4 AYUATIVO LAV LHOIATV O-8 Ove Be POO OO PEO BORE OOO ODF AN EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS AND SCULPTURE ADDED TO THE PERMANENT COLLECTIONS OF THE BUFFALO FINE ARTS ACADEMY THROUGH THE GENEROSITY OF THE LATE COLONEL CHARLES CLIFTON THE BUFFALO FINE ARTS ACADEMY ALBRIGHT ART GALLERY November 21 to December 16, 1928 283 PORTRAIT OF COLONEL CHARLES CLIFTON by EUGENE E. SPEICHER President of The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, 1918-1928 (Presented to the Permanent Collections of The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, 1924, by the Board of Directors.) EXPLANATORY NOTE (Colonel Clifton gave to The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy by direct gifts of works of art, by gift of moneys which were to be spent in principal, and moneys which were to be set up as an endowment for a picture fund.) ITH the purchase in 1924 of the marble by Edward W McCartan, entitled “The Kiss,” a Special Sculp- ture Fund was instituted by Colonel Clifton to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars. The prin- cipal of this fund was to be and has been used for the purpose of developing interest in the acquisition of sculpture. As it is a rule of the Academy that one fund cannot borrow from another, in the purchase of more expensive works of art it was often found that the income from various funds was insufficient to negotiate such pur- chases. This was the case in the purchase of the Gilbert Stuart Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Manigault, and the Abbott Thayer “Boy and Angel.” In both instances, the deficit was met by contributions from Colonel Charles Clifton. In 1919, the Charles Clifton Fund was established by his gift of the sum of one hundred thousand dollars in securities, the income from which was to be used for the purchase of pictures. By means of this income the Academy has been and will be enabled to add to its col- lections periodically. SGU Birr Ee EMILE ANTOINE BOURDELLE, French School, 1861- 1. Virgin of Alsace (bronze). (Purchased, 1926, from the Charles Clifton Seulpture Fund.) CECIL HOWARD, American School, 1888- 2. Dance (bronze). (Purchased, 1925, from the Charles Clifton Sculpture Fund.) EDWARD McCARTAN, American School, 1879- 3. The Kiss (marble). (Presented, 1924. Colonel Charles Clifton’s first purchase in sculpture.) IVAN MESTROVIC, Jugo Slavian School, 1883- 4. Innocentia (marble). (Presented, 1925.) AUGUSTE RODIN, French School, 1840-1917. 5. Eve apres la faute (marble). (Presented, 1924.) 6. Head of a Pharaoh, Egyptian, XVIII Dynasty. (Purchased, 1927, from the Charles Clifton Sculpture Fund.) 7. Headless Bust of a Scribe, Egyptian, Old Kingdom. , (Purchased, 1927, from the Charles Clifton Sculpture Fund.) 8. Ibis-Headed God Thoth, Egyptian, Old Kingdom. (Purchased, 1927, from the Charles Clifton Sculpture Fund.) 9. Bust in Profile of Princess wearing Tribal Necklace, Egyptian, XVIII Dynasty. (Purchased, 1927, from the Charles Clifton Sculpture Fund.) 10. Statue of Sainted Bishop, French, end of XIII Century. (Purchased, 1927, from the Charles Clifton Sculpture Fund.) 11. Seated Figure, Greco-Roman, Late Second Century B. C. (Purchased, 1927, from the Charles Clifton Seulpture Fund.) 6 PAINTINGS FLORENCE JULIA BACH, American School, 1887- ier ortrait. (Presented, 1917. The first gift of Colonel Charles Clifton to the Permanent Collections. ) GEORGE WESLEY BELLOWS, American School, 1882-1925. 