- » O A P A. L o G XJ E OF ^ i[Xy.\ )LD ENGLISH SILVER PLATE, u THE PROPERTY OF CHARLES HALL, ESQ. Deceased, late of Vicarage Gardens, Kensington; A .^Erlita' of Russian ^illirr-gtlt pate, THE PROPERTY OF A LADY; FRENCH & DANISH SILVER SERVICES, AND Vd English and Foreign Silver and Silver-Gilt Plate and Plated A rficles, BEAUTilTO |g*A MINIATURES, WATCHES, BOXES, &c. AND A FEW Old English and Foreign Gold and Silver Coins, FROM DIFFERENT PRIVATE SOURCES: WHICH Mill be 3olti b.» auction bn Iessrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TlSm QEEAT SOQ3I3. 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, ■ James’s Square, S. W. A -J 9 \ (TV-^CS 4-2 .. . O’3. /04-. /J~/ /£>$-. '• t e & 0-L^l^u/. S /t/-. 2 3. 5; r /3 . /oo / / t> s?k. 1/c^r^rY /{+ o , /*/-£>, /£~o . /££. S^i 2. S) 2o. . Zb .3 o .3/. h. y-!S~. - 4 ^?. b> 4 ^ - o~o . 'y/^/ ' ^ * y*. /og-. /££-. //y: / 2 Cc f- ,.* /. /' /£** d*C^ « V — /fry . /^V. ^ 7 r 'C4ulc^yi /<$-/. 3. U-. /2-./f- 2 3. 2 3&. 4- 3 . £f7. 5/. SS. 6~£. 6$. £ 6~ 4 2 . 5~ ///. /Zo. /I S. /Zf- /3ur /£/-£>. /£>o. /5x . /£ z. . ///-. J* 2 . /o . /z. ■ '4- - '9 .23 . Z S'- /Jo S34-. /37. /3c? /So. ,/5~(o. /sr. & . O /O ■ Z^r. ¥■/ -4-3 . So. 6 3 . So, S3. Gf./oo. /so. /£ 3. / 3 S /*/-/. /^o. /S'3. ?-7 7 4V . 44.3. v5o. 6 5 - 6 3 . 32 - /oo. //o. /£'.2 ./££>. 2 $-. tf- 3 /£>~c>. S’. 3. 4^- / 2-1 /V- ./Q.23. ILf-. 2S. z 9. 3b. // 3 . 4 ^ 7 . cTo. ^'/. ^ .5": 6 " 6~&.b3. bS. hr.ra. .9 Z..P-V-. 99. yo- y /o o ■ /oS. 9/o . ///. //r /zo ( 1'U.S1~/a fU.7~yS.iY /25 7 /2^. /3^>. /4 lo . /v-is-./Sc> . /S2. 9$t. /Sr /so. //z . . /4>. - I /. 3. '2.5.2Q 33.3^.37. 3 P. 39,4co / fiasioix //tASch. 7 5-9-■ 4 ^ 5 . ^.o. $-& S3. 55* ^V. ■ /3ea^i / /, «^7 ^57 5^7. ^" 2 . ,^£_ ?2? - /3 . B - 79. &S. /^vsc /5y . //5 . /6s. /5f-£rt ?. 9'%^*J2*S I 72. ■ . S/ /OC> ■ /OS. //O . 723. /*/-/. /4-7>. /so. /53 . '7 7. . /O . /2». /4^. /^. /o. 2 3.2y.-ZS- 3 2 . . 3S. 36 .4-3 . yy. ^V. 5 “ 2 . .6 S'- s/ is. Cy. JT'Z. ■ fy- ■ tr s -^y .^6". I /oc>. /OS' . ///. //£ /Zo. /25~, /2f. / /- o. / 3 3 - / 3 £ys " / 3J~. / ^ o . /& o /6%> /Sf /£ 2, . / ■ ‘/f. /£/-. . ^2 . SS . 6~&. to S' /// /3y- rf/ULcCa^s ■ 3 . / 2 •/ /o o . ///. // //r. / 3 ?-. /tf-o. /*r&. /y. /£ Hr. /¥■ S'. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. TIIE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. TI. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot: and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. COINS AND MEDALS. 1 Gold. —Charles II. Two-Guinea, 1664, with elephant under bust 1 2 Silver, &c. —Anne Medal on Peace of Utrecht, 1713 ; and Half- - Crown, 1707 B. & P. ; Edward VI. Shilling; George II. Shil- ' • ' -> •- ling, 1743, Eoses; Charles I. uncertain Twopence; other /\ hammered pieces of Elizabeth, Charles II., &c.; and a few Copper Coins, including a fine Gun-Money Crown, of James II., 1690 26 3 Charles I. Briot’s Crown, m.m. Anemone and B; Canterbury Half- Groat of Henry VII.; Drachm of Alexander the Great; Lima Sixpence of George II.; two Maundy Twopences of Charles II. / and Anne ; Native Indian Bupee; and four Copper Coins, the first fine 12 4 Gold. —Edward III. Noble and Quarter-Noble 2 —Henry VIII. Half-Sovereign, m.m. S on both sides; and another, of Elizabeth, m.m. cross-crosslet 2 —James I. Tower Unite, second coinage; and Charles I. Tower Half-Unite, m.m. castle 2 B 2 (fib — A /*/£ .v 7 Gold .