NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN, NEW YORK CePNNIAL LOAIi EXHIBITIOIl anxa 88-B 11624 1876. NATIONAL ACADEMY OF DESIGN, Cor. 23d St. and Fourth Ave. METROPOLITAl!Nr MUSEUM OF AET, 128 West 14th Street. F. CATALOGUE OF THE NEW YORK J ENTEpiAL Loan Exhibitioji OF PAINTINGS Selected from the Private Art Galleries 1876. AT THE National Academy of Dp:sign5 COR. 23D STREET AND 4th AVE., AT THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART, 128 West i4th Stkkkt. Admission 25 Cents. Catalogue 25 Cents. The present Exhibition originated in the suggestion that the City of New York onght to furnish to its centennial visitors more than its ordinary sources of entertainment. It was supposed that this object could be accomplished iu no more effective way than by a loan collection ol" pictures. The private galleries and individual possessions of oiu* citizens were known to be of a rare and munificient character, and it seemed probable that if these citizens could be persuaded to part with some of their treasures, for a time, a source of abnost iii! ri- valled attraction might be opened tu the general public. The appeal to them was answered ^\ith the most generous re-' spouses, which enable the committee having the affair in band to present an exhibition of art tliat has, they believe, never been surpassed on this continent. The proceeds of the exhibition will enure to the benefit of the National Academy of Design and the Metropolitan Museum of Art — two of our most useful and deserving pul>lic institutions. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. John Taylor Johnston, Chairman, D. H. McAlpine, Ex-Governor E. D. Morgan, Legrand B. Cannon, Augusts Belmont, John A. Weeks, John H. Sherwood, Thatcher Adams, William H. Osborn, Clark Bell, W. LoRiNG Andrews, Charles Butler, H. G. Marquand, W. J. Hoppin, William E. Dodge, Jr., Theodore Roosevelt, John Hoey, Daniel Huntington, J. H. Hall, T. Addison Richards, John Wolfe, S. J. Guy, C. S. Smith, J. G. Brown, Royal Phelps, Albert Bierstadt, T. A. Havemeyer, P. Waller, Lucius Tuckerman, Thomas Hicks, Charles O'Hara, H. Peters Gray, Philip Van Volkenburgh, Eastman Johnson, T. R. Butler, J. B. Irving, Dr. P. N. Otis, William Page, Josiah M. Fiske, Samuel Colman, Jules Oehme, W. Whittredge, Robert Gordon, S. L. M. Barlow, G. L. Burnham, Henry N. Smith, W. H. Bridgman, Bryan H. Smith, William Niblo, Aaron Healy, H. W. Robbins, W. W. Kenyon, W. C. Bryant, R. M. Olyphant, S. P. Avery, J. M. BUNDY, William Schaus, L. P. Morton, J. MiLBANK, George Jones, General J. H. Van Albn, Manton Marble, T. B. Musqrave, Whitelaw Reid, Samuel Hawk, Henry G. Stebbins, Benjamin H. Field, Henry E. Howland. Parke Godwin. Committee on Application and Selection of Pictures. Ex-Govcrnor E. D. Morgan, Chairman, William J. Hoppin, John Taylor Johnston, Parke Godwin, Lucius Tuckerman, J. W. Pinchot, Robert Hoe, Jr. Clark Bell. Committee on Finance and Insurance. John H. Sherwood, Chairman, Philip Van VoLKENBURan, Robert Gordon, Samuel Hawk, T. B. MusGRAVE, William H. Bridgman, William H. Osborn. Committee on Printing, T. Addison Richards, Chairman, J. G. Brown, Jules Oehme. Committee on Transportation and Hanging. Daniel Huntington, Chairman, Thomas Hicks, W. Whittredge, S. p. Avery, Samuel Colman. Committee of Management, John Taylor Johnston, Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Ex-Giovernor E. D. Morgan, Thomas Hicks, Worthington Whittredge, ' J. W. Pinchot. Parke Godwin. Treasurer, John H. Sherwood. CATALOGUE. FROM THE COLLECTION OF EX-GOV. E. D. MORGAN. Nos. 1 to 84. (North Room). 1 Portrait of a Lady, George A. Baker, N. A., ISTew York. 2 Portrait of a Gentleman, Charles L.' Elliott, IS^. A., New York, (dec'd). 3 Raspberries, Geo. Henry Hall, JST. A., New York. 4 Landscape, A. B. Durand, N. A., New York. 5 Wassawandas in Autumn, J. F. Cropsej, N. A., New York. 6 Portrait of the late Jasper Morgan, Charles L. Elliott, N. A., New York (dec'dV 7 Costume Girl 16th Century (style of Rubens), C. Maccari, Rome. 8 The Prize Horse, Franz Defreggrer, Munich. 9 An Intrigue ; Period of the Venetian Republic, Scipione Yannutelli, Rome. 10 Yalley of the Rhone, F. G. Steffan, Munich. 