ADMINISTRATORS’ UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE PREMISES et: THE ART OBJECTS AND OTHER PROPERTY CONTAINED IN THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE MRS. JULIA LORILLARD BUTTERFIELD No. 616 FIFTH AVENUE TO BE SOLD UNDER DIRECTION OF JOHN R. YALE AND WILLIAM H. BERRIGAN TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATORS AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK Mie LIBRARY M. KNOEDLER & C0. 556-8 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK y ia Hey fas ON FREE VIEW ON THE PREMISES THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 16th, 17th AND 18th FROM 9.30 A.M. UNTIL 5 P.M. ADMISSION BY CARD, WHICH MAY BE HAD FREE ON WRITTEN APPLICATION TO THE MANAGERS Jal, ART OBJECTS AND OTHER PROPERTY CONTAINED IN THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE MRS. JULIA LORILLARD BUTTERFIELD UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE PREMISES, No. 616 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK On Monpay, APRIL 20th, BEGINNING AT 11 A.M. AND CONTINUING On WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22nd, AT 1 AND 8 O’CLOcK P.M. ADMISSION BY CARD (LIMITED TO THE CAPACITY OF THE PREMISES), WHICH MAY BE HAD FREE ON WRITTEN APPLICATION TO THE MANAGERS but an ae se Toom, CATALOGUE OF THE ARTISTIC PROPERTY FURNISHINGS ano EMBELLISHMENTS CONTAINED IN THE RESIDENCE OP INE, IAVITIS, MRS. JULIA LORILLARD BUTTERFIELD WIDOW OF THE LATE General Daniel Butterfield No. 616 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY TO BE SOLD AT UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE ON THE PREMISES BY ORDER OF THE SURROGATE COURT OF PUTNAM COUNTY, NEW YORK, UNDER DIRECTION OF THE TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATORS ARTHUR KNOX, ESQ., ATTORNEY ON THE DATES HEREIN. STATED THE SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED BY MR. THOMAS E. KIRBY ASSISTED BY MR. OTTO BERNET anp MR. MAJOR PARKE UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION 6 EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET MADISON SQUARE SOUTH NEW YORK THE AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION DESIGNS ITS CATALOGUES |AND DIRECTS ALL DETAILS OF ILLUSTRATION TEXT AND TYPOGRAPHY CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. Any bid which is merely a nominal or fractional advance may be rejected by the auctioneer, if, in his judgment, such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. Payment shall be made of all or such part of the purchase money as may be required, and the names and addresses of the purchasers shall be given immediately on the sale of every lot, in default of which the lot so purchased shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. Payment of that part of the purchase money not made at the time of sale shall be made the day thereafter, in default of which the under- signed may either continue to hold the lots at the risk of the purchaser and take such action as may be necessary for the enforcement of the sale, or may at public or private sale, and without other than this notice, re-sell the lots for the benefit of such purchaser, and the de- ficiency (if any) arising from such re-sale shall be a charge against such purchaser. 4, Delivery of any purchase will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. Delivery of any purchase will be made only at the place of sale, and only on presenting the bill of purchase. Delivery may be made, at the discretion of the Association, of any purchase during the s ssion of the sale at which it was sold. 5. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in which the Association is in no wise engaged, and will not be performed by the Association for purchasers. The Association will, however, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers ; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. 6. Storage of any purchase shall be at the sole risk of the pur- chaser. ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and there- after, while the Association will exercise due caution in caring for and delivering such purchase, it will not hold itself responsible if such pur- chase be lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. 7. Guarantee is not made cither by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, genuineness or authenticity of any lot, and no sale will be set aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing, or any imperfection not noted. Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, after which it is sold “as is’ and without recourse. great care to catalogue every lot cor- rectly, and will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy The Association exercises expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued, and, in its judgment, may either sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby would become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without proper foundation. AMERICAN ART /ASSOCIATION, American Art Galleries, Madison Square South, New York City. NOTICE ADMISSION TO THE PREMISES FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSPECTING THE CONTENTS Prospective purchasers and others desiring to view the contents will be admitted by card only, on Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, April 16th, 17th and 18th, from 9.30 A.M. until 5 P.M. These Cards of Admission, each of which will admit one person only, may be obtained of the Managers upon written application only, which application must specify the day the card is to be used, as the admissions, on each day, will be strictly limited to the capacity of the premises. ADMISSION TO THE PUBLIC SALE Prospective buyers will be admitted on the days of sale exclus- ively by card, admitting one person, on the date specified by the applicant, and which will be issued to applicants upon their written application only. In order to provide for the convenience of prospective buyers, it will be necessary to limit the number of these cards to the capacity of the place of sale. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers CATALOGUE SPECIAL NOTICE The mirrors, mantels, gas and electric light fixtures, and any other objects which may be specified by the Auctioneer at the time of sale, are to be sold upon the express condition that the buyers shall, at their own risk and expense, take down and remove the same within twenty-four hours from the conclusion of the sale. The furniture, draperies, rugs and other articles which are to be sold on Monday, April 20th, must be removed from the premises during the next day, Tuesday, April 21st, between 9 o’clock A.M. and 4 o’clock P. M. In order that the Managers may comply with the conditions set forth in their agreement of sale, which requires an early final settle- ment with the temporary administrators, a cash deposit will be required from all purchasers at this sale. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, Managers. FIRST DAY’S SALE MONDAY, APRIL 20th, 1914 BEGINNING AT 11 O’CLOCK A. M. IN THE FRONT BEDROOM—THIRD FLOOR AND CONTINUING FROM ROOM TO ROOM IN THE ORDER OF CATALOGUE 1—Arasian Lace Casemenr Currains Six strips. Length, 2 yards. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 2—Jrisr Pornr Wrxypow Currains Six strips. wo patterns. Length, 3 yards. 3—Winpvow Draperies Pale blue brocaded satin. Single faced. Six strips. Length, including three valances, 3Y, yards. 4—'Tyrer-part Manrer, Mirror Carved ebony panels and top, with side brackets. Plates are beveled. 5—BrpsTeap Kbonized and gilt wood. Upholstered and tufted in blue satin. Has carved canopy with draperies. Sevres painted medallion in headboard. Box and hair mattresses. Roll bolster and two pillows. 6—Bepstreap Coverrine Satin down quilt and satin spread with plush border. 7—Turee Patrrs or Wooten Bep Brianxers Striped blue borders. 8—Dressinc Bureau Ebonized, with basswood panels. Gilt outlines. S&vres medallions in mirror, and drawers. Old French plate mirror. Height, 8 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches; depth, 2 feet. 9—Nicut Stranp To match the preceding. Height, 3 feet 9 inches; width, 18 inches: depth, 18 inches. 10—Comeination Desk Caniner Ebonized wood with gilt panels and outlines. Brass strap hinges. —_——— err NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers Ang IR x an ne 8 SSE es ncaa pe SR a 11 Sinn WAsiE Ebonized and gilt wood. 12—PRriIn-DIEU Ebonized and gilt. Brocaded tapestry upholstering. 13—Srr or Four ArMcHAIRS Ebonized and gilt wood. Blue tapestry seats. Tufted arms. 14Two Sipe Cuarrs Carved, ebonized and gilt wood. Tapered legs. Medallion in back. Seats of printed denim. 15—OversrurreD SUITE Couch, two arm and two side chairs, covered with pale blue bro- cade. With decoration of dancing figures, scrolls, vases and busts on pedestals. 16—Manocany Sora Empire design. Blue silk plush covering. Height, 2 feet 6 inches; length, 4 feet 6 inches; depth, 2 feet 3 inches. 17—Foorsroon Ebony and gilt wood. Top upholstered in gold-embroidered silk. 18—Puusu Rue Crimson ground. Key border. Length, 6 feet; width, 2 feet. 19—Domestic Rue Crimson ground. Key border. Length, 5 feet; width, 2 feet. 20—Puiusn Rue Old-rose color. Length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers ce tg gS, 21—Domestic Rue Red ground. Key border. Length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet. 22—Brass CHanpreier Fitted for gas and electricity. Six lights. 23—Manau Carprr Light ground, figured border. Length, 13 feet 7 inches; width, 10 feet 2 inches. BOUDOIR ADJOINING FRONT ROOM. THIRD FLOOR 24—TorLet CHIFFONIER White enameled; brass trimmings. Has five drawers and_ bevel- shaped mirror. 25—Wuire Enamet CHrrronrer Seven drawers. Brass knobs. Height, 38 inches; width, 34 inches; depth, 21 inches. 26—Wurre Examen CHrrronrer Five drawers. Brass handles. Height, 58 inches; width, 36 inches; depth, 20 inches. 27—Revorivine Booxrack White enameled and gilt. Has mirror top and plush border. 28—Suoer Rack White enameled and brass trimmed. 29—Wuire Enamet Bookcase One glass door. Height, 66 inches; width, 4017, inches. 30—ENAMELED CHarr anp Rocxker NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 31—Domesric Sewine Macuine Walnut case: four drawers. 32—Pair or Facsimiies “Flowers” and “The Mask.’ After F. Linden. In one frame. $3—F AcsIMILE “On the Beach.” After A. Delobbe. Silvered frame. 34— ETCHING “TImpudence, Indifference, Jealousy, Conceit, Modesty, Sulkiness, Nervousness, Sleepiness and Envy.” By W. H. Trood. Signed proof. Oak frame. 35—Brass CHANDELIER For gas. Four lights. 36—Porar Brar Rue Length, 5 fect; width, 4 feet. 37—Dacuestan Rue Blue field, striped with Turkish characters. Blue and red borders. Length, 9 feet 10 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches. MIDDLE BEDROOM. THIRD STORY 38—Berproom Suir Carved walnut, ebony and gilt panels and outlines. Full-size bed- stead, box spring and hair mattresses. Pillows and down quilt and large dressing bureau with old French mirror. 39—Turere Sora Pintows aaa NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE-—A Cash Deposit will be requred of All Purchasers 40—Watnut Spwine TasieE Ebony and gilt finish. Carved tapered legs. Inlaid floral design on the top. Height, 30 inches; width, 22 inches; depth, 15 inches. 41—Watxut Booxcase Carved. Has glass door. 42—AnrieuE Manocany WarbpROBE Paneled doors; ball feet. Interior has six drawers. Length, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 3 inches; depth, 19 inches. 43—AntiauE Oak CHEST Wrought-iron lock and mountings. Height, 2 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet; depth, 2 feet. 44—Recuininc ARMCHAIR Carved back and arms. 45—Larrice-BAck Rocker AND ARMCHAIR Have cushions 46—Framep PHoroGRaPH Capitol at Washington. Silvered frame. 4°7—TINGRAVING “The Village Blacksmith.”. By George Patterson, after J. F. Herring. 48—Brass CHANDELIER For gas. Six lights. 49—InwrporTED Smyrna Rue Length, 14 feet 6 inches; width, 11 feet 3 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers BACK BEDROOM. THIRD FLOOR 50—Puusn Wixnpow Draperies Crimson color, single-faced, including valance. 51—Tourxisn Hanernes Embroidered. 6 pieces. 52—Turxish Hancines Silk-embroidered and spangled. 5 7 pieces. 53—Bacpap Hancines Extra length. 3 pieces. 54—Turxnish Haneres Embroidered and printed silk. 6 pieces. 