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Hy ard “i e —< — = « “- ~ 5 — s a 3 xs ” _ , ~ - = ~ —— = “A - at - - a e “ . e - 2 es . a s “ em a m ~ - . » - . i vs - . se - — “ ” 2 saa ~~ ws iene am ios ‘ 2 — =— =. = 1s _ — - 7 eS ee _— - - are > * ae eed ¥ = a » % “ sete wc 2 ms J mere pt wid aps a ee . - FSO =e i Ti ail dpentillie dihade sicia tainted. a endperd - - [ee — Pd =e ~ so i # - - om = = sor G s came. ma An » — ~* = ' - eR A 2 = = - % pe ss « S oe ~ _ - —_ < ee eae - ~ ye " - - ~ a ~ ‘ - vm - ~ - - es CATALOGUE OF Bek LIBRARY REMOVED FROM STOWE HOUSE, * BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MESSRS. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & CO. AUCTIONEERS OF LITERARY PROPERTY AND WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE FINE ARTS AT THEIR HOUSE, 3, WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, On MONDAY, 8th JANUARY, 1849, & Eleven following Days, (SUNDAY EXCEPTED) AND On MONDAY, 29th JANUARY, 1849, & Eleven following Days, (SUNDAY EXCEPTED), AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY EACH DAY. Catalogues may be had of Messrs. 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Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required or deposited in part.of payment shall be for- feited; and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such lots as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re- sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions fatthfully executed by their obedient Servants, S. LeriegH SoTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, Wellington Street, Strand. fe 9 St rr a ae ae kts oe v “i 2 rn a | 4 0. a iS ep INDEX OF SALE. PPR BT LAYS ooo ss vasd ees Seconp Day. ES AN? cos coe cas ce fasnione cds PCE LIA Soataccecveu eases BTA 5h 5 oe ave acc ox abe 000 BE CPA cos sec cag lowes cee ne' MVE TE DAY. ciciecscassves see EET MULP AY © POS Sac ne sta S00 BRSe EE LAY. ols iaisdu ce) cos cakevs Bret LAY 3 nilaess cac,ves recs EreventH DAY 0. secs cecsas TWELFTH Day THIRTEENTH DAY ...... 000.0. MOURTEENTH DAY ‘05.0: 0+ sce PRT ERNTH DAY oii idsesceses: Bis Twen rs DAY Sivics ccc onese SEVENTEENTH Day............ EIGHTEENTH DAY ......2scc0 NINETEENTH DAY ........000 TWENTIETH DAY ........cccece TWENTY-FIRST Day ......... | TWENTY-SECOND DAvy......... TWENTY-THIRD Day ......... Monday, January 8 Tuesday, January Wednesday, January 10 Thursday, January 11 Friday, January 12 Saturday, January 138 Monday, January 15 Tuesday, January 16 Wednesday, January 17 Thursday, January 18 Friday, January 19 Saturday, January 20 Monday, January 29 Tuesday, January 30 Wednesday, January 31 Thursday, February 1 Friday, February 2 Saturday, February 3 Monday, February 5 Tuesday, February 6 Wednesday, February 7 Thursday, February 8 Friday, February 9 Saturday, February 10 Eke bj 10\ /b | + bo\ P\ 4 (90| 6 | + 1L|\ 1P\ « Sho Bs €4y| (te) + MM SS 37) A3 |. VTA 2) 2 i7a| / |» SOP \C 00 17\ ° a >| ¢ ST) At\ 6 bby tee ¢ We\ 9 \E S2\ P| 6 190\ (S| 6 ale hey 27| | - t10\ ff \ “¢\ |; 0,555. Xb ¥* cr CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE LIBRARY REMOVED FROM STOWE HOUSE, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. FIRST DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 1 Azincpon (T.) Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Win- chester, plates 1728 2 Abu Taleb Khan (Mirza) Travels in Asia, Africa, and Europe, in 1799—1803, by C. Stewart, portrait, 2 vol. 1810 3 Accords (Seigneur-des) Bigarrures et Touches, avec les Apop- thegmes du Sieur Gaulard, scarce, calf gilt Rowen, 1616 4 Accum (Fr.) System of Theoretical and Practical Chemistry, plates, 2 vol. 1807—-Henry (Wm.) Elements of Experi- mental Chemistry, plates, 1810 4 vol. 5 Adam (J.) Essays on Agriculture, 2 vol. 1789—Bradley on Husbandry, plates, 3 vol. 1726, and 10 on Agriculture 15 vol. 6 Adams (G.) Geometrical Essays, by W. Jones, plates, 2 vol. 1803—Adams, Astronomical Essays, plates, 1790 8 vol. 7 Adams (G.) Lectures on Natural and Experimental Philosophy, by Jones, plates, 5 vol. | 1799 8 Adamson (H.) The Muses Threnodie, or Mirthful Mournings on the death of Mr. Gall, edited by Jas. Cant. map, 2 vol. Perth, 1774 9 Adamson (John) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Luis de Camoens, portraits, proof impressions, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, very few printed, PRESENTATION Copy 1820 10 Adelaide, 3 vol. 1833—Adventures of a Young Rifleman, 1826 —Adventures of a French Serjeant, 1826, &c. 6 vol. 11 Addison (Jos.) Hemarks on Italy 1705 B Ny EVs SS IN SS AAS & SS oo ve remamewemenennes DIE rt : totmece ess pans nasil \ aS ee Sn ee WAKA y s ee pan He Os Wes. — ho 2 Adlerfeld (G.) History of Charles XII. of Sweden, portrait and plans, 3 vol. 1740—Brodrick (T.) History of the late War, plates, 2 vol. 1718—Boulainvilliers (Count de) Parlia- ments of France, 2 vol. 1739 7 vol. Adolphus (J.) History of France, 2 vol. calf gilt 1803 Adviser, (The) or Literary Tribunal, 4 vol. calf gilt 1803 /Eschinis et Demosthenis Orationes pro Corona, Grace, curis Taylori, Marklandi, ete. LARGE PAPER, calf gilt f Oxonii, 1801 fschyli Trageediz, varietate Lectionis et Commentario a Schutz, 3 vol. calf gilt Hale, Sax. 1782 fEschylus, Tragedies, translated by Potter, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1779 fEsopi Fabule, Gr. et Lat., wood engravings, Amst, 1672, &c. 8 vol. Agrippa (H. Corn.) Vanity of Arts, portrait, 1684—Barry (Jas.) on the Arts in England, 1775 2 vol. Agrippa (H.C.) Vanity of Arts and Sciences, 1676, &c. 3 vol. Aikin (Lucy) Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth, port. 2 vol. 1818 Ainsworth (R.) Latin and English Dictionary, by Morell 1804 Ainsworth (W. H.) Tower of London: a historical Romance, engravings by G. Cruikshank 1840 Alciati (And.) Emblemata, numerous wood engravings calf gilt . Francof. 1567 Aldrich (H.) Elements of Civil Architecture, Latin and English, portrait and plates. LARGE PAPER Oxford, 1789 Aleman (Mateo) Vida y Hechos del Picaro Guzman de Alfa- rache, 2 vol. Amberes, 1681 Alexandri ab Alexandro Genialiar Dierum libri, Francof, 1646, &e. 5 vol. Aleyn (Chas.) Historie of Henrie the VII. and the Battle of Bos- worth, a Poem, title mended, scarce, calf gilt 1638 Alfieri (Victor) Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by Himself, 2 vol. 1810 Alif Laila; or the Book of we Thousand Nights and One Night, or the Arabian Nights Entertainments, in Arabic, edited by W. H. Macnaghten, 4 vol. PRESENTATION COPY, elegantly bound in green morocco extra, gut leaves royal 8vo, Calcutta, 1839-42 Alla Giornata, 3 vol. 1826—Arlington, 3 vol. 1832—Ayesha, the Maid of Kars, 3 vol. 1834 9 vol. Allen (J.) Rise and Growth of the Royal Prerogative, 1830— Account of the Ceremonies in Coronations, edited by Thomson, plates, 1820—Berkeley (Countess of ) Address to the Peers of the Kingdom, 1811 3 vol. Spe hs aha it i a ae ae LS Ae Sia AA 4 >» cA + Oe oe eee pe, Ade § as > 3 Allonville (Comte d’) Memoirs Secrets de, 1770 4 1830, 2 vol. Paris, 1838—Antommarchi, Derniers Momens de Napo- leon, 2 vol. 26. 1825 4 vol. Almack’s, a Novel, 3 vol.—The Bucoaneer; 8 vol. 1832 ‘6 vol. Almon (J.) Peerage of Ireland, plates of arms, 2 vol. 1768 American in ican by J. Janin; or Heath’s Picturesque Annual for 1848-44, many fine plates, cloth, g.l. roy. 8vo. 1843-4 Ames (Jos.) Catalogue of English Heads, calf gilt 1748 Ana, ou Collection de Bons-Mots, viz. Menagiana, Vigneul- Marvilliana, Carpenteriana, Huetiana, Chevriana, etc. 9 vol. calf gilt Amst. 1789-91 Anacreon et Sapho, Poeuiae Cr et Rei par Dacier, Amst. 1716 —Aristeneti Epistole, Gr. et Lat. Par. 1639, &c. 10 vol. Anacreontis Poema, Gr. et Lat., cum notis Barnes portrait, Cantab. 1705, &c. : 7 vol. Anacreon, Greece, cum Commentariis, ete. PRINTED IN CAPITALS, yellow morocco, g. l. Parme, 1791 Anacreontis Odaria, et varie lectiones, cura Ed. Forster, plates LARGE PAPER 1802 Ancient Reliques, or Delineations of Monastic, Castellated, and Domestic Architecture, plates, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER 1812 ANDERSON (J.) GENEALOGICAL History or Tur House oF Yvery, Luvet, PERcEvAL AND Gournay, 18 portraits, complete, plates, and detached genealogical tables, with a Jew additional inserted, and all the arms emblazoned, 2 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED, RARE, russia evt.m.l. royal 8vo. 1742 Anderson (J.) The Bee, or Literary Intelligencer, plates, 17 vol. fine paper, calf gilt Edinb. 1791-3 Anderson (J.) Mission to Sumatra, Edinb. 1826—Badcock (L.) Journal in Spain, 1835 2 vol. Andrews. Life and Death of Mary and Lady Elizabeth An- drews, of Lothbury, Bucks, who died 1680—Arminius and Episcopius, the Life and Death of, 2 ports. 1672 2 vol. Andrews (J. P.) Anecdotes, frontispiece, 1789, &c. 2 vol. Andronicus, a Tragedy, 1661—Exact Catalogue of all the Plays, 1713—Wnm. Carey, Tracts on the Fine Arts, 1809 3 vol. Andryane (A.) Memoires d’un Prisonnier d’Etat au Spielberg, 4 vols. VELLUM PAPER Paris, 1837-8 Anecdotes, Biographical, Literary and Political of the most emi- nent Persons of the Present Age, 3 vol. 1797 Angler’s Vade Mecum, 1681—Browne, Angling Sports, 1778, &e. 3 vol Angleterre. Memoires et ‘Observations par un Voyageur en Angleterre, plates, red morocco, g. 1., 1698—Memoires touchant le Governement d’ Angleterre, ved mor. g. 1. 1764 —St. Croix, Histoire des Progres de la Puissance Navale, 2 vol. Parts, 1786, &e. Ke. ; 7 vol. 4 eas: 54 Anwates pu Musée‘et de l’Ecole Moderne des Beaux Arts, Recueil de Gravures au trait, d’apres les principaux ouvrages de Peinture, Sculpture et Architecture, du Musée redige par C. P. Landon, et Beraud, containing upwards of 2500 plates, 40 vol. complete, wncué Paris, 1801-28 | 55 Annali dell’ Institutio di Correspondenza Archeologica, from the commencement in 1829 to 1838, many plates, 10 vols. in 18 parts; and Bulletino degli Annali, a parcel, unbound. Ftoma, 1829, Se. : x 56 Anne (Queen) Life and Reign of, portrait and plates, 17388— Memoirs of Queen Anne, 1729—Hamilton (C.) Memoirs of Queen Anne, 1790—Swift (John) Four last Years of. Queen Anne, 1758, &e. 6 vol. + | 27 Anno Poetico ossia Raccolta Adigela’ di Poesi Inedies di autori 8 Viventi, 7 vol., red morocco, g. lL. Venet. 1793-9 o8 Annual Register, the Cabinet, 3 vol., 1831-38—Adams, Roman Antiquities, 1836 4 vol. 59 Anquetil, L’Esprit de la Fronde, 5 vale; = et L’ Intrigue du Cabinet sous HenrilV. et Louis XIII, 4 vol. Pav. 1772-80. 9 vol. 60 Anquetil, Louis XIV. sa Cour et le Regent, 4 vol.—L’ Esprit de la Ligne, 3 vol.; et Vie de Mareschal Due de Villars, portrait, 3 vol. Paris, 1767-89. 10 vol. 61 Anspach (Margravine of) Memoirs by Herself, 2 vol. 1826 _ 62 Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet, containing elegant Views i in Great Britain, 9 vol., numerous plates, Jine impressions, | LARGE PAPER, russia ‘ 1807-11 | 63 Antoninus (Emperor Marcus) his Conversations with himself, and Life, translated by Jer. Collier, portrait, old ved moroeco, gilt leaves 1726 : b 64 Apolinarij Interpretatio Psalmorum versibus Hereicis, Grece, - ee a eee XY ts oe = {oom y , er ¢ a fine copy, old red morocco, gilt leaves Paris, 1552 | 65 Aquinitatis (Thome) De Regimine Principum, libri 1V, Paris, 1509—Abdize Babyloniz Apostolicae Historia, libri X, Paris, 1571 2 vol. . '-66 Arabian Nights, translated by Forster, plates after the designs of FR. Smirke, 5 vol., calf gilt . 1802 67 Arbuthnot (J.) Wiiseh lees Works, 2 vol. 1751—Art of Tor- menting, plate, 1757—Art of Criticism, 1705, &c. 8 vol. 68 Arcana of Science and Art, 7 vol., between 1828 and 1837, &e. ; 10 vol. 69 Architecture. -Deoornlicna for Parks, Gardens, &c., 55 plates, — n. d.—Io. Soane, Designs in Architecture for Parks, Gar- dens, &c,, 38 plates, 1778—C. Middleton, Designs for — Gates and Rails, suitable to Parks, &c., 27 plates, 3 vols. in 1, half russta ; 1778, &e. 70 Archi teehnte, Gothie, Easays, on, by Warton, Bentham, Grove, and Milner, royal 8vo., plates, calf gilt : 1800 Aretino (Pietro) Ragionamenti con Commento delle Fiche, vellum ° ‘ ° | a QQ > poe = Sip: pa .) OA INS OT I os XN FM | J \s| bao | a S0\2- 1o rae Ode 5 Aretino (P.) Terzo Libro delle Lettere, Parigi, 1609—Ariosto, Satire e Rime, Londra, 1716 ~ 2 vol. Ariosto (Ludov.) Comedie, Venet. OILS A rlosta, Sattire di, Venet. 1563—Apuleio dell’ Assino eda Venet. 1567, &e. 9 vol. Ariosto (Lod.): Bande Pi sinsd: translated, ‘with notes, by Jo. Hoole, 5 vol., portrait, and many fine plates, calf, gilt leaves 1785 Ariosto (L.) Orlando Parloso con Annotazioni, "a vol. portrait, vellum gilt Firenze, 1831 Aristophanes, Plutus, tdataated by F. J. Carrington, 1825, &e. 5 vol. Aristotle’s Last Legacy: or his Golden Cabinet of Secrets, with complete Canting Dictionary, woodcuts, 1711 -— sop, Fables, translated by Leon. Willan, 1650, stained 2 vol. Arlington (Earl of) Letters to Sir W. Temple, portrait, 1701— Alberoni (Card.) History of, portrait, 1719—Agathocles, the Sicilian Tyrant, his Life, port. and plate, 1676, 3 vol. Armstrong (J.) History of Minorca, map and plates 1756 Arnway (Dr. Jo.) The Tablet; or Moderation of Charles I. Martyr, and Alarum to his Subjects, calf 1661 Arriani Expeditio Alexandri, Gr. et Lat. cura Raphelii, calf gilt Amst. 1757 Arteaga (Dom.) les Revolutions du Theatre Musical en Italie, red morocco, extra joints, lined with silk, gilt leaves 1802 Arundell (F. V. J.) Discoveries in Asia Minor, map and plates, 2 vol. 1834 Ashmole (Elias) Antiquities of ‘Berkshire, ei 2 map, and plates, 3 vol., scarce, russia extra 1719 Asiatick Researches , plates, 6 vol. ots 1798-1801 Astley (Philip) System of. Equestrian Education, plates 1801 Athenian Oracle; a Collection of Questions and Answers, 4 vol. 1728 Atkins (H. M.) Ascent to the Summit 6f Mont Blanc, PRIVATELY PRINTED, PRESENTATION COPY 1838 AuBrey (J.) NaturavL History AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE County or Surrey, plates, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER, rare, fine copy, bright old calf gilt Aubrey (J.) Miscellanies, and his Life : Aucher (P.) Grammar, Armenian and English, vellum, uncut 1719 1721 Venice, 1809 2 Aucher and Brand, Dictionary, English anid Armenian, 2 vol. vellum, uncut imperial 8vo. Venice, 1821 -Audouin (Xavier) Histoire. de Administration de la Guerre, 4 vol.. Paris, 1811—Campagne des Armées Francaises en Braces: 4 vol., Paris, 1807, &c. 18 vol. Autumn (an) near the Rhine, map 1818 ri ba cena “ lice ee S om) POR BONS EERSTE ICE ER cat 6: ¢ | ‘ | 95 Avellaneda (A. F. de) Don Quixote, the fourth and fifth parts of his Adventures, 3 vol., calf gilt Swaffham, 1805 he | a | 96 Ayliffe (J.) Ancient and Biceent State of the University of Ox- a 410497 || 98 ad 5 i i | hy = PAVAE 4| £\ 108 a /| 104 aie ef. | 105 wae _ 106 Lf |---| 107 ‘S| | 108 4 j /| Z| 10 j 112 1 ZA ae i Yo 1s i \ S16 114 g (115 ee 116 Coarse sens senee nenencrnnetentanenichnastindt ford, 2 vol. 1714 Ayres ( Ph.) /Esopian Fables, Ae 1689— Aristotle, Art of Poetry, 1705—Brerewood (E.) on Languages, 1674. 3 vol. Ayscough (S.) Index to Remarkable Passages and Words made use of by Shakspeare, calf gilt royal 8vo. 1790 Back (Capt. Geo.) Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition in 1833-5, map and plates—Narrative of an Expedition to the Arctic Shores in 1836-7, map and plates, 2 vol. 1836-8 Bachaumont (M. de) Memoires Secrets pour servir a Il’ Histoire de la Republique des Lettres en France, 36 vol. calf gilt : : 1781-4 Bacon (Lord) Essays, 1701—Blackmore (R.) Essays, 1716— Byshe (Ed.) Art of Poetry, 1762, &c. : 6 vol. Baker (D. E.) Biographia Dramatica, 2 vol. Dublin, 1783 Brown (Thomas) Select Letters, 1702—Bruyere, Charac- ters, 1700, &c. 7 vol Baker (H.) Microscope made Easy, pidicn 1744, &ce. 6 vol. Baker, Reed, and Jones, Biographia Dramatica, or one to the Playhouse, 3 vol. in 4, calf gilt weg 1812 Bakewell (R.) Travels in Tarentaise and the Grecian nel Pen- nine Alps, coloured plates and wood engravings, 2 vol. 1823 Bakewell (R.) Introduction to Geology, plates... 1828 Baillie (Joanna) Series of Plays, 2 vol. : 1802 Baillie (Joanna) Metrical Legends, 1821, &c. 12 vol. Baillie (Marianne) Lisbon, plates, 2 vol. 1824—Baldwin (G.) Recollections of Egypt, 1801 8 vol. Bainbridge (G. C.) Fly Fisher’s Guide, plates ‘coloned, Liver- pool, 1816—Barton, Geography of Plants, maps, 1827, 2 vol. Babler, The, 2 vol. 1767, &e. : 8 vol. Bale (Jo.) Brefe Chronycle concernynge the Examynacyon aud Death of Syr Johan Oldcastell, Lord Cobham, portrait, erimson morocco, gilt leaves royal 8vo. 1729 ale (J.) A Brefe Chronycle concernynge the Examynacion and Death of Sir Johan Oldcastell, the Lorde Cobham, Srontisptece, calf gilt ° . 1729 Ball (J.) Antiquities of Constantinople, plates 1729 Balzac ( Scenes de la Vie a 6 vol. iias cs 1836, &e. 18 vol. Bandinell (J.) Bampton Lectures, . LARGE PAPER : Oxford, 1784 Li fim 119 120 122 323 125 121 124, 7 QUARTO. Abel (Clarke) Journey in the Interior of China, maps and plates, some coloured 1818 118 Abuleacim Tarif (el Sabio Aleay de) Historia del Rey Don Rodrigo y de la Be ila ve de ees trad. por M. de Luna Madrid, 1676 ACADEMIE Royale DES SCIENCES, ‘depuis son etablissement en 1666, jusqu’ a 1790—avec suite des Memoires, 1718— Elemens de la Geometrie de l’Infini, suite de 1727— Cassini, Elemens d’Astronomie, 2 vol. suite de 1740-— Traite de l’Aurore Boreale, par Mairan, suite de l’annee 1731, 2 vol. in 1, 1781-1754—avee Memoire Mathema- tique et Physique, par divers Savans Etrangers, 11 vols.— Machines et Inventions approuvées par l’Academie, 1666 & 1754, 7 vol.—Recueil des Pieces qui ont remporte le Prix, 1720 4 1772, 9 vol.—Cassini, la Meridienne de Paris, 1724.—Du Hamel Regie Scientiarum Academiz Historia, 1701—Table Alphabetique, par Godin, depuis 1666 a 1780, 9 vol.—et Nouvelle Table des Arts et Metiers, depuis 1666 4 1770, par Rozier, 4 vols—nume- rous plates, together 154 vol. uniformly bound, fine copy, old French calf gilt Paris, 1701-1797 ACADEMIE DES INSCRIPTIONS. Histoire de l’Academie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, depuis son etablisse- ment jusqu’ a present, avec. les Memoires de Litterature tirez des Registres de cette Académie, many plates, 46 vols. Jine copy, old French calf gilt Paris, 1736-93 Academie. Histoire de )’Academie Royale des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, many plates, 2 vol. Paris, 1717 Acerbi (Jos.) Travels through Sweden, Finland and Lapland, map and plates, Natur al History coloured, 2 vol. calf gilt 1802 ACKERMANN (R.) AM vaeae 3 Viz. Misesotoan of London, 3 vol. —History of St. Peter’s Westminster, 2 vol.—History of the University of Cambridge, 2. vol.—History of the University of Oxford, 2 vol., numerous coloured plates, together 9 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia extra amp. 4to. 1812-15 Azores.—A Report of the Truth of the Fight about the Isles of Azores, betwixt the Revenge, one of her Majesties Shippes and a Spanish Armada, calf gilt 1591 Acta Eruditorum publicata Lipsi, plates, from 1682 to 17388; a enpenenes 9 vol. et Indices (wanting the years 1692, 1715 and 1716, and vol. 3 of Index), together 66 vol. Lipsie, 1682-1738 Adagia Greca, Gr. et “Lat. illustrata a Schotto Antv. 1612 X Q SS ES | ZT » [127 | ZA 1128 . 129 47 | \7.1/| 138 1 139 |x] - | 140 eS MORSE (Sere ERTS we 9° Adair (Jas.) History of the American Indians, map 1775 Adair (J.) another copy, calf gilt | Adams (Geo.) Essays on the Microscope, by Kraumacher, 31 plates, calf gilt ge 1798 Adams (Rob.) Narrative of his Shipwreck on the Coast of Africa in 1810, and Residence in Tombuctoo, map calf extra, marble leaves ° 1816 Addison (Jos.) Works portrait, 4 vol. ns LARGE PAPER, fine old red morocco, sides tooled, and gilt leaves ‘ . 1721 Addison (J.) Works, portrait and plates, 4 vol. Baskerville's beautiful edition, fine copy, calf gilt Birmingham, 1761 Adington (W.) Abridgment of Penal Statutes 1786 Zlian, Tactics, with preliminary Discourse by Viscount Dillon, with 39 plates 1814) ZEliani varia Historia, Gr. et Lat. cura Gronovil, 2 vol. old calf gilt : ZL. B.1731 ZEschines et Demosthenes, Gr. et Lat., edidit J. Taylor LARGE PAPER 3 : Cantab. 1747 ZEschyli Trageedia, cum Scholiis, calf gilt H. Stephani, 1557 African Researches, plates, vol. 2, 1802, &c. ; 5 vol. Aglionby (W.) Choice Observations upon the Art of Painting, with Vasari’s Lives of Painters + 719 Agricola (G. A.) on Husbandry and Gardening, by Bradley, plates, 1721—Bradley, Works of Nature, coloured plates, 172] ; ° 2 vol. Agrippa (H. C.) Occult Philosophy, in three books, translated by J. F. portrait | : Ainsworth, Latin and English Dictionary, 2 vol. 1761 Aikin (A. and C. R.) Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy, with the Appendix, many plates, 2 vol. scarce 1807-14 Aikin (J.) Description of the Country round Manchester, maps and many plates, russia . 1795 Aldini (J.) on Galvinism, plates 1803 Alexander VII (Pope) a short Account of his Life and Death, — and a relation of the Coronation of Pope Clement IX., portrait, fine copy, calf extra, gilt leaves 1667 Aloisio (G. A. D’) de Rimedj Minerali dell’ Isola d’Ischia Napoli, 1757 Amani (Iod.) Gyneceum, sive Theatrum mulierum, in quo — Precipuarum Omnium per Europam, &c. many wood engra- vings, calf extra : Francof. 1586 Ames (Jos.) Catalogue of English Heads, interleaved half russia : 1748 * Ames (J.) Typographical Antiquities ; or Historical Account of the Origin and Progress of Printing in Great Britain and Ireland, by Herbert, portrait, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia, marble leaves 1785-90 1775 | 1651: 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 169 16] 162 163 1464 165 166 9 Ames (J.) Typographical Antiquities ; or the History of Prin- ting in England, Scotland and Ireland, by Herbert, greatly enlarged by T. F. Dibdin, many fine portraits, plates and wood engravings, 4 vol. fine copy, russia extra, gilt leaves ; 1810-19 Amico (Bern.) Tratto delle Piante et Immagini de Sacri Edifizi di Terra Santa disegnate in Jerusalemme, many plates Jine copy, red morocco extra, gilt leaves Firenze, 1620 Amsiuck (P.) Tunbridge Wells and its pia ae aa many plates 1810 Anacreontis Odaria, litters majusculis calf gilt Parme, Bodoni, 1784 Anderson (Ad.) Origin of Commerce, containing a History of the Commercial Interests of Great Britain, maps, 4 vol. 1787 Anderson (Aineas) Narrative of an Embassy to China, ca/f gilt, 1795—Journal of the Forces in Egypt uuder Sir R. Abercromby, map and plates, calf gilt, 1802 2 vol. Anderson (Jas.) Collections relating to the History of Mary Queen of Scotland, 4 vol. 1729 Anderson (R.) To Hit a Mark upon the Plain of the Horizon, 1690—Bibliotheca Litteraria, No. 2 to 9, in 1 vol. 1722— Beveregii (G.) Institutionum Chronologicarum, libri 1. 1705 3 vol. Andreossy (F.) Histoire du Canal du Midi, ou Canal de Lan- guedoc, 29 folding plates, 2 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves Paris, 1804 ANDREWS (HeEn.) Botanists’ REPOSITORY OF NEW RARE PLANTS, 664 beautifully coloured plates by the Author, 10 vol. calf neat 1797-1815 Andrews (H.) Monograph of the Genas Geranium, upwards of — 60 beautifully coloured plates 1805 Andrews (J. P.) History of Great Britain, 2 . in 1 vol. russia 1794 Angelia S. Francisca (R. P. F.) Certamen 'Seraphicum Pro- vincie Anglize pro Sancta Dei Ecclesia, engraved title and Jive portraits, brilliant impressions, very scarce russia, gilt leaves Duaci, 1619 Anglesey, History of the Island of, with Memoirs of Owen Glendour 1775 Angus (W.) Views of the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain and Wales, proof impressions , oblong 4to. 1787 Anson (Lord) Voyage round the World, in 1740- 44, compiled by Ric. Walter, 42 plates LARGE PAPER, Sirst and best edition, old red morocco, gilf leaves, presentation copy ret Lord Anson to George Grenville - 1748 Cc y , | 167 | Fr; Zo | 168 | 169 eg ee 41> | 174 ete LZ {e176 |, - | 177 wf 4 ee ie SI | 179 | 180 ) |. | 182 a 2 | 184 &, x 185 es ee ee 10 Anstey (Christopher) Poetical Works, portrait hp calf gilt, marbled leaves : 1808 Anstis (Jo.) Observations upon the Knighthood of the Bath, calf gilt eee. : 1725 Anti-Jacobin, the Poetry of the, calf, marbled leaves 1801. Antilles, Histoire des Isles Antilles, avec Vocabulaire Caraibe, plates, Amst. 1658—Description Geographique des Iles . Antilles, maps, 1758 . 2 vol. Antiquarian Repertory: a Miscellany, intended to preserve and illustrate several valuable Remains of Old Times, by Grose, Astle, &c. many plates, 4 vol. ; FIRST EDITION, calf neat 1775-84 ANTIQUARIAN REPERTORY: a Miscellaneous Assemblage of Topography, History, Biography, Customs and Manners, intended to illustrate several valuable Remains of Old Times, by Fr. Grose, Astle, &c., numerous portraits, views and monuments, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves 1807 Antonini (Marci) De Rebus Suis, libri x11, Gr. et Lat., cura Gatakeri, portrait by Faithorne Cantab. 1652 Antonini Iter Britanniarum, cura T. Gale, plates ~ 1709 Apophtegmes tirez des Anciens, Paris, 1664—Bergier, His- toire des Grands Chemins de l’Empire Romain, 7b. 1622— Balzac, le Prince, 7b. 1631 3 vol. Apuleii Apologia, Paris, 1635—Augustini de Doctrina Chris- tiana, libri tv., Helmstadit, 1655 2 vol. Apuleius, the xt Bookes of the Golden Asse, translated by Wm. Adlington | . black letter, russia extra, gilt leaves 1639 Arbuthnot (J.) Tables of Antient Coins, Weights and Measures, by Langwith, best edition 1754 ARCHZOLOGIA: OR, MiscELLANEOUS TRACTS RELATING TO ANTIQUITY, published by the Society of Antiquaries of London, several hundred plates, 29 vol. in 33, and Index, the first 15 vol. calf gilt, the rest sewed, uncut, wanting vol. 28, part 1 2 1770-42 Archeeologia. Collection of Ordinances, &c. for Government of the Royal Household, from Edward II. to William and Mary—Liber Quotidiauus Contrarotulatoris Garderobe, 28th of Edwardi I. 1299-1300, 2 vol. calfyilt 1787-90 Archeologia /Eliana. Tracts by the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle, plates, vol. 1 ; Newcastle, 1822 Argoli (And.) Opera, Ephemerides ab 1640 ad 1700, &c. 4 vol. ge Lugdunt, 1677 Ariosto (Lud.) Orlando Furioso, wood engravings, (wants last _ leaf of table) ; Venet. 1544 Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, wood engravings ib. 1652 Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, con le Annotationi di Ruscelli, wood engravings : 16.1580 as : 186 187 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 1nd 200 201 202 208 188 11 Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, e Annotationi, plates by G. Porro Venet. 1584 Ariosto (L.) Orlando Manabe, con le Annotationi di Ruscelli, wood engravings ib. 1585 Ariosto (L.)- Orlando Furioso, Italian and English, 2 vol. presentation copy, with inscription lettered on the side of vol. 1, old red morocco, gilt leaves : 1755 Ariosto (L.) Orlando Furioso, portrait and many plates by Bartolozzi, §c., fine proofs, 4 vol. Baskerville's beau- tiful edition LARGE PAPER, red morocco extra, gilt leaves Birmin. 1771 Aristotele, Poetica Sposta per Castelvetio, Basil, 1576— Addison Cato da Salvini, Firenze, 1725 2 vol. Aristotelis de Generatione libri, cum Commentariis collegii Conimbricensis, Mogunt. 1600—De Rhetorica libri 111., Gr. et Lat., cura T. Goulston, 1619 2 vol. Aristotelis de Poetica liber, cura Tyrwhitt LARGE PAPER, calf gilt Oxon, 1794 Arnold, Chronicle or Customs of London, ‘with the Poem of the Nut-Brown Maid 1811 Arnot (H.) Collection and Abridgement of the celebrated Criminal Trials in Scotland, from 1536 to 1784 calf gilt Eidinb. 1785 Arnot (H.) History of Edinburgh from the earliest Accounts, _ many plates, calf gilt tb. 1788 Ars MorieEnDi ex variis Scripturarum Sententiis collecta cum figuris, ad resitendum in Mortis Agone Dyabolice sugestioni valens, cuilibet christi fideli utilis ac multum necessaria, with 14 very curious wood engravings, the corners of Jive leaves slightly mended RARE, old red morocco sine loco aut anno Arthur. The most ancient and famous History of the Renowned Prince Arthur, King of Britaine, wood engravings black letter, RARE, blue morocco, gilt leaves 1634 Arundale (F.) Ilustrations of Jerusalem and Mount Sinai, map and 21 fine plates 1837 Ashmole (E.) Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum: or severall Poetical Pieces of the Hermetique Mysteries, plates, Dr. Farmer's copy, with an autograph note 1652 Asia, Dissertations on the History and Antiquities of, 3 vol. russia 1792-6 Asiatic Researches, plates, vol. 1 and 2, - Céileutta, 1788-90, &c. 7 vol. Aspenden Church, Herts, Survey of the present State of, plates 1796 Assemani (J. A.) De Catholicis seu Patriarchis “‘Chaldeeorum et Nestorianorum Commentarius, calf gilé Rome, 1775 ; j a ee | ps Se | 204 12 Astle (Thos.) on Stone Piilars and Crosses, plates 1800.—Three others by Astle, and various Antiquarian and Topogra- phical Pamphlets : a parcel FOLIO. Abela (Gio. Fr.) Descrittione di Malta Isola nel Mare Siciliano, map and plates, very scarce, fine copy, morocco extra, gl. Malia, 1647 Actes of Parliament, Anno Quinto Regine Elizabethe, black letter, rare, russia extra, gl. Ric. Jugge, 1563 Adam (R.) Ruins of the Palace of Diocletian at Spalatro, 61 fine plates : . 1764 Adams (J.) Index Villaris in England and Wales, es eal ‘ : : n. d. eels, Carta di Cabottagio del Mare Adriatico sotto la Di- rezzione dell’ Instituto Geographico Militaire di Milano, 30 large maps ts atlas folio. 1824 Adventures of a Hunch-Back, (from the Arabian Nights’ Enter- tainments), with illustrative prints, engraved by Wm. Daniell, from pictures by R. Smirke, LARGE PAPER, INDIA PROOFS BEFORE LETTERS, green morocco extra, joints, and gilt leaves : 1814 JEsop, Fables Paraphrased in Verse, by Jo. Ogilby, many fine plates, by Hollar, sc. : : 1668. ZEsop, Fables, with Reflexions by L’Estrange, portrait and frontispiece ° : 1704 AINSLIE (Sir Roz.) anp Mayer, Views 1n Eeypt, Pa- LESTINE, CARAMANIA, TuRKEY IN EUROPE AND IN Asia, containing upwards of 160 beautifully coloured plates, 4 vol. in 3, russia extra, marbled leaves 1801-10 Aitzema (L.) Notable Revolutions in the United Provinces of the Netherlands, 1650-51, calf gilt ; 1653 Albemarle (Duke of) Observations on Military Affairs, 1671— Elton, Body of the Military Art, plates, 1668 — 2 vol. Albemarle (Duke of) Observations, Military and Political, 1671 Albini (B. 8.) Tabulze Sceleti et Musculorum Corporis Humani, numerous plates : atlas folio. 1749 Albizii (Ant.) Principnym Christianorum Stemmata, numerous — _ genealogical plates, calf extra Aug. Vindel. 1612 Alciatus (And.) De Verborum Significatione Genev. 1659 Aleman (Mat.) The Rogue; or the Life of Guzman de Alfrache ; ‘ 1623 America. Recueil d’Estampes Representant les differents Eve- nemens de la Guerre de 1l’Independance de l’Amerique, plates, fine impressions, russia. oblong fol. Paris, 1788 Ammiani Marcellini Res Gestee, cum notis H. Valesii th. 1681 13 Ammirato (Scipione) Delle Famiglie Nobili Napoletane, parte £ and 2, genealogical plates, vellum, oe uniform Firenza, 1580-1562 Ammirato (8.) Istorie Fiorentine, 8 vol. (vol. 3 wants last leaf of table) tb. 1648 Anastasii Bibliothecarii fegkere Eoplentasticn: Gr. et Lat., cura -Fabroti a ; Paris, 1649 AnveErsoni (Jac.) Setectus DrpLomatum et Numismatum Scotize Thesaurus, cura Ruddimanni, 180 plates of anctent seals, charters, coins, &c. by Sturt, fine impressions, LARGE PAPER, fine copy, old calf - Edinb. 1739 Andrews (H.C.) Coloured Engravings of Heaths, from draw- ings taken from Living Plants only, 144 paul’ co- loured plates, vol. 1 and 3, 2 vol. 1802-9 Androuet (Jaq.) Livre des Edifices Antiques Romains, many plates, old calf gilt : - 1584 Androuet (Jac.) Les plus excellents Bastiments de France, avee leurs elevations et singularitez, many plates, 2 vol. in 1 Paris, 1607 Angelii (Jo.) De Republicis Hanseaticis Tractatus, 6 parts, maps and numerous plates, including the large folding view of London, 2 vol. ; Francof. Merian. 1629 Anstey (Chr.) Election Ball in Poetical Letters, in the Zomer- zetshire Dialect, calf gilt Bath, 1776 Anstis(J.) Register of themost noble Order of the Garter, ee 2 vol. fine copy, russia 1724 Anthologia Greca, seu Florilegium Diversorum Epigrammatum Veterum, | fine copy, vellum, leather back, g.l. H. Stephanus, 1566 Appian of Alexandria, History by Fr De 1679 Aquini (Car. de) Sacra Exequialia in Funere Jacobi II. Magne Britannie Regis, many fine plates, russia extra, gilt leaves, by C. Lewis Rome, 1702 Aretini (Angeli) Opus super quattuor libris Institutionum (im- per fect at the end). Aguilles “Gallery. Recueil d’Estampes d’apres les plus Celebres d’Italie, des Pays Bas et de France, portrait and 100 fine plates by J. Coelemans old French calf Paris, 1744 Aringhi (P.) Roma Subterranea Novissima, many plates, 2 vol. in l Paris, 1659 ARISTOPHANIS ComM@DIZ Nove, Grace, first and last leaf mended in the margin FIRST EDITION, rare, blue morocco, g. I. Aldus, 1497 Aristophanis Comediz, cum Commentariis Antiquis cura Gelenii Basil, 1547 Aristophanis Comeedie, Gr. et Lat., cum Scholiis Antiquis, et Notis cura L. Kusteri : Amst. 1710 14 ; i j ea 242. Aristote, Politiques, traduites par L. Regius—Platon, Republique, ad par L. aietar 2 vol. in 1 Paris, 1599-1600 243 Aristotelis Opera, Gr. et Lat., cura J. Casauboni, 2 vol. oa x Seas Lugduni, 1590 4 at ‘ ) (244 Aristotelis Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat., cura Du Val, 2 vol. | old French calf gilt Paris, 1619 2 . | 245 Armstrong (Col. Jo.) History of the Navigation of the Port of King’s-Lyn, and of Cambridge, maps 1725 e P ‘ | 246 ArT DE VERIFIER LES DaTEs DES Faits HisTortQuEs, des ae Hey Chartes, des Chroniques, et autres Anciens Monumens, ; | depuis la Naissance de notre Seigneur, 3 vol. in 6 | Paris, 1783-87 SO \ fo « 247 AsHMOLE (E.) INSTITUTION OF THE LAWES AND CEREMO- aes NIES OF THE MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE GARTER, re numerous plates by Hollar, $e. with pees ait of Ashmole, | ! inserted, fine impression | LARGE PAPER, RARE, fine copy, blue morocco extra, joints . and gilt leaves 1672 4 6 |. | 248 Assemanni (J. S.) Bibliotheca Orientalis Clementino-Vaticana, 4 vol. Rome, 1719 Lo 249 nanert fElfredi Regis Geste, " Saxonice—Walsingham (T. de) Neustriw vel Normanniz ab Irruptione Normannorum ore -ad Annum Regni Henrici quinti, 3 vol. in 1 russia extra, m. I. Hi. Binneman and Jo. Daius, 1574 LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1792 _ 251 Astle (T.) Origin and Progress of Writing, as well. Hierogly- | phic as Elementary, and some Account of the Origin of | Printing, portrait, and 31 plates, some coloured { | LARGEST PAPER, russia extra, marbled leaves . 1803 | 252 Athenzi Deipnosophistarum, libri XV., Gr. et Lat. cura Casau- | boni, vellum Lugduni, 1657 253 Atkinson and Walker, Pictuteeque Representation of the Man- | and Magnates | and 100 coloured plates, 3 vol. in 1, calf; m. 1. 1803 42... | 254 Atkyns (Sir Rob.) Ancient and Present State of Glocestershire, 73 maps and plates, views of seats, arms, &c. calf gilt 1768 [Ai | 255 Atlas of Nature; being a Graphie Display of the most Inte- resting Subjects i in the Three Kingdoms of Nature, above | 80 plates and wood engravings, some coloured hee calf extra, gilt leaves n. a. |S | 256 Aubery, Histoire du Cardinal Duc de Rivne portrait, | | 8 vol. , Paris, 1660 LARGE PAPER, fine copy, red morocco extra, gilt leaves Brevis Historia ab Edwardo I. ad Henr. V. et Ypodigma 250 Astle (Th.) Account of the Seals of the King’s Royal Boroughs ners, Customs and Amusements of the Russians, portratt, — si 8 ieee cree a 357 15 Augspurgisches Jubel-Fest in 1730, or an Account of the Celebration of the Jubilee held in Augsberg in 17380, in commemoration of the 200th Year of the Augsberg Con- fession of Faith, portraits of M. Luther, &c.. numerous plates, fine impressions Aug. Vind. 1731 Augustine (St.) of the Citie of God, with Comments of L. Vives, good copy 1620 Augustini ( Ant.) Dialogi in Nummis Veterum, plates, Ant.1717, &e. 3 vol. Bacon (Lord) Sylva Sylvarum, portrait 1651 Bacon (Ld.) Resuscitatio, or Several Pieces of his Works, by Dr. Rawley 1671 Bacon (Ld.) Sylva Sylvarum, or Natural History, 1685—Bur- nett, Theory of the Earth, plates, 1684 2 vol. Bacon (Ld.) Works, and Life by Mallet, portrait, 3 vol. Jine copy, old calf extra, marbled leaves 1753 Bacon (Nath.) Discourse on the Laws and Government of England LARGE PAPER 1739 Baconi (Fr.) Opera Omnia, cura S. J. Arnoldi vellum Lips. 1694 Bede (Ven.) Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, Saxonice et Lat., cura Jo. Smith, plates BEST EDITION, scarce, fine copy, russia Cantab. 1722 Bailey (N.) Etymological Dictionary 1736 Baillie (Captain) Appeal to the Public concerning his late Governorship of Greenwich Hospital, red morocco 1779 BaiLuie (Capt.) Works, viz. a Series of 113 fine Prints and Etchings, after Rembrandt, Ostade, Teniers, Gerard Dow, and other Old Masters (wanting plates 8 and 12, vol. 1) in vol. 2, plates 6, the three variations, 45, 46, 47, 48, and 49, with several duplicates, many proofs before the letters, proofs on india paper, m colours, on satin, and in various states, with two not in the Catalogue, one of which is unique—together 139 plates, 2 vol. half russia : atlas folio, BoypELt, 1792 *,* This was the copy selected for Miss Mary Boydell. Baxter (Geo.) History AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE COUNTY or NoRTHAMPTON, many plates, india proofs, vol. 1 and vol. 2, 2 parts LARGE PAPER, Vol. 1 Af. russia, and 2 parts uncut 1822-41 Baker (Sir R.) Chronicle of the See of England, portrait and frontispiece 1679 Baldini (B.) Vita di Cosimo Medici Firenze, 1578 Banduri (A.) Imperium Orientale sive Antiquitates Constantino- politane, Gr. et Lat. 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, old calf 4 Paris, 1711 / \va\. | 274 A , [275 oa 276 16 Banduri (A.) Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum, accessit Bibliotheca Nummaria, plates, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, old French calf gilt Paris, 1718 Barbadici (J. F.) Numismata, fine plates Patavii, 1732 Barnes (Joshua) History of Edward III., and of his Son, the Black Prince, portraits, old calf gilt Cambridge, 1688 FIA. 9. ro a eo be MORK GA SECOND DAY’S SALE, OCTAVO ET INFRA. Barbauld (Mrs.) British Novelist, 50 vol. (wanting vol. 9 to 15, ‘and vol. 28) 42 vol. ca/f gilt 1810 Barber, Picturesque Illustrations of the Isle of Wight, plates n. d. Barberini (Urbani VIII.) Poemata, edidit J. Brown, portrait, Owxon. 1726—Carmina Quadragesimalia, Oxon, 1723 royal 8vo. 2 vol. Barclaii (J.) Satyricon, Elzevir, 1637 — Baudii Epistole, Elzevir, 1662, &c. E 6 vol. Barclay (R.) Apology, 17836—Burnet (Bp.) Vindication of Ordinations, 1677, &c. 5 vol. Baretti (Jos.) Travels in Italy, 2 vol. 1768, &c. : dP vol. Baretti (J.) Journey from London to Genoa, 4 vol. 1770 Baretti (J.) Spanish and English Dictionary, 2 vol. in 1 1807 Barlei (C.) Poemata, 2 vol. Amst.'1655, and 9 Poemata 11 vol. Barre (W.) History of the French Consulate, portrait, 1804— Bouille, Memoirs of the French Revolution, 1797, &c. 8 vol. Barri (Comtesse du) Memoires de, 4 vol. Paris, 1829—Me- moires et Correspondance de Mdme. d’Espinay, 3 vol. 2b. 1818—Correspondance de S. C. d’Arly, 2 vol. 7b. 1814 —Memoires sur l’Imperatrice Josephine, 3 vol. 1829 12 vol. Barrington and Beaufoy, Possibility of reaching the North Pole, map, 1818—Barrow (J.) History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions, map, 1818 ie 2 vol. Barruel (l’Abbé) Memoires pour servir a l’Histoire du Jaco- binisme et Histoire du Clergé pendant la Revolution Fran- coise, 5 vol. calf gilt, not uniform 1793-97 Barruel (Abbé) History of the Clergy during the French Revolution, 3 parts in 1 vol. THICK PAPER, blue morocco, gilt leaves 1794 17 Barton (Dr. B. 8.) Elements of ue 30 finely coloured plates, calf gilt 1804 2 Bartram (W.) Travels in Carolina, eneaip and plates 1792 Bartsch (Adam) Catalogue Raisonne de toutes les Estampes qui forment oeuvre de Rembrandt, portrait and plates, interleaved with some MS. notes, 2 vol. calf gilt Vienne, 1797 4 Bartscu (ApAm) Ler PEINTRE GRAVEUR, plates, interleaved with some MS. notes, 21 vol. calf gilt, 15 vol. and 6 vol. sewed Vienne, 1803-21 Baruffaldi (G.) Baccanali, Venet. 1722—Buoni (T.) Theosoro de’ Proverbi Italiani, 24. 1604 nisl B Barwick (P.) Life of Dr. John Barwick, portraits, 1724— | Birch, Life of Henry Prince of Wales, 1760 2 vol. Basan (F.) Dictionnaire des Graveurs Anciens et Modernes, 2 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1789 Bassompierre, Lettres Amoureuses et Morales, 1622, &c. 20 vol. Batei (G.) Elenchus Motuum Nupererum in ‘Angin portrate, - Amst. 1663, &c. 8 vol. Bates (G.) and Skinner, Account of the late Troublea in Eng- land, frontispiece, 1685—Bohours, Life of St. Francis Xavier, portrait, 1688—Bohours, Life of St. Ignatius, ' 3 voi. 1 Batty (Miss) Italian Scenery, from Drawings made in 1817, ; 60 fine plates royal 8vo. 1820 Bausset (L. F. J.) Memoires Actaedalinues sur l'Interieur du Palais, depuis 1805 a 1814, 2 vol. vellum Bruxelles, 1827 Baxter (Ric.) Gairm au de Mhoir, Glasg. 1750—The New ‘Testament, in the Gaelic Language, Edinb, 1767 2 vol. Baxteri (W.) Glossarium Antiquitatam Romanorum, portrait, 1731, &c. 3 vol. Baxter (W.) on the Human Soul, 2 vol. 1737 — Brown, Estimate of Manners, 2 vol. 1757 3 4 vol. Bayfield (Rob.) Tractatus de Tumoribus preter Naturam, fine portrait by Faithorne 1662 — Bearcroft (Ph.) Historical Account of Thomas Sutton and of the Charterhouse, portrait and plates LARGE PAPER, russia extra, gilt leaves 1737 Bearcroft (P.) Historical Account of Thomas Sutton and the Charterhouse, portrait and plate 1737 ) Beatson (R.) Political Index to the History of Europe, 2 vol. unbound, 1788, &c. 10 vol. Beatson (R.) Chronological Register of Parliament, from 1708 to 1807, 3 vol. calf gilt 1807 . Beattie (Jas.) Essay on Truth, Edinb. "1770—Beattie ‘on Poetry and Music, 7b. 1778 2 vol. Beau es le) Histoire du Bas-Empire, 24 vol. Paris, 1786 D PAB T* ie WZ. fii | | 313 | 814 315 316 317 |—(38tdl8 | 319 18 . Beaumont (Sir Jo.) Bosworth Field, with a Taste of the variety of other Poems, crimson morocco extra, gilt leaves 1629 Beaumont and Fletcher, Dramatic Works, with notes by various Commentators, plates, 10 vol. calf gilt 1788 Beauties of all the Magazines, 3 vol. 1762-4, &c. 12 vol. Beauties of England, new Display of the, plates, 2 vol. oe calf neat : Sa Beauties or ENGLAND AND WALEs ; or, Delineations, Topo- graphical, Historical and Descriptive, of each County, by Jo. Briton and E. W. Brayley, with above 700 fine plates ; illustrated with numerous duplicates in different states, as ETCHINGS, PROOFS BEFORE THE LETTERS, &c. 25 vol. LARGE PAPER, remarkably fine, tall copy in pale russia. extra, gilt leaves : ~ 1801-12 Beckford (W.) Descriptive Account of Jamaica, 2 vol. 1790 Beckman (J.) History of Inventions and Discoveries, 3 vol. calf gilt : . 1797 Bede (Ven.) Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, cura Jos. Stevenson, with an autograph letter of John Holmes, Secretary of the English Historical Society, applying for permission to have transcripts of the Charters, ce. in the Buckingham Collection, scarce BK 1838 Bede, Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation, by Stevens . — 1723: Beeverell (J.) Delices. de la Grande Bretagne et de I’Irelande, numerous plates, 8 vol. half bound, uncut Leide, 1727 Beeverell (J.) Delices de la Grande Bretagne et de |’Irlande, numerous plates, 8 vol. calf _ Leide, 1707 Behn (Mrs. A.) Plays and Poems, with a Voyage to the Island of Love, portrait, 3 vol. ‘ 1697-1702 Belgian Traveller, or a Tour through Holland, France and Switzerland, 4 vol. half calf 1806 Bell (J.) British Theatre, consisting of the most esteemed — ’ English Plays (Tragedies) plates, 16 vol. (wanting vol. 6) 1776 Bell (J.) British Theatre, consisting of the most esteemed English Plays, plates, fine impressions, . LARGE PAPER, red morocco ; ~ Wwogt Bell (J.) British Theatre, consisting of the most esteemed Plays’ in the English Language, with nearly 800 plates, fine wmpressions, 34 vol. (wanting vol. 21) calf 1796. Beloe (Wm.) Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, 6 vol. calf gilt ; | 1807-12 Belsham (W.) History of Great Britain, 12 vol. 1805 Beltz (Geo, Fr.) Review of the Chandos Peerage Case, adjudi- cated, 1803, with two tracts and two autograph notes of Sheffield Grace and Wm. Shaw Mason jeder (- * Bembo ( Piet.) le Prose e delle Lettere, 2 vol. in 1, Venet. 1575-87—La Ballerina Onorata, 26. 1754—Caproali (C.) Rime, &c. . : 8 vol. 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 341] 342 343 344 346 347 348 349 390 Pi ee = Sage = Semen I 19 Benger (Miss) Memoirs of Anne Boleyn, portrait, 2 vol. 1821 —Memoirs of Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, portrait, 2 vol. 1825 4 vol. Benson (R.) Sketches of Corsica, plates, 1825—Benson (R.) Memoirs of Arthur Collier, 1837—British Flag Trium- phant, blwe morocco, 1806, &c. 7 vol. Benson (Tho.) Vocabularium ‘Anglo-Saxonicum, cum Lexico Gal. Somneri, fine copy, old calf royal 8vo. Oxonii, 1701 Bentham (Jer.) Theorie des Peines et des Recompenses, par Dumont, 2 vol. calf gilt 1811 Bentley’s Miscellany, edited by Boz, plates, No. 1 to 25, 1837-9—Ainsworth’s Magazine, No. 2 to 8 32 Nos. Bercastel (Abbé de Berrault) Histoire de l’Eglise, 24 vol. (wants vol. 13) half russia Maestrecht, 1780-91 Bergerac (M. de) Ciuvres diverses, 2 vol. Amst. 1699—Brandt, Histoire de la Reformation des Pais Bas, 2 vol. 1730, &e. 8 vol. 840 Berni, Casa, Varchi, &c. ‘Opere Burlesche, 3 ope Londra, 1723 Bernier (F.) History of the Great Mogol, map, 1671—Histo- rical Fragments of the Mogul Empire, maps, 1782—Beck- man (Dan.) Voyage to Borneo, maps and plates, 1718, &e. 5 vol. Bernier (F.) Travels in the Mogul Empire, by Brock, 2 vols. 1826 Bertolotti (D.) Viaggio in Savoia, 2 vol. white vellum, gilt leaves Livorno, 1828 Bertrand de Moleville (A. F.) Annales of the French Revolu- tion, and Private Memoirs of Lewis XVI. portrait, 7 vol. calf gilt 1797-1800 345 Berwick (Duke of ) Memoirs of, written by Himself, 2 vol. calf gilt 1779 Besenval (le Baron de) Memoires de, Ecrits par Lui-Meme, portrait, 3 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1805 Beveridge (Bp. Wm.) Private Thoughts upon Religion, port. 2 ror old red morocco, gilt leaves 1715 Bewick (T.) History of Birds, with numerous wood engra- vings by T. Bewick, fine impressions, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, LARGE PAPER, red morocco extra, gilt leaves Newcastle, 1797-1804 Bewick (T.) General History of Quadrupeds, with numerous wood engravings red morocco extra, g. 1. uniform with preceding lot. ib. 1800 VERSIONS OF THE SCRIPTURES. Biblia Latina, curis Tremellii, Junii et Bezee, Amst. 1627— Nov. Testamentum Grecum, cura Leusdeni, ruled with ved lines, old morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1698 2 vol. $ SH Nan | ee NN a waco ee ree Se Me et ee SE 2a 20) Versions oF THE ScripTURES (continued) Biblia Sacra, Latiné : Basil, 1526 Biblia Sacra Hebrea, ab Athias, 2 vol. Amst. 1661 Biblia Sacra, Tremellii et Junii, blue morocco, g. lL. ib. 1669 Biblia Sacra Latina, Vulgate Editionis, ruled with red lines’ old red morocco, gilt leaves Lugduni, 1609 Biblia Sacra Latina, Junii et Bezz, blue mor. g.l. Amst. 1679 Bible, La Sainte : Geneve, 1588 Vetus Testamentum Greecum ex Vers. Septuaginta Interpretum, and the Greek Liturgy, with the rare Preface of Bp. J. Pearson, 8 vol. good copy, g.l. Cantab. Jo. Field, 1665 Vetus Testamentum Grecum, et Libri Apocryphi ex editione L. Bos, et Novum Testamentum Gracum juxta exemplar Millianum, 5 vol. calf gilt Oxonii, 1805 Novum Testamentum, Gr. et Lat. cum duplici Interp. D. Eras- mi et Veteris interpretis, 2 vol. fine copy, old red morocco, gilt leaves Rob. Steph. 1551 Novum Testamentum Grecum, editio “O mirificam Regis,” 2 vol. very good copy Z | old black morocco, gilt leaves Paris, Rob. Steph. 1549 Novum -Testamentum Grecum, Leusdeni, Amst. 1701—Nov. Test. Vulgate editionis, Oxon. 1796—Nuovo Testamento, Geneva, 1596, &c. : . 5 vol. Novum Testamentum Grecum, Millii, Amst. 1711—Nov. Test. _ Vulgate editionis, Oxon, 1796—Nouveau Testament, 1750 3 vol. Nuovo Testamento, Latine et Italice, ruled with red lines fine copy, old blue morocco, gilt leaves Lyone, 1558 Evangelia Quatuor, Greece, cura White red morocco, gilt leaves Oxonti, 1798 Bible (The Pictorial) tlustrated with many hundred wood engravings, 3 vol, imperial 8vo. Charles Knight, 1836 Testament (New) Greek and English, by Mace, 2 vol. calf neat : 1729 Bibliotheque (Petite) des Theatres, ou Recueil des Meilleures Pieces des Théatres Francois, Tragique, Comique, Lyrique, &c. portraits, 80 vol. FINE PAPER, calf, gilt leaves Paris, 1783-92 BIBLIOTHEQUE PoRTATIVE DU VoYAGEUR: a Collection of French Classic Writers, viz. Corneille, 5; Racine, 4; Theatre de Voltaire, 5; Fontaine, 4; Moliere, 7; Le Sage, 5; Bossuet, Histoire Universelle, 2; Memoires de Grammont, 2, etc. etc. portraits, together 51 vol. uniform : red morocco, gilt leaves, and enclosed in a red leather case, like o folio volume, and lettered Paris, 1802-18 — Bibliotheque Portative des Ecrivains Francois en Prose et en Vers, par Moysant et Leyizac, 6 vol. calf, marbled leaves : royal 8yo. 1803 ~. 2 ws ee ee a ig ae y og lution in South America 1809 371 Binos, Voyage en Egypte au Mont-Liban, 2 vol. 1787—Blaze, la Vie Militaire sous |’Empire, 2 vol. 1837—Pierre Claus, Aventures, ou Le Gil Blas Allemand, 3 vol. 1789 7 vol. 372 Bingham (G.) Essays and Sermons, 2 vol. 1804, &. 4 vol. a a0 370 Biggs (J.) History of De Miranda’s Attempt to effect-a Revo- Se ot ee Emon haere Rt, aed 373 Bingham (Jos.) Antiquities of the Christian Church, maps, . 9 vol. 1821-9 374 Bingley (W.) Animal Biography, 3 vol. calf gilt 1803 wee esr 375 Bingley (W.) Tour round North Wales, plates, 2 vol. 1800 375*Bingley (W.) North Wales, its Scenery, Antiquities, &c. plates, 4 2 vol. 1804 ) Lf + | 376 Bingley (W.) Memoirs of British Quadrupeds, 44 plates, fine ee wmpressions, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves 1809 _« | 377 Biochimo, the Royall Game of Chesse-Play, portrait . scarce, calf neat ; 1656 378 Biographical Dictionary, New and General, 12mo, calf gilt. 1784 379 Biondi, Roma Restaurata, tradotte per L. Fauno Venet. 1542 380 Biot (J. B.) Precis Elementaire de Physique Experimentale, ie ens plates, 2 vol. white vellum, gilt leaves Paris, 1824 _, | 381 Birch (T.) Negociations between England, France and Brus- sels, 1749, &c. 12 vol. Ny BENATAR a 382 Bird, Magazine of Honour, enlarged by Sir J. Doderidge 1642 383 Bishop (Matthew) Life and Adventures, 1744—Bellerton, Life, SO ee a em rae portrait, 1710—Bruhl (Count) Life, n. d.—Budgell, Life | Seas of the Earl of Orrery, portrait, 1732 4 vol. Sgt if 384 Bishop (Sam.) Poems, portrait, 2 vol. 1802—Cotton (N.) ) Poems, 2 vol. 1791, &c. 10 vol. awe 385 Bisse (Dr. Tho.) Beauty of Holiness in the Common Prayer, ald red morocco, gilt leaves ‘ 1717 = Lay QUARTO. _. | 886 Andrews (L.) Tortura Torti, sive ad Mattheei Torti Librum _Responsio, qui imper editus contra Apologiam Jacobi I. Regis pro Juramento Fidelitatis, vellum 1609 | fb , | 887 Atti dell’ Academia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania, | . plates, 9 vol. ; Catania, 1825-35 ee va 888 Athens, Letter from, a Poem, plates, calf extra, 1812—Barber (Mrs.) Poems, calf gilt, 1734 | 2 vol. ia 389 Aubery (Sir) L’Histoire du Cardinal Duc de Joyeuse, Puris, ¥ - 1654—Augeard, Arrests Notables des differens Tribunaux, 2 vol. . 1b. 1710 va OO $90 Audebert et Vieillot, Histone Naturelle at Generale des Coli- . bris, Oiseaux-Mouches Jacamars et Promerops, numerous ) beautifully coloured plates, 2 vol. . russia extra, gilt leaves _ Paris, 1802 | 404 398 399 400 401 402 403 22 Augustini (Leon.) Gemme et Sculpture Antique Depicte cura Gronovii, upwards of 260 plates, 2 vol. in 1 | Frane. 1694 Auldjo (J.) Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blane, plates, india proofs LARGE PAPER, half calf gilt . 1828 Auli Gellii Noctes Attica, cum notis Gronovii Lug. B. 1706 Ayliffe (Sir Jos.) Calendars of the Ancient Charters, and of the Welch-and Scottish Rolls in the Tower-of London calf gilt ‘ est) ie 1774 Baglione (Gio.) Vite de Pittore, Scultori et Architetti, una con- tinuazione di Vasari ’ Roma, 1602 Baker, History of the Inquisition in all its branches, plates 1736 Baldwin (Geo.) La Prima Musa Clio ; . PRIVATELY PRINTED, without title, scarce, blue morocco, gilt leaves : | ee ae 1802 Bale (Jo.) Illustrium Majoris Britanniz Scriptorum lib., wood cut of Bale presenting his book to Edward VI. . FIRST EDITION, scarce, russia extra, g.l. Gippeswict, 1548 Ballard (Geo.) Memoirs of several Ladies of Great Britain celebrated for Learning, old calf gilt Oxford, 1752: Ballino (Giulio) De Disegni delle Citta e Fortezze, plates Venet. 1569 | BANNATYNE CLUB PUBLICATIONS. - Historie and Life of King James the Sext, being an Account of the Affairs of Scotland from 1566 to 1596, with Continua- — tion to 1617, edited by T. Thomson FIFTY-TWO COPIES PRINTED, green morocco extra, joints and gilt leaves - Edinb. 1825 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. Letters of Jo. Grahame of Claverhouse, Viscount of Dundee, — with Illustrative Documents, 1678-89, portraits and fac similes : ib. 1826 *,,* Edited and presented by Geo. Smythe. Memoirs of his Own Life, by Sir Jas. Melville of Halhill, 1549-1593, from the original MS., edited by T. Thomson. green morocco extra, joints and gilt leaves 4b. 1827 *,,* Printed at the expense of the Club. History of Scotland from the Death of King James the First in 1436 to 1561, by Jo. Lesley, Bishop of Ross, portrait on india paper ‘ tb. 1830 *,." 101 copies, printed on Club paper, were purchased for the Members. ; . prude * 23 BANNATYNE CLuB PusLications (continued) 405 Acts and Proceedings of the General Assemblies of the Kirk | of Scotland, from. 1560 to 1618, by T. Thomson, 3 vol. Edinb. 1833-45 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. 406 Chronica De Mailros e Codice Unico in Bibliotheca Cottoniana Servato, cura Jos. Stevenson, fac-similes tb. 1835 *.* Presented by Sir J. Hay and A. Pringle. 407 Accounts of the Great Chamberlains of Scotland, and other , Officers of the Crown, rendered at the Exchequer 1326 to 1453, 3 vol. . : ib. 1836 »,.* Edited and presented by T. Thomson, Esq. (in 1836), and circulated in May 1841, vol. 1 and 2, and vol.3 in 1845. 408 Historical Observes of Memorable Occurrents in Church and State, from October 1680 to April 1686, by Sir Jo. Lauder, of Fountainhall, edited by A. Urquhart; and D. Laing, portrait : : «b. 1840 + * Printed at the expense of the Club. 409 ee oe Sancte Crucis. Munimenta Ecclesie Sancte Crucis de Edwinesburg, edited by C. Innes, plates and fac- similes - : ab. 1840 *,* Presented by i Fr. Egerton. 410 Balcarres (Earl of) Memoirs touching the Revolution in Scot- land 1688-90, with biographical Memoir tb. 1841 *,,* Edited and presented by Lord Lindsay. 411 Liber Cartarum Prioratus St. Andree in Scotia, cura Cosmo Innes, Jac-similes A : 1b. 1841 *,.* Presented by O. T. Bruce. 412 Letters and ress of Robert Baillie, Principal of the Univer- sity of Glasgow, 1637 to 1662, with the additions, edited by D. Laing, 4 vol. tb. 1841-2 *,* Printed at the expense of the Club. 413 Correspondence of George a of Jervis Wood, 1702-to 1708 : : ib. 1842 *..* Edited and presented = the Earl of Minto. 414 Pei de Dunfermelyn Liber Cartarum Abbatie Benedic- tine S. S. Trinitatis, et B. Margarete Regine de Dunfer- melyn, edited by Cosmo Innes, fac-similes tb. 1842 *,* Presented by the Duke of Buckingham, &c. 415 Registrum. Another copy : . ib. 1842 416 Registrum. Another copy : tb, 1842 417 418 419 420 421 422 — «423 424 — 425 24 BANNATYNE CLUB PusLicaATions (continued) Registrum. Another copy seas Edinb. 1842 Registrum. Another copy . tb. 1842 Registrum. Another copy ib. 1842 Diary of the Public Correspondence of Sir Tho. Hope, of Craighall, 1638-1645, from the Original at Pinkie House, edited by Tho. Tomson, fac-simile He tb. 1843 *,.” Printed at the expense of the Club. Leven and Melville Papers. Letters and State Papers addressed to Geo. Earl of Melville, Secretary of State for Scotland, 1689-91, fac-similes F , tb. 1843 ** Edited and presented by the Hon. Wm. L. Melville. ee Ecclesie de Scon, Munimenta Vetustiora Monasterii Sancte Trinitatis et St. Michelis de Scon, edited by C. Innes, plates and fac-similes ° tb. 1843 *,* Presented by Wm. Smythe. Registrum Episcopatus Glasguensis, Munimenta Ecclesie Me- tropolitane Glasguensis a sede Restaurata Seculo ineunte XII. ad Reformatam Religionem, edited by C. Innes, plates and fac-similes, 2 vol. « wer ab. T6ea *.* Printed at the expense of the Club. Horn et Rimenhild, Recueil de ce qui reste des Poémes relatifs a leurs Aventures composes en Francois, en Anglois, et en Ecossois, Publie par Fr. Michel, fac-similes. Paris 1845 ** Printed at the expense of the Club. ee Liber S. Marie de Calchou, Registrum Cartarum Abbacie Ti- ronensis de Kelso, 1113-1567, edited by C. Innes, fac- similes and colored plate, 2 vol. ; Edinb. 1846 ** Presented by the Duke of Roxburghe. er Banks (T. C.) Dormant and Extinct Baronage of England, numerous pedigrees, 3 vol. calf gilt : 1807. Barclay (Rob.) Apology for the Quakers Baskerville, Birmingham, 1765 — Barclay (W.) Of the Authoritie of the Pope, frontispiece, 1611 Bardon (Dandre) Costume des Anciens Peuples, numerous plates, 3 vol. calf, marbled leaves : Paris, 1772 Barrett (Wm.) History and Antiquities of the City of Bristol, map and many plates, calf neat ~—.. Bristol, 1789 Barrington (Daines) Miscellanies ! 1781 Barrow (Jo.) Life and Select Writings of the Earl “of Macart- ney, portrait, 2 vol. calf gilt : 1807 * ao dg 4? ae 433 25 Barrow (J.) Account of Travels into the Interior of Southern Africa in 1797 and 8—Travels in China, and Voyage to Cochin China, maps and many coloured plates, 4 vol. calf gilt. uniform . 1801-6 Barry (Sir Edw.) Observations on the Wines of the Ancients, frontispiece, calf gilt : 1775 Barry (G.) History of the Orkney Islands, map and plates, calf, marbled leaves Edinburgh, 1805 Barry (James) Works, with Account of his Life and Writings, portrait and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt “ 1809 Bastien (J. F.) Nouvelle Maison Rustique, ou Economie Ru- rale, numerous plates, 3 vol. russia Paris, 1804 Bartholini (T.) Antiquitates Danica : Hafnie, 1689 Bates (Dav.) Logarithmic Tables ; Dublin, 1781 Batesii (Gul.) Vitze Selectorum aliquot Virorum 1681 Batty (Miss) Italian Scenery, many plates, fine impressions, LARGE PAPER, half bound calf, gilt ; 1820 Battely (Jo.) Opera Posthuma, wz. Antiquitates Rutupine et S. Edmundi Burgi, plates, LARGE PAPER, bright old calf gilt : Oxonti, 1823 Batty (Capt.) Campaign of the Allied Army of the Western Pyrenees and South of France, map and plates half calf, gilt leaves 1823 Batty (R.) Scenery of France, 64 plates, LARGE PAPER, half calf gilt : ; 1822 Bayfius (Laz.) De Re Navali, wood engravings, interleaved, Paris, 1549 Bayley (Jo.) History and Antiquities of the Tower of London, many plates, 2 vol. . : 1821 Bayly (T. H.) Fifty Lyrical Ballads, PRIVATELY PRINTED Bath, 1829 Baxter (R.) Saints’ Everlasting Rest, frontispiece, 1658 — Baxter (R.) Life of Faith, portrait, 1670 2 vol. Beard (Tho.) The Theatre of God’s Judgements; a Collection of Histories, calf neat . 1596 Beatson (Alex.) Origin and Conduct of the War with Tippoo Sultaun, portrait, map, and plans, calf gilt 1800 Beaulieu (M. de) Vie de St. Thomas Archevesque de Cantor- bery . : Paris, 1674 Beauvau (H. de) Voyage du Levant, plates Nancy, 1619 Beaver (Capt. P.) African Memoranda relative to the British Settlement on the Island of Bulama, plates, calf gilt : 1805 Beckford, Thoughts « on Hunting, plates, 1781, &c. 5 vol. . Beechey (Capt. F. W.) Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beering’s Strait in 1825-8, maps and plates, 2 vol. 1831 Belidor (M.) Cours de Mathematique, plates Paris, 1725 E 26 Js + | 457 Belcher (Sir Ed.) Voyage round the World, map and plates, . 2 vol. 1843 S| - 1498 Bell, New Pantheon ; or Historical Dictionary of the Gods, “f ) Demi-Gods, Heroes, &c. of Antiquity, many plates, 2 vol. ) ealf gilt ? 1790 2 459 Bell (H. G.) ‘Huntingdon Peetlige; and Restoration of the ie Earldom (wants the portraits ) 1820 yA va 460 Bell (J.) Travels from Russia to China, map, 2 vol. Glasgow, 1763 461 Bellin (S.) Le Petit Atlas Maritime Recueil de Cartes et Plans des quatre Parties du Monde, numerous coloured charts . and maps, 5 vol. ere fine copy, rich old red moroceo extra, g. 1. Paris, 1764 ms 462 Bellin (N.) Description Geographique des Debouquemens de . Saint Domingue, charts, Paris, 1768—Charmilly ( Venault de) Lettre a “Bryan Edwards sur Saint Domingue, 1797 _ . 2 vol. | a ~ 463 Bellori (G. P.) Vite de Pittori, Scultori et Architetti Moderni, : portraits, calf gilt : Roma, 1672 ee a 464 Belon(P.) Portraits d’Oysseaux, Animaux, Hommes et Femmes | d’Arabie, etc. many fine wood engravings (two leaves | torn ) Paris, 1557 7 vs |. | 465 Belzoni (G.) Narrative of the Operations and Discoveries in Egypt and Nubia, portrait, colours, and six additional ones P “1820 FOLIO. on os . 466 Baron (B.) Portraits and Plates, after old Masters, 25 plates, . fine impressions, half bound ‘ 1741, &c. 4 ~ 467 Bartoli (P. 8.) Veteres Arcus Augustorum Triumphis, insignes cura Bellorii, 52 fine plates, vellum . Rome, 1690 / 2. . 468 Bartoli (P..S.) Gli Antichi Sepolcri, ovvero Mausolei Romani | ed Etruschi, numerous plates 1b. 1768 VAG 4 | - | 469 Bartoli (P. §.) Colonna Trajana in Roma Scolpita, 114 plates, oe th. n. da Ps Oa ) 470 Bartoli (P. S.) Goluine Actonintana. cura Jo. P. Bellorii, | . 77 fine plates, calf gilt . : ib. n. di eel , | 471 Bartoli (P. 8.) Admiranda Romanorum Antiquitatum ac Ve- | . teris ere Vestigie, 83 plates, : vellum : oblong folio. ib. 1698 TS cr enn Ey in RTD rene wens russia extra, gilt leaves, with the plates in folio, some in 27 472 BARTOLOZZI (FR.) A VERY COMPLETE COLLEC- TION OF THE WORKS or Tuis CELEBRATED AND JUSTLY ADMIRED ENGRAVER, consisting of UPWARDS OF SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTY PORTRAITS AND BEAUTIFUL PLATES, MOSTLY THE CHOICEST PROOFS, viz. ETCHINGS, PROOFS BEFORE ANY LETTERS, PROOFS IN VARIOUS STAGES WITH THE LETTERS, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, SATIN, ETC., and choice impressions, with Jive plates, by J. Wagner, of Venice, his master, shewing the very great superiority attained by the pupil, and two portraits of Bartolozzi, one a proof gies the letters, in 8 vol. fine copy, old russia VU. Y: *,* This most extensive Collection of the aaa of Bartolozzi was formed for Mary Boydell, and is believed to be unique. 473 Basnage, Annales des Provinces-Unies depuis la Paix de . Munster ae : La Haye, 1719 474 Batimens de la Porte, ieininds Chemiee, etc.. numerous plates, 2 vol. ; 3 Paris, n. d. 475 Bartties. Navat anp Lanp Encacements. A Series of about 100 large plates of Sea Fights, from 1793 to 1801, including Earl Howe's Victory, Ist of June, 1794, by Fittler, Medland, &c.; Admiral Sir J. Jervis’ Victory off Cape St. Vincent, 1797, by Dodd; Admiral Nelson board- ing two Spanish Ships, in 1797, by Dan. Orme ; Lord Duncan’s Battle of Camperdown, 1797, by Hellyer, Fitt- ler, &c.; The Battle of the Nile, in 1798, by Orme, Fité- ler, &c.; The Storming of Seringapatam, by Vendramini, &c.; The Death of Abercrombie, by Ditto; The Fall of Tippoo Sultaun, by Schiavonetti, Cardon, &c. | vol. half russia 1793. &e. 476 BatTLes, NAVAL AND Miia &e. A beautiful Collec- tion of celebrated Naval and Military Actions, &c. by various eminent Engravers, including the Death of Nelson, after West’s picture, brilliant proof before any letters ; The Death of Nelson, by W. Bromley, a fine proof; Chevy Chase, -by Young, a fine etching on india paper, and a fine pr oof impression ; ; The Death of Major Pear- son, by J. Heath, brilliant proof before the letters; The Landing of the British Troops in Egypt, by L. Schia- vonetti, brilliant proof; Battle of Alexandria, by A. Cardon, choice proof; Battle of Waterloo, by Jo. Burnet, brilliant proof ; The Death of Lord Robert Manners, by Sherwin, fine proof; The Siege of Gibraltar, by Fittler, Malton, Sherwin, &c., 7 plates, mostly proofs ; The Loss of the Duke of Athol and the Grosvenor East Indiamen ; The Nancy Packet, &c., in all 78 plates, mostly proofs or very fine impressions, in a volume russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves atlas folio. wv. y. yd ee 5 a sO ~ of| 7a\- wan a fo © P\b VA a BA a re Oa as oe Ee ef |- YW \+ 477 478 480 48] 482 — 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 AQ] 492 493 — 494 495 28 Battles. Commemoration of the Four great Naval Victories ob- tained by Earl Howe, Earl St. Vincent, Lord Duncan, and Lord Nelson, in four emblematical engravings by R. Smirke : elephant folio. 1803 Baudoin (J.) Histoire de Malthe, avec les Statuts et les Ordon- nances de l’Ordreet de S. Jean de Jerusalem, portraits and plates, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER - Paris, 1643 Bautrand (M. A.) Geographia ordine Literarum disposita, portrait, 2 vol. ab. 1682 Baxter (Ric.) Narrative of his Life and Times, by M. Sylvester, portrait, good copy : 1696 Bayeaux Tapestry, 17 finely colored plates, complete, scarce n.d. Baye (P.) DicTionaIRE HisToRIQuE ET CRITIQUE, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, BEST EDITION, fine copy, old russia extra Rotterdam, 1720 Beaumont (A.) Travels through the Rhetian Alps, in 1786, plates, calf gilt ry 1792 Beaumont (A.) Travels from France to Italy, through the Lepontine Alps, 27 plates LARGE PAPER, calf gilt : 1800 Beaumont (A.) Another copy, 27 plates LARGE PAPER, russia extra, marbled leaves _ 1800 Beaumont (A.) Travels through the Maritime Alps, from Italy to Lyons, numerous plates Pe a LARGE PAPER, calf gilt : 1795 Beaumont and Fletcher, Fifty Comedies and Tragedies, portrait 1679 Beaurain (Chev. de) Histoire Militaire de Flandre Campagne du Prince de Conde en 1674—Campagne du Duc de Lux- embourg depuis 1690 jusqu’ en 1694, 4 vol., numerous maps and plans, 5 vol. fine old French calf gilt and gilt leaves Paris, 1774-6 Beawes (W.) Lex Mercatoria Rediviva, by Mortimer 1783 Bedz (Ven.) Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis Anglorum, Saxon et Lat., cura A. Wheloci, Cantab. 1643; et G. Lambardi de Priscis Anglorum Legibus, libri, Saxon et Lat. 2 vol. in 1 Cantab. 1643-44 Bedford, Hereditary Right to the Crown of England 1713 BEDFORDSHIRE, Gloucestershire, and Norfolk ; ILLUSTRATED with about 240 portraits, plates, genealogical tables, &c., including the Bibliotheca Topographica Britan- nica, 3 vols. Bellarmini (Rob.) Disputationes de Controversiis Christiane Fidei, 4 vol. in 3 Jolon. 1619 Bellay (Rene du) Les Memoires de Mess. Martin du Bellay Seigr. de Langey, good copy Paris, 1569 Bellin (M.) Hydnographie Francoise, Recueil des Cartes Marines generale et particuliere, 3 vol. 1772 a 5 f0 + AA bs LP 505 506 507 508 509 | 510 oll 29 Bellori (P.) Descrizzione delle Imagine dipinte da Raffaele d’ Urbino nelle Camere del Palazzo Vaticano, portrait Roma, 1695 Bembi (Petri) Epistle Leonis x nomine Scripte, Venet. 1535 —Marliani (T.) Urbis Rome Topographia, wood engra- vings, Basil, 1550, in 1 vol. Bembi (Card.) Historia Venetee, lib x11. LARGE PAPER, fine copy, calf gilt Aldus, 1551 Bentivoglio (Card.) Opere Parigi, 1648 Berain. Ornemens, inventez par J. Berain, 75 fine plates old calf gilt : Paris, v. d. Bercherodil (J.) Breviarium Equestre de Ordine Elephantino Tractatus, many plates 1704 Berkeley Peerage, Minutes of Evidence concerning calf gilt 1811 Bessoni (Jac.) Il Theatro de gl’ Instrumenti con una brieve dichiaration dimostrativa di F. Beroaldo, many plates russia extra Lione, 1582 Bettini (AnT,) Monte Sancro pI Dios, with the three plates by Baccio Baldini from the designs of A. Boticelli, perfect and in fine state olive morocco extra, joints, and gilt leaves Florentia, 1487 *,* This volume has the three plates by Baccio Baldini, which are of very great rarity. Brienne-Laire’s copy sold for 601 fr. VERSIONS OF THE SCRIPTURES. BisitiA SAcrA PoLycGLorra, complectentia Textus Originales Hebraicos cum Pentat., Samarit., Chaldaicos, Grzecos Ver- sionumq. Antiquarum, in Octo Linguis, ep1pirT BriIANnus _ WaALtTonwus; ET CASTELLI LExIcON HEPTAGLOTTON, portraits and plates, 8 vol. FINE TALL COPY, russia Lond. 1657-69 *.% This isa fine, large and tall copy, with rough leaves through- out, and has the rare Republican Preface. Biblia Sacra Latina, notis Tremellii et Junii Hanovie, 1624 Biblia Sacra Latina, notis Tremellii et Junii calf gilt Lond. 1593 Bisiia Sacra GERMANICA, wood engravings, coloured, and the capitals rubricated gothic letter, wants the title and three leaves of preliminary matter, and has one leaf of another edition original oale binding, with brass corners, sc. Nurenburg, Ant. Koburger, 1483 Bible, la cainete, avec Annotations necessaires, wood engra- vings, ruled with red lines, 2 vol. Lyon, 1566 Bible, la Saincte gs. l. Jacob. Stoer, 1580 Rible, la Sainte, enrichie des notes de Diodati et d’ Autres, mises en ordre par Des Marets, maps, 2 vol. Elzevier, 1669 30 VERSIONS OF THE ScrIPTURES (continued) 512 Vetus Testamentum, secundum LXX, et Novum Testamentum, Gr. et Lat., ex autoritate Sixti V. et Clementis VIII edita, 4 vol. Paris, 1628 513 Vetus Testamentum Hebraicum, cum variis lectionibus, edidit B. Kennicott, 2 vol. russia -Oxonit, 1776-80 514 Vetus Testamentum Greecum, ediderunt R. Holmes et J. Parsons, vol. 1, and vol. 2, part 1, and two copies of vol. 2, part 2, | 4 vol. ib. 1798 515 Verus Trsramentum Grmecum & Copice MS. ALExAN- DRINO, qui in Bibliotheca Musei Britannici asservatur, cura H. H. Baber, ut et Prolegomena et Note, 4 vol, in 6 LARGE PAPER imperial folio, 1816- 28 516 Novum Testamentum Geen ex Biblitheca Regia, title inlaid Jine copy, in red morocco extra Paris, Rob. Stephani, 1550 517 Novum Testamentum Grecum LARGE PAPER, red morocco, g. 1. Paris, e Typ. Regia, 1642 518 Novum Testamentum Grecum, cum lectionibus Mag a cura Wetstenii, 2 vol. calf extra, by Kalthoeber Amst. 1751 519 Psalterium Graecum e Codice MS. Alexandrino, qui in Biblio- theca Musei Brit. asservatur, cura H. H. Baber 1812 | 520 Byxsie (THE) now lately with greate Industry and Diligence - recognized (by Edm. Becke, after Taverner’s Recognition) wood engravings, wants title, calendar, and an exhorta- tion, &c., three leaves and ten leaves at the end, and a few leaves damaged ; black letter, blue morocco Jo. Daye and Wm. Seres, 1549 521 Brste(TuHe) In ENGLysuHeE, according tothe Translation apoyn- ted by the Queenes Majesties Injunctions to be Read in all Churches, &c. (Bp. Cranmer’s Bible) lack letter, wants title and the preliminary matter, with a very small portion of the first seven leaves, otherwise a very good sound copy | Rouen, at the Coste of R. Carmarden, 1566 522 Bible (The Holie) wood engravings black letter, first edition of Parker's, or the Bishops Bible, — imperfect in several places, but has the end complete Ric. Jugge, 1568 _ 523 Bible (The Holie) maps and wood engravings black letter, second edition of the Bishops’ Bible, wants title and the last leaf, otherwise a good copy, rough calf hic. Jugge, 1572 _ 524 Bible (The Holie), wood oun aving's, black letter, (wants title), a fair copy. Chr. Barker, 1583 _ 325 Bible (The Holy), the Bishops’ black letter, rough calf : : 1602 i ——— 31 VERSIONS OF THE ScRIPTURES (continued) 526 Bisie (Tax Hoty) and Common Prayer Booke, richly ornas | mented with letters of gold, the titles and woodcuts finely | coloured, and the margins entirely filled with a great variety of coloured borders, Fine copy, old blue morocco, gilt leaves, with silver corners pes and ornaments : Rob. Barker, 1616 ** This book was Dr. James Morecroft’s; see MS. note. ,. | 527 Briere (Tue Hoty), ruled with red lines, ILLUSTRATED with 140 maps and plates, by Visscher, Lom- bart, Hollar, &ce. 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, fine copy, in old blue morocco extra, gilt leaves ; Camb. Jo. Field, 1660 528 Bible (The Holy), with many plates by Visscher, 2 vol. old blue morocco, gilt leaves tb. tb. 1660 529 Bible (The Holy), with plates, by Hollar, Lombart, $c. ruled throughout with red lines, | russia extra, gilt leaves ab. 7b. 1660 _ 530 Bible (The Holy), vol. 1, (the Old Testament), ruled with red | lines Field, 1660 581 Bible (The Holy), and Common Prayer Book, ruled throughout with red lines, 3 vol. uniform old blue morocco, gilt leaves Baskett, 1753-60 532 Bible (The Holy), BaskERVILLE’S BEAUTIFUL EDITION, | FINE Copy, old blue morocco, gilt leaves Cambridge, 1763 rd 533 The Old and New Testament, embellished with engravings Srom pictures by the most eminent English Artists, -pub- lished by Macklin, 6 vol. (the Apocrypha in boards)— together 7 vol., blue morocco, gilt leaves Bensley, 1800 534 Testament (New) the Rhemes and the Authorised Translations, by W. Fulke, with a Confutation of the former, and the Defense of the latter, portrait and frontispiece, BEST EDITION, russia extra, gilt leaves p 1633 585 Testament (The New) and Book of Common Prayer, ruled with red tines A , Field, 1659-60 : a 536 Bickham (Geo.) The Buckinghamshire and Aylesbury Writing : Master, plates — : 1758 537 Bidloo (G.) Anatomia Humani Corporis, 150 plates after Lairesse, LARGE PAPER 1685 538 Bigland (R.) Historical, Monumental and Genealogical Collec- tions relative to the County of Gloucester, plates, vol. 1, uncut 1791 539 Bingham (Jos.) Works, Antiquities of the Christian Church, &c. 2 vol. uncut . 1726 a | 32 oF. A7\~ 1540 Biographia Britannica; or the Lives of the most Eminent Per- Me | sons of Great Britain and Ireland, 7 vol. . calf gilt . ° . 1747-67 LZ +1. | 542 Bion (M.) on the Construction and Uses of Mathematical In- | struments, by Stone, plates : 1723 / 7 + 542 Birman (S.) Souvenirs de la Vallée de Chamonix, 26 fine plates, ) et Promenade sur le Lac de Wallenstadt et dans le Pays des Grisons, 32 plates, 2 vol. in I, 2 half russia, marbled leaves i Basle, 1827 * 7 543 Blackmore (R.) on Job, 1700—King Arthur, 1697 2 vol. y |... 644 Blackmore (R.) Prince Arthur, 1615—Boccalini, Advices from Parnassus, 1706 : ; 2 vol. THIRD DAY’S SALE. | OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 2 + 545 Blake (Admiral) History and Life, n. d., &e. . Mee Sek | />. 546 Blackwood, Edinburgh Magazine, 82 numbers between No. 171 oe and 254 ; i gH 1830-36 Oh oe Blaquiere (E.) Letters from the Mediterranean, 2 yol. 1813, | &e. : : : 12 vol. g?~ | 548 Blount (Thos.) Glossographia; or a Dictionary of Hard Words, | two editions is : 1674, 1719. 2 vol. og , 549 Blount (T.) Fragmenta Antiquitatis; Antient Tenures of Land, and Jocular Customs of some Mannors, interleaved with a few manuscript notes by John Brand, author of the Popular Antiquities, calf gilt ; 1679 590 Blount (T.) Natural History, 1693—Browne (R.) on the Effects | of Singing, Music, and Dancing, 1729, &c. 10 vol. 551 Boaden (Jas.) Memoirs of John Philip Kemble, portrait, 2 vol. 1825—Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, portrait, 2 vol. » EN ) 1827 : : : 4 vol. 552 Bocace, Contes et Nouvelles, plates by Rom. de Hooge, fine ae impressions, 2 vol. calf gilt - Amst. 1699 yy JG 558 Boccaccio (Giov.) Nimphale d’ Ameto, . Fiorenza, per gli Heredi di P. de Guinta, 1521 17 | 554 Boccaccio (G.) Il Filocopo da Fr. Sansovino, calf gilt, Venet. aes 1554—Bergamo (And.) Satire alla Carlona, Venet. 1566 4 Bonarelli, Filli diScrio, old moroceo, g. l. Paris, 1678 8 vol. se i 33 Boceaccio (Giov.) Il Decamerone, above 100 jine plates, and numerous vignettes, after Gravelot and Cochin, 5 vol. THICK DurcH PAPER, calf, gilt leaves Londra, 1757 Boccaccio (G.) Il Filocolo da Fr. Sansovino, Venet. 1564— Boccaccio L’Amarosa Fiammetta, ib. 1584 — Brusoni, la Gondola, 7b. 1662, &c. 10 eel. Boccace, Decameron; or Ten Days’ Entertainment, port. 1744 Boethii Consolationis Philosophiz, Lib. V— Anglo-Saxonice Redditi ab Alfredo Rege, cura Rawlinson, fine portrait, imperfect Oxonti, 1698 Boetius on Divine Gacineds: 1674— get. Morals, 1699— Cicero, Offices, 1688, &c. 7ANGl. Boetius, Consolation of Philosophy, by Lard ee sing &e. 8 vol. Boiardo (S. Mat. ” Maria) Gilendo Guaaticestc. riformata da -L. Domenichi, 3 vols. PRIVATELY PRINTED, by Dr. Hill, at the University Press, in 1784, and only 25 are in existence, uncut. Dub. 1784 Bois. Les Amours de M. Vieux Bois, 84 curious comic sketches. Bold (Hen.) Poems Lyrique, Macaronique, Heroique, &ec. good copy 1664 Bolingbroke (Lord) Niceopirs of his Life and Misistopial Conduct, LARGE PAPER royal 8vo. 1752 Bolingbroke (Lord) Works, portrait, “15 vol. calf gilt, double lettered 1754-98 Bomare (Val.) Dictionnaire Raisonné Universel d’ Histoire Na- turelle, 15 vol. calf neat “oe Lyon, 1791 Bonnor (T.) Perspective Itinerary of Gloucestershire, plates, ne impressions, 4 numbers in 1 vol. russia extra =n. d. Bonnycastle (R. H.) Spanish America, map, 2 vol. 1818— Bullock (W.) Six Months in Mexico, map and coloured plates, 1824—Baillie (M.) Tour on the Continent, 1819, 4 vol. Books of Roads, ee various Guides 17 vol. Boothroyd (B.) History of Pontefract, with Pedigrees, plates, calf gilt Pontefract, 1807 Borde GI. B. de la) Choix de Chansons mises en Musique, many plates by J. M. Moreau, very fine impressions, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, red morocco, g. 1. royal 8vo. Paris, 1773 Borghini (Raffaello) Il Reposo, in cui della Pittura e della Scultura si favella Forenza, 1584 Boscobel, or History of the Preservation of Charles II.— Wynd- ham (Mrs.) Charles IJ.’s Concealment at Trent, and Memorial for. the 29th of May, in 1 vol. 1715-43—Bio- graphia Gallica, or Lives of French Writers, 2 vol. 1752 —Bedloe (W.) Life and Death, 1681 _ 4Avol. i 34 574 Boscobel, Tracts relating to the Escape of Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester, edited by Hughes, plates, Edin. 1830 575 Boswell (Jas.) Account of Corsica, map, Glasgow, 1768— Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, portrait, 1812 2 vol. 576 Boswell (Jas.) Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, with a Journal of his Tour to the Hebrides, with numerous additions and | notes by J. W. Croker, portrait, 5 vol. 1831 577 Bosworth (J.) Elements of Anglo-Saxon Grammar, with Intro-— duction LARGE PAPER, PRESENTATION copy to Dr. O'Connor, with an autograph letter of the Author, uncut, royal 8vo. 1823 578 Bosworth (J.) Another copy, with Introduction . LARGE PAPER, uncut royal 8vo. 1823 579 Bosworth (J.) Compendious Grammar of the Primitive English or Anglo-Saxon Language PRESENTATION COPY, with autograph note of the Author | 1826 _ 580 Bosworth (J.) Another copy , 1826 _ §81 Bosworth (J.) Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language, with ) longer Preface, map royal 8vo. 1838 582 Botta (Carlo) Storia della Guerra dell’ Independenza degli Stati Uniti d’ America, 4 vol. Paris, 1809—Botta, Supple- ment alla Storia d'Italia, portrait, Italia, 1825 5 vol. 583 Botta (C.) Storia d’Italia, dal 1789 : 1814, plates, 3 vol. Italia, 1825 584 Bouchette (Jos.) Topographical Déser paus of Lower Canada, portrait, maps and plates 1815 585 Bougeant (Pere) Histoire du Traite de Westphalie, 6 vol. _ Paris, 1751—Campaigne de Duc de Coigny, 3 vol. 1761, | &e. 14 vol. _ 586 Bouille, Memoirs of the French Revolution 1797—Copies of . "the Intercepted Letters from the Army of Gen. Bonaparte in Egypt, 3 parts, 1798 587 Bourdaloue (Pere) Sermons, 15 vol. (title torn of vol. 1)—Pen- sées de Bourdaloue, 3 vol. together 18 vol. Pavsis, 1716-46 588 Bourget (J.) History of the Royal Abbey of Bec in Normandy, . plates 1779 _ 589 Bourgoanne (Chey. de) Travels in Spain, ‘nap and plates, : 3 vol. 1798 _ 590 Bourrienne, Memoirs sur Napoleon, le Direattices le Consulat, l’Empire, et la Restauration, 10 vol. Paris, 1829 _ 591 Bourrit (M.) Description des Glacieres des Alps, plates, 3 vol. Geneve, 1787 _ 592 Bovet (Rich.) Pandeemonium, or the Devil’s Cloyster, proving the existence of Witches and Spirits, frontispiece, ca y neat. 1684 «693 Bove (C.) Account of the Hundred of Penwith, Cornwall, russia Shaftesbury, 1805 | - | 595 pet 596 7) 597 Pars Par 598 Rava 599 beta PAU AE ye 21 - 602 ff 603 og f 604 7 | = - 605 — 35 Bowles, Sonnets, 2 vol. 1798-1800—Bloomfield, Farmer’s Boy, Banks of the Wye, Rural Tales, and Wild Flowers, por- trait and plates, 4 vol. 1803-18—Byron (Lord) English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, &c. 12 vol. Bowles (W. L.) Life of Bishop Kenn, portrait and plate, 2 vol. 1830-1 Bowyer (W.) The Origin of Printing, calf gilt 1776 Boxing, Art of, plates, 1789—Blount (T.P.) Essays, 1691, &c. 6 vol. Brand (Jo.) Observations on Popular Antiquities, portrait inserted Newcastle, 1777 Brande (W. T.) Manual of Chemistry, plates, 3 vol. 1821 _ Brandt (Seb.) Narren Speel-Schuyt verciert met meer als Honder Schoone, with upwards of 100 wood engravings Amst.1635 Brantome (Seig. de) Céuvres, 15 vol. old red morocco a la Haye, 1740 Bray (W.) Tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire, plates calf galt 1783 Brayley (E. W.) and J. Britton, History of the Ancient Palace and late Houses of Parliament at Westminster, plates, 1836 Breislak (S.) Institutions Geologiques, par Campmas, 3 vol.— and Atlas of Plates 3 vol. Milan, 1818 Breton (M.) La Russie, plates, 6 vol. Paris, 1813 Brewster (D.) Natural Magic, 1832—Bartlett (T.) New Hol- land, 1843, &c. 5 vol. British Almanac and Companion, from 1885 to 1847, some duplicates 17 vol. British Museum, Catalogus Librorum fepreerin qui in Museo _ Britannico adservantur, 8 vol. 1813 Bristol, Articles and Names of Freemen:in the Union Society, PRIVATELY PRINTED, old red morocco 1755 Britton de Legibus, black letter, n. p.—Fortescue (Sir J.) De Laudibus Legum Anglie, black letter, 1616—and three others, Legal 1616, &c. Britton (J.) Beauties of Wiltshire, 2 ose and 1 vol. of plates, proofs and etchings, separate LARGE PAPER, russia ~ 1S8et Britton (J.) Beauties af Wiltshire, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, plates, russia, marbled leaves 1801 Brocchi (G.) Stato Fisico del Suolo di Roma, and a map mounted in canvas, in vellum case white vellum, gilt leaves Roma, 1820 Broderick (T.) History of the late War in the Netherlands, plates, 2 vol. 1718—Burrish (9) Batavia Illustrata, Ricoh... 3 vol. Brokesby (F.) Life of Henry Dodwell, “portrait, 1715, &c. 6 vol. Brome (J.) Travels over England, 1707—Dunster, Descrip- tion of England, 1699; and 38 Topographical 5 vol. @G 68 4 gr 36 Brome (Ric.) Five new Playes, good copy, calf 1653 Bromley (Sir Geo.) Collection of original Royal Letters, por- traits and plate of autographs 1787 Brooke (Sir A. de C.) Sketches in Spain and Morocco, Bea 2 vol. 1831 Brooke (Fulke Lord) Certaine Learned and Elegant Workes in Verse, on the title i¢ BENI JONSON TANQUAM EXPLO- RATOR, in his autograph, RARE, with David Garrick’s book-plate, and a pencil note, ‘‘ This volume has belonged oe en Jonson and Garrick, F. G. W.” ( Gt good 1633 rene CH. ) Gustavus Vasa, a Tragedy ' LARGE PAPER, old red morocco, gilt leaves 1739 Brooke (H.) Works, 4 vol. calf gilt 1778 Brooke (H.) Familiar Introduction to Chrystallography, 1823 —Berzelius on the Use of the Blowpipe, by Children, 1822 2 vol. Brougham (Lord) on the Objects and Advantages of Science, 1828—Art of collecting and Pere Objects of Natural History, 1820, &e. 6 vol. Brougham (Lord) Historical Sketches “of Statesmen who flourished in the time of George III, fine portraits, 3 vol. blue morocco extra, gilt leaves royal 8vo. 1840-43 Broughton (R.) Monasticon Britannicum, or Historical! Relation of the Ancient Monastries (wants title page) 1655 Brown (G.) Arithmetica Infinita, port. calf oblong 12mo. 1718 Brown (J.) Northern Courts, Memoirs of Sweden and Denmark, portrait, 2 vol. 1818—Reminiscences of an old Traveller, 1840 3 vol. Brown (Tho.) Letters from the Dead to the Living, 1702, &e. 4 vol. Brown (T.) Works, Serious and Comical, 4 vol. (vol. 4 damaged) «ee Browne (Sir Th.) Posthumous Works, Antiquities of Norwich Cathedral, Account of Urns, &c. plates 1712 2 Brownrigg (W.) Art of making Common Salt, plates 1748 Bruce (J.) Report on the Arrangements which were made for the Internal Defence of these Kingdoms against the Spanish Armada PRIVATELY PRINTED, calf gilt 1798 Bruce, Report on the Events and Circumstances which pro- duced the Union of the Kingdoms of England and Scot- land, its Effects, &c. 2 vol. : PRIVATELY PRINTED, scarce, a presentation copy to the Duke of Portland, with the Author's autograph cats an tion, calf gilt 1799 Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire de Y Amateur de Livres, 4 val. half calf Paris, 1814 eS | 3 . 648 y\iG@\. | 649 pees Coe ae bs = ra 651 alg } 652 2 | 658 654 O7 Bryant (J.) onthe Authenticity of the Scriptures, 1792—Butler (C.) Hore Biblice, 1799—Bible in Welsh, 1802 8. vol. Brydall (Jo.) Law of England relating to Nobility and Gentry, frontispiece 1675 Brydges (Sir E.) Censura Literaria, or Titles, Abstracts and Opinions of Old English Books, 10 vols. calf neat 1805-9 Brydges (Sir E.) The British Bibliographer, portraiis, fine impressions, 4 vol. calf extra, marbled leaves 1810-14 Buchanan (Ch.) Discourses and Christian Researches russia extra, gilt leaves Camb. 1811 Buchanani (G.) Poemata, Geneve, 1594, &c. 7 vol. Buchanani (G.) Rerum Scoticarum Historia russia, gilt leaves Traj. ad Rhen. 1697 Buchanani (G.) alia editio, portrait, calf neat Edinb. 1700 Buchanani (G.) Epistole, 1711; Miscellanea Antiqua, or the Life and Death of James V. of Scotland, 1710, 2 vol. in 1 rich red morocco, gilt leaves 1710-11 Buchanan (G.) History of Scotland, revised by W. Bond, portraits, 3 vol. old calf gilt 1723 »} Buckingham (G. Duke of) Miscellaneous Works, 2 vol. 1704, &e. 10 vol. Buckingham (J. Duke of) Works, portrait and plates, 2 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves 17 QUARTO. Bembi (Cardinalis P.) Historie Venetw, Paris, 1551—Borel, Tresor de Recherches et Antiquitez Gauloises et Francoises, ib. 1655 ; 2 vol. Bennett (J. W.) Ceylon and its chpabitide map and plates, many finely coloured, calf gilt 1843 Bentham (Jas.) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Ely, plates Cambridge, 1771 Bentivoglio (Card.) Relatione delle Provincie Unite di Fiandra, Colon. 1630—Contareni (Fr.) de Rebus in Hetruria a Senensibus gestis adversus Florentinos, &c. Ludg. 1562, &e. 8 vol. Bentivoglio (Card.) Lettere, Colbns 1631—Bentivoglio Me- moire, Venet. 1668 — Bentivoglio, Guerra di Fiandra, portrait, 1634 - 3 vol. Bentivoglio (Card.) Historia della Guerra di Fiandra, 3 vol. Colon. 1636-9 Benyowsky (M. A. coin de) Memoirs and Travels, 2 vol. calf gilt 1790 Berenger ( Rich.) History and Art of Horsemanship, plates, 2 vol. with two autograph letiers of the author to the Hon. Geo. Grenville ; red morocco, tooled sides, x. l. 177% 667 | 668 669 | 670 ~—671 | 672 6738 674 . 1675 . 676 677 38 Bergeron (P.) Voyages en Asie, dans les x11—xv. Siecles, ae oS i La Haye, 1735 Berington (Jos.) History of the reign of Henry the Second calf gilt Ks 1790 Berkeley (Bishop) Works, portrait, 2 vol. 1784 Berkenhout (J.) Biographical History of Literature from the 5th to the 16th century 1777 Bernucca (Fr.) Viaggio Pittorico e Storico al Monte Spluga, 16 finely coloured plates, and 23 coloured plates of Views in Milan, &e, oblong 4to. Milan, n. d. Berry (Wm.) History of the Island of Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, and Jersey, plates , .1815 Berry (W. Another copy . 1815 Betham (W.) Baronetage of England, with Genealogical Tables, plates of arms, 5 vol, russia. . 1801-5 Beveregii (Guil.) Codex Canonum Ecclesiz Primitive Vindi- catus ‘ : 1678 Bianchini (Fr.) la Istoria Universale, plates, Roma, 1697— Campo Historia di Cremona, plates, Milano, 1645, vellum 2 vol. Bianchini (F.) Istoria Universale provata con Monumenti, plates : Roma, 1747 VERSIONS OF THE SCRIPTURES. Biblia Hebraica, 2 vol. Paris, R. Stephani, 1548 Biblia Hebraica, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves ab. 1543 Biblia Sacra, in Lingua Armenica, plates, portrait of Aucher inserted, vellum, uncut 4 Venet. 1733 Epistole Quatuor Petri, Johannis et Jude, Syriace, Heb., Gr. et Latine, cura E. Pococke LARGE PAPER, blue morocco extra, g.l. L. Bat. Elzev. 1630 Apocalypsis Sancti Johannis, Syriace, Heb., Gr. et Latine, cum notis L. de Dieu, blue morocco extra, g. 1. — - 4b. 1627 Evangelia Quatuor, Gothice et Anglo-Saxonice, cum F. J. Junii Glossaria, cura J. Mareschalli, 2 vol. in 1 LARGE PAPER : Dord. 1665— Evangeliorum Sacrorum Versio Gothica ex Codice Argenteo, Gothi. et Lat. Benzelii, cura E. Lye Jine copy, russia extra, marbled leaves Oxonii, 1750 Evangelium Secundum ex Codice Rescripto in Bibliotheca Col- legii SS, Trinitatis juxta Dublin, cura J. Barrett PRESENTATION COPY, blue morocco, gilt leaves Dub. 1801 Psalmi Davidis et Prophete, Arabicé et Latine Rome, 1614 Psalterium Davidis, Latino-Saxonicum Vetus, & Jo. Spelmmano, title inlaid, otherwise a good copy 1640 Bible, La Saincte, traduite par De Sacy, 2 vol. Mons. 17138 Be WZ, ay 678 AP die 4879 oe, - 680 toa. 1681 Wigs Uae Be 682 J\e \~ | 688 = | 4 - | 684 / \42). | 685 <7\- | 686 4\ Z| ~ | 687 . - | 688 2. 