c Ms i^cj FIRST SUPPLEMENT CKTHLOCUE Photographic Reproductions Works of Art PUBLISHED BY THE SOULE PHOTOGRAPH COMPANY, 338 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. JANUARY, 1390. W. B. EVERETT. W. S. SOULE. $art jHrst. Reproductions of Original Paintings, Frescoes, and Designs by the Old Masters. IN THREE PARTS. $art ScconU. Sculptures, Architectural Subjects, and Miscellaneous Views. art 5Ti){rti. Reproductions of Engravings, Drawings, Etchings, and Modern Paintings. A second Supplement will probably be issued in 1893. PRICE, 5 CENTS. Some Noted sculptures and tlteir Homes -Mli:|^||ni»» The great success of our last art-book, “Some Famous Paintings and their Homes,” has led us to publish a companion book on Sculpture. This work, also a compilation, is most attractive. Only the great and leading sculptures are treated; but the quotations regarding them are most carefully selected, and full of information and interest. The descriptions include, in many cases, the myths or stories connected with the figures represented, thus combining pleasant reading with rare instruction. Blank leaves are left for the insertion of photographs, as in the previous work. These photographs may be purchased with the book, or added, a few at a time, at the option of the purchaser. Beautifully bound in peacock-blue and silver cloth. In Two Volumes. Price, $1.50 per Volume. Compiled by Mary Graham Duff. For List of Photographs needed to illustrate this Work, see pp. 95, 96. Price of the two volumes, complete, with Photographs mounted in, $16.00. Illustrated Catalogue. We have issued an Illustrated Catalogue of all the subjects found in Part Third of our 1887 Catalogue and 1890 Supplement. This Catalogue contains minute photographic illustrations of some 2,500 subjects, and will be sent to patrons desiring to make selections from modern pictures, on receipt of a deposit covering the cost. On the return of the Catalogue the full amount will be returned or credited on account, at the option of the purchaser. istrated Catalogue, $5.00. IN STRTJ CTION S FOR ORDERING. 1st. Write your full name plainly, with name of Post-Office, County, and State, on each order. 2d. State amount of money sent. 3d. State how you wish goods forwarded, whether by open mail, regis- tered mail, or express. If by registered mail ten cents should be sent for registration fee. 4th. When mounted goods or albums are to be sent by mail, sufficient money should be enclosed to cover postage. If too much is sent the balance will be promptly returned. Our Terms Are strictly cash with order, or C.O.D. by express. How to send Money. Money may be safely sent by registered letter, post-office order, ex- press money order (which can be obtained at any of the American, United States, or Wells, Fargo express offices), certified check, or draft on Bos- ton or New York made payable to the Soule Photograph Co., Boston. Amounts less than five dollars may be sent by postal note, but if lost cannot be duplicated. Transportation. Unmounted goods will be sent post-paid. Mounted photographs and albums, when the method of transportation is left to us, will be sent by mail or express as seems cheapest and best. Exchange. Unmounted cabinet and medium sizes may be exchanged if not satisfac- tory, provided they are not retained over ten days, and are received by us in good condition. No mounted or large unmounted photographs will be exchanged or credited if returned. Patrons wishing to order large scraps, mounted goods, or slides for stereopticon, may have small unmounted copies of subjects desired sent for examination, which will be charged out when sent, and credited in full when returned in good condi- tion. Do not fail to write full name and address on the outside of all return parcels. Order blanks will be sent when requested. PRICES. These prices apply to all the subjects in this Catalogue, unless otherwise specified. Unmounted Photographs, or “ Scraps.” Cabinet size, about 4X6 inches Medium size, about 6X8 inches Large size, about 9 X 12 inches Extra size, about 12 X 15 inches Each. $ .15 ... .30 .... .80 ... 1.25 Per doz. $1.50 3.00 Mounted Photographs. Cabinets on imperial, or on 8 X 10 tinted mounts Mediums, on 11 X 14 tinted boards “ on 8 X 10 maroon panels Large size, on 16 X 20 white boards Extra size, on 20 X 24 “ “ ... .20 40 ... .50 ... 1.00 ••• 1.50 2.00 4.00 5.00 N.B. — Ten per cent, discount will be made on cash orders to the amount of twenty dollars if purchased at one time. Half-a-dozen or more cabinets or mediums may be figured at dozen rates. INDEX TO PART FIRST, Page ' Angelico, Fra 6 j Angelo, Michael ... 7 Baroccio 9 Bartolomeo, Fra 7 Battoni 9 Bonfigli 6 Bonifazio 8 Borgognone 8 Botticelli 6 Boucher 12 Bronzino 9 Carracci 9 Champagne 10 Cima 7 Copley 13 Correggio 8 Court 12 Crivelli 6 David 12 Delacroix 12 Dolci 9 Domenichino 9 Dow 11 Drouais 12 Diirer 11 Dyck, van 10 Ferrari, D 8 Ferrari, G 8 Francesca 6 Gaddi, T 5 Garofalo 8 Gerard 12 Gericault 12 Gerini 6 Ghirlandajo 6 Giolfino 7 Giorgione Giotto Gozzoli Greuze Grimani Breviary. Guercino Hals lloibein lloogb Jordaens Landseer Lefevre Le Sueur Liberale da Jacopo Liotard Lippi, F Lippi, F. F Lo Spagna Lotto Luini Mansueti . . . Mantegna Maratta Matsys. Meire Memling Meytens Mignard Millet Moretto Mosaics Mostaert Murillo Nattier Orcagna Orley Page . . . 8 Page Ostade..... _ j] ... 5 Palma, .T o 6 Palma Veeehio... " . . . 12 Pereda ig . . . 13 Pern ginn <; 9 Pint.urioehin. ........ . 7 . . . 10 Polbijiiolo ft ... 11 Pmd’hon . . . 11 Raphael x . . . 10 Regnault, 1? . . . 13 Rembrandt ]] ... 12 Robert T 9 . . . 12 Rubens pi ... 7 . . . 12 Ruysdael 11 Sarto, del x 7 Sassoferrnto Q ... 6 Signorelli H . . 8 Sodoma X 8 So lari 0 7 7 Spinello. F\ 6 Sreen 11 . . . 6 Terhiirg. , n ... 9 Tintoretto <) . .. 10 Titian 7 . . . 10 Toeqiie 1*7 9 Turner 19 Vaga, P. del 8 Van der Velde 11 . . . 12 Van der Weyden 9 8 Van Eyck 9 5 Velasquez 11 . .. 10 Veronese 9 . .. 12 Vinei 7 . . . 12 Wohlgemuth 11 ^noohor^ , , , 9 ... 10 INDEX TO PART SECOND. Page Austria 18 Azores 18 Belgium 18 Cashmere 26 ( leylon 28 China 27 Denmark.. 18 Egypt 25 England 20 France 19 Germany 19 Graeco Homan Sculpture... 14 Great Britain 20 Greece 22 Greek Sculpture 14 India 27 Island of St. Helena 26 Italy 22 Page Japan 28 Malta 23 Mexico 29 Modern Sculpture 15 Morocco 26 Norway., 23 Nova Scotia 29 Palestine 28 Sandwich Islands 29 Scotland 21 Spain 24 Straits Settlement . 28 Sweden 24 Switzerland 24 Syria 29 Turkey . 25 United States 29 INDEX TO PART THIRD. Page Agnes of Sorrento 91 Albums 102 Ben Ilur 67 Book Illustrations 51 Browning Illustrations 57 Cathedral Towns 84 Childe Harold 91 Page Marble Faun 66 Portraits of Authors 47 “ Miscellaneous Persons. . . 49 “ Musical Composers 48 “ Painters 47 “ Royalty . . 48 Romoln 1 0(F Christ in Art — . 97 Corfu ne 92 Figure Studies 44 Goethe Illustrations 61 Grimm’s Michael Angelo 70 Improvisatore 68 Lands of the Saracens 88 Legends of the Madonna 98 Shakespeare Illustrations 51 Some Famous Paintings 94 “ Noted Sculptures 95 Taine’s Florence and Venice 80 “ Rome and Naples 77 Virgil Illustrations 61 Wagner Illustrations 53 Wftlks in London t - . f 73 Longfellow Illustrations 60 SUPPLEMENT TO PART FIRST. PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTIONS OF ORIGINAL PAINTINGS, FRESCOES, AND DESIGNS BY THE OLD MASTERS. The following subjects are kept in stock, unmounted only; but can be furnished mounted in any style at short notice. The arrangement of this part is chronological, the artists being sepa- rated into schools. In ordering from Part I. give number of picture, and whether cabinet or medium size. To avoid confusion of numbers with, those of our earlier lists, please mention 1890 Supplement. EXAMPLE OF EARLY PAINTING. Head of Christ. Catacombs of St. Pontianus, Rome. MOSAICS. 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fifth Century. San Lorenzo burning the Books of Heresy. * Tomb of Galla Placidia. Ravenna. Miscellaneous. Doves of Pliny. Capitol, Rome. Baptism of Christ. Baptistery of St. Mark's, Venice. The Three Fates. Pompeii. The Concert. “ Cat and Quail, Ducks, etc. “ Last Judgment. (Upper Part.) Church, Tor cello. “ “ (Lower Part.) “ “ Coronation of the Virgin (by G. Gaddi). Cath’l, Florence. ITALIAN SCHOOLS. 11 12 13 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Giotto (li Bontlone. 1276-1336. Florentine. Zacharias in the Temple. Fresco , Santa Croce, Florence. St. Francis preaching to the Birds. Upper Church, Assisi. Two Apostles. Natl Gal., London. School of Giotto. St. Antonio. Basilica of Gaddi, Taddeo, 1300-1366? Entombment. Spinello, Aretino. 1318-1410. Coronation of the Virgin. Angel of Annunciation. (Detail.) S. Antonio, Padua. Florentine . Acad., Florence. Florentine. Acad., Florence. Arezzo. 6 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. Italian Schools. 18 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 Orcagna. (Andrea di Cione.) 1329?-1389. Florentine , The Saviour, St. Peter, and St. Thomas Aquinas. S. M. Novella, Florence. Gerini, Niccolo di Pietro. -1401 ? Arezzo, St. Matthew the Evangelist. Ch. San Francisco, Prato. Fra Angelico, Giovanni. (DaFiesole.) 1 387- 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 1455. St. Peter preaching. St. Thomas Aquinas. Lippi, Fra Filippo. Virgin adoring Child. Florentine, Uffizi , Florence. Mus. of St. Mark, “ 1412-1469. Florentine, Acad., Florence. Francesca, Pietro della. 1415-1509? Umbrian, Nativity. Nat'l Gal., London. Gozzoli, Benozzo. 1424-1485? Florentine. Noah with his Daughters. (Detail of 270.) Campo Santo , Pisa. Cosimo de’ Medici and Salviati. (Detail of 275.) Palazzo Riccardi , Florence. Virgin and Child with Saints. Nat'l Gal., London. Bonfigli, Benedetto. 1425-1496? Umbrian, Annunciation. Pinacoteca , Perugia. Crivelli, Carlo. (Painted about 1475.) Venetian . Virgin with Child and Saints. Acad., Milan. Mantegna, Andrea. 1430-1506. Paduan • Virgin and Child with St. Leonard. St. Peter's Church, Mantua. Madonna and Angels. (Detail.) Ch. of S. Zeno, Verona. Martyrdom of St. James. Padua. St. James taken to Prison. “ Holy Family. Dresden. Parnassus. Louvre. Expulsion of the Vices. “ Summer and Autumn. Nat'l Gal. , London. Pollajuolo, Antonio. 1433-1498? Florentine, Sts. Eustace, James, and Vincent. Uffizi , Florence. Tobias and the Angel. Nat'l Gal., London. Signorelli, Luca. (Da Cortona.) 1441-1524? Florentine, Holy Family. Pitti Gal., Florence. Portraits of Signorelli and Fra Angelico. (Detail of 336.) Orvieto. Perugino, Pietro. (Vanucci.) 1446-1524. Umbrian, Two Angels. (Detail of Annunciation.) Acad., Florence. Virgin and Child with St. John. Nat'l Gal., London. Botticelli, Sandro. (Filipepi.) 1447-1515. Florentine, Group of Angels. (Detail of No. 389.) Uffizi, Floreyiee. Mansueti, Giovanni. 1450-1500 ? Venetian, Sts. Sebastian, Gregory, Francis, Roch, and Liberale. Acad. , Venice. Ghirlandajo, Domenico. (Bigordi.) 1449-1498 ? Florentine, Head of Ginerva Benci. (Detail of No. 435.) S. M. Novella, Florence. Rape of the Sabines. Colonna Gallery , Rome. Large. Part First. O 47 47 48 48 49 50 50 51 52 52 53 53 54 55 55 56 56 57 57 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 62 62 63 63 64 64 65 66 67 67 68 68 69 70 70 71 71 72 73 73 74 74 75 75 76 76 77 78 79 79 80 80 81 82 On all Orders mention 1890 Supplement. Liberate di Jacopo da Verona. (Miniature.) 1451-1536. Venetian . Cath'l, Siena. 1452-1519. Lombard. Lugano. Louvre. The Confession. The Wind. Vinci, Leonardo da. Madonna and Child. Madonna of the Rocks. Head of a Woman. (Drawing.) Pinturicchio, Bernardo. (Di Betto.) 1454-1513. Umbrian. The Virgin. (Detail of Epifany.) S. Maggiore, Spello. A Soldier Praying. Metropolitan Church , Siena. Return of Ulysses to Penelope. Nat'l Gal., London. Solario, Andrea da. (Andrea da Milano.) 145-8- 1530. Lombard . Madonna of the Green Cushion. Louvre. Luini, Bernardino. 1460-1530. Lombard . Infant St. John and the Lamb. Amhrosiana , Milan. St. Appollonio. Saronno. Purification of the Virgin. “ Adoration of the Magi. “ Group of Angels. (Detail of above.) “ Adoration of the Magi. Louvre . Lippi, Filippino. 1460-1505. Florentine. Holy Family. Pitti God., Florence. St. Bernard. (Detail of No. 557.) La Badia, “ St. Peter and the Angel. (Detail of 554.) S. M. del Carmine , “ Madonna enthroned with Saints. Giolfino, NTccolo. 1465-1518? Venetian. Portraits of the Giusti Family. Nat' l Gal., London. Cima da Conegliano. 1470-1517? Venetian. Incredulity of St. Thomas. Acad., Venice. Fra Bartolommeo. 1469-1517. Florentine. Nativity and Circumcision. Uffizi, Florence. Simeon and the Infant Christ. Capitol, Rome. Michael Angelo. (Buonarroti.) 1475-1564. Florentine. Flagellation of Christ. Nat' l Gal., London. Palma, Jacopo, II Vecchio. 1475-1528. Venetian. His Own Portrait. (Formerly attributed to Giorgione.) Munich. Titian. (Tiziano Vecellio.) 1477-1576. Venetian. Venus. (Duchess d’Urbino.) Uffizi, Florence. Venus caressed by Cupid. “ “ Portrait of the Duchess d’Urbino. “ “ Cardinal Hippolyte de’ Medici Pitti Gal., u Vanity. Acad, of St. Luke , Rome. Louvre. Mus ., Madrid. Venus and Satyr. (Detail.) Danse and the Shower of Gold. Mater Dolorosa, No. 2. St. John the Almoner. Doge Grimani at the Feet of Bacchus and Ariadne. Ch. of St. John, Venice. Faith. Ducal Pal., “ Nat' l Gal., London. 8 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. Med. 1 Cab. 83 83 84 85 86 86 87 87 88 88 89 90 91 96 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 97 98 99 98 99 101 102 103 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 108 109 109 110 110 111 112 112 Italian Schools. Giorgione. (Giorgio Barbarelli.) 1477-1511. Venetian . St. Bridget offering Flowers to Infant Jesus. Mas. , Madrid. II Sodoma. (Razzi or Bazzi.) 1477-1549. Sienese . Madonna, Child, and Saint. Palazzo Pubb/ico , Siena. Lotto, Lorenzo. 1480-1558. Bergamo . Portraits of Agostino and Niccolo della Torre. NaVl Gal., London. Ferrari, Gauclenzio. 1481-1546. Lombard . Martyrdom of St. Catharine. Acad., Milan. Ferrari, Defendente de. (Painted 1519-1531.) Lombard. Madonna and Saints. Royal Gal., Turin. Garofalo, II. (Benvenuto di Piero Tisi.) 1481-1559. Lombard. Resurrection of Lazarus. Pinacotheca , Ferrara. Borgognone, Ambrogio. 1490-1522. Lombard. Family Portraits. NaVl Gal., London. Raphael Sanzio d’ Urbino. 1483-1520. Bom an. Conversion of St. Paul. Arazzi Gal. . Vatican, Rome. Portrait of Csesar Borgia. Borghese Gal., “ Heads of Women. (Drawing.) Mas., Venice. Three Male Figures. “ “ “ Agora. “ “ “ A Philosopher. “ “ “ Holy Family of the Beardless Joseph. Hermitage, St. Petersburg . Madonna and Child. (Detail of No. 838.) Mus., Madrid. Raphael and his Scholars. ( Frescoes in the Loggia of the Vatican .) Creation of Animals. Joseph relating his Dream to his Brothers. Sarto, Andrea del. (Vannucchi.) 1488-1530. Florentine. Portrait of Himself and Wife. Magdalen. Madonna, Child, and Saints. Madonna delle Grazie. St. John the Baptist. “ “ St. Peter the Apostle. “ “ St. Marguerite. “ “ Portrait of Himself. Lo Spagna. (Giovanni di Pietro.) 14 — to 15H0. Umbrian. Madonna with Child and Saints. Sp<>leto. Correggio. (Antonio Allegri.) 1493-1534. Falnia. Leda. Dresden. Bonifazio. (Veneziano.) 1494-1563. Venetian. Madonna with Child Jesus and Saints. Acad., Venice. Vaga, Perino del. (Buonaecorsi.) 1500-1547. Umbrian. Madonna and Child Enthroned. Cath'l., Pisa. II Moretto da Brescia. (Alessandro Bonvicino.) ]50o-l547? Breseian. Pitti Gal., Florence. Borghese Gal., Rome. Louvre. Cathedral, Pisa. St. Bonaventure de Siena and St. Louis. Louvre. Large. Part First. 