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AND CONTINUING UNTIL THE DAY OF SALE THE ENTIRE EXTENSIVE STOCK AND RECENTLY ADDED PRIVATE COLLECTION OF EMIL PARES ANTIQUARIAN TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES MADISON SQUARE SOUTH, NEW YORK ON THE AFTERNOONS OF DECEMBER 8rtu, 9TH, 10TH, 11TH, 12TH AND 13TH BEGINNING EACH AFTERNOON AT 2.30 O’CLOCK AND ON THE EVENING OF DECEMBER 10TH AT 8 O’CLOCK ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF THE ENTIRE EXTENSIVE STOCK AND RECENTLY ADDED PRIVATE COLLECTION OF EMIL PARES ANTIQUARIAN OF PARIS AND NEW YORK TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE BY DIRECTION OF THE OWNER : ON THE AFTERNOONS HEREIN STATED AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANTS, MR. OTTO BERNET AND MR. H. H. PARKE OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK 1919 1449 Dec.? Ne Am ¢ fe FIG ie 2 es THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIA’ * a fe PARES COLLECTION Mr. Emile Pares, Antiquarian of Paris and New York, has con- signed to the American Art Association to be sold under its invariable terms of an unrestricted and unprotected public sale, the extensive stock of Antique Furniture, Textiles, Tapestries, Primitive and Early Paintings, Bronzes, Sculptured Architectural Objects in many mediums and numerous minor Works of Art from his late New York galleries at 20 East Fifty-fifth Street, and has also sent from Paris his personal collection. of extremely rare and costly Textiles, Tapestries, Ecclesias- tical Vestments and Needlework, gathered privately during years of patient traveling in many corners of Europe or bought at opportune moments from such noted Old World collections as the Comte de Chaves, Madrid, The Goyena of Seville, the Duque de Osuna, the de Lesseps, Gauthier, Besseliere, Pecquinot, Le Roy and the Duchesse de Trévise of Paris, the De Goncourt of Chateau Vierville-sur-Mer and the famous artists Fortuny and Flameng. The Sale is to be held by reason of the retirement of M1. Pares from business and the relinquishment of his New York establishment. Numerous important objects discovered and sold by Mr. Pares now enrich public and private museums of America. The late Mr. Pierpont Morgan acquired, amongst others, the “Famous Treasure of Granada,” consisting of a gold necklace and two bracelets beautifully wrought with Cloisonne enamels in the Fourteenth Century; a “Baiser de Paix magnificently enamelled by Nardon Pencaud and a pair of Hispano-Moresque Cloisonné Stirrups” of Fifteenth Century work- manship, formerly used by the famous Boabil, the last Moorish King of Spain. The Metropolitan Museum of Art has a Fifteenth Century Flemish Retable of Sculptured Alabaster and a Sandstone Retable, ihe pendant to one now to be sold; the latter came from the Twelfth Century Cathedral Church of Zamora, Spain. Others who have availed themselves of this antiquarian’s discrimination are Mr. Wid- ener of Philadelphia, Mrs. Gardiner of Boston, Mr. Larz Anderson of Washington, Mr. Frick of New York, The Museum of Fine Arts, Bos- ton, the Hispanic Museum, New York and abroad, the Museums of Budapest, Lyons, Berlin and many distinguished private patrons. The collections now to be sold are of such a wide and interest- [2 ing range that it is impossible to refer individually to the many im- portant items. The furniture includes Spanish, Italian and French of the Fourteenth to late Kighteenth Centuries, with occasional speci- mens of Portuguese and English. Spanish furniture is very adequately represented, many Refectory tables, numerous Renaissance and earlier chairs of decorative and useful type, Gilded Columns, Brackets, Small Tables and Ivory Inlaid Cabinets. Two carved Bois de Fer Four- post Beds and two sets of Leather Chairs of Royal Portuguese origin are quaint and rich in aspect and exceptionally attractive for a large country house. French furniture, ranging from the Fifteenth Century Gothic, with four important Carved Oak Stalls of great distinction, two from the Catedrale d’Oloron St. Marie, France, to the Directoire Period, and embracing cabinets and chairs of the early Renaissance. The Eighteenth Century brought a degree of comfort and live- ableness unknown to the furniture of previous centuries, and the genius of the French cabinet-makers invested even the simplest ob- jects of that golden age with unusual artistic merit; amongst the very useful pieces of furniture are Fifty Small Tables, numerous Cabinets, Bonheur-du-jour, Mounted Inlaid Tulip-wood Secretaries, Commodes and Encoignures, Carved Walnut Salon Suites, and forty or more rare Petit-point Chairs, Canapés, Chaise-longues and Screens so very acceptable with their rich colorings and quaint conceits of pattern. The Tapestries are of importance, especially on accornt of their general high average of decorative power and delightful color; Gothic Arras, Italian, Flemish, Royal Aubusson and Brussels of the Four- teenth to Eighteenth Centuries in Cantonnieres, large and small panels, several woven with gold and silver threads. The Aubussons are of fine tonal quality, mostly with small scale figures so adaptable to present day rooms. Irom the Goldschmidt Collection, Avignon, France, is a small Gothic Arras Panel “Charles VI En Roi Sauvage,” one of the most interesting specimens of early weaving that has ever been offered at public sale. Another unique panel from the Gaulthier Collection, Paris, “A Dolorosa” given to the very early Italian Period, is lavishly woven with gold threads amid extremely delicate coloring and betrays a rare devotional feeling. Abundant specimens of old French, Spanish and Italian Damasks, Brocades and Ceremonial Tassels in serviceable condition and beau- tiful colorings, include several Lampas Panels drawn by that Hight- eenth Century French textile genius, Lasalle; two large Italian Crim- son Damask Coverlets and several unique animal examples of wonder- ful Fifteenth Century Hispano-Moresque craftsmanship. The sump- tuous Venetian, Gothic, Jardiniére and Genoese Velvets, magnificent Renaissance Gold Embroidered Velvet Ecclesiastical Vestments and Banners display a fascinating variety of lovely, shimmering colors, Sapphire and Azure Blue, Amethyst, Amber, Botticelli and other Greens, Black, Purple and endless tones of Rose Crimson, enlivened in many instances with drap d’or, d’argent and scarce bouclé motives. There are rare old French, Italian and English Needlework Pic- tures and Petit-point Panels. Spanish and Italian Embroidered Linen and Filet Lace Table Covers, Coverlets and Lattice Curtains and vari- ous Highteenth Century Cottage Chintzes. | Ancient Hispano-Moresque, Talavera and Alcora Polychrome Faience Tiles eminently distinguished in color and device, are in sufficient quantities to give more than a passing note to the fireplace, fountain or architectural objects that absorb them. The very important Medieval and Renaissance architectural ob- jects in Faience, Stucco, Terra Cotta, Bronze, Sculptured Marble, Stone and Wood are of extraordinary importance and extremely rare. The Sculptures include two significant examples in marble, Fif- teenth Century Spanish Gothic, Recumbent Figure of a Governor of the Balearic Isles, from the Eglesia Logrono, Province of Rioja, Spain; in stone, a Fourteenth Century Gothic Niche, supporting al- most life-size figures of the Virgin and Child, in polychrome, a re- markable early sculpture found in the Eglesia San Vincente, Zamora, Spain; a Gothic niche, perfect in its beautiful tracery and proportion, from the Cathedral of Louvain, a Renaissance Hauteville Stone Man- tel from the de Goncourt Chateau. In wood there are thirty to forty supremely interesting Byzan- tine, Gothic and Renaissance groups, statues and statuettes, mostly gilded polychrome, sculptured panels, Hispano-Moresque Portals and Doors and a Grand Gothic Tabernacle. Greek and Roman Antiquities are comprised of several remark- able Bronzes discovered in Spain on the estate of the Comte de Chaves, and a Roman Mosaic in rare condition exhumed in Tunis. Antique objects in Brass and Forged Iron, acceptable for their decorative value, are represented by several fine Spanish Brasseros, Wall Appliques, a Gothic Weather Vane and several Potences, one of the latter has the old pulleys and hook for its original deadly pur- pose, that of taking the place of the nearest tree. Amongst the Ancient Arms are a number of beautifully propor- tioned “Early Model Cannon” mainly from the studio of Poilpot, the French painter; a few inlaid Fusils, French Swords and a group of noteworthy Sixteenth Century Spanish Rapiers from the Duque de Ossuna’s Collection. A group of Primitives and Early Paintings of the Spanish, Italian, Flemish and Dutch Schools include several interesting examples by Barossa, Madonna and Child by Adrien Isenbrandt,of Kautferman, El Greco, Zurbaran and several Fifteenth Century Italian examples. Many of the Decorative Canvases of the Seventeenth and Hight- eenth Centuries will be found very desirable to complement the fur- niture of those periods; the same may be said of the Chinese and French Porecelains, Miniatures, Fans, Small Bronzes, Ivories, Enamels, Lustred Plaques and a multitude of small objects that give a pleasant atmosphere where antique furnishings prevail. The dispersal of these extensive collections will afford an un- usual opportunity to Museums and private collectors to acquire ob- jects of extraordinary interest and importance. CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made within ten days thereafter, in de- fault of which the undersigned may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the deficiency (if any) aris- ing from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4. Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. | Deliveries will be made on sales days between the hours of 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., and on other days—except holidays— between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the American Art Galleries, or other place of sale, as the case may be, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is”? and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South. CATALOGUE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MANAGERS SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES EMIL PARES COLLECTION Afternoons of Monday to Saturday (inclusive) December 8 to 13, 1919 and Evening of December 10th :To save time and to prevent mistakes each Purchaser - will oblige the Managers by filling in this slip and hand- ‘ing it to the Record Clerk or Sales Attendant on making - the first purchase. : Purchaser’s Name _ : Address UL 6 ae : Amount of Deposit____ FIRST AFTERNOON’S SALE MONDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’CLOCK CATALOGUE NOS. 1 TO 203 PORCELAIN AND FAIENCE 1—EGcsHELL PorceLaAIn Cup. CHINESE OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD. Inverted bell shape; decorated with lobed medaliions of Jand- scapes interrupted with floral scrolls etched in the paste. Diameter, 3 inches. 2—ENAMELLED GLAss TUMBLER AND TRAY. FRENCH OF THE [IXMPIRE PERIOD. Many-sided tumbler, enameled with mounted knight in armor, sprays of flowers and gilding. Round tray to match. 3—TALAVERA FAIENCE VASE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Ovoidal body with high expanding mouth and two loop handles. Decorated in orange and blue with half-blossom motives and band- ings in green and orange on white ground. Height, 7144 inches. First Afternoon 4—TALAVERA FAIENCE VASE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Ovoidal body with high flaring neck and loop handles; decorated in blue, brown and orange with archaic floral motives on body and neck; lip and handles banded in blue. Height, 8% inches. Two Aucora Faience PHARMACEUTICAL VASES AND COVERS. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. 5 Graceful ovoidal shape with spreading foot, incurved neck and dome cover. Decorated with oblong cartouche, draped with pearl drops and bowknotted at crown; in dull colors on white ground. Height, 11 inches. 6—Two ALcora FaleNcrk ALBARELLOS. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Tall with incurved side, small collar and foot; decorated with oval inscribed medallion wreathed and bowknotted at crown and palm sprays under, in dull-colors on white ground. Height, 11 inches. 7—SQuaReE Decorated PorcELAIN Vase. Lowerstrorr SryLe or THE 18rH CEeNtTurRY. Tapering body, short flaring neck, enriched on white ground with floral sprays and coat-of-arms in colors. Height, 714% inches. S—MArseILLes FAarence Hors p’Orvvre Diso. Frenen or rue 187 CENTURY. Two compartments, one circular with scrolled open handle, other in the form of a shell; decorated with sprays of flower and gilding. (Chipped.) i Length, 8% inches. First Afternoon 9—FAMILLE Rose Jar. CHINESE OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD. Baluster shape; decorated with two agitated roosters amid clusters of peonies growing over rocks, jui band at neck; colored enamels on a dense white ground. Height, 6% inches. 10—Canton ENAMEL CircULAR DISH. CHINESE OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD. Molded turned over rim, enriched with crimson flower scrolls on white with interior band of yellow; arabesque panelled border imbricated in pink and green with red scrolls; basket of flowers in center. Open floral scroll center receptacle. Diameter, 7% inches. 11—Famitie Rose PorcEuAIn PLATE. CHINESE OF THE OCH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD. Center decorated with group of growing peonies in brilliant enamels on dense white ground; marly with flower sprays in reserve within varied leaf scrolls. Diameter, 9 inches. 12—FAMILLE Rose PorRCcELAIN PLATE. CHINESE OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD. Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 91% inches. 13—FaMmILLe Rose PorceLAIN PLATE. CHINESE OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD. Similar to preceding. Diameter, 9 inches. First Afternoon 14—Two FAMILLE Rose PorceLaAIn PLATES. CHINESE OF THE CH’IEN- LUNG PERIOD. Decorated in center with growing peonies and prunus in brilliant enamels on a dense white ground ; cavetto and rim with diapered bands in pink and green; marly with sprays of small flowers and peonies. Varied in pattern. Diameter, 9 inches. 15—FaMI.L_LEe Rose PorRcELAIN PLATE. CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD. Flaring marly, decorated with pink ‘peonies within imbricated Strap and scroll arabesque, interrupting medallions of black and gold flower sprays. Irregular pearl imbricated valance on edge of cavetto. Center with two “Feng-huangs” amid large growing pink peonies. Diameter, 11 inches. 16—FamILLe Rose PorceLtaAin PLATE. CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD. Flaring marly, decorated with irregular scrolled valance occupied by peony scrolls on pearl imbricated grounds. Center with spray of pink anemones, peonies and small flowers. In brillant enamels on resonant white ground. Diameter, 14 inches. 17—S1x FAMILLE Rose PorceLaIn Puates. CHINESE OF THE CH’IEN- LUNG Prriop. . Enriched in center with varied vases of flowers and loose bou- quets; the flaring marly with differing flowers, some within scrolled compartments, executed in brilliant enamels on cream white paste (do not match). Diameter, 9 inches. 18—Five Famitie Rose Porceiain PLATES. CHINESE OF THE CH’IEN- LUNG PERIOD. Similar to the preceding. First Afternoon 19—Decoratep PorcELAIN PLATE. Saxe or THE 187TH CENTURY. Cavetto and scrolled gilded rimmed marly, enriched in relief with scrolled cornucopias and festoons enclosing sprays of ‘flowers in colors; center depicts a Gallant and his Lady under a tree. Diameter, 9% inches. 20—CaRVED SoapsTONeE TEA Cappy. CHINESE OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD. Panelled hexagonal form, enriched with groups of fish, flowers and landscape; slightly polychromed. (No cover.) Height, 5 inches. 21—Two Smauu Decoratep PorcELAIN VASES. FRENCH OF THE EoM- PIRE PERIOD. Flattened circular, gilded and reeded bodies; enriched on fronts with subjects, “Amusements of Childhood,” in color; reverse with bouquets of flowers; round molded necks and oblong feet gilded. Height, 414 inches. 22—Two OPALESCENT GLASS BorrLtes. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Barrel-shaped bodies, short necks, and ball stoppers. Mounted with gilded bronze rims at neck, shoulder, foot and stopper, dis- playing dainty leaf and floral motives. Height, 6% inches. 93—THREE BLUE AND WHITE TALAVERA VASES. SPANISH OF THE L7TEH CENTURY. Incurved sides with short neck and foot. Decorated with the coat-of-arms of Leon and Castile, mantled with a Cardinal’s hat and serolled label under. Height, 11 inches. First Afternoon 24—Decoratep FAIENCE Group. ITALIAN oF THE 18TH CENTURY. “Venus and Apollo” standing in close proximity on a rustic base which supports a decorated vase for flower at back. The Goddess attired in semi-classic robes, green chiton and flower sprayed drapery, the God with short red figured skirt and over drapery of yellow. Signed: Jacques Bossali. Height, 8% inches. 25—Two DecorarEep CHELSEA Ficures. ENGLIsH or THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Pastoral standing figures of youth and maiden in picturesque flowered costumes of the period, on gilded scroll bases. (Re paired and one hand missing.) 3 Height, 9%4 inches. 26—PorcELAIN STATUETTE. SAXE oF THE 18TH CENTURY. “Le Chien Favori.” A brown and white toy poodle, seated on its haunches, begging. Height, 914 inches. 27—Ricu Cur Crysrat Guass PUuNnen Servicrk. FRENCH oF THE En- PIRE PERIOD. Consisting of punch bowl, fourteen goblets and circular mirrored plateau. Bowl deeply cut with lattice band, mounted in gilded bronze with leaf base banding and three chimeric animals as feet. Goblets, deeply reeded bodies; facetted stems on square radiating flame feet. Plateau mounted with bronze leaf and gadroom molded rim and three female Bacchic masks. Diameter of bowl, 914 inches; of plateau, 18% inches. 28—TERRE DE Pirk MELON TuREEN AND Cover. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. | Melon body on fixed modeled leaf tray, enriched in slight relief, the rustic stem forming the handle; half of the melon forms cover and is sprayed with trailing leafage developing a small melon for terminal. | Length, 12 inches. First Afternoon 29—Two PowpgER BLUE PORCELAIN BREAKERS. CHINESE OF THE K’ANG- SH1 PERIOD. ‘Insloping tubular sides with flaring trumpet mouth; enriched in gold on a brilliant mazarine blue with peonies and prunus grow- ing from rockery, lip with scrolls and flowers. Mouth embell- ished with gilded bronze Louis XV mount of scrolls and leafage. Height, 18% inches. 30—OvaL Pipercep PorcELAIN IMARI DISH. JAPANESE OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Center enriched with two half floral medallions, birds and flowers, panelled openwork rim of flowers, animals and geometric motives; executed in reds, blues, greens and gilding on white ground. Length, 13% inches. 31—BLur AND Wuitrh Faience Puarrer. CHINESE OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Elongated hexagonal shape with flaring marly; decorated with broad blue bandings at marly and cavetto, interior with land- scape and water, “The Isles of the Blest.” Length, 1834 inches. 32—Buiur AND Wuire Farrncr Deep DisH. HISPANO-MORESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Circular with flaring marly, decorated in center with a towered castle, surrounded by scrolled leaves; marly with scrolled leaf- age and birds. Diameter, 151% inches. 33-—Ginpep PorceLAIN Corree Servick. FRENCH OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD. Consisting of tall coffee-pot, covered sucrier and six cups and saucers. Enriched with leaf medallioned bands and oval medal- lions in colors of varied typically costumed bust of young woman. Interior of cups gilded. First Afternoon 34—GiLpED PorceLaiIn Trea Service. ENGuish oF THE LATE 18TH CENTURY. Consisting of teapot, creamer, covered sucrier, bowl and twelve cups and saucers; enclosed in gilded tooled brown morocco case of the period, lined with blue silk. Straight-sided forms except bowl, enriched with gilded bands and wreaths of trailing flowers. Case: Height, 814 inches; length, 20 inches; width, 14 inches. 35—Decoratrep PorceLAIN TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE. FRENCH OF THE ISMPIRE PERIOD. Consisting of high tea and coffee pots, creamer, covered sucrier, large bowl, six cups and saucers; enriched in reserve on pale sea-green bodies with medallion of classic heads and cartouched lyres in reds, lavender, yellow and gilding; crowning bands, interiors of cups, handles, spouts, and foot bands of major pieces gilded. 36—BravutiruL Famitie Rose Porceiain Poriscup. CHINESE OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD. Pear shape; decorated on a bluish creamy glaze in brilliant enamels with large blossoming peonies, growing amid rocks, gay- plumaged “Feng-huangs,” water lilies and fowl. Pierced and carved wood cover and stand. Height, 1814 inches. [ [llustrated | 37—Bracrirut FAMILLE Rost Porcevain PoriscHr. CHINESE OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD. ; Similar to the preceding, but squatter, with floral decoration and elaborate jui band at shoulder. Height, 174% inches. [ [llustrated | | : 38—ALCcorA Farence PLagur. SpanisH or THE 17rH CpNnTURY. Quatrefoil ovoidal shape, enriched with a half-round molded border, crested with a leaf-scrolled medallion and terminating in a leaf-scrolled mask. Decorated in blue and orange on white ground with central subject, “A Mendicant and Family receiving Alms from a Little Girl,” the medallion and border imbricated, the latter with varying cross bandings. Height, 1914 inches; width, 11 inches. [/llustrated | 36 36—BeratTiruL FamMiItute Rose Porceirain PoriscHE. CHINESE OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD. 37—BEAUTIFUL FAamiILur Rose PorcetaAin PorisCHE. CHINESE OF THE CH’IEN-LUNG PERIOD. 38—Axtcora Farence PLaqup. SpaNIsH or THE 17TH CENTURY. First Afternoon CABINET SPECIMENS ECCLESIASTICAL BRONZES, IVORIES, MINIATURES, SNUFFBOXES, JEWELRY, MISSALS AND TOOLED LEATHER OBJECTS 39—Rep Morocco Corrretr. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. In the form of a book with borders in gilded tooling of ivy leaves; lined with blue silk. Length, 7 inches. 40—CarvED CEDAR CoFrREeT., SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Domed hinged cover; supported with balusters at corners and pear-shaped feet. Incised with patterned diamond and lozenge motives. Height, 6% inches; length, 14 inches; depth, 8% inches. 41—CircuLar Leap DocUMENT SEAL. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Displaying on the reverse the Royal arms of Spain in low relief; on the obverse, Philip IV, seated under a Renaissance canopy. Diameter, 334 inches. 42—MINIATURE CARVED Boxwoop FLAGoN. FLEMISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Flattened form on leaf molded base which sustains on either side two figures of lightly draped nymphs festooned at crown to leaf enriched neck; figures of “Abundance” and “Cupid Armed,” respectively, adorn the obverse and reverse, supported on oval bulb and elongated octagonal foot. Screw stopper terminated with figure of a youthful “Hercules and Lion.” (Two heads of figures missing. ) Height, 3% inches. 43—SILvER FILicren Corrrer. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Round lifting hinged top; supported on scrolled feet. Top, front and back panelled with double floral medallions and scrolls. Ends with single medallion and swing scroll handles. Hasp a double displayed eagle surmounted by a Royal Crown. Height, 434 inches; width, 4 inches. First Afternoon 44—-RareE ENAMELED HeRALDIC TUMBLER. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. _ Displaying in brilliant enamels the three fleurs-delys of the Bourbon family; inscribed: “Qui Vive? El Rey de Espana.” Height, 5% inches. 45—RarRE ENAMELED HERALDIC TUMBLER. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Displaying in brilliant enamels a shield charged with the arms of Castile and Leon ensigned with a royal crown, within floral scrolls; inscribed: viva. BL. REY. DE. ESPANA. Enclosed in brown wicker case. Height, 3% inches. 46—GILDED Bronze Bas-REuIeEF Bust. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Head of a curly-haired and bearded man seen in profile, wearing a loose cloak open at the throat. Height, 434 inches. 47—SMALL CIRCULAR COLORED WAX AND AGATE PLAQUE. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. “St. John the Divine.” Seated figure in flowing robes of dull green and red, a symbolic crouching bull appearing at right. Diameter, 1% inches. 48—SMALL SILVER PAx. SPANISH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Architectural Gothic-Renaissance niche, with trifoliate crocketed arch, floral pilasters and base, enclosing the Crucifixion with the two Marys standing at the foot of the cross. Molded strap scroll handle at back for carriage. 49—Carvep Ivory FRAGMENT. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Oblong with rounded contour and beaded edge on two sides, depicting in low relief the amply draped figure of the Virgin. Rich brown patina. Height, 35% inches. First Afternoon 50—GiLpED Bronze AND ENAMEL RELIQUARY. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Rectangular raised center enriched in blue, white and green enamels, with a custodia flanked by scrolled palm branches, and strapwork; pearl molded border with serrated edge. Back frame decorated and enclosing crystal for receptacle. Ring for suspen- sion. Height, 2% inches; length, 24% inches. 51—PorraBLE SILVER RELIQUARY. HISPANO-MORESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. i Simulating a book with round rims; four side clasp straps and front, encrusted with coral and green stones, within stars. One side slides for opening. Long braided silver strap for earry- ing. Length, 4 inches; width, 3% inches. 52—Rare Carvep Goraic Ivory PLaquE. FreNcH or THE 15TH CENTURY. Rectangular, depicting figures in low relief, in the center the Holy Virgin, crowned, and holding the Child Christ; at left, St. John; at right, St. Boniface; canopied by three trifoliated crocketed arches. Dull gray and cream patina. Height, 34% inches; width, 1% inches. 53 MINIATURE Oval ENAMELED Fotping Pax. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Gold molded frame, enriched with blue and white enamel, fitted with convex crystal back and hinged face, enclosing an enameled Crucifixion with the skull and a flower at the foot; double ring at crown for suspension. 54—PRELATE’s DouBLE ENAMELED GOLD AND WaLNnur Cross. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Floriated cross with double cross bars, enriched with many miniature symbols of the Passion, appliqués of gold enameled with turquoise and dark blues, crimson, white. Small enamel ring for suspension. Length, 31% inches. First Afternoon 55—Six CHAMPLEVE ENAMEL PLAQUES. BYZANTINE OF THE 14TH CENTURY. _ Pierced for the enrichment of a casket. The major plaque square with indented top corners, depicting an engraved bronze figure of our Lord in ample robes, seated on a red bench. Background of deep dull blue; three elongated ovals, depicting in two mar- tyred saints nude, save for white loin-cloths, and in the third, the “Pelican in Piety,” with same blue ground. Romboidal plaque inscribed I H S on blue ground. Oval label with square top flange, depicting our Lord giving a nude St. George his sword, the dragon partially seen at right. 56—Carvep Ivory Sraruetre. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. “Constanza.” Standing nude, robust figure of constancy, slightly draped from the left shoulder and wearing peaked draped and pearl enriched head dress. She carries over the draped shoulder her symbolic emblem, a Corinthian column. On molded ebonized base with ivory claw feet. Height, 434 inches. 57—G1LpED Bronze ALTO-RILIEVO GROUP. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. The Holy Virgin seen to the waist supported on clouds; wear- ing fringed embroidered mantle over her head and shoulders, and holding the nude Infant Christ in her arms. Height, 5144 inches; width, 4% inches. 58—Brass Benitier. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Either to hang or stand. Molded urn-shaped body enriched with two cherubs’ heads and high scrolled swinging handle. Height, 9 inches; Diameter, 101% inches. 59—Gitpep Bronze OvaL Frame. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Double-molded frame, demarked at four quarters with pinnacles, swinging ring for suspension. One of the beveled mirrors shows traces of an ancient painting of “Our Lord.” Height, 8% inches; width, 7 inches. First Afternoon 60—VENETIAN GLASS BENITIER. ITALIAN OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Liliform clear glass receptacle lined with milk-white glass and terminating in three drop feet; supporting an open lattice back, surmounted by a cross. Height, 111% inches. 61—CorpDOoVAN TooLeEp LEATHER CRUCIFIXION. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Our Lord upon the cross, nude save a loin cloth, crowned with thorns. The Magdalene kneels before His feet and with her hair staunches his cruel wounds; at left is a rocky eminence crowned with trees and the sacred city beyond. Near the head of the cross, at left and right, two spirits of evil hover in the clouds. The subject executed in low relief, illuminated with silver, on brown. black ground. Framed. . Height, 914 inches; width, 7% inches. 62—SILVER AND TORTOISE-SHELL CRUCIFIX. SPANISH OF THE 177TH CENTURY. | Cross of beautiful toned tortoise-shell mounted in silver with molded floriated terminals and winged cherubs’ heads appliqué; Our Lord, nude, save for a loin cloth, hangs on the cross. Ring for suspension. Height, 10% inches. 63—CHISELED BRONZE PROCESSIONAL CRUCIFIXION. BYZANTINE OF THE 11lTtH CENTURY. Flat, almost Greek cross, the flanges slightly expanding. Incised, delineating within rosetted panels on both sides two versions of the crucified Saviour; in the flanking ends are kneeling and sup- porting angels; surmounting the main figures are two insignia I. H. S., and half lengths of St. Peter on one side and St. John on the other. Rich varying green and brownish patina disclos- ing traces of the original gilding. Perforated at flanges, and foot for attachment to staff. Height, 1254 inches; width, 9% inches. First Afternoon 64—SILVER AND GILDED BRoNzZE CHAMPLEVE ENAMEL CHALICE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Deep silver cup set in an open molded annular band, supported with four vertical straps enriched with oval silver bosses of blue and green enamel bearing the insignia I. H. S. Beautifully molded gilded shaft, frequently encrusted with similar bosses; domed foot chiseled with scrolled leaf arabesque and alternately bearing recurring oval and oblong bosses. Height, 10% inches. 65—CARVED Ivory FIGURINE. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. “The Crucified Christ.” Nude, save a loin cloth, of sorrowful compassionate expression, wearing a band of linen round His head, hair falling to the shoulders and curly, short beard. With- out cross for the figure. Height, 11% inches. 66—CHAMPLEVE ENAMELED BRONZE CANDLESTICK. BYZANTINE OF THE 12TH CENTURY. Molded square shaft with globular top enriched with traces of enameled scrolls in light and dark blue. Supported on domed tripod feet, chiseled with scrolled strap arabesques and rosettes. Height, 8% inches. 67—Pair or Sitver Gitt Hoor EARRINGS. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Filigree half hoops, with scrolled center pendants enriched with large square cut pseudo-emeralds and rubies. 68—Patr or Sitver Girt Hoor EARRINGS. SPANISH OF THE ISTH CENTURY. Smaller; similar to the preceding. 69—JEWELED ENEMELED PorcLAIN BroocH. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Oval bust portrait of “Lady of the Court,” reading; gold mount- ing encircled with green and rose stones. First Afternoon 70—Prart ENAMELED GoLp PENDANT. SPANISH IN THE 16TH CENTURY STYLE. “The Dove of Peace.” Body a large baroque pearl with white and gold outspread wings and tail, claws holding a ruby jeweled olive branch with pendant pearl. Supported on pearl chains and drop, finished with enameled floral motive and ring. Height, 2% inches. ENAMELED JEWELED GOLD PENDANT. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Miniature crowned figure, “La Virgen del Pilar.” Wearing a blue cloak and standing on a large star, flanked by two others similar, with center of facetted rock crystal on enamel; canopied by a large crown, open leaf-scrolled background, sustaining two further crystal stars near crown and three pear-shaped crystal pendants at foot. Ring for suspension. v1 Height, 2% inches. 72—GoLp CAMEO RING. ROMAN OF THE 3RD CEN- TURY. Oval cameo, displaying the head of the Em- peror Carcalla in alto-rilievo of russet cream on a green serpentine agate ground. Mounted with small reeded gold band and small hoop. (3—RareE GoLtD Mountep Ovat CaMEo. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. 3 Four delicately carved heads, facing the four quarters, are incor- porated so that a portion of each delineates some feature in an- other. Imperial Jove, whose diadem forms the horns of an ad- jacent ram’s head, the ram’s neck being also the neck of Juno; Juno’s hair is also the beard of Saturn, whose hair is again the beard of Jupiter. Rich ivory patina on a ground of pale, milky lavender agate. Gold mounting of 18th century. Length, 14% inch; width, 1%. inch. First Afternoon 74 _BeaAvuTIFUL PeaRL CHAPLET, FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Small lustrous pearls, connected by thread loop gold link; stop- ped at intervals with slightly larger pearls, flanked by open quatrefoil gold medallions. Terminated with an engraved scrolled leaf open round medallion bearing the insignia M. A. and floriated cross of gold. Length, 19 inches. SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURY MINIATURE AND SNUFF BOXES 75—OBLONG MINIATURE ON COPPER. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Portrait of a Court Lady. Facing front, three-quarter length. Wearing her dark hair puffed and adorned with pearls; a blue dress, lavishly enriched with embroidery. (Unframed.) Height, 414 inches; width, 3% inches. 76—CircuLarR MINIATURE ON Ivory. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. “The Lovers.” School of Fragonard. A youth in plum-colored suit stands at left caressing a young girl who is seated near a table; she wears a white lawn hood over curling brown hair and a low-cut blue dress. In original gilded bronze pearl molded frame. Diameter, 23, inches. 77—CIRCULAR MINIATURE ON Ivory. ENGLISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. “Thalia.” Bust of an ivy laureated fair-haired Muse, holding in her left hand a mask and lightly draped from the shoulder in a jeweled blue robe. Diameter, 34% inches. First Afternoon 78—OvaL MINIATURE ON Ivory. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. “Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire.” By Rosalba (1675-1757). Bust of the famous philosopher, historian, dramatist, and man of letters, presented in the character of Gidipus in his drama of “Cdipe.” Head slightly turned to left, wearing dark brown hair curly on the shoulder and red mantle over right shoulder, slightly showing a breastplate of scaled armor. In ancient oblong tortoise-shell and ebony frame, newly backed. Height, 2% inches; width, 2% inches. [Illustrated | 79—CIRCULAR MINIATURE ON Ivory. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. charming fair-haired maiden, her right hand to her lips blowing a kiss; her hair with knot at crown and caught with a blue fillet; wearing a low square cut lace-edged blue dress. Diameter, 31% inches. [/llustrated | 80—Wax Porrrarr Bust IN GILDED OvAL CasE. FRENCH OF THE DtI- RECTOIRE PERIOD. ; Profile to left, wearing his hair tied in a queue, high-buttoned coat and ruffled jabot; in cream wax on a black ground. In glazed deeply molded case of the period. Height, 6% inches; width, 5 inches. [Lllustrated | : ~81—OsLona ENAMEL SNUFFBOX. FRENCH or THE LouIs XV Periop. Slightly domed cover hinged with bronze mountings, occupied by three verses of a then popular song, set to music by C. Burdette: “J’adore une jeune brunette, etc.” Ogee sides enriched with clusters of flowers in colors and under foot with a map of Greece and various covers of gazettes in black. Executed on copper. Dated 1750. Height, 1 inch; length, 3% inches; depth, 2% inches. 82—SMmaALt ENAMELED Box. Frencu or ror Louis XVI Puriop. Simulating an egg, the top hinged on silver-gilt mountings. En- riched in raised gilding with Cupids, eagles and other animals amid irregular scrolled leaf medallions. Executed on copper. Height, 1% inches. First Afternoon ne tr 73—Ovat MINIATURE ON Ivory. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. 79—CrrcuLtarR MINIATURE ON Ivory. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. 80-——Wax Porrrarr Bust. FrReNcH OF THE DirecrorrRE PERIOD. First Afternoon 83—Rounp DecorarEep LA CourTILLE PoRCELAIN Box. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOp. Domed cover, hinged with gilded bronze mountings, painted with a “Féte Villageoise” in the manner of Pater; inside of cover with Hogarthian interior. Ogee sides enriched with scrolled medal- lions of domestic subjects interrupted with flowers. Under foot with clusters of flowers and the blue mark under the glaze. 84—OvaL ENAMELED GOLD Box. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Slightly domed cover with flange, enriched with dainty repoussé formal bouquet of flowers, enameled in blue, green and crimson with the high lights in gold, deftly reserved. Straight sides similarly enchanced to cover. Small extending foot. Interior enameled turquoise blue. [Illustrated | 85S—BEAUTIFUL OvaL ENGRAVED GoLtp Parcu Box. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI Periop, Lightly domed cover with medallion in colors on royal blue ground: “Cupid riding a Pet Dog to the Altar of Love,” sur- rounded by chased scroll bandings in two colors of gold; sides enriched with oblong panels of enameled flowers; hinged cover discloses a completely fitted interior with small mirror and two ivory covered compartments for cosmetics, and another, open, for patches and small brush. In shagreen outer box. Height, 1 inch; length, 2% inches; width, 1% inches. [/llustrated | 86—PaInTrep Moruer-or-PEARL Fan. Frencn or tHe Louis XVI PERIOD. Blades and guards pierced and inlaid in gold and silver with classic figures, medallions and flower sprays; the feuille of chicken skin, beautifully painted with landscape and figures: “The Triumph of the Nine Muses.” Border of alternating dainty landscape medallions. Reverse, “Pastoral Landscape.” Length, 914 inches. [Illustrated | 85 S4_OvaL ENAMELED GoLp Box. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. 85—ENGRAVED OvaL GoLtp Parco Box. Louis XVI PErtop. S6—Paintrep MoruHer-or-PEart Fan. Louris XVI Perron. First q Afternoon fg s fir tis . ty tars Be ¥/ me », a LF: . 87—MountTEpD OBLONG MARBLE ENcRIER. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. } Massive Lienese brocatelle stand with deep ovoidal pen recept- acle. Richly mounted in curve doré with two gadrooned bullions inkwells, the loose covers pyramided with fruit and flowers; in center a flower wreathed demi-globe amid rolling cloud forms Supporting an oval plaque in blue and white jasper, dated and marked ‘“Sévres 1807,” depicting the head of the Empress Joseph- ine, evidently replacing an earlier Royal plaque. Enriched on front with rosette and flanking appliqués of bulrushes; the feet of finely scrolled acanthus leaves. (Small terminals of covers missing. ) Height, 84% inches; length, 10% inches; width, 6% inches. First Afternoon 88—ExaQuisirn HisroricaL BLAck BAsAautr Cur. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Depressed bowl-shaped body; cylindrical neck. Intricately dec- orated in gold and oxidized silver simulating niello work; the neck with two double medallions, one charged with the Royal arms of Charles IV of Spain, the other with the cipher C crowned ; the ground of minute interlacing arabesque scrolls. Height, 334 inches. Presented by the City of Toledo to Charles IV at his coronation. First Afternoon 89—Ser or SEVEN ScuLrrurEeD Boswoop FIGURINES. FLEMISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Two classic gods or goddesses stand in close proximity, a scrol- ling acanthus leaf rising at back and canopying their heads. They are lightly draped and stand on a scrolling of looped leaves and gadroons. Supported on a high paneled and molded pedestal. (Shght portion missing.) ; Heights of 6, 5% inches; of 1, 6% inches. “RUQING,) ALOT GA FO HSINATY “SANIYI9SIY GOOMSOgG GUWILITAOS NAATS AO LAS—GS First Afternoon 90—Rare CARVED GorHic Ivory PLAQUE. FRENCH OF THE 14TH CENTURY. Rectangular, divided into two panels canopied by trifoliate crocketed arches, depicting in the right “The Annunciation of the Virgin’; in left, “Christ disputing with the Doctors in the Temple.” Rich deep yellowish cream patina. Height, 252 inches; length, 314 inches. 91—CarvVEp Ivory Sraturerre. FRENCH oF THE 14TH CENTURY. “Holy Virgin and Child.” Graceful standing figure wearing a banded finely draped head-dress, ample draped robe, girdled at the waist and carrying the Infant Christ in her left arm and a dove in her right hand. Rich russet brown patina. (Head of child missing. ) Height, 7%, inches. 90—Rare Carvep Goruic Ivory Puagur. FRENCH oF THE 14TH CENTURY. 91—Carvep Ivory StTaTuEeTre. FRENCH oF THE 14TH CENTURY. First Afternoon 92—RarE PoLycHROME GILDED BRONZE PLAQuE. ITALIAN OF THE Harty 16TH Century. “Coronation of the Virgin.” The beautifully draped figure of the Virgin kneels in center on clouds, supported by winged cherubs’ heads. Seated at left partially draped with a flowing mantle is the Saviour holding a cross in His right hand and in His ex- tended left a crown, also held by the Holy Father, who sits in majesty, richly robed, the orb in His left hand. The Holy Spirit as a dove descends in a rayed glory toward the crown, which is about to be placed on the Virgin’s head.. Our Lord with circular .and the Father with triangular nimbus; multitudes of seraphs’ heads hover at left and right. Rich deep colors, features in nat- ural colors; on gilded ground. Leonardo da Vinci’s influence and inspiration strongly flavor the composition. In black molded, enriched frame which has been restored at the back. Height, 8% inches; width, 7% inches. First Afternoon 7 ZE PLAQUE. ITALIAN OF THE 92 RargE POLYCHROME GILDED Bro BarRty 16TH CENTURY. First Afternoon 98—CiIseLe GILDED BRoNZE PLAQUE WITHIN MountTEep Espony FRAME, ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. “The Childhood of Our Lord.” By Il Fiammingo (Frangois Duquesnoy, 1594-1644). Lire perdu bas-relief oval. The Virgin, wearing ample flowing robes, sits at right in a pleasant land- scape, holding the Infant Saviour on her lap. St. Joseph stands behind, leaning on a long rustic staff. A riotous group of Amorini are before the Virgin, offering luscious fruit to the Holy Child, gathered from a huge fruit-laden basket overturned in the left foreground, which four other Amorini are struggling to carry forward to the feet of the Virgin. A further joyful group of Amorini are seen in the background climbing and playing with a long laurel garland, festooned from a tree branch behind the ruins. Modeled with graceful abandon and chiseled with rare freedom and beauty of execution. Deep molded oblong ebony frame; enriched with spandrils of amethyst-crystal and similar colored glass and intervening gadrooned carnelian bosses. Mounted in gilded bronze with moldings in spandrils and rope motives on the top member; de- tached leaves enhance the hollow of the frame; at the crown be- tween the spandrils is a circular shield, mantled with cross keys and a Papal tiara, draped with cord and tassels, the shield charged with three stars above a boy’s head blowing at a spray of lilies. Surmounted by a strapleaf fronton centered with a winged Amorino’s head. Total height, 26 inches; width, 20% inches. Francois Duquesnoy of Brussels worked mostly in Italy and there ac- quired the name he is generally known by, “Il Fiammingo.” His famous Fiammingo Boys were executed in Italy and are now on exhibition at South Kensington Museum, London. First Afternoon 93 CiseLE GILDED BRoNZE PLAQUE WITHIN MOUNTED Epony FRAME. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. First Afternoon Ss ania 94—DercorAtep CARvep Ivory CABINET. ITALIAN oF THE 16TH. CEN- LUBY. All outer and inner surfaces are incrusted with ivory,. except the stellate inlaid panelled back, which is of walnut, pine, ebony and rosewood and the internal colums of amber tortoise-shell. Rectangular body fitted with two molded panelled hinged en- closing doors and ends; supported on ivory wave molded plinth with long drawer and molded bracketted feet ; surmounted by smaller oblong casket with doomed foot and molded panelled hinged top. Interior fitted with central columned door, scrolled pediment, plinth drawers and eight flanking drawers, each wave molded with ivory. The interior of enclosing doors carved in low relief with arched frames having the outer corners broken; pediment apron and side leaf scrolls, these with the center door and drawer enclosing oval and other enameled copper’ medal- lions depicting allegorical biblical subjects: “The Lord’s Sup- per,” “The Resurrection of the Dead,” “St. Raphael and the Seven Deadly Sins,” among others, in brilliant colors. (Portions of molding missing.) Height, 21 inches; width, 18 inches; depth, 10% inches. ‘XUQL -NAQ HILO, GHG JO NVIIVIT “LANIAV() AUOAT AGAUY(E) AELVUOOTd—TFh First Afternoon 95—SUPERBLY CHISELED Forcep IRON AND POLYCHROME TRIPTYCH. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. “Virgin and Child.” Rectangular painted plain exterior with Gothic strap hinges, hook fastenings and ring for suspension. Wings, finely molded on the interior and enriched in low relief with varied compositions of central jardiniéres, balusters, vases, scrolled cornucopias and a symbolic head of an ox, which emit leaf scrolls and flowers and sustain festoons and birds. Traces of gilding are in clear evidence. Center double molded, enclosing bands of decoration somewhat similar to wings and at corners winged cherubs’ heads appliqué. Within in higher relief is a figure of the Virgin seated on clouds wearing loose flowing robes and holding the nude Child Christ at her left side. The features in natural colors, the robes of red and green. Height, 114% inches; length, open, 15% inches; length shut, 7%, inches; depth, 114 inch. 96—Two Decoratep Uprigut LAcgur PANELS. PERSIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. One, personages of “A Court Travelling.” A richly habited com- pany, mounted on horseback, attendants on foot, are seen wind- ing their way down and across a hillside to a wayside pool in the foreground; at which several travellers have dismounted and are resting. Several women of the party are bathing at the pool, a large curtain spread for seclusion behind them. In the other, somewhat similar in composition, The Court is visiting a holy recluse; above on the steps of a temple is a vestal carrying a sacred cow. Bordered with rose spandrils at erown and in- scribed panelled banding. The papier-maché panels are slightly domed. Fitted in ancient Chinese, pierced and carved frames, in which varied small figures illustrative of Chinese domestic life appear. Panel: Height, 21 inches; width, 13 inches. J Y é H F THE 16T . PERSIAN O ANELS E P HT LAcCQU 96—Two DecorATED UPRIG CENTURY First Afternoon 97—Lacagurn GARNITURE. FRENCH OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD. Composed of oblong jardiniére and two square flaring vases of lacqué metal mounted with gilded bronze eagle wing and claw feet and supported on rectangular red marbleized plinths. De- picting romantic episodes: “Henry of Navarre and Gabrielle d’Estrées,” finely painted in colors with the picturesque costumes of the period. Jardinicre: Height, 11 inches; length, 14 inches. Vases: Height, 16 inches; width, 9 inches. 98—Rarp ILLUMINATED MISSAL. FLEMISH or THE 15TH CENTURY. - Enriched on vellum with thirty-eight miniatures in colors and gilding, including the “Annunciation,” “Birth of Christ,” the “Entombment,” “St. Chrystopher,” many fine borders of flowers and scrolls and initial letter. Introductory prayer by Pope Innocent. Bound in brown calf stamped with lined floral patera, border and center. (Back of binding defective.) — 54% inches by 4 inches. 99—Rare ILLUMINATED MISSAL. FRENCH oF THE 137TH CENTURY. “Livre d’Heures.” Enriched on vellum with many miniatures in colors and gilding, including the “Virgin and Child,” the “An- nunciation,” the “Flight into Egypt,” and “Christ at the Column,” innumerable initials and scrollings. Bound in brown calf enriched with stamped panels of interesting recurring inter- lacing scrolls. 54 inches by 4 inches. 100—ILLUMINATED Manuscripr Music Scorn. ITALIAN or THE 167TH CENTURY. . Enriched on heavy vellum in colors and gilding with miniatures: “The Birth of Christ and the Adoration of the Magi,” various borders and many initial letters. Bound in heavy brown hide tooled with panels, studded with four heavy wrought-iron bosses on either side and three smaller ones on each rim of cover. 22 inches by 14 inches. First Afternoon 101—Rarege ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Genealogy of the Zapata Family. Enriched on: vellum with _ family tree in colors and gilding as frontispiece, miniature of Charles III of Spain, many very beautiful scroll borders and initial letters, drawn in pen and ink; dated in body of manu- script 1781. Bound in old crimson velvet. : 12 inches by 8% inches. 102—ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Enriched on vellum with miniatures, frontispiece of the owner, Don Phelipe IJ, King of Spain, his wife, and four children, adoring the “Assumption of the Virgin,’ seen above, signed Alonso de Merer; facing is an elaborately scrolled arabesque cartouche charged with the King’s armorial bearings, and further embellishment of a miniature portrait of great merit; many rare initial letters among the text. Bound in gilded tooled yellow calf, with floral central panel and four varied borders. Height, 12144 inches; width, 91% inches. 103—RiIcHLY TooLeD AND GILpEp LEATHER MIssaL Cover. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Panelled with two bands and lines, enclosing a banded and cross banded elongated lozenge; the bands of delicate acanthus leaf scrolls and rosettes, interrupted by varied ovals of “Warriors’ Heads.” Enriched with gilded scrolled floral motives, at corners, and central device of a bird perched on a scrolled tree branch. Embellished on both sides of the soft gray tan calf. Height, 13 inches; width, 9 inches 104—Rare Votume or “Les Caprices pe Goya.” SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. - Containing eighty prints in aqua fortis of grotesque and satir- ical subjects. Several leaves slightly imperfect. Presented to Dr. Antonio Perez Rubio, 1833. First Afternoon 105—SiLver Lace AND DAMASK CorrREeT. ITALIAN OF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Oblong formed as a double cushion opening in center, trimmed on edge and top panelled with rare scrolled medallioned open silver lace. Interior fitted with extra cover and lined with rose- du-Barry silk. Height, 414 inches; length, 8 inches. 106—HEXAGONAL CARVED Ivory CorrreT. ITALIAN OF THE 15TH CEN- TURY. The body curiously enriched with recurring series of rounded panels, quaintly robed lovers alternating with warriors, molded inlaid crowning molding and foot with ivory bandings. In- curved molded and domed hinged top with zigzag inlaid mem- bers flanking the principal round member, occupied by winged Amorini sustaining shield, the others with fiying Amorini. (Several moldings and terminal missing.) Height, 8144 inches; diameter, 254 inches. 107—Rare Prercep AND Scuitprurep Ivory COFFRET. HISPANO- MORESQUE OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Rectangular, fitted with one drawer. All sides and drawer enriched with low relief ivory appliqués on sparsely remaining crimson velvet. Top displaying finely scrolled lotus flower en- closing “Pelican in Piety,’ within a quatrefoil pointed and scrolled medallion. On the sides and drawer, facing archaic lions amid floral scrollings and side bandings of florets. (Bandings and border imperfect). Height, 3% inches; length, 754 inches; depth, 6 inches. 108—Carvep LeatHer Corrret. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Rectangular, with sloping domed hinged cover finely panelled with geometric arabesque motives. Enriched with forged iron mountings, bail lifting handle, floriated strap hinges, hasp, corners, ball feet and heart-shaped escutcheon, the escutcheon delicately chiseled with Cupid amid flowers. Hasp similar. Height, 73% inches; length, 1214 inches; depth, 61% inches. First Afternoon 109—TooLtep LeaTHeR JEWEL Casker. FRENCH or tHe Louis XVI PERIOD. Oblong, with lifting hinged top and fall front, exhibiting first -a compartmented tray, second three small and one long drawer, enriched with gilded floral scroll tooling. Interior lined with charming floral. pink brocade of the period. Exterior panelled with scrolled and rosetted bandings of gilded tooling on rich brown morocco leather; enriched with gilded bronze lifting handle, hasp, scroll corners and escutcheon. Height, 734 inches; length, 16 inches; depth, 101% inches. 110—RareE GILDED TOOLED Box. ITALIAN of THE 17TH CENTURY. Rectangular, with domed molded hinged top. One end slides up- ward, discovering a long secret drawer. All sides and drawer front enriched with gilded tooled panels and many floral borders : the front with “Coach and Four Proceeding to a Hunt”; sides and back, “Stag Hunting.” Mounted with gilded bronze lifting handles at top and ends, scrolled escutcheons and ball feet. Height, 81% inches; length, 12% inches; depth, 71% inches. im 411—ScuurtTurep ALABASTER AND WALNUT CorrretT. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Rectangular, with hinged molded and panelled cover enriched with two inset floral scrolled incuse alabaster panels. Walnut columned arched panelled front and ends with inset floral ala- baster panels, back with inset panel. The left end raises, discov- ering four small and one long secret drawer. On molded pilas- tered plinth. Top mounted with scrolled bronze corners. (hn- perfect. ) 7 ' | | Height, 6% inches; iength, 12% inches; depth, 7% inches. 112—Intaip WaLnutT Corrret. HispANo-MorRESsQUE OF THE 15TH CEN- TORY, Rectangular; hinged lifting top, enriched with sunk panelled bands and stellate center flanked by six tulip motives; the channeling for inlay which has disappeared. Front and ends similarly panelled with trace cf inlay remaining. Yitted with wrought-iron hasp, scrolled lock plate, corners, varied scrolled lifting handles. (Imperfect. ) Height, 12% inches; length, 25 inches; depth, 141% inches. First Afternoon 113—INLAID TorRTOISE-SHELL, IvoRY AND EBONY CoFFRET,. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Hinged top inlaid with stellate center and diamond lattice band- ing on ebony; molded sides with the lattice recurring. On round turned feet. Interior of top fitted with mirror. Height, 61% inches; length, 15 inches; depth, 14 inches. 114--INLa1p Ivory AND RosEewoop Corrret. HisPpANo-MORESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Rectangular, with hinged cover, similarly enriched on both sides with central lobed medallion radiating from a stellate center and surrounding band with rondel pendants at either side, varied cir- cular geometric corners and ground semé, with stars. Ends, front and back with panels enclosing geometric motives. The patterns executed in minute ivory diamonds and lines. Height, 634 inches; length, 19% inches; depth, 13% inches. 