55—Turnisn Hancrnes Gobelins blue flannel. Stamped. 6 pieces. 56—Prixtev Denm Furniture Coverinc Lot of in rolls and pieces. 57—Larce Prinren Tapestry Hancine Length, 9 feet; width, 8 feet 10 inches. 58—Massive Bunt Bepsreap Including two curled hair mattresses, springs and bolster. 59—Bunt Warprope Single mirror door, to match bedstead. Height, 8 feet 4 inches; width, 3 feet 4 inches; depth, 1 foot 7 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 60—Bvuut Dresstnc Tasie Serpentine front, cabriole legs. Oval mirror, with carved standards, to match preceding pieces. Height, 5 feet 8 inches; length, 3 feet 6 inches; width, 2 feet. 61—Buuu Nient Stanp Marble top. Has three drawers and closet. Height. 3 feet 6 inches; width, 20 inches: depth, 14 inches. 62—Bunw Lisrary Taste Oval shaped. Cabriole legs. } g Height, 2 feet 7 inches; width. 3 feet; length, 4 feet 6 inches. 63—Antieve Manocany Cast or Drawers Carved fluted legs and brass claw feet. Original handles. Height, 3 feet 3 inches; depth, 1 foot 6 inches; width, 3 feet. 64—Anriaut Manocany Sora Seroll back and arms. Carved legs and claw feet. Upholstered in figured silk. Length, 5 feet & inches. 65—Turee AntieuE Manocany CHAIRS Carved shaped backs and legs. 66—Burier’s TRAY AND STAND Carved Damascus wood. 67—Manocany Center Tape Brass mounts. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 68—Brass Suavinc Sranp Adjustable. 69—Brass Piano Lamp Heavily wrought openwork. Cupids sitting on the three legs. 7O—Mantrext Mirror Beveled French plate. Gilt frame. 71—Brass CHANDELIER Fitted for gas and electricity. For eight lights. 72—Berun Rue Empire designs in colors on cream ground. Length, 22 feet 6 inches; width, 11 feet 8 inches. HALL ROOM, THIRD STORY, AND STAIRS AND HALLS 73—CaArRPETS BLUE ROOM. SECOND FLOOR FRONT 74—ARABIAN Lace CaseEMENT CURTAINS Six strips. Length, 8 feet 1 inch; width, 2 feet. 75—AraBpian Lace Winnow Currains Six strips. Each strip: Length, 10 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 76—Winvow DrapreEriEs Pale blue moiré silk and satin, striped, single faced and with fringed borders. Six strips in all, including valances for three windows and mirrors. Length, 10 feet; width, 4 feet. 77—Sitx Puuse Porrimres Pale blue; fringed borders. Two strips. Length, 10 feet; width, 4 feet 8 inches. 78—Turxisn Hancines Yellow silk embroidery on blue ground. Four strips. 79—SincLE Bepsreap Carved, painted and applied decoration of cupids, flowers, wreaths, ribbon bow-knots and scrolls. Finished in cream-white enamel, enhanced by gilding. Draped canopy. Fitted with spring, hair mattress and pillows. Length, 6 feet 6 inches. 80—Enazorate Dressinc Mirror and STAND The mirror frame is decorated with flowers, leaves and cupids and a pair of three-light candle branches. Dresden porcelain side pieces rising from scroll legs, and consisting of cupids, vases and female figures, surmounted by bird terminals. The stand of carved and tinted wood to correspond. Height, 6 feet 6 inches; width, 3 feet 2 inches; depth, 2 feet 4 inches. 81—Wauire Examen CHIFFONIER Shaped front, with five drawers. Brass mounts. Height, 53 inches; width, 24 inches; depth, 17 inches 82—Pair or Pepestat TAsiEs Shaped tops, with pierced brass rails, fluted legs and undershelf. Finished in white enamel. The tops and shelves have paintings of birds and flowers. Height, 32 inches; width, 20 inches. A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 83 Waritre Examen ComMope One drawer. Cabriole legs. Height, 341%, inches; width, 171% inches. 84—Pepestat Tasie Circular top. Four taper legs. The underbraces support a round shelf. Painted white and gilded. Height, 28 inches; diameter, 17 inches. 85—Dressinc STAND Covered with blue plush and lace. Mirror top. Height, 32 inches; width, 36 inches. 86—Gem CaBInet Glass top and sides. Cabriole legs. Finished in white enamel. Height, 39 inches; diameter, 17 inches. 87—Booxcasr ann Desk Numerous drawers, shelves and cupboards. Finished in white enamel. The doors have porcelain plaques of the seasons inserted. Height, 62 inches; width, 43 inches. 88—Manret Mirror Old French plate. White enamel and gilt wood. Height, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 9 inches. 89—UPrHoLsTERED SUITE Couch, bedroom chair and four armchairs. Covered with silk, hav- ing alternate stripes of blue and white, with floral garlands. 90—CentTer Tasie Walnut and satinwood. Shaped top, with rounded ends. Shaped and molded end supports, with bronze busts. Bronze plaque orna- ment in the center of the underbrace. Height, 29 inches; length, 53 inches; width, 31 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 91 Manocany Tra Tray On wheels. Has extra tray, with glass bottom. Height. 28 inches. 92—Winpvow Box Covered with blue plush. Height, 16 inches; diameter, 20 inches. 93—Winpow SEAT Upholstered. 94—Corner CHAIR Blue plush cushions. 95—Snor Box Covered with blue plush. Height, 131% inches; length, 38 inches. 96—THreE Sora Prttows 97—Suirvan Lone Rue Dark blue field with four diamond-shaped medallions. White border, one wide and five narrow borders to correspond. Length, 10 feet; width, 4 feet. 98—Iran Rue Blue field, with floor pattern, red, olive, green and white. Five borders. Length, 6 feet; width, 4 feet. 99—Iran Rue Ivory-white field, with a connected floral medallion pattern in various colors. Three borders. Length, 7 feet; width, 3 feet 8 inches. 100—Movssoun Mar Red ground. Diamond-shaped medallion. Bordered in pale blue; outside border of yellow. Length, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 1 foot 10 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers a SAR SR a a oa ipa eee ls GE 101—Dacuerstan Rue Blue field with conventional pear-shaped ornaments. One white and two narrow borders. Length, 4 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 10 inches. 102—Iran Rue Blue field, with pear-shaped ornaments in red, blue and white. Barber-pole border, with two narrow borders. Length, 6 feet; width, 3 feet 8 inches. 103 Nayazso Buanket Wool weave. Blue medallion center, on white ground. 104—Carrret Rue Slate-blue ground. Floral border. Length, 13 feet 10 inches; width, 12 feet 10 inches. 105—Srx Smartt Carper Rves Slate-blue. 106—Damasx Froor Coverinc BOUDOIR. SECOND FLOOR 107—Door Curtains Fawn-color velours. Painted floral designs, with plush and corded overhangings. ‘Two strips. Length, 9 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet. 108—Boupor Panets ann Drapery Pale blue Japanese silk. Five strips. 109—Recunine ArmMcuarr Adjustable back and foot panel; roll arms; covering of blue silk damask. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers pli es ee ee 110—Oversturrep ARMCHAIR Covered with gray velvet. 111—Snor Box Leather top. 112—Smatt JEwEeL SAFE Has two lock drawers. Length, 20% inches; width, 24 inches; depth. 18 inches. 113—Carrer Rve Blue, with leaf border. Length, 11 feet 3 inches; width, 8 feet. 114—Sincite Forpine Bep Oak. 115—Manocany Sipe CHarr Low form, with fan-shaped splat. Seat in blue plush. 116—Durcu Mareverry Dresstne STAND Mahogany, with floral and leaf scroll inlay. Lifting top, with mirror. Three drawers, taper legs and paw feet. io wo Height, 30 inches; length, 37 inches; width, 22 inches. 117—Parr or Arrican ANTELOPE Horns Twisted. Length, 37 inches. 118—Two Seats Shaped tops. Tripod supports of bamboo. 119— Japanese STAND Lacquered top and under-shelf. Bamboo supports. Height, 291%, inches; length, 39 inches. i NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 120—Nest or Srven JAPANESE STANDS Tripod-shape. Carved in low relief and gilded. 121—Watnut SIpEBOARD Has top shelf and narrow mirror back. Griffin end supports on oblong bases and scroll feet. Height, 60 inches; width, 70 inches; depth, 32 inches. 122— Pair or Bronze Sconces Repoussé ornamentation of Medusa head. T'wo-candle brackets. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. 123—Pair oF SCONCES Repoussé decoration of armor and arms. 'Two-scroll candle brack- ets. Height, 17 inches; width, 11 inches. 124—_Draprrirs AnD Hanernes Covering closets, including velours, damask, printed silk hangings and embroidered panels. 22 pieces. 125—Turniso Door Hancine Blue, red and white panels. Embroidered medallions and characters in gold thread. 126—Awnarorian Larcr Rue Red field, with two irregular shaped patterns; the ground blue, with conventional floral decoration. One wide and six narrow borders, in tan, blue, white and red, with floral and other decora- tions to correspond. Length, 12 feet; width, 9 feet. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers SMALL ROOM. SECOND FLOOR BACK 12%—Winpow and CAseEMENT CURTAINS Four strips: two patterns. Window: Length, 4 feet 7 inches; width, 1 foot 8 inches. Casement: Length, 10 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches. 128—Wurre Exnamet Menpicing CaBrnet Upper and lower shelf and one cupboard. Height, 53 inches; width, 20 inches. 129—Bentwoop CHAIR Leather seat. 130—Cuina CLOSET Finished in white enamel and floral decoration in blue. Width, 43 inches. 131—Domestic Rue Red center. Floral border. (Damaged.) Length, 9 feet; width, 6 feet. 132— ENGRAVING “At the Organ.” After G. Dora. Gilt frame. 133—ENGRAVING “The Neophyte—Le Néophyte.” After G. Dora. Oak frame. 134—Coxnorep FacsIMILE “The Petition.” After Becket. Bronzed frame. 135—Turee Framep PHOTOGRAPHS “The Fountain of Trévi,” “Temple of Vesta,” and the “Castle of St. Angelo,” in Rome. Gilt frames. a NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 136—Framep PHotrocrarH “Arch of Constantine.” Rome. Gilt frame. 137—Framep PHoTocrRAPH The Coliseum at Rome. Gilt frame. 138—Framep PHotrocrarH St. Peter’s at Rome. Guilt frame. BREAKFAST ROOM. SECOND FLOOR 139—Irisn Point-Lace CurTaAIns Six strips. Two patterns. Each strip: Length, 9 feet 10 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. 140—Door Currains Byzantine plush and red velours. Single faced. Four strips. Length, 8 feet; width, 3 feet. 141—Wixvow Draperies To match the preceding. Four strips. Length, 8 feet; width, 3 feet. 142—Ftoor Mirror Old French plate, with carved walnut frame. Oval top. Height, 9 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 9 inches. 143—Pirr Mirror Old French plate, with carved walnut frame. Height, 8 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 3 inches. 144—Manret Mirror Old French plate, with walnut and gilt frame. Height, 5 feet 6 inches; width, 4 feet 7 inches. ei NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 145—Manocany CHEvaL Grass Arched top, fluted pillar supports and three scroll feet. Brass mounts. Height, 6 feet 7 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 146—Ser or SHERATON CHAIRS Thirteen side and two arm chairs. Mahogany, with brass inlay. 147—SETTEE To match the preceding. ta) 148—Coucn Brp To match the preceding. Fitted with mattress, spring and pillows. 149—Pair or Manocany CoMMODES One drawer and a cupboard to each. Brass moldings. Height, 361/, inches; width, 17% inches; depth, 141% inches. 150—Patr or Pepvesrat Tasres To match the preceding. 151—Miniature TaBie Mahogany, with brass moldings. Slant top of glass, and taper legs. 152—Turee-tirr Manocany Tassie Scalloped top, with a pierced brass rail. Two under-shelves. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 22% inches, 153—Hatr-rounp Tape Walnut. Hinged leg and lift-over leaf to form a circular top. 5 5 I Scroll legs and triangular base. Height, 29% inches; diameter, 36 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 154—Antievut Manocany Sritver CHEst Mounted on a round pedestal. Shaped base and carved claw feet. Has original handles. Height. 2 feet 9 inches; length, 3 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet 2 inches. 155—Iniarw Caprner on Sranp Antique Italian. The top is divided into sections by panels of pierced scroll design. Drop front, which discloses numerous draw- ers. Decorated with flowers and arches which depict domestic oc- cupations and pleasures, in inlays of various woods. The stand has cabriole legs. Height, 61 inches; width, 241% inches; depth, 16 inches. 156—Brass Sipe Licuts Electric and gas. Three lights each. 157—Brass CHANDELIER Electric and gas. Fifteen lights. 158—Turee Sora Pittows 159—Larce Innia Rue Tan field, with a floral pattern in blue, red and brown. Two wide and five narrow borders in colors to correspond. Length, 16 feet; width, 10 feet 5 inches. 