9 On all Orders mention 1890 Supplement. 113 115 123 124 125 126 127 129 130 131 132 133 136 113 114 115 ] 16 117 118 119 120 , 121 * '122 123 124 125 12G 127 12S 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 Bronzino, Angiolo. 1502-1572. Florentine. Venus and Cupid with a Satyr. Colonna Gal., Rome. Tintoretto. (Jacopo Bobusti.) 1512-1594. Venetian. Christ and the Adultress. Acad., Venice. Veronese, Paolo. (Caliari.) 1528-158*. Venetian . St. Christina refusing to adore Apollo. Acad., Venice. Felicity. Ceiling, Ducal Pal., “ Fidelity. “ “ “ “ Mansuetude. “ “ “ “ Baptism of Christ. Ch. of St. Sebastian , “ Crucifixion. “ “ St. Mark and St. John. “ “ St. Matthew and St. Luke. “ “ St. Sebastian and the Virgin in Glory. Ch. of St. Sebastian, “ St. Antonio the Abbot in the Cathedral. Acad., Milan. Baroccio, Federico. 1528-1612. Urbino. Virgin Glorified. Louvre. Zucchero, Federig-o. 1543-1609. Homan. Portrait of Queen Elizabeth. Hampden Court, London. Palma, Jacopo. (Giovanni). 1544-1628. Venetian. The Body of Christ borne by Angels. Acad., Venice. Carracci, Annibale. 1560-1609. Bolognese. Christ in Glory with Saints. Pitti Gal., Florence. Magdalen. Louvre. Domenichino. (Domenico Zampieri). 1581-1641. Bolognese. Portrait of Cardinal Agucehia. Uffizi, Florence. Guercino. (Francesco Barbieri.) 1590-1666. Bolognese. St. Marguerite. S. Pietro in Cleopatra before Augustus. Sassoferrato. (Salvi.) 1605-1685. Sleep of the Infant Jesus. Madonna and Infant Christ. Dolci, Carlo. 1616-1686. Head of Christ Child. Maratta, Carlo. 1625-1713. Marie — Madeleine — liospigliosi. Battoni, Pompeo. 1702-1787. St. John the Baptist. Vine uhs, Rome. Capitol, ‘ ‘ Bolognese. Louvre. NaVl Gal., London. Florentine. Munich. Homan. Louvre. Florentine. Dresden. FLEMISH SCHOOL. 138 138 139 140 141 Van Eyck, Hubert and Jan. 1366-1426. Bruges. Altar-piece, Adoration of Lamb, etc. Complete. Ghent. Van Eyck, Jan. 1386 . Bruges. Adoration of the Magi. Brussels. Weyden, Rogier Van der. 1400-1464. Tournai . The Magdalen Beading. Nat'l Gal., London. Memling, Hans. 1425-1495, about. Bi'nges. Canon of the Order of St. Nosbert. The Hague. Large. 10 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. A 6 142 143 143 144 144 145 145 146 147 148 148 149 149 150 150 151 151 152 152 153 153 154 154 155 155 156 156 157 157 158 159 160 160 161 161 162 162 163 164 164 165 166 166 167 167 108 168 169 169 170 171 171 172 172 173 174 174 175 175 176 176 177 177 Flemish School. Meire, Gerard Van der. 1427-1474, about. Ghent. A Count of Hennegau and his Patron Saint. Nat' l Gal., London. Matsys, Quintin. 1466-1529. Antwerp. Head of Christ. Louvre. Head of the Virgin. Eriborn Collection , Antwerp. Magdalen. Museum , “ Legend of the Virgin. (Triptyque.) “ Brussels. Orley, Bernard Van. 1470-1541. Brussels. Portrait of a Doctor of the XVI. Century. Mus ., Brussels. Rubens, Peter Paul. 1577-1640. Antwerp. Romulus and Remus found by the Shepherd. Capitol , Rome. Family of Rubens. Christ on the Cross. Marriage of Marie de Medicis. Majority of Louis XIII. Descent from the Cross. Adoration of the Magi. Triptyque. Communion of St. Francis. Crucifixion. Garden of Love. Portrait of his Second Wife. Last Judgment. “ Crucifixion of St. Peter. Si. Peter's Church , Cologne. River Gods of the Danube, Nile, Amazon, and Ganges. Vienna. Portrait of a Lady. Jordaens, Jacob. 1593-1678. Adoration of the Shepherds. Last Supper. Dyck, Anthony van. 1599-1641 Portraits of T. Killegrew and E. Carew. Burgomaster Rockox, Wife, and Child. Royal Gal., Turin. Portrait of a Woman. Louvre. Wife of Colyn de Nole. Munich . Christ on the Cross. Mus., Antwerp. Portrait of a Child. “ “ Caesar — Alexandre — Scaglia. “ His own Portrait. Oliampaig’ne, Pliillippe de. 1602-1674. Brussels. Portrait of a Little Girl. Lou vre. Louvre. Cath'l, Antwerp. Mus . , ‘ ‘ Gal., Dresden. Munich. Mus., Madrid. Antwerp. Mus., Antwerp. tt a Antwerp. Capitol, Rome. DUTCH SCHOOL. Haarlem. Mus., Antwerp. Haarlem . Louvre. Mus., Antwerp. Mostaert, Jan. 1474-1555. Portrait of a Man. Hals, Franz. 1584-1666. Portrait of Rubens’ Wife. Young Fisherman. Part First. 11 6 50 *6 On all Orders mention 1890 Supplement. o Rembrandt van Ryn. 1606-1669. Lett den. 178 178 Descent from the Cross. Munich. 179 Portrait of a Man. Brussels. 180 180 The Young Fiancee. Amsterdam. Terburg, Gerhard. 1608-1681. Haarlem. 181 The Guitar Lesson. Natl Gal.. London. Dow, Gerhard. 1613-1675. Leyden. 182 182 The Hermit. Amsterdam. Ostade, Isaak van. 1621-1649 1 Haarlem. 183 Portrait of a Boy. Natl Gal.. London. Steen, Jan. 1626-1679. Leyden. 184 The Music Master. Natl Gal.. London. Hoogli, Pieter de. 1632-1681. Rotterdam. 185 Court of Dutch House, paved with Brick. Natl Gal.. London. Ruysdael, Jacob. 1625- Haarlem . 186 The Ferryboat. Mus., Brussels. Velde, Willem van de. 1633- -1707. Amsterdam. 187 187 Marine. Mus.. Antwerp. GERMAN SCHOOL. - 188 Wohlgemuth, Michael. 1434-1519. Nuremberg. 188 Crucifixion. Munich. 189 189 The Twelve Apostles Departing. 44 190 Ecce Homo. (Drawing.) I Mirer, Albrecht. 1471-1528. Nuremberg . 191 Portrait of Michael Wohlgemuth. Munich. 192 “ Oswolt Krell. 44 193 193 Nativity. 4 4 194 194 Portrait of King Sigismunde. Nuremberg. 19.5 195 “ Charlemagne. 196 196 Descent from the Cross. 44 197 197 St. Simeon and St. Lazarus. 198 198 Praying Virgin. Mus., Augsburg. 199 199 Persecution of Christians. Vienna. Drawings. 200 Adoration of the Magi. Albertina, Vienna. 201 Descent from the Cross. it it 202 At the Sepulchre. 4 4 44 203 A Patrician of Nuremberg. 4 4 4 4 Holbein, Hans the Younger >. 1495-1543. 204 204 Augsburg. Portrait of a Man. Munich. 205 205 “ Catliarina de Bora. The Hague. Meytens, Martin von. 1696-1770. Stockholm. 206 206 Portrait of a Woman. Mus., Antwerp. SPANISH SCHOOL. Velasquez, don Diego de Silva. 1599-1 6fi0. Seville. , 207 Pernia, Buffoon of Philip IV. Mus., Madrid. Large. 12 Original Paintings, Frescoes, etc. Spanish School. 208 209 210 211 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 Pereda, Antonio de. 1599-1 GG9. A Spanish Nobleman. Murillo, Bartolome Esteban. Heads. Madonna and Child St. Francis of Assisi. St. Juan de Dios. St. Rodriguez. Holy Family. Hermitage St. Anthony and the Infant Christ. “ Valladolid . Munich. 1618-1G82. Seville. Florence. Madrid. Munich. Dresden. St. Petersburg. Pitti Gal. Mas 215 215 216 216 217 217 218 218 219 219 220 220 221 221 222 222 223 223 224 225 225 226 226 227 227 228 228 229 229 230 230 231 231 232 232 233 233 234 234 235 235 236 236 237 237 FRENCH SCHOOL. Mignard, Peter. (Called The Roman.) 1G1 0— 1 695. St. Cecilia. Louvre. Be Sueur, Eustache. 1G1G-1655. Descent from the Cross. Louvre. Nattier, Jean Marc. 1685-1766. Madame Adelaide of France. Louvre. Madame Sophie. Mus., Versailles. Tocque, Louis. 1696-1772. Marie Leczinska. Louvre. Drouais, Francois Hubert. 1699-1767. Charles and Marie Adelaide, of France. Louvre. Boucher, Francis. 1704-1768. Pastoral Subject. Louvre. Greuze, Jean Baptiste. 1725-1805. Portrait of Napoleon as Consul. Mus., Versailles. The Village Bride. (Detail.) Louvre. Liotard, Jean Etienne. 1702-1789. Vienna Chocolate Girl. Gallery , Dresden. Regnault, Jean Baptiste. 1754-1829. Three Graces. Louvre. David, Jacques Louis. 1748-1825. Coronation of Josephine. Mus., Versailles. Lef'bvre, Robert. 1759-1830. Portrait of Napoleon I. Mus., Versailles. Prud’lion, Pierre Paul. 1758-1823. Assumption of the Virgin. Louvre. Gerard, Francois. Portrait of the Painter Isabey. Louvre. G^ricault, Jean Louis Andrd Theodore. 791-1824. Raft of the Medusa. Louvre. Robert, (Louis) Leopold. 1794-1835. Festival of the Madonna dell’ Arco. Louvre. Arrival of Harvesters in the Pontine Marshes. “ Court, Joseph Desir£. 1798-1865. Death of Caesar. Louvre. Delacroix, Eugene. (Ferdinand Victor.) 1799- 1863. Dante and Virgil. Louvre. Millet, Jean Francois. 1814-1875. Portrait of Himself. (Drawing.) Carrying Wheat. (Sketch.) Girl with Stick. “ Part First. 13 On all Orders mention 1890 Supplement. ENGLISH SCHOOL. 238 239 240 242 Copley, John Singleton. 1737-1815. Family Picture. Private Collection , Boston. Miss Elizabeth Copley. (Detail of above.) Mrs. Copley anil Two Children. (Sketch of above.) Turner, Joseph M. W. 1775-1851. Bay of Baiae. Nut' l Gal ., London. Landseer, Sir Edwin. 1802-1873. Highland Dogs. Nat' l Gal ., London. THE GRIMANI BREVIARY. A Collection of Miniatures in the Library of St. Mark, Venice. 243 243 244 244 (Bearing the numbers of the original Collection.) Departure of the Hunt. 15. People of Israel praying God to send the Messiah. 25. NOTE. The mistake being frequently made , of persons ordering prints from Part First, when they would be more pleased with those from Part Third, the publishers beg to state that those from Part First are from Old Paintings, Frescoes , etc., which in many cases are badly damaged by age, or otherwise , all of which imperfections show in the photograph ; whereas those from Part Third are mostly from Engravings or fresh Modern Paintings, and consequently have a more finished look, and will be much more satisfactory , except when photographs of the originals ARE ESPECIALLY DESIRED. Large. SUPPLEMENT TO PART SECOND. SCULPTURE, ARCHITECTURAL SUBJECTS, AND MISCELLANEOUS VIEWS. o A c4 a o 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 257 258 258 259 259 2G0 260 261 261 262 GREEK SCULPTURE. ATHENS. Apollo. Meleagre. Patroclus. Tomb of Bacchus. Relief. (Three Figures.) Ariadne. Dancer. (Relief from Theatre of Bacchus.) Acropolis Museum. Female Figure. (Relief from Theatre of Bacchus.) Acropolis Museum. Esculapius. (Relief.) “ “ Relief from Balustrade of Temple of Nike Apteros. Temple of Theseus, a * u i & i ( u i t iC u Acropolis Museum. BERLIN. Olympian Sculptures. Frieze of Pergamon. (Section from Temple of Zeus.) Herakles, Atlas and Nymph of the Hesperides. (Metope from Temple of Zeus.) GR.ECO-ROMAN SCULPTURE. Capitol, Rome. iEschylus. Bust. Cicero. “ Demosthenes. “ Dying Gaul. Head. (Detail of No. 2201.) Euripides. Bust. Faun. Large. Part Second. 15 Med. Cab. 263 264 264 265 265 266 266 267 267 268 268 269 269 270 271 271 272 272 273 273 274 274 275 276 276 277 278 278 279 279 280 280 281 282 283 283 284 284 285 285 286 r- 00 On all Orders mention 1890 Supplement. h1 s o FRANCE. Paris. '0\/ r389 390 389 Exposition of 1889. Eiffel Tower. 390 “ “ Esplanade des Invalides. 391 391 tf “ Central Dome and Fountain. 392 392 “ “ Monumental Fountain, by Coutan. 393 393 “ “ Bolivia Pavilion. 394 394 “ “ /Venezuela “ 395 395 ‘fc “ VTonquin “ 396 396 “ “ Palace of Colonies. 397 397 “ “ “ Liberal Arts. 398 398 “ “ Gallery of Fine Arts. Interior. 399 399 “ “ Machinery Hall. “ 400 400 “ “ Java Village and Pagoda of Angkir. 401 401 “ “ Early German and Gallic Habita- tions. 402 402 “ “ Huts from Central Africa. 403 403 “ “ Moorish Cafe. 404 404 “ “ Group of Africans. 405 405 “ “ Park of the Champ de Mars. 406 406 General View from Trocadero. Showing Eiffel Tower. 407 Church of La Trinita. ? 408 408 Louvre. Gallery of Apollo. 7409 409 “ Salle des Cariatides. 410 410 “ “ du Gladiateur. / 411 411 “ “ des Saisons. 412 412 “ “ du Tibre. . 413 413 Palais des Tuileries. Court Front. Versailles. 414 Baisin of Apollo. 415 “ Neptune. 416 416 Petit Trianon. Chamber of Marie Antoinette. ^17 417 “ “ Stairway. Miscellaneous. 418 418 Aigues-Mortes. Tower of Constance and Ramparts. “ “ “ “ Knights’ Hall. 419 420 ec t( u it Guards’ “ 421 421 Avignon. Cathedral of Notre Dame des Doms. 422 Brest. French Cruiser in Dry Dock. 423 “ “ Rams “ “ 424 Brittany Peasant. 425 425 Cannes. Boulevard of the Croizette. 426 Falaise. Equestrian Statue of William the Conqueror. 427 Nimes. Amphitheatre. “ Maison Carree. 428 429 429 “ Pont du Gard. 430 Rouen. Church of St. Laurent. 431 431 St. Denis Abbey. Crypt with Statue of Louis XVI. “ “ “ “ “ Marie Antoinette. 432 432 433 Villa Franca. Steamers at Anchor. GERMANY. 434 434 Berlin. Emperor’s Palace. 435 435 “ Old Palace. ! 436 4361 “ “ “ Banquet Hall. 20 Architectural Subjects, etc. 437 438 439 440 441 442 437 438 439 440 441 Berlin. Germany. ( Concluded.) Old Palace. Chapel. “ “ Cloth of Gold Chamber. “ “ Crowning Hall. “ “ White Hall. Unter der Linden and the Horse Tamers. Central Hotel. 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 459 460 461 462 463 466 467 468 469 470 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 457 458 463 / 464 465 466 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 Beyreuth. Wagner Theatre. “ Wahnfried. Wagner’s Villa. Cologne. Equestrian Statue ot William III. Blaesser. Dresden. Altmarkt. “ American Chapel. “ Arsenal. “ Hotel Bellevue. “ Landing-place of River Boats. “ Opera House, Corridor. “ “ “ Eoyer. “ Post-Office. “ Postplatz. “ Zwinger. From Weber’s Hotel. “ “ Tower and Sofienkirche. “ Dresden Gallery. Eisenach. Wartburg Castle. Near View. Hanover. Leibnitzhaus. “ Old Church. “ Rathhaus. “ School of Technology. Heidelberg. Students Fencing. (Drawing.) Leipsic. Birthplace of Wagner. Nuremberg. Executioner’s Bridge. “ Near the Burg. Potsdam. Charlottenhof. Speyer or Spires. Cathedral from the North. Stuttgardt. Panorama. “ Schloss Platz. Worms. Luther Monument. (Detail.) Luther. “ “ “ “ Savonarola. “ “ “ “ John Wycliffe. “ “ “ “ • Peter Valdo. “ “ “ “ John Huss. GREAT BRITAIN. /A 6 '* b' 3 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 485 484 485 486 ENGLAND. London. Cheapside. Equestrian Statue of Richard Coeur de Lion. Oxford St. From Marble Arch. Strand, looking West. St. Paul’s Cathedral. Choir. Trafalgar Square. Tyburn. From Marble Arch. Whitehall. Miscellaneous. Ambleside. Harriet Martineau’s House. Bamborough. Grace Darling’s Tomb. Beverly Minster. North Side. Part Second. 21 Large. T3 0» $ .O CJ o On all Orders mention 1890 Supplement. 487 ^ Canterbury Cathedral. Transept of Martyrdom. 488 488 Channel Views. Yawls Sheila, Anemone and Neptune. 489 489 “ “ Steam Yacht Salamanda. 490 490 Cockington. Lane. 491 K Ely Cathedral, Choir. 492 492 Grenchen Stream. Devon. 493 Isle of Wight. Godshill. Dickens’ House. 494 494 “ “ Lowestoft. General View. 495 495 “ “ “ The Beach. 496 Kenilworth Castle. General View. 497 “ “ Caesar’s Tower. 498 498 Liverpool. North Wall Light-house. 499 499 Lynmouth. View at Cherry Bridge. 500 500 New Brighton. 501 Rowsley. Peacock Inn. Eront. 502 “ “ “ Side. 503 Salisbury. Close Gate, High Street. 504 Scarborough. Children’s Corner. 505 505 Stratford-on-Avon. Ann Hathaway’s Cottage. Interior. 506 506 “ “ Shakespeare’s House and Henley St. 507 507 “ “ Ye Ancient House. 508 508 Torquay. Devon Farm. 509 509 “ English Homestead. 510 510 Windsor Castle, from the Thames. SCOTLAND. Edinburgh. 511 Holyrood Palace. Queen Mary’s Bedroom. 512 512 Prince’s Street. From National Gallery. Miscellaneous, 513 513 Arndillv House. 514 Callander Bridge and Ben Ledi. 515 “ Ben Ledi from the Teith. 516 Castle Menzies. 517 “ Chillie Callum.” Dance over Swords. 518 Crathie. Lochnagar from Cairnaquheen. 519 Cumrie. Dunira House. 520 Fort Augustus. Locks on the Caledonia Canal. 521 “ “ St. Benedict’s College and Monastery. 522 522 Glen Etive. Stag from the Royal Forest. 523 Highland Cattle. 524 Loch Cluny and Castle. 525 “ Katrine and Ben Venue. 526 526 “ Lomond. Luss from the West. 527 “ “ “ “ “ Pier. 528 “ “ Swan Island. 529 “ “ with Ben Lomond. 530 “ Ness. Lower Fall of Foyers. 531 Pitlochry. 532 Skipness Castle. * 533 533 Skye Octogenarians. * 534 534 “ Planting Potatoes. 