, thf 92 3 1923 Mar .23 NeAnZ SALE NUMBER 1725 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, MARCH EIGHTEENTH PAINTINGS, ETCHINGS DRAWINGS, SCULPTURES THE COLLECTION OF MARIUS DE ZAYAS OF NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH TWENTY’THIRD AT EIGHT’FIFTEEN AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH TWENTY-FOURTH AT ABOUT THREE’THIRTY, IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE SALE OF THE BENGUIAT COLLECTION THE ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent ] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 ee ie Oe Le Sete v ral san A? oo mh SALE NUMBER 1725 ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION FROM SUNDAY, MARCH EIGHTEENTH Pre COLLECTION OF MARIUS DE ZAYAS Oi NEW YORK CITY RARE PRIMITIVE ART NEGRO WOOD CARVINGS: AZTEC SCULPTURES IN VOLCANIC STONE AND A VERY IMPORTANT SERIES OF PREINCA PERUVIAN POTTERIES UNIQUE IN THEIR RARE QUALITY AND STATE OF PRESERVATION PAINTINGS BY THE OLD MASTERS HEAD OF THE CHRIST BY COSIMA TURA: TWO PAINTINGS BY EL GRECO FRENCH IMPRESSIONIST SCHOOL IMPORTANT EXAMPLES BY CEZANNE, GAUGUIN, PICASSO, RENOIR, VAN GOGH AND OTHERS DRAWINGS OF THE IMPRESSIONIST AND BARBIZON SCHOOL DRAWINGS BY TOULOUSE-LAUTREC, SKETCHES BY PICASSO, LANDSCAPES BY JONGKIND AND COROT, INTERESTING - SPECIMENS BY DEGAS, ETC. TWO IMPORTANT DRAWINGS BY ERCOLE DI ROBERTI AND MICHELANGELO LITHOGRAPHS, ETCHINGS, ETC. AN UNUSUALLY LARGE SERIES OF TOULOUSE-LAUTREC LITHOGRAPHS TWO RARE LITHOGRAPHS BY INGRES, ILLUSTRATIONS FOR “THE RAVEN” BY MANET, MONOTYPES BY DEGAS TO BE SOLD BY HIS ORDER FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH TWENTY-THIRD AT EIGHT’FIFTEEN AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH TWENTY-’FOURTH AT ABOUT THREE’THIRTY IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE SALE OF THE BENGUIAT COLLECTION ie ANDERSON GALLERIES [MITCHELL KENNERLEY, Presipent ] PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK 1923 4 eng. 1 ‘ ¢ : ’ e \ oH) CONDITIONS OF SALE ALL BIDS TO BE PER LOT AS NUMBERED IN THE CATALOGUE. The highest bidder to be the buyer. In all cases of disputed bids the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. Buyers to give their names and addresses and to make such cash payments on account as may be required, in default of which the lots purchased shall be resold immediately. Purchases to be removed at the buyer’s expense and risk within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale, and the remainder of the purchase money to be paid on or before delivery, in default of which The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatever, but the lot or lots will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser, and subject to storage charges. All lots will be placed on public exhibition before the date of sale, for examina- tion by intending purchasers, and The Anderson Galleris, Incorporated, will not be responsible for the correctness of the description, authenticity, genuine- ness, or for any defect or fault in or concerning any lot, and make no warranty whatever, but will sell each lot exactly as it is, WIirHOUT RECOURSE. If accounts are not paid and purchases removed within twenty-four hours of the conclusion of the sale, or, in the case of absent buyers, when bills are rendered, any sum deposited as part payment shall be forfeited, and The Anderson Gal- leries, Incorporated, reserve the right to resell the lot or lots by either private or public sale, without further notice, and if any deficiency arises from such resale it shall be made good by the defaulter, together with all expenses in- curred. ‘This condition shall be without prejudice to the right of this Com- pany to enforce the sale contract and collect the amount due without such resale, at its own option. The Anderson Galleries, Incorporated, will afford every facility for the employ- ment of carriers and packers by the purchasers, but will not be responsible for any damage arising from the acts of such carriers and packers. The Anderson Galleries make no charge for executing orders for their cus- tomers and use all bids competitively, buying at the lowest price permitted by other bids. Priced Copy of this Catalogue may be secured for one dollar THE ANDERSON GALLERIES, INC. PARK AVENUE AND FIFTY-NINTH STREET, NEW YORK TELEPHONE PLAZA 9356 SALES CONDUCTED BY MR. FREDERICK A. CHAPMAN INTRODUCTION UR time ts in a strange fermentation, and our way of collecting art-objects reflects it. The last years of the 19th century were entirely under the influence of the Impressionistic movement in France, which created beautiful paintings, and a bad system of art-philosophy. Impressionism brought in its wake an over-estimation