160—Domestric Rue Red field. Double arrow-headed ornament in the center. Length, 5 feet; width, 3 feet. 161—Domestic Rue Blue center, with one large and two small medallions. Length, 5 feet; width, 2 feet 7 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers ENTRANCE HALL. FIRST FLOOR 162—Cocoa Mar Oblong. 163—Umpretia Jar Japanese porcelain. Decoration of birds and branches. (Re- paired. ) Height, 20 inches. 164—UmBRELLA Jar Japanese porcelain. An upper and lower band of blue, with lotus scrolls in white reserve. The body decorated with flowers and birds in color. Height, 25 inches. 165—Umsretia STAND Made to represent an umbrella; in carved and shaped wood. 166—Pair or Tasourets Hexagonal. Height, 20 inches. 167—Haxi Stranp With beveled French plate mirror. Quartered oak frame. Carved top and arms. Has box seat, with carved panel. Upholstered in russet leather. Height, 7 feet 2 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. 168—Ovat Mirror Shaped brass frame, surmounted by leaf scrolls, with a mask center. The inner and outer frame separated by a glass made with enam- eled decoration of flowers. Height, 49 inches; width, 31 inches. 169—Twin Mirrors Shield-shaped. Surmounted and surrounded by helmets, swords and halberds, and balls and chains from a mace. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 170—Tropuy or Arms Steel cap, breastplate and three halberds. 171—Brass Gone Bamboo stand. Height, 36 inches. 172—AntiaevuE Manocany Tati CrocKx Shaped top. The side panels of glass. Molded case with a long door. Brass and silvered dial, with brass corner ornaments. Brass works by Thomas Wagstaff of London, 1766-94. Height, 7 feet 9 inches. 173—Manrext Mirror Old French plate. Carved walnut and gilt frame. Oval-shaped top. Height, 9 feet 4 inches: width, 6 feet 2 inches. 174—AbdAM JARDINIERE Mahogany, with bands and fan-shaped ornaments in satinwood. to} J? One drawer. Taper legs. Height, 19 inches; diameter, 1084 inches. 175—ELecrric-LicgHTInc FIxruREs Including suspended ceiling lamp and two brass-mounted side g I g I lamps. 3 pieces. 176—PuvsH-covERED CABINET Two doors. Height, 33 inches; width, 45 inches; depth, 44 inches. 177—Mantet Mirror Old French plate. Carved walnut and gilt frame. Oval-shaped top. Height, 8 feet 4 inches; width, 6 feet 6 inches. 178—Prer Mirror Old French plate. Plush frame. Height, 10 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet 3 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 179—Larce Convex Mirror Circular. The frame of carved, molded and gilded wood. Un- usually large plate. Diameter of plate, 291, inches; diameter of frame, 401/, inches. 180—Sinverepd Bronze STATUETTE “The Water Carrier.” Signed A. Calccile. Fitted for gas and electric ight. Height. 5 feet 10 inches. 181—Door Drarerties Old-rose, with painted flowers and scroll designs. Fringed border. Two strips. Length, 11 feet; width, 4 feet. 182—Door Drarertes Old-rose. To match preceding lot. Two strips. Length, 7 feet 8 inches; width, 4 feet. 2 183—Larce Mirror The frame of gilded and painted wood, with applied spindle orna- g : I I ments. Shaped and molded top. Height, 10 feet; width, 8 feet 2 inches 184—Carvep anp Grupep Woop JARDINIERE Louis XVI. Shaped top, with floral decoration in low relief. carved and reeded legs, with a shaped stretcher which has as a Bight central ornament a vase. Height, 41 inches; length, 38 inches; width, 24 inches. 185—Parr Patnrep Grass Doors Two panels of three panes each. The street of an old Continental town is shown, with the twin spires of a Gothic cathedral as the central figure. By Ferdinand Pacher, Munich, 1885. Above and below are panels of leaded glass. Height, 10 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 186—Smatt Sranp Japanese lacquered top and undershelf. Height, 29 inches. 187—Brass Woop-sox Repoussé ornamentation of scrolls and subjects after Teniers. Height, 27 inches; length, 37 inches; width, 19 inches. 188—Two Forpine Sroots Gilded frames. 189 Execrric Licutine Fixrure Cut-glass stems; spear-shaped ornaments. Cut-glass pendants and chain. Three lights. 190—Srarr Carrer Red. DRAWING ROOM 191—Arapian Lace Casement CurTAINS Four strips. Length, 3 yards. 192—Winvow Draprrirs Heavy cream-color satin, bordered with brocaded tapestry which has designs of chrysanthemum flowers, leaves and roses, and out- side border of braided silk and fringe. Consisting of four long curtains and lambrequin. 193—Patir Door Curratns Double faced. Heavy cream-color satin, bordered to match win- dow hangings. Backed with green and gold brocaded damask, and trimmed with silk braid and fringed. Length, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 7 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE-—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 194—Pier Mirror Old French plate, in white and gilt frame. Length, 10 feet 3 inches; width, 4 feet 4 inches. 195—Pair or Carvep anp Girt Woop PEpEsTaALs Mahogany tops. The four supports have mythical bird bodies, birds and wings, and rest on one animal leg with a face and claw foot. Height, 42 inches; diameter, 14 inches. 196—Carvep anp Grrt Woop PreprEsTaL Similar to the preceding, but larger. Height, 43 inches; length, 24 inches; width, 15% inches. 197—Carvep anv Grrr Woop EHasen Lyre design. Elaborate raised decoration of leaves, flowers and scrolls. Height, 78 inches. 198—Inrrortep Drawinc-room SUITE Louis XVI style. Frames of carved and gilded wood. The oval backs and seats covered with satin brocade, which has a woven decoration of vases of flowers and scrolls in dark red on a cream ground. The set consists of the following pieces: (A) Large sofa with rolls (D) Seven armchairs. and pillows. (E) Ten side chairs. (B) Settee. (F) Two occasional chairs. (C) Chaise-longue. (G) Two foot-stools. 199—Pair or Sora CusHions Oblong. 200—Parr Sear CusHIONs Match the preceding pair of oblong cushions. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 201—Carvep anp Grrr Woop Center Taste Louis XVI style. The top has rounded ends and is covered with maroon satin. Shaped under-brace. Height, 32 inches; length, 52 inches. 202—Carvep anp Girt Woop PEpEsTAL Louis XIV design. Elaborately carved and pierced. Supports of scrolls and half-length female figures. Shaped base. Height, 44 inches; length, 30 inches; width, 15 inches. 203—Pair or Grrr Woop Pepesrats Louis XV style. Circular tops. Carved decoration of husks, and garlands of fruit and flowers. ‘Tripod supports, on circular base. Height, 46 inches; diameter, 54%, inches. 204—MantreL AND OVER-MANTEL Mantel of carved wood, Adam period; which is carved with wreaths and garlands mounted on fluted columns, surmounted by an over- mantel holding a three-part mirror, frame of which is ornamented with shell and scroll carvings and figures of dancing cupids. Fin- ished in white enamel. Length, 9 feet 2 inches; width, 6 feet 8 inches. 205—Carvep and Girr Woop Screen FRAME Louis XVI style. Shaped top, decorated with flowers; side pieces carved and resting on scroll feet. Leight, 46 inches; width, 37 inches. 206—F irr ScREEN Butterfly design. The wings of colored glass, and a standard and base of leaves and branches. Height, 38 inches; width, 31 inches. 207—Pair Brass ANDIRONS Taper columns and fluted oval ornamentation. Height, 311% inches, NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 208—Carvep anp Girt Woop PrprEstTan Square form of Oriental design. The top is covered with blue 8 Is : plush and rests on four turned and squared supports. Square base. Height, 401, inches; diameter, 134% inches. 209—Pair or Bunt CaBinets Serpentine fronts, with two doors. The interior veneered with ma- hogany and has shelves. The exterior of ebonized wood, with brass inlay on tortoise-shell. Gilt brass mounts and white marble tops. Height, 45 inches; width, 50 inches; depth, 20 inches. 210—Carvep anp Girt Woop CentER TABLE Louis XVI style. Circular shape covered with maroon satin. Carved legs and capitals; shaped under-brace. Height, 32 inches; diameter, 31 inches. 211—Pair or Pepestat Tapes Gilded circular tops, covered with satin. Quiver supports, with scroll legs and hoof feet. Height, 29 inches; diameter, 18 inches. 212—Carvep anv Gitr Woop ScrEeEN Louis XIV style. Threefold. Paneled with ground glass above, and the lower portion of wood. The shaped top is carved and pierced. Height, 76 inches; width extended, 72 inches. 213—OverstuFreD CoucH Rolled ends. Covered and draped with cream-colored satin bro- cade. Length, 65 inches. 214—Two Sora Pitiows One square, the other horseshoe shape. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 215—Pirr Mirror Old French plate in white and gilt frame. Height, 6 feet 8 inches; width, 5 feet 6 inches. 216—Carvep Woop Griti Interlaced pattern. Three-quarter arch, with canopied niche. Finished in white enamel and gilding. Height, 13 feet 5 inches. 217—Harit Drapery Satin brocade. Woven decoration of flower baskets, Egyptian heads and scroll designs in dark crimson on cream-color ground. Includes embroidered Japanese silk fringed panel. Length, 15 feet; width, 4 feet 8 inches. 218—Door Cvurrains Light blue plush. Embroidered silk panels of flowers, fringed borders. Length, 9 feet 10 inches; width, 4 feet. 219—Parr Door Curtains Light blue plush, with silk-embroidered panel of flowers; fringed borders. Length, 7 feet 5 inches; width, 4 feet. 220—Urnoisterep Coucu, Arm anp Sipe CHair Draped and colored with heavy rose-colored brocade. The floral and leaf designs in gold thread. 221—Turee Sora Pitiows One covered with pink brocade, the others with floral embroidery. 222—Gitt STanp Carved side supports and four shaped shelves. Mirror back. Height, 68 inches; width, 31 inches; depth, 21 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 293—EmPire Wart Crock Carved and gilded case. Shaped top, surmounted by a sheaf of wheat. White enamel dial. By John Nyberg, Stockholm. Height, 33 inches. 224—Anriagub Carved anp Gitr Mirror From ropes and tassels hang the oval frame of the mirror, which is surmounted by a vase-shaped ornament. Height, 52% inches. 995 SMALL CHAIR The frame turned and gilded; and the seat bead-embroidered. 226—EASEL Finished in white enamel. 227—Brass PEDESTAL Engraved and cast ornamentation. Height, 42 inches; diameter, 10 inches. 228—Srrinway Basy Granp Piano Applied and painted decoration of garlands and ribbon bow-knots. Finished in white enamel and gilded. 229_Piano Sroou X supports. Adjustable. 230—Giir-woop PrprsraL TaBLe Turned column and tripod support. Circular top. Height, 1744 inches; diameter, 15 inches. 231—Manocany JARDINIERE Basket-shaped, on taper legs. Height, 22% inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers senna amt ea ete 232—CrEnTER Taste Mahogany oval top. Supported by eight animal legs on a shaped base. Length, 47 inches; height, 32 inches. 233—Music CaBinet Covered with red silk plush. One door, with glass panels. Length, 37 inches; height, 27 inches. 234—Mantet Mrrror Old French plate. Enamel and gilt frame. Length, 6 feet; width, 5 feet 8 inches. 235—Brass Fenper Molded base; scroll ends and a straight bar. Length, 53 inches; depth, 16 inches. 236—F Lorentine Mosaic Circular. The central inlaid picture is of St. Peter’s at Rome, the Vatican and surroundings. Separated from it by a band of black marble and malachite are eight other pictures of various Roman ruins. The outer border of swastika fret. Elaborately framed in gilded wood. Height of frame, 61 inches; width, 44 inches. Diameter of mosaic, 30 inches. ar 237—Giut-woop Téirr-A-Tere Turned frame. Slip cushions. 238—Sora CusHi0on Covered with cream-colored satin. 239—GaLLERY SEAT For two persons. Reversible backs. Covered with plush. 240—Cazsinet For Miniatures Covered with plush. Elaborately decorated with pierced and tinted porcelain plaques. Six drawers, lined with watered red silk. Height, 59 inches; width, 27 inches; depth, 14% inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 941—Parr or Carvep AND Girt Wart Brackets Carved and pierced leaf scroll decoration. Height, 21 inches. 242 Two Gaturry Licuts Adjustable. 243—GauitERY Licutr Similar to the preceding. 244 Gat LEeRyY Licutr On tall standard. 245—Mountep Porar Bear Rve Length, 8 feet 9 inches; width, 7 feet 6 inches. 246—Carret Rue Rose ground, with leaf scrolls in cream white. Length, 19 feet 8 inches; width, 10 feet 5 inches. 