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Rew tits TOK Peal the Visiaiate oY ¥ e a if eae st) Ca Ue, a a itary Pe Uris ar Pah? ¢ Rett ti Hee ee a BOR RMT UL the ser ROY, tits Aa it oy ae ® , b eae) ; ne ya ay iy J ths i =? = Set ‘ a 7 ws ee ee, eee Serer e sie oe 2% : - - ae <— = se a oo Dey BE ir an _ : Tay = ie « ear = = a . “= = Fa a Peat ae Sa SY Sa a ne — ase 8 i pee ae oe pen A rl Rt Mh inn, Pa t = its << . ba to aS A 5, A, Ss . : i —— < = 4 — = LT Seal le ne hn er S bee : esti eV eie leet ea LIS, Pita pe icy ee Pi {ify Wit a rst eal i ne ee »~— - =a “ See Ste aoe tee ee a NN ae tL = Sp ee 6 ee > ~~ * pn - “= = +s e" Se tae oa aes = ar = 3 . * - Bs 4 ne ot SS ee ) Bt vei \ EEA ah Pat itatieice a! ai Fl tha eee et ae ea hee an Sl in hee aie a SG tein ben ~ ‘ Ne Ih A SM rs =e aur > a: oes Re ee ee ba oa Se a a Nie Die a ete oe ao : bs Oe EI eS een te Sg nN 2 ee b oa Fe er ee ~~ ye ees Seer we iy Ss Soe te A : = : SR Me “ec eee ne Soe ee te en ~ a oS, —S n m : SS re . “ = ~~ : : a et ~ re ST aoe “ > ee Pte: aes ae SS Soe ~ =. ee a = eae Ww ete we = Wh ae = ea te Te Shy atten Lens nell an OE ap Ye ee ee rao ne en ao LIBRARY M. Knoedler & Ga ; 14 East 57th St. | New York rp ye Y = adeospuey CATALOGUE of the LA PAIN TIN GS Collected and owned by the late MR. ANTHONY J. ANTELO The Sale will be on the afternoons of Tuesday and Wednesday March 24 and 25, 1903 Commencing each afternoon at 3 o’clock This Collection to be Sold by order of The Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities The Executor of the Estate The Paintings will be on Exhibition from Thursday, March 12th until the dates of Sale at M. THOMAS & SONS’ Galleries, 1519-1521 Chestnut Street SAML S. ELLIS HARRY BARE Auctioneer Manager Conditions of Sale 1 The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute es case ‘between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re- sold. 2. The Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid which is” merely a nominal or fractional advatice, and therefore, in his jndes ment, likely to affect the Sale injuriously. 3. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, Oh required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 4. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk — upon the conclusion of the Sale, and the remainder of the Purchase- money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfac- tion of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery; in default of which the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible if the Lots be — lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 5. While the undersigned will not hold themselves responsible for the correctness of the description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any. fault or defect in, any Lot; and make no Warranty whatever, they will, upon receiving previous to date of Sale trustworthy expert opinion in writing that any Painting or other Work of Art is not what it 1s represented to be, use every effort on their part to furnish proof to the contrary, failing in which, the object or objects m question will be sold subject to the declaration of the aforesaid ex- pert, he being lable to the Owner or Owners thereof, for damage or injury occasioned thereby. 6. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 7. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared - within one day from conclusion of Sale shall be re-sold by public or private sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. M. THOMAS & SONS. Auctioneers ae Artists Represented in the Collection Alvarez, 37 Andre, 2 Barker of Bath 93 ' Bargue, 29 Baron, 28 Beauquesne, 57 Bierstadt, 47 Boldini, 69 Boulanger, 22 Brown, J. L., 55 Burnon, 58 Casilear, 7 Chaplin, 32 Chierici, 89 Corot, 72, 84 Couture, 36 Dagnan-Bouveret, 67 © Daubigny, 71, 86 DeBeaumont, 92 Delacroix, 90 Diaz, 27, 65, 75 DuChattel, 31 Dupray, 9 Dupre, 74 Dvorak, 3, 68 Escosura, 12 Fichel, 1 Fortuny, 62, 83 Fromentin, 63 Gaulis, 5 Girard, 4 Hamman, 18 _ Hamon, 17 Hart 8 Henner, 85 Indoni, I0, 45 Irving, 34, 54 Isabey, 23 Jacque, 76 Kensett, 6 Leray 42, Madou. 