityville, Amsterdam, Auburn, Auburn School, Ventilation of, Bay Shore, Broadalbin, Buffalo, High School, Buffalo, Primary and Grammar schools, Caldwell (Hillview), Castleton (Tompkinsville) Catskill, Churchville, Cold Spring (Haldane), Columbus, Corinth, Cornwall, whee bid Le ASG LT A AE a NESE l NOD: PAGE, 7-13 Cornwall-on- Hudson, 15 Cortland, 17-25 Jobbs Ferry, Al | dundee, 27-39 Junkirk, 43 Zast Hampton, 45-49 {Imira, 51 “ar Rockaway, 32-31 *riendship, 63 “ultonville, 65-73 Gainesville, 75-79 Geneva, 81-93 Glen Cove, 95-97 Gloversville, ag Hempstead, 101 Hilton (N. Parma) 103-107 Hollis, PAL SUA SENG PAGE. 1OQ-113 115 EI 7-223 125 ey hee 139 141-153 155-161 163 165 DOG 169-183 185-189 191-199 201-209 HIE ZH) 221-237 - eS) 4 r i RES ee EDN Ned INN a el Si de 2 st ad Sr Nak at Ne SINR OSS AES INDEX—CONTINUED. PAGE. PAGE. Hornellsville, . . : ‘ 4 . . 239-251 Plattsburgh, ‘ : : : : ‘ - 339-345 Hunters): 5 : : 6 5 : . 253-261 Potsdam, . : ; : 347-353 Jamestown, ; : F : F . 263-269 Rotterdam (Belleview) °. ; : , : 355 Lansingburgh, . 5 ; ; : : . 271-275 Rye Neck, é : : : , : : 357 Lenox, : : : : A x g 2 277 Sandy Hill, 4 : ; : : : ; 359 Lockport, . : : i : : : . 279-285 Saratoga Springs, 361-365 Mariner Harbor, ; ; : : : , 287 Schaghticoke, 367 Middletown, ; A : : : : . 289-295 Somersaae- ‘ ; é : ; : . 369-381 Millbrook, . : : A é ; . 297-303 Southfield, 383 Morris, : 5 ; ‘ : : : : 305 South Glens Falls, 385 Mount Vernon, . ‘ ; j : j . 307-313 Stapleton, ; : 3 : 5 f . 387-395 New Rochelle, . ; , : : : 315 | Star Lake, : ; 397 New York, é ; : ‘ r y . 317-323 Tompkinsville (See Castleton). Niagara Falls, % é : 325-329 Trumansburgh, . : d : : , i 399 North Parma (See Hilton). Utica, : , ‘ : : . 401-407 North Tonawanda, . . ; A : - 331-333 Walden, . : 3 . . : ? ; 409 Olean, 5 : 5 : E : : 2 335 Woodhaven, : : : 5 : : 3 4Il Orange, .- a i = : : 6 5 337 | Yonkers, . : : z Z : F . 413-421 425 ct ss nen whey SR ae mats cage: - — r ame 7 - ETS aT Sars = Nera a aN Oe ENS OS et aes ON BANAL eS he nal Siar nah Deke SEL 2G ~ ee Loi ids BE ep SE AE i phe PUT AAA AR ne Sxl ANRC AN = NAN AVE She ca SNZ: GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3125 00768 8233 Sitatstaeetee Setestinacstaerestere.s estes