x» ity Avenue Huction ‘Rooms, eal 238 Fifth Flyenue, — PA HIGH-CLASS COLLECTION iy Art Objects, Nip, [Furniture, Vi |Bronzes, 7 OU Paintings, Etc., tC. Mr. LOUIS LEWIS, Removed trom his Dwelling No. 39 3 West Thirty-third Street, With ADDITIONS FROM PRIVATE | COLLECTORS. t be Sold Wednesday, Thursday and Friday | : Lfternoons. April 20 20th, 21st and 22d, 1904, Wee at Two o'clock each day. _- The Paintings will be sold ou Friday Evening, 4 ea 22, at Ft o’Clock.’ LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & CO. | 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK § m CATALOGUE A HIGH-CLASS COLLECTION Op ——— Art Objects, Furniture, &c, - THE PROPERTY OF MR. LOUIS LEWIS, »- REMOVED FROM HIS DWELLING 389 WEST THIRTY-THIRD ST, INCLUDING Bronzes by Celebrated Artists, many of which were Parts Salon Exhibrts. European and Oriental Porcelains, Furniture. Owl Paintings by distinguished Foreign and American Artists. To which we have added Satsuma Forcelains, Clocsonnes, Fapanese Bronzes, lvory Carvings, Beautiful Lacquer Screens, Carved Furniture, Etchings, Engravings, Ete. Carouse, made of Wild Cat Skins. And a General Assortment of fine Flouschold Liffects, including several pieces of Old Mahogany. ——-TO BE SOLD-— Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Afternoons, April 20, 21 and 22, at Two o'clock each day. | The Paintings will be sold on Friday Evening, April 22, at Exght o'clock. WM. B. NORMAN, AUCTIONEER. H. N. ATKINSON, Printer, 162 Pearl St.. N.Y. et) “4 oF . mf per Py oe spiasttnty i my Ea * r \ oe, © . y, aS oe * ? : aN, . « ’ Ph. ; > “4 . ae * é s . - t { le iy Te. & 4 ae a he | -. aan . ha: _ < a Pale on, sai Ti, ‘ a = ee. 3+ te o SPE at Gieas CIAL NOTICE. 7 _ The Management of Public Sales of » Important Art Collections, aphe.\ i @ Tur Firre Avenvr Avcrion Rooms begs “undertake the management of the Exhibition Pea. : oe ae Sale of Bee nons: oe Paintings and = Mr. Bears experience in such cance aren the central location of the Fifth Avenue Auction Rooms, i is a sufficient guarantee that . all business entrusted to it will be carried sar Or “ ee ws) 10. CONDITIONS OF SALE, k + 2 e-@_-- ——___“—__ é If there should be a diepntnie in regard to the bid between two or more buyers the article shall be at once put up and resold. Purchasers to give their nau.es and places of residence and to pay a cash deposit of at least 25 per cent. of the purchase money—or the whole of the purchase money if required—in default of which the lot or lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold, The deposit shall apply to all purchases made at this scale, and not to any one particular lot. Bills payable in cash before delivery. Bilis must be sent for delivery of goods. Goods to be removed at the expense and risk of the purchaser, on the morning following each day’s sale, between nine and twelve o’clock, and the re- mainder of the Pe money to be absolutely paid. Goods not removed on the morning following each day’s sale, between nine and twelve o’clock, remain at the sole risk of the purchaser. No claims allowed after the removal of goods. Articles are exposed for examination and are sold without guaranty of any kind. No goods Bclieee ed during the sale. Our record of sales in all cases final. ; Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time afore- said shall be resold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this sale, together with all char ges “attending the same. This condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this sale c without such re-sale if he thinks fit. WM. B. NORMAN, Auctioneer Catalogue _—e- <—m 2 — FIRST DAY'S SALE. PeeeeeoAY, APRIL 2zotn, AT TWOO'CLOCK Die eo A deposit of Twenty-five per cent. onthe amount ] amd» purchased will be required. NWOTICE——-TERMS OF SALE CASH. ><> -+— 1 Copper Lustre Bow] 2 Copper Lustre Teapot. Mahogany Tray, with inlaid edge 4 Marble and Bronze Clock Set, three pieces, clock surmounted with figure 5 Bohemian Glass Jardiniere, ruby and gold 6 Five Sofa Pillows,*assorted gee iwo Sevres Vases, with covers, bronze mounts ; Miniature g French Bisque Group 10 Porcelain Flower Holder, sleigh and cupid 11 French Cottee Maker, in copper 17 18 ie) 29 21 2a 23 24 25 26 27 28. ou) 30 Another, decoration of ducks and geese Delft Banquet Lamp, fine blue eps a Blue and White Porcelain Wee! ; j Rirching. by dis. eo ms atter G. H. Boughtan 4 Two Staffordshire Blue Plates _ ; Quartered Oak Sideboard, mirror back, @| finely carved : Quartered Oak Extension Table ; has six | | extra leaves 7 Side Table, with drawer; to match Six Oak Dining Chairs,in leather, arm and five sides ; Martha Washington Sewing Table English Oak Chest, carved Cloisonne Vase, flower decoration, with stand, fine cabinet specimen Satsuma Vase, cabinet specimen, Japanese | figure decoration, painted under magni- | fying glass, signed | Another, bottle shape Another, figure and flower decoration Silver Bronze Piano Lamp, with ne shade Porcelain and Brass Banquet ee with decorated globe Blue Porcelain Jar, with cover Hungarian Vase, with handles 