115—IN.LAID Ivory, ToORTOISE-SHELL AND RosEwoop Box. SpanisH oF THE 17TH CENTURY. Rectangular, with molded ebony foot and hinged top; supported on ball feet. Top laid with four panels of ivory lined strapwork interrupted with tortoise-shell lobed medallion center, semicircles at sides and quartered circles at corners, remainder of top and — sides enriched with ivory outlined tulip scrolls; sides also with raised ebony molded panels of tortoise-shell and finely wrought iron lifting handles. Interior lined with crimson damask and displaying a mirror panel on inside of the inlaid top. Height, 5 inches; length, 17 inches; depth, 12 inches. 116—SMauu PaIntep Guass LEADED PANEL. FRENCH or THE 177TH CEN- TURY. “The Muse.” Seated figure in ample flowing robes and draperies, supported on spreading pedestal enriched with satyr’s mask and scrolls. Arched top, painted in pinkish-brown camaieu. Ring for suspension. Height, 7 inches; width, 5 inches. First Afternoon 117—Sinver Bongon DisH. FRENCH oF THE Louis XVI Perriop. Open repoussé rim enriched with garlanded vases and medal- lions interrupted by cupids; two scrolled acanthus leaf handles; supported on four molded taper feet. Old peacock green cut glass, scalloped top lining (small portion of garland missing). Height, 21% inches; length, 6% inches. 118—SILVER-PLATED JARDINIERE. FRENCH oF THE 18TH CENTURY. Oval flaring body, finished at crown with deep scrolling; leaf- scrolled handles. Height, 3% inches; length, 12 inches. 119—Two SILVER-PLATED WINE Cooumrs. FRENCH oF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Cylindrical, rounded at foot. Molded rim with two small scrolled shell handles. | Height, 7 inches; respective diameters, 7144 and 714 inches. ARMS AND ARMOR 120—WALKING Sworp. FRENCH OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD. Etched channeled blade; gilded bronze grip enriched with bead- ing, small trophies and mother-of-pearl panels, pommel a knight’s plumed casque, scrolled heart-shaped drooping guard and light scrolled knuckle guard, bronze mounted black leather scabbard. (Mounting slightly imperfect.) Length, 3 feet 2 inches. 121—WALKING Sworp. FReNcH or THE EMPIRE PERIOD. Floral etched diamond sectioned tapering blade; gilded bronze grip, enriched with imbrications and two panels of mother-in- pearl, one adorned with winged Egyptian head in bronze, scrolled knuckle guard enriched with honeysuckle motives and right side drooping kidney-shaped. Guard pierced with similar motives. Black leather scabbard with bronze mounting. Length, 3 feet 11%4 inches. 122—-SHort BrRoADSworD. FRENCH OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD. Finely channeled blade, finished with scrolled gilded bronze guard and grip in the form of the head of a Gallic cock. Blade engraved: “Coullier 4 Paris’. Black enameled bronze trimmed leather sheath. Length, 34 inches. First Afternoon 123—Two ForGcep Iron AND WoopEN StTirrups. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Arched form, one side carved with raised instep rim, hollowed for foot out of one block of walnut. Reinforced with iron bandings and front with pierced and finely engraved iron appliqué display- ing two facing rampant lions sustaining a crown and supported on scrollings. (One appliqué defective. ) | Height, 6 inches; length, 10 inches. 124—Two Forcep Iron Stirrurs. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Pierced basket foot plate in one piece, enriched with double dis- played eagle and six foliated diagonal crosses on sides, upright shaped strap holder arched and perforated at crown. Height, 6% inches; length, 7 inches 125—Two Siuver INLAIp PIsTots. FRENCH or THE 17TH CENTURY. Tapering molded barrel with octagonal shank, inlaid with gold in geometric scrolls; carved walnut stock enriched with delicate acanthus and valance motives; mounted in silver, with eagle- head at butt, beautiful cartouched trigger guard, and inlaid scrollings. Muzzle loading flint lock, ramrod of ivory and ebony ; interesting shaped steel hook to hang in belt. Made and signed by Pierre Peyret. Length, 15 inches. COLLECTION OF 16th CENTURY SPANISH SWORDS AND DAGGERS Formerly the Property of the Due d’Ossuna. 127—Ma1n GAUCHE DAGGER. Chiseled hilt; pommel molded globular with four circular facets enriched with small gold azzimina figures and small ball termin- als; granulated tapering grip, with a succession of vertical fluted chevrons and wire-bound center. Slender octagonal straight quillons imbricated with chevrons and terminated in molded bosses ; connected broad knuckle guard, a tapering panel, pierced and chiseled with ieaf scrolls which enclose a circular medal- lion of radiating scrolls in gold azzimina, deeply roped flanged rim as sword breaker. Diamond tapering blade enriched with pointed panel of formal leaf scrolls, false guard below the ricasso with sunk oval panel and leaf scrolls. Total length, 201% inches. First Afternoon ener ee a SEE 128—Lone Raripr. SpPaNIsH or Tue 16TH CENTURY. Chiseled hilt; flattened spherical pommel, scroll enriched and molded at crown and foot; wire-bound grip of oblong section; expanding knuckle guard and long straight quillons of round section rope waved toward the end buttons; deep pierced basket with scalloped rim and many gadroons of open leaf scrollings ; similar interior ring. Tapering diamond blade stamped with armorer’s mark “a small crown” at ricasso. Total length, 58 inches; blade, 46 inches. 129—Lone Rapier. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Chiseled basket hilt; button-shaped pommel with irregular dia- gonal fluting and terminating flattened ball; tapering wire- bound grip with plaitings at either end, of oblong section; knuckle guard and long straight quillons, round roped and terminating in small buttons; pierced bowl-shaped basket with enriched rope rim and decorated with upper major and minor bands of differing recurring volute scrolls; similar pierced in- terior ring. Slender flattened diamond tapering blade, fluted at the ricasso and therein inscribed “En Alamania”’ and “Johan- ica lesche”’ Total length, 46 inches; blade, 3934 inches. 130—S.LenpEr Rapvier. SPANISH or tHE 16TH CENTURY. Chiseled basket hilt; leaf medallioned globular pommel with molded button terminal and foot; square tang on grip; slender knuckle guard and straight quillons round in section and termin- ating in small buttons; basket extended somewhat above the knuckle quillon, enriched with scalloped edge and spiral flutings enclosing graceful leaf scrolls.. Tapering diamond blade, fluted at ricasso and therein stamped with armorer’s mark. Total length, 4434 inches; blade, 3834 inches. 131—BravutiruL SLENDER Rapier. SpaNIsH of THE 16TH CENTURY. Chiseled basket hilt. Gadrooned spherical pommel terminating in a molded button; interlacing wire-bound grip; long straight spirally fluted quillons; pierced basket extended in a strap to pommel, as knuckle guard, finished with rope rim and enriched with many floral volute scrolls. Long slightly flattened and fluted diamond, tapering blade with two deep extra flutes at the ricasso and therein stamped and inscribed. Total length, 54 inches; blade, 46%, inches. First Afternoon 182—-SLENDER RAPIER. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Chiseled basket hilt; flattened spherical pommel terminating in small knob; ovoidal wire-bound grip; slight expanding knuckle guard and straight quillons both bound and enriched with wave motives; cup with extension V over center of knuckle guard, enriched with dentilled rim and ovoidal medallions enclosing archaic mounted warriors advancing to combat. Tapering dia- mond blade. Total length, 4314 inches; blade, 3634 inches. 133—BEAUTIFUL SLENDER RAPIER. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Chiseled basket hilt; molded flattened spherical pommel termin- ating in small ball; wire-bound ovoidal grip of oblong section; finely balustered knuckle guard and slender straight quillons both terminating in molded buttons; pierced cup with flanged rim enriched with alternate diagonal flutes and leaf gadroons, cup with radiating panel-piercings of heart shape and other leaf scrolls and enclosed fleur-de-lys. Flattened diamond tapering blade deeply fluted at the ricasso and therein armorer’s mark and inscribed I. N. X. sourim 1708. (Basket slightly imperfect.) Total length, 461% inches; blade, 38% inches. 134—S.LeNpER Rapier. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Chiseled basket hilt; spiral leaf gadrooned and fluted pommel of flattened spherical shape terminated with a small button; tapering wire-bound grip with ferrules and of square section; Slightly expanding knuckle guard and straight quillons with roped and button ends; pierced cup with diagonal leaf gadrooned — and fluted flange, cup enriched with major upper and lower bands of interlacing blossom-centered leaf scrolls. Tapering diamond blade. Total length, 4334 inches; blade, 363% inches. 1385—Main Gaucue Daccrr. SpaNisu or THE 16TH CENTURY. Chiseled hilt; depressed spherical molded pommel terminating in small ball; wire-bound grip of quatrefoil section with slender reinforcing strips; domed circular knuckle guard with scalloped and geometric pierced border and small vertical molded band; lond slender expanding quillons with molded ball terminals. Tapering diamond blade, the upper portion flattened, grooved and with scalloped back edge, pierced and oval panelled ricasso Stamped with mark, T. O. | Total length, 2314 inches; blade, 17% inches. First Afternoon 136—DovBLeE-EDGED Sworp. PERSIAN oF THE 15TH CENTURY. Tapering blade; fluted on both sides at the ricasso and there marked with maker’s mark. Gilded bronze grip terminating in a pommel resembling a bird’s head; drooping scrolled guards; etched with strap arabesques enclosing rabbits, birds, flowers, and personages. Length, 32 inches. 137.— Rapier. GERMAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Chiseled russet hilt. Four-pointed ovoidal pommel of oval sec- tion enriched with medallions enclosing busts of Roman em- perors, surrounded by arabesques; small ovoidal grip of cork, bound at foot with interlacing silver wire; knuckle guard scrol- ling into S-shaped quillons; thumb guard scrolling into oval ring, chiseled with laurel leafage and animalistic terminals. Tapering diamond blade fluted at the ricasso. Armorer’s mark, Calle. Total length, 4514 inches; blade, 3814 inches. 138—InLaip WaLtNuT Fusiu. FRreNcuH or Tun 177TH CENTURY. Round tapering barrel assuming an octagonal section for two- thirds of its length, this portion engraved with bands of wave motives. Flintlock action. Shaped stock has been inlaid with scrolled iron (parts missing). Finished with a molded butt chiseled with acanthus scrolls. Length, 31%, inches. 139—Ivory INLAND WALNUT ArQqugEBuS. ITALIAN oF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Hexagonal tapering barrel; wheel-lock action. Unusually shaped stock, carved with acanthus leaf and inlaid with figure medal- lions and semé with small ivory rosettes. (Imperfect.) Length, 41% inches. 140—Lone Watnur Fusiu. Frencu or THe 18TH Century. Octagonal tapering barrel, molded and enriched with leaf band for about one-third of length; inlaid and stamped with maker’s mark at stock; beautifully chiseled flintlock action. Light molded shaped stock, inlaid with various chiseled silver medal- lions, scrolled with acanthus leaves. Length, 4 feet 10 inches. First Afternoon 141—FINELY CHISELED Dos pe Currass. ITALIAN or THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Back plate of a cuirass from a suit of pageant armor. Enriched with three vertical tapering, radiating panels, the central one terminating in two round scrolled medallions occupied by classic busts. The panels, with gilded grounds, display Raphaelesque arabesques of armoric motives and scrolled leafage. Height, 1244 inches; width, 11% inches. 142—Forcep Iron ToukNAMENT CASQUE. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY, Ovoidal form, with small rope comb and pointed umbril. Vizor, bevor and chin piece hinged; long narrow oblong ocularia and S-shaped apertures for breathing purposes. Russet-brown patina. Height, 11 inches. 1483—ANCIENT Coat oF Main. FRENcH 15TH CENTURY STYLE. The alternate thinner links split, the others solid. Covering the torso only, split at back and shaped at foot of front. (Imper- fect.) Probably made in the late seventeenth century. Height, 35 inches; width, 24 inches. 144—Coat or MAIL. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Double mail, each link finely welded. Shaped at front of foot and split at back. In excellent condition. Length, 36 inches; width with arms extended, 39 inches. 145—Four WrovucutT-IRoN CANNON UTENSILS. FRENCH orf THE 18TH CENTURY. Two four-clawed iron cannon ball lifters, with long wooden handles; spiral ramrod or cleaner and semicircular hoe-shaped iron barrel scraper, both with similar long handles. Lengths, 4 feet 9 inches. 146—MopeL Bronze Mortar. FRENCH or THE 17TH CENTURY. Annular molded cup form terminating in a heavy ball, enriched with twisted snakes forming a loop handle and grotesque male mask below breech. Mounted on stationary wooden carriage reinforced with iron straps and four large rings for removal. Length of mortar, 6 inches. Total length, 11 inches; height, 7 inches. First Afternoon 147—Rare Mopet [Ron CANNON. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Heavily molded muzzle to a slender barrel developing into an octagonal section about halfway, terminating in an annular molded band and square breech block with an adjustable mechanical device for loading. Mounted on wooden carriage with large spider wheels of twelve spokes, both reinforced with iron plates and rims on the wheels. Cannon length, 1 foot 10 inches. Total length, 2 feet 11 inches; height, 1 foot 11 inches. 148—Mope.t Bronze CANNON. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Finely formed tapering barrel enriched with annular moldings, swelling blunt-nosed molded muzzle, ball terminal and two lift- ing loops near the trunnions. Mounted on reinforced stationary - wooden carriage. Cannon length, 1 foot 3% inches. Total length, 1 foot 414 inches; height, 5% inches. First Afternoon 149—Mope.u or Iron CoastaL, CANNON. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Long tapering barrel reinforced with finely molded muzzle and center, terminating in molded pineapple shank. Enriched with two scrolled loops on barrel, and near the shank with a coat-of.- arms ensigned with castles and having a scrolled label, bearing inscription, “Ville de Tréport,” the motto “Sequine ult Portus.” Wooden carriage, heavily reinforced with studded iron plates, mounted on iron-banded wheels with eight spokes. Cannon height, 2 feet 1 inch. Total length, 3 feet 1 inch; height, 1 foot 3 inches. 150—ITrERESTING MoprL Bronzz UANNON AND TRAIN. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI Prriop. Horse artillery; finely formed tapering barrel, enriched with annular moldings, swelling blunt-nosed molded muzzle, ball terminal and two lifting loops near the trunnions. Mounted on an elaborate wooden carriage with /adjustable turntable for sighting and ammunition hutch; on two wheels of twelve spokes and two loose swiveled attachable front wheels of ten spokes with center pole and two trace poles for two horses. Cannon length, 101, inches. Total length, 2 feet 11 inches 3 height, 9 inches. First Afternoon 151—Mopet or IRoN CANNON. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Heavy barrel reinforced at muzzle and intervaled with annular moldings, terminating in ball. Heavy wooden carriage rein- ' forced with iron plates and end caps, mounted on wheels with eight spokes. Cannon length, 1 foot 8 inches. Total length, 3 feet 1 inch; height, 1 foot 214 inches. 152—Mopet Bronze CANNON AND TRAIN. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Horse artillery; finely formed tapering barrel enriched with an- nular moldings, swelling blunt-nosed molded muzzle, ball termi- nal and two lifting loops near the trunnions. Mounted on an elaborate wooden carriage with accessories, shell lifter, brushes, iron buckets and adjustable turntable for sighting; on two wheels with fourteen spokes and auxiliary swiveled two front wheels with similar spokes, center pole and two trace poles for two horses, carrying oblong ammunition hutch. Length of cannon, 2 feet. Total length, 8 feet; height 1 foot 714 inches. POLYCHROME AND BLUE AND WHITE FAIENCE TILES Hispano-Moresque and Spanish (including Talavera and Alcora), 15th to 18th Centuries. 158—Lustre Farmnce Bow. Hisrano-MoresQuhk oF THE 16TH CENTURY. Bowl with two small lip flanges; decorated in rich brown relief with blossom center and following bandings enclosing interlac- ing oval motives. (Repaired.) Diameter, 51% inches. 154—TaLAVERA FAIENCE PITCHER. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Squat form with pinched spout and strap handle. Decorated with archaic landscape and banding at neck and foot in greens, yel- lows and dark brown. (Lip chipped.) Height, 7 inches. 155—Atcora FAIENCE VASE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Slender incurved body with small lip and foot; decorated in blue on cream-white ground with the coat-of-arms of Leon & Castile en- signed with a crown, canopied with a Cardinal’s hat and with a scrolled label below. (Chipped at foot.) Height, 11 inches. First Afternoon sess 156—F arence ALBARELLO. ITALIAN OF THE 177TH CENTURY. Slender incurved cream body; decorated with oval inscribed yel- Jow medallion enriched with blue ribbon and sprays of leaves and flowers. Height, 111% inches. 157—Atcora Farencse Prrcurr. Spanrsit or tTup 18944 CENTURY. Pear-shaped gadrooned body with mask spout and scroll handle, on molded annular foot. Decorated in blue with sea and land- scapes, gadroons and dainty festoons of flowers. (Foot repaired.) Height, 914 inches. 158—Dercoratep TALAverA Farencr Depp PLATE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Displaying in yellows, greens, browns and black a grotesque fig- ure of a musketeer in formal landscape. Diameter, 11% inches. 159—Two Atcora Farence Vases. SPANISH or THE 177TH CENTURY. Tall incurving body with broad slightly flaring small mouth. Dec- orated in blue with crown ensigned, shield bearing the arms of Leon and Castile, canopied by a Cardinal’s hat. Height, 11 inches. 160—Rare Brun anp Sintver Lusrre Farence PLater. FispANo-Mor- ESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Center enriched with elaborate growing flowering shrub in silver reflets on a beautiful blue ground; cavetto of lattice band and marly of reversed leaf motives in same colori ing. (Rim chipped.) Diameter, 8 inches. 161—Coprer Lustre Fatence PLATE. HispaNo-MorESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Flaring cavetto and marly, decorated with two floral diamond motives reserved in the cream on reflet grounds, between these being staves of pearls and detached floral and pineapple motives Diameter, 9 inches. 162 2—TALAVERA FAIENCE Vase. Spr ANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Molded pear-shaped body, short molded foot, and high molded flaring neck, scrolled demi-siren handles, enriched in cobalt blue with boy hawking and mythical lion in landscape, the members of neck and foot with varied leaf rue and gadroons. Height, 16 inches. First Afternoon 163—Deep Lustrep FAarence DisH. HISPANO-MORESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Bowl shape with low turnover rim; decorated in brilliant copper ' reflets with archaic fish and mermaid, amid floral and animal mo- tives on buff ground, semé with dots. Rim banded and double lined. (Has been repaired.) Diameter, 12 inches. 164—Drer Lustrrep Fatence Disu. Hisrano-Moresgue or tur 16rn CENTURY. Central boss enriched with chimeric monster; cavetto with plain bands enclosing archaic fruit motives; rounded marly spirally ga- drooned in the paste, alternately enriched with reflets and in- floretted motives, finished with an outer banding. The brilliant reflets of pale iridescent pink, blues, greens, and silver tones on a soft cream ground. Exterior lined with circles in golden brown reflets. Pierced for suspension. (Imperfect.) Diameter, 16 inches. 165—DrEcoraTED FAIENCE PLATE. ITALIAN or THE 16TH CENTURY. Decorated on a cream-white crackle glaze with circular central medallion enclosing “Amorini riding Dolphin,” deep border with chimeric winged female figures amid flower scrolls, rope rim. Yellows, ereens and browns the predominating colors. Diameter, 101, inches. 166—APPLE-GREEN FAIENCE PUZZLE WINE PITCHER. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Oval body, enriched with bands of fluting at top and foot, dome with intricate crossed arabesques, terminating in a rosette, cen- ter with oval medallion enclosing the Hapsburg insignia, a crested doubled displayed eagle; reverse enclosing heraldic shield, stars and interlacing cord, both with crested band under: two archaic masks, doghead and scroll handles; supported on fluted bell foot. Rare light apple-green glaze. Height, 101%4 inches. First Afternoon 167—ImportTantr Lustrep Faience DEEP DisH. Hispano-MoresQuE or THE 16TH CENTURY. Central knobbed, spirally gadrooned boss; cavetto enriched with four heart-shaped motives outlined in Persian blue, enclosing in- floretted palmette devices and interrupted by combined oval and diamond medallions with pendant and surrounding leafage; marly of large scrolled leaves modeled in the paste and enriched with the recurring blue and surrounded by varied imbrications enclosed by bands of scrolled palmettes at the rims. Executed in pale golden reflets on a charming lustrous cream ground. Ex- terior with blossom center surrounded by rude scrollings in yel- lowish silver reflets. Double piercing for suspension. Diameter, 1934 inches. First Afternoon 168—PotycHROME Faiencne Ties. Hispano-Moresqur or run 16TH CENTURY. Border tiles; modeled grounds recessed in the paste; displaying ' reversed cream bands forming lozenge medallions enclosing green and cream blossoms and in the arches half-blossoms; on soft yel- low ground. Finished at crown and foot with narrow green bands. Height, 2% inches; width, 5% inches. 169—Four PotycHrome Tites. Hisrano-MorrsQue oF THE 16TH CrEN- TURY. Border tiles; modeled grounds recessed in the paste; displaying lined diagonals of yellow forming upper and lower triangles in rich apple-green with the sides cream. Variance in color and condition. Height, 2% inches; width, 514 inches. 170—Turep PotycHrRoME FAIENcE TILES. SPANISH of THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Border tiles; modeled grounds recessed in the paste; displaying cream banded and connected oval medallions, each enclosing four- petalled blossoms in yellow; ground of brilliant apple-green, nar- row crown and foot borders of yellow. Variance in color and con- dition. Height, 254 inches; width, 51% inches. 171—Two PotycHrome Faience Titers. HIistano-MoresQur OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Modeled grounds recessed in the paste; displaying a central blue and yellow banded medallion whose bands scroll into four smaller floral medallions at the quarter; in the center quatrefoil leaf blos- soms with a brilliant green complementing the other colors on a cream ground. (Corners chipped.) 5 inches square. 172—Two PotycHroME Fatmncre Tites. HISPANO-MoORESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Similar to preceding, but with center blossom surrounded by six-whorled green acanthus leaves. (Corners chipped.) 5 inches square. First Afternoon 173—Uniovue SMALL Potycurome Farence Tite. Hispano-Morusqup OF THE Earty 16TH CENTURY. ; Modeled grounds recessed in the paste; displaying cream banded incurved square medallion, enclosing small blossom on dull red ground, emitting cream leaves at corners and club-shaped motives at sides; on alternate grounds of lustrous black and green. 3144 inches square. 174—Four Rare PoLtycuromMeé Farrencn Titers. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Border tiles; modeled grounds recessed in the paste; displaying reversed linked balustered S leaf scrolls in cream with green link balustering on delicate yellow grounds. JT inished at crown and. foot with narrow bandings of green. (Imperfect.) Height, 2% inches; length, 6 inches. 175—Firrren TALAVERA Borper T1ILEs. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Decorated in pale green on greenish cream ground with key fret motives and bandings lined with gray black. Height, 215 inches; width, 5% inches. 176—KEicutr PoLtycuroMe Faience Tites. HIisrano-MorEsQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Border tiles; modeled grounds recessed in the paste; display- ing double reversed heart-shaped motives formed by two grace- ful scrolled acanthus leaves, one of blue and the other of brilliant green, terminating in and enclosing fleur-de-lys motives. Fin- ished at crown and foot with narrow green bandings. Variance in color, size and condition. 514 inches by 214 inches. 177—S1x PoLtycHROME FAIENCE TILES. HISPANO-MORESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Border tiles, modeled grounds recessed in the paste; displaying green reversed S acanthus leaf scrolls sustaining a central husk motive. Executed in Persian blue, green and brown on a cream ground; green bandings at crown and foot. (Variously chip- ped.) Height, 51%, inches; width, 614 inches. First Afternoon 178—Four PotycHROoME FAIENCE TILES. HISPpANO-MORESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. _ Modeled grounds recessed in the paste. Forming a complete pat- tern, displaying an eight-pointed stellate leaf motive in blue and yellow on a cream ground within a yellow and green square medallion. Total size, 814 inches square. 179—Two PANELS or ALCoRA FalENCE TILES. SPANISH oF THE 17TH CENTURY. Hach composed of six tiles variously picturing rustic sportsman with lion and different birds. Set in oak frames. Height, 20 inches; width, 15 inches. 180—FIFTEEN PoLYcHROME FAIENCE TILES. HISPANO-MORESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Border tiles; modeled grounds recessed in the paste, displaying linked scrolled cream and black acanthus leaves on a soft yellow ground; crown and foot bands of deep rich apple-green. Vari- ance in color and condition. yeignt, 2% inches; width, 554 inches. 181—E1egHt Rare PoLtycHrROoME FAIENcE TILES. HISPANO-MORESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Modeled grounds, recessed in the paste. Forming two complete motives, each displaying a beautiful intricate pattern of a broken yellow diamond, enclosing interior fruit and leaf scrolls held by a delicate round wreath and central circular medallion of four- lobed leaves; corners of leafage and fruit executed in rich yel- lows, browns, greens, and blues on a cream ground. (Several corners defective. ) 51 inches square. 182—Four Rare PoLycHROME FAIENCE TILES. HISPANO-MORESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Modeled grounds recessed in the paste. Forming a complete pattern; displaying circular medallion richly banded with blue acanthus leaf scrolls and connecting white husks on a yellow ground, in the center an eight-point leaf husk motive in rich brown and yellow on a cream ground. 7ota1 size, 9 inches square. First Afternoon 183 s at LARGE TALAVERA FAIENCE TILE PANEL. SPANISH OF THE 177TH CEN- TURY. Composed of thirty tiles. Displaying in the center three par- tially draped Cupids, each standing on a serolled pedestal and supporting on his head a basket of flowers. Finished with a broad border in reserve of acanthus-leaf scrolls springing from corner husks; narrow cream and blue guards. Executed in rich deep and pale blues on a blue-white ground. (Corners of several tiles chipped. ) Height, 2 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 414 inches. First Afternoon es 184—LarRGE TALAVERA FAIENCE TILE PANEL. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Composed of thirty tiles. Displaying in the center an ornate vase with scrolled dolphin supports and elaborately scrolled demi-cu- pid handles, holding a large bouquet of loose flowers. Finished with a broad border in reserve of acanthus-leaf scrolls springing from corner husks; narrow cream and blue guards. Executed in rich, deep and pale blues on a blue-white ground. (Corners of several tiles chipped.) Height, 2 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 414 inches. First Afternoon 185—Rare TALAVERA PoLyCHROME TILE. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Rectangular; decorated in blues, yellows and golden brown with the facade of the Cathedral of Cordova. (Repaired.) Length, 1214 inches; width, 8% inches. 186-——NinE Rare PoLtycHROME TiLes. HispAno-MorESQUE OF THE 1OTH CENTURY. Modeled grounds recessed in the paste; displaying interlacing cream arabesque bandings, forming a central stepped block medallion enclosing cream and yellow stellate blossoms, each surrounded by four motives of yellow diamonds within cruciform double lozenges on green ground. Similar in pattern to many at the Alhambra. : 6 inches square. 187—Tuirty-FouR TALAVERA PoLYCHROME FAlENck TILes. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Displaying reversed yellow, brown and green S-scrolls supporting central floral motives. Finished at top with bands of yellow and blue. Size, 514 inches square. 188—THIRGY-FIVE TALAVERA PoLycHROME FAIENCE TILES. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Four tiles complete a recurring pattern; displaying in reds, yel- lows, blues and green a florette center medallion, inhibiting, diagonally, four carnation and leaf motives. Size, 5144 inches square. 189—TWENTY-FIVE TALAVERA POLYCTIROME FAITENCE TILES. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Variously decorated in colors with pastoral landscapes, peasants, animals, and castles in colors. Size, 534 inches by 8% inches. 190—NINETEEN PotycuROoME FAIENCE TILES. HiIsPpaANo-MoRESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Border tiles; modeled grounds recessed in the paste; displaying alternate banded circular quatrefoil leaf and sunflower motives and connecting reversed double husks in rich translucent greens, yellows and blues; finished with a crowning border of acanthus husks and scrolls, at foot with a band of small green flutings on cream ground and narrow green guards to both. Height, 534 inches; width, 4% inches. First Afternoon 191—UNiIquE OcTAGONAL PANEL oF BLUE AND Wuite Tites. Hispano- MorRESQUE OF THE 15TH CENTURY. _ Composed of central square and four surrounding lozenge-shaped tiles; center displaying an archaic blossom within a square of interlaced, latticed bands which continue and outline the outer lozenge tiles, which enclose varied pseudo-Moorish inscriptions. (Slightly restored.) In octagonal oak frame. Diameter, 13% inches. 192—Forry PoLtycHroMer Faience Tires. Hispano-Moresquer OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Border tiles; modeled grounds recessed in the paste; displaying charming acanthus-leaf central motives; arcade at crown and foot with double stem scrolls terminating in fleur-de-lys. Fin- ished at crown with band of green, at foot with banded border of the recurring fleur-de-lys and scrolls. Rich coloring of bril- liant varying deep apple-greens, browns, blues and yellows on cream ground. Slight variance in sizes. Height, 5% inches; width, 61%, inches. 193—Srxty-stx TALAVERA POLYCHROME FAIENCE TILES. SPANISH OF THE 18tH CENTURY. Variously decorated in colors, with quaint landscapes occupied by peasants in their odd costumes and at different avocations: boys swimming, beggars, grotesque animals, castles and ships. Size, 45g inches by 8% inches approximately. 194—Fortry PotycuroMe FaAirnce Titres. HISPANO-MORESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Modeled grounds recessed in the paste. Four complete a pattern ; displaying a complex pearl enriched banded quatrefoil motive with interior corners emitting acanthus-like fleur-de-lys, and en- closing a diamond of four baluster staves with a patera center. Executed in lustrous black-brown, deep apple-green and Persian blue on a cream ground. Slight variance of sizes and many chipped. 514 inches square. ‘4. First Afternoon en Sess sss Srxry-ricn'r PorycuroMr Faipncr Tires. Hispano-Morgs@ur or THE 16TH CENTURY. Similar to the preceding, but with yellow introduced into the bandings and balusters. (Variously chipped.) 195 554 inches square. 196—Forty-seveN PotycuroMe Faience Tres. HIsSPANO-MORESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Border tiles; modeled grounds recessed in the paste; displaying a distinguished central motive of reversed husks and leaves, sup- porting fruit, under a pointed and scrolled canopy with similar smaller husk motives, in rich greens. Persian blue, yellow and brown on cream ground. Finished with narrow green bands at crown and foot. Slight variance in sizes. Height, 5% inches; width, 41%4 inches. 197—UnNiIQUE MAntEL PANEL or Mopetiep Terre-cuite Trues. FrREencu OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Two hundred and four assorted tiles of which a panel can be set as follows: Rectangular panel; composed of 68 central tiles, 14 crown and foot, half tiles and 8 side tiles (4 small corner tiles missing) ; a few surplus tiles in various conditions. Center tiles are 4 lobed, the sides semi-circular, the vertical straight sided with incurved pointed terminations so that they perfectly articu- ‘ate with one another. These are modeled incayo in low relief with busts of warriors and their ladies, wearing the strange and interesting medieval head-gear of 15th Century France and a few with heraldic animalistic motives. The surrounding half tiles to complete the rectangle are similar in design to the center. Old smoky red in color. The small missing corners can be cut from the surplus tiles, fourteen in number. (Several tiles have been repaired. ) Approximate size of Panel, according as set: " Height, 3 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet. The above tiles were removed from situ in the 13th century Chateau de Vierville-sur-Mer, Calvados, France, during its restoration in the late 17th century and were recently acquired by the present owner. “AUQING) HIG] AHL JO HONGU] ‘SHI, MLINO-auua], GATTAGOW 40 IANVG TUINVIT TAOINQ—JGT First Afternoon 198—SeEvENtTy-FouR ALcCoRA PoLYyCHROME FAIENCE TILES. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Variously decorated in colors with grotesque figures, animals and the phases of the moon. 5% inches square. 199—TaLAvERA PoLtycHromME Faience TILes. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Decorated in colors on white; depicting various animals, rustics, personages at different activities and symbolic suns and other motives. Size, 5144 inches square. 200—OnrE HUNDRED AND KicgHty-rwo Exquisir—E POLYCHROME FAIENCE Tites. HispaAno-MorESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Border tiles; modeled grounds recessed in the paste; displaying recurring blue banded scrolled ogivals enclosing green and yel- low blossoms and demarked at intersections with four-pointed stellate blossoms, on varying cream grounds. Finished at crown and foot with narrow green bands. Variance in color, size and condition. Height, 5 inches; width, 254 inches. 201—Onre Hunprep AND Srxty-Five Ta’averA PoLyYCHROMB FAIENCE TILES. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Four tiles compose a full recurring pattern; displaying a re- served cream banded diamond motive enriched with sprays of flowers in pink, blue and lavender and enclosing an eight-lobed reserved cream and yellow medallion and surrounding blossom scroll motives on brilliant green ground. 5Y, inches square. 202—OnE HuNpRED AND Twenty ALCoRA PoLYCHROME FAIENCE TILES. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Variously decorated in colors with single figures, illustrating the peasant costumes of the period, birds, animals and other mo- tives. (Twenty-eight imperfect. ) Size, 8 inches square. 203—Two HuNDRED AND SIXTY-EIGHT TALAVERA POLYCHROME FAIENCE TILES. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Variously decorated in colors, mostly with single peasant figures of the period, at different activities. (Fifty imperfect.) Size, 5144 inches square, SECOND AFTERNOON’S SALE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’CLOCK CATALOGUE NOS. 204 TO 424 BRASSES OF SIXTEENTH, SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES 204—Two Brass CANDLESTICKS. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Graceful baluster supports, on square bases; one with shell and one with claw feet. Heights, 61% and 71% inches. 205—Two Brass CANDLESTICKS. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Baluster supports; on square sunk bases with claw feet. Heights, 5% and 6% inches. 206—Two Brass CANDLESTICKS. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Baluster supports; on square sunk bases and claw feet. Heights, 64% and 7% inches 207—Two Brass CANDLESTICKS. FLEMISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Graceful baluster support, with large bobéche and molded bell foot. Height, 9 inches. 208—Two Brass CANDLESTICKS SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Baluster support, with wide bobéche. On molded triangular base with small feet. Height, 91% inches. 209—Two Brass CANDLESTICKS. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Graceful vase-shape baluster supports, deep broad bobéches, sup- ported on deeply molded triangular bases. Height, 12 inches. Second Afternoon 210—Two Pair Brass Brasero HANDLES. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. One pair, swing handles, each with two scrolled mermaids (loops of one missing) ; the other, scrolled leafage flanking a Cupid’s head. 211—Repovusse Copper Naverrre. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Processional incense burner. Simulating an old ship of the halfmoon type. Hinged forward deck, aft enriched with animal- istic leaf scrolls. Tubular foot to receive portage staff. Length, 734 inches.. Note: These interesting navettes were made in commemoration of Co- lumbus’s discovery of America. 212—Repousse Brass SAtver. FLEMISH oF THE 17TH CENTURY. Domed center, depicting “Two of Moses’ Spies,” returning from the land of Canaan bearing on their shoulders a huge bunch of grapes; surrounding scroll and dart borders; marly with turned- over rim and pear] reel and diamond motive border. Diameter, 14 inches. 2138—Brass Brasero. SPANISH OF THE 167TH CENTURY. Low bowl with flaring turn-over lip, supported on high spread- ing annular molded foot, enriched with two scrolled husks and mask handles. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 1534 inches. 214—Two Brass CAaNDLESTICKS. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Most interesting triangular facetted baluster stems, interrupted with annular moldings and terminating in a bell- ‘Shape bobéche. Triangular facetted molded foot supported on claw feet. Height, 17% inches. 215—ReEpousse Copper JARDINIERE. ITALIAN OF THE 177TH CENTURY. Circular low bowl with incurved neck and flaring lip, two plain scroll handles. Supported on three claw feet. Body decorated with acanthus-leaf scrolls enclosing archaic birds and animals, interrupted by crested coat-of- “arms; neck with similar smaller scrolls. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 181% 1nches. Second Afternoon 216—Brass Brasero. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Low bowl-shaped with flaring turn-over rim, enriched with swing- . ing scroll and shell lifting handles and three scrolled feet. Fit- ted with extra pan lining having two entwined mermaid swing handles. Height, 12% inches; diameter, 2034 inches. 217—Brass BRASERO. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Low bowl-shaped with flaring turn-over lip, enriched with scrolled bulbous lifting handles. Supported on three claw feet. Height, 12% inches; width, 20 inches. 218—Brass BrRASERO AND PALA. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Low bowl-shaped, with flaring turn-over lip, enriched with swing- ing scroll and shell lifting handles and three dolphin feet. Fitted with extra pan lining having bulbous lifting handles. Pala for lifting live charcoal; slender baluster shaft with scallop shell bowl. Height, 1414 inches; diameter, 2114 inches. 219—Brass BrASERO. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Low bowl-shaped with flaring turn-over rim; supported on three claw feet; enriched with two scrolled shell handles. Height, 15 inches; diameter, 24 inches. 220—Brass Brasero. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Low bowl-shaped with flaring turn-over lip; enriched with two scroll and shell lifting handles; supported on three scrolled dol- phin and shell feet. Height, 14 inches; diameter, 24 inches. 221—Two CHISELED Brass CANDLESTICKS. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Iixpanding spirally twisted shaft with leaf termination and vase baluster under; supported on tripod scroll base exhibiting masks and terminating in leaf, claw and ball feet. Height, 18% inches. Second Afternoon 222—-Massive Brass BRASERO AND PALA. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Low bowl-shaped with flaring turn-over rim. Enriched with two swing lifting handles of scrolled dolphins and cupids’ heads. Supported on three elaborate leaf crested mask legs with claw feet; extra pan lining with mermaid handles. Pala for lifting live charcoal; slender baluster shaft with scallop shell bowl. Height, 164% inches; diameter, 26% inches. 223—CHISELED Brass Sun Dia. Frencu or tue Louis XVI Prriop. A map of the Eastern Hemisphere in -very low relief, variously inscribed Mer d’Amour, Indes, & Océan du Mer Occidentale, is within a circular medallion, and indicated thereon are the hours of the day and signature of the maker, P. LeMaire. Arabesque scrolls developing fleurs-de-lys occupy the corners. The dial pointer and double hinged scrolls terminating in a five-pointed star. On small limestone base. 224—Two Rarn Brass ANpIRoNS. SpaNisH EARLy or Turn 16TH CEN- TURY. Engraved pinnacle top supported on interesting iron and brass scrolls terminating in a crowned bust of Queen Isabella “The Catholic.” Height, 20 inches. 225—Goruic Paintep Merau Sure’s Swincinc LANTERN. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Hexagonal lantern with triple arched panels surmounted by a pointed crocketed arch with open finial for suspension. Swing- ing in an open pinnacled frame with V-shaped under-bar. Fin- ished in red. Height, 32 inches; diameter, 154% inches. BRONZES OF THE SIXTEENTH, SEVENTEENTH AND EIGHTEENTH CENTURIES 226—Bronze Heap. FRENCH OF THE 161TH CENTURY. Boldly modeled head of a dog with pierced collar and perfora- tion at top of head. Green-brown patina. Height, 3 inches. Second Afternoon 227—Bronze Encrier. FRENCH OF THE EMprrRE PERIOD. Oblong; stand with scrolled feet; plain cover surmounted by a well-modeled recumbent poodle dog. Height, 414 inches; length, 414 inches; width, 3 inches. 228—BronzE PESTLE AND Mortar. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Liliform mortar with simple lip spout and upturned handle; on annular molded foot. Pestle clubbed at both ends. Height, 5 inches. 229—Two Ova Bronze Masks. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Scrolled and curiously bearded satyr’s head in low relief. Mounted on oval wooden blocks. Length, 4% inches; width, 3% inches. 230—Bronze Mortar. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Flaring body molded at foot, the crown banded with small ga- drooned boss. Enriched in low relief with four draped masks interrupted with two scrolled flanges and two loop handles. Rich dark green patina. Diameter, 4%, inches. 231—Bronze BELL. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Molded body, enriched with rams’ heads and festoons canopying dancing cherubim, two winged angels and a jardiniére of flowers. Inscribed sir, NOMEN, DOMINI BENEDICTUM. Fine baluster handle. Height, 514 inches. 232—HEAvy Bronze Mortar. FLEMISH oF THE 16TH CENTURY. Tall flaring molded body, rim and spreading foot; enriched with two curved strap outstanding side handles. Height, 5 inches. 233—Heavy Bronze Mortar. FRrencH or THe 16TH CENTURY. Somewhat inverted bell-shape with molded rim and foot; enriched with a series of raised semi-balusters, interrupting winged Cupid heads and fleurs-de-lys; under a series of bosses flanged by stel- late motives. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 6% inches. 234—BronzeE TABLE BELL. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Molded body, enriched in low relief with inscribed top band and blossomed foot band; enclosing medallions of busts alter- nating with biblical subjects. Finely balustered handle termin- ating in scrolled cherub’s head. Height, 6% inches. Second Afternoon 235—BronzE NAVETTE, FRENCH orf THE 16TH CENTURY. Incense burner; square-sterned boat shape, with scalloped ribbed prow and pierced fleur-de-lys gallery at rear deck; forward cover hinged. Supported on a flaring molded annular foot. (Gallery imperfect. ) Height, 314 inches; length, 5%& inches. 236—Heavy Bronze KNockeir. ITALIAN OF THD 16TH CENTURY. Round alto-rilievo lion mask back plate, holding in the jaws an oval knocking ring formed of two dolphins, each with a ball in its mouth. Height, 10% inches; width, 7% inches. 237—BronzE Mortar. ITALIAN ofr THE 16TH CENTURY. Molded, inverted bell-shape, on spreading molded foot. En- riched with a series of archaic seated figures interrupted with delicate vertical bands of scrolled arabesques. Rich brown patina. Height, 4 inches; diameter, 434 inches. 238—Bronze ENcrier. FRENCH of THE Empire Periop. Oblong high tray with arcade of interlacing Gothic arches, acanthus scroll handles; supported on square feet; fitted with loose pen-tray, vase-shaped penholders, ink receptacle, sandbox, and call bell, enriched with oak leaves and acorns serving as cover for the central vase. Height, 94% inches; length, 12% inches. 239—Bronze Lion. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Bold archaic modeling of a chimeric character. Seated on its haunches one front paw raised, the other resting on a frontal scroll; supported on a cant-cornered square base. Fine light yel- low patina. Back perforated for attachment. Height, 7 inches. 240—Bronze Mortar. FRENCH or THE 18TH CENTURY. Cylindrical body enriched with four vertical bands of diamond motives and an upper banding inscribed 1. H. s. MARI. ANO. DB 1794. Flaring mouth with upright lip. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 8% inches. Second Afternoon 241—Two Bronzp Lions. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Recumbent pose with grand manes and noble aspect. Fine green brown patina. Length, 6% inches. 242_Bronzp Sraruntre. FrReNcH of THE Empire PERiop. “Napoléon Empereur.” The Little Corporal stands, his arms crossed on his breast, wearing full military dress, beside a square draped column. Supported on a square plinth with leaf molded base, and a supplementary Siena marble foot. Dark greenish brown patina. Total height, 16 inches. BRONZE FROM THE SECOND CENTURY B. C. TO THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY 243—Two Bronze FrRaGMENTS. GRECIAN OF THE 2ND Century B. C. Two arms belonging to different statues—one with drapery fall- ing to wrist from shoulder. Rich antique verte patina, mottled with earthy incrustations. Lengths, 10 and 7 inches. 244—-BronzE TERMINAL FiGuRINE. ROMAN OF THE 2ND CENTURY. Centaur resting on his haunches, wearing a small mantle over shoulders and carrying a pelt with his left hand (right arm mis- sing). Supported on a high pedestal with remains of bolting pin. Green and brownish patina. Height, 6 inches. 2945—BrRoNZE PROCESSIONAL FIGURINE. ROMAN OF THE 2ND CENTURY. Caparisoned standing horse on oblong plinth; supported on high square expanding pedestal, hollow for staff, and with open dol- phin sides scrolled from plinth to foot of pedestal. Varying rich vellowish green patina. Height, 7 inches; width, 514 inches. Second Afternoon 246—BronzeE Group. ROMAN OF THE 2ND CENTURY. “Calydonian Boar Hunt.” Nude Meleager, carrying a spear in his right hand, sits astride a long-tailed and belled horse, a spent boar advancing before him and a hound at left. Curiously sup- ported on a long oblong chariot with four six-spoked wheels and several hanging bells at rear. (Three wheels and chariot im- perfect. ) Height, 8% inches; length, 111% inches. Note: Formerly in the collection of the Conte de Chaves of Madrid. discovered in 1834 on the Conte’s estate at Mérida, Spain. Illustrated and referred to in “Historia General de Espafia” by Modesto Lafuente, Vol. 3, page 246. 247—Bronzp Stature. GRECIAN OF THE 2ND CENTURY B. C. “Hermaphrodite.” Standing, nude Apollinic figure with arms slightly extended in welcoming attitude. The head, loose and fitted to torso, has waved hair dressed high, winglike at crown, and suggests that of Minerva. Fine antique verte patina mottled with much erosion and earthy incrustation. Height, 25 inches. [Illustrated.] 24%7—BRONZE STATUE. GRECIAN OF THE 2ND CENTURY B. C. Second Afternoon 248—BEAUTIFUL BRONZE Mortar. ITALIAN OF THE LATE 15TH CENTURY. Broad inverted bell-shape, molded at rim and incurved foot; two scroll and rope handles. Enriched with leaf molding at mouth, the body with winged Cupid heads, flanked by acanthus leaves. Deep lustrous black patina. Height, 6% inches; diameter, 8 inches. 249—SMALL Goruic Bronze Mortar. H1ispaNno-MorRESQUE OF THE 151TH CENTURY. Drum shape with slightly flaring lip. Curiously enriched with a series of reversed half-spear projections vertically placed, and two heavy scrolled bosses sustaining ring handles. Height, 3% inches; width, 6% inches. 250—SmMALL Goruic Bronze Mortar. HispaANno-MorESQUE OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Similar to the preceding, but smaller, with flange handles. Rich antique verte patina. Height, 3 inches; width, 5% inches. Second Afternoon 251—RaRE GOTHIC BRONZE Mortar. ITALIAN OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Inverted bell-shape with straight molded foot, rim molded with bead and reel motive. One side loop rope handle with loose ring. Body vertically panelled with Gothic pinnacles; enriched in cen- ter with elaborately draped coat-of-arms supported by a Cupid’s head, the flanking panels occupied by sejant, rampant lions. Rare deep green-black patina. Height, 53% inches; diameter, 71% inches. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 252—BRoNZE Group. CHINESE OF THE SUNG DYNASTY. “Kuan-Ti,” the God of War, mounted on a slightly caparisoned horse, his body turned and facing to the right side; he wears strange armor, a flat, winged cap, very long thin mustachios and similar beard pieces at ears. Supported on oblong base with elliptical central opening and arched spreading feet. Traces of ancient gilding are visible. Height, 28% inches; width, 16% inches. “2 ae Second Afternoon 253—GILDED Bronze PLAQUE. FRENCH or THE 18TH CENTURY. | By Clodion (Claude Michel) 1738-1814. Two youthful satyrs playing musical instruments and one crowning the other with laurels, seated on rocky ground amid further musical instru- : ments and wine vessels. Mounted on crimson velvet panel. — Height, 5% inches; width, 6% inches. 254—-Two Culvre Dore TERMINALS. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. A winged cherub reading a scroll, seated on circular fluted base, pendented and bracketted with two scrolls. High unfinished niche-like back scrolled at base behind figure. Gilded with lacqué leaf gold. Height, 9% inches. 255—GILDED Bronze SrarugrrTe. FReENcH OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD. “King Ferdinand of Spain.” Standing figure in full military costume, cane in right hand and cocked hat in left. On molded white marble pedestal with red and yellow Brescia marble column and base. Height, 17 inches. Second Afternoon 256—GILDED BronzE MANTEL CLocK. FRENCH OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD. Francois I. Standing, in the costume of the period, beside a ‘heavily draped table on which rests a book inscribed: “Madame, tout est perdu hormis Vhonneur.” The table sustains the porce- lain dial of the clock. Supported on an oval plinth enriched with medallion in low relief and laurel sprays; winged claw feet. Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches. 257—GILDED BRONZE MANTEL CLocK. FRENCH OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD. “Le marchand de Légumes.” Standing figure of a Breton peasant, a basket of vegetables in his left hand and a high wicker pack of the same edibles on his back; the dial of clock set in his body. On oval bronze and walnut base. Height, 20 inches. 258—Two GILDED BRONZE CANDELABRA. FRENCH OF THE JIEMPIRE PERIOD. “Diana and Acteon.” Each figure holds aloft a quiver sur- mounted by a lyre and three-branched acanthus scrolls support- ing bobéches and terminating in dogs heads. On high circular diapered and molded pedestals. Height, 22 inches. 259—GILDED BRONZE STRIKING TABLE CLOCK. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Architectural rectangular case, engraved with scrollings, set with silvered and rimmed dials on front and back and exposed pendulum; sides of rustic glazed arches. Supported at corners by half-reeded fluted Corinthian column on deep hollow expand- ing molded scroll engraved foot, carried on the backs of four seated lions at corners. The case crowned with pinnacled bal- ustrade; double arcaded pinnacled domes. Surmounted by a figure of St. John, his symbolic eagle near him. Height, 10% inches. Second Afternoon 260—Cuivre Dore Group For A FountTaIn. FRENCH or THE 18TH CENTURY. Modeled by Jean Baptiste Pigalle, 1714-1785. Six joyous Cupids singing and dancing in a circle with joined hands face outward; skilfully grouped, easy in pose and greatly varied in the rollick- ing movement of the figures. Rich dark green patina with traces of the original gilding. Height, 17% inches; approximate diameter, 24 inches. Note: Originally portion of a fountain at the Tuileries, destroyed’ dur- ing the French Commune. 261—Rare Mountep Ovat Mirror PLatTHaAu. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PeERIop. In two portions. Finished in cuivre doré with open balustered gallery, festooned pilaster blocks and leaf scrolled feet. Total length, 38 inches; width, 26% inches. CARVED AND PAINTED WOOD OBJECTS OF THE ELEVENTH, TWELFTH, FOURTEENTH, FIFTEENTH, SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURIES 262—-CARVED AND GILDED PEDESTAL. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Oval with quatrefoil flaring lobes, enriched with festoons pen- dented from winged demi-cupids, posed in the four corners. (De- fective at back.) Height, 234 inches; length, 10 inches. 263—Carvep GILDED PoLtycHromMrE Woop PuINTH. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Oblong molded top with deep hollow in dark blue, relieved with scrolled cartouches on gilding; broad foot molding enriched on all sides with unusual scrolling, pearls and leafage. Height, 6% inches; length, 1434 inches; depth, 11% inches. 264—Four Rare Decorarep CeILiING PaNeLs. SPANISH OF THE 137TH CENTURY. Rectangular; enriched in tempera with curious pearl modeled broken arches of a Moorish character, which enclose on red fields varied escutcheons. The spandrils of pale blue with leaf sprays in cream. Height, 8 inches; width, 10 inches. Second Afternoon 265—PoLycHROME CARVED CoNSOLE BRACKET. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Scrolled half-arch bracket with panelled ends, a red-robed saint supporting the scroll. Height, 14 inches; projection, 18 inches. 