LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York a . PORT RP EEN CT STROM t eee T i Maptc SAME MEET EP eT Felt a eet Le wot hewawem, wees anace seen, — —_— : Q > t ] 4 7 THE C= | Over ™~ WY, Gethamer 0-1 FF. THE COLLECTION UNDER THD HAMMER BRINGS . _.. MORE “THAN, $54,000. © oa The modern paintings belonging to. the estate of the late Mrs, F. E..Crosby were:sold at auction last evening at the Fifth Avenue Art Gallertes, No. 366 Fifth-ave. The collection included sixty-six oil paintings and water-colors, representing the work of forty-six @ifferent artists. The sale was well attended, fully 400 people being present. Brisk bidding. prevatied, and only a :few of the pictures SAL OF OROSBY ESTATE PAINTINGS. sold for less than $250. Most of the buyers were dealers, acting as agents,: and. the names. of the real purchasers could not be learned. The highest priced picture: was ‘Returning to the Fold,” by: Anton Mauve, which was knockeddown to Knoed- ler & Co. for $6,000.’ Other paintings that Soldat Heh figures ‘were: ' “landscape,” Harpignies, $1,200; . “The Turkey Driver,” ‘Jacque, $500; ‘Low Tide on the Beach,’ Mauve; $300; “'The Road Over the Mcor,’’ Mauve, $500; “Antwerp in 1871,” Ziem, $1,500; “Lhe .Dejeuner de :.Monsieur: de Curé,”’ $500; “The End of the Duel,’”’ Bazzaro, $475; ‘‘The Wanderers,’’ Bruck, $700; ‘‘Cows in” Pasture; De Haas, $375; “In the Harvest Field,’’ Dupré, $475; “‘Cattle at the Well,”” Mauve, $3,100; ‘“Dutch Fishing Vessels, Low Tide,’’?’ Mesdag, $600; “‘The Amateur Naturalists,” Loustaunau, $325; ‘‘The River Oise,’? Dupré, $950; “Morning,” Daubigny, $2,200; “The Weary Gleaner,” Perrault, $1,500; ‘“Grand Canal, Venice,’’ Ziem, $2,000; ‘In the Pasture,’’ .Mauve, $4,900; “Le Regain,” Dupré, | $1,800; ‘A Morning Call,” Stewart, $500; “Landscape Sunset,” Harpignies, $800; “Sunrise on the North Sea,” Mesdag, $500;"‘Lake in the High- lands, Scotland,’’ Doré, $1,000; “Flock of Sheep, Moonlight,” Jacque, $3,100; ‘(The Riverside,” Corot, $950; ‘‘Landscape and Cattle,’’ Van Marcke, $700: “Corbigny on the :Nierve,”’ Daubigny, $2,500; “The Farm,’ Dupré, $4,000; ‘‘The Return of the Flock, Evening,’ Mauve, $4,900, © The total amount realized by: the sale was $54, 405, ee — ; } f | . ij Sone "THE CROSBY PICTURE SALE. _Gver $50,000 Paid for the Collec- N.Y. bs 0h tion. = X- 73~ pe Taking into consideration. the cae! the | prices paid at the ¢ale of the Crosby pic- tures are regarded as good. The sale took | place on Wednesday evening at the Tifth Avenue Art Galleries, 366 Fifth Avenue, and ‘the pictures in oil and water color—- | sixty-six in number—belonging to the estate AY (of Mrs. FE. D. Crosby, brought in, total $54,405. Among artists represented were Balch’ sen, Bloomers, Lajos Bruck Chevilliard, Corot, C. F. Daubigny, J. H. L: De Hass, Diaz, Doré, Jules and Julien Dupré, Geger- felt, Harpignies, Jacque, Jiminez y Arandée, : Loustenau, Mauve, Mesdag,: Miralles,- Neu- -huys, Offerman, Perrault, Poggenbeek, | Ranger, Roelofs, Jules Stewart, Valenburg, ' Van Marcke,:. Van - Oosterzee, Yeyrasset, . | Wysmu ller, and Ziem. iti was bought by EDGE ET on, ,, Mauve’s pie- brought higher prices than had been ex- ‘pected. Ten years ago they would sear cely, ‘-Sorbigny on the Nievre,” for $2, 500. Some Moe the ee with - prices, were = fol- ~ lows: ' Offerman, (T.,) ‘The Patient Ang- Ever? © . Chevilliard, (Vincent,) “St. Pray for Me.” ; Meissner, (4,,) landscape and sheep.. Harpignies, (Henri,). landscape | Valkenburg, (H.,). ‘Interior,’ water eolor Gesas | Neuhuys, (Albert,) “The Little Nurse,’ water color | Blommers, “CB. J.) “Fhe _ Evening ; Meal,” water: color Jacque, (Charles,) “The °' Turkey Driver,’ water color . Las (Anton,) “ The Road. Over the Rae “ Low Tidé on, thie Beach”... 300 Ziem, (Felix,) ‘Antwerp in 1871... 1,500 Rotta, (Silvia di’ Antonio,) '‘“‘ Le De- jeuner de Monsieur Le Curé’’.... 500 | Bazzaro, (lu.,) “‘ The Hnd of the Baek 7 475 The highest. price paid ava $6,000, sae a. canvas by Mauve, ‘‘ Returning, to the Fold... tures, of which there were, five, generally. have sold for a third of the prices now paid. f “A Jules Dupré went for $4, 000; a Jacque 4 ) for $3,100; a painting by on ae. Daubigny, of. | Vaikenberg, (H.,) “‘ Preparing Break- “gS Sy ae aceaiaa beg are tei ate eee Ure ~ 400» Gegerfelt, ee) ) . “Venice, Be Betas Bi Ses GaSe ta Pica ld 5. tah cob eo odgaitia: SEA ere NSIS: Bruce, (Lajos,) ‘‘ The Wandssére oe COO De: : aoa Gd. H. L..) a Cows in oes RVLNRGHet ara cchvor ats wire osaciar sy a egqnscarernions alirwlete rea x «x ale Diaz, €N.,) ‘‘ Edge oe ‘the Woeds ere ebetee ay 91 “Jacque, (Charles,) ‘‘ Chickens’’..... Saree 145) -Dupré, (Julien,) ‘‘In the Harvest ORES sara Needola toarsce econ rai Se ates 475 Mauve, “‘ Cattle at the igor 8,100 ' Mesdas, (H. W. ») ** Dutch Fishing _ ; Sete TAO WIE LA Gh oe ee 5s 3a so bandon pte 600 | Loustaunau,~ (Li: A. G..) o The: Amé- [ tere Naturalists: tee wists cack ae ee OLON . Dupré, (Jules,). eee, “The River. . ee ON oic5is coves oveig bias ai codvenie bs Boies 22-950 F Jiminez See Aranda,. Se Goss, Serute ‘The : PAOEMOCA YY iene ck base 8 A ve 275 |; Daubigny, (C. F. by ee Morning ” LE grass Sees Mauve, ‘In the Pasture’. ...%s...003 4900 ' Dupré, (Julien,) “‘,Le- Resain’ Hibiee why seedy OOO ;, Perrault, (L.,) “ "The Weary Gleaner 1560 .Ziem, (Felix,) ‘ Grand Canal, Venice ’’, 2,000 _ Stewart t, (Jules L.,) Paris; “A Morn- VEC S01) Sis RE Re aR eis BOO Harpignies,: (lenrty Paris; Landscape, Bias ee SV SUTISEE se ee a. FES Se es 800 i: Me; dag, (H. Ww. ,). “ Stimrise’ on the : OBUR Sea jase. cie 3 > saa Peep ssid bi ea areas y 500 ‘Doré, (Gustave,)- ‘Lake: inthe‘ oe : : oe lands, COREA os ia's, nia 350 ech ars "1,900 : / Mauve, “ Returning a the. ‘Fold ’ ae > 6,000 Jacque, (Charles,) oe Flock, of, Sheep, ea i Moonhight:’’’ eaters mete mes 3,100 m@ernt, Gs 3B, 1Cs5e*! ‘The Riverside: 2p “ 