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 F483 7 Blue and White Vase, with raised flower decoration Copper Jardiniere, with crown Pair Blue Portieres, velour and tapestry borders ; Royal Worcester Bottle Shaped Vase, ivory ground, gold ornamentation Porcelain Tea Set, three pieces Empire Cabinet, in solid mahogany, bent glass door and_= sides, beautifully painted panels Carved Mahogany Bookcase, ornamented with heads and claw feet Maple Dresser, four drawers and compart- ment, beveled plate glass Colonial Folding-leaf Card Table, in mahog- any, fluted legs Handsome Mahogany Bookcase, in mahog- any, two doors, ornamented with col- umns and claw feet Small Colonial Rocker Mahogany Hall Chair Colonial Chiffoniere Mahogany Footstool Side Chair, in mahogany Mahogany Chest of Drawers Mahogany. Bookcase, inlaid with mar- queterie, glass doors Carrara Marble Figure; has pedestal 49 50 51 52 ay Chippendale Chest of Five Drawers, in ma- Mahogany Chest of Drawers ‘Mahogany Window Seat g. . A Lacquer Cabinet, landscape decoration, in laid with mother of pearl z Dutch Inlaid Centre Table Silver Bronze Bird, perching on caueeal stand # Bronze Samaral, holding bow and arrow, on lacquered stand % Cloisonne Vase, bottle shape, dragon decor=) ation, teakwood stand 2 Another, bottle shape, dragon decoration, j teakwood stand 4 Satsuma Vase, bottle shape, figure decora- : tion, signed | Another, fine cabinet specimen, signed Another, bottle shape, figure decoration, signed © Water Color; by EEA: earns ee Fine Engraving—-The Return, by Frederiam re 4 Hunter 4 Engraving—Stag and Landscape Two Fac-simile Water Colors hogany, finely inlaid Beautiful Carved Italian Walnut Conversa- tion Sofa Mahogany Side Table 69 70 #2 72 Se 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 33 84 85 86 9 French Fire Screen, in ebony Italian Gilt Frame with Butterflies Carved Gilt Wood Screen, rich silk brocade panel | Carved Gilt Wood Armchair, covered in flowered and striped silk Corner Chair, to match Side Chair, carved etlt wood frame; seat in tapestry Gilt Wood Sofa, covered in green satin damask Beeuttiul Vernis Martin .-Parlor Cabinet, finely decorated; has bent glass door and sides, plate glass shelves Nest of Four Vernis Martin Tables, finely decorated Genuine Colonial Sofa, straight back Colonial Corner China Closet, San Domingo mahogany Louis XV. Side Chair, in mahogany Oak Armchair, carved Colonial China Closet, with columns and claw feet | Mahogany Swell-front Chest of four Drawers | Lacquered Screen, two fold, bird and flower decoration inlaid with ivory; height 6 feet Mahogany Nest of four Tea Tables, inlaid Colonial Lowboy, in mahogany, claw feet = Fe 97 98 99 100 IOI 103 104 105 106 107 108 IO Chippendale Chest of Drawers, in any, swell front, finely inlaid Sheraton Side Chair, in mahogany Oak Bench Oak Wood Box Rosewood Commode Louis XVI. Jardiniere in tulipwood Italian Walnut Centre Table, carved Recamier Settee, in mahogany, finely inlaid ™ covered in yellow silk Mahogany Finish Dressing Bureau, marble top; has mirror Chippendale Extension Table, round top in~ mahogany, flnely inlaid ; has two ex- tra leaves Colonial Mahogany Folding Leaf Card® Table, reeded legs Mahogany Sideboard, three drawers and compartments, mirror back Mahogany Secretary, drop leaf; has drawer | Painting on Tapestry, gilt frame Pair Handsome Bronze Figures Persian Hanging, embroidered Bohemian Glass Vase, gold decoration - Another, cameo decoration | Handsome Brass Openwork Fender Venetian Glass Flower Holder French Faience Group 109 ike 114 ers 116 “iy 118 119 120 P21 122 £23 124 125 126 27 128 ry Satsuma Koro, square shape, handles on side, very fine cabinet specimen, signed Old Satsuma Bowl, wise men decoration on both sides, with stand, signed piece Satsuma Koro, coiled snake on cover, figure decoration painted under magnifying glass, signed Bronze Figure on Lacquered Stand, repre- senting an old time Daimio, two swords on side, holding umbrella Bronze Figure, Japanese war god, holding lance Bronze Tiger, on stand, very fine picce, true fomature Ivory Carving—Flower Vender Another—Geisha Girl Another Another Bronze Japanese Vase Turkish Bowl Bronze Incense Burner Spanish Vase Italian Vase Another 3 Weathered Oak Palm Stand Small Ebonized Bookcase Inlaid Mahogany Corner Table Small Oval Tip Table : I2 Italian Walnut Hall Chair, carved and eilt : Old Florentine Mirror, beautifully carved | Colonial Sofa, in San Domingo mahogany | Colonial Sewing Chair : Colonial Rocker : Louis XVI. Side Chairs, gilt and uphol- | stered in damask Colonial Side Chair Italian Walnut Pedestal, carved with lions: heads and figures Old English Side Table, mahogany, inlaid Hundred-leg Table Colonial Tip Table, with claw feet Handsome Carved Hall Settee Kidney-shaped Tip Table, inlaid Oak Side Table, with drawer, finely carved Chippendale Couch, mahogany frame, covered-in leather : Colonial Mahogany Sofa, covered in plush Mantel Mirror, three lights, eagle top Mahogany and.Gilt Mirror, eagle top Old English Cabinet Old Chair, in mahogany, straight back