of the fugitive sensations of the individual, and the Impressionistic School failed entirely when a work had to be created out of the spirit of a com- munity for a community. Still, in the 19th century the reaction against the spirit of impres- sionism set in. Formally speaking, the artists tried to create some- thing more stable, architectonic and static. The understanding of Cézanne is the basis of Gauguin and Van Gogh. Van Gogh felt the solitude of the artist and longed to paint works that would hang naturally in a sailors’ inn. Gauguin tried to get away from esthetic- ism and tried to create an art as simple and natural as that of the Polynesian natives. Then followed the discovery of the art of primi- tive people from Africa and Polynesia. It looked for a moment as if the brokers and dealers in artistic stocks and bonds would be driven out of the temple of art. The paintings that are created to-day have a monumental solidity that would be perfect if there were people and buildings of simple strength to receive them. But as things are, art again remains suspended between heaven and earth. Mr. De Zayas has been following with a keen eye the incessant striving of the individual artist in his detachment from the back- ground of a community. He clearly sees the tragic problem, to which no solution seems possible. His collection reflects the different movements that began at the end of Impressionism, and also includes the work of some earlier artists who exerted a particularly strong influence on the recent currents in art. It is for the first time that such an extensive series of the work of Toulouse-Lautrec is offered at public sale. The works of Cézanne, Van Gogh, Renoir, Daumier, El Greco and Gauguin are all choice examples. ‘The two paintings by Henri Rousseau will be particularly welcome. The sale of a beautiful series of pre-Inca Peruvian potteries may also be called a unique event in the New York auction market. R. M. RIEFSTAHL, PH.D. ORDER OF SALE FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH TWENTY-THIRD NINETEENTH CENTURY FRENCH ETCHINGS AND LITHOGRAPHS 1- 39 DRAWINGS, WATER-COLORS, ETC. OF FRENCH ART- ISTS OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, WITH TWO IMPORTANT DRAWINGS OF ERCOLE DI ROBERTI AND MICHELANGELO 40- 75 IMPORTANT COLLECTION -OF OLD*> ANDSMGr OIL PAINTINGS 76- 98 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH TWENTY-FOURTH MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS OFQART 99-120 POLYNESIAN, NEGRO AND OTHER PRIMITIVE | SCULPTURES 121-165 PRIMITIVE CHINESE JADES 166-168 PREHISTORIC AMERICAN ART 169-191 Seren lOAY EVENING, MARCH: TWENTY-THIRD, AT 8:15 BERS Lesh ooLOn NUMBERS I-98 NINETEENTH CENTURY FRENCH ETCHINGS AND LITHOGRAPHS NUMBERS I-39 Peete HOGRAPH BY DAUMIER Sheet from the magazine “Le Charivari’’: ‘‘Actualities’’. Peete OGRAPH BY DAUMIER Sheet from “Le Charivari’’: Les Bons Bourgeosis Series. 3 WOODCUT BY ANDRE DERAIN Nude woman, one arm raised, one arm and one leg wound about a pillar. On écru paper. Hand signed. Size, 3 x 8 inches fee bo OL NINE ETCHINGS BY ODILON REDON Peeeon al ING BAUDELAIRE’S “LES FLEURS DU MAL” All before the letter. See André Mellerio, “Odilon Redon’, Nos. 198-206. Published in one hundred copies for insertion in the volume of Baudelaire. (9) meeeeenm PICHING BY JACQUES VILLON AFTER MATISSE Oriental subject. Woman reposing with head on cushion to the left, a half clad female musician holding violin to the right. No. 27 of two hundred copies issued. Signatures of Villon and Matisse. Size, 18 x 23 inches Peete fT CHING BY JACOUES VILLON AFTER MATISSE Same subject as the preceding. No. 36 of two hundred copies issued. LO it IZ t3 14 ETCHING BYSRENOIE Two young girls, seated, both wearing broad-brimmed hats. Signature to the left. Size, 34% x 4% inches LITHOGRAPH BY GAUGUIN Boy and girl in landscape. Sige; 11 XO pices LITHOGRAPH By Mana Head of man wearing high hat, and head of invalided old woman. Signed to the right. Size, 834 x 434 inches LITHOGRAPH BY MANET Delteil, No. 91. The first of a series of four illustrations by Manet for the translation by Stéphane Mallarmé of the famous poem “The Raven”, by Poe. The poet seated in his study by the lamplight. Published in 240 copies. Initials “E M” to the left. Rare print on hand-made paper. LITHOGRAPH BY -MANET Delteil, No. 91. Same as the preceding, but on ordinary paper. The first of the series of illustrations for ““The Raven’’. LITHOGRAPH BY NEN a Delteil, No. 92. The second of the series of Manet’s illustra- tions for “The Raven’. The poet standing by an open case- ment window where a raven is hovering. Initials “E M” to the left. LITHOGRAPH BY DARE Delteil, No. 93. The third of the four lithographs by Manet illustrating “The Raven’. The poet looking upward, the raven perched on the bust of Minerva. Initials “E M” to the right. LITHOGRAPH BY MANET Delteil, No. 94. The fourth of Manet’s illustrations for “The Raven”. Room with an empty chair. Initials to the left. 2 1.) 