8 11 The Rose of Yenice, 12 JSTymph, 13 In the Library, 14 The Reverie, 15 Washerwomen on the Coast 16 The Old Madonna, 17 Sheep and Goats, 18 The Convalescent, 19 Spanish Birthday Festival, 20 Luther and the Reformers .21 Key to Picture ISTo. 20, 22 The Soldier's Return, 28 Turkish Woman, 24 Storm, 25 Departure of the Bride, Eug. Blaas, Paris. Hip^ Lazerges, Rome. Willems & De Noter, Paris Firm in Girard, Paris. of Brittany, Jules Breton, Paris. E. Yedder, N. A., Rome. E. Yerboeckhoven, Brussels. T. Caraud, Paris. L. Alvarez, Rome. : Marburg (1529.) Portraits, Linden Schmidt, Munich. E. Y. Schoultz, Paris. Edward Dubufe, Paris. A. Achenbach, Dusseldorf, Oh. Baugniet, Paris, 26 Cattle, 27 The Gipsy, 28 Caligula, 29 The Bouquet, 30 Peace, 31 After the Duel, 32 The Betrothal, 33 Flirtatiou, 34 Aiiinials at Rest, A. Braith, Munich. Otto Rethel, Dusseldorf. R. I-Jornpiani, Rome. M. Cossinanii, Paris. R. Bonipiaui, Rome. Carl Holf, Dusseldorf. Firinin Girard, Paris. Y. Codina, Paris. T. S. Cooper, R. A., Loudon (dec'd). 35 Shepherd and his Flock, 36 Paestum, 37 Flowers of the Country, 38 Clown, 39 Mouse and Kittens, 40 Disappointment, Pollick Beta, Munich. IT. Corrodi, Rome. E. Saintin, l*aris. Casimo Lemaire, Paris, n. IT. Couldery, Paris. C. Lasch, Dusseldorf. 10 4:1 Confidence, 42 Industry, 43 Love Making, 44 The Butterfly, 45 The Family, 46 Interrogating, 47 At the Window, 48 Supper, 49 The Solicitor, 50 Flowers of the City, Y. Chavet, Paris. Meyer von Bremen, Berlin. Gr. Stella, Venice. R. Madrazo, Paris. E. Rudaux, Paris. J. L. Brown, Paris. F. Willems, Paris. C. Pecrus, Paris. Geo. Brillouin, Paris. E. Sain tin, Paris. 51 Going Out to Spend the Day, J. G. Brown, IST. A., New York. 52 The Happy Wife, 53 Happiness, 54 Raspberries, 55 Winter on the Hudson, W. Bouguereau, Paris. Jos. Coomans, Paris. W. M. Brown, New York. Jas. M. Hart, N. A., New York. 11 5() Portrait of a Gentleman, diaries L. Elliott, N. A., New York (dec'd). 57 Portrait of a Lady, George A. Baker, N. A., New York. 58 Dogs Not Admitted, Otto Bache, Mmiich. 59 In the Tuilleries, F. H. Kaennnerer, Paris. 60 The Toilet, C. E. Boettcher, Dusseldorf. 61 La Peche, Firmin Girard, Paris. Coming from School, 0. Kronberger, Munich. 63 Le Bagage de Cro(j[nemitaine, T. Lobrichon, Paris. 64 The Coming Storm, Fred. Yoltz, Paris. 65 Difference of Opinion, E. Schmitzberger, Munich. 66 The Young Kurse, W. Bouguereau, Paris. 67 The Jolly Musicians, T. Madau, Paris. 68 Pontine Marshes, H. Corrodi, Rome. Corridor. 69 Charity, W. Kaulbach, Munich (dec'd). 12 70 Kornombio, Egypt, 71 The Wedding Eve, 72 Preparing the Bride, 73 The Florentine Picnic 74 Fruit, 76 Game, 76 Hecht Lake, 77 Still Life, 78 Preparing for School, 79 Tambourine Girl, 80 Scene m Court, 81 Venice, J. E. Tilton, Eome. A. H. Dieffenbach, Paris. Ch. Baugniet, Paris. E. Vedder, A., Eome, J. H. Dolph, New York. E. Lentze, JST. A., New York, (dec'd). Carl Milner, Munich. David de Noter, Brussels. T. Lobrichon, Paris. W. Bouguereau, Paris. C. Kronberger, Munich. J. E. Tilton, Eome. N W. Room. 82 The Eeprimand, 83 Venice, H. Porta, Eome. C. C. Coleman, New York. IB 84 I-Lead of a Girl, y. Lemaire, Paris. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. JOSIAH M. FISKE. Nos. 85 to 87. (East Room). 85 Pension Agent, Eastman Jolnison, JST. A., New York. 86 Grandma's Birtliday, Rudolf Epp, Munich. 87 Alpine Tonrists, E. Boutibonne, Paris. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. PARKE GODWIN. Nos. 88 to 94. (East Room). 88 Landscape, Cai-1 S])itzweg, Munich, 89 Head of Washington, William Page, N". A., New York. 90 Objets d'Art, Blaise Desgoffe, Paris. 91 The Coming Storm. W. Bongnereau, Paris. 92 Tlie Oi-phan, H. J. Burgers, Paris. 93 The Persian Girl, Chas. Landelle, Paris. 94 Landscape and Cattle, A. D. Shattuck, N. A., New York. 14 FKOM THE COLLECTION OF MR. CHAS. STEWART SMITH. Nos. 9S to 119. East Room. 95 Hide and Seek, Jean Verhaas, Brussels. 96 Girl Sewing, A. Jonrdan, Paris. 97 Echo. (The Greek Legend), Alex. Cabanel, Paris. 98 The Jealous Landlord, F. Hiddemann, Paris. 99 The Flower Market of Tangiers, G. Clairin, Paris. 100 Galileo before the Cardinal, Chas. Lonis M tiller, Paris. 101 Flirtation, F. Indoni, Pome. 102 SnoAV Storm in Pnssia, Adolph Schrever, Paris. 