535 Spinning Wheel, The. 536 Stirling Castle. From Ladies’ Rock. 537 “ “ “ King’s Park. 538 “ Bruce Statue. 22 Architectural Subjects, etc. - 541 542 544 539 540 541 542 543 544 Great Britain. ( Concluded .) Stirling. Wallace Statue. Strathpeffer. Brahan Castle. Strath-Spey. Birch Tree at Loch Yaa. “ “ Scotch Firs at Castle Grant. Trossachs Hotel. Wick Harbor. Herring Season. 97 r" 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 559 560 560 GREECE. Athens. Acropolis. General View of Ruins. Eponyme Statue. Erechtheum. Ornamental Detail. Mt. Lycabettus. From Hill of Nymphs. Museum. Group of Jars. “ “ “ Yases. Pnyx, The. Propylsea. From the Parthenon. Temple of JEolus. From above. “ Eleusis. Capital of Column. “ Jupiter. From the Acropolis. Theatre of Bacchus. From the Acropolis. “ Herod. Fa9ade. “ “ Interior. From above. Miscellaneous. Bay of Salamis. Corinth. Temple of the Acroplede or Minerva. 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 , 577 ' 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 I 585 I 586 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586| ITALY. Rome. Basilica of S. John Lateran. Interior of Apse. “ San Lorenzo. Interior. “ St. Peter. Monument to Maria Clementina. “ “ Stuart Monument, by Canova. Baths of Titus. Church of Jesus. Interior. “ San Lorenzo in Lucina. Fa9ade. “ San Prassade. Interior. “ “ Entrance to Chapel of Col- umns. “ S. Prudenziana. Fa9ade. “ S. M. della Vittoria. Interior. Forum. Restored Drawing. “ General Yiew. Late Excavations. Nero’s Tower. Palace of the Caesars. General Yiew. Panorama from Pincian Hill. Pantheon or Mausoleum of Agrippa. Towers removed Piazza del Monte Cavello, and Royal Palace. Round Castle on Yia Appia. Temple of Yenus and Rome. Late Excavations. Vatican. Hall of Animals. “ “ Candelabra. “ “ Greek Cross. “ Equestrian Statue of Constantine. Bernini. “ “ “ Charlemagne. Villa Borgliese. Fountain of Water Horses. Large. Part Second. 23 On all Orders mention 1890 Supplement. 587 1 588 588 589 589 590 590 591 591 592 592 591 594 595 595 596 596 597 597 598 598 599 599 600 600 601 601 602 602 603 603 604 604 605 605 606 607 607 608 608 609 610 610 611 611 612 612 613 614 614 615 615 616 616 617 617 618 618 619 619 620 621 622 623 623 624 624 Florence. Church of S. M. del Carmine. National Museum. Interior. “ “ Tribune of Michelangelo. Palazzo Corsini. Piazza del Mercato Vecchio. Portico of the Uflizi. Head of Giotto. Detail of Statue by G. Dupre. Naples. Cart with Horse, Ox, and Ass. Funeral under the Order of St. Francis. Group of Costumes. From Statuettes. National Museum, Corridor. “ “ Hall of Flora. Pompeii. Arch of Nero. Comic Theatre. Interior. Museum. Interior. “ Domestic Utensils. “ Fountain of New Excavations. “ Great Fountain. Stabiani Baths. Interior. Venice. Campo S. M. del Formosa. Gate of Paradise. Church of S. Giobbe. Portal. “ S. Gregorio. Apse. “ “ Court-yard. “ S. Zacharias. Interior. Equestrian Statue of Victor Emmanuel. Palazzo Vendramin. Miscellaneous. Arezzo. Panorama from S. M. delle Grazie. “ Cathedral. Bologna. Basilica of S. Petronius. Fa£ade. Genoa. Equestrian Statue of Victor Emmanuel II. Lucca. Church of S. Giusto. Facade. Milan. Brera Palace. Court-yard. Padua. Basilica of S. Antonio. Apse. Ravenna. Church of S. M. in Porto. Fa£ade. “ Temple of S. Vitale. Relief on Urn. Siena. Fonte Branda. Verona. Church of S. Anastasia. Portal. “ Cathedral of S. Zeno. Interior. 625 626 627 628 629 630 MALTA. Fortress. “ Saluting Battery. St. John’s Church. High Altar. St. Paul’s Bay. Street of St. Lucia. Street Scene. NORWAY. 631 Christiania. Royal Palace. 632; 632 Finmark. Hammerfest. Panorama. I 6331 “ Midnight Sun. Large. 24 Architectural Subjects, etc. JD o £ 6 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 Finmark. North Cape. “ Tromsoe. General View. “ “ Laplanders and Hut. Nordland. Braksettinderne in Raftsund. “ Henningsvaer. “ Oyelsundet from Raftsund. “ Svartisen. “ Torghatten. “ “ Nearer View. “ Vaagekallen. Nordre Bergenhuus. Nordfjord. PartofLoen, “ “ Laerdalsoren. “ “ “ and Sognefjord. Romsdal. Aagodttind with Eikisdalsvandet. “ Troldtinderne. From the West. Sondmor. Kviteggen. Nebbedal. Sondre Bergenhuus. Hardanger. Tyssestrenge. yH Sondre Trondhjem. Trondhjeim Cathedral. SPAIN. Burgos Cathedral. Choir. Railroad Tunnel on Road from Cordova to Malaga. 656 657 658 658 659 659 660 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 666 667 668 668 669 669 670 670 671 671 672 672 673 673 674 674 675 676 677 678 Norway. ( Concluded .) SWEDEN. Stockholm, Grand Hotel. “ Royal Palace. SWITZERLAND. Berne. General View. Chamounix. Mer de Glace. Engadine. Lake of Sils. “ Maloja. “ Martinsbruck. “ Roseg Glacier and Alp Ota. Geneva with distant View of Mt. Blanc. Grindelwald. Mer de Glace. Hospice of Great St. Bernard. Jungfrau. Lake of Lucerne. Lucerne, from Shore of Lake. “ “ “ Fa9ade of Church. “ “ “ Spreuerbrucke. “ “ “ Thorwaldsen’s Lion. “ “ and Axenstrasse. “ “ Tunnel of Axenstrasse. LaefFelhorn, Panorama. Lake Mottenmarch and Attelin Glacier. Lehmbach Fall. Mt. Blanc, from the Brevent. Simplon Pass. “ “ Brieg. “ “ “ and Belalp. Part Second. 25 679 680 681 682 679 680 681 682 Constantinople. 4 £ % “ TURKEY. Dancing Dervishes. Palace of Dolma-Baytche. Vestibule. Seven Towers of Constantinople. Tower of Galata. AFRICA. Hi}/ 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 ‘ 703 704 705 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 719 720 717 718 719 720 721 n 722 723 724 725 726 722 723 724 725 7-61 EGYPT. Cairo. Boulak Museum. Mummy of Rameses I. Head. “ “ “ Rameses II. “ “ “ “ Head Front. “ “ “ “ “ Profile. “ “ “ Rameses III. “ “ “ “ Head. “ “ “ ofRaskenen. “ “ “ of Seti I. “ “ “ “ Head. “ “ “ ofThothmes II. Head front. “ “ “ “ “ profile. 11 “ Sphinxes of Thothmes III. “ “ Statues of Osiris, Hathor, and Isis. Bridge of Kasr-el-Nil. Kiosk. Arabian Style. Minarets, Group of. Palace of Gezyreh. Alexandria. General View from Pharos. Avenue of the Porte Rosette. Canal Mahmoudieh. “ “ Arab Village. “ “ Antoniadis Garden. “ “ Chadouf. Cleopatra’s Needle. Now in New York. Khedive’s Carriage. Mosque of Shiek Migaud. Palace of Count Zizinia. In Ruins. “ Ras-el-Tin. Port, from the Catacombs of Mex. Square of Consuls. “ “ After the Bombardment. “ “ Review of Army of Occupation. Armed Train and Corps of Marines. Regiment of Native Troops. Miscellaneous. Abydos. Relief of Pasth. Denderah. Relief of Cleopatra. Desert, The. Edfou. Court Front. “ The Sanctuary. Ghizeh. Entrance to Great Pyramid. “ Sphynx with Recent Excavations. Karnak. View from the North. “ Gate and Two Lotus Columns. “ Genealogical Tree of Rameses. Relief. 26 Architectural Subjects, etc. Large. Med. c3 o Egypt. ( Concluded .) 727 727 Karnak. Pylon, from the North. 728 “ Temple of Rameses III. Court. 729 729 Lower Nile, The. ► 730 730 Luxor. Temple of Amenophis. 731 731 “ Statue of Rameses. r 732 732 Memphis. Colossus of Sesostris. 733 733 “ Statue of Rameses II. > 734 Philae. Temple of Isis. Colonnade. >735 K t( <( «< U736 “ “ “ Pylon. “737 737 Port Said. Lighthouse. 738 Sakkara. Tomb of Eftahotep. Relief of the Bull Apis. 739 739 “ “ Ti. Court Reliefs. 740 740 “ “ “ Interior “ 741 741 “ “ “ “ “ Fisherman. Types ancl Costumes. 742 742 Arab Lathe Turner. 743 743 “ Grocer. 744 744 “ Shiek. (Head.) 745 745 “ Theologians. 746 746 “ Woman. 747 747 Armed Bicharis. 748 748 Bedouin. 749 749 Camel Driver. 750 750 Captain of Dahabieh. 751 Caravan Halting in Desert. 752 752 Conductors of Caravans. 753 753 Fellah Women of Karnak. 754 754 Native Boj r s at a Well. 755 755 “ Woman on Donkey. 756 Natives with Crocodile. 757 757 Negro Dancer. 758 758 Nubian Woman. 759 759 Soudanese, Group of. ISLAND OF ST. HELENA. 760 Jamestown. General View from Ladder Hill. 761 “ Napoleon’s House. 762 “ St. Paul’s Church. 763 “ Napoleon’s Grave. MOROCCO. 764 Tangier. Water Carrier. 765 “ Wood “ ASIA. CASHMERE. 766 Nautcli Girls. Part Second. 27 ■■■ ■ if Med. & 3 CHINA. 767 Canton. River with House Boats. 768 “ Flower Pagoda. 769 Hongkong. General View. 770 “ “ “ with Harbor. INDIA. 771 771 Agra. Zenana. Exterior. .. / 772 “ “ Court. f J Ls ^ 773 773 Ahmedabad. Huthi Singh’s Tomb. 774 774 “ “ “ “ Through Gateway. f 775 775 “ Rani Sipri’s Mosque. Detail. “ Sidi Said’s Mosque. Marble window. -7 776 "777 777 Benares. Ancient Buddhist Tower. r 778 778 “ State Elephant. 779 779 Bombay. Great Cave of Elephanta. Calcutta. Great Banyan Tree. Botanical Gardens. 780 780 781 781 “ Bathing Scene on the Hoogly. 782 782 Cawnpore. Slaughter Ghat. Scene of Massacre. 783 783 Chidambaram. Go vendoo Rajah Temple. Inner Temple. 784 784 “ Tank and Northern Gopuram. V J785 786 785 786 Delhi. Alarod deen’s Gateway. “ Cashmere Gate. 787 787 “ Great Arch and Iron Column. 788 788 “ Kootub and Ruins from the East. 789 “ Motee Jusjid. Interior. 790 790 “ Tomb of Emperor Humayun. 791 791 “ “ Nizam-rod-deen. 792 792 Ellora. Stone Temple. Interior and Figure of Oudra. V 793 793 Futtypore Sikri. Shiek Selim Chistie’s Tomb. Marble screens. 794 794 Golcondah. Tombs, with Fort in Distance. 795 795 Himalayas. Distant View. 796 796 Hyderabad. Street and Char Minar. 797 797 Jeypore. Umbere Palace. Dewan-Ivhas. “ “ “ Glass Room. 798 798 799 799 Madura. A Passage in the Temple. 800 800 “ Pillars of Porthoomuntapam. iU 801 801 Mount Aboo. Jain Temple. >*802 802 Ramesweram. Colonnade, 671 feet long. 803 803 Secundra. Tomb of Akbar. From Angle of First I Terrace. 804 “ “ “ Entrance to Enclosure. 805 “ “ “ With Pillar on which stood the Kohinoor. 806 806 Seringham. General View. 807 807 Trichinopoly. Rock and Castle from the North. 808 808 Vellore. The Sentinal God Siva. Types and Costumes. 809 809 Group of Brahmins. Parbu Caste. “ Hindoos. Mahratta Caste. 810 810 811 81 1 “ Parsees. 812 Marwaree Women. 813 Manure Dryers. i 814 Snake Charmers and Jugglers. 23 Architectural Subjects, etc. 767 16 * q Y .Q a d o 815 815 ^816 816 817 817 818 819 820 821 822 822 823 823 824 825 825 826 827 828 .-829 829 *830 830 , 831 831 832 332 - 833 833 834 834 835 836 837 838 839 839 840 840 841 842 842 843 843 844 844 845 845 846 846 847 847 848 849 850 851 851 852 852 853 853 854 854 CEYLON. Colombo, Street Scene near. Kandy. Temple of Buddha’s Tooth. Paddy Fields. Types and Costumes. Children. Girl. Mother and Child. Native Cart. STRAITS SETTLEMENT. Singapore. Fruits. “ Travellers’ Palm. JAPAN. Fujiyama. “ From Yoshiwara. Ikao. Imaichi. Kurodani. Minobu Temple. Interior. Nikko. Temples of First Shogun. 5th Gateway. “ “ “ 6th “ “ “ “ 7th “ Tokio. Shiba Temple. Entrance to a Shogun’s Tomb. “ “ “ Part of Second Tycoon’s Tem- ple. Types and Costumes. Carrying Children. Hair Dressing. Japanese Girls in Bed. Judicial Hara-Kiri. Native Carriage. Orchestra. Rain Coats. Shinto Priest. Trellis of Wistaria, with Native?. PALESTINE. Jerusalem. Model of Mt. Moriah at Commencement of Solomon’s Temple. , Model of Mt. Moriah, Solomon’s Temple. “ , “ Herod’s Temple. “ “ Nero’s Temple. Mosque-el-Aksa. Interior. Pool of Siloam. Prison of St. Peter. Miscellaneous. Bethlehem. Birthplace of Christ. Bethlehem. Chapel of St. Helena. Cana of Galilee. Mount of the Beatitudes. Part Second. 29 6 to O) £ On all Orders mention 1890 Supplement. hJ o 855 855 Samaria. 856 Sidon. 857 857 Tomb of Rachel. SYRIA. 858 Baalbek. Temple of Jupiter. East End of Peristyle. 859 “ “ “ Sculpture of Ceiling. 860 860 Damascus. Great Mosque. Tomb of John the Baptist. 861 861 “ Tombs of Emir Damasquins. NORTH AMERICA. MEXICO. 862 Pyramid of Cholula. NOVA SCOTIA. Grand Pr6. 863 Mouth of Gaspereaux River, where Arcadians Embarked. 864 Old Well and Site of Chapel and Priest’s Dwelling. 865 From Harris Hill. Mouths of Gaspereaux and Avon Rivers. 866 Old French Orchard with Battle Field. 867 West End. 868 Centre. SANDWICH ISLANDS. Hawaii. 869 Honolulu. The Palace. 870 “ Statue of Kamehameha I. UNITED STATES. Arizona. 871 Canon de Chelly. “ “ Captain of the Canon. 872 873 “ “ Cliff Dwellings. 874 “ “ Hand Rock. 875 “ “ Monument. 876 Canon del Muerte. Monument. 877 “ “ Mummy Cave. 878 “ “ From Mummy Cave. 879 880 Grand Canon and Colorado River. California. Menlo Park. Railway and Twin Pines. 881 Yo-Semite Valley. Sentinel Rock. 882 Farallone Islands. Seal Rock. Colorado. 883 883 Canon of the Animas River. 884 884 Ute Pass. New Mexico. 885 Navajo Church, near Fort Wingate. 30 Architectural Subjects, etc. Large. Med. 1 A a O United States. ( Concluded .) 886 Pueblo. 887 Zuni. Cooking-place. 888 Big Navajo. 889 Navajo Wrestler. 890 Moki Girl. 891 Zuni Girl. 892 Zunis and Burros. Pennsylvania. 893 893 Philadelphia. Girard College. 894 894 “ United States Mint. Utah. 895 Bullion Canon. Cascade. 896 Rio Virgin. Eagle Rock. 897 “ Lemon’s Peak. 898 “ Temples of the Virgin. Wyoming-, Yellowstone Park. 899 Castle Geyser. 900 Grotto “ 901 Lone Star Geyser in Action. 902 Grand Canon of the Yellowstone. 903 it It it It 904 Great Falls “ “ 360 feet. 905 Gibbon Fall. 84 feet. 906 Hayden Valley. 907 Mammoth Hot Springs 908 (4 << <( 909 “ “ “ Minerva Terrace. 910 Upper Falls of the Yellowstone. 911 Yellowstone Fall. 912 “ Lake. SUPPLEMENT TO PART T HIRI). REPRODUCTIONS OF MODERN PAINTINGS, ENGRAVINGS, ETC. The dates following certain titles indicate the year in which the picture was exhibited in the Paris Salon. Cabinets are kept in stock, unmounted only, unless marked *. Mediums are kept unmounted, and mounted on 11 X 14 tea-colored cards. Large and extra sizes are kept mounted on 16X20 and 20X24 white cards, respectively, and can be furnished unmounted when desired. In ordering, give size and number only, and whether mounted or not. Subjects marked * are kept in stock, mounted on gilt-edged cabinet mounts, with titles and artists’ names printed thereon, at 20 cents each ; $2.00 per dozen. Extra. Large. Medium. Cabinet. | Artist. Subject. 1001 1001 Acqua, Cesare Dell’. .Turkish Woman. 1002 1002 Adam, Benno Boar Hunt. 1003 1003 .Deer Hunting. 1004 1004 Adan, L. Emile . . Beginning of the Campaign. 1005 1005 . After the Contest. 1006 1006 , .The Haymaker. 1007 1007 .Return of the Vintagers. 1008 1008 .November. 1888. 1009 1009 .Evening. 1889. 1010 1010 Ademollo, C . .Chariot Race. 1011 1011 Alma-Tadema, L. . .. , . Anthony and Cleopatra. 1012 1012 Amberg, W , . Hand in Hand.* 1013 1013 Arcos, S ..Philip II. receiving a Depu- tation. 1014 1014 1014 Aubert, Jean .Love grown Cold. (Winter.)* 1015 1015 1015 . .Love Wins.* 1016 1016 1016 , .A Mysterious Concert.* 1888. 1017 1017 1017 1017 Bacon, Henry . .At the Capstan. 1887. 1018 1018 .Lesson in Boat-building.*1888. 1019 1019 . .No Letter. 1020 1020 Ballavoine, J . .La Cigale. 1021 1021 1021 Barber, C. Burton . . , . A Mute Appeal. 1022 1022 1022 . . In Disgrace.* 1023 1023 Barclay, Edgar. . . .Old Steps at Capri. 1024 1024 Bastien-Lepage, Jules. Jeanne d’Arc. 1025 1025 . . Portrait of Sarah Bernhardt. 1026 1026 Baudry, P. J. A. ... . .Charlotte Corday. 1027 1027 Baumeister, K . .Last Supper. 1028 1028 Bayard, Emile . . A Joyous Band. 1029 1029 . . A Marriage. 1030 1030 1030 . . The Perryman. 1031 '1031 . . A Garden Festival at Trianon. 32 Modern Paintings, Engravings, etc. Extra, j I Large. i V % ,£3 C« o Artist. Subject. 1032 1J332 Bayes, A. W Departure of the Mayflower. 1033 1033 1033 Becker, Carl Pope Julius II. viewing the Apollo Belvedere. 1034 1034 Bellange, II Napoleon receiving Portrait of his Son. 1035 1035 Benjamin-Constant, J.J. The Last Rebels. 1C36 1036 1036 Benner, Jean A Shady Corner in Capri.* 1887. 1037 1037 Benouville, Leon St. Francis of Assisi dying. 