66 Madrazo, 88 Marchetti, 87 Mathon, 39 Meissonier, 82 Meyer von Bremen, 33 Michetti, 14 Millet, 43 Miralles, 13 Monet, 79 Monticelli, 77 Munkacsy, 35 Opie, 60 Pasini, 24 Poussin, 21 Ramsey, II Rico, 81 Riva, 59 Rousseau, 78 Ruysdael, 30 Santoro, 15 Seitz, 16 Serrure, 20 Simonetti, 40 Stevens, 70 Sweetzer, 38 Thaulow, 80 Troyon, 73, 94 Vanni, 41 Verboeckhoven, 25 Vibert, 44, 91 Villegas, 61 Wiarini, 56 Worms, 19 Wouverman, 64 Zamacois, 26 CATALOGUE First Afternoon’s Sale Tuesday Afternoon, March 24th, at 3 o’clock FICHEL (Eugene) Deceased Born at Paris Pupil of Paul Delaroche Medals, 1857, 1861 and 1869 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Hors Concours ALO 1 The Smoker 6% x 83% ANDRE (E.) 202 2 Inthe Archway 42 X7 DVORAK (Frant) Paris if 3 lhe Baby's Sleep 92 X7 GIRARD (Firmin) Paris Born at Poncin (Ain.) Pupil of Gleyre Medal, Third Class, 1863 Medal, Second Class, 1874 Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1896 Hors Concours “5 j Societaire OC 4 Wounded 0%4x 14 A Drawing in Per and Ink GAULIS (F.) Paris IAT See Es Venice Waters 1714 X 103% A Most Exquisite Aquarelle KENSE Tet Deceased Born, Cheshire, Conn., 1818 Died, 1873 He studied abroad for seven years, in Rome, Naples, Switzerland and the Italian Lakes He exhibited in the Paris Exposition of 1878 He was elected a Member of the National Academy of Design at New York, 1849 One of the Best of the Old New York Painters hg) Boslidia qe 0x77 CASILEAR «(John W.), Now. Deceased Born in New York Elected Associate of the National Academy in 1835 Academician in 185r One of the Noted Old Painters of New York Jo 7 Catskill Creek 7X9 HART (James McDougal), N. A. Deceased Born in Kilmarnock, Scotland, May 10, 1828 Elected Associate of the National Academy, 1857 Elected Academician in 1859 Jo 8 Cattle in the Stream 74 X 105% DUPRAY (Louis Henri) Paris Born at Sedan (Ardennes) Pupil of Leon Cogniet and Pils Medals, 1872 and 1874 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Hors Concours ye 9 .. Phe:tLancers I56y%~x2ay INDONI (F.) , Rome “44S 10 Talking Gossip em ae +. T4 x21 RAMSEY (Milne) | New York Born in Philadelphia ‘Pupil of Bonnet in Paris oo rt Objects of Art 20 x 24 feet oURA (Leon Y.) Paris Born at Oviedo, Spain Pupil of Gerome Medals at Madrid and Seville Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Charles III of Spain Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal Se Fa the Bull Ring at Seville 64 x8Y% MIRALLES (Francois) | Paris | Born at Valencia, Spain Pupil of Miralles the Elder Medal at Madrid “2 13 .At Trouville 5X72 MICHET TI (Francesco Paolo) Deceased Born at Chieti, about 1852 Pupil in Naples of Eduardo Dalbono. Also studied in Paris Medals at Rome and Naples Medals at Turin, Florence and Parma Grand Medal of Italy Jf 14 In Italian Fields 7¥% X 1034 SANTORO Paris 72 15 Autumn SEITZ (Anton) Munich Born at Roth, near..Nuremburg, 1830 Pupil of Friedrich Wagener and Reindel in Nuremburg and in 1853-63 of Fliiggen in Munich - Gold Medal in 1869 194, 16 The German Innkeeper 42 X 52 ie pictures are in many great galleries, especially in Germany and America HAMON (Jean Louis) Deceased Born at Plouka (Cotes du Nord), 1821 Died on the-way to Vichy, 1874 Pupil of Paul Delaroche and Gleyre Medal at the London Exhibition, 1851 Medals at Paris, 1853 and 1855 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1855 Medal, 1867, Exposition. Universelle Hors Concours /OOC 17 The Voyage of Hope 1834 x 13 HAMMAN (Edouard-Jean-Konrad), Prof. Deceased Born at Ostend, September 24, 1819 Pupil of De Keyser of Antwerp Settled in Paris, 1846 Gold Medal in Brussels, 1848 Chevalier of the Order of Leopold, 1864 Medals, 1853, 1859 1863 and 1864 Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1864 Hors Concours Medal at Madrid is Oe. TReseuhe Marguerite 1054 Xx 137% WORMS (Jules) Paris Born in Paris, December 16, 1832 Pupil of Lafosse Medals, 1867, 1868 and 1869 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1876 Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Societaire 700 Si othe Masqueraders ™ 104A x 4K pe an 20..dhe Lovers 1744 x 2134 POUSSIN (Nicolas) Deceased Born at Andelys, Normandy, June, 1593 Died in Rome, November 19, 1665 