Another, same as above; Maple Chair French Side Chair, inlaid with brass Old Pewter Pitcher 1523 ‘154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 13 Another, bowl Another, pitcher Another Old Dutch Marqueterie Tray Pewter Beer Mug Pewter Teapot Sersuia Koro on Stand, Japanese figure decoration, signed Satsuma Placque, figure and flower decor- ation ; diameter 9% inches, signed Silver Bronze Bird on Tree Old Bronze Buddha, holding incense burner, signed Bronze Placque, birds and flowers in relief Satsuma Vase, Japanese flgure decoration, _ signed Another, larger, square shape, decoration Japanese figures in court costume, signed Two Mahogany Arm Rockers, one damaged Six Walnut Dining Chairs, in leather Birds Eye Maple Chiffoniere, five drawers and compartments; has mirror Inlaid Mahogany Hall Seat Mahogany Dressing Bureau, five drawers, with mirror Ebonized Pedestal Doulton Vase and Rudolstadt Basket, gilt decoration 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 ISI 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 ‘Two Royal Worcester Vases, flower ¢ 2 t4 gilt decoration | Royal Wor cester Vase, flower any gil t decoration Small Sevres Vase, with cover and coalpor zi cup and saucer 7 Porcelain Figure and Bohemian Glass Goblet, ruby and gold a Pair Sevres Vases, gilt and bronze mounts Dresden Wheelbarrow, Doulton Vase and Powder Box | Mahogany Tray, with ies plated edge 4 Nuremburg Copper Jardiniere Be Pair English Side Brackets of quaint design aq Pair French Side Brackets | Brass Jardiniere with round feet | 4 Silver-plated Wine Cooler, crepenml border | Globe Copper Lustre Bowl Sun Dial Brass Jardiniere Pair English Side Brackets Pair French Side Brackets s Sheffield Covered Tray, with handle and. feet , a i, i Bo ia, Two Blue and White Plaques ya mab 193 194 15 Six Plates, assorted Imari Dish and English Blue and White Platter Two Porcelain Vases and Bouquet Holder and painted mother of pearl shell Two Brass Side Chandeliers, two lights Two Hungarian Jugs, decorated in fine color Pair French Porcelain Vases and Covers Engraving—Mozart Two Oak Brackets | Punch Bowl and Eighteen Glasses ‘Two Colored Pictures Two Engravings, framed Porcelain Banjo, as is French Porcelain Bowl, te and Saucer, and Silver-plated Baske Two Hercules Clubs Engraving—The Wine Tasters Gas Log | Another Pair Red Curtains, one Yellow Curtain, ‘Comfortable and Woolen Blanket Birch Bureau, four drawers and mirror and tabourette | Yards Wilton Carpet One Mattress Bundle of Sale ‘Carpe yak Carpet Four Chairs, assorted Large Rug Yards Velvet Carpet Box Couch Wire Cot | SECOND DAYS SALE THURSDAY, APRIL aist, AT TWO O'CLOCK. A deposit of Twenty-five percent. on the amount as 24 225 226 227 228 purchased will be required. NOLTICH=—TERMS OF SALE CASH. Antique Porcelain Water Bottle, ra:e speci- men, signed Old Satsuma Vase, gourd shape Antique Porcelain Jar, with cover, handles on side Bronze Bird, on stump of tree, old Diao height 25 inches Satsuma Koro, handles on sides, Royal crest on cover, figure decoration, signed Satsuma Powder Box, panel decoration, decorated also inside with Japanese figures in court costume Vienna Porcelain Vase Sevres Bonbonniere in form of Violin Miniature Another Another 2 18 Old German*Pipe#Bowl — Old Satsuma Plaque, wise men decoration, scolloped rim, signed Satsuma Vase, Japanese figure decoration, | 2 signed | 2 ~ Another, octagon shape, panel work and Japanese figure decoration, signed | Wrought Iron Fire Set, Stand and Diao Fender 4 Wrought Iron and Brass Five O’ clock, Tea atts and Stand Pair Brass Andirons Chinese Vase, Saje green, decorated height 17 inches ; date 1796 a Another, sang de boeuf, bottle shape, very ~ old § ; . = Porcelain Hibachi or Stone, shape of hear ~ Green Crackle Vase, decoration under — glaze Porcelain Vase, decoration in relief Antique Porcelain Hibachi or Stone, blue and white decoration Old Imari Punch Bowl, very fine specimen, signed _ Another, larger q Velour and Applique Piano Scarf — Zither, ivory mounts; from Delmonieam sale 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 19 Another Velour Portiere Bronze Tiger, in repose, very fine speci- men, signed piece, with stand Bronze Group, representing a female tiger and cub, on stand Bronze Vase, coiled silver dragon holding crystal ball | Gold Bronze Vase, decoration, silver bronze buds and flowers in relief Silver Cloisonne Vase, pink, decorated teakwood stand; height 1ol% inches Another, ruby color, flower decoration, with stand ; height 11 inches Ivory Flower Holder on teakwood stand Ivory Carving—Bird Charmer Another—Geisha Girl Another Another Another Fine Old Colored Print—New York Colored Photograph—Queen Victoria Photogravure—lLe Couronnement de la Mariee, after Cortazzo Pair Massive Hand-wrought Andirons, with cross bar Fender to match Fire Set, three pieces, to match 20 Bronze Bird, by J. Moigniez Bronze Bust—Female, on marble Base Carrara Marble Bust, teakwood stand Old Bronze Pedestal, in the shape of a coiled dragon; height 33 inches Gold Bronze Bird, perching on limb of a_ tree; height 