108 The Last Throw, J. Spiridon, Paris. 104 Poor Student of the Sixteenth Centnry, A. Steinlieil, Paris. 105 The Dispute, F. Bnmeri, Pome. 106 Preparing for the Bath, Chas. Chaplin, Paris. 107 Watching the Flock, Edmond Tschaggeny, Brussels. 108 The Lion on Guard, J. L. Gerome, Paris, 15 109 Mj Pussy, 110 Soldiers off Duty, 111 Little Gretchen, 112 A Spanish Lady, 113 Worldly Thoughts, 114 The Attack, 115 The Little Scholar, 116 The Coming- Shower, 117 Objects of Art, 118 Fisher Girl's Dream. 119 Cattle, Leon Perranlt, Paris. Edw. Detaille, Paris. L. Knans, Berlin. R. Madrazo, Paris Paul loris, Rome. Adolph Schreyer, Paris. W. Bouguereau, Paris. Firmin Girard, Paris. Blaise Desgoffe, Pai-i^^. J. L. Aubert, Pai'is. J. H. L. De Haas, Brussels. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. W. L. ANDREWS. Nos. 120 to 122. (East Room). 120 After the Storm, 121 Love's Sacrifice, Augusta Bonheur, Paris. J. L. Aubert, Paris 16 122 Gipsy's Reverie, Geo. H. Bonglitoii, N. A., London. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. H. E. HOWLAND. Nos. 123 to 124. (East Room). 123 Cat, Geo. B. Butler, Jr., N. A., Few York. 124 Old Soldier, J. G. Yibert, Paris. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MRS. C. A. LAMONT. Nos. 12B to 129. East Room). 126 The Invader — Prussian Soldier, Ed. Detaille, Paris. 126 Figure, Ed. Zamacois, Paris (dec'd.) 127 Repose, H. Merle, Paris. 128 Cossacks on the March, Adolph Schreyer, Paris. 129 The Italian Girl, Alex. Cabanel, Pai-is. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MRS. PARAN STEVENS. Nos. ISO to 1B4, (East Room). 130 Bhie Dress, Alfred Stevens, Paris. 131 Mother and Child, Meyer von. Bremen, Berlin. 17 132 Cavalier, 133 Time of Louis XY, 134 Pet Kitten, 135 Cattle, 136 The Lesson, 137 Venice, 138 The Woman of Bruges, 139 Allegory, 140 Marriage Festival, 141 Landscape and Cattle, 142 Sheep — Summer, 143 La Richesse ne fait pas, 144 Falstaff in the Basket, 145 Dethroned Idol, 146 Two Sisters, E. Meissonier, Paris. E. Bakalowitz, Paris. A. Toulmouche, Paris. A. Brascassat, Antwerp (dec'd). Y. Lagye, Antwerp. J. E. Tilton, Eome. Anselma, Paris. E. Isabey, Paris. Adolph Dillens, Antwerp. C. Troyon, Paris (dec'd). Rosa Bonheur, Paris Compte Calix, Paris. H. Makart, Yienna. Horace Yernet, Paris (dec'd). H. Merle, Paris. t 18 147 The Gossips, 148 Mirabeau, 149 The Miser, 150 Lady and Maid, 151 Wedding Eing, P. C. Comte, Paris. Ary Scheffer, Paris (dec'd). S. Horovitz, Paris, Ch. Bangniet, Paris. F. Willems, Paris. Corridor. 152 Child and Marmot, 153 Woman Carding, 154 The Sisters, Gr. Saintpierre, Paris. F. Millet, Paris (dec'd). Thos. Couture, Paris. FKOM THE COLLECTION OF ME. JOHN H. SHEEWOOD. Nos. IBS to ISO. (Somli Room.) 155 The First Conference between Mary Stuart and John Knox, Holyrood, X561, Pobert Herdman, P. S. A., Edinburgh, 156 Sir Walter Scott at a Bric-a-brac Shop, Cronibie's Close, Edinburgh, James Drummond, K.. S. A., Edinburgh. 157 The Autumn Walk, W. T. Kichards, Pliiladelphia. i 19 158 Paradise Eocks, ^Tewport, W. T. Kichards, Pliiladelpliia. 159 The Moral of the Bottle, , T. Diiverger, Paris. 160 Servants' Hall, Alhambra, M. Zimenez, Rome. 161 Return from the Promenade, E. Boutibonne, Paris. 162 The Inpending Conflict — Costimie of Polish Jews, Chas. Herbsthofl'er, Warsaw (dec'd). 163 Diogenes, J. L. Gerome, Paris. 164 A Cavalier of time of Louis XIII, 165 Boccacio Reciting his Poems, Paul Yiry, Paris. Theo. Gucs, Paris. 166 The Spanish Matador, J. G. Yibert, Paris. 167 Expulsion of Eve from Paradise, Alex. Cabanel, Paris. 168 Interior of a Japanese Bric-a-brac Shop, Leon Glaize, Paris. 169 White Mountains, from Conway, N. H., J. F. Kensett, A., ^ew York (dec'd). 170 Convent of St. Montreal, at Palermo, Sicily, Oswald Aclienbacli, Dusseldorf. 171 The Interrupted Mari'iage, G. Fluggen, Munich (dec'd). 172 The Bedtime Xiss, S. J. Guy, N. A., New York. 20 173 Contemplation, Chas. Bangniet, Paris. 174 Interior in Pompeii, Leon Glaize, Paris* 175 Wouter Yon Twiller's First Court-, G-. H. Boughton, A., London. 176 A Brood of .Turkeys,- Juliette Peyrol Bonhenr, London. 177 Cat skill Mountains, fron Saugerties, T. Doughty, New York (dec'd).- Corridor. 