Pupil of Quentin Varin in Andelys and of Noel Jouvenet, Ferdinand Elle and Lallemont in Paris In 1624 he went to Rome and studied there with the Sculptor Duquesnoy BS 41 Landscape 844 x 10144 BOULANGER (Gustave-Rodolphe-Clarence) Deceased Born at Paris Prix de Rome, 1849 Medal, Second Class, 1857, 1859 and 1863 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1863 Medal, Second Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle Member of the Institute of France, 1882 Hors Concours oe 22 On the Appian Way 1034 X 1534 ISABEY (Louise Gabriel Eugene) Deceased Born at Paris, 1804. Died in Paris, 1887 Pupil of his father Medals, First Class, 1824 and 1827 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1832 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1852 Medal, First Class, 1855, Exposition Universelle ig Hors Concours y, uv 23 Awaiting the Arrival I2x 154 IO PASINI (Albert) — Born at Busseto, near Parma, Italy Pupil of Ciceri, Isabey and Th. Rousseau Lived many years in Turkey, Arabia and Persia _ Medal, Third Class, 1859 Medals, Second Class, 1863 and 1864 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1868. : Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, Exposition Universelle — Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Hors Concours Medal at the Vienna Exposition, 1873 fed tear Chevalier of the Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazare Officer of the Orders of Turkey and Persia . Honorary Professor of the Academies of Parma and Turin J//O 24 On the Marcas IOx 144 VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene Joseph) Dee Born at Warneton, Belgium, 1799 Died, 1 _ Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium Chevalier of the Order of Michael of Bavaria Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal Decorated with the Iron Cross Published in 1822 in the Gallery of the Great Painters of Busian and Holland Member of the Academies of Belgium, Antwerp and St. Petersburg Medals, 1824, and First Class, 1841 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1845 Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle ‘Hors Concours /$O 2 Landscape and Animals 04 x II ZAMACOIS (Ed), deceased Paris Pupil of Meissonier Born at Bilboa, 1840 Died, 1871 Medal, 1867 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle / $2 26 A Game of Cards : 7%4 x8 Lsabey 1 lva the Arr ing it Awa ii DIAZ DE LA PENA (Narcisse Virgile) Deceased Born at Bordeaux, of Spanish parents, August 21, 1808 Died at Mentone, November 18, 1876 Medals, 1844, 1846 and 1848 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1851 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artist, 1878, Exposition Universelle JO 27 An Idyl 24x77 BARON (Henri Charles Antoine) Deceased : — Born at Besancon, June, 1816 Died, 1885 Pupil of Gigoux Exhibited first in the Salon of 1840 Then visited Italy Medals, 1847 and Second Class, 1848 Medals, 1855, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1859 Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle J 20 28 Music Hath Charms 104 x 1334 BARGUE (Charles) Deceased Born at Paris Died at Paris 1883 Pupil of Gerome Wee Medals, 1867 and 1868 Soc 29 Preparing to Bathe 52 x8 Bargue was undoubtedly one of the greatest artists of the cen- tury. His paintings were few in number and wonderfully dear in price. This picture was imported from the house of Goupil & Co., of Paris. His picture of the Sentinel, size 8x 11 in the Morgan sale sold for $12,300. VAN RUISDAEL (Ruysdael) Salomon Deceased Born, Haarlem, about 1600. Buried November 1, 1670 Pupil of the Works of Esaias Van de Velde and Jan Van Goyen Entered the Haarlem Guild in 1623 and was its President in 1648 Wa His pictures in all the great collections of the world ZAJo 30 Landscape 14% x 16% £2 DU CHATTEL (Frederikus Jacobus) The Hague Born, 1856 Gold Medals in Amsterdam, Berlin and Munich Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Order of Oranje Nassau Chevalier of Leopold of Belgium and St. Michael of Bavaria LIC 31 A Showery Day at Rysnyk IQ x 1234 CHAPLIN (Charles) Deceased Born, Andelys (Eure), 1825 His father was an Englishman and his mother