33 inches Gold Bronze Vase, very fine specimen; decoration of water lilies in relief, signed piece Silver Cloisonne Vase, heliothrope, dragon decoration under glaze, with stand Another, decorated with fishes; height 14 inches, with stand Another, ruby color, dragon decoration ; height 104 inches, ‘with stand Bronze Vase, bottle shape, silver dragon holding crystal ball Antique Bronze Flower Holder, raised dragon decoration Bronze Buddha Antique Bronze Vase, decoration in relief Antique Bronze Hibachi, signed piece Chinese Crackle Vase, mustard color, very rare specimen, Ming period, 1522-1566 Five-color Vase, bottle shape Chinese ‘Vase, mottled, bottle shape, with stand, old and rare specimen 288 2908 299 301 2I Ginger Jar, original cover, deep blue, Keen Lung 1736-1796 Lacquered Screen, two fold, bird and flower decoration, inlaid with ivory; height 4% feet Fine Empire Clock, in splendid condition Carouse, made of wild cat skins, in fine condition Tapestry Panel, woodland and figure deco- ration Handsome Colonial Dressing Bureau, in mahogany ; has cast brass handles and portrait of Washington Dutch Marqueterie Nest of Four Tables in- laid on solid mahogany < ~ Pair Colonial Bedsteads, in mahogany Mahogany Chest of seven Drawers, swell front, glass knobs Colonial Chifftoniere, swell front, solid ma- hogany, columns and claw feet Handsome Bronze Group—The. Relay, by Richard Moorish Table, inlaid with mother of pearl, mahogany base, decorated with claws; from the Munoz sale; American Art Association Beautiful Carrara Marble Bust—Female, by A. Piazza Handsome Onyx Pedestal, revolving top, bronze mounts 304, 305 307 309 310 oa Ae 313 314 315 22 Mahogany Colonial Sideboard, brass inlaid, | wine closet and claw feet i Faience Vase-—Water Carrier, ‘enameled decoration ; height 23 in. ; from Ameri. | can Art Association sale 4 Antique Bronze Group—Satyr and Nymph, | beautiful modeling ‘ Superb Bronze Group—Bull and Cow, by 1. Bonheur, brother of Rosa Bonheur | Exquisite Bronze Figure, representing Angel of Night be ibonized Curio Table, Chinese design, de- corated-with chiseled bronze mounts _ Licquer Casket in tulipwood, ornamented | with Sevres panels of cupids and flow- — ers, mounts in chiseled ormolu, lined” in tortoiseshell; from the Delmonico © sale . 4 Beautiful Bronze Bust representing Orestes Very Handsome Onyx Pedestal, revolving © top, gilt bronze mounts Carrara Marble Bust on revolving pedestal _ Carara Marble Pedestal 4 Artistic Bronze Group of Birds, by E. Dea q abrierre % Handsome Carved Gilt Wood Pedestal | Superb Vernis Martin Cabinet, panels most. artirtically decorated with Nymph, Cupids and flowers; mounts in chiseled eilt bronze 316 317 319 peo. 221 322 eo 324 325 326 23 Garrara Marble Bust—Youth, by A. Piazza Beautiful Marble Pedestal, revolving top, mounts in bronze Silk Plush Table Cover, silk embroidered and applique 7 Pair Exquisite Sevres Candelabras, with artistic circular painting, representing Cupids harvesting, superb ‘chiseled mercury gilt mounts Centre-piece to match Beller Dining Room Suite, in oak, beaut1- fully carved with flowers Aticus Ahi ke consisting of seven chairs Very Handsome Colonial Drop-leaf Secre- tary.in San Domingo mahogany, carved columns and claw feet Beautiful Silvered Bronze Smokers’ Set, artistic work; from the Col. Lawrence Kip sale Pair Old Chinese Crackle Vases, grey eround, embellished in a most artistic manner, with figures in enamels, bear seal marks Pair Old Chinese Vases, crackle olaze, lizard in raised gold Very Handsome Cu rio Cabinet, in Palisandre wood, beautifully carved, panels of ivory ‘nlaid with gold, interior lined in silk plush; has beveled plate glass sliding door 24 327. Superb Bronze Group, by C. Buhot, artisti- | cally modeled, base in marble: decorated with cupids in chiseled ormolu : 3274 I’'wo Very Fine Ktchings, scenes in Canton, | carved teak wood frames, unique ex- | amples | ‘| 328 Magniflcent Bronze Figure, representing Psyche, most beautifully modelled ; height 53 inches. No. 254 of the Petem Marie sale, American Art Association ¢ 329 Antique Moorish Covered Jar. Oviform | of conventionalized floral pattern and- 4 scrolls in brilliant enamel colors over — cream white glaze. From the Gates | collection, New York 1876; height 27@ inches; from the American Art Associa- ; tion sale : 330 Superb Carrara Marble Figure, represent- ing Eve : 331 French Walnut Pedestal, gilt traced i 332 Magniflcent Clock, supported by figures — representing Three Graces, in silver ; bronze, most artistically modeled, — mounted on porphyry base 333. Pedestal in Crimson Silk Plush, chiseled gilt bronze mounts 334 Satsuma Koro, decorated with ‘Figures of | Warriors 335 Handsome Bronze Figure, representing Literature, by Bouret, mounted on mar- ble base 341 343, 344 345 346 25 Two Side Pieces in form of urns, to match CN ae Superb Marble Clock, surmounted by a beautifully modeled bronze figure, re- presenting Genius of Philosophy Pair Superb Bronze Figures, representing Romans upholding five light candela- bras, mounted on marble bases Handsome