LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Co. 14 East 57th St. New York Nii “al hn Tye V9 Pe feet CO AY eb COMM OrtTION. Nee oeN. -.-CARVER’S COLLECTION: OF Fine Modern Paintings. NOW SON PREP ak xX HIBITION. DAY AND EVENING, ; AT Ohe Frault Art Roos, 817 Syoudusy, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION ON THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 11th, 1870. AA SP Gro. A.-LEAvVITT & Co., AUCTIONEERS. © DECEMBER, 1870. Te a ae ee Rosas - eh od can ba a es - a appho. er tal y he ; eae Z1EM { (Felix), : fett Received Medal 1851; it class, 1852. 3d cass, Universal Exhibition, 1855; Legion of Honor, 1857. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878. PALS, atx Venice. HUE (Chas), ee, pee lhe Leétter. 9 iy Hb oe as KRETCHMAR Osea: Iobihe heen v yz The vee Kite. : me, = 10 fig : 5 -SOYER @eaul) Chea 4 PARIS. ) | Medal, 1870. © = Grandma Asleep. : SOYER (Paul), “ ‘ Medal, 1870. : \ ee ot ea ecal; be LESREL (A,), Sor pie he. Parrot. T3 VAN SCHENDEL (Pierre), : (Deceased), BRUSSELS. — yxy A Butcher-Shop. i 0 | i FABRI (A. BE), © 2 Pega The Mirror. ga } i = = * : at - rr Vin _ & on ‘a 7 os “a in 15 LEV Y (Emile), fiat PARIS. : Prix de Rome, 1854; 3d class Medal, 1859; Medal of 1864 and 1866; Bary" - 3d class Medal Universal Exhibition, 1867; Legion of ‘by tae? : Honor, 1867; 1st class Medal Universal ae 4Y & Exhibition of 1878, — Springtime. 16 CERAMANO (Chasuel eda), sens _ Pupil of Jacque. on ee sy 6A “~Pastoral. i7 a @ ERA MANO ( (Ghacehs Whe. f | . eg Pupil of Jacque. ¢ ) = asy Return of the Flock. 18 =~ _VOLKHART (Max), Me DUSSELDORF. ae A x Une Affaire d’ Honneur. 19. RICH ET (Leon); | Pupil of Diaz. — 725% A Landscape. — 20 KNIGHT (D. R). Pupil of Meissonier. fe The Neighbors. i é ry ‘ee, taal Rats aay es he FRAPPA (José), Pupil of Vibert. y Z A Striking Picture. 22 ZIMMERMANN (R. >z The Wine-Tasters. i : ¥ a Received 2d Medal ‘1876. i /* Sy i_ the ey, id The Bay Window. 25 1861 ; Legion of Honor, 1876; 3d class Medal Universal | Exhibition, 1878. 7 — “Highly Pleased.” 26 KENSETT a) Ae wy IASINELLI, — | ao TOULMOUCHE (Auguste)y™ ais. Received 3d Medal 1852; Honorably Mentioned, 1859; 2d class Medal, Near Newport. 27 ; GIFFORD (Sanford Rf 71 (a F ba Pome, Dev Sear (Compagea di < Roma). } | 28 eae y BEARD (W. Hy), NEW YORK. me yb | Landscape and Deer. - es | 29 ac PIOT (Adolphe), ; gave. Lhe. Ora ce | 20 e as e ANDERS (Ernest), f [ J oo Ay Z — The Letter, . | oh ola af MERLE (Husues) é ~ Received 2d Medal 1861; Honorably Mentioned, 1863 ; Legion of Honor, 1866. ae A Head. : 1 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene), NS aes BRUSSELS. Medals, 1824, 1841, and 1855; Chevalier of the Legiof of a 1G4G: i! , ayze- ache Restless Bull. Bs -KAEMMERER (F. Eb), eo Received Medal of 1874. | Oe Winter. L e7? 34 a VIBERT at ean Georg ey, PARIS, Received Medal 1864, 1867, and 1868. Legion of Honor, 1870 ; 3d class Medal Universal Exhibition, 1878. ez The Muleteer. ose 4I'/ ~~ AUBNER (Prof. Carl): gyz The Village Doctor. | , one | HIDDEMANN (Prof, F): tueeees sve The Stylish Darkey. | % 37 ! MOUCHOT (Louis), a ~ PARIS Received Medal of 1865, 1867, and 1868, : Legion of Honor, 1872. yy; cee (Catia 35 BAKKERKORFF a 4h Lear | ee é. : f ~ TOULMOUCHE (Auguste), . Received Medals 1852, 1859, and 1861. _ Legion of Honor, 1870; 3d class Medal Universal Exhibition, 1878. 1 “olen - ) a “fb % 41 : BOUTIBONNE (E,), Medal of 1877. 42 BAU GNIET (Charlées)\ == PARIS, “ciety e Giaer of Leopold, Isabel the Catholic, Christ of Portugal, 4 of the Grande of Ernestine of Saxe. if 4 rs q -' Meglals, Paris, 1865 ; Vienna, 1873. as yh The Visit to the Baby. Denn ie Oe LAL on ‘aa 4 ¥ Pa 43 : VERBOECKHO ae Gi . ee BRU SELS. AyVhL ee and Lambs. Egat Meniner of various Academies. ) / } 44 | SEIGNAC (Paul). / 560 ES DYh Playing Store. % | 45 — DOYEN (Gustave ws * i , Pupil of Bouguereau. | Val (From the Salon of 1878) pe tn 3 ¥ The First-born. 46 hea Blindman’s Buff. DUSSELDORF. ee CHU TZ (Theo), | Z-ey The Singing-School. 48 | mo Pe CHER ce. 5), Yon cone lee ea Come to Papa! 47 }, a 49 | BOTTCHER (C. E), starkly 6 oe . Sy at Unexpected Return. ee, 50 ees BOK bins (Earl), S. DUSSELDORF. “ Please, Some Grapes, Ma!” ZIERMAN (Carl), J wea a | Biv Zyz Caught in the Act. 52 DUSSELDORF. BOKER (Carl), a SpiMilk. O° ee SE a. Ke SCHEURENBERG (Prof. G.), CARLSRUE. v cv a 5y An Interesting Book. PARIS, GARNIER . ry 4" alt ne fe gyx Refreshments. — a /. : oes =e el JJ oe SIMONETTI (Ettore), 7 ay. In the Park. gy + 56 _ SERRURE (A), MDen ss gy. Dpringtime. , v7 6 ? : ROME. a 4 weet | | ike ges MERTEL (Carl), BO Roe eee Pa y eee sy An Evil Conscience. a y > — . a . WOPFNER (Joseph), fe ..< x On the Lake. gt MUNICH. me ae DUSSELDORF. < ae Tee SEIBELS (Catheg ioe Brnsy Cattle. Ads 4 GO J DIAZ CIN deceasecn PARIS. Forest of Fontainebléauy | ue OF , es GUES (A.), as , 57 oe a tae ~~ TheGuitarres oe | i : % JACOURMCH ”. ea Received Medals 1861, 1863, and 1864. ere Asy Legion of Honor, 1867. , Amieasteral: ty | 63 | foc OUE (Charles), we. Received Medals 1861, 1863, and 1864. Legion.of Honor, 1867. Seg >iicep in Stable. a mo, MARCHETTI (Paolo), per ee Nee > z Moorish Sentinel. oe | 6S - ROUGERON (J) pe. a e Billet-doux. BCICERI ee aeeney » ie ; Received Medal, 18:1, f @2é€8 Autumn Morning on the Seine. PARE. hae he ee eh oA ee ie hie Pres ie’ -