950) Sas oMarcke, .. (Bay)? _ vands ot i 2 Me : 7 ee eee wee wee gre P2 ve She “Retire of the Piock. ny cn the paca 2,500 Pure oe as “phe a Somat gg eae eres 4,000 an GiB Moenue Cel Galleries 366 StHB Qoenue, near 3465 Street J recufor’s Bale rd CATALOGUE OF Modern Daintings BELONGING TO THE ESTATE OF THE LATE Wis. § €. Crosby rO BE SOLD BY AUCTION Wednesdap Eoening, February 1065 3 AT EIGHT O’CLOCK eres Vy ROBERT SOMERVILLE AUCTIONEER CONDITIONS OF SALE & 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dis- pute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dis- pute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Pur- chase-money 7/ reguired, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. s, The Lots to be paid for and taken away at the Buyer’s risk and expense at the end of the sale, with all faults and errors of description, Messrs. Ortgies & Co. making no warranty whatever. 4. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery andinconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any ac- count, be removed during the sale. 5. The Auctioneers will not be liable for non-delivery of any artic’e above the amount paid by the purchaser for such article. 6. Upon failure to comply with above conditions, all Lots shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without fur- ther notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re- sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, to- gether with all charges attending the same. This con- dition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the Contract made at this Sale, without such re- sale, if he thinks fit. INDEX OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED. BAKHUYSEN, 21 BAZZARO, 36 BLOOMERS, 30 BruC, LAJOS, 39 CASSIERS, 22 CHELMONSEI, 45 CHEVILLIARD, 8 CONSTANTINI, II Corot, 62 DAUBIGNY, C. F., 51, 64 DE HAas, J. H. L., 40 DIAZ, 41 Dork, 59 DUPRE, JULES, 49, 65 DUPRE, JULIEN, 43, 55 GEGERFELT, 38 GEORDANO, 7 HARPIGNIES, 14, 57 JACQUE, 31, 42, 61 JIMINHZ y ARANDA, 50 TOUSTENAU, 48 MATHIRU, 5 MAUVE, 32, 33, 44, 54, 60, 66 * MEISSNER, IO MELIS, 20 MESDAG, 47, 58 MRUCCH: 1,2; 35-4 MIRALLES, 46 NEUHUYS, 25 OFFERMAN, I2 PAJETTIOO, 9 PRRRAULT, 52 POGGENBERK, 27 POVEDA, 6 RANGER, I9, 28 ROELOFS, 29 ROTTA, 35 STEWART’, JULES, 56 TENKATE, 16 VALKENBURG, 17, 23, 37 VALLES, 13 VAN MARCKR, 62 VAN OOSTHRZEE, 15, 24 VEVRASSET, 26 WYSMULLER, 18 ZIEM, 34, 53 CATALOGUE WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY roth, AT HIGHT O'CLOCK. MEUCCI (M.) : Florence Still Life [5 X19 2 MEUCCI (M.) : ; Florence Still Life I5 X19 5 -MEUCCI (M.) : : } Florence Game Ptece 23% X 29 4 MEUCCI (M.) ; Florence Game Piece 23 X 29 _ MATHIEU (Marie) Paris Pupil of Bovguereau Ht Castle in Spain 9% x 12% fePOVEDA (V.) 2. . ey Rome Interior 44xX7% 6 ee GIORDANO (F.) : ; : Rome Grapes 29 X 24 hie A A CHEVILLIARD (Vincent) . . Paris Honorable Mention, 1889 f Medal, 3d class, 1891 St. Cecilia, pray for me’’ 7X9 / | ] 9 at Be fo PAJHT1OOcE> ; ; Rome In the Stable 1S scc14 IO ee igs MEISSNER (E.) Munich thi, 1999 Landscape and Sheep 39 X 25 S60 LG Mery fPALK- 7 EL COSTANTINI (G.) : .