266—CaRVED AND GILDED Sconce. ITALIAN or THE 177TH CENTURY. Shield-shape, enriched with shell motive at crown; leaf scrolls and rocaille frame; scrolled arm for light. Fitted with ancient mirror. Height, 231% inches. 267—Four Carvep AND GILDED COLUMNS. SPANISH CF THE 16TH CENTURY. Spiral fluted shafts surmounted by Corinthian capitals; turned molded bases. Height, 251% inches. 268—Carvep, GILDED AND PotycHrome WALL BRACKET. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Shaped molded top, supported by a group of three cherubs’ heads amid cloud forms in polychrome; valance back with open leaf scroll pediment. Height, 2 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 41% inches. 269—ScuLprurEeD WALNuY EscuTcHEOoN. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Deeply scrolled cartouche ensigned with a Knight’s casque ; quartered oval shield charged with various heraldic devices, two castles, tree and bar terminating in hounds heads. Height, 221% inches; width, 15 inches. 270—Two CARVED AND GILDED CupiIp WALL APPLIQUES. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Chubby Cupids in the attitude of flying; each supporting a gilded iron scroll with two prongs for lights. Fitted with side iron loops for suspension. ; Height, 24 inches. Second Afternoon 271—CARVED AND GILDED PoLYCHROME PEDESTAL. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Semi-hexagonal in plan, with deeply extending square pilasters. Enriched on three panels with seated and standing figures of the four Evangelists and other saints; the intervening panel adorned with winged cherubs in varied attitudes. Molded plinth with double breaks at pilasters. Top missing. Height, 744 inches; length, 3 feet; depth, 1 foot 514 inches. 272—Two PoLycHROME CARVED COLUMNS. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Molded incurved abacus; composite capital of Ionic scrolls and water leaves; many-fluted shaft with pronounced entasis; molded base on small square foot. Enriched in colors and gilding. Height, 5 feet. 273—ScCULPTURED GILDED AND PoLycHrRomME Woop Saints’ DouBLE NicHk. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Rectangular; each niche with dome shell crown and foot, sur- mounted by low relief panel displaying a strap and leaf scroll pediment centered with a winged cherub’s head and flanked by two standing cherubs supporting an open drapery above the pediment. Height, 31% inches; width, 25 inches. 274— Unique Carvep Woop PoLtycHrRoME CRUCIFIXION. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Figure of Our Lord posed in the attitude of crucifixion; nude save a gilded loin-cloth and crowned with thorns. His head can- opied by a pair of crossed wings, His arms stretched on further outspread wings, His lower limbs covered with a pair of crossed wings springing from His loins. Wings painted red, pink and green, other portions in natural colors. (Various wings at hands defective). 4 Height, 2044 inches; wings, 17% inches. he Second Afternoon 275—Two Carvep PoLyCHROME CANDELABRA. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Standing figure of a winged saint wearing semi-classic costume and carrying a cornucopia, for one light; supported on square molded base with leaf corners; decorated in red, blue and gild- ing. Height, 16% inches. 276—CARVED AND GILDED TABERNACLE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Broken molded top, ends and front, enriched with cherubs amid clouds, inverted scroll bracket-shaped pilasters of acanthus leaves terminating in winged cherubs’ heads. On molded base; the features in natural colors. Height, 17 inches; width, 18 inches. Second Afternoon 277—ScuLprurEeD Woop PoLyYcHROME RELIQUARY. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. | “Saint Peter.” Half length, wearing flowing beard, curly hair, loose cream tunic with floral sprays and gilded over-drapery ; holding a gilded staff in his right hand and an open book in his left. On his breast an oval glazed cartouche. On an oblong gilded, molded base. Height, 2 feet; width, 1 foot 7 inches. 278—ScuLrTuRED GILDED PoLycHROME Woop Ficure. SPANISH OF THE 14TH CENTURY. “The Holy Virgin.” Seated on a throne wearing a clinging draped robe, and a mantle over her shoulders, thrown across her knees, and held in left hand. Features in natural colors; robes show traces of color and gilding. On cant-cornered base. (Crown and right hand missing.) Height, 2 feet 10 inches. Second Afternoon 279—PoLycHROME CARVED Woop FiIcurE. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. “A Kneeling Penitent.” Attired in blue coat, knee breeches and red waistcoat enriched with gilding, ruffles at wrists; one hand appealingly outstretched, the other on his breast. On rustic base. Height, 3 feet, 2% inches. 280—ScULPTURED POLYCHROME Woop STATUETTE. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. “St. Vernon.” Graceful standing figure, wearing a double linen head-dress to shoulders, the bust swathed in clinging drapery and a flowing drapery from left shoulder, caught up by left hand and falling to the feet. Sorrowful expression in the moment of sup- plication. Traces of gilding and polychrome are visible on many portions, giving a fine distinguished patina. (Fingers of left hand missing.) On oval plinth. Height, 3 feet. 281—CARVED AND PAINTED OAK DiprycH. FLEMISH OF THE 15TH CEN- TURY. “The Annunciation,’—crowned with interlacing pointed arches. The right wing occupied by a standing figure of the Virgin in crimson robes and holding a book in her left hand; on the left, a richly robed announcing angel. Height, 1514 inches; width, open, 12% inches. 982 ScupTurRED POLYCHROME AND GILDED Woop TABERNACLE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Architectural form; rectangular body with canted frontal cor- ners, enriched by four Doric columns, the front panel depicting in alto-rilievo “The Descent from the Cross”; ends with the four evangelists in niches, and behind the columns figures of saints and martyrs. Deeply broken molded frieze and plinth. In the frieze “The Holy Father” appears at bust length, in the plinth two cherubs sustain the Eucharist. The features in natural col- ors, the robes enriched with crimson. Height, 12% inches; width, 9% inches; depth, 7% inches. Second Afternoon 283—ScuLeruRED Woop SraTurETrTE. FLEMISH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. “Virgin and Child.” Seated on a broad X-scrolled chair, and bear- ing her long curly hair over her breast and shoulders, loose cling- ing robe and long draped mantle. She holds the nude Infant in her lap. (Left arm of Infant missing.) A small triangular block of wood at back has been added for extra support. Height, 113% inches. 284—ScuLpruRED POLYCHROME AND GILDED Woop Srarurrrs. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. “St. Mark.” Standing, long-bearded figure, his symbol, the lion, crouching at his feet, he wears a priestly cap and robes. Modeled with freedom and vigor. The features in natural colors; robes, cap and lion gilded. (Arms and portions of robe missing.) On irregular block plinth. Height, 13 inches. Second Afternoon 285—Scuupreurep Woop Srarurrre. FLemisH or THE 15TH CENTURY. “Virgin and Child.” Seated on a linen fold paneled throne, and wearing her long curly hair over her breast and shoulders, loose clinging robe and long draped mantle. She supports the nude Infant on her right knee. Traces of gilding are visible on the folds of the robe. (Left arm and portion of Infant missing.) Height, 1034 inches. 286—Two Scuteprurep Woop PoLyCHROME STATUETTES. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Seated infacing figures of cherubs wearing ample robes, their hands clasped before them; robes illuminated with gold and floral motives. Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches. Second Afternoon 287—ScuLprurRED GoTHIC GILDED PoLycHROME Woop STATUETTE. FRENCH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. “Virgin and Child.” Graceful standing crowned figure, wearing a close-fitting robe, long curly hair to shoulders and heavily draped mantle caught under the left arm, which also carries the Holy Child. The features in naturalistic colors, the lining of the mantle in blue. Supported on a molded diminishing base en- riched in its broad hollow molding with Gothic leafage. (Left hand of Virgin and of Child missing.) Height, 13% inches. 288—ScuLPTURED GOTHIC GILDED AND PoLycHROME Woop STATUE. FLEMISH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. “St. Anne.” Standing figure wearing a draped coif enriched in cream, blue and gold with floral motives, close-fitting robe with scrolling, finely draped mantle falling to the ground, richly adorned with incised scrollings and floral motives in red, dull green and gold. She holds the Holy Virgin attired in rich close- fitting robe in her right arm and the Virgin sustains in her arms the nude Child Christ. The features in natural colors. Sup- ported on a molded lozenge-shaped plinth. Height, 1644 inches. [Illustrated] 7 289—ScuLpturRED POLYCHROME AND GILDED Woop SraTurrre. SPANISH OF THE 12TH CENTURY. “Virgin and Child.” Archaic enthroned and crowned figure wear- ing a white linen head-dress falling in quaint folds to the shoul- ders, dark crimson robe girdled at waist and an enriched blue mantle. She holds the robed and crowned Infant Christ on her left knee. He holds a book in His left hand and the right is pointed up in exposition. Features in natural colors. (Right hand of Virgin missing). Height, 23 inches. [Illustrated] 289 288 287 987—ScuLprureD GorHiIc GILDED PoLtycHrRoME Woop STATUETTE. FRENCH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. 988 ScuLprurep Goruic GILDED AND POLYCHROME Woop STATUE. FLEMISH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. 289—ScuLtprurep PoLycHRoME AND GILDED Woop STATUETTE. SPANISH OF THE 12TH CENTURY. Second Afternoon 2990—ScuLprurep PotycuroME Woop RELIQUARY. SPANISH OF THE 147TH CENTURY. Bust of the Virgin, crowned and wearing long formally arranged curly hair, falling over sholders, jeweled square-cut close-fitting robe; inserted in breast is a square glazed receptacle decorated with stellate arabesque in colors at back. Features and blond hair in natural colors, jeweled crown and robe in dark colors, On molded kidney-shaped plinth, Height, 21% inches, [ /ilustrated | °91—ScuLprurep PoLyYCHROME AND GILDED RELIQUARY. SPANISH OF THE 16rn Century. “Saint Anne.” Bust length; wearing long curly hair enriched with a scrolled jewel bandeanu, lattice mob cap hinged over a re- ceptacle to receive the relique, double string of pearls at throat, richly embroidered and jeweled bodice, tunic and necklace with cartouche pendant. Features in natural colors; on molded half lozenge-shaped plinth. Height, 21 inches. [/llustrated | 999__ScuLprurRED POLYCHROME AND GILDED Woop DiprycH. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Molded leaves, enclosing columned niches with interior subjects. On the right a shell arch sustaining a Cardinal’s Armorial bear- ings, a shield with the lion of Leon, the other quarterings indeci- pherable, mantled by the prelate’s hat. Seraph’s heads adorn the spandrils. Subject, “The Resurrection,” with a Bishop carrying crozier and book and three attendant priests shown in the fore- ground. The right leaf, not so elaborately niched, depicts a group composed of a Roman Emperor and four burly attendants cast- ing the Pontiff, known as St. Calixtus, wearing full canonicals, the millstone round his neck, from a bridge into a swirling stream below. The subject in rich colors and gilding, with the features in natural colors. Height, 2 fect 10 inches; width, closed, 18% inches. From the Catedrale de Calahora, Spain. [Illustrated] en =) for) 2 291 Second Afternoon 298—Scutprurep WaLNut Diprycu. BYZANTINE oF THE 11TH CENTURY. © The right wing discloses a crucifixion with standing sorrowful figures of St. Joseph and the Virgin at the foot, and above at left an angel in the clouds. (The pendant right figure and corner missing.) The left wing bears in an oval medallion the seated, robed figure of St. John the Divine, with various animalistic symbols in the four outer corners; executed in low relief incayvo. Exterior shows traces of polychrome scrolls. | ; Height, 16% inches; width, 16 inches. 294—ScuLPTuRED GILDED PoLYCHROME Woop STATUB. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. “Virgin and Child.” Seated on a throne, wearing a crowned draped linen coif, close-fitting robe and mantle draped from shoulders over knees. She holds on left knee and supports with her arm the Holy Child, robed. His right hand raised in exhor- tation and a book in His left. The Virgin holds a bouquet of flowers in her right hand. (Several fingers and crown imperfect.) Height, 4 feet 2 ches. 295—Four SyMBOLIC SCULPTURED PANELS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. “The Four Evangelists.” Seated figures in ample robes, variously - engaged in study within ornately decorated apartments, their symbolic attributes nearby. Each inscribed at foot with name of the saint presented. Executed incavo with skilful attention to the many rich details. Frames enriched on the major member with clusters of fruit and festoons, pierced and under-cut almost — in the round; finished with leaf and pearl moldings. Fine rich patina of russet brown. Icight, 24 inches; width, 20% inches. [Lllustrated] From the Collection Leroy, Versailles, France. CEN- THE 16TH or ITALIAN ELS. TURED PAN JLP Sc IBOLIC Four Sy de ee a aed ss ‘ ror Shy, ; be, EAT MEAL GR GE RE RAR GD GRP BEKO GE AP IEA” MERE RO OF AOE af de ¥s AB ? 295— Le te bs TURY Second Afternoon 296—ScuLpruRED Woop PoLtycHROME STATUE. BYZANTINE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. ; “St. Christopher carrying the Child Christ.” Standing figure, wearing a lung draped robe falling to feet and carrying an in- scribed scroll in his left hand. Astride his shoulders sits the In- fant Christ, the orb in his left hand (fingers of right hand of Child missing). Traces of the old gilding and colors on many surfaces. Height, 5 feet 5 inches. From the Catedrale d’Oloron, St. Marie, France. 997—ScuLPTURED GILDED AND PoLycHROME Woop Group. FLEMISH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. “The Flight into Egypt,” Executed almost in the round. The Virgin, in rich robes and spreading mantle to her feet, is mounted on an ass traveling toward the right. She holds the robed Infant Chrisi on Her lap with her right arm. In the background are two vested youths in a date palm swaying its arched branches downward to enable St. Joseph at right to gather the ample golden fruit. On irregular rustic base. Features and ass in nat- ural colors, the robes of dull colors and gold. Height, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. From the Catedrale de Calahora, Spain. | Illustrated | IMPORTANT SCULPTURED GOoTHIc PoLyCHROME Woop TABERNACLE. FRENCH OF THE 151TH CENTURY. 298 Composed of three stepped sections of five panels each, forming in section half of a ten-sided figure, crocketed spire; variously en- riched in polychrome and gilding. Two upper panels display varied tracery arches in the perpendicular style, the backgrounds with scroll enrichments; the lower of the two is crowned with an open crocketed cresting. The panels at foot alternately dis- play Gothic geometric tracery and masks. Supported on a leaf patera and crocketed flaring molded base. Center panel of the second tier hinged as a door and discloses a circular tracery can- opy. (Various portions of carving missing and defective. ) Height, 7 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 9 inches. From the Catedrale de Burgos, Spain. 297—ScuLPTuRED GILDED AND PoLyCHROME Woop Group. FLEMISH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Second Afternoon pectin Intieicenatiart ee 999-—ScuLpTruRED PoLyYCHROME Woop STaTugE. SPANISH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. “Virgin and Child.” Standing figure, wearing a jeweled crown over a draped head-dress, close-fitting tunic and embroidered mantle, and holding the robed Infant in her left arm. He, smil- ing, caresses His Mother’s face, and holds a small casket. The Virgin presents Him with some fruit held in her right hand. Fully gilded and illuminated with borders and in the folds of drapery with blue and crimson, the features in naturalistic colors. On molded scalloped base. Height, 4 feet 5 inches. From the Catedrale de Pompelona, Navarra, Spain. Second Afternoon 300—ScuLPTruRED POLYCHROME AND GILDED Woop StTatrun. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. “St. Beatrice.” Standing figure, wearing her hair coiled at the back over an embroidered mob cap, a loose crimson tunic mag- nificently enriched with gold floral arabesques, double interlaced pearl necklace, blue girdle knotted at front of waist and cream and gold under-robe falling to her feet. Her right hand at her side and left open and extended as if holding an object which her slightly down-turned beautiful face is observing. Features in natural colors. On cant-cornered rectangular base. : Height, 4 feet 3 inches. Second Afternoon 301—Rare ScutprureD PoLycHRoME Woop StTarur. FRENCH OF THE 127TH CENTURY. “St. Michael.” Typical of the workmanship of the “Midi de France.” The Saint stands on an upturned prostrate grotesque figure of the devil, wearing a plain banded cap over hair, dressed in two curious puffed lobes, loose-fitting robe, girdled at waist, and holding a long spear in his right hand. The features are in natural colors and there are traces of floral adornment on the gilded robe. (Fingers of left hand missing.) Height, 3 feet. Second Afternoon 302—ScCULPTURED AND GILDED CIRCULAR CEILING PENDANT. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Central leaf pendant with laurel wreath at crown, supporting a Bishop’s coat-of-arms, charged with three scallop shells and mantled with a mitre. The large open circular surround is composed of four winged busts placed at the quarters, supported on scrolls occupied by two out-facing winged griffons which sustain intermediate leaf vases on which are perched two birds. Diameter, 4 feet 6 inches. SCULPTURED MARBLE AND LIMESTONE Twelfth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries 303—ScuLPTuRED ISTRIAN STONE HEAD. ROMAN OF THE 12TH CENTURY. Head of a Bishop; wearing an enriched mitre. (Fragment.) Height, 6 inches. 304—ALABASTER STATUETTE. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. “The Holy Virgin.” Standing on a crescent and serpent, wear- ing loose flowing robes to her feet, her arms crossed over her bosom. Height, 13% inches. 305—ScuLprurEeD GorHic LIMESTONE GARGOYLE. FRENCH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. A spirited winged chimeric eagle with outstretched long neck, supported on a roughly squared block. Similar to and character- istic of those at Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris. (Top of one wing imperfect. ) Height, 9% inches; length, 18 inches. 306—INLAID MARBLE PANEL OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Oblong, of black marble enriched with a gadrooned, two-handled vase of flowers executed in Siena, statuary and brocatelle marbles. Height, 2 feet 11 inches; width, 1 foot 814 inches. Second Afternoon 307—Two Scuutprurep Hatr-SraruaRy MARBLE PEDESTALS. FRENCH oF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Square with canted corners, enriched at front with head of Medusa in alto-relievo. Supported on small base of similar con- tour to pedestal. Height, 5% inches; 5% inches square. 308—Two ANGULAR SCULPTURED LIMESTONE CAPITALS. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Each for two corner pilasters ; molded, slightly sweeping abacus; Ionic supporting scrolls at center and corners, which rise from two acanthus leaves at foot. Traces of gilding embellish some of the surfaces. Height, 31% inches; width, 18% inches. 309—Terrre-CuITe Bust. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. “Duque Duenas.” A bearded noble wearing long hair and a plumed casque. Has been painted cream. (Defective at plume 310—ScuLprurRED ALABASTER Bust. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. “TDouloureuse.” Of sorrowful, downcast expression. Her head swathed with a mantle that falls below bust and exposes a close- fitting tunic. Rich old yellowish ivory patina. geignt, 12 inches. 811—Scutprurep StraruaRy MarBLE Heap. ITALIAN OF THE 15TH CENTURY. “Puck.” Curiously folded wings enshroud the back of the chubby head, with its humorous yet half-serious open-eyed face. Rare old yellow ivory patina. Mounted on square crimson velvet panel. (Imperfect at neck.) Height, 61% inches. 312—-ALABASTER FIGURINE. FRENCH oF THE 18TH CENTURY. “La Priére.” Figure of curly-haired nude little girl kneeling on a cushion. Beautiful creamy white patina. Hevght, 12 inches. 318—Scutrrurep Straruary Masie Group. FRENCH oF THE 16TH CENTURY. “King David Playing a Harp.” Crowned and seated in ample robes, playing a curious large scrolled harp; at left a winged cherub holds an open missal for his music score. (Imperfect.) Height, 11 inches; width, 11 inches. Second Afternoon 814—Trerre-Cuitre Bust. FRENCH oF THE 181TH CENTURY. “Gargon riant,” by Thalain. Broadly laughing, wearing long curly hair, shirt open at throat and patched coat. On molded ebonized pear-tree pedestal. Total Height, 11 inches. 315—STATUARY MARBLE Bust. FRENCH oF THE 19TH CENTURY. “The Empress Eugenie.” Young woman with hair dressed high and long flowing curls to her shoulders, wearing close-fitting bodice, trimmed with lace at V of throat. (Nose repaired.) On round half-statuary molded marble base and square foot. By Francois Rude, 1860. Height, 12 inches. Second Afternoon 316—ScuLPTruRED LIMESTONE Heap. FLEMISH OF THE 14TH CENTURY. Clean-shaven mature young man of sober mien and strong char- acter, wearing his hair, or seemingly a wig, almost of modern barrister’s type. The head reminiscent of the great Pitt in his younger days. Supported on molded stone plinth of later period. Height, 12% inches. 317—UNIQuE ARMILLARY SPHERE WITH SUNDIAL. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Rouge Royale marble variously enriched in black, red and blue, with annular bands at crown and foot indicating the hours of the day, the upper impinging on a stellate circle. Inscribed armillary band and lines of latitude and longitude. Short iron rod for setting. Diameter, 1234 inches. 318—UNIQUE ARMILLARY SPHERE WITH SUNDIAL. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Similar to the preceding. 319—ScuLPTURED ALABASTER VASE. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Flaring urn shape; the lip enriched with masks sustaining open festoons of fruit, the body in low relief with figures illustrating two episodes in the life of “Joseph,” “Finding the Jeweled cup in the Sacks of the Brethren” and “Lowering Joseph into the Pit,” gadrooned and leaf molded under-body. Supported on spreading foot enriched with open festooned shell and scroll. motives. On molded square, leaf cornered base. Height, 20 inches. 320—TERRE-CUITE SARCOPHAGUS. ETRUSCAN OF THE 3RD CENTURY. “Echetlus at the Battle of Marathon.” Rectangular with oval mouth. Modeled in alto-relievo with the hero in center, who appears in the guise of a “Countryman” slaying the Persian warriors at right and left, with his celebrated ploughshare. EKchetlus was never identified after the battle, and at the instance of the Delphic oracle, the Greeks erected a fane to his memory. Height, 12% inches; length, 22 inches; depth, 9% inches. : — wa, Second Afternoon 321—ScULPTURED STATUARY MARBLE STATUETTE. FLEMISH OF ‘''HE 15TH CENTURY. “Virgin and Child.” Standing crowned figure, wearing loose robe and flowing mantle falling from head to foot and draped over the right arm, which also sustains the nude Holy Infant, who clings to the Virgin’s breast; her left hand holds a book. Rich old ivory patina, the features painted in natural colors. On small cant-cornered, molded plinth. Height, 141% inches. Second Afternoon 322—SraruarRy MARBLE Bas-RELIEF. ITALIAN of THE 16TH CENTURY. “Christ bearing the Cross.” At the left a sturdy soldier roped to the faltering, kneeling Saviour bearing the ill-fated cross, violently drags forward. In the crowded procession following, the two Marys are seen in the van and a Roman soldier blatantly blowing a long horn; beyond are a motley crowd of soldiers and - spectators. On the distant hills at left a mounted centurion and two foot-soldiers appear. Delicate soft ivory patina. Framed. 10% inches square. Second Afternoon 323—ScuLPTuRED LIMESTONE Bust. BYZANTINE OF THE 11TH CENTURY. “St. Matthew.” Archaic modeling, developing great virility in the details. A bearded, long-haired saint of sedate contemplative mien, wearing a close-fitting, widely ribbed tunic with circular enriched low opening at throat. Holding vertically an inscribed scroll in his hands. Height, 2514 inches. 324—STATUARY MARBLE Figure. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. “Wood Nymph.” Graceful half-draped standing figure, with left hand resting on a tree trunk crowned with flowers, her right hand raised in a beckoning attitude. Height, 2 feet 434 inches. 325—STATUARY MARBLE Figure. FRENCH oF THE 18TH CENTURY. “Mercury.” Standing figure, draped with a mantle caught at right shoulder, carried over left arm and falling at the back to his feet. He wears over curly hair a winged helm and carries a pouch in his right hand. On circular base. (Index finger of right hand repaired.) Height, 3 feet 9 inches. 326—SrTaTuaRy MARBLE Bust AND PEDESTAL. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. “Caoa.” Famous eighteenth century Portuguese musical com- poser. Sculptured with much abandon, bust of a young full- faced man with waving curly hair. Pedestal with molded square shaft, expanding to bell shape at foot and there supporting trophy of tragic mask, musical instruments, manuscript and crown of laurels. Total height, 4 feet; width, 3 feet 3 inches; depth, 1 foot 3 inches. 327—TERRE-CUITE RECLINING FicgurrE. ETRUSCAN OF THE 3RD CENTURY. “Cleopatra.” Reclining on her left arm, which rests on a double cushion; she looks upward toward front, wearing voluminous classic robes and loose mantle and carrying a palm fan. Sup- ported on an oblong base. Old brown and cool reddish patina. Height, 15 inches; length, 2414 inches. Second Afternoon 328—MAGNIFICENT SCULPTURED LIMESTONE SAINT’s CANOPY. FLEMISH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Hexagonal in plan, the three front arches complete, the two re- — turns apparently only partially seen when canopy set is in facade. Each face composed of a deeply molded trifoliate crocketed, su- perbly pinnacled ogival pointed arch with open arcade of two small double trifoliate arches and rose crown surmounted by a crowned deep hollow molding sustaining square rosettes, the molded arched and pinnacled pilasters combining with arches i at foot and sustain double bosses enriched with Gothic leafage. = Height, 171% inches; width, 18% inches: depth, 15 inches. From the Cathedral of Louvain. Second Afternoon 329—TERRE-CUITE GROUP. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. “Pieta,” by Alonzo Cano, 1601-1667. Illustrous painter, architect and sculptor. The Holy Mother supports the limp body of Our Saviour on her lap. She is seated, wearing ample robes, a flow- ing mantle descending from her head, and holds a kerchief to her sorrowful countenance. Very freely modeled. Rich brown patina with traces of faded colors. On elongated rustic base and loose molded plinth with canted corners. An oblong aperture at the back, probably for a crucifix. (Has been restored.) Height, 14%4 inches; length, 15 inches. Originally in Eglesia Orivuela, Andulasia. Alonzo Cano was born at Ori- vuela. From the Collection Goyena, Seville, Spain. 330—ScuLprurep GorHic LIMESTONE SAINtT’s BracKET. FRENCH OF THE 137TH CENTURY. Archaic bust of a young woman, in curious flat head-dress with side flaps, supports a molded demi-hexagonal base with square back. Height, 8 inches; width, 1114 inches; depth, 12 inches. Second Afternoon 331—ScutprureD Marein Crucirrxion. SPANISH or THE LATE GorHic PERIOD. The archaic figure of our Lord is seen in low relief extended on a heavy floriated cross, inscribed I N R I. Half-statuary marble, assuming a rich old ivory patina. Height, 32 inches; width, 23% inches. 332—S1x Scutprurep [srriAN STONE ENTABLATURE BRACKETS. BYZAN- TINE-ROMANESQUE OF THE 12TH CENTURY. Rectangular, with half arched fronts holding various archaic motives: three with lions’ heads, one holding a lamb in its mouth, others holding miniature grotesque nude men; three with floral motives. Height, 1214 inches; width, 7 inches; depth, 19% inches. From the Convent of the Espiritu Santo, Salamanca. 333—De.LuLA RosppraA POLYCHROME FAIENCE BAS-RELIEF. ITALIAN OF THE 15TH CENTURY. “The Adoration of the Virgin,” by Luca della Robbia, 1400-1482, Presented before a niche with egg and dart molded arch and background of rich blue, sustaining many stalks of lilies in white and green, is a half-length figure of the Virgin wearing a close- fitting robe, an ample mantle draped over her arms and linen head-dress with nimbus. She looks downward in ecstatic adora- tion over her hands, clasped on her breast in prayer, at the smil- ing nude Child Christ reclining on rushes at right; above Him, partially seen, is the youthful St. John the Baptist carrying in his folded arms a cross. (Has been repaired.) Mounted in a plain crimson velvet arched top frame. Height, 251% inches; width, 19 inches. [Illustrated] From the Collection Gavet, Paris. 333—DerELLA RoppiaA PoLyCHROME FAIENCE BAS-RELIEF. ITALIAN OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Second Afternoon 234—PotycuroMr Stucco Bas-RELIEF 1N GILDED FRAME. ITALIAN OF THE 15TH CENTURY. ; “The Adoration,” by Luca Della Robbia, 1400-1482. The Holy Virgin kneels at right, wearing a close-fitting red robe, head covy- ered with a white-lined blue mantle falling to the ground and seemingly forming a swathing for the reclining Infant Christ, resting on the ground before His serene, adoring Mother, whose hands are clasped before her. The youthful “St. John the Bap- tist”, carrying a gilded cross, looks down from behind, contem- plating his future Master; at left and right of crown, seen at half-length, are two adoring seraphs, their vestments in blue and red. The background is partially of ivory and of gold, hatched with rays and semé with dotted diamonds. Architectural frame of the period, enriched with low relief gesso and carved motives. I'rieze adorned with eagle center, scrolls, masks and broken ends with cherubs’ heads, supported on pearl molding and crowned with leaf and dentil. Pilasters with composite Ionic capitals and an inset flat, both displaying jardiniéres holding scrolled leafage and husks; dentil molded broken base, with central panel of re- curring double scrolled cornucopias and delicate leafage. Total height, 3 fect 2 inches; width 2 feet 8 inches. From the Collection Gavet, Paris. 834—-PoLYCHROME Stucco BAS-RELIEF IN GILDED FRAME. ITALIAN OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Second Afternoon 335—UNIQUB SCULPTURED LIMESTONE POLYCHROME GROUP, SPANISH OF THe 13TH CENTURY. “Virgin and Child.” Rectangular slab with a deep-set niche en- riched with columns, floral capitals and base, foliated and ro- setted crocketed pointed arch, surmounted by double square ro- setted pinnacle flanked by two double rosettes. Within the niche on a molded pedestal is a dignified crowned figure of the Virgin, wearing a close-fitting pink robe and a blue mantle with high flaring collar, in her right hand a small scepter and on her left arm the robed Infant Christ. Height, 5 feet 1 inch; width, 2 feet 2% inches. [Illustrated | From the Eglesia San Vincente, Zamora, Spain. 336—ImporrantT Statuary Marsie Group. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. “Comte de Aguilar de Logrogno.” At left, facing slightly to front center, kneeling on a tasseled cushion is the knight in full armor, wearing deep linen ruffs at throat and wrists, long mantle, draped over his arms and caught at neck with long cord and tassels, a symbolic cross of the Crusaders on left of mantle. His hands together before him, lofty browed, mustached and Vandyke- bearded, features of solemn mien evidently asking benediction on his vow. Before him at right on a draped pedestal and cushion is his high plumed helm, enriched with Renaissance scrollings. (Finger of left hand and foot of helm imperfect.) Height, 4 feet 10 inches; length, 5 feet 2 inches. From Eglesia de Logrogio, Province of Rioja, Spain. 335—UNIQUE SCULPTURED LIMESTONE PoLycHROMB GROUP. SPANISH THE 14TH CENTURY. OF Second Afternoon 337—Two BEAUTIFUL SCULPTURED SIENA MARBLE PALACE VASES, ITAL- IAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Tall urn shape, the flaring lip enriched with egg and dart mold- ing, underneath with continuous rustic stem of grapes and leaves finished with a rope molding; the circular drum displays “The Festival of Bacchus,” a procession of classic dancers, some playing musical instruments, sculptured in low relief of red Ve- rona marble inlaid.in a Siena ground, the bowl with molded ga- droons and darts enhanced with two bearded satyrs’ heads, fin- ished at the foot with leaf member; flaring foot, terminating in a fine guilloche motive. Supported on a square plinth of Siena and a final base of red Verona. Rare soft patina of exceptional color. Height, 4 feet 1 inch. From collection of Senor Cabrejo, Madrid. From the Collection de Goncourt, Chateau Vierville sur Mer, Calvados, — France. The Nara? Second Afternoon 338S—ScCULPTURED ROMANESQUE SANDSTONE RETABLE. SPANISH OF THE 127TH CENTURY. Central oblong, occupied by an archaic symbolic Lamb, profiled in full relief, standing in a grotto. Supported on two arched front brackets, sculptured in the arch with primitive female busts. Surmounted at center and left side with incurved pedi- ments, each enriched with a large floral patera. (Needs restora- tion.) Total height, 4 feet 10% inches; projection, 1 foot 5 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. From the exterior of the Cathedral Church of St. Vincent, Zamora, Spain, A Pendent Retable in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, is now on exhibition in one of the Sculpture Galleries. 339—IMPOoRTANT SCULPTURED PoOLYCHROME GoTHIC MARBLE EFFIGY. SPANISH OF THE 151TH CENTURY. Roi des Isles Baléares. Full-length dignified recumbent figure sculptured almost in the round, easy in pose and of great distinc- tion. He wears scroll engraved armor, a long mantle to his feet and a chain of office on his breast, no helm but the curious flat cap with lobed and turned up flap then in vogue, and long black hair resting on an embroidered cushion. The features in natural colors and traces of gilding are seen on the armor. (Needs slight reparations. ) Length, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. From Eglisia de Sicles, Navarra, Spain. 24)0—InTERESTING Mosaic PANEL. ROMAN OF THE 38RD CENTURY. The field displaying a nude fisherman rowing a decorated boat with high prow and stern, in which another fisherman stands with his net ready for a cast; on the background of sea several swimming fish are depicted. Finished with four narrow borders of green, red, yellow and white. Executed mostly in small dia- mond-shaped marbles of yellow, dull light and dark greens, brown, and reds with a plentiful grounding of white. In dark molded oak frame. Height, 3 feet 4 inches; length, 3 feet 10 inches. Discovered in the Vestibule @Gicus in 1897 by Captain Dupont when excavating for the Arsenal at Sousse, Tunis. Second Afiernoon 341—Two Rare ScuLtprurep LIMESTONE MANTEL JAMBS. IINGLISH OF THE HARLY 17TH CENTURY. Deeply shaped pilaster lavishly enriched ; at crown with a female bust above a lion’s mask supporting a small Ionic capital; in the shaped sections under are variously a basket of fruit and wheat and a female mask with a pendant of fruit. The oblong molded base is enriched with a broad strap cartouche enclosing a patera. Above the main pilaster, arching forward, is a sejant lion, his head mantling and holding a hollowed shield. The shields of one charged with five scallop shells, probably of the Dacre family of Gilsland, the other quartered with lozenges and four rampant lions. A further Ionic capital crests the lion and shield bracket. The returns of each jamb are enriched with minor motives. Has been painted a dull old brown which can be removed without in- jury to the stone. : Height, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 9% inches; projection, 1 foot 1 inch. IMPORTANT RENAISSANCE SCULPTURED HAUTEVILLE MANTELPIECE. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Entablature in three portions, consists of crowning cornice, deep frieze and under cornice, is supported on broad pilasters; the crowning cornice deeply moulded and finished with a graceful cymia-reversa member. The frieze in bas-relief exhibits central vase supported by flanking Chimeric demi-eagles with leaf scrolled terminations emitting scrolls of leafage, husks and floral motives developing ears of barley; vertical acanthus leaves at corners and the returns similarly sculptured. Under cornice finely moulded and broken over pilasters enriched with two series of flutes one of double expanding “Vs”. Bas-relief pilasters pan- elled with moldings and enriched with slender central standard having two urn-like balusters and scrolled foot, supporting above double scrolled ogivals of delicate acanthus leaves and flowers and two outfacing scrolled and seated Chimeric animals from which depend ribbons and rosettes. Supported on molded plinths. Has been attributed to a pupil of Jean Goujon. Total Height, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet; diameter, 1 foot 7 inches; opening, height, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet. From the Collection de Goncourt, Chateau Vierville sur Mer, Calvados, France. 342 | Illustrated] 842 IMPoRTANT SCULPTURED HAUTEVILLE STONE MANTELPIECE. Second Afternoon ITALIAN WROUGHT IRON 24383—-WrouGcHut-IRON RoMAN BALANCE. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Short steelyard, terminating in a loop, carrying in front swiv- eled hook and ring and centering for suspension; with weight balance complete. Length, 7% inches. , 344—Fine_y Forcep Iron Kny. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Balustered stem, enriched with open scrolled bow and arched center enclosing pinnacle. Length, 61% inches. 3845—LarcE Forcep Iron LocK AND Kfby. FRENCH OF THE RENAISSANCB PERIOD. Rectangular. Spring lock with frontal bolt plate, and many in- tricate wards. Key enriched on shaft with rope molding, flat shield-shaped bow, ensigned with a crown and pierced with quar- tered armorial bearings. Length of lock, 16144 inches; width, 4% inches. Length of key, 9 inches. 346—Firry Larce DrecoraATIvE Forcep Iron Door NaAILs. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Semi-spherical head, enriched with molded radiating bandings. Center holding nail with quatrefoil head. _ Diameter, 35% inches. 3847—Firty Larcr DecoraATIvE Forerp Jron Door NAILs. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Semi-spherical head, paneled with radiating lines and high raised rope-edged bands. Center holding ball-head nail with annular pearl band. Diameter, 4 inches. 348—ForcEep IRON KNocKER. FRENCH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Rectangular rimmed back plate, enriched with open scrolled pediment, two molded notched side balusters and archaic animal- head knocking bolt; hinged knocker in the form of a curious scroll-tailed hound with molded terminal and no legs. (Pediment defective. ) Length, 14 inches, width, 3% inches. Second Afternoon 349—Two Forcep IRON COMBINATION HANDLES AND KNocKERS. SPANISH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Russet finish; heavy circular swinging handle as knocker, of dia- mond section with chevron punched enrichment. Knocker bolt and molded cant-covered handle shaft, terminating in archaic hounds’ heads. Circular pierced back plate, enriched with dia- mond motives within rondels and rimmed edge. Projection and diameter of knocker, 5% inches. 3850—E\NGRAVED ForGEpD IRON CorrRET. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Rectangular, with lifting handle and hinged top; interior dis- closing elaborate exposed lock, fitted with open scrolled bowed key, enriched with strap scroll arabesque panels embodying fleurs- de-lys ; on depressed bulbous feet. Height, 2% inches; length, 4% inches; depth, 3 inches. 3851—-Two WRrOUGHT-IRON ANDIRONS. SPANISH OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD. Reversed spiral supports, terminating in facetted square top; on arched feet. Height, 201% inches. 352—WRouUGHT-IRON GoTHIC PROCESSIONAL Cross: FRENCH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Center enriched with open floriation, quatrefoil inner and outer lobes; terminations in form of fleur-de-lys; twisted hollow stem for mounting on staff. Height, 4 feet; width, 2 feet 10 inches. 353—Forcep Iron WEATHER-VANE. FReNCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Standing figure of a rooster with large comb and spreading tail ; its body formed of imbricated scales representing feathers. Height, 21 inches; width, 19% inches. Second Afternoon 354—-T-wo Forcrep Iron Porences. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Triangular form, enriched on outside bars and interior with scrolls and fleurs-de-lys. The top bar fitted with pulley at front and rear, indicating its original use as a hangman’s crosstree. In the center of crowning bar is a copper cartouche surmounted by a cross and painted with subject (indecipherable) indicating its later use as a chapel sign. | Height, 4 feet; projection, 3 feet 6% inches. [ Illustrated. | 355—Rare Forcep Iron Porence. FRENCH oF THE 15TH CENTURY. Heavy square-sectioned scrolled support terminating in a bell- shaped flower furnished with a heavy hook. Enriched with tulip sprays and supplementary scrollings. Height, 1 foot 11 inches ; projection, 4 feet. [ Tllustrated. | 355 Second Afternoon 356—RareE Forcep Iron Porence. FRENCH OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD. Deep interlacing scrolls enriched with paterae, husks, leafage and terminating in an eagle’s head, which sustains an oval be- ribboned laurel wreath, enclosing a silhouetted musketeer painted in colors. The wreath and figure apparently of a somewhat later period and when potence was used as an inn sign. Height, 4 feet 4 inches; projection, 5 feet 9 inches. [ Illustrated. | Second Afternoon 357—Two Forcep Iron Parcet Girt Porences. SPANISH OF THE 167TH CENTURY. Back and horizontal strap bars enriched with baluster and leaf scrolls supports, horizontal bar terminating in rope hook and crested pierced shield charged with an Abbot’s armorial bearings. Height and projection, 3 feet 2% inches. 358—Two Paintep Merau Pots LANTERNS. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Square, with outset broken corners enriched with gilded spiral columns; fitted with arched door and sides; terminated with an octagonal gadrooned pendant finished with a fluted ball. Sur- mounted by a dovecoted open gallery and towered pinnacle sup- ported at corners with scrolled griffons. Portions of a cream body have been gilded. (No staves for same.) Height, 32 inches; 14 inches square. 309—Forcep IRON CHANDELIER IN THE FreNcH 16TH CENTURY STYLE. Annular base, enriched with pear-shaped drops and reinforced with central cross, flanked by many pointed scrollings. Sup- ported on four link and strap chains to central arched open crown canopy. Fitted with sockets for eight lights. Height, 34 inches; diameter, 23 inches. 360—SMaALL Forcep Iron-cratep Door. SPANISH oF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Rectangular, with series of square vertical bars and central band, enriched with rosettes at cross-bars. Fitted with lock, heavy bolt and pivots for hinging at left. Height, 18 inches; width, 271% inches. Second Afternoon CENTURY. . “ S-scrolls of acanthus leaves, terminating with floral paterae; cusped liliform bobéc drops. Fitted with candle for electricity. — ef ; ' ‘ i t 361—Four WrovucutT-IRoN WALL AFPPLIQUES. CENTURY. FRENCH OF THE 16TH Second Afternoon Meee FILET LACE AND EMBROIDERED LINEN Spanish and Italian of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries TABLE COVERS, COVERLETS AND LATTICE CURTAINS 362—SMmMALL Emprowerep Fiter Lace aNp LINEN Cover. SPANISH OF THH 17TH CENTURY. Composed of two linen panels bordered with silk-embroidered floral bands. Trimmed on three sides with Vandyke lace. Length, 32 inches; width, 15 inches. 3683—Fiter LACE AND LINEN TaBLp Cover. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. ; Heavy ivory linen enriched with panel insertion and borders of geometric filet, and small embroidered blue corners. Trimmed with lace. (Imperfect.) Length, 114 yards; width, 3% yard. 264—Lone Fiver Lace Cover. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Field composed of recurring scrolled octagonal floral motives. Finished at foot with chevroned band enclosing half carnation blossoms. | 3 Length, 214 yards; width, 26 inches. 365—CARNATION CHINTz CURTAIN. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Two and a half breadths, printed and reserved with detached sprays of white, pink and golden flowers on a ribbed pale blue ground. Length, 2% yards; width, 2 yards 4 inches. 366—Emeromerep LINEN AND Lace Cover. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Deep ivory linen surrounded by a border of chevrons and archaic animals in silver-gray silk. Trimmed with a scalloped wave pat- terned lace. Length, 1 yard; width, 21 inches. Second Afternoon 367—Fiter Lace anp LINEN TasLe Cover. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Fine ivory linen, displaying a central panel of floral filet inser- tion, broad end bands of facing lions and jardiniéres, succeeded by linen and floral insertions. Trimmed with wave and medal- lion lace. Monogramed M. R. Length, 1 yard 24 inches; width, 24 inches. 368—FiLer Lacr aNp LINEN SipeBoarp Cover. SpaNISH OF THE 177TH CENTURY. Displaying recurring floral chevrons, sustaining elaborate tulip motives. Finished at the crown with a wide band of heavy linen. Length, 1 yard 32 inches; width, 18 inches. 3869—PiLLow Lace Fiounce. SpanisH or THE 17TH CENTURY. Enriched with recurring floral horseshoe medallions, bordered with wave ribbon scallops at foot and entwining wave border at crown. Length, 314 yards; depth, 41% inches. 370—F iter Lacr TaBie Center. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Alternately displaying broadly drawn carnation and lily motives. Finished at foot with chevron and half blossom band, at crown with band of linen. Length, 2 yards; width, 26 yard. 371—Rosr CuHintz CurrAIN. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Two and one-half breadths printed with alternating recurring red and old tan floral stripes interrupted with varied quatrefoil reserved medallions of roses. Length, 224 yards; width, 2 yards 4 inches. 372—Fiter Lack AND LINEN Tasie Cover. Spanisu or THE 16TH CENTURY. Fine ivory linen, enriched with a panel insertion of floral lat- tice; fine Vandyke lace edge. Length, 2 yards; width, 1 yard 12 inches. 373—F iter Lacr SipeBoarp Cover. SPANISH OF THE 177TH CENTURY. Displaying alternating oblongs of varied diamond motives. Fin- ished with a floral frontal band and linen on sides and back. Length, 2144 yards; width, 22 inches. Second Afternoon eC O ee UO 974—Lono Fiver Lace AND LiIneN TABLE CENTER. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Ivory linen, panelled with an interlacing chevron motive which is twice repeated as insertion at the ends, and enriched with floral panels. Trimmed with narrow linen fringe. Length, 1 yard 32 inches; width, 21 inches. 375—Fiter LAce AND LINEN SipesoarD Cover. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Recurring octagonal floral scroll motives occupy the field. Fin- ished at foot with alternating Maltese crosses and pillars and a deep Vandyke edge. Length, 2 yards 4 inches; width, 21 inches. 376—F rier Lace AND LINEN TABLE Cover. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Heavy ivory linen interrupted with differing bands of lattice and medallion filet. Finished with a Vandyke lace edging. Length, 1144 yards; width, 32 inches. 977-—LINEN AND LACE TABLE Cover. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Ivory linen embroidered with initials R. B. in red; finished with a deep medallioned Vandyke guipure lace. Length, 124 yards; width, 1 yard. 878-—_F inet Lace Cover. ITALIAN oF THE 16TH CENTURY. Composed of varying bands of animal and floral motives, irregu- larly placed. Trimmed on three sides with scalloped edged lace. Length, 1 yard 3 inches; width, 20 inches. 879-—Lace AND LINEN TABLE Cover. MILANESE OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of three panels of linen interrupted by lace insertions of scroll and leaf pattern, which is repeated as a border. (Im- perfect. ) Length, 114 yards, width, 1 yard. 880—Fitpr LAce AND LINEN TaBLe Cover. SPaNisH or THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Heavy ivory linen interrupted with differing bands of lattice and medallion filet. Finished with a Vandyke lace edging. Length, 1% yards; width, 32 inches. 381—-Long Fruut Lace Cover. SranisH or THE 167TH CENTURY. Large highly conventionalized tulips recur and fill the field. Fin- ished at foot with scroll and leaf band. Length, 2 yards; width, 21 inches. Second Afternoon 382— EMBROIDERED LINEN TABLE Cover. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Fine ivory linen, exhibiting a border of recurring detached facing scrolled floral motives interrupted by a continuous ribbon; exe- cuted in brilliant silks. Length, 2 yards 2 inches; width, 1 yard 12 inches. 383—EMBROIDERED LINEN AND Finer Lace Tain Cover. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Heavy ivory linen, panelled with double block insertions bor- dered with enclosing conventionalized scrolls and leaves worked in brown linen threads. Trimmed with Vandyke lace. Length, 1 yard 14 inches; width, 32 inches. 384—F iter Lack Taste Center. SPANniIsH oF THE 177TH CENTURY. Composed of interesting intricate recurring stepped geometric diamond motives. Length, 3 yards; width \% yard. 385—F iter Lace Taste Cover. SPANISH or THE 16TH CENTURY. Two broad bordered bands of finely drawn angular scrolls and foliage occupy the field. Length, 1% yards; width, 1 yard. 386—LonG Empsroinerep LINEN Cover. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of three chevron bordered panels, each occupied by a Spanish galleon; executed in brilliant colored silks. Length, 1% yards; width, 2% yard. 387—F Iter Lace Sipespoarp Cover. Spanisu or THE 16TH CENTURY. Displaying recurring octagonal, carnation and scroll motives ; bordered at foot with scrolls and fern-leaf edge. Length, 2 yards 24 inches; width, 24 inches. 388—BuiueE CHin'rz Curtain. FRENCH or THE 18ruH CENTURY. Two breadths, printed with varied recurring landscapes of Chi- nese subjects, “The Progress of a Mandarin,” “Court Lady with Attendants,” and intermittent sprays of large flowers and birds in colors reserved in the rich bleu-du-roi ground. am Length, 2% yards; width, 1% yards 389—Huntine Cuintz Curran. FrencH or tun Lares 18ra Century. Two and a half breadths, printed with recurring varied scenes of a Royal staghunt and groups of rustics among trees; yellows, crimson and dark browns on cream ground. Length, 2 yards 21 inches; width, 2 yards. Second Afternoon 390—F iter Lace AND LINEN TABLE Cover. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. ; Ivory linen, panelled with unequal insertions of filet, displaying charming interlacing leaf scrolls, sustaining rare blossoms at the ends. Trimmed with medallioned Vandyke lace. Length, 1% yards; width, 1 yard 4 inches. 891—Lone Fiver Lace Cover. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Exhibiting alternately displayed double-headed eagles and jardi- nieres of flowers; bordered on sides and foot with quaint birds — interrupted by carnation motives. Finished at foot with linen fringe, at crown with wide band of heavy linen. Length, 3 yards; width, % yard. 399—Rare Fiter Lace AND LINEN TABLE CENTER. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Center insertion of fine filet, displaying recurring panels occupied by archaic animals. Length, 1 yard 16 inches; width, 14 inches. 699 Rare Finer LAce AND LINEN TaBLEe Cover. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. . Center insertion of fine filet, displaying recurring panels occupied by unicorns, “Symbols of Chastity.” ‘ Length, 114 yards; width, 20 inches. 894-—LINEN AND LACE TABLE Cover. ITALIAN or THE 17TH CENTURY. Small squares of Gothic lace adorn the center and corners and are relieved with narrow file tiré panelled insertions; scalloped Milanese lace edge. (Imperfect.) Length, 2 yards; width, 1 yard. 395—BravuTiFUL Firuer Lace anp Linen Cover. ITALIAN oF THE 16TH CENTURY. : Fine ivory linen enriched with panel insertion of rare filet, dis- playing diamonds semé with minute blossoms. Trimmed with deep écru Vandyke lace. Length, 1 yard 22 inches; width, 1 yard 2 inches. 396—Fiter LAce AND LINEN TaBie Cover. ITALIAN oF THE 17TH CEN- ee as Fine ivory linen, enriched with inserted bands of filet in which intricate angular scrolls sustaining large tulips appear. Trimmed with Vandyke lace edge. ' Length, 1 yard 27 inches; width, 1 yard 7 inches. Second Afternoon 397—F ier Lace aNp LINEN TaBLe Cover. SPANISH OF THE 167TH CrEN- TURY. Ivory linen, enriched with charming insertions of floral scrolls on sides and deeper at the ends in which chimeric lions and floral scroll motives appear. Trimmed with scalloped lace. Length, 1 yard 30 inches; width, 25 inches. 398—Rare Fitet Lace anp LINEN TasBie Cover. ITALIAN oF THE 16TH CENTURY. Center insertion of fine filet, displaying recurring panels occu- pied by unicorns, “Symbols of Chastity.” | Length, 114 yards; width, 20 inches. 399—FiLtet Lack AND LINEN TABLE Cover. SPANISH OF THE 177TH CrEN- TURY. Fine ivory linen, panelled with unequal floral and chevron filet insertions. Trimmed with Gothic lace edge. Length, 124 yards; width, 32 inches. 400—EMBROIDERED LINEN Cover. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of three panels, enriched with motives of diamonds and chevrons in soft-colored silks. Trimmed with Vandyke crochet lace. Length, 1 yard 32 inches; width, 20 inches. 401—Fixter Lacr Taste Center. ITAian or THE 167TH CENTURY. The panelled field alternately occupied by chimeric lions and rare lily motives. Finished with a border of small detached blossoms. Length, 1 yard 32 inches; width, 10 inches. 402—Fiver Lace anp Linen Taste Cover. SpaNISH OF THE 177TH CENTURY. Rich ivory linen, interrupted by narrow floral side insertions and broad end bands, displaying recurring lily and scroll motives. Trimmed with deep Vandyke lace. Length, 1 yard 28 inches; width, 1 yard. 403—Fiver Lace anp Linen Taste Cover. Iranian or THE 17TH CENTURY. | Fine linen, with animal filet center panel, surrounded by bands of filet displaying processions of archaic animals. Finished with a border of linen and Vandyke lace edge. Length, 1 yard 15 inches; width, 32 inches. Second Afternoon rc ee 404—Fiter Lace TapLe Center. ITALIAN oF THE 16TH CENTURY. Recurring facing unicorns, sheltered by distinguished conven- tionalized lily motives, occupy the field. Finished with a border of small quaint animals. Length, 2 yards 5 inches; width, 10% inches. [ Illustrated. | 405—Fiter Lace aNp Linen Taste Cover. ITaLiAN or THE 16TH - CENTURY. Ivory linen, panelled with broad insertions of filet, variously displaying Cupids alternating with fountains, birds and large floral motives. Trimmed with Vandyke lace. (Imperfect.) Length, 2 yards 3 inches; width, 1 yard. [ Illustrated. | 406—EmsBrowrrEep LINEN TaBLe Cover. ITALIAN oF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Fine ivory linen, doubly panelled with narrow insertions of guipure lace, flanked by and enclosing embroidered Gothic leaf scrolls in écru. Trimmed with a deep mille-fleurs lace. Length, 124 yards; width, 1 yard. 407—Firer Lace Taste Cover. ITALIAN oF THE 16TH CENTURY. Composed of numerous floral bordered squares variously occu- pied by fantastic animals and conventionalized floral motives. Length, 1 yard 10 inches; width, 1 yard 2 inches. 