16 MesOGRKAPH BY MANET Head of a Raven. Delteil, No. 95. Design originally made to go with the text of the announcement of the book. The present lithograph is one of the rare reprints without text, on vellum. Pe ey Phe BY DEGAS Head of a girl with long flowing hair, bound with a dark rib- foe nedteatures in profile. Very rare. Sige, 714 x 5 inches moo -TOULOUSE-LAUTREC FRENCH SCHOOL, 1864-1901 eee WING NUMBERS FORM AN UNUSUALLY Peo ING SELECTION OF THE LITHOGRAPHIC — T/7 18 IQ eter 1 His GREAT FRENCH ARTIST, WHICH fo veRyY RARELY OFFERED AT AUCTION NUMBERS 17-37 fies MAY BELFORT (18095) Delteil, No. 119. First state. Good print, but margin dam- aged. A\rtist’s stamp in the lower right. Pencil signature of the artist. Embossed stamp of the publisher Kleinmann in the lower left. This rare print was issued in only twenty num- bered copies, besides a few proof prints. No number is visible on the present copy; it must therefore be one of the proof prints. DEBAUCH (1806) ete c, 175. First state, betore the letter.. No. 49 of fifty copies issued. Numbered and initialled in pencil to the right. Artist’s stamp to right. Lithograph in three colors, red, blue and yellow. Pewee DE DOS, DANSANT LE BOLERO DANS CHILPERIC (189s) Delteil, No. 106. Only state. This lithograph was issued in twenty copies, besides a few proof prints. No number ts visible on the present copy; it must therefore be one of the proof prints. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 LENDER EV DAVALLEIE RES CIs0s: Delteil, No. 109. Only state. Twenty-five numbered copies issued; as the present copy bears no number, it must be one of the proof prints. Artist’s seal twice to the right. LA TERREUR-DE GRENELEE Delteil, No. 72. First state. With embossed stamp of pub- lisher Kleinmann to the left. No. 9 of one hundred copies printed. Arrtist’s stamp to the right. POUROUQOE PAS? e102) Delteil, No. 40. Only state. No. 56 of one hundred copies issued. This lithograph was published in “L’Escarmouche”, Vol. I (Nov. 12, 1893). With artist’s pencil signature to the left; seal to the right. PROMENOIR (1899) Delteil, No. 290. Only state. Issued in one hundred stamped and numbered copies, not including a few proof prints. As the present lithograph is without stamp and number, it must be one of the proof prints. Two seals of the artist to the left. Published in “Germinal”. MME. SIMON-GIRARD, BRASSEUR ET GUY (1895) Delteil, No. 114. Only state. Issued in thirty copies. Em- bossed stamp of Kleinmann to the left (stamp and margin damaged). Artist’s seal to the right. IDA HEATH AU BAR (1894) Delteil, No. 59. Only state. Arrtist’s seal to left and right. As this copy is not numbered or stamped, it must be one of the proof prints. MLLE. LENDER EP BARON? (1de3} Delteil, No. 43. Only state. Issued in one hundred copies in “L’Escarmouche’, December 3, 1893. Artist S$ Statipmtomc te left. LE VIEUX CHEVAL (THE OLD HORSE) (1898) Delteil, No. 224. Only state. Fifty copies printed. Artist’s stamp to the right. 28 ce 30 32 33 34 PEMME EN CORSET (CONQUETE DE PASSAGE, BELES) (18096) Only state. Lithograph in two colors. No. 25 of one hun- dred copies printed. Numbered to the right. Artist’s stamp to the left. CAS SIV E Delteil, No. 162. Only state. One of a series of thirteen por- traits of actors and actresses. Artist’s stamp in the upper left. On brown paper. FOUR COLOR REPRODUCTIONS OF DRAWINGS BY eee e oe LAUTRECG PUBLISHED IN “LE RIRE” Two of Yvette Guilbert. (4) YVETTE GUILBERT ALBUM Delteil, Nos. 250-260. Series of eight lithographs, with orig- inal wrapper and text in English by Arthur Byl, published in London by Bliss & Sands, 1898. The so-called ‘English Series”. (Some sheets slightly damaged ) Pewee LE CAPE CONCERT” Delteil, Nos. 28-38. A series of twenty-two lithographs, eleven of them by Toulouse-Lautrec. Those by Toulouse-Lautrec are as follows: “Jane Avril’, “Yvette Guilbert”, “Paula Brebion’”, “Mary Hamilton’, “Edmée Lescot’, “Mme. Abdala’, ‘“Aris- tide Bruant’’, ‘““Cadieux’”’, ““Ducarre aux Ambassadeurs’’, “Une Spectatrice’” and “Chanteur Américain”. With text in French by Georges Montorgueil. REPETITION GENERALE AUX FOLIES-BERGERES Delteil, No. 44. This lithograph was issued in one hundred copies and published in “L’Escarmouche’’, 1893. Proof print on gray paper. Peer eNO (POSTER) Delteil, No. 340. Second state. Words to the left, “2me tirage a 30. 