a French woman Pupil of Ecole des Beaux Arts and of Drolling Medal, Third Class, 1851 Medal Second Class, 1852 and 1865 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1865 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1877 Hors Concours LG 0 32. The Doves 944 xX 11% MEYER (Johann Georg) Deceased Called Meyer Von Bremen Born at Bremen, 1813 Pupil of the Dusseldorf Academy Member of the Amsterdam Academy Medals at Berlin and Philadelphia Child and Pet Kitten 44x 51% Voge Go IRVING (J. Beaufain), N. A. Deceased Born, Charleston, S. C., 1826 Died, New York, 1877 Elected Associate of the National Academy, 1869 Elected Academician in 1872 40 34 The Cavalier 774 X9 ee ne nium cialis A Spinning B e e€ Alvarez are MUNKACSY (Mihaly), ; (Real Name Michael Lieb) Born at Munkacs, Hungary, October 10, 1846 Pupil of the Vienna Academy and of Franz Adam of Munich Received three first prizes in Munich Medal, 1870 Second Class Medal, 1874 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1877 Medal of Honor, 1878, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Grand Prix, 1889, Exposition Universelle Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1890 Hors Concours Medal at Vienna, 1882 Member of Munich Academy, 1881 2G ee Study 184x 13% COUTURE (Thomas) Deceased Born at Seulis (Otse), December 21, 1815 Died in Villiers le Bel (Seine et Oise) March 31, 1879 Pupil of Gros and Paul Delaroche Won the Second Grand Prix in 1837 Medals, Third Class, 1844 Medals, First Class, 1847 and 1855 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1848 Jane 36 Pleasure Leading Her Votaries 131% x10 ALVAREZ (Don Louis) Rome Born in Spain Pupil of Federigo Madrazo at Madrid 5 Also studied in Rome ee Medals at Madrid, Valencia and Rome Medal at Centennial at Philadelphia 425 37 A Spinning Bee 18 x 13 An exceedingly fine work of art This artist was represented in the Lankenau, C. H. Wolff and Bement Collections in Philadelphia and in Morgan, Stewart and Hawk collections in New York. SWEITZER Dusseldorf pee? 38 Caught 1934 X 24 14 MATHON (Emile Louis) Parts Born -at Pans Pupil of Arbant and Daubigny Medals at Rheims and Ghent Medal at Antwerp Medal at Marseilles /48 39 On the Quay at Villefeanenes Alpes Maritimes 287% x 235% SIMONETTI (Ettore) Rome Born at Rome Pupil of Fortuny Medals at Rome, Naples and Venice £20 40 A Roman Birthday Party 21 X36 VANNI (Demetrio) Deceased A picture most beautiful in tone ee. 41 The Countess 2116 oe This picture was formerly in the Borie Collection ERAGE?) Deceased / 7S 42 Going to Church in x> eee MILLET (Jean Francois) ~ Deceased Born at Gréville, 1814. Died, 1875 Pupil of Paul Delaroche Pensioned to study in Paris by Cherbourg in 1834 Medals, 1853 and 1854 Medal, First Class, 1607342 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1868 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, E. U. bo 43 Mother and Child 834, x 11% This artist during his whole life only painted about eighty pic- tures. After his death his designs and unfinished studies were sold at the Hotel Drouot, in Paris; and, although numbering but fifty- six, they brought 321,034 francs. Another small collection of designs were sold just after, and brought 431,050 francs. ~ 15 ViIBERT (Jean Georges) Deceased — Born at Paris, 1840. Died, 1902 ou of Barrias and the School of Fine Arts Medals, 1864, 1867 and 1868 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1882 Hors Concours bo 44 Watching the Spit 6% xX 7% INDONI (F.) Rome 3 45 Resting by the Way 19 x 20% UNKNOWN 92 46 The Bather | 134% x 16% Pee olADT (Albert).N.A. New York Born at Dusseldorf, Germany, January 7, 1830 Came with his parents to New Bedford, Mass., in 1831 He went to Dusseldorf and Rome in 1853 and studied there four years Again visited Europe in 1867-1878 and 1883 Elected National Academician in 1860 Medals in Austria, Germany, Bavaria and Belgium Cross of the Legion of Honor, Paris, 1869 Hors Concours Order of St. Stanislaus, 1869 Medal, Second Class, 1872 om 47 Scene in California iy he ae 16 Second Afternoon’s Sale _ Wednesday, March 25th, at 3 o’clock | z 4 =) te ( After) MILLET (Jean Francois) Etched by Bracquemond