Bronze Figure—-Burgomaster, by A. Moine Large and Beautiful Cloisonne Vase, flaring top, crnamented with chrysanthemums Imethe hivhest style of art on. mirror black ground Elaborately Carved Oak Sideboard, fitted with numerous compartments and drawers, beveled French plate doors and mirrors; made especially to order eam Carved “Oak Extension Table, ornamented with winged Griffins ; has six extra leaves Set Oak Dining Chairs, covered in fine hand-carved leather, ten sides and two arms Elaborately Carved Oak Side Table, decor- ated with winged figures and fruit Handsome Oak Buffet, with lower com- parment Peace ouperb Bronze Urns; made by F. Barbedienno, of Paris;' circular orna- mentation of raised figures 351 352 ae 354 apie! 26 Pair Superb Bronze Figures--Harlequin and Clown, by E. Carrier ‘ Rare Old Dresden Group, representing St. ‘ George and the Dragon ¥ Pair Handsome Velour and Gold Applique | Portieres Magnificent Bronze Figure of Female up- holding card receiver, can be fitted jong gasiand electricity Exquisite Marble and Bronze Mantel Clock, ornamented with figure, representing — agriculture Hispano-Moresque Vase Fine Old Chinese Porcelain Jar and Cover, ornamented in rich colored enamels Handsome. Bohemian Glass Pitcher, gold, . decoration Rare Old Historical eee Clock, com: memorative of the uniting of Columbia, 7 Mexico and Peru 3 | Rare Old Tureen and Cover, beautifully — decorated : Two Beautiful Bisque Confiture Dishes, — decorated with figures; from American® . . ¢ a Art Association Sevres Tea Set, beautifully painted, crimson ground, eight pieces, including covers a genuine old set : Beautiful Faience Mantel Clock, orotube a ornamented with cupids and garlands, in chiseled ormulo = 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 37° 371 372 27 Kaga Vase, flaring top, crimson and gold decoration Richly Carved Mahogany Suite, covered in the finest cut velvet, consisting of two sofas and two armchairs, Louis XVI. style; from American Art Association Real Bronze Flower Holder, lily shaped Lacquer Screen, two-fold, very heavily carved frame, inlaid with ivory eagle, very massive; the most magnificent screen ever imported ; height 74 feet Silver Cloisonne Vase, ruby color, dragon decoration under glaze, with teakwood stand Silver Cloisonne Bowl, heliethrope, silver panels of birds and flowers, dragon de- coration on the outside, with teakwood stand Old Bronze Sake Bottle, raised dragon de- coration, signed piece Old Bronze Figure representing a Daimio Old Bronze Vase, decoration of birds and trees in relief ~ Another, birds and Wisteria decoration in relief Another, decoration of Japanese-Spanish in relief Gold Bronze Figure on Stand representing Japanese baseball players Cloisonne Vase, black, dragon decoration, inlaid with silver wires ; height 5 feet 387 Pair Bronze Vases, antique Grecian design, — Superb Bronze Figure—Orestes, by Moreau Mahogany Side Chair Mahogany Cheval Mirror 9 Beautiful Bronze Bust—Girl, by Vander ~ Staen ae Toilet Glass, mercury gilt mountings, from the Peter Marie sale, American Art™ Association 4 Pair Sevres Candelabras, finely painted — panelsof figures, chiseled bronze mounts Copper Coal Hod, helmet shape Seven Cut-glass Wines, hob-nail pattern Pair, Handsome Cut glass Decanters, bronze ~ mounts 4 Carved Teakwood Stand, marble top with tall marble and bronze pedestals — ofcolumn design; height of all 68 inches. ~ No. 252 of the Peter Marie sale, American ~ Art Association Pair Handsome Onyx Pedestals, from Del- — monico sale : 7 Pottery Vase, rich brown glaze, bronze mounts Exquisite Old French Porcelain Mantel — Clock, decorated with figures and bur- 9 nished gold decoration, mounted on — postament, from the Delmonico sale Pair Rich Blue Silk Plush Window Draperies ; 405 406 29 Pair Door Draperies, to match = 147 “7 & ee Bronze Bird, by _I."Moigniez Another, by the same artist Japanese Bronze Figure— Juggler Japanese Bronze Koro, with cover, inlaid with gold, cabinet specimen Pair Massive Colonial Brass Andirons, ball tops, Brass Fender Ebony Pedestal, gilt traced Herado Vase with cover, decorated with winter landscape and flying birds Superb Bronze Group—Lwuve's Whisperings, slened Carved Gilt Wood Tripod Table, marble top Beautiiully Modeled Bronze Figure of Female, by J. Gregoire Tortoise Silver-plated Hot Water Urn Silver-plated Cruet Stand—é bottles Silver-plated Tureen and Cover Handsome Painted Vienna Porcelain Plague—Woman of the Medici Period Four Chinese Porcelain Plaques, orna- mented in fine colored enamels Miniature Painting on Porcelain, chiseled bronze frame, signed Duc 407 408 409 410 ALI A12 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425. 