ARTISTS’ PUND SOCIETY OF NEW VORK. Instituted 1859. Chartered 186r. Cae i pi OG WE ) WENTY SECOND ANNUAL SALE OF PAINTINGS Contributed by Members in aid of the Fund. NOW ON FREE EXHIBITION In the South Gallery of the NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN, Ath Ave. and 23d street, AND WILL BE SOLD ON Monday and Tuesday Evenings, Jan. 16th and 17th, 1882. AT EIGHT O’CLOCK, AT ASSOCIATION. ETAT, (Y. M. C. A. BUILDING.) 23p Srreet AND Fourtru AVENUE. THOS. E. KIRBY & CO.,, Auctioneers BROADWAY, NEAR satu STREET, NEW YORK. LIF.RARY M.KNGEDLER & CO. 556-8 Fifth Ave, New York /L \ f\ | / /) AY! i Ede ZL Es -+ fi of i OPPICERS. THOMAS HICK S)) 0 /-o 2 Presedent. ALFRED JONES. - Vice-President. JM. FALCONER, - - — Treasurer. GH YBWHLL, = - —- Seeretary. lg D. HUNTINGTON, . - | EASTMAN JOHNSTON. i WoROBBING ~ 244 of CHAS. H. MILLER, -- A.C. HOWLAND, - Board Control. PN ODS Me Ds Flonorary Medical Adviser. CONTRIBUTOR TO THE BENE. VOLENT FUND. Mr. JOHN T. PEELH, London, lingland. —— ARMSTRONG, D. Barrow, J. D., Brarp, W. H., Bal nee Ot Buavveut, C. F., U. 8. napolis, Md. BouacHton, G. H., West Ho Kensington n, London. BRICHER, Ae T., 52 Hast 23 Briston, J. B., 52 Kast 26d t. RUNNER, A. F.. 52 = ast 23d Street. Brown J. oe 51 West 10th Street Carin, J., 2 i3 West 25th Street. Casizpar. J. W., 51 West 10th Street. Cover, Vincent, Rowyaton, Conn. Crancu, C. P., 83 Avenue de Villiers, Paris. CropsEy, J. F., oe Sai ; bith Street. Dr Luce. Percrvar, 58 West 57th & Street, Daruey, F. 0. C. “Chay m a oe De Haas, M. F. H., 5 . DiELMAN FREDERICK, on eet. Fanconer, J. M: 110 St. Feli > a eee FarRpeRr. Henry, 51 West 10th Street: Fitcu, J. L., 51 West 10th Street. Furcusen, H., 51 West Lot th Street. Gay, E., Mt. Vernon, N N. Y. Garrorp, R. Swatn, 152 West ee Street. GREATOREX, Mrs. Bxiza, 60 Wal t Griswonp, C. C., 46 Via San Ba: Italy. Guy, S. J., 51 West 10th Street. HiwNessy , W. J.. Le Manoir de penne de pie, Canton d@’ Honfleur, Calvados, France. Hicks, THoxras, ® pee Place, New York Howxanp, A. C , 02 East 23d Street Hvsparp, Rh Ww 31 West 10th Street Huntrineton, D., 49 Kast 20th Street. JOHNSON. Davi. 52 East 23d Street as Jounxson Eastman, 65 West 55th Street. LIST OF MEMBERS — Continvep. Jonrs, A., American Tank Note Company, Broadway. Lane, Louris, Wayerley Hote’, 4th Street and Broadway. Lamspin, G C., 1520 Chesnut Street, Phila- delphia Pa. Lay, Onryer I. 52 Hast 23d Street, Loop. H. A., 142 East 18th Street. Macy, W.S., 52 East 23d Street. Mrtnor, R. C, 42 East 14th Street. McCorp, G. H., 52 East 23 Street. Martin, Homer, 51 West 10th Street. Minter, Cuas. H., 108 West 23d Street. : i Moorzr, H H, Casa de Don Juan Cl2mens, & Alameda, Malaga, Spain Mora@an, Wm.. 58 West 57th Street. Miitner, K., 75th Street, betweeu Avente A and East