A 1926 ARV Nov. 30 NeAnk PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER TWENTY-THIRD [WEEK DAYS 96 P.M.—SUNDAY 25 P.M] THE ART COLLECTIONS OF THE LATE NATHAN SAMUEL KAPLAN PETROGRAD & PARIS TO BE SOLD BY ORDER” OF MRS. SONIA KAPLAN AT UNRESERVED PUBLIC SALE TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS NOVEMBER THIRTIETH, DECEMBER FIRST, SECOND THIRD, FOURTH AT TWO O'CLOCK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES MITCHELL KENNERLEY [Presipent] 489 PARK AVENUE AT FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1926 ruts ees D, A eee >; pa? ae a i, ae THE DRAWING ROOM 76 AVENUE MARCEAU, PARIS ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM TUESDAY, NOVEMBER TWENTY-THIRD [WEEK DAYS 96 P.M—SUNDAY 25 P.M] THE ART COLLECTIONS Oe Wleilas Io7e IBS NATHAN SAMUEL KAPLAN PETROGRAD & PARIS VO SBE SOLD SBYSORDERZOF MRS. SONIA KAPLAN Ade UNRESERVED SPUBLIGSSALE TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AFTERNOONS NOVEMBER THIRTIETH, DECEMBER FIRST, SECOND THIRD, FOURTH ATSiwO OCLOGK THE ANDERSON GALLERIES MITCHELL KENNERLEY [Presipent] ASOm LARK (AVENUES AT PIR GY -NINGESUREE DINE Vion 1926 CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examination by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuineness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and makes no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WITHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the con- clusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, reserves the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses incurred. This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Company to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries makes no charge for executing orders for its customers and uses all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. A Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be obtained for One Dollar for each Session of the Sale THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. 489 Park AvENUE at Firry-NiInTH Street, New York TELEPHONE REGENT 0250 CATALOGUES ON REQUEST SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. BF. A. CHAPMAN, MR. A. N. BADE AND MR. E. H. L. THOMPSON ARIED, and indeed multiform, as it is, the remarkable collection of art objects of the late Nathan Samuel Kaplan derives its capital interest from the fact that it gives an unusual illustration of art and art- appreciation in Russia during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Mr. Kaplan was not only a man of very great wealth, which enabled him to gather his beautiful collections: he was also a man of great imagination and energy, and he succeeded in saving a considerable part of these collec- tions by transport over the Siberian railroad and across the American continent at the outbreak of the Bolshevik revolution. His houses—or palaces—in Petrograd and the Crimea had been filled with treasures. Many of the rarest are here now: for in addition to those which he rescued in the first instance, he managed to recover by degrees, and for a sufficient payment to the Soviet authorities, other valuable groups—jewelry, tapes- tries, brocades, porcelains, paintings. When, at the command of the art-loving as well as otherwise amative French Regent, the famous le Blond took his corps of brilliant artists and craftsmen to St. Petersburg in 1716—Nicolas Pineau the sculptor, Nicolas Girard designer, and Jean Lombard* jeweller among them—he took with him a French spirit and French skill: but in what he designed in the East, and in what he had made from those designs in the West for the pleasure of the Hast, he incorporated, subtly but unmistakably, the spirit of Russia. Thoroughly Western as his creations were in artistic expression, a mys- terious atmosphere of the Orient pervades them. He transported Paris to the Neva, but it was a Paris with the soul of the Kremlin and not of the Luxembourg; and in the new city of the new Tsars, Old Russia and Old France met together, and harmonized. Mr. Kaplan’s collecting was not haphazard and intermittent: it was purposeful and continuous. He made the acquaintance of the great Russian collectors, members of the higher aristocracy, whose ancestors had col- lected Western objects of art and patronized artists and artisans ever since the days of Peter the Great. Through his expert knowledge of jewels and the craftsmanship of silver and gold, he accumulated treasures which were the finest of their kind. And in many of them, as has been already indi- cated, there is the indefinable but unmistakable spirit of the East, lingering still in the forms designed and moulded by the most skilful artists and craftsmen of the West. The outstanding features of these collections are undoubtedly the trans- lucent enamelled and jewelled boxes mounted in gold, the like of which cannot be found in France or any other part of the world; the rock crystals of the Renaissance; and the extensive collection of church and corporation silver of Scandinavian, German, French, Spanish and Italian workmanship. * An example by Jean Lombard—the Insignia of the Order of Peter the Great —is in the present collection. The Chinese porcelains, jades, crystals, and the European porcelains, also include an amazing number of specimens which have their equals only in the great public collections. A special word may be given to the Battersea enamels made for the Russian market. The furniture is as distinctive as the objets de vertu, and shows the same appreciation of the uncommon in design and workmanship. French cabinet-making being as favored as the French language in Russia, the majority of the pieces are creations by the great ébénistes of Paris. A setting of barbaric splendor is added by the Russian brocades and velvets. Among the notable collections which have contributed to the Kaplan art treasures are those of the late Baron Fredericks, Chamberlain to Tsar Nicholas III (snuff boxes, jewelry and decorations), and of the Princess Lobanoff Rostowsky (crystals) ; the Edouard Chappey Collection (Chinese porcelains) ; and the Constantin Makowsky Collection (ivories and silver). Mr. Kaplan was able to satisfy his tastes as a collector because he was in the first instance an industrial genius of exceptional attainments. The inventor of the artificial pearl, and later the leading spirit of the moving- picture world of Russia and then of France, he amassed an enormous for- tune, and spent it on a lavish scale. This catalogue embraces his complete collections, so far as the hazards of the Russian revolution permitted them to remain complete, from his houses in Petrograd and the Crimea, and his pied-a-terre in Paris. ORDER OF SALE TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER THIRTIETH CHINESE, JAPANESE AND INDIAN ARMOR 1- 38 FRENCH, ITALIAN AND FLEMISH FURNITURE 39- 51 RUSSIAN AND FRENCH BROCADES AND VELVETS 52- 66 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PORCELAIN, CHIEFLY CONTINENTAL 67- 96 ENGLISH, CONTINENTAL AND CHINESE SILVER AND SILVER-GILT 97-125 PARADE WEAPONS 126-130 CHINESE MIRROR SCREEN, ENAMELS AND PORCELAIN 131-134 FRENCH AND ENGLISH FURNITURE AND ORNAMENTS 135-147 EMBROIDERIES AND RUSSIAN FABRICS 148-162 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER FIRST BRONZE AND PEWTER OBJECTS 165-169 ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL SILVER 170-180 LACQUER AND SILVER BOOK BINDINGS 181-183 ORIENTAL PARADE WEAPONS 184-188 ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL SILVER AND SILVER-GILT = 189-215 ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN 216-235 FRENCH AND ENGLISH FURNITURE 236-245 CHINESE PORCELAINS, ENAMELS, CLOISONNES, JADES AND CRYSTALS 246-294 CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN 295-316 FRENCH AND RUSSIAN FABRICS o17-324 THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER SECOND ENAMELLED AND SILVER IKONS 325-334 ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL SILVER AND SILVER-GILT 335-356 GOLD AND ENAMELLED JEWELRY AND IKONS 357-370 CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN 371-386 FRENCH AND DUTCH FURNITURE 387-393 CHINESE PORCELAINS AND JADES, ENAMELLED AND GOLD OBJECTS 394-415 GOLD CHATELAINES AND BATTERSEA ENAMELS, PATCH BOXES AND SNUFF BOXES 416-448 ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL SILVER AND SILVER-GILT 449-474 CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN 475-480 FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER THIRD CONTINENTAL SILVER AND JEWELRY CONTINENTAL PORCELAINS AND BATTERSEA ENAMEL BOXES CARVED IVORY OBJECTS ENAMELS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY FRENCH AND FLEMISH FURNITURE CONTINENTAL SILVER SNUFF AND PATCH BOXES AND BONBONNIERES; WATCHES AND CLOCKS CHINESE PORCELAINS AND ENAMELS CONTINENTAL SILVER, SILVER-GILT, AND CRYSTALS PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER FOURTH MISCELLANEOUS ART OBJECTS MINIATURES, ORIGINAL DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS CHINESE AND JAPANESE ART OBJECTS, CRYSTALS, AGATES AND JADES JEWELRY, ENAMELS, SNUFF AND PATCH BOXES MINIATURES ON IVORY AND PANELS FURNITURE AND OBJETS D’ART CHINESE AGATES, JADES AND PORCELAINS SNUFF BOXES, WATCHES, JEWELS AND EUROPEAN ROCK CRYSTALS SEVRES AND SAXE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOXES AND WATCHES FRENCH FURNITURE EUROPEAN CRYSTALS AND JEWELS PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE SNUFF BOXES, BONBONNIERES, AND JEWELS FRENCH FURNITURE PAINTINGS TAPESTRIES 481-494 495-524 525-554 535-5538 554-565 566-579 580-603 604-613 614-624 625-650 651-653 654-671 672-682 683-692 693-698 699-706 707-715 716-733 734-740 741-754 755-761 762-779 780-789 790-803 804-808 809-820 821-824 TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER THIRTIETH, AT TWO O’CLOCK FIRST SESSION NUMBERS 1-162 CHINESE, JAPANESE AND INDIAN ARMOR NUMBERS 1-38 1 SU-YARI JAPANESE, 17TH CENTURY Short spear with triangular blade. Copper socket. Long bamboo pole, partly gilded. 2 CHO-HO JAPANESE, 17TH OR 18TH CENTURY Long spear, triangular blade. Pole incrusted with decorations of mother-of-pearl. The spear attached with copper socket. Long wooden pole. Painted wooden scabbard. 3 TWO SU-YARIS JAPANESE, 18TH CENTURY Leaf-shaped blades with double central channels. Poles with mem- bers of bamboo and copper mounts. Hardwood stick with cording. Gilded; scabbards, one belonging to koska. (2) 4 TWO YEUS JAPANESE, 18TH CENTURY (a) Curved blade with short lateral channel. Pole of brown lacquer florally ornamented in crimson. Members of silver and gilded cording. (b) Blade similar to the preceding. Pole of bamboo, lacquered, without decoration. (2) 5 TWO KOSHAS JAPANESE, 17TH OR 18TH CENTURY (a) With mother-of-pearl incrustations and silver mounts. Wooden handle. (b) With socket covered with sharkskin and with silver; copper and corded member. (2) 6 TWO YEUS JAPANESE, 18TH OR 19TH CENTURY (a) Curved blade with faint lateral channel. Mother-of-pearl incrusted, and lacquer pole with seal, corded and copper members. Wooden scabbard. (b) Blade with four short grooves, one broad; lacquer pole. (2) 1 10 11 12 13 14 YEU JAPANESE, 16TH OR 17TH CENTURY Spear with curved blade bearing narrow and short grooves and long channels on both sides. Pole composed of bronze mounted black lacquer handle and long hardwood stick with bronze terminations. Lacquer scabbard with seal. THREE SPEARS JAPANESE, 17TH OR 18TH CENTURY (a) Su-Yari. Short blade with deep groove. Bamboo member; silver mounts. Unusually long stick with cording. Decorative scab- bard, painted wood. (b) Cho-H6. Triangular blade with deep groove. Mother-of-pearl incrusted, and hardwood pole with copper and corded member. (c) Fine and long Cho H6. Wood blade with two central channels. Hardwood stick with copper cording. (3) HELBARD CHINESE, 17TH CENTURY Thick rod of steel waved to resemble bamboo supporting a thin erescent with ends curling upward. Plain hardwood stick. WAKIZASHI JAPANESE, 17TH CENTURY Uncommon sword with ruby-red lacquered scabbard. The hilt of pearls, partly screened with ribbon. Steel mounting collar with traceries of symbols. Members of gold engraved steel. Shaped, slightly curved stout blade. Length, 35 inches SPEAR CHINESE, 17TH CENTURY Fine tapering blade of unusual length sharpened at one side. Fluted hilt; moulded brass socket. Hardwood handle with rosetted nails. WAKIZASHI JAPANESE, 18TH CENTURY The hilt and scabbard covered with sharkskin and enriched with mounts of steel with handsome ornamentation of gilded bronze. The mounting collar of steel with relief enrichments of symbols. Sturdy blade with lateral channel. Length, 26 inches SPEAR INDIAN, 17TH CENTURY Leaf-shaped blade almost straight at one side fluted at bottom. Stick of hardwood with rosettes and brass knobs. DAO INDO-CHINESE, 18TH CENTURY The hilt covered with sharkskin and furnished with silver bees. The movable mounting collar is finely engraved. Gold lacquered scab- bard, also with engraved silver mounts. Stout, slightly curved blade. Length, 39 inches to 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 TASHI JAPANESE, 17TH CENTURY Hilt of wood covered with black ribbon and enriched with marguerite patterns and other floral motifs on mounting collar. Tsuba covered with multiple inscriptions. The mounting collar of steel with a dragon. Superb watered-steel blade. Scabbard of gilded lacquer. Length, 36 inches ORIENTAL GUISARME INDO-CHINESE, 15TH OR 16TH CENTURY With quadrangular blade, pointed with crescent hoop; long socket with banded enrichments at the top. Short hardwood pole. CHO-HO JAPANESE, 17TH OR 18TH CENTURY Triangular blade; copper socket; bamboo and hardwood pole, iron point at bottom. Painted wooden scabbard. TANTO JAPANESE, 17TH CENTURY Hilt of sarné covered with ribbon, and with members of florally enriched gilded bronze. Tsuba of steel. Guard of gilded steel with incised symbols. Fine watered blade. Lacquered scabbard. | Length, 28 inches MING DYNASTY SPEAR CHINESE, 15TH OR 16TH CENTURY Long tapering four-sided blade chamfered at the head and joined with socket by barrelled member. Short hardwood pole. Painted wooden scabbard. MING DYNASTY GLAIVE CHINESE, 15TH OR 16TH CENTURY Blade in the shape of a lotus leaf with incurved top joined by bar- relled and meandered members with long sockets. Hardwood handle. DAO INDO-CHINESE, 18TH CENTURY An extraordinary example, with a cinnabar lacquered scabbard and hilt; with mounts and mounting collar of silver damascened steel. The mounting collar with especially fine workmanship. Stout, shaped blade, gently curved. Length, 37 inches CHO-HO JAPANESE, 17TH OR 18TH CENTURY Triangular blade with short steel socket. Pole with lacquered upper member of bamboo and long hardwood stick. TASHI JAPANESE, 17TH CENTURY Hilt covered with brocaded ribbon and enriched with rosettes of gilded bronze. Mounting collar of steel with shaped gilded bronze enrichments. Strong blade. Scabbard of gold lacquer with bronze enriched steel rings holding a leather belt. Length, 34 inches 3 24 TWO YEUS JAPANESE, 18TH OR 19TH CENTURY (a) Curved blade with short groove. Channel faintly indicated. Copper socket. Bamboo and hardwood pole with copper and gold corded member. Lacquered scabbard. (b) The blade similar to the preceding, but shorter and narrower. Pole and scabbard of black lacquer; the former decorated with ara- besques and with copper and corded mounts. (2) 25 26 27 [NUMBERS 25 AND 26] TWO SILVER DAMASCENED SPEARS PERSIAN, 15TH CENTURY (a) A rare example of the workmanship of Ispahan. Triangular blade in the shape of a water leaf with two lateral channels; the socket richly damascened with silver in arabesque patterns. Painted bamboo pole. (b) Same workmanship as the preceding, slightly varying in design, and pole thicker, but shorter. (2) [SEE ILLUSTRATION] SPEAR WITH SILVER POLE TIBETAN, 15TH OR 16TH CENTURY Blade shaped as a water leaf. Long socket of blue nielloed silver of columnar design with gilded members; the capital with leaves | in arches. Hardwood pole. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] TCHERKESS CHILD’S CARTRIDGE BOX CAUCASIAN, 18TH CENTURY With eight containers of walrus tusk, each finely carved and incrusted with turquoises. The brocaded leather belt with gilded bronze mounts. 28 29 30 dl 32 33 34 TCHERKESS CHILD’S POWDER FLASK CAUCASIAN, 18TH CENTURY Of time-yellowed walrus tusk, engraved with floral arabesques in relief with enrichments of turquoise. The mounts of gold, damas- cened steel. Handsome belt composed of interlocking links of gilded bronze tooled with floral arabesques. FLINT-LOCK PISTOL EGYPTIAN, 18TH CENTURY The wooden stock enriched with bronze mounts of arabesque pat- terns. The barrel interestingly engraved with Arabic inscriptions. Length, 191% inches TWO SU-YARIS JAPANESE, 17TH OR 18TH CENTURY (a) Short spear; triangular with deep groove at back. Copper socket with brass rings. Pole with mother-of-pearl incrusted members and long hardwood stick attached with cordings and silver clasp. (b) Similar to the preceding. Plain pole with crimson leather members. Defective. (2) TWO KOSHAS JAPANESE, 17TH CENTURY (a) Triple spear, with double channel; mother-of-pearl incrusted member; silver mounts; hardwood pole with gilded cording. Orig- inal painted scabbard. (b) Short triple blade in the form of a Cross. Member covered with sharkskin with cinnabar lacquer and brass ring. Cordings, cinnabar lacquered, and hardwood stick. Original scabbard. (2) THREE CHO-HOS JAPANESE, 18TH CENTURY (a) With unusually long triangular blade, of fine watered steel with central groove. Bamboo and hardwood stick with copper socket. Painted wooden scabbard. (b) With shorter blade, shallow groove; mother-of-pearl incrusta- tions. Bamboo member, and hardwood stick. (c) Similar to the preceding, but with blade nearly the size of Cho-H6. Wooden scabbard. (8) TWO YEUS JAPANESE, 18TH OR 19TH CENTURY Of varying lengths and varying grooves of blades. Black lacquer poles; copper mounts, one with cording. (2) EXECUTIONER’S SWORD CHINESE, 17TH CENTURY Jagged blade, central channel curving at bottom. Hardwood stick covered with crimson and green leather on two sections. 5 35 36 37 38 39 A0 KOSHA JAPANESE, 17TH OR 18TH CENTURY Helbard with treble blade channelled on both sides. Bronze socket. Pole with bamboo member with bronze and gold lacquered cording. Uncommonly shaped long hardwood stick with channel at side. Scabbard following the outline of spear. EUROPEAN FLINT-LOCK PISTOL MADE FOR THE ORIENTAL MARKET GREEK, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The butt-end and stock of bronze tooled with floral arabesques. Moulded steel barrel inscribed “‘Molas”. Saddle-rod of steel and steel trigger and guard. Length, 1614 inches KINDJAL GEORGIAN, 17TH OR 18TH CENTURY Scabbard of green cloth with handsome mounts damascened in gold. and niello. The hilt of time-mellowed bone, also mounted with gold nielloed rosettes. The straight blade with a lateral channel with six symbolic rosettes and gold incrustations. Length, 211% inches KATANA OF A SAMURAI JAPANESE, 17TH CENTURY Uncommon sword, the hilt and scabbard with enamel and mother-of- pearl inlay of a rich tonality. The rods connecting the gold engraved mounting collar with fine enamelled motifs of butterflies and figures. Sturdy, nearly straight blade with lateral channel. Exceedingly fine example. Length, 26 inches FRENCH, ITALIAN AND FLEMISH FURNITURE NUMBERS 39-51 FLEMISH OAK WOOD BOX . Panelled front with acanthus scrolls in recess. Moulded top. An old chest recarved. Height, 17 inches; width, 21 inches MERISIER WOOD FIRE SCREEN OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD WITH LOUIS SEIZE TAPESTRY PANEL FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Small trestle screen of simple and ingratiating proportions with moulded sides and shaped bottom rail, containing a tapestry picture of Aubusson weave representing a peasant girl in blue and scarlet kneeling in the fields, and surrounded by floriated festoons of draperies in orchid against a sage-green ground. Height, 31 inches; width, 1614 inches 6 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 LOUIS QUINZE GUERIDON WITH THREE DRAWERS Of walnut. The serpentined front with arched and moulded and shell-carved apron. Slender cabriole supports with acanthus cuivre doré shoes. Moulded top. Gondoled returns; undertray. Height, 31 inches; width, 16 inches SGRAFFITO AND GILDED MIRROR ITALIAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Two members with finely incised floral guilloche and diaper patterns. Height, 29 inches; width, 24 inches LOUIS QUINZE FOOT-STOOL On four carved cabrioles with rat-tail carving on knees. Outcurved and shaped rails of merisier wood, enamelled green. Width, 131% inches LOUIS QUINZE FOOT-STOOL In workmanship harmonizing with the preceding. Unpainted merisier wood. Width, 131% inches TREASURE CHEST OF BURL WOOD WITH BRONZE STRAP MOUNTS FRENCH, CIRCA 1600 Small coffer surrounded on three sides with elaborate strap hinges and appliques. The escutcheon plate exceedingly handsome with heraldic birds perched upon archaic scrolls. The interior with secret compartments. Height, 12 inches; width, 20 inches CARVED BAROQUE BANQUETTE VENETIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY On cabrioles rising into winged arms with leaf enrichments; S scrolled back with shell cresting; originally enamelled apple-green of which traces can still be seen. Covered with pale blue brocatelle. Height, 32 inches; width, 33 inches REGENCE WALNUT ARMCHAIR FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Arched front rail, leaf carved and voluted cabrioles with acanthus carving at the knees. Carved scrolled arms and armrests. The back attractively shaped at bottom. Upholstered in green-gold; backed with cut velvet of recent weave. MAHOGANY MUSIC STAND ON BALUSTER TRESTLES Replica of a French design of the Louis XVI period in the English taste. The trestles on club-foot cabrioles with slender twin baluster supports. The top with easel device and hinged music holder. Length, 37 inches 49 LOUIS QUINZE MARQUETRY COMMODE FRENCH, CIRCA 1760 [NUMBER 49] LOUIS QUINZE MARQUETRY COMMODE FRENCH, CIRCA 1760 Gently blocked front with three narrow and two long drawers, each drawer-front veneered with panels of rosewood; meanders of tinted satinwood, ribbons of holly and ebony and stiles of tulipwood. The rosewood veneer laid in an ingenious herringbone pattern. Wreath handles and ribbon escutcheon plates. The rounded ends with mar- quetry fluting and elaborate mask-enriched torch-shaped knee ap- pliques and with acanthus and voluted shoes. Moulded Alps grey marble top. In original state. Height, 34 inches; width, 37 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 8 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 GILDED AND CARVED LOUIS SEIZE ARMCHAIR FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Rectangular back with domed top rail, leaf crested and with carved finials; fluted arms and armrests. Tapered and fluted supports. Bowed front rail. Covered with cut and uncut orchid colored velvet of recent weave. REGENCE HIGH-BACK ARMCHAIR FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Of walnut. The shaped shield-back with leaf and shell enrichments; outcurved and shell-carved front rail and similarly enriched voluted cabrioles. Gracefully carved voluted arms and armrests. Covered in nineteenth century gold-blacked velvet. RUSSIAN AND FRENCH BROCADES AND VELVETS NUMBERS 52-66 TWO GOLD EMBROIDERED TAFFETA SHAWLS RUSSIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY With floral soutache embroidery of gold on a changeant purple ground. (2) THREE LOUIS XV FABRICS RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY (a) Two pieces of brocaded lampas, with a delicate floral and ribbon pattern woven in pale blue and white. One piece faded. Length about 414 yards; width about 3 feet 6 inches (b) Piece of gold brocade fabric on a ribbed faille ground of irregu- lar shape. (3) Size, 27 x 23 inches GOLD BULLION EMBROIDERED VELVET CORSET BELT RUSSIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Florally enriched with soutache embroidery and spangles on crimson velvet. Makes admirable table centre. GOLD BULLION EMBROIDERED VELVET CORSET BELT RUSSIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. GOLD BULLION EMBROIDERED VELVET CORSET BELT RUSSIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 GOLD BULLION EMBROIDERED VELVET CORSET BELT RUSSIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding, but narrower in width. LENGTH OF GOLD BROCADE RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY An unusual fabric woven with cartouches formed by golden leaves enclosing groups of flowers in green, crimson and black on silver ground; with leaves of gold. Size, 3 feet 11 inches x 20 inches GOLD BROCADED SHAWL RUSSIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Bold Empire design of acanthus and flower filled baskets with silver and gold thread heightened with bright green chenille and rose on a wine colored ground. Size, 3 feet 6 inches square TWO PIECES OF LAMPAS (a) Length of Louis XVI silk lampas. French, eighteenth century. Compositions after Boucher. The young shepherdess discovering the bird’s nest and the shepherd as teacher of the shepherdess (flute lesson). Delicate white and pale mauve. Size, 4 feet 8 inches x 22 inches (6) Crimson silk lampas, Russian, early nineteenth century. Bold rocaille style with amorini after Boucher. (2) Size, 4 feet 2 inches x 22 inches TWO GOLD BROCADED TABLE CLOTHS RUSSIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY (a) Rose bouquets in delicate pastel shades set in ogives on metal ground; heavy metal fringe. Size, 33 x 20 inches (b) Centre field with gold thread scattered flowers on silver thread ground. Brocade border with chenille effect in various colors on ivory-white. (2) Size, 3 feet 3 inches square ABOUT SIX YARDS OF SILK DAMASK FRENCH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Five pieces. Baroque flowers in vivid crimson. Width, 20 inches THREE AND ONE-QUARTER YARDS OF GARNET SILK VELVET FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Three pieces. Width, 19 inches 10 64 65 66 67 68 ABOUT THREE AND ONE-HALF YARDS OF AMARANTH RED SILK VELVET FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Three pieces. Width, 18 inches ABOUT SEVEN YARDS OF MOIRE AND SATIN BROCADE RUSSIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY In six pieces. Gay flower bouquets on a background of deep green suk moiré alternating with satin stripes. Width, 26 inches SILVER BROCADED SHAWL RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Boldly scrolled stem and floral motifs in gold and silver thread on fine pale salmon silk faille. Silver fringe. Size, 3 feet 5 inches square EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PORCELAINS CHIEFLY CONTINENTAL NUMBERS 67-96 TWO UNCOMMON PORCELAIN CUPS AND SAUCERS (a) Marcolini porcelain cup and saucer, Meissen, circa 1780. On a gros-bleu ground superbly painted garden flower bouquets in re- serves. Marcolini mark and initial “‘B”’. (b) Eggshell cup and saucer, probably Hoechst, circa 1790. Delight- ful example, the cup with thin fluted body of exceptional lightness, the rim decorated with imaginatively conceived bird-crested meanders. The saucer with a landscape somewhat Chinese in feeling with birds perched on arabesques. (4) SIX EXAMPLES OF MARCOLINI CHINA MEISSEN, 1775-1785 Each decorated with naturalistically colored bouquets of garden flowers and ribbons of green and gold. Composed of bowl; sugar basin and cover with floral finial in relief; cream jug; chocolate pot; cup and saucer. Each piece with the Marcolini mark. (6) alae 69 70 iL 72 73 74 MARCOLINI PORCELAIN TEA AND COFFEE SERVICE MEISSEN, CIRCA 1780 Composed of coffee pot, teapot, covered sugar basin, covered tea caddy, bowl 7 inches in diameter; five cups and saucers (one cup with two chips). Each piece delicately painted with garden and field flower groups in sepia monochrome with brilliant heightenings of blue in forget-me-nots and leaves of gold and shadings of green. The covers with plumage finials. Teapot, coffee pot and tea caddy with graceful tapering bodies. Each piece with the Marcolini mark. (15) TWO CUPS AND SAUCERS (a) Porcelain cup ad saucer, Meissen, circa 1760. Decorated with bergeries in the Boucher taste with the lovers in brilliant crimson and golden-yellow. (b) Semi-eggshell cup and saucer, probably Hoechst, circa 1780. In the taste of the 4th period of Chelsea work, with tropical birds in foliage and creatures of the air to the right and left. (4) TWO MARCOLINI CUPS AND SAUCERS WITH BIRDS MEISSEN, AFTER 1774 Conical cups with meander handles, one with water fowl, the other with cockatoos and parrots and other detached painted creatures of the air. Saucers similarly decorated. In the style of the 4th Chelsea period. (4) TWO MARCOLINI CUPS AND SAUCERS WITH BIRDS MEISSEN, AFTER 1774 Similar to the preceding, varying in the choice of birds. One cup showing slight variation in border. (4) TWO PORCELAIN CANDLESTICKS MEISSEN, CIRCA 1770 Elaborate rocaille stems with delicate floral decoration and porcelain flowers and branches in relief. Shaped and moulded bases. (2) Height, 10 inches DECORATED TWENTY-ONE INCH PORCELAIN DISH VIENNA, CIRCA 1780 The centre with a picture of Venus and Adonis in rectangular reserve surrounded by elaborate gold gesso work of amorini, scrolls and circular and oval reserves, with winged genii. Freely painted in monochrome. 12 75 76 [NUMBER 75] [NUMBER 76] [NUMBER 75] TWO PORCELAIN URNS AND COVERS LUDWIGSBURG, MID-18TH CENTURY A handsome baroque pair, the bulbous bodies flanked by dolphin head handles and resting on scrolled feet with pierced plinths. The front and back with landscapes of sepia monochrome in the Italian taste. Pierced rims in the shape of meanders and leopard rocaille covers furnished with seated figures of winged amours with their emblems. (2) Height, 1114, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] BOW PORCELAIN NIGHT LAMP IN THE FORM OF A PIGEON COOP ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY At the base, roosting guinea fowl among flower beds, and a dog. Pigeon coop stairs shaped as a tower, the outer wall covered with fruit laden branches; pierced top with three pigeons. Naturalistic- ally colored. Slight defects. Height, 1114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 13 77 78 79 80 81 82 PORCELAIN GROUP SOUTH-GERMAN, SECOND HALF 18TH CENTURY “Martial putti at Play.” Partly draped, nude figures of amorini, one with plumed helmet, the other with casque struggling for the possession of a sword; about them emblems of war and hunt. Slight defects. Height, 814 inches NEO-CLASSIC STATUETTE OF SUMMER MEISSEN, CIRCA 1760 Gracefully modelled figure of a young woman in white and gold robes with a flowered cloak lined with yellow thrown over her body. She is holding a sheath of wheat. Underglaze mark. Height, 81% mches PORCELAIN STAG ARNSTADT, 1760-1770 Statuette of very beautiful glaze and modelling. The deer supported by a foliated tree trunk and standing on a ground filled with flowers, mushrooms and leaves. Slight repairs. Height, 10 inches PORCELAIN STATUETTE MEISSEN, CIRCA 1770 “The Coffee Grinder.” An engaging figure of a young man in pale green jacket and broad black hat holding between his knees a coffee mill. Meissen mark underglaze at the bottom of base. Height, 8 inches EARLY CRINOLINE STATUETTE | MEISSEN, 1730-1740 A scarce and early example of the creations by Johann Joachim Kaendler. A young dark haired maiden in voluminous richly flow- ered overskirt, the green underskirt showing when the giant hoop is lifted by the bull pup. Another bull pup is being carried. Shaped plinth with delightful pastorales, and outdoor subjects attributed to Kaendler’s skill as a miniature painter. Minor defects. Height, 1114 wiches NEO-CLASSIC STATUETTE OF WAR NIDER VILLER, CIRCA 1786 Allegorical figure of a maiden in draped classical garments, her hand resting on a shield which is in turn placed on a socle with a plumed cavalryman’s helmet. Festooned and fluted plinth of white porcelain. Example of the General Custine types of the Nider Viller wares. Height, 12 inches 14 ! IMPORTANT PORCELAIN GROUP LUDWIGSBURG, CIRCA 1760 [NUMBER 83] 83 IMPORTANT PORCELAIN GROUP LUDWIGSBURG, CIRCA 1760 Allegorical composition of six putti symbolizing arts and science. The delightful nude figurines are grouped on a rock with their em- blems. One discerns Architecture, Sculpture, Music and Painting at the base. And at the top of the rock, Geography, her left hand on a globe and Astronomy holding a telescope. Height, 1414 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 15 84 85 86 87 88 CAPO DI MONTE SOCLE NAPLES, MID-18TH CENTURY Pedestal of flower-grown rocks and seated upon them the nude figure of Hercules with his emblems. Impressed with the mark “N”’. Height, 11 inches CACHEPOT OF UNUSUAL WORKMANSHIP CONTINENTAL, SECOND HALF 18TH CENTURY Urn-shaped with basket-weave pattern on base and rim; the latter with two satyr mask handles of splendid modelling. The body, pierced basket work of green and golden-yellow through which can be seen an interior vessel of marbled metallic resists creating an unexpected result of reflection. Height, 5 inches PORCELAIN GROUP LUDWIGSBURG, CIRCA 1758 “The Death of Adonis.” The upstanding figure, a maiden scantily attired in flowered garment and draped with yellow and blue cloak pointing a dagger at a sleep- ing knight in mail armor recumbent. In back the trunk of a tree on which rests the helmet of the sleeper. Height, 714 inches PORCELAIN TEA CADDY WITH SILVER TOP BERLIN, CIRCA 1770 Floral decoration on a soft cream colored body; the top a delightful finial of a tropical bird. Height, 5 inches PORCELAIN ECUELLE AND SAUCER WITH GALLERY BERLIN, CIRCA 1770 Shaped body with ribbon in low relief tied by knot forming a handle. Initial “M” forming flower garland and detached flowers. Shaped cover with oriflame finial. Receptacle with pierced rim. (3) 16 89 90 91 CHELSEA PORCELAIN STATUETTE REPRESENTING BRITANNIA [NUMBER 89] CHELSEA PORCELAIN STATUETTE REPRESENTING BRITANNIA ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Scarce example, appearing as Minerva with feather crested helmet and the shield with Medusa head enrichments, an owl at her feet. She is holding a wrought-iron spear. A number of slight firecracks. Height, 12 inches LARGE MARCOLINI PORCELAIN ECUELLE MEISSEN, 1775-1780 Compressed globular body with gracefully waved cover, the ground of a diapered rose du Barry with garden flower reserves in frames of gold. Fruit finial. Diameter, 71% inches LARGE PORCELAIN ECUELLE AND COVER MOSCOW, CIRCA 1830 Bowl-shaped, with landscape overglaze decoration and ring handles. Cover with graceful swan handles in the neo-classic taste. Height, 71% inches 17 92 TWO PORCELAIN BONBONNIERES WITH SHIPS STRASSBURG, CIRCA 1775 An engaging pair, the bowls with reserves of sailing vessels and anchor, a rustic looking on and a group of flowers painted in the . characteristic Hanong manner. The covers could be mistaken for Chelsea porcelains by their brilliant majolica glaze. Seated figures of man and woman symbolizing summer and autumn. (2) q Height, 6 inches ; EARLY NIDER VILLER AND LUDWIGSBURG PORCELAIN 4 [NUMBER 93] [NUMBER 94] [NUMBER 93] 93 TWO PORCELAIN MINIATURE VASES NIDER VILLER, CIRCA 1780 Urn-shaped with brilliant white enamel enriched with profile heads of poets and poetesses in sepia monochrome. The necks with two handles. Height, 41% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] a Se ee ne 94 PORCELAIN GROUP LUDWIGSBURG, 1775-1780 Graceful allegorical composition of putto and putta flanking a covered urn on fluted flower stone socle holding a garland. Brilliant glaze of flesh tints. Height, 7 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 18 4 ‘ a 95 96 OW 98 99 RARE CUP AND SAUCER OF PATE TENDRE MEISSEN, FIRST HALF 18TH CENTURY Bowl-shaped, with reserves of barnyard and tropical birds framed by relief scrolls of gold. The saucer with two bird and two flower reserves. (2) From the Collection of Edouard Chappey, Paris. TWO TRELLISED PORCELAIN FLOWER VASES WITH FLOWERS IN HIGH RELIEF DRESDEN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Pierced bodies giving the impression of an arbor; overgrown’ with brightly, but naturalistically colored flowers. They are formed as beakers with bulbous bottoms. (2) Height, 614 inches ENGLISH, CONTINENTAL AND CHINESE SILVER AND SILVER-GILT NUMBERS 97-125 EARLY GEORGIAN SILVER PUNCH LADLE EDINBURGH, 1762 Splendid bowl, repoussé with a continuous acanthus wreath and a centre cartouche with the initials “WB”. Turned and fluted cherry- wood handle. GEORGIAN SILVER PUNCH LADLE WITH TWISTED PEARWOOD HANDLE LONDON, CIRCA 1780 An excellent example, the beaded bowl with attenuated lip, beaded handle with reeded socket; handle with silver guard; hall marks nearly obliterated. The exterior with armorial crest. SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) COMPOTIER DUTCH, 17TH CENTURY On a handsomely chased baluster stem; vase-shaped with fruit fes- toons and ram’s heads in cartouches. Borders of base with similar late Renaissance ornament. The tray with a representation of the sacrifice of Isaac, in high relief, and on the under side repoussé with ram’s heads, trellised festoon cartouches with fleur-de-lis cresting. Paris control marks of the eighteenth century. Weight, 38 ounces From the Collection of Jacques Seligman, Paris. Height, 714 inches 19 100 101 102 104 “DIRECTOIRE” SILVER EWER AND BASIN ANTWERP, 1834 The ewer a handsome gadrooned helmet-shaped body with broad band of antefix meanders, and molded plinth with two members similarly furnished. Scroll handle of unusual fluted pattern of a severe class- ical conception, rim finely engraved, interior gilded. The basin fluted with elaborately engraved rim furnished with interlaced cornucopiae at spandrils. Weight, 53 ounces Height of pitcher, 9% imches Size of bowl, 14 x 11 inches BAROQUE SILVER GONDOLE AMSTERDAM, LATE 18TH CENTURY Fruit basket with handsomely pierced trelissed and engraved body. The rim C scrolled with flowers rising above its edge. C scrolled plinth with fruit branch enrichments. Two engraved handles. Weight, 32 ounces Height, 41% inches; width, 9 inches; length, 151% inches SILVER AND SILVER-GILT BAS RELIEF ATTRIBUTED TO GIANBOLOGNA DATED 1562 The body of the Lord held by winged amorini, the bas relief is presented in a gilded bronze shrine of magnificent nineteenth century workmanship of columnar design and with silver cross and parcel gilt and engraved silver placques. Size, 8 x 414 inches From the Collection of Princess Lobanoff Rostowsky. SILVER NEF ON STAND PARTLY GILDED AUGSBURG, MID-17TH CENTURY The nef, a sailing ship, is done with the hull of a gondola chased in low relief with designs of sea horses, Tritons and dolphins, gilded on nielloed ground. The figure head is a bearded mask with Ionic cresting. Stern with a grotesque bird’s head. The interior peopled with musketeers loading guns and discharging all sorts of means of defense. The stand a mermaid body on a foot engraved in low relief with dolphin body and sea plants, gadrooned plinth. Weight about 45 ounces Height, 18 inches DIJON SILVER STATUETTE TOOTHPICK HOLDER circa 1780 Statuette of a figure symbolical of America holding a branch with a bird perched upon it. The back of the wing serves as toothpick receptacle. Socle of a rectangular block finely engraved in panels with floral groups. Moulded plinth with claw and ball supports. Weight about 6 ounces Height, 7 inches 20 105 106 107 [NUMBER 105] [NUMBER 106] [NUMBER 107] SMALL SILVER TANKARD BY PHILIPP STENGLIN AUGSBURG, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Barrelled cylinder with bold gadroons and bevels engraved with erape-vines. The cover