CATALOGUE UNUSUAL AND RARE ITEMS OF Early American Portraiture COLLECTED BY MR. AUGUSTUS F. DeFOREST NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Thursday Afternoon, May 4, 1922 At 2 o'clock P. M. BY DIRECTION OF THE OWNER AT THE KEELER ART GALLERIES 12 VESEY STREET NEW YORK CITY These portraits are guaranteed, in so far as is pos- sible, to be as represented. Many of them were purchased from descendants of the sitters or mem- bers of their families. Further information regarding the history of individual portraits will be found on a label attached to the back of each picture. te dh bid betwe shall eit at once 2. The bid which and there sale injut 3. Pur residence per cent. the purchase money if the lot or lots so pure up again and resold. there CCM LWiO! 1 Oles Lu rer decide the Auctioneer is o£ ee riously. chas anc Loy Day aa: CONDITIONS OF SALE should be a dispute put up again and resold. reserves the right to nerely a nominal or fractiona in his judgment, ers to give their names of the purchase money— required—in default to the Auctioneer shall be in regarc ore bidders, the same or the article reject any advance, likely to affect the places of east 50 whole of of which iately put and cash deposit of a or the qased to be immed 4. Bills payable in cash or certified check before delivery. 5. iReceipted bills must be presented before goods can be removed. 6 Goods to be removed at the expense and risk of the purchaser, on the morning following each day’s sale between eight and twelve o’clock, and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid before removal. 7. Goods not removed on the norning following each day’s sale, between eight and twelve o'clock, remain at the sole risk of the purchaser. 8. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. 9. Articles are exposed for examination and are sold without guaranty of any kind. No goods delivered during sale. 10. Execution of orders to purchase at the sale by those who cannot attend will be given careful attention without charg satisfactory reference sale. Such orders he conditions of iil, he sale. Upon failure to diti belong to the Auctione cla public or private sale, the deficiency (if any) xe made good by the d with all charges attendi This condition is wi Aucti this sale wit 13, Ine whi with the business of th ing and shipping of pur afford to purchasers careful carriers and pac selves responsible for parties engaged for KEEL of is given in if executed, wi Our record of sales in all cases final. ions the money deposited in part purchaser’s failure to complete the sale. imed within the time aforesaid sha oneer to enforce the 10ut such r ndersigned are in no manner connected such e, providing a cash deposit or ample time before ll be subject to all camply with the-above con- payment shall 1 damages for All lots un- 1 be resold at without further fotice, and attending such resale, shall efaulter at this sale, together ing the same. ithout prejudice to the right contract made at he thinks fit. er as liquidate esale is e cartage, wrapping or pack- chases and although they will every facility for employing kers, they will not hold them- the acts and charges of the services. ER at GALLERIES, THE ALEXANDER PRESS, 114-116 WEST 27TH STREET, NEW YORK Geo. . Keeler, Auctioneer. CATALOGUE EDWARD SAVAGE 1761-1817 1. MARTHA WASHINGTON (1732-1802) Height 12 in.; width 10 in. GEORGE CATLIN 1793-1875 2 GENERAL PIERRE G. T. BEAUREGARD (1818-1893) Height 27 in.; width 22 in. Major U. S. A. General in Confederate Army. Superintendent U. S. Military Academy at West Point. os Yo JOSEPH A. AMES, N. A. 1816-1872 3 “RACHEL’—ELIZABETH FELIX (1821-1858) Height 28 in.; width 23 in. Noted French Tragedienne. Visited U. S. in 1855. (Ai) 35S — JAMES HENRY BEARD, N. A. 1814-1893 4 GERARD HALLOCK (1800-1866) Height 27 in.; width 22 in. Owner and Editor of “Journal of Commerce,” N. Y. og? yee 5 6 / 8 PETER F. ROTHERMEL 1817-1895 FANNY KEMBLE (1809-1893) Height 17 in.; width 14 in. Actress, Poet and Dramatist. 