f it * ie eis rh 2 4 oie be heat TOMS BeaT > r ’ re ty - re ey Sy Ss 4 ‘ip to 4 } af nh x i / footy gee Gan, ae ole ee tule, Bu he ik ah { a ck re ( i aval re i= 7 tas x t OREN ee ge a Saye f fy af e. A \ 4 ; Sin Ma fA mK { OF LB vi Ph is er, Pa ts Sly Mise ee r) eS Pugin ve 2 ama GFA Rhy 7 ros) pore th pee } f pg fee mre A es hen aa, Ping } ™ wi ak aks | he We dee ~ 7 ¥ Py Re pr iy” 8! IN ; t : 7 of { Ry Lot Ls fi fi he # VI Se Sau eae Ae Ve ie SME NG ea) Seok" LESEL hp Gey enc wrens ibe sy ol! RS ah aaa ee PA Ak? 5 Cole ae a \ — ra ( ‘7 r Ly \ } ’ 4 Vn: t t SGA ees sae 7 Yee NE Va Mine Sy) Ra Aa al aaa Ree Nee Banat ah A ak ; ier j i ‘ j 3 y ¥ at _ i =P) ] { { \- tr “Ad & 4 \ if wo 2 e \ SO Pe iis PG Bae ak ae Se" BS ah Mae ( , LUCE ( s ¥ i Py | \ ) wd “ye ( X ay } s J i i ‘adel o (. ) a AS tf f \, iF i ak \ 7} = UAE ee doy ZX Ps Dts Ni hc Op Rea? ta Ce ee eae Rta ae tre Ce eae SUE eee Gs ee y DM FER Me “ee : ; ‘ kay reece TA je ee ee r\ bay i ( ‘aS et) ep fhe ik a NE i Oa f i x “ } : j - 7 F dee ‘ ie Pa Ets f { \ Wy We ae ) ms A, » le a i 4 Fs ee ws r - A Pa : vee a? a art Nad . ‘ we de or \. co “ P ‘ . Es a* er ~ ). JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer é - $106,980; New York Buyers Scarce, Piakeras of the Waves Ochs’ ‘eotlec- nue Art Galleries last night, with bid- ding in fits and. starts. Among the ae New Yorkers were rare. e brought $106,980. Mr. J. Epstein very delightful little picture, $11,000, the he highest price of the evening. Names of artists, titles of pictures, ‘paid fol goal Henner’s ‘ 6 Red Shawl,” 0. Wisen » $550, Thaulow’s ae . bss epee Troubador;” R. Is. Gordon $650. Genes the Babys oO. De _ OF Ma ae Testis to the Stable;’” Ww. T,.. Can- sracls’s “Rest by the Wayside,” ms Glucksman, = ee Mecien'e “Shepherd and Flock on , the | Spring ;”” -Giucks- ue, H. I cwkag pt ne 400, the Loire;”” \$1,2 New, “Novel :”” f $3 r a ] ner” hye “Corot's, “Morning in the ie” C. Cm : $3,000. w, : Day's Bh ghiy founDeak Bring | sere Landsca: e,” L. lL, Rem- | ‘sen, $600, : Dae s “The Ferry,” H, A. Waller, $825. sper of Gesatpwhieas Forest, ¥. ee a “Departure of the Bridal Party,” WwW. OT. ers “Flemisa Tavern; LL. G. ‘Drake, - x fe fe Noraan hiss ae is i. B. ‘De > okie aie a ial c ip bap Laan Y-Souvenie don. MartinD, 0. tion were disposed of at the Fifth Ave- | venty-four mumbers of the cata- | ei om Mr. Oehme declares to be a, hoted | collector from Baltimore; paid for Dau- | bigny’s “Summer Day on the Seine,” a | names of the alleged. buyers and prices CATALOGUE of the Collection of Paintings in Oil and Water Color selected from The Julius Oehme Art Galleries (of 322 Fifth Avenue) z To be sold AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY EVENING March 11th, 1909 at 8:30 o’clock At the BPIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES 546 Fifth Avenue, Cor. 45th Street where the Collection will be ON EXHIBITION Saturday, March 6th, 1909 and following days and evenings until time of sale z The Sale will be Conducted by JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer Conditions of Sale 1. The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immed? ately put up again and resold. 2, The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the pufrehase money, if required, in default of which the lot or lots so purehased to be immediately put up again and resold. 8 The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk upon the conclusion of the sale and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid. or otherwise settled for to the satisfae- tion of the auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the lots be lost, damaged. or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the buyer’s expense and risk, within Two DAYS from the sale; THE Firvn AVENUE ART GALLERIES not being responsible for the cor- rect description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defeet in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in set- tlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be remoyed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or misdelivered, or lost. the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited, all lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such resale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such resale if he thinks fit. THE FIFTH AVENUE ART GALLERIES are im no ways responsible for the charges or manner of delivery of goods purchased at their sale. JAMES P. SILO, Auctioneer. Preface Mr. Julius Oehme, in making this sale, is moved by a desire to reduce his somewhat extensive stock of pictures which has grown to larger proportions than he cares to carry and gives a greater responsibility than he desires to assume. For over half a century Mr. Oehme has been identified with the cause of the Fine Arts in New York, having been associated in his day with the house of Goupil & Co., and that of Knoedler & Co., while for the past fifteen vears he has had his own extensive galleries. He now feels he has earned the right to more leisure and less care. So these works are placed at unrestricted public sale and the opportunity is offered the connoisseur to secure pictures, many of which Mr. Oehme bought direct from the artist’s studio. The popular Dutchmen are adequately represented; there are several important examples by the Barbizon Men and the Frenchmen who have met with favor in America, while the other canvases will appeal to many differing tastes. Artists Represented CATALOGUE ARTIST NUMBER I ED eeu Ge we ele vane wae 23 I ee ase Pale deen cele 34 a TEE ge s,s SEA tv oe deck ees woe ee’ 52 IMM OT aches cles iene en susvsuaneaes 16 It So eee a eee ee tly ce ne ee os 70 MI co i bs ikl ow blac 50 cry ice 2025 0's a vin age ese a Vs ew ea oe vs ce 35 OTE OTe ST 2g 19-71 Sd ke Woy eal bee ws vee 3 32-62 MD). os ee Oe vg bce be bene atecs 21-68 SCT ae ae 14 Ee PEA Pi Ey ow eee wine 56 BC SOOT A aR 54 OS a a Sa 55-72 I yk orc k kc eae cs ake ble ows ne eee 5 eT RO a de 26 ee AUNT ae see cep cee en nde 8 I eas wn ccets ig A eke ee he ee et 36 ee es procicttstr scree 6 en see Lt Sele ed avd gp wp diet he os ts noes 31-65 UMMM RGRTE, wk ee ee ne ns hee viedo we ues 58 urear, JULES... ... a eee Di oie a ae te gi 57 NTO we Se eee blew ete hae eae 29 ee ce ee PONY eg Sib Sele Gtewlc ae eee oe 0% 42 Nec. | ya: s akan ra oo blalnced eb aie eoe eo nee 25 MEE ELEN EL (2) 5. ee ae bee ee ese oe 53-64 EM cy 5 pare ss cis wlepe eee eshe Oa soe Sakae Se oe 15-61 RE go se ia ee ole She eles minis pradé nis w dee ee a 4} OP SUS LS a a eer ara Lee hier 44 NE Gl fate ics cian y sl em em male ne a Sada 3 oe ae 45-69 SPINS LAY E50, hon. ooo Gg ae ieceie aie neve wv ne oe ane 18 Ra sgn Sh vie Wap le da ise eR ss RIE es ee 9 MERRION fara aa ts aie ws vod rise OhaMe SO ins eB ww 9g sek Wa 59 ch AE IAB Ge RG SoMa So ands oO Rene ae ree ar eae 45 KIBSEL, CONRAD. 0:6. 66 0c 0 0 > + RRs Aire Oe cee 30 KOTSOCHENREITER, HUGO... 1.550922 as)- > es a 4 KRICHELDORF, H. Go. ne ce ee eine ia 40 LAISSEMENT, Hy ig. ele te oe 0 een ne ee 24 LADDER. Bo. W... cee ee ee ee = Mel ie ae en aoe ene t3 LENBACH, F. VON... 05.56 0) 5 nee aie 60 L’HERMITTE, LEON.........-+- 50088842 oe D1 MARGH, VINGENZIO....0.-05+ ++ 05 © ty ve Smee c= ashe 39 MARIS, JACOB... 02550050 ee 0g ats 73 MAUVE, ANTON, .2...5006.00++0 5 seen te 000 46 MEISSONIER, CHARLES....... Dre 38 MONCHABLON, JAN.......- aa ea edhe sk 96a Fae OF OFFERMANS, TONY. ... 05-6 %0. + - as aoye a5 8 <4 eS oe 27 RIBARZ, Rew cet ce ee ee ees 66 Rico, MARTING): 27. Loe.) > ee eee 30 ROULLET, GASTON, 6.50.0: 00s: +2 ee 1 SCHREVER, ADOLF, 2.6.50. 00 00+ 4 tan Os = oie 6 enn ee 67 SHURTLEFF, BR. Mo... ec cei ge ee nee «oe ee 22 TpR MEULEN, PIBTER.../... ©0005 6293 60) Gee 49 THAULOW, FRITZ (2). 20.00 05-2 ne ee qlee es 9 17-658 THOLEN, W.. Poo. eke es cole 2 eee 10 TROYON, CONSTANT... 00000005 0 9) oe ee 25a VAN BoskEeRcoK, R. W..: . 2... 02 se eee ee 7 VAN DER WEELE, EG...) coe Nos. eee 12 VAN ELTEN, KRUSEMAN......- 1.8.05 = 32 ose 2 VAN MASTENBROEK, J. H.... . cp Se = oeetee ae 45 VAN REOKUM, J. C2 ..450. 22 ss Seer es 2 11 WRIBAND, Joc. catsn ee a nls eee ante eis = eae 28 WBHISS, JOSE... ec ca de iw se Ce 20 WRISSENBRUCH, J. H....,... 2s ae eee oe ee 47 WOLBERS,: H. Gov... 0.0 eo ee ne one eee 3 F7YEM, PELIX .. 