178 Cavaliers and Eoundheads — Koyalist Prisoners— Head- Quarters of Cromwell in Edinburgh, James Drummond, E. S. A., Edinburgh. 179 Going to the Dance in Old England. F. Bearnard, London.. 180 "Winter Sports in the Gutter, J. G. Brown, E". A., l^ew York. EKOM THE COLLECTION OF MES. THOS. HICKS. South Room 181 Edwin Bool^ as lago, T. Hicks, ]Sr. A., New York.. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. MORRIS K. JESSUP. Nos. 182 to 197. (South. Room.) 182 Summer Afternoon, A. B. Durand, N. A., New York. 21 183 Carnival Scene, F. Hiddemann, Pans. 184 Children and Lizzard, K. Diaz, Paris. 185 First Temptation, Compte Calix, Paris. 186 Crows in Winter, Ed. Hildebrandt, Berlin. 187 Sheep, E. Yerboeckhoven, Brussels. 188 Kanterskill Falls, S. K. Gifford, A., I^ew York. 189 Lake George. J. F. Kensett, E". A., New York (dec'd). 190 The Parthenon, F. E. Church, A., New York. 191 Summer of Life, 192 Lake George, G. H. Boughton, N. A., London. J. W. Casilear, N. A., New York. 198 Landscape, M. E-ico, Paris. 194 Upper Mississippi, J. F. Kensett, N. A., New York (dec'd). Corridor. 195 Sheep, C. Troyon, Paris (dec'd). 196 Winter of Life, G. H. Boughton, N. A., London. 197 Spring Time, 22 G. H. Boughton, 'N. A.. London. FKOM THE COLLECTION OF ME. JOHN WOLFE. Nos. 198 to 201. (South Room.) 198 Franz von Sickengen, Adelaide von "Walldorf, and the- Bishop of Bramberg (15th centnry), Prof. Carl Becker, Berlin Francis : " As I took leave of the Bishop, she sat by him; they were playing at chess. He was very gracious ; gave me his hand to kiss, and said much, of which I heard not a syllable, for I was looking on his fair antagonist. Her eye was fixed upon the board, as if meditating a bold move. Traces of attentive intelligence around the mouth and cheek. I could have wished to be the ivory king. The mixture of dignity and feeling on her brow — and the dazzling lustre of her face and neck, heightened by her raven tresses." — Goethe's Tragedy oj Goetz von Berlichingin, Act 1, Scene v. 199 Egyptian Fellah Woman with Sleeping Child, ., L. Bonnat, Paris.- 200 Maternal Admiration, W. Bouguereau, Paris. 201 Wallachian Teamster entangled in the Marshes of the Danube, A. Schreyer, Paris.. FEOM THE COLLECTION OF MISS CATHAEINE L. WOLFE. Nos. 202 to 205. (South Room.) 202 The Last Token, G. Max, Munich. 203 Church Festival in Brittany, Jules Breton, Paris. 23 204 Landscape with Cattle, E. Yon Marcke, Paris, 205 Day Dreams, Tlios. Couture, Paris- FROM THE COLLECTION OF MRS. A. T. STEWART. Nos. SOei'to 212. (South Room.) 206 The Gladiators, J. L. Gerome, Paris. 207 The Church of St. Sulpice, Paris, iTth Century, E. Fichel, Paris. 208 The Kace of the Charioteers, J. L. Gerome, Paris, 209 Lady and Monkey, R. Madrazo, Paris. 210 The Garden of Versailles in the 17th Century, A. Boldini, Paris.. 211 The Strategic Device, A. Lesrelj^Paris. 212 The Begging Monk, E. Zamacois, Paris (dec'd). FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. GEO. A. ROBBINS. Nos 213 to 216. (South Room.) 213 The Flight after Worcester, W. Camphausen, Dusseldorf. 214 The Glen, A. Bierstadt, N. A., Kew York. 24 Corridor. 215 The Wine Tasters, J. P. Hasenclever, Dusseldorf (dec'd), 216 Town Hall of Ghent, C. Pulian, Dusseldorf, FEOM THE COLLECTION OF ME. EOBERT LENOX KENNEDY. Nos. 217 to 218. (South Room.) 217 Education of a Young Prince, E. Zamacois, Paris (dec'^). "West Room. 218 Female Head, Jaroslav Cermak, Paris FEOM THE COLLECTION OF ME. A. E. ENO. South Room. ' 219 Portrait Group, Alex. Cabanel, Paris. FEOM THE COLLECTION OF ME. WHITELAW EEID. South Room. 220 Woodland Interior in the Catskills, W. Whittredge, E". A., New York. FEOM THE COLLECTION OF ME. THEO. A. HAVEMEYEE. Nos. 221 to 2SO. (South Room.) 221 On Guard, E. Meissonier, Paris. 25 ^22 Toilet, ■223 Toilet, 224 Queen of Sheba, ^25 Market Scene (daybreak), 226 Hungarian Scene, '227 Coast Scene, 228 The Last Resort, 229 Organ Grinders, ^30 Lady with Flower, H. Lossow, Paris. H. Lossow, Paris. J. Badin, Paris. Pierre van Schendel, Paris. Colonel Berres, Austria. A. Achenbach, Dusseldorf. A. Stevens, Paris. E. Feyen, Paris. F. Willems, Paris. FEOM THE COLLECTION OF MR. ROBT. L. CUTTING. Nos. 231 to 234. (South Room.) ■231 Leaving Church — Rainy Day, 232 Return to the Convent, 233 Sheep on the Seaside, 234 Cattle Drinking, R. Madrazo, Paris. Ed. Zamacois, Paris (dec'd). Aug. Bonheur, Paris. E. Yon Marcke, Paris. 