1895.” (Damaged) 5 ote 36 37 28 39 FEMME SUR-CE DOS (LASSITUDE, PELies Delteil, No. 189. Only state. Issued in one hundred copies. Artist’s stamp to the right. FEMME COUCHEE (REVEIL, ELLES) (aan. Delteil, No. 182. Issued in one hundred copies. Rare proof print with handwritten notice of the artist: “Bon a tirer, fait un peu moins vert, T. L.” Initials to the right. MONOTYPE BY TOULOUSE-LAUTREG@ WAG Gir LA CLOW NESSE) Delteil, No. 338. Artist’s stamp to the lettres IMPORTANT LITHOGRAPH BY INGRES, FPREDEEe SYEV ESTER DOUG Ss Delteil, No. 6. The only other known copy of this rare litho- graph is in the Bibliotheque Nationale. In 1861 there was one copy in the Vente Parquez, but it has since disappeared. Signed to thesright, “Ineres, home isi IMPORTANT. LITHOGRAPH BY VINGR Delteil, No. 7. One of the three known copies of this very rare lithograph, the present one coming originally from the Rouart Collection. Delteil states that the subject of the por- trait is unknown; however, a handwritten notice on the present copy says: “Le Baron de Norvins de Montbreton, peint a Vhuile a Rome par Ingres et lithographie par luv’. (The paper discolored ) DRAWINGS, WATER-COLORS, ETC. OF FRENCH is 40 OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, “With IMPORTANT DRAWINGS OF ERCOLE DI ROBERTI AND MICHAELANGELO ADDED NUMBERS 40-75 PENCIL DRAWING BY MANOLO Head of a Young Man. Signed to the right. Size, 13 x 9% inches 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 PEN AND INK DRAWING BY PICASSO Acrobat and monkey. Size, 81% x 5 inches Wein -COLOR BY PICASSO Abstraction. Signed “Picasso, 1916” in the upper right. Size, 12% x 9% inches Pencil DRAWING OF.A BOY BY PICASSO Represented nude, standing with one hand on the hip. Size, 7 x 4% inches Pon aD INK DRAWING BY PICASSO Seated figure in cloak and cowl. WeolER-COLOR SKETCH BY PICASSO Group of figures in 18th century costume. Size, 734 x 834 inches WATER-COLOR BY PICASSO Young man in pale yellow straw hat and evening dress, and young lady wearing feather boa and elaborate hat, seated at restaurant table. Signed to the left. Sige, 12 x Q inches TWO DRAWINGS BY PICASSO ON ONE SHEET On recto pencil sketch of a nude woman, standing; on verso, two heads and study of a hand, done in ink. Size, 614 x 4 inches CRAYON DRAWING BY PICASSO Portrait of M. A. N. Brenet seated at desk working. Signed to right, “A. N. Brenet, Picasso’. Size, 1414 x 10% inches i 49 50 51 52 Bo 54 aos 56 bf 58 PENCIL DRAWING BY PICASSO Nude woman, standing, with one hand raised to the Mens Size, 61% x 4% inches SKE TCH]BY «Pig AS sG Pen and ink. Leaf from a notebook. Man with a pipe. SKETCH BY]PICes SO Leaf from a notebook. Pen and ink. Self-portrait with in- scription, “Picasso, par lui méme”’. PEN AND. INK DRAWING BY HENRI MATioS AFTER DELACROIX After painting, “The Capture of Rebecca”. Group of fleeing figures in the foreground, buildings burning on the hill. Signed to the left “Henri Matisse’, and to the right, “Apres E D, Henri Matisse”. Sige, 10% x 8% inches DRAWING BY- CONSTANTIN CG Pencil, heightened with gouache. Two ladies in feathered hats, wearing the costume of the 1880’s. Size, 7 x 434 inches PENCIL DRAWING BY JONGKIND Sailboats. Signed to the right. Size, 7x 4% inches PENCIL DRAWING BY JONGKIND Farm scene with cows. Signed to the right. S120,.7 X44 Inees DRAWING WITH WASH BY JONGKIND Horse and cart near bridge. Size, 4% x 7% imches PENCIL DRAWING BY JONGKIND Canal Scene, Rotterdam. Signed. Size, 734 x 5 inches TWO DRAWINGS OF HEADS BY stOULG LAUTREC Grotesque head of old man, and officer wearing cap. (2) Size, 10% x 6% mches 59 60 62 63 64 65 PENCIL DRAWING BY TOULOUSE-LAUTREC “Chocolat”, the famous Paris clown. Signed to the right. Sige, 11 x 8 inches Pewee INK SKETCH BY DERAIN Landscape with poplar trees and houses. Signed to the right, ee Lat Size, 34% x 434 inches PENCIL DRAWING BY DERAIN View of town from a hillside, the roofs rising at interesting angles up the incline, and silhouetted against the sky. (Slight damages ) Size, 934 x 13 mches WATER-COLOR SKETCH BY DERAIN “Bathers”. Women standing and reclining. Size, 6 x 334 inches EUGENE DELACROIX FRENCH, 1798-1863 PENCIL DRAWING Anatomical study of a man, standing with one arm raised. Three-quarter figure. Signed to the right, “E D”. Size, 12 x 9% inches EUGENE DELACROIX FRENCH, 1798-1863 OT sKETCH OF A HORSE ie paner., oiened to the right, “ED”. Sige, 111% x 834 mches FUGENE DELACROIX FRENCH, 1798-1863 WASH DRAWING Preliminary sketch for the painting “La Liberté”. Two men lying dead, another bending over them. Signed “E D”’ to the right. S122 rel 2x7 WICHeS. 