689 690 Z hes 691 692 693 694 3g VERSIONS OF THE SCRIPTURES (continued) Bisie (Tue) and Holy Scriptures contained in the Olde and Newe Testament. The Genevan Version, or Breeches Bible, maps FIRST EDITION, RARE, good sound copy, old calf Geneva, by Rowland Hall, 1560 Bible (The Holy) with annotations, BLACK LETTER, wants title, 1579—Bible (The Holy) the Old Testament only, 1614 2 vol. Bible (The Holy) with profitable Annotations ruled with red lines C. Barker, 1599 Bible (The Holy) with Beza’s Annotations and Concordance old red morocco, gilt leaves ib. 1599 Bible (The Holy) and Booke of Common Prayer, ruled with red lines, and illustrated with portraits by re de Passe, Martin de Voss, ete. 1633 Bible (the Holy) translated by the English College of Doway, and the Rhemes New Testament, with Annotations, 3 vol. good copy Paris, 1633-5 Bible (The Holy) with Beza’s Annotations and Concordance, ruled with red lines n. d. Bible (The Holy) and Common Prayer Book, illustrated with numerous fine plates, fine impressions old red morocco, gilt leaves ; 1703-6 Bible (The Holy) Camb. 1762 Bible (The Holy) with Marginal References, &e., Dr. Blaney's standard edition, from which subsequent im- ressions are executed, scarce ; Oxford, 1769 Bible (The Holy) ; Dublin, 1782 Bible (The Holy) ° Oxford, 1794 Bible (The Holy) ornamented with numerous plates by Jas. Fitiler, from pictures by old masters, proof impressions, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, blue morocco extra, with joints, and gilt leaves Bensley, n. d. Bible (The Holy) with a Table of Parallel Passages of the Edition of 1611, 2 vol. blue morocco extra, gilt leaves royal 4to. Oxford, 1807 New Testament, interleaved with manuscript notes in contem- porary hand, black letter, fine copy, vellum : 1615 Bibliotheca Politica; or Enquiry into the English Government, 1694, and 2 by J. Tyrrell 3 vol. Bibliotheque du Roi, Notices et Extraits de Mannseripts de la Bibliotheque du Roi, 7 vol. old calf gilt Paris. 1787-1804 » 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 xt 715 716 717 718 4() Bigland (Ralph) Observations on Marriages, Baptisms, and Burials of Parochial Registers, calf gult : 1764 Binet (E.) Abrege des Vies des Principaux Fondateurs des Re- ligions de I’ Eglise, 40 fine portratts and plates, by C. and T. Galle. : Anvers, 1634 Binning (Capt. Thos.) Light to the Art of Gunnery, portrait and plates é : ss 1689 Birch (T.) Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, ae Birch (Wm.) Delices de la Grande Bretagne, many plates, fine impressions, calf gut . oblong 4to. 1791 Birch (T.) History of the Royal Society, 4 vol. old calf gilt ; : 1756 Blackstone (W.) Commentaries on the Laws of England, 4 vol. (damaged ), old calf gilt : Oxford, 1770 Blackstone (W.);Tracts relating to the Antiquities of the Laws of England, plates, old calf gilt ‘ ib. 1771 Blackwell (T.) Memoirs of the Court of Augustus, 3 vol. Edinb. 1753 Blagrave (J.) Mathematical Jewel, by Palmer, frontispiece with their portraits . : 1658 Blair (Dr. H.) Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres, por- trait, 2 vol. calf : : 1783 . Blanckley (T. R.) Naval Expositor, plates : 1750 Bligh (Capt. W.) Voyage to the South Seas, portrait and maps, calf gilt ‘ . : 1792 Blore (Tho.) History of the Manor and Manor House of South Winfield in Derbyshire, plates, PRIVATELY PRINTED, calf gilt : 1793 Blower (Ra.) Rich Store House for the Diseased, © black letter . : 1630 Blunt (Hen.) Voyage into the Levant, many manuscript notes in the autograph of Rt. Grenvile : 1638 Boaden (Jas.) Inquiry into the authenticity of the various Pictures and Portraits of Shakespeare, 5 portratts 1824 Boaistuau (P,) Histoires Prodigieuses les plus Memorables depuis la Nativite de Jesus Christ, wood engravings, stained, calf gilt Paris, 1550 Boccalini (T.) Ragguagli di Parnaso, Venet. 1624—Bonarelli Filli di Sciro, plates, Ferrara, 1687 2 vol. Boccaccio (Giov.) Opera de Mulieribus claris, wood engravings (title page mounted ) . ae Venet. 1506 Boccaccio (G.) Il Decameron, da L. Salviati, wood engravings, tb. 1602 Boccaccio (G.) Il Decameron, wood engravings ib. 1614 Boccaccio (Giov.) Il Decamerone, the fac-simile edition Firenze, P. di Giunta, 1527 Boccaccio (Giov.) I] Decamerone, per L. Dolce, wood engra- ving’s - Venet, 1552 aa 719 41 Bocchii (A.) Symbolicarum Questionum de Universo Genere quas Serio Ludebat, Lib. V. numerous plates, vellum Bononie, 1555 720 Bodin (J.) De la Demonomanie de Sorciers, russia Paris, 1580 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 732 733 734 735 736 i 739 740 741 742 731. 738 Boerhaave (H.) Elementa Chimia, 2 vol. Lug. B. 1732 Boileau (M.) CEuvres, avec des Eclaircissemens Historiques, portrait and plates, 3 vol. old calf gilt Paris, 1740 Boisgelin (L. de) Ancient and Modern Malta, History of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, map, portraits and plates, 3 vol. calf gilt, uncut 1804 Boissardi (J. J.) Bibliotheca Chalcographica, hoc est Virtute et Eruditione Clarorum Virorum Imagines, upwards of 460 portraits, old dutch calf gilt Heidelb. 1669 Bojardo (M.M.) Orlando Innamorata, rifatto da F. Berni Fiorenza, 1725 Bolton (Edm.) Elements of Armories, plates, calf gilé 1610 Bonanni (Fil.) Gabinetto Armonico Pieno d’Istromenti Sonori, 148 fine plates, scarce, blue morocco ext. g.1. Roma, 1722 Bonanni (G.) Antica Syracusa, Messina, 1624, &c. 2 vol. Bonfadi (Giac.) Gli Annali di Genova 1528 al 1550, Genova, 1486—Guarini (B.) Il Pastor Fido, Paris, 1650, &c. 3 vol. Bonaparte (Lucien Prince de Canino) Museum Etrusque, fouilles de 1828 et 1829, plates, 5 copies Viterbe, 1829 Bonaventure (F.) De Causa Ventorum motus disceptatio, et Apologia pro Theophrasto, Urbint, 1592—Blondi (M.A.) De Ventis et Navigatione libellus, Venet, 1546, 3 vol. in 1 Borghini (Vinc.) Discorsi dell’ Origine di Firenze, wood engra- vings, 2 vol. vellum Fiorenza, 1584 Borlase (W.) Observations on the Ancient and Present State of the Islands of Scilly, plates, calf gilt 1756 Bossewell (Jo.) Workes of Armorie, oar avings of arms, russia, gut leaves 1597 Boswell (J.) Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, Heine: 2 vol. 1791 Boswell, Picturesque Beauties of Boswell, twenty curious cari- catures of Boswell and Johnson in their Tour in Scotland, scarce oblong 4to. 1786 Bougainville (L. de) Voyage aiid the World by Forster, maps and plates 1772 Bougainville (M. de) Voyage anioud du Monde, maps, Paris, 1771—Chanvalon, Voyage a la poe dies map, ae 17638 - 2 vol. Bowdich (T. E.) Mission from the Cape Coast Castle to Ashantee, maps and plates 1819 Bower (Arch.) History of the Popes, 7 vol. old calf gut 1748-66 Bowrey (T.) Malay and English Dictionary 1701 Boyer (A.) Great Theatre of Honour and Nobility, containing the Science of Heraldry, &c. in English and French, plates - 1729 G ee 42 FOLIO. Blackwell (Eliz ) Curious Herbal, containing jive hundred cuts of the most useful plants used in physic, coloured, 2 vol. blue morocco, gilt leaves 1739 Blair Cio Ubaneley and History of the whole World, calf. 1754 Blane (1 (Vincent le) The World Surveyed, or his Famous Voyages and Travels, portrait mounted, russia extra 1660 Blanchini (Jos.) Vindicie Canonicarum Scripturarum Vulgate Latine editionis Rome, 1740 Blanchini (Jos.) Evangeliarinm Quadruplex, Antique Latine Versionis, 4 vol. Rome, 1748 Blank Book, a thick folio, in rough calf N. D. Blome (R.) Description of the World, maps 1670 Blome (R.) Britannia, or a Description of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland, eis jine copy russia extra 1673 Blome (B.) Gentleman: s Recreation in Arts, Sciences, Horse- manship, Sporting, &c. many plates, calf gilt 1686 BLoMEFIELD (Fr.) History oF THE CounTy oF NORFOLK, continued by Charles Parkin, maps, portratts, plates and pedigrees, 5 vol. very scarce, fine copy, russia extra, marbled leaves Fersjield and Lynn, 1739-75 BLoMEFIELD (F.). ANOTHER EDITION, by Parkin, second edition, maps, portraits, plates and pedigrees, 11 vol. LARGEST PAPER, ONE OF ONLY TWO COPIES PRINTED, half russia, uncut 1805-10 Blondeau (Cl.) et G. Gueret, Jou du Palais, ou Recueil des Decisions de tous les Parlemens de France, 2 vol. Paris, 1713 Blondi, Roma Insturata et de Gestis Venetorum, Verone, 1481 —et Blondi, Italia [llustrata, ib. 1482, capitals rubricated, 2 vol. in 1, RARE, jine copies green morocco extra, gilt leaves Verone, 1481-82 Blondi, De Roma Triumphante, Lib. X. Venet. 1511 Blount (T. P.) Censura Celebriorum Authorum, old calf gilt 1690 Blyde Inkoomste, Rechten van Zeeger bogen en ander toestel op de Wel-koomste van Haare Majesty van Groot Bri- tannien, tot Amsterdam, 1642, plates, vellum Amst. 1642 Bocatius, The Falles of Princes and Princesses, with other Nobles, trough y® mutabilitie and change of unsteadfast Fortune, with their most detestable and wicked vices, translated by Jo. Lidgate, Monke of Burye, wood en- gravings, black letter, very large, tall copy, a few leaves stained, RARE, PUSSIA * Te. T ottel. 1554 1 cy! Pri ae ees 43 ps 760 Boccalini (T.) Advices from Parnassus, by Hughes, 1706— Bacon (Lord) Sylva Sylvarum, 1627. 2 vol. 761 Bocharti (Sam.) Geographize Sacre, pars 1, Phaleg, maps Cadomi, 1646 . 762 Bodin (J.) Six Livres de la’ Republique Paris, 1578 763 Boethius de Consolatione Philosophie, cum comment., S. Thome, slightly water stained, otherwise a fine tall, large, clean copy. old french red morocco, g. l. Norimb. Ant. Coburger, 1476 764 Boethii, alia editio, cum comment., S. Thoma, numerous manuscript notes, stained, old russia Colonia, 1841 va rs 765 Boileau (Nic.) Giuvres, portrait and plates by B. Picart, 2 vol. : Amst. 1716 766 Bolton (Edm.) Nero Cesar; or Monarchie Depraved, portrait by Faithorne 1624 767 Borlase (Wm.) Rentiquilios, Historical, Monumental, and Na- tural History of the County of Cornwall, many plates, 2 vol. ‘ BEST EDITION, bright calf gilt : 1769— ' 768 Bosio (Ant.) Roma Sotterranea, numerous plates Roma, 1632 . 769 Bouchat (J.) les Annales d’Aquitaine Faictes and Gestes des ) Roys de France and d’ Angleterre : Poictiers, 1557 770 Bouquet ET BRIAL, RECUEIL DES HISTORIENS DES GAULES | ET DE LA FRANCE, maps, 18 vol. old calf gilt Paris, 1738, ¢e. 771 Bouterove (C.) Recherches des Monoyes de France, plates, 1666 772 Bouteux (Sr. le) Plans et Dessins Nouveaux du Jardin, nume- rous plates Paris, n. d. Y _ | 773 Bowack (J.) Antiquities of Middlesex, ‘being a Collection of Church Monuments in that County, 2 parts, all published, scarce, fine copy, russia 1705-6 ye Ys) - 774 BOYDELL (JOHN) COLLECTION OF PRINTS, EN- GRAVED AFTER THE MOST CAPITAL PAINTINGS IN ENGLAND, with Descriptions in English and French. UPWARDS OF 540 VERY FINE LARGE PLATES, MANY OF THEM PROOFS BEFORE ANY LFTTERS, with some ETCH- Incs, &c. &c. 9 vol. fine old red morocco 1769-1794 * * THIS REMARKABLY CHOICE AND MATCHLESS COPY WAS SELECTED FOR Mary BoypDELt. 2 Ys. 775 Boydell (J.) History of the River Thames, 76 jinely coloured plates, 2 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves : 1794 Z.776 Boyer (A.) History of Queen Anne, portraits and plates, old calf gilt 1735 « |777 Boyle Lectures. oO 1 | Carolus V. Epistole duz altera Clementis VII, Pape ad Karolum V. et Karoli V. respondentis, calf gilt A. D. 152%, Carpenter (Ric.) The Anabaptist Wash, and Washt and Shrunk | in the Washing ; on Infant Baptism, scarce calf n. d. Carter (Fr.) Journey from Gibraltar to Malaga, 2 vol. with plates separate, 1777—Carter (Geo.) Loss of the Gros- venor East Indiaman, plates, 1791 2 vol. Carter (John) Views of Ancient Balding in England, 119 plates, 6 vol. calf 1786-93 Carter (Matt.) Analysis of Honor and ovate plates 1655 Carter (M.) Another edition, plates 1660 Cartwright (Wm.) Comedies, Tragi-Comedies, and other Poems, portrait by Lombart, wants title, title of the Poems sub- stituted 1651 Carus (C.G.) Introduction to the Comparative Anatomy of Animals, by Gore, 2 vol. with folio plates 1827 Carver (J.) Travels in North America, map and plates 1778 Cary (Earl of Monmouth) Memoirs of his Life by Himself, plate, 1759—Savile, Character of King Charles I, 2 vol. in 1 1750-59 Cary (Rob. Earl of reese Memoirs by Himself, and Naunton, Fragmenta Regalia Edin. 1808 Carysfort (Jo.Jos.Ear] of ) Dramatic and Narrative Poems, 2 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED, LARGE PAPER, russia extra, g.l. 1810 Casas (Comte de las) Journal de la Vie Privée et des Conversa- tions de l’Empereur Napoleon a Sainte Héléne, 8 vols. 1820-23 Cassriata (P. G.) Historia di Italia, Geneve, 1644, &ce. 4 vol. Cassan (S. H.) Lives of the Minas pa: of Winchester, portrait, 2 vol. 1827 Castelli (Vinc.) Fasti di Sicilia, 2 vol. Bon a Messina, 1820 Castrioto detto Scanderbego (Principe) Historia tradotta per P. Rocha, Venet. 1580—Cicerone, Dialogo dell’ Oratore per Lod. Dolce, Venet. 1547 2 vol. Castiglione (Baldesar) Il Libro Cortegiano Aldus, 1547 Catalogue of the Lords, Knights and Gentlemen, that have Compounded for their Estates, russia 1655 Catalogue des Livres de M. Le Comte de MacCarthy Reagh, 2 vol. Paris, 1815— Catalogue des Livres de L. M. Langles, Paris, 1825— Catalogus Librorum Rariorum, cura J. Vogt, Hamb. 1747, &c. 6 vols. Catalogue of the Library of James Duke of Chandos, with prices, 1746-7, and of the Materials of the House, Out- House, &c. at Cannons in Middlesex, the Seat of the late Duke of Chandos, with prices and names, 1747 2 vol. Catologues of Prints, viz. Sir Jas. W. Lake’s Collection of British Portraits, prices, LARGE PAPER, 1808—The Dela- bere, Baziologia, prices and names, 1811, and 4 others, in 1 vol. half bound ° 1808-16 A tee aa eae a ee eA ae Ya Va + arg 4 ore. Fa ees Da Pe ee iis ahs soe id Arg Maio Dg es Oe oF tte | OF 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 928 52 Catalogue of the Libraries of John Mordaunt Johnson, 1817— of Rev. Theodore Williams, 1827—of the Battle Abbey Charters, Grants and Deeds, 1886—Bibliotheca Parisiana, 1791 4 vol. Catalogue of the Library of Gotigsens) Washington, 18830— Catalogue of the Library of John Duke of Roxburghe, 1812—Catalogue of the aac! of the Royal Institution, 1809 3 vol. sagen 8 of the Sale at Fonthill Abbey, 1823—Catalogues 24) of Thorpe’s Books and Manuscripts—Catalogue of the Sale at Strawberry Hill, &c. a parcel Catalogues, Boooksellers’ and Sale Catalogues a parcel Catalogus Bibliothecee Harleiane, 5 vol. calf gilt 1743 Catharine II. de Russie, Theatre de Hermitage, portrait 2 vol. calf gilt, Paris, 1739— Chateau des Tuileries, 2 vol. 1b. 1802 4 vol. Catlin (Geo.) Manners, Customs and Gonditiog of the North American Indians, map and numerous plates, 2 vol. royal 8vo. 1841 Cattermole, Historical Annual, the Great Civil War of Charles I. and his Parliament, numerous plates, 2 vol. cloth, g. 1. royal 8vo. 1844-45 QUARTO.: Boyer (A.) French and English Dictionary, 2 vol. Lyon, 1780 Boyle (R.) Philosophical Works, by Shaw, 3 vol. 1725 Boys (W.) Collections for an History of Sandwich, Kent, many plates, 2 vol. calf gilt : Canterbury, 1792 2 Brand (Jo.) History and Antiquities of Newcastle- eer ee map and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt ; 1789 Brandebourg, Memoires de la Maison de, maps, 2 vol. Berlin, 1751 Brander (G.) Hampshire Fossils, 9 plates, 1766—Buckland (W.) Account of Fossil Bones of Animals discovered at Kirkdale, plates, 1822—Buckland, Vindicie Geologicee, © 1820 ; and 8 Scientific pamphlets U. Brasseur, Histoire Civile et Keclesiastique du Comte D’ Evereux, plates Paris, 1722 Brewster (J.) Parochial History and Antiquities of Stockton- upon-Tees, plates, calf gilt 1796 Bright (Dr. Ric.) Travels from Vienna through Lower Hun- gary, maps and many fine plates russia extra, gilt leaves Edinb. 1818 British Museum. Combe and Hawkins, Description of the Ancient Terracotas and Marbles in the British Museum, upwards of 160 plates, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER, uncut ‘ 1810 26 : ee 53 47 2 | 929 British Museum. Combe (T.) Description of the Ancient Terra- ce ari | cottas in the British Museum, 40 plates | . LARGE PAPER, calf, marbled leaves 1810 SA oe 930 British Museum. Hawkins (Edw.) Description of the Anglo- . Gallic Coins in the British Museum, plates 1826 i | a | _ | 981 British Museum. Nummi Veteres, Civitatum, Regum, Gen- vg tium et Provinciarum, in Museo Ric. P. Knight asservati . 1830 ae Pal - | 932 British Museum. Combe (T.) Veterum Populorum et Regum Numi qui in Museo Britannico adservantur, 15 plates 1814 7 933 British Museum. Catalogue of the Manuscripts of Fr. Har- grave, now in the British Museum 1818 2 | - 934 Brissonius (B.) De Ritu Nuptiarum, Paris, 1564—Balduinus . | de Institutione Hist. Universe, 7b. 1561, 2 vol. in 1 42 SI 935 Britton (Jo.) ARCHITECTURAL Anriquiries oF GREAT BRITAIN, represented and illustrated, numerous plates, Jine impressions, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER : 1807 7 ~ | 936 Britton (Jo.) CATHEDRAL ANTIQUITIES, viz. Bath Abbey Church; Cathedrals of Canterbury, Lichfield, Norwich, Oxford, Salisbury, Wells, Winchester, York, numerous plates. fine impressions, 9 vol. — . | LARGE PAPER 1814-24 | ZF zt 937 Britton (J.) Historical and Architectural Essay on Redcliffe . Church, plates imperial 4to. 1813 : ; . a | , | 938 Britton (J.) Picturesque Antiquities of the English Cities, numerous plates and wood engravings, . | | LARGE PAPER, half russia royal 4to. 1830 es + 939 Brocchi (G. M.) Vita del Beato Michele Flammini, e de Vita ey Solitaria, portraits, and plates Firenze, 1761 Vacu , 940 Bromley (H.) Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits ; and . another copy, imperfect, 2 vols. 1793 ee * 941 Bronsted (P. O.) Voyages et Recherches dans la Grece, | . 30 plates, vol. 1 Paris, 1826 ; > 942 Brook (A. De Capell) Travels thrust Sweden, Norway and | Finmark, plates, the Natural History coloured a calf extra, gilt leaves 1823 943 Brooke (A. D. Capell) Winter in Lapland and Sweden, map 944 Brooke (Ra.) Discoverie of Errours in Camden’s Britannia, by a4 and many plates 1827 Anstis, portrait, 2 vol. in 1 LARGE PAPER 1723-24 “945 Broughton (T. D.) Letters written | in a Mahratta Camp in 1809, coloured plates 1813 946 Broughton (W. R.) Voyage of Discovery 3 in the North Pacific Ocean, 1795-98, map and plates, calf 1804 La sy (947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 ll 962 963 964 54 Browne (Tho.) Historie of the Life and Reigne of that Famous, Princesse Elizabeth, wood cut portrait 1629 Browne (W. C.) Travels in Africa and Egypt, maps and plates calf gilt : 1799 Browsholme Hall, Description of, and of the Parish of Wad- dington, in the County of York, plates PRIVATELY PRINTED, half morocco, uncut 1815 Bruce (Jas.) Travels to discover the Source of the Nile in 1768-1773, many plates, 5 vol. calf gilt Edinb. 1790 Bruce (Peter H.) Memoirs of Military Services, calf gilt 1782 Brunck (R. F. P.) Analecta Veterum Poetarum Grecorum, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf gilt Argent, 1776 Bryan (Mich.) Biographical and Critical Dictionary of Painters and Engravers, portrait and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt, uncut 1816 Bryant (Jacob) New System, or an Analysis of Ancient My- thology, numerous plates, with gem by Bartolozzt, 3 vol. old calf gilt 1774-76 Bryant (Jacob) Observations on Passages of Scripture ved morocco, gilt leaves 1803 Bucaniers of America; or a true Account of their Exploits in the West Indies, with the Exploits of Sir H. Morgan, portraits and plates, 2 vol. good copy 1684-5 Buchanan (F.) Journey from Madras through Mysore, Canara and Malabar, map and plates, some coloured, 3 vol. calf gilt 1807 Buckingham (John Sheffield Duke of) Works, portrait, 2 vol. calf gilt 1723 Buckingham (J. 8.) Travels in Mesopotamia in Asia Minor, maps and plates 1827 Buckingham (J. 8.) Travels in Assyria, Media and Persia, 26 plates 1829 Buckingham (J. 8.) Travels among the Arab Tribes of East Syria and Palestine, with appendix, map und plates 1825 Buckinghamshire, a complete History of, map, 1730—Wise (F.) Observations on the Antiquities of Berkshire, 1742 ; and three Tracts on the County; in I vol. calf gilt extra, gilt leaves 1642-1742 Buckland (Wm.) Reliquize Diluvianee, or Observations on the Organic Remains, 27 plates, some coloured first edition, presentation copy 1823 Buckland, another copy, 27 culowred plates, second edition 1824 55 965 Burron (Comte pe) DausenTon Et LAceprpr, Histoire NATURELLE, ORIGINAL EDITION—Vviz. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particuliére des Animaux et des Oiseaux, avec le Supplement, 31 vol.; Mineraux, 5 vol.; Ovipares et Serpens, par Lacépéde, 2 vol.; et Cartes Magnetiques, 1 vol. with the several hundred plates, fine impressions, 39 vols. very jine copy, old French red morocco extra, gilt leaves, except the “cartes” which are half bound uniform Paris, 1749-89 i 966 Buonanni (Fil.) Ricreatione dell’ Occhio e della Monte, nell’ Osservation delle Chiocciole, 107 plates, containing 319 ) Jigures of shells Roma, 1681 , 967 Burchell (W. J.) Travels in a ister of Southern Africa, maps and numerous plates, some coloured, 2 vol. 1822-24 968 Burckhardt (J. L.) Travels in Nubia, portraits and maps 1819 69 Burckhardt (J. L.) Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys, : map ° 1830 970 Burgi (P. B.) De Dominio Genuerisis Reipublice in Mare . Ligustico, Rome, 1641—Collenutii eae 2 Historiz Neapolitane libri, Basil, 1572 2 vol. 971 Burke (Edmund) Works, 3 vol. calf gilt , 1792 _ 972 Burmanni (P.) Anthologia Veterum Latinorum Epigrammatum . et Poematum, 2 vol. bright old calf gilt Amst. 1759 _ 973 Burney (Chas.) General History of Music, plates by Bartolozzt, | Sc. numerous specimens of music, 4 vol. calf, neat copy 1776 974 Burney (Jas.) Chronological History of the Discoveries in the 2 South Seas, or Paces Ocean, charts, 5 vol., vol. 1 and 2 calf gilt, and 3, 4 and 5 in boards 1803 P 4 975 Burns. Views in North Britain illustrative of the Works of Robert Burns, plates by Storer and Greig, fine impressions, calf gilt 1805 fo rh 976 Burrough (W.) A Discours of the Variation of the Compas, or | Magneticall Needle, woodcuts black letter, russia ‘ 1581 977 Burrows (J.) Decisions upon Settlement Cases 1768 978 Burton (Rich.) Historical Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Cities of London and Westminster, wood engravings LARGE ae only 50 copies printed, russia extra M. Stace, 1810 z- 979 Burton (R ) Admirable Curiosities, Rarities and Wonders in England, Scotland and Ireland, woodcut portraits LARGE PAPER, russia extra, uniform with the former M. Stace, 1811 980 Busching (A. F.) System of Geography, maps, 6 vol. bright old calf gilt ° 1762 FTN te TOO tee BE 56 | 981 Busby (C. A.) Series of Designs for Villas and Country Houses, 31 plates 1808 982 Butler (J.) Analogy of Religion, 1786—Barrow (Jo.) on the Pope’s Supremacy, 1680 2 vol. 983 Butler (Sam. ) Hudibras, a Poem, with mates and life by Nash, portraits, plates and vignettes, brilliant impressions, 3 vol. jine copy, calf gilt ; — =~-1798 | 984 Buxtorfii (J.) Lexicon Chaldaicum Basil, 1622 985 Byron (Lord) Voyage of H. M.S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, in 1824-25, plates. 1826 986 Cabala, Mysteries of State in Letters of Great Ministers of | James I. and Charles I. 1654 987 CABINET DE CHOISEUL, par Basan, portrait and 123 plates,. | jine impressions, old calf, gilt leaves Paris, 1771 988 Cabinet de M. Paignon Dijonval Etat Detaille et Raisonné des Dessins et Estampes, dont il est compose, 2 vol. Paris, 1810 989 CABINET DE PouLuAIN, par Basan, 120 plates, very jine im- pressions, old calf, gilt leaves ib. 1781 990 Cesar, Commentarii, da Andrea Palladio, plates Venet. 1575 991 Cesar (Sir Julius) Life, with Memoirs of his Family and Des- cendants, by Edm. Lodge, 17 jine portraits and plates LARGE PAPER, russia extra, joints, g./. imperial 4to. 1810 992 Calmet (Aug.) Dissertations sur l’Ecriture Sainte, maps and plates, 7 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1720 - 993 Calonne (M. de) Requete au Roi, 1787—Censo Espanol, Madrid, 1787 2 vol. 994 Cambridge (Owen) Works, ‘and Life by G50: Cambridge, many portraits and plates, calf gilt : 1803 995 Cambridge (R. O.) War in India, at Coromandel, maps and plates 1761 996 Camden (W.) Remains concerning Britain, with many Rare | Antiquities by Jo. Philipot, Somerset Herald, portrait | PUSSIA 1657 997 Camden (W.) Remaines concerning Britain, portrait, 1657, &e. 3 vol. 958 Camdeni (G.) et Illustrium ed G. Camdenum Epistole, cum Vita cura T. Smithii, portrait, russia extra, g. l. 1691 _ 999 Camerarius (D.) De Scotorum Fortitudine, Doctrina, et Pietate, | ac de Ortu et Progressu Heresis in Regnis Scotie et Angliz Paris, 1631 | 1000 Camoens, Lusiad, or ie Discovery of India, an Epic Poem, ) translated by W. J. Mickle | THICK PAPER, calf gilt : Oxford, 1776 i FOLIO. o\A1 1001 Buchanan (Geo.) History of Scotland, portrait 3 1690 __ | 1002 Buchnern (J. S.) Theoria et Praxis Artilleria, plates, Nuremberg, 1685 1003 Buck (Geo.) ae of the Life and Reigne of Richard III. portrait 1646 (1004 Buck (S. and N.): Awriqutriss ; or Venerable Remains of Castles, Monasteries, Palaces, ‘and Cities, in England and Wales, upwards of 370 plates, fine old impressions, 3 vol. oblong folio.. 1721, &c. 1005 Bucxter (Joun) Supevey Cast e, Groucrstersiire, consisting of 15 FINE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, finished in | colours, by J. & J. C. Buckler, with 3 others by Ja. Soane, se. blue moroceo extra, joints, lined with silk, and gilt leaves, 1818 it : _ |1006 Burron ret MonrseirLtarp, Histoire NATURELLE DES Zo: eo JO + | | . OisEAUX, containing 1008 beautifully coloured plates, 10 vol. . LARGE PAPER, fine copy, old french red mor. 9.1. Paris, 1770-86 | 1007 Bullart (Isaac) Academie des Sciences et des Arts contenant les Vies, et les Eloges Historiques des Hommes IIlustres, ; | several hundred jine portraits, including some English, 2 vol. C Amst. 1682 a 1008 Bullet (M.) Memoires sur la Pangue Celtique, 3 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves Besangon, 1754 1009 Bunsury (Henry) Works, consisting of upwards of 140 Caricatures, Humourous Prints, de. &e., some proofs, and some coloured, in 1 vol. russia 1772-85 1010 Bunsusy (H.) 62 Prints by and after. Bunbury, consisting of 18 Plates, illustrative of Shakspeare, large folding Carica- tures, &c. in 2 vol. russia n. d. eo 1011 Bunbury (H.) Caricatures, Humourous Prints, Ke, 95 i in a volume, half bound ees 1012 Bunting (Hen.) Braunschweigische und Luneburgische Gixas nica, numerous curious wood engravings, jine copy, russia extra, gilt leaves : Nagdeb. 1596 a Zz. 1013 Buonarruoti (F.) Osservazioni sopra alcuni Frammenti di Vasi Antichi di Vetro, Ornati di Figure trovati ne’ Cimiteri di Roma, plates Firenze, 1716 1014 Burchett (J.) History of Remarkable Transactions at Sea, maps, LARGE PAPER 4 1720 1015 Buret (M.) Les Fastes Universels ou Tableaux Historiques, Chronologiques, et Geographiques, - oblong folio. Bruvrelles, 1822 1016 Burgher (G. A.) Leonora, translated by Spencer, with 10 plates from the designs by Lady Diana Beauelere, calf, marbled leaves 1796 I Bi WZ ee YOL? A 44-1018 * 1019 1020 + 1021 |, | 1022 ) } (+ | 1028 Z y 1024 + 1025 yaar (1026 hl Yb \ s 1027 Be 7 4 1028 Bak 1029 7 | ~ 1080 asf sa Bole 7 \ fF) | 1081 J+ 1082 vs > | - | 1083 | “ |* | 1084 | “+ | 1085 -41 -| 1036 tale | 1037 "7|. | 1088 + ee ee 58 Burghley (W. Cecil Lord) Collection of State Papers, by S. Haynes, and W. Murdin, 2 vol. ; 1740-59 Burgmair (Hannsen) der Weiss Kunig eine erzehlung von den Thaten Kaiser Maximilian des Ersten, 237 curious and jine wood engravings, ruisia extra, marbled leaves Wien, 1775 Burn (Ric.) Justice of the Peace 1758 Burnet (Bp. G.) History of the Reformanon of the Church of England, portraits, 3 vol. old calf gilt 1715 Burnet (Bp.) History of His own Time, 2 vol. 1724 Burnet (Bp.) Memoires of the Lives and Actious of James and William, Dukes of Hamilton, portraits 1677 Burnet (Bp.) Memoirs of the Lives and Actions of James and William, Dukes of Hamilton, portraits by White, 1677, with Appendix to the Church Bas of Scotland, by Bp. Spotiswood, 2 vol. in 1 1677 Burnet (Bp.) on the 39 Articles 3 1705 Burnett (T.) Theory of the Earth, plates 1697 Burnyas, (AuG.) ORIGINAL Dino IN COLOURS OF 96 PLANTS OF THE IsLAND oF St. Vincent, drawn from nature under the inspection of Dr. Anderson, with the names affixed by the Doctor, in | vol. russia 1792-3 Burton (Dr. Jo.) Monasticon Eboracense, and the Ecclesiastical History of Yorkshire, plates Sine copy, russia extra York, 1758 Burton (Rob.) Anatomy of Melanchiaty engraved title contain- ing portrait Jine copy, calf gilt - Oxford, 1632 Burton (Wm.) Description of Leicestershire, map and portrait damaged and wanting the title, russia 1622 Bury (Lady Charlotte) The Three Great Sanctuaries of Tus- cany, a Poem, with plates from the drawings of the Rev. G. Bury oblong folio, 1833 ByZANTINE, Corpus BYZANTINE HISToRI&, editio secunda ad Lupaream fideliter expressa, numerous plates, 30 vol. Jine copy, dutch vellum Venettis, 1729 Cabala, or Letters of State in the Hees of Henry VIII, to Charles I, frontispiece | 1691 Cabinet de Reynst, 34 jine plates, biplane impressions, inlaid — in atlas folio, unbound Amst. n. d. Ceelii (Ludovici) Lectiones Antique Colon. 1620 Celii (L.) Lectionem Antiquarum, libri triginta Prancof. 1666 Cesar, Commentaries, by Edmonds, plates 1677 Cesar, Commentaries, by Clem. Edmonds, plates 1677 Cesaris Commentaria, Germanice, many curious wood engravings RARE, green morocco extra, gilt leaves Meyntz Jo. Schofer, 1536 | Sas 59 . ae Ly | 1039 Cmsaris Opera, cum ANNOTATIONIBUS S. CLARKI, 87 | | h Sine plates, including the rare one of the Buffalo, 2 vol. ad LARGE PAPER, ONLY 25 COPIES PRINTED imperial folio. Zonson, 1712 . *,.* The most sumptuous classical work which this country has ) ever produced. The Duke of Grafton’s copy, in morocco, . sold for £64. Is. | 1040 Calepini (A.) Dictionarium (wants title page) 1041 Calmet (Aug.) Dictionary of the Holy Bible, maps and many plates, 3 vol. bright old calf gilt 1782 1042 Calviai (J.) Lexicon Juridicum et Canonicum (Geneve, 1665 - | 1043 Camdeni (Guil.) Anglica Hibernica Cambrica a Veteribus | Scripta, russia ° Francof. 1602 1044 Camdeni (G.) Anglica Normanica Hiberniea Cambrica a Vete- ribus Scripta, with a few MS. notes by T. Martin of Thetford Jine copy, russia extra Francof. 16038 1045 Camdeni (G.) Annales Rerum Anglicanarum, regnante Eliza- betha, 2 vol. russia . 1615-27 | 1046 Camden (Wm.) Britannia, or a Description of Britain and Ire- land, by Bp. Gibson, portrait and ED: 2vOle ) russia extra 1722 1047 Camden (W.) Historie, by way of rage of Queen Elizabeth, portrait, calf gilt 1730 1048 Camden (W.) Britannia, or a Ghorarcsot ail Description of | England, Scotland and Ireland, enlarged by Ric. Gough, portrait, maps and plates, 3 vol. BEST EDITION, calf gilt 1789 1049 Camdem (W.) Britannia, by Gough, plates, vol. 1 interleaved ILLUSTRATED with an assemblage of upwards of 150 portraits, plates, coins, maps, plans, gc. by Bazire, Vertue, Seee. &¢., russia extra - 1806* 1050 Camerarius (P.) Walking Library 1621 1051 Camoens (Luis de) Lusiad, translated by Ric. Fanshaw, 3 jine portraits by Cross, good copy 1655 1052 Campbell (Colin) Vitruvius Britannicus, or British Architect, Plans, Elevations and Sections of Public and Private Buildings in Great Britain, numerous plates, 5 vol. (not quite uniform) 1731-71 1053 Campbell (C.) Vitruvius Britannicus, or British Architect, (wants many plates ) 1731 1054 Canaye (Philippe) Lettres et Ambassade, 3 vol. Paris, 1635-6 1055 Canova (AntT.) STATUES, 2 portraits and 38 jine plates, bril- proofs, by Fontana, Marchetti, ge. russia extra, joints and gilt leaves atlas folio. Roma, 1812 1056 Cantimir (D.) History of the Growth and Decay of the Oth- man Empire, by Tindal, portraits 1734 , | 1057 1058 1059 60 Canterbury. Historic Mlustrations of the See of Canterbury, including Lambeth Palace, and the Succession of Arch- bishops, part in manuscript written by P. Absolom, with upwards of 20 original drawings, 60 shields of arms embla- zoned, and 120 portraits, plates, monuments, ge. m 1 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves, in a case 1819 Carburi (Le Compte M.) Monument Eleve a la Glorie de Pierre- — le-Grand, 12 plates, russia Paris, 1777 CARICATURES, PoLiTICAL, of C. J. Fox, Pitt, Burke, the — Prince of Wales, Mrs. Fitzherbert, &c. 80 plates, some coloured, mounted in a volume 1784, &c. CARICATURES, a Collection of 265 finely coloured English Ca- ricatures, by Gilray, W. Heath, G. Cruikshank, ¢e., in a volume, vellum 1803-30 Carpentier (D. P.) Alphabetum Tironianum, eum pluribus Lu-_ dovicii Pii Chartis Paris, 1747 Carter (Jno.) Specimens of the Ancient Sculpture and Painting now remaining of England, from the earliest period to the Reign of Henry VUI. numerous plates, some coloured, 2 vol. TUSSIG 1780-87 Carter (John) Ancient Aveniteetaite of England, by Jo. Britton, 109 plates, 2 vol. in 1, half bound morocco, uncut 1837 - Cartwright (Thos.) Gorfatation of the Rhemist Translation of the New Testament jine copy, calf, sides tooled, and gilt leaves 1618 Cassandra, a Romance, translated by Sir C. Cotterell, 1664, &e. 2 vol. Cassiodori Ecclesiastice et Tripartite Hystorie, sine anno— Chrisostomi Sermones et Epistola, sine anno—Privilegia Cleriorum et quedam alia utili hic Continentur, Lyptzick, 1493, jirst page illuminated and capitals rubrieated Jjine copy, blue morocco, gilt leaves 1493, &e. Castelli (Gab.) Sicilie Populorum et Urbium Regum quoque et Tyrannorum Veteris Nummi, numerous plates, uncut Panormi, 1781 Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum Angliz et Hiberniz in usum Collecti, portraits, jine impressions Ozxonii, 1697 Catalogue of all the Ordinances, Proclamations, &c. of the Protector, in 1653-54, calf 1654 Catalogue des Volumes d’Estampes, dont les Planches sont a la Bibliotheque du Roy, calf, gilt leaves Paris, 1743 Catalogus Classicus Codicum Manuscriptorum Ecclesiz Cathe- dralis Dunelmensis Discriptus a Tho. Rud * presentation copy Dunelinie, 1825» Catesby (Mark) Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands, with the Appendix, and 220 beautifully coloured plates of birds, animals, fishes, plants, §¢. 2 vol. FINE copy, old russia extra, marbled leaves 173k “tae | | | 61 . | | a _% |1073 CatruepRALs. Account of the Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen ) _ Westminster, by Topham; of the Abbey Church, Bath ; | and of Durham, Exeter and Gloucester Cathedrals, with ) 66 jine plates by Basire, fe. 5 vol,in 1}, _ | ss mussia extra 1795-1809 = 1074 Cathedrals. Some Account of the Abbey Church of St. . Albans, 19 jine plates, 1813—Englefield’s Description of the additional Plates to St. Stephens Chapel, 11 plates in a portfolio 1813, &e. 1075 Catrou and Rouillé, Roman History, maps and numerous plates, 6 vol. 1728-37 FIFTH DAY’S SALE. pis] OCTAVO ET INFRA. Pay wer - 1076 Catullus, Poems in English verse, frontispieces by Blake, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, green morocco 1795 1077 Caulfield (J.) Chalcographiana—the Puintseller's Chronicle, and Collector's Guide, portrait, 1814—Catalogue of a Thirty Day’s Sale of Prints, ancient and modern, three ) parts, 1834 4 vol. | - 1078 Causes Celebres et Interessantes, redigées par Richer, 18 vol. . . | Amst. 1771-81 + 1079 Cavallo (T.) History and Practice of Aerostation, plates, eae 1785—Cavallo on Magnetism, plates, 1800 2 vol. g 1080 Cavendish (Geo.) Memoirs of Cardinal Wolsey, 1706—Life of Lewis, Prince Condé, portrait, 1693—History of the . Wars of Charles XII, portrait, 1720—Life of Charles V, | Duke of Lorraine, 1691 4 vol. a vA 1081 Cavendish (Sir Henry) Debates of the ‘House of Commons, . | from 1768 to 1774, with notes by Wright, part 1 to 7 : 1840-3 7 47> 1082 Caylus (Comte de) CEuvres Badines Complettes, many plates, 12 vol., bright calf gilt Amst. 1787 ~z\-+ | 1083 Cazotte (M.) CEuvres Badines et Morales, 2 Vigil epee 7 vol. 1788 4 | f 1084 Cecil (Sir Rob ) Secret. Correspondence with James VI, of Scotland Edinb. 1766 4 | f\ 1085 Cellini (Benvenuto) Vita da ‘lui medesimo scritta, da Carpani, portrait, 3 vol. : Milano, 1831 || « | 1086 ; ’ Ca 1087 ie ae 1088 eg / 1089 yee, - | 1090 fe yd cae 1091 /\.7/\ | 1092 “7, - | 1093 Sf» | 1094 LZ} | 1096 |_| - | 1097 7 - 1098 _2_ 1099 [24 | 1100 Al - “lol | “17 | 1102 / 7 > 103 | | 62 Celts, Vindication of the, with observations on Pinkerton, 1803 — Cumberland, Sanconiatho’s Phoenician History, | 1720 2 vol. Centlivre (Mrs.) ‘per Works and Life, portrait, 3 vol. calf gilt 1761 Cérquy (Marquise de) Se enirs, 1710—a 1800, 2 vol. Brux. 1834—Memoires et Souvenirs d’un Pair de France, 2 vol. ib. 1829—Domingo, Tablettes Napolitaines, 2b. 1829, &c. 6 vol. Cervantes (Mig. de) Trabaios de Persiles y Sigismunda Historia Septentrional Madrid, 1619 Cervantes (M. de) Don Quichotte de la Manche traduit et Annote, par L. Viardot, numerous wood engravings, by Tony Johannot, 2 vol. FINE PAPER, calf extra g. I. impl. 8vo. Paris, 1836 Cervantes (M. de) Vida y Hechos del Don Quixote, plates, 2 vol. Amberes, 1697 Cervantes ( Don Quixote de la Mancha, with engravings Srom pictures by Rob. Smirke, by Heath, $c. fine im- pressions, 4 vol. royal 8vo. 1818 Chaloner (B.) Memoirs of Missionary Priests, and other Catholics that have suffered death in England for Religion, 2 vol., russia, gilt leaves 1741. Chaloner (B.) Memoirs of Missionary Priests and other Catholics that have suffered death in England for Religion, frontispieces, 2 vol., calf gilt Manchester, 1803 Chalmers (Geo.) Collection of Treatises between Great Britain and other Powers, 2 vol. calf gilt 1790 Chambray (Mrs. de) Histoire de |’Expedition de Russie, with an atlas of plates, 4 vol. Paris, 1825 Chancellors. Lives of all the Lords Chancellors, Lord Keepers, and Commissioners, 2 vol. 1708 Chandler (S.) on Miracles, &c. 2 vol. 1728, &e. 6 vol. Chantreau (M.) Travels in Russia, map and plates, 2 vol. Perth, 1794—Chinese Embassy to the Khan of the Tar- tars, by the Chinese Ambassador, map, 2 vol. 1821 Chaptal (J. A.) Elements of Chemistry, 3 vol. vellum 1800 Chardin, Voyages en Perse et autres lieux de l’Orient, par Langles, 10 vol. one atlas Paris, 1811 2 Charles I, Workes of, and his Tryal, por ortraits Hague, 1648 Charles I, Eikon Basilike, the Pourtraicture of his Majestie, portrait and plate, old blue morocco g. I. 1649 Charles I, Eikon Basilike, the Pourtraicture of his Majesty in his solitude and sufferings, first edition, russia 1648 Charles I, his Tryal at the High Court of Justice, with the several speeches, portrait by Gaywood, with autograph of Walter Moyle, the friend of Sir John Sepa 1665 _ {Se ee 63 | ; ) 1106 Charles I. Wood (Lamb) Life and Rayne of Charles I, . portrait, 1659—the Character of Charles I, Martyr, 1660 ae | —Eikon Basilike, portrait and plate, Hague Com. 1649 ) 3 vol 4 1107 Charles I, Life and Reigne of, or the Pseudo-Martyr dis- covered, with animadversions on his Pourtraiture ) calf gilt ° : n. d. Z. 1108 Charles I. Scutum Regale, the Royal Buckler, or Vox Legis, a Lecture to Traytors, who murthered Charles I, and banished Charles II, frontispiece, portrait of Charles, by | Gaywood, brilliant impression, title and front. mounted, : | calf neat . 1660 - | 1109 Charles I. England’s Black Tribunal, set forth at the Tryal | ‘ of King Charles I, portrait, by Gaywood, calf neat 1703 Ra 1110 Charles I, Trial of, with additions by J. Nalson, portrait 1740 ahs | 1111 CharlesI. Birch, Inquiry into the Share which King Charles I. | | had in the Transactions of the Earl of Glamorgan calf neat : : . 1747 > | 1112 Charles I, Brief Account of his Martyrdom, and Account of _ | 1118 Charles II. Cook (Aur.) Life and Reign of Charles II, por- | the Regicides, russia, gilt leaves Chester, 1752 trait, 1685—Saville (G.) Character of Charles II, 1750 2 vol. ~ | ~) 1114 Charles II, Account of the Preservation of, LARGE PAPER, 1766—His Majesties Propriety and Dominion on the British Seas Asserted, portrait, 1665 2 vol. ~~. | 1115 Charles II, Secret History of the Court and Reign of, by a ae Member of his Privy Council, 2 vol. calf gilt 1792 64 AN6 Charlevoix (P. de) Histoire et Description de la Nouvelle France, maps and plates, 6 vol. Paris, 1744 oS ae | 1117 Charnock (Jo.) Biographia Navalis, or Memoirs of Officers of . | the Navy of Great Britain from 1660, portraits and plates, by Bartolozzi, 6 vol. calf gilt : 1794 2 £ 1118 Charter of Romney Marsh, Latin and English, blark letter, water stained, calf neat Jo. Wolfe, 1597 a7 £ \119 Chastellux (M. de) Voyages dans°l’Amerique, 2 vol. Paris, - . 1786, &c. 7 ; 11 vol. 2 | 1120 Chateaubriand (F. A. de) Itineraire de Paris a Jerusalem, : map, 3 vol. calf gilt : Paris, 1811 d |* | 1121 Chateaubriand (F. A. de) Itineraire a Jerusalem, 3 vol. white vellum, gilt leaves : Bruxelles, 1821 a Ps 1122 Chateaubriand (J. A. de) Congres de Verone, Guerre D’Es- pagne, Negociations, ete. 2 vol. Paris, 1838—Due de Vicence, recuceilles par Charlotte de Sor, 2 vol. 2b. 1837 : : 4 vol. 4\ 7 « | 1123 Chatterton (Tho.) Works, with Life by Gregory, and edited by Southey, plates, 3 vol. calf gilt 1803 64 1124 Chatterton (N.) Rowley’s Poems, 1794, &c. 9 vol. 1125 Chaussé (N. de) CEuvres, 5 vol. Paris, 1777, &c. 12 vol. 1126 Chedworth (Jo. Lord) Notes upon some of the Obscure Pas- sages of Shakespeare’s Plays PRIVATELY PRINTED, calf extra, m. l. . 1805 ea Z| 1127 Chenier (M. de) Recherches Historiques sur les Maures, maps, | ZA - VK" SSA AN NS i) uae 3 vol. Paris, 1787 1128 Chester. History of the Siege of Chester during the Civil Wars, 1642-6, map and wood engravings, russia, gilt leaves n. a. | 1129 Chesterfield (Earl of) Letters to his Son, portrait, 4 vol. 1774 1180 Chesterfield (Phil. Earl of) Letters to Certain Individuals in the time of Charles II., James II., &c. portrait 1837 1131 Chronicles of London Bridge, wood engravings . 1827 1132 Churchyard (T.) Worthiness of Wales. 1776—Doddridge (Sir J.) odo of Wales, Cornwall, and ge 1714 | calf 2 vol. 1133 Cibber (C.) Lives of the Poets, 5 vol. 1753 _ 1134 Cibber (C.) Dissertations on Theatrical Subjects, plates, calf 1756 1135 Cibber (C.) Dramatic Works, portrait, 5 vol. 1777 1186 Cicero, Letters to his Friends, by Melmoth, 3 vol. 1753 1187 Ciceronis Epistole ad Atticum, ad Brutum, et ad Q. Fratrem cum P, Manuti Commentario, 2 vol. ealf gilt : ¥ Aldus, 1547-64 1138 Ciceronis de Officiis libri, notis variorum, Z.B. 1710, &c. 5 vol. _ 1189 Ciceronis de Natura, de Divinatione, de Finibus, de Legebus libri, Tusculanee Disputationes et Academice cura Davisii, 6 vol. Cambridge calf Cantab. 1725-33 1140 Ciceron, Lettres a Atticus, Lat. et Gall. par Mongault, 6 vol. : _ Paris, 1738 1141 Cicero, Letters to his Friends, by Melmoth, 3 vol. 1753 1142 Cingalese, Nine Chapters of Genesis, in relic: Colombo, 1819, and a Chinese book 2 vol. , 1148 Cipriani (G. B.) Degli Edificj. Antichig e Moderni di Roma Vedute in OND numerous plates, 2 vol. oblong 8vo. oma, 1817 1144 Circle, the, or Historical Survey of Sixty Parishes and Towns in ‘Compaen plates Helston, 1819 1145 Clark (Hugh) Concise History of Knighthood, plates, 2 vol. 1784 1146 Clarendon (Earl of) History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, portrait, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER, fine old red moroceo extra, g. 1. Oxf. 1707 1147 Clarendon (Earl of) Appendix to the History of the Grand Rebellion, portrazt 1724 1148 Clarendon (Earl of) History of the Rebellion in England, 6 vol. and Religion and Policy, portrait, 2 vol. together 8 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia extra, g. lL, Oxford, 1807-11 oy fa Gael ® + r eee ae oe . 65 : va «_|4149 Clarke (Dr. A.) Bibliographical Dictionary and Miscellany, 8 vols. in 4 . LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1802 4 1150 Clarke (E. D.) Tour through the South ‘of England, Wales, ae and Ireland, coloured plates, vellum, g. l. 1793 bet pel (1151 Clarke (Sam.) Mirrour or Looking-Glasse for Saints and . Sinners, portrait and front. by Gaywood 1654 ek 1152 Classici Auctores, apud Elzevirios, viz. Aulus Gellius, Amst. ) | 1651—Florus, Z. Bat. 1638—VJustinus, ib. 1640—Plinii . na tee wb. 1640—Q. Curtius, 7b. 1633—Sallustius, 1638, | | together 10 vol. pee 2 Bi: ae AvcToreEs, Gract ET LATINI, CUM NOTIS VARI- | ORUM, BEST EDITIONS, 120 vol. Vi ¥. fElianus, Gr. et Lat. 2 vol. ey) Bat. 1701 Alexander ab Alexandro, 2 vol. tb. 1673 Apolionius Rhodius, Gr. et Lat. : wb. 1641 Appianius, Gr. et Lat. Tollii, 2 vol. Amst. 1670 Apuleius, Pricei Goded. 1650 Arrianus, Gr. et Lat. Blancardi 2 vol. Amst. 1683-88 Aulus Gellius, Thysii et Oiselii LL. Bat. 1666 Aurelius Victor, Pitisci ; Traj. ad Rhen, 1696 Ausonii Opera, Tollii : Amst. 1671 Aviani Fabule, Barthii ib. 1731 Barclaii Argenis et Satyricon, 3 vol. L. Bat. 1659-74 Boethius, P. Bertii ; L. Bat. 1671 Cesar, Graevii, 2 vol. in 1 Amst. 1713 Callimachus, Gr. et Lat. Spanhemii, Q vol. Ultraj, 1697 Catonis Disticha, Arntzenii 2 Amst. 1754 Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius . Rhen. 1680 Censorinus, ex recens. Havercampi . LL. Bat. 1767 Ciceronis Orationes, Grevii, 6 vol. in 8 Amst. 1695-99 Ciceronis Epist. ad Atticum et Familiares, Greevii, 4 vol. tb. 1684-93 Cicero de Officiis, Greevii, 2 vol. in 1 L. Bat. 1710 Ciceronis Epist. ad Q. Fratrem Hage@-Comit. 1725 Cicero de Academica, de Divinatione, de Finibus, de Legibus, de Natura Deorum et Tusculane Disput. Davisii, 6 vol. Cant. 1727-41 Cicero de Claris Orat. Proust : Oxonti, 1716 Cicero de Oratore, Pearce Cant. 1732 Ciceronis Rhet. ad Herennium, ete. P. Burmanni Z. Bat. 1761 Claudianus, Heinsii : Amst. 1665 Cor. Nepos, Van Staveren , I. Bat. 1734 Dictys Cretensis, etc. a Smids : Amst. 1702 Epictetus, Gr. et Lat. Gronovii ‘ Delph. 1723 Erasmi Colloquia ° ; L. Bat. 1729 Eutropii Historie, Havercampi : it. 1729 Flori Epitome, Dukeri tb. 1722 Frontini Strategematon, Oudendorpii : th. 1731 K tos ——— ne EE OT | 66 Hesiodi Opera, Clerici Amst. 1701 | Hippocratis Opera, Gr. et Lat. Van ve Linden, 2 vol. | L. Bat. 1665 _ Historie Auguste Scriptores, Casauboni, 2 vol. ib 1671 _ Horatii Opera, L. Desprez .. ‘ Hage Comit. 1708 _ Julii Obsequentis Opera, Oudendorpii L. Bat. 1720 _ Justini Historia, Gronovii : ib 1719 | Juvenalis et Persii Satyree 5 Amst. 1684 | Lactantii Opera, Gallei : LI. Bat. 1660 _ Lactantius de Mortibus Persecutorum, Bauldri | Traj. ad Rhen. 1693 Livii Historia, Gronovii, 3 vol. Amst. 1679 Luciani Opera, Gr. et Lat. Vossii, 2 vol. : ib. 1687 - Macrobii Opera, Gronovii : LI. Bat. 1670 | Martialis Epigrammata, Schrevelii_ . : ib. 1670 | Minucii Felicis Octavius, Gronovii . 1b. 1709 | Mythographi Latini, Munckeri Amst. 1681 _ Opuscula Mythologica, Gr. et Lat. a Gale - ib. 1688 _ Orphei Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. Gesneri Lips. 1764 Ovidii Opera Omnia, Cnippingii, 3 vol. Amst. 1683 | Pervigilium Veneris, Rivini Haga@e-Comit. 1712 _ Petronius Arbiter, ab Hadrianide Amst. 1669 | Phedri Fabule, P. Burmanni ; Hage-Comit. 1718 | Plauti Comoediw, Gronovii : Amst. 1684 _ Plinii Historize Nat. Gronovii, 3 vol. IL. Bat. 1669 » Plinii Epistole, Veenhusii : . tb. 1669 | Plinii Panegyrici, Baudii ib. 1675 _ Polyzeni Strategemata, Gr. et Lat. Maasvicii Z. Bat. 1690 | Polybii Historia, Gr. et Lat. Ernesti, 3 vol. Lips. 1764 _ Pomponius Mela, Gronovii, 2 vol. LL. Bat. 1748 | Prudentii Opera, Weitzii : Hanov. 161% — Quintiliani Opera, Gronovii, 2 vol. LL. Bat. 1665 Quintus Calaber, Gr. et Lat. de Pauw L. Bat. 1734 - Quintus Curtius, Pitisci ; Hag @-Comit. 1708 - Sallustii Opera Omnia Amst. 1690 _ Senecze Opera Philosop. Gronovii, 3 valk Amst. 1672 _ Senecwe et Syri Mimi Sententise, Scaligeri LL. Bat. 1708 _ Statii Opera, Veenhuseni : ib. 1671 | Suetonii Opera, Pitisci, 2 vol. Tr nape ad Rhen. 1690 | Sulpicii Severi Opera, Hornii Amst. 1685 _ Taciti Opera, Gronovii, 2 vol. ; Amst. 1685 _ Terentii Comeedize tb. 1665 | Terentii Varronis Opera, Scaligeri : tb. 1623 | Valerius Maximus, Thysii L. Bat. 1670 | Vegetius et alii Script. Antiq. de Re Militari, 2 vol. Vesal. 1670 Velleius Paterculus, P. Burmanni . Rotterd. 1756 | Virgilii Opera, Emmenessii 3 vol. L. Bat. 1680 | *,* The above Series is uniformly bound in russia extra, | yellow edges. wags le aS a aM Pf ee kes a © om) Se es ee or ee ee * oa, on oe Sal ‘ ae, 5 ee TS Re Be Wee cee ee h. A “a ~ - a Ma calf, marbled leaves oa ra 1161 Clel res es 1162 Cleaveland (Jo.) Pods and J. Cleaveland Revived Poems, 67 1154 Crassic1: Auctorges LATINI, CUM NOTIS VARIORUM ET IN usuM DeE.LPHINI, viz.—Apuleii, Auli Gellii, Aurelii Vic- toris, Ausonii, Boethii, Cesaris, Catulli, Tibulli et Pro- pertii, Ciceronis, Claudiani, Cor. Nepotis, Dictys Cretensis et Dares, Eutropii, Flori, Horatii, Justini, Juvenalis et Persii, Livii, Lucretii, Manilii, Martialis, Ovidii Panegyrici Ve- teres, Phedri, Plauti, Plinii, Pompeii Festi, Prudentii, Q. Curtii, Sallusti, Statii, Suetonii, Taciti et Supplemeta cura Brotier, Terentii, Val. Maximi, Velleii Paterculi, et Virgilii Opera, a complete set of Valpy’s Delphin and Variorum Classics, 142 vol. LARGE PAPER, uncut royal 8vo. Valpy, 1819, &c. 1155 Ciassic1 ITALIANI, DALLA SociIETA TIPOGRAFICA DE MILANO, viz.— Opere di Alamanni, Alberti, Anguillara, 3 vol.; Barto- lommeo da S. Concordio Bentivoglio, 5 vol.; Berni, 5 vol. ; Boccaccio, 4 vol.; Borghini, 5 vol.; Bracciolini, Buom- mattei, 2 vol.; Caro, 6 vol.; Casa, 4 vol.; Castiglione, 2 vol.; Cavalcanti, Chiabrera, 3 vol.; Costanzo, 3 vol.; Crescenzi, 3 vol.; Dante, 3 vol., Dati, Davanzati, Davila, 6 vol.; Erizzo, Fiorentino, 2 vol.; Firenzuola, 5 vol.; Gelli, 3 vol.; Guarini, Guicciardini, 10 vol. ; Lippi, Mac- chiavelli, 10 vol. ; Magalotti, 2 vol. ; Maffei, 3 vol.; Lio- nardo da Vinci, Menzini; Molza, Novallé Antiche, Panadol fini, Passavanti, 2 vol. ; Petrarca, 2 vol.; Poliziano, Pulci I) Morgante Maggiore, 3 vol.; Raccolta a Lirici, Satirici, Pastorali e Rusticali, 3 vol. ; . Sacchietti; 3 vol.; Sanazzaro, Segni, 3 vol.; Tasso, 4 Gols: Tassoni, Teatro Italiano Antico, 9 vol.; Valvasone, Varchit 7 vol.; Vettori, Villani, 8 vol. portraits, 153 vols. Fine set, bright calf extra, marbled leaves Milano, 1804, &c. 1156 Classics (British)—The Connoisseur, 4 vol. Oxf. 1767— Lounger, 3 vol. Dub. 1787, &c. : 10 vol. 1157 Classics (British).—The Tdebar: -on, 4 vol. 1797—The Mirror, 3 vol. 1790—The World, 3 vol. 1789 5 10 vol. 1158 Classical Manual 1827 1159 Clio and Euterpe, or British Harmony, a Collection of Cele- brated Songs and Cantatas, with Music, engraved with Designs adapted to each Song, 3 vol. royal 8vo. 1758-62 1160 Cleland Css.) The Rise and Progress of the City of Glasgow, presentation copy, with an autograph letter of the author, 4 Glasgow, 1820 and (J.) Statistical Tables relative to Glasgow, 1823— Survey of the Province of Moray, 1798, and 5 vol. relating to Scotland ° together 7 vol. Orations, and Epistles, portratts, 2 vol. in 1, 1659-60— Cowper (Wm.) Poems, 1818 . 2 vol. | 68 /| 1163 Coats (Jas.) Dictionary of Heraldry, plates of arms 1747 1164 Cobbett (W.) Porcupine’s Works, exhibiting a faithful Picture of the United States of America, 12 vol. 1801 1165 Cochelet (M™*) Memoires sur la Reine Hortense et la Famille — Imperiale, 4 vols. : Paris, 1836-8 Gy /\6\- Bay / 1166 Cochin and Bellicard, Observations on Herculaneum, plates Bap 1756 1167 Cochrane (C. S.) Journal of a Residence and Travels in Colombia, map, and coloured plaées, 2 vol. 1825 “1168 Cochrane (J. D.) Pedestrian Journey through Russia, 1824— ee Ed.) Voyage to Hudson’s Bay, map and plates, y 1817, 6 vol. 7 1169 Cockburn (G) Voyage to Spain, Sicily and Malta, maps, and coloured plates, 2 vol. 1815 J6 - 1170 Cockburn (Major) Swiss Scenery, upwards of 60 fine plates ) ; morocco, uncut imperial 8vo. 1820 pt 1171 Coke (Roger) Detection of the Court and State of England, 2 . 3 vol. 1719 7/ «+ 4172 Colardeau (C. P.) CEuvres, portrait, 2 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves royal 8vo. Paris, 1779 Z ¢ | 178 Collin D'Harleville (J. F.) Theatre et Poesies Fugitives, 4 vol. calf extra, marbled leaves ib. 1805 + . 1174 Collier (Jer.) Essays, 4 vol. in 8, 1697-1709—Collier, View Y of the Stage, 1698—Review of Collier on the Stage, — | 2 parts, 1698—Amendments of Collier’s Citations, 1698 6 vol. aw ¢ 1175 Collier (Joel) Musical Travels through England, 1776— Dodsley, Letters on Taste, 1755— win Dartmoor, a Poem, 1826 3 vol > 1176 Collins (A.) Baronetage of England, avis: 2 vol. | LARGE PAPER, first edition, good copy royal 8vo. 1720 “@ + 1177 Collins (A.) Life of Wm. Cecil, Lord Burghley . be LARGE PAPER, calf gilt royal 8vo. 1732 /é~ 1178 Collins (A.) Life of Edward (the Black) Prince of Wales, and his Brother, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster ) ) old calf gilt - royal 8vo. 1740 ta » 1179 Collins (A.) Supplement to the Peerage, 2 vol. | ae old blue morocco ; 1750 eae ~ | 1180 Collins (A.) Peerage of England, plates of ara, 3 te Yé ~ 1181 Collins (A.) History of the Noble Family of Carteret LARGE PAPER, calf gilt royal 8vo. 1756 7 s&~ | 1182 Collins (A.) Peerage of England, Genealogical, Biographical, | | and Historical, continued by Sir Egerton Brydges, ree ) | of arms, 9 vol. 1812 ce + | 1188 Collinson (J. ) Beauties of Bridal Antiquity, 1779—Antiqui- | ) ties of Arundel, and Lives of the Earls, _ calf 2 vol. 69 Colman (Geo.) Dramatic Works, 4 vol. 1777—-Colman, Prose Pieces, 3 vol. 1787 : 7 vol. Colman (G.) Dramatic Works, 4 vol. 1777 Common Prayer Book, long lines, Baskerville’s beautiful edit. FINE copy, calf gilt royal 8vo. Camb. 1762 Common Prayer, in the Manks Language, calf neat Whitehaven, 1777 QUARTO. Campbell (Alex.) Journey from Edinburgh through parts of North Britain, 44 plates, 2 vol. russia extra 1802 Campbell (Don) Journey over Land to India, calf gilt 1795 Campbell (Tho.) Pleasures of Hope, and other Poems, plates, calf, marbled leaves 1803 Canning (Geo.) Anti-Lucretius, 1766—Churchill, Poems, 1763—Cave of Neptune, 1784—Dyer, Fleece and the Hermit; 2 vol. in 1, 1747-57 4 vol. Cardonnel (Adam de) Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, numerous plates, 4 parts complete in 2 vol. 1788-93 Carew (Ric.) Survey of Cornwall with his Life, plate inserted, calf ; ; 176 Carew (R.) Survey of Cornwall, with notes illustrative of its History and Antiquities by T. Tonkin, by Lord de Dun- stanville, portrait, calf; marbled leaves 1811 Carey (H.) Poems, portrait, calf neat 1729 Carey (H.) Dramatick Works, 1743—-Congreve, Mourning Bride, 1710, &c., and 7 Plays various, half calf 6 vol. Caribbeana ; Letters, Dissertations and, Essays, chiefly wrote by several hands in the West Indies, 2 vol. 1741 Carleton (Sir Dudley) Letters during his Embassy in Holland russia, marbled leaves 1757 Carleton (Dr. W.) Trenary of Paradoxes, the Magnetick Cure of Wounds, calf gilt 1650 Carlisle (Nich.) Topographical Dictionary of England, 2 vol. calf gilt 1808 Carnot (M.) De la Defense des Places Fortes, pour l’instruc- tion des Eleves du Corps du Genie, plates russia extra, gilt leaves Paris, 1832 Caro y Cejudo (G. M.) Refranes y Modos de Hablas Castel- lanos con Latinos, good copy Madrid, 1675 Carr (J.) Travels in Spain, plates, 18] 1—Stranger in France, plates, 1803, calf gilt, 2 vol. Carr (J.) Travels round the Baltic, plates, 1805—Tour through Holland, plates, 1807, calf gilt 2 vol. Cartwright (Geo.) Journal of a Residence on the Coast of Labrador, maps, 3 vol. calf gilt Newark, 1792 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1218 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 | 1219 1220 1921 | 1993 70 Casa (G. della) Opere, portrait, 5 ‘vol. Venet. 1728 Casauboni (Is.) Epistola ad Frontonem, 1611; Gretseri (J.) De Modo agendi Jesuitarum libri; et Commentarius Exegeticus in Britanniz Regis Jacobi Apologiam, Jngol- stadii, 1600-3 ; 3 vol. in I—Dallei (J) De Usu Patrum, libri 11. (eecia. 1656 » 2 vol. Casley (D.) Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the King’s Library plates, old calf gilt 1734 Casas (Episcop. Barth.) Narratio Regionum Indicarum per His- panos quosdam Devastatarum Verissima, maps and many curious plates by Bry, &c. Francof. 1598—Pannonize Historia mia We” map and many portraits by T. de Bry, &c. 2 vol. in 1, old calf gilt Francof. 1596-98 2 vol. Castiglione (B.) The Courtier, Ital. and Eng., 1727; and Cunibenans (Bp.) of the Laws of Nature, by Maxwell, - d. 2 vol. Gate Librorum Bibliothecz Hon. Societatis Medii Templi Londini PRIVATELY PRINTED, old calf gilt . 1734 Catalogus Librorum qui in Bibliotheca Blandfordiensi repe- riuntur, 9 parts and Appendix PRIVATELY PRINTED, presentation copy, half blue morocco, gilt leaves 1812-14 Catalogue of the Library at Bamburgh Castle in Northum- berland, Durham, n. d.—Catalogue of the Portland Museum, frontispiece, 1786 2 vol. Catalogue of the Portraits and Pictures belonging to James, Earl of Fife, privately printed, 1807—Daulby, Catalogue of Rembrandt’s Prints, with their prices, a manuscript, 1795 , 5 | 2 vol. Catalogues. The Bindley Granger, 1819; The Sale at Strawberry Hill, portrait, LARGE PAPER, 1842 2 vol. Catullo (T. A.) Saggio di Zoologia Fossile, plates Padova, 1827 Caulfield (Jas.) Portraits, Memoirs and Characters of Remark- able Persons from the reign of Edward III, many portraits, 2 vol., vol. 2 in 8vo. calf gilt 1794 Cavallo (T.) Treatise on the Nature and Properties of Air, plates 1781 Cavendish (Geo. ) The Negociations of Cardinal Tho. Wolsey,: portrait, title and portrait inlaid 1641 Cayley (Arthur) Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, portrait, calf gilt 1805 Cellarii (C.) Geographia anion cura Schwartz, portrait and maps, 2 vol. Lips. 1731 Centorio (Ascanio) Commentarii della Guerra di Transilvania Venet. 1566 71 Cervantes (Mig. de) Historie of Don Quixote, translated by Tho. Shelton, engraved title, 2 vol. in 1 FIRST EDITION, scarce 1620 Cervantes (M. de) Life and Exploits of Don Quixote, by Jarvis, many plates, 2 vol. 1742 Cervantes (M. de) El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, map and many plates, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf gilt Madrid, 1780 Chabert ( Voyage dans l’ Amerique Septentrionale, Cartes Jine copy, old red morocco extra, gilt leaves Paris, 1753 Chalmers ( Alex.) History of the University of Oxford, nume- rous plates by Storer and Glleig, india proofs, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia extra Oxford, 13810 Chalmers (Geo.) Caledonia, or Account, Historical and Topo- graphical, of North Britain, maps and plates, 2 vol. calf, marbled leaves 1807-10 Chalmers (G.) Life of Mary Queen ‘of Scots, drawn from State Papers, with Six Subsidiary Memoirs, portraits and plates, 2 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves 1818 Chambaud (L.) French and English Dictionary, 2 vol. 1778 Chambers (W.) On Oriental Gardening, russia 1772 2 Champigny (Chev. de) Histoire des Rois de Dannemarck, de la Maisson d’Oldenburg, portraits, 2 vol. calf gilt Amst. 1776 Champigny, Histoire Generale d' Angleterre, 2 vol. Amst. 1777 —Comte Portalis, Rapport fait a la Cour des Paris, Juillet, 1835, plans, 2 vol. 1835, &c. 9 vol. Champlain (M. de) Voyages de la Canada, map Paris, 1632 Chandler (Ric.) Travels in Asia Minor, map, calf gilt, Oxford, 1775—History of [lium or Troy, map, calf gilt, 1802 2vol. Charles I, Memoirs of King Charles I, and the Loyalists who suffered in his Cause, 20 portraits : LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1795 Charleton (Dr. W.) Chorea Gigantum, ¢ or Stonehenge restored to the Danes, wood engravings, calf 1663 Charlton (Lionel) History of Whitby and of Whitby Abbey, map and plates, russia extra York, 1779 Charlevoix (P. Fr. Xavier) Histoire du Paraguay, maps and plates, 3 vol. Parts, 1756 Charnock (J.) History of Marine Architecture, plates, 3 vol. calf gilt with folio plates, in russia 1801-2 Chartarii et Verderii Imagines Deorum qui ab Antiquis Cole- bantur, wood engravings Lugd. 1581 Chartier (Alain) Les Faites, Ditz, and Balades ‘gothic letter, fine copy, russia Paris, 1519 Chaucer (Geo.) Canterbury Tales, with notes and glossary by T. Tyrwhitt, portrait, 2 vol. Jine copy, russia extra, marbled leaves Oxford, 1798 72 1244 Chertablon (M. de) La Maniere de se bien preparer a la Mort, many plates, fine impressions Anvers, 1700 1245 Chichele, Stemmata Chicheleana, or Genealogical Account of Families from Thomas Chichele of Higham Ferrers, plates | and pedigrees, uncut Oxford, 1765 1246 Chine. Memoires concernant |’Histoire, les Sciences, les Arts, les Moeurs, les Usages, &c. des Chinois, par les Missionaires de Pekin, portraits “and many plates, 15 vol. ) old calf gilt Paris, 1776-91 Cah China, the Punisments of Cuias ILLUSTRATED in 22 finely coloured plates 1801 “1248 CuoLMLey (Sir Hues) Memorrs or, in which he gives some Account of his Family, and the distresses they underwent in the Civil Wars; with Account of Tangier, and his Speeches in Parliament PRIVATELY AND ONLY 100 coPiIEs PRINTED, calf gilt 1787 *.* Sir Mark M. Sykes’ Copy of this rare volume sold for £15. 15s. _ 1249 Christie (Jas.) Inquiry into the Antient Greek Game invented by Palamedes, antecedent to the Siege of Troy, plates calf gilt I 1250 Christine, Memoires concernant Reine de Suede, portrait and | map, 3-vol. old calf gilt Amst. 1751 _ 1251 CuronicLtes oF ENnGLanp, viz. Holinshed, 6 vol.; Fabyan, Grafton, 2 vol.; Hall, Hardyng and Rastell ; edited by . Sir H. Ellis, &c. wood engravings, 12 vol. Jine set, russia extra, gilt leaves, but 2 vol. not quite uniform 1807-12 1252 Chwalkowski (N. de) Regni Poloniz Jus Publicum, portraits and plates Regiom. 1684 1253 Cibber (C.) Plays, 2 vol. 1721—Apology for his Life, by Himself, portrait, and an additional one inserted calf gilt, 1740 3 vol. 1254 Ciceronis Epistole ad Familiares, cum Expositione, J. Badius Ascensius (wants title) Paris, 1511—Catulli Opera, | cura Vossii, Z. B. 1691 2 vol. 1255 Ciceronis Opera Omnia, cum notis Gruteri, accurante Schrevelio _Elzevir, 1661 1256 Ciceronis Opera, cura Oliveti, 9 vol. Jine copy, calf Paris, 1740 1257 Cireronis Opera, cum Indicibus et variis Lectionibus, cura Oli- veti, 10 vol. russia, gilt leaves Oxonu, 1783 1258 Ciceronis Opera, cura Oliveti, 10 vol. in quires, sold with all Saults Oxon, 1783 1259 Ciceronis Orationum pro Scauro Fragmenta, cura A. Peyron _ Stutig. 1824 1260 Cicognara (L. Conte) dell’ Origine Compozione e Decompo- zione dei Nielli Esercitazione, 3 plates PRESENTATION copy, half calf Venet. 1827 ae bale oF SNES te os 73 rf | 1261 Clapperton (Capt.) Journal of a Second Expedition into the Interior of Africa, portrait and map 1829 Clarendon (Earl of ) State Papers in the possession of R. Pow- ney, Esq. 2 vol. bright old calf gilt Oxford, 1763 CLARENDON (Ear oF) History oF THE REBELLION and Civil Wars in England, and View of the Affairs of Ireland, 6 vol. LARGEST PAPER, fine copy, red morocco extra, joints, and gilt leaves imperial 4to. Oxford, 1816 Clarke (Ed.) Letters concerning the Spanish Nation calf gilt 1763 Clarke (E. D.) Tomb of Alexander, plates, russia Camb. 1805 Clarke (E. D.) Travels in various Countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa, maps and numerous plates, 6 vol. russia, gilt leaves, vol. 1 not uniform, and vol. 2 in boards 1811-23 Clarke (E. D.) Life and Remains, portrait 1824 Clarke (Jas. 8.) Progress of Maritime Discovery from the earliest period, plates and charts, vol. | russia extra, gilt leaves 1803 Clarke (J. S.) and J. M‘Arthur, Life of ail Lord Nelson, plans and fine plates, 2 vol. russia extra, marbled leaves royal 4to. 1809 Clarke (J. S.) Life of James II, collected out of Memoirs writ of his own hand, 2 vol. white vellum extra, gilt leaves 1816 pm ee hi i ai 5 ec he a ot a a. FOLIO. Cavallrie, Militarie Instructions for, plates and plans Cambridge, 1632 Cave (G.) Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria, a Christo Nato ad Seculum XIV. 2 vol. russta 1688-98 Cave (W.) Lives of the Fathers of the Fourth Century 1683 Cavendishe (Duke of ) Method of Dressing Horses LARGE PAPER 1667 Cay (J.) Abridgment of the Public Statutes, 2 vol. 1739 CERVANTES, a Set of Engravings illustrative of Don Quixote, from Pictures by Robert Smirke, 74 plates, india proofs before the letters, with 2 etchings and 2 duplicates, in a portfolio 78 Chambaud (Louis) Dictionary, French ae English 1761 Chambers (E.) Cyclopadia, with Supplement by Rees, plates, 5 vol. russia 1791 Chambers (W.) Designs of Chinese Buildings, 16 plates 1757 Chambers (W.) Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Views of the Gardens and Buildings at Kew, 42 plates 1763 Chandler, Revett and Pars, Ionian Antiquities, 28 fine plates, calf 1760 i 74 | \> 1282 Chapelain (J.) La Pucelle, ou La France delivrée, portrait by . Nanteuil, and plates LARGE PAPER, old red morocco, sides and back covered with | fleurs de lis Paris, 1656 Bed Weg ig 1283 Chapman (Geo.) Translation of the ial Works of Homer, portrait, with two engraved titles and one plate, by Wm. | Hole, good copy, half calf n. de 4 £1984 Characteristic Portraits of the various Tribes of Cossacks, . portraits, half red moroceo, uncut 1820 ~ 1285 Chardin (Sir J.) Travels into Persia and the East Indies, map . and plates 1686 9 f | 1286 Charles I. Declaration concerning the late "Toole in Scot- . | land from their first originalls, good copy, old calf 1639 | ‘— _ 1287 Charles I. The Reign of King Charles, impartially delivered in Annals, frontispiece, calf gilt 1655 es Dia ue _ 1288 Charles I. (King) Workes, with a Collection of his Declara- | | tions, Treaties, History of his Life, &c. pore atts, fine 166 . 4 Vs calf gilt 2 _ 1289 Charles II. Verhael in Forme van Journal van de Reys in . Hollandt, portratt and plates Graven-hage, 1660 fi ff + 4290 Chaucer (Geoff.) Works, wood engravings, wants title, dedica- | tion, part of the table, and B 1, with the last leaf ) black letter, FIRST ENTIRE EDITION, RARE, 7ed morocco, ) gilt leaves : T. Godfray, 1532 *,* This edition was published without the Plowman’s Tale, which first appeared in 1542. In this copy it is inserted in MS. neatly written in a contemporary hand. Chaucer (G.) Workes and Life, by Tho. Speght, portratt \ yy x SS = | | black letter, good copy Geo. Bishop, 1598 4 7 - 1292 Chaucer (G.) Workes, and Life, by Thos. Speght, portrait ont Bae black letter, fine copy, red morocco, gilt leaves 1602 va 44 > 1293 Chaucer (G.) Workes, and Life, by Tho. Speght, portrait Naas: black letter, fine copy, calf 168: a A 1294 Chaucer (G.) Works, with Glossary and Life, by Jo. Urry, ) portrait, old calf gilt 1721 2 4F - | 1295 Chaufepie (J. G. de) Nouveau Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, 4 vol. very fine copy, russia extra Amst. 1750 2 | “9 nS 1296 Chauncy (Sir Hen.) Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire, ) por trait, maps, and numerous plates, wanting three, te which are usually deficient jine tall copy, in old calf 1700 d’Antiquites Romaines, plates Amst. 1706 | 1298 Chauvini (S.) Lexicon Philosophicum Rotterodami, 1692 vs | 1299 Chevalier (N.) Histoire de Guillaume III, par Medailles, &c. | S « | . 1297 Chausse (M. A. de la) Le Grand Cabinet Romain, ou Recueil | plates : : Amst. 1692 2 75 - 1300 Cuina. Suite des XVI. Estampes representant les Conquetes de l’ Empereur de la Chine, 14 of the original etchings by Cochin, out of 16 executed for the Emperor of China, in 1768-74, with fine impressions of the 20 reduced plates, | engraved by Helman, inlaid uniform : russia extra, with joints and gilt leaves Z elephant folio. Paris, 1768-85 | 4 ee fas de. eee = tee Be oe ee *.* Copies of the sixteen engravings executed for the Emperor of China, from designs furnished from Pekin, are of the greatest rarity, only avery few having been worked off — before they were dispatched to China. These fourteen etchings are probably UNIQUE. size of the volume, 3 ft. 2 by 2 ft. 1301 CHiInEsE Drawinas of Costume, Butterflies, Birds and Fruit, 61 BeauTiruL Drawines by Native Artists russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves n. d. 1302 Cuinese MyTHOLOGY, CONSISTING OF ONE HUNDRED MOST BEAUTIFUL CHINESE Drawines, highly finished in colours and gold by Native Artists russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves n.d, *,* A volume of most exquisite beauty and spirit, both in “i colour and design. 1303 Chinois (Sujets) Faits Memorables des Empereurs de la Chine, et Abrégé Historique de la Vie de Confucius Philosophe Chinois, 48 plates by Helman, fine proofs before the letters, 2 vol. in 1 a PAPIER D HOLLANDE, fine copy, red moroceo extra, gilt ee i leaves Paris, 1788 ra \ 1304 Chomel (M.) Family Dictionary, by Bradley, 2 vol. 1725 1305 Chomel (M.) Dictionnaire er api wood engravings, 2 vol. Paris, 1718 1306 Christie (James) Disquisition upon Etruscan Vases ; displaying . their probable connection with the Shows at Eleusis’ and the Chinese Feast of Lanterns, 16 plates PRIVATELY AND ONLY 100 COPIES PRINTED, russia extra 1806 -1307 CHronicon NUREMBERGENSE, auctore Hartmanno Schedel, ; . with upwards of 2000 fine, spirited and curious wood — engravings by Wolgemuth and Pleydenwurff, title inlaid “3 very fine copy, RARE, red russia extra, gilt leaves Nuremb. Koberger, 1493 *,.* This ‘copy has the five supplementary leaves not paged and mostly wanting; they are misplaced being between pages 266 and 267; the capitals in the indéx, &c. are rubricated. Wolgemuth the engraver of the cuts was the master of the celebrated Albert Durer. \ an 1319 1320 76 Chronologie (somes des Souverains, Pontifes, Empereurs, Roys, Princes, Grands Seigneurs et Hommes IIlustres, des le commencement du Monde, with about 2600 igor traits, Jine impressions, with a manuscript table THICK PAPER, old red morocco, gilt leaves Parts, 1622 Chrysostomi (Sancti) Opera, Greece, cura H. Saville, 8 vol. (2 vol. a little stained) Ettone, 1618 Churchill (Sir W.) Divi Britannici, a Remark on the Lives of the Kings of this Isle from a.m. 2855 to a.p. 1660, plates of arms, russia extra 1675 Churchill, Collection of Voyages and Travels, now first printed and translated, with the Harleian Collection of Voyages and Travels, many maps and plates, 8 vol. uniform calf gilt 1704-32-47 | Ciceronis Opera Omnia, cum P. Victorii Explicationibus et Castigationibus, 4 vol. Jine copy, russia, gilt leaves Ciceronis, another copy, old calf gilt leaves Ciceronis Opera Omnia, cura Lambini, red lines very fine large and tall copy, vellum Aldus, 1566 Ciceronis Opera Omnia, cum notis Gruteri, 2 vol. calf gilt 1681 Cicognara (Conte) Memorie spettanti alla Storia della Cal- cografia,18 plates LARGE PAPER Clanricarde (Marquiss of) Memoirs and Letters LARGE PAPER 1757 CLARENDON (EARL OF) History or THE REBELLION AND Crvit Wars 1n ENGLAND, begun 1641 to the Restoration ILLUSTRATED with above 200 maps, portraits and plates, by Rob. Cooper, Houbraken, Picart, Strutt, Vander Gutch, Vertue, &c.. some proofs and eles very fine im- pressions, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, fine copy, red morocco, g. 1. Oxford, 1704 Clarendon (Ear! of) Life and Continuation, portrait, interleaved half red morocco Oxford, 1759 Clarke (Jas.) Survey of the Lakes of Cumberland, Westmor- land and Lancashire, maps ILLUSTRATED with Farington’s Views of the Lakes, 20 plates, brilliant impressions, 2 vol. red morocco extra, g.l. 1789 Clarke (S.) Mirror, or Looking Glasse for Saints and Sinners 1657 Clarke (S.) Generall Martyrologie, plates; and The Lives of Two and Twenty English Divines, 2 vol. in 1 1660 Venetiis, L. Junta, 1534-6 ab. 1534-6 4 vol., ruled with _ Prato, 1831 Claude. Presaggi in Tavola Giudicati di Claudio Gelée con il Testo di G. A. Guattani, 10 plates Roma, 1826 Claude. Another copy, 10 plates ° tb. 1826 est ‘a ‘ ae ie : Te * Me » . K | 77 0 f/. | 1825 Craupe, Lier Veriratis, a Collection of 300 Engravings, . in imitation of the original Drawings of Claude, por- traits, with a proof of Claude before the letters ORIGINAL AND VERY CHOICE IMPRESSIONS, with upwards of OnE HuNDRED AND SEVENTY ETCHINGS very fine copy, richly bound in red morocco extra, joints, gilt leaves, and vellum fly leaves 1772-1817 Cleaveland (E.) Genealogical History of the Family of Cour- tenay, russia Fizxon, 1735 Cleland (J.) Enumeration of the Inhabitants of the City of Glasgow, half red morocco Glasg. 1820 Cluverii (P.) Geographia Antiqua, viz. Italia, Sicilia, Sardinia, Corsica, et Germania, portrait and plates, 4 vol. good copy Elzevir, 1619-31 Codex Juris Gentium Diplomaticus, 2 vol. Hannov. 1693 Coke (Ed.) Institutes of the Lawes of England, portrait, 3 vol. 1633-44 Coker, Survey of Dorsetshire, or the Antiquities and Natural History of that County, map and plates, russia 1732 Cole (C.) Memoirs of Affairs of State, containing Letters from 1697 to 1708 ~~ 1733 Collectio Nova Patrum et Scriptorum Cree are viz. Eusebii, Athanasii, Gr. et Lat. cura Montfaucon, 2 vol. Paris, 1706 Collier (Jer.) Historical Dictionary, Sacred and Profane, por- trait, 4 vol. 1701 Collins (Art.) Historical Collections ‘of the Noble Families of Cavendish, Holles, Vere, Harley and Ogle, and the Lives of the Earls of Oxford, many moasnonts and plates by Vertue, fine impressions LARGE PAPER, calf neat 1752 Collins (G.) Great Great Britain’s Coasting Pilot, charts, 1736 —Cornwall (H.) Observations on Voyages to the East Indies, charts, 1720 2 vol. Columna Trajana, 131 large spirited etchings with manuscript descriptions oblong folio. n. d. End of the Fifth Day’s Sale. 78 SIXTH DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. — Condé, Memoires pour Servir a l’Histoire de la Maison de Condé, portraits, 2 vol. Paris, 1820 Congreve, (Wm.) Works consisting of ‘his Plays and Poems, portrait and plates, 3 vol. Baskerville’s beautiful edition, Sree from the usual stains, Jine copy, bright calf gilt Birming. 1761 Constant, Memoires sur la Vie Pies de Napoleon,'sa Famille et sa Cour, 6 vol. half calf : Paris, 1830 Conybeare (J.) Sermons, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER E757 - Conybeare and Phillips, Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales, coloured map, part 1 (all published) 1822 Cooke (Edw.) Voyage round the World, maps and plates 1712 Cooke (W. B.) The Thames, or Graphic Illustrations from drawings by S. Owen, of the Seats, Buildings, and Scenery, many plates, fine impressions, 2 vol. calf extra royal 8vo, 1811 Cooper (E.) Muses Library, a series of English Poetry 1741 Cooper (J. F.) The Borderers, 3 vol. 1829—The Bravo, 3 vol. 1831. 6 vol. Cooper (J. F.) The Headsman, 3 vol. 1833—The Heiden- maner, 3 vol. 1832 6 vol. Cooper (Wm. ) Philosophical Epitaph in Hierogliphicall Figures, plates, russia 1673 Cooper (Wm.) Philosophicall Epitaph in Hierogliphicall Figures, &c., plates, calf neat 1673 Cornelii Severi "tan cum notis et P. Baan Etna, green morocco, gilt leaves Amst. 1703 Corneille (P.) Theatre, 5 vol. aCocanite (T.) Poemes Drama- tiques, 5 vol., together 10 vol. old calf, g.l. Paris, 1782 Corneille (P.) Thantte de, avec les Commentaries de Voltaire, 35 fine plates, 12 vol. calf, marbled leaves Paris, 1797 Coronelli (P. M.) Account of the Morea, plates, 1687— Caron (F.) Description of Japan and Siam, plates, 1663— Debes (J.) Description of Feroe, 1676, &c. 6 vol. Conversations on Mineralogy, plates, 2 vol. russia, m. 1. 1822 Cornwall. Laws of the Stannaries, Z’ruro, 1824—Unwin (G.) Letters on Trade in Tin, from Cornwall, 1790, &c. 3 vol. 79 1356 Cornwallis (Jane Lady) Private Correspondence, 1613-44 PRIVATELY AND ONLY FIFTY COPIES PRINTED, ON THICK | PAPER, presentation copy, by Lord Braybrooke 1842 1357 Cornwallyes (Sir Wm.) Essayes, newlie corrected, engraved title, by T. Cecill, russia extra 1632 1358 Corret (T. D. A.) Origines Gauloises, calles des plus Anciens Peuples de l'Europe, portrait, Hamb. 1801—Delille, La Conversation, Poéme, fine plates, Paris, 1812, calf gilt 2 vol. 1359 Corpus Historicum, or Hivcorical and Military Classics; Greek Historians, 69 numbers, between No. 16 and 99; Roman Historians, 64 numbers, between No. 1 and 84; English Prose Writers, 65 numbers, between 1812 and 1817, together 198 numbers 1812-20 1360 Corsi (F.) Delle Pietre Antiche, ) white vellum, gilt leaves Roma, 1828 ,. 1861 Cosin, Names of Roman Gathbllcs Nonjurors who refused Oaths to George I. 1745 13862 Costumes of the Reign of George II, adapted for her Majesty’s Ball, 12 coloured plates n. d. 1363 Cotton (Sir Rob.) Choice Pieces 1651 1864 Couvray (L. de) Les Amours du Chevalier de Faublas (no plates) Paris, 1821, &c. 6 vol. 1865 Courier (Le) Des Provinces, de Paris, et de Versailles & Paris et de Paris 4 Versailles, 13 vol. wanting vol. 4, calf Paris, 1789-90 1366 Courtenay. De Stirpe et Origine Domus de Courtenay, que coepit 4 Lud. Crasso huius nominis sexto Francorum Rege very scarce, russia extra, gilt leaves Paris, 1607 1367 Cowley (Abraham) Works, portraits and plates, 3 vol. 1707 1368 Cowper (Wm.) Poems, 2 vol. 1788—Dunster on Milton, 1800, ea and 3 Poetical 6 vol. ot bs Corvin Cox (N.) Gentleman’s Recreation in Hunting, &c. plates, 1697—Canning (G.) Microcosm, 1787—Capper, South Australia, ». d. 3 vol. 1870 Coxe (W.) Travels in Switzerland, 8 vol. 1789—Coxe (T.) United States of America, 1795 4 vol. 1371 Crabbe (G.) The Borough, a Poem, 1810, &c. 9 vol. 1372 Crabbe (G.) Tales of the Hall, 2 vol. 1819—Barry Cornwall’s : Flood of Thessaly, and Marcian Colonna, 2 vol. 1820-23 4 vol. 1373 Cramer (J. A.) Geographical and Historical Description of Ancient Italy, map and plan, 2 vol. ba white vellum, gilt back and gilt leaves Oxford, 1826 1374 Crawfurd (Dav.) Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland, Edinb. se aeriee (Oliver) Critical Review of the Political Life of, portrait, 1742—Castlemaine (Earl of) Account of the War, portrait, 1672 : 3 vol. 80 Crauford (Earl of) Life, 1769—Colbert, Political Testament, 1695, &c. 6 vol. Crawfurd (Jo.) History of the Indian Archipelago, maps and engravings, 3 vol. Edinb. 1820 Crebillon (J. de) Giuvres Completes, portrait, 12 vol. calf gilt Maestricht, 1779 Crébillon (J. P.) CEuvres, portrait and plates, by Peyron, fine impressions, 2 vol. calf extra, m. l. Paris, 1799 Crepin. Histoire de Mons. Crepin, 86 curious comic sketches oblong 8vo. Paris, 1837 Crevier, Histoire des Empererus Romains depuis Auguste a Constantin, 12 vol. Paris, 1749 Critical Review, or Annals of Lanne from the commence- y ment in 1756 to 1817, 144 vol. . uniform and very neat, half russia 1756-1817 ? Croker (R.) Travels in Spain and Portugal 1799 Croly (Geo.) Personal History of George the Fourth, portrazt, 2 vol. 1841 Crombie (Alex.) Natural Theology, 2 vol. 1829 Cromwell (Oliver) The Perfect Politician, or Life and Actions of, portrait, 1680—Carrington, Life and Death of Oliver ie Protector, 1659—Burton, History of Oliver Cromwell, portrait, 1692 3 vol. Cromwell (Oliver) Life, portrait, 1748—Review of the Life of Oliver Cromwell, portrait, 1739 2 vol. Cromwell (Thos.) Oliver Cromwell and his Times, portrait . 1821 Crucifixorum Martyrum imagines, 70 fine plates, brilliant impresstons, old red morocco, gilt leaves Antwerp, 1608 Cruise (R. A.) Residence in New Zealand, coloured plate, 1823— Dongola and Sennar, Expedition to, 1822, &c. 6 vol. Culpeper (Nich.) Directory for Midwives, or a Guide for “ Women, portrait, calf neat 1693 Cumberland (Ric.) Anecdotes of Eminent Painters in Spain, ig 2 vol. calf gilt, 1782—Anecdotes of the Life of Julio : Bonasoni, half calf, 1793 3 vol. Cumberland (R.) Observer, 6 vol. calf gilt 1798 Cumberland (R.) Memoirs written by Himself, 2 vol. calf gilt, marbled leaves 1807 Cumberland (Bp.) Essay on Jewish Measures and Weights, 1699—Coins, Report for the Amendment of Silver, 1695 2 vol. Cunningham (A.) Paul Jones, Romance, 8 vol. Edinb. 1826— Cooper (J. F.) Lionel] Lincoln, 3 vol. 1825—The Clock- maker, 1838 7 vol. Curtis (Wm.) Botanical Magazine, or the Flower Garden Dis- played, 1941 finely coloured hie 44 vol. calf gilt, uniform 1787-1817 ‘ avd ae yg 53 ‘J Sg re oh eee akg | | | ne * he s Jf \ » S PILE af Eat aa 1397 1409 1410 1411 1414 1415 £6 1416 OLS 1417 81 Cuvier (Baron) Tae ANIMAL KINGDOM, ARRANGED IN CONFORMITY WITH ITS ORGANISATION, WITH ADDI- TIONAL DESCRIPTIONS, BY Epw. GRIFFITH, SMITH AND OTHERS, upwards of 800 finely coloured plates, 16 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf extra, gilt leaves royal 8vo. 1827-35 Cuvier (Baron G.) Essay on the Theory of the Earth, by Jameson, plates, white vellum, gilt leaves Edinb. 1827 Dakin (Dr. Wm.) Select Poetical Works, 2 vol. Dublin, 1769 Dale (Rob.) Catalogue of the Nobility of England, and Lords Spiritual, frontispiece 1697 Dallas (R. C.) History of the Maroons ae Sierra-Leone, maps and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt , 1805 Dallaway (Jas.) Anecdotes of the Arts in England, calf gilt 1800 Dalrymple (Sir Dav.) Account of the Martyrs at Smyrna and Lyons, Hdinb. 1776—Opinions of Sarah Duchess Dowager of Marlborough, 1788 2 vol. Dalrymple (Dav.) Account of the preservation of Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester LARGE PAPER 1766 Damberger (C. F.) Travels through the Interior of Africa, map rand coloured plates 1801 Dampier (W.) Voyage round the World, plates, 3 vol. (not uniform) 1697-1709—Funnell (W., Mate to Dampier) Voyage, plates, 1707 4 vol. Dangeau (Marquis de) Memoirs of the Court of France, 2 vol. 1825 Daniel (S.) Poetical Works, 2 vol. 1718—Denham (Sir J.) Poems, 1671, &c. 9 vol, Dante (Il) Novamente reuisto et stampato fine copy, red morocco, gilt leaves Lione, 1547 Dante, Divina Commedia, translated by H. Boyd, portrait, 3 vol. calf; marbled leaves 1802 Dante, Divina Commedia, da B. Lombardi, plates, 3 vol. vellum, gilé leaves Roma, 1820 Dante, Vita Nuova, e la Vita di Dante da Giov. Boccaccio Firenze, 1576 D’ Aranda (Em.) History of Algiers and its Slavery, plates, 1666—Dickenson, God’s Providence in Shipwreck, 1700, &e. 10 vol. D’Abrantes (la Duchesse) Memoires, ou Souvenirs Histo- riques sur Napoléon, la Revolution, &c. 18 vol. Paris, 1831 D’ Abrantes (la D.) Memoires sur la Restauration, 6 vol. 1835-7 D’Abrantes (la D.) Souvenirs d’une Ambassade et d’un Sejour en Espagne et Portugal, 1808 4 1811, 2 vol. Paris, 1837 D’Abrantes (la D.) Histoire des Salons de Paris, Tableaux et Portraits du Grand Monde, 6 vol. th. 1837 M 2\f 1419 CC 1420 I7\- 1421 24, | 1428 7 \é. | 1498 a ti 1424 ee 1425 a a 1426 S\O\+ | 1497 @\4/ | > | 1498 i“|~ | 1499 We . | 1480 4 | « | 1482 |. | 1483 F\f 14384 1485 1486 487 | 1488 1489 82 Dasault, Memoires Historiques et Authentiques sur la Bastille, 3 vol. 1789 D’ Aubigné (Theo.) Life, 17 72—Impeachment of the Earl of Danby 1711—Dying Speeches of State Prisoners, 1720, &e, 4 vol. Daulby (Dan.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of Rem- brandt and his Scholars, portrait, calf gilt 1796 Daulby. Another copy, marked with the prices they Gree at six celebrated sales, uncut 1796 D’Aussy (M. le Grand) Histoire de la Vie Privée des Frangais, - 8 vol. Paris, 1782 David Simple. Familiar Letters between the Principal Cha- racters in David Simple, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf gilt royal 8vo. 1747 _ Davies (Ed.) Celtic Researches 1804 Davie (J. C.) Letters from Paraguay, 1805—Doblado’s Letters from, Spain, 1822; and Recollections of the Peninsula, 1823 3 vol. Davies (D. P.) Historical and Descriptive View of Derbyshire, map and plates 1811 Davies (Myles) Athene Britannice ; or a Critical History of the Oxford and Cambridge Writers and Writings, 2 parts, 2 vol. scarce, calf neat 1716 Davila (E. C.) Storia delle Guerre Civili di Francia, 6 vol. in 8, fine copy, red morocco extra, gilt leaves 1801 Davies (J.) Historic Prologues from the Conquest 1831 Davis (J.) Ancient Rites and Monuments of the Cathedral Church of Durham, vussia 1672 Davis (J.) Travels in America, 1803.— Dussaty (Abbé) Travels in Italy, 1789 2 vol. Davis (J.) The Chinese, a General Description of the Empire of China, wood engravings, 2 vol. 1836 Davies (T.) Life of David Garrick, portrait, 2 vol. calf gilt : 1804 Davies (T.) Dramatic Miscellanies, portrait, 3 vol. 1785 Dawson (T.) Memoirs of St. George, and of the Order of the Garter, portrait and frontispiece, 1714—Dobson, © Memoirs of Ancient Chivalry, 1784 2 vol. De Bure (G. Fr.) Bibliographie Instructive, ou Traite de la Connoissance des Livres Rares et Singuliers, 7 vol. Paris, 1768 Decouvertes, Histoire des, en Russie et en Perse, map and plates, 6 vol. calf gilt Berne, 1779-87 De Foe (Dan.) Life and Adventures of Duncan Campbell, portrait and plates 1720 De Foe (D.) The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders, third edition, fine copy, calf 1722 1440 De Foe (D.) on the History and Reality of me: 1728 83 De Foe (D.) Life and Adventures of Duncan Campbell, portrait and plates, 1720—De Foe, Political History of the Devil, 1726 2 vol. De Foe (D.) Tour through Great Britain, 4 vol. 1769, &c. 7 vol. De Foe (D.) Life, Adventures and Piracies of Captain Sin- gleton, 1720—Life and Adventures of Devil Dick, 2 vol. 1755—D’ Alembert, Destruction of the Jesuits, 1766 4 vol. De Foe (D.) Novels, 12 vol. (wanting vol.9) Hdinb. 1810 Depons (F.) Travels in South America, map, 2 vol. calf gilt 1807 Depons (F.) Voyage a la Terre prs 3 vol. Paris, 1806— d’Haussez (Baron) Alpes et Danube, 2 vol. Bruwelles, - 1887, &e. 8 vol. Delandine (Ant. Fr.) Notices sur les Manuscrits de la Biblio- theque de Lyon, 3 vol. Paris, 1812 Delany, Historical Account of the Life and Reign of David King of Israel, 2 vol. 1745 Delaporte (Abbé) Voyageur Frangois, ou la Connoissance de VAncien et du Nouveau Monde, maps, 34 vol. Paris, 1772 Delaune (T.) Present State of one plates, scarce russia, gilt leaves 1681 Delaune. Another edition, plates, scarce, calf neat 1690 Deleuze (M.) Description of the Royal Museum of Natural History, plates, 2 vol. Paris, 1823—LEverest, Journey through Norway, map, 1829, &c. 7 vol. Delfino (Cardinal) Parnasso, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, old calf gilt Utrecht, 1730 Delille (J.) Giuvres, plates, 16 vol. FINE PAPER, calf extra, gilt leaves Paris, 1802-6 QUARTO. 5 Clarke (Sam.) Lives of the Fathers and Famous Divines, portraits, 1650—Letters of John Donne, 1651 2 vol. Clarke (W.) Connexion of the Roman, Saxon and English Coins, bright old calf gilt 1767 Claudiani Opera, emendata per Thad. Ugoletum Venet. 1495 Clavigero (F. S.) History of Mexico, by Cullen, Pe and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1787 Coates (Chas.) History and Sobsnities of Reading, map and plates, calf gilt 1802 Codices MSS. et Impressi, cum ‘notis Manuscriptis olim D’Orvilliani in Bibliotheca Bodleiana. russia extra, gilt leaves Oxonii, 1806 Ciassic1 AtcTorEs LATINI, TYPIs BASKERVILLE, viz. Horatii, Juvenalis et Persii, Lucretii, Sallustii et Flori, Terentii, et Virgilii Opera, 6 vol. fine copy, calf extra, by Kalthoeber Birm, 1757-73 a ; 84 G\2 Li 1462 Crassicr Aucrores Larint, 57 vol. aD Usum DeLparni, viz. ' aerate ate e ree Apuleii Opera, 2 vol. . Paris, 1688 Auli Gellii Noctes Attica ; ib. 1681 Aurelius Victor : ‘ wb. 1687 Ausonii Opera : ib. 1730 Boethius de Consolations : ib. 1686 Cesaris Commentarii : 7b. 1678 Catullus, Tibullus et Propertius : ab. 1685 Ciceronis Orationes, 3 vol. 1b. 1684 Ciceronis Omnes qui ad Artem Oratoriam, 2 vol. 7b. 1687 Ciceronis ad Pam, Epist. ‘ ib. 1685 Claudiani Opera . : ab. 1677 Cor. Nepotis Vite - tb. 1675 Dictys Cretensis et Dares Phrygius : ib. 1680 Eutropii Historia : 1b. 1683 Flori Epitome : o. RS ee Horatii Opera ° . ib. 1691 Justini Historia - ib. 1677 Juvenal et Persius ; : ib. 1684 Livii Historia, 6 vol. - ib. 1679 Lucretius de Rerum Natura . 7b. 1680 Manilii Astronomicon : ‘ ib. 1679 Martialis Epigrammata ° ; ib. 1680 Ovidii Opera, 4 vol. : Lugd. 1689 Panegyrici Veteres pee og ;: Paris, 1676 Pheedri Fabulee ‘ . tb. 1675 Plauti Comeediz, 2 vol. : 4 ib. 1679 Plinii Historia Naturalis, 5 vol. : ib. 1685 Pompeius Festus, &c. : : ib. 1681 Prudentii Opera : say tb. 1687 Quintus Curtius ae : ib. 1678 Sallustii Opera > : tb. 1674 Suetonii Opera : : vb. 1684 Taciti Opera, 4 vol. : tb. 1682 Terentii Comesdiz ‘ : tb. 1675 Valerius Maximus : ib. 1678 Velleius Paterculus : : tb. 1675 Virgilii Opera 26. 1682 very good copy, old calf gill, but not quite uniform Paris, 1674-1730 : | 1468 Colchester’s Tears, 1648—Particulars of the Fight at Col- chester, 1648—Bloudy Newes from Colchester, 1648— Two Sallies forth by the Lord Goring and Sir Chas. Lucas, 1648—Declaration of the Besieged Soldiers of Colchester, 1648—Relation of the Taking of Colchester, ¥648—Articles for the Surrender of Colchester, 1648— and 7 other Tracts relative to Colchester | illustrated with 10 portraits, maps, &c., the whole inlaid in I vol. russia extra, gult leaves 1648 8 4 a » He .? i a a oa ae er 85 oe # 1464 Collectanea Anglo-Minoritica, or Antiquities of the English | \4\/1 ; i Franciscans, or Gray Friers, plates, 2 parts russia extra, marbled leaves 1726 1465 Collenuccio (P.) Roseo et Costo Historia del Regno di Napoli, Venet. 1613—Angelo di Costanzo—Historia del Regno di Napoli, Napoli, 1710, &c. 8 vol. 1466 Collinet (Ant.) The French Warrs, Civil and Tragicall, His- torically collected black letter, fine copy 1609 1467 Collingwood (G.