0 2. fe oes bn 3 eee ie 74 List of Illustrations ARTIST TITLE OF PLCTURE T> 1 { Jett. COROT Morning in the Valley CHARLES I*. DAUBIGNY Summer Day on the Seine ADOLF SCHREYER The Raiding Party JACOB MARIS The Dome, Amsterdam J. C. CAZIN Karly Morning, Outskirts of Paris JULES DUPRE Cattle in the Pool FRANZ VON LENBACH Magdalene FELIX ZIEM Canal la Giudecca, Venice JOSEF ISRAELS Rest by the Wayside B. J. BLOMMERS Children on the Beach HENRI HARPIGNIES Souvenir of Cape Martin ANTON MAUVE Return to the Stable MARIE DIETERLE Cattle, Normandy Farm CATALOGUE NUMBER No. 56 NOY No. 67 No..- 73 No. 62 No.83F - No. 60 Nov #4 i PRE sada ees va No. 70 No. 64 No. 46 No. 58 Sy ; i Noss GASTON ROULLET FRENCH Contemporaneous VENETIAN CANAL Some fishing craft are anchored by the quay, their red and yellow sails making strong color notes. ° No. 3 H. G WOLBERS DUTCH Contemporaneous BY THE RIVER YSSEL A herd of cattle are grazing in some lowlands by a river. One white animal in the foreground drinks. Another red one stands chewing her cud. Some lie down. Along the bank are a few houses and wind- mills while a blue sky is reflected in the water, making in all a brilliant scene. Signed at lower right, “ HW. G. WOLBERS.” Height, 114 inches; width, 174 imehes. No. 4 HUGO KOTSCHENREITER GERMAN Contemporaneous GOOD ADVICE Two simple German peasants of the prosperous sort are seated before a table. One apparently proffers ad- vice. He is dressed in a blue coat and has gray hair. The other, an older man, sits meditatively with his hand on his chin. The chamber has arched walls and ceilings and a few prints are hung high up. A window to the left admits some light and there is a general quiet air to the picture. Signed at upper left, “ H. KOTSCHENREITER.” Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches. — iS No. 5 THEOPHIL H. pr BOCK DUTCH 1850-1904 DUTCH RIVER VIEW To the right of the composition is a cluster of red houses with the square tower of a church. A sea wall of gray holds the bank secure and some trees give a note of green. Boats lie at the wharf and in the dis- _ tance is a town half made out in the faint gray mist. A fine summer sky gives a sense of largeness to the composition and the surface of the water is ruffled. Signed at lower right, T. B.” Height, 111 inches; width, 18 inches. 4 Dae yh No. 6 F. DEUTMAN DUTCH Contemporaneous THE YOUNG MOTHER With tender solicitude, a young Dutch mother, seated by a window, holds her baby in her lap and looks intently at it. The woman, clad in sober black, wears a white cap and is of the peasant type. On a table behind her is a green jug and on the floor lies a discarded doll. Through the window one sees some green foliage. A homely, domestic scene rendered with much pathos and obvious sincerity. Signed at lower right, “ F. DEUTMAN.” Height, 23 inches; ridth, 18 imehes. No. 7 ROBERT W. van BOSKERCK AMERICAN Jontemporaneous HVENING Under a quiet yellow sky filled with pink, roseate clouds, lie some marsh lands, and one sees the border of a stream on the surface of which is a white row- boat moored to a stake. A woodland is to the left and a house to the centre, while along the horizon appears to he a town, the smoke from the chimneys of which rises up against the evening sky. , phe canvas has much of the sense of approaching night-fall and many poetic qualities. Signed at lower left, ‘*‘R. W. VAN BOSKERCK,” Height, 18 inches; awidth, 30 inches. Ne 8 A. DE CLERMONT FRENCH : EARLY MORNING, SPRING A group of three trees to the left arch over a path- way leading to some red-tiled farm houses, their roofs taking on beautiful color. An old fence encloses the place and the sky of tender tints enyvelops all in a warm, mellow glow. Very poetic is the rendering and genuine the sentiment of nature. Signed at lower right, “DE CLERMONT.” Height, 15 inches; width, 22 inches. i No. 9 W. JORISSEN DUTCH Contemporaneous THE PET BIRD A young Dutch peasant woman is seated in a dimly- lit interior and is opening a bird cage. A little lad stands by, looking at her. The intimacy of the home is shown in many things on the walls and floors and a little window adimits the only light. It is one of those inter- esting bits of Dutch life the Holland men love to depict and render so well. Signed at lower left, *“« W. JORISSEN.” Height, 135 inches; width, 154 inches. No. 10 W. B. THOLEN DUTCH. 