26 FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. R. M. OLYPHANT. Nos. 23S to 2SO. (South Room.) 235 The Lute, H. A. Loop, A., l^ew York. 236 The Mountain Stream, A. H. Wyant, A., Is^'ew York. 237 Hester Prynne on her way to Governor Bellingham's, Geo. H. Bonghton, IsT. A., London. 238 7th Kegiment Camp near Frederick, Maryland, July, 1863, S. E. Gifford, ]Sr. A., New York., 239 Unexpected Results, Thomas Hicks, 1^. A., IsTew York. 240 The Culprit Fay, Prof. John F. Weir, IST. A., E'ew Haven.- 241 Tornado in an American Forest, Thos. Cole, 1^. A., New York (dec'd). 242 New England Scenery, F. E. Church, N. A., New York. 243 Warming her Hands, Eastman Johnson, N. A., New York. 244 Twilight in the Wilderness, S. R. Gifford, N. A., New York. 245 Young Letter Writer, Eastman Johnson, N. A., New York. 246 On the Thames, England, J. F. Kensett, N. A., New York (dec'd).- 247 Black Mountain, Lake George, J. F. Kensett, N. A., New York (dec'd). 27 248 Italian Shepherd Boy, D. Huntington, P. N. A., New York. 249 Swiss Lake, J. W. Casilear, K. A., ^s^ew York. As some Tall Cliff," &c.— Deserted Yillage, A. B. Durand, N. A., ]^ew York. FEOM THE COLLECTION OF MR. V/ILLL^M H. OSBORN. Nos. 2S1 to 238. (South Room.) Twilight in the Tropics, Frederick E. Church, T^. A., New York. 2 The Pride of the Village, Henry Peters Gray, N. A., New York. 253 Portrait, D. Huntington, P. N. A., New York. 254 The Breaking Waves, J. F. Kensett, N. A., ISew York (dec'd). 255 Summer in the Catskills, Thos. Cole, N. A., New York (dec'd). 256 Sunrise in Syria, Frederick E. Church, N. A., New York. 257 Ichabod Crane and Katrina Yan Tassel, D. Huntington, P N. A., New York. Corridor. 258J ^Portrait — Lafayette, Prof. S. F. B. Morse, N. A., New York (dec d 28 FEOM THE COLLECTION OF MES. JONATHAN STUEGES. Nos 2S9 to 262. (South Room.) "259 '. A Day Dream, Charles C. Ingham, 1^. A., New York (dec'd). 260 A Summer Afternoon in the Catskills, Thomas Cole, IS". A., 'New York (dec'd). 261 Colnmbus in Chains, E. Leutze, IST. A., New York (dec'd). 262 The Flower Girl, Chas. C. Ingham, N. A., New York (dec'd). FEOM THE COLLECTION OF ME. MAESHALL O. EOBEETS. South Room. 263 Flower of Fiesole, Henry Peters Gray, N. A., New York. FEOM THE COLLECTION OF ME. D. H. McALPINE. Nos. 264 to 277. (West Room.) 264: Forget Me Not, 265 Peasants Reading, 266 Mignon, 267 Swinging, 268 Interior, A. Toulmonche, Paris. Eobt. Wylie, Paris. E. Munier, Paris. J. G. Brown, N. A., New York. Leon y Escosnra, Paris. 29 269 Landscape and Cattle, C. Troy on, Paris (dec'd). 270 French Farm House, Jules Dupre, Paris. 271 ^'Oh, my!" 272 After the Bath, 273 Lake Guarda, Italy, 274 Landscape, 276 Landscape and Cattle, 276 Italian Minstrel Girl, 277 Landscape, W. H. Beard, IST. A., New York. W. Bouguerean, Paris. S. K. Gifford, ]Sr. A., New York. Chas. Daubigny, Paris. J. N. S. de Haas, Brussels. L. Perrault, Paris.. J. B. C. Corot, Paris. FEOM THE COLLECTIONS OF DR. F. N. OTIS. Nos. 278 to 285. (West Room.) 278 Sulks, Eastman Johnson, JST A., ISew York. 279 Headwaters of the Hudson, Homer Martin, A., New York. 280 Terrier, W. J. Hays, New York, (dcc'o) South Room. 281 Kept In, Prof. C. F. Blauvelt N. A., Annapolis Md. -282 Stag, 283 Trout, 284 Adirondacks, 285 Tambourine Girl, 30 Corridor. W. H. Beard, A., ]^ew York. S. J. Guy, IST. A., 'New York. Homer Martin, A., New York. E. Yedder, N. A., Rome. FKOM THE COLLECTION OF MR. S. HAWK. Nos. 286 to 298. (West Room). 286 Lake Geneva, S. E. Gifford, N. A., New York 28T South American Landscape, F. E. Church, JST. A., New York. 288 Bouquet, 289 Landscape with Cattle, 290 Charity, 291 After the War, 292 The Surprise, 293 Llarvest in iN^ormandy, .294 Grandmother's Story, Y. Palmaroli, Paris. F. Yoltz, Paris. W. Bouguereau, Paris. Meyer Yon Bremen, Berlin. E. Rudaux, Paris. Jules Breton, Paris. H. Merle, Paris. 31 295 Landscape, J. B. C. Corot, Paris, (dec'd). '296 A Pleasant Walk, R. Beyschlag, Munich. ^97 Arabs on the War Trail, A. Schrever, Paris. South Room. 298 Euth and Boaz, Alex. Cabanel, Paris. FROM THE COLLECTION OF ME. THOS. B. MUSGRAVE. Nos. 299 to SOS. (West Room.) 299 Cattle, F. Yoltz, Munich. 