1038 1038 1038 Bernier, C A Dale in Brittany. 1039 1039 Berne-Bellecour, E..On the Alert. 1040 Bertie, Fanny von The Spinner. 1041 1041 Bertier, F. E A Trick at Cards. 1042 Beyschlag, Robt A Maiden with Fruit. 1043 1043 Billet, Pierre High Tide. Coast of Nor- mandy. 1044 Blaas, Eugene de Study Head, No. 1. 1045 1045 U “ No. 2. 1046 1046 1047 1047 1048 1048 1049 1049 1050 1050 1051 Blake, William Death’s Door. 1052 1052 Blashfield, E. H. Roman Women in the Arena. 1053 1053 1053 Blinks, Thomas Where’s the Field? No. 1. 1054 1054 1055 1055 1055 | 1056 1056 1056 Set of Fox-Hunting 1057 1057 1057 Pictures. 1058 1058 1058 Finish 1 1059 1059 Blume-Siebert, L. . . .The Baby’s Birthday. 1060 1060 1060 1060 Bodenhausen, C. von. .Hope.* 1061 1061 Bonnat, L f .The Broken Pitcher. 1062 1062 Bouchor, J. F Family of Normandy Fishers. 1888. 1063 1063 1063 Bouguereau, W. A. . .Our Lady of the Angels.* 1064 1064 1064 1065 1065 1066 1066 1067 1067 No. 6836.) 1068 1068 1069 1069 1070 1070 1071 1071 1072 1072 Bource, Henri Return of the Fishers. 1073 1073 Bradley, Basil Feline Affection. 1074 1074 Brascassat, J. R Landscape with Animals. 1075 1075 Bredt, F. M. . Arabian Lady Boating. 1076 1076 1076 Breton, Jules A Sifter of Colza. 1077 1077 1078 1078 1078 1079 1079 1079 1080 1080 1080 End of Labor.* 1887. 1081 1081 Girls in Procession. 1 1888. Part Third. 33 X H 9) & CS o Artist. 1082 1082 1083 1083 Breton, Jules . Bridgman, F. A. Subject. .Vintagers. A Ball at the House of the 1093 1099 1107 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1117 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1122 1122 1123 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1135 1133 1134 1135 1136 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 Governor, Algiers. 1889. Brooks, Thomas Grace Darling and her Father. Brouillet, A ; . Solitude. 1889. Buche, J Tyrolean Girl. Study Head, No. 1. “ “ No. 2. Burne-Jones, E Study Head.* Love among the Ruins. Angel of Annunciation. Sibylla Delphica. Busson, G Return from Hunting. 1888. Cabanel, Alex Thamar. Phedre. Death of Francesca di Rimini. Cleopatra.* 1887. Caldwell, E For the Safety of the Public.* Camphausen, W Sedan. The Capture.* Caracci, A Head of Christ. Carter, R. H Last of the Catch. Carter, S First Sight of the Fox. Cassioli, A Teasing. Cederstrom, Th At the Monastery Door.* A Jolly Song.* A Geographical Dispute. Chantron, A. J Cupid breaking his Bow.*1887. Chaplin, Ch Innocence. Chatillon, Mme. L. de . The Captive. Cima da Conegliano. .Christ. Ciseri, Antonio Christ borne to the Tomb. Clairin, G Rest before the Manoeuvres. Clermont-Gallerande. Doing the Honors. Coeylas, H Retired from Business. 1888. Cole, Vicat Autumn Leaves. Comerre, LIson A Little Marquis. Comerre-Paton, Mme. J. Rustic Simplicity.* 1887. Comte, P. C Dante. Coomans, Diana Listening. Coomans, Heva The Place of Meeting. A Message. Coomans, Joseph Dreamland. (Dreaming.)* The Smile. (Musing.)* Satisfaction.* Indecision.* Cope, C. W First Trial by Jury. Cormon, F Victors of Salamis. 1887. Cot, P. A Mireille. Courtois, G Madonna and Child. 1887. Couture, Thos. .... Romans of the Decadence. Cull, J. A Late for School. Dagnan-Bouveret,P.A. J. “ Bretonnes au Pardon.” 1889. Debat-Ponsan, E. B. .Rustic Beauty.* 1888. Maternity. Defregger, F On a Furlough.* Making the Crossbow. Extra. 34 Modern Paintings, Engravings, etc. 1168 1179 Med. Cab. 1137 1137 : 1138 1138 1139 1140 1139 1141 1142 1143 1144 1144 1145 1145 1146 1146 1147 1147 1148 1148 1149 1149 1150 1150 1151 1151 1152 1152 1153 1153 1154 1154 1155 1155 1156 1156 1157 1157 1158 1158 1159 1159 1160 1160 1161 1161 1162 1162 1163 1163 1164 1164 1165 1165 1166 1167 1166 1168 1168 1169 1169 ' 1170 1170 1171 1171 1172 1172 1173 1173 1174 1174 1175 1175 1176 1176 1177 1177 1178 1178 1179 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 Artist. Subject. Defregger, F. 1 | Set of J- Easter | Subjects. J 1889. . . The Arriere-Ban. The Smith of Kochel. , . . .Andreas Hofer’s Last Walk. Bavarian Peasant Girl. . . .Peasant Girl No. 1. .... “ “ No. 2. “ “ No. 3. , . . . Spreckbacher and his Son. . . .The Bitten Goose. . . .Learning A. B. C. ... Artists in the Tyrol. Deger, Prof. E Christ Child. Delaroche, Paul . . . .Head of Christ.* St. Cecilia. Virgin at Foot of Cross. Shrouding of Christ. .....Madonna and Child in the Desert. Virgin Fainting. Return from Gol- gotha. Good Friday. Virgin in Contem- plation. DeLobbe, A.. The Calm. The Broken Pitcher. Proposal of Love. On the Beach. DeLort, C On the Ramparts. Bad Reception. Tender Adieu. Denneulin, J. ...... . .Never without Game. “ There it is ! ” Deranka, II Dance of the Schafflers. Detaille, E The Soldier’s Dream. Dicksee, Frank Romeo and Juliet. Cynthia.* Dicksee, Herbert .... His Majesty. Didier, Jules Ploughing on Roman pagna. Dieffenbach, A. H. . .Unwelcome Kiss. Dielitz, K Wotan’s Farewell to Briin- hilde. .Valkyrie bearing a Hero to Valhalla. Dobson, W. C. T Nazareth. Dollman, J. C .Warranted Quiet to Ride or Drive. Dor£, Gustav Angel Leaving Tobias. A Neophyte. Jesus BlessingLittle Children. Jesus Stilling the Tempest. Jesus and Disciples in Corn- field. Sermon on the Mount. Jesus Healing Man possessed with the Devil. 1888. Cam- Large, Part Third. 35 1206 ’d 45 6 Artist. '1186 Dor£, Gustav ‘1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1196 Douglass, Edwin 1197 1197 1198 1198 Douglass, E. A. S. ... 1199 1199 Dubufe, G 1200 1200 Dupr£, Julien 1201 1201 1202 1202 1203 1203 Dvorak, F 1204 1204 1205 1205 1206 1206 1207 1207 Ebert, A 1208 1208 Eggena, A 1209 1209 Ekwall, Knut 1 1210 1210 Ender, Ed ! 1211 1211 1212 1212 1213 1213 Etty, William ! 1214 1214 Fabens, A 1215 1215 Faed, John ! 1216 1216 1217 1217 Feyen, Eugene 1218 1218 Feyen-Perrin, A 1219 1219 Fildes, A 1220 1220 Flameng, f ; 1221 1221 Frappa, J i 1222 1222 Froschl, C .; 1223 1223 Gamba de Preydour . . ! 1224 1224 1225 1225 Gardner, Elizabeth . . ' 1226 1226 1227 1227 1228 1228 Garnier, Jules 1229 Gebhardt, Karl < 1230 1230' Gericault, T 1231 1231 Gerome, J. L ( 1232 12321 1233 1233 Gervex, H 1234, Giovanni, P. di 1 1235 1235 Giron, C 1236 1236! Goodall, F 1 1237 1237! Subject. Jesus Feeding the Multitude. Baptism of Jesus. Marriage in Cana. Jesus Healing the Lunatic. Jesus Healing Man with Palsy. Jesus Preaching in Synagogue. John the Baptist Preaching in Wilderness. Jesus and Woman of Samaria. Jesus Walking on the Sea. Jersey Beauties. A Dog in the Manger. In the Enclosure. 1887. Pitching Hay. The Prairie. 1889. The Cut Finger.* Playing Ball. “ Ring-a-Ring-a-Rounder.” Hide and Seek.* Mignon.* Schiller at Court of Weimar. Charles I. and Yan Dyck at Hampton Court. Mozart before Empress Maria Theresa. Washington at Trenton. 1888. Marie Antoinette Going to her Execution. Child. Vain Soaring.* 1887. 1888. ilies.* 1888. Innocence. 1887. The Farmer’s Daughter. 1S87. A Reception. Cupid Weeping over Adonis. 36 Modern Paintings, Engravings, etc. Extra. Large. T3 0> S 6 Artist. Subject. 1238 1238 Gorlich, Marie AND Sofie 1239 Gosse 1240 1240 Goubie, R . . . 1241 1241 Graetz, Th 1242 1242 Grashey, Otto . . . 1243 1243 Grass, Adolf . . .Lost in the Catacombs. 1244 1244 Griger, C. Aug. . . . . . Kiss of Judas. 1245 Gronvold, M 1246 1246 1246 Grosse, F. T ... Madonna and Child.* 1247 1247 1248 1248 1248 Grutzner, E. . .-. . 1249 1249 1249 1250 1250 1250 1251 1251 1252 1252 1253 1253 1254 1254 1254 1255 1255 tery. 1256 1256 Guardabassi 1257 1257 Guillon, A 1887. 1258 1258 Gussow, C 1259 1259 Halfnight, R. . . . 1260 1260 1261 1261 1262 1262 1263 1263 1263 Hamman, E 1264 1264 1264 Channel. 1265 1265 1266 1266 1267 Hannah, Robert. Circulation of Blood to Charles I. 1268 1268 Hardy, Heywood The Toast. 1269 1269 1270 1270 1271 1272 1272 Haquette, G 1273 1273 1274 1274 1275 1275 1276 1276 1277 1277 Havers, A 1278 1278 Hebert, E . . 1279 1279 1279 1280 1280 Heidel, C 1281 1281 1281 Henner, J. J. ... ....Creole. • . • /• Ma-nim-mic. [ Prominent Chiefs. Sauke and Hat py. Squaws. Braves. INDIAN CAMPS. In medium size only. Prices, 40 cents each; $4.00 per dozen, unmounted. “ 50 “ “ ; $5.00 “ “ mounted on 11 X 14 cards. 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 Kiowa. Ton-e-on-co, or Kicking Bird’s Camp. “ Quir-par-ko, or Lone Wolf’s Camp. Comanche. Mow-way, or Hand Shaker’s Camp. “ Paro-o-coom, or He Bear’s Camp. “ Ta-her-ye-qua-hip, or Horse Back’s Camp. “ Boo-e-yah-toyah, or Iron Mountain’s Camp. Apache. Pacer’s Camp. Cheyenne Camp. < t U Arrapahoe Camp. t ( 4 4 Wachita Camps. Caddo “ Scalped Hunter, killed near Fort Dodge, Kansas, June, 1859. Part Third. 57 ILLUSTRATIONS ARRANGED EOR VARIOUS BOOKS. The following lists of illustrations have been carefully selected to ex- tend the books named. Prices, $1.50 per dozen, unmounted, or $2.00 per dozen, mounted on plate paper, ready for binding. Robert Browning. The Ring* and the Book. Vol. I. Page, Subject. Catalogue No. Frontispiece. Portrait of Browning. Seated. 8. Palazzo Riceardi, Florence .... 4916 9. Mona Lisa. {Da Vinci.) 479 Tomb of Giuliano de’ Medici. 2534 “ Lorenzo “ 2539 10. Square of San Lorenzo, Florence . 4882 Palazzo Strozzi 4917 34. Fountain of Bernini, Rome * 4744 43. Forum . „ 4737 44. Handel 8660 46. Castle of St. Angelo 4713 49. Mrs. Browning 8550 51. S. Lorenzo in Lucina, Rome Sup. 567 58. Crucifixion. {Guido Reni.) 1161 75. Apollo Belvedere 2232 101. Madonna. {C. Maratta.) 1236 111. Piazza di Spagna, Rome. 4776 116. Interior of St. Peter’s, Rome 4690 135. Rome. General View 4660 190. Piazza Navona, Rome 4773 221. Caligula.... 2415 240. Paris and Helen. {David.) 1778 255. Justinian. {Mosaic.) 21 274. St. Paul. {Raphael.) ; 10047 275. Fenelon .. . 8894 279. Cathedral, Arezzo Sup. 614 Dante 48 285. Raphael • • ■ 8695 295. S. M. della Pieve, Arezzo 5334 310. Moliere 8890 319. St. George. {Parmagianino. ) 7913 The Ring and the Book. Yol. II. 20. The Corso, Rome 4809 24. Arezzo. General View Sup. 613 82. St. Jerome. {Raphael.) Sup. 1461 97. Sistine Chapel, Rome 4808 115. Lucretia. {Palma Vecchio.) 700 117. Cicero 23oG 124. Phryne. {Gerome.) Sup. 1665 Lucretia and Tarquin. {Caguacci.) 1199 132. Eve. {C. Solari.) 2(551 136. Judith. {Allori.) 1170 139. Dido. {Raphael.) • • • 8044 143. Venus de’ Medici ... 2327 144. Nero 2269 58 Book Illustrations. Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 147. Our Lord appearing to Mary Magdalen. ( Plockhorst .) '. 79G3 149. Hercules and Omphale. ( Gleyre .) 1827 153. Sophocles ....... Sup. 267 169. Innocent XII. Sup. 1909 170. Pope Formosus and Stephen VII. ( Laurens .) Sup. 1335 187. Campagna, Rome 4704 198. St. Michael. {Raphael.) 8013 220. Galileo. ( Sustermans .) 1393 222. Euripides Sup. 261 223. Living Torches of Nero. ( Siemiradzki .) 8274 230. Martin Luther 9014 232. Naples 5064 233. Porta Romana, Florence 4926 243. Statue of St. Peter 4692 290. Virgil Sup. 229 293. Genius of the Vatican 2258 296. Annunciation. (Fra Angelico.) 177 Portrait of Fra Angelico 8685 297. “ Titian 8702 Venus of the Tribune. * {Titian.) Sup. 72 299. Caesar Borgia. {Raphael.) Sup. 91 309. Piazza del Popolo, Rome 4775 330. Voltaire 8915 322. Inscriptions in the Catacombs 6 Selections from Browning 1 . Vol. I. Frontispiece. Robert Browning 8549 Opp. Dedication. Tennyson 8640 1. Battista Sforza. {Francesca.)..' 255 2. Angels’ Heads. {Correggio.) 7001 and 7002 4. Catarina Cornaro. {Titian.) 704 12. Francis 1 8844 56. Napoleon I 8776 “ wounded at Ratisbon 1915 Cathedral, Ratisbon 3562 57. Robert Burns .. . 8553 William Wordsworth 8649 58. Venice 5231 61. Honeymoon, Venice. {Lecompte Du Nouy.) Sup. 1338 94. Venus. {Titian.) 10052 119. Piazza della Annunziata 4922 129. Love Among the Ruins. {Burne-Jones.) Sup. 1090 131. St. Paul’s, London 3645 133. Alfred Domett. “Waring.” Sup. 1898 134. Fleet Street, London 3591 136. Moscow 5538 137. View in Madrid 5573 144. Cathedral, Padua Sup. 619 145. Metternich Sup. 1915 146. Sorrento 5421 153. Bellini Sup. 1779 Auber 8652 157. Dante 8571 Boccaccio 4943 Petrarch 8610 St. Jerome. {Ghirlandajo.) .... 438 Cicero ...Sup. 258 160. Filippo Lippi 237 Selections from Browning. 59 Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 1G6. Filippo Lippi and Lucrezia Buti. ( Castagnola .) 6934 168. Masaccio 227 170. Coronation of Virgin. ( Lippi .) 240 174. Raphael 785 175. Andrea del Sarto and Wife. {Del Sarto.) Sup. 100 Michael Angelo „ 593 176. Andrea del Sarto 991 Madonna of the Tribune. ( Del Sarto.) 993 179. St. Praxed’s Church, Rome Sup. 568 183. Rialto, Venice 5308 202. Campagna, Rome 4704 206. Guardian Angel. ( Guercino .) 1195 212. The Morgue, Paris. ( Meryon .) 9421 230. Jupiter 2262 236. St. Paul. {Raphael.) 10047 242. Raising of Lazarus. ( Piombo .) 7960 253. The Tempest. Act III., Scene 2. 9565 Selections. Vol. II. 43. Shelley 8633 Beatrice Cenci. {Guido Reni.) 1149 69. Antiope. {Correa qio.) 1049 Titian 703 102. L. da Vinci . 471 105. Boulevard des Capuchins 2898 117. Charles 1 1409 122. Battle of La Hogue. ( West.) Sup. 1591 127. Louvre, Court Front 2948 155. View of Florence 4816 157. Vasari 8703 158. Theseus 2094 159. Apollo Belvedere ... 2232 Niobe 2311 Racers, Frieze of Parthenon 2121 Dying Alexander 2302 160. Giotto. (Statue.) 4950 “ (Bust.) Sup. 592 161. Cimabue 134 Niccolo Pisano 4954 162. Fra Angelico 1230 164. Church of San Spirito 4894 “ Ognissanti 4863 165. Giotto’s Campanile 4823 166. Cardinal Wiseman Sup. 1935 167. Goethe 8584 169. II Giorno. {Correggio.) 1033 177. Verdi 8673 Rossini 8668 181. Vatican 4796 Naples 5064 Falls of Terni 7271 St. Gotthard 5946 186. Cardinal Newman 9023 “ Antonelli 8981 196. Benj. Franklin 8994 199. Samuel Johnson . 8596 205. Oliver Cromwell 1450 Beethoven 8654 60 Book Illustrations. Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 213. Homer 2441 Milton : 8606 182. Martin Luther 0015 231. Bach 8353 233. Emerson 8578 Jenny Lind Sup. 1912 237. Mary, Queen of Scots . . 8811 238. James Russell Lowell Sup. 1763 Longfellow 8509 Hawthorne 8587 Lady Jane Grey 8792 239. Queen Elizabeth 8788 241. St. Peter’s, Rome . . . 4689 246. St. John the Evangelist. ( Domenichino .) 7101 251. iEschylus Sup. 257 253. Ephesus, Arch in Ruiqs 6192 255. Juno . . 2209 265. Diana. (Correggio.) 7926 Diana ... 2418 274. Plain of Marathon 4620 Acropolis, Athens 4576 282. Shakespeare 8625 Henry W. Longfellow. Poetical Works. Household Edition. Houghton, Mifflin, &. Co., Boston. Frontispiece. Portrait of Longfellow 8599 The Reaper and the Flowers. 3. The Angel of Peace. ( Kaulbach .) Sup. 1308 The Beleaguered City. 5. Prague. Bridge over the Moldau 2775 The Skeleton in Armor. 25. Old Mill at Newport The Children of the Lord’s Supper. 30. Portrait of Tegner Sup. 1773 Endymion. 36. Endymion. ( Watts.) 8500 God’s Acre. 37. God’s Acre. ( Miss Osborn.) Sup. 1423 To the River Charles. 38. Charles River. {Hunt.) 9850 The Spanish Student. 45. Prado, Madrid 5571 46. Street of Alcala, Madrid 5580 48. Cathedral Garden, Cordova 5593 56. General View, Alhambra 5607 69. Segovia 5789 The Belfry of Bruges. 77. Belfry, Bruges 2868 Hotel de Ville, Bruges 2871 Nuremberg. 79. General View 3398 Church of St. Lorenz 3408 Pyx “ “ 3411 Portrait of Diirer 8683 Statute of Hans Sachs 3439 Fountain of the Virtues '3418 Goose Fountain 3423 Schonbrunnen 3437 Longfellow’s Works. 61 Page. Subject. Catalogue No. To a Child. 83. Portrait of Washington 9040 Longfellow’s House Seaweed. 83. Rock Scenery, St. Michael’s, Azores 2820 Dante. 91. Portrait of Dante 48 93. The Statue over the Cathedral Door. Cologne Cathedral, South Portal 3336 Evangeline. 