247—Carrpet Rue Similar to the preceding. Length, 19 feet 2 inches; width, 10 feet 5 inches. LIBRARY 248—Rep Vetours PortinrRE Applied silk scroll border and silk rope edge. Fringed ends. Length, 9 feet; width, 4 feet. 249—Winpow Draperies Satin brocade. Woven decoration of flower baskets. Egyptian heads and scroll designs in dark crimson on cream ground. Corded and braided border. Four strips. Length, 12 feet; width, 4 feet 7 inches. NOTICE A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 250—Parr or OversturFreD CHAIRS Low form. Covered with red brocade. 251—Rovunpazour Cuarr Mahogany. ‘Two splats pierced and carved, and three turned sup- ports. Turned legs. The square seat is covered with red brocade. 252—RounpDABouT CHAIR Mahogany. The half-round back is carved on top and surmounted by a cupid head. Splats of mythical bird design. ‘Turned legs and leather seat. 253—RounpaBsout CwHair Similar to the preceding, but the back is not carved. 254—Pairn oF OversTUFFED CHaiRs (Right and left.) Shaped backs, terminating in a single arm. Covered with red brocade. 255—ManoGany SETTEE Oval back, with plain upright splats. Shaped and molded arms and cabriole legs. The seat is covered with red satin brocade. 256—Pair or Sora Pittows Red silk plush, with bands of gold galloon. —Larce ARMCHAIR 2571 The back and side pieces carved to represent branches, leaves and grapes. 258—Pair or Larcre Oak ARMCHAIRS Upholstered backs and seats covered with brocade. ‘The arms and supports have carvings of standing and reclining figures. ‘The skirts, stretchers and under-braces decorated with flowers, leaf and shell carvings. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 259—Turee Carvep-woop Foorsroors 260—Manocany Low Sroou Circular top. Tripod supports. 261—Manocany CABINET One glass door and three shelves. Applied brass moldings. Height, 47 inches; width, 291, inches; depth, 14 inches. 262—Manocany Corner CABINET Two doors, and fitted with two shelves. Brass moldings. Height, 56 inches; width, 38 inches- 263—Manocany Wririnc Tape Chippendale style. Fitted with five drawers. The ends carved. Cabriole legs with paw feet. Height, 32%, inches; length, 48 inches; width, 30 inches. 264—RosEewoop STarionery CABINET Contains compartments and one drawer. Double fold-over slant top. Brass mounts. Height, 181%, inches; width, 174% inches; depth, 15 inches. 265—Manocany Smoxer’s Tarte Oval top, with upper shelf. Brass mounts and shaped legs. Height, 32 inches; length, 28 inches. 266—Smatt Tasre Narrow top, and two drop leaves; covered with red silk plush. 967—ManocGany SETTEE AND Two CuHairs Shaped oval backs and turned legs. Blue velvet covered cushions. Two round footstools to match. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 268—Manocany Bookcase Two glass doors; and fitted with two shelves. Height, 48 inches; width, 49 inches; depth, 15 inches. 269—Larce Ovat Mirror Carved and gilded inner frame, the outer one padded. Height, 7 feet; width, 4 feet 3 inches. 270—CarvED AND GILT-woop JARDINIERE Elaborate pierced and carved decoration. The support repre- sents a tree trunk, entwined with vines, leaves and bunches of grapes, which also encircle the oblong bowl. Scroll feet. Height, 45 inches; length, 35 inches; width, 30 inches. 271—Parr Tropuies Each formed of shield, two sabers and a halberd. Q972—Mantet Mirror Old French plate. Carved walnut frame. Length, 8 feet 10 inches; width, 5 feet 2 inches. 273—ManteL Crock Table-shaped, of chiseled ormolu and turquoise-blue porcelain. The clock drops below the top of the table and is supported by drap- eries of ormolu. ‘The dial and table legs are of porcelain, as is the group of a cupid and small child which surmounts the whole. Shaped base. Height, 22 inches; length, 13 inches. 274—Pier Mirror Old French plate. Length, 10 feet 3 inches; width, 3 feet 6 inches. 975—ELectric Wau Licur Figure of a cupid standing in an open umbrella entwined with flow- ers. Of brass metal-work. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 276—Brass CHANDELIER Six-light combination; gas and electric. Large dome in center. oS 277—Prism Grass Windows Leaded clear and frosted bars with colored glass designs in center. Eight pieces in all. 278—Larce Rue The field of two shades of red, with a star pattern in blue, brown and white. Connected round and oval medallion border. Length, 19 feet 8 inches; width, 13 feet 10 inches. DINING ROOM 279—Manocanxy ConsoLte TABLE Half-round. Turned pillar and three curved supports, on a half- round base. Leight, 31 inches; width, 36 inches; depth, 18 inches. 280—Oaxk Sipe Tasie Three-tier; telescope pattern. Paw feet. Height, 41 inches; length, 42 inches: width, 22 inches. 281—Hanpsome Rosewood SecRETARY Shaped top, with revolving double doors; the interior fitted with shelves. Drop front and desk below, the interior having drawers and pigeon-holes. Underneath is a cupboard. Curved base. Height, 631, inches; width, 37 inches; depth, 23 inches. 282—Manocany Drop-Lear TAasie Cylinder center, with two drop-leaves. Scroll feet. Height, 2 feet 3 inches; length. 3 feet 8 inches. 283—Manocany CABINET Two glass doors and three shelves. Brass moldings. Height, 43 inches; width, 35 inches; depth, 124% inches. NOTICE A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 284—CuHIPPENDALE Rounpasour CHatr Mahogany. MHalf-round back. The central portion is slightly raised and has carvings of masks and leaves. Pierced splats of scroll design and twisted supports. Cabriole legs and claw and ball feet. 285—Oxrp Oak Dryixne Taste The top and three wide leaves have an all-over checked design in light-colored woods. ‘The edge, skirt and legs are carved. Has an extra mahogany top, in two parts. Length extended, 12 feet 8 inches; diameter, 6 feet 6 inches. 286—Set or Oax Dinine Cuairs Two arm and twelve side chairs. Elaborately carved backs and arms. The decoration consisting of grapes, vines, leaves and birds. Leather seats and central back-panels. 287—FirE SCREEN Shaped and pierced brass frame, decorated with masks, heads and leaf scrolls, which encloses a beveled glass panel. Height. 36 inches; width, 35 inches. 988—VeENETIAN Guass Hancinc Lamp Wired for electricity. 289—Brass CHANDELIER Twenty-light combination gas and electric. 290—Carret Rue Red ground. Length, 24 feet 8 inches; width, 15 feet 10 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers SECOND DAY’S SALE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 22nd, 1914 BEGINNING AT 1 O’CLOCK IN THE DRAWING ROOM CABINET OBJECTS 291—Miniature Boox English dictionary. In a sterling silver case. Length, 14% inches; width, %% inch. 292—Four Sitver Toys A boat on wheels, miniature table, acrobat and coach horn. 293—Srx Souvenrr Spoons Silver. San Francisco, Alaska, Grant’s Tomb, Mt. Rainier, Seattle, and a rowing race. 294—Carvep Ivory Frame For a miniature. Height, 25% inches; width, 214, inches. 295—Four Spoons Russian enamel. Silver-gilt. 296—Six Srrver Girt TEaspoons Engraved bowls and taper handles. 297—F our Sinrver anp Enamen Spoons Various shapes. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 298—Srx Souvenir Spoons Silver. From various battleships. 299—Two PatcH-BOXxEs One Japanese, the other Dresden. 300—Cicar Box Russian enamel. Initial D. B. in relief. Length, 5 inches. 301—Two Reztics—Kery anp Cannon Batu The former the key to Josephine’s room at Malmaison, the latter from the battlefield of Gettysburg. 302—DrespEeN PorceLaIn SNUFFBOX Lozenge-shaped, the lid decorated within and without with paint- ings, in red, of garden parties. Marks, crossed swords in blue. Length, 334 inches; width, 2% inches 303—JaranesE Trapot AnD Box The former porcelain, the latter enamel. 304—Oxup Prexin Examen TEapor Chinese. Lozenge-shaped. Figure and flower decoration. Height, 5 inches. 305—GaveEL anp MeEpan The former, of ivory, was presented to Daniel Butterfield by the Lafayette Post, G. A. R.; the latter a memorial of General Grant. 806—NECKLACE Formed of small black beads and ojimes, carved from various ma- terials. 307—Sitver Bonzson Box anp FRAME The former with scissors handles, the latter heart-shaped. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 308—Scent Borris Engraved glass, with a hawk’s head cone, gilded. Leather case. 309—Heart-sHarep Box ann Examen Scent Borris The former cut glass, the latter black enamel with floral decora- tion. $10—Two Smartt Boxes One Russian enamel, the other porcelain with figure decoration. 311—Tures Smart Guass Vases One with gilt decoration, one with flowers, the third triple gourd shaped. 312—Two Git Boxss One lozenge-shaped, the other oblong with mother-of-pearl panels. 3138—Camero Guass Scent Borris Amber, with floral decoration in white. Plush case. Length, 5% inches. $14—Parr or Opera GLAsses Pastoral subjects in enamel. Pink plush bag. 315—DrespEn Porcerarn Box Turquoise-blue glaze, with scroll decoration in gilt. The cover decorated with figures in color. Height, 3 inches; diameter, 51 inches. 316—Two Parer CurtTers AND Parr or Scissors Silver, filigree and ivory. 317—Two Merrscuaum Cicar Houpers One has the letter D and crest in relief, the other running horses. Both lack mouthpieces. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 818—Two PorceLaIn STATUETTES Bulldog and Girl with Vase. 319—Two German PorceLtaIn ORNAMENTS Salt cellar in the form of a broken eggshell on runners, and a min- iature tea-kettle and stand. 320—Bonzon Box Circular. Blue enamel, the lid decorated with dancing figures. Diameter, 6% inches. VARIOUS OBJECTS IN PORCELAIN AND POTTERY 3821—PorcEeLaIn PLAevE “The Flower Girl.” Bronze frame. Diameter of plaque, 5%, inches. 322PaintING ON PORCELAIN Cupid. Height, 7 inches. 323—PaInTING ON PoRCELAIN “Madonna of the Chair.” After Raphael. Framed. Height, 614 inches; width, 4°, inches. 324—Two PrrcHer VASES One Minton, pale lavender glaze; the other, fish-scale decoration in pink. $25—FRENCH PorcELAIN VASE Spherical body on tall foot. Pink ground with two panels in white reserve, with paintings of cupids and flowers. Gilt mounts. Height, 7 inches. 3296—Two Royat Worcester VASES One pitcher-shaped, the other a bottle with handle. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 327—GeRMAN PorcELAIN ORNAMENT Miniature state coach. Decorated with raised flowers. (Repaired.) Height. 6 inches: length, 1144 inches. 328—Two Porcenain Frowrer Vases One of irregular shape, with bamboo shoots; the other, a bear with spoons. 329—Ser or Six Parntrxcs on Porcenain Portraits of singers and actresses. Gilt metal frames. 330—PorceLAIn ORNAMENT White elephant. Height, 9 inches. 331—Patr or Vienna Porcetary Vases Urn-shaped, with handles, covers and bases. Pink ground, with medallion paintings of classical subjects. Other decoration of bands and scrolls in gold and colors. $32— Pair oF Porcrenain VASES Fish-shaped. Eeight, 914 inches. 333—Pair or PoRCELAIN STATUETTES “Maids.” One playing with cat, the other sleeping. Height, 74/4 inches. 834—Turee VAsEs One Dresden, another Crown Derby, the third Minton. 335—VasE wiTH HanpiLes, AND A Tray The former has raised decoration of flowers; the latter painted. 336—Patr or Wuirre Porcenain PircHErs Painted leaf decoration in red, green, blue and gold. Height, 8 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 337—MInNIATURE SEDAN CHAIR Porcelain. A lady leans from the window and gentlemen stand on either side. Height, 9% inches. $38—Parr or STATUETTES Seated male and female figures. Height, 914 inches. $39—Pair or JARDINIERES Yellow glaze. Leaf decoration on a roughened surface. (One | repaired. ) | Height, 9%, inches. 340—Parr or Wart Vases Applied decoration of water lilies. Height, 10 inches. 341—Two Porcrnar Vases One fleur-de-lis shape, the decoration in blue; the other, with ap- plied decoration of birds and flowers. $42—Biseve Busr Head of a young Roman. Height, 11 inches. $43—J ARDINIERE Burmantofts faience. Red glaze, with elephant-head handles. Height, 11 inches. 344—Parr or Curr Heaps Gilded plaster. 345—Parr or STATUETTES Lady and gentleman in court dress. Height, 111% inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 346—Parr or German PorcrenaIn VAsEs All-over decoration of flowers in white and colors. Height, 10 inches. 347—Porcretain Bonson Dise “Music” in her shell-shaped chariot, drawn by children. Height, 11 inches. 