66 67 68 69 7O CAMILLE COROT FRENCH, 1796-1875 DRAWING Pen and ink with gouache. Bare, hilly landscape, with sketchy figures of two men in the foreground. Signed “Corot” to the leit, Size, 94% x 12 mches HONORE DAUMIER FRENCH, 1808-1879 DRAWING, “THE ADVOCATES. Pen and wash drawing. Two advocates, the one pleading pathetically, the other looking at him ironically. Public in the background. One of Daumier’s famous satires on the legal profession. Height, 934 inches; width, 15% imches GUSTAVE; COUR Ria FRENCH, 1819-1877 DRAWING Study of a man with one arm upraised and pointing, the body nude, the hair long and heavy. (Torn at lower edge) Size, 101% x 734 mches EDGAR DEGAS FRENCH, 1834-1917 TWO DRAWINGS One in pencil, showing a youth on all fours; the other of the same subject in colored chalk on brown paper. (2) Size of each,Q x 12% mches . EDGAR DEGAS FRENCH, 1834-1917 TWO PENCIL DRAWINGS One of youth with arms upraised, the other of youth in atti- tude of defence. Wauth the seal of the Degas sale. (2) Size, 838 x 13% inches, and 75% x 12% mches IO 5 7/2 7? HENRI DE TOULOUSE-LAUTREC FRENCH, 1864-1901 PENCIL: DRAWING, “AT THE Pian. One woman seated at the piano, another standing by her side. Artist’s stamp to the right. Size, 20% x 14 mches GEORGES PIERRE SEU Rae FRENCH, 1859-1891 “Li Eo EAVBOA Black crayon. Small tug on a stream, factories on the banks. Signed in red to the right. Size, 9% x 12 inches GEORGES PIERRE SE UR a: FRENCH, 1859-1891 RAIN Drawing in black chalk. Woman with umbrella in the midst of dark landscape. Size, 1134 x 8% inches MICHAELANGELO BUONARROTI FLORENTINE, 1475-1564 STUDY FOR ONE OF THE FIGURES IN ii ee CHAPEL. ; From the Baron Schlichting Collection. Height, 13% inches; width, 8 imches ERCOLE Di-ROBERW ITALIAN SCHOOL, LATE I5TH CENTURY “THE FLAGELEATION:: | Drawing with gouache. Christ bound to a column, while two Roman soldiers beat him with lashes. Size, 914 x 1434 inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION, PAGE IT | TZ IMPORTANT COLLECTION OF OLD AND MODERN OIL PAINTINGS NUMBERS 76-98 GEORGES PIERRE SEURAT FRENCH, 1859-1891 fone Wit FIGURES A tree-bordered road leads into a typical Norman village street. In the middle distance a peasant woman with a basket on each arm is advancing. In the right foreground, loom the head and shoulders of a man dressed in blue. Oil on panel. Sige, Il x 1334 mches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | [76] ANDRE DERAIN CONTEMPORARY FRENCH eG rev Lo EE A woman of provincial type, her head veiled by a dark blue scarf, leaning on her right arm. Height, 22 inches; width, 15% iches HONORE DAUMIER FRENCH, 1808-1879 78 THE THIRD CLASS WAGON The artist was very fond of this subject, which he also treated in lithography. In the foreground, a couple sleeping, and a woman to the left holding her baby. In the rear, perspective into the next compartment, with two groups of three men each, Windows to the left. Powerful treatment of the masses; Kem- brandt-like light effect. Height, 9 inches; length, 12% inches [SEE ILLUSTRATION | a 14 ra SO Si TIGR Uso bak UW. FRENCH SCHOOL Seok DE VULLEMOBLE, RAINGY A pine tree stands gaunt against the thick foliaged background and the blue sky. In the distance small figures, walking along a path. With paper label bearing title in artist’s handwriting on the back.. Oil on canvas. Signed to the left. S1z€, 0% x 13 inches PEN BL hOUS Se AU FRENCH SCHOOL Sere ey THE RIVER On the left flows the river, winding into a sylvan background. On the right is a summer cottage, with a group of people on the door step. Behind the cottage, rises a gaunt factory chimney, belching smoke. In the early manner of the artist. Signed at the lower right. Oil on canvas. Sige, 15 x 18 wiches Bie a HIN Ee aR OLX FRENCH, 1798-1863 Pie elke Sibi LIFE A brass vase with a profusion of old-fashioned garden flowers. This picture is similar to the flower paintings which Delacroix painted during his stay in Nohant, the country seat of George Sand. Height, 17% ches, length, 22% mches PAUIAGAMGUEN FRENCH, 1848-1903 Pees FT PARADISE Painted before the first and second Tahiti periods. Tropical landscape with figures. Allegorical subject, showing a female figure, probably Lilith, standing near the coiled serpent beneath a twisted tree. At the right Adam, and Eve who hides her face in shame, flee from the garden, the angel of God pursuing them in a cloud. Oil on canvas. Size, 18 x 21% inches T5 83 84 85 PAUL GAUGUIN FRENCH, 1848-1903 LANDSCAPE TE Bihan. On the shore of a tree-hung inlet a lean dog skulks among the driftwood. To the left is a glimpse of blue sea and sun-flooded beach. To the right, in a shadowy grove, is a hut, and the vague figure of a woman standing near a fire. Rich coloring. Signed at lower right. Canvas. Size, 36 x 2614 inches (Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Loan Exhibi- tion