300 Crucifixion, J. L. Gerome, Paris. 301 Escosura in his Studio, Leon y Escosura, Paris. 302 Flower Girl, A. Lesrel, Paris. 303 Beggar Boy, Meyer Yon Bremen, Berlin. 304 indifference, Geo. 11. Boughton, N. A., London. -305 Tambourine (jirl, W. Boufi^uerean, Paris. 32 FEOM THE COLLECTION OF MR. ISRAEL CORSE. Nos. 806 to 309. (West Room.) 306 Yiolets, H. Merle, Paris. 307 An Idyl, J. L. Aubert, Paris. 308 Siesta, H. Baron Paris. 309 Aglae, Alex. Oabanel, Paris. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. JAMES GORDON BENNETT. Nos. 310 to 311 (West Room.) 810 En Deshabille, A. Boldini, Paris. 311 Young Girl, A. Boldini, Paris. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. H. G. MARQUAND. Nos. 312 to 31S (West Room.) 312 Landscape and Cattle, C. Trojon, Paris (dec'd). 318 Spanish Coquette, R. Madrazo, Paris., 314 Blowing the Fire, G. H. Boughton, 'N. A., London. 315 The Eeader, Ed. Frere, Paris S3 FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. L. TURNURE. Nos. 316 to 319. (West Room). 316 Portrait— Girl, 317 Spanish Girl, 318 Portrait— Boy, 319 Irish Gypsies, A. Jourdan, Paris. Hy. Schlesinger, Paris. L. Perrault, Paris. G. Mclnnes, England. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. R. L. STUART. Nos. 320 to 327. (West Room.) 320 The Pasha's Forerunners, 321 Winter-time, 322 Instruction, 323 The Inundated, 324 Mother and Child, 325 The Visit, 326 The Guard, 327 Grandmother's Story, J. L. Gerome, Paris. Gus. Brion, Paris. J. O. Hasenclever, Dusseldorf. Meyer von Bremen, Berlin. W. Bouguereau, Paris. Leon y Escosura, Paris (dec'd). E. Meissonier, Paris. H. Merle, Paris. 34 ^BOM THE COLLECTION OF ME. PHILIP VAN VOLKEN- BURGH. Nos. 828 to SS9. (West Room.) 328 Pitching Pennies, J. Gr. Brown, JN'. A., New York. 329 Easy Labor, Edouard Zamacois, Paris (dec'd). 330 JSTest Hunting, Eastman Johnson, A., 'New York. 331 Sunday Afternoon, F. Gonin, Paris. 332 Telling Fortunes, E. H. Blashfield, Kew York. 333 The Column of St. Mark, Venice, S. E. Gifford, N. A., New York. 334 Sunday Services of Puritan Scouts — Under the Shadow of a Great Rock, G. H. Boughton, K. A., London. 335 The Gamut, S. J. Guy, N. A., New York. 336 The Presentation, C. Detti, Eome. 337 The French Hussar, Edouard Detaille, Paris. 338 The Christmas Drum, E. Frere, Paris. Corridor. 339 Evening, August Anastasi, Paris (dec' d). 35 FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. WILLIAM SCHAUS. Nos. 340 to 343. (West Room ) 340 The Artist, F. Indoni, Eome. North West Room. 341 Marine, B. J. Clays, Antwerp. 342 The Holy Family, Carl Miiller, Dnsseldorf. Corridor. 343 Eeiinion d' Artistes cliez Paul Veronese, Prof. Ed. Hamman, Paris. 344 L' Atelier de Mnrillo, Prof. Ed. Hamman, Paris. 345 Les Noces de George Dandin, G. Brillonin, Paris. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. THATCHER N. ADAM Nos. 846 to 347. (N. W. Room.) 346 Venice, J. Kollin Tilton, Kome. 347 The Mother's Lament, E. Verboeckhoven, Brussels. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. W. E. DODGE, Jr. Nos. 348 to 337 (N. W. Room.) 348 Schroon Lake, Thos. Cole, N. A., New York (dec'd). S6 34:9 Landscape, d . F. Kensett, A., New York (dec'd). 350 Landscape and Cattle, J. M. Hart, E^. A., New York. 351 St. Erasmus Gate, E. L. Henry, N. A., New York. 352 Frere in his Studio, Paul Seignac, Paris. 353 Venice, D. Huntington, P. N. A., New York. 354 Portrait of Duchess of Parma, Unknown. Corridor. 355 Bird Tender, E. Bouchard, Paris. West Room. 356 Warming Up, Eastman Johnson, N. A., New York. 357 Story of the Cross, D. Huntington, P. N. A., New York. FEOM THE COLLECTION OF MESSES. M. KNOEDLER & CO. Nos. 3S8 to 360. (N. W. Room,) 358 Sheep, * Auguste Bonheur, Paris. 359 The Bouquet, A. Scifoni, Kome. 360 The Happy Home, F. WillemSj^aris. 37 PROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. J. W. PINCHOT. North "West Room. 361 Late October, Jeryis McEntee, E". A., ]^ew York. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. DAVID DUDLEY FIELD, Je. Nos. 362 to 863. (N. W. Room.) 362 Cows in Pasture, Auguste Bonheur, Paris. 