348—Pair or Porrery Frower Vases Decorated with vases in high relief. Height, 11% inches. $49—Pair or Detrr Piraeus Shield-shaped. Pastoral subjects in blue. Mask and scroll deco- ration. Height, 171% inches. 350—Pair or Detrr Praaues Similar to the preceding. 351—Pair or “Furi Moon” Vases Cream-white glaze, with floral decoration. Height, 12 inches. 352—Watu VAsE Fleur-de-lis. Turquoise-blue glaze. Height, 12 inches. 353—Parr or Lonewy Vases Fashioned after an ancient bronze. Turquoise-blue glaze, with floral 1 5S 3 and bird decoration in gold and colors. Elephant-head handles. Height, 11% inches. 354—Pair or Turevoise-BLUE GuLAss VASES With handles. (Imperfect.) Enamel decoration of birds and flowers in colors. Height, 134%, inches. 355—Pair or CYLiInDER-SHAPED VASES Turquoise-blue glaze, with a swastika fret pattern in gold. Deco- ration of storks, birds and flowers. Height, 1314 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 356—Bisavue Busr i Head of young girl tinted. Signed: A. Carrier. Height, 144% inches. | 2 357—JAPANESE PotTrEry VASE Gourd-shaped. Height, 14 inches. 358—PircHER-sHAPED PorcELAIN VASE Floral decoration in colors. Dragon handle. Height, 15 inches. | | 359—Piterm Borris Floral decoration in gilt. Two circular panels decorated with scenes from Shakespeare’s plays. | Height, 15 inches. 360—Pair VAsES wirH Covers Chinese style. White glaze, with crackle. Floral and rock deco- / ration in brilliant enamels. (One cover damaged.) Height, 16 inches. 361—PircHER-SHAPED VASE | Modern Capo di Monti. Height, 16 inches. | 362—PorceLtain Frower Vase q | Painted and other ornamentation of leaf scrolls, dolphin, sea- i : yy a { horse and cupid. Mark, Echwald, impressed. Height, 17% inches. 363—Parr or GERMAN PorceLaAIn CANDLESTICKS | | Tree-trunk design. On the base of one is a standing figure of a i | girl with a letter in her hand and a birdeage on her shoulder. | On the other is a figure of a boy holding in his arms a dove with a letter tied to its neck. Height, 16 inches. 364—Parr oF PorcELAIN STATUETTES | | : : : L Male and female figures in flowered costumes. (Repaired.) | | Height, 17 inches. || ee | NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 365—Pair or Imart Praaves Scalloped edges. Decorated with vases of flowers and fan-shaped panels, in red, blue and white. Diameter, 12 inches. 366—Pair or Imart Porceraty PLaaves Similar to the preceding. 367—Inart Puaavue Similar to the preceding. 368—Pair or Iwart Porcenain PLaaves Hexagonal. Floral decoration and other decoration in red, blue and gilt. White ground. Diameter, 914, inches. 369—Imart PorceLaIn PLaauE Similar to the preceding, but larger. Diameter, 11 inches. 870—Imart Porcenain PLaauEe Decorated with lotus flowers and scrolls, birds and bamboo in red, blue, green and white. Diameter, 18% inches. $71—Curnesz Porcenain PLATE Green glaze. Enameled decoration of flowers and butterflies in color. Diameter, 10 inches. 372—Patr or PorceLaAIn Brackets Basket tops, supported by cupids; surrounded by birds and fish. Height, 20 inches. $73—Porrery Frower Basket Leaf-shape, with tall top-handle and decorated with birds and cherries. Height, 254, inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be requred of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 374—PorcELAIN ORNAMENT Cupid clinging to sunshade handle. Height, 26 inches. $75—Pair or Porrery Puaeues Battle scenes in high relief. Show traces of gilding. Diameter, 16 inches. 376—Four Masorica CuPpips Two hold a bunch of grapes and the others shells. dé —Parr or Irarman Mazonrica JARDINIERES oo Floral and scale decoration in yellow and gold. Four loop handles. Height, 10 inches; diameter, 7 inches. 378—Pair or Iranian Masorica JARDINIERES Similar to the preceding. (One imperfect.) 379—Pair or Irarman Masorica JARDINERES Similar to the preceding, but decorated in blue and copper. 380—Pair or Jrarian Mavsorica JARDINIERES Similar to the preceding. 881—Porcenain VASE Tall form, with floral decoration. Height, 19 inches. $82—PorcELAIN CLocK Shaped top, case and scroll feet. Floral decoration. Height, 204, inches. 383—PotTrERY STATUETTE Spanish dancer. Height, 22%, inches. 384—Parr or Tart Pircurr Vases Pottery. Decorated with paintings of pastoral subjects, and flow- ers and cupids in relief. (Damaged.) Height, 36 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 385—Pair or Otp Drespen Vases Inverted pear-shaped bodies, with covers and bases. Painted decor- ation of landscapes, figures and flowers. Ormolu mounts, ram’s head handles, the covers surmounted by a nude child with a torch. Mark, crossed swords in blue. Height, 33% inches. 386—Pair or Lamps Old Chinese jars. Coral-red glaze, with painted enamel decoration of birds and flowers in brilliant colors. 387—Pair or Irarian Vases Ginori faience. Flattened ovoid bodies, with griffin handles and spreading bases. Richly painted decoration of masks, vases of fruit and scrolls in polychrome. Paintings on either side of myth- ical subjects. Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches. 388—Ser or Turee Vases Turkish. Crescent-shaped handles and ovoid bodies. Figure decor- ation. 389—Parr or PorcenatIn PEDESTALS Yellow glaze. Height, 394/ inches. 390—Parr or Porrery PEepEsrats Glazed red. Height, 40 inches. 391—T'wo Puraeues One German, the other French. Decorated with ears of corn, one red, one green. Diameters, 114% and 13 inches. 392—-PorrEny PLaQuE European. Portrait medallion center. Border of roses and leaves. Diameter, 16 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers $93:-—IrauIAn Farence Priaave Scene from the Trojan War. Diameter, 24 inches. $94—Pair or Irarran Farence Larce Piaaues One, “Trojan War”; the other, mythical subject. Diameter, 24 inches. 395—Falrnce PLaaue Celadon glaze. Decoration of a bird among blossoms. Diameter, 17% inches. $96—Turee BurmMantrorts Farence PLaaues “Deer in the Forest,” “Fish,” “Stork and Wolf.” Celadon and pink glaze. Diameter, 11 inches. 397—Pair or Burmantortrs PrLaauEs Stork and head of a girl. Yellow glaze. Diameter, 11 inches. 398—Burmantorts Farence PLaavue “Cottage and Landscape” in brown tones. Diameter, 171% inches. 399—Burmantorts Farence PLaauE Similar to the preceding, in a lighter tone. 400—Burmantorts Farence PLaavuE “Cottage by the Wayside,” in blue. Diameter, 174% inches. 401—Pair or BurmMantorrs Panes “Herons” and “Flamingos,” in low relief and tinted. Signed: P. fon) 5S Mallet. Red plush frames. Height, 39 inches; width, 19 inches. 402—Pair or Burmantorts Farence PANELS Pheasant and parrot in low relief and tinted. Red plush frames. Height, 39 inches; width, 19 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 403 Porrery JARDINIERE AND STAND Floral decoration in red, blue and green. Height, 17 inches; width, 21 inches. 404—Frencu Porcetain Ovrrorm Vase Sévres style. Exquisitely painted decoration of female figures, cupids and landscapes. Upper and lower borders of raised gold. Fitted as a lamp for oil. The tall porcelain standard is beaker- shaped with a bowl below. Ormolu mounts and tripod supports. Height, 5 feet 10 inches. 405—Pair or Porrery JARDINIPRES Persian decoration. (Repaired). Haye tall carved-wood stands. 406—Frencu Porcenatn Larce Vase Royal blue glaze. Ovoid body, with leaf-scroll handles and the cover surmounted by cone-shaped ornament. Husk and leaf decor- ation touched with gilt. Square base. Height, 39 inches. 407—Exsoniwep PEDESTAL Elephant-head design. The trunks form the tripod supports. Height, 35 inches; diameter, 19 inches. 408—Marsrie STATurrre A Roman warrior. Copy of the antique. Height, 20 inches. 409—Marprie STATUETTE “Night.” (Repaired. ) Height, 15 inches. 410—Marsie STATUETTE “Venus Callipyge.” After the antique. Height, 25 inches. or 411—Marsie Group “Cupid and Psyche.”’ Reduction of the antique. Height, 19 inches; length, 281% inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers ORNAMENTAL GLASS 412—Tirrany Favrite Guass Bown Red, with a border of wave design. Height. 5% inches. 413—Tirrany Favyritr Guass Vase Jar-shaped. Blue, with scroll decoration in silver and iridescent gold. Height, 7 inches. 414—Guass Vase anp DisH The former beaker-shaped, with silver deposit decoration: the latter tripod-shaped, with gilt and metal mounts. Respective heights, 4%, and 8 inches. 415—VeEnNeETIAN Guass PITCHER Melon-shaped, with spout and handle. Height, 81 inches. 416—Buve Guass JEwEL Case Enamel decoration of children in a garden. Brass mounts. Height, 6% inches; length, 81 inches. 417—Patr Twistep Guass CANDELABRA Venetian. For four candles each. Height, 24 inches. 418—Two Guass VASES Tall form. One amber, the other pink. 419—Two Guass VaszEs One in form of a tree-trunk, the other pitcher-shaped with foil. 420—IripESCENT GLASS JAR On gilt metal standard. Height, 10 inches. 421—Pair or Cameo Guass Vases Classic figures and scrolls in pink on an opaque white ground. A band of pink about foot and rim. Two handles and_ brass stands. Height, 10%, inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 422-_Two Frowrer Vases Red and amber glass. In the form of a tree-trunk with numerous branches. Height, 151% inches. 423—VENETIAN Guass PircHEeR Spiral decoration of opaque and gold. Height, 17 inches. 424—Pair or Guass Frowrer Vases Silver-plated stands. (One repaired.) Height, 16 inches. 425—Guass Frowrr Vase Graceful tapering shape, on broad foot. Height, 32 inches. 426—Mamnotu Cuiantr Borris With very tall neck. Height, 69 inches. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS 427—GoLD-PLATED SNUFFBOX The cover of red enamel, set with a miniature portrait of a court beauty. Has leather case. Length, 31, inches. 428—WarcH Sarr anp Asu Tray The former a dog seated on a cushion. 429—Frencn Gitr JEwreL Box Oval. Applied ornamentation on the cover of lotus leaves and fleurs-de-lis, filled with two shades of blue enamel. Height, 3% inches; length, 634 inches. 430—Turee Brass ORNAMENTS Statuette of a dog and a pair of candlesticks. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers a 431—Cuo1sonné TEAPOT Japanese. Low form. 432—Cro1soNNE CANDLESTICK AND MatcH-Box Diameter, 5 inches. Turquoise-blue ground, with floral decoration in colored enamels. 433—Gitt Bronze InxsTANpD Leaf-shaped, with two wells. 434—Two Parrer STANDS Pierced brass. 435—Pair or VASES Inverted pear-shaped bodies of agate, the cloisonné. 436—C.Lo1sonnéE BuRNER Form of a quail. 437—Pair or Hancinc LANTERNS Brass, set with imitation jewels. 438—Russtan Stuver Hanerne Lamp Pierced band; red glass cup. 439—VasE AND JAR neck and foot of Height, 8 inches. Height. 51, inches. The former of silver plate, with repoussé ornamentation; the latter gun-metal finish, with pierced scroll and bands gilded. Scroll feet. Respective heights, 64% and 8 inches. 440—Bronze VESSEL Formed after an ancient piece. 441—Bronze Drinkinc Cup Height, 6 inches. Beaker-shaped rim, the lower portion formed of two masks of a faun and a woman. Two handles. Height, 7% inches. i NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 442-_Gitr Bronze Group Bloodhound and tortoise. Signed: A. Jacquemart. 443—Patr or CANDLESTICKS Tiffany gilt bronze. 444 _ JAPANESE Bronze ORNAMENT Large and small turtle. 445—Bronze Drinxine Cup The lower portion terminates in mermaids, their tails forming the handle. 446—Woven Bronze Basket VASE Japanese. 447—Patr or Bronze INCENSE-HOLDERS Stork on tortoise. 448—BaroMETER AND CLocK Height, 6 inches. Height, 8 inches. Length, 104% inches. arms entwined, the a Length, 8 inches. Height, 81%, inches. Height, 9 inches. Pair bronze cupids holding with outstretched arms a_holosteric barometer and clock. Mounted on carved walnut panels. 449—Sinver-PLATEeD Frerr Bown Horper Scroll handles. Opaque glass bowl and cover. 450—JEwEL CASE Beveled glass top and sides. Mounted in gilt metal. Height, 8 inches; length, 104% inches. 451—Pair or Japanese Bronze VASES Decorated with heron and grasses in high relief. neath foot. Seal mark under- Height, 9% inches. i NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 452—Patr or ApgustanLe Mirrors Square, with cross mounts. Diameter, 9 inches. 453 SILVERED Bronze Parrot ona branch. Signed: F. Pautrot. Height, 11 inches. 454—Parr or Ormotru Wari Licuts Oval bands, with two candle holders. Lion mask and scroll back plate. 455—Ormotvu Watt Licutr Oval band, with three candle holders. Lion mask back plate. 