408—Long Fiuer Lace Sippsoarp Cover. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Heavy filet, exhibiting a displayed double eagle in center, flanked by varied jardiniéres of flowers. Trimmed at foot and ends with wave and floral lace. Length, 2 yards 15 inches; width, 24 yard. 409—Lone Fiter Lace Cover. SpaNnisH or THE 17TH CENTURY. Displaying recurring indented diamonds occupied by dis- tinguished jardiniéres of flowers and birds; finished at crown with broad band of heavy linen. Trimmed at foot and sides with Vandyke linen fringe. Length, 3% yards; width, % yard. te 4 Be Sts cg AAA WAS NEA ro Wit Bs GR RS eu ee peeing 404—Firer Lace Tasue Center. ITALIAN or THE 16TH CENTURY. 405—Fiter Lack ANp LINEN TABLE Cover. CENTURY. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH Second Afternoon ci ‘ 410—BerautiruLt Emproipprep Fitrer aNd LINEN TABLE CovER. VEN- | ETIAN OF 16TH CENTURY. . Fine ivory linen, enriched with broad insertions on the ends, in which recurring grouped “Fauns” appear, interrupted by scrolled leafage, narrower connecting bands of grotesque animal- istic motives, these with the backgrounds executed in blue silk, leaving the linen as the pattern. Length, 1% yards; width, 32 inches: ake From the Collection Goyena, Seville, Spain. Note: A museum document of rare interest and character. 411—Fiter Lace aNp Linen Taste Cover. Iranian of THE 16TH CENTURY. ae Panelled with varying filet insertions displaying archaic animals _ and floral motives. Trimmed with fine floral scalloped lace. | (Linen imperfect.) Length, 1 yard 30 inches; width, 1 yard. — MPa mgs’ ~ med hr! ae at ny ne » Ngee fr Second Afternoon CREE Een ener een SSS 412—CHARMING Fiuter Lace AND LINEN TABLE Cover. VENETIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of innumerable varied and alternating squares of mille- fleurs filet and linen in which dainty medallions appear. Trimmed with fine scallop lace. Length, 124 yards; width, 1 yard 3 inches. 413—Fiter Lace AND LINEN TABLE Cover. ITALIA CENTURY. Displaying a central filet square with eagle, and broad sur- rounding insertions in which many fantastic animals appear. Trimmed with Vandyke lace. Length, 2 yards 9 inches; width, 1 yard 3 inches. OF THE 16TH Second Afternoon 414—CHARMING Fiver Lace aND LINEN TABLE Cover. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Displaying a central floral filet square and a panel of broad insertion occupied by chimeric lions and archaic animals, inter- rupted with jardiniéres. Trimmed with narrow lace. Length, 2 yards 3 inches; width, 1 yard 7 inches. 415—Fiter Lace anp Linen Taste Cover. ITaLriaN oF THE 16TH CENTURY. Rae Ivory linen field, displaying three inserted animal filet squares — in center and a panel border, showing processions of archaic animals. Trimmed with linen lace. Length, 1% yards; width, 1 yard. Second Afternoon es eas St eee he a ee AL eae ot 416—Fiter LAce ANp LINEN TABLE Cover. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. ‘ Fine linen, enhanced with central filet square and Gothic leaf- scroll borders. Trimmed with a charming deep medallioned Vandyke lace. Length, 1 yard 26 inches; width, 1 yard 6 inches. 417—Fiter Lack AND LINEN TABLE Cover. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH . CENTURY. Fine linen with animal filet center panel, surrounded by bands of filet displaying processions of archaic animals; finished with a border of linen and Vandyke lace edge. Length, 1% yards; width, 33 inches. 418—ELaporate Fiver Lace anp Cur LINEN LATTICE CurRTAIN, ITALIAN £F THE 16TH CENTURY. Composed of diagonally placed alternating squares of filet, vari- ously displaying birds, beast and geometric motives, and geo- metric cut linen squares. Trimmed on front edge with fine floral scroll scalloped lace. Length, 2 yards; width, 1% yards. Second Afternoon 419—Fiter Lach anp Linen Taste Cover. SPpanisH or tup 16TH CENTURY. Ivory linen, panelled with insertions of filet displaying angular floral scrolls at sides, the broader ones at ends, cornucopia between diagonal staves. Trimmed with scalloped lace. Length, 114%4 yards; width, 1 yard. 420—FiLtet Lace AND LINEN CoverRLer. ITALIAN or THE 17TH CEN- TURY. : Ivory linen, interrupted in the center with a floral filet inser- tion and at the two ends with broad bands displaying proces- sions of archaic animals: among foliage. Trimmed with Van- dyke lace. Length, 2 yards 3. inches; width, 1 yard 32 inches. 421—RareE EMBROIDERED LINEN PANEL. HISPANO-MoRESQUE OF THE 14TH CENTURY. Composed of three panels solidly wrought; in the center blue- green lightly touched with yellow and red, flanking panels in red with slight passages of green and yellow. The patterns of vary- ing interlacing strap arabesques defined at center and angles with small entwined scrolled motives. The superb tiles of the “Alhambra”. undoubtedly inspired these compositions. Height. 14 inches; width, 31 inches. 422—BHAUTIFUL LACE AND Drawn LINEN Larrice Curtain. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. . Composed of alternating bands of diapered drawn linen and medallion crochet lace; finished with an intricate broad band displaying floral squares of lace and linen. Length, 2 yards 10 inches; width, 1 yard 34 inches. 493—_Fiter LACE AND LINEN COVERLET. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Heavy linen, enriched with broad central filet insertion, display- ing alternate bands of birds perched on fountains and geometric carnation motives, insertions at crown and foot of recurring facing unicorns between fountains. Trimmed with Vandyke lace. Length, 3 yards 4 inches; width, 2 yards. Second Afternoon 424—-Ning Unusuat Rep SitK-EMBrRoIDERED LINEN BorpEerS. RHODIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Displaying recurring ornamental angular scrolls reversely hold- ing distinguished floral motives, variously joined and differing slightly in pattern; several wider with finishing leaf borders. Executed in Tyrian red silk on heavy ivory linen. Total length, 35 yards; depth, 6% inches. THIRD AFTERNOON’S SALE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’CLOCK CATALOGUE NOS. 425 TO 666 425—Two Ivory DAMASK PANELS. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Displaying large infloretted acanthus motives bearing scrolled flowers. 24 inches square. 496—SMALL TAPESTRY Mat. F'LEMISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. A leaf-scrolled, handled vase, in yellows and ivory, occupies a tawny ground. 11 inches square. 427—CorAL VELVET Mat. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Oblong, with center band of galloon. Trimmed with pink fringe. Lined with purple floral damask. 16 inches by 11 inches. 428—PracH BrocapDE TABLE CENTER. ITALIAN OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD. Center and corner squares of floral brocade; side panels of old gold damask. Defined and trimmed with varied gold galloons. Lined with crimson silk. 19 inches square. 429-—-CRIMSON AND YELLOW STRIPED SILK PANEL. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Woven with broad stripes of crimson interrupted with double stripes of narrow yellow. Length, 7 feet 4 inches; width, 25% inches. Third Afternoon 430—SMALL EMBROIDERED Cr1MSoN VELVET Mat. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Displaying a large central bowknotted bouquet of tulips, carna- tions and roses, executed in brilliant silks, appliqué to crimson velvet; finished with grapevine and wheat patterned gold gal- loon. Size, 16 by 12 inches. 431—BravutiruL Brocape PANEL. VENETIAN oF THE LATE 16TH CEN- TURY. Front of a chasuble; woven with a delightful and intricate pat- tern. A conventionalized vaselike infloretted bouquet in center and variants at corners on an imbricated floral lattice ground ; silvery pastel colors, with an unusual “ashes of yellow” color prevailing. Height, 30 inches: width, 25 inches. 432—Two Otp Rep Vetver PANers. ITALIAN OF THE T6TH CENTURY. Woven with close pile of soft old red with downlike sheen. Respective heights, 2 feet 9 inches and 1 foot 9 inches; widths, 5 inches and 8% inches. 433—VELVET AND DrApP pD’ARGENT BrocapDE Borprer. FRENCH OF THE EarLy 18TH CENTURY. | Cream brocade, woven with flowers, silver scrolls and leafage; finished on one side with jaspé apple-green velvet. Length, 224 yards; depth, 5 inches. 434—SMALL Drap p’OR AND D’ARGENT BROCADE BANNER. VENETIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Woven in pastel colors, silver and gold, with floral sprays and festoon motives on a damassé peach ground. Trimmed with open scrolled silver galloon and gold tassels at two V points. Both — sides of same brocade. Height, 20 inches; width, 15% inches. 435—Four CrIMSON AND YELLOW Tassets. ITALIAN oF THE 177TH CEN- TURY. Three small and one large, with tasseled skirts. 436—Two PurpLe BANNER TASSELS. SPANISH OF THE 177TH CENTURY. Diamond lattice body, with plain skirt. Third Afternoon 437—THREE CRIMSON AND YELLOW TASSELS. ITALIAN oF THE 18TH CENTURY. (A) Yellow, with bell-shaped body and tasseled skirt. (B) Crimson and yellow; lattice body and particolored skirt. (c) Crimson, with ruffled body and tasseled skirt. 438—Turee Rep Sink Tassets. Irartan or Tue 177TH CenrurY. (A) Crimson flounce, overcast with gold lattice. (B) Crimson, with white rosetted body and overcast skirt. (c) Old red; bell-shape, with tasseled: skirt. 439—Two YeLrtow aNp Sitver Tassers. Iranian or rue 18TH CEN- TURY. Bell-shaped chevroned body, with silver ruff and overcast drops on skirt. Long connecting cords for same. 440—Two PINK AND GREEN TASSELS. ITALIAN OF THE 177TH CENTURY. Ruffed, chevroned bell-shaped body, with tasseled ivory, pink and green skirt. 441—Two GREEN AND Buub TASSELS. SPANISH oF THE 18TH CENTURY. (A) Ivory and green, with chevroned, ruffed and lattice body and deep particolored skirt. (B) Golden-yellow and blue; similar. 442—Srr or Six Ivory anp SAppHireE Buur TAssets. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Chevroned and ruffed bodies, with particolored skirts. Connect- ing cords with large and smaller tassel on each. 443—S1x GREEN SILK BANNER TASSELS. SPANISH OF THE 177TH CEN- TURY. Bell-shaped, with alternating lattice of apple-green and cream continuing and forming fringed skirt; ruffed and zigzag Crowns; two long connecting looped cords. 444—Two GOLDEN YELLOW TasseLs. FRENCH or THE 177TH CENTURY. Double ruffed body, with tasseled skirt and connecting cords. 445—Two Rosp anp Ivory Tassets. SpaNnisu or THe 171H CENTURY. Ruffed and latticed bell-shaped body, with particolored skirt. Third Afternoon ee ee 446—Two GREEN AND Buus TasseLs. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. (a) Green and yellow, with particolored tasseled skirt. (B) Blue, green and silver, with chevroned body and varicolored skirt. 447—LunetH ofr GoLtp AND SILvER GALLOON. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Recurring arched leafage; bordered with picot scalloped edges. (In various lengths.) Total length, 1 yard 34 inches; width, 2% inches. 448-—LENcTH of Gotp Lacn. FrReNcH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Recurring fan and butterfly pattern. Length, 2 yards; depth, 1% inches. 449—Lenoru or BLuE AND Goutp FRINGE. ITALIAN oF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. ; Headed with a double lattice; finished with particolored flounce. Length, 724 yards; depth, 2%4 inches. 450—T wo Green Brocape TABLE Centers. FRENCH ofr THE Louris XV PERIOD. Woven with detached, trailing sprays of pink, ivory and dull. crimson flowers. Trimmed with gold braid. Respective sizes, 32 by 9 inches and 40 by 9 inches. 451—CrIMSoN DAMASK PANEL. ITALIAN of rHp 17TH CENTURY. Woven with alternating recurring vaselike infloretted acanthus leaves supporting broadly drawn tulip and pomegranate motives, and further large infloretted tulips, canopied by drooping acanthus leaves. Height, 3 feet 9 inches; width, 21 inches 452—UnusuaL Crimson DAMASK PANEL. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Woven with elaborate, floral canopied spouting fountains; two river gods support each of the basins, two birds perched thereon, and at the foot are winged demi-horses. (Imperfect.) Height, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 28 inches. Third Afternoon 4583—SMALL EMBROIDERED RoUGE-DE-FER SILK Cover. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Displaying a central stellate motive within a circular medallion from which spring sprays of blue flowers, which are repeated within a husk and blossom border. Trimmed with cream silk fringe. 221% inches square. 454—EMBROIDERED BLUE Drap p’ARGENT BrocaprE Mat. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. The intervening spaces of the silver flowered field occupied by stripes of golden leaf ogivals enclosing sprigs of lilies and carna- tions in soft-colored silks. Trimmed with white and gold pat- terned galloon. 13 inches by 11% inches. 455—Drap p’OrR Cream Brocape Cover. VENETIAN OF THE 17TH CEN: TURY. Woven with trailing sprays of large and small scrolled leaf motives in green and gold, emitting sprays of varied pink flowers; on a cream ground damassé to accentuate the major pattern. Trimmed with narrow gold braid. (Imperfect.) 201% inches by 21% inches. 456—CopENHAGEN BLUE CISELE VELVET FRAGMENT. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Woven with a small Gothic recurring pattern of diagonally placed foliated double fleur-de-lys, alternating with scrolled leaves on double stavelike motives and berry devices. 31 inches by 8% inches 457—Grass GREEN CISELE VELVET FRAGMENT. ITALIAN or THE 167TH CENTURY. Rich lustrous jaspé velvet, displaying a small lattice in uncut velvet. 42 inches by 11% inches. 458—Apricor Drap pD’OrR VELVET FRAGMENT. FrRencH or THE 18TH CENTURY. Woven with narrow stripes of apricot velvet alternating with drap d’or. 28%, inches by 11 inches. Third Afternoon 459-—SMALL GREEN CIsELE Vetver Mat. Iravian or THE 16TH CEN- TURY. . Woven with recurring scrolled leaf devices within a diamond lattice of small detached stavelike motives; in cut and uncut velyet on a lighter ribbed silk ground. Trimmed and twice de- marked by gold gimp. 27 inches by 9 inches. 460—Cur aANp Uncut Rose Puree Vetver Mar. FRENCH oF THE 18TH CENTURY. Woven, with a wave diamond lattice occupied by bouquets of small flowers of cut velvet imposed on a feather-like uncut motive with a silk ground. Trimmed with patterned gold gal- loon. Lined with purple silk. 16 inches by 17% inches. 461—YrELLow Cur VeLvet Mar. FRENCH or THE 18TH CENTURY. Displaying recurring detached floral sprays in cut and uneut velvet with silk surrounds on an uncut ground, semé with small cut oblongs. Trimmed with gold lace, lined with yellow silk. Length, 23 inches; width, 14 inches. 462—AmeEtTuHyst VELOURS DE GENES Mar. FrRENcH or tHe Louris XVI PERIOD. Woven with boldly scrolling acanthus leaves, supporting husk and floral motives in cut and uncut velvet on deep old ivory- silk ground. Finished with silver-gilt fan and ribbon lace. 19% inches by 12 inches. 463 Rose Vetiver Mar. FRENCH oF THE Louris XVI PeEriop. Lustrous velvet, fluctuating in the light from rich rose to a rose crimson, jaspé with minute ivory stripes. Finished with gold fan lace. 22 inches by 16 inches. 464—Two CrIMSON SILK CEREMONIAL TASSELS. SPANISH OF THE 177TH CENTURY. Deep bell-shaped, with crimson lattice and ruffs, over a cream body; shaped crowns and tasseled skirt to match. Long connect- ing cords. Third Afternoon 465—Two PINK AND Ivory BANNeER TASSELS. SPANISH or THE 17TH CENTURY. Chevroned, ruffed and lattice body, with particolored skirt and small tasseled hanging cords. 466—Four YELLOW TASSELS. ITALIAN OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Two with latticed and ruffed bodies and two with striped pin- nacle bodies, richer in color. 467—Two SappHiIRE BLUE TASSELS. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Rutfed and latticed bell-shaped body, with tasseled skirt. 468—Two GREEN AND YELLOW TASSELS. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Rutfed and chevroned body, with tasseled skirt, in green, ivory and yellow; connecting crimson and ivory cord. 469—Two BLUE AND YELLOW BANNmER TasseLs. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Chevroned and ruffed bell-shaped body, with particolored skirt. 470—Two BANNER TASSELS. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. (A) Crimson and tan, with chevroned, ruffed and lattice body and particolored skirt. (B) Green; lattice ivory body, with pink and lavender ruffs and green skirt. 471—Two GREEN SILK BANNER TASSELS. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Long bell-shaped bodies, with apple-green lattice and ruffings, over cream ground; skirts of tasseled fringe, connecting cords to match. 472—Two Ricu CRIMSON SILK BANNER TASSELS. SPANISH OF THE L7TH CENTURY. Similar in pattern to the preceding. 473—Four CriMson BANNER TASSELS. ITALIAN OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Three with varied ruffed baluster bodies; one with lattice and dome crown. 474—THREE GOLD BANNER TASSELS. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. (A) Hexagonal latticed body, with yellow silk skirt overcast with gold threads. (B) White, silver and gold, with lattice body. (c) Black and gold, with latticed baluster body. Third Afternoon aa 475—Tures Gop AND SALMON TassELs. ITALIAN oF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Finely chevroned and ruffed body, with yellow silk skirt overcast with golt. 476—Two BEAUTIFUL CRIMSON AND GREEN TASSELS. FRENCH OF THE 18tH CENTURY. Latticed with crimson and green on cream body; cream skirt overcast with floral, crimson and green tassels. 477—Four YELLOW AND Buugb TaASsELs. ITALIAN oF THE 17TH CENTURY. (a) Two yellow, with lattice pear-shaped bodies and plain skirts. (8) Blue, with bell-shaped body and tasseled skirt. (c) Blue and cream; similar. 478—Two GraceruL Ivory AND Gotp TASsELs. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Striped and ruffed baluster body, with gold skirt. 479—Rare FRAGMENT OF CrIMSON DrApP p’OR Brocade. ITALIAN OF THE LATE 15TH CENTURY. Unique weave, displaying beautifully floretted pineaple motives within quatrefoil lobed double scrolled medallions, alternating with others of diamond floretted leafage, enclosing unusual scrolled floral devices; the pattern in straw color and ivory touched with gold on a rich crimson ground. 480—BorricELLI GREEN VELVET BorpER. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Rich heavy velvet, shimmering in the light with pools of silvery green. Length, 1 yard 10 inches; depth, 7% inches. 481—CRIMSON VELVET BorpER. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Deep rich velvet, showing lighter markings, the impress of ancient embroidery now removed. Length, 1 yard 33 inches; depth, 10 inches. 482—Taprstry BorpEr. FLEMISH oF THE Party 177TH CENTURY. Displaying large clusters of fruit amid broad leafage supported on a staff; woven in delightful soft greens, yellows and orange on a tawny brown ground. Length, 144, yards; depth, 1114 inches. Third Afternoon 483—DAMASK PANEL. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Woven with reversing recurring infloretted scrolled leaves in pink on a rich crimson ground. Height, 23 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches. 484—-CRIMSON VELVET TABLE CENTER. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Lustrous close pile velvet, with shimmering rose pink areas, deepening to brilliant crimson. Length, 1 yard 14% inches; width, 10 inches. 485—GoruHic Vetver TABLE CENTER. ITALIAN OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Lustrous jaspé forest green velvet, woven with diagonally placed small stavelike floral motives in cut velvet on uncut grounds, within double banded diamond lattice having somewhat similar motives at intersections to those in center, but ciselé. Trimmed with ribbon and fan patterned gold lace. Length, 23 inches; width, 91% inches. 486—FLAME-PINK VELVET Cover. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Five unequal panels of closely woven velvet with down-like sheen ; demarked and trimmed with chevron and leaf patterned gold galloon. Lined with cerise silk. Size 31 by 12 inches. 487—Two YeLttow Damask Panes. ITALIAN of THE 17TH CENTURY. Woven with large recurring bouquets of flowers, canopied by scrolled and infloretted acanthus leaves. Respective heights, 4 feet 6 inches and 2 feet 8 inches; widths, 21 inches. 488—Crimson DAMASK PANEL. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of two breadths, woven with alternating recurring vaselike infloretted acanthus leaves, supporting broadly drawn tulip and pomegranate motives and further large infloretted tulips, canopied by drooping acanthus leaves. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 489-—CRIMSON DAMASK PANEL. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of two breadths. Similar to the preceding. Height, 7 feet; width, 3 feet 4 inches. 490-—FRAGMENT OF CRIMSON VELVET. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Close heavy pile; shimmering in the light with flame crimson. . 24 inches by 20% inches. Third Afternoon 491—Cream Brocape TasLe CENTER. SPANISH OF THE 1(TH CENTURY. Woven with dainty recurring motives of two broad infloretted palmette motives supporting lobed medallions in which carnation bouquets appear; executed in delicate reseda green, soft pink and yellow on an ivory ground damassé with a pattern com- plementary to the major theme. Trimmed with silver galoon. Length, 2% yards; width, 21 inches. 4992-_CRIMSON AND CREAM DaMASK TABLE CENTER. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Woven with delightful floral and fruit bouquets in cream, within ogivals of graceful trailing flower sprays in similar color on a ground damassé with sprays following the contour of the ogivals. Trimmed with gold galloon. Length, 1% yards; width, 11 inches. 493—SmaLL Peacu aNp Drap p’ARGENT BrocapE BANNER. VENETIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Double pointed, displaying on both sides floral and scroll brocade enriched with pastel colored velours flowers. Trimmed with silver galloon and gold tassels at points. Height, 21 inches; width, 16 inches. EMBROIDERED PURPLE VELVET WaISsTCOAT. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS A494 XVI PeEriop. Richly embroidered with continuous entwined scrolls of leaf sprays in gold threads and paillettes, at collar lappets, fronts and foot. 495—CRIMSON AND CREAM DAMASK CHASUBLE. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. The orphreys of crimson, woven with scrolled floral motives, flanking panels of somewhat similar pattern in cream on a light- toned ground. (One side pieced with a different colored damask.) Trimmed with silk fringe. 496—Drap pD’OR AND D’ARGENT BROCADE CHASUBLE. FRENCH OF THE Louts XVI PERIop. Broad sinuous scrolls of gold and silver, invested with lily blos- soms and leafage, define the pattern and support quaint land- scapes and trailing blossoms in colored silk on a damassé ground of deep ivory. Trimmed with gold galloon, patterned with grapes and vine. Third Afternoon 497—Ivory Damask Roper. ITALIAN oF THE 17TH CENTURY. Consisting of oblong panel, front of skirt and two sleeves; woven with large conventionalized flowers supported by infloretted acanthus leaves in lustrous two toned ivory. 498—EMBROIDERED CREAM SILK BANNER. SPANISH OF THE RBNAIS- SANCE PERIOD. The field occupied by a silk braided cartouche enclosing a pendent vase of flowers, appliqué in delicate colored silks, gold and silver threads; flanked by panels of gilded ribbons and scrolled flowers. Trimmed at foot with cream lattice silk fringe. (Imperfect.) Height, 35 inches; width, 3 feet 614 inches. 499—CRIMSON VELVET PANEL. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Composed of two breadths of lustrous jaspé velvet, fluctuating in the light from rose pink to a rich cerise crimson. Height, 33 inches; width, 42 inches. 500—SAPPHIRE-BLUE VELVET PANEL. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Closely woven lustrous velvet, recently outlined in rope cord at the edge of a pattern of earlier appliqué which has disappeared. Height, 5 feet 1 inch; width, 19 inches. 501—Two Crimson DAMASK CUSHION Covmrs. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH ‘CENTURY. Displaying recurring infloretted acanthus leaf ogivals alternately occupied by pomegranates and bouquets of flowers. Trimmed with crimson silk tassels. 3114 inches by 21 inches. 502—Drar p’ARGENT BrocapE Cover. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Two breadths, woven with lacy zigzags in the gold, brown and yellows from which spring bouquets of lilies and sprays of fruit in colored silks, on an imbricated damassé ground of warm ivory. Trimmed at foot with gold galloon. Length, 1 yard; width, 1 yard 7 inches. 503—EMBROIDERED Spa-GREEN TABLE Cover. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI Periop. Varied lacy scrolls, with trailing flowers executed in soft ivories, tans and greens, cover a soft sea-green silk ground. Trimmed with patterned silver lace. Lined with golden tan silk. > Length, 1 yard 6 inches; width, 1 yard 2 inches. Third Afternoon 504—Four EMBROIDERED CRIMSON BANDS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. : Enriched in gold and silver threads and blue silk with reversed blossoms and scroll motives. — Length, 24 inches; width, 1% inches. 505—BLEvu-DE-CIEL LAMPAS PANEL. FRENCH OF THE 18tH CENTURY. Displaying, in silver gray, recurring trailing vines of holly leaf- age, bearing sprays of tulips and small wild roses; on lustrous pale blue ground. Height, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 2714 inches. 506—O.p Rep VELVET PANEL. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Close-pile velvet, with fluctuating areas of flame color. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. 507—Rep VeLver PANEL. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Close lustrous pile of rich old red, suffused with down-like lighter tones. Height, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 8 inches. 508—Crimson VeLvet TaBLe Cover. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Two widths of lustrous close-pile jaspé velvet, fluctuating in the light from the color of the lees of wine to an intense crimson. (Imperfect. ) 1 yard 5 inches by 114 yards. 509—Two Goip-EMBROIDERED VELVET FRAGMENTS. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Shaped, displaying small blue medallions surrounded by flame- like rays of gold; on lustrous wine-colored velvet. 510—Gotp AND SitK EMBROIDERED DAMASK BAND. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. ; Enriched with a sinuous scroll bearing large brilliant colored flowers and fruit executed in solid stitches of silks with portions in appliqué. Length, 22% yards; width, 714 inches. 511—EmMproipERED GREEN DAMASK VALANCE. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Scrolled at crown and foot; appliqués of cream silk display center floral medallion, flanked by interlacing leaf, berry and strap scrolls on a floral apple-green damask ground. Length, 2% yards; depth, 17 inches. Third Afternoon 512—Drap p’ARGENT BROCATELLE FRAGMENT. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Extremely rare weaving; displaying in old yellow on an apricot ground “The Adoration of the Virgin.” She is seated, surrounded by four winged angels; above, the Holy Father and winged cherub; at crown, the Virgin is again seen receiving the An- nunciation. Small blosson border. Height, 18 inches; width, 9 inches. 518—CrIMSON VELVET PANEL. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Dense jaspé velvet flaming with brilliant rose in the light to areas of lustrous crimson. Indented at sides. Height, 4 feet 1 inch; width, 1 foot 8% inches. 514—E mMBpossep GREEN VELVET Mat. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Lustrous grass-green jaspé velvet, fluctuating in the light to a soft golden tone. Embossed with a banded lattice of diamond motives intersected by and enclosing floriated diamonds. Trimmed with fringe. 20 inches by 21 inches. 515—CRIMSON AND DrAp D’ARGENT VELOURS DE GENES Cover. FRENCH oF THE 17TH CENTURY. Woven in a rich crimson cut and uncut velvet on a shimmering Silver ground, displaying acanthus-leaf ogivals terminated with crowns at foot and enclosing beautiful bouquets of convention- alized flowers. Size 21 inches square. 516—Two Larce Rosf-cRIMSON CoVERLETS. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Composed of four breadths of lustrous, closely woven silk rich in the play of color. rengtn, 3 yards 14 inches; width, 2 yards 6 inches. 517—TuRQUOISE-BLUE DAMASK Cover. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Composed of three breadths, woven with large recurring bouquets of flowers, canopied by scrolled and infloretted acanthus leaves. 34 inches by 1% yards. 518—YeEeLLow VELver TABLE CENTER. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Heavy close-pile jaspé velvet, fluctuating in the light from a light canary color to full rich yellow. Trimmed with gold galloon. Length, 1 yard 16 inches; width, 11 inches. Third Afternoon 519—Unique FrRaGMENt OF Drap D’ARGENT GREEN BrocapE. HIsPANo- MorESQUE OF THE 14TH CENTURY. Portion of a stole; displaying archaic birds, animal heads, varied heart-shaped floral motives and arcades in a very rare and fine weave of lustrous grass green on a ground of dull yellow-green and passages of silver that add to the refinement of the com- position. 520—CrimMson Drap p’ARGENT VELVET CoveR. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Woven with diagonally placed scrolls sustaining highly con- ventionalized, infloretted blossoms and leaves, in lustrous cut and uncut velvet on shimmering old ivory drap d’argent ground. Size, 22 inches square. 521—Yettow Tarestry CANTONNIERE. AUBUSSON oF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. fnriched in golden yellow and dull red with continuous floral scrolls on an apricot ground. . Height. 5 feet; width, 6 feet 8 inches; depth of band, 6 inches. 522—CrIMSON AND GOLD BROCATELLE PANEL. VENETIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Displaying recurring interlacing scrolled infloretted palmette leaves supporting varied large flowers, at the crown developing a pear-shaped medallion enclosing a half-length figure of St. Paul carrying sword and missal. Finished with leaf scroll borders on sides. Woven in golden yellow defined by pale lavender, on a lustrous crimson ground. Height, 4 feet; width, 11% inches. 523—THREE GOLD-EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET BorpERS. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. | Displaying small medallions surrounded by flamelike rays in gold. On lustrous closely woven velvet. Trimmed with silk fringe at foot. Length, 14% yards; depth, 8 inches. Third Afternoon 524—G oLp-EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELvet Cover. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Displaying a central circular scrolled strap medallion in gold enclosing a tasseled golden jardiniére filled with silver tulips on blue velvet ground; the medallion imposed on the center of tri- panelled chevroned crimson velvet. Trimmed with crimson and gold edging and gold braid. From the designs of Lasalle. Size 19 inches square. 525—Ivory BrocapE CuHarr Seat AND Back. FRENCH oF THE 18TH CENTURY. Lampas weave, displaying rose garlands within irregular diamonds of trailing leaves in soft pastel colors on rich deep ivory ground. Respective heights, 29 and 30 inches; widths, 32 and 33 inches. 526—Two EMBROIDERED GREEN VELVET AMICES. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Serpentine shape, displaying appliqué in yellow silk of central jardiniére of fruit, flanked by standing facing birds and scrolls. Finished with yellow border and crimson fringe. Yellow and red tassels and cords to same. 027—JARDINIERE VELVET PILLOW. ITALIAN of THE 177TH CENTURY. Oblong; woven with floral motive within large scrolled acanthus leaves emitting tulips and carnations, in cut and uncut crimson apricot and soft green on ivory silk ground. Trimmed with ivory and crimson tasseled fringe. 528—Ivory-PINK AND CRIMSON DAMASK PANEL. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Woven with reversing recurring infloretted scrolled leaves in pink on a rich crimson ground. Height, 31 inches; width, 224 yards. 529—CRrIMSON AND CREAM BrocapE PANEL. FRENCH oF THE Louis XIII PERIOD. Composed of one and a half breadths, displaying distinguished diamond motives of flowers, leafage and pomegranates in dull cream on a lustrous crimson ground, damassé with an interesting floral trellis held by small crowns at the intersections. Height, 6 feet; width, 2 feet 11 inches. Third Afternoon EMT ACCT TOOT 530——FiLoraL Perit Point Cuair SEAT. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Displaying a bouquet of flowers in soft natural colors on pale yellow ground within a wreath of blue. Surrounded by a rose- sprayed cream border. Length, 19 inches; depth, 18% inches. 531—Prrir Pornr CusHion Cover. Frencu or THE EMPIRE PERIOD. Black field, enriched with a large bouquet of varied flowers, embroidered in pale pink, yellow, green and ivory silks. 32 inches by 21 inches. 532--Crimson DAMASK CovEeRLET. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of two full and two half widths; woven with alternat- ing recurring vaselike infloretted acanthus leaves, supporting broadly drawn tulip and pomegranate motives, and further large infloretted tuplips, canopied by drooping acanthus leaves. Length, 2 yards 6 inches; width, 1% yards. 5383—-Two Crimson DAMASK PortierEs. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Composed of two breadths. Similar to the preceding. Length, 2% yards; width, 1 yard 6 inches. 584—T wo PANELS or BLUp AND CREAM DAMASK. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Lampas weave, displaying irregular bowknotted feather ogivals, holding sprays of small flowers and enclosing large roses of silvery cream on a tender pale blue ground. Respective heights, 4 feet; widths, 20 and 30 inches 5385—Dainty Srrirep Biuer Brocapr PaneLt. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PeERiop. Composed of six breadths; woven with delicate narrow recurring stripes of varied pale pink and yellow flowers on ivory with intervening broader cross-banded stripes, sustaining at intervals light green rose sprays on pale bleu-de-ciel ground. Height, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 10 feet 6 inches. 536—Rosnr-CrRIMSON VELVET PANEL. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Closely woven lustrous velvet; rose color in the light, wavering to deep rich tones. (Shaped for a settee seat.) Length, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 21 inches. Third Afternoon 5387—Two Drap pd’ARGENT AND GREEN VELOURS DE GENES CLOAKS. FRENCH OF THE 177TH CENTURY. Round at foot, with slashings at shoulders, woven with large beautiful floral motives, emitting scrolled lily sprays and sup- ported by double scrolled acanthus leaves. Lustrous soft green cut and uncut jaspé velvet on golden drap d’or grounds. 538—Two Drap pd’ARGENT AND GREEN VELOURS DE GENES WAISTCOATS. Similar to the preceding. 539—Two CRIMSON AND GoLp BROCATELLE PANELS. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of two breadths, woven with recurring varied beauti- ful scrolled ogivals enclosing floral bouquets in crimson on a golden yellow ground. Respective heights, 6 feet and 4 feet 6 inches; widths, 3 feet 6 inches. 040—EMBROIDERED EMERALD GREEN SILK CoveRLET; FILIPINO OF THE 18TH CENTURY. The field displaying a grapevine in full fruit enclosed within a columned arch entwined with the same fruit; surrounded by a border of waved bowknotted ribbons, holding bunches of grapes, executed in fine tambour stitch with crimson and cream silk. Wave edge, trimmed with deep open scalloped tambour edging to match. Lined with green silk. Length, 21%4 yards; width, 1% yards. 541—REMARKABLE CRIMSON SILK VALANCE. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. An extraordinary type of pillow lace and needlework; formed of an open lattice of rope-edged banded diamond motives, defined at intersections with oval bobbins, and enclosing tufted floral rosettes resembling velvet. Trimmed at foot with deep heavy Vandyked fringe. Length, 2 yards 22 inches; depth, 1114 inches. 542—CISELE GOLDEN YELLOW Crt-vELver Cover. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Lustrous cut and uncut velvet on a shimmering silk ground. Woven with broad stripes enclosing bouquets of flowers tied with trailing ribbons; interrupted with narrow leaf scroll stripes. Trimmed with ribbon and rosette patterned galloon. 1 yard 7 inches by 21 inches. Third Afternoon a A Malia 543-—GoLD-EMBROIDERED ROSE-CRIMSON DossaL. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Oblong; enriched in center in cream silk appliqué, gold and silver threads and paillettes. A monstrance supported by two flying cherubim, surrounded by six cherubim heads; on rich lustrous rose velvet. —eignt, 3 feet 1 inch; width, 5 feet 9 inches. 544—-CRIMSON AND Gotp Damask Cape. ITALIAN oF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Semicircular; woven with sinuous ribbon motives emitting floral sprays in rich crimson defined with veinings of the lustrous fluctuating golden ground. Trimmed with double rows of yellow and gold silk fringe and cord, at the neck tassels. Length, 1 yard; width, 2 yards. 545—Rarpe Green Damask Care. Frencu or tHE Louis XIII Puriop. Semicircular; woven with alternating recurring motives of elong- ated imbricated and chevroned ribbon ogivals enclosing floral motives, distinguished vases and bouquets in lustrous silvery- ivory on a jaspé grass-green ground. Length, 1 yard 5 inches; width, 3 yards. 546—O.tp Rep Vetiver Cape. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Semicircular with scrolled ends; close heavy pile velvet with soft downlike lustre. Length, 1 yard 22 inches; depth, 21 inches. 547—Drap D’OR AND D’ARGENT CHAMPAGNE BROCADE CAPE. VENETIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of two and a half breadths, woven with delightful scrolling motives of palmettes, tulips, and trailing vines, in gold, silver, delicate blue and pink on a damassé ground, accentuating and complementing the major motives. Enriched with a central vertical band and at foot with open gold and silver scroll lace. Length, 11%4 yards; width, 134 yards. 548—CreAM Brocape Care. FReNCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of five breadths; flaring at sides and rounded at foot. Woven with two recurring detached landscapes; one composed of tree bearing large purple-pink lily, rising behind a ruined arched wall set on a small patch of sward; the other of the two reversed similar trees bearing bunches of roses. Pastel colors on deep ivory silk ground. Length, 1 yard 1 inch; width, 2 yards 22 inches. Third Afternoon 549—Drap p’ARGENT AND SALMON BrocapE CAPE. VENETIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Triangular with curved foot, three breadths beautifully matched; woven with recurring ovoidal panneaux of palmette motives in the silver, blue, green and ivory, demarked with lacelike chevroned bands enclosing trailing vines of small flowers in deep tones. Trimmed at foot with scalloped gold galloon. Lined with crim- son silk. Length, 1144 yards; width, 1% yards. 550—Four Brocade CusHION Covers. FRENCH OF THE LATE 177TH CENTURY. Woven with detached recurring motives of trees bearing large pink flowers and growing from small landscapes; each depicting a castle, lake with natural arched bridge, and boat, under the tree sheep and their guardian playing a lute. The landscape pendented with a cluster of luxuriant fruit, in natural colors on soft olive-green ground. Lined with rose-du-Barry silk. 20 inches by 26 inches. 551—EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET CUSHION CovEerR. ITALIAN OF THER 16TH CENTURY. Oblong, displaying at the left and right two entwined stems cen- tered with large stellate blossoms and bearing four large tulips. Solidly executed in yellow, blue, ivory, and tan silks couched in part with gold on a lustrous velvet ground. Trimmed on ends with crimson lattice fringe; at crown and foot bound with gold galloon. Lined with crimson floral damask. 21 inches by 33 inches. 5j52—E MBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET CUSHION Cover. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Similar to the preceding. Trimmed with crimson lattice fringe. 3214 inches by 31 inches. 553—EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET CUSHION CovER. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Oblong. Similar to the preceding. : 31 inches by 29 inches. Third Afternoon EO ee 554—Two Rosr-pu-Barry Sirk CoverRLeTS. ITALIAN OF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Composed of three and a half breadths, woven with a fine cream jaspé stripe in lustrous changeable silk. Length, 214 yards; width, 2 yards. 555—SAPPHIRE-BLUE VELOURS Dr GENES TarpLE Cover. FRENCH OF THE 167TH CENTURY. Woven with reversing diagonally placed scrolled tulip and car- nation motives, in lustrous cut and uncut velvet on a shimmering apricot silk ground. ‘Trimmed with patterned gold and silver galloon. Lined with trellis and spray patterned green ‘silk. 1 yard 5 inches by 11 inches. 556——LARGE Crimson Damask Coverter. ITALIAN oF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Composed of three breadths, woven with alternating recurring vaselike infloretted acanthus leaves, supporting broadly drawn tulip and pomegranate motives and further large infloretted tu- lips, canopied by drooping acanthus leaves. Lenght, 22% yards; width, 1% yards. 557—Two Larce Rosr-criIMson DAMASK PorTIERES. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of two breadths, similar in pattern to the preceding but softer in tone. | Length, 3 yards 6 inches; width, 1 yard 5% inches. 558—Drar D’ArGENT BrocapE TABLE Cover. VENETIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Three and a half breadths, woven with diagonally placed recur- ring bouquets of pink and blue flowers supported on silver leafage and garlands on a golden yellow ground semé with tiny trefoils. 1 yard 4 inches square. 559—GoLp-EMBROIDERED VELVET TABLE CENTER. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Lustrous jaspé velvet. Embroidered at ends with scrolled sprays of flowers in gold threads and spangles. Lined with lavender silk. Length, 1 yard 21 inches; width, 20 inches. Third Afternoon 560—CRIMSON AND Drape p’OR’ BrocateLLE PANEL. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Orphrey panel woven in drap d’or with reculring figure subject presenting Our Lord surrounded by winged cherubs’ heads, ascending from the tomb, guarded at foot by two Roman soldiers, men-at- arms in the curious armor of the Italian sixteenth century, on crimson ground. Bordered on two sides with small blossom and leaf bandings. Height, 33% inches; width, 9 inches. 561—Two APPLE-GREEN VELOURS DE GENES TABLE CENTERS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. V-points at ends; woven in cut and uncut velvet with recurring distinguished con- ventionalized floral and pineapple scrolls on a Silk ground; apple-green with wan. dering areas of spring-like grass-green. Length, 2% yards; width, 16% inches. 562—Two APPLE-GREEN Verenours Dr GrENES TABLE CENTERS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. V-points at ends; woven in cut and uncut velvet with recurring distinguished con- ventionalized floral and pineapple scrolls on a silk ground; apple-green with wan- dering areas of spring-like grass-green. Length, 1 yard 30 inches; width, 15 inches. Third Afternoon cane ~ 563—Two APPLE-GREEN VELOoURS DE Genes TABLE CENTERS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. V-points at ends; woven in cut and uncut velvet with recurring distinguished conventionalized floral and pineapple scrolls on a silk ground; apple-green with wandering areas of spring-like grass-green. Length, 1 yard 30 inches; width, 15 inches. 564—T wo APPLE-GREEN VELOURS Dre GENES TABLE CENTERS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. V-points at ends; woven in cut and uncut velvet with recurring distinguished conventionalized floral and pineapple scrolls on a silk ground; apple-green with wandering areas of spring-like grass-green. Length, 2% yards; width, 16% inches. 565—Two APPLE-GREEN VELOURS Dre GENES TABLE CENTERS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. V-points at ends; woven in cut and uncut velvet with recurring distinguished conventionalized floral and pineapple scrolls on a silk ground; apple-green with wandering areas of spring-like grass-green. Length, 2% yards; width, 16% inches. 566—BriLtuianr YELLOW DAMASK PortisrE. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. | Composed of three breadths, displaying large recurring infloret- ted bouquets supported and canopied by acanthus leaves and pomegranates. Length, 2 yards 10 inches; width, 124 yards. 567—Rare Deer CrIMSON DAMASK PorTIERE. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of two evenly matched widths; woven with chevroned ribbons entwined with trailing flowers bordering recurring bou- quets of flowers alternating with floral crowns supported by two Cupids, in two tones of lustrous crimson silk. Length, 224 yards; width, 1 yard 6 inches. Third Afternoon 568—Four PANELS OF BLEU-DE-CIEL DAMASK. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Woven with magnificent double bouquets of infloretted flowers and two pomegranate motives, set in two large scrolled and vase- like infloretted acanthus leaves and canopied by two others, form- ing elongated ogivals. Woven in lustrous pale bleu-de-ciel on a lighter silvery ground. Total length, 7144 yards; width, 21 inches. 569—PEACH-COLORED VELVET PANEL. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Soft, lustrous velvet, with areas of down-like pale peach and darker tones. Demarked vertically into four wide and two small panels, one narrow long panel at foot and trimmed with pat- terned silver galloon. Height, 21 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches. 570—GREEN DAMASK COVERLET. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of three well-matched breadths, displaying recurring acanthus leaf and floral bouquets, sustaining pomegranates within sprays of leafage and small flowers; woven in bottle green on a charming jaspé grass-green. Length, 2 yards; width, 124 yards. d¢1—Crream Brocapr Carr. FRENCH or THE Louis XIV PERIOp. Deep semicircular shape, displaying recurring branches of pink, blue and lavender flowering and fruiting trees, rising from small patches of ground. Length, 1 yard 11 inches; width, 2 yards. 572—CRIMSON VELVET TABLE CENTERS. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Composed of two breadths with V-points at ends of close-pile jaspé velvet, fluctuating in the light from deep shimmering rose to deeper tones. Trimmed with gold and crimson silk fringe. Length, 224 yards; width, 21% inches. 573—CrRIMSON VELVET TABLE CENTER. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Similar to the preceding. Length, 2%, yards; width, 22% inches. Third Afternoon 574—Green VELVET AND DAMASK TasLe Cover. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Velvet center of valanced festoons enclosing fleur-de-lys, placed to give an effect of scale imbrications; rich lustrous cut and un- cut velvet, fluctuating from grass-green to tones of deep jade on silk ground. Broad border of purple damask woven with a scrolled leaf diamond lattice, enclosing floral motives. Trimmed and bordered with patterned gold galloons, 1 yard 16 inches by 1 yard 8% inches. 575—BRILLIANT BorricELLI GREEN VELVET PANEL. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Ribbed jaspé pile; fluctuating with all the radiant varied spring- like greens in sunlight. Height, 1 yard 8 inches; width, 22 inches. 576—RoyvaL Biuur DAMASK Covernter. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of two and a half finely matched breadths, woven with recurring imbricated strapped and crested ogivals, enclosing floral and pomegranate motives in Royal blue on a shimmering golden brown ground. Length, 2 yards 3 inches; width, 1 yard 20 inches. 577—Two Ricu CRIMSON VELVET PANELS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Close-pile jaspé velvet. Shimmering in the light with flame rose areas. Height, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 21 inches. 578—UNIQUE BoUcLE D’OR AND ARGENT DraAv dD’OR BRocATELLE COvER. VENETIAN OF THE 1OTH CENTURY. Rare, unusual weave; displaying a finely leaf-scrolled central motive of bouclé d’or and argent within a leaf-scrolled strap ogi- yal bearing medallions of floral motives in bouclé d’argent on a golden yellow drap d’or ground; the leaf scrolls and strap are executed in smaller retiring bouclé d’or, giving the texture a definite semblance of relief. T'rimmed with patterned gold gal- loon. Size, 31 by 21% inches. Third Afternoon 579—CRIMSON DAMASK COVERLET. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of four breadths finely matched. Woven with recur- ring alternating tulip motives, canopied with infloretted acanthus leaves and scrolled leaf and husk motives. Length, 5%4 yards; width, 21% yards. 5S0—APRICoT BRocADE Cover. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Woven with recurring infloretted scrolls with palmettes and lily motives in silver-ivory on a complementary damassé ground of apricot fluctuating to a soft peach tone. Length, 34% inches; width, 224 yards. 581—Two APPLE-GREEN VELOURS DE GENES TABLE CENTERS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. V-points at ends; woven in cut and uncut velvet with recurring distinguished conventionalized floral and pineapple scrolls on a silk ground; apple-green with wandering areas of springlike erass-green. Length, 1 yard 30 inches; width, 15 inches. 582—-TwENTY LENGTHS OF CRIMSON BrocHe SILK. FRENCH OF THE Louis PHILIPPE PERIOD. Variously cut and shaped, but very useful for covering small furniture. Finely woven, displaying a large floral motive scrolled with infloretted acanthus leaves in ivory and green. Recently re- moved from the walls of an apartment in the Palace of Fontaine- bleau. Approximately, 14 yards. 583—GoLD-EMBROIDERED BLACK VELVET VALANCE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Vandyked with beautifully scrolled points corded with gold at edge; embroidered in raised gold and silver threads, jeweled with rhinestones and touched with threads of pink and blue silks, dis- playing running interlaced acanthus-leaf scrolls developing husks and pomegranate motives, varied pendant floral motives at the Vandykes and medallioned coat-of-arms and birds at the deeper central point. Trimmed at crown with band simulating gold galloon. Length, 4 yards; depth, 12 inches. Third Afternoon 584—Two Perit Point Borpvers. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Enriched with beautiful angular scrolls bearing conventionalized flowers and leafage in blues, yellows, and ivories on a deep blue- black ground. Bordered at sides with scrolled leaf and staff mo- tives on a cream ground. Length, 2% yards; depth, 11 inches. 585—IMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET PANELS. ITALIAN oF THE 167TH CENTURY. Displaying central scrolled leaf motives in silk threads, partially in appliqué of old yellow silk, within finely drawn recurring strap arabesqued cartouches of the appliqué silk. Height, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 1 foot. 586—Two BEAUTIFUL CRIMSON CuT VELVET PANELS. FRENCH OF THE 17tH CENTURY. Woven with strap arabesque arches enclosing fine blossoms of in- floretted peonies and carnations. Lustrous rich crimson cut and uncut velvet on a soft rose silk ground. 2espective heights, 1 foot 3%, inches and 1 foot 5% inches; widths, 4 feet 10 inches and 4 feet 11 inches. 587—T wo GoLp-EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET Covers. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Displaying in center within a gold outlined shield the badge of Castile, wrought in raised stitches of gold and silver, the portals and windows curiously worked in purple silk threads. Trimmed with gold edging. Sizes, 14% by 191% inches and 15% by 20% inches. “ 588—Lonce OLp Rep VELVET TABLE CENTER. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Close-pile old red velvet, suffused with areas of flame color. Length, 4 yards 4 inches; width, 11 inches. 5S89—CrIMSON DAMASK PorRTIERE. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Composed of three breadths, woven with series of varied recur- ring scrolled sprays of flowers and pomegranates, highly conven- tionalized. Length, 2 yards 30 inches; width, 1 yard 30 inches. Third Afternoon 590—CHARMING JARDINIERE VELVET VALANCE. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Displaying recurring rose sprays, draped, tassel festooned and suspended by bowknotted and tasseled festoons of small flowers on a ground semé with minute stars; delicate borders of floral ovals at crown and foot. Woven in soft shades of rose, pink, green, ivory and dull red in cut and uncut velvet. Length, 2 yards 10 inches; depth, 10% inches. 591—Two Curntz Currains. FRENCH oF THE 18TH CENTURY. Printed with recurring trailing vines of moss roses on dotted striped dull ivory and gray grounds recurring with stripes of de- tached bouquets of green roses. Respective lengths, 214 yards; widths, 3% and 2 yards. 592—Ricuty Printrep PALAMPorE. Hrnpo-Persp or THE 18TH CEN- TURY. In the center, above and below, two-lobed ovoidal tloral medal- lions, with tan grounds, emit sprays of lilies, carnations and pomegranate motives which ramify the cream field. Finished with broad scrolled floral borders of similar motives, with delicate tan floral guard and minute blue pinnacled guards. Length, 2 yards 33 inches; width, 1 yard 5 inches. 593—Cuintz CoverLet. FRENCH oF THE 18TH CENTURY. In style of an Hindo-Perse palampore. Printed in brilliant col- ors on cream ground with central and smaller flanking trees of life, ramifying the field and bearing luxuriant fruit, flowers, perched and flying birds and butterflies; the trees grow from amid a flower strewn foreground, occupied by symbolic vases and other motives. Rich floral border. Length, 2 yards 32 inches; width, 2 yards 20 inches. 594—Cuintz Coverter. FrReNcH oF THE 18TH CENTURY. Similar to the preceding. Length, 3 yards; width, 224 yards. Third Afternoon 595—Ricuity Prinrep Pavuampors. Hinpo-Perse or THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Brilliant colors on an ivory ground, the center displaying a pear- shaped infloretted tree of life on gray ground, occupied by perched birds and an imbricated central motive of similar shape, supported on a lobe diapered patch of ground, on which are two peacocks. Arched floral spandrils on gray grounds; the field rami- fied by scrolled blossoms. Finished with pilaster-like inner bor- ders of similar pear-shaped motives to center and floral border at crown and sides; flanking mille-fleur-de-lys guards. Length, 2 yards, width, 1% yards. [Illustrated | 596—LAVENDER CHINTZ SEAT COVER AND COVERLET. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Printed in lavender with the high lights in reserve; displaying baskets of fruit with drooping bunches of grapes and a pheasant perched thereon, alternating with bird’s nest, both amid scat- tered sprays of various wild flowers. Respective lengths, 3 yards 20 inches and 1 yard 4 inches; widths, 3 yards 8 inches and 30 inches. 597—Turen Torte DE Jouy Curtains. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Printed in brilliant cobalt blue on cream ground, exhibiting birds-of-paradise and butterflies amid trailing stems of asters, maidenhair ferns, roses and sprigs of Honesty. Ruffled at foot. Respective lengths, (two) 2 yards 33 inches and (one) 1 yard 34 inches; widths, 134 yards and 1% yards. 598—TWELVE CURTAINS, ONE VALANCE AND Fivr Loors or PINK CHINTZ. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Printed in soft Persian colorings with dainty all-over scrolled sprays of roses and lilies and perched pheasants at intervals; on a warm tan ground. Bearing the original owner’s identification mark, M. le Camte Vitalle, Domaine de Vigny No. 722. Curtain lengths, 3 yards; various widths: (7) 114, (3) 2%, (1) 2, (1) 2% yards, Valance: width, 1% yards; depth, 22 inches. Third Afternoon 599—EMBROIDERED Drap D’OR Rose-CriMSON BANNER. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Terminating in two V-points. Richly embroidered in drap d’or and dargent appliqué with central floral festooned device which is repeated on larger scale at crowning border and at the points; the rich rose shimmering jaspé field semé with gold spangled sprays of flowers. Trimmed with patterned gold galloon. Height, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches. 600—Uniqup Drap d’OR CrEAM Brocape CHASUBLE. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. The fields display recurring medallions occupied by a Spanish bishop’s heraldic devices, woven in gold and touched with erim- son silk, a turreted castle at each side supports an arm holding a sword above two diagonally placed croziers supported by séjant lions and enclosing a scallop shell, dove and bishop’s mitre. The alternate medallions support open books, in gold and stars. Cream ground damassé with flags, birds, castles and comple- mentary scrolls. Trimmed with gold galloon. 601—Ivory Damask Rope. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Bodice, sleeves and wide flaring skirt joined in one piece. Woven with recurring ogivals of infloretted acanthus leaves. Enclosing large conventional bouquets in lustrous two-toned ivory silk. Length, 1 yard 16 inches; width of skirt, 5 yards 8 inches. 602—Pracu Brocapk Corr. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Displaying recurring depressed ogivals of imbricated lace-like ribbons edged with flowers in cream and enclosing baskets of flowers in blues and green on a lustrous soft peach, wavering in the light to a delicate apricot. Orphrey defined and cope trimmed with silver galloon. 603—LarcEe CriIMson DAMASK Corr. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. The orphreys and loose hood match and are defined with a fine leaf and flower patterned galloon. Woven with recurring crested ogivals alternating with cartouches enclosing distinguished floral motives. Heavy lustrous two-toned silk. Third Afternoon 604—GoLD AND SILVER EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET BANNER. ITALIAN OF THRE 17TH CENTURY. Arched crown, terminating in two V-points. The center displays an elaborate scrolled vase emitting highly conventionalized flow ers within a horseshoe medallion. A similar pendant vase is sus- pended from center of a banded broken arch, enriched with pome- granate and floral sprays. Executed solidly in silver and gold threads. Trimmed with silver galloon. Height, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 101% inches. Third Afternoon ee eee 605—Ricu AmeEruysr VeLVver Cape. ITALIAN or THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of four widths, rounded toward foot, embroidered in gold threads near crown with small scattered sprays of tulips; on lustrous soft jaspé velvet shifting with the light to brilliant light purple tones. Lined with pale lavender silk. Length 114 yards; width, 2 yards 10 inches. 606—Rare Bieu-pu-Ror Vetver Cars. Frencu of THE 18TH CENTURY. Exquisite close-pile velvet, fluctuating in the light with areas of beautiful sapphire tones. Length. 1 yard 2 inches; width, 1 yard 32 inches. 607—Ivory-PINK AND Crimson DAMask Copp. FRENCH oF THE 16TH CENTURY. Woven with a broken, chevroned diamond lattice enclosing high- ly conventionalized leaf and pomegranate motives in shimmering pink on a brilliant crimson ground; orphrey defined with gold galloon. Length, 1 yard 7 inches; width, 3 yards 6 inches. 608—Tan BrocapEe PortTIBRE. FRENCH OF THE Louis PHILIPPE PERIOD. Variously cut and shaped, but useful for furniture covering. Woven with bouquets of pink and yellow flowers held by imbri- cated trailing ribbons on a broché tan ground. Length, 3% yards; width, 1 yard 6 inches. 609—Rare APPLE-GREEN DAMASK PorTIERE. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Composed of three well-matched breadths, woven with intricate recurring lacy and floral scrolled ogivals in which are displayed oval lobed and spear leaf pointed medallions enclosing bouquets of flowers and sustaining small sprays of pineapples. 7 Length, 214 yards, width, 1% yards. 610—Unieur LENGTH OF JARDINIERE VELVET BorRDERING. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Woven in cut velvet on a hatched cream-silk ground with lozenges alternating with diamond motives variously enclosing turretted castles, “Badges of Castile” and floral devices, bordered with scrolled leaves; the motives in sapphire blue, rose crimson and yellow. Length, 251% yards; width, 2 inches. Third Afternoon 611—Uniqur LENGTH or JARDINIERE VELVET BorDERING. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Similar to the preceding. Length, 2214 yards ; width, 2 inches. 612—Two Rosr-Crimson DAMASK PORTIERES. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of two breadths; woven with alternating recurring vaselike infloretted acanthus leaves supporting broadly drawn tulips and pomegranate motives and further large infloretted tulips, canopied by drooping acanthus leaves. Length, 2% yards; width, 1 yard 5 inches. 613—Drap d’OrR VELOURS DE GrNes Cover. FRENCH OF THE EARLY 17TH CENTURY. Two breadths composed of graceful, varied entwined heart-shape and scrolled cartouche motives formed of acanthus leafage and emitting highly conventionalized fioral motives in cut and uncut velvet, the color of the lees of wine on an ancient apricot drap @or ground. Trimmed with chevron and leaf patterned galloon. Size, 1 yard 10 inches by 23 inches. 614—RoskE-PINK AND CREAM Srrirpep BrocapE Cover. FRENCH OF THE Louris XVI PrrtIop. Composed of three and a half well matched breadths, woven with recurring cream stripes of trailing roses flanked by stripes lined with pink, cream and a center of minute chevrons of blue and two narrower, of cream enhanced with varying small trailing fruit scrolls. Length, 2 yards 8 inches; width, 2 yards. 615—GREEN CISELE VELVET Cover. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Woven with recurring stripes of interlacing scrolled ogival bandings enclosing varied blossoms and holding rosetted dia- monds at intersections; in soft jaspé cut and uncut velvet on pinkish tan ground. Finished at ends with open silver and gold lace bands of emerald velvet. Lined with green silk. 1 yard 8 inches by 12 inches. Third Afternoon Ne A ee 616—LarGch CRIMSON DAMASK CoverRLeT. ITALIAN oF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Composed of four fine breadths, woven with alternating recurring vaselike infloretted acanthus leaves supporting broadly drawn tulip and pomegranate motives and further large infloretted tulips, canopied by drooping acanthus leaves. Length, 2 yards 20 inches; width, 214 yards. 617—Two CrIMson DAMASK PORTIERES. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Composed of two breadths. Similar to the preceding. Length, 234 yards; width, 1 yard 4 inches. 618—Dainty Forest GREEN CISELE CUT- VELVET Cover. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Woven in cut and uncut velvet with small recurring scrolled rus- tic leaves, reversely placed in irregular stripes ; interrupted with chevrons demarked at points with delicate rosetted diamond mo- tives, ciselé to the brownish tan ground. Lustrous velvet with a remarkable play of color ranging from tones of soft blue to light emerald. Trimmed with patterned gold galloon. Lined with green silk. 1 yard 28 inches by 20 inches. 619—Rosr-ptu-BarRY DAMASK COVERLET. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Composed of four breadths, woven in lustrous silk with recurring jardiniéres of flowers, each canopied with two baskets of flowers supported by scrolled acanthus leaves, on a shimmering rose ground, fluctuating in the light to softer tones. 234 yards square. 620—APPLE-GREEN BrocapE CovERLET. VENETIAN OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Composed of four breadths, woven with recurring quasi-archi- tectural minarets and arches from which develop sprays of flow- ers in dull tones on a shimmering jaspé ground. Length, 214 yards; width, 2 yards 8 inches. Third Afternoon 621—TuRreEE GREEN BrROcATELLE PANELS AND Four VALANCES. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Woven with recurring heart-shaped motives formed of double scrolled leafage, enclosing beautiful tulip motives in dull silver gray on a delicate shimmering grass-green ground. Valances scalloped at foot. Approximately 17 yards. 622—BRILLIANT BorTrLte-GREEN Stripr BrocapeE CoveRLET. ITALIA OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Composed of three breadths, displaying recurring lacelike cream sinuous scrolls emitting bouquets of flowers at intervals, flanked by pink and yellow staves entwined with floral sprays; woven on a minutely chevroned green ground. Length, 2 yards 14 inches; width, 124 yards. 6283—Two Crimson DAMASK PortTiIpRES. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Composed of four beautiful breadths, displaying recurring bou- quets of large flowers supported by vaselike acanthus leaves in which pomegranate motives appear and canopied by scrolled leaves. Woven in brilliant rich crimson silk. Length, 2 yards 29 inches; width, 1 yard 6 inches. 624—Two CrIMSON BrocapE CurRTAINS. FRENCH oF THE Louis XIII PERIOD. Displaying charming central bouquets of flowers and pome- granate motives in silvery cream, surrounded by similar sprays of flowers placed to form a diamond motive; on a damassé ground of small trailing sprays accentuating the pattern. Trimmed with gold galloon. Length, 3 yards 6 inches; width, 21 inches. 625—LarceE CRIMSON DAMASK PorTIERE. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Composed of four fine breadths, displaying recurring bouquets of conventionalized flowers and flanking scrolled floral sprays at crown and foot. Woven in dull corded crimson on a lustrous deeper toned ground. Length, 2% yards; width, 2% yards. Third Afternoon ee a eee 626—Crimson DAMASK CovertEr. ITALIAN oF THE iii CENTURY. Composed of four breadths, woven with alternating recurring vaselike infloretted acanthus leaves supporting broadly drawn tulip and pomegranate motives and further large infloretted tulips, canopied by drooping acanthus leaves. Trimmed with a soft ruffled silk flounce. Length, 3 yards; width, 224 yards. 627—LARGE CRIMSON DAMASK COVERLET. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Composed of three and a half breadths; woven with rare recur- ring imbricated straplike canopies, enclosing infloretted pome- granates, crested with balustered floral motives and pendented with large scrolled double heart-shaped floral drops. Trimmed with crimson silk, looped and tasseled fringe. Length, 2% yards; width, 2% yards. 628—CrIMSON DAMASK COVERLET. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of four widths; woven with alternating recurring vaselike infloretted acanthus leaves, supporting broadly drawn tulip and pomegranate motives and further large infloretted tulips, canopied by drooping acanthus leaves. Trimmed with soft fringe at foot and sides. Length, 214 yards; width, 2 yards 16 inches. 629—Two Rare PALE BLUE AND Ivory BROCATELLE PANELS. ITALIAN OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Woven with an unusually interesting drop pattern of recurring floral vases each occupied by two seated pseudo-Chinese figures carrying open parasols, enclosed within broadly drawn scrolled ogivals of acanthus leaves and pineapple motives carrying a deep pendant of the same fruit. Height, 7 feet; width, 21 inches. 630—NinE PANELS or Rosn-crRIMSoN VELVET. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Varied in sizes; dense low-pile jaspé velvet; shimmering in the light from deep rose color to darker and richer tones. Comprising 16 yards. Third Afternoon 631—GoLpEN YELLOW AND GREEN Cut-veLver TABLE Cover. ITraLIAN Or THE 18TH CENTURY. Woven in cut and uncut lustrous spring green velvet with banded stripes occupied by scrolled sinuous ribbons entwined with similar pearl motived scrolls, interrupting broad stripes occupied by dainty detached sprays of flowers; on golden yellow silk ground. Trimmed with chevron patterned gold galloon. 1 yard 8 inches by 1 yard 2 inches. 632—CrIMSON Damask CoveRLET. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of five fine breadths; woven with alternating recurring vaselike infloretted acanthus leaves, supporting broadly drawn tulip and pomegranate motives and further large infloretted tulips, canopied by drooping acanthus leaves. Trimmed with crimson silk fringe. Length, 2 yards 6 inches; width, 234 yards. 633—Rarp EMBROIDERED SAPPHIRE-BLUE VELVET SAppDLE HOovsING. SPANISH OF THE 171H CENTURY. Shaped housing, with leather side pieces. The lustrous velvet en- riched with veritably modeled border of solid silver embroidery ; displaying arabesque molded strap and leaf scrollings, spangled sprays and basket panels at corners. Portions encrusted with small shaped panels of inlaid mother-of-pearl. Trimmed with tasseled silver fringe. 6384—CREAM AND CRIMSON VELVET CHASUBLE. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. The orphreys, of lustrous crimson velvet toning to the color of lees of wine, show the impress of ancient embroidery now re- moved. The flanking panels of soft downlike cream velvet develop- ing a pale amberish tone. Trimmed and orphreys defined with chevron patterned gold galloon. 635—Two CREAM AND CRIMSON VELVET DALMATICS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Similar to the preceding. The apparels in crimson velvet. Third Afternoon ee eC 636—GrEEN Brocape Court Ross. ITALIAN OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Triangular; woven with recurring yellow stripes entwined with trailing sprays of pink and cream flowers alternating with sinu- ous cream lacelike ribbon on a forest-green ground lightly chev- roned with black. Trimmed with fan patterned gold lace. Length, 13%, yards; width, 2% yards. 687—Rare GREEN CUT-VELVET CHASUBLE. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Woven with floral chevrons, enclosing at points quaint trifoliate leaves in cut velvet on lustrous silk of a lighter shade. 638—Sitver Emprowrrep VELvpT CHASUBLE. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Crimson velvet orphreys display in appliqué of yellow and green damask, basketed and outlined with silver thread, a succession of varying heraldic, leaf-scroll cartouches, alternately bearing as devices large stellate motives and a vertically barred diamond shields; trimmed with crimson and gold edging. The flanking panels of lustrous jade green jaspé velvet. Trimmed with gold praid. Lined with dark green floral damask of the epoch. 639-—Green Damask Corp. ITALIAN oF THE 16TH CENTURY. Composed of four breadths and shaped hood. Spring leaf green damask, woven with recurring imbricated ogival strap motives variously occupied by pomegranates, scroll leaf motives and coro- nets. The orphreys of a later period, in bottle green, display running imbricated lacelike ribbons, foliage and diapered panels. Hood and orphreys trimmed with gold and green edging. Length, 1 yard 20 inches; width, 3 yards 6 inches. 640—GoLp-EMBROIDERED AMETHYST VuLVET Rose, ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Large frontal panel. Deeply V’d at neck, flaring toward foot; beautiful lustrous velvet with brilliant sheen; enriched in solid raised gold embroidery, at neck, with continuous S-scrolls and banding, the field semé with sprays of flowers, the foot with a broad border of reversing acanthus leaf scrolls sustaining gener- ous blossoms. Lined with lavender silk. Length, 1%, yards; width, 2 yards 8 inches. Third Afternoon 641—NrEDLE-PAINTED CRIMSON VELVET CHASUBLE. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. The orphreys display in yellow and crimson siik appliqué, out- lined with gold and red on brilliant blue floral damask, beautiful arabesques of leafage, scrolled from central vases and stems bearing cornucopias, dolphin heads and fruit; these interrupted by oval medallions of figures in silks and gold threads. On the obverse the medallions occupied at crown by the Holy Father in Majesty, under the Announcing Angel, and at foot the Virgin with symbolic lilies; reverse, an archaic figure of our Lord, with lamb and cross in yellow silk appliqué, and at foot St. John in silk threads; the orphreys bordered by narrow scrolls in ap- pliqué of yellow silk. Flanking panels of deep rich crimson vel- vet, shimmering with rose areas in the light. Trimmed with short crimson silk fringe. 642—BEAUTIFUL NEEDLE-PAINTED GREEN VELVET CHASUBLE. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. The orphreys of green silk delicately embroidered in soft silks, crimson and gold, with charming recurring floral motives, scrolled with husks at foot; trimmed with gold and green edging. The frontal orphreys in form of a cross, with interrupting im- planted figure in solid gold and silk threads, the worthy ‘St. Nicholas,” as bishop, a quaint tub of children at his feet and a further wreathed device near foot. In the center of the straight reverse is a rayed motive of lilies. The flanking panels are of rich forest green velvet of rare shimmering quality. Trimmed with gold and green edging. 643—E MBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET CHASUBLE. SPANISH OF THE LATE 15TH CENTURY. The orphreys, richly embroidered in appliqué of golden yellow silk, outlined with blue cord and touched with colored silks, dis- play leaf-scrolled arabesque panels, interrupted with smaller panel. Trimmed with gold and silver galloon. Third Afternoon 644—-NEEDLE-PAINTED CRIMSON VELVET CHASUBLE. INGLISH OF THE [arty 16TH CENTURY. The orphreys display in arched niches figures of St. Peter, St. Calixtus and portion of a Saint, on the reverse; SS. Matthew and Mark on obverse; wrought in solid stitches of gold threads and silks; trimmed with raised gold bands simulating galloon. Flanking panels of rich crimson velvet fluctuating to rosy pink. Trimmed with patterned gold galloon. 645—Macniricent Drar p’OR AND bD’ARGENT CHAMPAGNE BROCADE Cape. VENETIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of three and a half breadths, woven with delightful scrolling motives of palmettes, tulips, and trailing vines, in gold, silver, delicate blue and pink on a damassé ground, ac- centuating and complementing the major motives. Enriched with a border of gold and silver scroll lace. Lined with soft, shell-pink silk. Length, 11% yards; width, 1% yards. 646—Rare BLuE AND GoLp BROCATELLE Copp. ITALIAN OF THE EARLY 16TH CENTURY. The orphreys woven with floral interlacing arabesques develop- ing fine pomegranate motives and imbricated leafage in soft green on golden yellow. The field, in shimmering Copenhagen blue on golden yellow of great brilliance, displays banded ogivals, finely imbricated and scrolled with Gothic leafage and pome- granate motives, and enclosing remarkable conventionalized pomegranate devices, enwreathed with similar Gothic leafage and smaller pomegranates. These ogivals alternate with others, enclosing scrolls of the same character. | Length, 1 yard 17 inches; width, 2 yards 31 inches. 647—Two Uniqurt Drap Dd’OR Brocade DALMATICS. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. The apparels at foot and arms, woven in gold and lustrous silks on a rich ivory ground, display most unusual scrollings in which cherubs, birds, butterflies and gay blossoms appear. The neck, front and back paneled with bands of scrolled flowers and birds similar in coloring to the apparels; the fields of ivory semé with small detached sprays of flowers. Trimmed with multicolored fringe; lined with rose-du-Barry silk. Third Afternoon 648—Uni1qgupn Tapestry DALMATIC. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Similarly paneled front and back, displaying vertical centers in which orange-yellow floral scrolled lobed medallions appear on a flame motived ground of pink and crimson, flanked by narrow panels occupied by bulrushes growing beside water, ribbon in- scriptions at crown and on one side cherubs’ heads bearing a quartered shield of Leon and another; the outer panels of scrolled pineapple motives are in the colors of the center. Crowning the center of the front is the “Holy Veil of St. Veronica.” Apparels at arms are similar in pattern and color to centers. Trimmed with patterned ivory silk galloon. 649—T wo CRIMSON VELVET AND DrRAr D’OR BrRocAaDE DALMATICS. ITAL- IAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. The apparels of dainty gray d’argent cream brocade invested with series of small scrolled floral motives developing pome- granate devices, in varying pastel colors and gold. The field of deep crimson velvet shimmering with flame rose in the light. Trimmed with blue, vellow and crimson fringe. 650—Two CRIMSON AND GREEN DALMATICS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Composed of panels of lustrous crimson velvet, in the upper cen- ters, inside of arm apparels and the outer flanking panels. The arm and foot apparels and the flanking of green jaspé velvet ranging from soft golden green to emerald of a rare lustre. Ap- parels and borders trimmed with ancient gold galloon. 651—GoLD-EMBROIDERED AMETHYST VELVET CourT MANTLE. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Deep semicircular shape, enriched in solid raised gold embroi- dery with broad border of reversing floral scrolls, tied with bow- knots. The field of lustrous velvet shifting in light to delicate lavender tones, semé with sprays of varied flowers. Finished with a gold embroidered band, and at crown with galloon. Length, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 7 feet 6 inches. Third Afternoon oe 652—-GoLpD-EMBROIDERED AMETHYST VELVET DossAL. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Oblong; the field occupied by “The Cross” crowned with thorns, and further symbols of the Passion, executed in point d’Arras, en- riched with gold and silver threads. Border of fioral oval car- touches flanked by strap scrolls and square floral medallions in yellow silk and ivory drap d’argent appliqué, enriched with gold and red defining cords. Lined with floral amethyst damask. Trimmed with acorn tassels in silver, gold and plum color. Height, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches. 653—Two BEAUTIFUL CRIMSON DAMASK PORTIERES. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of two finely matched breadths; woven with alternat- ing recurring vaselike infloretted acanthus leaves, supporting broadly drawn tulip and pomegranate motives and further large infloretted tulips, canopied by drooping canthus leaves. Height, 2 yards 20 inches; width, 1 yard 6 inches. 654— EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET Porriers. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. The field of shimmering rose crimson is semé with varied vases of flowers and sprigs of blossoms in soft natural colored silks ap- pliqué, border and straps on two sides of fine silver embroi- dered floral scrolls on ivory drap d’argent ground. Trimmed at foot with lattice silver fringe. Lined with crimson silk . Length, 2 yards 8 inches; width, 1 yard 15 inches. 655—Siiver Lace AND GREEN VELVET PortTipre. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. High-pile forest green velvet fluctuating to lighter silvery tones, embellished with three broad borders on front and one at foot of open floral scroll and medallion silver lace in which gold is ju- diciously used. Trimmed with silver galloon on front edge. Length, 314 yards; width, 1 yard 14 inches. 656—VerpuRE Tapestry PANEL. AUBUSSON OF THE Earty 18TH CEN- TURY. A tree in full foliage grows at the right and below are large crim- son flowers; double guards of gray and tan. Height, 3 feet 5 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches. Third Afternoon 657—ANIMAL TAPESTRY PANEL. AUBUSSON OF THE 18TH CENTURY. A crane with outstretched wings preparing for flight stands be- fore a pool in a rocky landscape. Charming soft coloring of blues, tans, greens and modulated ivories are relieved with browns. Height, 2 feet; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 658—ANIMAL TAPESTRY PANEL. BRUSSELS OF THE 17TH CENTURY. A hound stands in a landscape, his head raised in yelping before the rich blue mantle of his master. Silk and threads of gold have been judiciously introduced into the soft coloring. From a larger panel. Guards of tan and drak blue. Height, 2 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches. 659—VERDURE TAPESTRY PANEL. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Two trees, in which are two perched birds, rise at right from a foreground of luxuriant foliage. Woven in rich warm greens, blues, tans and brown, with a deep ivory sky seen through the trees at left. Guards of tan and brown. Height, 4 feet 1 inch; width, 3 feet 2 inches. 660—TAPEStTRY PANEL. FLEMISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. A huntsman with flowing cloak advance to the left, of a well- wooded landscape, his dog running before him. The warm ivories, yellow and brown in the figure and dog are relieved by the rich greens and blues of the sward and foliage; finished with a nar- row black-brown guard. Height, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. 661—Taprestry CANTONNIERE. FLEMISH OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD. The crowning panel displaying finely drawn leaf scrolls termin- ating in eagle’s head and passant leopard; the sides occupied by scrolled, fluted vases supporting husks, floral scrolls, masks, surmounted by a claw foot tripod; small blossom and scrolled entwined ribbon borders. Woven in delightful golden tones on a rich blue ground, the borders on golden grounds. Height, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches; depth of border, 14 inches. Third Afternoon 662—-RENAISSANCE Tapestry PANEL. FLEmMIsH or THE Warty 17TH CENTURY. “A Royal Hunting Party.” An uneven woodland glade is the set- ting for many varied activities of the chase; in the foreground a mounted cavalier and dismounted attendant approach hounds attacking a wild boar; beyond three dismounted huntsmen are rescuing a man from the clutches of a chimeric white bear; nearby a red bull attempts to hold off a pack of hounds; toward the upper right before a chateau is a Royal personage, prome- nading with a lady; further animals are seen in the glade beyond. Finished with a tawny brown guard. Height, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches. 6683—Two AUBUSSON VERDURE TAPESTRY PANELS. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. In one, two large trees rise from amid broad-leaved flowering peonies in the foreground and embower a small walled domain beyond. The other similar, with one tree woven with rich greens, ivory, pink, brown, tan and subdued blues. Finished with nar- row, dark blue borders. Height, 7 feet 3% inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. 664—VERDURE TAPESTRY PANEL. FLEMISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Varied groups of trees rise to left and right of a flowered fore- ground and give a vista of distant wooded hills and habitations. Woven with deep ivories, tans, greens, and blues. Distinguished wide borders in similar colors display scroll cartouches enclos- ing small landscapes in centers and oval floral medallions at cor- ners, with beribboned clusters of flowers filling the intervening spaces. Finished with broad inner guards of yellow, brown and black and blue outer defining bands. Height, 9 feet; width, 7 feet 3 inches. 665—VeERDURE TAPESTRY PANEL. F'LEMISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Companion to the preceding. Center with rearranged foliage and bird. (All outside edges of borders need repairs.) Height, 8 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 4 inches. Third Afternoon 666—Fivre PANELS or TOILE DE Jouy. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Printed in rose-red with an all-over square hatched lattice with fan rosettes at intersections and three imposed vertical motives composed of recurring circular medallions of classic warriors and pendant oblong panels, enclosing Fox and a Sheep, from “La Fon- taine’s Fables,’ and surmounted by seated sphinx: the second, rosettes and winged heads of Mercury alternating; the third, of oval medallions with pointed imbricated ends, enclosing subjects, “Cupid binding Venus.” Heights Widths. 7 feet 4 inches. 1 foot 6 inches. 8 feet 6 inches: 16 feet 8 inches. 8 feet 6 inches. 4 feet 2 inches. 8 feet 6 inches. 1 foot 5 inches. 4 feet 6 inches. 1 foot 1 inch. EVENING SESSION WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 8:30 O’CLOCK CATALOGUE NOS. 667 TO 715 FRENCH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY 667—_THE ANNUNCIATION (Illuminated Gouache on Parchment) Height, 7% inches; width, 5 inches. The Virgin, wearing a golden embroidered blue mantle, seated on a decorated throne at right, the announcing angel at left car- rying the dove; above amid the celestial choir in the clouds is the Holy Father in Majesty. FRENCH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY 668—THE VIRGIN MEETING ST. ANNE (Illuminated Gouache on Parchment) Height, 7% inches; width, 5 inches. The Holy Virgin in rich blue hooded mantle meets St. Anne in the foreground of a hilly landscape crested with a turretted and walled castle. She is attended by St. Joseph and two angels, St. Anne by two young women in rich medieval costume. Third Evening Or ———— FRENCH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY 669—THE ANNUNCIATION TO THE SHEPHERDS (Illuminated Gouache on Parchment) Height, 7% inches; width, 5 inches. Shepherds andshepherdessesare grouped with their flocks of sheep and dogs on the greensward and a youth at left foreground bends down to drink at a gushing spring; at right distance are habita- tions with surrounding wattled folds and further sheep; at cen- ter and left a castle and hilly landscape. The company salute the announcing angel in the sky who bears a ribbon inscribed : “Gloria in Excelcis.” FRENCH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY 670—THE PRESENTATION OF THE VIRGIN IN THE TEMPLE (Illuminated Gouache on Parchment) Height, 7% inches; width, 5 inches. The Blue Robed Virgin sits on a daised gilded throne in a columned annd domed temple. The rayed dove, as the Holy Spirit, descending upon her. Grouped round are aged doctors and other personages. FRENCH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY 671—THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT (Illuminated Gouache on Parchment) Height, 75 inches ; width, 5 inches. The Blue Robed Virgin, carrying the Infant Saviour, rides on an ass, which St. Joseph leads at left, various personages appear just beyond and through two groups of trees a medieval chateau appears. A small bull is partially seen at right front gazing at a broken columned idol. Third Evening FRENCH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY 672—THE ROAD TO CALVARY (Illuminated Gouache on Parchment) Height, 7% inches; width, 5 inches. The Saviour with gyved hands walks in the centre foreground of a hilly landscape disclosing Jerusalem in the distance. Judas at right carrying his money-bag salutes our Lord; behind is a crowd of mocking Roman soldiery. FRENCH SCHOOL 18tH CENTURY 673—“HEAD OF NORMAN PEASANT GIRL” (Pastel) Height, 12%4 inches; width, 9 inches. Profile to right, wearing a high sloping lawn, lace trimmed head- dress and orange shawl. ITALIAN SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY. 674—“A BUSY SEAPORT” (Gouache) Height, 41% inches; length, 6 inches. In the foreground many persons are engaged in the activities of embarkation, much shipping is near the shore; beyond across the bay a castle, other buildings and a range of blue hills. Third Evening PHILIP WOUVERMAN DutcH: 1619—1668 675—A BLACK AND WHITE MARI (On oak panel) Height, 4% inches; length, 5 inches. A heavy Flemish mare standing in profile, grazing; a gleam of golden sunlight strikes a patch of white across its back, relieving the surrounding gloom. FLEMISH SCHOOL 15TH CENTURY 676—ST. BRUNO (On wood panel) Height, 103% inches; width, 7% inches. The tall brown habited figure of the Saint stands on a walled and tiled terrace, holding a long staff and contemplating a cruci- fix which he clasps to his breast. Beyond a cathedral city is seen at the foot of ragged rocky hills. CATALONIAN SCHOOL SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY 677—ST. CATHERINE OF SIENNA (On wooden panel) Height, 161% inches; widih, 101% inches. The Saint is seated before a gilded illuminated wall on a raised bench, she wears a yellow-red robe with an olive green drapery spread over her lap on which is missal and symbols. She ecar- ries a palm branch in her left hand. Third Evening cap a a eS emia TE eae PORTUGUESE SCHOOL EMPIRE PERIOD 678—PORTRAIT OF THE DUCHESS X (Canvas) Height, 16 inches; width, 1314 inches. Half length facing front, head slightly to right, wearing curly hair dressed high at back, blue and white silk dress with red and blue sash. Oval in oblong frame. SPANISH SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY 679—“MADONNA AND CHILD” (Canvas) Height, 25 inches; width, 23% inches. The Holy Mother, seated in ample robes of dull grey, yellow and crimson, holds the Holy Child to her breast; St. J oseph in shadow at right. CATALONIAN SCHOOL SPANISH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. 680—CHRIST AND THE EMBLEMS OF PASSION (Canvas mounted on arched wuud panel) Total Height, 26% inches; width, 2014 inches. The Suffering Saviour seen at half length, rising from the tomb, wounded with cruel thorns, His hands and side pierced; a gilded nimbus about His head, a greenish background exhibits the vari- ous implements of the Passion, and at left the head of Judas, at right arm of St. Peter supporting a rooster. Crowned with a contemporary gilded and illuminated tracery arch and cornice. GARCIA RAMOS SpANISH: 17TH CENTURY 681—“FLOWERS AND FRUIT” (Canvas) Height, 32 inches; width, 26 inches. In an arched niche is an elaborately scupltured vase, supporting a large bouquet of varicolored flowers and a bunch of grapes; at its foot a bird’s nest with eggs and two dead birds. BARASSO CATALONIAN: 15TH CENTURY 682-—“ST,. ANDREW” (On wooden panel) Height, 35 inches; width, 26% inches. The Saint spread on his traditional cross nude save a loin cloth, a golden, nimbus round his head, is being tortured by two brutal executioners. In the background is a group of noble personages standing before a prison gateway. J. RUPALLEY FRENCH: 18TH CENTURY 683 —PORTRAIT OF DOCTEUR SILVESTRE (Canvas) Height, 30 inches; width, 254% inches. Half length, turned to left writing at a small table, head facing spectator, wearing gray wig, black coat with lace jabot and ruffles at wrists. Inscribed on back of canvas “Peint a Bayeux p-f.a.m. J. Rupalley, en 1773 Docteur medicin né a Bayeux en 1729.” Third Evening DUTCH SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY. 684— STILL LIFE (Canvas) Font. 20 ches, width, 24 inches. A table is elaborately spread with a vase of flowers, a covered silver urn, a large gold watch, an ornate vase, together with an oval miniature and a Rembrandt print in black and white placed on a crimson drapery. CLAUDE JOSEPH VERNET FRENCH: 1714-1789 685—‘LE GRAND NAUFRAGE” (Canvas) Height, 22 inches; length, 311% inches. The foreground occupied by spray dashed, jagged rocks on which groups of half nude mariners and their passengers are struggling to rescue their companions from a vessel driven by the black storm on the coast; at left cliffs crested with an ancient castle, in the offing further vessels. Overhead a lurid sky, panoplied with dense wind-driven clouds. Engraving of same by G. §. de Flumet. From the Collection Abadie, Bordeaux, France. CLAUDE JOSEPH VERNET FrencH: 1714-1789 686—“LA GRANDE TEMPETE” (Canvas ) Height, 22 inches; Length, 31% inches. A similar composition to preceding. Engraving of same by G. S. de Flumet. From the Collection Abadie, Bordeaux, France. Third Evening FRENCH SCHOOL 18TH CENTURY. 687— (Two) “PASTORALES” (Canvas) Height, 38 inches; width, 33 inches. (A) In a wooded glade a court beauty in Louis XVI costume is consulting her mirror, a beau discovers her from behind a tree. (8) Companion to preceding. Gallant makes his devoirs to his lady. NICHOLAS POUSSIN FRENCH: 1594-1665 688—“UNE PASTORALE” (Canvas) Height. 30 inches; length, 36 inches. A youthful shepherd wearing a plumed red cap and dark brown drapery thrown over his shoulder and loins rests against a tree on the left of a romantic landscape, his flock of sheep and goats are round him and a large dun bull is partially seen at right. FLEMISH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY 689—" DOLOROSA” (On panel) Height, 34 inches; width, 26 inches. Three-quarter length, facing toward left. The Holy Mother, bent with grief and sorrow, habited in a close fitting head dress of fine linen and a dull drapery, a red dress with ample mantle of soft blue over her shoulders. Third Evening CERVERA SPANISH: 17TH CENTURY 690—Four Paintings SCENES FROM CERVANTES’ NOVEL, DON QUIXOTE (Canvas) Height, 31 inches; width, 25 inches. The panels simulate old wooden closet doors, each as with two en- gravings tacked to the panels, at the side near the foot various implements, bottles, scissors and addressed envelopes. The scenes embrace “The Knight on his Journeys Sancho Panza,” variously in landscapes and two seascapes. Painted in monochrome with the doors and implements in dull colors. FRENCH SCHOOL 18TH CENTURY 691—Two Paintings CHINESE DOMESTIC PLEASURES (Canvas) Height, 17% inches; length, 23 inches. (A) Several Chinese dignitaries are seated on a palace veranda, absorbed in chess, approaching them from the wooded landscape is a group of ladies and children. (B) In a highly decorated interior two persons are playing a game of chance, two children frolicking nearby and at a draped doorway a young Chinese enters smoking a long opium pipe. FRENCH SCHOOL 18tH CENTURY 692—“CHINESE PALACE INTERIORS” (Two) (Canvas ) Height, 17144 inches; length, 23 inches. (A) Group of Chinese ladies of the Court, two seated on a lounge and one standing, in a richly decorated apartment off the piazza of a country place. (B) A somewhat similar group, one reading to her companions. Third Evening SCHOOL OF ANTONIO MORO DutrcH OF THE 16TH CENTURY 693—PORTRAIT OF DONNA ISABEL BORBON (Canvas) Height, 23 inches; width, 18% inches. Bust length, facing slightly to right, wearing high beribboned head dress, large Vandyke reticule, lace ruff and gold striped embroidered grey silk dress, enriched with double jewelled chain and large pendant. Inscribed at top of canvas: D. Isabel Borbon, R. Espano. FLEMISH SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY 694—“STILL LIFE.” (Two) (Canvas) Height 221% inches; width, 18% inches. (a) Spread over a blue velvet draped table are bunches of grapes and pears, a music score and a dish of partly pared lemons, melon and figs. (ps) A basket of flowers and red cherries with celery and peaches in the foreground. | DUTCH SCHOOL. 17TH CENTURY 695—FOUR DECORATIVE PAINTINGS (Canvas) Height, 14% inches; length, 21% inches. Variously exhibiting groups of Dutch boors: “Playing Cards in an Old Kitchen ;” “A Méle in which Three Women Interfere and Are Spectators ;” “The Return from the Méle;” “Playing Cards in Landscape with Attendant Spectators and Horsemen.” Third Evening i UMBRIAN SCHOOL ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY 696—“ELEVATION OF THE HOST” (On wood panel) Height, 18% inches; width, 16 inches. A cardinal, wearing crimson dalmatic and golden and yellow cope, kneels before an altar performing his office, two attendants in yellow hold his cope, at left is an acolyte and in the rear many kneeling bishops and other clerics are seen. The scene transpires in a vaulted and columned private chapel. On the white linen covered altar are spread the sacred vessels and at rear is a cruci- fix with our Lord seated at its base. FRANCISCO GUARDI ITALIAN: 1712-1793 697—“ROMAN RUINS” (Canvas ) Height, 10%4 inches; width, 8 inches. In the foreground a lake with several peasants, fishing before a columned temple, supporting a statue of Aphrodite in its frontal niche; at left a domed church; at right a flight of steps with two men in conversation on its landing. JOHN MEMLING FiemisH: 1440-1449 698—_LANDSCAPE AND FIGURES (On wooden panel) Height, 6% inches; width, 5% inches. On a road winding from right to a wooden church in center, three packmen, two curiously mounted on giraffes, advance to a group of personages standing on the sloping bank of a duck pond at left. Third Evening ALEXANDER FRANCOIS DESPORTES FRENCH: 1661-1748 699—“DEER HUNTING” (Canvas) Height, 12% inches; length, 1614 inches. Three variously colored hounds are up with an almost stricken deer; rough foreground with pools of water and an old tree at left, with woods beyond and hills in right distance. [ Wlustrated ] FRANCISCO GOYA LUCIENTES SPANISH: 1746-1828 T00—PORTRAIT OF QUEEN MARIA LOUISE OF SPAIN (Ivory miniature) Height, 83% inches; width, 6 inches. The mannish Queen stands on a balcony under a tree, wearing a rose in her black hair, a lace mantilla and a black velvet robe. FLEMISH SCHOOL 16TH CENTURY 701—_LA JOUEUSE DE MADOLINE (On wooden panel) Height, 17% inches; width, 12% inches. A buxom young woman seen at three-quarter length, seated at a table whereon is a music score and a large golden Renaissance pinnacled vase; she wears jewelled medieval robes and hooded cap and is assiduously playing her mandolin. Through a lattice window at left a city situated on a green hillside is seen. — ‘SULYOdSA(T SIOONVUY UANVXATY KE CONLINIA YAH: 669 | Third Evening enna = Pe FLEMISH SCHOOL 15rH CENTURY 702—VIRGIN AND CHILD (On wooden panel) Height, 171% inches; width, 12% inches. Holy Mother, of serene, slightly downcast countenance to right, seen at half length, wearing a rich embroidered deep crimson robe vested with fine linen. Her long wavy hair falling far over her shoulders. She clasps the partially white robed Infant to her open breast. Gilded illuminated nimbi and chevron and scrolled background. [ Illustrated ] SCHOOL OF REMBRANDT DutcH: 17TH CENTURY. 703—PORTRAIT OF AN OLD PEASANT WOMAN (Canvas) Height, 17% inches; width, 18% inches. Bust length, facing slightly to left, wearing a white kerchief over her head, dark brown bodice and a white lawn scarf at her throat. HILD 2—VIRGIN AND C S 70 FL HOOL C MISH 1D) Third Evening ITALIAN SCHOOL 15TH CENTURY. 704A—"* VIRGIN AND CHILD” (On wooden panel) Height, 20 inches; width, 14 inches. The Holy Virgin seen at three-quarter length facing front with contemplative downcast countenance, seated in the foreground of romantic rocky landscape. She wears a dull lavender pleated vest over a cream linen robe, a veil falling over her closely coifed hair; over her left shoulder and across her lap a rich crimson mantle with which she swathes the nude Infant Saviour, seated at her right and clasped gently to her side. [ Wlustrated ] KAUFFERMAN GERMAN: LATE 16TH CENTURY 705—ST. MARY MAGDALENE (On wooden panel) “Height, 6 inches; length, 81% inches. The recumbent Saint wearing a swathed and hooded pale blue mantle contemplates the crucifixion at the left foreground; with one hand she holds open the pages of a missal, a symbolic vase of ointment is before her; behind are shadowed brown rocks dis- closing at right a steeply rising roadway with personages advanc- ing to a conventual building cresting its height; beyond in the far distance is the vista of a romantic landscape. 704—“ VIRGIN AND CHILD” PERUGIAN ScHOooL: ITALIAN OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Third Evening KAUFFERMAN FuLemisn ScnHoo.u: 16TH CENTURY. 706—THE CRUCIFIXION (On wooden panel) Height, 12%, inches; width, 9% inches. The inscribed cross is before a dark lowering sky with the sun faintly seen in the upper left. Christ, nude save a loin cloth, sways in His agony; the sorrowful Magdalene clasps the foot of the cross, before her a skull and cross bones; at left stands the Holy Mother robed in dull crimson and green. St. Joseph of Arimathea stands at right. From the Collection Goyena Seville, Spain. [ lustrated ] . oe se atease 706—THE CRUCIFIXION BY UNEWALD rE MATTHIAS Third Evening Re f SCHOOL OF LANCRET Frencu: 18rH Century | T07— “THIS MUSIC LESSON” | ; wo Canvas), a5 “Height, 14 inches ; width, ie NC on a umeaay, fireing the pane of a music gallant in pink and blue is tuning a mand li présent de Cour.” a From the De Goncourt Collection. 707—THE MUSIC LESSON Y ANTOINE WATTEAU Third Evening FRANCESCO ZURBARAN SPANISH: 1598-1662 708—PORTRAIT OF A PRIEST (On canvas) Height, 19% inches; width, 13% inches. Bust length of an ascetic; the head slightly inclined downward to right; a clean shaven, vigorous, middle aged man wearing dark gray habit. Signed at lower right, F. Zurbaran. [ Tllustrated ] T0O8S—PORTRAIT OF A PRIEST BY FRANCESCO ZURBARAN Third Evening oe ic AY FLEMISH SCHOOL 16Grn Cenrury. 709 PORTRAIT OF A YOUTH (On wooden panel) Height, 11% inches; width, 8% inches ruff at neck BG black ; quilted jacket, open eyed serious lad. [ Illustrated ] 4 SRA NSS ‘ mS Sh isos Riipemmee ms annie guageinelcnin FA YOUTH E Vo BY ELIUS D 709—PORTRAIT O CorN i Third Evening ADRIAN ISENBRANDT FLEMISH: Circa 1490-1551 710—THE VIRGIN AND CHILD (On wooden arched panel) Height, 14 inches; width, 9% inches. The beautiful Virgin is seated on a slight eminence in the fore- ground under an olive tree. She wears a linen vested blue robe and .wondrous crimson mantle falling from the shoulders with ample folds over her lap and feet. She holds the nude Infant on a linen drapery to her open breast. A winding pathway is in the middle distance, occupied by personages advancing to two noble habitations; beyond is a walled domain and ranges of distant blue hills. Warm sunlight suffuses the landscape. This painting is of the same admirable technique, glowing qual- ity and of exactly the same provenance as a pendant painting bought at the same time and place by the present owner, of which herewith is an extract from the sales a wherein it was illustrated. The collection of Mons. M. Marezell de Némes de Budapest, Paris, 1913. “Provient du Convent des Carmélites de Salamanque auquel il avait été offert en 1630 par Maria Van Mol, d’Anvers, veuve du Secretaire principal du Statthalber de Flandre, Almancicidor ; plus tard Maria Van Mol devint nonne dans le dit convent. Ex- posé a Dusseldorf, au Musée de la Ville 1912 Catalogue No. 23.” From the Convento de Carmelites, Salamanca, Spain. [ Iustrated ] 710—THE VIRGIN AND CHILD BY ADRIAN ISENBRANT Third Evening EL GRECO (DOMINICO THEOLOCOPULI) OrETAN Circa: 1545-1614 711—“ST. VERONICA’S VEIL” (On canvas) Height, 1934 inches; length, 25% inches. The sublime head of our Saviour wearing dark, long curly hair and beard and a crown of cruel thorns, facing front, is presented on the creamy white veil of the illustrious Saint; the veil is bor- dered with bands of blue and yellow and is suspended by nails against a green-black background. Executed in monochrome dur- ing El Greco’s best period. Signed at lower right: OAMHNIK OrTO®KOOXAO YEQOK [ Illustrated ] (‘TTAAOOOTORHY, OOINIINO(T) OOWUL) * xa OUA STIL THA S.VOL Third Evening iT 1 2 ITALIAN SCHOOL 14ru Century. “MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE” (On pointed arched wooden panel) Height, 49 inches; width, 271% inches. The Holy Virgin seated and wearing a crimson robe and a gold embroidered bordered mantle of green, fitting closely over her head and falling over her lap to feet, holds the Infant Saviour robed in greenish cream on her right knee. St. Catherine, crowned and robed in green with a brilliant red mantle from shoulders to feet, stands at right proffering her right hand to the Infant Saviour, who holds out a ring. At left and right foot are pairs of angels of the celestial choir, variously robed and playing differ- ent ancient stringed instruments. The Nimbi of all the figures are illuminated with gold. Background of brown, red and gold pomegranate patterned drapery. : From the collection of the Comte de Chaves, Madrid. + NX a CATHERT OB SEL K 712--MARRIAG ZO. Y U Di N Third Evening 713—BARASSO CATALONIAN: 15TH CENTURY (Altar frontal within original illuminated carved Gothic frame) Height, 29 inches; length, 45 inches. Left panel discloses in the foreground two monks lowering the body of St. Peter Nolasco to his tomb, beyond is a rocky land- scape giving a vista of a Tournament before a Palace. Right panel depicts the interior of a crypt, with the rail enclosed shrine — of the worthy Saint at right, the halt, the sick and the maimed approach from left to pray for relief. SCHOOL OF BOUCHER Frencu: 18tu Cenrury ~ 714—*CUPIDS AT SPORT” (Two) (Canvas) Height, 44 inches; width, 32 inches. Groups of three winged cupids variously reclining and half flying ; in one, toying with a basket of grapes; in the other playing with doves. Painted in blue monochrome. In carved shaped and scrolled frames, with leaf and shell pediments; finished in cream lacqué. Bought from the ancient “Atelier of Boucher.” [ [llustrated ] tee : pS ie cctcliih SSE isa OS ck ci iS aes ore cso da, et sr rep i CUPIDS AT SPOR IR ve : Frency 18rH CrEnt SCHOOL OF BOUCHER Third Evening SCHOOL OF JAN VAN EYCK FLEMISH OF THE 15TH CENTURY 715—“THE ENTOMBMENT” (Attar FRONTAL) (Illuminated Tempera. On wooden panel) Height 6 feet 6 inches; length, 1 foot 6 inches. Composed of five panels; in the center our Lord seen at half length rising from the tomb, St. John holds his right hand and St. Mary his left. The flanking panels are occupied at right by richly vested figures of St. John and St. Catherine of Sienna; at left by the probable donors, the Duke of Burgundy and his Duchess. The robes of the figures are mostly of crimson enriched with illuminated gilding, the background of bluish gray below with gilding above. FOURTH AFTERNOON’S SALE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:30 O?CLOCK CATALOGUE NOS. 716 TO 881 TEXTILES Sixteenth, Seventeenth and Highteenth Centuries. 716—CrIMSON VELVET WAFER Houper. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Both sides of lustrous close-pile velvet; trimmed with crimson and cream silk cord and four tassels to match. Lined with blue silk. 717—Drap b’OR Brocape STOLE. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Richly woven with broad golden leaves sustaining minute flower sprays; lappets of differing patterns, trimmed with gold galloon and fringe. 718—Rare EMBROIDERED CREAM SILK STOLE AND MANIPLE. ENGLISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Extra long band wrought with a great variety of English wild- flowers, birds and strawberries in brilliant colors on ivory silk; rose pink lappets trimmed with patterned gold galloon of a later period. Probably worked by an English refugee in Spain. Fourth Afternoon 719—Drap bd’OR GREEN VELVET MANIPLE. VENETIAN OF THE GOTHIC PERIOD. Worm with floral scrolls in gold bouclé green velvet on a golden drap d’or ground. Trimmed with gold and green edging. 20—SEVEN BrocaADE STOLES AND MANIPLES. SPANISH OF THE 177TH CENTURY. (A) Two stoles and three maniples, woven with floral scrolls in blue, green and ivory on a lustrous flame coral ground. (8) Two maniples; one green damask and one striped Louis XVI green brocade. 721—Two GoOLD-EMBROIDERED STOLES. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. The lappets display lobed conventionalized pomegranate motives on amethyst velvet; the bands, entwined scrolls of acanthus leaves on wine-colored velvet. } 722—-APPLE-GREEN VELVET BELL BAND. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Woven with a soft lustrous pile in delicate apple-green deepening to richer tones. Length, 2% yards; width, 3 inches. (2 23—Pair oF SILK Mirrens. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Woven on the palms and backs with conventionalized floral mo- tives in pale blue, black, green, yellow and ivory on a deep crim- son ground; wrists of varied geometric stripes in the same col- oring. 724—Buack Feit CHargau. FRENCH OF THE REVOLUTIONARY PrRIOp. Broad, round-brimmed furry hat, turned up at front and laced with black velvet. Trimmed with velvet band, colored chenille and streamers. lon D Ye (2) EMBROIDERED VELOURS Bag. SPANISH OF THE 177TH CENTURY. Fan-shape with curved foot, trimmed with gold fringe; on both sides appliqués of similar arabesques in drap d’argent on dull peach ground. Fourth Afterncon 726—LarcGe Crimson Damask WorK Baa. ITALIAN or THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Oblong; woven with large bouquet of flowers and infloretted acanthus leaves. Top eyeletted and furnished with double draw- cords and tassels. Trimmed at foot with two large silk tassels. Lined with crimson silk. Length, 30 inches; width, 21 inches. 727—Four Rare YELLOW CEREMONIAL TASSELS. ITALIAN OF THE 177TH CENTURY. Latticed and ruffed bell-shaped bodies, with festooned tasseled skirt. Long connecting cords to match. 728—Uniqur Ser or Drarep Crimson AND Gotp CARDINAL’S TASSELS. FRENCH OF THE 167TH Crenrury. Six tassels, draped with connecting crimson cords. Body with latticed gold shaft; finely chevroned crown and base; the skirt overcast with gold thread and yellow silk fringe. (29—UnIQvuE Ser or Drarep Cream AND Gown SitK CARDINAL’s Tas- SELS. ITALIAN OF THE 171TH CrenruRY. Nine tassels, draped with cord in three festoons; two pendants tassels to each. Chevroned, pear-shaped crown; drum body, ruffed at top; particolored fiounce. 730— UNIQUE Ser or Drapep Cream AND Gonp SILK CARDINAL’S TaAs- SELS. ITALIAN OF THE 171TH CENTURY. Similar to the preceding. 731—Four Larch CEREMONIAL TASSELS. SPANISH OF THE 177TH CEN- TURY. Bell-shaped bodies, with knitted cream lattice over gilded foil; baluster tops; skirt of gold and cream silk fringe; connected with cords and buttons in pairs. 2— BEAUTIFUL SET OF GREEN AND GoLp CARDINAL’S TASSELS. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Grouped in threes, with draped connecting cords. Secrolled pear- shaped pinnacle; ruffed lattice drum body, with green and gold flounce. Fourth Afternoon 732 Five UnusuaL Busu-pE-cIEL CEREMONIAL TASSELS. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Curious hatched body ruffed at crown and foot with Tussore silk tasseled skirt; connecting cords for same. 734—Fovur Rare Purrte AND GoLtp BANNER TASSELS. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Purple silk, with gold lattice bell-shaped body and overcast skirt; with gold chevroned pear-shaped terminal; held by a ball in pairs to long purple cords. 735—Two BravutTiruL Crimson AND GoLp SrLK CEREMONIAL TASSELS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Chevroned bell-shaped body, with tasseled skirt and three similar pendant tassels. Connected by cords of crimson. 