with orb. Moulded handle. Weight, 19 ounces Height, 61% imches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SILVER TANKARD AUGSBURG, LATE 17TH CENTURY Shghtly tapering cylindrical body engraved with floral arabesques and interlaced meanders with initials “OLS.” Plinth with pinwheel rosettes, cover with gadrooned meanders and finial after the antique; elaborate handle, with magnificent cresting of late Renaissance design and terminations of a twin branch with fruit. The body bears a joint (apparently repaired) of eighteenth century workman- ship of a fine beaded member, furnished with a motive of a winged amorino head. Weight, 18 ounces Height, 834, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] LOW TANKARD PARCEL-GILT DANZIG, CIRCA 1700 Cylindrical body finely engraved with upstanding garden flowers, with cover and plinth chased with wreaths. The cover crested by the figure of a bird. Weight about 18 ounces Height, 7 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] “2 108 109 110 111 “LOUIS SEIZE” EWER AND BASIN OF SILVER FRENCH PROVINCIAL, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The ewer urn-shaped with fluted body and on a stand with lily leaves festooning at beaded rim; helmet-shaped neck, scrolled handle. The basin twin-kidney shaped, beaded edges, monogram of later addition. Weight about 79 ounces Height of ewer, 11 inches Length of tray, 20 inches TWO BLUE ENAMELLED SILVER TEMPLE BEAKERS ON SILVER STANDS ANNAM, 17TH CENTURY Twin cones joined by bulbous centre enriched with a great variety of arabesques, leaves, and meanders. The design filled with powder- blue enamel while the finely meandered ground remains untouched. On their contemporary circular pierced bronze stands. (2) Height, 91% inches IMPORTANT SILVER TANKARD COPENHAGEN, LATE 17TH CENTURY Cylindrical body repoussé at the base with a composition of eagle and huge flower scrolls backing supports of crowned lions holding orbs. The cover repoussé with acanthus bearing an inset of a coin. The moulded handle with finial of a lion rampant holding an orb, engaged to a serpent and a similar motive as termination. Weight, 46 ounces Height, 81% inches SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD LEIPZIG, LATE 17TH CENTURY Cylindrical without plinth on three orbs as supports engraved and retroussé with carnation scrolls. The cover similarly enriched, the handle beaded and terminating in shield escutcheon. Weight, 35 ounces Height, 9 inches 22 112 113 114 115 SILVER AIGUERE OF HELMET SHAPE, BY CHRISTIAN HEROLD KOENIGSBURG, CIRCA 1750 Handsome fluted body with bulbous member and outcurved lip bear- ing initials. C scrolled handles. Weight, 14 ounces Height, 74 inches BOXWOOD CHALICE ON SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) STAND AUGSBURG, 17TH CENTURY The stand with carefully repoussé stiff-leaf arabesques and cornu- copia festoons. The centre stem a double-handled urn. Sloping bowl of boxwood, lined with silver-gilt. Height, T14, inches CHALICE OF SILVER AND SILVER-GILT AUGSBURG, SECOND HALF 16TH CENTURY On a moulded stand, finely engraved with amorini-crested festoon and shells in oval reserve. Vase-shaped centre baluster with lion masks and cartouche cresting. Bowl of singular beauty, designs alternating; a human mask in frame of strap-work arabesques and fruit compositions. Weight, 13 ounces Height, 714 inches SILVER AND SILVER-GILT TEAPOT CHINESE, CHIEN-LUNG A rare example of Oriental silver-smithery. Bottle-shaped body. Front and back with heart-shaped cartouches bearing seals among arabesques. Plinth with mountainous landscapes finely engraved. Graceful scroll handle emanating from birds’ head and terminating in conventionalized goat’s head. The spout with arabesques. Finely engraved cover with trelissed top attached by chain to the handle. Weight, 21 ounces Height, 10 inches 23 116 117 118 119 SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD AUGSBURG, LATE 17TH CENTURY Cylindrical, with representations of sea-gods and goddesses in four distinct compositions. Repoussé in alto relievo with a chased back- ground of sea plants. Engraved plinth and scalloped engraved cover with finial of a Bacchic putto. Weight, 37 ounces Height, 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD OF LEIPZIG WORKMANSHIP GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY Cylindrical vessel enriched with landscapes delicately chased in low relief in oval reserves which are connected by oak leaf compositions tied with ribbons. Gadrooned circular plinth; scrolled handle and domed cover also enriched with pierced oak leaf rosettes and ball finial. Weight about 32 ounces Height, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD BRESLAU, 17TH CENTURY Cylindrical, with boldly interlaced oak leaf scrolls and three alto relievo medallions richly gilded. Gilded plinth, rim and cover, the latter with an insert of a silver medallion with representation of a Roman poet. Scrolled handle. Height, 714, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD, BY SIMON WICKHART AUGSBURG, 1708 Cylindrical body engraved with ribbons and acanthus and repoussé with fruit festoons. Bulls-eye plinth. Gadrooned cover with orbed finial. Scrolled antler termination of scrolled handle. Weight about 29 ounces Height, 71% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 24 120 ial ninstianmiat EARLY GERMAN SILVER AND SILVER-GILT TANKARDS [NUMBERS 116-121] SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD AUGSBURG, 17TH CENTURY Cylindrical body chased in low relief with free composition, after Lucas van Leyden, representing autumn. The plinth and the cover with interlaced acanthus and fruit chasings. Finial of an orb of gold with intricately worked silver leaves. Weight about 29 ounces Height, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD AUGSBURG, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Cylindrical body magnificently enriched with a figure composition in repoussé depicting the founding of a monastery. The Bishop, guarded by soldiers in Roman armor is received by a queen and a group of maidens playing lutes, horns, harps and cymbals. Acanthus rims; scrolled handle with conventionalized horn finials. Weight about 30 ounces Height, 714 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] ‘25 122 123 124 125 TWO BAROQUE SHEFFIELD SILVER CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, 1829 Moulded on shaped stems with acanthus enrichment, baroque plinth, with shell and C scroll ornamentations. Candle-cups with uncommon graduating shell festoons. (2) Heiyht, 1034, inches JEWELED SILVER CRUCIFIX PARCEL-GILT AUGSBURG, LATE 17TH CENTURY On globular members engraved with acanthus in reserves. Three jewels missing. The cross with four pierced appliques furnished with semi-precious stones. The image of the Lord fastened by rossetted nails. Weight about 40 ounces Height, 26 inches TWO SILVER-GILT STATUETTES WITH IVORY HEADS AND HANDS, OF THE GRAND DUKE AND GRAND DUCHESS OF TUSCANY ITALIAN, CIRCA 1780 Upstanding figures, of a youthful ruler and his queen. The Louis XVI costumes of the grand duchess engraved with fleur-de-lis pattern. Height, 814, inches SILVER-GILT AND NIELLOED SILVER TEA POT ON STAND SOUTH CHINESE, 18TH CENTURY Shaped as octagonal pavillion and covered with a gilded composition of floral arabesques and animal grotesques on a black ground. The cover also octagonal with chased finials, meander handle, on bracket feet. Stand in form of saucer enriched in the manner of the tea pot. Weight, 35 ounces Height, 834, inches 26 126 127 128 129 130 PARADE WEAPONS NUMBERS 126-130 SILVER MOUNTED HUNTSMAN’S SWORD OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The steel blade incurved with large central rim and with the motto of the King of France in reserve with partly gilded damascened arabesques. The hilt of silver with pierced mounting collar showing animals in interlaced arabesques. Rope twisted pierced handle ter- minating in dog’s head and knob also with figure enrichment. The scabbard with engraved and pierced silver mounts. GOLD DAMASCENED PISTOL ANATOLIAN, 18TH CENTURY Impressive example. The butt-end and stock and broad rings cover- ing part of the barrel with nielloed silver ornamented with arabesques and enriched with damascened silver placques, of which one bears an Arabic inscription. The trigger and trigger-guard are richly damascened in gold. Length, 181% inches SILVER-GILT AND NIELLOED FLINT-LOCK PISTOL CAUCASIAN, 18TH CENTURY Very fine example. Butt-end, stock and rings nearly completely covered with tooled and engraved arabesques of a superb tulip pattern. The barrel damascened in gold and with Turkish inscription. Length, 18 inches TROMBLON TURKISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The wooden butt-end and stock inlaid with diamonds and pinwheels of mother-of-pearl, and bands of bone, mounted with a broad ring of nielloed silver tooled in a tulip pattern. The barrel damascened with arabesques in gold and with a lengthy Arabic inscription. The trigger-guard and trigger are also damascened in gold. Length, 151% inches NIELLOED SILVER AND GOLD DAMASCENED PISTOL ANATOLIAN, 18TH CENTURY Important example. The butt-end, stock and rings covered with handsome relief arabesques of a trefoil pattern with members of damascened gold. The barrel, flint-lock and trigger-guard also richly damascened in gold. There appears a signature in cartouche. Length, 191% inches 27 131 132 133 134 CHINESE MIRROR SCREEN ENAMELS AND PORCELAINS NUMBERS 131-134 HIGHLY IMPORTANT CHINESE MIRROR PICTURE SCREEN CHIEN LUNG Consisting of eight panels in ironwood frames. The tops and bottoms with carved panels with urns and animal grotesques in arabesques. Six panels with two mirrored pictures and one large mirror; the end panels with two additional smaller pictures, one with plain mirror of later addition. The pictures with representations of all castes, men and women in brilliant garments heightened with gold, with mirrored spandrils and frames. The two small panels with animals in land- scapes. A most remarkable screen for its state of preservation, only one panel having been replaced. Size per panel, 5 feet 7 inches x 12 inches TWO PEKING ENAMEL BEAKERS WITH EUROPEAN FIGURES CHIEN LUNG Unusual pair covered with a rich variety of medallions with European gentlemen and ladies in Louis XV costumes, panels of birds and other animals with landscape background. Between floral scrolls of green and sepia with large rose flowers and circles with yellow marguerites on acream ground. (2) Height, 1034, inches MAGNIFICENT CHINESE BRONZE AND CLOISONNE BRAZIiER MING In three pieces; a bowl on three potiche-shaped bulbous supports which, like the rim, are florally decorated with cloisonne of mosaics laid with threads of gold on blue ground; the border with white, green, red, yellow and blue horses, buildings and clouds, guarded by bronze in a conventionalized quatrefoil shape. Into the bowl is fitted a bronze cylinder of pierced meanders and floral cloisonne borders. The dome-shaped cover with the Imperial seal among pierced meanders, the pine-cone finial enamelled in a particularly brilliant polychrome hue. Height, 21 inches; diameter, 22 inches CHINESE CLOISONNE BRONZE VASE MING Bulbous potiche, with sunflower arabesque in greens, yellows and Chinese red on a blue enamel ground; flanked by bronze mascaron, handles without rings. Some restorations. Height, 22 inches 28 FRENCH AND ENGLISH FURNITURE AND ORNAMENTS NUMBERS 135-147 TWO PETIT POINT NEEDLEWORK LOUIS QUATORZE SIDE CHAIRS [NUMBER 135] 135 TWO PETIT POINT NEEDLEWORK LOUIS QUATORZE SIDE CHAIRS THE NEEDLEWORK, FRENCH, LATE 17TH CENTURY The arched backs of exceedingly fine petit point, one representing a boar hunt with a background of a village, a hunter in crimson on a charger ready to discharge his spear; the other a La Fontaine fable; both framed at the head rail by an arched scroll with mask cresting. The seats with animals and Persian arabesques in gros and petit point. The baluster frames with saltire-wise stretchers, in the taste of Daniel Marot, of nineteenth century make. (2) 29 136 137 138 139 TUDOR OAK COFFER ENGLISH, 16TH CENTURY A splendid example in fine surface condition. The front with two panels representing in bas relief two saint apostles standing in the openings of chancel rails under arches heavily moulded; the stiles with caryatides of gentlemen in half armor supporting Ionic capitals and resting upon stelae carved with “wrought-iron” patterns. The frieze and returns carved with fish scale patterns and Tudor rose ornaments. Original wrought-iron key in escutcheon formed by carved wood stile of a lion’s mask. The base moulding and panelled top of later addition. Height, 20 inches; length, 39 inches; depth, 21 inches REGENCE WALNUT THREE-BACK CANAPE SOUTH-FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Uncommon model with three-arched back of which the centre section is raised. Serpentine front; gently cabrioled supports with leaf ter- minations connected by saltire-wise underframing. Floral, leaf and trellis carvings. Back and seats caned. The frame of caned seat of later addition. Shaped down cushion covered with contemporary jade-green brocatelle of a bold floral pattern, which also covers the arm pads. Length, 5 feet 5 inches AN IMPORTANT DINING SUITE OF TEN HIGH-BACK TAPESTRY CHAIRS FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Each rectangular back with birds, some with brilliant plumage amongst verdure. The seats with verdure and trees in rich blues, greens and tans. The chair frames, though of the period, have been copiously restored and strengthened. (10) To be sold in pairs with the option of the ten. MARQUETRY TWO-TOP TABLE OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD FRENCH, FIRST HALF 19TH CENTURY An elaborate and gayly executed example of cabinet work. Designed with birds and floral groups in marquetry in reserves. The choice of colors is particularly ingratiating. With handsome fruit and bird compositions in ebonized reserves with baroque appliques of cuivre doré. Cabriole legs with cabochon knee mounts and shoes. Cuivre doré guards. The interior with partitions for card packs. Pivoting top. Width, 35 inches 30 140 141 142 143 144 145 CARVED AND GILDED LOUIS QUINZE CONSOLE TABLE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Of elaborate composition, dragons creeping up on voluted and moulded marble top of the period. Height, 3 feet; width, 3 feet 10 inches OVAL-BACK CHAIR FRAME OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, CIRCA 1775 An armchair of generous proportions with moulded front rail. and supports crested with flatly carved groups of garden flowers; scrolled arms. REGENCE WALNUT ARMCHAIR ~ FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Rectangular back with shaped top; scrolled supports with leaf crested knees and shell crested front rail. Bead and leaf carved scrolled arms and armrests. Recovered in gold-backed crimson cut velvet of nineteenth century weave. GILDED LOUIS SEIZE CANAPE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Arched back, voluted arms, turned supports, gently bowed front rail; acanthus guilloche and rosette carving. Loose down cushion. Back, seat and arms covered with contemporary florally striped brocade. Length, 5 feet 8 inches TWO REGENCE ARMCHAIRS OF CARVED WALNUT FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Stately models with shield backs, delicately carved floral sprays and shell crestings. Cabriole supports with cartouche enrichment on knees and shell carved voluted toes. Arched and shaped front rail. Backs and seats covered with rose and yellow brocaded satin. (2) TWO STUART FIRESIDE FIGURES DUTCH, 17TH CENTURY Painted boards, probably of Dutch workmanship, representing chil- dren, the young lad with feathered headdress carrying a spaniel. The young maiden in green holding a fan. These figures were made to people the long lonely corridors of English houses, but were used as fire screens in Georgian days. (2) Height, 42 and 40 inches dl 146 147 148 149 150 IMPORTANT ORMOLU TABLE CLOCK ON ROSEWOOD STAND BY JOHN BANCROFT LONDON, CIRCA 1830 The clock freely composed after design by Berain, supported by two griffons with their tails upturned towards the circular case, with twin clock faces protected by crystal and pierced and elaborately engraved frames. To the right and left small figurines on galleried satyr-head brackets, these figurines striking bells in the inner walls of the canopies; and above a monkey flanked by two tropical birds under a pierced bell canopy; crestings of small statuettes of musicians and soldiers. Intricate triple striking movement. The clock rests on three steps of rosewood veneer with serpentined apron and on elaborate scroll supports with masks on dies. Minor defects on ormolu mounts. Height, 28 inches; width, 16 inches TWO GILDED BRONZE STATUETTES ON MALACHITE BASES, OF VOLTAIRE AND ROUSSEAU FRENCH, CIRCA 1810 Busts of Voltaire and Rousseau probably by Gallé after Houdon; richly gilded. On rectangular socles of malachite with plinths fur- nished with gilded bronze mounts. Socles restored. (2) Height, 9 inches EMBROIDERIES AND RUSSIAN FABRICS NUMBERS 148-162 TWO BEADED EMBROIDERIES FRENCH, CIRCA 1800 (a) Beaded bag shaped as an urn. Turquoise-blue ground with white and blue acanthus pattern. Carved marquasite ring. Star- shaped flower at the bottom. (b) Unframed bead picture representing Africa as a black prince surrounded by palms and bright tropical flowers. Fine silver beads used as background. (2) Size, 8 x 6 inches PETIT POINT PURSE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1710-1720 Very fine petit point needle work representing a gentleman follow- ing a deer scent with his pointer, and killing the deer. Elaborate landscape setting. Lining of gold and rose taffeta and an engraved steel mount. TWO GOLD AND SILVER EMBROIDERED SHAWLS Superb examples of soutache and spangles of elaborate husk and flower patterns tied by wavy trellised ribbons on a dark purple taffeta ground. Silver fringe. (2) Size, 34 inches square 32 151 152 154 155 156 157 158 GOLD AND SILVER EMBROIDERED SHAWL RUSSIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding, but on Persian blue taffeta. Size, 36 inches square CORSET BELT RUSSIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Florally embroidered with gold soutache on a basket woven em- broidered silver cloth ground. CORSET BELT RUSSIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. ABOUT FOUR AND ONE-HALF YARDS OF GENOESE JARDINIERE VELVET ON CLOTH-OF-GOLD GROUND ITALIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Composed of three strips and two fragments; the strips with flower vases of brilliant blue-green and scarlet heightening and scarlet flower groups rising above. (Asis) (5) The strips, 22 inches wide MAGNIFICENT BROCADED DRAP D’OR HANGING RUSSIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Rose bushes, brightly colored, climbing in serpentines. Background of silver and gold thread leaves and branches. Size about 4 feet 4 inches x 8 feet 5 inches BROCADED SATIN APRON RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Woven with Louis XV trellised ribbons and groups of flowers in cream colors on a brilliant rose colored ground. Length about 3 yards VERY IMPORTANT LOT OF GOLD-BACKED GREEN CUT AND UNCUT VELVET RUSSIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Bold baroque floral and leaf design in green on yellow ground inter- woven with drap d’or. Length about 42 inches GOLD EMBROIDERED SHAWL RUSSIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Strong floral and bird motifs in heavy soutache embroidery on fine red silk rep ground. Gold fringe. Size, 3 feet 5 inches x 8 feet 22 oo 159 160 161 162 TWO RUSSIAN FABRICS (a) About three and one-half yards of plaid silk taffeta of the late eighteenth century. Three pieces. Blue, white and black. Width, 26 inches (b) Black embroidered shaw] of the first half of the nineteenth cen- tury. With golden-yellow rosettes and stripes. Black fringe. (2) Size, 5 feet 4 inches x 4 feet 6 inches TWO QUILTED FABRICS FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY (a) Strip of quilted Indienne with delightful miniature floral design in the Indian manner; ivory-white ground. Such quilted fabrics are now much in demand for the covering of upholstered furniture. They also make admirable bed covers. Size, 8 feet 10 inches x 3 feet 4 inches (b) White quilted petticoat stitched in squares with border of un- dulating floral patterns. (2) CANARY-YELLOW QUILTED INDIENNE FRENCH, CIRCA 1830 Printed with a single flower motif in an all-over pattern of red, green and blue. Size, 8 feet 10 inches x 8 feet 2 inches STRIP OF QUILTED INDIENNE FRENCH, CIRCA 1800 Delightful motif of an Indian archer shooting at a bird in a flowered tree, from the steps of a gayly painted pavilion; detachable groups of flowers. Size, 9 feet x 3 feet 2 inches 54 WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER FIRST, AT TWO O’CLOCK 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 163-324 BRONZE AND PEWTER OBJECTS NUMBERS 163-169 THREE BRONZE SPOONS SOUTH-GERMAN, 17TH AND EARLY 18TH CENTURY Two with plain bowls, one with elaborate handle crested with profile head. TWO DINANDERIE LOUIS QUATORZE CANDLESTICKS CIRCA 1700 Multiple moulded octagonal bases, moulded baluster stems; octagonal candle-cups. (2) Height, 9 inches TWO PEWTER JUGS FLEMISH, CIRCA 1700 Barrelled bodies with sloping heart-shaped covers, with pewterer’s marks. In excellent state of preservation. Height, 814, inches PEWTER SPOON SOUTH-GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY Large oviform bowl. Primitive handle. TWO SILVER-PLATED BRASS CANDLESTICKS OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Gracefully fluted tapering stems, moulded plinths and urn-shaped tops; bead enrichments. (2) Height, 11 inches TWO “DIRECTOIRE” BRASS CANDLESTICKS FRENCH, CIRCA 1800 Fluted Doric columnar stems; elaborately enriched circular plinths. (2) Height, 51% inches LOT OF SILVERED PEWTER SPOONS AND FORKS SOUTH-GERMAN, STYLE OF 17TH CENTURY Five spoons and six forks. (11) 35 170 171 172 174 175 176 i ELAS 178 ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL SILVER NUMBERS 170-180 CARVING SET OF SHEFFIELD SILVER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 With repoussé sheet-silver handles. Steel knife marked ‘Watch’. Composed of knife and fork. (2) CARVING SET OF SHEFFIELD SILVER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Similar to the preceding. (2) CARVING SET OF SHEFFIELD SILVER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Similar to the preceding. (2) CARVING SET OF SHEFFIELD SILVER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Similar to the preceding. (2) CARVING SET OF SHEFFIELD SILVER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Similar to the preceding. (2) CARVING SET OF SHEFFIELD SILVER ENGLISH, CIRCA 1790 Similar to the preceding. (2) THREE SILVER SPOONS IN THE STYLE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Three of the bowls of early eighteenth century workmanship. The elaborately chased handle of subsequent addition. (3) Weight of the three, 414 ounces THREE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPOONS SOUTH-GERMAN Large bowl with twisted stems with orbed finials. Handles engraved with primitive tracery; one bowl with initials, one other with leaf tracery. (8) Weight of the three about 4 ounces TWO SMALL SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) SPOONS IN THE STYLE OF THE RENAISSANCE One with the Crucifixion, the other with a cresting of St. George and the Dragon. Engraved bowls. Weight of the two, 2% ounces 56 179 180 181 182 183 TWO “DIRECTOIRE” SILVER CANDLESTICKS LONDON, 1889 Fluted Corinthian columns on a sloping pedestal with rams’ head festoons and acanthus. The bobeche with amorial crest. Hall marked. Height, 7 inches LOW SILVER CANDLESTICKS IN THE GEORGIAN STYLE LONDON, 1889 Delightful pair on fluted urn balusters. Ogee base with fluting and engraved margeurites. Fluted and engraved candle-cup.’ One weighted. Height, 5 inches LACQUER AND SILVER BOOK BINDINGS NUMBERS 181-183 ILLUMINATED BOOK IN LACQUER BINDING PERSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Containing a number of miniatures illustrating the story of a Persian Princess and two handsomely illuminated pages of writing. The lacquer cover of unusual attentuated form decorated with floral re- serves on a dark mustard-yellow ground with gold decorations on black. Size, 8 x 314 inches TOOLED LEATHER BINDING WITH SILVER-GILT MOUNTS NORTH-GERMAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Incised with decoupage ornamentation in the Venetian taste. Magnificent clasps fretted and chased with Madonna and Child, putti and rose garlands in leaf-shaped appliques. Lining of polychromed paper. The interior with a song book of the year 1789, with gauf- fered and gilded edges. To be sold with a calf bound edition of Virgil, dated 1736. (2) SILVER BOOK BINDING HOLLAND, LATE 18TH CENTURY The front and back with a composition of urns with cornucopia handles and canopies, shell and scroll ornaments in spandrils. Handsome clasp with flower basket and interlaced fleur-de-lis scrolls. Contain- ing a prayer book, Munich, 1759, edges gilded and gauffered. With Dutch export control marks. 184 185 186 187 188 ORIENTAL PARADE WEAPONS NUMBERS 184-188 SILVER-GILT TROMBLON CAUCASIAN, 18TH CENTURY An exceedingly handsome weapon; barrel, butt-end and stock covered with a profusion of rose arabesques tooled in high relief. The barrel of steel richly incrusted with meanders and arabesques in silver. The flint-lock bears Russian control marks. Length, 30 inches SILVER INCRUSTED AND DAMASCENED PISTOL ANATOLIAN, 18TH CENTURY The butt-end and stock and rings protecting the barrel covered with an uncommon quatrefoil pattern of silver leaves on a nielloed ground. The barrel of steel damascened with gold arabesques. Length, 19 inches GOLD DAMASCENED PISTOL CAUCASIAN, 18TH CENTURY Fine example. The butt-end, stock and rings on barrel completely covered with Renaissance arabesques in nielloed and gilded silver. The barrel damascened in silver with hunting scenes, and with gold arabesques. Length, 18 inches CHILD’S KINDJAL CAUCASIAN, 18TH CENTURY The hilt and scabbard of gilded, nielloed silver tooled with handsome formal arabesques. Straight blade with lateral channel. Length, 16 inches PICHAQ TURKISH OR ALBANIAN, 18TH CENTURY Dagger with richly tooled silver scabbard showing emblems of war, floral festoons, castles, ete., and similarly enriched silver hilt. Blade with maker’s mark. Length, 231% inches 189 190 191 192 193 194 ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL SILVER AND SILVER-GILT NUMBERS 189-215 SILVER PUNCH LADLE WITH TWISTED PEARWOOD HANDLE ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 A ladle of the period of George III. The bowl with scalloped edge, the bottom with an insert of George II coin, eliminating the hall mark. The pearwood handle with silver guard at end. SILVER PUNCH LADLE DUTCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Geometrically pierced circular bowl, pearwood handle with silver mount. SILVER TEA POT RIGA, LATE 18TH CENTURY Tapering, conical body with acanthus members. Cover with pine cone finial, interior gilded. Weight, allowing 1 ounce for wood handle, 20 ounces Height, 714 inches SWEDISH SILVER CANDLESTICKS TORSHAELLA, CIRCA 1780 Baluster stand, circular plinth, with acanthus and gadrooned enrich- ment. Height, 514 inches SILVER FRUIT BASKET WITH HANDLE ANTWERP, CIRCA 1800 Shaped as a gondole with gadrooned body and broad members chased with rose garlands. The rim with shaped spandrils and with pivoting handle with monogram in cartouche and elaborate floral decoration crested by antefix volutes. Interior gilded; fluted and engraved base. Weight, 21 ounces Size, 914 x 6 inches “DIRECTOIRE” SILVER SUGAR BOWL AND COVER FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Oblong body resembling a Chinese covered urn, with early heavy flut- ings, finely reeded members. The cover with a twisted swan’s neck handle placed on ivory knob. Weight about 10 ounces Height, 6 inches; width, 51% inches 195 196 197 198 199 200 SILVER COMPOTIERE ENGLISH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Fluted shallow bowl, the centre with an allegorical and heraldic com- position. Probably an eighteenth century Frankfort silver bow! embellished during the nineteenth century. Weight, 23 ounces Height, 31% inches; width, 10 inches SILVER GUILD BELT OF THE LATE RENAISSANCE PERIOD SCANDINAVIAN, 17TH CENTURY Composed of small members engraved with Bacchic amorini among flowers, wavily interlaced chains and uncommon voluted clasp with bulls-eye centre. Weight about 7 ounces Length, 33 inches COMPOSITE SILVER ORNAMENT DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY Composed of windmill clock with its wings moved by a long tube forming a stairs with burgher descending the steps. On an inverted goblet repoussé with baroque scrolls and festoons. Weight about 7 ounces Height, 84% inches SILVER COVERED SUGAR BOWL STOCKHOLM, 1805 Of graceful Directoire form, boat-shaped with fluted lower body; oak-leaf pierced rim. The cover with twisted serpent body finial. Weight about 14 ounces Height, 634, inches; width, 61% inches DIJON SILVER STATUETTE TOOTHPICK RECEPTACLE CIRCA 1780 Represented by figure of Neptune, his draped nude body backed by shell. Octagonal base and repoussé plinth on claw supports. Weight about 10 ounces Height, 714, inches SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) CANDLESTICK AND SALVER ON STAND DUTCH, CIRCA 1750 In three parts. Stem with bulls-eye gadroons and rat-tail flutings; the silver-gilt plinth finely chased with Gothic tracery and centre member of a conventionalized acorn, also silver-gilt. The stem has two fitments, one a crown-shaped bobeche with five scrolled archaic leaves, silver-gilt, and a tray formed as a tent roof with silver-gilt finial and fluted eight-lobed border moulding with oak leaves and acorns in each intersection. : Weight about 20 ounces Height as candlestick, 10 inches Height as tray, 81% inches 40 201 202 204 205 206 SILVER DRAGEOIR STOCKHOLM, 1820 Urn-shaped with fluted body and plain stem with fluted plinth, out- curved member and handsome lions’ masks. Ogee cover with acorn finial. Weight about 30 ounces Height, 12 inches TWO SHEFFIELD SILVER CANDLESTICKS ENGLISH, 1814 Of elaborate baroque design. Silver urn-shaped centre moulded stems and profuse acanthus ornamentation; the bases inscribed as follows: “The Representatives of the Rev. Archdeacon Blackburne to Fowler Hicks on the Execution of a Trust Commencing Anno 1782 Ending coker (2) Height, 1114, inches “DIRECTOIRE” HOT WATER URN PARIS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Amphora-shaped and of harmonious proportions on a square plinth with four claw supports. The body enriched with Green antefix and richly engraved band of ribbands with mask centres and large mask flankings. Scrolled handles; the cover with swan body finial. Dol- phin head spout. Faucet slightly defective. Weight about 56 ounces Height, 16 inches SMALL GOBLET OF SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) FRANKFORT, 17TH CENTURY Cylindrical with a broad band of floral arabesques in panels and in circles the initials “MAA”, “AS”, and the dedicatory date, 1685. Moulded circular base. Weight, 4 ounces Height, 3 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] RENAISSANCE SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) BOCAL ON THREE LEONINE SUPPORTS PAYERNE, 17TH CENTURY Partly gilded. The cylindrical and outcurved body is finely engraved and has pierced members. The plinth with a grill pattern in low relief. Interior gilded. Two hall marks. Weight about 11 ounces [SEE ILLUSTRATION] STATUETTE OF A HOUND OF SILVER-GILT FORMING A DRAGEOIR SOUTH-GERMAN, 16TH CENTURY The detachable head forming the cover. The socle molded of broad bands of finely engraved Renaissance borders, the plinth with acanthus. Weight, 18 ounces Height, 41% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] Al 207 208 BEAUTIFUL OLD GERMAN SILVER AND SILVER-GILT [NUMBERS 204-215] SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) GOBLET KOENIGSBERG, 16TH CENTURY Cylindrical body with outcurved broad rim enriched with eight basso relievo torch-bearers of silver-gilt and a broad moulded member enriched with acanthus. Plinth with archaic tracery. Weight, 9 ounces Height, 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) GOBLET : AUGSBURG, EARLY 16TH CENTURY A beautiful example of German workmanship. The lower member bulls-eye in repoussé and rosetted diapers, the upper half finely en- graved with fleur-de-lis arabesques. Weight, 5 ounces Height, 34% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 42 209 210 212 213 SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) GOBLET SWISS, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Low cup with broad gilded rim with farm scenes and figures in “Queen Anne” costumes. Delicately engraved. Plinth with a base with enrichments in high relief with hunts of bears and boars and a pierced stem with deer and hunters woven into an arabesque pattern. Weight, 7 ounces Height, 334, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] DRAGEOIR OF SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) HANAU, 17TH CENTURY Low cylindrical body with Renaissance volutes interlaced with tri- pods. Cover with pierced cornice enrichment, crested by an orb with a finial of an Apostle. The bottom with Spanish hall marks of later addition. Weight, 10 ounces Height, 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) GOBLET NUREMBURG, CIRCA 1600 Pierced base, urn-shaped member; stem with three engaged brackets. The conical bowl in folds finely engraved. Weight about 4 ounces Height, 7 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) DRAGEOIR HANAU, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Gadrooned compressed body, the centre furnished with marguerite scrolls and fleur-de-lis pendant, the cover with fretted gallery of trefoils and acorn finial, slightly tapering moulded foot. Weight, 15 ounces Height, 634, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) CHALICE COPENHAGEN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY On circular base with bulls-eye enrichment; urn-shaped cup on vase with three bracket handles. Weight about 7 ounces Height, 714 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 45 214 215 216 217 218 SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) CHALICE KOENIGSBERG, 16TH CENTURY Conical body surrounded by floral gadroons. The petals repeated in bands of silver-gilt. Broad upper, slightly outcurved, rim of hand- some floral arabesques rising from basins on acanthus brackets. Weight, 9 ounces Height, 614 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) GOBLET SWISS, 17TH CENTURY Cylindrical cup with outcurved lip chased at the upper rim with medallions of muscateers and arabesques of eagles in scrolls. The centre with a stemma bearing the initials “HBDT”. The base of elaborate workmanship with masks and Bacchic compositions exquisitely modelled. Pomegranate feet on serpentined stems. Weight about 11 ounces Height, 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL PORCELAINS NUMBERS 216-235 SIX PORCELAIN AND STEEL KNIVES MOUSTIERS, CIRCA 1745 Handles with urn arabesques after Berain and reticulated borders in blue on a white ground. (6) SIX PORCELAIN AND STEEL KNIVES MOUSTIERS, CIRCA 1745 Similar to the preceding. (6) MARCOLINI PORCELAIN ECUELLE WITH COVER MEISSEN, 1775-1780 Bowl-shaped ecuelle with twisted handle. Scene from the Seven Years War, an Austrian soldier firing at a fleeing Cossack. Land- scape reserve on cover. An Italian scene with large classical columns on the saucer. Gros-bleu background. Edges gilded with meander pattern. 44 219 221 222 223 224 MARCOLINI PORCELAIN ECUELLE WiTH COVER MEISSEN, 1775-1780 Similar to the preceding. Ecuelle with pastoral reserve of shepherds pasturing their flocks, and saucer and cover with hunting scenes. MARCOLINI PORCELAIN ECUELLE WITH COVER MEISSEN, 1775-1780 Similar to the preceding. Ecuelle and saucer with reserves of Dres- den scenes, and cover with representation of a harbor. MARCOLINI PORCELAIN ECUELLE WITH COVER MEISSEN, 1775-1780 Cylindrical ecuelle with straight-back handle. Saucer and cover with festoon designs, and ecuelle with reserve of a camp of soldiers. On a gros-bleu background. Plain gilded edges. Slightly chipped. MARCOLINI PORCELAIN ECUELLE WITH COVER MEISSEN, 1775-1780 Similiar to the preceding. Plain cover, saucer with a picture of a winged amour, and a French inscription on the back reading “‘After the original of Mengs in the Gallery of His Majesty, the King of Saxony.” Ecuelle with picture of the two winged cherubs at the foot of the Sistine Madonna, with an inscription on the under part reading “After the original of Raphael in the Gallery of His Majesty the King of Saxony.” MARCOLINI PORCELAIN ECUELLE WITH COVER MEISSEN, 1775-1780 Similar to the preceding. Cover with gilt meander and dainty circlet of stylized leaves. Ecuelle with reserve showing Leda and the Swan. Saucer with a representation of Neptune and Triton. MARCOLINI PORCELAIN ECUELLE WITH COVER MEISSEN, 1775-1780 Incurved bowl-shaped ecuelle with twisted handle with reserve of a street scene with Romanesque church. Cover with picture of a courtier seated under a tree, and saucer with view of Dresden, show- ing the Cathedral and Elbe. Gros-bleu background. 