of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Paintings, 1921) VINCENT VAN GOGH FRENCH, 1853-1890 FARMHOUSE, AUVERS A landscape showing twisted trees against a background of hill and sky. In characteristic tones of blue, yellow and green. Oil on canvas. Supposedly painted at Auvers-sur-Oise, where during 1890 Van Gogh devoted two months to productive work before he ended his life. Size, 177% xX 235% inches (Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Loan Exhibi- tion of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Paintings, 1921. Illustrated in the catalogue of the Exhibition) VINCENT VAN GOGH FRENCH, 1853-1890 HE ADO rex The boy depicted full face, dressed in a blue peasant cap and wearing a green jacket with red buttons. Oil on canvas. Size, 14. X 17 tnches (Exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Loan Exhibi- tion of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Paintings, 1921) [SEE ILLUSTRATION | 16 [85] 86 87 PAUL GEZANNE FRENCH, 1839-1906 REFLECTIONS IN. THE WATER Painted in the early nineties. In the foreground still water, ending in the opening of an aqueduct among the trees of the background. at y ; ¥ + * r r ; a * od aD. 9 -s * * { ae Ake ¥ Ls Le i « ola tae: Before a table on which stand a large bottle of varnish and nu- merous carpenter’s tools, is a boy of thirteen or fourteen years. Other tools hang from the rafters in the background. Signed to the right, “E Corneau, ’19”. On canvas. Sige, 31% x 26 wiches DIEGO M-RIVERA MODERN FRENCH SCHOOL STILL LIFE, THE SUGAR BOWL AND THis eee Glass, pipe, vase and matchbox. Signed and dated on the back. Height, 25% inches; width, 21% mches DIEGO M. RIVERA MODERN FRENCH SCHOOL PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN Abstract. Signed to lower left. Height, 57 inches; width, 44% inches PICASSO CONTEMPORARY FRENCH ABS TRAGCLIION Signed on back. On panel. Size, 74% x 9% mches DoaMy RIVERA CONTEMPORARY FRENCH LANDSCAPE Grassy foreground; low walls in the middle ground, above which rises a terrace with houses. Signed to the left, “D. Rivera”. Oil on canvas. Size, 32 X 24 Inches HEAD OF AN INFANT BY:-BRANCUSI Executed in brass. Signed “C. Brancusi’. Height, 8 inches 26 SeesalURDAY APTERNOON, MARCH TWENTY-FOURTH, AT 3:30 29 IOO IOI LOZ 103 104 105 106 SECOND SESSION NUMBERS 99-191 Pree ro ANEOUS OBJECTS OF ART NUMBERS 99-120 Poe TAPA CLOTH FROM NEW ZEALAND Pee Per EIPING) TEXTILES Green sash with conventionalized animals; red and yellow sash, and dark blue cover with red and brocade stripe. (3) WROUGHT-IRON CANDLE STAND BRITTANY, FRANCE, I8TH CENTURY Tripod base. Height, 31 inches W ROUGHT-IRON CANDLE STAND BRITTANY, FRANCE, I8TH CENTURY Tripod base. Height, 19 inches PAIR OF WROUGHT-IRON ANDIRONS BRITTANY, FRANCE, ISTH CENTURY (2) PAIR OF WROUGHT-IRON ANDIRONS BRITTANY, FRANCE, ISTH CENTURY Mushroom tops, resting on double spiral. (2) RED TERRA COTTA HEAD OF A MAN EGYPTIAN OR SYRIAN (Damaged ) Height, 434 imches mE RLGIL ROMAN, ABOUT 200 B.C. With incised palm-leaf decoration. Fine patina. Length, 7 inches 27 107 108 109 rio PIT II2 113 IIA IIS POTTERY 20O1NOGHOR SARDINIA, ROMAN PERIOD The shoulder decorated in red and yellow with frieze of leaf and scroll decoration. The handle with animal-head finial. Height, 1034 inches BRONZE STATUETTE OF A MAN ROMAN, ABOUT 200 B.C. (Sold as is) Height, 3% mches BRONZE STATUETTE Grech ia. ROMAN, ABOUT 200 B.C. The goddess represented in flowing gown and holding a cornu- copia 1n one hand. Height, 2% inches ARCHAIC BRONZE STATUETTE OF A MAN Standing with one arm outstretched, the other resting on the hip. Height, 3% inches BRONZE STATUETTE OF AN ATHEET ROMAN, ABOUT 200 B.C. (One arm damaged ) Height, 5% wmches BUCCHERO EARTHENWARE BOWL ETRUSCAN, 400-300 B.C. The body fluted and raised in centre. (Repaired) Diameter, 5% inches POTTERY HEAD OF A WOMAN GRECO-ROMAN, 4TH-3RD CENTURY B.C. The hair crowned by high ornament (damaged). Height, 7 inches LARGE POTTERY AMPHORA ROMAN, ABOUT 200 B.C. Floral frieze around the shoulder. Flattened handle connecting shoulder and neck; two smaller handles. (Sold as is) Height, 14 imches TWO POTTERY BOWLS AND A Tit Gris ETRUSCAN, 5TH-3RD CENTURIES B.C, The pitcher with sgraffito decoration, one bowl bucchero ware with fluted body. (Sold as is) (3) 28 te biz 118 119 I21I I22 ees 124 eae |] ERRA COTTA SARCOPHAGUS The cover with figure in relief, dressed in flowing garments, and with head resting on high pillow. Size, 18 x 9 inches PeaGMeENT OF LATE ROMAN MOSAIC FRIEZE Inlaid with star pattern. Length, 16% inches PreetaMeNT OF LATE ROMAN MOSAIC FRIEZE Frieze in checker pattern in blue, gold, white and red, set into a marble slab. Length, 12% inches LARGE ALBUM OF MAPS FRENCH, EARLY IQTH CENTURY