95. Grand Pre. From Harris Hill. Mouths of Gaspereaux and Avon Rivers Sup. 865 96. Grand Pre. Old Well and Chapel and Priest’s Dwelling. Sup. 864 97. “ West End... Sup. 867 98. Evangeline. ( Douglass .) 7115 99. Grand Pre. Mouth of Gaspereaux River, where Aca- dians embarked Sup. 863 103. Evangeline. ( Faed .) 7173 103. Grand Pre. Old French Orchard, with Battlefield. Sup. 866 120. Evangeline. {Max.) 7731 Land of 1 he Desert, etc. 130. The Dead Sea ... 6435 Sonnet. 134. Shakespeare 8625 The Courtship of Miles Standish. 193. Julius Csesar 8823 Puritans Going to Church. {Boughton.) 6830 Prometheus. 211. Prometheus Unbound 9706 Milton 8606 The Ladder of St. Augustine. 212. St. Augustine. {Botticelli.) 403 The Warden of the Cinque Ports. 213. Duke of Wellington 9042 Dover 3907 Hastings 3970 The Emperor’s Bird’s-Nest. 215. Charles V. ( Titian) ... 741 The Jewish Cemetery at Newport. 217. Jews’ Quarter, Frankfort. 3500 The Discoverer of the North Cape. 223. North Cape, Norway 5508 The Fiftieth Birthday of Agassiz. 224. Portrait of Agassiz Sup. 1885 The Children’s Hour. 226. Rat Tower on the Rhine 3372 Euceladus. 226. Mt. Etna. {Ilackert.) Tales of a Wayside Inn. 233. Palermo. General view. .. . 5198 234. Pisa 5086 237. Boccaccio 4943 Florence. General view 4816 244. Palermo Cathedral 5202 245. St. Peter’s and Vatican, with Piazza and Colonade 4688 263. True Portrait of Christ 9026 264. Ferdinand. ( Becquer .) 1743 Isabella. “ 1744 62 Book Illustrations. Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 292. Naples. Panorama 5064 Amalfi. General view 5326 294. Charlemagne .... 8824 Certosa of Pavia 5392 300. Thames, London 3661 Hawthorne. 319. Hawthorne 8587 Giotto’s Tower. 321. Giotto’s Tower . . 4823 Giotto 4950 Diviua Commedia. 323. Dante and Beatrice. ( Scheffer .) 8201 Judas Maccabaeus. 324. Jerusalem. General view. . . 6378 Cleopatra 6111 To Cardinal Richelieu. 339. Richelieu 8868 To Italy. 339. Burnese Alps 5811 Wanderer’s Night Songs. 340. Goethe 8584 The Masque of Pandora. 341. Jupiter 2262 342. Pandora. ( Sichel .) 8258 Thalia 2447 343. Mercury 2572 344. The Fates. 2097 347. Hercules and Omphale 1827 Leda and the Swan. ( Correggio .) Sup. 109 Morturi Salutamus, 354. Ave Caesar Imperator. ( Gerome .) 7236 358. Sophocles 2225 Chaucer 8563 Charles Sumner. 358. Portrait of Sumner Cadeuabbia. 358. Cadenabbia . . 5012 359. Bellaggio 5008 Yarenna . . . . 5026 Amalfi. 361. Amalfi 5327 The Sermon of St. Francis. 362. St. Francis preaching to the Birds. ( Giotto .) ... Sup. 12 Belisarius, 362. Belisarius.. 7234 Keats. 366. Portrait of Keats 8597 Endymion. ( Guercino .) 1187 The Old Bridge at Florence. 368. Ponte Vecchio 4925 Kramos. 370. Raphael 8695 Urbino. House where Raphael was born 5447 Children Singing. ( Della Robbia .) 2484 371. Cairo . . 6008 A Dutch Picture. 373. Rotterdam Canals ... 4651 Rembrandt 8697 Castles in Spain. 374. Burgos 5581 Longfellow’s Works. 63 I* a g e - Subject. Catalogue No. 374. Toledo . 5733 Cadiz 5756 Seville 5675 Cordova 5590 Yittoria Colonna. Yittoria Colonna. ( Muziano .) 1129 “ Husband of. (Da Vinci.) 487 The Emperor’s Glove. 376. Ghent 2873 A Ballad of the French Fleet. Old South Church A Wraith in the Mist. 378. Samuel Johnson 8596 The Three King's. 378. Adoration of the Magi. ( Pfannschmidt .) 7931 Bethlehem 6430 The White Czar. 379. Peter the Great 8817 In the Churchyard at Tarry town. 380. Washington Irving 8595 Venice. 381. Venice 5223 The Harvest Moon. 382. The Harvest Moon. (Mason.) 7717 The Three Silences of Molinos. 382. Whittier 8648 Boston. 383. Boston 3845 St. Botolph’s Church 3846 Wapentake. 385. Tennyson 8640 Yirgil’s Eclopncs. 386. Bust of Virgil Sup. 269 Translation of M. Angelo’s Sonnets. 394. M. Angelo and V. Colonna. ( Schneider .) 8216 Bayard Taylor. 394. Portrait of Bayard Taylor Sup. 1772 To.mb of Maximilian 2750 The Iron Pen. 396. The Castle of Chillon . 5880 Byron 8556 397. Burns 8553 Banks and Braes o’ Bonnie Doon 4339 Auf Wiedersehen, 405. J. T. Fields Sup. 1749 The Children’* Crusade. 406. Cologne 3328 President Garfield. 408. James A. Garfield 8975 To the Avon. 409. Holy Trinity Church, Stratford 3790 Michael Angelo. 415. Michael Angelo 593 418. Sorrento. General view .... 5421 Naples. Panorama 5065 The Last Judgment. ( M. Angelo.) . . . 6654 Moses. “ 2555 Pope Julius II. (Raphael.) 798 420. Laocoon 2263 64 Book Illustrations. Page. Subject. Catalogue No. Forum. General view . 4 737 422. Lorenzo de Medici 2540 425. Arsenal, Venice 5226 432. Vittoria Colonna. {M. Angelo.} 595 Sistine Chapel 4808 434. Ariosto 8547 G. Bellini 287 435. Trajan 2393 436. Benvenuto Cellini 8680 437. Ghiberti Gates 2455 Church of San Lorenzo, Florence 4882 The Medici Tombs 2534 and 2539 Morning, {M. Angelo •) 2542 Entire Ceiling, Sistine Chapel. ( M . Angelo.') 6655 438. Castle of St. Angelo 4713 441. Petrarch . 8610 442. Piazza M. Angelo, with David Statue 4924 443. Pope Leo X. ( Raphael .) 799 445. Titian 8702 Vasari 8703 Tintoretto 1093 446 Veronese 1096 Danas. {Titian.) Sup. 78 Venice 5224 449. St. Catherine. ( Miicke .) 7829 450. St. Peter’s 4687 452. Madonna. {Cimabue.) 39 Church of S. M. Novella 4889 St. Peter’s 4689 454. Night. {M. Angelo.) 2538 456. Coliseum 4729 457. Da Vinci 8704 458. Perseus. {Cellini.) 2565 460. Cosimo di Medici 1071 Guicciardini 4947 466. Luther 9015 Pieta. {M. Angelo.) 2552 Virgil. .aSneid, I- VI. Book I. Line. 8. Musa Calliope. Vatican, Rome 2240 22. The Fates. {M. Angelo.) Pitti Gal., Florence 6651 27. Paris. Vatican, Rome 2272 28. Ganymede. {Thorwaldsen.) Berlin 2599 46. Juno. Vatican, Rome 2260 144. Triton. Vatican, Rome 2286 286. Youthful Augustus. Vatican, Rome 2291 329. Diana of the Louvre. {Jean Antoine Houdon.) 2581 437. Dido building Carthage. {J. M. W. Turner.) 8382 456. Wounded Greek, Ajax, Teucer. Glyptothek, Munich 2171 483. Hector’s body dragged at the car of Achilles {Flaxman.) . . . 9677 486. Funeral of Hector. “ ... 9679 499. Diana Hunting. {Ilans Makart.) 7690 500. Diana of the Hind . . 2418 664. Venus and Cupid. {Thorwaldsen.) 2613 718. iEneas at the Court of Dido. {P. Guerin.) Paris ......... 7311 Virgil. iEneid, I VI. 65 Book II. Line. Subject. Catalogue No. 15. Minerva Bellica. Capitol, Home 2212 or 2213 116. Iphigenia. {E. Teschendorf.) 8312 214. Laocoon. Vatican, Rome 2263 258. Mercury. (Wednesday.) {Raphael.) Vatican, Rome 9829 403. Cassandra. ( Dante Gabriel Rossetti.) 8144 414. Ajax. ( A . Canova.) Venice 2592 571. Helen of Troy. ( Sir Fred'k Leighton.) 7636 708. Flight of JEneas. ( Luca Signorelli.) Acad. Siena ... .... 345 *723. Group from “Incendio del Borgo.” {Raphael.) Vat., Rome. 858 Book III. 321. Rape of Polyxena. {P. Fedi.) Loggia di Lanzi, Florence . . 2634 482. Hector and Andromache. ( Thorwaldsen.) 2610 521. Ancient Italy. {J. M. W Turner.) 8377 628. Ulysses giving wine to Polyphemus 9683 629. Ulysses blinding Polyphemus 9684 Book IV. 79. JEneas at the Court of Dido. {P. Guerin.) Paris 7311 144. Apollo and the Muses. {Giulio Romano.) Pitti Gal., Florence. 1025 239. Flying Mercury. {G. di Bologna.) Nat. Mus., “ 2572 481. Atlas. National Museum, Naples 2344 511. Luna. (Monday.) {Raphael.) Vatican, Rome 9827 584. Aurora. {Guercino.) Ludovisi Villa, Rome 7310 659. Dido. (Raphael.) 8044 700. Iris. {Guy Head.) Gal. of St. Luke, Rome 1961 Book V. 104. Apollo. (Sunday.) {Raphael.) Vatican, Rome 9833 255. Ganymede and the Eagle. Nat. Mus., Naples ..... 2365 291. Wrestlers, Boxers, and Runners. Panathenaic Vase 9693 364. “ “ “ “ “ 9693 428. Pugilists. Lateran Mus., Rome 2224 704. Minerva Bellica. Capitol, Rome 2213 799. Birth of Venus. ( W. A. Bouguereau.) .... 6845 Book VI. 11. Cumasan Sibyl. {M. Angelo.) Sistine Chapel, Rome 6657 14. Dedalus. {A. Pisano.) Campanile, Florence 4838 28. Sleeping Ariadne. Vatican. Rome 2280 35. Cumsean Sibyl. {Domenichino.) Borghese Gal., Rome 7103 56. Apollo Belvedere. Vatican, Rome 2232 120. Orpheus and Eurydice. (Robt. Beyschlag.) 6756 146. The Golden Bough. {J. M. W. Turner.) 8381 402. Pluto and Proserpine. {Lorenzo Bernini.) Rome 2575 445. Procris and Cephalus. {J. M. W. Turner.) 9446 618. Theseus. Temple of Volksgartens, Vienna 2593 781. Panorama of Rome 4661 66 Book Illustrations. Hawthorne’s Marble Faun. Riverside edition, Houghton, Mifflin, & Co., Boston. Page. Subject. Catalogue No. Frontispiece. Faun of Praxiteles ..... 2202 18. Lycian Apollo . 2210 Juno 2209 Innocence or Evil 2206 20. Capitol, Home .. 4709 21. Forum, with Capitol 4739 28. Venus of the Capitol 2217 29. Dying Gladiator . 2201 69. Hilda’s Tower . .... 4750 83. Beatrice Cenci. {Guido Reni.) 1149 88. Villa Borghese 4812 122. Fountain of Moses 4745 Pincian Hill 4777 124. Wall of Romulus . .. 4815 130. Piazza del Popolo 4775 131. “ “ “ 4774 136. Trinita de’ Monti 4726 165. Granduca Madonna. {Raphael.) 791 172. Fountain of Trevi 4749 178. Trajan’s Forum 4795 181. Temple of Minerva 4787 184. Coliseum. Exterior .... 4728 185. “ Interior 4729 188. Arch of Constantine .... . 4667 189. Palace of the Caesars 4754 190. Arch of Titus 4671 or 4672 191. “ “ Detail . . . . 4673 193. Temple of Peace 4788 194. Forum. General View 4737 196. Statue of Marcus Aurelius 4711 198. Tarpeian Rock 4782 217. St. Michael. {Guido Reni.) 1151 224. Catacombs of the Capuchins 4715 229. Villa Medici 4814 356. Angel. {Fra Angelico.) 191 357. “ “ 196 360. Statue of Pope Julius. Perugia 5401 373. Panorama from Trinita de’ Monti 4660 381. Madonna di Foligno. {Raphael.) 818 387. Christ bound to a Pillar. {Sodoma.) 769 398. St. Peter’s. Exterior . -4689 399. “ “ Interior 4690 400. Statue of St. Peter 4692 420. Castle and Bridge of St. Angelo 4713 445. Laocoon . 2263 Rotunda of Vatican 4805 446. Via del Corso 4809 449. Hall of Statues. Vatican .. 4799 450. Caligula’s Palace. Palatine Hill i 4757 476. Appian Way 4662 Tomb of Cecilia Metella 4663 477. Campagna 4704 480. Venus de’ Medicis 2327 481. Apollo Belvedere 2232 507. Farnese Palace , 4736 Marble Faun. 67 Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 511. Transfiguration. ( Raphael .) 820 515. Pantheon. Exterior 4767 516. “ Interior 4708 Lew Wallace. Ben Hur. Harper and Brothers, New York. Frontispiece. Holy Night. ( Correggio .) 6998 9. A Prayer in the Desert. ( Vernet.) 8440 11. Bedouin on a Journey 6176 22. Egyptian Reliefs . 6074 29. Magi on the way to Bethlehem. ( Portaels .) Sup. 1449 30. Joppa Gate 6394 35. The Meta Soudans. {Levy.) Sup. 1349 42. Pool of Gihon 6404 43. Bethlehem 6430 44. Tomb of Rachel Sup. 857 49. Arrival at Bethlehem. {Merson.) 7757 57. Angel Appearing. {Dore.) Sup. 1178 60. Nativity. {Le Rolle.) 7644 Bethlehem. {Dobson.) 7089 76. Adoration of the Kings. {Pfannschmidt.) 7931 80. Tower of Antonio 6414 90. St. Stephen’s Gate 6395 112. Tirzah. (Odalisque.) {Richter.) 8101 116. Street of Jerusalem 6422 124. Nazareth 6444 126. Twelve-year-old Jesus on the Way to Jerusalem. {Mengel- berg.) . » 7744 132. A Galley 5230 148. Galleys setting out. {Rosa.) 1212 171. Tiberius. Vatican .* 2283 181. Esther. (A Vestal.) {Leighton.) Sup. 1339 202. Temple of Eros. {Schmalz.) 8208 The Sacred Wood. {Chavannes.) . . 6946 Youth of Bacchus. {Bouguereau.) Sup. 1629 206. Shiek Ilderim Sup. 744 214. Iras. (The Favorite.) {Sichel.) 8264 224. Orchard of Palms 6171 251. Arab Shiek travelling. {Schreyer.) . 8231 270. Slaughter of the Innocents. {Dore.) 7108 288. Pharoah’s Horses. . {Herring . ) 7361 Percherons. {Lang.) Sup. 1332 300. Rameses at Aboo Simbel . 6126 324. Tomb of the Kings 6412 362. Chariot Race. {Gerome.) 7 235 368. “ “ ( Wagner.) 8483 369. “ “ {Ademollo.) Sup. 1010 385. Pilate. {Munkacsy.) .. . 7849 404. Jerusalem from Olivet 6378 Mt. of Olives 6401 409. Pool of Bethesda 6403 415. King’s Garden .. 6389 416. Haramech Cherif. (Mosque of Omar.) 6398 445. Great Rock Temple. Ipsambul 6123 459. St. John, the Baptist. {Rosa.) 1215 460. The River Jordan 6448 461. St. John, the Baptist. ( Titian.) , 728 68 Book Illustrations. Page. Subject. Catalogue No, 463. The True Vine. {Melville.) Sup. 1384 Head of Christ. {Deger.) 7054 479. Christ feeding the Multitude. {Murillo.) 7854 480. Christ healing the Leper. ( Bida.) 6780 482. The Raising of Lazarus. ( Piombo .) 7960 493. Christ entering Jerusalem. {Dore.) 7105 520. Jesus at Gethsemane. {Jalabert.) 7432 521. Kiss of Judas. {Scheffer.) Sup. 1488 523. Christ taken Captive. {Hoffmann.) 7387 525. Christ before Pilate. {Munkacsy.) 7846 Christ leaving the PrEetorium. {Dore.) 7106 529. Christ bearing his Cross. {Raphael.) . 8017 531. The Three Marys. {Peschel.) . 7930 538. Crucifixion. {Rubens.) . . 8159 540. Christ on Calvary. {Munkacsy.) Sup. 1415 545. Golgotha. {Gerome.) Sup. 1231 546. St. John and the Virgin. {Dobson.) 7092 550. Nero’s Torches. {Siemiradzki.) 8274 Andersen’s Improvisatore. Author’s Edition, Houghton, Mifflin, a S e * Subject. Catalogue No. 125. Home. Vatican. Diana regarding the Sleeping Endymion. . 2251 126. “ “ Braccio Nuovo 4797 “ “ Augustus 2239 “ “ Tiberius 2283 127. “ “ Torso Belvedere 2285 “ Meleager 2265 128. “ “ Perseus. ( A . Canova.') 2582 “ “ Boxer. “ 2583 “ “ Boxer. “ 2584 “ “ Mercury 2267 “ “ The Rotunda 4805 129. “ “ Laocoon . . 2263 “ “ Apollo Belvedere 2232 Louvre. Venus de Milo 2431 130. Rome. Vatican. Sarcophagus. Battle of the Amazons ... 2276 “ “ Sarcophagus. Dance of Bacchus 2277 134. “ Baths of Caracalla. Mosaic. 4702 “ “ “ 4698 135. “ Theatre of Marcellus 4793 “ Circus Maximus, Chariot Race. ( Wagner.') ... 8483 140. “ Vatican. Victory of Constantine. ( Raphael .) 885 141. “ “ Loggia of Raphael 4803 143. “ “ Massacre of the Innocents. ( Raphael .).. 8041 144. “ “ Poetry or Parnassus. “ . . 862 “ “ Conflagration of Borgo. “ .. 857 145. “ “ Deliverance of St. Peter. “ .. 881 147. Florence. Chapel of San Lorenzo 4884 150. Moses (with side statues). (Michael Angelo.} 2556 151. Rome. Vatican. Madonna di Foligno. (Raphael.} 818 Florence. Pitti Palace 4912 152. Descent from the Cross. (Raphael.} 8042 153. Marriage of Alexander and Roxanna. (Sodoma.} 776 154. Madonna del Granduca. (Raphael.} 791 .155. Rome. Stanza of Vatican. The Four Sibyls. (Raphael.}.. 813 Vision of Ezekiel. (Raphael . ) 796 Monaco di Leonardo. (L. da Vinci.} 475 156. Philip II. of Spain. (Titian.} 711 157. Philosophy. (Raphael.) 874 School of Athens. (Raphael .} ... ... 863 Jurisprudence. (Justice.) (Raphael.} 892 Poetry. (Raphael.} 873 159. Rome. Farnese Villa 473G 161. Galatea. (Raphael.} ... 816 163. Christ. (Correggio.} Vatican, Rome . ... 1040 Marriage of St. Catherine. (Murillo.) Vatican, Rome 1678 Entombment. (II Caravaggio.) . . 1145 164. Communion of St. Jerome. (Domenichino.) 1180 166. Bologna. Tomb of St. Dominick 5352 Fortune. (Guido Reni.) 1158 168. Lucretia and Sextus Tarquin. (Cagnacci.) 1199 Bologna. Basilica of S. Petronius . . 5344 169. “ Fountain of Neptune 5346 170. Last Judgment. (M. Angelo.) 608 176. Perseus. (Cellini.) 2570 189. Ceiling of Sistine Chapel. Rome 618 196. Versailles. Basin of Neptune Sup. 415 “ “ Apollo Sup. 414 Rome. Villa Albani. Front 4810 “ “ “ Rear 4811 80 Book Illustrations. Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 201. Rome. Vatican. Transfiguration. ( Raphael .) 820 202. “ Piazza del Popolo 4774 204. “ Ludovisi Villa. Juno..... 2295 “ “ “ Mars in Repose .. 2296 206. Aurora. (Guido Reni.) 1150 “ ( Guercino .) 1189 221. Modesty and Vanity. ( Luini .) 549 222. Mona Lisa. (Da Vinci. ) 479 228. Sacred and Profane Love. (Titian.) 713 229. Diana’s Chase. (Domenichino.) 1183 233. Fornarina. (Raphael.) 811 Beatrice Cenci. (Guido Reni.) 1149 234. Chartres, France 3108 Rheims Cathedral 3259 250. St. Michael. (Guido Reni.) 1151 251. Rome. Catacombs of the Capuchins 4715 252. “ S. Maria Degli Angeli 4719 263. “ St. John Lateran. . 