45 225 226 227 228 229 230 PORCELAIN PLATE WITH BIRDS BLOOR DERBY, SUBSEQUENT TO 1815 The centre with three birds with brilliant plumage perched on three branches. Gros-bleu border with antefix gold arabesques; corded edge. Orange marks. Diameter, 9 inches From Albert Amor, London. PORCELAIN PLATE WITH BIRDS BLOOR DERBY, SUBSEQUENT TO 1815 Similar to the preceding. Diameter, 9 inches PATE TENDRE VEILLEUSE PROBABLY TOURNEY, CIRCA 1770 Urn-shaped body with milk receptacle and cover serving as candle- stick and ecuelle. Gayly decorated with sans gene landscapes with figures and brightly colored fruit festoons depending on mask en- riched handles, and protruding cartouches with landscape reserves. Relief border enrichments of gold. Interior slightly chipped. Height, 10 inches TWO VIEUX SAXE VASES WITH SILVER-GILT MOUNTS MADE INTO LAMPS MEISSEN, CIRCA 1800 Baroque two-handled urns with simple porcelain flowers in relief rising from scrolled stems. Silver-gilt mounts of recent make. Wired for electricity. (2) Height, 13 inches CAMPANA-SHAPED URN OF DECORATED PORCELAIN VIEUX PARIS, CIRCA 1810 An important urn-shaped vase with five rectangular reserves of em- blems and trophies in gold and colors, placed on brackets; surrounded by gold baguettes on a rich bleu-celeste ground with grisaille orna- mentation in the neo-Greek taste. With rosettes on crimson ground. Marbleized plinth. Repaired. Height, 201% inches TWO PORCELAIN STATUETTES OF CHILDREN AS WINGED AMOURS MEISSEN, 1760-1770 An exceedingly scarce pair of delightful cherubs dressed in Louis Quinze costumes. The little boy carries a cane and a large hat in his hand, and wears a small white cap tilted rakishly over one eye. The little girl with coquettishly patched face, holding her skirts aside in a sprightly dancing pose. One of her small wings is missing. Height, 334, inches 46 231 232 234 RUSSIAN PORCELAIN GROUP BY GARDNER MOSCOW, CIRCA 1787 Work of an English potter who established kilns at Twer. Repre- senting a dog barking at a prancing goat. Ona gros-bleu ground, semé with fleur-de-lis. One horn chipped. Russian mark. Height, 4 inches PORCELAIN ANIMAL GROUP NYMPHENBERG, CIRCA 1770 Spirited representation of a bull being attacked by two hounds, one of which is biting at the bull’s ear. The brown body of the bull and the speckled coats of the dogs done with amazing quality. The ground of green shrubery roughly finished to accentuate the spirited movement of the group. Ona shaped plinth. Height, 5 inches PAIR OF PORCELAIN ECUELLES REPRESENTING AFRICA AND AMERICA MEISSEN, 1770 The dark brown figure of Africa leaning over a white vannerie bowl with naturalistic floral reserves. Dressed in a short flowered yellow skirt and a striped turban. The Indian with brilliant feathered loin cloth and headdress, with similar vannerie bowl. Both figures splen- didly modeled and posed. An extremely scarce pair. Height, 7 inches TWO PORCELAIN FIGURES HOLDING CROCUS POTS LUDWIGSBURG, CIRCA 1780 A very scarce pair, showing the influence of Marcolini, with unusually bright coloring. The female figure in a tight rose and gilt bodice, a gay yellow skirt strewn with naturalistic flowers, and a white apron with red star-shaped flowers. The male figure with a white coat ornamented with large colored flowers, green breeches, and long brown curls falling over his back. The baskets with vannerie pattern. One of the handles slightly imperfect. (2) Height, 8 inches 47 235 IMPORTANT AND EXCEEDINGLY RARE SERIES ENTITLED “THE FOUR PARTS OF THE WORLD” MEISSEN, 1735-1740 These four ornamental groups were produced under the direction of Johann Joachim Kaendler, the most imaginative of all plotters. These groups were undoubtedly inspired by the designs, paintings and Gobelins tapestries after Desportes and Le Prince. (a) AMERICA A nude draped figure with feathered headdress and in feathered long cloak seated on a crocodile, and holding in her left hand a cornucopia with flowers and fruit overflowing, and in her right, a green and red parrot. Slight repairs and firecracked. Height, 101% inches (b) EUROPE Represented by Empress Marie Therese in sumptious, flowing and flowered robes with jewelled corsage of gold. Her cloak of green falls over a terrestrial globe showing conspiciously the outlines of Europe. She holds a blue ball and wears a crown of crimson and gold. Behind her is a magnificent white horse. Minor defects. Height, 101% inches (c) AFRICA A young Moor in gayly colored feathered jacket and leggings with jewelled rim and rose colored cloak wearing an elephant’s head as headdress with ivory tusks. He is seated on a back of a crouching lioness. Firecracked and minor defects. Height, 12 inches (d) ASIA An Oriental Queen in flowered robes and wearing a gold embroidered jacket and a pleated turban of white with purple brush. She is seated on the back of a crouching camel on a cloth of purple and gold. In back, a palm tree with blue-green foliage. Slight defects. (4) Height, 1214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 48 IMPORTANT AND EXCEEDINGLY RARE SERIES “THE FOUR PARTS OF THE WORLD” [NUMBER 235] FRENCH AND ENGLISH FURNITURE NUMBERS 236-245 [ NUMBER 236 ] 236 YEW TREE AND BURL WALNUT CANDLESTAND OF THE QUEEN ANNE PERIOD ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY An interesting example of Isle of Man workmanship on three shell crested cabrioles with boot termination. Hexagonal centre stem of figured wood with vase-shaped baluster members. The moulded top of figured wood. Height, 34 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 50 237 238 239 240 241 CARVED LOUIS SEIZE WALNUT ARMCHAIR FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 An exceptionally fine model in its original state. Shield-back carved with great delicacy with acanthus on outer edge of slanting burl wood moulding and with beads on inner edge; the carvings con- tinued on sloping arms terminating in volutes and resting on curved members richly carved with an uncommon guilloche motif and with acanthus. The bowed front with rosetted guilloche and rosettes in dies. Fluted turned tapering supports with contemporary silver bro- cade on a pale blue ground. LOUIS QUINZE WALNUT ARMCHAIR FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Broad shield-back model with fluted frame and floral and leaf crest- ing; gracefully scrolled armrests; carved cabriole supports and bowed front rail. Back and seat covered with contemporary brocaded and striped faille on a salmon-rose ground. PETIT POINT FIRE SCREEN THE NEEDLEWORK FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The petit point picture is formed by a reserve depicting the arrival of a Turkish ambassador before Louis XV; six finely embroidered figures richly clad. Background of architecture and tree. The re- serve is framed with richly floriated mouldings on a flower filled golden-yellow ground. Carved and gilded baguette in the Louis XVI style on fluted trestles. Height, 39 inches; width, 32 inches LOUIS SEIZE SECRETARY A ABATTANT FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY The front with cornice drawer above a fall-front and two doors. With oval reserves of emblems in gayly colored marquetry with frames of lemonwood and tulipwood. The cornice drawer with quatrefoil meanders in tinted wood. Chamfered fluted stiles with veneers of herringbone. Moulded grey onyx top, repaired. Height, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches TULIPWOOD MARQUETRY COMMODE WITH THREE DRAWERS NORTH-FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The drawers with arched panels formed by shaped kingwood bands and enclosing elaborate contemporary scroll handles of cuivre doré and escutcheon plates; the centres with three medusa mask escutch- eons in panels. The shaped front rail with fillets of cuivre doré. Moulded top with geometrical marquetry enrichments with ogee burl walnut border. Height, 3214 inches; width, 3 feet 11 inches 51 242 243 244 245 246 MINIATURE COMMODE OR CABINETMAKER’S MODEL FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Of delightful proportions with bombé front composed of three drawers veneered in panels, the centre with a floral reserve on a light ground; flutings and meanders. One return with drawer. Shaped top similarly enriched. Height, 31 inches; width, 22 inches TWO SMALL MARQUETRY CABINETS OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD GRENOBLE, 18TH CENTURY Narrow bodies of burl elm veneer with broad bands of rosewood, each with two Battersea enamel ring handles. Marquetry panelled returns; fillets of ribbons. (2) Height, 34 inches; width, 17 inches DIRECTOIRE NEEDLEWORK MAHOGANY SCREEN FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY The needlework early eighteenth century. The screen on trestles with turned stretcher, the top rail with a gallery of vase-shaped balusters. Hinged book shelf. The needlework panel represents a court lady in flowing robes, and verdure and houses. Height, 36 inches; width, 22 inches LOUIS SEIZE ROUNDABOUT SOFA OF CARVED WALNUT Curved, carved and uncommonly moulded top rail crested by a group of three roses; moulded arms; fluted supports and curved front rail with carved key panel. Loose down cushion. Back and seat covered with floral Louis XVI brocade on a ribbed blue silk ground. Width, 6 feet CHINESE PORCELAINS, ENAMELS, CLOISONNES JADES AND CRYSTALS NUMBERS 246-294 TWO IMPORTANT ORMOLU MOUNTED POWDER-BLUE VASES Large bulbous potiches with superb mounts of the Louis Quatorze period. On four lions’ claw supports with canopied pendants. Bold dragon handles with twin festoons. The fluted broad rims with satyr masks. The interiors with panels and rosettes. (2) Height, 19 inches 52 247 248 249 IMPORTANT CHINESE CLOISONNE BRONZE VASE MING Bulbous in form and enamelled with sunflower pattern on a brilliant blue ground; the neck furnished with three crouching rams of gilded bronze, emphasizing the conceit of flowered gardens. The upper rim with ornamental nails. Some restorations. Height, 22 inches SILVER MOUNTED BARRILLET DUTCH-CHINESE, 17TH CENTURY Barrel of blue and white florally decorated porcelain of the Kang Hsi period, on a scrolled silver stand with engraved bandings; the top with a stopper crowned by a silver magot, another magot furnish- ing the faucet. A very scarce object of seventeenth century work- manship. Height, 51% inches TWO PLATES WITH MEDALLION BORDERS CHIEN LUNG “An attempt by some European to design a Chinese pattern. The rim is covered with a blue-green enamel, much the same as we find on the eggshell plates; the diaper work consisting of cross lines in black. The diamond shaped spaces between being ornamented with an L-shaped design. This border is broken by twelve white reserves, marked off by black margins, and decorated with flowers, fruit, and butterflies, all in European drawing. In addition to these there are twelve shells near the edge, and twelve leaf or feather sprays towards the centre, traced in red upon the white. In the centre the figures are European in design, as also the arbor, which is all in green, except the six roses to the reader’s right. Two of the children are clothed entirely in gilt. In front there is a pond with three ducks, one of which is holding its head under water. At back there is a kind of embattled scroll in a brown-red. These plates are sought after by collectors, and two are to be found in the Salting collection at South Kensington, and a blue and white one in the Grandidier collection. There is a small jug in the Franks collection decorated with this pattern, but in other colors.”’ Described and illustrated in W. G. Gulland’s “Chinese Porcelain’, Vol. II, Page 462, No. 808. (2) Diameter, 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 54] 53 [NUMBER 249] [NUMBER 250] [NUMBER 251] [NUMBER 253] RARE CHINESE PORCELAINS 250 TWO FAMILLE ROSE PLATES WITH ROOSTERS KANG HSI Decorated with peonies and cocks, most wonderful specimens of coloring, with the shades beautifully blended. The cocks are of the usual Cochin China type, and seem to be disputing possession of the rock which is shaded in blue and white enamel. The peonies are in a lovely deep shade of rose. The diaper on the rim is the same as found on the eggshell plates traced in red and blue on a ground of blue-green enamel. (2) Illustrated in W. G. Gulland’s “Chinese Porcelain’, Vol. II, Page 463, No. 811 and Page 407, No. 707. Diameter, 834, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 54 251 252 253 254 255 256 TWO PLATES WITH FLOWERS AND POWDER-BLUE BORDERS CHIEN LUNG Scarce and uncommon patterns of decoration with tiger lilies and butterflies in rose and blue enamels surrounded by a band of powder- blue with arabesques of gold; the broad border decorated with rib- bands interlaced with acanthus volutes and flowers of gold with bright green leaves. (2) Diameter, 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] TWO PLATES WITH FLOWERS AND POWDER-BLUE BORDERS CHIEN LUNG Similar to the preceding, but slightly larger. Minor repair to one plate. (2) Diameter, 101% inches TWO DUTCH-CHINESE ARMORIAL “LOWESTOFT” PLATES CHIEN LUNG With the coat-of-arms of Ian Blonkbyle. The centre a circular re- serve with coat-of-arms in crimson, blue and gold on apple-green ground surrounded by the motto in Dutch and the name of the bearer. The border and plate with rose peony and other garden flower decorations applied to a mottled arabesque enamelled in sepia and pale green. (2) Diameter, 81% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] BOTTLE-SHAPED FAMILLE VERTE VASE KANG HSI With slightly flaring neck, palm leaf decoration in green, red, blue and canary enamels on white porcelain. Height, 814, inches FAMILLE VERTE VASE KANG HSI Goose-neck bottle shaped with narrow, flaring lip, reserves of lozenges with floral enamels; neck with conventional palm leaf pat- tern. Rich borders of floral meanders on deep green. Height, 814, inches FAMILLE VERTE VASE KANG HSI Similar to the preceding. Neck repaired. Height, 814, inches 55 IMPORTANT YUNG CHENG PLAQUE [NUMBER 257] 257 IMPORTANT EIGHTEEN-INCH PLAQUE YUNG CHENG 258 Boating scene with ten figures in brilliant rose, blue and aubergine enamels heightened with rouge d’or. The border decorated with the hundred antiques in five colors and gold; inner trellised rose border with rouge d’or rosettes. Diameter, 18 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PAIR OF FAMILLE VERTE BRUSH HOLDERS KANG HSI Five color decoration of birds and mayflowers; borders of red flowers on narrow bands of spotted green. An uncommonly fine pair. (2) Height, 514, inches 56 259 260 261 [NUMBER 261] [NUMBER 260] [NUMBER 259] YUNG CHENG SEMI-EGGSHELL PORCELAIN PLATES SEMI-EGGSHELL PORCELAIN PLATE YUNG CHENG Octagonal, decorated with a young woman sculling, with her child, and another with an infant on her back is seen on the shore. Back- ground of flowered trees. Handsome border painted in five enamels of a pointed pattern on a dark purple and pale blue trellised ground. Diameter, 734, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SEMI-EGGSHELL PORCELAIN PLATE YUNG CHENG “The rim and part of the side are covered with a shining purple glaze, relieved by eight white lotus flowers and eight blue flowers. In the centre a lady sits, with pink fan in her hand, while two boys say their lesson to her, all in green, blue, and pink enamels. The lady has a skirt of white enamel, green dress, and blue sash.” Repaired. Described and illustrated in W. G. Gulland’s “Chinese Porcelain’, Wolell Page 433, No. (43: Diameter, 734, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SEMI-EGGSHELL PORCELAIN PLATE YUNG CHENG Centre decoration closely resembling the preceding, the border with eight floral reserves on a brilliant rose du Barry ground. Diameter, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 57 262 263 265 266 267 PAIR OF JAPANESE THREE-INCH ROCK CRYSTAL BALLS Beautifully polished and absolutely perfect. In their own lacquered boxes with silk bags and cushions. (2) Diameter, 3 inches PAIR OF STATUETTES OF SAGES WITH WINE JARS . YUNG CHENG Seated on rocks, they hold bulbous vessels on their knees supported by boyish attendants. Celadon, blue and brown glaze. On ormolu stands of the Louis XVI period. One ormolu rim in vase missing. (2) Height with stands, 414 inches ORMOLU MOUNTED CLOISONNE TWIN VASES KANG HSI With the original cover and carved teakwood stand. Cylindrical, with tiger lily mosaics inlaid on turquoise-blue enamel; joined by gilded bronze mounts of Chinese workmanship, composed of animal gro- tesque meanders and claw foot member. The twin covers joined by dragon mount. Height, 914, inches PAIR OF BLANC-DE-CHINE VASES HIRADO, CIRCA 1800 A highly decorative pair. Bulbous with flying storks and water-wave pattern in low relief. Animal grotesque handles, protruding rim with swastika meander. On teakwood stands, one damaged. (2) Height, 1214, inches OCTAGONAL FAMILLE VERTE PLAQUE KANG HSI A handsomely garbed lady of rank playing a Chinese santire to entertain her noble admirer. To the left a pavilion where one can see a servant spying on her mistress. To the right a pine tree. Beautiful enamels of red, green and yellow. Border of four small reserves decorated with fish, butterflies and rose peonies on green enamel ground. Diameter, 1614 inches CLOISONNE COVERED URN CHIEN LUNG A Chinese replica of the eighteenth century Dutch “chestnut” urn. Conventionalized floral mosaics on turquoise-blue enamel ground. Height, 834, inches 58 PAIR OF YUNG CHENG FAMILLE ROSE PLATES [NUMBER 268 ] 268 PAIR OF FAMILLE ROSE PLATES YUNG CHENG 269 “The decoration consists of sprays of peony and chrysanthemum, the flowers being chiefly in a sort of purple pink, with the buds in the middle in yellow. The stalks are like the flowers and foliage traced in sepia, and slightly tinted in green and other colors. Some of the flowers are treated in the ribbed style that we find employed about chigetime.” (2) Described and illustrated in W. G. Gulland’s “‘Chinese Porcelain’, Vol. II, Page 384, No. 659. From the Dresden Museum, Catalogue No. 176. Diameter, 834, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] EXCEPTIONALLY FINE GREEN JADE SCEPTRE CHIEN LUNG Engraved with immortals and landscape. The quality of great delicacy. Mottlings of rose. In a specially made case with a coronet. Formerly in the possession of the Dowager Empress. Length, 161% inches 59 IMPORTANT CHIEN LUNG GREEN JADE VASE WITH ORIGINAL COVER [NUMBER 270] 270 IMPORTANT GREEN JADE VASE WITH ORIGINAL COVER CHIEN LUNG Compressed urn with elephant-head handles with loose rings; elab- orately carved with lizards and fungus on fei t’sui jade in banded divisions. The sloping cover with fungus on a swastika meandered ground and crouching dog finial. Stand, though illustrated, is miss- ing. Slight imperfection on base. Exceedingly fine and lustrous quality of jade. Height, 13 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 60 eS ee 271 272 273 274 275 WHITE JADE SCEPTRE CHIEN LUNG In the form of a fungus, carved with birds of paradise and peaches of longevity. The handle with sages performing miracles. Rare example in fine state of preservation. Length, 17 inches GLOBULAR VASE WITH BIRDS OF PARADISE AND KYLIN YUNG CHENG Brightly enamelled in blue, rose, green and canary-yellow on a white ground. ‘Teakwood stand. Height, 10 inches FIVE-COLOR BEAKER MING The procession of an Empress with six figures, two attendants carry- ing gayly colored banners. Lower part with pomegranates in red and green. Height, 9 inches TALL FAMILLE ROSE BEAKER YUNG CHENG Cylindrical, the upper part depicting a tragedy in a mandarin family; the lower a duel between the two mandarins on horseback, with a background of tents and on the reverse a large pine tree, in brilliant enamels of rose, green, canary-yellow and blue. Various potters marks of rose enamels. An inscription in pigeon French explains the legend depicted on the vase: ‘‘Wang-pa-tant aller a hong-ny- coin la femme de tong venger l’honore de son marie. elle trouver Wang-pa-tant si beau lui offet la main de noir.” Height, 1714 inches From the Collection of Edouard Chappey, Paris. KHANDJAR WITH JADE HILT INDIAN, 17TH CENTURY Curved short parade dagger of a Mohammedan Indian Prince. The curved Damascus blade has a broad elaborately gold damascened channel in the centre. The hilt of mutton-fat jade of the sabre type showing Chinese workmanship, resembling an urn shaped vessel with pagoda top. Swan handle. Gold mounted inserts of fine rubies, one stone missing. Front and back, Arabic inscriptions in gold. Length, 15 inches QILIZ OR PALA WITH GREEN JADE HILT TURKISH, 18TH CENTURY Sabre of uncommon splendor; the voluted hilt finely tooled and en- crusted with gold and rubies. The magnificent nielloed straight blade furnished with gold damascened arabesques in form of a sheath. Gold damascened mark at end of hilt. Crimson velvet scabbard. Length, 32 inches 61 207 278 279 HEAVY WHITE PORK-FAT INDIAN JADE VASE JADE GROUP JADE VASE [NUMBER 277] [ NUMBER 278] [NUMBER 279 | VASE OF HEAVY WHITE JADE CHIEN LUNG Compressed bottle-shaped body with cylindrical neck ‘‘shrine form”, enriched with alto relievo carvings of a coiled dragon. Height, 614, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] oz JADE GROUP OF THE TWO DISCIPLES OF BUDDHA IN THE MANNER OF MING Delightful sculpture of pork-fat jade of high quality representing the two disciples in flowing robes, one holding a book from which they are both reading. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 714, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] INDIAN JADE VASE WITH ORIGINAL COVER CHIEN LUNG The compressed body with tiger-lily and grapevine arabesques carved in low relief. Two scrolled handles connect neck with shoulder. Translucent grey jade of fine quality. Height, 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 62 — - 280 281 282 283 284 GREY AND EMERALD-GREEN JADE KORO CHIEN LUNG With animal grotesque handles and loose rings; coiled dragons and clouds in emerald-green carved on the oblong rectangular body. The cover similarly enriched. Swastika meander on borders. Four short bracket supports. Height, 414, inches GREEN JADE VASE IN THE MANNER OF MING Carved as a lotus leaf on an interlaced composition of lily stems ‘and blossoms. On ebonized carved stand of later date. Height, 634, inches PAIR OF BLUE AND WHITE TEMPLE JARS WITH ORIGINAL COVERS KANG HSI Decoration of peonies and conventional lotus in an all-over pattern framed by broad mouldings. Pine cone finial. In unusually good state of preservation, the rim only slightly chipped on the interior. (2) Height, 131% inches PAIR OF TALL PEKING ENAMEL FLOWER HOLDERS CHIEN LUNG The bodies pierced in eight shaped reserves. Decorated with an ex- uberant composition of peonies centreing upon Shou seals. The base with a continuous border of lotus. Slightly repaired. (2) Height, 1314, inches PAIR OF RARE FAMILLE VERTE AND POWDER-BLUE PLATES KANG HSI Landscape with figures and pagodas and mountains in a square re- serve and four shaped border reserves with floral groups on a powder- blue ground semé with gold arabesques. (2) Diameter, 81% inches TWO POWDER-BLUE PLATES WITH TWO RESERVES KANG HSI Two fan-shaped panels with uncommon flower filled baskets in blue on a dark powder-blue ground. (2) Diameter, 834, inches 63 286 287 288 289 [NUMBER 286] [NUMBER 287] [NUMBER 288] HIGHLY IMPORTANT “SPINACH” JADE BRUSH HOLDER CHIEN LUNG Cylindrical, decorated with temple of unusual size in a landscape deeply carved in pierced work. Height, 514, inches “SPINACH” JADE KORO CHIEN LUNG Bulbous compressed body carved with animal masks and cloud ara- besques and resting on three bold cabrioles; lions’ masks with loose ring handles. Original gadrooned cover crested by lion and cub playing with orb. Height, 534, inches; width, 74 inches “SPINACH” JADE BRUSH HOLDER CHIEN LUNG Cylindrical, carved all over with a composition of temples in a land- scape of copiously flowered trees, rocky formations screening a wall. On three incised supports. Height, 41% inches PAIR OF ENAMELLED SANG DE BOEUF BOWLS _ CHIEN LUNG Unusual examples decorated with a great number of brilliantly garbed figures in varying poses between flowered branches, in green, rose, canary-yellow and blue. Chien Lung seals. Fire cracks. (2) Height, 24% inches; diameter, 6 inches IMPORTANT FAMILLE VERTE BEAKER YUNG CHENG A sage, a scribe and two followers, in enamels of yellow, green, rose and blue. The reverse with a large pine tree, clouds of rose on a brilliant white ground. Height, 1534, inches 64 291 292 293 [NUMBER 291] [NUMBER 292] [NUMBER 293] TRANSLUCENT GREEN AND “SPINACH” JADE TRANSLUCENT GREEN JADE SHALLOW BOWL CHIEN LUNG With rich dark green mottling. Very beautifully polished. On teak- wood stand. Diameter, 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | “SPINACH” JADE VASE WITH RARE SILVER SPOTS IN THE MANNER OF CHIEN LUNG Bottle-shaped body incised with dragon and carved at the shoulder in alto relievo with rose branches. Loose rings. The finial of the original domed cover with lion and cub. On teakwood stand. Height, 11 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] IMPORTANT “SPINACH” JADE BOWL CHIEN LUNG Carved of one piece of thin translucent quality. On teakwood stand. Height, 31% inches; diameter, 714 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 65 ROSE QUARTZ STATUETTE [NUMBER 294] 294 ROSE QUARTZ STATUETTE IN THE MANNER OF MING Crouched figure of Hotei with his dog. Carving of good character- ization. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 4% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 66 295 296 297 298 CONTINENTAL PORCELAINS NUMBERS 295-316 PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF AN EGYPTIAN ARCHER MEISSEN, CIRCA 1770 Exotic Oriental figure with bearded face and white turban, carrying a bow in his hand, a sling of arrows on his back, and a sword at his side. Dressed in a lovely plum colored robe with yellow slippers. On a lustrous white plinth with flowers and large green leaves. Height, 8 inches PORCELAIN GROUP VIEUX PARIS, 1780 Two exquisite little figures of girls, one lying on the ground looking up at the other seated figure who is dressed in a classical tunic fall- ing off one shoulder. A finely modeled dog pokes his head around from the back. On a plinth strewn with stylized flowers. Brilliant white glaze. Height, 5 inches PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF PAOLO VERONESE BY POPOCFF MOSCOW, 1830 Colorful figure of the painter in the costume of his period, with red doublet, slashed blue sleeves and pump pantaloons. Leaning on a fluted classic column, holding a palette and paint-brushes. Shaped plinth with lozenge pattern, inscribed with the painter’s name. Height, 7 inches PORCELAIN GROUP REPRESENTING WINTER LUDWIGSBURG 1770-1780 Two delightful little putti shown warming themselves over a fire. The naked little figure of the putto has a purple cape thrown over his back, and the little putta is feeding the red coals with a bellows. Quaint representation of a chimney in the background, with icicles hanging from the bricks. Brilliant white glaze. Height, 534, inches 67 TWO LOUIS QUINZE ORMOLU AND VIEUX SAXE PORCELAIN CANDLESTICKS [ NUMBER 299 ] 299 TWO LOUIS QUINZE ORMULU AND VIEUX SAXE PORCELAIN CANDLESTICKS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Pair of bull dogs of Meissen porcelain 1750-1760, on contemporary baroque ormolu stands backed by bronze trees with porcelain flowers supporting at their summit finely fluted candle-cups furnished with conventionalized leaf petals. (2) Height, 614, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 68 300 SIX MARCOLINI PORCELAIN CUPS AND SAUCERS WITH BIRDS MEISSEN, 1774-1780 Each cup and each saucer with two brightly colored birds on green bushes with butterflies and other creatures of the air applied in a detached manner, on a wavily fluted white body, the trellised rims with panels of rouge d’or trellised with gold. The interior of the cups each painted with an air creature. Most pieces with the Marcolini Marka. (12) 301 PORCELAIN STATUETTE ST. PETERSBURG, CIRCA 1790 Draped female figure of ‘“L’Odorat’, symbolizing one of the four senses. Clad in a pink and yellow drapery, and holding a rose. Leaning against a pedestal on which is placed a jug and an incense burner. At her feet a putto smelling a rose, and a blood-hound fol- lowing a scent. On deep red baroque base. Slight defects. Height, 9 inches 302 WHITE PORCELAIN GROUP REPRESENTING SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC BERLIN, 1785-1790 Two little white porcelain figures of boys evidently representing the months. One with the Zodiac sign of the scales is shown eating fruit from his hat, and the other with the sign of the bear, is de- picted as sowing seeds. Slight defect on the little bear emblem. Height, 314 and 4 inches 303. TWO PORCELAIN STATUETTES OF A FISH VENDOR AND FRUIT VENDOR MEISSEN, 1760-1770 Male figure of the fruit vendor with flower-sprigged coat, pink knee breeches tied with blue ribbons, red classical sandals, and holding a basket of bright yellow lemons. Female vendor with tightly-laced apple-green bodice, yellow and violet striped skirt and red shoes tied with gay yellow bows. (2) Height, 514, inches 69 304 305 306 [NUMBER 304] [NUMBER 305] [NUMBER 306] EIGHTEENTH CENTURY PORCELAIN GROUPS PORCELAIN GROUP MARCOLINI, 1770 TO CIRCA 1780 Three amorini, one seated in an armchair being served with refresh- ments placed in a bowl on a baroque table. In front on a rocaille plinth, an amour in blue cloak writing on a roll, ““Di Mille Amanti un Bea.” Height, 714 inches PORCELAIN GROUP “A MAY DANCE” MEISSEN, CIRCA 1770 The 3rd period of the Meissen manufactures. Depicting four fig- ures, two maidens and two lads in the handsomely colored and brocaded costumes of the Louis Quinze period joining hands to dance around a tree. Flowered ground with baroque scrolls. Height, 13 inches PORCELAIN GROUP SOUTH-GERMAN, SECOND HALF 18TH CENTURY Pastorale. Two lovers in handsome orchid colored brocaded cos- tumes in close communion with rocaille trees to their right and left and a crouching sheep between them. The handsome shepherdess walks barefoot, while the shepherd wears black boots with orange colored heels. Minor defect. Height, 9 inches 70 ee ee ae PS ee ee eS ee ee er ee ie ee 307 309 310 311 312 313 PORCELAIN STATUETTE IN THE NEO-CLASSICAL TASTE MEISSEN, CIRCA 1770 St. John the Evangelist in gold and flower brocaded cloak lined with green over a snow-white toga, holding a chalice of gold. Height, 914 inches THREE MARCOLINI CUPS AND SAUCERS MEISSEN, 1775-1785 (a) Cup and saucer with medallions in frames of gold; the cup with a profile of King Iuba, the saucer with Chryissipus, drawn in India ink on an apricot colored ground. (b) Cup and saucer with monogram “J.C.S.”, a coronet in gold and purple roses. (c) Cup and saucer exquisitely imitating Imari porcelain. Floral decoration of the known Imari pattern heightened with gold. All with the Marcolini marks. (6) VIENNA PORCELAIN SCENT BOTTLE CIRCA, 1770 Boy with goat, holding a vase. Enamels of blue, green and white. Pine-cone stopper of porcelain. Unusual example. Height, 3 inches PORCELAIN STATUETTE REPRESENTING PEACE MEISSEN, CIRCA 1790 Neo-classical figure with the dove of peace in her hand. Dressed in a long white robe, with a blue patterned cloak over her back. Height, 414, inches PORCELAIN SCENT BOTTLE WITH TWO FIGURES BY POPOFF Moscow, 1830 Two lovers embracing, while a dog politely turns away his head. Painted to simulate a tree trunk, with a stopper of a dainty yellow bird. Height, 234, inches PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF A WANDERING MINSTREL LUDWIGSBURG, 1780-1790 A handsome youth with a travelling sack on his back, holding a bottle in one hand, and a musette in the other. Dressed in a white coat and leggings, pink breeches and blue vest, and leaning against a mottled tree trunk. Height, 5 inches PORCELAIN BOW STATUETTE OF A GROOM WITH TWO SPANIELS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Footman with grey fur-trimmed cape and pink flowered vest holding two little dignified King Charles spaniels. Unimportant repair. Height, 614, inches ron 315 516 318 PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF AUTUMN BY POPOFF MOSCOW, 1830 A graceful youth wearing an elephant’s head as headdress, a short skirt of gayly colored feathers, and a long blue cloak over his back. Holding a sheaf of wheat. Interesting motif of a gilt boar in relief on the white base. Height, 6 inches PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF A HORSE WITHOUT RIDER MEISSEN, CIRCA 1780 A rearing charger with violet and gold-trimmed trapping, and a saddle and reins. Supported on a pedestal with colored flowers and bright green leaves and a tree stump. Height, 414 inches PORCELAIN FIGURE FROM THE ITALIAN COMEDY MEISSEN, CIRCA 1770 Picturesque soldier of the Louis.Quinze period with long moustaches in a dancing pose. Dressed in a yellow and black costume with large black hat and sweeping purple cloak, holding up a mask. Height, 514, inches FRENCH AND RUSSIAN FABRICS NUMBERS 317-324 IMPORTANT LOT OF CRIMSON SILK LAMPAS OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Repeat of two characteristic Louis XVI compositions, one a group symbolizing music, the other painting, on brackets of classic form with acanthus volutes and floral festoons. The lot consists of three pieces. Total length, 70 yards, 9 inches; width, 22 inches IMPORTANT LOT OF GOLD-BACKED CUT VELVET RUSSIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Two with patterns of bold baroque scrolls in red velvet on gold thread ground. Two fragments of a similar amber and gold fabric. (4) 72 519 320 d21 322 325 GOLD AND SILVER BROCADED SHAWL RUSSIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Wreath medallions enclosing rosettes in gold and silver thread on mauve faille. Size, 3 feet 4 inches square GOLD BROCADED SHAWL RUSSIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Rich designs of floating ribbons, flower urns, etc., in silver and gold thread with delicate touches of turquoise-blue and salmon-red on deep purple ground. Size, 3 feet 3 inches square GOLD BROCADED SHAWL RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Sumptuous design of floating ribbons, flowers, etc., in gold and silver thread with touches of Nile green chenille on mulberry rep ground. Signature of maker. Gold fringe. Size, 3 feet 6 inches square THIRTEEN PIECES OF CUT AND UNCUT VELVET RUSSIAN AND GENOESE, LATE 18TH AND EARLY 19TH CENTURIES (13) SILK BROCADED DRESS RUSSIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Made of a rich dark brown fabric with floral sprays and trimmed with gold galloon and gay buttons. Length about 3 yards CALICO COSTUME RUSSIAN, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Gayly printed in squares of Persian arabesques with groups of flowers in black reserves on a plum colored ground. Handsomely brocaded galloons. An attractive chair covering. 73 THE BOUDOIR 76 AVENUE MARCEAU, PARIS THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER SECOND, AT TWO O’CLOCK 325 326 327 328 329 THIRD SESSION NUMBERS 325-480 ENAMELLED AND SILVER IKONS NUMBERS 325-334 TWO BRONZE IKONS RUSSIAN, 16TH OR 17TH CENTURY One depicting St. George and the Dragon, the other of three Saints. Exceedingly archaic in treatment. (2) Size, 314 x 214 and 134 x 134 inches . = TWO IKONS RUSSIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY (a) Ikon of Madonna and Child, engraved and silver repoussé. | Size, 134, x 11% inches (b) Enamelled Ikon representing a woman Saint, on a pale blue ground. (2) Size, 1144 x 114 inches TRIPTYCH ENAMELLED BRONZE IKON RUSSIAN, 15TH CENTURY Small relic of early Byzantinic design and workmanship. The centre wing with Virgin and Child, on turquoise-blue enamel and above a cresting of praying angels flanked by winged amours. The side wings each with two monastic Saints. Size opened, 5 x 4 inches ENAMELLED BRONZE IKON RUSSIAN, 16TH CENTURY Centre panel architecturally recalling the pictures of the Flemish Renaissance. Border with white enamelled meanders. Elaborate cresting. Size, 4 x 21% inches SILVER FILIGREE FRAMED IKON RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Representing the Holy Virgin as Byzantine Empress dressed in mag- nificent barbaric jewelled robes. On panel. Size, 414 x 814 inches 75 330 dol 332 [NUMBER 330] [NUMBER 331] [NUMBER 332] [NUMBER 333] [NUMBER 334] RUSSIAN EIGHTEENTH CENTURY SILVER IKONS SILVER IKON RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY The Madonna and Child. Delightful engraved detail on the cloak and crown of the Holy Virgin. Size, 3 x 214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SILVER IKON RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Three Saints. Their halos in repoussé; intricate engravings on cos- tumes. Size, 234, x 214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SILVER IKON RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY The Madonna and Child. With chased scroll border. Size, 2 x 134 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] ; 76 336 307 308 SMALL SILVER IKON OF SAINT MITROPHANE RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Of very fine quality. The painting of the Saint’s head is remark- ably well handled. Size, 1144 x 114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SMALL SILVER IKON RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Finely tooled and engraved on a ground of sunburst rays. Size, 134 x 114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL SILVER AND SILVER-GILT NUMBERS 335-356 SILVER MUSTARD POT LONDON, 1821 Bulbous, elaborately repoussé with garden flower arabesques on winged claw supports with masked crestings. Ladle with griffin crest. Weight, 5 ounces SILVER-GILT SUGAR SIFTER DUTCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Elaborately pierced shallow bowl centred on a bird perched on scrolls; pierced border of baroque design. Handle with cartouche and finial of a bird. SILVER-GILT SUGAR SIFTER LEEUWARDEN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Pierced bow]! with floriated C scroll ornament centred upon a pheas- ant; repoussé and engraved. Turned wood handle. TWO SILVER CANDLESTICKS IN THE GEORGIAN STYLE LONDON, 1889 Twisted columnar stands. Fluted base, scalloped bobeches with crest. Height, 6 inches TWO “DIRECTOIRE” SILVER SUGAR SIFTERS IN THE STYLE OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Pierced shield-shaped repoussé bowl. Handles of small Greek columns crested by statuettes of Apollo. Weight, 4 ounces Ud 540 341 342 343 344 345 TRAVELLING SET OF SILVER-GILT PARIS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Composed of crystal glass goblet with decorations in the style of the eighteenth century. Silver-gilt cover. Carving knife and fork with elaborately chased handles. Fork and spoon. Salt and pepper box on claw feet. Egg holder of vase-shaped design. In original leather case. SOLID GOLD SPOON BY KEIBEL STRASSBURG, 1825 Pointed bowl. Handle with ornaments in pure Greek style; a shell, acanthus design, and a husk leaf border. Very finely shaped. SWEDISH SILVER SALTCELLARS TORSHAELLA, CIRCA 1790 Two-handled oviform bowl, engraved with acanthus. Rectangular base with pierced meander. Weight of pair about 5 ounces Height, 34% inches BATTERSEA ENAMEL SALTCELLAR — ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Dark purple-rose ground, on duck foot supports with shell cresting. Finely painted reserves of landscapes with figures and cattle. LARGE SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD BY LEONHARD ROTHAER HAMBURG, CIRCA 1700 Cylindrical with bold repoussé leaves and garden flowers of giant scale. Plinth with a running border of acanthus and similar treat- ment of cover. Magnificent archaic scroll handle, a monster holding the body of a knight, with casque in his open mouth. Weight about 39 ounces Height, T' inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] LARGE SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD DANZIG, 17TH CENTURY Cylindrical, with three amours with their emblems in reserves sur- rounded by cornucopia scrolls and acanthus volutes. Engraved plinth and cover with lion couchant holding an orb of gold. Elab- orate scrolled handle. Weight about 41 ounces Height, 1014, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 78 3-46 347 RARE OLD SILVER AND SILVER-GILT TANKARDS - [NUMBERS 344-350] SILVER AND SILVER-GILT TANKARD FLEMISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY A cylindrical body without plinth on handsome lion rampant sup- ports holding orbs. The repoussé treatment represents musicians and singers. Youthful people dressed in seventeenth century costumes between flowered bushes. The cover repoussé with a field flower border and an insert of a medallion with quotation from the script. Elaborate handle with the lion rampant on orb, a cresting of a lion’s head. Beadings and a lion’s head termination. Dedicatory date of 1759 has been inscribed. Weight about 42 ounces Height, 714 inches SILVER COIN TANKARD MITAU, CIRCA 1700 Cylindrical body without plinth, most imaginatively adorned with a multitude of sixteenth and seventeenth century coins planned into a harmonious composition with war emblems of all kinds, profiles of Caesars and warriors. ‘Three claw and ball foot supports of a singularly original design. The cover also with a multitude of coins set in a circle with a great variety of weapons and contemporary arms between them. The elaborate repoussé handle terminating in claw and ball foot with shield cresting. Weight about 37 ounces Height, 71% inches 79 348 390 351 SILVER TANKARD PROBABLY AUGSBURG, 1697 Cylindrical body with coins of Brunswick of the date 1697. The coins united by incised interlaced meanders. The cover similarly adorned and furnished with floral finial. Names appearing on rim and circular base have apparently been added by vandals in the year 1900. Weight about 34 ounces Height, 8% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 79] SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD OF KOENIGSBERG MAKE GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY Handsome cylindrical body trellised and engraved, the trellised orna- mentation forming reserves for thirteen silver coins of Holy Roman emperors and ruling princes. Hall marked on the cover. Antler finials on handle. Weight about 44 ounces Height, 814, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 79] LARGE TANKARD BY GOTTLIEB UNGER DANZIG, CIRCA 1700 Cylindrical coin tankard. The body inlaid with medals of local his- tory. The coins surrounded by a traced framework. The cover with acanthus chasing and a coin dated 1681. Weight about 87 ounces Height, 714 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 79] SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) CHALICE BY DONA- DILLA LEON, 16TH CENTURY On a Gothic stand. The base shaped as a flower with leaves and petals enriched with repoussé Renaissance scroll of which one is with ecclesiastical amorial bearing in a shield. Hexagonal centre stem finely beaded and centre member of twin hoods panelled with stiff leaved floral compositions in low relief. Above a remarkable composition of Herculean supports and shell-crested brackets. Sim- ple bowl on multiple moulded stem. Weight, 18 ounces Height, 10 inches 80 352 300 304 355 SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) CHALICE MUNICH, 16TH CENTURY An exceedingly rare and beautiful example on a seven-lobed plinth, sloping base enriched with the cross of Malta in a circle. Fluted acanthus enriched compressed globular member crested by a ring with inscription chased in Gothic letters on a finely diapered ground “Ave Maria’. Sloping bowl. Weight, 12 ounces Height, 714 inches GOTHIC SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) CHALICE DANZIG, EARLY 16TH CENTURY The base a large flower with floral arabesques and pointed member between lobes. Above an architectural stem with columnar enrich- ments, a round tower with flamboyant Gothic ornamentation between pinnacled columns and a bow! with finely pierced Gothic leaf enrich- ment. Weight, 24 ounces Height, 9 inches RENAISSANCE STEEL AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) GUILD BELT FLORENTINE, 16TH CENTURY From the bottega of Benvenuto Cellini. Composed of a series of poison lockets faced with panels of vermeil of very fine workman- ship with winged amorini heads and mermaid body volutes; putti standing full length. These lockets are joined by silver rosetted chain-armor bands of remarkable workmanship and scrolled mem- bers connecting. Weight about 20 ounces Length, 49 inches SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) COVERED GOBLET OF TORGAU WORKMANSHIP GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY Tapering body with reserves with incised and nielloed pictures of Pharaoh, Spheron and Ptolemaeus; and in cartouches engraved in- scriptions in Latin referring to the lives of the three rulers. Elab- orately repoussé cover and plinth engraved with a meander of mar- guerites. Weight about 21 ounces Height, 1014, inches 81 LARGE SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) HUNTING PLAQUE FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE DUKE OF NEWCASTLE [NUMBER 356 ] 356 LARGE SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) HUNTING PLAQUE WITH THE ARMS AND FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE DUKE OF NEWCASTLE ITALIAN WORKMANSHIP, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Depicting the Judgment of Paris. With eight figures with their emblems in low and high relief, with the full arms of the Duke of Newcastle in a cartouche framed by a broad member elaborately chased with a baroque acanthus scroll with hounds, horses and deer, their bodies screened by leaves appearing in low relief. Attributed ‘to Bernini. In a contemporary case with a bronze label inscribed “His Grace the Duke of Newcastle’. Weight about 215 ounces Diameter, 41 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] 82 GOLD AND ENAMELLED JEWELRY AND IKONS NUMBERS 357-370 357 TWO SWISS ENAMELLED EARRINGS 358 309 360 FLEURIER, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Pendants in two parts; the long ones with centre reserves of Swiss peasants in their native costumes on a black ground; surrounded by enamelled scrolls of gros-bleu, white and gold, in rosetted and floral enrichments and diamonds. Gold mounting. (2) GOLD BROOCH WITH BAS RELIEF OF SCULPTURED TORTOISE SHELL Representing Empress Catherine of Russia. Profile portrait in low relief. Finely engraved bronze baguette. Size, 214 x 2 inches PAINTED SILVER-MOUNTED AMULET RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY The Holy Virgin robed as an Empress of Russia. Corded and moulded frame enclosing relic. Size, 244 x 2 inches GOLD BRACELET IN SEVEN LINKS SPANISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Magnificent example of the goldsmith’s art, composed of four small and three large members; the smaller members with winged sera- phim on clouds and blowing Jericho horns; the larger with the Holy Virgin, St. Peter and the Ascension in alto relievo against a back- ground of palm leaf arabesques crested by pediment of mermaid bodies. The back engraved with the Good Shepherd, St. Christopher and the Sacred Emblem in oval medallions. Length, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 84] 83 [NUMBER 429] [NUMBER 360] [NUMBER 361] [NUMBER 431] 3861 JEWELLED AND GOLD CHATELAINE AND WATCH BY IMER PARIS, 1790-1810 Lady’s gold and enamelled watch, about 1810, the back with a circle of blue enamel and the centre enriched with fine pearls and rubies; rim enamelled and set with stones. The face with a rim of mar- quasite set with diamonds; porcelain face with Arabic black numerals and original hands. The ring also set with diamonds. The chain of about 1790, of magnificent design with a brooch containing an ivory miniature of Ceres set in enamel and gold with small dia- monds, and a breloque with large fine pearls in rows of four and six and five diamonds set in a frame of black, white and blue enamel. Gold chains with enamel seal and watch key. Diameter of watch, 134, inches Length of chain, 7'% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 84] [NUMBER 362] [NUMBER 363] [NUMBER 362] apenas [NUMBER 364] [NUMBER 365] [NUMBER 364] RUSSIAN EIGHTEENTH CENTURY ENAMELLED IKONS 362 TWO ENAMELLED IKONS RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Saints in sumptuous robes enamelled on a blue ground. Contem- porary moulded “Pinchbeck” frames. (2) size, 214 x -Z inches 85 363 364 365 366 367 368 IMPORTANT ENAMELLED IKON RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY The Holy Virgin and six Saints. Painted in two tiers. Shaped “Pinchbeck”’ frame with amorini heads in the corners. Size, 3 x 21% wches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 85] TWO ENAMELLED IKONS RUSSIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY (a) The picture representing the Ascension of the Virgin flanked by seraphs and praying mujiks. Shaped ‘Pinchbeck” frame. Size, 214 x 2 inches (b) Madonna and Child. The Holy Virgin in dark blue robes on a grey-blue ground. (2) Size, 214 x 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 85] ENAMELLED IKON RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Portrait of a Saint in oval medallion; spandrils of winged amorini heads. Shaped frame. Size, 2 x 114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 85] TWO IKONS RUSSIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY (a) Silver Ikon of Madonna and Child. Richly engraved and repoussé. Size, 2 x 134, inches (b) Enamelled Amulet. The Holy Virgin surrounded by Saints and seraphim. In silver frame, two placques with enamel, the back with inscription. (2) Size, 1384, x 114 inches PAINTED IKON WITH SILVER-GILT FACING RUSSIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Representing Saint Pantaleon in cloak of crimson, golden-yellow and blue; in a silver frame. Loose repoussé silver screen with missing halo. Size, 5 x 334, inches St. Pantaleon was a learned martyr and doctor. He suffered death for his faith and his knowledge under Diocletian in the year 303. TWO IKONS RUSSIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY (a) Ikon representing Madonna and Child; of silver, finely repoussé and engraved. Size, 134, inches square (b) Enamelled Ikon in brass frame, representing the Virgin in clouds with Saints and Holy Women in multicolored enamels. (2) Size, 234, x 214 inches 86 369 TWO IKONS ON PANEL 370 371 372 (a) The scene of the Transfiguration, Asia Minor Greek of the eighteenth century. Christ in a glory supported by four angels above, and the Virgin, two Saints and the twelve Apostles standing below. Symmetrical Byzantine composition. Rich multicolored pig- ments on red-gold ground. Size, 9 x 714 inches (b) Mitrophane, patriarch of the Orthodox Russian Church. Rus- sian of the seventeenth century. A miniature of the Madonna and Child in Byzantine posture in the upper left hand corner. (2) Size, 7 x 5 inches IKON WITH SILVER JACKET REPRESENTING ALEXANDER NEWSKY, THE PATRON SAINT OF ST. PETERSBURG RUSSIA, 17TH-18TH CENTURY The painting on panel of the seventeenth century depicts Alexander in full seventeenth century gold armor, in a royal cloak of ermine and gold embroidered crimson velvet, resting his left hand on the Imperial crown. To the left, a bird’s eye view of the Abbey of St. Alexander Newsky. In the sky, representation of the Trinity. The silver jacket is a magnificent replica in repoussé and engraved relief of the painting. It bears the hall mark 1743. Size, 12 x 1014 inches Formerly in the possession of Princess Zina Dolgoroukoff, and auto- graphed on the back. CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN NUMBERS 371-386 MARCOLINI CUP AND SAUCER WITH BIRDS MEISSEN, 1775-1780 Cylindrical cup with guinea fowl and air creatures; saucer with other birds. (2) PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER WITH CHINOISERIES FURSTENBURG, SUBSEQUENT TO 1750 Cup and saucer with Chinese mandarins in brilliant gold-enriched costumes and flowered bushes; red and gold arabesque borders. (2) 87 373 374 375 376 377 378 O19 MARCOLINI PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER WITH BIRDS MEISSEN, 1775-1780 Cylindrical cup with a group of guinea fowl; saucer with a similar composition and creatures of the air. Meander handle. (2) PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER WITH GALLERY MEISSEN, ABOUT 1770 Tapering body with floral groups in a receptacle composed of a saucer with broad pierced rim cut to accommodate saucer handle. (2) LARGE PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER COPENHAGEN, CIRCA 1772 Cylindrical tall body decorated with a profile of Socrates in India ink on a rose colored medallion; floral festoons holding lockets with the initials “K’’ and “G’’. Rusticated handle. Saucer with festoons. Bears the “Sound and Great and Little Belts” mark. (2) From the Boulanger Collection. - PORCELAIN STATUETTE VIEUX PARIS, LATE 18TH CENTURY Representing Shylock. A figure of a richly garbed merchant in orange-red jacket, breeches, and with an orange-red ermine trimmed headdress, a long black cloak over his shoulders; making long strides. He is stroking his long white beard with his right hand. Marbled socle. Socle carefully repaired. Height, 914 inches MARCOLINI PORCELAIN TEA POT AND CREAMER MEISSEN, 1775-1780 Graceful objects of small scale decorated with naturalistically painted garden and field flowers; the creamer helmet-shaped on rustic sup- DOES Ieee) Height, 4 and 31% inches PORCELAIN STATUETTE MEISSEN, CIRCA 1790 Turkish general. He wears a long brilliant blue mantle, purple lined; trimmings and weapons of gold. A gold band with comb in his fan- tastic coiffure. Orange colored shoes. Height, 9 inches MARCOLINI PORCELAIN ECUELLE AND SAUCER : MEISSEN, CIRCA 1780. In decoration akin to Worcester porcelain, the rims with gros-bleu ground and delicate gold meander, garden flower groups naturalistic- ally painted. (3) 88 380 381 [NUMBER 380] — [NUMBER 381] [NUMBER 382] RARE PORCELAIN ECUELLES WITH FIGURES PORCELAIN ECUELLE WITH FIGURE BERLIN, CIRCA 1760 Moor with feathered loin-cloth and feathered headdress and brilliant colors and gold vividly contrasting with the ebony tones of his skin, leaning on a branch of a tree. At his side on a flowered trunk a covered bow] with three reserves exquisitely painted in the style of Lancret on a basket weave patterned cream ground. Cover with four similar reserves and fruit branches in relief. Slight imperfec- tion. To be sold with the option of the following. Height, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] PORCELAIN ECUELLE WITH FIGURE MENECY, CIRCA 1770 Representing Africa. Splendidly modelled nude figure of a brown African queen seated on a rock, with red and white striped cloth. She is seated beside a bowl of pale canary-yellow with basket weave texture with delicate floral reserves of orange on a white ground. Cover with fruit finial similarly decorated. Slight imperfection. Height, 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 89 382 383 384 385 PORCELAIN ECUELLE WITH FIGURE PROBABLY BERLIN, CIRCA 1760 Figure of a Moor representing Africa, in blue loin cloth, with rose scarf on his black casque; standing beside a pierced basket with trellised cover enriched by floral branches in high relief. Flowered ground. Height, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 89] PORCELAIN GROUP MEISSEN, 1770 Group of two putti playing with goat. The nude little bodies very finely modeled and vivacious. On a flower strewn plinth. Brilliant white glaze. Height, 4 inches PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF CHILD WITH JUG HOECHST, CIRCA 1740 A delightful figure, with exceedingly clever drapery execution. Dressed in a peasant costume with white skirt and yellow bodice, a striped petticoat, white kerchief around face, and with bare feet. A scarce example. Height, 4 inches PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF FLORA LUDWIGSBURG, 1770-1780 In a neo-classical pose, with knee-length tunic, holding a basket of flowers. Long violet drapery at the back with bold flower-sprigs. A white stand on which is placed a pigeon in an intricately woven nest. Height, 514 wmches 90 TWO EIGHTEENTH CENTURY MEISSEN PORCELAIN AIGUIERES [NUMBER 386] 386 TWO PORCELAIN AIGUIERES MEISSEN, MID-18TH CENTURY Important examples. Shaped as oinochae of Greek design; on sturdy plinths of which one simulates waves with two dolphins in alto relievo and gayly polychromed spouting water; the other with multi- colored feathers diagonally placed and a winged amour in high relief apparently flying through the air with his flowered drapery moved by the wind, his right hand holding the emblematic dove. The bulbous bodies varying in their ornamentation; one representing the sea, faced by four Neptune’s sea horses and a mermaid riding on the waves, the ground with low relief representation of sailing ships. Above, the cresting of a shell with Neptune in flowing robes and spirited motion, directing the movement of his chariot. The body of the other representing air with the body covered by rose colored clouds in high relief with a peacock, the crowned figure of Minerva in flowered robes and a winged seraph blowing clouds from his trumpet. The necks with shell and feathers in low relief crested by putti figures in spirited motion. Minor defects. (2) Height, 2334, inches ae FRENCH AND DUTCH FURNITURE NUMBERS 387-393 387 LOUIS SEIZE MERISIER WOOD ARMCHAIR COVERED WITH 388 589 290 CHINESE SILK EMBROIDERY FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Graceful model of the transition from Louis XV to Louis XVI style. Shaped and incurved attenuated round back; scrolled arms; arched front with knee carved pied de biche cabrioles. Back and seat covered with cream satin embroidery worked with butterflies and detached groups of flowers in multicolored silks. MARQUETRY GUERIDON OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD ATTRIBUTED TO HACHE OF GRENOBLE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Slender cabinet with three drawers and one candle-slide, the front slightly serpentined; the returns gently bombé, one side with desk drawer. The veneers of rosewood and tulipwood with fine geo- metrical inlays of holly. Original bronze escutcheon plates. Height, 2814 inches; width, 1614 inches MARQUETRY TWO-TOP CARD TABLE DUTCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Excellent example on slender tapering eagle claw and ball foot; mahogany cabrioles carved at the knees. Serpentined and blocked front with one drawer. The interior with game compartment. The marquetry of holly and scorched and tinted wood shows similar imagination as that found on the William and Mary cabinets and tables.. Mermaid bodies supporting shells and flower vases with macaws perched upon the flowered branches; butterflies, etc. Width, 30 inches LOUIS SEIZE MAHOGANY FIRE SCREEN FRENCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY With early eighteenth century needlework panel. Moulded frame with voluted finials cresting the shell and leafy scrolls. On voluted trestles. The needlework panel of very fine petit point representing an incident after Le Prince. Five figures gayly costumed with a background of tents and trees and a scarlet sailed galley in the harbor. Flowered foreground. Height, 3 feet 7 inches; width, 2 feet 5 inches 92 391 392 393 394 “DIRECTOIRE” WORK AND GAME TABLE FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Of figured mahogany and lemonwood. On lyre-shaped trestles with undertray and acanthus carved protruding supports. The body an oblong rectangular box veneered with richly figured picked ma- hogany and banded with maple and lemonwood, the centre of top a panel of bird’s eye maple with cross bandings of tulipwood. The interior fitted with compartments. Beneath two slides, one for chess and “moulins’” and another a book slide with tooled leather top. To the right and left are semi-oval compartments with hinged covers veneered with satinized lemonwood and lined with mahogany. Size of top, 30 x 16 inches REGENCE WALNUT CHAISE LONGUE SOUTH-FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY On voluted and moulded cabriole supports with arched rails; grace- fully serpentined front, winged back. Covered with contemporary crimson silk damask of the Persian flower pattern. Chaise longues of this period are exceedingly scarce. Length, 6 feet TWO MERISIER WOOD SIDE CHAIRS OF THE REGENCE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Exceptionally harmonious models. The shaped shield-backs crested by pediments carved with shells in low relief on a trellis ground. Arched shell enriched and serpentined fronts. On fine bold leaf carved voluted cabriole supports. Backs and seats covered with gold brocade of a floral pattern on a changeant blue ground. (2) CHINESE PORCELAINS AND JADES ENAMELLED AND GOLD OBJECTS NUMBERS 394-415 VERY IMPORTANT FAMILLE VERTE PORCELAIN PICTURE CHIEN LUNG The centre with a Shou longevity mark with green meanders on a black ground and to the right and left groups of immortals in gar- dens, in enamels of rose, green and aubergine. The red circle rep- resents the sun. Very fine drawing. Ironwood frame with bronze meander handles. Height, 3 feet 9 inches; width, 2 feet 6 inches 93 395 396 397 [NUMBER 395] [NUMBER 396] YUNG CHENG FAMILLE ROSE PLAQUES FAMILLE ROSE PLAQUE YUNG CHENG Peacocks painted in green and rose, peonies blossoming by the rocks; border decorated with bamboo and flowers in white enamel. An uncommonly beautiful example. Diameter, 1514, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] HIGHLY IMPORTANT FAMILLE ROSE PLAQUE YUNG CHENG See Wan Moo standing beside a deer and holding a fungus in her right hand, she is accompanied by a child carrying a basket of peaches of longevity, mayflowers blossoming overhead, beautifully painted in rose, green and yellow enamels. The border with flowered branches in rose and yellow. The porcelain of Imperial rose back- plates. Diameter, 1514 imches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] THREE-COLOR PORCELAIN FAMILLE VERTE BOWL 18TH CENTURY, IN THE MANNER OF KANG HSI Horses, trees, flowers and other conventionalized patterns on a ground of water-wave circles in greens, aubergine and tans; base with meanders. The interior similarly adorned. Repaired at base with gold laquer. Height, 34% inches; diameter, 7 inches 94 398 399 400 401 A402 403 404 CLOISONNE BOWL CHIEN LUNG An exceptionally subtle mosaic of circular disks and fleurettes inlaid on an enamelled ground covered with gold wire ringlets. At the base a water-wave pattern in powder-blue. The interior similarly but more copiously decorated. Height, 314, inches; diameter, 7 inches IMPORTANT FAMILLE ROSE PLAQUE YUNG CHENG Rose peonies, flying birds and others perched on flowered branches, in green, yellow and blue. Two borders, the outer with chrysanthe- mums and bamboo in rose, green and yellow enamels. Diameter, 1514 inches FAMILLE ROSE PUNCH BOWL CHIEN LUNG Superb decoration of gold arabesques with large reserves of family scenes, each with five figures dressed in purple, rose, yellow and orange, and small reserves delicately enamelled with foliage and flowers with birds perched on branches, and still smaller ones with flowered branches in rose-purple monochrome. Elaborate pierced ormolu rim of early nineteenth century English workmanship. The interior with a flower. Diameter, 15 inches FIVE-COLOR COMPOTIER CHIEN LUNG Leaf-shaped, on stand with decoration of sea waves. The centre with a large reserve of ladies of rank floating on a tree trunk; back- ground of a temple. Outer decoration of butterflies, strawberry branches, etc. The under part also with creatures of the air and detached flowers. Length, 11 inches PAIR OF FIFTEEN-INCH FAMILLE ROSE PLAQUES YUNG CHENG The centre with birds at flight and on floral branches in rose and green enamels. Two borders, the inner with butterflies and diapers; the outer with detached floral motifs. Diameter, 15 inches FAMILLE VERTE BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE KANG HSI Dog Foos and birds in landscape reserves, lustrous green predom- inating. The neck with butterflies in powder-blue. Cover with unglazed knob finial. Height, 13 inches BULBOUS BOTTLE-SHAPED VASE MING Blue and white Persian designs of horses and floral groups in panels. Height, 1014 inches 95 405 406 407 CHIEN LUNG CHIEN LUNG CHIEN LUNG GREY JADE VASE JADE LANDSCAPE JADE TWIN VASE [NUMBER 405] [NUMBER 406] [NUMBER 407] GREY JADE VASE WITH SUPPORTERS CHIEN LUNG A bottle-shaped compressed vase with original cover, held by two young lads on a flowered ground. The vase carved with leaves in low relief. Height, 6 inches; length, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] LANDSCAPE WITH TEMPLES AND FIGURES OF MOTTLED GREY JADE CHIEN LUNG In the form of a mountain, carved with a Buddha in clouds, distant view of temple gate and monkeys representing the “origin of life”; the reverse carved with bats and peaches of longevity. On teakwood stand. Height, 71% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] “SPINACH” JADE TWIN VASES CHIEN LUNG Formed as two tree trunks carved in alto relievo with birds of para- dise and pines. The contemporary ivory base in the form of peaches of longevity and fungus, on teakwood stand. Height, 614 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 96 408 409 IMPORTANT CARVED FINE JADE JADE EWER AIGUIERE [NUMBER 408] [NUMBER 409] HIGHLY IMPORTANT CARVED JADE EWER WITH HELMET- SHAPED NECK CHIEN LUNG ‘The meander handle interlaced with a scrolled dragon body. The shightly compressed harmonious bulbous body carved in low relief with animals’ masks and conventionalized clouds. Fine quality of greyish jade. The original cover with the seal of longevity on finial. The neck with a conventionalized yak head with ring handle and with a boldly protruding animal’s mask in the very front. Other decorative detail of great interest. On carved teakwood stand. Height, 714 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] JADE AIGUIERE IN THE MANNER OF CHIEN LUNG Handsome compressed body, a replica of an old Chow bronze. Decorated with animal heads and conventionalized clouds carved in low relief. Scrolled handle emanating from protruding dragon’s mask, acting as water spout. Height, 91% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] of 410 All 412 INDO-CHINESE RECTANGULAR GREY JADE JADE VASE JADE VASE LIBATION CUP [NUMBER 410] [NUMBER 411] [NUMBER 412] INDO-CHINESE GREY JADE TWO-HANDLED VASE CHIEN LUNG Compressed urn shape, a replica of an old bronze jar carved with masks, palm leaves in panels. Carved C scroll handles. Original cover. Height, 734, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ]| RECTANGULAR JADE VASE — CHIEN LUNG Replica of a Chow bronze. Carved in low relief with masks and palm leaf patterns and swastika meander; with buttressed dentils. Height, 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] GREY JADE LIBATION CUP MING Cornucopia-shaped, with a bold dragon-head mask at the bottom and lizards climbing on wall and stretching their heads above the rim. Handle representing a dragon of greater scale. On teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 98 413 414 415 416 BOG FOO SCENT BOX AND SEAL OF GOLD MING An unusual ornament of fine gold with red lacquer enrichment, com- posed of dog Foo holding a pierced orb and seated on a pedestal with figures and leaf arabesques in panels. Ingenious workmanship. Height, 214. inches; width, 114, inches DOG FOO SCENT BOX AND SEAL OF GOLD MING Similar to the preceding. Height, 244, inches; width, 114, inches GOLD MOUNTED AMBER SCENT BOTTLE PARIS, 1805 In the form of a horn in the shape of a lady’s powder flask. Very graceful body of rare light amber with a rich golden tone, studded with two topaz tear drops. Gold oval member at bottom with chased wreath. Height, 414, inches GOLD CHATELAINES AND BATTERSEA ENAMELS PATCH BOXES AND SNUFF BOXES NUMBERS 416-448 GOLD CHATELAINE PARIS, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Two seals with stems of covered urns repoussé with rose garlands and festoons of fruit and leaves. Key ring also covered with fes- toons of flowers and fruit. Ring held by fine chain of white gold with two broad oval clasps and one smaller clasp repoussé with mareguerite pattern. Length, 814 inches 99 417 418 GOLD CHATELAINE GOLD CHATELAINE OF THE COMTESSE ATTRIBUTED TO DE TOULOUSE PINEAU [NUMBER 417] [NUMBER 418] GOLD CHATELAINE OF THE COMTESSE DE TOULOUSE AFTER BERAIN FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY An elaborate jewel composed of a twin plaque with amours holding torches and crested by a fruit basket forming with the inside of the plaque a key escutcheon, and three twin chains each with large plaques with figures of Greek mythology and small plaques with warrior heads, one with watch ring, the other with seal, both bear- ing ducal coronets. Agraffe of nineteenth century addition. Length, 6 inches GOLD CHATELAINE ATTRIBUTED TO PINEAU FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Baroque chain in four sections, each in rocaille cartouches with symbolical figures and emblems of exceedingly fine workmanship. Four plaques are connected by chains composed of flower baskets with antefix members. Length, 544, inches 100 419 420 421 TWO BATTERSEA ENAMEL SALTCELLARS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY With floral reserves and relief ornamentations of white on a rose du Barry ground. Gilded bronze edge. In excellent state of preserva- rons (2) BATTERSEA ENAMEL SALTCELLAR ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. BATTERSEA ENAMEL POCKET BOOK CIRCA 1780 [NUMBER 421] BATTERSEA ENAMEL POCKET BOOK CIRCA 1780 On a rose du Barry ground with delicate floral spandril reserves and two large medallions, one with a figure subject in the taste of Lancret. the other with fruit composition. 9426, 5 Xo inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 101 422 423 424 BATTERSEA ENAMEL GOLD MOUNTED SNUFF BOX SNUFF BOX [NUMBER 422] [NUMBER 423] BATTERSEA ENAMEL SNUFF BOX ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY A hunter’s snuff box. Covered on all sides with entertaining and naively painted hunts, and hunting incidents. The interior of the cover a lady in orange with a rose filled basket and a youth in scarlet. with urn. Finely chased ormolu mounts. Size, 314 x 21% inches GOLD MOUNTED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOX FRENCH, CIRCA 1770 The cover and the exterior of the bowl with foreign harbor views in the manner of Carle Vernet with sailing ships, brightly garbed fisher folk, etc. The interior of the cover with the Italian comedy a harlequinade, columbine in yellow, pierrot in purple holding a flask and harlequin with a gay beretto. Rich mounts with fluted and chased members. Size, 3 x 244 inches SMALL ENAMEL GOLD MOUNTED SNUFF BOX OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD PARIS, CIRCA 1785 Of pale rose du Barry enamel incrusted with mosaics of gold in an interlaced pattern of floral sprays. Two large and four small re- serves of brightly colored floral festoons on a bleu-celeste ground. Finely scalloped edge. Gold lined. Size, 234, x 134 inches 102 425 426 427 428 429 430 GOLD SNUFF BOX WITH ENAMEL ENRICHMENTS PARIS, CIRCA 1785 Oviform, with gold plaques engraved with reticulated stripes; white gold mounts enamelled with green leaves and blue forget-me-nots; the sides with twin columns also richly enamelled. White enamel beads surround the panels. Size, 314, x 214 inches GOLD MOUNTED TRANSLUCENT ENAMEL SNUFF BOX PARIS, CIRGA 17380 Probably by Autran. Rich mounts of floral sprays with green enamel, rubies and opal settings. Striped translucent violet color enamelled plaques and border. Top and bottom with disks of gold, one with repoussé emblems in low relief. Diameter, 134, inches ENAMELLED GOLD SNUFF BOX OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD PARIS, CIRCA 1780 Exquisite oval shallow case enamelled with a continuous border of flower garlands and detached floral groups and emblems. The top with a map with Arabic inscriptions. The bottom with a handsome reserve of war trophies. Size, 234, x 1384 inches GOLD OVAL SNUFF BOX OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 The cover with a medallion, emblems, urns and trees on a diapered, reeded ground. The apron with delicate twin columns. Relief orna- mentations of leaves. Size, 3 x 214 inches SMALL GOLD SNUFF BOX PARIS, CIRCA 1810 An exquisite case shaped as pocket book, the cover with chasings in low relief of baroque scrolls of red and white gold. The centre with an enamel miniature of flower groups on a black ground with en- graved gold showing through the leaves. The sides and the back with beautiful silver arabesques with vase centre on a black enam- elled ground, the flowers with gold enamelled centres. Made for the Russian market. This method of enamelling became known as Russian craft with its centre at Tula. Size, 2144 x 11% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 84] GOLD LACQUERED BOX JAPANESE, 19TH CENTURY Twin box, the cover with one concave half with delightful Fugi- Yama landscape. Size, 4144 x 2 wmches 103 431 432 433 A434 GOLD MOUNTED AND JEWELLED TRANSLUCENT ENAMEL NECESSAIRE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD PARIS, CIRCA 1790 Exquisite case of oblong form with four plaques of translucent orange-red reticulated enamel mounted with borders of climbing vines enriched with fine pearls; the enamel plaque on one side with the initial “L’’ in blue enamel and gold in oviform reserve, and on the other a pansy with enamelled petals. The hinged cover on the enamel panel compositions of fruit branches, one with a bird; the fruit of large fine pearls and emeralds. Small fillets dentiled with rows of opals. The interior with ivory marker. Size, 314, x 134, inches From the Max Kann Collection. [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 84] GOLD, SILVER AND ENAMEL NECESSAIRE _ PARIS, CIRCA 1790 Cylindrical needle case in two parts and enriched with gold C and S scrolled arabesques between columnar stiles of gold on a silver ground. The head with an enamelled motif of purple and white. Length, 5 inches GOLD MOUNTED IVORY NECESSAIRE WITH TWO MINIATURES OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD Paris, cIRCA 1790 Compressed, slightly tapering shape, enriched on the front with a miniature portrait of a young woman, her hair dressed in the Louis XVI fashion with pearl ribbons, surrounded by handsome baroque frame with turtle doves in cresting. The back with a similar car- touche with an ivory miniature of an Oriental archer with dog. The hinged cover with two ribbands inscribed ‘Souvenir d’Amitie’’. Broad and narrow finely engraved fillets. The interior with ivory marker. Size, 31% x 2 wmches GOLD MOUNTED ENAMELLED NECESSAIRE WITH SCISSORS PARIS, CIRCA 1790 Engraved case following the outlines of the closed scissors, of gros- bleu enamel with floral gold incrustations and bleu-de-roi panels. The front with a banner inscribed “L’Amitié Vous L’Offre.’’ The hinged top, oviform. The scissors also similarly enamelled. Height, 43/4, inches 104 435 436 437 438 439 440 GOLD MOUNTED NECESSAIRE OF BATTERSEA ENAMEL ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Tapering, compressed body enamelled with exotic floral and urn ara- besques on a turquoise-blue ground; finely engraved scalloped gold rims. The interior with ivory and gold knives and other fitments, not complete. Gold lined. Enamel slightly defective. An enamel doubtlessly made for the Russian market. Height, 4 inches GOLD MOUNTED BATTERSEA ENAMEL NECESSAIRE ENGLISH, 1780 Tubular pinholder and thimble enamelled with floral reserves in colors on white on a rich blue-green ground heightened with gold. In the centre appears the inscription “Fidéle en Amour’’. Gold lined. Height, 414, inches SILVER MOUNTED BATTERSEA ENAMEL NECESSAIRE . ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Cylindrical with landscape reserves on a grey-blue ground. Elabor- ate Scandinavian filigree silver mounts studded with rubies. The enamel slightly repaired. Length, 4 inches ENAMELLED NECESSAIRE WITH FITMENTS PARIS, CIRCA 1775 Tapering body furnished on all sides with reserves; the front and back with amorini at play and with their symbols in flesh tints on a dark plum colored ground. The sides with landscapes. The interior lined with ormolu with four original fitments slightly worn. Height, 3 inches ENAMELLED NECESSAIRE PARIS, CIRCA 1780 Tubular body in two parts; on a reticulated pale rose du Barry ground with relief ornamentations of fruit and flowers in reserves on a gold ground. Ormolu mounts. Height, 434, inches GOLD MOUNTED BLONDE TORTOISE SHELL PATCH BOX WITH IVORY MINIATURE ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Circular box of light colored tortoise shell with fluted gold rims and beaded members. The top with miniature on tortoise shell, of shep- herd dog with long tail. Size, 214 inches square 105 441 442 443 444 445 446 ORMOLU BATTERSEA ENAMEL SNUFF BOX ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Incurved body with detached floral groups; the cover with a Lancret pastorale of five figures in brilliant enamels. Interior with a land- scape and figures. Fluted mounts. The interior of cover slightly repaired. Size, 314 x 214 inches ORMOLU MOUNTED BATTERSEA ENAMEL SNUFF BOX ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Covered on all sides with Lancret pastorales in brilliant tones on a white enamel ground; the interior with landscapes in plum colored monochrome. Size, 314, x 214 inches GOLD MOUNTED PORCELAIN PATCH BOX BY KAENDLER MEISSEN, CIRCA 1760 Beautifully decorated with bergeries and trees, the figures brilliantly colored on a lustrous white ground. The interior of the cover with flowers. Moulded gold mounts. Size, 2 x 134, inches GOLD MOUNTED IVORY SNUFF BOX WITH MINIATURE FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 Oviform with rich border mounts of graceful shape and running borders. The top with miniature on ivory, a boy catching butterflies ; surrounded by engraved gold baguette. Size, 214, x 114 inches GOLD MOUNTED BATTERSEA ENAMEL SNUFF BOX ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Oviform, the cover with Teniers subjects in brilliant colors on ex- terior and interior. The bowl with a landscape, houses in India ink with heightenings of color; the bottom with Dutch landscape. Gold mounts with rose cresting in relief. Size, 314, x 2% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] GOLD MOUNTED VIEUX SAXE PORCELAIN SNUFF BOX GERMAN, CIRCA 1760 Bombé case, the cover and bottom with views of Dresden with architecture and royal personages among bosquets and fountains. The front and back with four distinct miniatures painted in brilliant enamel with groups of royal personages in landscapes with palaces and castles. Baroque moulded gold mounts. Top slightly repaired. Size, 3 x 214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 106 [NUMBER 445] [NUMBER 446] [NUMBER 423] [NUMBER 447] [NUMBER 448] GOLD MOUNTED ENAMEL AND PORCELAIN SNUFF BOXES SILVER MOUNTED ENAMEL BONBONNIERE 447 SILVER MOUNTED ENAMEL BONBONNIERE RUSSIAN, CIRCA 1780 Circular body with incurved lobe centre decorated with subjects from the Old Testament with brilliantly colored figures among trees. The bottom with Moses and the burning bush, with signature of the painter. Interior with a butterfly. Baroque silver mounts. Size, 314, x 3 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 448 BATTERSEA ENAMEL SNUFF BOX ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 Bowl-shaped with blocked front, the cover, sides and bottom with seven reserves of naturalistically colored flowers on a white ground with reticulated ground of purple-rose. The interior with a minia- ture showing guinea and water fowl in a landscape with castles of southern architecture on a hill. Size, 234 x 214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 107 ENGLISH AND CONTINENTAL SILVER AND SILVER-GILT NUMBERS 449-474 [NUMBER 449] [NUMBER 450] [NUMBER 450] [NUMBER 449] SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) DRAGEOIRS SEVENTEENTH CENTURY 449 TWO SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) DRAGEOIRS AUGSBURG, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Moulded base, quatre-foil and gadroons. Urn-shaped stem with scrolled mask-crested brackets on strap-work circular band. ‘The compressed globular body with portraits of Renaissance personages in circular medallions. The rim with Dutch inscription. Without covers. An uncommon pair, exceedingly scarce. (2) Weight, 14 ounces Height, 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 450 TWO SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) DRAGEOIRS AUGSBURG, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Three-handled urn-shaped baluster, engraved and chased circular bases; moulded bulb-shaped bowls with palm leaves at bottom; gadrooned protruding member with mask medallions and finely en- graved rims. (2) Weight about 32 ounces Height, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 108 451 452 453 454 SILVER TANKARD WITH GOLD COIN BY JOHANN REINHART LEIPZIG, CIRCA 1700 Plain engraved body without plinth on claw and ball supports with floral repoussé backing, elaborate repoussé cover with a New Year’s gold coin of the year 1631. The face finely chased with a representa- tion of the Adoration of the Magi. Rampant lion holding an orb as finial, and shield termination with trelissed cartouche. Weight about 32 ounces Height, 8% inches LARGE SILVER TANKARD COPENHAGEN, CIRCA 1700 Cylindrical body without plinth on claw and ball supports extending from gold chased leaf composition. The front with a cartouche en- closing the emblem of friendship with the motto ‘‘Deo Danti Nihil valit invidia. 