ee - | | | | | A BOOK OF Ortratt OB THE FACULTY OF THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY BALTIMORE By DORIS ULMANN BALTIMORE, MD. THE JOHNS HOPKINS PRESS 1922 PRINTED AT THE SHOP OF WILLIAM E. RUDGE, MT. VERNON, N.Y. TYPE COMPOSITION BY BERTHA M. GOUDY AT THE VILLAGE PRESS, FOREST HILLS GARDENS, N. Y., IN ““NEWSTYLE TYPES DESIGNED BY FREDERIC W. GOUDY A BOOK OF PORTRAITS Sieben INTRODUCTION =) BOOK OF PORTRAITS SUGGESTS frequently a very different conception to different individuals and often a volumi- nous production in which the portraits are subordinate to the text is implied. The au- thor’s conception of a book of portraits is a =} volume in which the portraits grasp enough of the dominant character and outstanding personality of the in- dividual to make verbal delineation superfluous. The prominence of the Medical Department of the Johns Hopkins University is such that a book of portraits of the group of men who have played such a preeminent role in American medicine may be of interest not only to their present and former students but to many of their colleagues and friends. For those who know these men only through their writings a natural de- site to see something of their personality frequently arises. In these portraits the aim has been to express as much as possible of the individuality and character of each member of the faculty, though this has not always been an easy task, nor perhaps has it always been attained. In trying to achieve this purpose the por- traits have been made in the more intimate surroundings of office, laboratory or study, thus avoiding the conventional trap- pings and posing of the professional studio. In their own envi- ronment natural attitudes are more readily taken with less tend- ency to assume an unconscious photographic expression, and it is in their more familiar haunts that theirstudents and associates have come to picture them. In a work of this kind it is not possible to include the en- tire faculty. Dr. Welch, Dr. Williams and Dr. Smith have very kindly chosen those members of the faculty whose portraits are presented. It is regrettable that Sir William Osler and Dr. Wil- liam S. Halsted are missing in this group because their pupils and colleagues will ever associate their names with Johns Hopkins. It is regretted that when these portraits were made Sir William Osler was no longer at Johns Hopkins, and unfortunately, it was not possible to overcome Dr. Halsted’s aversion to pose, either for the camera or for his picture in any other medium. The por- traits were made in the Spring of 1920, but on account of un- avoidable delays the book could not be completed sooner. I wish to express my indebtedness to Dr. William Baer for his very kind interest and assistance, and my appreciation to all who so patiently gave their time and who so heartily cooperated to make these portraits possible. I am delighted to thank Mr. Harry Phillips for his skill and care in the photogravure repro- ductions and Mr. Frederic W. Goudy for his characteristic and original work in typography. Doris Ulmann New York, June, 1922 THE PORTRAITS Frank Johnson Goodnow, LL. D., President of the University William Henry Welch, M.D.,LL.D., Director and Head of the Department of Bacteriology and Immunology of School of Hygiene and Public Health John J. Abel, M.D.,Sc.D., Professor of Pharmacology William Henry Howell, Ph.D.,.M.D.,Sc.D.,LL.D., Professor of Physiology and Assistant Director of the School of Hy- giene and Public Health John Whitridge Williams, M.D., Sc.D., LL.D., Professor of Obstetrics and Dean Walter Jones, Ph. D., Professor of Physiological Chemistry Adolf Meyer, M.D.,LL.D., Professor of Psychiatry Winford Henry Smith, M. D., Ex-Officio [Supt., Johns Hopkins Hospital] John Howland, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics William George Mac Callum, M.D., Baxley Professor of Path- ology Florence Rena Sabin, M.D., Sc. D., Professor of Histology William Sydney Thayer, M.D., LL.D., Hon. F.R.C.P.L, Pro- fessor of Medicine Lewis Hill Weed, M.D., Professor of Anatomy Henry Mills Hurd, M.D., LL.D., Professor Emeritus of Psy- chiatry Howard Atwood Kelly, M. D., LL. D., Hon. F.R.C.S., Professor Emeritus of Gynecology Max Broedel, Associate Professor of Art as Applied to Medicine Donald Russell Hooker,M.D.,Associate Professorof Physiology Lewellys Franklin Barker, M.D., LL.D, Professor of Clinical Medicine John Miller Turpin Finney, M. D., Professor of Clinical Surgery Thomas Stephen Cullen, M.B., Professor of Clinical Gynecology Samuel Theobald, M.D., Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology Henry M. Thomas, M.D., Clinical Professor of Neurology Jere Williams Lord, M.D., Clinical Professor of Dermatology Thomas Caspar Gilchrist, M.D.,M.R.C.S., L.S.A. [Eng. } Clin- ical Professor of Dermatology Hugh Hampton Young, M.D., Clinical Professor of Urology William Wood Russell, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Gynecology Thomas Barnes Futcher, M.B., Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine Joseph Colt Bloodgood, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery William Stevenson Baer, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Orthopedic Surgery Thomas Richmond Boggs, M.D., Associate Professor of Clini- cal Medicine Louis Virgil Hamman, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine John Timothy Geraghty, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Urology Frederick Henry Baetjer, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Roentgenology Samuel James Crowe, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Laryngology Richard Holden Follis, M.D., Associate Professor of Clinical Surgery George J. Coy, Registrar of the Medical Department Beef Med qe es Sale es Se nA thsitd_— 1 | DORIS ULMANKAY, Kewethys 7. Parke, a se oe Shoma- 7B. TeTebor-. ies 1: ce wna Ho.