Executor’s Sale on the Premises THE FURNISHINGS AND EMBELLISHMENTS INCLUDING A GALLERY OF MODERN PAINTIN CONTAINED IN THE RESIDENCE No. 253 MADISON AVENUE TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SA UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION. NEW YORK CL. LIBRARY ao. M.KNOEDLER & CO. Se 556-8 Fifth Ave. ACC. New York ON FREE PUBLIC VIEW ON THE PREMISES, 253 MADISON AVENUE ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13tu, 1917 FROM 9 A.M. UNTIL 5 P.M. FURNISHINGS AND EMBELLISHMENTS CONTAINED IN THE PRIVATE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE MR. JAMES V. PARKER No. 253 MADISON AVENUE TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE PREMISES BY ORDER OF EXECUTOR ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 15tTu, AT 10.30 O’CLOCK A.M. CONCLUDING TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 16TH WITH THE SALE OF THE PAINTINGS AT 8.30 O’CLOCK CATALOGUE OF THE FURNISHINGS AND EMBELLISHMENTS INCLUDING A GALLERY OF MODERN PAINTINGS CONTAINED IN THE PRIVATE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE MR. JAMES V. PARKER No. 253 MADISON AVENUE TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE PREMISES ON THE DAYS HEREIN STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY AND HIS ASSISTANT, MR. OTTO BERNET, OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Manacers NEW YORK ial THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either de- cide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the pur- chase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon pay- ment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Deliveries will be made between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. on Wednesday, October 17th. Delivery of any purchase will be made only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the session of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the purchaser. Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such purchase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. Storage charges will be made upon all purchases not removed within ten days from the date of the sale thereof. 7. Guarantee is not made either by the owner or the Asso- ciation of the correctness of the description, genuineness or au- thenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of catologuing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is” and without recourse. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot correctly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trust- worthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly cata- logued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. CATALOGUE NOTICE The Sale will begin on the Fourth floor, Room No. 1, and continue in the order of the Catalogue. A Cash Deposit will be required from all purchasers. The Paintings will be sold in the Drawing Room on Tuesday Evening, beginning at 8.30 o’clock. Delivery of purchases will be made on Wednesday, October 17th, be- tween 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. SALE MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1917 AT THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE MR. JAMES V. PARKER 253 Mapison AVENUE BEGINNING PROMPTLY AT 10.80 O'CLOCK A. M. Catalogue Nos. 1 to 538, inclusive FOURTH FLOOR—SERVANTS’ QUARTERS SERVANTS’ ROOM No. 1 1—Suavine Mrrror ann Two Cnrocxs 2—Turee Sipe Cuarrs Imitation rosewood. 38—Two Porcu Rocxine CHarrs A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 4—Bureav, Wasustanp, Rounp Taste, ComMopE anp Bep 5—Two Rounp Tasizs One oak, and the other, imitation rosewood. SERVANTS’ ROOM No. 2 6—Sinetze Bep, Oak Bureau, Wasustanp, SmMaut Taste, Tower Rack, Two Cuarrs, Curna AND Carpet CONTENTS OF SERVANTS’ ROOM No. 3 %—Watnut Dovsie Bev, Oax Bureau, WasustTann, TABLE, Towret Racx, Smatt Taster, Rocxinc CHatrr AND CarPET LARGE ROOM—FOURTH FLOOR 8—Oax Easen Height, 6 feet. 9—Drop-LFaAr Taste AND Rounp TasiE The latter with tripod support. 10—Four Smartt Tasies One with marble top, one with undershelf, one with spindle and one with tripod support. 11—Rovunp Tape Walnut. Diameter, 35 inches. 12—Sureper Box, Stoot anp Two Commopes 18—Two CuHairs aND Strip oF Carper 14—Turee-quartTER BeEp Stained wood. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers CONTENTS OF SERVANTS’ ROOM No. 4 15—Iron Ben, Prye Bev, Two Bureaus, Two WasHstanps, Two Cuatrs, Tower Racx, Mrrror, Cuina anp Car- PET HALL—FOURTH FLOOR 16—Covucu Brp, Cuarr ann ComMMoDE CONTENTS OF SERVANTS’ ROOM No. 5 17—Bureav, WasHStTAND, SINGLE Bep, Smauut StTanp, Mirror, Rounp Tasie, Cairn, Cuina, Carpet anp Rue CONTENTS OF SERVANTS’ ROOM No. 6 18—Boureav, Mirror, Wasustann, Cuair, SmMaut Taste, Ben, Cuina, Rue anp Carrer BATH ROOM—THIRD FLOOR 19—Rep Carret Rue ann Corx Mar BACK BEDROOM—THIRD FLOOR 20—Two Drcoratrep Porcenain Vases With painted ornamentation of fish, sea shells and insects. 21—Mantret CrocKx With case of black marble. Height, 91. inches. 22—Parr or BonEemian Guass Frower Vases Ruby bowls with decorated tubular necks. Height, 13 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 23—Carvep Woop Jewrt Casket Swiss. Surmounted by two birds. (As is.) Height, 16 inches. 24—Bonemian Rusy Guass Toret Set In a ruby glass case. Gilded ornamentation. Height, 6 inches; length, 9 inches. 25—Mosaic PicrurE anv TRANSPARENT PicTURE 26—Hanpkercuier Case With metal plaques and needlework top. 27—Nicut Lamp In the form of a Gothic church. Set with intaglios. 28—Puaster STATUETTE “The Source.” (As is.) Height, 15 inches. 29—Warer Conor anp TILE The former a Pompeian subject; the latter, after Mauve. 80—Conorep Print anp Painting The former, Egyptian subject; the latter, “The Retriever.” 381—Two Cororrep LitrHocrarHs Hunting subjects. 382—PuorocrarH AND ENGRAVING First after Géréme; the second, “The Challenge,” after Landseer. 33—Two Conorepn LitHocraPrHs One, “Victorious Volunteer”; the other, Holland subject. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 34—Turee CoLtorep LirnoGraPrHs Various subjects. 385—Oaxk Suavine STAND Marble top. Height, 5 feet 9 inches. 36—Smatt Tasle Inlaid top. Four column supports. 37—Suort Box Top with embroidery in the Chinese style. 38—GiLpED anp PainTED TaBLe Length, 34 inches; width, 29 inches. 389—Two Siprt Cwarrs Bamboo style. 40—Two Rocxine Cuairs Spindle backs. 41—Wicxer ARMCHAIR Red plush cushion. 42—T_maTHER ARMCHAIR Movable back. 43—Oak TaBLe Pine top. Scroll support. 44—Sora Covered with woven tapestry. 45—WatNut SECRETARY Drop front. Height, 5 feet; width, 3 feet 2 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers Baa a Sta Os I a Soe EI i on UB Ge 46—Frar Tor Watnur Desx Pedestal ends. } Length, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 3 inches. | | 47—Mante, Mirror } Plush frame. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 9 inches. 48—Svuire or Beproom Furnirure | Consisting of: High-post bedstead, wardrobe with mirror : door, chest of drawers, gentleman’s dressing bureau and | four chairs. | 49—OrienTaL Rue | White center panel with three borders. \ Length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 2 inches. i BILLIARD ROOM—THIRD FLOOR FRONT ON SHELF No. 1 7 50—Tuirteen Porrery anp Woop STATUETTES Birds and grotesques. | ON SHELF No. 2 | 51—Exeven Sratvurtres, Trays anp Boxrs Various metals. ON SHELF No. 3 52—Porcetain JARDINIERE, Statuerres, Paryren SHELLS AND SILHOUETTES Twenty-three pieces. | ON SHELVES Nos. 4 and 5 58—Cou.ectTion or SHELLS A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers ee es ON SHELF No. 6 54—Firreen Srarurrres Porcelain and various metals. ON SHELF No. 7 55—Fourreen Casiner Opsecrs Pin cushions, card trays and Indian workmanship. ON SHELF No. 8 56—Fourrren Srarvretrres anp Carvines Various. ON SHELF No. 9 57—Turrrern Asu Trays, Counters anp OrnerR OrnNAMENTS ON SHELF No. 10 58—Twenry Parer Wetents ann Ornaments In variously colored stones. 59—Brass Jewen Casxer Low relief ornamentation of biblical subjects. Height, 3% inches; length, 6 inches. 60—Two Skvres Sryre Canpiesticks Metal bases and candle-holders. 61—Gix7T-srass Bouporr Crock With painted porcelain panels. Height, 12 inches. 62—Turert ORNAMENTS Bronze and other metals. Monkey, dog and stork. 68—Two Bronzzt Ornaments In the forms of Greek temples. Height, 7 inches. yan = ener A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 64—Inxstanp anp Lamp Bronze and gilt brass. 65—Two Bronze STATUETTES One after the antique. 66—Two Marsie STATUETTES Sleeping Venus and standing female figure. After the antique. 67—Two Marsiz Busts Voltaire and Lavater. 68—Nine PartanwarE STATUETTES Madonna, Child and St. John; Dancing Girl; and classical subjects. 69—Four CANDLESTICKS Brass. Various shapes. SILVER-PLATED Caskret AND Brass Box 70 With decoration of horses. 71—Marcu Sarr, PincusHion AND SMOKERS’ OuTFIT The first in form of a foot. 72—Co.LectTion oF MEDALS Commemorative. Ten pieces. 73—Srret Casket With relief ornamentation. Containing lot of mother-of- pearl counters. 74—Carvep Woop Pane, anp FrAacMENT oF SHELL The latter from the siege of Paris. 75—Eicut Mertat PLaeueEs Low relief ornamentation. Various sizes. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers Se eee i Dae N AG RRS i eto Pi Ne le het MC elo a 76—Hountine Kyire Length, 22 inches. 77—Turee Srarurrres Mexican. Height, 12 inches. 78—Ovat Grass Box The cover surmounted by a lion. Height, 7 inches. 79—Two Porrrry Jars, Tray anp PrLaaur One jar surmounted by a fox, and the other by an Egyptian head. 80—Turer Prezs One meerschaum and two pottery. (One stem lacking.) 81—Two Lone-stemMep Pirrs Pottery. 82—Tnuree Pistrots anp Suor Gun The latter by W. Richards of London. 83—Two Sratrurrres One terra-cotta and the other Parian marble. 84—Two Japanese Porcenain JArs Blue glaze, with decoration in white. Height, 101, inches. 85—Pair or Frencu Bronze Vases With relief ornamentation of floral scrolls. Loose ring handles. Length, 18 inches. 86—Carvep Woop Cuckoo Crock (As is.) Height, 241%, inches. oa a ge pee ee Eada ee A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 87—Parr or PorcELAIn JARDINIERES Dark blue glaze with decoration of flying geese and break- ing waves. Height, %/, inches. 88—Two Oxtp Moravian Potrrery Jars With floral decoration on a varicolored ground. Height, 13 inches. 89—Parr or Havinann Farence VaAseEs With decoration of cupids and flowers. Height, 14 inches. 90—Four Framep PHorocrarHs Oak frames. 91—Gitt Merat Praaurt ann Porrery Birp The latter under glass. 92—Turee Porrery STEINS One in the form of a monkey, another a pug dog, and the third a monk. 98—Two Mrrriacn STEINs Tall form. One with scroll and figure decoration and the other with medallion and engraved surface. (Imperfect.) 94—Two Sreins anp PitrcHEerR One amber glass, with pewter mounts; one Mettlach, with decoration of imitation books, and the third Doulton. 