3S Se LOUIS LANG, N. A. 1814-1893 OCTAVIA WALTON LE VERT (1810-1877) Height 30 in.; width 25 in. Famous American Belle and Writer. Signed on the Weft, Louis Lang, 1852. JUNIUS B. STEARNS, N. A. 1810-1885 CHARLES GAMAGE EASTMAN (1816-1861) Height 14 in.; width 12 in. Poet and Editor. mee. —— JAMES REID LAMBDIN 1807-1889 SARAH JOSEPHA HALE (1788-1879) Height 13 in.; width 11 in. JAMES REID LAMBDIN 1807-1889 9 SARAH JOSEPHA HALE AND TWO CHILDREN (1788-1879) Height 13 in.; width 11% in. Editor of Godey’s Ladies’ Book. Signed on right, J. R. Lambdin ’33 _gO REMBRANDT PEALE N.A. : 1788-1860 10 JAMES FENNIMORE COOPER Height 28 in.; width 23 in. Distinguished American Novelist Signed at the lower left, R. Peale. (see cover illustration) BZ = JACOB EICHHOLTZ 1776-1842 11 MARCIA BURNS VAN NESS (1782-1832) Height 20 in.; width 16 in. Philanthropist of Washington, D. C. THOMAS HICKS, N. A, 1823-1890 12 FREDERICK WILLIAM SHELTON (1814- 1881) Height 10 in.: width 8% in. Poet and Romance Writer. wo Signed on right, T. Hicks, 1850. FRANCIS ALEXANDER 1800-1880 13 GEORGE TICKNOR (1791-1871) Height 24 in.; width 20 in. Founder of the Boston Public Library. Inscribed at the back in the artist’s handwriting:— This portrait of George Ticknor was painted by me in 1825. Francis Alexander. THOMAS COLE, N. A. 1801-1848 14 EPES SARGENT (1813-1880) Height 30 m.; width 20 in. Poet and Dramatist. Wrote “A Life on the Ocean Wave” On back of canvas, in the artist’s hand:—Painted for Epes Sargent by his friend, T. Cole, 1843. fo oe HENRY INMAN N. A. 1801-1846 15 NATHANIEL HAWTHORNE (1804-1846) Height 7 in.; width 6 in. Celebrated Author. oe Signed on back, Inman 1835. 6 g SAMUEL F. B. MORSE, P. N. A. 1791-1872 Gy JIUNINUTSS IBIRIUINOS, OOIME ac MBIRIWIMOS (1796-1852) Height 24 in.; width 20 in. “Brutus” was a tragedy by John Howard Payne. Signed at the right, Morse Pinx. i) = 55 EMANUEL LEUTZE, N. A. 1816-1868 17/ FREDERICK EDWIN CHURCH, N. A. (1826-1900) Fleight 37 in.; width 28 in. Distinguished Landscape Artist. Signed at Center, E. ILeenae, IN, Wo, so. JOHN QUIDOR 1801-1881 18 COLONEL BENJAMIN TALLAMADGE (1754-1835) Height 24 in.; width 20 in. Revolutionary Hero of Litchfield, Conn. Quidor was a pupil of John Wesley Jarvis and a teacher of Charles Loring Elliott. Portraiture was unusual for him. So this is quite a rare item. Signed at right, J. Quidor, N. Y., 1828. Go SS PIETER VANDERLYN (Born in the 17th Century) This is the first one of his portraits ever offered publicly for sale. He was the first painter who worked on the Upper Hudson, 19 HELENA BOGARDUS VAN BUREN (1692- 1760) Height 33 in.; width 26 in. Great Grand-daughter of Dominie Bogardus of Kingston bx PIERRE E. DU SIMITIERE Pastel ( -1784) 20 SARAH DEARBORN PAGE (1736-1831) Height 15% in.; width 11 in. Sister of Gen. Henry Dearborn. Inscribed on the back, apparently in the artist’s hand ot writing:—Drawn by Pierre du Simitiere se Te JOHN W. CASILEAR, N. A. 1811-1893 21 JOSEPH CLAY NEAL (1807-1847) Height 30 in.; width 25 in. Humorist, Owner and Editor of “Neal's Saturday Gazette,’ Philadelphia. Signed on left with monogram, J. W. CG. WES, THOMAS BIRCH 1787-1851 22 COMMODORE ISAAC McKEEVER, U. S. N. (1793-1856) Height 27 in.; width 22 in, Signed at right, T. Birch, 1831. JOHN SINGLETON COPLEY (Pastel) 23 SARAH MORTON WARREN (1718-1793) Height 16 in.; width 12 in. Wife of Nathaniel Warren of Plymouth, Mass. Inherited