Remarque Proof 20 48 Spring Etching (After) MILLET (Jean Francois) Etched by Bracquemond Remarque Proot Jo | ee — 4g Autumn . Etching (After) MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest) Etched by Monzies Remarque Proof 7 a 50 La Lecture chez Diderot Etching (After) COROT (Jean Baptiste Camille) Etched by Kratke Remarque Proof JO 31 The Bath of Diana Etching (After) ROUSSEAU (Theodore) Etched by Kratke Artist Japan Proof LS 52 Le Pecheur Etching ed 17 (After) MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest) Colored Photograph Bae 9 52 Phe Cavalier 5344 x77 IRVING (J. Beaufain), N. A. Deceased Born in Charleston, S. C., 1826 - Died in New York, 1877 / Elected Associate of the National Academy, 1860 as Elected Academician-in 1872 od 54 Dislodging the Intruder . ) 14x18 BROWN (John Lewis) Deceased Born at Bordeaux Medals, 1865, 1866 and 1867 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Hors Concours Go 55 Lessons in Horsemanship 2134 X 17% WIARINI (ALES.) Deceased 75 56 The Music Lesson A ox vA 9/4 X 1234 BEAUOQUESNE (Wilfred Constant) Paris Born at Rennes Pupil of Horace Vernet and M. Emile Lecomte Go 57. French Officer Watching the Enemy 9% X 12% BURNON (Pierre) Deceased » Tiga 58 A Woman of the Revolution 5% x 6% RIVA (Guiseppi) Rome bo 59 The Mandolin Player 16.x 24 OPIE, t (Jobe) Professor nae Born. at: St. Abnee near Dates Cornwal Visited London in 1780, and was called “The. Cor Died in or Buried at St. Paul’s Cathedral, near ie? ice ‘Sir Joshua Reynolds oo Many of this artist's works are in the National G: | don and in all the important. galleries throughout the ( dom. ; cree i ried 40 60. The Good- bye . 2 Y 25 x 30 o VILEEGAS = jose; Born at Seyille Pupil of Fortuny © One of the greatest living Spanish artists” ae Medals at Seville, Madrid, Cordova, Rome, Naples, Parm: Turin BO. 61% The Faggot Gatherer ss 4 = ote oat bilt, D. O, Mills, R. L. Cutting, W. T. Walters, Metropo Museum, etc., etc. saa aod FORTUNY Y CARBO (Mariano) Born at Reuss, near Barcelona, July 11, 1839 Died at Rome, Nov. 21, 1874 Pupil of he Barcelona Academy and the Academy of the Gigi ome ; Pupil of Palau and Claudis Lorenzales Chevalier of. the Order of. Charles III Prize of Rome from Spain, 1858 Many decorations from various countries in Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposes ay ws: Universelle, 1878 . aha ab 200 62 The Bathers ae ee 5x 7% ce: 19 FROMENTIN- (Eugene) Born at La Rochelle (Charante Inferietire), October 24, 1820 ‘Died_at St. Maurice, La Rochelle, August 27, 1876 Pupil of Rémond and Cabat Visited Algiers in 1846-8 and in 1852-3 Medals, Second Class, 1849 and 1857 Medal, First Class, 1859 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1859 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1869 206 ago An Arab Horse 2494 X 1094 WOUWERMAN (Wouverman) PHILIPS ’ Born-Haarlem, Baptized, May 24, 1619 Died, Haarlem, May 19, 1668 Pupil of his father, Pauwels Joosten, and then of Jan Wynants Fo 64 Leading Horses to Water 134% X17 meee be PENA (Narcisse Virgile) Deceased Born at Bordeaux, 1807 Died at Paris, 1876 Medals, 1844, 1846 and 1848 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1851 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle 27S 65 In the Woods 1234 x 16 MADOU (Jean Baptiste) Deceased Born at Brussels January 26, 1796 Died at Brussels April 3, 1877 Pupil of Francois Member of the Academies of Brussels and Antwerp Medal at Paris, 1855 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1855 Chevalier of the Order of the Lion Commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium, 1863 7's 66 Reflection 73¥4X9%4 This artist’s works are in the Museum of Brussels, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Stettin, etc., and galleries of W. H. Vanderbilt, Astor, Belmont, ete. eke) DAGNAN-BOUVERET (Pascal Ad. Jean) Paris DOr, bars o Medal, Third Class, 1878 Medal, First Class, 1880 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1885 Medal of Honor, 1889 Grand Prix, 1889, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1892 Hors Concours - oe Societaire | aN 19 00. 