- Rome The Game of Cards 13% x8% 12 OFFERMAN (T.) : : The Hague Medal, 1889, E. U. The Patient Hngler 34 X 27% 13 Rome rT, S = E22K-7 34 8 I 4 Fy HARPIGNIES (Henri) ; Paris Medals, 1866, 68, 69 Medal, 2d class, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1875 Offieer of the Legion of Honor, 1883 _ Landscape 32 x 23 15 VAN OOSTERZEE . : The Hague Scene in Holland 12% x8% Water color 16 / TEN KATE Go. i The Hague Low Tide 17% xX11¥% Water color ° A " - VALKENBURG (H.) : Amsterdam Ft the Window 14 x 19 Water color 18 WYSMULLER (J. H.) ; Amsterdam Che Wiindinill 14x ke Water color 19 N “RANGER (H. W.) . «. ‘New York Che Farm Steading Io X 15 Water Color IO 20 MELIS (P.J.) : The Hague (2 * Dinner Cime IIx 14 Water color 21 yg BAKHUZSEN (J. Van Der Sande) The Hague Landscape 15 X Ig Water color PA Pa : CASSIERS (H.) . ie The Masher. Courtpard at Wewport 15 xX IO Water color It a VALKENBURG (H.) —. . Amsterdam Unterior 22 x 16% Water color 24 VAN OOSTERZEE . ~The Hague Landscape 12x 6% Water color 25° NEUHUYS (Albert) [A\3\.- >>the Hague The Dittle Murse 21 x 16% Water color ~ 72 VEYRASSAT (J. J.) . Paris Medal, 1872. Legion of Honor, 1878. The Willage Blacksmith 13 x IO Water color POGGENBEEK (Geo.) ° ‘. “Amsterdam ° In the Pasture 16 x 9 Water Color 28 RANGER (H. W.) ss New You Evening IO X15 Water color 1) ge 29 “gf ROELOFS (W.) petedcd The Hague Knight of the Order of Leopold and of Francis Joseph, 1858 Officer of the Crown of Oak, 1860 Wiew in Holland 25% x18 ; Water color if 30 BLOMMERS (B. J.) : Scheveningen : The Evening Meal 22% x 18 + Water color v a JACQUE (Charles), dec’d Paris Born at Paris, 1818. Died, 1895 Medals, 1861, ’63, 64 Legion of Honor, 1867 Medal, Universal Exposition, 1889 The Turkey Driver 14% X9 Water color 14 34 a} f # b, esi MAUVE (Anton), dec’d The Hague Pupil of Van Os. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876 Medal, Amsterdam and Vienna Medal, Paris, 1887 Born, 1838. Died, 1888 Low Tide on the Beach 20 KX 14% Water Color —__." 33 MAUVE (Anton), dec’d The Hague Pupil of Van Os. Medal, Philadelphia, 1876 Medal, Amsterdam and Vienna Medal, Paris, 1887 Born, 1888. Died, 1888. The Road over the Moor 17% X12 Water color ES ; * 34 ZIEM (Felix) Paris \ Pupil of Dijon Art School Medals, 1851, ’52, °55 Legion of Honor, 1857 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Fintwerp—in 1871 20% x 13% a 35 “ROTTA (Silvia di Antonio) . Florence le Dejeuner de Monsieur De Cure 24% KX 20% 36 BAZZARO (L,) : : Rae bye Medal, 1889, E. U., H. C. .” The End of the Duel 25% X 31% /hny UA rb yan ZO Es : 4 i ’ ‘ . : ' ' SO 0 ee at FE Zé , Oo ~ VALKENBURG (H.) Amsterdam Preparing Breakfast 43% x 36% - ‘ Y, GEGERFELT (Wm. ) Pastis” Member of the Stockholm Academy Venice, Sunset 52 X 34 