1860- GRAY MORNING ON THE CANAL This masterly panel represents a stretch of canal with two boats being drawn along. Some trees are to the right and a woodland at the back is half lost in a haze. A gray sky envelops the picture in a subdued tone and all is indi- ‘vated with rare directness and breadth, the brushwork having distinction and authority. Signed at lower left, “ W. B. THOLEN.” Height, 144 inches; width, 22% inches. No. 11 J. CO. van RECKUM DUTCH Contemporaneous THE WINDMILL An old Dutch windinill stands up against the sky with its sails furled. At its base is a hay-rick and a red-roofed dwelling house. A peasant is in a punt near the mill and a bridge crosses the stream further on near a clump of trees. There is a fine sky overhead of piled-up clouds with a patch of blue. Signed at lower left, “J. C. V RECKUM.” Height, 283 inches; width, 21 inches. No. 12 HERMAN JOHANNES van pER WEELE DUTCH 1852- THE NEW BORN LAMB A young Dutch peasant girl leads a flock of sheep — along a road at twilight. In her arms she holds a little newly-born lambkin, at which she gazes affectionately. She wears sabots and is dressed in a simple little black skirt, with a blue shawl over her shoulders. To the right is a shepherd dog and the twilight sky is. full of tender tones. There are some bushes to the right and a field stretches away to the left into the purple distance. — Signed at lower right, “H. J. VD WEELE.” Height, 27 inches; width, 35 inches. No. 13 B. W. LEADER ENGLISH Jontemporaneous OUR SOUTH COAST Under a fine summer sky, full of cloud forins, lies a stretch of shore and sea. To the right is a group of houses with a windmill, a little seaside village and _ be- yond, a distant line of blue hills. The scene is on the shore not far from Cowes, where the regattas are held, and the truthfulness of the transcript is immediately apparent. Masses of rocks and seaweed litter the beach and some boats are drawn up on the shore. A capital example of this popular English artist’s work. Signed at lower left, “ B. W. LEADER, 1901.” Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches S OD No. 14 M. COULAUD FRENCH | Jontemporaneous MISTY MORNING Under the shadow of a willow tree, a shepherd brings his flock through the fields, along a road. He is assisted by his faithful dog who at the right of the animals keeps guard. The sun endeavors to break through the mist- laden sky and is seen, a white ball of light, while the distance is half lost. Very tenderly has the artist envel- oped his landscape in the morning light, keeping all in a mysterious haze most attractive and artistic. The canvas is a poem of the early morning rendered with alluring sentiment and charin. Signed at lower left, * M. COULAUD.” Height, 214 inches; width 254 inches. : No. 15 J.J. HENNER FRENCH 1829-1906 THE RED SHAWL The model that M. Henner painted so much is here represented in all the glory of her Titian-colored hair which falls in a wealth over her shoulders and is accent- uated by the brilliant scarlet of her gown. The woman looks toward the spectator and her eyes are full of expressiveness. Her lovely neck and shoulders are of dazzling whiteness and the painting is of course, the last word in able craftsmanship. Signed at upper left, “J. J. HENNER.” Height, 10 inches; width, 74 inches. No. 16 JEAN BERAUD FRENCH 1849— LEAVING THE CONSERVATORY Coming out from the great doorway of the famous musical academy in Paris is a crowd of typical French students, nen and women. They are crossing the street, down which comes a cab. Many are carrying violins and some of the young women are accompanied by their chaperons. yp ie mn : oy ser ri a Et - eg ee — N a id Ay? ; 9 ‘, No. 20 JOSE WHISS ENGLISH Contemporaneous BANKS OF THE SEINE The artist gives us here a stretch of the French river with the bank and distant country. All are under a bril- liant gray sky, to the right being some houses and trees. Near the horizon is a bar of light which is reflected in the water, while scattered about near the shore are masses of rock. It is a strong, vigorous impression of the land- scape painted with authority and charm. Signed at lower right, “Jose WEISS.” Height, 102 inches; width, 18 inches. No. 21 WILLIAM M. CHASE AMERICAN Contemporaneous OHILDREN ON BEACH Under a turquoise blue sky, filled with little white clouds, some children play on the sands near the water. One little girl in white in the foreground arranges her hat; a little boy walks further along and a group is in the distance. The scene recalls the Long Island country where the artist has a summer studio, and it is painted with engaging enthusiasm. Signed at lower left, ‘Wm. M. CHASE.”’ Height, 143 inches; width, 20 inches. \- Va No, 22 Ru M. SHURTLEFF AMERICAN Contemporaneous JUNE IN ADIRONDACKS Ina hollow in the woodland a deer stands grazing. A tall tree to the right centre raises its thick trunk and a spot of sunlight is seen beyond. The early tender greens are admirably given and the blue hills are seen through the opening at the centre. A white birch is noted occasionally, with luxuriant growth of ferns, while in the foreground are some rocks. Signed at lower right, “ WK. M. SHURTLEFF.” Height, 20 inches; width, 25 inches. 23 ALBERT AUBLET FRENCH Contemporaneous GATHERING FLOWERS Standing in a garden by a bush of yellow roses, is : beautiful young woman ina simple morning gown of pale pink. She gazes down at a bud which she picking and her head with its luxuriant mass of brown hair comes against the sky of blue. Rich, dark greens are behind her and pale green grasses come against her dress. A glint of warm sunlight catches her shoulder and waist and the canvas is highly decorative. Signed at lower left, “* ALBERT AUBLET, 1899.” Height, 24 inches ; width, 164 inches. No. 24 H. LAISSEMENT FRENCH Contemporaneous TENDING FLOWERS A youthful cardinal in his trailing scarlet gown is standing before a lot of flowers which he is engaged in watering. He holds a china pitcher in his hands and looks lovingly at the growth on the stand which is placed before a great chimney-place, over which is a large mirror which reflects other parts of the room. The floor, of | quartered oak panels, bears on it a rug, and the fitting of the chamber is that of a palace. | Signed at lower left, “HW. LAISSEMENT.” Height, 24 inches; width, 194 inches. « No. 25 BEN FOSTER AMERICAN Contemporaneous IRIDESCENT HOUR A sinall stream flows through a valley and is bordered by yellow grasses. Hills make up against the sky in which the sun is half obscured by a mist, the orb showing as a yellow disk. All the landscape is enveloped in a haze through which the country takes on pale yellow, red and green tones, giving a most poetic and suggestive effect. Signed at lower right, “ BEN FOSTER.” Height, 24 inches; width, 36 inches. No. 25 A CONSTANT TROYON FRENCH 1810-1865 THE FERRY In the foreground a large flat ferryboat, carrying a horse and cart, several peasants and four cows, has just reached the landing on a low muddy shore, and a horse- man and two cows, which have apparently just left the boat, are seen on a sloping roadway which leads to the village on the bank farther away. On either side the placid stream are lofty poplars and other trees, partly in sunlight and partly in shadow, and a barge, with a single sail and bearing the French flag, quietly drifts down the stream. The time is early sunset, and the disk of the full moon is seen high in the simple quiet sky. Marked at lower left, “VENTE TROYON.” Height, 254 inches; width, 32 inches. Collection of A. AUGUSTUS Heary. A OLXSK ne : Later = C. Bb. DENTRAYGUES FRENCH Contemporaneous PREPARING FOR THE FETE DAY A group of young French chorister lads are grouped about a table in a garden, upon which is massed a quantity of flowers. Others approach with baskets of roses, and two of these lads, in their vivid scarlet gowns, pelt each other with leaves, while a third empties his basket on the head of one of the combattants. A black poodle dog looks on in evident enjoyment and the ground is strewn with leaves. Back are the formal walks of the garden, with much interesting green stuff and tree forms, through which the sunlight falls, and a touch of autumn Is apparent. Signed at lower right, * D’ ENTRAYGUES.” Height, 19 inches; width, 29 inches. No. 27 TONY OFFERMANS ' DUTCH THE LITTLE SISTER A mother stands by the side of a eradle, from which she lifts a green cloth, disclosing to a little child the new baby. The small girl gazes at it with wrapt attention, her arms behind her. The hight coming in through a window at the left floods the room, and there is a tiled mantel-place to the right. Some plates are over the chimney and a lamp is suspended from the ceiling. The scene is characteristically Dutch. | Signed at lower left, “*T. OFFERMANS.”’ Height, 324 inches; width, 23 inches. No. 28 JOHANNES WEILAND DUTCH 1858- THE DROPPED STITCH A Dutch mother is seated by a window in a humble interior. She knits at a stocking and by her sits a little girl who gazes intently at the work. On the floor is a basket of vegetables and through the white curtains the sun strikes the green outside and brilliantly illumines it. An old mirror hangs by the door and to the left a pot is suspended over a fire. Some fagots are near by to replenish the blaze. The scene is essentially of Holland and the simple peasant folk. Signed at lower right, J. WEILAND.”’ Height, 25 inches ; width, 21 inches. No. 29 ANTON FABRES SPANISH Contemporaneous ORIENTAL MUSICIANS Two Oriental musicians, a man and a woman, are at the entrance to a building. The former stands, beating adrum. The woman plays on a stringed instrument and is seated on a rug of beautiful design. Both are pictur- esquely garbed and both are singing. On the stone wall is an affriche in the Turkish characters and at the top of the picture is suspended a rug. Painted with great dexterity, the composition arrangement is interesting and there is a freshness about the work that is striking. Signed at lower right, “ A. FABRES.” Height, 32 inches ; width, 26 inches. > No. 30 PROFESSOR CONRAD KIESEL GERMAN Contemporaneous EASTER LILIES A very beautiful young Roman girl is standing in a garden of lilies. In one arm she holds a copper pot full of white and yellow blooms, and at her waist she has pinned a deep red rose. She wears a blue dress and bodice and a white chemisette, while her curling brown hair falls gracefully over her temples. Behind her is a tiled wall with tree forms beyond. The sparkle of light and air is well conveyed, the picture having an alluring brilliancy. Signed at lower right, “ CONRAD KIESEL.”’ Height, 38 inches; width, 24 inches. No. 31 NARCISSE VIRGILE DIAZ DE LA PENA FRENCH 1809-1876 INTERIOR OF FONTAINEBLEAU FOREST A deep, rich sense of the woodland is given here with some sturdy tree trunks that catch glints of sunlight. A figure lurks behind one of the trunks and through the leaves is caught a vision here and there of blue sky. It is such a scene as Diaz delighted in and painted many times with great feeling and sentiment. Signed at lower left, “N. D1az.” Height, 104 inches; width, 8 inches. No. 32 J. C. CAZIN FRENCH 1840-1901 FROM MY STUDIO WINDOW This exquisite sketch of Normandy sand dunes under a beautiful evening sky, was painted by the late M. Cazin from his studio window. The beauty of color, the envel- ope of poetry and the interesting contrast of tones make this as representative a picture by the lamented master as could well be found. Signed at lower left, ‘J. C. CAZIN.” Height, 53 inches; width, 84 inches. ' No. 33 MARTIN RICO SPANISH Contemporaneous JULY EVENING, VENICE AA typical scene on the Grand Canal with many gondolas drifting about. Various notable buildings are shown and softened by the mist in the distance. A few sails of various colors may be seen and some piles are reflected in the water. The sky is very tender in tone and flecked with golden clouds while the sense of a Venetian summer is well expressed. Signed at lower left, ** Rico.” Height, 184 inches ; width, 283 inches. No, 34 RENE AVIGDOR FRENCH Oontemporaneous LADY OF QUALITY A beautiful young woman is represented with down- cast eyes. She has a wealth of brown curling hair in which is a poppy. Her gown of green is trimmed with lace, which falls in easy folds, showing a pair of fair shoulders. The treatment is in keeping with the dainty femininity and is executed with rare facility. Signed at upper left, “ RENE AVIGDOR.” Height, 254 inches ; width, 21 inches. No. 35 F. BRUNERY FRENCH Contemporaneous THE EAVESDROPPER In a gorgeously-furnished apartment, rich in elaborate ornaments, with polished inlaid floors and gold decora- tions, is seated a beauty of the French Court. A cayalier in green kneels before her, and near by, fast asleep in his chair, is a Cardinal in his searlet robes. Through an open doorway a pretty serving maid overhears the awnorous declaration, to her obvious entertainment. The detail of ormolu clocks and side pieces, the reflections in mirror and the splendid portraits about the walls, is car- ried out faithfully and dexterously. Signed at lower right, “F. BRUNERY.” Height, 22 inches; width, 18} inches. WW \) (Su : No. 36 CESARE DETTI ITALIAN Contemporaneous DEPARTURE OF THE BRIDAL PARTY A bridal party comes down the steps of a palace of elaborately sculptured white marble. They are dressed in the gorgeous costumes of the eighteenth century, brilliant in color, of rich textures and beauty of design. The groom leads, and the bride, fresh in coloring, has her robe held by a page. Another page in violet walks beside her, holding her jewel case. Guests follow richly clad, and to the right a coach, with white horses, awaits the happy pair. The scene is one of great brilliancy and joyousness. Bright flowers bloom at the foot of the stairway in the garden. Signed at lower left, “C. DETTI.” Height, 32 inches; width, 25 inches. No. 37 JAN MONCHABLON FRENCH Contemporaneous VIEW OF JONVELLE, SPRINGTIME A quaint little French village nestles among the hills and through the valley runs a river, crossed by a bridge. The red-tiled roofs catch the sunlight of a sparkling spring day and the intense blue of the sky is reflected in the stream. Hverywhere the trees break out into bloom and the freshness of the season is apparent. All is rendered with the alluring detail that has made this man such a favorite. Signed at lower right. Height, 134 inches; width, 94 inches. No. 38 CHARLES MEISSONIER FRENCH Contemporaneous FLEMISH TAVERN In a quaint old interior, seated before a table, are two cavaliers engaged in earnest conversation. One, in red velvet, holds a mug in his hand, the other has a long churchwarden pipe. A woman stands cooking before a ereat fireplace and talks to a soldier in brown. Out through the door one sees the throngs im the street passing and in a corner of the room two retainers converse. Son of the great Meissonier, this painter has naturally fol- lowed along lines developed by his father, of which this composition is typical. Signed at lower right, ‘CHARLES MEISSONIER.” Height, 154 inches; width, 18% inehes. ee ; No. 39 VINCENZIO MARCH ITALIAN Contemporaneous THE TROUBADOR The picture represents an old auberge on the Roman Compania where, in front of the doorway sits a wandering musician with his guitar. A dog is beside him, and grouped about are peasants listening delightedly. From the chimneys of the clustered houses come up wreaths of smoke and all about is luxuriant vegetation. Some peas- ants in the distance load donkeys with garden produce. A woman knits in the foreground and children play. The artist, a friend of Fortuny, discloses marvelous skill in the rendering of his detail, painting and drawing with extraordinary facility and the types are all well presented. The brilliancy of coloring is to be noted and is character- istic of the land. Signed at lower right, “V. MARCH.” Height, 15% inches; width, 264 inches. aa No. 40 H. G. KRICHELDORE GERMAN Contemporaneous STILL LIFE Very realistically has this clever painter represented a lobster, brilliant in scarlet coloring, lying on a table. A green wine glass stands near and back are a castor and elaborately decorated wine jug. A few oysters serve to further make up the component parts of a feast. The work is unctuously rendered, with facile brush in a most artistic manner. Signed at upper right. ““H. G. KRICHELDORF, 1903.” Height, 214 inches; width, 30 inches. No. 41 CHARLES HERRMANN LEON FRENCH Contemporaneous AT BAY Toward evening a stag has been brought at bay by a pack of hounds and in his despair stands in agony, his head’ thrown back while