4676 264. “ “ “ Scala Santa 4678 266. Descent from the Cross. ( Volterra.) 8475 Rome. S. Maria Sopra Minerva 4720 268. “ Church of St. Maria Trastevere. Interior 4722 345. “ St. Peter’s 4689 350. Head of Christ. (Leonardo da Vinci.) 485 Rome. Mausoleum of Paul III 4694 352. “ Statue of St. Peter 4692 363. Como Cathedral 5015 H, Taine. Italy. Florence and Venice. Henry Holt & Co., New York. 2. Rome. Campagna 4704 6. Perugia. Arch of Augustus . . . 5398 9. Portrait of Fra Angelico. (Carlo Dolce.) 1230 Annunciation. (Fra Angelico.) 177 10. Baptism of Christ. (Perugino.) 370 11. Transfiguration. “ 7929 13. Portrait. “ 356 Portrait of Savonarola. (Fra Bartolommeo.) 569 14. “ Vasari 8703 15. “ Raphael .... 785 17. Assisi. Church of San Francesco. . . 5336 19. Paris. Sainte Chapelle 2985 20. Portrait of Dante. (Giotto.) 48 Poverty. “ 121 Obedience. “ 123 Chastity. “ 122 Glorification. “ 124 24. Portrait of Petrarch 8610 40. Siena. General view 5209 42. “ Cathedral 5211 “ Palazzo Publico 5220 44. “ Cathedral, Pulpit 6215 46. “ Mosaic pavement, Absalom 5219 48. Eneas Piccolomini. 7 pictures. (Pinturicchio.) 523 to 529 51. Madonna and Child. (Duccio.) 47 63. Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci. By himself. 471 64. “ II Sodoma “ 761 Florence and Venice. 81 Page. Subject. Catalogue No. Flagellation of Christ. (II Sodoma .) 7G9 Altar-piece. “ . . 763 55. Pisa. General view 5086 58. “ Cathedral, Leaning Tower and Baptistery 5087 59. “ “ Interior.....^,... 5102 60. “ “ Ancient Bronze Doors 5098 “ “ Bronze Doors 5099 “ “ “ “ 5100 61. Bologna. Leaning Tower. Xllth Century 5347 Pisa. Pulpit, by Nic. Pisano. 5104 62. “ Campo Santo Courtyard 5093 63. “ “ “ East Gallery .. 5094 64. “ Triumph of Death. ( Orcagna .) 159 65. “ Last Judgment. “ 158 66. “ Inferno. “ 161 70. Florence. General view 4816 “ Niobe. Restoration ..Sup. 2106 71. “ Strozzi Palace 4917 73. “ Square of the Annunciata. . .. 4922 75. “ Church of San Miniato 4885 “ “ “ “ Interior 4888 84. “ Palazzo Vecchio 4920 86. “ Loggia di Lanzi 4906 87. “ “ “ Rape of the Sabines. ( Bologna .) 2573 “ “ “ Perseus. (B. Cellini .) 2565 88. “ Fountain of Neptune, by Ammananti 4901 89. “ Cathedral and Campanile 4855 92. “ “ Pieta. (M. Angelo.) 2552 “ Campanile, by Giotto 4823 Paris. Tour St. Jacques 2991 93. Florence. Baptistery 4819 96. “ “ Bronze Doors. ( Ghiberti .) 4822 97. School of Athens. (Raphael.) 863 98. Florence. Santa Croce 4875 “ Church of S. M. Novella 4889 “ UfSzi. Portico 4937 “ Magdalen. Early Painting 2 99. “ S. M. Novella, Madonna. (Cimabue.) 39 “ Acad. Madonna and Child. “ . ... . 42 Paris. Louvre. Madonna. “ 45 Florence. Uffizi. The Tribune .... 4938 102. “ Christ disputing with the Doctors. (Giotto.) 126 “ Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth. “ 125 103. “ Tomb of Michael Angelo 4880 “ Monument to A. V. Alfieri 4879 104. “ Coronation of the Virgin. (Giotto.) 53 106. “ Religion and Philosophy. (Taddeo Gaddi.) 136 “ The Church Militant and Triumphant. (Simone de Martini.) 128 111. “ Cosmo de Medicis. (A. Bronzino.) .......... . 1071 117. “ Portrait of Masaccio, by himself ~. 226 120. “ “ Michael Angelo, by himself 593 122. “ Baptism of Christ. (Verrocchio.) 321 “ St. Sebastian. (Pollajuolo.) . . . . . . 324 124. “ Miracle of St. Paul and St. Peter. ( Masaccio and Filippino Lippi.) 236 “ Adam and Eve. (Masaccio and Filippino Lippi.) 228 126. “ St. Peter Healing the Sick. (Masaccio and Filip- pino Lippi.) 234 82 Book Illustrations. Page. 123. 129. 130. 131. 138. 139. 140. 141. 143. 145. 146. 147. 149. 150. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 166. 168. 169. 170. 175. 181. 183. 192. 193. 194. Subject. Catalogue No. Florence. Tribute Money. (Masaccio and Filippino Lippi.} 230 “ Life of the Virgin (7 sections). ( Ghirlandajo .) 429 “ “ John the Baptist. “ 434 Birth of “ “ “ 435 “ the Virgin. “ 430 “ Venus. ( Botticelli .) 395 Convent of San Marco 4895 “ “ “ Savonarola’s Cell 4899 Pitti Palace 4912 Uffizi. Salle de Niobe .... .... 4940 “ Tribune, Interior 4938 “ Knife-grinder 2309 “ Wrestlers 2331 “ Apollino 2298 “ Fawn . . 2303 “ Venus de’ Medicis 2327 “ Madonna del Cardellino. (Raphael .) . . . 788 “ St. John. “ ... 787 “ Repose in Egypt. (Correggio.) 1036 “ Portrait of Titian, by himself 703 “ Samian Sibyl. (Guercino .) . 1188 David. ( Donatello .) 2473 St.John. “ :. . 2475 Dying Adonis. (M. Angelo.) 2548 Bacchus. “ 2547 Palazzo Vecchio. Courtyard .... 4921 Church of San Lorenzo 4882 “ “ “ Chapel 4884 “ Madonna and Child. (M. Angelo.) 2544 “ Tomb of Giuliano de’ Medici. (M. Angelo.) 2534 “ “ Lorenzo de’ Medici. (M. Angelo.) 2539 Rome. St. Peter’s. Pieta. (M. Angelo.) 2554 “ Sistine Chapel. Ceiling. “ 618 “ Moses. (M. Angelo.) ... 2556 Florence. Madonna del Granduca. (Raphael.) 791 “ Vision of Ezekiel. “ 796 “ Portrait of Pietro Aretino. (Titian.) 712 “ “ Philip II. of Spain. “ ... 711 “ “ Monaca di Leonardo.” (DaVinci.) 475 “ Nymph pursued by a Satyr. (Giorgione.) 753 “ Bella. (-Titian.) 710 “ St. Mark. (Fra Bartolommeo.) 574 Bologna. Tomb of St. Dominick 5352 “ Basilica of St. Petronius .. ... . 5344 “ Fountain of Neptune 5346 “ St. Cecilia, (Raphael.) 808 Florence. Portrait of Guido Reni, by himself 1146 “ “ Guercino “ 1186 “ “ Domenichino “ . . ; 1178 “ “ Carlo* Dolce “ 1217 Ravenna. Tomb of Theodoric 5193 “ Basilica of S. Apollinare Nuovo. Interior .. ... 5178 “ Temple of San Vitale 5189 “ “ “ “ Empress Theodora 22 “ “ “ “ Emperor Justinian 20 “ Sacrifice of Abraham 16 Florence and Venice. 83 p ag e - Subject. Catalogue No. Ravenna. Christ seated with two Angels 24 “ Abel and Melchisedec 18 “ Campanile of S. Agatha 5181 195. “ Mausoleum of GallaPlacidia 5185 “ “ Good Shepherd 12 196. “ S. Apollinaire in Classe. Apse . 5172 201. Marriage at Cana. {Giotto.) - 89 Transfiguration. {Raphael.) 820 202. Raising of Lazarus. {Giotto .) ... 90 204. Equestrian Statue of Gattamelata. {Donatello.) 2480 219. Venice. Panorama, with Campanile and Ducal Palace . ... 5223 220. “ Piazzetta , 5306 “ Church St. Mark. Bronze Horses 5254 “ Campanile. The Loggetta 5232 221. “ Ducal Palace . 5273 222. “ Church St. Mark. N. W. Corner ... 5248 “ Ducal Palace. Adam and Eve. S. W. Corner 5278 223. Portrait of Tintoretto, by himself .. . 1093 “ Veronese, by “ 1096 224. Glory of Venice. {Veronese.) . 1103 228. Venice. Square of St. Mark 5315 230. “ St. Mark’s. Interior 5256 236. Constantinople. Mosque of St. Sophia 5978 242. Venice. Equestrian statue of B. Colleoni 5287 “ Ch. of San Giovanni and Paola. 5242 243 “ “ S. M. de Frari ... 5234 248. “ Tomb of Canova 5238 “ Titian’s Tomb „ . 5239 249. “ St. Peter Martyr. {Titian.)..., 8357 250. “ Crucifixion. {Tintoretto.) 1087 251. “ Ch. Madonna del Orto 5240 253. “ “ of the Jesuits. Interior 5241 259. Worship of the Kings. {Veronese.) 1119 263. Venice. The Bucentaur . 5229 282. Madonna. ( Gio Bellini.) 299 283. History of St. Ursula. {Carpaccio.) .457 to 465 284. Presentation of the Infant Christ to Simeon. {Carpaccio) .... 453 292. Venice. The Rialto 5308 295. Portrait of Caterina Cor naro. {Titian.) 704 297. St. Christopher. “ 732 Ariadne and Bacchus. {Tintoretto.) 1085 298. Minerva driving Mars. “ .. 1084 Mercury and the Graces. “ ...... 1083 300. Rape of Europa. {Veronese.) 1109 304. Presentation of the Virgin. {Titian.) 722 305. Assumption “ “ “ 716 309. Lazarus and the Rich Man. {Bonifazio.) 1055 310. St. Barbara. {Palma Vecchio.) 694 Feast in the House of Levi. ( Veronese.) 1100 314. Miracle of the Slave. Drawing. {Tintoretto.) 1095 316. Adam and Eve. “ 1089 329. Verona. Arena 5449 “ “ Interior 5450 333. “ Ch. of San Zeno 5452 “ “ “ “ Portico 5453 336. Florence. Macchiavelli 4953 Verona. Tomb of Scaligeri 5457 340. La Musica. {Veronese.) 1111 343. Milan. General view . . ^ 5036 84 Book Illustrations. Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 344. Milan. Cathedral 5040 345. “ “ Interior 5048 Rome. St. Peter’s . . 4687 “ “ Interior 4690 348. Milan. Ch. of Ambrogio. Interior 5051 350. Head of Christ. ( Da Vinci.) 485 Milan. Ch. of S. M. delle Grazie 5057 “ “ “ “ “ Last Supper. (Da Vinci .) . . 476 351. “ Ambroziana Gal. Head. “ .. 477 355. “ Birth of the Virgin. (Del Sarto.) 1009 356. “ Marriage of the Virgin. (Raphael.) 806 358. “ Expulsion of Hagar. (Guercino.) 1192 361. Como. General view 5014 362. Bellaggio 5009 363. Como. Cathedral 5015 “ “ Interior 5017 371. Maggiore. General view 5028 373 “ Isola Bella 5031 Lake Como 5004 T. W. Silloway and L. L. Powers. Cathedral Towns. 6. Queenstown. Harbor 4271 7. “ From Harbor 4272 8. “ Landing 4273 “ Christ Church 4275 11. Cork. Blackrock Castle .. . . 4252 16. “ St. Finbarr’s Cathedral 4260 18. “ Blarney Castle 4253 20. ‘‘ “ “ showing Blarney Stone 4254 23. Killarney. View of the Lakes 4227 27. i ‘ Kate Kearney’s Cottage 4235 28. “ Purple Mountain 4243 30. “ Old Weir Bridge 4242 31. “ Brickeen Bridge 4228 “ Lower Lake 4237 32. “ Innisfallen ... 4234 33. “ Ross Castle 4246 34. “ “ “ from Lake 4245 “ Hotel 4247 36. “ Muckross Abbey 4239 “ “ “ Cloisters 4240 42. Limerick. George Street 4265 44. “ Treaty Stone 4266 46. Dublin. Bank of Ireland 4211 “ Trinity College 4225 “ Phoenix Park 4219 48. “ St. Patrick’s Cathedral 4223 49. “ “ “ Choir 4224 54. “ Sackville Street 4222 55. “ Custom-House ... . 4214 “ Four Courts of Dublin 4215 63. “ Kilkenny Castle 4263 76. Liverpool. On the Mersey 3721 77. “ Landing Stage . . 3728 78. “ St. George’s Hall 3732 79. Chester. Wall . . 3893 Cathedral Towns. 85 Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 80. Chester. King Charles’ Tower 3888 81. “ Cathedral 3881 82. “ “ Interior 3884 “ “ Choir 3883 “ St. John’s Priory 3892 83. “ Eaton Hall 3885 88. Worcester. Cathedral 4156 93. Hereford. “ . 3973 95. Gloucester. “ 3951 “ “ Cloisters 3955 102. Bath. Abbey 3836 106. Salisbury. Cathedral 4065 107. “ ‘ “ Altar 4073 110. Stonehenge. ... 4096 111. “ Detail 4097 118. Winchester. Cathedral. ... 4148 120. “ Cardinal Beaufort’s Tomb 4153 129. London. Serpentine 3621 130. “ Buckingham Palace . .* 3585 “ Westminster Abbey 3687 131. “ St. Paul’s... 3645 132. “ Westminster. Poet’s Corner 3699 134. “ “ Chapel of Henry YII 3691 “ “ “ “ Interior 3692 “ Houses of Parliament 3606 : 135. “ “ “ House of Lords 3612 “ “ “ “ Commons 3613 “ “ “ Clock Tower 3609 136. “ London Bridge 3625 “ Victoria Embankment 3686 137. “ St. Thomas’ Hospital 3652 “ Lambeth Palace 3624 139. “ Tower 3669 140. “ The Thames 3661 143. “ Fleet Street 3591 144. “ Temple Church 3658 149. “ Nelson Monument .... 3683 152. “ National Gallery 3631 “ British Museum 3580 153. “ Kew Gardens 3623 157. “ Hampton Court 3594 158. " White Tower 3670 “ Armory 3671 “ Traitor’s Gate 3678 “ Beauchamp Tower 3674 161. Oxford .. 3738 “ Balliol College 3741 162. “ Cathedral 3745 “ ChristChurch Hall...., 3747 “ St. Mary’s 3777 164. “ Merton College .. 3765 “ University “ 3780 “ Exeter “ 3752 ** Oriel “ 3771 “ Queen’s “ 3773 “ New “ . . . 3768 “ All Souls’ “ 3739 “ Magdalen “ 3761 “ Brasenose “ 3742 86 Book Illustrations. Page. Subject. Catalogue No. Oxford. Corpus Christi College . . . 3750 “ Trinity “ 3779 “ St. John’s “ 3776 165. “ Pembroke “ 3772 “ Worcester “ 3782 “ Keble “ 3760 167. Warwick Castle 4118 “ “ From the Courtyard . 4121 168. “ “ Cedars 4119 “ “ Warwick Vase 4127 “ “ Cedar Drawing- room 4125 169. “ “ Great Hall 4126 170. Stratford-on-Avon. Shakespeare’s House ... 3783 “ “ “ “ 3784 “ “ “ Room 3785 “ “ Church of Holy Trinity 3787 171. “ “ “ “ “ Interior 3791 “ “ “ “ “ Inscriptions.... 3793 173. “ “ Ann Hathaway’s Cottage 3786 175. Kenilworth Castle 3985 “ “ ... 3990 176. “ “ Courtyard 3989 “ Church 3991 182. Lichfield Cathedral 4011 183. “ “ West Front 4012 191. Manchester. Exchange ... 4028 192. Leeds. Ivirkstall Abbey 4008 “ Town Hall 4010 193. Carlisle. Cathedral.., 3871 194. “ “ Choir 3873 195. “ Castle 3875 206. Glasgow. On the Clyde 4404 “ University 4406 “ Cathedral ... . 4402 Dunbarton Castle 4384 Loch Ben Dhu 4464 “ Lomond 4476 “ “ Islands 4477 207. “ “ Luss Pier 4478 “ “ Tarbet 4480 “ Katrine 4466 “ “ Path by the Loch 4471 Inversnaid. Rob Roy’s Cave 4433 Loch Katrine. Silver Strand 4472 209. Trossachs. Ben Venue 4539 “ Bridge of Turk 4540 “ Hotel 4542 210. Falkland Palace ... 4398 Loch Vennacher 4487 Stirling. Cambuskenneth Abbey 4530 Linlithgow Palace 4457 212. Stirling. Castle 4529 “ Wallace Monument . ... 4531 “ “ “ and Abbey Craig 4532 “ Bridge of Allen 4528 218. Edinburgh... 4278 “ Arthur’s Seat 4281 “ Calton Hill 4283 “ West End of Princes Street 4314 Cathedral Towns. 87 Page. Subject. Catalogue No. Edinburgh. Sir Walter Scott’s Monument 4307 219. Ben Lomond ... 4349 Edinburgh. Nelson’s Monument ... . . 4303 “ National “ 4302 “ Royal Observatory 4306 220. “ Dugald Stuart’s Monument 4291 “ University .. 4292 221. “ Holyrood Palace 4296 “ “ Chapel 4298 224. “ “ Palace. Fountain 4297 226. “ St. Giles’ 4309 “ “ Interior 4310 “ Tolbooth .. 4313 227. “ House of John Knox 4295 229. “ Castle 4286 “ House of Jennie Dean 4301 230. “ Castle. Regalia of Scotland 4288 233. Abbotsford .• 4316 235. “ Study 4323 “ Library 4322 237. “ Armory 4319 238. Melrose Abbey 4491 “ “ Transept 4493 “ “ Chancel 4492 240. Aberdeen 4324 244. Durham. Cathedral 3910 “ Castle 3916 247. “ Galilee Chapel 3914 257. York. St. Mary’s Abbey 4163 259. “ Cathedral 4165 or.4166 262. “ “ Interior . *4168 263. “ “ Choir . . 4170 “ “ Chapel 4172 “ “ Choir screen . 4171 266. Lincoln Cathedral . .... a4018 “ “ . 4018 268. “ “ West Front... 4019 269. “ “ Interior.. 4021 270. Boston 3845 271. “ Church of St. Botolph 3846 “ “ “ Interior 3848 276. Peterboro’ Cathedral 4046 286. Norwich Cathedral a4031 287. “ “ Cloisters and spire 4033 288. “ “ Nave . . 4035 290. Ely Cathedral 3918 291. “ “ West tower 3920 “ “ Interior ...... 3922 295. Cambridge. On the River Cam 3704 297. “ St. John’s College 3716 “ “ “ Bridge 3718 298. “ “ “ Chapel 3717 “ Clare College 3706 299. “ Pembroke College 3713 “ Caius College 3705 300. “ Trinity Hall 3719 301. “ King’s College 3709 “ “ “ Chapel 3711 “ “ “ Stalls 3712 88 Book Illustrations. Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 302. Cambridge. King’s College. Fellow’s Building 3710 “ Queen’s College 3715 304. “ Christ College 3707 305. London. Holborn 3597 306. “ The Monument 3630 317. Windsor. Castle 3799 “ Henry VIII. Gateway 3804 318. “ St. George’s Chapel 3808 “ “ “ Interior 3809 “ Albert Memorial Chapel 3810 319. Eton College 3926 320. Windsor. Reception-room 3816 “ East Terrace 3801 “ Quadrangle 3802 “ Round Tower 3805 • 321. Stoke Pogis. Church 4094 324. “ “ Gray’s Monument 4095 328. Westminster Abbey 3687 330. Rochester. Cathedral 4058 “ and Chatham 4059 332. Canterbury Cathedral 3856 333. “ St. Martyn’s Church 3866 335. “ Cathedral. Choir 3862 343. Dover. The Cliffs 3905 “ The Castle 3907 346. Brighton. Beach 3849 “ Pavilion 3852 347. “ Chain Pier 3851 354. Chichester Cathedral 3894 Wells “ 4134 ' “ “ Fa9ade 4137 Exeter “ 3929 “ “ West Front 3930 Glastonbury Abbey 3948 Tintern “ 4102 Fountains “ 3939 Bolton “ 3842 Ayr. Kirk of Alloway 4334 “ Tam O’Shanter’s Inn 4343 355. “ Burns Cottage 4335 “ “ “ Interior • 4336 354. “ “ Monument 4337 “ “ “ Interior 4338 355. “ Banks and Braes o’ Bonnie Doon 4339 “ Auld Brig of Doon 4341 Dryburgh Abbey 4367 “ “ . Scott’s Tomb 4372 Jedburgh “ 4440 Bayard Taylor. Lands of the Saracens. 18. Syria. Beyrout 6465 39. Palestine. Tiberius (Galilee) 6449 46. “ Jaffa 6437 47. “ Ramleh 6446 50. “ “ Tower 6447 57. “ Jerusalem 6378 58. “ “ Mount of Olives 6401 Lands of the Saracens. 