363 The Waterfall, J. F. Kensett, N. A., New York (dec'd.) FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. EDW. MATTHEWS. Nos. 364 to 884. (N. W. Room.) 364: Objects of Art, Fruit, etc., Blaise Desgoffe, Paris. 365 The Muses mourning the Destruction of Pompeii, J. L. Hamon, Paris (dec'd). 366 Interior, Peter Neefs, Antwerp (dec'd). 367 Morning Hours, E. Plassan, Paris. 368 In the Park, Alfred Stevens, Paris. 369 The Broken Yase, F. Bruneri, Rome. 370 Latest ]N"ewSj A. Seitz, Munich. 371 Market Scene in Cairo, A. Pasini, Paris. 38 372 Mater Admirabilis, Prof. Ittenbach, Dusseldorf . 373 Tropical Yiew, F. E. Church, 'N. A., New York. 374 A Marriage of Eeason, A. Toulmouche, Paris, 375 Power of Music, Alex. Cabanel, Paris. 376 Pompeii, Hector Leroux, Paris. 377 The Proposal, F. Willems, Paris. 378 Listening, F. Eoybet, Paris. 379 Return from the Hunt, Baron H. Leys, Brussels (dec'd). 380 Figure, Chardin, Paris. 381 Going to Church, Alma Tadema, London. 382 The Letter of Introduction, Emile B Granger, Paris. Corridor. 383 The Slaves, Cairo, Eug. Fromentin, Paris (dec'd). 384 Harbor Yiew, B. C. Koek-koekj Brussels (dec'd). 39 FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. WM. BENJ. HART. Nos. 38B to 390, (N. W. Room.) 385 Koman Children Carrying Water, P. Michetti, Eome. 386 L6 Kepaire, P. Jazet, Paris. 387 Spanish Lady Dancing, E. Madrazo, Paris. 388 Washerwomen of the Barracks at Bougeval, M. Kico, Paris. 389 La Mort de Roxane, F. Koybet, Paris. 390 L'Automne, H. PiUe, Paris. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. H. J. FURBER. Nos. 391 to 393. (Corridor.) 391 Madonna in the Grotto, Prof. Carl Miiller, Dusseldorf . 392 The Som*ce, Jean L. Anbert, Paris. 393 The Honey Moon, Venice, Lecomte du Nouy, Paris. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. JOHN BIGELOW. 394 Benjamin Franklin, J. S. Duplessis, Paris (dec'd). 40 FEOM THE COLLECTION OF MISS ELIZA. BIERSTADT. 395 Light and Shade, Albert Bierstadt, N". A., 'New York. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. BENJ. H. FIELD. 396 Family Group, D. Huntington P. A., New York. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MRS. HENRY C. POTTER. 397 Eev. Dr. Henrj C. Potter, D. Huntington, P. N. A., New York. FROM THE COLLECTION OF MR. CHAS. W. GRISWOLD. 398 Christmas Eve in Italy, W. Whittredge, N, A., New York. ARTISTS EEPRESENTED. Achenbach, Oswald, Diissel- dorf. Aclienbach, A., Dusseldorf. Alvarez, L., Kome. Anastasi , August , Paris , (dec' d). Anselma, Paris. Aubert, J. L., Paris. Bache, Otto, Munich. Badin, J., Paris. Baker, George A. (N. A.), New York. Bakaiowitz, E., Paris. Baron, II., Paris. Bangniet, Ch., Paris. Bearnard, F., London. Beard, W. H. (N. A.), New York. Beclier, Prof. Carl, Berlin. Berres, Colonel, Austria. Beranger, Emile, Paris. Beta, Pollick, Munich. Bierstadt, A. (N. A.), New York. Blaas, Eng., Paris. Blashfield, E. H., New York. Blaiivelt, Prof. C. F. (N. A.), Annapolis, Md. Beyschlag, R., Munich. Bompiani, P., Rome. Boettcher, C. E., Dusseldorf. Boldini, A., Paris. Bonlienr, Auguste, Paris. Bonheur, Juliette Peyrol, London. Bonheur, Rosa, Paris. Bonnat, L., Paris. Bouguereau, W., Paris. Boutibonne, E., Paris. Boughton, G. LL, (N. A.) London. Bouchard, E., Paris. Braith, A. Munich. Brascassat, A. , Antwerp (dec'd). Breton, Jules, Paris. Bremen, Meyer von, Berlin. Brillouin, Geo., Paris. Brion, Gus., Paris. Brown, J. L. , Paris. Brown, J. G. (N. A.), New York. Brown, W. M., New York. Bruneri, F., Rome. Burgers, H. J., Paris. Butler, George B., Jr., New York. Cabanel, Alex., Paris. Calix, Compte, Paris. Camphausen, W., Dusseldorf. Caraud, T., Paris. Casilear, J. W., (N. A.) N'ew York. Cermak, Jaroslav, Paris. Chaplin, Chas., Pans. Chardin, Paris. Chavet, Y., Paris. Chiuxh, F. E., (N. A.) New York. Clairin, G., Paris. Clays, B. J., Antwerp. Codina, Y., Paris. Cossmann, M., Paris. Cole, Thos., (]Sr. A.) New York, (dec'd). Coleman, C. C, New York. Comte, P. C, Paris. Corot, J. B. C, Paris, (dec'd). Corrodi, H., Kome. Coomans, Jos., Paris. Cooper, T. S., (K. A.), London (decVl). Cropsey, J. F., (N. A.) New York. Conldery, H. II., Paris. Conture, Thos., Paris. Daubigny, Chas., Paris. Defreggrer, Frank, Munich. De Haas, J. H. L., Brussels. Desgoffe, Blaise, Paris. Detaille, Ed., Paris. Detti, C, Eome. Diaz, N., Paris. Dieffenbach, A. H., Paris. Dillens, Adolph, Antwerp, Dolph, J, H., New York. Doughty, T., New York, (dec^d). 