River. Nicoun, J. C., 51 West 10th Street. PARSONS, CHARLES, 82 Cliff Street Parton, Arruur, 51 West 10th Street. Parton, ERNust, 8 Elm Tree Road, St. John’: Wood London. QuUARTLEY, ARTHUR, 1 Union Square. Kicmarps, IT. A., National Academy of Design, 23d Street and Fourth Avenue. Rozpeins, H. W., 51 West 10ch Street. Rypr, Prarr P., 335 East 118th Street. Scorr, Junttan, Plainfield, New Jersey. Sruva, Francis A., 11 East 14th Street. Sonntac, W L, 120 East 22d Street. Srory, Gro. H. 52 East 23d Street, ‘Tarr, Agruvr I", 52 East 230 Street. THayer, A. H., 52 East 23d Street. ‘TsHompson, A. WorpswortH, 52 East 23d Street. Vouk, Dovanas, 109 West 34th Street. Weir, JOHN F., 158 Trumbull St., New Haven, Conn. WHIrTREDGE, W., 51 West 10th Street. WILLIAMSON, JOHN, Yonkers, N. Y. Wiaains, J C ,30 Hast 14th Street. Woop, J.O, 9 Rue Bochard de Saror, Paris Yewerun, G. H.. 578 Fifth Avenue. (2 " The framesare to be taken by purchasers of the paintings, atthe prices noted. _Parties unable to attend the sale may confide their _ orders to the Board of Control or the Auctioneer. First Evening’s Sale. Price of Frame VINCENT COLYER. 1 Sunrise on the Grand Canal, Venice. 13 by 19 $22 00 GEORGE C. LAMBDIN. 2 The First Rose of the Year. 20 by 30 25 00 ROBERT C. MINOR. 38 Woodland Pasture. 18 by 24 30 00 DOUGLAS VOLK. 4 Female Head. 17 by 14 5 00 JOHN WILLIAMSON. 5 Pond Lilies. 15 by 124 12 50 10 Price of Frame. WORDSWORTH THOMPSON. 6 The Corniche Road near Mentone. 14 by 24 27 00 W. S&S MACY. 7 Summer Clouds. 12 by 20 22. 00 WILLIAM MORGAN. (So) The Squirrels Humt:” 173 by 134 Ny oS Se EDWARD GAY. 9 Twilight on the Ouse, Pedfordshire, England, 24 by 36 $30 00 WM. L. SONNTAG. 10 Rustic Bridge, N. H. 10 by 12 15 00 _. ABBOTT H. THAYER. 11 Autumn on a Berkshire Stream- 16 by 20 12 00 ELIZA GREATOREX. 12 Bay Ridge Shore. 14 by 103 12 00 ee 1] Price of Frame F. 0. C. DARLEY. 13. Scene from “The Un-Commercial Traveller.” ‘What tramp children do I see here, attired in ahandful of rags *.* * making a toy of the hobbled old horse.—Cuap. XL. 22 by 27% $25 00 KARL MULLER, Bele t ( rood Morning.” ‘Good Night.” (Marble Busts.) Height 113 inches. Cc. ©. GRISWOLD. On the Tiber near Rome, 145 by 223 ARTHUR PARTON. : 16 Midsummer. 35 by 26 38 00 CHARLES H. MILLER. iy Werexonahesst 20 by 24 30 00 JOHN D: BARROW. ; 18 Noon Time. 18 by 30 32 50 ET. ADDISON RICHARDS. 19 The Delaware at Dingman’s Ferry Penn. 23 00 12 Price of Frame OGDEN WOOD. Normandy Pastures, 24 by 32 $45 00 Nw ERNEST PARTON. 21 On the River Llugwy, N. Wales. 36 by 28 CARLETON WIGGINS: 22 Herding Cattle in France. 4 25 by 36 45 00 ARTHUR QUARTLEY. Morning, North Shore Long Island. 25% by 19 35 00 we SE JOHN L, FITCH 24 ‘Twilight on the Kuh Fluth, Bavaria. 24 by 20 23 00 FREDERICK DIELMAN. 