PRICE 50 CENTS 2 Robinson a er Collection of Philadelphia (af - Beare and Beautiful Collection of English and French and Spanish Works of ‘Art, purchased from the finest sources abroad, ' comprising Furniture and Needlework, Paintings, Prints, Silver and Textiles of XVI, XVII and XVIII Centuries 6 No. 394. Famous English Hunting Picture by Philip Reinagle, R. A. (1749-1833), entitled “‘ Breaking Cover ” Owing to the Dissolution of Partnership this collection is to be sold at UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Marcu 20, 21, 22, 1919 By Augustus W. Clarke 5 West Forty-fourth Street, New York City (OPPOSITE SHERRY’S) This collection wll be on view from March 15 until day of sale LIBRARY M.Knoedler& Co. 14 East 57th St. New York CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. ‘There must be two bidders, or no sale; the highest bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and resold. 2. ‘The purchasers to give their names and addresses and to pay down a cash deposit of not less than one-third, or the whole of the purchase money, 7f required, in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and resold. 3. The lots to be taken away at the buyer’s expense and risk within 24 hours from the conclusion of the sale and the remainder of the purchase money to be absolutely paid or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsi- ble if the lots be lost, damaged or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. 4. The lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the buyer’s expense and risk; neither the owner nor A. W. Clarke being responsible for the correct description, genuineness or authen- ticity of, or any fault or defect in any lot, and making no warranty whatever. 5. “To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the sale. 6. If, for any cause, an article purchased cannot be delivered in as good condition as the same may have been at the time of its sale, or should any article purchased thereafter be stolen or mis- delivered, or lost, the undersigned is not to be held liable in any greater amount than the price bid by the purchaser. In case of any lot, or lots, upon which there may be a reserve, the Auctioneer reserves the right to make one bid on behalf of the owner. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be resold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency, if any, attending such resale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all charges attending the same. ‘This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale, without such resale, if he thinks fit. A. W. CLARKE is in no way responsible for the charges or manner of Gelivery of goods purchased at this sale. AUGUSTUS W. CLARKE, Auctioneer, 5 West 44th Street, New York City, Ee Telephone, 4029 Bryant. ~All bills must be paid within 48 hours from close of sale Foreword HAVE long known the house of Robinson & Farr, | of Philadelphia. It has been my good fortune to have found there many fine examples of art with which to enrich my own collection. I know well the contents of their galleries. What is here said is the vol- untarily cheerful word of one who knows this house so favorably that he can express, without reserve, his trust and confidence in its honor. The art works now offered by Robinson & Farr at public sale may be commended to discriminating col- lectors. They are of the same high standard and pure period quality which have always marked the selections of this firm. It is a satisfaction to the buyer to attend a sale with confidence; to know that that which is pre- sented has been selected by those who know what good and pure things are and that the descriptive catalogue can be depended upon as placing on record nothing but facts. That satisfaction the buyer at this sale may have. To the true collector it is distasteful to associate art with the world’s mart. It can hardly be overlooked, however, that money judiciously spent in this direction is well invested. If history repeats itself, and it always does, the numbers here offered the public give an op- portunity not only for the enrichment and the uplift of the home, the pleasing sense of possession of the best things, but also offers the opportunity to make a wise investment. C. F. WILLIAMS Messrs. Robinson & Farr announce that the collection now of- fered at Public Sale is absolutely unre- stricted and is com- prised solely of their own stock FIRST DAY’S SALE Thursday, March 20th At 2.30 O’Clock P. M. c 1—Jacaurmart, JutEs. Etching of Greek coins. Executed > in 1863. First state, before the title. 4) 2—Menrvrs, Mortimer. Etching of an old doorway in Rouen. / One of fifty impressions. Signed artist’s proof. I. 8—Howartn, A. E. Etching of Trinity College gateway, Cambridge. One of one hundred impressions. Signed ar- tist’s proof. % 4—Lxcros, A. Etching entitled “Hurrying Home the Hay.” This etching is stamped with the initials “A. L.,” and was in his studio at the time of his death. ae 5—Lecros, A. Etching of a French valley. Stamped with si the artist’s initials. g 6—Bentiey, AtFrep. Etching of Bakehouse Close, Edin- | burgh. One of fifty impressions. Signed artist’s proof. LU %—Srevenson, F. G. Colored mezzotint of Mrs. Payne Gal- wey and Child. One of one hundred and fifty impressions. Signed artist’s proof. sb 9—Wess, Joun Cotuer. Colored mezzotint of “The Red Boy.” After Madame Le Brun. One of three hundred im- pressions. Signed artist’s proof. ) wr 10—Mirrar, Frep. Colored mezzotint of “Nellie O’Brien.” After Sir Joshua Reynolds. One of two hundred and twenty impressions. Signed artist’s proof. 6 Robinson & Farr Collection SS a ee eee ee ne ee ae Se te iS 11—Wessz, Joun Corner. Colored mezzotint of “Miss Ra- 39 mus.” After George Romney. One of two hundred and fifty impressions. Signed artist’s proof. PAM 13—Sepcoxrt, Herzerr. Colored mezzotint of “Mrs. Tickell.” After George Romney. One of two hundred impressions. Signed artist’s proof. ; 20 14—Brown, J. Colored engraving entitled “The Seamstress.” After George Romney. Cororen Mezzotinr entitled “Lady Anne Bingham.” After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Taken from the old plate of Samuel Cousins. oul 15 RY, 16—Cotorep Eneravine of Lady Caroline Montague, as “Winter.” After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Taken from the old plate of Samuel Cousins. | bs 17—Co.rorep Eneravine of Miss Bowles, as “Juvenile Amuse- ment.” After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Taken from the old plate of Samuel Cousins. 18—Cotorep Eneravine entitled “Winter.” After Wheatley. Taken from the old plate of G. T. Stodart. ue 19—Cororep Eneravine. “The Spinning Wheel.” Lady a Hamilton. After George Romney. Taken from the old plate of C. Jeens. ib 20—CotorEp Encravine. “Countess Spencer.” After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Taken from the old plate of Samuel Cousins. = 21—Cotorep Eneravine. “Penelope Boothby.” After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Taken from the old plate of Samuel Cousins. e) 23—CotoreD PuHorocravurr. After Swebach des Fontaines’ original drawing in water color. One of two hundred and fifty impressions. First Day’s Sale 7 32 Jv 24—Srrvenson, F. G. Colored mez- zotint of “Little Mary.” After Sir William Beechey. Signed by the engraver. Illustrated. 