by Josiah Johnson, Jr., of Plymouth, and from him by Charles J. Johnson, of 49 Franklin St., N. Y. Loaned by him to Exhibition of the Apollo Association, N. Y., 1841, being No. 146. One of the earliest Copley items in existence. Signed on left, John S. Copley, 1754. Lod \ SAMUEL LOVETT WALDO, A. N. A, 1783-1861 24 HON. WILLIAM ELLIOTT Height 50 in.; width 40 in. Wrote “Carolina Sports,” a favorite book on fishing and hunting. This portrait and the following is listed in Robert Bolton’s Westchester County, N. Y., 1881, Vol. 2, page 484, as being then in the collection of Henry M. Morris, of Morrisania and New York City. Signed on the lower left, S. L. Waldo Pinx, 1838. a SAMUEL LOVETT WALDO, A. N. A. 1783-1821 Ay SOIPIGULA, WB ILAL ALOU Height 50 in.; width 40 in. Wife of William Elliott. Signed on the lower left, S. L. Waldo Pinx, 1838. po BENJAMIN WEST, P. R. A. 1738-1820 AS) ACISURIES IE (COUN) ANSI, IMLONUINAL (ue OLAV IBS This painting and the following has been on exhibi- tion at the Brooklyn Museum for the past month, included in the Memorial Exhibition of the work of Benjamin West. A photograph of each of these two paintings is in The Collection of the Frick Art Ref- erence Library. They are unusual in being examples of West’s American Period. Although he painted many pictures here, few are now known to exist. These two may be the only ones of this period on record, Signed on the back of the canvas, B. West, N. Y., v 1758. pre eee ; eens BENJAMIN WEST, P. R. A. 1738-1820 2/7 “THE LAST SUPPER” This and the above were formerly in the Collection of Dr. David Hosack, of New York. eta THOMAS COLE, N. A. 1801-1848 28 “VIEW FROM NEAR THE SUMMIT OF MOUNT WASHINGTON, N. H.” Height 35 in.; width 27 in. Signed on back with the full title as above, T. Cole, 1828. GS WASHINGTON ALLSTON 1779-1843 29 MARY CARROLL CATON (1770-1818) Height 18 in.; width 15 in. Wife of Richard Caton and daughter of Charles Carroll on Carrollton: Signed at left, W. Allston, 1820. caw o THOMAS HICKS, N. A. 1823-1890 30 GENERAL JOHN CHARLES FREMONT (1813-1890) | Height 24 in.; width 20 in. “The Pathfinder,’ Governor of California, 1846. Founder’s medal, Royal Geographical Society of London, 1850. ‘“Blazed the Trail’ for the route of the South Pacific R. R. from the East to California. First National Republican Candidate for the Presi- dency, 1856. Burnt in the stretcher, J. C. Fremont, Thomas Hicks, 'N. A. ae. ES, WILLIAM MORRIS HUNT 1804-1879 31 WILLIAM BARTON ROGERS (1805-1882) Height 30 in.; width 25 im. Founder of The Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology Signed on left with monogram, W. M. H., ’55. re Go Os CHARLES LORING ELLIOTT, N. A. (Pastel) 1812-1868 32 JUDGE WILLIAM LEARNED MARCY (1786- 1857) Height 10 in.; width 8 in. Secretary of State under Franklin Pierce. Signed at right, Elliott, 1843. JOSEPH H. BUSH 1794-1865 33 GOVERNOR JAMES GARRARD (1749-1822) Height 22 in.; width 18 in. Second Governor of Kentucky. Bush was a native Kentucky artist. Roan Signed on right, J. Bush, 1815. View a= CHARLES ROBERT LESLIE, R. A. 1794-1859 34 ELIZA LESLIE (1787-1858) FHeight 22 in.; width 18 in. Sister of the artist. Inscribed on the back of canvas, “Aunt Eliza Leslie.” b) painted by Uncle Charles R. Leslie in 1833. oe ae JOHN WESLEY JARVIS 1780-1839 35 JOHN LAURANCE (1750-1810) Fleight 30 in.; width 25 in. Member from New York of the First U. S. Con- gress, 1789. REMBRANDT PEALE, N. A. 1778-1860 36 JOHN C. CALHOUN (1782-1850) eight 30 in.; width 25 in. Vice President of the U. Se WS ie TRY DANIEL HUNTINGTON, P.N. A. 1816-1900 37, 2 MIAVIORS BE TE SCHUYLER (1836- ) Height 33 in.; width 25% in. Signed on lower right, D. Huntington, 1862. Ge CE EDWARD DALTON