83 Page. Subject. Catalogue No. Palestine. Dead Sea 6435 “ Valley of Jelioshaphat 6419 “ Jerusalem, Jaffa Gate 6394 “ Jericho 6439 61. “ St. Stephen’s Gate 6395 “ Mar-Saba Convent 6441 62. “ Bethany 6429 67. “ River Jordan 6448 69. “ Fountain of Elisha 6438 73. “ Pool of Siloam 6406 Syria. Damascus 6467 74. Palestine. Damascus Gate 6390 4 4 Mosque of Omar 6398 “ Via Dolorosa 6426 44 Wall of Solomon 6416 75. “ Tomb of the Virgin 6413 “ Garden of Gethsemane 6386 76. “ Pulpit of Omar 6399 44 Mosque of El- Aksa 6400 “ Towers of the Holy Sepulchre 6382 77. Muezzin. (J. L . Gerome.) 7245 78. Palestine. Church of the Holy Sepulchre 6381 81. “ Bethlehem 6430 82. Head of Christ Sup. 1 83. Palestine. Holy Sepulchre 6383 87 “ Nazareth :. 6444 88. “ Tombs of the Kings 6412 90. “ Bethlehem Convent of the Nativity 6432 100. 44 Mount Tabor 6443 Virgin and Angel Gabriel. ( Lippi . ) 246 103. Palestine. Fountain of the Virgin 6385 120. Egypt. Cairo 6009 122. Syria. Damascus. Interior of Jew’s House 6471 “ “ “ “ “ 6472 125. “ “ Fountain in Mosque .... 6470 131. “ Palmyra 6476 165. 44 Baalbek. Acropolis 6454 166. “ “ Chambres Carrees 6455 Egypt. Thebes Memnonium 6093 167. Syria. Baalbek. Temple of the Sun 6464 “ “ “ Jupiter 6459 44 44 “ “ Inside . 6462 44 “ 44 44 Portal . 6463 4 4 4 4 Cyclopean Wall 6457 168. Egypt. Denderah Temple 6107 169. Syria. Baalbek. Circular Temple 6456 170. Palestine. Cedars of Lebanon 6440 227. Syria. Damascus : 6466 322. Constantinople. Bosphorus 5956 44 Mosque of St. Sophia 5978 330. 44 With Bazaars 5954 332. 44 Mosque of Achmet 5971 342. 44 Sweet Waters of Asia 5963 345 . 44 Mosque of St. Sophia. Interior 5981 348. 44 44 44 Mussulman at Prayer 5984 44 4 4 4 4 Gallery 5983 350. 44 44 Suleyman 5973 4 4 44 Sultana Valide 5977 351. Greece. Parthenon 4596 90 Book Illustrations. Page. 359. 3 CO. 361. 376. 381. 384. 385. 387. 390. 397. 398. 399. 401. 401. 419. 420. 422. 42’. 424. 427. 440. 441. 445. Subject. Catalogue No. Germany. Cologne. Cathedral 3329 Greece. Piraeus 4619 Malta. Bay Sup. 628 “ Portress Sup. 625 “ St. John’s Church. High Altar Sup. 627 “ Street of S. Lucia Sup. 629 Sicily. Palermo 5498 Italy. Naples. General View ..... 5064 “ Florence. “ “ 4816 “ Venice. “ “ 5223 Austria. Tyrol. Cortina d’Ampezzo .... 2738 Germany. Munich . 3539 Spain. Malaga 5775 “ Tarifa 5791 “ Gibraltar 5768 “ “ Europa Point 5769 “ “ Fishing Hamlet 5770 “ Seville 5673 “ “ Giralda 5698 “ “ Cathedral 5697 Italy. Florence. Campanile 4823 “ Venice. San Marco 5244 Murillo. Guardian Angel 1716 “ St. Anthony 1717 Spain. Seville. Alcazar 5677 “ “ “ Entrance 5678 “ “ “ Court 5681 “ “ “ Hall of Ambassadors 5689 “ “ “ Hall of Magistrates 5706 “ “ “ House of Pilate 5709 Murillo. St. Anthony of Padua and Infant Jesus 1718 “ St. Joseph and Infant Jesus .. . . 1719 “ Conception of the Virgin 1722 “ Vision of St. Francis 1723 Spain. Cordova 5590 “ Alhambra 5607 Egypt. Thebes. Karnak 6067 Spain. Granada. Generalife. . . . 5628 “ Alhambra. Gate of Justice 5625 “ “ Tower of Vela 5672 “ “ Palace of Charles V 5667 “ “ Court of Myrtles 5622 “ “ Hall of the Abencerrajes 5629 “ “ “ “ Two Sisters 5651 “ “ Apartments of the Sultanas 5609 “ “ Mosque 5662 “ “ Hall of the Ambassadors 5633 “ “ Pavilion. Court of Lions 5616 “ Gallery. “ “ 5618 “ “ Court of Lions 5613 “ Ronda. General View 5779 “ Burgos 5581 “ Ronda. Bridge 5780 Italy. Tivoli 5423 Spain. Gibraltar. Distant View ........ 5767 Childe Harold, 91 Lord Byron. Childe Harold. Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 136. Bridge of Sighs. Venice 5228 137. Rialto. “ 5308 139. Bronze Horses. “ 525-1 140. Bucentaur. “ 5229 142. Church of St. Mark 5244 143. Lion of St. Mark 4904 144. Ducal Palace 6273 152. Monument to Dante 4881 154. Santa Croce. Interior 4876 156. M. Angelo’s Monument 4880 160. Castle of St. Angelo and St. Peter’s 4714 162. Statue of Pompey 2226 164. Caesar Augustus 2239 166. Tomb of Cecilia Metella 4718 169. Trajan’s Forum 4795 175. Coliseum, Rome 4728 178. Dying Gladiator 2201 181. Pantheon, Rome 4767 183. Castle of St. Angelo 4712 184. St. Peter’s, Rome 4688 186. Laocoon 2263 188. St. Peter’s and Colonnade 4688 191. Roman Forum 4737 Mrs. H. B. Stowe. Agnes of Sorrento. Houghton, Mifflin, <& Co., Boston. 15. General View of Sorrento 5421 16. Capri 5358 16. Naples 5064 25. The Three Fates. {M. Angelo.) 598 35. St. Cecilia. {Carlo Dolci.) 1233 Marriage of St. Catherine. ( Paolo Veronese.) 1115 St. Agnes. {Andrea del Sarto.) 1016 41. Portrait of Savonarola. {Fra Bartolommeo.) 569 Convent of San Mar.co 4895 47. Fra Angelico Angel 197 50. Canonization of St. Catherine of Siena. {Pinturicchio.) .... 530 62. Psyche. Museum of Naples 2385 79. Last Judgment. {Orcagna.) 158 83. Sistine Madonna. {Raphael.) . 827 104. Annunciation. {Fra Angelico.) 177 105. Procession in the Piazza di San Marco. {Gen. Bellini.) .... 260 131. The Virgin and Archangel Gabriel. {Fra Filippo Lippi.).. . 246 132. Coronation of the Virgin. {Fra Angelico.) ... 176 133. Death of the Virgin. “ 205 230. St. Christopher. {Titian.) 732 252. Bay of Naples 5076 281. General View of Florence 4816 Church of San Miniato, Florence . . 4885 282. St. Peter’s, Rome . 4687 Cathedral and Campanile, Florence 4855 289. Church of San Lorenzo, “ . ..... ... 4882 “ Santa Croce, “ 4875 301. General View of Milan 5036 92 Book Illustrations. Tage. Subject. Catalogue No. 303. Milan Cathedral 5040 305. Jungfrau 5820 360. General View of Rome 4660 Coliseum, Rome 4728 Roman Forum 4737 361. Castle of St. Angelo, Rome 4712 362. St. John Lateran, Rome. 4676 “ “ Interior. 4677 376. Appian Way, Rome 4662 Roman Campagna 4704 409. Church Militant and Triumphant. ( Martini .) 128 410. Martyrdom of Savonarola 592 Portrait of Fra Angelico 8685 Madame De Stael. Corinne. Introduction. vi. Geneva 5885 vii. Lake of Geneva 5883 ix. Portrait of Madame de Stael .' 8901 ix. “ Robespierre 8931 x. “ Bonaparte 8776 “ Josephine 8777 xxii. Tuileries, France 2928 xxii. “ Madame Recamier . 8949 xx. “ Lord Byron . 8556 Corinne. 10. Innspriick 2744 15. Ancona. Cathedral 5331 20. Rome. General View 4660 “ Campagna 4704 21. “ Via del Corso 4809 Paris. Invalides 2940 22. Portrait of Petrarch ..... 8610 “ Tasso 8639 24. Sibylla Cumaea. ( Domenichino .) 1182 Rome. Capitol 4709 38. “ Castle of St. Angelo and Bridge 4713 54. “ Pantheon . . .,. 4767 • “ St. Peters ' 4687 58. “ St. John Lateran 4676 61. “ St. Peters. Interior... . . 4690 63. “ Statue of St. Peter 4692 65. “ Forum 4737 “ Tarpeian Rock 4782 Portrait of Dante 48 66. Rome. Capitol. Statue of Marcus Aurelius 4711 69. “ Arch of Septimus Severus 4670 “ Temple of Peace . . . . 4788 “ Arch of Titus 4671 “ “ Constantine 4667 70. “ Coliseum 4728 71. “ Vatican. Apollo Belvedere 2232 72. “ Palace of the Caesars 4754 “ House of Livia 4761 “ Temple of Fortuna Virilis 4785 73. “ Temple of Vesta . 4792 74. Vatican. Laocoon 2263 Corinne. 93 Page. Subject. Catalogue No. Rome. Baths of Caracalla 4698 Museum. Naples. Farnese Hercules 2361 “ “ “ Flora 2359 Rome. Theatre of Marcellus 4793 75. “ Trajan’s Column „ 4794 78. “ Fountain of Treyi 4749 80. “ Appian Way 4662 81. “ Tomb of Cecilia Metella 4663 83. “ Columbarian ... . . .. 4733 “ Pyramid of Caius Cestius 4780 86. “ St. John Lateran. Interior 4677 “ “ “ Pedimenta 4678 87. “ St. Paul’s 4684 “ “ “ Interior 4685 125. Romeo and Juliet. ( Becker .)... 6715 138. Rome. Vatican 4796 “ “ Sleeping Ariadne 2280 139. “ “ Niobe 2271 “ “ Sarcophagus. Dance of Bacclrus 2277 “ “ “ Battle of the Amazons 2276 140. “ “ Tiberius 2283 “ “ Muse Calliope . . . 2240 “ “ Muse Clio 2245 141. “ “ Torso 2285 142. Portrait of Raphael 785 143. Mass of Bolsena. ( Raphael .) 879 School of Athens. “ 863 Cecilia. “ 808 145. Transfiguration. “ 820 Death of St. Jerome. ( Domenichino .) 1180 146. Tivoli. General View „ . 5423 155. Rome. Piazza del Popolo 4774 168. “ Sistine Chapel 4808 170. Last Judgment. ( Michael Angelo.') 608 Ceiling, Sistine Chapel. “ 618 186. Naples. General View 5064 190. “ Bay .. .., . 5076 193. Pompeii 5112 194. “ House of Pansa 5141 “ Mosaic Pavement . 5145 “ Temple of Fortune . . . 5156 “ Public Bakery 5147 “ Court of Justice 5120 221. Herculaneum 5378 233. Loreley. ( W. Kray.) 7521 266. Villa Borghese 4812 267. Venice 5223 278. Approach to Venice. (Turner.) 8375 Venice. St. Mark’s .......... 5244 “ Gondolas .. 5322 279. “ Grand Canal 5290 “ Carnival. (E. de Blaas.) 6787 280. Piazza of St. Mark, Venice 5231 Venice. Horses of St. Mark 5254 “ Lion of St. Mark , . .. 5271 281. Portrait of Ariosto 8547 “ “ Sappho Venice. Doge’s Palace ... . . 5283 “ Bridge of Sighs. . 5227 94 Book Illustrations. Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 283. Venice. Ducal Palace. Council Chamber 5286 “ Arsenal 5226 “ “ Lion 5296 “ Rialto 5308 339. Florence. General View. . . . . 4816 340. “ Cathedral 4852 “ Church of San Lorenzo 4882 “ Tomb of Giuliano de Medicis 2534 “ “ “ Lorenzo de Medicis 2539 341. “ Santa Croce. Tomb of M. Angelo 4880 “ Galileo 4949 “ Macchiavelli 4953 Portrait of Aretino 712 “ “ Boccaccio 4943 342. Rome. Uffizi. Niobe 2311 343. “ “ Dying Alexander 2302 369. Milan 5036 370. “ Cathedral 5040 371. Corregio. Madonna della Scala 7003 Bologna. Leaning Towers 5347 Mary Graham Duff. Some Famous Paintings and their Homes. Soule Photograph Co., Boston. 12. Madonna enthroned. ( Gimabue .) 39 13. Church S. M. Novella, Florence 4889 14. “ “ “ Interior 4890 15. “ “ “ Cloister, near Spanish Chapel 4892 16. Portrait of Dante. ( Giotto .) 48 17. Palazzo del Modesta. National Museum, Florence 4909 18. “ “ “ Courtyard, 14th Century, Florence... 4910 19. “ “ “ Courtyard and Staircase, “ ... 4911 20. The Tribute Money. {Masaccio.) 230 21. Church of S. M. del Carmine, Florence Sup. 587 24. The Last Supper. ( L . da Vinci.) ... ... 476 or 8454 25. Christ. Detail. “ 8457 26. John, Judas, and Peter. Detail. {L. da Vinci.) 8456 27. James, Thomas, and Philip. “ “ . 8458 28. Matthew, Thaddeus, and Simon. Detail. “ 8459 29. Andrew, James Minor, and Bartholomew. Detail. ( L . da Vinci.) 8455 30. Church of S. M. delle Grazie, Milan 5051 31. The Three Fates. ( Michael Angelo.) 598 or 6651 32. Pitti Palace. Courtyard from Boboli Gardens, Florence ... 4913 “ “ and distant view of Palazzo Vecchio. “ .... 4914 33. Madonna della Sedia. ( Raphael ) 790 or 7997 35. Pitti Palace, Florence. Hall of Stufa .. 4915 38. The Transfiguration. {Raphael.) 820 or 7986 40. Christ and the Prophets. Detail. {Raphael.) 821 Lower Left Hand Group. “ “ 822 “ Right “ “ “ “ 823 41. Madonna di Foligno. “ 818 or 8000 42. “ “ Head. “ 8001 44. Last Communion of St. Jerome. {Domenichino.) ... 1 180 or 7100 45. Figure of St. Jerome. Detail. “ .. .. 1181 46. Vatican, Rome 4796 Some Famous Paintings, etc. 95 Page. Subject. Catalogue No. Vatican, Rome. Library 4802 “ “ Sistine Chapel 4808 47. “ “ Scala Regia 4807 48. “ “ Loggia of Raphael 4803 49. Madonna di San Sisto. {Raphael.) 827 or 7987 50. “ and Child. Detail. {Raphael.') 828 or 7988 St. Barbara. “ “ 829 or 7990 St. Sixtus. “ “ 830 or 7991 51. Cherubs. “ “ 831 or 7992 54. Holy Night. ( Correggio .) .1047 or 6998 55. The “ Zwinger.” Dresden 3489 “ “ “ The Picture Gallery 58. The Immaculate Conception. {Murillo.) 1688 or 7851 Marriage of St. Catherine. {Correggio.) 1048 or 7000 70. “ “ “ {Fra Bartolommeo.) 581 71. Madonna with the Rocks. {Da Vinci.) .... . . 8465 74. Mona Lisa. “ . ... 479 or 8462 75. St. Margaret. {Raphael.) . . 853 or 8011 80. Louvre, Paris 2946 81. “ “ Court Front 2948 82. “ “ Vestibule 2951 83. “ “ Gallery of Italian Schools ... 2954 86. Holy Family (Beardless Joseph). {Raphael.) Sup. 96 87. Hermitage. St. Petersburg 5532 94. The Sposalizio. {Raphael.) 806 or 8014 95. Virgin and High Priest. Detail. {Raphael.) 807 97. Brera Gallery. Milan Sup. 618 100. Aurora. {Guido Reni.) 1150 or 8059 103. II Giorno. {Correggio.) 1033 or 6999 108. The Assumption of the Virgin. {Titian.) 716 or 8346 109. Virgin. Detail. “ 717 110. Head of Virgin. “ “ 718 or 8347 Angels. “ “ 719 “ “ “ 720 111. “ “ “ 721 Academy of Fine Arts. Venice 5225 112. Santa Barbara. {Palma Vecchio.) 694 or 8425 113. “ “ Half length. “ 695 116. “ “ Head. “ 696 Mary Graham Buff. Some Noted Sculptures and their Homes. Soule Photograph Co., Boston. Yol. I. 14. Jupiter Otricoli. Vatican 2262 19. Olympian Zeus. {Flaxman.) Statue 60 feet high 24. Apollo Belvedere. Vatican 2232 30. “ “ Head. “ 2233 34. Delphic Group , . Sup. 2107 46. Torso Belvedere. Vatican 2285 56. Laocoon. Vatican ... 2263 68. Apoxyomenos. Vatican. 2237 73. Ariadne deserted. Vatican 2280 77. “ “ with Niche. Vatican . . 2281 93. Meleager. “ . . . 2265 99. Venus of Cnidos. '* 22«8 107. Minerva Mediea. “ 2268 96 Book Illustrations. Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 113. Vatican, Rome 4796 114. “ “ Gallery of Statues .. 4799 117. “ “ “ “ 4800 118. “ “ Braccio Nuovo 4797 121. “ “ Museo Chiaramonti 4804 125. “ “ The Rotunda 4805 .129. Minerva Bellica. Capitol. Rome 2212 133. Faun of Praxiteles. “ “ 2202 137. Dying Gladiator or Gaul. Capitol. Rome 2201 143. “ “ “ Head. “ “ ..» Sup. 260 145. Antinous. 44 “ 2195 155. Capitol. Rome 4709 159. “ “ Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius 4711 163. Venus of Melos. Louvre 2431 104. Mars and Venus. Group Sup. 2108 171. Venus of Melos. Head and Bust. Louvre 2432 173. Fighting Gladiator. Louvre Sup. 283 180. Diana a la Biche. “ 2418 183. “ “ “ Head. “ 187. Pallas, from Velletri “ Sup. 284 191. The Louvre. Paris. Court Front 2948 195. “ “ 44 Colonnade 2946 197. “ “ “ Vestibule 2951 201. “ 44 “ Gallery of Venus of Melos 2956 203. “ “ “ Salle du Gladiateur Sup. 410 207. “ 44 “ “ des Caryatides Sup. 409 209. Niobe. Uffizi Palace 2311 210. Headless Niobe. Vatican ... 2271 213. Daughter. Uffizi Palace 2313 214. “ “ “ 2312 215. Son. “ “ 2323 216. “ “ “ 2321 219. Pedagogue. “ “ 2324 220. Youngest Son. Uffizi Palace 2319 221. Daughter. 44 44 2316 222. Son. “ 44 2320 225. Dead Son. “ “ 2318 226. Daughter. “ “ 2314 227. “ “ “ 2315 228. “ “ “ 2317 233. Son. “ “ 2322 239. Venus de' Medicis. Uffizi Palace 2327 240. “ “ Head. Uffizi Palace 2329 243. “ of the Capitol 2217 245. “ “ Head 2218 246. The Wrestlers. Uffizi Palace 2331 249. Uffizi. Florence. The Portico 4937 250. “ • “ The Tribune 4938 253. “ 44 Third Corridor ... .. 4939 257. 44 44 Hall of Niobe 4940 Vol. II. 255. Farnese Hercules. Museum. Naples 2361 259. 44 “ Back. Museum. Naples 2362 263. 44 Bull. 4 ‘ “ 2358 273. Venus of Capua. 44 44 . - 2395 274. “ 44 Head. “ 44 2 3 9 6 277. Farnese Minerva. 4 ‘ 44 2377 Some Noted Sculptures, etc. 97 Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 278. Farnese Minerva. Head. Museum. Naples 2378 281. Juno. Museum. Naples 2363 297. British Museum. London 3580 305. Juno Ludovisi 2295 317. Mars Ludovisi 2296 327. iEgina Marbles. No. 62, Teucer; 63, Ajax; 64, Wounded Greek 2171 333. “ “ No. 59, Minerva; 60, Patroclus ; 61, Ajax Telamon; 65, Hector 2172 337. “ “ No. 66, Paris; 67, .Eneas; 68, Wounded Trojan 2173 343. Statues from Temple of iEgina 3541 349. Temple of Minerva at iEgina. ... 4616 353. Glyptothek, Munich 3540 357. Hermes of Praxiteles. Olympia 2175 358. “ “ Head. Olympia 2177 365. Moses. {Michael Angelo.) 2555 385. Pallas Athene 2147 393. Minerva. Bust. Glyptothek 2411 401. Acropolis, from the Monument 4579 401. “ and Temple of Theseus 4577 402. Propylsea. (Looking out.) . 4602 405. Ascent to Propylaea. (Nearer view.) 4604 409. Parthenon. Fa 9 ade 4596 410. Marble Shield. Head of Medusa and Amazonomachia, in which is the supposed portrait of Phidias. About B.C. 200. 