—Scottish Ecu of James V.; and a Sword-and-Sceptre Piecj of James VI., 1602, fine /./*.• 8 -Charles II. Guinea, 1679 ; and George III. Third-of-Guineal 1810, last in Mint state 9 Silver, &c .—Pennies (2) of Edward I. and II. ; Groats of Henry VII. Henry VIII. and Mary I. ; Sixpence' of Elizabeth ; Shillings c Edward VI., Charles I. and Charles II.; and other smalle English Coins, &c., including two Roman Denarii of Augustus and a few Copper Coins, Ac. 3 WATCHES, BOXES, Etc. ?■ 10 ?■? , * 12 /r.y 62 Two table-forks and two table-spoons . O 63 An Apostle spoon, the bowl engraved with a coat-of-mns ; two seal-top spoons; and an old English rat-tailed table-spoon ....... £ /£ 0 64 An old Dutch spoon, with twisted and figure handle; three sugar-sifters ; and a gilt ditto, embossed with a swan . 65 Five old English plain table-spoons . 66 Six plain table-spoons; twelve dessert-spoons; a pair of gravy-spoons ; and a soup-ladle . . 67 Ten table-spoons, with feathered edge handles ; and a ditto pair of sugar-tongs 68 A wine-funnel, with threaded edge; and a punch-ladle, inlaid with a coin of George II. * . - oz du 10 jpu'' 5 9 i 40 19 J| // , O 69 A fish-slice, with ivory handle; and a butter-knife, with king’s-pattern handle —all at 70 An oval fluted tea-pot and stand, sugar-basin and cream- jug, with engraved bands of ornament Jh- 30 /^4 71 A plain vase-shaped coffee-jug, with beaded borders* 72 A pierced cruet-frame, with waved gadroonedge and spiral handle, with five silver-mounted cut-glass cruets— 1768 . 21 73 Six engraved initial wine-labels 19 1 74 A tea-pot, cn ball feet, with fluted band and chased borders . 75 A Milk-Jug, in the form of a cow, of unusual size, chased with a fly on its back . if 19 13 76 A barrel-shaped mustard-pot, chased with a band ol foliage and flowers, and threaded borders . 77 A breakfast cruet, with twisted cord handle and borders, two silver-mounted glasses and two spoons s^V***** 78 A shaped tankard, with scroll handle—1771 5 9 oz. dwt. 95 10 79 12 96 10 16 13 9 A large tankard and cover, chased with battle subjects in medallions, and masks on the handles and spout; and a pair of goblets—en suite . >0 A pair of epergnes, on twisted vine branch Sterns and chased feet, bearing cut-glass dishes— on stands 1 An oval engraved two-handled salver, with gadroon border —27 in. long . 2 A melon-knife and fork, with embossed scroll handles— in case—all at sf* 3 A set of a fish-carver and fork, carving-knife and fork, poultry-carver and fork and steel, with silver-mounted buck-horn handles— in leather case !4 A Warwick cruet-frame, with chased handle and shield, with three spirally fluted vase-shaped casters, and two cut-glass bottles with silver tops—1753 . 58 !5 A marrow-spoon—1714 . ;6 An Elizabetan Apostle Spoon, with figure of St. John with open nimbus—1578— maker's mark a mullet with pellet below 7 An Early English Seal-Top Spoon >8 A set of four pierced and engraved decanter-stands SILVER-GILT. >9 A set of four salt-cellars, with gadrooned rims, chased with doves, on stems and plinths with figures oLCJupids holding shells in high relief, glass liners. '0 A set of four old cut-glass salt-cellars, on circular #ver-gilt stands with chased borders —by Paul Storr ^/T *1 A Jacobean Seal-Top Spoon —1605— maker s mark M in crescent, in shaped shield •2 A Service, of fifteen silver-gilt dessert-knives, forks and spoons, with