95—Revoussé Sitver-PLATED PLAQuE Autumn. By Germain after Oudry. Height, 15 inches; width, 144, inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 96—SILVER-PLATED PraquE Repoussé figures of children and fawns. Signed: Clodion. Height, 9 inches; width, 15 inches. 98—RosEwoop Hat-stanp Twisted column. Height, 25 inches. 99—Four Wuirs One, four-in-hand. 100—TxureEeroLtp ScrREEN Japanese style. Embroidered panels. Height, 41 inches. 101—Watt SHELVES Walnut, with inlays of various, woods. 102—Two Ovat-ror Tartzs One with a cast-iron standard, the other folding. 108—Laceurer STAND Black, with decoration in gilt. 104—Srx Watnvt Sipe Cuatrs Some with leather seats. 105—Drop-Lear TasLEe Turned legs. ; Length, 4 feet. 106—Manret Mirror Imitation rosewood frame. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet. A Cash Deposit will be required from all. Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 107—Watnvut Dresstinc Bureau Marble top with swing mirror. 108—Two Watnutr Booxcases Each with shelves and two drawers. Height, 6 feet; width, 4 feet 2 inches. 109—Mapre Binuarp Taste By H. W. Callender. With cues and racks. 110—Lort or Torter CHina Ten pieces. | 111—Brass Fenper i . Colonial style. Length, 44 inches. | LIBRARY—THIRD FLOOR 112—Two Bruack Marsie OBEtisxs One, as is. Height, 16 inches. 118—Buacxk Marsie Manter Crock With inlays of various marbles. Height, 10 inches; length, 14 inches. \ 1 114—Fovr Conorep Litrnocrarus After Delacroix. Two sizes. 115—Turee Litrnocrarys With Italian Lake Towns, and Winter Scene, after Hilde- brand. 116—Turee Conorep LirHocrarus Various subjects. | A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 117—Watunvut Humivor With ebony panels. Height, 12 inches; length, 15 inches. 118—Revotvine Booxstanp anp Woop Box Former maple, with circular top; the latter repoussé. 119—Exoniwzep Worx Tasie Top inlaid with mother-of-pearl. 120—Watnut Taste Two drop leaves with oval ends. 121—Rocxine CHair Spindle back. 122— ArmcHaIR Upholstered in-woven tapestry. 123—Brass Coat Hop 124—Parr or Brass AnpIRoNS With urn-shaped tops. 125—Fourroutp Brass Firz Screen 126—Fovur Oax Booxcasts Open fronts and backs. 127—Tureet Pairs or Creronnse Winpow anv Door Draperies 128—Rep Carper With conventional leaf-shape figures. About thirty run- ning yards. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers {| | } | | | A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers THIRD FLOOR—HALL 129—Two Armcuarrs Upholstered in blue. 180—Oax Tasie With under-shelf. White marble top. 131—Wicxer SETTER Velour cushion. 182—Watnur Warprose With three compartments. Drawers in base. Height, 9 feet; length, 9 feet 8 inches; depth, 1 foot 10 inches. 183—Carpet Red ground with small figures. (About thirty-five yards.) 1384—Turee Pairs Portizres Red, yellow and blue stripes. 135—Rep Carpet on Srairs: Tuirp to Srconp Froor SOUTHWEST ROOM—SECOND FLOOR 136—Two Smatt Trapors Cloisonné on porcelain. 137—Pair or Japanese PorceLain Borries Floral decoration. Height, 8 inches. 1388—Sitver-PLaAteD Canpiestick AND Marcu Hoxprr In the form of a Roman lamp. 139—Pair or Skvres Stryte CANDLESTICKS Gilt-bronze bases and candle-holders. Height, 7 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers su i ere elie OSE yen ae Nims Se Cea ly eae 140—Five Carven Woop Brackets ann Two Composition Busts 141—Turee Satsuma Incense Burners Various sizes (as is). 142—Parr or Frencu Porcenarn Vases Turquoise-blue glaze, with medallion ornamentation of court beauties, cupids, garlands of leaves and ribbon bow- knots. One marked J. P. (Jacob Petit). Height, 181% inches. 143—Bovpvorr Crock Gilt-brass and plate-glass case. The dial surrounded by rhinestones. 144—Picrure Frame With ornamentation of cherubs’ heads, cupids and cornu- copie. 145—Two Lirnocrapus Old Dutch towns. Gilt frames. 146—Turee Paintines Boat on Shore, Seashore and Autumn View. The first signed in monogram: T.R. Height, 41, inches; width, 84, inches. 147—Framep Miniature anp Patntrne on PorcEevatn The former, Cattle, Horse and Herdsman in Forest; the latter, Shepherd Boy. 148—PurotrocravurRE “L’école de Danse.”’ After Palmaroli. 149—Water Cotor Waterfalls and Ruins. Height, 71, inches; length, 81 inches. TE en ee ay ae ee ee eee A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 150—Two Miniature Parntines Italian subjects. Oval. 151—Two Or Parytines Style of Teniers. Height, 614 inches; width, 514 inches. 152—Two Or Paintines Unknown artists. Boat on Shore and Windmill. Height, 414, inches; length, 7 inches. 158—O1, Paintinc anp Water Conor Italian subjects. Guilt frames. 154—Pasten Unmasked. Height, 26 inches; width, 21 inches. 155—Orz Parntine Skating. Signed: F. Seben. Height, 8° inches; width, 6 inches. 156—Turee Coucu Cusuions Two with embroidered covers and one melon shape. 157—FootstooL Covered with Turkish embroidery. 158—Turee-tier STAND Rosewood, with inlays of various woods. Brass rail. Height, 31 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 159—Smatut Taste Kingwood, with inlays of various woods and chiseled gilt- brass mounts. With one drawer. Height, 30 inches; length, 27 inches. 160—Watnut Framep Fire Screen Plate glass panel. Height, 50 inches. 161—RosEewoop CentER TasLE Pine top. 162—Two Manocany Sipe Cuarrs Queen Anne style. 163—Pair or Louis XVI Sryztz SecRETARIES Kingwood, with basket inlay of satinwood. Gilt brass mounts. With three drawers, pull shelf and upper com- partment. 164—Surre or Urnorsteren Furniture Consisting of: Three armchairs, one side chair, one settee and one couch. Covered in red. 166—Set or Cur Sree anp Brass Fire Irons Three pieces, 167—Fovur Winpvow Currains Trimmed with Cluny lace. Height, 9 feet 6 inches; width, 8 feet 8 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 168—Two Pairs or Rep Winpow Draperies With woven tapestry borders. Height, 11 feet; width, 4 feet. 169 ELEVEN Smatt Covers anp Cases Variously colored materials. 170—Puusu Taste Cover With old-gold plush border and blue plush center framed in embroidery. 4 feet 2 inches square. 171—Rep Sirx Piusu Cover With tasseled fringe. Length, 7 feet; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 172—Four Taste Covers Velour and woven tapestry. Various sizes. 1738—Fovur Taste Covers Velour and velvet. Various sizes. 174—Greren Vetvet Cover With elaborately embroidered ornamentation of medallion, corner ornaments, bands and borders in gold threads. Fringed. 5 feet 7 inches square. 1744—Carper Gray ground, with pear-shaped ornaments in red and yellow. About forty running yards. NORTHWEST BEDROOM—SECOND FLOOR 175—Two Art Bronze StatTuEtTrTEs Grotesque figures. Height, 111/ inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A, Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 176—Bronze Bust Bearded man. Height, 12 inches. 177—Bronze STatTuETTE anv Fatence Incense Burner Rabbit and elephant. 178—Puatep Tanxarp, Tray anp BEAKER With repoussé figure decoration. 179—Pair or Gien CanpDLESTICKS Polychrome decoration. 180—Rosrwoop Worx Box witrx Frrrines Inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Height, 7 inches; length, 12 inches. 181—RosrEwoop Box Brass edges. Height, 6 inches; length, 13 inches. 182—Bunw. Jewen Casxer With inlays and moldings of brass. Numerous trays and secret drawers. Height, 14 inches; length, 17 inches; width, 14 inches. 1838—Deurr Mante, Ser Consisting of a vase-shaped clock and pair of candelabra in the form of lions. (Repaired.) 184—Two JarpInizREs One faience, and the other porcelain. 185—Porceiain Lamp In the Dresden style, with pink shade. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 186—Conorep LirHocrarH A group of figures before Roman ruins, from which ancient art treasures have been excavated. 187—Fovr Cotorep Litnocrarns Italian subjects. Gilt frames. 188—LirnocrarH anp WarteErR Conor Italian subjects. 189—Watnvut Taste Ebonized and gilded. 190—Waxnvur Srtwine Taste With one drawer and double-column supports. Height, 27 inches; length, 23 inches. 191—RosEwoop Nicut Tasie With two drop leaves. 192—Rosrwoop Dresstnc TasiEe With marqueterie inlay. One shallow drawer and a lift- over top set with mirror on the under side. Height, 30 inches; length, 24 inches. 193—TIwo Rosrewoop Sipr Cuarrs Green plush seats. 194—RosEwoop Center TaBie With turned legs and felt center panel. Height, 28 inches; length, 85 inches; width, 35 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 195—Two Upnotisrerep ArMcHarrs Covered in green plush with a woven tapestry band. 196—Two Urpnotisterrp ArmMcHarRs With rolled backs and arms. Covered in green plush with woven tapestry strip. 197—Rosrwoop Beproom SuitE Comprising a double bedstead, two dressing bureaus with marble tops, and wardrobe with mirror door. 198—Rosrzwoop Sranp With four shelves and two drawers. Height, 59 inches; length, 44 inches. 200—Brass-HANDLED Frrz-rrons and Spark Guarp F've pieces. 201—Four Winpow Currains Trimmed with Cluny lace. Height, 9 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 8 inches. 202—Four Winpow Draperies Woven tapestry. Height, 11 feet; width, 3 feet 6 inches. BACK BEDROOM—SECOND FLOOR 204—Turet Rusy Guass Borries with STOPPERS Silver and gilt ornamentation (as is). 205—Two Toiter Mirrors One with silver-plated frame and the other with an oak frame. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 206—Two Porrrery Jars Yellow glaze. The covers surmounted by dogs. 207—Two Parian Ware Grours **Children.”’ Height, 1014 inches. 208—Carvep Woop Box witrn Ivory Cures Swiss. Porcelain miniature set in the cover. 209—Drespen Sryte Porcetain Manrert Ser Consisting of clock with cupids as supports and orna- mented with flowers in relief, and candelabra decorated correspondingly. Height of clock, 19 inches; height of candelabra, 22 inches. 210—Bonemian Guass Lieurur Ser Consisting of two liqueur bottles, sugar bowl, two glasses and tray. Cut and decorated with flowers in silver. 211—Drespen Styte Porcenain Lamp With relief ornamentation of flowers, leaves and cupids. ( Repaired.) Height, 25 inches. 212—Cotorep Print Pastoral. After R. Rosler. 213—Two O11 Parntines Dutch Towns. Height, 8% inches; width, 64, inches. 214—Pair or Inpian Criups A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 215—Sureip-sHarep Mirror Carved wood frame. Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches. 216—Snavine Mirror Mahogany. Scroll supports. Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. 217—Rowunp TasBLE Column support, with inlay of peacocks and flowering plants. Diameter, 23 inches. 218—Watnot Tape Two drop leaves. Gilt decoration. Length, 46 inches; width, 23 inches. 219—Gittr X-stoo, Jpholstered in quilted red satin. 220—Eronizep Rockine CHarr With embroidery in the Chinese style. 221—Manocany Center Taste With rounded corners and fluted legs. Length, 46 inches; width, 40 inches. 222—_Four ARMCHAIRS Upholstered in cretonne. Various sizes. 223—Rosrewoop anp Ture Woop Brproom Furnirure Comprising: Double bedstead, wardrobe with mirror door, bureau, dressing table and night table. A Cash Deposit will be requred from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 225—Brass AND STEEL FirrE-1rons Five pieces. 