426 427 428 429 30 Another Chinese Porcelain Vase, rose glaze Another, salmon glaze Pair Fine Old Chinese Vases, rich enamels, ~ flowers and reptiles on dark blue glaze — Beautiful Bronze Figure, by Pradier, marble ~ base Another, by Pradier, marble base “a Bronze Bird, by F. Poutrot Three Plush Pedestals, ornamented with ; cupids, in chiseled gilt bronze Bronze Bird, by Moiginez Bronze Figure—Bagpiper — * Figured Velour Portiere Tripod Table, in gilt bronze,.marble top Pair Brass Andirons Cloisonne Vase, irridescent silver dragon inlaid; very fine specimen Cloisonne Vase, ox-blood color, dragon | decoration ; height 24 inches a, Cloisonne Vase, chrysanthemum decoration ~ Another, Hower decoration Another, Wisteria decoration Another, flower decoration Another ha Ivory Sword, hand carved, Japanese figures © Another, hand carved; length 36 inches Another, larger ; length 42 inches ee yl I a en cS A Se ay UR ee ae eee eee st A —— 31 Cloisonne Vase, silver panel inlaid, with teakwood stand Cloisonne Plaque, dragon decoration ; diameter 12 inches Another, lght blue color, flower and bird decoration ; diameter 14.1nches Satsuma Kora, Dog Foo on cover, Japanese figure decoration ; signed piece Another, figure decoration, handles on sides Satsuma Vase, flaring toy, figure decora- tion, signed piece Satsuma Bowl, with stand, dark blue eround, beautifully decorated under magnifying glass, signed piece Satsuma Tea Jar, with stand, octagon shape, Japanese figure decoration, signed Old Satsuma Plaque, squate shape, Japan- ese figure decoration 1n court costume, signed | Alphonse Daudit Works, 2 vols. Home Library of Useful Knowledge Art Journal, 29 vols. French Porcelain Punch Bowl, gold band Thirteen French Porcelain Oyster Plates Yards Wilton Stair Carpet Yards Wilton Carpet Yards Wilton Carpet Yards Wilton Carpet Book Shelves FRIDAY, APRIL 22d, AT TWO O'CLOCK. THIRD DAY'S SALE. A deposit of Twenty-five per cent. on the amount 4 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 | 457 458 459 460 461 purchased will be required. NOTICE—TERMS OF SALE CASH. Snutf Box, painted with figures and land- 4 scape > Another, pastoral scene Another, in tortoishell A Another | | Box with cover Horn, silver mounted Gold Lacquer Sectional Box Five Marble Bas Reliefs Painting on Porcelain—Beatrice Satsuma Vase, figured decoration, fine cabinet specimen, signed Another | 4 Another (a Satsuma Koro, Japanese figure decoration _ under magnifying glass, with stand; signed 470 471 472 473 474 475 e 6476 477 478 479 ; 33 Bronze Vase, flaring top, silver birds and flowers ; height 19 inches, with stand Another, silver dragon holding crystal ball ; height 26 inches Cloisonne Vase, dark blue, octagon shape, flower decoration; height ro inches Another, dark green, dragon decoration ; height 10 inches Another, flower design; height 12 inches Anothet, flower decoration; height 12 1n. Another, larger, flower decoration ; height 14 inches Old Pottery Figure-—Fisherman Wood Carving—Idol Another Beautiful Japanese Bronze he shane and Princess ‘Antique Wood Carving, with seal Rare Old Pottery Vase, teakwood stand Japanese Teapot, finely decorated - Bronze Paper Weight—Monkey Marble Paper Weight—Cupid Royal Worcester Candlestick—Chinaman Satsuma Koro, ball shape, Japanese figure decoration in court costume, signed Another, handles on side, figure decoration, signed 483 495 Bronze Horse on stand 34 Satsuma Bowl, Japanese flgure decoratio inside and outside, done under magni- fying glass, teakwood stand, signed Bronze Vase, silver bronze flowers 1 in relief; a height 31 inches Another, silver bronze, birds and flowers in | reliet, flaring top; height 25 inches : Cloisonne Jardiniere, dark blue color, — flower decoration; diameter 14 inches Another, 18 inches Chinese Porcelain Mug, decorated in cok @ ored enamels Japanese Carved Ivory Dagger Another Pair Antique Bronze Figures, by Clodion Hirado Porcelain Vase, blue and white decoration | Chinese Porcelain Vase, blue Hawthorne decoration Celadon Vase, decoration under glaze, teakwood stand Ginger Jar, original cover, black ground, Kin Tsing period 1522-1566, very rare specimen Vase, blue and white, Keen Lung seal mark 1736; height 10f inches Blue Hawthorne Jar, flower decoration, signed | — 499 500 501 _ §02 503 504 509 506 507 508 Bo 35 Blue Hawthorne Vase, dragon decoration, with stand Chinese Ginger Jar, original cover, deep hlue decoration; Kea-King 1796; very fine specimen | Another, companion piece to above Chinese Vase, club shape, blue and white decoration, Keen Lung period 1736 Another, gourd shape, black splash Another, bottle shape, brown splash, date 1736, with stand Mantel Lambrequin, in handcarved leather, Cupids and fruit Superb Old Dresden Group—Indian Maiden and Cupid Choice Cut-glass Liquer Set, in case, con- sisting of four bottles with stoppersand eight glasses Handsome Mantel Clock in gilt case, sil- vered and gilt dial ; 4oo years old Bronze Bird, by P. Pautrot Another, by I. } Moigneiz Very Handsome. Bronze Group—Female Figure and Child Chasing Butterfly, by C. Lanzirotti, Paris ; most artistically modeled Screen, three fold, bamboo design, hand carved leather panels of cupids and birds 510 eet 512 513 514 515 Dry 518 p49 36 } Handsome Bronze Bust—Negro Playing Banjo, by L. Hottol Silk Plush Pedestal Beautiful Sevres Tureen and Cover, [mem perial N, finely decorated with cupids, royal blue ground; from the American Art Association Beautiful Silver-plated