736—Two BrocaTeELLE AMICES. ITALIAN OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD. Scroll-shaped, woven with pineapple and floral motives in dull blue and cream on a golden silk ground. Trimmed with lavender and gold fringe. 737—Four Gros-Point Borpers. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Enriched with recurring scrolled floral motives in blue, tan, and ivory on red ground; blossom borders at sides on ivory grounds. Two lengths of 30 inches and 21 inches; depth, 9 inches. 738—UNIQUE EMBROIDERED CREAM-SILK WAFER HOLDER. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Displaying a “Pelican in Piety”; body and wings and lattice of nest on which the bird stands, in gold threads; corners scrolled with rose sprays. Executed in colored silk, trimmed with pat- terned gold galloon. 739—S MALL TAPESTRY CUSHION Cover. FLEMISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. “Cupid Kneeling, Unwinding the Cords of Fate.” Soft-toned tans, browns, blues and ivories on lustrous golden yellow silk ground. 181% inches square. Fourth Afternoon (40—TapPeEstTryY CUSHION Cover. FLEMISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Displaying, within an oval cartouche with scrolled corners, an archaic landscape occupied by a solitary tree before a lake flanked by chateau; woven with blue predominating over the soft ivories, greens, pink and yellow. 21 inches by 17 inches. T41—TAN VELVET CoveRED Box. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Slightly domed lifting top, enriched in parts with old gold lace of the period and mounted with gilded wrought-iron hasp, pil- lared padlock plate, curious swan dragon neck fastening hooks and lifting handle. Height, 74% inches; width, 17 inches; depth, 11 inches. 742—_Two Boucte Drarp D’OR AMICES. VENETIAN OF THE LSTH CENTURY. Scrolled shape; the golden ground sustains floral scrolls entirely executed in bouclé d’or. Trimmed down center and border with raised gold embroidery simulating galloon; finished with silk edging ; one with crimson cord and tassel. 743—Pate Buur Brocape Hoop. VENETIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Hood of a cope, displaying a highly conventionalized floral bou- quet on a scrolled lace background; woven in cream, pink and green on a shimmering blue field. Trimmed with old pink and cream lattice silk fringe. Height, 21 inches; width, 23 inches. 744—_GoLp-EMBROIDERED BLUE SILK GoTuic Hoop. ENGLISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Shield shape, with central standing figure of St. Philip, habited as monk, carrying cross and missal; field semé with stars, within a finely lobed medallion emitting scrolled Gothic leafage and flowers as a border; finely wrought in solid raised gold threads with touches of silver and the features in colored silks. Finished with an embroidered galloon border and with some of the remain- ing portions of ancient multicolored silk fringe. Height, 13 inches; width, 13 inches. Fourth Afternoon 745 NEEDLE-PAINTED CARTOUCHE. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Oval center, depicting “Our Lord” appearing to two souls in pur- gatory; solidly executed in soft-colored silk threads enriched with silver; open strap scroll cartouche of pink, green and blue silks appliqué demarked and enriched with silver cord. (Imper- fect. ) Height, 251% inches; width, 24 inches. 746—SILVER EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET MISSAL. ITALIAN OF THE Louis XV PeErrIop. An irregular scrolled shield within an oblong panel, leaf scrolled at corners and executed in raised silver threads, is displayed on both sides. The obverse further enriched with crozier and mitre and a central pear-shaped shield charged with the figure of a Bishop, standing and crested with a Cardinal’s hat wrought in pale silks. Height, 111% inches; width, & inches. 747—Tarestry Borper. FLEMISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Enriched with a broad trailing spray of tulips, roses and lilies in soft natural colors amid leafage of greens, ivories and rich blue on a deep tawny black ground; edged with tan. Length, 1% yards; depth, 10 inches. 748—NEEDLEWORK PICTURE. FRENCH OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD. Circular, displaying in rare velvet stitch and colored beads a bas- ket filled with a bouquet of loose flowers. In soft pastel shades, the basket beaded in blue, black, vellow and dull red. On white silk ground, glass matted in black with gilded scrolling. In an- cient gilded Empire frame. 13 inches square. Note: Original vendors’ trade advertisement of ‘““Hoeth”, etc., pasted on back. 749—Goruic EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET DosSAL. ITALIAN OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Lustrous velvet, enriched with central monogram I.].S. and bor- der of leaf scrolls in appliqués of yellow drap dor. Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches. Fourth Afternoon 750—EMBROIDERED AMETHYST VELVET DOSSAL. VENETIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Composed of three gallooned trimmed panels, exhibiting at cen- ter foot a figure of St. Jude standing in a columned niche. Wrought solidly in gold threads and colored silks on crimson velvet; above and in flanking panels are lobed conventionalized pomegranate motives in gold. Lined with ancient floral striped silk. 20 inches square. 751—GoLp NEEDLE-PAINTED FRAGMENT OF AN OrpHREY. ITALIAN OF tHe 167TH Century. Displaying in solid threads of gold, lightly touched with silks, an oval medallion scrolled with griffons and enclosing three- quarter-length figure of Saint John the Baptist. Height, 14 inches; width, 914 inches. (52—GOLD-EMBROIDERED FRAGMENT. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Exhibiting the figure of St. John in classic garb bearing a pen- non and mounted on a rearing charger. Wrought solidly in dull silks and threads of gold on dull crimson damask background. Height, 25% inches: width, 23 inches. 753—RareE Perir Point Picrurr. ENGLISH OF THE STUART PERIOD. “Barnyard and Landscape.” At left and right before farm buildings are various hands engaged in their activities among animals and birds; in the center the ground gently rises to woodland. A very beautiful floral scroll border, in which the Klizabethan pansy and the Tudor rose occur, finishes the foot and two sides. Executed in rich soft silks with gold threads, freely introduced into the border, in fine old English tent stitch, “Point St. Cyr.” (Imperfect.) 754—CircuLaR Perir Pornr Picrurn. FRENCH orf THE 17TH CENTURY. “The Magdalen.” Half-length, her hands clasped on her breast in prayer; she is robed in crimson and blue, her long fair hair falling over shoulders. Background of blue sky with surround- ing wreath of flowers. Diameter, 8°34 inches. Fourth Afternoon 755—Two Go.tp NEEDLE-PAINTED MEDALLIONS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Oval; depicting three-quarter-length figures of St. Peter and St. John the Divine. Embroidered in solid gold thread, the features and drapery in colored silks. Height, 5% inches; width, 5% inches. 756—UNIQUE NEEDLE-PAINTED PANEL. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. “St. Louis.” Standing figure of Saint in long robes, enriched with many fleurs-de-lys in gold. He is crowned and carries a scepter and emblematic lily. Delicate scroll border of silver and gold on cream silk. Trimmed with galloon and mounted with green velvet. . Height, 13 inches; width, 12 inches. 75(7—GOLD-EMBROIDERED VELVET BANNER. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Terminated with two rounded V-points. Embroidered in raised gold threads, spangles and jewels with central insignia and a border of sprayed and scrolled leaves on a lustrous mouse brown velvet. Finished with a banding and gold fringe. Height, 22 inches; width, 16% inches. T58—AUBUSSON TAPESTRY PANEL. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. 159— Enriched with large and varied bouquets of pastel colored flow- ers, with green and gold foliage, occupying a blue and cream vase; tawny-black background. 27 inches square. OvaL Petir Point PANEL. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. “Susannah and the Elders.” The fair subject, in ample robes, is seated beneath a tree, her left arm supported on the edge of a bath; the two elders at left and right pay her fulsome attention. The features executed in Point St. Cyr, the accessories in soft tans, ivory, yellow, greens and blues with interesting touches of crimson. Height, 1614 inches; width, 13% inches. Fourth Afternoon 760—TarrestRY MANTEL PANEL. AUBUSSON OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Displaying trailing clusters of fruit and flowers amid vine and other foliage; varied entwining ribbon and medallion borders; woven in soft yellows, pinks, greens and blues. Outer guard of deep blue. Height, 1 foot 8 inches; width, 5 feet. 761—NEEDLEWoRK Picturn. ENGLISH oF THE 18TH CENTURY. “Chepstow Castle and the River Severn.” Broadly executed in soft colored wools. The towered Keep is silhouetted at left against an expansive sky; near the Keep are scarcely less ancient outbuildings embowered with trees and a pathway leading to the river, with its shipping; advancing on the pathway is a rustic couple. Across the river, which flows from behind the Keep to the right foreground, is a hilly shore dotted with scattered habi- tations. In ancient leaf carved and gilded frame of period. Height, 24 inches; length, 32 inches. 762—EMBroIwERED PortRAIT. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. “Louis XIV.” Oval, bust length, facing slightly to right; wear- ing full-bottomed curly wig, a pink robe over a cream coat, dis- playing the order of “St. Esprit,” “The Golden Fleece,” and a lace jabot. Executed solidly in soft-colored silks. In ancient carved and gilded square frame. Height, 211% inches; width, 17% inches. 763—Two RENAISSANCE TapesTRY PANELS. BRUSSELS OF THE 167Tu CENTURY. Square, sustaining circular leaf medallions enclosing classic busts, warrior in plumed helm and Psyche; woven in finely graded tones of ivory, yellow, gray, red and black. Both from the border of a large tapestry. 26 inches square. 764—Two Tarestry Panets. FLeMisH or THE 16TH CENTURY. Seat and back for a fauteuil. Seat woven with a seated figure in classic robes, with the signs of the Zodiac in a wooded land- scape rich in orange, dull pinks, greens and tans. Back, a huntsman in classic garb carrying on his shoulder through a woodland a large boar he has just slain. Respective depths, 20 and 241% inches; widths, 21% and 27 inches. Fourth Afternoon a a A a ESOT BN ET a EG 765—Two TApestry PANELS. Similar to the preceding. Seat with classic figure, back with woodland, flowers and trailing berries. 766—Lone Perit Pornr Paneyt. Frency or tHe 17TH CENTURY. Composed of four panels, illustrating “La Fontaine’s Fables.” Each with a central fruit tree growing from a flowered land- scape, occupied in the foreground by varied animals illustrative of one of the fables. Each finished at left only with oblong -panels occupied by clusters of varied fruit. Executed in dark rich multicolored silks. Framed. Height, 9 inches; length, 45 inches. 167—Two Prvir Point Lampreauins. Frencu or tHe 169TH Crx- TURY. Displaying recurring square medallions occupied by varied for- mal bouquets of flowers, fleurs-de-lys, carnations, daffodils, and tulips in soft rich coloring on a deepening ground of blue; intervening crown and foot borders of entwining angular scrolls bearing similar flowers on a charming old pink ground. Trimmed at foot with tasseled apricot silk fringe. Respective length, 2 yards 5 inches and 1°4 yards; depth, 15 inches. (68—Petir Point PANEL. FRENCH oF THE 17TH CENTURY. “A Fantasy of La Fontaine’s Fables.” At the crown a draped canopy supports a golden candelabrum amid floral scrolling; under is an arabesque canopy supported by two columned bal- conies occupied by personages; beneath are two reveling seated figures and attendants supported on a festooned scrolling ap- proached by steps; this shelters an arched cellar with an at- teidant drawing wine, over the cellar and on its steps two monkeys are roasting an animal. Executed in multi-colored brilliant silks, with features and other portions in “Point St. Cyr,” on a deep tawny brown ground. Height, 2 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 4 inches. (69—Verpure Tapestry PANEL. AUBUSSON OF THE 18TH CENTURY. An undulating wooded landscape with flowering iris in the fore- ground. Woven with silk in delightful cool grays, green- and blues, supplemented by rich yellows, which make a foil to the dark bine foliage. Framed. Height, 3 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 5 inches. Fourth Afternoon T70—RENAISSANCE TAPESTRY PANBL. Brus- SELS OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Displaying in the center a lion’s pelt hung on a bar, its mask and fore- paws hung toward the front; above and below are reverse heart-shaped volute acanthus and floral husk motives sustained on a slender bal- uster; dainty coloring of soft greens, blues, crimsons, yellow and ivories on a rich brown which deepen to tawny black at left. Finished with a golden border of ovalo motives, and scrolls on the left side only. Height, 9 feet 3 inches; width, 1 foot 9 inches. 771—Two Goup NEEDLE-PAINTED CREAM DAMASK PENNONS. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Double pointed. The field, enriched with oval medallion solidly wrought in colored silks and gold threads, “The Annunciation of the Virgin,” enclosed in an arabesque scrolled cartouche developing sprays. of Gothic leafage toward the points; this, with the inscribed border, ex- ecuted in solid stitches of gold threads, one partially reading “EccE. TT2 ANCILIA. DOMINI”’; the other “Aven. MARIA. GRACIA.” The medallion of the second presents “The Virgin bestowing a Rosary on St. Francis of Assisi.” Length, 26 inches; depth, 21 inches. 772—Fivk EMBROIDERED AMETHYST VELVET PANELS. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Panelled and cartouched with strap and leaf scrolled arabesques enclosing in center a pendant gridiron, the emblem of St. Lorenzo, surmounted by a crown in yellow; the scrollings in appliqué of dull lavender blue silk, finely and precisely outlined with cord on lustrous jaspé velvet. Height, 31 inches; width, 11 inches. From the Monasterio del Escorial Collection. [ Illustrated | Fourth Afternoon T773—NINB COPENHAGEN BLUE DAMASK PANELS. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY, Woven with reversing trailing sprays of beautiful tulips and peonies forming ogivals, enclosing dainty bouquets of flowers set in imbricated vases. Silvery gray on a lustrous jaspé blue ground, Height, 36 inches; width, 2114 inches. 774—UniQqure MAvvr CIseLte VELVET PANEL. HISPANO-MORESQUE OF THE LATE 15TH CENTURY. Woven with very intricate interlacing lozenze motives of differ- ing sizes and forms in an outline of deep old ivory silk, ciselé on velvet wavering in the light from almost a mouse brown to rich tones of almost purple. ; Height, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 1 foot 7 inches. T75—EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET PortTipReE. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. | Displaying, in appliqué of cream and yellow silks and corded outlines, three broad vertical bands of scrolled lilies, leafage and two similar Vandyked valances at crown and foot. Trimmed at foot with deep gold fringe. Length, 214 yards; width, 1 yard 8 inches. 776—BEAUTIFUL RouGsE-pDE-Frr BrocapE CoverRLET. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Composed of three breadths, displaying recurring jardiniéres, emitting scrolled sprays of conventionalized flowers and perched birds, supported on scrolls terminating in demi-cupids. Woven with a semblance of relief in shimmering steel blue, giving a rare tone to the lustrous rouge-de-fer ground. Length, 2 yards 8 inches; width, 1 yard 30 inches. 777—BEAUTIFUL GREEN Brocape CovEeRLET. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIop. Composed of four well-matched widths, woven with delightful trailing sprays of flowers bordering lacelike ribbons, which emit bouquets of flowers at intervals. Executed in naturalistic colors on a delicately ribbed apple-green ground. Trimmed with gold and crimson edging. 2 yards 10 inches square. Fourth Afternoon T78—RareE Drap d’OR AND BLUE BROCADE COVERLET. VENETIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Composed of three and a half breadths, woven with recurring acanthus-leaf motives in gold on a Copenhagen blue ground, the supplementary details of leafage and small roses in natural colors. Trimmed with a scalloped wave and sprig patterned gold galloon of the period. Lined with rose-du-Barry watered silk. Length, 2 yards 3 inches; width, 2 yards. 779—Two Rep VELVET PANELS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Dense-pile velvet of rich old red, lightening in areas to soft downlike tones; portions show the impress of previous embroi- dery. Height, 6 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 8% inches. 780—Four EmproiperReD VELVET VALANCES. ITALIAN oF THE 16TH CENTURY. Displaying running volute scrolled acanthus leaves, husks, berries and ribbons; finished with a narrow border of small scrolled cartouches and leaves. Executed in crimson velvet, cream, light blue and green silks appliqué on yellow silk ground. Trimmed at foot with gold fringe and lined with crimson floral damask of the period. Respective lengths of two, 1 yard 29 inches; other two, 11, yards: depth, 16 inches. 781—_EMproIperED YELLow DAMASK CoverLer. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Enriched in center and borders with appliqué scrolls of silver gray silk, couched with dainty scrolled edging, and emitting flowers in colored silk threads. In the center a cartouche de- veloping sprays of flowers and fruit, enclosing a basket of simi- lar flowers; borders of scrolls, flowers and basket corners. Golden yellow damask, woven with large floral ogivals. 3 yards 20 inches by 2 yards 26 inches. Fourth Afternoon 782— EXTRAORDINARY SILVER AND GOLD EMBROIDERED PENNON. SPANISH oF THE 171H CENTURY. Double V-pointed, solidly embroidered on both sides in raised silver, gold and passages of colored silks and small floral span- gled panels of appliqué crimson velvet. Displaying floral oval scrolled medallions, the scrolls continuing into the points at sides; enclosing two cherubim swinging censers; at foot, a large rayed monstrance. The obverse medallion encloses a symbolic lamb reclining on a cushioned pedestal. Trimmed with gold galloon, cord and tassels. me Height, 2214 inches; width, 33 inches. [ Wustrated ] 783—UniQgurt GoLp AND CRIMSON BROCADE PANEL. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Five breadths, woven with alternating series of vase-shaped scrolled medallions supported by demi-cupids and variously en- closing stellate motives and scrolled leafage with pendent lamb, symbolic of the “Order of the Golden Fleece.” Executed in subtle gray and yellow threads simulating old silver and gold on a lustrous crimson ground. Trimmed with fringe and lined with old red silk. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. (82 pD GoLp EMBROIDERED PENNON. SPAN- EXTRAORDINARY SILVER A ISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Fourth Afternoon 784—GOLD-EMBROIDERED CRIMSON VELVET BANNER. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Double pointed, depicting in the center needle-painted subject in gold, silver and silk threads of the “Ascension of the Virgin,” sustained by four cherubim; enclosed by an oval leaf stem, bear- ing scrolled trifoliate leaves of a strong Gothic character; at side flowing gold ribbons on lustrous close-pile fluctuating vel- vet. Trimmed with fan-shaped gold lace. Height, 4 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet 7% inches. 785—GOLD-EMBROIDERED ROSE-DU-BARRY VELVET BANNER. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Terminating in two V-points. Embroidered in solid raised gold threads with central oval medallions and border composed of running scrolled acanthus leaves and entwining scrolled vines of small flowers finely pailletted; on a ground of small horizontal stripes with velvet alternating with imbricated broché silk. Height, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches 786—THREE Empromerep VELVer VALANCES. SPANISH OF THE 16rIT CENTURY. An irregularly placed but balancing pattern, displaying leaf standard supporting fruit and evolving acanthus-leaf scrolls in which husk and flowers, festoons and cornucopias of fruit appear. Appliqué of rare sapphire-blue and crimson velvets, crimson and ivory silks, couched with cords to a golden yellow silk back- ground. Two trimmed with tasseled blue fringe. Length, 2% yards; depth, 18 inches. T87— -Deticate Ivory AND BLUE Brocape Cover. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Woven with recurring detached rustic tree stumps growing from small interlaced lozenge grounds and emitting varied scrolled branches of splendid blossoms. Shimmering silvery ivory on a lustrous bleu-de-ciel ground. Two lower corners rounded. Length, 514 yards; width, 414 yards. Fourth Afternoon Furniture of the Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries 788—LARGE CRIMSON VELVET CoFFER. SPANISH OF THE 161TH CENTURY. Oblong, with semicircular lifting top, covered with lustrous shim- mering Italian velvet of the period; panelled at a later period with double silk galloon banding and brass nails. Enriched in gilded scrolled wrought iron, with lock plate, hasp, side bolting hasps, plates and carrying handles. Height, 2 feet 1% inches; length, 4 feet 5 inches; depth, 1 foot 6 inches. T89—INLAID Ivory AND TorTOISE-SHELL Mirror. SPANISH OF THE 171TH CENTURY. Frame panelled with tortoise-shell and enriched with ivory lines interrupted by two floral engraved ivory medallions on each side. Finished with small ebonized molding; scrolled bronze ring for suspension. (One panel defective. ) Height, 24144 inches; width, 20 inches. 790—Fovur TooLtep AND GILDED LEATHER PANELS. CORDOVAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Displaying half vases of flowers with birds supported-on diagon- ally placed golden scrolled and floretted bars; valance scroll crowning border. Executed in soft colors and gold on a pale blue ground. Height, 2 feet 11 inches; width, 1 foot 6 inches. 791— BEAUTIFUL RENAISSANCE CANTONNIERE. BRUSSELS OF THE L/TH CENTURY. The side borders sustain twisted columns supported on festooned pedestals and beautifully garlanded with fruit, grapes, apples and peaches; crowning border displays bold festoons of more finely composed and varied clusters of fruit amid foliage. Woven in rich tones of crimson, green, yellows, blue and ivory in which silk has been freely introduced. Height, 10 feet; width, 12 feet; denth of borders (crown) 21 inches; (sides) 18 inches. 792—UnusvuaL WALNvuT Sipe CHa. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Open, turned spindle back; heavy supports and legs with scroll aproned frontal stretcher. Wood seat. Fourth Afternoon ITALIAN, SPANISH AND FRENCH FURNITURE of the Fifteenth, Sixteenth and Sevenieenth Centuries 793 WaLNUT BANQUETTE. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Baluster turned legs with similar stretchers. Seat upholstered in crimson damask of the period, displaying a large bouquet of flowers and acanthus leaves. Height, 14 inches; length, 26 inches: width, 16% inches. 794A—-WALNUT Sipz CHarr. NORTHERN ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Scrolled and pierced lily form back, with heart-shaped perfora- tion; cant-cornered molded wood seat; on octagonal flaring, tapering legs. 795—WALNU?T Sipe CHAIR. NORTHERN ITALIAN OF THB 17TH CENTURY. Arched and scrolled wood back, with shaped hand perforation ; wood seat, with canted corners ; flaring, tapering octagonal legs. T96—WALNuUT Sipe Cuair. NorTHERN ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Scrolled heart-shaped wood back, with oval hand hole; molded shaped wood seat; supported on octagonal flaring, tapering legs. 797—CARVED WALNUT Sipe CHAR. SPANISH OF THE 171TH CENTURY. Open scrolled vase-shaped splat, reclining back supports with molded terminals, wood seat, flaring legs oblong in section, with shaped front and plain side stretchers. 7T98—CaRvep CHESTNU' Sipe CHAir. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Open vase-shaped splat back, with shaped crown and foot rails; heavy square supports, terminating in acorn-like pinnacles; molded seat. Supported by oblong sectioned legs, with shaped front and plain side stretchers. 799—Carvep WALNUT Sipe CHair. SPANISH OF THE 16T&H CENTURY. Back arcaded with balusters, frieze of square panels, straight supports with shaped terminals, massive molded seat studded with six wrought-iron nails. Square splay legs with stretchers. 800—CarvVED WALNUT Sipg CuHair. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Back panelled with two open oval medallions; square molded back supports and front legs; massive wood seat, shaped apron and stretchers. Fourth Afternoon 801—Carvep Cursrnut Sipe Cuarr. SPANISH or THE 167TH CENTURY. Open vase-shaped splat back with shaped crown and foot rails; heavy square supports, terminating in acorn-like pinnacles; molded seat. Supported by oblong sectioned legs with shaped front and plain side stretchers. 802—Carvep WALNUT Sipe Cuarr. SpaNiIsH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Open paneled spindle back, with plain supports terminating in pineapple finials; arched rails forming, with the square zigzag spindles, three elliptical openings. Massive molded wood seat studded with iron nails, square legs with double arched apron, enriched with center patera and frontal shaped stretcher, plain side aprons and stretchers. 803—UnvusuaL Carvep WALNvuT Sipe Cuair. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Open splat back with reeded supports terminating in V’s; chev- roned and reeded rails; three quaint zigzagged spindles. Reeded wood seat and legs, with frontal spindled stretchers similar to back. 804—WaLnut Sipe CHair. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Square supports and legs, with shaped frontal stretcher. Seat and back covered with heavy dark brown hide, panelled with lines and studded with large gadrooned bronze nails. 805—SMALL WALNUT BANQUETTE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Oblong; supported on unusual turned baluster legs and cross stretchers. Seat upholstered in ancient crimson floral silk. Height, 14 inches; length, 25% inches; depth, 17 inches. 806—SMALL WALNUT BANQUETTE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Similar to the preceding. 807—SMALL WALNUT BANQUETTE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Oblong; supported on unusual turned baluster legs and cross stretchers. Seat upholstered in jaspé green velvet of the period. Height, 14 inches; length, 25% inches; depth, 17 inches. Fourth Afternoon S08—SMALL WALNUT BANQUETTE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Similar to the preceding. 809—Carvep WALNUT Woo. CARDER. ALSATIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Oblong panel molded at sides; incurved crown and foot, with horseshoe hand-hole. An enrichment of archaic flowers and geo- metric motives, with saw-tooth edge, is interrupted by the pyra- midal deeply spiked carder. Incised at top: “Joy de Acushna Hernz.” Height, 2 feet 101%4 inches; width, 91% inches. —— 810—Two Smauu Carvep Goruic LINEN Foip Doors. FRENCH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. ; Simple folds to center, finished at crown and foot with traceried Gothic arches; deeply molded styles. Painted green-black. Height, 26 inches; width, 19 inches, S11—BeravuTiruL GorHic CARveD WALNUT PANEL. FRENCH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Flamboyant style. Oblong, composed of three elaborately rosetted pinnacled crocketed scrolled tracery arches ; four lanceolet arches under an arcade at top. Framed. Height, 19 inches; length, 24 inches. 812—Carvep Watnur Hpraupic Panrn. FRENCH or THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Rectangular, with series of double lobes on the sides; displaying a flaring shield charged with a checkered bend, and standing on reversed ribbon and patera scrolls are two rampant leopard sup- porters; above the shield a ribbon scroll and husk. Height, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 114% inches. S13—SMALL OBLONG WALNUT TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 167TH CENTURY. Heavy top, supported on turned baluster flaring legs and stretchers. Height, 20% inches; length, 23 inches; depth, 15 inches. 814—Ops.LonG WALNUT TABLE. JTALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Finely molded top and frieze, supported on four slender columnar legs enriched with delicately turned capitals and bases; on ball feet and framed stretcher. Height, 31 inches; width, 23 inches; depth, 16 inches. Fourth Afternoon 815—SMALL WALNuT TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Oblong top, frieze fitted with double panelled drawer. Sup- ported on. turned legs; plain stretcher. Height, 21 inches; length, 24 inches; depth, 18 inches. 816—WaLNut BENcH. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Molded top with plain frieze; supported on flaring turned balus- ter legs and straight stretchers with shaped aprons. Height, 19 inches; width, 22% inches. 817—OBLONG WALNUT TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 161TH CENTURY. Top in one piece. Fitted with double panelled drawer trimmed with forged iron open scroll escutcheon and baluster drop handle. Supported on turned baluster legs and scroll aproned stretchers. Height, 32% inches; width, 3814 inches; depth, 22% inches. 818—lIvory INLAID WALNUT CABINET. HIsSPANO-MoRESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Fall front and ends, enriched in ivory with delicate lobed and scrolled circular medallions enclosing stellate motives; the top and inside of fall similar, with distinguished lozenge lattice en- closing many stars; top with volute scroll border. Interior fitted with eight irregularly placed deeply molded drawers with reel motives in the molding and inlay of stars on panels, trimmed with dainty gilded bronze heart-shaped leaf-scroll handles. Side lifting handles, hasp and lock plate of wrought iron. Height, 20 inches; width, 13 inches; depth, 12 inches. 819—Carvep Manocany Center Taste. DutcH oF THE QUEEN ANNE PERIOD. Oblong molded top; frieze fitted with one drawer and enriched with scrolled aprons displaying central fan and flower motives; supported on cabriole legs and sheep feet. Height, 29 inches; width, 35 inches; depth, 22 inches. 820—OsLoNG WALNuT Sipp TABLE. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Massive top in one piece; frieze fitted with long double sunk molded drawer; supported on ring turned legs, stump feet and plain stretchers. Height, 2 feet 4 inches; length, 2 feet 8% inches; depth, 1 foot 91% inches. Fourth Afternoon 821—_Massive WALNUT BANQUETTE. SPANISH OF THE 167TH CENTURY. Heavy oblong wood top, supported on turned legs with plain stretchers. Height, 21 inches; length, 22 inches; width, 17 inches. 999 RecrTANGULAR WALNUT Bencu. IraLtAn OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Molded top with plain frieze, supported on flaring turned balus- ter legs and straight stretchers with shaped aprons. Height, 1 foot 9 inches; width, 1 foot 9% inches; depth, 1 foot 4 inches. 923 Wabunur BANQuErTE. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Molded top; turned baluster legs with molded side and long stretchers. Loose seat upholstered in crimson and Ivory floral Broche silk. Height, 151% inches; length, 361% inches; width, 22 inches. 824-SuatL Wauner Perir Pornr Bencu. FRreNcH OF THE LOUIS XIII PrErtop. Turned baluster legs and molded stretchers. Seat upholstered in needlework, exhibiting crimson diamond lattice enclosing geo- metric motives in pale blue, tawny brown and yellow. Height, 151% inches; length, 151% inches; depth, 15 inches. 895—PAINTED FAUTEUIL. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Arms, supports, legs, front rail and stretcher enriched with a series of oval bulbous turnings. Seat and back upholstered in floral crimson damask. 826—CaRVED WALNUT ARMCHAIR. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Back supports terminating in molded scrolls, flat arms with volute scrolls, square supports continuing as legs with open ’ lozenge and medallion stretcher. Seat and back of heavy dark brown black hide, carved with floral lattice and studded with heavy bronze nails. (Seat defective.) 827—WaLNut FautreuiL. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Sloping back, flat arms; supported on fluted legs with finely scrolled and pierced frontal stretcher, shaped back and side stretchers; oblong back and seat of heavy Spanish hide finished with large brass nails. The back carved with a diamond lattice enclosing small fleurs-de-lys motives. ‘@) Cc 8 Fourth Afternoon 28—Low INuLAID Ivory anp Rosewoop TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH DC CENTURY. Rosewood top, inlaid in oblong center with an archaic rooster of engraved ivory; broken panelled border enriched at corners with floral scrolls. Supported on flaring turned baluster legs with similar end stretchers. Height, 5% inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches; depth, 1 foot 614 inches. 29—Two CARVED WALNUT PEDIMENT PANELS. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Two reversed volute S-scrolls, enriched with leafage, sustain and terminate in bearded male masks; in the center a pendant label with a heart-shaped scroll motive above. (One slightly incom- plete at foot.) Heights, 8% inches and 7 inches; lengths, 29 inches. S30—CARVED AND GILDED Mirror. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Rectangular; deeply molded frame, enriched on the various members with pearl and strap, oak and laurel husks, acanthus scrolled corners, floral sprays and leaf and dart motives. Height, 3 feet 6% inches; width, 2 feet 11% inches. 831—Two CarveD PINE PANELS. SPANISH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. 8 *) i) os Oblong transom pilasters, displaying, in sunk panels, large inter- lacing vine and other leaf scrolls, enriched with bunches of grapes, each terminating at one end with a square husk patera. (Both defective. ) , Lengths, 6 feet 4% inches; depths, 11% and 14 inches. —CARVED WALNUT Correr. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Rectangular; molded, hinged top, interior fitted with side com- partment, frieze enriched with small circular punched and molded panels at center and corners; ends and front with strap panels, also punched and interrupted with fluted pilasters; double molded base. Supported on two small curious, molded loose rests with turned stump feet. Ends trimmed with large balustered wrought-iron drop handles. (Part of one base mold- ing missing. ) Total height, 2 feet 2% inches; length, 3 feet 3 inches; depth, 2 feet 5% inches. Fourth Afternoon 833—Two PEAR-TREE BANQUETTES. FRENCH OF THE LouIS XII Prriop. Rectangular; supported on square tapering legs with turned col- lars and toes. Upholstered in crimson damask of the period. Height, 15% inches; width, 34 inches; depth, 17 inches. 834—WabLnutr BANQuETTe. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Supported on six turned baluster legs with similar cross and central stretchers. Seat upholstered in old crimson and tan damask. Height, 1 foot 7 inches; length, 4 feet; depth, 1 foot 6 inches. 835—WaLNnur Perir Pornr Higo CHatr. FRENCH oF THE 177TH CEN- TURY. Turned back supports and legs with octagonal shafts, interesting shaped and domed stretcher; oblong back upholstered in needle- work displaying a double banded scrolled cartouche enclosing “Stag hunt”; border of floral scrolls, of larger point; seat sim- ilar. Executed in rich soft reds, greens, tans, ivories and yellow on black ground. [ Lllustrated ] 8386—Watnur Tapestry Faurevit. FRENCH oF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD. Supported on turned legs with front rail and fine baluster stretcher. Seat, back, open arms and supports upholstered in Flemish verdure tapestry of the period. Bird amid fruit and other trees woven in rich brown, greens, yellows and ivories; studded with brass nails. [ Uustrated | 837—CarRvED WALNUT NEEDLEWORK FAautrruIL. FRENCH OF THE REN- AISSANCE PERIOD. Deep molded scrolled and voluted arms and legs, reinforced with unusually fine scrolled stretcher. High back and seat, upholstered in needlework, displaying recurring ribbon bowknotted bouquets of highly conventionalized roses in soft browns, greens, pinks and ivories on a black-brown field. [ Illustrated | addaquuntnenbe a Ee 83 836 Fourth Afternoon 838—Two RicHLy EmBroierep VELoURS FaurevIts. I?raALIAN OF THE 167TH CENTURY. Oblong back and seat finely embroidered in appliqués of yellow green and ivory silk on crimson velvet, displaying in back central vase of fruit flanked by two facing demi-eagles terminating in Gothic leaf and husk scrollings. Seat, a central jardiniére of fruit supported on a leaf-scroll standard, flanked by eagles simi- lar to back but with the scrollings terminating in curiously fruit and leaf crowned male masks. Carved walnut frames, apparently of a later period. Fourth Afternoon 839—Two EMBROIDERED GREEN VELVET WALNUT ARMCHAIRS. ITALIAN OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Oblong back, enriched with carved leaf terminals; flat arms, fin- ished with volute scrolls, bulbous turned supports, legs and stretchers. Upholstered seats and backs, embroidered with leaf and scroll cartouches in appliqués of ivory silk and crimson ve- lours on lustrous contemporary sea-green velours ground. S40-—_Watnut Scroty ARMCHAIR. SPANISH OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Folding Savonarola type, with scrolled arm rising to a hinged back. Supported on cross stretchers with molded ends. Seat and back of heavy brown hide, studded with large-headed forged iron nails. (Several nails missing. ) Fourth Afternoon te Ret cshhabats big ee $8.9 tan emus S41—Two Carvep WatNnut TApEestry FAavuTrrevILts. FRENCH OF THE Louis XV PERIOD. Shaped molded and scrolled frames, supported on cabriole legs terminating in stump toes, enriched at crown of back, knees and center of front rail with small bouquets of flowers. Backs, arm pads and seats upholstered with contemporary Flemish verdure tapestry; one back enhanced with a perched parrot, the other with a grove of trees. Woven in rich greens, soft blues, yellow and tans on ivory ground. Fourth Afternoon 842—Carvep WaLnur Bureau. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Massive top in one piece, the front fitted with two short and one long drawer under sustaining lozenge panellings with molded paterae and enriched with pierced scrolled wrought-iron es- cutcheons; panelled ends; supported on baluster feet and plain stretchers. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 3 feet 8 inches; depth, 2 feet 2 inches. 843—UnusuauL Ivory InuAiD Watnutr Desk. ITALIAN or THE 17TH CENTURY. Slant front lifting on two, top racketted hinges, center inlaid with an ivory vase of flowers, draped canopy and the field rami- fied by floral scrolls; case fitted with two short and two long’ drawers, very unusual canted pilasters, which continue up the slant front and across the top. Supported on deeply molded base and bracket feet. All surfaces panelled with ivory lines and enriched with floral scrolls of engraved ivory. Interior in- laid with ivory and fitted with mirror, six stepped drawers and center compartment. Height, 3 feet 5 inches; length, 2 feet 10 inches; depth, 1 foot 7 inches. $44_Carvep WaLNUuT CentrER TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Oblong top; frieze carved with molded diamond panels at sides and back, the front fitted with three drawers enriched with varied circular and oblong medallions of geometric motives. Sup- ported on turned baluster legs and molded stretchers. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length. 5 feet 3 inches; depth, 2 feet 7% inches. 845—Carvep WaLNutT CENTER TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Heavy top, in one piece; frieze carved with interlacing diamond and square medallions and fitted with two drawers. Supported on four turned baluster legs with center and two cross stretchers. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 5 feet 11 inches; width, 2 feet 3% inches. 846—Lone WauNur Rerecrory TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. | Massive oblong top in one piece, with shaped pendented frieze. Supported at ends with flaring double turned baluster legs and connecting stretchers, reinforced with wrought-iron scrolls from stretchers to center of top. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 5 feet 10 inches; depth, 2 feet 1% inches. Fourth Afternoon 847—Carvep Oak Gornic Sraty. Frencu or tue 15tH Century. Shaped ends. Supported to height of seat with round columns having molded cap and bases, above receding molded arched arms terminated on one side with a monk’s bust; on other, a large scrolled Gothic leaf. Above are shorter scrolled leaf columns similar to those under, crowned with deeply molded capping Sweeping in horseshoe form to the back. Hinged seat with leaf scrolled bracketed Miserere under. Supported on a low oblong plinth. (One end restored.) Height, 3514 inches; width, 2 feet 61% inches; depth, 1 foot 10 inches. [ [lustrated ] 848—Carvep Oak Goruic Strate. Frencu or THE 15TH CENTURY. Similar to the preceding, but with a nun’s bust in place of the monk’s. (One end restored.) Fourth Afternoon 849—Brass AND ForcGep Iron Faupsroon. ITaALian oF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Reversed iron C-scroll supports, terminating in bronze bulbous feet and four beautifully molded bronze baluster supports with flattened bulbous terminals and slender bronze balustered arins. Seat of undressed brown hide. [ Illustrated ] 850—Six Carvep Learner CHoEestNut CHArrs. PORTUGUESE OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Backs with arched tops, plain supports; square legs with pierced carved and scrolled stretchers. Backs covered with brown Spanish hide richly carved with elongated lobed medallions en- closing jardiniéres of flowers flanked by Cupids with further Cupids supporting fruit pendants; seats also of hide, enhanced with quatrefoil floral arabesques and lobed medallions. Fourth Afternoon 851—Two Important CAarvep WALNUT Sipe CHairs. FRENCH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Sloping back supports, terminated in curious leaf-scroll finials ; square front legs with leaf feet and pierced frontal stretcher formed of two open lozenges with central imbricated leaf medal- lion and similar molded flanking motives. Seat and back uphol- stered in rare velours de Genes, displaying, in bleu-de-ciel cut and uncut velvet, reversing acanthus-leaf scrolls supporting sprays of naturalistic roses on soft yellow grounds. Trimmed with tasseled silk fringe. [ Illustrated | 852—CEREMONIAL CARVED WALNUT CHAIR. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Sloping oblong back, finished with turned pinnacles, scrolled vo- luted arms, interesting panelled and reeded supports and legs set on cross bar feet; fine scroll pierced front and back stretchers. Seat and back upholstered in lustrous close pile crimson velvet of the period ; trimmed with gold and crimson fringe. [ lustrated ] 853—Rare Carved WALNUT EmBroipERED DAMASK FaurnuinL. ITALIAN OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Sloping back supports, terminating in volute scroll; finely scrolled arms supported on square legs; broad frontal stretcher pierced with varied scrolled and oblong motives. Seat and back upholstered in floral ogival patterned bleu-de-ciel damask, trimmed with silk fringe and large brass nails. The back en- riched with upper and lower bands of similar colored velvet, em- broidered in appliqué with Gothic leaf scrollings in yellow silk. [ Illustrated ] 851 OD | » aA { Fourth Afternoon 854—Six Imrorrant Carved Watnur AND LeatTHEeR PALACE CHAIRS. PORTUGUESE OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD. Molded frames; cartouche shaped backs with five arched lobes at crowns and two lower lobes, enriched with festooned scrolls, leafage and shell motives; shaped seats with two frontal lobes, en- riched in center with shell and leafage. Supported on cabriole legs with leaf knees and claw-and-ball feet. Seats and backs of heavy brown Spanish hide elaborately carved, the backs display- ing Venus on a shell, rising from the sea, and two supporting nymphs within a central scroll oval medallion and a strap ara- besque cartouche enriched with demi-cupids, Psyches, fruit, floral festoons, and birds, and a border of scrolled gadroons. Seats with similar border enclosing bowknotted festoons of flowers, birds and central demi-gods. Leather with rich patina. Height, 5 feet. Note: Originally made for Don Carlos of Portugal. 854—Six Important CaRvED WALNUT AND LEATHER PALACE CHAIRS. PoRTUGUESE OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD. Fourth Afternoon 855—IMprorrant CarveD WALNUT RENAISSANCE STALL. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. High back, occupied by central molded niche canopied by a large shell motive. Molded pilasters, with deeply scrolled acanthus- leaf terminals, support an elaborately scrolled pediment, en- riched with festoons of flowers and acanthus leaves; shaped panelled arms surmounted by long scrolled acanthus leaves and similar supporting brackets under. Shaped molded seat. Height, 6 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 5% inches; depth, 1 foot 91% inches. 855—ImportTant Carvep WaALNuT RENAISSANCE SraLL. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. . Fourth Afternoon 856—INLAID Ivory AND EBony CaBINET AND TABLE, ITALIAN OF THE L?irH CENTURY. Rectangular cabinet, with fall front, displaying a central panel of engraved ivory on ebony ground with subject, “St. George and the Dragon,” surrounded with double-lined bandings and outside broken border of ebony on engraved ivory ground of floral scrolls and perched birds; inside of fall enriched with similar panels of scrolls and figures. Interior fitted with central en- closing door, surrounded by ten molded drawers. Table, top inlaid with square and circular panels, with connecting lines. Supported on splayed end legs, with stretchers; reinforced with forged iron scrolled brackets. Total height, 3 feet 4% inches; width, 2 fect 6 wnches; depth, 1 foot 6% inches. 856 Fourth Afternoon so enone 857—Carvep WaAaLNut GoTrHIc-RENAISSANCE CABINET. ITALIAN OF THE 15TH CENTURY. Rectangular, with molded top and base supported on square stump feet. The frieze enriched with two molded rosetted panels enclosing floriated double pear-shaped Gothic tracery, interrupted in center by an arched panel displaying a crescent moon, sus- taining a man’s head in profile. Pilasters display scrolled sparsely leaved vines terminating in birds’ heads with long necks, bearing bunches of grapes; at foot is a broad rail similar to frieze but without moon. Central enclosing panelled and molded door, with long pierced strap hinges and outside bolt of forged iron, adorned in center with shield charged with sun, two moons and bat, surrounded by quatrefoliate tracery; in the upper lobe an eagle’s head appears. Ends of two linen fold panels. Height, 3 fect 6 inches; width, 2 feet 8% inches; depth, 1 foot 5% inches. Fourth Afternoon 858—Carvep Boxwoop AND WALNUT CABINET. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Rectanglar; with hinged fall front, enriched with pierced scrolled, gilded wrought-iron pillared lock plate and hasp, mounted on crimson velvet, side bolt and five spirited scrolled satyrs’ masks flanking lock; on the ends, swinging bail handles for carrying. Interior fitted in center with two small molded draw- ers above, four below, and two long intervening molded drawers; at sides two upper short drawers and one below, with interven- ing enclosing doors. The panels of drawers richly embellished in low relief with boxwood planted on old red silk, variously displaying beautiful leaf scrolls sustaining animals, grotesque animal heads, masks, shields and cartouches, the doors adorned in similar manner with laureated heads of Roman Em- perors. Drawers trimmed with finely forged iron baluster drop handles. (Minor portions have been restored.) Height, 2 feet; length, 3 feet 2 inches; depth, 1 foot 31% inches. 859—Carvep WALNUT CABINET. SPANISH OF THE XVI CENTURY. Rectangular, composed of fifteen varied molded drawers and two closets with similar enclosing doors, enriched with low relief carving. The crowning center door exhibits the bust of probably the original owner and his wife amid a scrolled ribbon; the flanking and lower drawers variously show delicate scrolled leafage, ribbons, centered with masks or cartouches; in some, chimeric birds and beasts are developed. The two doors hold beribboned wreaths of fruit enclosing shields charged with armorial bearings; interesting wrought-iron looped drop handles. Stand, Spanish of the same period, with triple twisted end sup- ports, terminating with volute scrolled cross foot bars; arcaded connecting stretcher, enriched with scrolls and pediment. Total height, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 2 inches; depth, 1 foot 4 inches. Fourth Afternoon nee 860-—Watxut Rerecrory TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Heavy top in one piece; scrolled end supports with cross stretch- ers; reinforced with central wrought-iron scrolls, having balus- tered centers. Height, 2 feet 61% inches; length, 4 feet 4 inches; depth, 2 feet 4 inches. 961—Watxer Rerecrory TABLE—ITALIAN oF THE 17TH CENTURY. Massive top; panelled and molded frieze fitted with two extra deep drawers; sustained on heavy scrolled end supports with con- tinuing stretcher. Height, 2 feet 10 inches; length, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 8% inches. 832__UnusuaL Watnut Rerecrory TaBLeE. SPANISH OF THE li7ru CENTURY. Finely marked oblong top in one piece. Sustained on scrolled lyre-shaped end supports with beautifully scrolled feet and stretcher, reinforced in forged iron with balustered cross scrolls from far sides of top to opposite stretchers. Height, 2 feet 6144 inches; length, 4 feet 4 inches; depth, 2 feet 7 inches. 863—U nieve CARVED WALNUT TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 17rH CENTURY. Massive top, in one piece; remarkably fine end supports in the form of scrolled lyres with gadrooned bosses on knees, diamond motives under, and bold volute terminations. Supported on turned stump feet. Reinforced with two twisted forged iron rods, diagonally placed to center. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 4 feet 2% inches; depth, 2 feet 4 inches. 864——Carvep WaLnut Rerecrory TaBLeE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Massive rectangular top in one piece; volute scrolled panelled end supports enriched with floral motives, husk and pateras, re- inforced with two wrought-iron arched supports with balustered centers. Height, 2 feet 7 inches; length, 5 feet 5 inches; depth, 2 feet 7 inches. 865 Masstve Waunut Rerecrory TABLE. SpANISH OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Heavy solid top; deeply scrolled end supports reinforced with two finely looped wrought-iron cross scrolls, enriched with beau- tiful balustered centers. Height, 2 feet 6 inches; length, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch. Fourth Afternoon 866—OsLonG WaLNut TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Massive solid top; frieze fitted with two raised molded diamond panelled drawers, ends and back with plain panels. Supported on ring turned legs, flattened ball feet and plain stretchers. Height, 2 feet 7 inches; length, 4 feet 2 inches; depth, 2 feet 3% inches. 867—Carvep Watnut Rerecrory TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CEN- DURY. Massive oblong top in one piece. Supported on splayed, baluster legs with panelled and balanced cross stretchers; reinforced with wrought-iron central scrolls enriched with balusters and leaf lobes. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches. S68—Smatt Watnutr Rerecrory TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Heavy top in one piece. Supported at ends with splayed twisted turned legs and plain stretchers, reinforced with balustered forged iron scrolls from stretchers to under center of top. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 4 feet 11 inches; depth, 2 feet 9 inches. 869—ReEcTANGULAR WALNUT TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Massive top in one piece; molded and panelled frieze with two drawers. Supported on flaring turned baluster legs, with simi- lar end stretchers. Height, 2 feet 71% inches; length, 4 feet 2 inches; depth, 2 feet 8 inches. S70—Masstve Watnut Rerecrory TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CEN- coRY: Heavy solid top; deeply scrolled end supports reinforced with two finely looped wrought-iron center scrolls enriched with beautiful balusters and patera terminals. Height. 2 feet 9 inches; Icngth, 6 feet 9% inches; width, 3 feet. Fourth Afternoon 871—ImvorTANT CARVED WALNuT Rerectory TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Massive rectangular top, in one piece. Frieze molded and panelled on all sides and carved on front and back with medal- lions and rosettes; fitted with two drawers in front, and yal- anced apron with central leaf medallion and side scrolls; ends with extra deep plain valanced aprons. Bracketed pendented square drops at frieze pilaster blocks at back and front. Draw- ers trimmed with forged iron drop handles. Supported on deeply scrolled open lyre-like ends. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; length, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 3% inches. “AUDLNG) HLYT €@HL dO HSINVdS “aATaV yy, AVOLOTMaY CON TIVA\ GHAUVS) UNV LYOd INI —TJ)8 Fourth Afternoon 872—SvurerBLy MOouNTED WALNUT VARGUENO AND STAND. HISPANO- MoRESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Rectangular, with fall front; enriched with elaborate Gothic double pillared hasped lock, key, two baluster drop handles, four side bolts, corner bands and hook of gilded wrought iron. em- bellished with octagonal and diamond placques of pierced scrolls and regardant lions with rope borders on crimson velvet back- grounds; the sides with similar heavy lifting handles. (The velvet of the period, but has been replaced.) Interior elaborately fitted with twenty double twisted columned, scroll pedimented drawers, enriched with raised ivory and ebony square lattice richly parcel gilt and four secret spring drawers concealed in the larger ones (two small columns missing). Trimmed with gilded bronze shell knobs. Stand with triple twisted, reeded and fluted end supports terminated with volute scrolled cross stretchers; slides at top with finely carved scallop shell fronts; arcaded con- necting stretcher, enriched with scrolled apron and double patera medallioned, pinnacled pediment. Interesting and varied patina. Total pikes 5 feet 14% inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches; depth, 1 foot 41% mcrnes, From the collection of the Comte de Chaves, Madrid. 