25—Dirro. Smaller. ee 26—Parr Moprrn Cur Guass DeE- CANTERS, made in Stourbridge, England, by Stuart & Sons. | ¢ 297—Pair Mopern Cur Guass DeE- CANTERS, made by the above firm. ] G 28—Pair Mopern Cur Grass Der- CANTERS, made by the above firm. No. 24 i 29—Patr Mopern Cut Guass Decanters, made by the above firm. ae) 30—Pair Mopern Cur Guass Decanters, made by the above firm. 13 31—AntTiqur CuHInEsr Biur anp WuiteE Bortte. | a 32— Anviaue Cuinesr Biur ann Wuire Vase. 338—AntTIauE CHINESE Ovorn Buvur anp Wuire Vase. 34—_AnTIQUE CHINESE BuUE anp Wuitr Braker. 35—Antiaur CuinesE Harr Braker, in blue and white. on 36—Parr 18TH Century Cuinese Crioisonn& Vases, with de- | sign of flowers on a blue ground, 131% inches high. & ~ “ ke 37—Oxp CHINESE PAINTING, ON SILK, oF A Lapy anp SporrTenp Derr. Slight repair on lower part of figure. Ee 38—O.up CHINESE PAINTING, ON SILK, oF A Tickr Hunt. 39—Ser or Twetve Smatt Oxvp Cuinese Parntines on silk. Four frames of light colored wood. 2) 40—Ox.p Cuinese Kaxemona, representing a spring scene, with two ladies. / . 3 7) 41—Oxp Cutvesr Kakemona, representing a man and youth. 33 42—Smatui Orv Curvese Kaxemona of a lady and tiger. Robinson & Farr Collection 43—Op Cuixese Kakemona of a lady standing beside a table. 44—Oxnp Cuixesre Kakemona of a lady playing a musical in- strument. 45—Awntiaur Gitr Bronze Japanese Figure or a YOUTH. 46—AntTiquE Gitr Bronze Japanese Mirror Howper. 47—Oup Cutnese Bronze Vase. 48—O.p CHINESE Bronze STANp. 49—Awntiatvr Ovan SHEFFIELD Correr Por. Underneath is the old mark of the maker, A. Goodman & Co. 50—Ser or Four Antieur SHerrietp Satur Crenzars, of cir- cular form. 51—Set or Four Antiavr Boar SHarep SHEFFIELD Sat Crr- LARs, with scroll ends. 52—Antiaur SHEFFIELD Wire Basket. 53—ANTIQUE SHEFFIELD Eee Borer, with lamp and stand. 54— ANTIQUE SHEFFIELD CHEESE Disu, with gadroon edge and ivory handles, having underneath a compartment for hot water. 55—AntiauE Rounp anv Piercep SHEFFIELD CakE Basket. 56—Mopvern Enevisu Suerrietp Tray, with pierced gallery. 57—Lare 18TH Century SHerrietp Urn, 14 inches high. 58—Late 18ru Century Suerrirerp Urn, 1414 inches high. 59—Latr 187TH Century Massive SHEFFIELD Urn, 2134 inches high. 60—Pair AntieuE Trevescoric Turer-Licot Suerrietp Can- DELABRA. Greatest height, when extended, 20 inches. Circa 1800. 61—Parr Antievrt THrer-Licght SHEFFIELD CANDELABRA. Circa 1800. Greatest height, 2014 inches. 62—Pair Antique THREE-LIGHT SHEFFIELD CanpEeLaBra. In- side the nozzle appear the initials of the maker, viz.: H. A. & 8S. Made about 1800. Greatest height, 1934 inches. First Day’s Sale Y) [/2 63—Pair or Ornate ANTIQUE THREE-LIGHT SHEFFIELD CAN- i, sa ; 5 DELABRA. The branches of one of the candelabra can be inserted in the other, thus making a five-light candelabrum. Made about 1800. Greatest height, 2314 inches. J (%,) 64—Pair oF Ornate ANTIQUE THREE-LicHT SHEFFIELD CaNn- DELABRA, made by the celebrated maker, Matthew Boulton, whose mark of the sun, struck in duplicate, appears both around the base and the underpart of the branches. Made about 1800. Greatest height, 2514 inches. Sly 65—Sinete Antievrt Four-Licht SHEerrierp CaNDELABRUM, =, made by Matthew Boulton. Of similar design and of the same period as the foregoing pair. Greatest height, 25 inches, 2+ 66—Late 181TH Century TxHree-Licht SHerrirtp Canpe- ae LABRA, made by T. & J. Creswick, whose mark of the crossed arrows appears inside the nozzle of candlesticks. Greatest height, 201% inches. Illustrated. No, 66 The sideboard shown is No. 256, described on page 26, second day’s sale. 10 Robinson & Farr Collection SE ere 2 a a RN hee ie Red eee ASE SL ee te 67—Puain Pair or AntTIeuE Turee-Licht SHEFFIELD CAaNDE- LABRA, made about 1800. Greatest height, 2114 inches. 68—Sinete Antieur Five-Licur SHerririp CANDELABRUM, made by Matthew Boulton about 1800. Greatest height, 271% inches. 69—Patr or Lare 187TH Cenrury Massive Four-Licutr SHeEr- FIELD CaNDELABRA, made by Matthew Boulton. Greatest height, 29 inches. 70—Late 18TH Century Encuisn Sitver Sucar Tones, of openwork design. 71—Late 18TH Century Encuisn Srtver Sucar Tones, of openwork design. 72—Larr 181TH Century Encrisu Sinver Sucar Tones, of openwork design. 738—LatE 18rH Century Enewisn Sriuver Sucar Tones, of open work design ‘ 74—Lare 187TH Century Enewisu Sinver Suear Tones, of choice openwork design. 75—I18TH Cenrcry Sirver Pre Suice, of .openwork design, bearing old Paris hall mark. Black wooden handle. TJilus- trated. 76—189rH Century Sitver Pre Srice, of openwork design, bearing the mark of Dublin. Black wooden handle. [llis- trated. No. 75 No. 76 77—SItver Pir Suicr, of openwork design, bearing the London hall mark of 1763. The maker’s name was Edward Al- dridge. Silver handle. 78—Rare Encuisy Sirver Hor Warer Jve, with ivory handle. Made in London in 1807. Maker’s initials M. T. Ser or Four Prercep anp Cuasep Sinver Coasters. Pair dated London, 1790; one London, 1787; remaining one London, 1784. 80—Fint Encuisn Trree-Piece Sinver Tra Ser, made in London in 1803 by R. & S. Hennell. Illustrated. 79 First Day’s Sale 11 No. 80 81 Ser or Four Enexuisn Srtver Ova Sars, made in Lon- don in 1790 by Robert Hennell. 82—-Pair oF Massive Enewisu Sitver Ovan Sats, on square bases, made in London in 1799. 83 Late 17ru Cenrury Oax Cuesr or Drawers, with three panelled drawers. Height, 3414 inches; width, 36 inches. 84— 181TH Century Manocany Carp Tastes, in the style of Chippendale, with carved legs and shaped apron. 85—18TH CEentuRY Parnrep Cuair, in the style of Hepple- white, covered with modern gray liberty velvet. 86—Ser or Four Antieus EncuisH Parntep Sinz Carrs, in the style of Sheraton. The painting has been renewed in places. Illustrated. 87—Turee Antietur Frencu Arm Cuarrs, covered with gros point needlework, the principal colors of which are blue, tan and gray, on a dark ground. Formerly owned by M. Jacques Seligmann. Illustrated. No. 86 No. 87 12 Robinson & Farr Collection | SO 88—Par or Anrieue Frencu Grur Mirrors, with candle branches. From the Island of Curacao. |.30 89—18rH Century Enexish Manocany Boox Sranp, with five shelves. Greatest height, 4 feet 1 inch; width 2 feet 234 inches. (pak Ge 90—181rH Century Encuisn Desk or Manocany, with narrow center drawer and two deep side drawers. Candle shelf pulls out on right hand side. Length of desk, 4 feet 2 inches; depth, 2 feet 2 inches. )oo 91-—Late 17rH Century EnexisH Optonc Oak One-DRrawer Taste. Length, 2 feet 314 inches; depth, 1 foot 5 inches. | 20 92—EneisH Oak Dresser, with three panelled drawers and plain stretcher. Length, 6 feet 4 inches; depth, 1 foot 9 inches. G4 J 93—187rH Century Enetish Manocany Tirr Tor Taste, of the Chippendale period, on carved tripod stand, with claw and ball feet. Diameter, 25 inches. 94—Parr or Later 18TH Century Pawnren Encuise Winpow Srats, upholstered in a modern figured satin damask. | oD 95—Pair or 181tH Century Lone Eneuisu Seats, painted and gilded, of the Hepplewhite period, covered with modern gray striped silk. leg 96—181H CrENTURY ENcLIsH Manocany Siprzoarp, of the Hepplewhite period, with lines of inlay. Cupboard to left has inside drawer. Length, 5 feet; greatest depth, 2 feet. | bl 97—Turee AntIeuE Yew Arm Cuairs, with elm seats, made in England, 1760-1790. DS 98—EneuisH Semi-Crrcutar Carp Taser, decorated with me- dallions of famous pictures after Hoppner and Reynolds. bs 99—Lare 18TH Century Enevish Manocany Carvep Carp Taste, of the Hepplewhite period. | 6-0 100—18TH CrnTURY Brack anp Gotp Eneuish Turer-Back Serres, in the style of Hepplewhite. This piece has been repainted; seat upholstered in a modern English damask with Chinese design. Length, 4 feet 7 inches. First Day’s Sale IS 101—181TH Century Encuish Brown Paintep Winpow Skat, of the Adam period. Seat upholstered in modern green damask. 