Vase, with cover, embossed ornamentation, eagle on top Rare Old Marseilles Tureen with Cover and — Tray, beautifully~ decorated; a rare” specimen of an old factory; in perfect condition | | Beautiful Old Minton Dinner Set, orna- 4 inented with flowers, in rich colors, — Chinese decoration; about 200 pieces, including covers Quaint Tankard of Bohemian Glass, rich dark blue; decorated with chiseled silver bronze, surmounted by figure of — horse; from the Lawrence Kip sale Pair Unique and Rare Old Dresden Figures, representing mythological animals, decorated in colored enamels, mounted on chiseled bronze pedestals; from the Geo. Tewksbury collection Chinese Porcelain Lacquer on Porcelain Vase, bamboo bird and conventional decoration on mirror black elaze Conversation Seat in brocade and cut vel- vet, very choice workmanship i wie G Tia i & a ¥ 520 Chinese Gold Lacquer Centre Table, figure and conventional ornamention Exquisite Painting on Porcelain, repre- senting Andromeda and Perseus, by or. Keiler, Professor of the Vienna Academy Magnificent Carved Chippendale Mahogany Bedstead, with enclosed spring; a fine o specimen | | Bier : : . 523 Hasel, in silk plush, with drapery 524 Ebonized Pedestal 525 Bronze Figure—Girl, by Vander Staen 526 Blue Silk Plush Window Drapery i527. Brass Fender White Marble Clock Set, three pieces, clock surmounted by bronze figures of cupids, ~ side pieces in form of urns Pair ot Bronze Busts on Marble Bases— Isisand Ramses, antique green and of the Peter Marie sale, American Art Association 30 6Empire. Carved Gilt Wood Mantel Mirror, i three ight © ; Two-Louis XV. Carved Gilt Wood side a Chairs, covered in brocade Beautiful Carrara Marble Bust--Young Girl, by Gambaccaianl Colonial High-case of nine Drawers, 10 solid mahogany gold patina - height 19 inches. ~No. 242 — — 534 3.0 540 541 542 543 38 Pair Exquisite Sevres Pitchers, bleu-de-roi ground, ornamented in chiseled gilt bronze ; from American Art Galleries Extremely Rare Jacob Petit Mantel Clock, — surmounted by figure of Napoleon on — horseback; a rare old specimen Beautiful Colonial Chest of Drawers, with — secretary centre, in solid mahogany Pair Choice Pottery Vases, quaint designs Chiseled Brass Cabinet, onyx top Beautiful Carved Mahogany Vitrine or 7 Show Cabinet, beveled plate doors, mir- ~ ror top Mantel Clock, white marble case, witoee bronze figures—Geniuses of Literature and Art. “French movement: No, 247 of the Peter Marie sale, American Art Association : Empire Suite of Five Pieces, enameled and gold frames, covered in green silk of the period, beautifully embroidered, consist- — ing of sofa, two arm and two side chairs Magnificent Marble and Bronze Urn, deco- ~ rated with winged flgures ; from the Lawrence Kip sale Pair Old Sevres Bisque Candlesticks, beau- tifully modeled, representing cupids with fish, gilt bronze holder 5434 Pair Handsome Meissen Figures, blue and gold decoration | ; p: ¥ - a Le! . Pair French Bisque Figures p i Noble Satsuma Bottle, fine brown crackle texture, artistically decorated Japanese mythological subjects, decorated in fine enamel and gold. Presented by the Crown Prince of Japan to the late Sur- geon William M. Hammond ; height 19 inches; fromthe American Art Assn sale | ) 546 Lacquered Card Table, cloisonne top, four drawers _ Cinnabar Lacquer Screen, two fold, decora- eee. tion of flying storks, inlaid with ivory ~~ and mother-of-pearl 548 Cherry Cabinet, handsomoly carved, doors Meee and panels of old gold lacquer, inlaid Meee 4th ivory and mother - of - pearl in fee heured and flower désign 549 Lacq uered Cabinet with Stand, doors and Seria! ° : = : : : ; fee panels inlaid with ivory, birds and flow- | ers ; height 5 feet Melsaequer ocreen, two fold, carved frame, e richly inlaid with ivory and mother-of- pearl, birds and flowers ; height 63 in. fer fea lable, cherry wood, dragon decoration carved on surface ; height 27 inches s2 Armchair, dragon decoration carved on cherry wood ‘tion carved on cherry wood ; diameter 35 inches ee2 Round Table, flower and dragon decora- 3 556 57 mi 560 40 Cutlery Cabinet, on stand, richly carved, nine drawers; height 7 feet Round VYable, dragon decoration carved on cherry wood legs; diameter 41:4 inches, ~ re) height 29 inches Another, larger Lady's Writing Desk, exquisite carving over entire surface Settee. richly carved, Fujiama mountain and dragon decoration carved oncherry wood, high back; length 5 feet Silver Cloisonne Vase, ruby color, floral % decoration under glaze, with stand Another, larger, flower decoration, with stand Another, heliothrope, floral decoration under glaze, with stand Another, ruby color, Ho-Wo bird decora-— tion, teakwood stand Another, bottle shape, flaring top, floral’ and dragon decoration on silver panels; height 13 inches, with stand Another, bail shape, decoration trees and flowers, with stand - Ivory Carving—Boys at Play Another—F lower Girl Ivory Flower Holder, on teakwood stand carved monkey decoration ; Ivory Carving—Tea Gatherer ~ 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 ad 7 578 579 580 