-L. N) Corréspondence and Memoirs of Lord Collingwood, portrait 1828 1468 Collins (Dav.) Account of the English Colony i in New South Wales, maps and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1798-1802 1469 Collinson (Jo.) History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset, map and plates, 3 vol. russia Bath, 1791 1470 Coloma (C.) Las Guerras de los Estados Baxos, 1588 hasta 1599 Amberes, 1625 1471 Cotumsus. EPIsToOLa Grtecoron: CoLom cui etas nos- tra multum debet; de Insulis Indie supra Gangem nuper inventis, Ad quas perquirendas Octavo Antea Mense aus- piciis et ere inuictissimorum Fernandi ac Helisabet Hispa- niarum Regum missus fuerat; ad Magnificum dominum Gabrielem Sanchis; eorundem Serenissimorum Regum Tesaurarium missa; quam generosus ac litteratus vir Leander de Cosco ab Hispano idiomate in Latinum con- vertit ; tertio Kalen. Maii 1493, three leaves EXCESSIVELY RARE, very fine copy, red morocco, gilt leaves Imp. Rome, Euch Argenteus, A. D. MCCCCXCIHI. *,* This celebrated Letter of Columbus is the first printed document relative to America; it appears to have been ori- ginally written in Spanish, and was in the same year t lated into Latin by Alcander de Cosco, and printed Rome by Eucharius Argenteus. Whether this, without date, also printed at Rome, is the seems difficult to decide, but this is much the rarer 1472 Conde. Memoires de Conde, servant d’ Eclaircissement et de preuves 4 l’Histoire de M. de Thou, plates, 6 vol. calf, marbled leaves Londres, 1743 1473 Conestaggio (J. de Franchi) dell’ Union del Regno di Porto- gallo, calf gilt Genova, 1585 1474 Confucius. Abrege Historique des Principaux Traites de la Vie de Confucius, celebre Philosophe Chinois, 24 fine plates by Helman, calf gilt Paris, 1782 ‘1475 Consett (Matth.) Tour through Sweden and Denmark, plates by Bewick, the eminent wood engraver calf gilt : Stockton, 1789 Tale reas Oe Pn SAL: fee = ee ae et eee ae ae ae 41479 1480 1481 | 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 , | 1491 1499 1493 86 Contareno (Gasper) Commonwealth of Venice, by L. Lewke- nor, calf gilt . 1599 — Conti (Bern. de) Historia di Spoleti, Spoleti, 1672—Borro, Il Carro di Cerere, plates, Lucca, 1699, &e. 3 vol. Cook (Capt. Jas.) Three Voyages round the World, in 1768-70, 1772-75, and 1776-80, maps, charts, and plates, 8 vol. and 2 vol. plates in folio calf gilt, not quite uniform : 1773-84 Cooper’s Chronicle, conteuynge the Histories as well of thys Realme as all other Countries black letter, old russia 1565 Cordiner (Chas.) Remarkable Ruins and Romantic Prospects of North Britain, with singular Subjects of Natural His- tory, numerous plates, russia marbled leaves 1795 Cordiner (Jas.) Description of Ceylon, map and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1807 Coronation. The Form and Order of the Service and Cere- monies at the Coronation of George III. 1761 Corpus Juris Civilis, et Justiniani Codicis libri XII, cum notis D. Gothofredi, 2 vol. Conte. 1626 Cortes (Martin) The Arte of Navigation Englyshed by R. Eden, wood cuts black letter, russia extra fo. Jugge, 1584 CoryaT (THo.) Crupitises, Hastily Gobbled up in Five Months Travells in France, Savoy, Italy, Rhetia, Ger- many, and the Netherlands, newly digested in the Aire of Odcombe, Somerset, &c. with all the 8 plates and a duplicate of the Portrait of Frederick IV, three of them mounted very scarce, russia, gilt leaves 1611 Cosmo the Third, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Travels through England, 1669, and his Life, portrait, and 39 plates 1821 Costanzo (Angelo di) Historia del Regno di Napoli Wap. 1710 Coste (H. de) Eloges et Vies des meas et des Dames IIlus- tres, 2 vol. Paris, 1647 Costumes -— Description de toutes. les Nations de |’Empire de Russie, ou l’on expose leurs Meeurs, Religions, Habillemens, &c. many coloured plates, 8 vol. russia St. Petersb. 1776-7 Costume, the, of the Russian Empire, 73 finely coloured plates ; ; and the Costume of Turkey, 60 coloured plates, 2 vol. in 1, half calf gilt imperial 4to. 1802-3 Costume of the Russian Empire, 73 coloured plates TUSSI imperial 4to. 1803 Costume of China, by G. H. Mason, 60 colowred plates; and the Punishments of China, 22 coloured plates, 2 vol. in 1, russia imperial 4to. 1800-1 Costume of Gling’ ie G. H. Mason, 60 fine coloured plates calf gilt imperial 4to. 1800 ole Boi 87 Costume of China, 48 finely coloured plates by Alexander russia imperial 4to, 1805 Costume of Turkey, 60 finely coloured plates calf gilt imperial 4to. 1802 Costume of the Hereditary States of the House of Austria, 50 finely coloured plates calf with russia back imperial 4to. 1804 Costumes of the British Army, of the Armies of France, Austria, Prussia, &c. 77 finely coloured plates (wants the title) ; and Martial Achievements of Great Britain and her Allies, 28 coloured plates, vol. 1; 2 vol. in 1 half calf gilt ’ imperial 4to. 1814 Costume of Sweden, illustrated ¢ in 22 coloured plates imperial 4to. 1823 Costume. Sixty si and ink drawings of Italian Costumes half calf n. de Cottle (Jos.) Alfred, an Epic Poem, russia, m. oh 1803 Cowper, Illustrated by a Series of Views in or near the Park of Weston-Underwood, Bucks, plates, fine impressions calf gilt | Coxe (W.) Account of Ridssian Discoveries, maps, calf gilt, 1780; Travels in Poland, Russia, Sweden and Denmark, maps ‘and plates, 3 vol. calf gilt, 1785-90 3 vol, Coxe (W.) Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert Walpole, and Horatio Lord Walpole, portraits, 4 vol. calf gilt 1798-1802 4 Coxe (W.) Historical Tour in Monmouthshire, many plates, 2 vol. 1801 » Coxe (W.) Another copy, map, and many plates calf gilt 180] Coxe (W.) History of the House of Austria, 2 vol. in 8 1807 Coxe (W.( Memoirs of John Duke of Marlborough, with his Correspondence, portraits, maps and plans, 3 vol. 1818 Coxe (W.) Correspondence of Charles Talbot, Earl of Shrews- bury, with King William and Statesmen, portrait 1821 Coxe (W.) Memoirs of the Administration of the Right Hon. Henry Pelham, portraits, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, uncut 1829 Crabb (Geo.) Universal Technological Dictionary, 60 plates, 2 vol. 1823 Crabb (Geo.) Universal Historical Dictionary, numerous portraits, 2 vol. 1825 Crabb (G.) English Synonimes 1826 Craven (Lady Eliz.) Journey through the Crimea to Constan- tinople, map and plates 1789 Craven (Lady) Letters to the Margrave of 2 ls half calf, gilt leaves . 1814 may (1515 1516 | 1517 | 1518 1519 | 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 = 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1580 *1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 88 Craven (Hon. R. Keppel) Tour through the Southern Provinces of Naples, plates, half calf, gilt leaves 1821 Creccecii (Jo.) Collectanea ex Historiis de Origine et Funda- tione Monasticorum Ordinum, engraved title Franc. 1614 Crispini (J.) Lexicon Graco-Latinum 1681 Croke (Sir Alex.) Genealogical History of the Croke Family, originally named Le Blount, plates and pedigrees, 2 vol. with additional sheets and cancels presentation copy Oxford, 1823 Crouch (E. A.) Illustrated Introduction to La Marck’s Con- chology, plates, coloured 1826 Crusca, Vocabulario degli Accademici della Crusca compen- diato, 2 vol. russia, gilt leaves Venet. 1705 Culloden Papers, comprising an extensive and interesting Correspondence from 1625 to 1748, from the originals in the possession of Duncan G. Forbes, portrait, and plate of autographs, calf extra, gilt leaves 1815 Cumberland (Ric.) Calvary ; or the Death of Christ, a Poem calf gilt 1792 Curtii (Corn.) Virorum Illustrium ex Ordine Eremitarum D. Agustini Elogia, many portraits, fine impressions calf neat Antwerp, 1636 Cuvier (Le Baron G.) Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles, about 200 plates, 5 vol. in 7 Paris, 1821-24 Cuvier et Brongniart, Description Geologique des Environs de Paris, map and plates . 1b. 1822 Daille (J.) Right Use of the Fathers 1675 Dale (S.) History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dovercourt, plates 1730 Dallaway (Jas.) Constantinople, Ancient and Modern, plates calf gilt 1797 Dalrymple (Alex.) Historical Collection of Voyages and Dis- _coveries to the South Pacific Ocean, meee and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1770 Dalrymple (D.) Annals of Scotland, from Malcolm III. to Robert I, 2 vol. Edinb. 1776 Dallaway (Jas.) Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of the Science of Heraldry in England, plates, the arms coloured russia Gloucester, 1793 Dalrymple (Jo.) Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland, and Appendix, 3 vol. in 4, calf gilt Edinb. 1771-8 Dalrymple (W.) Travels through Spain and Portugal, frontis- piece and map, calf gilt ‘ 1777 Dammii (C. T.) Novum Lexicon Grecum, portratt calf gilt Berolini, 1765 Danet (Abbé) Dictionnaire Francois et Latin, Paris, 1685— Daneti Antiquitatum Dictionarium Romanarum et Greca- rum, 7b. 1698 2 vol. 89 Daniel (Wm. B.) Rural Sports, many plates by J. Scott, fine impressions, original edition, 2 vol. half calf 1801 Daniel (W.) Picturesque Voyage round Great Britain, with upwards of 300 plates, beautifully colowred, 8 vol. in 4 calf extra, gilt leaves, : imperial 4to. 1814-25 D’ Anneville (M.) Inventaire de |’ Histoire de Normandie Rouen, 1645 D’Anville (M.) Notice de l’Ancienne Gaule, map calf gilt Paris, 1700 D’Anville (M.) Etats de f Europe, map, Paris, 1771 — Dupleix, Memoire contre la Compagnie des Indes, 2b. 1759 2 vol. Darell (W.) History of Dover Castle, plates calf gilt roval 4to. 1786 -D’Auteroche (C.) Voyage e en Siberie, plates, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER Paris, 1768 Davila (H. C.) Historia delle Guerre Civili di Francia Lione, 1641 Davila (H. C.) Historia delle Guerre Civili di Francia, con Memorie della Vita di G. Balduino, 2 vol. russia 1755 Davila (H. C.) Histoire des Guerres Civiles de France, par “Baudoin, 2 vol. Parts, 1757 * FOLIO. Common Prayer Book of the Church of England, and Whole Booke of Psalmes, by Sternhold and Hopkins black letter, title stained, otherwise a good copy, unbound Chr. Barker and Jo. Day, 1586-90 Common Prayer Book, ruled with red lines LARGE PAPER, fine copy, old red morocco, g.t. Basket, 1715 Common Prayer Book. Another copy ib. 1715 Common Prayer Book Oxford, 1770 Comines (Philippe) Memoires, Gdetl Wally hed Meies Paris, 1561 Comines (P. de) Las Memorias de Conescolios de Vitrian, 2 vol. in 1 Amberes, 1643 Comines (P. de) Memoires Augmenteés par D. Godefroy old red morocco, gilt leaves Paris, 1649 Comolli (J. B.) Projet d’une Fontaine Publique, portrait, 14 plates Parme, 1808 Concitia Macnz BRITANNIE ET HIBERNIZ, a Synodo Verolamiensi, A. D. 446 ad Londinensem, A. D. 1717, accedunt Constitutiones et alia ad Historiam Ecclesiz An- glicanee Spectantia, cura D. Wilkins, 4 vol. RARE, very good copy 1737 -ConcILIORUM Nova ET AeriCre CoLLecTIo AB InI- TiIs /ER& CHRISTIANE AD ANNUM 1664, curtis LABBEL er CossArTit, et Apparatus duo cura D. Jacobatil, 17 vol. in 18, old calf gilt Paris, 1671-72 N fa: / 1556 2 b 1557 Ee pia A|7\ > Ae e YA = 1558 1559 1560 —~«1561 1562 1563 1564 | 1565 | 1566 1567 90 ContnesBy (TuHos. EARL oF) COLLECTIONS CONCERNING THE Manor oF MARDEN, IN THE CouUNTY OF HEREFORD PRIVATELY PRINTED, LARGE PAPER, VERY RARE 1722-27 *.* This volume was written by Thomas, Earl of Coningsby, with a view to support his right to the Lands at Amberley, &c., and printed at his own expense 1722-7. Having never been published, copies are now of very considerable rarity. The volume kas no general title-page, it consists of 720 pages, and an Index of 14 leaves, both ending with Finis. In 1818 a title and 2 pages of introduction were printed, and are in this copy; it is further enriched with® “ An Abstract of Earl Coningsby’s Title to Royal Franchises within his Liberty of Leominster, in the County of Here- ford,” 8 pages printed; also in MS. an Inscription taken from the Tomb of Humphrey Coningsby, Esq. at Neen- Sellers, in. the-County of Salop. It is from the col- lection of James Bindley, Esq., and is internally in very fine state. ‘The Towneley Copy sold for £48. 6s. Constantini (R.) Lexicon, Greeco-Latinum BEST EDITION Geneve, 1592 Constantine, A Treatise of the Danses or Gyfte and Endow- ment of Possesyons granted by the Emperor Constantyne to Pope Sylvester, &c.—A Declaration of L. Valle agaynst the foresayd Privilege, &c. black letter, RARE, russia, Wm. Herbert's Copy, with auto- graph on the title Tho. Godfrey, n. d. Cooperi (T.) Thesaurus Lingua Romane et Britannice 1584 Corn de Versailles, ou recueil d’Ornamens, d’Orfevrerie, ete. par L. Roupert, Gilles, Ducerceau, etc. nwmerous plates old calf gilt Paris, n.d. Cortes (Martin) Breve Compendio de la Sphera, y l’Arte de Navegar, wood engravings gothic leiter, fine copy, calf Sevilla, 1586 | Cortes (Fernando) Carta de Relacion por el Capitan General de la Nueva Espagna, the last leaf MS. half bound russia n.d. Costume, Suite d’Estampes pour servir a |’ Histoire des Moours et du Costume des Frangois dans le XVIII. Siecle Année 1775-6, 24 fine plates, russia Paris, 1776-7 Costume, Collection d’Habillements, Moderns et Galants, 26 finely coloured plates Paris, n.d. Cotgrave (R.) French and English Dictionary 1650 Cotton, Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Bibliothece Cot- toniane, cura T. Smith, portrait Oxonii, 1696 Cottonian Library, Report from the Committee appointed to ) View the, calf gilt 1732 1568 Cottonian Library, Catalogue of the M nuscripts in the Cot- tonian Library in the British Museum, russia extra 1802 91 1569 Cowel (J.) Law Dictionary, and Words used in Tenures and . Jocular Customs . 1727 4 fg 1570 Cowley (Abr.) Works, portrait 1688 yy; 1571 Cowper (W.) Anatomy of Human Bodies, ith figures drawn ray after the life, 114 plates atlas folio. Oxford, 1698 Cd 4 | 1572 Cradock (S.) Apostolical History 1672 et 1573 Cragii (T.) Jus Feudale, Edinb. 1655—Right of Succession . | | to the Kingdom of England, 1703 2 vol. 7 — 1574 Crawfurd (G.) Peerage of Scotland Edinb. 1716 | 1575 Cressy (S.) Church History of Brittany, from the beginning F of Christianity to the Norman Conquest, good copy 1668 72. ¢ 1576 Croix de Maine. La Bibliotheque du Sieur de la Croix du Maine Paris, 1584 4 £ 1577 Cromwell (Oliver) Letters and State Papers addressed to, 1586 1587 1588 from the Collections of John Milton, edited by Nickolls, calf gilt 1743 -Cromwelliana, a Chronological Detail from 1642 to 1658, portrait and plates LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1810 Cross (Nic.) The Cynosura, or a Saving Star that leads to Eternity, ina Paraphrase upon the Miserere, scarce old red morocco, gilt. leaves 1670 Crozat GALLERY. Recueil d’Estampes d’apres les plus Beaux Tableaux et d’apres les plus Beaux Dessines qui sont en France, (dite le Cabinet de Crozat), 179 very fine plates, 2 vol. Paris, 1729-42 Crozat, GALERIE DE. Recueil d’ Estampes d’apres les plus Beaux Tableaux et d’apres les plus Beaux Dessines qui sont en France, upwards of 170 very fine plates, 2 vol. old French calf gilt ib. 1763 Crusca, Vocabulario degli Accademici della Crusca Venet. 1680 Curita (Geronymo) Annales de la Corona de Aragon, y Indice, 7 vol. in 6 Caragoca, 1610 Curtis (W.) Flora Lendinensis, or Plates and Descriptions of such Plants as Grow Wild in the Environs of London, several hundred finely coloured plates, 2 vol. half russia, uncut 1777 Dandilly (A.) Histoire de l’ Ancien Testament, portrait by Edelinck Paris, 1675 Daniel (Sam.) Works 1602 Daniel (S.) Collection of the History of England, with con- tinuation by Trussel 1685 Daniet (Tuo.) ORIENTAL ScEneRY ; viz. Views, Land- scapes, Ruins, &c. 72 finely coloured plates, 3 vol. half bound atlas folio. 1795-1801 1589 Daniel (Tho.) Antiquities of India, 12 finely colored plates half bound atlas folio. 1799 1590 Daniel (Tho.) Hindoo Excavation in the Mountains of Elora, 24 finely coloured views, half bound atlas folio. 1803 92 < /4e. 591 Dante, ta Divina ComeEpta, col Commento di B. da Imola e colla Vita, di questo Poeta seritta da Giov. Boccacio, with the capitals rubricated GOTHIC LETTER, RARE, fine perfect copy, in old russia extra Venet. Vendelin de Spira, 1477 eZ he 1592 Dante, tA Divina ComeEpia col Commento di M. P. Nidobeati, et di G. Terzago, capitals rubricated RARE EDITION, large, tall copy in old russia — | Mediolani, LE. et A. Pedemontant, 1478 ID fo 15938 Dante, La Divina ComeEpt4, col Commento di Christophero . ¥ Landino, with the 19 plates by J. Botticelli VERY RARE, fine tall and large copy, but has a few leaves inlaid, in purple morocco, joints, and gilt leaves Fiorentino, per N. Lorenzo della Magna, 148} * .* In this copy will be found the nineteen plates of Sandro Botticelli complete, with a duplicate of plate 17. The very great rarity of these plates is well known; the Brienne- Laire copy with the plates and sixteen drawings in pen and ink, sold for 1030 fr. <& « 1594 Dante della Volgare Eloquenza tradotto in Italiano da G. Trissino, & La Poetica Epistola et Dialogo del G. Trissino, - printed in Scrip type, calf gilt ~ Vieenza, 1529 JF 9 + ~31595 Dante, La Divina ComMeEpIA DA L. Musst, 8 vol. LARGEST PAPER, only two copies printed this size, pale . russia extra, joints, and g. 1. imperial fol. Milano, 1809 2. 4 ~- 13596 Dart (John) The History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of St. Peter’s, Westminster, many fine plates of monu- ments, &c. 2 vol. calf neat : 17— “@ * 1597 Dart (J.) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of | Canterbury, numerous plates, fine copy, old calf 1726 7 7 . 1598 D’Aubigne, Histoire Universelle, 3 vol. . first edition, russia : Maille, 1616 7S 1599 Davenant (Sir Wm.) Works, portrait by Faithorne 1673 {+600 Davies (J.) History of the Caribby Islands, plates 1666 ~ _ 1601 Davila (H. O.) Historia della Guerre Civili di Francia, 2 vol. pe Ly, stained ) LARGE PAPER : Parigi, !644 c7 + 1602 Davila (H. C.) History of the Civil Wars of France 1678 KI 1603 Da Vinci (Lion.) Trattato della Pittura, con la Vita R. Da Fresne, plates . Parigt, 165% 93 + | 1604 De Bry (T. J.T. er Israzct) er M. Merian, Cottec- TIONES PEREGRINATIONUM IN INDIAM ORIENTALEM ET InDIAM OccIDENTALEM, XXV. PARTIBUS COMPREHEN- SH, numerous maps and curious plates, by the De Brys and M. Merian, fine impressions, 25 parts in 8 vol. VERY RARE, fine copy, old red morocco, gilt leaves Francof. 1590-1634 (Grands Voyages) (Petits Voyages) Pars I. Francof. 1590 Pars I. Francof: 1598 Sota 14 tb, 1592 II. tb. 1599 Ill, & IV. tb. 1592 HI. & IV. ib. 1601 ey: ib. 1595 V. tb. 1601 VI. tb. 1596 VI. ib. 1604 VII. tb. 1625 VIL. ib. 1606 VIII. tb. 1625 ~—*VIII. tb. 1607 IX. cum Addit. 2b. 1602 IX. cum Supp. 2b. 1612-13 X. Oppenh. 1619 X. ib. 1613 XI. cum App. 7. 1619 XI. Oppenh. 1619 XII. Francof. 1624 XII. Francof. 1628 XIII. ib. 1634 , SEVERAL OF THE PARTS ARE THE FIRST EDITIONS. *,* This important Collection should not be regarded merely as a book of curiosity, on account of the number of its engravings, and its extreme rarity. These Histories of Voyages and Travels made several centuries back, in coun- tries a large part of which are even now imperfectly known, contain, in the midst of a multitude of fabulous details, very interesting particulars and valuable information, of ' which they are the primitive, and in some instances the only source. De Brys’ Collection is especially useful in the _ present day, for the purpose of instituting comparison between his narratives and those of modern travellers to the same countries; and many of his statements formerly reputed fabulous or exaggerated, have been confirmed by more recent accounts.— Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, vol. 1, p- 184. 1605 De Bry, CoLLEcTIONES PEREGRINATIONUM IN INDIAM OccIDENTALEM, numerous maps and plates by De Bry and Merian, fine impressions, the first 9 parts in 8 vol. FIRST EDITIONS, RARE, old russia Francof. 1590-1602 YIAAS 94 1606 De Bry, A BRIEFE AND TRUE REpoRT OF THE NEw Founpe LANDE oF VIRGINIA, discovered by Sir Ric. Greinville, Knt. in 1585, translated into English by Thos. Hariot at the Charge of Sir W. Raleigh, with the true Picture and Fashions of the People of Virginia, translated by Ric. Hackluit ; 23 plates by De Bry, and some Pictures of the Pictes which in the olde tyme did habite one part of the Great Bretainne, 5 plates by De Bry fine copy, green morocco extra, lined with the same, and gilt leaves : Francof. 1590 *.* THIS COPY IS QUITE COMPLETE, AND ONE OF THE RAREST Books IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Harley Earl of Oxford, after a fruitless search of many years, found one at Francfort, for which he paid a hundred pounds; it is now in the British Museum OnLy FOUR PERFECT COPIES, INCLUDING THE PRESENT, ARE KNOWN. 1607 Decandole (A. P.) Plantarum Historia Succulentarum, 120 finely coloured plates Paris, 1799 1608 Decretales, Gratiani Decretum, Gregorii Pape IX, Decretales et Liber Sextus Decretalium D. Boniface Pape VIII, &c. 3 vol. Lugd. 1684 1609 De Coste (M.) Desseins d’ Architecture, 122 plates, (no title page), calf gilt | Paris, n. d. 1610 Dee (Dr. J.) True and Faithful Relation*of what passed between him and some Spirits, by Dr. Meric. Casaubon 1659 1611 Deer Stalking, Ten Sketches in Lithograph, india proofs be- — fore the letters oblong folio PRESENTATION Copy from Sir R. Frankland Russell - 1612 Delamare, Traite de la Police ou l’on trouvera I’Histoire de son Etablissement, les Fonctions, &c. 3 vol. Paris, 1705 SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 1613 Della Vallé (Pietro) Voyages dans la Turquie, la Perse, les Indes Orientales, &c. 8 vol. Rouen, 1745 1614 Dellon, Voyage des Indes Orientales, 2 vol. en 1, Paris, 1685 —Flechier Oraisons Funebres, 2 vol.—les Nosiieey de le - Duc de Guise, 2 vol. en 1, Cologne, 1688, &c. &e. 18 vol. 1615 De Luc (J. A.) Lettres sur I’Histoire de la Terre et de Homme, 5 vol. ma La Haye, 1779 Sy , ¢ 1621 f 1622 7 | -| 1623 Ff 1624 levi. | 1s25 Lb ~ 1626 N) 2 95 Demosthenis Orationes, Grece, 3 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves Aldus, 1554 Demosthenis Orationes, Gr. et. Lat, edidit Taylor, 2 vol. Cantab. 1769 Demosthenes, Orations, translated by Leland, 2 vol. calf gilt 1802 Demosthenes, Oration upon the Crown, Greek and English, by Lord Brougham 1840 Denina (C.) Rivoluzioni della Sete 6 vol. THICK PAPER, calf gilt Firenze, 1804 Denon (M.) Travels in Sicily and Malta 1789 Dennis (John) Select Works, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER 1718 De Piles (M.) Art of Painting and Livée of Painters 1744 De Piles (M.) Art of Painting, and the Lives of the Painters, 1706—History of Painting, &c. by P. Monier, 1699 2 vol. Derham (W.) Astro and Physico Theology, 1737-41—Doo- little (S.) Hope at Death, portrart, 1693, &c. 6 vol. De Rossi (G.) della Lingua di Cristo—e della Vana Aspetta- zione degli Ebrei del loro Re Messia, 2 vol. calf gilt royal 8vo. Parma, 1772-3 De Rossi (J. B.) de Hibraics Typographize Origine ac Pri- mitiis, calf gilt : é Erlang, 1778 De Rossi (G. B.) Dizionario Storico degli Autori Ebrei e delle loro Opere, e Bibliotheca Judaica Antichristiana 3 vol. calf gilt ‘ royal 8vo. Parme, 1800-1802 Description of England and Wales, containing a particular Account of each County, plates, 10 vol. ¢ russia extra 1769-70 Desodoards (A. F.) Histoire D’ Italie, portrait, 9 vol. calf gilt Paris 1803 Desormeaux, Histoire de Prince de @ondes 4 vol. Paris, 1768 —Fontaine, Fables Choisies, 5 vol. 7b. 1709, &c. 16 vol. Despreaux (M. Cousin) Histoire Generale et Particuliere de Ja Gréce, 16 vol. calf, marbled leaves 1801 De Stael (Baronne de) Considerations sur les Principaux “Evenemens de la Revolution Francoise, 3 vol. 1818, &c. 19 vol. D’ Este (Sir Augustus) Papers elucidating his Claims PRIVATELY PRINTED, with autograph letter to the Duke of Buckingham : 1831 » D’Estrades (Comte) Lewes Memoires et Negociations, 9 vol. 17438 Dibdin (T. F.) Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of Greek and Latin Classics, 2 vol. calf gilt 1808 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliomania ; or Book Madness, a Bibliogra- phical Romance, plates and wood engravings, 2 vol. ee calf gilt . ‘ gS ee ee X pe ae bo tg eae ets ole: 96 1638 Dispin (T. F.) BretroGRAPHICAL DscaMERON; or Ten Days’ Pleasant Discourse upon I|luminated Manuscripts, Early Engravings, Typography, and Bibliography, nume- rous portraits, plates, vignettes, and wood engravings, Jirst and very fine impressions, . LARGE PAPER, russia extra, gilt leaves imp. 8vo. 1817 1639 Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Picturesque | - Tour in France and Germany, numerous fine plates and portraits, 8 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves royal 8vo. 1821 1640 Dibdin (T. F.) Library Companion ; or Guide in Choice of a Library, russia extra, gilt leaves : 1824 1641 Dicey (T.) Historical Account of eer 1751—Falle (P.). Account of Jersey, 1694 2 vol. 1642 Distens, Memoires d’ un Voyageur qui se repose, 3 vol. calf gilt 1806 1643 Dickens (W.) Sketches by Boz, engravings by y Cruikshank, No. 1 to 15, 1837—Nicholas Nickleby, No. 1 to 10, &., together 33 numbers 1837, &c. 1644 Dickens (Chas.) The Pickwick Papers, 43 plates by Seymour and Phiz, half calf 1838 1645 Dictionnaire Historique, ou Histoire Abregee de tous les Hommes qui se sont fait un nom par des talens ete. avec _ Supplement par Chaudon et Delandine, 13 vol. calf gilt . Caen, 1789-1805 1646 Dictionnaire Biographique et Historique des Hommes Mar- quans, a la fin du dix-huitieme Siecle, 3 vol. , calf gilt 1800 1647 Dictionnaire (Nouv ean) d'Histoire Naturelle appliquée aux Arts, numerous plates, 36 vol. half calf Paris, 1816 1648 Dictionnaire de la Conversation et de la Lecture, 52 vol. com- plete in 104 parts : Paris, 1832-9 1649 Dictionnaire d’ Anecdotes, 2 vol. Paris, 1774, &e. 7 vol. 1650 Dictionary of Polite Literature, plates, 2 vol. 1804, &c. 6 vol. 1651 Dictionary (Explanatory) of the Apparatus and Instruments employed in Chemistry, 17 plates, and the Chemical Cate- chism by Parkes, 2 vol. 1818-24 1652 Dictionary of Quotations from the Betish Poets: 8 vol. 1824 1653 Dion Cassius, History, translated by Manning, 2 vol. old blue morocco, gilt leaves ‘J Li 1654 Dionis Chrysotomi Orationes LXXX. Grete good copy, vellum, gilt leaves Aldus, n. d. 1655 DIsracli (Jo.) Second Series of Curiosities of Literature, 3 vol. 1823 1656 D’'Israeli (B.) Sybil, or the Two Nations, 8 vol. 1845, &c. 6 vol. 1657 Dobbs (Arth.) and Middleton, Pamphlets on a Controversy concerning a Voyage for discovering a North West Pas- sage to the Western American Ocean, in 2 vol. calf gilt ; ; 1743-5 OF 1658 Dobel (P.) Sept Annees en Chine 1838, Dangeau. Memoires du Marquis de Dangeau, par Genlis, 1684-1710, 4 vol. Paris, 1817, &ce. 6 vol. J / 1659 Dobell (P.) Travels in Kamschatcha and Siberia, coloured 4 plates, 2 vol. : 1830 4 1660 Betion (S.) Life of Petrarch, 2 vol. 1775 1661 Doddington (Geo. Bubb) Diary, edited by Wyndham 1784 | 1662 Doddridge (Sir Jo.) Honor’s Pedigree, or the several Foun- | taines of Gentry, calf gilt 1652 | 1663 Dodsley (J.) Annual Register, from the commencement 1758 | to 1809, half bound, wncut, and for 1823 to 25, and 1830 to 32, 6 vol. and Index, boards, together 66 vol. 1758-1832 fé , 667 Dolman (R.) Conference about the next ‘Successor to the Crown of England, with the genealogical chart; and 7/ ~——‘1664 Dodsley (J.) Select Collection of Old Plays, 12 vol. (wants | pl vol, 12) 1780 Via 4 | 1665 Dodsley (J.) Collection of Poema, 6 vol. calf gilt 1782 . | o . 1666 Dodsley (R.) Works, Trifles, and Miscellanies, portrait, 2 vol. 7 | bright old calf gilt : 1745 be 4 Haywarde (Sir Jo.) Right of Succession asserted against” oe R. Dolman, alias Parsons, 2 vol. russia 1681-83 Lb 2 1667*Don Esteban, or Memoirs of a Spaniard, 3 vol. 1825, &c. 9 vol. ) 1668 Doni, I Cicalamenti de la Zucca ree mek ye ae Chiesa D’ Aquilea, Venet. 1548—Facetie, Motti, et Brule di Di- versi Signori, 7b. 1564, &c. 10 vol. 1569 Donne (Dr. John) Poems, with Elegies on his Death, portrait, 1650— Jo. Cleveland, Poems, with additions never before coloured plates, 10 vol. in 5, russia extra, gilt leaves 1802 1672 Donovan (E.) Instructions for Collecting and Preserving Sub- jects of Natural History, plates, 1794—Da Costa, Elements " | printed, 1653—Bp. Ric. Corbet, Certain Elegant Poems, first edition, fine copy, 1647, 5 vol. in 1 1647-53 oF | 1670 Natural History of British Birds, 124 finely coloured plates, vol. 1 to 5, in 3 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves 1799 78 + 1671 Donovan (E.) Natural History of British Insects, 360 finely | of Conchology, plates, 1776, &e. 6 vol. 1673 Douce (F.) Illustrations of Shakspeare, pinies and wood | engravings, 2 vol. calf gilt 1807 1674 Drake (J.) Historia Anglo-Scotica, a History ‘of what hap- pened between England and Scotland from William. the Conqueror 1703 1675 Drake (J.) Picture of a Favourite, or Secret Memoirs of . R. Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 1708—Memoirs of Viscount Dundee, the Highland Clans, and the Massacre of Glenco, portrait, scarce, 1714 2 vol. 1676 Drake (N.) Literary Hours, Sudbury, "1800—Davies (W.) Plays, 1786—Dennis, Remarks on Prince Arthur, 1696, &c. . 7 vol. O 98 2 y2. 1677 Drama:—Chefs-d’Giuvre Dramatiques de d’Autreau, 2—Bel- lay, 3— Boissy, 2—Boursault, 2—Brueys et Palaprat, 3 —Campistron, 2—P. et. T. Corneille, 9, wants vol. 3— Colle, 2—Crebillon, 2—Destouches, 4-—Dhele, 2— Doutes sur Dieffrentes Opinions, 2—Essais sur la Dramatique, 3 —Gresset, 2—Joly, 2—Moliere, 1O— Noue, 2—Piron, 3— Pieces de Theatre, 7—Quinault, 5—Le Sage, 2 —Saurin, 3 —Scarron and Vade 3, &c. &c., portraits, together 94 vol. Jine paper, calf gilt, uniform Paris, 1791 / 2 ~ 1678 Drama, British, a Collection of Operas produced at the Opera wake or King’s Theatre, in the Haymarket, between 1713 and 1768, Italian and English, 40 vol. | uniformly half bound calf, and two in boards 1713, &e. ; AZ.) “1679 Drama. Webster’s Acting National Drama, No. 1 to 49 (except No. 2 and 44)—Cumberland’s British Theatre, 74 numbers, various, &c. a parcel | oF /| 1680 Dramatic Censor, 2 vol. 1770—Edwards (T.) Canons of : Criticism, 1765, &c. 6 vol. / “f) - 168] Drayton (Michael) Works and Life, by Dryden, Frontispiece, 4 vol. 1753 g . | 1682 Drelincourt (C.) Defence against the Fears of Death, by | D’ Assigny, old red morocco, gilt leaves 1721 bo - _ 1683 Drummond (W. of Hauthornden) History of Scotland, or ee Lives of James I. to VI, portraits a ae / /o., | 1684 Drummond (W. of H.) Poems, portrait, . Ree: red morocco, gilt leaves 1790 e& ~ 1685 Drury (Rob.) Journal in Madagascar, during fifteen years ) captivity, map and plates 1729 Pe Fj a-| 1686 Dryden (John) Miscellany, Poems and Trasalaba plates, 6 vol. in 3, old red morocco, extra g. I. Tonson, 1716 2 o | =» $1687 Dryden (J.) Dramatic Works, portrait, 6 vol., beautiful set, ruled with red lines, fine old red morocco, tooled backs . and sides, gilt leaves : 1717 “/ 7 «| 1688 Dryden (J.) Dramatic Works, partratt, 6 vol. 1725 / f7~ 689 Dryden (J.) Critical and Miscellaneous Prose Works, with ee Notes and Life, by Malone, 4 vol. calf gilt 1800 /\ - _ _ 1690 Dryden (J.) Works, with Notes and Life, by Sir W. Scott, Bae eee. portrait, 18 vol. ee ay LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1808 “2 + | 1691 Duchesne, Notice des Estampes Exposees! a la Bibliotheque du . ae Roi, Paris, 1823—Evans, Catalogue of Portraits, Archxo- ae logical Papers, &c. a parcel / yA « | 1692 Duchesne Aine, Essai sur les Nielles, Gravures des Orfévres : Florentins du XV° Siecle, portrait and many fine plates, " LARGE PAPER, presentation copy, with an autograph letter ‘ of the author, half olive morocco, uncut 2 royal 8vo. Paris, 1826 “id 99 Duclos, Histoire de Louis XI, portrait, 3 vol. 1745—Lettres du Roy Louis XII, et du Cardinal d’Amboise, portraits, 4 vol. 1712, &e. 12 vol. Duez (N.) Dictionnaire Francois Allemand Latin, 2 vol. Geneve, 1683, and seven Dictionaries 9 vol. Duff (Grant) History of the Mahrattas, map and plates, 3 vol. 1826 } Dugdale (Sir Wm.) Antient a in Batring Arms, calf Oxford, 1682 Du Halde (P.) History of China, maps and plates, 4 vol. 1739 . Dumas (Alex.) Impressions de Voyage, 5 vol. Paris, 1835-7 Dumas (M.) Precis des Evenemens Militaires (Campagne de 1800) 2 vol. and 4to. Atlas : Paris, 1816 Dumont (J.) Memoires de la Paix de Ryswick, 4 vol. and vol. 5, pt. 2, 1699, &e. 22 vol. Dumont (J.) Recueil de Traites, 4 vol. eae 1710, &c. 16 vol. 2 Dumont pv URVILLE, VOYAGE DE LA CoRVETTE, l’ Astrolabe execute par ordre du Roi pendant les années, 1826-29, 12 vol. royal 8vo., 1 vol. 4to. and atlas of plates, 6 vol. imperial folio, including 580 plates, the Natural History finely coloured, together 19 vol. FINE PAPER, half russia Paris, 1830-34 Dumont, Voyage to the Levant, wii. 1702—Lord Delamere, Works, guilt leaves, 1694, &c. ° 5 vol. Duncan (J. M.) Travels in America, 2 vol. Glasgow, 1823 Du Noyer (Madame) Lettres Historiques et Galantes, 12 vol. Paris, 1790 Dunton (John) Remains, or the Dying Pastor's Remains, portrait and plate 1684 Dupuis (M.) Origine de tous les Cultes, ou Religion Uni- verselle, 7 vol. in 12, and 4fo. atlas of plates Paris, 1795 Dupin (Baron) Commercial Power of Great Britain, 2 vol. with 4to. plates 1825 Du Quesne, Voyage aux Indes Orientales, 3 vol. ftowen, 1721, &e. 8 vol. Durfey (Tho.) Wit and Mirth, or Pills to Purge Melancholy, with music, portrait, 6 vol. very scarce, good copy 1719-20 - Dyde (W.) History and Antiquities of Tewkesbury, plates, russia, 1790—Dyson (R.) History and Antiquities of Tottenham, plates, 1792 2 vol. East (Sir Ed. Hyde) Certainty of the Origin of Evil in the World, - presentation copy, with MS. letter to the author 1842 Eastcott (R.) Sketches concerning Music and Account of Ancient Bards and Minstrels Bath, 17938 Ebel (J. G.) Manuel du Voyageur en Suisse, map and plates, 4 vol. white vellum, gilt leaves Zurich, 1810 1726 1727 | 1728 1729 1730 1731 (1782 100 Echard (L.) Roman History, 5 vol. calf | 1713 Echard (L.) Histoire Romaine depuis la. Fondation de Rome, 16 vol. old calf gilt “ Paris, 1729-42 Edgeworth (Maria) Patronage, 4 vol. 1814— Edgeworth, Seay 2 vol. 1806, &c. 10 vol. Edgeworth (M.) Helen, a Tale, 3 vol. "1834— Edgeworth, “Harrington aud Ormond, 3 vol. 1817 6 vol. Edinburgh Review, the, from the commencement, 1802, to No. 118, 1834, with both the Indexes (wanting Nos. 96 and 97) 381 vol. calf gilt, and 58 numbers 1802, &e. Edmondson (Jos.) Historical and Genealogical Account of the Noble Family of Greville, plates and genealogical tables PRIVATELY PRINTED, russia extra royal 8vo. 1766 Edward II.; The Deplorable Life and Death of Edward the Second, and the Downfall of Gavestone and Spencer, storied in a Poem, portrait, blue morocco, g. l. 1628 Edward VI, Arguments against the Pope’s Supremacy, portrait, 1682, &e. 8 vol. Edwards (B.) History, Cia and Commercials of the British Colonies in the West Indies, portrait, maps and plates, 3 vol. 1801 Egan (Pierce) Life of an " Actor, many colon ced plates royal 8vo. 1825 Egypte, Tableau de Egypte, 2 vol. Paris, 1803—Corres- pondence Relatif de l’Armée en Egypte, 2 vol. 1801, &c. 6 vol. QUARTO. Daviler (A. C.) Cours d’Architecture, many plates, 2 vol. - Paris, 1720 Dayes (Ed.) Works, containing an Excursion in Derbyshire and Yorkshire, Essay on Painting, &c. plates . LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1805 Deering (Chas.) Historical Account of the Town of Notting- ham, map and plates : Nottingham, 1751 De Dieu (Lud.) Grammatica Linguarum Orientalinm L. B. 1628 De Foe (Dan.) History of the Union between England and Scotland, with his Life, portrait, calf gilt 1786 De Grey (Thos.) Complete Horseman and Expert Farrier, equestrian portrait of James Marquess of Hamilton 1670 | Dekker (Tho.) The Magnificent Entertainment given to K. James, Q. Anne, and Henry Frederick the Prince, in their Triumphant Passage through the Citie of London, March 1608, with the Speeches and Songes delivered i in the Pageant, RARE, fine copy : 1604 eee : | tig . Js 7, 1783 De la Beche (H. T.) and W. D. Conybeare, Discovery of a \— New Fossil Animal, between the Ichthyosaurus and Croco- | dile, 49 plates, russia extra, gilt Mervars spire cet p>. 1784 De la Beche (H. T.) Sections and Views illustrative of Geo- var | logical Phenomena, 40 plates, some coloured 1830 | ce 1735 neal (G. O.) Views of Magna Charta Island, 7 plates, ; Cc & 4 1786 De Moivre (A.) Doctrine of Chances : i7i8 2 _,. ._| 1787 Demosthenes, Gr. et Lat. edidit J. Taylor, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, RARE, blue morocco extra, with joints and gut leaves Cantab. 1747 1738 Denina (Carlo) Delle HivaNinions d’ Tals, 3 vol. Torino, 1769 1789 De Pfau (T. P.) Histoire de la Campagne des Prussiens en | Hollande, in 1787, plates, calf gilt Berlin, 1790 a 1740 Denham and Clapperton, Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, 1822-24, numerous plates, | calf, gilt leaves 1826 | 1741 Deering (Sir Edw.) Collection of Speeches in the Matter of Religion, fine portrait by G. Glover, scarce, . =e | fine copy, calf gilt : 1642 7 ~ | 1742 De Rossi (J. B.) Annales Hebreo-Typographici, Sec. XV. 7538 | calf, marbled leaves Parme, 1795 Uf |» es De Rossi (J. B.) Schelia Critica in V. T. Libros, |. calf extra, marbled leaves Parma, 1798 y, 1744 Descartes (Renati) Principia Philosophie, Amsf. 1677 — Geometria, 7b. 1659-—Epistole pars 1, 7b. 1714—Discours sur la Verité dans les Sciences, Lewis 1637—L’ Homme Paris, 1677, &c. 6 vol. diel 1745 Descartes (R.) Epistola, 3 vol. Amst: 1668-1714—Medita- tiones, 7b. 1655—Principia Philosophie, 1b. 1685—De Homine, 1762 6 vol. . b,| 1746 Desmarais (Reg.) Histoire des Demeslez de la Cour de France | avec la Cour de Rome, 1707—U. Folietz Clarorum Ligu- rum Elogia, 1588, &c. 5 vol. Pod 4 | 1747 Desormeaux (M.) Histoire de la Maison de Bourbon, fine ps portraits, 5 vol. calf gilt : Paris, 1788 1748 D’Espagnac, Histoire de Maurice Comte de Saxe, portrait, and numerous maps and plans of battles, 3 vol. Paris, 1775 a 1749 Destouches (N.) GZuvres Dramatiques, 4 vol. Paris, 1757 1750 Diaz (Bernal) History of the Conquest of Mexico, translated by Keatinge, plan, calf gilt, marbled leaves 1800 1751 Dickinsoni (E.) Physicus Vetus et Vera, plates 1702 1752 Dickinson (Rob.) Universal Mercantile Tables, interleaved green morocco, gilt leaves Dublin, 1783 * | 1758 Dictionary of Chemistry, 2 vol. calf gilt 1771 1754 Dillon (J. T.) Travels through Spain, pene and plates, calf gilt A ASG) « \ 1265 oF |- | 1766 is; Gdn totes Bs 2 “1 * 11768 “#4 ) > | 1769 bo) > | 1970 eg gies eV a \f |\¢ | 1772 Mee Boe 193 |Z, = 11774 Vadis : 1775 : - a a ? , 7 ‘ 102 Dillon (Sir J. J.) Epitome of the Claim of the Dillon Family of Proudston to the Great Chamberlainship of England, PRIVATELY PRINTED, bedi" 2 copy to the Duke of Buckingham : 1829 Diogenes Laertius de Vitis et Dogmatibus clarorum Philoso- phorum, Gr. et Lat. cura Meibomii, 2 vol. Amst. 1692 Dionysii Orbis Ambitus, Gr. et Lat. R. Fanni interprete, russia Paris, 1556 Dionysii Alexandrini et Pomponii Mele Situs Orbis Descriptio, H. Stephanus, 1577 Diot (H. E.) Historical Description of Dunkirk, map and charts 1794 Diplomatique, Novasen Traite de, ou l’on examine les Fonde- mens de cet Art. etc. plates, 6 vol. fine copy; blue morocco extra, gilt leaves ' Paris, 1750 Dirom (Major) Campaign in India, and War with Tippoo Sultan, maps and plates 1793 Discoveries of the French in 1768 and 1769 to the South East — of New Guinea, maps and plates, calf gilt 1791 Dixon (Geo.) Voyage round the World, maps and plates, 1789—Dobbs (Arth.) Account of Hudapees Bay, map, 1744 : 2 vol. DopswortH (Wo.) HisToricaL Account OF THE CATHE- DRAL CHURCH OF SALISBURY, ILLUSTRATED WITH 82 ORIGINAL DRAWINGS IN COLOURS, BY Nasu, C. A. STOTHARD, &c., 21 plates, choice india proofs, and a set of etchings, LARGE PAPER, elegantly bound in russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves elephant 4to. 1814 Dodwel] (Edward) Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece, in 1801-6, many plates, 2 vol. half morocco 1819 Doglioni (Gio. N.) Historia Venetiana Venet. 1598 Dolce (Lod.) Vita di Carlo Quinto, Venet. 1567—Davila, Guerre Civili di Francia, Venet. 1692 2 vol. Donati (Al.) Roma Vetus ac Recens, plates Rome, 1639 Donati (A.) Roma Vetus ac Recens, many plates Amst. 1695 Douglas.(Cause) the Pursuer’s Memorial, 1767, &c. 7 vol. Douglas (Archibald) Case of, against the Duke of Hamilton 1769 Dow (Alex.) History of Hindostan from the Earliest Ac- counts to the Death of Akbar, plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1768 Drinkwater (Jo.) History of the Siege of eee map and plates 1785 Drummond and Walpole, Herculensia, or y Dissertatioay. con- taining a M.S. found at Herculaneum, plates, crimson morocco, gilt leaves 1810 _ Drake (Dr. at Shakspeare and his Times, portrait, 2 vol. 1817 “acy atlas a 7 : * 103 Du Bartas, Divine Weeks and Workes, by. Sylvestre, wants title—Du Bartas, Historie of Tain, a Poeme, Englished by Hudson, 161], 2 vol. in 1 1611 Ducarel (A. C.) Series of Anglo-Gallic Coins of the Antient Kings of England, portrait, plates 1737 Duchesne (A.) Historie Anglicane circa tempus Conquestus Angliz Selecta Monumenta, cum notis a Maseres, TUSSLA 1807 Du Choul (G.) Sur la Castrametation des Romains, wood en- gravings Wesel, 1672 Duez (N.) Dictionarium Gallico- Germanico- Latinum, inéer- leaved, 2 vol. Amst. 1664 Du Fresnoy (C. A.) Art of Painting, Latin and English, by Dryden, LARGE PAPER, old calf, gilt leaves 1695 Du Hamel (J. B.) Opera Philosophica, 2 vol. Norimb. 1681 Duncomb (J.) History and Antiquities of Hereford, plates, Hereford, 1804 ieee (D.) Principles of Military Infantry Movements, many plates with autograph letter of the Author, red morocco, gilt leaves 1788 Dunsford (M.) Historical Memoirs of the Town and Parish of Tiverton, portrait and plates, calf gilt HKxeter, 1790 Dupin (Chas.) Voyages dans la Grande Bretagne, Force Navale et Militaire, plates, 4 vol. in 2 russia extra, gilt leaves Paris, 1821 Dupin (C.) Forces Productives et Commerciales de la France, 2 vol. Paris, 1827 Dupuis (Jos.) Journal of a ’ Residence, maps and plates 1824 Durer (Alb.) Chrislich-Anthologische Handzeichnungen, 43 plates, calf extra, gilt leaves : 1808 East India Military Calendar, 3 vol. 1823 Ecclesiastical Topography, a Collection of One Hundred Views of Churches in the Environs of London, fine impressions royal 4to. 1811 Ecton (J.) Thesaurus Rerum ieee mee ty a by Browne Willis 1763 Eden (Ric.) The History of Travayle in ‘the West and East Indies, the Moluccaes, and Discourse of the North-west Passage, by R. Willes black letter, russia Rie. Jugge, 1577 Edgeworth (R. L.) On Professional Education 1809 Edward VI, Copies of Seven Original Letters, from Edward VI. to Barnaby Fitzpatrick. PRIVATELY PRINTED, presentation copy, with an autograph letter of Mr. Shaw Mason, green morocco extra, gilt leaves ; Strawberry Hill, 1772 ] | : : ; Ff 1796 Le. + 1797 A \e . 1798 44+ 1799 2 Z + 1800

1808 ian eer et dL) “at 1812 1. ee ee. Gals ‘1818 104 Edwards (Bryan) History of the British Colonies in the West Indies, maps, 2 vol. calf gilt 1793 Edwards (Edw.) Practical Treatise of Perspective, plates, calf, marbled leaves 1803 Epwarps (Gro.) NATURAL History or UncomMMoN ' Brrps, and some Rare and Undescribed Animals, &c., with the Gleanings of Natural History, 262 finely coloured plates, 7 vol. Jine copy, in yellow morocco extra, gilt leaves 1751-64 Edwards (G.) Natural History of Birds, 105 beautifully coloured plates, vol. 1 and 2 1743-7 Egypte. Courier del’Egypte, No. 1 to 115, Kaire, 1798-1801 —La Decade Egyptienne, Journal Litteraire et d’ Economie Politique, 3 vol. Kaire, 1799-1800, half russia 4 vol. Egypt, Non Military Journal made in, map and plates, ° calf gilt 1803 Egypt, Non Military areal made in, nilatas, 1808—Funck et d’Illeus, Plans et Journaux des Sieges de Flandres, plans, Strasb. 1750, &c. 4 vol. Elements and Practice of Rigging and Seamanship, numerous plates, 2 vol. calf extra, marbled leaves 1794 Elizabeth ( Queen) Her Speeches delivered on her Visit to Lord Chandos, at Sudely Castle, by Sir Egerton Brydges, PRIVATELY AND ONLY ONE HUNDRED COPIES PRINTED, morocco extra, gilt leaves - Lee Priory, 1815 Ellis (Henry) History and. Antiquities of the Parish of Saint Leonard, Shoreditch, plates 1798 Ellis (H.) Journal of Lord Amhurst’s Embassy to China, maps and plates, some coloured 1817 Ellis (J.) Histoire Naturelle des Corallines, plates La Haye, 1756 Elstob (E.) Rudiments of Grammar for the English-Saxon Tongue, good copy 1715 FOLIO. Demosthenis Orationes, Graecé, cura Lambini Paris, 1570 Denon (Viv.) Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Egypte, pen- dant les Campagnes de Buonaparte, 141 plates, fine impres- sions, 2 vol. Jine copy, russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves atlas folio. Paris, Didot, 1802 Denyaldi (Rob.) Rollo Northmanno Britannicus russia extra Rothomagi, 1660 Dequevauvillier et Ozanne, Recueil des Combats, et des Ex- peditions Maritimes, 39 plates and maps, fine impressions Paris, 1797 Derand (F.) Architecture des Voutes, plates ib. 1643 ] e | 108 1814 Desgodetz (Ant.) Les Edifices Antiques de Rome, dessinés et mesurés exactement, many plates Paris, 1682 = | 1815] De Solis (Ant.) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, y Nueva ) Espana, russia extra Madrid, 1684 ay 1816 De Solis (A.) History of the Conquest of Mexico by the . Spaniards, by Townsend, portrait and plates, calf neat 1724 1817 D’Ewes (Sir Symonds) Journals of all the Parliaments of Queen Elizabeth, frontispiece, russia 1682 “7 - 1818 D'Herbelot (M.) Bibliotheque Orientale | dutch vellum Paris, 1697 i 1819 Diaz (Bernal) Historia de la Conquista de 1a Nueva Espana Madrid, 1632 Dictionary, General, Historical and Critical, including Bayle’s Dictionary, by Bernard, Birch and Lockman, 10 vol. uncut 1734 Dictionnaire de Y Academie Francoise, 2 vol. Paris, 1718 Dies, Reinhart et Mechau, Collection ou Suite de Vues Pitto- resques de l'Italie, 72 jine plates, calf gilt © Nuremb. 1798 Dietterlin (W.) Architectura, Symmetria und Proportion der Funff Suelen, numerous plates ib. 1598 Digby (Kenelm) Treatises on the Body and the Soul Paris, 1644 Digges (Sir E.) Complete Ambassador, or Two Treatises of the intended Marriage of Queen Elizabeth, Letters of Sir F.Walsingham, Lord Burleigh, &c. frontispiece 1655 Digges (F.) Geometrical Treatise, 1591, &e. 8 vol. Diletanti Society ; Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, Aigyptian, Etruscan, Greek and Roman, upwards of 130 beautiful plates, jine impressions, 2 vol. half russia § boards 1809-35 Dilettanti Society ; Antiquities of Ionia, wpwards of 170 jine plates, 3 vol. 1821-40 Dilichii (W.) Kriegsbuch, dar in die Alte und Neive Militia beschriben, numerous plates and plans, 2 vol. in 1 Eranckfort, 1689 Diodati (Giov.) Sacra Biblia, trad. e Commentata Genev. 1641 Diderot et D’Alembert, Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire Raisonné des Sciences des Arts et des Metiers, 17 vol.; Supplement, 4 vol.; Planches, 3 vol.—together 24 vol. fine copy, calf gilt Paris et Amst. 1751-77 Diodori Siculi Bibliotheca Historica, vellum H. Stephani, 1559 Diodori Siculi Bibliotheca Historica, Gr. et Lat., cum notis Wesselingii, portrait, 2 vol. jine copy, bright old calf gilt Amst. 1746 Diodore Sicilien, Histoire traduite par Amyot Paris, 1585 Dionis Cassii, Historie Romane, libri xxi, a xxxvi, ad LVIII. usque, Greaecé ‘ R. Stephani, 1548 Dionis Cassii, Historie Romane, libri xuvi, Gr. et Lat. cura Leunclavii, old calf, the sides tooled and g.l. Hanovie, 1606 P | | 2) / 1837 Pits | 1888 4.21 ¢ | 1840 e ‘1841 Pe | 1842 | | os Oe 1844 id ph Bes o\+ | 1846 UA “4 g 1848 | 1849 a ” 11850 waves 71.3) 4 aeae 7 | 1959 /é + 1858 "4a 1854 1855 Yo 4 1856 | Ree Chy FZ 1/1 1858 6\ ¢| 1859 | * bOG Dionysii Halicarnassensis Antiquitates Romanee Paris, R. Stephani, 1546 Dionysii Halicarnassensis Antiquitates Romane, Gr. et Lat. eura Hudsoni, 2 vol. in 1 Oxonti, 1704 Dopp (CuHas.) THe Cuurcn History or ENGLAND, from the year 1500 to the year 1688, chiefly with regard to Catholicks, 3 vol. very scarce Brussels, 1737-42 D’Ohson (Mouradja) Tableau general de Empire Othoman, 233 jine plates, 3 vol., 2 calf gilt and vol. 3 in boards Paris, 1787 Domat, Loix Civiles et le Droit Public, 2 vol. ib. 1728 Domesday Book, seu Liber Censnalis Wilelmi primi, inter Ar- chivos Regni in Domo Capitulari Wesmonasterii aservatus, 4 vol. uncut 1783-1816 Dorbay (F.) Desseins @ Architecture 20 plates calf gilt “Ts Parise aind. Dornavii €C.) Anfohithentrars Sapientiz Socraticse Joco-Seriz, vellum Hanov. 1619 Douglas (Jas.) Nenia Britannica, or Sepulchral History of Great Britain from the earliest period, plates, calf gilt 1793 Dougtas (Rob.) Peerage of Scotland, plates of arms Edinb. 1764 Drake (Fr.) Eboracum, or the History and Antiquities of the City of York, maps and numerous plates - very scarce, good copy 3 . } 1786 Drawing Books, various , : 4 vol. Drayton (Mich.) Works with Life, good copy 1748 DreEsDEN GALLERY. GALERIE ROYALE DE DREspz, con- taining 100 very large and beautiful plates after the old masters, by Kilian, Folkema, Basan, Mart, Beauvarlet, Daulle, Houbraken, Ridinger, ge. very fine impressions, 2-vol. old french calf gilt atlas folio. Dresden, 1753-57 Drovetti (M.) et Cailliaud, Voyage a Oasis de Thebes, et dans les Deserts de la Thebaide, 24 plates ‘ half russia, gilt leaves imperial folio. Paris, 1821 Drummond (Alex.) Travels through Germany, Italy, Greece, and several parts of Asia, many plates, calf gilt 1754 Drummond (Wm.) of Hawthornden, History of Scotland, from 1423 to 1542, portraits by Gaywood, old calf gilt 1655 Dryden (Jo.) Fables, Ancient and eee translated into verse, calf gilt 1700 Dryden (J.) Comedies, Tragedies and Operas, 2 vol. 1701 Dryden (J-) Comedies, Tragedies and Operas, 2 vol. calf gilt 1721 Du Bartas, His Divine Weekes and AL digs translated by Jos. Sylvester, calf gilt et tee Du Bartas, Another Edition 1641 Du Bosc (Claude) Military History of Prince Eugene of Savoy, eles and plans, 2 vol. 1736 . | 7 - | 1860 Du Cange (C.) Glossarium ad Scriptores Medie et Infime . || 107 Latinitatis, 3 vol. Lrancof. 1710 Be. | or: ‘1861 Du Cange (C. Dufresne) Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediz et = Infime Latinitutis, et Supplementa duo a D. P. Carpentier, | | . 10 vol. prefixed to the last vol. is Memoire Historique de Se ae Sieur Du Cange, 40 pages Ato. inlaid a jine copy, old french calf gilt Paris, 1733-66 wT =| 1862 Ducarel (Dr.) Anglo-Norman Antiquities considered in a Tour Bt i through part of Normandy, 27 plates ) Jine copy, old bright calf gilt 1767 ) :. pes Duchesnii (And.) Historic Ri deeantiovind Scriptores Antiqui, . ab Anno 838 ad 1220, very scarce, russia extra Paris, 1619 Ff + | , 1864 Du Chesne (André) Histoire d’Angleterre, d’Ecosse, et . d'Irlande | Jine copy, vellum Paris, 1641 _. 1865 Dupxteo (Ruserto Duca pi NorrumBrra E ConTE DI | WarwicH) Dect’ Arcano DEL Mare Libri Sei, nel quali . . si tratta della Longitudine praticabile, delle Carte sue Ge- pe Sie nerali, della Disciplina Marittima e Militare, etc. numerous fe ee oan schemes and plates, vol. 1 and 2 very neatly inlaid, . ; 3 VO | RARE, fine copy, elegantly bound in russia extra, gilt leaves | Firenze, 1646-7 *,.* This celebrated and very curious work is of high interest and importance to the English Collector, from its having been composed by DupLEY, EArt oF WARWICK. Com- plete copies of all the parts very rarely occur. The late Earl of Guildford’s copy sold for £30. Qs. 1866 Duepare (W.) ANTIQUITIES OF WARWICKSHIRE, portrait, maps and plates, by Hollar, é&c. ORIGINAL EDITION, jine, tall, clean copy, russia extra 1656 1867 Dugdale (W.) History of St. Paul’s Cathedral in Londen, portrait and many fine plates, by Hollar, &c. jine tall copy, russia extra 1658 1868 Dugdale (W.) History of Imbanking and Drayning of divers Fens and Marshes, many plates | VERY SCARCE, jine copy, russia extra 1662 11869 Dugdale (W.) Origines Juridiciales, or Historical Memorials . of the English Law Courts, &c. siv portraits by Hollar, Loggan, §c. and plates of arms ) . ) second edition, russia extra 1671 1870 Dugdale (W.) Brief Discourse teuching the Office of Lord Chancellor of England, calf neat 1672 py Dugdale (W.) The Baronage of England, or an Historical Account of our English Nobility, 2 vol. slightly stained old french red morocco, gilt leaves - 1676 ~ 187 2 Dugdale (W.) Short View of the late Troubles in England Ozford, 1681 ba ee ez f 1878 Dugdale (W.) et R. Dodsworth, Monasticon Anglicanum, — 4\ 4) «| 4a VE a. y \ ire ag (ae ; SA z a FOG 14 AG 108 many plates by Hollar, King, §c. 3 vol. russia extra 1682-73 1874 Dugdale (W.) Perfect Copy of all Summons of the Nobility, &ec. to Parliament, from the 49th of Jaa III. russia extra 1685 *..* The preceding eight lots are fine Cape uniform in russia © extra, yellow edges. 1875 Dugdale (W.) Monasticon Anglicanum, or the History of the Ancient Abbies, Monasteries, Hospitals, &c. in England and Wales, translated, with Captain Steevens’ additional Volumes, many plates by Hollar, &c. 3 vol. russia extra 1718-28 1876 Dugdale (W.) Antiquities of Warwickshire, second edition, revised and augmented by Dr. Wm. Thomas, portraits, maps and plates, 2 vol. Jine copy, russia extra 1730 187 7 Dugdale (W.) History of Imbanking and Draining of divers “Fens and Marshes, second edition by Cole, many plates calf gilt 1878 Dugdale (W.) Antient Usage in Bearing Arms, Office of Lord Chancellor of England, and Honores Anglicani, by T. C. Banks, plates, pale russia extra, joints and gilt leaves 1811 1878*Dugdale (W.) Another Copy, pee russia extra, m. l. 1811 EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 1879 Egypt, Scenes and Impressions in 1824 1880 Eland, Tutor to Astrology; or Astrology made Easie, by Parker, portrait, calf neat 1704 |Z, + | 1881 Elegant Epistles, Dublin, 1791—Edinborgh Fugitive Pieces, | i | Edinb. 1791— Ellis, Chiltern and Vale Farming, n.d. 8 vol. we _ 1882 Elegidia et Poematia Epidictica Praecipuas precipuorum et Maxime Clarorum Virorum, 31 portraits, fine impressions and plates (some English) very scarce, green morocco extra, gilt leaves, by Chas. Lewis Upsaliea, 1631 | 1eee Ellis (Geo.) Specimens of the Early ie Poets, 3 vol. 1801 green morocco, gilt leaves . /. ol ae nr a’ EL | LA | | . | | 109 4 2 \884 Ellis (G.) Another edition, 3 vol. ne copy, green morocco extra, gilt leaves 1805 ji y > (1885 Ellis (Henry) Original Letters illustrative of English History, ie “2+ (second series), plates, 4 vol. 1827 1886 Eloges des Personnes Illustres de Ancient Testament, 50 coluured portraits, old morocco, gilt leaves Paris, 1688 1887 Elphinstone (Jas.) Forty Years’ Correspondence, 8 vol. calf gilt , 1791-4 |. 1888 Elstob (E.) English- Saxon Homily on the Birth-Day of : St. Gregory, Anglo-Saxon, and English, front. blue morocco extra, gilt leaves royal 8vo. 1709 { La _2 |1889 Elstobb (W.) Historical Account of the Bedford Level | LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1793 od 2 |1890 Elsynge (H.) Manner of Holding Parliaments, 1768, &e. 4 vol. (ZZ \1891 Elwood (Mrs. Col.) Narrative of a Journey Overland from England to India, plates, 2 vol. ; 1830 a - 1892 Emblemes d’Amour en IV. Langues, many plates n. d. + of b (18938 EmBLemMs.—93 OricINAL DRAWINGS UPON VELLUM, in pen and ink, of beautiful execution, old morocco, gilt leaves, lettered H. Albani et Amicorum n. d. 5 as : 1763 rum, 3 vol. in 1, Francof. 1824—Epistole Clarorum Vi- rorum, Fhudiucian 1669, &c. 5 vol. \ 26 Ae Z Hoe Epistole Obscurorum Virorum et Coneiabb lam Theologista- g | 1897 England’s Happiness in a Lineal Succession, 1685— Edmond- son Precedency, n. d.—Life and Unaccountable Actions of William Fuller, the Notorious English ane 1717—Life of William Fuller, 1703 4 vol. 1898 Erasmi Adagia, Elzevir, 1668, &c. 11 vol. we e 1899 Erasmi (D.) Vita et Epistole, portrait of Praca and of T. Nigell, L. Bat. 1642, &c. 4 vol. Ward 1900 Erasmi Morie Encomium cum eee ean G. Listrii, plates by Holbein Basil, 1676 ta o 1901 Erasmi Morie Encomium; or a Panegyrick upon Folly, por- tratt and 46 plates 1709 oF, 1902 Erdeswicke (S.) Survey of Staffordshire, map 1717 1903 Erdeswicke (S.) Survey of Staffordshire, map, calf neat 1728 1904 Espagne, Nouveau Voyage en, plates, 3 vol. Paris, 1789— Abregé de |’ Histoire d’ Espagne, 2 vol. 7b. 1765 —Anecdotes Espagnoles, 2 vol. 2b. 1773—Voyage en Espagne, 2 vol. 1782 9 vol. 21905 Essex. New and Complete History of Essex, both Ancient and Modern, maps and pes 6 vol. calf gilt Chelmsford, 1769-72 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 |—~=1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 | 1924 110 Etna, Giornale dell’ Eruzione, Catanict, 1819-20—Memoire Geologique sur l’Isle de Sardaigne, n. d.—Grassi (G.) Ricerche Storiche intorno alle Armature scoperti in Sar- degna, plates, 1822, &c. in 1 vol. &c. o> Sed Bares Etonian (The) 2 vol. 1822 Etherege (Sir Geo.) Works, 1704—Farquhar (G.) Comedies, n.d. &e. : 5 vol. Euripidis Hecuba, Orestes et Phonics Gr. et Lat. cum notis J. King, 2 vol. Cantab. 1726 Euripidis Trageedize IV. Tstulee Orestes, Pheenissee, Medea, Greece, cura Porsoni, calfextra, gilt leaves 1797-1802 Europe, Secret History of, 4 vol. inv3, 1724—Eginardus, Me- moirs of Europe in the Eighth Century, 2 vol. 17 10, &e. 7 vol. Europe, History of, from 1676 to 1712, 13 vol.&c. 16 vol. Evans (Tho.) Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative, 4 vol. 1784 Evelyn (J.) Sculptura, or the History of the Art of Chalco- graphy and Engraving on Copper, plates, 1662, and W. Faithorne, Art of Graving and Etching, plates, 1701, 2 vol. in 1, scarce, calf, morocco back 1662, &c. Evelyn (J.) Sculptura, with his Life, portraits and plates 1755 Everard (Dr.) Panacea; a Discovery of the Wonderfull Vertues of Tobacco taken in a Pipe, portrait, calf neat 1659 Examinacion of Master Wm. Thorpe, Preste, accused of He- resye before Tho, Arundell, Abp. of Canterbury, the yere 1407, and the Examinacion of Sy’ John Chee Lorde Cobham, Burnt bi the said Archebisshop, black letter, VERY RARE, very good copy, calf Without place or date Exeter. Antient History and Description of the City of Exeter, plan of the Cathedral, Exeter, 1765—Izaacke (S.) Register of Persons who have left Grants to the Poor of Devon, 1736 . 2 vol. Eyre (N.) Military Operations at Cabul, in 1842, and Journal of his Imprisonment in Affghanistan, 2 vol. 1848 Fabricius (Baron) Letters to Charles XII. . S761 Fain (le Baron) Manuscrit de, 1812-13 et 14, pour sevir a l’Histoire de l’Empereur Napoleon, maps, 5 vol. vellum, gilt leaves 8vo. and 12mo. Bruvelles, 1823-27 Fairholme (G.) View of the Geology of Scripture, 1833— Featherstonhaugh, Geological Report of the Country between the Missouri and Red Rivers, coloured map, Washington, 1835 2 vol. Falconer (J.) Art of Secret Information: ca Uf gilt, 1685, and the Complete Gamester, with Arts, &c. Archery, Cock- fighting, &c. frontispiece, calf, 1680 a} te 2 vol. Falconer (Wm.) Shipwreck, a Poem, and Life, by J. S. Clarke, plates, fine impressions LARGE PAPER, russia extra, marbled leaves roy. 8vo. 1804 . eF + 1925 LL / 1926 4 L 1997 |-2| 7 1928 /|. "1999 Pal E | 1930 ps 4 \7.|. | 1981 LP / 1982 - | ~ | 1988 ae] - 1934 el oa S| 1935 4.\. | 1986 a /4s ~ 1938 so 1939 | / | rz 1940 26 Farey (J.) View of the Agticultare of Derbyshire, plates, 2 vol. 111 Fanshawe (Lady) Memoirs, written by herself, portrait, half calf gilt 1829 1815 Farmer (J.) History of the Abbey of Waltham, (wants one plate), russia 1735 Faulkner (T.) Historical and Topographical Description of Chelsea, calf gilt royal 8vo. 1810 Felibien, Entretiens sur les Vies et sur les Ouvrages des plus Excellens Peintres et Architectes, 6 vol. calf Trevoux, 1725 Feldborg (A. A.) Denmark Delineated, or Sketches of the Present State of that Country, many plates roy. 8vo. 1824 Feller (F. and de) Dictionnaire Historique, 8 vol. calf gilt Liege, 1797 Fellowes (W. D.) Visit to the Monastery of la Trappe in 1817, many coloured plates royal 8vo. 1818 Fenelon, Avantures de Telemaque, 2 vol. calf, gilt leaves, 1719 —Fiechier (E.) Histoire du Cardinal Ximenes, portrait, morocco, gilt leaves, Amst. 1700, &c. 5 vol. Ferguson (J.) Astronomy, plates, 1794—Gregory (O.) ibe tise on Astronomy, plates, 1802, &c. vol. Feuquieres (Marquis de) Memoirs; 2 vol. 1787—-History of France, 2 vol. 1702—-Secret History of France, 1714, &c. 8 vol. Fielding (H.) Clear State of the Case of Eliz. Canning, port. 1753—Reply to Sir C. Gascoigne concerning Canning and Squires, port. 1754—Cobham and Congreve, an Epistle, 1730, &c. 5 vol. 7 Fielding (H.) Joseph Andrews, 2 vol, 1751- - Roderick Ran- dom, 2 vol. 1760, &c. 17 vol. Fielding (Hen.) Works and Life, portrait, J2 vol. 1766 Filholii (G.) Sacra Regum Historia, Heroico Carmine, et in XII. libros redacta old red morocco, gilt leaves, richly tooled Paris, 1587 Filhol, Cours Historique et Elementaire de Peinture ou Galerie complette du Museum Central de France, 162p/ates, vol. 1 to 3 LARGE PAPER, russia, leather joints, gilt leaves Paris, 1802 Finati (Giovanni) Life and Adventures, map, 2 vol. 1830 Finett (Sir Jo.) Observations on the Reception and Prece- dence of Ambassadors, 1656—Filmer (Sir R.) Patriarcha, 1680—The Patriarch Unmonarched, 1681—Freeholders’ Grand Inquest, 1679—Fenwick (Sir Jo.) Tryal for Trea- son, 1702 5 vol. Finlayson (Geo.) Mission to Siam and Hue in 1821-22 1826 Fisher (Alex.) Voyage to the Arctic Regions, map 1821 a 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 ‘1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 _ 1957 / 1958 1959 1960. 1961 1962 1963 oe 112 ; Fisher (Bishop) Funeral Sermon of Margaret, Countess of Richmond, frontispiece, and plate, 1708—Fuller, Discovery of the True Mother of the Pretended Prince of Wales, Further Confirmation and Third erie and De La- badie’s Letter, in 1 vol. 1696 , “et Sa, Fleetwood (Bishop) Chronicon Preciosum, or Account of English Gold and Silver Money, for 600 years past, plates 1745 Fleming (Giles) Stemma Sacrum, the Royal Progeny hore ated, portrait of Charles I, calf gilt 1660 Fletcher (W.) Reformation of the Church, Revolution in Disguise, a Country Clergyman’s Second Appeal to Par- liament, presentation copy, red morocco extra, g.l. 1834 Fleury, Memoires de la vie privee, du Retour, et du Regne Napoleon en 1815, 2 vol. 1819—Memoires Historiques de Napoleon Livre IX, 1820, four others and pamphlets Fleury, Histoire Ecclesiastique, 34 vol. Paris, 1724-34 Florian, Gonzalve de Cordone, ou Grenade Reconquise, 2 vol. Paris, 1791—Fayette (Comtesse de la) CEuvres Diverses, 2 vol: 1779 ‘ 4 vol. Florian, Fables, illustrated with numerous wood engravings, by Victor Adam VELLUM PAPER, calf extra, g.l. royal 8vo. Paris, 1838 Florian (M. de) Theatre et Autres Giuvres, plates, 7 vol. Paris, 1786 Florio (M.) Historia de la Vita e _ de la Morte de I’Illust. Sig- nora Giovanni Graia, RARE, russia 1607 case (Sir J.) Art of Preserving Old Men's Health, 1724, 17 vol. eae (La) Fables, illustrated shtth numerous wood en- gravings, by Grandville, 2 vol. VELLUM PAPER, calf extra, g.l. royal 8vo. Paris, 1828 Fouquet (M.) Les Céuvres de, Contenant son Accusation, son Proces- et ses Defenses contre Louis XIV, 16 vol. Paris, 1696 Foy (Gen.) Histoire de la Guerre de la Peninsule sous Napo- leon, 4 vol. 4éo. atlas Paris, 1827 Foreign Quarterly Review, 41 wanihews between No. 1 and No. 75 18— Fortescue (J.) De Laudibus Legum Anglize, 1616, and 12 Law Books 13-vol. Forty Years in the World, 3 vol. 1825—Fire-side Scenes, 3 vol. 1825—Fairy Legends of Ireland, 1825 7 vol. Forster (T.) Perennial Calendar, and Companion to the Almanac 1824 Force (P. de la) Description de la France, plates, 6 vol. Amst. 1719 os ae Pa Diya ba bo 3 aon P|, Lau 1964 | : » | 1965 / 1966 Fen 1968 1972 hi3 Fontaine, Tales and Novels, by Humphreys, plates, 1735 — Fontenelle, Plurality of Worlds, might aie ca Numa Pompilius, 2 vol. 1787 4 vol. Fosbreke (T. D.) British Monachism, or Manners and Cus- toms of the Monks and Nuns of England, 2 vol. 1802 Forde (Thos.) Panegyrick on Charles I, and Apothegms, Familiar Letters, Poeticall Diversions, &c. 1661 Forbes (Jas.) Letters from France, frontispiece, 2 vel. LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1806 Forbes (Rob.) Jacobite Memoirs, edited by Rh. Chambers Edinb. 1834 Foundling Hospital for Wit, 6 numbers, calf gilt 1763 Fragoletta, Naples et Paris en 1799, 2 vol. Paris, 1829— Forbin, Voyage dans le Levant, 7b. 1819, &c. 5 vol. France. Hotomani, Francogallia, 1576—Vignier (L.) De la Noblesse de France, Paris, 1587—-Char. du Molin, Ori- gine, &c. de la Monarchie des Francois, 76. 1561, &. in _ 1 vol. fine copies, old red morocco, g’. l. 1561, &e. France. Memoires des Avantures Singulieres de la Cour de France, A la Haye, 1692—Florus Francicus sive Rerum a Francis Bello Gestarum Epitome, Paris, 1644, old red morocco, gilt leaves 2 vol. France. Collection Universelle des Memaoires particulieres relatifs a |’ Histoire de France, avec Table General, 67 vol. 1785-91 France, Memoires et Anecdotes des Reines et Regentes de, 6 vol. Amst. 1776, &c. 9 vol. France, Residence in, from 1792 to 1795, by an English Lady, edited by John Gifford, 2 vol. 1797—Maclean (C.) Ex- cursion in France, 1804— Muirhead (L.) Travels in France, 1803—Letters from Paris, 1792 : 5 vol. France and Spain, History of, 6 vol. cadf gilt 1793 Francis (G. H.) Orators of the Age, comprising Portraits, Critical, Biographical, &c. 1847 Franck (Rich.) Northern Memoirs, and Angler Edinb. 1821 Franklin(B.) Political, Miscellaneous, and Ebilesoniien Pieces, portrait and plates, calf gilt 1779 Fraser’s Magazine, 81 numbers, between No. 19 and 162 18— Frauds of Romish Monks and Priests, and pape to Naples, 2 vol. &e. 3 vol. Frederie II, Giuvres Posthumes, et sa Vie, portrait and plates, 26 vol. calf gilt Amst. and Strasb. 1788-89 Free-Thinker, The, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER 1722 Fry (E.) Pantographia, or Accurate Copies, of all the known Alphabets in the World, calf gilé royal 8vo. 1799 Q SAE REY POSEN RSL shed 114 1985 Fulke (Dr.) Heskins, Sanders and Rastel, accounted among their Faction three Pillers and Archpatriarches of the Popish Synagogue, overthrown and detected of their blas- phemous heresies, good copy, very scarce 1579 1986 Fuller (J.) History of Berwick upon Tweed, plates calf gilt Edinb. 1799 1987 Fuller (Tho.) Anglorum Speculum, or the Worthies of England in Church and State, russia extra ; 1684 QUARTO. | 1988 Encyclopeedia Britannica; or a Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and Miscellaneous Literature, with the Supplement, nearly | 600 plates, 20 vol. russia Edinb. 1797-1801 _ 1989 Encyclopedia Londinensis, plates, vol. 17, 18 and 19, 3 vol. half russia, and 3 parts 1820-3 | 1990 England Illustrated; or, Compendium of Natural History, Topography and Antiquities of England and Wales, maps . and plates, 2 vol. 1764 - | 1991 Englefield (Sir Hen. C.) Description of the principal Beauties, Antiquities, &c. of the Isle of Wight, portrait and 50 plates, fine proofs he LARGE PAPER, half red morocco, m. l. elephant 4to. 1816 | 1992 Eruti (P.) Thesaurus Bellicus, Rostochii, 1616—Selden (Jo.) Analecton Anglo-Britannicon, Prancof. 1615; 2 vol. in 1 | 1615-6 | 1983 Este (Esaya da) Expositione sopra la Cantica di Salomone . Venet. 1504 1994 Essex. The True Mannor and Forme of the Funerall of Robert / _ Earle of Essex and Ewe, Septr. 14, 1646, portrait by . Wm. Marshall, fine impression, and wood engravings very scarce, russia extra 1646 | 1995 Estienne (H. Lord of Fossez) Art of making Devises, treating | of Hieroglyphicks, Emblemes, Armes, Blazons, &c., trans- lated by Thos. Blount, Srontispiece and plate | russia, gut leaves 1650 _ | 1996 Ethica Naturalis seu Documenta Moralia, 100 fine plates of . emblems Norimb. sine anno | 1997 Euripidis que extant éninia, Gr. et Lat., netis Musgrave, 4 vol. bright old calf gilt | Ovonti, 1778 - | 1998 Enuripidis Hippolytus, Gr. et Lat., cura F. H. Egerton PRIVATELY PRINTED, calf gilt tb. 1796 _ 1999 Kuripidis Supplices Mulieres, Iphigenia in Aulideetin Tauris, + 4 notis Marklandi LARGE PAPER, russia extra, with joints, gl. ib. 1811 _ 2000 Eripides, Tragedies, translated by Potter, 2 vol. — 1781 , 2001 Europe, Present State of, vol. 2 to 15, in 7 vol. 1691-1702— . History of England, black letter, imperfect, &e. 11 vol. j I 2 2004 + 2005 - | 2006 Oy Ne a Oe Urner es 2013 oye | 2014 a Pet T * \ 2015 7 <2 - 2016 i ma Lb /\ 2017 _ |\#\- | 2018 “/\ | 2019 yi). | 2020 ala | 7 \b | 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 115 Eustace (Jo. Ch.) Tour through Italy, its Scenery, its An- tiquities, and its Monuments, plates, 2 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves 1813 3 Evelyn (John) Sylva, a Discourse on Forest Trees, with notes by Hunter, portrait and plates, calf gilt 1776 Evelyn (J.) Memoirs illustrative of his Life and Writings, comprising his Diary from 1641 to 1706, edited by W. Bray, portraits and plates, 2 vol. russia extra, g. 1. 1818 Evelyn (J.) Miscellaneous Writings, with notes by W. Upcott, plates, russia extra, g. 1. uniform with the Memoirs 1825 Fabri (T.) Epistole Salmurii, 1674 Fabricii (J. A.) Bibliotheca Greeca, 3 vol. Hamb. 1705-8 Fabricii (J. A.) Bibliographia Antiquaria russia extra, gilt leaves ib. 1718 Falconer (Tho.) Sketch of the Materials for a New History of Cheshire, calf gilt 1771 Falconer (T.) Chronological Tables Oxford, 1796 Falconer (W.) Dictionary of the Marine, plates 1769 Falkland (Lord) Discourse of Infallibility, calf gilt 1651 Falkland (Tho.) Description of Patagonia, in South America, maps Hereford, 1774 Favourites (The) ‘Chronicle, russia extra | 1621 Fenelon, Avantures de Telemaque, many plates 1734 Fenelon (Archeveq.) Qiéuvres, avec sa Vie, portrait, gd one inserted, 9 vol. LARGE PAPER, fine copy, calf extra, gilt leaves Paris, Didot, 1787-92 Fenn (Jo.) On1GINAL LETTERS written during the reigns of Henry VI, Edward IV, Edward V, Richard III and Henry VII, in the possession of the Paston Family, the plates of autographs separate, 6 vol. russia Ferguson (Adam) History of the Roman Republic, portrait and maps, 3 vol. calf gilt 1783 Ferishta, History of Dekkan, by Scott, 2 vol. 1794. Ferne (Jo.) Blazon of Gentrie and Lacyes Nobilitie, arms coloured, calf gilt Ja. Windet, 1586 Ferrara (Francesco) I Campi Flegrei della Sicilia, map, Messina, 1810, &c. 4A vol. FesTyVALL (THE) OR SERMONS FOR Sonpays anp Hott- DAIS, taken out of the Golden Legend, wood engravings black letter, RARE, good sound copy, rather short, and slightly water stained Wynkyn de Worde, 1528 Ficoroni (F.) Gemme Antique Litteratee, plates Rome, 1757 Filicaia (Vine. da) Poesie Toscane, portrait LARGE PAPER, old red morocco, gilt leaves Firenze, 1707 Fior di Virtu, che tratta de tuti li yitii humani, the initial letters drawn in colours, RARE Venet. 1477 Fisher (Payne) Marston Moor: sive de Obsidone Pralioque Eboracensi Carmen et Miscellanea, calf gilt 1650 1787-1823 - U.. | 2028 ey 2029 /\Z.\~ | 2080 2). 2081 } 4 £2032 7 + | 2038 7\ |. | 2084 -2| Z| - | 2085 |_275 . |9086 ZZ, a 2037 25 ; (2088 2 Z| 9039 2040 ss oe 2041 A\| 9042 a - 9043 4p,» 2048 va, 9045 rad 2046 LA] » | 2047 A |- “2048 : : 1i6 Fitzclarence (Lieut.-Col.) Journal of a Route across India, through Egypt, maps and eoivured plates 1819 Fletcher (P.) The Purple Island, or the Isle of Man; together with Piscatorie Eclogs, and other Poeticall Miscellanies crimson morocco, gilt leaves Camb. 1633 Fleurimont (G. R.) Medailles du Regne de Louis XV, 54 plates, vussia n. de Flinder (Matth.) Voyage to Terra Australis, plates, 2 vol. with the atlas, half calf, gilt leaves 1814 Flood (H.) Original Letters, portrait, 1820—Francklin (W.) _ Military Memoirs of George Thomas, portratt, Calcutta, 1803 2 vol. Folengi (Theop.) Vulgo Merlini Cocaii Opus irene Notis illustratum, portrait and vignettes, 2 vol. Amst. 1768 Fontanini (Justi) Historia Literaria Aquilejensis Rome, 1742 Fonthill Abbey, a Description of, illustrated with Views by J. Storer, india proofs LARGE PAPER, russia extra royal 4to. 1812 Forbes (Jas.) Oriental Memoirs, or Letters written during a Seventeen Years Residence in India, nwmerous plates, the Natural History coloured, 4 vol. calf gilt 1813 Forrest (Thos.) Voyage to New Guinea, hit charts and plates 1779 Forster (Geo.) Journey from Bengal to England, map, 2 vol. calf gilt 1798 Forster (J. R.) History of Voyages and Discoveries in the North, maps, calf gilt 1786 Forsyth (W.) Treatise on Fruit Trees, plates, ealf gilt 1802 Fortis (Alb.) Travels into Dalmatia, plates 1778 Fosbroke (T. D.) Encyclopedia of Antiquities, and Elements of Archeology, Classical and Medieval, and Foreign Topography, portrait, numerous plates, 3 vol., 2 in calf extra, marbled leaves,and | boards ~ 1825-28 Fosbroke (T. D.) Economy of Monastic Life, Gloucester, n. d. —Gay, Fables, plates, 1727—Goldsmith, Deserted Village — Percy (Bp.) Hermit of Warkworth, in 1 vol. 1770-1, &e. 6 toh Foscarini (Mich.) Historia della Republica Veneta 1696 Foster (Geo.) Voyage round the World, in 1772-75, with Capt. Cook’s charts, 2 vol. calf gilt 1777 Foster (S.) on Dials, 1654—Fulbecke, Parallele of Civil, Canon and Common Law, 1601, &c. 3 vol. Foxe (Capt. L.) North-West Fox, or Foxe from the North West Passage, chart, scarce, russia 1635 Fox (C. J.) History of the early part of the reign of James the Second, portrait ee LARGE PAPER, russta extra * 1808 Fracastorii (Hieron.) Carmina, portrait, 2 vol. Patavii, 17389 | ° 4 & - 2049 Frampton (Jo.) Joyfull Newes out of the New-found Worlde, oh ee | black letter, calf, gut leaves 1596 ra | af 2050 France, Nouvel Abregé egal de |’ Histoire de France, ‘viet ee 2 vol. Paris, 1768 lf Va (2051 Frankland (C. Colville) Visit to the Courts of Russia and | . . Sweden, map; 2 vol. 1832 % « 2052 France. Tableau Historique de la Guerre de la Revolution de . | France, 3 vol. Paris, 1808 : "§ . 053 Franklin (Benj.) Memoir of his Life and Writings, port. 1818 2 2054 Franklin (Capt. Jo.) Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea in 1819-22, maps and plates, some coloured calf extra, gilt leaves 1828 2055 Francklin (W.) Military Memoirs of General George Thomas, portratt and plates, calf gilt Calcutta, 1803 a Pa | 2056 Francklin (W.) Reign of Shah Aulum, map and sree 1798 &e. 3 vol. 2057 Fraser (J. B.) Journal of a Tour obagh the Himala Moun- : tains, map, calf extra, gilt leaves 1820 _. 2058 Fraser (J. B.) Narrative of a Journey into Khorasan in Persia, in 1821-22, map 1825 2059 Fraser (J. B.) Travels and Advenusese: in the Persian Pro- vinces 1826 a | - 2060 Frellon (Fr.) Retratos o “Tablas de las Hivtoriae del Testa- mento Viejo, curious wood engravings Jine copy, vellum Lion, 1548 WH, SoA : 2061 Freycinet, Voyage autour du Monde, viz. Partie Historique, 2— Parties Zoologique, Botanique, Navigation et Hydrogra- phie; Observations du Pendule et Magnetisme Terrestre, 7 ; and in folio, Atlas Historique, Atlas Zoologique et Botani- que, et Cartes et Plans Hydrographiques, 4, containing 328 plates, many coloured, and 22 maps, together 11 vol. half bound russia, gilt leaves (except one vol. 4to. sewed) Paris, 1824 42 £2062 Frezier (M.) Voyage dela Mer du Sud, mapsand plates ib. 1716 Ll 2068 Frezier (M.) Voyage to the South Sea, Chili and Peru, 1712-14, maps and plates 1717 2064 Freycinet (Capt.) Voyage round the World, by Arago, 26 plates 1823 2065 Froissart (Sir Jo.) Ciecdicles of England, Pratinds and adjoin- ing Countries, translated by T. Johnes, plates, 4 vol. russia extra Hafod Press, 1803-5 2066 Froissart (Sir J.) Chronicles of England, France, Spain, Portu- gal, Scotland, &c. translated by J. Bourchier, Lord Berners, 2 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves 1812 2067 Froissart, Chronicles of France and England, by Johnes, 60 plates 4 parts 2068 Fuller (Tho.) Abel Redivivus ; the Lives and Deaths of the Moderne Divines, frontispiece and many portratts scarce, ¢ calf gilt 1651 2069 2070 | 2071 | 2072 2073 2074 fe i> 1 2075 4/ + 2076 MSL D077 a 2079 ae Oe ae 2080 ee fh 4) 2082 JS 6 2082 / 121°) 230838 118 FOLIO. Du Halde (J. B.) Description de ’Empire de la Chine, et de la Tartane Chinios, plates and maps, 4 vol. Paris, 1735 Dumont (M.) et Rousset, Histoire Militaire du Prince Eugene de Savoye, du Duc de Marlborough et du Prince de Nassau- Frise, numerous plans and plates, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER imperial folio. La Haye, 1729 Durer -( Alb.) Revived, or a Book of Drawing, Limning, and Colouring Maps and Prints, and Art of Painting, and the English Academy, a Drawing Book, plates 1672 DussELDORFF, GALERIE DE, 380 jine plates, containing 365 pictures, engraved by Michel, original impressions, 2 vol. calf gilt Basil, 1778 Duty of Man, Works of the Author of Oxford, 1726 Eadmeri Historia Novorum, ab 1066 ad 1122, ex Bibliotheca Cottoniana, a.J. Seldeno, et Godwini Rerum Anglicarum Henrici VIII, Edwardi VI, et Marize Annales, 2 vol. in | russia 1616-23 Echard (Laur.) History of England, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER 1717-18 Echard (L.) Ecclesiastical History old calf gilt, sides tooled 1719 Eckstein (Jo.) Picturesque Views of the Diamond Rock 14 finely coloured plates, half russia oblong folio. 1805 Edmondson (Jos.) Complete Body of Heraldry, portrait and plates, 2 vol. jine copy, calf gilt 1780 Edward II, History of his Life, Reign and Death, by E. F. portrait 1680 Egerton, A Compilation of various Authentick Evidences and Historical Authorities, tending to illustrate the Life and Character of Lord Chancellor Egerton, three portraits by Bartolozzi PRIVATELY PRINTED, russia extra 1806 EayptTe, DEcRIPTION DE L’EGyPTE, ou Recueil des Observa- tions et des Recherches qui ont eté faites pendant I’ Expe- dition de l Armée Frangaise, Antiquités, Descriptions, vol. 1 and first part of vol. 2—Antiquités, Memoires, vol. 1 in two parts—Histoire Naturelle, vol. 1 in two parts—Etat Mo- derne, vol. 1 and two parts of vol. 2—together 9 vol. and parts; and 6 vol. atlas folio, containing 635 plates, many of which are finely coloured, half bound, uncut Paris, 1809-18 Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum, 21 plates from drawings of W. Alewander, by Medland, 5 Nos. 1805, &c. Enderbie (P.) Cambria Triumphans, or Britain in its Perfect Lustre, plates of arms and title mounted, 2 vol. in 1 _ very scarce, russia : 1661 Om 4 eee ee oe aT ate a 7 | 2084 . |. | 2085 2086 7 2087 7, 2088 119 Enfield (Wm.) History of Liverpool, map and plates calf gilt 1774 Erasmi (D.) et Aliorum, Adagia que apud Grecos, Latinos, Hebrzos, Arabas, &c. in usu fuerunt Basil, 1629 Errard (J.) Fortification Demonstrée, plates Paris, 1604 Estii (Guil.) Commentaria in Omnes B. Pauli et aliorum Apostolorum Epistolas Paris, 1666 Euclid, the First Six Elements, translated by Scarburgh calf gilt, Oxford, 1705, &c. 2 vol. Euripidis Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. cura Barnes, portrait Cantab. 1694 Eusebii Chronicon, etc. cura Jo. Sichardi, russia Basil, 1529 Eusebii Thesaurus Temporum, seu Chronicorum, Canonum, Gr. et. Lat. et Scaligeri Animadversiones Amst. 1658 Eusebius and Others, Ancient Ecclesiasticall Histories, by Hanmer : 1636 Evelyn (J.) Discourse of Medals, plates 1697 Evelyn (J.) Silva, or Discourse of Forest Trees 1706 Fasian (Ros.) CHRONICLE oF ENGLANDE and of Fraunce, from the beginnyng of Henry VII. to the end of Queen Mary, 2 vol. in 1 black letter, BEsT EDITION, jine copy, russia extra Jo. Kyngston, 1559 Fabri (B.) Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticee Lipsiw, 1717 Fabro (Fr.) Historia de los Hechos del Don Juan Austria, en el Principado de Cataluna, calf gilt Caragoca, 1673 Fabrotti (C. A.) Basilikwn, libri LX., Gr. et Lat. 7 vol. old calf gilt Paris, 1647 Facciolati (Jac.) et Forcellini Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, 4 vol. jine copy, russia Patavit, 1771 Fakke (S.) Description de la Chambre et Lit. de Parade sur Lequel le Corps de Son Altesse Royale, Anne, 20 plates a la Haye, 1759 Favington (Jos.) The Lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland and Cumberland, by J. H. Horne, 48 plates 1816 2 Favine (And.) Theater of Honour and Knighthood, wood engravings of arms 1623 Fazelli (Tho.) de Rebus Siculis Decades dux calf gilt Panormi, 1560 Fazelli (T.) Rerum Sicularum Soyancree Francof. 1579 Feltham (Owen) Resolves, in Prose and Verse, front. 1661 Fer (De) Introduction a la Fortification, ou Forces de I’ Europe, numerous plans Paris, 1705 Ferrarii (P.) Lexicon Geographicum, 9 vol. in 1. Lsenaci, 1677 Ferrerii (Pietro) Palazzi di Roma, 48 plates calf gilt Rome, n. d. Fiesole, Giornata dchersone a Ridsle ossia Itinerario gli Antichi e Moderni Monumenti di quella Citta e Suoi Din- torni} 26 plates : Firenze, 1824 2110 | 2111 9112 2118 120 Fioretiere ( Ant.) Dictionnaire Universel, 3 vol. La Haye, 1690 Fisher (Jonath.) Twelve Views of the Harbour and Castle of Carlingferd, and the Lakes of Killarney, with Sherwin’s Fortune Teller, 13 plates, russia oblong folio, 1772-94 Fischer (J. Payne) Piscatoris Poemata vel Panegyricum Car- men in diem Inaugurationis Olivari, &c. with the rare por- trait of Bulstrode Whitelocke, by Faithorne, jine impression, and the two plates of arms, good copy 1656 Flanders. Thirty-six fine Plates of Triumphal Arches, Pro- cessions, Rejoicings, &c. of the Kings of Spain and Princes of Orange, jine impressions, mounted in 1 vol. atlas folio. n. d. Firenze, Galleria di, Ritratti de Piu celebri Professori di Pittura, 50 jine portraits Firenze, 1748 Floriani (P. P.) Difesa et Offesa delle Piazze, plates Venetia, 1654 Floriani (P. P.)- Another edition, portrait and wood engra- vings ib. 1654 Fontaine (J. de) Fables Choisies Mises en Vers, with nearly 250 jine plates by Cochin, from the designs of Ouiiry, 4 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1555 Forbes (P.) Full View of the Public Transactions in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, in a Series of Letters and State Papers, 2 vol. calf gilt 1740 Fordun (Joannis de) Scutieasancin cura Goodall 2 vol. uncut : Edinburg, 1759 Foreigners in Enpland, Catalogue of the Portraits of, in Manuscript, 2 vol.—Liste de Portraits des Francois, with MS. additions 3 vol. Fougasses (Thos. de) Generall Historie of the State of Venice, by Shute, wood cuts, 2 vol. in 1 1612 Foulis (H.) History of the Plots of the Jesuites and Presby- terians in Great Britain, cal/ gilt 1662 Fowler, Coloured Engravings of the principal Mosaic Pave- ments and of Stained Glass in the Kingdom, 19 highly jinished plates, incomplete, uncut > 1804 Fox (J.) Acrs anp Monuments oF THE CHURCH, and Life, portrait and plates by Sturt, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, BEST EDITION, good copy 1684 France, Revolution Francaise, 14 plates by Helman, repre- senting the most remarkable events ia the Revolution Paris, 1800 France, Tableaux Historiques de la Revolution Francaise, upwards of 210 portraits and plates, very fine impressions, — 3 vol. jine copy, russia extra, gilt leaves Paris, 1802 — France, Vues de plus beaux Bastiments de France, 284 plates by Perelle, Sc. calf gilt oblong folio. Paris, Chez J. Mariette, n. d. ils . > 2135 “Ae A 2136 ae ae 7 vA 2138 g 2139 | 2 oe : 2140 > gral 121 Frankland (T.) Annals of James I. and Charles I, from 1612 to 1642, calf gilt 1681 Fraser (J. B.) Views in the Himala Mountains, 20 beautifully coloured plates, in the style of the original drawings atlas folio, 1820 Freire (J. de Anchada) Life of Dom John de Castro, jine por- trait by Faithorne 1664 Fritach (A.) L’Architecture Mittal ou la Fortification, plates, Hlzev. 1635—Delle Fortificationi di Giov. Scala, plates, 1590 Froissart (Sir Jo.) Tue CuHroniciis or EncLanpr, France, Spayne, ScoTLAND, &c., translated into the Englysshe Tongue by J. Bouchier, Lord Berners, 2 vol. vol. 1 wants title black letter, very RARE, jine tall and large copy, russia extra, gilt leaves, in the antique style Rh. Pynson, 1528-5 Froissart (Jehan) Chroniques de France et d’ Angleterre, et autres lieux voisins revues par Dennis Sauvage, 4 vol. in 1 Lyon, 1559-61 Frost Fairs, an Account ‘of all the Principal Frosts for above One Hundred Years, 1740— Description of the Thames when Frozen, in verse, woodcut representations, Views, portraits, broadsides, Poems, ¥c., many of them printed on the Thames when Frozen, inlaid and mounted in a volume A VERY RARE AND CURIOUS COLLECTION, half russia 1683-1814 Fryer (Dr. Jo.) Nine Years’ Travel in East-India and Persia, portrait and plates 1698 Fuller (Tho.) Historie of the Holy Warre and Holy State portrait, 2 vol. in | Camb. 1647-8 Fuller (T.) Historie of the Holy Warre, frontispiece and map, and the Holy and the Profane State, portraits, 2 vol. in 1 1651-2 Fuller (T.) Ephemeris Parliamentaria, calf 1654 Fuller (T.) Church History of Britain to 1648, and the His- tory of Waltham Abbey, plates, very good copy, calf 1655 Fuller (T.) Pisgah-Sight of Palestine, frontispicce and maps 1662 Fuller (T.) History of the Worthies of England and Wales, Jjine portrait, calf gilt 1672 r “o14g Fumee (M.) History of the Troubles of Hungarie, stained 1600 . | LOT Bo, ve 2143 O’.. | 2144 yas v3 2146 2147 - 2148 2149 Je. 2150 24 = | eeteh Pa Ft Boe ware 2153 ee + | 2154 fé\. | 2155 LNG 2156 os as 2157 | L| 2158 sare 2159 NINTH DAY’S SALE OCTAVO ET INFRA. Gabbett (Jos.) Digested Abridgment of the Statute Law of England and Ireland, 3 vol. calf gilt royal 8vo. Dublin, 1812 Gadbury (Jo.) Nani Prodigiorum, or the Nature of Prodigies, Portrait, 1660—History of Infamous Impostors, by De Rocoles, calf, 1683 2 vol. Gaffarel (Jas.) Unheard-of Curiosities, by Chilmead, plates, calf gilt 1650 Gage (Thos.) New Survey of the West indus map 1677 Gaillard, Histoire de Francois Premier Roi de France, 9 vol. Paris, 1769 Gaillard, Observations sur 1]’Histoire de France, par Velly, Villaret et Garnier, 4 vol. calf, marbled leaves 1b. 1806 Gale (Sam.) History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Winchester, plates 1715 Galerie del’ Ancienne Cour ou Meyeees et Anecdotes, pour servir, a |’Histoire des Regnes de Henri IV, et de Louis . XIII, 8 vol. calf gilt > 3791 Gallesio ( G.) Pomona Italiana, vel/um, gilt uae Como. 1821, and 7 Italian 8 ad Gallonius de SS. Martyrum Crociatibus curious plates, 1668 —Histoires Prodigieuses de plusieurs Fameux Autheurs, 3 vol. Paris, 1598, &e. 6 vol. Galt (J.) The Entail, 3 vol. Edinb. 1823—Last of the Lairds, 1826-—The Deena 1822—-Annals of the Parish, 1821, &e. 11 vol. Galt (J.) Ringan Gilhaize, 3 vol. Edinb. 1828—Gleig, Coun- try Curate, 2 vol. 1830—Grant, Babylon the Great, 2 vol. 1825 7 vol. . Gambarini (C.) Description of the Earl of Pembroke’s Pictures, LARGE PAPER, Old blue morocco, gilt leaves 1731 Garden (J.) History of Henry III, King of France, red morocco Dublin, 1788 Garrick (D.) Dramatic Works, 3 vol. calf gilt 1798 Gasconiana, Bon-Mots des Gascons, Amst. 1708, &ce. 7 vol. Gass ( Pat.) Journal of Voyages and Travels from the Missouri 1808 - | 2160 / \3 & 2161 Ak - 2162 | 2| ~ | 2164 4 | > | 2165 f > 2166 Cg) , | 2167 oF - | 2168 ve / 2109 f\> “2170 ZO \ 2171 ZO 6. AT 2176 2177 2178 2179 123 Gassendius ( Pet.) The Vanity of Judiciary Astrology, or Divi- nation by the Stars, portrait, fine impression, calf neat 1659 Gay (J.) Fables, with his Life, many oka 2 vol. fine copy, calf gilt _imp. 8vo. Stockdale, 1793 Geddes (Mich.) History of the Church of Malabar, 1694— Miscellaneous Tracts, and Tracts against Popery, 4 vol. 1702-15 5 vol. Gee (Ed.) Divine Right and Original of the Civill Magistrate, frontispiece, 1658, &c. 6 vol. Gell (Sir Wm.) Topography of Rome and its Vicinity, plates, with the two maps mounted on linen, in a case, 3 vol. 1834 Gelli (G.) La Circe Firenze, 1550 Gems of Sacred Poetry and Literature, 2 vol. n.d. &c. 10 vol. General Entertainer, 300 Tales and Fables, 2 vol. 1746— Ganganelli (Pope) Letters, 2 vol. 1777 4 vol. Genlis (Mme. de) Mile. de la Fayette, 1813—Revolutions de Geneve, 2 vol. 1589, &c. 7 vol. Genlis (Comtesse de) Les Parvenus, 3 vol. Paris, 1829— Genlis, Les Battuccas, 2 vol. 1817, &c. 38 vol. Gent (T) History of the Loyal Town of Ripon, numerous wood engravings, scarce, good copy 1733 Gent (T.) History of the Town of Kingston-upon-Hull, wood engravings, scarce, good copy 1739 Gent (T.) History of the Great Eastern Window of St. Peter’s Cathedral, York, map, and numerous wood engravings, and Bouts Thdes Iscariot, a Poem, 2 vol. in 1 York, 1762-72 GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, THE, FROM THE COMMENCE- MENT 1731 to 1826, numerous plates and wood en- gravings, 96 vol. in 139 vol. calf, and in numbers to 1848, not complete, with the General Index to ditto, by Ayscough and Nichols, portrait, 5 vol. 1818-21, together 144 vol. and 67 numbers 1731, &c. Genoa, History of the Revolutions AY 3 vol. 1751, &c. 6 vol. Gersaint, Catalogue and Description of the Etchings of Rem- brant van Rhyn, with his Life, portrait, 1752—Gersaint, Catalogue Raisonné du Cabinet de feu M. Quentin de l’Orangere, with prices, in MS. Paris, 1744—Green’s Catalogue of the Works of J. Callot, portrazt, 1804 3 vol. Geschichts-Geschlechts und Wappen Calendar auf 1751, numerous plates of Arms, russia extra, gilt leaves Nuremb. 