67 The Breakfast 1514 x 18% fs DVORAK (Frant) Paris J/3OQ 68 Sensations of Delight 1234 xX 1 BOLDINI (Giovanni) Paris” Born at Ferrara (Italy), 1844 Grand Prix, 1889, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, oe Hors Concours r /$O 69 At the Play 18144 x 213% In the John Taylor Johnson sale his picture sold for Se Specimens of his work were in the Walters, Borie, Bement and Gibson collections. STEVENS: (Alfred) Paris and Brussels Born at Brussels May 11, 1828 Pupil of Narvez in Belgium and Roqueplan in Paris Pupil of the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris Medal, 1853 Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1863 Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 | Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle Commander of,the Legion of Honor, 1878 © Grand Prix, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Chevalier and Officer of the Order of Leopold of Belgium Commander of the Order of Leopold of Belgium in 1863 Chevalier and Commander of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria Chevalier and Commander of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria The Great Gold Medal of Honor at the Universal Exposition Antwerp, 1885 | bo 70 “By the Sea 442 %7 ‘ ‘2 = rs 67 The Breakfast Dagnan-Louveret . Hauling Logs in Autumn . Daubigny 24 <— DAUBIGNY (Charles Francois) Deceased _ Born at Paris, 1817. Died in Paris, 1878. Pupil of Paul Delaroche Medal, 1848 Medals, First Class, 1853, 1857 and 1859 Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1859 ‘Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874 Hors Concours Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle 4/@e 71 Hauling Logs in Autumn 45 X 3134 COROT (Jean Baptiste Camille) Deceased Born at Paris, 1796 Died, 1875 Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin Medals, 1833, First Class in 1848 and 1855 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846 Medal, 1867, Exposition Univ erselle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Hors Concours Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle ~#Ge@ 2 Near Trouville 203% x 2134 TROYON (Constant) Deceased Born at Sevres, August 28, 1810 Died in Paris in 1865 His parents wished him to be a painter of porcelain; but after a time spent in the manufactory at Sevres, he studied under Alf. Riocreux, and became a painter of landscape and animals. Was also a pupil of Poupart. Was influenced by Roqueplan to study nature, and in his first exhibited picture, in 1836, gave evidence of signal individuality. Visited Holland in 1847 and completed his art education Medals, 1838, 1840 1848, 1855 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849 Member of the Amsterdam Academy Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle Landscape and Cattle 184 x 1234 | Oo) ASO iS) to DUPRE (Jules) = Deceased : . Born at Nantes, 1812 . Died at Paris, 1680 Medal, 1833 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849 Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1870 Grand Medal of Honor, 1889, Exposition Universelle Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1889 Hors Concours 750 ~ 74 Scene on the Seine 13 x 9% DIAZ DE LA PENA (Narcisse Virgile) Deceased Born at Bordeaux, 1807. Died at Paris, 1876 Medals, 1844, 1846 and 1848 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1851 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle ae /24 75. Paul and Vircine 7 x 7h JACQUE (Charles Emile) Paris First President of the French Society of Animal Painters Born .at Paris= i892 For Designs, Medals, 1851, 1861, and 1863 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Medal, 1867. Exposition Universelle For Paintings, Medals, 1861, 1863, and 1864 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Hors Concours 2ZO ~6 Tending Sheep 16, x 37a MONTICELLI (Adolph) : Paris Born at Marseilles, 1824 : Pupil of Diaz and Delacroix One of the greatest colorists of the century, and an artist whose work the world will not let die 260 77 The Picnic eee aer en wee On of the Sea “4 -"~ 80 ; cae Scene on the Seine at Paris Thaulow 23 ROUSSEAU (Theodore) Deceased _ Pupil of Lethiere Born, 1812. Died, 1867 Medals, 1834, 1849 and 