AI Another—Woman Driving Swans Cloisonne Lamp, with mount, light blue color, flower decoration; height 27 1n. Set Cloisonne Jardinieres and Pedestal, dark blue, dragon and flower decoration; height of both 44 inches Cloisonne Plaque, flower and_ butterfly decoration, scalloped rim; diameter 14 inches Another, panel work, flower and dragon design ; diameter 24 inches Superb Bronze Russian Girl on Horseback, by C. F. Worffel A Very Rare Specimen of Old Cloisonne, in form of Vase, blue ground; from the American Art Association Artistic Bronze Group—Hunting Dogs, by P| viene Vitrine Cabinet, green enameled, bronze mounts Grand Bronze—The Steeple Chaser, by J. Bonheur, brother of Rosa Bonheur, ex- hibited in Paris Salon Of Rest en eae ebony pedestal, inlaid with porcelain panels Handsome Bronze Figure—Indian Torch Bearer, by Graux Marly, Paris ; fromthe Lawrence Kip sale Egyptian Marble Pedestal, revolving top 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 oo A2 Japanese Bronze- Incense Burner, mouse ~ and ftohage Quaint Old Japanese Pottery Inkstand, decorated with mask Magnificent Clock Set, three pieces, in gold bronze, profusely ornamented with roses, cupids and garlands chiseled in the most artistic manner; from the Augustin Daly sale at the American Art Association Suite of Genuine Old Carved Gilt Wood Furniture, from the period of Francis 4 II.; most beautifully carved and covered in antique velvet; from the Augustin Daly collection sale at the American Art Association Two Massively Carved Armchairs, in blue satin tapestry; from the Palace Borg- hese, Rome, and formerly the property of the Prince Borghese Silver Bronze Figure, by C. H. Veeclk Rare Antique Bronze, representing Nymph and Satyr, by Clodion Artistic Bronze hgure aa Ney, by Potra Beautiful Bronze Figure—Molier’s Country Gentlemen, by E. Picault Antique Hammered Brass Bottle-shaped Vase {oe 43 a. ‘os 23 ie ie ~ Very PP eon ‘Carved perenne Wood Parlor Suite, inlaid with pearl and brass, upholstered in cut velvet ; made by Pottier & Stymus, consisting of sofa, two arm and two side chairs meronze Paper Weight—Wolf Superb Dresden Figure—Lady of the Court ious. * V.., ecorated with lace work so ~Handsome Mahogany Curio or Show Cabi- net, gilt bronze mounts openwork sides and top, teakwood stand aa Old Satsuma Jar—Dog Foo on Cover, teak wood stand ie 7 Chinese Cup, enameled Rene in medal- lions _ Chinese Vase, rainbow splash glaze fs 5¢ 9 ‘Old Chinese Vase and Cover, decorated in : a fine blue ; height 8 inches 600 Chinese Saki Cup with Cover and Tray— a « = thes awe P Pu ty gilt om cee cee wi OSes i} ing? eke le AT EIGHT O'CEOCRE A deposit of Twenty-five per cent. on the < am purchased will be requineG. iam — = NOTICE—-TERMS OF SALE CASH. Poe OIL PAINTINGS. | | ‘ 670 "a" LACROIX, G x Fruit : O71" : GUAEDSLIG, Chevalier Cho. Roman Ox. 672 THOM IO. = : | Summer Landscape. — g 674 MAN, W. Cows and Landscape. es ©75 ‘ ~ Moonlight. Be 676 cS ALLOWICZ Young Princess. | Poy eo i | Brurt, neat of a ioe 679 SHAYER, W. English Landscape. 680 BROWN, John Louis Street Scene. 681 PHELAN, Chas. T. Sheep and Landscape. 682 LPARZZA, we. Italian Coast Scene. Page 683 KOOIMAN, W. Summer Landscape. “684 MEYERHEIM, Franz The Love Sick Maiden. Mentioned in Scribner’s Cyclopedia of Painters. 9s _ N, David 686 687 Bonin. sf 688 ~ Cows and Landscape. Coast Scene. 3 4Srn Confidence. na ¢ an one Sy ‘ eae f Fee) ee tie MI A Xsi*s iT JA DF > Hatgtes ~ i, ee fe, ay ih a nee Ss eee, 691 CAPOBIANCHI Interior and Figures. His works brought high prices in the Hilton saie.. 692 PSH ABISUN eC. Waitress. From the Munoz sale. 693 BELLOWS, A. F. Cattle in Pool. 694 SIRO. f An Evening Call During the First Empire. 695 DAMSCHROEDER, J. E. Young Mother. 696 HUBNER, Carl Sheltering from the Storm. - Se et ess a aay gees? Rigas bea es 2 og 3 | » Ss G, Ad. Se Monks in the Wine Cellar. i 698 J \RDET, Edouard 2 Traveling in the Alps. a 699 Summer Landscape. 700 GHTY, Thos. English Landscape 701 UQUESNE, W. The Ambuscade. 702 = George > , - _ Landscape Chpatiee) seek the Hudson. se 3 From the sale of the Inness Studio effects. 793 BRISSOT, F. Sheep and Landscape. 704 MUNIER, E. Apple Gatherer. 705 MOREAU Adrien Summer., 706 KINDT The Miser. 707 POELEMBURG, Cornelius | 1586-1666 Bathers. 708 BOE RCE Ri@rses Friends, Sheep in Stable. 710 The Shed. ai Interesting News. 7a: ps | lies } 745 GERARD, Theodore Childhood’s Sunny Days. 716 AMATA, R. Italian Inn Scene. 717 -DAMBOURGEZ, E. J. Oyster Seller. From the Powers sale, American Art Association. Exhibited in Salon 1885. 718 FRERE, Pierre Kdouard A Bright Anticipation. From the Whitney sale, American Art Association. 719 JATSCHAUER, KL. Subduing Strife. 7 20 LINNELL, John 1792-1882. Landscape. pew HERRING, after Stable—Interior. 722 UNKNOWN Landscape. | 723 UNKNOWN Candccare 724 UNKNOWN ae _ + Fhead. 7.25 UNKNOWN Shepherd and Shepherdess, ay ve of th ng and n at i € tha de | ce the i un ck any pa wn. d to to anno * atten to Also any x nd the at th sa rad arges r y e al i . able ch n ¥ to Sy s 2 ‘ord of t O sibili Leave all aso ou a4