1751 Gherardi (E.) Theatre Italien, plates, 6 nike Paris, 1741 Gibbon (Ed.) On the Roman Empire Reviewed, by Whitaker, ‘1791, and Vindication, by Gibbon, Dublin, 1779 = 2 vol. Gibbon (Ed.) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, portrait, 12 vol. : Dublin, 1784 be ltt +s ce ae Be Vea eee a ON ri Dias é pat 4 Boat a ¥ 4 ‘< yi it + »& * i 4 * ot y 124 2180 Gibboni (Joh.) Introductio ad Latinam Blasoniam, arms, scarce, calf gilt - 1682 2181 Gifford (Wm.) Baviad and Meviad, plates, LARGE PAPER, russia extra 1797 -2182 Gillies (R. P.) German Stories, 3 vol. 1896—'Grant (Mrs.) Letters fram the Mountains, 3 vol. 1809—Graham Hamil- ton, 2 vol. 1822 8 vol. 2183 Gilly (W. S.) Waldensian Researches during a Second Visit to the Vaudois of Piedmont, plates —s I83I 2184 Gilpin (W.) Life of Bishop Latimer, 1755—Good, Memuirs of Alex. Geddes, portrait, 1803—Memoirs of James — Graham, Marquis of Montrose, portrait, Edinb. 1756 3 vol. 2185 Gini (W.) Forest See) 2 vol.—Picturesque Beauty of Cumberland and Westmoreland, 2 vol.—Highlands of Scotland, 2 yol.—Observations on the River Wye and Wales, 7 vol. many plates, calf gilt uniform 1786-91 | 2186 Gilpin (W.) Remarks on Forest Scenery, 2 vol.—Observations on Picturesque Beauty in Cumberland and Westmoreland, 2 vol.—Observations on the Highlands of Scotland, 2 vol. —On the River Wye, and Three Essays on Picturesque Beauty, in I vol. numerous plates, : uniform in vellum, gilt leaves 1791-2. 7 vol. 2187 Gilpin (W.) Observations on the Western Parts of England, plates, calf — 1798 2188 Glanvil (Jos.) On Witches and Apparitions, plates, BEST EDITION, 1726—Hutchinson (Dr. Fr.) On Witchcraft, 1718 2 vol. 2189 Gleig (G. R.) Life of Sir Thomas Munro, portrait, 2 vol. 1830 2190. Glover, Atheniad and Leonidas, Poems, 4 vol. 1770-87— Garth’s Dispensary, and 9 Poetical 14 vol. - 2191 Goddard (C.) Bampton Lectures Oxford, 1824 2192 Goethe, Wilhelm Meister, 3 vol. Edinb. 1824—Godwin (W.) Mandeville, 3 vol. 2b. 1817—Glenarvon, 3 vol. 1816 9 vol. 2193 Goff (Tho.) Tragedies, 1656—Hughes (Jo.) Poems and Plays, - portrait, 2 vol. 1735, &e. : 6 vol. 2194 Goldoni (C.) Scelta di alceune Commedie,- Ltalian vellum, gilt leaves : Firenze, 1826 2195 Goldoni (Carlo) Raccolta completa delle Commedie, 10 vol. Ltalian vellum, gilt leaves ab. 1827 | 2196 Goldsmith (O.) History of the Earth and Animated Nature, 8 vol. old calf gilt 1779 9197 Goldsmith (O.) Miscellaneous Warts and Life, portrait, 4 vol. calf. gilt 180k 2198 Golownin (Capt.) Narrative of Bi Captivity in Japan, in | 1811-13, 2 vol. 1818 125 Goodall (W.) Examination of the Letters said to be written by Mary Queen of Scots to the Earl of Bothwell, portrait, 2 vol. Edinb. 1754 Goode (A.) Brief Account of the. Mechitaristican Society, founded on the Island of St. Lazaro, portrait, prwately printed, Venice, 1825—Memoirs of Sir J. Hinton, 18— 2 vol. Goring and Pritchard, Microscopic Illustrations, coloured plates, 1830—Another Copy, coloured plates 1830 Gorham (G. C.) History and Antiquities of Eynesbury and St. Neot’s, FINE PAPER, privately and only 25 copies printed 1820 Gostling (W.) Walk in and about the City of Canterbury, plan and plates, calf gilt Canterbury, 1777 Goube (J. J. C.) Histoire du Duché de Normandie, maps and plates, 3 vol. Rouen, 1815 Goulart (S.) Tresor d’ Histoires Admirables et Memorables de nostre temps, 4 vol. in 3 : Cologn. 1610 Gourlay (Rob.) Statistical Account of Upper Canada, maps, 2 vol. 1822 Grafton (Ric) Abridgment of the Chronicles of England, black letter, calf gilt Rich. Totyl. 1570 Granger (J.) and M. Noble, Biographical History of England, from Egbert to the end of George I. reign, interleaved, with many dees, additions, 7 vol. calf gilt 1775-1806 Granger and Noble, ‘another copy, with many manuscript ad- ditions, 7 vol. calf gilt, not uniform 1775-1806 Grant (Mrs.) Essays on the Ba Sen of the Highlanders of Scotland, 2 vol. 1811 Granville (A. B.) Spas of Germany, map and numerous wood engravings, 1838—Grey (W.) Travels in Africa, plates, 1835. 2 vol. Grattan (T. C.) High-ways and By-ways, three Series, 8 vol. 1824-7 Grattan (T. C.) Heiress of Bruges, 4 vol. 1880—Jacqueline of Holland, 3 vol. 1881—Legends of the Rhine, 3 vol. 1832 : 10 vol. Greaves (Jo.) Miscellaneous Works, plates, 2 Voll a7 — Greaves, Pyramids in Egypt, plate, 1646 3 vol. Grecourt (M. Dp) (Euvres Diverses, plates, 4 vol. 1780, &c. 17 vol. "2216 GRENVILLE.—BIBLIOTHECA GRENVILLIANA ; or Bibliogra- phical Notices of Rare and Curious Books, forming part of the Library of the Rt. Hon. Tho. Grenville, by J. T. Payne and H. Foss, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, scarce, presentation copy, half morocco, uncut , _ 1842 |Z o Teed UZ). 2218 2219 2990 2221 | 2222 | 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2280 223) | 2289 2233 2234 | 2235 9236 _ 2237 126 Greville, Maxims and Characters, 1756—Gassendi, Morals, 1699— Foster on Accent, Hiton, 1762, &c. 4 vol. Grier (R.) Epitome of Councils of the Church, Dublin, 1828, &e. 3 vol. Griffiths (R. .) Essay on the Jurisdiction of she River Thames, 1746—Labelye (C.) Description of Westminster Bridge, 1751 : 2 vol. Grimm et Diderot, Correspondance Litteraire et Philosophique depuis 1770 a 1782, 5 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1812 Grose (Fr.) Antiquities of England and Wales, numerous plates, old impressions, 8 vol. : 1786 Grose (F.) Provincial Glossary, calf gilt 1788 Grose (J. H.) Voyage to the East Indies, plates, 2 vol. Jine old red morocco extra, gilt leaves 1766 Grosley (M.) Tour to London, by Nugent, 2 vol. calfgilt 1772 Grotii (H.) Poemata, Z. Bat. 1637—Hertelii (J.) Vetustissi- morum et Sapientiss. Comicorum L. sententiz, Gr. et Lat. Basil. s. a. &e. 3 vol. Grotius (H.) Annals and History of the Low Countrey Warrs, vellum, gilt leaves 1665 Grotius (H.) Annals of the Low Countrey Warrs —- 1665 Grotii (H.) Poemata, Amst. 1670—Grotii Epistole, Elzevir, 1650—Grotius de Veritate Religionis, 2b. 1674, &c. 8 vol. Grotius, Truth of the Christian Religion, 1767—-Government of the Tongue, Art of Contentment, and Lively Oracles, in 1 vol. calf, gilt leaves, 1767-9, &c. 6 vol. Guarini (B.) Il Pastor Fido, 3 copies—Groto (L.) Rime, Venet. 1610, &e. 15 vol. Gueuara (Ant. de) Epistolas pe Py Anvers, 1562—Gra- cian (Lucas) Galateo Espanol, Madrid, 1632—Huarte Examen de Ingenios, Amst. 1662 3 vol. Guibert (Att.) Voyage en Allemagne, plates, 2 vol. Paris, 1803—Gourbillon (J. A. de) Voxges a l’Etna, 2 vol. Paris, 1820, &e. 6 vol. Guides, various, some with plates a parcel Guidott (T.) Discourse of Bathe, and Lives of Physicians of Bathe, 2 vol. in 1, 1676-7—Peirce (R.) Bath Memoirs, map, Bristol, 1697 2 vol. Guilielmi Neubrigensis de Rebus Anglicis suis temporibus, libri V. Paris, 1610 Gumble (T.) Life of General Monck, 1671—Godefroy, Me- moirs of Philip de Comines, portraits, 1674—Life and Death of Sir Edm. Godfrey, portrait, 1682—Godolphin, View of the Admiral’s Jurisdiction, frontispiece, 1685— Ford, Lord Grey, Secret History of the Rye-House Plot, 1754 3 vol. Gunpowder Treason, and the Manner of its Discovery, plate, old red morocco, gilt leaves 167 Pe 127 An . 2938 Guyse. Legend de Domp Claude de Guyse, Abbe de Cluny, old red morocco, gilt leaves 1581 SO v 2239 Hackett (J.) Select and Remarkable Epitaphs, with Transla- esi ae tions of those in Latin, 2 vol. calf gilt 1757 | x] f) 2240 Hale (Sir Matthew) Contemplations, portrait, 2 vol. 1699 . w2\ - | (2241 ai ( 3 Henry) Essays and Orations, and Nuge Metrice, ee" in 1 vo | - presentation copy, with an inscription by the author, green ) morocco extra, gilt leaves 1842 fo b 9242 Halifax, and its Gibbet-Law, frontispiece, russia extra, gilt leaves Halifax, 1761 . Y% | * 9949*Halifax, another edition hd gi bialtepiece, russia extra, g.l. 1712 2, , 2243 Hall (Capt. B.) Journal on the Coast of Chili, Peru, and | Mexico, 1820-22, map, 2 vol. Edinb. 1824 2 |9244 Hall (Basil) Fragments of Voyages and Travels, 3 vol. 1831 Us ~ 2245 Hall (Jas.) Travels in Scotland, with a Trip to the Orkneys . ‘and Hebrides, plates, 2 vol. calf gilt, marbled leaves royal 8vo. 1807 4 9946 Hall (Bp. Jos.) Resolutions and Decisions; or Practicall Cases of Conscience, portrait, 1649—G. Herbert, The Temple, Sacred Poems, 1667, &c. 6 vol. 2247 Hallifax (S.) Sermons on the Propheciés) 1776—Holmes (R.) Treatises, Oxford, 1806—Huntingford (Bishop) Thoughts and Charges, 1832 3 vol. Yao 2248 Hamilton (Comte) CEuvres, 6 vol. 1762, &e. 3 vol. @ | + | 2249 Hamilton (E.) Letters:of a Hindoo Rajah, 2 vol. calf gilt 1811 | | ~- |2250 Hamilton (W.) Poems, Foulis, 1758—The Hive, a Collection of Songs, 1724 2 vol. f= £ \2251 Hamilton (W.) Poems, portrait, Edinb. {760i Hawkins (W.) Miscellanies, 1775— Horne, Dramatic Works, 1760 3 vol. \4S\ 2252 Hamilton, Memoires de la Vie du Comte de Grammont, with | manuscript Notes, red morocco, gilt leaves Rotterd. 1716 ) . 2 o | 2253 Hamilton, The English School, a Series of the most Approved Productions in Painting and Sculpture, numerous plates in , outline, 4 vol. 1831 * |2254 Hammond (H.) Practical Catechism, 1677—Hare (J.) on ~ Scepticism, red morocco, g. 1. Oxford, 1801, &c. 6 vol. S| £2255 Hampshire. Historical Account of New Forest, frontispiece, 1751— Historical Account of Winchester Cathedral, plates, Winchester, 1807 2 vol. Z| & 2256 Hansard (T. C.) Typographia ; or the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing, portraits, plates, and wood engravings royal 8vo. 1825 - |2257 Harington (Sir Jo.) Nuge Antique, a Collection of Original Papers in Prose and Verse, with Notes by T. Park, 2 vol. calf gilt 1804 2258 Harles (T. C.) Introductio in Historian: Lingue Greece, et Scriptorum Latinorum, 5 vol. russia Altenb. 1792-4 « | 2259 ae Be 4 + | 2260 4h S| 2261 eg f 2262 | . | 2268 Lf 1 - | 2264 2265 2 £ 2266 Dae a 2267 |Z. | 2268 4 - 2269 JO + 9274 ZY: 2975 2989 128 | Harmer (Thos.) Observations on divers Passages of Scrip- ture, 4 vol. 1797 Harris (T. M.) Natural History of the Bible 1824 Harris (W.) Life of Oliver Cromwell > GS Harris (W.) Life of Charles the Second, 2 vol. calf gilt 1766 Harris (W. C.) The Highlands of Ethiopia, maps and plates, vol- 1 and 2 1844 Harrod (W.) Antiquities of Stamford and St. Martins, plates, 2 vol. Stamford, 1785 Hartford (Countes of) and Countess of Pomfret Correspon- dence, by Bingley, portrait, 3 vol. ~ 1805 Hartley (D-:) on the Human Mind, by Priestley 1775 Hassell (J.) Tour of the Isle of Wight, plese 2 vol. vellum, gilt leaves 1790 QUARTO. Gallei (S.) Sibyllina Oracula, cum Commentariis, _ calf gilt Amst. 1689 Gallery of British Portraits during the Reigns of James I. Charles I. and the Commonwealth, 12 fine portraits, 1810, and 10 Pamphlets on the Arts, &c. a parcel Gallery of Fashion, 1794 to 1801, numerous finely coloured plates, 8 vol. in 1, green morocco, gilt leaves 1794, &c. Galt (John) Voyages and Travels, plates, calf gilt m. 1. 1812 Gambado, Annals of Horsemanship, plates 1796 Gardiner (Ralph) England’s Grievance Discovered, in Relation to the Coal Trade and the Situation of the Town and Cor- poration of Newcastle, many portraits and plates, but wants the map of the river Tyne, with some MS. notes very scarce, red morocco, gilt leaves 1655 Gardner (Tho.) Historical Account of Dunwich, plates 1754 Gardiner (R.) Expedition to the West Indies, plates, calf, gilt leaves Baskerville, 1762 Garimberto (Hieran) Vite @aleuni Papi et di tutti i Cardinali passati Venet. 1568 Garnet, a Jesuite and his Confederis True Relation of the Proceedings against 1606 Garnett (Dr. T.) Observations on a Tour through the High- lands and the Western Isles of Scotland, map and 52 plates, 2 vol. calf extra, marbled leaves . 1800 Garzoni (P.) Istoria della Republica di Venezia Venet. 1705 Gaubii (J.) Epistola Problematica Amst. 1696 Gay (J.) Poems, plates, 2 vol. old calf gilt Tonson, 1720 Gerberti (Mart.) de Cantu et Musica Sacra a prima /Etate, usque ad preesens Tempus, many plates, 2 vol. Typis San-Blasianis, 1774 at J + | 2283 1h | 2284 ab - 2985) 2286 2298 2299 2300 129 Gendre (G. C.) des Antiquites de la Maison de France, et des Maisons Merovingienne et Carlienne Paris, 1739 Genebrier, Histoire de l’Empereur Carausius, plates, calf gilt Paris, 1740 Gentil (M. le) Voyage dans les Mers de I’ Inde, maps and plates, 2 vol. Paris, 1779 Geological Society, Transactions of the, from the commence- ment, numerous plates, many coloured, vol. 1 to 5, in 9 vol. boards, and New Series, vol. 1 to vol. 3, part 1, mith Duplicate of vol. 1, part 1, together 9 vol. and 8 parts 1807-29 Gerardo, Francia Enganada, 1635; Wander Hammen, Don Filipe et Prudente, 1632; Venturoli, Compendio dell’ Aret- metica, 1681; 3 vol. in 1—Gomez, Filosofia Moral del Grande Aristotele, Lisboa, 1682—Gomez, El Siglo Pita- gonico, Bruselas, 1727 8 vol. Gerardo, Poema Tragico del Amor Lascivo, corregido por Gonzalo Zarugoza, 1697 Gerning (J. J. Von) Picturesque Tour along the Rhine from Mentz to Cologne, map and plates finely coloured royal 4to. 1820 Gianetti (Michel.) Elogy of Captain Cook, Italian and English, LARGE PAPER, gilt leaves Florence, 1785 Giannone (P.) Histoire Civile du Royaume de Naples, 4 vol. a la Haye, 1742 Gibbon (Edw.) History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, portrait, 6 vol. calf 1776-88 Gibbon (E.) Miscellaneous Works, with notes by Lord Shef- field, portrait, 2 vol. calf gilt 1796 Gibson (Edm.) Chronicon Saxonicum ex MSS. Codicibus, nunc primum ed. Saxon et Lat. map YUSSIA Oxonti, 1692 Gibson (Matth.) View of the Ancient and Present State of the Churches of Door, Home-Lacy, and Hempsted, calf gilt 1727 Gilbert (T.) Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, maps and plates, calf gilt 1789 Gillingwater (Edm.) Historical Account of Lowestoft n.d. Gilly (W. S.) Narrative of an Excursion to the Mountains of Piedmont, maps and plates 1824 Gilpin (Wm.) Observations on the Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent, plates LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1804. Giovio (Paolo) Historia del suo Tempo, tradotta par L. Domenichi, 2 vol. Venet. 1560-——Giovio, Vite di dicenove Huomini Illustri, 26. 1561 3 vol. ra , 2301 Giovio (P.) Vite de i Visconti di Milano, trad. da L. Dome- nichi, portraits : Milano, 1645 7\ 2 2300 @G Z| 2303 fF» | 2304 (| 2 | 2805 ||. | 2806 age De Bas LF 2 | 2807 Fe Rote 2! Z| 2308 | | _ | 2809 2 L810 |r. | 2811 , | 2312 2). | 2315 / 7 9316 Le | | 2317 ee, Cae |} - | 2318 iF | f | 2319 | 2 | 2320 | ae _ | 2323 Grant (Jas.) Voyage to New South Wales, map and plates, — 130 Giustiniano (P.) Historia Venetiana, Venet. 1671—Guiceiar- dini, Historia d'Italia, 7b. 1592 2 vol. Giustiniano (Bern.) Historie di Tutti gl’ Ordini Equestri, e Religioni Cavalleresche, portrait and arms, Venet. 1672— Gratiano (A. M.) de Casibus Virorum I}lustrium et de Bello Cyprio, 2 vol. Roma, 1624 and Paris, 1680, vellum - 3 vol. Gladwin (F.) Persian Moonshee, calf; russia back 1801 Gloucester, Collection of Coats of Arms borne by the Nobility and Gentry of the County of, plates, calf gilt 1792 Godfrey (Sir Edmondberry). A True Narrative of the late Terrible and Bloody Murther of Sir E. Godfrey, 1678— A True Narrative of the Horrid, Hellish, Popish Plot, 12 curious plates by Faithorne, with Verses, a folio. broadside, cut and mounted, very scarce—Lloyd (Dr. _ Wm.) Funeral Sermon on Sir E. Godfrey, 1678, in 1 vol, half bound calf 1678 Godwin (Wm.) Lives of Geoff. Clianves and John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, portrait, 2 vol. calf gilt 1803 Godwin (T.) Roman Antiquities 1685 Godwin (T.) Moses and Aaron, and Attick Antiquities, 1686, &e. 3 vol. Godwyn (Fr.) Catalogue of the Bishops of England black letter, good copy 1601 Goguet, de |’ Origine des Lois, des ree et des Sciences, plates, 3 vol. Paris, 1758 Goldsmith and Parnell, Poems, wood engr avings by T. Bewick LARGE PAPER, calf gilt A Gore (Tho.) Catalogus Authorum qui de Re Heraldica serip- serunt, russia, gilt leaves Oxon, 1674 Gough (R.) British Topography, or Historical Account of _ Topographical Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland, Sac-similes of old maps, &c. 2 vol. 1780 Gough (R.) History and Antiquities of Pleshy in Essex, plates, russia : 1803 Gozliski (L. G.) Accomplished Senator, by Oldisworth 1733 Grant (C.) on finding the Longitude at pe portrait, 1808, &e. 6 vol. Gracian (Lorenzo) Obras, 2 vol. Amberes, 1669 Gracian (L.) Obras, 2 vol. Barcelona, 1700 Graham (Maria) Journal of a Residence in India, frontispiece coloured, and plates, calf gilt 1812 Graham (M.) Residence in India, plates, Edinb. 1812—Jour- nal of a Residence in Chili, plates, half calf, gilt leaves, 1824— Voyage to Brazil, plates, 1824 — 3 vol. Grant (Baron) History of the Mauritius, map, calf gilt 1801 the Natural History coloured, calf gilt 1805 W. Bulmer, 1795 131 GranceR (J.) BioGrapnHicaAL History or ENGLAND, from Egbert to the Revolution, first edition, with the Sup- plement, printed on one side only, ILLUSTRATED with upwards of 230 of Richardson’s copies of rare portraits, 6 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves 1769 Granville (Geo.) Lord Lansdowne, Genuine Works, in Prose and Verse, russia extra, gilt leaves 1732 Graves (Jo.) History of Cleveland, with Genealogies of the - Principal Families, map and plates, calf, m. l. 1808 Gray (W ) Poems, with Life by Mason, portrait calf gilt 1775 Grecian Story; being an Historical Poem by J. H., frontis- prece, calf | 1684 Green (V.) Twelve Original Drawings formed on the History of the Queens of England, executed by J. G. Huck, with an Historical Account, English and French, plates of portraits, calf gilt 1792 Green (V.) History and Antiquities of the City and Suburbs of Worcester, portrait and plates, 2 vol, calf gilt 1796 Greenwich, Historical Account of the Royal Hospital, plates ; 1789 2332 Gregory (Dr. G.) Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, portrait, fine proof inserted, and many plates, 2 vol. i Oe russia, marbled leaves 1806 ee 2333 Gregory (J.) Works, 1671—Goodman Gs, ) Penitent Par- 3 _ doned, plates, 1683 2 vol. Gi ~ | 2334 | Grenville, Verses by the University of Oxford on the Death of Sir B. Grenville, or Granvill, slain at Lansdowne Hill, July 1643, fine portrait inserted, russia extra 1684 Grenville (Lord) Nuge Metric | PRIVATELY PRINTED 1824 2336 Grace (SHEFFIELD) ANTIQUE Guns, etched by Worlidge, . portraits and 105 plates LARGE PAPER, PRIVATELY, AND ONLY FOUR COPIES, PRINTED elephant 4to. 1823 337 Grey (Tho. De) Compleat Horseman and Spe ni ie ca yf Bit FOLIO. + | 9338 Gage (Tho.) New Survey of the West Indies, map 1655 _ | 2339 Gaguin (Rob.) La Mer des Chronicques et Miroir Hystorial s de France, jadis compose en Latin, par Rob. Gaguin, trad. en Francoise par J. Desrey, 2 vol. gothic letter, rinsT EDITION, eed copy, old calf gilt Paris, 1517-18 2840 Ree _ Une autre edition gothic letter, good copy . tb. 1536 oF fo . en ee ee » »y ea A STERIC etn tr TT ge Cm MEE PTE Ny RN VERY SCARCE, fine copy, russia extra old French calf, gilt leaves 2343 Galerie. Recueil d’Estampes d’apres les Tableaux des Peintres half red morocco extra 132 9341 GALE ET Fez, Scriptores Rerum ANGLICANARUM VetreruM, with MS. notes in the autographs of Dr. White Kennett, and Thomas Martin, of Thetford, 3 vol. Oxonti, 1684 *,* © This book had formerly belonged to Dr. White Kennett, D. of erie shy, and Author (inter alia) of that valu- able work, * Zhe Parochial Antiquities. These notes were written by T. Martyn, the Antiquarian, at whose | death I purchased this and several other of his books, at Norwich, in the year 1769. Nugent Buckingham. The notes of each of these two celebrated Antiquaries are sufficiently indicated by the difference in the hand writing. 2342 GaLEeRIE. RecuEin p’EsTaMPEs concernant les Baitiments, les Tapisseries, Tableaux, Batailles, Conquetes, Festes, Grottes, Fontaines de Versailles, Statues des Palais, Chateaux, et autres Sujets qu’ on trouve dans les Maisons Royales de France, &c.; portrait, and upwards of 900 very fine plates (some large folding) after Vander Meulen, Genoels, Mansarts, &c. by Audran, Bauduin, Beaulieu, Boissiere, Bonnart, Chauveau, Cochin, Hucienburgh, Picart, Potre, Seotin, Simmonveau, Sil- vestre, Vander Meulen, &c.; mostly very fine impressions, with a few additional inserted, 22 vol. in 21 Paris, 1679, &c. les plus célébres d’Italie, des Pays-Bas et de France, qui sont & Aix, dans le Cabinet de Boyer d’Aguilles, portrait, and 117 engravings, by Coelemans, fine impressions old calf Paris, 1744 2344 Galerie des Peintres Flamands, Hollandais et Allemands, upwards of 200 plates, fine impressions, 3 vol. in 2 russia extra Paris, 1792-96 2345 GaLuLeRy (Britisn) of Engravings, from Pictures of the ‘Italian, Dutch, Flemish and English Schools, from the old Masters, by E. Forster, 52 plates, ORIGINAL AND BRIL- LIANT PROOFS, principally on india paper, before any letters LARGE PAPER, half bound red moroeco extra imperial folio. 1807 2346 GALLERY (BriTISH) of Pictures, selected from the most — admired Productions of the old Masters in Great Britain, by Tresham, Ottley and adie" 25 plates, VERY FINE PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER imperial folio, 1818 133 Gallesio (G.) Pomona Italiana ossia Trattato degli Alberi Fruttiferi, about 150 finely coloured plates, No. 1 to 41 : Pisa, 1817-24 Galliazzo (Count) History of the late Wars in Christendom | 1648 bo 2349 Gambado (Geoff.) Academy for Grown Horsemen, plates 1787 | J#é,~ 2350 Garcia (G.) Origen de los Indios de el Nuevo Mundo e Indias E? Fe | Occidentales, calf neat Madrid, 1729 eft /0\ - | 2351 Garibay (Est. de) Compendio Historial de las Chronicas y His- e ! torial de todos los Reynos de Espana, 4 vol. Anveves, 1571 4A FA - | 2352 Gau (E. C.) Antiquités de la Nubie, many plates, in 13 Nos. . Stuttgard, 1822 4 4 \f 9353 Gayton (E.) Notes on Don Quixote, wants title, calf gilt 1654 a a 2354 Gemini (T.) Compendious Anatomie, plates . black letter, wants title 1559 fo fo. 2355 Grorce IV. Coronation or Kine Grorce THE FourtH, : by Whittaker, with 40 magnificent paintings of the Pro- cession, Ceremonial, Banquet, &c. most exquisitely finished . in colours, heightened with gold and silver from drawings by Chalon and others, No. 1 to 18, being all published before Whittaker’s Death atlas folio. n.d. ie 2 | 2356 Gerarde (Jo.) Herball, or Generall Historie of Plantes, fron- | Sa tispiece containing portrait, and numerous wood engra- vings, coloured f 1633 + 2357 Gesneri (J. M.) Novus Lingue et Eruditionis Romane The- ee _ saurus, portrait, 4 vol. in 2, russia Lipsie, 1749 _ 4 YZ «| 2358 Gheyn (Jacob de) Exercise of Armes for Calivres, Muskets : and Pikes, 117 plates, fine impressions Hage, 1607 _ /4| @ | « 2859 Giannone (Pietro) Civil History of the Kingdom of Naples, a, . by Ogilvie, 2 vol. fine copy, bright old calf gilt 1729 2360 Gibbs (Jas.) Bibliotheca Radcliviana, or Description of the Radcliffe Library at Oxford, portrait and plates calf gilt 3 1747 2361 Gibbs (J.) Bibliotheca Radcliviana, 23 plates 1747 2362 Girard, Histoire de la Viedu Duc d’Espernon, portrait Paris, 1655 2363 Godwin (F.) Annales of England, containing the Reigns of Henry VIII, Edward VI, and Mary, calf gilt 1630 2364 Godwini (Episcopi Fr.) de Preesulibus Anglize Commentarius, ) cura G. Richardson, portrait, calf gilt Cantab. 1748 2365 GoLpEN LEGEND, a Fragment of the, by Wm. Caxton, it ° begins page 44 and ends page 98, not consecutive, woodcuts black letter, RARE, olive morocco extra, joints, and gilt leaves Emprinted by me, William Caxton, 1483 *,* A very fine Fragment; the colophon is added with a pen. 2366 Gollii (Jac.) Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, good sound copy old calf Elzevir, 1653 Ee a , ve , - ft j "i : i : Phe : |e H i j LA 1 « a “| | 134 2367 Goltzii (H.) Icones, Vite et Elogia Imperatorum Romanorum, ~ numerous portraits Antv. 1645 2368 Gomberville, La Doctrine des Mours tiree de la Philosophie des Stoiques, plates, morocco 1646 2369 Gondi. Histoire et Preuves Genealogiques de la Maison de Gondi, many fine portraits and plates, old calf gilt 16— bis Pag ve | 2870 Goodwin (T.) History of the Reign of Henry V, portrait 1704 /\-2 o/ Jo ra _ 2371 Gordon (Alex.) Lives of Pope Alexander VI, and his son Cesar Borgia, portraits, old calf gilt 1729 2879 GoucH (Ric.) SeputcHrRAL MoNnuMENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN, numerous fine plates, 3 vol. in 5 RARE, fine copy, russia extra 1786-96 *.* This copy is remarkably free from stains, which is very rarely the case. Many copies of this very valuable and important work were destroyed by fire in the printer’s warehouse, more particularly the third vol., and therefore complete copies are of rare occurrence. | 2373 Gough, Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain, arranged alphabetically in the order of CORRES 110 plates imper- fect, half bound, uncut 1786 - 2374 Gower (Jo.) De Confessione Amantis black letter, RARE, THIRD EDITION, very good copy, green morocco, gilt leaves J. Berthelet, 1554 | 2375 Gravil ET Gronovil THESAURUS ANTIQUITATUM RoMA- NARUM, GRACARUM ET ITALICARUM: viz. Grevii The- saurus Antiq. Rom. 12; Gronovii Theasurus Antiq. Gree. 13; Sallengeri Novus Thesaurus Antig. Rom., 3, not uniform ; et Grevii Thesaurus Antiquitat. et Hist. Italie, 3 vol. in 6, portraits, maps and numerous plates, 34 vol. et Catalogus Librorum in Thesauro Romano, Greco et Italico, 8vo. 1725 Srench calf, gilt leaves L. Bat. §c. 1694-1700 | 2376 Granville (Dr. Denis) The Resigned and Resolved Christian and Faithful and Undaunted Royalist, with certaine Letters, portrait inserted LARGE PAPER, very scarce, russia extra, g.l. Fouen, 1689 2877 Gray (T.) Poems, portrait, with plates from Bentley's designs, printed on one side only crimson morocco, g.l. 1789 2378 Greenwood (N.) Astronomy 1689 _ 2379 Grew (Neh.) Catalogue and Description of the Rarities pre- served at Gresham College, portrait and plates 1694 2380 Grew (N.) Cosmologia Sacra, portrait | 1701 2381 Grey (W.) Chorographia; or a Survey of Newcastle upon Tyne in 1649 Newcastle, 1818 2382 Grimeston (Ed.) Generall Historie of the Netherlands, nume- rous portraits, calf gilt - . 1609 2383 Grose (F.) Account of Pythagoras School in Cambridge, many plates, calf extra, marbled leaves n.d. 1p edo ewe ee ae * ¢ oe ek at “5 ae ae ¥ uy /!- : + 135 Ang 2384 Grotii (Hug.) Annales et Historia de Rebus Belgicis, portratt Amst. 1657 2385 Grotius (H.) Rights of War and Peace, by Evats 1682 2385*Grotius (H.) Another copy 1682 2386 Guattani (G. A.) Pesaggi in Tavola Giudicati di Claudio Gelee, 10 plates Roma, 1826 2387 Guercino, Raccolta di alcuni Disegni, 12 plates, proofs before any letters, by Bartolozzt, &c. Roma, 1764 2388 Guercino, Raccolta di alcuni Disegni del Barberi da Cento detto Il Guercino, 21 plates, calf gilt Roma, 1764 2389 Guercino (Gio. Fr. Barbieri detto il) Works, 82 plates by Bartolozzi, gc. 1764, &c. 2390 Guicciardini (Fr.) Historia d’ Italia (title page damaged Fiorenza, 1561; Descrittione di tutti i Pasi Bassi, maps and plates, Anvers, 1581 2 vol. 2391 Guichemon (Sam.) Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de 4 Savoye, portraits and plates, 1 vol. Lyon. 1660 2392 Guittim (J.) DispLay or Herapry, portraits and plates, with many MS. additions in the Catalogue of Baronets, two leaves unfortunately on small paper, inlaid bes LARGE PAPER, BEST EDITION, old russia, m. l. 1724 2393 Gunton (Simon) History of the Church of. Peterburgh, by Dr. Symon Patrick, plates by D. King, russia extra 1686 2394 Guthrie (W.) History of England to 1688, with Ralph’s continuation to George the First, 5 vol. old calf gilt, fine copy 1744 2395 Habington (W.) Historie of Edward the Fourth 1640 2396 Hacket (Bp. Jo.) Memorial of Abp. Jo. Williams’ Life, in relation both to Church and State, portrait, calf 1693 2397 Haxtuyt (Ric.) Tue Principat Navicarions, Voiages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, wanting the Voiage to Cadiz, 3 vol. black letter, best edition, russia extra 1598-1600 2398 Hale (Sir Matth.) Primitive Origination of Mankind, portrait 1677 2399 Hale (Sir M.) Another copy, portrait 1677 2400 Hale (T.) Complete Body of Husbandry, plates 1756 2401 Hari (Epw.) Curonicite. The Union of the Two noble and illustre Famelies of Lancastre and Yorke, &c. black letter, reprinted title, otherwise a fine copy, russia extra Grafton, 1550 2402 Hamilton (Gavini) Scholia Ttalica Picture, 40 plates, very . fine ¢ - caibaaeauede calf eek Rome, 1773 wen ern awe 136 TENTH DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 2403 Hassell (J.) Tour of the Isle of Wight, plates. 2vol. 1790 2404 Hassell (J.) Picturesque Guide to Bath, plates, calf 1793 2405 Hatfield (Jas.) Hngravings by R. Cruikshank, 1841—Jour- nal of an Exile, 2 vol. 1825 5 vol. 2406 Hauy (l’Abbé) Traite de Mineralogie, with 4to volume of 120 plates, 5 vol. calf, gilt leaves Paris, 1822 _ 2407 Hauy (Abbé) Traite de Christallographie, with a 4t0 volume of 84 plates, 3 vol. ib. 1822 _ 2408 Hawkesworth, Adventurer, ‘frontispiece, 4 vol. calf gilt 1793 2409 Hawkins (L. M.) Heraline, 4 vol. 1821—Hyde Nugent, 3 vol. 1827 7 vol. 2410 Hawkins (Tho.) The Origin of ‘the English Drama, 8 vol. old calf gilt Oxford, 1773 2411 Hawkins (T.). Another copy Oxford, 1773 2412 Hayne (Thos.) Gramatices Latine, Charles II’s copy when Prince of Wales, with inscription in the Author's auto- graph to the Prince—it was afterwards used by the Duke of York; old red morocco, gilt leaves 1640 2413 Hayward (Sir Jo.) Life and Raigne of Edward VI. portrai¢— Hayward and Cotton, Lives of Henry II. and IV, 2 vol. russia 1636-42 2414 Head (F. B.) Journies across the Pampas ‘ 1826 2415 Head (Sir Fr. B.) Narrative 1839 2416 Headley (H.) Beauties of Ancient English Poetry, 2 vol. 1787 HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN WORKS OF THOMAS HEARNE, CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. 2417 Livii Historia, cura Tho. Hearnii, 6 vol. old calf Oxon. 1708 2418 Spelman (Sir J.) Life of Alfred pe Great, by T. Hearne portrait Oxford, 1709 2419 Dodwelli (Hen.) de Parma Rgueste Woodwardiana Disser- tatio. Accedit T. Neli Dialogus, plates, cura T. Hearnii Oxonti, 1718 2420 Dodwelli (H.) de Parma, &c. plates, 1718, et Jo. Rossi, An- tiquarii Warwicensis Historia Regum -Anglie, cura T. Hearnii, plates, 2 vol. in 1, 1717 7b. 1713-17 ¢e I 3 G 1 P a f 2431 2430 Joannis de Fordum, Scotichronicor 137 Works or Tomas HEARNE (continued). Acta Apostolorum, Greco-Latina, Litteris Majusculis e Codice Laudiano, cura T. Hearnii RARE, fine sie calf royal 8vo. * Only 120 copies printed. | Livii (Titi) an Juliensis Vita Henrici Quinti Regis Angliz, eura T. Hearnii scarce, only 100 copies printed ib. 1716 Roperi (G.) Vita D. Tho. Mori accedit Mori Epistola, ete. cura T’. Hearnii, portrait RARE, only 100 copies printed 0b. 1716 Camdeni (G.) Annales Rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum Regnante Elizabetha, cura T. Hearnii, portraits, 3 vol. slightly wormed tb. 1717 Sprotti (Tho.) Chronica, cura T. Hearnii, plate ab. 1719 Guilielmi Neubrigensis Historia, Chronica Rerum Angli- -carum, lib, v, cura T. Hearnii, wlates, 3 vol. in 2 7b. 1719 Textus Roffensis, cura T. Hdaentidb lees tb. 1720 Roberti de Avesbury, Historia de mirabilibus Gestis Edward III, cura T. Hearnii, plate #6. 1720 A Collection of Curious Discourses, written by eminent Anti- quaries, by T. Hearne, plate Oxford, 1720 enuinum, cum Supple- earnii, plates, 5 vol. Oxonii, 1722 History and Antiquities of Glastonbury, by T. Hearne, por- trait and plates wery scarce, only 150 copies printed Oxford, 1722 History and Antiquities of Glastonbury, by T. Hearne, por- trait and plates Oxonti, 1715 mento ac Continuatione, cura T. LARGE PAPER, RARE, old russ extra ib. 1722 Hemingi Chartularium Ecclesi SW iporniensi, cura T. Hearnii, plates, 2 vol. very scarce ib. 1723 Robert of Gloucester, Chronicle with glossary, by T. Hearne, 2 vol. very scarce 1b. 17238 Ductor Historicus, or a Short System of Universal History, by T. Hearne, 2 vol. tb. 1724 Peter Langtoft, Chronicle with glossary, by T. Hearne, 2 vol. very scarce wb. 1725 Johannis Confratris et Monachi Gaston iehsis Chronica, sive Historia de Rebus Glastoniensibus, cura T. Hearnii, 2 vol. very scarce ib. 1726 Adami de Domerham, Historia de RBWug Gestis Glastoniensibus, cura T. Hearnii, plates, 2 vol. scarce, only 150 copies printed Oxonti, 1727 home de Elmham, Vita et Geeta Areciie Quinti,, Anglorum Regis, cura T. Hearnii, very sdarce tb. 1727 T 4 =| pare hue a Jf 6 4 ad Je yi wae “4 Sela tee | 2440 | 244) | 9449 2448 2444 | £2 | 2445 2453 138 Works or Tuomas HEARNE (ConrTINUED). Liber Niger Scaccarii, cura T. Hearnii, 2 vol. Owxont, 1728 Joannis de Trokelowe, Annales Edward II, Henrici de Blande- ford, Chronica et Edward II. Vita, cura T. Hearnii scarce wb. 1729 Historia Vite et Regni Richar di II. Ae Regis, a Monacho — quodam de Evesham consignata, cura T. Hearnii scarce, only 150 copies printed tb. 1729 Caii (Tho.) Vindicie Antiquitatis Academie Oxoniensis contra Jo. Caium Cantabridgiensem, cura T. Hearnii, 2 vol. scarce, only 150 copies printed ib. 1731 Walteri Hemingford, Historia de Rebus Gestis Edwardi I, Edwardi II, et Edwardi III, cura T. Hearnii, 2 vol. | scarce, only 150 copies printed ib. 1541 Duo Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores Veteres, viz. Tho. Otter- bourne et Jo. Whethamstede, ab Origine Gentis Britannic usque ad Edwardum IV, cura T. Hearnii, 2 vol. very scarce, only 150 copies printed ab. 1732 Chronicon sive Annales Prioratus de Dunstaple, una cum ex- cerptis e Chartulario ejusdem Prioratus, accedit Appendix, cura T. Hearnii, 2 vol. very scarce es. tb. 1733 — Benedictus, Abbas Petroburgensis, de Vita et Gestis Henriei II, et Ricardi II, cura T. Hearnii, 2 vol. very scarce 16.1735 Impartial Memorials of the Life and Writings of T. Hearne, M.A., by several hands, portrait and one inserted 1736 Leland (Jo. ) The Itinerary and New- Year’ s Gift, by T. Hearne, ~ 9 vol. russia extra Ozford, 1768 Lelandi (Jo.) De Rebus Britannicis Collectanea, cura T. Hearne, 6 vol. russia extra Oxonii, 1774 Liber Niger Scaccarii, nec non Wilehlmi Worcestrii Annales Rerum Anglicarum, cura T. Hearnii, 2 vol. THICK PAPER, calf gilt ; a 1774 Collection of Curious Discourses, written by eminent Anti- quaries, by T. Hearne, plate, 2 vol. calf gilt 1775 Heatu, Brier CHRONICLE OF THE LATE INTESTINE WAR IN THE THREE Kincopoms or ENGLAND, SCOTLAND AND IRELAND, with all the 38 scarce portraits, by Hollar, Stent, §c. 4 parts complete in 2 vol. RARE, calfneat 1664 Heath (C.) Historical Account of Monmouth, 1804—Lodge (J.) History of the County of Hereford, 1793 : calf gilt 2vol. Heath (R.) Natural and Historical Account of the Scilly Islands, 1750—Tucker (B.) Report cone the Islands of Scilly, 1810 ee 2 vol. 2456 139 Heath (C.) Picturesque Annual for 1832 to 1839, numerous Jine plates, india proofs, 8 vol. LARGE PAPER, 7 vol. red, and 1 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves . royal 8vo, 1832-9 Heath (C.) Book of Beauty, edited by the Countess of Bles- sington, 1841 to 1845, numerous fine portraits, 5 vol. gilt leaves royal 8vo, 1841-5 Heath (C.) Book of Beauty, 1847, many fine plates 1847 Heber (Bp.) Bampton Lectures, Gxfortl, 1816, &e. 7 vol. Heber (Bp.) Journal in India, wood engravings, 8 vol. 1828 Heineken (le Baron) Idée Générale d’une Collection complette d’Estampes, many plates, scarce Leips. 1771 Heineken (le Baron) Dictionnaire des Artistes, dont nous. avons des Estampes, A. to D. 4 vol. all published, half red morocco Leipsig, 1778-90 3 Heliodori Athiopicorum, ib. x. cum notis Commellini, Lugd. 1611—Justiniani Institutiones, Zugd. 1557, &c. —5 vol. Helvetius (M.) Treatise on Man, by Hooper, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, cal/ gilt 1777 Henderson (And.) Life of John Earl of Stair , 1749—Life of Nath. Heywood, 1695—Hobbs (Tho.) Letter about Liberty and Necessity, 1677—Reigns of Edward and Richard II. by Sir Rob. Howard, 1690, &c. 6 vol. 6 Hendley (Mr.) Trial and Conviction of, for Preaching a Charity Sermon at Chisselhurst, with the Sermon, die is piece, calf gilt 1719 Hennepin (L.) New Discovery, and Voyages in America, _ plates, 1698—Hacke (W.) Collection of Voyages, maps, 1699 2 vol... Henniker (Jo.) Letter on Norman Antiquities, plates, LARGE PAPER, presentation copy, with the author’s auto- graph inscription 1788 Henningsen (C. F.) The most Striking Events of a Twelve- months’ Campaign with Zumalacarregui, portrait, 2 vol. 1826 Henry (R.) History of Great Britain, portrait, 12 vol. and Andrews’ Continuation, 2 vol. together 14 vol. calf gilt 1796-1800 Henry the Great, Memoirs of, and of the Court of France, portrait, 2 vol. 1824. Hentzner (Paul) Travels in England, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, many portraits and plates, red morocco, gilt leaves 1797 Heptateuchus, Liber Jobi et Evangelium Nicodemi, Anglo- Saxonice, Historie Judeth, Fragmentum Dano-Saxonice cura E. Thwaites, frontispiece, good copy royal 8vo. Ovxonii, 1698 4 Heraclitus Ridens, or a Discourse between Jest and Earnest, 2 vol. e , 1713 / 2490 2491 2492 _ 2498 2494 | 2495 2496 2497 140 5 Heraldry, Synopsis of, plates of arms and crests, russia 1682 ; Herbert (George) The ‘Temple, 1674—High Treason, nS on, 1709, old blue moroceo 2vol. Herbert (Sir Tho.) Memoirs of the Two Last Years of | Charles I, the Princely Pelican, &e. 1702: . Hereford. History and Antiquities of the City and Cathedrak — Church of Hereford 1717 | Herodiani Historia, Gr. et- Lat. cum Notis, . LARGE PAPER ~ Oxoniti, 1699. Herodotus, Gr. et Lat. ex editionibus Wesselingii et Reizii, 7 vol. LARGE PAPER, red mor occo, gilt leaves Fidinb. 1806 - Herodoti Historia ex editione Gronovii, 9 5 Fouls, 1761 Herodotus, History, translated by Littlebury, 2 vol. 1720 Herodotus, History, literally translated with Notes, 2 vol. Oxford, 1824 Herrera (Ant. de) General History of America and the West Indies, by Capt. Jo. Stevens, portrait and plates, 6 vol. | old calf neat 1725 Hertsvet (LEwis) Brittsu anv Foreten State PAPERS, from 1814 to 1833, 19 vol. calf extra, m. l. 1825-39 ’ Hertslet (Lewis) Complete Collection of Commercial Treaties — and Conventions, and Reciprocal Regulations subsisting between Great Britam and Foreign Powers, 5 vol. ealf gilt, marbled leaves —-1846 Hervey (Ch.) Letters from Portugal, Spain, Italy and Ger- many, 3 vol. calf gilt, marbled leaves 1785. Hervey (Lady) Letters, 1821—Hardeastle on the Affairs of the Bank of England, 1826—-Hannay on the Representa- tion of England, 1831, &e, 10 vol. HEURESA L’USAIGE DB Nevers, fine wood sik go with curious borders, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, fine copy, old-red morocco, richly tooled and. gilt leaves Paris, 1515 Heydon (Jo.) The Discovery of the ‘Wonderfall Preservation. of Gen. Sir Tho. Fairfax, scarce, calf gilt 1647 Heylin (Peter) Examen Historicum, or a Discovery and Examination of the Mistakes, a &e. in some Modern Histories, 2 parts 1659 Hickes (Dr. Geo.) Instructions for the Education of a Daughter, old red morocco, gilt leaves | 1708 High German Doctor, The, 2 vol. 1720, &c. ~8 vol. Hill (Aaron) Works, 4 vol. taba > ‘ Hill (A.) Dramatic Works, 2 vol. ) LARGE PAPER, old red morocco, gilt leaves - 1760 Hill\(Brian) Journey Through Sicily and Calabria, map 1792 Hippocratis Apkorismi cum Commentariis Fuchsii, Venel 1546, &e. : Peace 3vol. 141 2498 Histoire de la Guerre de la Vendée et des Chouans, 3 vol. Paris, 1809—Histoire de |’Expedition de Russie, 2 vol. et | Atlas, 7b. 1823—Histoire de la Guerre Civile en France, ) 3 vol. 7b. 1808 ; 9 vol. * 2499 Historia Augusta, 6 vol. in: 7 Geneve, 1593-1609 Va A 2500 Hive (The) A Collection of Songs, 3 vol. 1724, &c. 6 vol. wf 2501 Hive (The) A Collection of the most Celebrated Songs, 3 vol. a 1726 — ¥ ¥|, | 2502 Hobbes (Thos.) Wonders of the Peak in Derbyshire, Latin 3 and English, russia, gilt leaves 1678 4 a ra 2503 Hobbes (‘I.) Translation of the Tliad and Odysses of Homer, 4 2'vol. in 1, 1686—Horace, by Creech, 1715 2 vol. Hobhouse: (Jo.) Historical Illustrations of Childe Harold, vellum, gilt leaves 1818. Hodges.(N.) Historical Account: oft the Plague in London, with Remarks by Dr. Quincy, calf neat 1720 Hogarth (W.) Biographical Anecdotes of, frontispiece, calf gilt Hogarth, Illustrated by John Ireland, portrait and many at. plates, 3 vol. calf royal 8vo. 1791-97 Hogarth, Graphic Illustrations of; from Pictures, Drawings, &c. by S. Ireland, many plates, russia royal 8vo. 1794 Hook (T.) Sayings and Doings, a series of Sketches from Life, three series, 9 vol. 1824-8 Hooker (W. J.) Tour in Iceland , frontispiece and maps, 2 vol. 1813 - Hooper (W.) Rational Recreations in Natural Philosophy, plates, 4-vol. 1787 Holbein (Hans) Simolaclirii ¢ Figure de la. Morte, numerous wood engravings, with a set of plates by W.. Hollar, Sine: impressions blue morocco, gilt leaves | Lyone, 1549 Holbein (H.) Simolachri, &c. numerous wood engravings, old red morocco, gilt leaves tb, 1549 Holles (Denzil Lord) Memoirs, portrait; 1699—Memoirs: of John Lord Haversham, 1711—Biographical Anecdotes of W. Hogarth, portrait, 1781 3 vol. Holmes (Sam.) Journal on Lord Macartney’ Embassy to China ) ° QUARTO. Grieve (Dr. Jas.) History of Kamtschatka and the Kurilski Islands, maps and plates, calf gilt 1764 : Grimston (Lady Charlotte) History of Gorhambury, portraits and plates, PRIVATELY PRINTED IN LITHOGRAPH n. de i 4 Z | 4\> 2518 ; . ae 9519 J/\~ 2520 i ce 2521 J.» | 2592 ke pee 4 | « | 2523 (7 |+ | 2594 |S 1h | 2525 3}. | 2526 -2| - | 9597 | 7 | + | 2529 2580 UF. | 2581 2 | | 2582 ee eS 4 4 2536 7\A) Sb 7 : 25387 2538 ; 142 Grobert (J.) Description des pices de Ghize, plates and charts Paris, 1801 Gronovii (J. F.) Pecunia Vetus I. Bat. 1691 Grose (F.) Supplement to the Antiquities of England and Wales, many plates, 2 vol. (imperfect ) . “347A Grose (F.) Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, 50 plates, fine impressions, calf gilt ' 1786 — Grose (F.) Military Antiquities, or a History of the English Army, from the Conquest, numerous plates, fine impres- sions, 2 vol. 1786-88 Grotius (H.) Le Droit de la Guerre et de la Paix, par J. Bar- beyrac, portraits, 2 vol. Amst. 1724 Guarani (B.) Il Pastor Fido, plates : 1718 Guarani (B.) Il Pastor Fido, da Rolli, fine plates, LARGE PAPER, calf gilt Londra, 1718 Guay-Trouin (M. a6) Memoires, por trait and plates, Paris, 1740 Guicciardini (F.) Hiiors d'Italia Venet. 1640 Guise (Le Duc de) Les Memoires de, ruled with red lines, Jine copy, red morocco, gilt leaves Paris, 1668 Guise (Duc de) Memoires de, calf gilt ib. 1668 Guthrie (Maria) Tour through the Taurida, map and plates, calf gilt 3 1802 Gwynn (Jo.) London and Westminster Improved, illustrated by plans, coloured 1766 Gwynne (Jo.) Military Memoirs of the Great Civil War, and the Earl of Glencairn’s Expedition, by Sir Walter Scott Edinburgh, 1821 Hakewill (Jas.) Picturesque Tour of Italy, many plates, india — proofs, LARGE PAPER, uncut royal 4to. 1820 Hakluyt (Rich.) Collection of the Early Voyages, Travels and Discoveries of the English Nation, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia extra, joints and g.l. royal 4to. 1809 Hales (W.) New Analysis of Chronology, 3 vol. russia extra, marbled leaves 1800 Hall (Basil) Voyage to Loo Choo, 15 coloured plates, 1818— Fragments of Voyages and Travels, second and third series, 6 vol. (stained with oil) 1832-3 7 vol. Hall (Sir Jas.) Essay on the Origin, History and Principles of Gothic Architecture, 60 plates, russia extra, git leaves imperial 4to. 1813_ Hallam (H.) View of the State of Europe during the Middle « Ages, 2 vol. 1818 © Hamilton (Ant.) Memoires du Comte de Grammont, portraits 1783 — Hamilton (Count A.)’Memoirs of Count Grammont, seventy- six portraits, very fine impressions, russia, gilt leaves 1793 143 Hamilton (Fr.) Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul plates ' Edinb. 1819 Hamconii (M.) Frisia, seu de Viris Rebusque Frisie Illustri- bus, portraits, calf gilt Franekare, 1620 Hanway (Jonas) Travels, and Revolutions of Persia, maps and plates, 4 vol. in 3 1753 Hanzelt (J. A.) La Pyrotechnie, many plates Ponta Mousson, 1680 Hardyng (Thom.) The Chronicle from the Firste Begynnyng of Englande unto the Reigne of Kyng Edward IV. with a Continuacion to our Tyme, title and 6 leaves MS. and imperfect at the end black letter, russia Ric. Grafton, 1543 Harding’s Biographical Mirrour; a Series of Ancient and Mo- dern English Portraits, upwards of 100 portraits, fine impressions, 2 vol. calf gilt 1795 Hardwicke (Lord) Miscellaneous State Papers, 2 vol. calf gilt 1788 Harleian Miscellany, the, or Collection of Scarce, Curious, and Entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts, with the Catalogues of Pamphlets, 8 vol. 1744-6 Harmonia Quatuor Evangeliorum juxta Rechantes Ammonianas et Eusebii Canones, LARGE PAPER, blue morocco extra, g. l. Oxon, 1805 Harris (James) Works, with Life by the Earl of Malmesbury, portrait, 2 vol. russia 1801 Harte (Walter) Life of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, portrait, maps and plans, 2 vol. russia 1759 Harwood (Tho.) History and Antiquities of the Church and City of Lichfeld, plates, calf gilt . Gloucester, 1806 Hatsell (J.) Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Com- mons, 4 vol. calf; russia back 1796 Hawkins (Sir John) General History of the Science and _ Practice of Music, plates and wood engravings, 5 vol. 1776 Hayley (W.) Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper, portraits, 3 vol. calf gilt Chichester, 1804-8 Hayley (W.) Life of George Romney, portraits and plates, calf gilt, marbled leaves wb. 1809 Haym (N.) Biblioteca Italiana, 2 copies, Ven. 1738, &c. 3 vol. Haym (N. F.) Biblioteca Italiana, 2 vol. in 1 (stained) Milano, 1771 Hayward (J.) Lives of the Three Norman Kings of England : 16138 Hearne (S.) Journey from Hudson’s Bay to the Northern Ocean, map and plates, calf gilt 1795 Hearne (Thos.) Works, viz.—The Chronicles of Robert of Gloucester and Peter Langtoft, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, uncut . Reprinted, 1810 i44 - | 2562 Heath (B.) Note sive Lectiones ad Tragicorum Grecorum Veterum lib. calf gilt ; Oxon, 1772 * 2563 Hederici (B ) Lexicon Greecum : 1790 2564 Heiss (M.) Histoire de I’ Empire, 2 vol. Amst. 1733 _ 2565 Helyot, Histoire des Ordres Monastiques Religieux et Mili- taires, et des Congregations Seculieres de l’un et de l’autre Sexe, 800 plates of costumes, fine original impressions, 8 vol. Paris, 1714-19 | 2566 Henchman (T.) on the Trade between India and Europe 1801 _ 2567 Henderson { Al.) History of Ancient and Modern Wines 1824 | 2568 Henry VIII.—L’Oraison et Remonstrance de haulte et puis- sate Dame, Madame Marie de Cleves, Sceur de treshault et puissant Seig™ le Duc de Cleves et de Gueldres Faicte au Roy d’ Angleterre (Henry VIII.) et ceulx de son conseil RARE, fine copy, russia, gilt leaves Joannes a Luxemburgo IIT. Faciebat. n. d. *,* Of this Memoir, addressed by Mary of Cleves to Henry VIII. and his Council, no notice is found in the usual Biblio- graphical works. It was probably printed at Luxembourg, under the authority of the Duke of Cleves, as no English printer would be easily induced to print the work in question. 2569 Henshall (Sam.) Specimens of a History of the County of . Kent, calf gilt 1798 | 2570 Heraldry. Historical Anecdotes of Heraldry and Chivalry, | plates, calf gilt : Worcester, 1795 | 2571 Herbert (Ed.) De Veritate s. 1. 1624 | 2572 Herbert of Cherbury (Ed. Lud.) Life written by Himself, . portrait 1778 | 2573 Herbert (W.) Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancery, 24 fine plates | LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1804 | 2574 Here and There over the Water; being Cullings j in a Trip to the Netherlands, many colour ed plates 1825 2575 Hesiodi Opera, cum multis Expositionibus Venet. 1537 | 2576 Heriot (Geo.) Travels through the Canadas, map colmared: and many plates, calf gilt — 1807, 2577 Hervey (Lord) and Dr. Middleton, Letters concerning the Roman Senate, by Dr. T. cael portrait LARGE PAPER, calf gilt _ ~1778 2578 Hesiodi que supersunt, cum notis Ba edidit T. Robinson , Oxon. 1738 © 2579 Hesiod, Works, translated by T. Cooke, 2 vol. 1728 2580 Hexham (H.) Dutch and English Dietionarie Rott. 1658 | 2581 Heylyn (Pet.) History of St. George of Cappadocia, and the Institution of the Order of the Garter, frontispiece 1831 2582 Heylyn (P.) History of the Sabbath, 2 parts, scarce 1636 2583 Heyrick (T.) Miscellany Poems, ca if neat Camb. 1691 vam Se ae Pe ee tee ae OED are ae np ee Pe i - 145 Hrywoop (Joun) THe SpipER AND THE Fiz, a Poem, woodcut portrait, and numerous engravings, a corner of the title mended, otherwise a very fine copy, black letter, RARE, elegant in crimson morocco, joints, and gilt leaves Tho. Powell, 1556 Heywood (S.) Vindication of Fox’s History of James the Second, calf gilt, marbled leaves 1811 Hibbert (S.) Description of the Shetland Islands, maps and plates, calf extra, gilt leaves 1822 Hickesii (G.) Institutiones Grammatice Anglo- Saxonice Oxon. 1689 Hickesii (G.) Institutiones Grammatice Anglo-Saxonice et Meeso-Gothicz et R. Jonze Grammaticz Islandice, russia Oxon, 1689 Hinderwell (Tho.) History and Antiquities of Scarborough, plates, russia, marbled leaves ; York, 1798 Hints on the Formation of Gardens and Pleasure Grounds, 20 plates 18lz Hirschfeld (C. L.) Theorié de l'Art des Jardins, many plates, A vol. Leipzig. 1779-83 2 Hoare (Sir. R. C.) Giraldi Cambrensis Itinerarium Cambrie ; and Giraldus Cambrensis Itinerary of Archbishop Baldwin through Wales, translated with Annotations, 2 vol. maps and plates, together 3 vol. russia extra royal 4to.. 1806 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Monastic Remains of the Religious Houses at Witham, Bruton, and Stavordale, Somerset PRIVATELY PRINTED, PRESENTATION COPY n. d. Hobbes (T.) Opera Philosophica, portrait by Faithorne Amst. 1668 Hobbes (T.) Opera Philosophica, Ams¢. 1668—Hobbes, Levia- than, &c. Amst. 1660 2 vol. Hobbes (T.) Leviathan de Civitate Christiana et Civili, Amst. 1670—Survey of the Errors of Hobbes’ Leviathan, by the Earl of Clarendon, Oxford, 1676 2 vol. Hobhouse (J. C.) Journey through Albania and Turkey, map and coloured plates, calf extra, gilt leaves 1813 Hodges (W.) Travels in India, many plates, calf gilt 1798 Hogarth (Wm.) Analysis of Beauty, 2 plates, calf 17538 Holbein (Hans) The Images of the Old Testament, set forthe in Ynglishe and French, fine wood engravings, very scarce Lyons, 1549 Holeroft (Tho.) Travels from Hamburgh through re ihalia’ Holland, &c. to Paris, many plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1804 Hollis (Thos. Brand) Memoirs, | Eg and plates, privately printed 1808 ; Home (Jo.) History of the Rebellion in 1745, hohe ca y gilt 1802 U 2612 29613 2614 2615 2 4g ALO 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 146 Homeri Ilias, Gr. et Lat. Cantab. 1689—Horatius cum Com- mentariis Cruquii, Plantin. 1578 : 2 vol. Homeri Ilias et Odyssea, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis et Scholiis, Jos. Barnes, 2 vol. Cantab. 1711 Homeri Ilias et Odyssea, Graces cura R. Porsoni, 4 vol. wncué Oxontt, 1801 Homeri, aliud exemplar, 4 vol. russia, extra m. b. 2b. 1801 Homeri, aliud exemplar, 2 portraits and front. brilliant im-. pressions, 2 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves ib. 1801 Homer, Iliad and Odyssey, by Alex. Pope, 11 vol. (wants vol. 1) 1716-26 Homer, a Burlesque Translation - 19772 Honan M.B.) The Andalusian Annual, coloured plates 1836, &e. 4 vol. FOLIO. Hamitton (Sir Wm.) Campi PHiecr#t, or Observations on the Volcanoes of the Two Sicilies, with the Supplement, 60 maps and plates, beautifully coloured in imitation of drawings, 3 vol. in 1, russia, gilt leaves Naples, 1776-9 Hampden (Rob. Trevor Vicecom. de) Britannia, Lithmon, Villa Bromhamensis, Poemata, curante Filio Joan Trevor, edita only 115 coptes printed, russia Parme, Bodonianis, 1792 Harleian (The) Collection of Voyages and Travels, maps and plates, 2 vol. old calf gilt 1745 Harpsfeldii (Nic.) Historia Angticana Ecelesiastica, cum Breui Narratione de Divortio Henrici VIII, ab Edm. Campiano, cura R. Gibboni, cal? gilt Duaci, 1622 Harington (Sir Jno.) Translation of Orlando Furioso, in En- glish heroical verse, with Sir J. Harington’s Elegant and ' Wittie Epigrames, -plates fine copy, old calf gilt 1634 Harrington (Jo.) Oceana, and pies Works, with Life by Toland LARGE PAPER 1700 Harrington (J.) Oceana, and other Works, fr ontispiece 1700 Harris (Dr. Jo.) History of Kent, map and numerous plates by Kip, vol. 1 all published, bright calf gilt 1719. Harris (Jo.) Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, and Supplement, — portrait, 4 vol. not uniform 1736-44. Harris (Dr. Jo.) Collection of Voyages and Travels in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, many maps and plates, 2 vol. (1744 Hastep: (Epw.) History AnD TorPoGRAPHICAL SURVEY OF THE CounTy oF KENt, upwards of 160 maps and - plates, 4 vol. Jine copy, russia extra Canterb. 1778-99 147 f\ 2623 Havers (C.) Anatomy of the Bodies of Man and Woman plates 1702 2624 Hay (M"*.) Recueil de Cent Estampes, representant differentes a a : . Nations du Levant, 102 finely coloured plates | old french calf, gilt leaves Paris, 1714 ‘ “SF ~ 9695 Hay (P.) Histoire de Bertrand du Guesclin ib. 1666 i Pal . | 2626 Hay (Rob.) Illustrations of Cario, 30 jine lithographs by J. C. : Bourne, half bound in blue morocco, uncut | / | 2627 Hayes (Wo.) Birps, a Collection of upwards of 62 coloured plates of Birds, principally by W. Hayes, including a few a drawings by him, in a portfolio, russia n. d. - | 2628 H. B., Political Sketches, &c., 530 plates, 163 inlaid in brown paper, and 367 loose, 2 vol. half bound in green morocco, gilt leaves, and 2 portfolios 1829, &c. 2629 HEARNE AND Byrne, ANTIQUITIES OF GREAT BRITAIN, illustrated in Views of Monasteries, Castles, and Churches, now existing ABOVE 80 PLATES, FINE PROOFS, WITH A SET OF UNFI- NISHED ETCHINGS, 38 vol. elegantly bound in red morocco extra, joints, and gilt leaves oblong folio, 1786-1807 , 2630 Hearne (Tho.) Antiquities of Great Britain, illustrated in ' Views of Monasteries, Castles, and Churches, 51 plates, very jine impressions, russia - oblong folio, 1786 2631 Heath (Jas.) Chronicle of the late Intestine War in England, A Scotland and Ireland, frontispiece of portraits, calf gilt 1676 _ | 2632 Heinsius (Dan.) Histoire du Siege de Polaue, plates Pa calf gilt Elzevir, 1631 2633 Helvicus (Ckr.) Historical and Gheoeslogics! Theatre 1687 2634 Henninges (H.) Theatrum Genealogicum ostentans Omnes , SES Omnium fEtatum Familias, a’ condito Mundo, arms, etc., | 4 vol. in 2, half russia, gilt leaves ~ Magdeb. 1598 2635 Herberay (Nic. de) The Famous History of Amadis de Gaule, discoursing the Adventures, Loves, &c. of many Princes, Knights and Ladies, as well of Great Brittaine, &c. 4 parts “in I vol. VERY SCARCE, olive morocco extra, joints, and gilt leaves 1619 6 2636 Herbert (Lord) of Cherbury, Life and Reign of King Henry ae es a ee a ?o tae ie es Ey the Eighth, portrait 1682 Sf \@ . | 2637 HercuLanEuM, ANTICHITA DI Eeceene coie Pitture, ». §5vol.—Bronzi, 2 vol.—Lucerne, Candelabri e Catalogo, 2 vol.; with several hundred beautiful engravings, very fine impressions, 9 vol. complete, half russia Napoli, 1754-92 2638 Herodoti Historia, lib. 1x. Greece FIRST EDITION, very jine copy, russia extra, g. 1. Aldus, 1502 = Veal Og 9639 Herodoti Historia, Gr. et Lat. cum notis et cura Valckenarii et ee SAS Se SOM ECA eT ORs ane er Wesselingii, dutch vellum Amst. 1768 2640 Herodote, Neuf Livres des Memoirs, par P. Saliat, Paris, 1556 : : q ¥ 148 Herodoti Historiarum, lib. rx. Gr. et Lat. O. P. Stephani, U Herrera (Ant. de) Historia General de los Hechos de los Castellanos en las Islas J. Terra Firme del Mar. Ocean . plates, 8 vol. in 4 FIRST EDITION, good copy Madrid, 1601-1 Heylin (Peter) History of the Reformation of the Church England * «. §RS6GE Heylin “(P.) Cosmographie, Chorographie and Historie of the whole World, maps OE) TERRE Heywood (Tho.) The Hierarchie of the Blessed ‘Wiipelles ics 4 plates ay AOR aE. 2 Hickesii (Geo.) Linguarum Vett. Septentionalion!) Thesis ne Grammatico-Criticus et Archeologicus, portrait and plates 3 vols. jine copy, red morocco extra, gilt leaves Oxonit. 1705 Hieroglyphics, Foutana, Copie Figuree d’un Rouleau de Pa- phar trouvee en phen et expliquée par Harnmer, plates a folio,” tie 1822 fe ais Dr. Thos. Young, plates 3 “sn + | 2649 Hieronymi (Sancti) Opera, cum Argumentis et Scholiis nik: 4 vol. oaken covers — -- Basil, 1516 F + (2650 Hill (J.) Eden, or Complete Body of Gardening, numer eee ee plates * Wiehe de PS a 2651 Hispania Nlustrata, seu Rerum Urbiumgue Hispa nie § nae varil, 4 vol. ae _Francof. Dk oe . 2652 Historie Auguste Scriptores VI, cura Sal ee / | 7+ | 96583 Hoare (Sir R. Colt) Ancient History of South Wiltshire, ote numerous fine plates, russia extra, gilt leaves § 181 4 gf » 2654 Hoare (Sir R. Colt) Modern Wiltshire, the Hundred of Da | pt worth and Vale of Noddre, Portes and plates — Pei ast ; LARGE PAPER ak imperial 4 fol es re » | 2655 Hoare (Sir R. Colt) Chesnteda Vilodunense, sive de et Miraculis Sanctze-Edithe, Carmen vetus Rei tne G. H. Black pet PRIVATELY AND ONLY 100 coPiEs pRineee copy to the Duke of Buckingham, with ei tograph of Sir Ric. Colt Hoare, uncut — Fiobbes (Tho.) Leviathan, or the Matter, Fo Commonwealth, frontispiece Lat Hobbes (T.) Moral and Political Works, an and oot PUSSIA ewtra, gilt peer half bound in russia Pou : HocensurG, THE Daocussise OF THE tee V. at Rome, 38 plates, coloured in the sy joined as 19 " PRINTED ON VELLUM, RARE, russia éxtra, g. I, q Uae a. iy sh 149 2660 Hocensura, the same on paper, 38 plates, with the Funeral Procession at Brussels at his Death, 34 plates, and 8 plates of the Dance of Death—together 75 plates, H. Hondius exe- cudit, 2 vol. in 1 very scarce, good copy, vellum Hage Comit. 1619 2661 Hotpetn (Hans) PorTRAITS oF THE CourT oF Henry VIII. from the Original Drawings in the possession of Her Majesty, by Chamberlain, 83 beautifully coloured portraits, by Bartolozzi, &c. including Holbein and his Wife, and the miniatures, russia extra, gilt leaves 2662 Holbein (Jean) Recueil de XII. Costumes Suisses, Civils et Militaires, Hommes et Femmes, 12 jinely coloured plates calf extra, marbled leaves Basil, 1790 2663 Holinshed (Raph.) Coronicles of England, Scotland and Ire- land, by Jo. Hooker, alias Vowell, 3 vol. in 2, with the cas- trations inserted black letter, BEST EDITION, fine copy, old calf, gilt leaves 1586 2664 HoLLanp (H.) HerooLocra ANGtIcA, hoc est Clarissimorum et Doctissimorum aliquot Anglorum qui floruerunt ab anno 1500, usque ad presentem annum 1620, Vive Effigies, Vite et Elogia, 67 portraits by C. Pass, jine impressions, 2 vol. in 1 RARE, fine copy, calf gilt 1620 2665 Holme (Randle) Academy of Armoury, or a Storehouse of Armoury and Blazon, with the reprinted Index separate, many plates very scarce, fine copy, russia extra, gilt leaves Chester, 1688 2666 Homrert OreraA Omnia, Grice, ex recensione Demetrii Chalcondyle et Demetrii Cretensis, cum Prefationibus La- tinis et Chalcondyle Vita, 2 vol. | FIRST EDITION, RARE, one leaf inlaid, otherwise a.very good, sound copy, with illuminated capitals, red morocco, gilt leaves Florent. 1488 2667 Hotnéri Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Spondani . Basil, 1606 2668 Homeri Ilias et Odyssea, cum Interpretatione Basil, 1535 2669 Homer, Iliad, translated by Jo. ea portrait and plates by Lombart, ge. 1660 -| 2670 Homer, Iliads and Odysses, translated ‘by Jo. Ogilby, many plates by Hollar, fe. 2 vol. 660-69 2671 Homilies or Sermons appointed to be read in Chorches | in the time of Elizabeth 1683 2672 Hondy (Jud.) Historia Mundi, or Mercator’s Atlas, numerous maps, calf gilt 1635 eae nae ny (J.) Mercator’s Atlas, at old ‘calf, gilt leaves, 1635, &e. 2 vol. - ELEVENTH DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT y y, 2674 Holwell (J. Z) Events in Bengal, plates, 2 vol. 1766, &c. 7 vol. | ay 4 ih eave aes 2675 Holwell (J. Z.) Historical Events of Indostan, plates, 3 vol. 1765—Johnston, Candy, 1610, &c. 10 vol. _ 2676 Homer, Iliad and Odyssey, translated by A. Pope, 5 vol. PRINTED ON BLUE PAPER, blue morocco extra, g.l. 1802 2677 Homeri Ilias, Lovanii, 1523, &ec. 2 vol. 2678 Homeri Ilias, Gr. et Lat. edidit Clarke, 2 vol. 1740 Fiori Ecloge, cura Gesneri, Lipsia, 1788 3 vol. 2679 Homeri Ilias, Gr. et Lat. cum brevi Annotatione accedunt varize Lectiones et Observationes Veterum Grammaticorum, cum nostre /Ztatis critica cura C. G. Heyne, 8 vol. FINE PAPER, russia extra Lips. 1802 2680 Homeri Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat. cura Ernesti, 5 vol. Lipsie, 1759 2681 Horm. Benedictio Dei Patris cum Angelis.—Benedictio Jesu—Benedictio Sancte Marie, &c. 14 large wood engra- vings, and curious borders to every page gothic letter, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, fine copy, old red morocco, gilt leaves 1497 2682 Horm. LEgredietur Virga de radice, et Flos de radice eius Ascendet, 12 large wood engravings, most beautifully illuminated in gold and colours, in the style of miniatures, Jinely executed, with curious woodcut borders PRINTED UPON VELLUM, old red morocco, gilt leaves n.d. 2683 Horatii Opera, A®neis Tabulis incidit Joh. Pine, fine impres- sions, original edition, 2 vol. fine copy, red morocco 1733-37 2684 Horatii Ecloge, cura Gesneri, Lips. 1772, &e. 10 vol. 2685 Horatii Poemata, cum Scholiis, cura Bond fine copy, old french red morocco, g. 1. Amst. Elzev. 1676 2686 Horace, CEéuvres, Latin et Francois, par Dacier, 10 vol. Paris, 1691, &c. 17 vol. 2687 Horace, Latin aad English, with Bentley’ s Notes, 2 vol. 1713 2688 Horace, in Latin and English, by P. Francis, 2 vol. Dublin, 1742 2689 Horace, Works, in English Verse, by Duncombe, 2 vol. bright calf gilt 1757 2690 Horace, Works, Latin and 1 English by Francis, 4 4 vol. calf gilt 1778 i on i ~ aa " "fT c ig 4 ‘ Y ‘ 151 Hordt (Count de) Military Memoirs, 2 vol. calf gilt 1806 Horne (T. H.) Landscape Illustrations of the Bible, numerous Jine plates, after Turner, Callcot, Stanfield, etc. by W. and E, Finden, part 1 to 24, in a portfolio 1834-6 Horni (Geo.) Rerum Britannicarum, lib. russia extra, gilt leaves, by Chas. Lewis LL. Bat. 1648 Hospital of St. Elizabeth at Treves, a brief account of, calf gilt Ipswich, 1786 Houbraken ( A.) Groote Schonburgh der Nederlantsche Konst- schilders en Schilderessen, about 100 portraits, 2 vol. Amst. 1718 Howard (C.) Historical Anecdotes of some of the Howard Family, calf gilt 1767 Howard (G. E.) Miscellaneous Werle: portrait, 3 vol. PRESENTATION Copy to the Countess Temple, green morocco, gilt leaves Dublin, 1782 Howard (H. Earl of Surrey) and Sir Thomas Wyat, Poems 1717 Howard Family, Analysis of the Genealogical Aue of, TUSsiA 1812 Howe (John) Living Temple, portrait, 2 vol. 1702 Howel (L.) History of the Holy Bible, 150 plates by J. a ut, 3 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves 718 Howell (J.) Medulla Historie Anglican», or Ancient and pe sent State of England, wood engravings, 1712—Familiar Letters, frontispiece, 1650—Historical Collections out of several Grave Historians concerning the Changes of Reli- gion, in the Reigns of Hen. VIII, Ed. VI, Mary, and Elizabeth, 1674 3 vol. Howell (Jas.) Familiar Letters, 1726—Hole (R.) on the Ara- bian Nights, 1797, &c. 6 vol. Howell (T. J.) State Trials, vol. 32 and 38, 2vol. 1824-6 Howison (J.) Foreign Scenes, 2 vol. 1825—Hermit Abroad, 4 vol. 1823—The Highlanders, 3 Shr eg (M.) Eve of All Hallows, 3 vol. 1825, &c. 2 vol. Hoyeri (M.) Flammule Amoris S. P. Augustini Versibus, many plates Aniv. 1608 Huber (M.) Notices Generales des Graveurs et des Peintres, calf gilt Dresde, 1787 Huber et Rost, Manuel des Curieux et des Amateurs de |’ Art, 9 vol. calf gilt Zurich, 1797 Huet (M.) Commerce of the Ancients, 1717—Dissertation on the Passage of Hannibal, map, Oxford, 1820-—Sketch of Gibraltar, and Account of the Siege, 1792 8 vol. Hughes (Jo.) Letters, with notes by Duncombe, 3 vol. 1773 Hughes (Jo.) Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone, plates, 1822—THutton, yas to Africa in 1820, maps and plates, 1821 2 vol. > | + | one 4 + 2714 “7 | 871s F + | 2716 er Vs | 2B1% | | | 9718 Fir | F | ¢ | 2719 Cr as ie tae Bean Wee | 272) AF re 2729 fo £ 2793 FL e704 PFI 2725 Ba (42+ 9796 DAWA ere. yn. | 2728 2729 Z|. | 2780 (7 ¢ | 978) 7) + | 2733 | ; ) | ee eyes y | f a 152 | awe |: 2712 Hugo (H.) et O. van Veene de Godlieven de Ziel vertoont in ie Zinnehealdert, many plates, fine impressions Humphreys (J.) on Real Property, 1826, &e. Hunt (R. M.) Life of Sir Hugh Palliser, portrait 1844 Hunter (A.) Georgical Essays, 4 vol. calf gilt 1803 Hunter (J. D.) Captivity amongst the Indians of North Ame- rica, 1823—-Hunter (W.) Travels through France, Turkey and Huugary, maps 2 vol. 1808 Hurd (Bp.) Letters on Chivalry, a Romance; and on the Uses of Foreign Travel, 2 vol. in 1 | 2720 Hurtley (T.) Account of some Natural Curiosities in the En- virons of Malham in Craven, plates, calf gilt 1786 Hutchinson (Governor) History of the Colony of Massachu- set’s Bay, 1765—Papers relative to the History of the Colony of Massachuset’s Bay, Boston, NV. #. 1769 2 vol. Hutchinson (W.) Excursion to the Lakes in Westmoreland and Cumberland, plates, calf gilt Hutton (W.) History of Rinwasres plates LARGE PAPER Amst. 1727 Fumboldt (Alex. de)’Researches on the ‘Ancient Inhabitants of America, plates, some coloured, 2 vol. Humboldt (A, de) Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equi- noctial Regions of the New Continent, maps and plans, 1814 — 1814-29 4 vol. 8 vol. 1762-4 1776 Birmingham, 1781 Hutton (W.) History of Derby, map and plates, russia 1791 Hutton (W.) History of the Roman Wall across the Island of Britain, map and plates, 1802—Remarks upon North ~ Wales, frontispiece and maps, 1802, calf Hutton (W.) Recreations in Mathematics, plates, 4 vol. 1803 bdactt (Episcopi) Chronicon et Fasti Consulares, cura Sirmondi, 2 vol. Paris, 1619 Idol of the Clownes, or the Insurrection of Wat the Tyler, with leaf os Poetry in black letter 1654 Tmisou (J..) Shon of Arts, plates, n. d. —Artist’s Assistant, 2 vol. Imison (Jo.) Elements of Serene. and Arts, by Webster, . 1808 Inchbald (Mrs.) ‘Collection of Farces, 7 vol. calf gilt 1809 Ireland (S.) Picturesque Tour through Holland and Brabant, plates, 2. vol. calf gilt Ireland (S.) Bieturesque Views on the River Thames, plates, royal 8vo. 1792 Treland (S. ) Picturesque Views, with Historical Account of the Inns of Court, plates, calf gilt > Irving (D.) Lives of the Scottish Poets, 2 vol, calf gilt royal 8vo. 1790 royal 8vo. 1800 Edinb. 1804 3 : bf ae = ue =e 3 , ie ete er J recast 1 a al Se i a ie Me ie as 2 yi a eins aE Oe ee ee Fae er Lg ae a Te eT ee Cee a a “ - ae bala doe . FTF Ore ee ge ae ee > 12736 | f | 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 | 2749 2750 2751 2752 2754 2755 2756 2757 153 Irving (D.) Lives of the Scottish Poets, 2 vol. Edinb. 1804 Irving (Wash.) The Alhambra, 2 vol. 1832, and Knicker- bocker’s New York, 1820 8 vol. Isle of Man. Rolt (R.) History of the Island of Man, 1778 —New Act of our inferior Parliament, 1748—Baldwin (J.) British Liberties in Chains, 1755—Searle (C.) Present State of the Isle of Man, 1767—in 1 vol. uncut Tsaac Reid’s copy, with his autograph 1748, &c. Izacke (S.) Remarkable Antiquities of the City of Exeter, map and plates best edition, old red morocco 1724 Jackson (Jo.) History of the Scottish Stage, calf gilt Edinb. 1798 Jackson (Jo.) Journey from India to England, map and plates, 1799—Letters from Italy, 2 vol. 1777 3 vol. Jackson (R.) Medical Department of Armies, 1805, and 19 Medical 20 vol. Jackson (Tho.) The Centenary of Wesleyan Methodism, portraits 1837 Jacob (G.) Historical Account of the Lives of the English Poets, portrait, 2 vol. 1720 Jamaica, New of, 2 maps 1740 James I. Basilikon Doron, King James’ Instructions to Prince Henry, portrait, calf, gilt leaves 1682 James I, and King Charles I, The Secret History of, calf gilt 1690 James I. Truth brought to Light; or the History of the first Fourteen Yeares of King James I, portrait, and engraved title, russia extra, gilt leaves 1692 James I. Another copy, portrait, and fr ontispiece 1692 James I. Translation of the Psalmes of King David, engraved title and frontispiece by Wm. Marshall, calf neat n.d. James (Edw.) Account of the Expedition to the Rocky Moun- tains in 1819-20, coloured plates, 3 vol. 1823 James (W.) Naval History of Great Britain from 1793 to 1820, 5 vol. 1822-24 2758 Jamieson (Mrs.) Memoirs of celebrated Female Sovereigns, 2 vol. 1831 Jamieson (Rob.) Popular’ Ballads and Songs from Tradition, MS and scarce editions, 2 vol. calf gilt Edinb. 1806 Jamieson (Rob.) on the External and Physical Characters of Minerals, plates, 1817—Kirwan (Ric.) Elements of ae ralogy, 2 vol. 1810 3 vol. Janeway (Jas.) Legacy to his Friends, portrait, fine umpres- ston, calf neat 1674 Jardine (Geo.) Outlines of a Philosophical Education Glasgow, 1825 : x Pe me Pee |\KLA\ « Ne ee ae ee 154 2758 Jardine (Sir W.) Naturalist’s Library; Ornithology, colowred plates, vol. 8 to 11, and vol. 13 and 14, 6 vol. Edinb. 1887-48 2759 Jardine (Sir W.) Naturalist’s Library; Entomology, coloured plates, vol. 1 and 7; Ichthiology, coloured plates, vol. 2 to 6 —together 7 vol. 1b. 1840-3 2760 Jardine (Sir W.) Naturalist’s Library, Mammalia, coloured plates, vol. 7, 9, and 10 to 13—together 6 vol. 2b, 1841-2 2761 Jefferson (Thos.) Notes on the State of Virginia, coloured mop 1787 2762 Jeffreys (Lord) The Merciful Assizes, or a » Panegyric on, 1701 2763 Jeffrey of Monmouth, British ae translated by A. Thompson LARGE PAPER, very scarce, good copy royal 8vo. 1718 2764 Jeffries (Dav.) Treatise on Diamonds and Pearls, plates 1751 5765 Jenkins (Judge) Works, portrait, 2 vol. good copy 1681, &e. 2765*Jenkins (Judge) Works, portrait, calf gilt 1648 2766 Jenkinson (C, Earl of Liverpool) Collection of all the Treaties between Great Britain and other Powers, 3 vol. 1785 2767 Jenyns (Soame) Works, and Life by Cole, portrait, 4 vol. _ calf gilt 1790 2768 Jersey. Authentic Narrative of the Oppressions of the Islanders of Jersey, 2 vol. calf gilt 1771 2769 Jesuites. Recueil des Decrets Apostoliques et. Ordonnances du Roi de Portugal concernant le conduite des Jesuites, 3 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves Amst. 1760 _ 2770 Johnston (Geo.) History of British Zoophytes, plates, Edinb. 1838 2771 Johnson (Dr. Sam.) Works, and Life by Murphy, portrait, 12 vols. calf gilt 1801 2772 Jomini (General de) Traite des Grandes Operations Militaires, D vol. and folio atlas Paris, 1811 2773 Jomini (Lieut.-Gen.) Histoire Critique et Militaire des Guerres de la Revolution, 15 vol., and 3 parts of atlas (wanting the first) ib. 1820-4 277 4 Jona Club, Transactions of, vol. I, part 1, 2 and 3 | LARGE PAPER Edinb. 1834 2775 Jones (D.) Secret History of Whitehall, 2 vol. 1717—John- son (Sam. ) Idler, 2 vol. 1790 4 vol. 2776 Jones (Inigo) Designs, by Ware royal 8vo. 1748 2777 Jones (J. T.) Journal of Sieges in Spain, maps, 1814—Jones, Account of the War in Spain and Portugal, map and plans, 1818, &e. 8 vol. 2778 Jones (W.) History of Religious Houses in Devon and Cornwall (1779 2779 Jones (W.) Geographical Dictionary and Grammar, 2 vol. morocco, 1795, and various Geographical, &c, a parcel a Pee eae ee * " D, aane, , oS 155 4 '\4) ~)| 2780 Jonson (Ben.) Works, by Peter Whalley, portrait and : plates, 7 vol. old calf, marbled leaves 1756 u iy ot 2781 Jonson (B.) Sad Shepherdess, a Tale of Robin Hood, 1783— Jones (Henry) Poems, LARGE sce 17 49—Jephson (R.) | Plays, Dublin, 1775 3 vol. 2782 Joseph (Flavius) Histoire des Juifs, par d’Andilly, 5 vol. Paris, 1668 2783 Joubert (F. E.) Manuel de |’Amateur d’Estampes, faisant suite au Manuel du Libraire, plates, interleaved with writing paper, and a few MS. notes, 3 vol. in 6 calf gilt ib. 1821 2784 Journal Amoureux a’ Espagne, Paris, 1675—Amours de Lauzun, Cologne, 1673—Amour hors de Saison, Paris, 1672—-Amours de Dunois, 7b. 1675, in 1 vol. 2785 Journal of the Agricultural Society, 9 Nos. between vol. 1, part 2, and vol. 5, part 1, 1839-44, and various Periodicals a parcel Discourses, Oxford, n. d., &c. 6 vol. 2787 Jouy (M. de) L’ Hermite en Provence, 14 vol. (wants vol. 11) Paris, 1819—L’Hermite de la Guiane, 3 vol. 7b. 1818 — Le Frane-Parleur, 2 vol. 1815—-Les Hermites en Liberté, Bit Jonstoni (A.) Psalmi Davidici, 1741—Keeling (B.) Critical | . 4 vol. 1824—-L’Hermite de Londres, vol. 1 to 3, 182], together 25 vol. 1818, &e. 2788 Jubé (Aug.) et J. Servan, Histoire des Guerres des Gaulois, et des Francois en Italie, 5 vol. in 7 Paris, 1805 2789 Jurieu (P.) History of the Council of Trent, frontispiece, 1684 —Life of the Emperor Julian, 1746—Julian the Apostate, 1682—Jones, Biographical Dictionary, morocco, 1799 4 vol. 2790 Junius, Letters, many portraits, PROOFS BEFORE ANY LETTERS, 2 vol. PRINTED UPON VELLUM, VERY RARE IF NOT UNIQUE, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves 1797 2791 Junius, Letters, with his confidential Correspondence with Wilkes and Woodfall, fac-similes, 3 vol. 1812 2892 Junius, Posthumous Works of, and Life of J. Horne Tooke, . by J. Fletcher, portrait, New York, 1829—Jones, Me- . moirs of Bishop Horne, portrait, 1795, &c. 7 vol 2793 Justamond (J.) History of the Settlements of Europeans in the East and West Indies, 4 vol. 1776 2794 Justini Historiarum, libri xxiv. LARGE PAPER Oxonti, 1705 2795 Juvenal and Persius, Satires, translated by Dryden, plates jine old red morocco, gilt leaves 1711 2796 Juvenalis Satyre xvi. cura Ruperti, 2 vol. russia Lipsia. 1801 2797 Kalm(P.) Travels into North America, map and plates, 3 vol. old calf gilt Warrington, 1770 at | SO | Yo bal \74\ - a al. |_? | - a. oo | as tae 2800 2801 | 2802 2803 2804 2805 | 2806 |. | 2807 156 QUARTO. Hoogeveen (H.) Doctrina Particularum Lingue Greece, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia, marbled leaves . Ei. typ. Dammeano, 1769 Hooke (N.) Roman Gs maps and sane 4 vol. calf gilt Horatii Opera, cum notis Lambini Horatii Opera, cum notis D. Lambini, 2 vol. calf gilt Horatii Opera, cum Conimentario Torrentii Horatii Opera, cum Notis Bentleii bright old calf gilt Amst. 1728 Horneman (F.) Travels in Africa 1702 Horticultural Transactions, vol. 1 and 2, vol. 3 parts 1 and 2, vol. 4 and 5, vol. 6 parts 1 and 2, vol. 7 parts 1, 2 and 3, numerous coloured plates, 2 vol. and 17 parts 1815-28 Hottingeri (J. H.) Lexicon Harmonicum, portrait Francof. 1651 Howard (G. E.) Treatise of the Exchequer and Revenue of Ireland presentation copy to Earl Temple, Governor of Ireland, calf gilt Dublin, 1776 | Howard (J.) State of the Prisons in Brigit and Wales; and Account of Lazarettos in Europe, 2 vol. plates, 1738 Venet. 1565 Francof. 1596 Plantin. 1608 calf gilt 1784-89 Howard (P.) Thoughts 0 on the Structure of this Globe calf gilt 1797 Howitt (S.) British Sportsman, 7 2 plates, fine impressions russia, marbled leaves oblong 4to. Howlett, Selection of Views in the County of Lincoln, map and numerous plates, russia extra 1805 Hughes (Jo. Ponipeii, a descriptive Ode PRIVATELY PRINTED n. de Hughes (T. 8.) Travels in Sicily, Greece and Albania, maps and plates, 2 vol. 1820 Hume and Smollett, History of England, 10 vol. old calf gilt 1758- 62 Hunter (Jo.) Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island, maps, portrattand plates 1793 Husband (E.) Exact Collection of all Remonstrances, Declara-_ tions, Votes, &c. between the ms and Parliament, from 1641 to 1643, frontispiece portraits and plates “LARGE PAPER, russia extra 1806 Hutchinson (W.) View of Northumberland, many plates, 2 vol. calf Newcastle, 1778 1798 . 1643 ’ Hutchinson (Lucy) Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson com escepicipoeaaialeitlninsehinetntinainlla nee ancient or etremnemeneepmnaamere nian rst 157 2819 Hutchinson(W.) History and Antiquities of Durham, portraits and plates, 2 vol. russia extra 1b. 1785 _ 2820 Hutchinson (W.) History of Cumberland, maps and plates, 2 vol. russia 1794 | 2821 Hutton (C.) Mathematical and. Philosophical Dictionary, plates, 2 vol. russia 1795 _ 2822 Hyde (T.) Syntagma Dissertationum, recognita a G. Sharpe, portrait and plates, 2 vol. russia, m. I. Oxon, 1767 2823 Icones Insigniorum a Seculo Hominum, with a series of portraits, wood engravings, calf neat Lugd. 1581 2824 Illingworth (C.) Topographical Account of the Parish of Scampton, Lincolnshire, maps and plates, calf gilt 1810 _ 2825 Illustration of the Manners and Expences of Antient Times in England, in the xv. xvr and xvii. Centuries calf gilt 1797 | 2826 Imperialis (Jo.) Museum Flatonuuin et Physicum, in Ilustrium Literis Virorum Imagines et Elogijs, upwards of 100 portraits, russia, gilt leaves Venet. Junta, 1640 2827 IncHirami (Fr.) Monumentr Etruscui, en 6 séries; 1 Urne, 2 Specchi Mistici, 3 Bronzi, 4 Edifizi, 5 Vasi Fittile, 6 Monumenti, che servano di Corredo all’ Opere et Indici, upwards of 700 plates, many finely coloured, 10 vol. in 5, complete, calf extra, g.l. Firenze, 1821-26 2828 Ingram (J.) Saxon Chronicle, with an English translation and notes, map, scarce 1823 2829 John Bon and Mast Person, black letter, PRINTED UPON VELLUM, calf gilt Reprinted,n.d. *,* A bitter Satire on the Real Presence. 2830 Irwin (E.) Adventures in a Voyage up.the Red Sea, maps and plates, calf gilt 1780 2831 Ives (Ed.) Voyage to India, maps 1773 2832 Jackson (J. G.) Acconnt of the Empire of Morocco, map and plates, calf gilt, marbled leaves 1809 2833 Jacobo de Inglaterra, Vando y Leyes contra la Fe Catolica, s. 1. 1610, &e. 2 vol. 2834 Jamaica, The Laws of, from 32 Charles II. to 4 George IV, 7 vol. PRESENTATION copy, voted by the Assembly of Jamaica to the Marquis of Chandos, 1829, fine copy, russia extra, gilt leaves Jamaica, 1802-24 2835 James (J.) on Pleasure Gardens, plates 1712 2836 Jamieson (Dr. J.) Historical Account of the Ancient Culdees of Ionia, calf, marbled leaves Edinb. 1811 2837 Jeffrey (Geo.) Miscellanies, in Verse and Prose LARGE PAPER, old red morocco, gilt leaves 1754 df? v, 2838 Jobson (Ric.) The Golden Trade; or the Discovery of the River Gambra, and the Golden Trade of the A®thiopians, wormed 1623 158 | 2839 Johnson (Jo.). Son from India to England, through Persia, Georgia, Russia, Poland, &c., in 1817, coloured plates 1818 | 2840 Johnson (Sam.) Rasselas, feria plates, after Smirke, by Raimbach LARGE PAPER, calf, russia back ~ 1820 _ 2841 Johnstone (Chev. de) Memoirs of the Rebellion, 1745-46, portraits — 1820 2842 Joinville (John Lord de) “Memoirs, written “by himself, trans~ lated by Johnes, plates, 2 vol. calfextra Hafod Press, 1807 2843 Jonas (Arng.) Crymogwa, sive Rerum Islandicarum libri russia extra Hamb. n. d. 2844 Jones (Geo.) Battle of Miciciion with circumstantial Details, charts and numerous plates on india paper | half calf gilt 1817 2845 Jones (Theoph.) History of the County of Brecknock, map and plates, vol 1 Brecknock, 1805 2846 Jones (Sir Wm.) Works, 6 vol. and Supplement, 2 vol. portrait and plates, 8 vol. calf gilt royal 4to. 1799-1801 2847 Jonston (Arthur) Psalms of David, Latin and English 1740 2848 Jortin (J.) Life of Eramus, portrait 1758 | 2849 Jovii (Pauli) Descriptio Britannie, et G. Lilii Chronicon Anglorum Regum s. 1. 1548 2850 Julien (Emp.) Les Cesars, par Spanheim, psi of coins Paris, 1683, &c. 3 vol. 2851 Juvenalis et Persii Satyre, cum notis Lubini calf gilt Hanovie, 16038 2852 Juvenalis et Persii Satyre; cum notis Eruditorum cura M; Casauboni, plates LL. Bat. 1695 2853 Juvenal, Satyrs, translated by W. Gifford, portrait, russia 1802 2854 Kames (Lord) Sketches of the History of Man, 2 vol. Edinb. 1774 2855 Keating (Col.) Travels through France and Spain to Morocco, portrait, and many plates LARGE PAPER, calf extra, marbled leaves | 1817 2856 Kenilworth Illustrated; or the History of the Castle, Priory and Church of Kenilworth, 19 fine poriventy and plates Chiswick, 1821 2857 Kennett (White) Parochial Antiquities of Ambrosden, Bur- cester, and adjacent parts of Oxford and Bucks, plates, scarce, good copy, old calf. Oxford, 1695 2858 Kennett (W.) Parochial Antiquities of Ambrosden, Burcester, and adjacent parts of Oxford and Bucks, new editian, enlarged, portrait and plates, 2 vol. tb. 1818 © 2859 Kent (S.) Grammar of Heraldry, engravings of arms 1711 2860 Kent (S.) Dictionary of Arms, British and Foreign, cuts, 158 pages, all published, scarce 1717 2861 Keppel (Hon. Geo.) Personal Narrative from India to England, map and colowred plates, half calf, gtlt leaves 1827 SE aaa . 159 2862 Kilburne (Ric.) Topographie, or Survey of the County of Kent, portrait 1659 2883 King (Dr. J. G.) Rites and Ceremonies of the Greek Church in Russia, plates, scarce, calf gilt 1772 — Kirk, Outlines from the Figures and Compositions upon the Greek, Roman and Etruscan Vases of Sir Wm. Hamilton, 62 plates : 1804 2865 Kirkpatrick )Col.) Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul, map and plates, calf, marbled leaves 1810 2866 Kirkpatrick (Col.) Select Letters of Tippoo Sultan to Public Functionaries 1811 FOLIO. 2867 Hooke (R.) Micrographia, or Descriptions of Minute Bodies, plates : 1667 2868 Hooker (R.) Works, and Life by Is. Walton, portrait 1723 2869 Hooper (Jacob) Impartial History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in Englandto the Restoration of Charles II, portrait and plates, old calf gilt | 1738 2870 Horatii Opera, gilt leaves Paris, e Typ. Regia, 1642 2871 Horsley (Jo.) Britannia Romana, or the Roman Antiquities of Britain, above 100 plates, very scarce, good copy 1732 2872 Hospitalii (Mic.) 2 ea seu Sermonum Libri Sex calf gilt Paris, 1585 *,.* Steph. Naluzius’ copy with two notes in his autograph on the title. 2873 Hoste (P.) Art des Armées Navales, many plates Lyon, 1697 2874 HOUBRAKEN AND VERTUE, HEADS OF ILLUS- TRIOUS PERSONS OF GREAT BRITAIN, witn THEIR LIVES AND CHARACTERS, BY Dr. Tuo. Bircu A UNIQUE ASSEMBLAGE OF PORTRAITS, consisting of PROOFS, VARIATIONS, AND FIRST IMPRESSIONS, CHIEFLY on INDIA PAPER, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, splendidly bound in red morocco extra, joints, gilt leaves, and vellum fly leaves 1756 *,* THIS MATCHLESS COPY WAS SELECTED BY Mary Nicot, FROM THE PORTFOLIOS OF J. AND P. KNAPTON, THE ORIGINAL PROPRIETORS OF THE worK. ‘The whole was the gift of her Uncle, the late Mr. Alderman Boydell; and consists of two portraits of Houbraken, two of Vertue, and one of Dr. T. Birch, with a sketch of their lives in manu- script ; 97 Portraits of Illustrious Persons, pRoors; 85 ON INDIA PAPER; 35 FIRST IMPRESSIONS; 9 Etchings and TWO ORIGINAL DRAwines By HousrAKEN; logether 233 plates. 7% ET ee es Re Te a eS Le TN Ee Me ee AF) + | = 2875 160 HouGHTON GALLERY, FORMERLY IN THE POSSESSION OF Lorp OrrFrorpD, Now IN THE COLLECTION OF THE EM- PRESS OF RusgsIA, 133 PLATES, CHOICE PROOFS IN VARIOUS STATES, AND MANY PROOFS BEFORE ANY LETTERS, PROOFS WITH ARTISTS NAMES, BUT BEFORE THE INSCRIPTIONS, AND WITH THE INSCRIPTIONS, &e. with two etchings, two unfinished plates not in the work, viz. Portraits of Clement IX. and Erasmus, 28 plans, &c. of Houghton, and two ee 167 plates, 2 vol. russia-extra BoypeE.t, 1788 *,* THis VERY CHOICE AND MATCHLESS COPY was selected F + 4. 9876 2 6 9877 4) {| 818 viz, } 2879 GP. 2880 J F | 2881 7 ~ | 2882 4 FP) + | 28838 4P + | 2884 4 ¢ | 9885 2. ¢ | 2886 | 2887 2888 for Mary BoypELL. Household Book of Lady Seyliard, of Pusey, Berkshire, con- taining Inventories and Accounts from 1674 to 1694, a Manuscript volume | Howard (Sir Rob.) Four New Plays, calf neat 1665 © Howell (Jas.) Survay of the Signorie of Venice, frontispiece, calf gilt 1651 Howel (J.) Historicall Discourse, or Perlustration of the City of London, portrait, and View of London | calf, marbled leaves 1657 Howel (J.) Discourse concerning Precedency of Kings, and Treatise of Ambassadors, pes trait of Charles II, by Loggan, calf gilt 1664 Howel (W.) General History of the World, 3 vol. 1680-5 Howel (W.) General History of the World, vol. 2, 3 and 4 1685 Hughes (G.) Natural History of Barbadoes, 28 plates, with duplicates, coloured LARGE PAPER, old calf gilt 1750 Hughes (Jo.) Views in the South of Franee, chiefly on the Rhone, from drawings by De Wint, 24 plates by Cooke, proofs on india paper, half calf 1825 Hugo (H.) Le Siege de la Ville de Breda, plates calf gilt Antv. 1636 Hugo (H.) The Siege of Breda, plates, 1627 — Manley (Sir R.) History of the late Wars in Denmark, plates, 1670 2 vol. Humboldt et Bonpland, Atlas Pittoresque, ou Vues des Cor- dilleres, et Monumens des Peuples Indigénes de l’Amerique, 69 fine plates, some colowred, 2 vol. in 1 , Jine copy, green morocco extra, gilt leaves Paris, 1810— Hume (Davip) History or ENGLAND, BowyER’s SPLEN- DID EDITION, portratt and numerous fine historical plates, by the most eminent British engravers, brilliant impres- sions, after paintings executed by the most esteemed Eng- lish artists, 10 vol. blue morocco extra, gilt leaves : 1806 161 2889 Hnnter (W.) Anatomy of the Human Gravid Uterus, 34 plates russia Baskerville, 1774 2890 Huret (G.) Theatrum Dolorum Jesu Christi Dei Hominis, pro Hominibus patientis, with 34 very fine plates by G. Huret “yussta Lugd. 1662 2891 Hutchins (Jo.) History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset, maps and plates, 2 vol. russia extra 1774 2892 Imhoff (Jae. W.) Eccellentium Familiarum in Gallia Genea- logiz cum Notis Historicis, russia extra, gilt leaves Norimb. 1687 ~ | 2893 Index Librorum Prohibitorum et Expurgandorum Novissimus pro Catholicis Hispaniarum, Regnis Philippi IV. 2 vol. Madriti, 1667 — Avz7 . | 2894 Inscha (L.) Collection de Vues du Rhin les plus Pittoresques* a | depuis Spire jusqu’a Dusseldorf, 50 finely coloured plates . Wien, 1798 = 76 - | 2895 Jacob (Alex.) Complete English Peerage, plates of arms, a 2 vol. calf, and the Tables of in es half calf, oe Q : 176 g e 4 3 vol. 6 = 2896 Jacob (G.) Law Dictionary 1732 & £ ~ | 2897 Jacauin (N. J.) Icones PLANTARUM Rarrorum, upwards : of 640 finely coloured plates, 4 vol. za | very scarce, russia Vindob. 1781-86 om je 2 2898 Jaligny (G. de) Histoire de Charles VIII. Roy de France, ad Paris, 1684. — €&\4 . | 9899 Jamaica. Journals of the Assembly of Jamaica from 1663 to 1826, 14 vol. . PRESENTATION COPY, voted by the Assembly to the Marquis 4 of Chandos, 1829, fine copy, splendidly bound in russia ey. extra, gilt leaves - Jamaica, 1811-29 eas . | 2900 James I. (King) Workes, by Bp. Montague, 2 portraits by a S. Pass, engraved by Elstracke, fine copy, calf gilt 1616 _ - |-# | 2 2901 Jamieson (Al.) Celestial Atlas, 30 maps oblong fol. 1822 3 2902 Jeannin (Pierre) Negotiations, port. by Nantueil Paris, 1656 2903 Jebb (S.) de Vita et Rebus Gestis Marie Scotorum Regine, portrait and plate of pedigree, 2 vol. bright old calf gilt : 1725 2904 Jefferys (T.) Natural and Civil History of the French Do- - minions in North and South America, maps, 2 vol. in 1 old calf gilt ; 1761 2905 Jefferys (T.) Description of the Maritime Parts of France, 84 coloured charts and plans, 2 vol. oblong fol. 1761 2906 Jefferys (T.) Maritime Parts of France, 2 vol. another edition oblong fol. 1761 2907 Jesuits’ Morals, by a Doctor of the Sorbon : 1670 2908 Johnson (Sam.)Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vol. 1765 2909 Johnston (And.) Theatrum Scotiz, containing the Prospects of Castles and Palaces, Towns, Colleges, Abbeys, Churches, &c. with Descriptions, nwmerous plates, old calf gilt 1718 Y Pe | - 2910 y , | 9911 oF | 9912 /\4e\ 9918 2. AG 9914 + 2915 J\4e\|. | 2916 db. 9917 "4" | 9918 Yas "2919 STE | 9990 AV oh Soa PL 2922 / f0\- | 9998 Pe [ex | ~ | 2924 ee Z| - | 9995 Po ae oe 2926 ft pred 1-7 |, | 9997 i-2-| > | 9998 2.1 Z| 2929 Ps | ~ | 2980 |. | 2931 2932 | S me * IP SCPE EN PCR PIE ) Captions rns Sissi RtinlenpSiabascignabis 162 Joinville (J. de) Histoire de S. Louys IX. Roy de France, portrait Paris, 1668 Jones (Ed.) Index to Records called the Originalia and Me- moranda in the Exchequer, 2 vol. russia . 1793 Jones (Inigo) Stone-henge Restored, fine portrait by Hollar, and wood engravings, russia extra 1655 Jones (I.) Stone-henge Restored, portrait by Hollar, and | many plates, best edition, good copy 1725 Jones (I.) Designs, Plans, and Elevations of Public and Pri- vate Buildings, by Kent, 136 plates, 2 vol. in 1 1727 Jonson (Ben.) Works, portrait 1692 Joseph, Antiquitez Judaiques, ou Histon des Juifs, traduite D’Andilly, plates, ruled with red lines, 2 vol. Jine copy, old red morocco, gilt on marbled leaves Paris, 1670 Josephi Opera Omnia, Gr, et Lat. cura Hudsoni, 2 vol. : Oxontt, 1720 Josephus, Works by Dandilly and L’Estrange, plates 1683 Josephus, Works, translated by Whiston, map, LARGE PAPER 1737 Jousse (M.) Art de Charpenterie, plates Paris, 1702 Jovii (Pauli) Elogia Virorum Bellica Virtute illustrium, por- ir aits, TUSSIA Basil. 1675 Junii (Fr.) de Pictura Veterum, Vib. IIL portrait LARGE PAPER Rotterd. 1694 Junii (F.) Etymologicum Anglicanum edidit Ed. Lye, portrait, with autograph signature of Ld. Lye O.wont, 1748 Justini Martyris Apologia et Dislowmns Gr, et Lat. cura Thirlbii 1722 Justiniani (P.) Rerum Venetarum Historia Venet. 