1855 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1867 One of the Eight Grand Medals of Honor, 1867, at the Exposition ; Universelle Diploma fo the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle Go 78 Landscape 834 x 10% MONET (Claude) Paris ____This artist, who now belongs to the Impressionist School and is its leader, has become one of the most celebrated artists of modern times. ya00 79 On the Border of the Sea Bomex he THAULOW (Fritz) Paris Born at Christiania, Norway Member of the Jury, 1889, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1889 Due Grand Prix, 1900 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1go1 Hors Concours A452eEC 80 Scene on the Seine at Paris 3612 x 2534 RICO (Martin) Paris Born at Madrid Pupil of Federico de Madrazo in Madrid Studied in Paris and Rome ; Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle me Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle Hors Concours Several Medals and Decorations in Spain f Ps 81 Landscape on the Seine 27 X 157% This picture was from the Borie collection Born at Paris eA 24 MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest) Deceased Born at Lyons, 1813 ‘Pupil. of Leon -Cogniet Medals 1849 and 1841 Medals of the First Class, 1843 and 1848 vA Cross of the Legion of Honor, 184 Grand Medal of Honor, 1855, Exposition Uniceette Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1856 Member of the Institute of France, 1861 Grand Medal of Honor, 1867, Exposition Universelle Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Grand Medal of Honor, 1878, Exposition Universelle Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Hors Concours Honorary Member of the R. A., London Grand Medal of Honor, Universal Exposition at Antwerp, 1885, SI00. 82 The Herald 94 x 12% This picture was in the Meissonier Exhibition in Paris FORTUNY (Mariano) - Deceased / Born in Reus, Catalonia, July 11, 1839 iP Died at Rome, November 21, 1874 a Pupil of Barcelona Academy and the Academy of Gigi at Rome Pupil of Palau and Claudis Lorenzales Chevalier of the Order of Charles III Prize of Rome from Spain, 1858 Died in Rome, November 21, 1874 Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, Exposition Universelle, 1878 Many decorations from many countries The Worship of Pan 41 x 30% 2EGZO - 83 COROT (Jean Baptiste Camille) Deceased Born at Paris, 1796 Died, 1875 s | Pupil of Michallon and Victor Bertin oh Medals, 1833, First Class in 1848 and 1855 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1846 Medal, 1867, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1867 Hors Concours Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle oa 7S. 84 Near Ville D’ Avray 1334x90% tir lM a Be Pl eatin Te a 7SSOH Me The Herald Sale 3 hago os | The Worship of Pan Fortuny’, cee Ay a 25 HENNER (Jean Jacques) Paris Born at Bernwiller (Alsace), March 5, 1829 Pupil of Drolling and Picot Grand Prize of Rome, 1858 s Medals, 1863, 1865 and 1866 ee Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1873 Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1878 First Class Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle Member of the Institute, 1880 Member of the Jury, 1889, Expostion Universelle Medal of Honor, 1808 Commander of the Legion of Honor, 1898 Hors Concours Societaire Perpetuelle 250 $5. Phe Bather 5% x 8% DAUBIGNY (Charles Francois) Deceased Botneat aris, 1617, Died in Paris, 1878 Pupil of Paul Delaroche Medal, 1848 Medals, First Class, 1853, 1857 and 1859 Medal, 1855, Exposition Universelle y Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1859 uu Medal, First Class, 1867, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1874 Hors Concours Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle S50 86 Washerwomen on the Seine 2234 x 1234 MARCHETTI (Ludovico) Paris Born at Rome Pupil of Fortuny Medal, 1889, Exposition Universelle ue Medals at Rome, Florence and Venice Chevalier of the Order of the Crown of Italy S26 87 In the Bois 214 x 2534 26 MADRAZO (Raimundo de) Paris Born at Rome, of Spanish parents, July 24, 1841 Pupil of his father, Frederico Madrazo Pupil at Paris of the Ecole des Beaux Arts and