4 Bi ng be Ze Be 4) 872—SuperBty Mounrep WALNUT VARGUENO AND STAND. Hispano-Moresqup or rue 167TH CENTURY. * Fourth Afternoon S73—WALNUT VARGUENO AND TABLE. HiISPANO-MoRESQUE OF THE 16TH CENTURY. Rectangular, with fall front; enriched with gilded wrought-iron mounts with replaced contemporary crimson velvet backs, double pillared hasp with shell terminals, pillared back plate pierced with regardant lions and foliage in lozenge shape, surrounded by five similar diamond panels, the upper two with five drop han- dles, four side bolts on similar pointed mountings, corner and side plates and one corner hook, at foot three groups of three scallop shells and lifting bail handles on sides within lozenge- shaped panels. Interior fitted with thirteen drawers and se- eret drawers within the bottom, and two side drawers and two enclosing doors. The center and middle flanking have ivory twisted pillars and shaped pediments, and all have gilded and inlaid square lattice fronts; trimmed with gilded iron scallop shell knobs. Table with heavy top, open scrolled end supports and scrolled iron baluster reinforced stretchers. Vargueno: Height, 2 feet 11%4 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches; depth, 1 foot 4 inches. Table: Length, 2 feet 7 inches; length, 4 feet 10 inches; depth, 1 foot 9 inches. Fourth Afternoon 8 7 4—Two Imporrant Carvep Gotruic STauus. FRENCH OF THE 151TH CENTURY. Composed of four seats and five molded supports which arch forward from back of the foot to deeply molded rondels, finely sculptured on both sides with varied subjects, “The Virgin and Child,” “King David with Harp,” “Pelican,” pateras and gro- tesque masks; the rondels are surmounted by triple clusters of columns with leaf capitals and a deeply molded capping of cir- cular contour which continues in a flat rearward horseshoe curve over the sloping backs of the seats. The seats are hinged and have on the underside shaped “Miserere,” formed of molded pendant brackets. An extra rectangular molded end at right of one of the stalls is enriched on the inner side with sunk geo- metrically floriated diamond motives and surmounted by a figure of St. Matthew seated in ample robes under a molded semi-arch. Total height, 5 feet 4 inches; general height, 3 feet 101% inches; length, 9 feet 2 inches. INE URS oy FRENCH OF THE 15TH Cr STALLS. \ - S74—Two IMporTANT CARVED GoTHI Fourth Afternoon 875—InrERESTING Goruic Door. SPANISH OF THE HARLY 16TH CEN- TURY. Deeply molded panels of interlacing octagons and squares fill the field, which is crowned with a depressed Gothic tracery arch en- riched with a central four-lobed diamond, flanked by foliated lobes. Height, 7 feet; width, 3 feet. Note: The light mahogany for this door was undoubtedly brought from South America by the early Spanish Conquistadors. 876—Carvep Pings Door. HispAno-MoresQue oF THE 15TH CENTURY. Gothic arched double panelled door heavily molded, each panel sustaining an eight-pointed star formed of deep moldings. The arch enriched with trifoliate tracery supporting a shield bearing the sacred insignia I. H. 8. S77 Carvep OAK Banvut. SPANISH or THE 17TH CENTURY. Rectangular, with hinged top; front and ends with deeply molded panels. The three front panels display diamond motives, inter- rupted and surrounded with styles, enriched with rustic leaf mo- tives, banded by short recurring flutes. The frieze rail, broken by a shaped iron lock plate in center, is curiously arched into the pi- lasters, which continue and form stump feet. Elaborate scrolled apron. Height, 2 feet 6 inches; length, 4 feet 5 inches; depth, 1 foot 9 inches. 878—SmaLtL WaLnur Rerecrory TABLE. SPANISH OF THE 1/TH CrEN- TURY. Heavy top in one piece. Supported at ends with finely turned legs and shaped aproned stretchers; reinforced with balustered forged iron scrolls. | Height, 2 feet 6 inches; length, 4 feet 10 inches; depth, 2 feet 414 inches. Fourth Afternoon 879—Royau Four-Post Bep or CARVED PALLISANDRE. PORTUGUESE OF THE RENAISSANCE PERIOD. Elaborate deeply turned and twisted posts, terminated with ball pinnacles, locked to rails by gilded bronze gadrooned knobs with scroll pierced back plates. Headboard composed of two series of alternating twisted, baluster spindles and pendants, divided by one and surmounted by four pierced open scrolled molded rails, finished with a cresting of similar varied pinnacles; side rails supplied with balls and plates to support mattress similar in pattern to those on posts. Foot rail stamped in part: “Joas Antonio da cuhna entalhador e margenero restahran se obras antigas, Lisboa.” | Height, 9 feet 1 inch; length, 7 feet; width, 6 feet. 880—Masstve Carved PALLISANDRE Four-Post BEDSTEAD. PORTUGUESE OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Elaborate headboard, enriched with double tier of spirally twisted spindles and pendents; frieze adorned with vase and in- terlacing scrolls, two-tiered, shaped and many pinnacled pedi- ment, the lower tier exhibiting a coat-of-arms displaying floral devices, flanked by large scrolls, the upper with similar scrolls from a central rosette. Pinnacled posts with six spiral sections, interrupted with fine annular turnings. Fine brass bolting serews with pierced lock plates. Height, 7 feet 5 inches; length, 7 feet; width, 5 feet 3 inches. 881—Evaporate Pine Porvtau. Hispano-Mornmsqub oF THE 16TH CEN- TURY. Composed of overdoor with double narrow frieze and two deeper panels under, secured in center by heavy bolt; two triple panelled doors hinged to narrow triple panelled flankings. The whole used as two large doors for State occasions. The panels deeply molded on both sides, the front enriched with varied stellate and geometric interlacing arabesques formed by mitred and butted moldings. Several peepholes have been much enlarged by wear. Portal: Height, 7 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet 7 inches. Small doors: Height, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. From the Catedrale d’Oloron, St. Marie, France. FIFTH AFTERNOON’S SALE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:30 O’CLOCK CATALOGUE NOS. 884 TO 1075 884_UnusuaL MAHOGANY JARDINIERE. DutTcH or THE Earuty 18TH CENTURY. Octagonal receptacle, flaring to a square molded frieze fitted with a drawer. Supported on cabriole legs with sheep feet. Brass lining for same. | Height, 20 inches; 111% inches square. 885—Manocany Mirror. FRENCH of THE EMPIRE PERIOD. Double ogee molded frame, interrupted at corners win squares occupied by inturned pateras. Height, 2014 inches; width, 16 inches. 886—Two CARVED AND GILDED CANDLESTICKS. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PeErRiIop. IXxpanding round shaft, terminated with leafage at crown and foot; gadrooned and leaf bobéche and base with three ball feet, enriched with delicate festoons and rosettes at neck and Cupids’ heads and festoon at base. Height, 15 inches. Fifth Afternoon 887—SmMaALL CARVED AND GILDED PrpmsraL. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. - Scrolled oblong, supported on volute scroll and shell feet ter- minating in arched scrolls; varied leaf and scroll cartouches on three sides. Height, 3%4 inches; length, 934 inches; depth, 714 inches. 888—RosEwoop BurEAU DE Voyack. FRENCH OF THE Empire PERIOD. Rectangular, with hinged slant top opening to form writing desk. Finely reinforced with brass flush bandings, corners, scrolled escutcheon and top plate. Fitted interior. (Lining defective.) Height, 714 inches; length, 20 inches; depth, 11 inches. 889—SmaLuL APPLE-TREE Footstoot. Frencu or tHe 18TH CENTURY. Molded panelled foot frame, with turned legs and stretcher. Seat upholstered in crimson and ivory broche silk. Height, 14 inches; length, 13% inches; depth, 11 inches. 890—HANGING CoRNER CABINET IN AcAjJoU. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. | Composed of four stepped, quarter-round shelves, supported on turned balusters at front and rear. Height, 28 inches; width, 14 inches; depth, 10 inches. 891—HANGING WALL CABINET IN AcAJoU. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Composed of four oblong shelves with round corners. Supported on bulbous turned columns at corners. Height, 28 inches; length, 281% inches; depth, 6 inches. 892—Hanoine WALL CABINET IN AcAgou. FRENCH or THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Similar to the preceding. Height, 28 inches; width, 2514 inches; depth, 61% inches. 898—Manocany Brpsipe Tray. ENGLIsH or THE 18TH CENTURY. Oblong, with shaped side rails and hand holes; plain back. Sup- ported on four finely turned legs. Height, 8 inches; length, 24 inches; depth, 14 inches. Fifth Afternoon 894—Smartt Manocany TamBour Fronyv Work Casinet. ENGLISH OF THE SHERATON PERIOD. Molded top, front mechanically raising with the opening of the top drawer, which is fitted with ratchet for winding silk and partitions, another drawer under; interior fitted with three small drawers containing ivory spools and with knobs (two missing). Cuivre doré side lifting handles. Cabinet work of the very high- est quality. Height, 6% inches; length, 1034 inches; depth, 8% inches. 895—SmaLtL HANGING THREE-TIERED PHAR-TREE CorRNER CABINET. FRENCH OF THE Louris XVI Prriop. Three graduated shaped shelves, supported by shaped open scroll side brackets; above is a small quarter-round cabinet with slid- ing tambour front on bracketed stump feet. Height, 3 feet; width, 1 foot 1 inch. 896—HaANcING WALL Capinet IN AcAgou. FRENCH oF THE 18TH CrEN- TURY. Composed of four delicate shaped oblong shelves Supported by slender baluster columns at corners. Height, 26% inches; width, 24 inches; depth, 7144 inches. 897—RosEwoop Burnau pe Voyage. FreNcH or TuHp Empire Prriop. Rectangular, with hinged slant top, opening to form writing desk; interior slides covered with green cloth. Fitted with in- terior compartments. Finely bound with brass inlaid scrolled bandings at all corners, sunk drop handles and escutcheon. Height, 7 inches; length, 17% inches; width, 10% inches. 898—MaHocGANy GuUERIDON. FRENCH or THE Louis XVI Prrtop. Molded round top, supported on finely turned baluster shaft and scrolled tripod feet. Height, 27% inches; diameter, 16 inches. 899—Hancina Corner Watt Capiner IN Acagovu. FRENCH OF THE Louris XVI PrEriop. Quarter-round front, with tambour enclosing door and finely shaped pilasters. Two shaped shelves, supported on open scrolled side brackets. Height, 35 inches; width, 12 inches; depth, 9 inches. Fifth Afternoon Bite Afternoon Q00-—MAHOGANY AND Brass JARDINIERE, DurcH or THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Round wave rim; hour glass support formed of shaped rails; circular molded base on ball feet. Fitted with brass basin and large swinging bail handle. i Height, 1514 inches; diameter, 14 inches. 901—FoLpingc Manocany TABLE Desk. EnGuisH or THE Late 18TH CENTURY. Rectangular; bound with inset brass corners and top straps; fitted with two side drawers, one compartmented and lined with red leather; heavy brass lifting handles. Sloping hinged top section disclosing two interior hinged flaps lined with maroon cloth and covering compartments; side rims fitted with portable brass candle-sockets. : Height, 71% inches; length, 20 inches; depth, 10%, inches. 902—-SmraLL ManocaNy Corree TaBLe. FRENCH OF THE Louris XVI PERIOD. Reeded oblong top, sustained on straight end supports scrolled at crown and developing three scroll feet; shaped reinforcing connecting stretcher. Height, 28% inches; width, 25% inches; depth. 174% inches. 903—-SM ALL PEAR-TREE TABLE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Tray top; shaped apron frieze fitted with one end drawer. Sup- ported on slightly cabrioled legs with tray shelf stretcher. Height, 2 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 3 inches; depth, 94% inches. 904-—-HANGING WALL CaBinet IN Acasou. FRENCH OF THE 18tH CEN- TURY. Composed of four shelves, finely scrolled and supported at ser- pentine ends with latticed bulbous turned columns. Finished with small brass terminals and heavy rings for suspension. Height, 28 inches; length, 29 inches; depth, 7% inches. 905—SmAaLL Hancinc WaAtL CABINET IN Acasou. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Composed of five shaped shelves. Supported on turned balusters at corners. Rings for suspension. Height, 22 inches; width, 15 inches; depth, 9 inches. Fifth Afternoon 906—HANGING WALL CABINET IN ACAJOU. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Composed of four stepped delicate serpentine shaped shelves. Supported at sides by turned balusters with terminals. Height, 28 inches; width, 22 inches; depth, 61% inches. 907—HANGING WaALL CABINET IN ACAJOU. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CrEN- TURY. Rectangular case, fitted with two glazed enclosing doors; above on side brackets are two small shelves with back rails. Height, 27 inehes; width, 23 inches; depth, 6% inches. J08—Rounp Manogany Taste a Ouvrace. FRENCH or THE LATE 181H CENTURY. Molded sunk top, frieze fitted with two small drawers, round columnar support; on shaped tripod base with sunk top and ball feet; in center of support is a spindled circular basket for wool or silk. Cuivre doré drawer knobs and bandings at center and foot of column. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 15% inches. 909—CrircuLar AcAJou GUERIDON. FRENCH oF THE Lours XVI PERIOp. Tilting sunk molded top. Supported on a finely turned baluster stem terminating in beaded scroll tripod feet. Height, 27 inches; diameter. 1914 inches. 910—ManoGany TABLE CABINET ON Castors. FRENCH oF THE 18TH CENTURY. Composed of two large compartments for books; bracketed above with connecting pediment. Mounted in cuivre doré with flowered double cornucopia ring handles. Height, 201% inches; length, 301% inches; depth, 10 inches. Fifth Afternoon 911—INLAID ELmM-Roor GUERIDON. Frencu or tHE Louis XVI Perio. Round tray-beaded top of finely matched veined elm, inlaid with band of interlacing semicircles and central medallion; fitted with one small hanging drawer. Supported on plain baluster shaft and deeply scrolled tripod legs. Height, 301% inches; diameter, 15%4 inches. 912—SmMALL OBLONG CARVED WaLNut TaBLe. FRENCH OF THE Lovu!Is XV PERIOD. Molded top; scrolled aproned frieze fitted with two unequal sized drawers. Supported on cabriole legs. Height, 24 inches; width, 1744 inches; depth, 14 inches. 913—SMALL PHAR-TREE TapLe. FRENCH oF THE LouIs XVI PERIOD. Oblong, with panelled frieze; fitted with end drawer. Sup- ported on slender turned legs and shaped shelf stretcher. Height, 29% inches; width, 1614 inches; depth, 13 inches. 914—EncLosep AFRICAN ROSEWOOD WASHSTAND. ENGLISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Rectangular case, fitted with two deep hinged top flaps opening to left and right and disclosing basin receptacle, one wooden soap bowl, and raising mirror at back fitted with rachet and spring sides; two panelled hinged enclosing doors and two drawers under, one compartmented. Supported on turned bal- uster legs. Heavy brass side lifting handles. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; width, 1 foot 6 inches; depth, 1 foot 6 inches. 915—RosEewoop JARDINIERE. FRENCH OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD. Round tapering receptacle formed of spear-shaped open splints held by turned bands. Supported, on three stems simulating bamboo with ivory rings at joints, annular stretcher and open. triangular castored base. Original metal lining for same. Height, 2 feet 9 inches. 916—Two Carvep MAHOGANY WALL Brackets. ITALIAN OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Rectangular top, enriched with egg and dart molding; leaf scrolled support, enriched with demi-cupid terminating in a lion’s mask. Height 25 inches; width, 10 inches; depth, 15 inches. Fifth Afternoon Leanne nn 917—HANGING WALL CABINET IN AcAJoU. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Rectangular cabinet, fitted with two enclosing doors having shaped glazed panels, lined with silk. Supported above with side brackets is a small shelf and scrolled pediment. Height, 31% inches; width, 22 inches; depth, 7 inches. 918—Hancinc WALL CaBINet In AcAgou. FRENCH or THE 18TH CEN- PURY. Composed of five oblong stepped shelves, supported with scrolled ends and panelled back; surmounted with a scrolled pediment. Height, 3514 inches; width, 21 inches; depth, 8%4 inches. 919—DovuBLE-TIERED PEAR-TREE: TABLE A Ouvrace. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Deep oblong tray top, with smaller one under, sustained on open oval medallioned and scrolled end supports with plain cross stretcher. Height, 2 feet 4 inches; width, 1 foot 7% inches; depth, 1 foot. 990-—INLAID TRAY-rop GuERIDON. Frencu or THE Louris XVI PrERiop. Applewood; octagonal top inlaid with satin and rosewood star, shaft of same contour as top, supported on four scrolled feet. Height, 2 feet 484 inches; diameter, 1 foot 2 inches. 921—OsLonc MAnocANy TABLE. FRENCH of THE 18TH CENTURY. Top with raised beadings on three sides; frieze fitted with long drawer. Pilaster-like end supports and stretcher sustained on a rectangular plinth. Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches; depth, 11% inches. 929-_GuprIpon IN AcAgovu. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Circular top, inlaid with a double-line banding. Supported on three arched and outcurving legs sustaining a small round stretcher. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 17 inches. 9923-- Swart Prar-rrer TABLE. Frencu or THE Louis XVI PrErtop. Molded sunk top with round corners; shaped, aproned frieze fitted with one end drawer. Supported on slightly cabrioled legs. | Height, 28 inches; width, 15 inches; denth, 12 inches. Fifth Afternoon 924—Rosewoop TABLE A Ouvrace. Frencu oF THE Empire PErtiop. Oblong top; frieze fitted with one compartmented drawer. Solid slender lyre end supports with connecting turned stretcher; on shaped castored feet. Height, 2934 inches; width, 22 inches; depth, 14% inches. 995—INLAID PEAR-TREE CARD TABLE. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Oblong hinged double top, lined with green baize; frieze panel inlaid with broad box and rosewood lines. Supported on taper- ing turned legs; the back two, with drawer between, extend, forming rests for table when opened. Height, 27 inches; top open, 30 inches square. 926—SMALL MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Oblong top, with raised canted rim on three sides; frieze fitted with molded drawer, panelled ends and back. Supported on square tapering legs with shelf stretcher. Height, 3014 inches; width, 171% inches; depth, 13 inches. 927—MAHOGANY COLUMNED TABLE. FRENCH OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD. Rectangular overhanging frieze, fitted with two inset drawers in arched compartment under. Supported on two frontal columns, back pilasters, deep rectangular base and with circular projecting molded feet for columns. Columns mounted with cuivre doré, engine-turned capitals and bases. Siena marble top. Height, 281% inches; width, 19% inches; depth, 12% inches. §28—MAanoGANy CorreE TABLE. FRENCH oF THE Lours XVI PeErRiop. Light oblong reeded top; sustained on double, turned balustered end supports with stretcher and scrolled feet. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches; depth, 13 inches. 929—OpsLoneG CENTER ETAGERE IN MAHOGANY. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Composed of six shelves with round corners; supported at the corners on finely turned balusters and feet. Top shelf with gal- lery. Height, 4 feet 11 inches; width, 2 feet 7% inches; depth, 8 inches. 930—SMaLL MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH oF THE Louis XVI PxrRiop. Square tray top, finished with deep canted beadings; fitted with three small drawers trimmed with small knobs. Supported on square tapering legs. Height, 32 inches; top, 14 inehes square. Fifth Afternoon 931—Smatut OBLONG MAHOGANY TABLE A QOuvRAGE. FRENCH OF THE 18tuH CENTURY. Deep canted tray top, fitted with small hanging drawer. Sup- ported on vase-shaped ends with arched legs and double stretcher. Height, 28 inches; width, 18 inches; depth, 12% inches. 932—SquarRE MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Molded top, with inset gray and white marble panel; frieze panelled on all sides and curiously fitted with one small drawer at right of front. Supported on square tapering legs and two shelf stretchers. Height, 28%, inches; top, 18 inches square. 933—SMALL OBLONG PANELLED TABLE. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Molded mahogany top with inset panel of yellow pear-tree. Frieze fitted with three similarly fashioned shallow drawers, trimmed with cuivre doré medallion, husk and ribbon escutcheons. Sup- ported on octagonal legs alternately panelled with the above woods. Height, 28% inches; width, 171% inches; depth, 13% inches. 934—CarRvVED WALNUT ARMCHAIR. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Molded arched panelled back, surmounted by a wreath and pin- nacles, flat arms terminating in volutes, turned supports and legs with shaped stretchers. Seat and back upholstered in old crim- son floral medallioned damask. 935—MAHOGANY CHILD’Ss CHAIR AND TABLE. ENGLISH OF THE LATE SHERATON PERIOD. Small armchair; horseshoe-shaped back with side rail terminat- ing in open columned arms; turned fluted legs with adjustable foot rest. Back, arms and seat caned. Square table, with outcurv- ing tapering legs. Total height, 2 feet 11% inches; width, 14% inches. 936—CarRvep BeecuH BANQUETTR. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XV PERIOD. Oblong with valanced frieze, enriched with leafage and flowers; on cabriole legs with scrolled shell knees and leaf feet. Uplhol- stered in ancient floral damask. Height, 18 inches; length, 21 inches; width, 13% inches. Fifth Afternoon enn 937—Turep CARVED WALNUT SIDE CHAIRS. DutTcH OF THE CHIPPEN- DALE PERIOD. Interlacing open strap scroll back, continuing into the serpentine top rail, enriched with shell and leaf motives ; insloping supports ; molded serpentine seats with central scrolled shell motive. Sup- ported on cabriole legs enhanced with scrolled acanthus leaves, claw and ball feet and H-shaped baluster stretcher. Loose seat of dark brown hide carved with shaped scroll medallion, shell motives and husks; studded border of brass nails. 938—Gray Lacqeur BENCH. FRENCH OF THE Lovuts XVI PERIOD. Molded seat rail, straight on two sides and incurving on ends, finished with patera corners. Supported on tapering turned fluted legs. Seat upholstered in eighteenth century chintz, developing trailing sprays of lilacs and other sprays in blue on white ground. Height, 1 foot 3 inches; 2 feet 5 inches square. 9299-—Smauu Firrep Upricut SecrRETAIRE. FRENCH OF THE Lovis XV PERIOD. In three sections. Upper with molded arched enclosing mirror door, ebony cornice and open leaf-scroll pediment. Under por- tion with slant fall, drawer below and two side slides for candles, both interiors fitted with drawers and compartments and richly lacquered in the Chinese manner, with birds and landscapes in gold on a red ground. Table section fitted with one lower frontal and one upper drawer at right and mock drawers filling other spaces, supported on square legs, chamfered on all corners and bulbous feet. Beech, oak and pear-tree have been variously uti- lized in the construction. Height, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 1 foot 8% inches; depth, 1 foot 61% inches. 940—SMALL ManoGgaNny TABLE. FrRencH oF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Rectangular case fitted with two drawers, one compartmented ; panelled sides and back. Supported on square tapering legs sus- taining shelf stretcher. Height, 30 inches; width, 19 inches; depth 14% inches. Fifth Afternoon 941—LAcQUB GUERIDON. FRENCH OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD. Circular mahogany frieze, supported on three legs carved with eagle heads, incurving shafts enriched with long water leaves and terminating in claw feet. Finished in bronze colored lacqué. Molded top and small circular shelf stretcher of black and gray Pompeian marble. Height, 35 inches; diameter, 15 inches. 942—-M AHOGANY GUERIDON. FRENCH OF THE JEMPIRE PERIOD. Circular top with plain frieze. Supported on three straight legs with stretcher and incurved triangular castored base. Molded cuivre doré mounts at head and foot of legs. Height, 351% inches; diameter, 1314 inches. 943—Rowtunp Tray Tor MAHOGANY GUERIDON. FRENCH oF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Sunk molded top. Supported on fluted turned columns, termi- “nating in three fluted and broken scroll feet. Height, 301% inches; diameter, 26 inches. 944—_SmMatu INLAID MAHOGANY Tasie. FRENCH or tHE Louris XVI PERIOD. Oblong hinged lifting top, inlaid with diamond center and band- ing. Supported on finely turned legs. Height, 20 inches; width, 18 inches; depth, 14 inches. 945—THREE-TIERED PEAR-TREE TABLE A OuvVRAGE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Composed of three oblong molded deep trays. Supported on slender turned legs. Height 2834 inches; length, 20% inches; depth, 1214 inches. 946—SmMaAtu TAmMBourR FrRoNT MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Front fitted with straight falling tambour front and drawer un- der; panelled ends and back; supported on tapering legs. Plain top, with inset panel of dove gray marble. Height, 2 feet 7 inches; width, 1 foot 2% inches; depth, 1 foot 1 inch. 947—SMALL APPLE-TREE TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Rectangular case, fitted with three brass molded drawers, square pilasters and panelled ends. Supported on tapering legs. Gray veined white marble top, enclosed on three sides with raised wood beadings. eight, 311, inches; width, 17144 inches; depth, 1234 inches. Fifth Afternoon 948—SmMALL MAHOGANY TABLE. I'RENCH oF THE Lours XVI Perron. Rectangular case, fitted with molded sliding tambour enclosing front, drawer under, flush side and back panels. Supported on turned baluster legs and shelf stretcher. Half-statuary marble top, enclosed on three sides with raised mahogany beadings. Height, 2914 inches; width, 17 inches; depth, 13 inches. 949—INLAID PEAR-TREE GUERIDON. FRENCH OF THE LouIs XVI PERIOD. Circular molded top, enriched with five-pointed star and banding of lines; frieze fitted with two small and two mock drawers with cuivre doré knobs. Octagonal shaft supported on shaped tripod legs. Height, 27% inches; diameter, 20% inches. 950—-MAHOGANY GATE-LEG TABLE. ENGLISH OF THE SHERATON PERIOD. Light top, with two-rule joint leaves; frieze fitted with one end drawer. Supported on graceful turned slender legs and stretchers with similar framed gate-legs. Rich nut-brown patina. Height, 2 feet 334 inches; top open, 2 feet 4 inches by 2 feet 2% inches. 951—Tas.ie A OuvRAGE IN ACAJOU. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Oblong lifting top fitted with mirror, and disclosing receptacle with spool compartment at left, and tambour covered compart- ment at right; long drawer under; sustained on straight end supports with scrolled feet and cross stretcher. Height, 2 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 9% inches; depth, 1 foot 11% inches. 952—Manocany Taste A Jeu. FrReNCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Oblong folding top sunk on inside and lined with old green cloth ; frieze adorned with fluted blocks. Supported on turned fluted castored legs. Two back legs extend and also support a wide drawer. Height, 2 feet 514 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches; depth, 1 foot 4 inches. 958—SMALL INLAID TuLiIrpwoop Tasie. FRENCH or THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Rectangular case with cant corners and enclosing door, ends and back panelled with quartered feathered tulipwood having inset corners, boxwood lines and outer bands; sides with pear-shaped lifting piercings. Supported on cabriole legs. Door with T- shaped turnbuckle. Inset round-cornered, black Pompeian mar- ble top. Height, 26 inches; width, 13 inches; depth, 11 inches. Fifth Afternoon 954—INLAID PEAR-TREE SipE TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LouIs X VI PrrRIop. Shaped molded top, inlaid with diamond bandings and finished with raised beadings on three sides; fitted with three similarly inlaid drawers, the upper with compartments, all trimmed with cuivre doré scrolled shell escutcheons. Supported on slightly cabrioled legs with shelf stretcher. Height, 26%, inches; width, 16 inches; depth, 1114 inches. INLAID PEAR-TREE TABLE. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY, Rectangular case, fitted with three drawers inlaid with large purple lines and enriched with shield-shape escutcheons; ends panelled with similar lines and quartered corners. Supported on slightly cabrioled legs. Shaped front Rouge Royal marble top, enclosed on three sides with raised wood beadings. (Top cracked). eight, 2714 inches; width, 1714 inches; depth, 12 inches. 955 956—MaHnHocGany Carp TABLE. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Oblong hinged double top, inlaid with brass lines, finished with similar half-round molding, and lined with original dull green baize. Supported on tapering turned legs, the back two extend- ing on a grooved frieze drawer to sustain top when open. Height, 2914 inches; length, 33% inches; width, open, 33% inches. 957—CrircuLarR MAnHoGaNny TILTING-Tor TABLE. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Plain top supported on fluted and molded column, terminating in unusual tripod cabriole feet. Height, 2 feet 3% inches; diameter, 2 feet 4% inches. 958—OvaL INLAID WALNUT TAPLE. FRENCH OF THE LouIs XVI PERIOp. Top inlaid with small checker banding and finished with beaded rim; frieze with inlaid diamond band, fitted with one drawer. Supported on flaring tapering legs with inlaid incurved shelf stretcher. Height, 2914 inches; width, 20 inches; depth, 151% inches. 959—INTERESTING MarLe Dror-LeaAr TABLE. ENGLISH OF THE SHERA- TON PERIOD. Round-edge top with two-rule jointed leaves, the frieze fitted with one drawer, both inlaid with purple lines. Supported on finely turned reeded and castored legs. Height, 2 feet 534 inches; top open, 2 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 8% inches. Fifth Afternoon 960—SmatL WALNUT TABLE. FRENCH or THE LovIs XVI Perro. Composed of two molded drawers with fluted pilasters, panelled ends and back. Supported on turned baluster legs with tray shelf stretcher. Gray and white marble top, enclosed on three sides with raised beadings. Height, 2 feet 5% inches; width, 1 foot 714 inches; depth, 1 foot ¥% inch. 9§1—INLAID PEAR-TREE TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LouIs XVI Prmriop. Tray top inlaid with center oblong tuya-wood panel and many surrounding radiating sections; frieze fitted with two small drawers trimmed with cuivre doré patera knobs. Supported on tapering legs. Height, 2 feet 434 inches; width, 1 foot 11 inches; depth, 1 foot 4 inches. 962—SmaLL MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LovuIsS XVI PxHERIOD. Rectangular half-statuary marble top, enclosed on three sides with raised beadings; fitted with three panelled drawers, ends and back. Supported on finely turned baluster legs sustaining tray shelf stretcher. Height, 301% inches; width, 17% inches; depth, 13 inches. 963—INLAID MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Rectangular case, fitted with three drawers having narrow box- wood bandings and panelled ends. Supported on square tapering legs enriched with molded brass toes. Drawers with ring handles. Dove-gray marble top, enclosed on three sides with raised wood beadings. Height, 31 inches; width, 15% inches; depth, 13 inches. 964—INLAID APPLE-TREE TABLE. FRENCH or THE LovIs XVI PERIOD. Top with rounded front corners. and three beaded rims, enriched with inlaid diamond line panel within an oblong, displaying in center a spray of flowers; fitted with three banded drawers. Sup- ported on slightly cabrioled legs sustaining a tray shelf stretcher. Height, 27 inches; width, 1614 inches; depth, 11 inches. §65—THREE-TIERED MAHOGANY TABLE A OUvVRAGE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Composed of three oblong molded deep trays. Supported on finely turned castored legs. Height, 31 inches; width, 21 inches; depth, 12% inches. Fifth Afternoon eee here NS ti a CLEA eT LOONe 966—INLAID ManoGany PouprREvse. FRENCH OF THE Louts XVI Prrrop. _ Rectangular top, quartered and inlaid in kingwood with star, diamonds and bandings; center hinged and fitted with mirror, sides hinged at ends shad: deep compartments. Frieze fitted with two drawers and one mock drawer on front and shallow drawer at left end. Supported on fluted pilasters and similar tapering castored legs. Finished panelled back. Height, 2854 inches; length, 26 inches; depth, 17 inches. 967—INLAID TULIPWooD TABLE. FRENCH oF THE Louris XVI Pertop. Oblong, with feathered and quartered top, banded with lines ; frieze fitted with end drawer; supported on Square tapering io Height, 2514 inches; width, 16 inches; depth, 111% inches. 968—SmMautut MAanocany TABLE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI Prrtop. Fitted with three molded drawers; supported on turned balusters with castored feet and shelf stretcher. Black and gray marble top. Height, 2 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 71% inches; depth, 1 foot 1 inch. 969—INLAIp TuLIrwoop TasLye. Frencu or tus Louis XVI PERIOD. Top with shaped front, enclosed on three sides with raised bead- ings, curiously fitted with one mock drawer and one drawer un- der on the front and upper drawer on right side. Supported on slightly cabrioled legs. Enriched with feathered tulipwood pan- els, lines and cross bandings. Drawers mounted with cuivre doré rosetted knobs. Height, 2744 inches; width, 171% inches; depth, 131% inches. 970—SMaALL MAnocany Tarie. Frencu or tue Louris XVI PERIOD. Composed of two brass molded drawers; baluster supports and Shelf stretcher. Half statuary marble top enriched with open brass gallery. Height, 2 feet 6% inches; width, 1 foot 5 inches; depth, 11% inches. 971—ManoGany Tasue. Frencu of tHE Louris XVI Prriop. Rectangular case, fitted with three drawers, panelled sides and back. Supported on turned baluster and castored legs sustaining shelf stretcher. Height, 2914 inches; width, 19 inches; depth, 13 inches. Fifth Afternoon 972--INLAID PBAR-TREE TABLE. *RENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Composed of three drawers with square pilasters and panelled ends; inlaid with black and pboxwood lines. Supported on balus- ter legs with tray shelf stretcher. Half-statuary marble top, en- closed on three sides with raised walnut beadings. Height, 2 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 6 inches; depth, 1144 inches. 973—CarRvED WALNUT COMBINATION Writing DESK AND SCREEN. Frencu or THE Lours XV Prion. Serpentine molded top and frieze, enriched with shell motive and molded extra deep drawer on end; cabriole legs with acanthus-leaf knees and goat’s feet; panelled shaped. back, hold- ing a sliding fire screen covered with contemporary floral crimson damask. Height, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches; depth, 1 foot 744 inches. 974—SmatL ManoGany Torver TABLE. Frencu or tHe Louris XVI PERIOD. High table, composed of two panelled drawers and two enclosing doors under; supported on tapering legs with stock toes; above, an adjustable swinging mirror supported on columns crowned with molded entablature. Height, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 7 inches; depth, 1 foot in inch. 975—INLAID IvVoRY AND Ezpony VITRINE. SPANISH OF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Rectangular; fitted with glazed panelled ends and enclosing door ; molded top, surmounted by a gilded balustered and pinnacled pediment; supported on gilded bronze claw and ball feet. Styles of door, ends and back inlaid with variously shaped panels of ivory lines, rosewood and ebony. Double locks with escutcheons 5 shaped strap hinges of gilded wrought iron. Two shelves and pottom covered with red floral damask, fringed. Height, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches; depth, 1 foot 5% wehes. 976—BravutiruL INLAID KiInGwoop ENCOIGNURE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Slightly serpentine front, fitted with two enclosing doors panelled with superbly matched wood and straight bandings. Supported on three bracketed stump feet. Mounted with cuivre doré scrolled shell escutcheons. Molded shaped Rouge Royal marble top. Height, 33 inches: width, °(. inches; depth, 18% inches. Fifth Afternoon 977—Carvep WALNUT ARMCHAIR. FRENCH OF THE REGENCE PERIOD. Scrolled, molded frame, enriched with shell motive crown and acanthus-leaf sprays on back, volute scroll arms, supports and front similarly enriched to back, cabriole legs with leaf feet. Back arm pads and seat upholstered in old red and cream floral scroll brocade. 978—Two Carvep BeecH CANNEE Sipb CuHarrs. FRENCH OF THE RE- GENCE PERIOD. | Lightly molded, shaped frames, enriched on the apron and upper back with scrolled leafage and shell motives. Supported on cabri- ole legs with leaf scrolls at knees and feet. Seat and back cannée. Fifth Afternoon 979—Carvep WALNUT CANNER Favurevin. Frenca or top Lovis XV PERIOD. Molded shaped and scrolled back and serpentine fronted seat, en- riched with bouquets of flowers and leafage; volute scrolled arms and supports. On cabriole legs similarly enriched. Seat and back cannée; arm pads and loose cushion seat upholstered in an- cient green and old ivory floral damask. 980—Ser or Turee Cream LAcoun FAureviis. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PerRiop. Square molded back frames with leaf terminals. Scrolled sup- ports and arms finished with volute scrolls; supported on taper- ing turned fluted legs, crowned with leaf pateras. Seats, backs, and arm pads upholstered in rare old rose jaspé velvet of the period. 981—Carvep Cream Lacqur Bercrers. FrReNcH oF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Shaped molded back frame with extra pediment molding and fluted incurved flankings; sides tapering to volute scrolled arms with curved reeded supports and front rail; fluted tapering turned legs crowned with square leaf patera. Back arms and arm pads upholstered in old floral crimson Utrecht velvet; loose seat cushion in similar cream and crimson stripe velvet. ?_Carvep LACQUE BrercEere. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Molded semi-oval back, sweep arms terminating in molded vol- utes, shaped supports and front rail. Supported on turned, fluted legs, under square floral pateras. Back, arms and loose cushion upholstered in yellow and blue striped brocade develop- ing a broad lattice ribbon enclosing baskets and bouquets of flowers. 9883—Carvep Oak Petit Point BANQUETTE. FRENCH OF THE REGENCE PERIOD. Oblong, supported on cabriole legs with stump feet and continu- ing valanced frieze; X-scrolled stretcher with center rosette. Up- holstered in petit point, displaying in brilliant colors two birds perched under a bouquet amid floral flanking motives; brown- black ground. Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches; width, 16 inches. Fifth Afternoon 984—-INLAID TULIP AND KINGwoop TABLE. FRENCH oF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Rectangular top with raised edge, feathered inside banding and inset dove marble top. Frieze fitted with two drawers enriched with feathered tulipwood panels, lines and kingwood banding, pilasters inlaid to simulating flutings; ends panelled as drawers. Supported on square tapering legs similarly inlaid to pilasters. Height, 2914 inches; width, 17 inches; depth, 14 inches. 985—INLAID TULIP AND SATINWoOOD T'ABLE. FRENCH OF THE LovUIsS XVI PERIOD. Three drawers and top simulate series of small cubes panelled with bandings in acajou and finished cuivre doré knobs. Sup- ported on tulipwood panelled, tapering legs. Height, 2 feet 5 inches; width, 1 foot 51% inches; depth, 1 foot 2 inches. 986—SMALL INLAID TuULIPWoop TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LouIs XVI PERIOD. Composed of three drawers, supported on tapering legs. Top drawers and panels enriched with feathered tulipwood and band- ing of black and white checks surrounded by acajou. Drawers trimmed with cuivre doré knobs. Height, 2 feet 4%, inches; width, 1 foot 2%, inches; depth, 1 foot 1% inches. 987—SmaLL OBLONG ManoGcaNny TABLE. FRENCH or THE Louis XVI - Pertiop. Panelled ends and front, fitted with two drawers and brass mold- ings. Supported on graceful turned legs with shelf stretcher. Black and gray marble top enclosed with beadings on three sides. Height, 30 inches; width, 16% inches; diameter, 13 inches. 988—MAHocANy Sipe TABLE. FRENCH oF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Brass molded panelled frieze with incurved ends, enriched with gilded bronze engine-turned panels, square drop handles and oval wreathed escutcheon. Supported on turned baluster legs with brass toes and shaped shelf stretcher. Molded light and dark gray marble top. Height, 2 feet 914 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches; depth, 1 foot 4% inches. Fifth Afternoon 989—UnusuaL MAHoGaANy COMBINATION WRITING TABLE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Rectangular; panelled frieze, fitted with drawer. Supported on tapering fluted legs. Mounted with cuivre doré oval wreath es- cutcheon and molded round toes. Inset half-statuary marble top. Has extra loose top lined with green cloth for writing. (Top cracked. ) Height, 28 inches; length, 28%, inches; depth, 17 inches. 990—OvaL Carvep WALNUT CENTER TABLE. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. | Molded top, fitted with small hanging drawer. Supported with lyre and scroll ends developing hounds’ heads at scrolls. On shaped feet and plain stretcher. (Needs restoration.) Height, 28 inches; width, 25 inches; depth, 18% inches. §91—CARVED AND GILDED COMBINATION BAROMETER AND THERMOMETER. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Banjo shape, enriched with outer moldings of leafage, scrolled feet, and bowknotted crown. Painted dials. (Needs repairs.) Height, 3 feet 3 inches. 992—_CARVED AND GILDED COMBINATION BAROMETER AND THERMOMETER, FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Banjo shape, enriched with bowknot and laurel husk drops at crown, the molded circular dial surrounded by rocaille; leaf scroll and ball foot. Painted dials. (Needs repairs.) Height, 3 feet 3 inches. YARVED AND GILDED BaAroMETER. FRENCH oF THE Louis XVI PRRIOD. 993 Circular molded glazed case with painted dial, surmounted by laurel wreath with drop husks, enclosing trophy of birds and musical instruments; finished at foot with laurel husk and rib- bon pendant. (Needs repairs.) Height, 1 foot 11 inches. 994—-CARVED AND GILDED Wai Crock. FRENCH OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD. Rectangular egg and dart molded case, enclosed with glazed door; hung from ring and bracket in the form of a hand; circular fluted dial support; double annular porcelain dials, the smaller one denoting the days of the month. Total height, 2 feet 4 inches; width, 1349 inches. Fifth Afternoon 995—MAaAHOoGANY Brackrr Clock. ENGLISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Arched door surmounted by a pagoda top with pierced cuivre doré imbricated panel and pineapple terminal; canted pilasters, enriched with gilded demi-females terminating in drops of flowers and above pineapple terminals; pierced gilded sunburst side panels and lifting handles. Supported on molded plinth and leaf scrolled feet. Painted dial, with separate hand for silent or strike. Eight-day movement; strikes hours and quarters. By Gammon, London. Height, 25 inches; width, 141% inches; depth, 9 inches. 996—SMALL MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Oblong, with panelled back and ends, fitted with three drawers ; supported on square tapering castored legs and shelf stretcher. Black Pompeian marble top, finished with an open baluster gal- lery of cuivre doré. Height, 31 inches; width, 171% inches; depth, 13 inches. G97—OBLONG MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LouIs XVI PERIOD. Deep, panelled frieze, fitted with sliding tambour front. Supported on turned baluster, castored legs and shelf stretcher. Top of white and gray marble, finished with an open gallery of cuivre doré. (Marble cracked.) Height, 31 inches; width, 19 inches; depth, 13 inches. 998—MAHOGANY THREE-TIERED CORNER CABINET. ENGLISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Narrow frieze, inlaid with black lines; scrolled bracketed back, sustaining small shelf. Mid tier fitted with central and mock flanking inlaid drawers; lower tier triangular in shape, with central turned molded rim for vessel. A washstand converted by the later addition of molded Alps green marble upper shelf and top. Height, 3 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet; depth, 1 foot 4 inches. 999—Smauu INLAID Beech Taste. FrReNcH or rHEe Louris XVI Periop. Rectangular top, inlaid with diamond motives enclosing bouquet of flowers. Fitted with three drawers, trimmed with wreathed oval escutcheons. Supported on tapering turned legs. Height, 27% inches; width, 16% inches; depth, 11 inches. Fifth Afternoon 1000—MouNnTED MAHOGANY Sipp TABLE. FRENCH or THE LouIs XVI PERIOD. Oblong; frieze panelled with brass moldings, fitted with long drawer. Supported on turned fluted legs and vaselike feet with shelf stretcher. Mounted in cuivre doré at gray marble top with open baluster gallery only on the two ends and small returns; square drop and rosetted handles; molded toes. Height, 331% inches; length, 31% inches; depth, 13 inches. 1001—MountTEp OBLoNG MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Panelled ends, back and front; fitted with three drawers having brass moldings and fluted pilasters. Supported on turned balus- ter legs with castored feet and shaped stretcher. Half-statuary marble top, finished with open diamond lattice gallery of cuivre doré. Height, 28% inches; width, 17% inches; depth, 11% inches. 1002—MountTep OBLONG MAHoGANY TABLE. FRENCH oF THE LOUIS XVI PrERIOD. Panelled back, ends and front; fitted with three drawers hav- ing brass moldings and escutcheon. Supported on baluster turned legs with castored feet and shelf stretcher. Half-statuary marble top, finished with open baluster gallery of cuivre doré. (Top repaired.) Height, 29% inches; width, 1914 inches; depth, 13 inches. 1003—Smatu INLAID PHAR-TREE TABLE. FRENCH oF THE LovuIs XVI PERIOD. Oblong top, with raised beaded rim inlaid with diamond motive and spray of flowers; fitted with three drawers. Supported on slender cabriole legs and shelf stretcher. Drawers enriched in cuivre doré with oval husk and ribbon escutcheon. Height, 26 inches; length, 161% inches; depth, 11 inches. Fifth Afternoon eee 1004—Unique Acasou AbDJUSTABLE WRITING AND DRAWING TABLE. FRENCH oF THE 18TH CENTURY. Molded oblong top, lined with green leather, double hinged with Sliding under part, adjustable to various angles with ratchet stretcher, as to height with ratcheted square front supports Sinking into legs. Molded panelled frieze, fitted with long drawer. Supported on square tapering legs. Height, 2 feet 53, inches; length, 2 feet 11 inches; depth, 1 foot 9% inches. 1005—CircuLar INLAID MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOp. Top with raised beaded rim; frieze fitted with four small draw- ers, curiously placed, alternately, at varying heights. Sup- ported on square tapering legs, inlaid above with diamond panel, under with boxwood lines and terminating in Square brass toes. Height, 29% inches; diameter, 22 inches. 1006—Smatt Rounp ManHoGany GuzERIDON. FRENCH oF THE 18TH CENTURY... Circular case, with enclosing door and three pilasters. Interior fitted with three small drawers. Supported on three cabriole legs. Very light-colored wood of hard grain. Inset Brocatelle marble top. Height, 29%, inches; diameter. 13% inches. 1007—IN.LaIp TuLipwoop Taste. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI Prriop. Composed of three narrow drawers, inlaid with feathered tulip- wood, lines and mahogany bandings; supported on slight ca- briole legs. Mounted with cuivre doré escutcheons and acan- thus-leaf toes. Gray and white molded marble top. Height, 2 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 5 inches; depth, 1 foot 3 inches. 1008—INLAIp TuLIPwoop TaBLE. Frencu or tHe Louis XVI Prrrop. Oblong, with tray rim enclosing light and dark eray marble top; frieze panelled with green bandings and fitted with one side drawer. Supported on tapering legs and shelf stretcher with incurved front. Height, 2 feet 8% inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches; depth, 1 foot 3 inches. Fifth Afternoon a Nee INLAID KinGwoop TAasue. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. 1009 Gallery top, inlaid with eight radiating panels of superbly matched kingwood; shaped and aproned frieze drawer with double sliding molded tambour enclosing doors under; sup- ported on cabriole legs; ends inlaid with kingwood and chevron bandings supplemented with tulipwood; cuivre doré knob and feet with medallion and scrolled leafage. Height, 2 fect 8 inches: width, 16% inches; depth, 16 inches. 1010—ComBiINATION ManocaNny ToiLer Stand. FReNcH oF THE 18TH CENTURY. Fitted at back with sliding pivoted square mirror concealed under the loose, molded sunken black and gray marble top; panelled frieze with one side drawer. Supported on front balus- ters and back pilasters over a marble topped and panelled closet with a brass molded drawer and an enclosing door under. On turned brass-trimmed legs. Height, with mirror open, 4 feet 9 inches; width, 1 foot 6 inches; depth, 1 foot 3 inches. 1011—HexaGonaL INLAID TABLE A Ouvrace. FRENCH or THE 18TH CENTURY. Revolving pear-tree top, inlaid with large kingwood and holly six-pointed star; molded with raised rim in black; frieze fitted with two compartmented drawers. Supported on hexagonal shaft and scrolled tripod legs. | Height, 27 inches; diameter, 22 inches. 1012—SemicircuLtarR MAHOGANY CABINET. FRENCH oF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Fitted with two molded sliding tambour doors and three pilas- ters, inlaid with lines and kingwood simulating three flutes. Supported on three square tapering legs, each inlaid with a large fluting. Molded half-statuary marble top broken over the pilasters. oe: Height, 35 inches; width, 213%, inches; depth, 13% inches. 1013—Quvainr Watner SHAvING STAND. FRENCH oF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Rectangular top; fitted with drawer and inset half-statuary marble top. Supported on molded hexagonal shaft with cireu- lar base and screlled feet. Height. 32 inches; top, 8 inches wide, 11 inches deep. Fifth Afternoon 1014—Manocgany GENTLEMAN’S POUDREUX AND WRITING TABLE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI Perriop. Oblong molded hinged top, covered with old green leather and enriched with band of gilded scroll tooling, supported by a light wrought steel triple-hinged arm; inside of top fitted for, but no mirror exists; interior with two deep side pockets; frieze fitted with deep center drawer and two brass escutcheons. Sup- ported on turned tapering legs terminating in brass toes. Height, 281% inches; length, 3214 inches; depth, 20% inches. 1015—ComBINATION INLAID MAHOGANY WritING DESK AND SCREEN. FRENCH oF THR 18TH CENTURY. Rectangular case, fitted with two deep and one shallow drawer, inlaid with black lines and top writing slide lined with old green cloth. Supported on turned tapering legs with shelf stretcher. Gray-veined marble top, enclosed on three sides with raised beadings. Adjustable raising panelled back screen, cov- ered with lavender check silk. Height, 28% inches; width, 1914 inches; depth, 1314 inches. 1016—OvaL Manocany Tape. FRENCH OF THE Louris XVI Prriop. Case fitted with sliding tambour front with knob; fluted pilas- ters; straight molded supports with kidney-shaped stretcher ; on short turned tapering legs mounted with cuivre doré rings and toes. Dove-gray and white-veined marble top, enriched with a balustered gallery. Height, 29% inches; width, 18 inches; depth, 1314 inches. 1017—Unvusvuat Large OvaAL Manocany Tinrinc-rop TABLE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI Perron. Top sustained on square end supports, with bracketed cross feet and center stretcher holding an open pivoted swinging heart-shaped bracket which supports the top when open. (One foot bracket imperfect.) Height, 2 feet 4%4 inches; length, 4 feet 5% inches; depth, 3 feet 10 inches. Fifth Afternoon 1018—SmaLL Ova ManocaNny TasLe. FrencH or tHe Louis XVI PERIOD. Panelled ends, back and hinged door simulating three drawers. Supported on pilaster-like legs terminating in tapering turned feet and kidney-shaped shelf stretcher. Top fitted with half- statuary marble and open balustered gallery of cuivre doré. Height, 29 inches; width, 19 inches; depth, 14 inches. 1019—OvaL MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Back, ends and hinged door panelled with brass moldings; simi- Jar finted pilasters. Supported on flat pilaster-like legs ter- minating in turned feet. Gray and white marble top, finished with open baluster gallery of cuivre doré. Height, 2914 inches; width, 19 inches; length, 14 inches. 1020—-OsLonG MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH oF THE LovIs XVI PERIOD. Panelled ends and front fitted with sliding tambour door. Sup- ported on round fluted outset pilasters continuing into turned baluster legs with shelf stretcher. Shaped gray and white marble top, finished with an open baluster gallery of cuivre doré. Height, 28 inches; width, 18% inches; depth, 121% inches. 1021—Ostonc INLAID TULIPWoop TABLE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Frieze, stretcher and tapering square legs panelled with lines and kingwood bandings. Fitted with drawer. Mounted in cuivre doré with wreathed triglyphs at pilaster blocks; square toes. Molded half-statuary marble top. Height, 32 inches; width, 19 inches; depth, 11% inches. 1022—UnusuaL INLAID KINGWwoop KIDNEY-SHAPED WRITING TABLE. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Top inlaid with cross banding and lines with center covered in green leather. Deep scrolled frontal apron, fitted with com- partment drawer. Turned boxwood swinging arm under left side of top to support lamp. Open inverted lyre end supports on shaped feet with connecting stretcher. Height, 2 feet 5% inches; length, 3 feet; depth, 1 foot 6 inches. Fifth Afternoon 1023—Mountep AcAasyou Tavue. FRENCH OF THE LouIs NVI PERIOD. Rectangular; molded panelled frieze, fitted with three drawers. Supported on outset round and fiuted pilasters, castored legs and shelf stretcher. Mounted with cuivre doré, with open dia- mond lattice gallery and molded round feet. Half-statuary marble top and stretcher. Height, 34% inches; width, 21 inches; depth, 14 inches. 1024—OvaL MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH oF THE LoviIs XVI PERIOD. Fitted with three drawers, the top with writing slide and com- partments; supported on turned tapering castored legs and kid- ney-Shaped shelf stretcher. Half-statuary marble top, mounted with open cuivre doré gallery. (Imperfect.) Height, 29% inches; length, 1914 inches; depth, 14% inches. Fifth Afternoon 1025—ManHoGany ENcoIGNURE. FRENCH oF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Quarter-round case, fitted with two molded panels and two en- closing doors hinged from fluted side pilasters. Supported on molded square feet with intervening shaped bracketed apron. Cuivre doré mountings, the pilasters crowned with appliqués of scrolled leaves festooned with husks; doors trimmed with fes- tooned oval escutcheons. Molded half-statuary marble top with broken corners. Height, 2 feet 10% inches; width, 2 feet 44%4 inches; depth, 1 foot 8% inches. 1026—INLAID PEARTREE ENCOIGNURE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Quarter-round molded top and two enclosing doors hinged to outside pilasters. Supported on bracketed molded base. Doors inlaid in purple wood with Maltese cross within diamond and oblong panelled bandings; pilasters with double panels and dia- mond centers in a similar manner. Fitted with two shelves. Height, 2 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet; depth, 1 foot 71% inches. 