5 aU TOsn 512 by 20 18 00 HERMAN FUECHSEL. A (7 () «26 Going to Pasture. 25 by 44 45 00 GEORGE H. STORY. 27 A fellow relating his adventures. 241 by 143 35 00 29 30 31 35 13 Price of Frame R W. HUBBARD. View near Glastenbury, Conn. 20 by 16% $29 25 MAITLAND ARMSTRONG. Interior, San Marco, Venice. 22 by 18 23 00 JOHN F. WEIR. After the Rain. 24 by 32 35 00 A. C HOWLAND: Monday Morning. 14 by 18 25 00 _. “SCP NICOLE: Sunset. 14 by 24 20 00 EASTMAN JOHNSON, The Fifer and his Son. 22 by 27 35 00 A. F. TAIT. The -Home of the Deer Adiron- dacks, N. Y. 20 by 30 40 00 J. B. BRISTOL. Monument Mountain, from Stock- bridge, Mass. 18 by 30 00 1 () Price of Frome LOUIS LANG. Ophelia. 36 by 26 $35 00 A. T. BRICHER. Pulpit Rock, Portland Harbor. 24 by 44 55 00 J.G BROWN. The Juggler. 23 by 17 38 00 J. M. FALCONER. Quiet farming, East Hampton, L. I. 123 by 173 18 50 JOHN CARLIN. Old and .Young.” “At the bewitching hour of night Tho heavens shed their mellow fires: The oln folks doze ; the maiden bright Her wooing Swain with hope inspires.”’ 17 by..24 26 00 PERCIVAL DE LUCE. In Church. 21 by 17 25: 00 R SWAIN GIFFORD ‘Early Autumn Days.” 18 by 30 33 9 FRANCIS A, SILVA. In Narragansett Bay, 21 by 39 45 00 ae 4A 15 Price of Faame A, F. BUNNER. “On the Shore of the Chiem See. Bavarian Highlands.” 36 by 27 $15 06 W. H. BEARD. ‘ONO: you dont... Pillai ith” 16 by 20 28 00 JOHN WILLIAMSON. Lamoille Valley and Mansfield Mountain from Fairfax. Vermont Qi by 32 $27 50 HENRY FARRER. Moonlight in the Bay. 20 by 33 38 50 G. H. McCORD. The River Road, Winter Evening. 20 by 36 38 00 JOHN T. PEELE. Bunnie’s Breakfast. 261 by 364 $35 00 Donation forthe Benevolent Fund. J. F. CROPSEY. Greenwood Lake. 10 by 13 16 00 16 _ Price of Frame W. J. HENNESSY. 51 The Flowers of May. 21 by 144 $20 50 Second Night’s Sale. JOHN D. BARROW. = 252 Hemlock tree: 12 by 20 15 00 A T. BRICHER. 53 “On the Merrimac at Newburyport 18 by 34 37 00 CHRISTOPHER P. CRANCH. cy) ee Canal in Venice. L¢f 18 by 123 JOHN CARLIN. 55 gt ne Knickerbocker Fiddler. iL, 8 by 10 11 00 J. M FALCONER. 56 The Farmer’s Boy. 19 by 15 22 00 OGDEN WOOD. y 51g In Picardy. ) 18 by 24 38 00 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 Price of Frame MAITLAND ARMSTRONG. Old Houses at E Pont Aven, Brittany. LOUIS LANG. The Poor Newsboy’s Refuge. rht Reserved. Copyris 15 by 18 15 00 ARTHUR PARTON. “An Afternoon in Napanoch.” 24 by 40 45 00 JOHN D BARROW. Golden Rod. 18 by 30 35 00 T. ADDISGN RICHARDS. A River Bank. 34 by 28 34 00 ELIZA GREATOREX. Indian Summer in the Narrows. IT by Q74 19 00 R. W. HUBBARD Cloudy Day. bo tw bo (=) 15 by 123 KARL MULLER. ‘“‘Tshmael.” (Marble Statuette.) $ s1g 00 / / Height 18 inches, base 20 by 12. / — 66 6S 69 ie Price of Frame ROBERT C. MINOR. Morning near the Essex Marshes England. WA) oye M6) $27 00 FRANCIS A. SILVA. Evening. 