f 39 BRUCK (Lajos) : Paris Pupil of Vienna a. Venice Academies and Munkacsy My € The. Wanderers oe 57 X43 Mt Males lion, oy SS gdeo WY Mt 2 DE HAAS (J. EL) Brussels Born in Belgium, 1832 Pupil of Van Gos Gold Medal, Munich, 1869 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold Cows in Pasture 18 x I2 41 DIAZ (N.), dec’d : : Paris Medals, 1844, 746, °48 Legion of Honor, 1851 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Born, 1807. Died, 1876 w/ , e, Hodge of the Woods Mite axa M879 Geb LUSK 2 L680 fURRAX Clay 42 JACQUE (Charles), dec’d Paris Born at Paris, 1818. Died, 1895 Medals, 1861, °63, ’64 Bs Legon of Honor, 1867 Medal, Universal Exposition, 1889 Chickens “47 fairy > SECO KO faae> 8x5 43 DUPRE (Julien) sie Paris Pupil of Pils ages | Medals, Paris, 1880, '82 Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 In the harvest Field WA Jeb fieses 4 Fovaey, $2 5-25 19 7 44 MAUVE (Anton), dec’d ; The Hague : : Pupil of Van Os Medal, Philadelphia, 1876 Medal, Amsterdam and Vienna Medal, Paris, 1887 Born, 1838. Died, 1888 Cattle at the Well 27% x 19% 45 - oo (Jos.) . . Munich => Honorable Mention, 1882 Grand Prize Exposition Universelle, 1889 Morning Hfter the Soiree, Poland 36x 21% /SEIGOPOU%, 1 FA23h - . 46 MIRALLES (J.) Paris Honorable Mention, Salon, 1881 Studio Interior 234% X 20% 20 47 6! MESDAG (H. W.) : : The Hague Pupil of Alma-Tadema Medals, 1870, ’78 Dutch Fishing Vessels, Low Tide 50% X 23% 48 LOUSTAUNAU (, A.G)- —. — “Pats Pupil of Vibert, Barrias and Géréme The: Hinateur Maturalists 29 x 36 . 49 DUPRE (Jules), dec’d. pe Medals, 1833, ’67 Legion of Honor, 1849 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Born, 1811. Died, 1889 The River Oise 16% XII 2a i ay ; 5° *#~ | JIMINEZ y ARANDA (Jose) . Seville Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Seville Medal, Munich, 1888 Che Hpothecary QxIly 51 DAUBIGNY (C. F.), dec’d - + pbb aris Pupil of Delaroche Medals, 1848, ’53, °55, 57, 67 Legion of Honor, 1859 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhi- bition, 1878 Born, 1817. Died, 1878 Morming, 7, i7 £7°X Io 22 52 PERRAULT (L.) Pupil of Picot Medals, 1864, 76, ’89 Legion of Honor, 1887 The Weary Gleaner 61 x 37% 53 ZIEM (Felix) bis dal ees Pupil of Dijon Art School Medals, 1851, ’52, °55 Legion of Honor, 1857 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Grand Canal, Vertice 46 xX 32 23 Paris 54 MAUVE (Anton), dec’d The Hague Pupil otf Van Os Medal, Philadelphia, 1876 Medal, Amsterdam and Vienna : Medal, Paris, 1887 he BEV " Born, 1838. Died, 1888 8 She i SS ee. oe Y oft : x a : > = wey it the Pasture fe Ode cht tabs fee" = 55 DUPRE (Julien) : Paris Pupil of Pils Medals, Paris, 1880, ’82 Medal, 1889, BE. U. Legion of Honor, 1899 Le Regain 50% X 39% 24 56 STEWART (ules G2 . : Paris Pupil of Madrazo Honorable Mention, 1885 Medal, 1890 HWMorning Call View from terrace of artist’s home, Notre Dame in the distance. 