102—EneuisH Wuire ann Girt Winvow Sar, covered with 18th century Spanish blue silk. 103—Smati Enewisn Tasxe, with late 17th century oak stand. The top is modern. 104—181TH CrenTURY ENcLIsH OnE-DrawrEr Manocany PEm- BROKE T'aBLE, of the Sheraton period. The oval top meas- ures, when open, 8 feet 3 inches by 2 feet 71% inches. 105—18rH Century Enevish Manoeany Serres, with uphol- stered back and seat, covered with old rose colored damask. Greatest length, 6 feet 2 inches. 106—181rn Century American CircuLtar Tani, of unusual design, with compartment underneath. Diameter, 2 feet 9 inches. 107—Pair or 18TH Century EncuisH Paintrep Sipe Cuairs, with rush bottom seats and loose cushions covered with old chintz. 108—Par or 18TH Century Encuisy Manocany Hari Cuarrs, with armorial design painted on back. 109—Smartt Earty 18TH Century Enerish Manocany Carp Taster, with secret drawer, greatest length, 2 feet 414 inches. 110—18TH Century Smartt Spanish Girt Mirror. 111—181rn Century Semi-Circutar Enenisn Parntep Consoue Tas ie. The decorations of flowers, etc., are of a later date. Greatest length, 2 feet 6 inches. 119—181rH Century Frencu Girt Mirror, of the Louis XVI period. Greatest height, 3 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet. 113—l7ru Century Eneuisu Iron Firr Back, with figures of Abraham and Isaac. Height, 2214 inches; width, 2114 inches. 114—17%rH Century Frencu Iron Finr Back, with fleur-de-lis, and date of 1665. Height, 2514 inches; width, 2514 inches. 14 Robinson & Farr Collection 115—181rH Century EncusH Oprenwork Brass FEnopenr. Length, 41 inches. 116—18TH Century Enexish Openwork Brass FrENopER. Length, 41 inches. 117—18rH Crnrury EncruisH Openwork Sree, Frnopen. Length, 46 inches. 118—Lare 16TH Cenrury Fuemisn Brass Crrcunar Disu, with inscription. 119—Set or Turee Oxtp Encuisn Brass Fire Irons. 120—Pam Antiave American Brass Anprrons, of cylindrical design. Height, 2014 inches. 121—Pam AnrtiavE American Brass Anpirons (rights and lefts), with acorn tops. Circa 1790. Height, 2014 inches. Illustrated. No. 121 122—181H Century Prercep Srerr Triver. 123—18rxH Century Smarz Brass Brazier, with wooden handle. 124 Convenient Eneuisu Steen Sranp ror Fire Irons, made up from old irons. 125—Conventent Encusu Strerrt Sranp ror Fire Irons, made up from old irons. 126—Convenient Encuisy Steer STanp ror Fire Irons, made up from old irons. 127—Convenient Encuisu Steer Sranp ror Fire Irons, made up from old irons. 199 A Cuwtlhey First Day’s Sale 15 Ss 128—EneutsH Girt Picture Frame, of Carlo Maratta design. Opening 2214 inches by 1744 inches. 70 129—Larce ANTIQUE JAPANESE Pewter Tra Jar, converted into lamp, with old gold colored shade. Illustrated. 130—AnTIQUE JAPANESE Pewrer Tra Jar, converted into lamp, with old gold colored shade. ‘)0 131 = . CAD 1382—Anvtique JAPANESE PeEwrer Tra Jar, converted into lamp, with old gold colored shade. Larce ANTIQUE JAPANESE Prewrer Tra Jar, converted into lamp, with old gold colored shade. SO 183—AntTiauE JAPANESE Pewrer Tra Jar, converted into lamp, with old gold colored shade. a) > JO 134Curnrse Bronzz Jar, converted into lamp, with red shade. IL; 1385—Watnoutr Cua or Louis XV Styx, covered with petit Cagis point needlework. Back panel shows two figures in a land- scape, while the seat consists of a design of trees and birds. 136—18TrH Century Frencn Watnur Hicu Sroor, with stretcher, covered with old red damask. ave 137—181TH Century Eneuisn Painrep Serres, with cane back and seat. Cushion of modern green damask. Length, 5 feet. No. 129. Lamp 4 No 242. Refectory Table. Page 24, Second Day’s Sale. No. 300. Candelabra. Page 31, Third Day’s Sale. Robinson & Farr Collection SECOND DAY’S SALE Friday, March 21st At 2.30 O’Clock P. M. 138—Menrrs, Morvrimer. Etching entitled “Windmill Near Barnet.” One of fifty impressions. Signed artist’s proof. G 1389—MacBeru-Rarsurn, H. Etching of “St. Paul’s, from the Surrey Side.” One of seventy-five impressions. Signed ar- tist’s proof. lo 140—Brewer, Henry C. Etching of the “Cathedral of Cor- | dova.” One of seventy-five impressions. Signed artist’s proof. —Q 141—Arrirck, Anprew F. Etching of the “Hospital de Santa Cruz, Toledo.” One of two hundred and ten impressions. Signed artist’s proof. 142—Arriecx, Anprew F. Etching of the “Cloth Hall, Ma- lines.” One of one hundred and five impressions. Signed artist’s proof. a 143—Havren, Srymour. Etching of “A Brig at Anchor.” Etched in 1870. | bb 144—Branewyn, Franx. Etching entitled “Brentford Bridge.” One of one hundred impressions. Signed artist’s proof. IS 145—Branewyn, Franx. Etching of “Church at Montreuil.” i One of one hundred impressions. Signed artist’s proof. | iS 146—Lumspen. Etching of the “Cowgate, Edinburgh.” One of fifty impressions. Signed artist’s proof. | S. 147—Lumspren. Etching entitled “Pekin Shops.” One of fifty | z impressions. Signed artist’s proof. | q 148—Arrircx, Anprew F. Etching of “A Moorish Arch, To- ledo.” One of two hundred and ten impressions. Signed | artist’s proof. A Duplicate will be offered as 148-A. | GC 149—Bentiey, Atrrep. Etching of “Sterling Castle.” One of fifty impressions. Signed artist’s proof. je§ A Second Day’s Sale le 150—Howarrn, Arzany E. Etching of “King’s College Gate- way, Cambridge.” One of one hundred impressions. Signed artist’s proof. 151—Howarru, Atzany E. Etching of “Winchester Cathe- dral.” One of one hundred and fifty impressions. Signed artist’s proof. 152—Torrett, Arruur. Etching of “Church of St. Lawrence, Nuremberg.” One of two hundred impressions. Signed artist’s proof. 153— Hirst, Norman. Mezzotint of “Mrs. Irvine Boswell,” after Raeburn. Signed artist’s proof. 154—Hirst, Norman. Mezzotint entitled “The Setting Sun,” after Hoppner. Signed artist’s proof. 155—Hirst, Norman. Mezzotint of “The Hon. Theresa Parker,” after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Signed artist’s proof. Illustrated. 156—Otp Buack ann Wuitr Frencu ENGRAVING, enti- tled “L’Etude de la Mu- sique.” Gold leaf frame, style of Louis XVI. 157—Miruar, FRep. Colored mezzotint of ‘‘Nellie Fa ._ a O’Brien.” After Sir Joshua No, 155 Reynolds. One of two hundred and twenty impressions. Signed artist’s proof. Dull gold leaf frame. 158—Smyruer, Ricuarp. Colored mezzotint of “Lady Bene- detta Day.” After George Romney. One of one hundred and seventy-five impressions. Signed artist’s proof. Dull gold leaf frame. 159—Wers, Joun Coruer. Colored mezzotint of “Mrs. Hal- lett.” After Thomas Gainsborough. One of two hundred impressions. Signed artist’s proof. Dull gold leaf frame. 160—Marrinpate, Percy H. Colored mezzotint of the “Age of Innocence.” After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Signed artist’s proof. Dull gold leaf frame. 18 Robinson & Farr Collection 161—Marrinpatz, Percy H. Colored mezzotint of “Lady Ann Bingham.” After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Signed artist’s proof. Dull gold leaf frame. 162—Goertzr, Leorontp. Colored mezzotint of “Miss Haver- field.” After Thomas Gainsborough. One of one hundred and twenty-five impressions. Signed artist’s proof. Dull gold leaf frame. 163—Hii1, I. Old colored aquatint entitled “Grand Trianon.” After design by J. C. Nattes. Published in 1800. Dull gold leaf frame. 164—Lxeros, A. Etching entitled “Un Mendiant.” Signed ar- tist’s proof. Dull gold leaf frame. 165—Jacaur, Cuartes. Etching of a French village. One of fifty impressions. Narrow black frame. 166—Baver, M. Etching of the Mosque of El Hassan. Signed artist’s proof. Dull gold leaf frame. 