2. Eleanor, Jean and Anna. | (Purchased, 1928, with income from the Charles Clifton Fund.) EDGAR DEGAS, French School, 1884-1917. 3. Deux danseuses en jupes vertes. (Purchased, 1928, with income from the Charles Clifton Fund.) GASTON LA TOUCHE, French School, 1854-1910. 4, Vision Antique. (Presented, 1919.) CLAUDE MONET, French School, 1840-1926. 5. Chemin de halage a Argenteuil. (Presented, 1919.) BERNARD VAN ORLEY, Flemish School, 1490-1542, 6. Diptych representing the Adoration of the Magi. (Purchased, 1927, with income from the Charles Clifton Fund.) JOACHIM DE PATENIR, Flemish School, 1490-1524, 7. Saint Jerome as a Penitent. (Purchased, 1827, with income from the Charles Clifton Fund.) JOHN SINGER SARGENT, American School, 1856-1925. 8. A Lady in White (Elsie Palmer). (Purchased, 1925, with income from the Charles Clifton Fund.) GILBERT STUART, American School, 1755-1828. 9. Portrait of Gabriel Manigault. 10. Portrait of Mrs. Gabriel Manigault. (Both paintings purchased, 1923, with income from the James S, Forsyth Fund, which was financed by Colonel Charles Clifton.) ABBOTT HANDERSON THAYER, American School, 1849-1921. 11. Boy and Angel. (Purchased, 1923, with income from the Knox and Clifton Funds.) 7 Wy . ALS Ayu ILLUSTRATIONS EARLY EGYPTIAN HEADLESS BUST OF A SCRIBE, EGYPTIAN, OLD KINGDOM 10 EARLY EGYPTIAN IBIS-HEADED GOD THOTH, EGYPTIAN, OLD KINGDOM 11 EARLY EGYPTIAN BUST IN PROFILE OF PRINCESS WEARING TRIBAL NECKLACE, EGYPTIAN XVIII DYNASTY 12 EARLY EGYPTIAN HEAD OF A PHARAOH, EGYPTIAN, XVIII DYNASTY 13 GRECO-ROMAN, LATE SECOND CENTURY B. C. SEATED FIGURE, GRECO-ROMAN, LATE SECOND CENTURY B. C. 14 FRENCH, XITITH CENTURY STATUE OF SAINTED BISHOP, FRENCH, END OF XIII CENTURY 15 FLEMISH, XVTH CENTURY SAINT JEROME AS A PENITENT by JOACHIM DE PATENIR - ") “12 Wid Duce a ‘te Pe Noa Xo . ewe cyt , fa, Bu un by, Jalan SSH Ue eth (Sik. bee tas. Ar}, We. 232.) 16 FLEMISH, XVTH CENTURY DIPTYCH REPRESENTING THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI by BERNARD VAN ORLEY 19 KLE wy a | Tee ein dan : Nel Vw Ae ae K oy AW k ny wr, } rh, ly 1 Dinar g Wh La cA ( 5 phe Uae 5, B co4 Wey ne. [Cp | Ly Utero { / i ‘ a ¢ } 17 EARLY AMERICAN PORTRAIT OF GABRIEL MANIGAULT by GILBERT STUART 18 EARLY AMERICAN PORTRAIT OF MRS. GABRIEL MANIGAULT by GILBERT STUART 19 CONTEMPORARY JUGO-SLAV INNOCENTIA by IVAN MESTROVIC 20 CONTEMPORARY FRENCH EVE APRES LA FAUTE by AUGUSTE RODIN 21 CONTEMPORARY FRENCH VIRGIN OF ALSACE by EMILE ANTOINE BOURDELLE 22 CONTEMPORARY FRENCH DEUX DANSEUSES EN JUPES VERTES by EDGAR DEGAS CONTEMPORARY FRENCH LAaNOW FGNVTI 44 TINGLNASAV V ASVIVH Ad NIWAHO 24 CONTEMPORARY FRENCH a PAS ay # Ae he oye * es ou a » ae Sed fhe 04 ee * 25 VISION ANTIQUE by GASTON LA TOUCHE CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN THE KISS by EDWARD McCARTAN 26 CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN ELEANOR, JEAN AND ANNA by GEORGE WESLEY BELLOWS 27 CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN BOY AND ANGEL by ABBOTT HANDERSON THAYER 28 CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN A LADY IN WHITE (ELSIE PALMER) by JOHN SINGER SARGENT 29 ai CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN DANCE by CECIL HOWARD 30 CONTEMPORARY AMERICAN PORTRAIT by FLORENCE JULIA BACH ol : | de esy