Leon Cogniet Medal, First Class, 1878, Exposition Universelle Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1878 Gold Medal, 18890, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1889 Hors Concours Chevalier of the Order of Christ of Portugal Chevalier of the Order of Rose of Brazil Chevalier of the Order of Charles III of Spain O50 | 88 The News of the Day 2472 X 3172 CHIERICI (Getano) Deceased This artist received a number. of medals in Italy, from all its museums, and also distinctions from many foreign countries. At London Royal Academy, 1877, he exhibited “The Widow’s Dinner,” and in 1876 “Mother is Ill” and “The Bath.” The Corcoran gallery / at Washington, owns his picture called “Fun and Fright.” Another [ of his pictures is in the Gibson collection at the Pennsylvania Aca- cf demy of the Fine Arts. This picture was shown at the last exhibi- tion of the Union League and if a vote of those attending could have been taken, would certainly have received the largest number over any other picture. LLZ00 89 Taking Advantage 31% x 24% DELACROIX (Ferdinand Victor Eugene) Deceased | Paris Born at Charenton, 1798. Died, 1863 Member of the Institute ri _ Commander of the Legion of Honor / Pupil of Pierre Guerin, whose style he abandoned to become a / “Romanticist” LOG 9o--An Alpena M K 1234 X 1534 if 49-\ _ This specimen for quality cannot be excelled. It was the admira- we tion of Mr. Wm. H. Stewart in Paris, and would have been bought for his collection, but the picture was sold, and it could not then be bought at any price. 88 The News of the Day Madrazo ie 89 oe Taking Advantage Chierict 90 An Albanian Officer Delacroix © 91 Vibert himself and Zamacois sitting on the Rock at Etretat Vibert a ; 92 | . The Rescue of Don Juan De Beaumont 94 Landscape and Cattle Troyon 27 VIBERT (Jean Georges) Born at Paris, 1840 Pupil of Barrias and the School of Fine Arts Medals, 1864, 1867 and 1868 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1870 oe Medal, 1878, Exposition Universelle Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1882 -Hors Concours Societaire Vibert himself and Zamacois sitting on the Rock at Etretat 38 X 2334 DE BEAUMONT (Charles Francois Edouard) Deceased Deceased Gas gl Paris Born at Lannion (Cotes du Nord) Pupil of Boisselier Ke Medals, 1870 and 1873 oe Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1877 Hors Concours ISO 92 The Rescue of Don Juan 36% x 25% BARKER (Thomas) Deceased (Called Barker of Bath. ) Born near Pontepool, Monmouthshire, England, in 1769 Died at Bath, December 11, 1847 Son and pupil of Benjamin Barker Studied 1790-3 in Rome A7S 93 A Gipsey Encampment 41% x 30% From the Meade collection TROYON Beeetanh) Deceased Born at Sevres, 1810 Died, 1865 Pupil of Rivereux Medals, 1838, 1840, 1848 and 185 Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1849 Member of the Academy of Amsterdam Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists, 1878, Exposition Universelle 20 aa0 94 Landscape and Cattle 7 46% x 30 oes a PEST ART LBNL SL EST BIO ESE EE SO F GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE EL 3 3125 01662 7891 ve ache’ fe a a et Th chr he VF a » ae aC Ht nes 7 } oF Ph gaehs wt) ; Veterele size! aye. Cr aah eee Pree a wy tea #/&3 ty arn Hi + A392 9% NORTE tite ta dr e4, 7 ry lesd Teja rete re eee oy PAP a Pe Aah tet * bear aear ye in 7 ; if ‘AW Dip ahs kone i ay Wa ee 41525 599 oP ore) : SiH iy Gh #5 a4 Pele Pte Sas BIE Sa pe ere es tee esaie Pade Red Se HSS reine atk ay hee pt aise) ay ; * mt irs bah 4 Sg rerQues ele Veh ie eh 4 AAP RPRSAL AN ALRNet Geer er hE Thleiy retin ematat erate | seis Abt t fates ms i) sit t x AS xe Nhat Pa 4; e4aes ; P § lalate A Syei af Ch nt ee Scere ity stalls ae AN J ise = W255 ary tk 7 iH 4 irae \y ® ay) betel y: aK one “ ane fn hae +i H tet aad aly ered aay 2 f=. ra = *. 3 Rin tee a - oi = pad etm aa SPs ee ~ 2 “4 = - pee’ Paes SE ae Hoar h A es are wet D-_- 9 iq ty * : Urarat act Paes ae eae hl wy Mere Ft Rang ay = i ile ea ss <= = rae < o ne Re eee Bae hacia : ins Se ee Pact nae fot ee a Oa ar DP de ite < Oe ee) ee ata wee hn 0a aT allman a “i 2 a er a >. Se se ee aint Oh at a _ tO = Ramm.