1711” and the names of the Danish receivers. To the right and left pertinent Latin inscriptions. The cover is chased with repoussé fruit arabesque enclosing a medallion with a coronet and the initials “P & S, S & D”. Magnificent handle with finial of an eagle at roost. Flower chasings of a shield and a ball and claw termination. Weight about 30 ounces Height, 814, inches LARGE BAMBERG SILVER-GILT COVERED ARMORIAL GOBLET BAVARIA, 17TH CENTURY An exceedingly interesting vessel elaborately engraved with a multi- tude of armorial bearings forming a family tree. Each coat-of-arms with explanatory legend and name of the bearer. The silver has been nielloed in the manner of the armorers, leaving broad bands of vermeil. Cover with handsome formal borders engraved. Weight about 30 ounces Height, 1014, inches SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) CHALICE AUGSBURG, LATE 16TH CENTURY Magnificent vase-shaped baluster centre stem on cylindrical base and circular plinth. Bowl-shaped cup enriched on its members with oval protruding gadroons in cartouches engraved with arabesques and with buttressed, fluted and gadrooned brackets with star ornamenta- tion. The plinth with rich C scrolled interlaced meanders. Weight about 38 ounces Height, 11 inches 109 456 457 458 SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TEA CANISTER AUGSBURG, SECOND HALF 17TH CENTURY Very uncommon example. Hexagonal, each section with a profile relief of a Caesar, in oval medallions with fruit festoons above and beneath. Finely repoussé cover with hinged dragon head scroll handle. Weight about 34 ounces Height, 81% inches SILVER MOUNTED WATERFORD CRYSTAL CRUET LONDON, 1815 Fitted with two large and four small diamond-cut bottles with pine- apple stoppers, one missing. Muffinier with ribbon-enriched rim and gadrooned cover. Mustard-pot similarly furnished and contain- ing mustard spoon. The stand with elaborately chased handle and fluted, finely engraved tray on claw supports with voluted Greek antefix ornamentation. Hall marked William Bateman, London, 1815. The silver parts, weight, 58 ounces Height, 11 inches SILVER ECUELLE WITH COVER OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD BAMBERG, LATE 18TH CENTURY Graceful oval body with oak handles. The stems with serpentine formation. The stand engraved with acanthus, the bowl with oak- leaves, and the border with fine scrolls and a shield. Beaded edge. The engraved dome cover with carved finials. Hall marks. Weight about 14 ounces Height, 8 inches SILVER DRAGEOIR HALLE, 17TH CENTURY Elaborate buccolic decoration of shepherds, sheep, cattle and dogs in an imaginative landscape of eastern and tropical trees and a pavilion showing Chinese influence. Sturdily knobbed cover, finial missing. Ball feet. Hall marked. Weight about 14 ounces Height, 734, inches 110 459 460 461 462 TWO IMPORTANT SILVER DRAGEOIRS AUGSBURG, LATE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 459] TWO IMPORTANT SILVER DRAGEOIRS AUGSBURG, LATE 17TH CENTURY Neptune and nymph on sea-horses, in spirited motion with the heads acting as covers. Ebonized bases with applied masks and Greek ornaments. Size, 14x 10 inches RARE SILVER AND PARCEL-GILT FOLDING SPOON BY REINHARD DIETMAR STRASSBURG, CIRCA 1585 Circular bowl with silver-gilt disk. Handle hinged with moulded member with cresting of a Gothic crown of leaves. Weight about 2 ounces SILVER HELMET CREAMER BY SAMUEL HOWLAND LONDON, 1773 Georgian workmanship; the attenuated body with broad engraved flutes, border festoons and a circular cartouche with monogram. Gracefully moulded handle. Hall marked. Weight, 3 ounces Height, 6 inches SILVER HELMET CREAMER BY JOHN LAMB LONDON, 1783 Georgian, with beaded upper edge, moulded and scrolled handle, the front with crest and the motto “Virtus Sibi Praemium.” Weight, 5 ounces Height, 6 inches FIDDLE-BACK SPOON OF SILVER BY HEINRICH ROTT AUGSBURG, 1650-1685 Rare spoon with circular bowl, engraved handle with fiddle-back cresting to which loose rings are attached. A dedicatory date of 1812 with initials appears on the bowl. Weight, 2 ounces Pit 464 465 466 467 468 469 ENAMELLED SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) SPOON IN THE MANNER OF THE RENAISSANCE Of exquisite workmanship, scrolled handle, of shield-shaped bowl crested by the upstanding figure of an Indian chief in armor richly enamelled in blue, green, and rose. Weight about 3 ounces BASSO RELIEVO SILVER PLAQUE OF “THE ANNUNCIATION” ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY Hammered and chased composition showing the Holy Virgin kneeling at a priedieu; to the right the giant figure of a winged angel sur- rounding amorini on clouds and other amorini and putti heads in the clouds of the sky. Elaborate eighteenth century frame with spandrils of wreaths on slabs of lapis lazuli and in carved and gilded baguette. Size, 2114, inches square TWO TALL SILVER MOUNTED GREEN GLASS BOTTLES WITH STOPPERS DUTCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Graceful compressed bulbous bodies with long necks; the mounts of four Bacchic caryatides connected by oak leaf festoons, the bases with leafy border, silver mounted tops, fluted engraved stoppers. (2) Height, 14% inches SILVER-PLATED CHEST SCANDINAVIAN, 17TH CENTURY Repoussé with bold floral arabesques and studded with nails at the joints. Front with one drawer. The interior fitted at a recent date with trays and locks. Height, 8 inches; length, 14 inches GEORGIAN SILVER TEA POT ON STAND WITH LAMP BY SAMUEL HENNELL LONDON, 1813 An important compressed bulbous top with gadrooned lower body. Brown ebony finial and handle on a stand of four lions-feet scrolls with gracefully furnished rim and whale-oil lamp. The front bears the arms of the Hyland family with the motto “‘Faveat Fortuna’. Weight about 45 ounces Height, 12 inches SILVER CRUET “MENAGERE” ~~ ROTTERDAM, MID-18TH CENTURY Composed of two circular coasters on graceful baluster supports with finely enriched connecting members. The pepper and salt cellars with hinged pierced and sunburst crested tops show the same delicate detail. Weight about 18 ounces Width, 734, inches 112 470 ATI A472 474 AT5 476 SILVER SPOON BY MARKUS HOYER ROSTOCK, CIRCA 1635 Large bowl with crest, the date 1635 and the name “Hans Peter Seneb.”” Stem crested by bust of women with “Indian” headdress. Weight, 114 ounces ELEVEN SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) FRUIT SPOONS paris, 1805 With pointed bowls, gracefully tapering stems, with Renaissance ornaments chased in low relief and monograms of three letters in oval reserves. In their original leather case. (11) TRAVELLING SET OF FILIGREE SILVER ENGLISH, SECOND HALF 19TH CENTURY Handsome set of knife, fork and spoon, each engraved with Renais- Sance arabesques and enriched with filigree ornaments of great elaboration surrounding oval medallions with interlaced monogram with enamelled background. The knife and fork set with corals and lapis lazuli at heads. Hall marked. In tooled leather case. (3) THREE SILVER SPOONS SOUTH-GERMAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Two with oviform bowls. One with large circular bowl. Shaped handles, primitively engraved and with initials. The type of spoon used in Colonial America under Queen Anne. Weight of three spoons, 4 ounces THREE SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) SPOONS IN THE STYLE OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY With handsome elaborate stems crested with knights in armor. Weight of three spoons, 8 ounces CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN NUMBERS 475-480 PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF BRITANNIA MEISSEN, 1780 Graceful figure with white and gilt plumed helmet and a white robe sprinkled with gilt leaves. Tight gilt bodice to simulate chain-mail. Rose colored drapery, and classical laced sandals. At her side is a seated amorina, her back covered with a lion’s skin, on a pedestal of white and gilt. Height, 6 inches MARCOLINI PORCELAIN BOWL MEISSEN, 1776-1785 Wavily shaped circular body with large gayly colored garden flowers on the outside and inside of the bowl. Height, 31% inches 113 ATT 478 479 480 PORCELAIN CHOCOLATE POT WITH COVER VIENNA, CIRCA 1790 Bulbous shape of lustrous white porcelain painted with brilliant naturalistic flowers. Cover with pear-shaped finial. Height, 714 inches PORCELAIN GROUP OF TWO DANCING PUTTI NYMPHENBERG, CIRCA 1770 The little figures are exquisitely modelled and finished in brilliant white glaze. Each with a gayly colored loin-cloth of purple and green. On an ormolu mount of about 1820. Unfortunately, one arm of this precious group is missing. Height, 5 inches PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF A YOUTH MEISSEN, CIRCA 1790 Dressed in pink hat, brown coat and breeches with green polka-dots, and a green vest tied with a sash. Leaning on a forked tree stump. Slightly defective. Height, 4 inches PORCELAIN FIGURE FOR A SINGERIE SERIES NYMPHENBERG, 1780 In costume of the Italian comedy. Dressed in a bleu-celeste costume with wide angel sleeves. Black marquise hat and a white monkey mask over the upper part of the face. One hand missing. Height, 5 inches 114 {| THE RECEPTION ROOM 76 AVENUE MARCEAU, PARIS SHOWING COLLECTION OF PORCELAINS AND CRYSTALS FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER THIRD, AT TWO __O’CLOCK 481 482 483 484 485 FOURTH SESSION NUMBERS 481-650 CONTINENTAL SILVER AND JEWELRY NUMBERS 481-494 GROUP OF THREE SILVER SPOONS SOUTH-GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY One parcel-gilt. Two with twisted stems and engraved handles. One with long stem and ribbed handle. Primitive initials with seventeenth and eighteenth century control marks. (3) Weight of the three, 21% ounces GROUP OF THREE SILVER SPOONS SOUTH-GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY One parcel-gilt. Two with twisted stems and one with columnar stand. Engraved orb finials. Bowl finely chased with arabesques, with eighteenth century French and German control marks. (3) Weight of the three, 4 ounces GROUP OF FOUR SILVER SPOONS IN THE STYLE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY With elaborately chased and pierced handles. Two with Indians, one with harlequin, and the fourth with a crest. Three of the bowls are of eighteenth century workmanship, dated and with the names of owners and inscriptions in Dutch and German. (4) Weight of the four, 644 ounces GROUP OF FOUR SILVER SPOONS IN THE STYLE OF THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY Three with bowls of early eighteenth century workmanship. Elab- orate handles of Saints, hunters, and a group of two lovers. (4) Weight of the four, 6 ounces “DIRECTOIRE” SILVER SUGAR BOWL PARIS, CIRCA 1809 On a stand composed of a swan with outspread wings, resting on circular fluted plinth. The bowl with two lion masks and twin handles with swan-head cresting. Boldly designed outcurved spout, interior gilded. Weight, 7 ounces Height, 6 inches 117 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 THREE APOSTLE SPOONS AND ONE TWO-PRONGED FORK STYLE OF THE RENAISSANCE Elaborately chased. With crestings of statuettes. One handle chased with great elaboration. (4) Weight of the four, 614 ounces SILVER COFFEE POT ROTTERDAM, 1802 Urn-shaped body engraved with acanthus. The covers similarly en- graved with ivory and silver finials. Scrolled ivory handle. Four hall marks on cover and plinth. Weight about 13 ounces Height, 814 inches GROUP OF TWO SILVER SPOONS PARCEL-GILT SOUTH-GERMAN, 17TH CENTURY Twisted stem with orbed finial. Large bowl engraved with leaf. Handles moulded, primitive marks on each. (2) Weight of the two, 21% ounces HAARLEM SILVER SUGAR BOWL WITH COVER purcH, 1805 Attenuated bulbous form, rim engraved in spandrils. Plain cover; shaped plinth. Weight about 9 ounces Height, 514 inches; width, 61% inches PAIR OF SILVER MOUNTED EMPIRE EARRINGS PARIS, 1805 Small baroque pearls in the form of a berry cluster, crested by tri- angular silver leaves. (2) GOLD MOUNTED NECKLACE WITH PENDANT GEORGIAN, 18TH CENTURY Jewelled pendant set with moonstones, garnets, and rubies. Back with white gold heart surrounded by a composition of ivy leaves. Chain of gold, coral, and dark amber orbs. Length, 27 inches TWO SILVER MOUNTED AND GOLD-BACKED EMPIRE EARRINGS WITH ROSE-DIAMONDS PARIS, 1805 Very attractive floral design shaped as a lyre, crested with a tulip design. One large rose-diamond in centre surrounded by four smaller rose-diamonds and a number of brilliants. (2) PAIR OF PEARL AND GOLD EMPIRE EARRINGS PARIS, 1805 Grape cluster of twenty baroque pearls, hung from a design of gold leaves. Ring with three fine and baroque pearls. (2) 118 494 GOLD AND SILVER FILIGREE RELIQUARY BOX VENETIAN, 17TH CENTURY Heart-shaped with elaborately ornamented outer frame, and with two covers; one in relief with the image of the Lord on the Cross, the other with a medal of St. Barbara. Diameter, 514, inches CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN AND BATTERSEA ENAMEL BOXES 495 A496 497 498 A99 500 NUMBERS 495-524 PORCELAIN CUP AND SAUCER GOTHA, AFTER 1766 Scarce example made during the period of Director Rotteberg. Bow]l- shaped and delightfully decorated with architecture and landscapes enlivened by brilliantly garbed figures. The saucer with a variation of the cup design. (2) SEVRES PORCELAIN PLAQUE AFTER HUBERT ROBERT FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY A wooded landscape with architecture, shepherd and sheep, painted in soft enamels on a glazed porcelain plaque. Frame of recent make. Size of plaque, 834, x 614, inches SEVRES PORCELAIN PLAQUE FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Oval portrait of Henry IV. With broad oval cuivre doré baguette on fruitwood panel. Original frame. Size, 9 x 7 inches PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF JUSTICE ALTROHLAU, CIRCA 1790 With bandaged eyes, in a white robe falling over one shoulder, and holding golden scales. Gaily colored pedestal on four arches, with rose colored trellis pattern. Height, 7 inches PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF A FRUIT VENDOR BY POPOFF Moscow, 1830 Unusual figure of a negro lad dressed in a blue coat and red and white striped trousers. Carrying a basket of fruit and walking across a grassy plinth. Height, 514, inches PORCELAIN GROUP OF COPPER RESIST BY HANNONG STRASSBURG, CIRCA 1752 Exceedingly rare piece depicting Adam and Eve standing near an apple tree which is used as a flower vase. Delightfully primitive figures, on a purple base. One arm missing. Height, 8 inches Lg 501 502 503 504 505 506 PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF A YOUNG SHEPHERD LUDWIGSBURG, CIRCA 1760 Figure of a little boy in large brown hat holding a lamb over his shoulders. Resting against a tree trunk, and on a baroque green base. Height, 51% inches THE FERBLANTIER NIDER VILLER, CIRCA 1780 Gay figure in green coat and yellow apron carrying a marmite on his back and a jug in his hand. Standing on a flowered base. Height, 71% inches PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF AN ALBANIAN MUSICIAN LUDWIGSBURG, 1775-1785 An exotic figure with sweeping black moustaches and an Oriental white and yellow turban. Short white coat over a gilded jacket with bright flowers. Wide blue trousers and pointed yellow shoes. Hold- ing a brown lute, and standing in a gallant posture on a white flowered base. Height, 614 inches PORCELAIN PIERROT STATUETTE LUDWIGSBURG, 1770-1775 Playing a cornemuse. Interesting costume of a “Tarot”. Sleeves of different colors, orange slippers with green bows, and an amusing peaked hat. Seated on a rocky base. Height, 6 inches PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF A COURT CHEF LUDWIGSBURG, CIRCA 1775 Representing the royal chef de Cuisine, with Louis Seize wig, hold- ing a bowl of mushrooms in his hand. With white coat and apron, blue breeches, and black buckled slippers. Leaning against a red baking stove. Slightly chipped. Height, 544 inches LARGE PORCELAIN COFFEE POT BY POPOFF MOSCOW, 1830 White background with landscape reserves on both sides. Interest- ing spout of the head of the Russian eagle with gilded feathers, and a handle composed of a stylized swan biting the edge of the pot. Cover with gilt finial. Height, 11 inches 120 507 508 509 510 BATTERSEA ENAMEL NOTEBOOK COVER AND NOTEBOOK CIRCA 1820 [NUMBER 507] BATTERSEA ENAMEL NOTEBOOK COVER AND NOTEBOOK CIRCA 1820 Back and front of rich gros-bleu enamel with silver and gold in- erustations, the front with floral reserves on a cream ground. The notebook with an engraved frontispiece and the days of the week on two pages. Lined and fitted. Size, 4x 3 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] SILVER MOUNTED BATTERSEA ENAMEL SNUFF BOX ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY High case enriched with rocaille arabesques and birds in the Chinese taste in gold on a white ground. Probably made for the Russian market. Size, 314 x 2 inches BATTERSEA ENAMEL PATCH BOX ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Enamelled with a gros-bleu trellised ground. The cover with a reserve in the Louis Quinze taste. Possibly Madame du Barry and her Moor. And small floral reserve on a white ground. Copper mounting. Size, 214 x 2 inches TWO BATTERSEA ENAMEL BOXES ENGLISH, 1770-1780 (a) Turquoise-blue ground with relief ornamentation of floral sprays and garden flower reserves on a white ground. Copper mount, loose cover. (b) White ground with fantastic arabesques in gold. Silver mount. (2) Size, 3144 x 214 and 214 x 2 inches 121 511 512 514 515 516 RUSSIAN ENAMEL PATCH BOX RUSSIAN, SECOND HALF 18TH CENTURY Oval form and decorated with barbaric vividness. The cover with gaily painted and remarkably well-drawn figures. A half-draped nude and a noble in blue and crimson; background of a castle and a garden peopled with brightly colored figures. The interior with an amour holding a flowered scroll. The bowl enamelled with green, black, and white pattern simulating marble. Slight defects. Size, 234, x 2 inches BATTERSEA ENAMEL SNUFF BOX ENGLISH, 1770-1780 The cover with a Lancret subject of three figures in a landscape. The interior with a portrait of a lady of rank in magnificent fur- trimmed cloak, doubtlessly a Russian princess. The sides with Louis Quinze figures in greens. Engraved “Pinchbeck” mount. A large number of Battersea boxes were made for the Russian market of the eighteenth century. Size, 314 x 3 inches BATTERSEA ENAMEL SNUFF BOX ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 With Louis Quinze bergeries on cover and sides in daring colors. Bottom with a landscape. Silver mounts. Probably made for the Russian market. Size, 3 x 214 inches BATTERSEA ENAMEL SNUFF BOX ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Heart-shaped with engraved silver and moulded gold mounts; decor- ated with floral arabesques in green, rose and blue. Enamel slightly repaired. Size, 214 inches BATTERSEA ENAMEL SNUFF BOX ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY Of deep emerald-green enamel with six reserves of rustic amorini at play, and landscapes in pale green on a cream ground. Brass mounts. Cover loose. Size, 844 x 21% inches GOLD MOUNTED PORCELAIN SCENT BOTTLE MEISSEN, CIRCA 1780 Compressed bottle decorated with floral groups and enriched with two bold human masks. Fluted blue plinth. Gold rim and stopper. Height, 4 inches 122 CAPO DI MONTE PORCELAIN GARNITURE OF CANDELABRUM AND TWO CANDLESTICKS NAPLES, SECOND HALF EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 517] 517 CAPO DI MONTE PORCELAIN GARNITURE OF CANDELABRUM AND TWO CANDLESTICKS NAPLES, SECOND HALF 18TH CENTURY The candelabrum designed as a fountain with the bowl composed of wrought-iron shells flanked by sphinx: bodies which are supporting on their winged backs iron candle-cups. The back is a rocky forma- tion upon which appears seated a winged Triton holding shell-shaped black basalt candle-cups in his outstretched hands. The single candlesticks in design to harmonize with the candelabrum. (3) Height, 1014 and 414, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 123 518 519 520 a22 PORCELAIN STATUETTE OF EMPEROR MARCUS AURELIUS MEISSEN, CIRCA 1775 With bearded face, dressed in a short yellow and white tunic with an interesting helmet crest of a winged bat with a woman’s face. Voluminous rose cape thrown over his back, laced sandals, and the winged lion emblem at his side. Base with colored flutings. The winged bat has been carefully repaired. Height, 8 inches TWO PORCELAIN CUPS AND SAUCERS _ SEVRES, 1784 AND 1785 With floral decoration in detached bouquets and groups in brilliant colors by Vande. Blue borders with gold heightenings. (4) PORCELAIN GROUP : MEISSEN, CIRCA 1770 Shepherdess holding three gamboling lambs by a red ribbon. Low- cut tight pink bodice with a long garland of flowers. Wide yellow skirt adorned with carefully painted flower sprigs. On a pierced rocaille base of white and gold-edged porcelain. Height, 534 inches TWO IMPORTANT WHITE PORCELAIN STATUETTES OF COWS BY KAENDLER MEISSEN, CIRCA 1760-70 In graceful crouching posture on a flower ground. Long curling brown horns. Base of oval gilded bronze moulding. (2) Size, 4144 x 714 inches PORCELAIN “DIRECTOIRE” ECUELLE MADE INTO A CISTERN SEVRES, CIRCA 1800 Composed of a rare ecuelle in neo-classical taste with twisted handle on ormolu mounts of nineteenth century workmanship. Elaborately carved faucet. On a tripod of winged caryatid heads, resting on an undertray with finely chased guards. Ecuelle and undertray decor- ated with landscape reserves in sanguine and scrolled volute in plum- colored reserves, on a rich green background. Cover of ecuelle similarly decorated, and with a fruit finial. Height, 7 inches 124 TWO IMPORTANT PORCELAIN VASES WITH PATE TENDRE ORNAMENTATION MEISSEN, CIRCA 177() [NUMBER 523] 523 TWO IMPORTANT PORCELAIN VASES WITH PATE TENDRE ORNAMENTATION MEISSEN, CIRCA 1770 Potiche-shaped with domed covers and covered with an all-over pattern of buttercups of white with yellow centres and jade-green and sky-blue leaves on protruding branches brilliantly enamelled; all in low relief. Finials of buttercup clusters. (2) Height, 15 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 125 [NUMBER 524] [NUMBER 525] SILVER-GILT AND ARMORIAL PORCELAIN TANKARD LADY’S TANKARD OF IVORY AND SILVER-GILT 524 SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) AND ARMORIAL PORCELAIN TANKARD MEISSEN, CIRCA 1765 A remarkable example of porcelain painting and metal work, the decoration portraying the influence of Madame de Pompadour. Consisting of an armorial composition on a balustrade with a view of Venice in vignette, and above, elaborate armorial bearings; the supporters being figures from the Orient. To the left and right on brackets, gayly painted chinoiserie and further on flowered bushes outlined in the Chinese taste. The cover silver-gilt with a Greek key meander and finely engraved leafy scrolls. The handle crested by a composition of husks and leaves resembling plumes. Height, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 126 525 526 527 528 529 530 CARVED IVORY OBJECTS NUMBERS 525-534 LADY’S TANKARD OF IVORY AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY An object unusual for its small scale in this period of heroic dimen- sions. Attributed to the hand of Fiamingo. It depicts the fall of Troy; Priamus and Cassandra. Sculpturally an amazing piece of carving. The handle crested by a soldier’s head. Silver-gilt cover with musical putto. Height, 614, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] GOLD AND IVORY ENAMEL CRUCIFIX RUSSIAN, CIRCA 1800 Gold arabesques on green enamel, and the two rods of the cross bar terminated with ivory feathers. The end of the lower rod, the Lord’s loin cloth, and the skull of ivory. Back with symbols of the martyrdom enriched with color. Height, 234, inches IVORY STATUETTE OF JUPITER ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY After the antique. Half-draped, holding a chalice in one hand, and the other resting on a tree stump about which is curled a serpent, and a turtle at the foot. Distinctly modelled torso. Height, 534, inches IVORY STATUETTE OF THE MAGDALEN SOUTH-FRENCH, EARLY 16TH CENTURY Youthful figure in graceful pose, with folded hands. Long wavy hair falling over her back. Height, 714, inches IVORY STATUETTE OF A BISHOP SAINT ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY In flowing robes with floral border. Bishop’s mitre with uncommon representation of a kneeling angel. Arms missing. Height, 614. inches IVORY TANKARD IN THE STYLE OF THE LATE RENAISSANCE Tall cylindrical body enriched with Bacchanalia carved in high relief. Seroll handles with lions’ masks. Cover with vine leaves. Cover slightly damaged. Height, 14 inches 127 CARVED IVORY BOCAL VENETIAN, FOURTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 531] 5381 CARVED IVORY BOCAL VENETIAN, 14TH CENTURY Cylindrical body carved with twenty-one bas reliefs from the life of Christ and with the symbols of the Evangelists with geometrically carved borders and stiles. Height, 6 inches From the Collection of Constantin Makowsky. An object of great rarity in its comparatively perfect state of pres- ervation. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 128 5382 CARVED IVORY BOCAL ON SILVER STAND 533 534 535 FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY Cylindrical in form and carved in alto-relievo with a composition of Bacchic amorini with goat and emblems; on lobed member which is supported by putto caryatid on rustic base. Moulded and chased silver stand. Height, 834, inches CARVED GILT IVORY CUP AND COVER OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Shaped as a fountain on four steps; stem composed of four exquis- itely carved putti supporting clouds. Circular member with bowl furnished with ebony petals. The cover with orb finia! and ebony petals. Height, 91% inches CARVED IVORY TANKARD BAVARIAN, 17TH CENTURY The body covered with a representation of a battle of horsemen. Eight figures in Roman armor on horses magnificently caparisoned are carved in bold relief. Scrolled mermaid-body handle. Cover missing. Height, 81% inches ENAMELS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY NUMBERS 535-553 LIMOGES ENAMEL PLAQUE BY PIERRE COLIN FRENCH, 16TH CENTURY Christ on the Cross, Holy Women and Saint. The draperies of deep blue and purple, the monk’s garb of brilliant white against the green ground and the distant view of a river and a walled city with moun- tains beyond. Signed “P.C.” In seventeenth century elaborately carved and gilded frame, regilded. Size of plaque, 634, x 514 inches Size of frame, 12 x 1014 wches 129 536 537 538 539 540 LADY’S GOLD AND ENAMEL WATCH BY MALLET PARIS, CIRCA 1790 The back with a small enamelled medallion carefully painted portrait of a maiden in rose colored robes with background of landscape and fountain. Case of red gold with white gold enrichments. Diameter, 114, inches Louis Mallet was clockmaker to the Duc d’Orleans. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | LARGE GOLD AND ENAMEL WATCH SWISS, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The back with a view in the style of Vernet in oval medallion on a bleu-de-roi ground. Face showing the movement in opening with broad band of gold and narrow dial with Arabic numerals in black. Strike movement imitating the sound of church bells. Diameter, 214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] GOLD AND ENAMEL WATCH BY PATRON GENEVA, CIRCA 1775 Excellent example in two cases, the outer of red enamel and gold simulating tortoise shell. The inner with a back finely engraved and furnished with an enamel medallion of excellent workmanship of a court lady in an interior. Rim of marquasite with brilliants. Por- celain face signed by the maker and with black numerals and original hands set with brilliants. The interior contains an eighteenth cen- tury Milanese maker’s advertisement. Diameter, 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] GOLD, ENAMEL AND PEARL ENRICHED LARGE WATCH BY LUDOVIC BORDIER GENEVA, CIRCA 1785 The dial framed by a ring mounted with fine pearls with an inner rim of blue enamel. The back an enamel plaque of Hero and Leander framed in white enamels, slightly chipped. Double row of fine pearls. Exquisitely enamelled stem and ring; original hands. Hinged outer case with gold ring. Diameter, 214, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] RED AND GOLD ENAMEL AND GOLD BULLS-EYE WATCH BY BASTIEN PARIS, CIRCA 1770 The back and rim with intricately interlaced arabesques on a ground simulating red tortoise shell. Porcelain face with black numerals with original hands. Strike movement. Diameter, 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] 130 DAL 542 [NUMBER 536] [NUMBER 537] [NUMBER 538] [NUMBER 539] [NUMBER 540] [NUMBER 541] FINE GOLD AND ENAMEL WATCHES GOLD AND ENAMEL WATCH | SWISS, CIRCA 1795 The back with a remarkably fine representation of shepherd and shepherdess against a gros-bleu enamel ground with gold waves as clouds. Enamel face with Arabic numerals. Enamelled stem. Diameter, 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GOLD MOUNTED AND ENAMEL WATCH BY WILLIAM ILBURY LONDON, CIRCA 1820 The back with a miniature of two children in rose, orange and blue with fruit basket of grape clusters; frame of gold outlined enamel arabesques on a gros-bleu ground with delicate fillets. Richly enam- elled stem and rim. Enamelled face with original gold hands. Richly furnished movement. Diameter, 21 inches 543 545 546 547 GOLD AND ENAMEL PEARL MOUNTED WATCH BY D. F. AUBERT GENEVA, CIRCA 1820 The face and back with two circles mounted with fine pearls, the back with a superbly painted miniature of a garden flower group on a gros-bleu enamel ground; the interior with an enamel picture of a landscape with children on a swing, a woman playing a harp, the movements of the gold figures controlled by a spring device. Between the circles a rim enamelled with meanders in the colors of the miniature. Handle with enrichments of fine pearls and enamel. Porcelain face with black numerals. Diameter, 214, inches GOLD WATCH BY LOUIS BREGUET FRENCH, MID-19TH CENTURY The back elaborately chased with the arms of Prince Nikita of Mon- tenegro. With repeating and striking movement. Marked “Breguet” on porcelain face and on cover of movement. Diameter, 2 inches GOLD MOUNTED AND ENAMEL WATCH WITH FINE PEARLS BY WILLIAM ILBURY LONDON, CIRCA 1810 The back with an allegorical representation: two figures, a child plac- ing a basket of flowers at her hero’s tomb, in bright enamels on a black ground. Frame of fine pearls of which one is missing. The inner cover finely engraved. Richly furnished movement. Porcelain face with black numerals framed with fine pearls, complete setting; wavy band of fine pearls furnish the centre and the stem, which is blue enamelled and finely engraved in gold. Diameter, 414, inches GOLD MOUNTED AND ENAMELLED WATCH WITH FINE PEARLS, ATTRIBUTED TO LEONARD JUST LONDON, 1790-1825 Made for the Chinese market. The back a beautifully painted minia- ture portrait of a European-Chinese maiden in brilliant garments, background of landscape and pagoda; surrounded by circle of fine pearls. Another furnishes the enamel face with black numerals; centre member enamelled to simulate tortoise shell with mosaic of fine pearls and gold rosettes. The stem and ring also furnished with pearls. The movement entirely of steel under glass. Enamel slightly chipped. Diameter, 214 inches GOLD WATCH IN DOUBLE CASE BY ELLICOTT LONDON, 1792 The outer case with two bands of pierced Renaissance arabesques with the same design repeated on the body of the watch. Striking bell movement for each quarter. London hall marks for 1792. Diameter, 2 inches Edward Ellicott & Sons, worked at 17 Sweeting’s Alley, Cornhill, 1783-1810. 182 548 549 550 551 552 553 JEWELLED GOLD WATCH BY MICALLEF & GIGLIO MALTA, CIRCA 1780 A very fine watch. The back with a superb two-handled urn studded with rubies and pearls; fine guilloche border also jewelled. Rims with delicate chasing. White porcelain face with red numerals. Diameter, 134, inches LADY’S RED AND WHITE GOLD WATCH BY AUTRAN PARIS, CIRCA 1780 The back with trophies in reserves on a reeded ground engraved with wreath. Original hands. Diameter, 134, inches LADY’S WATCH OF GOLD BY MOILLIET GENEVA, CIRCA 1790 The outer case of red gold and white gold with a reserve of emblems. The porcelain face with original hands. Diameter, 134, inches GOLD MOUNTED ENAMELLED BROOCH PARIS, 1810 Frame of gold laurel wreaths with berries of lapis. Husk border of bleu-celeste and inner border of bleu-de-roi. Enamelled landscape with figure of a maiden seated under a tree with a basket of flowers. Very delicate and perfect workmanship. Size, 2 x 114 inches ENAMELLED GOLD AND JEWELLED NECKLACE GEORGIAN, 18TH CENTURY Composed of nine roses of pure gold leaf, the centres brilliantly enamelled with floral groups surrounding a star of blue and green and a circle of fine pearls as mounts of cabochon stones. One stone missing. Length, 17 inches TWO SOLID GOLD ARMLETS GEORGIAN, LATE 18TH CENTURY Cylindrical with open backs, each richly chased with a reserve of two love birds perched on a rose bush and flanked by flower urns and other reserves perpendicularly placed. (2) Weight, 9 ounces 133 5d4 555 556 557 FRENCH AND FLEMISH FURNITURE NUMBERS 554-565 TWO OF A SET OF SIX CRIMSON AND GOLD LEATHER HIGH CHAIRS FLEMISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY The arched tall backs decorated with a princely crown above mono- gram and borne by two Chinese lions perched upon the branches of floriated arabesques in gold and India ink. The seats are similarly painted with a design of peony arabesques forming ogives. Sturdy nail trimming. The frames (restored) are of the baluster type with uncommon interlaced S scrolled front rails. (2) To be sold with the option of the two following lots. TWO OF A SET OF SIX CRIMSON AND GOLD LEATHER HIGH CHAIRS FLEMISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. (2) TWO OF A SET OF SIX CRIMSON AND GOLD LEATHER HIGH CHAIRS FLEMISH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. One seat repaired. (2) TWO LOUIS QUATORZE CARVED AND GILDED TORCHERES FRENCH, CIRCA 1700 In the spirit of Daniel Marot. Resting on tripods of boldly voluted scrolls; the stems of the fretted urn member, from which rise hexagonal shafts, carved in low relief with husk pendants and crowned by capitals of an uncommon festooned design with round and oblong tassels. Carved circular members holding the bobeche. Orig- inal gilding. (2) Height, 4 feet 11 inches LARGE CIRCULAR TAPESTRY BANQUETTE THE TAPESTRY, FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Gilded stool of generous proportions in the Louis XVI style profusely carved with a variety of Greek members. Covered with a circular panel of Aubusson tapestry of very fine quality, composed of an acanthus frame forming a reserve of floral bouquet interlaced with floral garlands and forming a reserve for a bouquet of garden flowers naturalistically colored on a grey ground. The outer ground of a rich sky-blue. Diameter, 27 inches 134 559 560 561 562 LOUIS QUATORZE NEEDLEWORK HIGH-BACK ARMCHAIR The back in a framed reserve with a petit point picture of two court ladies in magnificent flowing garments with feathered headdresses, flanking a fruit-laden tree on which is perched a bird with gay plumage. The seat with animals and birds among flowered foliage. Gros point outer frame of Persian arabesques on a dark brown ground. Fine frame on voluted scrolled supports with moulded converging stretchers, shell enriched, and scrolled arms and armrests with strap and acanthus ornamentation. LOUIS QUATORZE NEEDLEWORK HIGH-BACK ARMCHAIR Frame harmonizing with the preceding. The back with a petit point picture in a reserve of two handsomely garbed youthful personages as shepherd and shepherdess, the figures being particularly well drawn. The seats with storks at flight. The reserves are surrounded by gros point arabesques. The needlework repaired. LOUIS QUINZE CHAISE LONGUE (DUCHESSE EN BATEAU) OF WALNUT COVERED WITH EIGHTEENTH CENTURY LAMPAS A fine nineteenth century replica of an eighteenth century chaise longue with high-bowed back and low-bowed end, carved and scrolled arms, arched serpentined and carved rails and carved cabriole sup- ports. Loose down cushion and one head cushion covered with a rare and finely preserved Louis Seize lampas woven with fruit baskets, croups of emblems and Persian arabesques in silver-grey on a sky-blue ground. Length, 5 feet 6 inches MARQUETRY BOOKCASE OF THE RESTAURATION PERIOD FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Tall cupboard, the front with two glazed doors veneered with bands of tulip and rosewood and panels of parquetry of rosewood, holly and ebony, the glazed sections and marquetry panels framed by elaborately chased bronze baguettes. The returns with large parquetry panels of holly and ebonized wood and stiles of tulipwood; similar metal mounts. The cornice with broad panelled sections of rosewood herringbone veneer and bronze mask; the stiles with rounded half pilasters with metal appliques. Four book shelves with marquetry bases. Height, 6 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 135 wiaaew [NUMBER 563] 568 CARVED WALNUT BUFFET ORIGINALLY A RENAISSANCE TABERNACLE BURGUNDIAN, 16TH CENTURY In four parts, the lower section composed of three columnar pedestals each forming the arched portico of a palace, the engaged columns with Corinthian capitals copiously carved with grapevine in low relief. The arches are supported by fluted Doric balusters to which are engaged on the onlooker’s side winged seraph caryatides. The moulded archi- trave with rosetted dies and grapevine carving. The broad moulded plinth carved with Renaissance ornaments in panels. The centre section is open at the back while the side sections have panelled and finely carved backings. Above the centre section is placed a superbly carved cabinet with four arches flanked by female caryatides on stelae with bold reed enrichments in high relief which are crested by delicately carved winged amours upon cartouches. A great wealth of festoons and other carvings contribute to the furnishing of frieze and stiles. Height, 71 inches; length, 80 inches 136 564 565 566 MAHOGANY CHEST-ON-CHEST AMERICAN, CIRCA 1790 Equipped in the upper and lower parts with two small and six long drawers of fine figured mahogany furnished with chased oval brass bail handles of rosette pattern. The chamfered corners of the upper part veneered in figured maple. The base is cut in graceful curves and embellished with inlaid maple banding. Flaring moulded cornice. Has some restorations. A very attractive piece. Height, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 5 inches Purchased by Mr. Kaplan during his travels in America. REGENCE TAPESTRY WALNUT ARMCHAIR FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The shaped shield-back with moulded and carved show-wood covered with Flemish tapestry of contemporary weave with unusual still life composition of a spaniel among fruit and flowers. The seat a still life of an urn with clusters of fruit and giant flower. Colors of rich greens, scarlet and golden-tans on a cream ground. Carved scrolled arms; scrolled cabrioles and shell-crested front rail. CONTINENTAL SILVER NUMBERS 566-579 DRAGEOIR OF VERMEIL FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY Tall covered cup on elaborately conceived base with members chased with monsters and scrolls. Shells of St. John supporting an urn with four rams’ head protrusions and mermaid-body brackets. The bowl intricately