226—Two Pairs or Scrim Winpow Curtains With lace edging and innsert. 227—Four Pairs or Cretonne DRrarerigs Rose pattern. ART GALLERY—SECOND FLOOR 228—Maceniryine Gass Silver-plated. 229—Pair or Bronze Groups The Marley horses. Walnut pedestal. Height of bronzes, 25 inches; height of pedestal, 42 inches. 230—Bronze STATUETTE Venus de Milo, cast by Barbédienne. Mahogany pedestal. Height, 38 inches. 231—Inpia Rue Red center field with conventional diamond-shaped me- dallion and corner ornaments in green, red, blue and white. Numerous narrow borders to correspond. Length, 18 feet; width, 15 feet. 232—-Gitt Woop Sroon Bamboo design. 233—Manocany Easen Ornamentation in gilt bronze. Height, 6 feet 4 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers cn A le LA SOR st ae a He Olas si a ee Pome he NS 234—Buacxk Watnur Ease, 235—Rosrewoop Smaty Tape Florentine mosaic top. Diameter, 21 inches. 236—Two Easy Armcuatrs Upholstered in red brocatelle. 237—Suire or Esronizep Furniture Woven tapestry covering. Comprises long seat, two sofas, one large armchair, two small armchairs, four side chairs and an ottoman. 238—Watnur Taste With East Indian embroidered cover. 239—Concert Granp Piano By Steinway & Sons. With cover. SECOND FLOOR—HALL 240—Five Pairs Bacpap Porritres Height, 8 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet. 241—Tyree-tTier Brass Sranp With low relief ornamentation. Height, 29 inches. 2414—Bronze Arcu, Cotumn anv OBELisK Miniature copies. 242—EponwEep TasLe Square top with inlaid panel of various marbles. Diameter, 20 inches. a ne a I eh A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 243 Manocany Sipe Tasue Oval corners and fluted legs. Length, 57 inches. BATHROOM—SECOND FLOOR 244—Two Manocany Sipe Cuairs Towel rack, oil stove and carpet. STAIRWAY FROM SECOND TO FIRST FLOOR 245—Wittron Strain Carpet Red ground, with conventional leaf pattern. HALL—FIRST FLOOR 246—SERPENTINE Marsie Group Classic subject (repaired). Height, 33 inches. 24°7—GILT-BRONZE STAND With top of modern French faience. Polychrome decora- tion. Height, 31 inches. 248—Pair or Dovttron JARDINIERES With painted and relief ornamentation of flowers. Gilt brass mounts. Signed, E. Sangler. Height, 19 inches. 249—Patr or Farence JARDINIERES Marbleized surface. With lion head handles. Height, 18 inches. 250—Carvep anp Gitt Woop TaBsLe Scroll supports. (As is.) Diameter, 27 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 251—Eponizep VasE-sHAPED ORNAMENT With ebonized pedestal. Gult-bronze mounts. Height, 71 inches. 252—Marsizt Busr “Dante.” Composition marble pedestal. Height, 66 inches. 253—Marsie Porrrarr Bust Of a man. Imitation marble pedestal. Height of bust, 29 inches. 254—Marsie Bust Porrrarr “Young Woman.” On an imitation marble pedestal. Height of bust, 29 inches. 255—Marsie Bust Classic subject. Height, 31 inches. 256-—-Marsie Bust Classic subject. Height, 2914 inches. 257—Marsie StTatur “Eve.” On square pedestal base of green marble. Height of statue, 6 feet. 258—Bampoo Sroou 259—Fuux Surr or Armor wirnh Harperp A finely wrought reproduction of an antique suit. With repoussé ornamentation of figure masks, and other subjects. Height, 6 feet 1 inch. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 260—F uit Surr or ArMor witH Sworp A finely wrought reproduction of an antique suit. With etched ornamentation. Height, 6 inches. | ; | 261—Pair or Carvep Watnut ArMcHAIRS | | Red leather seats and backs. 268—Bronzr Newer Post OrnaMEent | In the form of a Roman warrior supporting a gas fixture for four lights. Height, 5 feet 6 inches. 264—Pair or Winpow Currains i | : ; : | Trimmed with Arabian lace. Height, 10 feet; width, 4 feet. i l | if I 1 265—Parr or Woven Tapestry Winnow Draperies Brown, with foliations in white. Height, 12 feet; width, 4 feet. | | T N } 266—Fovur Pairs or Green VeLtour PorrTieres With appliqué ornamentation of conventional flower. Gal- looned. Height, 9 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet. 267—DacueEstan Rue Ivory-white center panel, with geometrical pattern. Seven borders. Length, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers DRAWING ROOM—FIRST FLOOR 268—Bonemian Rusy Grass Vase Urn-shaped on a square base. With floral, foliate and figure decoration in silver and gilt. Height, 181, inches. 269—Pair or Bronze Vases After the antique. Repoussé figure decoration. Height, 14 inches. 270—Trrra-corra STATUETTE Cupid. With stand. Height, 13 inches. 271—SerPentiIne Marsie STatTuEtTrTEe “Wounded Gladiator.” After the antique. On a white marble base. Length, 11 inches. 272—BronzeE STATUETTE Mercury. White marble circular base. Reduced copy of the antique. Height, 27 inches. 273—Coverrep Cup Formed of an ostrich egg. On tall foot and with mounts of pewter. The cover surmounted by an ostrich. Height, 23 inches. 274—BronzE STATUETTE Autumn. Signed Victor Paillard, Paris. On an ebonized pedestal base. Height, 18 inches. 275—Parr or Farence Vases (Miyton) King’s blue glaze. With relief decoration of garlands of fruits and medallions in colors. Faience pedestals. Height on pedestal, 57 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 276—Patr or Otp Frencu Porceiain Vases Turquoise-blue glaze with panels in white reserve with paint- ings of flowers and fruits in natural colorings. Elaborate gilt-bronze mounts. Height, 29 inches. 277—Parir oF Srvres StyteE Carp Receivers Turquoise-blue glaze with bands and medallions decorated with cupids and flowers in colors. Elaborately chiseled brass mounts and stands. Height, 8 inches; width, 12 inches. 278—Srvres Sryte Center Piece Elongated bowl shape. 'Turquoise-blue glaze, with white reserve panels decorated with paintings of pastoral sub- jects. Elaborate gilt-bronze mounts. Height, 13 inches; length, 22 inches. 279—Parr or Drespen Porcrextatn Lamps Turquoise-blue glaze, with panels in white reserve deco- rated with cupids and brilliantly plumaged birds. The gilt mounts in the forms of scrolls and cupids. Height, 34 inches. 280—Exaporate anp Costty Manreu Ser Consisting of: Clock and two candelabra in chiseled gilt- bronze and white marble. (a) The clock. Movement, by Le Roy of Paris, is set in a vase of gilt-bronze, ornamented with bouquets and gar- lands of flowers and flanked by two cupids. On a shaped marble and gilt-bronze base. Height, 37 inches. (b) Candelabra. With seven branches in the form of lhes and leaves, supported by cupids which in turn rest on trun- cated marble base with gilt-bronze mounts. Height, 40 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers FURNITURE 281—Manocany Piano Sroor Louis XVI style. Upholstered in green satin. 282—Four Sora Cusutons Embroidered satin and lace. 283—Two Gitt Recrrrion CHarrs With embroidered black satin seats. 284—Carvep anp Gint-woop Taste Louis XVI style, with Florentine mosaic marble top. Diameter, 24 inches. 285—Patir or Lovis XVI Srytz Corner PepeEstrats Carved and gilded wood, with white marble tops. 286—Lovis XVI Sryte Fire Screen Panel of plate glass and frame of carved and gilded wood. Height, 54 inches. 287—Parr or Paraquetry Music Casinets Kingwood, with painted panels in blue on a gilt ground. The mounts of chiseled and gilded bronze. Height, 63 inches; width, 27 inches. 288—Parr or Louis XVI Sryte Pepestat Capinets With panels and inlays of burl walnut and other woods. Gilt-bronze mounts and composition marble tops. 289—Lovis XVI Sryte ArmcHar Carved in gilded wood frame. Upholstered in embroidered black satin. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 290—Lovis XVI SryteE Consort TABLE Carved and gilded wood with white marble top. Height, 41 inches; length, 84 inches. 298—Carvep AND GitpEp Woop JARDINIERE Louis XVI style. Semi-oval shape. Height, 15 inches; length, 54 inches. 295—Lovis XVI Srytz Center TABLE Burl walnut and kingwood. Gilt-bronze mounts. Shaped ends and X-underbrace. Height, 31 inches; length, 62 inches. 296—Lovis XVI Srytz Drawine-room Suite With frames of carved and gilded wood and upholstered in light green satin, consisting of: (a) Two bergéres. (c) Four side chairs. | (b) Four armchairs. (d) Three reception chairs. (e) Two sofas. 297—Gi.LtT-BRASS AND STEEL Fire Set Three pieces. 298—GiLt-BRONZE FENDER 299—Two Pairs or Araspian: Lace Curtains Each: Height, 10 feet; width, 4 feet. 300—Two Parrs or Green Satin Winpow Curtains With woven tapestry border and heavy cords. Height, 12 feet; width, 6 feet. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers LIBRARY—FIRST FLOOR 301—Avsusson Carpet Red ground with medallions and borders in low tones. Length, 82 feet; width, 20 feet. 302—BronzE Group “Una and the Lion.” On a black marble base. Height, 8 inches. 303—RosrEwoop Box With inlaid decoration of classic subjects. 304—Merat CaskerT With low-relief ornamentation of scroll and strappings. Lined with oak. Height, 8 inches; length, 12 inches. 8305—Two Fans One lacqucred, with painted decoration of female head. The other with mirror and panel of needlework. 8306—TIwo Porrrotios One green morocco, the other black leather. Gult-bronze mounts. 307—Bronze InxsTanp With paper cutter and seal block. 308—Gitt Merant Carp ReEcEIVER Repoussé ornamentation. 309—Pair or GiLtT-BRONZE CANDLESTICKS Louis XIV style. Height, 13 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 310—Brass Box With Florentine mosaic top. 311—Gitt-BRonzE STATUETTE Psyche. By Moreau. Shaped onyx base. Height, 30 inches. 312—Patr or Curyest Porcenarn Vases Oviform, with tubular neck and spreading lip. Sang-de- beuf glaze. Chiseled gilt-bronze mounts. Height, 311% inches. 313—Brass Piano Lamp With old gold silk shade. Height, 69 inches. FURNITURE 314—Two Carvep anp GitpED Woop Foorsroo.rs Circular. Covered in red plush. 315—Turee Sipe Cuarrs X-supports. 316—Manocany Rounp Taste Tripod supports on a triangular base. Gilt-bronze mounts. Diameter, 28 inches. 317—Patr or Lovis XVI Sryte Carp Tasuzs Mahogany and satinwood, with decoration of flowers and musical trophies in various woods. Lift-over tops. Mounts of gilt-bronze. 318—ExoniEep anp Gitpep Center Tasie Height, 29 inches; length, 57 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 319—Souirr or Urnorstrerep Furniture Ebony and gilt covered in red silk plush. Comprises sofa, five armchairs and four side chairs. 320—Brass Coat Hop With repoussé decoration. 3821—Tworortp Fire Screen Brass. 322—Pair or Brass AnpIRONS Height, 29 inches. 323— Brass Frenper, Length, 7 feet. 324—Brass Fire Ser ann Sranp Seven pieces. 325—Turee Sora CusHions One covered in red satin, one in red and green plush and the third in red plush. 3826—Two Pairs or Rep Prusu Portizres Fringed. Height, 12 feet; width, 7 feet. 327—Berriuw Carpet Ruc Shaped. Length, about 30 feet; width, about 18 feet. DINING ROOM 328—Twenty SHEerry Grasses Tapering bowls on tall stems. Decoration of flowers and initial P. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 329—Twenty-rour WinE GLassEs To match the preceding. 330—Twetve CHAMPAGNE GLASSES To match the preceding. 