1575 Juvenal, XVI. Satyrs, translated by Sir R. Stapleton, fine portrait by Lombart LARGE PAPER, calf, marbled leaves 1660 Juvenal and Persius, Satires, translated ae Dr. Barten Holy- day, plates, old calf gilt 1673 Juvenal and Persius, Satires, by Dryden 1693 Juvenalis Satyree Paris, e Typ. Regia, 1644 Kempfer (Dr. E.) History of Japan, with the Two Appendices by Scheuchzer, 45 plates, 2 vol. bright old calf gilt 1728 KAUFFMAN (ANGELICA) WoRKsS, consisting of Portraits, Scenes from Shakspeare, and other Dramatic Writers, and various Compositions, upwards of 220 fine plates, by various eminent engravers, as Bartolozzi, Burke, Facius, Ogborne, W. W. Ryland, Schiavonetti, $c. PRINCIPALLY CHOICE PROOFS BEPORE AND AFTER THE LETTERS, &¢C. A PICKED COPY FOR Mary Boyne tt, 2 vol. russia extra atlas folio. v. ¥. Kausler (F. de) Atlas de plus Memorables Batailles, Combats et Siéges des temps Anciens, du Moyen Age et de Age Moderne, en 200 feuilles des cartes, plans, $c. with a, “Ato. vol. of Text, 2 vol. half russia Carlsruhe, 1881 163 TWELFTH DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT 2933 Keating (W. H.) Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter’s River, map and plates, 2 vol. 1825 2934 Keepsake, The, fine plates, for the years 1833, 1834, 1842, 1845, and 1845, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER 1833-45 2935 Keightley (T.) The Crusaders, plates, 2 vol. 1834 2936 Keith (Al.) Evidence of Prophecy, plates, Edinb. 1836— Kenney (A. H.) Danger of Popish Power, 1839, &c. 3 vol. 2937 Kelham (R.) Domesday Book, illustrated, scarce 1788 2938 Kelly (Jas.) Collection of Scotish Proverbs 1721 2939 Kelly (Michael) Reminiscences of the King’s Theatre and | Theatre Royal Drury Lane, 2 vol. ‘ 1826 2940 Kempis (Tho. a) L’Imitation de Jesus Christ, traduit par le Sr. de Beuil, ruled with red lines, old red morocco extra, gilt leaves Paris, 1673 2941 Kempis (T. 4) Imitation of Jesus Christ, by Dr. Geo. Stan- hope, plates, old red morocco, gilt leaves 1721 2942 Kennett (White) The Case of Impropriations and the Aug- mentation of Vicarages, and his Life, 2 vol. calf gilt 1704-30 2943 Kennett (W.) Sermon at the Funeral of the Duke of Devon- shire, and Memoirs of the Family of Cavendish, 1708— Biographical Sketches of Persons whose Portraits are in the Collection at Knole, plates, 1795—Conduct of Admiral Knowles at Rochefort, map, 1758, and Siege of Louis- bourg, by Gibson, plans, 1745, in 1 vol. 3 vol. 2944 Kent (Nath.) Hints to Gentlemen of Landed Property, 1775, Cc. 12 vol. 2945 Kent. History and Antiquities of Rochester Cathedral, 1717 . —Topographical Survey of Kent, Canterbury, 1782— Kentish Traveller’s Companion, maps, 1794 3 vol. 2946 Keppel (Geo.) Journey across the Balcan, me and frontis- | piece, 2 vol. 1831 2947 Ker (J. of Kensland) Memoirs, by Himself, 4A vol. 1726 2948 Kerr (Rob.) History of Scotland during the reign of Robert the Bruce, 2 vol. calf gilt, marbled leaves Edinb. 1811 2949 Kersey (J.) English Dictionary, and Words in Old Records, &c. 1721, &e. 5 vol. 2950 Kidd (J.) Outlines of Mineralogy, 2 vol. Oxford, war _ ~ “Kirwan, Geological Essays, 1799 : 3 vol, LP Fd ey ae Fl Sf | We) 7 AZ| | &e. _ 2968 Kolli (Baron de) “Memoirs, portrait, 1823—Knox, State 164 2951 Killigrew (Sir Wm.) Midnight and Daily Thoughts, in Prose and Verse, fine copy; calf gilt : 1694 2952 King (P.) Voyages to Australia, charts and plates, 2 vol. 1827 2953 King (P.) R. Fitzroy and C. Darwin, Voyages of the Adven- ture and Beagle, maps and plates, 4 vol. 1839 2954 King (R. J.) Lectures on the One Catholic and Apostolic Church, vol. 1, 2 copies Wisbeach, 1842 | 2955 King (Dr. Win.) Original Works, 8 vol. calf gilt 1776 2956 King Killers, The History of, or the Lives of Thirty-one Fanatic Saints, 1719—Martin (Is.) Tryal and Sufferings in the Inquisition in Spain, plates, 1723 2 vol, 2957 Kingston (Ric.) A Spiritual Receipt for Cure of the Plague, with the scarce portrait and Richardson's copy 1665 2958 Kinneir (J. M.) Journey through Asia Minor and Armenia 1818- _ 2959 Kirkman (J. T.) Memoirs of Charles Macklin, portrait, 2 vol. calf gilt 1799 | 2960 Kirby (Jo.) Suffolk Traveller, maps, ca if 1764—Kirby, Account of Twelve Prints of Monasteries, &c. in Suffolk Ipswich, 1742 2 vol. 2961 Kirby (Wm.) On the History, Habits, and: Instincts of Ani- mals, many plates, 2 vol. Pickering, 1835 2962 Kitto (John) Palestine, the Physical Geography and Natural History of the Holy Land, numerous wood engravings, complete in 19 parts royal 8vo, 1841 2963 Knight (Dr. S.) Life of Dr. John Colet, Dean of St. Paul’s, portraits and plates, fine impressions, LARGE PAPER, fine copy, old calf gilt royal 8vo. 1724 2964 Knolls, Turkish History, by Savage, portratis,2 vol. 1704 2965 Knox (J. ) View of the British Empire, with proposals for the extension of its Fisheries, 1789—Knox (J.) Tour through the Highlands of Scotland and the Hebrides, 1787, calf gilt 2 vol. | 2966 Knox Gs. ) Extra Official State Papers Addressed to Lord Rawdon, calf gilt 1789 _ 2967 Kolbes (P.) Description du Cap de Bonne- Esperanee, plates, 83 vol. 1741—Le Mercurie Hollandois, 6 vol. Amsé#. 1678, 18 vol. Papers, 1789—History of Kouli Kan, portrait, n.d. &e. 8 vol. . _ 2969 Kotzebue, |’Annee la plus remarquable de ma-Vie, portrait, 2 vol. Paris, 1802—Lubersac, Journal du Clerge de France en Angleterre, 1802—Memoires de la Roche- jaquelein, 7b. 1816, calf gilt 4 vol. _ 2970 Kotzebue (Aug. Von) Travels to Paris, 3 vol.— Travels through Italy, 4 vol.—Journey into eps together 8 vol. calf gilt ° — 1805-6-19 J A a ao 4 ae a _ “a a a a p A a a oe 1 165 Kotzebue (O. Von) New Voyage round the World, in 1823-6, plates, 2 vol. 1830 Laborde (Al. de) Itineraire Descriptif de ‘GVsnavd, 5 vol. and atlas, calf gilt Paris, 1809 Lafitau (J. Fr.) Histoire des Decouvertes et Conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde, maps and plates, 4 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves ib. 1734 Laharpe (J. F.) Lycee, ou Cours de Litferature Ancienne et Moderne, 12 vol. calf gilt ® ib. 1799 La Harpe ( Abrégé del’ Histoire Generale des Voyages, numerous maps and plates, 44 vol. calf gilt 1b. 1780-1804 Laing (Malcolm) History of Scotland, from James VI. to Queen Anne, 2 vol. calf gilt 1800 Lally-Tolendale (Comte de) Essai sur la Vie de Comte de Strafford et Tragedie de Comte de Strafford, portrait, 2 vol. 1795 Lamballe (Princess) Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family of France, portrait, 2 vol. 1826 Lander (Rich.) Records of Captain Clapperton’ s last Expedition to Africa, portrait, 2 vol. 1830 | Landon (C. P.) Galerie Historique des Hommes les plus Paes Célébres de tous les Siecles et de toutes les Nations, . . _ upwards of 900 portraits in outline proofs, 13 vol. A eR NRL Gel ee hh ae, ae Oe ey re Nay Se ee eee oe oe er, Se ee z nai Sw fe tee : Ps VELLUM PAPER, calf gilt Paris, 1805 < -~ | 2981 Landon (L. E.) The onbaine 1825—The Improvisatrice, 3 ) 1824 2 vol. a 72. LZ 2982 Landscape Annual, from 1830 to 1839, numerous fine plates, proofs on india paper, 10 vol. v4 LARGE PAPER, green morocco extra, g.l. roy. 8vo. 1830-9 iz. 2983 Lane (E. W.) Account of the Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, wood engravings, 2 vol. 1836 Langbaine (Gerard) Account of English Dramatic Poets 4 Oxford, 1691 » His Te | 2985 Langhornii (Dan.) Elenchus Antiquitatum ince ees Sa pe ee a ee eee ee ee ‘ $ is) co io 2) — 4 iy TUSSIA 1673 : Pe 2986 Langle (M. de) Voyage en Espagne, 2 vol. 1785—Le Blane a (M.) Lettres, 3 vol. La Haye, 1745, &c. 8 vol. . 2987 Lantier (E. F.) Travels of Antenor in Greece and Asia, 3 ase a 17 * GY ~ | 2988 Lardner’s Cyclopeedia—Nicolas (Sir H.) Chronology of His- q : tory, 1833—The Western World, 2 vol. 1830 3 vol. a 2989. La Rochefoucauld (Vicomte de) Mémoires, 1814-36, 5 vol. Paris, 1837 a - | 2990 Larrey a de) History of the Reign of Charles I, portrait, 2 vol. 1716 _. | 2991 Larrey (M. de) Histoire de France sous le Réghe de Louis XIV, 4 vol. Rotterd. 1718——Histoire de Louis pei par Pellison, | 3 vol. Paris, 1749 7 vol. ue 166 |Z] ae 2992 Latham (S.) Faulconry, or the Faulcon’s Lure and Cure, wood engravings 1658 “> | 9993 Latrobe (B. H.) History of Counts Struensee and Brandt 1789 JT | 2994 Lauder (Wm.) On Milton’s Use, &c. of the Moderns in his . Paradise Lost, and Letter to Dr. Douglas on his Vindi- es: cation of Milton, 2 vol. in 1, calf gilt 1750-51 Peet /\ _ 2995 Lavallette (Comte) Memoires et Souvenirs, 2 vol. Paris, 1831 — Vigee-Lebruu, Souvenirs, portraits, 3 vol, 7b. 1836, &e. 10 vol. _% + 2996 Lavater (Lud.) De Spectris Lemuribus, &c. plates, by Rom. de Hooghe Gorichemi, 1683 JF. 2997 Law Tetum Exposition of, and OF Difficult Words, 1607, &e, 4 vol. ¢? & 2998 Leach (J.) Rough Sketches of the Life of an old Soldier, 1831 —Secret Memoirs of Louis XIV, portrait, 1824—Long- | | mate, Supplement to Collins’ Peerage, 1784, &e. 8 vol. 4/7 + 2999 Leake (S. M.) Historical. Account of English Money, from the Conquest, plates 1745 /@ » | 3000 Learned, History of the Works of the, from 1737 to 174], be ae. 8 vol. and Miscellanies, 9 vol. 17 vol. 2. + 8001 Le Comte (L. le) Journey through China, “plate 1697— Lempriere (W.) Tour to Morocco, 1818 2 vol. “f+ 3002 Legons de la Nature, 4 vol. Paris, 1801—Londres, 4 vol. . Lausanne, 1774—Ligne (Prince de) Memoires, 2 vol. . | 1809, &e. 12 vol. he | Z| 3008 Lediard (T.) Life of John, Duke of Marlborough, plates and | plans, 3 vol. 1736—Conduct of the Duke of Marlborough, | 1712—Conduct of the Duchess, 1742 5 vol. | | 4. _ 8004 Lee (Nat.) Works, 2 vol. 1713—Meilan (M. A.) Dramatic Works, n. d. 3 vol. | 23 | . | 3005 Legh (Gerard) Accidens of Armoury, JSrontispiece and en- ee gravings of arms, russia 1562 424 ee | 8006 Legrand (Aug.) Galeries des Antiques, ou Esquisses des | Pag Statues, Bustes, &c. fruit des Conquestes de l’Armée © d'Italie, 92 plates, calf, marbled leaves Paris, 1803 ed bf | 3007 Le Grand, Fabliaux ou Contes du XII, et du XIII. Siecles, 5 vol. Paris, 1781 | a . - 8008 Le Grand (M.) Fabliaux, or Tales of the 12th and 13th Cen- turies, in English Verse, by G. L. Way, vignette wood engravings, 2 vol. | LARGE PAPER, green morocco, gilt leaves . 1796 — Ea Z| 3009 Leicester (Rob. Earl of) Life, portrait 1727 are 3010 Leland (T.) Histoire d’Irlande, 7 vol. Maestricht, 17 ae . vol. | 7 | + | 3011 Lemaistre (J. G.) Sketch of Modern Paris, 1803—Travels | through France, 2 vol. manners Tour to Morocco, boo 1791 . 4 vol. 3043 Lives of Jo. Leland, Tho. Hearne, and Anthony a Wood, An- | . Li tiquaries, portraits and plates, russia extra Oxford, 1772 “ | 2 a 3044 Livii Historia, cum Prefatione Erasmi, 4 vol. q eae | old calf, gilt leaves Lugduni, 1548 a ef + 3045 Livii Historia, ex recensione I. F. "Gronovii, good co a ) ) Amst. Elzev. 1678 Bea QUARTO. | 3046 Knight (R. P.) Account of the Remains of the Worship of | Priapus, 19 plates ;, ee | PRIVATELY PRINTED, RARE, morocco extra, 2. l. 1786 | _ 8047 Knight (R. P.) Analytical Essay on the Greek Alphabet, plates, calf gilt 1791 3048 Knight (R. P.) Landscape, plates, calf gilt, 1794—Epistle from Kien Long to George III. n. d. : 2 vol. 3049 Knight (R. P.) Progress of Civil Society, | LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1796 3050 Knox (Jo.) Journal of Campaigns, North Aenea, 2 vol. 1769—Lloyd, History of the War in Germany, plans,“ 2 vol. 1766 . 4 vol. 3051 Kotzebue (O. Von) Voyage of Discovery to Beering’s Straits, coloured plates, 3 vol. 1821 8052 Krusenstern (A. J. Von) Voyage round the World, translated | by Hoppner, map and coloured plates, 2 vol. in 1 | russia extra, gilt leaves 1813 5 ) : ' ms . Pe ee wd ie Se ee ae a Tere ae ee” TO PR SS al ee ee ‘eS Sans A SSAA POND SO SH FE eeliiimnitiieateenienss oe 3053 Labillardiere (M.) Voyage in Search of La Perouse, map and 46 plates, calf gilt oe S800 3054 Lagniet (Jacq.) Recueil des plus illustres Proverbes, upwards of 120 plates, fine impressions, 3 1 Paris, n.d. we Ra aye: oi 169 xe re 3055 Lairesse (Ger. de) Art of Painting in all its Branches, by Fritsch, many plates, coloured 1738 id - | 8056 Lamartine (Alph. de) Pilgrimage to the ar Land, portrait, saat 38 vol. 1835 _ 3057 Lambarde (Wm.) Perambulation of Kent, or the Description, | Hystorie, and Customes of that Shyre, 2 egy | black letter, good copy, old calf 1596 3058 Lambarde (W.) Alphabetical Description of the Chief Places in England and Wales, portrait 1730 3059 Taeibactiy (G.) de Priscis Anglorum Legibus libri, Saxon. et Lat. map, fine copy, russia extra, gilt leaves Jo. Daii, 1568 3060. Lamberty, Memoires pour Servir al’ Histoire du XVIII. Siecle, | 14 vol. Amst. 1735 8061 Lambeth. A Concise Account, Historical and Descriptive, of | Lambeth Palace, | ILLUSTRATED with 40 fine portraits and plates by Faber, Vertue, Baron, Watson, $c. some finely coloured, | LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves Elephant 4to. 1806 3062 Landmann (G.) Historical, Military, and Picturesque Obser- vations on Portugal, 55 colowred plates, vol. 2 4 LARGE PAPER 1818 aw We 3068 Lanpvon (C. P.) Vies er GiuvREs DES Piven ws LES PLUS CELEBRES DE TOUTES LES EcoLres; Recurit CuLassi- ' QUE, viz.—Peintures Antiques, 3 ete Dominique Zam- pieri dit le Dominiquin, 3 vol.; Michel-Ange Buonarotti, 2 vol.; Poussin, 4 vol.; Raphael Sanzio, 8 vol.; et Eust. le Sueur, 2 vol. portraits, and nary hundred plates in outline, 22 vol. uncut Paris, 1805-17 *,* This is No. 159 of only 250 copies printed, see Auto- graph Note of Landon. - 3064 Langley (B. and T.) Gothic Architecture Improved, 62 plates, | 1742, and Builder’s and Workman’s Treasury, 184 plates, | 2 vol. 1740-42 { : eg 8065 Langley (Thos.) Histories and Antiquity of the Hundred of Desborough, and Deanery of Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, map and plates, LARGE PAPER, red morocco extra, gilt leaves 1797 - | 3066 Langley (Thos.) History and Antiquities of the Hundred of Desborough, plates 1797 _ | 8067 Latham (John) General Synopsis of Birds, with the Supple- ment and Index Ornithologicus, 140 finely coloured plates, original edition, 10 vol. fine copy, calf extra 1781-90 nae 3068 Latham (S.) Falconry, or Falcon’s Lure and Cure, wood en- gravings, 2 parts in 1 vol. ; 1633 - |8069 Latimer (Bishop) Fruitful Sermons, (title torn) 1635 3070 Latrobe (C. J.) Journal of a Visit to South Africa in 1815 and 1816, maps and plates, some coloured, calf extra, gilt leaves , ; 1818 east 170 ; VOR | a v4 3071 Lauder (Sir T. D.) Memorial of the Royal Progress in Scot- Scotland, plates and vignettes Edinb. 1843 Ra 3072 Laurence (Ed.) Duty of a Steward _ 1727 | “| . 8073 Lavater (J. G.) Essai sur la Physiognomie, numerous plates, tae 3 vol. calf gilt royal 4to. La Haye, 1783-6 / 2... | 8074 Lavaterus (L.) of Ghostes and Spirites Walking ry Night, oh ns: translated by T. H. ae black letter 1596 “% ~ 8075 Lawrence (Dr. Tho.) Dr. Fr. Nichollsii Vita eum Conjecturis ejusdem de natura et usu partium Humani Coporis simila- rium, portrait and plates, PRIVATELY PRINTED, calf gilt A780 ° : E Ce b\. 3076 Lazzari (A.) Vedute Prospettiche della Regia Citta di Venezia, upwards of 80 plates oblong 4to. Venet. n.d. A '. 3077 Le Brun, the Passions of the Soul represented in, 20 plates Pi royal 4to. 1767 |/ |” |-8078 Lee Priory Press, Wood-cuts and Verses printed at the 1820 / | [2]. . _ 807 9 Legh (Ger.) Accedens of Armory, with the arms coloured, and — . hod the autograph of Robte. Talbott on the title , ass feet aoa Rych Tottell, 1568 Sd’ - 3080 Legh (G.) fAccedene of Armorie, woodcuts of arms, with . original MS. Poem by Wm. ah Apl. 1628 . yussia extra 1612 /~ 8081 Legh (T.) Narrative of a Journey in “Egypt, plates 1816 . | 8082 Legros (S) L’Art de la Coeffure des Dames Francoises, : 62 coloured plates Paris, 1768 | 8083 Leland (J.) Advantage and Necessity of Christian Revelation, ae 2 vol. 1764 . - 3084 Leland (T.) Life of Pek! King of Macedon, map and plate, ae 2 vol. 1758 | * | 3085 Lelandi (Jo.) Nenize in Mortem Thom Viati, 1542—Geneth- fox liacon Eadvardi Principis Cambriz,1548—Assertio Arturii Regis Britannie, 1544, et Commentarii in Cygneam Can- — Tey es tionem, the 3 first tracts damaged Londini, 1542-44 Was \/ | 8086 Lenfant (Jas.) History of the Council of Constance, by | S. Wheatley, plates, 2 vol. 1730 . 3087 Leonard (F.) Receuil des Traitez de Paix, &e. faits par les Rois | de France avec tous les Princes de l'Europe depuis pres de ) trois siecles, 7 vol. old French calf, g.l. Paris, 1693-97 ie - 8088 Lesleus (Episc. Jo.) de Origine, Moribus et Rebus Gestis Sco- torum, portraits, scarce, calf gilt Rome, 1578 | 8089 Lewis (John) History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Church of Faversham, in Kent, plates, interleaved with numerous M.S. additions in the autograph of Edw. Jacob (author of the History of Faversham), and tients by | him to Sir P. Thomson, 16th April, 1752 . russia extra, gilt leaves, uncut 1727 portrait and plates, BEST EDITION 1736 | | yy Pe. | 3090 Lewis (Jo.) History and Antiquities of the Isle of Thanet, fea t 17] 3091 Lewis (J.) History and Antiquities of the Abbey Church of Faversham, plates 1737 3092 Lewis (J.) History and Antiquities of the Isle of Tenet, in Kent, portrait and plates, LARGE PAPER, best edition 1736 3093 Lewis (Sa.) Topographical Dictionary of England and Wales, 6 vol. 1831-33 3094 Liceti (F.) de Monstrorum Narre) Causis et Differentiis libri Il. many plates Patavii, 1634 3095 Light (Hen.) Travels in Egypt, Nubia, Holy Land, &c. in 1814, plates : — 1818 3096 Lilburne (Lieut. Col. Jo.) Triall, 2 parts, ith a curious Col- lection of upwards of 60 Tracts by and relating to him and his Case, very Important and Interesting, with 4 portraits, in 4 vol. very scarce, calf, uniform and neat 1638-53 3097 Lilly (Wm.) Monarchy or No Monarchy in England, and Ob- servations on the Life and Death of King Charles, curious wood engravings 1651 3098 Limborch (P.) History of the Inquisiton by Chandler, 2 vol. in 1 1731 3099 Lipsii (Justi) Poliorceticon, plates Antv. 1625 3100 Lirscoms (Dr. Geo.) History AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE CounTY oF BUCKINGHAM, many maps, portraits, and plates, 7 parts, LARGE PAPER, uncut imperial Ato. 1831-43 3101 Lisiansky (U.) Voyage round the World in 1808- 6, portrait and plates : 1814 3102 L’Isle (Wm.) Divers Ancient, Monuments in the Saxon Tongue, Saxon and English, calf gilt 1638 3103 Lithgow (Wm.) Discourse of the Rare Adventures and Paine- full Peregrinations of 19 Yeares Travels from Scotland to the Kingdoms of Europe, Asia, and Africa, portrait, and curious wood engravings, fine clean copy, calf gilt 1632 3104 Littleton (Ad.) Latin Dictionary 1684 3105 Lives, Characters, and Adventures of Arthur aed Balmarino, of Simon Lord Lovat, and of Chas. Ratcliffe, from their Births to their Executions, Sao and woodcuts, 3 vol. in 1, calf gilt n. do 3106 Lloyd (Lod.) Marrow of History, or Pilgrimage of Kings and ie Shewing the Tragedies of Princes at their Deaths, and fayings in their Lives, russia, marbled leaves 1658 3107 Locker (Edw. H.) Views in Spain, illustrating Southey’s War in Spain, 60 plates 1824 3108 Loppice (C.) BoranicaL CABINET, or Coloured Delinea- tions of Plants from all Countries, 1900 finely coloured plates, by Geo. Cooke, 19 vol. half bound calf, gilt leaves 1818-32 3109 Loder (Rob.) Statutes and Ordinances of the Alms-houses in Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Constitutions for the Free School, plates, 2 vol. in 1, calf gilé . 1792-6 y » ~—68110 3111 31i2 3113 314 | 3115 _ | 8116 3117 | 3118 3119 3120 312] 3122 3123 3124 fine copy, old red morocco, gilt leaves 172 Loder (Rob.) History of Framlingham, portraits and plates, russia, marbled leaves Woodbridge, 1798 Lodge* (Edm.) Illustrations of Brith History, Biography, and Manners in the Reigns of Henry VIII. to James I. portraits and plates, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1791 Loier (Pet. de) Treatise of Specters or Straunge Sights, Visions, and Apparitions appearing Sensibly unto Men, fine copy, calf 5 1605 Lombard (D.) Comparaison des Histoires de Mezeray et du Pere Daniel, Amst. 1723-—Maizeaux (M. Des) Vie de Saint Evremond n. Londini quod Reliquum, or London’s Remains, a Poem, Lat. and English, calf gilt 1667 © London Chronicle for 1761-2 2 vol. Londonderry, (Marquess of) Narrative of the Peninsular War from 1808 to 1813, and the War in Germany and France, in 1813 and 14, maps and plans, 2 vol. 1828-30 Londonderry (Marquess of) Recollections of a Tour in the North of Europe in 1836-37, portraits, presentation copy 1838 Long (J.) Voyages and Travels among the North American Indians, map, calf gilt 1791 Long (W.) History of Jamaica, map and ‘plates, 3 vol. 1774 Longinus de Sublimitate cum peti Gr. et Lat. cum notis, Z. Pearce 1724 Longini que Supersunt, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Toupii, jine copy, calf gilt Oxon. 1778 Long (G.) et F. W. Moritz, Costumed Suisses, many plates, Jinely coloured and mounted, half morocco, marbled leaves Neuchatel, 1824 Louis XVI. Sacre et Couronnement de Louis XVI. a Rheims, 1775, many plates by S* Patas, very fine impressions, Paris, 1775 Loyens (Hub.) Synopsis Rerum Lotharingie, Brabantize, et de Limburgi Ducibus, portraits, Brux.1672—Memoires de Fequiere, 1786—Offices D’ ee par Hurault, Paris, 1588, &e. 4 vol. FOLIO. Kennett (Bp. White) Register and Chronicle, Ecclesiastical and Civil, vol. 1, all published, good copy 1728 Kennett, Complete History of England, portraits, 3 vol. 1706 | Killigrew (Mrs. Anne) Poems, portrait by Beckett, after a painting by herself, very scarce, fine copy, old red morocco, gilt leaves 1686 Killigrew (Thomas) Plays | 1664 Killigrew (Sir Wm.) Four New Playes, calf gilt Oxf. 1666 3130 3131 ? Pie ER Ee EETENEE ETE eEErES 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 31388 3139 3140 3141 3142 e 3143 oT a4 | 3145 3146 3147 LD ©, fp King (Dan.) Description Historicall and Geographicall of the Countie Palatine, Chester, and of the Isle of Man, 3 maps and many plates, by King, §c. very scarce, russia, gilt leaves 1656 Kine (Epw.) MuntmMenta ANTIQUA, or OME TGons on Antient Castles, including Remarks on the whole Progress of Architecture in Great Britain, ne Jine plates, 4 vol. fine copy, russia extra Kip (J.) Nouveau THEATRE DE LA “GRANDE BRETAGNE, ou Description exacte des Palais du Roy et des Maisons, des Seigneurs et des Gentilshommes du dit Royaume, about 300 fine plates, 4 vol. russia extra 1724 Kip, Britannia Illustrata, or Views of the Queen’s Palaces, and Seats of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain 80 fine plates, LARGE PAPER, Old calf gilt 1707 Kip (J.) Views of Noblemen’s and Gentlemen’s Seats, a vol. of 47 plates oblong folio Kircheri (Ath.) Musurgia Universalis, sive Ars magna con- soni et dissoni, 2 vol. in 1 Rome, 1650 Kircheri (A.) Latium Vetus et Novum, maps and plates Amst. 1671 Kircheri (A.) China Monumentis qua Sacris, qua Profanis illustrata, maps and plates : Amst. 1677 Knolles (Ric.} Turkish History, with Continuation, by Sir P. Rycaut, portraits, 2 vol. in 1, old calf gilt 1687 Knox (Rob.) Historical Relation of the Island of Ceylon, plates 1681 Koehoorn (Baron) Method of Fortification, plates 1705 Kreturbuch und Distillierns Bereydtschaffe, coloured wood engravings, many leaves mended Franckfurt, 1550 Laborde (A. de) Voyage Pittoresque et Historique de 1’Es- pagne, plates, No. 29 to 48 (except No. 44) 9 numbers, vellum paper Paris, n. d. Labourer (J. de) Memoires de Michel de Castelnau, portrait, 2 vol. Paris, 1659 Labourer (J. de) Histoire du Mareschal de Guebriant, portrait by Nantueil, et Histoire Genealogique de la Maison des Budes, plate and arms, 2 vol. in 1 tb. 1656-7 Labourer (M. Le) Histoire de Charles VI, Roy de France, 2 vol. 1b. 1768 Lafosse (M.) Cours a’ Hippiatrique, ou Traite complet de la Médecine des Chevaux, poe and 65 plates, LARGE PAPER tb. 1772 Larresse (GER.) Works, consisting of upwards of 120 fine spirited etchings, by N. Visscher, LARGE PAPER, vellum s Amst. n. d. AA) - “8149 |-2| 6 | 3150 P+ 151 |P|- | s162 la \- | $153 17 |. | S154 we « 3155 /\0\ 4 | 2156 | b\. 3157 fe 6 | 3158 Vis ee Aes GETS: vA 3160 ware 3161 \5 S| 8162 || | s16s “Z_.° 3164 YZe\ , | 3166 174 Lancelot du Lac. Des Merueilleux Faits et Gestes du Noble, et Puissan Chevalier Lancelot du Lac Compaignon de la Table Ronde, vol. 1 wants title, first leaf of the table B 1, and vol. 3 all after folio 227, 3 vol. in |, gothic leiter, fine large copy Paris, 1499 Landseer (John) Antiquities of Dacca, 8 plates, ae proofs, No. 1 and 2 814 Langley (Batty) Pomona, or Fruit Garden itheatreten 78 plates 1729 Lanuza (V. Blaseo de) Historias Ecclesiasticas y Seculares de Aragon, 2 vol. in 1 Caragoca, 1622 La Porte (J.) Studies of Trees, No. 1 to 6 (wanting No. 5) &e. a parcel Laud (Archbishop) Conference with Fisher the Jesuite, calf gilt 1639 Laud (Abp. Wm.) History of his Troubles and Tryal, and Diary of his Own Life, portrait 1695 Layer (Christopher) Tryal and Attainder for High Treason, and Papers and Reports relating to Bishop Atterbury and others, in 1 vol. 1722-3 Le Brun, BATAILLES p’ ALEXANDRE LE Granp, 20 fine large plates, by G. Audran, Picault Blesensis, &c. BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves, size 4 ft. 4 in. high by 2 ft. 6 in. elephant folio. Le Brun (C.) Voyage au Levant, 209 plates, LARGE PAPER Paris, 1666, &e. Delft. 1700 Le Brun (C.) Voyages en Moscovie, Perse et aux Indes Orientales, 320 plates, 2 vol. Amst. 1718 Le Bruyn (Corn.) Travels into Muscovy, Persia, and the East Indies, and Voyage to Levant, or Travels in Asia Minor, &c. numerous plates, 3 vol. russia extra, uniform 1702-37 Lediard (T.) Naval History of England, from the Norman Conquest, portrait, 2 vol. in 1 1735 Le Gendre (L.) Nouvelle Histoire de Franee, portrait, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER Paris, 1718 Le Grand (A.) Body of Philosophy, by Blome, numerous plates, by Kup 1694 Leigh (Dr. Chas.) Natural History of Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Peak in Derbyshire, portrait and plates, Oxford, 1700 Le Long (J.) Bibliotheque Histoniage de la France, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER Le Neve (Jo.) Fasti Ecclesize Anglicane, fine copy, russia extra Paris, shea 1716 Levaillant (F.) Histoire des Perroquets, No. 1-to 6, imperfect, 35 finely coloured plates Paris, 1801 fry | 175 4 ff - | 3167 Lewis (J. F.) Sketches and Drawings of the Alhambra, in Granada, in 1833-4, 26 tinted lithographs, ly half bound morocco 1835 eA “| 8168 Lewis (J. F.) Sketches in Spain, 26 lithographs, fi Jinely coloured | in the style of the original drawings, mounted on card Beet board, in a portfolio, half morocco : 1836 er > | 3169 Leybourn (W.) Mathematical Sciences, portratt 1690 _¢ |+ | 3170 Leybourn (W.) Compleat Surveyor, portrait 1657 ) a2 | £ 3171 Leybourn (W.) Recreations, Numerical, Astronomical, &c. . | plates 1694 . @ _ | 8172 Leycester (Sir P.) Historical Antiquities ‘of Great Britain | : and Ireland, and Remarks concerning Cheshire, ; alf gilt 1673 s 4 Z| 3178 ee ( Edw.) Archzologia Britannica, vol. ‘1, all published Oxford, 1707 3174 Libanii Sophiste, Epistole, Gr. et Lat. cum notis, J. C. Wollfii Amst. 1738 | 3175 Ligon (Ric.) True and Exact History of the Island of Barbados, i map and plates, calf neat 1657 7 3176 Limborch (P.) Historia Inquisitionis Amst. 1692 q 3177 Lindesay (Rob.) History of Scotland, 1436 to 1565, with con- F . tinuation to 1604 Edinb. 1728 3178 Linen Manufacture, a series of 12 ee ints, by Hinck, illustrative of the Manufacture of Linen in Ireland, fine impressions, calf gilt oblong folio. 1783 3179 Linschoten (J. H. Van) his ‘Discours of Voyages into the Easte and West Indies, in IV. Books, translated by W. P., many maps and plates, black letter, fine copy, russia extra, g.l. Jo. Wolfe, 1598 3180 Linschoten (J. H.) Navigatio ac Itinerarium in Orientalem sive Lusitanorum Indiam, many Jine plates scarce, very good copy Hage@-Comitis, 1599 3181 Lipsii (J.) Opera Omnia, many plates, 4 vol. Antv. 1637 3182 LirHocrarus (ForeriGn), viz.—D. Quaglio, Collection de Vues de Cathedrales, Eglises, Chateaux, etc. de l’Age Moyen en Allemagne, 24 lithographs Munich, 1818 Collection de plus Belles Peintures Originales, 25 fine litho- graphs 1b. 1820 Samlissng von Original Handzeichnungen der Vorzuglichsten lebenden Bayerischen Kuntsler, 44 lithographs ib. 1817 Geertner, Vues des principaux Monuments Grecs de la Sicile, 21 fine lithographs ab. 1819 together 114 plates, in 1 vol. russia extra 1817 3183 Livii Historia, Lucii Flori Decadum Epitome, et Polybii His- toria, N. Perotto interprete, in 1 vol. (little mended) Aldus, 1520-21 3184 Livii Historia, cum notis Sabellici 1527 3185 Livii Historia, cura Gruteri Fr ancof 1628 i en Se a ee a i e ee ee ee ee ee Rey a eo eS ae ee Pe ee ee ee ae as : : " i * - emmeemnpemeeenen } ; 176 a Pe | 3186 Livio, Historie Romane, da Nardi, stained Venet. 1554 | | | 3187 Lloydii (N.) Dictionarium Historicum é 1786 / «3188 Lobineau (G. A.) Histoire de Bretagne, many fine portraits ) and plates, 2 vol. Paris, 1707 lt ye _ 8189 Locatelli (Al.) Racconto Fistorioa: della Guerra in Levante del eee D F Morosini, many plates, by Coronelli pe ot oge Francesco ini, many plates, by : . : | 2 vol. Colon. 1698 4 44). | 3190 Locke (Jo.) Works, with Life by Desmaizeaus, portrait, 3 vol. . ) BEST EDITION, calf 1751 : | LOT = 38191 PO A EE NCTE TORE CRN he ~*~ () Senge eC T RIE RAR nC Rh ME TE IT TT = 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 THIRTEENTH DAY’S SALE, OCTAVO ET INFRA. Livii Historia, cum notis T. Hearne, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER Oxon. 1708 | Livii Historia, cum perpetuis notis Gronovii, 3vol.in6 — Basil, 1740 | Livii Historia, cura Ernesti, 5 vol. Lips. 1785 Livy, Roman History, with the Supplement, by Freinsheim,. maps and plates, 6 vol. calf 1744 Lloyd (D.) Statesmen and Favourites of England since the Reformation, frontispiece 1665 Lloyd (D.) States and Favourites of England, by C. Whit- worth, 2 vol. 1766 Lloyd (L.) Field Sports of the North of Europe, and Resi- dence in Sweden and Norway, plates, 2 vol. 1831 Lloyd (P.) Sermons, LARGE PAPER, 1765, &c. 8 vol. Lloyd (R) Poetical Works, 2 vol. 1774—Locke on Edowes tion, 1699, &e. 8 vol. Lobeira (Vasco) Amadis of Gaul, translated by Southey, 4 vol. calf, marbled leaves 1803 Lobo (Jer.) Voyage to Abyssinia, translated by Dr. S. John- son : 1735 Locke (J.) Conduct of the Understanding, red morocco, gilt leaves, Dublin, 1782, &e. ‘ 3 vol. Lockbart (J. G.) Memoirs of the Life of ‘Sir Walter Scott, portrait, 7 vol. ; 1837-8 Lockman (J.) Travels of the Jesuits into various parts of the World, 2 vol. 1743 Lodge (Ed.) Peerage of the British; and Genealogy of the existing British Peerage, plates of arms, 2 vol. 1840 SRR Mg) ees ee RT oe af Macha? | “o> 2" 177 3206 Lodge (E.) iebaatpe of the British Empire and the Baronetage, plates of arms — 1845 3207 Lodge (Jo,) Peerage of Ireland, continued by Archdall, plates of arms, 7 vol. calf gilt Dublin, 1789 Rear Loisirs d’un Ministre, ou Essais dans le gout de ceux de Montagne, 2 vol. Liege, 1787—La Religion Consideree, 1787—Memoires du Prince Eugene de’ Savoie, 1810, &e. calf gilt 9 vol. 3209 London. Bailey (N.) Antiquities of London, 1722—Reports of Cases touching the Customs and Liberties of the City of London, 1655 -- 2 vol. 8210 London. Bailey (N.) Antiquities of London, 1734—Lex Londinensis, or the City Law, 1680 2 vol. 3211 London. New View of London, or an ample Account of that City, plans and plates, 2 vol. calf neat 1708 3212 London and its Environs described, with a plan, map and plates, 6 vol. Dodsley, 1761 3213 London Institution. Catalogue of the Library of the London Institution, systematically classed, with Bibliographical Account and Collation of “ Description de l’Egypte,” 4 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED, presentation copy 1835-438 s ) 3214 London Magazine, or the Gentleman’s Monthly Intelligencer, from the commencement in 1732 to 1782, plates, wanting vol. 17 for 1748, 50 vol. uniform 1732, &e: > | 3215 Loredano (Gio. Fr.) Opera, 5 vol. vellum Venet. 1653 $216 Loudon (J. C.) Encyclopedia of Gardening, numerous wood engravings 1824 8217 Loudon (J. C.) Gardener’s Magazine, wood engravings, vol. 2. 3 and 4, and 9 parts 1827-37. 3218 Loudon (J. C.) Magazine of Natural History, nwmerous wood | engravings, 7 vol. and 9 numbers of the New Series half calf 1829, &e. . "a Loudon (J. C.) Encylopedia of Plants in Great Britain, and Glossary, wood engravings of the figures of nearly 10,000 species 1829 3220 Taedacn (J. C.) Encyclopaedia of Cottage, Farm and Villa | Architecture and Furniture, wth 2000 lithographs and ee wood engravings 1833 _ 3221 Loudon (J. C.) Encyclopedia of Agriculture, 1100 wood engravings 1831 3222 Louis XI. Histoire de Louys XI. et des choses. memorables depuis 1460 4 1483, dicte la Chronique Scandaleuse, ae trait, scarce 611 3223 Louis XIII. Abrege de PEGtane de France sous le finene de Louis XIII. et XIV., portrait, 2 vol. Amst. 1720—Vie Privee de Louis XV., portraiis, 4 vol. 1781—Lettres His- toriques 1759, &c. 12 vol. 3224 Louis XIV., (Envres de, ines 6 vol. Paris, 1806 AA 178 4 3225 Louis XIV., Memoires de, ecrits par Lui-meme, publies par Gain- Montagnas, 2 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1806 . _ 8226 Louis XVIII. Memoires d'une Femme de Qualite sur Louis : ie : _ XVIII. sa Cour et son Regne, 4 vol. halfcalf 1b. 1829 4 - 3227 Louis XIII., Memoires de, par le Due De D***, 12 vol. ? . half calf tb. 1832 2228 Louis de Grenade, la Guide des Leen traduite en Francois, par Girard, ruled with red lines , old red morocco extra, gilt leaves tb. 1668 3229 Lovat (Simon Lord) Memoirs of the Life of, 1797—Lee (Lieut. Col. Charles) Memoirs, 1792 2 vol. 3230 Love Letters from a Nun to a Cavalier, 1702—Le Capucin Escossais, portrait, Rouen, 1660—Mathews, Unlearned — Alchymist, 1663—Progress of Sin, or the Travels of Ungod- liness, wants tttle—Motuum Britannicorum lib. 1647, &c. 6 vol. 3931 Loveday (R.) Letters, Domestick and Forreign, port. calf 1669 _ 8232 Lovelace (Ric.) Lucasta, Odes, Sonnets and Songs, with Ara- mantha, a Pastoral, scarce, 1649—Lovibond, Poems, 1785 a 2 vol. 3233 Lowth (Rob.) Life of William of Wykeham, front. —§ 1759 3234 Lucanus de Bello Civili, cum notis variorum cura Schrevelii, . LARGE PAPER ~~ I. Bat. 1669 . . 3235 Lucas (Theoph.) Memoirs of the Lives, Intrigues, and Comical a. Adventures of famous wacapiis: hs and Sharpers, front. ay! Se russia, gilt leaves 17 3286 Lucretius, Nature of Things, tranelated ae Creech, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER 1714 5237 Lucretius, translated by Creech, 2 vol. 1715 3238 Lucrezio della Natura della Cose, da Marchetti, plates, 2 vol. Amst. 1754—Meziriaec (Sr. de) Commentaires sur les Epistres D’Ovide, 2 vol. a la Haye, 1716 4 vol. 3239 Luder (Alex.) Tracts on the Law and History of England, 2 vol. calf gilt, 1810—Luder on the Use of the French Language in our Ancient Laws, privately printed, russia, n. de 3 vol. 3240 Ludlow (Edmund) Mewaue portrait, 3 ol Vivay, 1698 3241 Ludolphi de Saxonia, Vita Jesu Christi, wood cuts ¢ J dist: = calle 244 ee Ce iD ott ee lh 6 ei & of 2 ee ee ee gothic letter, original binding Paris, 1529 3242 Lufiman (J.) Charters of London complete, also Magna Charta and the Bill of Rights, calf gilt . 1798 3243 Luiken (Jan.) de Bye Korf des Gemoeds, numerous plates, Sine impressions, russia, marbled leaves n. de 3244 Lunardo (Cav.) Relazione della Corte di Roma da A. Fives 2 vol. white vellum Roma, 1824 3245 Lupset (Tho.) Treatyse teaching the Waye of Dyenge Well, black letter, calf gilt Tho. Berthelet, 1541 8246 Lussan (M"*.) Histoire et Regne de Charles VI, portraits, 9 vol. ; Paris, 1753 179 Luther (Martin) Thirty-four Speciall and Chosen Sermons, Englished by W. Gace, 1581, good copy 1632 Lyall (Rob.) Travels in Busca. Krimea, Caucasus, and Georgia, wood engravings, 2 vol. 1825 Lycosthenis (C.) Apophthegmata Paris, 1565—Lipsii (Justi) Epistole Selegte, morocco, gilt leaves, Geneve, 1639— Lipsii Roma Illustrata, 1692, &c. 5 vol. Lyell (Charles) Principles of Geology, maps and plates, 3 vol. 1832 Lyndsay (Sir D.) Poetical Works, and Life by Geo. Chalmers, 3 vol. calf gilt 1806 Lyon (G. F.) Private Journal during a Voyage with Capt. Parry, map and plates, 1824—Unsuccesful Attempt to reach Repulse Bay, map and plates, 1825— Tour in Mexico, 2 vol. 1828 4 vol. Mably (Abbé de) CEuvres Complettes, 13 vol. calf gilt 1789 Macauley (A.) History and Antiquities of Claybrook calf gilt 1791 Macculloch (J.) The Highlands ‘and Western Isles of Scot- land, forming an Universal Guide to that Country, 4 vol. 1824 Macculloch (J.) Description of the Western Islands of Scot- land, plates, 3 vol., one 4to 1810 Macdonald (J-) Telegraphic Communication, 1817—Macdo- nald on Burning of Furzes, 1819—Macdonald, Tactics of ; the French Army, 2 vol. 1806, &c. 11 vol. M‘Donald (A.) Gaelick and English Vocabulary, Edinb. 1741 —Mackintosh (D.) Collection of Gaelick Proverbs, 16.1785 calf gilt 2 vol. Machiavel (Nic.) Libro dell’ Arte della Guerra elegantly bound in olive morocco, gilt leaves, by Chas. Lewis Aldus, 1540 Machiavel, Discourses on Livius, and the Prince, portrait, 1674—More (Sir Thos.) Utopia, 1685 2 vol. Macirone, Fall and Death of Joachim Murat, 1817—Memoir of the Queen of Etruria, 1814, &c. 14 vol. Mackenzie (Sir G.) Defense of the Antiquity of the Royal Line of Scotland 1685 Mackay (S.) Memoirs of the Secret Services of John Mackay, with many MS. notes by Dean Swift, copied from the original in the Dean’s own writing, by Jo. Putland, Sur- geon—see MS. note; calf 1738 Mackerell (B.) History and Antiquities of King’s Lynn, Bice 1738 Macpherson (J.) Dissertations on the Ancient Caledonians, the Picts and the Scots, Dub. 1768—Introduction to the His- tory of Great Britain and Ireland, 7b. 1771 2 vol. Maffei (Scip.) Verona Illustrata, plates, 4 vol. Verona, 1732 180 ' 8267 Mahon (Lord) Life of Belisarius, map coloured 1829 8268 Mahon (Lord) History of England from the Peace of Utrecht, 4 vol. 1836-44 3269 Maimbourg, History of the League; 1684—Midon, History of Masaniello, portrait, 1729—Milton, Defence of the People of England, 1692, &c. + 9 vol. 8270 Maimbourg (L.) “Histoire de 1’ Arianisme, 3 vol.—Histoire des Croisades, 4 vol.—-Iconoclastes, 2 vol.—Schisme d’Occident, 2vol— La Ligue— Decadence de 1’Empire—together 13 vol. Paris, 1681-4 _ 38271 Maintenon (M™=.. de) Lettres et Vie, portrait, 10 vol. Amst. 1756-86—Maupeou, Journal Historique, a acid 7 vol. 1776 7 vol. 3272 Maitland (Capt. F. L.) Narrative of the Surrender of ee parte 1826 3273 Malcolm (J.) Compendium of Modern Husbandry of Surrey, Kent and Sussex, 3 vol. plates, calf gilt royal 8vo, 1805 3274 Malcolm (J. P.) First Impressions, or Sketches from Nature and Art, plates, calf gilt 1807 3275 Malcolm (Sir J.) Political History of India, 2 vol. 1826 8276 Malkin (B. H.) Classical Disquisitions and Curiosities half calf, gilt leaves Camb. 1830 3277 Mallet (Dav.) Works, 3 vol. 1759—Mozeen (T.) Fables, 2 vol. 1765, &c. 10 vol. 3278 Mallet (M.) Northern Antiquities, Description of the Ancient Danes, translated by Bp. Percy, 2 vol. calf gilt 1770 3279 Malvezzi (Margesse Virgilio) David Persecuted, translated by R. Ashley, portrait by W. Marshall, fine impression scarce, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves 1647 *,* See a curious MS. note. 3280 Manby (G. W.) History and Antiquities of the Parish of St. David, South Wales, plates, calf gilt royal 8vo, 180f 3281 Manby (G. W.) Historic and Picturesque Guide from Clifton, through Monmouth, Glamorgan and Brecknock, plates thick paper, ca Ha gilt Bristol, 1802 3282 Mangourit (M. A. B.) Défense d’Ancone, portrait and plates, 2 vol. russia Paris, 1802 3283 Mann, Censure and Examination of ‘Redaimer s Notes on Bu- chanan’s History of Scotland, calf gilt Aberdeen, 1653 3284 Mantell (Gideon) Geology of the South East of England, plates 1833 3285 Mareello (P.) Vite de Principi ai Vinegia, Venet. 1558— Martelli (L.) Opera, Firenze, 1548, &c. 12 vol. 3286 Marchais (Chev. des) Voyage en Guinée, plates, 4 vol. Amst. 1731—Muller (G. P.) Mahe faites par les Russies, 2 vol. Amst. 1766, &c. 12 vol. a | 328 a 4 3094 AD | 3295 | pee 1. | 3297 _ 8298 | 3299 : af . 8300 ; - | 8301 8302 oe | } F ; #16 8304 ; . | 8805 / 4 3806 A \ {| 3307 - 18] Marchand (Etienne) Voyage autour du Monde, 5 vol. and vol. 6 containing charts in 4to, calf gilt Paris, 1798-1800 Marino, L’ Adone, Poema Heroico, 4 vol. Paris, 1678—Ma- rini, Rime, 3 copies, Venet. 1602-64, &c. 9 vol. Marini (L’ Abbé de) Histoire des Arabes sous le Gouverne- ment des Califes, 4 vol. Paris, 1750 Marivaux (P. C.) CEuvres Complettes, portrait, 12 vol. Paris, 1781 Marlborough, Histoire Secrete de la Reine Zarah et des Zara- ziens, 2 vol. in 1, scarce, russia extra, marbled leaves 1708 2 Marlborough (First Duke of ) Letters and Dispatches from 1702 to 1712, edited by Sir Geo. Murray, portrait, 5 vol. 1845 Marmontel, Contes Moraux, portrait und plates, 4 vol. calf, gilt leaves Paris, 1765 Marmontel, Memoirs written by Himself, 4 vol. calf gilt 1805 Marryat (Capt.) The Pirate and the Three Cutters, portrait and 19 fine plates from drawings by C. Stanfield royal Svo, 18386 Marshall (Jos.) Travels, 4 vol. 1772 Marston (Jno.) Tragedies and Comedies, calf gilt 1633 Martens (M. de) Recueil des Traités d’ Alliance, de Paix, de Treve, de Neutralité de Commerce, de Limites d’Echange, etc., depuis 176! a present, et Supplement, 11 vol. ealf gilt Gottingue, 1791-1808 Martin (B.) Philosophy, plates, 3 vol. 1781—Monteath, Fo- rester’s Guide, plates, Edinb. 1824—Moore, History of the Small Pox, plate, 1815 5 vol. Martin (M.) Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, map, 1703—Voyage to St. Kilda, plates, 1798 2 vol. Martin (M.) History of the British Colonies, maps, 5vol. 1835 Martinelli (J.) Dictionnaire de poche Francais et Italien, 2 vol. white vellum, gilt leaves Paris, 1819 Marville (M. de) Geography, 2 vol. morocco, 1757—Marati (Abbé) Voyages de Chypre, 2 vol. Paris, 1791—Marmora (A. de) Voyage en Sardaigne, Paris, 1826, &c. 9 vol. Mary of Burgundy, 3 vol. half calf 1833 Matilda, a Tale, 1825, &c. 27 vol. Mason (J. Monck) Comments on the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher LARGE PAPER, calf 1798 Mason (G.) On Design in Gardening, 1795—Massey, Origin and Progress of Letters, plates, 1763—-Montagu, Essay on Shakspeare, Nt Mien eas (Basil) On Punishment of Death, 1809 4 vol. uo re 0 SEE EEE SST 182, QUARTO. 3308 Lucani Pharsalia, cum Notis Bentleii PRIVATELY PRINTED Strawberry Hill, 1760 3309 Lucas (H.) Poems to Her Majesty, frontispiece, 1779—Lloyd (R.) Poems, 1762, &c. 4 vol. 3310 Lucien, traduit par Sr. d’Ablancourt, 2 vol. vellum Paris, 1654 3311 Lucian, Works, translated by T. Francklin, 2 vol. 1780 3312 Lucian, Works, translated by T. Francklin, 2 vol. 1780 3313 Lucretii de Rerum Natura libri vi. notis variorum, cura Havercampi, plates, 2 vol. LL. B. 1725 _ 3314 Lugar (R.) Plans and Views of Buildings in the Castellated and other Styles, plates 1811 8315 Lumisden (And.) Remarks on the Antiquities of Rome, = its Environs, portrait and plates ILLUSTRATED WITH FORTY FINE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS in water colours, blue morocco, gilt leaves 1797 3316 Luyts (J.) Introductio ad Geographiam, coloured maps by © Sanson, Traj. 1692, &c. 4 vol. 3317 Lyall (Rob.) Character of the Russians, and History of Moscow, many plates, some coloured russia extra, gilt leaves : 18238 _ 3318 Lynn (T.) Horary Tables 1827 _ 3319 Lyon (G. F.) Travels in Northern Africa, chart and many coloured plates 1821. 3320 Lysons (Dan.) Environs or, Lonpon, AND THE MID- DLESEX PARISHES, being an Historical Account of the Towns, Villages and Hamlets within Twelve Miles of that Capital; with the Supplement, maps and plates, 6 vol. in 18 LARGE PAPER, ILLUSTRATED WITH AN ASSEMBLAGE OF UPWARDS OF 1000 oRIGINAL DRAWINGS, mostly finishedin colours, and some in colours and gold, &c. beng Views of Gentlemen’s Seats, Old Houses, Churches, Tombs, Brass Monuments, Fonts, Antiquities, $c.. above 850 eng? ‘caved portraits, some proofs and many fine impressions, by _ various eminent engravers, some very scarce; with upwards of 900 plates of Maps, Views, Churches, Public Places, Antiquities, &c., and many hundred Arms in trick, em- blazoned tn colours, §c.: 17 vol. russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves, and | in boards 1792- 3321 Lysons (D. and 8.) Magna Britannia; being a concise Topo- graphical Account of the several Counties of Great Britain, maps and numerous plates, 6 vol. in 8 LARGE PAPER, half russia, m. 1. royal 4to. 1806 3322 Lysons (D.) Sketch of the Life and Character of Charles Brandon Trye, portrait PRIVATELY PRINTED Gloucester, 1812 : i 4 . 3 : f 5 ey Sy . a. re , in an ¥e 4 2) al + a E a o . ei o * 183 Lysons (D. and S.) Magna Britannia, vol. 4 (Cumberland) LARGE PAPER 1816 Lythologie et la Conchyliologie, Histoire Naturelle de, many plates Paris, 1742 Lyttelton (Lord) History eit Life of Henry the Second, with notes, 3 vol. in 5, calf gilt 1767 Lyttelton (Lord) Works, by G. A. Ayscough, portrait calf gilt 1775 Macauley (Cath.) History of England, from James I, 9 vol. 1776 Machiavelli (Nicol.) Tutte le Opere, wood engravings calf gilt ‘ 1550 Machiavelli (N.) Tutte le Opere Geneva, 1550 Machiavel (N.) Works, translated with notes by Farneworth, 2 vol. bright old calf gilt 1762 Mackenzie (Alex.) Voyage from Montreal through North America, maps, calf gilt 1801 2 Mackenzie (Sir G.) Travels in the Island of Iceland, in 1810, many plates, some coloured, calf, m. l. Edinb. 1811 Mackenzie (Sir G.) Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland, from the Restoration, 1660-77 PRIVATELY PRINTED th. 1821 Mackenzie (Rod.) Sketch of the War with Tippoo Sultaun, 2 vol. calf gilt Calcutta, 1793 Mackintosh (Sir Jas.) History of the Revolution in England in 1688, portratt 1834 Macklin (J.) Plays, portrait, 1793 — Macpherson (J.) Fingal, 1762, &c. 5 vol. Maclaurin (C.) Account of Sir Teaac Newton’ s Philosophical Discoveries LARGE PAPER 1748 MacMichael (Wm.) Journey from Moscow to Constantinople in 1817-1818, plates 1819 M’Cormick (Jos.) State Papers and Letters addressed to W. Carstairs, Secretary to William III, calf gilt Edinb. 1774 Macpherson (D.) Annalsof Commerce, Manufactures, Fisheries and Navigation, 4 vol. calf; marbled leaves 1805 Macpherson (Jas.) History of Great Britain, and Original Papers, 4 vol. calf gilt 1775 M’ William (Rob.) on Dry Rot and Forest deck: plates 1818 | Madox (T.) Ancient Dialogue concerning the Exchequer, : 2 from two MS. volumes called the Black and Red Book 1758 Magna Britannia et Hibernia Antiqua et Nova; ora New Survey of Great Britain, maps, 6 vol. fine copy, russia extra, gilt leaves 1720-31 Mahomet, L’Alcoran de, translaté par Du Ryer Paris, 1647 Aa At} VZ7 7 oe Page AF \“7| *! ea a A\P?| | Ps Wier 3346 3347 3348 3349 3390 3951 33902 3353 3994 33599 3396 3357 3308 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 184 Maittaire (Mich.) Aunales Typographici ab Artis Invent Origine ad Annum 1500, et ab Anno 1500 ad 1536, et_ Continuatio, portraits, 5 vol. in 7 LARGE PAPER, the first vol. inlaid Hage@e-Comit. 1719-41 Makgill et Jean Bellanden, Discours particulier D’Escosse escrit par Commandment et Ordonnance de la Royne Dovariere et Regente 1559, edited by T. Thomson PRIVATELY PRINTED Edinb. 1824 | Majoris (Jo.) Historia Majoris Britannie tam Angliz quam Scotie, fine copy, russia extra, gilt leaves Edinb. 1740 Majoris (C.) de Gestis Scotorum libri, wants title, Paris, 1521 —Nouvelles Ecclesiastiques de la Constitution Unigenitus, 4 vol. wants title pages, 1728-34 5 vol. Malavolti (Orlando) Historia di Siena, Venet. 1599—Mos- cardo, Historia di Verona, Vero. 1668—Morosini Historia di Venetia, Venet. 1637 38 vol. Malcolm (J. P.) Views within Twelve Miles round London for Lysons’ Environs of London, minbibise of 70 plates, vol. 1, all published, calf gilt 1800 Malcolm (J. P.) Londinium Redivivum; or an Antient History and Modern Description of Londess many plans, 4 vol. calf extra, marbled leaves 2-7 Malcolm (J. P.) Historical Sketch of the Art of Caricaturing, 31 plates 1813 Malkin (B. H.) Scenery, Antiquities and Biography of South | Wales, many plates, calf gilt 1804 Mallet (A. M.) Description de Univers, numerous maps, plates, and portraits, 5 vol. Francfort, 1685 Malton (Jas.) Collection of Designs for Rural Retreats as - Villas, 34 plates 1802 Malton (Tho.) Picturesque Tour through the Cities of London and Westminster, 100 fine plates, 2 vol. in 1 russia extra, marbled leaves elephant 4to. 1792 Malthus (M.) Pratique de la Guerre, plates, Paris, 1650, &e. 7 vol. Malvasia (C. C.) Ealing Pittrice Vite ap Piftori Bolognesi, portraits, 2 vol. calf gilt Bologna, 1678 Manby (G. W.) Journal of a Voyage to Greenland in 1821, plates 1822 Mandey (V.) Mechanick Powers, portr ait, 1702—Moxon (J.) Astronomy, portrait, 1656, &e. 4 vol. Manners and Household Expenses of England in the XIIIth and X Vth Centuries, illustrated by Original Records presentation copy from Beriah Botfield Roxburghe Club, 1841 Manstein (General) Memoirs of Russia, maps and plans 1770 Mante (Tho.) History of the late War in North America, maps and plates, 1772—History of the British Dominions in North America, map, 1773 2 vol. 33865 3366 8367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 -3375 3376 3377 3378 185 -Mantell (Gideon) Fossils of the South Downs, or Thisteatidid of the Geology of Sussex, 42 maps and plates 1822 Marco Pole, Travels in the Eastern Parts of the World, translated by W. Marsden, map, scarce 1818 Mariana (J. de) Histoire Generale d’Espagne, maps and plates, 5 vol. Paris, 1725 Marin (M. A.) Les Vies des Peres des Deserts d’Orient, avec leur Doctrine Spirituelle et leur Discipline Monastique, 3 vol. calf gilt Avignon, 1761 Mariner (W.( Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, with a Grammar and Vocabulary, 2 vol. 1817 Markham (Gerv.) Cheape and Good Husbandry—Husband- man’s Recreation—English Housewife—The Inrichment of the Weald of Kent—Farewell to Husbandry, 1631-8— Lawson (W.) New Orchard and Garden, 1638—in 1 vol. calf gilt 1631-8 Markham (G.) The Inrichment of the Weald of Kent, calf neat 1636 Marol, L’ Afrique, traduit par D’ Ablancourt, maps, 8 vol. Paris, 1667 Marot (Jean) Recueil des Plans, Profils et Elevations des plusieurs Palais, Chateaux, Eglises, Hostels, &c. numerous plates d d ib. n.d. Marsden (Wm.) History of Sumatra, map, calf gilé 1774 Marshall (J.) Digest of Public Accounts of Great Britain 1833 “Marshall (J.) Analysis and Compendium of Parliamentary Returns on Population and the Church Establishment 1835 Marshami (J.) Canon Chronicus A¢gyptiacus, Ebraicus et Grecus, russia Lipsia, 1676 Marsollier (Abbe de) La Vie de A. J. le Bouthillier de Rance, Paris, 1703—Marsollier, Histoire de H. de la Tour D’ pata Duc de Bouillon, #6. 1719 2 vols. FOLIO. 3379 Lopce (Epm.) PorTRAITS oF ILLUSTRIOUS PERSONAGES oF Great Britain, with Biographical and Historical Memoirs of their Lives and Actions ORIGINAL EDITION, wtih 240 FORTRAITS, FINE PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, pale russia extra, joints and g. l. 1821-34 3380 Loggan (Dav.) Oxonia et Cantabrigia Illustrata, two scarce 3381 3382 portraits by Smith, and 74 plates by Loggan, jine impres- sions, 2 1 * fine copy, in old blue morocco, gilt leaves Oxonit, 1675 London Gazette, from 1665 to 1689, the first 23 Nos. entitled the Oxford Gazette, 6 vol. . London, Plans of the Port of, coloured, 1750, &c. 5 vol. BB ANS $399 3993 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 186 London, Plans and Drawings referred to, in the Third: Report of the Select Committee upon the Improvement of the Port of London, 21 plates, and the Appendix, 24 Pie 2 vol. half russia 1800 London News (Illustrated) numerous wood engravings, from the: commencement 1842 to Dec. 1844, 5 vol. half calf 1842 Lorini (B.) Della Fortificatione Lorini (Buon.) Le Fortification di, plates, Venet. 1609—Maggi (G.) Della Fortificatione delle Citta, 7b. 1564 2 vol. Loschi (Alf.) Compendi Historici, with genealogical tables of | the Sovereigns of Hurope tb. 1652 Lostelneau (De) Le Mareschal de Bataille, contenant le muni- ment des Armes, les Evolutions, Ordres de Batailles, &c. many plates 1647 Loubere (M. de la) Historical Relation of the Kingdom of Siam, plates 1693 Louis XV. Les. Campagnes ‘le Louis XV. le Bienaime, upwards of 100 portraits, plates and maps, 2 vol. in 1 elegantly bound in morocco extra, gilt leaves Paris, 1788 Louis XV. Le Sacre de Louis XV, Roy de France, &c. dans l’Eglise de Reims, 25 Octr. 1722, 72 jine plates FINE copy, richly bound in blue morocco extra g. 1. ib. 1722 Lucan, Pharsalia, translated by N. Rowe, map, roy. fol. 1718. Luciani Opera, Gr. Aldus, 15038 Luciani Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat., cura Bourdelotti Paris, 1615 Lucian, made English, by J. Mayne, portrait 1664 Luckii (J.) Sylloge Numismatum, plates Argent, 1620 Ludolphus (Job.) History of Ethiopia, and Description of the Kingdom of Abissinia, plates, russia 1682 Ludolfi (J.) Commentarius ad suam Historiam Aithiopicam, © portrait and plates Francof. 1691 Luiken (Jan.) Geschiedenissen van het Oude en Nieuwe Testament, 61 jine large plates and 30 smaller old dutch calf gilt Luis de Granada, Obras, 3 vol. in 1, calf gilt Amst. 1729 Madrid, 1676 Luther (Martin) Divine Deccennee at his Table, translated by » H. Bell 1652 Luxempoure Garueny, | Galerieide Rubens dite du Luxem- bourg, portrait and 24 beautiful plates, very jine impressions uncut Paris, 1809 Lye (Ed.) Dictionarium Saxonico. et Gothico-Latinum, edidit Manning, 2 vol. good copy, old calf gilt LEE: Lyra (Nicolai de) Glosa in Novum Testamentum (wants title page) oaken boards Venet. 1485 Lysons (Sam.) Collection of Glouceseepauial aes: a series of 110 etchings, finely coloured LARGE PAPER, russia extra, joints and gilt lsaves 1804 Ven. 1597. : 187 Wed + | 3406 Lysons (Sam.) Collection of Gloucestershire Antiquities, 110 plates, some finely coloured, russia extra Se 1804 3407 LYSONS (DAN. AND SAM.) TOPOGRAPHICAL AC-« COUNT OF BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED WITH A RICH, VALUABLE AND . HIGHLY INTERESTING ASSEMBLAGE OF ABOUT 480 ) ie ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, a great portion of which are beau- tifully finished in colours, by J. Buckler, T. Trotter, J. P. Neale, L. E. Reed, W. Alexander, P. Sandby, Heathcote, Darby, H. de Cort, &c. with some hundred shields of arms emblazoned, upwards of 360 beautiful portraits of noble, worthy and eminent Personages connected with the County and Families of Bucks, very many of which are PRIVATE PLATES, PROOFS BEFORE ANY LETTERS, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, &C. MOSTLY BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, by Bartolozzi, Basire, Cooke, R. Cooper, Dean, Faithorne, Faber, Fitiler, Heath, Hollar, Holl, Houbraken, Hulsbergh, ,McArdell, Meyer, Scriven, Sherwin, J. Smith, Stothard, ~ LTurner, Vertue, Ward, Watson, White, &c.; above 460 plates of maps, views of noted buildings, gardens, landscapes, pedigrees, some in MS. §ce.; some scarce Tracts, poetical Broadsides, with an autograph letter of Lady Grenville ; the whole very neatly inlaid in 8 vol. elegantly bound in blue morocco extra, joints, and gilt leaves, by Chas. Lewis E atlas folio. 1813-20 *,.* THIS TRULY MAGNIFICENT AND RICHLY ILLUSTRATED WoRK WAS FORMED BY THE LATE LORD GRENVILLE, AT AN UNLIMITED EXPENSE, very many of the drawings having been executed expressly for its illustration. , | 0408 Lysons. A FURTHER COLLECTION OP ORIGINAL DrRaw- INGS FOR THE County or Bucks, different from the pre- ceding, consisting of 132 large ones of churches, monuments, | fonts, door-ways, gc. by J. Buckler in india ink, 85 jinely Jjinished in colours, by various artists, Gc. together 229 ** This Collection was formed for a further illustration of the County, and is highly interesting. q et 3 | 3409 Mabillon (Joh.) Annales Ordinis S. Benedicti Occidentalium a : . Monachorum Patriarche ab Anno 480 ad 1157, cura Martene, many plates, G vol, old calf gilt Paris, 1703-39 a. in yy al a =e ae eke eg De pe ee pee nl tine, Cl ie — > = a Taal sain tal OR dl fs ae enters ate p A : a A i A na nt eRe we oe OT ee ee E/ aay 3410 Mabillon (J.) de Re Diplomatica lib. v1. many plates | old dutch calf gilt ib. 1709 ef |~ | 8411 Michiavel (N.) Works 1675 z\6 | 8412 Machiavelli (N.) Art dela Guerre - Paris, 1546 42, ..\ 8418 Mackenzie (Sir Geo.) Observations upon the Laws and Customs of Nations as to Precedency, and the Science of Heraldry, A a plates of arms | Edinb. 1680 * | 3417 eau 4 - | 3418 9 o | 3419 di, | 3420 JT» | 3499 a 40+ | 3423 ee “| ~ | 3494 a S| 3425 JS) - | 3426 (“@| - | 3497 Fed t ree | 7 | P| . 3429 20 \77\+- | 3430 par] ) i ee 3431 188 Mackliv, British Poets, 20 plates by Bartolozzi, No. I to 6, wanting No. 4 oblong folio. 1788, &c. Madox (T.) Formulare Anglicanum ; or Collection of ancient Charters and Instruments, from the Conquest to Henry VIE fac-similes , LARGE PAPER, old calf gilt 1702 Madox (T.) Firma Burgi; or Historical Essay on the Cities, Towns and Buroughs of England, taken from the Records 1742 Madox (T.) Baronia Anglica; a History of Land-Honours and Baronies, verified by Records | 1726 Maire (Jan Le) Trois Livres des Illustrations de Gaule et Singularitez de Troye, 3 parts, Paris, 1528—Le Traicte de la Difference des Schismes et des Coneilles de I’ Eglise et autres Choses curieuses, ib. 1529; et l’Epistre du Roy a Hector de Troye, et aucunes aultres CEuvres assez dignes de veoir, ib. 1529, wood engravings, 3 vol. in 1 cotbhic letter, calf Paris,.1528-29 Maitland (Wm.) History of London, map and many plates 1739 Maitland (W.) History of Edinburgh, map and plates calf gilt _ Edinb. 1753 MattaireE (M.) Opera, et Fragmenta: Veterum Poetarum Latinorum, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, jine copy, russia, gilt leaves ae 1713 Majendie (L.) Account of Hedingham Castle, 5 plates half russia 1796 Major (Tho.) Collection of Prints, engraved from the paintings of the greatest masters, 59 plates, jine impressions 1756 Maldonati(J.) Commentarii in Quatuor Evangelistas Paris,1651 Malingre (C.) Antiquites et Annales de la Ville de Paris, 2 vol. ib. 1640 Mallet, Life of Lord Chancellor Bacon, with an Appendix con- taining several of his Pieces, old calf gilt 1760 Malton (Tho.) Complete Treatise on Perspective, pe calf Malvasia (C. C.) Marmora Felsinea, ‘plates | old calf gilt _ Banon. 1690 Mandelslo (J. A. de) Voyages in Perse et aux Indes" seeds numerous maps and plates, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER Leide, 1719 MANNING AND Bray, wii aeae AND ANTIQUITIES OF SURREY, numerous maps, portraits, plates and pedigrees ILLUSTRATED with 14 original drawings in eolours, and upwards of 100 portraits, plates and maps, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, VERY SCARCE, pale russia extra, joints, and — gilt leaves 1804- 14 Marcassus (P. de) Histoire Grecque ih LARGE PAPER, calf gilt _ Paris, 1647 * ° m : a i: og . ag re: : calf gilt 1805 | oF Te 3456 Maston (J.) History and Antiquities of Naseby, frontispites | Cambridge, 1792 / 7 ~ 3457 Matchless Rogue, or Account of Tom Merryman, commonly Newgate Tom, with the scarce portrait 1725, & & 3458 Maton (W. G.) Observations on the Natural History, Scenery | _ and Antiquities of the Western Counties of England, 2 vol. Salisbury, 1797 ie = - e. od pi wok le 3459 3460 3461 — 3462 8463 3464 3465 3466 8467 — 3468 3469 - 3470 3471 3472 3473 3474 3475 3476 3477 3478 3479 3480 3481 191 Matthews (H.) Diary of an Invalid, white vellum, g.l. 1820 Maundevile (Sir Jo.) Voiage and Travaile of the Waie to Hierusalem, and Marvayles of Inde, scarce, old calf gilt 1725 Maurice (T.) Select Poems, 1808—Metrical Miscellany, 1802, &e. 10 vol. Maurice (T.) Indian Antiquities, many plates, 7 vol. calf gilt 1800 Mawe, Descriptive Catalogue of Minerals, 1816 —Lavoisier, Chemistry, 1790, &c. 14 vol. Mawe (J.) Treatise on Diamonds, plates coloured, LARGE PAPER 1823 | Maxwell (A. M.) Run through the United States, portraits, 2 vol. 1841 May (Robert) Accomplisht Cook » fine portrait 1660 May (Tho.) Translation of Lucan’s Pharsalia, blue morocco, gilt leaves 1631 May (T.) The Reigne of King Henry I, and the Victorious Reigne of King Edward III, in verse, 2 fine portraits, 2 vol. in l, fine copies, russia 1633-35 May (T.) The Tragedie of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, scarce, calf neat Mayer (M. de) Aventures de Charles Le-Bon, 3 vol. Amst. 1786, &c. 5 vol. Mazarini (Cardinal) Last Will and Testament, with Remarkes of his Life, portrait, 1663—Sir R. Naunton, Fragmenta Regalia, 1650 2 vol. . Mazio (F.) Serie dei Conj di Medaglie Pontificie da Martino V, vellum, gilt leaves Roma. 1824 M’Cullum (P. F.) Travels in Prinideds map, 1805—Matthews (J.) Voyage to Sierra Leone, 1791 2 vol. McCulloch (J. R.) Dictionary of Commerce and Commercial Navigation, maps 1832 Mechanic’s Magazine, The, No. 1 to L18 (except 10 numbers) 2 vol. boards, and 94 numbers 1823-32 Medecina Flagellata, or the Doctor Scarified, 1721, &c. 4 vol. Medical. Gooch (R.) On the Diseases of Women, 1829— Wilson (C.) On Gout and Rheumatism, 1823, &e. 7 vol. Méhégan, Tableau de |’Histoire Moderne, 8 vol. Paris, 1778 —Pasquier, Recherches et Autres, Céuvres, 2 vol. 1672, Xe. 5 vol. Melanges tirés d’une Grande Bibliotheque avec Table Alpha- betique, 69 vol. neat old French calf gilt Paris, 1779-88 | Melmoth the Wanderer, 4 vol. Hdinb. 1821—Morgan (Lady) Florence Macarthy, 4 vol.— Matthew Wald, 1824 9 vol. Mementoes of a Tour in France, &c. 2 vol. 1824, and 10 Travels ‘ : 12 vol. (Teo, oa - = i 192 $482 Memoires de Trevoux, pour I’Histoire de Sciences et Beaux Arts, from 1701 to 1783 (wanting 2 vol, in 1701, 2 vol. in 1720, 1 vol. in 1742, the whole of 17438, and 8 vol. in Baie together 12 vol.) 358 vol. old calf gilt, except the last 46 which are half bound Trevoux, 1701-82 | 3483 Memoires du Cardinal de Retz, 4 vol. Geneve, 1777—Lettres du Cardinal d’Ossat, par Amelot de la Houssaie, 5 vol. Amst. 1732 9 vol. | 8484 Memoires de Margrave de Bareith, 2 vol. Paris, 1811— Memoirs de M. fe duc de Choiseul, 2 vol. 1790 - $485 Memoires de Comte Jos. de Puisaye, 7 vol. 1803—De Pradt de la Revolution Actuelle de l’Amerique, 2 vol. 1817, &c. 12 vol. _ 8486 Memoires d’une Contemporaine ou Souvenirs d’une Femme sur les Principaux Personnages de la Republique du Consulat, de Empire, &c. 8 vol. Paris, 1828 3487 Memoires de Jos. Fouche Due a’ Otranter portrait, 2 vol. Paris, 1824—Memoires du Marechal Ney, maps, 2 vol. tb. 1833-——-Memoires de Duc de Riviere, tb. 1829, &e. 8 vol. 3488 Mercier, Tableau de Paris, 8 vol.—Tableau de Paris Critique, 3 vol. — Le Nouveau Paris, 3 vol. —-Peltier, Dernier Tableau de la Paris, ou Recit Historique de la Revolution du 10 Aout, 1792, plates, 2 vol. igen 15 vol. calf gilt, not uniform 1782-93 . 8489 Mercier, Theatre Complet, plates, 4 vol. 1779—Mercier, Mon Bonnet du Nuit, 2 vol. 1788—Lettres Originales de ‘Mira- beau, 4 vol. 1792, &c. 12 vol. | 8490 Merigot, Promenades, ou Itineraire des Jardins de Chantilly, 20 fine plates Paris, 1791 3491 Metastasio (Abate P.) Opere, por trait and plates, fine impres- — sions, 12 vol. red morocco, gilt leaves ib. 1780 3492 Metastasio (Belezze dell’ P.) Con sua Vita da M. Santagnello, richly bound in red morocco, joints and gilt leaves 1815 3493 M’Gauran (Major Ed.) Memoirs, 2 vol. 1786—Memoirs of several Ladies of Great Britain, 2 vol. 1769—-Memoirs of the Duchess of Mazarine, 1076, &c. 7 vol. 3494 Michell (M.) Young Juba, or History of the Young Chevallier, 2 portraits, and portrait of Flora Macdonald 1748 3495 Miers (J.) Travels in Chile and La Plata, maps and plates, 2 vol. 1826 38496 Mignan (R.) Travels in Chaldea, map and plates, 1829— Memoirs of Egypt, by Members of the Egyptian Institute, maps, 1800 2 vol. 3497 Milburn (W.) Oriental Commerce, or the East India Trader’s Guide, by Thornton royal 8vo. 1825 & i Be oa » s tl cd | 2506 f 3507 8508 i 3509 3510 3511 é | 3512 3913 £3514 3515 H 5 ; . 3516 f SB17 3518 1938 Military Art. Barker on Fortification, plates, 1707—Dal- rymple, Tacticks, plates, 1781—Robins on Gunnery, 1742, and 9 Military 12 vol. Military Memoirs and Stratagems 6 War, 1804—Memoirs of the War in Asia, 2 vol. 1788—Defence at Mengalore, 1786— Proceedings on the Maroon Negroes, plate, 1796, &e. : : 8 vol. Millin (A. L.) Voyage en Savoie et en Piemont, 2 vol. white vellum, gilt leaves Paris, 1816 Millot (Abbe) Elemens d’ Histoire Generale, Ancienne et Moderne, 9 vol. ib. 1772-3 Millot (Abbé) Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern, 5 vol. 1778 Mills (C.) History of Chivalry, or "Knighthood and its Times, 2 vol. 1825 Milman (H. H.) Belshazzar, the Fall of Jerusalem, and the Martyr of Antioch, Dramatic Poems, 3 vol. 1820-22 Milne (C.) Botanical Dictionary, or Elements of Botany, 25 coloured plates 1805 Milner (J.) On the Ecclesiastical Architecture of England during the Middle Ages, plates, calf gilt roy. 8vo. 1811 Milnes (R. M.) Poems, 2 vol. 1838 Milton (Jo.) Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes, first edition, 167 1—Milton, Poems, both Latin and English, 1673 2 vol. Milton (J.) Paradise Lost and Regained, by Bp. Tho. Newton, portrait and plates, 4 vol. calf neat 1750 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost and Regained, Notes by Bp. Tho. Newton, 2 vol. Baskervilles beaut iful edition, Jine copy, elegantly bound in calf Birming. 1760 Milton (J-) Paradise Lost, translated into Armenian, vellum uncut royal 8vo. Venice, 1824 Mineral Water. Guidott (T.) Discourse of Bath, 1725— Charleton (R.) Three Tracts on Bath Waters, 1774— M’Cabe (Jas.) Observations on the Cheltenham Waters, 1820, &c. 4 vol. Mirabeau (Count) Secret History of the Court of Madrid, Dublin, 1789 Miscellanea Curiosa, Collection of Phenomena of Nature Revived, by W. Derham, plates, 3 vol. 1726 Miscellany Poems, by Dryden, &c. 4 vol. in 3, 1692-4, &c. 8 vol. Missa. Liber Ministri Missee juxta Ritum Ecclesiz Nationis Maronitarum, Syriace, fine copy, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves Roma, 1596 Misson (M.) New Voyage to Italy, plates, 4 vol. 1714 Mist, Collection of Miscellany a neiogs 4 vol. 1722—North Briton, 8 vol. 1763 7 vols Ce eae | 4 $ Pa i ‘ ee 4 8519 3520 302] + 3522 ©3523 +3524 38525 2526 194 Modeles du Clerge, ou Vies Edifiantes de J. A. Fretata de Sarra, &c. 2 vol. 1787—-Memoires de H. M. de Latude, portraits, 3 vol. 1790, &c. 13 vol. Mojon (G.) Corso analitico di Chimica, 2 vol. Genova, 1825, vellum, gilt leaves—Maraschini, Saggio Geologico, Bia 1824, vellum 3 vol. Moleville (A. F. Bertrand de) Private Memoirs of the Last Year of Lewis the Sixteenth, portraits, 3 vol. calf gilt 1797 Moliere (M. de) CEuvres, 8 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves Paris, 1682 Moliere (J. B. de) Works, portrait, 6 vol. in 38, calf 1714 Moliere, CEuvres de, avec des Remarques Grammaticales, par Bret, portrait and plates, iim impressions, 6 vol. calf, marbled leaves ‘ Paris, 1804 Moliere (J. B. P.) Ciuvres, 8 vol. ‘sewed Paris, Didot, 1818 Moliere, GSuvres et sa Vie, par Sainte-Beuve, numerous vignette wood engravings, by Tony Johannot, 2 vol. calf extra, gilt leaves royal 8vo. Paris, 1835 Molina (J. I.) Natural and Civil History of Chili, map, 2 vol. 1809—M’Mahon (B.) Jamaica Plantership, 1639 3 vol. Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley) Works, portraits, 5 vol. calf gilt 1803 Montagu (Lady Mary Wortley) Lettera and Works, edited by Lord Wharncliffe, portraits, 3 vol. 1837 Montaigne (Mich.) Essays and Life, by Cotton, 3 vol. 1693 Montbarey (Le Prince de) Memoires Autggraphes, 3 vol. Paris, 1826 Monte Mayor (Geo.) Parte Primera y Segunda de la Diana Barcelona, 1614 Montesquieu (Baron de) Spirit of Laws, 2 vol. 1758 Monticelli (T.) e N. Covelli, Prodromo della Mineralogia Vesuviana, vol. 1 and atlas, Vapoli, 1825, &ce. 8 vol. Montgomery, Wanderer of Switzerland, 1819— Maxwell, Battle of the Bridge, or Pisa Defended, 1828—Robinson, — Wild Flowers, 1804, and 3 Poetical 6 vol. Montgon (l’Abbe) Memoires de, 1725-31, 8 vol. 1750— Ambassades de Noailles, par Vertot, 5 vol. 1763 18 yol. 7 Moor (Ed.) Suffolk Words and Phrases Woodbridge, 1823 Moore (Fr.) Travels into the Inland Parts of Africa, map and plates, 1738—Moore (J.) Society in France, 2 vol. 1786 3 vol. Moore (H.) Dictionary of Quotations from various Authors 1831. Moore (Jonas) Arithmetick, fine portrait by Cross scarce, calf neat 1650 Moore (J.) View of Society i in Italy, 2 vol. 1781—View of Society in France, &c. 2 vol. 1779 4 vol. Be sia Bas ary ae SES yao ai, a a es ae ep ee eS, Seen a ee eee eee “ sic - a stn 9 ie 96 ie Or es Pen) ee - , ¢ a Noes ee + 4 wr ee te Mors ae jf er eae ren oe Se ee ee ee ETS hey ne ¥ pase vhs a 195 2 Moore (Sir Tho.) Pitiful Life and Unfortunate Death of Ed- ward V. and the Tragical Life and Reigne of Richard III. 2 vol. in 1, russia 164] . More (Hannah) Works, 8 vol. 1801 More (Sir Tho.) History of King Richard the Third, portrait, proof on India paper, LARGE PAPER Chiswick, 1821 More (Tho.) Life of Sir Thomas More, portrait, 1726— Roper (W.) Life and Death of Sir Thomas More, 1729 2 vol. More (T.) Life of Sir Thomas More, portrait, 1726, and Life and Death of Sir Thomas More, by W. Roper, portrait, 1731 2 yol. Morelli (C.) Tales of the Genii, plates, 2 vol. 1764 og pabd. ) Specimen Universe Rei Nummarie Antiquee Lipsie, 1695 Mohali (rady) France, 2 vol. 1817 Mori (Thome) Lucubrationes, Utopia, a Basil, 1563 Morier (J.) Adventures of Hajji Baba, and Adventures of Hajji Baba in England, plates, 2 vol. 1835—Mbllien (G.) Travels in Columbia, 1824 3 vol. ‘Morse (J.) American Geography, sent fi 1792 Morso (S.) Descrizione di Palermo Antico, portratt and plates, &e. 5 vol. Morton (Bp. Tho.) Life of, by R. B. and J. N. portrait, calf neat © York, 1669 Mosheim (J. L.) Ecclesiastical History, by Maclaine, 6 vol. calf gilt 1782 Mottley (J.) Life of Peter I. of Raseas portrait, 3 vol. 1739 —Life and Reign of the Empress Catherine, portrait, 1744— Motteville, Memoirs of Anne of Austria, 4 vol. 1726 9 vol. Moxon (Jos.) Mechaniok Exercises, Pe 1703—Mandey, Marrow of Measuring, portratt, 1717, &c. 4 vol. Moyle (Walter) Works, portrazt, 2 vol. 1726—Melmoth, Letters, 2 vol. 1748, &c. 7 vol. Muller (W.) Elements of the Science of War, plates, 3 vol. 1811 Mundy (A.) Briefe Chronicle of the Success of Times, black. letter, russia 1611 Mundy (Major Gen.) Life and Correspondence of Admiral Lord Rodney, portrait, 2 vol. ; 1830 Munster (Earl of) Memoirs of the late War, 2 vol. 1831— Mahon (Lord) ,War of Succession in Spain, 1832— Me- moir of the Operations of the Allied Armies, in 1813-14, plans, 1822 ? 4 vol. 196 8563 Muratori (L. A.) Annali d’ Italia, e Continuazione sino a Giormi Nostri, portrait, vol. 1 to vol. 15, part 1, in 29 vol. Roma, 1786-90 2 re | 3564 Murillo (B. E.) Life, translated by Davies, 1819—Murray (Lady) Memoirs of George and Lady Baillie, Hdinb. 1824 —Memoirs of the Duke of Patneiaty portrait, 1824, . &e. 5 vol. 3565 Murphy (Arthur) Works, 7 vol. 1786 8566 Murphy (A.) Life of David Garrick, portrait, 2 vol. ont gilt 1801 | 3567 Murray (C. A.) Travels in North America, frontispieces, 2 vol. 1839 3568 Murray (Hugh) Encyclopedia of Geography, 82 maps, 2 vol. | 1834 3566*Muse Anglicane, 3 vol. 1721—Musgrave (G.) Antiquitates ° Britanno-Belgice precipue Romane, plates, 1719 4 vol. 3567* Musgrave (Sir W.) Catalogue of his Collection of English Portraits, sold by Richardson, with the prices and names, calf, gilt leaves 1800 3568* Musical Miscellany, a Collection of Choice Songs set to the Violin and Flute, 6 vol. (wants vol. 4) 1729-31 QUARTO. 3569 Martene (Edm.) de Antiquis Ecclesize Ritibus libri, 3 vol. Rotomagi, 1700-2 3570 Martin (John) Plan for Supplying Pure Water to the Cities of London and Westminster, and Outlines of several New In- ventions, plates, 2 tracts 1828-29 3571 Martin (Thos.) History of Thetford, portrait and plates, TUSSIO . 1779 | 3572 Marvell ( And.) Works and Life, by Capt. E. Thompson, por- trait, 3 vol. uncut [( EA7G: 3573 Mascardi (Ag.) Congiura del Conte G. L. de Fieschi, Venet. 1637—Marino, Strage di gli Innocenti, Venet. 1633— Morando, La Rosalinda (title torn), Piecenza, 1650 3 vol. 3574 Mascou (J. J.) History of the Ancient Germans, by Lediard, map, 2 vol. : 1738 _ 3575 Mason (Jas.) The Anatomie of Sorcerie, calfneat Camb. 1612 3576 Massii (D.) Commentarii in Porphirium et in Aristotelis Lo- _ gicam - Colon. 1617 _ 3577 Masters (Rob.) History of the Gollere of Corpus Christi, or Benet, in the University of Cambridge, plates, calf gilt Camb. 1753 3578 Matthiz (C.) Theatrum Hist gers - Amst. 1648 3579 Maund (B.) Botanic Garden, numerous finaly elke plates, No. 1 to 144, 12 vol. in 9 half bound calf, and 36 numbers 1g.— ae. ¥ Pe Pe eee ~ ee ee Se es! oS i th aa ey ee 3999 . i er aes | 3309 38600 ! i : : ; i 197 Maurice (H.) an Impartial Account of Jo. Mason of Water Stratford, and his Sentiments, calf, 1695—Maurice, ano- ther copy, calf 1695 Maurice (Tho.) History of Hindostan, Ancient and Modern, numerous plates, 4 vol. calf gilt : 1795-1803 Mawe (J.) Travels in the Interior of Brazil, particularly the Gold and Diamond Districts, plates 1812 Maximilian (Prince) Travels in Brazil, plates 1820 Mayo (C.) Compendious View of Universal History, 4 vol. calf gilt, russia back royal 4to. Bath, 1804 Mazzella (Scip.) Descrittione del ssi di Napoli, wood engravings, calf gilt, Napoli, n. d.—Seguin, les Anti- quitez D’ Arles, plates 1687 Meares (Jo.) Voyages from China to America, portrait, charts and plates—Dixon (G.) Remarks, &c., Further Remarks on, 2 vol. calf gilt 1790-1 Medwin (T.) Conversations of Lord Byron . 1824 Memoires Mathematique de l’Academie des Sciences, plates, 1692, &c. 6 vol. Mendo. (Andres) Principe Perfecto y Ministros Aivistados en Emblemas, plates Leon. 1662 Mendoga (Bernardino de) Commentarios de lo succedido en las Guerras de los Payses Caxos, Madrid, 1592, &c. 2 vol. Menestrier (C. F.) Traite des Turnois, Joustes, Carrousels et autres Spectacles Publics, plates, calf gilt Lyon, 1669 Menzini (Benedetto) Opere, portrait, 4 vol. Firenze, 1731 Merrick (8. R.) History and Antiquities of the County of Cardigan, many plates, calf extra, marbled leaves 1810 Meursii (Jo.) Athenee Batave, numerous portraits and plates, Jine impressions, russia extra, gilt leaves L. Bat. 1625 Meyrick and Smith, Costume of the Inhabitants of the British Islands, 24 finely coloured plates, half russia 1815 Mezeray (S' de) Abrege Chronologique de |’ Histoire de France, | plates, 3 vol. Paris, 1717 Middleton (C.) History of the Life of Cicero, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER 1741 Middleton (C.) on Miraculous Powers : 1749 Mill (Jas.) History of British India, maps, 3 vol. 1817 Miller (Ed.) History and Antiquities of Doncaster, map and plates, calf gilt Doncaster, n. d. Millin (A. L.) Antiquites Nationales, ou Recueil de Monu- mens pour servir a l’Histoire Generale et Particuliere de ’Empire Frangois, numerous fine plates, 5 vol. PUSSIA Paris, 1790 2 Military Library ‘and Journal of Military Knowledge, sate and coloured plates, 2 vol. Milner (Jo.) History and AnianiiEs of Winchester, ues 2 vol. calf gilt Winchester, 1798 $ ox 6 | 8604 4\ 6 3605 | 4) «+ 3606 | 477i « | 3607 | “it. 3608 ee * 3610 Sage St 4 8611 “4. | 36138 / 18 + 3614 G16 | 3615 ft 64 8616 FI. 6 2617 “4e, 1 8601 | 3622 7 \2 3698 (2). | 3624 LF |+ | 8625 198 Miltoni (Jo.) pro Populo Anglicano Defensio, contra Claudit Salmasii Defensionem Regiam, with the autograph of Fab. Philipps, Milton's Nephew, stained russia extra 1657 | Miltoni (J.) Paradisus “ Amissus, a G. Dobson, Lat. et Ang. 2 vol. in | Oxontt, 1750 Milton (J.) History of Britain to the Norman Conquest, por- trait, russia 1671 Milton (J. ) Poetical Works, portrait, 2 vol. 1720 Milton (J.) Paradise Lost, a Poem, Notes, &c. by Bp. Newton, portrait and plates, 2 vol. 1749 Milton (J.) Works, Historical, Political, and “Miscellaneous, by T. Birch, portrait, 2 vol. bright ca if gilt / 1758 Miroir des venus et des Arts, 65 fine plates Harlem, 1706 Mirour (A) for Magistrates, newly enlarged with a last part, called a Winter Night’s Vision, and a Poem annexed called England’s Eliza, by Higgins, Blennerhasset, Baldwin, and Niccols, water stained, the most complete edition, very scarce, russia extra, gt. 1610 Miscellaneous Antiquities, or a Collection of Curious Papers, 2 numbers, half calf Strawberry Hill, 1772 Missionary Voyage to the Southern Pacific tee map and plates 1799 Moliere, Giuvres de, por Gran and plates, 6 vol. — old calf gilt Paris, 1734 Mollien (G.) Travels in the Interior of Africa, map and plates 1820 Monicart (J. B. de) Versailles Immortalisé, many plates, vol. 1, Paris, 1720, &c. 2 vol. Montalvan (Juan Perez de) Obras, Comediaat etc. wants title page Madrid, 1632 Montesquieu, de |’Esprit des Lois, 2 vol. Geneve, n. d-—De L’Esprit, Paris, 1758 » 38 vol. Montesquieu, CEuvres, portrait and plates, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER, half red morocco, uncut Paris, 1796 Montmorency (H. de) les Montmorency de France et les Montmorency d’Irlande, ou Precis Historique, par le Chef de cette derniere Maison, 16 plates PRIVATELY PRINTED, with autograph note of the author to the Duke of Buckingham Paris, 1828 Moor (Ed.) Expedition of the Mahratta “Army, plates 1794 Moore (Sir Jo.) Narrative of his Campaign of the British Army in Spain, portrait and maps 1809 Moore (Sir J.) System of Mathematics, plates, 2 vol. 1681 Moore (Sir J.) another copy, 2 vol. 1681 Moore (Th.) Epistles and Odes, front. calf russia back 1806 Moore (T.) Memoirs of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, portratt 1825 a s , a a . , oe oe : ; = - a ee Te ca en a n ee ee eR Ne na. 2 NY 38630 3631 3632 3633 3634 3635. 3636 3637 3638 3639 3640 3641 8642 3643 3644 3645 199 Mora (Dom.) Il Soldato, portrait, Venet. 1570—Plutarco, Gioie Historiche, Venet, 1568 2 vol. Morelli (T.) Thesaurus Greecee Poeseos, portrait, 2 vol. Dicae. 1762 Moreelli (S. A.) Inscriptiones commentariis subjectis, calf gilt Rome, 1783 Mores (E. R.) Nomina et Insignia Nobilium Equitumque sub Edwardo Primo, black letter, some leaves Biicd Oxonit, 1748 Moresi (Ed. R.) de lfrico Dorobernensi Archiepiscopo, Com- mentarius, edidit G. J. Thorkelin, calf gilt 1789 Morgan (J.) Phoenix Britannicus, a Collection of Scarce and Curious Tracts, vol. 1, all published 1722 Morgan (J.) Complete History of Algiers, 2 vol. 1728 Morgan (Sylvanus) Armilogia, or Language of Arms by the Colours & Metals, plates, calf gilt 1666 Morier (Jas.) Journey through Persia, Armenia, and Asia Minor, many plates, some colour ed, vol. 1, plates on india paper, 2 vol. 1812-18 Morini (S.) Exercitationes de Lingua Primeva Ultrajecte, 1694 Mornay.—Histoire de la Vie de Messire Philippe de Mornay Seigt du Plessis Marly, 4 vol. old calf gilt Leyde, 1647 Morritt (J. B.) Vindication of Homer York, 1798 Moule (Thos.) Bibliotheca Heraldica Magne Britannic, an Analytical Catalogue of Books on Genealogy, Heraldry, etc. portrait on india paper, LARGE PAPER royal 4to. 1822 Mudge (W.) and Is. Dalby, Trigonometrical Survey of England and Wales, 22 plates, vol. I 1799 Muratori (L. A.) della Perfetta Poesia Italiana, da A. M. Sal- vini, 2 vol. vellum Venet. 1770 Murphy (Jas.) Travels in Portugal, plates, calf gilt, 1795— Mortimer (Geo.) Voyage to Teneriffe, etc. maps and plates, calf gilt, 1791 2 vol. Musz Etonenses, 2 vol. calf gilt, 1755. Marriott (J.) Poems, 1760 . 2 vol. Muszeus, the Loves of Hero and Leander, Greek and English, translated by G. C. Bedford, PRIVATELY PRINTED, presentation copy, with autograph inscription by Bedford 1797 Myricei (J. G.) Grammatica Syro- -Chaldea Geneve, 1619 ; i . Pr ges Be : og en ae : : i i 5 } : oo, cae wee i a | =: teak a : Sale B56 Be NTS 200 FOLIO. | $646 Marquez (Juan) El Governador Christiano, last leaf torn Pamplona, 1615 3647 Marshami (Jo.) Chronicus Canon AZ gyptiacus 1672 3648 Massazza (P. A.) L’Arco Antico di Susa descritto, plates cal Torino, 1750 ; 8649 Mattheei Weatmondsteteuait Flores Historiarum, ab exordio Mundi usque ad 1407, russia Francof. 1601 $650 Matthei Paris, Historia Major et cum Rogeri Wendoveri, Wni. Rishangeri, Authorisque Historiis, cura Wm. Wats, russia 1640 3651 Mausolée de Princes et Puiichekes de France, 20 jine plates, by Marot, Berain, Scotin, Dolivar, ete. Paris, 1683, &c. 3652 MaximrLien, Le Triomphe de |’Empereur Maximilien I, 1235 curious and jine wood engravings after the designs of Hans Burgmair, 2 vol. Are Triomphal de !Empereur Maximilien I, upwards of 50 fine wood engravings after the designs of A. Durer, 3 vol. Jine copy, calf extra, marbled leaves Vienne, 1796-99 3653 May (Tho.) History of the Parliament of England which began 1640 1647 3654 Mayo (C. ) Chronological History ‘of the European States half russia, uncut Bath, 1795 3655 Medailles sur les Principaux Evenements du Regne entier de Louis le Grand, avec des Explications Historiques, 318 plates, by Simonneau, ete. Jine copy, old calf, gilt leaves Paris, 1723 8656 Mepicis. GALERIE DE MeEpiIcis, Quadreria Medicea, ou Tableaux de la Galerie de Medicis gravés d’apres les dessins de Fr. Petrucci, par Mogalli, Piechianti, Lorenzini, Gregori, &c., containing 500 jine large plates, after Rubens, Julio Romano, Salv. Rosa, A.del Sarto, Titian, Raph. Mengs, Della Bella, Callot, §c. 5 vol. half bound, uncut atlas folio, n.d. 3657 Menetreii (Cl.) Symbolica Diane Ephesix Statua et Bellorij Note in Numismata, many plates - Rome, 1688 3658 Mentelle (E.) Map of Spain and Portugal, colowred maps 1808 8659 Merian (Matth:) Historie Sacre Vet. et Novi Testamenti, with verses in Latin, German, French, and English, 258 plates, russia, marbled leaves Amst. N. Visscher, n. d. 3660 Mexia (P.) Vidas de todos los Cesares Emperadores de Roma, one leaf MS. Anvers, 1588 3661 Meyer (Cor.) L’Arte di Restituire 4 Roma la tralasciata Na- vigatione del suo Teuere, upwards of 60 plates, jiné impressions fine copy, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves Roma, 1685 — 201 3662 Meyrick (S. R.) Critical Inguiry into Antient Armour, from the Norman Conquest to Charles II, with a Glotdany of the military terms of the middle Ages, fine ly coioured plates, 3 vol. ken copy, uncut 1824 3663 Mezeray (Ff. E. du) Histoire de France, ports. 3 vol. Paris, 1643 3664 Michel (Gab.) Edictes et Ordonnances des Rois de France, depuis Louys VI. jusqu’ a present, 4 vol. in 3 wb. 1611 3665 Miege (G.) French an? English Dictionary 1688 3666 Miller (P.) Gardener’s D‘ctionary, 2 vol. 1737 3667 Milles (Tho.) Catalogue of Honour, or Treasury of True Nobility, peculiar ‘and proper to the Isle of Great Britaine, plates of habits and arms, good sound copy 1616 *,* In this copy, page 493 is in a perfect state, which is very rarely the case. 3668 Milton, Annotations on Milton’s Paradise Lost, by P. H. old calf gilt 1695 3669 Milton (John) Historical, Political: and Miscellaneous Works, and Life, portrait, 3 el. Amst. 1698 3670 Mitron (Joun) Porericat Works, with the Life of the Author by Wm. Hayley, portraits and plates after Westall, . with Milton dictating to his Daughters, BRILLIANT PROOFS BEFORE THE LETTERS, 38 vol. UNIQUE Copy, splendidly bound in red morocco extra, joints, and gilt leaves. Miss Mary Nicol’s copy 1794 3671 Mitton (Joun) Parapise Lost, wiTH ILLUSTRATIONS . DESIGNED AND ENGRAVED BY Jo. MARTIN, 24 FINE PLATES, CHOICE PROOFS, 2 vol. in 1 LARGEST PAPER, splendidly bound in pale russia extra, with joints, tooled, and gilt leaves 1827 3672 Minsheu (J.) Guide into Nine Tongues, 1625 — Spanish Grammar, 1599 2 vol. 3673 MIssaLE IN usuM EcCLESIZ i natcrhawenats: WITH TWO * * LARGE AND TWO SMALLER MINIATURES, and all the capitals beautifully illuminated or rubricated PRINTED UPON VELLUM, black letter, a most beautiful, clean * copy, blue morocco. Sir M.M. Sykes’ copy Awnsou, 1489 Tuts RITUAL, COMPOSED FOR THE CHURCH OF ANJOU, IS OF EXTREME RARITY; it does not appear to be men- tioned by any Bibliographer except Brunet, who, in his last edition, refers to this copy in Sir M. M. Sykes’ sale. The King of France’s Library is rich in Missals of every provincial Department of France, but no copy of this Missal is mentioned in Mr. Van Praet’s enumeration of that extensive Collection. In the Harleian Collection will be found one of a later edition, printed in 1492. It is a MOST SPLENDID BOOK, THE VELLUM BEING UNIFORMLY PURE AND BEAUTIFUL, and formerly belonged to the Library of the Jesuits at Brussels. DD ee goer ee ie re al a SI kx Ped = 2 4a Sas YO oe eZee «8674 3675 8676 8677 3678 | 8679 3680 3681 . 3682 3683 3684 3685 3656 3687 8688 sweceas ee 3689 3690 3691 3692 3693 3694 oe 202 Moll (H.) Complete Geographer, maps - . 1723 Monstrelet (d’Eng. de) Chroniques avec les Continuations jusqu’ en 1516, 3 vol. in 1 Paris, 1596 Montaigne (Mich.) Essais avec sa Vie LARGE PAPER, old calf, marbled leaves ib. 1652 Monteth (Rob.) History of the Troubles of Great Britain, and Remarkable Passages in Scotland, from 1633-50 1735 Montfaucon (B. de) Palzographia Graeca Paris, 1708 Montraucon (B. pE) L’ANTIQUITE ExPLIQUEE et Repre- sentee en Figures avec le Supplement, et MONUMENS DE LA MoNnARCHIE FRANCOISE, upwards of 1800 jine plates, 20 vol. LARGE PAPER, uniform ib. 1722-57 Montfaucon (B. de) Antiquities of Italy, by Henley, plates old calf 1725 Montfaucon, Thresor des Antiquitez da’ la Couronne de France, numerous plates, some wanting, 2 vol. La Haye, 1745 Monumenti Inediti publicati dall Institutio di Corrispondenza Archeologica, vol 1 and 2, each-containing 60 plates unbound Roma, 1829-38 Morant (P.) History and Antiquities of the Town and Borough of Colchester in Essex, map and plates, calf gilt 1768 Morant (P.) History and Antiquities of the County of Essex, maps and plates, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, very scarce 1768 Moreri (Louis) Le Grand Dictionnaire Historique, ou Me- lange Curieux de |’ Histoire Sacre et Profane avec Supple- ment, 10 vol. Jine copy, bright old calf gilt Amst. 1740-9 Morgan (Sylv.) Sphere of Gentry, an Historical and Genea- logical Work, of Arms and Blazon, portraits and plates by R. Gaywood, ¥c., 8 or 4 leaves inlaid LARGE PAPER, very scarce, russia extra, gilt leaves «1661 iS a a > ae vi le wi - ted hip le foc On ; ae ¥, ve ? 7 Morgues (Matt. de) Diverses Pieces pour la Defense de la — Royne Mere du Roy Louys XIII. 1637 Mori (Hen.) Historia Provincie Anglicans Societatis Jesu, engraved title containing 4 portraits very scarce, russia, gilt leaves Audomari, 1660 Morini (J.) Commentarius Historicus de Disciplina in Admi- nistratione Sacramenti Poenitentize Ant. 1682 Morini (J.) Commentarius de Sacris Ecclesize Ordinationibus Amst. 1695 Morini (J.). Another edition Antv. 1695 Morland (Sam.) History of the Evngelical Churches of the Valleys of Piedmont, map and plates, good copy 1658 Morley (Tho.) Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall Musicke, scarce, calf gilt 1597 Morton (Jo.) Natural History of Northamptonshire, with Ac- count of the Antiquities, map and plates 1712 a 203 * | 3695 Mortraye (A. dela) Travels through Europe, Asia and Africa, many maps and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1723 3996 Moulin (G. du) les oe et les Trophees des Norman- Francois Rouen, 1658 eM jd \ > | 38697 Municu GALLERY. Galeria zu Baiern, Koniglich Baierischer : Gemalde-Saal, zu Munchen und Schleissheim, about 140 jine lithographs, by Strianer, Piloty, and Anderen half bound Munchen, 1817 6 3698 Munster, Memoires et Negociations touchant le Paix de J Amst. 1710 | 47+ | 3699 Murarori (L. A.) Rerum Iraticarum Scriprores AB ANNO 500 ap Annum 1500, portrait, maps and plates, a . bee 24 vol. in 27, wanting vol. 25, stained s ekg old calf gilt neat Mediol. 1723 @ ~ | $700 Muratori (L. A.) Antichita ee ed Italiane Modena, 1717 . 1 if 3701 Mourpeny (J. C.) ARABIAN ANTIQUITIES OF SPAIN, repre- es senting the principal Remains of Architecture, Sculpture, Paintings, &c. of the Spanish eae in 100 fine plates half red morocco, uncut 1816 3702 Musf£e Francais, ou RECUEIL COMPLET DES TABLEAUX, STATUES, ET BAs-RELIEFS, QUI COMPOSENT LA COL- LECTION NATIONALE, par Robillard Peronville, et Lau- rent, 320 plates, original and very jine impressions, 4 vol. fine copy, russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves Paris, 1803-9 FIFTEENTH DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. ‘LOT 3703 Naphtali, or the Wrestlings of the Church of Scotland for the _ Kingdom of Christ, scarce 1667 or Napier (Col.) History of the War in the Peninsula and South of France, plates, 6 vol. 1828-40 3705 > et ior E. -) Scenes and Sports in nF ores Lands, plates, 1840 oe ashen: Recueil de Piehes Authentiques sur le Captif de S‘ Héléne, de Memoires et Documens ecrits ou dictes, par l’Empereur Napoleon, portrait, 10 vol. Paris, 1821 3707 Napoleon, Memoires pour Servir a l’Histoire de France, sous Napoleon ecrites 4 Sainte-Héléne, 7 vol. 1823-4 3708 Napoleon, CEuvres, 5 vol. : Paris, 1822 3709 4, > 3710 Yo) - | 3am meee | 7|¢ | vie “|4 - | $713 eae f } i 7, | «& b &iee + 1/: gh 7 | 8788 |S \b6 | 8794 2.4 8725 a6 8726 | 2. be 8727 | 4 LZ! 8728 7 \.2|. | 3729 204 Napoleon, Correspondance Inedite, Officielle et Confidentielle « de Napoleon Bonaparte en Italie, Egypte, &c. 7 vol. 1819-20 Napoleon, Vie Politique et Militaire de Napoleon, 4 vol. Paris, 1827 Narborough, Tasman, Wood and Marten, Voyages and Dis- coveries towards the Streights of Magellan, maps and plates 1694 et ) Alex.) On the Diseases of the Teeth, plates, calf gilt . Nature Displayed, plates, 3 vol. 1736, &e. 15 vol. Naufrages, Histoire des, Recueil des Relations Interessantes, 3 vol. Paris, 1788 Nautical Magazine, plates, vol. 1 to 4, 2 vol. and 24 numbers — Paxton and Harrison’s Horticultural Register, No. 1 to 54, wanting No. 13, 1831, &e. a parcel Naval Chronicle (The) from the commencement in 1799 to 1818, numerous portraits and plates, 40 vol, complete, Jine copy, calf gilt | 1799-1818 Naval Sketch Book, 2 vol. 1826—O'Keefe (Miss) Dudley, 3 vol. 1819—Other Times, 3 vol. 1823 . 8 vol. Navarre (Marg. de Valois Reine de) Contes et Nouvelles, numerous plates, 8 vol. in 4, LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1784 Neal (Dan.) History of New England, Civil and Ecclesiastical, 2 vol. old calf gilt 1747 Neale (W. H.) Mohammedan System of Thee calf gilt 1831 Neild (Jas.) Account of Debtors, portraits 1808 Neri (A.) Art of Glass, 1662, &c. 3 vol. Nelson (Lord) Letters to Lady Hamilton, 2 vol. 1814—Papers on Naval Architecture, 2 vol. 1791— Adventures of John — Nicol, portrait, Edinb. 1822, &c. 8 vol. Nesse (C.) Christian’s Walk, portratt : 1678 Netherland Historian, The, an exact relation of the Wars be- tween the King of Great Britain and the French King, against the States General of the United Provinces, por- . traits and plates Amsterdam, 1675 Nettement (A.) Memoires Historiques de S. A. R. Madame Duchesse de Berri, 3 vol. Paris, 1837 Neves (P.) Cursory Remarks on some Ancient English Poets, particularly Milton, . PRIVATELY AND ONLY 200 COPIES PRINTED 1789 Newcome (Arcbbp.) View of the English Biblical Translations, Dublin, 1792—Newcome on Our Lord’s Conduct, 1795 2 vol. Newgate. History of the Press Yard, or Account of the Cus- toms and Occurrences in Newgate, 1717—Accurate Des- cription of Newgate, 1724, calf 2 vol. a » EPR RO nth ee, AIA ML oe 3748 3749 3750 205 New Monthly Magazine, 69 numbers, between No. 1 and No. 217 1821-39 | Newport (Col. And.) Memoirs of a Cavalier, portrait, LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1792 Newton (W.) History and Antiquities of Maidstone, frontis- prece, calf extra 1741 Nicholas (J. L.) Narrative of a Voyage to New Zealand, plates, 2 vol. 1817—Neill (P.) Tour in Orkney, Edinb. 1806, 2 vol. 4 vol. Nichols (Jo.) Oration and Sermon made at Rome, on Paine of - Death, and a Declaration of the Recantation of Jo. Nichols, the Pope’ s Scholer in Rome, 2 vol. in 1, black letter, calf Jo. Charlewood, 1581 Nichols (J.) Select Collection of Poems, with Notes, Biogra- phical and Historical, portraits, 8 vol. ca f gut 1780 Nichols (J.) Account of the Alien Priories in England and _ Wales, map and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1786 Nichols (J.) Literary Anecdotes of the en Century, 9 vol. and Literary Illustrations, vol. , 2 and 3, many portratts, 12 vol. uncut 1812-18 Nicolas (N. H.) Notitia Historica, containing Tables, Calen- dars, &c. for Historians, white vellum, gilt leaves 1824 Nicolas (N. H.) Literary Remains, and Memoir of Lady Jane Grey, portrait, calf extra, marbled leaves 1825 Nicolson (Bp.) Border Laws 1705 Niersis (S.) Preces 24 Linguis edits, ca if g.l. Venet. 1823 Nithsdale (Earl of) Escape from the Tower of London, with Remarks by Sheffield Grace, privately printed, 1827, and 13 Antiquarian and Topographical Pamphlets V. Ys Noble (Mark) Memoirs of the Protectoral House of Cromwell, portraits and plates, 2 vol. 1787 Noelli (A.) Catechismus, Oxon, 1795, Be. 4 vol. Norden (Jo.) Speculi Britanniz, pars altera, or Delineation of Northamptonshire, calf gilt 1720 Norfolk, History and Antiquities of, plates, 10 vol. calf gill ‘ Norwich, 1781 _ Normandie, Histoire et Chronique de Normandie, Rouen, 1610 _—Masseville, Histoire Sommaire de Normandie, 8 vol. ib. 1698—Les Beautez de la Normandie, 1700—Histoire de la Ville de Rouen, 3 vol. 1668, &c. 14 vol. Northumberland Household Book, PRIVATELY PRINTED, presentation copy from Bishop Percy to Earl Temple, calf gilt 1770 Norvins (M. de) Portefeuille de, 1813, 2 vol. Paris, 1825— Nouveaux Memoires Secrets de 1828, ib. 1829, &c.—De Pradt du Congres de Vienne, 3 vol. 1815, &c. 12 vol. Novelle Morali seguite da Lettere ad una Amica sul Modo di conseguire la Felicita, 2 vol. : 1832 «| 3751 3758 3759 3760 3761 3762 3763 3764 3766 3767 3768 3769 3770 3771 206 Noyer (Mme. du) Lettres Historiques et {Galantes, plates, 6 vol. 1741—Lettres de Mme. de Pompadour, 2 vol. 1774 —Memoires de Marquis de Pombal, 4 vol. 1784 12 vol. Nugent (Lord) Memorials of John Hampden, portraits, 2 vol. with a Letter on an Article in the pee Review, and the Reviewer’s Reply 1832 Nugent (T.) Life of Benvenuto Cellini, , vol. in 1 Dublin, 1772 Observateur (L’) Anglois, ou Correspondance Secrete entre Milord All’Eye et Milord Alle’ar, 10 vol. calf gilt 1779 Ockley (Simon) Life of Ebu Yokdan, translated from the Arabic, plates, 1711, &e. 5 vol. Oclandi (Chr.) Anglorom Prelia, item Elizabetha de Anglize Statu, et A. Nevillus de Furoribus Norfolciensium, Ketto Duce good copy, calf R. Nuberie, 1582 O’Gallagher (Felix) On the First Principles of Nature, 2 vol. Dublin, 1784—O’Gallagher, System of Nature, 2b. 1798, &e. 5 vol. O'Keeffe (J.) Dramatic Works, 4 vol. calf gilt 1798 O’Keefe (J.) Recollections of his Life, portrait, 2 vol. 1826 Olafsen et Povelsen, Voyage en Irlande, fpar;Ordre de S. M. Domoise, traduit par Gauthier-De-Lapeyronie, 5 vol. and 4to. atlas of map and plates, calf gilt Paris, 1802 Oldcastle (H.) Remarks on the History of England, 1748— Lives of the Princes of Orange, 1734—History of William, Prince of Orange, 1688—Osborn (F.) Works, 1673. &c. 6 vol. Oldmixon (J.) British Empire in America, maps, 2 vol. 1708 Oldmixon (J.) Critical History of England, 2 vol. 1728— Clarendon and Whitelock compared, 1727 3 vol. Oldys (Wm.) British Librarian, calf gilt 1738 O'Meara (B. E.) Napoleon in Exile, or a Voice from St. Helena, portrait, 2 vol. 1822—Last Reign of the Emperor Napoleon, 2 vol. 1816 4 vol. Opie (Amelia) Illustrations of Lying, 2 vol. 1825, &c. 7 vol. Oppiano della Pesca tradotta da Salvini, Firenze, 1728, &c. 4 vol. Oratores Greci, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Wolfii, ye et aliorum, cura J. J. Reiske, 12 vol. Jine copy, russia Lips. 1770 Oriental Annual, fine plates, ofter W. Daniell, and Descrip- tion, by H. Caunter, 2 vol. morocco, gilt leaves 1835-6 Oriental Herald (The) and Colonial Review, from the com- mencement Jan. 1824 to July 1827, excepting Oct. 1826, 5 vol. half bound, and 24 numbers — 1824, &e. 207 ~ 3772 Orkney. Macauley (Kenneth) History of St. Kilda, map, >. 1764—Wallace (J.) Account of the Islands of Orkney, ely | map, 1700 | 2 vol. 4 - | 3773 Orkney. Wallace (J.) Description of the Isles of Orkney, : . Edinb. 1693—Eunson (G.) Antient and Present State of . Orkney, Newcastle, 1788 2 vol. | f 37 74 Orleans (Pere d’) Histoire des Revolutions d’ Angleterre, 3 vol. Amst. 1714—Histoire Secrete de la Cour de Madrid du a Philipe V, Colon. 1719, &e. 13 vol. 4 “7 ~ 3775 Orphica, cum Notis H. Stephani, Beshenbactit Gesneri, Tyr- ; whitt, recensuit G. Hermannus, & LARGE PAPER, blue morocco, gilt leaves Lipsie, 1805 . rig - | 3776 Qsorius (Bp. Hier.) Epistle to Queene Elizabeth, or a Pearle i for a Prince, by R. Shacklock, scarce Antwerp, 1565 it” 4 > | 3777 Ossian. Fingal and Temora, Epic Poems, with manuscript notes - . in Irish, &c. by the O'Connor's, 2 vol. Dub. 1762-3, and x Seduli Poemata Sacra, Edinb. 1701 3 vol. _ “ 4) +) 3777*Ossian. Poems, by Macpherson, 2 vol. 1765—Report on the a Poems of Ossian, by Mackenzie, Edinb. 1805, and 3 on . = Ossian 6 vol. . | + | 83778 Ossian. Poems, brandlated by A. Pacidact and Jo. Shackelton, | 3 vol. Birm. 1817—H. J. Pye’s Poems, 2 vol. 1787— P Poetical Amusements, 2 vol. 1776 7 vol. 6 | $779 Ossian. Poems in Gaelic, with Latin translation, by R. Mac- . farlan, Dissertation by Sinclair, vol. 1 and 2,