chased with interlaced strap-work scrolls and other Renaissance ornaments. The elaborately chased cover has a pierced member of excellent workmanship and bears as a finial the figure of a warrior bearing a shield with an eighteenth century engraving of coronet and the monogram “GR” (Georgius Rex). Weight about 23 ounces Height, 1614 inches 137 567 568 [NUMBER 567] [NUMBER 568] [NUMBER 567] TWO SILVER EWERS AND A SILVER HANAP TWO SILVER EWERS RUSSIA, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Globular bodies, ornamented with deeply moulded tulips. The long three-membered necks with archaically engraved rings. Scrolled handles. The bottom with silver coins of Peter the Great. (2) Weight about 34 ounces Height, 14 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | SILVER HANAP COPENHAGEN, 17TH CENTURY The stem with roses in high relief and intricate leaf work surround- ing the bottom of cylindrical cup ornamented with bold gadroons and panels with finely engraved fruit festoons. Weight about 14 ounces Height, 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 138 569 570 572 573 SILVER CHALICE AUGSBURG, LATE 16TH CENTURY On a stand composed of an urn with mask-crested festoon, moulded base traced and repoussé; cup on baluster stem clamped by agraffes. Harmonious Renaissance conception. Weight, 16 ounces Height, 10 inches SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD BY SAMUEL LINSE FREIBURG, CIRCA 1700 Cylindrical body repoussé with a history of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. In the centre, the Queen seated with crown and sceptre; to the left a winged seraph, and to the right the youthful Saint with her symbol; wooded background. Plinth chased with a running border, a gar- land with fortresses, churches and monasteries. Dome cover sim- ilarly enriched; the top with the profile portrait of Emperor Leopold the Second. Moulded handle. Weight about 27 ounces Height, 8 inches SILVER TANKARD Cylindrical body with engraved bulbous supports rising from leaf composition worked in repoussé in cartouche and at both sides many letters. Elaborately repousséd cover with a commemorative coin sil- ver-gilt. The scrolled handle with graceful mask termination and lion perched upon silver ball as finial. Weight about 22 ounces Height, 7 inches SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) CORPORATION GOBLET (DRAGEOIR) BY CHRISTIAN BIER FREIBURG, 1647-1697 The bowl in the form of a compressed bulb with bold repoussé and engraved lobes with shell ornamentation; on vase-shaped three- handed member and base shaped as an inverted chalice. Nielloed silver-leaf enrichments which also appear on cover beneath double eagle of gold. Weight about 16 ounces Height, 13 inches BAMBERG SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD 17TH CENTURY Cylindrical body divided into three reserves by bold fruit pendants with amorini head enrichments. The reserves depict in masterly workmanship the Annunciation, Birth of Christ, etc. The cover with amorini recumbant and perched upon leaves; acanthus border. Weight about 37 ounces Height, 7 inches 139 574 575 576 577 SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD AUGSBURG, CIRCA 1685 Cylindrical, decorated in high alto-relievo repoussé with four figures symbolizing the seasons. Excellent workmanship. Incised back- ground of a landscape with trees; circular plinth with acanthus; domed cover with broad rim, acanthus member and urn finial. Prob- ably by Johann Heinrich Mannlich, 1660-1718. Weight about 32 ounces Height, 714 inches UNICORN CUP OF SILVER-GILT NUREMBERG, 17TH CENTURY Unicorn on a grassy plinth, with lizards and frogs, with its front legs perched upon a shield with arms. Leaf-shaped bowl with hand- some chasings of sunflowers and leaf with scalloped edge crested by a dragon handle. Weight about 13 ounces Height, 9 inches SMALL SILVER-GILT WATCH HOLDER SWISS, 17TH CENTURY An exquisite object with fine sculptural detail. The rectangular case profusely engraved with scrolls and furnished with nude statuettes in niches and applications of heads in relief. The plinth with a seated statuette with animal feet. The dome with a horseman on a spirited charger downing an enemy. The returns with trophies in low relief. Clock-face of later addition surrounded by garnets. Hands missing. Height, 614 inches IMPORTANT SILVER EWER (AIGUIERE) FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY Urn-shaped, the front a reserve with rosetted frame depicting an Alexander battle; elaborately interlaced fruit laden branches. Plinth chased with husk arabesques. The graceful neck with a vestal head mask and outcurved lip; serpent handle with elaborate mask en- riched and voluted termination. Weight about 28 ounces Height, 141% inches 140 578 579 [NUMBER 578] [NUMBER 579] SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARDS SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD HAMBURG, SECOND HALF 17TH CENTURY Superb example. The cylindrical body with buccolic compositions of nine youthful figures; a goat, a dog, executed in repoussé of nielloed silver. Background a wooded landscape in low relief. Base and cover with rocaille scrolls. Finial of a boy-general on horse- back. Superb handle with animal grotesque and cartouche. Weight, 72 ounces Height, 12 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD HAMBURG, 17TH CENTURY Large cylindrical body repoussé with bold carnation arabesques, floriated plinth. Cover similarly enriched. The uncommonly voluted handle with fine carved finial enriched with antefix. Weight about 38 ounces Height, 814 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 141 580 581 SNUFF AND PATCH BOXES AND BONBONNIERES WATCHES AND CLOCKS NUMBERS 580-603 [NUMBER 580] TRIANGULAR SILVER-GILT AND PORCELAIN SNUFF BOX FRENCH, 1770-1780 Box of a Mason. Delightfully decorated on exterior and interior, the cover with a crowned nude statuette holding a horn of plenty, her arm leaning on a socle with inscription ‘‘Le Grand Art de Se Taire”’ (The Great Art of Secrecy) and Masonic emblems. The interior with a richly clothed Mason standing full length in an interior with his symbols. The bowl on three sides with enchantingly painted out- door scenes with pastorales of gayly painted figures, architecture and coaching. The bottom with three birds holding a triangle and the inscription “Trois au Veritable”’ (Three to the Right One). Silver- gilt mounts delicately chased. Width, 4 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] ORMOLU MOUNTED PORCELAIN SNUFF BOX GERMAN, 1760-1770 Meissen porcelain probably by Kaendler with landscapes and figures in the taste of Moreau le jeune, and with floral groups. The decora- tion of very fine quality. Elaborate engraved ‘“Pinchbeck” mounts. Size, 4 x 8 inches 142 582 583 [NUMBER 583] [NUMBER 584] [NUMBER 585] [NUMBER 586] IMPORTANT GOLD AND ENAMEL SNUFF BOXES TORTOISE SHELL SNUFF BOX WITH MINIATURE BY AUGUSTIN RITT RUSSIAN, CIRCA 1790 Miniature on ivory of a family group of three in Louis Seize costumes painted in sepia monochrome with heightenings of colors. The box of rich dark mottled tortoise with husk incrustations of gold, and gold rim. Augustin Ritt was born in St. Petersburg in 1769; became a pupil of Vincent; exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1792. Celebrated for his portrait of Empress Catherine of Russia. He was painter to the Russian court. Size, 234, inches square GOLD MOUNTED ENAMEL SNUFF BOX PARIS, CIRCA 1785 With plaques of semi-translucent enamel with opaque stripes of bleu- de-roi and stripes of silver-grey with crimson holly branches. The stiles with opaque bleu-de-roi plaques. Handsome mounts of red and white gold with green enamel leaves and husk borders. Size, 334 x 134 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 143 584 585 587 GOLD MOUNTED TRANSLUCENT ENAMEL SNUFF BOX BY DEVIGNE PARIS, CIRCA 1785 Rectangular oblong case with six plaques of multicolored transparent enamel, each plaque illustrating the story of Telemachus; the top and bottom with the arrival at Calypso’s Island; figures in gorgeous robes, ships with canopies and sails; background of a city with col- umnar temples. The sides with smaller panel; all framed by meand- ers of black, white and gold. The ground of the enamel plaques is of rich translucent ribbed gold reflecting the daylight in a most unexpected manner. Delicate gold mounts finely chased. Gold lined. Size, 334, x 134, inches Devigne was known as expert chemist in the art of vitrification of enamels. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ENAMELLED GOLD SNUFF BOX WITH THE MINIATURE OF THE GRAND CONDE 7 PARIS, CIRCA 1790 Oblong rectangular case handsomely engraved on all sides with Greek ornaments and with reticulated panels intricately chased. The cover with a miniature of the Grand Condé surrounded by laurel wreaths of white gold. Gold lined. Cover protected by crystal. Size, 314 x 134, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GOLD SNUFF BOX WITH ENAMEL MINIATURE SWISS, CIRCA 1810 The rich mount of red and white gold and silver with rose garlands and scrolls in high relief. The bottom with similarly treated Renais- sance vase ornaments in broad band surrounding a panel engraved with diapers. The cover a Swiss landscape with lake, snow mountains and figures. Size, 84% x 214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] VIEUX SAXE SILVER MOUNTED PATCH BOX GERMAN, SECOND HALF 18TH CENTURY Shaped as a cachepot and covered with a brilliant purplish-rose enamel and with finely painted reserves in the style of Carl Vernet. Enrichment of gold. Moulded silver cover of nineteenth century addition. Size, 234 x 214 inches 144 588 589 590 591 592 594 BATTERSEA ENAMEL SNUFF BOX ENGLISH, CIRCA 1780 The cover with a delightfully painted miniature after a seventeenth century Dutch master, with figures and animals in landscape sur- rounded by relief scrolls. The four sides with martial trophies in India ink monochrome. Engraved silver-gilt mounts. Size, 314, x 234, inches OBLONG GOLD SNUFF BOX PARIS, CIRCA 1810 With rounded corners; enriched with water-wave mouldings in white gold; finely reeded panels on all sides; fluted dies. Size, 814 x 114, wiches GOLD AND ENAMEL WATCH WITH MOVEMENT BY WILLIAM ILBURY LONDON, CIRCA 1840 A handsome case of Swiss workmanship enamelled with festoons and arabesques on a gros-bleu ground. The inner case of gold with finely enamelled stem. Porcelain face with black numerals and second dial. Diameter, 214, inches GOLD AND ENAMEL WATCH WITH MOVEMENT BY LEONARD AND GEORGE JUST LONDON, CIRCA 1835 The case of Swiss workmanship handsomely enamelled with a floral reserve on a ground simulating tortoise shell with gold incrustations. Inner case of gilded copper. The elaborate movement engraved “Just & Son, London”’. Diameter, 214, inches The Justs were renowned watchmakers in early Victorian days. GOLD WATCH WITH STRIKE MOVEMENT BY LEPINE PARIS, SECOND HALF 19TH CENTURY Back with a number of small disks on a finely reeded ground. Diameter, 134, inches PEARL MOUNTED GOLD AND ENAMEL WATCH BY PAN GENEVA, CIRCA 1810 The front and back with circles of fine pearls, the back with an enamel of Venus riding on a dolphin surrounded by winged amours. Finely enamelled ring handle. Diameter, 114, inches GOLD AND JEWELLED LOUIS QUINZE SEAL AND WATCH RING PARIS, 1770 Seal with Mme. du Barry’s Moor with face of onyx, and headdress of gold, set with a ruby and a feather crest in brilliants. Collar of rose-diamonds. Key ring of a gold serpent coiled around a large baroque pearl of brilliant iridescent orient, topped with the matrix of onyx. Necklet of rose-diamonds. 145 595 596 598 GOLD AND ENAMEL WATCH BY EDOUARD JUVET FLEURIER, MID-19TH CENTURY Very fine large watch, the back with a medallion of a savoyard group, a piper and two maidens with a background of snowy mountains. Rich borders of crimson and gold enamels. Enamelled handle with delicate ring. Porcelain face with black numerals. Diameter, 214, inches [NUMBER 596] LARGE GOLD SNUFF BOX PARIS, CIRCA 1820 Elaborately chased on all sides, the top with shell border enclosing a picture in low and high relief of platinum representing a deer hunt. The bottom with lions’ masks in corners with Greek ornaments in profusion. Gold lined. Size, 334, x 3 inches IMPORTANT GOLD WATCH BY JEAN LOUIS MARE GENEVA, CIRCA 1790 Large case, the exterior with engraved borders and the Masonic emblem. The interior cover with engraved border and the inscrip- tion “Jean Louis Mare’. The movement is particularly handsome with superb watchback and engraved border. Broad member in centre, slightly indented. Enamel face with Arabic numerals. Diameter, 214, inches GOLD BULLS-EYE WATCH BY MATARD, DIJON FRENCH, CIRCA 1790 The back with red and yellow gold with a reserve of emblems and festoons in medallion. Original hands. Diameter, 134, inches 146 599 600 601 602 GOLD AND ENAMEL WATCH BY ROMILLY PARIS, CIRCA 1780 Lady’s watch, the case with circular enamelled medallion of maiden in rose and white with emblems of love. Gros-bleu border. The body finely engraved with husk sprays. The face of porcelain with black numerals, original hands, surrounded by narrow band of marquasite. Chain and watch key of excellent workmanship. Slight defects. Diameter, 114, inches LADY’S GOLD AND ENAMEL WATCH GENEVA, CIRCA 1810 With simple plain gold mount, the back a miniature, a pastorale of two youthful maidens, one holding a harp; fine gros-bleu border enriched with gold. Porcelain face. Delicate ring. Diameter, 114, inches RED AND WHITE GOLD LADY’S WATCH BY JEAN BAPTISTE BAILLON PARIS, CIRCA, 1770 The back with musical emblems and trees in two-tone gold. Borders of interlaced meanders and husk finely engraved. Original gold hands on enamelled face with black numerals. Diameter, 134, inches Jean Baptiste Baillon was “horloger” to Queen Marie Leczinska and later to Marie Antoinette. ORMOLU JEWELLED COACH CLOCK BY GEORGE MARGETTS LONDON, CIRCA 1785 A remarkable clock by a great master. The case of exceedingly fine workmanship with two broad bands of pierced arabesques and fan motifs and narrow fillets of rubies and fine pearls. The back with a circle of translucent blue enamel imaginatively figured. The por- celain dial in four circles, one for hours, song and dance, chime and watchback of very elaborate pattern. The back of the movement painted with a landscape japanned. Diameter, 334, inches George Margetts by his originality of conception embodied in exact and well finished mechanism, must be ranked with the masters. He was admitted as a member of the Clockmakers’ Company in 1779 and carried on business at 21, King Street, Cheapside. Watches by him with complicated dial work are in the British and Guildhall Museums. As the cost of these watches must have been very great, one is inclined to think they were probably ordered for presentation by some wealthy corporation. See Britten, “Old Clocks and Watches and Their Makers’, 2nd Edition, Page 358. 147 603 604 605 606 607 ORMOLU MOUNTED BISCUIT DE SEVRES MANTEL CLOCK OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, CIRCA 1795 The centre an oblong case of blue and white bisque with rose fes- toons at rounded ends; the front with an octagonal moulded and protruding reserve holding clock face with finely engraved ormolu frame. The base of bisque with two reeded and rounded panels of ormolu and one centre panel of a Greek ornament with birds upon a fountain, antefix and leaves. The clock is crested by the figure of a young woman in Directoire costume playing a vielle (hurdy-gurdy) with engraved ormolu strap, seated on a large armchair in the reo- Greek taste. Her foot rests cn a banquette of blue enamel bisque with ormolu frame. Minor ormolu ornaments missing, also pendu- lum and key. Maker unknown. Height, 19 inches; width, 13 inches CHINESE PORCELAINS AND ENAMELS NUMBERS 604-613 SIXTEEN-INCH POWDER-BLUE PLAQUE KANG HSI A very fine example. Decorated in centre reserve with a Chinese village and gardens, a boating party to the right. Eight border re- serves of landscapes with figures in the colors of the famille verte. All these medallions on a deep powder-blue ground semé with de- tached and continuous floral gold enrichments. Diameter, 16 inches IMPORTANT SEMI-EGGSHELL FAMILLE ROSE PLAQUE YUNG CHENG Peonies, mayflowers and bamboo in rose, green and white enamels; border of eight reserves decorated with rose lotus. Diameter, 131% inches TWO POWDER-BLUE PLATES WITH FIVE RESERVES KANG HSI Two fan-shaped, two oblong and one circular reserves with formal or conventionalized floral groups on a powder-blue ground. (2) Diameter, 834, inches PAIR OF PLATES WITH THE THOUSAND BUTTERFLIES CHIEN LUNG A rare pair in five enamels with heightenings of gold. The borders with four reserves. (2) Diameter, 914 inches 148 608 609 610 611 [NUMBER 608] PAIR OF FAMILLE VERTE PLAQUES KANG HSI The centres decorated in large circles with birds in flowered trees and at flight, in green, red and rouge d’or. Two narrow borders, one with detached flower branches, the other with reserves of flowers and birds and band continuing the decoration of centres. (2) Diameter, 14 inches FOURTEEN-INCH FAMILLE VERTE PLAQUE KANG HSI The centre with an uncommon design of a bamboo basket of flowers in five brilliant colors, with beribboned stem. Border with six small reserves painted with flowers and conventional asters in red, yellow and aubergine with green stems and leaves. Diameter, 14 inches UNCOMMONLY TALL FAMILLE VERTE BOWL KANG HSI With four reserves of landscapes and with gay green and red stripes. Cut velvet pattern on rim with reserves of the one hundred antiques. The bottom of the interior with a landscape and border similar to the exterior. Height, 7 inches; diameter, 131% inches COVERED WINE COOLER TUNG CHE Bulbous pot, interestingly decorated with the scene of a business counsel, eight figures, gentlemen and ladies in the costumes of rich Chinese merchants and their wives; a general on a piebald horse and two standard bearers; a young woman looking over a balus- trade in a medallion. The reverse with gentleman following her example. Decoration in famille verte colors. Cooler with fish at bottom and cover with Foo dog. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 634, inches 149 [NUMBER 612] [NUMBER 613] [NUMBER 612] 612 VERY UNCOMMON PAIR OF PEKIN ENAMEL TEAPOTS AND A ROSE-BACK DISH CHIEN LUNG VERY UNCOMMON PAIR OF PEKIN ENAMEL TEAPOTS CHIEN LUNG Globular bodies with straight upturned spouts and three high taper- ing supports. Decoration of large and small floral medallions in five colors on cream copper enamel. Original covers fastened with chains. Bearing the Imperial seals. (2) Height, 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] ROSE-BACK DISH CHIEN LUNG A family group of three figures, the young ladies in purple and canary-yellow kimonos, the old father in blue, the child in crimson to the right. Interesting detail of bamboo furniture, porcelain stand and jar. Purple diapered border with four floral reserves. Diameter, 9 inches Plate showing exactly the same design as illustrated in W. G. Gulland’s “Chinese Porcelain’, Vol. II, Page 434, No. 745. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 150 614 615 616 617 CONTINENTAL SILVER, SILVER-GILT AND CRYSTALS NUMBERS 614-624 SILVER, SILVER-GILT AND COPPER CHALICE GERMAN, EARLY 16TH CENTURY On a flower-shaped stand with globular centre member enriched with sections of floriated and fleur-de-lis arabesques of silver-gilt. And in the base four circular silver plaques with pictures of Saints, exquisitely etched on a nielloed ground. Silver medallions of equal beauty, but on smaller scale found on the centre member. Height, 9 inches SILVER AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) HANAP FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY Shaped as the boot of a huntress. Covered with relief ornamenta- tion of hunter and huntress on horseback, holding falcons among a profusion of voluted acanthus arabesques. Spur with fleur-de-lis wheel. Weight about 13 ounces Height, 634, inches; length, 71% inches SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) CASSOLETTE AUGSBURG, LATE 17TH CENTURY After De Cerceau. Perfume burner of pure Renaissance design, cylindrical body with outcurved borders, with meander ornamenta- tion and members in relief incised with rosetted guilloche on three claw and ball supports. A hood on four scrolled brackets supporting a pinnacle on delicately moulded mermaid bodies. With English hall marks of importation. Weight about 37 ounces Height, 16 inches This piece has apparently undergone modification at the hand of a London silversmith whose mark ‘‘C & C’’ is stamped on it. The ex- tent of the modification, however, is difficult to determine. SMALL RENAISSANCE MARRIAGE COFFER OF ENGRAVED STEEL WITH SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) MOUNTS FRENCH, EARLY 16TH CENTURY A very uncommon objet de vertu. A wooden casket covered with finely engraved steel plaques which are furnished with Gothic tree patterns and flamboyant strap hinge designs. The face with Gothic letters in medallions. Twin dragon handle and an alligator head to serve as latch. Height, 2 inches; width, 414, inches 151 618 619 620 [NUMBER 618] [NUMBER 619] [NUMBER 620] SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) AND IVORY TANKARDS SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD BY PETER ROHDE DANZIG, CIRCA 1680 Cylindrical with four fruit festoons suspended under acanthus mem- ber. Leaf and fleurette enriched plinth; the cover with rosette cresting. Weight about 23 ounces Height, 714 inches IVORY TANKARD WITH SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) MOUNTS BY MALEZ WARSAW, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The ivory tankard carved in alto-relievo with a representation of the Sabine women’s abduction; a multitude of figures, warriors, with a background of a Greek temple. The mounts florally repoussé on plinth and triple moulded cover. Handle with Hermes body finial. Height, 81% inches IVORY AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) TANKARD PARIS, CIRCA 1701 Superb example of late Renaissance workmanship. The ivory body carved in alto-relievo with a procession of Bacchiec putti surrounding a wine barrel driven by a lioness. There are altogether eleven figures, male and female putti in the composition. Guilloched plinth, richly chased cover with grapevine clusters on finial, and a magnifi- cent handle with Bacchic mask and an inebriated lioness climbing on a vine-clad trunk. Height, 81% inches 152 621 622 623 624 VERMEIL NAUTILUS WITH JEWELLED MOUNTS FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Composed of a shell of mottled pearl engraved in India ink with motifs from the story of Perseus and Andromeda. The shell is mounted on a mermaid body of vermeil, her body enriched with blue enamelled leaves. Diadems of turquoise and fine pearls, pierced tur- quoise armlets and a basket filled with fruit represented by fine pearls. In her arms are green enamelled leaves. The shell is crested by a jeweled dragon. Handle with Minerva bust. Her helmet topped by monster also jewelled. The shell is placed on a stand of a satyr riding a dog. A trumpet and a molded plinth intricately en- graved. The satyr with wristlets of blue enamel and pearl pendant. The horn with garnets and turquoises. Height, 18 inches HEAVY VERMEIL CHALICE FLEMISH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Fine Renaissance form of urn-shaped stem enriched with winged amorini heads and acanthus. The plinth panelled and furnished with engraved winged cherub heads. The bowl with pierced acanthus leaves. Weight about 37 ounces Height, 10 inches CRYSTAL GLASS TANKARD WITH SILVER COVER GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY Cylindrical body engraved with sun-bursts, stars, and bulls-eyes. Silver mount with coin insert of silver-gilt, the outer side showing a horse without rider and the inscription ‘“Expecto parat rectorem’’. On the inner side masonic emblems with the inscriptions “cave fictus fallit amictus”. A later owner’s mark on the handle, dated 1812. Two hall marks. Height, 8 inches SILVER MOUNTED AND ENGRAVED CRYSTAL GLASS TANKARD BREMEN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY Slightly tapering cylindrical form, engraved with a heart-shaped flower vase in centre with motto and floral sprays. Cover with coin of the Republic of Bremen. Handle with fluted urn-shaped finial. Height about 9 inches 153 PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE NUMBERS 625-650 CHRISTIAN VAN KOUWENBERG DUTCH, 1604-1667 625 EAST INDIAMEN IN PORT The foreground with an inn, tables surrounded by a crowd of jovial seamen, musicians, and dancers. Women in tight-fitting bodices of scarlet, brown, and blue. Another, more demure, in robe of black and brown. From a balcony flows the banner of the Province. At the right, harbour with merchantmen and men-of-war at anchor, row boats, and sailing ship. In an eighteenth century gesso frame. Height, 40 inches; width, 70 inches Kouwenberg was court painter to the Prince of Orange. He executed works in the Chateau of Ryswick, and the Palace in the Wood. ALESSANDRO LONGHI VENETIAN, 1726-1790 626 SELF PORTRAIT Bust portrait, with long wavy hair framing his searching counten- ance. He is dressed in an apricot velvet jacket with lace jabot and ruffs. A brilliant crimson cloak is thrown over his shoulders. In his right hand, he holds a gold-mounted cane. Carved frame of later date. Size, 30 x 24 inches 154 AMORINI AT PLAY BY FRANCESCO ALBANI [NUMBER 627] FRANCESCO ALBANI BOLOGNA, 1578-1660 627 AMORINI AT PLAY A group of dancing putti stepping to the music of a violin and trumpet. Inspired by Raphael’s Putti at the Vatican. Flesh tints painted with life-like brilliance and giving this small masterpiece an unexpected force of far-carrying relief. A wreath of coral beads is Suspended above the group of playing children. In panel. Bearing seal of Joseph Bonaparte. Size, 1614 x 2214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 155 628 629 630 FERDINAND BOL DUTCH, 1611-1681 PORTRAIT OF A LADY WITH SHAWL Bust portrait of an old lady with her head slightly bent. Her hair in a gold bonnet and partly covered by a cape, held together by a jewelled pearl agraffe. Brown background. In a carved and gilded frame. Size, 26 x 2314 inches This picture has long been attributed to Rembrandt. From the Collection of the late Baron Fredericks. UNKNOWN MASTER RUSSIAN, 16TH CENTURY IKON ON PANEL REPRESENTING THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST The composition with great decorative beauty recalling the Byzan- tine masters. In the centre foreground the nude figure of Christ with loin cloth, and halo over his head; with a blue background rep- resenting the River Jordan. To the left St. John in fur robes of purple and a brown and green cloak. To the right three angels with curling hair and golden halos, their heads bowed before the Saviour. Background of strangely shaped golden-brown mountains. Size, 51 x"3o tmenes [SEE ILLUSTRATION | HANS ASPER SWISS, 1499-1571 FLIGHT INTO EGYPT Votif panel of decorative beauty. In the centre, the Holy Family, the Virgin and Child dressed in embroidered velvets on a grey mule while St. Joseph appears in flowing garments of crimson, turned towards a group of winged amorini clustered on a group of date palms which they are bending his way. To the left other palm trees and adeer. An outer frame painted in grisaille with musical amorini and others holding clusters of fruit, in the bottom border, emblematic animals and the signature “AAA”’. Contemporary elaborately carved oak frame boldly twisted with a continuous pattern of grapevines. Size, 32 x 3514 inches Hans Asper was the town painter of Zurich. 156 IKON ON PANEL REPRESENTING THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST BY AN UNKNOWN MASTER [NUMBER 629] 631 632 633 RUSSIAN SCHOOL LATE 17TH CENTURY PAINTING ON PANEL, ANNUNCIATION Winged angel on clouds, robed in orange-red and draped with silver- erey against dark green sky. The white shading on the garments displays a particularly interesting treatment. Size, 56 x 62 inches RUSSIAN SCHOOL 17TH CENTURY LARGE IKON ON PANEL Sectional views of a church depicting scenes from the birth of Christ. In the upper right hand corner is the prophet Zacharias writing in his book. In the top centre, the Madonna and Child, both in ornate attitude. Painted in the Byzantine manner of contrasting dark and light tones. Size, 40 x 37 inches ABRAHAM VAN CUYLENBORCH DUTCH. 17TH, CENTURY, MERMAIDS AND TRITONS Bold composition of mermaids and Bacchic tritons in three groups. To the right, on the rocky shore, three nude bodies among water leaves. In the centre, a nymph on a shell-shaped carriage resem- bling a sleigh, towed through the waves by a dolphin with amour, and propelled by the wind spread sail, guided by winged amours. Other water creatures and amorini with festoons tumbling through the air. Cloudy vaporous sky. Canvas. Frame of later addition. Size, 4214 x 55 inches 158 AFTER DURER TYROLEAN 634 BOXWOOD CARVING 635 637 A very skillful replica of the celebrated Diirer plate, ‘‘The Coat of Arms of the Death” in the style of the early Renaissance. In a handsomely carved frame flanked by winged mermaid bodies as ear brackets; festoon of banderoles forming a pediment with enrichment of a rose-carved urn. The base carved with masks and fruit cornu- copie. Height, 22 inches; width, 17 inches PAINTING FROM A POLYPTYCH CATALAN, 15TH CENTURY Representing the evangelical Prophet Isaiah. He is dressed in royal robes of an Oriental ruler with a crimson and gold cloak over his shoulders. Latin inscriptions on banderoles. Gilded with sgrafito tracery. Painted in distempers on panel. Size, 27 x 241% inches PAINTING FROM A POLYPTYCH CATALAN, 15TH CENTURY Similar to the preceding. Representing the Prophet Jeremiah. In royal robes of an Oriental ruler with a rose-purple cloak falling over his shoulders. He wears a jewelled turban of white silk over crim- son velvet. Latin inscriptions on banderoles and gilded background with leaf tracery. Painted in distempers on panel. Size, 27 x 2414 inches IN THE MANNER OF RIBERA SPANISH-ITALIAN, 17TH CENTURY MONASTIC MENDICANT A monk in dark brown cowl, with staff in his hand, holds a parch- ment inscribed “Charitas” in the other, and gazes heavenward. Very fine and realistic portrayal of the facial type, which shows dis- tinct Ribera influence. Size, 8014, x 25 inches 159 638 639 640 641 IN THE MANNER OF NICOLAS POUSSIN FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA The classic figure of Andromeda chained by her wrists against a dark bluff, while her rescuer, Perseus, comes galloping through the air on his flying horse. A gracefully stylized dragon spouts wrath- fully at him. Canvas. In a handsome carved Louis XVI frame richly gilded with meandered and festooned pediment with cartouche cresting. Size, 1214 x 10 inches IN THE MANNER OF LOUIS LEOPOLD BOILLY FRENCH, 1761-1845 “PORTRAIT OF THEROIGNE DE MERICOURT” An unusual portrait of the revolutionary leader in a tight-fitting bodice of blue with military buttons, over which she wears a soft collar of white net. Her bold features are surrounded by a wealth of white powdered hair crowned by a composition of ribbons and flowers of red, white and blue. Contemporary gilded baguette. Size, 2814 x 241% inches ANTIQUE CYPRIAN MARBLE BUST OF A YOUNG WOMAN With hair in tight formalized waves. Serene classical face with beautifully modeled brow and ears. Lower part of the face restored. Of Pentelic marble. On contemporary dark grey marble pedestal with scarlet mottlings. Height, 15 inches JAN VAN DER HEYDEN DUTCH, 1637-1712 CASTLE ON A CANAL A tall building of seventeenth century architecture with attenuated tower, screened by trees, and approached by a road with horsemen. To the left, a peaceful canal view, with boat and swans. The meticu- lous rendering of the texture of bricks is particularly characteristic of van der Heyden’s art. Canvas. An elaborate carved and gilded Louis Quatorze frame. Size, 14 x 16 inches 160 642 644 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE DUTCH, 1635-1672 WINTER The picture is dominated by a tall structure of dark rose colored brick with a bridge over a frozen river. Finely drawn figures skating. Panel. Contemporary frame of carved wood with 4 jour shell-en- riched spandrels. Size, 10 x 12 inches From the Max Kann Collection, No. 56. IN THE MANNER OF CLAUDE LORRAIN FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY SUNSET IN THE VOSGES A clump of trees screening a shepherd in crimson with his flock of sheep. To the right, a river reflecting the last of the sun rays, and a town beyond. Rich sky of varying tonality. In a frame of more recent date. Size, 18 x 22 inches UNKNOWN MASTER VENETIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY FEAST OF NEBUCHADNEZZAR Picture of barbaric imaginative quality. A banquet of fantastically attired Oriental ladies, tribal chiefs, and kings. In the centre, a huge épergne with gold vessels. The interior a vaulted building with heavy bandings and huge appliques. In the foreground a master of ceremonies directing cortége of negro slaves. The hand appears on the wall pointing at the fatal words. Panel. Contemporary carved and painted frame. Size, 29 x 41 inches 161 645 646 647 648 FRA VITTORE GHISLANDI BERGAMESE, 1655-1743 SHEPHERD WITH BAGPIPE In the centre, on a black horse, with his back turned to the onlooker, a shepherd in scarlet with a jacket of sheep’s wool. Two long pipes of the cornemuse are showing. To the right and left, goats and cattle, and beyond, other figures on horseback, and mountains with round tower and trees. In gilded Empire frame. Size; 15 x19 Mmenes ATTRIBUTED TO ADOLPHE MONTICELLI FRENCH, 1824-1886 MUSICAL PASTORALE IN THE MANNER OF WATTEAU A brilliantly attired group of nobles and courtesans engaged in buc- colics at the banks of a stream with gondolas and swans. Back- ground of a fountain and an arched garden wall. | Contemporary gilded gesso frame. . Size, 7 x 14 inches TWO WASH DRAWINGS (a) Putti at Play, attributed to Honoré Fragonard, French, eight- eenth century. Sepia wash drawing in tinted passepartout. Gilded baguette. Size, 614 x 814 inches (b) Sanguine drawing in the style of Francois Boucher. Group of four putti with emblems. In tinted passepartout, and gilded baguette. piened(F2B7 w(2) Size, 11 x 14 inches From the Collection of Gaston le Roy. ALFRED DEDREUX FRENCH, 1812-1860 THE HUNTERS’ PICNIC A family of four in a coach, followed by a maiden on a white horse are invited to join the repast of a group of jovial red coats. Back- ground of blue mountains and other coaches. In contemporary carved and gilded frame. Size, [Oixc is anence Dedreux was one of the best known horse painters of early nine- teenth century France. 162 JANINET AFTER HUBERT ROBERT FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY 649 VIGNETTE PRINTED IN COLORS Italian architecture in circular medallion with contemporary passe- partout in grey-blue monochrome. Size, 5144 x 514, inches VALENTINE GREEN AFTER VAN DYCK LONDON, 1775 650 MEZZOTINT PORTRAIT OF SIR THOMAS WHARTON In gesso frame of the Empire period. Size, 28 x 21 inches * > - 3 ; * $ * THE DINING ROOM 76 AVENUE MARCEAU, PARIS SHOWING ‘‘MARKET IN TURIN” BY PIETRO LONGHI [NUMBER 782] SATURDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER FOURTH, AT TWO O’CLOCK 651 652 653 654 655 FIFTH SESSION NUMBERS 651-824 MISCELLANEOUS ART OBJECTS NUMBERS 651-653 RARE OLD MINIATURE FRAME WITH DUCAL CORONET ABOVE OVAL WREATH An engraved portrait of Wellington after Isabey, has been placed in its opening. Size, 1114, x 984, inches ETCHING BY REMBRANDT “The Oculist’” In original seventeenth century gesso frame. Size, 814 x7 inches From the Collection of Gaston Le Roy. WOMAN’S BROCADED SILK DRESS RUSSIAN, MID-18TH CENTURY Woven with Louis XV ribbons and bouquets of flowers on a rich salmon-rose ground. Gold galloon. Sufficiently sturdy for furniture covering. Length about 3 yards; width about 31 inches MINIATURES, ORIGINAL DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS NUMBERS 654-671 TWO MINIATURES ON IVORY DUTCH AND GERMAN, 18TH CENTURY (a) Miniature on ivory of a money lender, with the German inscrip- tion, ‘““The old money is good”’’. Silver baguette and gold and filigreed frame. Size, 134, x 114 inches (b) Miniature on ivory dated 1719. In a late eighteenth century oval baguette. (2) Size,5x 414, inches IVORY MINIATURE BY FRANZ XAVIER WINTERHALTER GERMAN, 1805-1873 Miniature portrait of Queen Victoria on ivory in an embroidered lace frock with orange silk; pearl necklace. Size, 314 x 21% inches 165 656 658 659 660 661 IVORY MINIATURE OF THE PRINCE OF WALES ENGLISH, LATE 18TH CENTURY After Gainsborough-Dupont. In contemporary pearwood frame with guilloched gilded bronze baguette. Size with frame, 5144 x 414 inches MINIATURE OF A YOUTH BY ANTOINE BERJON FRENCH, 1764-1843 Half-length portrait of a young man with curling hair in the costume Ole1520: Engraved baguette. Diameter, 3 inches MINIATURE ON IVORY ATTRIBUTED TO LORENZO BALBI ITALIAN, 18TH CENTURY Portrait of Marie Louise of Tuscany with her spaniel. In brass baguette. Size, 21% inches INTERESTING MINIATURE OF FREDERIC CHOPIN FRENCH, CIRCA 1835 Dressed in a blue jacket with white waistcoat and white tie under his high collar. Parted curling hair. His name appears mispelled “Chapon”. His right hand holding a baton. On ivory. Size, 314 x 234 inches LOUIS SEIZE MINIATURE PORTRAIT ON IVORY BY J. BURKMANN DUTCH, LATE 18TH CENTURY Bust portrait of a handsome young woman in red, with long curling hair. In a shrine of tortoise shell inlaid with silver and mother-of-pearl of the early nineteenth century; with silver mounts. J. Burkmann was born in Bavaria in 1761, but spent most of his life in Amsterdam. His work is highly appreciated by Dutch collectors. MINIATURE PORTRAIT ON TORTOISE SHELL OF LORD NELSON BY CHRISTIAN HORNEMANN DANISH, 1765-1844 Three-quarter-length portrait of the young Admiral in scarlet with embroidered collar, ruffs and front. Background of a column and draperies, and a Louis Seize chair. Signed “Ch. Hornemann”’. In fine gold baguette. Size, 314 x 8 inches Christian Hornemann was a celebrated Danish miniature painter. 166 662 663 664 665 TWO MINIATURES ON COPPER OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY REPRESENTING FERDINAND OF AUSTRIA AND HIS WIFE, ANNE OF HUNGARY The Emperor in black velvet with feathered beretto wearing the chain of the Golden Fleece. His wife, in magnificent gold em- broidered velvets, white collar and headdress. In handsome, copiously enriched ormolu frames of later workman- ship. (2) Size, 814 x 614 inches TWO MINIATURES IN THE TENIERS MANNER OF CHARDIN FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Apparently painted for enrichment of furniture. Farm scenes with figures of rustics in enamel tones of crimson, rose, blue and yellow. On panel. Early nineteenth century frames. (2) Size, 10 x 1114 inches MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF CLEMENS PRINCE METTERNICH BY HENRI BENNER FRENCH, 1776-1836 Water color portrait of the statesman in frock coat with red ribbons in his buttonhold, and wearing the order of Marie Therese. Curling white hair with dark side whiskers. Signed “Benner, 1824.” In contemporary frame with finely engraved oval ormolu baguette. Size, 514 x 41% inches Benner was born at Mulhouse, and studied in Paris under Isabey. In 1824, he executed in Russia 24 portraits of the Imperial family and men of prominence. Mulhouse possesses a collection of Benner’s work. TWO MINIATURES ON SILK BY MLLE. MARGUERITE GERARD AFTER FRAGONARD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Delightful little oval portraits of a boy and a girl both dressed in blue, with curling fair hair. Together in one frame. Size of each, 2% x 2 inches 167 CLAUDE JOSEPH VERNET FRENCH, 1714-1789 666 TWO PROVENCAL VIEWS (a) A harbor view, to the left a painter drawing a Roman ruin. (b) A road in a sunny Provencal landscape with Roman column and viaduct. Sepia wash drawings heightened with color. Moulded pearwood frames of later date. (2) Size of each, 23 x 29 inches Claude Joseph Vernet was born at Avignon, Provence, and was celebrated for his French and Italian views. IN THE MANNER OF JEAN BAPTISTE GREUZE FRENCH, 1725-1805 667 SACRED AND PROFANE LOVE Two allegorical studies. Bust portraits of young women with blue beribboned bonnets, long flowing hair falling over their nude shoulders. On panel. In gilded gesso frames of later date. (2) Size, 12 x 1014 inches 168 TWO PROFILE MINIATURE PORTRAITS OF THE JANILLON FAMILY BY VALLIERE [NUMBER 668] VAILLIERE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY 668 TWO PROFILE MINIATURE PORTRAITS OF THE JANILLON FAMILY Colored chalk drawings of Jean Louis Janillon and his wife Marianne Pigalle. Both in crimson and white Louis XVI costumes; dark back- ground. Luminous technique and excellent characterization. Contemporary gesso frames. On the back contemporary inscription giving the names of painter and sitters and the date 10th of July fie MPA Oval, height, 6 inches; width, 5 inches There is little known of Vailliere but the Besancon Museum possesses some excellent drawings in his portraits of the Prince and Princess de Montbarrey. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 169 AGES 670 671 SCHOOL OF LARGILLIERE FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY MADAME DE MONTESPAN POSING AS VENUS In a shell-like gondola of baroque design. A winged amour is leaning on her lap holding a white dove, while another dove is held on a leash. A sketch for a Sedan chair of the Comte de Toulouse. Canvas. In a gilded frame of later date. Height, 24 inches; width, 17 inches AUGUSTE DELACROIX FRENCH, 1812-1864 THE ESCAPE A lovely young lady is trying to reach the door of the farmhouse, leaving a slipper behind in her haste. She is surprised by her mother who emerges from a trap door, while a Zouave threatens her with his fist as he descends the stairs. Rustic interior painted with a delightful appreciation of detail; the figures of excellent drawing and fine characterization. Signed “A. Delacroix, 1846”. Frame of later addition. Size, 18 x 15 inches Delacroix was known for his interiors, and was also a renowned water color painter. J. J. M. ACHILLE DEVERIA FRENCH, 1800-1857 THE REWARD A cavalier is presenting jewels to a belle resting on a Renaissance couch, her mother, or companion, approving of the precious gifts. Costly interior with excellent painting of bright red cloak of the cavalier and shimmering satin gowns of the ladies. Size, 14x11 inches Deveria was a celebrated engraver, designer, and probably the most popular illustrator of his time. He filled the post of conservateur du cabinet des estampes of the Bibliothéque Richelieu, now Biblio- theque Nationale, for a number of years. LeO 672 673 CHINESE AND JAPANESE ART OBJECTS CRYSTALS, AGATES AND JADES NUMBERS 672-682 PAIR OF LACQUER MOUNTED EMBROIDERED HAND FANS CHIEN LUNG Circular panels of silk, embroidered with six figures with painted faces. They are in a garden with pagodas, flowers, etc. Black and gold lacquer frames with pierced handles. The back representing an Emperor receiving in the Summer Palace with a multitude of brilliantly colored figures. (2) PAIR OF LACQUER MOUNTED EMBROIDERED HAND FANS CHIEN LUNG Similar to the preceding. (2) 674 LACQUERED SHRINE JAPANESE, MIDDLE-FUJIWARA Containing a seated Buddha in the preaching attitude, on a thalamus with a carved lotus glory. In front are two seated figures of disciples praying on smaller lotus pedestals. Carved wood, gilded, and heightened with crimson. On a shaped plinth with bronze mount- ings. Doors with pierced and fretted bronze mounts. Height, 17 inches [NUMBER 675] [NUMBER 676] [NUMBER 677] 675 CRYSTAL INCENSE BURNER WITH ORIGINAL COVER 676 677 IN THE MANNER OF CHIEN LUNG Globular body on lion’s claw supports and lion’s mask enrichments. Animal grotesque handles with loose rings. Cover similarly fur- nished and crested with the figure of a carved lion. Height, 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] CRYSTAL KORO WITH ORIGINAL COVER IN THE MANNER OF CHIEN LUNG Globular body on three lion’s feet supports. The neck with animal grotesques and loose ring handles. The conical cover similarly en- riched with a finial carved a jour with a coiled dragon. On carved teakwood stand. Height, 6 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] CRYSTAL VASE WITH ORIGINAL COVER CHIEN LUNG Urn-shaped, the body carved with lizards in low relief on both sides; animal grotesque handles with loose rings. Cover crested by crouch- ing lion. The necks with swastika meander. Remarkable pure white texture. On carved teakwood stand. Height, 44% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 172 678 679 6380 681 [NUMBER 679] [NUMBER 680] [NUMBER 681] FINELY CARVED CHIEN LUNG JADES SATSUMA VASE CIRCA 1825 Panelled decoration of birds and flowers in gold. Delicate French ormolu mounts at top and bottom of the vase. Height, 514, inches From the Collection of Baron Davillier. CARVED GREY AGATE BOX WITH ORIGINAL COVER CHIEN LUNG Carved with mayflower branches in alto relievo. The plain bowl on four tapering supports. Fine translucent texture. Chien Lung sea. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | CARVED PORK FAT JADE ORNAMENT CHIEN LUNG A family of three goats under a clump of trees. Realistic modelling. On carved teakwood stand. Height, 31% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | INDIAN LIGHT GREEN JADE BOX CHIEN LUNG Shaped as a leaf and carved with conventionalized iris; bowl with four spice compartments. Moulded teakwood stand. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 173 CRYSTAL STATUETTE OF BUDDHA MING [NUMBER 682] 682 CRYSTAL STATUETTE OF BUDDHA AT PRAYER MING Seated figure in flowing robes, his headdress crested by a moulded finial. The original stand carved in the form of a lotus bud and bearing the Imperial seal mark. Height with stand, 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 174 683 684 686 687 JEWELRY, ENAMELS, SNUFF BOXES AND PATCH BOXES NUMBERS 683-692 GOLD BACELET WITH ROSE-DIAMOND AND CAMEOS PARIS, CIRCA 1810 Composed of fleur-de-lis and feather-scrolled interlocked rings studded with rose-diamonds and brilliants. Links in two converging compositions. Front with cameos of musical and dancing amorini and mascherons on square dies. GOLD AND ENAMEL BRELOQUE WITH MINIATURE PARIS, LATE 17TH CENTURY A finely enamelled miniature of the Madonna and Child set with emeralds, and crested by a princely crown also set with emeralds. Diameter, 21% inches LIMOGES ENAMEL IN JEWELLED FRAME FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Oval medallion with the picture of the Holy Virgin surrounded by halo, enamelled in blue and rose on a dark brown ground. Elaborate pierced and silvered copper frame set with a multitude of semi- precious stones, rhinestones and crystals in impressive patterns; cresting of a ribbon with an antique cameo. Size, 814 x 514 inches VIEUX SAXE PORCELAIN COSMETIC BOX GERMAN, CIRCA 1760 The cover on exterior and interior and the bow] on all sides enamelled with Lancret groups in brilliant costumes on a lustred white ground. Baroque gold mounts. Size, 214 x 2 inches ORMOLU BONBONNIERE WITH RUBIES, ENAMEL AND PEARLS PARIS, CIRCA 1790 Circular box of gilded bronze copiously chased with neo-Greek orna- ments and interlaced marguerite meanders. The top in a frame of two rows of rubies, a relief picture of mother-of-pearl flower urns with floral groups formed of pearls and rubies and scrolled brackets of graduated fine pearls, on a translucent water-wave patterned bleu-de-roi enamelled ground. Diameter, 21% inches 175 688 689 GOLD MOUNTED TRANSLUCENT ENAMEL BOX WITH MINIATURE PARIS, CIRCA 1775 [NUMBER 688] GOLD MOUNTED TRANSLUCENT ENAMEL BOX WITH MINIATURE PARIS, CIRCA 1775 With five plaques of translucent striped enamel of violet hue; mounts designed in the Greek taste with columnar twin stiles and interlaced borders enamelled in green and set with rubies and opals. The cover representing a scene at the court of Pompadour presented with the treasures of Herculaneum after Marigny’s return. The figures are all dressed in the costumes of the neo-Greek period. Enamels of great wealth of coloring. Gold lined. Size, 4x 214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] TWO SEVRES PORCELAIN PLAQUES BY JULES CHARLES DUBOIS AFTER LAVREINCE FRENCH, 1804-1879 Interiors with figures in Louis XVI costumes, painted with enchant- ing freshness with interesting detail of furnishing: blue and plum hangings and furniture covering against a grey-blue panelled wall. The flesh tints convey the impression of ivory. Each signed “J. Du- bois d’apres Lavreince’”. Gilded baguettes. (2) Size of plaques, 8x 7 inches 176 690 691 692 693 694 GOLD SNUFF BOX OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD PARIS, CIRCA 1790 Oblong, rectangular, with reticulated panels in plain gold; plain moulded stiles. Size, 31% x 11% inches GOLD PATCH BOX OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD BY AUTRAN PARIS, CIRCA 1785 Ovolo form, of red and white gold and enriched with emblems and trophies in low relief compositions placed in oval reserves on a ribbed ground. Fine acanthus members. Size, 214 x 2 inches GOLD LINED JAPANESE GOLD LACQUER BOX MOUNTED WITH ROSE-DIAMOND AND BRILLIANTS PARIS, CIRCA 1780 A most desirable objet de verte, small rectangular box lacquered with butterflies and mimosa blossoms in gold and gold tracery. The border of cover with a branch set with a rose-diamond and a number of brilliants. The interior lined with gold; the bottom with an in- side hinged cover of gold. Size, 2x 134, inches MINIATURES ON IVORY AND PANEL NUMBERS 693-698 IVORY MINIATURE IN THE MANNER OF PETER PAUL RUBENS FLEMISH, 17TH CENTURY Susanna and the Elders. The half-draped body of Susanna seen near a fountain with dolphin supports, being touched and admired by two venerable elders in crimson and blue. Architectural background. Painted on a thick ivory slab. In contemporary moulded pearwood frame with engraved ormolu baguette. Size without frame, 414 x 314 inches TWO IVORY MINIATURES SET IN DIAMONDS BY JEAN GUERIN FRENCH, 1760-1836 Paul I of Russia and the Czarina Mary of Wuertemburg. The Czar in silver embroidered uniform of an admiral with red waistcoat, the Czarina in fur-trimmed blue velvet, a diadem of pearls in her powdered hair. Oval baguettes set with brilliants, mounted on an easel covered with blue velvet. (2) Size of miniatures, 134, x 114 inches LiF 695 696 [NUMBER 696] [NUMBER 695] [NUMBER 697] [NUMBER 796] EARLY CONTINENTAL AND ENGLISH MINIATURES ON IVORY AND GOLD ORDER OF PETER THE GREAT MINIATURE ON IVORY ATTRIBUTED TO ANTON RAFAEL MENGS AUSTRIAN, 1728-1779 Portrait of an archduchess and her young daughter; in a Regence frame. Delightful tone values of blue and rose colored velvet and brilliant white lace. Diameter, 234, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | IVORY MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF A POLISH PRINCESS BY CARL CHRISTIAN KANZ SAXON, 1758-1818 Bust portrait with draped upper body, the long curling hair tied with a pearl-enriched silver ribbon. Signed. Diameter, 3% inches Carl Christian Kanz painted in Paris, and was a renowned eighteenth century miniaturist. [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 178 697 MINIATURE PORTRAIT ON IVORY OF JAMES STUART, DUKE OF RICHMOND, ATTRIBUTED TO SAMUEL COOPER ENGLISH, 1609-1672 Portrait of a handsome youth of about twenty-five years with long curling hair, lace jabot with blue velvet tie; showing the shoulders of a crimson and blue jacket. Size, 3 x 234, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 698 MINIATURE PORTRAIT OF CATHERINE DE MEDICIS BY JANET CLOUET FRENCH, 1485-1541 Half-length portrait, with high headdress furnished with a rich comb of fleur-de-lis ornamentation. She wears a protruding lace ruff and rows of large pearls on her robe of velvet. Apple-green background. In repoussé bronze baguette. Size, 414 x 314 inches FURNITURE AND OBJETS D’ART NUMBERS 699-706 699 TWO ORMOLU MOUNTED TOLE TRIPODS (CASSOLETTES) IN THE LOUIS SEIZE TASTE FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Shaped as sacrificial altars on griffin supports resting on plinth, ormolu mounted and enamelled with gros-bleu. Bowl of green tole furnished with three nymphs playing tibiae. With scrolled bodies engaged to festooned ornaments. Pierced rims and covers; tole covers with pineapple finials. Moulded yellow Siena marble bases. Slight defect. Height, 19 inches 179 LOUIS QUINZE ROSEWOOD GUERIDON FRENCH, CIRCA 1760 [NUMBER 700] 700 LOUIS QUINZE ROSEWOOD GUERIDON WITH FOUR DRAWERS FRENCH, CIRCA 1760 Graceful cylindrical body of rosewood and lemonwood with dentiles of ebony and holly; on chamfered cabrioles with bronze cabochon shee terminations. Shaped undertray with tulipwood reserve. White marble top with cuivre doré gallery. Original cuivre doré rosetted knobs. This delightful piece is altogether in its original state. Height, 28 inches; width, 13 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] 180 SPSe SOD ] seeeees 1 000888860 ee at a, | H j 7 Tir. “ONT OTT panees on og LOUIS SEIZE CIRCULAR MAHOGANY GUERIDON ATTRIBUTED TO RIESENER FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 [NUMBER 701] 701 LOUIS SEIZE CIRCULAR MAHOGANY GUERIDON ATTRIBUTED TO RIESENER FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 An important centre gueridon on fluted turned supports; with pierced gallery guarding undertray. Broad apron with bronze moulding, one working and one false drawer; pierced gallery. Rich rose colored brocatelle marble top repaired and reinforced. Rare piece in its original state. Height, 31 inches; width, 28 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 181 ’ ONE OF EIGHT LOUIS QUINZE NEEDLEWORK SHIELD-BACK HIGH CHAIRS FRENCH, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 702] 702 EIGHT LOUIS QUINZE NEEDLEWORK SHIELD-BACK HIGH CHAIRS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY The broad shaped backs and seats covered with ‘‘Pavot” gros point needlework of bold composition in soft blue, greens and scarlet on a cream ground. The frames have serpentined arched front rails and gracefully curved pied de biche cabrioles with leaf crestings on the knees. ; To be sold in pairs with the privilege of the eight. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 182 703 704 705 706 TWO LOUIS SEIZE NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIRS THE NEEDLEWORK, FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY The shield-backs, seats and arm-pads covered with floriated scroll silk needlework of crimson, purple, tans, blues and greens on a silver- grey ground. The handsome frames carved at finials and dies and fluted at top rails and armrests, have been restored and strengthened. (2) REGENCE NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIR FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The shaped back with a picture representing groups of court ladies in the poses of the “precieuses” with winged amours carrying flower filled baskets, and tropical birds and squirrels perched upon flowered bushes, in multicolored silk threads of gros point on a finely woven ground. The seat all of gros point with a windmill on a hill, birds flying through the air in the forest beyond. The frame of walnut- stained ebony, on sturdy voluted cabrioles with arched shell-crested apron. Uncommon voluted scroll arms and armrests. To be sold with the privilege of the following lot. REGENCE NEEDLEWORK ARMCHAIR FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY The frame harmonizing with the preceding. The back with a farm scene recalling Queen Anne and American Colonial needlework pic- tures, peasants in scarlet and blue striped costumes, animals and a multitude of entertaining detail. The seat an exceedingly rare pat- tern of a formal garden with a pool and fountain in the centre and bushes in circular plots, worked in blues, crimson and golden-tans on a cream ground. At the back a delightful pattern of thick leaf flowers rising from pots, worked on a grey-blue ground. LOUIS QUINZE TULIPWOOD COMMODE FRENCH, CIRCA 1760 The bombé front with three drawers veneered diagonally and fur- nished with scrolled cuivre doré handles of a later addition. Intric- ately gondoled returns; stiles of tulipwood with floriated leafy ear appliques and shoes. Contemporary moulded Brescia marble top, repaired. An imaginatively modelled piece of cabinetry. Height, 31 inches; width, 23 inches 183 CHINESE AGATES, JADES AND PORCELAINS NUMBERS 707-715 HIGHLY IMPORTANT GREY JADE BOWL CHIEN LUNG [NUMBER 707] 707 HIGHLY IMPORTANT GREY JADE BOWL CHIEN LUNG Of shallow proportions, carved with lotus flowers in low relief on the exterior and interior. Handles of dragon flies with loose rings. On carved teakwood stand. Diameter, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 184 708 709 FINE FAMILLE ROSE PLAQUES CHIEN LUNG AND YUNG CHENG [NUMBERS 708 AND 709] FAMILLE ROSE PLAQUE CHIEN LUNG Two boats with figures, one with a crane standing at the bow of the boat; tea houses, distant mountains, bushes and water plants, with rose and blue enamel predominating. Diameter, 131% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] FINE FAMILLE ROSE PLAQUE YUNG CHENG A family scene of three figures, in rose, green, orange and yellow garments. Interesting detail on table. Border of pomegranates, peaches and cherry petals in five colors. Repaired. Diameter, 14 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 185 710 LUE 712 [NUMBER 710] [NUMBER 711] [NUMBER 712] FINE ORIENTAL CARVINGS IN AGATE, CARNELIAN AND JADE GREY TRANSLUCENT AGATE COUPE Compressed globular body carved in high relief with the figures of two children balancing themselves on flowered branches; three tapering supports. Changeant texture spotted with brown. Carved teakwood stand. Height, 214 inches; diameter, 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] CRIMSON AND WHITE CARNELIAN JAR WITH ORIGINAL COVER CHIEN LUNG Shaped as a peach, the body engraved with leaves and furnished with a fruit laden branch in alto relievo. Cover similarly enriched. On carved teakwood stand. [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] PORK FAT JADE TEA POT WITH ORIGINAL COVER MING The compressed globular body enriched with lotus petals carved alternatingly with flowered branches and inscriptions. The rim with swastika meander. Carved handle and mask-enriched spout. The cover a lotus leaf with duck finial. On carved teakwood stand. Height, 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION |] 186 —— ' IMPORTANT TWENTY-ONE INCH PLAQUE YUNG CHENG [NUMBER 713] 713 IMPORTANT TWENTY-ONE INCH PLAQUE YUNG CHENG Magnificent composition of two maidens enchanting an admirer who has climbed the garden wall, painted in powder-blue, rose, yellow, orange and black enamels, heightened with gold. The border decor- ated with figures and landscape; inner border of flower rosettes on a purple-rose ground, in green meandered diapers. Diameter, 21 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 187 IMPORTANT FAMILLE ROSE PLAQUE YUNG CHENG [NUMBER 714] 714. IMPORTANT FAMILLE ROSE PLAQUE YUNG CHENG Superb composition of six figures in sumptuous robes of multi- colored enamels heightened with gold, rose, blue and green predom- inating. Broad border with figure reserves. With landscape back- grounds with characteristic engraved famille rose ground covered with floral enamels of rose, green and yellow. Diameter, 2114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 188 PAIR OF FAMILLE VERTE PLAQUES KANG HSI [NUMBER 715] 715 PAIR OF FAMILLE VERTE PLAQUES KANG HSI Shaped as large flowers. Centre decorated with long-tailed birds and chrysanthemums in green and red enamels, the borders in twelve panels representing the twelve flowers of the seasons, in five color enamels. One slightly chipped. (2) Diameter, 14 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 189 716 roe 718 719 720 121 122 SNUFF BOXES, WATCHES, JEWELS EUROPEAN ROCK-CRYSTALS NUMBERS 716-733 SNUFF BOX OF JASPE FLEURI OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, CIRCA 1800 Of figured opaque agate mounted in copper. The top with a mosaic of two doves perched on the rim of a bowl; in gold frame. Diameter, 3 inches GOLD MOUNTED JASPE FLEURI BOX WITH FINE PEARLS DANZIG, CIRCA 1780 Oblong snuff box with rounded corners; top with rich gold panels of white mottled agate. The top framed by a row of fine pearls; the broad handsome gold mounts with rose and acanthus members. Slight flaw in bottom. Size, 234, x 134 ches GOLD MOUNTED ROCK-CRYSTAL POCKET DRAGEOIR OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 Fine example with lozenge-cut moulded body and cover panelled in bevils. Moulded gold rims finely beaded. Size, 3 x 214, inches CUT-CRYSTAL SCENT BOTTLE FRENCH, CIRCA 1790 Oviform with silver mounts engraved with husks. The interior with a crystal stopper. Height, 214, inches MINIATURE AMULET ENCLOSING UNDER ROCK-CRYSTAL A REPRESENTATION OF THE HEAD OF THE HOLY VIRGIN RUSSIAN, 18TH CENTURY Her head draped with a scarf of black and gold over a crimson gar- ment. Interesting treatment of halo. Brass frame. Size, 2 x 134, inches ENGRAVED CRYSTAL-GLASS GOBLET LORRAINE, CIRCA 1770 Urn-shaped baluster with water-wave cut. Bowl cut with large diamonds, and with old gilding. Setting of trees, chateau, and gentlemen in Louis Seize costumes, one taking a promenade, and the other buying fish from a vendor. Height, 8 inches CUP OF JASPE FLEURI ITALIAN, 17TH-18TH CENTURY Oblong body in the form of a Greek vasque. Very fine mottled agate with veins of gold. Silver-gilt mountings with scrolled handles of early eighteenth century workmanship. Height, 2 inches; width, 6 inches 190 GONDOLE OF CARVED AGATE ITALIAN, EARLY SEVENTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 723] 723 GONDOLE OF CARVED AGATE ITALIAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY 724 Gadrooned oblong body with outcurved, shaped and moulded lips; fluted baluster stem on gadrooned plinth. The bowl of mottled crim- son and celadon agate of superb translucency while the stand is of opaque celadon texture. Height, 6 inches; width of bowl, 714, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ROCK-CRYSTAL COUPE ON STAND ITALIAN, 16TH CENTURY Oblong cup with lobed body engraved with urn arabesques; with birds perched upon scrolled handles. Vase baluster supports and ovi- form plinth also finely engraved. Enamelled ring mounts of silver- gilt. Shows several old cracks. Height, 314, inches; width of bowl, 6 inches 19} 72 5 CARVED CRYSTAL NAUTILUS ON STAND FLORENTINE, SIXTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 725] CARVED CRYSTAL NAUTILUS ON STAND FLORENTINE, 16TH CENTURY Magnificent example. The bowl in three lobes, each lobe represent- ing a dolphin body sculptured with heads and tails among arabesques. With two fluted handles engaged at top and bottom. The stand on four sculptured crystal lobes, each with C scroll and feather termina- tion. Baluster stem with gadroons on its urn-shaped member with cartouche meanders, silver-gilt (vermeil) enamelled mounts of Sara- cenic quatrefoil and C scroll meanders with acanthus members above and below. The base similarly enamelled and terminating in gilded rhinoceros feet. Height, 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 192 726 127 [NUMBER 726 ] [NUMBER 727] [NUMBER 726] TWO ROCK-CRYSTAL CANDLESTICKS AND GOLD MOUNTED WATERFORD CRYSTAL CHALICE TWO ROCK-CRYSTAL CANDLESTICKS WITH ORMOLU BRONZE MOUNTS ENGLISH, 18TH CENTURY On circular moulded rock-crystal bases mounted on acanthus enriched plinths ; two urn-shaped members, the upper tapering and attenuated with rams’ head festoons on its four sides. Hexagonal crystal candle- cups. (2) Height, 11 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] GOLD MOUNTED WATERFORD CRYSTAL CHALICE | IRISH, 18TH CENTURY Fluted body outcurved at the top, on diamond-cut base; fluted cover dome shaped. The plinth, the stem and the cover enriched with corded and scalloped gold mounts of the most delicate workmanship. Height, 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 193 129 730 731 732 GOLD AND BLEU-CELESTE ENAMEL SNUFF BOX FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 In the neo-classic taste of the Louis Seize period. Oviform, the centre in an oval medallion with the head of a Greek philosopher in repoussé gold on blue enamel. Blue enamel borders; the sides har- moniously panelled with reeded gold rectangulars and dies engraved with sacrificial urns. Size, 8144, x 2% inches CIRCULAR GOLD POCKET DRAGEOIR OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 Of white and rose gold furnished with husk borders and Tudor rose rosettes on a finely reeded ground. Diameter, 24% inches GOLD BONBONNIERE WITH MONOGRAM SET IN DIAMONDS PARIS, CIRCA 1815 Elaborate baroque body with blocked front and shaped cover enriched with intricately chased shell arabesques and C scroll reserves. The cover with similar ornaments in low relief and in the centre the silver monogram “FM” set in diamonds in a frame of blue enamel. Size, 84% x 216 inches GOLD MOUNTED AGATE CHATELAINE OF THE LOUIS QUATORZE PERIOD FRENCH, LATE 17TH CENTURY An important and historically interesting object. The necessaire after Daniel Marot with fluted Corinthian pilasters on rosetted plinths; the cover with short pilasters of the Doric order and arched top. These mounts of gold guarding plaques of uncommon light amber colored agate furnished with a rose-diamond at the control of spring. The interior with fittings including scissors, marker and pencil. The chatelaine composed of two bold cartouches which are hinged serving as mounts for agate plates, a pendant with the minia- ture of Charles I after Vandyke in black monochrome and a carnelian seal with English arms. Length, T14, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] CHATELAINE WITH NECESSAIRE AND TWO SCENT BOXES OF “PINCHBECK” METAL ENGLISH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY An interesting object of the Queen Anne period, the long case with columnar stiles and rich scroll ornamentation in repoussé containing various fittings including small spoon and ivory marker. The clamp with baroque shell scrolls with a winged seraph playing a Jericho horn; two hinged scent boxes similarly ornamented of which one is without chain. Gilding of very rich quality. Length, 8 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 194 [NUMBER 731] [NUMBER 732] 733 LARGE AND IMPORTANT GOLD MOUNTED AND ENAMEL WATCH WITH FINE PEARLS BY BOVET FLEURIER, EARLY 19TH CENTURY Made for the Chinese market. The back enamelled with the portrait: of a young lady, her hair dressed in the Louis Philippe style; on a translucent enamel simulating tortoise shell, framed by a circle of fine pearls; another circle surrounds the enamel face with black numerals and pearls furnish the stem. Broad fluted centre of gold. The interior of the movement which is protected by glass, is hand- somely engraved to impress the Chinese purchaser. The interior of the cover bears a monogram of the Chinese owner. Diameter, 214% inches Bovet of Fleurier was a skillful watchmaker who began making watches for the Chinese market about 1830. 195 734 739 736 737 SEVRES AND SAXE PORCELAIN NUMBERS 734-740 TWO BLEU-DE-ROI PORCELAIN CACHEPOTS SEVRES, 1773 Birds by Schadre, flowers by Gerard, borders and ornaments by Boudouin. Two exceptionally fine examples in perfect state of preservation. The reserves decorated by the above named with groups of birds in landscapes and garden flower bouquets on the reverse. Scroll handles with gold enrichment. The wavily shaped oblong bodies are covered with a rich deep blue glaze. (2) Height, 4 inches; width, 12 inches GOLD MOUNTED SEVRES PORCELAIN SCENT BOTTLE PARIS, CIRCA 1780 Oviform, decorated on one side with Venus and Cupids, and on the other Bacchic amorini; landscape background, in brilliant lus- trous enamels. Pierced gold mounts, gold stopper and cork. Height, 4 inches TWO PATE TENDRE VASES WITHOUT STANDS SEVRES, CIRCA 1755 Truly great examples decorated by Francois Boucher. In two ovi- form reserves, the fronts with pastorales in brilliant enamels with landscape background. The backs with flower vases and other floral compositions, wreath and animals. The urn-shaped bodies of tur- quoise-blue with arabesques of gold. Sold with tooled leather case. (2) Height, 9 inches Originally in the Edouard Chappey Collection. . ARBOR CLOCK OF ORMOLU WITH SAXE FIGURE AND FLOWERS ENGLISH, CIRCA 1770 Composed of a trellised arbor on elaborately shaped plinth, and crested by a cartel clock of rocaille design. In front of the arbor a figure of Cupid with the doves of love in a basket. He wears a jacket of metal resist and blue pomp trousers. The clock is screened by a lively growth of bronze leaves and branches with multicolored porcelain flowers. Height, 11 inches The maker unknown but English inscriptions in movement establish the origin. 196 738 739 740 | [NUMBER 738] [NUMBER 739] [NUMBER 740] MARCOLINI PORCELAIN STATUETTE MEISSEN, 1770-1780 An engaging figure of a young woman with tight-fitting Chinese- blue jacket, canary-yellow flowered skirt and bright orange-red shoes. She wears a roguish green marquise hat with cocarde on her blonde hair. She is about to untie a brilliant white apron. Right arm carefully reglued. Height, 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | TWO ORMOLU MOUNTED CANDELABRA MEISSEN, CIRCA 1760 Composed around two small statuettes of shepherd and shepherdess in Louis XV costumes placed on rocaille scrolls and ormolu and standing in an arbor. Green painted wrought-iron foliage with ex- quisitely moulded garden flowers of multi-colored porcelain. Rocaille bobéches of foliated baroque enrichments. (2) Height, 71% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] PORCELAIN BIRD DRESDEN, SECOND HALF 18TH CENTURY Bright canary-yellow body and brilliant black plumage, on flowered trunk. Beak repaired and slight defects in the leaves. Height, 10 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 197 741 742 SNUFF BOXES AND WATCHES NUMBERS 741-754 GOLD MOUNTED ENAMEL BOX PARIS, CIRCA 1775 [NUMBER 741] GOLD MOUNTED ENAMEL BOX PARIS, CIRCA 1775 With five paintings of enchanting quality on white enamel represent- ing amours at play and with their emblems. The cover with hand- somely engraved baroque mount bears the picture of a young maiden with butterfly wings. The bottom with a facetious inscription in French. Size, 314, x 214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] TRANSLUCENT ENAMEL AND GOLD BOX WITH MINIATURE PARIS, CIRCA 1785 With seven plaques, each with a striped and ribbed violet colored enamel simulating a silk fabric. The top with a mythological minia- ture in brilliant enamels surrounded by oval baguette enamelled and set with small stones. The mounting of interlaced floral borders with silver ribbons and green enamelled leaves; the stiles shaped as a sacrificial altar with shell crestings. Size, 31%4 x 134 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 198 743 [742] [743 [744] JEWELLED, ENAMELLED AND GOLD SNUFF BOX WITH MINIATURE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 Deep oviform coffer of white gold with four two-handled vases enamelled with blue and green flutings and leaves and on white enamelled plinths. Borders of leafy reserves and bands enamelled green and white with settings of opals and garnets. Six plaques of translucent striped and ribbed bleu-de-roi enamel simulating the tex- ture of a fabric; the cover with a miniature enamel portrait of the Grand Condé set in diamonds. Size, 3 x 214-inches Formerly Imperial property and from the Collection of the late Baron Fredericks. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 199 744 GOLD MOUNTED AND JEWELLED TRANSLUCENT BLUE ENAMEL SNUFF BOX PARIS, CIRCA 1780 Magnificent case with five plaques of striped bleu-celeste enamel mounted with gold bands and panelled stiles which are richly orna- mented with arabesques enamelled with green leaves and set with opals and rubies. The top with an oval medallion and the foliated monogram “SA” in gold surrounded by an inscription in gold on white enamel “Gage Sincére de Bonne Amitié’”. Gold lined. Size, 314 x 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 199] 745 GOLD MOUNTED ENAMEL SNUFF BOX OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD PARIS, CIRCA 1780 The body of red gold with flutings and broad bands of white enamel with interlaced gold meanders. The cover with a miniature in a circle, of two lovers in costumes of classic antiquity with background of trees and a lake with boat. Size, 214 x 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 199] 746 GOLD MOUNTED TRANSLUCENT ENAMEL SNUFF BOX OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD PARIS, CIRCA 1785 High oviform body of bleu-de-roi translucent enamel, the top and bottom with reserves, the sides with a water-wave pattern in two tones. The cover with a miniature representing the introduction of Cupid; with three figures finely painted and with emblems of love. Handsome frame of gold arabesques with birds perched upon leafy branches and fine bands of enamelled scrolls with topazes set between. Gold lined. Size, 314, x 214 mches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 199] 747 GOLD MOUNTED AND ENAMELLED SNUFF BOX WITH MINIATURE PARIS, CIRCA 1785 Oviform, richly mounted with leaf borders and panelled columnar stiles with green enamelled festoons, reticulated silver-grey enamel plaques in scarlet enamel frames; the top with oval medallion and a miniature imitating a stone cameo and representing a maiden before an altar of love. Size, 234, x 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 199] 200 748 749 750 751 GOLD MOUNTED JEWELLED AND ENAMELLED SNUFF BOX WITH WATCH PARIS, CIRCA 1785 Oviform, enriched with miniatures of animals and emblems and other panels with festoons on a sky-blue ground. The cover with watch face surrounded by large fine pearls in an oval enamelled with monu- ments of love, also surrounded by fine pearls. Stiles and bands of gold enriched and enamelled ornaments on gros-bleu ground set with opals. The hinged bottom uncovering compartment with a miniature emblematic of love. Rims finely engraved in gold. The strike move- ment with intricately made works. Slight defects. Size, 314, x 2 \% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 199] GOLD MOUNTED ENAMEL SNUFF BOX WITH MINIATURE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD PARIS, CIRCA 1780 With six plaques of white enamel semé with stars. The cover with an allegorical miniature in monochrome on a rose du Barry ground. Mountings of rich floral arabesques with green enamel leaves and columnar stiles with festoons of gros-bleu enamel. Size, 214 x 134, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 199] GOLD MOUNTED AND JEWELLED ENAMELLED SNUFF BOX WITH MINIATURE PARIS, CIRCA 1780 Oviform, covered with translucent pale rose colored enamel plaques striped to simulate a silk fabric and semé with stars; the gold mounts with green enamelled leaves and settings of opals, topazes and small pearls. Oval miniature attributed to Pasquier representing a maiden with a winged amour kneeling at an altar of love. The sides with stiles representing sacrificial altars with festoons above them. Size, 814 x 214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 199] GOLD AND BLUE ENAMEL MANDOLIN CONCEALING WATCH FRENCH, CIRCA 1820 An exquisite small object, the body with intricately engraved em- blems and floral arabesques with black enamel and small gold sprays in relief on blue with bands of white enamel between. The sound board with a wreath and engraved band; with strings of exceedingly delicate workmanship; the neck enamelled black. Small chain. Por- celain face with black numerals. Length, 24% inches 201 SNUFF BOX PRESENTED BY LOUIS XV TO CZAR PAUL I OF RUSSIA [NUMBER 752] 752 GOLD MOUNTED ENAMEL SNUFF BOX OF LOUIS QUINZE PARIS, 1752-1756 A coffer of the highest importance artistically and historically. Oc- tagonal, and covered on all sides with multicolored enamels of blue, green, crimson and white on a ground of gold engraved with a sun- burst pattern. The cover bears in the centre the contemporary miniature of Louis XV in royal robes surrounded by a border of rose diamonds and a baguette of gold crested by the royal crown set with rubies. The order of St. Louis furnishes the pendant. The enamels to the right and left are genii on mask-enriched rocaille pedestals blowing Jericho horns. Above, the emblem of the Roi soleil and drooping rose branches. The miniature frame is furnished with a drapery of blue lined ermine. The sides with mythological subjects, the stiles with trophies and amorini-mask festoons. The bottom with a bold composition of martial trophies flanked by scrolls with helmet crested putti, their outstretched arms holding the royal standards. Size, 314 x 234 inches This box was presented to Czar Paul I of Russia with other gifts from the King of France. It was given to Baron Fredericks by Czar Nicolas, and sold with his estate. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 202 753 754 755 GOLD MOUNTED ENAMEL WATCH WITH DIAMONDS AND FINE PEARLS BY WILLIAM ILBURY LONDON, CIRCA 1800 Important watch. The back with a rosette of diamonds and five C scrolls forming ogives set with brilliants, these ornaments on a gros- bleu enamel ground framed by a circle of fine pearls, a number miss- ing. The stem pearl enriched with complete setting. The inner cover richly engraved. Superb interior of movements engraved on all parts. Diameter, 214, inches William Ilbury, Goswell St. and Duncan Terrace; a well known manu- facturer of fine enamelled and other watches for the Russian and Chinese markets. GOLD AND ENAMEL WATCH ENRICHED WITH PEARLS GENEVA, CIRCA 1810 Broad case with two rims of fine pearls, the back with an exquisitely enamelled plaque ascribed to Prudhon with a group of three figures in classical robes, one carrying a fruit basket. Stem and ring copiously furnished with fine pearls. Intricate movement with music. Porcelain face with black numerals and original hands. Diameter, 214, inches FRENCH FURNITURE NUMBERS 755-761 BOMBE MARQUETRY COMMODE FRENCH, CIRCA 1730 Impressive example of the Regence style, the front with two short and two long drawers furnished with panels of rosewood and tulip- wood with bold rosetted drop handles and cartouche escutcheons of cuivre doré. The chamfered sides with handsome cuivre doré rocaille appliques and base ornaments. The returns veneered with diamonds of an exceptionally rich figure. Bands of satinized wood and others laid in herringbone. Contemporary red St. Anne marble top. Height, 34 inches; width, 46 inches 203 756 757 [NUMBER 756] [NUMBER 757] LOUIS QUATORZE WALNUT ARMCHAIRS WITH EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH PETIT POINT NEEDLEWORK LOUIS QUATORZE WALNUT ARMCHAIR COVERED WITH EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH PETIT POINT NEEDLEWORK The back an important rectangular panel depicting the youthful Alexander before the tent of Darius; figures in armor and others brilliantly costumed in the background, with war tents. The seat with an animal composition after Desportes in monochrome with green foliated trees. Both seat and back with gros point frames of Persian arabesques. The walnut frames of recent creation. LOUIS QUATORZE WALNUT ARMCHAIR COVERED WITH EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY FRENCH PETIT POINT NEEDLEWORK Similar to the preceding. The back with representation of noble per- sonages disguised as gods and goddesses, worked in the finest petit point and gros point in brilliant colors. The seat depicts a battle of animals, after Desportes. 