MARCHANT, A. N. A. 1806-1887 38 SARAH PAYSON WILLIS (1811-1872) Height 9 in.; width 74 in. “Fanny Fern,” Sister of Nathaniel P. Willis. TED 2? OLIVER FRAZER 1808-1864 39 JAMES GILLESPIE BIRNEY (1792-1856) Height 22 in.; width 18% in. Founded the Kentucky Anti-Slavery Society, Painted in Lexington, Ky., in 1835, let EASTMAN JOHNSON, N. A. 1824-1906 40 SPENCER TRASK (1844- ) Height 27 in.; width 20 in Banker, Owner of N. Y. Times. Signed on left, E. Johnson. oe gtd CHARLES BIRD KING 1785-1862 al ORBUN, RAUSSISILIG, VARI IL Ie (1805-1886) Archeologist. Corresponding Secretary of the N. Y. Historical Society. 3d a DANIEL HUNTINGTON, P.N. A. 1816-1906 (Drawing) 42 ABRAHAM LINCOLN (1809-1865) eight 10 in.; width 8 in. Signed on right, Huntington. ce COe ALVAN FISHER 1792-1863 43 DR. JAMES. GATES PERCIVAL (1795-1856) Height 24 in.; width 20 in. Eccentric Poet and Geologist. Signed on left, A. Fisher, 1820. Side ED ASHER BROWN DURAND, P.N. A, 1796-1886 44 FRANKLIN PIERCE (1804-1869) Height 36 in.; width 28 in Fourteenth President of the United States. Signed on lower right, A. B. Durand. 7 JAMES FROTHINGHAM, N. A. 1786-1864 45 JOSEPH EMERSON WORCESTER (1784- 1855) Height 10 in.; width & in. Author of “Worcester’s Dictionary.” oe yee J? J. G. CHANDLER 46 DANIEL WEBSTER (1782-1852) Height 36 in.; width 29 in. Lawyer and Orator. Signed at lower left, J. G. Chandler. oies. wo CHARLES LORING ELLIOTT, N. A. 1812-1868 AT CEN DRA EA Av ai: BAKER (1826- 1868) Height 30 in.; width 25 in. First head of the U. S. Secret Service. Member of the San Francisco Vigilance Committee, 1856. oe? Signed at right, Elliott, 1863. ae ea 48 49 50 1 OL BASS OTIS 1784-1861 DOLLY MADISON (1772-1849) Height 10 in.; width 9 in. go 30 ao SHEPARD A. MOUNT, N. A. 1804-1868 CEPHAS GIOVANNI THOMPSON, A. N. ‘A. (1809-1888) Height 36 in.; width 29 in. Fashionable portrait painted of the Forties. x REMBRANDT PEALE, N. A. 1778-1860 PIERCE CARRICK Height 30 in.; width 25 in. Merchant of Philadelphia. Moke 22 WILLIAM H. POWELL, A. N. A. 1823-1879 eight 27 in.; width 22 in. LAURA KEEN E (1828-1873) Actress, manager and dramatist. ea ine Signed on right, Powell, 1858. Y BASS OTIS 1784-1861 52 DR. SAMUEL JAICKSON (1787-1872) Height 30 in.; width 25 in. Professor at Pennsylvania University. rr? ey, a SAMUEL KING 1749-1819 53 LIEUT. RICHARD SOMERS, U. S. N. (1778- 1804) Height 19 in.; width 15% in. Hero of the “Intrepid” disaster, 1804. Ae JOHN BLAKE WHITE 1782-1859 54 BILLINGTON McCARTER SANDERS (1789- 1852) Height 33 in.; width 27 in. First President of Mercer University. a5. ae — CuCOHiIEE: 55 HENRY CLAY (1777-1857) Height 40 in.; width 30 in. Statesman and Orator. Signed on back of canvas, C. Cohill, Philadelphia, ad) 1842. FREDERICK PORTER VINTON, N. A. 1847-1911 56 JOHN STEVENS CABOT ABBOTT (1805- 1877) Height 30 in.; width 25 in. Wrote History of the Civil War In America. Signed on right with monogram, F. P. V., May, 1869. i pe CHARLES LORING ELLIOTT, N. A. 1812-1868 5/7 JOHN*FREDERICK KENSETT, N. A. (1818- 1872) Height 30 in.; width 25 in. Popular artist of the Hudson River School. Signed on left, Elliott, 1854. GE 70 = DANIEL HUNTINGTON, P.N. A. 1816-1906 58 “DIANA”—IDEAL PORTRAIT Height 21 in.; width 17 in. Signed on lower left, monogram D. H., ’50. > po ae bs REMBRANDT PEALE, N. 1778-1860 59 SCULPTURE PANELED DOOR Height 78 in.; width 39 in. Symbolic figure. Cutting the bust of Franklin. te) Signed on right, Rembrandt Peale. ; Oe “y? REMBRANDT PEALE, N. A. 1778-1860 60 “PAINTING” Height 78 in.; width 39 im. These two paneled doors were used as such between the gallery of Sculpture and Painting at Peale’s Museum, Philadelphia. Signed on right, Rembrandt Peale. EE ap) (GEO, Woo INESICIEIN Auctioneer