ee « XN 3813 | 8815 | 3816 3817 3818. 3819 3820 3821 3822, 3823 3824 —- 3825 | 3828 3829 209 p Z 3812 Neandri (Joh.) Tabacologia hoe est Tabaci, seu Nicotian» eae Descriptio, portrait and plates, russia L. Bat. 1626 Neild (Jas.) State of the Prisons in England, Scotland, and Wales, portrait, calf gilt 1812 * 3814 Newcome (Bp.) on our Lord’s Conduct, Dicblien 1782—Ver- sion and Explanation of the Prophet Ezekiel Dublin, 1788 2 vol. Newcome (P.) History of the Abbey of St. Alban’s, 2 maps _and pilates, with 2 or 3 additional ; 1793: Newspapers. The London Chronicle from 1757 to 1763, 14 vol. half bound, cut : 1757 Newspapers. Le Moniteur Universel, Aout a Novembre, 1792, 4 vol. Londres, 1797—Le Redacteur, 1798-1800, 3 vol. &c. together 12 vol. 1792, &c. Newtoni (I.) Opera que extant Omnia Commentariis illus- trabat Bp. Sam. Horsley, plates, 5 vol. very scarce, calf gilt 1779-85 Newton (Is.) Optics, a Treatise of Lighh plates 1704 Newton (I.) Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended, LARGE PAPER 1728 Nicolay (Nicolas de) Navigations, Peregrinations et Voyages, 60 wood engravings, purple morocco extra, gilt leaves Anvers. 1577 Nicholay (N.) Navigations, Peregrinations, and Voyages into Turkie, by T. Washington, numerous wood engravings of costumes 1585 Nicolas (Sir N. H.) History of the Orders. of Knighthood of the British Empire, richly illuminated plates, heightened with gold, 4 vol. : roy. 4to. 1842 Nicnors (J.) BrstrotTHeca TopoGRAPHIcA BriTannica, or the Antiquities, Biographical, Miscellaneous, and Topo- graphical, in Bedfordshire, Berkshire, Cambridgeshire, Derbyshire, Kent, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Middlesex, Northamptonshire, Staffordshire, Surrey, Sussex, Suffolk, Warwickshire, Scotland, and Wales, numerous portraits and plates, 51 parts in 8 vol. very scarce, calf 1780-90 Nichols (J.) Collection of the Wills of the Kings and Queens of England, from William the Conqueror to Henry VII, 2 vol. calf gilt 1775-1780 Nichols (J.) Biographical A neodates of Wm. Bowyer, Printer, portrait, calf gilt 1782 Nichols, (J.) Progresses and Pablic Processions of Queen Elizabeth, many plates, 3 vol. calf, not quite uniform 1788-1805 Nicolson (Jos.) and R. Burns, History, and Antiquities of the Counties of Westmoreland and Cumberland, maps, 2 vol. calf gilt. 1777 Nicolson (Bp. W.) English, Scoteh; and Irish Historical Li- braries, BEST EDITION, calf 1776 EE Aa? Es. < | AZ je . | 4 | (\F4% 3 -“ ie oe Ct oa Pee a ES IT EAT TT A EIN EE ES LE RES IIE EI BATTLE AEA A RETA TP 3830 8831 0832 38338 3834 5835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840 3841 3842 3843 3844 3845 210 Niebuhr (C.) Voyage en Arabie, 2 vol.—Description de )’ Arabie, et Recueil de Question sur |’ Arabie, par Michaelis, numerous plates, together 4 vol. calf gilt Amst.1774-6 Nisbet (Alex.) Essay on the Ancient and Modern Use of Armories, plates of arms Edinb. 1718 Noble (M.) Two Dissertations upon the Mint and Coins of the Episcopal Palatines of Durham, plates, YUSSVD Birmingham, 1780 Noble (M.) Historical Genealogy of the House of Stuart, calf gilt 1795 Noble (M.) History of the College of Arms, por trait, LARGE PAPER, russia 1804 Norden (John) Speculi Britanniz Pars, a Topographical and Historical Description of Cornwall, maps and plates, LARGE PAPER Northouck (J.) New History of London, including Westmin- ster and Southwark, maps and plates, pale russia extra 1778 Normandie. Description Geographique et Historique de la Haute Normandie, 2 vol. Paris, 1740 North (Roger) Lives of Lord Keeper North and of others of the Family of North, portraits ; and Examen, or Inquiry into (Kennett’s) Complete ieee uniform, old calf, 2 vol. 1740-2 NorTHCOTE (JAS.) Memorrs or Sir Josuva REYNOLDS, with the Supplement, portraits, ILLUSTRATED with 5 original drawings in detouek &c. and nearly 400 portraits and plates by Bartolozzi, Faber, Harding, Heath, Schiavonetti, Sherwin, J. Smith, Vertue, Wivell, Worlidge, &c. some proofs, many fine impressions, and some coloured, neatly inlaid, bound in 8 vol. pale russia extra, gilt leaves (18138 Nova Scotia. Memorials of the English and French Commis- saries concerning the Limits of Nova Scotia, or Acadia, i in English and French, map, 2 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED, calf gilt 1755 Nugent (Thos.) History of Vandalia, and Preset State of Mecklenburg, plates and pedigrees, 2 vol. old calf gilt 1766 Nunez (Hernan) Refranes O Proverbios en Romance, y la Filosofia Vulgar de Juan de Mal Lara Madrid, 1619 Ogilvie (J.) Rona, 1777—O’Donald, the Toast, 1736—Ogle, Clerk of Oxford’s Tale, 1739, &c. 5 vol. — Olivier (G. A.) Voyage dans ]’Empire Othoman, y Egypte et la Perse, 2 vol. and-atlas of plates Paris, 1801 Operations Geodesiques et Astronomiques pour la Mesure d’un Arc du Parallele Moyen executées en Piemont et en Savoie, plates, 2 vol. and atlas : Milan, 1827 211 3846 O’Connor (Dr. Cuas.) Rerum Hispernicarum Scrip- TORES VETERES, plates, 4 vol. » PRIVATELY PRINTED, LARGE PAPER, only 200 copies large and small paper were completed, boards, uncut Buckinghamie, 1814-26 3847 O’Connor (C.) ANOTHER Copy, Bes 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, uncut ab. 1814-26 ~ *,.* ‘ The expences incurred by tha Duke of Buckingham for the researches and for the printing of these four volumes exceeded the sum of £3000. They contain Latin transla- tions from the original Iberno-Celtic MSS. in the library at Stowe. The most important and interesting works illustrative of the history and antiquities of Ireland were selected, and these volumes embody no article ever before printed, or, it might be almost added, ever before known to the literary world, excepting, perhaps, by name. The notes abound in curious and valuable matter, and the learned translator is deservedly deemed more profoundly skilled than any other person of the present day in the lan- guage, figurative expressions, and allusions of the originals. _ This work must always be deemed essential to any literary collection professing to have the history of Ireland among its objects, as well as for the rich mine of curious matter contained in Dr. O’Connor’s notes, as for the original texts. —M'S. Note by Sheffield Grace in his own copy. 3848 Oppiani de Piscatu et de Venatione libri Paris, 1555 3849 Oratio Dominica in diversas Omnium fere Gentium Linguas Versa, curis Jo. Chamberlain et D. Wilkinson, presentation copy to Hadrian Reland, by David Wiikins, with autograph inscription, vellum Amst. 1715 3850 Oratio Dominica, the Lord’s Prayer in above One Hundred Languages, with manuscipt notes in the autograph of D. Wilkins, calf 17 3851 Orford (Lord) Works, numerous mortratts and plates, 5 vol. —Harding’s Series of Portraits to Illustrate the Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors ; and Edwards’ Anecdotes of Painters, in Continuation of Lord Orford’s, portrait, 7 vol. the two last works on large paper to match, calf gilt : 1798-1808 38852 Orme (R.) History of Military Transactions in Indostan, maps and plans, 3 vol. 17638 3853 Orme (R.) Historical Fragments of the seem Empire, por- trait and map, calf gilt 1805 | 3854 Orrery (C. Boyle Lord) As You Find it, eed morocco, gilt leaves, 1703—Oldmixon, Governour of Cyrus, a Tragedy, 1703—Sir C. Sidley, Mulberry Garden Comedy, 1675, &e. 5 vol. aera ees ae Kae Ree hee XN 212 . Orridge (Jo.) Description of the Gaol at Bury St. Edmund, plates 1819 Ottley (Wm. Young) Inquiry into the Origin and Early His- tory of Engraving upon Copper and Wood, plates and . wood engraving's, 2 vol. ealf, uncut 1816 Ovidii Metamorphoses in usum Delphini cum notis variorum, THICK PAPER, old calf, gilt leaves Dublini, Grierson, 1729 Ovide, Metamorfosi, ridotte da G. Andrea dell’ Anguillara,, plates Venet. B. Giunti, 1584 Ovide, Les Metamorphoses, upwards of 140 plates from the designs of the best French painters, by Le Mire et Basan, Sine impressions, old French red moroceo, gult leaves, Paris, 1767 Ouseley (Sir Wm.) Travels in various parts ‘of the East, par- ticularly in Persia, map and many plates, 3 vol. ; russia extra, gilt leaves . 1823 Outhier (M.) Voyage au Nord, map and plates, Paris, 1744 —Pyrard (F.) Voyage aux Indes Paris, 1769 Owen (C.) Natural History of Serpents, plates 1742 Owl (The) and the Nightingale, a Poem of the 12th Century, with Glossary, &c. by J. Stevenson, uncut presentation copy, with an autograph note of S. Rk. Glynne — Roxburghe Club, 1838 Oxford (University of) Verses on the Death of Sir B. Gren- ville, who was Slain at the Battle on Lansdown Hill, 1643, old morocco 1684 > Oxley (J.) Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of New South Wales, maps and plates 1820 Ozanam (M.) Dictionnaire Mathematique Paris, 1691 Ozanne (N.) Ports de France, 26 plates obl. 4to. Parts, n.d. Pacho (M. J. R.) Voyage dans La Marmarique, La Cyrenaique, _ maps, with a folio vol. of 100 plates, some coluured, 2 vol. half bound red moroceo, gilt leaves Paris, 1827 Pagés (M. de) Voyages ou tour du Monde, maps, 2 vol. Paris. 1782—Pernetty, Voyage aux Isles Malouines, maps and plates, 2 vol. Paris, 1770—Voyage en Portugal, 1798 eG Painter (Wm.) Palace of Pleasure, beautified, adorned, &c. with Pleasant Histories and Novels, edited by Jos. Hasle- wood, 3 vol. only 250 copies printed 1813 Palingenins (Mare.) The Zodiake of Life, translated by Bar- | nabie Googe, in Verse, ; black letter, fine copy, calf Rob. Robinson, 1588 . 2 Pallas (P. 8.) Voyages en Russie et dans l’Asie, 5 vol. and atlas of maps and plates, calf gilt ob). 4to. Paris, 1788 Palmer (C.) Collection of Aphorisms and Maxims, 1748, &e. 5 vol. Palmer (S.) Gentral History of Printing, and C. Middleton — on the Origin of aes in ee 2 vol. 1783-35 3875 3876 3877 3878 8879 PES Palmerin d’Olive, L’Histoire de, Fils du Roy Florendes de Macedone, &e. par Jan. Maugin, very scarce, good copy Anvers. 1572 Palmerin D’Oliva, the Mirrour of Nobilitie; the Map of Honour, Anatomie of Rare Fortunes, Wonder of Chivalrie, &c. translated by A. Munday, 2 parts in 1 vol. black letter, russia, gilt leaves 1637 Pananti (Signor) Narrative of a Residence in ' Algiers, coloured Frontispiece 1818 Pancirolli (G.) Rerum Memorabilium sive Deperditarum, lib. aucta ab H. Salmuth, russia Francof. 1646 Panzer (G. W.) Annales Typographici ab Artis Inventee Ori- gine ad Annum 1536, 11 vol. FINE PAPER, russia extra, marbled leaves Norimb.17938-18038 | 8880 Park (Mungo) Travels in the Interior of Africa, portrait and 3881 38882 3883 3884 3885 3886 3887 38388 3889 8890 3891 3892 plates 1799 Park (M.) Travels in the Interior of Africa, maps and plates, 2 vol., vol. 1 calf gilt, vol. 2 boards 1799-1815 Parkinson (Jas.) Organic Remains of a Former World, nume- rous finely coloured plates, 3 vol. calf extra, gilt leaves Parkinson (S.) Voyage to the South Seas, calf gilt 1784 Parry (Capt. W. E.) Journal of Three Voyages and an ren: dix for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and a Narrative of the Attempt to Reach the North Pole, 1819-27, charts and fine plates, 5 vol. half calf; gilt leaves ; 1821-28 Parry (Capt. W. E.) Fourth Voyage, Narrative of an At- tempt to Reach the North Pole in Boats, plates and charts 1828 Parsons (Philip) Monuments and Painted Glass of upwards of One Hundred Churches in the Eastern part of Kent, russia extra Canterbury, 1794 Partridge (Jo.) Defectio Geniturarum, an Essay toward Re- dead and Proving the True Old Principles of pepe 1697 Paruta (P.) Historia Venetiana, 2 vol. in 1 Venet. 1645 Pasquier (Estienne) Lettres, calf gilt Paris, 1586 2 FOLIO. Nalson (J.) Impartial Collection of Affairs of State from 1639 to the Murther of Charles I. frontispieces, 2 vol. 1682-3 Nani (B.) History of the Affairs of Europe and of Venice, by Honywood 1673 Napoleon. ‘Tableaux Historiques des Campaignes d'Italie depuis An IV. jusqu’ a la Bataille de Marengo, et Cere- monies du Sacre de Napoleon le Grand, portrait and many jine plates, after the designs of C. Vernet russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves . Paris, 1806-18 - / \t4e\» | 3893 YEN \_ \'S804 eee ag at Pa Ts» | 3895 vA 2ié 8896 | X11 8897 / | + = 3898 a oe 2| ¥\ | 3899 ma | 3900 Pali | 8901 Af in | 3909 Vg 6 3908 oN fai» Vi S004 8908 / \2| » | 8905 Vac | 3906 \7 | 8907 A EN . ! 214 Napoleon, Tableaux. Another copy, portrait and fine plates half red morocco, uncut Paris, 1806-13 NAPOLEON. SacrRE DE NAPvoLeon dans |’Eglise de Notre Dame, portrait of Napoleon by A. B. Desnoyers, whole length, brilliant proof, with 38 plates of the Coronation, by Dequevauiller, D’Elvaux, Dupreel, Lavale, Massard, Petit, ° Pigeot, Pouquet, Ribault, Simonet, &e., all brilliant proofs before the letters, 1804, two Portraits of Napoleon, proofs on india paper, by R. Cooper, Bataille d’Austrelitz, by S. Godefroy, brilliant proof, 18138, Serment du Sacre de Louis XVI, par J. M. Moreau, brilliant impression in all 43 plates in one volume, russia extra, joints elephant folio, 1779-1813 Nash (F.) Views of the Interior of St. George’s Chapel at Windsor, 9 plates, fine proofs LARGE PAPER, russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves 1805 Nash (T.) Collections for the History of Worcestershire, with the Supplement, maps, portraits and plates, 3 vol. Jjine copy, russia extra 1781-99 Natalis (Hier.) Adnotationes et Meditationes in Evangelia, numerous plates, brilliant impressions very scarce, old red morocco, gilt leaves . Antv. 1594 Nattes (J. C.) Bath, illustrated in a Series of Views from drawings by J.C. Nattes, 30 jinely coloured plates, calf 1806 © Nattes (J. C.) Versailles, Paris, and St. Denis, 40 Jinely coloured plates, calf, marbled leaves n. d. Nattes (J. C.) Views of Gosfield Hall and Park, the property of the Duke of Buckingham, 25 original drawings in sepia, ge. bound in 1 vol. russia extra oblong folio. Natural History of Animals, and Anatomical Description, plates 1701 Navarino, the Battle of, plan by Reinagle, and 12 plates with reference, half morocco Colnaghi, 1828 NeaLe(J. P.) and BRayLey, HistoRY AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE ABBEY CHURCH OF ST. PETER, WESTMINSTER, 61 plates, jine proofs, 2 vol. LARGEST PAPER, pale russia extra, gilt leaves imp. folio, 1818 Nebrissensis (/Elii Ant.) Rerum a Ferdinando et Elisabe Gestarum decades 11. nec non Belli Navariensis lib. 11. annexa insuper Arch. Roderici Chronica, ete. Jjine copy, very scarce, calf gilt Granatam, 1545 Nesselii (Dan. de) Catalogus Manuscriptorum Bibliothece Cesare Vindobonensis, 6 parts, and Appendix in 2 vol. Vindob. 1690 Nevers (Duc de) Memoires sous les Rois Charles 1X, Henri III, et Henry IV, portrait, 2 vol. Paris, 1665 Newcastle (Marchioness of ) Philosophical Letters — 1664 Newcastle (Duchess of ) Plays, russia extra, gilt leaves 1668 = 215 ; 3909 Newcastle (Duchess of ) Nature’s Picture drawn by Fancy’s Pencil to the Life, being feigned Stories, Comical, Poetical, &c. with scarce portrait inserted fine copy, calf gilt 1671 3910 Newcastle (Duke of ) General System of Horsemanship, nwme- ; rous plates, containing portraits of the Newcastle Family ruled with red lines, 2 vol. 17438 3911 Newcourt (Ric.) Ecclesiastical and Parochial History of the Diocese of London, maps, portrait and plates, 2 vol. 1708 3912 Newman (S.) Concordance to the Bible 1643 3913 Newman (S.) Concordance to the Holy Scriptures 1682 3914 Newspapers. Morning Chronicle, and London Advertiser, from July 1784 to 1799, 17 vol. half bound in russia, uncut —and from 1804 to 1826, 23 vol half bound, cut 40 vol. 3915 Newspapers. The Courier, from 1804 to 1825, and 1828-9-30, half bound, cut, except the last 3 25 vol. 38916 Newspapers. The John Bull for 1820-2 and 1828-30, 5 vol. half bound, uucut—The Globe, 1809, hal/ bound, uncut— and a Volume of Newspapers, various, 1800-12 7 vol. 3917 Newspapers. The Freeman’s Journal, Sept. 1782 to Dec. 1784—Hiberniau Journal, Dec. 1782 to Dec. 1784— Dublin Post, Sept. 1782 to July 1784—Miscellaneous Irish Newspapers, 1782-4, half bound, uncut 4 vol. 3918 Newspapers. Le Moniteur Universel, 1790 and 1793 to 1798, 8 vol. half bound, cut and uncut—Le Logographe, 1791-2, 2 vol. half bound, cut, and a Volume of Foreign Papers, | 1815-17 together 13 vol. 3919 Newspapers. A Series, from 1720 to. 1728—The London Journal—The Freeman’s Journal—Pasquin, &c., also The Grub Street Journal, from 1732 to 17388 together 16 vol. _ 93920 Nicholls (W.) Comment on the Book of Common Prayer, with : ee additional notes, portratt, old calf gilt 1710 3921 NicnHots (Jonn) History AND ANTIQUITIES OF THE County oF LEICESTER, numerous maps, portraits, plates, and pedigrees, 8 vol. LARGE PAPER, RARE, 7 vol. half russia, and 1 vol. in boards, uncut : 1795-1815 *,* The greater part of the impression being destroyed by fire in the printer’s warehouse, complete copies are now very rare. ¢ 3922 Nichols (J.G.) Autographs of Royal, Noble, Learned and Remarkable Personages, conspicuous in English History, with Memoirs, plates of autographs 1829 3923 Nicolson (W. Bp.) English, Scotch and Irish Historical Libraries 1736 3924 Nisbet (Alex.) System of Heraldry, with the True Art of | Blazon, plates of arms Edinb. 1722 an Ve Seca 4 oe ARE Bi Fae ae: rc 7 et : ) yk oe 3 |- as er TS Tia 1 $925 3926 | 8927 | 3928 | 3929 ) 3930 3931 3932 3933 20 NRA TREE SST et mae 3934 3935 AF nO eR AE Seem 3936 3937 3938 AR Ra TEA SE, — 3939 | 3940 3941 3949 | | | 3943 | 8944 | 3945 lon 216 Nizolii Thesaurus Ciceronianus, russia oes fe 1570 Norden (F. L..) Voyage d’Egypte et de Nubie, portrait, and 159 maps and plates, 2 vol. in 1, russia Copenhagen, 1755 Norton (R.) The Gunner, or Preetice of Artillerie, plates 1628 Norissii (Heur. Cardinalis) Opera Omnia, 4 vol. é vellum Verone, 1729 Ogilby (Jo.) Entertainment of Charles I. in his Passage through the City of London to his Coronation, jine plates LARGE PAPER 1662 Ogilby (J.) Asia, and a Description off Persia and the poo of the Great Mogul, many plates 1673. Ogilby (J) Africa, a Description of the Regions of Aigypt Barbary, &c. numerous plates 1670 Ogilby (J.) Embassy from the East India Company to the Emperor of China and the Emperor of Japan, numerous plates, 3 vol. calf gilt 1670 Ogilby (J.) Britannia, or an Illustration of the Kingdom of England, plates 1675 Olaus Magnus (Abp.) History of the Goths, Swedes and Vandals, &c. 1658 Oldmixon, History of England during the Reigns of the House of Stuart, and Sequel to the Reign of ee I, 2 vol. old calf gilt 1730-5 Oldmixon (J.) History of England ‘doring the Reigns of the House of Stuart 1730 Olearius (Adam) Voyages en Muscovie, Tartarie et Perse, maps and plates, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER Leide, 1718 Oratorum Veterum Orationes, Greecé, cura H. Stephani Paris, 1575 Origenis (Sancti) Commentaria in Sacras Scripturas, Lat. cura Huetii, 2 vol. Rothomagi, 1678 ORLEANS GALLERY. GALERIE DU PaLAis RoyAL, DITE D’ORLEANS, par Fontenai, with upwards of 260 beautiful plates, by Couche, gc. FINE ORIGINAL IMPRESSIONS, 2 vol. uncut Paris, 1786 ORLEANS GALLERY. Galerie du Palais Royal, dite d’Orleans, par Fontenai, 173 fine plates, by Couche, gc. russia 1b. 1786 OrmERop (Geo.) History or THE County PALATINE AND City or CuEsTERr, including King’s Vale Royal and Leycester’s Cheshire, portraits, plates, maps: and wood en gravings, FINE PROOFS, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves 1819 | Orozco (S. de C.) Tesoro de la Lengua Castellana 1611 Orsato (S.) Historia di Padova, plates, vol. 1 (all published ) Padova, 1678 Ottley (W. Y.) Italian School of Design, being a Series of Fac-Similes of the Original Drawings by the most eminent Painters and Sculptors of Italy, 84 plates, halfrussia,g-l. 1823 3946 3947 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 2h7 Ousbridge (Philip) Britannia’s Triumph in 1762, or the At- tack and Conquest of the Havannah, 13 plates 1766 Overbeke (Bonav.) Les Restes de l’Ancienne Rome, recher- chez avec soin, mesurez, dessinez sur les lieux, 146 jine plates, 3 vol. in 1 Amst. 1709 Ovid, Metamorphoses, translated by G. Sandys, plates 1640 Ovid, Metamorphoses, by several hands, portrait and many plates LARGE PAPER 1717 Ovid, Metamorphoses, Latin and English, with historical Ex- plications by Banier, numerous fine plates by Picart, 2 vol. in I, uncut Amst. 1732 Oxford. Account of the Visit a the Prince Regent, and the Emperor of Russia, and the King of Prussia, to the Uni- versity of Oxford in 1814, plates _ PRIVATELY PRINTED, jine copy, purple morocco extra, joints, _ richly tooled, gilt leaves Oxford, 1815 Oxoniensis Gratulatio in Georgii III et Sophie Charlotte Nuptias, et Gratulatio ob Georgium Fred. Aug. Wallia Principem Natum, 2 vol. Jine old red morocco, tooled sides and gilt leaves Oxon. 1761-2 OxontraA ILLUSTRATA, a Collection of Oxford Almanacks, or the Engravings of the Heads of them, from 1696 to 1842, (some wanting and some duplicates) containing Views of the Colleges, Portraits of the Professors, §¢. with TWELVE OF THE ORIGINAL DrRaAwincs, and 1388 plates, one an unji- nished Hiching, and some proofs on india paper, fc.; a View of the South Prospect of the City of Oxford, and a Poetical Broadside ; a Hue and Cry after Good Friday lost in the Oxford Almanack; the whole mounted on drawing paper, and superbly bound in russia extra, joints, richly tooled, and gilt leaves elephant folio. Stowe, 1825 Pacificatores Orbis Christiani, sive Icones Princippm, Ducum et Legatorum qui Monasterii atque Osnaburge pacem Eu- rope reconciliarunt, 131 fine portraiis © LARGE PAPER. old calf Rotter. 1696 Pagan (Comte de) Les Fortifications du, plates, Paris, 1645, &e. Pagnini (S.) Thesaurus, sive Lexicon Hebraicum, Lugd. 1575 Painters. The True Effigies of the most Eminent Painters, and other Famous Artists, in Europe, upwards of 120 por- traits, fine impressions : 1694 FF 3974 218 SIXTEENTH DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. Parkins (C.) History of Great Yarmouth, frontispiece, 1776 —History and Antiquities of Norwich, Srontispiece, calf gilt, Lynn. 1783 2 vol. Parkinson (Jas.) Introduction to the Study of Fossil Organic Remains, plates, vellum 1822 Parkinson (Rich.) Tour in America, and System of Agri- culture, 2 vol. calf extra 1805 Paris, Curiosités de, plates, 2 vol. Paris, 1719, &e. 11 vol. Paris. Dictionnaire Historique de la Ville de Paris, et de ses Environs, maps, 4 vol. Paris, 1779—Description Histo- rique de Paris, par Beguillet, many plates, 1b. 1779 5 vol. Paris, ou le Livre des Cent et un, 15 vol. (wants vol. 5) Bruvelles, 1831, &c. 26 vol. Parliamentary Debates. Grey, Debates, from 1667 to 1694, 10 vol. 17638, and 31 vol. of Debates, various Al vol. Paris, as it was and as it is, in Letters, 2 vol. !802—Pinkerton (J.) Recollections of Paris, 2 vol. 1806 4 vol. Parliamentary Debates. History and Proceedings of the Lords and Commons, from 1660 to 1742, 22 vol. 1742-4 Parliamentary or Constitutional History of England, and Index, 24 vol. old calf gilt 1761-2 Parnasso ITALiano, Ovvero Raccolta de Poeti Classici Ita- liani, d’Ogni Genere, d’'Ogni Eta, d’Ogni Metro e del piu Scelto tra gli Ottimi, 56 vol, wanting vol. 1 and 2— Seguito del Parnaso deg’ l'Italiani Viventi, 18 vol. with portraits and vignette engravings, 72 vol. uniform red morocco, gill leaves Venet. e Pisa, 1774-1800 ) Parnell (Sir H.) on Financial Reform, 1830, and on Paper . Money, 1827—Pursuit of Knowledge, portratts, 1880— Parry, Last Days of Lord Byron, portrait, 1825, &e. 10 vol. Parrhasiana, 2 vol. Amst. 1699—Poggiana, portrait, 2 vol. tb. 1720—Guy Patin, Lettres Choisies, 3 vol. 1691 7 vol. 2 Parry (H.) ae Lingue Britannice Rudimenta, calf gilt Oxonii, 1809 west Passage, plates, 6 vol. 1828-9 Partington (C. F.) British Cyclopcedia of Natural History, plates coloured, and numerous wood engravings, 3 vol. royal 8vo. 1885-7 . & e 219 “2 3975 Parsons (FATHER Ros.) R. DoLemMAn, CoNnFERENCE ABOUT THE NEXT SUCCESSION TO THE CROWN oF En- GLAND, with the genealogical Arbor, and a scarce por- trait of Father Parsons, by Valdor, inserted, VERY RARE, fine copy, red morocco, gilt leaves 1594 *..* Supposed to be written by Cardinal Allen, Sir T. Englefield and Father Parsons, the Jesuit. Zhe Printer was hung, drawn and quartered, and it was enacted by the 35th of Elizabeth, that whoever should have this book in the house, should be condemned as guilty of high treason. 976 Parsons (Rob.) Three Conversions of England, vol.3 1604 977 Parsons (Rob.) Leicester’s Commonwealth, and Leicester’s Ghost, fine portrait, by W. Marshall, red morocco, gilt leaves 1641 _ 3978 Parley (C. W.) on Military Policy, part 1, 1811,&c. 4 vol. | 39 79 Patarol (L.) Series August. Augustarum Gxosarum et Tyran- norum Ominum, figuris, calf gilt Venet. 1722 3980 Patrick (Dr. Symon) The Book of Psalms Paraphrased, 2 vol. old red morucco, gilt leaves 1680 3981 Paul (Father) Letters, portrait, 1693- _ Petrarch, View of Human Life, 1791—Quevedo, Visions, 1696 3 vol. a 3982 Pauw (M. de) Recherches sur les Americains, 3 vol. Berlin, ' 1770—Recherches sur les Egyptiens, 2 vol. Amst. 1773 — Poiret (Abbé) Voyage en Barbarié, 2 vol. Paris, 1789, &c. 9 vol. 3983 Pays-Bas. Delices des Pays-Bas, many plates, 3 vol. Bruss. 1711—Histoire des Pays-Bas, 1604 4 vol. 3984 Paysan (Le) Perverti, ou les Dangers de la Ville, 4 vol. calf gilt a la Haye, 1776 3985 Pearch (G.) Collection of Poems, 4 vol. calf gilt 1783 3986 Peckard (Dr. P.) Memoirs of the Life of Nicholas Ferrar, portr att, LARGE PAPER, calf gilt royal 8vo. Camb. 1790 3987 Peerage, British Compendium of, plates of arms, 3 vol. 1723 —English Compendium, plates, 3 vol. 1753—Pointer, Chronology, 8 vol. 1714, &e. 11 vol. 3988 Peerage. Nicolas (N. H.) Synopsis of the Peerage of England, 2 vol. vellum, gilt leaves, 1825—Annual Peerage, plates of arms, 2 vol. 1831—Debrett, Peerage, 2 vol. 1805 6 vol. 3989 Peerage. Lodge (E.) Peerage, 1832, 2 copies—Burke (J.) YN pts. | 4 ee en ee te en tee tee ee « ks Aa Sa Peerage and Baronetage, 1826 8 vol. 3990 Pegge (Sam.) Forme of Cury, a Roll of Ancient English Cookery, portrait 1780 3991 Pegge (Sam.) Anecdotes of the English Language, calf gilt 1803 3992 Peintres, Abregé de la Vie des plus Fameux, numerous por- traits, 4 vol. cf Paris, 1762 Mia (3993 4 \? | > 3994 ve < a / 8995 Tr 3996 { “A > | 8997 | /\47\ + | 4000 ao J \ 4001 <<. - | 4062 3 : 4\> | 4003 JF £ 4004 7 |~ | 4008 2|- 4009 vit 4010 4 aon 220 Pelet (Gen.) Memoires sur Ja Guerre de 1809 en Allemagne, 4 vol. : ! Paris, 1824 Pelloutier (S.) Histoire des Celtes et particulierement des Gaulois et des Germains, par M. de Chiniac, 9 vol. calf gilt ib. 1770 Penn (W.) Travails in Holland and Germany; Call to Chris- tendom; and Epistle to those who have received the Call of the Lord, in 1 vol. gilt leaves 1695 Pen Owen, 3 vol. 1822—Recollections of a Pbdebbrian, 3 vol. 1826 6 vol. Percy (Bp. Tho.) Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, pire 3 vol. calf gilt 1794 Perez ( Ant.) Relaciones, Paris, 1598—Peres, Obras y Rela- ciones, Geneva; 1631 2 vol. Perez (G. de Hita) Historia de los Vandos de los Zegries y Abencerrages Valeneia, 1695 Peron et Freycinet, Voyages de Decouvertes aux Terres Aus- trales, 4 vol. and folio atlas, 68 plates, some coloured Paris, 1824 Perry (J.) Account of the Stopping of Dagenham Breach, 1721—Account of the Frauds and Abuses at Dagenham Breach, and others, in 1 vol. 1717, &c. 2 vol. 2 Petavii Rationum Temporum lib., £. B. 1718—Potter (J-) Antiquities of Greece, 1697—Quevedo (F. de) Fortune in Wits, 1697 3 vol. Peter’s Letters to his Kinsfolk, portraits, 3 so Edinb. 1819 Petit, Jehan de Saintre Histoire et Plaisante Cronicque, 3 vol. Paris, 1724 5 Petitot (M.) Collection de Memoires relatifs a l’Histoire de France, 78 vol. half bound calf gilt tb. 1820-9 Petrarca (Il) Venet. 1610—Pescetti (Orl.) Proverbi Italiani, 7b. 1629—Vita dei Padre Paolo, 7b. 1677—Ruzante, Tutte Opere, 1584, &ce. 8 vol. Petrarca, 1803—Smith (C.) Beachy ‘Head, and other Poems, — 1807, and 12 Poetical 14 vol. Petrie (S.) Report of the Cricklade Caxe, the Proceedings in the Courts at Law, and before the Houses of Parliament, presentation copy, calf gilt 1785 Petrone, Satyricon, Lat. et Fran., 2 v8). 1709 — Tacite, C&uvres, par Amelot, 4 vol. 1716, &c. , 6 vol. Petty (W.) Constitution and Laws of — considered, 1701, &e. 17 vol. Amst. pee: ; | Ag ei ~ toe aan be a ‘eae art, 1 a a a es <= * 221 ty 4014 Philippart (J.) Northern nie tag maps and plans, 2 vol. 1813, &c. 12 vol. x 4015 Philippart (J.) Campaign in Germany and France, portrait, 2 vol. 1814 vA é |\4016 Phillipps (Sir Tho.) Catulegas Manuseriptorum in Bibliotheca publica apud Lille, et de la Ville de St. Omer, 2 vol. privately and only 100 copies printed, presentation copies Typis Medio-Montanis, 1828 4017 Phillips (Edw.) Theatrum Poetarum, Jirst edition, calf neat 1675 7\f \4018 Phillips (H.) Grandeur of the Law, or Account of the Nobility, &c. whose honour and estates have been augmented by the Practice of the Law 1684 ~ |4019 Phillips (W.) Elementary Introduction to Mineralogy, vellum, gilt leaves 1823 4020 Phillips (Commodore) Expedition to Botany Bay; Teneli (W.) Expedition to Botany Bay, 1789; Thompson (G.) Slavery and Famine Punishments, 1794: Palmer and Skirving, Sufferings, 1797, &c. in 1 vol. wncut, Isaac Reed’s copy, with his autograph 1789, &c. va re 4021 Philosophy of Nature, 2 vol. 1613-—Prose, by a Poet, 2 vol. 1824, &c. 15 vol. 4 | £\4022 Picard (L. B.) Le Gil Blas de Ja Revolation, 5 vol. Paris, 1824—Picard, Eugene et Guillaume, 4 vol. 7b. 1813, &c. 24 vol. % | 4028 Piccolomeni (Al.) L’ Amore Costante, Comedia, Venet. 1554— Pallavicino (F.) Opere Scelte, Villa Franca, 1673 2 vol. * |4024 Pictet (Adolphe) de l’Affinité des ae Celtiques avec le Sanscrit Paris, 1837 Bf |WF ra 4025 Pictorial, The, History of England, 4 ove: and Reign of George the Third, by Craik and Mac Farlane, 4 vol. numerous wood engravings, together 8 vol. imperial 8vo. 1838-44 “| é ‘4026 Picturesque Annual (Paris, by Mrs. Gore) fine plates 1842 4027 Pidgeon (Edw.) Fossil Remains of the Animal Kingdom, o plates 1830 & \4028 Pierii Valeriani (Jo.) de Litteratorum infelicitate lib. Duo, et Bellunensia Venet. 1620 > 14029 Pigott (Grenville) Manual of Scandinavian Mythology 1839 / |4030 Pilkington (J.) View of the Present State of a ee map and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1789 ~ \4031 Pills to Purge State Melancholy, 1715, &c. 4 vol. « |4032 Pindar (Peter) Works, 4 vol. calf gilt 1794 4033 Pindari Carmina et Fragmenta cum Lectionis varietate, et Adnotationibus, cura C. G. Heyne, 5 vol. FINE PAPER, calf gilt : Gotting@, 1798 , \4034 Pinkerton (John) Enquiry into the History of Scotland, pre- ceding the reign of Malcolm ITI, 2 vol. 1789 eee Sg a | 222 | 2| LZ 4035 Pinkerton (J.) Literary Correspondence, edited by Dawson 2! 2] 4036 | 22+ | 4037 iF , | 4038 ) i . : 2 win 4039 Para | 4040 | a : | 4041 Plautus, Comedies, translated by B. Thornton, 5 vol. half bound russia 1769 | Z | 4042 Plays. Six Old Plays, on which Shakspeare founded some of Va ee his, 2 vol. - 1779 ? 7 \f | 4048 Plays, Select, 3 vol. wn ifor m, v. y.—Plays, Collection of, 4 vol. ) panies UV. Ye ‘ 7 vol. yo 7 | 4044 Plinii Epistolarum, libri X, | LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves 1790 % |¢ | 4045 Pliny, Letters, translated by Melmoth, 2 vol. 1744—Polybius, Beto History of, map, 2 vol. 1698 ~ 4 vol. eee /4046 Plough (The) a Journal of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, . plates, 1846—Roberts (Mary) Sea Side Companion, or | — Marine Natural History, 1835 2 vol. St | 4047 Pluche (Abbé) History of the Heavens, plates, 2 vol. 1740— | The Philanthrope, 1797, &c. ° 6 vol. | AF * | 4047*Pluche, Nature Displayed, plates, 7 vol. ‘ 1750 Le | e Bey Plumtree (Anne) Narrative of a Residence in France, map, ) 3 vol. calf gilt 1810 | vA 4 4049 Plutarchi, ee et Cicsipnie Vite Parallelee, Gr. et Lat. ) cura P. Barton, | ots | LARGE PAPER, royal 8vo. Owonti, 1744 ) 4050 Plutarch, Lives, plates, 5 vol. 1683-6 ra ei a eee | 4051 Plutarch, Lives translated by Langhorne, 6 vol. ) ae bright calf gilt 1770 | |» | 4052 Poemata in Theatro Sheldoniano recitata, 2 vol. Owon. 1810, . | &c. 10 Hoke . s Rapin, Critical Works, 2 vol. 17 06—Rapin, Acta Regia, 4 vol. 1726 6 vol. Republique Francaise, Liste Generale des Individus Con- damnés, avec Supplements 1, 2 et 8, a la Liste des Emigrés, together 10 vol. Paris, 1794 Rasiel (H.) Histoire de Dom Inigo de Guipuscoa, 2 vol. La Haye, 1736—Roque (M. de la) Voyage dans la Palestine. plates, Amst. 1718, &c. 6 vol. Rawlinson (R.) English Topographer, alphabetically digested, plates of old seals (1720 Rawlinson (R.) English Topographer 1720 Rawlinson (R.) Method of Studying History, 2 vol. 1728 Ray (Jo.) Philosophical Letter, 1718—-Wisdom of God, 1692 —Discourses, 1693—Sylloge Stirpium, 1694, &c. 8 vol. Ray (J.) Travels, plates, 1673—Rauwolff (L.) Travels in the. East, 1705, &ce. 6 vol. Ray (J.) Collection of English Proverbs 1737 4305 4306 4307 4308 237 Raymond (J. G.) Life of Thomas Dermody, portrait, 2 vol. calf gilt 1806 Rebellion. Rae (P.) History of the Rebeliion, 1746—Mar- chant (J.) History of the Rebellion, 1746—Complete History of the late Rebellion, 1716 together 3 vol. Rebels no Saints, a Collection of Speeches, Private Passages, &c. of Persons lately Executed, frontispiece, calf neat 1661 Recueil des Pieces de Theatre par M* le Texier, 8 vol. . calf gilt 1785 Recueil de Pieces Diplomatiques relatives aux Affaires de la Hollande, etc. en 1830-32, 3 vol. 183-33—Memoires d’un Apothiciare sur la Guerre d' Espagne, 2 vol. 1828—St. Hi- laire, Souvenirs de la Vie Privee de Napoleon, 2 vol. 1838 7 vol. Refuges (Denis de) Treatise of the Court, by J. Reynolds, 1622 Rochefort (Counte de) Memoirs, 1696 2 vol. Regicides of Charles I, the Tryal of, portrait, calf gilt 1724 Reginald Dalton, 3 vol. Adinb. 1823—Rodolph of Hapsburg, 3 vol. 1834—Rothellan, 3 vol. 1824—Redmond the Rebel, 3 vol. 1819 : 12 vol. Regis (P. 8.) Systeme de Philosophie, 7 gol. Lyon, 1691, &e. 18 vol. Regnard, Ciuvres, avec des mel Daron Ge © ee: portrait, 4 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1789 | Regnard (J. F.) Ceuvres, portrait, ca alf extra, gilt leaves royal 8vo. Paris, 1790 Reid a) Two Voyages to New South Wales and Van Die- man’s Land 1822 Relandus (Adr.) de Religions Moniemmcdicn™ 1705—Spenceri, Dissertatio de Urim and Thummim, 1670—Smith, Syn- tagma Druidum, 1664—Seldeni Commentarii de Statu Religionis, 2 vo]. 1561 Remembrancer of Excellent Men, 1670—Life and Death of Lord William Russell, 1684—Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, 1677 — Walsingham’s Maxims, by Sir Walter Ralegh, 1628 —Ralegh, Aphorisms, 1661 5 vol. Rennell (T.) Remarks on Scepticism, 1823, Re. 34 vol. Renneville (Cons. de) L’Inquisition Francoise ou L’ Histoire de la Bastille, avec Supplement, plates, 5 vol. scarce Amst. 1719-24 Reynolds (G.) State of the Greatest King, viz. Solomon, and Treatise concerning Trying of Gold and Silver, 1721— Robinson (B.) Essay on Coin, Dublin, 1757 2 vol. Renouard (A. A.) Catalogue de la Bibliotheque d’un Amateur, 4 vol. Paris, 1819 4309 Repertorie du Théatre Francois, ou Recueil des Tragedies et Comedies restees au Theatre depuis Rotrou, par Petitot, * many plates, 23 vol. calf, marbled leaves Paris, 1803 i ey et 4\ 21> | p24 | 4\,- | er ye Pe a /\7a\- | x4 | 4310 238 Repertory of Arts and Manufactures, numerous plates, from the commencement, 16 vol. and Index; Second Series, vol. 1 to 19, halfaussia; and vol. 20 to 32, and Index, in boards; vol. 83 to 46, in numbers (wanting Nos. 210 and 255)—Repertory of Patent Inventions, No. 1 to 95, toge- ther 36 vol. half russia, 14 vol. boards, and 170 numbers 1794-1832 Repository of Fugitive Pieces, 4 vol. 1790—Readings in Sci- ence, 1834—Rymer (T.) Tragedies, 1678 6 vol. Repton (Hump.) Odd Whims, and Miscellanies, colowred plates, 2 vol. 4311 4312 LARGE PAPER, scarce, calf gilt royal 8vo. 1804 4313 Reresby (Sir John) Memoirs 1735, 4314 Respublica Varia, 52 vol. ‘ Elzevir, SC. Ue Ys Revolution de France, Histoire de in 19 vol. Paris, 1792-7 Reynier (Gen.) sur Egypte, map, russia, Paris, 1802— Rolli (P. A.) Rime, LARGE PAPER, 1717, &c. 6 vol. peyua cs (Fred.) Life and Times, written by Himself, portrait, 2 vol. 1826 Reynolds (Geo.) Upon the Government of the Church of En- gland, from the earliest to the present times, old red morocco, gilt leaves Reynolds (Jo.) The Flower of Fidelity, ca if gilt, 1654—Rey- nolds, God’s Revenge against Adultery, woodcuts, 1708— The Rebellion of Naples, or. the Tragedy of Massenello, 4315 4316 4317 4318 4319 1651 3 vol. 4320 Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Works, with Life by Malone, 3 vol. calf gilt Ato 4321 Rhythmso (de) Grecorum Liber Singularis, « calf gilt 1775 4322 Richarderie (B. de la) Bibliotheque Universelle des Voyages, 6 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1808 4323 Richardson (J.) on -the Literature of Eastern "Nations, Oxford, 1778 2 vol. 4324 Richardson (Samuel) Correspondence, portrait, 6 vol. 1804 QUARTO. OLD PLAYS (conTINveD.) 4825 Heywood (Tho.) A Challenge for Beautie, 1686—The English — Traveller, 1633, and the Royall King and Loyall Subject, 1637, all first editions, 3 vol. 1633-7 Heywood (Tt. The Foure Prentises of Londant russia, 1632 —Love’s Mistresse, or the Queene’s Masque, 1640—The 4326 Rape of Lucrece, a Tragedy, calf, 1638, and Woman Kilde — with Kindnesse, 1617 4 vol. "t ‘ 1743 | Richardson (J.) Remarks on Milton’s Paradise Lost, 1734— __ 239 . 4 OLp PLAYs (continued.) ‘ 4’| ¢ | 4827 Heywood (T.) Love’s Mistresse, or the Queene’s Masque, . 1640—Barten Holiday, The Marriages of the Arts, a Comedie, 1630, half bound 2 vol. : 4\« | 4328 Hemings (Wm.) The,Fatal Contract, a Tragedy, 1661—Barten 4 Holiday, The Marriages of the Arts, a Comedie, 1618— q Howe (Jas.) The Nuptialls of Peleus and Thetis, a Masque, ) &c. 1654, half calf 1618-61 ’ 3 ~ | 4329 Jonson (Ben.) Catiline, his Conspiracy, 1635—Kyd (Tho.) The Spanish Tragedy, or Hieronimo is Mad againe, 1633 —Lower (Sir W.) Horatius and Polyeuctes, Tragedies, 2 vol. 1655-6, half bound 4 vol. 4330 Kirk (J.) The Seven Champions of Christendome, first edition, 1638—Hen. Killigrew, The Conspiracy, a Tragedy, first edition, 1638 —Sir W. Lower, Horatius, first edition, 1656, half bound 3 vol. “ < 4331 Mountfort (Wm.) Henry ‘the Second, King of England, with the Death of Rosamond, a Tragedy, with a fine portrait of Fair Rosamond, fine impression, very scarce, half red morocco 1693 “4+ | 4332 May (Tho.) The Heire, a Comedy, first editian, 1622—The Old Couple, a Comedy, first edition, 1658—F. Meriton, Love and War, a Tragedy, 1658, and The Merrie Devil of Edmonton, 1631, half bound 4 vol. 4333 Middleton (T.) Michaelmas Terme, a Comedy, 1630—The Pheenix, calf, 1630—A Mad World my Masters, 1640— The Mayor of Quinborough, a Comedy, 1661, half bound 4 vol. 4334 Marlowe (Chr.) The Troublesome Reigne and Lamentable Death of Edward II, 1622—Jo. Marston, The Insatiate Countesse, a Tragedie, 1631—Jo. Mason, Mulleasses the Turke, a Tragedy, 1632, half bound : 8 vol. 4335 Massinger (Philip) Plays, wz. The Bondman, an Ancient . Storie, 16838—The Picture, wants title, 1630—The Rene- gado, a Tragie Comedie, 1630—The Fatall Dowrie, 1632 —The Maid of Honour, 1632—The Emperour of the East, 1632—The New Way to Pay Old Debts, a Comedie, stained, 1633—-The Grand “Duke of Florence, 1636—The Duke of Millaine, 1638—The Unnaturall Combat, a Tra- gedie, 1639, mostly ag st editions, but nes coptes half calf 10 vols. 4336 Nabbes (Tho.) iecoecethte! a Morall Maske FIRST EDITION, good copy, half calf 1637 4337 Nabbes (T.) Hannibal and Scipio, a Tragedy ; and Totenham Court, a Comedie, both first editions, 2 vol. hf. cf: 1637-8 4338 Nabbes (T.) The Sping’s Glory, a Maske; with sundry Poems, Epigrams, Elegies, and a Presentation intended for the Prince, half calf . ~ 1638 ‘“ a yaes Ay 4341 4346 4347 — 4350 Rion Pe © - 240 Ox.p Pays (continued) Nabbes (Tho.) The Bride, a Comedie; and The Unfortunate Mother, a Tragedy, both first editions, 2 x3 half calf 1640 Nevile (Rob.) The Poor Scholar, a Comedy, scarce half calf 1662 Parkin (Sir Tho.) The loa -Play, or Cornish- Hugg Wrestler, wood cut, 1727—-The Pope’s Farewell, or Queen Ann’s Dream, in Verse, n. d. 2 vol. Plaps (Wm.) Love in its Extasie; or the Litas Prerogative, 1649—Porter (T.) The Villain, a Tragedy, first edition, 1663—The Carnival, a Comedy, 1664, half calf 3 vol. Quarles (Fra.) The Shepheards Cre delivered in certain Eglogues, calf neat “ 1646 Rowley (Sam.) When You See Me You Know Me, very much crossed, 1665—The Noble Souldier; or a Contract Broken, Justly Revenged, a Tragedy, good COP Ys 1634 FIRST EDITIONS, half bound 2 vol. Rawlins (Tho.) The Rebellion, a Teancy, stained, 1640— Wm. Rowley, All’s Lost by Lust, first edition, 1633— T. Randolph, The Jealous Lovers, a oe first edition, 1632 3 vol. Randolph (Tho.) Asians or the Joviatt Philosopher, with the Conceited Pedlar, 16830—Ths Jealous Lovers, 1632— The Muse’s Looking-Glasse, 1638—Hey for Honesty, Down with Knavery, 1651 FIRST EDITIONS, 4 vol. half calf - 1630-51 Seneca, Tragedye of Agamemnon, translated by Jo. Studley, black letter, wants title—The Sophister, a Comedy, 1639— Sir R. Staypylton Slighted Maid, a Comedy—The Step- Mother, a Tragedy, 2 vol. 1663-4, &c. . calf and half calf 5 vol. Shirley (H.) The Martyr’d Souldier, 1638—The Sophister, a Comedy, 1639-—L. Sharpe, The Noble Stranger, 1640— The Abdicated Prince, 1690—S. Sheppard, The Committee Man Curried, 1647, half bound 4 vol. Shirley (James) The Giwieeier: 1637—-The Humorous Cour- . tier, a Comedy. 1640—The Duke’s Mistris, 1638—Maid’s Revenge, 1639—The Constant Maid, 1640—The Arcadia, © a Pastorall, 1640—Love will finde out the Way, 1661— The Grateful Servant, n. d. mostly first editions, ha if calf 8 vol Shakespeare (Wm.) The Merry Wives of Wied ; with the Humours of Falstaffe, 16830—The most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedie of Ramieo and Juliet, newly corrected, 1637 - - 2 vol. ee Se ee ee ee ee ee ee ' 4 3 : | 4353 4354 4355 | 4856 . 4357 | 4858 4359 4360 4361 4362 ) 4363 241 Oxp PLAys (continued) Shakespeare (W.) The most excellent Historie of the Merchant of Venice, poor copy, 1637—The First and Second Parts of the Troublesome Raigne of King John, 1622 2 vol. Shakespeare (W.) Pericles, Prince of Tyre, 16835—The His- torie of Henry the Fourth, with the Humorous Conceits of Sir John Falstaffe, 1639, half calf 2 vol. Shakespeare (W.) Wittie and Pleasant Comedie, called the Taming of the Shrew, second edition, 1631—The Tragoedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice, fourth edit. 1655 2 vol. Shakespeare (W.) The Historie of Henry the Fourth, with the Humorous Conceits of Sir John Falstaffe, 1632— Macbeth, a Tragedy, with all the alterations, and new Songs, 1674, half calf - 1632-74 Tatham (J.) The Distracted State, a Tragedy, and Scots Fig- garies, or a Knot of Knaves, first editions, 2 vol. calf and half calf; 1651-52— Wilkins (Geo.) The Miseries of Inforst Marriage, 1637 - 3 vol. Tomkis, Albumazar, a Comedy, 1634—-A Townsend, Tempe Restored, a Masque, cropped, 1631—Geo. Wilkins, The Miseries of Inforst Marriage, 1611, halfbound 38 vol. Tourneur (Cyril) The Atheists, a Tragedy, good copy, 1611— The Revengers, a Tragedie, cropped, 1607, hf. bd. 2 vol. Wycherley, The Country Wife, a Comedy old ved morocco, richly tooled, gilt leaves 1675 Costlie Whore, a Comical Historie, 1633—Cupid’s Whirligig, as it hath bene acted by the Children of the Revels, 1616 —Charles I, basely Butchered, a Tragedie, 1649 3 vol. Pleasant Conceited Comedy, How to choose a good Wife from a Bad, 1621—Returne from Pernassus, or the Scourge of Simony, Comedy, 1606—Sir Gyles Goosecappe, a Comedie, Jirst edition, 1606 3 vol. Plays (Fifteen Old) The Loyal Lovers, a Tragi-Comedy, 1652, &c., by Ravenscroft, Shadwell, Smith, Southerne, Trapp, Webester, &c., 9 vol., half bound calif 1652-1709 Plays (Old) The Battle of Alcazar, made up with MS., 1594 —Merry Milkmaids, wants title, 1616—English-men for my Money, wants title, 1626; and Wily Beguiled, a wittie Comedy, wants tetle, 1613—Notes on the Empress of Morocco, 1674, &c. 7 vol. Theatre (British) consisting of 63 Plays, published between 1655 and 1718—viz. Banks, Earl of Essex, 1704; Seven by C. Cibter, 1695-1700; Calisto, by J. Crowne, 1675; Eight by T. Durfey, 3 vol. 1686-94; Two by Hon. E. Howard, 1668-71 ; Six by Motteux, 1697-1707 ; Two by - Pix, 1696-1707; K. Philip’s Pompey, a Tragedy, 1663 ; Four by E. Settle, 1697-1707; Two by N. Tate, 1680-1685, and Twenty-seven Miscellaneous, many first editions, in 25 vols. uniformly half bound calf 1655-1713 II Ea ene eee Peek ae ar = 242 ) Otp Piays (continued) 2 /o + | 4864 Tueatrre (Britisn). A large Collection of the Comedies, . { Tragedies, &c. of the most celebrated Authors, from 1654 54 to 1719—viz. Bankes, Three Plays, 1682-96 ; C. Cibber, Nine in 2 vol. 1696-1707; Congreve, Five, 1694-1707; Crowne, Four, 1677-88; Sir W. Davenant, Three, 1663-9; | Tho. Durfey, Five, 1677-99; Farquhar, Three, 1704, &c.; Higgons, &c., Five, 1702-4; Hopkins, Three, 1695-97 ; Lord Lansdowne, Four, 1654-98; Nat. Lee, Five, 1678-97 ; | . Maidwell, &e. Six. 1680-97 ; Otway, Nine in 2 vol. 1677- . 1719; N. Rowe, Five, 1702-6; E. Settle, Six, 1673-91 ; T. Shadwell, Seventeen in 3 vol. 1670-93 ; Tuke, Three, Coe | 1671-78; Vanburgh, Four, 1705-9; Villiers Duke of ) Buckingham, Two, 1687-1705; and Wycherley, Four, | 1672-1702; together 103 Plays, many of them first editions, in 24 vol. | . uniformly half bound in blue morocco 1654-1719 | “7 | 4365 Pliny, Letters, by the Earl of Orrery, 2 vol. 1751 > | 2k . 4866 Plutarchi Vite, Gr. et Lat., cura Aug. Bryani, 5 vol. 1729. . 4367 Plutarchi Moralia, Gr. et te cura Wyttenbachii, vol. 1 to 5 oF is | a russia Oxon. 1795 ‘| 7 + | 4868 Plutarque, les Vies des eens Mpskress traduites par Dacier, i 8 vol. Paris, 1721 vie ; + | 4869 Plymouth. A Continuation of the True Narration of the te ae most observable Passages in and about Plymouth, January Soe 1643, with Sir Rich. Green’s vile Letter, russia extra 1644 Jf/ + 48370 Pocock (R.) History of Gravesend and Milton in Kent, plates ee calf gilt 1797 le | 4871 Pocock (W. F.) a Designs fi Rustic Cottages, oy Villas, &c. 33 plates, 1807—Dearn, Sketches in Archi- ) tecture for Cottages and Rural Dwellings, 20 plates, Tee 2 yoluingl. op 1807 ee Lf _. | 4872 Porticau Tracts (Thirty-three) Iter Boreale, or the March . of Geo. Monck from Scotland to London, in Verse, 1660; | The Progress of Honesty, 1681; Collections of Poems, Songs, Catches, &c. against Popery, 3 parts, 1689; Wit Poa and Loyalty Revived, a Collection of Satyrs, 1682—Col- ) lection of Poems on Affairs of State, 4 parts, 1689; The ) Pleasures of Love and Marriage, a Poem, 1691; The ) Bacchanalian Sessions, 1693; a Poesie for Lovers, or the pay Terrestrial Venus Unmaskt, 1694; Loyal and Impartial ee ate nr tS SON Satyrist, 1694, &c. in 1 vol. 1660, &e. /| Jk # | 4873 Pole (Sir W.) Collections towards a Description of the County ) Be of Devon, calf gilt 1791 (@* | 4874 Polwhele (R.) History of Cornwall, many plates, 8 yol. ro 4 ) russia extra Falmouth, 1803 ) i * rea a 4385 4386 4387 4388 * 4389 > 4390 a 4391 4392 4393 4394 4395 4396 4397 4398 243 Polyeenus, Stratagems of War, translated by Shepherd calf gilt Pomponii Mele Cosmographia (a few leaves wormed ) Venet. 1478 Pontey (W.) The Rural Improver, plates 1822 Pontoppidan (E.) Danske Atlas, eller Konge-Riget Danne- mark, maps and plates, 8 vol. Kiobenaun, 1763 Pope (Al.) Works, 3 vol. not vert, 1717-35—Letters, 1737 4 vol. Porta (J. B.) de furtivis Titel notis, libri IV, russia, 1591 Porter (Sir R. K.) Narrative of the Ssiiidicle in Russia in 1812, maps and portrait 1813 1793 2 Portlock (Nath.) Voyage round the World, map and plates, the Natural History coloured LARGE PAPER, calf gilt - . 1789 Portraits des Grands Hommes, Femmes Illustres, et Sujets Memorables, de France, 190 finely coloured portraits and _ plates, 2 vol. blue morocco extra, g.l. royal 4to, Paris 17— Portraits (Collection complete des) de MM. les Deputes‘a I’ Assemblée Nationale de 1789, upwards of 740 portraits, 4 vol., 3 vol. calf, gilt leaves, and 1 in boards Puris,n.d. Portraits of the most Eminent Painters and other Famous Artists, 102 portraits, calf 1739 Postelli (G.) Linguarum duodecim characteribus differentium alphabetum et alia Opuscula old gréen morocco, gilt leaves Paris, 1568 Pote (Jos.) History and Antiquities of Windsor Castle, and the Order of the Garter, plates Eton, 1749 Pottinger (Hen.) Travels in Beloochistan and Scinde, map and late 1816 Pouqueville (F. C.) Fravélé in the Morea and Albania, maps and plates, calf gilt 1813 Poulson (G.) Beverlac, or Antiquities ‘and History of the Town of Beverley, plates and pedigrees, 2 vol. 1829 Preadamite, sive Exercitatio in cap. v. Epistole ad Romanos 1655 Preston (The History of ) in Lancashire, plates 1822 Prestet (J.) Elemens des Mathematiques, 2 vol. Paris, 1794 —Philosophia Schole Burgundiz, 2 vol. 7b. 1684 4 vol. Prestet (J.) Elemens des Mathematiques, 2 vol. Paris, 1794 Prestwich (J.) Respublica, or Display of the Honors, Cere- monies and Ensigns of the Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell, plate, calf gilt 1787 Prevost (A. F.) Histoire Generale des Voyages par Mer et par Terre, numerous maps & plates, 19 vol. Paris, 1746-70 Principi, Lettere di, o a Principi, 3 vol. Venet. 1581 Prinsep (H. T.) Narrative of Political and Miltary Transactions in India, map, plans and plates 1820 ALA wa 7) SNAZE i See OP 7 8 ae 244 Propertii Elegia, cum notis Broukhusii Amst. £702 Pryce (Dr. Wm.) Cornish Grammar, and Cornish and English Vocabulary, calf gilt Sherborne, 1790 Prynne (Wm.) Histrio-Mastix, the Player’s Scourge, or the Actor’s Tragzedie, 2 parts in 1 vol. scarce 1633 Prynne (W.) Signal Loyalty and Devotion of God’s True Saints and Pious Christians towards their Kings, 2 parts 1660 Prynne (W.) Five Tracts, viz. The Church of England’s Old Antithesis to New Arminianisme, 1629—God no Imposture nor Deluder, 1629—Brief Survey and Censure of Mr. Cozens, his Couzening Devotions, 1628, &c. in I vol. vellum 1628, &c. Pryone (W.) New Discovery of the Prelates’ Tyranny in their late Prosecutions of Wm. Prynne, Dr. J. Bastwick and H. Burton, portrait, calf 1641 Prynne (W.) Sovraigne Power of Parliaments and Kingdomes, 4 parts, and Appendix with Rome’s Masterpiece, in 1 vol. calf gilt 1643 Puffendorf (S.) Droit de la Nature et des Gens, traduit par Barbeyrac, portrait, 2 vol. Amst. 1734 Pulci (Luigi) Il Morgante Maggiore, portrait Firenze, 1732 Pye (H. J.) Commentary on the Poetics of Aristotle calf gilt 1792 Pyne (W.H.) History or tHE Royat ReEsipENcEs, of Windsor Castle, St. James’s Palace, Hampton Court, &c., 100 beautiful coloured engravings, fue-similes of the ori- ginal drawings, 8 vol. LARGE PAPER, half bound in green morocco, g. l. 1819 Quatremere de Quincy, Istoria della Vita e delle Opere di Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino di Fr. Longhena, 24 plates vellum, uncut Milano, 1829 Quevedo (Don Francisco) Obras, 3 vol. Bruselas, 1660 Quevedo (Fr.) Obras en Prosa, parte primera, Madrid, 1664, &C. 5 vol. Quinte Curce de la Vie et des Actions d’Alexandre le Grand, traduct. de Vaugelas et du Ryer old red morocco, gilt leaves Paris, 1664 Quinctiliani Institutio Oratorie, et Declamationes, cura Bur- manni, 4 vol. nda Bs 1728 Quintilien, Institution de !’Orateur, par Gedoyn Paris, 1718 Racine (Jean) Ciuvres, portrait and plates, 3 vol. old calf gilt tb. 1760 Radcliffe (Ann) Journey through Holland and Germany, and Tour to the Lakes 1795 Rademaker (A.) Kabinet van Nederlandsche en Kleefsehe Outheden, 300 plates; very sk impressions, 6 vol. old calf gilt Amst. 1727-32 245 FOLIO. 4419 Boiyanthes Floribus novissimis sparse libri xx. F’rancof. 1621 4420 Polybii Historia, Gr. et Lat. cum Commentariis Is. Casauboni bright old calf gilt Paris, 1609 4421 Polydori Vergilii Anglicee Historize libri XXvI. russia Basile, 1534 4422 Pommeraye (F.) Histoire des Archevesques de Rouen, jine portrait of F’. de Harlay Rouen, 1667 4423 Pomreit. Gli Ornati delle Pareti ed i Pavimenti delle Stanze dell’ Antica Pompei, upwards of 100 jine plates, 2 vol. in 1, title and one leaf inlaid LARGE PAPER, russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves atlas folio. Napoli, 1796 4424 Pontipeii Illustrated with Picturesque Views by Cooke, from drawings by Col. Cockburn, and descriptions by Donaldson, numerous fine plates, 2 vol. in 1, half russia, g. 1. 1827 4425 Pope (A.) Works and Letters, portrait, 4 vol. LARGE PAPER, good copy 1717-41 4426 Porcacchi(Tho.) Descrittione del l’Isole pin Famose del Mondo, . Jine cop Venet. 1590 4427 Bivbenatt (Angelo) Della Felicita di Padova, aKep and plate Padova, 1623 4428 Portrarts. Collectio Effigium Regum Europe cum multis aliis, a collection of about 1100 portraits of eminent foreigners, ‘by Moncornet, Nanteuil, $c. many jine impressions, in 1 vol. 4429 Portraits of Kings, Queens, and various Illustrious Personages, 33 plates, by Valck, P. a Gunst, Audran, ge. n. d. 4430 Portraits of the Earls of Holland, Dukes and Emperors of Germany, &c. 57 plates, no title page n. d. 4431 Possevini (Dr. Ant.) Gonzaga calci operis addita Genealogia totius Familie, portraits Jine copy, vellum Mantuce, 1617 4432 Post and Nople, Begraffenisse van syne Hoogheyt Frederick Henrick Prince van Orange, &c. 30 jine plates LARGE PAPER, vellum Amst. 1651 a 4433 Pozzo (And.) Rules and Examples of Perspective, English and Latin, plates by Sturt 1707 4434 Pozzuoli. Antichita di Pozzuoli, 68 jine plates by F’. la Marra 1768 4435 Poggii Florentini, Biers s. 1. 1513 4436 Pratilli (F. M.) della Via Appia, maps Napoli, 1745 4437 Price (Wm.) Journal of the British Embassy to Persia, and Antiquities of Persepolis, many plates, vol. | obl. fol. 1825 4438 Prideaux (H.) Old and New Testament Connected, 2 vol. 1717 4439 Prince (John) The Worthies of Devon, arms | 1701 2 By | SS \ ee : a ' | 246 4440 Prints (A Collection of French) consisting of 93 portraits and 4449 Prior (Matt.) Poems miscellaneous finely coloured plates,in | vol. Paris, 1773 4441 Prints. Small Figures, 18 plates, by C. White, J. Kent, &., in | vol. half russia : 1782 royal folio, 1718 _ 4443 Priorato (Count G.) History of France, by the Earl of Mon- mouth and Wm. Brent, calf gilt 1676 _ 4444 Priorato (Gualdo) Teatre del Belgio, con le Piante delle Citta, e Fortezzi Principali, portraits, and above 120 plans calf gilt -Vienna, 1673 4445 Provis (W. A.) Historical and Descriptive Account of the Menai Suspension Bridge, from the designs of Thos. Tel- ford, 17 plates on india paper atlas folio, 1828 4446 Pryce (W.) Treatise on Minerals and Mining, portrait & ioe PUSSIA 1778 | 4447 Prynne (W.) Breviate of the Life a Archbishop Laud, ep 644 trait, calf gilt 4448 Prynne (W.) Canterburies Doom, or History of the Tryal and Execution of Archbishop Laud, portraits 1646 4449 PRYNNE(W.) RECORDS, or an Exact CHRONOLOGICAL ena Se ae VINDICATION, and Historical Demonstration of our British, Roman, Saxon, Danish, Norman, English Kings’ Supreme Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, over all Spiritual as well as Temporal Affairs, within England, Scotland, Ire- land, &c. 2 frontispieces, fine impressions, 3 vol. jine copy, russia extra ’ 1665-70 *,* Mr. Dent’s copy of the 3 vol. only sold for £126.; Mr. R. : Willett’s copy, 3 vol. on large paper, £152. 5s., and Sir M. M. Sykes’ copy, 3 vol. small paper, £117. 12s. The following Note in the neat autograph of the late Hon. Tuos. GRENVILLE will be found in vol. 1. Vol. 1, 1666. 26 leaves not paged, and a plate, precede the Text, which begins at p. 1, in which the Author says he intends to preface it with ‘‘a large Introduction not yet completed, swelling to an entire Tome.” ‘The vol. ends at p- 1251, with a subjoined leaf of errata, but it is observable that this first vol. begins p. 2 with book 1, the first book being reserved for the large Introduction not yet completed. Vol. 2, 1665. 12 leaves not paged, and the same plate re- peated, precede the Text of p. 1 to p. 1070, then follows Appendix, p. 1 to p. 29, after which come 71 leaves not paged, of 15 Indexes, to which is subjoined a leaf of errata. Vol. 3, 1670. 46 leaves not paged precede the Text, which goes on from p. 1, including Appendix, to p. 1307, on the reverse of which is an Address to the Reader. The above description of three volumes is always consi- dered as complete 247 4450 PRYNNE (W.) RECORDS. Vot. 4. It has no date or title page, this being intended for the Intro- duction; the first leaf with signature B is not paged, but, under a woodcut ornament, begins thus: An Exact Chro- nological History and Full Display of Popes Intolerable Usurpations upon the antient just Rights, Liberties of the Kings, Kingdoms, Clergy, Nobility, Commons of England and Ireland. The Text begins thus: The design of this Chronological History and Display, &c. &c. The second leaf of this vol. is paged p. 1, and on the middle of p. 2 begins “ The First Book;” and that this was intended as such is evident, because on reference to the first vol. it will be found that p. 2 of vol. 1 has book 11, which shews that book 1. was reserved for this Introduction. The paging of this vol. goes on regularly to p. 400 inclusive, which page of book 1. chap. v. ends with ‘‘ Coepiscopi tui et Coma.” Oldys, in his British Librarian, p. 225 and p. 227, speaking of Prynne’s 80 pages of Introduction to his second vol., says ‘It was to supply the want of this larger Introduction, comprised in the first book of the first tome not yet com- pleted, and over-large, to be annexed to this, as he at first designed;” but neither Oldys, nor any other Bibliographer, seems to have known that the 400 pages of this larger Intro- duction had been actually printed.—Z. G. The paging runs regularly from p. | to 128, and from 128 to 143 the pages are falsely numbered, being only 6, but the text is complete ; the false numbering goes on regularly from p. 143 to the end. This Note is also in the autograph of the Hon. Theos. Grenville. * * THIS REMARKABLE VOLUME MAY BE CONSIDERED UNIQUE. The late Hon Mr. Grenville states “ Z have never seen it elsewhere, nor have I found it anywhere described. It is evidently that Introduction described by Prynne, as previously noticed in vol. 1, p. 1 and 2. 4451 Ptolemzi Geographie lib. viir. Gr. et Lat. edidit Bertius aeced. Tabula Peutingeriana, et Ortelii Geographic Veteris Tabule, maps, 2 vol. in 1 BEST EDITION, jine COPY, old red morocco, gilt leaves Amst. E Izev 1619 4452 Puffendorfii (S.) Commentarius de Rebus Suecis, portrait Ultrajecti, 1686 4453 Puffendorf (S.) de Rebus a Carolo’ Gustavo Sueciz Rege Gestis, portraits, vellum Norimb. 1696 4454 Puffendorf (S.) Law of Nature and eer with notes by Barbeyrac, good copy 1729 —+—- . 248 a te | 4455 Puffendorfii, Commentarii de Rebus Carolo Gustavo Suecias | Rege Gestis 114 jine plates, vellum Holmic, n. d. LAs ie 3 | 4456 Purchas (Sam.) His Pilgrimage, or Relations of the World, and the Religions observed in all Ages 1614 SANFL © | 4457 Purcuas (S.) His PILnGRIMES AND PILGRIMAGE, or Travels and Relations of the World, and the Religions observed in | : all Ages, &c. maps and plates, 5 vol. RARE, Old calf gilt 1625- 26 | PL | 4458 Puteani (E.) Alberti Pii, Arehidueis Austriz, Pompa Funebris, 64 plates by Jac. Francquart, comprising numerous portraits oblong folio. Bruxelle, 1683 bor y, 4459 Quinetiliani Graterie Institutiones, cum notis Capperonnerii Paris, 1725 | ae + 4460 Quinti Curtii de Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni libri ; Jine copy, russia, gilt leaves Mediolani, Ant. Zarotus, 1481 4s + . 4461 Raccolta di Stampe rappresentanti I Quadri piu Scelti de Signori i Marchesi Gerini, tom. 1, 80 jine plates, brilliant impressions, . inlaid in atlas folio, unbound Firenze, 1759, : // + . 4462 Raii (Jo.) Historia Plantarum, 2 vol. 1686-8 v2, | *463 Raleigh (Sir W.) History of the World, with his Life and 4 Tryal, portrait and maps, old calf gilt 1687 * + 4464 Raleigh (Sir W.) Life and Tryal by Wm. Oldys, portrait n.d. 4465 Raffaelle’s Heads from the Fresco Pictures in the Vatican, by | Duppa, portrait, and 12 plates, jine impressions 1802 2% “& ~ 4466 Raphael. Recueil de Tetes Choisies de Personnages IIlustres | dans les Lettres et dans les Armes, 180 plates by P. Fidanza 2 vol. eee LARGE PAPER, calf gilt Rome, 1785 2/\- , | 4467 Raruaet, LoGeie DEL VATICAN, 18 large plates by Jo. Ottaviana and Volpato, beautifnlly coloured, with the Cupid . and Psyche, after Raphael by N. Dorigny, 10 plates, beauti- fully coloured russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves, size 4 ft. high by 1 ft. 8 | ) wide elephant folio. Roma, nd, \ ‘aoeh bo /2- % 4468 Raphael, Cartoons, sive Pinacotheca Hamptoniana, 8 jine large . aus plates by Nic. Dorigny, very Jine impressions | | | half bound, uncut n. a. -Z 4% | + | 4469 Raphaelis Imagines Veteris ac Novi Testamenti, cura J. de Rubeis, 53 plates, vellum oblong folio, 1674 ae 4 | ~ | 4470 Raphaelis Sacre Historiz Acta in Vaticanis Xystis, ad Picture BoM Miraculum expressa, 52 plates ftome, 1649 — —Sr. de St. Martin, les Travaux d’Ulysse, 58 plates by T. Van Tuden, Paris, 1640, 2 vol. in 1 . 1640-9 are 7 | 4471 Rapin, History of England, with the Continuation by N. ) Tindal, with the Summary and Medallic History, maps, ) . portraits, monuments, plans and medals, by Vertue, Houbra- > | | ken, gc. 5 vol. x a + ) BEST EDITION, jine copy, old calf gilt 1743-7 Be | 7 |- 4472 Rapin, Acta Regia, old calf gilt 1782 a . a oa fe |72} . | 4478 q a | » | 4479 Z| G\ + | 4480 eh Seat (4481 /7 + | 4482 4 y\ = | + | 4488 | - £2. - | 4484 S|. | 4485 . | 4486 me iy | . 4487 Bcd | - | saee JG + 4489 are 214 4450 4| A - | 4491 e 64. | see 7 - 4498 e - | i y\ss4 249 Rapin. The Maps, Plans, and Views of Scottish Castles and Towns to Rapin’s History of England, wncut 1743 Reason, an Essay on, calf gilt 1735 Records. Calendarium Rotulorum patentium in Turri Londi- nensis, PUSSUA 1802 Records. Taxatio Ecclesiastica Anglie et Walliz auctoritate P. Nicolai LV. russia 1802 Records. Rotulorum Originalium Abbreviatio temp. Hen. III. ad Edw. III, 2 vol. 1805-16 Records. Galendarium Inguisitionum “post mortem temp. Henr. III. ad Henr. IV, 3 vol. 1806 Records. Testa de Neville temp. Henr. III. et Edw. I.—No- narum [nquisitiones temp. Edw. III, 2 vol. 1807 Records. Valor Ecclesiasticus temp. Henr. VIII, 4 vol. 1810-21 Records. Inquisitionum Retornatarum Abbreviatio, 3 vol. 1811-16 Records. Placitorum Abbreviatio temp. Ric. I. ad Edw. III, » vol. 1811-18 Records. Rotuli Hundredorum temp. Henr. III. et Edw. I, 2 vol. 1812-18 Records. Rotuli Parliamentoram temp. Edw. I. ad Henr. VI, 6 vol. n. d. Records. Reports from the Select Committee on the Records TUSSI 1800 Records. Reports of the Select Committee, 1800—Commis- sions concerning the Public Records, 1800-7— Record Commission of Scotland, 1806-8 3 vol. Records. General Report of the Commissioners of the Public Records 1837 Repovte (P. J.) Les LILIACEES, 300 beautifully coloured plates, 5 vol. with a quantity in sheets, Paris, 1802-16, being parts of the 6th, 7th and 8th volumes, coloured plates Registrum Honoris de Richmond exhibens Terrarum et Vil- larum que quondam fuerunt Edwini Comitis Richmond- shire Descriptionem, map and plates 1722 ~Reinagle (G. P.) Illustrations of the Battle of Navarin, 13 plates on india paper 1828 Reyneri (C.) Disceptatio Historica de Antiquitate Ordinis Congregat. Monachorum Nigrorum 8S. Benedicti in Regno Anglie, scarce Duaci, 1626 Reynolds’ (Jo.) Triumphs of God's Revenge against Murther 1640 Ribadeneyra (P. de) Obras Madrid, 1605 Ribadeneyra (P. de) Flos Sanctorum de las Vidas de los Santos Barcelona, 1704 atibarlencira (P.) Nouvelles Fleurs de la Vie des Saints, plates, 2 vol. old red morocco, sides tooled, gilt leaves Paris, 1763-5 K K phe Pao y\- Aas fi + | 7 \> oan wae a5 ee bs A\7\- 7 \4 PALS \o ' ; (4510 4511 } 4512 250 EIGHTEENTH DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. Richardson, Account of Statues,. Bas-reliefs and Pictures in Italy, &c. 1722 Richardson, Two Discourses on Painting, and Essay on the Theory of Painting, 2 vol. 1715-19—Smith, Art of Painting in Oyl, 1723 Richelieu (Duc de) Memoires pour servir a |’ Histoire des Cours de Louis XIV, XV, et XVI, portratt und plates, 7 vol. calf gilt 1790 Richelieu (Duc de) Vie Privée contenant ses Amours et In- trigues, 3 vol. calf gilt . Paris, 1791 Richmond. Rarities of Richmond, being exact Descriptions of the Royal Hermitage and Merlin’s Cave, with his Life and Prophecies, plates 1736 Ricketts (Major) Narrative of the Ashantee War, plates 1831. Rigging, the Art of, many plates 1806 Ripperda (Duke de) Memoirs, 1740—Royal Mistresses of. France, 1695—Memoirs of the Duke de la Rochefoucault, 1683, &c. 8 vol. Risdon (T,) Survey of the County of Devon, 2 vol. very scarce, calf 1714 Risso (A.) Histoire Naturelle des principales Productions de l'Europe Meridionale, plates, 5 vol. white vellum, gilt leaves Paris, 1826 Ritson (Jos.) Ancient Songs, from King Henry the Third to the Revolution, vignettes, green morocco, g. l. 1790" Ritson (J.) Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry, cuts, green morocco, gilt leaves 1791 Ritson (J.) Select Collection of English ‘Songs, <3 musick, plates, 3 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves 1783 Ritson (J.) Ancient English Metrical Romances, 8 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves 1802 Ritson (J.) Robin Hood, a Collection of all the Ancient Poems, Songs and Ballads now extant, with Anecdotes of his Life, woodcuts, 2 vol. scarce, green morocco, g. l. 1795 Ritson (J.) Bibliographia Poetica, a Catalogue of English Poets of the XII. to XVI. Centuries, green morocco, g. 1. 1802 Ritson (J.) Scotish Songs, with musick, 2 vol. green morocco, gilt leaves . 1794. *,* The above 7 lots are in green morocco, bué not uniform. q - i, j 251 Ritson (J.) Poems on Interesting Events in the Reign of King Edward III, written in 1352, er Laur. Minot, with Glos- sary, calf extra 1795 Roberte the Devyll, a Metrical ORES plates, russia 1798 Roberts (Geo.) Voyages, a series of Uncommon Events, map and plates 1726 Roberts (G.) Voyages and Uncommon Events, 1716—Relation of an Earthquake at Lima, plates, 1748, &c. 9 vol. Roberts (W. H.) Corrections of Passages of the Old Testa- ment, calf gilt 1794 Robertson (A.) Topographical Survey of the Great Road to Bath and Bristol, map and plates, 2 vol. vellum, g. 1. 1792 Robertson (Dav.) Tour through the Isle of Man, plates, LARGE PAPER, calf gilt imp. 8vo. 1794 Robertson (W.) Phrase Book, Latinand English Camb. 1681 Robison (J.) Proofs of a Conspiracy, 1797—Ross (A.) View of all Religions, portrait, 1655—Rycaut (P.) State of the Ottoman Empire, plates, 1686 5 vol. 2 Robson (Jos.) Residence in Hudson’s Bay, charts, 1752— Rennell (Major) Marches of the British Armies in India, s 1792, &e. 7 vol. Rocher (G. du) Histoire Veritable des temps Fabuleux, 4 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1776 Rochester (Earl of) and Dr. Wild, Rome Rhymed to Death, a Collection of Poems, frontispiece, 2 parts . 1683 Rochester, History and Antiquities of, plates Rochester, 1772 Roget (Dr. P. M.) Animal and Vegetable Physiology, nu- merous wood engravings, 2 vol. Pickering, 1834 ’ Rogers (Sam.) Pleasures of Memory, plates, Italy and Human Life, 3 vol. 1802-23—Sargent, Mine, plates, green mo- rocco, 1796, and 2 Poetical 6 vol. Rogers (S.) Italy, a Poem, many tolatess fine: impressions 1830 Rogers (W.) Voyage round the World, maps 1712 Rollin (Chas.) Antient History, perras map and plates, 6 vol. 1828 Rollin, Histoire EModerne des Chinois, ae Japonnois, &c. pour servir de Suite a |’ Histoire Ancienne, de M. Rollin, 27 vol. (wanting vol. 20) ; Paris, 1754 Rolls (Sam.) London’s Resurrection, or the Rebuilding of London encouraged, directed and improved, calf'neat 1668 Rolt (Rich.) Representation of the Conduct of the Powers of Europe in the late War, 4 vol. 1749 Roma. Descrizione di Roma Antica, pigtes 2 vol. Roma, 1708—Regno d'Italia di E. ppreao: plates, Venet. 1680, &e. 12 vol. Rome in the Nineteenth Century, i in a series of Letters, plates, 3 vol. white vellum, gilt back and gilt leaves Edinb. 1820 4528 ere Seok A eat bbl te 252 4536 Roscommon (Earl of) Poeins, LARGE PAPER; 1717-—The Rolliad, 1795 ms 2 vol. 4587 Rosse (A.) Poetical Honey gathered out of the Weeds of Par- nassus, 1646—-G. Sandys, Christ’s Passion; a Tragedy, 1640— Ruggle, Ignoramus; Comeedia, portrait, russia, 1630, &c. 6 vol. 4538 Rousseau (J. J.) Emile, ou de Education, 8 voli Amei. 1777; &e. 9 vol. 4589 Rousseau (J. J.) Confessioris et Reveries, 2 vol. Geneve, 1782 4540 Rovigo (Duc de) Memoires pour servir a l’Histoiré de YEm- pereur Napoleon, 8 vol. Bruxelles, 1828 4541 Rowe (N.) Dramatic Works, 2 vol. 1738; &c. 5 vol. 4542 Royal Kalendar, with Companion, plates of arms, 18 vol. be- tween 1820 and 1844, red morocco 1820-44 4543 Rudder (S.) History and Antiquities of Gloucester; plates; russia Cirencester, 1781 4544 Rudder (S.) History of Cireneester, plates, calf gilt ib. 1800 4545 Ruddiman (T.) on the Competition for the Crown of Scotland, betwixt Robert Bruce and John Baliol, 1748, and latro- duction to Anderson’s Diplomata Scotia, 1778, calf gilt 2 vol. 4546 Rudge Oe History of the County of Gloueester 2 vol. calf gilt Gloucester, 1803 4547 Ruggle (M.) Ignoramus, Comedia, Srontispiece, 1881, &e. 5 vol. 4548 Rushworth, Historical Collections abridged, 6 vol. 1703 4549 Russell (Lady) Life and Letters, 1819—Royal Memoirs of the French Revolution, 1823—Rennell; Conversion of Count Struensee, 1824—Holy Life of M. de Renty, 1684, &eo. 6 vol. 4550 Russell (W.) History of Modern Europe, 5 vol. 1794 4551 Russia, Present State of, maps, 2 vol. 1723 4552 Russie. Memoires Secretes sur la Russie, 8 ay Amst. 1800— Histoire ou Anecdotes sur la Revolution de Russie en 1762, port. 1797—Histoire de l’Empire de Russie, 2 vol. 1759, ealf gilt 6 vol. 4553 Rutter (J.) The Shepheard’s Holy day, a Pastoral Tragi- Comedie, calf neat 1635 4554 Ryves, Mercurius Rusticus, or the Countties ‘Complaint against the Sectaries, engraved title 1646 4555 Sacre Scripture, Summa Totius, Devdin! Dei Verba, sive Precepta, ruled with red lines, old morocco, richly tooled, g.l. Paris, R. Stephani, 1642 4556 Saint-Pierre. Illustrations from Paul et Virginie, par Tony Johannot, 31 india proofs before the letters, 3 numbers 4557 Saint-Sauveur (A. G.) Voyage Historique Litteraire et Pitto-_ resque dans les Isles du Levant, map and plates, 3 vol. calf gilt é “ Paris, 1802 4558 Salisbury. History and Antiquities of the Cathedral of Salis- bury and the Abbey Church of Bath, and Vindication of the King’s Sovereign Rights over Ecclesiastical Bodies, 3 | 253 . 2 vol. in ab: 1719 nee {EN A PER SSI apo Z 4559 Sallustii Opera Omnia excusa ad edit. Cortii, cum edit. Haver- ; | . campi, collatam cura H. Homeri, q | LARGE PAPER, calf 1789 < - 4560 Sallust, Works, translated by Murphy 1807 4 x | , 4561 Sambuci (Jo.) Emblemata cum aliquot Nummis Antiquis, nw- . merous wood engravings, calf Antv. 1564 x. | 4562 Salmon (J,) Historical Description of Ancient and Modern | | Rome, plates, 2 vol. calf gilt ‘ 1800 . Z 4568 Salmon (N.) Stemmata Latinitatis, calf gilt 1796 | 4964 Salmon (N.) Antiquities of Surrey, 1736—State of the Uni- a eee versities, 1744 2 vol. _ 4565 Salmon (Thos.) Historical Account of St. George for Eng- land, and Original of the Order of the Garter, portrait and plates, YUussia 1704 | 4566 Salmon (W.) Polygraphice, or Various Arts, plates, 1685— ; a Oe ; Simpson; System of Cookery, n. d. &e. 4 vol. _ 4567 Sammarthani (Sceevole) Opera, with the authograph of Wil- liam Camden, the antiquary Paris, 1616 4568 Sanderi (Nic.) de Origine ac Progressu Schismatis Anglicani, | liter, cura E. Rishtoni, ca/f gilt Colon. Agrip. 1585 _ 4569 Sanderson (P.) Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Durham, calf neat 1767 4570 Sannazario (Giac.) Arcadia, Venet. 1625—Satire di Salvator ; ~ Rosa, n. d.Squitinio della Republica di Venetia, Genova, 1653—Torriano, Select Italian Proverbs, 1649, &c. 8 vol. 4571 Sanson (M.) State of Persia. 1695—St. Olon, State of Mo- rocco, plates; 1695—Russian Imposter, or History of Muscovy, 1677, &c. 6 vol. 4572 Santa Cruz (M. de) Floresta Espanola, Bruxelles, 1614— | | Tragi-comedico Celestina, Amberes, 1599, and 6 aaeee, ? : 8 vo 3 4 ra 4573 Savage (W.) History of Germany, portraits, 1702—Sousa, ¥ | History of Portugal, by Steven, 1698, &c. 6 vol. “ | + | 4574 Savary (M.) Letters on Egypt, maps and plates, 2 vol. 1788 wv. 4575 Seaward (Sir Ed.) Narrative of his Shipwreck, 3 vol. 1831— Sandoval, a Spanish Tale, 3 vol. 1826—Spectre of the g | Forest, 3 vol. 1824 9 vol. 4 Z.., | 4576 Secret History of the Calve’s-Head Club, , frontisptece, calf gilt 1707 Sf. | 4577 Secrets concernant les Arts et Metiers, 4 vols Paris, 1790, &c. 8 vol. ys 4578 Seeley (J. B.) Wonders of Elora, in the East Indies, plates, 1824—Letters from Scandinavia, 2 vol. 1796 3 vol. ~ nice nate ee EE SORA te tS Yt TO ERATE bs So \ y pe ETRE oo ed TS 24 | 4597 4598 1. oer id 1g -O 254 Selden (Jo.) Table Talk, 1696—Swinburne (T.) on the Na- ture and Place of Hell, 1714—Serre (P. de la) Mirrour which Flatters Not, plates, 1639 : 5 vol. Selden (Jo.) Priviledges of the Baronage of England, eee 164 Senecz Opera, 3 vol. : Elzevir, 1640 Senecze Opera Omznia, 4 vol. : Elizevir, 1659 Seneca, Morals by. L’Estrange, 1699, &c.—Translations of Classics 8 vol. Sevigné (Madame de) Recueil des Lettres, 8 vol. Paris, 1775 Seward (Anna) Anecdotes of Distinguished Persons, portraits and plates, 5 vol. ‘ 1795-7 Seward (A.) Life of Dr. Darwin 1804 Scarron (Mr.) Comical Works, by Brown, Savage, &e. por- trait, 2 vol. good copy 1759 Scarron (M. de) CEuvres avec | Histoire de sa Vie, portrait. and. frontispiece, 7 vol. calf gilt Amst. 1752 Scarron, Comical Works, by Tom Browne, &c. 1712—Jos. Sterling, Poetical Works, Dub. 1734—St. Marthes, Peeda- trophia, by Tytler, 1797 3 vol. Scheffer (J.) History of Lapland, map and plates | 1704 Schiller (Fr.) History of the Thirty Years’ War in Germany, by Blaquiere, portrait, dlustrated with 77 portraits by G. Dank, Moncornet, P. de Jode, §c. some English, and many fine impressions, 2 vol. russia extra, marbled leaves ~ 1799 Schleusneri (J. F.) Lexicon Greco-Latinum i in Novum Testa- mentum, 2 vol. russia Lipsia, 1792 Scina (Dom.) Prospetto della Storia Litteraria, di Sicilia nel Secolo Decimottavo, 3 vol. - Palermo, 1824. Scoresby (W.) Voyage to Greenland, maps and plates, Edinb. 1823, &e. 4 vol. Scotland. Account of the Affairs of Scotland from the Death of James V, 1705—Birch (T.) Inquiry concerning Charles I, 1747 2 vol. Scotland. Anderson (Jas.) Essay, shewing that the Crown and Kingdom of Scotland is Imperial and Independent, Edin. 1705—Nicolson (W.) Scottish Historical Library, 1702 eas : ; 2 vol. QUARTO. Radier (Dr. du) Parone Illustre, ou L’ Histoire Abregée des Souverains, des Princes, des Prélats, des Ministres, etc. Célebres en Europe dans le XV° Siécle compris jusqu’ a present, numerous portraits, very fine impressions, 6 yol. calf, gilt leaves Paris, 1755-65 Raffles (Tho. Stamford) History of Java, maps and many — plates, some coloured, 2 vol. : 1817 ~ | 4599 ~ | 4600 4601 4602 6 | 4603 | 4604 4605 Z| 4606 4G07 a 3 4608 é| 4609 4610 4611 4612 4613 4614 4615 4616 4617 4619 4620 4621 J 4622 255 Ranzovii (H.) Hypotyposis Arcium, Palatiorum Pyramidum, etc. plates, Francof. 1592, &c. 2 vol. Rapin, Histoire d’ Angleterre, portraits and plates, 10 vol. a la Haye, 1727 Rastall (Ww. D.) History and Antiquities of the Town and Church of Southwell, plates, calf gilt 1787 Raynal (G. T.) Histoire des Establissemens et du Commerce des Europeans dans les deux Indes, 4 vol. and atlas Geneve, 1780 ‘Reboulet, Histoire du Regne de Louis XIV. 3 vol. l Avignon, 1744 Recupero (Gius.) Storia Naturale e Generale dell’ Etna, plates, 2 vol. Catania, 1815 Rees (Asr.) CycLopm#p1a, or UnrversaL DICTIONARY oF ARTS AND SCIENCES, AND LITERATURE, por traits, maps and numerous plates, 39 vol. LARGE PAPER, fine set, russia extra, joints, and g. 1. 1819 Regicides. Exact and Impartial Account of their Trial 1660 Regulations and Instructions relating to Service at Sea, russia, gut leaves, 1734—Proceedings of the Fleet under Earl Howe, in 1794, &c. 3 vol. Reichelti (J.) Exercitatio de Amuletis,. 8 plates Argent, 1676 Remigio (M.) Orationi Militari da tutti Historici Greci e Latini, Venet. 1560 -— Oratione Civili e Criminali, Venet. 1561 2 vol. Rennell (Jas.) Memoir of a Map of Hindostan, maps 1788 Rennell (J.) Geographical System of Herodotus, portrait and maps, calf, russia back 1800 Repton (H.) Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, colowred plates, green morocco, gilt leaves roy. 4to. 1808 Reynard the Fox, the Most Delectable History of, and the Shifts of Reynardine, wood engravings, black letter, 2 vol. in 1 Reynolds (Thos.) Itinerary of Antoninus relating to Britain, maps Cambridge, 1799 Ricauti (T. J.) Rustic Architecture, illustrated by 42 plates 1840 Ricauti (T. J.) Sketches for Rustic Work, 18 plates 1842 Richelet (P.) Dictionnaire Francois Geneve, 1710 Riley (Jas.) Loss of the American Brig Commerce, in August 1815, with an Account of Tombuctoo and Wassanah, map, calf extra, marbled leaves 1817 Ridpath (Geo.) Border.—History of England and Scotland1776 Risso et Poiteau, Histoire Naturelle des Orangers, 109 plates, finely coloured roy. 4to. Paris, 1818 Roberts (P.) Chronicle of the Kings of Great Britain, trans- lated from the Welsh of Tysilio, with Notes 1811 1684-1701 yp i 4632 4633 4634 4635 4636 4637 4638 4639 256 3 Robertson (Wm.) History of Scotland during the Reigns of Q. Mary and King James VI, 2 vol. calf gilt 1759 Robertson (W.) History of the Reign of Charles V, 3 vol. old calf gilt 1769 Robertson (W.) History of Ameriea, 3 vol. calf gilt 1777 Robertson (W.) Proceedings relating to the Peerage of Scot- land, from 1707 to 1788, eal gilt Edinburgh, 1790 Robertson (W.) Historical Disqnisition on India, maps, calf gilt 1791 Robertson (W.) oe to many ‘Records of Charters granted by the Sovereigns of Scotland, between 1309 and 1413, plates, calf gilt Edinb. 1798 Robertson (W.) Account of the Life and Writings of, calf gilt 1801 Robson (G, F.) Picturesque Views of English Cities, edited by J. Britton, fine plates, half morocco 1828 Rochefoucault Laincourt (Duke of ) Travels through the United States and Upper Canada, 1795-97, maps, 2 vol. calf gilt 1799 Robinson (Jo.) Letter to Sir Jo. Sinclair, 1794—View of the Agriculture of Buckingham and Middlesex, 1794 Rotxiiw (C.) Giuvres, viz.—Histoire Ancienne, 6 vol.— Histoire Romaine depuis la Foundation de Rome jusqu’ a la Bataille d’Actium, par Crevier, 8 vol. et de la maniere d’Etudier les Belles Lettres, 2 vol. portrait and maps, together 16 vol, LARGE PAPER, fine copy, calf extra, gilt leaves Paris, 1740 Rolt (Rich.) Memors of the Life of John Lindesey, Earl of Crawford, and Lindesey, portratt and plans, = old calf gilt, marbled leaves 1753 Romances. L’Histoire des deux Nobles et Maddie Cheva- liers, Valentin et Orson, Rowen, n. d.—Les Quatre Fils Aymon, Duc de D’Ordonne, c'est ascavoir, Regnaut, Alard, Guichard, et Richard avee leur Cousin Mangis, woodcuts, — Rouen, n. d.—La Conqueste du Grand Roy Charlemaigne des Espaignes avec les Faicts, Gestes des Douze Pers de France et du Grand Firebras, Rouen, n. d.—L’ Histoire et tres vaillant Roy Alexandre le Grand, Rowen, n.d. et la Terrible et Merveilleuse Vie de Robert le Diable, wood- cut, 5 vol. in 1, very scarce, calf gilt Rouen, n. d. Roscoe (W.) Life of Lorenzo De Medici, portrait, 2 vol. russia Liverpool, 1795 | Roscoe (W.) Life and Pontes of Leo the Tenth, portrait, 4 vol. calf gilt tb. 1805 Rose (Geo.) Observations on the Histo vianl Work of C. J. Fox, with the Enterprize of the Ear] of Argyle, in 1685, by Sir Pat. Hume, russia extra 1809 Rosini (J.) Antiquitates Romane, plates, Amst. 1685, &c. 5 vol. | ~ 257 | 4649 Ross (Al.) Religions du Monde, plates Amst. 1666 bn | 4641 Ross (Capt. John) Voyage to Baffin’s Bay for the Discovery of . a North-West Passage, 32 coloured plates and charts 1819 Af ~ | 4642 Ross (Sir John) Narrative of a Second Voyage in Search of a . Lm North-West Passage, and the Appendix, portrait, map oan and numerous plates, some coloured, 2 vol. | LARGE PAPER royal 4to. 1835 x + 4648 Rossi (Dom. de) Gemme Antiche Figurate colle sposizioni di tgs P. A. Maffeo, 202 plates, vol. 3 and 4 ftoma, 1708 42- .~ 4644 Rouse (James) Beauties and Antiquities of the County of Sussex, 149 lithographs, coloured and finished in the style of the original drawings, with the Descriptions in 8vo. | / ) 3 vol. uncut. 1825 4 . ae 4645 Rousseau (J. J.) CEuvres diverses, 2 vol. 1728 a Se 4646 Roux (Pol.) Crustacés de la Mediterranée et de son Littoral, . . 