167—Marney, Armano. Etching of Italian lady, after D. Ghirlandajo. One of one hundred impressions. Dull gold frame. 168—Howartu, Arsany E. Etching entitled “The Old Dutch Mill.” One of one hundred impressions. Signed artist’s proof. Dull gold frame. 169—Hare, Axer. Etching of “Tarragona Cathedral, Spain.” Signed artist’s proof. Dull gold frame. 170—Ho.zar, W. (17th century). Etching of his wife. Nar- row black frame. 171—Dusart, C. Etching entitled “A Village Festival,” dated 1685. Black frame. 172—Gotrzus, H. Etching of an officer with halberd, dated 1587. Gold leaf frame. 173—Rowtanpson, Tuomas. (1756-1827.) Original tinted drawing of a Mr. Hutton, of Yorkshire, galloping down stone steps. The inscription in the handwriting of Row- landson adds this was a common recreation of the squire’s in his fits of insanity. Narrow brown frame. 174—Dvrnk. Old colored print. “Ia Chasse au Cerf,” after Huet. Gold leaf frame. Slight tear at bottom. Second Day’s Sale 19 )o. 175—Patr or Otp Cotorep Prints of George III and Queen Charlotte, after Sir William Beechey, by Benjamin Smith and Thomas Ryder. Published by J. & J. Boydell, London, AF) 1804. Old gilt frames. 176—Crarx, J.. ann Hampzez, J. Pair of old colored naval H+ fo) aquatints, after Dominick Serres (1722-1793). Published ) 1806, in book form. Serres was appointed marine painter | to George III. Many of his works are at Hampton Court \ and Greenwich Hospital. Black and gilt frames. 177—Cuarx, J.. anv Hamautz, J. Pair of old colored naval aquatints, after Dominick Serres. Black and gilt frames. 67 RY 178—Cuark, J., anp Hamsuez, J. Set of three old naval aqua- tints, after Dominick Serres. Black and gilt frames. No. 180 ay 179—Cuark, J., anp Hampur, J. Pair of old colored naval aquatints, after Dominick Serres. Black and gilt frames. Go 180—Crarx, J., ann Hamper, J. Pair of old colored naval aquatints, after Dominick Serres. Black and gilt frames. Illustrated. to 181—Crark, J., ann Hamat, J. Pair of old colored naval aquatints, after Dominick Serres. oC i. 182—Crark, J.. anp Hamper, J. Set of three old colored naval aquatints, after Dominick Serres. 7) 183—AnrievE CircuLar Parrer Macué Snurr Box, with coach- if ing scene painted on lid over a transfer print. ao 184—187rH Century Frencu Parntep Fan, with elaborately carved and painted sticks. 20 Robinson & Farr Collection 185—Smatuz 187TH Century Frencu Painrep Fay, with pierced and gilded sticks. 186—Lone 18TH Crentury Strip or Buue Frencu Damask. 12 feet long and 88 inches wide. 187—Earty 191TH Century Frencu Rosr-Cotorep Corron Spreap, decorated with printed country scenes. 188—Two Pircrs or Ory Grenorsr Vetvet, with Louis XIV pattern in red on a light yellow ground. 189—Two Precrs or Heavy 171rH Century Irauian Rep VELVET. 190—Opp Preces or 18TH Century Spanish Rep Frincr anp Gitr Braip, comprising 21% yards of fringe and 12 yards of braid. 191—Two Lone Srrirs or Orp Green Damask. 192—Lone Srrip or Ory Rep Damask or Turer Breaprus, to- gether with small piece of same design. 193—Pixrcr or Oxy Spanish Rep Damask, of Louis XIV design. 194—Oxstone Piece or AntTIQquE ENnciish NEEDLEWORK, with conventional design of flowers on a light gray ground, be- ing worked in both gros and petit point. Panel measures 25 inches by 1714 inches. 195—Srrip or Antieve Mexican Vetver, edged with old Span- ish braid. Piece of 5 feet 10 inches long and 1 foot 51% inches wide. 196—Sueer or Late 18TH Century Deuicate Brive Sink, of unusual design. Piece consists of four breadths, each 7 feet 8 inches long. 197—18TH CENTURY Licur Buivur Spanish Brocape Vircin’s Rose. 198—17ruH Century Spanish Rep Vetiver Arcuep Tor Cuest, with elaborate locks of gilded iron. Length, 4 feet 1 inch; depth, 2 feet; height, 1 foot 8 inches. 199—ExvaporaTELy Carvep anv Girt DutcH Frame, of the 18th century. Opening 2914 inches by 2334 inches. Second Day’s Sale 72, 200—Parr Late 18TH Century Turee-Licur SHEerrigtp Can- DELABRA, made by Matthew Boulton, whose mark of the sun struck in duplicate appears both around the base and the underpart of the branches. Greatest height, 2014 inches. 201—Parr or Late 18TH Century Turee-Licht SHEFFIELD CanDELABRA, with extra pair of candlesticks to match. Dispensing with the branches, a set of four candlesticks is made. All of this set were made by Matthew Boulton and bear his mark. Greatest height of candelabra, 201% inches, while the sticks alone measure 1214 inches. 202-—Parr oF Late 18TH CrEntTurY THree-Lichor SHEFFIELD CanpEeLasra, by Matthew Boulton. Greatest height, 21 inches. 203—Parr or Lare 18TH Crentury THree-Licnhr SHEFFIELD CanpeLaBra. Greatest height, 211% inches. 204—Pair or Late 18TH Century TuHree-Licht SHEFFIELD CanpELABRA, by Matthew Boulton. Greatest height, 2314 inches. 205—Patr oF Late 18TH Century Five-Licnhr SHEFFIELD Can- DELABRA, by Matthew Boulton and T. & J. Creswick—the latters’ mark of the crossed arrows underneath the lower pair of branches. 206—Parr or Later 18TH Century THree-Lichrt SHEFFIELD CanpELaBra. Greatest height, 2234 inches. 207—Antiaver Five-Licht SHEFFIELD CanpELABRUM. ‘The base bears the mark of Matthew Boulton, made about 1800. Greatest height, 3014 inches. 208—Parr or Late 18TH Crentury THree-Licnht SHEFFIELD CanpELABRA. Greatest height, 21 inches. 2909——Masstve Five-Licur SHEFFIELD CANDELABRUM. Circa 1800, coat of arms on base. Greatest height, 31 inches. 210—Parr or Smart Enecuisn Sirver Perper Pors, engraved with crest; made in London in 1811 by maker whose initials were C. F. 911—-Encravep Enerisu Strver Creamer. Made in London in 1796. oy Robinson & Farr Collection 212—Repoussh Encuisn Sirver Creamer. Made in London in 1796 by William Sampel. 213—Revoussh Encrisn Sitver Creamer. Made in London in 1763, probably by Walter Brind. 214—Ewneravep Eneuisu Sinrver Creamer. Made in London in 1785, probably by Thomas Chawner. 215—Parr or Enewisu Sinver Ovat Sauts. Made in London in 1790. Maker’s initials are G. G. 216—Patr or Eneuisn Sirver Ovat Sauts. Made in London in 1798 by John Emes. 217—Eneuisu Sttver Inxsranp, with two bottles. The stand probably has been an old snuffer tray. It bears the London mark of 1784, and was probably made by Robert Hennell. 218—Ene.isuH Sirver Taper Sranp, with extinguisher. Made in London in 1797, probably by Thomas Malleson. 219 Ser or Six Enewisn Sitrver Wine Lasers. Made in the years 1803-1805. 220—EneusH Sitver Ovat Sweer Disu, with engraved open- work border. Made in London in 1791. 221—Ene isu Strver Ovat Sweer Disu, with engraved border. Made in London in 1805. 222—EneuisH Sitver OreNworK AND CHasep Cake Basket, with crest in center. Made in London in 1799 by John Emes. 223 —ENcusH Sirver CHAMBER CanpLestick, with extinguisher. Made in London in 1789 by John Thompson. 224_Parr or Encuisu Sirver Dovusie Coasters. Made in Lon- don in 1789. Makers’ initials are R. E. and E. B. 225—-EnewisH Sitver Sauce Pan, with wooden handle. Made in London in 1754 by John Jacobs. 226—EncuisH Sinver Sauce Pan, with wooden handle. Made in London in 1762 by Walter Brind. 927—EneisH SitverR Sauce Pan, with wooden handle. Made in London in 1712. Second Day’s Sale 23 HS 228—Antiave West Inpian Ostone Manocany Tape, with twist legs. Length, 3 feet 244 inches; width, 2 feet. 1S 229—181rH CentTurRY Encuish Manocany Ovar Tra Tray, with brass handles. Length, 34 inches. i 7 230— 18TH Century EnexisHh Manocany Ovat Tra Tray, with brass handles. Length, 27 inches. et {? 