456—Brass Inxstanp Two wells and pen tray. In the center is the bust of a young wo- man. About her head and shoulders are garlands of roses. Height, 1114 inches; width, 16 inches. 457—Bovuvporr CrocKx Case of gilt bronze, upheld by nude children, the dial surrounded by rhinestones. Height, 10 inches. 458—Bounporr Crock White enamel dial with a French porcelain panel below. Cast metal frame. Height, 12 inches. 459—MAnTEL SET Tazza and pair of urn-shaped vases. Red marble and gilded and silvered bronze. Flower, figure, hooded cobra and other Egyptian designs. Height of tazza, 9%, inches; height of vases, 13 inches. 460—Gitt Bronze SmoxKer’s SET Trefoil base, with three vase-shaped cigar holders. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 461—Mantexi Crock Silvered and gilded bronze. Circular case, with winged lions at either side and surmounted by a vase. Rectangular face with mask center. Plush base. Height, 24 inches; width, 124%, inches. 462—Carp ReEcEIVER Silvered and gilded repoussé ornamentation of cupids, wheat, fruit lobes, moons and stars. and flowers. The border of griffins, g Height, 714 inches; diameter, 131, inches. 463—Curorsonné PLaQueE Old Shippo ware. Diameter, 12 inches. 464—JapanesE Crotsonné Praevur Decoration of storks and lotus on a blue ground. Diameter, 12 inches. 465—Ormotu Manren Set Clock and candelabra. The former elaborately decorated with birds, children and musical instruments, and set with porcelain panels and pillars in Sévres style. The candelabra for five candles each, and decorated to correspond. 466—Russtan SAMOVAR Brass. Feight, 14 inches. 467—Desk Ser iy Oak Case Gilded with a blue enamel band. Comprises pair of tall candlesticks, one low candlestick, ink wells, pen wiper, paper weight, call bell, seal, pen rack, blotting pad and paper cutter. 468—Sitver Bronze Bust “Mercury.” On a red marble base. Height, 19 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE-—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 469—Parr or Ormoxuvu VAsEs Pitcher-shaped. The graceful tapering bodies have leaf and ribbon bow-knots in low relief. At the shoulder is a youthful Bacchante and mask, and the handle terminates in a female bust. Drum- shaped bases. Height, 28 inches. 470—Parr or Ormoxtvu and Brack Marsie CANDELABRA For ten candles each. Vase-shaped, with scroll candle branches, } lion masks and chains. Square base, on four bracket and leaf feet. Height, 38 inches. 471—Persian Brass Ewer Tall graceful shape. Pierced and engraved decoration. Height, 30 inches. 472—Sitverep Bronze PircHer Vase Applied and relief decoration of a serpent, cupid and flowers. Height, 35% inches. 473- Brown Fiower Vase Tall tapering body, with expanding foot. Floral decoration in bright colors. Height, 31% inches. 4°74—Pair or SitvereD Bronze Groups “The Marley Horses.” Buhl bases. Height, 22 inches; length, 22 inches. 475—OrmoLu AnD SrtvereD Bronze VAse Louis XV. Urn-shaped, with cover. Chiseled and applied orna- mentation of fruit, flowers and medallion portraits. Mermaid handles. Shaped base to correspond, which rests on a red marble plinth. Height. 24 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 476—Sitver Bronze PHEasanr Stands on a rock. Signed: “F. Pautrot. Médaillé 1869. Admis aux Beaux Arts en 1870.” Height, 344 inches. 477—Eponizep PreprestaL Circular top, with column support. The tripod feet are sur- mounted by bronze busts of children. Height, 37 inches. 478—SitverEeD Bronze Group Artillerymen in retreat. Signed: Ste Colona 1865. Height, 231, inches; length, 321 inches; width, 19 inches. 479—Rosrewoop anp Esony Pepesran Molded and paneled, with a cupboard for etchings. Height, 36 inches; length, 37%, inches; width, 21 inches. 480—Eaporate PorisHep Brass Srarvur “The Flying Mercury.” After the famous original by Jean de Bologne. Has plush-covered pedestal. Height, 6 feet 3 inches; height of pedestal. 2 feet 4 inches. 481—Patr or Crorsonnté Larcr Vases Ovoid bodies, with spreading lip and foot. Scroll and ring han- dles. Turquoise-blue ground, with tree and flower decoration in colored enamels. Height, 42 inches. 482—Two Rerapinc Lamps Electric. 483 Hanp-cLass AND Harr-BrusH Gilt metal mounts, set with imitation jewels. 484—AntTIQUE CAP Embroidered with gold and silver threads and imitation pearls. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 485—ManicurE SET Leather case, with engraved gilt mounts. Lacks one pair of scis- sors. 486—Ovaxi Mirror German porcelain frame, decorated with flowers and surmounted by cupids. ( Repaired.) Height, 13 inches; width, 10 inches. 487—Carvep anp GitpED BrAcKET Cupid and shell. Height, 9 inches. 488—Circunar Tray Old Chinese embroidery, under glass. Diameter, 111%, inches. 489—MantTeL CrLock Ebonized case. Height, 61 inches; length. 15 inches. 490—Two Brass PLaeuEs One with etched decoration, the other a painted landscape. 491—Oup Lacever Bown Red ground, with bands of leaves and conventional lotus scrolls in black and dull gold. Diameter, 15 inches. 492—Tuirtren Pranora Rois Various. 493—Torter Mrrror Figure standard. Height, 16 inches. 494—CarvED-woop STATUETTE “A Beau of Ye Olden Time.” A carefully carved figure dressed in knee-breeches, long-tailed coat, cocked hat, ruffled shirt and high stock. Square base. Height. 31 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 495—WesrMinsteR CHimE Manret Crock Silvered dials and pierced and gilded corners. Rosewood case, with arched top and Corinthian pillar. Side pieces and shaped base. Height, 30 inches; width, 191% inches; depth, 13 inches. 496—Pair oF Panets Floral decoration on a black lacquer ground. Height, 231, inches; width, 14 inches. 497—Pair or LeatTHeR PriaqQues Female heads in bas-relief. Diameter, 21 inches. 498—Smatu STAND Two heart-shaped shelves, gilded and painted. Height, 13 inches. 499—MIntIaTURE CABINET Form of a small Sedan chair. Height, 1014 inches. 500—LiaueuR CASE Fitted with two bottles; lacks the glasses. Height, 101% inches. 501—LaceavEerED Game Box For checkers and backgammon. 502—NinE Gitr CuPips Plaster, for curtain holders. UTILITY AND OTHER CHINA Nine Frencu Cuina Game Puares 503 Tinted borders, game and floral decorations. Diameter, 8% inches. 504—Twenty-rwo Game anp Cake Puares Tinted. Varied borders and floral designs. Three patterns. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 505—Tuirteen Game Puares Butterfly and floral decorations on white ground. Diameter. 9 inches. 506—SEVENTEEN GAmE Puares German porcelain. Bird and floral decorations on ivory ground. Scalloped borders. Diameter, 9 inches. 507—SEVENTEEN Fruit Puares German porcelain. Varied floral decorations on ivory ground. Scalloped borders. Diameter, 9 inches. 508—Exeven Haviranp Cuina PLaAtres Painted medallions and applied gold and floral decorations. Diameter, 10 inches. 509—Sixtren Limocres PrLatres Varied floral designs on white luster ground. Scalloped borders. Diameter, 10 inches. 510 ELeEvEN AynstEY CuHIna PLATes Richly applied gold, floral and leaf decorations on cream ground. Diameter, 9 inches. 511—Twenty-rour Minton Derr PLates Gold-etched edges and border. Crest and monogram on_ ivory ground. Diameter, 10 inches. 512—Twenry-rour Mixton Prace Piatres To match preceding lot. Diameter, 10 inches. 513—Ser or Twetve Decorarep PLATEs Sevres style. Painted decoration of pastoral subjects. Blue and gold borders. Diameter, 9 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers JOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 514—Ser or Twertve Decoratrep PLares Sévres style. Decorated with mythological subjects. Blue and gold borders. Signed: A. Kant. (Three damaged.) Diameter, 9 inches. 515—Srr or Twetve Decoratep PxLates Sévres style. Painted figure decoration. Royal blue and gold stipple borders. Signed: Teniers. Diameter, 9 inches. 516 Frencn Cutna Dryner Ware White and pink ground, with gold borders. Sixty pieces, includ- ing forty-two dinner and eighteen deep plates. 517—Lor or Frencn CHINA White ground, red and gold border. Thirty-four pieces, mcluding dinner, deep and tea plates. After-dinner cups and saucers. 518—Twetve Porcerain Oyster PLares Shell-shaped. Gold decorations. 519—Eicurreen Oyster Prares Limoges china. Red, blue and cream ground, Diameter, 9 inches. 520—Eteven Aynstey Fruir PLatres Floral designs on white ground. Gold borders. Diameter, 9 inches. 521—Twetve Aynstey Cake Piates Leaf-shape. Floral designs on white ground. 522—Twetve Haviranp Cura PLatres Fruit and flower decorations on cream ground. ‘Two sizes. Diameter, 7 and 8 inches. 523—Exneven Austrian Breap anp Burrer PLatTes Rose decorations. Gold borders. Diameter, 6 inches NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 524—AusTRIAN Cuina Cake PLaAtes Rose decorations on tinted green ground. Gold borders. Diameter, 8 inches. 525—Seven Austrian Trays Tinted green and pink ground. Floral decorations. 526—Exeven Frencu Cuina Piates Two patterns. Floral designs. 527—Eicur Foencu Cuina Trays Leaf-shape, with handles. White surface, with tinted lining and gold borders. 528—E.teven Austrian Bread AND Butrer PLAtTEs Leaf designs in white and gold. Diameter, 6 inches. 529— Japanese TEACUPS Eggshell china. Floral decorations. Five cups and six saucers. 530—Eneven Austrian Cuina Bovurtton Cups AND SAUCERS Flowered medallions on green, pink and red ground. 531—Consommré Cups AND SAUCERS French china. Pink and white, with flowered designs. Twelve cups and ten saucers. 532—Six SuHerset Curs anp Trays White and gold, with rose borders. Footed cups with handles. 533—Six Drespen Cups AND SAUCERS Miniature size. Painted panels and decorated borders. 534—_ AFTER-DINNER CUPS AND SAUCERS Dresden and French china, assorted. Ten pieces. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 535—TsEacurs AND SAUCERS Austrian and English china. Rose decoration. Gold borders. Four pieces. 536—AFTER-DINNER COFFEE SET Gold-burnished French china, including six cups and saucers and coffee pot. 537—Japangese Tra SET Blue and white decorations. ‘Twenty-one pieces. 538—Frencu Curva Curs AND SAUCERS Seven pieces. 539—Frencn Cuina Tra Ware Assorted. Four pieces. 540—JaPansese Tra SET Flower, bird and scroll designs. Three pieces. 541—Japanrese Kroro Bowr Diameter, 9 inches. 542—PorcELAIn CHEESE DisH anp TRAY 543—CrackER. AND Tra JARs Two pieces. 544—SrarrorpsHire Tra SET Pink and gold, mounted in sterling silver. Comprising teapot, hot- water urn, sugar-bowl and creamer and cups and saucers. 545—Onip Brur anp Waite CHINESE COMPOTIER Imperfect. Diameter, 18 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers TABLE GLASS WARE 546—Srx Lieveur Grasses Gold-etched flowered designs. 547—Seven Liqueur Guasses Two kinds. 548—Six Tari Wine Guasses Gold-etched wreath and border. Cut-glass stems. 549—Seven Tart Hock Grasses Crimson and gold glass bowls, with spun-glass stems and feet. 550—Exeven Tart, CHAMPAGNE GLaAssEs Applied gold scrollwork on crimson glass. Cut-glass stems and gold-lined bases. ~ 551—Twetve Gosiets Applied gold wreaths and flower designs. 552—FirTEEn GosLets Applied gold scroll designs on border and feet. 553—Trn Gosiets Finely etched floral and scroll designs. 554—Tuirteen Wine GuassEs Engraved and tinted. Assorted. 555—SixTEen Wine Guasses Ruby tinted. 556—Twenty-rwo Hock Guasses Ruby-tinted bowls. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 5 e 57—Twertve Hocx Guasses Ruby-tinted bowls. Two kinds. 558—Twenty-THrReE WINE GuassEs Green-tinted and engraved. Three kinds. 559—Twetve SHerry Grasses Iridescent glass. Tapered stems. 560—SIxTEEN SHERRY GLASSES Gold and engraved borders. Two kinds. 561—Sixteen Wine Guasses Hollow stems and tapered bowls. 562—Tuirtreen Tatu Mint Guasses Tinted stems and bowls. Two kinds. 563—Twetve Tati Wrixe Guasses Tinted green and ruby bowls. Twisted glass stems. 564—Tuirreen Icep Fruir Servers Tall, with tapered tops and extra syrup bowls. 565—Six Cocxrait GuassEs Gold-bordered flared tops and cut-glass stems. 566—Exeven Fincer Bowrs ann Trays Tinted iridescent glass. Four colors. 567—E.teven Fincrer Bowus Four colors, including ten trays. 568—Seven Fincer Bowns Turquoise-blue, with trays. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 569—Eicutr Guass Atmonp Trays Three kinds. TI kind 570—Eteven Atmonp Trays Crackle glass, leaf-shaped. 571—Nine Tati Wine GLAsseEs Painted scroll design and gold borders. 572—Two Venetian Bonzon BASKETS Gold and flowered design. With handles. 573—TIwo Lievevr Botrries Gold-etched and tinted glass. 574—InpivipuaL LievEUR SET Silver trimming, including bottles, tray and glass. 575—Pair Tatu Lievevur BoTrTies Silver handles and stoppers. 576—VeENETIAN Wine BoTTLe Amber color, with jeweled base. 577—Tatt Gruass Wine PircHEr Etched scroll design, with silver top and handle. 578—Pair Tart Wine Friacons Ruby glass and silver-mounted. 579—Curt-cLiass AND SILvER PiTcHER 580—Cur-ciass DecanTER Carboy-shaped, with handles and silver top. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 581—Parr Tart Comporiers Gold-etched and ruby-glass stems. Two kinds. 582—Parr Tart Comporiers Gold-etched floral designs. Cut-glass stems. 583—Sitver anp Guiass Sucar Bowu, ETc. Two pieces. 584—_Parr Foorren Bowts Etched glass, with cut stems. 585—Crackxer Bown Engraved and cut-glass, with top. 586—Cur-ciass Frowrer Horner Flare top, and fluted stem. Height, 12 inches. 587—Venetian Guass Frurr Bown Amber color. With painted flowers and gold handles. 588—Wine Ser Bulldog pattern. Cut-glass bottles fitted in oak and silver case. Adjustable lock and top, with handle. 589—Twenty-rour MvusHroom Covers French glass, with handles. SILVER-PLATED WARE 590—Pair Disu Covers Oval shape. Sheffield plate. Two kinds. 591—Rounp Baker Sheffield plate. Scroll designs in relief. On four feet and with handles. Diameter, 12 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 592—Rounn Fruir Basket Sheffield plate. Grapevine decoration in relief. Diameter, 12 inches. 593—Cuarine Dis Quadruple silver plate. Ebony handle. Diameter, 10 inches. 594—Pair Tarn Sinver-PLATED CANDELABRA Five-light, with two swinging arms richly wrought in scroll and grapevine designs. Height, 24 inches. 595—Pair Rounp Mirror Trays Respective diameters, 18 and 12 inches. 596—Foorrp Ostone Tray Sheffield plate. Scroll designs with applied grapevine edge. Length, 16 inches; width, 13 inches. 597—Larcre Mirror Tray Sheffield plate. Footed; square shape; round corners. Length, 28 inches; width, 18 inches. 598—LarcEr SALVER Sheffield plate. Oval shape. Richly engraved scroll designs in center. Ornamented beaded edge, with handles. Length, 31 inches; width, 21 inches. EMBROIDERIES AND TEXTILES 599—Wautre Sirk Scarr Gold embroidery. Length, 8 feet 7 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch. 600—SinKk Scarr Shaded pink and white woven decoration of leaves and flowers in gold. Has fringe. Length, 8 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 6 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 601—Two Wutre Sink Scarrs Leaf-scroll embroidéry. Drawn edge and knotted fringe. Length, 8 feet 8 inches; width, 2 feet 1 inch. 602—Two Sirx Scarrs Steel gray. Embroidered leaf-scrolls in white. Knotted fringe. Length, 8 feet 2 inches; width, 2 feet. 603—Two Siirx Covers One yellow silk, embroidered with floss silks; the other white, with embroidered decoration of flowers, star and crescent. 604—Tasie Cover Black cloth, with embroidered leaf and flower medallions in gold and white. 2 feet 7 inches square. 605—WuitEr Satin Square Turkish. Richly embroidered, with gold threads. 3 feet 7 inches square. 606—Suaw1 Cream white, with alternate bands of pink and green. Length, 9 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet 1 inch. 607—Pink Satin Taste Cover Persian. Floral embroidery in heavy gold threads. 5 feet square. 608—Pink Satry Cover Richly embroidered, with leaf-scroll central medallion and corner ornaments in heavy gold threads. Length, 8 feet; width, 5 feet 9 inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 609—Crimson Satin Cover Elaborate and richly embroidered decoration of star-shaped leaves and flowers, tulips and conyentional lotus in brilliantly colored silks. Length, 8 feet 7 inches; width, 6 feet 3 inches. 610—Persian Taste Cover Oval central medallion and corner pieces, embroidered with colored silks, on a black field. One blue and two black borders. Length, 5 feet 7 inches; width, 5 feet 1 inch. 611—Perrsian Strip Blue ground. Connected floral designs of yellow flowers with white centers. Length, 11 feet 2 inches; width, 3 feet. 612—Perrsian EmBrorery Black cloth. Sumptuously embroidered decoration of elephants, birds, peacocks, horses, and mythical animals in gold, silver and colored silk threads. Length, 8 feet 7 inches; width, 4 feet. 613—OrienTAL Cover Deep pink velvet center, with embroidered central medallion of rosettes and V-shaped ornaments in gold and colored silks. Wide border to correspond. 5 feet square. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers SECOND DAY’S SALE CONCLUDING SESSION WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 22nd, 1914 BEGINNING AT 8 O'CLOCK IN THE DRAWING ROOM Of the Premises, No. 616 Fifth Avenue ETCHINGS AND PRINTS 614—Print “Nymphe des Eaux.” After Chaplin. In red. 615—FacsnoLe 1x CoLor “Maréchale Lannes (Duchesse de Montebello). After Isabey. Gilt frame. 616—ENGRAVING “Love and Fortune.” By Houston, after Cipriani. Gilt frame. 617—O1n-coLorep Print “Bull Fighter.” Guilt frame. 618—ENGRAVING “Mrs. Duff.” By John Agar, after R. Cosway. Gilt frame. 619—Ercuine “Tdleness.” By EF. M. Spiegly. Remark proof. Signed. Gilt frame. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers 620—E7TrcHiIne “Venice—Going on Board.” By Armand Mathey, after Delort. Gilt frame. 621 ETCHING “Constantinople—The End of the Voyage.” Companion to the preceding. 622—Conorep Print (Ovar) “Painting.” OIL PAINTINGS AND WATER COLORS UNKNOWN ARTIST 623—Venice—Boar with Rep Sain (Water Color.) Diameter, 5%, inches. M. REAM 624—Sritt Lire A pair. Various fruits. Height, 5% inches; width, 714 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 625—Russtan Boys at Pray A pair. Height, 7 inches; width. 9% inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 626—“‘Sunser” And “Swiss Mounrars”’ A pair. Height, 51%, inches; width, 8% inches; and height, 6 inches; width, 7/2 inches. One signed: M. F. H. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers F. LEO HUNTER 627—Tue Licuruovuse Height, 71/, inches; width, 121, inches. Signed: F. L. Hunter, 1881. F. LEO HUNTER 628—Fisuine Boats: Eventne Height, 914, inches; width, 111% inches. Signed: F. Leo Hunver, 1882. E. CANTELO 629—Tne Brince Height, 9 inches; width, 7 inches. Signed: EK. Canre1o. GUILLEMET 630—TueE Barnyarp CHICKENS Height, 914 inches; width, 7 inches. Signed: GuiLLeMeT. F. BJARKE 631—TuHe Moorisn Minstren Height, 10 inches; width, 634 inches. Signed: F. Bsarxe. F. LANGE 632—Ducxs anp CHICKENS A pair. Height, 7 inches; width, 9 inches. Signed: F. Lance. F. BARDI 633—IrTauian Fisuer Boy A boy with fish traps on his shoulder. Height, 1014, inches; width, 81/, inches. Signed: F. B. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers F. BARDI 634—Tne FisoermMan Similar to the preceding but larger. Height, 1414 inches; width, 7% inches. Signed: F. B. BY THE SAME ARTIST 635—Iratian FisHerMEN Several men in a boat on the Bay of Naples. Height, 144, inches; width, 8 inches. Signed: F. B. PROFESSOR ROBERT W. WEIR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1803—1889 6386—In tHE Mountains The Hudson near West Point. Height, 6 inches; width, 10 inches. Signed: Rost. W. Weir, 1868. ATTRIBUTED TO FRANCOIS BOUCHER Frencu 637—Tue Stroren Kiss Half reclining on a couch is an amply proportioned young woman. She is partially nude, and over her shoulder leans a lover to steal a kiss. Height, 9, inches; width, 71/ inches. Note—A paster on the back of the painting reads as follows: “From the collection of the Elector of Bavaria, 1707-1768.” Also: “Nr. 618. Collezzione particolar del principe Elettorale de Baviera. Pittore: Boucher, Francois, 1770.” NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers MERLE 638—Russtan CHILDREN AT Pray A pair. Height, 5 inches; width, 101% inches. One signed: MERE. RESTORI 639—SpanisH WomEN Height, 12 inches; width, 8 inches. One signed: Resrort, 1885. UNKNOWN ARTIST 640—A Rocky SHoRE Height, 6 inches; width, 12 inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 641—Tue Oxp Curate ( Pastel.) Height, 984 inches; width, 81, inches. UNKNOWN ARTIST 642—Ovr ror a Wark Lady in white. Height, 16 inches; width, 8% inches. Arrer V. VERESTCHAGIN 6453—“Art Qurer ar SarpKa” (“Arn Quier Atone THE PoTomac”’) A series of three examples. Height, 12 inches; width, 8% inches. Arrer VERESTCHAGIN 644—RussIAn SOLDIERS IN THE SNOW Height, 8% inches; width, 114% inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be requred of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers JULIUS R. SLOAN 645—Luncu By THE River At a bend of a river a party is having lunch. Height, 10 inches; width, 15%4 inches. Signed: Juzius R. Sioan. UNKNOWN ARTIST 646—Sritt Lire A bunch of roses. Height, 191% inches; width, 15 inches. A. MURIANI ITALIAN 647—Tue GaLLant Height, 20 inches; width, 10 inches. Signed: A. Murtant. ADRIAN MORI 648—“Lost!”” (Water Color.) Before a fountain a small child stands, crying. The mother is in the background. Height, 12 inches; width, 9 inches. Signed: Avrian Mort. BY THE SAME ARTIST 649—Tue Lerrer (Water Color.) A lady pauses by a stone pedestal to read a letter. Height, 21 inches; width, 8 inches. Signed: Apvria~ Mort, NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers GRANVILLE PERKINS AMERICAN 650—Own tHE Sus@uEHANNA The river is bordered by high hills and dotted with boats. Height, 18 inches; width, 14 inches. Signed: G. Prrxrns. BY THE SAME ARTIST 651—Riversipe Drive 1x 1860? (The Palisades in the distance.) Height, 18 inches; width, 1 re inches. Signed: G. Perxins. ARTIST UNKNOWN 652—Iraan Streer Scene Height, 204% inches; width, 16 inches. GUSTAV DAVID 653—Tue Visrr (Water Color.) Height, 16 inches; width, 10 inches. Signed: Gustav Davin. (CG, IRWISSEUBIS 654—Srint Lire Bunch of grapes. Height, 16 inches; width, 10 inches. Signed: C. Ruersties. UNKNOWN ARTIST 655—Pair or Panets Vernis Martin style. The signature not plain. Height, 9 inches; width, 121% inches. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers HENRI JOURDAIN FRENCH 656—“Ar Your Sxrvice!” (Water Color.) A cavalier in a pink coat, knee breeches and tall boots leans on his staff, looking at the spectator. In his left hand is a rapier. Height, 13 inches; width, 8 inches. | Signed: Henrt Jourpain, 81. H. COBEPEKOPP Rvsstan 657—Reapy FOR THE CHASE In the foreground is a horseman with a pair of greyhounds in leash. Height, 8 inches; width, 10% inches. Signed: H. CosepexKorr. UNKNOWN ARTIST 658—Winvter in THE Woops | Through the snow-covered woods a traveler wends his way. Height, 14 inches; width, 10 inches. LANGEROCK FrENCH 659—W alITING (Water Color.) | Standing in a clearing, in a wood, apparently waiting for some- | one, is a cavalier, gaily appareled. Height, 11 inches; width, 8 inches. Signed: LANGEROCK. i NALER COKEP RUSSIAN 660—Russtan Srreet SCENE (Water Color.) Height. 111% inches; width, 15% inches. Signed: Naver CoKep. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers UNKNOWN ARTIST 661—A Sazine SHRINE Height, 10 inches; width, 13%, inches. H. BALLENHEIM 662—“‘ReturNING FROM Hayine” ann “‘Goop-BYE” A pair of Swiss subjects. Height, 18% inches; width, 12 inches. Signed: H. BaLLenHEIM. UNKNOWN ARTIST 663—Tue Avrora Copy of the painting by Guido Reni. Height, 11 inches; width, 231, inches. N. COXOGOUCKON RUSSIAN 664—Tue Prisoner Russian officers sit at a table drinking. Two soldiers are searching a prisoner and mounted men look on. Height, 131%, inches; width, 191, inches. Signed: N. CoxocoucKkon, 1887. Kk. MARCHE FRENCH 665—Comine! (Water Color.) A maid is seen approaching with a jug of liquor and glasses on a tray. Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches. Signed: BK. Marcnue. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers E. MARCHE 666—THe SHEPHERDESS (Water Color.) Young lady leading a goat. Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches. Signed: E. Marcus. H. KERN 667—Tue SMOKER An old man, pipe in mouth, stands by a table on which is a half- emptied stein of beer. Height, 18%, inches; width, 12 inches. Signed: Kern, H. BY THE SAME ARTIST 668—Music anv Sone A jolly old fellow in ragged suit and old silk hat is singing to his own accompaniment. Height, 18°, inches; width, 12 inches. Signed: Kern, H. G. FILOSA Iranian 669—Ar THE FounTaIN Beside a stone fountain stand two young women. One is catching the water in a glass and the other is drinking. Height, 14 inches; width, 20 inches. Signed: G. Finosa. A. RIVAS 670—In SourHern Cimes On a large stone bench a young woman is seated. By her side lies a nude child playing a pair of pipes and at her feet is another child playing with a branch of blossoms. Height, 13 inches; width, 22 inches. Signed: A. Rivas, Roma. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers H. C. FORD 671—W oopLanpbs Scattered large trees fill the canvas. Height, 15 inches; width, 28° inches. Signed: H. C. Forp. JOSEF KLEINERT GERMAN 672—Tue Forrune TELLER Seated before a white wall is a young woman dressed in white, feet bare, and on her head a kerchief. Before her are spread the cards. Height, 2114 inches; width, 18 inches. Signed: Josey Krernert, MUNCHEN, 1889. M. DE LONGPRE, fis. 673—“‘“Fretp Frowers” anp “Liacs” (Pair Water Colors.) Height, 271, inches; width, 191% inches each. Signed: M. dE LonGpRE. BROCKART 674—WINTER (Pastel.) A young woman in a fur-trimmed mantle of blue. Height, 234%, inches; width, 191%, inches. R. L. DIAGZE 675—ReEApY FOR THE Bay A lady dressed for the ball is seated on a couch. At her feet is a tiger-skin rug. ; Height, 25 inches; width, 21 inches. Sigued: Jey, IW, Teexar NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be requred of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers L. MAX EHRLER GERMAN 676—Cvuriw in Discrace The God of Love stands, with back turned and hand to eyes. His bow and a bundle of switches are on the ground. Height, 27 inches; width, 1644 inches. Signed: L. Max Enrwer, Moncuen. H. BALLHEIM 677—“Goine to CHurcH” ann “THe HaymMaxker” A pair. Swiss subjects. Height, 18% inches; width, 12 inches. Signed: H. Batiuem. T. C. WEBSTER EnGusi 678—Hapvon Harn The battlemented side of the mansion is shown, looking from a terrace. Height, 1914 inches; width, 29%/, inches. Signed: 'T. C. Wensrer, 1886. PELUSA Traian 679—Tue Visrr A white-haired old gentleman sits, snuffbox in hand, in conversa- tion with three gaily dressed young women. He is dressed in blue knee-breeches and a flowered red coat. Height, 231% inches; width, 171% inches. Signed: PExusa. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be requred of All Purchasers PELUSA 680—THE Question Seated at a table is an old man. He wears a red coat and white cap, and his knees are covered by a striped rug. Leaning over his shoulder is a young woman, and at the back a gallant, awaiting his answer. Height, 231%, inches; width, 1714/4, inches. Signed: Prnvsa. BY THE SAME ARTIST 681—TuHe Op Srory A fair-haired girl is seated by a table over which leans a man in a red coat. At her side a handsome young fellow is playing a guitar. Height, 21% inches; width, 144% inches. Signed: Prvusa. PROFESSOR ROBERT W. WEIR, N.A. AMERICAN: 1803—1889 682—Tur Hupson On a high bank above the river a painter is seated. By his side is a lady with a blue sunshade. Boats drift upon the quiet river and in the distance the mountains show in a pink haze. Height, 20 inches; width, 30 inches. Signed: Rosy. Weir, 1887. PANUNZI Traian Tue Revrew 683 An Italian general and staff, in field uniform, ride in review of cavalry. Height, 16% inches; width, 351, inches. Signed: PANUNZI. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers A. DLONZA 684—Nor WanvTEepD On a curving stone bench a young woman is seated: at her side is a figure in a black mask and wig who points in derision to a young man seated on the right. Height, 27 inches: width, 19 inches. Signed: A. Lonza. BY THE SAME ARTIST 685—Tue INTERRUPTION At the foot of a flight of steps a clown is seated. He pleads to a maid who sits, letter in hand and basket on arm, listening. On the second step stands a harlequin with stave in hand about to strike the clown. Height, 27 inches; width, 19 inches. Signed: A. Lonza. FRANK RUSS 686—Tue Garpen Gate Standing by a rustic gate, finger on lip, is a young woman listening. Height, 39 inches; width, 19% inches. Signed: F. R. BY Dh SAME, ARTIST 687—Tue Lerrer A young woman in a white satin gown and orange-colored bodice is intently reading a letter. Height, 39 inches; width, 19% inches. Signed: F. Russ, 1887. F. M. BREDT 688—Tuer Brazier Leaning against a wall stands a young woman, dressed in Oriental costume. At her feet is a large brazier. Height, 341, inches; width, 261 inches. Signed: F. M. Brepv. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers A CARY SMITH AMERICAN 689—Unver Furi Sain A vessel under steam and sail comes quartering on in the fore- ground. At the left is a full-rigged ship and a schooner, both catching the breeze full. Height, 22%, inches; width, 3534, inches. Signed: A. Cary SmirH. EUG. CLAUDE 690—Frowers A large bunch of peonies. Height, 31 inches; width, 40% inches. Signed: Eve. Cravune. MOCK GERMAN 691—“Wuo are You?” A boy, seated on a console table, questions with surprise his re- flection in a mirror. Height, 41% inches; width, 27 inches. Signed: Mock, MuNcHEN, 89. 1g, IU S GERMAN 692—VENICE At one end of a bridge over a side canal are grouped a number of people: a padre in his black gown and broad-brimmed hat, market men and others. A house with tinted wall fills the back- ground. Height, 37 inches; width, 25 inches. Signed: R. Lipps, MuncHeEN. JOSEF ZENICK 693—A Porrrair A three-quarter view of a young woman with long golden hair and a wide-brimmed hat. Height, 381, inches; width, 24 inches. Signed: Joser Zenicx, 89. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers UNKNOWN ARTIST 694—A Corrace Maponna A fond mother, distaff in hand, gazes on her sleeping babe. Height, 38°4, inches; width, 29%, inches. M. MARTINETTI IvaLian 695—Tue Visir tro THE CaRDINAL (Water Color.) A young man, plumed hat in hand, stands in an attitude of respect before the Cardinal. The latter, dressed in his red robes, is seated. At his back is a red velvet hanging bearing the papal arms. Height, 38 inches; width, 26 inches. Signed: M. Marvinerri, Roma. PIGLHEIM 696—Reapy ror THE Baru ( Pastel.) A three-quarter length of a young woman facing the observer. She wears a fancy gown of white caught at the shoulder by bunches of ribbon. Height, 42 inches; width, 26 inches. Signed: Pici.mEmM. G. GILBERT 697—Tue Laxe 1n tHe Tropics A little lake surrounded by rank foliage fills the center of the picture. At either side are tall trees and in the foreground is a bright-plumaged bird. Height, 28 inches; width, 471/, inches. Signed: G. Grrpert, 1886. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers M. WEBER 698—A CHILD OF THE SOUTH A fair-haired little maid, an orange in one hand and in the other a Chianti flask is walking away from a group of men and women on the sea-shore. The shore is rocky and in the distance are boats. Height, 41 inches; width, 24 inches. Signed: M. Wexrr. JULES MONTIGNEY 699—Awn Unryvitep Critic A large white bull has closely approached an artist seated at his te) . easel in an open field. The painter has just noticed with some surprise, his visitor. Height, 33 inches; width, 51 inches. Signed: Jures MonvicNry. HEINRICH RETTIG GERMAN 700—Tue Inrerestine Boox (Water Color.) Two children are seated on a large couch. The younger, doll in arms, peers with interest into a book held by the elder sister. Taking up a large portion of the couch is a woolly dog, lying at full length, ears cocked and one eye open. Height, 414% inches; width, 52 inches. Signed: Heinricu Rerrie. G. KALTZENIUS SwepIsH 701—Iw roe Wueat Fievp At the edge of a wheat field wild-flowers grow in profusion; and slightly farther on stands a small child. Height, 37% inches; width, 48 inches. Signed: G, KaurzEentus. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers UNKNOWN ARTIST 702—In tHE Swiss Mounrtarns A young woman, seated, listens to the story of a mountaineer who stands beside her. All about are the rugged peaks. Height, 53 inches; width, 39 inches. GERDA ROOSVAL 703—SvRPRISED Within a room lighted by a window at the side stand two men. One has suddenly arisen from a table littered with documents and glares at a black-robed priest whose folded arms but partially con- ceal a sharp-pointed dagger. Height, 61% inches: width, 43 inches. Signed: Grrva Roosyat, 89. END. DI PRATERE Traian 704—Morner ann Mr In the foreground stand an old donkey and her colt; and to the right at some distance are a mare and her foal. Height, 661%, inches; width, 41 inches. Signed: Ewnp. pt PRavere. M. PULFTNER GERMAN 705—Sritt Lire Japanese fabrics; and various art objects. Height, 621% inches; width, 31 inches. Signed: M. Purrner, Munctren, 1888. BY THE SAME ARTIST 706—Sritt Lire A vase with grasses, a fan and tambourine. Height, 621 inches; width, 31 inches. Signed: M. Purrner. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers — es —— ee ee ee = NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers GERDA ROOSVAL Swepisi TO7T—F tsuine Two boys, one spear in hand, the other seated on a thwart near a rocky shore in quest of fish. In the distance are boats, and across the bay a low range of hills. Height, 38 inches; width. 61 inches. Signed: Gerpa Roosyat. lite JOUR IRS) GERMAN wn 708—Tue Spanish TamBovurine PLayer Beneath a vine-covered pergola stands a young Spanish woman, tambourine poised above her head. About her are mountaineers and men in black robes and hats. Height, 51 inches; width, 701% inches: Signed: R. Lirrs, Muncuen, 88. F. ROUBAUD 709—Tue Marker tr a Moortsh Town Moors old and young, on horseback and on foot, are assembled by a low shed filled with various objects for sale. At the back are blue-tiled buildings and in the distance the white dome of a mosque. Height, 83 inches; width, 59 inches. Signed: I’. Rovsavn, 1887. SUZANNE LEMAIRE Frencu 710—A Larce Decorative Panen An elaborate composition of a garden scene, brilliantly painted on white satin, which, with the following described work, was painted to order for the late owner. Height, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 10 feet 8 inches. Signed: Suzanne Lemaire. NOTICE A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers SUZANNE LEMAIRE V11—Awn Exasorate Decorative PAnei A companion to the preceding. Height, 7 feet 7 inches; width, 10 feet 8 inches. Signed: SuzANNE Lematre. GLENHUT FERENCZ 712—Tue Captive In the center of the picture is a young woman. Her eyes are downeast, but the lithe young figure is erect and defiant. Reclining on a rug-covered dais is a black-bearded chieftain clothed in white, on one side a Nubian and on the other companions. Behind the central figure are armor-clad officers, standard-bearers and prisoners. Height, 5 feet 3 inches; width, 10 feet 7 inches. Signed: Grnnuur Ferencz, 1889, MuncHEN. AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MawnacGeErs. THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER. NOTICE—A Cash Deposit will be required of All Purchasers | COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK AND BINDING BY on. ey Yo NOTICE ORDER OF SALE ON MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 20th, beginning at eleven o’clock A. M., will be sold the furniture, draperies, carpets, rugs and other objects under Catalogue Nos. 1 to 290 inclusive, the sale being held in the respec- tive rooms as designated in the Catalogue. ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, April 22nd, beginning at one o’clock, will be sold the bronzes, ceramics, cabinet objects and bric-a-brac, Catalogue Nos. 291 to 613 inclusive, the sale to be held im the drawing- room. ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 22nd, beginning at eight o’clock, will be sold the OIL. PAINTINGS, WATER COLORS and ENGRAVINGS, Catalogue Nos. 614 to 712 inclusive, the sale to be held in the drawing-room. DELIVERY OF PURCHASES The furniture and other objects which are to be sold on Monday, April 20th, must be removed by the purchasers on the day following— Tuesday, April 21st—between nine o’clock A. M. and four o’clock P. M. The oil paintings, ceramics, bronzes and the other objects which are to be sold on Wednesday, April 22nd, must be removed by the purchasers on the day following—Thursday, April 23rd—between nine o’clock A. M. and four o’clock P. M. A CASH DEPOSIT will be required from all purchasers. Prospective buyers wishing to save annoyance during the sale may make arrangements with the Managers for the payment of a deposit previous to the sale.