44 finely coli.ured plates Paris, 1828 JL of 4647 Rowland (Hem.) Antiquities, Natural and Historical, of the — Isle of Anglesey, map and plates 1766 _, 4648 Royaumont (Sr. de) l’Histoire du Vieux et Nouyeau Testament, numerous plates, ruled with red lines - old red morocco extra, gilt leaves Paris, 1674 4649 Russell (Dr. Alex.) Natural History of Aleppo, by Dr. P. | Russell, many plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1794 4650 Russell (Lord John) Memoirs of the Affairs of Europe, from the Peace of Utrecht 1824 4651 Rutter (Jo.) Delineations of Fonthill and its Abbey, 28 plates, ; india proofs and etchings | | LARGE PAPER, half morocco, uncut 1823 » 4652 Saavedra (Diego de) Idea de un Principe Politico Christiano, _ plates of emblems Amberes, 1655 4653 Saavedra (D. de) Idea de un eer another edition, plates of emblems Valencia, 1664 4654 Saavedra (D.) y A. Nunez, Corona Gothica Castellana y Eee Austriaca, 3 vol. Madrid, 1670-8 . 4655 Sadler (Sir Ralph) State Papers and Letters, edited by Arthur . Clifford, with notes by Sir Walter Scott, "3 vol. . LARGE PAPER, russia extra, gilt leaves Edinb. 1809 4656 Sale (G.) ‘The Koran, translated with notes 1734 4657 Sallustii Opera, cum notis Wasse Cantab. 1710 4658 Sallust, Works of, translated by Gordon 1744 4659 Sallust, Works, frapslated with notes by H. Steuart, one : 2 yol..calf gilt 1806 4660 Salop, Selection of Antiquities in the County of, many oa LARGE PAPER 1824 4661. Salt (Hen. ).Voyage to Abyssinia, and Travels into the Interior «of that Country, in 1809-10, maps and plates 1814 4662 Salvini (A. M.) Discorsi Accademici, 2 vol.; Prose Toscane, together 3 vol. Fir enze, 1695-1715 LL . oS enslai etait | 4663 4664 A665 | 4666 4667 4668 ~~ 4669 4670 4671 —~ 4672 4673 4674 4675 4676 4677 4678 4679 » 4680 4681 4682 258 Salvini (Ant.) Sonetti, portrait Firenze, 1728 Sanchez (A.) Dictionario de Vocablos Castellanos, aplicados a la propriedad Latina Salamanca, 1587 Sandwich (Earl of) Voyage round the Mediterranean in 1738 and 1739, with Life by Jo. Cooke, portrait and plates, calf gilt ~ 1799 Sarmazarii (J.) Poewaten portrait, Palate 1719—Sanaz- zaro (J.) Opere Volgari, Padova, 1723—Sardi, Historia Ferraresi, Ferrara, 1646 8 vol. Sansovino (F.) del Governo di diversi Regni, Venet. 1607— Sansovino della Origine et de Fatti delle Famiglie illustri, Venet. 1582—Sarayna, ee de Veronese, Verona, 1542 3 vol. Sarum. Expositio Hymnorum, secundum usum Sarum, et Expositio Sequentiarum secundum usum Sarum, 2 vol. RARE, fine copies, without place or date; Catho cum Commentatione, n. d.; Doctrinale Parabolarum Alani, cum Glossa, Davent. 1494; Theodolus cum Commento, n. d.—5 vol. in 1; fine copies in the original binding 1494 Salisbury. Description of the Cathedral Church, plates 1774 Sauer (M.) Account of a Geographical and Astronomical Expedition to the Northern parts of Russia, plates, calf gilt Saunderson (N.) Elements of Algebra, portratt, 2 vol. Camb. 1740 Saunders (Geo.) Treatise on Theatres, plates, calf gilt 1790. Saussure (H. B. de) Voyages dans les Alpes, maps and plates, 4 vol., white vellum, gilt leaves Neufchatel, 1796-1804 Saxe (Comte de) Mes Reveries, avec sa Vie par l’ Abbé Pérau, plans and coloured plates, 2 vol. : Amst. 1757 St. John’s Observations on the Land Revenue of the Crown 1787 Scammozzi (V.) Mirror of Architecture, portran and plates, 1676, &e. 4 vol. Sceaux Gothiques, recueil des Sceaux du Moyen Age, plates, calf git Paris, 1779 Scheffer (M.) Histoire de la Txpane: map and plates ib. 1678 Scheuzeri (J. J.) Itineraria per Helvetize Alpinas Regiones, many plates, 4 vol. in 2 Lug. B.1723 Schmitdtmeyer (P.) Travels into Chile over the. Andes in 1820-21, 30 plates, some colored » 1824 © Schoefferi (Petri) Syria, Palestina, Arabia, &c. colowred maps Argent. 1582 Scholtz (Chr.) Grammatica /Egyptiaca, cura Woide, et la Croze, Lexicon Agyptiaco-Latinum, curis Scholtz et Woide, 2 vol in 1, calfneat © Oxonit, 1775-8 259 FOLIO. 4683 Ribier (Guil.) Lettres et Memoires d’Estat sous Francois I, Henry II. et Frangois II, 2 vol. Paris, 1677 4684 Ricii (P.) Ars Cabilistica, recondite Theologie Scriptorum Basil, 1587 4685 Richardson (Geo.) New Vitruvius Britannicus, 142 plates from . original drawings, 2 vol. in 1, calf, marbled leaves 1802-8 4686 Richardson (John) Dictionary, Persian, Arabic and English, 2 vol. calf 1800 4687 Richelieu (Card. du) Hist@pe de son Ministere, portrait 1649 4688 Richelieu (Card. Duke of) History of France under his Ad- ministration, portrait by Faithorne, fine impression 1657 . 4689 Ritterhusii (N.) Genealogie Imperatorum, Regum, Ducum, ) etc. Orbis Christiani, deductz ab anno 1400 ad 1664 Tubinge, 1664 2 /é ~ | 4690 Roberts (David) Picturesque Sketches in Spain in 1832-3, 4 26 jine tinted lithographs a half bound in green morocco, uncut 1837 g A 4 4691 Roberts (Lewes) Merchant’s Mapp of Commerce, jine portrait :. by Glover 1638 my 7) 7|. ) 4692 Rolt (Mr.) Lives of the Principal Reformers, Englishmen and zs Foreigners, 21 jine portraits by Houston, calf gilt 1759 2. 42 £4693 Rossi (Dom. de) Racolta di Statue Antiche e Moderne, 163 jine a . plates, vellum ~ Roma, 1704 4694 Rossini (L.) VEDUTE DELL’ Anricuira RoMANE, 101 Jine plates, Views of the Antiquities and Buildings of Rome, very Jine t impressions half bound in vellum oblong atlas folio. Roma, 1823 4695 Rossini (L.) Le Awnticnita pE1 ConTorni pi Roma, ossia le piu rinomate Citta del Lazio, 73 plates, very jine _ impressions half bound in vellum - oblong atlas folio. ib. 1826. - | 4696 Ronsard (P. de) Ciuvres, Revues par Gallaud Paris, 1609 , 4697 Rowlandson, Gainsborough, Gilpin, &c. Figures and Land- scapes, 29 plates, calf - 1787, &c. 4698 Roxburgh (W.) Plants of the Coast of Coromandel, 200 co- loured plates, 2 vol. half russia, uncut imperial folio, 1795 4699 Roy (Wm.) Military Antiquities of the Romans in AES = hd = ol jine plates Jine copy, russia 1793 _.| 4700 Royaumont, History of the Old- and New Testament by R. Blome, 240 plates LARGE PAPER, blue morocco, gilt leaves 1701 » | 4701 Royaumont, History of the Old and New Testament by Blome, numerous plates 1705 -| 4702 Rubei (Hier.) Historia, vellum Venet. 1589 a 4a | /a\ « en 4 cat Bevis Bag 2 “a 2. ©, “a - ees cae | ae ae <-| 43 | + 4703 — 4704 4705 4706 4707 4708 | 4709 4710 4711 4712 4718 4714 4719 4720 260 Rubeis ( Dom. de) Romane Magnitudinis Moan 138 plates, calf gilt oblong folio. a 16 i BX: \ Rubeis (Jac. de) Effigies, Nomina et Cognomina S. Alexandri Papse VII. et R. R. Cardinaliudi nune Beer gee 55 portraits, fine impressions, old calf gilt ib. 1688 Rudder (S.) New History of Gloucester; map ard numerous lates fine copy, bright old calf gilt Cirencester, 1779 Rushworth (Jo.) Historical Collections of Private Passages of State, Law, &e. disposed in Annals from 1618 to 1648; with Tryal of the Earl of MUN Og: portraits and plates, 8 vol. good copy 1659-1700 Rycaut Sek ) History of the Turkish Empire from 1628 to 1677 1680 Rycaut (P.) Lives of the Popes, portrait 1685 Rye House Plot, True Account of the Horrid Conspiracy against Charles II. and James II, calf gilt 1685 Ryley (W.) Pleadings in Parliament temp. Edw. I. and II, 1661 Rymeri Fa:pera, Conventiones, Litter et Acta Publica inter Reges Angliz et alios Imperatores, cum Supplemento San- dersoni, 20 vol. with the Emendations t#serted old calf gilt a 1727-35 Rymsdyk (J. et A. Van) Museum Britannieum, or Exhibition of the Antiquities and Natural Curiosities of the British Museum, many plates ; | 1778 Sacheverell (H.) Tryal, calf, gilt leaves 17106 Sadeleri (Jo. et Raphaelis) Monutierita Sanctioris Philosophie 30 plates, Vite Patrum Eremicolarum, 28 plates ; Oraculum Anachoreticum, 26 plates; Tropheeum Vite Solitariee, 26 plates, et A. Collardi Vite Foeminaraum Anachoritarum, cura C. Kiliani, 25 plates-—together 135 Sine plates, mounted in 1 vol. old calf gilt 1594 Sage (Le) Historical, Geographical and Genealogi¢al Atlas 1801 Saint Gexars et Maistre Andry de la Vigne, Le Vergier d’ Honneur, de |’Enterprise et Voyage de Naples, ensemble : plusieurs autres choses, wood Bie ggecet gothic letter, fine copy mp Paris, J. Petit, n. d. Salmon (N.) History and Antiquities of a 460 pages, all published | jine copy, russia extra tee Salmon (N.) Modern History, or the Present State of all. Nations, maps and plates, 3 vol. jine copy, ealf gilt | 1744-6 Salmon (N.) English Herbal, or History of Plahts, numerous wood engravings sees aE) Salt (Hen.) Views in St. Helena, the Cape, India, Ceylon, Abyssinia and Egypt, 24 er colewred Btiri ‘ half bound _ 3809 * ng | 4722 | 4728 4494 4725 4726 «A727 261 Sallustio, la Conjuracion de Catalina y la Guerra de Jugurta, Lat. et Espanol, translated by Don Gabriel, Infante of Spain, plates, very jine impressions jine copy, red morocco extra, gilt leaves Madrid, Ibarra, 1772 Sammes (A.) Antiquities of Ancient Britain, plates, vol. 1, all published, calf gilt 1676 Sanchez (Tho.) Disputationes de Sancto Matrimonii Sacra- mento, 3 vol. in 1, oaken cover Antu. 1626 Sandby (P.) Collection of 150 Select Views in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, 150 plates, very fine impressions, 2 vol. calf gilt 1783 Sanderi (Ant.) Chorographia sacra Brabantize, many portraits and plates Bruzelle, 1659 Sanderi (A.) Chorographia Sacra Brabantia, numerous sine plates, 3 vol. Hage Com. 1726 Sanderson (W.) History of the Lives and Reigns of Mary Queen of Scotland, and of James VI, portraits calf gilt 1656 4727* Sanderson (W.). Another copy, wanting the portraits 1656 4728 4729 4730 A731 4732 4733 4734 4735 4736 Sanderson (W.) Graphice, the Use of the Pen and Pencil, or Art of Painting, 4 portraits by Faithorne and Hollar, and one plate, jine impressions, bright calf gilt 1658 Sanderson (W.) Compleat History of the Life and Raigne of King Charles from his Cradle to his Grave, jine portrait by Faithorne, old calf 1658 Sandford (Fr.) History of the Coronation of James II, many plates, coloured LARGE PAPER, cal/ : 1687 Sandford (F.). Another copy 1687 Sandford (F.) Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England, continued by Stebbing, plates BEST EDITION 1707 Sandovel (P. de) Historia de la Vida y Hechos del Emperador Carlos V, 2 vol. Pamplona, 1684 Sandrart (Joachim Von) Tetitsche Academie, der edlin Bau- Bild-und Mahleren Kunste, numerous portraits and plates, A vol. russia Nurenb. 1675 Sandrart (J. de) Academia Nobilissime: Artis Pictorize, nume- rous portraits and plates Norimb. 1683 Sandys, Travels, or History and Description of the Turkish Empire, the Holy Land, &c. plates _ 1673 | 4737 San Marco. Delle Antiche Statue Greche e Romane della Libreria di San Marco di Vinezia, parte prima, 50 fine plates Venet. 1740 4738 Santos (F. de los) Description del Monasterio de S. Lorenzo el Real del Escorial, portrait and plates calf gilt ‘ Madrid, 1657 ar eka, 262 JP. 4 ~ 4789 Savile (H.) Scriptorum Rerum Anglicarum post Bedam ex vet. Codicibus MSS. BEST EDITION, russia Francof. 1601 7 & + 4740 Sarpi (Fra-Paolo) Histoire du Concile de Trente, par Le Courayer, portrait, 2 vol. | LARGE PAPER, neat old calf gilt 1736 / // . A741 Saunders (R.)Physiognomie and Chiromancie, with the Subject of Dreams made Plain, portrait and wood engravings fine copy, pale russia, gilt leaves 1671 vin 4742 Saurez (Fr.) Tractatus de Legibus ac Deo Legislatore 1679 BC ae, eae 4743 Sazerac et Engelmann, Lettres sur la Suisse, accompagnées des Vues dessinées d’apres Nature, et Lithographiees par M. Villeneuve, with about 100 fine lithographs FINE PAPER, half russia, gilt leaves Paris, 1823-4 |, | 47a Scaligeri (Jos.) de Emendatione Temporum Opus Franc. 15938 yy. 4745 Scamozzi (V.) Les Cing Ordres d’Architecture, plates | Paris, 1685 SF vs 4746 Scapule Lexicon Greco-Latinum Lond. 1652 LI ZN b ee ee ae Ren ae Tec Te Tee iS) Ss NINETEENTH DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT “4 +« 4747 Scotland. Anderson (Jas.) Present State of the Hebrides, 1785—Lettice (J.) Tour through Scotland, 1794— Murray, Guide to the Beauties of Scotland, 2 vol. 1799-1803 together 4 vol. ZZ. ~ 4748 Scotland. Apologetical Relation of the Sufferings of the Faithfull Ministers, &c. of the Church of Scotland since Augt. 1660, scarce, calf neat 1665 f° ra 4749 Scotland. Enumeration of the Inhabitants of Scotland, in | 1801, 1811, 1821, ved morocco, gilt leaves royal 8vo. Glasgow, 1823 ce Z£ 4750 Scotland. Gazetteer of Scotland, 1806—Gibson (J,) History of Glasgow, russia, gilt leaves, Glasg. 1777—Martin (M. ) Description of the Western Islands of Scotland, 1703 together 3 vol. 4/4751 Scotland. Goodall (Walter) Introduction to the History and Antiquities of Scotland, 1769—Selkirk (Earl of) Obser- eee | vations on the Highlands of Scotland, 1805—Buchanan (J. L.) Travels in the Hebrides, 1798, calf gilt . together 3 vol. 263 Scotland. History of the late Rebellion, 1747—Historical Account of the British Regiments, particularly of the Scotch Brigade, 1795 2 vol. ed 4753 Scotland. Johnson (Dr. S.) Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, 1775—Hooke (Col.) Secret History of his . Negociations in favour of the Pretender, 1760 2 vol. eae G 4754 Scotland. Heron (Rob.) Journey through the Western Coun- ties of Scotland, 2 vol. Perth, 1793—Letters from Edin- burgh on the Diversions and Customs of the Scotch Nation, 1776 together 3 vol. “4 + 4755 Scotland. Letters from a Goitleman? in the North of Scotland, ; . with an Account of the Customs, &c. of the Highlanders, plates, 2 vol. 1759 ef 4756 Scotland. Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland, . 2 vol. 1815—Critical Examination of Dr. Macculloch on : ) the Highlands, 1825—Black’s Picturesque Tourist, 1844 ae ee oe 7 ~ Oe Fath Lae ce + Sp ee ee 7 2 Pn ee or ae pe ‘ le —,. ) together 4 vol. | 4757 Scotland. Scott (Sir J.) The Staggering State of the Scots Statesmen, 1754—-Mackenzie (Sir G.) Antiquity of the | Royal Line of Scotland, 1685—Lockhart, Memoirs of the Bee Affairs of Scotland, 1714 together 3 vol. + 4758 Scots Acts. The Laws and Acts of Parliament made by King el James I. and his royal Successors, 3 vol. very scarce, red morocco, gilt leaves Edinb. 1682-5 va oh. 4759 Scots Worthies, Lives and Characters of, Hdinb. 1796— : | Skinner, Life of General Monk, portrait, 1724—Smith, Narrative of the Life of Major André, portrait, 1808 — | | Stackhouse, Memoirs of Bishop Atterbury, portrait, 1727 4-vol. _ 4760 Scott (Geo.) Select Remains of Jo. Ray, and Life of Dr. Wm. | Derham, portrait, calf gilt 1760 4761 Scott (Jo.) Poetical Works, portrait and plates ) THICK PAPER, calf extra, marbled leaves 1782 4762 Scott (Sir W.) Waverley, 3; Tales of my Landlord, three | series, 12; Antiquary, 3; "Guy Mannering, 3; Rob Roy, = 3; the Abbot, 3; the Monastery, 8; Quintin ae 3; St. Ronan’s Well, 3; Ivanhoe, 3; Kenilworth, 3; ES) of the Peak, 4; the Pirate, 3; Woodstock, 3; Chronicles of the Canongate, 3; Anne of Geierstein, 3; together 58 vol. half bound in calf 1817-29 f+ 4768 Scott (Sir W.) Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, 3 vol. calf gilt Kelso, 1802 74 \~ | 4764 Scott “(Sir W.) Lay of the Last Minstrell, and Ballads and Lyrical Pieces, 2 vol. Edinb. 1806 va ve 4765 Scott (Sir W.) Tales of my Landlord, fourth series, 4 vol. Edinb. 1832 4 | ZO. ~ | 4766 Scott (Sir W.) Poetical eee A with notes, plates after Turner 12 vol. ib. 1833-4 7 | 4! > oe ee ae ee SO ITE 4783 Shakespeare (W.) Poems and Life, portrait, 2 vol. _ 4784 Shakespeare Illustrated by an assemblage of 158 portraits and 264 4767 Scott (Sir W.) Prose Works, with notes, plates, 28 yol. Edinb. 1834-6 Scott (Sir Ww) Waverley Mavala Tales and Romances, with the author’s notes, plates, 24 vol. wanting vol. 2, 3, 14, 15, 18 and 19 4768 “4 * | 4769 Scriven (J.) Treatise on Copyholds, 2 vol. 1823 -2 + | 4770 Seberi (W.) Index Homericus Oxonii, 1780 // 7 4771 Sedley (Sir Chas.) Works and Life, 2 yol. 1722 yy. 4772 Segur (Comte de) Memoires, ou Souvenirs et Anecdotes et Sg Ee Melanges, portrait, 4 vol. | | FINE PAPER, vellum, gilt leaves Paris, 1825 / (#4 « 4773 Sevigne (Mdme. de) Lettres, par Grouvelle, portrait, 8 vol. . | calf extra, marbled leaves ib. 1806 4 4. « | 4774 Shadwell (T.) Dramatic Works, portrazt, 4 vol. 1720 _2Z &. | 4475 Shaftesbury (Ant. Earl of) Characteristics of Men, Manners, eee) ae Opinions, Times, portrait, 3 vol. Baskerville’s beautifnl See edition : noe Jine copy, in calf by Kalthoeber royal 8vo. Birming. 1774 Gb | 4776 Shakespeare (W.) Works, by N. Rowe, 6 vol. | LARGE PAPER 1709 de We _ 4777 Shakespeare (W.) Works, and a Glossary, 9 vol. | old calf gilt, marbled leaves Tonson, 1747 / 2. -| 4778 Shakespeare. Twenty Plays, being the whole printed in 4to. | during his Life or before the Restoration, by Geo. Steevens, | . 4 vol. half bound, uncut 1766 «~~» | 4779 Shakespeare (W.) Plays, with the corrections and illustrations of various Commentators, and notes by S. Johnson and Geo. Steevens, with Harding’s portraits and plates, fine impressions, 15 vol. fine copy, bright calf gilt 1798 4780 Shakespeare. Grey (Zach.) Notes on Shakespeare, portrait, 2 vol. 1754. Shakespeare’s Plays (Five of) collated, 1770 3 vol. 4781 Shakespeare (Wil.) Poems, fine portrait, bry W. M(arshall), RARE, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves 1640 _ 4782 Shakespeare (W.) Poems, with Capell’s History of the Origin of Shakespeare's Fables, and a Glossary, fine portraits blue morocco, joints, and gilt leaves royal 8vo. n.d. 1804 views on tinted paper, by 8. and EH. Harding, with biographical Anecdotes, &c. 2 vol. green morocco extra, gilt leaves 1793 4785 Shakespearian Manuscripts —viz, Malone’s Inquiry into their Authenticity ; Boaden, Letter to Geo. Steevens; Shake- speare MS. in the possession of Mr. Ireland examined ; Mr. Ireland’s Vindication of his conduct ; W. H. Ireland, Authentic Account of the Shakesperian MS. ; Chnliners, Apology for the Believers in the Shakespeare-Papers, and Supplemental Apology, &c. in 3 vol. calf gilt 1796-99 265 4786 Shakespeare, Dramatic Works and Life, complete, presentation copy to Carlo O'Connor, by Lord Nugent, with autograph inscription, calf, marbled leaves 1821 4787 Shakespeare (W.) Dramatic Works, 6 vol. calf, m.[. 1821 4788 Shakespeare (W.) Works, Knight’s Pictorial edition, 55 num- ee ee ee oe + & pS as 7 oe . ib 5 bers, complete i 4789 Sharpe, Peerage of the British Een ENS in its Present State, plates of arms, 2 vol. 1833 4790 Shaw (Dr. Geo.) General Zoology, or Systematic Natural History, several hundred fine plates, by Heath, &c. 6 vol. in 12, blue morocco, gilt leaves 1800-6 4791 Shaw (S.) Tour to the West of England, 1789—Skrine (H.) Account of the Rivers 1 in Great Britain, maps, 1801, calf gilt ‘ 2 vol. 4792 Shenstone (W.) Works: 3 vol. 1773 4793 Sheridan (T.) Art of Reading, 2 yol. 1775—Scott (J.) Essays and Poems, 1785—-Smith (Adam) Moral Sentiments, 1761, &c. 7 vol. 4794 Sheringham (R.) de Anglorum Gentis Origine Cantab. 1670 4795 Sherlock (Dr. Wm.) Discourse on a Future State, on a Future Judgment, on Divine Providence, and Sermons, 5 vol. ald red morocco, gilt leaves 1715-19 4796 Sherwin, Mathematical Tables, by Slane 1770, &c. 8 vol. 4797 Shirley (James) Six New Plays, portrait, fine impression, calf neat 1653 4798 Shrewsbury, Ancient and Present State of, Shrewsbury, 1808 —Smith (F.) Warwickshire Delineated, Southam, n. d. ee er eet ee eee TO an 4 i ; * on the qualities of Grasses, many coloured plates . royal 8vo. 1824 £4808 Simeonis (Symonis) Itineraria et Willelmi de Worcestre, cura J. Nasmith, LARGE PAPER, obi itece. Cantab. 1778 4804 Skinner (T.) Life of General Monk, Duke of Albemarle 1723 4805 Slingsby. Original Memoirs and Life of Sir Henry Slingsby, and Memoirs of Capt. Hodgson, portrait, LARGE PAPER, russia extra, m.l. royal 8vo. Edinb. 1806 4806 Smith (Adam) Wealth of Nations, 3 vol. calf gilt 1796 4807 Smith, Brambletye House, or the Cavaliers and Round Heads, a Novel, 3 vol. half calf 3 1826 MM and 2 others, Topographical 4 vol. 4799 Siam, Voyage to, by Six Jesuits, plates, 1GGa. a hevoreil (W.) Account of the Isle of Man, 1702 2 vol. 4800 Sibbald (J.) Chronicle of Scottish Poetry, from the XI. Century, with glossary, 4 vol. . calf extra, marbled leaves Edinb. 1802 4801 Sinclair (Sir Jo.) Statistical Account of Scotland, 21 vol. . calf gilt : 1b. 1791-9 | 4802 Sinclair (Geo.) Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis, Experiments 266 ,| 4808 Smith (Charlotte) Old Manor House, 4 vol. 1793, &c. 17 vol. 4809 Smith (J. E.) Tour on the Continent, 3 vol. 1793—Smyth | (J. F. D.) Tour in America, 2 vol. 1784 5 vol. _ 4810 Smith (Jo.) Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the most ) Eminent Dutch, Flemish and French Painters, portratt, 8 vol. royal 8vo. 1829-37 , | 4811 Smollett (Dr. Tobias) Works and Life, by Dr. John Moore, | portratt, 8 vol. calf gilt 1797 _ 4812 Smyrna. Letters to Sir W. Fordyce, in a Tourney to Smyrna, ) 2 vol. 1788 | 4813 Smyth (W. H.) Observations on the Bute Docks. map, 1840 ) —Smith (G.) on the Construction of Cottages, plates, Glasgow, 1834 2 vol. 4814 Solino delle cose maravigliose de Mondo, tradotto da Vine. Belprato, Venet. 1557—Sesto Ruffo, Historia, tradotto da Belprato, Fiorenze, 1550 2 vol. _ 4815 Somerset (Chas. Duke of) Memoirs, ene n. de—Character . of John Sheffield, Duke of Buckinghamshire, 1729—The House of Stafford, &c. 1831—Life of Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury, portrait, 1683—Case of John Sayer, 1713 3 vol. 4816 Somner (W.) Treatise of the Roman Ports and Forts in Kent, portrait ~~ = Oxf. 1693 | 4817 Songs, a Collection of Level written against the Rump Parlia- ment, between 1639 and 1661, 2 vol. dllustrated with about ; 50 portraits and plates, green morocco, g. 1. 1731 | 4818 Sonnini (C. S.) Travels in Egypt, map and 40 plates, 3 vol. . calf gilt - 1799 _ 4819 Sophoclis Tragoedize, Gr. et Lat. 2 vol. 1722, &e. 5 vol. _ 4820 Sophoclis Tragoedie, Animadversionibus Musgravii, 3 vol. | LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves Oxonu, 1800 , | 4821 Sophoclis Tragcedie, Gr. et Lat. cura Johnson, 2 vol. Oxon. 2A A TCR LSS Fee 7 | RE iieoeis Sota eS. A Sa ee Joe re ea cong eens enna yh EMEP 1705—Suetonius, cum notis Schildii, Z. B. 1656 3 vol. _ 4822 Soto (Hernando de) Emblemas Moralizadas, wood engravings, Madrid, 1599—Guzman (Fr. de) Triomphos Morales, Medina, 1587, 2 vol. in 1 4823 Soulavie (J. L.) Memoires Historiques et Politiques du Regne de Louis XVI, portraits, 6 vol. calf gilt —- Paris, 1801 4824 Southerne (Thos.) Plays, portrait, 3 vol. 1774 4825 Southey (Rob.) Essays, Minor Poems, Attempts in Verse, by Jo. Jones, with Essay on Uneducated Poets, 6 vol. 1815-32 © 4826 Southey (R.) Life of Wesley, portraits, 2 vol. — 1820 4827 Southey (R.) Book of the Church, 2 vol. - 1824 4828 Souverains du Monde, et leur Genealogieplates; 4 vol. Paris, 1718 4829 Spain and Portugal, Letters from, by an Officer, tinted plates, 1809—Southey (R.) Letters from Spain and Portugal, Bristol, 1797 2 vol. 4838 eet A EITC EE 1 4 anal 4840 4845 4846 4847 4848 267 Spallanzani (Lazzaro) Opere, plates, 6 vol. Milano, 1825 Spanish America, Outline of the Revolution of, 1817—Spal- lanzani (Abbé L.) Travels in the Siciliesy plates, 4 vol. 1798 5 vol. Sparrow (A.) Rationale of the Common Prayer, 1672—Stil- lingfleet (E.) Answer to Cressy, 1675, &c. 7 vol. Spectator, 8 vol.—Tatler, 4 vol.— Guardian, 2 vol.—Adven- turer, 4 vol.— Mirror, 2 vol.— Rambler, 3 vol.; the Spectator, Tatler and Guardian, illustrated with proof unpressions of the plates to Sharpe's Classics, 22 vol. calf gilt 1792-7 - Spelman (Sir H.) History and Fate of Bacalere, calf gilt 1698 Spelman and Lemon, History of the Civil Wars between York and Lancaster, plates, THICK PAPER, scarce, calf gilt : Lynn, 1792 Spence (Jos.) Anecdotes, Observations and Characters of Books and Men, by S. W. Singer, portrait 1820 Spence (W.) Parallel between a Celebrated Man of Florence, and one scarce ever heard of in England, _ calf gilt Strawberry Mill, 1758 Spencer (Jo.) Discourse Concerning Prodigies, calf very neat 1665 Spencer (0. L.) Life of Arehhishop Chichale. portraits, half russia, uncut 1783 Spenser (Edmund) Works, with a glossary, by Hughes, Bites, 6 vol. 715 Spinosa, Tractatus Theolegico- -Politicus, 1674—Vanini i ©.) Theatrum Fati et Apologia, pro J. C. Vanini, Rotted. 1712 2 vol. Spirit of the Metropolitan and Conservative Press, 2 vol. 1840 Sportsman’s Dictionary, plates, 2 vol. 1735, &c. 6 vol. St. Evremond, Giuvres Melées, 7 vol. Cologne, 1708, &c. 15 vol. QUARTO. Scilla (Aug.) de Corporibus Marinis Lapidescentibus que Defossa reperiuntur, plates Rome, 1759 Scotland. Report on the Proceedings and Opinion of the Board of General Officers on their Examination into the Conduct, &c. of Sir J. Cope, Col. P. Lascelles and T. Fowke, from 1745 till the Action at Preston Pans, PRIVATELY PRINTED, calf gilt 1749 Scott (Jonathan) Translation of the Memoirs of Eradut Khan, calf gilt 1786 Scot (Reg.) Discovery of Witchcraft, wondcute, scarce, russia extra, gilt leaves os 1651 a f 4849 “\° 4850 4° 4851 AAG A 4 VERSE Jée. 4853 P 42. 6 4854 Zt 4855 vat 4856 Wares, Davao: 2 ¢ 4859 | 7 | 4860 | 21 «| dBi / 2 | 4862 LA _ | 4868 Lw| 7 | 4864 Bae 4805 lie | 4866 wAvatau b 4808 Seals. England, calf gilt Seldeni (J.) Uxor Ebraica (wants title fy de Successionibus in calf gilt uniform 268 Scott (Sir Walter) Lay of the Last Minstrel; Marmion; Lady of the Lake, and Rokeby, portrait, 4 vol. _ Edinb. 1805- 13 Scott (Sir W.) bay of the Last Minstrel, and Marmion, 2 vol. russia, marbled leaves Scott (Sir W.) Rokeby, Edinb. 1813, anid 6 Poetical 7 vol. Scott (Sir W.) Border Antiquities of England and Scotland, numerous plates, proof impressions, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, half bound turkey morocco Scott (Sir W.) Provincial Antiquities of Scotland, plates, No. I to 7, and duplicate of No. 4 Scott (Sir W.) Provincial Antiquities and Picturesque Scener 1808 1814 1823 of Scotland, nwmerous plates, india proofs, with a portrait by Lane inserted, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, half bound blue moroceéo, marbled leaves uncut imperial 4to. 1826 Scottis Croniklis (Ane Addicioun of) and Deidis, ae Dissertation on the Antiquity dnd Use of Seals in 1740 Bona Defunctorum liber Franeof. 1673, in 1 vol.—Sel- denus (J.) De Jure Naturali et Gentium dexta disciplinam Ebreorum, Argent, 1665 2 vol. - Segneri (P.) Il Christiano Instruito nella sua Legge, Venet. 1687—Soave (P.) Historia del Concilio ‘Tridentino, Ge- neva, 1660 2 vol. Segneri (P.) Quaresimale, Venet. 1693— Segneri L’Incredulo, 46. 1690—Salvini, Prose Sacre, Firenze, 1716—Servita, Historia della Sacra Inquisitione, Si Sejowmant (M. pos Dictionnaire Espegook Francois et Latin, 2 vol. plates, 6 vol. faults) russia extra trait | Nero, 1633 Senecee Tragedize, cum notis Delrio Sewel (W.) Dutch and English Dictionary Shakespeare (W.) Works, Preface by Pope, and Life by Rowe, Silii Italici Punica, curante Diakesporue Edin erravalle, 1688 4 vol. Paris, 1775 Antv. 1576 © Amst. 1708 Oxford, 1744 Shakespeare (W.) Works, 6 vol. in quires (sold with all . 1b. 1770 Shaw (Lachlan) History of the Province of eee » plates, urgh, 1775. Sheridan (Tho.) Course of Lectures on Elocution : 1762 Shipton (Mother) Life and Death, and her Prophecies, por- 1687 Sicily and Naples, or the Fatal Union, ; a Tragedy, 1640— Syr Gyles, Goose-Cappe, a Comedy, i ae of vol. Trajecti, L7TTs 269 Siri (Vittorio) Memorie Recondite dall’ anno 1601, sino all anno 1641, 8 vol. $ Ronco, e Lione, 1676-7 Simcoe (Lieut. Col.) Operations of the Queen’s Rangers, plans, Heeter; n. d—System of Military Discipline, 1773, &c. 4 vol. Skelton (Jos.) Oxonia Antiqua Restaurata, containing upwards of 170 engravings of Colleges, Halls, and Public Build- ings of Oxford, india proofs, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, half bound, green morocco imperial 4to. Oxford, 1823 Skelton (J.) Engraved Illustrations of the Principal Antiqui- _ ties of Oxfordshire, from Drawings by F. Mackenzie, many plates, india proofs, LARGE PAPER, half calf, uncut imp. 4to. Oxf. 18238 Skinner (Thos.) Excursions in India, plates vol. 1832 Skinner (Jos.) the Present State of Peru, 20 coloured plates of costumes, &c. calf gilt 1805 Smeaton (Jo.) Reports in the Course of Employment as an Engineer, vol. | 1791 Smith (C. J.) Fac-similes of Historical and Literarary Curi- osities, plates, 6 parts n. d. Smith (J. T.) Antiquities (of London and ibs Environs, nume- | rous plates, russia royal 4to. 1791 Smith (J. T.) Topography of London, plates, 11 numbers, various—Smith, Antiquities of Westminster, plates, 5 numbers, various—Smith, The Beggars of London, plates, 3 numbers, various, together 19 numbers Us Ye Smith (J. T.) Select Views of London and its Environs, vol. |, all published, many plates, proof impressions, calf, marbled leaves, russia back. ‘ royal 4to. 1804 Smith (J. T.) Antiquities of Westminster, numerous plates, calf, with russia back royal 4to. 1807 Smith (Tho.) Vitee quorundam Eroditissimoram et [llustrium Virorum, calf gilt 1707 Smith (Sir Thos.) Commonwealth of England, and the Manner of the Government thereof 1621 Smythe (G. W.) Views and Description of the late Volcanic Island off the Coast of Sicily, plates on india paper n. d. Smythe (Robt.) Historical Account of the Charter-House, portraits and plates, calf, marbled leaves 1808 Smyth (W. H.) Descriptive Catalogue of Roman Imperial Large Brass Medals, PRIVATELY PRINTED Bedford, 1834 Smyth (W. H.) Sicily and its Islands, maps and plates 1824 Steuart (Jas.) Principles of Political Economy, 2 vol. 1767 Soane (John) Description of his Residence and Museum, 17 plates, PRIVATELY PRINTED, presentation copy, with the author's autograph inscription, calf, gilt leaves 1830 ey 270 | 4 Ve 4890 Solinus de Memoralibus Mundi, Vened. 1498, et Plinii Secundi | Liber Illustrium Virorum, Veneé. 1485, 2 vol. in 1, pref calf neat 1485-98 a yy * 4891 Somers (Lorp) Cottection of Scarce AND VALUABLE | Tracts relating to the History and Constitution of these 5 Kingdoms, 16 vol. calf gilt: : 1748-51 4S» 4892 Somers (Lord) Collection of Scarce and Valuable Tracts, : ! edited by Sir Walter Scott, vol. 12 and 18 1814 | re _ 4893 Sommers, Collection of Scarce and Interesting Tracts on the Geechee: History of Great Britain 1795 |S | a _ 4894 Somerville (T.) History of Political Tranesasene and of Parties . from the Restoration to William III, calf gilt 1792 42 _.. | 4895 Somner (Wm.) Antiquities of Canterbury and the Cathedrall, Bee maps and plates, old russia extra 1640 _G_~ 4896 Somner (W.) Treatise of Gavel-Kind, | ) LARGE PAPER, old calf gilt 1726 “7 7 ~ | 4897 Sonnerat (M.) Voyage a la Nouvelle Guinée, 120 plates | | Paris, 1776 “~ 47 , 4898 Sonnerat (M.) Voyage aux Indes Orientales et a la Chine, | 140 plates, 2 vol. calf gilt : Paris, 1782 | 21 , 4899 Sonnini (C. 8.) Travels in Greece and Turkey, . half calf, russia back, and the plates in boards 1801 ee ft 1 AGO Sophoclis Tragediw, Gr. et Lat. notis Brunck, 2 vol. . russia Argent, 1786 as “4901 Sophocles, Tragedies, translated by T. Francklin, 2 vol. ey bright old calf gilt 1759 va! . 4902 Sotheby (W.) Tour in Wales, Poems, plates, calf extra, 1794 . —Southey, Joan of Arc, russia, Bristol, 1796 2 vol. 7 & 4903 Southey (Rob.) Madoc, 1805—Curse of Kehama, 1810—Ro- . derick, 1814 3 vol. 4 44 + | 4904 Southey (R.) Translation of the Ghronias of the Cid from the | Spanish, calf gilt 3 1808 “ 7 + | 4905 Southey (R.) History of the Peninsular War, 3 vol. 1823-32 wy 4906 Spaine (Four Tracts relative to) viz—Vox Populi, or Newes . 3 from Spayne, 2 parts, portrait of Gondomar and plates, Re 1620—Vox Ceeli, or Newes from Heaven, by S. R. N. I. oe Se 1624—Votive Anglie, or the Desires and Wishes of Eng- Z land, by S. R. N. I. 1624, in 1 vol. halfrussia 1620-4 4 + 4907 Spaine. The Estate of the English Fugitives under the King | of Spaine, corner of 3 or 4 leaves mended, russia 1595 —4— + | 4908 Spanhemii (E.) Orbis Romanus, . LARGE PAPER 1703 6 4909 Sparrman (Dr. A.) Voyage ‘to the Cape of Good Hope and round the World, in 1772-76, plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1785 G | | | 4910 Sparrow (Ant.) Collection of Articles, Cannons, &c. frontis- ROP ee, prece 1661 # | + | 4911 Speculum Mundi, or a Glasse representing the Face of the ) | World, russia Camb. 1643 271 Spelman (Sir H.) Villare Anglicum, 1656—Names of all the Towns, Villages, &c. in England and Wales, 1657—Ven- ner (Dr. T.) The Baths of Bathe, and Treatise concerning the Fume of Tobacco, 1660, 3 vol. 1656-60 Spenser (Edm.) Faerie Queene, with a geese! by Jo. Upton, 2 vol. old calf gilt 1758 Spizelii (T.) Templum Honoris reseratum, sive Illustrium fEvi huius Theologorum et Philosophorum Imagines ac Elogia, 50 fine portraits, calf, g. |. Aug. Vind. 1673 Sportsman’s Cabinet, or a Delineation of the Various Sporting _ Dogs, and the Canine Race in General, many fine plates by J. Scott, 2 vol. russia, marbled leaves 1804 Spruggins (Ric. Suclethumkin ) Portraits of the Spruggins Family, many portraits and plates, PRIVATELY PRINTED, uncut 1829 Statutes of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, with the arms emblazoned, PRIVATELY PRINTED, blue morocco, gilt leaves 1814 Statutes of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, with the arms coloured, PRIVATELY PRINTED, blue morocco, gilt leaves 1766 Statii Silve, cum notis Marklandi 1728 Staunton (Sir Geo.) Authentic Account of the Earl Macart- neys Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Em- peror of China, portrait, 2 vol. calf gilt — 1797 Staunton, Embassy to China, and a folio volume of plates Stedman (C.) History of the American War, charts and plans, 2 vol. calf gilt 1794 Stedman (J. ex Expedition against the Revolted Negroes of Surinam, map and many plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1796 Steele (Richard) Works, Dublin, 1737—Spence, Essay on Pope’s Odyssey, 1737, &c. 8 vol. Stevens (J.) Spanish and English Dictionary 1726 Stevenson (Rob.) Account of the Bell Rock Light-House, with a Historical View of the Institution and Progress of the Northern Light Houses, frontispiece, after a dirawing by J. M. W. Piaviier on india paper, fine impression, with 22 plates, uncut Edinb. 1824 FOLIO. Sceithern (J. B.) Praxis Militaris, oder Krieges Schuel, plates . Braunschweig, 1672 Scheffer (Jo.) History of Lapland, map and plates Oxf. 1675 Scheiter (J. B.) Examen Fortificatorum, plates Strasb. 1677 ScHEucHZeER (J. J.) Puysique SacrEE, ou Histoire Naturelle de la Bible, portraits and 750 plates, by J. A. Pfeffel, $c. fine impressions, 8 vol. in 4, old russia, gilt leaves Amst. 1732 4931 4932 | 4933 4934 4935 4936 4937 4938 — 4939 4940 | 4941 ~ 4942 4943 4944 4945 | 4946 272 Schindleri (V.) Lexicon Pentaglotton Hanovie, 1612 Scobell (H.) Collection of Acts and Ordinances of Parliament from 1640 to 1656, calf gilt 1658 Scott (Dav.) History of Scotland, map 1728 Scot (Geo.) Memoires of Sir James Melvil of Hal- Hill calf gilt 1683 Scot (Reg.) Discovery of Witcheraft, and on the Nature and Substance of Devils and Spirits 1665 Scotia Depicta, or Antiquities, Castles, Public Buildings, No- blemen and Gentlemen’s Seats, etc. of Scotland, by J. Fittler, from drawings by Nattes, 48 plates, russia 1804 ScoTLAND, REBELLION IN, A Collection of Histories, Jour- nals, Lives and Trials, &c. of Persons concerned in the Rebellion of 1785, viz. Compleat and Authentick History of the late Rebellion, and the Proceedings thereon, 1747 ; Journal of the most miraculous Escape of the Young Che- valier, 1749; Trials of the Earl of Kilmarnock, and others, 1746; Lives of Lord Balmerino, of Jenny Cameron, &c. 1746; Trial.of Lord Lovat, 1747; Aceount of the Beha- viour of Lord Lovat, 1747; Lovat’s Ghost, a ballad, 1747; Life of Dr. A. Cameron, 1753; with 7 poetical and other Brcadsides, &c. ILLUSTRATED With upwards of 100 portraits, maps, plates of views, caricatures, lampoons, §¢., some very scarce, inlaid in a volume, calf gilt 1746-53 © Scotland. Biogrophical and Geographical History of, from ‘Robert Bruce to Mary, portraits, calf gilt 1749 Scriptores Historic Romane Latini Veteres qui extant omnia, notis variis illustrati cura B. C. Haurisii, many plates, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER fine copy, russia, marbled leaves Heidell. 1743 Scudery (Mr. de) Clelia, Excellent New Romance, 5 vol.'in 1 calf | 1655-61 Segar (W.) Honor, Military and Civill, contained in Foure Bookes, 4 portraits, old red morocco, gilt leaves 1602 Segar (Sir W.) and J. Edmondson, Baronagium Genealogicum, or Pedigrees of the English Peers, with the Supplement, numerous plates of arms and pedigrees, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER, very scarce, calf gilt 1784 Selby (P. J.) Illustrations of British Ornithology; Land Birds, 89 beautifully coloured pilates, in 7 parts, and Water Birds, No. 1, 12 coloured plates, 8 parts Edinb. 1831 SELDENI (Jo.).OpeRA Omnia, tam edita quam inedita, cum Vita, &c. cura D. Wilkins, portrait, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER, jine copy,.calf gilt -¢ L226 Seller (J.) English Pilot, front. and charts, 2 vol. in n1 1671-2 Seller (J.) English Pilot, the First Book (northern navigation) Frontispiece and charts, calf gilt . 1671 4947 Semedo (A.) History of the Gt. Renowned Monarchy i China, portraits, maps and plates, calf 1655 273 ee 4948 Senece Opera, cura Erasmi Basil, 1515 a 4949 Senece Opera Omnia a Lipsio emend. et scholiis illustrata, we portrait Antv. 16382 | | ha - 4950 Seneca, Workes, translated by Lodge 1620 me , | 4951 Serby (S.) First Book of Architecture, by Peake, wood engra- ae vings 1611 ft 2) 6 4952 Serre (Sr. dela) Histoire de Ares de la Reyne Mere du ; Roy tres Chrestien, dans la Grande-Bretagne, curious plates LARGE PAPER, jine copy, old morocco, gilt leaves, from the = Royal Library of Charles I. 1639 % « |+ | 4953 SHAKESPEARE (Wm.) ComepizEs, Histories, AND TRAGE- % Digs, published according to the true original copies, portrait by Martin Droeshout, jine impression FIRST EDITION, VERY RARE, russia extra, joints, g.l. 1628 a . *,.* The rarity of this edition is too well known to need any 3 comment. Ben Jonson’s verses to the reader, before the title, are inlaid, the title page lined, and the top line “ Mr. William” is added from another edition. With these exceptions, it is a sound and perfect copy, in very good state, 128 inches high, by 83 inches. F _ ff J ~* 4954 SHaKkespeARE (W.) Comeptzs, Histories, and Tragedies, . Re published according to the true original copies, portrait THE SECOND EDITION, fine, tall, large copy, russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves 1632 FS + =» 4955 SHAKESPEARE (W.) ComEDIEs, PT eeorieg: and Tragedies, published according to the true original copies THE THIRD EDITION, aud unto this impression is added F Seven Playes, never before printed in folio; portrait, the a . | margin neatly mended, and the title lined. Jine, tall, sound, and perfect copy, russia extra, joints, g. l. 1664 me ON a a & *,* The greater part of the impression having been destroyed | in the Fire of London, it is consequently almost of as great rarity as the first edition. : rd Z|. | 4956 SuakesrEare (W.) Comenpizs, Histories, and Tragedies, a wants portrait, and pages 87 and 88, sheet H i” 1 FOURTH EDITION, tall copy, russia extra, joints, and g. 1. 1685 -*,* The last four lots are uniformly bound in russia extra, with y joints, and gilt leaves. G2| 70\ ~ | 4957 SHAKESPEARE (W.) Dramatic WorKS, REVISED BY GEO. ee STEEVENS, BoyDELL’s SUMPTUOUS EDITION, with 100 beautiful plates, PROOFS BEFORE THE LETTERS, AND SET OF ETCHINGS, 10 vol. = UNIQUE copy, splendidly bound in red morocco extra, joints, , : and gilt leaves. Miss ees own copy. BuLMER, 1802 2 NN y — ER TESTE SET TIE. \ % oe cama x= ' ee oy : | 4958 SHAKESPEARE; 274 BoypEL.L’s COLLECTION OF 100 LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL Prints, from Pictures painted and engraved by the most distinguished British Artists BRILLIANT PROOFS, many before any letters, some with the Artists’ names only ; and a set of etchings—together upwards of 200 plates, 3 vol. red morocco extra, richly tooled, joints and g. l. imp. fol. 1808 *,* ‘This copy belonged to Miss Boydell, and is believed to be UNIQUE in respect to the peculiar state of the proofs. _4959 Shakespeare Forgeries, viz. Miscellaneous Papers and Legal Instruments, iucluding the Tragedy of King Lear, Hamlet, &c. in the possession of S. Ireland, plates, some coloured calf gilt 1796 Shaw (S.) History and Antiquities of Staffordshire, maps and many plates, 2 vol. uncut Sibbald (Sir Rob.) History, Ancient and Modern, of the Sheriffdoms of Fife and Kinross, and Vindicie Scotize Illustrate, map, 2 vol. in 1 Sidney (Alg.) Discourses on Government, portrait Sidney (Sir P.) Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia calf gilt Silius Italicus, Punic War, translated by Tho. Ross, portrait of 1798-1801 Edinb. 1710 1704 1674 Charles II. by Loggan, fine impression, and plates calf gilt Simpson (Chr.) The Division-Viol, or the Art of Playing ex~ 1672 tempore upon a Ground, plates, 3 parts in 1 vol. 1667 Skenzi (Jo.) Scotiee veteres Leges et Constitutiones Sine copy, blue morocco, gilt leaves 7 Skinner (S.) Etymologicon Lingue Anglican Edinb. 1619 1671 Sleidan (Jo.) History of the Reformation of the Church, 0k traits Sloane (Sir Hans) Voyage to Jamaica, with the Natural His- 1689 tory of the Islands of Madeira, Barbadoes, Nieves, and S. Christophers, map and upwards of 270 plates, 2 vol. VERY SCARCE, russia extra Smeaton (Jo.) Narrative of the Building and of the Couette tion of the Eddystone Lighthouse, 23 jine plates, calf 1791 Smith (Jas. Ed.) Tour to Hafod, the Seat of T. Johnes, Esq., 15 coloured plates russia extra, leather joints, and gilt leaves imperial folio, 1810 Smith (Capt. John) Generall Historie of Virginia, New Eng- land, and the Summer Isles, with engraved title, the rare portrait of the Duchess of Richmond by W. Pass, and four maps, one containing the portrait of Capt. Smith, but wants — the portrait of Matoaka, with 8 additional portraits inserted. very scarce, good copy, calf neat. autograph note e 1707-25 ta } WO\ Dr. Farmer's copy, with an q 1627 275 4973 Soane (J.) Plans, Elevations and Sections of Buildings, 47 plates LARGE PAPER, calf gilt 1788 4974 Solis (Ant. de) Historia de la Conquista de Mexico, maps and plates Brusselas, 1704 4975 Solis (A. de). Another copy ib. 1704 4976 Solleysell (J. de) Complete Horseman, by Hope, portrait and plates 5 1696 4977 Solleysell (J. de). Another edition fine copy, old calf gilt, tooled sides 1717 4978 Solvyns (F. B.) les Hindous; a Picturesque Delineation of the Persons, Manners, Customs, and Religious Ceremonies of that People, 292 jinely colowred engravings, 4 vol. calf, gilt leaves Paris, 1808-12 4979 Somneri (Gul.) Dictionarium Saxonico-Latino- Anglicum scarce, russia extra, gilt leaves Oxford, 1659 - 4980 Somner (Wm.) Antiquities of Ogee gered by Battely, ee . and plates 1703 | 4981 Sousa (Man. de) Theatro, Fivance. Genealogico y Pane- . gyrico de la Casa de Sousa, numerous jine ‘port? aits and plates by P. Giffart Paris, 1694 _ 4982 Speed (J.) History of Great Britaine under the Romans, . Saxons, Danes and Normans LARGE PAPER, jine old calf gilt 1611 4983 Speed (Jo.) Theatre of Great Britain, Scotland and Ireland, maps 1614 4984 Speed (J. ) Theatre of Great Britaine, Scotland and Ireland, Jine portrait, half russia 1627 4985 Spelmanni (Hen. ) Concilia, Decreta, Leges et Constitutiones in Re Ecclesiarum Britannice Saxon. et Lat, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, Véry scarce 1664 4986 Spelmanni (H.) Glossarium Archaiologicum, portrait BEST EDITION, jine copy, russia extra 1687 4987 Spelman (Sir H.) English Works, portrait LARGE PAPER, Old calf gilt 1723 4988 Spelmanni (Jo.) Vita Ailfredi Magni Anglorum Regis, portrait | and plates, calf Ozxonii, 1678 4989 Spence (Jos.) Polymetis, or Enquiry concerning Roman Poets and Ancient Artists, portrait and many plates LARGE PAPER, BEST EDITION, old cal/ gilt 1747 4990 Spotswood (J.) History of the Church and State of Scotland, portrait 1677 4991 Spotswood (J.) Another copy with race portrait, TUSSia 1677 4992 Sprigge (Josh.) England’s Recovery, being a History of the Actions of Sir Thomas Fairfax, no portrait 1647 4993 Stackhouse (T.) History of the sa plates, vol. 2, 1744, and 1 3e 5 odd vols. 6 vol. 276 io 4994 Stackhouse (T.) Universal Atlas, coloured maps 1786 4995 Srarrorp GALLERY. GALLERY OF THE PICTURES OF THE ERATE rn CS Marauis oF STAFFORD IN Lonpon, with Descriptions by Ottley and Tomkins, 115 plates containing above 300 pictures, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, 4 vol. in 2 LARGE PAPER, half. red morocco extra 1818 4996 Stanley (Tho.) History of Philosophy and of the Philosophers, portraits 1701" 4897 State Tracts, being a Collection relating to the Goveiateit? in the reign of Charles IT. 1693 4998 State Tracts, a Collection of, published on the Revolution and during the reign of William III, 3 vol. 1705-7 4999 State Trials, complete Collection of, and Proceedings for High Treason, 10 vol. continued hs the 11th vol. of Hargrave, together 11 vol. 1730-81 5000 Statuta Hospitalis Hierusalem, eura Jo. B. Canobu, many portraits and plates, good copy Rome, 1588 5001 SrarurEes or THE REALM, from 1 Henry I, to the end of Queen Anne, 1713, with Index 11 vol. 10 half bound, uncut, 1 in boards | 1810-22 ~ TWENTIETH DAY 8 33 OCTAVO ET INFRA. | LOT | 5002 St. Evremont, CEuvres, 5 vol. in 4, Ams#. 1698, &e. 16 vol. 5003 St. Foix (M. de) Giuvres Completes, portratt and plates, 6 vol. calf, gilt leaves Paris, 1778 5004 St. Palaye, Memoires sur WAnciomnal Chevalerie, 3 vol. old calf gilt 1b. 1781 5005 St. Pierre (J. H. Ber. de) Paul et Virginie, numerous fine wood engravings, LARGE PAPER, calf extra, gilt leaves imp. 8vo. 2. 1838 5006 St. Real (l’Abbe de) Ciuvres, 4 vol. Paris, 1724—Sethos, Histoire ou Vie, 3 vol. 7b. 1731, &c. F 12 vol. 5007 St. Simon (le Duc de) Memoires sur le ke de Louis XIV, 7 vol. calf 1789 5008 St. Simon (Duce de) CEuvres Complettes, portrait, 13 vol. in 7 | Strasb. 1791 5009 5010 5011 5012 5014 9015 5016 5017 5018 5019 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 5025 5026 | 9027 5028 5029 5030 ° 207 Stage, The London, a Collection of the most reputed Plays, portraits and vignettes, 4 vol. n.d Stanhope (Dr. Geo.) Paraphrase and Comment upon the Epistles and Gospels, portrait, 4 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves 1715 Stanley (Ed.) Familiar History of Birds, wood engravings, 2 vol. 1838—Scott (Sir W.) Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, 1830 3 vol. Stanyan (J.) Account of Switzerland, LARGE PAPER, 1714— Grecian History, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, 1739 3 vol. Stapleton (A. G.) Political Life of George Canning, 3 vol. 1831 Stark (John) Elements of Natural History, plates, 2 vol. Edinb. 1828 Starke (Mariana) Travels on the Continent, calf; g. 1. 1820 Statii Opera, Aldus. 1502—Sallust and Lucan, 2 vol. wanés titles, ib. 1502-21 3 vol. Statii Sylvarum, libri V, Amst. 1624, and 7 Classics 8 vol. Statutes. The Greate Abbrydgement of all ye Statutes of Englande, until the XXX. yere of the reygne of Kynge Henry the eyght, black letter Imprynied by Roberte Redman, n. d. Staveley (T.) History of Churches in England, plates, best edition, scarce Stavorinus (J. 8.) Voyages to the East Indies, maps, 3 vol. 1798 Stendhal (M. de) Promenades dans Rome, 2 vol. Paris, 1829 —Simond (L.) Voyage en Italie, 2 vol. 7b. 1828 4 vol. Stephens (J. L.) Incidents of Travel in Central America, . Chiapas and Yucaatan, plates, 2 vol. 1841 Stevenson (W. B.) Historical and Descriptive Narrative of Twenty Years Residence in South America, plates, 3 vol. 825 Stewart (Col. Dav.) Sketches of the Highlanders of Scotland, 2 vol. Edinb. 1822 Steuart (J.) Political Economy, 3 vol. Dublin, 1770—Su- worow (A.) Campaigns, 2 vol. 1799 5 vol. Stewart (J.) Account of Prince Edward’s Island, map 1806 Stewart (C. 8.) Visit to the South Seas in 1829, 30 plates, 2 vol. 1832—Soligny, Letters on England, 2 vol. 1823, 4 vol. Stewart (W. G.) The Popular Superstitions and Amusements of the Highlanders of Scotland 1823 Stiles (President) History of three of the Judges of Charles I, who fled to America, portrait and plans, calf gilt, Bart. ford, 1794—De la Salle, Voyage in North America, 1698, &e. 5 vol. 5031 Stoddart (J.) Rae ke on the Scenery and. Manners of Scot- land, coloured plates, 2 vol. blue morocco, gilt leaves royal 8vo. 1801 oor ROU ete Baer 278 j t 5032 Stouthouse (T.) Surveigh of the Monastry of Faversham, hey frontispiece 1671 / 7/7» | 5033 Storer (Jas.) History and Antiquities of Cathedral Churches | | of Great Britain, numerous plates, vol. 1 to 3, an Ree Ree hs half calf gilt 1814-17 / | SJ _7 6084 Stowe, Description of ine House and Cardone, plates, Buck- eee ingham, 1788, &c. a parcel <7 & | 5085 Stradze (F.) de Bello Belgico libri, portraits, Amst. 1648, &e. 14 vol. (2. + | 5036 Strade (F.) de Bello Belgico, portraits, Rome, 1648—Strabo de Situ Orbis, 2 vol. Amst. 1652 3 vol. ae b 2 | 8037 Stradlingi (Sir John) Prensa Libri quatuor, | | ) RARE 1607 | *,* This curious and interesting volume contains verses ad- dressed to E. Spenser, D. Drayton, Sir P. Sidney, the Countess of Pembroke, Camden, Lord Essex, Lord C. ep Howard, Sir F. Drake, Queen Elizabeth, Lord Burghley, &c. likewise verses on the Comedian Tarlton, on Sir R. . Grenville, on the Gunpowder Plot, &c. * 5038 Strype (John) Life and»Acts of Bishop Aylmer, portrait 1701 6 5039 Strype (J.) Life of Sir John Cheke, portrait 1705 . , 8040 Strutt (Jos.) Queenhoo-Hall, 4 vol. calf gilt, 1808, &e. 8 vol. G | 5041 Stuart (And.) Letters to Lord Mansfield, calf gilt | -§042 Stuarts. Jones (D.) Tragical History of the Stuarts, 1697— [As | History of all those who have suffered on account of the . House of Stewart, 1747 2 vol. , | 6043 Suffolk (E. Howard, Earl of) Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, red morocco, gilt leaves 1725 | 5044 Suffolk (Henrietta, Countess of) Letters to and from the Hon. George Berkley, portrait, 2 vol. * 1824 _& | 5045 Sutherland (D.) Tour to Constantinople . 1790 / 5046 Scoresby (W.) Account of the Arctic Regions, and Description ee of the Northern Whale Fishery, charts and plates, 2 vol. ) Edinb. 1820 _ + | 5047 Sweden, Characters and Anecdotes of the Court of, 2 vol. . 1790—Sheridan (C. F.) Revolution in Sweden, 1782, &c. : 5 vol, 5048 Sweden and Denmark. Vertot (Abbé) Revolutions in Sweden, 1696—Account of Sweden, 1694—Account of Denmark, TOO Rea 1694, &e. 6 vol, | Pe ZL | 5049 Sweet (Rob.) Hortus Ritanmogen a Catalogue of Plants, 2 vol. ed Pay 1826 2. 6 | « | 5050 Swift (Jonathan) Works, with notes by Sheridan, revised by | | ) Nichols, portrait, 19 vol. ) LARGE PAPER 1801 ) | _ | 9051 Swift (Jon.) Travels, by Lemuel Gulliver, plates, 2 vol. 1726 | | | | —Tale of a Tub, plates, 1710 8 vol. : | 5052 5053 5054 5055 5056 5057 5058 5059 5060 9061 5062 5063 5064 5065 5066 5067 5068 5069 5070 5071 5072 279 Sweet (Ros.) British Frower Garpen, containing coloured figures and descriptions of the most ornamental and curious hardy flowering plants, nearly 700 beautifully coloured plates, 6 vol. calf royal 8vo. 1823-35 Swinburne (H.) Travels in the Sicilies, map and plates, 4 vol. 1790 Sydenham (T.) Works, by Pechey, 1717—Sydenham, Opera, 1705, and 8 Medical 10 vol. Sydney Papers, edited by Blencowe, 1825— Algernon Sydney, Letters to Saville, 1742—Spain under Charles the Second, 1840, &ce. 10 vol. Symeonis Dunelmensis, Libel de exordio atque procursu Dunhelmensis Ecclesiz, cura Bedford, calf gilt 1732 Taciti Opera, cura H. Grotii, vellum, sui: Ellzer. 1640— Terentii Comoedis ex recensione Heinsiani, Z. Bat. Llzev. 1635 2 vol. Taciti Opera, cura Beshoute Amst. 1664, Rc. 8 vol. Taciti Opera, cum notis Ernesti, 2 vol. Lipsia, 1772 Tacitus, Annals and History, by Dryden, &c. 3 vol. 1698 Tales of an Antiquary, 3 vol. 1828—Tales of my Landlord, or Pontefract Castle, 3 vol. 1820 ‘ 6 vol. Tales of the Early Ages, 3 vol. 1832—Tales of the Wars of our Times, 2 vol. 1829 5 vol. Tales of the Peerage and the oe '8 vol. 1835—Treve- lyan, 3 vol. 1833 6 vol. Talleyrand (C. M.) Memoirs, por trait, 2 vol. 1805—Trials of the Sons of Rob Roy, Edinb. 1818—Trotter, Memoirs of C. J. Fox, 1811, &e. 9 vol. Tasso (T.) Godfrey of Bulloigne, or the Recovery of Jeru- salem, in Heroical Verse, by E. Fairfax 1687 Tasso, Lettere, Venet. 1588—Tasso, L’Aminta, Roma, 1700 2 vol. Tasso (T.) Gierusalemme Liberata, 3 copies, 1 red morocco, gilt leaves, Venet. 1604-27— Tasso (T.) Jerusalem Delivered, translated by Hoole, fine plates, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia extra, marbled leaves 1803 Tatler, the, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER . 1710 Taylor (Arthur) Glory ‘of Regality, or Historical Treatise of the Anointing and Crowning the Kings and Queens of — England, vignettes 1820 Taylor (Brook) Contemplatio Philosophica, and Life by Sir Wm. Young, portrait, PRIVATELY PRINTED, crimson morocco extra, g.l. 1798 Taylor (Bp. Jer.) Rule and Exercises of Holy Living and Dying, plates, 2 vol. in 1, old red morocco, g. l. 1719 280 Taylor (Major) Travels from England to India in 1789, 2 vol. 1799—Thicknesse (P.) Journey through France, 1779 3 vol. Taylor (R.) Key to the Sees of Nature, plates, —_ gilt leaves 1825 — Teatro Moderno applaudito ossia ‘Barnolta di Tragedie, Com- medie, Dramme e Farse, 61 vol. (wanting vol. 21 and 53) Venet. 1796-1801 Temple (Peter) Man’s Master-Piece, in the Exercise of a Chris- tian Duty, 2 portraits of P. and Lady E. Temple, by Gaywood, fine impressions, blue morocco, g. l. 1658 Tennant (W.) Indian Recreations, plates, 2 vol. | calf gilt, vol. 1 wrongly lettered Edinb. 1803 Terence, Comedies, translated by Colman, plates, 2 vol. 1768 Tesse (Marechal de) Memoires et Lettres, 2 vol. Paris, 1806 —Turgot, Vie de, 1786—Memoires de M. de Voltaire, 1784, calf gilt : 4 vol. Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, Sons of.Jacob, translated by Bp. Grosthead, wood engravings, black letter, calf neat 1681 Theatre de Campagne, 4 vol. Paris, 1775—Theatre du Prince Clenersow Russe, 2 vol. Paris, 1671 6 vol. 2 Threatre Frangois, Bibliotheque du, 3 vol. Dresde, 1768, &c. | 6 vol. Theatre, the English, plates, 8 vol. Lownds, 1762 Theatrical Bouquet, portrait of Garrick, 1780, &e. 7 vol. Thiebault (D.) Mes Souvenirs de Vingt ans de Sejour a Berlin ou Frederic Le Grand, 5 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1805 Thierry (Aug.) Histoire de la Conquete de |’ Angleterre, par les Normands, 4 vol. Bruzelles, 1835 Thomassin (L.) Methode d’'Etudier et d’Enseigner la Gram- maire, 2 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1690 Thompson (N.) Collection of Eighty-six Loyal Poems on the Two Late Plots, 1678 and 83, calf gilt 1685 Thomson (James) Works, plates, 4 vol. 1750 Thomson (J.) Seasons, with his Life by Murdoch, plates, Jine impressions, green morocco extra, lined with the same, richly tooled, silk Sy leaves, and gilt leaves, in a case royal 8vo. 1801 Theophrastus, History of Stones, Greek and English, with notes by Sir John Hill, portrait of Sir John Hill mserted 1774 Thorley (J.) Female Monarchy of Bees, plates, 1744—Toone, — Etymological Dictionary, 1834 2 vol. Thucydides, Gr. et Lat. ex editione Wassii et Dukeri, 6 vol. LARGE PAPER, red morocco, gilt leaves Edinb. 1804 281 see | QUARTO. 5094 Stillingfleet (E.) Origines Sacre, 1666—Swinburne ‘on Spou- K sals, 1686 2 vol. 5095 Stillingfleet (E.) Irenicum, and Origines Sacre, 2 vol. in 1 1662-3 5096 Stirling (Earl of) Narrative of Oppressive Law Proceedings to subvert his Rights, : privately printed Edinburgh, 1836 5097 Stirrup (T.) Complete Diallist, 1650, &e. 5 vol. 5098 Stockdale (J.) Geographical Description of Germany, &c. maps, russia back, calf sides 1800 5099 Stonehouse (W. B.) History and Topography of the Isle of Axholme, Lincolnshire, map and plates, 6 parts complete 1839 fo & 5100 Stow (Jo.) Survey of London, by A. Munday, : black letter (wants title), russia extra 1618 » | 5101 Stowe, a Description of the House and Gardens at, with 25 original drawings, in colours, by Medland, 1: red morocco 7é + 102 Stowe, another copy, 25 plates from the drawings by Medland 1797 ~ | $103 Stowe, Description of the House and Gardens, plates, proof impressions Buckingham, 1817 ¢ | 6104 Strahlenberg (P. J. van) Description of Russia, Siberia, and Great Tartary, plates 1738 ¢ | $105 Srrurt (Jos.) Horpa ANGEL- Cynway, or a Complete View Fa of the Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits, &c. of the Inhabi- tants of England, 157 plates, 3 vol. very scarce, fine copy, calf gilt . 1774 « 5106 Strutt (J.) Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England, with the Supplement, 72 plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1773-92 + 5107 Strutt (J.) Chronicle of England, many plates, 2 vol. ; calf gilt 1777-79 > | §108 Strutt (J.) Biographical Dictionar y of Engravers, plates, with that of Adam and Eve, 2 vol. scarce, calf gilt 1785-6 5109 Strutt (J.) Complete View of the Dreas and Habits of the People of England, 148 plates, 2 vol. calf, m. 1. 1796 5110 Strutt (J.) Dresses and Habits, 68 finely coloured plates, vol. 1 only, russia extra 1796 /—<$iil Strutt (J.) The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, 40 finely coloured plates, calf gilt 1801 we | 5112 Struys (J.) Voyages through Moscovia, Tartary, and India, . hE at plates, calf gilt 1684 Bet | « | 5113 Strays (J.) nenee se and Travels, plates, stained, 1684, &c. 8 vol. OO peers PL ote LAs | | . | ¢ | 5117 Stubbe (H.) Justification of the Present War against the Ne- 282 5114 Stuart (And.) Genealogical History of the Stewarts, — genealogical table, calf gilt 1798 5115 Stuart (Gilb.) View of the Society in Europe, calf gilt Edinb. 1788 5116 Stuart (Maj. Gen. Jas.) Letter to the Directors of the East India Company, privately printed, presentation copy to the Duke of Buck- ingham, calf gilt 1787 therlands, portraits and plates : 1672 5118 Stukeley (Dr. Wm.) Paleographia Britannica, or Discourses . on the Antiquities in Britain, plates, 2 numbers, with Par- - kin’s Answer and Reply to Dr. Stukeley’s Objections, . plates, 1744-58, 4 tracts in 1 vol. 1748-58 5119 Stukeley (Dr. W.) Account of Richard of Cirencester, map, calf - 1757 | 5120 Stukeley (W.) another copy 1757 5121 Suarez (J. B.) Antiguedades de Cadiz, Cadiz, 1610, &c. 2 vol. - 5122 Suetonius, notis Is. Casauboni Geneve, 1611 5123 Suetonius, notis Is. Casauboni et J. H. Beecleri Argent, 1647 5124 Suetonii Opera, cum Commentariis 8. Pitisci, plates, 2 vol. Leovardia, 1714 5125 Suisse, Etat et Delices de la, mae and numerous plates, 2 vol. calf gilt Neuchatel, 1778 5126 Sully (Duc de) Memoirs, portraits, 3 vol. 1747 _ 5127 Summonte (Gio. Ant.) Historia della citta e Regno di Napo- litano, portraits, 4 vol. Napoli, 1675 $128 Surnertanp (Mrs.) CATALOGUE OF HER CELEBRATED CoLLECTION OF PorTRAITS, Topography, and Miscel- laneous Prints and Drawings, 2 vol. and 2 Supplements, PRIVATELY PRINTED, presentation copy 1837-8 *.* A very limited number of this work was printed. The collection, one of the most extensive ever formed, was presented by Mrs. Sutherland to the Bodleian Library, Oxford. 5129 Swan (C.) Voyage up the Mediterranean, 2 vol. 1826— Starke, Letters from Italy, 2 vol. 1800 - 4 vol. _ 5130 Swedish Intelligencer, 4 parts, and the Swedish Discipline, 3 parts, plates of battles, in 1 vol. 1634 _ 5131 Swedish Intelligencer, 4 parts; Swedish Discipline, 3 parts ; and Passages of Germany, ltalgs France, &c. plates of battles, 3 vol. 1634-36 | 5132 Swift (Jonathan) Letters, with notes by Hawkesworth, 2 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves 1766 5133 Swinburne (H.) Travels through Spain, plates, calf gilt 1779 5134 Switzer (S.) System of Hydrostaticks and Hydraulics, plates, 2 vol. ’ 1729 a an 72 a 5135 5136 9137 5138 5139 5140 5141 5142 . 8148 —«6l44 5145 5146 5147 | 5148 5149 5150 5151 5152 5153 5154 5155 5156 5157 283 Symes (Mich.) Account of an Embassy to Ava, map and plates, calf gilt 1800 Symonds (W.) Series of Plates of Boats and Ships, to illus- trate their Rigging, no title, &c. 2 vol. Symmons (Ed) Vindication of King Charles, in answer to the _ King’s Cabinet Opened 1648 Tachard (Guy) Voyage de Siam des Peres Jesuites, et Second Voyage, plates, 2 vol. Paris, 1786-9 Taciti Opera, cum notis Gronovii, 2 vol. Trajecti, 1721 Taciti Opera, cum supplementis et notis Brotier, 4 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1771 Tangier. A Discourse touching Tangier; and the Moores Baffled, or Tangier when under the Earl of Teviot, view of Tangier by Hollar, 2 Tracts, 1680-81—A Short Relation of the Turkish Warrs, map, no title 2 vol. Tarleton (Lieut.-Col.) Campaigns in North America, map and plans, 1787—Tench(W.) Settlements at Port Jackson, 1793 ‘ ° 2 vol. Tassie (Jas.) Descriptive Catalogue of a General Collection of Ancient and Modern Engraved Gems, Cameos as well as Intaglios, by Raspe, 57 plates, 2 vol. 1791 Tasso, Aminta, Parigi, 1655—Varchi (Ben.) Lezzioni sopra un Sonnetto di Michelagolo Buonarotti, Forenza, 1549 2 vol. Tasso, la Gerusalemme Liberata da G. Casoni, plates i Venet. 1625 Tatischeff (M.) on the Russian Code of Laws 1768 Tavernier (J. B.) Six Voyages en Turque, en Perse, et aux Indes, maps and many plates, 3 vol. Paris, 1681 Taylor (Silas) History of Gavel-Kind LARGE PAPER 1683 Taylor (Lieut.-Col.) Letters on India, coloured plates and maps, calf gilt 1800 Teignmouth (Lord) Memoirs of Sir William Jones, portrait, calf gilt , 1804 Terentii Comcediz, cum notis Bentleii Cantab. 1726 Terence, Comedies, translated by G. Colman, plates 1765 Thane (J.) British Autography ; a Collection of Fac-Similes of the Hand-Writing of Royal and Illustrious Personages, with their authentic Portraits, 87 portraits, gc. fine im- pressions : n. d. Thomas (R.) Report of a Survey of the Mining District of Cornwall, with the map on linen, 1819 ; 3 maps, &c. a parcel Thomas (Dr. Wm.) Survey of Worcester Cathedral, and Account of the Bishops, plates 1737 Thompson (G.) Description of the Palace and Monastery of the Escurial, plates 1760 Thompson (G.) Travels and Adventures in Southern Africa, map, many plates and vignettes 1827 N a | A RE EE IA ES STO ROEM SAS SSRI GS 4 Bide: Ba | = \ 284 Thomson (Dr. T.) Travels in Sweden in 1812," maps and. plates 1813 Thomas (Wm.) The Historie of Italie ; a Boke excedyng. profitable to be Redde black letter, fine copy, calf Tho. Berthelet, 1549. Jhones (Ric.) The Booke of Honor and Armes, with wood engravings of combats, scarce, calf 1596 Thorn (Wm.) Memoir of the War in India in 1803- 6, maps and plans 1818 Thornhill (R. B.) Shooting Directory, portrait and many eoloured plates, russia extra, marbled leaves 1804 Thornton (Col. T.) Sporting in England and Scotland, many plates, calf, marbled leaves 1804 Thornton (Col.) Sporting Tour through France in 1802, upwards of 80 plates, 2 vol. half calf 1806 ‘Thoroton (Rob.) Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, ae fe. map and plates, 3 vol. calf; marbled leaves 1790 Thou (J. A. de) Histoire Universelle, depuis 1543 jusqu en 1607, portrait, 16 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf, gilt leaves 1734 Throsby (J.) Select Views in Leicestershire, numerous plates, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf gilt Thuani (J. A.) Historiis ea Index, &c. calf gilt « Geneve, 16384 Thuani Historiis leguntur laden &e. with 79 pages of MS. emendations from the autograph of the author ib. 1734 Thucydides, History, translated by W. Smith, 2 vol. "1753 Thurston (J.) Religious Emblems, a series of wood engravings calf extra, marbled leaves 1810 Tibulli quae exstant omnia cum notis Wetstenn, 1708 Tickell (Jo.) History of the Town and County of Kingston upon Hull, map and plates, russia extra Hull, 1796 Tillet (J. du) Recueil des Roys de France et des Rangs des Grands de France, 2 vol. Paris, 1601-2 Timothy Bobbin, the Passions Humorously Delineated, 26 coloured plates 1810 Tindal (N.) History of Essex, map, 2 Nos. all published calf neat n. de Tindal (W.). History and Antiquities of the Abbey and Borough of Evesham, plates, calf gilt Hvesham, 1794 Tiro (Gugl. Arcivesco di) Historia della Guerra Sacra, trad. da G. Horologgi Venet. 1561 Todd (J. H.) Historical Tablets and Medallions illustrative of an Improved System of Artificial Memory, plates of portraits, Se. presentation copy to the Duke of Buckingham, to whom it is dedicated, hlue morocco extra, the insides of the covers. morocco, richly taoled Me wie 1827 Leicester, 1789 — ew Si ee wee ee ” a ; se 3. a -, ol a , - +a eo et ae see eee ee ee: ee Pe ee ee ee ee : ; oF |- | 5180 | ; 7 | ~ | 3182 at . i | | || i Wa | 5188 ‘eae ee (STF 5184 | VA 5186 1 . | 5187 Sie 44, 5188 Seelil 5189 4 € 190 | *) 5199 46 6 5196 i 5197 . | 5198 i - 5199 285 Tollii (Jae.) Epistole Itinerariz, plates Amst. 1714 Topographer, containing a variety of original Articles illustra- tive of the Local History and Antiquities of England, 42 plates, first edition, calf gilt 1791 Topographical Miscellanies ; or Histories and Descriptions of Mansions, Churches, Monuments and Families throughout Sah plates, vol. 1, all published, russia 1792 FOLIO. Statutes, Public General, 4 and 5 of Victoria, 2 vol. 1841, &e. 5 vol. Stephani (H.) Florilegium diversorum Epigrammatum Paris, 1566 Stephani (H.) Thesaurus Greece Lingue, Appendix et Glos- saria, 6 vol. in 5 tb. H. Steph. 1573 Stephani (H.) Thesaurus Grece Lingue, vol. 1, part 7, Valpy, 1820, &c.- a parcel Stephani (Rob.) Thesaurus Linguze Latine, 4 vol. bright old calf gilt, marbled leaves 1734 Sterline (Wm. Earle of ) Recreations with the Muses, no por- trait, calf, gilt leaves “ 1637 Stevin (S.) CEuvres Mathematiques Leyde, 1634 Stillingfleet (Bishop) Origines.Britannica.. 1685. Stillingfleet (Bp.) Origines Sacre, portrait Camb. 1702 Stoke (M.) Hollandse Jaar-Boeken of Rijm-Kronijk, portraits, Leyden, 1699 Stow ICE ) Annales, or Gentil Chronicle of England, by Howes, russia 1630 Stow (J.) Survey of London. Ee this copy ts inserted the newest and exactest mapp of London and Westminster by T. Porter, sould by R. Walton, at the Rose and Crown, at the west end of St. Paules ; russia 1633 Stow (J.) Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, and Life by Strype, portrait, maps and many plates, 2 vol. russia extra, marbled leaves 1720 Stowe. General Plan and Prospects of Lord Viscount Cob- _ham’s Gardens at Stowe, by S. Bridgeman, map and 14 plates, on canvas, old red morocco oblong folio, 1739 STOWE (VIEWS OF) AND TAKEN IN 1805-6-7-9, CONSISTING oF 110 oRIGINAL DRAWINGS, IN CRAYON, BISTRE, &c. BY J. C. NATTES. 2 vol. russia oblong folio, . a. Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum lib., Gr. et Lat. notis var. et Casauboni, 2 vol. Amst. 1707 Strabonis Rerum Geographicarum, lib. xvi. Gr. et. Lat. notis variorum, cura T. Falconer, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia extra, gilt leaves -Oxonit, 1807 286 2 / 5200 Strada (Fam.) Histoire de la Guerre de Flandre par Du a ae portraits, 2 vol. calf gilt 1649 yy 6 5201 Strada (F.) History of the Low Country Warres by begets /\ portraits, calf gilt ‘ 1650 — _ 5202 Strada (F.). Another copy 1650 2 ¢ 5203 Strada tr. Another edition 1667 Strafforde (The Earl of) Letters, Dispatches, and State | s| = | $204 oes Papers, with Life by Sir G. Radcliffe, &c. by Wm. Knowler, on portrait by Vertue, 2 vol. bright old calf gilt 1739 ae. _ 5205 Straszewicz (Jos.) les Polonais et les Polonaises de la Revolu- oe tion du 1830, ou Portraits des Personnes qui ont figure ‘dans la derniere Guerre de 1’ Independance Polonaise, 40 portraits on india paper, half bound calf Paris, 1832 rs Lz. & 5206 Srrurt (J. G.) Syrva Britannica, or Portraits of Forest: . Trees distinguished for their antiquity, magnitude, or . beauty, 50 plates, fine proofs on india paper, with an auto- graph letter of the Author, half bound in russia, g. 1. 1822 AF > _ 5207 Strype (Jo.) Memorials of Archbishop Cranmer, ports. 1694 Strype (J.) History of the Life and Acts of Archbishop Edm. | zo} . | 5208 | We . Grindall, portrait | LARGE PAPER, calf 1710 4 ~ | 5209 Strype (J.) Life and ote of Archbishop Matt. Parker, no | ca 4 portrait 1711 4 ce? ~ 5210 Strype (J.) Life and Acts of Archbishop Whitgift, portrait 1718 LARGE PAPER STO} - «5211 Srrype (J.) EccLestasTicaAL MEMmorIALS, relating chiefly to “a “oO Z|. 5212 Sruart anp REvETT, ANTIQUITIES OF ATHENS, numerous Religion, and the Reformation of the Church of Hagens under Henry VIII, 8 vol. o pontrait _ LARGE PAPER, jine copy, russia extra, gilt leaves 1721 | plates, fine impressions, 3 vol. ORIGINAL EDITION, jine copy, calf gilt 1762-94 7 | > | 5213 Stuckii (J. G.) Antiquitatum Convivialium et Sacrorum et Sacrificiorum Gentilium lib., 2 vol. in 1 L. Bat. 1695 es) 2 | _ 5214 Stukeley (Wm.) Stonehenge, Abury, two Temples restored to RSs a the British Druids, with some others described, portrait eee and 75 plates, 2 vol. russia 1740-43 oF | Pena | 5215 Stukeley (W.) Itinerarium Curiosum, or Aceanit of the Anti- eae test of 200 plates, 2 vol. russia: 1776 | A | « | 5216 Sturmy (Capt. S.) Mariner's MEARNS and Table of Loga-- Sy rithms, portrait 1679 S. 4 5217 Suide Lexicon, Grace et Latine, cum i kediGhun Kusteri, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia extra, marbled leaves Cantab. 1705 Jo\<¢ ) 5218 Sully (Duc de) Memoires des Sages et Royalles Ciconomies ) quities and Curiosities in Great Britain, portrait, upwards d’Estat Domestiques Politiques et Militaires de aie le Grand, 4 vol. in 3 | FIRST EDITION of vol. 1 and 2, fine copy | Amstd. chez Aletinosgraphe, 1638- 83 (een RSMEANS NERS NIN tS 5219 5220 5221 5222 5223 5224 5225 _ 5226 §227 5228 5229 5230 5231 5232 5233 5234 9235 5236 5237 287 Sussex Illustrated, a Collection of 4 original drawings, 5 maps, and upwards of 100 plates, the letter press inlaid, and the prints, &c. mounted, half russia n. d. SUTHERLAND (Ducuess OF) VIEWS IN ORKNEY AND THE NortH EAsTerN Coast oF Scotianp, taken 1805, 44 fine etchings, plates and vignette PRIVATELY AND ONLY 120 COPIES PRINTED, PRESENTA- TION COPY, with an autograph letier of the Duchess. red morocco extra, lined with blue morocco, tooled, joints, and gilt leaves 1807 Sidney, State Papers, Letters and Nclacials. by A. Collins, portrait, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER . 1746 Taciti Opera, cum Lipsii commentariis Antv. 1668 Tacitus, Annales, by Greenwey 1640 Tacitus, Works, translated d by tase 2 vol. LARGE PAPER 1728 Tafereel (Het Groote) der Dwaasheid, portrait of Jean Law; and upwards of 60 curious caricatures and satirical prints on the celebrated Missisippi Scheme and the South Sea Bubble, Sine impressions, old calf gilt 1720 Tanneri (T.) Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica cum prefatione D. Wilkinsii, portrait 1748 Tanner (Bp. Tho.) Notitia Monastica, or an Account of all the Abbies, Priories, &c. formerly in England and Wales, by Nasmith, portrait and plates BEST EDITION : Camb. 1787 Tasso (Torq.) la Gerusalemme Liberata con le Annotationi di S. Gentilie di G. Guastauini, with the plates of Bernardo Castello, old red morocco, gilt leaves Genoua, 1617 Tasso, Gerusalemme, con Annotationi di S. Gentili, many plates by Castello 2b. 1617 Tasso, la Gerusalemme Liberata Parigi, 1644 Tasso, la Gerusalemme Liberata, with jine plates and vignettes by G. Piazetta, old red morocco, gilt leaves Venet. 1745 Tasso, Godfrey of Bulloigne; or the Recoverie of Jerusalem, done in Heroicall Verse by E. Fairfax 1600 Tavernier and Bernier, Travels through Turkey into Persia and the East Indies, plates, 2 vol. in 1, good copy 1688 Taylor (Jer.) Life of Jesus Christ, plates 1653 Taylor (Bp. Jer.) History of the Life and Death of Jesus Christ, and Cave’s Lives of the Apostles, many plates, ruled with red lines, fine copy, old red morocco extra, gilt leaves 17038 TAYLOR, THE WATER Poet (JoHN) WorRKEs, with wood engravings RARE, fine large copy, with a great many rough leaves Seer out, old calf Temple (Sir W.) Works, portrait, 2 ‘vol. old calf gilt 1750 988 ve a | 5238 Teniers (D.) Theatrum Pictorium, 246 portraits and plates” LARGE PAPER, very scarce, fine copy, old calf gilt Antv. n. d. | AS, | 5289 Teniers (D.) Theatrum Pictorium, portrait and 245 sine plates | scarce, fine copy, old calf gilt tb. 1684: IL ve 5240 Terentii Comcedie sex, cum Commentariis R. Stephani, 1529 / 2. + 5241 Terentii Comeedie, ex codicibus Bibliothecee Vaticane, cum | notis Cocquelini, many plates, 2 vol. vellum Rome, 1767 o 4 £5242 Tertulliani Opera Omnia, per J. Pamelium illustrata, 5 vol. in 1 ! | Rothomagi, 1662 | 0G * | §243 Tertulliani Opera, cura Rigaltii Paris, 1664 / |G | 544 Tesauro (Eman.) Historia delle Citta di Torino Torino, 1679. 7 - 9245 Tessereau (Ab.) Histoire Chronologique de la Grande Chan- celerie de France, 2 vol. Paris, 1710 ‘ ak Tl od vA _ 5246 Thevenot, Relations des Voyages Curieux, many maps and 7 i ) plates, 4 vol. ib. 1663-72 2. £ . 5247 Thevenot (Melch.) Relations de divers Voyages curieux, qui ate n’ont point esté publiées, maps and plates, 3 vol. 7b. 1696 “4 * | 3248 Thevenot (M. de) Travels into the Levant, Turkey, Persia | | and the East Indies, plates | | 1687 “4 Pf ~ 5249 Thibault (G.) Academie de l’Espée et la Theorie et Pratique foes du maniement des Armes a Pied et a Cheval aoe portrait and numerous fine plates Anvers, 1628 LF | SL _ 6250 Thomas (Capt. Geo.) Local Militia Paymaster, or Military | Friend, red morocco extra, gilt leaves 1812 e? “7 ~ 58251 Thomas, un An a Rome et dans ses Environs, 72 lithograph plates, half russia, gilt leaves Paris, 1822 2 2 ~ 5252 Thomson (J.) Atlas of Scotland ; or County Atlas on a very | large scale, coloured maps, half russia imp. folio. 1831 ae TWENTY-FIRST DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT ms wd | 5253 Thunberg (C. P.) Travels in Europe, hie and Asia, plates, ) 4 vol. calf gilt 1796 | wl ra 5254 Tibulle, Elegies de, suivies des Baisers de Jean Second, avec . ian des notes par Mirabeau, plates, 3 vol. Tours, 1795 | 47+ | 6255 Tillemont (L. de) Memoirs pour servir a l’Histoire Ecclesi- | astique, 27 vol. Bruxelles, 1706 5256 Tillemont (L. de) History of the Arians and the Council of Nice, by T. Deacon, 2 vol. ~ LARGE PAPER ; royal 8vo. 1712 ~ * « oi 4 bago, Description of, n. d—S. Clark, Life and Death of Sir Fr. Drake, portrait, by Vaughan, 1671—Hamond (W.) Madagascar, the Richest and most Fruitful Island in the World, 1643—Dalrymple, Borneo, 1769, iu 1 vol. calf gilt 1643-1783 5371 Tracts (41) PoLivicat, &c. viz. Sir Tho. Smith, Common- wealth of England, black letter, 1621—Archidamus, or the Councell of Warre, 1624— The Orders, Lawes and Ancient Customes of Swanns, by Jo. Witherings, woodeut, 1632— The Liberties, Usages and Customes of the City of London, by Sir H. Calthorp, 1642—Three Answers to Judge Jen- kins, 1647-8—Life of Ignatius Jardain, of Exeter, 1654— Chr. Love, Vindication, 1651—Smith, Wonder of Won- ders: a Metamorphosis of Fair Faces into Foul Visages, plate—Great Britain’s Bitter Lamentation over the Death of Gen. Lord Monck, zn verse, 1670—Names of the Mem- bers of Parliament of this Commonwealth, 1653, portrait and curious plates, 1654—Copy of Cromwell’s Letter to the Members of Parliament, portrait of Cromwell, and many curious plates, 1656—Rob. Markham, Description of that Ever to be Famed Sir John Burgh, and his unfor- tunate Death at the Isle of Rees, im Verse, 1628— T. Mayhew, Panegyrick upon the Joyfull and Welcome Return of King Charles II, in Verse, 1660-—Willington’s Thrice Welcome to Charles II, 2 parts, 1660—Ghost of Charles the Great King and Martyr, a Poem—London’s Glory, represented by Time, ‘Truth and Fame at the Mag- nificent Triumphs and Entertainments of Charles II, 1660, &c. in 4 vol. russia extra VU. Je 0372 Tracts (8, curious) viz. Former Ages n never heard of, and After Ages will Admire, or Review of Parliamentary Transactions, beginning 1640, many curious plates, 1656 —O. Cromwell, Letter to the Members of Parliament, 16538, portrait and curious plates, 1656—Further Narra- 7 £ : 22 t ae ~- _ Se — se! 295 tive of the Passages of these Times in the Commonwealth of England, portrait and curious plates, 1657—The Com- monwealth’s Great Ship, called the Soveraigne of the Seas, in 1637, portrait and curious plates, 1653—London’s Blame if not its Shame, 1651—Book of the Continuation of Forreign Passages, 1654-55, 4 portraits, map and curtous plates, 1657—Barbarous and Inhumane Proceedings against the Professors of the Reformed Religion in Savoy, and the Bloody Massacres, Tortures, &c. committed on the Protestants of Ireland, many curious plates, unfortunately wanting the last leaf, 1655, &c. a collection of curtuus and very scarce tracts, in 1 vol. russia 1653-7 5373 Tracts (128) MisceLLANEOUS, viz. Royal Fishing Revived, 1670—Sir W. Talbot, The Discoveries of John Leeder in three several Marches from Virginia to the West of Caro- lina, in 1669 and 1670, map, 1672—Of the Knowledge and Conducte of Warres, 1578—Discourse concerning a Judge of Controversies, 1686—F. Phillips, The Reforming Registry, 1662—W. Prynne, The Opening of the Great Seale of England, 1643—Popery, or the Principles and Positions approved by the Church of Rome, 1679, &c. in 8 vol. half bound calf, uniform 1648-1814 -| 53874 Tracts (30) wz. A Discourse Touching the Drayning the Great Fennes in Lincolne, Northampton, &c. by Sir C. Vermuiden, 1642—The English Pope, 1643— Warning for all the Counties of England—Directory of Church Government, 1644—Ordinance of the Lords and Com- mons for raising £20,000 a Month for the Relief of Ire- land, 1646—View of the New Directorie and Vindication * ofthe Ancient Liturgie, Oxford, 1646—Jo. Milton, Judg- ment of M. Bucer concerning Divorce, The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, Tetrachordon and Colasterion, four tracts, first editions, 1644-45—Sir H. Spelman, Churches not to be Violated, 1646—-A Directory for Publique Wor- ship, 1646, and the Diurnall Occurrences, or Dayly Pro- ceedings of Parliament, 1640-41, &c. in 2 vol. VU. Ys Eo ve me 5375 Tracts (34) ExTRAORDINARY OccuRRENCES, viz. S. Har- ward on Several Kinds and Causes of Lightnings, 1607— The Windie Yeare, shewing many Strange Accidents by Land and Sea, and Relation of that at Great Chart, in Kent, black letter, 1613—True Relation of the Accidents at Chagford, in Devonshire, &c. woodcut, black letter, 1618 —Somewhat written by occasion of Three Sunnes Seene at Tregnie, in Cornwall, woodcut, 1622—True Relation of the Earthquake in the Citie of Coventrie, 1626—Looke Up and See Wonders, a Miraculous Apparition in the Ayre in Barkeshire, woodcut, 1628—C. Hammond, Warning Piece for England, woodcut, black letter, 1652, and 27 Te en eee eS Pe ee oe a ee ee ’ ’ wb , — eT a Ee 296 other True Relations of Accidents and Strange Occurrences in the various Counties of England, from 1623 to 1719, woodcuts, the whole neatly inlaid, in 1 vol. many of which are of great rarity, russia extra 1607-1719 9376 Tracts (112) Political and Parliamentary, Sir T. Smith, Commonwealth of England, black letter, 1602—Apologie of the Earl of Essex, 1603—Former Ages never heard of, and After Ages will Admire, many curious plates, 1654— Names of the Members of Parliament, &c. portrait and curious plates, 1654—True Discovery of a Bloody Plott, woodcut, 1641—Sir Jo. Suckling, Letter from France, a Verse, 1641—Ignatius, his Prophecie, 1641—History of the Babylonish Cabal, and Daniel Catchers, a Poem, 1682 —Allen, Killing no Murder, 1689—Speeches, Declarations, Ordonances, &e. in 9 vol. half russia 1602, &e. 5377 Tracts (86) Political and Ecclesiastical, viz. Harsnet, De- claration of Egregious Popish Impostures under Pretence of Casting out Devils, 1603—-The Picture of a Papist, 1606—A Gagge for the Pope and the Jesuits, 1624— Dr. Rainoldes, Judgement Touching the Originall of Epis- copacy, 1641—A Decade of Grievances, woodcut, 1641— Four Tracts on Episcopacy, 1641, &c.—Grant, Vindication of the Vicar of Isleworth, Middlesex, 1641—The Petition — and Articles exhibited against Edward Finch, Vicar of Christ’s Church, London, portrait, 1641 — Brightman, Predictions and Prophecies, 1641—-Cabinet of the Jesuit’s Secrets, &c. in 3 vol. 1603-94 5378 TRacts (24) Dell (W.) Right Reformation, 1646 —B. Bourne, Description and Confutation of the Mysticall Anti-Christ, the Familists, 1646—The Barbarous and Inhumane Pro- ceedings against the Reformed Religion in Savoy, 1655— The Bloody Massacres, &c. in Ireland, in 1641, and the Miserable Condition of Germany, 1637, many curious plates, very scarce, 1655—True Information of the Begin- ning and Cause of all our Troubles, many curious plates, very scarce, 1648—Roma Ruiua Finalis, a.p. 1666, Lon- doni, 1655—Wnm. Lilly, Monarchy or no Monarchy in England, and the Life and Death of King Charles, many curious wood engravings, 1651, &c. in 2vol. 1646, &e. 5379 Tracts. A Collection of about 250 English ° Traets, to 1714, viz. W. 8. A Briefe Conceipte of English Policy, black letter, 1581—-M. Hanmer, The Jesuites Ban- ner Displaying their Original and Successe, &c. black letter, 1581—Spenser, Vox Civitatis, or London’s Complaint against her Children in the Country, 1625—Rous, Testis Veritatis, 1626—Constitutions and Canons, Ecclesiasticall, 1633—D. Featley, Vertumnus Romanus, 1641—A Pa- — rallel, or Comparison of the Liturgie with the Masse-Book, % } i = 4 a x 297 1641—The True Grounds of Ecclesiasticall Regiment, 1641—Noli me Tangere, plate and woodcut, 1642—A Great Fight in Wales, between Col. Horton and Col. Powell, 1648—Prynne, Truth Triumphing over Falshood, 1645—Articles for the Surrender of Newark and Wor- cester, 1646—Tryall of Col. Jo. Lilburne, 1649—Nic Culpperper Catastrophe Magnatum, 1652 — Coventry (Sir W.) The Character of a Limner, 1689, &c. mostly uncut, 28 vol. uniformly half bound calf feibrs: A large Collection of Army Tracts, 1647, &c. and Newspapers for 1638 to 1650, &c. in 5 vol. half russia 1638, &e. Treaties, Collection of, relating to the Commerce and Navi- gation of the British Dominions, old red morocco extra, gilt leaves - 1717 Trigan (C.) Histoire Pare de la Provence de Nor- __ mandie, 4 vol. Caen. 1759 Trostii (M.) Lexicon Syriacum Cothenis, 1623 Tuckey (J. K.) Expedition to Explore the River Zaire, South Africa, map and 14 plates 1818 Tully (Rich.) Fabien at Tripoli, map and coloured plates 1817 Turnbull (Jo.) Voyage round the World in 1800-1804 1813 Turner (Sam.) Account of an Embassy to Lama of Tibet, map and plates, calf gilt 1800 Turner (Sharon) History of the Reign of Henry the Eighth 1826 Turner (W.) Tour in the Levant, re and many plates, some coloured, 3 vol. 1820 Turrene (Vicomte de) Histoire du, por veut and plates, 2 vol. Paris, 1735 'Turri (Raph. de) Dissedentis Desciscentis Recepteeque Nea- polis, libri VI. LInsulis, 1651 2 Twynii (B.) Antiquitatis Academia Oxonensis Apologia, Ow- onti, 1608 — Historia aliquot Nostri Szculi Martyrum Anglie, Moguntig, 1550, very scarce, with autograph of Steph. Baluzius, 2 vol. in 1, calf neat 1550-1608 Twysden (R.) Vindication of the Church of England, title torn, &c. A vol. Ulloa (Ant. de) Viage a la America Meridional, maps and plates, 4 vol. in 2—Ulloa, Observaciones Astronomicas y Phisicas, plates, together 3 vol. uniform, LARGE PAPER, calf gilt . Madrid, 1748-73 Universal Harmony, or the Gentleman and Ladies’ Social Companion, with the music, and engraved designs 1746 Vaillant (J.) Numismata Imp. Romanorum, plates of coins, 2 vol. in 1 . Paris, 1674 QQ 7 | . a 298 5397 Vaillant (M. le) Voyage dans I’Interieur de l’Afrique plates, 2 vol. in 1—Second Voyage, plates, 2 vol. together 3 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1790-6 5398 Valentia (Lud.) Voyages and Travels to India, Ceylon, Abys- sinia and Egypt, numerous plates, proofs on india paper, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, russia extra, gilt leaves roy. 4to. 1809 5399 Valentine and Orson, the Two Sonnes of the Emperor of Greece, wood engravings, with J. Ritson’s autograph, black letter, very scarce 1649 5400 Valerii Flacci Argonautica, cura Burmanni, dutch vellum Leide, 1724 5401 Valerii Probi de interpretandis Romanoram litetia Opusculum, etc. Venet. 1502—Theocriti Bucolica, etc. s. a. 2 vol. in 1 russia, gilt leaves 1502 ‘5402 Vallancey (Chas.) Treatise on 1: Inland Navigation, plates Dublin, 1763 5403 Vancouver (G.) Voyage of Discovery round the World, maps and many plates, x vol. with folio atlas, calf gilt royal 4to. 1798 5404 Vane (Sir Hen.) Life ‘and ‘Death of, with his Tryal and his Two Treatises, and Jacob's Ladder of Faith, portrait, 4 vol. in 1, scarce, calf 1662-64 5405 Van Reenen (J. ) Journey from the Cape of Good Hope, map 1792 5406 Varillas (S*.) Histoire de Charles IX. 2 vol. old red morocco, gilt leaves Paris, 1683 5407 Vasari (Gior.) Vite de Pittori, Scultori et Architetti, nwme- rous portraits, 3 vol. c Bologna, 1647 5408 Vauban (Marechal de) Memoire sur les Sieges et les Defenses - des Places, plates, Leide, 1740, &c. 4 vol. 5409 Vega (G. de la) Histoire des Guerres Civiles des Espagnoles dans les Indes, par J. Baudoin, 2 vol. Paris, 1658 5410 Vega (G. de la) Commentaire Royal, ou I’Histoire des Yncas, Roys du Peru, Paris, 1682—Wicquefort, L’ Ambassadeur et Les Fonctions, 2 vol. Cologne, 1690 3 vol. 5411 Verdun (M. de) Voyages de l’Europe de l'Afrique et de l’Amerique, chavs, 2 vol. Parts, 1778 5412 Vergilio (Polidoro) de gli Inventori delle Cose tradotti per Baldelli, Fiorenza, 1587, &c. 3 vol. 5413 Verstegan (Rich.) Restitution of Decayed Intelligence concern- ing the English Nation, wants title russia Antwerp, 1605 5414 Vertue (Geo.) Catalogue and Description of the Collection of Pictures, &c. belonging to Kings Charles I. James II. Geo. Villiers Duke of Buckingham, and Queen Caroline; 3 vol. in 1, scarce, fine copy, russia extra 1758 299 5415 Vertue (Geo.) Description of the Works of W. Hollar, and Account of his Life, interleaved, half russia, uncut 1759 5416 Veslingii (J.) Syntagma Anatomicum, plates Patavit, 1647 5417 Vianoli (A. M.) Historia Veneta, por traits, 2 vol. Venet. 1680 5418 Vico (/E.) Augustarum Imagines ereis formis expres, many plates Venet. 1558 5419 Vidal (E. E.) Picturesque Tilustrations of Buonos Ayres and Monte Video, coloured plates royal 4to. 1820 5420 Vie (La) des Trois Maries, de leur Mere et de leurs Enfans, gothic letter, margin of the title mended, russia ext. Rouen,n.d. . 9421 Vieyra (Ant.) Methodus addiscendi Arabicam Linguam, . fine copy, old red morocco, gilt leaves Dub. 1788 4 (| 5422 Villani (Giov.) Historie Universali de suoi Tempi, 2 vol. Venet. 1559 /#|. 5423 Vince(S.) Complete System of Astronomy, plates, 2 vol. russia, . vol. 3 boards Camb. 1797-1808 5424 Vincent (W.) Voyage of Nearchus from the Indus to the | Euphrates, with the Description of the Portrait of Alex- ander, portrait and maps, calf gilt 1797-1808 _ 5425 Vincent (W.) Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, maps and plates, . with 2 portraits of Vasco de Gama, 1 coloured, 2 vol. and Voyage of Nearchus, portrait, together 3 vol. | calf gilt 1800-9 — §426 Vinnii (A.) Institutionum Imperialium Commentarius, cura Heineccii, Z. B. 1726, &c. 3 vol. 5427 Violet (Tho.) True Narrative of the Proceedings i in the Court of Admiraltie against the Ships Sampson, Salvador, and George, and Account of the Silver taken out of the said | Ships, plate by Hollar 1659 5428 Virgilii Opera cum notis, et cura Masvicii, 2 vol. Leovardiea, 1717 - §429 Virgil, The XIII. Bookes of neidos, translated into English Verse by Tho. Phaer and Tho. Twyne, black letter, good copy, russia Wm. How, 1584 5430 Virgil, The Aineis, translated by Trapp, wgneties, 2 vol. 1718 5431 Virgil, Aineid, translated by Pitt, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER 1740 5482 VisconT! (G. Ep E. Q.) OprRE; viz. Il Museo Pio Clemen- tino, 7vol.; Il Museo Chiaramonti ; ; Iconografia Greca, 3 vol.; Iconografia Romana, 2 vol. in 1, numerous plates, 18 vol. in 12 LARGE PAPER, vellum, uncut Milano, 1818-23 5433 Voiture (M. de) CEuvres, portrait by Nantueil, Paris, 1656 —Defense des Ouvrages de Voiture, 7b. 1663 2 vol. 5434 Volney (C. F.) Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte, plates, 2 vol. ib. 1787—Voyages de Ferrieres-Sauvebeeuf, 2 vol. 7b. 1790 —Voyage de J. B. Le Chevalier, maps, 2 vol. ib. 1800 6 vol. ae 7 ay 300 . OG 7 | 5485 Voltaire, Henriade, translated in Rhyme, 2 2 parts, 1798, and Pe § various pamphlets, &c. apareel — - ae “ * + 5486 Vossii (G. J.) Ars Historica L.. Bat. 1623 4 22 ¢ 5487 Vossii (G. J.) de Historicis Latinis, lib. 111. , * | russia extra, gilt leaves ab. 1627 i A ¢ 5488 Vossii (G. J.) de Theologia Gentili et de Idolataria libri, . . BES 2 vol. Amst, 1642 * BAe F & 5439 Vowell alias Hoker (John): the Antique Description and iii Account of the City of Exeter _ Exon, 1765 mes o _ 5440 Voyage round the World in H.M. Ship Endeavour 1771 /a| LZ 5441 Voyage dans les Pays situés entre la Mer Noire et la Mer ) Caspienne, large map, calf gilt Paris, 1798 aay 42, ., 5442 Voyage Pittoresque dans le Canton des Grisons, en Suisse - ) ae ~ vers le Lac Majeur et le Lac Come, 31 finely coloured | plates Zurich, 1827 ue , G 5443 Waddington and Hanbury, Journal of a Visit to some parts of . Ethiopia, maps and plates, 1822 * | 5444 Waldegrave (Jas. Earl of) Memoirs, portr ait 1821 f 5445 Waldron (F. G.) Shakespearean Miscellany, portrait and ‘4 Pe plates, calf, marbled_leaves 1802 ~: a % + | 5446 Walker (Clem.) History of Independency, 3 partsin 1 vol. 1648 Ri: | 5447 Waller (Edm.) Works, by Fenton, portraits with two Poems, — ~ the original broadsides inserted, russia extra; g.l. 1729 - /| 5448 Waller (G.) Abstract of the Revenue Laws, morocco, Dublin, 1784, &e. A vol. 5449 Wallis (Jo) Natural History and Antiquities of Northum- berland and Durham, 2 vol. calf 1769 5450 Walpole (Horace) Catalogue of Engravers in England, from ~ the MS. of Geo. Vertue, and his Life, portraits, fine im- presions, calf gilt ~ Strawberry Hill, 1763 5451 Walpole (Hor.) Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors of England, Scotland and Ireland, enlarged and continued by T. Park, numerous portraits, 5 vol. LARGE PAPER, yellow morocco extra, gilt leaves 1806 5452 Walpole (Hor.) Letters to Geo. Montagu; Letters to the Earl of Hertford, portrait; Letters to Rev. W. Cole and others, 3 vol. russia extra, leather joints and g. 1. 1818-25 oe , - tat pa aa ie ee ae Se ae PN eo? ae Gp os i tae FOLIO. : _ 5453 Thoresby (Ralph) Ducatus Leodiensis, or the Topography of q the Town and Parish of Leeds in Yorkshire, map, PME 1 9). . e portrait and plates, russia extra 1715 5 5454 Thornton, Illustration of the Sexual System of Linnens, Nos. ee 1 to 5 and No.7 and 8; and the Picturesque Botanical Plates, No. I to 20, except No. 6, many coloured plates, - together 26 Nos. royal atlas folio. 1819 cr ee ge ee ee eee e . ae ee a ey ies tes eng * pt A LOLI ONTO Ee eS 301 5455 Thoroton (Dr. Rob.) Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, map and numerous plates, including the rare slip of arms, by Hollar, Hall, &c., very scarce, fine copy, calf neat 1677 5456 Thorpe (Jo.) Registrum Roffense et Custumale - Roffense ; or, a Collection of Ancient Records, Charters, &c., for aie trating the History and Antiquities of the Diocese and Cathedral of Rochester, portraits and many plates, 2 vol. Jine copy, russiu extra 1769-88 5457 Thorwaldsen (Alb.) Collezione di aleune Statue e di alcuni Basso-Relievi, con una breve illustrazione del A. Carne- valini, 24 beautiful plates Roma, 1826 5458 Tuvuani (J. A.) Historia sur Temporis (ab Anno 1543, ad annum 1607) cum Vita et N. Rigaltii Continuatione, 7 vol., interleaved, in 19 BEST EDITION, LARGE PAPER, half bound in blue morocco, gilt leaves 1733 ILLUSTRATED WITH UPWARDS OF THIRTY ORIGINAL DRAWINGS in pen and ink, and pencil, including some beautiful Sketches in colours, in the style of Hans Holbein; some PRIVATE PLATES, as the Diane de Poictiers, after Primaticcio, by J. Thomson, beautiful impression; Mary Queen of Scots, the Protector Duke of Somerset, by Cooper, fine proofs ; from Miniatures in the possession of the Duke of Buckingham, &c., also with above One THOUSAND FIvE HunDRED PORTRAITS, by Baron, Bolswert, Borrekens, Delff, Edelink, Faithorne R. Gaywood, Hollar, Houbraken, Kilian, Kessel, De Leu, Moncornet,’Muller, Payne, C. and W. Passe, P. Pontius, G. de Prenner, Sadeler, Sompel, Suyderhoef, Tasniere, Vertue, Visscher, Vosterman, Wierx, &c., some proofs and many very fine impressions, including very curious plates of battles, sieges, sacking of towns, massacres, as that of St. Bartholomew, emblematical plates, se. 5459 Thucydidis de Bello Peleponnesiaco libri vi11. Gr. et Lat., cura L. Valle, calf gilt H. Stephanus, 1564 5460 Thucydidis de Bello Peloponnesiaco likri vii1., Gr. et Lat. cura Dukeri, maps, jine copy, old calf gilt Amst. 1731 5461 Thucydides, History of the Grecian War, by Hobbes, map 1676 5462 Thucydides, History, translated by Thos. Hobbes 1676 5463 Tuurtoz (Jonn) CoLLection oF STATE PAPERS, con- tainiug authentic Memorials of English Affairs from 1688 to 1660, and Life by Birch, portrait, 7 vol. LARGE PAPER, fine copy, calf gilt 1742 5464 Tillotson (Archbishop) Works, portrait 1714 5465 Tillotson (Abp.) Works by Barker, 3 vol., vol.3 not uniform 1717 = A pment e me ne eaienomngneaiimeeeeeseesen ae aa es A tsi Ss arcane aitaietantiainiate NR ETOP A ET te ee ee Ee A AAT NON ICE (Ser inena meen eraa 302 5466 Topp (H. J.) History or THE COLLEGE OF BonnomMes AT AsuripGE, Bucks, with a Description of the present Mansion, 33 fine portraits and plates, proofs on india paper, splendidly bound in russia extra, and lined with the same, joints, and gilt leaves atlas folio, 1823 — 5467 Tolomeo, Geografia, correti da G. A. Magini, maps Venet. 1598 9468 Topham (Jo.) Account of the Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen Westminster, a leaf stained, 14 plates, russia n. d. 5469 Topsell (Edw.) Historie of Foure-footed he wood engra- vings, title mounted, calf gilt 1607 5470 Torriano (G.) Dictionary of Italian Proverbs, 1666—Dic- tionary, Italian and English, 1688 2 vol. 5471 Tracts. Acts, &c. temp. Oliver Cromwell—Speeches in Par- liament between 1647 and 1696—Her Majesty’s Enter- _ tainment in London, 1661, &e. 3 vol. 1647-96 5472 Tracts on the Popish Plot, 1679-80, &c. 6 vol. 5473 Tragi-Comicall History of our Times, under the names of Lisander and Calista 1631 5474 Traitez de Paix, Recueil des, et d’autres Actes Publics, 4 vol. Amst. 1700 5475 Treasurie of Ancient and Modern Times, wants title page 5476 Tristan (J.) Histoire des Empereurs Imperatrices Ceesars et Tyrans de Rome, plates, and engravings of coins, 3 vol. Paris, 1657 5477 Troffei (Th.) Orcades seu Rerum Orcadensium Historie lib. 111., calf Haunie, 1715 0478 TROYE Tue Recuvies or ‘GADERING TOGYDER OF Y® . Hysroryes oF Trove, how it was Destroyed by y* Puys- saunt Hercules and y* Thyrd Generall by y° Grekes, many wood engravings VERY RARE, very good copy, olive morocco extra, joints, and gilt leaves Wynkyn de Worde, 1503 5479 Trials. Copies of the Tryals before the Court Martial of — Capt. Burrish and other Officers, map of the Fleets of Cape — Sicie 1746 5480 Turenne (Marechal de) Collection des Lettres et Memoires, . par Grimoard, 2 vol. Paris, 1782 5481 Turnbull (Geo.) Treatise on Ancient Painting, 54 plates old calf gilt 1740 5482 Turner (Dr. Wm.) Herbal, corrected and enlarged with the Thirde Part, and a Booke of the Bath of Baeth in England, &c. and a most Eccellent and Perfecte Homish Apothe- carye, translated by J. Hollybush, many wood ngraeies 5 vol. in 1 RARE, fine copies, russia extra, gilt leaves Collen by A. Brickman, 1561-8 5483 Turner (W.) Compleat History of the most Remarkable Pro- vidences of Judgement and Mercey, calf, gilt leaves 1697 303 5484 Twysdeni (Roger) Historia Anglicane Scriptores x. ex vetustis MSS. nunc primum in lucem editi, etc. russia extra 1652 5485 Tyrrell (J.) History of England, vol. 1, 1697, &c. 9 vol. 5486 Tyrrel (Jas.) Bibliotheca Politica, or Enquiry into the Ancient Constitution of the English Government LARGE PAPER 1718 5487 Ursati (S.) Monumenta Patavina, port. and plates Patavit, 1652 5488 Ursini (F.) Familie Romane ex antiquis Numismatibus, plates _ Roma, 1577 5489 Usserii (Jacobi) Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti, portrait Paris, 1673 5490 Usher (Abp.) Body of Divinity, and Immanuel, portrait 1678 5491 Valdor (J.) les Triomphes des Louis le Juste XIII. de France, portraits and plates Paris, 1649 5492 Valeriani (J. P.) Hieroglyphica, seu de Sacris Aigyptiorum commentarii, numerous wood engravings Lugd. 1586 5493 Valerius Maximius, cum comment. O. Arzignanensis good copy, bright calf gilt Venet. Badius de Benaliis, 1488 5494 Valesii (Hadr.) Notitia Galliarum Paris, 1675 5495 Valle (Pietro della) Travels of East India and Arabia Deserta ; 1665 5496 Vanper Mevten (Fr.) CEuvres, consisting of 45 very large and highly finished Etchings, by Huchtenburg, Baudouin, Bonnart, Cochin, Simmoneau, Erlinger, and others, repre- senting Hunting Scenes, Landscapes, Processions, Battles, &c. with portrait by Van Schuppen, and 88 smaller composi- tions, jine impressions 1685, &c. 5497 Van Dyck (Ant.) Icones Principum Wahi Doctorum, &c. 107 portraits, fine old impressions, calf Antv.n. d. 5498 Van Dyck (A.) Iconographie, ou Vies des Hommes IIlustres — du XVIL siecle, upwards of 120 portraits, 2 vol. in 1 calf gilt Amst. 1759 59499 Vanvitelli (Luigi) Dichiarazione dei disegni del Reale Palazzo di Caserta, 14 jine large plates old red morocco, marbled leaves atlas folio. Napoli, 1756 5500 Vayer (F. de la Mothe le) Ciuvres, 2 vol. Paris, 1654 5501 Vazquez (G.) Commentariorum ac disputationum in‘primam partem St. Thome lib., 2 vol. in | Lugd. 1631 5502 Vega (Gar. de la) Royal Commentaries of Peru, portrait and plates, calf gilt 1688 5503 Vere (Sir Francis) Commentaries by W. Dillingham, portraits and plate, fine impressions, scarce, calf gilt Camb. 1657 5504 Vergilii (Polydori) Anglice Historie. lib. xxvi. Basil, 1534 5505 Verner (Jos.) Ports pre France, 16 very large and fine engravings of the French Sea Ports by Cochin and Le Bas, in three states, viz. ETCHINGS, FINE PROOFS BEFORE ANY LETTERS, AND PRINTS, 48 plates russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves atlas folio. Paris, 1760 17 | | 5507 i j t ; H . oA * | 5508 “7 » | 5509 5510 fi): a f+ |.5d11 P+ | 5512 vw |Z | 5518 ; : i 2 |Z) .- | 5514 4 | 2| £| 5515 ps oy be ) x] - | 5517 yee £6 5518 /| 5519 304 Vernet (C.) Tableaux Historiques des Campagnes d'Italie, portrait and 24 plates Paris, 1806 Vernon (T.) Cases in the Court of ‘Chancery, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER 1726 Versailles (Vues de) fine portrait and 9 plates Paris, n. d. Vertot (Abbe de) History of the Knights of Malta, numerous portraits, 2 vol. 1728 VetustTA MonuMEntTA, or Ancient Monuments illustrative of the History and Topography of Great Britain, published by the Society of Antiquaries, numerous plates by Vertue and Basire, some coloured, with several fine large plates pub- lished by the Society separately, 5 vol., and also plates 61 to 69 of vol. 5, with title ; calf gilt 1747-1822 Viaggio Pittorico della Toscana, upwards of 200 aquatinta plates, 3 vol. half morocco, uncut Firenze, 1801 2 Viaggio Pittorico fatto da Ginevra a Milano per la Strada del Sempione, 12 coloured plates n. d. Vignola Revived, the True Proportions of the Five Orders illustrated by 297 Designs, plates, stained : 1761 Virgilii Opera, et Commentationes et Paralipomena Germani V. Guellii et Appendix J. Scaligeri, upwards of 100 jine plates, by Lombart, Faithorne, Hollar, §c. brilliant impres- sions, yellow morocco, gilt leaves . Virgilii Opera ; Paris Typog. Regis, 1641 Virgilii Bucolica, Georgica et AEneis ex Cod. Mediceo-Lauren- tiano descripta, Lat. et Ital. plates, 3 vol. half bound, uncut Rome, 1763 Virgil, Works, translated by J. Ogilby, with numerous plates by Hollar, Lombart, &e. , 1668 Virgil, Works, translated by Deisetre numerous plates "1697 Virgil. Another copy 1697 ~ Antv. 1575. 305 TWENTY-SECOND DAY’S SALE. OCTAVO ET INFRA. LOT : 5520 Ward (Ned.) Lord Clarendon’s History of the Grand Rebel- lion Compleated, in Verse, with upwards of 80 portraits, maps and plates, 3 vol. very scarce, calf gilt 1713-17 9521 Ward (R.) Life of Dr. More, !710—Walton (Is.) Life of Bishop Sanderson, portrait, 1678—Wotton (Sir H.) Lives, 1654—History of the Commons’ Warre of England, fron- tispiece, 1662 4 vol. 5522 Waring (W.) Complete Dictionary of Masio royal 8vo. 1779 5523 Warner (Rieh.) Topographical Remarks on the Western Parts of Hampshire, 2 vol. calf gilt 1793 5524 Warner (R.) Walk through Wales, plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1799 5525 Warner (R.) Tour through the Northern Counties of England, plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1802 5526 Warton (Sir George) Works, by Gadbury, portrait 1683 5527 Warton (J.) On the Genius of Pope, 2 vol. 1782 , 5528 Warton (J.) Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope, portraits, 2 vol. calf gilt 1806 5529 Warton (Tho.) Poetical Works and Life, by Mant, 2 vol. calf gilt Oxford, 1802 5530+ Warwick (Earl of, ‘Surnamed the King-maker) History con- taining his Amours 1708 5531 Warwick, Historical and Descriptive ‘Account of the-Town and Castle of, plates, LARGE PAPER : Warwick, 1815 5532 Washbourne (Tho.) Divine Pagina scarce 1654 5533 Washington (George) Official Letters to the American Con- gress, 2 vol. calf gilt 1795 9534 Waterhouse (Ed.) Discourse and Defence of Arms and Ar- moury, russia, gilt leaves 1660 5535 Watkins (J.) Essay towards a History of Bideford, Devon, calf neat Exeter, 1792 5536 Watkins (J.) Memoirs of R. B. Sheridan, portratt, 2 vol. 1817 5537 Watson (J.) The English Martyrologie, the Lives of Renowned Saintes of England, Scotland and Ireland, scarce, russia extr a, gilt leaves : 1608 55388 Watson (R.) Chemical Essays, 5 vol. 1800 5539 Watts (Josh.) Remarkable Events, 1825—Walpoliana, 2 vol. n.d. &c. 6 vol. BBO Websr (Jos.) Memoirs of Maria aloreein: Queen of France, by Dallas, portratt, 3 vol. LARGE PAPER, calf, marbled leaves : 1805 RR | wags ace ee a 1xT- | te, ay tae {i ; { [e7 1+ | i : Rone ) 1 Al ba ; } ted [A \- | i f y I - . ‘ a 306 5541 Weddell (James) Voyage towards the South Pole, charts and plates 1825 5542 Weldon (Sir A.) Court and Character of King James, with Vindication in Answer, 2 vol. dlustrated with upwards of 40 fine portraits and plates, 2 vol. blue morocco extra, gilt leaves 1650 5543 Wellesley (Marquess of) Primitie et Reliquiz, PRIVATELY PRINTED, presentation copy, cloth, g. l. 1841 5544 Wellesley (Marquess) Despatches, Minutes and Correspon- dence, edited by Montgomery Martin, portrait and maps, 5 vol. presentation copy to the Duke of Buckingham, with auto- graph of the Marquess of Wellesley paigns, edited by Lieut. Col. Gurwood, 12 vol. and Sup- plementary vol. and Index, together 14 vol. 1835-9 | 5546 Welwood (J.) Memoirs of England, 1700—West (T.) Anti- quities of Furness, plates, calf gilt, Ulverston, 1805 2 vol. © 5547 Westmacott (C. M.) British Galleries of Painting and Seulp- ture, portratt, india proof, LARGE PAPER » 1824 _ 5548 Westminster. Antiquities of St. Peter’ 5, or Abbey Church of Westminster, plates 1711 5549 Westminster. Another edition, plates, 2 vol. calf neat 1722 5550 Westminster and Middlesex Elections, 1806, History of, coloured plate, 1807, and 5 relating to London 6 vol. | 5551 Westmoreland. Robinson (T.) Essay on the Natural History of Westmoreland and Cumberland, 1709—Housman (J.) Guide to the Lakes, 1802 | 5552 Wharton (G.) Works, by Gadbury, portrait, divided into 4 vol. wanting vol. 3 1683 | 5553 Whincop (T.) Scandeberg, and List of Dramatic Poets, por- traits, 1747—Whitehead (W.) Plays and Poems, 2 vol. 1774 3 vol. 5554 Whiston (W.) Primitive Christianity Revived, 5 vol. 1711-12 © | 5555 Whitaker (J.) Origin of Arianism, calf gilt, 1791—Genuine History of the Britons Asserted, MS. notes, by O’ Conor, Dublin, 17738 2 vol. | 5556 Whitaker, History of Widnchester, plates, 2 whe ® 1773 5557 Whitworth (Chas. Lord) Account of Russia, ~ calf gilt Strawberry Hill, 1758 5558 Wild (Dr. R.) Iter Boreale and Poems, russia extra, gl. 1670 5559 Wilkes (John) Correspondence, and his Life, by Almon, ee trait, 5 vol. calf gilt 1805 5560 Wilkins (Bishop) Mathematical Magic, portrait, 1691—Wor- cester (Marquis e os of Inventions, Foulis, 1767, &e. ‘ . 6 vol. 1836-7 > | BD4 Wellington (Duke of) Despatches during his various Cam- 2 ae 5576 5577 9578 5579 5580 | 5581 5582 5583 307 Wilkinson (C. H.) Elements of Galvanism, plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1804 Wilkinson (J. G.) Materia ‘Hibreglpphiess 8 5 parts, and Extracts from Hieroglyphical Subjects, together 4 parts Malta, 1828-30 Wilkinson (J. G.) Manners and Customs of Ancient Egyp- tians, both series, numerous plates, some coloured, 6 vol. 1837-41 Wilkinson (J. G.) Topography of Thebes, and General View. , of Egypt, numerous plates, scarce : 1835 * Williams (Sir Chas. Hanbury) Works, with notes by Horace Walpole, portr Sigs 3 vol. 1822 Williams (Eliezer) English Works, with Memoir by his Son 1840 Williams (H. M.) Tour in Switzerland 2 vol. 1798 Williams (H. M.) Political and Confidential Correspondence of Lewis the XVI, 3 vol. calf gilt 1803 Williams (H. M.) Correspondence of Louis XVI, 3 vol. 1803 Williams (W.) Occult Physick, portrait, calf neat 1660 Williamson (T.) Complete Angler’s Vade-Mecum, plates, calf gilt 1808 Willis = eae History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies, and Conventual Cathedral Churches, 2 vol. scarce, good copy 1718 Willis (B.) Notitia Parliamentaria, vol. 3, scarce 1750 Willis (B.) Survey of St. Asaph, enlarged by Edwards, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, bright calf gilt, marbled leaves Wrerham, 1801 Willsford ( Tho.) The Scales of Commerce and Trade,_jine portrait by Rob. Vaughan, 1660—Welwood, Memoirs of Transactions in England, 1702, &e. 4 vol. Wilson (J.) Account of the Colleges in Cambridge, plates, calf gilt 1803 Wilson (Wm. Rae) Travels in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, &c. plates 1826 Wilson (Bp. Tho.) Principles and Duties of Christianity, En- glish and Mauks, FIRST EDITION, scarce, blue morocco extra, g. l. 1707 Winchester, History of, plates, 2 vol. calf gilt Winton, 1773 Windsor Castle, an Historical Romance, by W. H. Ainsworth, plates and wood engravings, by Geo. Cruikshank, &c. 1843 Winstanley (W.) England’s Worthies, Select Lives of Eminent Persons, with copy of the portrait ; 1660 Winstanley (W.) Loyall Martyrologie, and Dregs of Treachery, ILLUSTRATED with 44 portraits, many very fine impres- sions, and a View of the Execution of Uharles I, the whole inlaid in writing paper, russia extra, g. I. 1665 Winstanley (W.) Lives of the most Famous English Poets, calf gilt 1687 a \ aS Ry » Finan at nent ree mraxe ST va 7. ee o | raw | PER ee Os aR Ya SESS EA \ Pear sea Wet & encase rte Ee ssn Se pe NER IR IE | 559G 5097 5598 5599 5600 5601 5602° 56038 308 Winterbottom (T.) Account of the Native Africans of Sierra Leone, map and plates, 2 vol. 1803 Wishart (G.) Memoirs of Jas. Graham, Marquis of Montrose, portratt Edinb. 1819 Withering (W.) Systematic Arrangement of British Plants, plates, 4 vol. 180} Wits (The),or Sport upon Sport, in Sélodted Pieces of Drol- lery, 1672—The Witch, a Tragi-Comedie, by T. Middleton, 2 vol. calf 1672, &c. Wits Interpreter, the English Parnassag, engraved title, by Gaywood, russia extra, gilt leaves 1655 Wolfe of Badenoch, 8 vol. Hdinb. 1827—Witch Finder, 3 vol. 1824 6 vol. Wolfe Tone (Theobald) Meets written by Himself, por- trait, 2 yol.) 3 1827 Wolff (Jos.) Narrative af a Mission to Bokhiras plates, 2 vol. 1845 Wolfii (J. C.) Monumenta Typographiea, 2 vol. Hamburgi, 1740° Wood (J.) Description ef Bath, plates, 2 vol. in 1 1765 Wood (L.) Florus Anglicus, or History of England, portrait by Stent, 1657—Edmundson, The Natural Language of Languages, 1655, 2 vol. in 1, russia, ml. ~~ 1655-57 Woodward (Capt. Dav.) Noemve of the Loss of his Ship and Adventures in the Island of Celebes, map and plates ; and Tuckey (J. H.) Voyage to New South Wales, 2 vol. in 1 1805 Woods (G.) Account of the Past and Present State of the Isle of Man, calf gilt 1811 Wordsworth (Chr.) Ecclesiastical Biography, or the Lives of Eminent Men, and History of Religion in England, 6 vol. calf extra, marbled leaves 1810 Wordsworth (C.) Greece, Pictorial, Descriptive, and Histori- cal, numerous fine plates and wood engravings royal 8vo. 1840 Wordsworth (W.) Lyrical Ballads and Pastoral Poems, 2 vol. calf gilt 1802 World (The) by Adam Fitz- Adam, 6 vol. 1757 _,Wotton (T.) English Baronetage, a Genealogical and Histo- rical Account of English Baronets, plates of arms, 5 vol. ! 741 Wraxall (N.) Tour in Europe, map, 1775—Memoirs of the Kings of France, 2 vol. Ebert of the Courts of Berlin, &c. 2 vol. 1806 5 vol. Wyat (Geo.) Extracts from the Life of the Virtuous, Chris- tian, and Renowned Queen Anne Boleigne, 3 fine portraits, privately printed, and No. 15 of only 27 copies imperial 8yo. 1817 q zs ; me Py ee, a ee 309 4 Wycherley (W.) Plays, 1731, &c. 4 vol. ) Wynne (Sir John) History of the Gwedir Family, 7TUssia 1770 Wyntown (And. of) de Origynale Cronykil of Scotland, with Notes and a Glossary by D. Macpherson, 2 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves 1795 Xenophontis Anabasis, Greek and English, by N.S. Smith, map 1826 Xenophontis Cyropzedia, by Ashley, 2 vol. 1728— Virgil, Works by Ogilby, plates, 1634, &c. 6 vol. Xenophon, Expedition of Cyrus, by Spelman, 9 vol. 1749— Xenophon, Memoirs of Socrates, by Fielding, 1767 3 vol. York. The History and Antiquities of the City of York, map and plates, 3 vol. York, 1785 Young (Sir Wm.) History of Athens, portrait 1804 Young, View of the peanees of Essex, plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1807 Odd Volumes. Burn, Justice, by Chetwynd, 5 vol. (wants vol. 5), 1820, &e. 14 vol. Odd Volumes. Butler, Hudibras, by Grey, vol. 1, 1744—Apu- leius, Golden Ass, plates, vol. 2, 1708—Ockley, History of the Sarseens, vol. 1, 1718, &c. 4 vol. Odd Volumes. Kirby, Wonderful Mactan slates vol. l and 2, 1803—Polehampton, Gallery of Nature and Art, pidiee vol. 6, LARGE PAPER, 182], &e. é 5 vol. Odd Volumes. Dodsley, Annual Register, 1804— Annual Biography, 4 vol. between 1818 and 1826—Selby, Orni- thology, part 1, 1825, &e. 18 vol. Odd Volumes. Bourgoing State of Spain, vol. 2, 3, and-4, plates — Plutarch, “Morals, vol. 2 to 5, 1691, &e. 30 vol. Odd Volumes. Novels, &c. vol. Odd Volumes, &c. a parcel Odd Volumes. Collection of Old Ballads, plates, vol. 1 and 3, 1723—Dodsley, Collection of Poems, 6 vol. (wants vol. 4), 1758 7 vol. Odd Volumes. Roscoe (T. ) German Novelists, 4 vol. (wants vol. 3), 1826—Opie, Tales of the Heart, 4 vol. (wants vol. 4), 1820, and 27 of Novels, &c. 33 vol. Odd Volumes, French, x7z.— Des Roches, Histoire de Danne- marc, 9 vol. (wanting vol. 8), 1732—Tillement, Histoire des Empereurs, &c. 59 vol. Odd Volumes. Dibdin (T. F.) Sunday Library, vol. 4 and 5, 1821, &e, 10 vol. 24 Odd Volumes. Hopkins (E.) Sermons, vol. 1, 3, and 4, 1694 — Newton (T.) on the Prophecies, vol. 2 and 3, 1758, &e. a parcel = 3b0 a 2 : | 5625 Odd Volumes. Mercure Galant, 13 vol. (Cae vol. 6 and 9), me B A. 11 vol. 1678, &e. 33 vol. _ 5626 Odd Volumes. Foreign Books 40 vol. MA _ 5626*Odd Numbers of various Works of Art, viz. —Monumenti- Inediti dall’ Instituto di Corrisp. Archeologica, 2 numbers, | ( plates—Souvenirs de Waterloo, plates, &e. 16 vol. QUARTO. ls Walpole (Hor.) Memoires of the Last Ten Years of the Reign of George the Second, portraits and plates, 2 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves 6 ABS Walsh (Dr. E.) Narrative of the Expedition to Holland, plates 1800 ) Walsh (Thos.) Journal ‘ofthe Campaign in Eeype alanis and coloured plates, calf gilt | 1803 Wanley (Nath.) Wonders of the Little World, or General History of Man » Las Warburton (Bishop) Letters to Bishop Hurd, portraits, — G2 calf gilt : Kidderminster, Ward “(Thos.) Englonts Reformation, Hamburgh, 1710— Walpole (Hor.) Answer to Bolingbroke, 1762 = 2vol. Waring (E. 8.) Tour to Sheeraz, portrait, agers . : LARGE PAPER, russia extra, marbled leaves : 1807 | Warner (R.) Collections for the History of Hampshire and the Bishopric of Winchester, map, pomagas. ates 5 vol. wants vol. 6, calf gilt per 198s, Warner (Rt.) History of Bath, portrait and plates, — calf gilt Bath, 1801 Warner (R.) History of the Abbey of Glaston and of the Town of Glastonbury, portrait, plates, and wood engrav- ings, pale russia extra, joints (4b B26 RO Warning (Fair) to Murderers of Infants, 1695—Warning to _ Servants, or the Case of Margaret Clark, executed for | firing her Master’s House, 2 vol. calf neat ~ 1680-91 Warrington (W.) History of Wales, calf gilt 786509 Waterton (C.) Wanderings in South America in 1812-24, portrait 1825 Warton (Tho.) Specimen of a History of Oxtordaiiees scarce, 7 half russia 3 ae Warton (Thos.) History of English Poetry, 8 vol. , calf gilt, with the Index, and the portioy of vol. 4 loose : (1775- 1806 rs ‘ 2 Watson (Jo.) History and Antiquities of the Parish of Halifax, portrait and plates, calf gilt nee Ye Watson (Jo.) Memoirs of the Ancient Earls of Warren and | Surrey, and their Descendants, many fine portraits and plates, 2 vol. half russia, uncut Warrington, 1782 ae cf 5645 5646 5647 5648 5649 5650 5651 | 5652 | 5653 5654 5655 5656 5657 5658 5659 5660 5661 £662 5663 5664 “ oll 2 vol. i Reliit of f Piel the Third, together 3 vol. 1777- 83 Watson (R.) Anecdotes of the Life of Bishop Watson, portrait, stained 1817 Watts (W.) Views of ie Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, 84 plates, very fine impressions, red morocco extra, gilt leaves oblong 4to. 1779 Weaver (J.) Art of Dancing, by Characters and Demonstra- tive Figures 1706 Weibel (S.) Voyage Pittoresque de T'Oberland du Canton de Berne, map and coloured plates roy. 4to. Paris, 1812 Weld (Is.) Travels through North America, map and plates, | calf gilt : 1799 Welsted (Leon.) Wika; with Memoir by J. Nichols 1787 Wenlock (John) Humble Declaration (or True Relation of his Troubles) to Charles II, with his Poems never before published, scarce, calf gilt 1662 Whitaker (IT. D.) History of the Parish of Whalley and Honor of Clithero, plates and pedigrees, 2 vol. in 1 calf gilt Blackburn, 1800-1 West (Thos.) Antiquities of Furness, map and plates 1774 Whitaker (T. D.) History and Antiquities of Craven, nume- rous plates and pedigrees, russia 1805 White (F.) Views chiefly in the Himalaya Mountains, edited by Emma Roberts, 29 fine plates LARGE PAPER, morocco, gilt leaves royal 4to. 1838 White (Gil.) Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne, plates, calf gilt 1789 White (Jo.) Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales, plates, calf gilt 1790 White he) Egyptiaca, Observations on Antiquities of /Egypt, plates, part 1, calf gilt Oxford, 1801 White (W.) Voyage to Colomba, plates, calf gilt 1800 Whitelock (Bulstrode) Notes upon the King’s Writ for choosing Members of Parliament, edited by Morton, 2 vol. calf guilt 1766 Whitelock (Bulstrode) Journal of the Swedisli Embassy in 1653-4, edited by Morton, 2 vol. calf galt 1772 Wildman (T.) on the Management of Bees, plates 1768 Widmore (Ric.) Enquiry into the time of the first Foundation of Westminster Abbey, 1743; and History of the Church of St. Peter’s Westminster, or the Abbey, 2 vol. 1743-51 Wilkes (John) History of England from the Revolution to the Accession of the Brunswick Line, vol. 1, the Intro- duction, all published 1768 ° 5665 Wilkinson (J. G.) Materia Hieroglyphica, 60 plates, parts 1 and 2 ‘ oblong 4to. Egypt, 1828 pene ET FE Ti SREP EERO STARE OTE EEE OL) ee = Stoey Hee! wr ide 312 5666 Wilkinson (Rob.) Londina Illustrata; Graphic and Historic: Memorials of Monasteries, Churches, Palaces, Halls, &c., ? numerous plates, 2 vol. royal 4to. 1819 a 5667 Wilkinson (R.) Londina Illustrata, plates, iniperfect | | 5668 Williams (Dav.) History of Monmouthshire, map and plates calf gilt 1796 - | 5669 Williams (HW) Views an Greece, 43 plates, india prs | wants title, half calf _ 5670 Williams (J.) Northern Governments ; viz. Deutiark, Bae Sweden and Poland, 2 vol. calf gilt 1777 5671 Willis (Browne) Survey of the Cathedrals of England and Wales, many plates, 3 vol. old calf gilt 1742 5672 Willis (Browne) History and Antiquities of the Town, Hun- dred and Deanery of Buckingham, the index in MS. and a frontispiece inserted, scarce 1755 5673 Wilson (C.) Ornaments of Churches considered, with History | of St. Margaret’s Church, Westminster, plate Oxf. 1761 . 5674 Wilson (H.) Account of the Pelew Island, and Supplement, map and plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 17838 | 9675 Wilson (R. T.) History of the British Expedition to Egypr, portrait and plans, calf gilt 1802 5676 Wilson (Sir Rob.) Remarks on the Russian Army, and Cam- paigns in Poland, plans, calf extra, marbled leaves 1810 5677 Wilson (T.) Catalogue Raisonné of the Select Collection of Engravings of an Amateur, plates, fine proofs on india paper PRIVATELY, AND ONLY TWENTY-FIVE COPIES PRINTED, LARGE PAPER, presentation copy 1828 5678 Willyams (C.) Account of the Campaign in the West Indies in 1794, plates 1796 ; | 5679 Willyams (Cooper) Voyage to the Mediterranean in the Swift sure, with a description of the Battle of the Nile, plans and plates, calf gilt 1802 5680 Winslow (J. B.) Anatomy, by Douglas, plates, 2 vol. in 1 1763 5681 WircucrArt, Seven Tracts on—viz Glanvil on Witches and ; ne Witchcraft, 1667; C. Mather,-Account of the Tryals of Witches in New England, 1693; Further Account of Tryals, 1693 ; J. Mather, Cases of Conscience concerning Witchcrafts, 1693; Taylor, the Surrey Impostor, portr au, 1697 ; Relation DF Witches in Scotland, &e. in | vol. calf neat 1667-97 5682 Witham (H. T. M.) Internal Structure of Fossil Vegetables, 16 plates of numerous coloured figures Edinb. 188 5683 Witman (W.) Travels in Turkey, Asia Minor, Syria and , Egypt, plates, the map and costumes coloured ~ seis . calf gilt 1803. 2 ee 5684 Wollaston, oereen of Nature, old red morocco, gilt ia cae oe ee 1725, & 5 vol. es c = “ec Ye ee eS ae ler ee & ba r or =P) eo) oe) 313 Wood (Ant.) History and Antiquities of the Colleges and Halls in the University of Oxford, with Continuation and Appendix by J. Gutch, 2 vol. calf gilt 1786-90 Wood (M.) Review of the Origin and Progress of the War in the Mysore, map, calf gilt 1800 Wood (Mark) Importance of Malta 1805 Wood (Rob.) Essay on Homer, portrait 1775 Woodville (Dr. Wm.) Medical Botany with Supplement 274 finely coloured plates, 4 vol. calf gilt 1790, &e. Woodward (G. M.) Elements of Bacchus; or Toasts and Sentiments given by distinguished Characters, 40 portraits, scarce . 1792 Woodward (G. M.) Eccentric Excursions in England and Wales, 100 curious comic plates, calf gilt 1798 Wool (J.) Biographical Memoir of Rev. Joseph Warton, portrait, calf gilt ‘ 1806 Woolnoth (W.) Graphical Illustration of the Cathedral Church of Canterbury, plates impl. 4to. 1816 Worlidge (T.) Collection choisie de Desseins tires de Pierres Precieuses Antiques, portrait and 180 plates, fine impres- sions, 2 vol. red morocco extra, gilt leaves 1768 Worsley (Rich.) History of the Isle of Wight, map and plates calf gilt — : 1781 Wraxall (N. W.) History of France, 3 vol. calf gilt 1795 Wright (E.) Travels through France and Italy, plates, 2 vol. 7 1730 Wyndham (H. P.) Tour through Monmouthshire, plates calf gilt Salisbury, 1731 Wyrley (Wm.) The True Use of Armes and Armorie, in Verse, arms coloured, title inlaid, very scarce morocco extra, joints, and gilt leaves 1592 Xenophon, Affairs of Greece, translated by Smith 1770 Yarranton (And.) England’s Improvement by Sea and Land, to Out-do the Dutch without Fighting, to pay Debts without Money, &c., plates and plans 1677 Yates (Rich.) Illustration of the Monastic History and An- tiquities of the Town and Abbey of St. Edmund’s Bury, plates, calf gilt : 1805 Yorke (Ph.) Royal Tribes of Wales, portrazts calf gilt é Wrexham, 1799 Young (W.) History of Athens. 1786 Young (Sir W.) West-India Common Place Book, maps 1807 Zentner (L.) Collection of Landscapes from the best Old Masters, numerous portraits and plates russia extra, gilt leaves 1791 Zipoli (Perlone) Il Malmantile racquistato colle note di P. Lamoni, portratis, 2 vol. Firenze, 1731 capo ire: Ee Re One 3ol4 _ 5708 Zouch (Thos.) Lives of Dr. J. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, R. Hooker, George Herbert and R. Sanderson, portrait and . | . plates, calf gilt York, 1818 742, ~ 5709 Zouch (Thos.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Sir | pane Philip Sidney, portrait, calf extra ib. 1808 Bee es . pe FOLIO, a x 2 | 6710 Vira vi Sancti Papri Vuteata Historia DA, jine wood | engavings . RARE, remarkably fine copy, olive morocco extra, g.l. Venet. s.a. A + | $711 Vitruvii de Architectura, lib. x. cura De Laet, wood engravings ) Amst. Elzevir, 1649 2 ~ 5712 Vitruvius de Architectura ib. 1649 © eee | 5718 Vitruve, Dix Livres d’Architecture, traduits avec notes par ay eee Perrault, plates, old calf gilt Paris, 1684 “7 | 5714 Vossii (G. J.) de Theologia Gentili, lib. rx. Amst. 1668 es oe _ 5715 VoyaceE PITTORESQUE DE LA SuIssE, par Laborde et Zurlau- ben, with the General Index, and 278 plates, fine impressions, ) . 4 vol. in 3 . fine copy, russia Paris, 1780-6. Via fo _« | 5716 VoyaGE PITTORESQUE, ou Description des Royaumes de Na- . | ples et de Sicile, wpwards of 400 beautiful plates, jine old | impressions, 5 vol. russia, marbled leaves - tb. 1781-6. S| 70 - | 5717 Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece, par Choiseul Gouffier, nume- | rous plates, fine impressions, 3 vol., vol. 1 wants No. 4, and. ee Bey the 12th chap. to the end, titles, §c., uncut ib. 1782-1822 bet fo _ 5718 Voyage Pittoresque de la France, the letter press onlys 4 vol. se | | | 5719 Voyage Pittoresque de la France, numerous plates, impart he Koa | 5720 Voyage Pittoresque de la Syrie, par Cassas, with 168 plates, as jine original impressions, imperfect, 3 vol. uncut ib. 1798 Ff ‘ | 5721 Voyage Pittoresque et Historique de |’Istrie et de la Dalmatie, . . par Cassas et Lavallee, 69 plates, very jine elie, | Jjine copy, red morocco extra, gilt leaves b. 1802 _ 5722 Voyage Pittoresque et Historique de |’Espagne, par ee La- sZb Al Ue ie borde, about 200 plates, beautiful impressions, vol. 1 in . fed | 2 parts, and part 1 of vol. 2, 3 vol. wncut ib. 1806-12 —T Sry /@ . | 9723 Voyages Pittoresques de Suisse: Geneve a Milan par le Sim- — tt. . ) ) plop, 35 plates ; au Lac de Geneve, 10 plates ; au Lac des . . Waldstettes, 10 plates; au Lac de Come, 15 plates; aux. ) / Lacs de Houne, Brienz Lurgern, et Sarnen, 12 plates— ) together 82 finely coloured plates, 5 vol. in 1 half russia, gilt leaves Bale et Zurich, 1819-27 ; PGE id Oe | 5724 Voyage Pittoresque aux Glaciers de Chamouni, with 11 coloured | | plates, sheets t Paris, 1815 t 315 0725 VoyvaGE PITTORESQUE DE CONSTANTINOPLE ET DU Bose PHORE, portrait, and 51 jine maps and plates by Melling, PROOF IMPRESSIONS, the text inlaid ) russia extra, joints, tooled, g. l. eleph. fol. Paris, 1819 5726 Voyages Pittoresques et Romantiques dans l’ancienne France, par Nodier, Taylor, et De Cailleux, 229 jine lithograph plates, 2 vol. half green morocco, marbled leaves ib. 1820, &c. | 5727 Wake (W.) State of the Church and Clergy of England scarce 1703 9728 Waldron (Geo.) Description of the Isle of Man LARGE PAPER, calf extra 1731 5729 Walker (Sir Ed.) Historical Discourses, frontispiece, containing portraits of Charles I. and the see and portrait of Charles I. by Hollar 1705 9730 Walker (Jo.)Account of the Numbers and Sufferings of the Clergy of the Church of EGON in the Grand Rebellion, | old calf gilt 1714 _ 5731 Waller (J. G. and L. A. B.) Series of Monumental Brasses, ) from Edward I. to Elizabeth, numerous tinted plates, and some richly illuminated, Nos. 1 to 14, wanting No.7 1840-4 - 9732 Watticu (Dr. Natu.) PLant# AsIATIC# RARIORES, or | Descriptions and Figures of a Select Number of Unpub- lished East Indian Plants, 300 most beautifully coloured plates, 3 vol. russia extra, gilt leaves 1830-2 5733 WaLpoLE (Horace) REMINISCENCES, written in 1788 PRIVATELY AND ONLY 25 COPIES PRINTED, ILLUSTRATED with an assemblage of upwards of 200 portraits, by Barto- lozzi, Blooteling, Bockman, Faber, N. Faithorne, Fourdri- nier, Houbraken, McArdell, Schenk, J. Simon, J. Smith, Vertue, fc. some proofs and many fine impressions russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves 1805 _ 5734 Waltheri (Jo. L.) Lexicon Diplomaticum, cura Jo. H. Jungii, numerous plates LARGE PAPER, fine copy, calf, marbled leaves Gottinge, 1747 5735 Ware (Is.) Complete Body of Architecture, many plates 1756 5736 Webster (John) Displaying of Rupp aes Witchcraft LARGE PAPER 1677 _ 5737 Webster (J.) Another copy 1677 5738 Weever (Jo.) Ancient Funerall Monuments in Great Britain and Ireland, portrait and frontispiece, calf gilt 1631 5739 Wesley (Sam.) Life of Jesus Christ, a Poem, 10 plates 1693 5740 Wesley (S.) Dissertationes in Librum Jobi, portrait and plates LARGE PAPER 1736 5740* Wesley (S.) Another copy, portrait and plates LARGE PAPER 1736 5741 Wheler and Spon, Journey into Greece, map and plates scarce, good copy 1682 EN See ) 316 backs i 2 7/7 ~- | 5742 Whitelock (Bulst.) Memorials of English Affairs, from the | Bi beginning of the Reign of Charles I. to the Restoration } ; BEST EDITION, calf gilt 1732 f.. . | 5748 Wicquefort (M. de) The Ambassador and his Functions, by See Aas Diby 1716 eee ee pee = Wicquefort (M. de) Histoire des Provinces Unies des Pays- . Sa Bas, vol. 1 ee Bes LARGE PAPER La Haye, 1719 . rend | 5745 Wilkins (J.) Essay towards a Real Character 1668 fo + 5746 William III. Komste van William III. Koning von Groote Britanje in Holland, portrait by Gunst, and plates of pro- ; cessions, etc. S. Gravenhaage, 1691 _ 5747 Williams (C.) History of Sudeley Castle in Gloucestershire, oa ) plate 1791 _ 5748 Williams (C.) Another copy, plate, uncut 1791 _ 5749 Williamson (Cap. Tho.) Oriental Field Sports, 40 coloured | plates, after drawings by Howitt oblong folio, 1807 | 5750 Williamson (M. B.) Illustration of the Human Head, 3 plates | . 1834 | 7 | 5751 Willughby (F.) Ornithology, with Art of Fowling, Ordering Singing Birds, and of Falconry, by Ray, 78 plates of nume- ae rous figures 1678 : |9 | + | 5752 Willughbeius (F.) Historia Piscium, supplevit J. Rains, a ee 187 plates ee LARGE PAPER Oxonii, 1686 Ea /- | 5753 Wilson (Arthur) History of Great Britain, or Life of James I Beh 1658 : a * | 5754 Wilson (T.) Christian Dictionary 1678 _» | 5755 Wi_ton GarpeEn, the Seat of Philip Comte de Pembroke, | &c., 26 etchings by Isaac de Caus, complete, inlaid in vols. | eo VERY RARE, elegantly bound in green morocco extra, joints, and ) | gilt leaves, by C. Lewis n. a | oe * ,* This was Bindley’s copy, and was Ba at his sale. It is — | oa quite complete, and has the Advertisement in French as ee pec | mentioned by R. Gough.—Vide Upcoti's British Topo- graphy, vol. 3, p. 1310. | 5758 WINSTANLEY (Hen.) PLans, ELEVATIONS AND PARTICU- LAR PROSPECTS OF THE RoYALL PALLACE OF AUDLEY- Ewnp, 24 plates, complete, inlaid in royal folio RARE, jine copy, russia extra, joints, and gilt leaves n. d. . *,.* Bindley’s copy of this rare volume sold for £17. 17s. - ve “ | 5756 Winchester, Picturesque Memorials of, 18 plates, india dpe: | with a pencil drawing of Avington House by Miss F’. Reed Pgs LARGE PAPER, half calf Winchester, 1830 4 “# # | 5757 Winchester, Picturesque Memorials of, descriptions by P. Hall, See et and 18 plates by O. B. Carter and J Le Keux, india proofs ) before the letters LARGE PAPER, in 6 parts ib. 1830 317 GY ~ | 5759 Winter (G. S.) Bellerophon, sive Eques peritus hoc est Artis Equestris, numerous plates Norimb, 1678 /| 5760 Winwood (Sir R.) Memorials of Affairs of State in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I, by Sawyer, portrait, , % | 8 vol. old calf gilt : 1725 y+ | §761 Wither (Geo.) Collection of Emblemes, ancient and moderne, plates, fine impressions, but wants the portrat, calf 1635 \¢ | 5762 Witsen (N.) Noord en Oost Tartaryen, maps and numerous plates, 2 vol. : Amst. 1785 + | 8763 Wood (Rob.) Ruines of Palmyra, otherwise Tedmor in the _ Desert, 57 plates, fine impressions, calf 1758 _« | 5764 Wollaston (F.) Specimen of a General Astronomical Catalogue, and Portraiture of the Heavens 1789-1811 oe Ss 5765 Wood (Ant. 4) Historia et Antiquitates Universitatis Oxoni- ensis, plates, 2 vol. in 1 Oxonii, 1674. - | 5766 Wood (Ant.) Athene Oxonienses, an Exact History of all the Writers and Bishops educated in the University of Oxford, from A. D, 1500, 2 vol. second edition, calf gilt 1721 ‘a 5767 World (the) for the years 1753-4-5, 2 vol. FIRST EDITION, calf gilt 3 1753, &e. - | 5768 Worstey (Sir Ric.) Museum WorsLEYANvM, or a Collec- tion of Antique Basso-Relievos, Bustos, Statues and Gems, with views of places in the Levant, taken in 1785-6-7, | portrait and numerous plates, fine impressions, by Carattoni, Schiavonetti, Skelton, gc. 2 vol. PRIVATELY PRINTED, red russia extra, joints, and g. l. 1794 * * Sir R. R. Worsley is said to have expended £27,000. in col- _ lecting materials for this Work; it is believed that not more than 50 copies of the plates were worked off, that Sir Richard never distributed more than 27; also, that he paid £200. for a copy to the Executors of a Gentleman to whom he had presented it. - | 5769 Wotton (Gul.) Leges Wallicee Ecclesiasticee et Civiles Hoeli Boni LARGE PAPER, Uussia : 1730 . | 5770 Wouvermans (Ph.) CEuvres Gravees d’apres ses Meilleurs Tableaux, portrait and 100 plates, by J. Moyreau, jine im- pressions, uncut - Paris, 1737 . 5771 Wren (Sreru.) ParentTaria, or Memoirs of the Family of the Wrens, but chiefly of Sir Christopher Wren, portraits and plates, very scarce, bright old calf gilt 1750 5772 Wright (Jas.) History and Antiquities of Rutlandshire, map and plates, russia extra : 1684 « | 5773 Wright (Mich.) Account of the Earl of Castlemaine’s Embassy from James II. to Innocent XI. plates, cal/ gilt 1688 aL L 5774. Wycherley (W.) Miscellany Poems, as Satyres, Love-Verses, Songs, &c. portrait by Jo. Smith inserted, calf gilt 1704 4 es aa Ba Z| 7] ba | oe ST LN RS RD RES A rR SAN i ac aaron i eet ssn epimers siemens 318 5775 Xenophontis Opera, cum notis H. Stephani Paris, 1561 | 5776 Xenophontis que exstant Opera, Gr. et Lat., cura Leunclavii, Paris, 1625 | 5777 Xenophontis Opera Omnia, Gr. et Lat., cura Leunclavii calf gilt ib. 1625 5778 Yorke (Jas.) Union of Honour, with the arms of Kings, Nobility and Gentry, corner of frontispiece torn 1640 5779 Zabagla (N.) Contignationes ac Pontes, cum Descriptione trans- lationis Obelisci Vaticani, many plates Rome, 1748 5770 Zarlino (Gios, da Chioggia) Tutte l’Opere, contenente I’ Tnsteeen e Dimonstrationi Harmoniche, &c. 4 vol. in l Venet. 1589 5781 Ziegler (J.) Collection de 87 Vues de la Ville, de ses Faux- bourgs, et quelques Environs de Wien, 87 jinely coloured plates, calf Vienne, n. d. 5782 Zoega(Geo.) de Origine et usu Obeliscorum, plates Rome, 1796 9783 ZyLOGRAPHY. SANCcCTI JOHANNIS APOCALYPSIS, SEU HIs- TORIA SANCTI JOHANNIS EVANGELIST#H, EJUSQUE VISIONES APOCALYPTICE BLOCK BOOK OF FORTY-EIGHT ENGRAVED PAGES, worked off by friction, and afterwards coloured SMALL FOLIO *.* This is the volume described by Heinecken, p. 334—349, as the FIRST EDITION, and is of EXCESSIVE RARITY. It differs however very much from the other editions both in the design of the engravings, and the manner in which they have been worked from the blocks. There are very few copies of any of the editions of this — work that are in so perfect a state as to enable one at once to decide upon the mode adopted in the working of the pages. Most of the copies known have either been mounted, or the sheets divided, pasted together, or bound up without any great degree of correctness as to their order. The present copy however happens, most fortunately for our researches in these interesting typographical minuti#, to be in a most perfect state, and at once eluci- dates a point upon which the learned Heinecken appears to have been mistaken. He states, p. 334, as we believe is very true with all the other block books, that they have so worked “ que deux planches se regardent toujours, et que le revers est en uae ainsi il n'y rien sur la premiere et sur la derniere page” and also at page 348, he closes the enumeration of the plates by stating that the work is composed of three — gatherings of eight leaves each. The fortunately very perfect state of the present copy THE LOT 5784 5785 5786 5787 5788 5789 5790 5791 319 shows however very clearly that the impression of the engraving occurs on the reverse of each leaf, the recto of each page being left blank, a circumstance which would preclude the possibility of their being pasted together, as we frequently find are the copies of the other editions, and also of the other block works. Again, the forty-eight leaves collate four gatherings of twelve leaves each, or six sheets, and not three of eight each. This appears to have been the “ Brienne-Laire” copy, and is in the most desirable state of preservation. TWENTY-THIRD DAY’S SALE. MAPS, CHARTS, ATLASSES, ETC. FOLLOWING SERIES OF ARROWSMITH’S MAPS ARE IN RUSSIA CASES, AND THE CONTENTS LETTERED. Uniform royal 4to. size. America, North, 2 sheets; United States, 4 sheets, and Loui- siana 2 vol. Egypt, Lower, 4 sheets, Rd Map of Egypt, by Lieut Col. Leake, 2 sheets; Persia, 2 sheets; Delhi to Constan- tinople, 4 sheets, and Index ~ 3 vol. England, 16 sheets, and Index; Ireland, 4 sheets; Scotland, 4 sheets 3 vol. France and Belgium, 6 sheets, and Guten: Spain and Portugal, 6 sheets, and Index 2 vol. Greece, 4 sheets ; pineele 2 sheets; ee Minor, Plain of Troy and Syria, 5 sheets 3 vol. Holland, 5 sheets ; Germ, 6 sheets, we Index; Dalmatia, 2 eee 3 vol. India, 7 sheets, and iPere Assam, Malabar, Ceylon, 3 sheets ; South India, 14 cherie Title and Index 2 vol. Italy, North and South, 8 sheets; Pyrenees, 4 sheets, and Index 8 vol. 5792 Japan, with adjacent Coast of China, &e., 4 ee Chart of the East India Islands, 4 sheets 2 vol. Ne 4 meres nnn Pa Ss a ee ee S a eos 320 5793 Pacific Ocean, Chart of the, 9 sheets ; New South Wales and Van Dieman’s Land, 2 sheets; Cape of Good Hope, 4 sheets, and. South Maia 2 vol. 5794 West Indies, 2 sheets, and Isthmus of Pang Mexico, A sheets; South America, 6 sheets, and Index ; Buoenos Ayres 3 vol. 5795 World, The, by Mer datnt 4 sheets, and Toten The Globular World, 2 sheets; Europe, 4 sheets; Asia, 4 sheets ; Africa, 4 sheets; America, 4 sheets 6 vol. MAPS, MOUNTED ON LINEN, IN LEATHERN CASES, CONTENTS LETTERED, QUARTO SIZE, EXCEPT OTHERWISE STATED. 5796 Alps. Carte Topographique Militaire, par Raymond, 12 sheets, and Index ; Carta Topografica del Sqm pons together 14 sheets : 1 vol. 5797 America, North, Etats- Unis. sur celle d’ Arrowsmith, par Tar- dieu, 1808; ‘Upper and Lower Canada, by Faden, 1802-13, together 3 sheets, and Evans (L.) Analysis of a Map of the Middle British Colonies, map, Philadelphia, printed by B. Franklin, 1755 1 vol. 5798 America, South, by Faden, 1807, 8 Hous South America, the Spanish Map, by De la Cruz, published by Faden, 1775, 6 sheets, together 14 sheets 1 vol. 5799 America, Upper and Lower Canada, by Bouchette, 12 Bac aud various Maps of America, 16 sheets 2 vol. 5800 Asia, by Arrowsmith, 1801, 4 sheets; Turkey, a large Map by Zannoni, 1774, &c. together 7 sheets 1 vol. 5801 Atlas Minor, par N. Visscher, Amst. 38 sheets 28 yo. 5802 Baden; Bouches de Cattaro, Etruria, Hanover, and Dalmatia, 9 sheets; Illyrian Provinces; [lyrian Provinces, by Palma, 1812; West Gallizien, von E. Carl, 1808, 4 sheets; Po- logne, par Nordmann, 6 sheets; Schwedisch Pommern, von Reymann, 1806, 2 sheets, together 25 sheets fol. 2 vol. 5803 Baltick Pilot, by Laurie and Whittle, 13 sheets 1 vol. 5804 Bavaria, by Buna, 9 sheets $ Poland, by Sotzmann, 1793, 4 sheets; Poland in 1775, 1798 sid 1796, 3 sheets, to- gether 16 sheets ; 1 vol. 5805 Bohemia. Mappa Chorographica Bohemiz, a J. C. Muller, 1720, 25 sheets; Carte von Boehmen durch Schmettau, 1789, 4 sheets, $c. together 32 sheets 1 vol. no NTE 321 Constantinople, Environs of, by Arrowsmith, 1804, 4 shzeis, 1 vol. D’ Anville, Atlas Ancienne, 1771, 10 sheets; D’Anville, Atlas, Meda rce, 26 sheets 5 vol. Dauphiné, Haut, Carte Geometrique, par Villaret, 1754, 8 sheets, and Title folio. 1 vol. Denmark and Baltick Sound ; North and South Jutland, by C. Warberg, 1787, 8 sheets, $c. together 11 sheets 1 vol. England and Wales, Delineation of the Strata of, by W. Smith, coloured, 16 sheets, with letter-press Memoir 1 vol, Egypt, various Maps, by Arrowsmith, H. Salt, Lieut. Court, &c. 8 sheets; Chart of the Red Sea, by Col. Capper and Lieut. Court, 8 sheets, together 16 sheets 1 vol. Europe, by Arrowsmith, 4 sheets 1 vol. France. L’Empire Francois, par A. Berbian 1804; Environs de Paris, par G. Coutans, graves par C. Picquet, 1800, 16 sheets in 8, together 17 sheets 1 vol. bee Carte de Champagne et de Brie, par Bazin, 1790, 2 sheets ; Fortifications de Paris, par Goujon, 1841, to- gether 3 sheets 1 vol. France, par Cassini, 1790, 23 seen and Index 1 vol. France, Devisée en Departemens, ou Atlas National de la France, 1792, 84 sheets 7 vol. France et les Provi inces [‘rontieres, par Sanson, 1670, 122 sheets 7 vol, France, Devisée en Departemens, par M. Brion, 1791, 2 sheets royal 8vo. 1 vol. France, Spain, Mediterranean, and Switzerland, by French Geographers, 1757-1808, 10 maps tvol. Franconia, 1759, 8 sheets; Pomeronia, by Gilly, 1789, 6 sheets; Poland, together 15 sheets; Hungary, Atlas Hungaricus, a Gorog, 1802, emperfect, 30 sheets; Comitatus Posoni- ensis, a De Lichtenstern, 1794, 5 sheets, &c. together 2 vol. Galicia, curante J. Liesganig, 41 sheets ; Karte von Gallicien, von D. G. Reymann, 1797, 12 sheets, together 53 sheets 1 vol. Germany. Hydrogrsphische Karte von F. J. Mairé, 1801, 4 sheets; Atlas de Galacie et de Lodomerie, par Maire, 1790, 8 sheets; Environs de Vienne, par Maire, &c. to- gether 23 sheets 1 vol. Germany. Carte d’Allemagne, par Chaucard, 9 sheets, and reduced Map and Index 1 vol. Germany. The Elbe, by Reinke, &c. 1787, 3 sheets; The Ems, 1797; Hamburg, Lubeck, and Ports of Holland and France, together 17 sheets 1 vol. Germany. Theatre de la Guerre en ‘Allemagne, par Bauer, 6 sheets ; 1 vol, TT SE RECESS REE aae © | 58296 +5827 — 5828 5829 » 5880 — 5831 | 5882 5833 5834 | 5885 5836 9837 5888 - 5839 5840 5841 322 Germany. Palatina Bavarie, a C. Mayer, 2 sheets; Carte Militaire du Hundsruck, par Hardy, 1798, 6 sheets; Hesse, par Rogieres, 1761, 4 sheets ; Brunswick, von F, W. Ohsen, 1774, 4 sheets ] vol. Germany. Plans of the Battles dariog the Seven Years’ War, by De Bawr, La Haye, 1766, 18 sheets 1 vol. Germany, the Physical Divisions of, by Arrowsmith, 6 sheets ; Cartes Topographiques, in a vol. wz. India, 6 sheets, and Cape of Good Hope, 4 sheets 2 vol. Germany, Theatre of the War in, 1757- 62, by Bauern, 18 sheets ; Sieges of Coblentz and Ehrenbreitstein, 1796 ; Mayntz, 1793, &c. 9 sheets; Theatre of War, Russian and French, 1812-13, 6 sheets; Theatre of the War, France and Austria, 1805, &c. together 36 sheets 3 vol. Germany, tes: &c. Germany, by Sotzmann, 1803, 2 sheets; Sed oy sheets; Navigation of the Danube, Wien. 7 sheets, &c. together 17 sheets 1 vol. Guyenne, Carte de la, par Belleyme, 1814, 23 sheets 3vol. Havana, the Bosphorus, Survey of the Tagus, and of the Bay of Barracoa, the Dardanelles, and Entrance of the Scheld, all in manuscript, and coloured, 8 sheets 1 vol. Holland, by Schneider and Derauche, 1793, 15 sheets ; Suri- nam, by Wilkinson, 1800; Guiana, by De la Rochette, 1783; Yucatan, by Faden, 1786, together 18 sheets 1 vol. Holland and Flanders. The United Provinces, by Wiebeking, 8 sheets; Belgium, 1796, 2 sheets, &c. together 11 sheets 1 vol. Hungary. Mappa Regni Hungarie et Transylvanie, per J. de Lipsky, Wein. 1806, 10 sheets 1 vol. India and Ceylon. India, by Arrowsmith, 1804, 6 sheets ; Hindostan, by Rennell, 4 sheets; South India, by Fullarton, 2 sheets; Ceylon, by Allan, 2 sheets, §c. together 16 sheets 1 vol. Italy. Carta delle Stationi Militari d'Italia, 1808, 4 sheets ; Carte Generale de la Chaine des Alpes, par le General Jomini, 1810, 4 sheets, together 8 sheets 1 vol. _ . Italy, by Chauchard, 1791, 4 sheets ; Lombardy, by Danville, 6 sheets, &c. together 15 sheets -I vol. Italy. Carte Generale du Theatre de la Guerre en Italie, par B. Dalbe, 1797, 30 sheets, and Index, 2 vol.; Carte Gene- rale du Theatre de la Guerre en Italie, seconde partie, con- tenant le Royaume de Naples, &c. 24 sheets, and Index, 1 vol. 3 vol. Ireland. Large Map of County Clare, by H. Pelham; Another of Kildare, by A. Taylor, colowred, together 2 Livonie et Esthonie, Atlas de, par Mellin, 16 sheets royal folio. 1 vol. 5842 5843 9844 5845 323 Mecklenburg Schwerin, by Schmettau, 1788, 16 sheets, and Index, and Mecklenburg Strelitz, by Schmettau, 1780, 9 sheets : 3 vol. Moldavia, by Muller; Greece, by Faden, 1791; Bosnia, by Schimek, 1788, 3 Se Dalmatia, by Sahar 1789, &c. together 10 sheets 1 vol. Norway, by Pontoppidan, 1795, 2 bicete 3 Iceland, by Wessel, 1770, 3 sheets ; North Sea, Baltic, &c. tegethan 14 sheets 1 vol. Oxfordshire, by Richard Davis, 1797, 16 sheets 1 vol. 59846 Pays-Bas. Carte Chorographique des Pays-Bas Autrichiens, 5847 - 5848 5849 5850 0851 5852 5853 9854 5855 5856 5857 5858 5859 5860 d’aprés les Tables de M. Cassini, par L. A. Dupuis, 1777, 23 sheets 1 vol Poland, by M. de Perthes, 1809 ; Bavaria (Post Map) by Coulon, 1810; Saltzburgh, by Muller, 1810, 15 sheets ; Neufchatel, by Ostervald, 1806 ; Neumark, by eID ian. 1811, 2 sheets, together 20 sheets 1 vol. Poland. Carte de la Pologne et du Lithuanie, par Rizzi Zan- noni, Londres, 1772, 26 sheets : 1 vol. Prussia, by Sotzmann, 1797, and 12 Maps of the Provinces of Prussia, by Sotzmann, &c. 1786-96, together 13 sheets 1 vol. Prussia, South, by Gilly, 1803, 13 sheets, and Index 1 vol. Pyrenées, par Roussel, 4 sheets 1 vol. Rhine. Carte Topographique de Basle a "Mayence, par De Beatrain, 1675, 6 sheets ; Karte von Rhein, von Lintz bis unter Arnheim, von Wiebeking, 1796, 10 sheets 1 vol. Rhine, Map of the River, from Basle to Bonn, by W. de Lisle; Karte von Strasburg bis under Maynz, 1793, 2 sheets ; Karte von der Saar, 1798; Plan von Maynz, 1793; The- atre of the War on the Moselle, 1794, 6 sheets, together 11 sheets I vol. Roma Antiqua e Moderna, da G. de Rossi, 1676, divided into 32 sheets 1 vol. Russia in Europe, published at St. Petersburg, 1806, 25 sheets 2 vol. Russia, Paris, 1793, 6 sheets; Prussia, Acad. Regis. Berol. 1763, 2 sheets; Wyburg and West Prussia, together 10 sheets 1 vol. Russia. Carte de l’Empire de Russie par Danielow, 1812, 4 sheets Ato. 1 vol. iivsis Européene executée au ‘Depot General de la Guerre, 1812, 17 sheets folio. 2 vol. Russia in Europe, Austrian Empire, &c. by Lapie, 1812, 8 sheets; Ottoman Empire in Europe, Danielow, 1813, 4 sheets, together 12 sheets : 1 vol. Sanson, Atlas, 129 sheets 8 vol. f 5861 Savoy by Borgonio, Zurin, 1772, 6 ane 1 vol. an | | Le) a | | l= 4 P\- | | | boy roe Paes oe a 5876 5877 5878 324 Saxe et Boheme, Carte Militaire de, par ordre de Prince Henry de Prusse, 1778, 20 sheets, 2 vol.; Sieges et Batailles de la Guerre de, 7 Ans. 67 cards on Ra Theatre de la Guerre, 1759, 4 sheets, 8vo. 4 vol. Saxony, by Beckenberg, 1760, 8 sheets ; The Grisons, by Mechel, 1802; The Alpine Countries, by Arrowsmith, 1804, 4 sheets, &c. together 17 sheets I at Saxony, by Petri, 1760, 15 sheets; Environs of Dresden, by Petri and Kluist, 1769-94, 36 sheets, 2 vol. 3 vol. Siberia. Carte General de Siberie et Route de Paris a Tobolsk, par l Abbé Chappé D’Auteroche, n. d. 25 sheets 1 vol. Sicily and Naples; Naples, by Zannoni, 1789, 4 sheets ; Course of the Po, by Placide, 1784, 2 sheets; Mantua, &c. together 8 sheets 1 vol. Silesia. Atlas Ducatus Silewes ab Homann, Noremberg, 1750, 20 sheets, and Title and Index 1 vol. Spain. Atlas d’Espagne, par D. Lopez, 1763, 52 sheets, and Index royal fol. 3 vol. Spain and Portugal. Spain, by Lopez, 1790, 6 sheets, and by Mentelle, 1799, 9 sheets; Portugal, by Jeffreys, 1762, 3 sheets ; and Ferrol, Corunna, Cadiz, and Vigo, by bate together 22 sheets 1 vol. Spain, by Faden, 4 sheets ; Portugal, by Faden, 3 sheets; Ger- many, Paris, 1818; North America, by Purdy, 1814, 4 sheets 8vo. 4 vol. St. Denes Carte Generale de, par Pechon, 1797; Plan of Carthagena, by Lieut. Bontein, 2 sheets 1 vol. Suabia. Sueviee Descriptio, a J. L. Kollaffel, 1790, 6 sheets ; Carte von dem Herzogthum, Berg von P. Bayern, 1790, 4 sheets, together 10 sheets I vol. Swedish Provinces, by Hexmelin, 1797, 11 sheet Views in Finland, by Hermelin, 5 sheets, together 14 sheets 1 vol. Switzerland. Atlas Suisse, par Weiss, 1802, 17 sheets 1 vol. Syria. Carte de la Syrie, par Paultré ; Military Plan of Park Hill, America, 2 sheets ; Wurtemberg, Charte vom, vom Ver fasser, 1812, 4 sheets; Carte Topographique de Bruxelles, par de Wartier, 1810, 2 sheets; Karte von Danziger, Elbinger und Marienburger von Koppin, 1811, together 6 sheets 3 vol. Turkey. Russich Turkisch, Kriegs Atlas, von Schreembl, 1788, 6 sheets, Sc. together 13 sheets; Hungary, Atlas von Servien und Bosmien, von J. Riedel, 1810, 4 sheets ; Germany, Silesia, Luxembourg, &c. 9 sheets 3 vol, Tyrol. Atlas Tyrolensis, a Weinhart, 1774, 20 sheets, and Index - 1 vol, Tyrol executée un Depot General de la Crue 1808, 6 sheets ; Environs of Bourdeaux, by Stockdale ; Switzerland, from: Cox’s Tour, 1789 2 8vo. 4 vol, 325 Venice, Territory of, by Liechtenstern, 1805, 4 sheets, and a large Map of Italy, 5 sheets, together 9 sheets roy. fol. 1 vol. Versailles, Carte Topographie des Environs de Versailles dites des Chasses Imperiales, par A. Berthier, 1807, 14 sheets 1 vol. Wallachia and Moldavia, by Fried, 1811; Bosnia, by Reidl, 1810; War of Russians and Turks, by Bawr, together foal © Roky 1 vol. Warsaw. oie ale Warschau, von Engelhardt, 1812, 6 sheets ; Styria, 2 sheets; Austria, Mappa von dem Land ob der Enns, von F. Muller, 6 sheets folio. 1 vol. i i Jf ~ 9883 West India Islands, by Jeffries, Faden, Booth, La Rochette, | . King, &c. v. y. 25 sheets 2 vol. oS aa 0884 Westphalia. Karte von Westphalen vom General Major von ae Le Coq. 1805, 21 sheets royal fol. 1 vol. | 9885 World, Chart of the; Discoveries of Captain Cook, 1784; . Canada, by Holland, 3 sheets; Africa, by Arrowsmith, | 1802, 4 sheets ; Cape of Good Hope, ye Arrowsmith, 1805, 4 sheets, &c. together 15 sheets 1 vol. ATLASSES AND MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, VARIOUS SIZES. 5886 Arrowsmith, Outlines of the World, 44 coloured maps, 1825 ; Hurds Map of the North Pole, mounted on linen, and Outlines of Oudney, Denham, and Clapperton’s Discove- ries, 1822-4, in manuscript, and MS. letter by W. H. H. 2 a A NG A RII hp " ieutionteptanmaieniata Smyth royal 4to. 1825 | 5887 Atlas Geographicus, or System of Geography, maps, 5 vol. 4to. 1711 ~~ 5888 Atlas, par Sanson et autres, 153 coloured maps, 2 vol. fol. Paris, 1704. BN 2 5889 Austria, 1822, 9 sheets ; Tyrol, 1823, 19 sheets ; Carta Mili- ; tare d’Etruria da G. Bordiga, 1806, and 4 Maps of Italy, together 7 . 5890 Bleau (J.) Geographia, vol. 5, quo Anglia continetur, maps and plates folio. Amst. 1662 5891 Bleau (G. and J.) Theatre ‘da Monde ou Nouvel Atlas, nume- rous coloured maps, with vignette costumes, &c. 6 vol. vol 1, 4, and 6 want title pages Amst. 1647 | & 5892 Brittany, the Province of, Geometrical Survey, by Faden, 6 sheets; India, by Allen, Theatre of the War, 1812; Vigo Bay, by Faden, &c. together 18 sheets om 5893 Buckinghamshire, by a A. Bryant, 2 sheets, coloured, in a case N tle royal 8vo. 1 vol. —— KAAS A ‘a e aS NS ’ + 5894 5895 5896 3897 5898 5899 | 5900 — 56901 — 5902 5903 5904 5905 9906 5907 5908 5909 326 Buckinghamshire, by Jeffreys, coloured ; Sussex, by Budgen ; Map of Essex, Isle of Wight, Cornwall, Seat of the War in China, by Wyld, &c. together 29 Cary (J.) English Atlas, coloured maps 4to. 1787 Cary, English Atlas, maps Ato. 1793 Cary (J.) Map of England and Wales, coloured maps Ato. 1816 Chaucard, General Map of Germany, &c. folio. 1800 Delisle, Atlas, coloured maps Paris, 1700 EncGLtanpD. Orpnance Maps or GreEaT BRITAIN, on 70 sheets, mounted on linen, in 11 cases of blue morocco, contents lettered England, by Fairbairn; Ireland, by Beaufort; Scotland, &c. together 12 England. Canals and Railways of the Midland Counties, by Wyld, large coloured map; Canals in York, Lancaster, &e. by Wyld, large coloured map; Laurie, Travelling Map of England and Scotland, together 3 England. Charts of England to the Mediterranean; The Mediterranean ; The Archipelago and Black Sea, pub- lished at the Hydrographic Office, Admiralty fol. 3 vol. England and Wales, Geological Map of, by G. B. Greenhough, 1819, 6 sheets, coloured, blue morocco case _ - imperial 8vo. 1 vol. England. Charts of the Western Islands, Orkney, and Shet- land, &c. in 1 vol.; Channel Pilot 2 vol. Europe. Maps, Plans and Views of the Most Celebrated Cities, Towns, &c. in Europe, and Views of Houses, 156 maps and plates, some of English cities and towns fol. v. y. France. Carte Generale de la France, par Departemens, par De Cassini, 182 sheets, coloured, morocco backs, contents lettered, in cases 30 vol. Germany. Panorama du Rhin, 1829 ; Panorama du Meim, 1827, and 12 Maps, in cases, together 14 Gibraltar, a Plan of the Town and Fortifications in 1767, by W. Green, Chief Engineer, in manuscript, and coloured, 6 ft. 7 by 2 ft.4; Plan et Carte de Toulon et ses Envi- rons, 1593, in manuscript ; Iconografica Venezia, a large Plan of the City of Venice, by Lod. Ughi, 1729, 8 sheets ; Plan of the City of Manheim, Naples, &c. together 20 sheets Halley (Edm.) Atlas Maritimus et Commercialis, or View of the World, as it relates to Trade and Navigation, charts, russia folio. 1738 Sweden. Hermelin (F. S. G.) Geografiske Kartor ofver _ Swerige, 30 coloured maps, half russia atlas folio. Stockholm, 1810 India, published by Kingsbury and Co. 1825, 4 sheets, colowred; Chauchard, Carte d’ Allemagne, 1] sheets, together 2 §913 327 Jaillot (A. H.) Atlas Francois, 2 vol. folio. Paris, 1695 5914 Jaillot (A. H,) Atlas Francois, portrait, and 155 coloured _ 6915 5934 5935 maps, 2 vol. Paris, 1695 Jamaica. The Counties of Cornwall? Middlesex, and Surrey, by Jas. Robertson, 1804, 3 eoloured sheets; the same by Craskell and Simpson, 1761, 3 sheets, and two coloured Drawings of the Hope Estate, together 8 sheets Janssoni (J.) Tabule Rezionum Veterum, 94 maps, coloured Le Sage, Atlas Historique, Genealogique, Chronologique, et Geographique, Paris, 1814, 33 sheets, coloured, russia cases imperial 8vo. 2 vol. Languedoc, Canal de, par Garipuy, 1771, 18 sheets, in cases royal 8vo. 3 vol. London from an actual Survey, 1839, published by Ruff and Co. large sheet, coloured, in red morocco case imp. 8vo. | vol. London in 1842, a two sheet map, taken from the summit of the Duke of York’s Monument, mounted on linen, and folded royal 4to. Mannevilette (M. de) Le Neptune Oriental, avec Supplement, 103 charts folio. 1775 Mercatoris (G.) Atlas du Monde Universel, numerous coloured maps, 2 vok . folio. Amst. 1633 Maps, various, in rolls a parcel Murray, Atlas of English Counties, 44 maps folio. n.d. Neptune (Le) Frangois, ou Atlas des Cartes Marines folio. Paris, 1683 Popple (H.) Map of America, 20 coloured maps, n. d. &c. folio. 3-vol. Roma, Topografia di, da Nolli, 7 sheets, in leather case ; Carta Topografica di Parma, Piacenza e Guastalla, 1828, 9 sheets; Environs of Milan, 9 sheets, together 3 Sanson, Atlas Nouveau de toutes les Parties du Monde, 134 coloured maps : folio. Paris, 1692 Sanson (N.) Les Isles Britanniques descrittes, Paris, 1651, &e. 10 vol. Sanson, Atlas, 60 ealaaded maps, Pars, 1678; Sanson, Intro- duction a la Geographie, coloured maps, Paris, 1719 folio. 2 vol. Seller (J.) Book of Maps, 42 coloured maps folio. n.d. Senex, Atlas, 36 coloured maps folio. 1725 Sicily, by W. E. Smith, 1826; Germany, by Nordmann; Italy, by Liechtenstern; Lombardy, together 4 Scripture Atlas, 20 coloured maps 4to. Matthews and Leigh, 1812 Steele, Complete European Maritime Atlas, 31 charts; and Maritime Atlas of East and West Indies and America, 27 charts, 2 vol. ; folio. 1802-3 MUSIC. 5936 Bach (J.) Concertos for Violins; Rameau (M.) Concertos for Har psichord ; St. Martini, Carisextos, and various Con- certos, Songs in Operas, Vocal and Instrumental 20 vol. 5937 Bland (Jo.) Lady’s Collection of Catches, Glees, Canons and Madrigals, 4 vol.; Collection of Catches, Glees, &c., An- tient and Modern, 4 vol. Longman 8 vol. 5938 Callcott (J. W.) Collection of Glees, Canons and Catches, portratt, 2 vol. 1824 5939 Carey (H.) Musical Century, 50 English Ballads, 1737; Corri (D.) Works, Songs, Duets, &c. from Operas, 3 vol. n. d. 4 vol. _ 5940 Chilcot (T.) Six Concertos, morocco, 1756; Anoste, Il Corio- lino; Bononcini, Astartus; Handel, Otho; Pergolesi, Stabat Mater, and various Symphonies and Songs in Operas 18 vol. 5941 Corelli (A. ) Sonatas for Violin, Violincello and Organ, por- trait, 10 vol. . n. 5942 Geminiani (F.) Treatise of Good Taste in Music, 1749; Mac- donald (J.) Harmonic System, 1822; Arne (T. A.) Lyric Harmony; Jones (Ed.) Lessons for the Harp, &c. 5 vol. 5943 Glees, Catches and Rounds, a favourite Collection of ; Sale (J.) Collection of New Glees; Professional Colisetiaa of Glees, by Callcott, Cooke, &c. 1 vol.; Trajetta (T.) Italian Duets; Thomson (M.) Six Anihens &e. 1 vol.; Glees,” by R. Cooke, W. Horsley, Callcott, &c. I vol. mie various Vocal Music, &e. 15 vol. 5944 Handel, Songs selected from his Oratorios, Vocal and Instru- meant: 5 vol. and various Concertos and Sonatas, by Handel 17 vol. 5945 Handel. Overtures ar the Pianoforte, we Accompaniments, Solos for the German Flute, Songs in his Operas, &c. 14 vol. 5946 Handel. Sonatas for the German Flute, Violin, or Harpsichord ; Belshazzar, Acis and Galatea, Joseph, Samson, Hercules, Semele, Judas Maccabeeus, Alexander’s Feast, Orlando, published by Walsh, Messiah in score 9 vol. 5947 Jones (Ed.) Musical and Poetical Relicks of the Welsh Bards, 1794; Jones, Bardic Museum, 1802; Jones, Lyric Airs, 1804 5 vol. 5948 Latrobe (C. I.) Selections of Sacred Musie, Vocal and Instru- mental, 5 vol. — 1806-18 5949 Manuscript Music. Cimarosi (Dom. ) Il Matrimonio Segreto, 2 vol.; Vinci (Leonardo) |’Artaserse, 3 vol.; Les Festes de Caeroar et de Bacchus; dessus et hae de Violin, 2 vol. &c. : 13 vol. N ee ee a eee a ee ee ee « : a Rye se 329 5950 Manuscript Music, Vocal and Instrumental, various 7 vol. 5951 Meledies of various Nations, with Symphonies by Stevenson and Bishop, vol. 2 and 4; Thompson, Collection of Scot- tish Airs, vol.5; West (W.) Spanish Melodies, No. 1; Musical Annual, 1838 5 ome 5952 Mozart, Il Don Giovanni; Handel, Messiah: by Mazzinghi; Concertos by Crotch ; Keng. 12 Anthems; Anstey, Sacred Music, vol. 2; Beauties of Purcel, and den Vocal and Instrumental 6 vol. 9953 Pianoforte Music, with Accompaniments, various pieces, by Mozart J. C. Bach, Pleyel, Scarlatti, Mazzinghi, &c.; Pacini (Giov.) Ultimo Giorno di Pompei, 2 parts, and various Pieces, Accompaniments, &c. S a parcel 9954 Pleyel (J.) Sonatas for Piano, with Accompaniments, 3 vol. ; Purcel (H.) Vocal and Instrumental Musie of Dioclesian, 4 vol. 9955 Sonatas, by Tibaldi, Bomporti, Marint: Bassani ; Purcel, Col- lection of Ayres, 1697, &c. for the Organ and Violin, 2 vol. ; Sonatas, by Corbet, Finger, and Roger, some in MS. fic Two Flutes, 2 vol.; Sonatas, by Vento and Degiardino, 1 vol. &c. 7 vol. 5956 Sonatas, by Geminiani, Mondiavville. Richter, Handel, Haydn, &e. ; Concertos, by Hook, Eichner, Schobert, Abek &e. various _ 5957 Songs, Glees, Reels, Sonatas, &e. a miscellaneous Collection 9 vol 5958 Warren (Thomas) Collection of Catches, Canons, and Glees for Three, Four, and Five Voices, 6 vol.; Bland (J.) Ladies Collection of Catches, Glees, &c. 2 eee 8 vol. 5959 Weyman (D.) Melodia Sacra, or Psalms of David, Hymns, Anthems, and Choruses, for Voices, Organ, and Piano- forte, 4 numbers ‘ 1812 14 UO Aye ise ‘ } ; 330 COLLECTION OF BOOKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES LOT 5960 5961 5962 59963 5964 5965 5966 5967 5968 5969 9970 OF IRELAND. TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’S SALE, OCTAVO ET INFRA. Angel (Jo.) General History of Ireland, plan, 2 vol. calf gilt : Dub. 1781 Anthologia Hibernica, or Monthly Collections of Science, Belles Lettres, and History, plates, 3 vol. calf gilt | Dub. 1793-4 Atwood (W.) History, and Reasons of the Dependency of Ire- land upon the Kingdom of England, 1698—Acts of the Short Session of Parliament, 1689, calf neat 2 vol. Audley, Earl of Castlehaven, Memoirs of the Wars of Ireland from 1642 to 1651, calf gilt, 1681—Borlase (Ed.) Reduc- tion of Ireland, 1675, calf gilt 2 vol. Baratariana, a Collection of Fugitive Political Pieces, plates, Dub. 1777—Select Essays from the Batchelor, plates, 1772—Borlase, Reduction of Ireland, 1675—Bush, Hi- bernia Curiosa, plates, 1759 | 4 vol. Beling (Sir R.) Vindiciarum Catholicorum Hibernia, lib. duo very scarce, fine copy, blue morocco extra, g. 1. Paris, 1650 Betham (Sir W.) Irish Antiquarian Researches, many plates, 2 vol. PRESENTATION COPY, uncut Dub. 1826-7 Betham (Sir W.). Another copy, plates, part 1 ib. 1826 Bible (The Holy) translated by Bp. Bedell, with New Testa- ment by Wm. O’Domhnuill, an the Inish language, but with Roman character, MS. notes in Irish very scarce, blue morocco, gilt leaves Lunnduin, 1690 Blackburne (Fr.) on the Controversy between the Protestants and Papists of Great Britain and Ireland, red morocco, _ 1768—Bush, Hibernia Curiosa, plates, calf gilt, 1769 2 vol. Boulter (Abp.) Letters containing an Account of Transactions in Ireland, from 1724 to 1738, 2 vol. in 1. Dub. 1770 17 ~ | 5988 Po 5984 £5985 331 Boulter (Abp.). Another copy Oxford, 1769 Brewer (J. N.) Beauties of Ireland, many plates, fine impres- stons, 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, unbound 1826 Budgell (E.) Memoirs of the Life and Character of the Earl of Orrery and the Family of the Boyles, portrait, 1732— Earl Castlehaven, Memoirs and Review of the Wars in Ireland, 1753—Clarendon, History of the Rebellion in Ireland, 1719-20—Memoirs of Ireland, 1716, &c. 6 vol. Burnett (Bp. G.) Life and Letters of Bishop Wm. Bedell calf gilt 1685 Campbell (Tho.) Strictures on the Ecclesiastical and Literary History of Ireland, with MS. notes by Dr. O'Conor, Dub. 1789—Bp. of Cloyne, Present State of the Church of Ireland, red morocco, gilt leaves, 1787 2 vol. Carey (M.) Vindicize Hibernice, or Ireland Vindicated Philadelphia, 1819 Carte (Tho.) Collection of Original Letters and Papers con- cerning the Affairs of England, from 1641 to 1660, found among the Ormonde Papers, 2 vol. 1739 Cavelli (Hug.) Speculum Sacramentorum, zn the Irish lan- guage and character RARE, russia extra, gilt leaves Lovanii, 1618 Clarendon (Edw.) History of the Rebellion, &c. in Ireland, portrait, 1721—Tracts, among which is Martin’s Voyage to St. Kilda, 1749, &c. 8 vol. Clery (Mic.) Vocabularium Lingue Hibernice, wants title, Lovanii, 1683, et Tablettes Chronologiques par Marcel, interleaved with numerous MS. memoranda in Irish, by C. O’ Conor, Amst. 1696 2 vol. Comerford, History of Ireland, 2 copies, Dub. 1755—Hartris, Historical Memoirs of the Irish Rebellion, 1665, &c. 8 vol. Common Prayer Book of the Church of England, Irish and English, . d.; and the Church Catechism Explained, by Jo. Lewis, Irish and English, 2 vol. calf gilt 1712 Common Prayer. Another copy, and the Church Catechism; another, 2 vol., and Usher’s Power of the Prince, portrait, 3 vol. 1683-1712 Cornellan (O.) Practical Grammar of the Irish Language, Dub. 1844—P. O’Brien’s Practical Grammar of the Irish Language, 7b. 1809—Grammar of the Gaelic Language, ib. 1808 3 vol. Cranrorp (Jas.) THE TEARES OF IRELAND, wherein is lively presented, as in a map, a List of the unheard-of Cruelties and perfidious Treacheries of blood-thirsty Jesuits and the Popish Faction, asa Warning to her Sister Natious, &c., 24 curious plates by Hollar EXTREMELY RARE, morocco extra, gilt leaves 1642 x on a REE I AR EE A IE oe fy ER CL ce te ee SE EN UT ST et ee eR ACS Ne 5995 332 Crawford (Wm.) History of Ireland from the earliest Period, 2 vol. calf gilt Strabane, 1783 - Curry (Dr. John) Historical and Critical Review of the Civil Wars in Ireland, 2 vol. calf 1793 Davies (Sir John) Vistorieal Tracts and Life, Dub. 1787— Report of Cases and Matters in Law, 7b. 1762 2 vol.” Desiderata Curiosa Hibernica, or a Select Collection of State — Papers, 2 vol. calf Dub. 1772 Donlevy (And.) Catechism, or Christian Doctrine, Irish and English Paris, 1742 Dublin Magazine and Irish Monthly Register, plates, vol. 1, 2, 8 and 5, 4 vol. 1798, &c. 21 vol. Duhigg (B. Tv) History of the King’s Inns, or an Account of the Legal Body in Ireland, 8 parts, 1806—A. Capel, Earl of Essex, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 1675— Letters, Dub. 1775, &é. 5 vol. Duigenan (P.) Present Political State of Ireland, 1799—Dnn- gannon Resolutions, by C. H. Wilson, portrait, Dub. 1782, calf gilt 2 vol. Echard (L.) Exact Description of Ireland, 1691—Treland’s Case briefly stated, 2 parts, 1695—History of the Princess of Hanover, wife of King George I, Dub. 1772—Hibernian Pocket Companion, 2b. 1760, 4 2 ~ ‘3691-1772 Extracts Relative to the Fisheries of Ireland, map, 1787— Earl Fitzwiiliam’s Letters and the Answers, 1795—Fra- ser, View of the Agriculture of Wicklow, !80!—Keating, Remarks on the Defence of Ireland, 1796—Post-Chaise Companion through Ireland, plates, 1786 5 vol. Ferrar (J.) History of Limerick, plates, Limerick, 1787— Hay, History of the Insurrection of Wexford, 1798 2 vol. Frencu (Nic.) Tar UnkINDE DesERTOR oF LoyaLtyt Men — AND TRUE FRIENDS EXTREMELY RARE, PRESENTATION Copy To Sir Cur. FRENCH, with inscription in the Author's autograph, fine, large, clean copy, blue morocco extra, gilt leaves Supertorum Permissu, anno 1676 *.* Nicholas French, titular Bishop of Ferns, though a bad and turbulent, as well as an intriguing politician, appears to have been a man of undoubted talent and erudition—see Walsh's History of Irish Remonstrance, p. 616; Ware's Irish Writers, &c. His Attack upon the Duke of Or- monde may very possibly be, and probaby is, a good deak oyer-coloured, and mixed up with some calumny and unfair inferences, but much, indeed most of his charges are founded in fact. That of the Duke clandestinely obtaining grants of numerous estates, which the Crown had no legal right whatever to dispose of, and otherwise dispossessing 333 the unfortunate proprietors during the lawless period of his first Vice-Royalty after the Restoration, is to this day uni- versally and circumstantially known by tradition throughout the county of Kilkenny. A rental of £7,000. in the Reign of Charles I. became thus augmented to upwards of £80,000. in that of Charles II; it will not therefore excite surprise to hear that the eetreme rarity and almost extinc- tion of the “ UNKINDE DeEsERTOR” was nearly coeval with its existence ; for the Duke’s family, in order to keep such secrets within the “ Prison House,” or at least to prevent it from walking too much abroad, purchased at any price, wherever they could find it, this obnoxious piece of evidence. At Towneley’s sale in 1814, Lord Leitrim purchased one for £31. 10.; only seven copies are known. See MS. note, signed S. G. Oct. 20th, 1820. 5998 Grace (Sheff.) Memoirs of the Family of Grace, with lines written at Jerpoint Abbey, with an autograph letter of the author ILLUSTRATED with 126 portraits and plates of views, an- tiquities, maps, book plates, $c. : PRIVATELY PRINTED royal 8vo. 1823 5999 Grace (S.). Another copy, ILLUSTRATED with 176 portraits, plates of views, antiquities, maps, book-plates, &c. PRIVATELY PRINTED on thick straw coloured paper, half morocco, uncut royal 8vo. 1823 6000 Grace (S.) Descriptive and Architectural Sketch of the Grace- Mausoleum and Survey of Tullaroan, or Grace’s Parish in the Cantred or Grace’s Country, and County of Kilkenny, ILLUSTRATED with upwards of 200 portraits and plates of views, antiquities, &c., 2 vol. PRIVATELY AND ONLY FIFTY COPIES PRINTED, half mo- vocco, uncut Dublin, 1819 6001 Grace (S.) Another copy, 2 vol. in 1 ILLUSTRATED with upwards of 140 portraits and plates of views, antiquities, &c. PRIVATELY PRINTED, half morocco, uncut ib. 1819 6002 Grace (S.) Lines written at Jerpoint Abbey, with an autograph letter of S. Grace, illustrated with 16 maps, portraits and plates PRIVATELY PRINTED, uncut 1820 6003 Grace (S.) Another copy, with 6 portraits and plates LARGE PAPER, privately printed, uncut royal 8vo. 1823 6004 Grace. 65 portraits and plates illustrative of the Memoirs of the Grace Family 6005 Hamilton (Wm.) Letters concerning the Northern Coast of the County of Antrim, plates, 1790—Holmes, Sketches of some of the Southern Counties of Ireland, plates, 1601, calf gilt 2 vol. 334 a ~ + 6006 Harris (W.) History and Antiquities of the City of Dublin, | x eee with appendix, and Antient and Present State of the . PORTS >] County of Down, plates, 2 vol. Dub. 1744-66 . Ga - 6007 Harris (W.) Hibernica; or some Antient Pieces relating to a Ireland, 2 parts in 1 vol. ca Uf Dub. 1770 @ JN 6008 Harris (W.) Fiction Unmasked in a Dialogue between a Pro- 4 testant and a Papist, Dub. 1752—Dr. Wm. Hale, Survey | of the Modern State of the Church of Rome, 1788, calf ee gilt 2 vol. a > 6009 Fistaies (Ancient Irish), Works of Spencer, Champion, Be . Hanmer, &c. 2 vol. | | i, pa calf extra, marbled leaves royal 8vo. Dub. 1809 ¥ | | 6010 Hoare (Sir R. Colt) Journal of a Tour in Ireland in 1806, — Srontispiece 1801 2 > _ 6011 Ireland, the Present State of, with some remarques upon the ) Agiiant State thereof, map, russia, marbled leaves 1673 ) 2] | ) 6012 Ireland, Letters on the State of, by J. K.°L., Dub. 1825— Lettres sur les Elections Anglaises et sur la situation de Pict l’Irlande, Paris, 1827 ; Sketches in Ireland, Dub. 1827— ae Three Months in Ireland, 1827 Oo Z| 6013 Jocelin, Life and Acts of St. Patrick, Archbishop, Primate sf. | | . and Apostle of Ireland, by E. L. Swift . . . calf extra, marbled leaves royal 8vo. Dub. 1809 “4 7 - 6014 Kennedy (Math.) Chronological, Genealogical and Historical oats | Dissertation of the Royal Family of Stuarts; x : | very scarce, russia extra, g.l. by Chas. Lewis Paris, 1705 | a Ad] 6015 Keogh (Jo.) Zoologia Medicinalis Hibernica — — x calf, gilt leaves Dub. 1739 | a Va 6016 King (Abp. Wm.) State of the Protestants in Ireland, Dub. | 7 | 1730—Narrative of the French Invasion of Killalla, 1798, 4 ib. 1800—Letters by A. Capel Earl of Essex, Lord Lieu. : - | tenant of Ireland, 1675, 2b. 1770 3 vol. 7 | 6017 Lanigan (Dr. John) Ecclesiastical History of Ireland, 4 vol. mS | 4 | | A \73\ 4 | Dub. 1822 ) | i Wealth stated, 2 parts in 1, good copy 1682 a - | 6019 List of the Absentees of Ireland and the yearly Value of “A Estates, &c. Dub. 1729—Memoirs of Capt. Peter Drake, . . os _ 6018 Lawrence (Ric.) the Interest of Ireland in its Trade and 7 40 / 7b. 1755—Life of St. Patrick, with MS. additions, 1b. 1747 ba Memoirs of Geo. Leyburn, 1722 4 vol. ca bo | ) 6020 Magna Charta libertatum Civitatis Waterford, cura T. Cun- eo a6 ningham, calf gilt Dub. 1752 SOE 6021 Mason (W. S.) Statistical Aocqnnte or Parochial Survey of Ireland, maps, Sc., 3 vol., two areee morocco, gilt leaves, and one unbound tb. 1814-19 . fe Aw 7 o 335 6022 Mappen (Dr. Sam.) Memoirs oF THE TWENTIETH CEN- TURY, BEING ORIGINAL LETTERS OF STATE UNDER GEORGE THE SIxTH, fine copy 1733 *,,* A VoLUME OF EXTREME RARITY. It was written by Dr. Madden ; “a name,” says Dr. Johnson, “ which Ireland ought to honour.” The work was scarcely finished when the author determined to destroy it. Only three copies are said to have been preserved; see Nicholls’ Literary Anecdotes, vol. 2, p.29 to 33, where this copy, from the collection of James Bindley, is particularly specified. 6023 Madden (Dr. 8S.) Reflections and Resolutions proper for the Gentlemen of Ireland as to their Conduct for the service of their Country, 1738 ; and a Letter to the Dublin Society on the Improving their Funds, 1739, 2 vol. in 1 EXTREMELY RARE . Dub. 1738-9 *,* This book was privately reprinted in 1816, and the editor says the original edition is of uncommon rarity, and that there is not a copy in any of the public libraries in Dublin. 6024 Milner (Dr. J.) Inquiry into certain Vulgar Opinions con- cerning the Catholic Inhabitants and Antiquities of Ireland, calf, marbled leaves - n. de 6025 Milner (Dr. J.) Inquiry into certain Vulgar Opinions con- cerning Ireland, 1808—Bp. Nicholson, Irish Historical Library, Dub. 1724 2 vol. 6026 Molani (Jo.) Idea togate Constantine sive Fr. Tailleri Dublinensis Preetoris in Persecutione Congressus_ et Religionis Catholice Defensione interitus Paris, 1629 6027 Mollony (Corn. O’) Anatomicum Examen Inchiridii Apolo- getici, seu Famosi cujusdam Libelli, 4 Tho. Carve (verius catrano) Sacerdote Hiberni furtivé publicati, quo Carrani imposturee et calumine Religiosé refutantur, (wants two leaves, p. 265 to 269) EXTREMELY RARE, old red morocco Prage@, 1671 *.* This and Carve’s Tract, against which it is written, are the scarcest Tracts relating to the Irish War from, 1647 to 1660. Carve’s tract is so rare, having been destroyed by the Nucum party, that it is supposed that the only passages remaining are those which O’Mollony quotes here. Harris acknowledges that he could not find this book. See MS. note. 6028 Molloy (Fr.) Lucerna Fidelium, seu de Doctrina Christiana, in the Irish language and character very scarce, russia extra, gilt leaves Rome, 1676 Cd ie ae 6029 / 6030 6081 — 6032 6033 6034 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 336 Moryson (Fynes) History of Ireland from 1599 to 1603; and — Description of Ireland, 2 vol. scarce, calf Dub. 1735 Mullalla (Jas.) View of Irish Affairs from 1688 to 1795, 2 vol. 1795 O’Conor (Chas.) Dissertations on the Antient History of Ireland, calf gilt Dub. 1753 O’Conor (Dr. Chas.) Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Charles O’Conor of Belanagare, portrait with MS. notes and corrections by the author, vol. 1 all published RARE, russia extra, gilt leaves n. d. (1796) *,.* This book was suppressed by the author and almost all the copies were destroyed. It is so extremely rare that a copy in Sir M. M. Sykes’ Sale sold for £ 14. O’Conor (Dr. C.) Memoirs of the Life of Charles O’Conor, of Belanagare, the Introduction to, only, enterleaved, with numerous MS. additions, corrections and emendations in the author's autograph, portrait half russia, gilt leaves n. d. (1796) O’Conor (Dr. C.) Letters of Columbanus ad Hibernos on the — mode of appointing Catholic Bishops, &c. No. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7; with Historical Address on the Calamities occa- sioned by Foreign Influence in the nomination of Bishops to the Irish Sees, 2 parts; scarce, 2 vol. and 3 parts. 1810-16 O’Conor. Letters of Columbanus ad Hibernos, No. 1, 2, 3,5 and7; and Historical Addresses, part 1, 4 vol. 1810-16 O’Conor ( Matt.) History of the Irish Catholics, 1813—Dr. C. O’Conor, Historical Addresses, part 1,1810; and 7th Letter of Columbanus, 1816, &c. “oe 4a vols O’Daly (Dan.) Initium Incrementa et Exitus Familie Geral- dinorum Desmoniz Comitum Palatinorum Kyerria in Hibernia, ac persecutionis Hereticorum descriptio, per Dom. de Rosario O’ Daly EXTREMELY RARE, fine copy, calf gilt Ulissipp. 16355 O’Flaherty (R.) Ogygia; or a Chronological Account of Irish Events, translated by Hely; and the Ogygia Vindi- cated by C. O’Conor, 3 vol. Dub. 1775-93 O’Hosey (Bonav.) The Christian’s Instruction, im the Lrish language and character RARE, fine copy, russia extra, g.l. 18mo. Lovanit, n. d. Orrery (R. Boyle, first Earl of) Collection of State Letters, and Life by T. Morrice, 2 vol. Dub. 17483—Orrery (Jo. Earl of) Remarks on the Life and Writings of Swift, portrait, 1752—Parker, Memoirs of Military Transactions, 1683—1718, in Ireland, &c. 1747 4 vols. Pamphlets. An Essay of the Antiquity of the Irish Language, 1772, &c. a bundle a; SO a Me TE, ee RE ee Ee oe ee ee ... Kilkenny - ATi s Westmeath - AD« -53 King’s County 47. ys Wexford Sie Ee ae Leitrim - SB.) Wicklow - AT ita Londonderry 49 in 28 vol. tee folio splendidly bound in blue turkey morocco extra, richly tooled, joints, and gilt leaves Dubhn, 1886-438 abt. Fs gi ee a ; ie F —~ ex” - 349 6194 Newspapers. The Press Dublin Paper, No. 1 to 67, 1797-8 : —The Anti Union, No. 1 to 32, 1798; and a parcel of Foreign Papers in 2 portfolios 6195 Orrery (Earl of ) Art of War, sane 1677 6196 Parr (Dr. Ric.) Life of Abp. Jas. Usher, with a Collection of 300 of his Letters, good copy ~ 1686 6197 Parr (Dr. R.) Another copy, stained, calf gilt 1686 6198 Report of the Lords, 1798, on the Irish Rebellion, 1798— - Reports on the Inland Navigation of Ireland, maps, 1800, &c.—Reports on the Bogs of Ireland, maps, 8 vol. 1798-1810 6199 Report (the Second) of the Commissioners for the Improve- ment of the River Shannon, map and plans Dub. 1837 6199*Report. Another copy, maps and plans, 1837, &c. a parcel 6200 Stafforde (Tho.) Pacata Hibernia, Ireland Appeased and Reduced, portraits of Geo. Carew and Queen Elizabeth, and 15 maps and plates, the map of Munster and one other wanting, russia extra 3 1633 6201 Statutes of the Kingdom of Ireland black letter Dub. 1678 6202 Stratfordes (Earl) Letters and Dispatches, with Life by Sir Geo. Radcliffe, edited by Wm. Knowler, 2 vol. calf gilt Dub. 1748 6203 Trial at Bar, between C. Craig and the Earl of Anglesey, 1743 half calf 1744. 6204 Usserii (Archiep. Jac.) Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiqui- tates, good copy 1687 6205 Walsh (Peter) the History and Vindication of the Loyal For- mulary, or Irish Remonstrance, received by his Majesty 1661, against all Calumnies and Censures in several Trea- tises, with the three Appendixes, féle mounted, Sc. RARE, russia extra 1674 6206 Ware (Jac.) Hibernia Sacra, sive de presulibus Hiberniz commentarius, a prima gentis Hibernice ad Fidem Chris- tianam Conversione, ad nostra usque tempora, wants title with numerous MS. notes in Irish by C. O’ Conor calf extra Dub. 1665 *,* This copy is very valuable, not only for Mr. O’Conor’s ex- tracts, but because it was the property of the celebrated Irish antiquarian, McFirbis, who is so highly commended by O’Flaherty, and who supplied Sir J. Ware with mate- rials for this work, &«.—See MS. note. 6207 Ware (Sir Jas.) Whole Workes concerning Ireland, by Walter Harris, portraits and plates, 3 vol. in 2 BEST EDITION, scarce, calf neat Dub. 1764 i f [ ‘ ; A er a i Pos ee et Ferrara yerecom mire “emtaresade 6208 Ware (Sir J.) Whole Wetkes, inosetihes aietaiis 6209 Ware (Six Ie Spann 6211 Williams (Bp. Griffith) Se ee tives. re observed in these very bad days, with re Jine copy, russia extra, gilt lean 6210 Warei (Jac.) Hibernia Sacra, ‘ ie. RE ‘d a ge: ata et and plates, with MS. notes. by C. O’ Conor and by - - O'Conor, 8 vol. in 2;, part of. Index in vol. 3 want | | Dub. icarum” Artin Henrico VII. ad Maria 1485 ad 1558 n : ) sive iSevich Chronologi niz Presulum, russia Fab. Philipps — Pig Shaner “etc - ee = “ ek renee Sp OE act wag ee a, ae . vente SI ma fe e eee a En ne eee os ee ere ae | ee - é ‘ 4 : Swe Gen SO Om. 0 geese tiile llth in wipes Bln > gp gl NP OE” a mtg AO a aan op mg Na ol ig sa peat 5 ap at lay mn Eass eae = PS om ee Ramee a AB Fp IM op PS HE =~ Sm, ne s > - . — oon - . = “i - ini me ene ~ Stinnee is 3 ie z ° ~~ - © A is o~ oom eS “7; m “ a = ae, ~ a ~ * - = e - : = ye me fo “|e se . ale ee i - : wih es - oo o - - a . - -- ~ - “ ‘. » of - - = _ “ < © —- - “a a 4 — aie ot? = _ : “ > ~ — a — ~ - - - E ~ « a = ~ r — F - ~ - > > a - ~ ace < a = - - ~ os ~ = « = - aa ae - a - ~~ a - mi m = mf ~ sae seals wees a ~ oe - “ y - <* - * < me on - _ « ad - ’ - “ a os 7” oe _ = a . ~ = » - « ~ “ ite I ~ ee oe ae -— a ee en es ee paling SLRS yy aemnin lene ie incall ele Gab neta “amas ‘ \ [es ot iy . ead * ec gp Bo mle nnn ae it lait A SS Fe ie ee ME re LE ey er OR SP : ec AS itr ah. oe eS cowie ace “ie ee ie oe + a oe Se ee ee oe we tae et ep PR, an lr a le tae om a — - a i - —_ = - a jo - ~~ - = _ a, — - Te ee et tear I a pacer! aR ee - ~ + am pa Mim ot aa ~ os _ = - tN te v7 = " “Shige Sra mt nel fn tl OR Sci. at de e-em erm = od whe = a ” ye ~~ ~ ‘i - ny - oF ee ele ee ee ee ai gl on ee ‘ ~ = ~ — = = aes i s = ~t - ow - aa * - ni = 4 _ i ey ome et “> ~ ~ . i se elas > é. a © - = * S * - - aed - - - z — - a y “ —— - - - - - = - . A - — ee it ee en ~ : * - “ - on " - ~ = - - = § ~ on = ai = H oe - lg ne Selinger Cee to -~ se 7 Ce eed Page ee Laws = -# -~ -kp oo a hb oe ee eh eh et at PQ SF OOF a ORL OL & SO OE et > oo - > a ~ hy ee, ey AE we oe ~ = y ~~“, CC — - oo - Oh, Oh ee a ne ~ ot a PAS, © Re — ot ae o- oro ao - Oe ey oe a em OH Oh os eee os. a we ee SR, A GS I OO eat aot et tt eae = ae < hg Eee hg tte treet eeencereetnes oat el ee, Ba, Hy GK - i oe ee tm 4 phar: *s eS om, phage e Po Se Ce tp ea ire be ES OB OO we > gt Stee he he se ae ere et ee Fm ‘ oO ee ok “~ - a ee on 7 SS EF GE & BR ig beg q 7 y Chel ; oe oe ee, ae ON GT ee Re PEPE OE SO OO ce, ee ert ae a & Se eee Se a eS ee OS EO Fe ee me eh ee ey rt ee ee ee a Fy ey ee et a a a a Se me ee ee bal Pe oy ee ey a y ma le ee a Ce ot a ot Ot, a, a oe Hee ee & ee Cot ee ttt ot 8 ott oe oes St oe tt ot ee - f a Oe | a OG we ey ne ee, dee © ee, dee aed aay ae te OE ae ae SE ee SA Lm era me ay at. ogy ey es ae, Ly BA OL UL, i 4 Aer a es, a) are. ae ~~ & Lanny PE PES ET OS Cd Se my ee ~ oe OR SE Oe HR ef & ee See om & cs eh OE) oe or ot ot oe ~ oe oo ee Oe, ORE i, el ee eS ae ~ - - i ole! a eye Bowl ae, ed, ke ley) Bm a ae, - See Oey Oi, Se Ogg) By Be OL, ee ee ah 5 Oe et, ee Lee ot Be ee ary FOL ee Le Sey ae a & pe at te ot et ft ee ee Se eee EO HN hes Oe te oe ery Geen eer on, hr oy Ct et i oe kt Oe ee el ee nme sha y Get Si te Ep keh 7 ee a ite me ‘ en o iy 3) o~ & Le Se a eH OY old a ek & eee 5 ee ee Ort CRT ST he ep fg Te Te Ce hee op bag ne phe = = ea Oe Oe ae Ht, ae Soe Sop hae ys = eh Gk Tee ES eral waged een ant an ol a, a a Oe eo : : _ ~ a, Se Nt tte oe ke ot ee ok ke eke eee oy er, ee a ae) a rote tet Pg ete ar et ot et ot tet ee ft pon a hap ge ane he bag 5 oh Saas ye ee eek es hoes het hata s. ¥ oo, ae - kt ee PSE OL em Pe a ee a Ke ot — = ge poy tg ie hp Set gee ort Stott ok Me ee ol ek oe op hale net EL HL, "SSeteler ee a) El A ee we J - 1 oe, & ee te et oe ee pode bp dpe dys byte