231—18rTH Century Encuish Manocany Ovar Tra Tray, with inlaid border. Length, 28 inches. a 232—18TH Century Encuish Manocany Tra Tray, with inlaid edge. Length, 301% inches. | ae 233 181rH Century Encuish Compo Mantrer or Anam Desien. Length of shelf, 6 feet 1 inch; height, 4 feet 7 inches; width of opening, 4 feet. a) (0 234—AntievuE Enerisu Circunar Manocany Prpesran Taste, with four drawers. Circa 1800. Diameter of top, 3 feet 7 inches. i) 935—Smauu 18TtH Century Hanerne Corner Cursoarp, of the Adam period. Painted in pale blue and cream, and backed with mirrors. Illustrated. No. 235 No. 236 Lare 18TH Century Enexuish Manocany Wrinpow Seat, of the Hepplewhite period, with carved legs, covered with modern black and gold damask. Illustrated. JSD 236 vs 937 —l7 rn Century Eneuish Oak PaneLuep Serrus, with lift- up seat and panelled back (the carving of a later period). Length, 4 feet. 24 Robinson & Farr Collection 238—LatEe 17rH Century Crrcutar Enerish Oak Gate Lec Taste. In this piece the unusual feature is seen of both gates opening from one end. Diameter, 2 feet 10 inches. 239——Lare 171TH Century Enewisn Oax Gate Lee Tare, with one drawer. The oval top is 3 feet 4 inches long. 240—Lare 17tH Century Encuish Oak Rounp Taste, with drop leaves. Diameter, 2 feet 514 inches. 241—Late 17rH Century Ova Encuisu Oax Foupine TABLE, of rare design. 242—l7tH Century Enewish Oak Rerecrory Tasxe, with mas- sive turned legs and plain stretchers. Length, 8 feet; width, 2 feet 8 inches. 243—Latre 17rH Century Ostone EnecuisH Oak Sipe Tape, with panelled drawer. Length, 2 feet 11 inches; depth, 1 foot 9 inches. 244—Lare 1l7rH Crentrury EneutsH Oax Sroor, with flat ma stretcher, covered with modern blue damask. 245—Late 17TH Century Enecrisn Oak Gare Lec Taste, with . drawer. Length, 4 feet 214 inches; depth, 3 feet 4 inches. No. 247. Gate Leg Table No. 248. Compote Dish bo On Second Day’s Sale pesos Sia es No. 253 246—171H Century Enerish Oax Monks’ Bencu, with lift-up seat. Length, 4 feet 3 inches. New bracket feet at back. 947-——Fing Larce 17rH Century Enewish Oak Gate Lec Taste, with one drawer. Length, 5 feet 6 inches; depth, 4 feet 2 inches. Illustrated. 948—Antieve WatTEeRForp Grass Compote Disu. Illustrated. 949-—ELABORATELY Carvep 18TH Crenrury Iranian Gittr Mir- ror. Height, 4 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 950—Srer or 18TH Century Enerish GREEN ParInTED SIDE Crarirs, of the Hepplewhite period, upholstered in modern green damask. The painting has been restored. 951—177ru Century EncuisH Oak CHEEse Cupsoarp, with two doors and panelled ends. Length, 4 feet 3 inches; depth, 1 foot 7 inches; height, 2 feet 9 inches. 952 —Lare 1lvrn Century Encusn Oak Mepicinr Cuproarp, with carved panel in door. Height, 2 feet 3 inches; width, 1 foot 6 inches. 253 181TH Century EncusH Manocany Store Fari Desk, of the Chippendale period. Interior has elaborately carved fretwork on drawers and secret partitions. Length, 3 feet 6 inches; height, 3 feet 5 inches. Illustrated. 26 Robinson & Farr Collection 254—Late 1l7rH Century Encuish Oax Carvep Rerecrory Tas e, with plain turned legs and flat stretchers. Length, 6 feet; depth, 2 feet 6 inches; height, 2 feet 8 inches. 255—Earxiy 18TH Century Ostone Enexuish Oax Taste, with three drawers and shaped apron. Drawers and top have a band of walnut inlay. Length, 2 feet 6 inches; depth, 1 foot 5 inches. 256—Late 18TH Century Enerish Manocany Innarp Sripe- BOARD, of the Sheraton period, with lion’s head handles. Length, 5 feet 6 inches; greatest depth, 2 feet 3 inches. Illustrated on page 9. First day’s sale. 257—Late 187TH Century Intamw Enerish Manocany Dwarr SipEBoarD, with three drawers. Length, 4 feet 2 inches; depth, 2 feet 4 inches, 258—Late 18TH Crentury Inuaip Enerish Manocaxny Lone Smpepoarp, of the Sheraton period, with three drawers. Length, 7 feet; greatest depth, 2 feet 7 inches. 259—Ser or Four Circuntar Frencu Decorative Parntines or Curpips, representing music, dancin ainting, etc. Diam- > g 5) &> 2) eter of canvases, 36 inches. Illustrated. 260—Pair oF Two Ovat Frencu Decorative Parntrnes, with figures of cupids, etc. Height of canvases, 36 inches; g > , width, 48 inches. 261—18TH Century EneuisH Porrrair or a Cuiip, in pink dress, wearing a cap with flowers. In her left hand she holds a glove. Height of canvas, 291% inches; width, 2434 inches. Second Day’s Sale a 262—Norrucotr, James. English painter, born in 1746; died 1831. Entered Reynolds’ studio in his twenty-fifth year and remained in his employment for five years. The late critic, Sir Walter Armstrong, who examined this picture in London, stated in a letter that it was after the well-known picture by Reynolds. Portrait of a Child with auburn hair, in white bodice and red skirt, leaning on a pedestal. Height of canvas, 26 inches; width, 26 inches. 263—Cotorep PHorocravure after Whistler. Whistler’s por- trait of his mother and Sargent’s ‘“‘Carmencita” were exe- cuted in the same beautiful process. 264—ExTREMELY Quaint 18TH CreNnrury ENGLIsH PAINTING, representing a family group. of five persons in a lofty pan- elled room, engaged in musical pursuits. Height of canvas, 25 inches; width, 29 inches. 265—181TH CEenrurY ENciish Portrarr or a YounG GEeNTLE- MAN, with powdered wig, dressed in dark gray coat and red waistcoat. Height of canvas, 30 inches; width, 25 inches. 966—181TnH Century Decorative Durcu Parntrine, of various sorts of birds in a wooded landscape. Height of canvas, 3414 inches; width, 26 inches. 267—181rH Century Lanpscapr, by a follower of Gainsborough, an unknown artist of the English school; figures of cows and sheep in the foreground, to the right the ruins of an abbey, in the distance, view of a lake. Height of canvas, 25 inches; width, 30 inches. 968—18rH Century Frencu Ovat Porrrair or a Younc Girt of the Drouais school. She is dressed in white and rests her right arm on a cushion, while with the left hand she crowns a small spaniel with a wreath. Height of canvas, 211% inches; width, 1814 inches. 2969—Lare 18TH Century Frencu Carvep anp Girt Mirror, formerly a barometer. Height, 40 inches. Illustrated. 970-—Latre 18ru Century Frencu Carvep anp Grit Mirror, formerly a barometer. Height, 36 inches. Illustrated. 971—181rH Century Frencu Carvep anp Girt Mirror, of the Régence period. Height, 4 feet. Greatest width, 2 feet 3 inches. 28 Robinson & Farr Collection 272—18rH Century Eneiisn Rep Lacever Mrrror, 17 inches square. Slightly restored. Oxvp Enerisn Cuina Tea Ser, consisting of tea pot, sugar bowl, creamer, waste bowl, seventeen cups, eleven saucers, and two dishes. Decorations consist of a design of birds, roses, etc., in blue, pink, and gold on a white ground. 273 274—181H Century Gray Parinrep anp Gitt Carvep Frencu Mirror, of the period of Louis XVI. Height, 3214 inches ; width, 22 inches. Purchased from Lebrun, of Paris. 275—Reinacie, Puirip. The late Sir Walter Armstrong wrote as follows concerning this picture: “A water color drawing of many figures, representing a father and mother who have apparently done their duty by the population of the coun- try. As to the authorship, would suggest Philip Reinagle.” Height, 13 inches; width, 23 inches. 