PMCiOGRAPHICN IPIGURE DRAPERY STUDIES i HIS book is published for the exclusive use of painters, illustrators, commercial esigners and decorators. The pictures are copyrighted, and reproducing them by photography is absolutely prohibited. Permission is hereby given the purchaser of his book to copy them in any medium for illustrations, decorative designs, mural decora- ions, and work of a like nature. Original photographic prints of subjects in this book can be furnished for $1.00 each. Order by number on picture. Published by ine TAWRORA STUDIOS, 38 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. Price $7.50. HZ ad The 2 z By Se Hj 1943 a, TYoIOS WS A. Bia8 4 ©s he Auge: eet LLL O IS _© 9% A URORA STvoIos No. 19 Te A STUDIOS Mo. O39 x Q & © .y ae = ix 19a ao URORA STUDIOS No S OMS a ata rTE SE MgO Seeeeerae ee 1913. # ag Z 4 ©9153 The Ov 4 STUDIOS a 5 Toes f Ge ne ; The AuRoRA Stver0s No. 7120 No. 729 i p i [ SSI ase ore Orns Te AURORA Srupy 3 Oe ia “Rael z tn ee ve aytic 90 Mee a Sai oh, aeinseriait nate eeueaba este: — Nise ie aac N : ODEs The AURORA ‘ ©1913 ORA STyoI0S pie Bune ee 99) ; Oz The AuRoRs 57 40eer Ovgrs ROR? No. ©93 NR 2 8 ¢ 8 8 > wK vy’ x v S ¥ 3 Xx & s< Os The AURORA STuoi0s No. 726 © 1913 The AURORA STUDIOS No. 782 Sruors RORA No.235 be) g 2) The Au! ee ©vs The AURORA Stupios Non Pits: S A Tuolo, «ono Suge © 9's The Aurora Sruoi0s .781 in LEO SOIGNLE WAY ys. S vyoynp 2 £161 © &. g S S01 CaP RR OH: = © ee OY Soransg veowny eys £167 | O©vz The Aurora & S7uor0s No. '740 The AURORA S ruol0s No. 033 Os 9 of < a oT The Aur: _ Oye _ ©1913 x ©ws The fe ee ee the AURORA STuoros The Aurona Si TubIos No.5 Wo. k & Bikise tie Meee oe ee “ i ela. ok ee ers SH a TU i Aa Ek IRs NG A , Oisis +» — Che Aurora STuolo$ No 907 4 Ss NS as ©ugiz < & & BY bs e s