331— NINETEEN CHAMPAGNE BowLs To match the preceding. 332—Twrenty-NINE Cur anp Encravep SHERRY GLASSES 333—Firtren Fincer Bowts To match the preceding. 8334—SEVENTEEN CorpiaL GLASSES To match the preceding. 334—E1cHTEEN CLARET GuLasssES Slender stems. 835—EIGHTEEN SHERRY GLASSES Lily-shaped. 336—Twenty-oNE CHAMPAGNE BowLs On square stems. 837—Nine CorpisL GLassEs Cut. On tall foot. 3388—Pair or DecanTEers Lobed bodies. The shoulders, necks and stoppers tinted with purple. Gilt decoration. 339—Two Curt-crass PircHEers 840—Twetve Corpiat Grasses On tall stems. With decoration in gilt. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers ee icine ey Sane Sa NL FA OTE TS ASE ES 341—Twetve Puncu GuassEs With star cutting on the foot. 342—Ficur Suerper Curs anp Nine TumMBiers The former, ruby glass, with twisted patterns. The latter with gilt decoration. Parr or Dessert SERVICE French porcelain. Blue glaze with white reserve panels decorated with paintings of flowers, brightly plumaged birds and coat-of-arms. Consisting of 343 8 cups and saucers (2 sizes) 2 square dishes 10 covered cups with tray 2 sauce boats 12 compotiers 1 pitcher 1 bowl with handles 344—Twenve AFTER-DINNER CorreE Cups AND SAUCERS Copeland. With red bands. 345—Twenty-THree Hock Guasses With ruby bowls and bulbed stems. 846—Twenty-THREE Hock GuassEs With ribbed stems. 347—Tuirty-tHree Hocx Guassrs Similar to the preceding but slightly larger. 3848—Twernrty-EIGHT CHAMPAGNE GLASSES With trumpet bowls and feet. 849—Tuirry-stx CHampacne GLassEs Similar to the preceding but slightly larger. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 350—Srt or Guass Cut and engraved with the initial P. Consisting of 17: sherry glasses 16 champagne glasses 20 claret glasses 24 goblets 2 decanters 351—Ten CorpiaL Grasses anp TRAY Gilt decoration. 351a—Two Cur Grass Decanters One with plain bowl; the other with ribbed cutting. Height, 11 inches. 352—Two Wuiskry Jucs Compressed pear shape. Height, 10 inches. 353—Turee Wine Jucs With applied decoration of rosettes. Stoppers do not match. : Height, 12 inches. 354—Two Guass Decanters One with plain bowl and the other with star cutting. (One repaired. ) Height, 12 inches. 855—Four Guass Drecanrers With loop handles. Stoppers do not match. Two sizes. 356—Turee Grass Decanters Plain bodies. Slightly different. (One as is.) 357—Pair or Cur Grass Lievor Borrurs With cut stoppers. Height, 10 inches. ; A Cash Deposit will be required. from all Purchasers 358—Guass Liaurur Jue In the form of a cask. With three glasses. 859—Encravep Grass Decanter Dutch. . Height, 101% inches. 3860—Guass DecantTER In the form of an animal. Top handle. 361—Fovurtren Rupy Wine Grasses Seven engraved with the grape vine pattern and seven with gilt decoration. he latter slightly smaller. 362—Twetve Wixer GLassEs Green. Cut. 363—GreEEN Guass DecantER AND Twretve WINE GtassEs Cut. Differing slightly in color. 364—Two Bouemian Grass Decanters Cameo cut. Pale turquoise-blue and white. One with tray. 365—Four Bouremran Guass Vases Ruby, blue and white, and green. ‘866—Two Bonrmtan Grass Pircuers One blue, and the other red. Cut. 367—Ser or Rusy Cur-crass Consisting of two bonbon dishes on tall foot and two trays. 3868—Cur Crystat Guass. VAsE Deeply cut. With slightly flaring bowl. On tall foot. Height, 11 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers Sc NS ei li Sa aaa 369—Srven Rusy GuassEs wirH Trays Gilt decoration. 370—Five Rusy Guass Bowus With scalloped edges. Gilt decoration. 371—Firreren Rusy Guass Piates To match the preceding. 872—Six Green Grass Water BottrieEs Cut. Five Green Grass Water Borries With glasses. Similar to the preceding. 373 374—Two Rusy Guass Water Borries AND TEN WrixeE GLassEs Two styles. 875—Two Cur-ciass PircHErs Hobnail cut. 376—Patr or Cur-ciass DecaNTERS AND Six GLAssEs Deep cutting. With twisted design about the shoulders. The stoppers with pineapple tops. Crest of Prince of Wales’ three feathers. 377—Guass Craret PircHEer With sterling silver top. (As is.) 378—Bonson DisH anv Cigarette Box The former cut glass with silver top. PLATED WARE 379—Two Sinver-pLatep Ece Curs anp A Catt Bren The former with ‘a scalloped edge; the latter with raised ornamentation. SRD yt rd ALAN 3 ig eck os ea BA 9 ARN) Pa eee tae A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 380—Turee SILver-PLATED Satur AND Pepper SHAKERS Egg shape. (Two sizes.) 881—Pair or Porcerain Pepper SHAKERS Silver-plated tops. (One as is.) 382—CHAMBER CANDLESTICK Silver-plated. 883—TIwo CHamBer CANDLESTICKS Silver-plated. One marked: Elkington. 384—Priatep Sucar SIrrer Opaque glass handle. 385—SILVER-PLATED SataAp Fork anp Spoon 386—Pair or SHEFFIELD Puatep CANDLESTICKS Rope edges. Height, 13 inches. 387—SILVER-PLATED CrumB ScraPER, Pre Kynire anp Ice-cream KNIFE 388—Exeven Taspiespoons AND Twretve Diyner Forks Silver-plated. With floral pattern. 389—Pair or SHEFFIELD PLATED CANDLESTICKS By James Dickson and Sons. 390—Sproons, Tones, Nurricx, Forx anp Two Pairs or GrapPE ‘ > Scissors Silver and silver plate. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 391—Sinver-pLtatep Pir Kyire anp Lape 392—TweLvE SiLver-PLATED Diryner Forks ann ELreven TABLESPOONS Floral and scroll pattern. 393—Twetve Sitver Souper Disues Shell shape. 394—SILvER-PLATED Cup AND SAUCER AND Sitver TEA STRAINER The last with an ebony handle. 395—Sitver Sorper Butrrer Dish anp Cover Tiffany and Company. Plain surface. 396—Pair or SHEFFIELD Pratep Sauce Boars On three feet. Stag’s head crest. 397—Two SHEFFIELD CoAsTERS Openwork edges. (Imperfect.) 398—Two Sitver-pLtatep Rounp Trays One with egg and dart edge and the other with rope edge. Diameter, 1144 inches. 399—Two Prarep PircHers anp Two Vases 400—SuHeEFFIELD Prarep Carp Tray Engraved surface. On three feet. Diameter, 8 inches. 401—Two SInveR-PLATED CoFFEE-POTS Side handles. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 402—StLvER-PLATED CorrEer SET Reed and Barton Company. Engraved decoration. (Three pieces. ) 4038—SiLvER-PLATED Tra SET Teapot, coffee-pot, sugar bowl and cream pitcher. Oval, with repoussé ornamentation of flowers and leaves. 404—SILVER-PLATED Fruit DisH With bail handle. Pierced. 405—Two Siiver-PLatep Fruir Sranps Two tier. Scalloped edges and top handles. Height, 15 inches. 406—Four SHEFFIELD Pratep VEGETABLE DisHEs With reversible covers and hot water compartments. Diameter, 1014 inches, 407—Sinver Sotper Cuarine Dis Gorham and Company. Raised scroll edge and ivory handle. 408—Pair or SILVER-PLATED CANDELABRA Scroll and shell ornamentation in low relief. For five lights each. Height, 1514 inches. 409—Two Suerrirtp Puaren TurEENS On four feet. Lobed bodies. With hot water compart- ments. Height, 12 inches. 410—Meripen Pratt Tra anp Correr Ser With relief and engraved decoration. Consisting of coffee and tea pots, cream pitcher, sugar bowl and tray. A Cash Deposit will be requred from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 411—Suerrietp Pratep Hor-watrer Kerrie Engraved decoration. On square stand. Height, 15 inches. 412—Patr oF SHEFFIELD Praren Wine Coorers Loose ring handles and vertical ribbings. 418—Pair or SHEFFIELD Piratren Wine Coouers Loose ring handles and horizontal ribbings. 414—Priarep Hort-watrer Urn On tall foot. Beaded edge. Height, 19 inches. 415—Suerrretp Pruatep Fish Disx Raised edge. Coat-of-arms. Length; 344/, inches. 416—Two Suerrietp Puarep Meat Disues Scroll edge. Lengths, 1614, and 20 inches. 417—Suerrietp Prarep Mrar Disu Similar to the preceding. Length, 22 inches. 418—SiLvER-PLATED Tray wita Hanpuzs Engraved monogram and coat-of-arms. Length, 24 inches; width, 16 inches. 419 —Suerrietp Pruatep Tra Tray On four feet. With scroll handles. Relief scroll and floral ornamentation. Initialed, C. V. P. Length, 31 inches; width, 201% inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 420—SuerrieLtp Pratep Trea Tray Similar to the preceding but smaller. Length, 291/, inches; width, 2014 inches. 421—Two Suerrietp Pratep Mrat Covers 422--Two SHEFFIELD Pirate Mrat Covers Similar to the preceding but larger. 423—SILVER-PLATED TABLE SERVICE Consisting of four cut-glass stands with supports of youth- ful Bacchanalian figures on a grape-vine base, oblong fruit dish with mount to correspond and a pair of candelabra for seven lights each. Height of fruit stands, 10 inches; of fruit dishes, 64, inches; of candelabra, 27 inches. 424—Si1nivER-PLATED Puncu Bown Meriden. On tall foot. With handles in the form of male and female heads. Height, 14 inches; diameter, 14 inches. SILVER 425—Four Sitver Sarr Disuzes ann Four Sroons The former with paw feet. 426—Sitver Tra Srrainer Engraved, Ex Dono Dni. 427—Sitver Toast Rack Repaired. 428—Twernty-Frour SILVER-PLATED Icr-cREAM Spoons Many handles broken. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers Sha Ay i Pre Al Rte Rca COA fe ROE Te as Dy 2 OM ENE 429—Sinver Puncn Lape With a whalebone handle. 430—Ser or Five Sitver Skewers anp Marrow Spoon In case. 431—Twetve Sitver Ecce Sroons Twisted handles. 432—Twertve Sitver Pastry Forxs anp Six Satan Forks With crest. 433 Eicut Sinver SKEWERS 434—Sreriine Sitver Bowt on Tari Foor With relief band. Tiffany and Company. Diameter, 7 inches. 435—Ser or FLatware Silver-gilt. Consisting of (a) Twelve dessert forks. (b) Eight soup spoons. (c) Twelve dessert spoons. (d) Twelve teaspoons and pair of sugar tongs. (e) Twelve breakfast knives. (f) Two sugar sifters and lemonade ladle. 436—Siiver Tra Set With embossed floral and leaf bands. Initialed C. P. Con- sisting of teapot, sugar bowl, creamer and waste bowl. 437—Sitver Corree anp Tra SET Engraved monogram and crest. Ivory handles. Five pieces. A Cash Deposit will be requred from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 488—Sitver Traror Urn-shaped. On tall foot. Mark: Jones, Lowe and Ball, Boston. 439—Sitver Lovine Cur Two handles. With repoussé ornamentation of flowers, masks and -cupids. Scroll feet. Height, 13 inches; diameter, 12 inches. 440—Sinrver Tray on Turee Freer Raised edge, engraved border. Diameter, 131/, inches. 441—Gitt anp Enamet Cicar Case In leather case. 442—JapanEsE PorceLain Trea Set Satsuma style. Decoration of grasses and flying birds. Seven pieces. 443—Ser or Frencn Porcentarn Puatres Twenty-four breakfast plates, seventeen dinner plates and twenty-five soup plates. Gilt edges. Monogramed. 444—TwrtLve Breaxrast Prares, Twetve Dinner PLaTEs AND Twetve Sour Prates Brownfield’s china. Gilt edges. 445—Trirtry-on—E Frencn Cuina Dinner Puares Gilt edges. 446—JapANESE PorceLain Bown Imari. Diameter, 10 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 447—Beruwn Porcevain Fruir Tray Pierced edge. 448—Tweive Fruir PiateEs Modern Staffordshire. Basket pattern with decoration of folded napkin and various flowers. 449—TWwEnTY-THREE CopeLAND PLares Eighteen dinner and breakfast plates and five soup plates. Willow pattern decoration. 450—ELEVEN AFTER-DINNER CorrEE Cups AND SAUCERS To match the preceding. 451—Two Trrra-corta PLaauEs “The Rabbits” and “The Chickens.” 