276—Patr or 18TH CENTURY ELABORATELY Carvep AND GuILT SpanisH Mirrors. Height, 3 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet. Third Day’s Sale 29 THIRD DAY’S SALE Saturday, March 22d At 2.30 O’Clock P. M. yee 277—LxCave, P. Pair of water colors of rural scenes in Eng- r land. Signed by the artist and dated 1802. Dull gilt frames. ; 278—Iznsetson, J. C. Set 1 of twelve original water colors intended for the illustration of a novel. All but two of these are signed by the artist and dated 1787. An engraving of the fireside scene has been cut from the No. 278 novel and pasted on the back of the frame. This artist was born in 1759 and died in 1817. A number of his works are in the South Ken- sington Museum, London. Three dull gold frames contain So the set of twelve. Two of the set are shown herewith. Ek 279—Dopp, Rozert. Old colored aquatint entitled “The Battle of the Nile at 10 o’Clock at Night.” Published 1799 by SU Dodd, who also painted the original picture. No. 278 r. (v 280—Janinet. Old colored French print of Benjamin Frank- a lin, dated 1789. Probably after the pastel by Duplessis. 5 Narrow gilt frame. ea) 281—Finr AntIQuE Spreap. Spanish red damask of Louis XV ad design, consisting of four breadths 7 feet 3 inches long. To Red fringe all around. monks) 282— Oup Iratian Strip or Rep Sixx, with design in gilt thread, consisting of six breadths of 1-yard lengths. 30 Robinson & Farr Collection 283 Seven 18rn Cenrury Travian Rep Vetiver Cua Seats. 284—Two Opp Pieces or 18TH Century VeLvet, which was purchased in Mexico. 285—l171H Century Rep Vetver Aurar Crorn, consisting of four breadths of one yard each. Purchased in Seville. 286—Earzy 17TH Century Rep Vetver Avtar Croru, trimmed with gilt braid. Piece is 7 feet 1 inch long, and 3 feet 3 inches wide. Purchased in Seville. 287—Otp Srrip or Rep Brocapr, with design woven largely in . . . 5 5 ay metal thread. Piece is 7 feet 10 inches long and 3 feet 6 inches wide. 288—Larcer 18rH Century Cover or Buvur Brocaps, lined with pink silk. Piece measures 6 feet 4 inches by 6 feet 8 inches. 289—Finr 181rH Century Cream Cororep Brocape Cops, woven with gold and silver tissue. Hood and collar edged with fine gold lace. Formerly in the Charles Butler collec- tion, London. 290—Larte 16rH Century Spanisu Rep Vetvet Corr, with gold embroidered hood and collar. 291—Pair or ANTIQUE Spanish Rep Vetver Prisrsts’ Coiuars, with appliqué design. 292—Rep Vetiver Cusnion, with appliqué of antique Spanish orphreys. 293—AnTIQUE SPANISH Rep VELVET CusHion, trimmed with old gold galloon. 294— 171TH Century Venetian Cuarice Cover, worked partly in silver thread, and with design of flowers and birds on a cream colored ground. 295—18rH Century Spanisu Corn, of green silk, with a design of columns and flowers and birds, woven largely with gold tissue. 296—Finr Pane or Earty 18TH Century Encuish NEEpur- work, nearly all worked in petit point. Design consists of single figure surrounded by flowers and scroll work of con- ventional design on a green ground. From the Oppenheim collection of Windsor. Piece measures 35 inches by 21 inches. Illustrated. S20 Third Day’s Sale et 297—Fixne Earty 17TH Century Spanish Rep Vetiver CuHa- sUBLE, with orphreys of saints worked in silk thread with touches of gold, while the spaces between the saints are worked in a conventional design of gold appliqué on a red velvet ground. Illustrated. No. 296 No. 297 998—Lare 18rn Century SHEFFIELD Urn, with openwork base. Greatest height, 2234 inches. 999—Larre 181TH Century SHEFFIELD Urn, with openwork base and pineapple top. Greatest height, 231% inches. 300—Pair or Late 18tH Century Four-Licght SHEFFIELD Can- DELABRA. Greatest height, 25 inches. Illustrated, page 15. 301—Pair or Late 18TH Century Four-Licnt SHEFFIELD CaNn- DELABRA. Made by Matthew Boulton, and bearing his mark of the sun, stamped in duplicate. Greatest height, 2614 inches. 302—-Massive Pair or Seven-Licht SHEFFIELD CANDELABRA, On square base on ball feet. Made about 1810. Greatest height, 32 inches. Larre 18ruH Cenrury Ovat SHerrierp Trea Tray, with gadroon edge. Greatest length, 26 inches. 303 eT 32 Robinson & Farr Collection 304—Latr 18TH Century Optone SHEFFIELD Tray, with ga- droon and shell border. Coat of arms in center. Greatest length, 30 inches. 305—EaporaTeLty CHasep Optone SuHerrietp Tray, with gad- roon and rose border. Crest in center. Circa 1805. Greatest length, 271% inches. 806—Ser or THree Encuisn Srinver Casters. Two pieces made in 1768; the remaining one in 1764. All pieces are by a London maker, whose initials were R. P. Jllus- trated. 307—Ser or Eicur Ovat Eneuisu Sit- veR Sats. Made in London, 1801-1806, by Robert and Samuel Hennell. No. 306 308—Ser or Four Eneuisn Strver Openwork Coasters, with bead edge. One pair made in London in 1776; the other pair made there in 1800. 309—Smaty Enevisn Sirver Sauce Pan, with spout and wooden handle. Made in London in 1731. 310—Patr or Encuisu Sitver Cortmnrntan Cotumyn Canpue- sticks. Made in London in 1768. Maker’s initials P. W. 311—Smat, Enevisn Sirver Satver, with beaded edge and handsome coat of arms in center., Made in London in 1780 by Richard Rugg. Diameter, 8 inches. 312—EneuisH Sitver Cuasep Tra Por. Made in London in 1798, probably by John Robbins. 3138—Ewneuisy Sirver Cuasep Tra Por, of oval shape. Made in London in 1781 by maker whose initials were T. H. 314—Eneuisu Sirver Cuasep Tra Cappy, with oval ivory knob. Made in London in 1791, by Henry Chawner. Illustrated. 315 Eneuisu Sirver Cuasep Tra Por anp Stanp. Both pieces were made in London in 1792 by different makers. Wooden handle. Illustrated. 316—Larecr Eneuisu Sitver Sauce Pan, with spout and wooden handle. Made in London in 1764, probably by W. & J. Priest. Illustrated. S bo OO Third Day’s Sale Se) & No. 316 No. 314 No. 315 317—Encusu Sinver OpENwork Cake Basket. Made in Lon- don in 1764 by Emick Romer. Illustrated. 318—Pam Massive Sauce Boars, with gadroon edge and dolphin feet. Made in London in 1752. Illustrated. No. 318 No. 317 No. 318 319—Eneuisu Sinver Ovat CHasep Sucar Basket. Made in London in 1788 by Charles Aldridge. 390-—Eneuisu Sitver Inxstanp, with pair of silver mounted cut glass bottles and silver taper jack. The silver pieces were all made in London in 1800 by W. Fountain. 321—Enecusu Sirver Inxstranp, with three silver mounted cut glass bottles. The silver bears the hall mark of London, 1789, by maker whose initials were H. N. Illustrated. io, So 399 —EneusH Sitver Inxsranp, with three silver mounted bottles. The silver bears the hall mark of the town of Shef- field, 1809. The inscription underneath the silver stand shows that this piece was a gift to John Thring, Esq., in 1812. 323—181rH CrnTurY IrTatian SILVER Rerovusst SaNcTUARY Lamp. 34 Robinson & Farr Collection PRE ee at eA Ee IR Ale RE 7 os Aa UPN ale a Va 324—1 81TH Century Spantsy Sitver Repoussé Bénirrer. 325—Pair or 161TH Century Travian Bett Merat AuLrar Can- DLESTICKs. Greatest height, 16 inches. 326—1l6rH Century Irarian Disu, with the lamb bearing a cross in circular medallion in center. 327—18rH Century Encuisn Serpentine Steet Fenper, 401% inches long. Illustrated, page 36. 328—181TH Century Ene ish SERPENTINE Street Fenper, with pan. 431% inches long. 329—18rH Century Encuisy Serpentine Stern Frenper. 45 inches long. 330—Pair or Earty 18TH Cenrury Enerish Wroucutr Iron Anpirons. 3 feet 6 inches high. 331—Pair or 18rH Century Encruisu Srern Anpigons. 2 feet 1 inch high. 332—18TH Century Encuisu Carvep anp Ginr Prcrure FRAME, Opening 2614 inches by 2014 inches. $383—LateE 18TH Century Buack anp Gotp Eneuisn JAPANNED Tas ie, with three flaps and two drawers. This table was made for card playing and checkers. Length, $7 inches. 3384—ELaporatTeELy Carvep Spanish Watnur Two-Drawer Taste, with iron brace underneath. Length, 4 feet 8 inches ; depth, 2 feet 8 inches. 3385—Quainr 181rH CrenTuRY Parr or EncusH Street Emper Tones. $8386—Quaint 18TH CENTURY Parr or EnciisH Street Emper Tones. 337—Ser or 181H Century Enenisn Street Fire Irons, with urn-shaped tops. 338—Late 17TH Century Encuish Wat- nour Twist Lee Work Taste, with drawer and upper compartment. Greatest width, 2 feet. Illustrated. 