20 by 36 40 00 DAVID JOHNSON. View at Joyceville, Conn. es 15 by 22 42 00 eA MUN. An Alarm, Adirondacks, September 24 by 36 - 50 00 JOHN WILLIAMSON. Great South Bay, from 3ellport, Long Island. 13 by 20 17 00 PERCIVAL DE LUCE. “The Rival Dolls.” 9 by 12 10 00 HENRY FARRER. On the Hast River. 15 by 24 31 00 OLIVER I. LAY. Zain In Summer. 22% by 19 to) +1 +] 1 SO 51 Price of Frame G.4H. MceCORD. After the November Storm. Long, Tsland Sound. 20 by 36 $38 00 W, J. HENNESSY. A Daughter of Eve. 244 by 18 30 00 GEO. C. LAMBDIN. Rose Bush. 24 by 18 28 00 SEYMOUR J. GUY. “Look, Mamma!” 33 by 29 57 50 W. WHITTREDGE. Newport Farm Yard. 12 by 20. 20 00 WILLIAM MORGAN, Our Market Gardeners. 16 by 24 27 00 H. W. ROBBINS, View on Lake Champlain. 14 by 22 22 00 WORDSWORTH THOMPSON. A Market Day, Lake Maggiore, Italy 24 by 35 38 00 Price of Frame J. F. CROPSEY. 82 The Hudson River near Newburgh: 20 by 12 $20 00 THOMAS HICKS. 83 \lone. 21 by £7 20 00 VINCENT COLYER. 84 The Market Place at Vicenza, Italy. Famous as the birth place, in 1518, of Andrea Palladio. the last great Architect of the Renaissance. 12 by 215 29 00 Pp. P RYDER. 85 Sunday Morning. 25 by 31 28 50 GEO. H. YEWELL. 86 Streetin Boulak near Cairo 14 by 93 20 00 J W CASILEAR. 87 Autumn. 3 9 by 14 18 00 DOUGLAS YOLK. 88 30yhood Days, 14 by 17 20 00 EDWARD GAY. 89 The Silver Birches. 36 by 24 90 9] 94 2a Price of Freme W.sS. MACY, Winter Sunset over the Marsh 18 by 29% $35 00 F.O C. DARLEY Major Heywird meets Hawk-eye in the Forest, 22 by 263 25 00 WM, L. SONNTAG. A Glimpse of Mt. Hayes, N. H. 16 by 24 28 50 J. M, FALCONER. “Where Ships go Sailing By.” 16 by 24 23 50 CHRISTOPHER P. CRANCH. Saint Cloud. 19% by 314 Fu EDERICK DIELMAN. “Ohristine.” 104 by 84 15 00 CHAS. H. MILLER. Millpond at Bayside, Long Island. 18 by 24 30 00 GEO. H. STORY The Fisherman’s Comfort. 24 by 20 42 00 98 cies) 160 101 102 103 104. 105 106 22 Price of Frame ERNEST PARTON. A Quiet Nook in France. Big by 243 JULIAN SCOTT. One more shot. ; 3) by 22 $35 00 A RTHUR QU ARTLEY. In Shallow Water. Long Island Shore. 13 by 22 30 00 CARLETON WIGGINS. Ploughing on the Plains of Barbizon 18 by 22 45 00 MW, FE. AH. DE HAAS. Moonrise at Orient Point, L. I. 24 by 34 43 ¢0 JOHN CARLIN. The Old Bridge near Bridgeton, N.J. 13 by 18 15 co HERMAN FUECHSEL, >) Y 2 & = Uunters in Camp. 20 by 32 45 OO HOMER D. MARTIN. Landscape. 2) by 30 28 00 CHRISTOPHER P, CRANCH. In Regent’s Park, London, Eng. 16} by 192 NOTICE, Tue 22ND ANNUAL SALE OF THE ARTISTS Fuxrp Society will be held at the Association Hall, on the evenings of Monday and Tuesday January 16th and 17th commencing at 8 o’clock each evening. Parties unable to attend the sale may confide their bids to the Board of Control, or the Auc tioneer, Thos. E. Kirby. OH. ondon, Ene.