39 x 28 37 HARPIGNIES (Henri) . , Paris Medals, 1866, °68, 69 Medal, 2nd class, 1878 Legion of Honor, 1875 Officer of Legion of Honor, 1888 Pandscape, Sunset 5 30 X 15% cr 5 s § % 58 MESDAG (H. W.) : The Hague Pupil of Alma-Tadema Medals, 1870, ’78 Sunrise on the Worth Sea 71 X54 L on DORE (Gustave), dec’d ; : Paris Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1861 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1879 Born, 1832. Died, 1888 Take in the Wigblands, Scotland 72X42 26 60 € MAUVE (Anton), decd The Hague = Pupil of Van Os Medal, Philadelphia, 1876 ei. wredai, Amsterdam and Vienna Medal, Paris, 1887 Born, 1838. Died, 1888 Returning fo the Fold 33% X 19% 61 JACQUE (Charles), dec’d i : Paris Medals, 1861, 63, °64 Legion of Honor, 1867 Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1889 Born, 1818. Died, 1894 flock of Sheep, Moonlight i tt 39% X 32 27 62 COROT (J.-B. C.), dee'd Paris i Pi Born in Paris, #796. Died, 1875 w Pupil of Bertin and Michallon 1g A S Ps = Medals, 1838, ’48, °55, and Exposition Universelle, 1867 = Legion of Honor, 1846 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exhibition, 1878. The Riverside 16x 10% 63 SVAN MARCKE (ED, decd —. =~ Paris Pupil of Troyon Medals, 1867, '69, °70, °78 Legion of Honor, 1872 Medal, Universal Exhibition, 1878 Born, 1827. Died, 1891 Landscape and Cattle 29% xX is ’ 28 64 DAUBIGNY (C. E, dec’d. : Paris vA Pupil of Delaroche Medals, 1848, °53, ’55, °57, °59, '67 Legion of Honor, 1859 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874 Diploma to the memory of deceased artists, Universal Exposition, 1878 Born, 1817. Died, 1878 Corbigny on the Mievre 16% x 21% , This was a favorite resort of Meissonier, Daubigny and a mutual friend, Lavoignat, the celebrated engraver of Meissonier’s pictures. Daubigny, then in his prime, (1851), painted it as a souvenir of happy days, presenting it to Lavoignat. At his death it was sold, and the present owner obtained it of the purchasers, Messrs. Arnold and Tripp. 65 Jord DUPRE (Jules), decd . . . Paris Medals, 1833, '67 Legion of Honor, 1849 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Born, 1811. Died, 1889 The farm 17% X 22 29 66 MADVE (Antone), decd . . The Hague Pupil of Van Os Medal, Philadelphia, 1876 Va Medal, Amsterdam and Vienna “\ Medal, Paris, 1887 Born, 1838. Died, 1888 The Return ot the Flock, Evening Loney bale Ht Nine tag Lenececctadcs 0. SEG2 - 2 FS 0, etch ag o> ROBERT SOMERVILLE, ORTGIES & CO., AUCTIONEER. MANAGERS. 4 td aceare-/ S10) ffl ke snyby “seven. jf 0 p 4 St pa Marederneg Meraredaid /&e Vie 4 AN: [rye] Laver Tory 48799 eye Misr AX % Ch tutes SE7G oe xn den } v, [bans Leayire (2300) Sill Uleeedewre se St hepa D See fies) eres Fe Vireo aneefeby yen OVER : re amma aie byar) Haymrtin Fy bebe Le 4B XL FIRM | \ i J. Je BEITLER & CO., PRINTERS, 105 West 3oth St., Cor. Sixth Ave., NEW YORK, ii ee ng ae ie car a y 2 5 ag, in. et ep Se ORR aE 7 Sag cata gee a Np Re