339—AntieuE NortrH Iranian “Poxer Work” Marriace Cuest,. with pan- els representing Biblical scenes. Sev- eral similar examples are in the South Kensington Museum, London. Chest was made circa 1600. Length, 5 feet gam = 11 inches; depth, 2 feet 1 inch. - 3 c No. 338 too, Te Os Third Day’s Sale Ww on 340—Finety Carvep 181TH Century Spanish Watnutr Ositone Tasxez, with three drawers. Length, 4 feet 1 inch; depth, 2 feet 9 inches. 341—Fine 171tH CrentTury Spanish Carvep Watnutr Taster, with characteristic iron brace underneath. The unusually solid top is 214 inches thick. Length, 5 feet; depth, 3 feet. 842—Mip 187TH Cenrury ENe- LisH Bruack AND GoLp LaceurrR CaBiINET, on stand. The cabinet is di- vided into ten drawers. Very .slight repair has been made. Height, 5 feet 8 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches. Illustrated. 348—Patr or Oun SPpanisy Waunur Eccrestastican Arm Cuairs, upholstered in old red velvet, with elaborate gilded brass mounts. 344—Finety Carvep 189i Century Spanish Wat- NUT AND Oak CENTER Tasuez, with two drawers with iron drop handles. Length, 5 feet 814 inches; depth, 2 feet 6 inches. ee 345—17tH Century Spanish Watnut Tass, with two draw- ers, having iron handles and escutcheons. Length, 4 feet 1 inch; depth, 2 feet 7 inches. 346—181H Century Enexisn Ormotu Cuanperirr, with crystal drops. For eighteen candles. 8 feet high, 2 feet 8 inches across. 347—Patr or 18TH CENTURY ENGLIisH Painrep Arm Cyarrs, covered with modern blue damask. These chairs, which are of .the Hepplewhite period, slightly retouched where the paint: had flaked off. Robinson & Farr Collection 348—Larre 18rH Century Encuish Inuaip anp Parnrep Ma- HOGANY Po te Screen, with panel of finely embroidered coat of arms. 349—18rH Century Enciiso Painrep Gray anp Goip Love Seat, of the Adam period. This piece has been restored and covered in a blue and yellow damask. 350—Parr or ANTIQUE ENnciIsH Crystan Watt Licuts, with ormolu mounts. Circa 1805. Greatest height, 24 inches; greatest width, 18 inches. 351—Frxz 181TH Century Erxeut-Day Ene- risH Lone Cast Manocany Haut Crock. By James Wood, of London. This maker was apprenticed to Joseph Miller in 1745. (See F. J. Britten’s work, page 772.) Height, 7 feet 4 inches. Jllus- — trated. 652—181TH Century Eicut-Day EncuisH 853 Lone Cast Manocany Hat Crock, by John Gould, of London. Height, 8 feet 11 inches. Pam Fine 18TH Century Carvep Ene- ish Manocany Sroots, of the Chippen- dale period, with ball and claw feet. Cov- ers of antique Spanish red damask. /I- lustrated. No. 353 No. 327. Page 34, Third Day’s Sale No. 351 Third Day’s Sale Ww a 13 Jo 354—Srer or Srx 18rH CENTURY Carvep Manocany ARM Cuartrs, of the Hepplewhite pe- riod. They are covered with a modern blue damask. This rare set was purchased privately from the late Henry J. Pfungst, Esq., of London, who owned them twenty years, he having bought them from a Cambridge Don. A very similar set is at Saltram, the Earl of Morley’s country seat in Devon. Illus- trated. poner, 355—AntTIQeUE EIGHT- i ID ASE JBI, AN © IK No 354 nye Paintep BaskeT Tor ENGLISH Manrer Crock, by Charles Gretton, of “The Ship,” Fleet Street, London. Mentioned in Britten’s book, page 672, as an “eminent maker.”? He worked in the second half of the 17th century. Slight repairs made to the works. II- lustrated. No. 355 j SO 356—18rn Century ErcHt-Day Manocany Brackrer Crock, with engraved brass dial. Probably of English make. |-fo 357—18rH Century Ercut-Day Enerish Manocany Bracker Cxiocx, with brass mounts. Clock has brass and silver dial. Maker unknown. aye 358—Antieur Erent-Day Buack Paintep Bracket Ciocx, ; with brass and silver dial. The maker was John Gordon, of London, of the Black Spread Eagle, Ludgate Street. London. He became a member of the Clockmaker’s Com- pany in 1698. 350 359—Pam or 18TH Century Encrish Semi-Crrcurar Gitr Consore Tastes, with the original white marble tops. Length, 4 feet. | (CV, 360— 18rx Century Finety Carvep EnexuisH Trirop Tasrr, with tilt top. Diameter of top, 2 feet 5 inches. Robinson & Farr Collection No. 361 No. 361 [0f0 361— 18TH Century Ser or Six Sairtyp Back Manocaxy Sink Cuairs, of the Hepplewhite period. They are covered with a modern blue damask. Purchased privately from Mr. Pfungst, who had them many years, he having bought them from the same Cambridge collection as the set shown above. Illustrated. / L¥o 362—Ser or Turee Carven Encrish Manocany Arm Cuairs, of the Adam period and in mint condition. Re-upholstered and covered in modern purple damask. 16rH Century Travian Warnor Cassonsg, with elaborately carved front. Formerly the property of Messrs. Durlacher Brothers, London. Length, 5 feet 6 inches. Slight restora- tion of missing moulding. Illustrated. 4) > 363 No. 363 Third Day’s Sale Sy) 364—Antiaur Enerish Upnorsterep Sora, with painted legs, covered in green damask. Length, 6 feet 3 inches. 365—Earty 18rH Crnrury Enerish Manocany Two-Lear Dininc Room Tasuie. Size of top, 5 feet 4 inches by 4 feet 6 inches. The mahogany is beautifully marked. 366—181rH Century Eneuish Manocany Wrypow Srav, of the Hepplewhite period, covered with a modern English blue damask. 367—181TH CrNntrurY EnenisH Painrep THrer-Back SETrrer AND Four Arm Cuarrs, of the Hepplewhite period, covered with old chintz. $68—Late 17rH Cenrury Eneuish Oak Dresser, with shaped apron and four finely panelled drawers. Length, 7 feet 1 inch; depth, 1 foot 9 inches. 369—l17 TH Century Frvety Carvep EncrisH Oak Court Cup- BOARD, purchased from a collection in the midlands of Eng- land. Height, 4 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. JI- lustrated. No. 359 40 Robinson & Farr Collection 1am 370—Smatt 17TH Century Carvep Enceuish Oak Curpsoarp, with two upright lines of inlay. Height, 4 feet 4 inches; width, 2 feet 11 inches. }10 371— Unusuat Late 171rH Century Enecwish Oak Garr Lee TasuE, with one leaf. Length, 2 feet 11 inches; depth, when open, 2 feet 4 inches. S08 872—AntiquE Carvep EnetisH Oak Court Cursoarp, bearing the initials I. N. A. and date 1702 on top frieze. Height, 5 feet 4 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. oa / $738—181TH Century EncuisH GILT Mirror. Height, 5 feet 5 inches; width, 3 feet. Illustrated. 200 374—187TH CrentuRY Carvep ENGLISH Gitt Mirror. Height, 4 feet 3 inches; width, 2 feet 8 inches. Min 18rH Cernrury Carvep Eneutsh Over-Manrert Mirror, with contemporary painting of a boar hunt in the upper section. Height, 5 feet 1 inch; width, 4 feet. Sipe) 375 }) fe) 376—Oup Carvep Eneuisu Girt Mir- Ror, with Prince of Wales’ feath- ers on top, guns, swords, etc., on either side and crossed cannon below. Height, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 2 inches. Formerly in the Canfield collection, New York. i No. 373 } Fo 377—16TH Century Iran ReEnats- sANCE Gitt Frame Usep as a Mirror. Beautifully carved piece, doubtless of Venetian or- ign and used originally as a frame for a painting. Height, 26 inches; width, 28 inches. /JI- lustrated. Third Day’s Sale 41 40. 378—16rH Century Trarian Girr Frame, fitted as a mirror. Height, 171% inches; width, 1514 inches. ee OS 379—SET OF THREE 18rH Century French Watnur ArM Cuairs, of the Louis XV period, covered with old gros point needlework, the principal colors of which are red, light blue, yellow and gray on a black ground. Illustrated. No. 380 No. 379 S20 380—Finr Oxp Gray Parwrep Frencu Arm Cnuair, covered with Aubusson tapestry, with a design of chrysanthemums on a black ground. This chair, in the style of Louis XVI, was made by J. F. M. Langon, whose stamp appears underneath the seat. This maker was admitted to the Paris Corpora- tion of Master Cabinet Makers in May, 1769. Jllustrated. Py. so 381—Antieur Frencnu Watnur Arm Cuarr, of the Louis XV i period, covered with Aubusson tapestry, composed of a de- sign of flowers on a cream and light blue ground. 