Counties of France, etc. Majority dated in the early 18th cen- tury Size of album, 26 x 19 inches Peeve CARVED WOODEN DOOR: BY BRANCUSI Pot NE orIAN, NEGRO AND OTHER PRIMITIVE SOE ORES NUMBERS 121-1605 AFRICAN NEGRO BRONZE RATTLE Height, 5 mches Pe tCAN NEGRO CARVED WOODEN HEADREST Height, 5%4 inches AFRICAN CARVED HORN HANDLE Length, 7 inches Pept AN NEGRO POLYCHROME FETICH Human head set on bracket base. Height, 12 inches AFRICAN NEGRO CARVED WOODEN. BOX WITH COVER Crescent-shaped, with carved decoration of geometrical motives. Length, 13% inches 29 130 131 [33 AFRICAN NEGRO CARVED WOODEN SPOON The handle carved in the shape of finely modelled human figure. Length, 6% inches AFRICAN NEGRO CARVED WOODEN FIGURE OF A WOMAN | Height, 5 inches CARVED WOODEN STATUETTE FROMTHE Height, 7% inches CARVED WOODEN FLUTE FROM THE TVORhiG@ With conventionalized bird. Length, 16% inches CARVED WOODEN STATUETTE FROM: THE SUDAN Height, 1334 inches CARVED WOODEN STATUETTE FROM i Red polychromy. Height, 17% mches CARVED WOODEN STATUETTE FROM TRE Polychrome, red and black. (Sold asis) Height, 18% inches CARVED WOODEN BOWL FROM THE WA OG ISLANDS Geometrical design. Diameter, 9% inches NEW GUINEA PADDLE AND Tate Polychrome and with geometrical design. NEW GUINEA POLYCHROME WOODEN Fata Lozenge-shaped, with grotesque head. FIJI ISLAND CARVED HARDWOOD PADDLE Very fine specimen, with geometrical carving. AFRICAN NEGRO MUSICAL INSTRUMENT The nine keys mounted on rectangular wooden block. Size, 11 x 5% mches 30 138 139 I40 I4I 142 144 PeniCAN NEGRO CARVED WOODEN RATTLE AND COMB The rattle hourglass-shaped. (Damaged) AFRICAN NEGRO CARVED WOODEN MASK The features conventionalized. Head with crescent-shaped horns. (Sold as is) Height, 11 inches AFRICAN NEGRO CARVED WOODEN FETICH Human head on shaft. Painted in red and black, the eyes inset with glass. Height, 11% imches AFRICAN NEGRO CARVING Single block of wood, partly hollowed out, and decorated on the outside with crudely carved geometrical design against a diapered background. Length, 10 inches MODERN AFRICAN NEGRO CARVING Soldier wearing bullet case, carrying gun in one hand, and human head in the other. Interesting specimen. Height, 814 inches AFRICAN NEGRO CARVED WOODEN FETICH Figure of a woman, in interesting conventionalization, the arms and body forming a cross, widening into a round base, while the headdress is again almost round in shape. The base wound with varicolored bead necklaces. Height, 1034 inches AFRICAN NEGRO CARVED WOODEN MASK The face, which is strongly conventionalized, is surmounted by crescent-shaped horns. Black, partly painted in red. Height, 15 inches AFRICAN NEGRO CARVED WOODEN FIGURE Height, 20 inches CARVED WOODEN STATUETTE FROM THE CONGO (Sold as is) Height, 8 inches 147 148 149 150 I5I 153 154 I55 156 CARVED HARD WOODEN STATUETTE FROM THE MAROUBSAS ISLANDS Height, 10% inches CARVED WOODEN MASK FROM THE CONGO Height, 914 inches CARVED WOODEN STATUETTE FROM Ahis Oi Height, 15 inches CARVED WOODEN STATUETIES TO... GUINEA Woman standing. Height, 10% inches CARVED WOODEN STATUETTE FROM THE CONGO Woman, kneeling. Height, 16 inches HARDWOOD STILT FROM NEW -4EALAND With conventionalized figure. AFRICAN NEGRO CARVED WOODEN FIGURE OF A WOMAN 7 The eyes in ivory. Height, 7 wmches CARVED WOODEN STATUETTE OF A MAN FROM TEE COMGo The features, hair and beard with striking likeness to Egyptian heads. Represented standing, holding a knife in one hand, a short club in the other. Height, 7% wmches CALEDONIA CARVED WOODEN WAR DRUM Cylindrical shape with fine geometrical carving. (Sold as is) Height, 36 inches COPPER FETICH FROM THE COMES Mounted on wood. Height, 23 inches 32 157 158 159 160 161 162 Sanco CARVED WOOD STATUETTE Warrior with knife and spear. Height, 9% inches WOODEN HELMET SURMOUNTED BY MONKEY CONGO Polychrome, red, white and black. Height, 21 inches IVORY HORN FROM THE CONGO Length, 17 inches CARVED WOODEN PILLAR FROM MADAGASCAR Square, carved on two sides with geometrical motives. Height, 2514 inches AFRICAN NEGRO PAINTED WOODEN CEREMONIAL MASK Grotesque animal head with huge, upstanding ears. Length, 38 inches CARVED WOODEN AFRICAN NEGRO TOMTOM Friezes of diverse geometrical decoration. Turret-shaped. (Slightly damaged at top). Height, 39% inches LARGE AFRICAN NEGRO CEREMONIAL MASK Animal head with high, grotesque ears. Height, 30% inches WOODEN CARVING OF A BIRD FROM THE CONGO Length, 14 inches ao 166 167 168 170 IMPORTANT AFRICAN NEGRO POLYCHROME MASK In black wood with part of the original polychromy of geo- metrical design in blue, dull red and white. This mask is re- markable for the careful and perfect carving beneath the poly- chromy. [SEE ILLUSTRATION | PRIMITIVE CHINESE Apes