the dogs pile on top of him. : One is on his back, another runs at his left. A line of: dark hills is seen at the back and an evening sky of yellow is over all. The scene is one properly represented by a genuine sportsman, which the painter in this instance happens to be, and the drawing and construction of the animals are thoroughly understood. Signed at lower left, “C. HERRMANN LEON,” Height, 26 inches ; width, 32 inches. No. 42 TONY ROBERT FLEURY : FRENCH Contemporaneous AN INTERESTING BOOK An attractive young woman sits comfortably in a chair and peruses a novel. She is clad in a light flowered dress and has hair of reddish tint which is done up in a knot on the top of her head. The light on the face is interestingly disposed and one finger is between the leaves of the volume. The coloring is delicate and full of charm and the sentiment of refined femininity is well conveyed. Signed at upper right, *'T. ROBERT FLEURY.” Height, 15 inches ; width, 12 inches. \\ No. 43 J. H. van MASTENBROEK DUTCH Contemporaneous ON THE RIVER MAAS An active scene on the outskirts of a Dutch town, which is seen in the distance. Some vessels are moored to the wharf—a steamer with white striped funnel, a couple of barges and a lighter. On the shore are groups of workinen and near them an old shanty. S Ay No. 55 C. F. DAUBIGNY FRENCH 1817-1878 MISTY MORNING Through wet fields from which arises a mist, a peasant woman drives some cattle to drink. The sun breaks through the clouds in yellow tones and patches of blue are seen overhead. Over the undulating valley one sees the distance gray, blue and soft, and there is the suggestion of a farm house to the left. Some slender trees are to the right, under which is a red cow. Signed at lower right, “ C. DAUBIGNY.” Height, 9 inches; width, 154 inches. From the J. STAATS FORBES Oollection. 5 | 7 \ - . ee [ ; * ; j , : : ; ae ~ : =i : Wo; ; - . - . - = é = 2 bi 3 9¢ “ON Olsole}eg hayvA ayz we burusoz ——~, é < \ IN J. B.C. COROT FRENCH 1796-1875 MORNING IN THE VALLEY Some willow trees and a birch to the left of the com- position come up against a warm evening sky, and a eroup of woodland to the right makes a strong note. In the distance are seen some buildings outlined against the heavens, and a stream flows through the centre of the picture. Some figures rest by a tree trunk. The tender grays characteristic of Corot are evident throughout the work, which has the charm of the great French master. Signed at lower right, ‘* Corot.” Height, 123 inches; width, 16 inches. From the F. BAYER Collection, Paris. > y No. 57 JULES DUPRE FRENCH 1811-1889 CATTLE IN THE POOL Kiminently characteristic of this distinguished French painter, this little masterpiece fairly glows with light and rich coloring. It shows a stream wherein are cattle. Some willows are near the bank and are reflected in the water. A sky of blue is banked with white clouds, the marshes recede into a soft distance, and there are both that solidity and construction to the landscape that bespeak the distinguished craftsman. The work is a most unusual example. Signed at lower right, “J. DUPRE.” Height, 94 inches ; width, 13 inches. From the Boussop VALADON & C! Collection, Paris. Cattle in the Pool Catalogue No. 57 JULES DUPRE art . * pas i , = i « 2 4 oe 4 ’ i 4 % ye 2 ‘ - ‘ oi ; 4 me 3 \ ‘ i a 5; ; * » ra S - ° ¥ + iS , ae i ( c J , a t a. F } We . | | ATYaLAId Flv | Roo eae re) : - wing hpunw.on ‘272200 No. 58 MARIE DIETERLE FRENCH Contemporary CATTLE AT THE POOL (NORMANDY FARM) Near an old, thatched-roofed farm house, a herd of ‘attle pause on the way home. Some drink at the pool and a dog watches. = ~~ * = , - * 4 . - ~ ® ~ a ; - “ 2 = ie a Pe J ~ % * ae ie Pais. 12. ed gi : ‘ ~ ( Brest AY S ane / ‘ f AG oe: a Se Se ie Se on { Ae tas os ee f KY, % . ag ee ~ {a ie MY P ae my Y | By ft j a Pai Hy, | ae ; end Pa Mra a y { , : £7) ‘ y ! | / Nh { f / me / j W> ‘ Ai ¢ Pe ho ve ap “/ gis ‘ ys Ay ea ae em f } UE AES aa ¢ “. rap oy 0 My $3 Shere’ op y) nest ci’ a \ af raa\\ yy 5 TENS ae ’ it PVN ia se a? Vgeig dio Te TIN ee a Re Mie Ph | on ae fe | he \ ah (U APES pee : P) 4 ‘ CA a % Rp a f\ ? 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