30 [~ 382—Antievr Frency Watnur Arm Cuarr, of the Louis XV _ period, covered with old gros point needlework, the princi- pal colors of which are red, brown, blue and cream on a black ground. 42 Robinson & Farr Collection $83—AntTiaur Frencn Watnour Sipe Cuarr, of the Louis XIII period, covered with old needlework, the back showing figure of a lady seated beside a brazier. 3884—-Srer or SEvEN Smart AntieuE Frencnh Watnut Arm Cuairs, of the Louis XVI period, covered with old gros point needlework, the principal colors being red, yellow, blue and cream on a black ground. $885—181rH Century Carvep Manoc- ANY Potr Screen, with panel of petit point needlework, represent- ing flowers in a vase. Size of needlework, height, 25 inches; width, 2414 inches. Illustrated. 386—Pair or Late 181TH CrEntTuRY Eneuiso Inuari Satrrnwoop Carp Tastes. Length, 3 feet; depth, 1 foot 5 inches. $87—l17rH Century Iratian Watnur Hien Back Arm Cuarr, uphol- stered in red velvet. From the C. T. D. Crews collection, Port- man Square, London. 888—OLrpv Encuisnu Upnorsterep Wuirrt anp Gitt SrEetrrer, AND Four Arm Cuarrs. This set has been partially repainted and re- gilt. Purchased from M. Harris, Esq., London. 889—CuarMING Ova Encuisu NEEDLE- No. 385 work Picrure, of the late 18th century, representing a lady, with large picture hat, standing in a landscape. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. 390—Very Fine Earty 181TH Crnrury Urpricut Frencu NEEDLEWORK PANEL, representing ladies on horseback; in the foreground dogs are engaged in chasing a wild boar. In the distance are some deer, and beyond a castle. All worked in petit point in a border of flowers. inches ; width, 27 inches. Height, 3414 Third Day’s Sale 43 No. 391 No. 397 \GpNe 391—Vicér, Louis. French painter of the 18th century, and father of Madame LeBrun, was a portraitist of merit, ex- celling chiefly in pastel. Oval pastel portrait of a young lady, wearing black dress slashed with pink and black hat with white feathers. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches. From the collection of Lady Dorothy Nevill, Berkley Square, London. Illustrated. No. 392 5 ot tooo Robinson & Farr Collection ee 392—BakuuysEN, Lupotr. Dutch painter, born in Emden, 1631, died Amsterdam, 1708. Interesting picture of old Dutch ships in a stormy sea. Height of canvas, 25 inches; width, 32 inches. From the collection of A. H. Buttery, Esq., London. Illustrated, page 43. No. 393 393—JanssEeNs, Corneuis. Born probably at Amsterdam in 1593. Worked in England for James I, and many noble families. Died in Amsterdam about 1664. Portrait of a court lady in salmon-colored dress, trimmed with lace. Height of canvas, 30 inches; width, 2434 inches. Pur- chased from the well-known London picture dealers, Messrs. Thomas Agnew & Sons, London. Illustrated. 394—Reinacir, Puirie. (1749-1833.) A famous English hunting picture entitled “Fox Breaking Cover.” This pic- ture was painted for Colonel Thornton, of Thornville Royal; and Sawrey Gilpin painted “The Death of the Fox” as a companion to it. In 1811 John Scott engraved our picture, which is mentioned in Sir Walter Gilbey’s book, entitled “Animal Painters,” on page 118, and it is illus- trated opposite page 120. Picture bears the signature of $20 | Sv RS.) Third Day’s Sale 45 Phil. Reinagle in the center below. Height of canvas, 3514 inches ; width, 50 inches. The former owner lived in Tweed, Lymington, Hants, England. Jllustrated on cover of this catalogue. $95—Ser or Five Decorative GrisaILites. Painted in Eng- land during the 18th cen- tury. The subjects repre- sented are painting, sculp- ture, music, architecture, ete. Height of canvases, 4334 inches; width, 55 inches. Illustrated. 396—BarBaTELL, . BERNARDINO. ~ (Called Poccetti.) Florentine No. 39° artist. born about 1542; died in 1612. He paiated the “Life of Cosimo” as the decoration for the Great Salon of the Pitti Palace. This panel, which was formerly a Vir- ginal top, belonged to the late Henry J. Pfungst, Esq., of London: Height of panel, 18 inches; width, 62 inches. Illustrated. 397—Reap, CatHertne. English painter of the 18th century. Died about 1786. Portrait of a young girl with doll. Height of canvas, 24 inches; width, 20 inches. From the collection of the late Charles Davis, Esq., of London. Illus- trated, page 43., 398—Rosuix, Anexanper. A Swedish painter who mostly worked in Paris. Born in 1718; died 1793. Portrait of a lady in red dress trimmed with fur. Height of canvas, 26 inches ; width, 2054 inches. From a collection in Aylesbury, England. No. 396 46 Robinson & Farr Collection 399—Porrrair or a Youne Boy, by a late 18th century French painter. He wears a brown coat with blue stripes and white waistcoat. In his arms he supports a basket of fruit. Height of canvas, 24 inches; width, 195% inches. 400—Corxs, Samuet. English painter, born in 1734; died in Chelsea in 1818. Was younger brother of Francis Cotes. Portrait of the Earl of Jersey when a boy, dressed in blue coat and buff breeches. Signed with the artist’s initials on the rock, and dated 1791. Height of canvas, 39 inches; width, 30 inches. 401—Watton, Henry. English painter of small domestic sub- jects, born about 1720; died about 1790. Picture of a young man seated in a landscape feeding a dog. The late Sir Walter Armstrong, who saw this picture in London, stated in a letter that it was by Walton and mentioned the fact that this artist’s works were now being much sought after. Height of canvas, 2414 inches; width, 29 inches. 402—181H Century Decorative Parntine, representing a lofty Italian portico, with figures leaning over the balustrade. To the right, a gondola, while to the left is shown the ex- treme end of a palazzo, with a vista through the open arch, showing water, etc. Height of canvas, 3814 inches; width, 31 inches. No. 403 Third Day’s Sale 47 408—Van Os, Jan. Dutch painter, born in 1744; died at the Hague in 1808. Painting of flowers. Height of canvas, 22 inches; width, 19 inches. From the collection of Sir John Gorst, Chippenham, England. s ® ~ On aetiete 2 << in @ £. m- OMC . C J > tf 5) 19 1) i we to Oo ) bs S & LO 2. s+ ity rn O TE ew ‘AT ' | | | ' | | iS IPMS CUS We DY AU a 7 y id { og ° @ 8 i) I i rt » 2 ec w “ID OI P Oy DO OO WO WO Ww © @ an ro) WONTKOUTPNKHPOWONAU PANE, me RT Se dl cod oll cell cod weet od WYNN N WD WD DS ODI & Om 8 Ae HO Prices $ 15. oOo wo @ rR 0DOMweYet oO Ooo s = es e e PanN20 MH Oo e p> 1k? GO ph oH ¢ SOO O th & e eS DO eo e @ @ e fo = POPPRVWE HE OAOY AP IP on woo e e e e e es PR o e & ® o o ty WY @ oT cr ® we eR ps | © on OAmaenna ed oc i Ot a GREANDEK CHOON OMP ANH Ow wo SIN at ag SO GO PDOOODWOWOOODIANInN A SOMO ON KAM LAW KH Cw OWIH »w OC @ © oO w a@np f> hb mM ww ® @ J WOM TH oI aInwoooocxoo e se e e® » e a Mr OO Ww ®O Jt pS a & ~ nF OC wo Oo Nos. ok dc 353 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 635 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 $ 400. 1380, 280. 150. 140. 2406 350. 160. 1020. 480. 7256 2006 155. 160. 400. 625. 400. 550. 110. 500, 250. 500. 550. 110. 190. 706 1275. 500. 425, 3756 400. 225, 1575.6 380. 175. 350. 100. 650. 5756 375. 800. 4000. 500. 150. 650. 225. 350. 225.6 175. 225. 200.