452—Carvep anp Gitt Woop FRAME With decoration of shell and flowers. Oval opening. Height of opening, 1314 inches; width, 114% inches. 453—FAalENCE JARDINIERE In the form of a tub. With applied floral ornamentation. Diameter, 15 inches. 454—Watnur Trea Tasie With two wide leaves. Extended length, 46 inches. 455—JAapaANEsE LacaueR ScREEN Twofold. Red and black lacquer, with inlays of flowers and birds in mother-of-pearl and ivory. Carved wood frame. Height, 6 feet; extended width, 5 feet 2 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required, from all Purchasers 456—Twenty-rour Gitt CuHairs With cane seats. 457— Ser or Dininc-room Furniture Consisting of dining-room table, three side tables and side- board. Burl walnut and ebony. The sideboard with green marble top. 458—Avususson Tapestry Taste Cover With central floral medallion on an old red field. Bor- dered by flowers and fruit. 6 feet square. 459—Two Pairs or Woven Tapestry Porrizres with Lam- BREQUINS In the Flemish style. Height, 11 feet; width, 5 feet. 461—Ort Paintine By Fritz Lange. “Duck and Brood among Grasses.” Signed lower left: Fritz Lange, ’73. Height, 31 inches; length, 43 inches. BASEMENT—SITTING ROOM 464—Watnut Desk Drop front. With top shelf. 465—Muission Oax Sretrrer anp Turere Rocxine CHarrs Leather seats. 466—Oaxk Stranp 467—Rep Witton Carrer ann Urnoisterep CoucH ‘About twenty yards of carpet. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 468—Mrrror, Crock anp Turee Puaster Ficvures 469—EI1cHTEEN Prints anp PHOTOGRAPHS Some in color. KITCHEN 470—Cuina in C1Loset Odd pieces. 4.771—Four Copper Fryinc Pans anp Four Covers 472—Two Copper Dirrers, Copper Bowi anp THREE COPPER Measures 473—Eicut Copper Cans anp Movutps 474—Nine Coprer Cooxine Pots wir Covers 475—Corprer Fish Kerrie, Sour Krrriz, Scoop ann TEA KETTLE 476—SxEVEN Sipe Cuarrs ann Rocxine CuHair 478—Marste Mortar ann Watnut Sipe Tasie The latter with marble top. 479—Turee Tas es One with drop leaves. 480—Curocx Seth Thomas. 481—LinoLEuM About thirty square yards. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers LAUNDRY 482—Four Tastes anp Four Cuarrs HALL 483—Oax REFRIGERATOR Height, 6 feet; width, 4 feet 2 inches. NORTHWEST ROOM—BASEMENT 484—Lor or OrNAMENTS Carved wood, glass and metal. About ninety pieces. (Some imperfect. 485—Lor or Guass anDd Farence About fifty pieces. (Many imperfect.) 486—Lor or Tasie CuHina Salad set, oyster plates, cups and saucers, teapots and pitchers. About 120 pieces. (Some imperfect.) 487—Two Lamers anp a Lor or OrNAMENTS Inkstand, game boxes, picture frames and medicine chest. About twenty pieces. 488—Lot oF SILVER-PLATED WarE Hot-water dishes, vegetable dishes with covers, teapot, ice pail, toast rack and other articles. Twenty pieces. 489—Lor or SILvER-PLATED WaRE Ice tubs, plate stands, pitchers and covers. Fourteen pieces. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 490—Lor or SiLvER-PLATED WARE Cruet stands, candlesticks, fruit baskets and tray. Four- teen pieces. 491—Five Hassocks Covered in cretonne and other materials. 492—Four Sipe Cuairs ann Two Rockne Cuairs 493—Boureavu, Turee Tanners anp Ease, A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers BOOKS To be sold in the regular order of the catalogue and in the room where exhibited 494, 495. 496. 497. 499. American Revoturion. Lossing (Benson J.). The Pic- torial Field-Book of the Revolution. Illwminated title- page, and 1,100 engravings on wood. Firsr Eprrion. 2 vols. royal 8vo, original cloth, gilt. New York, 1855 Art Booxs. Righetti (Pietro). Descrizione del Cam- pidoglio. With a large number of plates in outline. 2 vols. folio, half roan, rubbed. Roma, 1855, and 2 other Italian art books. Folio and 4to. Together, 4 vols. Various places and dates Art Journayt (THE). Numerous fine steel plates. 1847- 1855 inclusive, (including the 1851 Exhibition Cata- logue). Together, 10 vols. 4to, half calf, gilt, rubbed. London, 1847-1855 Barcuay (ALExaNnpER). The Ship of Fools. 2 vols. Edin- burgh, 1874; Erasmus in Praise of Folly. Illustrated. London, 1876; Payne (Joun). Alaeddin and the En- chanted Lamp. London: Villon Society, for private circulation only, 1889, and 2 others. Royal 8vo, and 8vo. Various bindings, some worn. Together, 6 vols. Various places and dates . Burrovens (Joun). Writings. 9 vols. Boston, various dates; Cremens (S. L.). The Innocents Abroad, Hartford, 1869, and Life on the Mississippi. Boston, 1883; Por (Epvéar Arran). Poems. New York, 1867, and others. Together, 27 vols. Various bind- ings. Various places and dates. Burton (Ricuarp F.). The Lake Regions of Central Africa. New York, 1860; Grarran (THomas Co1- LEY). Civilized America. 2 vols. London, 1859; A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers L GU Th CT eS [No. 499—Continued | Arxinson (Tuomas W.). Oriental and Western Si- beria. New York, 1858; Kane (Euisua K.). The U. S. Grinnel Expedition in Search of Sir John Frank- lin. New York, 1854, and others, including Fiction, Travel, etc. Together, 50 vols. Various bindings. Various places and dates 500. Castyte (Tuomas). Writings. 20 vols. small 8vo, half calf, gilt, some rubbed. Boston: Estes and Lauriat, undated 501. Cooper (J. Fenmore). Writings. 382 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1868; Irvine (WasHineton). Writings. 16 vols. 12mo, cloth. New York, 1850, etc., also Life of George Washington. First Eprrion. 4 vols. (only, 1-4), New York, 1855, etc., and 2. others. S8vo, and 12mo. Together, 52 vols. Various places and dates 502. Firitpinc (Henry). The Writings of Fielding. With illus- trations on India paper. 10 vols. royal 8vo,-tree calf, gilt, bindings broken. London: Smith, Elder; & Co., 1882 Edition de Luxe, limited and numbered issue. 503. [Forp (Ricuarp).] A Hand-Book for Travellers in Spain. With maps. First Eprrion. 2 vols. 12mo, original cloth. London, 1845; Memoirs or Vipoca. 4 vols. London, 1829; Barriterr (Joun R.). Dic- tionary of Americanisms. New York, 1848; Natronan Gatiery (THe) of Pictures by the Great Masters. Numerous fine steel plates. 2 vols. full morocco. Lon- don, undated; Saton, 1882 and 1897, and others. To- gether, 14 vols. Various sizes and bindings. Various places and dates A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 504. Froissart (Sir Joun). Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining Countries. Illustrated. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half roan, rubbed. London, 1874 505. Froupe (James AntHony). Short Studies on Great Sub- jects. 4 vols. New York, 1886, Caesar, a Sketch. New York, 1879, Thomas Carlyle. 2 vols. New York, 1884, and Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle. 2 vols. New York, 1888, and others, includ- ing Fiction, History, etc. 8vo, and smaller. Together, 60 vols. Various bindings. Various places and dates 506. Harte (Brer). The Luck of Roaring Camp. Boston, 1870 (including “Brown of Calaveras”); By Shore and Sedge. Boston, 1885; Drift from Two Shores. Boston, 1878; The Twins of Table Mountain. Boston, 1879; Poems. Boston, 1871, (corner damaged). ALL First Enirtons. Together, 5 vols. 12mo, and 16mo, original cloth. Boston, ‘various dates 507. Huco (Vicror). Gazette de la Jeunesse. Janvier, 1843- Juin, 1843 (all issued?. Containing original contribu- tions by Victor Hugo, and others). Paris, 1842 (1843), and Cromwell, Drame. Paris, 1842. To- gether, 2 vols. 4to, and 12mo, half bound. 508. Jackson. (CaTHERINE Cuartotrte, Lapy). The Court of France. in the Sixteenth Century. 2 vols. New York, 1886; Wuarron (Gracrt anp Puitie). Wits and Beaux and Queens of Society. 4 vols. Philadelphia, undated; Moriry (Jonn). Diderot, Rousseau, and Voltaire. 5 vols. London, 1886, etc.; Horrmann A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers [ No. 508—Continued | (E. T. W.). Weird Tales. 2 vols. New York, 1885, and others, including Fiction, Science, etc. 8vo, and smaller. Together, 75 vols. Various bindings. Various. places and dates 509. Lams (Cuaries). Writings. Edited by Alfred Ainger. 6 vols. Half morocco, broken. New York, 1889; Parkman (Francis). Writings. 8 vols. Cloth. Boston, 1898, etc. Together, 14 vols. 12mo. 510. Loyerertow (Henry WanpswortH). Ballads and other Poems. Original boards. Cambridge, 1848, The Spanish Student. Original boards. Cambridge, 1843, and The Poets and Poetry of Europe. Firsr Enpt1- tion. Philadelphia, 1845; Bryanr (Witi1am CuL- LEN). Poems. 2 vols. New York, 1856, and Letters of a Traveller. First Eprrion. New York, 1850; Aniston (Wasuineron). Lectures on Art, and Poems. First Eprrton. New York, 1850; and others, including History, Travel, etc. Together, 40 vols. Various bindings. Various places and dates 11. Lonerettow (Henry Wanswortn). The Song of Hia- watha, 1856, The Courtship of Miles Standish, 1859, Voices of the Night, 1843, and others by Longfellow. Together, 6 vols. cloth, boards and roan; HawTHorne (NaruanteL). The Blithedale Romance, 1852, and The Marble Faun, 2 vols. 1860. Born First Epi- tions, and 2 others. Together, 11 vols. 8vo, and smaller. Various bindings. Various places and dates 512. Martin (Str Turoporrt). The Works of Horace. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1881; Brititar-Savarin (J. A.). A Hand- book of Gastronomy. New York, 1884; Harcxen A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers SARE ea RY a A RR Ra AA ha NEA ER arlene. Ses a [No. 512—Continued] (Ernst); The Evolution of Man. 2 vols. New York, 1879, and others. Together, 20 vols. 8vo, and smaller. Various bindings. Various places and dates 513. Massacnuserts. Young (Alexander). Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. Portrait. Name on title, Boston, 1846; Jacxson (Francis). A History of the Early Settlement of Newton. Portrait. Boston, 1854. 8vo, and 12mo. Both original cloth. Together, 2 vols. Boston, 1846-1854 514, Monraicne (Micuer pr). Essays of Montaigne. Trans- lated by Charles Cotton. Edited by William Carew Hazlitt. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt, gilt tops. London: Reeves and Turner, 1877 515. Moore (THomas). Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence. Edited by Lord John Russell. 8 vols. London, 1853; Le Normanp (M. A.). Secret Memoirs of the Em- press Josephine. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1848; Parpor (Juria). The Court and Reign of Francis the First. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1849; Hurvey (Joun, Lorn). Memoirs of the Reign of George the Second. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1848, and others, including Poetry, His- tory, etc. Together, 75 vols. Various bindings. Various places and dates 516. Motiey (Joun L.). History of the United Netherlands. 4 vols., and The Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 vols. New York, 1869, etc.; Prescorr (W.'H.). Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols., and other writings of Prescott, to- gether, 15 vols., and others, including several odd vol- umes. Together, 48 vols. Various sizes and bindings. Various places and dates A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 517. Napoteon. De Bourrienne (M.). Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte . . . with Anecdotes and Illustrative Notes. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. Name on titles, and light stains. London: Richard Bentley, 1836 518. Napoteon. Goodrich (Frank B.). The Court of Na- poleon. Nwmerous plates in color. New York, 1857; Heaviry (J. T.). Napoleon and his Marshals. 2 vols. New York, 1846; Richomme (CuHartzs). His- toire de Napoleon, and other books relating to Na- poleon. Together, 8 vols. Various sizes and bind- ings. Various places and dates 519. Oper (F. A.). Travels in Mexico. Boston, 1884; Nor- pENsKioLp (A. E.). The Voyage of the Vega round Asia and Europe. New York, 1882; Jacxson (CatH- ERINE CHarLoTTe). Old Paris. New York, 1880, and others, including Fiction, Travel, etc. S8vo, and smaller. Together, about 100 vols. Various bindings. Various places and dates 520. Parpor (Juuia). The Court and Reign of Francis the First. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1849; Lamarzine (AL- PHONSE DE). The History of the Restoration of Monarchy in France. 4 vols. New York, 1851; Rot- tin (Cuarztes). The Ancient History of the Egyp- tians, etc. 4 vols. New York, 1851, and others, including History, Travel, Science, etc. Together, 100 vols. Various bindings. Various places and dates 521. Pxuurarcn’s Lives. The Translation called Dryden’s. Cor- rected from the Greek and revised, by A. H. Clough. 5 vols. royal 8vo, cloth backs and boards, uncut, bind- ings worn. Boston, 1865 Large Paper Copy, of which only 100 were printed. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers a ace a ees ee a ge ee ace ae ae a a 522. Raine (Annie). The Early Diary of Frances Burney, 1768-1778. 2 vols. London, 1889; St. Joun (Bayte). The Memoirs of the Duke of Saint-John. Translated from the French. 3 vols. London, undated; Mrr- TERNICH (Ricuarp, Prince). Memoirs. Translated by Mrs. Alexander Napier. 2 vols. New York, 1880, and others. Together, 20 vols. 8vo, and smaller. Various bindings. Various places and dates 523. Sarcent (Winturop). The Life of Major André. Bos- ton, 1871; [BeLmont (Aveusr).] A Few Letters and Speeches of the late Civil War. New York (privately printed), 1870, also, Letters, Speeches. and Addresses of August Belmont. (New York), Privately printed, 1890. Both Autograph Presentation copies from the author; Beveripce (Arzerr J.). The Life of John Marshall. 2 vols. Boston, 1916. Together, 5 vols. royal 8vo, and smaller. Cloth. Various places and dates 524. Scorr (Sir Watrer). Writings. 26 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Paris, 1832 525. Scorr (Sir Watrer). The Journal of Scott. 2 vols. New York, 1890; Junor (Mapame). Memoirs. 8 vols. New York, 1883; Hervey (Joun, Lorn). Me- moirs of the Reign of George the Third. 38 vols. New York, 1884, and others. Together, 15 vols. 8vo, and smaller. Various bindings. Various places and dates 526. Spencer (HeErzerr). Writings. 12 vols. New York, 1878, etc.; Macautay (Lorp). Writings. 5 vols. New York, 1875, and others, including French and English Fiction, ete. Together, 50 vols. Various bindings. Various places and dates A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 527. Srepnens (Joun L.). Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. 2 vols. New York, 1843; Cummine (R. G.). Five Years of a Hunter’s Life in South Africa. 2 vols. New York, 1850; Fox (Gusravus Vasa). Narrative of the Mission to Russia, in 1866. From the Journal and Notes of J. F. Joubat. New York, 1873. Auto- graph Presentation copy from J. F. Joubat, and others, including Poetry, History, etc. Together, 50 vols. Various bindings. Various places and dates 528. Srirzinc-MaxweE.y (Srr Wituiam). Don John of Austria. Illustrated. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1883 529—Srowr (Harrier B.)... Dred.. Firsr Eprrion. 2 vols. Boston, 1856; [(Mircueut, D. G.) |. Fudge Doings, 2 vols. New York, 1855, and Dream Life, New York, 1852; Hommes (Oxtver Wenvett). The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. First Enprriox. Boston, 1858 (no engraved title), and others, including Fiction, Travel, etc. Together, 50 vols. Various bindings. Various places and dates 580. Srricknanp (Acnes). Lives of the Queens of England. 12 vols. in 6. Philadelphia, 1850, and Lives of the Queens of Scotland, 5 vols. New York, 1851; Hxap- LEY (J. T.). Washington and his Generals. 2 vols. New York, 1847; Macautay (Tuomas B.). The His- tory of England. 6 vols. New York, 1849, and others, including Poetry, Travel, etc. Together, 50 vols. Various bindings. Various places and dates 581. Taine (H. A.). History of English Literature. 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, undated A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers 582. Tuackeray (Witutam Makepeace). The Writings of Thackeray. Illustrated. 22 vols. (should be 26) 8vo, half calf, bindings broken. London, 1869, etc. 533. Ticknor (Grorcr). History of Spanish Literature. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1849; Sreprens (Joun L.). Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1845; Reppine (Cyrus). History of Shipwrecks, and Dis- asters at Sea. 2 vols. 16mo, cloth. London, 1848, and others, several odd volumes, including Classical, Peri- odicals, etc. Together, 45 vols. Various sizes and bindings. Various places and dates 534. Trumputt (Joun). Autobiography, Reminiscences and Letters. New York, 1841; Sparks (Jarep). Corre- spondence of the American Revolution. 4 vols. Bos- ton, 1853; Arison (Arcursatp). History of Europe. 4 vols. New York, 1855, and others, including Poetry, Fiction, etc. Together, 30 vols. Various bindings. Various places and dates 535. Wesster (Daniei). Works. 6 vols. 8vo, original cloth. Boston, 1851; Bancrorr (Grorce). History of the United States. 7 vols. (only, should be 10), 8vo, ori- ginal cloth. Boston, 1848-58; Bancrorr (GrorGE). Literary and Historical Miscellanies. S8vo, half calf. New York, 1865; Wizxes (Cuarues). Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition. 5 vols. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1845, and 6 others. Together, 25 vols. S8vo, and smaller.. Various bindings. Various places and dates 536. Wuitman (Watt). Leaves of Grass. New York, 1867; James (Henry). An International Episode. New York (1878), and The Portrait of a Lady. Boston, A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers | [No. 536—Continued | | 1882. Born First Enirions; Howexis (WitiiaM | D.). The Rise of Silas Lapham, Boston, 1885, and | Years of My Youth. New York (1916). Bors First Epirions, and others, including Fiction, Poetry, etc. Together, 85 vols. Various bindings. Various places and dates 5387. Wirxrxson (Sir Garpner). The Manners and Customs of ' the Ancient Egyptians. Nwmerous illustrations, some | im color. 5 vols. 8vo, original cloth, uncut. | | \ London: John Murray, 1847 | 538. MisceLLanrous Books and Periodicals. About 75 pieces. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers OIL PAINTINGS TO BE SOLD ON TUESDAY EVENING OCTOBER 16, 1917 IN THE DRAWING ROOM OF THE RESI- DENCE OF THE LATE MR. JAMES V. PARKER 253 Mapison AVENUE BEGINNING AT 8.30 O'CLOCK Catalogue Nos. 539 to 597, inclusive No. 539 EK. HARSMAN CoNTEMPORARY Vin. Page ee 77. oo THE BALCONY —— Panel: Height, 8% inches; width, 61/4, inches A composition including a Venetian balcony on the left where & young woman in pink is making a signal with a white handker- chief as she leans on the balustrade, while another young woman appears standing behind her. Signed at the lower left. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers | No. 540 ADOLF ECHTLER i | | GERMAN: laaediianrs (7 dé f, A SMOKE BY THE WAYSIDE pa. oe eno” Panel: Height, 8 inches; width, 6 inches Two little boys, seated on a grassy bank, smoking clay pipes, while back of them appears the red handkerchief covering the head | of a third figure, a woman who is seated nearby. The boys ap- parently are on their return from school, as some books held with a strap are seen on the grass beside them. Signed at the lower left, with ““Munchen 872.” No. 541 ADOLF VON SCHRODTER German: 1805—187 iB rnp lane y TESTING THE SWORD | 7¢ ai | iy a room with paneled walls stands a young man with white peruke, buckskin waistcoat and black knee breeches and stockings who, with a rapier held before him, is bending the blade as if to try its temper. Back of the figure are a table with a glass jug Panel: Height, 114% inches; width, 714 inches ef wine and a chair on which lies the gentleman’s coat. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers | | | | UNKNOWN ARTIST ConTEMPORARY VL MAKING A PICTURE fad Height, 124% inches; width, 101/, inches A croup of two figures in an apartment with a large picture hanging on the wall in the background. A blond young woman in yellow and light blue is kneeling beside a little girl, who is seated on a couch, as she holds up before the child’s face an empty oval gilt frame, thus making a picture of the little girl as she looks through it in full face to the spectator. No. 543 LOUIS LANG, N.A. AMERICAN: 1814—1893 f i HE FAMILY DOG 7 '‘/ : = DOG Lia iig bee ba | /? 2 Height, 13% inches; width, 10 fey ; A urrie girl with gray cloak and white hood is seen in the foreground beside a big Newfoundland dog who raises his head as he looks’expectantly at a bit of meat the little girl is holding up above him in her right hand. On the left a high wall; on the right the dog-kennel; in the distance a landscape prospect, the spire of a church and mountains. Signed at the lower left. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 544 UNKNOWN ARTIST ConTEMPORARY Cot lh ear ry. ( HEAD OF A CHILD a? —_— Panel: Height, 13 inches; width, 11 inches A urre-sizE head of a child with light brown curly hair and blue cyes, in full-face view to the spectator. A cloud is indicated at the bottom of the canvas about the bare shoulders. No. 545 J. ORTEGO SPANISH: ConTEMPORARY % Vy /) TWhrnrr> 7) joe AT THE MASKED BALL (/ C0 ra Panel: Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches po Ar the foot of a stairway a young woman in a page’s costume of green and red is seen with her arms resting on the shoulders of a pierrot in white whom she seems to be pressing to accompany her. In the background are the dancing floor and the stalls filled with spectators. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1872. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers eS aD EDN 8 Oc ae FeO, ler ts eg oe eet LN No. 546 GIZA VON MESZOLY Huneartan: ConremPporary SCENE IN ITALY _/ eee Wo: (3. (GF arcleley | a Height, 1514, inches; width, 8 inches In the foreground, a road with a stony bank on the right. In the middle of the composition is the figure of an Italian peasant girl with a water jug, and several other figures are seen a little farther away. Sky of gray. Signed at the lower center, with “Munchen 873.” No. 547 LEON FRANCOIS COMERRE Frencu: 1850— rn” Lhe dtp, Sete Height, 15%, inches; width, 8%, inches A FULL-LENGTH standing figure of a lad in pierrot costume of white, trimmed with bows and rosettes, playing a guitar. The background is filled by a curtain of white embroidered stuff, and on the right, at the foot of the figure, lies his peaked soft felt hat. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 548 CHARLES THEODORE FRERE eeu Frencu: 1815—1888 TWILIGHT ON THE BANKS HAR lnanlar OF dds: NILE, UPPER EGYPT Panel: Height, 10 inches; length, 16 inches In the sandy foreground several men on foot and others a little farther away, mounted on camels, are making their way along the shores of the Nile. A group of palm trees and the walls of some buildings appears on the right. At the upper left in the blue sky is a crescent moon. No. 549 UNKNOWN ARTIST ConTEMPORARY FEMALE HEAD Wr an Oval: Height, 15 inches; width, 12 inches # OLge A uire-sizE head of a young woman with dark hair, in full-face view to the spectator. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 550 LENGE 2 CoNnTEMPORARY Vr ; pe Fe dicts ROMEO AND JULIET Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 1214 inches Pwo little light buff-colored chicks, one on the ledge of a window sill, the other on a brick projection just below it, form a group ‘ which has suggested the title of the picture. A morning-glory vine and a window curtain are introduced as accessories. Signed at the lower right. LENGE CoNTEMPORARY LITTLE CHICKS AT Ha, See wns & ek ~ Panel: Height, 16 inches; width, 1214 inches Two little chicks, one black and white, the other cream color, are seen with their little wings extended face to face in a playful struggle amid some flowers that are on a rug. The background is filled by a curtain of red and green with a stripe of light blue. Signed at the lower right. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 552 ALFRED THOMAS BRITCHER, A.N.A. AmeERIcAN: 18839—1908 / oe yy a? AUTUMN ae | eee | Millboard: Height, 1614, inches; width, 13 inches "Lux foreground and left middle distance are occupied by a placid stream; on the right, on the bank, are trees in autumn foliage. In the distance appears a range of mountains and overhead is a sky of blue tempered with warm tints. | Signed at the lower left and with the numerals 101. No. 5538 FRANKLIN D. BRISCOE | American: 1844—1903 ON THE COAST eee Ie Vr. & ry ge J Height, 10 inches; length, 18 inches C0. A sEAsHORE view with beach in foreground. On the left is a stranded dismasted fishing schooner with groups of people. At | the left also appear high cliffs and flying seagulls. Stormy sky | | | of gray clouds. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1869. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 554 CONTEMPORARY ey PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN Ce. aA ail j es) ae Height, 17 inches; width, 14 inches A seatep figure of a lady in a low-neck blue satin gown, the head turned to the spectator’s left. In her right hand the lady holds a fan, and her cloak, lined with ermine, is seen hanging on the arm of the chair at the left. No. 555 CONTEMPORARY GERMAN ARTIST LORELEI ie 4 ge Height, 181, inches; width, 101% inches Iy the foreground, standing in a stream which flows through a natural bridge in a great rocky cliff, is the nude figure of a young woman with long blond hair falling back of her and touching the bank of the stream. She is depicted holding up in her hands a light metal chain with jewel ornament, and high above at the top of the picture, peering over rocks, are two gnomes in red and brown. The rocky cliff is partly covered with trailing vines and the foliage of bushes. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 556 F. MIRALLES SpanisH: ConTEMPORARY at we IN THE BOIsd. wiry ire AEG Ean U/ — Height, 121/, inches; length, 16 inches A scEne in the Bois de Boulogne, Paris, where some ladies, in the foreground, are walking near their two-horse victoria, a little boy is seated with his dog and three people on horseback are passing. Signed at the lower left. No. 557 EUGENE CICERI Frencu: 1813—1890 ON THE BANKS OF MN ¢ gk aawrgh Panel: Height, 13%, inches; length, 2114 inches ‘ A pxieasine landscape with the river on the left and a a a tree with wide-spreading branches and white-walled houses on the right. A number of figures, some on the bank and others in punts in the river, diversify the scene. Overhead is a sky of white clouds with patches of blue. : Signed at the lower right, and dated °77. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers HENRY WARREN EncusH: 1798—1879 THE SLAVE DEALER Av: ep. SOLS / ram | e 0 A ~~ Water Color: Height, 201% inches; width, 16 inches Aw Oriental interior with an open window on the left. On a couch, at the right, is seated a richly dressed white-bearded gen- tleman wearing a turban, and before him on the right of the picture is a group of two standing figures, the one a blond young woman, the other a swarthy man in dark blue who, while he draws aside the young woman’s drapery, holds out his right hand in a gesture of displaying his wares. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1857. No. 559 F. MIRALLES SNANISH: ConTEMPORARY AT THE SHORE Nav. dn. 39 4 a a ement Height, 1214 inches; length, 22 inches Two Parisian ladies at one of the Normandy sea-coast resorts are depicted, with others, out for a shrimping party. One, in white, is seated on a rock; another is wading close by holding up her skirts with one hand and a net in the other. Signed at the lower right. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will. be required from all Purchasers No. 560 AUGUST FREDERIC ALBRECHT SCHENCK GERMAN: 1828—1900 SHEEP IN A WSTORM Pt a a aan [Srme Height, 15%, inches; length, 231, inches 2 One of the well-known sheep pictures of the artist Schenck. The composition shows three sheep standing close together and shel- tering three lambs from a driving snowstorm, while on the right, at a little distance, is the sheep-dog looking anxiously away as if expecting help. Signed at the lower right. No. 561 AUGUST FREDERIC ALBRECHT SCHENCK GERMAN: a S SHEPHERD AND Mg ge v rf Height, 15° inches; length, 2344 inches A tock of sheep coming forward on a road in a winter land- scape, the shepherd following and the dog walking along on the left. A sunset sky forms the background and its light is re- flected on the woolly backs of the sheep. Signed at the lower left. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers CARL LUDWIG F. BECKER German: 1820—1900 \ J © Gg sae = Ao. Oise YOUNG WOMAN WITH CRIMSON GOWN Panel: Height, 224% inches; width, 161, inches A neap and bust life-size picture of a young woman, the head in- clined slightly to the spectator’s left. A heavy plait of her brown hair hangs over her right shoulder. The costume consists of a crimson gown with a lace frill, bodice of yellow trimmed with lace, and an ornamented velvet cap. Signed at the lower right. No. 563 OTTO WEBER German: 1823—1870 LANDSCAPE AND SHEEP a. PR. g mate ee Height, 1714, inches; length, 244/, inches A riocx of sheep with their shepherd on the right of the picture grazing in green pastures. In the middle distance are groups of trees and overhead is a sky of gray clouds. Signed at the lower right. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers Bee ee ev pi emton aee he el a ee e ee e No. 564 PIERRE BILLET FrENCcH: CONTEMPORARY (Pupil of Jules Breton) GUARDING Aue Gy Urato A picture of a peasant girl seated on a grassy Us tlside at the seashore and holding above her a large red umbrella which shields her from the sun and casts a dark shadow on the grass. Beside her is her dog, and in the distance, on the right, are cattle graz- ing along the shore; above is a strip of gray sky. Height, 17 inches; length, 2442 inches Signed at the lower left, and dated 1882. No. 565 CONTEMPORARY ed gah A ROMAN ontitene ae re | Drones Height, 17 inches; length, 251/, inches A view of a cemetery in Italy with many tombstones and mauso- leums. In the right middle foreground is the white marble tomb of George Francis Parker, who died at Rome, December 20, 1844, at the age of fifteen years. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 566 UNKNOWN ARTIST A YOUNG ee Boron J ea Height, 24 inches; width, 1914, inches Haxr-tenern life-size picture of a boy with brown curly locks and a goat-skin over his left shoulder. On the left, above the right shoulder, appears the top of a quiver with arrows. The boy is depicted amid flowers and shrubs, holding in one hand a bunch of flowers he has gathered, and in the other a red blossom. No. 567 EDOUARD HENRI GIRARDET ’ Swiss: 1819—1880 P / ve Oo co A WOUNDED WARRIOR (| Height, 24 inches; width, 20 inches Ix the foreground a mounted warrior in full armor is seen hold- ing on to the pommel of his saddle while his steed makes his way through the waters of a marsh. The horseman is partly sup- ported by his page, who is wading beside him. In the distance on the right horse and foot soldiers are seen in battle. Over- head is a sky of warm tints gradating into blue at the top of the canvas. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1866. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 568 THEODORE LEOPOLD WELLER GERMAN: nant “ai Oe, Hon eo ITALIAN PEASANT GROUP ‘eos , Height, 2514, inches; width, 211, inches { A croup composed of a young Italian peasant mother seated on a rock in the foreground near the doorway of a building, and a little girl reclining between her knees. The costumes show bright tints of red, green and yellow relieved by white. As the background for the group there is a headland, a glimpse of the blue sea, and a sky of tempered blue with streaks of white cloud. Signed at the lower left and dated “Rom, 1845.” No. 569 DUTCH SCHOOL STILL LIFE ost Height, 25 inches; mB nok A sive and white bowl on a brass platter which rests on a table with a piece of blue velvet drapery. The bowl and the platter contain grapes, peaches, plums, a partly peeled lemon, and some sprays of leaves. Above flutters a black, red and white butterfly. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers LOUIS ROBBE Beueran: 1806—1887 f d oe SHEEP IN THE CR aba, bE ITT. Panel: Height, 19 inches; length, 2634 inches THREE ewes and two lambs in a comfortable-looking stable where there are also a cock, a hen and two little chicks. Signed at the lower right. No. 571 AMERICAN SCHOOL PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN Height, 251, inches; width, Se NA po oe on) (6 . Ka A/HALF-LENGTH portrait of a young man with light hair and blue eyes in full-face view, holding a little black and white: pet dog. The costume consists of white shirt with green and white necktie, crimson waistcoat and black coat. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 572 ZACHARIAS NOTERMANN GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY DOGS AND CATS to Panel: Height, 191, inches; length, 27 inche - qf WOO aa A car and kittens occupy a snug nook on the right of the picture amid the straw in a barn. Before them are two long-haired ter- riers who are attached together by a chain and, in approaching the home of the cats, have passed on each side of a pillar so that they cannot advance farther, being held by the chain. The mother cat, looking out, displays a ferocious attitude. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1861. No. 5738 FRENCH SCHOOL PORTRAIT OF A LADY os pa or Height, 28 inches; width, Pree Ore A ueap and bust portrait of a lady in court dress of white and gold with a voluminous ruff and string of pearls. The face is in three-quarter view to the spectator and a jeweled ornament appears in the dark-brown hair. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will. be required from all Purchasers No. 574 J. E. FRUME CoNTEMPORARY [pod COPY OF PORTRAIT OF VAN DYCK Height, 281 inches; width, 23 inenel VU Lee Ss ee A copy of the well-known portrait in the Louvre of the picture of Van Dyck painted by himself. No. 575 W. MEYER GERMAN: ConTEMPORARY MARINE WITH FISHING BOATS \ soe : Height, 214% inches; length, 271, inches TAA. ron es In the right foreground’a beach with a number of fisher-folk; beyond in the surf two vessels with sails being lowered, and on the left the expanse of the sea. Above the low horizon is a sky with masses of gray and white clouds and spaces of blue in the upper portion. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1867. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 576 J. A. OERTEL AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY CURIOSITY Height, 20 inches; An = p 4 In the sloping green pastures of’ the foreground is a group of five young cattle looking expectantly forward as if something were drawing near which excites their curiosity. Above the group, lving on the hillside, are two cows, and the roof of a house is seen at the brow of the hill; overhead a sky of gray clouds with a glimpse of blue. The effect is in sunlight. ot Signed at the lower right, and dated 1860. No. 577 LOUIS BEAUCHAMP Frencu: ConTEMPORARY THE INCOMING Prrace ong Millboard: Height, 24 inches; width, 18 inches j A FULL-LENGTH figure of a young woman with pink bite hed bodice and red Alpine hat with feather, holding up her petticoats as she watches a wave spreading out close to her daintily shod feet, on a sandy beach. Signed at the lower right. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 578 THOMAS PRICHARD ROSSITER, N.A. AMERICAN: 1818—1871 Ba Fa! PORTRAIT OF A LADY Height, 80 inches; width, 25 inches vo’ YA: YB A waLr-LenctTu portrait of a lady, the body in full view to the spectator and the head turned in three-quarter view to the left. Her black hair is worn in the fashion of the forties and the cos- tume consists of a low-neck gown with dark blue laced bodice and brown sleeves. Signed at the lower right with monogram T.P.R., and dated 1848. No. 579 PAUL VAYSON Frencu: 1842—1911 PASTURING IN THE ORCHARD Eee Height, 231, inches; length, 32 inch GS pe ek arte i 5 igtaael . A youne shepherdess is seen in the right middle foreground walk- ing slowly along with a number of sheep, a goat, and a kid. On the left, and in the distance, are trees with pink blossoms, and overhead is a sky of light gray clouds with a space or two of blue. Signed at the lower right. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 580 C, Li. M. ConTEMPORARY ARTIST THE CROWN OF FLOWERS ied a Kee Height, 31 inches; width, 24 ae ~ é croup of three young women in a landscape setting. The group 1S composed of a young woman seated, in blue and yellow, oc- cupying the central position; back of her a companion is placing a garland of flowers on her head, while a third young woman, reclining against a grassy bank on the right, is looking on. Signed at the lower left with initials C. L. M. No. 581 M. F. H. DE HAAS, N.A. American: 1882—1895 FRENCH FISHING BOATS LEAVING HARB 4”) De OX. J ge Height, 20 inches; length, 36 in KA : wad pa In the waters of the left center foreground two fishing boats, manned with sailors, are being towed out to sea by the small boats. On the extreme left appear docks, buildings, and a light- house; on the right other ‘sailing vessels. The pale blue sky, warm-tinted near the horizon, indicates that the hour is early morning. Signed at the lower left. te a a a A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 582 T. SCHMITZBERGER German: ConTEMPORARY Yr te os 40 HUNTING OVER THE MARSHES l — Height, 25 inches; length, 344, inches Iv the middle foreground a liver and white pointer and a black and-tan setter have discovered a duck, seen amid the rushes at the extreme lower right of the composition. The huntsman is advancing nearby on the right about to raise his gun. The set- ting is an autumn landscape with tints of gray, pale yellows and greens. Signed at the lower left, with “Munchen.” No. 583 M. ROUZIES Frencu(?): Contemporary yy) 4 er Ar ' SUNSET AT VENICE die / Panel: Height, 20 inches; length, 38 inches A croup of fishing boats with richly colored sails in right fore- ground; in middle distance the domes and towers of Venice; over all a sunset sky with some blue in upper portion. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1889. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 584 PAUL VAYSON Frencnu: 1842—1911 cCoW AND CALF » Les Gd Height, 251, inches; length, 36 inches — / A wHiTeE cow in the left center of the landscape composition is seen at the brink of a pool in the foreground. Her head is raised after drinking at the pool, and her calf, dark brown in color, is seen coming down a grassy slope nearby. In the upper half of the picture are trees, clumps of herbage with bright yellow blos- soms, a view of the sea, on the left, and a sky of gray clouds with a few tints of blue. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1887. No. 585 PHILIBERT LEON COUTURIER FRENCH: On tga } ¢ | si 2 6 gt : THE BASSE-COUR Height, 85 inches; width, 27 inches ‘THE composition shows a portion of a spacious barn devoted to the poultry; chickens, ducks and turkeys are seen in the fore- ground, and farther away, at the foot of a stairway, a farm dog is standing near a ladder which leads to the haymows above. A peasant woman with red cap is looking down from a doorway. Signed at the lower left. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 586 EK. CLAUDE Frencu: ConreEMPORARY RED POPPIES (\ /) ; ee + Wha ber Cley, t/a Height, 36 inches; width, 29 inchés git, 2 he F gsi / A creat bunch of red poppies with a profusion of green foliage in a blue and white vase. Signed at the lower left, and dated 70. No. 587 HENRY COLLINS BISPHAM American: 1841—1882 /), A BLACK POODLE/),» BG jg Eee’, Height, 36 inches; width, 29 inches Portrair of a black French poodle dog seated with the body in front view and the head turned in profile to the left. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1871 N. Y. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 588 HENRY COLLINS BISPHAM AMERICAN: 1841—1882 PORTRAIT OF A DOG) fee iate Sof bd es Y a 7 “= - Height, 36 inches; width, 29 inches A picture of a white dog of the Spitz breed apparently, seen in profile view to the left. His front foot rests on a stone step and his carriage is alert, while the expression is expectant. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1871. No. 589 T. C. HERTERICH GERMAN: CoNTEMPORARY BABIES’ SLUMBER eee es ; Thr s6 = Height, 3014, inches; length, 40 inches A croup of two little children, nude, reposing on a bank of clouds. Some flowers are scattered about, and lying between them is a staff adorned with ribbons and blossoms. Signed at the lower left, and dated ’87. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 590 BUDDER ConTEMPORARY A PHEASANT tee She an ¢ O } ee Height, 30 inches; length, 46 inches A LIFE-sIzE picture of a fine pheasant, in profile view; landscape setting. ' Signed at the lower left, and dated 1871. No. 591 CONTEMPORARY ARTIST = 0 pre A. QUAIL Day hoe Height, 30 inches; length, 46 ps A picture of quails feeding at the foot of a tree in a forest glade. No. 592 FRITZ LANGE GERMAN: CONTEMPORARY POA vad 7hr. K DUCK AND DUCKLINGS Height, 32 inches; length, 44 inches A motuer duck with her flock among the reeds on the shore of a pond. Signed at the lower left, and dated 75. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 5938 T. BROCQ Bexeran(?): Contemporary DUCKS Tan ; Ae e Af. pea Height, 38 inches; length, 51 inches A pucx and a drake with some of their young, amid rushes grow- ing on the bank of a stream. Signed at the lower left, and dated 1869. No. 594 EK. RIEDEL GERMAN: ConTEMPORARY m 4 CUPID AMID THE LILACS if M} fo fa ~~ Height, 534, inches; width, 431, inches A FULL-LENGTH seated nude figure of Cupid, crowned with pink roses and holding his bow and arrow above his head. The setting for the figure is composed of masses of purple lilacs with foliage. Signed at the lower right, and dated “Roma 1849.” A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 595 EUGENIA ZARDELLI Irattan: ConTEMPORARY pope leg (Wr. : CHASING THE PIRATES - a) ean Height, 45 inches; length, 71 inches A sHALLOoP, with sails drawing the wind and filled with a crew of pirates, appears in the middle of the composition advancing through the waves along a mountainous coast. In the distance on the right is seen a pursuing vessel which is firing on the shallop, as indicated by two shots that have fallen a little short. Over- head a clouded sky with a squall passing to the left. Signed at the lower left. No. 596 | KARL ROBERT KUMMER GERMAN: PO ee rm rig g (EX LANDSCAPE IN THE Tre A) Cog 3 G e Height, 50 inches; length, 72 inches From a promontory in the foreground, which lies in shadow, the picture presents a view of mountain ranges and an arm of the sea. In the right center foreground a group of red turbaned mountaineers, all carrying guns, have stopped to rest. Over- head, a summer sky of warm tints and tempered blue. Signed at the lower right, and dated 1858. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers No. 597 KARL ROBERT KUMMER German: 1810— VIEW IN THE MONTENEGRIN ALPS g a oe! Height, 59 inches; length, 72 inches Zeller, Th iO A spacious foreground, with some MAS KO) on Pike heights at the right and a roadway where some people with horses and /donkeys are seen descending, leads up to a view of a mountainYrange, a town and a stream, lying under the sunlight of a summer day. A sky of blue is diversified by some floating clouds. Signed at the lower left. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. A Cash Deposit will be required from all Purchasers FOR INHERITANCE TAX AND OTHER PURPOSES THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION IS EXCEPTIONALLY WELL EQUIPPED TO FURNISH INTELLIGENT APPRAISEMENTS OF ART AND LITERARY PROPERTY JEWELS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CASES WHERE PUBLIC SALES ARE EFFECTED A NOMINAL CHARGE ONLY WILL BE MADE THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK TELEPHONE, 3346 GRAMERCY COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY