Oil Paintings, Water-Colors by Leading American Contempo- raries in the collection of Dr.Thomas L.Bennet, sold at the American Art Galleries, Dec.7, 1927. Buyer No. Price . Buyer Miss 8.King 51. $300. “Se Rehn Gal. G.A.Hurja 52. 75) -Keinbusch Gal. nl a 53. 130. ©. MeMann , 4. 00. i Ferargil Gal. 35. can Rains Macbeth Gal. 56. 650. Seaman agt. Milch Gal. 57. 1,200. Macbeth Keppell 58. 220. U.S.Ptg.& Litho.Co. J.W.Spencer 59. 350. Milch G.A.Hur ja 60. 1,600. Macbeth Kennedy & Co. 61. 140. H.S.Alexander Milch 62. 210. Macbeth Win. Levy 63. 260. Seaman,agt. Ferargil 64. 1,200. Seaman,agt. S.Sprague 65. 180. Macbeth Keppell 66. 500. Milch Kraushaar Gal. 67, 400. _ Findley -Milch Gal. 68. 310. -. Macbeth Fezargil Gal. : 69. 300. Wm.Levy i Kraushaar Gal. Oe ot 700. | 2: Rehr Gal. ee | “Eelfeyne Gay wis 700. Macbeth — = inal i mcs Ao dimes - Pita cane af : 74. rath ~H a Ferzargil Gal. 75. 350. H. R. Hayes Rehn Gal. 76. 1,400. Ferargil Gal. 160. Wm. Levy Tike ao. F.H.Bennett 160. H.Chandler 78. 1,400: Seaman,agt. LOO. Lowerfels 79. 2,000. Milch 90. Miss Wetmore 80. 250, Dr -Whiting 50. W.Fredericks 81. 4,000. Milch 250. Rehn 82. 3,200. Newhouse & Co. 50. Keppell 83. 90. Wm.Fredericks 50. G.A.Hurja B4. 210. Weyhe 45. W.Fredericks 85, 25, H.Cohen 120. Rehn Gal. 86. 60. Seaman agt. 45. Keppell 87 DD. H.S.Alexander 25. W.Fredericks 88. 50. H.A.Hurja D5 - H.R.Hays 89. 15. Kleinbusch 40. E.Weyhe 90. 35. H.Cohen 55. Ferargil Gal. 91. 75. W.C.Findley 500. Rehn 92. 190. Macbeth Gals. 80. McMann 93. 220. M.Hilquit 55. H.Chandler 94. W.S.Maxwell J.Gellatley 95. 40. E.Williams Milch Gal. 96. 30. Keppell J.Glendenning 97. 55. H.S.Alexander Macbeth 98 50. Miss Wetmore ; Macbeth 99. 60. Rehn Gal. H.R.Gal. 100. 30. Kepfell. PREE PUBLIC EXHIBITION From Saturday : December 3 - Until Time of Sale Weekdays g to 6 x Sunday 2 to 5 UNRESTRICTED PUBLIC SALE Wednesday Evening - December 7 Commencing at 8:15 O’Clock Peeaibl TION ts SALE AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES Madison Avenue: 56th to 57th Street New York City ¢ SALES CONDUCTED BY Mr. O. Bernet & Mr. H. H. Parke American Art Association - Inc MANAGERS 1927 HW : oe f THE Sou heron ae DR. THOMAS L. BENNETT 505 Park Avenue New York (ity OILS &@ WATER-COLORS BY CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN ARTISTS Including Davies, Ochtman Macknight, Murphy, Troy Kinney, Hassam, Davis Benson, Kent, Lawson Robinson é* Winslow Homer eyjold By Order of the Owner Dr. BENNETT Sed UNDER MANAGEMENT OF THE American Art Association INC. O Re PL OORT Ad .2..D New York 1927 Priced (a talogues Priced copies of the catalogue, or any session thereof, will be furnished by the Association at charges commensurate with the duties imvolved in copying the necessary information from the records of the Association, The AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION : Inc Designs its (atalogues and Directs -All Details of Illustration Text and Typography Conditions of Sale eKEAP,_» 1. REJECTION oF Bips. Any bid which is not commensurate with the value of the article offered, or which is merely a nominal or fractional advance, may be rejected by the auctioneer if in his judgment such bid would be likely to affect the sale injuriously. 2. THE Buyer. The highest bidder shall be the buyer, and if any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the auctioneer shall either decide the same or put up for re-sale the lot so in dispute. 3. IDENTIFICATION AND Deposir By Buyer. ‘The name of the buyer of each lot shall be given immediately on the sale thereof, and when so required, each buyer shall sign a card giving the lot number, amount for which sold, and his or her name and address. CLA deposit at the actual time of the sale shall be made of all or such part of the purchase prices as may be required. Q[If the two foregoing conditions are not complied with, the lot or lots so purchased may at the option of the auctioneer be put up again and re-sold. 4. RisK AFTER PurcHase. ‘Title passes upon the fall of the auctioneer’s hammer, and thereafter the property is at the purchaser’s risk, and neither the consignor nor the Association is responsible for the loss of, or any damage to any article by theft, fire, breakage, however occasioned, or any other cause whatsoever. 5. Devivery oF Purcuases. Delivery of any purchases will be made only upon payment of the total amount due for all purchases at the sale. 6. ReceipTeD Bits. Goods will only be delivered on presentation of a re- ceipted bill. A receipted bill presented by any person will be recognized and honored as an order by the buyer, directing the delivery to the bearer of the goods described thereon. If a receipted bill is lost before delivery of the property has been taken, the buyer should immediately notify the Association of such loss. 7. STORAGE IN DEFAULT OF Prompt PAYMENT AND CALLING FoR Goons. Articles not paid for in full and not called for by the purchaser or agent by noon of the day following that of the sale may be turned over by the Association to some carter to be carried to and stored in some warehouse until the time of the delivery therefrom to the purchaser, and the cost of such cartage and storage and any other charges will be charged against the purchaser and the risk of loss or damage occasioned by such removal or storage will be upon the purchaser. C{In any instance where the purchase bill has not been paid in full by noon of the day following that of the sale, the Association and the auctioneer reserve the right, any other stipulation in these conditions of sale notwithstanding, in respect to any or all lots included in the purchase bill, at its or his option, either to cancel the sale thereof or to re-sell the same at public or private sale without further notice for the account of the buyer and to hold the buyer responsible for any deficiency and all losses and expenses sustained in so doing. ; 8. SHippinc. Shipping, boxing or wrapping of purchases is a business in IO. Lis which the Association is in no wise engaged, but the Association will, how- ever, afford to purchasers every facility for employing at current and reasonable rates carriers and packers; doing so, however, without any assumption of responsibility on its part for the acts and charges of the parties engaged for such service. | . Guaranty. The Association exercises great care to catalogue every lot — correctly and endeavors therein and also at the actual time of the sale to © point out any error, defect or imperfection, but guaranty is not made either by the owner or the Association of the correctness of the description, — genuineness, authenticity or condition of any lot and no sale will be set — aside on account of any incorrectness, error of cataloguing or imperfection not noted or pointed out. Every lot is sold “as is” and without recourse. ( Every lot is on public exhibition one or more days prior to its sale, and the Association will give consideration to the opinion of any trustworthy expert to the effect that any lot has been incorrectly catalogued and in its judgment may thereafter sell the lot as catalogued or make mention of the opinion of such expert, who thereby will become responsible for such damage as might result were his opinion without foundation. Recorps. The records of the auctioneer and the Association are in all cases to be considered final and the highest bid shall in all cases be accepted by both buyer and seller as the value against which all claims for losses or damage shall lie. BuyING ON Orper. Buying or bidding by the Association for responsible parties on orders transmitted to it by mail, telegraph, or telephone, if con- ditions permit, will be faithfully attended to without charge of commission Any purchases so made will be subject to the foregoing conditions of sale, except that, in the event of a purchase of a lot of one or more books by or for a purchaser who has not through himself or his agent been present at the exhibition or sale, the Association will permit such lot to be returned within ten days from the date of sale, and the purchase money will be refunded, if the lot differs from its catalogue description. (Orders for execution by the Association should be given with such clearness as to leave no room for misunderstanding. Not only should the lot number be given, but also the title, and bids should be stated to be so much for the lot, and when the lot consists of one or more volumes of books or objects of art, the bid for volume or piece should also be stated. If the one trans- mitting the order is unknown to the Association, a deposit must be sent or reference submitted. Shipping directions should also be given. These conditions of sale cannot be altered except by the auctioneer or by an officer of the Association OTTO BERNET +: HIRAM H.PARKE « CAMuctioneers AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION - INC eManagers St hm FOREWORD x present collection of paintings in oil and water-color of the contemporary American school has been consigned to the American Art Association by Dr. Thomas L. Bennett of 565 Park Avenue, New _ York, who is well known for his interest in this field and for his important Belching collections. In latter years a significant group of painters in water-color has arisen in America. This body of men, who have broken almost entirely with _ tradition, have produced works characterized by a freshness and vigor of i 2 inspiration excelled in no other country in the world. ‘They themselves are linked only by this pioneer spirit and by the use of a common medium, ood their techniques being in fact widely different, and in a sense experimental. In the works of Dodge Macknight are brilliant studies of the plains and uplands of New England in all seasons of the year thrown off with swift streaks of unafraid color, whose meaning often must be guessed merely by the direction of the brush strokes; the migratory George Hart flies ~ from winter to record careful impressions of Trinidad, Samoa and the sub- - i tropical South, suggesting rather than drawing, pictures; George Luks 1s represented by brilliant sketches of metropolitan life in pastel, water-color and oil, in which almost every square inch of the subject is forced to yield secrets of color; Rockwell Kent is here with his icy detachment and wealth of idealism, cynically expressed in mannered geometries; Frank W. Benson, Edward Hopper, William Zorach, Glackens and others speak in their own idiom to the interested layman. Historically outranking all is _a single example by Winslow Homer, dean of American aquarellists; The Cape Cod Fisherman. Dr. Bennett’s feeling for impressionism and its development is mani- fested in the oil paintings, which form the second part of the collection. Here are grouped Ernest Lawson, Theodore Robinson, Emil Carlsen, Hobart Nichols and others. Ochtman contributes a large canvas, Frosty Spring Morning, in a characteristic key; Childe Hassam a beautiful marine painted off the Isle of Shoals; Charles Demuth two paintings of flowers. Separate mention must be made of the remarkable exhibition painting by J. Francis Murphy The Wide Lane [24 x 36 inches], one of the last impor- tant canvases painted by the master; greatly daring in composition, it ranks high for its mature handling of a familiar autumn theme. The individual work of Arthur B. Davies, which falls into no category, appears in three or four oil paintings, including the noteworthy Elysian Fields, with its interesting inventions 1n movement. LW Fe eo : EVENING SESSION _ Wednesday, Mecembper 7, 1927 at 8:15 O'Clock Catalogue Numbers I to 100 Inclusive BE CHARLES DEMUTH : ‘Sae oa ee AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY e a 1. WATER LILIES. Wide S Cluster of white lilies and their flat green leaves, posed in a grace- fully curving arrangement before a blue background. Signed at lower right, C. DemutTnH, and dated 1915 Water-color: Height, 10% inches; width, 8 inches ~ Colony Club Exhibition, New York Seen aye VER BECK AMERICAN: 1867— 1a, THREE LANDSCAPES ee, sihewty aoe IA - — Studies of windswept open country with scattered trees and houses. Or | + Signed at lower right, GusravE VERBECK Monotypes: Height, 7¥% inches; length, 9% inches Height, 7 inches; length, 92 inches Height, 6 inches; length, 73% inches If Uo. HONS TAERSLEVE FE Tarara ) a 0s The quay at the right, with figures of men busie ith packing 4 ROCKWEDL* KE NEG AMERICAN: 1882— THE NORTH WIND 6 Nude figure of a man kneeling with head bowed, to thd/right, the | : arms locked above the yellow hair. Background of blue earth and — sky. Signed at lower right, RocKWELL KENT W ater-color: Height, 10% inches; length, 14% inches GEORGE OVERBURY 3s AMERICAN: 1868— GIRL EATING MANGOES Interior of a Trinidad shack with the seated figure of a native girl in loose white robes and colored turban, sucking a mango. Behind is the nude figure of a black pickaninny. Signed at lower right, Harr | Water-color: Height 14% inches; width, 11 imches WILLIAM PP: HENDE Poem AMERICAN: 1877— cases and a line of warehouses curving round behind the steamboats moored along the banks of the Mississippi. Signed below with monogram Pastel drawing: Height, 10 inches, width, 8% inches 12 meer i tT iW. PRYON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1849—1925 5s. MOONLIGHT: OGUNQUIT, ME. Waebethe Ce g ly Oo, View of the green ocean, the breakers centred with a splash of moon- | light, under the blue night sky. F Signed at lower left, D. W. Tryon, and dated 1916 oe Water-color: Height, 9% inches; length, 13% inches See er ioe. DAVIES, N.A: AMERICAN: 1862— 6. STUDY OF DANCERS Wlad Sal oy Chain of six nude female figures in a dance. igned below, A. B. Davies Pastel drawing: Height, 5% inches; length, 10% inches Meee OVERBURY HART AMERICAN: 1868— >. A TROPICAL COOKHOUSE Ket bitl A native woman in white is cooking a meal with the aid of a rude EK _- stove and a table under a rickety structure of thatch and bamboo, | 4 > surrounded by trees. In the foreground is a child in white with a red hat, watching a brood of ducks. Signed at lower left, Harr Water-color: Height, 11 inches; length, 14 inches 13 Bo. UL Ss 9. NATIVE HUT: TRINIDAD 4. (ay i . SELIMA | GEORGE LAURENCE NELSON AMERICAN: 1887— NUDE STUDY Ss Nude figure of a young girl seateW on her haunch fully bent backwards by the upraised arms which frame the head. Signed at lower right, G. L. NELson Charcoal and pastel drawing: Height, 142 inches; width, 10 inches Allied Artists of America Exhibition, New York GEORGE OVERBURY Se AMERICAN: 1868— A courtyard with tropical vegetatidn in which are fowls at the ground, a pig rooting through a rubbish heap and three native figures; a woman stands on the steps of the bungalow behind, in the sunshine. t Signed at lower left, Harr | : Water-color: Height, 11 inches; length, 14 inches ‘ TROY KINNEY : AMERICAN: 1871I— Standing nude figure of a young girl, her right hand on her hip, her | weight resting on her left leg; drooping from her left hand is a gauze veil. Head and breast are decked with flowers. Signed at lower left, TRoy KinNEy Pastel drawing: Height, 12 inches; width, 7¥2 wmches From Kennedy and Co., New York 14 See RIHUR B. DAVIES, N.A, | e | . AMERICAN: 1862— | ; 11. OFF MARBLEHEAD, MASS. Weide fe fb A calm dark blue sea with rocks at the left and the coastline in the I slistance. A small sailing vessel is making in at the right. = Signed at lower left, A. B. Bites Seo Millboard: Height, 4% inches; length, 10 inches is Mee ORGE FAURENCE NELSON AMERICAN: 1887— B12. NUDE SEATED | Figure of a young girl seated with knees upraised, her head bent | [ downwards and almost in profile to the left. ail 2 Signed at lower right, G. L. NELson Charcoal and pastel drawing: Height, 15% inches; width, 102 inches Allied Artists of America Exhibition, New York PeeORGE OVERBURY HART AMERICAN: 1868— Um Shee SAMOAN GIRL Standing figure of a brown-skinned young girl, nude to the waist '¢ and wearing a rose-pink skirt, a wreath garlanded round her head | and draped between her breasts. Behind appears the water of an inlet. 3 Signed at lower right, Hart, SAMOA Water-color: Height, 18 inches; width, 12 inches T5 14. Te 16. LOE WILLIAM: P. HEN DRGs AMERICAN: 1877 “LA MAISON D’? NEGRES”: NEW ORLEANS | An old house with shuttered windows and a wooden balustrade across | the first story. In the doorway and the window are figures. Signed at upper left with monogram. Pastel drawing: Height, 10 inches; width, 7% inches GEORGE LAURENCE Re AMERICAN: 1887— NUDE WITH ARM VI es etc Nye tara “ =, Seated figure of a woman with foreshorténed arm upraised and — thrown backwards behind her dark head; the face looking upwards — to half. lett. Signed at lower right, G. L. NELson Charcoal and pastel drawing: Height, 16 inches; width, 112 inches Allied Artists of America Exhibition, New York GEORGE OVERBU RASS AMERICAN: 1868— BEACHCOMBER ep pett 4 Figure of a bare-footed native in shirt’and trousers and an old hat, seated leaning up against a tree, and looking out over the flat sandy beach to the blue sea in the distance. Signed at lower left, Harr Water-color: Height, 11 inches; length, 14 inches 16 JAN HENDRIK WEISSENBRUCH ) (0 ? ~ DutcH: 1824—1903 17. IN THE STREAM PE By 5, (al Meadow landscape with a round thatched stone building in the left foreground, before which is kneeling a woman washing linen in a stream. ites Signed at lower left, J. H. WEIssENBRUCH pes Water-color: Height, 121% inches; length, 16% inches F rom the John Levy Galleries, New York JAMES McBEY Us: ScorTIsH : 188 3— : 18. THE CRITIC Snel. oh a0 Interior of a studio, with an easel in the left foreground on which is mounted a painting. ‘The artist, wearing a gray suit and sitting / 3) upright in an easy chair, is glaring critically at the picture. 6 Signed at lower left, McBry, and dated 29th September, 1922 Water-color: Height, 18 inches; width, 1034 inches From M. Knoedler and Company, New York Pepe t AN. Poo HENDERSON AMERICAN: 1877— fe a, Ee 19) CATHEDRAL ALLEY, NEW. ORLEANS Ee Glimpse of a street with old houses having wooden casements and overhanging balconies, at the end of a narrow lane. Figures of a are indicated on the sidewalk. & Signed below with monogram Crayon and pastel drawing: Height, 10 inches; width, 7 inches hy 20. Lb 0, 21s aos CHARLES DE MM Ugign AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY ORANGE TREE vr atrohagy Tall mounting branch with green leaves, white blossoms and glowing half-ripe fruits. Signed at lower left, C. DEMuTH, and dated 1920 Water-color: Height, 17% inches; width, 11% inches From the Daniel Gallery, New York Colony Club Exhibition, New York TROW _KDNwNaa AMERICAN: 187I— CALIFORNIA POPPY tr Co Graceful figure of a dancer in green underskirt and golden-yellow robe with flying panniers, poised on her toes; her body bent, her arms upraised. Signed at lower left, TRoy KInNEY | Pastel: Height, 10% inches; width, 8Y2 inches From Kennedy and Co., New York GEORGE OVER BUR Yeas oe AMERICAN: I1868— NATIVE INTERIOR; TRINIDAB- A roughly built lattice of palms and straw shades anf interior bordered with barrels, planks and a rude table. At the left is seated a brown- skinned mother clad in a loose white robe and nursing a baby, a cat playing around her feet. Signed at lower right, Harr, TRINIDAD Water-color: Height, 11 inches; length, 13% inches 18 TROY KINNEY AMERICAN: 1871— | 23. PREMIERE DANSEUSE NA 7 een _ Ethereal figure of a ballet dancer in white fr(o% , pirouetting on her ie 7 left toe; her arms upraised, her head glancing toward the observer. ‘Signed at lower left, Troy Kinney 7 Pastel: Height, 11 inches; width, 8% inches From Kennedy and Co., New York GHILDE HASSAM, N.A; AMERICAN: 1859— : Nite beet JORNS I], WASHINGTON, D.C. /" VN In the right foreground the square white tower of a church partly / enveloped by bare trees, with a red brick wall behind; in the park 3 O. below are figures of ladies and nursemaids, and a man and a woman | sitting on the seats in the sunshine. Above a tree mass in the back- ground rises a fragment of scaffolding. Signed at lower right, CuHiLpE Hassam, and dated WaAsHINGTON, 1926 : Water-color: Height, 14 inches; width, 10% inches Devito Rk LN UNA. AMERICAN: 1853— apes i Be, NOCTURNE: THE THAMES “7 4- taAtANncl The broad river, dotted with points of lights and ne ae 4 9) from the scattered shipping and the blackness on the farther shore. Signed at lower left, Em1L CARLSEN Millboard: Height, 8% inches; length, 10 inches i 8 6. TROY Kitts AMERICAN: A871 26. SCENE DANSANEFE: MLLE. BUTSOVA t ET M. PIANOWSKI The danseuse in white ballet costume, pirouetting, holds out a spray of roses; kneeling at her feet is Harlequin in black satin jacket and mask, playing a lute. Signed at lower left, TRoy KINNEY Pastel: Height, 102 inches; width, 9¥2 inches From Kennedy and Company, New York [See illustration | 20 i FRANCIS Ua eter eey Nop Att bo AMERICAN: 1853—I921 27. AUTUMN LANDSCAPE Li Wwe, A glimpse of brown earth and a curtain of russet trees, with a pale white sky behind. Signed at lower right, J. F. Murpuy Height, 71% inches; width, 5% inches Weitere). GLACKENS, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1870— 28. BATHING SCENE Le Ogee AL 4 Colorful group of girls in bright bathing costumes sporting in the green surf and on the rocks; in the middle distance is a low promon- / 6 f) tory thrust out into the water at the right. In the bay behind, the “ white sails of four yachts. Signed at lower left, W. GLACKENs Pastel: Height, 14 inches; length, 17 inches Siw be ba GCUKS AMERICAN: 1867— pede ae 29. HIGH BRIDGE, HARLEM RIVER In the right foreground a barge amid a mass of piles, and three figures of children in bathing trunks. ‘The water ripples down, | [oo sky-blue with pink lights, under the seven arches of the High ‘ Bridge in the distance. Signed at lower left, GEorcE Luks Pastel: Height, 13% inches; length, 15 inches 21 20: Yo 2c 5D. 2a. 43 0- WILDEAM 7:0 RA AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY COAST OF MAINE Neds Lc ziscemeees The deep water of an arm of the sea seen over the dark green under- growth of the near shore, with a tree at left and right. The rolling hills of the farther coast are expressed in pinks, deep greens and blues. Signed at lower right, ZoRACH Water-color: Height, 12 inches; length, 15% inches a WILLIAM ZORA AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY ROCKY SHORE, MAINE (rie ede ace pa hing loose In the left foreground, the shallow water of an inlet was pebbles and rocks; behind appear rocky hummocks and hills crowned with dark green fir trees. Signed at lower right, ZoracH Water-color: Height, 13% inches; length, 17% inches GEORGE Baus AMERICAN: 1867— FISHING: HARLEM RIVER oat Plea ‘Two boys, one seated, the other standing, are fishing from a rickety jetty in the right foreground; beneath them the dark blue water of the river, with a glimpse of shore at upper left. Signed at lower right, GEorGE Luks Water-color: Height, 8 inches; length, 12¥2 inches PRPS PEOrRGk-OVER BURY HART AMERICAN: 1868— REPAIRING BOATS ay A quay, near which are visible the hulls of fhree sailing vessels. On _ the wharf in the foreground are four boats, at one of which a car- penter is at work with an adze. Signed at lower right, Hart Water-color: Height, 12 inches; length, 18% inches Peat Rh D. BORONDA AMERICAN: 1886— THE PLAZA: NEW YORK CF) 1 ie et nee of eae Evening scene from the snow and looking southwest. Pedestrians are making their way with ata cits through the snow under the bare trees; in the roadway are cars and hansom cabs. Behind appears the huge .square bulk of the Hotel Plaza, brilliantly lighted. Avenue, Signed at lower right, LesrER D. Boronpa avis 154 inches; length, 19% inches Pee BOVERBURY- HART AMERICAN: eK) CARROTS: NEW ORLEANS scan A corner of the market, with farmers and women among the masses of green vegetables. In the right foreground two men seated on carts laden respectively with carrots and rhubarb; before them stands a market porter and a woman stooping over an enormous heap of carrots. Signed at lower left, Hart, NEw ORLEANS, and dated 1918 Water-color: Height, 13% inches; length, 21% inches 23 Bo 37+ cae EDWARD: HOP Pik AMERICAN: 1882— > ROCKLAND HARBOR, ME. Pe hiae fk In the background the cubical bulks of orange and white buildings with green roofs, sharply defined by the clear sunshine. “The end of a wharf juts out from the right foreground over the blue water of the inlet. Signed at lower right, Epwarp Hopper, RocKLanp, Me. Water-color: Height, 13% inches; length, 192 inches GEORGE OVERBURY 4 AMERICAN: 1868— THE MARKET: NEW ORLEANS At the left are carts and baskets of vegetables, with two nuns in black shawls and white coifs among the purchasers. A peasant wearing a loose shirt and fur cap is standing stolidly amid his vege- tables in the right foreground, before a stack of crates of Louisiana oranges. Signed at lower right, Hart, NEw Or .eEans, and dated 1918 Water-color: Height, 13% inches; length, 21 inches GEORGE OVERBURKY 3a AMERICAN: 1868— _ NATIVES OF Dominica (A) ee wedercehs Two dark-skinned girls and a pickaninny, in loose robes, idling on the shore of a river bank, one leaning against a huge rock. Behind appears a pale river and the rising farther shore. Signed at lower left, Hart, Dominica Water-color: Height, 11% inches; length, 18 inches 24 JAMES FLOYD CLYMER AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY | 39. THE FISHING BOATS ae Y B | J ‘ _ A group of vessels in the right foreground with bare poles ard empty E nets, two of the boats laden with fishermen. Masses of purple rain 5 , Cloud are reflected in the open water beyond the harbor, which is | filled with pale light; in the left middle distance is a rocky promon- tory. Signed at lower left, CLyMER - Water-color: Height, 14 inches; length, 19 inches GreOrR Ge OVERBURY HART 2 Le nw Je | 40. THE FISH STALL: NEW ORLEANS MARKET ( | A group of three men round a block, engaged in slicing and drawing Lo fish; the fourth stands at the right weighing purchases. Signed at lower left, Harr, and dated NEw ORLEANS, 1917 AMERICAN: 1868— W ater-color: Height, 13 inches; length, 21 inches Peoiboe rh OyYD CLYMER AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 41. THE FISHERMEN 4 RAAT rl Get: Men and boats scattered about the beach in the foregrouhd, seen patches of brilliant color. On the water are two two-masted 3 — in the purple and white sky a flock of gulls. ‘Sioned at lower left, CLYMER W ater-color: Height, 14 inches; length, 19 inches 25 42° 4 oO. GEOR GE -B DD Glas AMERICAN: 1867— EVENING LANDSCAPE Looking down from a low rise, the eye crosses the ridges of ploughed fields towards the purple hills with their masses of black trees; crouched in their lee are two red-roofed farm buildings on a knoll. In the distance appears a river cutting across the scene, between the undulating hills. | Signed at lower left, GEORGE Luks Wisse Height, 13% Lee HEE 19 inches GEORGE 4B.) Ee AMERICAN: 1867— 43. 4 POLISH MOTHER hee WWeee YO: Figure of a woman in orange kerchief, white blouse and pink skirt, ‘seated on a mound and facing to right, a baby in a blue frock perched on her lap. Signed at lower left, GzorGE Luks, and dated SHENANDOAH, Pa, 1925 Height, 13% inches; width, 9 inches 26 Post OVERBURY HART. ee | ae AMERICAN: cea Q | Se 44. SUN WORSHIPPERS ‘I'wo men are sprawled in the sunshine inside an old boat lying on the wet beach, one reclining at full-length with his feet sticking bE over the side. Signed at lower right, Hart Water-color: Height, 13% inches; length, 21% inches [See illustration | 27 THOMAS W. DEWING AMERICAN: 1851— Reclining nude figure of a nymph'resting on her left side, clasped behind her head with its flowing brown hair. Signed at lower left, T. W. DEwiInc Pastel: Height, 7V2 inches; length, 11 inches — Collection of Stanford White, New York From the Macbeth Galleries, New York [See illustration ] 28 ‘ i eee DODGE MACKNIGHT ate x AMERICAN: 1860— Wel. is | 46. SNOW EPPECT: WOODLAND BROOK Sal At left and right, steep banks thickly covered in snow slope down to the dark purplish green trickle of the stream; at the left, are the trunks and spiky branches of half-buried fir trees. Signed a at lower left, ‘Dopcz Macknicut Weater-color: Height, 16 we inches; length, 23% inches acJ POG i MACKNIGH T aN 13s60— mi/ oO. | 47. THE WHITE BIRCHES »* Ca Across the foreground stretches a screen of white birch saplings with : sparse foliage, their slender trunks patterned against the reds, blues, greens and purples of the land behind. In the middle distance appear white-walled houses along the banks of the river, gay in the sunshine. Signed at lower left, DopcE MackKNIGHT Water-color: Height, 15 inches; length, 21% inches 29 oe: ees DODGE MACK NTGims AMERICAN: I1860— 230 ‘48. SNOWSHOEING: NEW HAMPSHIRE HILLS Rolling country completely under snow, with a line of bare trees strung across the middle distance; further off are purple and blue mountains, thickly wooded and covered with scattered patches of snow. On the slope in the foreground are two women in winter — costume frolicking about in snowshoes. Signed at lower right, Dopc—E MacknicHT Water-color: Height, 15 inches; length, 22 inches — [See illustration] 30 fey WwW. BENSON, NvA. AMERICAN: 1862— 49. ACROSS THE VALLEY Wo_ehith y ‘s A woodland landscape in the Connecticut hills, the foreground a “/ *descending slope rich with autumn foliage and broken by patches of _-_—~-water. Across the farther side of the valley are forest-crowned hills. Signed at lower left, F. W. BEenson, and dated 1922 W ater-color: Height, 15% inches; length, 19% inches From E, and A. Milch, New York [See illustration ] 31 DODGE -MACKNIGHT AMERICAN: 1860— ue ; Rol. 50. CAPE COD DUNES: DUCK SHOOTING ‘The sandy shore, overrun with weeds and grasses and humped into a series of knolls, extends into the left foreground, the brilliant green and ultramarine of the sea stretching out to the horizon beyond. On one of the mounds stands a hunter with a gun, watching the flight of - the birds. Signed at lower right, Dopce MacknicHT Water-color: Height, 17 inches; length, 22Y2 inches [See illustration | 32 Peover RDO HOPPER | AMERICAN: 1882 200. (Se eee Oras 51. UNIVERSALIST CHURCH, GLOUCESTER In the left foreground, the gable of a frame structure abutting on a house projecting at right angles, with red chimney-tops; behind ap- pears the square white tower and belfry of the church, capped by a weather vane. Signed at lower left, E>warp HoppEer, GLOUCESTER Water-color: Height, 13% inches; length, 19 inches [See illustration ] 33 oN ce JAMES FLOYD Cli AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY MARINE Ic Q ; In the foreground is a row-boat rowed by fishermen, in wo which a harpooner is standing; across the green sea is visible a sailing vessel at the left and a tramp steamer, hull-down on the horizon. Stormy sky with rain clouds. Signed at lower right, CLYMER Water-color: Height, 144% inches; length, 17% inches [See illustration] 34 DODGE MACKNIGHT }30O,. eae 1860— 53 CAPE COD MARSHES IN AUTUMN BS iS). An. expanse of orange-yellow sedge, broken by rivulets and pools of water; stretching across the distance from the left is a fringe of woodland, gorgeously colored. A hunter in a red ee is See ~~ over the marsh in the left foreground. Signed at. lower right, Dopce MacKNIGHT Watercolor: Height, 17 inches; ee 23 we inches Prank -Ww. BENSON, N.A. | Wo be) Amznican: 13.52-— 54. LHE DEEP WOODS . Ee Brilliant color impression of tree-trunks and branches in a jungle of thick undergrowth; in greens, yellows, pinks, blues and purple. Signed at lower left, F. W. Benson, and dated 1922 W ater-color: Height, 19% inches; width, 132 inches From E. and A. Milch, New York MouvGE MACKNIGHT He. , AMERICAN: I1860—- 55. 4 HUNTER ON’THE DUNES: CAPE COD G@—@, The sweep of a road encircles a pool of blue water at thenlert; beyond are the high dunes with undergrowth and scattered trees, in a riot of brilliant color. A hunter is tramping round the bend of the lane in the right middle distance away from the observer. Signed at lower right, Dopce MacknicHT W ater-color: Height, 161% inches; length, 23% inches 35 Ais. 7 AWAKENING SPRING at the right, aoe single stem of an enormous ae ts sory a ’ ee 4 : ss "AMERICAN: ry K is on grassy banks where two white crocuses have appears the crescent moon, haloed se hung Tike ae, starry sky. : No. 56. AWAKENING SPRING WINSLOW HOMER, Noam AMERICAN: 1836—1I910 57. FISHERMAN OF CAPE COD ‘Standing figure of a fisherman in blue shirt, brown breeches an sea boots, his left hand raised to the brim of his sou’wester, stati | arb? - out to sea at the right. His figure is reflected in the ice. i Signed at lower right with initials W. H. and dated 1875 W ater-color: Height, 14¥A inches; width, 10 inche Collection of R. Sturgis, New York aie) | [See illustration] 38 No. 57. FIsHERMAN OF CAPE Cop DQ. 58. HEYBRIDGE BASIN A, oS JAMES McBEY SCOTTISH: 1883— Low-lying swampy shore, interspersed with pools tt water, ai the sloping roofs of the village of Heybridge clustered in the left middle distance. In the basin at the right foreground are moored barges and sailing vessels. Signed at lower right, James McBey, and dated Baas Basmy, 1922 al Water-color: Height, 1134 inches; ee thchall From M. Knoedler and Company, New York [See illustration ] 40 . HEYBRIDGE BAsIN 58 No ou J. ALDEN WEIR AMERICAN: 1852—I1919 ¢ S 59. ALLEGORY OF SPRING Three-quarter-length figures of two young girls clad in sky-blue and white, standing side by side; the nearer holds a cornucopia of flowers, her right hand dipping into a heap of blossoms piled on a stone by a sleeping pedlar, whose head is just discernible below. ‘The mirror of — the river behind is parted by a solitary sapling. Signed at lower left, J. ALDEN WEIR Water-color: Height, 10 inches; width, 8Y2 inches [See illustration | 42 eee MIL CARLSEN,' N.A. AMERICAN: 1853— 3 NWashich 60. STILL LIFE: JADES AND ANCIENT GLASS f Delicate interpretation of color and patina in a group composed of OF an iridescent glass amphora and oxybaphon, and two snuff bottles of Awhite and peacock-green jade, on teakwood stands. Fluctuating brown background. Signed at lower left, Emit CaRLsEN Height, 20 inches; width, 16 inches [See illustration ] 43 61. ) 49. 623 L| 0. b2: Qo. JOHN. F.nGARDS.O N,N AMERICAN: 1857— SUNNY WOODS He Qh (gee er rea A copse of trees in late autumn, their slender cylindrical trunks close together and bearing only gnarled twigs and scattered brown leaves. A narrow stream meanders through a gap into the right foreground, leaving a glimpse of open country under the turquoise heavens. Signed at lower right, JoHn F. Carson Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches From William Macbeth, New York DODGE MACKNIGHE ° AMERICAN: ra | WINTER: NEW HAMPSHIRE WOODS A man in brown coat and blue trousers is tramping on snowshoes up the snow-buried road which curves into the foreground between masses of firs and pine trees. ‘The movement and bending of the green branches under the weight of the snow are rendered with wild swift strokes of the brush. Signed at lower right, DopcE MAcKNIGHT Water-color: Height, 16% inches; length, 23 inches FRANK W. BENSON, NewS AMERICAN: 1862— VERMONT HILLS ye (3 Hs 71 é A hillside rising to the right, with a curtain of russet and ‘peacoc - green trees and pink shrubbery fronting the foreground. ‘The slope is a glowing mass of color. Signed at lower left, F. W. BENnson, and dated 1922 W ater-color: Height, 15% inches; length, 19 inches From E. and A. Milch, New York 44 Le ee ee ee PA eae t } ¥ & ow Peis UR Be DAVIES AMERICAN: 1862— )64. SHEPHERD OF THE ISLANDS a ee, arias a An expanse of green water with low islands and distant gray hills, he sky above with long lateral lines of cumulus clouds. ‘The near j island is fringed with yews and cypresses; down by the shore a dog | watches a flock of sheep. His master, nude save for a short blue stuff skirt, is standing on the headland, posed in profile against the sky. Signed at lower left, A. B. Davies Height, 9% inches; length, 182 inches [See illustration ] 7 45 ig JOHN» Fe c@ARLSON, Nae AMERICAN: 1857— 6s. WOODLAND STREAM [8 0. . 66 ar Country under snow, which returns with a bluish glare the reflection — of the brilliant sky. An icy river curves into the scene, the flat left — bank and the knoll on the right shadowed by woodland, almost bare save for a few thin brown leaves. Signed at lower right, Joun F. Carison Height, 12 inches; length, 16 inches From William Macbeth, New York ERNE S & LA Were Neweae AMERICAN: 18 Qos . Beco all WINTER: A COTTAGE IN THE: HIL iS A straggling line of wispy saplings in the foreground stands shivering in the snow. At the left is the gable of a farm building, in the middle distance the farmhouse glowing with the reflected light from a red wintry sun behind, scarcely over the rise of the hills. Signed at lower left, E. Lawson Height, 22 inches; length, 26 inches 46 Posi 1S RACE LS By Durcn: 1824—1911 67. THE CLAM DIGGER Figure of an elderly fisherman in blue shirt and trousers tucked up ‘to his knees, wading in the surf and digging into the sand with a g long-handled net. Signed at lower left, JosEF IsRaELs Water-color: Height, 16 inches; width, 11 inches [See illustration | 47 THEODORE ROSINS OF AMERICAN: I 852—1 896 68. COAST OF FRANCE | a t A sandy beach covered with grass slopes down from the foreground to the gray sea, extending into the right middle distance is a low headland. Seated leaning against a mound, and in profile to the left, — is the figure of a woman in a blue dress, knitting. | Height, 18 inches; length, 22 inches [See illustration | 48 ¥* fen PL AWSON, N.A. AMERICAN: 1873— 366. 69. ROCKY COAST OF MAINE ey Y Vv it ANY An arm of the ocean floods its greenish water into a narfow opening es on the rugged coast, the rocks piled like colored jewels’ in the nght foreground. Amid the spray are four figures of white gulls wheeling over the foam. Signed at lower left, E. Lawson Height, 20 inches; length, 23 inches [See illustration | 49 EUGENE A. SPETCHE Rae AMERICAN: 1883— VASE OF FLOWERS Rs heee < Standing on a table is an hexagonal blue and white with a mass of claret, orange and yellow tulips, carnations and other flowers; grayish-purple background. Signed at lower left, EUGENE SPEICHER Height, 20 inches; width, 19 inches — [See illustration | 50 Pehle ol AWE ON, NVA, AMERICAN: 1873— . BOYS BATHING: HARLEM RIVER ( hh A uth. _/ A spring scene, as in the depths of the country. ‘The green river flows diagonally into ‘the right foreground and is lined with willows - putting on buds of leafage, partly obscuring shacks and cottages be- hind; houses, trees and grass alike flooded with sunshine. Along the bank are the naked figures of four boys drying their bodies. : \Bizned # lower left, E. Lawson Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches FREDERICK Weed CLOT Ss Reyna ome. AMERICAN: 1885—1923 ee re: . LONG ISLAND: THE DRIFTWOOD GATHERER / A desolate stretch of sandy brown shore with hummocks of grass, the gray sea pr Siching out behind into the mist, merging almost into the sky. At the water’s edge is the bent figure of an old countryman, stooping over a pile of driftwood which he has painfully collected together on the grass. Signed at lower left, Kost, and dated Height, 22 inches; length, 28 inches Collection of Alexander C. Humphreys, New York Union League Club, New York, 1904 aS d LEON KROLL;—N am AMERICAN? 1884—= ee > 73. THE ORANGE BODICE re > /— Re KR AWA Bust-length portrait of a dark haired young girl wearing an orange dress edged in white and a black lace mantilla draped over her — | KO. shoulders; facing the observer and seated in the corner of a red velvet E settee, behind which is draped an emerald-green curtain. Signed at upper right, Leon Kroiy Height, 18 inches; width, 15 inches — [See illustration | ERNEST. LAWSON See AMERICAN: 187 vee US 46 Nie UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS: HARLEM RIVER The observer looks down from a height between a pair of bare © saplings to the turquoise river, which is dotted with boats; in a — " Ko hollow of the near shore is a house, and scattered fir trees. The — farther bank is lined with wharves and warehouses, and rises behind ~ to a green hill crowned with buildings. The atmosphere is crisp — and clear in the winter sunlight. Signed at lower left, E. Lawson Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches a 52 No. 73. THE ORANGE BoDICE FRANK W. BENSON Ree > AMERICAN: 1862— 4) ‘ Le. bY Ky bod 75. OLD SPRUCES A partly completed clearing in the interior of a ‘wood in autumn, the ground filled with sunlight. A newly felled tree lined with bare spiky branches has fallen athwart the upright trunks of five sturdy spruces. Signed at lower left, F. W. BENson, and dated 1922 Water-color: Height, 15 inches; length, 19% inches From E. and A. Milch, New York i [See illustration | 54 — a Po aad ae te j. Meee UR B. DAVIES, N.A. AMERICAN: 1862— 76. ELYSIAN FIELDS g Dee ide green plain rising to low rounded hills/in the ‘far distance, a cluster of trees and a glimpse of a smooth river. The misty dscape is dotted with alert figures of young men and maidens, e Signed at lower left, A. B. Davies Height, 18 inches; length, 30 inches From William Macbeth, New York [See illustration | oe ERNEST:LAWSON] Nee AMERICAN: 1873— 997. KOCKS AND SEA ( The wild Maine coast, with cliffs sloping down to the green water’s edge and hummocks and needles of rock breaking the surface of the ‘inlet. In the distance is the other arm of the bay with the little Al S colored houses of a village strung out along the shore; two fishing — vessels are making out to sea. ae “ae Signed at lower left, E. Lawson 3 a : ‘ a . Height, 25 inches; length, 30 inches ; ley Ce aa Mahoning Institute of Art, Youngstown, Ohio | EMIL CARLS EA ee we AMERICAN: 1853— \ \./ 78. BARNACLE ROCKS Ms | ; j Summertime on the open sea, which stretches endlessly away in a] | band of brilliant ultramarine beneath a sky with straggling patches — a eo - of filmy cloud. The lazy waves are breaking in a white scum over — the low-lying rocks in the centre of the foreground. Signed at lower right, Em1_ Car LsEN Height, 30 inches; length, 35 inches [See illustration | 56 BARNACLE Rocks iio. No : Jeo RANG MURAD N« AY AMERICAN: 185 ce 92 1 90:) 1 HESWIDETEANE leaves. At its foot is a newly felled trunk exposing: the wide i ta of the sky. He Signed at lower right, J. Francis Murpny, and a: 19208 This remarkable picture was one of the last painted by the artist and was purchased from him directly by Dr. Bennett; it was, in fact, — on public exhibition at the time of Murphy’s death. Mrs. Murphy, who regarded the painting as one of the most important of her late 4 husband’s works, wrote subsequently to Dr. Bennett requesting that — q he withhold the picture from a memorial exhibition organized by a local gallery, stating that she deemed it worthy of being hung only in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The letter, which is ose March 20, 1921, is in the possession of Dr. Bennett. [See illustration | 58 HE WIpE LANE * Dy eh o4| No L550: 80. SPRING MORNING ae AMERICAN: I oa ze trees, their ne SHEED with spring me and i Tighied by sun, | Signed at love left, peoNas Ocxtman, and dated 191 5 Height, 30 inches; Bais « From the John Levy Galleries, New York [See illustration | ri oR oa “a 60 No. 80. Sprinc MORNING In the right ents) a mass see in the sunlight; on one oe the te , ‘The sea extends in a Fite mirro ores top of the canvas. : hee Signed at hires: right, CHILDE He . [See ilustration] 7, 62 No. 81. SUMMER SEA: IsLE OF SHOALS (/ §2. HOUSTON STREET, NEW ORK ig plowed at lower right, Grorce Luxs a rig GEORGE. hm LU AMERICAN: I 867— i t A wide street filled with a colorful crowd me old_ women in and white aprons buying or vending at stalls. On the har the street the sidewalks are crouded with motley pedestrians pass: under the awnings of the shops, above which are the high red br walls of the buildings glaring fiercely in | the sunset eh wh pervades the whole scene. 4 ee 3 Height, 24 inchess lone 42 inc Temple Gold Metals Penney liete Academy, 1918 ie : [See illustration ] Fae ts MYOX MAN “LAAULG NOLsNOPY ‘78 ‘oN 82: 84. | @. 85. LS. GEORGE. BB. ites AMERICAN: 1867— Yh é —w of a huge miner wearing ate | | | | ' AS “GIANT” O’NEIL ae 4 aed , D the fern, Seated figure, the head in profile tO’ loose brown clothes and safety cap; his knees spread apart. og Signed at lower left, GEorGE Luks, and dated SHENANDOAH, Pa., 1925 UE a Wash drawing: Height, 15/2 inches; width, 10% inches ROCKWELL KENT AMERICAN: 1882— WINTER SLEEP Lrty te a Before a background of jagged purple mountains and blue sky light- ening on the horizon, is stretched the high-length recumbent figure of a girl dressed in black, asleep, her arms crossed beneath her head. The angular contours of the body are in linear harmony with the mountains of the background. a Water-color: Height, 10 inches; length, 142 inches GEORGE OVERS U Riva AMERICAN: 1868— HAWAIIAN BELLE dt- OC, aa Figure of a young brown-skinned girl in profile to the left, seated on a rock, her bare legs stretched out in front of her; her head and shoulders are garlanded with J/ezs. “The rock forms a tiny island washed by shallow water. a Signed at lower right, Harr, and dated at lower left, 1918 Water-color: Height, 16 inches; width, 12 inches | | 4 th 66 SOG BoB o LAKS AMERICAN: 1867-5 86. MINER BOYS DANCING THE “CHARLESTON” ‘ _ Figures of two bare-legged children in blue, with tousled hair, grip- ping each other tightly about the shoulders and swaying vigorously from side to side. Signed at lower left, Gro. Luks, and dated SHENANDOAH, Pa., 1925 Pe - Wash drawing: Height, 11% inches; width, 9 inches Peet eee ee LOCH OLS, NA. AMERICAN: 1869— | 87. THE HILLSIDE i S. Qbe gabe Blue summer sky with masses of white cloud looking onto a green t slope falling gently down towards the right. } rs. Signed at lower right, Hoparr NicHoLs Height, 16 inches; width, 13 inches Pavey ike b -PARS HALL AMERICAN: 1864— 88. GRAND CANYON Mee CO. (Pee Impression of the deep gulf of the canyon seen from a yellgw rock | in the foreground crowned by trees, the farther side misty and O purple in the afternoon light. Signed at lower left, De W. P. Height, 10 inches; length, 12 inches 67 89. [o go. eheky gi. WILLA M ..Ee i SCHWARZ AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY DAWN W0 e ; ), a rw. f Nude reclining figure of a young girl, her back to the observer, her head and body resting against a stone. a Signed at lower right, Wm. TEFFT SCHWARZ ee. Pencil drawing: Height, 9% inches; length, 14 indi Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Twenty-second Annual Philadelphia Water-color Exhibition, 1oe4 : GEORGE OVERBURY HART a AMERICAN: Ogee 4 MARKET STALL: NEW ORLEANS | 7 Figures of two market women in voluminous shawls, and a young | negro girl carrying a basket, before a stall heaped high with fruit and vegetables, with hares strung up to the rafters. | Signed at lower right, Hart, and dated NEw ORLEANS, 1917 Water-color: Height, 13% inches; length, 21 inches 4 ; : LEON KROL LS AMERICAN: 1884— NUDE LO: pa ; de. Female figure reclining on a cushion, her back to the sheen the body in retreating perspective from the left foreground; the right 7 knee drawn up under the left leg. | Signed at lower right, LEon Kroiyi Bistre drawing: Height, 12 inches; length, 18 inches 68 Petit WW. -TRYON,-N.A. AMERICAN: I ne 925 i 92. SUNRISE OVER THE SEA a Saee Sal 4 _ Two long lines of breakers thundering down on to the flat b iO in the quiet of dawn; above, the blue sky is tinged with gray and pink. a Co at lower left, D. Ww. ‘Tryon, and dated 1915 W ater-color: Height, 9% inches; length, 13% inches Peeters JoGLACKENS, A.N.A. AMERICAN: 1870— 93. THE SCHOONER Wy fee In the foreground a beach with hummocks glowing/with bright color; | five figures of children are idling amid the pools. In the offing is 20 - anchored a three-masted schooner with reefed foresail. Signed at lower right, W. GLACKENs Height, 12 inches; length, 15¥ inches WeraeR REN. B. DAVIS AMERICAN: CONTEMPORARY 94. NUDE IN 4 sunBEAmM U) -§ $e On the green grass is reclining the nude figure of an auburn-haired young girl, the knees bent, the head to right; her arms are raised and thrust into a beam of sunlight striking down to earth behind her head. Signed at lower left, WarREN Davis Height, 12 inches; length, 16% inches 4 69 vee FO, 96. 30. 97° FREDERICK ‘W. KOS AMERICAN: 1885—1923 ba e CATTLE WATERING as 6 A quiet stream reflecting the gray of the sky, which is filled with cumulus clouds; on the bank are two large tree masses with russet October foliage. “Iwo cows are wading in the water. Signed at lower left, FREDK. W. Kost, N.A.. q Height, 19 inches; width, 15% inches GEORGE OVERSU Ra AMERICAN: 1868— COOKING DINNER Flat landscape with two tents in the middI& distance and a huge tropical tree in the right foreground. Under its branches a native © woman is stooping down to cook dinner over a rude fire. Signed at lower right, Harr Water-color: Height, 11 imches; length, 14 inches | j FREDERICK Wi KOS teen AMERICAN: 1885—1923 THE BOAT He. A sandy beach with patches of aie scrub, the Ocean in the middle | distance beneath a summer sky. High up, away from the reach of the - tide, is beached a small sailing boat, its bare mast sticking crookedly — upwards in the foreground. | Signed at lower left, Kost, N.A. i. Height, 19 inches; width, 15 inches a 70 ta a P se 4 Nah nat Peal in mlas 7 ws _ 3 oO utensils. I0o. PPORGE -OVERBURY HART AMERICAN: 1868— . TRINIDAD HUT Ww roe U+ttt_o_ A rude wooden hut heavily thatched, with a second in the back- ground crowned by a green palm. Amid the litter of utensils before the front door are seated a boy in red shirt and a cat. Signed at lower right, Harr Water-color: Height, 11 inches; length, 14 inches Peete NOX MORTON REHN,:- N.A. AMERICAN: 1848—1914 . SWAMPSCOTT DORY Es ed aimdull A flat sandy beach on which is an old boat, softly ren reds and grays. Gray sky and sea, with a three-masted vessel on the horizon. Signed at lower right, F. K. M. Renn, New York Water-color: Height, 13% inches; length, 18% inches PeeORGE OVERBURY HART AMERICAN: 1868— A HUT: TRINIDAD K 2 olf A native woman in a pink robe with a baby/on /her lap is seated in the doorway of a thatched wooden hut, above the roof of which can be seen the leaves of a palm tree. In the yard are fowls and scattered Signed at lower right, Harr Water-color: Height, 14 inches; width, 11 inches [END OF SALE] 71 er rr i BENSON, Frank W., N.A. Across the Valley Old Spruces | ~ The Deep Woods Vermont Hills ie BORONDA, Lester D. The Plaza: New York ; _CARLSEN, Emu, N.A. Barnacle Rocks Nocturne: The ‘Thames fi CARLSON, Joun F., N.d. P Sunny Woods Woodland Stream ) CLYMER, James FLoyp ) Marine © The Fisherman The Fishing Boats = DAVIES, Arruor B., N.A. : Elysian Fields Off Marblehead, Mass. Shepherd of the Islands Study of Dancers "DAVIS, Warren B. Nude in a Sunbeam DEMUTH, CHARLES Orange ‘Tree Water Lilies : i : | ' i | > Nude Still Life: Jades and Ancient Glass INDEWING, Tuomas W., N.A. | INDEX OF ARTISTS REPRESENTED AND THEIR WORKS CATALOGUE NUMBER 94 45 GLACKENS, Wituiam J., 4.N.A. Bathing Scene The Schooner HART, GrorGE OVERBURY A Hut: Trinidad A Tropical Cookhouse Beachcomber Carrots: New Orleans Scene Cooking Dinner Girl Eating Mangoes Hawaiian Belle Market Stall: New Orleans Native Hut: Trinidad Natives of Dominica Native Interior: Trinidad Repairing Boats Samoan Girl Sun Worshippers The Fish Stall: New Orleans Market The Market: New Orleans Trinidad Hut HASSAM, Curve, N.Z. St. John’s II, Washington, D. C. Summer Sea: Isle of Shoals HENDERSON, WIL.tiAM P. Cathedral Alley, New Orleans “Ta Maison d’? Négres”: New Orleans On-the Levee HOPPER, Epwarp Rockland Harbor, Me. Universalist Church, Gloucester HOMER, Winstow, N.A. Fisherman of Cape Cod |} ISRAELS, Joser The Clam Digger apm i KENT, RockweE Lt _ t= Awakening Spring a The North Wind b Winter Sleep $ KINNEY, Troy | California Poppy ‘Premiére Danseuse Scéne Dansante: Mlle. Butsova et M. Pianowski Selima | KOST, Frepericx W., N.A. Cattle Watering Long Island: The Driftwood Gatherer The Boat KROLL, Leon, N.A. Nude The Orange Bodice _ LAWSON, Ernest, N.A. ! Boys Bathing: Harlem River Rocks and Sea Rocky Coast of Maine University Heights: Harlem River Winter: A Cottage in the Hills LUKS, Georce B. | A Polish Mother Evening Landscape Fishing: Harlem River “Giant” O’Neil Highbridge, Harlem River Houston Street, New York Miner Boys Dancing the “Charleston” CATALOGUE NUMBER 67 MACKNIGHT, Dopce . A Hunter on the Dunes: Cape Cod Cape Cod Dunes: Duck Shooting Cape Cod Marshes in Autumn Snow Effect: Woodland Brook Snowshoeing: New Hampshire Hills The White Birches Winter: New Hampshire Woods McBEY, JAmEs Heybridge Basin ‘che@@nitic MURPHY, J. Francis, N.A. Autumn Landscape The Wide Lane NELSON, GerorcE LAURENCE Nude Seated Nude Study Nude with Arm Upraised NICHOLS, Hosart, N.A. The Hillside OCHTMAN, Leonarp, N.Z4. Spring Morning PARSHALL, DE Wirr Grand Canyon REHN, Frank Knox Morton, N.A4, Swampscott Dory ROBINSON, ‘THEODORE Coast of France en Fe ual I: A. ‘ee CATALOGUE NUMBER 89 ihe: IA one) t7 30 31 1. COMPOSITION, PRESSWORK = {Sano A as ee ee ek a we Linge § - - Pare 7 eee aw “ ; r \ t L . < 2 \ Li = t = % t \ ; > Abs : se” ‘ a= i j \ 4 4 b 1 oi oe) k eA | 4 ; : . t i ' ” . -< A im , oT aS a Pe 2 >. ~ 7 - ~ -_* PM Se : . iY r vy —_ =7 ¥ ‘< a 7 - } a "4 - x _ = al a ~ =} #7), j tae oa 7 a « ba i ; . ay ae JF — = at 1 ; F —. ax é al -_ “ ’ rt = ~ t . —— ™“ ~~. 5 = iii ee ESEARCH INSTITUTE R or } ‘ * EE rv at —= . aan 3125 01 Me LT a aeeenmemennnnmeeneae