NUMBERS 166-168 BOX CONTAINING FIVE IMPORTANT EARLY JADES CHINA, CHOU PERIOD One disc, symbol of the:sun; two small pendants, two in the form of conventionalized animals. Very rare. BOX -CONTAINING -FOUR IMPORTA Nie JADES CHINA, CHOU PERIOD Two in the form of conventionalized animals, two of irregular shape. BOX. CONTAINING FOUR IMPORTA ADEs CHINA, CHOU PERIOD Two large, probably representing conventionalized animals; two smaller, of irregular shape. PREHISTORIC AMERICANA ART NUMBERS 169-191 AMERICAN INDIAN JAR AND MEXICANS POs Dipti The Indian jar sketchily decorated in black, the Mexican bowl, red clay, and standing on three legs. (Sold as is) Height, 4 and 6% inches MEXICAN TPO Eee che The front with plastic human face. (Damaged) Height, 5 inches [165] 171 CENTRAL AMERICAN VOLCANIC STONE HEA Height, 5% mches 172 PERUVIAN POTTERY BLACK-GLAZED Wei ae The round body with decoration in relief of scorpion-like mo- tives. Height, 7% inches 172- PERUVIAN POTTERY DOUBLE BODIED Waist. JAR | Gourd-shaped, one section ending in animal head. Height, 9% wmches 174 CENTRAL AMERICAN FIGURE OF Ge Volcanic stone. The god represented seated, the head resting on the knees, the body compressed. Height, 7 inches 175 VERY RARE MEXICAN OBSIDIAN CARVING OF A GOD (Repaired ) Height, 3 inches IMPORTANT: SERIES OF PERUVIAN POVTER ES ee. PRE-INCA PERIOD NUMBERS 176-191 It is well known that according to the Peruvian law, works of art of the early periods can no longer be exported. ‘The present series of; potteries is of unusually fine quality. Such an ensemble of rare and important pieces has never before been offered at public auction in New York. 176 PERUVIAN WATER JAR OF THE PRE-INCA PERIOD The round body of white clay, decorated in red with three im- pressionistic floral friezes. High handle and spout. } Height, 9% inches 177 PERUVIAN POTTERY WATER [AR = OF = eee INCA PERIOD Grotesque decoration in red on round body of snakes and ~ dragon-like animals. High handle and spout. Height, 1134 mches 36 T8o ISI 182 = go ty 184 PomuVIAN POPTERYYWATER JAR, OF THE .PRE- tn PERIOD Ivory-white glaze, with very fine decoration in red of frieze of grotesque birds; scorpion on top. High handle and spout. Height, 9% inches Pee vIAN POTTERY WATER VESSEL OF THE PRE- INCA PERIOD The round body with grotesque animal and sunburst decora- tion in red, and surmounted by plastically modelled human head surmounted by crescent. Spout and handle at back of head. Height, 14 inches pee VIAN POTTERY WATER VESSEL OF THE PRE- INCA PERIOD Seated god with grotesque face, the features partly conven- tionalized. Decorated in red. Height, 8% inches Pee k-GLAZED POTTERY PERUVIAN WATER JAR OF THE PRE-INCA: PERIOD In the shape of a cluster of four oval fruits, with handle and spout rising from the centre. Height, 9% inches Pree y Ne POTTERY WATER JUG. OF THE -PRE- INCA PERIOD In the form of a llama, a man lying across the back. Broad handle and high spout. Partly decorated in red. Length, 9 inches feeey TAN BLACK -POTTERY WATER VESSEE OF THE PRE-INCA PERIOD In the form of a warrior wearing conical helmet, seated with crossed arms. Height, 10 inches pee vIAN BLACK POLTERYSWATER VESSEL*OF Pia? PRE-INCA PERIOD In the form of a seated man, wearing cap. Spout and handle at back. Height, 8% imches 185 186 187 188 189 IgO IQI PERUVIAN POTTERY WATER PITCHER Gia PRE-INCA PERIOD Round body with grotesque animal decoration in red; deer- shaped plastically-modelled head. Height, 9% inches PERUVIAN BLACK POTTERY WATERY Ess ris THE PRE-INCA PERIOD In the form of a seated man, wearing a bonnet. Height, 834 inches PERUVIAN POTTERY WATER JAR VOR Tie INCA PERIOD In the form of a head, both features and headdress strangely resembling the Egyptian type. The headdress with snake and zigzag decoration. Decorated in red. High handle and spout. Height, 11% mches POTTERY WATER JAR OF THE PRE-INCA PER In the form of a god with deer’s head, represented seated cross- legged with upraised and joined hands. Spout and handle at back. Decorated in red. Height, 10% wmches PERUVIAN POTTERY WATER JAK OB Sire. INGAC PERIOD In the form of a phcenix-like bird seated upon a convention- alized pile of rocks. Ivory-white clay, with details in terra cotta. (Slightly damaged) Height, 10% inches PERUVIAN BLACK-GLAZED POTTERY WATER JAR OF THE PRE-INCA PERIOD . In the form of a grotesque animal with large ears and curved tail, surmounting a gourd-shaped water vessel. Curved handle with cylindrical spout. Height, 834 inches PERUVIAN BLACK-GLAZED POTTERY WATER JAK OP THE PRE-INGASP RRO Expressively modelled in the form of a puma, the handle with spout at the top. Height, 7 inches 38 | ra ee oe — ; ? Ae x a ed PAUL GETTy i: oa CENTER ae ae af fs P Pie Al