204 LOUIS SEIZE HALF-MOON MARQUETRY CABINET PROBABLY BY GEORGES JACOB FRENCH, CIRCA 1785 [NUMBER 758] 758 LOUIS SEIZE HALF-MOON MARQUETRY CABINET PROBABLY BY GEORGES JACOB FRENCH, CIRCA 1785 A distinguished example of the neo-Greek revival recalling contem- porary English designs of Hepplewhite and Sheraton. The front with one shallow and two deep drawers and two side doors. The marquetry is laid in architectural fashion, the holly flutes of the cornice intersected by bronze rosettes on green tinted squares; large panels of tulipwood are framed by meanders and bands of tinted and scorched veneers. The stiles with shaded flutings and panels fur- nished with bronze appliques. Marquetted and fluted turned sup- ports. Contemporary shaped mottled white marble top. Height, 3 feet; width, 4 feet [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 205 REGENCE NEEDLEWORK WALNUT ARMCHAIR FRENCH, EARLY EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 759] 759. REGENCE NEEDLEWORK WALNUT ARMCHAIR FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY A magnificent: example attributed to Cressent. .The broad, shaped back with a petit point picture in reserve depicting two royal ladies in a garden with palm tree, flowered bushes and interesting garden furniture. The seat with conventional heraldic birds and Persian flowers. Gros point frame. The chair frame of fine proportions with voluted cabrioles and saltire-wise stretcher. Low relief carvings of acanthus and shell. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 206 LADY’S PORTABLE SECRETAIRE AND SCREEN TABLE OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD [NUMBER 760] 760 LADY’S PORTABLE SECRETAIRE AND SCREEN TABLE OF THE DIRECTOIRE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Composed of case with panelled slant-front and panelled returns, the interior fitted with two drawers, to be placed on a stand on two slender columnar front supports with undertray and bracket feet, backed by sliding screen. A delightful object of great rarity. Height, 36 inches; width, 17 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 207 mee SMALL ROSEWOOD COMMODE OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD FRENCH, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 761] 761 SMALL ROSEWOOD COMMODE OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD ATTRIBUTED TO PIERRE ROUSSEL FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY An exceedingly graceful example of slender forms, the front with two drawers serpentined, the returns gondoled, veneered with con- verging leaves of rosewood framed by mahogany. The stiles of tulipwood. The escutcheon plates and handles of wreath design; shoes and ear appliques are of contemporary workmanship. Con- temporary grey and white moulded marble top. Height, 32 inches; width, 24 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 208 EUROPEAN CRYSTALS AND JEWELS NUMBERS 762-779 ROCK-CRYSTAL STATUETTE FRENCH, SEVENTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 762] 762 ROCK-CRYSTAL STATUETTE FRENCH, 17TH CENTURY Representing the Virgin and Child. Carved of one piece of crystal, the Virgin depicted full length with flowing robes. The definite and sure quality of the modelling is particularly notable. Height, 734, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 763 ORMOLU MOUNTED ROCK-CRYSTAL VEILLEUSE FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Bow] cut with circular Height, 5 inches Diamond cut vase-shaped stem on ogee base. disks. Baroque mounts. 209 IMPORTANT CRYSTAL VASE IN RENAISSANCE TASTE WITH JEWELLED AND ENAMELLED SILVER AND GOLD MOUNTS FRENCH, 19TH CENTURY The work of a master craftsman. Urn-shaped, the tapering body of crystal with silver-gilt satyr mask scroll handles and profile reliefs of Diane de Poitiers and Hermes; the centre is furnished with a band of pierced and exquisitely enamelled floral volutes with garnets and opals forming the petals, and gold beads the seeds and grape clusters of these arabesques. Above the medallion a cresting of twin eriffons and cornucopias, and rich enamelled borders on cover. The base with stem of crystal flanked by four dolphin supports. Socle of rose colored porphyry mounted with rams’ heads, fruit clusters and festoons in silver, and gold stars above the festoons; engraved moulding and marble plinth. Total height, 20 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 210 IMPORTANT CRYSTAL VASE WITH JEWELLED AND ENAMELLED SILVER AND GOLD MOUNTS FRENCH, NINETEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 764] [765] [766] [767] TER GOLD MOUNTED AND SILVER-GILT CRYSTAL AND ROCK-CRYSTAL OBJECTS 765 RENAISSANCE CRYSTAL FLASK WITH ENAMELLED GOLD MOUNTS Rock-crystal leaf-shaped body intricately moulded with engraved gold rim enamelled with white leaf borders and green lines and studded with small rubies. Crown-shaped top elaborately enamelled and jewelled. Interior stopper with cork. Height, 514, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 766 CRYSTAL AIGUIERE MOUNTED IN GOLD AND JEWELS ATTRIBUTED TO JEAN BERAIN FRENCH, LATE 17TH CENTURY Urn-shaped and gadrooned body of rock-crystal with engraved fes- toons and leafy bushes; the neck mounted with a Medusa mask, her hair studded with eight emeralds and rubies. With serpent handle with lion-head termination studded with twenty-four emeralds and rubies. Height, 71% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 212 767 768 769 770 ROCK-CRYSTAL AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) MONSTRANCE VENETIAN, 17TH CENTURY Exquisite example on a baluster stem, oval base cut with flutes, the monstrance in the form of a shaped shield with two panes of deeply bevelled rock-crystal enclosing the reliquary. Outer frame work of baroque scrolls of silver-gilt filigree with cresting of a cross furnished with ruby. Height, 9 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] ROCK-CRYSTAL AND SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) CROSS VENETIAN, EARLY 17TH CENTURY The simple cross bears the figure of the Crucified Lord with the Holy Women at His right and left, on Gothic corbels. The ends of the cross on three sides are guarded by canopied members with pendent leaf. Height, 414 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] GOLD MOUNTED CRYSTAL TABLE BELL FRENCH, EARLY 19TH CENTURY The columnar stem set with rubies and brilliants. Finial of a Minerva head carved out of moonstone. An extravagant little object. Height, 4 inches From the Collection of Princess Lobanoff Rostowsky. SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) AND JEWELLED MOUNTED ROCK- CRYSTAL PERFUME BURNER VENETIAN, 16TH CENTURY In two parts. The stand of two domes of fluted rock-crystal on four crown-shaped supports with enrichment of fine pearls and turquoises and connecting the two bowls a scrolled quadruped support. The rim on the upper bowl furnished with superb mount of perched spread eagles and scrolls mounted with turquoises and larger fine pearls. The interior with a socket on mermaid bodies of delicate workmanship. Into the socket is placed a rock-crystal pendant mounted with a magnificent composition of laurel-leaf and pearl breloques and a finial of a putto holding a leaf. An exquisite jewel from a Guild’s treasure. Height, 61% inches 2138 SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) MOUNTED NAUTILUS AUGSBURG, LATE SIXTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 771] 771 SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) MOUNTED NAUTILUS AUGSBURG, LATE 16TH CENTURY Drageoir of importance and magnificent workmanship on a support of pure Renaissance design with richly furnished base and triple- handled urn-shaped baluster with mask-crested ornamentation. The shell is mounted with eagle head, pierced bands, and finely engraved and repoussé cover of filigree and vannerie top. Height, 1114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 214 TWO ROCK-CRYSTAL MEDALLIONS FRENCH, EARLY SEVENTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 772] 772 TWO ROCK-CRYSTAL MEDALLIONS 773 FRENCH, EARLY 17TH CENTURY Representing Henry IV and Marie de Médicis. Portraits carved of rock-crystal and protected by glass. In engraved ormolu baguettes of nineteenth century addition. Oval. Size, 5 inches square [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] FRUIT SERVICE OF SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) AND CRYSTAL GLASS PARISIAN, 1805 Twelve knives, twelve forks, eleven spoons. Each of the shell or king’s pattern, the spoons and forks with gracefully moulded baluster stems, the forks with three prongs. The knives hall marked. The crystal handles are of the most delightful rose colored hue incrusted with the finest net pattern of white. One knife handle repaired with engraved brace. Leather case with movable tray. (35) From the Collection of Princess Lobanoff Rostowsky. 215 174 775 [NUMBER 774] [NUMBER 775] oI a icone POND Din Yor OO a ne. [NUMBER 776] [NUMBER 777] [NUMBER 778 ] FINE VENETIAN AMULETS AND GOLD CHATELAINE CRYSTAL AND GOLD AMULET VENETIAN, 16TH CENTURY The cylindrical case containing a primitive sculpture of Madonna and Child. Case of leaf crested members joined by baluster stems. Height, 11% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] ROCK CRYSTAL AND GOLD ENAMELLED AMULET VENETIAN, 16TH CENTURY Rare and beautiful object, oval in form and furnished with Renais- sance volutes framing oval crystal panels, the volutes of enamel with settings of rubies. The interior with two early paintings, one with Christ on the Cross, the other with the Agnus Dei. Size, 114, x 1 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 216 776 ee 778 GOLD AND ENAMEL AMULET VENETIAN, 17TH CENTURY The interior between two plaques of crystal a sacred composition faced two ways, a monstrance flanked by two kneeling seraphim in an arched frame held by columnar richly enamelled supports. The oval case enamelled and with filigree ornamentation on outer rim and stem. Size, 1144x114, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | ENAMELLED AND JEWELLED GOLD CHATELAINE SWISS, MID-19TH CENTURY A beautiful example of the goldsmith’s art. The watch and breloque with reserves of green enamel inlaid with mosaics of diamonds and brilliants and C scrolls of gold. Pierced borders of Renaissance scrolls. Length, 4 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GOLD AMULET MOUNTED IN SILVER-GILT (VERMEIL) WITH ENAMEL ENRICHMENT VENETIAN, 17TH CENTURY Oval frame with crystals on both sides enclosing bas relief of enamelled gold representing the Descent from the Cross. The figures of remarkably fine workmanship and spirited characterization. The catafalque enamelled with leafy scrolls is faced by a large gold mounted ruby. In case of silver-gilt, the border enriched with fine precious stones and fine gold scrolls on gros-bleu enamel. Size, 14% x14 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 217 [NUMBER 779] 779 ROCK-CRYSTAL INKWELL AND STAND ATTRIBUTED TO BENVENUTO CELLINI FLORENTINE, 16TH CENTURY The well shaped as an orb on pedestal with three scrolled brackets enamelled with marguerite sprays in green, rose and white enamel and flutings of white, and a supporting circular member with deli- cately worked but highly expressive masks under circular leaf com- position of rose, white and gold with green and gold intersections. The upper rim similarly designed and enamelled. The cover with crystal dome carved with C scrolled meanders and with orb-shaped finial; the mount of vermeil with magnificent Renaissance border of flower arabesques in rose, green, rouge d’or and white. The finial with richly enamelled Jeaf mount. The stand on dolphin head tripods richly green enamelled and with jewelled eyes, supporting the ‘shaped trefoil tray, the moulded mount rosetted on the underside:» Carved with lions’ mask terminations of bold character and with C scrolled meanders in floral arabesques. The interior of rim with similar rich enamelled running border as mount of cover. The socket provided for the stand of cup is enamelled with a white acanthus border. Total height, 714 inches Diameter of tray, 9 inches From the Collection of Princess Lobanoff Rostowsky. 218 PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE it ec ot DAR a Sealy a NUMBERS 780-790 [NUMBER 780] 780 TWO TERRA COTTA BAS RELIEFS GREEK, TANAGRA 781 Profile views of the heads and bodies of a youth and maiden, the maiden holding an urn, the youth drying his tears with a cloth. Rendering of profound sentiment. On wooden plinths of recent make. (2) Height without plinths, 514 and 614, inches From the Count Nelidoff Collection. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] SCHOOL OF AVIGNON 14TH CENTURY IMPORTANT CENTRE OF A TRIPTYCH Occupied by the hieratic figure of St. Peter in pose of a Byzantine emperor. Seated on a dias in an ogive Gothic arch. Dressed in a Persian-blue mantle over a white tunic. Wears a red and gold crown over his curling white hair. Holds in his left hand a gigantic gold key, and raises his right in an attitude of benediction. Flanking, in four attenuated Gothic arches, are the images of four saints with emblems of their martyrdom. Background of sgraffito on gold. Treatment of the human anatomy appears archaically stylized. 219 PIETRO LONGHI ITALIAN, 1702-1762 782 MARKET IN TURIN IN THE YEAR 1756 An important canvas recalling the populous scenes of Bassano. The foreground occupied by stalls of fish, fruit, egg vendors, florists, etc., with their owners seated nearby and a multitude of citadini, buyers and onlookers. Some in brilliant scarlet and blue attire. In the centre, a cart filled with crockery has been overturned and the con- tents spilled over a prostrate horse. Beyond, a motley of people sell- ing their wares, some gesticulating, and others enjoying the pictures- que spectacle. In the back, the Town Hall with crowds of citizens surging from its arches and its columnar portico. And on the balcony above, a band of red cloaked soldier-musicians entertaining the city fathers and their guests, seated under a blue canopy. To the right and left, buildings with vivacious people of all classes appearing in their windows and on their baleonies. The infinite wealth of imagina- tive detail is particularly entertaining. The architectural background is doubtlessly by another hand. The date, 1756, appears on the tablet beneath the stemma. Magnificent baroque carved-wood frame with bold concave shell and leaf ornamentation. Gilded with touches of dark green. Size without frame, 60 x 82 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 164] 220 FRANS HIERONYMUS BREUGHEL DUTCH, 18TH CENTURY 783 MARINE Two men-of-war at anchor, one with its sails still to the wind. Nebulous blue sea, with boats and a third ship in the background. Canvas. Early nineteenth century gilded frame. Size, 1614 x17 inches JAN JACOB BYLAERT DUTCH, 1734-1809 784 LADY WITH TANKARD A magnificently flamboyant personage with large feathered hat, with pearl earrings and pearls on her neck. Dressed in orchid colored garments with a draped white lace scarf over her shoulders, holding a tankard in her left, and in her right, on a crook, a brace of birds. Grey background. Size, 33 x 2614 inches From the Sedelmeyer Collection. 221 JUAN DE CARRENO DE MIRANDA SPANISH, 1614-1685 785 PORTRAIT OF CHARLES II OF SPAIN The young king is seated on a galloping brown horse with a flowing mane. His long golden hair falls in waves about his delicate features which bear a marked resemblance to those of his father Philip IV. He is dressed in a black hat, crowned with pink and white feathers, and a rich dark costume of velvet, relieved by white collar and sleeves, and enriched with gold embroidery and chased gold buttons. He wears white gauntlets, one hand is restraining the rearing steed, and the other holding a roll. A sword with carved gold hilt hangs at his side. At the bottom of the picture is a bird’s-eye view of six Spanish towns, all labelled. The rocky landscape projects into blue waters which are named ‘Mar Occeano” and bear a red and gold mariner’s compass. Though the figure of the horse and landscape show considerable eighteenth century repainting on the original pig- ments, the artistic and historical importance of this canvas is un- diminished. Carreno was inspired to adopt the pose of Velasquez’s “Don Baltasar Carlos” for this portrait. Size, 80 x 52 inches Carreno was an eminent Spanish painter, who was born at Aviles, in the Asturias, and studied at Madrid under Pedro de Las Cuevas and Bartolomé Roman. He studied the works of Velasquez and Van Dyck. He was employed by Philip IV for some important palace frescoes; and besides commissions from the King, he painted numerous pictures for churches. His tender and suave coloring is surpassed in his country only by Murillo. He was retained as court painter to Charles II. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 222 PORTRAIT OF CHARLES II OF SPAIN BY JUAN DE CARRENO DE MIRANDA [NUMBER 785] CORNELIUS JANSSENS VAN KEULEN DUTCH, 1593-1664 786 PORTRAIT OF SIR JOHN GAGE, BT. OF FIRLE Half-length portrait, in the costume of the Stuart period of em- broidered black velvet, wearing a magnificent lace collar. He rep- resents the type of sea-faring adventurer. Sir John Gage was created baronet in 1662. Moulded black frame of later addition. Size, 32x25 inches From the Sedelmeyer Collection. Reproduced in “Six Hundred Paintings by Old Masters’, Paris, 1900, No. 17. ROSALBA CARRIERA VENETIAN, 1675-1758 787 YOUNG MAIDEN AND CAT Full-length figure of a shepherdess with sandal-clad feet, in flowing peach colored garments. Her hair gaily dressed with carnations. At her left, a cat in low brush. Characteristic Venetian technique reminiscent of Guardi. Size, 36 x 26 inches 224 DUTCH SCHOOL EARLY 18TH CENTURY 788 MARINE WITH FISHING BOATS Four fishing vessels in a choppy sea passing a primitive light pole. The ship in the foreground with figures skilfully drawn. Panel. In a magnificent gesso frame of the period. Size, 12 x 16 inches 789 GOLD MOUNTED VERNIS MARTIN SNUFF BOX FRENCH, CIRCA 1750 This remarkable box was presented by Louis XV to the Empress Marie Thérése. It is furnished with two large and four narrow plaques of Vernis Martin enamel of exquisite workmanship; the cover with the arrival of the Imperial cortege at the palace; the bottom the palace gardens with ladies of rank in sedan chairs pulled by grooms in crimson livery. The sides with minutely painted groups of courtiers and courtesans on a ribbed green gold ground, doubt- lessly one of the finest examples of Vernis Martin. The mounts of elaborate chasing with bands of arabesques heightened with black enamel. Gold lined. Size, 314 x 21% inches From the Collection of the late Baron Fredericks. 225 ARAGONESE SCHOOL 15TH CENTURY 790 TRIPTYCH WITH SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF ST. FRANCIS Centre with the death of the saint in episcopal robes on a platform covered with floriated cloth-of-gold. Monks in black cossacks mourn- ing, while others kneeling near the crosier are singing hymns with hymn books in their hands. Above, on gilded sgraffito ground, the resurrected soul being lifted to heaven by winged seraphim, shown with gold halos and scarves. The left wing shows the Saint in brocaded robe offering the sacred Host to God the Father, who ap- pears in a benedictory attitude. The Saint’s arms are guided to their holy rite by two flying seraphim, in ample draped robes of blue-green, crimson, and white. Flanking the saint’s dais, are two groups. To the right, a prioress and nuns, of which one can be seen with bright scarlet robes. To the left, monks and acolytes with crosier and cross of gold. Background, the interior of a Gothic church. Floor with unusual tesselation. The right wing, the baptism of the youthful saint, performed by a cleric in richly embroidered robes with collar of gold, and a group of patricians in mediaeval costumes. The fore- ground dominated by an acolyte with cross, and to the left of the officiating priest a woman dressed in crimson pleated robes, holding the hand of a child clad in blue. Background of the apse of a church, with reredos of gold in columnar arch. The characterization of the numerous personages is particularly realistic, and in many instances, without mercy. Arched Gothic frames with pinnacle finials of nine- teenth century addition. Size of centre, 61 x 28 inches Size of wings, 61 x 21 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 226 TRIPTYCH WITH SCENES FROM THE LIFE OF ST. FRANCIS » FIFTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 790] ARAGONESE SCHOOL CRYSTAL MOUNTED SILVER BOX WITH MINIATURE OF ANDRE CHENIER PARIS, CIRCA 1790 [NUMBER 791] SNUFF BOXES, BONBONNIERES AND JEWELS NUMBERS 791-803 791 CRYSTAL MOUNTED SILVER BOX WITH MINIATURE OF ANDRE CHENIER PARIS, CIRCA 1790 Circular crystal bonbonniere with delicately moulded mounts; the top, in an oval an ivory miniature of the poet, attributed to Louis Leopold Boilly, 1761-1845. Diameter, 234, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 228 ONE OF THREE MINIATURES OF A GOLD MOUNTED TORTOISE SHELL BOX BY MANTAUBAN PARIS, CIRCA 1800 [NUMBER 792] 792 GOLD MOUNTED TORTOISE SHELL BOX BY MONTAUBAN 19 WITH THREE MINIATURES PARIS, CIRCA 1800 The cover with a miniature on agate representing the Adoration of the King’s Magi; the reverse with two miniatures, one representing the Holy Family, the other the Baptism of Christ. The miniature on the cover is framed in an ormolu frame with elaborate spandrils; with a fine fillet of blue enamel. Size, 814 x 234, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] GOLD MOUNTED IVORY AND TORTOISE SHELL BONBONNIERE WITH MINiATURE AND ENAMELS FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Handsome circular box of ivory with fillets and linings of tortoise shell. The cover with gold bands and a broad band of meanders of gold on a gros-bleu enamel ground, framing a miniature on ivory of a young maiden with large shepherd hat and long curling hair attributed to Pierre Pasquier. Size, 314, x 314, inches 229 794 GOLD MOUNTED BLUE ENAMEL NECESSAIRE PARIS, CIRCA 1790 Tall rectangular case with chamfered stiles; on four sides enamelled with gros-bleu and floral festoons with incrustations of brilliants and fine mosaics of gold, surrounding miniatures, one a portrait of a young maiden in olive-green and purple, the other an allegory representing music, in vase-shaped frames. On the returns Pergolesi motifs in monochrome. The spring controlled by a button with rose- diamond. Slight defects. Size, 3 x 114 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 230 795 796 197 GOLD MOUNTED TRANSLUCENT ENAMEL BONBONNIERE WITH MINIATURE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD PARIS, CIRCA 1785 With six plaques of translucent purple-blue enamel simulating sun- bursts and stripes of a fabric. The cover with a miniature repre- senting in sepia monochrome with heightenings of flesh tints, a young maiden praying before the altar of love. Exceedingly fine mounts composed of fillets carved with husks and stiles and fes- tooned rams’ heads. Gold lined. Diameter, 3 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] JEWELLED, ENAMELLED AND GOLD ORDER OF PETER THE GREAT, THE WORK OF JEAN LOMBARD RUSSIAN, EARLY 18TH CENTURY An exceedingly rare decoration conferred only once a year upon a reigning prince. It is composed of an oval locket set with eight large and a number of smaller rose-diamonds on a mount of laurel leaves, framing a miniature portrait of Peter the Great in seven- teenth century armor. The back in the centre on a gold plaque with a Russian eagle surrounded by floral enrichments of enamel. Cresting of the Royal crown with three large and a number of small rose-diamonds, the latter set in trefoil. Bleu-de-roi enamel ground. Decoration of the Comte de Toulouse. Height, 31% inches; width, 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE 178] GOLD MOUNTED TRANSLUCENT ENAMEL SNUFF BOX WITH MINIATURE OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD Paris, ciRcA 1785 Magnificent example. Oviform, enriched with seven plaques of striped and ribbed bleu-de-roi translucent enamel simulating the texture of a faille. The top with a miniature in an oval medallion representing Flora, Pomona, and Mercury, attributed to Pasquier; the mount is of an exceptionally rich character set with turquoise and rubies and enamelled on floral bands and festoons with green leaves. The bottom with a marguerite rosette. Size, 3 x 214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 231 798 799 JEWELLED, GOLD AND TRANSLUCENT ENAMEL BONBONNIERE WITH TWO MINIATURES PARIS, CIRCA 1778 Circular box of translucent rose du Barry enamel of great texture with stars mounted with fine bands of gold set with opals, very few missing. The top with a miniature representing a gentleman in purple Louis XVI costume seated on a boat with a sailing vessel and blue waters beyond. The back with a dedicatory miniature inscribed ‘Souvenir d’amitié’”’. Diameter, 214 inches This box originally in the Noailles family was known as the souvenir of the Continental armies. From the Collection of Princess Lobanoff Rostowsky. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | GOLD AND TRANSLUCENT ENAMEL PATCH BOX OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD PARIS, CIRCA 1785 Oviform, with six plaques of oeil de padriex enamel simulating the texture of a ribbed and dotted fabric. The cover with a miniature attributed to Pasquier and representing a maiden in flowing gar- ments of yellow, blue and rose, before the flowered altar of Love. Mounts of festooned bands, guilloched borders and stellae. Size, 234, x 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 800 GOLD AND ENAMEL BOITE A MOUCHE FRENCH, CIRCA 1770 The centre with a miniature attributed to Huet: a young maiden in flowing rose, yellow and blue garments, with flower basket and the hat of a shepherdess at her side. Translucent gros-bleu enamel band and sides with white enamel border. Mounts of gold with chasing of floral arabesques. Diameter, 214 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 232 801 802 GOLD MOUNTED ENAMEL SNUFF BOX WITH MINIATURE PARIS, CIRCA 1790 Small shallow case entirely of gold with enamel meanders of light bleu-de-roi and interlaced with gold and finely reeded fillets. Rounded stiles with white enamel husks. The cover with a miniature rep- resenting a romantic landscape in greens, greys and tans with small figures. Size, 234, x 134, inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] GOLD, BLUE ENAMEL AND JEWELLED BOITE A MOUCHE FRENCH, CIRCA 1780 A box of entrancing beauty, circular, the centre of the cover with a miniature attributed to Baudoin, a young maiden in rose as a ber- gerette, surrounded by oval frame of gold set with opals and leaves of green enamel. The medallion on a ground of bleu-celeste trans- lucent enamel reeded and dotted. The same enamel on the side. Rich borders of enamelled and chased cornucopia arabesques on a white gold ground. The bottom similarly enriched with sunburst rosette of enamel. Gold lined. Diameter, 21% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 803 GOLD MOUNTED CRYSTAL PATCH BOX OF THE LOUIS SEIZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Oviform, the bottom and cover slightly coved. Very fine mounts, and husk, rope and acanthus members of gold. Size, 234, x 2 inches 233 FRENCH FURNITURE NUMBERS 804-808 * HEART-SHAPED COIFFEUSE OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD FRENCH, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 804] 804. HEART-SHAPED COIFFEUSE OF THE LOUIS QUINZE PERIOD FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY In kingwood and tulipwood, of very imaginative design. On three gently cabrioled supports; the deep body fitted at the right with two Swing drawers and at the left with one door uncovering two small drawers and compartments. Double top of which the lower is fitted with a mirror, the upper on the exterior appears veneered with bands of rocaille scrolls and groups of flowers on a diagonally ven- eered ground. Height, 31 inches; width, 26 inches 234 at ny a ies we hr 8 we Os LS 20 yn a iy it h ‘ i ¥ i £ y \ : i Y rel) ee, ROSEWOOD AND MARQUETRY COMMODE BY VEUVE DIEUDONNE FRENCH, CIRCA 1775 [NUMBER 805] 805 ROSEWOOD AND MARQUETRY COMMODE BY VEUVE FRENCH, CIRCA 1775 DIEUDONNE An exceedingly important commode. The body of tulipwood with elaborate rocaille mounts; the serpentined front with two drawers and gondoled returns of rosewood with broad inlays of brass and handsome baroque mounts, handles and escutcheon plates. Signed “Dieudonne”. Contemporary Brescia violette marble top. Height, 33 inches; width, 35 inches Veuve Dieudonne is mentioned in the Almanach of 1785. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 235 806 LOUIS SEIZE MAHOGANY AND MARQUETRY SECRETAIRE, A ABATTANT BY VEUVE JEAN-GEORGES SCHLICHTIG FRENCH, 18TH CENTURY Rectangular cabinet with chamfered stiles, the front with one cornice drawer and two bottom doors marquetted with floral sprays and groups and tinted holly veneers in tulipwood panels. The fall- front with a handsome composition of musical emblems under a canopy; the interior with three drawers and compartments. The returns with two panels of floral groups similarly veneered as front. Elaborate oval incised escutcheon plates. Signed “J. G. Schlichtig.” Shaped veined grey and white marble top, slightly chipped. Height, 4 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 1 inch Veuve Jean-Georges Schlichtig is mentioned in the Almanach of 1785. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 236 LOUIS SEIZE MAHOGANY AND MARQUETRY SECRETAIRE A ABATTANT BY VEUVE JEAN GEORGES SCHLICHTIG FRENCH, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY [NUMBER 806] 807 VERY IMPORTANT RENAISSANCE OAK COURT CUPBOARD FLEMISH, 16TH CENTURY In three parts; the lower with two panelled doors furnished with applied Flemish mouldings centred upon a leonine mascaron with ring. Above an arch with fan of gadrooned sunbursts and rosetted frame with oak leaf carved spandrils. The buttressed stiles boldly bracketed and crested with winged amorini heads with fruit pend- ants and masks. The Ionic capitals above busts of Renaissance personages with folded arms. The second part a broad slanting cornice with ovolo members carved with dragon scrolls and fur- nished with lion masks in stiles; one drawer. This part with male and female caryatides; a cupboard of two doors with meander mouldings centering upon protruding ring masks and narrow door with flower filled vase. Heavy cornice with a variety of detail of Renaissance carving. Restorations. Height, 6 feet; width, 4 feet 5 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 238 a te SPSS Se a Oa > + es Gp ge BE COURT CUPBOARD VERY IMPORTANT RENAISSANCE OAK [NUMBER 807] 808 LOUIS QUINZE MARQUETRY SECRETAIRE A ABATTANT ATTRIBUTED TO JEAN FRANCOIS LELEU FRENCH, CIRCA 1770 The entire body veneered with cross banding, leaves of rosewood; the sides are chamfered; the ogee cornice, marquetted with flowers, has one long drawer. The fall-front, shaped at the top and covered with elaborate floral marquetry and bands of tulipwood meanders, uncovers an interior with four drawers and compartments. Beneath are two doors; the returns show equal wealth of marquetry. Shaped base rail terminating in bracket feet with bronze shoes. Languedoc marble top. Signature effaced. Height, 4 feet 5 inches, width, 2 feet 5 inches 240 809 810 811 PAINTINGS NUMBERS 809-820 HUBERT ROBERT FRENCH, 1763-1808 HOLY FRIDAY IN ROME The foreground occupied by a columnar arch through which may be Seen a street with the dome of St. Peter’s in the far distance. To the right and left, long rows of tables with citizens enjoying a pub- lic repast. In the left foreground, a table with fish is being prepared. Other characteristic architectural detail. In contemporary carved Louis Seize frame with festoons and crest- ing. Size, 28 x 33 inches From the Sedelmeyer Collection. VIGEE LE BRUN FRENCH, 1755-1842 PORTRAIT OF A LADY PLAYING A LUTE In silver-grey Directoire costume. A turban of ostrich feathers on her dark blonde curls. Crimson cloak, and a girdle of striped blue silk enrich her attire. In contemporary frame, carved and gilded. Sizénocrx, 20 inches From the Sedelmeyer Collection. PIERRE ANTOINE BAUDOUIN FRENCH, 1723-1769 THE FORTUNE TELLER Two maidens in costumes 4 la Gréque with flowered wreaths as girdles and in their hair and brilliantly garbed in red, blue, and green. They are having their palms read by a white bearded sage in scarlet flowing robes. To the left a fountain with a young lad, and a flower filled basket. Dated 1753. Canvas. Contemporary carved and gilded frame. Size, 27 x 23 inches From the Collection of Gaston Le Roy. 241 DAVID TENIERS III. FLEMISH, 1638-1685 812 THE VILLAGE POOR 813 814 A slowly moving procession of picturesque old peasants, with their young and dogs, is seen moving towards the porch of a church, where a church elder is distributing food from a basket. Background of the vicarage and a screen of trees. Cradled circular panel in large nineteenth century gilded frame. Size, 29 inches square From the Sedelmeyer Collection. JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH PATER FRENCH, 1695-1736 SYLVAN MUSICIANS A group of ladies and a cavalier are singing to the accompaniment of a mandolin and a flute in a glade; river at the right middle dis- tance with a village on the opposite bank. Canvas. Size, 17 inches square LOUIS VIGEE FRENCH, 1727-1767 PORTRAIT OF MICHEL DE VINFRAIS Half-length figure of the Grand Veneur of Louis XV and Command- ant des Guards du Corps at St. Leger en Yvelines. His left hand grasping a gun and his right caressing the head of a white retriever who has just brought back a newly-bagged bird. Bright blue sky and landscape background. Pastel. Size, 3014 x 3714 inches Louis Vigée, the father of Madame Vigée le Brun, excelled in pastel. He was a man of great culture and social achievements, and himself a hunter of renown. [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] 242 PORTRAIT OF MICHEL DE VINFRAIS BY LOUIS VIGEE [NUMBER 814] 815 816 817 LOUIS VIGEE FRENCH, 1727-1767 PORTRAIT OF MME. DE VINFRAIS Portrait of a lady in three-quarter length seated on an elaborate Regence sofa, dressed in a voluminous dress with lace ruffs, holding a fan in her right hand. Her distinguished countenance is framed by a coiffure of powdered hair with a handsome feather, pearl and jewelled enriched hair ornament. She wears pearl earrings. Pastel. In a large gilded frame of nineteenth century workmanship. Size, 49 x 40 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION ] WILLIAM JAMES MULLER ENGLISH, 1812-1845 AUTUMNAL LANDSCAPE IN WALES A clearing in a forest with rich golden-brown foliage. In the fore- ground high bushes still in bloom. Mottled blue sky. Warm tonality resembling old enamels. Size, 13 x 20 inches Represented in the National Gallery and South Kensington Museum. IN THE MANNER OF JEAN BAPTISTE HUET FRENCH YOUNG MAIDEN WITH ROSE Turned with her face to the onlooker, she wears the beribboned hat of the bergerette, a brown tight-fitting pleated bodice trimmed with a white lace collar and white ruffs. In her left hand, she holds a pink rose. She has beautifully attenuated long fingers. Gilded frame of later addition. Size, 221% x 2414 inches 244 PORTRAIT OF MME. DE VINFRAIS BY LOUIS VIGEE [NUMBER 815] 818 819 820 IN THE MANNER OF LARGILLIERE FRENCH, EARLY 18TH CENTURY PORTRAIT OF MADAME DE GRIGNAN Dressed in sumptuous court robe of crimson velvet with lace collar and sleeves with jewelled belt of gold and plum colored cloth thrown over her shoulders. High curling coiffure crowns her youthful countenance. Carved and gilded frame of later addition. Svze, 3214 x 26 inches ATTRIBUTED TO JEAN BAPTISTE PERRONEAU FRENCH, 1731-1796 PASTEL PORTRAIT OF A LADY WITH PEARLS Her head is half turned to the audience. Her powdered hair trimmed ‘ with a small spray of rose colored flowers. She wears a collier of _ three ranks of large pearls. Her orange and white bodice is covered _ by a brilliant blue cloak trimmed with fur. Grey background. Contemporary carved and gilded frame with ribbon cresting. Size, 2414 x 19 inches ANTOINE VESTIER FRENCH, 1740-1806 PORTRAIT OF A LADY, WITH CRYSTAL PENDANTS Bust portrait in a green tight-fitting bodice; her long powdered curling hair tied with a silver ribbon. She wears twin pendants of gold mounted crystal beads in her ears. Gilded and carved Louis Seize frame. Size, 2614 x 3014 inches 246 821 822 823 TAPESTRIES NUMBERS 821-824 ONE OF TWO PERSONAGE TAPESTRIES ATELIER DELAPLANCHE PARIS, 17TH CENTURY Representing the story of Coriolan. Coriolan in golden armor, his plumed helmet crested by a dragon, receives the entreaties of his mother to return to Volsci with his army of Volscians. She is clad in blue-green robes and golden. drap- ery falls over her mournful head. In the right background soldiers in blue armor and beyond Roman architecture. Handsome upper border of acanthus scrolls in crimson and brown with a key panel with warriors on horseback, woven in blue “‘camaieu’”’. Originally a larger panel, it was cut and made into portieres with vertical borders of old seventeenth century Brussels tapestry galloon, one with a monogram, of later addition. Identical tapestries at the Chateau de Compiegne. Size, 10 feet 9 inches x 5 feet 1 inch ONE OF TWO PERSONAGE TAPESTRIES ATELIER DELAPLANCHE PARIS, 17TH CENTURY The Deputation of Roman Senators. The foreground with the figures of eight draped personages appear- ing full length in flowing robes, on a tessellated floor. To the left two youthful onlookers presumably the children of Coriolan, be- neath a balustrade, and formal garden and the soft blue outline of a Roman palace and cluster of houses beyond. Border similar to the preceding. Size, 10 feet 8 inches x 5 feet 11 inches ENTRE-FENETRE TAPESTRY OF FONTAINEBLEAU WEAVE FRENCH, LATE 17TH CENTURY The Legend of Narcissus. Narcissus admiring his pleasant features in the mirror of a pool. The artist has set this classic composition in a landscape with a stag hunt entertainingly treated inside of a large and beautiful chateau in the background. Handsome continuous border of mask enriched urns, fruit festoons and flower groups, the top and bottom borders with heraldic shields in a brilliant multicolored weave. Size, 8 feet 3 inches x 8 feet 11 inches 247 824 GOBELINS TAPESTRY FRENCH, CIRCA 1740 The Court of Apollo. A group of six personages, noble women and their attendants as musicians. The dominating central figure a handsome young woman with blond curling hair, rose bodice and blue-green cloak, singing from a score of music. Another with blond braids, cream gold-belted gown and crimson cloak accompanying her with her voice. To the left a cellist and apollo with a green wreath in his long curling hair, playing a lyre; he is draped in crimson and gold. In the near back- ground two listeners and wooded landscape and beyond fields in the faraway town. To the right a young maiden dancing with an in- strument in her hand. Framed in a carved oak baguette. Height, 8 feet; width, 6 feet 2 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION] 248 EE ea pce geo Te gga a ga coe es ail Kes Say gag °. Sie bec Beco! P is IMPORTANT GOBELINS TAPESTRY FRENCH, CIRCA 1740 [NUMBER 824] , a i ’ r z ra oy ae Lf te i wy : [Seal oe , ‘ Ot ur ms % ; ; * ‘ iY ‘ . i 7 Pry woe me ; wi. ‘an