2113 413. Interior of Parthenon. Taken from Western Gate. 4560 413. “ “ From Eastern End 4563 414. Western Pediment of Parthenon, — Cecrops, first King and founder of Athens, and his wife Aglaure, — by Phidias. . . . 2099 415. The Fates. Eastern Pediment 2097 416. Herakles, or so-called Theseus, by Phidias. Eastern Pedi- ment 2094 419. Centre Part of Eastern Frieze of the Parthenon : Two Seated Gods and a Priest; or, the Archon Basileus receiving from the hands of a boy the sacred Peplus 2089 420. Eastern Pediment : Head of a Horse of Selene (the Moon) . . 2098 421. Metope from Frieze of Parthenon. Centaur successfully com- bating with a Greek 2020 422. Eastern Pediment : Demeter, Persephone, and Iris. Phidias. 2095 425. Western Portico of Parthenon. (From above.) , 4561 426. “ “ “ 4559 427. Eastern “ “ 4564 431 . East Front of Parthenon ...... 4598 433. Eastern Fa9ade of the Erectheum 4568 437. Tribune of the Caryatides (Erectheum) 4572 443. Portico of the Pandroseum, from the North 4569 Mrs. I. E. Bailey. Christ in Art. Set of 27 photographs, with descriptive text, in portfolio. Prices, $5.00 and $8.00. No. 1. Holy Night. {Correggio.).. 6998 2. Adoration of the Shepherds. {Murillo.) 1703 8. Adoration of the Kings. {Veronese.) 1119 4. Madonna. {Carlo Dolce.) , ...... 7096 6. The Flight into Egypt. {J. F. Portae Is.) 7971 6. Repose in Egypt. {L. Olivier Mer son.) -- 7756 98 Book Illustrations. No. Subject. Catalogue No. 7. Christ disputing with the Doctors. (II. Hoffman.) 7382 8. The Shadow of Death. (Win. II. Hunt.) 7412 9. The Temptation. (Ary Scheffer.) 8198 10. The Marriage at Cana. (Veronese.) 8445 11. Raising of Jairus’ Daughter. (G. Richter.) 8109 12. Christ feeding the Multitude. (Murillo.) 7854 13. The Transfiguration. (Raphael.) 7986 14. Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem. (Gustav Dor e.) 7105 15. The Tribute Money. ( Titian.) 8350 16. The Last Supper. (L. da Vinci.) 8454 17. Christ Taken Captive. {Hoffman.) 7387 18. Ecce Homo. (Guido Rent.) 8C61 19. Ecce Homo. (Rembrandt.) 9189 20. Christ leaving the Praetorium. (G. Dore.) 7106 21. Elevation of the Cross. (Rubens.) 8150* 22. The Crucifixion. (A. Durer.) 7141 23. Descent from the Cross. (Fra Angelico.) 208 24. Easter Morning. (B. Plockhorst.) 7963 25. The Journey to Emmaus. (B. Plockhorst.) 7961 26. The Last Judgment. (Michael Angelo.) .... 6654 27. Head of Christ. (L. da Vinci.) 485 Mrs. Jameson. Legends of the Madonna. Introduction. Page. 23. Scheffer. St. Augustine and his Mother 8195 26. St. Luke. Madonna .... 3 29. Mosaic. Xllth Century . . 38 32. Giotto. Portrait of Dante 49 38. Portrait of Savonarola 570 39. Raphael. Theologia. Vatican, Rome 860 40. M. Angelo. Holy Family. Florence 597 43. Raphael. Madonna di San Sisto. Dresden 827 47. “ St. Luke painting the Madonna 815 52. Holbein. Madonna of the Meyer Family. Darmstadt 1585 59. Raphael. Madonna del Cardellino. Florence. .. 7 88 72. Taddeo' Gaddi. Meeting of St. Joachim and St. Anna 148 “ “ Birth of the Virgin 149 “ “ Presentation of the Virgin 150 “ “ Marriage of the Virgin 151 74. Ghirlandajo. History of the Virgin. (7 sections.) 429 “ History of John the Baptist. “ 434 “ St. Joachim driven from the Temple 437 “ Birth of the Virgin 430 “ Presentation of the Virgin 431 “ Marriage of the Virgin 432 75. Del Sarto. Annunciation 1001 Del Pacchia. Virgin of the Annunciation . . 778 “ “ Angel “ “ 779 76. II Sodoma. Coronation . 773 77. Giotto. Frescoes in the Arena Chapel. Padua. . 67 to 120 82. Murillo. Madonna of the Rosary 1705 83. “ Vision of a Roman Patrician 1712 “ The Patrician asking permission of the Pope to realize his dream 1713 84. Raphael. Holy Family called “ dell’ Impannata.” 795 Murillo. La Vi&rge a la Serviette 1727 Raphael. Madonna di Foligno . . 818 Legends of the Madonna. 99 Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 102. Van Eyck. Virgin Mary. Ghent 1250 “ “ St. John the Baptist. Ghent 1251 103. Raphael. Poetry. Vat., Rome.. 862 “ Philosophy. “ “ 863 “ Jurisprudence/* “ 867 111. Giotto. Coronation of the Virgin. Florence.. 53 112. Fra Angelico. “ “ “ Louvre 217 114. Vivarini. “ “ “ Venice . 265 116. Botticelli. “ “ “ Florence 399 117. Pinturicchio. “ “ “ Vatican, Rome 511 120. Raphael. Coronation. Vatican, Rome 981 125. Orcagna. Last Judgment. Campo Santo. Pisa 158 M. Angelo. “ “ Central Group. Rome ........ 610 128. Fra Bartolommeo. Madonna della Misericordia. Lucca .. . 585 134. Francia. Entombment. National Gallery, London 450 136. Guido. Pieta. Academy, Bologna .... 1164 146. “ Doctors of the Church . . . 8069 149. Murillo. Immaculate Conception. Seville 1722 “ “ “ Louvre ... 1688 163. Mosaic. Madonna and Saints with Pope Paschal 36 166. Cimabue. Madonna. S. M. Novella. Florence 39 “ “ Academy. Florence 42 175. Del Sarto. Madonna of St. Francisco. Florence 998 184. Da Vinci. Virgin, Infant Christ, and St. Anna. Louvre.... 478 185. Veronese. Madonna Enthroned. Academy, Venice . . 1098 Vivarini. Madonna, Child and Saints. “ “ 266 186. Raphael. Madonna of the Fish. Madrid ... . .... 838 190. Perugino. Altar piece. National Gallery, London 384 195. Fra Bartolommeo. Marriage of St. Catharine. Florence... 572 “ “ Marriage of St. Catherine. Louvre .... 581 203. Raphael. Madonna del Baldacchino. Florence \ . 792 208. Mantegna. Madonna of Victory. Louvre 319 211. Correggio. “ “ St. Sebastian. Dresden 1045 213. “ “ “ St. George. “ 1044 222. Van Eyck. Virgin, Child and Donor. Louvre 1266 223. Titian. Madonna of the Pesaro Family. Venice ... 731 227. Raphael. “ della Candelabra 7998 228. Botticelli. Incoronata. Florence 389 232. Raphael. Madonna del Granduca. Florence . . . 791 “ “ di Tempi. Munich 837 238. Correggio. “ adoring Child. Florence 1035 255. Giotto. St. Joachim among the Shepherds. Padua 68 257. Carpaccio. Meeting of St. Joachim and St. Anna. Venice.. 452 262. Murillo. Education of the Virgin. Madrid 1710 Rubens. “ “• “ Antwerp 1354 265. Titian. Presentation of the Virgin. Venice 722 274. Giotto. St. Joachim receiving the rods. Padua 75 “ Adoration of the rods. “ . . 76 Marriage of the Virgin. “ 77 275. Angelico. “ “ “ Florence .... 204 Raphael. Lo Sposalizio. Milan 806 290. Luca della Robbia. The Annunciation 2506 299. Del Sarto. “ “ Florence 1005 302. Van Eyck. “ “ Virgin. Berlin 1255 “ “ “ “ Angel. “ .... 1254 306. Cimabue. Visitation. (Drawing). Florence 40 307. Raphael. - “ 8015 Ghirlandajo. u Louvre 44l 309. Albertinelli. Salutation. Florence 589 100 Book Illustrations. Page. Subject. Catalogue No. 320. Credi. Nativity. Munich 534 Francia. Virgin and Child and Saints. Bologna 443 328. Correggio. “LaNotte.” Dresden 1047 341. Botticelli. Adoration of the Kings. Florence 391 Fra Angelico. Adoration of the Magi. Florence 184 344. Diirer. Adoration of the Magi. “ 1553 345. Veronese. Worship of the Kings. Dresden 1119 347. Gozzoli. Journey of the Magi. Florence 275 357. Giotto. Flight into Egypt. Padua 85 367. Correggio. Madonna della Scodella. Parma 1032 Van Dyck. Riposo. Florence 1398 379. Murillo. Holy Family. National Gallery, London 1694 383. Solario. La Vierge a l’oreiller verd. Louvre. ..Sup. 55 Van Dyck. Holy Family. Munich 1405 387. Raphael. La Vierge au Diad6me. Louvre 848 “ La Belle Jardiniere. “ 850 391. Da Vinci. Virgin, Child and St. Anna. “ 478 392. Raphael. Madonna del Passeggio. “ 8002 397. “ Holy Family of Francis I. “ 847 Correggio. “ “ National Gallery, London 1052 398. M. Angelo. “ “ Florence 597 405. Schedone. “ “ Bridgewater Gallery 1197 409. Giotto. Christ disputing with the Doctors. Padua 87 416. Veronese. Marriage at Cana. Louvre 1124 417. “ “ “ Dresden 1120 425. Correggio. Ecce Homo. National Gallery, London .. . 1051 428. Tintoretto. Crucifixion. Venice 1087 431. Volterra. Descent from the Cross 8475 Rubens. “ “ “ 8155 435. Titian. Entombment 8351 Raphael. “ Rome 812 446. Giotto. Ascension of Christ. Arena Chapel, Padua ... ... 103 456. Orcagna. Annunciation to the Virgin of her death. Florence. 2453 459. Fra Angelico. Death of the Virgin. “ 205 468. Orcagna. Transition of the Virgin. “ 2454 476. Correggio. Assumption. . .... 7005 Titian. “ Academy, Venice .... 716 480. Del Sarto. “ Florence .... 1003 483. Raphael and his Scholars. Coronation. Rome 981 George Eliot. Romola. 11. Florence. General View from San Miniato 4816 14. Pitti Palace 4912 “ “ Courtyard 4913 18. Portrait of Dante 8570 24. Church of Santa Maria Novella. Interior 4890 27. Church of San Lorenzo 4882 28. Birth of the Virgin. ( Ghirlandago .) 430 36. Statue of Lorenzo the Magnificent , . , 4952 37. Giotto’s Campanile 4823 38. Ghiberti Gate ... 4822 55. Portrait of Petrarch . . 8610 59. Statue of Boccaccio 4943 69. Piraeus, Port of Athens 4619 81. St. John the Baptist. {Del Sarto.) 996 33. Baptistery 4819 84. Palazzo Vecchio 4920 103. Church of Ognissanti 4863 Romola. 101 Page* Subject. Catalogue No. 112. Cloister of San Marco 4897 120. Chapel of San Lorenzo 4884 127. Pope Leo X 799 130. Square of the Annunciation ...... 4873 139. St. Michael. ( Raphael .) 8013 144. Church and Convent, San Marco 4895 148. Statue of Savonarola. ... 4956 150. Crucifixion. {A. Barer.) 7141 153. Portrait of Macchiavelli 1015 169. General View of Florence from Church of the Carmine 4817 174. jEdipus and Antigone. ( E . Teschendorf .) 8310 180. Cardinal de Bibiena. {Raphael.') 804 182. Lungarno Nuovo . . . - 4908 184. Portrait of M. Angelo . . 8677 188. Riccardi Palace 4916 192. Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci 8704 193. Portrait of Charles VIII 8839 198. Principal Northern Door of Cathedral 4856 200. Bargello 4909 202. Courtyard of Palazzo Veccliio 4921 205. Duomo. Interior 4853 209. Savonarola. Portrait. ( Fra Bartolommeo.') 569 210. Duomo 4852 212. Portrait of Fra Bartolommeo 8686 237. Statue of Pier Capponi 4955 282. Fountain of Neptune. Piazzadi Signori 4901 284. Church of Santa Croce 4875 295. Gate of St. Gallo 4927 296. “ “ “ Triumphal Arch .... 4928 298. Church of Santa Maria Novella 4889 320. Portrait of Savonarola. {Fra Bartolommeo.) 570 342. Second Northern Door of Duomo , 4857 358. Loggia del Bigallo 4905 374. Loggia di Lanzi 4906 396. Virgin appearing to St. Bernard. {Filippino Lippi.) 557 398. San Miniato , 4885 440. Courtyard, Bargello Palace 4910 or 4911 442. Statue of Macchiavelli 4953 444. Palazzo del Podesta 4909 456. Cathedral and Campanile 4855 459. Palazzo Strozzi ... 4917 465. Madonna della Stella. {Fra Angelico.) 174 466. Savonarola’s Cell 4899 473. Lion of St. Marc 4904 476. Loggia di Lanzi 4907 485. Ponte Vecchio 4925 507. Statue of Guicciardina . 4947 512. Martyrdom of Savonarola 592 Some Famous Paiutings and their Homes, A COMPILATION PROM LEADING AUTHORITIES, BY MARY GRAHAM DUFF. This work is a description of some twenty leading paintings by the old masters, with what is known of their history, and also a description of the Church or Gallery where each is now located. Blank leaves are left for the insertion of unmounted photo- graphs illustrating the painting described and the present home of the work. The novel and attractive feature of this book is the fact of its combining a valuable text and reference book, with a most inter- esting art scrap book. Blank leaves are left for seventy-two photographs, which may be purchased with the book or added, a few at a time, as the student progresses. The photographs are inserted by attaching them to the blank leaves by one edge only , using a very thick boiled Hour paste, as described in the preface. Printed on heavy paper, with broad margins, and handsomely bound in doth. $1.50 Peb Copt. With 12 Photographs mounted in, price, $ 10.00 . ALBUMS. For Art Collections. Photographic scrap-albums made of tinted paper, expressly to hold unmounted photos., in red and dark brown colors, neat and durable. No. 0 . Cloth, 30 Leaves, 6£ X 84 inches 1 . £ Morocco, Cloth sides. 50 Leaves, 6£ X 84 inches 2. £ Turkey Morocco, “ “ 50 << <( 3. £ Morocco, “ “ 100 “ (( a 4. £ Turkey Morocco, “ “ 100 “ (< <( 5. £ Morocco, “ “ 50 « 81 X 101 “ 6. £ Turkey Morocco, “ “ 50 “ «< (< 6 B. Same size as No. 6, in full Turkey Morocco, gilt edge 7. £ Morocco, Cloth sides, 100 Leaves, 8$ X 101 inches 8. £ Turkey Morocco, “ “ 100 “ “ “ 8 B. Same size as No. 8, in Full Turkey Morocco, gilt edge 9. £ Morocco, Cloth sides, 50 Leaves, 91 X 111 inches 10. £ Turkey Morocco, “ “ 50 “ “ “ 11. £ Morocco, “ “ 100 “ “ “ 12. £ Turkey Morocco, “ “ 100 “ “ “ 13. £ “ “ “ “ 100 “ 10£ X 13 “ 14. Same as No. 13, only oblong instead of square Price. .60 . $1.00 . 1.20 . 1.40 . 1.60 . 1.50 . 1.75 . 5.00 . 2.00 . 2.25 . 6.00 . 2.00 . 2.25 . 2.25 . 2.75 . 3.50 . 3.50 Numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, 6 B, and 8 B, are generally preferred, to hold our cabinet and medium photographs. Numbers 9 to 13, being of larger size, are more suitable for holding foreign photos. For Solid Mounting. In response to the great demand for albums made of card stock for solid mounting, we have added the following line of goods to our stock. They are all made of fine double-faced amber card board, hinged with linen, and bound in half Turkey Morocco, with cloth sides. No. Price. 15. Oblong, 25 Leaves , 8 X 10 inches . . $4.00 16. “ 50 4 4 8 X 10 “ . 5.00 17. “ 25 it 10 X 12 “ . 4.50 18. “ 50 it 10 X 12 “ . 6.50 19. “ 25 a 11 X 14 “ . 5.00 20. “ 50 a 11 X 14 “ . 7.50 Directions for Inserting Scraps in Albums. Applicable to Nos. 0 to 14. The best method of mounting Photographs in scrap-albums is to paste the edge nearest the binding or back part of the book (using very thick boiled flour-paste') so that the print may turn with the leaves. This is easily done by laying the print on its face, and covering it with a sheet of thb-t nano. ..u — * -ne-sixteenth of an inch uncovered, upon which fi ! ^ n o er - The print is then assigned its proper d fc-C / n L j jrjy pencil-dots, and pressed down with thin across the leaf, or on the four corners, the turning the leaves. It is best to employ very :kly, adheres firmly, and is less liable to cockle >ry. s have a tendency to curl up towards the pict- ed so as to curl outward before being inserted e by gently drawing them across a tolerably of a drawer, one hand pressing lightly on the ent in the opposite direction. nly one side of the leaf , as this will keep the S5-8 7725 AGENCIES Our goods may be found at the following stores : — New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia. San Francisco. Baltimore. Washington. St. Louis. Minneapolis. Indianapolis. Milwaukee, Wis. Denver, Colo. Detroit, Mich. Charleston, S.C. Toronto, Canada. Louisville, Ky. Dubuque, Iowa. Pasadena, Cal. Chambersburg, Pa, Troy, N.Y. Springfield, Mass. Concord, N.II. New Haven, Conn. E. P. Dutton & Co., 31 West Twenty-third Street. M. O’Brien & Son, 208 Wabash Avenue. Loughead & Co., 101G Walnut Street. W. K. Vickery, 108 Grant Avenue. James Fitzgerald, 206 North Charles Street. W. H. Veerhoff, 1221 Pennsylvania Avenue. Glover & Finkenaur, 310 North Eleventh Street. Wales & Co., 423 Nicollet Avenue. H. Lieber & Co., 33 South Meridian Street. F. H. Durbin & Co., 423 Milwaukee Street. Stone & Locke Book and Sta. Co., 800 Sixteenth St. George R. Angell, 216 Woodward Avenue. Legerton & Macmillan, 282 King Street. George E. Macrae, 36 King Street, East. Flexner & Staadeker, 330 Fourth Avenue. C. A. Noyes, 955 Main Street. Judah & Seamans, 6 Raymond Avenue. Frank P. Harbaugh & Co. Nims & Knight, 9 Cannon Place. James D. Gill, Main Street. Hunt & Wilson, 85 North Main Street. H. J. Augur, 851 Chapel Street, Room 6. ppess op ISccktoell anli dfjurcfjtll BOSTON