42 Drummond, James, R. S. A., Edinburgh. Dubufe, Edward, Paris. Durand, A. B. (N. A.), New York. Dupre, Jules, Paris. Duplessis, J. S., Paris (dec'd). Duverger, T., Paris. Elliott, diaries L., (N. A.), N. Y., (dec'd). Escosura, Leon y, Paris. Epp, Rudolf, Munich. Feyen, E., Paris. Fichel, E., Paris. Fluggen, G., Munich, (dec'd). Fromentin, Eng., Paris fdec'd) Frei-e, Ed., Paris. Gerome, J. L., Paris. Gifford, S. E. (N. A.), New York. Girard, Firmin, Paris. Glaize, Leon, Paris. Gonin, F. Paris. Gray, Henry Peters, (N. A.) New York. Gues, Theo., Paris. Guy, S. J. (N. A.), New York. Hall, Geo. Henry (N. A.) New York. Hamon, J. L., Paris (dec'd). Hamman, Ed., Prof., Paris. Hart, Jas. M. (N. A.), New York. Hasenclever, J, P., Dussel dorf (dec'd). 43 Hajs, W. J.J New York, (dec'd). Henry, E. L. (N. A.), New York. Herbstlioffer, (dec'd) Clias., Warsaw. Herdman, Robert, R. S. A., Edinburgh. Hicks, T. (N. A.), New York. Hiddemann, F., Paris. Hicks, Thos. (N. A.), New York. Hildebrandt, Ed., Berlin. Hoff, Carl, Dnsseldorf. Horovitz, L., Paris. Huntington, D. (P. N. A.) New York. Indoni, F., Rome. Ingham, Charles C. (N. A.), New York (dec'd), Isabey, E., Paris, loris, Paul, Rome. Ittenback, Prof., Dusseldorf. Jazet, P., Paris. Johnson, Eastman, (N. A.), New York. Jourdan, A., Paris. Kaemmerer, F. H.,. Paris. Kensett, J. F. (N. A.), New York, (dec'd). Knaus, L., Berlin. Koek-koek, B. C, Brussels, (dec'd). Kaulbach,W. ,Mumch, (dec'd). Kronber,o:er. C, Munich. Lagye, Y., Antwerp. Landelle, Chas., Paris. Lasch, C, Dusseldorf. Lazerges, H., Rome. Lemaire, Casimo, Paris. Lemaire, H., Paris. Leroux, Hector, Paris. Lesrel, A., Paris. Leutze, E., A.), New York, (dec'd). Leys, Baron H., Brussels, (dec'd). Lobrichon, T., Paris. Lossow, H., Paris. Loop. H. A., (N. A.), New York. Madau, T., Paris. Makart, H., Yienna, Madrazo, R. Paris. Martin, Homer (N. A.), New York. Max, Gr., Munich. McEntee, Jervis (N. A.), New York. Mclnnes, C, England. Meissonier, E., Paris. Merle, H., Paris. Michetti, P., Rome. Milner, Carl, Munich. Millet, F., Paris, (dec'd.) Moccari, C, Rome. Morse, Prof. S. F. B. (N. A.), New York, (dec'd.) Miiller, Chas. Louis, Paris. Muller, Carl, Dusseldorf. Munier, E., Paris. 44 JSTeefs, Peter, Antwei'p,(dec'd.) Noter, David de, Brussels. Nouy, Lecoinpte du, Paris. Page, William (N. A.), New York. Palmaroli, Y., Paris. PasiLi, A., Paris. Pecrus, C, Pa]jis. Perrault, Leon, Paris. PiUe, H., Paris. Plassaii, E., Paris. Porta, H., Rome. Pulian, C, Dnsseldorf. Retliei, Otto, Dnsseldorf. Ricliards, W. T., Philadelphia. Rico, M., Paris. Roybet, T. Paris. Riidaux, E Paris. Saintin, E., Paris. Saintpierre, G., Paris. Schmidt, Linden, Munich. Schoultz, E. Y., Paris. Schmitzberger, E., Munich. Scheffer, Ary, Paris, (dec'd). Schendel, Pierre Yan, Paris. Schlesinger, H. Y., Paris. Schreyer, Adolph, Paris. Seignac, Paul, Paris. Seitz, A., Munich. Shattuck, A. D., (N. A.\ ISTew York. Spitzweg, Carl, Munich. Spiridon, J., Paris. Scifoni, A., Rome. Steffan, F. G., Munich. Stella, G., Yenice. Steinheil, A., Paris. Stevens, Alfred, Paris. Tadema, Alma, London. Tilton, J. R., Rome. Tschaggeny, Edmond T.,Brus- sels. Toulmouche, A., Paris. Troy on, C, Paris, (dec'd.) Yannutelli, Scipione, Rome. Yedder, E. (I^. A.), Rome. Yerboeckhoven, E., Brussels. Yerhaas, Jean, Brussels. Yernet, Horace, Paris, (dec'd.) Yibert, J. G., Paris. Yoltz, Fred., Paris. Yon Marcke, E., Paris. Yiry, Paul, Paris. Weir, Prof. John F. (N. A.), New Haven. Whittredge,W.(N. A.), New York. ^ Willems, F., Paris. Wyant, A. H. (N. A.), New York. Wylie, Robert, Paris. Zamacois, E., Paris, (dec'd.) Zimenez, M., Rome. NEW YORK pENTENNIAL j_.OAN ^XHIBITION Metropolitan Museum of Art, 128 WEST 14th street, Open from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M AND FROM 1)4. TO 10 P. M. The cdllections at the Museum include nearly one hundred works from the Gallery of Mr. John Taylor Johnston, and numerous pictures from the collections of J. Pierpont Morgan, Lucius Tuckerman, Robert L. Stuart, Robert Gordon, Robert Hoe, R. M. Hunt, B. F. Carver, W. L. Andrews, and other gentlemen.