1027—Uniqun MaAnocany Poupreusr. FRENCH oF THE Louris XVI PERIOD. Rectangular sliding top, disclosing a compartmented interior and at the back a disappearing mirror, raised with counter bal- ances. Frieze fitted with mock drawer trimmed with rosetted cuivre doré square drop handles; two raising bracketed end panels form side shelves. Front supported on two outcurving tapering legs terminating in bronze balls; back with shallow paneled case and arched brackets at foot; fitted with three long drawers at right end, trimmed with cuivre doré handle and two knobs. Top compartment and drawers lined with peacock-green silk. Height, 31 inches; width, 221%, inches; depth, 14% inches. 1028—Carvep WALNUT FAUTEUIL. Frencu or tue Louis XVI Pxrriop. Arched molded back, enriched at sides with leaf terminals, in- sloping side rails, shaped fluted volute scrolled arms with half- reeded, fluted shaped supports. Sustained on half-reeded turned legs. Seat, back and arms upholstered in eighteenth century tan brocade woven with sprays of flowers held by sinuous imbricated ribbons. Fifth Afternoon 1029—Gray Lacgusr Bercere. FRENCH oF THE LouIs XVI Prroiop. Molded, scrolled horseshoe frame, with arms terminating in volute scrolls; half-reeded fluted shaped supports and similar turned legs crowned with oblong leaf pateras. Loose seat and back, upholstered in eighteenth century chintz developing sprays of lilac and other flowers in blue on white ground. 1030—Carvep WatNnut Perir Bercere. FrReNcu or tHE Louis XVI PERIOD. Molded horseshoe back, terminating with leaf scroll and volutes at fluted arm supports. Bow front seat, with fluted leg. Loose Seat, back and arm pads upholstered in cream floral brocade of the period. 1031—Two Carvep Mawocany Favurruits. FreNcH oF THE EMPIRE PERIOD. Sweep roll-over back; inverted scrolled cornucopia arms, with Straight supports continuing into outcurving legs. Seat and back upholstered with original printed rose crimson velours ; the back displaying a vase of flowers in old ivory, within a laurel wreath; seat, similarly executed with a triple floral medallion. Both finished with laurel and patera borders. 1032—Carvep WaAutNuT Perit Point Fautevit. FReNcH oF THE LOUIS XV PERIOD. Scrolled molded shaped frames, enriched with bouquets of flowers at crown, seat frame and knees. Seat, back and arm pads upholstered in petit point of quaint conventionalized floral scrolls in brilliant colors on sapphire-blue ground. 10338—Two Gray Lacqur Perir Poinr FautTevits. FRENCH OF THE Louis XV PeEriop. Molded, scrolled frames enriched at crowns, seat rails and knees with flowers and leafage; supported on cabriole legs, terminat- ing in volute scrolls. Seats, backs and arm pads upholstered in needlework, exhibiting detached floral sprays in delicate colors on a cream ground interrupted with yellow stripes. Fifth Afternoon 1034—LaAc@urE THRONE CHAIR. PERSIAN OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Finely turned back supports, with panel and spindles, turned legs and stretchers. Profusely enriched with a multitude of minute flowers in brilliant colors on varying dark green and golden grounds. Seat upholstered in embroidered diagonally placed floral stripes. 1035—CarRVED WALNUT Petit Point FAuTEvIL. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XV PERIOD. Scroll molded, shaped frame enriched with floral bouquets at top, knees and center of seat rail. Seat, back and arm pads up- holstered in petit point, displaying recurring stripes of hex- agonal lozenges in light and dark blue with tiny red berries at intersections, on ivory ground. Fifth Afternoon 1036—Two Carvep Watnur Faurevits. Frencn or tur Louris XV PHRIOD. Shaped molded back, terminated in bouquet of flowers. Volute scrolled arms and supports; molded serpentine shaped Seat; on cabriole legs with leaf knees. Seat, back and arm pads uphol- stered in old bleu de ciel floral silk. 1037—OvaL ManoGany TILTING-rop Tasie. ENGLISH or THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Molded top, supported on heavy turned baluster and four square tapering scrolled, brass-capped and castored feet. Fitted with duplex loop handled brass spring catch for securing top. Height, 2 feet 4% inches; top, 3 feet 6 inches by 2 feet 51% inches. 1088—Iniaip Manocany Drop-Lear Taste. ENGuisn or tHe 18rH CEN- TURY. Oblong top, with two-rule joints; round-cornered drop leaves, cross-banded with kingwood, lined with boxwood. Frieze fitted with two drawers on one side and mock drawers on other, trimmed with brass knobs. Straight end support, with close-up top stretcher and outcurving line inlaid legs; brass capped and castored. Height, 2 feet 4 inches; length, 2 feet 11 inches; depth, 24 inches; top open, 4 feet 11 inches. 1039—INLaw TuLirpwoop ComMopE. FRENCH oF THE Loutrs XV Prriop. Serpentine ends and front with scrolled apron, fitted with two drawers. Supported on slightly cabrioled legs. Drawers with Shaped and ends with square panels of feathered tulipwood lines and kingwood bandings. Cuivre doré mountings, scrolled acanthus-leaf toes and scrolled rocaille shield-shaped escutch- eons. Shaped molded Rouge Royal marble top. Height, 311% inches; width, 251% inches; depth, 1414 inches. Fifth Afternoon 1040—MAHOGANY TEA STAND. ENGLISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Sarcophagus top, covered with figured crimson brocatelle curi- ously enriched with embroidered medallion and floral scrolls in pale colors, mounted with brass bandings and lion-head and ring handles; lifting hinged top discloses two oblong tea boxes and central wicker covered porcelain sugar bowl. Supported on baluster shaft and reeded tripod brass-castored feet. Height, 34 inches; width, 16% inches, depth, 12 inches. 1041—Inuaip TuLire AND KINGwoop CoMMmopr. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XV PrRIOD. Serpentine ends and front with three drawers, shaped apron; supported on spreading scrolled feet. Richly inlaid with feath- ered tulipwood panels, boxwood line and inset quarter-round corners, surrounded by kingwood bandings. Mounted in cuivre doré with scrolled leaf oval medallion and drop knees, leaf-scroll handles, escutcheons and toes. Molded Rouge Royal marble top. Height, 2 feet 9%, inchcs; length, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 8 inches. Fifth Afternoon 1042—Rare MaAnocany PortTarteE Desk AND SCREEN. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PErRIop. Portable panelled slant-front desk, enriched with cuivre doré pierced gallery, hinged fall lined with green leather, interior fitted with two drawers; supported on a table with baluster legs and shelf stretcher enriched with inset marble top. Extra bal- usters at back, with molded pediment enclosing a sliding fire screen of pleated green silk. Hein, 3 ject, width, (46 mches; depth, 1-foot 11 «ches. 1043—MAHOGANY Sipe TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Frieze fitted with long straight drawer trimmed with brass moldings and square drop handles; pilasters with brass dia- monds; outcurving ends. Supported on slender turned legs mounted with brass toes; shaped shelf stretcher. Top of gray and white marble finished with a balustered brass gallery. (One brass molding missing. ) Height, 2 feet 9 inches; length, 3 feet 3 wnches; depth, 1 foot 5% inches. Fifth A fternoon seperti ste" << SeEGSGRE NESE OSS UEL ESET eCETT? jem ————— aes 1051—OBLOoNG MAHOGANY TABLE. FRENCH oF THE LouIs XVI PERIOD. Panelled back, ends and front fitted with three drawers; ends and drawers brass molded and trimmed with cuivre doré square drop handles. Supported on turned legs with castored feet and shelf stretcher. Gray and white marble top, finished with open _baluster gallery in cuivre doré. Height, 2834 inches; width, 1914 inches; depth, 12% inches. 1052—OvaL MAnoGany TABLE. Frencu or tHE Louris XVI PERtop. Ends, back and falling hinged door, simulating three drawers panelled with brass moldings; similar fluted pilasters. Sup- ported on flat pilaster-like legs terminating in castored vase- shaped feet. Kidney-shaped stretcher and oval half-statuary marble top, finished with open balustered galleries of cuivre doré. Height, 30% inches; width, 19 inches; depth, 14 inches. Fifth Afternoon 1053—HALrF-rouND MAHOGANY CONSOLE TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Panelled frieze, fitted with cuivre doré ribboned oval es- cutcheon on mock drawer. Supported on finely turned legs with incurved shelf stretcher. Molded top of black and gray marble. Height, 32 inches; width, 24 inches; depth, 13° inches. 1054—Mountep CircuLtar Acagou CENTER TABLE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIop. Panelled frieze, fitted with two small drawers and intermediate candle slides at opposite sides. Supported on fluted pilasters and similar tapering turned legs. Mounted with cuivre doré open baluster gallery to half-statuary marble top, and molded round toes. Height, 28%, inches; diameter, 25% inches. 1055—Rounp MAHoGANy TABLE. FRENCH orf THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Panelled frieze, fitted with drawer trimmed with brass mold- ings. Supported on flat pilaster-like legs terminating in turned castored feet and shelf stretcher. Dove-gray marble top, finished with open baluster gallery of cuivre doré. Height, 2834, inches; diameter, 19 inches. 1056—Carvep WALNUT GRANDE BANQUETTE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Oblong with molded panelled frame, enriched with husk and patera motives; low square open outcurving ends, with central leaf-husk and laurel sprays. Supported on six fluted tapering legs. Seat cannée. Height, 1 foot 934 inches; length, 6 feet; width, 1 foot 11 inches. 1057—Two Carven WALNuT Faurevits. FrencH or THE Louis XV PERIOD. Molded scrolled, shaped frames with outcurving arms and ¢a- briole legs with scrolled feet; enriched at crown of back, front rail and knees with bouquets of flowers. Seats, backs and arm pads upholstered in ancient blew-de-ceil silk woven with sinuous scrolls enclosing sprays of daisies. a Fifth Afternoon 1058—Six BeautiruL CarvEp WALNUT FaAuTEevILs. FRENCH OF THE Louis XV Perriop. Deeply molded shaped, scrolled frames enriched at crown, front of seat rails and knees with flowers and leafage. Sup- ported on cabriole legs terminating in leaf-scroll feet. Seats, backs and arm pads upholstered in crimson brocatelle, display- ing large floral motive scrolled with infloretted acanthus leaves in ivory and green. This silk was recently removed from the walls of an apartment in the Palace of Fontainebleau. 1059—Cream Lacqurk SaLon Suite. Frencu or tHe Louis XVI PERIOD. Consisting of two fauteuils and four side chairs. Square molded backs, the fauteuils with volute scroll and fluted arms, shaped supports with reeded flutes. Supported on tapering half-reeded fluted legs crowned with square leaf pateras. Seats, backs and arm pads upholstered with contemporary tan silk and _ hair- cloth of interesting pattern, a square lattice enclosing floral motives. 1060—TEN CARVED MAHOGANY CHIPPENDALE CHAIRS. JINGLISH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Finely scrolled open interlacing vase-shaped slat backs, with double S-scroll top rails enriched with rocaille and leafage; tapering outcurving back legs, terminating in short sheep feet; molded seat rails, enriched with cartouche; cabriole legs, adorned with medallioned rococo scrolled cartouche at knees and terminating in a leaf scroll and claw foot. Loose seat. Four upholstered in floral crimson and six in floral green damask. Portions of carving apparently of a later date. 1061—Carvep Watnut Foupine Prie-DigEU AND CHAIR. FRENCH OF THE Louris XIV PrrIop. Scrolled X-end supports, enriched with pateras at front knuckle of leaf-enriched arms, which with the low back are there hinged with wooden flanges and raise, forming a prayer and arm rest. Seat, arm pads and double-faced back upholstered in crimson floral damask of the period. Height open, 3 feet 4 inches. Fifth Afternoon 1062—INTERESTING CArveD PAintrep Day-BeD. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIop. Head and foot board alike on both sides; panelled and deco- rated with incurved brown diamond on a grained cream ground. Triangular panelled pediment, enriched with circular central floral medallion; supported on open fiuted balusters with cas- tored feet; balusters surmounted by pateras and leaf-enriched terminals. Hetgnt, 3: feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches; length, 5 feet 10 inches. 1063 CARVED LACQUE CHAISE-LONGUE. FRENCH oF THE LouIs XVI PERIOD. Composed of two unequal, deep seated bergéres; leaf-enriched round-molded backs, terminating in volute scroll arms; shaped fluted supports with round fluted legs. Loose seats, backs, arm pads and outside backs upholstered in dainty pale lavender, pink and cream floral striped brocade of the period. Height, 3 feet 1 inch; length, 6 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 314 inches. 1064—In LaAIp TuLir AND KiINGwoop UPRIGHT SECRETAIRE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI Pertop. Rectangular, with canted pilasters continuing into stump feet, fitted with four long and three similar mock drawers forming a writing fall; lined with purple cloth and supported on brass quadrants. Drawers, pilasters and ends inlaid with tulipwood panels finished with lines and kingwood banding, the drawers with small central and flanking panels, each simulating two drawers. Mounted with cuivre doré, patera and ring handles, oval husk and ribbon escutcheons. Interior fitted with four drawers and large compartment. Rouge Royal molded marble top with canted corners. Jicigni, = feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch; depth,.1 foot 3 inches. Fifth Afternoon 1065—MaAnHoGany Sipe TABLE. FRENCH oF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. - Rectangular; brass molded, panelled frieze, fitted with long drawer. Supported on fluted expanding round legs with vase- like feet and mounted with brass caps, bases, collars and toes; finely panelled shelf stretcher. Top of boldly veined red jasper, finished with a brass raised beaded rim. Height, 34 inches; width, 311% inches; depth, 15 inches. 1066—Two Carvep AND GILDED Scones. ITALIAN or THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Molded oblong mirror frame, enriched with open leaf scrolls and rocaille at crown, sides and foot, supporting three acan- thus scrolled arms for lights. Height, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet. Fifth Afternson 1067—Two EasoratTELy CARVED AND GILDED Brackers. ITALIAN oF THE 18ra CENTURY. Scrolled and festooned vaselike support, terminating in three deeply undercut scrolled acanthus leaves and pendant berried husk of the same and water leaves; crowned with a dentilled and leaf molded broken top, crested with a grape and vine leaf scrolled ram’s head supporting a shaped pearl and leaf molded smaller supplementary top. (One drop of back festoon miss- ing.) Height, 221% inches; width, 11% inches; projection, 8% inches. 1068—Two Carvep AND GILpED Torcumres. [ITALIAN oF THE 187TH CrEN- TURY. Bacchic figures, Faun and Satyr, support on their arms and falling over their loins goat-skins, wreaths of leaves and drapery; on their heads are clusters of fruit, with round sur- mounting basket-like tops; molded panelled tripod bases, en- riched with husks, acanthus-leaf and claw feet. Height, 5 feet 2 inches. 1069—Two CarvEp AND GILDED ToRCHERES. ITALIAN OF THE 18TH CEN- TURY. Baluster support, enriched with double heart-shaped scrolled motives, gadroons, water leaves, entwining ribbon and pateras on the various members; tripod medallion base with claw feet. Height, 4 feet 9 inches. 1070—FourFoLp DRaAp D’ARGENT BROCADE AND VELVET SCREEN. FRENCH OF THE LouIs XIV PERIOD. Serpentine arched crowns; panels of brocade, displaying recur- ring reversed detached trailing stems of large pink flowers and smaller ivory flowers, forming irregular medallions; the stems and leafage mostly in silver threads, the flowers in velvet weave, on grounds of peacock green. Bordered with contemporary crimson velvet, finished with brass nails. Each fold: Height, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 2 feet 3% inches. 1071—CarvEpD AND GILDED CONSOLE Mirror. ITALIAN OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Shaped scrolled open frame, enriched in part with mirror panels (some missing), rocaille and leafage; crowned with a large pierced shell and leaf motive; supported on scrolled leaf feet; fitted with ancient mirror. Height, 3 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. Fifth Afternoon 1072—Beattirut INLAID KING@woop SECRETAIRE. FRENCH OF THE RE- GENCE PERIOD. Shaped, hinged slant writing fall, supported by interior brass side slides, lined with old green leather; interior with six stepped drawers and compartments; shaped front, fitted with two short and two long drawers, canted pilasters and shaped apron. Supported on stump feet. Front and top panelled with cross bandings enclosing diamond parquetry of exquisitely grained kingwood. End panels quartered and superbly matched. Enriched with cuivre doré mountings, scrolled rocaille es- cutcheons, massive fluted drop handles with leaf rosettes, open scrolled leaf toes and interesting open scrolled apron appliqué. Height, 3 feet % inch; length, 3 feet 1 inch; depth, 1 foot 7 inches. 1073—CarvED AND GILDED ConsoLE Mirror. FRENCH or THE Louris XV Perron. Oblong, with gilded crowning molding. Shaped mirror frame and upper panel enriched with scrolled acanthus leaves; occupied, by subject in colors, “Cupids Sporting and Riding a Dolphin,” painted in oils. The background of frame dull blue lacqué. Height, 5 feet 10% inches; width, 3 feet. 1074—Carvep WALNuT Bap. FRENCH orf THE DIRECTOTRE PERIOD. Panelled head and foot board, enriched with open reeded balus- ter, supports with fluted square rail stumps enhanced with pateras; elaborate scrolled head, panelled with molded diamond motives variously enclosing pateras and shell motives. Height, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches; length, 6 feet 2 inches. 1075 Larce AcAaJou Foutping EXTENSION DINING TABLE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PerEriop. Composed of three sections; center rectangular, supported on four turned legs and two extending legs for flaps; two semi- circular ends, with two folding legs and sliding bese under braces to connect with centers. Height, 2 feet 4% inches; length, open, 11 feet 3 inches; width, 7 feet 2 inches. ; SIXTH AND LAST AFTERNOON’S SALE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1919 AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES BEGINNING AT 2:30 O’CLOCK CATALOGUE NOS. 1076 TO 1229 1076—SaTINWoop PANELLED MAHOGANY CoNSOLE TABLE. FRENCH OF THE Louis X VI PERIop. Frieze fitted with long straight molded drawer, panelled with satinwood and trimmed with bronze pearl ring handles. Ser- pentine ends, with swinging hinged receptacles. Round fluted pilasters supported on similar turned legs, with shaped shelf stretcher. Half-statuary molded shaped marble top, with broken semicircular corners. Height, 3 feet; length, 4 feet; depth, 1 foot 101% inches. 1077—Manocany Bonueur pu Jour. FRENCH oF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Rectangular upper case fitted with two glazed, molded hinged doors, one shelf and long under drawer; statuary marble top enriched with medallion pierced cuivre doré gallery. Under portion fitted with cylindrical raising fall front trimmed with leaf fitting handle; extending green leather-lined writing slide, interior with drawers and compartments; two molded drawers below. Supported on turned tapering half-reeded fluted legs. Height, 4 feet 1014 inches; width, 2 feet 9 inches; depth, 1 foot 6 inches. Sixth Afternoon 1078—Carvep Oak TABLE WiTH BooKSHELYES. FRENCH OF THE ReE- GENCE PERIOD. Shaped molded top and frieze, supported on cabriole legs en- riched with fan and pendant husk knees and scrolled rocaille feet. Deeply shaped upper shelf, supported on shaped sides and back, each pierced with large hand-holes. The entire frieze, back and sides of shelf enriched in low relief with incavo carv- ing, displaying delicate arabesque scrolls of leafage, husks and shell motives. Height, 2 feet 914 inches; width, 1 foot 5% inches; depth, 11% inches. 1079—Rare MAHOGANY WINE TABLE. FRENCH OF THE 18TH CENTURY. Circular top, mounted with molded brass rim, has one half hinged to give access to wine cooler. Panelled kettledrum- shaped body, fitted with one small drawer and supported on tripod scrolled legs. Height, 2 feet 554 inches; diameter, 2 feet 51% inches. Note: This ingenious type of wine table is extremely rare and seldom to be found in France. Sixth Afternoon 1081—Square Fotpine Mawocany Carp-TABLE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIop. Upper top of four triangular, strongly hinged sections, falling over on the frame and forming with the pivoted under-top a large playing table, lined with green cloth. Both tops mounted on all sides with brass sunk reinforcing straps. Frieze fitted with drawer. Supported on tapering legs with brass toes. Height, 301%, inches; top open, 2 feet 10 inches square; closed, 2 feet. 1082—Smatu OvaL MaHocaNny TasLe. FRENCH oF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Ends, back and falling hinged door simulating three drawers, panelled with brass moldings; pilasters panelled with ebony lines. Supported on turned legs with vaselike feet and kidney- shaped shelf stretcher. Half-statuary marble top, finished with open balustered gallery of cuivre doré. Height, 28 inches; width, 19 inches; depth, 13% inches. 10883—Two Carvep Watnur Perir Pornr Sipp CuHarirs. FRENCH OF THE LouIs XV PErRIop. Shaped molded frames, enriched with leaf scrolls. Cabriole legs with leaf knees and feet; shaped molded stretchers. Seats and backs upholstered in needlework. Slight variations in frames. (A) Back, “Venus and Psyche” under a tree and near a vase of flowers in a landscape; rich coloring, the feature in minute stitches “Point St. Cyr.” Seat, two eagles amid flowers and scrolls. (B) Back, “Winter,” classic figure in ample robes warming her- self at a brazier, enclosed in a medallion with scrolled corners. Seat, four-Jobed medallion with scrolls on black ground, en- closing two birds-of-Paradise in landscape. Sixth Afternoon 1084—Carvep WALNUT Perit Pornt Firp Screen. FRENCH OF THE Louis XV PERIop. Shaped molded frame, supported on four volute scrolled side feet. Raising panel of needlework, displaying pastoral subject, “Garnering the Wheat.” In the foreground of a well-watered and lightly wooded landscape, three peasants are busily engaged with the wheat sheaves; enclosed in a broad scrolled strap and leaf cartouche. Executed in dainty yellows, greens, blues and tans, finely relieved with crimson, on an old ivory ground; the features of figures in minute stitches of “Point St. Cyr.” Height. 3 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 1% inches. Sixth Afternoon 1085—Two Carvep WALNur Petit Point Sipe CHarrs. FRENCH OF THE Louis XV PERIop. Shaped molded frames, enriched with leaf scrolls; cabriole legs, with leaf knees and feet. Backs and seats upholstered in needlework. (A) Back with standing figure, “Lady of the Court,” in rich embroidered medieval robes, on a somewhat triangular cream ground within scrollings of flowers and on an outer crimson ground. Seat, a flying bird on irregular cream ground, with floral scroll surround. (B) Back, allegorical seated figures in landscape, “Juno with Peacock” at right, “Winter” at left, with flaming brazier; on black ground. Seat, triangular scrolled arch, enclosing flower- ing tree and birds on cream ground; double leaf and scroll bor- der on a black outer ground. Features of figures executed in minute rare stitches of “Point Bt..Cyr.” 1086—Two Carvep WALNUuT Petir Point Sipr CHairs. FRENCH OF THE Lou1is XV PERIop. Shaped molded frames, enriched with leaf scrolls; cabriole legs with leaf knees and feet. Backs and seats upholstered in needle- work. (A) Back with subject in landscape, “A Gallant making a Pro- posal to a Lady,” within floral scroll medallion on black ground ; seat, two birds-of-Paradise in landscape, canopied by flowers and fruit. (B) Back and seat, chimeric animals and birds amid trailing flowers on brown-black ground. Features of figures in minute stitches of “Point St. Cyr.” Sixth Afternoon 1087—Two Carvep WALNUT Petit Point SIDE CHARS. FRENCH OF THE Louis XV PERIOD. Shaped molded frames, supported on cabriole legs, enriched with leaf knees and scroll feet. Backs and seats upholstered in needle- work. | (A) Back with subject, “The Return of the Prodigal Son.” He meets his father in a quaint landscape; brown background. Seat, rabbit and peacocks amid flowers on brown ground. (B) Back, “Prodigal Son” seen seated under a tree in his dis- tress. Seat, his father strolling near his palace in plenty. Features of figures executed in fine minute stitches of “Point St. Cyr.” Sixth Afternoon 1088—Two Carvep WALNuT Petir Point Sipp CHArrS. FRENCH oF THE Louis XV PERIOD. Shaped molded frames, enriched with leaf scrolls; cabriole legs with leaf knees and feet. Backs and seats upholstered in needle- work. Slight variance in frames. (aA) Back. Figure of young woman in rich medieval robes, picking pears, within scrolls; on black ground. Seat, two birds- of-Paradise amid flowers and scrolls. Features of figures executed in minute stitches of “Point St. Cyr.” (sp) Back, with subject in landscape: Lady in ample robes seated at an ornate table, under a flowering tree, a youthful Gallant paying his homage. Seat, subject from “La Fontaine’s Fables,” “Crane, Fox and Butterfly,” within scrolled cartouche. Executed with light blue the predominating color. Sixth Afternoon 1089—Two CarvED WALNuT Petit Point Sipge CHAIRS. FRENCH OF THE Louis XV PERIOD. . Shaped molded frames, enriched with leaf scrolls; cabriole legs with leaf knees and feet. Backs and seats upholstered in needle- work. (a) Back, “La Promenade.” Lady of Court on black ground within leaf scrolls. Seat, two facing birds amid highly conven- tionalized flowers and foliage. (Bp) Back, “Abundance.” Seated figure of Court lady in ample robes and high head-dress, holding cornucopia of flowers, within an arched floral arbor and scrolling; on black ground. Seat, two birds perched on a fruit tree growing from a jardiniére, within scrolling of a typical Louis XIV character. Features of figures executed in minute stitches of “Point St. Cyr? 1090—T wo Carvep WALNUT Perit Point SipE CHAirs. FRENCH OF THE Louis XV PERIOD. Shaped molded frames, enriched with leaf scrolls; cabriole legs with leaf knees and feet; shaped molded stretchers. Backs and seats upholstered in needlework. (A) Back with scrolled border on brown ground and floral wreath, enclosing subject, “La Jardiniére.” Seat, scrolled oval medallion and similar ground, enclosing subject, a pseudo-classic figure, “Hercules and Lion,” in landscape. (B) Back similar, with subject a classic figure of “Victory” seated, holding shield and spear, with draped flags on either side. Seat, a vase of flowers within serrated medallion and scrolls on brown ground. Features of figures executed in rare “Point St. Cyr.” Sixth Afternoon 1091—Turep Carvep WaLNut Perit Point Sipe Cuarirs. FRENCH oF THE Louis XV Prriop. Shaped molded frames, enriched with leaf scrolls; cabriole legs with leaf knees and feet, one with molded stretcher. Backs and Seats upholstered in needlework. (A) Back, pseudo-Chinese seated figure of young woman play- ing a strange harp, a bird overhead, two attendants, one with fan, the other bringing fruit; on brown ground. Seat, birds amid a great variety of flowers. (B) Back, pseudo-Chinese figures; at right, a lady with a fan, opposite a kneeling attendant; on brown black ground. Seat, subject from “La Fontaine’s Fables,” “Fox, Crane and Stag,” amid flowering trees. | Features of figures executed in minute stitches of “Point St. Cyr.” (c) Back, Flora seated amid floral scrolls in colors on a tawny brown ground. Seat, fox and parrot, illustrating one of La Fontaine’s Fables, amid similar scrolls and ground to back. 1092—Srr or TuHree Carvep WALNuT FAvuTEUILS. FRENCH OF THE Louis XV PERIOD. Shaped molded and scrolled frames, enriched with floral bou- quets and leafage at crown and front of seat; cabriole legs, with husk drop knees and scroll leaf feet. Seats, backs and arm pads upholstered in ancient blue silk woven with sprays of daisies amid sinuous scrollings. From the Collection Pecquinot, Paris. 1093—Carviep WALNUT SALON SuITE. FrReNcH or tHE Louis XV Prriop. Consisting of canapé and four fauteuils. Molded scrolled frames, enriched witht floral bouquets and leafage; supported on cabri- ole legs similarly enriched. Seat, backs and arms upholstered in ancient bleu-de-ciel brocade woven with sprays of daisies amid Sinuous scrollings. Canapé: Height, 3 feet 3 inches; length, 5 feet. From the Collection Pecquinot, Paris. Sixth Afternoon 1094—Carvep WALNUT GRANDE Bercere. FRENCH or THE Louis XVI PERIOD. High horseshoe, molded back, enriched with bouquet of flowers and terminating in volute scrolled arms, half-reeded fluted sup- ports, shaped seat, on fluted turned legs. Back, arm pads, arms and loose seat upholstered in charming rose-du-Barry damask, patterned in cream with trailing medallion of festooned leafage and scrolls enclosing birds, flowers, cupids, satyrs, trellised arbors and Cupid at the Altar of Love. 1095—Carvep WALNutT Prrire Bercerr. FRrReNcH or THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Similar to the preceding. Sixth Afternoon 1096—Rare Carvep MAnocany Perir Poinr Fautreviu. FRENCH OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD. Molded sweep back, leaf-scrolled straight arms; supported on scrolled legs with sphinx-head terminals and claw feet. Seat and back upholstered in contemporary petit point, displaying within rectangular medallions, enriched with husks and leaf festoons, classic subjects; back, “Diana at the Chase’; Seat, “Cupid driving Chariot drawn by Lion and Lioness,” the trans- formed Hippomenes and Atalanta. Sixth Afternoon 1097—Inuaip TuLIpwoop PoupREUSE. FRENCH OF THE LouIs XVI PpRIOD. Shaped top in three sections, hinging backward in center, fitted for, but no mirror on inside; sides hinged outward, disclosing deep compartments; front with center writing slide, drawer under and one at right; inlaid with quartered feathered tupil- wood scrolled lines and kingwood bandings. Mounted with cuivre doré leaf scroll appliqués at knees and toes; drawers with knobs and scrolled escutcheons. Height, 2 feet 4%4 inches; length, 2 feet 61% inches; depth, 1 foot 6 inches. Sixth Afternoon 1098—CircuLaR Light MaHoGcany TABLE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Frieze fitted with two opposite small drawers and intervening candle slides at sides; interesting molded pilasters. Supported on finely proportioned tapering turned castored legs. Black and gray marble top, finished with open reversed double arched gallery in cuivre doreé. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 23% inches. 1099—SmauuL INLAID TuLIpwoop WRITING TABLE. FRENCH OF THE Louis XV PERIOD. Top serpentine shape on all sides and fitted with pull writing slide. Shaped frieze, fitted with end drawer. Supported on cabriole legs. Top with bracket sides and shaped pediment, fitted with three stepped shelves and long bottom draw. Height, 30% inches; width, 19 inches; depth, 13 inches. Sixth Afternoon my ie ae i i ow ee 1100—Hatr-rounp InuAID TuLIpPwoop ComMopp. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PERIop. Inlaid frieze, cross banded and panelled with double boxwood lines, similar central panelled door and ends; door hinged with the frieze as one; inlaid mock fluted pilasters. Supported on similar tapering legs; molded top of fine Rouge Royal marble. Door trimmed with cuivre doré ribboned oval escutcheon. Height, 33 inches; width, 2914 inches; depth, 16 inches. Sixth Afternoon 1101—Carvep ManoGcany Perir Point BERGERE. FRENCH OF THE DIREC- TOIRE PERIOD. Rectangular sweep back enriched with molded scrolled and domed pediment; scrolled inverted cornucopias as arms, en- riched with honeysuckle leaf and shell motives; oblong supports, sweep front and shaped tapering legs. Back and loose seat upholstered in needlework, displaying open octagonal pearl and rectangular motives sprayed with roses at corners and enclosing bouquets of flowers; inner and outer sides of arms, sprays of lilacs and asters. 1102—Cream Lacqut Bercere. FRENCH ofr THE LouIS XV PERIOD. Molded, shaped frame, the back deeply incurved and terminated with floral bouquet; finely scrolled arms, supports and front; supported on cabriole legs. Back, arms and loose seat cushion upholstered in rare old blue chintz, displaying oval wreaths en- closing bouquets and supplementary entwined wreaths of roses in reserved cream and gray. 11083—Two Gray Laceur Berceres. FRENCH OF THE LOovuIS XVI PERIOD. Molded, scrolled horseshoe frames with arms terminating in volute scrolls; half-reeded fluted shaped supports and similar turned legs crowned with oblong leaf pateras. Loose seats and backs, upholstered in eighteenth century blue and white chintz developing sprays of lilacs and other flowers. 1104—T'wo Carvep AND GILDED GRAND FAuTEUILS. FRENCH OF THE REGENCE PERIOD. Shaped and scrolled frame, enriched with rocaille and acanthus leafage. Cabriole legs, with oval medallioned knees and feet scrolled with acanthus leaves, background of frames cream lacqué. Seats and backs upholstered in large floral crimson damask of the period, studded with small brass-headed nails. Sixth Afternoon 1105—Carvep Watnut Perit Pornr Bercere. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XV PERIOD. Arched molded back frame, crowned with bouquet of flowers and husk drops and terminating in scrolled arms and supports. Shaped and scrolled seat rail similarly enriched to crown of back. On cabriole legs, with floral knees and scrolled leaf feet. Back, arms inside and out, arm pads and loose seat cushion upholstered in ivory petit-point, the back displaying central grotesque pseudo-Chinese figure playing a tambourine and sur- rounded by conventionalized flowers and fruit sprays, quaint birds and scrollings in soft tones of green blues, crimson, yel- lows and tans, the remaining covers of similar needlework but without the figure. Sixth Afternoon 1106—Oaxk Perit Point Faurevin. FrRenco or tHE Louis XIV PERIOD. High oblong back, with serpentine scroll crown; straight arms scrolled into supports; shell and husk valanced apron to shaped seat; cabriole legs with X-scroll stretcher. Back, seat and arm pads upholstered in petit point, displaying in back and arm pads large quantity conventionalized, scrolled floral motives in brilliant crimson, blue, yellow and ivory on tawny brown ground. Seat with similar motives, but in softer colors and less conventionalized. Sixth Afternoon 1107—Rare Lacqun Perit Pornr Bercere. Frencu or tan Louis XV PERIOD. Shaped molded frame; enriched with bouquets of flowers at crown; knees and front rail, the cabriole legs with scrolled leaf toes. Back, inner and outer arm panels, pads and loose seat cushion upholstered in charming petit point, displaying seated female figures flanked by jardiniéres of growing flowers and butterflies; executed in ivory and light tan on light bleu-de-ciel grounds. 1108—Two BrautiruL Cream Laceun Petrir Point FAuTEvVILS. FRENCH OF THE LouIs XV Perron. Shaped molded backs, enriched at crowns with bouquets of flow- ers; scrolled arms and supports; shaped seat with floral centers. Supported on cabriole legs enriched with flower knees and volute scroll feet. Backs, seats and arm pads upholstered in ivory. Petit point displaying baskets of roses and other flowers, sus- pended from bowknotted ribbons which flow round the inter- vening borders of trailing flowers. Embroidered in shades of crimson, yellow, blue, green and tan silks. Sixth Afternoon 1109—Two Carvep Watnur Perir Point FAuUTEUILS. FRENCH OF THE Lovis XIV PeEriop. High oblong back; molded scrolled arm enriched with leaf and arabesque motive at volutes; arm supports and legs finely fluted balusters; molded scrolled X-stretcher. The back and seat up- holstered in petit point; backs displaying a mounted young noble, hawking in a park; a chateau in distance; pond with duck in foreground on black ground. Seats: birds, stag and hound variously posed amid conventional flower sprays. From the Collection Cezarac, Bordeaux, France. Sixth Afternoon 1110—Unigvun Carven WALNUT Perit Point anp SILver EMBROIDERED FAUTEUIL. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. Allegorical petit point panels; after the cartoons of Charles Le Brun, 1619-1690. Oblong back, volute scrolled arms and supports enriched with acanthus leaves, floral pateras and husk motives. Supported on baluster legs interrupted with oblongs of leaf husks; simi- lar side stretchers; frontal stretcher with open leaf and strap scrolls. One back, leg and side stretcher have been restored. Seat and back upholstered. Back depicts, “The Apotheosis of Re- ligion” ; seat, “The Triumph of the Virgin.” In the back panel, a female figure emblematic of religion holds a lamp up to the world. She wears ample crimson robes and is seated in a triumphal chariot drawn by two caparisoned white horses, led by a young maiden and ridden by winged cherubim; under the wheels of the chariot symbolic figures of evil are being crushed, and seated at the front of chariot is a further cherub bearing aloft a Dove of Peace. Many cherubim hover in the sky. A globe, symbolic of the world, is at the front center. Seat: The Virgin, in ample robes, stands beside a ter- restrial globe and the young Saviour, who supports a cross. They occupy a flat chariot drawn by winged angels and pressed forward by two cherubim in rear. The Virgin holds above the Sacred Host and exhorts the peoples of the world, symbolized by a group at left, to appeal to the mercies of the Cross. Cheru- bim hover in the air. Executed in soft pastel colors accentuated by the crimson robe in the back and the rich blue of the globe in the seat; skilfully enriched with silver threads, mostly in the curious circular clouds of the sky, and stitches of velours freely introduced into the robes of the various figures. Ba ois ee ee ee 1110—Unieur CAarvep WALNUT Petit POINT AND SILVER EMBROIDERED FAUTEUIL. FRENCH OF THE 17TH CENTURY. au). i H. 1111—BeravutTiruL Carvep AND Painrep Satinwoop Harp. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI Periop. Double scrolled head, enriched with carved festoons of flowers, broad acanthus leaves and pateras; finely molded shaft ter- minating in acanthus leaves; supported on molded shaped foot. Front of sounding board richly decorated, in colors on satin- wood, with wreaths of flowers, doves and trophies of musical instruments. Made by Nademan, Paris. Height, 5 feet. Sixth Afternoon 1112—-CARVED WALNUT CHAISE-LONGUE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XV PERIOD. Composed of two unequal sized fauteuils and central banquette. Scrolled molded frames enriched with flowers, leafage and fan motives. Seats, backs annd arm pads upholstered in large flow- ered, ancient rose-crimson Utrecht velvet. Total length, 5 feet 7 inches. 11183—Extra Lone Gros-Point Day Bep. FRENCH oF THE 17TH CEN- TURY. Walnut molded frame, with serpentine crowned sloping back and two shaped arms at the head giving the bed the advantage of being used in either direction. Supported on six baluster legs and outside stretchers. Back, loose cushion seat, arm pads, inner and outer arm panels upholstered in gros-point, display- ing ivory banded ogivals enclosing primitive bouquets of flow- ers in brilliant colors on black grounds, the arm panels of ivory- waved stripes, alternating with floral lavender stripes. Height, 3 feet 51%4 inches; length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 1114—-Ricuty Mountrep Acagou CoMMopE. FRENCH oF THE Louis XVI PERIOD. Rectangular panelled front delicately broken in center and fitted with three small upper drawers, the two long drawers under simulating three to conform with the composition. Sup- ported on half-reeded and fluted round outset pilasters and fluted legs. Mounted in cuivre doré with pearl] ring and rosette handles, wreath and bowknotted escutcheon; husk and oak leaf festooned cartouche appliqué trusses; pearl and dentilled col- lars on legs. Molded Rouge Royale marble top, following con- tour of top. Height, 2 feet 11 inches; width, 3 feet 11 inches; depth, 24 inches. Sixth Afternoon ar 1115—Mountep Manocany Sipe Taste. FrencH or tHe Lovis XVI PERIOD. Rectangular; frieze panelled with brass moldings; fitted with long drawer. Supported on fluted tapering legs, vaselike feet and molded shelf stretcher. Mounted in cuivre doré with col- lars to legs and feet. Beautifully veined red jasper top. (Cracked.) Height, 3444 inches; width, 31% inches; depth, 15 inches. 1116—MovuntTep Acasou Sipe Taste. Frencu or THe Louis XVI PERIOD. Panelled frieze with rounded ends, fitted with central drawer and pivoted swinging end compartments, simulating drawers. Supported on fluted turned shafts and legs and two intermediate Shelf stretchers. Mounted with cuivre doré; open diamond motived gallery to the half-statuary marble top and mid-shelf; pearl beadings and rosetted ring handles to drawers; annular collars to legs. Height, 2 feet 11% inches; length, 3 feet 214 inches; depth, 1 foot 3% inches. 1117—SeEmicircutar MAHOGANY Sipp TABLE, FRENCH oF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Frieze fitted with one long drawer and two narrow hinged end enclosing doors; supported on brass fluted baluster supports and legs, sustaining shelf stretcher following the contour of top. Mounted in cuivre doré, with balustered gallery at the half- statuary marble top and stretcher, pearl molded ring and patera handles on drawers and doors, engine-turned oblong appliqués on pilasters and turned feet. Height, 2 feet 11 inches; length, 4 feet 2 inches; depth, 1 foot 8 inches. 1118—Carvep WALNuT Canapr. FRENCH oF THE Louris XVI Prriop. Molded frame with arched back terminated in leaf pateras, volute scrolled arms, outcurved supports and shaped seat. Sup- ported on four frontal fluted, tapering legs with square pateras interrupting the seat frame. Seat, back, arm pads and panels upholstered in ancient tan floral broché silk woven with bou- quets of pink flowers tied with scrolling imbricated ribbons forming irregular medallions. Signed by the maker, under front rail, D. B. Length, 4 feet 9 inches. [ Illustrated. ] ‘dolugagd [AX SINoT GHL AO HONGUY “HdVNVO LONIVAA GHAYVO—R8TTT Sixth Afternoon nnn nr ee Speyer SSNS 1119—INuaip TuULIPWoop CoMMopr. FRENCH orf THE Lovis XV PERIOD. Serpentine front and ends; fitted with two drawers, the lower with deep scrolled apron. Supported on cabriole legs. Drawers and ends panelled with shaped feathered and quartered tulip- wood, lines and kingwood bandings; enriched in center of front with a large scrolled banded cartouche of darker tulipwood bearing a vase of loose flowers in low-toned woods. Mountings of cuivre doré, leaf scroll and rocaille knees and toes, leaf handles with festooned mask escutcheons and central rocaille Shield escutcheons. Shaped molded Rouge Royal marble top. The four handles, apparently of the period, have replaced others of different form. Height, 2 feet 9% inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches; depth, 1 foot 10 inches. From the Collection de Goncourt, Chateau Vierville sur Mer, Cal- vados, F'rance. ‘aougd AX SIN0T CHL AO HONG “ACONWOD GOOMAITAY, GIVINJ—6ITI Sixth Afternoon 1120—UnIQuE CUT-CRYSTAL GLASS AND GILDED Bronze Toiter TABLE WITH ACCESSORIES. FRENCH OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD. Glazed rectangular top, fitted with ivory velvet panel painted with basket of roses, lilacs, bluebells and asters surrounded by a border of laurel leaves; entire frieze encrusted with lattice diamond cut-crystal and fitted with metal-lined center drawer. Supported on similar but deeper cut columnar balusters, with large bases sustaining four diagonally placed club-shaped crystal stretchers holding a bowl-shaped crystal jardiniére in the center. The top sustains two square cut-crystal pedestals at the back supporting in cuivre doré two Cupids holding a broad central floral festoon bearing an oval mirror with flower gar- Janded frame, the Cupids in their other, uplifted hands carry scrolls holding cut-crystal candle-sockets and bobéches. The table lavishly mounted in cuivre doré with rope-molded top, frieze drawer and end panels, all with floral appliqués, columns with capitals, bases and feet; stretcher with caps and central circular boss; jardiniére rim with two scrolled undula- ting serpents. Accessories include two bulbous bottles with pineapple stoppers, two oblong boxes and flaring vase for flow- ers, each of cut-crystal with varied cuivre doré mountings. Height, 3 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch; depth, 1 foot 914 inches. Note: Thomire, the famous fondeur of the Empire period, is credited with the fine mountings. Originally made for the ill-fated Empress Josephine. 1120—Uniovur Cur-crystaL GLASS AND GILDED Bronze TorLer TABLE Wirn ACCESSORIES. FRENCH OF THE I MPIRE PERIOD. Sixth Afternoon 1121—Surers PAIntep MAHOGANY THREEFOLD ScREEN. FRENCH OF THE EMPIRE PERIOD. Kach leaf framed in an architectural form with molded crowned frieze enriched with cuivre doré urns, pilasters mounted in cuivre doré with leaf crown and eagle, capitals and leaf bases supported on pedestals and foot panels molded with brass beadings; leaves fitted with heavy reversible hinges. The frieze panels display three varied romantic wooded landscapes painted by Bidou, the official landscapist for the Emperor Na- poleon; the panels below, three classical scenes illustrative of “The Judgment of Paris,” most skilfully painted in oils, rich in color. By Pierre Narcisse Guérin, 1774-1833. Each pane: Height, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 51% inches. Made for the Emperor Napoleon and bearing his cipher in the capi- tals of columns. From the collection of Madame la Duchesse de Trévise, to whom it had been presented by her brother, the Emperor. “Old d AWINWY AHL dO HONG “NEAUOG CIOMAGUH], ANVDOHVIT GALNIVG dutdNQ—I[ZILT Sixth Afternoon niideeeat hisnhtaecehine enna MEEURON eR GEMS EN NIC 1122—Srxrotp Parintep Screen. FrencH or THE 17TH CENTURY. Decorated with arched panels enclosing subjects, “Spring,” “Summer,” “Autumn” and “Winter,” in the four central panels; the outer panels present the original owners; the Lady stands holding a string of pearls in one panel, the Seigneur with a baton in his hand and his plumed casque at his side, in the other. The allegorical figures of the seasons are presented as richly costumed seventeenth century Court ladies seated in landscapes, with arabesques above and below in colors on gray grounds, the flanking panels display in the center tops coats-of-arms of the respective personages below them. Painted on canvas. Each fold, 5 feet 5 inches high, 1 foot 9 inches wide. From the Collection Zahn, Versailles, France. H OF THE 17TH CENTURY. a 4 VY REN( SIxFoLp PAINTED SCREEN. 1122 Sixth Afternoon 1123—Carvep Cream Lacqun Lit pe Rerose. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Rectangular bead and foot, finely molded with ribbon motives and enriched with acanthus leaves at foot, most interesting central terminals, sculptured with laureated heads of Roman emperors within ovals, crowned with ribbon bowknots and fes- tooned laurel sprays. Supported on leaf-enriched and fluted turned legs. Panels at head and foot upholstered in chintz of the period, displaying detached sprays of lilac and daisies in blue on cream ground. Height, 3 feet 5 inches; length, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 5% inches. 1124—Larce Acagyou CYLINDER SECRETAIRE. FRENCH orf THE 18TH CENTURY. Upper portion fitted with six molded drawers; canted, fluted pilasters; half-statuary marble top, enriched with cuivre doré lattice gallery and pilasters with vases of wheat. appliqué. Panelled cylinder fall front, with acanthus leaf handles, writing slide lined with dark green leather; interior fitted with three columned doors and six drawers; beneath are five panelled drawers with kneehole center. Supported on turned fluted pilas- ters and legs. Height, 4 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 5 inches; depth, 2 feet. From the Collection of M. Lafuge, Bordeaux, France. 1125—Inuaip Triipwoop Urricnt SEcRETAIRE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XV PERIOD. Graceful incurved frieze, fitted with one drawer; canted pilas- ters; shaped fall front lined with green leather and supported on brass slides; interior fitted with inlaid drawers and com- partments; two enclosing doors under. Inlaid with panels of quartered and feathered tulipwood, finished with lined, broken inset cornered bandings of kingwood and further cross band- ings. Mounted with cuivre doré, open scrolled escutcheons and leaf-scroll toes. Gray and black round-cornered molded marble top. Height, 4 feet 10% inches; length, 2 feet 10% inches; depth, 1 foot 2% inches. Sixth Afternoon 1126—CARVED AND GILDED LACQUE CONSOLE MIRROR. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PrERIop. Rectangular, with portion of dentilled crowning cornice; the outer molding with pearl motives; the inner, mirror frame with similar pearls and leaf motives. Enriched on the broad frieze with two handsome festoons of flowers, terminated with central bowknot and draped tassels, at ends with buttons and pendent drops of flowers. The ornamentation gilded, the ground of gray lacqué. Has the ancient mirror in two fitted sections. Height, 5 feet 11 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. Loaned to the French Museum, New York. 1127—INLAID TuLIPWoop UPRIGHT SECRETAIRE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS XVI PERIOD. Rectangular front, with canted pilasters composed of frieze drawer, hinged fall front and two lower enclosing doors. Sup- ported on stump feet. Inlaid with diagonally feathered panels of tulipwood enriched with patera and broken cornered band- ings of green and purple woods. Interior fitted with drawers and compartments; fall lined with old leather. Molded gray and white marble top. Height, 4 feet 9. inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches; depth, 1 foot 6 inches. From the Collection Cezarac, Bordeaux, France. 1128—Ricuity Mountep MAHOGANY SECRETAIRE. FRENCH OF THE EoM- PIRE PERIOD. Rectangular upper section fitted with six drawers, supported in center by an oblong pedestal occupied by an inset Cuivre doré bronze dialled clock, at sides by winged caryatids in gilded bronze. Sliding green leather covered top disclosing extra side writing slides (central cover missing). Kneehole table, fitted with two drawers at left, one in center and deep drawer at right, simulating two drawers. Supported on square tapering legs. Drawers mounted with cuivre doré leaf moldings, long open scrolled escutcheons, the upper drawers with handles simulating small hands, back and clock pedestal with wreaths, Cupids and masks. Height, 4 feet 314 inches; width, 3 feet 71%4 inches; depth, 1 foot 1014 inches. Sixth Afternoon os e Ul 1129—Mowvntep Acasou CoMMopE. FRENCH or THE Lovis AVI PERIOD. Rectangular; front and ends panelled with brass moldings. Fitted with three small upper and two long drawers under. Supported on outset round, brass fluted pilasters and vaselike feet. Mounted in cuivre doré with open baluster gallery to half- statuary marble top; square drop and rosette handles to drawers; engine molded frieze panels to pilasters; collars and rings to feet. Height, 2 feet 11% inches; length, 4 feet 1 inch; depth, 1 joot 10 inches. Sixth Afternoon ae 1130—MounrEep MAnoGaNny Upricur S&EcRETAIRE. FRENCH OF THD Louis XVI Perron. Rectangular; frieze fitted with long drawer above the fall front, below two enclosing doors, all panelled with brass moldings. Supported on round outset fluted pilasters and vaselike turned feet; panelled ends with fluted flat back pilasters. Mounted in cuivre doré with molding surrounding the gray and white mar- ble top, drop handles on drawer, engine-turned panels on pilas- ter blocks and collars on feet. Interior fitted with drawers and compartments. Height, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet % inch, depth, 1 foot 34% inches. 1131—-Rare Maroquerry Urricutr SecreTarre. Frencit or THE Louis XVI PerRiop. Rectangular case, with canted pilasters fitted with frieze drawer, hinged writing fall and two enclosing doors under. Ends and front panelled with tulip, kingwood and gray syca- more simulating cubes, enclosed by lines and kingwood band- ings, pilasters panelled with cross bandings. The frieze pan- elled and enriched with festoons of flowers in dull-colored woods on sycamore; fall front with trophy of musical instru- ments in oval panel, lower doors with square central panel de- picting pastoral scene, “Youth Playing Bagpipes to a Court Lady, as Shepherdess.” Supported on inlaid panelled tapering legs. Mounted in cuivre doré with leaf toes, drawer, fall and door with oval husk and ribbon escutcheons. Interior finely fitted with six inlaid drawers and compartments. Fall lined with green leather. Molded cant-cornered brocatelle marble top. Signed by “Le Petit” on the oak frame under marble top. Height, 4 feet 914 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch; depth, 2 feet % inch. From the Collection de Goncourt, Chateau Vierville sur Mer, Cal- vados, France. Sixth Afternoon 11382—Inuarp TuLipwoop Urricut Secrerarre. FRENCH or THE LOUIS XVI PEriop. Molded panelled top; incurved frieze, fitted with long draw2r. Shaped fall front richly inlaid with large basket of loose fluw- ers in varied low-toned woods. Fall lined with green leather, interior fitted with drawers and compartments; two hinged enclosing doors below, canted pilasters. Supported on short, bracketed cabriole legs. Inlaid with panels of quartered feath- ered tulipwood, lined bandings of kingwood and cross bands. Mounted in cuivre doré with open scroll escutcheons and leat toes. Height, 4 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 10 inches; depth, 1 foot 3 inches. [ Illustrated ] 11383—PANELLED SATINWOOD AND MAHOGANY SIDEBOARD. FRENCH OF THE Louis XVI PErtop. Frieze enriched with satinwood diamond panelled dividing blocks and fitted with one long and two short drawers, with molded mahogany bands and richly figured satinwood panels; under, four enclosing doors similar in treatment, demarked with fluted pilasters. Supported on fluted inset columns and turned stump feet. Molded dark green and gray marble top. Height, 3 feet 3% inches; width, 6 feet 3 inches; depth, 1 foot 11 inches. 1134—Carvep MAnoGany Liprary TashLe. ENGLISH OF THE GEORGIAN PERIOD. | Shaped molded top, with round corners partially indented; frieze fitted with three deep raised panelled drawers and eanted corners; Supported on bracketed cabriole legs with medallion and leaf knees, and terminating in claw and ball feet. (Has been refinished. ) Height, 2 feet 5 inches; length, 5 feet 1 inch; depth, 3 feet. TAIRE. FRENCH OF THE LOUIS . a4 7 ee od cs ee ihe ret ¥ i33 = 2 4 ! EN, “ TT itl . owe AL ‘ > * , Hikst Soo TVS 4 ude Wands marta sk ‘ BOE Nehari 328A 44 5 ETON ai an | ‘e a sai re teat oN RR DN eh? Va hoe at Z yx tx bi MeterL sage! ASL PO pert oe be sHeeterhe tk (by nate! Naha oy ATE ae ‘ 4 *% es bP Gant MALE Aci heme Oy STE ee fiw, : ay ners? ee ro b KOH adie & i yin oe te 4 tN Gegs ‘ eu A re iu td SOR any Ser a = aC eae eee Be ( ; ORE Berra eee A coy fi pean? Ae ; re ey Rd Do) Rae? > ’ ; ehet LeAe S|