Dresden porcelain pistol handles painted with flowers ; and a steel knife, with similar handle in leather case f// 7 /; 10 Jy * Ay FOREIGN SILVER AND SILVER-GILT. 93 OZ. du 373 1 94 * O 4 - /£ * A French Silver Service, with corded borders, chased wit shields-of-arms in relief, consisting of— Forty-seven table-forks Eighteen table-spoons Twenty-four dessert-forks Twenty-four dessert-spoons Twenty-one tea-spoons Four gravy-spoons One soup-ladle Two sauce-ladles One pair asparagus-tongs Four skewers, and One pair sugar-tongs ..... In mahogany plate chest fitted with trays Twenty plated table-forks, eleven table-spoons, ten dessert¬ spoons and seventeen tea-spoons— made to match ; two plated salt-spoons ; two pairs of nut-crackers; and a pickle-fork A French silver flat-shaped tea-pot, sugar-basin and cream- jug, chased with flowers and scrolls ; and a coffee-pot, on chased foliage feet . . . A plain sauce-boat, with scroll handle, on piercea foo^j^ A vase-shaped mug, on gadrooned foot; and a small plain beaker ..... . Four fluted decanter-stands A/ Six open basket-pattern salt-cellars, with nlass liners, and five salt-spoons . . . ^. — 100 A fish-slice ; a pair of chased handles for salad-servers; two butter-knives, with ivory handles ; and eighteen oyster-knives, with fluted ivory handles— all at Thirty-six silver dessert-knives and twenty-three forks, with mother-o’-pearl handles ; and fourteen steel knives with similar handles 95 96 97 71 1 7 1 ; 98 99 6 26 12 101 11 oz. dwt. 97 16 10 0 5 Forty-seven dinner-knives and eighteen small knives, with steel blades and ivory handles A Cashmere silver service, chased with birds and Mage } in relief, consisting of ewer, salver, pair of goblets, pair of flower-shaped stands, five leaf-shaped trays, two ditto candlesticks, an oblong casket, two card cases, a cigarette case, eighteen tea-spoons with twisted handles, six ditto, the handles chased with fish, and two salt-spoons .... . 118 12 A Danish silver service, with chased handles, consisting of twelve table-forks, twelve table-spoons, twelve dessert-forks, twelve dessert-spoons, a soup-ladle and twelve threaded tea-spoons . . A plain fluted tea-pot— Copenhagen . . A cream-ewer, partly fluted and chased ; a chased sugar- basin, on foot— Copenhagen-, and a sugar-sifter 15 A silver-gilt library candlestick, with flat straight handle, chased with figures, masks and scrolls . . 16 15 A pair of oval pierced two-handled fruit-dishes, repousse with rose-buds and foliage— gross weight, 25 oz. 15 —all at A pair of oval silver-gilt dessert-stands, with covers forming dishes, chased with emblematic figures, masks and flowers in relief, on open stems and chased feet .... 94 An Old Portuguese Silver-Gilt Tazza, chased with an historical subject in high relief, with Queen ° Isabella and other equestrian figures issuing from a fortress in the background, the back chased with radiating diamond-pattern ornament and engraved with the arms of Castile, on vase-shaped stem and round foot chased with masks, festoons of drapery, flowers and strap ornament, and twisted ribbon borders— in. diam., 5 in- high . . . . . 14 0 “ ~Xr ——~ oz. 15 dwt . 12 J(7. 110a A Triangular Standing Salt-Cellar, on three columns and plinth, the borders chased with classical * 9 ornament, a figure of Amphitrite in the centre, holding a scroll engraved with a Dutch inscription and date 1G28 Taken from the Silver Fleet , 1628 4 A Cashmere silver tankard, chased in low relief . Ihr*- 11 »5 A shaped plain tankard, with scroll handle—1765^^^^ 12 »6 A plain pint tankard .... 1^ »7 Another, with reeded bands . > 9 49 12 18 14 8 10 3 3 15 12 13 11 6 14 3 6 18 16 19 9 14 , / & , o 3L, o-^o 6* 0~~n> # 2 / # '3 y, O JL. 0-7-0 3 • J . c /7J- 0 m O^-r/' C-v- 138 Another, engraved. 139 A shaped plain ditto 140 A large tankard, engraved with festoons 141 Another, Anted, and chased with foliage— in case . ^9~~trr 142 A large goblet, chased with Aowers and scrolls 143 Another, engraved with Japanese ornament in chequered border ....... 144 A two-handled cup and cover, chased with fruit, Aowers and scrolls, and surmounted by a Agure of a racehorse —14 in. high ..... 145 A pair of silver-gilt goblets, chased with ornamen^^^ 14G Mazeppa : a finely modelled group, on plinth chased with rocks and foliage, and three Agures of wolves—14 in. high ..... On ebonised stand, in glazed case & oz. 12 10 14 16 16 16 37 20 296 PLATED. 147 An old SheAield tea-pot, of oblong shape, with gadroon borders 148 An oblong old SheAield soup-tureen and cover, with gadro borders, on foliage and claw feet 149 A pair of table candlesticks, on round chased feet; and a pair branches for three lights, with gadroon borders 150 A pair of oval entree-dishes and covers, with beaded borders 151 A set of four oval Auted dish-covers, with chased handles—14 , to 20 in. long 152 Two oval dish-covers cjbc* 153 A liqueur-frame, with three small cut-glass decanters ; and a cigi lighter, formed as a bomb, on stand 154 An epergne, with cut-glass centre dish and branches with fo smaller dishes 155 A candelabrum, on Auted stem and round foot, embossed wi Aowers, with branches for four lights ; and an oval dish-cov 1 with beaded border 15 .57 A 0 156 A Centre Piece, on fluted stem and triangular plinth, with figures C/ of winged sea-horses bearing cut-glass centre-dish, and branches with three smaller dishes—on circular looking-glass plateau ; a pair of candelabra, for four lights each ; and four dessert-stands, bearing glass dishes, en suite In oak plate chest, fitted Centre Piece, formed as a group of a mounted Arab and two other figures with horses under a palm tree—28 in. high —on looking-glass plateau, the border chased with wreaths of foliage, and open scroll feet—25 in. diam. — In oak case 58 A basket-pattern egg-stand ; a small cruet-frame ; a match-stand ; three candlesticks ; three snuffers; twelve wire napkin-jqngs ; seven others ; and two moustache guards 159 An oblong-shaped breakfast-dish, cover and heater, with chased borders ; two oval open dish-stands, with lamps ; and a chased , bread-basket 60 A bowl and cover, with stag’s-head handles and glass liner ; and an oval dish-cover /‘t* 61 Four dwarf epergnes, with vine branch stems, and figures of children^ and animals on the plinths, bearing open trellis baskets ; and circular looking-glass plateau, with vine border A pair of oval fruit-dishes, on feet, embossed with vines; four circular ditto, en suite ; and a pair of pierced metal stands A metal-gilt centre piece, on tripod with sphinxes, and branches for four dishes ; and a circular looking-glass plateau, with gilt border J&lstryiJZ* —. ^ 62 64 A large oak plate chest FINIS. :>ndon: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01007 3225